Quaternity Case Study (final ct).pub


Quaternity Case Study (final ct).pub
Canadian Aerothermal Heating
purifying and dehumidifying
The Challenge:
and Air Conditioning, western
functions make it the ideal choice
Canadian homeowners
Canada’s largest installer of
for many of our customers,”
need a high efficiency
aerothermal heating and cooling
added McKenzie.
replacement for outdated
systems is convinced the
and expensive to operate
extensive technological
product when she saw it. “The
heating and cooling
innovations behind Daikin’s new
introduction of the Quaternity
Daikin’s Solution:
Daikin’s new super-highefficiency Quaternity™ heat
pump system cools, heats,
McKenzie recognized a winning
Quaternity heat pump system
enabled us to offer an all-in-one
put it into “a league of its own,”
product that lets people have
explained company
complete control over heating,
representative, Kathy McKenzie.
cooling, dehumidification and air
“Its ability to efficiently perform
cleaning. Now when customers
even in low ambient heating
approach us for recommendations
conditions, as well as its air
for a replacement system for their
can dehumidify to a relative
humidity setting as well as
effectively filters and
cleans the air.
Western Canada
Jean Russell’s home nestled in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada, is now
conditioned year round with Daikin's Quaternity™ heat pump system, which has the added
functions of air purification and humidity control. The outdoor unit of the system is shown here.
Chimney Kraft · (707) 464-4279
old electric baseboard heating
of up to 11, one of the highest
upgrades in both the U.S. and
equipment, we have a new super
measures of heat pump’s
Canada are stimulating sales of
high efficiency heat pump option
efficiency in the market. Likewise, the equipment.
for them to consider,” she said.
the Seasonal Energy Efficiency
Chris Bellshaw, product
Ratio (SEER) rating levels on the
In 2009, Jean Russell, an
Osoyoos, BC, resident, replaced
manager for Daikin AC, explained product range from 21 to 22,
her baseboard heaters, pellet
inverter-driven heat pump
compared to a rating of 13 to 15
stove, and noisy wall air
systems differ dramatically from
for standard air conditioning
conditioners with a Quaternity
older systems using antiquated
systems,” Bellshaw said. He
system. With an open living
technology. “The old heat pump
added government rebates and
arrangement in her small, 1,000-
systems out there could not
grants for energy efficient
square foot home, the new
perform in low ambient
heating conditions. The
system has given her a summer
"Its ability to efficiently
of quiet cool and a winter of cozy
Quaternity, on the other hand, perform even in low ambient
heating conditions, as well as
has a Heating Seasonal
Performance Factor (HSPF)
warmth. “I’m very satisfied with
the system,” she said. “I would
its air purifying and
describe the cooling as soothing
dehumidifying functions make
and I especially like the quiet
it the ideal choice for many of
operation of the system, which is
our customers”
quite a change from the noisy air
Kathy McKenzie,
Canadian Aerothermal
Kathy McKenzie of
Canadian Aerothermal
checks out the
conditioners I had previously.”
According to Kathy McKenzie,
the air purification feature is the
Quaternity system
part of the Quaternity system is
installed at a
seen as a huge benefit to her
customer's residence,
which replaced
customer base. “Air quality is a
baseboard heaters
big concern for many people.
and a wood stove with
When I’m consulting with
the all-in-one system.
prospective clients, many of
whom are seniors, I ask if they
have allergies or other respiratory
issues. Once I tell them how
Quaternity not only filters the
irritants like dust, pollen,
Chimney Kraft · (707) 464-4279
allergens, cooking and pet odors,
but actually breaks down the
What are customers saying about ...
pollutants in the ‘Flash Streamer’
air cleaner, they want to learn
more,” she said. The multi-stage
process delivers 1,000 times
faster purification versus normal
“plasma” type of systems. “I’ve
asked some customers if they’ve
noticed a difference since the
Quaternity was installed. Among
"I’m very satisfied with the system. I would
describe the cooling as soothing and I especially
the positive responses I’ve
like the quiet operation of the system, which is
gotten, was one customer who
quite a change from the noisy air conditioners I
noticed they were using their
had previously."
steroid inhaler less often at
Jean Russell, Osoyoos, British Columbia
night,” McKenzie noted.
Another local resident, Stan
Morgan said the air purification
"I really like that the air purifier and the
system was a real “bonus” for he
dehumidification function are combined in the
and his wife. The couple had
system. Those features, plus the ability to zone
baseboard heaters, a wood
the system, have finally given us warmth and
stove, and no air conditioning
before moving over to the
cooling throughout our home, without the need
Quaternity system, installed in
to carry in wood for the wood-burning stove on a
their living room. Canadian
regular basis. And with the hot summer we had,
Aerothermal designed a comfort
system for the Morgans
comprising of the Quaternity
the air conditioning is a real plus."
Stan Morgan, Summerfield, British Columbia
indoor and outdoor units, plus a
Daikin duct-free 18,000 Btu/h
multi-split system with one
outdoor unit serving two indoor
"... when you live in a relatively air-tight
environment, humidity can be a real issue. That is
wall-mounted units. “I really like
one of the reasons why we chose to install the
that the air purifier and the
Quaternity in our own home,"
dehumidification function are
Kerry Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia
combined in the system. Those
Chimney Kraft · (707) 464-4279
from the outside of a home,” he
explained. “That’s backwards
thinking. People who live in
newer, tighter, more energyefficient houses like we do,
generate a lot of humidity from
activities like showers, clothes
washing, and cooking. When you
live in a relatively air-tight
environment, humidity can be a
real issue. That is one of the
The Quaternity™ air purification system, which deliver 1,000 times faster purification versus
normal “plasma” type of systems and actually breaks down pollutants in its 'Flash Streamer'
cleaner, was cited as a real bonus when the decision was made to purchase the new system.
reasons why we chose to install
the Quaternity in our own home,”
added Sellers.
features, plus the ability to zone
prevents overcooling and is
the system, have finally given us
appreciated by individuals
Quaternity system all the
warmth and cooling throughout
sensitive to cold, such as those
homeowners love. It’s the
our home, without the need to
with rheumatoid arthritis.
precision temperature control the
carry in wood for the woodburning stove on a regular basis.
Daikin AC's product manager
Bellshaw pointed out one of the
And there is one feature of the
system gives them with each
wall-mounted unit. “The ability to
And with the hot summer we had, biggest advantages of this
zone our home is probably one of
the air conditioning is a real plus,” feature is that the user can
the biggest reasons why we put
Morgan noted.
choose higher setpoint
the Daikin system in, because we
temperatures, for example 76˚F
love having separate zones,”
in each Quaternity system lets
(24˚C) but with a 50% humidity
Sellers said.
the homeowners set their
setpoint, realizing significant
preferred relative humidity
energy savings, yet still providing have heating or cooling at the
setting. It is the first heat pump
a very comfortable environment.
The dehumidification function
system in the world capable of
Kerry Sellers, owner of KMS
Stan Morgan concurred. “We
temperature we prefer at just the
push of the button on our remote
controlling humidity levels to a
Home Energy Upgrades in
control, which is a feature we
pre-determined setting. The
nearby Vernon, BC says the
love.” Jean Russell might say it
system reduces indoor humidity
Quaternity system’s ability to
best. “You set the system at the
without affecting the room
dehumidify, even in semi-arid
temperature you want and the
temperature by mixing dry cool
region of Okanagan Valley, was
comfort comes right along with it.”
air with warm air to produce
very important to him. “Everyone
comfortable dry air. This feature
thinks humidity always comes
Chimney Kraft · (707) 464-4279
Private Residences
Western Canada
Chimney Kraft
700 Northcrest Drive
Crescent City, Ca 95531
(707) 464-4279
[email protected]
Daikin Equipment
Indoor Fan Coil Unit
Outdoor Unit
Indoor Fan Coil Unit
Outdoor Unit
Indoor Fan Coil Unit
Outdoor Unit
*The three individual product installations outlined in this case study all include the Quaternity™ by Daikin, which is either solely installed
or part of a larger installation. For additional details, please contact Daikin AC Marketing.
All Quaternity Models
qualify for the tax credits
available from The
American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of
The tax credit of up to
$1500 applies to the
installed costs of
qualified equipment,
including labor.
Visit the AirConditioning, Heating,
and Refrigeration
Institute (AHRI) at
AHRINET.org and click
on the 2009 Energy
Efficient Tax Credits.
Daikin AC offers North America intelligent heating and cooling solutions
with superior energy performance and sophisticated design. These
advanced systems fall under the Daikin Altherma, Quaternity™, VRV ®,
VRV-S and SkyAir product names. The company located in Carrollton,
Texas, is owned by the Japanese-based Daikin Industries, Ltd. For more
information, call 866-4DAIKIN or visit www.daikinac.com.
Chimney Kraft · (707) 464-4279