2016 Predictions
2016 Predictions
BONUS SUPPLIER GUIDES 2 0 WIRELESS I N F R A S T RU C T U R E COM PAN IE S 6 0 CON N E CT E D CA R COM PAN IE S 6 3 I oT COMPA N IE S 7 0 T E LE COM S O FTWA R E COM PAN IE S 2016 Predictions By RCR Wireless News DECEMBER Report Sponsors: 2015 9 0 T E ST & ME A S UR E M E N T COM PAN IE S FEATURE REPORT Prognostication isn’t just a favored sport with an undercard from VoWi-Fi. Mobile VoLTE at No. 1; an empty network running an in politics, but one of the best-loved past- carriers and vendors have been working on OTT app at No. 2, though with the stipulation times in technology. As the telecom indus- these technologies now for several years, that some testing has shown an advantage in try enters 2016, and tries to answer the with a number of larger operators having this unlikely scenario over VoLTE; a 3G HD constant question of “what’s next?” RCR launched VoLTE services, though with little voice call at No. 3; and a circuit-switched 3G Wireless News talked with experts and vet- promotion, and VoWi-Fi also becoming a voice call a “distant” No. 4. erans across the ecosystem to give their standard option. best guesses about what the industry can expect to see in the coming year. 2016 may not be a year of great leaps for- However, technical challenges remain will come as carriers move to expand ser- significant hurdles to broader VoLTE and vice interoperability with their rivals. Every- VoWi-Fi deployments. one knows customers need to have a uni- ward, but it is expected to be one of evolu- Most still feel VoLTE is inevitable as tele- form experience with a service regardless tion: for small cells and new types of net- com operators look to streamline their net- of carrier for it to be successful. But, the work architectures both physical and virtual, work operations around IP-based technol- technology challenge of ensuring service continued deployment of voice over LTE and ogy. This will require carriers to eventually quality has so far marred VoLTE. voice over Wi-Fi, and initial pilots of tech- migrate customers from legacy 2G and 3G “Interconnection is still very complex, and nologies such as LTE that uses unlicensed networks to their LTE deployments. That much more so than in a 2G or 3G world,” spectrum, among others. Even as much of migration begins with deploying VoLTE explained Kevin Riley, VP of engineering the world continues to rely on 2G, 3G con- capabilities across the network and is fol- and CTO at Sonus. “I think next year we will tinues its expansion in some markets and lowed by the dissemination of VoLTE de- start to see select interconnection between LTE keeps growing and evolving, 2016 puts vices to the customer base. carriers, but will still be a slow process.” the wireless industry four years out from 5G So far, a number of larger operators have Verizon Wireless and AT&T Mobility an- rolled out VoLTE services to their own cus- nounced in late 2014 they were working on This report looks at major developments tomer base. Domestically, Verizon Wireless VoLTE interoperability between their net- expected for 2016 for the technologies that and T-Mobile US claim network-wide access works, with hopes of commercial availabil- have become important to the industry in to VoLTE, while AT&T Mobility has been ity by the end of 2015. 2015. We tackle broader questions of work- more targeted in its rollout. These inter- “We know the expectations are high for force needs and changing network topolo- carrier initial deployments have allowed for us from our consumers,” explained Megan gies, and we also look ahead to the develop- easier monitoring of quality levels and per- Klenzak, AVP for product marketing man- ments this year that will lay the foundation formance surveys have shown solid results. agement at AT&T. “Voice performance is for future evolution: initial work on 5G stan- “There is no question in my mind that high on their list of expectations and rela- dards as well as continuing research and VoLTE is superior to 3G voice, [over-the- tionship with us. We know it’s important development. top] applications and 3G high-definition and we are trying to manage to those expec- voice to varying degrees,” said Michael tations.” deployments expected to begin in 2020. 2 The bigger challenge for VoLTE in 2016 VoLTE/VoWi-Fi: The voice revolution Thelander, founder and CEO of Signals Re- continues search Group. If there is one technology that could be In ranking the overall voice quality experi- considered a wild card in 2016, it’s VoLTE, ence based on his own testing, Thelander put T-Mobile US has also said it was working with its larger rivals on interoperability, but such a breakthrough remains elusive as the year neared its conclusion. FEATURE REPORT “We are working with AT&T and Verizon as well on this, though they don’t seem to want to talk about that,” said Grant Castle, Nokia VoLTE image VP of engineering services and quality assurance at T-Mobile US. “It’s important and we are working through it. It’s going a lot slower than we would like, but it’s a tall ask. We are not just looking to interoperate with voice calls, but with the whole IMS platform. There is a pretty extensive testing campaign to make sure everything works together.” Internationally, VoLTE deployments are more diverse. Thelander has spent considerable time in South Korea testing that country’s VoLTE services, which he claims have provided “eye-opening” insight into the technology’s capabilities. On the other hand, Europe is still seen as to be lagging in broader VoLTE deployments, which has been attributed to generally slower LTE rollouts and a lack of lowband spectrum to support coverage. “Because of the lack of low-band 4G spectrum deployments in Europe, operators have been more focused on improving 2G and 3G voice services,” said Henry Calvery, head of the GSMA’s Network 2020 program. “The initial LTE deployments have been in the 1.8 or 2.6 GHz bands, which just don’t provide the sort of coverage characteristics needed to support voice services.” While VoLTE is expected to become a standard offering for mobile operators in 2016, voice over Wi-Fi is a bit trickier. Many mobile operators continue to view Wi-Fi as an offload option only, not wanting to bother working through quality of service issues the 3 FEATURE REPORT unlicensed spectrum in various forms. There are three strategies for Wi-Fi utilization that are expected to gain traction in 2016, according to Mike Schabel, VP of small cells for Alcatel Lucent: • License-assisted access, which is being finalized for in LTE Release 13 in March and includes listen-beforetalk as a mechanism for coexistence with Wi-Fi, expected to be used in Japan and Europe based on regulatory requirements. Source: 123/RF • The LTE-U Forum’s LTE-U spec, for VoWi-Fi is expected to see continued advances in 2016 North America and other regions where LBT is not required. LTE-U relies on Qualcomm’s carrier sensing adaptive technology and duty cycling for coexistence. • A third option that would allow car- technologies use of unlicensed spectrum. will be LTE-U,” Riley said. “We don’t know riers to utilize existing Wi-Fi nodes The ability to support seamless handoffs necessarily at this point if it plays nice with (with a software update), run Wi-Fi between a cellular and Wi-Fi connection unlicensed. It may turn out that LTE-U could in unlicensed spectrum and LTE in a remains one of the biggest hurdles mobile be an option only for larger enterprises or licensed band and aggregate the two. operators are facing in terms of truly inte- campus environments where Wi-Fi is more This approach is called LTE Wi-Fi Ag- grating VoWi-Fi into their product offerings. controlled than say something like a Star- gregation and is also expected to be Even Google, despite all of its resources, bucks location.” part of the finalized Release 13. Ruck- is currently not able to transfer a call that begins on a cellular connection to a Wi-Fi connection without dropping the call, an “potentially the best of both worlds.” LTE and Wi-Fi are headed toward With multiple Alcatel-Lucent demonstrated LWA at affliction that also impacts smaller mobile convergence. wireless the 2015 Mobile World Congress event virtual network operators. operators pursuing VoWi-Fi as well as the with Qualcomm, which offered up its new Those issues could begin to be overcome ongoing, often-heated debate over using Snapdragon 820 chipset that supports both as the year progresses due to growing sup- LTE in unlicensed spectrum, 2016 will LTE-U and LWA. The debate in 2015 has port of LTE-Unlicensed, which looks to see that relationship tighten even more. centered largely around LAA and in partic- use unlicensed spectrum to help support For LTE-U in particular, the year holds ular, LTE-U – which is built upon prior LTE licensed spectrum-based LTE services. emergence of finalized standards, trials releases and some proprietary technology, and even actual deployments of LTE over as opposed to working its way through “One of the variables for voice over Wi-Fi 4 us Wireless, for one, has called LWA LTE-U to the fore Testing solutions for today and tomorrow 5G networks will mean new features and technologies in support of a vast range of emerging applications and use cases. While exciting, these advancements also mean testing new technologies and network elements in ever-increasing combinations to ensure correct interoperability. Count on Anritsu to help you solve the unique testing challenges of 5G deployment. Learn more and download our white paper, Understanding 5G: www.goanritsu.com/RCR5G 1-800-ANRITSU www.anritsu.com © 2015 Anritsu Company 5 FEATURE REPORT 6 the full standards process. However, that But, how well does LTE play with Wi-Fi sidestep will give LTE-U a time-to-market in a real-world network? There’s been a lot Robinson added that “there is still sig- advantage in 2016. Alcatel-Lucent ex- of debate on that topic in 2015, with duel- nificant work to be done,” but that Wi-Fi pects to have trials underway by the end ing test results from both skeptics and pro- Alliance is providing the forum to work on of this year and support deployments in ponents of LTE-U fueling the coexistence concerns and that “LTE-U Forum compa- 2016, while there could be as long as 18 debate. In 2016, the emergence of actual nies have already committed to support- months between Release 13 and the first commercial equipment for LTE-U and a ing that work in Wi-Fi Alliance.” deployments utilizing its features. Verizon standard for LAA should provide better Communications’ CFO Fran Shammo told grounds on which to base testing. without regulatory intervention.” Wi-Fi, it should be noted, is expected to get even faster in 2016 as well, with a sec- investors on the company’s third-quarter However, the contention over whether ond wave of 802.11ac features as well as results call the carrier was lab-testing LTE-U coexists fairly with Wi-Fi is ex- a WiGig certification program in 2016, and LTE-U and expected to deploy in 2016. pected to continue as well, as mobile op- new frequency bands to be discussed, ac- “It’s not a question of if, it’s a ques- erators, cable operators and players such cording to the Wi-Fi Alliance. tion of when [LTE over unlicensed] as Google keep a watchful eye on one an- Looming over the LTE-U debate, of will hit the market – and I think that other and on the performance of LTE-U course, is whether the Federal Communi- will be sooner rather than later,” said under various lab and field conditions. cations Commission will decide to inter- Andreas Roessler, technology manager Wi-Fi proponents such as CableLabs have vene in any fashion. So far, the FCC has for Rohde & Schwarz. made clear they wish to see LTE-U work been content to gather information and Although a broad picture has been through a formal, collaborative standards comments, and observe the industry tussle painted for use of LTE-U in conjunction process – and the LTE-U Forum has made over LTE-U. If coexistence proves out suc- with small cells, questions still remain some efforts to address concerns, but on cessfully in 2016, that may continue – but about how LTE-U will be used. Schabel its own terms. if Wi-Fi vendors can prove a consistent, said the choice of indoor vs. outdoor im- The Wi-Fi Alliance has taken the lead significant, negative impact to unlicensed plementations will depend on individual in bringing together its members (includ- spectrum, it could be enough to prompt carrier’s choices, based on whether they ing LTE-U Forum participants) and trying the FCC to take action. have a lot or a little in terms of existing to coordinate communications as well as Wi-Fi networks. establish testing procedures to determine Employment trends: However LTE is implemented in un- coexistence fairness. An initial workshop Carrier spend, new business structures licensed spectrum, though, it is likely has already been held, and the LTE-U Fo- to impact hiring in 2016 that valuable lessons learned on spec- rum specification updated in late 2015; that trum sharing and aggregating disparate work is sure to continue in 2016. The wireless workforce is changing, and many of the events that happened in technologies will come from the prog- Kevin Robinson, VP of marketing for Wi- 2015 will set the stage for the employment ress of the technology in 2016, Schabel Fi Alliance, told RCR Wireless News that the trends of 2016. Sprint’s restructuring and said – and those lessons will influence group “will bring industry together to pro- Verizon Wireless’s decision to streamline progress at the 3.5 GHz band, as well as mote and enable fair coexistence between its regional markets will both mean job potentially in groundwork for the multi- Wi-Fi and LTE-U in unlicensed spectrum, cuts, and the merger of Nokia and Alcatel- RAT expectations for 5G. and to assist industry in resolving concerns Lucent may also lead to some layoffs. The FEATURE REPORT largest wireless chipmaker in the U.S. is also expected to cut jobs next year, with Qualcomm projecting layoffs as part of a restructuring announced in 2015. On the bright side, the companies that build and maintain wireless networks are likely to do more hiring in 2016 than they did this year. Recruiters see a definite pickup in hiring activity as carriers that have been busy acquiring new spectrum and new businesses now turn their attention back to their networks. Telecom unemployment fell sharply in the latter half of 2015, and some in the industry even foresee a shortage of climbers and tower technicians. “I definitely foresee that being a problem here in a few months,” said Blair “We’re going to hit that spike up come January or February timeframe,” Blair Bode, Kineticom Bode, VP of business development at staffing specialist Kineticom. “We’re go- wireless business,” said TelForce Group ing to hit that spike up come January or founder Ron Deese, adding he also sees February timeframe, so I think that we’re tremendous opportunity in the wireline on the cusp of it happening soon.” business, driven largely by Google Fiber. “We have seen some pickup in the Deese said in Nashville, “The market’s definitely picking up. We’re hiring in anticipation of a pretty big opportunity in 2016,” Jim Estes, Chairman at Velocitel Tennessee, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 7 FEATURE REPORT incumbents AT&T and Comcast are picking pretty big opportunity in 2016 … across ers. Companies that were not previously up the pace of construction in order to the country.” part of the traditional wireless ecosystem compete with Google. “We’re seeing that In 2016, the wireless industry is likely across the board in a lot of the markets in to attract a healthy percentage of the new which Google has announced,” he said. engineers entering the workforce for the Building owners or their agents may AT&T is expected to make significant in- first time. Millennials who use mobile de- emerge as new recruiters of in-building vestments in both its wireless and wireline vices as their primary connections to the wireless technicians as carriers turn over networks in 2016. On the wireless side, sev- Internet understand the significance and more control. Thomas Bell, senior line eral of the so-called “turf vendors” are ex- the opportunity of mobile broadband. And product manager at Anritsu, notes in some pecting more business from AT&T. these mobile-first workers now make up cases mobile operators may have limited the largest portion of the U.S. workforce. involvement with in-building infrastruc- New business models are also impact- ture, and at times may even share it with “AT&T is back,” said Velocitel Chairman Jim Estes. “They are going to have a big 2016.” Estes said other carriers are stepping up the pace as well. ing employment trends. As enterprises are expected to be hiring workers for inbuilding deployments. their competitors. “The building owner is likely to insist “The market’s definitely picking up,” more of the cost of these systems, they that all operators share the same IBW he said. “We’re hiring in anticipation of a are likely to bring in their own install- infrastructure to reduce the physical as Source: PEW Research Center and building owners start to shoulder 8 8'!ধ2+;,'-=-2+';>380 2!>38£&3(<#-7<-;3<9$322'$ধ=-;@T'='8@;,-2+$,!2+'9W '36£'!2&3#/'$;9!8'$322'$;'&;3'!$,3;,'89'!1£'99£@T#@ 2';>3809;,!;&@2!1-$!££@T-2;'££-+'2;£@36ধ1-A'W,'$,!££'2+' 3($322'$ধ=-;@&-9!66'!89T!2&2'>$!6!#-£-ধ'9T#<9-2'99 13&'£9T!2&6399-#-£-ধ'9'1'8+'W www.interdigital.com ,-9-9The Living NetworkT!2&>'Z8','£6-2+$8'!;'-;W 9 FEATURE REPORT well as visual impact on the venue,” said Bell. “This offers a financial benefit to each operator but eliminates each operator’s Source: CommScope direct control over the performance of the system.” Infrastructure sharing is a trend that is likely to get a lot of attention in 2016, as operators look for the most efficient ways to add capacity. In the past, operators have been much more willing to share passive infrastructure like real estate or months ahead. “I think it is unlikely that to locate radio access equipment as close tower space than they have been to share operators would want to give control to a as they can to the antenna sites. active infrastructure like radio equipment. third party for the RAN baseband – owner- But this could start to change in 2016. ship maybe, but not control,” she said Centralized RAN emerges as a step ed to complete a centralized RAN build in toward network sharing San Francisco. Five remote head-end loca- “Fiber is cheap, [but] running fiber is not Centralized radio network access net- tions are set to be connected by fiber to cheap,” said Arnold Kim, COO at Advanced works may be the first step on the road to 400 small cells in and around downtown RF Technologies. “If you’re going to have shared active infrastructure. Centralized San Francisco. The carrier hopes to light to go through the siting and the construc- RAN is often confused with cloud RAN, and up as many small cells as possible before tion of a base station hotel for one venue, both are called C-RAN. Centralized RAN the Super Bowl in February. why not do it for two or more?” During 2016, Verizon Wireless is expect- “‘Centralized’ will become more and more ‘localized’ to minimize fronthaul costs and to optimize service levels to high density areas and large facilities,” said Landry. typically refers to radio access equipment Distributed antenna system vendors are Kim believes the concept of a base sta- owned and controlled by a mobile opera- excited about centralized RAN for C-DAS tion hotel makes sense in any area that tor, but not co-located with the antennas it deployments. This approach has been used has a metro fiber ring. He also pointed out serves. Cloud RAN is the same idea, but the by Verizon Wireless and Sprint to serve two that Cincinnati is not the only U.S. city that equipment may be owned and operated by Cincinnati sports arenas using one DAS has major sports venues located near one a third party. In both cases, fiber fronthaul head-end and by JMA Wireless to serve sev- another, nothing that Philadelphia, Seattle usually connects the RAN to the antennas. eral New York hotels from one head-end. and San Francisco also have stadiums that “From a network point of view cloud and “The ramp up in C-DAS projects could potentially share resources. Vendors centralized RAN are the same in terms of going into 2016 is strong and you can are hoping that C-RAN deployments will requirements (fronthaul for instance) and expect many will take advantage of proliferate in 2016. work in the same way,” said analyst Monica this architectural approach when using Paolini of Senza Fili Consulting. “The dif- C-RANs for in-building and high density Virtualization to separate evolution from ference is in the ownership of equipment.” areas,” said Todd Landry, corporate VP extinction Paolini foresees more uptake for central- for product and market strategy at JMA Want to make a telecom carrier’s opera- ized RAN than for cloud-based RAN in the Wireless, who added he expects operators tions department nervous? Mention virtu- 10 FEATURE REPORT alization, and more specifically the terms NFV, SDN and cloud. According to most, the telecom network world of yesterday with its proprietary boxes and racks of equipment are a dinosaur just waiting to be wiped out by the meteor that is virtualization. This extinction event has already happened in the data center world resulting in significant efficiency savings, and now the telecom space is about to take the plunge. The past 24 months have seen virtualization advances creep ever so slowly into the telecom world, with 2015 witnessing more aggressive enhancements and the beginnings of network trials. More advanced telecom operators, like AT&T, Telefonica and NTT DoCoMo, have even begun to tap Source: AT&T virtualization platforms to control certain commercial elements. AT&T has been one of the most vocal supports of virtualization platforms, providing updates throughout 2015 as to its AT&T’s Houston headquarters. deployment of the technology. The carrier recently said it was on track to have 5% of said 2016 will continue to see hurdles as would lag behind NFV deployments, but its network operations controlled by virtu- telecom operators look to evolve their now seeing some “lighter” SDN deploy- alization platforms at the end of 2015, on internal operations. ments come to market. “It’s still a struggle to convince operations “These have not required as much over- Some have noted AT&T’s initial moves departments that virtualization will work,” hauling on the network, which drive net- involved mostly the “low-hanging fruit,” Riley explained. “The ops people are the work planners crazy,” Riley said. “Instead, which AT&T itself has not denied. But, real hurdle to core deployments. They are there has been work on an overlay strat- with plans to push virtualization control holding onto the hardware and saying ‘show egy where they can take just pieces of the over an additional 70% of its network me.’ It will only be the real pioneers taking core and use SDN for them in a more cost- within the next four years, AT&T is going the lead here as we head into 2016.” effective way.” its way to having 75% controlled by 2020. to start having to reach a bit higher and 2016 could begin to see those efforts. Despite the progress, Sonus CTO Riley Riley also said his view on SDN has In terms of virtualization, 2016 is set to changed over the past several months, show which dinosaurs are interested in having initially thought the technology evolution and which are set for extinction. 11 FEATURE REPORT 5G: The force awakens be a number of 5G developments. the International Telecommunications 5G captured the wireless industry’s At this point, 5G is primarily a buzz word Union and 3GPP begin the work that imagination in 2015, prompting lively and marketing term – with an actual stan- will ultimately lead to standardization debates over what next-generation wire- dard years away, 5G has so far taken shape and commercial deployment. Tod Sizer less services will look like; what needs as a technically daunting wish list for all II, who leads Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs 5G would serve; what technologies and that the industry would like to accomplish wireless research program, told RCR spectrum would be involved; and what in a “holy grail” network. The most com- Wireless News earlier this year that the relationship might be between 5G and mon vision includes high reliability, incred- some of the top areas for research to existing technologies, including LTE and ibly low latency, blazing speed and use enable 5G communications will include LTE-Advanced. cases that range from massive “Internet massive multiple-input/multiple-output of Things” deployments to mission-critical antenna technology; centimeter and communications and control. millimeter wave technologies; cloud, 5G isn’t expected to be in commercial deployment until the 2020 timeframe (or, But in 2016, the industry will start to SDN and NFV; multiple radio access 4G Americas put it during 5G World pre- see the first steps toward definition and technologies, including cellular, Wi-Fi sentations at the recent LTE North Amer- distillation of the hodgepodge of 5G ideas and high-frequency spectrum; and a new ica event). In 2016, there are expected to and dreams, as standards bodies like air interface, among others. Source: 3GPP “2020 and beyond,” as Chris Pearson of 5G timeline. 12 More than a billion consumer electronics a year run on MediaTek And, we’re just getting started MediaTek designs the processors that run the world around you. From wireless networking & connectivity, home entertainment and gaming devices to some of the most popular smartphones and tablets around the world, our innovative systems-on-chip are included in many of the products you use daily. And, we’re leading the march into the future by providing technology and creating development communities that will breathe life into the Internet of Things era. The world is becoming a more connected place and MediaTek is making it happen. By building technologies that help connect individuals to the world around them, we’re giving rise to a new generation of coders, unlocking new creative talent, and inventing new ways of doing business. We believe anyone can achieve something amazing. And, we believe they can do it every single day. We call this idea Everyday Genius and it is why we design all of our solutions to include you. MediaTek. Everyday Genius. Mobile Communications Smartphones Feature phones Tablets Home Entertainment Digital TVs Optical Disc Drives DVD/BD Players Wireless Networking & Connectivity Wi-Fi Bluetooth + NFC GPS Internet of Things Smarthome Wearables Medical & Industrial mediatek.com 13 FEATURE REPORT The ITU has already laid out a vision for Meanwhile, 3GPP has established a ten- next-gen networks of 2020, and the World tative timeline for 5G development, had Pre-standards versions of 5G technology Radiocommunications Conference spent an initial workshop on the topic and is are also likely to emerge, given some al- most of November 2015 in a meeting that in- expected to approve a radio study item ready announced 5G plans. Korea Telecom cluded discussion of which spectrum bands on 5G at its December meeting. A study expects to have 5G ready for the 2018 Olym- are the most likely to be used for 5G in dif- phase for 5G is expected to be included in pics in Korea. NTT DoCoMo and Nokia have ferent ITU regions of the world. Andreas Release 14 of LTE (after Release 13 is com- plans to demonstrate 5G technology at the Roessler of Rohde & Schwarz said the ITU pleted early in 2016), and most observers 2020 Olympics in Japan. Verizon Wireless is meeting will provide a better picture of, or don’t expect to see 5G specs emerge until also working with Nokia and intends to start at least narrow down, the most likely candi- Release 15 in the 2018 timeframe and full trialing 5G technology as soon as 2016 and date spectrum bands for 5G and give com- requirements by the end of 2019, just in has made grand plans to have wide avail- panies and researchers better focus. The time to present to ITU. ability by 2017 – long before an official 5G to continue throughout 2016,” Nichols said. ITU meeting concluded with study requests “The real standards work is starting in above 6 GHz, particularly between 24.25-86 2016, and that’s going to drive a lot of clar- Mike Murphy, CTO of Nokia Solutions and GHz, to inform the next meeting in 2019, ity,” said Roger Nichols, 5G program man- Networks, acknowledged there is some risk with its standard to be complete by 2020. ager at Keysight Technologies. involved in developing pre-standard technol- “The real standards work is starting in 2016, and that’s going to drive a lot of clarity.” Roger Nichols, Keysight Technologies 14 standard is even expected. Nichols said three groups are driving 5G ogy – Nokia, he said, doesn’t want its work research: consortia (both standards bodies to be wasted or superficial. But, he added, and regional industry groups), commercial “you can do a lot of early work to try and companies, and university and government make certain aspects move along faster, and researchers. Nichols expects 2016 to reflect be ready faster” and as the standards pro- a shift in 5G from pure research to more “re- cess progresses, it can provide fairly clear search and development” focus. guidance even before it is complete. Many industry/academic and carrier/test “I suppose there’s a little bit of risk tak- company 5G research partnerships were es- ing and forecasting – you’re taking your best tablished over the course of 2015, with the guess on where things will go, and on the intent to work diligently in 2016 on tackling product side, designing things to be flex- 5G-related technical challenges. Funding and ible,” Murphy said. early explorations in, for example, channel Murphy said Verizon Wireless’ announce- modeling to establish a better understanding ment was a tipping point for the North of spectrum characteristics at very high fre- American market’s involvement in 5G and quencies, have come both from private com- means “things will move at a pace that, I panies as well as the Horizon 2020 framework think, is a lot faster. in Europe, which includes funds for research “Nobody else can stand still any more,” projects through the 5G Infrastructure Pub- Murphy said. “Despite everyone being still lic Private Partnership research. a bit skeptical on things like timing and use “The early work is underway, and that’s going cases and all that, if your major competitor FEATURE REPORT is making statements like that, you have to with those types of companies,” said by 2021 an estimated 1.5 billion machines respond in some way.” George Orr, president of executive search and consumer electronic devices will use firm Telecom Connections. “Some of them cellular connections to access the Internet. IoT drives hiring and research are in m-health and medical areas, some “When it comes to IoT, not everything is The “Internet of Things” will touch ev- of them are in building automation. … It’s connected via a cellular network,” said Mo- ery part of the wireless ecosystem in 2016. my personal opinion that some of this is a been Khan, enterprise IoT practice leader at AT&T and Verizon have already connected spinoff of the explosion that occurred when AT&T Business Solutions. “Today, business- millions of non-communication devices to people were starting to develop apps.” es are connecting their assets using multiple their networks, and this trend is set to accel- Orr believes a number of apps have network types such as satellite, mesh net- erate next year. Chip developers and coders evolved to include monitoring and mea- works, and Wi-Fi. We’re headed down a path are focused on IoT solutions; infrastructure surement and the companies who devel- where low power or specialized networks providers are counting on IoT applications oped these apps will drive a wave of IoT- will play a major role in the IoT space.” to fuel small cell demand; equipment makers related hiring in 2016. Low-power wide area networks are are working hard on an IoT version of LTE; Cisco foresees roughly 20 billion con- emerging as an alternative to cellular for and startups are hiring aggressively in many nected devices by 2018, but only some of IoT connections. These networks provide areas related to IoT. those will use cellular technology to con- connectivity at lower price points, making nect to the Internet. According to Ericsson, it cost-effective to connect more devices “We’ve been doing more and more work 15 FEATURE REPORT than ever before. business models for carriers, as the aver- “It really allows for a whole new set of age revenue per connected device will be use cases,” said Allen Proithis, president much lower than it is for smartphones and of North America for Sigfox, a low-power tablets. But the number of connected de- wide area network provider. “It’s not that vices is expected to be much higher. And it’s a choice between Sigfox and a tradi- charging customers for connectivity is just tional operator. It’s a choice between con- part of the IoT picture. nectivity and no connectivity.” “Connecting is only one piece of the sto- Proithis said that to date, Europe has ry,” said Steve Steinhilber, VP for industry seen relatively more IoT deployments solutions and partner ecosystems at Cisco. than the U.S., but he sees that changing in “The other piece is what do you do with the the year ahead. data that is generated? The data is where “Now that the U.S. is fully embracing the value is, not the connectivity. It’s what the concept of IoT, I think you’ll see the implementation pace in the U.S. actually surpass Europe during the next 18 months,” Proithis said. In 2016, mobile operators will be getting ready to compete with Sigfox and other you capture and how you use it.” “The data is where the value is, not the connectivity. It’s what you capture and how you use it.” Steve Steinhilber, Cisco. Policy: Auction, net neutrality and elections focus in 2016 The likely most dominating policy focus for the mobile telecom space in 2016 will be the FCC’s planned 600 MHz incentive auc- low-power wide area network providers. Equipment vendors including Qualcomm, how connectivity is provided for M2M and Nokia and Ericsson are working on LTE-M, IoT applications in the future.” tion currently scheduled to begin March 29. Trey Hanbury, a partner at Washington, or LTE for machines, which divides the Chipmaker Silicon Labs does not see D.C.,-based law firm Hogan Lovells, recent- LTE channels repeatedly until they are ap- 2016 as the year that LTE-M reaches bil- ly explained the first several weeks of the propriate for low-power transmissions. lions of devices. The company’s general proceedings could be limited to inventory- “We’re anticipating that by 2017 there manager for IoT products told RCR Wire- ing spectrum resources potentially being will be a … version of LTE that is much less News it could be 2018 before the cost offered up by television broadcasters, with lower data rates,” said analyst Robin of end nodes falls enough to make cellular those companies looking to bid on the spec- Duke-Woolley, CEO of Beecham Research. connectivity economic. trum up for offer not getting a chance for up “So that would then be potentially a direct “We’re probably not going to see Release to 45 days. That would mean the more tra- competitor to other LP-WAN technologies. 13 for another year or so, so the deploy- ditional aspect of the auction proceedings But it’s then a question of how successful ment of those types of devices is probably a might not begin until mid-May. would that be in the market versus these 2018 time frame,” said Silicon Labs’ James The FCC in mid-2015 released a significant other technologies, which are available Stansberry. “In order for this to become portion of auction rules that included plans now and pushing in the marketplace now. widely deployed for sensor networks it’s for 30 megahertz of the at least 70 mega- So we’ve got a much more interesting sit- got to be a sub-$10, sub-$5 price point.” hertz of spectrum up for bid to be set aside uation arising over the next few years of 16 The “Internet of Things” will drive new for participants with sparse holdings below Source: FCC FEATURE REPORT FCC Commissioners 1 GHz, which is expected to eliminate bid- related to reimbursing broadcasters, cover- ding competition for those licenses from ing relocation costs and general expenses the likes of industry heavyweights Verizon connected with putting on the auction. stance in protecting net neutrality. As for mobile operators, 2016 is likely to see carriers continue to launch creative Wireless and AT&T Mobility. Further thin- The fact that more spectrum could be ways to work within the new rules, while ning the potential bidding herd was Sprint’s available in the 600 MHz auction compared still protecting network integrity. These recent announcement it would not be par- with the AWS-3 proceedings would seem could follow the model set by T-Mobile US, ticipating in the auction proceedings. to lead credence to claims the 600 MHz which recently launched its Binge On video Following the record-setting $41 bil- auction should draw a higher overall haul. streaming platform allowing customers to lion raised in early 2015 by the FCC in the However, with up to 30 megahertz of the access unlimited video content. The pro- AWS-3 auction, hype surrounding what will 600 MHz spectrum set aside outside the gram received cautious approval from FCC be the government agency’s most compli- auction’s deepest pockets and with Sprint Chairman Tom Wheeler, who at the FCC’s cated auction process is at a near fever taking itself out of the running for the set November Open Commission Meeting said pitch. While details on the actual amount aside spectrum, the incentive auction’s at this point the agency does not have any of 600 MHz spectrum expected to be up for overall take could be hampered. issues with the carrier’s program. grabs remains in limbo, in terms of overall Net neutrality focus: Another policy “I think that it’s clear in the Open Internet auction bidding, numbers thrown around topic in 2016 is likely to include continued Order that we said we are pro competition regarding the auction’s potential haul have scrutiny of potential net neutrality violations. and pro innovation. Clearly this meets both ranged from $20 billion up to $80 billion. The FCC is already under the gun from es- of those criteria,” Wheeler said, adding the Some have estimated the FCC will need at tablished telecom operators and Republican FCC is continuing to look into the service. least $40 billion in total auction proceeds legislators concerning the FCC’s Open Inter- T-Mobile US management did not seem in order to cover overhead and expenses net order that boosted the regulatory bodies concerned about the issue when it unveiled 17 T-Mobile US acquiring MetroPCS and AT&T acquiring Leap Wireless. But, should the majority representation at the FCC change hands, the telecom space could be in for a new wave of consolidation. 2016: Telecom forges ahead Major changes to the telecom industry will shape 2016, with some technologies gaining Source: T-Mobile US more momentum from previous years, new T-Mobile US’ Binge On video streaming service launch. the offer, noting the platform was open and spectrum becoming available to fuel development, and standards work to establish 5G. Significant trends from 2015 will continue to influence the industry, with some new twists presenting themselves as the industry grapples with the present and keeps an attentive eye out certainly didn’t happen here,” Wheeler said. for the best strategies to navigate the future. free to all content providers as long as they Elections ahead: Finally, as the year met some technical requirements. Those progresses policy wonks are going to start requirements include a limitation on the looking closer at the impending presidential quality of the stream to what T-Mobile US election, which could result in new lead- and SDN/NFV will continue to mature claims is “DVD quality” of at least 480p res- ership at the FCC. Should the presidency in 2016, with a key focus on interoper- olution. It was noted that Google’s YouTube change hands to the Republican party, the ability. platform does not currently adhere to the FCC will move to a new leader from that platform’s technical requirements. party and the resulting change in majority Connected with his applause of the ser- Key takeaways: • • Technologies such as VoLTE, VoWi-Fi New technologies will also emerge, including LTE-U and the first formal standardization efforts for 5G. control by commission members. • Although carriers and infrastructure vice, Wheeler also took a moment to take Many have noted the current administration a dig at opponents to the FCC’s Open Inter- has drawn the ire of established telecom play- vendors are likely to cut jobs, work- net Order who claimed the agency’s deci- ers that have seen FCC decisions fall too far ers who build and maintain wireless sion would impact innovation. on the side of consumers to the detriment of networks are expected to be in high de- “I also kind of chuckle at the fact that industry. One need only look at AT&T’s failed mand. IoT is also projected to influence as we were debating the Open Internet attempt to acquire T-Mobile USA in 2012, hiring and overall industry growth. everyone was saying ‘oh this is going which many felt would have been approved if to thwart innovation, this is going to be there had been a Republican president. • On the regulatory side, the year will be shaped by the presidential elec- terrible, people are going to have to come Since then, mergers and acquisitions have tion, 600 MHz spectrum auction and to the FCC to say mother may I before they been limited to some of the larger players carriers figuring out how to play by do anything in the market,’ and well that scooping up smaller operators, as seen by net neutrality rules. 18 Featured Companies Anritsu With 120 years of global communications technology leadership, Anritsu provides the wireless, telecom, RF/microwave and optical industries with top-notch, easy-to-use test and measurement instruments, as well as components for R&D, manufacturing, field installation and maintenance. For more information visit www.anritsu.com MediaTek We power more than a billion devices per year through our SoCs. As a global technology leader, we enable our partners to grow and empower everyone to be more connected. Visit MediaTek.com InterDigital InterDigital develops technologies that are at the core of mobile devices, networks, and services worldwide. We solve many of the industry’s most critical and complex technical challenges, inventing solutions for more efficient broadband networks years ahead of market deployment. Please visit www.interdigital.com/contact/ for more information. 19 2015 Wireless Infrastructure Supplier Guide O V E R 5 0 0 C O M PA N I E S SERVICE COMPANIES, STAFFING COMPANIES, TRAINING COMPANIES, HARDWARE, COMPONENT AND ACCESSORY COMPANIES Supplier Guide SERVICE COMPANIES 101 Telco Solutions Inc. Service Company 2646 Palma Dr., Ste. 305 Ventura, CA 93003 805-477-0101 E-mail: [email protected] www.101telco.com 101 Telco is a legacy equipment specialist that helps companies stretch their capital dollars, and maximize the life of their network. We provide component-level repairs and refurbished spares for network equipment that are out-of-warranty or MFG-discontinued. We were founded on the principle that helping the Veteran community and starting, and running, a profitable company could be simultaneous goals. 3S Network Service Company www.3snetwork.com We offer expert design, service analysis and solutions for a wide range of technologies including GSM/GPRS/EDGE, UMTS/HSPA, EVDO, and LTE/ WiMAX. Whether a small scale project, turnkey solution or large scale work, 3S Network Inc. is known to deliver the highest industry standard. 4G Unwired Service Company 551 S. Apollo Blvd., Ste. 207 Melbourne, FL 32901 321-726-4183 [email protected] www.4gunwired.com Aarcher Service Company 910 Commerce Road Annapolis, MD 21401 817-431-1593 [email protected] www.aarcherinc.com Aarcher provides Phase I environmental due diligence, NEPA screening, and cultural and natural resource services for antenna and tower installations. Since 1997, its team of environmental and conservation specialists and architectural historians has supported thousands of installations from offices in Colorado, Maryland and Texas. Abrams Wireless Action Capital Corporation Service Company 117 Kelekent Ln. Cary, NC 27518 206-661-8429 [email protected] www.theabrams.net Technology is a significant part of today’s business decisions. AWI consultancy delivers profitable insight to clients who want better understanding of probable outcomes. Service Company 230 Peachtree Street, Ste. 1910 Atlanta, GA 30303 Contact: Patrick Thom 404-524-3181 [email protected] www.actioncapital.com Accenture Service Company 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10105 Contact: Barbara Burgess 877-889-9009 www.accenture.com Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 293,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. ADB Wireless Service Company 8205 Hickman Mills Drive Kansas City, MO 64132 636-583-8448 [email protected] www.adb-us.com Advanced Frequency Engineering Service Company 10482 Almond Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 Contact: Dana Dulabone 813-495-0038 [email protected] www.rfawareness.com RF Engineering Consultant Firm. Competetive site analysis, RF system design , FirstNet Public Safety, IBWAVE DAS certified, tower site analysis, RF exposure, consultant for zoning hearings Accruent Advantage Engineers Service Company 10801-2 N. Mo Pac Expy, Ste. 400 Austin, TX 78759 512-861-0726 [email protected] www.Accruent.com Accruent delivers long term, best in class, operational and financial performance to leaders in the Wireless industry with Siterra solution, the industryleading software for site, lease, asset, and project management. Our solutions are used by the top five national wireless carriers to manage more than one million projects and 400,000 sites globally. Service Company 7070 Samuel Morse Drive, Ste. 150 Columbia, ME 21046 Contact: John McGrath, COO 443-367-0003 [email protected] www.advantageengineers.com Advantage Engineers provides comprehensive engineering and consulting solutions in support of communications network development for government and commercial clients. Acquest International L.P. Service Company 909 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Contact: Pauli Overdorff 212-719-1500 [email protected] www.acquestinternational.com Acquest International, an investment bank, serving companies in the communications sector with Merger & Acquisition and Capital Formation Services. Completed more than 100 transactions since 1993. Aero Solutions Service Company 5500 Flatiron Parkway, Ste. 100 Boulder, CO 80301 720-304-6882 [email protected] www.aerosolutionsllc.com Since 2002, Aero Solutions LLC (AERO), has been a proven leader in the wireless industry. We provide custom and pre-engineered monopole, self support and guyed tower infrastructure products and services. Our innovative solutions increase the towers load carrying capacity and revenue potential for our customers. 21 Supplier Guide Aero-Telco Services LLC AJ Telecom Group Alpha Technologies Ltd. Service Company 10180 NW 21st Court Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 954-483-0874 [email protected] www.aero-telco.com We are a certified MBE full service maintenance cell tower company that specializes in LTE upgrades and installations. Service Company 147 W. 35th St., Ste. 404 New York, NY 10001 212-643-1310 [email protected] www.ajtelecomgroup.com Service Company 7700 Riverfront Gate Burnaby, MB V5J 5M4 604-436-5900 [email protected] www.alpha.ca For over 35 years, Alpha Technologies has been an industry pioneer and global leader in the design and manufacture of AC, DC and Renewable power. AFL Global Service Company 170 Ridgeview Center Drive Duncan, SC 29334 864-433-0333 [email protected] www.AFLglobal.com AFL provides construction, installation, engineering and maintenance for wireless/wireline service providers, in various IT/Communications markets, maintaining satisfied customers by offering network (MTSO), cell site, government and enterprise solutions. With AFL you get a team with engineering expertise, a proven history of successful deployments and the know-how to turn up your customers faster! Come see how We connect.™ Aicent, Inc. Service Company 181 Metro Drive, Ste. 450 San Jose, CA 95110 +1 408 324 1830 [email protected] www.aicent.com Aicent’s innovative mobile data services build a bridge between the IP world and the wireless world, delivering powerful wireless communications services to mobile operators. AirHop Communications Inc. Service Company 6150 Lusk Blvd Suite B204 & B205 San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: Yan Hui 858-848-6188 [email protected] airhopcomm-web.com Founded in 2007, AirHop is a privately held startup that develops advanced RAN intelligence software critical to the next wave of the mobile Internet. AirHop’s eSON products are the first to completely address the installation, operation, performance, and multi-vendor support challenges of multi-layer, small cell and HetNet deployments. 22 Alcatel-Lucent Service Company 1960 Lucent Lane Naperville, IL 60563 Contact: Rupail Sikka 630-224-0192 [email protected] www.alcatel-lucent.com Alcatel-Lucent provides products and innovations in IP and cloud networking, as well as ultra-broadband fixed and wireless access. Allcom Global Services Service Company www.allcomgs.com/ AllCom builds infrastructure that enables today’s technology. Allcomm Wireless Service Company 4116 First Ave. North Birmingham, AL 35222 205-591-8804 [email protected] www.allcomm.com Allot Communications, Ltd. Service Company 300 TradeCenter, Ste. 4680 Woburn, MA 01801 Contact: John Priest 781-939-9300 [email protected] www.allot.com Allot Communications is a leading global provider of intelligent broadband solutions that put mobile, fixed and enterprise networks at the center of the digital lifestyle. Allot’s DPI-based solutions identify and leverage the business intelligence in data networks, empowering operators to shape digital lifestyle experiences and to capitalize on the network traffic they generate. Allstate Tower Service Company P.O. Box 25 Henderson, KY 42419 270-830-8512 [email protected] www.allstatetower.com Alpha Wireless Service Company Ashgrove Business Centre Ballybrittas, Portlaoise, Co Laois R32 DT0A 00353 86 33847 Contact: Michelle Bolger [email protected] www.alphaantennas.com Alpha Wireless design and manufacture high performance antennas for base station applications. All designs are carefully crafted to meet our customers’ stringent demands, and Alpha antennas have been proven in trials to greatly reduce overall network interference giving throughput improvements of up to 30% and sector capacity improvements of up to 12%. Alta Telecom Service Company www.altagroupofcompanies.com ALTA is a well established International Telecom Diversified Services Provider, is certified to ISO 9001: 2008 and TL 9000 in two business units and is in the process of becoming certified in its remaining business units. ALTA is also a member of the QuEST Forum. Altus Group Limited Service Company 33 Yonge Street, Ste. 500 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1G4 Contact: Robin Comfort 416-227-7039 [email protected] www.altusgroup.com AM Coordination Services Service Company P.O. Box 6065 Martinsburg, WV 25402 304-264-5941 [email protected] www.amcoordination.com Supplier Guide American Tower ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC Atlantic Communication Services Inc. Service Company 10 Presidential Way Woburn, MA 01801 877-409-6966 [email protected] www.americantower.com American Tower is a leading independent owner, operator and developer of wireless and broadcast communications infrastructure and provides access to over 36,000 communications sites across the United States. Our solutions include wireless and broadcast towers, managed rooftops, in-building and outdoor distributed antenna system networks and other right-ofway options, small-cell and Wi-Fi networks and services that speed network deployment. For information on how our solutions can help you grow your business, visit www.americantower. com. Service Company 12 Elmwood Rd. Albany, NY 12204 Contact: Brendan Delaney 518-292-6555 [email protected] www.anscorporate.com ANS provides end-to-end services to the wireless carriers. Services include Tower & Construction Services, DAS Design & Implementation, Network Infrastructure and DC Power Services. Service Company 21 Pinehurst Circle Monroe, NY 10950 845-782-5114 [email protected] Full service wireless telecommunications company specializing in construction, site acquisition, legal & regulatory and project staffing. AMF Electrical Contractors, Inc Antenna Rooftop Management Service Company 1627 Sublette St Louis, MO 63110 Contact: Charlie Garthe 314-647-4066 [email protected] www.amfelectric.com Full service infrastructure installation contractor. Amirit Technologies Service Company 185 Santiago Ave. Rutherford, NJ 7070 Contact: Gerard Amatucci [email protected] Manangement / Consulting. Service Company 2544 E Landstreet Dr., Ste. 600 Orlando, FL 32824 Contact: Brittany Lawler 407-423-9071 [email protected] accessats.com It takes an experienced team to distinguish what is safe, what is the appropriate use of technology, as well as what is the most economical and expedient for your intended goal. And, to do it all with the attitude that your uptime and customers are paramount is what makes ATS so successful. We really understand the industry and that you need a go-to supplier you can depend on for fast, turnkey service, long-term support and above all, partnership. Ascension Solutions, LLC ATLANTIC-ACM Service Company 1408 Woody Creek Road Matthews, NC 28105 704-906-9113 Contact: William A. Griswold, Jr., PE [email protected] www.ascensionsolutionsllc.com Supplier of Engineered Climbing Solutions for towers that are difficult or impossible to climb. Service Company 31 State Street, Floor 2 Boston, MA 02109 617-720-3700 Contact: Aaron Blazar [email protected] www.atlantic-acm.com For more than two decades, ATLANTIC-ACM has helped leading companies identify opportunities, capture and retain market share, and navigate changing market dynamics, economies and technologies. ATLANTIC-ACM assists corporate and investor clients in evaluating strategic growth opportunities for successful investment, market entry, optimization and long-term planning. Amirit Technologies Service Company 271 US HWY 46 West, Ste. C-103 Fairfield, NJ 973-652-2811 [email protected] www.amirit.com Highly experienced & dedicated professionals in the telecom & IT industry; provide innovative, powerful & strategic methodologies. Amphenol Service Company 2100 Western Court, Ste. 300 Lisle, Illinois 60532 630-960-1010 [email protected] www.amphenol.com 23 Antenna ID Products Service Company 22 Bryan Wynd, Ste. 2 Glenmoore, PA 19343 610-458-8418 [email protected] www.antennaid.com ATEC Wireless Service Company 4 Gatehall Drive Parsippany, NJ 07054 Contact: Ahsan Ali Khan 678-871-2129 [email protected] www.atecwireless.com An independent diversity RF Engineering and Consulting firm dedicated to wireless communications services, ATEC provides systems engineering, network services and technical staffing to wireless carriers, managed service providers, tower operators and equipment vendors. Atlantic Tower Services, Inc Avion Systems Service Company www.avionsystems.com Avion leverages our partnership with Mobile Network Operators and Original Equipment Manufacturers to provide network engineering services to ensure superior voice, data and content services to the end-user while maximizing ROI for carriers. 23 Supplier Guide AW Solutions Baker Donelson Beacon Towers Service Company 300 Crown Oak Centre Drive Longwood, FL 32750 407-260-0231 [email protected] www.awsolutionsinc.com Full Service Turnkey Wireless, DAS, Fiber and Wireline Infrastructure Development Company. Licensed engineers throughout the US, Canada, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and USVI. Service Company 420 20th Street North, Ste. 1400 Birmingham, AL 35203 Contact: Andy Rotenstreich 205-250-8304 [email protected] www.bakerdonelson.com Service Company 3001 Salterbeck St., Ste. 200 Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 843-324-9731 [email protected] Axiom Wireless Service Company 3323 Magnolia Rd. Magnolia, OH 44643 Contact: Steve Weston 330-863-4410 [email protected] www.axiomwireless.net Our services range from LTE upgrades, tower maintenance, small cell construction, building new towers from the ground up, to electrical work, civil work, and fencing. If it involves cellular towers and networks, our skilled and professional team can complete the task. Axis Teknologies, LLC Service Company 8800 Roswell Rd, Bldg A, Ste. 265 Sandy Springs, GA 30350 Contact: Kevin Calhoun 678-441-0260 [email protected] www.axisteknologies.com Axis Teknologies guides high-level strategies of wireless infrastructure upgrades through the real world implementation challenges of Small Cells, DAS, Data Centers, Core and Transport. B+T Group Service Company 1717 S. Boulder Ave, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 Contact: David Reuter 918-587-4630 [email protected] www.btgrp.com 24 Beckerle Consultants, Inc. Service Company Four Landmark Square, 3rd Floor Stamford, CT 06901 Contact: Richard Lukaj 203-252-2800 [email protected] www.bankstreet.com Bank Street is an investment bank serving companies in the communications sector with Merger & Acquisition Advisory, Private Placements of Debt and Restructuring services. Service Company 2275 Cassens Drive, Ste. 135 St. Louis, MO 63026 636-305-1600 Contact: Phil DeKeuster [email protected] www.gobeckerle.com For over 25 years, Beckerle has been serving the DC Power needs of leading Telecom Carriers, Media Companies, Utility providers and Mission Critical A/E firms. Across the United States, the Beckerle name is synonymous with excellence in DC engineering, installation and maintenance. BB&T - Atlantic Risk Management Bell Tower Service Company 5850 Waterloo Road, Ste. #240 Columbia, MD 21045 410-480-4413 [email protected] insurance.bbt.com BB&T’s Atlantic Risk Management is a large, independent insurance agency and an expert in protecting tower owners from unexpected risks. We offer complete, competitive priced programs endorsed by PCIA and tailored to suit your specific exposures, including: self-supporting, guyed or monopole towers; support equipment; shelters and fencing; plus general liability, business auto, workers’ compensation, umbrella, and more. Service Company 6037 S. Industrial Road Chelsea, OK 74016 918-789-9020 [email protected] www.belltowercorp.com For 22 years, Bell Tower has been designing, manufacturing and installing towers throughout the United States, from 100-foot self-supporting towers to 2000-foot broadcast towers. The company’s experienced staff offers customers the finest safety record in the industry and fair pricing on challenging projects. Bank Street Group LLC Beacon Management Inc. Service Company 6025 Scott Way Commerce, CA 90040 323-722-5587 [email protected] www.bmionline.us BMI is a national electronics recycling firm also focused on de-installation and disposition services. We are R2 certified and carry both OSHAS 18001 and ISO 14001 Certification. Black & Veatch Service Company 10950 Grandview Overland Park, KS 66210 913-458-7967 [email protected] www.bv.com B&V network infrastructure deployment and upgrade solutions include program and project management, site acquisition, architectural and engineering drawings, zoning and permitting, tower structural analysis and modification, procurement, logistics, construction and construction management, small cells and distributed antenna system (DAS) networks, and decommissioning service. Supplier Guide Black Box Network Services Boingo Wireless Branch Communications Service Company 1000 Park Drive Lawrence, PA 15055 800-316-7107 www.blackbox.com/wireless Black Box Network Services is a trusted provider of comprehensive communications and infrastructure solutions. We specialize in mission-critical, in-building wireless for enterprise organizations in healthcare and hospitality, as well as government and Fortune 500. Service Company 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 800 Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-586-5180 [email protected] www.boingo.com Boingo Wireless, Inc. (NASDAQ: WIFI) helps the world stay connected. Boingo’s vast footprint of small cell networks covers more than a million DAS and Wi-Fi locations and reaches more than 1 billion consumers annually – in places as varied as airports, stadiums, shopping malls, restaurants, universities, and military bases. The Boingo platform is the only monetization engine of its kind, driving revenue through carrier offload, advertising, location-based data analytics, and consumer products like IPTV, high-speed broadband, and Wi-Fi. Service Company 1516 South Boston, Ste. 215 Tulsa, OK 74119 Contact: Johnie Johnson 918-949-4551 [email protected] www.branchcomm.net Branch Communications is a leading independent owner, operator and marketer of wireless communications infrastructure in the United States. Currently, Branch manages a portfolio of over 400 cell sites across the country. Branch Communications is a full service solutions provider for the wireless industry. Black Dot Wireless Service Company 27271 Las Ramblas Mission Viejo, CA 92691 [email protected] www.blackdotwireless.com Full service consultancy providing specialized real estate development and lease optimization services to the wireless industry. BlueSky 101, LLC Service Company 4100 N. Powerline Road, #W-2 Pompano Beach, FL 33073 www.bluesky101.com BlueStream Professional Services Service Company 3305 Hwy 60 West Faribault, MN 55021 800-755-1950 [email protected] www.bluestreampro.com BlueStream Professional Services provides planning, implementation and maintenance services for wireless, wire line, broadband cable, utilities, and data centers networks. With unique capabilities, including wireless cell tower installation and maintenance crews, BlueStream Professional Services has the capabilities with key technology skills and certifications to offer complete, turn-key solutions. BMS Communications Bracnet Ltd. Service Company House: 26, Road: 28, Block: K, Banani Dhaka 1213 [email protected] www.bracnet.net ISP & Nationwide Data Connectivity. Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Legal Services Roundabout Plaza 1600 Division St., Ste. 700 Nashville, TN 37203 Contact: James L. Murphy III 615-252-2303 [email protected] www.babc.com Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP is a law firm with seven offices throughout the Southeast. Our wireless team has extensive experience representing all segments of the wireless industry throughout the Southeast and Midwest. Whether your issue involves understanding how to obtain zoning or other regulatory approvals, lobbying the legislature, or negotiating site leases, our wireless team will assist you in managing the many legal issues encountered by members of the industry – carriers, tower companies, and service providers. Brivo Systems Service Company 10776 Brewer House Road Rockville, MD 20852 Contact: Jonathan Polon 240-428-3304 [email protected] www.brivo.com Broadband T Corporation Service Company 1720 Jet Stream Drive, Ste. 212 Colorado Springs, CO 80921 www.broadband-t.com BTM Engineering Service Company 3001 Taylor Springs Drive Louisville, KY 40220 502-459-8402 [email protected] www.btmeng.com Buell Consulting, Inc. Service Company 1360 Energy Park Drive, Ste. 210 St. Paul, MN 55108 Contact: Bill Buell 651-225-0793 [email protected] www.buellconsulting.com Service Company 4133 Guardian St. Simi Valley, CA 93063 805-526-1141 [email protected] www.bmseng.com 25 Supplier Guide Building Technology Solutions Caldwell Compliance CBM of America Inc., Service Company 273 Grawtown Road Jackson, NJ 08527 Contact: David Williams 848-223-5240 [email protected] www.btsus.net 1 to 100 Gbps wireless links with mobile selfcontained outdoor/indoor data storage/carrier switch micro-modular units along with providing network infrastructure engineering expertise. Consulting Company 925-365-1160 www.caldwellcompliance.com Caldwell Compliance brings unparalleled expertise managing FCC/FAA regulatory compliance for wireless site construction. We ensure compliance is taken care of 100%, so our clients can focus on developing a competitive network of audit-proof sites. Service Company www.cbmusa.com CBM of America, Inc., has been an innovator and niche provider of Network Solutions and Custom Network Products for the Telecom Industry for over 20 years. We specialize in networking products and solutions that provide seamless IP migration of legacy protocol interfaces, such as BX25 & X25. Caltrop Celerity Integrated Services Service Company 9337 Milliken Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 480-241-6363 [email protected] www.caltrop.com Caltrop’s workforce has a solid reputation for completing large, complex wireless network projects throughout the country. Their multi-disciplinary team of professionals applies a broad range of experience to provide a streamlined approach to workfl ow management that generates significant cost savings through reduced deployment time and cost. With Caltrop as your single source for turnkey services, you can count on true value-added services. Service Company 2083 Quaker Pointe Drive Quakertown, PA 18951 215-538-1600 [email protected] www.cistele.com BuzB Service Company 129 W. Official Road Addison, IL 60101 630-543-5560 [email protected] www.buzbcorp.com BuzB offers detailed field mapping service for all tower structures of any make and model, including guyed tower, self-supporting towers, monopoles and water tanks. BuzB covers the Midwest and Mid-South, from Minnesota to Arkansas and from Kansas to Ohio. Byers Engineering Company Service Company www.byers.com/about.html Byers provides outside and inside plant design, planning, project management, inspection, and right of way acquisition services, both wireline and wireless, for RBOCs, ILECs, CLECs, IXCs, utilities, cable television companies, and commercial organizations throughout the United States. C Squared Systems, LLC Service Company 65 Dartmouth, Unit A3 Auburn, NH 03032 603-644-2800 [email protected] www.c2siteportal.com C Squared Systems, LLC (C. Systems) is an RF engineering and consulting company specializing in providing services for complete wireless coverage from RF analysis to design and implementation to monitoring support. SitePortal., a customizable web-based software, was engineered by C. Systems to remotely monitor and manage complex multi-vendor environments. More than just alarming, SitePortal. delivers a complete management solution to view notifications, system parameters, and reports with the ability to troubleshoot devices directly from your laptop. 26 CamTelcom Inc. Service Company 8101 Ellis Rd Ravenna, MI 49451 231-557-4383 [email protected] Fiber Optics Splicing and Testing, FTTT, FTTP, FTTH, Long Haul Fiber, Emergency Fiber Restoration. Hot Cuts, Fiber Verification, Audits, New Projects Capital Tower & Communications Service Company 13330 Amberly Road Waverly, NE 68462 402-786-3333 [email protected] www.capitaltower.com Carpenter Consulting Group Service Company 17 Industrial Street Rochester, NY 14614 Contact: Don Carpenter 585-360-2733 [email protected] www.carpentercg.com We are a highly focused, performance-driven, cost-conscious consulting firm specializing in wireless site development. Cell Blocks Service Company 277 Sumption Drive Columbus, OH 43230 614-800-0534 [email protected] www.cellblocksinc.com Cell Tower Attorney Legal Services 16001 Waterleaf Lane Fort Myers, FL 33908 813-335-4766 [email protected] www.celltowerattorney.com CellTex Site Services, Ltd. Service Company PO Box 700452 San Antonio, TX 78270 210-219-5529 [email protected] www.celltextowers.com Build-to-Suit towers and site acquisition. Cellular Specialties Service Company 670 N. Commercial St. Manchester, NH 03101 603-626-6677 [email protected] www.cellularspecialties.com Cellular Specialties (CSI) delivers products and services enabling anytime, anywhere wireless connectivity for 3G and 4G cellular, Wi-Fi and public safety coverage. Visit www.cellularspecialties.com. Supplier Guide Centerline Solutions CIS Communications Clearfield Service Company 16360 Table Mountain Parkway Golden, CO 80403 303-993-3293 [email protected] www.centerlinesolutions.com Centerline Solutions is a full turn key wireless services company. We help design, build, modify and maintain wireless networks. Service Company 749 Old Ballas Road Creve Coeur, MO 63141 314-569-2275 [email protected] www.ciscomm.com CIS Communications is based in St. Louis and provides site development (site selection, lease space and purchase negotiation, architectural and engineering drawings, due diligence, zoning approval and permit coordination including UMTS and LTE upgrade coordination) construction management and rooftop management services. Service Company 5480 Nathan Lane Plymouth, MN 55442 800-422-2537 [email protected] www.ClearfieldConnection.com Varying cell site deployment scenarios and network architectures pose challenges for network operators to standardize on a single solution. By offering a scalable single building block solution, Clearfield provides a flexible and cost-effective solution for standardization of passive equipment across multiple wireless carriers and the variety of equipment housings encountered. Standardization improves efficiency and service turn-up time as learning curves are reduced. CES Network Services, Inc. Service Company 13904 Josey Lane P.O. Box 810256 Dallas, TX 75381 Contact: Chester Manfred 972 241 3683 EXT 125 [email protected] www.cesnetser.com Voice, Data & Video MAN / LAN / WAN System Integrator Consultant. CES provides professional consulting, planning, design, and construction phase services for multi-user facilities nationwide. CIC Service Company cicusa.com The CIC team has over 1,000 years of collective microwave radio experience in applications for wireless backhaul, ultra low latency HFT, oil & gas, rural broadband, mobility, and wireless point to point communication links. Circle Point Technology Service Company 1530 Nandina Ave. Perris, CA 92571 949-690-5057 [email protected] www.circlepointinc.com Circlepoint Technology specializes in the development and implementation of network infrastructure for wireless carriers and large wireless infrastructure providers. Circlepoint offers its customers fully integrated network solutions specializing in site acquisition, architectural and engineering design, construction, equipment installation, testing and commissioning services. We promise to evaluate your individual needs to bring the most value to your wireless communication requirements. Civil & Environmental Consultants Service Company 405 Duke Drive, Ste. 270 Franklin, TN 37067 615-333-7797 [email protected] www.cecinc.com Civil Solutions Incorporated Service Company www.csicommunications.com Civil Solutions Incorporated is a full turnkey company established in 2001 providing comprehensive single source solutions to identify, lease, permit, design, construct, implement, and maintain wireless networks Nationwide. CLC Lodging Service Company 8111 E. 32nd Street North, Ste 300 Wichita, KS 67226 800-835-4045 [email protected] www.clclodging.com CLC Lodging, a division of FleetCor, reduces what you pay for workforce lodging while cutting staff time spent finding hotels, negotiating rates, auditing bills, reviewing expense reports and tracking costs. CLC’s buying power of more than 10 million room nights annually provides clients with deeply discounted hotel rates. CLC has more than 30 years’ experience as a leading provider of lodging management programs to businesses, serving thousands of clients in North America. ClearShot Communications Service Company 5 Great Valley Parkway, Ste. 333 Malvern, PA 19355 610-648-3895 [email protected] www.clearshotcom.com Concordia Wireless Service Company 361 Randy Road, Ste. 101 Carol Stream, IL 60188 Contact: GM Sadat 847-708-7500 [email protected] www.condordiawireless.com Dali Wireless Service Company 535 Middlefield Road, Ste. 280 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Contact: Wendy Har 855-250-5082 [email protected] www.daliwireless.com Dewberry Service Company 600 Parsippany Rd, Ste. 310 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Contact: Greg Nawrotzki 973-576-9653 [email protected] www.dewberry.com 27 Supplier Guide Doty Moore Tower Services Eastpointe Industries, Inc Engineering Associates Service Company 1140 Welsh Road, Ste. 250 North Wales, PA 19454 215-631-1323 [email protected] www.stainlessllc.com Service Company 4020 Tull Ave. Muskogee, OK 74403 Contact: Marty Halliday 918-683-2169 www.ep-ind.com Eastpointe Industries is a Tower and Structural Components Manufacturer. Located in Muskogee Oklahoma supplying Self Support, Guyed Towers. Manufacturing a wide range of tower modification materials. Service Company 1220 Old Alpharetta Road, Ste. 390 Alpharetta, GA 30005 678-455-7266 [email protected] www.engineeringassociates.com Downs Rachlin Martin Service Company PO Box 190 Burlington, VT 05402 Contact: Elizabeth L. Kohler 802-846-8382 [email protected] www.drm.com Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc Service Company PO Box 7058 Lake Worth, FL 33466 877-968-4787 [email protected] www.DynamicEnvironmental.com Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc. provides full-service, results oriented, environmental consulting to our clients with complete solutions for their environmental issues. By following our core principles: Experience, Commitment, Quality and Innovation, DEA has achieved recognition from both the tower industry and competitors alike as being leading experts in environmental assessment and compliance. For twenty years Dynamic Environmental Associates has been providing the tower and telecommunications industry with thorough and efficient professional environmental services. Dynis LLC Service Company www.dynis.com Founded in 1992, DYNIS is a world-class provider of a comprehensive Ste. of communication and data network implementation services through our impressive team of dedicated industry professionals. Earthcom, Inc. Service Company 3424 Corwin Rd. Williamston, MI 48895 517-482-1750 [email protected] www.earthcominc.com Earthcom is a full-service provider of wireless services including OSP, DAS/ODAS and cell site construction & maintenance. 28 EDX Wireless Service Company 1400 Executive Parkway, Ste. 430 Eugene, OR 97401 541-345-0019 [email protected] www.edx.com Ehresmann Engineering, Inc. Service Company 4400 W 31st Street Yankton, SD 57078 Contact: Eric Taylor 605-665-7532 [email protected] www.ehresmannengineering.com Ehresmann Engineering, Inc. is a tower engineering and manufacturing company. We have been in the Telecommunication Industry since 1983, have engineering staff with over 100 total years of tower engineering experience. We have performed thousands of analysis on numerous types, and heights of towers with various manufacturers. We offer a full line of towers: guyed and self-supporting towers, 3 and 4 legged towers, monopoles, flagpoles, monopines, cross poles, and other concealment solutions. Our 77,000 sq. ft. facility is conveniently located in the center of the US which enables us to provide short shipping times to both coasts. We have provided services in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and in countries around the world. EMF Telecom, Inc. Service Company 328 Hill Avenue Nashville, TN 37210 615-291-6279 [email protected] www.emftelecom.com EMF Telecom, Inc. is a veteran owned and run business founded in 2005. We specialize in tower, property and site acquisition services with offices in Nashville, TN, Columbus, OH and Orlando, FL. Engineering Specialties Group Service Company 8501 Turnpike Drive, Ste. 106 Westminster, CO 80031 303-482-3186 [email protected] www.engineeringspecialtiesgroup.com Environmental Corporation of America Service Company 1375 Union Hill Industrial Court Alpharetta, GA 30004 770-667-2040 [email protected] www.eca-usa.com ECA is an environmental, geotechnical, and NEPA/SHPO regulatory consultant specializing in wireless telecommunications. Its staff of engineers, scientists, historians and archaeologists has processed thousands of wireless facilities throughout the United States under the FCC NEPA rules and the EPA Phase I AAI and ASTM standard. Environmentex Service Company 6060 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 560 Dallas, TX 75206 214-793-7317 [email protected] www.environmentex.com Ericsson Service Company 6300 Legacy Dr Plano, TX 75024 Contact: Desiree Ruiz 972-583-6339 [email protected] www.ericsson.com At Ericsson we use innovation to empower people, business and society. We envisage a Networked Society that is sustainable, and where everything that can benefit from a connection will have one. Our mobile and fixed networks, multimedia solutions and telecom services make a real difference to people’s lives, and the world we live in. Supplier Guide ETA International ExteNet Systems FDH Velocitel Service Company 5 Depot St. Greencastle, IN 46135 800-288-3824 [email protected] www.eta-i.org ETA International, a not-for-profit, professional association, certifies today’s technicians in tomorrow’s technologies ETA certifications are accredited through ICAC and align with ISO17024 standards. Service Company 3030 Warrenville Road, Ste. 340 Lisle, IL 60532 Contact: Manish Matta 630-505-3800 [email protected] www.extenetsystems.com ExteNet Systems designs, builds, owns and operates distributed networks for use by wireless carriers and venue owners in key strategic markets. Using distributed antenna systems (DAS), small cells, Wi-Fi and other technologies, ExteNet deploys networks to enhance coverage and capacity and enable superior wireless service in both outdoor and indoor environments. Service Company 1033 Skokie Blvd, Ste. 320 Northbrook, IL 60062 Ken Czosnowski 847-778-0879 [email protected] www.fdhvolecitel.com ETNB Communications Service Company 3030-1/2 9th Ave Los Angeles, CA 90018 213-915-7014 [email protected] www.etnbcommunications.com Network Support & Training Eupen Cable USA Service Company 5181 110th Ave N, Unit D Clearwater, FL 3760 www.eupen.us Evans Engineering Solutions Service Company www.evansengsolutions.com 216 Green Bay Road, Suite 105 Thiensville, WI 53092 Contact: Ben Evans 262-518-0002 [email protected] Providing services to the wireless industry including microwave planning and licensing, coverage maps, intermodulation studies and RF exposure assessments. Expert Construction Managers Service Company 815 S. Kings Ave. Brandon, FL 33511 813-335-4765 [email protected] www.expertconstructionmanagersinc.com Express Technologies Service Company 1127 International Parkway, Ste. 293 Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540-752-6691 [email protected] www.express-tek.com Fairview Telecom Service Company 11450 Leyden Way Thornton, CO 80233 570-766-1370 [email protected] Faulk & Foster Service Company 1811 Auburn Avenue Monroe, LA 71201 Contact: Joe Derry 800-779-0495 [email protected] www.faulkandfoster.com Faulk & Foster provides real estate solutions for wireless and wireline network development, renewable utility infrastructure, and commercial mortgage lending. FDH Service Company 222 S. Central Ave., Ste. 1110 St. Louis, MO 63105 Contact: Amy Jokerst 314-773-4000 [email protected] www.fdh-inc.com FDH is a multi-disciplinary firm that provides a combination of engineering investigation and construction management services to customers in the telecommunications market. FDH employs more than 200+ people with offices in Raleigh, NC; St. Louis, MO; Irvine, CA; and Baton Rouge, LA. Our principals have completed a broad range of projects throughout the United States and have dedicated themselves to becoming a leading authority in engineering design, project management, and investigations. FIBREBOND Service Company 1300 Davenport Drive Minden, LA 71055 Contact: Lindsey McElhatten 318-371-6376 [email protected] www.fibrebond.com Fidelity National Title Insurance, Co. Service Company 7130 Glen Forest Drive Richmond, Va. 23226 Contact: Eileen Hastings 804-267-2086 [email protected] clss.fntg.com Fidelity National Title Insurance Co. provides the wireless industry title, closing, recording services nationwide. Title reports for due diligence; Title insurance for leasehold & fee interest, easement estates; Recording services to record MOLs, amendments, deeds, assignments. Full Closing services for acquisition transactions. Fiorio Communications Consulting Service Company 12700 Chapel Chase Drive Clarksville, MD 21029 240-793-2110 pf@fi oriocom.com FirstCarbon Solutions Service Company FirstCarbon Solutions Irvine, CA 92602 Contact: Jeffrey Shamas 714-508-4100 [email protected] www.firstcarbonsolutions.com In addition to providing comprehensive environmental resource management & regulatory compliance services, FCS provides NEPA, SHPO, NAHC compliance with extensive experience on projects involving, but not limited to: Tower, DAS, Small Cell, and other non-tower structure construction and collocation. 29 Supplier Guide Fred Hopengarten GE Critical Power Goodman Networks Legal Services 6 Willarch Road Lincoln, MA 01773 781-259-0088 [email protected] www.antennazoning.com Service Company 601 Shiloh Road Plano, TX 75074 Contact: Asha Devasia 877-546-3243 [email protected] www.gecriticalpower.com Service Company 6400 International Pkwy, Ste. 1000 Plano, TX 75093 Contact: Scott Pickett 942-406-9692 [email protected] www.goodmannetworks.com Goodman Networks is a leader in the design, engineering and deployment of fixed and mobile networks. With a track record of success working with the largest service providers in North America, Goodman Networks is leading the industry in the deployment of new technologies such as LTE, Small Cell and DAS solutions. Fujitsu Service Company 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, TX 75082 Contact: David Oberholzer 972-479-2415 [email protected] us.fujitsu.com/telecom Fujitsu Network Communications Inc. is a market-leading provider of communications network equipment and services. The company also offers multivendor solutions for the design, implementation, migration, support, and management of wireless and optical networks. Fullerton Engineering Consultants, Inc. Service Company 9600 W. Bryn Mawr, Ste. 200 Rosemont, IL 60018 224-585-4438 Contact: Frank DiVito [email protected] www.fullertonengineering.com For almost 18 years, Fullerton has provided wireless service providers with superior design and engineering solutions for all generations of wireless technologies. Licensed in all 50 states, Fullerton has successfully participated in the engineering and design of over 27,000 sites. Further LLC Service Company www.furtherllc.com Founded in 2002 by wireless industry veterans, FES has rapidly grown to become a leading provider of innovative solutions to leading telecommunications providers and equipment manufacturers. GCB Services Service Company www.gcbservices.com GCB headquartered in Virginia is one of the premier independent providers of engineering & Information Technology services to the wireless telecom and IT industry. 30 GlenMartin Holding Co, LLC Service Company 11910 Shiloh Rd., Ste. 186 Dallas TX 75228 Contact: Marie Velazquez 469-475-6243 [email protected] www.glenmartin.com GlenMartin is a Global leader in the telecommunications industry. Specializing in infrastructure development of support structures and network connectivity for a wide variety of telecommunications and utility solutions. GlenMartin designs, installs, upgrades, services (L&A) and provides maintenance to new or existing telecom sites. Financing options including built-to-suit lease options and full ownership. Our products and services provide end to end solutions for our customers most difficult challenges. Global Technical Solutions, LLC. Service Company 2701 Ridgelake Dr. Metairie, LA 70002 Contact: Charles Farrell 504-875-9633 [email protected] www.globaltechnicalsolutionsllc.com Licensed Electrical Contractor operating in 18 States, LTE, UMTS, Small Cell, Civil work. Fast response times. GME Supply Service Company 1801 Westfall Drive Columbia, MO 65202 Contact: Caleb Messer 718-210-3913 [email protected] www.gmesupply.com Granger Telecom Service Company 5722 Kenwick San Antonio , TX 78238 Contact: Paul Tomerlin 210-521-8088 [email protected] grangertelecom.com Grapevine Solutions Service Company Grapevine Solutions Lenoir City, TN 37772 Robert Hadigian [email protected] grapevinesolutions.com Grapevine Solutions provides technology consulting, vendor evaluation, tower service, construction management and NOC services. Our philosophy is you don’t need to be a tier 1 service provider to be treated like one and our experience is from the top of the tower to the boardroom. Graybar Service Company 34 N. Meramec St Lous, MO 63105 Contact: Heather Delz 407-835-4521 [email protected] www.graybar.com Supplier Guide Green Mountain GTL (USA) INC. Henkels & McCoy Service Company 702 Riverwood Drive Pembroke, NH 03275 Contact: Catherine Drouin 603-717-7117 [email protected] www.greenmountaincommunications.com/ Green Mountain is the source for integrated wired/wireless communication solutions for businesses in the northeast. Our end-to-end solutions are customized to meet your entire portfolio of communication needs. Whether you’re a government entity, utility company, service provider, educational or healthcare institution, or enterprise business, our experienced team will assess your infrastructure goals and deliver an integrated, comprehensive solution that integrates the most advanced technologies. Service Company 5200 Tennyson Pkwy., Ste. 200 Plano, TX 75024 Contact: Raj Kunwar Singh Chhabra [email protected] www.gtlamericas.com GTL is a leading network services provider. Our services include Network Design & Optimization, Site Acquisition Services, Micro Network Solutions, Professional (Staffing) Services, Network Operations & Maintenance Services and Customer Experience Management Solutions. Service Company 985 Jolly Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 Contact: Bob Dundon 215-283-7764 [email protected] www.henkels.com Henkels & McCoy has helped customers deal with their changing communications infrastructure needs from source to end user since 1923. We perform work for telephone companies, carriers, wireless providers, government agencies, utilities, educational institutions, and the private sector on projects of every scale. With wireless capabilities that span 4G rollouts and complex DAS installations to structural analysis and tower modifications, our wireless network solutions incorporate safety, quality, on-time performance, and effective program and cost management. GTS Service Company 1408 Woody Creek Road Matthews, NC 28105 704-906-9113 Contact: William A. Griswold, Jr., PE [email protected] www.ascensionsolutionsllc.com Structural Engineering Services for new or existing towers, and forensic engineering services for failure of towers. Service Company 230 Mountain Brook Ct Canton, GA 30115 Contact: Adam Biesecker 770-345-1670 [email protected] www.gts-yes.com GTS has been providing communications and infrastructure services since 1988. We offer turnkey engineering and construction services for DAS, Tower, Wireless, Broadband, Fiber,Cabling, Networking, and many other forms of communications infrastructure deployment. GTS is a DEBT FREE, Engineering driven, operation serving the entire country. Proven, Principled, Professional service is the heartbeat of GTS. GSS Guisys Service Company 3311 109th St. Urbandale, IA 50322 515-331-2103 [email protected] www.gssmidwest.com Service Company 40W320 Lafox Road Campton Hills, IL 60175 630-762-8540 [email protected] www.guisys.com GTEC SERVICES Heartland Networks Service Company 2271 Briarcliff Commons, NE Atlanta, GA 30345 708-227-6322 Contact: Larry LaDuca [email protected] www.gtecservices.com GTEC Services is a complete turn key service provider based out of the Atlanta, GA area with a nationwide footprint. Service Company 1023 15th Street, NW, Ste 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Contact: Tim Haley [email protected] www.HeartlandNetworks.com Wireless Network / Infrastructure Development & Services; site acq, zoning, A&E, construction, upgrades, DAS, BTS / Leaseback, turnkey GC services. Griswold Tower Software, PC HetNets Tower Corp/Towerstream Service Company 88 Silva Lane Middletown, RI 02842 Contact: Brad Gannon 401-952-4756 [email protected] www.hetnets.com Huawei Service Company www.huawei.com/us Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. We are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive solutions and services. Our products and solutions have been deployed in over 140 countries, serving more than onethird of the world’s population. HUBER+SUHNER, Inc. Service Company 8530 Steele Creek Place Dr, Ste. H Charlotte, NC 28273 Contact: Bill Burress 704-790-7300 [email protected] www.hubersuhner.com Hutton Communications Service Company 2520 Marsh Lane Carrollton, TX 75006 www.huttononline.com 31 Supplier Guide ID Construction Services LLC Ira Wiesenfeld & Associates Kathrein USA Service Company www.idconstruction.com Service Company 7711 Scotia Drive Dallas, TX 75248 Contact: Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E. 214-707-7711 [email protected] www.IWA-RADIO.com Consulting firm that is involved with the design, installation, maintenance and training on radio, paging, and other communications systems. Service Company Greenway Plaza II 2400 Lakeside Blvd., Ste. 650 Richardson, TX 75082 Contact: Capriccio Martin 214-238-8800 [email protected] www.kathrein.com Infotech Enterprises America LLC Service Company www.infotech-enterprises.com Services provider for major tier-1 and tier-2 telcos worldwide, Global footprint with longstanding relationships with major telecoms, Over 2,500 dedicated telecom professionals with a deep knowledge of advanced technologies, End-to-end network solutions from implementing network inventory systems to optimizing operational costs, and integration of network inventory with B/OSS and ERP to enable seamless service provisioning and assurance. Ingeuity Industries, Inc. Service Company Ingeuity Industries, inc. Marysville, CA 95901 Contact: Matthew Younce 530-933-1522 [email protected] www.bondwasher.com We provide specialized Washers for Bonding & Grounding with PIM reduction at the Ground Bar. We meet DAFARS Specifications and are an all USA Product. INOC Service Company 500 Skokie Blvd. Northbrook, IL 60062 [email protected] www.inoc.com INOC provides outsourced 24x7 NOC support for wireless networks for Neutral Host Providers, Integrators and Carriers. INOC can help improve network availability and reliability. As a seasoned NOC services provider INOC brings 14 years of continuous NOC support experience to bear on and help to improve client’s operational workflow. InSite Wireless Group Service Company 1199 North Fairfax St, Ste. 700 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-535-3009 www.insitewireless.com 32 Isotrope Service Company 503 Main St. Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-8833 [email protected] www.isotrope.im Isotrope offers municipalities and industries total support in design, specification, evaluation and construction of wireless facilities. The company provides expert testimony, zoning assistance, coverage mapping, project management, RF design. IVI Telecom Services Service Company 55 W. Red Oak Lane White Plains, NY 10604 (914) 694-9600 [email protected] www.ivi-intl.com IVI Telecom Services offers a wide spectrum of environmental services for nationwide telecommunications infrastructure development ranging from environmental site assessments to FCC and NEPA screenings and Section 106 consultations. At IVI, specialists understand your program and schedule constraints and use their expertise to help you realize your goals in a cost-effective and timely manner. JTS Service Company 5310 S. Cockrell Hill Road Dallas, TX 75236 972-620-1435 x.140 [email protected] www.jts.net JTS is a systems integrator, specializing in wireless infrastructure. We perform turn-key design, installation, and maintenance of microwave backhaul, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX networks. KCS Service Company 1125 Remington Road Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-490-8200 [email protected] www.kcscorp.com Kenwood Telecom Service Company 3431 Novis Pointe Acworth, GA 30101 888-439-0500 [email protected] www.kenwoodtelecom.com Manufacturer of tower site infrastructure steel and accessories such as sector frames, ice bridge kits and cable support accessories. Product engineering, development and improvement. KGI Service Company Building Three, Ste. 370, 805 Las Cimas Parkway Austin, Texas 78746 Contact: Mike Kampen 512-345-9595 Ext 210 www.KGIWireless.com KGI offers over 16 years of specialized wireless real estate experience, expanding our Inbound Collocation Services operations to a national workforce of 45 employees and contractors. Our site portfolio now includes 20,000 wireless sites (towers, and prime retail sites) in 9,000 cities/50 states. In 2011, KGI initiated our Site Acquisition Group, which has successfully supported 1,000+ projects including UMTS and LTE upgrades, new sites, DAS installations, antenna modifications and regulatory compliance. Supplier Guide KGP Companies KMM Lawrence Behr Associates, Inc. Service Company 3305 Hwy 60 West Faribault, MN 55021 800-755-1950 [email protected] www.kgpcompanies.com KGP Companies, including both KGP Logistics and BlueStream Professional Services, is a value-added supplier of supply chain services, communications equipment and integrated solutions to the telecommunications industry. With a national logistics network and a complete portfolio of manufacturer partnerships, KGP Companies is uniquely positioned as the solutions provider of choice. Service Company 9 Law Drive, Ste. 13 Fairfield, NJ 07004 Contact: Sarah McNab 973-244-1262 [email protected] www.kmmcorp.net KMM specializes in providing best-in-class supply chain and logistics services to the U.S telecommunications industry. Founded in 1991, KMM is a Woman Owned Business Enterprise. Service Company 3400 Tupper Drive Greenville, NC 27834 Contact: Mike Britner 252-757-0279 [email protected] www.lawrencebehrassociates.com Provides consulting, test, project management & design services in communication system coverage, RF interference & compatibility matters, electromagnetic shielding, radio frequency safety & collocation of diverse communications facilities. We have broad expertise in regulatory & allocation matters, & radio system coverage & path prediction. KGP Logistics Service Company 3305 Hwy 60 West Faribault, MN 55021 800-755-1950 [email protected] www.kgplogistics.com KGP Logistics is one of the country’s largest single-source; value-added suppliers of supply chain services, communications equipment and integrated solutions to the telecommunications industry. With a diverse and valued customer base, a national logistics network, and a portfolio of manufacturer partnerships that is second to none, KGP Logistics is well positioned to provide unique products and services to solve critical deployment needs. KMB Design Group Service Company 1800 Rt 34, Ste. 209 Wall, NJ, 07719 Contact: Stephen Banks 732-674-2989 [email protected] www.kmbdg.com KMB Design Group, LLC is a provider of turnkey engineering, construction and project management services. KMB specializes in the design and deployment of complex projects for telecommunication providers across the nation covering terrestrial wireless, satellite, public safety, microwave backhaul and DAS. KMB has offices in New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Dallas. Kohler Power Systems Service Company 6640 Northwest Kansas City, MO 64151 Contact: Gene Wanger 816-591-6760 [email protected] www.kohlerpower.com LandSource Service Company 6730 Exchequer Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70809 225-752-0995 [email protected] www.landsource.com Lansdowne Service Company St. Anna PLatz 2 50538 Munich Germany Contact: Lothar Hessel [email protected] www.lansdowneconsulting.com Law Office of Ronald Tucceri Service Company 6300 Creedmoor Road, Ste. 170-105 Raleigh, NC 27612 Contact: Ronald Tucceri 919-795-2437 [email protected] www.rtlaw.net Experienced attorney providing advice in the areas of towers, DAS, small cells and rooftops, including purchases and sales, network deployments, vendors, collocations and securing properties for installations. LCC Service Company 7900 Westpark Dr. Ste. A300 McLean, VA 22102 703-873-2000 [email protected] www.lcc.com LCC, the largest independent telecom services company in the world with local presence in over 50 countries, is a recognized leader in providing consulting and network services to the telecommunications industry. Proudly providing wireless expertise since 1983, we continue to be the thought leader in advanced engineering services and remain committed to offering innovative solutions, insight into cutting-edge developments and delivering advanced networking services to our clients. Legacy Telecommunications, Inc. Service Company PO Box 360 Burley, WA 98322 Contact: Robert Irving 253-858-0214 [email protected] www.legacytowers.com Diversified Communication Infrastructure Service firm doing construction, maintenance, optimization, microwave, generators, fiber, remote access and multi disciplined diagnostics. Serving the Pacific NW and Rockies. 33 Supplier Guide Lyle MasTec Network Solutions Media Venture Partners Service Company 3140 Gold Camp Drive, Ste. 30 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Contact: Matt Johnson 916-266-7019 [email protected] www.lyleco.com Lyle is a leading solutions partner in the wireless industry, and we’re focused on creating value by exceeding our clients expectations. Our expertise includes Lease Management & Optimization, Renewable Energy Solutions, Site Development, Collocation Management, Field & File Audits, and Professional Services. Service Company 4401 Northside Parkway, Ste. 600 Atlanta, GA 30327 Contact: Shauncey Mashia 678-925-8301 [email protected] www.mastecnetworksolutions.com Over the course of the last 80 years, MasTec Network Solutions companies have been involved in some of the largest and most complex telecom infrastructure projects across the country. Our experience has given us a deep and comprehensive understanding of the markets we serve, as well as the ability to effectively manage people, projects and equipment. It allows us to proactively identify challenges, avoid pitfalls, and overcome obstacles, and to accurately set and meet expectations for schedule and budget. With offices across the country, a workforce of nearly 2,000 skilled professionals, and an extensive wholly owned fleet of specialized construction equipment, MasTec Network Solutions has the resources needed to reliably deliver quality work for even the most complicated jobs. Our geographic reach, scalability, and overall financial stability enable us to meet each of our customers changing needs on a daily basis. Our core services are the engineering, building, installing, maintaining and upgrading of infrastructure for communications customers, through self-performed work and project management. Service Company 244 Jackson St., 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 415-391-4877 [email protected] www.mediaventurepartners.com Providing strategic counsel and financial services, mergers and acquisitions, private equity and debt raises, valuations and appraisals, Media Venture Partners has completed over $14 billion in transactions and focuses on clients in the media, telecom, datacenter, renewables and technology industries. Founded in 1987, Media Venture Partners has offices in San Francisco; Kansas City, MO; Boston and Boulder, Colo. MCQ Associates/Spectrum Management Service Company 40 Woodland Street Hartford, CT 06105 Contact: Chris Gelinas 888-973-SITE (7483) [email protected] www.mcmgmt.com MCM is a wireless tower owner, developer, and rooftop site operator throughout the country. Wireless carriers count on MCM, Inc. to deliver premier site locations, including BTS opportunities where and when they need them. Speed, efficiency, and creativity are critical for carrier network development either in new markets or enhancing existing. Look to MCM, Inc. as your site provider to deliver on those critical needs. M-Tel Service Company 2370 Nash Road Bownmanville, ON L1C 3K4 www.mtelinc.ca Mainline Communications Inc. Service Company www.mainlinecomm.com Mainline Communications Inc. is a leading provider of telecommunication contractual supplier services, through time & expense (T&E) and/or fixed bid contracts, to leading RBOC and CLEC companies nationwide. Malouf Engineering Service Company 17950 Preston Road, Ste. 720 Dallas, TX 75252 972-783-2578 [email protected] www.maloufengineering.com MALOUF ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. (MEI) was established in 1992 as a consulting structural engineering firm specializing in telecommunication and utility structures and related facility buildings with the goal of providing high level of technical services with personal involvement and attention to our clients’ requirements. Martin Environmental Solutions Service Company 8823 San Jose, Ste. 103 Jacksonville, FL 32217 Contact: Heather M. Cucci 904-737-1034 www.martinenviro.com 34 Service Company 22 Belinda Ct. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 8R6 647 881 1995 Contact: John McQuilter [email protected] We build and design managed or client environment I.o.T/I.oE solutions involving end -to-end integration from devices/sensors to back end systems within the Framework of an EDGE/FOG Compute Platform Model. We provide Protocol Conversion, SECURE-DDS/OMG based data streams in real time. Mejia Telecommunications Company Service Company P.O. Box 8504 Coral Springs, FL 33075 Contact: Diego Mejia 787-409-6024 [email protected] www.mejiatelecom.com With more than 20 years of experience, we specialized in tower and equipment installation, technology installation (GSM,4g, LTE, etc.), RF installation, PIM and Sweep Test, AC/DC Equipment auditing, Turnkey projects and Project Management, steel structures supplies. Message Center Management, Inc. Supplier Guide Metaswitch Networks Millennium Wireless Services Narda Safety Test Solutions Service Company 201 Potrero Ave San Francisco, CA 94103 415.513.1500 [email protected] www.metaswitch.com Metaswitch is powering the transition of communication networks into a cloud-based, softwarecentric future. Service Company 3543 Dreher Shoals Road Irmo, SC 29063 803-661-7282 [email protected] www.mws.us.com Millennium Wireless Services is a southeastern U.S. telecom contractor specializing in cell-site equipment installation and integration devices. Established in 1998, Millennium Wireless Services is a licensed general and electrical contractor and its employees often travel extensively for selected projects. Millennium Wireless Services takes great pride in each and every completed site. Service Company 435 Moreleand Road Hauppauge, NY 11788 www.narda-sts.us Metro Network Services Service Company 90 White Street New York, NY 10013 212-981-0700 [email protected] www.metrons.com Metro|NS is managed and operated by the same team who built and sold the Lexent Metro Connect dark fiber optic network in Manhattan and New Jersey. Leveraging our experience constructing a proprietary network and our acute knowledge of the New York Metro construction and political fields, Metro|NS consults with clients to ensure their networks are optimized and efficient. Mikab Service Company 21 Omaha St., P.O. Box 36 Dumont, NJ 07628 201-387-7700 [email protected] www.mikabcorp.com Milestone Media, LLC Service Company 848 N Rainbow Blvd #680 Las Vegas, NV 89107 303-335-9843 [email protected] www.milestonemediallc.com Acquisitions, divestitures, valuations, appraisals, strategic planning - sites, DAS, broadcast, spectrum, cable television, fiber, and publishing. Mosaik Solutions Service Company 6423 Shelby View Dr., Ste 101 Memphis, TN 38134 901-377-8585 [email protected] www.mosaik.com Mosaik Solutions builds world-class applications backed by comprehensive wireless network intelligence. Make better decisions and attract more customers with accurate datasets and tailored marketing solutions. Multiwave Sensors Service Company 8510 Torbram Road, Unit 67 Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C7 Contact: Bruce Clifford 905-458-9060 [email protected] www.multiwavesensors.com MYCOM Service Company 1080 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Bldg 200, Ste. 350 Roswell, GA 30076 Contact: Virginie Daniel 770-776-0000 [email protected] www.mycom.com MYCOM is a leading independent provider of carrier-grade Network and Services Performance Management and Advance Engineering Services to the world’s largest Communications Service Providers (CSPs). Its products, services and 700 staff are focused on delivering advanced network performance intelligence that enables CSPs to optimize networks, govern suppliers, rapidly launch new technology and services, and deliver high quality customer experiences. National Wireless Ventures LLC Service Company 1900 West Acre Rd. Joliet, IL 60435 Contact: Robert Stapleton 847-833-5448 [email protected] www.nwv.me Site acquisition services including leasing, zoning, permitting, government relations, special events facility placement (cows/colts) point to point microwave, project management. NATE Service Company 8 Second Street SE Watertown, SD 57201 Contact: Todd Schlekeway 605-882-5865 [email protected] www.natehome.com NetNearU Service Company 6155 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 Contact; Robert Brown 619-955-8128 [email protected] www.nnu.com Complete turn-key managed services for WiFi network delivery. From design to ongoing operations and maintenance, NNU can manage the complete network lifecycle. Network Building + Consulting Service Company 6095 Marshalee Drive, Ste. 300 Elkridge, MD 21075 Contact: Jeff Ebihara 616-218-9444 [email protected] www.networkbuilding.com Founded in 1984, NB+C is a leading wireless site development firm comprised of three business units: Site Development, Engineering Services and Construction + Technical Services. We are staffed with over 300 professionals who are totally committed to client service and project results. 35 Supplier Guide NexGen Utility Solutions LLC OMNI-WiFi, LLC Parallel Infrastructure LLC Service Company 2050 Marconi Drive Ste. 300 Alpharetta, GA 30005 404-403-8149 [email protected] www.nexgenusa.com NexGen Utility Solutions is a provider of device installation solutions and technical resources to leading energy utilities, communications companies and OEM device manufacturers throughout the United States. Our company implements, builds and supports America’s infrastructure. Service Company 70 Sullivan Street Berwick, MD 3901 800-610-6711 [email protected] www.OMNI-WiFi.com OMNI-WiFi manufacturers wireless equipment -- transmitters, repeaters, and client-premises equipment that delivers among the most powerful, longest range, and highest quality 802.11 signals available today. Nexius Service Company One Source Freight Solutions Tempe, AZ 85281 Contact: Dena Riley 480-525-9055 [email protected] www.onesrc.com We work with clients to create a fully integrated, custom solutions across a broad spectrum of project needs, handling everything from route planning and scheduling through communications and construction. We offer the benefit of true turnkey service, covering materials-ordering to delivery and installation/dismantling. Service Company 4601 Touchton Rd E, Bldg 300, Ste 3200 Jacksonville, FL 32246 Contact: Ed Myers 904-565-4129 [email protected] www.parallelinfrastructure.com Parallel Infrastructure LLC is a national Rightof-Way (ROW) management and infrastructure development company. Parallel Infrastructure invests in and manages rights-of-way, creating significant value for both public and private owners. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Fla., Parallel Infrastructure is a wholly owned subsidiary of Florida East Coast Industries, Inc. Service Company www.nexius.com Nexius delivers end-to-end wireless services to leading carriers, and business intelligence solutions to data-driven industries. With over a thousand dedicated professionals, Nexius provides a full range of services in Network Deployment, Network Engineering, Technology Services, Network and Business Intelligence Solutions. Founded in 2001, Nexius has become one of the fastest growing telecom solutions providers by delivering innovative solutions and project success. Noble Engineering Consultants Service Company 123 E. Railroad St. Flora, IL 62839 618-662-5800 [email protected] www.nbleng.com Nokia Solutions and Networks Service Company 6000 Connection Drive Irving, TX 75039 Contact: Pepe Lastres [email protected] www.nsn.com Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) provides the world’s most efficient mobile networks, the intelligence to maximize network value, and the services to make it all work seamlessly. 36 One Source Freight Solutions Ontegrity Service Company 3 Speen Street, Ste. 210 Framingham, MA 01701 508-270-8402 Contact: Business Development Manager [email protected] www.Ontegrity.com Ontegrity provides IoT-enabled applications and predictive analytics to companies for which “Off” is not an option. Ontegrity’s technology and talent give customers a more accurate picture of site conditions and present the right course of action to increase product and service availability. OptiMoS International Service Company 6290 Abbotts Bridge Rd. #103 Johns Creek, GA 30097 Contact: Craig Rosenblum [email protected] www.optimosinternational.com Provide RF Wireless services for Operator’s networks; Macro and In-building (DAS, Small Cells). Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. Service Company 2154 Torrance Blvd, Ste 200 Torrance, CA 90501 Contact: Dan Entler 800-419-4923 [email protected] www.partneresi.com Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. (Partner) is a full-service environmental and engineering consulting firm completing projects nationwide. We specialize in evaluating properties in connection with real estate transactions, financing, development or management. Patriot Towers Inc. Service Company 9332 N 95th Way, Ste. B203 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 480-421-0234 [email protected] www.patriot-tower.com Patriot Tower provides communication infrastructure deployment for Federal, State and Local government agencies. Our services include site acquisition, engineering, procurement and construction. Our wireless team also provides sales and service of radio systems. Paul J. Ford and Company Service Company 250 E. Broad St., Ste. 1500 Columbus, OH 43215 Contact: Dave Hawkins 614-221-6679 [email protected] www.pjfweb.com Paul J. Ford and Company is a nationally recognized leader in the design and analysis of lattice towers, monopoles, and design of tower reinforcing systems. Supplier Guide PCTEL Inc, RF Solutions Penn-Tech Service Company 20410 Observation Dr,, Ste. 200 Germantown, ME 20876 Contact: Chintan Fafadia [email protected] rfsolutions.pctel.com PCTEL RF Solutions specializes in the design, optimization and testing of today’s wireless communication networks. We develop and build innovative scanning receivers, drive test software, and interference management solutions that help wireless cellular operators get the most out of their wireless spectrum. Our highly-trained engineering services team uses state-of-the-art test, measurement, and design tools to provide engineering services for in-building and outdoor networks. Our commitment to quality, value, and customer service has made PCTEL RF Solutions a trusted vendor for operators worldwide. Service Company 3 S. Bacon Hill Road, Unit 2 Frazer, PA 19355 484-395-0145 [email protected] www.ptii.net Peak Power Services,Inc. Phillips Lytle LLP Service Company www.peakpowerservices.com Through the years Peak Power employees have held to the belief that its customers deserve more than they expect, as a result, we are currently the primary provider of DC Power, Battery, Tower & RF service and Generator installation and maintenance for AT&T Mobility in the Florida market. Legal Services 3400 HSBC Center Buffalo, NY 14203 Contact: Douglas W. Dimitroff 716-847-5408 [email protected] www.phillipslytle.com Phillips Lytle is a corporate and commercial law firm with a dedicated Telecommunications Industry Team. This multi-disciplinary team of attorneys handles representation on a full range of transactional, operational, regulatory and litigation matters including asset purchases and sales; site leasing work; zoning and land use; service, interconnection and right of way contracts. In addition, the Team is involved with acquisitions, IPOs, lender financings and venture capital funding. We represent some of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, regional providers, site owners, as well as lenders and investors across the United States. PEG Bandwidth Service Company Three Bala Plaza East, Ste. 502 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Contact: Greg Ortyl 610-660-4910 [email protected] www.pegbandwidth.com PEG Bandwidth is a provider of customized cell site backhaul and wireless infrastructure solutions for the wireless industry. Whether the challenge is improving network reach and quality, increasing capacity or maintaining cost certainty for the future, PEG Bandwidth’s team of wireless experts can deliver a custom-designed, technology- and access-agnostic solution. With a fiberrich network that provides ackhaul services to 3,000 cell sites across 13,000 fiber route miles, PEG Bandwidth is able to provide its solutions wherever challenging problems exist. Peppertree Capital Capital Firm 86 West Street Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022 Contact: F. Howard Mandel 440-893-0330 [email protected] www.peppertreecapital.com Peppertree Capital is a private equity firm focused on wireless telecom infrastructure. Its partners have founded or invested in 17 tower companies dating back to 1997. Phillips Lytle LLP Legal Services One Canalside, 125 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Contact: Douglas W. Dimitroff 716-847-5408 [email protected] www.phillipslytle.com Phillips Lytle is a corporate and commercial law firm with a dedicated Telecommunications Industry Team. This multi-disciplinary team of attorneys handles representation on a full range of transactional, operational, regulatory and litigation matters including asset purchases and sales; site leasing work; zoning and land use; service, interconnection and right of way contracts. In addition, the Team is involved with acquisitions, IPOs, lender financings, and venture capital funding. We represent some of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, regional providers, site owners, as well as lenders and investors across the United States. PierCon Solutions Service Company 63 Beaver Brook Road, Ste. 201 Lincoln Park, NJ 07035 973-628-9330 [email protected] www.piercon.net Phoenix Telecom Solutions Service Company 3200 El Camino, Ste. 200 Irvine, CA 92602 Contact: Michael Johnson 714-602-3370 [email protected] www.phoenix-ys.com PORTER Site Concealment Service Company 164 Malbert St Building B Perris, CA 92570 951-940-9090 [email protected] porterrf.com Custom fabrication of RF transparent concealment products including architectural structures, specialty towers and radomes. We ship our products anywhere in North America. Design and Engineering or build to specification. Powder River Development Services, LLC Service Company 219 S Wooddale Avenue Eagle, Idaho 83616 Contact: Andrew Dewhirst 208-938-8844 [email protected] www.powederriverdev.com Powder River Development Services, LLC was formed in 2003 by owners Patrick Campbell and Andrew Dewhirst. We provide the wireless industry our expert services for site acquisition, zoning, permitting, project management, architectural & engineering, structural services, and construction management. We employ knowledgeable team members who perform their tasks in a timely manner, at a competitive price and to the satisfaction of our clientele. 37 Supplier Guide Power & Tel Service Company 2673 Yale Avenue Memphis, TN 38112 Contact: Keith Cress 800-238-7514 [email protected] www.ptsupply.com Professional Teleconcepts, Inc. Service Company P.O. Box 311 Norwich, NY 13815 Contact: Stephen T. Marshall www.pro-tel.com Professional Teleconcepts, Inc. (Pro-Tel) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dycom Industries, Inc. (NYSE: DY). Pro-Tel specializes in turnkey ISP infrastructure services to carriers, OEMs, and enterprise clients throughout the United States. Projects may encompass design, procurement, installation, and testing/commissioning services. ProMobility Inc. Service Company 40 East Pearce Street Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B7 289-695-9595 pvan@ promobility.com www.promobility.com Wireless Device Lifecycle Management Services Provider Qualcomm Service Company 5775 Morehouse Dr San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: Vaidehi Puntambekar 858-651-9300 [email protected] www.qualcomm.com Quantum Group, LLC Service Company 15130 Broadmoor Street Overland Park, KS 66223 Contact: Philip S. Brown 913-239-9303 [email protected] www.qmerge.com Quantum Group is an independent, privately-owned mergers and acquisition firm that provides sell-side advisory services for tower and cellular rooftop owners. Quantum has successfully completed over 600 tower/rooftop/spectrum transactions in 38 the last 16 years, making us #1 in the industry. Philip S. Brown is the President and CEO of Quantum which is based out of Overland Park, KS, with a satellite offices in Los Angeles, CA. RBC Capital Markets Service Company 6009 West Parker Rd, Ste. 149-233 Plano, TX 75093 469-740-6525 Contact: Cyrus Radmanesh [email protected] www.quixoticconsultinggroup.com Wireless/fixed/braodband network engineering & deployment, DAS and small Cell implementation, FTTx deployment, site acquisition, construction, project/program management, quality assurance solutions, business consulting solutions, management & technical resources, marketing solutions. Capital Firm 3 World Financial Center 200 Vesey Street, 8th Fl. New York, NY 10281 Contact: Nick Stevenson 212-428-6405 [email protected] www.rbccm.com/communications RBC Capital Markets is a premier investment bank which provides comprehensive equity and debt financing products and M&A advisory to the tower and telecom infrastructure industry. According to Bloomberg and Dealogic, we ranked among the top 10 global investment banks for 2012. We are part of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Operating since 1869, RBC is among the top 15 largest banks in the world and the fifth largest in North America, by market capitalization. RAI Wireless LLC Red Wing Enterprises Quixotic Consulting Group Service Company 5 International Drive Deptford Township, NJ 08080 Contact: Mike Foss 856-228-5566 [email protected] www.rayangelini.com Team of professionals providing full suite of scalable solutions and services for communications networks, including construction and technical services, tower upgrades, project management, RF Engineering. Raymond James Financial Capital Firm 880 Carillon Parkway Saint Petersburg, FL 33716 Contact: Justin Cadman 727-567-5102 [email protected] www.rjcapitalmarkets.com Raymond James Financial is a financial services holding company with subsidiaries engaged primarily in investment and financial planning, capital markets, and asset management. Since 2009, Raymond James has participated in raising nearly $400 billion in capital for our corporate clients. During this same time, we completed more than 170 advisory assignments, including over 140 M&A buy-side or sell-side advisory assignments with transaction values totaling over $14 billion. More than 6,200 financial advisors serve more than 2.4 million accounts in more than 2,600 locations throughout the United States and internationally. Service Company 15 Daniel Road East Fairfield, NJ 07004 Contact: Maria Morris 973-276-0056 [email protected] www.rwellc.com Red Wing Enterprises is a licensed electrical contractor and a full service provider of telecom infrastructure services to carriers, OEMs, tower owners, etc. RWE offers site audits, RF engineering, site acquisition and self-performed construction services in addition to being an emergency and disaster recovery provider. RETEL Services Service Company Contact: Theresa Sharp 423-596-4444 [email protected] www.retelservices.com RETEL Services is a full turnkey solution, including our exclusive RevG certified composite pole, providing quality and care to every endeavor to ensure success. RF Consulting Services Service Company P.O. Box 72350 Marietta, GA 30007 770-310-7557 [email protected] www.rfconsulting.com Supplier Guide RF Consulting, PSC Service Company PMB 299, 220 Plz Western Auto Ste. 101 Trujillo Alto, PR 976 [email protected] www.rfconsultingpr.com RF Consulting is the leader in radio frequency safety compliance, interference hunting and in building design. RJE Telecom, LLC Service Company rjetelecom.com We increase our customers’ operating flexibility by providing service personnel in the areas where they lack the capacity or forces to meet both their day to day and peak demands. We will positively impact your bottom-line by providing professionally-managed personnel for all of your telecommunications needs. RJR Wireless Service Company 23501 Park Sorrento, Ste. 218 Calabasas, CA 91302-1381 Contact: Rich Reichler 818-222-7483 [email protected] Since 1998, RJR Wireless has been providing consulting and special-project services for antenna-site managers, owners and users. Contact Rich Reichler at RJRWireles@ aol.com. RJR Wireless is a member of PCIA and EWA, and Rich Reichler is a member of the Radio Club of America. RKC Site Solutions Service Company 520 W Lake Mary Blvd, Ste. 100 Sanford, FL 32773 Contact: Ken Cox 407-732-7710 [email protected] www.rkcsitesolutions.com ROHN Products Service Company 1 Fairholm Ave. Peoria, IL 61603 Contact: Mark Allen 309-566-3000 [email protected] www.rohnnet.com Global designer and manufacturer of tower, poles and structures since 1948. RSI (Radiofrequency Safety International) Corp Service Company 543 Main Street Kiowa, KS 67070 Contact: Miranda Allen 620-825-4600 [email protected] www.rsicorp.com Environmental safety services company specializing in RF (radiofrequency radiation) site safety survey and assessments. Site safety plans. Inhouse, public seminar, and web based RF safety training. S&R Resources, Inc Service Company 6950 Portwest Drive #190 Houston, TX 77024 713-663-7020 [email protected] www.srresources.com Component Level repair of all types of Communications related Infrastructure: Microwave, Wired, Wireless & Broadcast Encoders for 24 years. Sabre Industries Service Company 7101 Southbridge Dr. Sioux City, IA 51111 Contact: Mike Coghlan 712-258-6690 [email protected] www.sabreindustries.com Sabre Turnkey Solutions Service Company 555 Enterprise Drive Edmond, OK 73013 405-216-0555 [email protected] www.sabreturnkeysolutions.com Saul Ewing LLP Legal Services 500 E. Pratt Street, Ste. 800 Baltimore, MD 21202 Contact: Gregory E. Rapisarda 410-332-8963 [email protected] www.saul.com Saul Ewing LLP is a 250-lawyer firm with 11 offices in Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, and Washington, DC. Our Telecommunications Group represents providers and purchasers of voice, video, data, and related services, provides counsel on telecommunications systems acquisitions and dispositions; co-venture, vendor and customer contracts; finance; litigation/zoning strategy and implementation, including zoning and municipal approvals; federal/state permits, regulatory filings and compliance; environmental permitting and litigation; and government relations. SBA Communications Corporation Service Company 5900 Broken Sound Parkway NW Boca Raton, FL 33487-2797 Contact: Lynne Hopkins 800-487-SITE [email protected] www.sbasite.com SBA Communications Corporation is a first choice provider and leading owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure in North, Central America and South America. By “Building Better Wireless,” SBA generates revenue from two primary businesses - site leasing and site development services. The primary focus of the Company is the leasing of antenna space on its multitenant towers to a variety of wireless service providers under long-term lease contracts. Safety One Training Service Company 8181 W. Brandon Drive Littleton, CO 80125 Contact: Kevin Carter 303-734-0772 [email protected] www.safetyoneinc.com Tower Climbing Safety & Rescue training for climbing safety, rescue, and fall protection, including Train-the-Trainer, Advanced, Rigging & Hoisting, Rope Access and Confined Space. 39 Supplier Guide Schwaninger & Associates SG Services Inc Shulman Rogers Legal Services 6715 Little River Turnpike, Ste. 204 Annandale, VA 22003 703-256-0637 [email protected] www.sa-lawyers.net Schwaninger & Associates provides all legal services required of tower and rooftop operators, with over 20 years’ experience negotiating site leases, fulfilling regulatory requirements, representing buyers and sellers, assuring tenant compliance, and providing valuation of tower properties for sale or commercial financing. Robert Schwaninger, co-author of the “Fryer’s Market Report” for over five years, is also available to provide expert witness testimony in a variety of site leasing areas. The firm can help whether it’s one tower or a thousand. Call today. Schwaninger & Associates makes the difference in the deal. Service Company 1 Dover Place Holland, PA 18966 Contact: Serge Gofman 816-974-7474 [email protected] www.SGServicesInc.com We are a staffing and consulting company dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality products and services at the most competitive rates. Legal Services 12505 Park Potomac Ave., 6th Floor Potomac, MD 20854 301-230-5200 [email protected] www.shulmanrogers.com Shulman Rogers is a full-service telecommunications and business law firm. It provides brokerage services, contract negotiations, regulatory filings, dispute resolution and more for tower owners, lessors and lessees. Shulman Rogers is also pleased to announce that Michael Higgs, counsel to numerous tower owners, has joined the firm. Seidel Planning & Design Service Company 1240 E. Schuylkill Road Pottstown, PA 19465 610-323-8752 [email protected] www.seidelplanning.com Selective Site Consultants, Inc. Service Company 9900 W 109th St, Ste. 300 Overland Park, KS 66210 913-438-7700 Contact: David Saab [email protected] www.ssc.us.com SSC provides an entire spectrum of DAS and Small Cell Services throughout the US, delivering consistent DAS and Small Cell deployment outcomes to maximize customer results. We use the right resources to execute the right plan at the right time. No more, No less. 40 Shenandoah Tower Service Service Company P.O. Box 956 Staunton, VA 24402-0956 www.shenandoahtower.com Shenandoah Tower Service, formed in 1983, is dedicated to setting the standard in the wireless communications industry by providing exceptional construction, maintenance and management services. Shulman Rogers Service Company 12505 Park Potomac Ave., 6th Floor Potomac, MD 20854 301-230-5200 [email protected] www.shulmanrogers.com Shireen, Inc Site Acquisition Services Service Company 12910 Cloverleaf Center Drive Germantown, ME 20874 Contact: Greg Alberti 301-838-4380 [email protected] www.shireen.com Shireen, Inc. has been providing Global enhancement of wireless infrastructure for over 10 years. Our leading edge technology provides complementary advantages to WiFi, Cellular, Whitespace, SCADA, m2m, UAV, Robotics, Security, and a host of other vertical markets utilizing a wireless platform. Service Company 37 N. Valley Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-644-5467 [email protected] www.siteacquisitionservicesinc.com Shive-Hattery/GSS Service Company 3025 Highland Parkway, Ste. 140 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Contact: James Downey, Shive-Hattery; Steve Blazenko, GSS 888-282-8039 [email protected]; [email protected] www.shive-hattery.com; www.gssmidwest.com Shive-Hattery provides engineering and architecture services for switch sites, fiber optic networks, personal communication systems (PCS) and communication towers. GSS provides comprehensive environmental management including Phase 1 ESAs, NEPA studies, SHPO consultation and all related services. Site ID, Inc. Service Company 103 Carnegie Center, Ste. 300 Princeton, NJ 08540 Contact: Michael Shine 973-454-0302 [email protected] www.siteidinc.com Providing acquisition and services to the wireless industry; including build to suit! Site Management Services Service Company P.O. Box 24377 Knoxville, TN 37933 Contact: Charles Burton 865-659-7001 [email protected] www.wirelesssitesolutions.net Site Acquisition: New Builds; Collocations; Small Cell-Commercial Properties. Supplier Guide SiteMaster Speed Wire Inc. Service Company 6914 South Yorktown, Ste. 210 Tulsa, OK 74136 Contact: Jim Hopkins 918-269-5094 [email protected] www.sitemaster.com Inspect. Build. Maintain. SiteMaster’s experienced management team brings over 200 years of combined industry experience to your project. For 16 years we’ve delivered wireless infrastructure services ranging from audits to new site builds to overlays to decom’s with quality and integrity, and our team continues to grow and evolve with the industry embracing new technologies and standards, including experience/ certifications on PIM testing, FTTC, Hybrid Cable (Fiber/Power), RRH/U’s, MW (IP), DAS, PMP, and more. And always remember – safety first! Service Company 393 Jericho Turnpike, Ste. 106 Mineola, NY 11501 Contact: Eddie Carlucci 1-877-97-SPEED [email protected] www.speedwireinc.com Founded in 1996, Speed Wire Inc. clients have come to rely on us for quick, efficient and cost effective deployment services in areas such as Broadband, Security, IT, Connected Home, Smart Energy, Kiosks, TeleMedicine and Enterprise Solutions. Solutelia Service Company 3033 S. Parker Road, Ste. 460 Aurora, CO 80014 Contact: Keith Sach 720-748-3004 [email protected] www.solutelia.com Solutelia provides RF engineering and DAS services and solutions. Solutelia has recently introduced the WINd software platform that addresses some of the wireless industry’s most pressing concerns by providing real-time reporting, testing and analysis of network performance using the latest commercially available Android smartphones. SouthShore Communications, LLC Service Company 575 NW Mercantile Pl., Ste. 104 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986 Contact: Bryan Besade 772-336-2594 [email protected] www.southshorecom.cc SouthShore Communications, LLC is a fully licensed and insured wireless infrastructure solutions provider. We specialize in the deployment, maintenance, and upgrade of wireless networks. Contact us today. From project management, certified towers crews, to electrical crews, we have you covered. SQUAN Service Company 329 Harolod Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631 201-408-5111 [email protected] www.squan.com Squan specializes in turnkey macro, DAS, and small cell site development for telecommunications carriers, tower companies, neutral host providers, commercial landlords, government entities, universities, health care institutions, and other visionary organizations seeking increased coverage and capacity. Square Cubed Service Company 8877 Wellston Ct. Jonesboro, GA 30238 404-919-7133 [email protected] www.thesquarecubed.com A Telecommunication Integration company providing a large array of telecom services, including but not limited to structured cabling, inbuilding DAS systems, and internal LAN & WIFI. We provide all around telecommunication needs for our clients. Our highly trained engineers and technicians are here to take on any task no matter how big or small. SSC Service Company 8500 W. 110th St., Ste. 300 Overland Park, KS 66210 913-438-7700 [email protected] www.ssc.us.com SSC is a leading provider of services to the telecommunications, development and construction industries. Its full range of in-house services and abilities makes it uniquely capable of handling all aspects of the most challenging projects. SSC strives hard to serve its clients, solve their problems and communicate effectively. STC Statmon Tech, Inc. Service Company 5318 E 2nd Street Long Beach, CA 90803 847-604-5368 [email protected] www.statmon.com Remote Control and Monitoring software and hardware, RFID solutions. Stout & Company, LLC Service Company 415 South Commerce Street Natchez, MS 39120 Contact: Guy Stout 601-445-0504 [email protected] www.stoutandco.com Tower Developer. Sunny Communications Inc. Service Company 3568 Peoria Street #608 Aurora, CO 80010 Contact: John Sapuppo 720-870-5056 [email protected] www.sunnycommunications.com Buy and Sell USED two way radio and related equipment including two way radios, backbone infrastructure such as repeaters, combiners, controllers etc. Sunshine Electric & Wireless, LLC Service Company 124 Spring Street McMurray, PA 15317 Contact: Norm Purkey 888-977-8096 [email protected] www.sunshineeandw.com Electrical consulting and inspection firm performing site power, hvac, and construct-ability audits, plan review, estimating, and maintenance services. 41 Supplier Guide SureSite Consulting Group, LLC Service Company 3659 Green Road, Ste. 214 Beachwood, OH 44122 Contact: Courtney Schmidt 216-593-0400 [email protected] www.sure-site.com SureSite is a national provider of site development and staffing services to the wireless and telecommunication industries. With offices in Cleveland, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles and field locations throughout the country including the east, southeast and central regions, we pair our distributed workforce and professional practices with an extensive network of local experts to provide hands-on service at every phase. Surveying And Mapping, LLC Service Company 4801 Southwest Parkway, Bldg.2 #100 Austin, TX 78735 512-447-0575 Contact: Bryan Philips [email protected] www.sam.biz Surveying And Mapping, LLC (SAM) provides Audit Report, Close-out Report, Appurtenance Report, Structural Mapping, Line of Sight, Facilities Mapping, CAD Modeling, Rooftop Survey, Water Tank Survey, and Asset Management services to the Telecommunication Tower Industry. Synergy Concepts, Inc. Service Company 105 Ford Lane Hazelwood, MO 63042 Contact: Ben White [email protected] www.synergyconceptsinc.com Tower Installation, Service and Maintenance including Electrical Services Syniverse Service Company 8125 Highwoods Palm Way Tampa, FL 33647 Contact: David Wasserman [email protected] www.syniverse.com Syniverse is the leading global transaction processor that connects more than 1,500 mobile service providers, enterprises, ISPs and OTTs in 42 nearly 200 countries and territories, enabling seamless mobile communications across disparate and rapidly evolving networks, devices and applications. We deliver innovative cloud-based solutions that facilitate superior end-user experiences through always-on services and real-time engagement. Syterra Networks Service Company 495 Hartman Road Winston Salem, NC 27127 336-414-3120 [email protected] www.syterranetworks.com Provider of Site Acquisition including Small Cell Deployments. EF&I services for P to P and P to MP microwave systems. Tectonic Telecommunications Service Company 70 Pleasant Hill Road Mountainville, NY 10953 Contact: Richard P. Kummerle 800-829-6531 [email protected] www.tectonicengineering.com Tectonic provides turnkey program management and site acquisition, engineering and construction management from our strategically located offices nationwide. Tectonic, now ranked in the Top 15 by ENR in Telecommunications Tower and Antennae site development, has been providing these services to the telecommunications industry for over 25 years. Tectonic holds Professional Engineering Licenses in 48 states. Our Engineers are supported by our in-house staff of approximately 500; which performs; site audits, leasing/zoning, site design, structural and geotechnical engineering, tower analysis, environmental studies, photo simulations and surveying. Tectonic has provided these services to all of the major carriers, the foremost tower companies and program managers on more than 50,000 new builds and site modifications nationwide. Tectonics’ unique model of providing turnkey services with our in house resources permits us to costeffectively respond to both our client’s technical and scheduling goals nationally. Telecom Capital Group Service Company 6150 Sheridan Point Road Prince Frederick, ME 20678 Contact: Manish Dureja 443-532-8889 [email protected] www.telecomcapital.com Wireless communications tower owner and operator throughout the mid-Atlantic with clients including all of the major wireless operators and local service providers. Tempest Telecom Solutions Service Company 136 W. Canon Perdido, Ste. 100 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Contact: Elda Rudd 805-879-4800 [email protected] www.tempesttelecom.com Tempest Telecom Solutions, LLC is a leading provider of telecom infrastructure equipment and repair services, helping service providers and network operators build, expand, and maintain their networks faster and more cost-effectively. Terracon Consultants, Inc. Service Company 10625 W I-70 Frontage Road N. Ste. 3 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Contact: Craig Pruett 303-423-3300 [email protected] www.terracon.com Terracon is a 100-percent employee-owned consulting engineering firm that has provided quality engineering services to clients since 1965. From its roots in geotechnical engineering, Terracon has evolved into a successful multi-discipline firm specializing in environmental, facilities, geotechnical, and materials services for private and public sector clients. Terracon currently operates more than 140 offices nationwide with more than 3,000 employees and ranks 38th on Engineering News-Record’s list of Top 500 Design Firms in the nation. Supplier Guide TestEquity LLC Thin Air Construction, Inc. TowerCom LLC Service Company 5256 Choctaw Ave Pensacola FL, 32507 Contact: Mary Dobson 805-498-9933 x 258 [email protected] www.TestEquity.com TestEquity specializes in rental/leasing and sales of new and refurbished test equipment from Agilent, Tektronix, Rohde & Schwarz, Fluke, Anritsu, Sorensen, Extech, Flir, B&K Precision, Chroma, Advanced Fiber Solutions and Precision Rated Optics, Instek, Topward, USBee, Hioki, and Amprobe. TestEquity will buy your excess equipment and we have a full line of Environmental Chambers. Please check out out GSA Schedules: Test Equipment held by TestEquity is Contract #GS-07F-0224Y and Environmental Chambers held by TestEquity is Contract#GS-07F-0223Y. Service Company 3500 Cannon Street Hastings, MN 55033 651-319-0152 [email protected] www.thinairconstruction.net Thin Air Construction is a general contractor dedicated to constructing, installing, and maintaining wireless networks. We have built a reputation in the wireless industry for our commitment to quality of work. Thin Air delivers professional results safely and efficiently. Service Company 3442 Francis Road, Ste. 210 Alpharetta, GA 30004 470-395-3774 Contact: Rosemarie Shortino [email protected] www.towercomenterprises.com Full Turn-Key Tower Provider and Owner Texas Exchange Bank Capital Firm 301 Commerce Street Ste. 2901 Fort Worth, TX 76102 Contact: Beau Chron 682-224-8751 [email protected] www.txexbank.com Texas Exchange Bank is a well-capitalized Texas bank with a focus in the wireless infrastructure sector. The bank has been locally owned and operated since it first opened for business in 1970 in Crowley, Texas. We take great pride in providing highly personalized financial services to our business and individual clients. We are actively funding $2-to-$5 million commercial loans. Toler Telecom, Inc. Service Company 6834 Cantrell Road Ste. 182 Little Rock, AR 72207 Contact: Ron Toler [email protected] www.tolertelecom.com Site Acquisition and Build to Suit Services. Tower 16, Inc. Service Company Tower 16, Inc. Joppa, ME 21085 Contact: Phyllis Hackett 410-679-9916 www.tower16.com Tower 16 Inc. offers wireless network expansion services. The company also provides (In house) wireless infrastructure design, project management, site acquisition, third party management, and construction services. Tower 16 Inc. was founded in 1999 and is based in Joppa, Maryland. The Law Offices of Keith R. Betensky Tower Innovations Legal Services 75 S. Broadway, 4th Floor White Plains, NY 10601 914-338-8050 [email protected] www.betenskylaw.com Service Company 107 Dunbar Ave. Ste. E Oldsmar, FL 34677 813-818-8766 [email protected] www.towerinnovationsinc.com Tower Systems, Inc. Service Company Contact: Lynette Cotton 605-886-0930 [email protected] www.towersystems.com As a worldwide tower construction and maintenance company, we cover a broad range of services including Turnkey Civil Site Development, Tower Installation & Maintenance, Antenna & Line and Microwave Trileaf Corporation Service Company 10845 Olive Blvd. Ste. 260 St. Louis, MO 63141 Contact: Scott Muschany 314-997-6111 [email protected] www.trileaf.com Trileaf Corporation specializes in Environmental and A&E design services for the wireless industry. Trileaf has expertise in all 50 states as well as Mexico, Puerto Rico and Canada. Environmental services include NEPA, SHPO, Phase I and II Environmental Assessment, Biological Assessments, Asbestos/Lead Based Paint Testing and Migratory Bird Evaluations. Trileaf also has 15 years of award winning experience providing A&E services including Site Audits, Lease Exhibits, New Construction Drawings, Antenna and Equipment Modifications, Generator Audits and Installation Drawings, Rooftop Installations, and Stealth Design. TRM Service Company 16 Chestnut St., Ste. 220 Foxboro, MA 2035 Contact: Justin Leland [email protected] www.trmcom.com Turnkey Infrastructure Development - Program Management, Site Acquisition, A&E, Self-perform Construction, Electrical, Fiber, DAS, FTTx, ETTC, Tiger Teams TrueNet Communications Service Company www.truenetcommunications.com TrueNet Communications is a national infrastructure engineering and specialty contractor serving the telecommunications, broadband, energy, wireless, and enterprise markets. We plan, design, build and support communications and energy infrastructure for our clients across the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. 43 Supplier Guide UCI Construction Services, LLC Service Company 6375 Harney Rd Tampa, FL 33610 Contact: Todd Schlemmer 813-386-6202 [email protected] www.ucics.net UCI specializes in the construction and installation of communication infrastructure for cellular, PCS, CLEC and fixed/mobile broadband based networks. UCI Construction Services offers turnkey solutions by providing network to transport needs. Providing network and microwave design, implementation and maintenance of customer owned back-haul infrastructures. UNDC Service Company www.undc.com Universal Network Development Corporation, a telecommunications engineering and consulting company, was incorporated under the laws of the State of California on May 15, 1980. This company is owned and operated by Cinthia Kazee. UNDC is a certified Minority and Woman-owned small business enterprise. We are 8(a) certified by the Small Business Administration. Unlimited Lynx, Inc. Service Company 11 Rosemarie Ln. Mahopac, NY 10541 Contact: Sunil Schneider 917-399-4757 [email protected] www.unlimitedlynx.com Services: Site Acquisition, Wireless Facilities Construction and Maintenance, Closeout Package Specialists, Construction Management, Staffing. Urban Mining2 Service Company 5750 DTC Parkway, #160 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Contact: Tracy Donley 303-741-4042 x222 [email protected] www.urbanminingsquared.com Urban Mining2, an R2/ISO 14001 certified, 17 year old asset management and eScrap recycling company using eScrap Resource Recovery 2.0TM methodologies enabling up to 30% 44 more commodity recovery for clients. Our vast database of buyers enables us to pay top-dollar for reuse materials. Our one-of-a-kind, 30,000 square foot resource recovery facility is outfitted with HEPA-filter air scrubbing technology that protects our employees from lead exposure and other toxins - no other facility like it in the world. Utility Service Communications Service Company 535 Courtney Hodges Blvd. Perry, GA 31069 800-679-7819 [email protected] www.utilityservice.com Utility Service Communications specializes in site marketing and management for wireless facilities on water tank sites. The company provides tech services including tank mapping, structural analysis, and architectural and engineering drawings. V-COMM, L.L.C Service Company 2540 U.S. Highway 130, Ste. 101 Cranbury, NJ 08512 Contact: Gina Villeco 609-655-1200 [email protected] www.vcomm-eng.com A leading provider of integrated network engineering, radio frequency engineering and business services. We deliver the needed expertise and cost-effective solutions to governmental agencies and wireless operators. Vasu Communications Service Company 2432 Ridgeland Drive Avon, OH 44011 440-934-5268 [email protected] Versatile Wireless Service Company 1440 Jason Way #108 Santa Maria, CA 93455 Contact: Eric DaVersa 858-245-6702 [email protected] www.versatilewireless.com General Contractor for wireless telecommunications - microwave, 4G, and wireless broadband. Vertical Solutions Inc Service Company 2002 Production Drive Apex, NC 27539 919-321-6167 [email protected] www.verticalsolutions-inc.com Structural Engineering, Tower Modification Analysis & Design, Tower & Foundation Mapping, Tower & Foundation Inspection, A & E Services, Review & Seal, Turnkey, Project Management, Document Managing. VERTICOM Service Company 7901 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247 Contact: Jeff Lewis 214-741-6898 [email protected] www.verticom.net VERTICOM partners with wireless carriers, tower owners, outsourcing firms, and equipment manufacturers to design, develop, maintain and support wireless networks. Verveba Telecom Service Company 214-613-5351 www.verveba.com Verveba is an end-to-end Telecom and Software company specializing in Survey, Design, Build, and Optimization services. We deliver Small Cells, WiFi and LTE network roll-out services for our customers Nationwide. Vision Technologies Service Company 530 McCormick Drive, Ste. G Glen Burnie, MD 21061 866-746-1122 Contact: Al Saxon [email protected] www.visiontech.biz Vision Technologies, a national and global systems integrator, delivers converged IT services and solutions for commercial and federal clients. We specialize in Design-Build systems, offering design, installation, support, and project management for Distributed Antenna Systems, Passive Optical Networking, voice/data, wireless systems, security, audio-visual, and VTC. Supplier Guide Vision Tower WAVSYS LLC White Buffalo Environmental Service Company 505 Madrid Drive St. Petersburg, FL 33715 Contact: Scott MacMath [email protected] www.visiontower.net Vision Tower is a wireless services company providing line, antenna and civil crew services. Vision Tower’s primary focus is quality of work and safety. We offer our services to the majority of the Southeast US. Service Company 101 Broadway, Suite 406 Brooklyn, NY 11249 Contact: Joshua Mangerson 917-609-0284 [email protected] www.wavsys.com Wavsys provides professional project management and implementation services for mobile telecom network projects in the United States, Canada and the European Union. Our deep wireless industry expertise and extensive resources enable solutions that maximize cost-effectiveness, without sacrificing quality, safety or service. Service Company 6321 E. 102nd St., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74137 Contact: Steve Mcfarlin 918-660-0999 [email protected] www.whitebuffalo.com White Buffalo Environmental offers Phase I, NEPA, environmental assessments, tribal and agency consults. Count on the company to meet your timelines and budget. White Buffalo Environmental has experienced telecommunications environmental professionals. Since 1998, the company has provided expert services to major and independent companies from single projects. W-T Communication Design Group Service Company 2675 Pratum Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 224-293-6333 [email protected] www.wtengineering.com W-T Communication Design Group is a full service site engineering company focused on the needs of cellular carriers, OEMS, Tower Companies and Tier One Service providers. Structural engineering, architectural design, construction management, site acquisition and environmental services. Waterford Consultants Service Company P.O. Box 2090 Ashburn, VA 20146-2090 703-596-1022 [email protected] www.waterfordconsultants.com Waterford Consultants offers a wide array of professional and regulatory consulting services with expertise in AM detuning, RF emissions analysis (EME), intermodulation studies, FAA certification and filing, site audit and third-party inspection, and tower structural and appurtenance mapping. Waterford’s nationwide team of highly respected and reputable experts is committed to providing superior, timely and budget sensitive customer service. Let Waterford alleviate the burden and frustration of FCC compliance for you. Waterford will beat the competition every time. WesTower Communications Service Company 2460 San Lake Rd Orlando, FL 32809 321-209-8800 [email protected] www.westower.com WesTower is a well established organization with full service solutions to support all your network projects. As the largest self-perform service company in North America, our team of exceptional professionals are ready to assist you in the management, design, construction, reinforcement, maintenance and service of communication towers and related equipment. WFI Service Company 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 703-873-2000 [email protected] www.wfinet.com WFI brings the best in program management, quality assurance and technical expertise to network infrastructure design, deployment and maintenance. Since 1994, we have engineered and deployed more than $2 billion in telecom infrastructure— successfully, rapidly and costeffectively. Wigdahl Electric Service Company 625 Pratt Blvd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 847-439-8200 [email protected] www.wigdahlelectric.com Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP Legal Services 2300 N Street, NW, Ste. 700 Washington, DC 20037 Contact: Bryan N. Tramont 202-783-4141 [email protected] www.wbklaw.com Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP is one of the nation’s largest communications and technology law firms. The firm is ranked as a top tier communications law firm by Chambers USA, Legal 500, and U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers. Firm practice areas include tower siting and infrastructure, as well as wireless and wireline communications, broadcast, cable and other media, privacy, broadband and IP-based services, international and satellite communications, and energy regulation. Wireless Coverage Inc. Service Company 526 S Commerce St Ste. 101 Hurricane, UT 84737 888-342-6109 [email protected] www.wirelesscoverageinc.com Equipment Installation and Maintenance Services. 45 Supplier Guide Wireless Edge Service Company 270 North Ave., Ste. 809 New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-712-0000 [email protected] www.wirelessedge.org Wireless Edge is a premier provider of network implementation services and strategic tower sites. Nationwide services include tower development, site management, development of cell sites and satellite terrestrial repeaters and special projects. Wireless Edge specializes in development and permitting of antenna sites on landmark and historic properties. Wireless Site Services Service Company 4121 Taliesin Drive Lincoln, NE 68520 402-817-4135 [email protected] www.wssinet.com WirelessWerks Service Company 8060 165th Avenue NE Ste. 210 Redmond, WA 98052 Contact: Gord Breese 877-760-2565 [email protected] www.wirelesswerks.com WirelessWerks is a leader in network build quality assurance and audit programs, and construction services. We serve all major wireless carriers and their construction partners. STAFFING COMPANIES ADEX Telecom Staffing Company adextelecom.com ADEX Corporation is an international service organization that provides turnkey services and project staffing solutions exclusively to the telecommunications industry. Aditi Consulting Staffing Company www.aditistaffing.com Aditi Staffing is a certified diversity IT staffing firm headquartered in Bellevue, WA, with locations across the US and operations centers in Bangalore and Coimbatore, India. Aditi Staffing is the flagship IT staffing unit of Aditi Technologies, a leading software development firm founded in 1994. AIM Technical Consultants, Inc Staffing Company aimtechinc.net At AIM Technical Consultants, we’ve been recruiting top IT and telecom professionals since 1999. These individuals combine their long-standing expertise with the latest technologies to identify problems, analyze and implement solutions, and provide ongoing expertise when you need it. Alamon Telecom Staffing Company www.alamon.com Alamon was incorporated in 1975 to provide contract labor to the telecommunications industry. We are a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise providing workforce solutions to industry leading equipment manufacturers, operating telecommunication companies, and utility companies nationwide. Alamon provides a variety of services. Alternate Communications International L Staffing Company alternatecommunications.com Alternate Communications International has over 15 years of expertise providing successful, long and short term placements. Our commitment to responsible and ethical recruiting and placement has enabled us to build strong, loyal relationships with our clients and personnel. 46 Axis Teknology, LLC Staffing Company www.axisteknologies.com Axis provides people and technology solutions for UMTS/GSM to LTE projects including: core network infrastructure design engineering, transport and data center implementation and testing, E911 solutions, microwave LOS, path and site surveys, DAS and small cell network design and installation, macro network carrier adds and equipment upgrades, deployment and decommission, and project management based on Project Management Institute best practices. Becon Staffing Company Blue Signal Staffing Company 40 N Central Ave., Ste. 1400 Phoenix, AZ 85283 Contact: Matthe Walsh 847-227-8287 [email protected] www.bluesignal.com 3rd party search firm for the wireless industry. Brius Telecom Solutions Staffing Company www.briustelecom.com In an industry that is about connecting people, BRIUS Telecom Solutions operates on trust, value and unparalleled professionalism. We provide staffing services to all leading carriers, vendors and suppliers in the fixed line and wireless communications markets. Our combined 30 years of telecom staffing industry experience drive the operations of a proven structure for business, provide motivating leadership to an extraordinary team of experienced recruiters and support staff, and produce outstanding consulting solutions to our existing and growing client base. CEG Partners Staffing Company 17200 Chenal Pkwy Little Rock, AR 72223 Contact: Mike Stafford 501-255-7751 [email protected] www.cegpartners.com CEG Partners has extensive experience in all aspects of telecommunications and IT staffing and recruiting. Contractors available now to build Mobile Apps, Dashboards, Wireless Networks, and other critical design areas. Supplier Guide DMN Global Services Global Recruiters of Blackhawk ITC Service Group, Inc Staffing Company www.dmnglobal.com DMN Global Services has been providing telecommunications network engineering and support services in North America and in over 70 countries since 1989. Our portfolio includes a comprehensive suite of project management, site survey, network design, documentation, logistics, installation, testing, integration, optimization, maintenance, fault management maintenance 24/7 and network management services. DMN Global Services is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company and a NIC EIC approved contractor. With offices based in Fox River Grove IL, DMN Global Services expanded its business in 2000 through the acquisition of GT&K Network Solutions, a network solutions provider. Staffing Company 2430 Camino Ramon Ste. # 104 San Ramon, CA 94583 Contact: Paul Harris 925-804-6211 [email protected] www.grnblackhawk.com Global Recruiters of Blackhawk is an Executive Search Firm specializing in the Telecom sector with the particular niche of Wireless Infrastructure. Staffing Company www.callitc.com/StaffingSolutions Just as our industry changes, so do your staffing requirements. That’s where ITC fits in. We enable you to staff your organization quickly and reduce your recruiting time and costs while maximizing your ability to focus on your client’s needs, neatly keeping the door in full swing. First Point Group Inc. Staffing Company www.firstpointgroup.com At First Point Group we’ve made the global telecoms industry our business. For clients such as Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia Siemens Networks, the strategic contribution of FPG, a trusted global partner who knows their industry inside out, is an invaluable business asset. Fusion Solutions Inc Staffing Company www.fusionsolutionsinc.com Fusion Solutions is a leading provider of telecom technical consulting and staffing services for Fortune 1000 companies. We’re knowledgeable of and have worked with virtually all types of telecom infrastructure technologies in Wireless and Wireline. Genesis10 Staffing Company www.genesis10.com Genesis10 is proud to present American businesses with a new opportunity to call on the strengths of our retired service men and women. Our multi-point process enables Genesis10 to proactively prepare veterans for success in business and IT roles, while eliminating traditional hiring risks for our clients. Dedicated selection, training, mentoring and right-to-hire programs work together under the leadership of our Veterans Program Director, Captain Nick Swaggert, USMC Reserve. Kenton Group Staffing Company www.glotel.com Glotel is a global professional staffing and managed projects solutions company, specializing in the placement of contract and permanent personnel within all areas of technology. Staffing Company www.kentongroup.com Kenton Group is an industry leader in the telecommunications industry. Since 1993 we have provided Engineering, Professional Staffing and Business Development Consulting Services to firms serving the communications, utilities and information technology industries from coast to coast. HarTek Solutions, LLC Kineticom Staffing Company www.harteksolutions.com At HarTek Solutions, we believe successful placements are the result of a committed partnership with our clients. We help our business clients analyze costs, identify needs, define corporate culture and increase employee retention. HarTek works closely with career seekers to maximize their professional potential in positions compatible with their own skills, goals and interests. Staffing Company 701 B Street, Suite 1350 San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: Blair Bode 209-482-2030 [email protected] www.kineticom.com Kineticom is an ISO certified, award-winning technical talent firm with a 13-year history in technology recruitment and service delivery in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) market. We provide on-site talent across 42 states in the U.S. on contract or permanent basis and deliver Professional Services & Solutions governed by Statements of Work. Kineticom aspires to create growth opportunities for our technical professionals and delivers measurable results that set our clients apart in the industry. Glotel Inc Hepco Inc Staffing Company www.hepcoinc.com We are an Engineering, IT, Telecommunications and Payrolling staffing company that works on both contract and permanent assignments with our corporate office in Saddle Brook, NJ. Whether you are a talented professional who would like to explore new opportunities, or a manager in need of additional support, you can count on HEPCO to provide you with world class customer service. HEPCO is committed to building long term relationships with both our clients and the professionals we place on specific client assignments. Mountain LTD. Staffing Company www.mountainltd.com Welcome to MOUNTAIN, LTD. – a proven leader in engineering solutions. As a trusted source of communications professionals with over 30 years of on-time delivery, we understand your business. 47 Supplier Guide Nextgen Global Resources Protingent Staffing Staffing Company nextgengr.com NextGen Global Resources represents a revolutionary step forward in telecom recruiting and consulting. Formed by industry veterans who have been changing the global technology recruiting paradigm for decades, NextGen strips away the bureaucratic processes and non-core functions to focus exclusively on placing the best talent at the world’s best companies. Staffing Company 3650 131st Ave. SE Bellevue, WA 98006 Contact: Chris Zerbo 425-628-9725 [email protected] www.protingent.com/telecom Please visit our web sitefor additional information. We are presently working for (both directly and indirectly through other consultants) AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and others. Novalink Solutions LLC Staffing Company www.novalink-solutions.com Novalink Solutions is a proven leader delivering managed engineering and staff augmentation services for governments and industries worldwide. Novalink’s professionals specialize in software and wireless engineering. The Atlanta-based company has resources and operations located across the U.S. and worldwide. Onit Management Consulting Staffing Company 4040 26th Ave SW #635 Seattle, WA 98106 Contact: Edward Byers 206-257-2233 [email protected] www.onitmc.com Project Management consulting in the technology space, with extensive experience in wireless. Outsource Inc. Staffing Company www.linkedin.com/company/outsource-inc. Outsource, Inc. is an off-site human resources consulting firm which assists employers in developing and maintaining standardized policies and procedures, flexible compensation programs, management training and development, performance evaluations and employee relations. Pinnacle Technical Resource Staffing Company www.pinnacle1.com Pinnacle Technical Resources is a leader in providing workforce solutions to Fortune 500 companies in the United States and Canada. Since 1996, we continue to be ranked at the top of the staffing industry as one of the fastest growing firms in the industry. In 2010, we were named Supplier of the Year by The National Minority Supplier Development Councils (NMSDC). 48 Skyhawk Staffing Company 23421 South Pointe Dr., Suite 140 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Contact: Chris Hubbard 949-468-0118 [email protected] www.skyhawk.net Skyhawk provides Tower Climbers, Wireless Technicians and Carrier Technicians on a temporary or contract labor basis. We are a national firm and can provide staff to site projects anywhere in the United States, even remote sites. We maintain a deep bench of skilled workers, ensuring you get top quality, reliable technicians. Skyhawk is certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), allowing our clients to benefit from contracting with a more diverse vendor base. Smartlink Staffing Company www.smartlinkllc.com At Smartlink, we build relationships. We draw on the strength of those relationships, and our rich talent database, to find the best matches for clients who need staffing and/or site development support in the Wireless Telecommunications industry. SureSite Staffing Company 3659 Green Road, Ste. 214 Cleveland, OH 44122 Contact: Courtney Schmidt 216-593-0400 [email protected] www.sure-site.com SureSite is a national provider of site development and staffing services to the wireless and telecommunication industries. With offices in Cleveland, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles and field locations throughout the country, we pair our distributed workforce and professional practices with an extensive network of local experts to provide hands-on service at every phase. SureSite is a market leader which is proven by our lasting relationships and repeat business since 1999. SureSite Consulting Group, LLC Staffing Company 3659 Green Road, Ste. 214 Beachwood, OH 44122 Contact: Courtney Schmidt [email protected] www.sure-site.com SureSite is a national provider of site development and staffing services to the wireless and telecommunication industries. With offices in Cleveland, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles and field locations throughout the country, we pair our distributed workforce and professional practices with an extensive network of local experts to provide hands-on service at every phase. T-Staff Staffing Company www.t-staff.com T-Staff was founded in 1998 by an ownership/management team with over 50 years of combined telecommunications industry and technical staffing experience.Their vision was to create a contract staffing service company that specialized in technical placements and the telecom industry sector. TelForce Group Staffing Company 4751 Trousdale Drive, Suite 105 Nashville, TN 37220 615-915-3119 [email protected] www.telforcegroup.com TelForce Group is a provider of professional services, human capital to the communications industry. Our services are integrated directly into our clients’ business operations. TelForce identifies talent that stands out among their peers’ people with a proven track record of creating value with every placement or assignment. For over 30 years Ron Deese of TelForce has provided professional (staffing) services to the Telecom Industry. TelForce can provide a single technician or a crew of tower climbers. We consistently deliver on small and large complex projects. Our experience in finding mission critical engineers and technicians and industry talent is what sets us apart. TelForce Group LLP is a Native American MBE certified by the NMSCD and the CA Public Utility Commission (CPUC). We ask that you please consider us to become an approved vendor to provide our services to you. Supplier Guide TSRI Staffing Company tsrisolutions.com The leader in technical staff augmentation, consulting, and training for telecommunications and energy. Verigent Staffing Company www.verigent.com We currently offer our staffing augmentation services in over 45 different states. This year, we are excited to celebrate 10 years in business and are proud to announce that we’ve deployed over 10,000 employees over to our clients during that time. We specialize in providing Nationwide Support with Local Personnel, providing rapid response to our clients’ and employees’ requirements. WFI/LCC Staffing Company Wise Connect Staffing Company wiseconnectinc.com WiseConnect is greater than the sum of its parts, having positioned itself to understand the integration between each technological component and address emerging technologies as they arise. Not only does our company provide staffing and managed services for a full range of telecom projects, Wiseconnect adds distinct value through true experience and dependability. TRAINING COMPANIES Advanced Safety Training Company 111 Exchange Place Lafayette, LA 70503 337-231-1323 www.advancedsafetytraining.com Advanced Safety offers classes in General Industry and Construction Industry to help employees meet OSHA requirements for a safe and healthy workplace that is free of occupational hazards. Aiken Technical College Training Company PO Drawer 696 Aiken, SC 29802 Contact: Dr. Gemma K. Frock 803-508-7278 [email protected] www.atc.edu AxcessRescue Training Company 20 Orchid Lane Ringgold, GA 30736 207-620-6169 [email protected] www.axcessrescue.com AxcessRescue provides industrial safety, rescue, confined space, work at height, and rope access training to those who want to solve operational issues effectively and efficiently with simple rigging solutions in order to perform work or rescue those in need. Capital Safety USA Training Company 800-328-6146 [email protected] www.capitalsafety.us Capital Safety is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of fall protection, confined space and rescue equipment, with a passionate commitment to quality, innovation and safety. CITCA LLC Training Company 727 Larry Power Road Bourbonnais, IL 60914 800-313-5159 www.citca4training.com CITCA is a nationally recognized training academy, developed by a group of industry specialists, offering a complete line of college accredited tower erection and safety training programs directly related to the communications and wind turbine industries. COM-TECH CONSTRUCTION Training Company 17827 Commerce Dr Westfield, IN 46074 317-867-4486 www.comtechservices.net “Expedite, Turn Up, Target Date.” Understanding these terms is what separates Com-Tech Services from the rest of the implementation groups in the communication industry. Some of the largest bottlenecks in the development of next generation communication networks will be site acquisition, permitting, engineering, construction and installation phases. Com-Tech Services, founded in 1991 and incorporated in 1992, understands our customer’s unique needs and presents sophisticated engineering solutions to avoid these roadblocks to business development. COMTRAIN Training Company 3409 Executive Center Dr., Suite 202 Austin, TX 78731 512-275-6600 [email protected] www.comtrainusa.com ComTrain is an authorized training provider for American Tower, Black and Veatch, Bechtel, General Dynamics, Mastec, Union Pacific Railroad, CSX Railroad and many other global companies. Comtrain is named as the preferred training provider for the major carriers and infrastructure providers around the globe. Comtrain is recognized as a N.A.T.E. Member Training Company that meets or exceeds the requirements of the N.A.T.E. Tower Climber Fall Protection Training Standard (N.A.T.E. CTS) 49 Supplier Guide Corporate College ETA International Lakeshore Technical College Training Company 4647 Stone Avenue PO Box 5199 Sioux City, IA 51102 866-528-4024 [email protected] www.corporatecollege.biz The Corporate College offers employers customdesigned training and consulting solutions that can help them reach their goals. Today’s organizations face increasing challenges to remain competitive. We can help you by designing training to meet these demands. The Corporate College will partner with you to find solutions to your unique and specific needs for increased workplace skills, productivity, profitability and efficiency. We will help you focus on both management and worker skills to attain the competitive advantage you are looking to achieve. Training Company 5 Depot St. Greencastle, IN 46135 Contact: Michele Altman 800-288-3824 [email protected] www.eta-i.org ETA International represents electronics professionals with over 80 industry recognized certifications. ETA certifications align with international standards and confirm both technical knowledge and skills. Training Company 1290 North Avenue Cleveland, Wisconsin 53015 888-GO-TO-LTC [email protected] www.gotoltc.edu Lakeshore Technical College is a leading provider of technical education offering over 100 career programs, customized training for business and industry, continuing education for personal and professional enrichment, and basic skills education. Global Safety Consultants LBA University Training Company 10425 Plano Rd Dallas, TX 75238 Contact: RJ Price 720-545-9754 [email protected] www.dsisysteminc.com Training Company 106 Rolls Royce Drive Broussard, LA 70518 337-330-2642 www.safetygsc.com GSC was founded in 2004 and has developed an unique training experience. GSC focuses on client, state, and federal regulatory compliance. GSC allows your company to benefit from our highly trained and experienced staff. Our goal is simple: provide unparalleled service in a cost effective manner. GSC is committed to meeting all the needs of your company. Allow us to help assist you with all your HSE requirements. Training Company 3400 Tupper Drive Greenville, NC 27834 252-757-0279 [email protected] www.lbauniversity.org On site & online safety training with courses in RF safety, outdoor safety, GHS HazCom, OSHA 10/30 & more. OSHA certified instructors, 1,000s trained. ENSA North America Grand Rapids Community College Training Company 5510 E Marginal Way S Seattle, WA 98134 Sherry Sandness – Training Coordinator 206-762-8500 ext: 290 www.ensa-northamerica.com Utilizing effective management systems, ENSA will support and guide the organization by consistently providing services at a level that meets or exceeds customer expectations. In particular, ENSA strives to meet the needs of company health and safety executives and program managers faced with an evolving compliance environment, operation deadlines, program limitations and the requirement for skilled personnel. Training Company 143 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503-3295 616-234-4000 www.grcc.edu GRCC offers flexible course formats including weekday, weekends, summer Saturdays, on-line/ distance learning and 7-week accelerated classes. DSI Distributing 50 Gravitec Systems, Inc. Training Company 21291 Urdahl Road NW Poulsbo, WA 98370 800-755-8455 [email protected] www.gravitec.com Do you need fall protection training? Peek into our modern classrooms. There you’ll find uniformed instructors, unparalleled training aids and the best fall protection equipment on the market. At Gravitec’s Fall Protection Campus, our indoor training facility devoted to hands-on fall protection instruction, you’ll gain practical experience on a variety of climbing structures, representing nearly every industry working at height. Miller Fall Protection by Honeywell Training Company 1345 15th Street P.O. Box 271 Franklin, PA 16323 800-873-5242 [email protected] www.millerfallprotection.com The Miller Collective Systems concept incorporates a wide range of product solutions, technical support, research and development projects, component testing, training, installation and consultancy services. Through Miller Collective Systems, Honeywell can support the needs of a project at any stage, however, early involvement will permit the greatest solution flexibility, and will always produce improved results practically, commercially and safely. Pacific Safety Solution LLC Training Company Contact: Corey Messer 760-504-1180 [email protected] www.pacsafetysolutions.com Pacific Safety Solutions provides a myriad of solutions based on the specific needs of our clients. We believe that safe and healthy employees are a vital asset to any successful business. Providing a safe and healthy work environment improves productivity, reduces operating costs, and allows our clients to maximize profits. Supplier Guide Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group Safety Connection, Inc. SpanSet USA Training Company 100 W Walnut St Pasadena, CA, 91124 626-440-2000 www.parsons.com Founded in 1944, Parsons, an engineering, construction, technical, and management services firm with revenues of $3 billion in 2012, is 100% owned by the Employee Stock Ownership Trust. Parsons is a leader in many diversified markets with a focus on transportation, environmental/infrastructure, defense/security, and resources. We conquer the toughest logistical challenges and deliver design/design-build, program/construction management, and other professional services packaged in innovative alternative delivery methods to federal, regional, and local government agencies, as well as to private industrial customers worldwide. Training Company 6032 Fieldstone Ave, Ste. H Baton Rouge, LA 70809 800-480-3521 [email protected] www.safetyconnection.com We have certified professional trainers that conduct various classes for Fall Protection and Rescue at our in-door training facilities in Baton Rouge, LA and Houston, TX; or at your location. We conduct hands on training with real life scenarios to ensure you have the best understanding and knowledge available. Training Company 3125 Industrial Dr Sanford, NC 2733 800-334-7505 [email protected] www.spanset-usa.com For us, safety takes top priority when it concerns the protection of a person’s life, the lifting of heavy loads or the transportation of goods. We can offer you professional and fully developed solutions for safe lifting, material handling and working at heights through high-quality products, our expertise and services. Safety LMSystems LLC Spectracom Training Company 210-861-3140 www.safetylms.net Our courses are continuously evolving. This allows us to ensure that the most current regulations, standards and equipment changes are covered. We are also committed to an effective and efficient curriculum. That is evidenced by our combination of online, classroom and on-site training. We can design a total training solution for your company that will make the most of your time and training dollars. Training Company Peak Career Services / Pinnacle Career Institute Training Company 1601 W 23rd St, Ste 200, Lawrence, KS 66046 877-241-3097 www.pcitraining.edu When it comes to practical training in today’s career fields, Pinnacle Career Institute can offer you a variety of program options. For more than 50 years, we have been helping qualified students find direction in life with relevant career training in the medical, health & fitness, trades & technical, and alternative energy fields. Our instructors bring relevant experience to the classroom and can help you gain applicable skills that today’s employers are looking for. Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc. Training Company PO Box 803 LaFayette, GA 30728-0803 800-282-ROPE [email protected] www.pmirope.com PMI’s Vertical Specialist program exists to establish a group of excellent, experienced athletes in various rope related sports and rope access skills across the USA. Radiofrequence Safety International (RSI) Training Company Safety One, Inc. Training Company 8181 W. Brandon Dr. Littleton, CO 80125 800-485-7669 www.safetyoneinc.com We specialize in training programs for employees whose work involves special hazards in areas beyond easy access and rapid emergency aid. We focus on workers who must negotiate terrain which presents unique hazards in any line of work or industry. Selling Solutions Training Company 28591 Craig Ave. Menifee, CA 92584 Contact: Phil Cook 951-301-5769 [email protected] aglmediagroup.com Sales and Marketing Consulting. Tech Safety Lines, Inc. Training Company 3204 Skylane Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Contact: Brandon Waghorne 214-987-4680 [email protected] www.techsafetylines.com Tech Safety Lines, Inc. (TSL) is dedicated to providing a culture of safety and protecting workers at height with proprietary training and patented safety equipment. TSL goes above and beyond by providing our clients with a program of safety ensuring a safe work environment. Technical Rescue Systems Training Company 1612 West Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80521 Contact: Steve Fleming 877-561-1291 [email protected] www.technicalrescuesystems.net TRS offers a service that teaches departments and industrial safety/rescue organizations throughout the world in Emergency Services Rope Rescue, Confined Space Entry & Rescue, Rescuer Safety & Scene Evaluation, Industrial Fall Protection, Communication Tower Climbing and Rescue and Teaching Techniques to adults. These courses have been developed and taught to the industrial sector, fire and emergency services, military, construction industry, including, but not limited to: wind power, electrical power, mining operations and rescue, communication towers and inspection engineers. 51 Supplier Guide TES, Inc. Training Company 10909 Murdock Dr. Knoxville, TN 37932 800-327-4036 [email protected] www.towergear.com TES Inc. is your “Go To” expert for fall protection, rescue and access for work at height, confined space and technical rescue. We offer our customers the opportunity to communicate, train and find the resources to accomplish the task at hand. Tower Safety Inc. Training Company 8363 NW 26th Court Cooper City, FL, 33024 305-345-2470 [email protected] www.towersafety.net Tower Safety Consulting (formerly Tower Safety International) has been training individuals, Fortune 500 companies, major defense contractors, the United States MIlitary as well as many other Government agencies for the last 15 years. We specialize in offering OSHA mandated safety training for construction workers, maintenance personnel, telecom engineers and design personel regardless of their hands on involvement in working on elevated structures. Vertical Systems International Inc. Training Company 611 Main Street, Box 868 Frisco, Colorado 80443 303-907-1891 [email protected] www.vsimountainsafety.com Vertical Systems International Inc. (VSI) is dedicated to providing safe solutions for industries that have workers exposed to fall hazards and extreme conditions, whether in the mountains or on industrial structures. VSI is the expert in consulting and training for Fall Protection, Tower Climbing, Confined Space, Rope Access, Wilderness Mountain Safety and Technical Rescue throughout the world. 52 HARDWARE, COMPONENT, AND ACCESSORY COMPANIES 3Z Telecom Hardware 3361 Executive Way Miramar, FL 33025 Joey Villamil 954-581-6565 x 302 [email protected] www.3ztelecom.com Based in South Florida, USA, 3Z Telecom was founded in 2005 with a simple business philosophy in mind: offering the best quality products in the Telecom Solutions Industry at the best prices with the best service. 3Z offers In-Building DAS, RF Engineering, RF EME Compliance, Interference Hunting, Tower Services & Drive Testing. Along with these services, 3Z also offers the World Leader Antenna Alignment Tool: The 3Z RF Aligner for both Panel Antennas and point to Point Microwave Systems and the Antenna WASP, the World’s First Wireless Antenna Monitoring Sensor, which monitors the antenna alignment and reports any undesired changes occurred. 3Z Telecom’s RF Aligner and 3Z Antenna WASP will maximize and sustain your antenna’s performance from initial installation throughout its usable life. AdvanceTec Industries, Inc Hardware 1150 NW 163rd Drive Miami, FL 33169 305-623-3939 [email protected] www.advancetec.com Wireless communications manufacturing and distributing company Aero Solutions Hardware 5500 Flatiron Parkway Boulder, CO 80301 Contact: Ryan Spalding 720-304-6882 [email protected] www.aerosolutions.com AFD Industrial Filters Hardware 865-525-8697, 888-251-8668 AFD Industrial Filters is a source of all types of air conditioning filters for cell tower equipment. These filters are now available to the industry, and are shipped directly from the factory to you at huge savings. AFD Industrial Filters has provided filters to many wireless companies, including Nortel Networks and AT&T Mobility, since January, 2000. Replacement filters available for older Nortel BTSS8000 and BTS-S12000 outdoor units. A.G. Franz AirHop Communications Inc. Hardware 5 Stanton Court Plainsboro, NJ 08536 609-936-1919 [email protected] www.agfranz.com/narda-df A.G. Franz is the North American master distributor for RF test-equipment for interference and direction finding measurements and remote spectrum analyzers from Narda Test Solutions Component 6150 Lusk Blvd., Ste. B204 & B205 San Diego, CA 92121 858-848-6188 [email protected] airhopcomm-web.com Founded in 2007, AirHop is a privately held startup that develops advanced RAN intelligence software critical to the next wave of the mobile Internet. AirHop’s eSON products are the first to completely address the installation, operation, performance, and multi-vendor support challenges of multi-layer, small cell and HetNet deployments. Advanced RF Technoligies Hardware 3116 W Vanowen Burbank, CA 91505 Contact: Arnold Kim 818-840-8131 [email protected] www.adrftech.com Airvana Hardware 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA 01824 Contact: Josh Adelson 978-250-3000 [email protected] www.airvana.com Airvana provides 4G LTE small cell solutions for residential, small/medium business, enterprises and public spaces. Supplier Guide Alcatel-Lucent Altergy Systems Attochron, LLC Hardware Hardware 140 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 Contact: Vito J. Coletto 480-772-8224 [email protected] www.altergy.com Hardware P.O. Box 1036 Lexington, VA 24450 310-670-1777 [email protected] www.attochron.com Free Space Optics Ambor Structures Inc. Avlite Hardware PO Box 3763 St. Paul, MN 55101 Contact: Andrew Murray 651-414-1276 [email protected] www.amborstructures.com Component Allfasteners USA Hardware 15401 Commerce Park Dr. Brook Park, OH 44142 Contact: Bruce Carmichael 440-232-6060 [email protected] www.allfasteners.com Fasteners to the tower industry, Ajax Oneside, A490, A325, V bolts, U bolts, steel for tower modifications. Alliance Corporation Hardware 2 Frassetto Way Lincoln Park, NJ 07035 888-821-4797 [email protected] www.alliancecomm.com Alliance Corporation is a full-service valueadded distributor of products and solutions for the Wireless industry. We help build thousands of new cell sites every year. Allied Fiber Hardware 845 Third Avenue, 16th Fl. New York, NY 10022 Contact: Lauren Sauer 212-920-8300 [email protected] www.alliedfiber.com AN Structures Hardware 3850 Hendricks Road Austintown, OH 44515 Contact: James Tinsley 319-327-3438 [email protected] www.anstructures.com AN Structures provides pre-engineered and custom designed communication tower packages, especially well suited to international Broadband Deployments and Two-way applications. These tower ship very economically internationally. Antenna Products Corporation Accessory ALLTEC LLC ARE Telecom and Wind Hardware 64 Catalyst Drive Canton, NC 28716 800-646-9290 [email protected] www.alltecglobal.com ALLTEC is an international, full-service company specializing in engineered grounding/earthing and bonding, surge/transient protection and lightning protection systems. Hardware 1043 Grand Avenue #213 St. Paul, MN 55101 Contact: Dion Johnson 651-330-1263 [email protected] www.aretelecom.com ALT Fabrication Component Athena Wireless Communications Hardware 12425 W. Bell Rd, Ste. 144 Surprise, AZ 85378 623-242-7224 [email protected] www.athenawave.com Athena designs and manufactures SiGe-based millimeter-band wireless Gigabit backhaul links and SoC-based LTE small cells for wireless telecommunication operators, governments and private enterprises around the globe. Bracnet Ltd. Hardware House:26,Road:28,Block: K,Banani Dhaka [email protected] www.bracnet.net ISP & Nationwide Data Connectivity Company. Buckingham Mfg. Co., Inc. Accessory BTI Wireless Hardware 6185 Phyllis Drive, Unit D Cypress, CA 90630 Contact: Ron Poulin 714-856-9604 [email protected] www.btiwireless.com Cablcon Hardware 379 Executive Drive Troy, Michigan 480083 Contact: Dan Tomica 248-703-6493 [email protected] www.cablcon.com Cambium Networks Hardware 3800 Golf Road, Ste 360 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 888-863-5250 [email protected] www.cambiumnetworks.com Cambium Networks provides industry leading fixed wireless broadband with a full portfolio of access, backhaul and Wi-Fi solutions deployed worldwide supported by end to end cloud management, all with a reputation for quality, reliability and scalability. 53 Supplier Guide Carrier iQ Cell Blocks Inc. COMTRAIN Component 640 W. California Avenue, Ste. 100 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 650-625-5400 [email protected] www.carrieriq.com As market leader in mobile intelligence, Carrier iQ provides mobile operators and device vendors with actionable analytics and insights into the real mobile customer experience. Hardware PO Box 1167 Jackson, CA 95642 Contact: James Fey 510-418-4322 [email protected] www.cellblocksinc.com Accessory Cellsite Solutions Custom Cable Connection Hardware 1720 I Ave NE Cedar Rapids,IA 52402 Contact: Amber Kramer 319-826-3404 [email protected] cellsitesolutions.com Accessory 13375 N Stemmons Frwy. Ste. 110 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 866-770-3207 www.customcableconnection.com [email protected] Cable Assembly House. CITCA LLC Dali Wireless, Inc. Component Hardware 7 HaEmek Tivon, Israel 36011 +972 (0)4 9531638 [email protected] www.comarcom.biz Comarcom designs, manufactures and markets VEGA, very high gain antenna, the most cost effective solutions to meet Radio Access Network coverage challenges. Hardware 535 Middlefield Road, Ste 280 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Contact: Johnny Truong 916-934-2583 [email protected] www.daliwireless.com Dali Wireless is the global provider of an alldigital RF ROUTER® platform. This revolutionary platform transcends the capabilities typically associated with traditional Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) to deliver more data throughput and value at the lowest Total Cost of Ownership. Comba Telecom Carwell Specialty Coatings Component Cavium Inc. Component 2315 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95131 408-943-7100 [email protected] www.cavium.com OCTEON Fusion Family, the industry’s most powerful, small cell Base Station-on-a-chip family are specifically designed for LTE & 3G multimode small cell base stations, including picocell and micro base stations. CBNL Hardware Cambridge Business Park Cambridge, UK CB4 0WZ Contact: Chris Wright [email protected] www.cbnl.com CBNL is the market-leader in licensed pointto-multipoint backhaul and enterprise access solutions. CBNL’s wireless technology offers transformational capacity, carrier-grade services and cost-savings over alternative solutions. ‘ Comarcom Hardware 235 Charcot Ave San Jose, CA 95131 Contact: Kevin Geary 866-802-7961 [email protected] www.combausa.com CCS CommScope Hardware Mount Pleasant House, Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0RN +44 1223 314197 Contact: Helen Stalker [email protected] www.ccsl.com CCS Metnet is the world’s first small cell microwave backhaul. It’s the only solution that meets all key requirements for high capacity and low latency, reliability, rapid deployment and low-cost operation in a small low-impact design. Hardware 4 Westbrook Corporate Center, Ste. 400 Westchester, IL 60154 708-236-6634 [email protected] www.commscope.com CommScope has played a role in virtually all the world’s best communication networks. We create the infrastructure that connects people and technologies through every evolution. Our portfolio of end-to-end solutions includes critical infrastructure our customers need to build high-performing wired and wireless networks. 54 Corporate College Component CUE DEE AB Component Dantel Inc. Hardware 2991 North Argyle Avenue Fresno, CA 93727 559-292-1111 [email protected] www.dantel.com For more than 40 years Dantel Inc continues to provide alarm monitoring, control and mediation for a variety of network alarm applications worldwide. Dantherm, Inc. Hardware 110 Corporate Road, Suite K Spartenburg, SC 29303 www.dantherm.com/us/ Supplier Guide DeltaNode EnerSphere Communications, LLC Fairview Microwave Hardware 30303 Aurora Road Solon, OH 44139 Contact: Tom Boyle 866-695-4569 [email protected] www.birdrf.com Accessory 2950 Mt. Wilkinson Pkwy. SE Atlanta, GA 30339 404-448-4729 [email protected] www.enersphere.com EnerSphere develops, sells and leases modular composite pole technology with integrated outdoor Small Cell infrastructure that serves the mobile communications, electric utility and municipal markets. Component 1130 Junction Dr. Suite 100 Allen, TX 75013 972-649-6678 [email protected] www.fairviewmicrowave.com Fairview Microwave offers immediate delivery of RF components including attenuators, adapters, coaxial cable assemblies, connectors, terminations and much more. ERICO, INc. Hardware Perikleous 17 Athens 15344 302103000000 [email protected] www.fasmetrics.com FASMETRICS S.A. offers a revolutionary robotic antenna platform that dramatically changes how an antenna network operates and behaves. It increases the capacity and quality of broadband services, sharply reduces costs and keeps your customers loyal DEUS Rescue Component Dialight Corporation Component Dillon/Quality Plus, Inc. Component Eagle Comtronics Component Ericsson Hardware Component 7665 Henry Clay Blvd. Liverpool, NY 13088 800-448-7474 [email protected] www.eaglecomtronics.com Eagle Comtronics has been a recognized leader in RF (Radio Frequency) communication and filter manufacturing since 1975. Known for industry changing innovations in Filter technology. Essentia Eagle Comtronics Component 7665 Henry Clay Blvd. Liverpool, NY 13088 800-448-7474 [email protected] www.eaglecomtronics.com Eagle Comtronics has been a recognized leader in RF (Radio Frequency) communication and filter manufacturing since 1975. Known for industry changing innovations in Filter technology. Hardware 5501 Oberlin Drive, Ste. 100 San Diego, CA 85259 619-847-9855 [email protected] www.ethertronics.com Ethertronics develops antenna and RF Front End system solutions for 3G and 4G (LTE and LTEAdvanced) mobile devices, as well as solutions for M2M, IoT and Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS). Eastpointe Industries, Inc. Exalt Communications, Inc. Component Hardware 254 E Hacienda Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 408-688-0200 [email protected] www.exaltcom.com Exalt Communications the leading innovator of next-generation point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems for private networks and Internet infrastructures. Electro Wire Hardware 933 East Remington Rd Schaumburg, IL 60173 Elk River, Inc. Accessory Hardware One Mallard Pointe, 11020 David Taylor Drive, Ste. 103 Charlotte, NC 282262 Contact: Caroline Dalpiaz 704-360-3647 [email protected] www.essentia-inc.com Etheretronics Inc. FASMETRICS S.A. Fiber Instrument Sales Hardware 161 Clear Road Oriskany, NY 13424 Contact: Kirk Donley 315-736-2206 www.fiberinstrumentsales.com Fibrolan Hardware 2 Hacarmel St. Yokneam 20692 97249591717 [email protected] www.fibrolan.com Fibrolan is an experienced vendor of Optical Access Equipment, for the Telecom (fixed and mobile) and Government markets. fieldSENSE RF Safety Accessory 1801 Westfall Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Contact: Beau Aero 312-260-6055 [email protected] www.fieldsense.com FIMO USA Component 55 Supplier Guide Fiplex Communications, Inc. GME Supply Co Hometrust CCTV South Florida Hardware 7331 N.W. 54th Street Miami, FL 33166 305-884-8991 [email protected] www.fiplex.com Fiplex develops, designs and manufactures a wide line of passive and active products for the Telecommunications Industry, which includes standard and customized wireless coverage solutions. Component Component 2925 NW 130th Avenue Sunrise, FL 33323 954-609-4096 [email protected] www.cctvsouthflorida.com Security Camera DVR Hardware and accessories. First Element Energy Hardware 9972 Lakeview Ave. Lenexa, KS 66219 775-450-3028 [email protected] www.FirstElementEnergy.com Small business manufacturer of hydrogen and methanol fuel cells for tower backup power and off-grid locations requiring weeks/ months of run time. Flash Technology Component 332 Nicol Lane Franklin, TN 37122 www.spx.com/en/flash-technology Fujitsu Hardware 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, TX 75082 888-362-7763 [email protected] www.fujitsu.com With our long history of cutting-edge technology in the field of telecommunications, Fujitsu is well positioned to supply and support endto-end solutions for wireless networks. FWT, LLC Component Galtronics Hardware Liron Ramot www.galtronics.com [email protected] Galtronics is a market leader in antenna solutions of the highest quality and design. Markets served include mobile phones, broadband (home networking, M2M, LMP) and wireless infrastructure. 56 GPS Source Component 64 N. Mission Drive Pueblo, CO 81007 719-561-9520 Contact: Michael Street [email protected] www.gpssource.com GPS Source is a USA engineering company, offering a full line of GPS Signal Distribution Products. They specialize in moving and splitting the GPS signal with dependable, well built designs with features specifically requested by wireless carriers and system integrators. Graybar Component H & H Industries Component Harger Lightning & Grounding Component HDG TELECOM Accessory No.148 Cangxiang Rd, Haicang District XIAMEN, FUJIAN PROVINCE 261023 86-18250823698 Contact: Karen [email protected] www.chinahdg.com China HDG telecom supplies Cell Site RF coaxial acessories products for USA market, with onestop service,reliable quality,best price! OEM is available! HIB Technical Installation Services, INC Hardware P.O. Box 1277 Rowlett, TX 75030 214-450-8896 [email protected] hibticvet.com HIB Technical Installation, Services, INC. employs Engineers, Project Managers, Installers and Consultants in the Telecommunications/Broadband Industry. Managing all assigned projects from conception to completion utilizing Belcore standards. HIB provides accuracy in estimation, budgeting, Hughey & Phillips Obstruction Lighting Hardware 240 W. Twain Avenue Urbana, OH 43078 937-652-3500 [email protected] www.hugheyandphillips.com Obstruction Lighting: Broadcast / Telecommunications / Wind Turbines / Tall Structures / Utilities / Airport Towers Hutton Communications, Inc. Component Innovative Systems Hardware 1000 Innovative Drive Mitchell, SD 57301 605-995-6120 [email protected] www.innovsys.com Innovative Systems provides voice, video and OSS/BSS telecommunications services to wireless and wireline companies with over 1200 systems in service. The APMAX delivers voice services including Unified Messaging, Mass Notification, Conference Calling, Web Portal Customer Care and many other enhanced voice services. International Treescapes, LLC Accessory 2580 Progress Street Vista, CA 92081 760-631-6789 www.treescapes.com www.treescapes.com Manufacturer of cellular, surveillance and sound system concealment products, including replica tree wraps for rooftop and hillside sites. International Tower Lighting, LLC Hardware PO Box 41875 Nashville, TN 37204 Contact: Katie Taylor 615-256-6030 [email protected] www.itl-llc.com Supplier Guide Interop Technologies JMA Wireless LBA Technology Hardware Hardware 7645 Henry Clay Blvd Liverpool, NY 13088 Contact: David Lawrence 315-431-7126 [email protected] www.jmawireless.com Hardware 3400 Tupper Drive Greenville, NC 27834 252-757-0279 [email protected] lbatechnology.com Fabricates lightning mast protection systems, sophisticated radio antenna tuning & coupling systems, provides transmission & shielding system design-build integration & markets test equipment for the RF sector. Iron City Telecom, Inc. Hardware 12 Pulaski Street Brooklyn, NY 11206 347-742-0610 [email protected] ISCO International Hardware 444 E. State Parkway, Suite 123 Schaumburg, IL 60173 888-472-3458 [email protected] www.iscointl.com Solutions maximizing performance of the RF uplink through spectrum conditioning to mitigate interference, manageability to react to spectrum dynamics, and spectral awareness tools. ITL, LLC Component iTrinegy Kaipac Hardware 724 Canyon Drive Coppell, TX 75019 www.haipac.com Kimberly Steel Solutions Accessory 9138 County Road 65 Foley, AL 36535 Contact: Jeff Osborne 866-320-2197 [email protected] www.protectivecages.com Protective steel cages and enclosures for cell towers, switch gear, etc LNA Solutions, Inc. Component LOCO International Hardware 2 Countryside Dr Pelham, NH 03076 888-509-3669 [email protected] www.locointl.com LOCO International is the leading global provider of new and refurbished networking equipment, computer systems, computer parts, and test and measurement equipment. We buy and sell electronic hardware, test equipment, networking and computer parts at reduced prices. Hardware Bulse Grange Saffron Walden CB11 4JT +44 01799 252200 [email protected] www.itrinegy.com iTrinegy provides network profiling and network emulation for de-risking application performance out in the field for Satellite, Virtual, WAN/LAN, Mobile, Radio over IP etc L-Com JDSU Lattice Communications Hardware 430 N McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 408-546-5000 [email protected] www.jdsu.com JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of what’s important, making virtually every network in the world faster and more reliable. JDSU leads the fastest-growing segments of the optical-networking market: tunable XFPs, transport blades, and reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs). Component Hardware 12 Mauchly, Unit O Irvine, CA 92618 Contact: Tony DeMarco 714-504-5964 www.matsing.com Launch 3 Maximum Signal LLC Hardware 134 Myer Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 877-878-9134 [email protected] www.launch3telecom.com Launch 3 Telecom is an international distributor of new, used, and refurbished telecom equipment. Launch 3 carries all major manufacturers such as Andrew, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, Tyco, Kathrein Scala Division, Powerwave, and many more. Hardware 3843 Union Road, Suite 15 , #139 Cheektowaga, NY 14225 716-818-5896 [email protected] www.maximumsignal.com Manufacturer and Distributor of Cellular Amplifiers Component Laird Hardware 1751 Wilkening Ct. Schaumburg, IL 60173 Contact: Gus Basualdo 954-240-2036 [email protected] www.lairdtech.com Lyncole XIT Grounding Component Matsing 57 Supplier Guide Melody Wireless Infrastructure Nextivity OTL Solutions Hardware 60 Arch Street Greenwich, CT 06830 Contact: David Bacino 203-302-1790 [email protected] www.melodywireless.com Hardware 12230 World Trade Drive San Diego, CA 92128 Contact: Joe Schmelzer 858-485-9442 [email protected] www.cel-fi.com Nextivity Inc. is a leading developer of indoor cellular coverage technology which optimizes the experience of wireless subscribers and increases Radio Frequency (RF) network capacity for mobile operators. Hardware 4920 Louis-B. Mayer Laval, QC H7P 0H7 Contact: Michel Lavallee 800-647-9110 [email protected] www.otlsolution.com Midsun Speicalty Products, Inc. Component Midwest Unlimited LLC Accessory Miller Fall Protection By Honeywell Accessory MPS Civil Products (MacLean Dixie) Component MSETCL Hardware Parakash Ganga, BKC, Bandra(E) Mumbai India 400062 [email protected] mahatransco.in Multiwave Sensors Inc. Component Narda Safety Test Solutions Component National Strand Products, Inc. Component Nello Hardware 211 W. Washington St, Ste. 2000 South Bend, IN 46601 Contact: Todd Kneller 574-288-3632 [email protected] www.nelloinc.com Neptuno - NAAP Hardware 401 E Las Olas Blvd, Ste. 1520 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Contact: Nelsy Arellano 954-525-1906 [email protected] www.naapsolution.com 58 Northstar Battery Company Hardware 4000 Continental Way Springfield, MO 65803 Contact: Al Aflague 530-503-5053 [email protected] www.northstarbattery.com Omitron Component Omoco Hardware 21 B, Udyog Vihar Phase I, Sector 18, Gurgaon, Haryana Gurgaon 122015 +91-124-2657600 Contact: Bhawana Daga [email protected] www.omoco.in Omoco is a company driven by the vision to connect people. Through innovations in technology we provide reliable and affordable solutions in wireless networks. Optica Network Technologies, LLC Accessory Optical Zonu Corporation Hardware 15028 Delano Street Van Nuys, CA 91411 818-780-9701 [email protected] www.opticalzonu.com Manufacturers of carrier-grade RF-over-Fiber interconnect links for small cell and DAS deployments. Phoenix Contact Component 586 Fulling Mill Road Middletown, PA 17057 717-944-1300 [email protected] www.phoenixcontact.com Phoenix Contact develops and manufactures industrial electrical and electronic technology products that power, protect, connect and automate systems and equipment for many industries. Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc. Accessory Precision Tower Products Hardware PO Box 129 Ostrander, OH 43061 www.precisiontowerproducts.com Preformed Line Products Accessory Primus Hardware 4180 E Sand Ridge Rd Morris, IL 60450 800-435-1636 [email protected] www.primuselectronics.com Primus Electronics Component PRINOTH Component Pro-Tec Mobile Communications Hardware 1641 North Pinal Ave. Casa Grande, AZ 85122 520-836-4681 [email protected] www.protecmobile.com Motorola, Kenwood Dealers Supplier Guide Prysmian Group Hardware PO Box 39 Claremont, NC 28610 Contact: John Lavalette 800-879-9862 [email protected] na.prysiangroup.com Pulse Electronics Hardware 3611 NE 112th Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 Contact: Denise Kegley 360-859-5016 [email protected] www.pulseelectronics.com Quest Controls Hardware 208 9th Street Drive West Palmetto, FL 34221 Contact: Robert Vachris 941-224-1005 [email protected] www.questcontrols.com Quintel USA Inc. Hardware 1200 Ridgeway Ave. Rochester, NY 14615 Contact: Joseph Veni 408-687-1093 [email protected] www.quintelsolutions.com RAD Data Communications Hardware 900 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 201-529-1100 [email protected] www.rad.com RAD addresses communications service providers with Service Assured Access and packet migration solutions that reduce operational cost and complexity and improve service agility. Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) Component 200 Pondview Drive Meriden, CT 06450 800-437-3045 [email protected] www.rfsworld.com Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) is a global designer and manufacturer of cable, antenna and tower systems, as well as active and passive RF conditioning modules, providing total-package solutions for outdoor and indoor wireless infrastructure. RFS serves OEMs, distributors, system integrators, operators and installers. Its customers currently include the four largest wireless carriers, the majority of tier 2 and 3 wireless carriers in North America and many of the top wireless and microwave OEMS worldwide. Radisys Hardware 5435 NE Dawson Creek Road Hillsboro, OR 97124 503-615-1100 [email protected] www.radisys.com Radisys’ T-Series platforms are pre-configured to meet mobile operator’s high-performance requirements and optimized for Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), Policy Management, SDN/NFV and Load Balancing. Rakon Component 8 Sylvia Park Rd Auckland, New Zeland 1060 649-573-5554 [email protected] www.rakon.com Rakon is a global high technology company that designs and manufactures world leading timing and frequency control solutions using advanced crystal and oscillator technology. Raycap Hardware 806 S. Clearwater Loop Post Falls, ID 83854 Contact: Lisa Duckett [email protected] www.raycap.com RedSky Technologies Hardware 925 W. Chicago Avenue, Ste. 300 Chicago, IL 60642 312-432-4300 [email protected] www.redskyE911.com RedSky Technologies is the leader in E911 solutions, providing premise and cloud-based location determination solutions to the enterprise, including location support for any type of device. RF Industries Component 7610 Miramar Road San Diego, CA 92126 858-549-6340 Contact: Manny Gutsche [email protected] www.rfindustries.com RF Industries manufactures interconnect solutions and services for wireless infrastructure and DAS. Custom and standard RF, low PIM RF, fiber optic and hybrid cable assemblies. RF connectors/ adapters , low PIM connectors/adapters and kits. Low PIM splitters, couplers and loads. Richard Tell Associates, Inc. Component 350 Falcon Ridge Parkway, Ste. 103 Mesquite, NV 89027 919-900-8412 [email protected] www.radhaz.com Richard Tell Associates, Inc. is a scientific consulting business focused on electromagnetic field exposure assessment, compliance with applicable standards and regulations on radiofrequency (RF) and power frequency fields and training related to the measurement, analysis and interpretation of electromagnetic fields. ROHN Products, LLC Component Rope and Rescue Accessory Rosenberger Site Soltuions, LLC Component Rosewood Communications Supply Hardware 6634 Gateway Drive, Ste. B Alpharetta, GA 30004 678-395-6634 [email protected] www.rosewoodcom.com Customer-Focused distributor of consumables for the telecommunications industry Sabre Industries, Inc. Component 59 Supplier Guide SAF Tehnika Hardware 3250 Quentin Street, Unit 128 Aurora, CO 80011 Contact: Daniel White 712-258-6690 [email protected] www.saftehnika.com Shireen, Inc. Accessory 12910 Cloverleaf Center Dr. Germantown, ME 20874 301-838-4380 [email protected] www.shireen.com Shireen, Inc. has a full line of Outdoor Cables and Connectors Ste.d for the Wireless, Wired and Fiber telecom market. Our Cable Products Division, maintains over 30+ SKUs of Bulk RF Coaxial and both Indoor and Outdoor Category Products for Cat5e, Cat6 and Siamese Fiber. Signum Wireless Cprporation Inc Hardware 7-8362 Woodbine Ave., Ste. 360 Unionville, ON L3R 2M6 416-910-1804 [email protected] www.signumwireless.com A Canadian supplier of In-building wireless solutions- DAS (design+ hardware) as well as cell towers across Canada. Siklu Hardware 43 HaSivim St. Petach Tikva, Israel 49517 +972 3 9214015 [email protected] www.siklu.com Siklu, the market leader in E-band backhaul systems, delivers Gigabit capacity millimeter wave wireless backhaul solutions operating in the 60, 70 and 80 GHz bands. SKYLOTEC North America, LP Accessory Slatercom - WCD Component SpanSet USA Accessory 60 Specialty Tower Lighting, Ltd., Div. of TWR Family of Cos. Component Spinner Atlanta, Inc. Component microcellular networks, TE’s solutions transform the way mobile service delivery networks are created, deployed and used for new mobile applications. Tech Safety Lines, Inc. Accessory Star Solutions International Inc. Hardware 4600 Jacombs Road, Ste. 120 Richmond, MB V6V3B1 604-276-0055 [email protected] www.starsolutions.com Star Solutions supplies innovative mobile network infrastructure to carriers and wireless network operators worldwide. Our 3G/4G systems target rural, enterprise, public safety applications worldwide. Sun West Engineering, Inc. Accessory 3802 E. Broadway Rd. Phoneix, AZ 85040 602 275-0662 Contact: Phil McCoy [email protected] www.sunwesteng.com Sun West Engineering has established a solid reputation as an industry leader with innovative approaches to developing quality custom solutions for the communication industry. We have an unparalleled and creative design portfolio associated with wireless communication products in U.L.® Listed cabinets and mobile applications Syniverse Technologies Hardware Talley, Inc. Component TE Connectivity Hardware 541 E. Trimble Road San Jose, CA 95131 408-952-2400 [email protected] www.te.com/WirelessSolutions TE Connectivity is a $13 billion world leader in connectivity with nearly 90,000 employees in over 50 countries. A leader in distributed antenna systems (DAS) for in-building and Tecore Networks Hardware 7030 Hi Tech Drive Hanover, ME 21076 410-872-6500 [email protected] www.tecore.com Tecore Networks is a pioneer supplier of multitechnology 3G and 4G LTE network infrastructure. From millions of subscribers, to small private networks, Tecore Networks has serviced the commercial and government sectors for over 20 years. Offering cutting-edge voice and data technologies, and setting the standard for all-IP based architecture; Tecore Networks has exponentially increased performance while minimizing cost and space requirements. Tektronix Communications Hardware 3033 West President George Bush Plano, TX 75075 469-330-4000 [email protected] www.tekcomms.com Tektronix Communications offers service providers and equipment manufacturers around the world an unparalleled suite of network diagnostics and service assurance solutions for mobile, fixed, IP and converged multi-service networks. TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. Hardware Tempest Telecom Solutions Hardware 136 W. Canon Perdido, Ste. 100 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-879-4800 [email protected] www.tempesttelecom.com Tempest is a leading provider of legacy telecom infrastructure and repair services so operators can build, expand and maintain their networks faster and more cost-effectively. Supplier Guide TES Inc. UNIMAR, INC. Westell Technologies Accessory Component TESSCO Technologies Incorporated US Rack Distributors Hardware 11126 McCormick Road Hunt Valley, ME 21031 800-472-7373 www.tessco.com TESSCO Technologies is Your Total Source for making wireless work delivering everything needed to build/use/maintain wireless broadband voice/data/video systems. Hardware 2805 E. Plano Parkway #200 Plano, TX 75074 877-840-5530 [email protected] www.usrackdistributors.com US Rack Distributors is the Premier Value Added Distributor bringing Soundproof of Energy Efficient Enclosures to the IT market in the USA and Canada. Hardware 750 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 630-898-2500 [email protected] www.westell.com Westell Technologies is a global leader of intelligent site and outside plant solutions focused on the critical edge and access networks. thermOweld Component Times Microwave Systems Component Tractel Ltd. Fallstop Accessory TRS-RenTelco Hardware 1830 W Airfield Drive DFW Airport, TX 75261 972-456-4000 [email protected] www.trs-rentelco.com TRS-RenTelco is one of the largest suppliers of electronic test equipment for rent, lease or sale in North America. We support the telecommunications, R&D, semiconductor and wireless industries around the world with our vast electronic test equipment inventory, reliable availability and exceptional service. Tucker Sno-Cat Corporation Component TWR LIGHTING, INC Hardware 4300 Windfern Rd, #100 Houston, TX 77041 713-973-6905 [email protected] www.twrlighting.com FAA approved & ETL Certified manufacturer of Aviation Obstruction Lighting for towers including: Our L-550 All LED Systems, LED Beacons and Obstruction Lights, High Intensity Lighting and Monitoring Systems. Valmont Site Pro 1 Component Valmont Structures Component Velocitel Hardware 1033 Skokie Blvd, Ste. 320 Northbrook, IL 60062 847-778-0879 [email protected] www.velocitel.com Velocitel is a wireless network services delivering a complete suite of professional services to acquire, design, engineer, implement, upgrade and maintain wireless sites. (Revenues: 200 Million) Ventev Wireless Infrastructure Component 375 W. Padona Rd. Timonium, MD 21093 800-851-4965 Contact: Bruno Mejia [email protected] www.Ventev.com/Infra Ventev engineers and manufactures industryleading wireless infrastructure products, including TerraWave, that simplify installation and ensure reliable Wi-Fi, LTE, SCADA, DAS and two-way network performance. After you choose the radio, choose Ventev to deploy, protect, power and improve the performance of your wireless radio network. Western Towers Component Wilson Electronics Accessory 3301 East Deseret Drive St. George, UT 84790 435-673-5021 [email protected] www.WilsonElectronics.com Wilson Electronics, LLC, a leader in the wireless communications industry for more than 40 years, designs and manufactures the industry’s broadest product portfolio of cellular signal boosters, antennas and related components that significantly improve fixed and mobile cellular communication for use in consumer, enterprise and industrial applications worldwide. Zoom Telehonics Hardware 207 South Street Boston, MA 02111 617-535-9383 [email protected] www.zoomtel.com Zoom manufactures HSPA-compatible, PTCRB-approved modem/routers with wireless-N, and also 900 MHz premise monitoring and controls with industry leading price and performance. ZTE USA INC. Hardware 333 Perry St, Ste. 301 Castle Rock, CO 80104 720-282-9628 [email protected] www.zteusa.com ZTE provides customized, future-proof and affordable solutions to our customers and consumers. ZTE is committed to continuous improvement and reinvesting R&D into innovative products. 61 2015 Connected Car Companies Supplier Guide O V E R 8 0 C O M PA N I E S T E L C O, T E S T I N G, O P E R A T O R S , O E M , T I E R 1 , C H I P / C O M P O N E N T, A N A LY S T S , S E C U R I T Y, S M A R T C A R S , V E N T U R E , E M B E D D E D, E C O S Y S T E M Supplier Guide Accenture www.accenture.com Actia www.automotive.actia.com Alcatel Lucent Telco Vendor 148/152 route de la Reine Boulogne-Billancourt France 92100 www.alcatel-lucent.com 33 (0) 1 55 14 10 10 Alibaba www.alibaba.com Alpine www.alpine-usa.com Automotive Cyber Security, V2V-V2I, ITS, Autonomous Driving, ADAS, and AlternativelyFuelled Vehicles. Birdstep www.birdstep.com BMW OEM www.bmw.com Bosch Tier 1 www.bosch-home.com Broadcom Chip/Component www.broadcom.com Chrysler www.amdocs.com OEM www.chrysler.com Anritsu Cisco Amdocs Testing 115 East Collins Blvd. Richardson, TX 75081 www.anritsu.com Contact: Rob Robinson 800.267.4878 [email protected] Telco Vendor 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 www.cisco.com Aribiquity www.cohdawireless.com www.airbiquity.com AT&T Operator www.att.com Audi OEM www.audi.com Auto2x, Automotive Intelligence & Consulting Analyst London (+44) (0)20 3286 4562 auto2xtech.com [email protected] Auto2x’s London-based team provides forecasting and analysis on Connected Cars, ClearChannel www.clearchannel.com Cohda Wireless Continental Tier 1 www.continental-corporation.com deCarta www.decarta.com Denso Tier 1 www.globaldenso.com Deutsche Telekom Operator www.telekom.com Doug Newcomb Analyst www.dougnewcomb.com Elektrobit www.elektrobit.com Ericsson Telco Vendor Torshamnsgatan 21 Stockholm, Sweden 164 83 www.ericsson.com 46 10 719 00 00 Fiat OEM www.fiat.com Ford OEM www.ford.com FORSK Software 200 S. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Contact: Laura Rondelli [email protected] www.forsk.com Forsk’s radio-planning software, Atoll, a 64-bit multi-technology wireless network design and optimization platform, is the leader on the global market with 6800+ installed licenses worldwide. Freescale www.freescale.com Gemalto Security 6, rue de la Verrerie - CS20001 Meudon Cedex, France 92197 33 1 55 01 50 00 www.gemalto.com GM OEM www.gm.com Harman/Becker Tier 1 www.harman.com HERE www.here.com 63 Supplier Guide Honda Keysight Nomos AG OEM www.honda.com Test and Measurement www.keysight.com www.nomosag.com Huawei Machina Research Telco Vendor 5700 Tennyson Pkwy., Ste. 500 Plano, TX 75024 214-919-6000 www.huawei.com Analyst www.machinaresearch.com www.nvidia.com Hyundai Magneti Marelli OEM www.hyundai.com www.magnetimarelli.com Mahindra www.panasonic.com Ian Gillott OEM www.mahindra.com Peiker Analyst www.igr-inc.com Nvidia NXP www.nxp.com MachineShop www.machineshop.io Orange Operator www.orange.com Panasonic www.peiker.com Maxis IBM www.maxis.com Peugot www.ibm.com Mazda OEM www.peugot.com Inrix 10210 NE Points Dr., Ste. 400 Kirkland, WA 98033 425-284-3800 www.inrix.com Ixia Test and Measurement www.ixia.com Jaguar/Land Rover OEM www.jaguarlandrover.com Jasper Wireless www.jasper.com JLAB LTD Mobile Security 44 Houghton St. Widnes WA8 3LD 770-230-0551 www.halda.co.uk/mdvr Contact: [email protected] Mobile DVR with live view & real time GPS tracking. 64 OEM www.mazda.com Pioneer www.pioneerelectronics.com Mercedes Porsche OEM www.mercedes-benz.com OEM www.porsche.com Mitsubishi QNX OEM www.mitsubishi.com www.QNX.com Nissan Chip/Component www.qualcomm.com OEM www.nissan.com Nokia Growth Partners Venture Firm www.nokiagrowthpartners.com Nokia Networks Telco Vendor Karaportti 3 Espoo, Finland 02610 358 71 400 4000 www.networks.nokia.com Qualcomm Quixotic Consulting Group Analyst 6009 West Parker Rd, Ste. 149-233 Plano, TX 75093 Contact: Cyrus Radmanesh 469-740-6525 Cyrus. [email protected] www.quixoticconsultinggroup.com Business management consulting, program/ project management solutions, quality assurance solutions, marketing solutions, management and technical resources, wireless/broadband/fixed network deployment solutions, unified communications solutions. Supplier Guide Renault Toyota OEM www.renault.co.uk OEM www.toyota.com Rohde & Schwarz Ubertesters Test and Measurement 6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr. Columbia, MD 21046 410-910-7988 [email protected] www.rohde-schwarz.com www.ubertesters.com Verizon Telematics Operator www.verizontelematics.com Visteon Sierra Wireless www.visteon.com www.sierrawireless.com Vodafone Smith Micro Chip/Component www.smithmicro.com Sprint Telematics www.sprint.com Synchronoss Operator www.vodafone.com Voice Box www.voicebox.com Volkswagen www.synchronoss.com OEM www.vw.com Telecommunications Systems Volvo www.telecomsys.com OEM www.volvo.com Telefonica Operator www.telefonica.com Telenor Connexion Operator www.telenorconnexion.com Telenav www.telenav.com Telit www.telit.com Tesla OEM www.teslamotors.com TomTom www.tomtom.com Wireless Car Ecosystem www.wirelesscar.com xChanging www.xchanging.com 2015 IoT (Internet of Things) Supplier Guide O V E R 1 8 0 C O M PA N I E S S O F T W A R E , C O N S U L T A N T S , A N A LY S T S Supplier Guide SOFTWARE COMPANIES Adlink aeris Alliseen Alliance 2lemetry Service Denver Access Control Technology Accu-Tech Corporation Other 11350 Old Roswell Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30009 770-663-2374 Contact: Nathaniel Johnson [email protected] www.accu-tech.com Accu-Tech is a leading datacom distributor dedicated to voice and data contractors. With our 36 stocking locations, an Accu-Tech branch is always close by. Acela Technologies Service 5115 Pegasus Ct., Ste. A Frederick, MD 21704 301-846-9060 Contact: Nic Adams [email protected] www.acelatech.com Acela Technologies is a premier technology design/engineering company offering complete life cycle services, support and expertise for Wireless/Mobility, Converged Networking, and Cabling Infrastructure applications. Acela has proudly serves the Healthcare, Hospitality, Education, Federal/State Government and Wireless Service Providers markets for over a decade. Acela is headquarters in Frederick, MD as a certified SDVOSB, MBE and DBE with teams in Boston, Florida and California. Adaptive Modules Ltd AGM NOVA GORICA d.o.o. Hardware 103 Lorna Road Brighton BN3 3EL +44 (0)1273 248977 [email protected] adaptivemodules.co.uk Provider of M2M & IoT solutions, equipment & components, offering design services for applications requiring remote monitoring & control. Custom wireless communication solutions are available using technologies including; GPRS/3G/4G modules, GSM/GPRS/3G/4G routers, GSM/ GPRS/3G/4G modems, GPS modules, M2M SIM cards, Bluetooth devices and much more. Infrastructure Socebranova 5 NOVA GORICA, SLOVENIA AL 5000 3 865 330 0370 Contact: Andrej Grobisa [email protected] www.agm.si System integrator in the area of ubiquitous sensing Adaptive Wireless Solutions Software Adhere Tech AlchemyAPI Denver AlertMe Hardware London Alleantia New York Hardware Pisa Advanticsys Alottazs Labs Hardware Madrid Service Columbus Aegis Mobility Alpha Wireless Hardware Burnaby Hardware Ashgrove Business Centre, Ballybrittas, Portlaoise, Co Laois R32 DT0A 00353 57 8633847 Contact: Michelle Bolger [email protected] www.alphaantennas.com Alpha Wireless design and manufacture high performance antennas for base station applications. All designs are carefully crafted to meet our customers’ stringent demands, and Alpha antennas have been proven in trials to greatly reduce overall network interference giving throughput improvements of up to 30% and sector capacity improvements of up to 12%. Aeris Service 2350 Mission College Blvd. #600 Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-557-1900 Contact: Janet Jaiswal [email protected] www.aeris.com Aeris is a pioneer and leader in the market of the internet of things – as an operator of end-to-end IoT services and as a technology provider enabling other operators to build profitable IoT and M2M businesses. We strive to fundamentally improve our customers’ businesses by dramatically reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, reducing AlterNet time-to-market, and enabling new revenue streams. Consulting/Analyst Sydney Aginova Hardware Mason Altiux Innovations Software Bangalore Altizon Systems Service Pune 67 Supplier Guide Amyx McKinsey ASECONES S A Ayla Networks Consulting/Analyst Pleasanton Service AV Calle 24#40-51 Bogota, Colombia SA +5717567070 Contact: Benjamin Bursztyn [email protected] www.asecones.com We are a var company in the wireless telecom world. Service Sunnyvale Asthmapolis Service Helsinki Annapurna 1Labs Yokneam Anritsu Company Testing 1155 East Collins Blvd., Ste. 100 Richardson, TX 75080 1-800-ANRITSU Contact: Daniel Vaca [email protected] www.anritsu.com With 120 years of global communications technology leadership, Anritsu is a preferred provider of reliable, easy-to-use, top-notch test and measurement instruments. Anritsu develops advanced solutions for Automotive, M2M, IoT, 5G and other emerging and legacy wireless communications markets. Antmicro Software Poznan Madison Athena SCS Bayshore London New York Atmel BEC Technologies Hardware San Jose Hardware 1500 Precision Drive, Ste. 100 Plano, TX 75074 972-422-0877 Contact: Jeff Newman [email protected] www.bectechnologies.net BEC, a global leader in Internet access, user equipment and telco grade CPE routers delivers M2M and IoT performance with MX series: MX1000 vehicle based router for critical communications and fleet management; MX-200 for POS, ATM, digital signage, SCADA and telemetry based IoT applications. Atooma Buffalo Palo Alto Hardware Huntsville Consulting/Analyst Dedham Avnet Arkessa Avren Events Ltd Service Hertfordshire Other 69-79 Fulham High Street London SW6 3JW 2073847918 Contact: Andy Falconer [email protected] www.avrenevents.com Avren leads the way in technology and business events for senior management with high level speakers from the most influential organizations within the networks and telecoms ecosystem, specializing in Small Cells, DAS, RAN, WiFi and LPWA networks Arrayent Service Redwood City Aruba Networks Sunnyvale 68 BaseN Atlanta AuroSys Solutions Hardware Cambridge Kiryat Gat Bastille New York ARM Bacsoft Cheltenham Aorata ARC Advisory Group Ottowa Atego Service San Francisco API.ai B&B Electronics AvaLAN Wireless Phoenix Beebotte Service Paris Beecham Research Consulting/Analyst Boston Berg Insight Consulting/Analyst Gothenburg BHiveLab Service Pittsburgh Axeda Bigbelly Service Foxboro Newton Supplier Guide Bitfinder Bug Labs Cirries Technologies Inc. Software New York Hardware New York Bitreactive Building Robotics Trondheim Software CA Software 300 N. Coit Road Richardson, TX 75080 469-342-9010 Contact: Roger Boivin [email protected] www.cirries.com Cirries Technologies, Inc. launched in 2006 to address the need for disparate networks to communicate and then evolved to capture all network data that allows deployment and management of LTE, Big Data and SDN. The company has offices in Illinois, Russia, Bolivia, Mexico, and France BKON Connect Software Nashville Black Box Network Services Service 1000 Park Drive Lawrence, PA 15055 800-316-7107 www.blackbox.com Black Box Network Services is a trusted provider of comprehensive communications and infrastructure solutions. As a value-added reseller of platforms and applications from the industry’s top manufacturers, and a provider of our own line of technology products and services, we design, build, and maintain today’s complex voice and data networks. Blesh Software Istanbul Bluegiga Technologies Hardware Espoo bluePan Software Mödling Booreiland Service Amsterdam Bosch Hardware Stuggart Bright Wolf Service Wake Forest Buzz Service Melbourne Canary Hardware New York Canopy Service Palo Alto Cantaloupe Systems Consulting/Analyst Barcelona Service Madrid ColdLight Hardware Granada CommuniTake Technologies Carriots CILAB Cisco Hardware San Jose Centerline Solutions Service 16360 Table Mountain Pkwy. Golden, CO 80403 303-993-3293 Contact: Mike Mackiewicz [email protected] www.centerlinesolutions.com As a full turnkey services provider, Centerline Solutions delivers exceptional value to clients by embracing hard-charging innovation and high-reaching differentiation as we Design, Build, Modify and Maintain wireless networks nationwide. Ciesco Hardware Nottingham CILAB San Jose Claro Partners ClearConnex Software Bethesda Software Seattle hardware Hardware San Francisco Brivo Labs Buddy Cisco Software Raleigh Service Wayne Software Yokneam Star Building, High-Tech Park, POB 344 Yokneam, Israel 2069205 97246968900 Contact: Noam Potter [email protected] www.communitake.com CommuniTake Technologies provides core Android IoT solution. The CommuniTake IoT system delivers device diagnostics and tracking, central administration and governance, compliance and monitoring policies, mass OTA deployments and complete remote control. CommuniTake IoT reduces service and support costs, increases operational efficiencies and ensures seamless performance. Compass Intelligence Consulting/Analyst Bandera Concirrus Service London Hardware Granada 69 Supplier Guide Connect One Datumize Dragon Innovation Hardware San Jose Consulting/Analyst Barcelona Service connectBlue Davra Networks Hardware Malmö Service Dublin Infrastructure 420 Tull Ave. Muscokee, OK 74403 918-577 2177 Contact: Marty Halliday [email protected] www.ep-ind.com Since 1997, Eastpointe Industries, LLC has fabricated high quality towers and Structural Components in Muskogee, OK. Our professional staff of experienced Engineers, Certified Welders, quality material control and traceability process work together to manufacture Guyed Towers, self-Support Towers, Modification Components and Custom Structures. Eastpointe Industries delivers market leading cycle times. Contact us today. Eastpointe Industries LLC. Steel - Strong Connected Device Decisyon Hong Kong Service Province Hardware Naperville Design 1st ConnectSense CoreRFID Hardware Ottawa Hardware Warrington DEV Tecnologia Service Pacifica DeviceHive Coversant Crowsnest Service Syracuse Software Sao Paulo Software New York Devicify Eastpointe Industries, LLC Echelon Service CA Software State College Eclipse M2M Software San Francisco Econais Hardware 11001 Bren Rd E. Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-912-3444 Contact: Andrew Lund [email protected] www.digi.com Digi International is a global provider of machineto-machine and Internet of Things connectivity products and services. We help our customers create next generation connected products and deploy and manage critical communications infrastructures. Founded in 1985, we’ve helped customers connect over 100 million things, and growing. Edgewater Wireless DataStax DQuid Software Santa Clara Service Reggio Emilia Hardware San Francisco Cubilog Hardware Budapest Cumulocity Service Düsseldof D2M Service Mountain Dali Works Service seoul DasData Onesti Data Sensing Lab Consulting/Analyst Dataveye Consulting/Analyst Paris 70 DGLogik Digi International Consulting/Analyst Ontario Software San Jose Hardware 50 Hines Road Ottawa, ON K2K2M5 613-271-3710 Contact: Matt Massey [email protected] www.edgewaterwireless.com Edgewater Wireless new IOTair™ platform is backboned by WiFi3™ to deliver 3 (or more) concurrent channels of transmit and receive and enabling 100s of IOT devices on a single IOTair™ connection point. Edgewater Wireless was named one of Canada’s Hottest Technology Companies in 2015 Edyn ei3 Service Montvale Supplier Guide Electric Imp Evrything Gooee Hardware Los Altos Service London Service New York Exosite GPS Source Service Minneapolis Hardware 64 N. MIssion Drive Pueblo, CO 81007 719-561-9520 Contact: Michael Street [email protected] www.gpssource.com GPS Source is a USA engineering company, offering a full line of GPS Signal Distribution Products. They specialize in moving and splitting the GPS signal with dependable, well built designs with features specifically requested by wireless carriers and system integrators. Elevated Services, LLC Service 54 Wood Road SE Carrollton, OH 44615 330-476-6045 Contact: Nicole Paulette [email protected] www.elevatedservices.biz Elevated Services, LLC, is your industry-wide telecom services and project management firm. We believe in good, old-fashioned hard work, and we pay attention to safety, economy, quality, and sustainability. Enable iD Service Stratford F5 Networks Seattle Firebase San Francisco Fjord Service London Futura Consulting/Analyst Bangalore Grid Connect Service Naperville EnerTrac Footmarks Hardware NH Bellevue enModus Freeboard Consulting/Analyst Charlotte Hardware New York GroveStreams Service Bristol EnOcean Consulting/Analyst Oberhachin Entando Software Towson Ericsson Labs Stockholm Eseye Software Surrey Essence Freescale Hardware Austin Futuretext Consulting/Analyst London GadgetKeeper Service Gainspan Hardware San jose GE Groove Management Service Maple Grove Gurtz Electric Company Service 77 West Seegers Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 847-734-2400 Contact: Michael Kudesh [email protected] www.gurtzelectric.com Since 1932 we have been a premier full service electrical contractor in Chicago-land with over 300 employees. We provide all electrical capacity including structured wiring, low voltage, and RF services. We are a full service turn key DAS contractor in the downtown Chicago High Rise, Healthcare, University markets. Hoboken Geli Etherios Software San Francisco HiKoB Service Dublin Hitachi Service Chicago Eurotech Hardware Amaro GeoPal Solutions Software Bohr Glassbeam Consulting/Analyst Santa Clara 71 Supplier Guide Hixxa Communications Inc. IntelliSense.io J. A. Lee Electric Service 1310 E Eisenhower Blvd. Loveland , CO 80537 970-800-3824 [email protected] www.hixxacommunications.net Hixxa Communications Inc a Certified Woman Owned Enterprise specializes in the design and install of in-building networks, DAS and Small Cell, as well as M2M and remote location communication systems. Service Cambridge Huawei Service Marlborough Service 115 Bi-County Blvd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-243-4706 [email protected] www.jalee.us J. A. Lee is a fast-growing provider of commercial electrical and wireless infrastructure services in the NY tri state area. We work with most of the country’s leading wireless carriers, neutral hosts and network integrators, providing a broad range of design, build and maintenance services. We specialize in DAS and small cell network design and installation. Huetouch Interface Software San Francisco IntraEdge Consulting/Analyst Chandler ioBridge Service Cheshire IoT Dev Labs Service New York Testing 4 Quy Court, Stow cum Quy Cambridge CB259AU +4412230810010 Contact: Kevin Spalding [email protected] www.iotas.co.uk Wireless testing organisation covering cellular, bluetooth, Wi-Fi & IoT IBM ILS Technology Software Boca Raton Imagination Technologies Hardware 3201 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-530-5000 Contact: Krishna Yarlagadda [email protected] www.imgtec.com Imagination is a global technology leader whose products touch the lives of billions of people throughout the world Imantics Service Santa Clara IMRSV Software New York INEX Advisors Consulting/Analyst New Bedford Inkstone Software Seattle 72 Software IoTAS (IoT & Approvals Ltd) IoTCo Japser Wireless Software Mountain View Jasper Software Santa Clara JoshFire Service Paris Junniper Networks Service Sunnyvale Consulting/Analyst Melbourne Kaa Service Quebec Kaazing Corporation ioTheatre iOTOS Service Cleveland ISI Technology Hardware Charleston ithngs Software Dortmund Software Bal Harbour Software San Jose Legba SRL Hardware Str. General Praporgescu 1-5, et 6, ap. 14, Sector 2 Bucharest 20965 +40736085040 [email protected] www.leg.ba Legba is an American-Romanian company that provides cost-effective networks for GSM/GPRS and LTE mobile operators, for both small cell and macro-cell deployment. We offer a unique approach to operating a combined 2G/4G network in a single Unified Core Network. Supplier Guide Magic Software Enterprises Novatel Wireless Orchestra Technology Software 24422 Avenida de la Carlota, Ste. 365 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-250-1718 Contact: Stephanie Myara [email protected] www.magicsoftware.com Magic xpi Business Integration Platform delivers enterprise-grade integration, business process automation, and data synchronization solutions, with comprehensive security and proven reliability. Implementing a wide range of certified and optimized connectors and adaptors, Magic xpi integrates leading ERP, CRM, finance, and other enterprise systems, such as SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, Microsoft, IBM, Google, and many more. Service 9645 Scranton Road San Diego, CA 92121 858-812-3400 [email protected] www.novatelwireless.com Novatel Wireless provides solutions for the IoT. Product lines include the CTrack™ SaaS fleet and vehicle telematics platform, FW IoT consulting services, appliances and device management, along with Novatel Wireless’s MiFi® internet devices, modules, mobile tracking, and asset tracking and monitoring. These solutions deliver reliable communications and analytics to a global subscriber base. Service/Testing 2425 N Central Expressway, Ste. #231 Richardson, TX 75080 214-613-5405 Contact: Prasad Kallur [email protected] www.orchestratec.com Orchestra Technology offers fully automated cloud based solutions (testing, monitoring, benchmarking, troubleshooting) for 4G/5G Services (VoLTE, ViLTE, RCS, IMS, Video), Wireless Networks (Cellular, WiFi, Zigbee, Zwave), and Devices (Phones, Tablets, IoT). Additionally, we offer New Product Introduction (NPI) Services to accelerate your innovations to market. Numerex OurClubSite.com Service 3330 Cumberland Blvd., Ste. 700 Atlanta, GA 30341 800-665-5686 Contact: Thomas McKay [email protected] www.numerex.com Numerex Corp. (NASDAQ:NMRX) is a leading provider of managed machine-to-machine (M2M) enterprise solutions enabling the Internet of Things (IoT). The Company’s solutions produce new revenue streams or create operating efficiencies for its customers. Service National Association of Tower Erectors Other 8 Second Street SE Watertown, SD 57201 605-882-5865 Contact: Todd Schlekeway [email protected] www.natehome.com The National Association of Tower Erectors is dedicated to providing a unified voice for tower erection, service and maintenance companies. NATE is recognized as the tower industry leader in promoting safety, education, uniform practices and procedures. Visit www.natehome.com or call (605) 882-5865 for more information! Nouveaucomm Networks Research Centre Private Limited Software N484B Sanjay Nagar Sector 23 Ghaziabad, OH 201003 +91-9962140790 Contact: Navnit Goel [email protected] www.nouveaucomm.com We develop customized Voice and Data communication solutions helping customers to realize potential of existing Network, while providing innovative solutions in the field of unprecedented bussiness and technological changes. Ontegrity Software 3 Speen St # 210 Framingham, MA 01701 508-270-8402 Contact: Business Development Manager [email protected] www.Ontegrity.com Ontegrity (www.Ontegrity.com) provides IoTenabled applications and predictive analytics to companies for which “Off” is not an option. Ontegrity’s technology and talent give customers a more accurate picture of site conditions and present the right course of action to increase product and service availability. 25091 De Salle St. Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-305-2389 Contact: Keith Brooking [email protected] www.OurClubSite.com A Social network for clubs Peachtree Networks Infrastructure 349 5th Ave., Ste. 306 New York, NY 10016 845-559-3335 Contact: Peter Fabiano [email protected] peachtreenetworks.com Secondary Market experts providing end to end solutions for Telecom Service Providers supporting reliable infrastructure across the globe. We maximize our customers’ OPEX/CAPEX spend by 50-80% and extend equipment lifecycle. Powder River Development Services, LLC Service 219 S. Wooddale Ave. Eagle, ID 83616 208-938-8844 Contact: Justin Zabel [email protected] www.powderriverdev.com Powder River specializes in Site Acquisition, Engineering, and Construction services. Our services include; site acquisition, site audits, structural analysis, construction drawings, mount analysis, as well as equipment installation and integration. We also offer utility pole audits for aerial fiber and small cell installations. Supplier Guide Redpine Signals Sequans Communications SouthernLINC Wireless Hardware 2107 North First Street, Ste. 540 San Jose, CA 95131 408-748-3385 Contact: Dhiraj Sogani [email protected] www.redpinesignals.com Redpine Signals recently launched WyzBee, the world’s first comprehensive IoT hardware/ software platform for device makers. The WyzBee IoT platform reduces the time needed to develop and bring to market IoT devices by providing integrated sensing, computing, communication, power management, cloud and application support. Other 15-55 Bd Charles de Gaulle Colombes, France 92700 +33170721600 Contact: P McGraw [email protected] www.sequans.com Sequans Communications S.A. (NYSE: SQNS) is a 4G chipmaker and leading provider of singlemode LTE chipset solutions to wireless device manufacturers. Service 5555 Glenridge Connector, Ste. 500 Atlanta, GA 30342 678-443-1861 Contact: Ken Moebs [email protected] www.southernlinc.com Wireless carrier providing IoT solutions on our LTE Advanced Network. Rosemark Law Service 100 Mill Plain Road, 3rd Floor Danbury, CT 06811 203-297-8574 Contact: Daniel Rosemark [email protected] www.rosemark-law.com A law firm assisting clients providing and/or using products and services encompassing the IoT. Rosemark Law delivers comprehensive services covering business and legal issues allowing our clients to focus on the important things driving their business. Selective Site Consultants, Inc. Infrastructure 9900 W 109th St, Ste. 300 Overland Park, KS 66210 913-438-7700 Contact: David Saab [email protected] www.ssc.us.com SSC provides an entire spectrum of DAS and Small Cell Services throughout the US, delivering consistent DAS and Small Cell deployment outcomes to maximize customer results. We use the right resources to execute the right plan at the right time. No more, no less. SGS Testing 15150 Avenue of Science, Ste. 300 San Diego, CA 92128 858-592-7100 Contact: Amy O’Regan [email protected] www.sgs.com Global Testing Company. Wireless services include SGS’s global network of labs offering true end-to-end testing solutions to mobile manufacturers, carriers, ODMs and OEMs. Sierra Wireless Hardware 13811 Wireless Way Richmond, British Columbia V6V 3A4 +1 604 232 1445 Contact: David Climie [email protected] www.sierrawireless.com Sierra Wireless is building the Internet of Things with intelligent wireless solutions that empower organizations to innovate in the connected world. We offer the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of 2G, 3G and 4G embedded modules and gateways, seamlessly integrated with our secure cloud and connectivity services. Sigma Software Solutions Software 55 York Street, Ste. 900 Toronto, ON M5J1R7 416-368-2000 Contact: Kelly Luo [email protected] www.sigma-software.ca Sigma Software is a leading BSS/OSS solution provider with 12+ years’ experience in helping its global customers monetize service offerings. We ensure a successful IoT offering by providing a comprehensive set of services like enterprise product-catalog, subscription based real-time billing, & IoT big-data analytics. SS7ware, Inc. Hardware 1781 Riverside Dr., Ste. 3D New York, NY 10034 925-526-4501 [email protected] www.yatebts.com SS7ware, Inc. provides 2/2.5G and 4G mixed software-defined mobile networks. The company is a subsidiary of Null Team SRL, the creators of Yate. Sun West Engineering, Inc. Infrastructure 3802 E. Broadway Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85040 602 275-0662 Contact: Phil McCoy [email protected] www.sunwesteng.com Sun West Engineering has established a solid reputation as an industry leader with innovative approaches to developing quality custom solutions for the communication industry. We have an unparalleled and creative design portfolio associated with wireless communication products in U.L.® Listed cabinets and mobile applications. Taoglas Inc. Other 8525 Camino Santa Fe San Diego, CA 92121 858-450-0888 Contact: Dermot O’Shea [email protected] www.taoglas.com Headquartered in Ireland and with over 11 years’ experience, Taoglas provides advanced antenna products and RF service solutions to the world’s leading IoT brands. With operations in Ireland, Germany, Taiwan and USA, our design and support centers are located close to you, wherever you are. Supplier Guide Telamon Corporation Ventev Wireless Infrastructure Service 1000 E 116th St. Carmel, IN 46032 317-818-6888 Contact: Charles D. Wolff [email protected] www.telamon.com With an increasingly mobile workforce, a reliable infrastructure has become imperative for efficient communications when using mobile phones, tablets, WiFi, emergency systems, and LTE or high speed data cards. Telamon provides the following • RF Consulting • Installation • Neutral-Host Mobile Wireless • WiFi Solutions • Public Safety Wireless Systems Infrastructure 375 W. Padonia Rd. Timonium, MD 21093 800-851-4965 Contact: Ginny Gullett-Tawes [email protected] www.Ventev.com/Infra Ventev engineers and manufactures industryleading wireless infrastructure products, including TerraWave, that simplify installation and ensure reliable Wi-Fi, LTE, SCADA, DAS and two-way network performance. After you choose the radio, choose Ventev to deploy, protect, power and improve the performance of your wireless radio network. TRS-RenTelco Testing 1830 W Airfield Drive DFW Airport, TX 75261 972-456-4000 [email protected] www.trs-rentelco.com TRS-RenTelco is one of the largest suppliers of electronic test equipment for rent, lease or sale in North America. We support the telecommunications, R&D, semiconductor and wireless industries with our vast electronic test equipment inventory, reliable availability and exceptional service. Ubidots Software 21 Drydock Ave. Boston, MA 02210 415-935-0627 Contact: Agustin Pelaez [email protected] www.ubidots.com From prototype to production, Ubidots’ cloud services are helping thousands of engineers create products and enterprise-grade applications for the Internet of Things. Wireless 20/20 Service 140 Executive Drive New Windsor, NY 12553 408-884-1561 Contact: Haig Sarkissian [email protected] www.wireless2020.com Wireless 20/20 is a leading broadband wireless consulting company with clients spanning the entire 3G & 4G value chain, including semiconductor vendors, equipment vendors, service providers, regulators and investors. Wireless 20/20 is the developer of WiROI™, the industry leading 4G operator business case analysis tool. CONSULTANTS Accenture Consultant 877-889-9009 www.accenture.com Our “high performance business” strategy is to use our expertise in consulting, technology and outsourcing to help clients achieve performance at higher levels so they can create sustainable value for their customers and stakeholders. We use our industry and business-process knowledge, our service offering expertise and our insight into, and understanding of, emerging technologies and new business and technology trends to formulate and implement solutions with and for our clients. Capgemini Consultant www.capgemini.com Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. Present in 44 countries with more than 130,000 employees, the Capgemini Group helps its clients transform in order to improve their performance and competitive positioning. DBS Consultant 26 Clansman Terrace, Gulf Harbour Australia 930 +64 9 428 2345 [email protected] International mobile telecoms consulting services. Deloitte Consultant www.deloitte.com The Deloitte Telecommunications group is part of our U.S. organization’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) practice. We have more than 1,400 Technology, Media & Entertainment, and Telecommunications clients in the U.S. alone, including the vast majority of market category leaders across all sector segments. LightPointe Communications, Inc. Consultant 11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Ste 101 San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: John Taylor +1 858-834-4083 [email protected] www.lightpointe.com Supplier Guide PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP TMNG Consultant www.pwc.com PwC’s global communications industry group is dedicated to delivering effective solutions to the complex business challenges facing communications companies. We can help you with capex, customer excellence, partnerships, network life-cycle management, regulation, and investor confidence, compliance, and risk. We work with clients from telecom, cable, satellite, and Internet companies from all developed and emerging markets around the world. Consultant www.tmng.com TMNG Global’s approach to Customer Experience Management is a disciplined methodology to comprehensively manage a customer’s crosschannel exposure, interaction and transaction with a company, product, brand or service. Our Customer Experience Management practice is built upon two decades of success in CRM planning and implementation; network and operational service assurance; and self care and contact center assessment and optimization experience. Tata Consultancy Services Consultant www.tcs.com TCS’ solutions and service offerings address the entire landscape of telecom equipment vendors and telecom service providers including R&D, consulting, operations and Enterprise IT. Our solutions help you identify and address the challenges and opportunities created by convergence of applications, networks or content. Our labs (IPTV, OSS / BSS, VAS & SDP, Nozomi - next-generation Wireless Innovation, etc.) build competency, develop innovative models and conduct experiments in wireless networks. Van Nostran Communications Tech Mahindra Limited Consultan www.wipro.com Wipro have established practices in the areas of Billing & Customer Care, Service Delivery Platform, Service Provisioning, Service Assurance, Order Management, Inventory Management and Revenue Assurance. They have the widest range of offerings throughout the telecom ecosystem starting from R&D to IT and Consulting Services and which helps them to provide end to end solutions to their customers globally. Consultant www.techmahindra.com NTSS solutions enable the infrastructure to interact with internal and external information technology systems such as Operations Support System (OSS) and Business Support System (BSS) to provide full lifecycle management solutions to Communication Service Providers (CSPs). NTSS services span across the entire network ecosystem for telecom companies and enterprises ranging from network build, operate and maintain in an optimized and cost effective way. It also facilitates integration with Value Added Service platforms thereby achieving business efficiency and excellent customer experience. Consultant Midwest & Southeast U.S. Indianapolis, IN 46112 Contact: Jill Van Nostran 317-661-1855 [email protected] www.jillvancommunications.com Jill Van Nostran specializes in PR and digital marketing for wireless / mobile, telecom and B2B tech companies. Her mantra: more value, less hassle! Wipro Technologies ANALYSTS 151 Advisors Consulting/Analyst One Rockefeller Plaza, 10th Floor New York, NY 10020 917-521-5272 [email protected] www.151advisors.com 151 Advisors is an execution focused strategic consulting firm that helps tech companies develop and execute go-to-market strategies that drive revenue growth. Our team is focused on helping companies identify and capitalize on IoT opportunities in the telecom, utility, connected car, security and healthcare markets. Analyst Mason Analyst 15 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803 Contact: Mark Mortensen 202-331-3080 [email protected] www.analysysmason.com Our ability to understand the complex workings of TMT industries and draw practical conclusions, based on the specialist knowledge of our people, is what sets our consulting and research services apart. ATLANTIC-ACM Consulting/Analyst 31 State Street, Floor 2 Boston, MA 02110 617-720-3700 Contact: Aaron Blazar [email protected] www.atlantic-acm.com ATLANTIC-ACM is a leading strategic advisory and market diligence firm to the Telecom and Technology industries. For more than two decades, ATLANTIC-ACM has helped corporate and investor clients in evaluating strategic growth opportunities for successful investment, market entry, optimization and long-term planning. Supplier Guide Auto2x, Automotive Intelligence & Consulting Consulting/Analyst London W2 1LG (+44) (0)20 3286 4562 [email protected] auto2xtech.com Auto2x’s London-based team provides forecasting and analysis on Connected Cars, Automotive Cyber Security, V2V-V2I, ITS, Autonomous Driving, ADAS, and AlternativelyFuelled Vehicles. Carpenter Consulting Group Consulting/Analyst 17 Industrial Street Rochester, NY 14614 585-360-2733 Contact: Don Carpenter [email protected] carpentercg.com We are a highly focused, performance-driven, cost-conscious consulting firm specializing in wireless site development. Current Analysis Analyst 21335 Signal Hill Plaza, Suite 200 Sterling, VA 20164 Contact: Jason Marcheck, 877-787-8947 [email protected] www.currentanalysis.com Current Analysis is a leading provider of timely, practical market intelligence and advice that helps global IT and telecom professionals compete, innovate and improve performance. Endeavour Partners Consulting/Analyst 617-401-2878 Contact: Nitzan Schwertner [email protected] www.endeavourpartners.net Endeavour Partners is a boutique strategy consulting firm. We work with leaders at the intersection of technology and business to create sustainable competitive advantage in a rapidly changing world. We are a mix of strategists who love technology, and technologists who love strategy, and we work within the mobile industry and around IoT, focusing on enterprise, industrial, healthcare, and consumer IoT. First Light Resources, LLC Informa Consulting/Analyst 8101 Horton Hwy Arrington, TN 37014 Richard G. Hickey [email protected] www.firstlightresources.com FAA & FCC Aviation obstruction lighting, marking, and monitoring compliance consultant. Onsite structural surveys and compliance analysis. Analyst 30-32 Mortimer St London W1W 7RE, UNITED KINGDOM Contact: Tony Brown, Ari Lopes 44 (0)20 7017 5000 [email protected] www.informa.com Informa Telecoms & Media actively foster and empower the communities we serve, assisting them in debating and sharing best practice, solving problems and stimulating innovation. From our magazines to online information portals, from our large exhibitions to intimate networking lunches at focused conferences, we bring the industry together to enable change Heavy Reading Analyst Contact: Sarah Wallace [email protected] www.heavyreading.com Heavy Reading is an independent research organization offering deep analysis of emerging telecom trends to network operators, technology suppliers, and investors. Its product portfolio includes in-depth reports that address critical next-generation technology and service issues, market trackers that focus on the telecom industry’s most critical technology sectors, and exclusive worldwide surveys of network operator decision-makers that identify future purchasing and deployment plans. IDC Analyst 5 Speen Street Framingham, MA 01701 Contact: Mary Wardley, Mark Winther 508-872-8200 [email protected] www.idc.com International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications and consumer technology markets. Ovum Analyst 37-41 Mortimer Street London, United Kingdom W1T 3JH Contact: Shagun Bali, Clare McCarthy 44 20 7017 6970 [email protected] www.ovum.com With access to Ovum’s research and support from best-in-class analyst and consulting teams, companies can turn analysis and insight into action. Our aim is to make our clients’ planning more effective, and to help them identify and assess relevant business opportunities. Primeast Consulting/Analyst 3663 North Sam Houston Pkwy. East Houston, TX 77373 832-234-4057 Contact: Tina M. Breslin [email protected] www.primeast.com An ISO 9001 international learning and dev. company providing global reach in facilitation, developing virtual teams, cultural integration and leadership in the IoT market Supplier Guide Quixotic Consulting Group Sublime Wireless, Inc. Warren & Morris Ltd. LLC Consulting/Analyst 6009 West Parker Rd, Ste. 149-233 Plano, TX 75093 469-740-6525 Contact: Cyrus Radmanesh [email protected] www.quixoticconsultinggroup.com Business consulting management, program/ project management, service delivery, Quality Assurance, Marketing, Wireless Network Deployment, DAS and Small Cell Network Implementation, FTTx Deployment. Consulting/Analyst 333 Westchester Ave., Ste. SG02 West Harrison, NY 10604 914-428-2711 Contact: Jake Rasweiler [email protected] www.sublimewireless.com With deep international experience in technology, infrastructure, IoT applications and go-tomarket strategy, Sublime Wireless, Inc. (SWI) helps our customers to rapidly realize quality and value from their IoT network investments. Consulting/Analyst 48 Hua Nui Way Lahaina, HI 96761 619-520-9380 Contact: Charles Morris [email protected] www.warrenmorrisltd.com Executive Search services for the wireless, broadband, digital media and related IOT sectors. Stratecast (Frost & Sullivan) TBR Analyst 7550 IH 10 West, Suite 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Contact: Karl Whitelock, Jeff Cotrupe 877-463-7678 [email protected] www.frost.com Stratecast’s product line includes: Monthly Analysis Services [Communications Infrastructure & Convergence (CIC), OSS/BSS Global Competitive Strategies (OSSCS), Consumer Communication Services (CCS), and Business Communication Services (BCS)]; Weekly Analysis Service [Stratecast Perspectives & Insights for Executives (SPIE)]; Standalone Research; and Business Strategy Consulting. Analyst 11 Merrill Drive Hampton, NH 03842 Contact: Michael Sullivan-Trainor 603-929-1166 www.tbri.com TBR specializes in providing in-depth and timely insights within the computer, software, telecom, mobility, and professional services industries. These critical insights can provide value to all levels of your organization: executive, sales, marketing, product and business development, finance, procurement, and others. Strategy Analytics Analyst 199 Wells Ave., Ste. 108 Newton, MA 02459 Contact: Karen Donnellan 617-614-0741 [email protected] www.strategyanalytics.com Strategy Analytics works with Mobile Service Providers and Infrastructure Vendors to balance investment choices with market timing through indepth reports, custom white papers and strategic analysis. TMF Insights Analyst 240 Headquarters Plaza East Tower, 10th Floor Morristown, NJ 07960 Contact: Rob Rich 603-203-7771 [email protected] www.tmforum.org TM Forum is a global trade association trusted by the world’s largest enterprises, service providers and suppliers to help them continuously transform to succeed in the digital economy. We help our members reduce costs and risks, improve business agility and grow their business through a wealth of knowledge, tools, standards, training and practice advice. Yankee Group Analyst One Liberty Square 6th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Contact: Sheryl Kingstone 617-598-7200 [email protected] www.yankeegroup.com Yankee Group’s research efforts are focused exclusively on the mobility revolution and its impact on business decisions and strategies. Our goal is to answer the important questions about the mobile economy every day, giving our clients the critical data, insight and advice they need to profit in today’s mobile world. 2015 Telecom Software Supplier Guide O V E R 1 5 0 C O M PA N I E S S O F T W A R E , C O N S U L T A N T S , A N A LY S T S Supplier Guide SOFTWARE COMPANIES 7signal Solutions Telecom Software 526 S. Main Street Akron, OH44311 Contact: Eric Camulli 855-763-9526 [email protected] www.7signal.com 7signal is The Wi-Fi Performance Company. Use 7signal’s Sapphire solution to measure, optimize and proactively assure peak Wi-Fi performance in hospitals, universities and business-critical enterprises. Accanto Systems Oy Telecom Software 3720 Welborne Lane Flower Mound, TX 75022 970-481-1753 www.accantosystems.com Accanto Systems is the leading provider of intelligent Customer Service Assurance solutions for communications services providers globally. With its unique probe-based technology, Accanto Systems seamlessly delivers in-depth monitoring, analysis and troubleshooting intelligence to operators, enabling them to overcome the challenges associated with migrating to converged, next-generation telecom architectures. Accedian Networks Telecom Software 2351 Alfred Nobel, Suite N-410 St Laurent (Montreal), QC, H4S 2A9 Contact: Doug Smidl 514-331-6181 [email protected] www.accedian.com Accedian Networks is the leader in Performance Assured Networking for mobile backhaul, business services and cloud connectivity. Our solutions provide service providers and network operators with visibility into their networks and this differentiating ability empowers them to optimize, improve and manage the performance of their network, thereby delivering the best possible experience to their subscribers. 80 Accelera Mobile Broadband Agilis International, Inc. Telecom Software www.acceleramb.com Accelera creates wireless network virtualization technology, which unifies heterogeneous network resources to create seamless high-speed carriergrade connectivity. Telecom Software 1 Research Court, Suite 370 Rockville, MD 20850 240-912-3040 [email protected] www.agilisinternational.com Agilis International is a leading innovator of Customer and Operational Analytics used by Communications Service Providers for Subscriber Life Cycle Management, Customer Risk Management, Margin Management, Cost and Revenue Assurance, Data Warehousing and Reporting/ Dashboarding. The team at Agilis International has considerable experience in developing solutions for both emerging as well as Tier-I telecommunications service providers throughout the world. Accruent | Siterra Telecom Software 10801-2 N. Mopac Expressway Austin, TX78759 Contact: Jason Day 512.861.0726 [email protected] www.accruent.com With more than 40,000 users globally, Accruent’s Siterra software is the industry standard for managing wireless network projects for Wireless Tower Companies, Infrastructure Service Providers, Wireless Carriers and Mobile Network Operators. Accruent’s solutions are used by all five of the top five U.S. carriers. Accuver Americas Telecom Software 500 N. Central Expressway #210 Plano, TX 75074 Contact: Daniel Galeana 469-241-6100 [email protected] www.accuver.com Accuver provides comprehensive 4G air interface test solutions for field and lab measurement. Our XCAL product line offers tools for drive testing, network optimization, in-building testing, mobile testing, and network benchmarking; as well as throughput, VoLTE MOS, video, and capacity testing. Affinegy, Inc. Telecom Software 617 Davis Drive, Suite 100 Durham, NC 27713 919-433-2200 www.affinegy.com Affinegy is a proven global provider of service enablement and network management software solutions for the home. AirHop Communications Inc. Telecom Software 6150 Lusk Blvd. Ste. B204 & B205 San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: Yan Hui 858-848-6188 [email protected] airhopcomm-web.com Founded in 2007, AirHop is a privately held startup that develops advanced RAN intelligence software critical to the next wave of the mobile Internet. AirHop’s eSON products are the first to completely address the installation, operation, performance, and multi-vendor support challenges of multi-layer, small cell and HetNet deployments. Aktavara Telecom Software Ljusnevägen 3, 128 48 Bagarmossen Stockholm, Sweden 46 (0)8 615 8070 [email protected] www.aktavara.com Aktavara is a market innovator providing COTS software for Communications Service Providers. Alcatel Lucent Telecom Software 600-700 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974 877-894-4647 [email protected] www.alcatel-lucent.com Alcatel-Lucent is at the forefront of global communications. We provide products and innovations in IP and cloud networking, as well as ultrabroadband fixed and wireless access. We serve service providers and their customers, as well as enterprises and institutions throughout the world. Supplier Guide Alepo Anritsu A/S (Service Assurance) Aricent Telecom Software 3415 Greystone Drive, Ste. 104 Austin, TX 78731 512-879-1030 [email protected] www.alepo.com Alepo Service Enabler is a complete, carriergrade BSS / OSS software framework that enables the delivery, monetization, and management of the latest IP data services. With SE, service providers can bring new services to market sooner and secure the position as an innovative and profitable market leader. Telecom Software 1155 East Collins Boulevard, Ste. 100 Richardson, TX 75081 800-267-4878 www.anritsu.com Anritsu’s solutions are a probe-based non-intrusive monitoring system designed to provide the business critical performance measurements needed for management reports and network operations. MasterClaw is the leading service and network monitoring system for traditional fixed, SS7, GSM, GPRS, UMTS and VoIP/IMS networks that fulfills the needs for both real time reporting and long term trend analysis with highly flexible customized KPIs and reports. MasterClaw is a high-performing open platform, and it presents a true state-of-the-art fully distributed architecture. Telecom Software 303 Twin Dolphin Drive, 6th Fl. Redwood City, CA 94065 Navojit Datta 650-632-4310 [email protected] www.aricent.com Aricent is the world’s premier engineering software and services company. Allot Communications Telecom Software 300 Trade Center Woburn, MA 01801 Contact: John Priest 781-939-9311 [email protected] www.allot.com Allot Communications is a leading global provider of intelligent broadband solutions that put mobile, fixed and enterprise networks at the center of the digital lifestyle. Allot’s DPI-based solutions identify and leverage the business intelligence in data networks, empowering operators to shape digital lifestyle experiences and to capitalize on the network traffic they generate. Amartus Telecom Software Century Court, Block B, Upper George’s St Dublin, Ireland Dun Laoghaire, Co 353 1 663 8000 [email protected] www.amartus.com Service Delivery Automation - Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS) Amdocs Telecom Software 1390 Timberlake Manor Pkwy. Chesterfield, MO 63017 314-212-7000 www.amdocs.com Service providers rely on Amdocs to simplify the customer experience, harness the data explosion, stay ahead with new services and improve operational efficiency. Amdocs combines a market-leading BSS, OSS and network control and optimization portfolio, with professional services and managed services operations. Anue Telecom Software 26601 W. Agoura Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302 877-367-4942 [email protected] www.ixiacom.com/anue The Ixia Anue Net Tool Optimizer® (NTO) helps to optimize and secure rapidly evolving, dynamic data center networks. The Anue NTO intelligently connects your network with monitoring tools to aggregate, filter, load balance, and de-duplicate network traffic. Aptilo Networks Telecom Software Arenavägen 47, Block 2, 10th floor Stockholm S-121 77 Contact: Johan Terve +46 8 5089 8900 [email protected] www.aptilo.com Aptilo is the leading provider of carrier Wi-Fi service management and offloading solutions. Aptilo maximizes functionality and fast-tracks deployments while minimizing impact on existing systems. Arieso Telecom Software 3495 Piedmont Rd, Bldg 11 Suite 550 Atlanta, GA 30305 678-904-2424 [email protected] www.arieso.com Location-Aware Resource Management & Planning. Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS) Ascom Telecom Software 300 Perimeter Park Drive, Ste. D Morrisville,NC 27560 Contact: Tanja Heidrich [email protected] www.ascom.com Ascoms business unit Systems & Solutions located in Aachen and Frankfurt, Germany as well as Solothurn and Wallisellen, Switzerland, plans and implements large scale software applications in the area of business and operations supporting solutions for the telco industry as well as selected other market segments. Our service offering ranges from analysis and consulting, over system design and integration, project management, engineering and implementation to maintenance and support. We deliver customised solutions and services in the fields of IT and Business Service Management - Interconnect Business Solutions - Enterprise Asset Management - Mobile Applications - Fraud Management - Carrier Business Solutions. Aria Systems Telecom Software 575 Market Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 866-933-2742 [email protected] www.ariasystems.com SaaS-Based Subscription Billing - Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS) 81 Supplier Guide Astellia Telecom Software 116 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10011 Esther Duval +1 646 375 2435 [email protected] www.astellia.com Astellia is a leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence enabling mobile operators to drive business performance. Astellia’s vendorindependent real-time monitoring and troubleshooting solution covers end-to-end 2G, 3G and 4G from radio access to core network. Astellia’s scalable products and expert services address the needs of operators full value chain. Aster Telecom Pvt Ltd Telecom Software ASRao Nagar, Hyderabad Hyderabad, India 986-686-0059 [email protected] www.aster.in Aster Telecom Services, It’s a dependable services ATOS Telecom Software 2500 Westchester Avenue, Ste. 300 Purchase, NY 10577 914-881-3000 [email protected] www.atos.net Atos is an international information technology services company with annual 2011 pro forma revenue of EUR 8.5 billion and 74,000 employees in 48 countries. Serving a global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services, consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services. With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, it works with clients across the following market sectors: Manufacturing, Retail, Services; Public, Health & Transports; Financial Services; Telecoms, Media & Technology; Energy & Utilities Avvasi Telecom Software 103 Randall Drive Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1C5 519-772-6902 [email protected] www.avvasi.com At the core of Avvasi solutions is a unique technology that allows for a highly scalable, real-time measurement of video-based Quality of Experience (QoE). Much like MOS scores, this percep- 82 tual measurement accurately reflects subscribers perceived experiences with video content. Avvasi is able to break down video traffic by device, source, content, media format, media duration, and network topology. Azimuth Systems Telecom Software 35 Nagog Park Acton, MA 01720 Contact: Erik Org 978-263-6610 [email protected] www.azimuthsystems.com Azimuth ‘s Analytics uses device-network interaction KPIs to provide a holistic view of performance for benchmarking, regression, optimization. BatteryCorp Telecom Software 3 Speen St. Framingham, MA 01701 Contact: Paul Breece 508-270-8402 [email protected] www.batterycorp.com BatteryCorp provides software and site-based services for telecommunications companies, providing insight and analytics that facilitate proactive decisions about site maintenance, planning and budgets to support network availability. Berkshire Search Partners LLC Telecom Software 11021 E Adamo Dr, PO Box 891149 Tampa, FL33689 John Alexander 813-634-7094 [email protected] www.berkshiresp.com Berkshire Search Partners provides Talent Acquisition & Talent Management solutions for small-tomedium-sized companies involved in Technology & Telecommunications industries/markets throughout USA. Broadsoft Telecom Software 9737 Washingtonian Blvd, Ste. 350 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-977-9440 [email protected] www.broadsoft.com BroadSoft is the leading, worldwide innovator of Voice over IP (VoIP) applications that is transforming how people connect, communicate and collaborate. CA Technologies, Inc. Telecom Software One CA Plaza Islandia, NY 11749 800-225-5224 www.ca.com CA Technologies’ portfolio of software and services helps our customers speed time to value, ensure critical application performance and simplify security and operations so they can drive innovation and quality for their customers. Casewise Telecom Software 777 Summer Street, Suite 303 Stamford, CT 06901 203-588-1966 www.casewise.com Established in 1989, Casewise provides Business Process Analysis, Business Process Management, Business Architecture software and consulting solutions to over 3,000 major global organizations. These solutions enable organizations to visualize, audit, report, improve and continually maximize complex operating processes and technology infrastructures. Celcom Axiata Berhad Telecom Software 603-363-08888 www.celcom.com Give your business the leading edge to excel in a fast-paced and competitive world. With Celcom First, we understand that every SME is unique in its own way, which is why our unrivalled advantages are specially suited for your SME business to experience control, convenience and priority in your hands. Cellvision Telecom Software Grønlandsleiret 31 Oslo, Norway N-0190 Contact: Tonie Olsen [email protected] www.cellvision.com CellVision provide a suite of productized software solutions that help mobile operators market their mobile broadband offering more accurately, run their operations more efficiently and provide a better customer care experience to their subscribers. Supplier Guide Celplan Cirries Technologies Inc. Telecom Software 1920 Association Drive, 4th Floor Reston, VA 20191 703-259-4020 [email protected] www.celplan.com CelPlan Technologies is a leading provider of radio frequency (RF) planning; optimization tools, and value added consulting, engineering and training services to the wireless industry. Telecom Software 300 N. Coit Road Richardson, TX 75080 469-342-9010 Contact: Roger Boivin [email protected] www.cirries.com Cirries Technologies, Inc. launched in 2006 to address the need for disparate networks to communicate and then evolved to capture all network data that allows deployment and management of LTE, Big Data and SDN. The company has offices in Illinois, Russia, Bolivia, Mexico, and France Centina Systems, Inc. Telecom Software 1255 W 15th Street Ste 465 Plano, TX 75075 Contact: Gregg Hara 469-298-0471 [email protected] www.centinasystems.com Centina Systems provides Service Assurance and Service Quality Management solutions for communications service providers globally. The company is focused on helping operators enhance the customer experience, while at the same time improving their operations through increased agility and faster time to market of new services. CENTRI Telecom Software 701 5th Ave, Suite 550 Seattle, WA 98104 206-395-2793 [email protected] centritechnology.com CENTRI is a leading provider of mobile data optimization and bandwidth management solutions. Mobile Data Intelligence - Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS) CHR Solutions Telecom Software 9700 Bissonnet, Suite 2800 Houston, TX 77036-8014 713-995-4778 [email protected] www.chrsolutions.com At CHR Solutions we help you grow revenue, reduce cost, improve operations, manage risk, and align technology. We deliver comprehensive technology solutions and business operations services to Communications Service Providers around the world. Our goal is to provide all required solutions and services to help you plan, build and operate your business. Cisco Prime Telecom Software 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 Contact: Kristy Hughes 800-553-6387 [email protected] www.cisco.comgo/prime Cisco Prime products deliver next-generation management by supporting an intuitive workfloworiented user experience and integrated lifecycle operations across Cisco architectures, technologies, and networks. Cisco Prime helps IT organizations. Clarabridge Telecom Software 11400 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. 500 Reston, VA 20191 571-299-1822 [email protected] www.clarabridge.com Clarabridge is the industry-leading intelligent Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution selected by more Global 1000 companies than any other solution. We provide the CEM hub that bridges the gap between listening to the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and proactively acting on it. Clarity Telecom Software Clarity International Pty Limited Level 3, 15 Blue Street North Sydney Australia NSW 2060 [email protected] www.clarity.com Our solutions are built on a common, modular, product architecture built on industry standard hardware, software and networking solutions. They are based on a scalable architecture and can grow to support Tier 1 carriers with high volumes of users and data. ClickSoftware Telecom Software 35 Corporate Drive, Suite 400 Burlington, MA 01803 Contact: Anna Lawler 888-438-3308 [email protected] www.clicksoftware.com ClickSoftware is the leading provider of mobile workforce management and service optimisation solutions, supporting almost half million field resources globally, across several industries. For the communications industry, it offers a single solution to manage their workforce as one, leading to higher productivity, improved response to emergency work and most importantly, better customer service. Comarch Telecom Software 9450 W. Bryn Mawr Ave, Suite 325 Rosemont, IL 60018 847-260-5500 [email protected] www.comarch.com/telecommunications Since 1993, Comarch’s Telecommunications Business Unit has been specializing in designing, implementing and integrating solutions and services for telecommunication operators. Our mission is to enable you to increase revenues and build strong relations with your clients and business partners. Comptel Corporation Telecom Software Salmisaarenaukio 1 Helsinki Contact: Steve Hateley 617-960-9875 [email protected] www.comptel.com Comptel’s mission is Making Data Beautiful. Comptel aims to become a leading provider of customer interaction automation systems. Computaris Telecom Software 5000 Windplay Drive, Ste. 5 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Contact: Bill Monroe 916-939-5106 [email protected] www.computaris.com Bridging IT applications to the wireless network. Experts in BSS software and systems integration, onsite professional services, and Value Added Services. 83 Supplier Guide Comverse CSG Diametriq Telecom Software 200 Quannapowitt Parkway Wakefield, MA 01880 781-246-9000 [email protected] www.comverse.com Comverse is the world’s leading provider of software and systems for business enablement through converged billing and active customer management, mobile Internet, value-added and managed services. Comverse’s extensive customer base spans more than 125 countries and covers over 450 communication service providers serving more than two billion subscribers. Comverse is ranked number 55 in PwC’s Global 100 Software Leaders based on research by Pierre Audoin Consultants. Telecom Software 9555 Maroon Circle Englewood, CO 80112 303-200-2000 www.csgi.com/contact#north_america CSG’s wireless solutions help hundreds of service providers worldwide automate processes, consolidate multiple systems, enhance revenue, and realize operational efficiency. Many leading wireless operators rely on our solutions to deploy innovative subscriber tariff structures, convergent prepay/ postpay propositions, and enhanced revenue assurance processes. Our integrated mediation and billing solutions offer real-time charging, dynamic account selection options, and blended service propositions. This approach lets operators define differentiation based on value not just price, and target and reward their most profitable customers. Telecom Software 1990 W. New Haven Ave., Ste. 303 Melbourne, FL 32904 321-473-4271 [email protected] www.diametriq.com Diametriq, offering LTE control signaling solutions to meet the needs of LTE network operators, was built on the assets of IntelliNet Technologies, a wireless solutions company founded in 1992. The company’s application enabled Diameter Solution Suite addresses traffic management, interoperability and service migration issues. Conceptwave Telecom Software 5935 Airport Rd, Suite 1105 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4V 1W5 905-405-2188 [email protected] www.conceptwave.com ConceptWave is a leading provider of customer, product, and order lifecycle management solutions that enable communications service providers to rapidly introduce new market offers and to empower superior customer experience. Our unique offer is to provide an end-to-end catalog-driven suite of order fulfillment automation software with ConceptWave Order Care and Rapid CRM. ConteXtream Telecom Software 1043 N. Shoreline Boulevard, Ste. 201 Mountain View, CA 94043 877-645-3385 [email protected] www.contextream.com ConteXtream is a privately held software company delivering the industry’s first cloud-based network virtualization framework for carriers, cloud service providers, and private cloud operators. Leveraging the power of proven virtualization and grid technologies, ConteXtream’s marketready products help extract more value and profitability from networks through higher performance, greater scalability, and lower operating and capital expenditures. 84 DigitalRoute Telecom Software 8211 West Broward Blvd., Suite 460 Plantation, FL 33324 954-465-2400 [email protected] www.cvidya.com cVidya Networks is a global leader of Revenue Intelligence solutions for telecom, media and entertainment service providers. Innovative cVidya solutions serve to maximize margins, improve customer experience and optimize ecosystem relationships by encompassing Revenue Assurance, Fraud Management, Operational Risk Management & Compliance, Sales Performance Management and Pricing Analytics. Telecom Software 2520 Northwinds Pkwy, Ste. 425 Alpharetta, GA 30009 678-580-5010 www.digitalroute.com DigitalRoute’s mediation solution delivers a new approach to managing data. Our platform, MediationZone, empowers organizations to liberate the value hidden in their usage information via a unique approach that supports multiple missioncritical aspects of their business. DigitalRoute customers benefit from fewer integration points, reduced costs and flexible data management. Over 250 leading companies from around the globe are today actively using DigitalRoute technology to help meet their data management needs. DigitalRoute is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden with regional offices in Gothenburg, Atlanta, and Kuala Lumpur. DigitalRoute is a venture-backed, privately held company. Cycle30 DSET Telecom Software 710 2nd Avenue, Ste. 1260 Seattle, WA 98104 Contact: Jeth Harbinson 303-601-0551 [email protected] www.cycle30.com Cycle30 provides a hosted order-to-cash billing platform for cable, wireless, telecommunications, utilities and machine-to-machine services. We empower service providers to focus on their customers, while Cycle30 handles the billing operation. The Cycle30 platform includes customer management, service fulfillment, billing and revenue management, service assurance, integrations, and business intelligence. Cycle30 is a U.S. company, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, with data center facilities across North America and beyond Telecom Software 520 Guthridge Court, Suite 200 Norcross, GA 30092 770-453-9190 [email protected] www.dset.com DSET’s operational support system tools allow service providers to tackle a variety of challenges associated with the provisioning, activation and configuration of telecom services, as well as the electronic exchange of provisioning information with other telecommunications providers. cVidya Networks Ltd. Supplier Guide EDX Wireless Ensim ETA International Telecom Software 1400 Executive Pkwy, Ste 430 Eugene, OR 97401 Contact: Bob Akins 541-345-0019 [email protected] www.edx.com EDX’s SignalPro family of products helps engineers plan, deploy and optimize virtually any wireless network from Public Safety, Transportation, Cellular and Broadband to Smart Grid and beyond. Telecom Software 2620 Augustine Drive, Suite 140 Santa Clara, CA 95054 877-693-6746 www.ensim.com Founded in 1998, Ensim is a leading provider of solutions to automate on-boarding, orchestration, provisioning, and management, of users and organizations with business applications, services, and infrastructure in private, public, and hybrid clouds. Ensim has over 5,000,000 seats deployed worldwide and is used by over 20,000 small, medium, and large sized organizations and government agencies through service providers, system integrators, msp’s, and resellers.. OSS/BSS for Cloud-based offerings - Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/ business support systems (BSS) Telecom Software 5 Depot St Greencastle, IN 46135 Contact: Teresa Maher 800-288-3824 [email protected] ETA International - Founded in 1978, Electronics Technicians Association, International is a not-forprofit professional association fostering excellence in electronics through certification. The associations initiatives are to provide a prominent certification program of competency criteria and testing benchmarks that steer international electronic standards and renowned professional electronics credentials. Elitecore Telecom Software 10, Shalks Crossing Road, Suite 501-329 Plainsboro, NJ 08536 201-484-0483 [email protected] www.elitecore.com Founded in 1999, Elitecore Technologies is a Carlyle Group investee global IT product company providing BSS alongside packet core with flexibility of modular as well as pre-integrated offerings. Its Wi-Fi Service Management Platform (SMP) helps operators leverage Wi-Fi as an integral part of their heterogeneous networks strategy to deliver better subscriber experience, reach, availability and service offerings. Elitecore offerings are compatible to large vendor ecosystem addressing CSP requirement of faster time to market and better TCO. Being a traditional IP solutions player, Elitecore products are highly responsive to nextgeneration services, fulfilling operator monetization needs across all access networks. Empirix Telecom Software 600 Technology Park Drive, Ste. 100 Billerica, MA 01821 978-313-7000 [email protected] www.empirix.com Empirix is the recognized leader in delivering end-to-end network performance visibility, empowering our clients to improve business performance through solutions that enable you to proactively preempt problems by predicting the customer communication experience. We enable organizations worldwide to accelerate the development, deployment and profitable operations of new, fluid, and complex communications by validating the quality of user experience and overall performance of networks and applications. Equinox Information Systems Telecom Software 1309 Briarville Rd., Ste. 300 Madison, TN 37115 Contact: David West, Executive Vice President 615-612-1200 [email protected] www.equinoxis.com Equinox Information Systems provides costeffective and flexible software solutions to optimize and protect revenue for the telecom industry for over a quarter century. Ericsson Telecom Software 6300 Legacy Drive Plano, TX 75024 Contact: Pamela Mallette 972-583-0000 [email protected] www.ericsson.com/oss-bss Our experience-centric managed services model aligns service delivery with the operator’s strategic and business objectives, securing a customer experience-centric operation that proactively drives business innovation. Our sharing models, such as the wholesale network sharing model, are focused on structural efficiency and enabling new business models, giving operators maximum flexibility. EXFO Telecom Software 400 Godin Quebec, QC G1M2K2 Contact: Marie-Anne Grondin 418-683-0913 [email protected] www.EXFO.com EXFO is among the leading providers of next-generation test and service assurance solutions for wireless and wireline network operators and equipment manufacturers in the telecommunications industry. F5 Networks Telecom Software 401 Elliott Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119-4017 206-272-5555 [email protected] www.f5.com F5 helps organizations and service providers seamlessly scale cloud, core network and SDN/NFV deployments to successfully deliver services to anyone, anywhere at any time. F5 enables service providers to secure, optimize and monetize their networks by leveraging contextual subscriber and application information to provide the ultimate customer experience, maximize network efficiency, and deliver services quickly and more cost-effectively. Famigo, Inc. Telecom Software 3925 W. Braker Ln. Austin, TX78759 Contact: Q Beck 323-384-7406 [email protected] www.famigo.com Famigo creates a safer, fun mobile environment for your kids. 85 Supplier Guide Fiberlink FNT Solutions Inc. Genband Telecom Software 1787 Sentry Parkway West Building Eighteen, Ste. 200 Blue Bell, PA 19422 855-MAAS360 [email protected] www.maas360.com Fiberlink’s in-depth expertise and focus on delivering enterprise mobile computing solutions for over two decades translates to best practices that accelerate deployment, eliminate risk and reduce costs. We continuously innovate to serve the needs of our customers by delivering mobile solutions that help them gain competitive advantage, increase employee productivity, and implement proper security measures. Telecom Software 1 Gatehall Drive, 3rd fl Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-590-2627 x307 [email protected] www.fntsolutions.com FNT provides a software titled Command. Command is an IT management software that can perform DCIM functions as well as many different IT tasks such as server application management, WAN, LAN and Telecommunications management. Command also has a series of pre set integration packages for coordination with other IT tools. This allows Command to tie the many silo’s of information throughout the IT environment into one single picture for better management and control. Telecom Software www.genband.com GENBAND is a global leader in smart networking solutions for service providers and enterprises in more than 80 countries. From the Core to the Edge to the Experience™, the company’s technology seamlessly evolves IP networks to new levels in scalability, security, profitability and efficiency. GENBAND’s market-leading technology facilitates multimedia voice, data and video sessions and “anywhere” and “any device” services that scale on public and private networks. GENBAND is headquartered in Frisco, Texas, and has R&D, sales and support resources in more than 50 countries. Field Dailies Forsk (Atoll Software) Telecom Software Contact: Jim Duff 859-379-2120 [email protected] www.fieldmanagement.us More than ever before field reports and closeouts are critical to business success and remotely collected information must be sent, with full accuracy, back to headquarters, for field crew reporting and closeout docs. Field Dailies automates the transmission and receiving of all field reports and closeout documents. Telecom Software www.forsk.com Forsk is an independent company providing radio planning and optimisation software solutions to the wireless industry since 1987. Flash Networks Telecom Software 505 Thornall Street, Suite 205 Edison, NJ08837 877-638-8424 www.flashnetworks.com Flash Networks is a global provider of intelligent mobile Internet solutions that enable operators to improve quality of experience, reduce network operational expenses and manage and monetize the mobile Internet. Flash Technology Telecom Software 332 Nichol Mill Lane Franklin, TN 37607 Contact: Wade Collins 615-503-2000 [email protected] www.spx.com Tower and Obstruction Lighting Systems and Monitoring. 86 FTS - Formula Telecom Solutions Ltd. Telecom Software www.fts-soft.com FTS is a global provider of billing, charging, customer care and policy control solutions that have greater flexibility and provide greater independence for communications and content service providers, resulting in a dramatically lower total cost of ownership (TCO). Gemalto Telecom Software 4401 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 210 Arlington, VA 22203 877-291-1312 [email protected] www.gemalto.com Our expertise spans the entire process of creating digital security solutions for our clients and their customers. We develop secure software and operating systems which we embed in billions of trusted devices of many kinds, like UICC cards, banking cards, tokens, electronic passports or ID cards. We personalize these devices, and deploy the software and services for managing them and the sensitive data they hold throughout their life-cycle. GL Communications Inc Telecom Software 818 West Diamond Avenue,3rd Floor Gaithersburg, ME 20878 Contact: Shelley Sharma 301-670-4784 [email protected] www.gl.com GL Communications Inc. specializes in both test and measurement hardware and software products for telecommunications industry all over the world. We offer consulting services for T1/E1/T3 testing and analysis, and system design of wireless, satellite, fiber optic, and microwave networks. Please visit http://www.gl.com for any additional information. Globys Telecom Software 705 5th Avenue South, Ste. 700 Seattle, WA 98104 Contact: Lara Albert 206-576-1065 [email protected] www.globys.com Globys is a big data analytics company with more than 15 years of experience delivering out-of-thebox solutions that transform massive amounts of customer data into valuable insights and action. Our contextual marketing solutions help some of the world’s largest mobile operators deliver highly personalized and contextual customer experiences that maximize ARPU and reduce churn. Supplier Guide GoS Networks Huawei iBwave Telecom Software www.gosnetworks.com GoS Networks takes policy to smart connected devices and across the RAN via a unique software solution, GoS 360°. By extending policy to the user’s device, GoS 360° allows operators to monetize their existing network investment, reduce CAPEX and OPEX, and enhance the User’s Experience. CSP Policy Control and Enforcement - Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS). Telecom Software www.huawei.com As one of the largest software vendors in China, Huawei is ready to work closely with operators and OSS/BSS manufacturers worldwide, to provide state-of-the-art and open operation support solutions and serve the global telecom industry on a constant basis. Huawei’s TopEng series provides solutions and products in all fields across OSS and BSS, including integrated customer service (Call Centre), customer relationship management (CRM), Billing, Customer Care, Settlement and Integrated Network Management. Huawei is also dedicated to product integration and outsourcing services, to offer operators integrated solutions in the fields of OSS and BSS. Telecom Software 7075 Robert-Joncas, Suite 95 Montreal, QC H4M 2Z2 514-397-0606 [email protected] www.ibwave.com Our leading software enables 500+ clients in over 80 countries to automate the design, deployment and operations of wireless in-building networks to ensure optimal connectivity. Guavus Telecom Software Contact: Suzanne McCormac 415-577-9135 www.guavus.com The Guavus tool is unique in its ability to take data from different reporting sources and merge this data into a comprehensive view of our subscribers’ end-toend experience. The Guavus approach is reducing the data gathering and the analysis lifecycle by 50%, enabling us to make quicker decisions and spend more time focused on solving our business challenges. Hetnet Software Telecom Software 4805 Golden Foothill Parkway, Suite 2 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Contact: Ed Kurzenski 916-673-1039 [email protected] www.hetnetsoftware.com Hetnet Software consolidates and automates endto-end management of today’s 3G/4G/LTE networks, including solutions for fault, performance, service levels, configuration, network management, CEM and SON. Hewlett-Packard (HP) Telecom Software 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185 866-625-0242 Option 3 www.hp.com/go/cme HP Customer Engagement Management Services – Transformation to help you deliver great customer experiences across every channel to enhance competitive advantage. With this service, HP assesses quality and effectiveness, and provides opportunities for improvement within and across your contact centers and operations. Hughey & Phillips Telecom Software 240 W. Twain Ave Urbana, OH 43078 Contact: Jim Sullivan 937-652-3500 [email protected] www.hugheyandphillips.com H&P is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of obstruction lighting technology. Offering a complete line of low, medium and high intensity lighting technology solutions for radio, television, and communication towers; wind turbines; buildings; smokestacks; bridges; and other obstructions to aerial navigation. IBM Telecom Software 1 New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504-1722 800-426-4968 www.ibm.com Turn challenges into opportunities - The communications industry is rapidly evolving with escalating infrastructure costs, declining customer acquisition rates due to market saturation, high customer churn rates, declining ARPU and competition making it difficult to monetize new applications and generate new sources of revenue. IBM’s business analytics solutions help communications service providers address challenges in two key areas: Improve network and services to reduce customer churn and transform operations and optimize your call center. Imagination Technologies Telecom Software 3201 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-530-5000 Contact: Krishna Yarlagadda [email protected] www.imgtec.com/flow-talk-products Imagination is a global technology leader whose products touch the lives of billions of people throughout the world Incognito Software, Inc. Telecom Software www.incognito.com Incognito Software is a global provider of broadband software provisioning and activation solutions that help monetize IP based subscriber and commercial services. Service providers and large enterprises worldwide use our products to quickly and cost-effectively deploy data, voice, and video services across a multitude of networks. Infobright Telecom Software 47 Colborne Street, Suite 403 Toronto M5E1P8 877-596-2483 [email protected] www.infobright.com Infobright develops and markets a high performance, self-tuning analytic database designed for applications and data marts that analyze large volumes of “machine-generated data” such as web data, network logs, telecom records, stock tick data and sensor data. 87 Supplier Guide Infonova JDS Uniphase Corporation KPMG CE1M Telecom Software www.infonova.com Infonova, founded in 1989, specializes in providing technology and business-oriented solutions and services to telecommunications, media, utility and convergent industries. Infonova’s R6, a proven Multi-Industry Business Support System, has been implemented for fixed line incumbents, tier 2 aggregators / attackers, cable TV, mobile “MVNO” bureau, utilities and content players supporting both Telco 1.0 and Industry 2.0 business models. Built in Java EE, R6 is a revenue sharing and allocation platform, that supports real multi-tenant concept-to-cash operations for fully convergent and complex business models and delivers pre- & post-paid convergence at a fraction the cost and time of traditional integration scenarios. Telecom Software 2201 Fullwood Place Raleigh, NC 27614 Contact: Michael Tschirret 919-388-5069 [email protected] www.jdsu.com JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of what’ss important, making virtually every network in the world faster and more reliable. From development and planning, through deployment and turn-up testing, to optimization and assurance, JDSU test instruments, software, and expertise ensure that all network’s DSL, fiber, cable, and wireless are always working at their best. Telecom Software [email protected] www.kpmg.com KPMG’s team of telecoms experts work with some largest fixed, mobile and satellite companies all over the world to address their current challenges and better align their capabilities with today’s consumer. Whether this means acting as a central ecosystems manager, or providing network, software and device capabilities, our global team can help define strategies to adjust to today’s rapidly changing market. InfoVista Telecom Software 12950 Worldgate Drive Suite 250 Herndon, VI 20170 617-960-9873 [email protected] www.infovista.com InfoVista is the leading provider of IP and RF planning, assurance and optimization software solutions and services that enable efficient network and IT transformations. InfoVista’s performance management solutions ensure that QoE goals are achieved by measuring end-to-end delivery effectiveness from the end user viewpoint. Interop Technologies Telecom Software www.interoptechnologies.com Interop Technologies is the next-generation, leadingedge provider of core solutions for mobile network operators worldwide. Our high-performance, highly scalable solutions power services delivered to millions of wireless customers every day. Intrado Inc. Telecom Software PO Box 999 Longmont, CO 80502 Contact: Raymond Wendell 720-494-5800 [email protected] www.intrado.com Intrado Inc. supports public safety agencies and telecommunication services providers with emergency communication services and technology via the Intrado Mobility products and services suite. 88 JDSU Telecom Software 430 N McCarthy Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Bre Corson 408-546-5000 [email protected] www.jdsu.com JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of what’s important, making virtually every network in the world faster and more reliable. JDSU leads the fastest-growing segments of the optical-networking market: tunable XFPs, transport blades, and reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs). From development and planning, through deployment and turn-up testing, to optimization and assurance, JDSU test instruments, software, and expertise ensure that all networks, DSL, fiber, cable, and wireless are always working at their best. Jinny Software Telecom Software www.jinnysoftware.com Global provider of Mobile VAS infrastructure, Mobile Advertising and Diameter Signalling solutions. Kansys, Inc Telecom Software www.kansys.com Kansys, Inc is an IT Solutions Firm founded in 1997. Our adaptive approach allows us to Collaborate, Develop and Manage solutions that increase revenue and maximize operational efficiency. The use of Metadata driven software allows us to be nimble and quickly build solutions. Laris Consulting LLC Telecom Software 213 Carnegie Center #3522 Princeton, NJ 8543 Contact: Michael Gayden 609-542-0478 [email protected] www.larisconsulting.com Toll-free call center services, inventory, billing, performance reporting and disaster recovery solutions. Telecom products and services. Lavastorm Telecom Software 321 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210 617-345-5422 [email protected] www.lavastorm.com We respect data, and we help analytic people, like you, understand it and manipulate it at the most detailed level possible. Someone once said we were like an “MRI for data,” and we all thought that description was bang on. We build analytic software that enables a new, agile way for business analysts to analyze, optimize and control data so they can build analytics that allow them to take fact-based action. Level70 Telecom Software 171 Nashua Rd. Bedford, NH 03110 Contact: Noelani McGadden 603-661-9191 [email protected] www.level70.com Level70 provides value-added services to regional mobile carriers. We leverage a proven business model (music bundled with a rate plan) to drive subscriber growth, enhance brand loyalty, and create subscriber stickiness. We make carriers stronger. Supplier Guide Link Analytics MATRIXX MobileComm Professionals Inc. Telecom Software 1050 Crown Pointe Parkway Suite 1580 Atlanta, GA 30338 404-645-7308 [email protected] www.linkanalytics.com Link’s suite of Advanced Analytical technologybased solutions, designed for the Communications industry, can be integrated into your organization to optimize media and marketing spend, discover competitive opportunities, and understand the customer experience. Telecom Software www.matrixxsw.com MATRIXX Software enables NOW. We give Communications Service Providers instant visibility, intelligence and control of services across your network. Our patented, smart charging technology enables a seamless, intuitive service experience that empowers your subscribers - in the moment, every moment. Delivering up to a 100 times increase in efficiency and scalability, we equip you with the most advanced solution designed specifically for the data generation. Charging. Policy. Insight. Value. NOW. LiteCore Networks India Private Limited Mavenir Telecom Software 465 W President George Bush Hwy, #200 Richardson, TX 75080 Contact: Gurmeet Likhari 214-575-4500 [email protected] www.mcpsinc.com MobileComm Professionals is a key industry player in the wireless services arena. We utilize our expertise in wireless services to provide quality centric, cost effective solutions to all major Wireless Mobile Operators, Engineering firms, Infrastructure providers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Telecom Software 897/A,10 A Cross, 7th Phase J.P.Nagar Bangalore 560078 +91-80-26851897 Contact: Rathnakumar Kayyar [email protected] www.lcnpl.com 3gpp Diameter interfaces for IMS, Policy Control, Billing and more. Diameter Signaling Controller with NFV support. Telecom Software www.mavenir.com Mavenir is a leading provider of software-based networking solutions that enable mobile service providers to deliver high-quality internet protocol (IP)-based voice, video, rich communications and enhanced messaging services to their subscribers globally. Magic Software Enterprises Telecom Software 24422 Avenida de la Carlota, Ste. 365 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-250-1718 Contact: Stephanie Myara [email protected] www.magicsoftware.com Magic xpa Application Platform: A highly-productive code-free metadata platform for developing and deploying mobile, Web, SOA and desktop applications. Magic’s complementary Mobile Accelerator Framework including pre-built components based on best practices, further ease and speed mobile app development. Mahindra Comviva Telecom Software A-26, InfoCity, Sector 34 Gurgaon, Haryana 122001 +91 124 481 9000 Contact: Sundeep Mehta [email protected] www.mahindracomviva.com Mahindra Comviva is the global leader in providing mobility and financial solutions. It is a subsidiary of Tech Mahindra and a part of the USD 16.5 billion Mahindra Group. Its solutions are deployed by over 130 MNOs and financial institutions in over 90 countries. MDS (Martin Dawes Systems) Telecom Software www.mdscem.com MDS provides managed revenue and customer management solutions for communications service providers that are flexible and assured to enable operators to grow their business and effectively serve their most complex customer bases. Metaswitch Telecom Software www.metaswitch.com Metaswitch is powering the transition of communication networks into a cloud-based, softwarecentric future. With a reputation earned by solving tough technical problems, Metaswitch develops openly programmable solutions that run on standard hardware or in virtualized environments and act as the key control points in elastic voice, video and data networks. Microsoft Telecom Software www.microsoft.com Microsoft, in concert with its Partners, delivers flexible B/OSS solutions that span billing and real time charging, service fulfillment, service assurance, service delivery platforms, and network management and scale to meet the requirements of Service Providers of all sizes. Mobixell Networks Telecom Software www.mobixell.com Mobixell provides intelligent mobile video optimization and web acceleration technologies that optimize Operator’s data network and maximize data profitability. Mobixell solutions enable operators to provide superior broadband and Internet services to their subscribers, with excellent rich media user experience and enhanced value added services. Our solutions include mobile data and video optimization technologies, Web acceleration, overall traffic management, and advanced revenue generating services. Mobolize Telecom Software 2800 28th St Santa Monica, CA 80134 Contact: Tiffany Ashmawy 310-693-8340 [email protected] www.mobolize.com Mobolize CacheFront is Endpoint Web Optimization software that provides content delivery optimization at the point of greatest impact: the endpoint device. Mocana Telecom Software www.mocana.com Mocana unlocks the extended mobile enterprise and simplifies wide-scale deployments by securing apps automatically, in seconds. The company’s Mobile Application Protection (MAP™) appshielding solution - distributed globally by SAP - mitigates the complexities of mobile management, while freeing developers from tedious and expensive security coding projects.. Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS). 89 Supplier Guide Monolith Software Telecom Software 2435 North Central Expressway, 12th Floor Richardson, TX 75080 Jonathan Crawford 312-957-6470 [email protected] www.monolith-software.com Monolith Software provides a next generation, service assurance solution that unifies fault, performance, topology, and service level management in a single scalable platform. Mosaik Solutions Telecom Software 6423 Shelby View Drive, Suite 101 Memphis, TN 38134 901-377-8585 [email protected] www.mosaik.com Mosaik Solutions builds world-class applications backed by comprehensive wireless network intelligence. Make better decisions and attract more customers with accurate datasets and tailored marketing solutions. MYCOM Telecom Software 1080 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Bldg 200, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30076 Contact: Virginie Daniel 770-776-0000 [email protected] www.mycom.com MYCOM is a leading independent provider of carrier-grade Network and Services Performance Management solutions and Advance Engineering Services to the world’s largest Communications Service Providers (CSPs). Its products, services and 700 staff are focused on delivering advanced network performance intelligence that enables CSPs to optimize networks, govern suppliers, rapidly launch new technology and services, and deliver high quality customer experiences. Nakina Systems Telecom Software www.nakinasystems.com Nakina Systems provides Network Integrity Management solutions to the telecommunications industry worldwide. Our solutions enable service providers to introduce new services and grow networks more rapidly and with fewer outages by automating the discovery of network equipment, reconciling with inventory systems, auditing software in the network, and centralizing management of network security. Nakina’s solutions power 90 integrity in the world’s largest networks, and they are provided in partnership with the world’s largest and most advanced equipment manufacturers. Napatech Telecom Software www.napatech.com Napatech is the world leader in accelerating network management and security applications. As data volume and complexity grow, the performance of these applications needs to stay ahead of the speed of networks in order to do their jobs. We make this possible, for even the most demanding financial, telecom, corporate and government networks. Now and in the future, we enable our customers’ applications to run faster than the networks they need to manage and protect. Intelligent Real-Time Network Analysis - Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS). NetCracker Telecom Software University Office Park III, 95 Sawyer Road Waltham, MA 02453 800-477-5785 [email protected] www.netcracker.com NetCracker Technology is the proven partner for communications service providers and cable operators offering comprehensive, end-to-end solutions and delivery capabilities to optimize their enterprise. With its global reach, leading-edge technology, and unbroken track record of successful implementations, NetCracker helps eliminate operational and business silos and delivers realtime experience in an on-demand world. Netformx Telecom Software www.netformx.com Netformx is the leader in collaborative requirements-to-order software solutions for enterprise technology. NetNumber Telecom Software 650 Suffolk Street, Ste. 307 Lowell, MA 01854 Kim Gibbons 978-848-2820 [email protected] www.netnumber.com NetNumber delivers a common NFV infrastructure for all signaling control, policy enforcement and subscriber database services in the network. Netscout Telecom Software 310 Littleton Road Westford, MA 01886 800-357-7666 [email protected] www.netscout.com NetScout Systems, Inc. is the market leader in Unified Service Delivery Management enabling comprehensive end-to-end network and application assurance. For over 25 years, NetScout has delivered breakthrough packet-flow technology that provides trusted and comprehensive real-time network and application performance intelligence for the network, applications and users. Neustar Telecom Software www.neustar.biz Neustar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR) is a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information and analysis to the communications services, financial services, retail, media and advertising sectors. Neustar applies its advanced, secure technologies to help its clients promote and protect their businesses. Newfield Wireless Telecom Software 2855 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 200 Berkeley, CA 94705 Contact: Matthew Ehrenmann 510-848-8248 [email protected] www.newfieldwireless.com Newfield Wireless is a pioneer in next-generation mobile geoanalytics. Our TrueCall platform unlocks rich user experience and location data enabling mobile operators to optimize their networks, maximize service assurance, launch new services and monetize subscriber data. Operators can view their entire networks one subscriber experience at a time. NexGen Utility Solutions LLC Telecom Software 2050 Marconi Drive Suite 300 Alpharetta, GA 30005 404-713-6972 [email protected] www.nexgenusa.com NexGen Utility Solutions is a provider of device installation solutions and technical resources to leading energy utilities, communications companies and OEM device manufacturers throughout the United States. Our company implements, builds and supports America’s infrastructure: the smart grid, wireless communications systems, wireline telecommunications. Supplier Guide Nexius Software Solutions Opentext Telecom Software www.nexius.comservices/software-solutions Network and Business Intelligence data-driven solutions to assure a quality service experience, drive operational efficiencies and uncover business opportunities. Nexius believes that there is a treasure trove of opportunities in Big Data from networks, devices, and social media to improve a service provider’s business. Through our deep experience with structured and unstructured data, business and operational support systems (B/ OSS), and leading data analytics platforms, we can develop, integrate and optimize a solution to unlock the value in your data. Telecom Software 275 Frank Tompa Drive Waterloo, ON N2L 0A1 519-888-7111 [email protected] www.opentext.com Our EIM products enable businesses to grow faster, lower operational costs, and reduce information governance and security risks by improving business insight, impact and process speed. OpenText strives to enrich the way people use information, foster innovation, be trusted in our relationships, be committed to excellence in all that we do, work with our stakeholders and demonstrating honesty and passion towards common goals. Nokia Solutions and Networks Telecom Software 6000 Connection Drive Irving, TX 75039 Contact: Pepe Lastres 972-374-3000 [email protected] www.nsn.com Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) provides the world’s most efficient mobile networks, the intelligence to maximize network value and the services to make it all work seamlessly. Ontology Systems Telecom Software www.ontology.com Ontology Systems is revolutionising how companies use their application data. Using semantic search technology, Ontology applies the power, simplicity and speed of search to business applications across the enterprise. Search and centralise applications, databases, files, spreadsheets – anywhere, without the cost and risk of integration. Openet Telecom Software 1886 Metro Center Drive, Suite 310 Reston, VA 20190 703-480-1820 [email protected] www.openet.com Openet software enables the world’s largest network operators to innovate service offerings in an increasingly mobile, data-driven society. Our technology extends from the network core to the mobile device and our products represent an integrated suite of industry leading charging, policy, data management, and interaction capabilities. Together, these represent a powerful platform for service innovation in a dynamic, connected world. Openwave Messaging Telecom Software www.owmessaging.com Openwave Messaging is the leading global provider of innovative messaging software solutions. The company’s Universal Messaging Suite™ provides a powerful, open and flexible, complete messaging environment optimized for today’s most complex messaging requirements, including millions of mailboxes, security controls, identity management, and ease of integration with both internal systems and external partners. Openwave Mobility Telecom Software 1600 Seaport Boulevard, 4th Floor Redwood City, CA 94063 650-480-7200 [email protected] www.owmobility.com Openwave Mobility empowers operators to manage and monetize mobile data. Openwave Mobility’s data service solutions are used by over half a billion subscribers worldwide. Frost and Sullivan 2013 “Ten to Watch” list of operational support systems companies (OSS)/business support systems (BSS). Oracle Telecom Software 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 650-506-7000 www.oracle.com Oracle’s software and systems span the communications industry technology landscape – from carrier-grade servers, storage and IT infrastructure, to mission-critical business and operational support systems and service delivery platforms; from business intelligence applications and retail point-of-sale solutions to the Java platform running on more than two billion mobile and handheld devices. Orga Systems Telecom Software [email protected] www.orga-systems.com Orga Systems is a leading software vendor for real-time charging and billing solutions, with an international customer base in the telecommunications, utilities and automotive markets. PCTEL Telecom Software 20410 Observation Dr, Suite # 200 Germantown, ME 20876 Contact: Chintan Fafadia 301-444-2047 [email protected] www.rfsolutions.pctel.com PCTEL RF Solutions specializes in the design, optimization and testing of today’s wireless communication networks. We develop and build innovative scanning receivers, drive test software, and interference management solutions that help wireless cellular operators get the most out of their wireless spectrum. POLARIS NETWORKS INC Telecom Software 75 Robbins Road Lexington, MA 02421 Contact: Pamela Datta -11035 [email protected] www.polarisnetworks.net Leading supplier of software for LTE EPC. Includes S1AP, GTPu, GTPv2C, Diameter, PMIPv6. Procera Telecom Software www.proceranetworks.com Procera Networks delivers Internet Intelligence solutions designed for carriers, service providers and enterprises worldwide. Procera’s PacketLogic solutions provide actionable intelligence and policy enforcement to ensure a high quality experience for any Internet connected devices. Network operators deploy Procera’s technology to enable real-time visibility, superior performance and scalability, and deliver personalized services for millions of enterprises and consumers. Enterprises utilize Procera’s embedded NAVL solutions to ensure that they can deliver on BYOD and Cloud services to their employees. 91 Supplier Guide Progress Software Radisys Telecom Software www.progress.com One way forward is the New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS) frameworks created by the TM Forum, and Progress has the only solution for the TM Forum’s information framework (the SID). Progress OSS/BSS Integration, powered by Progress® DataXtend® Semantic Integrator (SI) will reduce operational cost, integration complexity and the risks associated with OSS/BSS integration, giving you a faster time to market and an enhanced experience for your customers. With the OSS/BSS Integration solution, business analysts, architects and developers can create, maintain and govern common-model-based data services in your service-oriented architecture (SOA). These services reduce the complexity and cost of your SOA implementations while improving agility. Telecom Software www.radisys.com Radisys is a leading provider of embedded wireless infrastructure solutions for telecom, aerospace, defense, and public safety applications. Radisys’ market-leading MRF (Media Resource Function) and T-Series Virtualized Platforms coupled with Trillium software, services and market expertise enable customers to bring their products to market faster with lower investment and risk. PT Communications Telecom Software www.pt.com As a global supplier of advanced network solutions, PT offers Diameter and SS7 Signaling Systems delivering advanced routing/applications to SS7, 4G/LTE and IMS telecom networks. Pulse Electronics/Larsen Antennas Telecom Software 3611 NE 112th Avenue Vancouver, WA 98682 Contact: Steve Bruegger 360-944-7551 [email protected] www.pulseelectronics.com Pulse Electronics is a leading global supplier of LTE, WLAN, 3G/4G, DAS and M2M fixed and mobile antenna solutions. Radcom Telecom Software 6 Forest Avenue Paramus, NJ 07652 800-RADCOM-4 [email protected] www.radcom.com Radcom provides innovative service assurance and customer experience management solutions for leading telecom operators and communications service providers. RADCOM specializes in solutions for next-generation mobile and fixed networks, including LTE, VoLTE, IMS, VoIP, UMTS/GSM and mobile broadband. 92 Razorsight Telecom Software 1750 Presidents Street, Suite 205 Reston, VA 20190 703-995-5900 [email protected] www.razorsight.com In a revolutionary new development that leverages 10 years of working exclusively with leading global communications providers, analyzing massive volumes of data, delivering cloud based analytics to CFO organizations at AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, T-Mobile, Tata, Telus, Facebook and numerous others, Razorsight has married a team of the industry’s best Data Scientists with its industry leading cloud analytics software to create a new Predictive Analytics solution. Redbend Software Telecom Software www.redbend.com Red Bend Software is the leader in Mobile Software Management (MSM). Over 1.75 Billion Red Bend-Enabled™ devices use our software and services for firmware over-the-air (FOTA) updating, application management, device management, device analytics and mobile virtualization. More than 80 leading manufacturers, mobile operators, semiconductor vendors and automotive companies worldwide trust Red Bend to make their mobile devices and services continuously better in a rapidly changing world. Redknee Telecom Software 2560 Matheson Blvd East, Suite 500 Mississauga, ONL4W 4Y9 Contact: Ashleigh Young 905-625-2622 [email protected] www.redknee.com Redknee, a leading provider of real-time monetization software, delivers innovative converged billing, charging, policy management, and customer care solutions to some of the world’s largest CSPs. RedSky Technologies, Inc. Telecom Software 925 West Chicago Avenue, Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60642 Contact: Martha Sexauer 312-432-4300 [email protected] www.redskye911.com RedSky provides 9-1-1 location management for Enterprise telephone users to help them meet State statutes. RedSky also provides NG9-1-1 infrastructure functional elements. Software/service based. Responstek Telecom Software United Kingdom Building 409 Granville Street, Suite 863 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6C 1T2 866-484-2900 [email protected] www.responsetek.com ResponseTek is a customer experience management (CEM) software company focused on the requirements of Global 2000 organizations with diverse product lines. The ResponseTek Listening Platform™ analyzes valuable customer sentiment in real-time and scales to meet the demands of big data, eliminating silos of customer information captured across multiple channels including websites, call centers, retail or branch locations and social platforms. Rohde & Schwarz (IPOQUE acq in 2011) Telecom Software www.ipoque.com ipoque provides network intelligence and policy control solutions helping fixed and mobile broadband operators to better understand traffic patterns, monetize new data services and improve the quality of experience for their subscribers. Our application classification and analysis engine enables bandwidth and congestion control, prioritized quality of service delivery and detailed network visibility. ipoque was founded in 2005 in Leipzig, Germany, and has become a Rohde & Schwarz company in 2011. Roox Telecom Software www.roox.ru RooX Solutions is a rapidly growing Russian software company focusing at innovative next-gen Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions for the Telco 2.0 environment. Supplier Guide ServiceFrame Sigma Systems Telecom Software Belfield Innovation Centre, Nova UCD Dublin, Ireland Contact: Yiru Huang 35317163620 [email protected] www.serviceframe.com ServiceFrame is the leading independent governance platform, addressing Performance, Risk and Compliance in Telco Managed Services. ServiceFrame brings smart relationship intelligence, the expertise of the organization, and rich visualization together to initiate and enable the Governance process. ServiceFrame is Software delivered as a service ensuring rapid deployment, easy integration and configuration, and anywhere on any device availability. The worlds smartest managed services rely on ServiceFrame. Telecom Software 55 York Street, Suite 1100 Toronto, Ontario M5J 1R7 Canada 800-838-2196 [email protected] www.sigma-systems.com Sigma Systems helps telco and cable service providers around the world deliver more than 150 million advanced communication and enhanced entertainment services every day. Our proven, award-winning portfolio of OSS products and solutions for service order management, provisioning and activation; device provisioning; and advanced mediation support integrated, bundled IP service offerings for residential and business subscribers including VoIP, ultra-fast broadband, advanced digital and IP video, IPTV, wireless and more. SEVEN Networks Smith Micro Telecom Software SAP (UK) Ltd. Clockhouse Place Bedfont Road Feltham, Middlesex 2116 Contact: Howard Stevens +44 870 608 4000 [email protected] www.sap.com Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, with locations in more than 130 countries, SAP SE is the world leader in enterprise software and software-related services. Telecom Software 959 Skyway Road, Suite 100 San Carlos, CA 94070 650-381-2670 [email protected] www.seven.com SEVEN Networks develops innovative software solutions that help wireless carriers manage and optimize mobile traffic before it impacts the network. SEVEN’s flagship Open Channel products reduce operator costs, increase efficiency in the use of wireless infrastructure, and enhance end-user experience. Extending the management of data traffic from the network to the mobile client brings immediate capacity relief to overloaded networks. Operators gain actionable intelligence on their networks, application activity is optimized, and unnecessary signaling activity is significantly reduced. SEVEN products are in production in 20 languages across five continents. Telecom Software 51 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 800-477-1543 [email protected] www.smithmicro.com Smith Micro Software, Inc. provides software and services that simplify, secure, and enhance the mobile experience. The Company’s portfolio of wireless solutions includes a wide range of client and server applications that manage voice, data, video, and connectivity over mobile broadband networks. Our primary customers are the world’s leading mobile network operators, mobile device manufacturers, and enterprise businesses. In addition to our wireless and mobility software, Smith Micro offers personal productivity and graphics products distributed through a variety of consumer channels worldwide. SAP Mobile Sevone Solarwinds Telecom Software 4550 New Linden Hill Rd., Suite 300 Wilmington, DE 19808 302-319-5400 [email protected] www.sevone.com SevOne provides the world’s fastest, most scalable IT management and reporting platform, delivered as all-in-one appliances, to help you detect and avoid performance events before they impact your business. Telecom Software 3711 South MoPac Expressway Building Two Austin, Texas 78746 866-530-8100 [email protected] www.solarwinds.com Since our founding in 1999, SolarWinds’ (NYSE: SWI) mission has been to provide purpose-built products that are designed to make IT professionals’ jobs easier. We offer value-driven products and tools that solve a broad range of IT management challenges – whether those challenges are related to networks, servers, applications, storage or virtualization. Sage Instruments Telecom Software 240 Airport Blvd Freedom, CA 95019 Contact: Steve Glassman 831-761-1000 [email protected] www.sageinst.com Sandvine Telecom Software 408 Albert Street Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3V3 519-880-2600 [email protected] www.sandvine.com Sandvine provides a single platform to introduce unified, standards-compliant network policy control into any fixed, mobile or converged access network, at any scale. An unmatched commitment to research and development delivers the industry-first, exclusive and standards-compliant solutions that let our customers out-maneuver their competition. SAP Telecom Software 3999 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA 19073 866-727-1489 www.sap.com Unwire your employees, customers, and partners with proven, highly-rated mobile solutions from a company you can trust. SAP is the only vendor that can provide you with complete, end-to-end software solutions that mobilize your entire organization. Use a single, unified mobile platform for all your employee, consumer, and partner app needs. 93 Supplier Guide SoluteliaTelecom Software StepLeader Syniverse Telecom Software 3033 S. Parker Rd., Ste. 460 Aurora, CO 80014 Keith Sach 720-748-3004 [email protected] www.solutelia.com Solutelia has demonstrated itself as a leading industry resource for establishing and improving wireless coverage for over a decade. Solutelia provides RF engineering and DAS services and solutions. Solutelia has recently introduced the WINdâ„¢ software platform that addresses some of the wireless industry’s most pressing concerns by providing real-time reporting, testing and analysis of network performance by using the latest commercially available Android smartphones. WINdâ„¢ supports mobile voice and data technologies, including GSM, UMTS, CDMA, EVDO, LTE, VoLTE, LTE-A and WiFi. Cloud-based control and analysis tools allow access to real-time results, from anywhere. Telecom Software 819 W. Hargett St Raleigh, NC 27603 Contact: Matthew Davis 919-573-9701 [email protected] www.stepleaderdigital.com StepLeader develops, builds and sells mobile apps, and helps customers monetize the advertising on those apps. Telecom Software 8125 Highwoods Palm Way Tampa, FL, 33647 813-637-5000 www.syniverse.com We are mobile innovators, and our stellar work is recognized by both the global industry and local communities. Syniverse connects more than 4 billion mobile subscribers through voice, data, SMS, MMS, mobile video communications and more. Subex Tango Telecom Inc Telecom Software 12303 Airport Way, Bldg. 1, Ste. 390, Broomfield, CO 80021 303-301-6200 [email protected] www.subex.com Subex Limited is a leading global provider of Business Support Systems (BSS) that empowers communications service providers (CSPs) to achieve competitive advantage through Business Optimisation - thereby enabling them to improve their operational efficiency to deliver enhanced service experiences to subscribers. Telecom Software 400 Trade Center, Suite 5900 Woburn, MA 1801 Contact: Rebecca Walsh 781-879 9552 [email protected] www.tangotelecom.com Tango Telecom is a leading provider of Policy and Charging Control Solutions for evolving mobile networks. Through an evolutionary approach to infrastructure replacement and seamless integration capabilities, our solutions drive service innovation, monetizing the growing demand for mobile data while optimizing network resources. Synchronoss Taqua Telecom Software www.synchronoss.com Synchronoss is the mobile innovation leader that provides personal cloud solutions and software-based activation for connected devices across the globe.Founded in December 2000, the company completed a successful IPO in June 2006. Stock Exchange: Nasdaq – Symbol: SNCROur solutions help customers acquire, retain and service subscribers quickly, reliably and cost-effectively by simplifying the processes associated with managing the customer experience for activating and synchronizing connected devices and servicesSynchronoss’ industryleading customers include tier 1 service providers such as AT&T Inc., Verizon Wireless and Vodafone, tier 1 cable operators/MSOs such as Cablevision, Charter Communications, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable and large OEMs such as Apple, Dell, Panasonic and Nokia. These customers utilize our platforms, technology and services to service both consumer and business customers, including over 300 of the Fortune 500 companies. Telecom Software 740 East Campbell Road, 2nd Floor Richardson, TX 75081 972-692-1800 www.taqua.com Taqua was founded in 1998 to develop next generation telecommunications systems and applications. The company has evolved into a leading supplier of products and services that enable a seamless user experience as the carrier transitions into VoIP, IMS, WiFi and 4G/LTE. Today, hundreds of carriers utilize Taqua to cost effectively provide a full array of revenue generating, broadband and mobile applications to all types of communication devices. Sonus Telecom Software 4 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886 1-855-GO-SONUS www.sonus.net Sonus secures real-time communications so that the world’s leading service providers and enterprises can embrace SIP-based applications through secure, reliable and scalable IP networks. With service provider and Fortune 500 customers in more than 50 countries and 17 years of experience enabling VoIP, video and Unified Communications, Sonus offers a complete portfolio of hardwarebased and virtualized Session Border Controllers (SBCs), policy/routing servers and Diameter and SS7 Signaling Systems. Spirent Telecom Software www.spirent.com Spirent TestCenter Live leverages hardware probes and client software applets to provide an end-to-end view of the network and application performance—one that starts in the RAN and is segmented to include the backhaul, core and cloud environments 94 Tarana Wireless Telecom Software 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 100 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Contact: Luke Angelus 408-351-4085 [email protected] www.TaranaWireless.com Tarana Wireless’ universal wireless transport delivers deterministic performance at full capacity across True NLoS, nLoS, and LoS operation enabling backhaul anywhere small cells are located. Supplier Guide Tecnotree Telestax Tibco Telecom Software www.tecnotree.com Tecnotree is a global provider of telecom IT solutions for the management of products, customers and revenue. Tecnotree helps communications service providers to transform their business towards a marketplace of digital services. Tecnotree empowers service providers to monetise service bundles, provide personalised user experiences and augment value throughout the customer lifecycle. With over 1100 telecom experts, Tecnotree serves more than 100 service providers in over 70 countries. Tecnotree is listed on the main list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki with the trading code TEM1V. 9600 Escarpment Blvd Ste 745 Austin, TX 78749 [email protected] www.telestax.com TeleStax provides Open Source Communications software and services that facilitate the shift from legacy SS7 based IN networks to IP based LTE and IMS networks hosted on private (on-premise), hybrid or public clouds. TeleStax products include Restcomm, JSLEE, SMSC Gateway, USSD Gateway, SS7 Resource Adaptors, SIP Servlets, Rich Multimedia Services, Presence Services/RCS, Diameter/AAA Services, XMPP Services, WebRTC services and others. Tektronix Telecom Software 3307 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA 650-846-1000 spotfire.tibco.com TIBCO Software (NASDAQ: TIBX) provides companies the two-second advantageTM, the ability to capture the right information at the right time. Distinguished by its speed to insight and adaptability to business challenges, Spotfire reveals unseen threats and opportunities, creating significant value. TIBCO Spotfire is the company’s in-memory analytics software for next generation business intelligence. More than 4,000 customers worldwide rely on TIBCO to manage information, decisions, processes and applications in real time. Telecom Software 1415 West Diehl Road Naperville, IL 60563 630-798-8800 [email protected] www.tellabs.com Tellabs Insight AnalyticsSM Service offers a powerful set of network analytic tools to identify and address performance and capacity issues in mobile backhaul networks before they become user-affecting problems. Telecom Software 14150 SW Karl Braun Drive P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, OR 97077 800-833-9200 www.tek.com Whenever you view a web site, click a mouse, make a cell phone call, or turn on a TV you touch our work. As a world leader in test, measurement and monitoring technology, we enable our customers to do more than they ever have. Technical innovators of all kinds benefit from our products and expertise. Telecom Product Profiles, LLC Telecom Software 711 9th Ave SE #107 Watertown, SD 7201 Contact: Dana Lemmerman 765-427-5827 [email protected] www.telepp.com Towers, Shelters, Cabinets, Coax, Generators, and Fiber TeleCommunications Systems (TCS) Telecom Software 275 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 800-557-5869 www.telecomsys.com When it comes to mission-critical wireless communications, TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS) (NASDAQ: TSYS) solves some of the toughest technical challenges. We produce solutions for communications that demand proven high levels of reliability, security, and availability Tellabs Teoco Telecom Software 12150 Monument Dr, Suite 400 Fairfax, VA 22033 703-322-9200 [email protected] www.teoco.com Teoco is a leading provider of assurance and analytics solutions to communications service providers worldwide. By taming the glut of telecom network, operational and business data, TEOCO leverages its expertise in ‘big data’ and ‘real-time’ capabilities to analyze and optimize network and business performance. TNSI Telecom Software 10740 Parkridge Boulevard, Suite 100 Reston, VA 20191 703-453-8440 www.tnsi.com A single connection to TNS provides connectivity to carriers around the globe and access to a suite of advanced signaling & transport, intelligent database and next generation services. Whether launching new subscriber services, upgrading infrastructure, or migrating to IP, TNS delivers mission-critical services in a managed services model that helps minimize complexity, reduce risk and speed time to market. TOA Technologies Telecom Software 3333 Richmond Rd., Suite 420 Beachwood, OH 44122 Contact: Rick Shimko 216-925-5950 [email protected] www.toatech.com Field service software gets mobile employees to the right place, on time. Predictive analytics optimize field work - driving efficiencies, empowering employees, improving customer relationships. 95 Supplier Guide Total Software Solutions, Inc. (TSS) Velocent Systems, Inc. Victory Info Services 360 Telecom Software 11804 North 56th Street, Ste. B Temple Terrace, FL 33617 Lee Huggins 912-441-3734 [email protected] www.totalsoftware.com OSS & Billing, Mediation, Roamer Billing, Conversion Services, Fraud Management, Analytics & Reporting Telecom Software 1250 East Diehl Road, Suite 400 Naperville, IL 60563 630-799-3800 [email protected] www.velocent.com Velocent Systems is pioneering Customer Experience Assurance (CEA) for Mobile Data and Voice over LTE (VoLTE). Customer Experience Assurance (CEA) represents an evolution of Service Assurance and Service Quality Management (SQM) by providing real-time, synchronized, end-to-end analysis off the subscribers perceived experience, the networks performance and the delivered service quality. Telecom Software 3183 E. Warm Springs, Suite 200 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Contact: Jessica Lamore 855-226-8900 [email protected] www.victoryinfoservices.com Victory Info Services, a subsidiary of MDF Holdings, LLC, provides mobile services and applications for wireless carriers and their customers. Victory is on the cutting edge of technology that broadens, yet simplifies mobile applications, for the user. Ulticom Telecom Software 1020 Briggs Road Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 856-787-2760 [email protected] www.ulticom.com Ulticom’s signaling solutions have a proven track record of providing measurable value to the world’s leading telecom equipment manufacturers and service providers. We take a collaborative, holistic approach to addressing your signaling challenges by listening and leveraging all of our corporate resources. We begin with an adaptive business model that is designed to deliver flexible business-to-business practices which seamlessly fit into your business model. Our Solutions Engineers then combine deep signaling expertise with practical industry knowledge and creative thinking in order to solve complex signaling and network challenges. You can collaboratively work with the industry’s top signaling experts to fully explore how our leading signaling products can be adapted to give you a competitive advantage in today’s converging communications markets. Vegayan Systems Pvt Ltd Telecom Software G 60,Kailash Commercial Complex,Vikhroli Hiranandani Link Rd Mumbai, India Mahesh Bhatt 91 22 25190188 [email protected] www.vegayan.com SiMPLuS IP/MPLS OSS/BSS solutions offer Core/ Access/BackHaul/Edge Networks Management with Planning Optimisation/Load Balancing/Provisioning/Inventory at (Logical+Physical )/Fault/ Config/Performance/Audit/SLA Management/VPN /VPLS Management solutions for Services Assurance & better SLA’s 96 VSS Monitoring Telecom Software 856-866-1000 www.acec.com Ventraq provides large-scale data integration, business analytics and personalization solutions for communication service providers (CSPs). These solutions enable CSPs to integrate all their data sources, analyze the data to enhance their operational performance, make the data available for multiple users and systems across the enterprise and offer subscriber web-based selfcare solutions for traditional and next generation communications. Telecom Software 930 De Guigne Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 408-585-6800 [email protected] www.vssmonitoring.com VSS Monitoring is a world leader in network packet brokers (NPB), providing a unique systems approach to enable network-wide and link-layer visibility, access and offload for a broad ecosystem of network monitoring and security tools. Deployed globally by 80% of the world’s tier 1 service providers, F500 corporations and major government agencies, VSS Monitoring packet brokers improve tool usage and efficiency, simplify IT operations, and greatly enhance tool ROI. Verax WeDo Technologies Telecom Software 5700 Granite Parkway, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75024 855-219-0009 [email protected] www.veraxsystems.com Verax OSS/BSS Suite is a complete, applicationbased “OSS/BSS-in-a-box” solution allowing Service Providers to quickly define, provision, monitor and bill services in convergent, multi-play environments, enabling them to start generating revenues in a short time with no integration hassles. Telecom Software www.wedotechnologies.com WeDo Technologies is a worldwide leader in revenue and business assurance, providing software and expert consultancy, to intelligently analyse large quantities of data from across an organisation – helping to negate or minimise operational or business inefficiencies and allowing businesses to achieve significant return on investment via revenue protection and cost savings. Ventraq Vibe Wireless Telecom Software 5854 SE 5th St Ocala, FL 34472 Contact: James Mosieur 352-512-0200 jmosieur@vibe-wireless www.vibe-wireless.com Vibe Wireless provides reverse logistics services including device returns, refurbishing, recycling and repair. Westell Technologies Telecom Software 750 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 Contact: Ben Stump 630-898-2500 [email protected] www.westell.com Westell Technologies is a global leader of intelligent site and outside plant solutions focused on the critical edge and access networks. Supplier Guide Xalted Corp Telecom Software 560 South Winchester Boulevard San Jose, CA 95128 650-319-6743 [email protected] www.xaltedcorp.com Operations and business support systems (OSS/ BSS) have been the driving forces allowing service providers to deliver a multitude of products and services to customers in an efficient way. OSS/BSS transformation can now be the catalyst for increasing revenues – supplementing and supporting traditional sales and marketing routes. ZTE (ZTESoft subsidiary) Telecom Software www.ztesoft.com ZTEsoft is a subsidiary held by ZTE Corporation which is the largest public listed telecom equipment manufacturer in China. As a leading provider of telecom software, solution and service, ZTEsoft specializes in providing comprehensive BSS/OSS solutions to global operators of wireless, wireline and broadband cable services, enabling agile operation to deliver innovative services quickly to address market challenges. CONSULTANTS Accenture Consultant 877-889-9009 www.accenture.com Our “high performance business” strategy is to use our expertise in consulting, technology and outsourcing to help clients achieve performance at higher levels so they can create sustainable value for their customers and stakeholders. We use our industry and business-process knowledge, our service offering expertise and our insight into, and understanding of, emerging technologies and new business and technology trends to formulate and implement solutions with and for our clients. ATLANTIC-ACM Consultant 31 State Street, Floor 2 Boston, MA 02109 617-720-3700 Contact: Aaron Blazar [email protected] www.atlantic-acm.com ATLANTIC-ACM is a leading strategic advisory and market diligence firm to the Telecom and Technology industries. ATLANTIC-ACM assists corporate and investor clients in evaluating strategic growth opportunities for successful investment, market entry, optimization and long-term planning. Capgemini Consultant www.capgemini.com Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. Present in 44 countries with more than 130,000 employees, the Capgemini Group helps its clients transform in order to improve their performance and competitive positioning. DBS Consultant 26 Clansman Terrace Gulf Harbour Australia 930 +64 9 428 2345 Contact: [email protected] International mobile telecoms consulting services. Deloitte Consultant www.deloitte.com The Deloitte Telecommunications group is part of our U.S. organization’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) practice. We have more than 1,400 Technology, Media & Entertainment, and Telecommunications clients in the U.S. alone, including the vast majority of market category leaders across all sector segments. Endeavour Partners Consultant Contact: Nitzan Schwertner [email protected] www.endeavourpartners.net Endeavour Partners is a boutique strategy consulting firm. We work with leaders at the intersection of technology and business to create sustainable competitive advantage in a rapidly changing world, at the center of which is the mobile industry. We are a mix of strategists who love technology, and technologists and we work with wireless service providers, mobile device manufacturers, and infrastructure providers. Contact us to schedule a free 30 minute session to discuss your needs. Griswold Tower Software, PC Consultant 1408 Woody Creek Road Matthews, NC 28105 704-906-9113 Contact: William A. Griswold, Jr., PE [email protected] www.ptii.net TPT Contractor works with Penn Tech Tension Meters to assist contractors with the Twist, Plumb and Tension of Guyed Towers. See the Penn Tech website for additional information. LightPointe Communications, Inc. Consultant 11696 Sorrento Valley Road, Ste. 101 San Diego, CA 92121 Contact: John Taylor 858-834-4083 [email protected] www.lightpointe.com PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Consultant www.pwc.com PwC’s global communications industry group is dedicated to delivering effective solutions to the complex business challenges facing communications companies. We can help you with capex, customer excellence, partnerships, network life-cycle management, regulation, and investor confidence, compliance, and risk. We work with clients from telecom, cable, satellite, and Internet companies from all developed and emerging markets around the world. 97 Supplier Guide Quixotic Consulting Group TMNG Consultant 6009 West Parker Rd, Ste. 149-233 Plano, TX 75093 469-740-6525 Contact: Cyrus Radmanesh Cyrus.Radmanesh@quixoticconsultinggroup. com www.Quixoticconsultinggroup.com Business Management Consulting, program/ project management, quality assurance, wireless/ fixed network deployment, marketing Solutions, DAS and Small Cell Implementation, FTTX deployment, Unified Communications Solutions. Consultant www.tmng.com TMNG Global’s approach to Customer Experience Management is a disciplined methodology to comprehensively manage a customer’s crosschannel exposure, interaction and transaction with a company, product, brand or service. Our Customer Experience Management practice is built upon two decades of success in CRM planning and implementation; network and operational service assurance; and self care and contact center assessment and optimization experience. Tata Consultancy Services Consultant Midwest & Southeast U.S. Indianapolis, IN 46112 Contact: Jill Van Nostran 317-661-1855 [email protected] www.jillvancommunications.com Jill Van Nostran specializes in PR and digital marketing for wireless / mobile, telecom and B2B tech companies. Her mantra: more value, less hassle! Consultant www.tcs.com TCS’ solutions and service offerings address the entire landscape of telecom equipment vendors and telecom service providers including R&D, consulting, operations and Enterprise IT. Our solutions help you identify and address the challenges and opportunities created by convergence of applications, networks or content. Our labs (IPTV, OSS / BSS, VAS & SDP, Nozomi - next-generation Wireless Innovation, etc.) build competency, develop innovative models and conduct experiments in wireless networks. Tech Mahindra Limited Consultant www.techmahindra.com NTSS solutions enable the infrastructure to interact with internal and external information technology systems such as Operations Support System (OSS) and Business Support System (BSS) to provide full lifecycle management solutions to Communication Service Providers (CSPs). NTSS services span across the entire network ecosystem for telecom companies and enterprises ranging from network build, operate and maintain in an optimized and cost effective way. It also facilitates integration with Value Added Service platforms thereby achieving business efficiency and excellent customer experience. Van Nostran Communications Wipro Technologies Consultant www.wipro.com Wipro have established practices in the areas of Billing & Customer Care, Service Delivery Platform, Service Provisioning, Service Assurance, Order Management, Inventory Management and Revenue Assurance. They have the widest range of offerings throughout the telecom ecosystem starting from R&D to IT and Consulting Services and which helps them to provide end to end solutions to their customers globally. ANALYSTS Analyst Mason Analyst 15 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803 Contact: Mark Mortensen 202-331-3080 [email protected] www.analysysmason.com Our ability to understand the complex workings of TMT industries and draw practical conclusions, based on the specialist knowledge of our people, is what sets our consulting and research services apart. Current Analysis Analyst 21335 Signal Hill Plaza, Suite 200 Sterling, VA 20164 Contact: Jason Marcheck, 877-787-8947 [email protected] www.currentanalysis.com Current Analysis is a leading provider of timely, practical market intelligence and advice that helps global IT and telecom professionals compete, innovate and improve performance. Heavy Reading Analyst Contact: Sarah Wallace [email protected] www.heavyreading.com Heavy Reading is an independent research organization offering deep analysis of emerging telecom trends to network operators, technology suppliers, and investors. Its product portfolio includes indepth reports that address critical next-generation technology and service issues, market trackers that focus on the telecom industry’s most critical technology sectors, and exclusive worldwide surveys of network operator decision-makers that identify future purchasing and deployment plans. Supplier Guide IDC Stratecast (Frost & Sullivan) TMF Insights Analyst 5 Speen Street Framingham, MA 01701 Contact: Mary Wardley, Mark Winther 508-872-8200 [email protected] www.idc.com International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications and consumer technology markets. Analyst 7550 IH 10 West, Suite 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 Contact: Karl Whitelock, Jeff Cotrupe 877-463-7678 [email protected] www.frost.com Stratecast’s product line includes: Monthly Analysis Services [Communications Infrastructure & Convergence (CIC), OSS/BSS Global Competitive Strategies (OSSCS), Consumer Communication Services (CCS), and Business Communication Services (BCS)]; Weekly Analysis Service [Stratecast Perspectives & Insights for Executives (SPIE)]; Standalone Research; and Business Strategy Consulting. Analyst 240 Headquarters Plaza East Tower, 10th Floor Morristown, NJ 07960 Contact: Rob Rich 603-203-7771 [email protected] www.tmforum.org TM Forum is a global trade association trusted by the world’s largest enterprises, service providers and suppliers to help them continuously transform to succeed in the digital economy. We help our members reduce costs and risks, improve business agility and grow their business through a wealth of knowledge, tools, standards, training and practice advice. Strategy Analytics Yankee Group Analyst 199 Wells Ave., Ste. 108 Newton, MA 02459 Contact: Karen Donnellan 617-614-0741 [email protected] www.strategyanalytics.com Strategy Analytics works with Mobile Service Providers and Infrastructure Vendors to balance investment choices with market timing through in-depth reports, custom white papers and strategic analysis. Analyst One Liberty Square 6th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Contact: Sheryl Kingstone 617-598-7200 [email protected] www.yankeegroup.com Yankee Group’s research efforts are focused exclusively on the mobility revolution and its impact on business decisions and strategies. Our goal is to answer the important questions about the mobile economy every day, giving our clients the critical data, insight and advice they need to profit in today’s mobile world. Informa Analyst 30-32 Mortimer St London W1W 7RE, UNITED KINGDOM Contact: Tony Brown, Ari Lopes 44 (0)20 7017 5000 [email protected] www.informa.com Informa Telecoms & Media actively foster and empower the communities we serve, assisting them in debating and sharing best practice, solving problems and stimulating innovation. From our magazines to online information portals, from our large exhibitions to intimate networking lunches at focused conferences, we bring the industry together to enable change Ovum Analyst 37-41 Mortimer Street London, United Kingdom W1T 3JH Contact: Shagun Bali, Clare McCarthy 44 20 7017 6970 [email protected] www.ovum.com With access to Ovum’s research and support from best-in-class analyst and consulting teams, companies can turn analysis and insight into action. Our aim is to make our clients’ planning more effective, and to help them identify and assess relevant business opportunities. TBR Analyst 11 Merrill Drive Hampton, NH 03842 Contact: Michael Sullivan-Trainor 603-929-1166 www.tbri.com TBR specializes in providing in-depth and timely insights within the computer, software, telecom, mobility, and professional services industries. These critical insights can provide value to all levels of your organization: executive, sales, marketing, product and business development, finance, procurement, and others. 2015 Test & Measurement Supplier Guide O V E R 4 5 C O M PA N I E S 100 Supplier Guide 20/20 TeleOptics, Ltd. 15 Tamarack Drive La Resource South D’Abadie Port of Spain Trinidad W.I. Contact: Jason Cowie 868-795-3376 [email protected] www.2020teleoptics.org Our company was formed to pursue opportunities in the sale of fibre optic, outside plant hardware, data equipment and other telecommunications services and products designed to meet the needs of consumers and corporations at affordable prices for your home and for your business. 7G Communications www.e7gcommunications.com 7G Communications offers a unique and flexible drive test service performed with the company’s own proprietary software for temporal data collection and geospatial analysis. A.G.Franz, LLC 5 Stanton Court Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Contact: Gerhard Franz 609-936-1919 [email protected] www.agfranz.com A.G. Franz is the North American master distributor for RF test-equipment for interference and direction finding measurements and remote spectrum analyzers from Narda Test Solutions. Accedian Networks Inc. 2351 Blvd. Alfred Nobel, Ste. N410 Montreal QC H4S 2A9 514-331-6181 [email protected] www.accedian.com Accedian Networks is the Performance Assurance Solution Specialist for mobile backhaul & small cells, business services and service provider SDN. Accuver Americas 500 N. Central Expressway #210 Plano, TX 75074 Contact: Daniel Galeana 469-241-6100 [email protected] www.accuver.com Accuver provides comprehensive 4G air interface test solutions for field and lab measurement. Our XCAL product line offers tools for drive testing, network optimization, in-building testing, mobile testing, and network benchmarking; as well as throughput, VoLTE MOS, video, and capacity testing. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals 10401 Roselle St. San Diego, CA 92121 888-404-6472 [email protected] www.atecorp.com Advanced Test Equipment Rentals is a leading high tech equipment rental company that provides test equipment from all the major manufacturers for you specific testing needs. AetherPal Inc. 1 Cragwood Road, Ste. 305 South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Contact: Jon Herttua 908-477-1100 [email protected] www.aetherpal.com Provides secure remote control, dianostic, logging and analytics capabilities for testing and device troubleshooting for Android devices AFL 170 Ridgeview Center Drive Duncan, SC 29334 Contact: Dennis Beck 864-433-0333 [email protected] www.AFLglobal.com AFL provides fiber optic products and integrated services to the wireless market. Products include test equipment, fusion splicers, optical cabling, closures, enclosures and more. Anite Ancells Business Park, Harvest Crescent Fleet, UK GU512UZ Contact: Karolina Eklund 441253000000 [email protected] www.anite.com Anite provides specialist wireless test systems to enable manufacturers to design efficient chipsets, mobile devices and network equipment, and to bring them to market quickly and cost-effectively. Anritsu Company 1155 East Collins Boulevard, Ste. 100 Richardson, TX 75081 Contact: Rob Robinson [email protected] 800-267-4878 www.anritsu.com A global leader in innovative communications test and measurement solutions for more than 115 years, Anritsu provides solutions for wired and wireless communication systems and operators. Products include wireless, optical, microwave/RF, and digital instruments, and operations support systems for R&D, manufacturing, and installation/ maintenance. Apkudo 3500 Boston St. Baltimore, ME 21224 Contact: Stan Scheufler 518-956-3528 [email protected] www.apkudo.com Apkudo Approved helps wireless carriers and device manufacturers make better smart connected devices. Apkudo puts any phone, tablet, accessory or app through almost every conceivable user activity or use-case. The Apkudo Approved data-driven approach gets devices launched faster, finds issues quickly, and significantly reduces device return associated costs. The end result is a better device delivered into the hands of consumers that want it. Astellia 116 West 23rd St. New York, NY 10011 Contact: Esther Duval 646-375-2435 [email protected] www.astellia.com Astellia is a leading provider of network and subscriber intelligence enabling mobile operators to drive business performance. Astellia’s vendor-independent real-time monitoring and troubleshooting solution covers end-to-end 2G, 3G and 4G from radio access to core network. Astellia’s scalable products and expert services address the needs of operator’s full value chain. 101 Supplier Guide Azimuth Systems 35 Nagog Park Acton, MA 01720 978-263-6610 [email protected] www.azimuthsystems.com Azimuth Field-to-Lab (FTL) is a key part of Azimuth’s Real-World-Testing vision. It enables seamless migration of tests conducted in the field to the lab, by recreating the RF environment seen in the field and captured during a drive test, in the lab. Bluetest infrastructure (stand alone, cloud or mobile enabled). Our expertise and in-depth understanding of the enterprise & consumer tech support space, along with proven pedigree in Remote Infrastructure Management Services (RIMS), helps enhance IT availability and business efficiency, to more than 140 customers worldwide. Our R&D arm, CSS Corp Innovation Labs designs and develops products and IP, creates platforms and solutions to accelerate IT transformation and enable faster go to market for customers. Developing Solutions, Inc. Lindholmsallén 10 Gothenburg, Sweden SE-417 55 Contact: Emelie Johansson +46 31 778 6161 [email protected] www.bluetest.se The leading provider of RF reverberation test systems for OTA - Over The Air testing of wireless devices and small antennas. 1801 W. Louisiana St., Ste. 200 McKinney, TX 75069 Contact: Dennis Foster 877-233-8350 [email protected] www.developingsolutions.com Developing Solutions focuses on providing test solutions for core network interfaces in Policy & Charging Control (PCC), Subscriber Management, Authentication Accounting & Authorization (AAA), and Diameter Routing Agents (DRA). Computaris Eastpointe Industries, Inc 5000 Windplay Drive, Ste. 5 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Contact: Bill Monroe 916-939-5106 [email protected] www.computaris.com Functional and performance E2E testing of Diameter, CAMEL, CORBA, Web Services, Enhanced SSH/Telnet, and JMS. 4020 Tull Ave. Muskogee, OH 74403 Contact: Marty Halliday 918-577-2017 [email protected] www.ep-ind.com Tower and Modification steel Manufacturer. ELECTRA TELECOM 175 Middlesex Tpke Bedford, MA 01730 800-937-4688 [email protected] www.conres.com/test-equipment Fusion splicers, OTDRs, optical power meters, optical spectrum analyzers, PIM testers, and more for rent. Used equipment sales too. Since 1962. USA and international. Major brands. Fevzipasa Cad. Kandis Plaza No:54, Kat:3 Atasehir, Istanbul 34750 Contact: Birol Yamali +90 216 574 64 64 [email protected] www.electra-tele.com Radio Network Planning, Optimization and Independent Benchmarking Services. Our test measurement capabilities include QoS Metrics, MOS, YouTube, Video Streaming, VoIP etc. CSS Corp Evans Analytical Group Continental Resources (ConRes) 3031 Tisch Way, Ste. 1002 San Jose, CA 95128 Contact: Melody Yuhn 650-385-6475 [email protected] www.csscorp.com CSS Corp is a global technology services company supporting enterprise and consumer products, deploying networks and managing IT 102 2710 Walsh Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 Contact: Taqi Mohiuddin 408-453-4600 [email protected] www.eag.com Evans Analytical Group is a fully integrated, independent laboratory network providing high-value expert analytical and testing services to a wide range of industries and end users. EXFO 400 Godin Quebec QC G1M 2K2 418-683-0913 Contact: Marie-Anne Grondin [email protected] www.exfo.com At EXFO, we partner with operators, we listen, we adapt. We help our client drive innovation and optimize their network performance by delivering automated, intelligent and cloud-based test and monitoring solutions. Our passion for precision drives solutions that bring deep insights, unbiased and actionable intelligence and contextual analytics. GL Communications Inc 818 West Diamond Avenue,3rd Floor Gaithersburg, ME 20878 Contact: Shelley Sharma 301-670-4784 [email protected] www.gl.com GL Communications Inc. provides test and measurement equipments, and consulting services for telecommunication companies all around the world. We offer test, analysis and simulation products for Wireless, IP, Satellite, Fiber Optic, Microwave, and T1E1 T3E3 networks. Global Wireless Solutions, Inc. 23475 Rock Haven Way, Ste. 165 Dulles, VA 20166 Contact: Dan Halem 703-661-7000 [email protected] www.gwsolutions.com Global Wireless Solutions is the leading independent benchmarking solutions vendor for the wireless industry. GPS Networking 373 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, CO 81007 Contact: Eileen O’Halloran 800-463-3063 [email protected] www.gpsnetworking.com GPS Networking, Inc.specializes in global positioning products and solutions to enable an organization to effectively distribute the GPS signal throughout a site or facility. We have developed a line of building block GPS products which allow the custom design of a GPS network. For over 15 years, GPS Networking has been the number one provider of GPS Antenna Splitters, GPS Amplifiers, and GPS Re-radiating Kits in the world. Supplier Guide Griswold Tower Software, PC Isotrope, LLC JM Test Systems, Inc. 1408 Woody Creek Road Matthews, NC 28105 704-906-9113 Contact: William A. Griswold, Jr., PE [email protected] www.ptii.net TPT Contractor works with Penn Tech Tension Meters to assist contractors with the Twist, Plumb and Tension of Guyed Towers. See the Penn Tech website for additional information. 503 Main Street Medfield, MA 02052 Contact: Steve Riggs 508-359-8833 [email protected] www.isotrope.im Isotrope specializes in RFE safety measurements, benchmarking drive tests, indoor coverage measurements, interference remediation, RF coverage plotting and analysis. Guavus iTrinegy 1820 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 250 San Mateo, CA 94404 Contact: Suzanne McCormac 650-286-0636 [email protected] www.guavus.com Guavus is a big data analytics company ushering in a new class of applications that allow companies to put all their data to work. The company offers a suite of decisioning applications for network, marketing, monetization, security and customer care that are embedded with powerful data science to turn the non-stop processing of enterprise data into streaming insights and actions. 10 Tower Office Park, Ste. 620 Woburn, MA 01801 Contact: Debra Wilkins 888-448-4366 [email protected] www.itrinegy.com iTrinegy specializes in network emulation and network and application profiling technology 1600 Watterberg Way Alexandria, LA 71303 Contact: Barry Weltz 318-443-5589 ext. 3202 [email protected] www.jmtestsystems.com JM Test Systems, a full service metrology lab founded in 1982, provides NIST Traceable calibration and repair for electronic test instruments, as well as dimensional and mechanical test equipment. Our commitment is to accuracy, reliability, quality and service. JM Test Systems is an ISO/IEC 17025 lab accredited by A2LA. JM Test System complies with ANSI/NCSL Z-540 and ISO 10012-1. JDS Uniphase Corporation 109 Keene Crossing Nicholasville, KY 40356 Contact: Shyloh Knighten 251-327-8638 [email protected] Specialize in L&A, Co-locate, Mods, Beef-up, Audit (Mapping/ Quality) Hop & Test, etc. 430 N. McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Michael Tschirret 866-228-3762, Opt. 1 [email protected] www.jdsu.com JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of what’s important, making virtually every network in the world faster and more reliable. From development and planning, through deployment and turn-up testing, to optimization and assurance, JDSU test instruments, software, and expertise ensure that all networks, fiber, cable, and wireless are always working at their best. ipoque JDS Uniphase Corporation 6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr. Columbia, ME 21046 Contact: John Bonzey 617-682-4535 [email protected] www.ipoque.com ipoque is the leading European vendor for Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology. ipoque’s hardware and software solutions provide network intelligence, traffic management capabilities and policy control. This enables ipoque to address diverse market segments, including mobile and fixed network operators, vendors of network related technology and educational institutions. Our solutions help operators to better understand traffic patterns, monetize new data services and improve the quality of experience for their subscribers. 430 N. McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Contact: Michael Tschirret 866-228-3762, Opt. 1 [email protected] www.jdsu.com/go/smallcells JDSU serves markets that are at the heart of what’s important, making virtually every network in the world faster and more reliable. From development and planning, through deployment and turn-up testing, to optimization and assurance, JDSU test instruments, software, and expertise ensure that all networks, fiber, cable, and wireless are always working at their best. Infinite Tower Services Keysight Technologies www.keysight.com Keysight Technologies is the world’s leading electronic measurement company, transforming today’s measurement experience through innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions. With its HP and Agilent legacy, Keysight delivers solutions in wireless communications, aerospace and defense and semiconductor markets with world-class platforms, software and consistent measurement science. Litepoint 965 W. Maude Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 866-363-1911 [email protected] www.litepoint.com LitePoint creates wireless test solutions for developers of wireless chipsets and wireless consumer devices. LitePoint solutions have verified more than two billion wireless devices worldwide . Lyncole XIT Grounding 3547 Voyager St., Ste. 204 Torrance, CA 90503 Contact: Leslie Provenzano 310-214-4000 [email protected] www.Lyncole.com Lyncole is a grounding and electrical protection company. We off our a wide range engineering services and electrical protection products, including our XIT Grounding System. 103 Supplier Guide Magnaquest NetAmerica Alliance NYC DoITT Banjara Hills HYDERABAD 500007 Venkat NCS [email protected] www.magnaquest.com Magnaquest Technologies Limited is a trendsetting and fascinating innovative Enterprise Product-based Solutions Company, which has established its leadership over 15 years. 9700 Bissonnet, Ste. 2800 Houston, TX 77036 Contact: Ely Compean 830-822-6303 [email protected] www.netamericaalliance.com 4G LTE provider for Rural America 15 MTC - 18th Fl. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Contact: Smith 718-403-8430 [email protected] nyc.gov Public Safety - Local Government. Netscout P3 Communications 310 Littleton Road Westford, MA 01886 800-357-7666 [email protected] www.netscout.com NetScout Systems, Inc. is the market leader in Unified Service Delivery Management enabling comprehensive end-to-end network and application assurance. For over 25 years, NetScout has delivered breakthrough packet-flow technology that provides trusted and comprehensive real-time network and application performance intelligence for the network, applications and users. 412 Mt. Kemble Ave., Ste. G2 Morristown, NJ 07960 973-984-6050 [email protected] www.p3-group.com P3 communications is a leading internationally operating consulting, engineering and testing service company. We provide a broad portfolio of independent technical and management consulting, network planning, engineering and E2E optimization, security, QoS and QoE testing, international benchmarking, device testing and acceptance services to network operators, equipment vendors, device manufacturers and regulatory authorities worldwide. Mann Wireless 437 Middle Grove Rd. Middle Grove, NY 12850 Contact: Javier Jaramillo 518-587-2305 [email protected] www.mannwireless.com Mann Wireless, Ltd., provides in-building signal enhancement system design, installation and integration services. Metro 5 Skyline Dr. Hawthrone, NY 10532 Contact: John [email protected] metropcs.com Mobile Relay Associates 15330 Vermont Ave. Paramount, CA 90723 Contact: Joyce Peters 323-636-5202 [email protected] www.mra-raycom.com Specializing in Engineering, Installation, Maintenance, Tower Sites, and Repeaters. Complete turnkey communications systems for voice and data. Towers in Southern California and Texas. Digital Two-way radio NEXEDGE Network California. Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH Sandwiesenstrasse 7 Pfullingen 72793 Contact: Holger Schwarz -16804 [email protected] www.narda-sts.com Narda Test Solutions provides RF test-equipment: NRA (Remote Spectrum Analyzer for Monitoring RF Signals) and IDA 2 (Handheld Interference and Direction Analyzer for Localizing and Identifying RF Interferences). 104 NextG-Com Elizabeth House 56-60 London Road Staines-Upon-Thames UK TW18 4BQ Contact: Colin Aitken + 44 1784 462198 [email protected] www.nextgcom.co.uk NextG-Com Limited is a UK based independent technology development company specialising in software services and embedded system components for LTE, satellite and M2M standards. Nexus Telecom (Americas) Inc. 1410 Blair Place, Ste. 402 Ottawa, ON K1J 9B9 Contact: Elias Rafoul 613-224-2637 [email protected] www.nexustelecom.com Nexus Telecom is a major provider of telecom management systems, based on COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) following TMF standards, for network monitoring, service assurance and customer experience information. Nexus Telecom is a leading software solution provider for telecom operators to ensure superior network performance which increases customer satisfaction and thus, brings in more revenue. Pasternack Enterprises, Inc. 17802 Fitch Irvine, CA 92614 Contact: Penny L. Cotner 949-261-1920 [email protected] www.pasternack.com A leader in RF products since 1972, Pasternack is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer and supplier that offers the industry’s largest selection of passive and active RF, microwave and millimeter wave products available for same-day shipping. PCTEL Inc, RF Solutions 20410 Observation Dr, Ste. 200 Germantown, ME 20876 Contact: Chintan Fafadia 301-444-2015 [email protected] rfsolutions.pctel.com PCTEL RF Solutions specializes in the design, optimization and testing of today’s wireless communication networks. We develop and build innovative scanning receivers, drive test software, and interference management solutions that help wireless cellular operators get the most out of their wireless spectrum. Our highly-trained engineering services team uses state-of-the-art test, measurement, and design tools to provide engineering services for in-building and outdoor networks. Supplier Guide Polaris Networks Inc. Quixotic Consulting Group SGS 75 Robbins Road Lexington, MA 02421 Contact: Pamela Datta [email protected] www.polarisnetworks.net Polaris Networks is a global solution provider for wireless technologies. The company was started in 2003 by a group of former Agilent Technologies employees. Headquartered in Massachusetts, USA, the company has two R&D centers in Kolkata, India. 6009 West Parker Rd, Ste. 149-233 Plano, TX 75093 469-740-6525 Contact: Cyrus Radmanesh [email protected] www.quixoticconsultinggroup.com Business management consulting, program/project management solutions, wireless/fixed network deployment solutions, DAS and small cell implementation solutions, FTTx deployment solutions, quality assurance solutions, marketing solutions, unified communications solutions. 15150 Aveneue of Science, Ste. 300 San Diego, CA 92128 858-592-7100 Contact: Amy O’Regan [email protected] www.sgs.com Global Testing Company. Wireless services include SGS’s global network of labs offering true endto-end testing solutions to mobile manufacturers, carriers, ODMs and OEMs. QHS LLC 1820 W Desert View Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85041 602-788-6285 [email protected] www.qhsllc.com QHS is a boutique investment banking firm representing entities and institutions looking to sell or lease licensed FCC Spectrum and communication antenna sites. Quexor 3500 Boston St., Ste. 333 Baltimore, ME 21224 Apkudo 703-930-6669 [email protected] www.apkudo.com A device quality assurance company, Apkudo deeply and holistically tests pre-release mobile devices against millions of different possible usecases and activities to discover bugs and refine the user interface and experience. Quintech Electronics and Communications, Inc. 250 Airport Road Indiana, PA 15701 724-349-1412 David Chan [email protected] www.quintechelectronics.com We provide Test & Measurement Matrix Switching products. Our customers include Tier 1 wireless service providers, network equipment and component manufacturers. Our products are used for lab, R&D and product conformance, interoperability, network load, software regression and manufacturing testing applications which support legacy network compatibility with, MIMO, LTE, LTE-U, WiFi, and other Mobility Testing. We also provide Lab Automation and Management Software that facilitate wireless testing. Rohde & Schwarz 6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr. Columbia, ME 21046 Contact: Keith Cobler 410-910-7988 [email protected] www.rohde-schwarz.com Rohde & Schwarz is an international electronics group specialized in the fields of electronic test equipment, broadcasting, radiomonitoring and radiolocation, and radiocommunication. SAC Wireless, LLC Spirent Communications 1325 Borregas Avenue Sunnyvale , CA 94089 Contact: Sailaja Tennati 408-752-7100 [email protected] www.spirent.com Spirent’s 8100 system is the optimal solution for today’s LTE mobile device and chipset testing. The 8100 provides unique capabilities for simultaneous emulation of multi-technology (LTE, CDMA/ EV-DO, UMTS) and multi-cell networks (including advanced Enhanced Packet Core (EPC) emulation). SwissQual 1501 E. Woodfield Rd., Ste. 300E Schaumburg, IL 60173 Contact: Scott Pomykalski 847-944-1600 [email protected] www.sacw.com A full turnkey, self perform GC with Site Aqc, A&E, Construction, Technical Services and DAS services all in house. 17 Spectrum Pointe, Ste. 506 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Contact: Bob Poole 949-273-8241 [email protected] www.swissqual.com SwissQual, a Rohde & Schwarz company, is one of the largest independent suppliers of specialist equipment for wireless network service quality benchmarking and RF optimization. Sanjole Tekno Telecom 711 Kapiolani Blvd., Ste. 1050 Honolulu, HI 96813 808-457-1452 [email protected] www.sanjole.com Sanjole provides problem solving capabilities from inside the wireless network through deep analysis tools that provide visibility into events spanning multiple layers. 1250 Shore Rd. Naperville, IL 60563 Contact: Sam Galler 630-579-9800 [email protected] www.teknotelecom.com SS7, SIP, VOIP, IMS, LTE, 4G & Next-Gen Network Monitoring Manufacturer. Provides solutions for Inter-carrier Billing, Fraud, QoS, Protocol & Traffic Analysis. Supplier Guide TESSCO Technologies US Rack Distributors wirelessMETRIX 11126 McCormick Road Hunt Valley, ME 21784 Contact: Tong Duong 410-229-1016 [email protected] www.tessco.com/go/test TESSCO offers a comprehensive test equipment supply chain program furnishing testing solutions from fiber and RF to PIM including expert technical support, and financing options. 2805 E. Plano Parkway, Ste. 200 Plano, TX 75074 Contact: Mike Miehe 877-840-5530 [email protected] www.usrackdistributors.com US Rack Distributors is the Premier Value Added Distributor bringing Soundproof Energy Efficient Rackmount Enclosures to the IT market in the USA and Canada. 982 Coeur D Alene Way Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Contact: Malcolm Caraballo 855-711-5352 [email protected] www.wireless-metrix.com wirelessMETRIX provides a complete line of laptop and handheld based air interface or drive test tools for data collection and analysis. We also provide services and rentals of our tools. Testbook Ltd. VSS Monitoring 7 Midshires Business Park, Smeaton Close Aylesbury, UK HP19 8HL Contact: Vicki Russell + 44 01296 761886 [email protected] www.testbook.net Testbook develops advanced turn-up and maintenance tools for VoIP and Unified Communications allowing technicians to rapidly turn-up and maintain SIP trunks, hosted VoIP services, VoWLAN and VoIP OTT of LTE and 3G. 930 De Guigne Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Contact: Vincent Lui 408-697-8770 www.vssmonitoring.com www.vssmonitoring.com VSS Monitoring is a world leader in network packet brokers (NPBs), providing a visionary systems approach for optimizing and scaling the connectivity between network switching and the universe of network monitoring and network security tools. VSS Monitoring NPBs improve tool usage and efficiency, simplify IT operations and greatly enhance ROI from tools. TRS-RenTelco 1830 W Airfield Drive DFW Airport, TX 75261 972-456-4000 [email protected] www.trs-rentelco.com TRS-RenTelco is one of the largest suppliers of electronic test equipment for rent, lease or sale in North America. We support the telecommunications, R&D, semiconductor and wireless industries around the world with our vast electronic test equipment inventory, reliable availability and exceptional service. TWR Lighting, Inc. 4300 Windfern Rd, #100 Houston, TX 77041 Contact: Sandra Prewitt 713-973-6905 [email protected] www.twrlighting.com FAA approved & ETL Certified manufacturer of Aviation Obstruction Lighting for towers including: Our L-450 All LED Systems, LED Beacons and Obstruction Lights, High Intensity Lighting and Monitoring Systems. WesBrodsky Wireless Communication 247 High Street Medford, MA 02155 Contact: Wes Brodsky 781-866-9816 [email protected] www.wesbrodsky-wireless.com WesBrodsky Wireless Communication provides consulting for communications and RF systems; including the testing of analog and digital signal processing, RF/microwave design, antennas, and propagation. Wireless Research Center of North Carolina 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Ste. 101 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Contact: Randle Sherian 919-435-0051 x102 [email protected] wirelesscenter-nc.org WRCNC uses a Satimo SG64 for OTA testing and antenna measurements and WRCNC is a listed CATL for OTA testing located in Wake Forest, NC. UPCOMING 2016 EDITORIAL PROGRAMS INCLUDE: J A N U A RY 2 0 1 6 IoT Innovation Series: IoT: Opportunities for Carriers Need guaranteed leads? Thought leadership? Incremental content marketing opportunities? Sponsor an RCR Wireless News' multi-platform, editorial program and receive the following benefits: F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 6 Analyst Angle Series: Managing Mobile Traffic to Maximize QoE and Performance Test & Measurement Series: Small Cell Testing: Getting Small Cell Networks Right MARCH 2016 Editorial Webinar – sponsorship includes 250 guaranteed leads, participation as sponsored guest and recognition as sponsor in all promotional materials. Sponsors will receive webinar registration and attendee list, responses to pre and post surveys and polling responses gathered during webinar. Telecom Software Series: NFV, SDN and Cloud: How Deep and Where? Editorial Feature Report – in addition to recognition as sponsor in program promotion, sponsorship includes 250 guaranteed leads, distinct from webinar leads, 2-page ad spread or advertorial in feature report, and responses to lead capture survey questions. APRIL 2016 For information contact [email protected] 25% discount When you sponsor 2 or more programs Fast facts about RCR Wireless News digital network (October 2015) 372,863 monthly page views HetNet Series: The Future of Wi-Fi M AY 2 0 1 6 HetNet Series: Case Studies: Outdoor DAS and Small Cells Analyst Angle Series: VoLTE, VoWiFi: Voice Comes to the Fore, Again 262,599 unique monthly visitors to websites JUNE 2016 76,000+ opt in newsletter subscribers HetNet Series: Scalability, ROI and the Business Case for Small Cells 269,957 monthly video minutes viewed on RCR Wireless News Youtube channel 68,522 monthly videos viewed on RCR Wireless News Youtube channel Industry leading demand generation programs and results J U LY 2 0 1 6 HetNet Series: View from the Top: Tower and Antenna Technology Trends AUGUST 2016 Telecom Software Series: Assuring the Virtualized Networks of the Future Each program is limited to three (3) sponsors http://www.rcrwireless.com/category/free-reports