Semen Interests CATALOG BREED LOT ORDER Herd Health


Semen Interests CATALOG BREED LOT ORDER Herd Health
Semen Interests
Werning Cattle Company will be retaining onethird revenue-sharing semen interest in all the bulls
selling. This means if we would like to collect
semen on the bull for our own use, we would have
the option to do so. Also, if semen is sold on the
particular bull, we would retain one-third revenue.
The new owners of these bulls will have full possession and full salvage value.
Lots 1 - 11
Lots 12 - 35
Lots 36 - 50
Lots 51 - 83
Lots 84 - 85
Lots 100 - 104
Lots 105 - 107
Lots 108 - 120
Lots 121 - 126
Twenty Month Old Angus Bulls
Yearling Angus Bulls
Twenty Month Old Simmental and SimAngus Bulls
Yearling Simmental and SimAngus Bulls
Yearling Shorthorn Bulls
Purebred Registered Angus Bred Heifers
Commercial Angus Bred Heifers
SimAngus Bred Heifers
Crossbred Bred Heifers
Herd Health...
It has been a pleasure to work with the Wernings for the past thirty years. In that time, we have seen many changes in the Wernings’ operation. Their emphasis has changed from producing high quality calves for their own feedlot operation to the production of high quality breeding animals for addition into your herds.
The mama cow has always been an important portion of the Wemings’ herd. They are selected for their structural correctness,
muscling, and longevity. When you come to the farm to look at the bulls, take a look at the cows, and you will understand why
Werning breeding stock has such great potential. These great mamas are then AI’d to some of the best bulls in the breed. Dale has
always had a great grasp on genetic potential and is very successful at selecting Al sires producing outstanding calves.
This year I think the bulls are the best the Wernings have ever assembled
Before turnout this spring the calves received
• Viruses (IBR-P13-BVD I&II-BRSV)
• Pasturella (Hemolytic & Multocida)
• Clostridium (7-way & Clostridium A)
These Vaccines were boostered in September
• Poured (Ivermectin)
• Wormed (Panacur)
• Bangs vaccinated (Heifers)
• Mycoplasm These calves were weaned and maintained on a growth ration. The gains you see on these calves have been bred on
and not fed on. The bulls were processed in mid-January
• Semen evaluated - all bulls are progressing in normal development, but we do recommend re-evaluation before the breeding season.
• Pelvic measured
• Scrotum measured
• Weighed
• Vaccinated - prebreeding (IBR-P13-BVD 1&1I-BRSV-Vibrio-Lepto) Foot Rot vaccine
• Blood tested - Brucellosis, Persistent BVD
The Heifers have been:
• Pregnancy checked
• Wormed - Panacur
• Poured - lverrnectin
• Vaccinated - Scour Boss 9, Virashield VL6
Range Ready Health Warranted Seed stock
The virus vaccines used were manufactured by Boehringer lngelheim. This line of Express vaccines allows these animals to be registered in the Range Ready Program. They are automatically covered up to $3500 if they should contract Respiratory diseases covered by the vaccine. For more information, check the program out at www.rangercady.coni
if you are in the business of producing meat and muscle with your cow herd, a Weming bull is a must. These structurally correct,
functional animals will improve the weaning weights of your calves, and if you finish, your carcass characteristics will also improve.
Add value to the calves in your future with a Werning bull.
Dave Barz, DVM,
Northwest Vet, Parkston, SD
Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) Definitions
Calving Ease (CE): differences in percent of unassisted briths when used on heifers.
Birth Weight (BW): differences in pounds of birth weight.
Weaning Weight (WW): differences in pounds of weaning weight.
Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): differences between first-calving daughters in percent of unassisted births.
Milk (MM): differences in pounds of weaning weight due to milk.
Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): differences between daughters in pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.
Yearling Weight (YW): differences in pounds of yearling weight.
Nursing Ratio (NR): number of calves and average weaning ratio within the herd.
SIM Choice
This cooperative program includes:
• Radio frequency identification (REID) and visualtaing options availbk through ASA.
• Data management and on-site verification of age and
source by eMerge Interactive.
• In addition to data management, CartleLog offers USDAapproved age and source verification through its USDAapproved Process Verified Program, as well as options for
natural verification. “If owners prefer, these verified cattle can be displayed on the CatdeLog Listing Service,
along with seller information and selling dates at,” Dr. Jerry Lipsey ASA Executive Vice President. reported. Producers may choose either Simmental
or SimAngus ear rags. “This exciting relationship brings
together two industry-leading organizations - eMerge Interactive and their CattleLog Animal Information System
are well established as leaders in cattle identification and
information management,” Lipsey said. “U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) reports confirm that Simmental genetics offer outstanding growth rates and rank
first among Continental breeds for marbling. The ASA has
an established reputation for scientific and innovative genetic evaluation and performance-testing. This new program will help preserve and promote the identity of
SiniGenetics.” Additional information on SimChoice and
other ASA services may be obtained by contacting:
• Many Ropp, Director of Field Services, 4O6-58-7835 or
[email protected].
• Alison Todd, Carcass Merit Program/Animal ID/Other
Breed Priority, 406-556-9616 or atoddEsimmgene.eom.
Reference Bulls
s i re : S A F F o c u s o f E R
dam: Bushs Rockette 9663 (Buschs Rock)
Bushs Focus 603 is truly a herd bull you can build a program
around. Focus has created some impressive stars he is in the
top 1% in the Angus breed for $W, top 4% Milk, top 5% WW,
top 5% YW, top 10% $F, top 15% BW, and top 20% CEI). Focus
is a hull that not only looks good on paper but is an impressive individual in the flesh. He is gentle, long sided, long
strided hull that is faultless in his design. Jim Bush quoted
“one of the best mother cow producers in the country.” Semen
CED +8
BW +5
WW +55
MM +30
YW +98
$W 33.70
$F 36.84
$G 7.85
$B 35.14
s i re : B o n Vi e w N e w D e s i g n 2 0 8
d a m : E l l a Ti n a o f C o n a n g a 9 8 9
Calving ease sire who offers top performance and strong maternal strength.
CED +7
BW +.9
WW +61
MM +32
YW +106
s i re : S A F 5 9 8 B a n d o 5 1 7 5
dam: J K S Miss Cheyenne 196
BANDO 1961
Outstanding calving ease sire with superior performance.
CED +8
BW +.6
WW +64
MM +32
YW +113
s i re : Q L C S t r u c t u re
d a m : Q L C B 7 B l a c k b i rd X S S 3 A
Louisville and Denver Champion, Forum is a big riheye, high
growth and performance sire that was a must use for us. He
is impressive from all angles. The SimAngus Forum sons selling are impressive, check them our.
CED +8
BW +5
WW +55
MM +30
YW +98
$W 33.70
$F 36.84
$G 7.85
$B 35.14
s i re : Ve r m i l l i o n D a t e l i n e 7 0 7 8
dam: BA 096 Bucks Lady (Papa Power 096)
A tremendously thick made heavv muscled son of VRD. We
are really excited about this set of Power Date calves. Power
Date sires performance, muscle and his daughters in production have proven to he great producers with great udders.
Power Date had a yearling weight of 1474 with a ratio of 116
in the Bush herd. His mother had a weaning ratio of 108 on
eight calves.
CED +8
BW +5
WW +55
MM +30
YW +98
$W 33.70
$F 36.84
$G 7.85
$B 35.14
s i re : J D D a i g g e r 9 0 1
d a m : J D Q u e e n E i s a 7 0 2 1 ( B o n Vi e w B a n d o 5 9 8 )
Our pick and second top selling hull in Varilek’s 2005 sale A
big ribbed easy doing outcross Angus sire who we used on
heifers. His first calf crop is just what we expected deep bodied. heavy muscled, complete type of, cattle.
CED +8
BW +5
WW +55
MM +30
YW +98
$W 33.70
$F 36.84
$G 7.85
$B 35.14
Vermillion Dateline 7078
s i re : S A F S t r a t e g y 9 0 1 3
dam: Bushs 4966 Delight 412
A powerful performance sire who injects frame and growth.
Among the best in the breed for $Feedlot.
CED -2
BW +5.3
WW +63
MM +23
YW +122
$W 20.90
$F 58.76
$G 15.21
$B 48.82
s i re : A A R R e a l l y Wi n d y
dam: DW Annie 333N (Bushs Focus 603)
This was one of our top bulls last year that we kept back to
use on heifers. Really Focused has been admired by all who
have seen him in person. His dam is on her way to becoming
a pathfinder. Our Genex representative saw this bull as one of
of the great yearling bulls in the country. We are excited to
watch his first calf crop hit the ground: many bred heifers are
carrying his service. Semen Available!
AAAR Really Windy
This whopper of a bull ranks in the top 1% of the breed for
both weaning and yearling weight. He has tremendous scale,
depth, long spine and good flat bone. His outcross pedigree
offers something new to our customers.
s i re : G A R G r i d M a k e r
d a m : T C B a l c k b i rd 7 0 4 9
CED +1
BW +3.4
WW +59
MM +26
YW +107
CED -4
BW +5.1
WW +58
MM +15
YW +111
One of the most impressive Angus bulls in terms of skeletal
structure – his overpowering squareness of hip, base width,
freedom of movement, and overall extension set him apart
and above the others. He is on of the most consistent sires of
stoutmade, square, complete, high performing cattle.
CED +9
BW +1.3
WW +54
MM +25
YW +96
$W 30.81
$F 35.14
$G 1.34
$B 29.22
s i re : B a l d r i d g e K a b o o m K 2 4 3 K C F
dam: Bushs Diversity Gal 830
s i re : S i t z Tr a v e l e r 8 1 8 0
d a m : B o y d F o re v e r L a d y 8 0 0 3
CED +4
BW +3.8
WW +63
MM +17
YW +107
s i re : S A F 5 9 8 B a n d o 5 1 7 5
d a m : B o y d F o re v e r L a d y 7 0 9 5
CED +2
BW +3.1
WW +55
MM +18
YW +110
s i re : Ve r m i l i o n D a t e l i n e 7 0 7 8
dam: Bushs Dividend Belle 878
Tremendous performance sire out of an excellent Dividend
daughter. He is the complete package - low birth, powerful
growth, and maternal excellence.
CED +5
BW +2.7
WW +62
MM +24
YW +116
3/4 Simmental - 1/4 Angus
s i re : M e y e r 7 3 4
d a m : 3 C C ro c u s G 6 8 1 B
This Meyer 734 son combines length of body, massive muscle,
known maternal ability, and performance into a very attractive package. His progeny are impressive – style, muscle, and
pounds. Check the daughters that sell – they are the special
CED +3.3
BW +2.7
WW +30
MM +2
YW +55
MCE +.4
MWW +17
s i re : W H F D e s p e r a d o 2 1 2 G
dam: R&R Miss Irish F609 (Black Irish Kansas)
One of the top Simental bulls in the country. We just can’t say
enough about how strongly we feel about this bull and his
progeny. His progeny are balanced from every angle. He
blends massive muscle design, length of body, and deep
ribbed body capacity into a very complete and stylish package. His progeney have eye appeal, maternal strength, and
pounds of performance. Few bulls possess and propagate as
much total good as he does. Warehouse is homozygous polled.
Semen Available!
CED +7.9
BW +.6
WW +31
MM -2
YW +54
MCE +1.8
MWW +13.6
s i re : C N S D re a m O n
d a m : 3 C M e l o d y ( H a r t S u b z e ro )
A lot of excitement surrounds this bull. We feel this is one of
the great Simmental bulls. Dream Catcher was extremely popular in Denver 2006 and semen sales were extraordinary this
past year. Dream Catcher’s structural correctness, attractive
pattern and body mass make him a unique Purebred Simmental bull, plus he has a bald face. Dream Catcher will see
major use here in the years to come. The bred heifers carrying
his service are a sale feature. Semen Available!
CED +9
BW +.2
WW +38
MM +29
YW +73
s i re : G W L u c k y D i c e 1 8 7 H
d a m : T J 3 0 J G e o rg i a 4 0 G
One of the extremely high growth bulls of the Simmental
breed. He is also an all around breed improver in terms high
milk and superior carcass traits.
s i re : M e y e r s B o n u s
dam: WS MS Silk
CED +4.5
BW +4.2
WW +47.8
MM +9.2
YW +91
MCE +12.6
MWW +17.5
We purchased Bonus Time at the 2005 National Western Stock
Show from Walsh Simmentals. He has the muscle mass, depth
of body, and body length we were looking for. He is siring
thick, attractive cattle packed with performance.
CED +7.6
BW +3.5
WW +27.7
MM +8.8
YW +49.0
MCE +7.5
MWW +23.3
s i re : P V F - S S H 1 L 1 0 L i b e r t y
dam: R&R Miss Irish F609
Patriot is our exciting new performance sire who comes with
tremendous growth EPDs. His first calves - both here and at
other prominent breeders - show extreme length of body and
way above the board performance numbers. He is owned
with R&R Cattle Co.
s i re : N i c h o l s L e g a c y G 1 5 1
d a m : C N S S h e e z a D re a m K 1 0 7 W
CED +15
BW -.4
WW +40
MM +5
YW +66
MCE +3
MWW +26
CED +5.5
BW +3.5
WW +47.7
MM +3.9
YW +86
MCE +6.9
MWW +27.7
s i re : R & R Wa re h o s u e K 6 0 9
d a m : M i s s We r n i n g 1 2 0 L
CED +8
BW +.5
WW +33
MM +5
YW +57
MCE +3
MWW +21
Werning Strategy 148S
Bushs Strategy 762
DW Chloe 148
SAF Strategy
birth: 5-7-06
Bushs 4966 Delight 412
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
DW Chloe 632 (Hi Flyer)
A high growth strategy son whose mother produced on of
the top selling angus bulls in 2005. Tremendous growth
traits in these Strategy cattle.
Werning Power Date 245S
birth: 4-27-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
8A 096 Bucks Lady 85
WAR Supreme 91
DW Black Beauty 214
Miss Forever CH4455
One of the thickest, stoutest made bull in the sale.
Angus Bulls
BW 80
Adj. 205 761
Ratio 109
Dam NR 3-107
Scrotal 46
Jan. Wt 1955
BW +4.6
WW +57
MM +24
YW +98
BW 91
Adj. 205 661
Ratio 97
Dam NR 3-98
Scrotal 40
Jan. Wt 1640
BW +3.7
WW +39
MM +20
YW +75
Werning Strategy 178S
Bushs Strategy 762
SAF Strategy
birth: 4-24-06
Bushs 4966 Delight 412
BW 90
Adj. 205 776
Ratio 111
Dam NR 3-114
Scrotal 42
Jan. Wt 1940
Whitestone Fly Traveler 3006
DW Miss Blackbird 178
BW +3.1
Bon View Blkbd Progress 1078 (Bando 598)
The 178 cow has produced many sale bulls and she didn’t
slack off here either. A maternal brother sells – he’s Lot 22.
Werning Focus 214S
Bushs Focus 603
birth: 4-29-06
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
Vermilion Dateline 7078
DW Black Beauty 214
DW Black Beauty 919J
One of the really stout strong aged bull combining the
growth of VRD and calving ease of Bushs Focus 603.
Werning Power Date 2497S
birth: 4-24-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
8A 096 Bucks Lady 85
SAF Transformer 3197
Elm Views Isabella 2497
RMP Miss Isabella 3017
This guy can add growth and muscle in a hurry
WW +57
MM +25
YW +99
BW 75
Adj. 205 654
Ratio 94
Dam NR 2-96
Scrotal 44
Jan. Wt 1770
BW +2.8
WW +49
MM +24
YW +93
BW 90
Adj. 205 690
Ratio 98
Dam NR 7-94
Scrotal 44
Jan. Wt 1785
BW +4.0
WW +38
MM +20
YW +74
Lot 6
Werning Power Date 509S
birth: 5-21-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
8A 096 Bucks Lady 85
DW Eldorene 509E
GDAR Traveler 71
BW 85
Adj. 205 674
Ratio 98
Dam NR 8-99
Scrotal 40
Jan. Wt 1630
BW +1.9
DW Eldorene 305C
WW +34
This bull has a great disposition. His dam was a past show
MM +24
heifer out of the pathfinder sire Traveler 71. Full brother sold
YW +65
last year to Bruce Knapp, Iowa.
Werning Power Date 301S
birth: 6-21-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
8A 096 Bucks Lady 85
DW Miss Focus 301
Bushs Focus 603
DW Miss Univers 101 (Papa 513)
Good Pattern and growth back to a great cow family.
BW 85
Adj. 205 672
Ratio 98
Dam NR 2-98
Scrotal 39
Jan. Wt 1490
BW +2.8
WW +41
MM +22
YW +71
Werning Focus 036S
Bushs Focus 603
DW Barbara 153
birth: 6-2-06
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
BW 82
Adj. 205 709
Ratio 101
Dam NR 5-100
Scrotal 44
Jan. Wt 1840
BW +1.6
WW +43
This guy is deep and stout. If you are in the cow business –
MM +24
keep everyone of his daughters, you won’t be disappointed.
YW +78
Dam produced the high selling bred heifer in 2005. Calving
DW Black Beauty 304C (Basin Emulation 5653)
Werning Focus 153S
Bushs Focus 603
DW Barbara 153
birth: 6-14-06
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
Bon View 1158
An absolute truck. One of the most impressive strong aged
bulls to sell this year. Calving ease.
Lot 8
BW 80
Adj. 205 715
Ratio 101
Dam NR 4-97
Scrotal 47
Jan. Wt 1875
BW +1.8
WW +40
MM +20
YW +79
Lot 9
Werning Focus 236S
Bushs Focus 603
birth: 6-18-06
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
WAR Fame 0049 8025 8127
DW Black Beauty 236
DW Black Beauty 036K (Krugerand 6110)
A real deep and soggy powerhouse. 236 is the ideal Angus
cow. Calving ease.
BW 75
Adj. 205 741
Ratio 104
Dam NR 3-104
Scrotal 40
Jan. Wt 1655
BW +1.3
WW +50
MM +25
YW +82
Lot 11
Werning Gridiron 840T
TC Gridiron 258
DW Jessica 840
birth: 2-20-07
GAR Grid Maker
TC Blackbird 7049
Bon View Paragon 1462
DW Jessica 540E (Touchstone 131)
We are really pleased with the Gridiron cattle. Take your
pick, they all do things right
BW 88
Adj. 205 634
Ratio 91
Dam NR 5-94
Scrotal 37.5
ADG 5.39
Yrlng Wt 1175
BW +3.4
WW +44
MM +12
YW +84
Scott checking the cattle after church
Werning Gridiron 792T
TC Gridiron 258
birth: 3-3-07
GAR Grid Maker
TC Blackbird 7049
Bon View Paragon 1462
DW Queen Mother 792G
SA Queen Mother 792
BW 85
Adj. 205 687
Ratio 99
Dam NR 8-98
Scrotal 37.5
ADG 4.46
Yrlng Wt 1263
BW +3.6
WW +45
This Gridiron son is a maternal brother to one of the top sellMM +14
ing Angus bulls last year, going to Bietz Farms. This bull has
YW +85
tremendous muscle, rib shape, and mass.
Werning Gridiron 248T
TC Gridiron 258
Mogck Jilt 248
birth: 3-5-07
GAR Grid Maker
TC Blackbird 7049
Mogck Jilt 126 (Fortune 2000)
A deep middled, stout made Angus bull that will add muscle and pounds.
Werning Gridiron 111T
TC Gridiron 258
DW Elba 111
birth: 3-19-07
GAR Grid Maker
TC Blackbird 7049
Bon View Balance 1067
DW Elba 910J (EXT 473)
One of our favorites. This bull is solid across the board. His
dam had a colorful show career, including - Reserve Champion at the S.D. State Fair Jr. Angus show.
Werning Gridiron 2497T
TC Gridiron 258
birth: 3-19-07
GAR Grid Maker
TC Blackbird 7049
SAF Transformer 3197
Elm Views Isabella 2497
R M P Miss Isabella 3017
The first set of the highly anticipated Weigh Up calves. This
bull’s dam has withstood the test of time.
Lot 13
BW 91
Adj. 205 714
Ratio 102
Dam NR 7-99
Scrotal 37.5
ADG 5.31
Yrlng Wt 1368
BW +5.1
WW +55
MM +12
YW +89
BW 88
Adj. 205 700
Ratio 100
Dam NR 5-103
Scrotal 40
ADG 5.02
Yrlng Wt 1351
BW +3.1
WW +43
MM +19
YW +84
BW 90
Adj. 205 700
Ratio 100
Dam NR 7-94
Scrotal 39
ADG 4.68
Yrlng Wt 1313
BW +4.2
WW +44
MM +14
YW +76
Werning Weigh Up 208T
Bushs Weigh Up 956
DW Chloe 208
birth: 3-9-07
Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF
Bushs Diversity Gal 830
Bon View Balance 1067
Basin Chloe 9541 (Basin Rain 654X)
We purchased Weigh Up for his off the charts growth and
performance. He has passed it down to his offspring nicely.
BW 85
Adj. 205 687
Ratio 99
Dam NR 8-98
Scrotal 42
ADG 4.86
Yrlng Wt 1334
BW +3.6
WW +45
MM +14
YW +85
Werning Weigh Up 202T
Bushs Weigh Up 956
birth: 3-9-07
Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF
Bushs Diversity Gal 830
S S Traveler 6807 T510
DW Dora 202
BW 85
Adj. 205 665
Ratio 95
Dam NR 4-97
Scrotal 37
ADG 5.32
Yrlng Wt 1319
BW +2.2
WW +45
A really big middled bull from a very productive cow family.
MM +13
The sires behind him - Kaboom, T510, and Balance - all long,
YW +97
thick, and deep - poundmaker.
DW Dora 002 (Balance)
Werning Weigh Up 423T
Bushs Weigh Up 956
Miss Werning 423
birth: 3-22-07
Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF
Bushs Diversity Gal 830
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 223 (Supreme)
This combination has seemed to work well and rightly so.
BW 90
Adj. 205 711
Ratio 101
Dam NR 2-103
Scrotal 38
ADG 3.76
Yrlng Wt 1229
BW +3.1
WW +46
MM +18
YW +87
Lot 18
Werning Weigh Up 909T
Bushs Weigh Up 956
DW Eldorene 909J
birth: 3-24-07
Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF
Bushs Diversity Gal 830
DW Basin Paragon 508G
DW Eldorene 509E (Traveler 71)
This is a great cow maker. We showed his dam and granddam. 509E is the dam of Lot 6. Calving Ease.
Werning Weigh Up 2313T
Bushs Weigh Up 956
Mogck Nicky 2313
birth: 3-25-07
Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF
Bushs Diversity Gal 830
SAF 396 Neutron 8293
Mogck Nicky C318 (Maximun 42C)
This bull has always caught our eye, extremely long, loose
and heavy.
Lot 22
Werning Power Date 178T
birth: 3-10-07
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
BW 90
Adj. 205 840
Ratio 121
Dam NR 3-114
Scrotal 37
ADG 4.93
Yrlng Wt 1487
Whitestone Fly Traveler 3006
DW Miss Blackbird 178
Bon View Blkbd Progress 1078 (Bando 598)
BW +2.0
One of the really stout, high growth Angus bulls in the offering. A genetic explosion - if you like cattle with a bit more
frame - check what this guy brings to the table.
WW +47
MM +23
YW +76
Werning Power Date 231T
birth: 3-19-07
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
S S Traveler 6807 T510
DW Adventure Girl 231
DW Adventure Girl 031K (Krugerand)
This cow has consistenly produced our top Angus bulls.
BW 82
Adj. 205 653
Ratio 94
Dam NR 6-96
Scrotal 38.5
ADG 4.61
Yrlng Wt 1229
BW +1.5
WW +39
MM +13
YW +85
BW 90
Adj. 205 736
Ratio 106
Dam NR 3-105
Scrotal 38
ADG 5.32
Yrlng Wt 1423
BW +3.3
WW +49
MM +13
YW +93
BW 85
Adj. 205 674
Ratio 97
Dam NR 4-99
Scrotal 35
ADG 3.97
Yrlng Wt 1214
BW +2.5
WW +37
MM +17
YW +76
Werning Power Date 3295T
birth: 3-24-07
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
Bon View Paragon 1462
Elm Views Miss Lady 3295
Elm Views Miss Lady 3190
BW 85
Adj. 205 674
Ratio 97
Dam NR 4-99
Scrotal 37
ADG 4.56
Yrlng Wt 1364
BW +2.5
WW +37
Nice Power Date son whose dam has a very impressive proMM +17
duction record.
YW +76
Werning Forum 5576T
birth: 2-7-07
G13 Structure
QLC LaGrand Forum
QLC Blackbird X553A
BAAR Russ 2424
LaGrand Forever Lady 5576
Roth Forever Lady 2389 (Ambush 1531)
A standout since birth. This bull is a great grandson of SVF
Forever Lady 57D, one of the most popular cows in the history of the Angus breed.
Werning Forum 654T
birth: 3-18-07
G13 Structure
QLC LaGrand Forum
QLC Blackbird X553A
DW Chloe 654
Ronan Skookern 1244
Basin Chloe 9541 (Basin Rainmaker 654X)
A stout made Forum son that traces back to the foundation
Basin cow.
Werning Focus 532T
Bushs Focus 603
DW Chloe 532
birth: 3-8-07
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
Boyd New Day 8005
DW Chloe 232 (Fame)
Calving ease, growth, and maternal ability all right here.
Calving Ease.
Werning Power Date 181T
birth: 4-2-07
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Power Date 475
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
DW Annie 181
GDAR Rolls Royce 203
BW 90
Adj. 205 742
Ratio 106
Dam NR 3-97
Scrotal 39.5
ADG 5.31
Yrlng Wt 1516
BW +3.2
WW +42
A high growth 475 son whose dam is going a whale of a job.
MM +15
YW +73
DW Annie 508E (Traveler 71)
BW 90
Adj. 205 742
Ratio 106
Dam NR 3-97
Scrotal 37
ADG 4.56
Yrlng Wt 1237
BW +3.2
WW +42
MM +15
YW +73
Lot 26
BW 80
Adj. 205 728
Ratio 104
Dam NR 8-95
Scrotal 36
ADG 4.24
Yrlng Wt 1269
BW +1.8
WW +37
MM +12
YW +51
Werning Focus 1177T
Bushs Focus 603
Bon View Dora 1177
birth: 3-7-07
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
Rito 2RT2 of OB5 RR Traveler
BW 82
Adj. 205 726
Ratio 104
Dam NR 6-105
Scrotal 35.5
ADG 4.34
Yrlng Wt 1272
BW +2.0
WW +45
This guy is a truck, out of an original Bon View cow. Calving
MM +19
YW +80
Bon View Dora 2470
BW 78
Adj. 205 651
Ratio 100
Dam NR 1-100
Scrotal 40
ADG 4.31
Yrlng Wt 1237
BW +1.7
WW +52
MM +25
YW +94
Werning Really Focused 578T
birth: 2-6-07
AAR Really Windy 1205
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
DW Progress 578R
Boyd New Day 8005
DW Progress 278 (VRD)
Good growth and full of red meat. Did we mention he is
calving ease also? Calving ease.
BW +1.7
WW +52
MM +25
YW +95
Lot 30
Werning Really Focused 512T
birth: 3-14-07
AAR Really Windy 1205
Werning Really Focused 512
DW Annie 333N
DW Miss Lady 512R
Bushs Power Date 475
DW Miss Lady 012K (Saugahatchee)
A sure fire calving ease bull whose dam and grandam are
awesome. 512R will make a name for herself, starting with
this bull. Calving ease.
BW 84
Adj. 205 684
Ratio 104
Dam NR 1-104
Scrotal 37.5
ADG 4.37
Yrlng Wt 1307
Werning On Target 105T
Boyd On Target 1083
DW Eldorene 105
birth: 3-1-07
SAF 598 Bando 5175
Boyd Forever Lady 7095
WAR Supreme 91
BW 80
Adj. 205 648
Ratio 100
Dam NR 1-100
Scrotal 31
ADG 4.42
Yrlng Wt 1294
BW +2.0
WW +45
MM +23
YW +86
BW 85
Adj. 205 721
Ratio 103
Dam NR 4-106
Scrotal 37.5
ADG 4.10
Yrlng Wt 1294
BW +2.8
WW +43
It doesn’t matter what angle this bull gives you it is always a
MM +18
good one. The On Target calves are popular.
YW +81
DW Eldorene 305C
Lot 32
Werning Big Time 312T
Bushs Big Time 452
DW Miss Lady 312N
birth: 3-3-07
Vermilion Dateline 7078
Bushs Dividend Belle 878
Papa Universe 515
DW Miss Lady 012 (Saugahatchee)
Big time growth and out of a sweet looking cow.
BW 88
Adj. 205 772
Ratio 111
Dam NR 3-104
Scrotal 37
ADG 4.25
Yrlng Wt 1297
BW +3.5
WW +55
MM +21
YW +94
Lot 33
Werning Traveler 004 045T
birth: 3-19-07
Sitz Traveler 8180
SAV 8180 Traveler 004
Boyd Forever Lady 8003
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
DW Black Beauty 045K
DW Black Beauty 704G (Saugahatchee)
BW 89
Adj. 205 689
Ratio 100
Dam NR 4-103
Scrotal 39.5
ADG 4.36
Yrlng Wt 1310
BW +4.1
WW +41
A full brother was our second top selling Angus bull in 2006.
MM +25
YW +91
Werning Future Direction 521T
GAR Precision 1680
C A Future Direction 5321
C A Miss Power Fix 308
SAV 8180 Traveler 004
DW Adventure Girl 521R
DW Adventure Girl 125
Big, stout and just plain good. Could be used on larger
framed heifers.
BW 74
Adj. 205 663
Ratio 101
Dam NR 1-101
Scrotal 37.5
ADG 4.44
Yrlng Wt 1239
BW +2.3
WW +44
MM +26
YW +82
Simmental & SimAngus Bulls
Werning Bonus Time 346S
Purebred Simmental
WS P16 Bonus Time
Meyers Bonus
birth: 4-24-06
WS MS Silk
GW Lucky Dice 187N
BW 90
Adj. 205 684
Ratio 98
Dam NR 2-99
Scrotal 41.5
Jan Wt 1685
CED +4.4
BW +2.5
Miss Werning 046K (Ventura)
WW +28
A nice blaze faced bull that is sure to be a crowd favorite. He
MM +7
will make feeder cattle that order buyers love.
YW +54
MCE +6.2
MWW +18
Miss Werning 346N
Lot 37
Bonus Time 2778S
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus
WS P16 Bonus Time
Lot 38
Werning 734 068S
5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus
3C Pasque L746 BlkZ
Meyer Ranch 734
3C Crocus G681 B
birth: 5-7-06
Bon View Balance 1067
BW 95
Adj. 205 733
Ratio 104
Dam NR 5-104
Scrotal 44
Jan Wt 1835
BW +0.2
Miss Werning 868
WW +23
An impressive SimAngus bull and a full brother to our popMM +5
ular Denver Display bull, Lot 61
YW +47
MWW +17
Miss Werning 068
Meyers Bonus
birth: 5-6-06
WS MS Silk
Bon View Ambush 1075
BW 92
Adj. 205 704
Ratio 100
Dam NR 8-100
Scrotal 41
Jan Wt 1555
BW -0.5
Bon View Gammer 916
WW +17
A favorite all along. This guy has been admired by all who
MM +6
have seen him. Big top, big butt and really presses down the
YW +36
MWW +13
Bon Vew Gammer 2778
birth: 2-20-07
Werning 734 242S
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus
3C Pasque L746 BlkZ
Miss Werning 242M
Meyer Ranch 734
birth: 5-20-06
3C Crocus G681 B
ALC Justice 120J
DW Queen Mother 913J
One of the really attractive strong aged SimAngus bulls.
BW 94
Adj. 205 649
Ratio 95
Dam NR 3-101
Scrotal 40
Jan Wt 1760
BW +1.7
WW +30
MM +5.2
YW +52
MWW +14
Werning Bonus Time 219S
birth: 5-10-06
1/2 Simmental 1/2 ChiMaine
WS P16 Bonus Time
Meyers Bonus
WS MS Silk
Who Made Who
Miss Werning 219
Miss Werning 419 (Bullseye)
A unique individual who has great breeding value. Long
necked, big hip and tons of middle.
Werning Bonus Time 319S
Purebred Simmental
WS P16 Bonus Time
Miss Werning 319C
Meyers Bonus
birth: 5-10-06
WS MS Silk
R & R Backdraft
Miss Werning 8038X
Truly a stout purebred that has growth and performance
coming from all directions.
Werning 734 318S
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus
3C Pasque L146 BlkZ
DW Chloe 318N
Meyer Ranch 734
birth: 5-27-06
3C Crocus G681 B
Bushs Focus 603
DW Chloe 108 (Krugerand 6110)
A good Pasque son out of a past show heifer.
Werning Daigger 418S
1/2 Angus l/2 SimShorthorn
Varilek Daigger 4071
Werning Pearl 418
JD Daigger 901
birth: 4-24-06
Varilek Lucy 9005 (Traveler 71)
WHR Sonny 8114
Pearl 918 ET (Simmental X)
This bull is really a tank and out of a past show heifer.
BW 82
Adj. 205 660
Ratio 97
Dam NR 3-97
Scrotal 40
Jan Wt 1750
BW +0.5
WW +17
MM +7
YW +37
MWW +14
Lot 40
BW 90
Adj. 205 671
Ratio 98
Dam NR 12-101
Scrotal 41
Jan Wt 1715
CED +7.2
BW +2.6
WW +29
MM +6.4
YW +53
MCE +5.5
MWW +19
BW 90
Adj. 205 685
Ratio 98
Dam NR 2-98
Scrotal 41.5
Jan Wt 1610
BW +0.7
WW +20
MM +7
YW +38
MWW +13
BW 81
Adj. 205 705
Ratio 100
Dam NR 1-100
Scrotal 45
Jan Wt 1800
BW -1.2
WW +30
MM +10
YW +59
MWW +23.5
Lot 41
Werning Focus 143S
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 447
SAF Focus of ER
birth: 4-20-06
Bushs Rockette 663
3C Pasque L146 BlkZ
Miss Werning 7945
A nice balanced calving ease older bull. Calving ease.
BW 78
Adj. 205 645
Ratio 94
Dam NR 1-94
Scrotal 40
Jan Wt 1605
BW -1.5
WW +30.1
MM +7.3
YW +57.9
MWW +22.8
Werning Daigger 462S
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus
Varilek Daigger 4071
Miss Werning 462P
JD Daigger 901
birth: 4-25-06
Varilek Lucy 9005 (Traveler 71)
3C Pasque L746 BlkZ
Miss Werning 062
A favorite in the pasture. A maternal brother sells as Lot 53.
Werning Daigger 465S
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus
Varilek Daigger 4071
Miss Werning 465P
JD Daigger 901
birth: 4-25-06
Varilek Lucy 9005 (Traveler 71)
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 065K
This SimAngus bull developed into an impressive strong
aged bull, backed by a strong cow family.
Werning Power Date 821S
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus
Bushs Power Date 475
Miss Werning 821H
birth: 5-27-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
DW Vision 804D
Miss Werning 8012X
One of the big ribbed, wide constructed older bulls. Dam is
tremendously big volumed lady that produces lots of
Werning Power Date 287S
1/8 Simmental 7/8 Angus
Bushs Power Date 475
Miss Werning 287
birth: 6-11-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
Werning Krugerand 661
Miss Werning 889 (Simmental x Angus)
This bull is built from the ground up. Extremely long, stout,
and heavy.
BW 85
Adj. 205 666
Ratio 97
Dam NR 1-97
Scrotal 43
Jan Wt 1675
BW -0.7
WW +30
MM +9
YW +60
MWW +24
BW 83
Adj. 205 684
Ratio 99
Dam NR 1-99
Scrotal 42
Jan Wt 1820
BW -0.3
WW +29
MM +8.1
YW +61
MWW +23
Lot 45
Werning Power Date 687S
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus
Bushs Power Date 475
Miss Werning 687
birth: 5-15-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
DW Vision 804D
Miss Werning 135 (Rito 707 of Ideal 83671)
This bull has been a stand out since birth. 687 is one of the
most attractive cows on the ranch.
BW 85
Adj. 205 695
Ratio 100
Dam NR 9-101
Scrotal 39
Jan Wt 1685
BW +1.5
WW +27
MM +10.7
YW +57.4
MWW +22.4
BW 90
Adj. 205 710
Ratio 101
Dam NR 7-104
Scrotal 41
Jan Wt 1635
BW +2
WW +31
MM +10.5
YW +57
MWW +21.5
Lot 47
BW 90
Adj. 205 715
Ratio 102
Dam NR 3-102
Scrotal 41.5
Jan Wt 1730
BW +1.8
WW +25.9
MM +7.7
YW +60.1
MWW +24.0
Lot 49
Werning Power Date 274S
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus
Bushs Power Date 475
Miss Werning 274
birth: 6-23-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
SS Traveler 6807 T510
Miss Werning 074 (Simmental x Angus)
A solid growth and maternal bull that is designed to cover
all the bases.
Werning Brickhouse
Werning Roadhouse 120T
Purebred Simmental
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 120L
birth: 2-20-07
WHF Desperado 212G
R & R Miss Irish F609
R & R Ventura H609
Miss Werning 110A (Buck)
Werning Warehouse 822T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 822
WHF Desperado 212G
birth: 2-20-07
R & R Miss Irish F609
Bon View Precision 1506
DW 4ZZ (HiFlyer)
A solid Warehouse son whose full sister sells as Lot 119. A
full brother sold in 2005 to Richard Peterson.
Werning Warehouse 914T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 914
WHF Desperado 212G
R & R Miss Irish F609
birth: 3-10-07
Bon View Balance 1067
BW 82
Adj. 205 597
Ratio 85
Dam NR 8-102
Scrotal 34.5
ADG 3.56
Yrlng Wt 1147
BW -1.9
WW +15
MM -1
YW +30
MWW +5
Lot 51
Werning Warehouse 462T
5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 462P
WHF Desperado 212G
birth: 3-9-07
R & R Miss Irish F609
3C Pasque L746
Miss Werning 062
Another nice blaze faced Warehouse son whose mother is
picture perfect and was the high weaning heifer of the 2004
calf crop.
BW 91
Adj. 205 752
Ratio 107
Dam NR 6-103
Scrotal 36
ADG 4.25
Yrlng Wt 1376
BW +0.1
Simply put, this guy will add pounds to a calf crop in a
WW +20
hurry. A full brother sold last year to Marc Reiner. The WareMM -2
house x Bon View Balance combination has worked well.
YW +37
MWW +7
BW +1.2
WW +31
MM +8.5
YW +59.7
MWW +24.7
BW 90
Adj. 205 766
Ratio 109
Dam NR 5-106
Scrotal 39.5
ADG 3.89
Yrlng Wt 1306
CED +7.2
BW +0.7
Here he is, the full brother to 2005 high seller and A.I. sire,
WW +26
Brickhouse. Many astute breeders have used and greatly acMM +3
ccepted the Brickhouse progeny. It has been fun watching
YW +49
MCE +1.6
Roadhouse develop and in may ways we feel he has more
MWW +16
potential than his brother. One of the great purebred bulls to
sell this spring.
BW 91
Adj. 205 714
Ratio 102
Dam NR 3-101
Scrotal 39
Jan Wt 1725
DW Paragon 764
Lot 54
BW 82
Adj. 205 672
Ratio 97
Dam NR 2-97
Scrotal 38
ADG 4.24
Yrlng Wt 1277
CED +5.2
BW +0.2
WW +25
MM 0
YW +46
MCE +1.3
MWW +11
Werning Warehouse 313T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus
R & R Warehouse K609
DW Miss Forever 354N
WHF Desperado 212G
birth: 3-11-07
R & R Miss Irish F609
Bushs Focus 603
BW 90
Adj. 205 712
Ratio 102
Dam NR 3-104
Scrotal 40
ADG 4.17
Yrlng Wt 1302
BW 0
The scale is going to feel some pressure when his calves step
WW +24
on it. A massively built, heavy muscled bull that does a lot of
MM 0
things right. One of the most complete bulls we have to offer
YW +46
MWW +11
DW Miss Forever 154 (Supreme)
Werning Warehouse 989T
Purebred Simmental
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 989 J
birth: 3-15-07
WHF Desperado 212G
R & R Miss Irish F609
Circle S Leachman 600U
Miss Werning 689
This is the fourth full brother in a row and is a bull that is
packed with growth and performance. Two past brothers
were Denver pen bulls and are now working for Barry Callies and Kenny Yeaton.
Werning Warehouse 146T
3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus birth: 3-25-07
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 146
WHF Desperado 212G
R & R Miss Irish F609
R & R Ventura H609
Miss Werning 746
A great patterned, heavy muscle Warehouse son that comes
from one of our best cow families.
Werning Pasque 633T
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus birth: 3-7-07
3C Pasque L746
Miss Werning 633
Meyer Ranch 734
3C Crocus G681 B
SA Hi Flyer
Lot 55
BW 92
Adj. 205 748
Ratio 107
Dam NR 7-104
Scrotal 35
ADG 3.85
Yrlng Wt 1318
CED +6.9
BW +1.9
WW +37
MM -4
YW +64
MCE +2.4
MWW +13
Full brother to Lot 56
BW 84
Adj. 205 671
Ratio 96
Dam NR 5-98
Scrotal 35.5
ADG 3.98
Yrlng Wt 1274
BW 0
WW +24
MM 0
YW +44
MWW +12
BW 92
Adj. 205 693
Ratio 99
Dam NR 10-101
Scrotal 36
ADG 4.49
Yrlng Wt 1314
BW +0.4
A long sided, stout made, blaze faced bull that has a solid set
WW +16
of numbers. I can’t wait to see what this will do on a set of
MM 0
Angus cows.
YW +33
MWW +9
Miss Werning 230
Lot 58
Werning Pasque 102T
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus birth: 3-24-07
3C Pasque L746
DW Krugerand 102
Meyer Ranch 734
3C Crocus G681 B
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
BW 92
Adj. 205 705
Ratio 102
Dam NR 5-102
Scrotal 36
ADG 3.54
Yrlng Wt 1254
BW -0.9
Pasque influenced feeder cattle have topped two auctions
WW +18
this winter. This bull is out of an expecially good Angus cow.
MM +3
YW +36
MWW +12
Werning Pasque 068T
5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus birth: 4-25-07
Meyer Ranch 734
3C Pasque L746
3C Crocus G681 B
Miss Werning 068
Bon View Balance 1067
BW 84
Adj. 205 700
Ratio 100
Dam NR 5-104
Scrotal 35
ADG 4.01
Yrlng Wt 1335
BW +0.2
Much excitement surrounds this bull, and he is what we
WW +23
think is one of the most phenotypically perfect individuals
MM +5
we have ever produced. So much substance and mass in a
YW +47
correct, attractive pattern. When you view this bull in person
MWW +17
you will see what we are talking about. Denver Display Bull.
Miss Werning 868
Werning Bonus Time 1473T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 3-9-07
WS P16 Bonus Time
DW Northlander 602
Meyers Bonus
WS MS Silk
Lot 61
BW 84
Adj. 205 666
Ratio 95
Dam NR 3-97
Scrotal 38
ADG 3.98
Yrlng Wt 1267
SAF 396 Neutron 8293
Mogck Pleasant Marry 1473
Mogck Pleasant Marry 125 (Northlander)
This is the first set of Bonus Time bulls to sell. You will see
they are high volume, heavy muscled cattle that will add
pounds. This bull is a great example.
Werning Bonus Time 481T
3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus birth: 3-24-07
WS P16 Bonus Time
Miss Werning 481P
Meyers Bonus
WS MS Silk
KG Power Design 931
Miss Werning 218M (Warehouse)
A favorite all along. You won’t find too many cattle that are
deeper and more explosive than this guy. Denver Display
BW -0.5
WW +15
MM +5
YW +34
MWW +13
BW 80
Adj. 205 756
Ratio 108
Dam NR 2-105
Scrotal 38
ADG 4.03
Yrlng Wt 1328
BW +0.9
WW +29
MM +9
YW +53
MWW +23
Lot 63
Werning Bonus Time 435T
Purebred Simmental
WS P16 Bonus Time
Miss Werning 435P
Meyers Bonus
birth: 3-27-07
WS MS Silk
R & R Warehouse K609
BW 90
Adj. 205 669
Ratio 96
Dam NR 2-100
Scrotal 35.5
ADG 3.89
Yrlng Wt 1247
CED +7.6
BW +2.6
A great Purebred Bonus Time son whose dam is emerging as
WW +27
one of the best. His grandam has had numerous high sellers
MM +4
and Denver Pen Bulls. Denver Display Bull.
YW +52
MCE +6.2
MWW +15
Miss Werning 735
Werning Patriot 207T
3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus birth: 3-9-07
R & R Patriot R609
Miss Werning 207
PVF SSH 1L10 Liberty
R & R Miss Irish F609
R & R Warehouse K609
Lot 64
BW 86
Adj. 205 710
Ratio 101
Dam NR 4-93
Scrotal 37
ADG 4.64
Yrlng Wt 1374
CED +5.4
BW +1.3
We think you will like the Patriot cattle and this guy is espeWW +32
cially good. This bull has a great look and a solid set of data.
MM -2
YW +59
MCE +5.5
MWW +7
Bon View 5027 (Bando 598)
Werning Patriot 683T
Purebred Simmental
R & R Patriot R609
Miss Werning 683
birth: 3-9-07
PVF SSH 1L10 Liberty
R & R Miss Irish F609
FF Director
Miss Werning 355C
A pasture favorite whose 96 model dam has flat out got it
done, year in and year out. Solid performance combined
with known maternal ability.
Werning Patriot 256T
3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus birth: 3-26-07
R & R Patriot R609
Miss Werning 256
PVF SSH 1L10 Liberty
R & R Miss Irish F609
Werning Krugerand 661
Miss Werning 990 (Vision)
This bull is wide from end to end. New bloodline here for
you to try.
Lot 65
BW 95
Adj. 205 725
Ratio 104
Dam NR 10-101
Scrotal 36.5
ADG 4.39
Yrlng Wt 1288
CED +3.2
BW +3.7
WW +45
MM 0
YW +72
MCE +5.8
MWW +22
BW 92
Adj. 205 695
Ratio 99
Dam NR 4-101
Scrotal 38
ADG 3.62
Yrlng Wt 1229
BW +2.1
WW +31
MM +1.5
YW +57
MWW +18
Lot 66
Werning Liberty 224T
5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus birth: 2-25-07
PVF SSH 1L10 Liberty
Miss Werning 224M
GW Lucky Dice
TJ 30J Georgia 40G
SS Traveler 6807 T510
BW 92
Adj. 205 702
Ratio 100
Dam NR 4-110
Scrotal 42
ADG 5.24
Yrlng Wt 1377
BW +1.8
A very high growth Liberty son out of probably the best cow
WW +35
family on the place. The 224 cow had one of our top bulls in
MM +3
the 2006 sale.
YW +66
MWW +20
JBS Miss Bando 0724K (Bando 598)
Werning Liberty 916T
Purebred Simmental birth: 2-25-07
PVF SSH 1L10 Liberty
Miss Werning 916
GW Lucky Dice
TJ 30J Georgia 40G
DSS Mr. Dunk
Miss Werning 165A (Burns Bull)
A true herdsire candidate who deserves some serious attention. Powerful phenotype, solid performance, and out of a
cow that has never missed.
Werning Dream On 268T
3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus birth: 3-20-07
CNS Dream On L186
Miss Werning 268M
Nichols Legacy
CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
Triple C Cash
Miss Werning 868
A full brother to our popular show heifer in 2007. She was
named Champion Simmental heifer at the State Fair 4-H
show. Super ladys standing behind this bull - deep, thick
and stout.
Werning Dream Catcher 528T
3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus birth: 4-8-07
CNS Dream ON
WAGR Dream Catcher 03R
3C Melody
Miss Werning 528
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 228 (Balance)
Dream Catcher is already making his mark in only his first
calf crop and here is your chance to own the first son of him
we have offered and the only one born in 2007 at our place.
528 is a full sister to Big Ticket, our lead bull.
WerningReally Focused 585T
1/8 Simmental 7/8 Angus birth: 2-7-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 585
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 385 (Simmental x Angus)
This is probably the longest sided and one of the really high
growth SimAngus bulls in the offering. Calving ease.
BW 88
Adj. 205 729
Ratio 104
Dam NR 7-101
Scrotal 38.5
ADG 4.83
Yrlng Wt 1345
CED +6.1
BW +2.3
WW +32
MM 0
YW +57
MCE +5.4
MWW +15
BW 84
Adj. 205 656
Ratio 94
Dam NR 4-99
Scrotal 39
ADG 3.71
Yrlng Wt 1209
CED +9.9
BW +0.7
WW +32
MM +5
YW +56
MCE +6.5
MWW +21
BW 86
Adj. 205 665
Ratio 97
Dam NR 1-97
Scrotal 36
ADG 4.68
Yrlng Wt 1249
CED +7.8
BW +1.0
WW +32
MM 0
YW +55
MCE +4.5
MWW +15
BW 84
Adj. 205 736
Ratio 113
Dam NR 1-113
Scrotal 39
ADG 3.63
Yrlng Wt 1289
BW -1.1
WW +31
MM +4
YW +62
MWW +20
Lot 69
Werning Big Time 865T
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus birth: 3-24-07
Wernings Big Time 452
Miss Werning 865
Bushs Big Time 452
Miss Werning 926
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
BW 91
Adj. 205 674
Ratio 99
Dam NR 8-101
Scrotal 33
ADG 4.95
Yrlng Wt 1352
BW +2.9
A direct son of the weaning weight and performance record
WW +28
holder, Werning Big Time 926N, that sold in our 2006 sale to
MM +7
Jon Bietz, Tripp.
YW +61
MWW +21
Miss Werning 665 (Meyer 734)
Werning Brickhouse 189T
Purebred Simmental
birth: 3-4-07
R & R Warehouse K609
Werning Brickhouse 120
Miss Werning 120L
Miss Werning 189
R & R Ventura
BW 89
Adj. 205 651
Ratio 93
Dam NR 5-96
Scrotal 38
ADG 4.71
Yrlng Wt 1264
CED +6.2
BW +1.7
A nice blazed face son of our 2005 high seller, Brickhouse.
WW +31
This bulls dam has done a tremendous job producing one of
MM 0
our high selling bulls in 2005 and all daughters have been
YW +55
MCE +3.6
kept in the herd.
MWW +15
Miss Werning 689
Werning Really Focused 540T
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus birth: 2-8-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 540
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 340
A really complete SimAngus bull with calving ease and
growth. Calving ease.
Werning Really Focused 507T
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus birth: 2-11-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 507
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 207
This bull combines length, growth and calving ease.
Werning Really Focused 560T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 2-21-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 560
Kenco MF Powerline
Miss Werning 260 (Warehouse)
Another high growth SimAngus bull that could be used on
heifers. Calving ease.
Werning Really Focused 597T
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus birth: 2-23-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 597
3L Pasque L746
Miss Werning 197
A nice star headed SimAngus bull that puts together solid
numbers. Calving ease.
BW 81
Adj. 205 674
Ratio 102
Dam NR 1-102
Scrotal 36
ADG 4.12
Yrlng Wt 1173
BW -2.3
WW +33
MM +6
YW +65
MWW +23
BW 82
Adj. 205 700
Ratio 108
Dam NR 1-108
Scrotal 42
ADG 3.61
Yrlng Wt 1239
BW -1.1
WW +37
MM +5
YW +60
MWW +19
BW 79
Adj. 205 661
Ratio 101
Dam NR 1-101
Scrotal 38.5
ADG 4.54
Yrlng Wt 1207
BW -1.2
WW +28
MM +12
YW +63
MWW +26
BW 84
Adj. 205 649
Ratio 99
Dam NR 1-99
Scrotal 39
ADG 3.68
Yrlng Wt 1159
BW -1.5
WW +30
MM +7.7
YW +63
MWW +18
Lot 75
WerningReally Focused 570T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 2-20-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 570
R & R Warehouse K609
BW 81
Adj. 205 674
Ratio 103
Dam NR 1-103
Scrotal 38.5
ADG 4.54
Yrlng Wt 1207
BW -1.3
One of the good 333R sons that really spreads it from birth to
WW +36
yearling. Calving ease.
MM +8
YW +74
MWW +26
Miss Werning 246 (Power Drive)
WerningReally Focused 565T
3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus birth: 2-21-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 565
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 065 (Ventura)
A full sister to this bulls dam was Reserve Supreme Female
at the Michigan State Fair. Calving ease.
WerningReally Focused 556T
1/8 Simmental 7/8 Angus birth: 2-28-07
AAR Really Windy
Werning Really Focused 333R
DW Annie 333N
Miss Werning 556
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 835 (Simmental x Angus)
This bull is built from the ground up. Calving ease.
BW 81
Adj. 205 637
Ratio 98
Dam NR 1-98
Scrotal 36
ADG 3.69
Yrlng Wt 1127
BW -1.5
WW +38
MM +8
YW +76
MWW +27
BW 82
Adj. 205 675
Ratio 102
Dam NR 1-102
Scrotal 36.5
ADG 4.53
Yrlng Wt 1274
BW -1.2
WW +28
MM +6
YW +57
MWW +17
Werning Traveler 004 240T
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 2-20-07
SAV 8180 Traveler 004
Sitz Traveler 8180
Boyd Forever Lady 8003
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 240
Miss Werning 740G (Vision)
This is exactly what we had in mind when we mated 240 to
Traveler 004. Big time performance here.
BW 0.0
WW +33
MM +4
YW +67
MWW +21
Werning Salute 7001T ET
BW 89
Adj. 205 675
Ratio 100
Dam NR
Scrotal 37
ADG 4.93
Yrlng Wt 1283
Shorthorn birth: 2-22-07
Byland Dazzler 1AW105
GB Anjali 588
GB Cokie
Truly an impressive shorthorn bull. Anjali has been an outstanding donor cow here, approaching $100,000 in progeny
sales. TH and PHA free.
DW Chloe 632S
WW +3.5
MM +14
YW +1
MCE +25
1/4 Simmental 3/4 Angus birth: 3-5-07
QLC Structure
QLC LaGrand Forum
QLL B7 Blackbird 553A
3C Pasque L746
Miss Werning 502
DW Northlander 602
A royally bred SimAngus prospect, out of a great young
cow. Forum won Denver and Louisville. This bull is one of
our favorites.
Werning Paradise 526T
7/8 Shorthorn
SS Paradise 349
Werning Express 526
birth: 2-20-07
WHR Sonny 8114
AF Margies Dream Lady 05
DF Vegas 310M
G13 Structure
B/R New Design 036
Lemmon Newsline C804
White Fence Pride H1
Bon View Dora 1177
Rito 2RT2 of OB5 RR Traveler
Bon View Dora 2470
A.I. bred to Werning Really Focused 5-30-07. Exposed to
Werning Really Focused 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
BW +0.3
WW +31
MM +4
YW +58
MWW +19
BW 84
Adj. 205 664
Ratio 100
Dam NR 1-100
Scrotal 36.5
ADG 3.49
Yrlng Wt 1124
Werning Express 226
DW Dora 678S
Purebred Angus birth: 3-7-06
G13 Structure
QLC Blackbird X553A
BW +2.0
WW +42
Bon View Sprectrum 1176
MM +19
Bon View Dora 3078
YW +74
Bon View Dora 2066 (TC Rancher)
A.I. bred to Connealy Whitman 5-11-07. Exposed to Werning MWW
Really Focused 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
QLC LaGrand Forum
DW Dora 629S
Purebred Angus birth: 3-9-06
BW 88
Adj. 205 713
Ratio 102
Dam NR 1-102
Scrotal 35.5
ADG 4.46
Yrlng Wt 1291
BW +2.2
One of the heaviest muscled shorthorn blls to sell anywhere.
WW +12.4
This bull has looked impressive since birth. TH and PHA
MM 0
YW +22
QLC Blackbird X553A
BW +3.4
WW +42
WAR Fame 0049 8025 8127
MM +19
DW Chloe 232
YW +90
DW Chloe 032K (Krugerand 6110)
A.I. bred to Connealy Whitman 5-15-07. Exposed to Werning MWW
Really Focused 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Werning Forum 502T
Bred Heifers
Purebred Angus birth: 2-22-06
QLC LaGrand Forum
Shorthorn Bulls
CF Solution X
SULL GNCC Salute 532R
WF Evergreen Sable
BW 91
Adj. 205 724
Ratio 103
Dam NR 4-103
Scrotal 39
ADG 4.29
Yrlng Wt 1297
BW +3.4
WW +40
MM +17
YW +73
Lot 101
DW Miss Forever 614S
Purebred Angus birth: 3-12-06
Varilek Daigger 4071
DW Miss Forever 414P
JD Daigger
Varilek Lucy 4071
C A Future Direction 5321
DW Miss Forever 014K (Balance)
A.I. bred to Connealy Whitman 5-25-07. Exposed to Werning
Really Focused 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
BW +1.3
WW +43
MM +25
YW +74
Lot 103
DW Chloe 657S
Purebred Angus
Bushs Power Date 475
birth: 4-27-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
DW Basin Paragon 508G
DW Chloe 918J
DW Chloe 550E (Touchstone)
Exposed to Dream Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
BW +3.0
WW +41
MM +18
YW +70
Miss Werning 690S
QLC LaGrand Forum
G13 Structure
birth: 3-24-06
QLC Blackbird X553A
WAR Supreme 91
Miss Werning 490
Miss Werning 602 (Northlander)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-10-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 105
Miss Werning 667S
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 602A
SAF Focus of 603
birth: 4-25-06
Bushs Rockette 663
WAR Supreme 91
Miss Werning 602
Exposed to Dream Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 106
Miss Werning 601S
Bushs Power Date 475
DW Miss Universe 101
birth: 4-25-06
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Bucks Lady 85
Papa Universe 515
DW Northlander 601
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-11-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 107
Miss Werning 6026S
5/8 Angus 3/8 Simmental birth: 4-5-06
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 446P
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 046K
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-17-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 630S
Angus x Maine x Simmental birth: 5-16-06
Bushs Focus 603
Miss Werning 150
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Rockette 663
DJ Zeke
Miss Werning 819 (Simmental x Angus)
Miss Werning 653S
1/2 Angus 1/2 Shorthorn birth: 5-12-06
SAF Focus of ER
Bushs Focus 603
Bushs Rockette 663
Werning Violet 973J
GB Daybreak Express
Werning Violet 673F
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-13-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 623S
Simmental x Angus birth: 5-16-06
C A Future Direction 5321
Werning Future Direction 018P
DW Eldorene 018K
Miss Werning 88-OS
Werning Supreme 909M
Miss Werning 44 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 6-14-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-15-07 to 7-12-07.
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-16-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 676S
Angus x Maine x Simmental birth: 5-7-06
Miss Werning 679S
Simmental x Angus birth: 5-13-06
C A Future Direction 5321
Werning Future Direction 018P
DW Eldorene 018K
C A Future Direction 5321
Werning Future Direction 018P
DW Eldorene 018K
Miss Werning 1010-OS
Miss Werning 055-OS
DJ Patents Hunk
Miss Werning 470 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-21-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Werning Supreme 909M
Miss Werning 891 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-15-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 637S
3/4 Angus 1/4 Simmental birth: 5-1-06
Bushs Power Date 475
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Buck Lady 85
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
Miss Werning 943
Miss Werning 610 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-20-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 114
Miss Werning 691S
1/2 Angus 1/2 Maine birth: 5-17-06
Bushs Power Date 475
Miss Werning 6109
Vermilion Dateline 7078
BA 096 Buck Lady 85
DJ Bomber
Miss Werning 109(Angus)
Exposed to Dream Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 844S
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 4-11-06
3C Pasque L146 BlkZ
Miss Werning 844
Meyer Ranch 734
3C Crocus G681 B
DW Vision 804D
Miss Werning 737 (Angus)
A.I. bred to Bando 1961 5-23-07. Exposed to Werning Really
Focused 5-30-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 643S
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 5-12-06
3C Pasque L146 BlkZ
Miss Werning 743
Meyer Ranch 734
3C Crocus G681 B
JMG New Trend 1072
Miss Werning 235 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 6-3-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-10-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 117
Miss Werning 622S
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 3-15-06
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 822
WHF Desperado 212G
R & R Miss Irish F609
Bon View Balance 1067
DW 422 (Hi Flyer)
A.I. bred to Bando 1961 5-13-07. Exposed to Dream Catcher
6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 641S
1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus birth: 3-18-06
R & R Warehouse K609
WHF Desperado 212G
R & R Miss Irish F609
Bon View Balance 1067
Miss Werning 904
Miss Werning 101 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-27-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 119
Miss Werning 618S
Purebred Simmental birth: 3-18-06
Nichols Legacy G151
R & R Fully Loaded N908
R & R Miss Peacemaker J908
Miss Werning 218M
R & R Warehouse K609
Miss Werning 668F
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-14-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 698S
Maine x Angus birth: 4-30-06
Heat Wave
Went Blacks #46
Power Plant
P107 (Angus X)
Exposed to Dream Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Miss Werning 671S
Maine x Simmental x Angus birth: 5-7-06
Heat Wave
Went Blacks #46
Miss Werning 512
WAR Krugerand 6110 3045
Miss Werning 112 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-13-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 121
Miss Werning 6145S
Miss Green Valley 453
Maine x Angus birth: 4-1-06
Full Flush
DeBull X Meyer 734 cow
DJ Dictator Son
Miss Green Valley (Maine x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 6-1-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher 6-10-07 to 7-12-07.
Lot 123
Miss Werning 673S
Maine x Angus birth: 4-23-06
BHCS Heat Seeker
Heat Wave
FAWL Ma X An CA100
DW Black Beauty 016K
Bon View Balance 1067
DW Black Beauty 804
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-13-07. Exposed from 6-1-07 to
7-12-07to Dream Catcher.
Lot 125
Miss Werning 6244S
Miss Werning 244
Maine x Angus birth: 5-5-06
Heat Wave
Habanero Son
Miss Werning 44
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-15-07. Exposed from 6-1-07 to
7-12-07 to Dream Catcher.
Miss Paradise 783T
Dream Catcher x Warehouse
She sold in "The One" Simmental Sale in Denver to Silver
Spur Ranch, WY.
Miss Werning 682S
Maine x Simmental x Angus birth: 5-6-06
Miss Werning 285
Werning Krugerand 661
Miss Werning 891 (Simmental x Angus)
A.I. bred to Dream Catcher 5-27-07. Exposed to Dream
Catcher from 6-1-07 to 7-12-07.
2007 Denver Crew