pitching clinic series 2013-14 - University of Missouri Softball
pitching clinic series 2013-14 - University of Missouri Softball
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION INFORMATION You can send your completed registration, along with fee to that address listed on the registration form. More information on Missouri Softball camps can be found at www.mutigers.com or www.missourisoftball.org. Confirmation, along with detailed camp information, will be forwarded to you upon receipt of registration form/payment. Registration forms must be received at least 1 week before the camp date. Cancellation/Refund Policy. Your fee will be refunded if you cancel your enrollment two weeks prior to the camp start date. At any time after this date refunds will be made for medical reason only. Requests for refunds must be accompanied by a signed notice by the applicant’s physician. Camps are open to any and all entrants limited only by age, grade level, gender and/or number. MEDICAL RELEASE FORM Parents/Legal Guardians: This indemnification form must be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian in order for the camp registration to be complete. Incomplete forms will be returned by camp administration. PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN APPROVAL PITCHING CLINIC SERIES 2 013 - 14 ______________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date MEDICAL TREATMENT AUTHORIZATION I/We being the parent or legal guardian of the applicant, authorize the University of Missouri and its agents permission to request emergency medical treatment or care necessary to insure the well-being of our dependent and claim that the registrant has had a physical examination deeming her fit for all physical endeavors. ______________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Emergency Contact Phone Number__________________________ Are you or your dependents entitled to benefits under any employer, union group, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicaid or any other governmental program? Yes _____ No _____ ______________________________________________________ Person Carrying Other Insurance Coverage ______________________________________________________ Employer of Sponsor ______________________________________________________ Insurance Company ______________________________________________________ Plan or Policy Number ______________________________________________________ Preexisting Injuries? U niversity of M issouri S oftball C amp 100 M izzou A thletic T raining C omplex C olumbia , MO 65211 www . mutigers . com (573) 884-2837 The undersigned parent or legal guardian of_____________________________ The applicant, for and in further consideration of the Missouri Tiger Softball Camp accepting said application, does hereby release and discharge the Curators of the University of Missouri and its representatives, employees, from any and all debts, claims demands, actions, damages, causes of, or by occasion on, as a result of the applicant’s participation in the Missouri Tiger Softball Camp and hereby agree to liability, claims, judgements or demands for damages arising as a result of any course instruction given the applicant by the Missouri Tiger Camp. W O M E N ’ S 2 011 C O L L E G E 19 9 4 WORLD SERIES N C A A 2 013 R E G I O N A L 2 010 C H A M P I O N S 1994 / 2 010 / 2 0 0 9 / 19 9 1 / 19 8 3 / 2 012 / 2 011 / 20 09 / 20 08 / 1991 / 1983 C O N F E R E N C E 2 011 / 2 0 0 9 / 19 9 7 CHAMPIONS Conference Coach of the Year Midwest Region Staff of the Year 2 0 0 7, 2 011 2 0 0 9 , 2 010 , 2 012 NCAA Postseason Appearances 17 All-Americans 25 All-Region Honorees 43 All-Conference Honorees 47 FE ATU R E D P IT CHING IN ST RUC TO R: D O U G G I L L I S Six Time Team USA Pitcher & Lead Pitching Instructor for the International Softball Congress 2010 International Softball Congress All – World Selection as a player Gold Medal 2002 Pan American Championships Pitching Consultant for University of Missouri Softball Coached over 300 students that now play at the college level AGES: OPEN ENROLLMENT: LIMITED TO 36 CAMPERS Sunday, Nov. 10 1:00-5:00 PM Sunday, Dec. 15 1:00-5:00 PM Monday, Jan. 20 1:00-5:00 PM Sunday, Feb. 9 1:00-5:00 PM Sunday, March 16 1:00-5:00 PM Sunday, April 20 1:00-5:00 PM Tuesday, May 13 TBD Wed., May 14 TBD Time are subject to change. Confirmation sent with email. > > > > > COST: $75 PER CLINIC ALL NEW PITCHING CAMP DESIGN FOR THIS YEAR > Smaller ground design so each camper has there own camp time > Each student has camp topics individually adjusted for them at each camp > Campers will be filmed for feedback at every camp by Lead Instructor Doug Gillis > All campers will see Lead Instructor Doug Gillis individually at every camp > Every camper will have follow up drill / exercises monitored by MU staff and players > Campers will have individual ongoing file, to help manage progress and specific needs > The new design has a hard cap on attendees, and every camper has the right to their spot for next and on-going camps - so get your spot established soon! > The Dec. 15 Holiday Camp will remain as a group camp -- Topic "Velocity Improvement" All pitchers are asked to provide their own catcher, please bring your own catching equipment. Younger pitchers using a youth ball should also bring one to their session. INTRODUCING THE iLESSON CONCEPT: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The University of Missouri Softball Team, with Featured Pitching Instructor Doug Gillis, will host a series of pitching clinics in the Dan Devine Pavilion. The Pavilion is located off of Providence Blvd. just West of Memorial Stadium. Those attending the clinic are encouraged to park across the street at the football stadium and walk over the pedestrian “Tiger Head” Bridge to the Pavilion. All camps now include the iLesson concept! Campers can now be evaluated & assigned drills/exercises that meet the skill level more appropriately . This will be done by access to many video stations that all have iLessons library on it, this access to over 500 unique coaching points. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: LISA SIMMONS AT [email protected] OR 573- 882-3942 REGISTRATION FORM Name:_____________________________________ E-Mail:____________________________________ Home Address:_______________________________ City: __________________ State: _____ Zip:_______ Phone:_____________________________________ Birth Date:______________ Age: ________________ Grade for Next Fall:___________________________ Position(s):__________________________________ School:____________________________________ Club Team:__________________________________ We would like to register for the following clinics ($75 per clinic): Sunday, November 10, 2013 Sunday, December 15, 2003 Monday, January 20, 2014 Sunday, February 9, 2014 Sunday, March 16, 2014 Sunday, April 20, 2014 Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Make checks payable to: University of Missouri Athletics An MU booster or staff member may not pay for a prospect to attend any MU camp or clinic, unless he/she is a parent, legal guardian or immediate family member of the prospect. Mail signed form and payment to: M issour i Sof t ball Camp 100 M iz z ou At hlet ics Tr aining Complex Columbia, M O 65211 Please detach and return. Email confirmation will be sent when payment is received.
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it takes to play at the college level. This camp will also introduce the iLesson concept! In a iLesson, a student will film his or her self
and send the video to Doug Gillis via the V1 App to the G...