Creating eResume
Creating eResume
Creating eResume ePortfolio Instructions hosted by… Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 1 For Your ePortfolio Resume Assignment To start your resume assignment by having the following items ready in your computer: Your resume in a word document (required) Picture of your artwork (optional, but recommended) Video of the process when creating your artwork (optional, but recommended) ¾ Website if your website is beneficial for the job interview ¾ ¾ ¾ The beauty of ePortfolio is that you can present your resume together with image(s), video(s), and/or website to your potential employer Take advantage of ePortfolio by emailing the ePortfolio link to your potential employer prior to your job interview Your potential employer can easily spread your eResume to other hiring committee members simply by forwarding your email to them Increase your employment chances by impressing potential employers with ePortfolio Resume! Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 2 Create a Resume Folder with Word Document Resume, Images, and Videos in your computer Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 3 Today’s Lesson Repository (storing) tool to: ¾ Create your eResume folder ¾ Create Contact Information and URL form types by using the dropdown menu ¾ Upload pictures, videos, and/or website Presentation (eResume) tool to: ¾ Create an eResume template ¾ Publish your eResume. Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 4 Logging into ePortfolio ePortfolio URL is Unlike Laulima, ePortfolio is kept for five years Click here to Log-in. Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 5 Logging into ePortfolio Type in Username Type in Password Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 6 Logging into ePortfolio Home page will be at Resources You will find ¾ Creating ePortfolio resume instructions ¾ Sending eResume instructions to your potential employer ¾ Sample resume template that you can write over it to create your own resume Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 7 Repository Tool (Building Resume) Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 8 Repository Tool (Building Resume) 2) Click on Repository Tool 1) Click your class CIG Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 9 Repository Tool (Building Resume) 3) Click on create item Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 10 Creating Contact Information 4. Click on the drop down arrow located next to Accomplishment Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 11 Creating Contact Information 5. Slide your mouse on top of Contact Information 6. When Contact Information turns blue, click on it Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 12 Creating Contact Information 7. Click on create Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 13 Creating Contact Information 8. Display Name: Type the name of the form, Contact Information 9. Fill out your personal information 10. Click Save Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 14 Linking Website 11. Click on the drop down arrow located next to Accomplishment again. Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 15 Linking Website 12. Slide your mouse on top of URL 13. When URL turns blue, click on it 14. Click on create Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 16 Linking Website 15. Display Name: Type the name of the form type, URL 16. Type in the title of your URL 17. Type in the URL address 18. Click Save Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 17 Uploading Word Document Resume, Images and Videos 19) Click on create item Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 18 Uploading Word Document Resume, Images and Videos 20. Click on Browse Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 19 Uploading Word Document Resume, Images and Videos Recommend to create a resume folder to keep all resume files together 21. Navigate to where your resume folder is located and click open the folder Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 20 Uploading Word Document Resume, Images and Videos 22. Highlight by clicking on any one of the files to upload that file into the Repository tool You can upload one file at a time into the Repository tool. 23. Click Open Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 21 Uploading Word Document Resume, Images and Videos 24. Click Upload Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 22 Uploading Word Document Resume, Images and Videos 25. Click create item of your resume folder again Repeat the steps until all the files that you need for your resume have been uploaded You have now completed the process using the Repository tool Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 23 End of Repository Tool (Building Resume) Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 24 Presentation Tool (Building Resume) Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 25 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool Make sure you are still in your CIG 1. Click on Presentation tool Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 26 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 2. Click New Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 27 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 3. Title (required): Name your resume i.e. Mel’s Resume 4. Description (optional): This will not show up in the resume. If you are double majoring, you can create two resumes by major Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 28 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 5. Expires: You class CIG will be kept for five years. You may keep your resume for five years by leaving the “Expires” blank. Otherwise, click on the drop down arrow and select a date to terminate your eResume earlier 6. Template: Click on the drop down arrow and select a template called Resume 7. Click Continue. Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 29 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 8. Click on the drop down arrow 9. Select Contact Information Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 30 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 10. Scroll toward the bottom until you reach Supporting Files 11. Click and highlight the file that you need 12. Click on the Add Button Repeat Steps 11 and 12 until all files have been selected. Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 31 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool These are the selected files: ¾ Resume ¾ Picture of my dish ¾ Video of my cooking Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 32 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 13. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach Supporting URLs 14. Click and highlight the URL that you need 15. Click on the Add Button If you have more URLs to present, repeat Steps 14 and 15 Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 33 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 16. Click Continue at the bottom of the page Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 34 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 17. Click and highlight All participants with maintain role (maintain = instructor) 18. Click Add Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 35 Selecting “Save” Option 19. Click “yes” on Make this a public share?: 20. Click Save if you still need to work on your resume for later submission Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 36 Selecting “Save and Notify” Option 19. Click “yes” on Make this a public share?: 20. Click Save and Notify if you are submitting your resume assignment to your instructor Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 37 Creating Resume in the Presentation Tool 21. Check mark to whom you wish to notify 22. Click on Send Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 38 To View Your Resume in the Presentation Tool To view your resume, click view Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 39 To View Your Resume in the Presentation Tool Your Contact Information is provided at the top Click on each individual file name to view the file (resume, picture, or video) Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 40 End of Presentation Tool (Building Resume) Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 41 Other Helpful Information Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 42 To Edit the Setup in the Presentation Tool To edit the setup in the Presentation tool, click on edit Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 43 To Update the Setup in the Presentation Tool Click Continue until you reach to the page for editing Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 44 To Update the Setup in the Presentation Tool Re-upload your revised file Click Continue to complete the process Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 45 2) Click on your folder’s triangle to view the next level. 1) Go to Repository in the Tool Menubar To Edit or Delete a Form in Repository Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 46 3) Then click Save. 2) Edit where you need to make the change 1) Click view properties of the Contact Infromation To Edit a Personal Contact Form in Repository Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 47 To Delete a File from Repository Files uploaded from your computer cannot be revised in ePortfolio Old file needs to be deleted and new file need to be re-uploaded into Repository Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 48 2) Click Update. 1) Check the box of the form you wish to delete To Delete an Old File from Repository Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 49 End of Other Helpful Information Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 50 ePortfolio Resume Kapiolani Community College The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology 51