2014 FCA Corn Plots - Farmer`s Co
2014 FCA Corn Plots - Farmer`s Co
Farmers Cooperative Association FCA Plot Results Corn Plots FCA Agronomy Center Corn * Grower Name: * Help Header Section (YouTube) 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report Help Detail Section (YouTube) 2014 COMBINED PLOT Retail Account #: * State: * City: Canby MN * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 YMC County: R E Q U I R E D Insight Trials By WinfieldTM * SAA Name: Redding, Tom Crop: * Prev Crop: I N F O * Lattitude: INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Strip Trial Plot Type: CORN 1: Soybeans 2: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average Tillage Type: Conventional K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 Yes * Brand Comments Enter Comments Here P205: No Harvested: No. Soil Information Organic Matter %: Planting Pop: * Harvest Date: C H K Help with Lat Long * Longitude: * Planting Date: * Irrigated: Entry FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Treatment Foliar Fungicide * Harvest Weight * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Harvest Pop. Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ lbs/bu 15.5% mst * $/Acre * Yield * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 3,765 19.8 30 674 7.3 55.5 226.0 $ 732.61 4 5 2 CROPLAN 3399SS/RIB GENSS 3,559 17.4 30 673 7.3 56.5 220.3 $ 746.04 8 3 3 NK Brand N31H-3000GT AS3000GT 2 PLOTS 2,948 17.6 30 625 7 56 204.4 $ 689.80 18 10 4 CROPLAN 3164SS/RIB GENSS 1 PLOT 3,946 14.5 30 777 7.3 57 219.0 $ 766.57 9 1 5 Mycogen 2G365 AS3122 3,092 19.0 30 671 7.3 54.5 188.3 $ 619.41 24 23 6 NK Brand SG3482-3111 AS3111 3,443 19.6 30 674 7.3 55 207.2 $ 674.11 17 14 7 Mycogen 2V357 SSX/LL/RR2 3,170 16.9 30 677 7.3 56.6 196.3 $ 670.46 22 16 8 CROPLAN 3424VT3P/RIB GENVT3P 3,569 16.7 30 678 7.3 56.9 221.2 $ 758.20 7 2 9 Mycogen 2Y479 SSX/LL/RR2 3,579 20.1 30 679 7.3 54.3 212.4 $ 684.88 11 11 10 CROPLAN 3611SS GENSS 4,646 23.0 30 770 8 54.7 213.8 $ 652.22 10 19 Mycogen 2V489 SSX/LL/RR2 3,422 20.5 30 678 7.3 53.8 202.4 $ 647.66 21 20 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 3,733 19.3 30 681 7.3 55 223.1 $ 730.09 5 6 13 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 3,733 19.3 30 681 7.3 55 223.1 $ 730.09 5 6 14 NK Brand N42Z-3111A AS3111A 3,553 20.3 30 681 7.3 54.6 209.7 $ 673.69 14 15 15 Mycogen 2A509 SSX/LL/RR2 3,661 21.9 30 682 7.3 54.4 211.5 $ 658.94 12 18 16 CROPLAN 4276SS GENSS 3,789 19.6 30 679 7.3 55 226.3 $ 736.39 3 4 17 NK Brand S14282-3110 AS3110 3,559 19.8 30 683 7.3 55.4 210.8 $ 683.40 13 13 18 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 3,925 21.4 30 683 7.3 55.5 227.8 $ 716.77 2 8 19 NK Brand N49W-3000GT AS3000GT 3,502 21.1 30 684 7.3 54.5 203.8 $ 644.69 19 21 20 CROPLAN 4822VT3/P GENSS 5,176 25.7 30 775 8 54.5 228.4 $ 659.62 1 17 21 Mycogen 2D599 SSX/LL/RR2 3,003 21.2 30 640 7 54 194.5 $ 614.21 23 24 22 CROPLAN 5146SS/RIB GENSS 3,477 18.4 30 685 7.3 56.2 208.9 $ 694.88 15 9 23 NK Brand N45P-3011A AS3011A 3,552 22.0 30 686 7.3 55.4 203.7 $ 633.56 20 22 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 3,521 19.2 30 688 7.3 55.4 208.6 $ 683.72 16 12 1 x 11 12 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 x x 1 PLOT 1 PLOT Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: Brad Miller * SAA Name: MN * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56280 Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Crop: Soil Information CORN 1: 2: Organic Matter %: * Planting Date: 5/16/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Planting Pop: 33,000 Soil Drainage: Well Drained Tillage Type: Conventional K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: Yes Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 10/24/2014 * Brand Comments Enter Comments Here P205: No Harvested: C H K Help with Lat Long Soybeans * Harvest Date: No. * Lattitude: * Longitude: * Prev Crop: * Irrigated: Entry FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Porter County: R E Q U I R E D Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 4099SS GENSS 1,920 18.9 30 470 6 203.3 $ 670.14 3 2 CROPLAN 3399SS GENSS 1,788 16.1 30 472 6 195.0 $ 675.64 10 3 3 NK Brand N31H3000GT AS3111 1,680 16.9 30 474 6 180.8 $ 617.45 17 15 4 Mycogen 2G365 HXT/LL/RR2 1,526 17.2 30 476 6 162.9 $ 553.55 20 20 5 NK Brand SG3482-3111 AS3111 1,674 18.8 30 478 6 174.5 $ 576.25 19 17 6 Mycogen 2V357 SSX/LL/RR2 1,676 15.6 30 480 6 180.9 $ 631.90 16 13 7 CROPLAN 3499VT3 GENVT3P 1,866 15.8 30 482 6 200.0 $ 696.56 6 1 8 Mycogen 2Y479 SSX/LL/RR2 1,856 18.1 30 484 6 192.7 $ 644.52 12 11 1 x 6 9 CROPLAN 4276SS GENSS 1,988 17.9 30 486 6 206.1 $ 691.67 2 2 10 Mycogen X1440253 HXT/LL/RR2 1,908 18.4 30 488 6 195.8 $ 651.21 9 10 11 CROPLAN 4099SS GENSS 1,984 18.5 30 490 6 202.5 $ 672.35 5 4 12 NK Brand N42Z3111 AS3111 1,966 18.7 30 492 6 199.4 $ 659.52 8 9 13 Mycogen 2A509 SSX/LL/RR2 1,958 20.4 30 494 6 193.6 $ 620.75 11 14 14 NK Brand 314585-3110 AS3110 2,022 18.9 30 496 6 202.9 $ 668.74 4 7 15 CROPLAN 4199SS GENSS 2,130 20.8 30 498 6 207.9 $ 661.50 1 8 16 NK Brand N49W30064 AS3000GT 1,866 22.1 30 500 6 178.4 $ 553.80 18 19 17 Mycogen 2D599 SSX/LL/RR2 1,988 23.2 30 502 6 186.6 $ 567.04 15 18 18 CROPLAN 5146SS GENSS 1,888 17.5 30 504 6 189.7 $ 641.05 14 12 19 NK Brand N45P-3011 AS3011 2,030 22.4 30 506 6 191.1 $ 589.60 13 16 CROPLAN 4099SS GENSS 1,772 17.8 30 447 6 200.0 $ 672.32 7 5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 x Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: Dave Driessen * SAA Name: INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: Soybeans 2: Organic Matter %: * Planting Date: 5/23/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 34,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Brand Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Harvest Date: C H K * Lattitude: * Longitude: * Prev Crop: * Irrigated: No. FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Strip Trial Tillage Type: Entry * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom Crop: I N F O MN Yellow Medicine Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 4099SS GENSS 4,286 16.6 30 777 8 56 211.7 $ 727.13 2 3 2 CROPLAN 3399SS GENSS 4,118 15.2 30 777 8 57 206.9 $ 724.01 6 4 3 CROPLAN 3164SS GENSS 3,946 14.5 30 777 8 57 199.9 $ 699.49 7 7 4 Mycogen 2G365 SSX/LL/RR2 3,746 18.8 30 777 8 55 180.2 $ 594.97 20 20 5 NK Brand SB3482-3111 SSX/LL/RR2 4,010 17.8 30 777 8 56 195.3 $ 656.46 9 12 6 Mycogen 2V357 SSX/LL/RR2 3,878 16.5 30 777 8 56 191.8 $ 659.85 15 10 7 CROPLAN 3499VT3 GENVT3P 4,160 15.0 30 777 8 57 209.5 $ 733.12 5 1 8 Mycogen 2Y479 SSX/LL/RR2 3,970 17.4 30 777 8 55 194.3 $ 657.73 10 11 1 x 9 CROPLAN 4276SS GENSS 4,280 16.8 30 777 8 56 210.9 $ 721.84 3 5 10 Mycogen X1440253 SSX/LL/RR2 3,816 17.5 30 777 8 55 186.5 $ 630.34 18 17 11 CROPLAN 4099SS GENSS 4,290 16.4 30 777 8 56 212.4 $ 732.10 1 2 12 NK Brand N42Z-3111 AS3111 4,018 18.5 30 777 8 55 194.0 $ 644.02 11 14 13 Mycogen 2A509 SSX/LL/RR2 3,822 18.8 30 777 8 54 183.8 $ 607.04 19 19 14 NK Brand S14582-3110 AS3110 4,032 18.9 30 777 8 55 193.7 $ 638.44 12 16 15 CROPLAN 4199SS GENSS 4,298 17.3 30 777 8 56 210.6 $ 714.20 4 6 16 NK Brand N49W3000 AS3000GT 3,878 17.4 30 777 8 55 189.7 $ 642.49 17 15 17 Mycogen 2D599 SSX/LL/RR2 4,016 19.2 30 777 8 54 192.2 $ 630.10 14 18 18 CROPLAN 5146SS GENSS 3,848 15.2 30 777 8 57 193.3 $ 676.54 13 9 19 NK Brand N45P-3011 AS3011 3,860 16.8 30 777 8 56 190.2 $ 651.00 16 13 CROPLAN 4099SS AS3111 4,004 16.4 30 777 8 56 198.3 $ 683.29 8 8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 x Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: Donn & Gary Peterson * SAA Name: Crop: * Planting Date: C H K Soil Information 2: Organic Matter %: 5/5/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: 35,000 Tillage Type: Conventional K20: * Soil Type: 15.5 * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/9/2014 Yes Validate Hybrids * Hybrid Comments Enter Comments Here P205: No * Brand Help with Lat Long 1: Well Drained Harvested: * Lattitude: * Longitude: CORN Planting Pop: * Harvest Date: No. INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Soybeans Soil Drainage: * Irrigated: FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Strip Trial * Prev Crop: Entry * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom Plot Type: I N F O MN Yellow Medicine County: R E Q U I R E D Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 5,088 23.8 30 775 8 54.8 230.3 $ 691.23 2 3 2 CROPLAN 3399SS/RIB GENSS 4,772 20.8 30 769 8 55.8 226.2 $ 719.80 6 2 3 NK Brand N31H-3000GT AS3000GT 4,216 18.2 30 775 8 54.9 204.8 $ 683.68 18 6 4 Mycogen 2G365 SSX/LL/RR2 4,004 20.9 30 760 8 53.8 191.8 $ 609.19 20 19 5 NK Brand SG2482-3111 AS3111 4,644 22.1 30 765 8 54.4 217.7 $ 675.62 11 7 6 Mycogen 2V357 SSX/LL/RR2 3,956 18.7 30 775 8 54.5 191.0 $ 631.86 21 18 7 CROPLAN 3499VT3P/RIB GENVT3P 4,682 19.3 30 775 8 56.7 224.4 $ 734.23 8 1 8 Mycogen 2Y479 SSX/LL/RR2 4,912 24.8 30 775 8 53.7 219.4 $ 645.40 9 15 1 x 9 CROPLAN 3611SS/RIB GENSS 4,646 23.0 30 770 8 54.7 213.8 $ 652.22 15 13 10 Mycogen X14402 SSX/LL/RR2 4,542 25.5 30 770 8 52.6 202.3 $ 586.58 19 20 11 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 4,926 22.9 30 775 8 53.8 225.6 $ 689.31 7 4 12 NK Brand N42Z-3111A AS3111A 4,674 23.8 30 775 8 54.1 211.5 $ 634.99 16 17 13 Mycogen 2A509 SSX/LL/RR2 5,204 26.6 30 775 8 54.2 226.9 $ 642.90 5 16 14 NK Brand S14282-3110 AS3110 4,622 21.6 30 775 8 55.7 215.2 $ 674.46 14 9 15 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 5,348 26.0 30 775 8 54.9 235.0 $ 674.55 1 8 16 NK Brand N49W-3000GT AS3000GT 4,762 23.7 30 775 8 53.9 215.8 $ 649.09 13 14 17 CROPLAN 4267SS GENSS 5,100 24.1 30 775 8 54 229.9 $ 686.00 3 5 18 CROPLAN 4822VT3/P GENVT3P Wet 5,176 25.7 30 775 8 54.5 228.4 $ 659.62 4 12 19 CROPLAN 5146SS/RIB GENSS Wet 4,694 22.5 30 775 8 55.4 216.1 $ 665.44 12 10 20 NK Brand N45P-3011A AS3011A Wet 4,766 26.9 30 775 8 54.8 206.9 $ 582.66 17 21 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS Wet 4,788 23.3 30 775 8 54.8 218.1 $ 661.29 10 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 x Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. MN * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56264 Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Strip Trial Crop: * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: Corn 2: Organic Matter %: 5/15/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 34,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average * Prev Crop: * Planting Date: Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/24/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Ken and Austin Muhl Minneota Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank 1 CROPLAN 4199SS GENSS 7,522 16.2 30 2002 8 57.9 144.9 $ 501.13 5 4 2 CROPLAN 3399SS GENVT3P 2,814 15.4 30 1994 3 57.9 146.5 $ 512.88 3 3 3 CROPLAN 3499SS GENVT3P 3,492 14.9 30 1994 4 59.4 137.2 $ 480.16 10 8 4 CROPLAN 3699VT3P GENVT2P 3,240 14.3 30 1924 4 59 132.9 $ 464.98 12 11 5 CROPLAN 3899VT2P GENVT2P 3,752 15.2 30 1982 4 57.1 147.8 $ 517.21 2 1 6 CROPLAN 4199SS GENSS 3,714 16.9 30 1982 4 58.9 143.3 $ 489.67 6 7 7 CROPLAN 4276SS GENSS 3,476 17.5 30 1982 4 57.3 133.2 $ 450.18 11 12 8 CROPLAN 4099SS AS3111 3,612 15.6 30 1990 4 56.4 141.0 $ 492.72 7 6 9 CROPLAN 4975VT3P GENVT2P 3,408 17.1 30 1990 4 57.3 130.7 $ 444.87 13 13 10 CROPLAN 4199SS GENSS 3,626 17.4 30 2000 4 57.1 137.9 $ 466.78 8 10 11 CROPLAN 5146SS AS3111 3,570 16.2 30 2000 4 59.7 137.7 $ 476.16 9 9 12 CROPLAN 4199SS GENSS 3,780 16.9 30 1990 4 57.5 145.3 $ 496.36 4 5 13 CROPLAN 5412SS GENVT2P 4,282 19.8 30 1990 4 58.2 158.9 $ 515.02 1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2014 Harvest Results Wally Lipinski - Corn Grain Plot County : Yellow Medicine Harvested: 10/21/2014 Canby, MN Planted: 5/7/2014 Territory: 9A Price/Bu $3.00 Herbicide: Insecticide: Fertility: -Plot Comments: Company Hybrid Mycogen Mycogen %H2O Yield (Bu/Ac) Yield Rank Gross $/Acre $ Rank 2K395 18.0 153.4 11 $437 8 2V357 18.1 161.6 7 $460 5 Mycogen 2K395 18.7 143.2 15 $403 11 Mycogen 2Y479 22.3 144.7 14 $381 15 Mycogen 2T498 21.5 145.7 12 $390 13 Mycogen X14402S3 21.8 183.1 2 $487 2 Mycogen X13324GS 22.7 182.5 3 $477 4 Mycogen 2K395 21.1 159.2 9 $429 10 Pioneer P0062 19.3 174.9 4 $487 3 DeKalb DKC49-29 18.7 188.9 1 $532 1 Mycogen 2A509 22.1 145.6 13 $385 14 Mycogen 2A557 23.3 139.2 16 $360 16 Mycogen X13534VH 24.1 153.9 10 $392 12 Mycogen 2J570 22.1 167.1 6 $442 7 Mycogen 2D599 24.2 170.0 5 $432 9 Mycogen 2K395 19.5 160.1 8 $444 6 21.1 160.8 Plot Averages: Cost/Point Drying $0.05 Irrigation: No Soil Texture: Row Width: 30 Trait Relative Maturity Test Weight % Stalk Lodge % Root Lodge Population $434 The information contained in this Yield Result Summary is presented in good faith. Mycogen Seeds, however, makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the completeness or the accuracy of the information contained in this Yield Result Summary. ®™ Mycogen and the Mycogen logo are trademarks of the Mycogen Corporation. © 2014 Mycogen Seeds. Mycogen is an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences, LLC. Page 1 of 1 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Strip Trial Crop: * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: Soybeans 2: Organic Matter %: 6/7/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 33,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average * Planting Date: Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/21/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: * Hybrid Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom * Prev Crop: I N F O MN Lincoln Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Wally Lipinski LCSG Plot Canby Help Header Section (YouTube) Seed Trt Traits $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * $/Acre * Yield * Income Rank Rank 1 Pioneer P9526 HX1LLRR2 2,432 17.7 30 669 6 56.2 183.6 $ 618.39 12 6 2 Dekalb DKC44-13RIB GENVT3PRIB 2,652 17.3 30 669 6 56.5 201.2 $ 682.43 2 2 3 Wensman W90967STXRIB GENSS 2,356 17.6 30 614 6 55.7 194.0 $ 654.68 4 3 4 Viking VS96-578 2,524 17.6 30 614 6 57.2 207.9 $ 701.37 1 1 5 Pioneer 9703 AM RR2 2,404 16.5 30 669 6 54.9 184.1 $ 633.44 10 5 6 Gold Country 98-38RSS GENSS 2,484 18.6 30 669 6 55.5 185.5 $ 614.69 9 8 7 Producers Hybrid 5898STXRIB GENSS 2,416 20.8 30 669 6 52.7 175.5 $ 558.53 14 16 8 Golden Harvest 98Y58 3000GT12 AS3000GT 2,342 20.1 30 669 6 52.1 171.7 $ 553.42 16 17 9 Pioneer P9526AMX AMX/LL/RR2/AQ 2,306 18.6 30 669 6 57.2 172.2 $ 570.64 15 13 10 Wensman W9288STXRIB GENSS 2,606 20.1 30 669 6 54.6 191.0 $ 615.80 5 7 11 Gold Country 99-52RSS GENSS 2,406 19.0 30 669 6 57.9 178.8 $ 588.17 13 11 12 CROPLAN 40-99SSRIB GENSS 2,634 19.5 30 669 6 55.3 194.5 $ 634.10 3 4 13 Golden Harvest 01P52 3011A AS3011A 2,606 21.1 30 669 6 55 188.6 $ 596.78 7 10 14 Pioneer P0193AMX HXXLLRR2 2,414 22.8 30 669 6 51 171.0 $ 523.46 17 18 15 CROPLAN 41-99SSRIB GENSS 2,606 23.0 30 669 6 55 184.1 $ 561.42 11 14 16 Dekalb DKC52-48STX GENSSRIB 2,570 20.5 30 669 6 54.7 187.4 $ 599.76 8 9 17 Producers Hybrid 63-18STXRIB GENVT3P 2,664 22.3 30 669 6 54.9 189.9 $ 587.11 6 12 18 Pioneer P9526AMX AMX/LL/RR2/AQ 2,300 19.1 30 669 6 55.1 170.7 $ 560.54 18 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: 2: Organic Matter %: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Planting Pop: 34,000 Soil Drainage: Average K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 11/3/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: * Brand * Lattitude: * Longitude: Soybeans * Planting Date: Tillage Type: FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Side By Side Crop: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom * Prev Crop: I N F O MN YMC Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Dave Driessen Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank Pioneer P0533AM1 AM1LLRR2 5,370 17.5 30 1015 8 56.9 200.9 $ 679.04 8 8 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 5,446 17.5 30 1015 8 58.5 203.7 $ 688.65 6 7 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 5,354 16.9 30 1015 8 60.9 201.8 $ 689.20 7 6 Pioneer P0533AM1 AM1LLRR2 5,290 17.4 30 1015 8 57.1 198.1 $ 670.92 9 9 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 5,298 15.6 30 1005 8 57 204.8 $ 715.52 5 5 Pioneer P9834AMX AMX/LL/RR2 5,448 15.7 30 1005 8 58.2 210.3 $ 733.65 3 3 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 5,364 15.6 30 1005 8 58.3 207.3 $ 724.44 4 4 Pioneer P9834AM1 AM1LLRR2 5,486 15.4 30 1005 8 57.4 212.6 $ 743.95 1 1 CROPLAN 4099SS/RIB GENSS 5,422 15.2 30 1005 8 58.3 210.6 $ 737.01 2 2 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 18,146 17.1 30 3529 8 57.8 196.2 $ 667.86 10 10 Pioneer P0533AM1 AM1LLRR2 17,272 17.4 30 3539 8 57.5 185.5 $ 628.26 13 13 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 18,034 17.0 30 3559 8 57.6 193.6 $ 660.10 11 11 Pioneer P0533AM1 AM1LLRR2 17,694 17.4 30 3569 8 57.4 188.5 $ 638.20 12 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Side By Side * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: * Prev Crop: Soybeans 2: Organic Matter %: * Planting Date: 4/26/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 34,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/10/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom Crop: I N F O MN YMC Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Gary Driessen Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 4975VT3 GENVT3P 10,148 17.3 30 2375 8 25,000 57.7 162.6 $ 551.69 7 6 CROPLAN 4033VT3 GENVT3P 11,602 17.7 30 2375 8 25,000 56.2 185.0 $ 623.24 5 5 CROPLAN 4975VT3 GENVT3P 9,754 18.3 30 2375 8 25,000 59.1 154.4 $ 514.59 8 8 CROPLAN 4033VT3 GENVT3P 10,332 18.0 30 2375 8 25,000 58.1 164.2 $ 550.04 6 7 Mycogen 2V489 SSXRA 11,674 16.5 30 2412 8 34,000 54.4 186.0 $ 639.88 3 4 Mycogen 2A509 SSXRA 12,416 18.0 30 2412 8 34,000 54.1 194.3 $ 650.84 2 2 Mycogen 2V489 SSXRA 11,632 16.3 30 2412 8 34,000 55.8 185.8 $ 641.34 4 3 Mycogen 2A509 SSXRA 13,226 16.9 30 2412 8 34,000 57.6 209.7 $ 716.45 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: 2: Organic Matter %: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Planting Pop: 33,000 Soil Drainage: Average K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/18/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: * Brand * Lattitude: * Longitude: Soybeans * Planting Date: Tillage Type: FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Side By Side Crop: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56280 Redding, Tom * Prev Crop: I N F O MN YMC Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Porter County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Ken Evejen Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 3899VT2 GENVT2P WER34 1,832 18.4 30 560 6 55.1 163.8 $ 544.88 2 1 Mycogen EX135354 GENVT2P WER34 1,856 22.4 30 570 6 53.4 155.1 $ 478.53 3 4 Wensman 8294H2R1B GENVT2P WER34 1,714 16.1 30 578 6 57.5 152.7 $ 528.90 4 3 CROPLAN 3499VT3 GENVT3P ALT5 5,580 20.2 30 1909 6 56.7 143.1 $ 460.65 7 8 CROPLAN 3499VT3 GENVT3P ALT5 5,582 20.1 30 1849 6 56.6 148.0 $ 477.25 5 5 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS GREEN WER 22 2,164 21.6 30 604 6 54.7 172.4 $ 540.24 1 2 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS YELLOW WER 22 2,532 20.5 30 842 6 55.5 146.7 $ 469.48 6 6 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS RED WER 22 1,406 17.8 30 512 6 57.4 138.5 $ 465.73 8 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 MN * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Crop: * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: Corn 2: Organic Matter %: 6/9/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 33,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average * Prev Crop: * Planting Date: Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/15/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: * Hybrid Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Mark and Lyndon Giese Canby Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank LG SEEDS LG5427 CONV 8,656 17.9 30 2335 6 57.4 186.8 $ 626.83 2 1 Channel 196-05-VT2 GENVT2P 8,888 19.8 30 2335 6 55.3 187.3 $ 607.37 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: 2: Organic Matter %: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Planting Pop: Average Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 11/6/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: * Brand * Lattitude: * Longitude: Soybeans * Planting Date: Soil Drainage: FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Strip Trial Crop: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom * Prev Crop: I N F O MN YMC Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Mike Prokop Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS W/Starter 9,468 20.1 30 2459 6 56.1 188.8 $ 608.69 1 1 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS WO/ Starter 9,302 21.3 30 2459 6 54.2 182.7 $ 575.88 2 4 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 8,076 19.1 30 2208 6 56.3 181.6 $ 596.35 3 2 Wensman W70975 7,304 16.0 30 2208 6 57 170.5 $ 591.73 4 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Crop: Organic Matter %: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: 32,000 K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/18/2014 Yes Validate Hybrids * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Brand Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional Harvested: x Soil Information 2: Average * Harvest Date: C H K Help with Lat Long 1: Planting Pop: * Irrigated: No. * Lattitude: * Longitude: CORN Soil Drainage: Tillage Type: FCA Soybeans * Planting Date: Entry * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O MN YMC * Prev Crop: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D 1 Orville Gubrud Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 3499VT3 GENVT2P 6,842 16.8 30 2440 4 58.3 214.8 $ 734.92 1 1 Pioneer P9526 HX1LLRR2 6,486 18.2 30 2440 4 57 200.2 $ 668.14 4 3 Pioneer P0062 AS3000GT 6,324 17.7 30 2440 4 54.9 196.4 $ 661.33 5 5 CROPLAN 4199SS/RIB GENSS 7,130 21.3 30 2440 4 53.4 211.7 $ 667.27 2 4 Dekalb DKC44-13 GENVT3PRIB 6,532 18.4 30 2440 4 55.6 201.1 $ 668.82 3 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 SD * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 57218 Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Crop: * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: Soybeans 2: Organic Matter %: 6/6/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 30,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average * Prev Crop: * Planting Date: Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/15/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: * Hybrid Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Ron Tvedt Brandt Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank LG SEEDS LG5427 CONV Insecticide 5,186 22.2 30 650 12 54.9 190.5 $ 590.07 3 4 LG SEEDS LG5470 CONV Insecticide 5,282 22.8 30 650 12 53.7 192.5 $ 589.43 2 5 LG SEEDS LG2414 CONV Insecticide 4,652 19.2 30 620 12 54.8 186.0 $ 609.80 4 2 LG SEEDS LG5499 CONV Insecticide 6,604 21.4 30 1602 6 54.2 198.8 $ 625.57 1 1 LG SEEDS LG5427 CONV Insecticide 5,926 19.0 30 1602 6 55.7 183.9 $ 604.97 5 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 SD * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 57218 Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Crop: * Prev Crop: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: 2: Organic Matter %: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Planting Pop: 30,000 Soil Drainage: Average Tillage Type: * Lattitude: * Longitude: Soybeans * Planting Date: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/15/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Brandt County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Ron Tvedt Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank Pioneer P9526 HX1LLRR2 untreated 5,176 23.6 30 1337 6 54 181.5 $ 547.08 2 4 Dekalb DKC38-04 GENVT2PRIB untreated 4,642 18.5 30 1357 6 56.7 171.1 $ 568.03 4 2 Dekalb DKC38-04 GENVT2PRIB treated 4,762 18.7 30 1349 6 56.8 176.1 $ 582.62 3 1 CROPLAN 3499VT2 GENVT2P treated 5,496 24.1 30 1349 6 56.8 189.8 $ 566.28 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. 1 FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Side By Side * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: * Prev Crop: Soybeans 2: Organic Matter %: * Planting Date: 4/20/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: Varible 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/10/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56291 Redding, Tom Crop: I N F O MN Lyon Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Taunton County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Ron Vlaminck Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank CROPLAN 3899VT2P/RIB GENVT2P 3,800 16.4 30 981 8 57.5 149.1 $ 513.63 1 1 CROPLAN 3337VT2P/RIB GENVT2P 3,640 15.2 30 981 8 57.2 144.8 $ 506.89 3 3 Channel 195-58 GENSS 3,700 15.9 30 981 8 57.4 146.0 $ 507.48 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. MN * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Side By Side Crop: * Prev Crop: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: 2: Organic Matter %: 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): 4: Soil pH: Planting Pop: 32,000 Soil Drainage: Average Tillage Type: * Lattitude: * Longitude: Soybeans * Planting Date: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/24/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) Plot Type: I N F O Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Curt Huseck Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank 1 CROPLAN 3499VT3 GENVT3P 1,940 17.7 30 591 6 57 165.8 $ 558.39 2 2 2 Dekalb DKC4812 GENSSRIB 1,890 17.4 30 516 6 56.6 185.7 $ 628.68 1 1 3 Pioneer P9305 AM/LL/RR2 1,610 17.7 30 516 6 56 157.6 $ 530.76 4 4 5 CROPLAN 3424VT3 GENVT3P 2,350 16.2 30 750 6 59 161.1 $ 557.22 3 3 6 Pioneer P9366 AM/LL/RR2 2,250 17.3 30 750 6 56.8 152.3 $ 516.46 5 5 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Insight Trials By WinfieldTM 2014 Corn Planting & Harvest Report * Grower Name: * * City: * SAA Name: No. FCA Enter Lat Long in Decimal format ex. (45.12345 -89.12345) INSIGHT_SETS (Click Field Pick from List) Side By Side * Lattitude: * Longitude: Help with Lat Long Soil Information CORN 1: * Prev Crop: Soybeans 2: Organic Matter %: * Planting Date: 5/15/2014 3: N-P-K (lb/ac): Planting Pop: 34,000 4: Soil pH: Soil Drainage: Average Tillage Type: K20: * Market Price: * Drying Charge: 10/23/2014 Yes Harvested: Validate Hybrids * Brand * Hybrid * Soil Type: 15.5 No * Harvest Date: Comments Enter Comments Here P205: Conventional * Irrigated: C H K * Retail Coop Name: Zip: 56220 Redding, Tom Crop: I N F O MN YMC Plot Type: Help Detail Section (YouTube) Retail Account #: * State: Canby County: R E Q U I R E D Entry Tom Briggs Help Header Section (YouTube) Traits Seed Trt $3.50 /Bu. Manure Type: $0.06 /Bu. Man. Gal/Tn/Ac Agronomic Foliar * Harvest * Harvest * Row * Row * Nbr Harvest Tst Wt. * Bu/Acre @ Treatment Fungicide Weight Moist% Width(in) Length(Ft) Rows Pop. lbs/bu 15.5% mst * Yield * $/Acre * Income Rank Rank 1 NK Brand N45P-3011A AS3011A 9,892 19.5 30 2346 8 56.5 156.2 $ 509.31 2 2 2 Dekalb DKC54 GENSSRIB 9,690 19.6 30 2346 8 57 152.8 $ 497.37 3 3 3 NK Brand N45P-3011A AS3000GT 10,088 18.8 30 2346 8 56.9 160.7 $ 530.67 1 1 4 Dekalb DKC54 GENSSRIB 9,104 19.1 30 2346 8 57.3 144.5 $ 474.54 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
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