Pushing to Expose Robo-Signor Beverly Mitrisin
Pushing to Expose Robo-Signor Beverly Mitrisin
EI Paso Woman May be Victim of Illegal Robosigning By NxlnJfIIDIIS Cr8lIIed Feb 2 2012 - fO:38pm 2 CommenIB [II POSTED: Thursday, February2, 2012 ·10:38pm UPDATED: Tueaday, February7, 2012· 7:20am She's Facing Foreclosure Even Though She's Made all Her Payments RolalBd • Woman 8aya Bank Is Wml'J:lfiJlly Takll'J:! Her Home I2l • Homeowner Faces Foreclosure elK'!" ' " of BoboelgnllX! [I] 12/18/12 EI Paso Woman May be Victim of Illegal Robosigning • NC9 Investigates Robosigning Tonight at 10 [4] • Woman Forcibly Removed from Home But Fights Eviction [5] • Newschannel9 Investigates Robosigning in EI Paso County [6] EL PASO -It's a homeowner's worst nightmare: you make all your payments on time and still, a bank forecloses on your property. It's happened to one EI Pasoan, who now wants to spread the news about an illegal practice that allows banks to foreclose on your home by tampering with the mortgage paperwork. Beatriz Huml said she never thought she'd be in this situation. "They came in and told me your house has been foreclosed and it's been sold. [I said], 'what?'" Huml bought her Central EI Paso home in the 1990's and says she faithfully paid her $900 mortgage each month, so she assumed the late notices she had received were a mistake; but then, the bank started returning her checks. "I said, 'why?' I [must have] did an overpayment, so I did not pay attention because I knew I was making my payments," said Hum!. Then, something else happened; something Huml couldn't ignore. "They came in and gave me a notice of eviction," said Hum!. Huml took a closer look at the foreclosure documents and noticed something strange. II Not all the signatures were the same," stated Hum!. The name "Beverly Mitrisin" appears on the paperwork as a substitute trustee several times, but the signature appears to be different from one page to the next. "Unless you have different personalities, you always sign your name the same way," said Hum!. Huml is represented by attorney Richard Roman; he said her bank uses a tactic called robosigning. "Robosigning is a mechanism that the banks have created ....to expedite the filing of documents...bank-related documents without validating signatures to make sure the signatures are valid," said Roman. In this particular case, different people are signing the name "Beverly Mitirisin," and sometimes, the name is stamped. lilt's illegal, it's not recognized by any regulatory body or court anywhere," added Roman. Before lenders foreclose on a property, they need to file documents proving they have the right to foreclose, by proving the homeowner is behind on monthly payments. But, in recent years, lenders have been accused of robosigning - falsely notarizing paperwork to rush homes into foreclosure. YNNI.ktsm.com/printlnode/49150 2/3 12/18/12 EI Paso Woman May be Victim of Illegal Robosigning Roman said the foreclosure process is contaminated, when different people sign the same name, or when the bank uses a rubber stamp. "How do we know or how can they prove that the person that is saying 'go foreclose on a property' has the authority to do that?" asked Roman. Newschannel 9 reached out to several banks about robosigning; they wouldn't comment. The big question now is, what can local leaders do to help homeowners who fall victim to this illegal practice? An EI Paso County spokesperson said the county can't give legal advice. They referred Newschannel 9 to the Texas Attorney General's office, which won't talk about robosigning, either. The state Attorney General's webpage, does, however, offer some advice to homeowners facing foreclosure: https:/Iwww.oag.state.tx.us/consumer/mortgage fraud.shtml [7] Richard Roman said the deck is stacked against troubled homeowners who need help. "When a homeowner here in EI Paso runs into a problem, they don't have a lobbyist," said Roman. Beatriz Huml knows all too well, the misery of having a home hijacked by robosigning. But, she has her attorney, and her convictions, and promises she'll fight this to the very end. "There's absolutely no way I'm vacating my house," said Hum!. There are local organizations devoted to helping homeowners on the brink offoreclosure. One is the YVVCA's Consumer Credit Counseling Service. You can reach them directly at 915-5772530. News banks economy foreclosures housing robosigning sweeps Source URL: http://www.ktsm.com/news/el-paso-woman-may-be-victim-of.-illegal-robosigning Links: [1] http://www.ktsm.com/news/el-paso-woman-may-be-victim-of-illegal-robosigning#Comments [2] http://www.ktsm.com/news/woman-says-bank-wrongfully-taking-her-home [3] http://www.ktsm.com/news/homeowner-faces-foreclosure-because-of-robosigning [4] http://www.ktsm.com/news/nc9-inwstigates-robosigning-tonight-10 [5] http://www.ktsm.com/news/woman-forcibly-remowd-home-nghts-eviction [6] http://www.ktsm.com/news/newschannel-9-inwstigates-robosigning-el-paso-county [7] https://www.oag.state.tx.us/consumer/mortgage_fraud.shtml YNNI.ktsm.com/printlnode/49150 3/3 FORMER JunGE Of THE 346m DISTRICT COURT RICHARD ABRAM ROMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW (915) 351-2679 FAX (915) 351-6754 505 EAST RIo GRANDE EL PASO, TEXAS 79902 [email protected] December 7,2012 Jack O'Boyle & Associates Jack O'Boyle, Esq. P.O. Box 815369 Dallas, Texas 75381 Re: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation v. Beatriz Huml 4318 Hueco, EI Paso, Texas 79903 Dear Mr. O'Boyle: I have reviewed the notice to vacate you sent to my client, Bea Huml (see attached). As you know, all the national banks, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) placed a voluntary moratorium on evictions until 2013. The federal government's rationale for the suspension is,"The holidays are a chance to be with loved ones and we want to relieve some stress at this time of the year". Your demand that Ms. Huml vacate the property no later than 3 days clearly disregards the government's eviction moratorium. Please advise why Ms. Huml is being singled-out and targeted by your office for eviction? Is it because she is Hispanic? A female? Because she cares for her elderly, disabled mother in this home? We do not believe you have any valid reason other than Ms. Huml is a vocal, credible and persistent critic of the illegal practice of "robosigning" which has financially benefitted your clients. The discriminatory eviction measures you are undertaking are nothing more than a laser-guided attack on Ms. Huml designed to punish, degrade and humiliate her and her family. These tactics reek of unbridled arrogance and unaccountability. These tactics will not be successful. And with all due courtesies, we awai ur reply. :];;£10 RAR: sa Enclosures • Get E-mail Updates • Change Text Size l-SOO-FED-INFO (333-4636) Download Adobe Reader Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation {Freddie Mac} Share Tweet E-mail This Page Contact the Agency or Department Website: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)