united timeslocal 331


united timeslocal 331
December 2009
Volume 1 Issue 5
Website: www.opseu331.org
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (905) 668-5881 ext. 6478 or 6351
Looking Back At 2009
From food drives, to raising money for abused women and their families, from marches
and rallies to support our communities, our families, our friends, our jobs; we have been
there. We have braved the Rapids of Niagara, enjoyed barbeques and most recently the
Holiday Dinner and Dance 2009. We introduced the UNITED TIMES Newsletter this
year and increased communication on union issues and safety issues throughout our
It has been a busy year full of highs and lows, enthusiasm, good will and excitement.
Our members have seen great changes this year and our membership is stronger than
ever. We are Nurses, Patient Care Assistants, Psychologists, Psychometrists, Support
Services, Clerks, Drivers, Maintenance, Recreation Staff, Therapists, and Social Workers.
We are men, women, young, old, single or married; with and without children.
Sometimes we agree and sometimes we agree to disagree. We are a diverse population
under one umbrella at Ontario Shores. We are Healthcare Workers. We are strong and
united. We are OPSEU Local 331.
In This Issue
p. 2 President’s Message
p.3 Editor’s Weekend
p.4 Christmas Party
p. 6 Health and Safety
p. 7 Education
p. 8 Prostate Cancer
p.9 Candlelight Vigil
p. 10 Kitchen Creations
p. 10 Suduko
p. 11 Shop Stewards and
Page 2
A Message from Our President...
President’s Message
To The Members of OPSEU Local 331
Before writing this message, I had a sneak preview of this edition of 'UNITED
TIMES Local 331'. I would like to share with you the first thoughts that came to
mind....Strong, United, Proud, and Thankful.
I too look back, but over the previous 15 months. In spite of the constant change
and diversity, or is it because of...Hmm…Local 331 is Strong and United!
Your Executive Committee, Executive Officers and Stewards.... the 'Team', that I
have had the extreme pleasure of working with are passionate about your issues
and dedicated in their representation. I am thankful to each and everyone of you
and proud of our Local.
Happy and Safe Holiday to Everyone and all the Best for 2010!
Karen Preston
President Local 331
• 
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• 
As per legislation all sick notes and
health related personal information is to be
submitted to Occupational Health NOT to your
manager or supervisor.
Page 3
Patti Lang
On the weekend of October 23rd – 25th, I was
privileged to sit amongst many very talented
individuals who write the newsletter or
communication bulletins for their OPSEU Locals.
Writer’s workshops, conversation, constructive
criticism, brainstorming and a lot of laughter filled
our daily calendars in efforts to guide us
participants to becoming top notch
communication officers at their respective local
“Rookie of the Year” UNITED TIMES Local
From graphics and photo ideas, writing and publishing information to “Staying
on the right side of Libel”, I look forward to making further improvements to the
UNITED TIMES. I took on the role of Chief Editor by volunteering to organize a
much needed form of communication for our membership. It has been an
exciting and challenging yet most rewarding experience that I have grown to
enjoy very much. But, in saying that, I owe the membership of Local 331 a very
big thank you. It was you that came up with the ideas and the suggestions and it
has been your participation as a union member with your compassion, your
drive and your commitment to fairness, quality and safety for our workplace and
to the community that has made our newsletter a huge success.
At the Editor’s Awards Dinner, Local 331 was recipient to
two awards, “Rookie of the Year” and we received an
Honourable Mention for “Best Original Photo”. The room
was full of many great writers, teachers, professors and
mentors with years of experience and just as many
newcomers who congregated together for new ideas and a
greater strength in communication.
I walked away with those awards feeling a great sense of
achievement for our local and certainly a great pride in our
membership. Every article and picture had a story of
compassion, commitment or humanity and some were
just about members having
fun. I thank the Executive of
Local 331 for co-editing the newsletter and a very
special thanks to our membership for your ideas,
suggestions and participation in local events.
Middle photo: Karen Preston, Patti Lang and
Michelle Williams at Editor’s Weekend Awards
Bottom: Best Original Photo taken at JOBS First
Rally, Memorial Park Oshawa
Page 4
The party was sold out! Two hundred guests enjoyed an evening of delicious food, a
little cheer and put on their dancing shoes for a fun-filled night at the Polish Veterans
Hall in Oshawa on November 20th.
This year’s event had a number of sponsors who donated gifts for
Door Prizes, spot dances and competitions. Past President Fred
Upshaw presented Grand Prize Winner Brigita Toth with a $500 travel
gift certificate from Belair Travel, Jeneen Savela, flatware set ($120
value) and 50/50 draw winner Harold Singerling with $150. The 50/50
draw was to raise money for the Durham Regional Police annual
Children’s Christmas Toy Drive.
Troy Lawrence and Shauna Penticost certainly were deserving of prizes for best
dance moves all night long and Paula and Eddie Woods were this year’s Disco
Champs. Limbo Winners were Luis Galarza and Louise Gillis…how low they did go!
Brigita Toth Grand Prize Winner and Harold Singerling 50/50 Winner pictured with Past President Fred Upshaw and Patti Lang
For more party photos check out our website at: www.opseu331.org
Page 5
Page 6
Keeping Our Workplace Safe
Environmental risk assessments in clinical areas are now complete and nonclinical areas are currently being inspected for any concerns and hazards that
may be associated with workplace violence. Safety improvements are being made
due to numerous concerns and hazards that have been identified including sharp
objects, lack of staffing and a lack of information on personal alarms etc. Clinical
risk assessments that will cover nursing policies and procedures will soon be
underway and should be complete in the very near future as per order by the
Ministry of Labour in 2008. It feels like forever and a day since orders were
written after the inspector from the MOL found the employer to be in violation of
the Occupational Health and Safety Act ; Duties of Employers Section 25 (2) (h)
An employer shall take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the
protection of the worker”; this includes violence at the workplace.
Recently on another visit, the inspector found that the employer was in violation
of the OHSA for not providing the Joint Occupational Health and Safety
Committee with ventilation reports every six months. Duct work is currently
being cleaned professionally throughout the
If you identify any safety hazards it is your legal
responsibility to report the hazard to your manager.
It is also requested that you identify the hazard on
an Employee Incident Report and hand it in to
Occupational Health. If your manager fails to
address those concerns please notify one of your
Health and Safety Committee Members for
assistance. Safety is all of our responsibility. Let’s be
The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee welcomes Julie Murray to
the team. Julie is the newest Worker Representative.
If you have any Health and Safety concerns or questions please contact any
one of your committee representatives:
Patti Lang - ext. 6351 or pager 905-720-8508
Alma Siciliano – ext. 6211
Yvonne Lewis – ext. 6351
Bob Blewett ext. 6007
Jonathan Leung – ext. 6730
Deana Delarge ext. 6013
Cathy Head – 905-666-4026
Paul Schaedlich ext 6515
Roy Jones – ext. 6190
Les Milns ext. 6382
Julie Murray – ext. 6444
Robert Zmak ext. 6303
Art Hawkrigg – ext. 6941
Sheryl Bernard ext. 6348
Troy Lawrence – ext. 6702
Alex Khan ext. 6504
Veronica Mayer – ext. 6211
Page 7
Region 3 Education
Registration forms for education the weekend of February 27th and 28th,
2010 at the Delta Grandview Resort in Huntsville are available now. If you
wish to attend any of the courses please contact the union office for your
forms. Any bargaining unit member can apply.
Deadline for the application form is December 31st, 2009 at our union office
Building 3 level 2. Expenses are covered for travel, accommodation and
childcare by OPSEU. Please contact 6351 for more information.
Courses being offered in February:
Advancing the Union Issues through LMC- Often union-side members become
cynical about labour management committee work because the employer refuses to meet, or
follow through on action. This course aims to strengthen skills of labour management
committees to solve workplace problems and build the union, whether management is
cooperating or not.
Duty to Accommodate-Provincial legislation and existing jurisprudence require
employers and unions to provide accommodation short of undue hardship.
This course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of OPSEU’s
obligation to accommodate members with disabilities and all other protected groups
under the Human Rights Code.
Health and Safety – Level 1-This course is designed to equip members and stewards
with the skills necessary to identify, monitor and attack the hazards of working life. It will
include topics such as hazard identification, investigation and reporting, establishing
effective health and safety committees, workers’ rights under the law and how to apply
WSIB – Level 1-The first level is designed to provide an overview of the Workplace
Safety and Insurance system. Participants will review the statutory obligations of both
workers and employers mandated by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. Workers
and employers will also learn their rights as provided by the legislation. The course content
includes other basic knowledge of the Workplace Safety and Insurance system.
Mental Health: Challenging the Stigma in the Workplace- As workers and
labour activists, we are faced with economic, social, and political changes in our
workplaces that impact our mental wellbeing on a daily basis. We all respond differently
to situations that impact our lives and subsequently,
our mental health.
This introductory course explores mental health,
mental health concerns, and stigma in the workplace.
Some of the topics covered in this course include:
demystifying mental health; individual, union, and
employer responsibilities; member-to-member issues;
and some strategies to challenge stigma and build
Page 8
Information from Prostate Cancer Canada
Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in Canadian
men. It will affect 1 in 6 men this year alone. Being
diagnosed with prostate cancer or cancer of any kind is
very difficult. With early detection, prostate cancer is very curable with surgery
and radiation. If untreated, cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body and
cause secondary tumours, lessening the chances of a cure.
Prostate Cancer is a greater threat to those with a family history and turns up in
most men during their 40’s. Some risk factors for men to consider are diet and
exercise, age and ethnicity as well as environmental and hereditary factors.
Symptoms may include slow or painful urination, blood or puss in the urine,
painful ejaculation and pain in the lower back, abdomen, pelvis and upper
thighs. It is important for men to have regular checkups with their doctor and
report any unusual symptoms.
Evidence suggests that certain vitamins and minerals may protect against
prostate cancer and/or slow its progression.
James Scriver
Our very own James Scriver from Environmental
Support Services is currently campaigning for
Prostate Cancer Awareness by growing a
moustache for the month of November. More men
are being diagnosed each year with Prostate
Cancer and it will claim the lives of more than
4,400 men in 2009. Please help support this cause
with a donation to James for Prostate Cancer Research.
Donations can be made via:
- Online at http://ca.movember.com/mospace/249226
- Donation box currently set up switchboard
More information on prostate cancer is available at www.prostatecancer.ca
Page 9
December 6th, 2009 marks the 20th Anniversary
of the Montreal Massacre. For 45 minutes an
enraged gunman roamed the corridors of
Montreal’s École Polytechnique killing fourteen
women. The Montreal Massacre became a
moment in time that turned mourning into
outrage about all violence against women.
We at Local 331 and Ontario Shores have also
experienced the sadness and outrage of violence
against women when our very own coworker
and dear friend, Yvonne Leroux lost her life to
domestic violence in September 2008.
On December 6th a candle will be lit in memory of Yvonne as well as
many others to remember all of those women who died at the hands
of violence. Please join us at the:
CAW Local 222 Union Hall
1425 Phillip Murray Avenue
Doors open at 6pm
Vigil begins at 6:30pm
“It’s time to unite to take action to stop the violence”
OPSEU members are offered a number of products and services varying
from Vision 2000 Vacations, CG &B Home and Auto Insurance, BAKA
Wireless and Bell Mobility, legal guidance and services through Law
Protection Inc., and OPSEU Merchandise.
* Weekend Getaways are on sale now at Vision 2000
* We have catalogues for OPSEU Merchandise available in the union
Check out www.opseu.org
Page 10
Kitchen Creations …
Cranberry Pear Pie
Pastry for single-crust pie (9 inches)
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons butter, melted
5 cups sliced peeled fresh pears
1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/3 cup cold butter, cubed
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Line a 9-in. pie plate with pastry; trim and flute edges. Set aside. In a large bowl,
combine the flour, syrup and butter until smooth. Add pears and cranberries; toss
to coat. Spoon into crust.
For topping, combine the flour, brown sugar and cinnamon; cut in butter until
crumbly. Stir in walnuts. Sprinkle over filling.
Cover edges of crust loosely with foil to prevent over browning. Bake at 400° for
15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°. Remove foil; bake 35-40 minutes longer or until
crust is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cool on a wire rack. Yield: 6-8
Page 11
Local 331 is currently recruiting Shop Stewards. If you are interested in representing
your unit or department and being part of a great team please contact your union office
at ext. 6351 for further information.
Buying or Selling your Home? Straight Up Home Inspections is offering a
discounted rate to members of OPSEU.
For more Information Contact : Straight Up Home Inspections
(905) 718-4663 ~ (905) 718-HOME
“Just telling you like it is”
Need a Collective Agreement? Extras are available at Union Office Building 3 Level 2
ext. 6479 or ext. 6351
Bobbie Malcolm
Mary Elliot
Valentina Slute
Alma Siciliano
Patti Lang
Roy Jones
Paul Carnaroli
Brian Bangay
Kim Rushnell
Troy Lawrence
Tammy Hembruff
James Olver
Trent Vey
Deidre Arbour
Susan Carey
Joan Gates
Jonathan Leung
Dan Haskell
Karen Preston
Yvonne Lewis
Michelle Williams
Shirley Chambers
Float Pool
Environmental Support
Environmental Support
Environmental Support
Adolescent Unit
Adolescent Unit
Plant Services
Clerk 1 & Clerk 2/Sec.
Karen Preston – President
P: 905-668-5881 ext. 6478
C: 905-213-2119
E: [email protected]
Yvonne Lewis – Vice President
P: 905-668-5881 ext. 6351
E: [email protected]
Patti Lang – Chief Steward
P: 905-668-5881 ext. 6351
E: [email protected]
Valentina Slute – (A) Secretary
P: 905-668-5881 ext. 6351
E: [email protected]
Jonathan Leung – Treasurer
P: 905-668-5881 ext. 6351
E: [email protected]
UNITED TIMES is available online as well as updates on events and union issues
and photographs.
If you have any comments or submissions please contact:
Patti Lang ext. 6351
Or email at:
[email protected]