Key Klix - April 2002 - Calgary Amateur Radio Association
Key Klix - April 2002 - Calgary Amateur Radio Association
KEY KLIX THE OFFICIALPUBLICATION OF THE CALGARYAMATEUR RADIOASSOCIATION June 2002 Ham of the Year, Ray Bourne VE6LG (left) with John Bain VE6BWJ at the 2002 CARA Spring Awards Banquet INCORPORATED Calgary Amateur Radio Association P.O. Box 592, Station M $ 2.00 Calgary, Alberta T2P 2J2 per issue Telephone: (403) 253-3092 June 16 - July 27, 2002 S u n d ay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Ju n e 16 Ju n e 17 Ju n e 18 Ju n e 19 Ju n e 20 Ju n e 21 Ju n e 22 VHF/ATV MEETING DEVRY 7:30 PM EXECUTIVE MEETING DEVRY 7:30 PM ***** RAGCHEW SESSION VE6RYC 1:00 PM Ju n e 23 Ju n e 24 Ju n e 25 CARA FIELD DAY AIRDRIE GENERAL MEETING GOLDEN AGE CLUB 7:30 PM ARES MEETING FIRE TRAINING 7:30 PM ***** RAGCHEW SESSION VE6RYC 1:00 PM Ju n e 30 July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 CANADA DAY HOLIDAY ***** NEXT DX MEETING (SEPT.3RD) to be confirmed RAGCHEW SESSION VE6RYC 1:00 PM NEXT CARATELS MEETING SEPT.4TH ARES NET VE6GLR 8:30 PM ***** SWAP & SHOP VE6RYC 8:45 PM WHEN ANNOUNCED July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 NEXT DIGITAL MEETING to be confirmed RAGCHEW SESSION VE6RYC 1:00 PM July 15 July 16 NEXT VHF / ATV MEETING SEPT.16TH NEXT EXECUTIVE MEETING SEPT.17TH ***** RAGCHEW SESSION VE6RYC 1:00 PM July 21 July 22 July 23 GLACIER WATERTON HAMFEST 3 FORKS NEXT GENERAL MEETING SEPT.23RD NEXT ARES MEETING SEPT.24TH ***** RAGCHEW SESSION VE6RYC 1:00 PM July 7 July 14 Calgary Amateur Radio Association ARES NET VE6GLR 8:30 PM ***** SWAP & SHOP VE6RYC 8:45 PM WHEN ANNOUNCED Ju n e 26 Ju n e 27 CARA COFFEE KLATCH 10:00 AM CHINOOK C E N TR E ***** CARA FIELD DAY AIRDRIE Ju n e 28 ARES NET VE6GLR 8:30 PM ***** SWAP & SHOP VE6RYC 8:45 PM WHEN ANNOUNCED CARACOFFEE KLATCH 10:00 AM CHINOOK C E N TR E (FOOD COURT) July 5 July 24 July 12 July 13 CARA COFFEE KLATCH 10:00 AM CHINOOK C E N TR E (FOOD COURT) July 18 July 19 July 20 ARES NET VE6GLR 8:30 PM ***** SWAP & SHOP VE6RYC 8:45 PM WHEN ANNOUNCED GLACIER WATERTON HAMFEST 3 FORKS CARA COFFEE KLATCH 10:00 AM CHINOOK C E N TR E ***** GLACIER WATERTON HAMFEST 3 FORKS July 25 July 26 July 27 ARES NET VE6GLR 8:30 PM ***** SWAP & SHOP VE6RYC 8:45 PM WHEN ANNOUNCED 2 July 6 CARA COFFEE KLATCH 10:00 AM CHINOOK C E N TR E (FOOD COURT) ARES NET VE6GLR 8:30 PM ***** SWAP & SHOP VE6RYC 8:45 PM WHEN ANNOUNCED July 17 Ju n e 29 CARA COFFEE KLATCH 10:00 AM CHINOOK C E N TR E (FOOD COURT) Key Klix June 2002 CONTENTS Calendar Public Service Events President’s Message Executive Meeting, May DX Corner Recollections Of A Radio Ham DX Section Minutes, May DX Section Summer Budget Field Day 2002 Ham Puzzler 2002-2003 VHF Section Budget Technician’s Report 2 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 General Meeting, May 17 CARATELS Meeting, June 20 Social Club 22 Sausage Casserole 22 CARA Awards Banquet Photos 23 Classified Ads 24 Ham Puzzler Answers 24 Contest Calendar 25 Repeater Map 26 Membership Renewal Form 27-28 2001-2002 Executive 29 Public Service Events Rocky Mountain Challenge June 21-23 Fred Van Driel Alberta Lung Association Bike for Breath August 16-18 [email protected] VE6FVD 640-9575 Fred Van Driel Do you have upcoming Public Service Events? [email protected] VE6FVD 640-9575 Let the editor know! Opinions expressed in KEY KLIX are those of the author or contributor and are not necessarily shared by the editor(s) or of the Calgary Amateur Radio Association. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity and content and is the sole judge of suitability for publication of all articles. Copyright the Calgary Amateur Radio Association. Permission is given for the reprinting of articles herein by any NOT-FORPROFIT GROUP or publication. Full credit to the author and our newsletter must appear in your publication. ADVERTISING RATES Full Page $210.00 Business Card $ 25.00 Half Page $110.00 Quarter Page $ 60.00 Back Cover $300.00 All rates are for 1 year (10 issues) Contact any of the Key Klix personnel for more information. KEY KLIX STAFF Editor Mike Nerenberg Assistant Editor and Adv. Manager Tony Mountjoy Distribution Manager Don Lloyd Calgary Amateur Radio Association VE6ZAP VE6MX VE3DD 226-6105 255-6254 293-7462 3 [email protected] [email protected] Key Klix June 2002 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 4 Key Klix June 2002 The President’s Message Well the results of the May elections are in and I guess you’re going to have to put up with me for another season. Congratulations to all who participated but a special thanks to newcomers Aty Bourne,VE6ACB (Treasurer elect), Mike Taddeo, VA6MJT (VP elect) and Cynthia Taddeo VA6CYN (Secretary elect). And thanks to the exiting members of the executive who have served the club well. We appreciate your contribution. Speaking of recognizing contribution, those who didn’t attend the Awards Banquet missed a great evening. By all accounts, everything about the event was excellent, including the food, the facilities and door prizes. Thanks to Mamie and Sheila for organizing a great banquet. Regarding the Casino, we have submitted our application along with 29 volunteer forms (and I have since received a few more to send in.) Thanks to all who volunteered. Those who participated last year know that it’s more fun than work. It’s not too late to send in additional forms if you are interested in volunteering. Our Casino application is essentially the same as the one for the previous Casino, except that, based on membership input, we put more emphasis than last time on education and making the public aware of our hobby. I’d like to say a few words about use of Casino funds. Apparently there are some members who are not happy with the allocation of funds so far. Please remember that proposals for use of Casino funds were invited from any and all members, either submitted directly to the executive or via the sections. All proposals submitted received an allocation for funding (however we did not receive enough proposals to consume all the Casino funding). One of the criteria that we established was that cheques would be issued for equipment that that could be put into service within 60 days. (The thinking here is, there is no use in having equipment sitting in a box with its warranty expiring when we know it will be more than 60 days before we can install it.) Since the allocations were made, some projects have been completed, while others have been held up due to limited availability of people carry out the project. But none of the projects originally funded have had funding allocations reduced. The real issue here is that for some of the projects that were approved, we have not found a way of speeding up equipment installation to keep up Calgary Amateur Radio Association with the availability of funds. But the money is there, it has not been taken away, and we have another Casino just around the corner. What can you do to help, I hear you ask? If there are particular projects (notice I didn’t say sections) that you think need assistance to spend the money that has been allocated, offer your time, your expertise, and your ideas or whatever help you can, towards the goal getting these projects completed. It is the progression of the projects themselves that results in drawing of allocated funds. As I said, the invitation has always been there for individual members to propose a Casino funded project, but I think a lot of members still think of Casino funds in terms of sections, not projects. To make it more apparent, I propose for next season that we have a distinct category of Casino projects called Member Projects. These projects could augment activities that are being managed within a section, or they may be completely outside the scope of the sections. Be creative, as long as we stay within the broad guidelines of our Casino application. We are in a very enviable position to have the benefits Casino funding, so let’s make sure we keep things on a positive track. One final point… the position of Casino Manager is open, as was discussed at the last General Meeting. At present, I’m filling this role by default, but it is an Executive-appointed position and anyone can apply if they are interested. Coming up on Saturday June 22 is Field Day and CARA will be participating in a very significant way with a multi-station set up in Airdrie. Read all about it further on in KeyKlix, but in way of a preview, the highlights are…. a beautiful park setting, enough stations, bands, and modes for everyone to participate, and yes, even flush toilets on site! (Apparently there are no bonus points awarded for having to use a Porta-potty during Field Day). Those of us who live in the south sometimes think Airdrie is half way to Edmonton but really, it’s a short drive up the highway, so come on out, bring some friends and show them what the hobby is all about. As this is the last KeyKlix before the break, let me take this opportunity to wish all of you a safe and enjoyable summer. Dave VE6RTL 5 Key Klix June 2002 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 6 Key Klix June 2002 Minutes of the Executive Meeting President. May 21, 2002 Spring Awards Banquet Mamie Woo VE6MMN said that we had about 35 tickets sold to date and hope we can sell more by next Monday’s General Meeting to meet our 50 tickets to enable us to get the banquet room at no charge. The President, Dave Currie, VE6RTL called the meeting to order at 19:37 hrs. Executive Present: Dave Currie VE6RTL, Tony Mountjoy VE6MX, Ray Bourne VE6LG, Mike Ross VE6TC, Sheila Devitte VE6NOW, Frank Devitte VE6ANL, Frank Jones VE6ZQ, Vitaly Markhasin VE6JO, John Bain VE6BWJ, Rick Wilson VE6RVW , and Mamie Woo VE6MMN. Program Activities Mike Ross VE6TC presented his proposal plan which was approved for $1800 at the last meeting for the ham radio display project to include a portable display booth, headers, signs, lighting, power bars, etc. Also, video introduction tapes that we have on hand will be used to promote the hobby. Mike will try to have this all ready for the Red Deer picnic on June 15th. Executive Absent: Tom Cullen VE6SHB. Guests: No guests. Agenda • Casino update • Elections • Spring Awards Banquet • Two projects Mike Ross VE6TC to propose • Reminder for Preliminary Budgets for next Executive Meeting • Insurance • Interference • Inventory Preliminary Budgets Sheila Devitte VE6NOW reminded that all section heads should have their preliminary budgets for the upcoming year to be turned in to the Treasurer at the next Executive Meeting in June. Include budgets and plans for both the CARA maintenance budget and Casino budget. Insurance Tony Mountjoy VE6MX mentioned Lloyds of London will only cover one million dollars of PLPD on our insurance instead of two million this coming year due to 9/11. This year’s premiums will cost $1,174.00 which doesn’t cover the new equipment. Casino Update Dave Currie VE6RTL mentioned that he has been preparing the casino application and will include approx. 27 volunteer forms to be sent out this week for the prior to 60 day deadline. There is a possibility of another five volunteer forms to come in which can be submitted seven days before casino dates to the gaming commission. The Executive had a discussion on the allocation to be filled in on the casino licence application. Tony will check to see if we can get another underwriter as a separate item but wasn’t sure if we can do that. Executive also discussed that club look into what it would cost to pay to certify a club member to be a certified rigger since we go on other sites and more are now wanting us to be certified to set things up. Mike Ross VE6TC made a motion to allocate on the casino licence application for the upcoming casino: 80% Programs which includes equipment purchase & maintenance for all sections; 10% Other Activities for promotional activities such as mall displays, demonstrations, public awareness; 10% Educational Activities to educate students. John Bain VE6BWJ seconded. Carried unanimous. Interference Tony Mountjoy VE6MX said that he received a phone call from a lady experiencing interference. It was suggested that we may able to receive some input or feedback from Barry Middlebrook. Inventory Tony Mountjoy VE6MX mentioned that we need to get all the equipment purchases up-to-date to Tony to be included for the insurance Vitaly Markhasin VE6JO had suggested an idea to promote ham radio by training children which could bring in a new generation to a dying hobby. In future, the club may think about finding a facility to provide classes to train children including the less fortunate. Think of it as a long-term commitment and help bring this club to a different level in terms of public awareness. Digital Mike Ross VE6TC made motion to approve for the Digital Section to buy two KPC3’s and a pair of crystals for $635. John Bain VE6BWJ seconded. Carried unanimous. DX Mike Ross VE6TC said since there is currently $21,600 in the casino account less the VHF Elections Mike Ross VE6TC has received nominations for most of the Executive positions except for the position of Calgary Amateur Radio Association 7 Key Klix June 2002 upcoming expenditures of $10,900 – Mike VE6TC had proposed for the DX summer budget to spend the money this year and get one more season of antenna work in and get the work done now rather than waiting another year because they are not going to have any opportunity until next summer and their plan is to be working on the second tower and have it up next year. DX Corner by Vitaly VE6JO UPCOMING & OPERATING DX’s (From ARRL and OPDX Bulletins) ALASKA, KL5 (IOTA Op). Lanny, W5BOS, will activate IOTA NA-121, Walrus Isls, Alaska, July 810th. His callsign will be W5BOS/KL5. Operation will be on 20-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL via W5BOS direct or via the bureau. Frank Devitte VE6ANL had suggested that the DX section not get anymore of the budget expenditure until the VHF & Digital projects are all done. BENIN, TY (Update). The French team has provided more information on their July 15th to August 14th operation to Grand-Popo, just near the southern border of Togo. Their shack will be 2 km away from the ocean. Their aim is to contact as many stations as possible from all continents, especially on WARC bands as well as low bands. 6m and SAT activities are also planned. Mike Ross VE6TC made a motion to approve $10,000 to DX for items prioritized in their summer budget to be completed by the end of August 2002. Ray Bourne VE6LG seconded. Vote was six in favor, two opposed and three abstained. Motion carried. The Executive had a quick discussion on preparing the budgets for the next casino funds including plans, level of detail, etc. Due to the proximity to Togo, they expect to transmit from the southern part of that country. At this time, they are looking to get a license but it is not a sure thing. In Benin, they know of several young guys who are really interested in ham-radio, but they don’t have the money to pay for licences and gear. The team has asked for an extra license. Their antennas will stay there and they will provide a transceiver. They really hope to leave the country with at least 1 station Mike Ross VE6TC motion to adjourn at 21:35 hrs. Submitted by Mamie Woo, VE6MMN CARA Secretary Calgary Amateur Radio Association 8 Key Klix June 2002 (permanent resident) active from TY. Their relations with the OPT (Ministry of Telecommunications) was excellent during their operation last year. That is why they want to work hard to promote ham-radio in this country. So they are currently looking for donations. The DXpedition now has a Web page available at: the prevailing winds which always seem to blow on St. Paul with high seas; therefore, the start up date is subject to landing conditions. As far as it is known, no previous operations have been from this side of the island. This operation will feature a full time, dedicated six meter station operated by W7XU, N0QJM, W0SD and W0OE. The six meter station WILL ONLY transmit on 50.157 MHz listening up when there is propagation. A beam and ACOM 1000 amplifier will be used with operation on SSB and CW. Liaison will be available on 28.886 MHz and E-mail updates via WINLINK 2000 will be provided to the appropriate Six Meter Internet sites. The Grid Square will be FN97. A special effort will be made to work Europe on double hop sporadic E in addition to North America and Caribbean areas! A second station will be set up for HF. The operation plans to use a 5 band Hex beam for 20-10 meters and a vertical on 30 and 40 meters. Given the time of the year, no operation is planned for 80 and 160 meters. An ACOM 1000 amplifier will be used. There will be activity on RTTY, SSB and CW. Operators will be WV2B, VE1AAO, VE9DH, W0SD, W7XU, N0QJM and W0OE. BURUNDI, 9U. Gus, SM5DIC/9U5D, informs OPDX that his good friend and colleague, UN Chief Communication Coordinator, Christian Alemanni in Bujumbura, Burundi, now has his Ham Radio License. His callsign is 9U5A. The ARCT bureau accepted his application and gave him a full legal license. He will be sending a copy to ARRL DXCC to be confirmed. Christian has little experience on short wave operation, especially pile ups. He only has had a French low class license and only worked VHF traffic over repeaters back home. So, he is a new DXer, PLEASE, be patient with him. Christian will have a French ham fellow as QSL manager. More details should be forthcoming. LAOS, XW. Rod, EA7JX/EH7JX, informs OPDX that he is in contact with Larry, XW1LLR, who has been working in the country for 8 years and has married a native Vientiane wife in Laos. He reportedly has one TS850S and two TS50S, and has begun putting up new antennas; “dipoles” in the jungle. He said for now to QSL via the club station XW8KPL. Rod adds that Larry has an 8 hectors farm for putting up a good antennas farm in the future. Planned frequencies are as follows: RTTY - 7080, 10115, 14080, 18080, 21080, 24908 and 28080 kHz CW - 7005, 10105, 14020, 18100, 21020, 24900 and 28020 khz SSB - 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 (alternate 14145) kHz All QSLs via W7XU. MALTA, 9H. Maurice, ON4BAM, reports that he will spend his holidays in Malta this year and has just received an E-mail confirmation of his callsign 9H3Z. Look for him to be active from July 15-30th on all HF bands with his TS- 450S and wire antenna on SSB and PSK. This will be a holiday style operation except during the IOTA contest. QSL via ON4BAM. ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON ISLANDS, FP. Jean Christophe, FP5AC, President of the Saint-Pierre & Miquelon Islands ARC, informs that their next Dxpedition will take place on June 21-23rd. They will go to the Ile aux Chevaux (Horses Island - IOTA NA032, DIFO FP009). The Ile aux Chevaux is a little 90m diameter island located in the Barachois off Miquelon. The crew consists of four “JEANS”, Jean-Christophe/ FP5AC, Jean-Pierre/FP5CJ, Jean/FP5BU, Jean-Marc/ FP5BZ and the cook, SWL Claude. They will go first to Miquelon village by Land Rover, then they will use two little boats to go and land on the Ile aux Chevaux. Jean-Christophe, FP5AC, states a lot of thanks go out to Monsieur Joseph LUCAS, the owner of the island who gave them the kind permission for landing and staying there. The ARC’s callsign, FP5KE, will be used on all bands from 160 to 10 meters and they also plan to be active on 50 Mhz. A special QSL card will be issued, so listen carefully to the operator’s instructions to get one. SAMOA, 5W. Ted/K8AQM and David/K8AA will be active as 5W0TR and 5W0AA, respectively, July 212th. Activity will be 40-10 meters mainly CW, Digital and some SSB. QSL both callsigns via K8AA. ST. PAUL ISLAND, CY9. Operators Duane/WV2B, William/VE1AAO, James/VE9DH, Ed/W0SD, Arliss/ W7XU, Holly/N0QJM and Edith/W0OE are expected to be on the air from here late June 29th through July 8th. The operation will feature two full time stations and an attempt is being made to add a third, part time HF station to be used during peak propagation times, especially to the Pacific area where CY9 is needed by many. The group plans on operating on the west side of the island to have a clear shot to Asia, South America, North America and most of Europe. The landing is much more difficult on this side because of Calgary Amateur Radio Association TROMELIN, FR/T. It has been reported by JeanLouis, F5UJK, DX Manager on the Web page < http:// >, that Jacques, FR5ZU, has 9 Key Klix June 2002 “VBB”, the Marconi Station at Soo, Ont., and the S.S. Manitoba, David was made aware that the vessel was about to dock nearby to discharge cargo and would be there for several hours. Dave jumped on his bike and headed for the warf,—arriving there without falling off his bike in his excitement, he went aboard “up top” to the wireless shack to see his friend “Sparks”. “Sparks” had a visitor in the person of Donald Manson, Inspector of Radio Telegraphy for the Department of Naval Service. Inquiring of him about the new law requiring all holders of Amateur Experimental Licenses having to pass a test and obtain a certificate of proficiency, David was given the opportunity then and there to “have a go” at it,—then he rushed out to a telephone to advise some of his radio chums to hurry down to the ship and Mr. Manson would give them their test too. A great day for those hams when that valued document eventually arrived,— Canada’s first issue. cancelled all his future ham activities on Tromelin Island which had been planned from June to July 2002. After DINA’s storm disaster on Reunion Island, all Jacques’ aerial gear had been completely destroyed. At the moment Jacques is looking for a new vertical (R8 or A5B-HF) at a reasonable price. If you can or want to help Jacques, you can reach him at his E-mail address: [email protected] They are hoping he can be active next year from either Tromelin or Europa. RECOLLECTIONS OF A RADIO HAM 1900 - 1913 by F.E.H. Macdonald,VE6CQ Calgary,Alberta April-1976 NOTE It was my pleasure to have met David Lloyd, VE3AW, at Christmas time 1974, — a fine healthy-looking chap, full of vigor. David, of course, is retired; he devotes a great deal of his time organizing radio theory and code classes across Canada through the CNIB. The originators of this scheme of helping blind people to become hams was The Amateur Radio Society of Ontario, — under it’s leadership, the plan is flourishing. 1919-1920 Amateur Radio Experimental License No. 1 was issued on July 20, 1920 by the Department of Naval Service to David Lloyd, 3CB, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. It was about that time too, that half -a -dozen or so of his radio pals got together and formed The Algoma Radio Club. Events develop in most interesting ways, —— take for example 3CB’s account of how members of the Algoma Radio Club became the first in Canada to receive from the Department of Naval Service, their “ Certificate of Proficiency”. It is the responsibility of VE3AW at this time to implement the recommendations of The Technical Committee of The Ontario Amateur Radio Society, — modifying transceivers and providing other services for those without vision. Listening-in one day to “TR” being handled between The Calgary Amateur Radio Association through the CNIB has volunteered to help those blind people who are interested enough to take the course provided to “get them on the air”. Submitted by Art Moore VE6AP through Jack Ambler VE6CAQ Historian Calgary Amateur Radio Association 10 Key Klix June 2002 DX Section Minutes could be purchased this summer. May 23, 2002 There was discussion about getting some solar panels for members but it has since been found that the supplier has sold out of the panels. The DX meeting scheduled for May 6 was snowed out. The meeting was re-scheduled for May 23 and was held at the Calgary Sports Car Club, after the organizing meeting for the car rally. Plans to hold field day on the hill in East Lake Park in Ease Airdrie were discussed. The hill overlooks a lake to the South-East and would make an excellent field day site. Mike VE6TC to request use of the park from the City of Airdrie. Plans are to operate in the QRP category using batteries, solar cells and maybe a small generator. Present were VE6TC, VE6WSI, VE6JO, VE6RCI, VE6YP, VE6WTD, VE6IC, VE6LFM, VE6XRS, VE6YTL, VE6BWJ, VE6LG, VE6KC and a few others who didn’t sign the book. Plans for the CQWPXCW contest that weekend were firmed up and Tony VE6YP demonstrated and instructed members in the use of the YP logging program in CW mode. We had the keyboard configured with the same keys as used by the CT logging program with which many members are familiar. This reduced the learning curve to get up and running with this program. Elections were held and Mike Ross VE6TC was elected as interim chairman for the rest of this term to replace Dave Reid VE6BIR who resigned because he was going to work in China. Elections were held and Mike Ross VE6TC was elected as chairman for next year. Copies of the proposed summer DX section Casino budget were distributed and after some discussion, additions and deletions., the revised budget was approved as follows. It was decided to reduce the number of ring rotors from 4 to 3 so that other items; 80 meter stackmatch and rotor cable, noise gates, bencher paddle and security poles for the tower guys Calgary Amateur Radio Association Next meeting is June 3 at Devry where the program will be a video tape about a recent DXpedition to a south atlantic island. Submitted by Mike Ross, VE6TC 11 Key Klix June 2002 DX SECTION SUMMER BUDGET 2002 Project Description and Scope Complete the 100 foot tower by installing the planned ring rotors on 3 of the lower 4 antennas. Separate top tribander from top 40 meter beam (5 ft now). Install the remaining stackmatch antenna selectors on 80 meter and 40 meter antennas. Replace Tailtwister Rotor now getting stuck at 60 degrees, with new AlphSpid rotor, guywire tensioning and security.Purchase missing accessories for inside the station to prevent borrowing from one to another. Benefits The ring rotors will allow all the 3 triband antennas on the tower to be turned in all directions instead of being fixed in only one direction. Separating the top 40 meter beam from top tribander will reduce interaction, increase gain and front to back. Will be able to select and phase 3 - 80 meter sloping dipoles and 2 - 40 meter beam antennas. Guywire protection will increase the security of the tower installation. Duration and Timeline Installation to be completed by the end of August 2002. Material HF/VHF Station Resistors Larry 40 meter Stubs Used Coax Used Bencher Paddle for FT-847 Noise Gate W2IHY 129.99 US To Cut Blower Noise on TX Used Bencher Paddle for IC-735 HF to VHF APRS Gateway on 10 Mhz using IC735/KAM+ 2 Soundcard interface boxes built by VE6YP Sub Total 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 $4.00 $25.00 $75.00 $225.00 $75.00 $$75.00 $4.00 $25.00 $75.00 $450.00 $75.00 $0.00 $150.00 $779.00 100 Ft Tower Completion Locks for Guy Turnbuckle Chains 3 5 $15.00 Guy Wire Tensioning 1 75 $75.00 Model 1032D Ring Rotors with Digital Controller 1 1419 $1,419.00 Model 1032D Ring Rotors without Digital Controller 2 1094 $2,188.00 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 12 Key Klix June 2002 DX SECTION SUMMER BUDGET 2002 (cont.) Truss Kits 2 80 $160.00 Shipping 1 200 $200.00 Exchange, GST, Broker 1 2559.59 $2,559.59 Rotor Cables For Ring Rotors 300 $0.55 $165.00 4 Position relay box to switch control box to each ring rotor 1 $150.00 $150.00 80 meter Stackmatch to Phase 3 Sloping Dipoles 1 $450.00 $450.00 Rotor Cable for 80 Meter Stackmatch - Use 48 ft Tower Cab 50 $0.55 $27.50 Poles, Cement, ReflectiveTape for Guy Anchor Barriers 15 10 $150.00 Remove and Repair T2X Rotor sticking at 60 degrees 1 $40.00 $40.00 Install Anti-Climbing Protection 1 $- $0.00 Replace Tailtwister Rotor - Alfa Spid Rotor 1 $850.00 $850.00 Spid Rotor Adapter 1 $65.00 $65.00 Mini-Stackmatch to Phase The Two 40 Meter Beams 1 $215.00 $215.00 Tower Rigger to move/install antennas and ring rotors 1 $500.00 $500.00 Rohn Tower Mount 50/144/432 Antennas on Rohn Tower 1 $- $0.00 1 $- $0.00 48 Ft Tower Mount KT34XA on 48 Foot Tower for testing Sub Total $9,229.09 Grand Total - Approved for $10,000 Calgary Amateur Radio Association $10,008.09 13 Key Klix June 2002 is the new GOTA (Get On The Air) station. This station is to encourage amateurs to get on the air and make some contacts during field day, on the band or mode of your choice. We expect to have this station set up for phone, CW and PSK31 and/or RTTY so you can try these modes. COME OUT TO FIELD DAY 2002 IN AIRDRIE’S EAST LAKE PARK by Michael Ross VE6TC JUST 10 MINUTES NORTH OF THE CALGARY CITY LIMITS - Take Deerfoot Trail /Highway 2 North to the second Airdrie exit. Turn right off the exit past Wendy’s . Turn left at the traffic light on East Lake Blvd then take the first right onto East Lake Road NE. Turn right into the large parking lot and look straight ahead, up the hill for antennas on top. GPS Coordinates are 51’28” N 113’ 99” W for those who cannot get anywhere without entering the waypoints! There will also be a VHF only station for VHF licensed amateurs to make direct contacts with other stations on 50, 144, 222, 450 and 10 Ghz bands. We will be setting up three demonstration stations, one each on APRS, ATV and SSTV so there will be lots to see and do. We would also like to make at least one satellite contact and are looking for someone with either HF or VHF satellite experience to help. We need operators for the various stations and people to help with set up and take down, to staff the information table and explain ham radio to the public and visitors. We also need a few night owls to patrol the site overnight. To reserve your place in this year’s field day, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 948-5842, stating what you would like to do and when you can be there. Even if you just want to come for a visit, please RSVP so the number of picnic tables can be confirmed. Negotiations are underway for a limited number of RV or trailer spots to park overnight. Set up begins at 9 am Saturday June 22 with operations beginning at noon for 24 hours through Sunday noon on June 23, with takedown to follow. Talk in will be on the Airdrie repeater on 145.31 –600. Washrooms with running water and flush toilets are located on site. A paved bike path circles East Lake and is excellent for walking, bird watching, jogging, biking, or roller blading. If you plan to stay overnight in one, please reserve a spot early. We are also looking for solar cells, 12 V batteries, small gas generators, wind generators, tents, FT-817’s or similar QRP transceivers, laptops, coax, a multiband 5 W VHF transceiver, gas cans etc. If you can provide any of these items please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you shortly to confirm your participation in this year’s field day! Come to field day. Get involved. Have some fun ! Picnic tables will be set up for visitors. Bring your lunch, dinner, or snacks and enjoy a day in the park or visit one of the restaurants within walking distance; Tim Horton’s, Wendy’s or a 24 hr convenience store, great for those midnight snacks or early morning gas generator refills. Many other restaurants are located on the other side of highway 2. We will be entering in the 2A class, running QRP - 5 watts of power from batteries charged by solar cells. This class allows two main stations, likely to keep the most dedicated CW and phone contest type operators busy. There will be a number of other stations set up to increase the overall score and encourage your participation in field day 2002. Most interesting to the newer or less active amateurs Calgary Amateur Radio Association 14 Key Klix June 2002 Ham Puzzler by Mike VE6ZAP Calgary Amateur Radio Association 15 Key Klix June 2002 MEMO DATE: MAY 21, 2001 TO: RICK WILSON - CARA - TREASURER FROM: TONY MOUNTJOY - CARA - VHF CHAIRMAN SUBJECT: 2002 - 2003 VHF SECTION BUDGET This budget was approved by the VHF Section MAY 14th 2002 Future Projects VE6RYC SITE MAINTENANCE, Repair roof $175, Door, install ground kits 5 $180, 1 surge protector $100, Install 5 Polyphasers 5 $545. Prepare Motorola UHF SMF5000 Repeater. 2002/3 Budget $1,000 Minimum Approved $ $ 100 VE6AUY SITE MAINTENANCE, Install AC surge protection 1 $100, 3 Polyphasers $327 $ 430 $ VE6RCB SITE MAINTENANCE, Increase vhf rf, Install link, & Link controller (CD-3 + CAB) $ 50 $ VE6RY Improve SAIT antenna hight & coax & connectors. $ 100 $ VE6NOV Remove 6’ rack, replace DC power suppky. $ 50 $ VE6AQA Install 48’ Tower & relocate 210C2 antenna on tower. $ 100 $ VE6EHX Set up MRF-5000 UHF & program & interface controller. $ 100 $ VE6HWY Upgrade TM-41 link UHF radio & controller (Upgrade RLC-4 controller on hand from 2000/2001 budget) This is a current 2002 Project for a 60 watt Solar panel. $ 000 $ VE6RMT Add 50 watt Solar Panel & regulator ( Mtn. top site.) Replace equipment transfered to VE6HWY Replace equipment transfered to VE6??? This will be a future poject. $ $ $ $ $ $ VE6RMT CANMORE Add coax to special UHF antenna $ 100 $ VE6YYC UHF IRLP - project $ 00 $ $2030 $2030 $ VHF Budget request funding VHF requested Minimum maintenace total Calgary Amateur Radio Association 16 $Hold $Hold $Hold $ $ Key Klix June 2002 TECHNICIANS REPORT June 2002. CARA VHF SECTION By Tony Mountjoy VE6MX MAY 14th, 2002 VE6EHX - The VE6MX Uniden UHF repeater has been repaired, and continues to work well. A new Motorola MSF 5000 will be prepared soon for this site. I made a trip October 13th to review the rack space for the new equipment. VE6RYC - The RLC-3 controller failed April 18th. A trip April 19th found severe mouse urin damage to the main controller board. A temporary WR controller was activated. A trip April 28th was made to install the back up RLC-4 controller. The RLC-3 controller was washed with 99% isopropenol and soap and water. The clean up was unsucessful. the RLC-3 controller was returned to Link - Com for repair on April 29th. The repaired board and a new mother board was received May 9th. The repaired board is not considered reliable. VE6RMT Canmore. CARA IRLP - This project is moving along very well. A high speed internet connection is available. The computer and IRLP card interfacing is completed. The UHF radio was completed April 2nd and picked up by Ray VE6LG April 4th for installation. A UHF duplexer is on order and I think I have a controller for this project. - The VE6MX UHF Repeater unit is working fairly well since Nov. 9th. Some intermod has been experienced. CARA General Meeting May 27, 2002 VE6AUY - The VE6MX repeater replacement equipment continues to work real well. A trip on May 2nd to correct the audio level found a very flakey RLC1 link controller. The Controller will be replaced and upgraded immedialtely. The President, Dave Currie, VE6RTL called the meeting to order at 19:44 hrs. Guests: Wilfred Muder VE7OHM, David Junker VE6DJJ, Dave Gilkes VE6GAD and Chelsea Taddeo. VE6RCB - The equipment continues to work well. Link equipment on this system can now be installed as I have site permision to proceed with the upgrade as soon as possible. Agenda • Casino update on preparations and funding • Regular reports • Elections • Door Prizes VE6RY - The equipment continues to work well with the VE6MX temporary TX unit and it is working fine. Correspondence – none. Since we did not have a quorum at the previous meetings, a motion to accept minutes for March General Meeting was made by Bill Ingles VE6WSI and seconded by Vitaly Markhasin VE6JO. Carried unanimous. VE6NOV - The VHF equipment needs an TX audio adjustment plus now there is a severe AC hum in the background. The Autopatch Colin advises should be back on line shortly when their digital phone system is installed and a separate analog line is put back in. The VE6MX UHF repeater and 5K controller works well although the audio deviation needs to be decreased to remove distortion. The ctcss deviation will be re-adjusted to .550 khz to reduce its buzz like noise and moved to 136.5 like VE6RYC. A motion to accept minutes for April General Meeting was made by Bill Ingles VE6WSI and seconded by Jack Ambler VE6CAQ. Carried unanimous. Reports Vice-President - No report. Directors – No reports. VE6RMT - A new site is still in the stage of negotiations at the moment however slow. Membership Sheila Devitte VE6NOW said that we have one new member, Aty Bourne VE6ACB, which brings our membership total to 280 members. VE6HWY - The #2 package was finally installed on October 29th. The signal at my home station varies between S5 and S9, which is twice the strength of the previous unit and continues to work well. DX Mike Ross VE6TC, mentioned that the DX section had a meeting on May 6th, since we had a snow storm on the 6th of May and only the guys from Airdrie and VE6AQA - The repeater continues to work well. A trip to install the 48 foot tower is planned hopefully in Calgary Amateur Radio Association - The repeater continues to work well at 17 Key Klix June 2002 south of Calgary got to the meeting, all the local Calgarians didn’t show up. So they had another meeting last Thursday at the DX station at the same time as the car rally meeting Mike had volunteered to chair for the remaining season since Dave Reid is in China now. And there was an election for chairman for next year and Mike got hooked into the chairman job for next year as well. Things are organized for the repeater at Canmore as well just a few more modifications to make for the mitrex radios too. The next meeting will be the third Monday in June at DeVry where they will be finalizing their 2003 projects. ATV Tony Mountjoy VE6MX said they are waiting for some materials to get to CFCN to try to get done by the end of the month and go through to put new parts and pieces in VE6RTV located at CFCN on broadcast hill. The DX section also approved their proposed summer budget for this summer and did some planning for the CW contest the WPX contest which is this weekend and had a few people operating having about 700 contacts up till Saturday night. Also, we had the car rally down in the south of Alberta and had a good time in the mud. Digital Tony Mountjoy VE6MX did not have much to report except that from the Executive meeting there were a couple of TNC’s proposed for the Digital section. Tony had suggested that they will try to get all three groups together for the next meeting and get things organized for the beginning of the September season. The next meeting will the first Monday (June 6th) and we will be showing a video on South Sandwich Island expedition at the DeVry Campus. Also, they will be doing some more planning for summer activities including Field Day (June 22 & 23rd weekend). It looks it will be held in Airdrie in a park on top of a 50ft. hill overlooking a lake to the southeast and is waiting for official permission from the city and it looks very favorable. It looks like they will be doing QRP at least single transmitter maybe multiple transmitters and solar power and doing a demonstration station and setting up a booth to try get all these publicity points. Caratels Frank Jones VE6ZQ said their next meeting will be June 5 which will also be election day. At the last meeting, they had 18 members to enjoy the pictures from the Mountjoys’ trip to Thailand. Treasurer Rick Wilson VE6RVW reported the bank account balances as follows: Savings $4,297.05; Chequing $2,059.77 and Casino $21,601.39. Also, Mike Ross mentioned about the portable display station that he is putting together – the kind that can be taken to any kind of event like the home show, or hobby show and it will be 6’ high and 6’ wide backdrop with photos of ham radio and a couple of tables in front with chairs and computers for recruiting new people into the hobby. Mike is trying to get it ready for the Red Deer picnic and it ‘ll have a tent type gazebo for outside use so you’ll probably see it around at flea markets, hamfests in the area starting this summer. CLAN Doreen Hammond VE6GQ said their last meeting was May 13th at Valerie’s VE6VMH with seven in attendance. Topics included fox hunt, repeater frequency, this general meeting & election and casino were mentioned. Forzani Walk for Cancer where a member of CLAN had participated in the walk and received a donation from CLAN as well. The next and final meeting before the summer will be held June 10th – a dinner meeting at Tony Romas in the south. Humanitarian Zane Hennigar VE6ZEE had reported the following: VHF Tony Mountjoy VE6MX reported that the VHF section had their meeting and VHF elections on Tuesday, May 14th. Tony Mountjoy VE6MX said he was back again as Chairman for another year; Ray Bourne VE6LG as Vice-Chairman and John Bain VE6BWJ as Secretary. VE6REG, Ralph Garnet was at the Fanning Centre recovering from a stroke. He has recovered about seventy percent of his speech and had taken twelve steps that day. Ralph is not a current member of CARA, but was an active one for a number of years. VE6GH, Grant Heimbecker was doing very well but Zane was unable to deliver him a fruit basket in a timely manner. The VHF section got their budgets organized and available for the Treasurer and for the next Executive meeting as well. For activities and repeater systems, the programming for the now fixed RCL3 controller is well underway. Also, their 2002 projects is well underway too, they have made good progress onVE6AUI Wildcat Hills situation where they have materials coming in from Sinclair and Linkcom. Calgary Amateur Radio Association VE6WA, Bill Ambry was failing, but still at home. Bill is now in hospital and is very sick. VE6AI, John Smith has not been feeling well for some time. The doctors had not diagnosed his problem to 18 Key Klix June 2002 date. the game tables so that means a possible additional $5,000 which means we may receive approx. $40,000 for this upcoming casino. We may see the proceeds in October or early November. VE6AL, Al Hiles is recovering nicely. Zane was unable to deliver a fruit basket to Al in a timely manner, although he did appreciate the signed card. Dave Currie also brought up for discussion in light of the treasurer’s report that indicated that there is still approx. $21,000 in the casino account. Some of you may observe that the majority of the funds so far have gone towards projects that are a part of the DX club for improvements at their VE6AO station. Dave went over the review on the procedures that the Executive used and will probably use again for the next batch of funds that we get. VE6RDI, Bob Dolce did receive a fruit basket and was in attendance at the meeting. Also, Zane brought both the old and new Silent Key plaques to the meeting for all to see and mentioned that there were a few errors on the redone old plaque that would have to be corrected. Also, Zane reported that the new plaque cost $324.31 and that the names would be able to be read without any difficulty. And that is that we will accept proposals for funding for projects from any club member either directly or through the section or through the Executive. Each project will be evaluated on an individual basis, show that it has benefit to the club and is consistent with the casino licence application. Anything that meets that criteria, then that project will be accepted for consideration. And then the way the funds are disbursed on the basis of when you need to disburse the funds - if you have a project that has been approved but you’re not capable of spending at that point in time and deploying the equipment that you spent your money on then there is an issue. Once you have signed up for the casino and the money is coming in it is like a tap that is being turned on you can’t back out of it. We may be getting approx. $40,000 at the end of October 2002 and we have $20,000 right now from the last casino original amount of approx. $34,000. So we find ourselves in the position on the Executive that the people that have a project where they can put the money towards their project and can deploy it – they are getting the money. Those that have a project and don’t have the means at this time point in time to spend it were deferring it until the next cycle. Spending the money is proving to be more difficult even though we’ve had some controversy. Education Dave Currie VE6RTL mentioned that we are in between classes and that he has about three names to contact them probably in August. Social Club The 2002 CARA Spring Awards Banquet will be held at Best Western Village Park Inn this Friday, May 31st. The buffet ticket value is regular $27.00 and is being subsidized by the club to all members for a great price of $12.00 each as a thank you to all our members and for volunteering throughout the year. Hope to see you all there! Flea Market Dave Swanson VE6SWN had no report at this time. Casino Update Dave Currie VE6RTL mentioned that he had 29 volunteer forms signed, sealed and delivered with our casino application. We have met the minimum number required but are still looking for more volunteers which we can submit to gaming commission seven days prior to our casino dates which may help us with shift flexibility especially for the key positions. Our casino application this year is similar to last year’s with the difference in a bit more emphasis percentage wise on programs to do with promoting the hobby getting people in and getting people licenced with a total of about 20% allocated to promoting the hobby and 80% for equipment and supplies. We will be using the same advisors as last year except for the count room supervisor will be away on vacation but the suggested replacement will do just as good a job. We are suggesting an open invitation for any member to put forth a proposal for casino funding not necessarily through a section but possibly put into a general member section for casino fund allocation. Dave Currie VE6RTL will have more of a write-up in regards to all of this in the next key klix. RAC National Convention Wilfred Muder VE7OHM, from the RAC 2002 Committee spoke about the upcoming RAC National Convention July 25 – 27, 2002, in Vernon, BC . Dave Currie VE6RTL sent the application via courier on Friday and through the Internet tracking system on line has confirmed the commission has received our package this morning which means we made it under the wire for the 60 days prior to the casino dates. Wilf indicated that the convention would have a lot of interesting speakers, good prizes and good times. Some of the events include a Texas Scramble Golf This year the casino proceeds will be pooled from the city wide casino pool for both the lottery terminals and Calgary Amateur Radio Association 19 Key Klix June 2002 1,2002, CARATELS minutes, which was an extra S in possible at the end of the paragraph asking for volunteers at the Casino. Moved by Bill Elliott, VE6AQY, seconded by Les Card, VE6CA, that the minutes be adopted as amended ——carried. Tournament (Fri. AM), lots of seminars with keynote speakers throughout the weekend, flea market (Sat.) and wind-up & closing ceremonies on Sunday afternoon. For more information, check their website at (2) Old Business The telephone tree is working well. Everybody present received phone calls. Door Prizes Congratulations! to the door prize winners for tonight’s general meeting: • Ian VA6WRC (Limited Edition RAC 2002 TShirt) • Frank Devitte VE6ANL ($20 NTF Certificate)* • Jack Ambler VE6CAQ ($20 NTF Certificate)* • Mike Ross VE6TC ($20 NTF Certificate)* • Zane Hennigar VE6ZEE ($20 NTF Certificate)* Zane Hennigar, VE6ZEE, reported that the nameplates for the Silent Key Plaque have been oxidized and soon will be put on the new plaque, which then will be put on the wall of the Golden Age Club auditorium. Zane established the proper spelling of three Silent Keys, Archie Klaiber, VE6CJV (1981), Gus Ruitenbeek, VE6CFS (1985) and Phil Battrum, VE6XA (1999). Grant Heimbecker, VE6GH, circulated a sheet requesting controllers for the Tuesday (1:00 P.M.) Rag Chew net. It was established by a unanimous show of hands that the net would not be held during July and August. All four June 11th, 18th and 25th plus September 3rd, positions were filled by Zane Hennigar, VE6ZEE, Grant Heimbecker, VE6GH, Les Card, VE6CA and Jack Ambler, VE6CAQ respectively. (* Door prize sponsored by CARA and NTF Communications) Elections Elections were held for the new Executive for the upcoming 2002/2003 year: President………….Dave Currie, VE6RTL Past President…….Mike Ross, VE6TC Vice-President……Mike Taddeo, VA6MJT Treasurer………….Aty Bourne, VE6ACB Secretary………….Cindy Taddeo, VA6CYN Membership………Sheila Devitte, VE6NOW Director…………...Vitaly Markhasin, VE6JO Director……………John Bain, VE6BWJ Director……………Frank Devitte, VE6ANL Rules & Bylaws…..Open (3) New Business Cecil Howell, VE6CNH, the nominations committee, was tied up by an eye examination and could not attend. He was unable to obtain any volunteers to run for the CARATELS executive except one for Chairman. The elections were held by Chairman Frank Jones, VE6ZQ, at the end of this meeting. Zane Hennigar, VE6ZEE, has a new email address, which was not changed in Key Klix. It is [email protected]. This address should be used to report any sick or hospitalized amateurs and silent keys or phone Zane at 249-1206. Tino Sarro VE6SZR motioned to adjourn meeting at 20:51 hrs. Submitted by Mamie Woo, VE6MMN CARA Secretary (4) Hams Sick or Hospitalized Everybody greeted Jim Ashton, VE6AUZ, who is wheel chair bound but attended the meeting. CARATELS Bill Ambry, VE6WA, is on the 6th floor of the Foothills hospital. He is on Kidney dialysis during the day but would welcome visits during the evening. June 5,2002 Golden Age Club John Smith, VE6AI, had knee surgery postponed by possible flu. Chairman Frank Jones, VE6ZQ, brought the meeting to order at 12:31 MDT with 21 VE6’s, ZQ, GH, AQY, QSL, EY, CCM, CQF, XF, AP, AUZ, ZEE, AQH, CBO, CAQ, CGO, RQ, GQ, JV, EE, HY, and CA present plus VA6AL and one guest the XYL of VE6HY, Mary Ann Smith for a total of 23 present. Ralph Garnet, VE6REG, had a stroke and is being rehabilitated in the Fanning centre. Visiting is best during the evening. Zane Hennigar, VE6ZEE, had cards for the above for (1) There was one typographical error in the May Calgary Amateur Radio Association 20 Key Klix June 2002 members to sign. mation. (5) Upcoming Events K100 Relay Race, June 15th, Henry Schreiber, VE6HAS, 248-0706 or [email protected]. Fred Van Driel VE6FVD asked for the lending of rigs (preferably dual band) for the K100 since some volunteers have no 2metre rigs. Jack Ambler, VE6CAQ, is lending a dual band mobile and a dual band hand held. Frank Jones, VE6ZQ, is lending a 2 metre hand held and has ordered a 2 metre mobile from Radio Shack which has been reduced to $99.00. Les Card, VE6CA, agreed to be Vice-Chairman as long as Grant Heimbecker, VE6GH, was the first assistant Chairman and Don Cole, VE6EY, was the second assistant Chairman. There were no other nominations and all present were in favor. Rocky Mountain Challenge, June 21-23, Fred Van Driel, VE6FVD, 640-9575 or [email protected] The next meeting of CARATELS will be held on September 4th, 2002. Don Cole, VE6EY, moved that the business portion of the meeting be adjourned at 1:13 MDT. Jack Ambler, VE6CAQ, agreed to run for Secretary and there no further nominations and all present were in favor. As in the past if Jack is absent somebody will take the minutes. Glacier-Waterton Hamfest - July 19,20,21,2002 Casino- July 28th and 29th Stampede Casino. Alberta Lung Association Bike for Breath - August 1618, Fred Van Driel, VE6FVD, 640-9575. (6) Show and Tell Les Card, VE6CA, and Gordon Jepson, VE6CCM, told jokes. This is always an enjoyable part of CARATELS meetings. (6) Elections Cecil Howell, VE6CNG, reported that Vern Kawohl, VE6CKD, had agreed to run for Chairman. There were no other nominations and Vern was elected by accla- (7) Program The program presented by Grant Heimbecker, VE6GH, was entitled “The Bizarre Story of a Pioneer Rocket Scientist.” It was a video of an A&E Channel Calgary Amateur Radio Association 21 Key Klix June 2002 biography presentation on Wernher von Braun who developed liquid fueled rockets in Germany. Although he originally was only interested in space flight he reluctantly developed, at Peenemunde, the V2 rocket used in WW2 to bomb England. He escaped capture by the Russians and went to the U.S.A. to eventually develop the Saturn rocket, which sent the first man to the moon. Wernher von Braun died in 1977 at the age of 75. RAC 2002 Convention Reminder This is a reminder that the RAC 2002 National Convention takes place on July 26, 27 & 28th in Vernon, British Columbia. Hosted by the Orchard City Amateur Radio Club (Kelowna) and the North Okanagan Radio Amateur Club (Vernon) the second Radio Amateurs of Canada National Convention should prove to be an exciting weekend packed with seminars, amateur and nonamateur activities, a Wine and Cheese reception, Banquet and windup BBQ. Jack Ambler VE6CAQ Secretary SOCIAL CLUB The Official RAC 2002 National Convention Website contains all the latest information on seminars, commercial vendor displays, amateur flea market, raffle prizes (top prize being a Kenwood TS2000 all mode base transceiver), meal menus and much, much more! Check out this website often as it is constantly updated. May 31, 2002 Thank you to all members who attended the 2002 CARA Spring Awards Banquet held at the Best Western Village Park Inn. We were able to receive our banquet room complimentary since 57 tickets were sold. If you register for the Convention before June 15th you will have a chance to win 2 FREE nights accommodation at the Convention Hotel. The evening began with cocktails at 5:30 pm, followed by the delicious buffet at 6 pm and then the awards were presented. Congratulations! To all the CARA 2002 recipients as listed below: RAY BOURNE VE6LG - HAM OF THE YEAR GREG COULTIS VE6IC - MERIT AWARD LARRY CHAPPLE VE6KC - MERIT AWARD MIKE ROSS VE6TC - MERIT AWARD DAVE SWANSON VE6SWN - MERIT AWARD TINO SARRO VE6SZR - LETTER OF APPRECIATION DAN LAZAR VE6EX - LETTER OF APPRECIATION DAVE CURRIE VE6RTL - LETTER OF APPRECIATION VITALY MARKHASIN VE6JO - LETTER OF APPRECIATION JOHN BAIN VE6BWJ - LETTER OF APPRECIATION Sausage Casserole By Margaret Carter c/o VE6VMH ¾ to 1 pound sausage 4 ounces broad noodles broken ½ cup chopped onion ½ cup sliced celery ½ teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 ½ teaspoon chili powder ½ teaspoon dry mustard ½ teaspoon sugar 20 ounces of canned tomatoes ½ cup water ½ cup grated cheese Also, there was lots of socializing through the evening and door prizes were given out to everyone. We thank the following for generously donating the door prizes: Sheila Devitte VE6NOW and Frank Devitte VE6ANL Gale Rivett VE6GLE and Arnie Rivett VE6AXE Nancy Jenkins VE6OTL Mike Nerenberg VE6ZAP and Mamie Woo VE6MMN Again thank you to the members who provided such nice feedback – it makes organizing our events even more enjoyable. If anyone has suggestions or social activity ideas, please let me know anytime… Cut sausages in ½ inch piece and fry in large pan until nicely browned. Drain off fat and add all ingredients except cheese. Stir to mix and cover closely. Simmer stirring occasionally until noodles are tender – about 30 minutes. Add a little boiling water if necessary. Sprinkle with cheese. Everyone have a great summer!! Submitted by Mamie Woo, VE6MMN Social Director Calgary Amateur Radio Association 22 Key Klix June 2002 The 2002 CARA Awards Banquet Friday May 31th, 2002 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 23 Key Klix June 2002 For Sale • Self supporting 56 ft. tower for sale. It is a Delhi Glavanized steel in 7- 8ft sections with a platform in the second and top sections (for hand crank, rotor, satallite dish, etc.). It requires the three legs and 1 yard of concrete. It is equipped with a top bearing, antenna mast (10 ft), and boom (for erecting tower). $ 300. OBO • A HAM IV rotor. $ 300 OBO Estate Sale • Kenwood TS 440s…$675 • Kenwood interface IF 232C...$25 • Astron Power supplym20A...$150 • 1 hydbrid quad 6 band antenna…$300 • HTX-212 2 meter mobile...$250 • HTX 202 HH 2 meter...$200 • Daiwa power supply PS 120, 12V...$124 • TNC MFJ 1278B...$275 • MFJ 557 code oscillator and key...$25 • Netset Peo 20-28 scanner...$50 • Bencher paddle,black base ...$75 • Low pass filer...$15 • Vertical Log periodic 2 meter antenna...$20 • 112 ft RG-8 mini c/w fittings $35 • 112 ft RG-213 c/w fittings $ 55 Contact Jim, VE6ZE at 278 7806 These were used together and would sell as a package for $ 500. OBO Shipping is negotiable. As I come to Calgary on occasion, and would deliver. For information and further questions, Call (250) 763-5242 Ken Murray VE7KMR. Kelowna B.C. email: [email protected] For Sale • • IC-2KL solid state amp 550 W…$1500 IC-970A, 2 meter, 70 cm, 1.3 GHz transceiver with Maintenance manual…$2800 • Yeasu 5400 vert&hor rotator…$200 • AEA 232MBX TNC…$120 • AEA PK-96 packetmodem 9600 bd…$130 • IC-730 Amateur band transceiver with PS15 and microphone…$ 330 • KLM 2-220C 2 meter circ pol antenna 2x11 elements…$100 • KLM 435-40C 70 cm circ pol ant 2X20 elements…$100 • Dish with SSB converter 2.4 GHz-2 meter…$150 • Preamp for 2.4 GHz…$100 • RF Concepts 70cm amp 100W with preamp…$100 • Philips PM3110 dualtrace scope with handbook…$25 • IC PS-30 30 A powersupply, metered…$150 • IC PS 20 speaker with filters…$150 • Kenwood SM60 deskmic, adapted to IC…$160 • IC SM8 deskmic, Heilelement built in…$150 • DCI 164-4M 4 element 2 meter bandpass…$100 • IC-W21AT 2m/70 cm handheld with headset, extra batterypack…$400 • 10 ft minitower with central extender...$20 • UMax Astra 1220P scanner (doesn’t work with ME/XP)…$30 Contact Jim, VE6ZE at 278 7806 For Sale • • One Wilson’s Tri-Bander Beam…$100 One Yeasu FLDX 2000 Linear Amplifier 1200W pep…$150 Contact Steve, VE6CCG at 276-1458 Answers to the Ham Puzzler. Calgary Amateur Radio Association 24 Key Klix June 2002 Contest Calendar July, 2002 RAC Canada Day Contest 0000Z-2359Z, Jul 1 All Asian DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Sep 7-2400Z, Sep 8 IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB 1300Z, Sep 7-1300Z, Sep 8 Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest, SSB 0000Z, Jul 6-2400Z, Jul 7 North American Sprint, CW 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 8 IARU HF World Championship 1200Z, Jul 13-1200Z, Jul 14 QRP ARCI End of Summer PSK31 Sprint 2000Z-2400Z, Sep 8 FISTS Summer Sprint 1700Z-2100Z, Jul 13 WAE DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Sep 14-2359Z, Sep 15 CQ Worldwide VHF Contest 1800Z, Jul 13-2100Z, Jul 14 ARRL September VHF QSO Party 1800Z, Sep 14-0300Z, Sep 16 Colombian Ind. Day Contest 0001Z-2400Z, Jul 20 North American Sprint, SSB 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 15 Pacific 160m Contest 0700Z-2300Z, Jul 20 North American QSO Party, RTTY 1800Z, Jul 20-0600Z, Jul 21 ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest 0800 local-2000 local, Sep 21 and 0800 local-2000 local, Sep 22 Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest, CW 0000Z, Jul 27-2400Z, Jul 28 Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW 1200Z, Sep 21-1200Z, Sep 22 Russian RTTY WW Contest 0000Z, Jul 27-2400Z, Jul 28 Panama Anniversary Contest 1200Z-2359Z, Sep 22 IOTA Contest 1200Z, Jul 27-1200Z, Jul 28 CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY 0000Z, Sep 28-2400Z, Sep 29 August, 2002 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB 0001Z, Aug 3-2400Z, Aug 4 Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB 1200Z, Sep 28-1200Z, Sep 29 European HF Championship 1000Z-2159Z, Aug 3 October, 2002 Oceania DX Contest, Phone 0800Z, Oct 5-0800Z, Oct 6 North American QSO Party, CW 1800Z, Aug 3-0600Z, Aug 4 RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, SSB 0700Z-1900Z, Oct 6 ARRL UHF Contest 1800Z, Aug 3-1800Z, Aug 4 10-10 Day Sprint 0001Z-2400Z, Oct 10 YO DX HF Contest 0000Z-2000Z, Aug 4 Oceania DX Contest, CW 0800Z, Oct 12-0800Z, Oct 13 WAE DX Contest, CW 0000Z, Aug 10-2359Z, Aug 11 North American Sprint, RTTY 0000Z-0400Z, Oct 13 SARTG WW RTTY Contest 0000Z-0800Z, Aug 17 and 1600Z-2400Z, Aug 17 and 0800Z-1600Z, Aug 18 JARTS WW RTTY Contest 0000Z, Oct 19-2400Z, Oct 20 Asia-Pacific Sprint, CW 0000Z-0200Z, Oct 20 ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest 0800 local-2000 local, Aug 17 and 0800 local-2000 local, Aug 18 RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, CW 0700Z-1900Z, Oct 20 SEANET Contest, CW/SSB/Digital 1200Z, Aug 17-1200Z, Aug 18 CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Oct 26-2400Z, Oct 27 North American QSO Party, SSB 1800Z, Aug 17-0600Z, Aug 18 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW 0001Z, Oct 26-2400Z, Oct 27 September, 2002 Submitted by Vitaly (VE6JO) Calgary Amateur Radio Association 25 Key Klix June 2002 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 26 Key Klix June 2002 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 28 Key Klix June 2002 CALGARY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION NEW MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL CHANGE OF INFORMATION DATE___________________________ NAME___________________________ CALL SIGN ADDRESS ___________________ ________________________________________________________ CITY____________________ PROV______________ POSTAL CODE _______ NAME OF SPOUSE ____________________________ PHONE (DAY) ________ PHONE (NIGHT)_______________________________ CELL E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________ _________________________________________________ DATE FIRST LICENSED _____________ CLASS OF LICENSE ___________ DATE JOINED CARA ________________ **************************************************************************** SCHEDULE OF FEES NEW MEMBER INITATION FEE (A ONE TIME FEE) $ 8.00 _______ FULL MEMBERSHIP FEE (WITH MAILED KEY KLIX) $35.00 _______ FULL MEMBERSHIP FEE (ELECTRONIC KEY KLIX) $25.00 _______ RETIRED FULL MEMBERSHIP (RETIRED OR OVER 65) MAILED KEY KLIX $30.00 _______ RETIRED FULL MEMBERSHIP (RETIRED OR OVER 65) ELECTRONIC KEY KLIX $20.00 _______ FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (ONE KEY KLIX) CALL SIGN OF FAMILY MEMBER $10.00 _______ ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP (UNLICENSED) MAILED KEY KLIX $30.00 _______ ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP (UNLICENSED) ELECTRONIC KEY KLIX $20.00 _______ Calgary Amateur Radio Association 29 Key Klix June 2002 PAGE 2 STUDENT MEMBER (18 0R UNDER & IN SCHOOL) MAILED KEY KLIX $25.00 _______ STUDENT MEMBER (18 OR UNDER & IN SCHOOL) ELECTRONIC KEY KLIX $15.00 _______ REGISTERED CNIB MEMBERS $ 0.00 _______ DONATIONS: VHF WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED TO HELP DEVELOP, MAINTAIN AND UPGRADE FACILITIES DIGITAL DX ATV VOICE REPEATERS OTHER CARATELS - SPECIFY AUTODIAL & MAILBOX (VE6RYC/VE6RY) $15.00 _______ AUTODIAL (ONLY) $ 6.00 _______ TOTAL REMITTANCE $ __________________ ALL MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 1ST OF EACH YEAR PLEASE MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: CALGARY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION BOX 592 STATION “M” CALGARY, ALBERTA T2P 2J2 Calgary Amateur Radio Association 30 Key Klix June 2002 2001 – 2002 CARA EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Dave Currie PAST PRESIDENT Mike Ross VICE PRESIDENT Ray Bourne SECRETARY Mamie Woo TREASURER Rick Wilson DIRECTOR Frank Devitte DIRECTOR Vitaly Markhasin DIRECTOR John Bain MEMBERSHIP DIR. Sheila Devitte BYLAWS & RULES of ORDER VE6RTL VE6TC VE6LG VE6MMN VE6RVW VE6ANL VE6JO VE6BWJ VE6NOW OPEN 278-0848 948-5842 686-4556 226-6105 240-0406 282-2171 931-0363 948-7041 282-2171 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Tom Cullen Gary Wenner Tom Cullen VE6SHB VE6GBW VE6SHB 242-1205 278-9040 242-1205 CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Frank Jones Grant Heimbecker Jack Ambler VE6ZQ VE6GH VE6CAQ 276-2131 249-0769 282-9855 CHAIRMAN SYSOPS Orin Johnson VE6OMJ 816-0140 Bill Dyer VE6WTD, William Graham VE6UUG [email protected] CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Mike Ross VE6TC Shared among members [email protected] CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN SECRETARY TECHNICIANS Tony Mountjoy VE6MX 255-6254 Ray Bourne VE6LG 686-4556 OPEN Tony Mountjoy VE6MX - Tom Cullen VE6SHB AMATEUR TELEVISION SECTION [email protected] CARATELS SECTION DIGITAL SECTION [email protected] DX SECTION 948-5842 VHF SECTION [email protected] [email protected] CARA REPRESENTATIVES Education Coordinator Dave Currie VE6RTL QSL Manager Larry Chapple VE6KC Equipment Manager Tony Mountjoy VE6MX Historian Jack Ambler VE6CAQ Tube Bank Custodian Don Everton VE6RME Social Director Mamie Woo VE6MMN RF Susceptibility OPEN SACNIB Coordinator Jack Ambler VE6CAQ Key Klix Audio Tapes Jack Ambler VE6CAQ Humanitarian Zane Hennigar VE6ZEE CARA/Scouting Liaison Henry Schreiber VE6HAS CARA/Guides Liason Don Cole VE6EY CARA/Guides Liason Frank Devitte VE6ANL CARA/Calgary Sports Car Club Liason Bill Ingles VE6WSI Legal Advisor Tim Ellam VE6SH Club Jacket Agent Dave Currie VE6RTL Stampede City Award - Booster Awards Mike Ross VE6TC ARES Calgary Emergency Coordinator Gerry Leach Alberta Section Manager Alberta Section Emergency Coordinator Gerry Leach VE6BVZ Southern Alberta Repeater Association Calgary Rep (President of SARA) Pete Racicot Radio Amateurs of Canada President Ken Oelke VE6AFO Alberta/NWT Director Earle Smith VE6NM Vice President Regulatory Affairs Tim Ellam 278-0848 251-3899 255-6254 282-9855 252-4131 226-6105 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 282-9855 282-9855 249-1206 248-0706 280-4117 282-2171 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 210-2173 260-3533 278-0848 948-5842 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VE6BVZ 285-5547 285-5547 [email protected] VE6NZ 280-0956 226-5840 780-532-4279 VE6SH [email protected] [email protected] 260-3533 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DELIVER TO THIS ADDRESS