Massage Therapy Bookshelf Click here to see more titles…
Massage Therapy Bookshelf Click here to see more titles…
For more information or to place your order, contact your local sales representative. Massage Therapy Bookshelf Student Workbook for Functional Anatomy Myology and Kinesiology Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist: Neck Click here to see more titles… Massage Therapy Bookshelf For more information or to place your order, contact your local sales representative. A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, Fourth Edition Ruth Werner, LMP, NCTMB 2008/ 740 pp./ 195 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-6919-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Brownstone Test Generator •Image Bank •PowerPoint Slides •Lecture Notes Student Resources: •Animation •Video Clips •Interactive Flash cards •Games •Quiz questions •Audio glossary •Chapter Objective Questions open each chapter •Topics are grouped by type •Chapter Review Questions conclude each chapter (answers on the Student Resource CD) •In Brief boxes provide a thumbnail sketch of the condition •Sniglets give background or history for some terminology •Sidebars discuss peripheral issues relating to conditions, or give more detailed information about cancer staging •Compare and Contrast charts lay out aspects of similar conditions side by side, so that readers may better understand where they overlap and where they diverge. •Case Histories are the stories of people who live with various conditions •Modality Recommendation Charts •Include chapter with fundamental concepts, and a chapter dedicated to principles of cancer •A new appendix, Research Literacy, has been added to address the increased need for evidence of the effects of massage therapy •Printable Client History forms are available on the Student Resource CD Pathology A to Z: A Handbook for Massage Therapists, Third Edition Kalyani Premkumar, MBBS, MD, MSc, RMT January 2009/ 384 pp./ 154 illus./ 978-0-7817-4799-8 Features: •Organized alphabetically according to diseases •Coverage of over 400 conditions likely encountered by massage therapists, and provides descriptions followed by Cause, Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors and Caution and Recommendations to Therapists •Indices organized by disease and body system for easy reference •Uniform format that provides readability, quick reference Instructor Resources: •Notes in the margin supplement information on topic •PowerPoint Slides discussed •Brownstone Test Generator •Color photographs illustrate some common skin conditions •Audio Pronunciations •Quiz Bank that massage therapists are likely to encounter •Appendices •A section on strategies for the prevention of infection, and •Glossary •Bonus Table on Helminthic Infections on safe practice, with simple precautions offered •Image Bank •Coverage of some side effects of drugs Student Resources: •Companion CD-ROM that contains all textual condition •Appendices information plus provides audio pronunciations, plus •Glossary •Audio Pronunciations illustrations, glossary and search capabilities •Bonus Table on Helminthic Infections •Image Bank •Quiz Bank Disease Handbook for Massage Therapists Ruth Werner, LMP, NCTMB August 2009/ 560 pp./ 978-0-7817-5094-3 Features: •Alphabetical quick reference format •Each condition discussed under headings: - Definition - Signs and Symptoms - Treatment Options - Medications - Massage Considerations - Risks - Benefits Student Resource: •Full text online Medical Conditions and Massage Therapy: A Decision Tree Approach Tracy Walton 2010/ 448 pp./ 200 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-6922-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Instructor’s Manual Student Resources: •Sample forms •Full text online •More than 50 decision trees, with conditions discussed in full •140 Conditions in Brief •Pressure Scale, described in Chapter 2, helps readers determine appropriate pressure •Interview Questions: questions for the MT to ask the client about their condition. These are provided both for conditions discussed in full and in brief, along with the massage therapy guidelines for each. •Massage therapy guidelines, not just for each condition, but for various client presentations of each condition •Massage implications of medical/surgical treatment •Massage Research in Massage Practice chapter lays the foundation for using the massage research cited throughout •Over-arching principles that inform and guide MTs as they plan a massage session with a client. These appear as small reminders throughout the text •Therapist's Journal, stories from other professional MTs •Self-Test questions at end of each chapter (answers are online) Functional Anatomy: Musculaskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists Christy Cael, ATC, CSCS, LMP October 2009/ 496 pp./ 700 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-7404-8 Features: •Full color photos include anatomical artwork of the body’s structures from skeletal structures to muscle attachments, ligaments and joints to superficial and deep muscles •Muscle Profiles pertinent to each region include an illustration of the muscle, and identify origin, insertion, fiber arrangement and direction, as well as step-by-step instructions for palpating the muscle •Synergist/Antagonist Tables in each regional chapter Instructor Resources: include an illustration of a specific body motion, •Brownstone Test Generator accompanied by the muscles that contribute to that •PowerPoint Presentations motion. •Image Bank •Putting It into Motion sections identify and explain specific •Lesson Plans actions that contribute to motions Student Resources: Try This activities provide easy-to-follow instructions for a •Animations of daily simple, kinesthetic learning experience to apply key activities concepts •Audio pronunciations •Palpation video demonstrations •Full text online Student Workbook for Functional Anatome Christy Cael, ATC, CSCS, LMP 2011/ 256 pp./ 106 illustrations/ 978-1-60913-685-7 Features: New Cover Coming Soon The main features include the variety of exercises that appeal to multiple learning styles: •color and label pictures matching •labeling muscle names under figures kinesthetic activities (practiced on self) •practice activities for a partner. These hands on activities in particular especially encourage learning how to palpate bone and muscle. Functional Anatomy Flash Cards Christy Cael, ATC, CSCS, LMP July 2010/ 320 illustrations/ 978-1-60913-684-0 Features: •All cards are available in one comprehensive set •Artwork is repurposed from the Cael, Functional Anatomy text for a cohesive study package •Cards are hole-punched so users can create their own study sets •Dynamic overlay art shows the relationship of surface anatomy to structures beneath the skin •Putting It in Motion cards show how the bones and muscles work together to complete activities of daily living Myology and Kinesiology Manual Myology and Kinesiology Manual for Massage Therapists Cindy Moorcroft, BA, LMT April 2011/560pps/510illus/ 978-1-58255-801-1 Features: • Key Terms: Key terms are listed and defined at the beginning of the text so that students can prepare and learn the terms they will be presented with in the chapter. • Chapter introduction: Each chapter begins with an introduction, Ancillariy Features: an overview of the content. Chapter introductions are brief but Test generator: Will include 20 informative. questions per chapter • Chapter summary: Chapter summary ties together the text section Lesson plans: Author will be writing of each chapter and identifies the main points of the chapter. these and will provide clear • Muscle page exercises: Series of "fill in" in which a figure, stripped of instructions for how best to teach muscle and color is included for the student to label, color, and the content given its unique approach. identify origin, insertion, innervation, antagonist and synergist muscles, etc. Image bank: will include all of the • Palpation exercises: allows students to work "hands on" to learn muscle figures and additional figures in the text. how to palpate various muscles and bones in the different regions. • Clay work: These exercises help reinforce names and locations of PowerPoint Slides: Will include approximately 25 slides per chapter muscles. They require the use of small plastic skeletons and clay. Students create the muscles that are listed in a table and attach it Audio glossary: Will include the to the plastic skeleton where appropriate names and pronunciations of 122 • Case Study: Brief short answer questions that encourage student to muscles think about how they would treat a client coming into their office. Acland video clips: Will include a • Review: Review questions to reinforce what the student has few clips from the Acland DVD learned in the chapter, often the review section include a review series. chart to further help the student learn the content. The Educated Heart: Professional Boundaries for Massage Therapists, Bodyworkers, and Movement Teachers, Third Edition Nina McIntosh, MSW 2010/ 224 pp./ 55 illustrations/ 978-1-60547-713-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Instructor’s Manual •Image Bank •Test Generator •PowerPoint Slides •Lesson Plans Student Resources: •Full text online •Video Clips •Color illustrations and design with several new cartoons Complex concepts put into simple, understandable, and practical terms for the student •Written with humor, compassion, and a non-judgmental tone that make it engaging to students •Real-life examples illustrating common pitfalls and helpful strategies •Witty, light-hearted drawings illustrate key points •Helpful Glossary that efficiently defines terms and summarizes topical issues Case examples provide real-life scenarios of concepts and situations Plain and Simple Guide to Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Examinations, Second Edition Laura Allen, NCTMB January 2009/ 320 pp./ 41 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-9705-4 Features: Instructor Resources: •Brownstone Test Generator •Syllabus •Lesson Plans •PowerPoint Slides: Tips for Passing •Interactive Flash Cards •Game show questions •Millionaire game questions •Labeling activities •Quiz Bank Student Resources: •Interactive Flash Cards •Game show questions •Millionaire game questions •Labeling activities •Quiz Bank •Coverage of Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) exam •A least five additional review questions per chapter •Back-of-book CD-ROM contains several complete practice tests •Written in plain, simple language to put the student at ease •Text is organized according to the National Certification Examination, and each chapter is presented as an outline review, with end-of-chapter review questions •Positive affirmations and quotations help calm the students test-taking anxiety Review for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Certification, Third Edition Joseph Ashton, MS, PT Duke Cassel, NCTMB 2010 / 336 pp./ 110 illustrations/978-1-60547-712-1 Features: •Thorough preparation for the NCETM, NCETMB, or MBLEx exams •Test-Taking Tips help students achieve the highest score possible Instructor Resources: •Test Generator •PowerPoint slides Student Resources: •Labeling exercises •Jeopardy games •Hangman games •Crossword puzzles •Electronic flash cards •Detailed information on all the key concepts and principles covered on the exam, all in an easy-to-read format •Numerous review questions cover all the main areas of study, including human anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology; clinical pathology; massage therapy and bodywork; and professional standards, ethics, and business practices. •Sample Practice Exam Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment, Second Edition James H. Clay, MMH, NCTMB David M. Pounds, Certified Medical Illustrator 2006/ 443 pp./ 570 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-5677-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Test Generator •Image Bank •PowerPoint slides Student Resources: •Real Bodywork DVD includes video demonstrations of massage techniques taken directly from the book •Internal structure illustrations embedded into photographs show the muscle being worked on, location on the body and attachment, manual access, problems it can cause, and basic techniques •Technique illustration arrows show the direction of strokes •Muscles sections are broken down by: Name, Pronunciation, Etymology, Overview, Comments, Attachments, Actions, Caution, Pain Referral Zone, Other Muscles to Examine, and One or more basic treatment techniques •Organized by body regions that have functional, topographical, and clinical coherence •Icons highlight information throughout the text: Attachments, Actions, Caution, Referral Areas, Other Muscles to Examine, Manual Therapy, and Palpation •Suggestions of draping options with illustrations •Appendices: Pain Referral Zones by Region; Greek and Latin Prefixes and Suffixes; Terms of Reference, Position, and Movement •Palpation entries included in each muscle section Spa Bodywork: A Guide for Massage Therapists Anne Williams 2006/ 368 pp./ 330 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-5578-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Image bank •PowerPoint slides •Curriculum Module Plans •Ready-to-Copy forms •Test Generator •Online Course •Supply Guide •Master Equipment List •Testing Modules •Striking full-color photographs: More than 250 photographs clearly illustrate each spa technique and treatment •Treatment Snapshots: These quick reference boxes allow the therapist to get an overview of the treatment before reading the step-by-step procedures section •Sanitation Boxes: Handy clean-up and sanitation tips are offered throughout the treatment chapters •Broaden Your Understanding Boxes: These boxes contain information that helps the massage therapist to understand the full scope of a treatment •Sample Treatments offered at the end of chapters are easy to add to a menu of services and come with promotional descriptions, product recommendations, and recipes for creating inviting smell-scapes Massage and Manual Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions, Second Edition Tom Hendrickson, DC October 2009/ 448 pp./ 550 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-9574-6 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint Slides •Lesson Plans •Image Bank •Test Generator •Video Clips Student Resources: •Question Bank •Image Bank •Video Clips •Full color artwork •Video footage of techniques being performed •Updated Content from the author has incorporated the rationale and intentions of the most important strokes, including the science of why certain approaches are used •ntroduces massage techniques for orthopedic conditions, promoting the alignment of soft tissue relating to pain and dysfunction •Brief descriptions of rationale behind orthopedic massage, mechanisms of injury to and repair of soft tissue, and anatomy of each body area •Detailed assessment for each body region, discusses common lesions, and provides illustrated instructions on how to administer this scientifically based style of massage •Based on traditional orthopedic assessment protocols, coverage includes range of motion, passive and isometric testing, and tests that determine the severity of a condition or injury Condition Specific Massage Therapy Celia Bucci, MA, CMT February 2011/ 416 pp./ 250 illustrations/ 978-1-58255-807-3 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint Slides •Lesson Plans •Image Bank Student Resources: •Test Generator •Image Bank •Video Clips • Icons appear in each of the condition chapters, under “Condition-Specific Massage,” indicating treatment goals for the approach presented • Treatment Overview Figures in each condition chapter reinforce principles of treating musculoskeletal conditions • PROFESSIONAL GROWTH section, including Case Study, Critical Thinking Exercises engages students and bridges clinical information with student practice • Extensive art program incorporates Clay/Pounds art: some direct pickup pieces, as well as Clay/Pounds style anatomy over fresh photos throughout the book. Art also includes Trigger Point pieces, in which TPs + referral areas are indicated over fresh photos. Neuromuscular Therapy Manual Jocelyn Granger , Founder/Director, Ann Arbor Institute of Massage Therapy November 2010/ 400 pp./ 400 illustrations/ 978-1-58255-800-4 Features: Instructor Resources: •Image bank •Sample syllabi and lesson plans •PowerPoint slides Student Resources: •20 Video/DVD routines •Test Generator •Image bank •Key terms: are listed and defined at the beginning of each chapter defined, boldfaced on first mention in the text, and appear in a glossary at the end of the book. •Chapter introductions provide a brief overview of each chapter’s contents. •Case studies discuss clients with particular pathological conditions and how neuromuscular therapy routines, as presented in the text, can address them. One or two critical thinking questions regarding the scenario presented are included at the end of each case study. •Sample routines sections include step-by-step massage procedures for each body region. •Chapter summaries briefly review the content covered in each of the first four chapters. •Chapter review questions, appearing at the end of each chapter, allow readers to test their knowledge of the content covered in each chapter and consist of multiple choice, short answer, true/false, and matching. Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist: Neck Student Resources: •Video Clips Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist: Neck Joseph E. Muscolino, DC September 2011/ 304 pp./ 395 illustrations/ 978-1-58255-850-9 Features: •Chapter outline: The chapter outline serves as a roadmap of the topics and subtopics that the reader can expect to find in the chapter. •Key terms: Key terms will appear in a list at the beginning of each chapter and will be boldface on first mention. Terms will be defined within the text. •Treatment routines: These will be a list of routines by functional muscle group. •Practical application box: This feature will contain practical information that will help the practitioner apply the technique. The Practical application boxes will include all the “tip” information in one place. •Alert/Caution: an icon with a screened box that highlights any contraindications or cautions that practitioners need to take while performing the techniques. •Think it Through: This feature will help the practitioner apply critical reasoning when assessing their clients and will be a main feature of the text. The goal of this feature is to bridge the pathologies in Part 1 with the techniques in Part 2. Comfort Touch: Massage for the Elderly and the Ill Mary Kathleen Rose February 2009/ 256 pp./ 111 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-9829-7 Features: Instructor Resources: •6-, and 16-hour Syllabus •Note to Instructors •Video Clips with Credits •Video User’s Guide Student Resources: •Video Clips with Credits •Video User’s Guide •CARE notes with and without pain scales •Intake forms •Articles and reports •Photographs and illustrations are used throughout to clarify the text and demonstrate the techniques •Stories and examples relating to the use of Comfort Touch are included to inspire students •“Hints of Practice” and boxes provide important information about the practical application of the content •Chapter Summaries highlight the most salient points in each chapter •Questions for review are intended to guide students toward greater personal awareness and professional growth •Glossary of key terms •An annotated bibliography details useful resources to support the practitioner of Comfort Touch Massage for the Hospital Patient and Medically Frail Client Gayle MacDonald MS, LMT 2004/ 224 pp./ 70 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-4705-9 Features: •Portrays how massage therapy complements medical treatments to increase comfort, improve clinical outcomes and promote wholeness in both clients and those who care for them •Clinical Consideration sections offer common signs, symptoms, and conditions and their impact on massage pressure adjustments, site restrictions, and positioning needs •Explains technical and medical knowledge in simplistic terms •Lays the foundation for therapists working in a medical setting •Presents the steps involved in planning and giving a massage session, charting, and collecting patient data •Case histories and "A Therapist Journal" offer real life scenarios •"Teaching Tips" offer practical suggestions •Includes a historical perspective and review of hospital massage research •Bolded Key Terms and end of chapter "Test Yourself" exercises reinforce terms and concepts Body Mechanics for Manual Therapists: A Functional Approach to Self-Care, Third Edition Barbara Frye, LMP, GCFP January 2009/ 304 pp./ 978-0-7817-7483-3 Features: Instructor Resources: •Instructor’s Manual •Learning Exercises •Sample Syllabi •Brownstone Test Generator •PowerPoint Presentations •Image Bank •Lesson Plans Student Resources: •Video Clips that illustrate proper technique •Full text online •A practical, workbook-style presentation of body mechanics •Each section begins with a narrative explanation of the movement and is followed by thought provoking exercises and self-observation exercises •Sidebars relating chapter material are located throughout the text. Sidebar information includes: - Partner Practice: hands-on exercises - Self Observation: self exploration exercises - Practice Tips: self-care and injury prevention tips - Client Education tips: creative ways to impart chapter material to clients - Something to Think About: provocative questions for thought and journaling - Consider This: quotes and facts that add insight •Information on successful body mechanics for spa therapy, transferring clients, and floor work •Section on common repetitive stress injuries, including symptom troubleshooting and pro-active strategies for injury prevention Hot Stone Massage: A Three Dimensional Approach Leslie Bruder January 2009/ 224 pp./ 200 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-6327-1 Features: Instructor Resources: •Image Bank •Syllabi for courses of various hours •Searchable Full-Text Online Student Resources: •Image Bank •Searchable Full-Text Online •User-friendly, easy-to-follow manual •Unique three-dimensional approach to hot stone massage, which involves working on both sides of the body at once •Each chapter includes: - An outline of its contents and a bulleted list of objectives, and introduction, a list of key terms with definitions - Special tip and caution boxes offers reminders and easy access to important information - A summary and list of review questions at the end of each chapter to ensure that the student comprehends the material - Photographs that support the techniques •Special tip and caution boxes appear throughout each chapter offering reminders and easy access to important information The Balanced Body: A Guide to Deep Tissue and Neuromuscular Therapy, Third Edition Donald W. Scheumann 2006 / 272 pp./ 282 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-6308-0 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint slides •5 additional case studies •Test Generator with 350 questions •Image Bank •Lesson Outlines •Online Course Student Resources: •Interactive Atlas •Case Studies with real-world scenarios and questions •Indication/Contraindication Boxes show when massage is and isn't advisable •Essential Anatomy Boxes present crucial anatomical information •Cautionary Notes warn about special cases and situations •Coverage of Trigger Point Release Work combined with deep tissue therapy and tension release massage presents different therapeutic options •Quick Reference Charts summarize key points from the introductory chapters •Guidelines for Elevating the Quality of Massage Work provide suggestions to improve treatment quality •A BONUS CD-ROM packaged with this book includes 20 massage technique video clips (featuring the author); 10 Acland anatomy video clips; images from the text; and Chapter Quizzes Deep Tissue Sculpting: A Technical and Artistic Manual for Therapeutic Bodywork Practitioners, Second Edition Carole Osborne-Sheets Distributed by LWW 2009/ /158 pp./ 978-0-9665585-2-4 Features: •Instructions for over thirty deep tissue sculpting procedures including precautions and technique hints •Three specific sessions for relieving chronic back, shoulder, and neck tension •Section on customizing treatment for clients' common complaints •Tableside Technique Guide quickly outlines key procedures for the back, low back and abdomen, and neck and shoulders •Chapter summaries •Anatomy appendices serve as helpful tool on origin, insertion, and function for key muscles Introduction to Massage Therapy, Second Edition Mary Beth Braun, BA, CMT, NCTMB Stephanie J. Simonson, BS, CMT 2007/ 625 pp./ 525 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-7374-4 Features: Instructor Resources: •Image bank •PowerPoint slides •Case studies •Web links •Curriculum guide Student Resources: •Interactive quiz tool with approximately 300 review questions •Real Bodywork DVD includes video demonstrations of massage techniques taken directly from the book •Progressive case studies ask you to develop step-by-step treatment plans for a client •Procedure boxes set forth step-by-step instructions for treatments and assessments •Exercises in each chapter help you assess your grasp of key concepts - New topics have been added or expanded to better prepare you for the National Certification Exam (NCE) - Critical thinking exercises test skills in selecting the correct techniques to apply under specific sets of circumstances - Contraindication boxes highlight particular situations when massage should not be used or a specific stroke may be harmful Nurturing Massage for Pregnancy: A Practical Guide to Bodywork for the Perinatal Cycle Leslie Stager, RN, LMT January 2009/ 256 pp./ 978-0-7817-6753-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Full-color Image Bank •Video Clips •Syllabus for 4-, 6-, or 8-hour class •Syllabus for 1- or 2-weekend class •Syllabus for 3-month class Student Resources: •Video Clips •Fully searchable text •Full-color Image Bank •Answers to chapter review questions •Self-Care Tips for the Mother are practices a client can learn to relieve some of her discomforts •Massage Therapist Tips help students address or understand certain conditions •Complementary Modalities provides information about bodywork, modalities •Traditional Birth Practices highlights methods of touching used by people of various cultures around the world when caring for pregnant, laboring, and postpartum women •How the Partner Can Help provides ideas •Case Studies help students address concerns a practitioner may have •Dispelling Myths features common erroneous beliefs •Common complaints during pregnancy and birth are presented alphabetically •Contraindications and Precautions icons throughout the text •Key Terms are boldfaced in the narrative and defined in the glossary •Illustrations and photographs provide students with useful visuals on how to implement particular bodywork techniques, and offer inspiration about pregnancy and birth •Appendices include: - A Quick Reference List of Contraindications - Resources for the Practitioner Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Practitioners' Guide to Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum, Second Edition Carole Osborne-Sheets February, 2011/304pps/395illus/978-1-58255-850-9 Features: •Chapter outline: The chapter outline serves as a roadmap of the topics and subtopics that the reader can expect to find in the chapter. •Key terms: Key terms will appear in a list at the beginning of each chapter and will be boldface on first mention. Terms will be defined within the text. •Treatment routines: These will be a list of routines by functional muscle group. •Practical application box: This feature will contain practical information that will help the practitioner apply the technique. The Practical application boxes will include all the "tip" information in one place. •Alert/Caution: an icon with a screened box that highlights any contraindications or cautions that practitioners need to take while performing the techniques. •Think it Through: This feature will help the practitioner apply critical reasoning when assessing their clients and will be a main feature of the text. The goal of this feature is to bridge the pathologies in Part 1 with the techniques in Part 2. •Video will accompany the text Hands Heal: Communication, Documentation and Insurance Billing for Manual Therapists, Fourth Edition Diana L. Thompson, LMP August 2011/400pps/978-1-60913-387-0 Features: 4E Cover Coming Soon • NEW Additional forms for practitioners • NEW Fully updated throughout to include the latest forms and insurance-related information • NEW chapter on Research and Writing Case Reports • Case studies provide examples of communication and application of charting techniques • Includes student quiz bank for effective review • Reader-friendly sidebars throughout the text highlight critical information • Sample forms provide templates for use and correct documentation procedures Hands Heal Essentials: Documentation for Massage Therapists Diana L. Thompson, LMP 2005 / 175 pp./ 110 illustrations/978-0-7817-5758-4 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint slides •Instructor’s Manual •Test Generator Student Resources: •Intake Forms •Treatment Notes •Quiz Bank •Quick Reference Abbreviation List •Coverage of functionally-based outcomes in documentation •SOAP charting system specific for manual therapists •Completed sample forms provide examples of correct documentation procedures •Information on documentation for Energy Work, On-site Massage, and Relaxation and Spa Therapies •Three sidebars: - Bone Game - Story Teller - Wise One Speaks •Three case studies: Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, and Wellness Care •Five Appendices: Case Studies, New and Updated Blank Forms, Abbreviations, ICD-9 Coding for Self-Referred Patients, and Contact Information for Workers' Compensation and for Insurance Commissioners •HIPAA regulations •Case study demonstrating charting skills for on-site massage offers additional examples of communication and applications of charting techniques Therapeutic Chair Massage Ralph R. Stephens 2005/ 304 pp./ 250 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-4234-4 Features: •Of Special Interest boxes contain interesting but tangential information on a variety of topics •Experiential Exercises offer hands-on learning activities •Case Studies present hypothetical scenario with critical thinking questions that challenges the reader to apply information to real-life situations •Clinical Tips give brief snippets of clinical advice based on the author's experience •Contraindications list of conditions that prohibit or limit the use of a particular stroke or technique. •Key Terms are listed and defined at the beginning of each chapter •Chapter summaries •Chapter Objectives Pediatric Massage Therapy, Second Edition Mary Betts Sinclair 2004/ 240 pp./ 125 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-4219-1 Features: •Covers application of massage for children with special needs •Checklist Boxes give specific steps and further details on a key topic •Review Questions aid in self-review of material •Technique section provides step-by-step directions on performing massage techniques •Case studies and anecdotes draw from the experience of hands-on therapists working with children •Coverage of hydrotherapy •Over 650 references covering scientific studies and latest research on massage therapy •Caution sections alert to possible contraindications and situations that require special precautions •Discussion of normal growth and development in children •Full coverage of precautions of working with children •Table comparing adult physiological traits to children's traits and growth patterns Anatomy and Physiology: The Massage Connection, Third Edition Kalyani Premkumar, MBBS, MD, MSc, RMT February 1, 2011/592pps/450illus/978-0-7817-5922-9 Features: • NEW! A consistent style will be implemented with the art program to improve visual appeal • NEW! Ancillaries: for-sale study guide, thePoint instructor and student resource sites • NEW! The Third Edition will be streamlined so the content more closely aligns with a typical massage therapy A&P curriculum • Case Studies: At the end of each chapter, short case scenarios will demonstrate the applicability of chapter content to massage practice. Each case includes applicable questions. • Massage Connection: This section will appear at the end of each chapter. It will include a summary of how the chapter content relates specifically to massage. • Boxes: • What Ails You? These boxes will contain specific pathologies related to what a massage therapist may encounter in their practice. Ancillary Resources: • PowerPoint slides: 25-30 slides per chapter with images from the text • Lesson plans to accompany the text • Image Bank with labels on/labels off • Brownstone Test Generator • Table Talk: Includes short interesting facts, related to massage and anatomy • Complementary modalities: Different technique descriptions such as rolfing, acupuncture/acupressure, etc will be discussed • Assess Yourself! This box content will contain relevant activities that students can try on themselves. • Special Features: • Surface Anatomy/Landmarks (Updated!): There will be a separate section identifying bony and surface landmarks of the body following chapter three. All images will be placed in one place for improved accessibility. • Muscle Tables (Updated!): This popular feature in the 2nd edition will be updated and improved for the third edition. It will still appear following chapter 4, the Muscular System, but will have a new layout and new, updated images, and dynamic artwork showing muscle overlay. Aromatherapy for Massage Practitioners Ingrid Martin Ashmeade 2006 / 336 pp./ 140 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-5345-6 Features: Instructor Resources: •Lesson Plan •Image bank •PowerPoint slides •Test Generator •Online Course •Case studies present specific ailments in clinical scenarios, with proper aromatherapy and massage treatments. •Recipe Boxes provide directions for blending a variety of essential oils. •Activity boxes require students to apply skills and make decisions. •Essential oil monographs provide important information on the history and traditional uses, safety considerations, and most effective use in massage therapy of 50 individual essential oils. •Review questions in every chapter test the reader's knowledge. •Appendices include a reference of ailments and the most suitable essential oils for their treatment; a list of recommended essential oil suppliers; information on training courses in aromatherapy; and a list of suggested journals and Web sites Therapeutic Massage in Athletics Pat Archer, MS, ATC, LMT 2006/ 368 pp./ 400 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-4269-6 Features: Instructor Resources: •Lesson Plans •Image bank •PowerPoint slides •Test Generator •Online Course •Focused on the use of multiple modalities and incorporating treatment protocols for common athletic injuries and conditions •Numerous pictures of techniques •Includes both basic and specific treatment techniques, and can therefore be used for a wide variety of courses and educational levels •From the Field Boxes highlight quotes from professionals who practice sports massage, and include information on their experiences with treating or being treated with massage •Case Studies present a patient and his or her conditions, describing the treatment carried out and the results •Short answer style Review Questions appear at the end of each chapter •Stroke tables and anatomy diagrams provide specific guidelines and instructions •Provides techniques for the anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular, fascial, and circulatory/lymphatic systems with the rationales for how and why specific techniques are used Business Mastery, Fourth Edition Cherie Sohnen-Moe 2007/ 448 pp./ 978-0-9621265-7-4 Features: Instructor Resources: •Online Courses (36 Hour and 70 hour) •Teachers Manual •Test Bank •Business manual for massage therapists and body workers •Covers the major aspects of building and maintaining a successful practice •Introduces practical yet innovative methods to increase profits, develop a strong customer base, and enhance communications with clients •Topics include marketing, client retention, professionalism, referrals, business planning, insurance billing, ethics, and time-management, designing promotional material, networking and more •Numerous charts and checklists, as well as reproducible business forms •Information on other helpful resources is provided along with contact information for major health care professional associations, business organizations and independent living resources The Ethics of Touch Cherie M. Sohnen-Moe Ben E. Benjamin PhD 2004/ 310 pp./ 978-1-882908-40-0 Features: •Addresses the difficult, confusing, and seldomdiscussed but often-troubling dilemmas confronting touch therapy practitioners •Describes the issues, identifies clear principles, names specific resources, and uses stories straight from the treatment room •Features include useful and thought-provoking activities and exercises and real-life scenarios to intrigue students Instructor Resources: •Lesson Plan •COMTA •Teachers Manual Ethics for Massage Therapists Terrie Yardley-Nohr LMT 2006/ 288 pp./ 65 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-5339-5 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint Slides •Test Generator •Image Bank •Lesson Plans •Online Course •Guides students through the process of putting ethical standards into practice, and teaches them what will be expected of them in a professional setting •Prepares students for the multiple-choice section on ethics in the National Certification Exam •Useful role-playing exercises help students build critical thinking skills, apply knowledge, and prepare for ethical scenarios in a work environment •Guiding information for students to think about, and exercises to help determine client expectations and how to prepare for different situations that arise in practice •Example scenarios from working massage therapists help younger students (who lack "life experience") to understand ethical dilemmas •“Industry standard" information on ethics, and assists them in finding ways to work within those ethical parameters •Professional approach to subject matter Myofascial Massage Marian Wolfe Dixon MA, NCTMB, LMT 2006/ 240 pp./ 120 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-4832-2 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint Slides •Learning Objectives •Suggested Teaching Strategies •Sample Test questions and answers •Exquisite illustrations enhance learning and understanding by clarifying the techniques. •Protocol boxes recommend sequences to follow during actual myofascial massage sessions. •Guidelines provide useful strategies for implementing each myofascial approach and improving body mechanics and communication skills during client sessions. •First person experiences will add to the reader's overall understanding of the techniques and their uses. •Massage implications, included in each anatomy chapter (Chapters 2-4), help readers understand the influence of myofascial anatomy and physiology on practice. •Questions for discussion and review at the end of each chapter encourage readers to test their comprehension of the materials and think critically. Modern Hydrotherapy for the Massage Therapist Mary Betts Sinclair, LMT 2007/ 310 pp./ 250 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-9209-7 Features: Instructor Resources: •Image bank •PowerPoint slides •Test generator •Current research on the physiology of hydrotherapy and its medical applications •Simple explanations of how hydrotherapy affects the body •Demonstrations of many different hydrotherapy treatments •Suggestions for using hydrotherapy treatments before, during or after massage sessions. •Discussion of how to use hydrotherapy treatments for stress reduction and for a wide variety of injuries and chronic conditions. Examples and case studies are drawn from real therapists with real clients. •Directions for both you and your clients on how to use hydrotherapy treatments for self-care, and handouts for clients that explain how they can do the treatments at home. •Specific adjuncts that may be used with hydrotherapy treatments, such as essential oils, salts and herbs. •Explanations of how to locate and use hard-to-find hydrotherapy equipment Drug Handbook for Massage Therapists Jean M. Wible, RN, BSN, NCTMB, CHTP April 2008/ 592 pp./ 657 Tables/ 978-0-7817-6309-7 Features: Student Resources: •Animations of drug absorption, drug distribution, drug binding, and drug excretion •Appendix •Glossary •Author biography •Alphabetical, quick reference format •Over 650 drugs listed •Introductory section offers a series of questions to be answered based on deductive reasoning that is adaptable for clients taking one or many drugs •Covers medications regulated by the FDA as prescription or over-the-counter drugs •Drug entry includes: - Generic name - Pronunciation guide - Brand or trade names - Drug class - Drug actions (effects on the body) - Use (listing of disease, disorders, or symptoms the drug would be used to treat) - Side effects (unwanted or undesirable effects of the drug) •Tables include: - Onset - Peak - Duration - Massage contraindications Pharmacology for Massage Therapy Jean M. Wible RN, BSN, NCTMB, CHTP 2004 / 320 pp./ 75 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-4798-1 Features: Instructor Resources: •Image bank •PowerPoint slides •Test Generator •Standard format for each drug classification including: - Massage implications and assessment - Pharmacokinetics - Pharmacodynamics - Pharmacotherapeutics - Adverse reactions/warnings in pronounced "Side Effect" boxes - Commonly used drug names •A basic introduction to pharmacology and massage including drug effects on massage, cautions, and contraindications •Massage Implications and Assessment sections discuss the effect of the drugs, the changes that may be needed in applying massage, contraindications, and the effects of adverse reactions •Detailed Case Studies apply information in real-world scenarios •Adverse Reactions outline the most common side effects and adverse reactions •A Drug Index offers a convenient reference •Massage therapy drug assessment form •Domestic and Canadian drugs arranged by classification A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Business Laura Allen, NCTMB January 2011/ 304 pp./ 65 illus./ 978-1-58255-827-1 Features: • Instructor Resources: • • • • • Lesson Plans PowerPoint Slides Image Bank Sample Forms Test Bank/Generator • • • • There are several “driving” themed features; together with the design of the book, these emphasize the idea that the student/practitioner is on a journey, and is in control: • "Roadside Assistance" (advice from the author) • "Words of Wisdom" (1- or 2-sentence bits of general advice from author) • "Alternate Routes" (advice for non-entrepreneurs) • “Explorations” (boxed feature that prompts students to research specific issues in their communities) • “My Personal Journey” (journaling page to plan, consider obstacles, etc., with blanks for students to write on directly) In addition to the “businesslike” forms, letters, and other samples, the book includes humorous cartoons Chapter opening quote to inspire and set the tone for chapter Key Concepts (learning objectives) listed on chapter opener Glossary of key terms and definitions (end of book) One Year to a Successful Massage Therapy Practice Laura Allen, NCTMB 2008/ 220 pp./ 978-0-7817-7120-7 Features: •Inspirational Quotations about success •Personal anecdotes from successful massage therapists •An end of chapter journal outlining the week's goals, actions, and progress •Each chapter is a new, pro-active task •Each chapter represents one week in a year Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint slides •Lesson plans •Handouts •Template of a tri-fold brochure •Sample business card Student Resources: •Templates and handouts: - Sample intake form - Payment plan agreement - Business plan Outcome-Based Massage: From Evidence to Practice, Second Edition Carla-Krystin Andrade PhD, RPT Paul Clifford BSc, RMT February 2008/ 576 pp./ 267 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-6760-6 Features: Instructor Resources: •PowerPoint Presentations •Curriculum Guides offering customized sequences of chapters topics for programs of different lengths and levels •Test Generator •Image Collection Student Resources: •Video Clips of techniques and key concepts •Full Text Online •Student Quiz Bank •Content and material addresses licensure and credentialing requirements •Material is relevant to National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork pathology/the American Physical Therapy Association Required Skills of Physical Therapy Graduates examination •Step-by-step instructions guide how to select, sequence, and perform 17 most commonly used massage techniques •Integrates a wide variety of techniques into a single problem-solving format consistent with the APTA's "Guide to Physical Therapist Practice" •Case studies and critical thinking questions illustrate applications of theoretical concepts to basic and complex clinical cases, and more •Presents Evidence to Practice and Theory to Practice sequences •Interpersonal aspects of massage in clinical care, including the client-clinician relationship, ethical issues, and the client's emotional response to treatment •Separation of Basic and Advanced Content The Psychology of the Body Elliot Greene, MA, NCTMB Barbara Goodrich-Dunn 2003/ 365 pp./ 130 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-3782-1 Features: •Provides massage therapists and bodyworkers with a greater understanding of the psychological issues that can arise from using touch in their therapy sessions •Describes the connection between the body and the mind, how touch affects this connection, the client's emotional reaction and release, and how to respond to the client in an appropriate manner •Clearly defines the scope of practice in this area for massage therapists, and bodyworkers Instructor Resources: •Instructor’s Manual Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, Eleventh Edition Barbara Janson Cohen BA, MSEd 2008/617 pp./470 illus./Soft Cover:978-0-7817-9073-4/Hard Cover:978-0-7817-6577-0 Features: Instructor Resources: •LiveAdvise Online Teaching Advice •Lesson Plans •Instructor’s Manual •Image Bank •Teaching Strategies •Answers to Questions for Study and Review •Health Professions Career Information •PowerPoints with Images •Test Generator Student Resources: •LiveAdvise Tutoring •PASSport to Success •Audio Glossary •Health Professions Career Information •Tips for Effective Studying •Revised art and design helps engage students to easily learn A&P •Real dissection photographs from Rohen’s Color Atlas of Anatomy •Icons point students to activities on the CD or companion Website •New Case Scenarios integrated throughout each chapter shows students how content is applied to real-life situations •Feature boxes include: - Disease in Context boxes - Career Information boxes - Clinical Perspectives - Hot Topics boxes - Health Maintenance boxes Word Anatomy sections at the end of each chapter •Various end-of-chapter questions assist students in test recall, concept comprehension, and critical thinking •Checkpoint questions throughout each chapter help students review key points •“Zooming In” questions test student understanding of particular illustrations •Appendices - Metric Measurements - Common Lab Tests - Temperature Conversion Scale - Periodic Tables of Elements - Typical Diseases with their Causes Study Guide to Accompany Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, Eleventh Edition Barbara Janson Cohen BA, MSEd Kerry L. Hull 2008/416 pp./200 illus./978-0-7817-6581-7 Features: •Chapter overviews •Writing exercises •Coloring and labeling exercises •Concept maps •Practical application scenarios •Matching exercises •Short-essay questions Instructor Resources: •Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true-false questions •Answers to Study Guide •Updates on current research trials and applications are in the Instructor’s Manual that accompanies •Information on real-life anatomy and physiology in the text action Student Resources: •Health Professions Career Information •Tips for Effective Studying Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body, Eighth Edition Barbara Janson Cohen BA, MSEd Jason Taylor 2008/471 pp./289 illus./Soft Cover:978-0-7817-6595-4/ Hard Cover:978-0-7817-6588-6 Features: Instructor Resources: •LiveAdvise Online Teaching Advice •Lesson Plans •Instructor’s Manual •Image Bank •Teaching Strategies •Answers to Questions for Study & Review •Health Professions Career Information •PowerPoints with Images •Test Generator Student Resources: •LiveAdvise Tutoring •PASSport to Success •Audio Glossary •Health Professions Career Information •Tips for Effective Studying •Revised art and design helps engage students to easily learn A&P •Real dissection photographs from Rohen’s Color Atlas of Anatomy •Icons point students to activities on the CD or companion Website •New Case Scenarios integrated throughout each chapter shows students how content is applied to real-life situations •Feature boxes include: - A&P in Action boxes - A&P in Action Revisited boxes - Career Information boxes - Hot Topics boxes - Health Maintenance boxes - A Closer Look boxes •Word Anatomy sections at the end of each chapter •Various end-of-chapter questions assist students in test recall, concept comprehension, and critical thinking •Checkpoint questions throughout each chapter help students review key points •“Zooming In” questions test student understanding of particular illustrations •Outline summaries at the end of each chapter •Appendices - Metric Measurements - Temperature Conversion Scale - Periodic Tables of Elements Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body, Eighth Edition Barbara Janson Cohen BA, MSEd Kerry L. Hull 2005/352 pp./200 illus./978-0-7817-5185-8 Features: Instructor Resources: •Answers to Study Guide are in the Instructor’s Manual that accompanies the text Student Resources: •Health Professions Career Information •Tips for Effective Studying •Chapter overviews •Writing exercises •Coloring and labeling exercises •Concept maps •Practical application scenarios •Matching exercises •Short-essay questions •Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true-false questions •Updates on current research trials and applications •Information on real-life anatomy and physiology in action Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Seventh Edition Stedman’s 2011/ 2512 pp./ 1000 illus./ 978-1-60831-692-2 Features: Ancillary Assets: • More than 40,000 pronunciations online • 5,600 illustrations available online • • • • • • • • • Over 56,000 terms Nearly 65 valuable appendices 1,000 illustrations Anatomical insert by Anatomical Chart Company Written pronunciations for every term British alternative spellings Precision-cut thumb tabs A to Z organization for easier look up Over 70 leading consultants from the fastest growing nursing and health professions contributed to the enhancements of this latest edition • FREE One year subscription to Stedman’s Online • FREE version of Stedman’s PLUS Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker ($99 value) Coloring Atlas of the Human Body Kerry Hull, PhD February 2009/ 248 pp./ 250 illus./ 978-0-7817-6530-5 Features: Student Resources: •Bonus study and test taking tips •Additional coloring exercises •Follows a Systems Approach so it can be used with any traditional Anatomy and Physiology text •Introductory chapter summarizes fundamental concepts in anatomy, cell biology, histology, and microbiology •Coloring plates consist of a narrative page and a figure page •Accompanying flashcards located at the back of the book to assist students who have trouble remembering difficult content LWW’s Student Success for Health Professions Made Incredibly Easy, Second Edtiion Lippincott Williams & Wilkins February 2011/ 326 pp./ 173 illustrations/ 978-1-60913-784-7 Features: Instructor Resources: •Test Bank •Syllabi for 8-week, 10-week, and 16-week courses •PowerPoint presentations •Strategies for effective teaching •Chapter-specific teaching tips •WebCT/BB/Angel course cartridges Student Resources: •Learning styles assessment •Self-Paced Online Course •“Playing for Real” narratives •Printable planner pages •Sample cover letters and resumes •Career resource links • Revised and updated with a more user-friendly organization and design, but retains the health professions focus, the concise and approachable narrative, and the fun features and art. • The first and only student success text designed specifically for health professions students and programs! •Self-Paced Online Course with activities and a final exam • Winning Strategy Lists set forth the objectives for the chapter • Playing for Real Scenarios: show students how content is applied to real-life situations in the classroom and in clinical practice • Tips from the Pros offer expert advice and proven strategies for overcoming study and test-taking problems • The Finish Line Summaries highlight the key concepts and skills that students need to master • Keeping Score Questions and Activities challenge students to consider how they will apply the content Communication Skills for the Health Professional Laurie Kelly McCorry, PhD Jeff Mason February 2011/ 256 pp./ 50 illus./ 978-1-58255-814-1 Features: • Presents the fundamentals of communication skills geared specifically for students in the allied health professions • Includes a clear, concise presentation of the principles of communication theory as well as verbal and nonverbal communication • Instructs the health care professional on communicating with patients whose ability may be impacted by anxiety, cultural differences, language differences and other situations. • Organized into three main sections outlining basic communication principles and their uses in clinical and administrative settings • Chapters on cultural sensitivity, adapting communication to adjust to a patient’s ability to understand, and dealing with other roadblocks provide students with techniques to handle many situations that they will encounter as a healthcare professional. • Role Play boxes interspersed throughout the chapters teach students how to work through various scenarios that they may encounter in practice. • Clinical applications, included in each chapter, offer more complex scenarios to aid the students in developing the critical thinking skills they will need to apply in practice. Stedman’s Pocket Guide to Medical Language Stedman’s October 2008 / 352 pp./ 25 illus./ 978-0-7817-9981-2 Features: Ancillary Asset: •Bonus CD-ROM includes: - Image Bank - Audio Pronunciation drills - Spanish-English pronunciation glossary •Portable reference •16-page full-color anatomy atlas •Full-color design with printed tabs to quickly orient the reader •Quick reference lists •Quick reference tables •Spanish-English content •Audio pronunciations on CD-ROM including Spanish •Image Bank •Dedicated sections focus on commonly confused terminology (including drug names), abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols Step by Step Massage Therapy Protocols Cover Coming Soon Step By Step Massage Therapy Protocols for Common Conditions: LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series Charlotte Michael Versagi August 15, 2011/352pps/65illus./978-0-7817-8715-4 No features available