The Complete - BEEF Magazine


The Complete - BEEF Magazine
The Complete
Judd Ranch
Fall 2009
12 Years in a Row:
Judd Ranch #1 Dam of Merit/
Distinction Owner, Breeder
Judd Ranch - The
Program, People
Dave and Cindy Judd entered the
Gelbvieh seedstock business more
than 27 years ago with their eyes wide
open. At the time, Dave was fresh
out of college and had researched for
hours on end to pinpoint the strengths
and weaknesses of all purebred beef
breeds in the United States. Dave
says the one breed that stood out
among the rest was Gelbvieh.
“We were impressed with the
breed’s maternal strength and pounds
of calf weaned per cow exposed and
were fortunate when a large group of
half-blood Gelbvieh females came
available from one source,” Dave
“We knew that we wanted to
spend the next years breeding up to
purebred status and then dedicate
the rest of our lives raising highperforming, practical Gelbvieh that
would pay the bills and meet the
needs of our customers.”
From the very beginning, the
couple’s goal wasn’t just to be
another breeder of purebred cattle.
Their goal was to build a herd that
would be among the best beef herds
in the United States.
Performance Analysis information
shows, there is a BIG difference
among cowherds, including among
purebred herds. To be on the top
end when it comes to performance
and efficiency, Dave and Cindy
concentrated on combining functional
traits such as structural soundness,
udder and teat conformation,
fleshing ability, disposition, calving
ease and mothering ability with
economic traits such as birth weight,
weaning weight, yearling weight and
efficiency of gain.
They advanced their herd using an
intense AI program and selecting elite
females and sires for their embryo
transfer program. Early in the game,
they used an independent third party
to take appropriate measurements,
and they culled with zest.
Judd Ranch is all about numbers—
Hiawatha, Kansas
Permit No. 3
Judd Ranch pastures contain more Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction females
than any other breeder in the United States. And you gotta appreciate the tremendous testicular development of this powerhouse bull calf nursing a Judd
Ranch 2009 Dam of Merit.
not number of cows but numbers
such as objective measurements. In
fact, the Judds have more than eight
generations of objective performance
data, including weights, rate of gain
and such, plus measurements for
pelvic size, scrotal circumference,
frame, backfat and ribeye area.
Each Cow a Factory
“At Judd Ranch, every cow is
viewed as a factory,” Dave tells. “It
is her job to cycle, breed and calve
on a regular basis and then to raise a
calf that is genetically superior to her
and the sire of her calf. She must be
extremely fertile, structurally correct,
have a quiet disposition and have
that all-important marketability.
“We don’t tolerate free-loaders
and other females that don’t meet
our stringent criteria. They are out
of here and sold for ground beef.
We don’t sell our less-than-Juddstandard animals to other cattlemen.
We only sell females and bulls
that are worthy of the Judd Ranch
Today Judd Ranch pastures
are filled with 600-plus registered
purebred Gelbvieh and Balancer
females, 100 recipient females, 150
Gelbvieh and Balancer replacement
heifers and about 30 Red Angus
females. The Red Angus are used to
produce Red Angus breeding stock
as well as Balancers.
Almost every ranch visitor is
quick to notice and comment on
the herd’s amazing teat and udder
structure and their moderate frame.
“Judd Ranch has to be the No. 1
herd in the nation for teat and udder
structure,” states sale consultant
Additional herd information
about the Judd Ranch program:
Two calving seasons: Fall and
90% of females are settled AI.
Pasture bulls are nationally
known AI sires.
100% calf crop weaned for
several consecutive years, with
twins supplementing this average.
ET program features 15 to 20
donors flushed three times a year.
Contains more Dam of Merit/
Dam of Distinction females than any
(Continued on Page 2)
Judd Ranch remained the No.
1 Owner and No. 1 Breeder of
American Gelbvieh Associationrecognized Dams of Merit and Dams
of Distinction. This marks the 12th
consecutive year Judd Ranch has
earned both prestigious honors.
Judd Ranch earned the No.
1 position as Owner of Dams of
Merit and Dams of Distinction
with 22 Dams of Distinction and
70 Dams of Merit—for a total of 92
performance-honored females. The
ranch in second place for the number
of Dams of Distinction and Dams of
Merit had 48 honored females—or
44 fewer honored females than Judd
In the Top Breeder category
for AGA Dams of Merit/Dams of
Distinction, Judd Ranch blazed the
way with 102 honored females: 24
Dams of Distinction and 78 Dams of
Merit. The second-place owner had
48 total honored females.
“When you look at the numbers—
the facts, it’s clear why the name of
Judd Ranch’s annual female sale is
Cow Power,” states sale consultant
Connection. “And achieving the No.
1 position as owner and as breeder
takes constant focus on an all-around
cow program.
Association truly makes each female
earn her Dam of Merit or Dam of
Distinction honor. The program is
not subjective; it’s objective with
each female’s performance either
earning her or not earning her a
Dam of Merit or Dam of Distinction
Honor Elite Females
Only 5.5 percent of the registered
females in the Gelbvieh breed
qualify for Dam of Merit, and fewer
than 1 percent—just 0.7 percent—
meet the criteria for the Dam of
Distinction honor. Thus, Judd
Ranch’s Dam of Merit and Dam of
Distinction females are truly among
an extremely elite group of females.
“If you want to add powerful,
breed-recognized genetics to your
cowherd, Judd Ranch’s Oct. 11 sale
is your opportunity,” Gatz interjects.
“Several Dam of Merit/Dam of
Distinction females are included
in the Oct. 11 sale offering, plus a
significant number of females in
the sale are either a daughter or
granddaughter of these honored
females. They carry the elite genetics
that can help improve your herd’s
“There is only one No. 1 Breeder
and only one No. 1 Owner of Dam
of Merit and Dam of Distinction
cows, and that is Judd Ranch.”
Gatz adds that, if the breed had a
teat/udder quality trait, Judd Ranch
would rank No. 1 in the breed.
Last year, 93 percent of the
females in the sale were out of a
Dam of Merit, Dam of Distinction
or AGA-honored cow family, and a
similar percent to this is anticipated
in this year’s sale.
AGA Program
The AGA’s Dam of Merit
program recognizes cows that meet
strict selection criteria including
early puberty and conception, regular
calving intervals and above-average
weaning weights on at least three
calves while the Dam of Distinction
honor acknowledges cows that meet
the same high standards for superior,
long-term production with at least
eight calves.
Dam of Merit and Dam of
Distinction females must qualify
each year. Thus, earning the No. 1
spot one year does not guarantee a
repeat performance. All depends
on each cow’s performance and the
performance of her offspring year
after year.
Susan Willmon, AGA Director of
Breed Improvement, points out that
(Continued on Page 2)
Page 2
Judd Ranch
(Continued from Page 1)
herd in the United States.
Showing Philosophy
In the early years, the Judd
Ranch crew made the rounds and
exhibited cattle at the local county
fairs, Kansas State Fair and other
nearby state fairs and competed
in the showring. On the national
level, the Judd showstring hit the
American Royal, North American
Louisville, and the National Western
Stock Show in Denver. And, during
those years, Judd Ranch picked up its
share of Grand Champion/National
Champion honors.
Today, however, Judd Ranch
participates in only one show: the
National Western Stock Show in
“Through the years we’ve
narrowed our show efforts to just
Denver due to three reasons. Two
of the reasons are time and labor,”
Cindy explains. “Even with the
boys (Nick and Brent) home and
partnering with us, the ranch simply
demands our time.
“The other key reason is that
we don’t want to be competing
with females and bulls that we sell
in our sales. That said, we all look
forward to the National Western
Stock Show’s Pen Bull Show and
the National Gelbvieh Show in
Eldest son Nick is in charge of
the Denver pens of bulls.
“We earn our bread and butter
from our bull sales, so it makes sense
to keep active in a competition that is
focused on commercial bulls,” Nick
states. “The judges of Denver’s
Pen Show look for bulls that will
meet the needs of the commercial
Judd Ranch’s win record at the
Denver Pen Show is extremely
impressive, earning Champion or
Reserve Champion honors for 10
out of the past 13 years.
Another honor that makes the
Judd Ranch crew smile is being
named Dam of Merit/Dam of
Distinction Breeder and Dam of
Merit/Dam of Distinction Owner for
12 consecutive years. (See article on
Page 1.)
Judd Ranch’s dedication to
breeding high-performing cattle
has earned it other awards as well.
In 2004, the Kansas Livestock
Association named Judd Ranch
Judd Ranch is a family-owned, family-run seedstock enterprise where every
family member is involved. The Judd family includes (left to right) Ashley and
Brent Judd, Cindy and Dave Judd with grandchildren Lily (front) and Levi (in
Dave’s arms) and Ginger and Nick Judd.
“Seedstock Producer of the Year,”
an award that pitted this Gelbvieh
enterprise against all purebred
breeders in the state of Kansas. In
2003, Kansas State University’s
Block and Bridle organization
presented Dave and Cindy Judd and
crew its “Outstanding Stockman”
In addition to honors for its
cattle and cattle management, Judd
Ranch has earned an award for its
management of natural resources. In
2007 Judd Ranch was the recipient of
the State Grassland Award, an award
given in recognition for management
of native grass, conservation of
water and being good stewards of
the land.
Family Operation
When Judd Ranch first began
raising Gelbvieh, it was just Dave
and Cindy and a few part-time
employees. Today, sons Nick and
Brent, both graduates of Kansas
State University, are an integral
part of Judd Ranch. Both boys are
married and their wives help out as
“You won’t find better horsewomen and harder workers than
Nick’s wife Ginger and Brent’s
wife Ashley,” states sale consultant
Gatz. “Both are super handy when
it comes to weighing, sorting and
Judd Ranch
working cattle on horseback.”
If you want to get a smile out
of Dave and Cindy, just ask them
about their granddaughter Lily and
grandson Levi. These grandparents
love it when Nick and Ginger’s
two children “help out” with ranch
“We are so fortunate to have
two sons who wanted to return to
the family business,” Cindy states.
“And we are also blessed to have
Ginger and Ashley who love the beef
business as much as Dave, the boys
and I do.”
Customers, Friends
While Dave, Cindy and the boys
enjoy the challenge of producing
outstanding Gelbvieh, Balancer and
Red Angus females and bulls, they
also like the customer aspect of their
“Sale days are truth-finding and
let us know the value our customers
put on our program and its animals,”
Dave states.
“I also like sale day because we
get to see lots of customers at one
time. Even if we don’t get to talk
to everyone, seeing a person’s face
from the auction block is nice.”
Cindy points out that, in an ideal
world, she, Dave and the boys would
have time sale day to visit individually
with every one who attends the sale.
“But sale day is so hectic,” Cindy
says. “Between preparing for the
free lunch at noon and getting the
cattle ready, we can’t spend the time
on sale day with each and every
person that we would like to spend.
Cindy adds that, after the sale,
she and Dave have more time and
encourage sale attendees to come
up and interact with them. After
all, customer service and customer
satisfaction are two items high on
the Judd Ranch priority list.
“We want to treat those who
purchase our females and bulls like
we would want to be treated,” Cindy
relates. “We want people to know
that they are purchasing honest
cattle for honest prices—and that
those cattle carry the Judd Ranch
Cindy adds that individuals
attending the Cow Power Female
Sale are invited to come the day
prior, look over the various sale lots
and join them for an evening social
at the ranch.
“During the social we have more
free time, and it’s our way of saying
#1 Breeder, Owner
(Continued from Page 1)
productivity and longevity are two
key economic traits that contribute
significantly to profitability in the
cow business, and are the reason the
AGA created its Dam of Merit and
Dam of Distinction program.
“Cows that calve as two-yearolds and have a healthy calf every
year for 10 to 12 years have greater
lifetime efficiency than cows culled
at younger ages because of infertility,
bad udders or some other functional
problem. Cows that get the job done
year after year, with no problems,
simply make more money,” Willmon
“To be the breeder or owner of a
Dam of Merit or Dam of Distinction
Gelbvieh female is a testament to the
emphasis our breeders place on cow
productivity. The Gelbvieh breed
offers females with the genetics to
maintain high maternal productivity,
which ultimately adds profit for beef
producers in terms of more pounds
of calf per cow exposed.”
Judd Ranch relies on horses for a significant amount of their work on the
ranch. Ready to round up a pasture of females are (left to right) ranchhand
Will Johnson, Dave Judd, son Nick, son Brent and Brent’s wife Ashley.
Can’t attend the sale?
Join the many buyers who use Judd
Ranch’s FREE Sight Unseen Program.
This newsletter is brought to you by Judd Ranch Inc.
Dave & Cindy Judd
Nick & Ginger Judd & family
Brent & Ashley Judd
Pomona, KS 66076
Phone: 785/566-8371
Judd Ranch
Page 3
Randy and Shannon Chenoweth, Quenemo, Kan.—
An Across-U.S. Search for ‘The Best’ Takes Them
Just Four Miles from Home
The JR brand is your sign of top-quality genetics backed by honest, hardworking people who value satisfied customers. This JR brand belongs to another 2009 Dam of Merit.
JRI Profit Agent 46N
Homozygous Polled Balancer
Birthdate: 3-6-03
BW: 77#
WW: 746#
YW: 1,252#
Yrlg. Scrotal: 39.1 cm
Profit Agent was the top Balancer bull calf in the ‘03 spring calf crop.
This low birthweight-widespread growth individual has developed into
one meat machine. His sons feature that same widespread low birth
to super growth trend and, man, are they beef packers. Profit Agent
daughters are tremendous females. Example: One of the first Profit
Agent daughters to calve at Judd Ranch weaned a scale-busting 958pound bull calf—that’s 81% of his dam’s body weight!
Profit Agent’s Glacier Logan 210 dam is one of the top Red Angus
females in the Judd Ranch program. Sired by Logan 210, a Red Angus
leader for marbling and added carcass value, this high-producing dam
is an all-around winner: fertility plus growth plus carcass.
Profit Agent daughters and his services
sell Sunday, Oct. 11.
Although Randy Chenoweth
of Quenemo, Kan., had grown
up around commercial cows and
appreciates them, he wanted to raise
purebred cattle. His challenge when
entering the beef business 20 years
ago, however, was identifying the
“best” breed.
“The breed for me had to be
more than hype,” Randy states. “So,
with the purebred thing so new to
me, I read a lot and looked at a lot
of breeds. Everything kept pointing
me toward Gelbvieh. I particularly
liked the breed’s excellent fertility,
docile temperament and pounds of
calf weaned per cow exposed.”
Once the decision to go Gelbvieh
was made, Randy said he needed to
identify where to buy the females
that would be his base herd.
“Again I looked and looked—this
time looking at different Gelbvieh
relates. “I knew I wanted to start
with a base from the best herd. I had
learned that, if you’re going to do
things, do them right and invest in
the best.
“In the end, I was fortunate
enough that the best was just four
miles from home: Judd Ranch.”
Randy’s first Judd Ranch female
sale is etched in his mind. He says
he approached Dave and told him he
was interested in buying a couple of
females that would form the nucleus
of his new purebred Gelbvieh herd.
Dave grabbed a sale catalog and
quickly marked a few cows for his
At the end of the sale, Randy
was the owner of a couple of Judd
Ranch females and had entered the
purebred Gelbvieh business.
Now, 20 years later, Randy has
a purebred Gelbvieh herd of about
35 head. Every animal but two head
either carry the Judd Ranch brand or
are out of Judd Ranch animals.
“Why go anywhere else when
my Judd Ranch females and bulls
are doing such a great job?” Randy
“And I keep needing a few heifers.
For some reason, my females keep
giving me more bull calves than
heifer calves. I vividly remember
the year that, out of 20 some cows,
I only got two heifers,” Randy says.
“When you’re in the building mode
like I am, bull calves aren’t what you
Last year, Randy took home JRI
Ms Sweet Pea 270R31 with a heifer
calf at side and JRI Ms Hot Tamale.
Having a fall herd for many years,
Randy is starting a spring herd and
is gradually adding to that spring
herd. When he retires, his goal is to
have 25 to 30 fall calvers and 25 to
30 spring calvers. He says the two
herds will spread his workload and
allow maximum use of his bull.
Randy says he no longer has to
hit Dave up when he arrives sale day.
Instead, he studies his sale catalog,
highlighting females that meet his
criteria. He says he first zeroes in on
calving ease, then weaning weight
EPDs and goes from there.
“Dave has taught me a lot,”
Randy states.” I’ve learned to pay
attention to EPDs and recognize
the importance of having balanced
“Because the Judds want a
good solid cow, they don’t breed
for the extremes, and that’s to my
Visually, this purebred breeder
says he is after problem-free females.
Color is not important. It’s all about
quality—from good teat and udder
structure and good feet and legs to a
moderate frame
“Temperament is also extremely
important as my wife Shannon helps
me a lot,” Randy states. “We don’t
want non-docile females in our herd.”
Randy says building his herd
with Judd Ranch females—and
paying attention to what’s important
to him at selection time—has had its
“In the years I’ve bought Judd
cows, I’ve never touched a calf,”
Randy explains. “I have a full-time,
off-farm job. So, when it’s calving
season, I have to wish a heifer and cow
good luck and go to work. Calving
ease is a huge, huge deal to me.”
Another benefit comes at
“My Judd Ranch cows are
producing for me,” Randy notes. “I
just weaned my fall bull calves, and
they averaged 875 pounds. While
my fall calves do get supplement,
you gotta like those weights. And it’s
the same 800-plus pound weaning
weights year after year.”
While Randy acknowledges that
he could probably sell a few bulls, he
stresses that he and his wife are not in
the bull business. They operate their
purebred herd as a commercial herd,
castrating male calves and keeping
only the top end of the heifers. Steer
calves are marketed through the
local auction barn.
This year Randy and his wife
received notice from the American
Gelbvieh Association that three of
their females earned Dam of Merit
“It’s pretty exciting when you
have three head out of 35 head get
recognized by the breed association
for their producing ability,” Randy
states. “And I should have two or three
others that should qualify next year.
“Judd Ranch gives me the
genetics. It’s then my responsibility
to manage those genetics.”
Randy’s herd has a tight calving
season. This year the first 26 calves
arrived in just 41 days.
“An older gentleman once told
me that you can never fall in love
with a cow, because, if you do,
she’ll lose you money,” Randy tells.
“Those were wise words. Plus, I’m
a businessman. My animals have to
produce and make money on their
own. If they aren’t fertile, producing
to their ability and making me
money, they are gone.
“That’s why Judd Ranch is my
No. 1 source for genetics. My Judd
Ranch animals make me money.
There’s something to be said, too,
for the Judds being good cattle
people, good neighbors and good
people overall.
“Dave, Cindy and the boys know
the importance of customers, and I’m
glad to be one of those customers.”
All Balancer females selling sale day have been DNA tested, with tests confirming each is
free of the Angus breed’s AM (Curly Calf Syndrome) and NH (neuropathic hydrocephalus).
All Balancer and Angus service sires used are also free of both genetic defects.
Page 4
Pat Burrell, Silsbee, Texas—
Judd Cows ‘Best Cows Ever Had
on My Place’
Pat Burrell of Silsbee, Texas,
said he became acquainted with
Judd Ranch while reading an insert
in a regional livestock publication.
Curious and wanting more from his
cows, Pat hooked up his trailer and
went to his first Judd Ranch bull sale
back in March of 2008.
“Everyone I talked to—and I
talked to a lot of people—said positive
things about Judd Ranch bulls and the
people who raised them,” Pat states.
“So I bought a bull for me and a bull
for my brother-in-law.
“I liked the bull so much that I
bought two bred heifers in the ’08
Cow Power Female Sale. Those
two were purchased using the Sight
Unseen Program at the ’08 sale.”
Pat explained that he liked his Judd
Ranch bull—and the Judd Ranch
bull purchased by his brother-inlaw—so much that he wanted to get
the best of what Judd Ranch had to
offer female wise. Thus, he gave sale
consultant Roger Gatz of Cattlemen’s
Connection a nice sum of money to
spend on two bred heifers.
“I like to buy quality, and I’ve
learned that I can make more money
off of quality cattle than from brush
cattle—and Judd Ranch definitely
produces high-quality cattle,” Pat
states. “The good news is that Roger
never spent all that I gave him using
the Sight Unseen Program. In fact, I
got my two heifers for around $2,500
less than I gave him to spend.”
Pat describes the two bred heifers
as “mighty nice” with exceptional
dispositions. While both heifers
calved without incident and both had
heifer calves, wolves got one calf.
Thus, Pat has only one heifer calf.
“But she’s a real sassy-looking
heifer,” he interjects. “She’s thicker
made than my other calves, and she
weighs about 100 pounds more than
the other calves. This is all on her
own as neither the cow nor the calf
are treated any differently than my
other cows and calves.
“Both females are the best cows
I’ve ever had on my place.”
Pat says his brother-in-law is also
quite pleased with his Judd Ranch
genetics, adding that the calves
garnered 10 to 15 cents more per
pound than their herdmates when
sold at auction.
Wanting to replace his brush
cattle with higher-quality cattle, Pat
bought several Judd Ranch embryos
via private treaty. His first ET calves
are due the end of September, and
he’s excited to see them arrive and
His plans for the ET calves
include raising them and showing
them at the Houston Livestock
“If you’re going to raise purebred
cattle, you’re ahead to buy and
raise the best you can,” Pat states.
“My experience with Judd Ranch
genetics—and talking to others
who have invested in Judd Ranch
genetics—is that the Judd’s have
built a solid program that is second
to none. I’m fortunate that I can get a
piece of that action.”other cows and
Judd Ranch
Dam of Merit
females flat
know how
to raise ‘em.
Please note that
96 percent of
females in the
Oct. 11 sale
hail from a
Dam of Merit/
Distinction cow
Save the Date:
32nd Judd Ranch Bull Sale, Saturday, March 6,
2010. 200-plus ready-to-use Spring Yearling and
Fall 18-month-old Bulls Sell
Judd Ranch
Why Zero in on Udder Shape, Conformation
If you think udder health and
shape is something only dairy
producers should be concerned
about, research shows that beef
producers should think again.
“One of the most important
functional traits of a beef cow is
udder and teat conformation,”
states Dr. David Kirkpatrick of the
University of Tennessee. “Udder
shape and conformation affect cow
productivity and longevity.
“Udder and teat quality are
important functional traits and
appear to be heritable. Their
soundness should be an important
concern because of their relationship
to injury and mastitis and calf
performance affected by reduction
of milk flow.”
Oklahoma State University beef
researchers report that heritability
estimates of udder characteristics
are variable, with up to 25% of udder
soundness heritable. Yes, change can
be made through selection.
The Beef Improvement Federation, whose membership includes
national breed associations and 20
state livestock associations, has
established an udder suspension
and teat size scores system. Why?
“Udder and teat quality are among
the most important functional traits
of beef females,” the BIF “Udder
Suspension and Teat Size Scores”
sheet states. “Unsound udders and
teats are associated with reduced
productive life and inferior calf
performance, and poor udder and teat
conformation is a major reason why
cows are culled from the breeding
Sale consultant Roger Gatz says
he has always been impressed with
the teat and udder quality of females
in the Judd Ranch herd.
“The superior teat and udder
quality can be seen in every photo
in this newsletter, and the females
photographed weren’t handpicked
from the Judd Ranch herd. Judd
Ranch is the No.1 teat and udder
program in the breed,” Gatz states.
JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET
Homozygous Polled Purebred
Birthdate: 1-22-02
BW: 79#
WW: 739#
YW: 1,194#
Ylg. Scrotal: 39.7 cm
Top Secret is one of the most exciting homozygous polled/diluter-free purebred bulls
ever produced at Judd Ranch. A member of Judd Ranch’s 2003 Reserve National
Champion Pen of 3 in Denver, this beef machine is a Breed Trait Leader for low birth
weight, short gestation and scrotal circumference.
Top Secret is stamping his progeny with his excellence.
His sons topped the red bull offering at the ’06 Judd Ranch bull sale,
averaging $5,114 and posting an amazing 6.29# ADG average.
To date, 159 Top Secret sons have averaged $3,961 at the annual Judd Ranch bull
sales. Top Secret daughters in production are truly spacious,
with an abundance of natural fleshing ability and magnificent teat/udder systems.
Top Secret semen has been off the
market for two years, and his semen
inventory is nearly exhausted. Get your
Top Secret daughters while you can.
Daughters and Services
of Top Secret Sell Oct. 11.
Judd Ranch
Page 5
Sight Unseen Program:
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
If the date of the Judd Ranch
Cow Power Female Sale—Sunday,
Oct. 11—is already taken by another
activity, no worries. Just use Judd
Ranch’s Sight Unseen Program.
“The Sight Unseen Program is
free and designed for individuals
who can’t make it to the sale for
one reason or another but want to
purchase a female or two,” states
sale consultant Roger Gatz of
Cattlemen’s Connection.
Gatz explains that some SUS
customers are busy fall calving on
Oct. 11, some have a family or church
commitment, some have an off-farm
job and are working on Sunday and
others don’t have the time to make
the drive to and from the sale. Some
SUS customers simply appreciate
the convenience of the service and
use it.
“Sight Unseen buyers usually buy
about one out of every four females
in past sales, and not one of those
buyers has returned a female that
was purchased for them. In fact, it’s
more common to hear remarks such
as ‘She’s everything I expected from
her sale catalog information and my
discussion with you.’”
Gatz says that the SUS program
can be used in two ways: 1) The
customer selects the animals and tells
him or the Judds which animals to
bid on or 2) The customer shares his/
her selection criteria with Gatz or the
Judds, states the number of females
wanted and have Gatz or the Judds
select the animals for him/her.
Either way, the customer
determines the amount of dollars
to spend—whether it’s a maximum
amount for several animals wanted
or a specific amount for each animal
For example, one customer in the
’08 Cow Power Female Sale wanted
three spring bred females and had
X amount of dollars to spend on the
three head but didn’t want to spend
more than Y amount of dollars
on any one head. This buyer had
handpicked the 12 animals that he
was interested in purchasing and
shared those lot numbers with Gatz.
In the end, an SUS representative
was able to purchase three spring
bred females within the buyer’s
“But that isn’t always the case,”
Gatz shares. “Sometimes we’re
outbid. Just like if a person was at
the sale. You don’t always get to take
home every animal that you want.
That said, SUS customers can
rest assured that we won’t spend
more on any one animal than he or
she has given us to spend. Our goal
is actually to get every SUS purchase
for the least amount of money as
possible. That’s what every buyer
wants when he or she is sitting on
the auction bleachers. There are no
rafter bids with this service. If we
can buy a female for less money
than we’re given, we will.”
Judd Ranch also guarantees that
This Judd Ranch 2009 Dam of Merit is pictured in her working clothes just
the day before her baby was weaned. Take note of that beautiful udder and
teat structure. That’s the Judd Ranch stamp.
each person using its Sight Unseen
Program will like the female or
females purchased for them or the
animals can be returned at no cost.
First Time, Repeat Users
When Pat Burrel of Silsbee,
Texas, discovered that the date of
the ’08 Cow Power Female Sale
conflicted with another event, he
immediately gave Roger Gatz of
Cattlemen’s Connection a call.
“I had been to the Judd’s bull sale
back in March of ‘08 and knew that
I wanted a couple of Judd Ranch
females but I simply couldn’t make
the sale,” Pat tells. “So I picked up
the phone and told Roger the type of
females that I wanted.
“He ended up picking out two
really good heifers—and I mean
really good heifers. The heifers
purchased for me were even better
than what I might have purchased
on my own. Both were bred females,
and I got the two for a whole lot less
than I had planned to spend.”
Preston Staley, Tres Lagos
Ranch, Weston, Texas, is a loyal
bull customer, having purchased one
bull a year for five years or so. Last
year, Preston decided he wanted to
add a few Judd Ranch females to his
herd. Rather than make the trip from
Texas, he used the Sight Unseen
“I had used the Sight Unseen for
buying bulls as I’ve only been to
one Judd Ranch bull sale,” Preston
states. “I was confident that Roger
would do another good job for me
buying females.”
Preston says he went through his
Cow Power sale catalog and found a
couple of females that fit his criteria
and shared that info with Gatz. Then
Preston opened the door and asked
Gatz if he knew of any specific
heifers that might work in his Texas
“I’m aware that Roger has seen
every female in the sale,” Preston
states. “He knows every female
and has a sale catalog marked up
with all kinds of notes. I decided to
take advantage of his expertise and
knowledge and get his input before I
gave him my final list.
“In the end, I think I gave him
four heifers to bid on, knowing that I
only wanted to buy two of the four.”
Preston opted to specify a
This super second-calf dam and her beef-machine bull calf are among the
many outstanding pairs that graze Judd Ranch pastures.
maximum amount for each of the
two females that he wanted. When
the ’08 female sale ended, an SUS
two heifers with Preston’s bidder
number—and he didn’t have to
spend all that he specified. In fact,
each heifer cost him $600 less than
what he was willing to pay.
“And I liked the heifers when
they came off the truck and like ‘em
to this day,” he states. “Both met my
criteria—and they had really nice
bull calves.”
Jackie Leonhardt, Leonhardt
Cattle Co., Lake Preston, S.D.,
calls the Sight Unseen Program “a
wonderful tool.” Jackie should know
as she’s used the SUS Program in
last year’s female sale.
Jackie said she prefers to select
the animals on paper that meet the
ranch’s criteria, then discuss each
lot with sale consultant Roger Gatz.
“Roger is as honest as they come,
and he knows the type of females
that we want,” Jackie states. “If
he thinks a particular female that
I haven’t marked would be better
for our program, he’ll say so. But
he lets me make the final decision
regarding what females we want to
try to buy.
“And, although we’ve never used
the customer satisfaction guarantee,
I know that it’s there and that Judd
Ranch will take back any female
that doesn’t meet our expectations.
Dave and Cindy Judd and Roger are
people of integrity.”
Call Now to Participate
To learn more about Judd
Ranch’s Sight Unseen program, call
either ranch consultant Roger Gatz
of Cattlemen’s Connection at 1-800743-0026 or Judd Ranch at 785/5668371. And, if you want to use the
SUS program, the Judds and Roger
ask that you call at least two days or
more prior to the sale.
“The more lead time we have,
the better for us and for you,” Roger
states. “We want to find the best
females for you and your program,
and that takes a time commitment
from us. Plus, you know how hectic
it can get the day before the sale and
sale day.”
SUS Facts
• Of past female sales, 25% or
more of animals are sold to SUS
• Every SUS animal purchased is
covered by a customer satisfaction
guarantee or she is returned to
Judd Ranch at no cost. To date, not
one SUS female purchase has been
returned to the ranch.
• The maximum dollar amount
given for a specific animal or group
of animals will never be exceeded.
Five out of 10 times SUS buyers—
bull and female—do not spend
their maximum amount.
FREE trucking
within continental U.S.
on purchases totaling
$15,000 or more.
This is convenient,
door-to-door delivery.
Judd Ranch 19th Annual
38 Fall Breds & Fall Cow-Calf Pairs
The fall bred females and fall cow-calf pairs include:
• 36 purebred Gelbvieh
• 2 Balancers
• 10 first-calf heifers
• 4 ’09 Dam of Distinction females
• 2 ’09 Dam of Merit females
• 4 past-honored Dam of Merit feamles
• 92% are Dams of Distinction, Dams of Merit and/or come from Dam of Merit cow families
100% of this offering is sired by breed-leading AI sires:
• Top Secret, 5
• Extra Exposure, 5
• Black N Stacked, 3
• Grand Prix, 2
• Freedom, 3
• Carolina Hero, 1
• 2106K, 1
• Polled Summit, 1
Service Sires:
• Top Secret, 8
• Top Grid, 4
• Prime Cut, 2
• Profit Agent, 3
• Journey, 4
• Cowboy Cut, 1
• Cherokee Canyon 176S72, 6
Free Agent, 10
Polled Gizmo, 3
Extra 150D, 2
New Trend, 2
• Extra Exposure, 5
• Black Eyed Jack, 3
• Mytty In Focus, 2
Sunday, Oct. 11, at the ranch, Po
Sale starts pro
127 Lo
les in th
d92% of
by bree
sale are g AI sires.
What an incredible offering! Most will have calved by sale day, with others just waiting shortly to calve. You’ll like
the selection of young females as most are 5 years of age and younger—and have many years ahead to work for
Check out these first-calf heifers in the fall bred offering:
• JRI Ms Gold Remedy 132T10. . .This double-polled purebred Top
Secret daughter is out of a Dam of Merit mama. Pictured here is
Gold Remedy’s maternal sister, 132R10, photographed the day before
her first calf was weaned. Gold Remedy’s three maternal brothers
have averaged $4,200 in Judd Ranch bull sales. Impressive? You bet.
Now it’s your turn.
• JRI Ms Secret Crush 9T13. . .This lady is a double-polled
purebred daughter of Top Secret out of a Dam of Merit.
Her dam’s four sons have averaged a very nice $3,600 in
JRI Ms Tippie 132R10
Judd Ranch bull sales.
Maternal sister to JRI Ms Gold Remedy 132T10
• JRI Ms Lexi Gold 53T65. . .Another double-polled purebred Top Secret daughter out of a Dam of Merit.
Lexi Gold’s maternal sister 53R65 produced a $4,200 son her first year.
• JRI Extra Preference 224T71. . .You gotta like this black double-polled purebred daughter of Extra Exposure
out of a superb Polled Gizmo/Grand Prix daughter. Extra Preference’s four full brothers have averaged $3,850
in Judd Ranch bull sales.
Sample of more fall breds/pairs:
• JRI Ms Toll Free 634R35. . .This double-polled purebred daughter of Free Agent isn’t old enough for Dam
of Merit honors but she has the genetics as her dam and grandam were past honored individuals. Coming
with her third calf, this female knows how to produce. Her first two calves averaged 81 pounds at birth and a
whopping 693 pounds at 205-day weight. Toll Free’s calf at side is a full brother to her son that sold for $4,800 in
the ’09 Judd Ranch bull sale.
• JRI Ms Gold Agent 285N63 ET. . .This double-polled purebred Free
Agent daughter is a maternal sister to Polled Sweetie, the dam of Judd
Ranch’s highly regarded herdsire Extra Exposure. Take a look at this
beauty pictured as a first-calf heifer with her scale-busting bull calf. Ms
Gold Agent’s three sons posted impressive stats: 83# BW average,
ripping 708# 205-day weight average, 1,213# yearling weight average
and $3,833 sale average. Yes, she’s been honored as a Dam of Merit.
• JRI Secret Service 307P8. . .This double-polled purebred daughter
of Free Agent achieved Dam of Merit honors her first year of eligibility.
And she puts the pounds on her offspring: Her three calves averaged
672-pound at 205 days. Her one and only son sold for $4,300 in the
JRI 285N63 with bull calf.
’08 Judd Ranch bull sale.
She sells as Lot 49.
3 Breed-leadi
● 17 Spring Bred
● 20 Spring Bred
● 12 Spring Ope
● 38 Fall Bred Fe
● 37 Fall Open H
37 Fall Open Heifers
These ready-to-breed fall open heifers feature Judd Ranch Dam of
Merit genetics in every pedigree but one. Every one of the 37 fall open
heifers has excellent low birth to growth spread. . .75-pound birth weight
average coupled with a super 600-pound 205-day weight average.
Among this offering are:
• 27 purebred Gelbvieh, 10 Balancers
• 16 daughters of JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET, whose semen has
been pulled off the market.
• 5 daughters of TJB Masterpiece 138L ET, whose semen is now
unavailable. In the 2009 Judd Ranch Bull Sale, Masterpiece sons
averaged $5,266.
Individual heifers within this offering:
• JRI Ms Secret Purpose 165U76. . .89 BW, 659 WW, double polled
purebred Top Secret daughter. . .full brother in ’08 bull sale brought
• JRI Ms Secret Service 254U81. . .79 BW, 624 WW, double polled
purebred Top Secret daughter. . .full brother in the ’08 bull sale brought
• JRI Ms Curve Bender 285U33. . .59 BW, 578 WW, double polled
Balancer CurveBender daughter. . .brother in the ’09 bull sale brought
• JRI Ms Secret 285U67. . .89 BW, black double polled purebred
Top Secret daughter. . .full brothers in the ’08 and ’09 bull sales brought
• JRI Ms Picture Perfect 285U73. . .94 BW, 669 WW, black double
polled purebred Extra Exposure daughter. . .brother in the ’08 bull sale
brought $4,500
• JRI Ms By Design 634U23. . .70 BW, 603 WW, black double polled
Balancer Morgans Direction daughter. . .full brother in the ’09 bull sale
brought $5,000
These young ladies are beautiful and genetically bred to produce dollars.
If you don’t run a fall program, then simply put them in your spring
calving program and calve them at 30 months.
Cow Power Female Sale
omona, Kan.
(1 hour SW of Kansas City)
20 Spring Bred Heifers
Every female in this group stems from a powerful Judd Ranch Dam of Merit cow family, with seven
having a Judd Ranch Dam of Merit or Dam of Distinction dam.
This awesome set of bred heifers includes:
• 11 purebred Gelbvieh
• 8 Balancers
omptly at 1 p.m.
ots Sell
ing Donors
d Cows
d Heifers
en Heifer Calves
emales, Fall Pairs
96% of fem
ales in this
feature Ju
Dam of M
cow famil
y genetics tion
• 1purebred 1A Red Angus.
These group statistics point out why this sale is called Cow Power:
• Birth weight average, 79#
• 205-day average weight, a whopping 630#
• All this with no supplemental creep feeders in the spring pastures!
Every female in this group is the daughter of a breed-leading AI sire:
• Top Secret, 7
• Extra Exposure, 1
• Collateral, 3
• Black N Stack, 1
• Profit Agent, 2
• Morgans Direction, 5
• Glacier Logan 210, 1 (Red Angus)
You’ll find true Cow Power behind these and other
females in the Oct. 11 sale:
• JRI Ms Collateral 68U8. . .This is one sweet Collateral purebred bred heifer out of one
powerful Dam of Merit Judd Ranch cow family. Her maternal Top Secret brother sold for
$5,200 in the ’08 bull sale.
17 Spring Bred Females & 3 Elite Donor Females
• JRI Ms Secret Impulse 197U6. . .This beautiful Top Secret purebred bred heifer nursed a
super Judd Ranch Dam of Merit dam whose eight calves have averaged a scale-busting 735#
at 205 days. By the way, a full brother to JRI Ms Secret Impulse sold for $6,500 in the ’07
bull sale.
• JRI Ms Lucky Stars 270U22. . .This spacious Morgans Direction Balancer bred heifer comes
off a tremendous second-calf heifer that is definitely in the top of her class. Lucky Stars’
full brother posted a 77# birth weight, scale-rocking 751# 205-day weight and 1,269#
yearling weight and sold for $5,400 in the ’08 bull sale.
• 5 Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinctions honored in 2009 sell.
• 19 of 20 are black or red polled purebred Gelbvieh females—ideal for producing
Balancers or Gelbvieh offspring.
• 95% of offering feature Dam of Merit cow families.
• 90% of the spring bred females and donors are sired by breeding-leading AI
sires: Top Secret, 2; Grand Prix, 1, Extra Exposure, 4; New Trend, 3; Freedom,
1; Polled Summit, 1; Free Agent, 1; Drew, 1; and Mr. Extra Wonderful, 1.
• Donors featured on back page
Sampling of Spring Bred Females Selling
• JRI Ms PT Cruiser 175P62. . .This black, double-polled purebred daughter of Free
Agent has what it takes to become an honored 2009 Dam of Merit her first year
of eligibility. Wow! The offspring of this exceptional female have averaged just 82
pounds at birth with an impressive average 683-pound 205-day weight. Her only
son, which hammered the yearling weight scales at 1,301 pounds, sold for $4,000 in
the ’07 Judd Ranch bull sale.
• JRI Ms New Alert 253L71. . .This polled purebred
New Trend daughter is one amazing gal, earning
the AGA’s highly regarded Dam of Merit award
every year of eligibility (2006 through 2009). This
super female knows how to produce, with her
calves averaging 687 pounds at 205 days of age
and her ’03 son hitting the scales at 1,289 pounds
as a yearling. Oh, yes, he sold for $3,700.
• JRI Ms Pld Arizona 285K86. . .This double-polled
purebred has earned the AGA’s highly regarded
Dam of Merit status every year of eligibility
(2005-2009). Her grandam, JRI Ms Polled Sweetie
285C6, is the dam of Judd Ranch’s breed-leading
herdsire JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET. This
performance-plus Dam of Merit flat knows how
to raise beef machine sons, and cattlemen agree.
To date, cattlemen have paid an average of $4,700
for each JRI Ms Pld Arizona 285K86 son.
Arizona’s daughter, JRI Ms Extra
Charisma 285W96, also sells.
• Ms Judd Logan 47U1. . .What a beautiful Red Angus bred
heifer! Her incredible cow family includes a super maternal
sister, 47P1, that posted an 80-pound birth weight average
on her calves coupled with a whopping 750-pound 205-day
weight average. Two of 47P1’s sons tipped the scales as
yearlings with a 1,379-pound average and sold for $4,500
and $4,000 respectively in the ’08 and ’09 bull sales.
47U1’s highly impressive dam, 47L, is pictured to the right,
and she is truly the Cow Power kind!
Dam of Ms Judd Logan 47U1
tary lun
the sale
served p
JRI Ms New Alert 253L71
JRI Ms Pld Arizona 285K86
12 Spring Open Heifer Calves • 9 purebred Gelbvieh heifers, 3 Balancer heifers
• All 12 of the spring open heifer calves feature Dam of Merit/Distinction cow families.
• All have what it takes to compete in the showring and then turn into super mama cows.
• Top Secret, 2
• Extra Exposure, 3
• Free Agent, 1
• Profit Agent, 1
• Journey, 2
• Raven, 1
• Mytty In Focus, 2
JRI Ms Peek A Boo 270W27
Both of these beautiful heifer calves sell.
JRI Ms Sweetie 285W27
Page 8
Judd Ranch
Factories that Produce JR Bulls, Females Highly Affordable
Judd Ranch has earned a
reputation among the Gelbvieh
breed and all breeds for its bulls
and annual bull sales conducted the
first Saturday of March—and these
bulls are produced by females such
as those selling in the Oct. 11 Cow
Power Female Sale. Purebred and
commercial cowmen from more than
20 states annually purchase bulls
that will improve their herds, and
sale averages reflect the quality of
bulls carrying the Judd Ranch brand.
The accompanying chart shows the
results of Judd Ranch’s last 10 bull
sales: 2000-2009.
commercial cowmen who have
purchased Judd Ranch females
at the ranch’s annual Cow Power
Female Sale recognize a good deal
when it’s presented to them. They
know that Judd Ranch females are
true “bargains.” After all, among the
females purchased at a Judd Ranch
Cow Power Sale are full sibs to bulls
in the annual Judd Ranch bull sale
and some of the very females that
have produced bulls sold in the Judd
Ranch bull sales. Heck, when you
can buy the factory that produced
such amazing offspring, why not!
According to the dictionary, a
bargain is “an advantageous purchase,”
and “an advantageous purchase” is
precisely what you get when you
purchase a Judd Ranch female. Just
look at the facts.
Since 1999, Judd Ranch has had
10 female sales, and the 1,086 Judd
Ranch females selling in these 10
sales have averaged just $1,912.
That’s $1,170 less than what the
bulls have averaged in the last 10
sales. That’s right! Judd Ranch
females—the very factories that
produce Judd Ranch bulls—are
downright affordable. Plus, several
of the females selling will be carrying
bull calves with the same genetics as
the ones sold in Judd Ranch sales.
As for the open females, you can use
AI sires and come up with the same
genetic combination as Judd Ranch
bulls. It’s all within your grasp.
Bargain Buys in ‘08 Sale
Judd Ranch’s 2008 Cow Power
Female Sale featured 100 females,
with many going to repeat buyers
and others finding homes with new
Judd Ranch genetics owners. Let’s
take a closer look at six females that
sold in the ’08 female sale. These
females represent the tremendous
Bull Sale Year
No. of Bulls Sold
1,955 bulls
buys available to you at the ’09
female sale.
Lot 21 was a double-polled
purebred spring-bred female that
had produced four calves that posted
an impressive 84-lb. birth weight
average, 713-lb. 205-day average
and 1,294-lb. yearling weight
average. Hilltop Farms, Elmer
McWilliams, of Asbury, Mo.—a
Cow Power repeat buyer—claimed
this beautiful 2008 Dam of Merit
female for $2,900. Oh, by the way,
her ’08 bull calf on display at her
side sale day went on to post a
whopping 1,435-lb. yearling weight
and sold for $5,200 in Judd Ranch’s
’09 Bull Sale.
Lot 29 was an ET double-polled
purebred spring-bred female. But
she wasn’t any ordinary female, as
she was a super second-calf ET full
sister to Judd Ranch’s breed-leading
herdsire Free Agent. Robert Beatty,
Beatty Farms, of Pleasant Hill, Mo.,
saw the power of this young lady
and grabbed her for just $2,500.
What a bargain he purchased as this
female’s powerhouse bull calf on
display at side on sale day went on
to sell for $4,800 in Judd Ranch’s
’09 Bull Sale. Editor’s Note: All
spring-bred sale females with male
offspring will enter the sale ring
with their bull calves at side so
you can see each female’s earning
power. The bull calves, however,
do not sell at side of their dams as
they are retained for Judd Ranch’s
Annual Bull Sale conducted the first
Saturday in March.
Lot 30 was another doublepolled purebred spring-bred female.
This big-time female’s eight calves
have averaged only 85 pounds at
birth followed by a ripping 709pound average at 205 days of age.
This gal is quite the money-maker as
her first son sold for $5,100, and her
son in the ’09 Judd Ranch Bull Sale
Sale Average
$3,082 Avg.
Sale Gross
sold for $4,000. Rick Grollner of
Owensville, Mo. took twice-honored
Dam of Distinction home with him
for just $1,400. You don’t have to
push the pencil much to know that
a $1,400 Dam of Distinction that
produces $5,100 and $4,000 sons
will give you quite a nice return on
Lot 56 was a double-polled
purebred fall-bred female. This gal
had earned Judd Ranch’s respect
as she was a twice-honored Dam
of Merit. Her first son had an 81pound birth weight, 741-pound
205-day weight and a whopping
1,276-pound yearling weight and
garnered $4,400 when he sold in the
’05 Judd Ranch Bull Sale. You can
bet this gal’s buyer, repeat-buyer
Marshall Hanson of Silver Lake,
Kan., was all smiles when he put in
the final bid and nabbed her for just
$2,900. This female’s fall ’07 son
that weighed 72 pounds at birth and
had an impressive 7.02-pound ADG
on gain test went on to bring $5,100
in the ’09 Judd Ranch Bull Sale.
Lot 59 was another doublepolled purebred fall-bred, and this
sweet second-calf heifer was one
Pine Family Farms, Brian Pine,
Lawrence, Kan., found simply too
good to resist. Pine Family Farms
took this young lady home for
$2,900. And a good buy was theirs
as she has lots of earning power. Her
first calf sported a modest 80-pound
birth weight and 713-pound weaning
weight and sold in Judd Ranch’s ’09
Bull Sale for $5,600.
Lot 79 was a black polled fallbred female that was, without a doubt,
one of the best buys of the day. Cedar
Branch Cattle Co., Gary Brewer, of
Mt. Vernon, Ark., took home this
Dam of Distinction for just $1,700.
When you are aware that her fall
’04 son Sonic Jet was a Judd Ranch
herdsire and her daughters are Judd
Ranch producers, you know when a
bargain is presented—and you grab
it. By the way, this female’s fall ’07
son went on to sell for $3,800 in the
’09 Judd Ranch Bull Sale. Bottom
line: When you can purchase a Dam
of Distinction female for less than
half the average of her sons’ value,
that’s money in the bank!
“I can’t tell you how much arm
twisting I have to do each year to
get Dave Judd to part with females,
as he sees each as a factory that
can contribute to a healthy bottom
line—and he knows how much the
offspring of certain females have
contributed to Judd Ranch bull
sales,” states sale consultant Roger
Gatz of Cattlemen’s Connection.
“But, the fact of the matter is that
Judd Ranch cannot keep every
female it wants to keep.
“Many heart-to-heart, man-toman discussions lead to the females
offered in the upcoming Oct. 11
female sale, and I hope you are in
the position to take advantage of this
powerful offering.”
JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET
Homozygous Polled Purebred
2002 National Champion Bull
The Complete Beef Package
Birthdate: 2-18-01
BW: 94#
WW: 814#
Yrlg. Ribeye Area: 15.6 sq. in.
Yrlg Scrotal: 41.5 cm
YW: 1,390#
This powerhouse producer was photographed as a 6-year-old in the
Judd Ranch breeding pasture. Gatz honestly believes Extra Exposure
could walk into the National Gelbvieh Show ring today and sweep it
If you want great cow families with perfect teat/udder systems,
look for Extra Exposure daughters and/or females carrying the service
of this ’02 National Champion as he is producing daughters
with flawless mammary systems. Extra Exposure is definitely passing
along the superb teat/udder quality of his dam
which is pictured below at 11 years of age.
Extra Exposure EPD strength:
Top 15% Calving Ease and Top 5% Carcass Weight. He’s also a Breed
Trait Leader for Ribeye Area and Scrotal Circumference.
This cow family is truly the complete beef package.
Extra Exposure’s Dam
JRI Ms Polled Sweetie 285C6
1995 National Champion Female
(pictured here at 11 years of age)
Daughters & Services of Extra Exposure
Judd Ranch
Page 9
Leonhardt Cattle Co., South Dakota —
JR Genetics Boosting Herd’s Cow Power
Leonhardt Cattle Co.—Arlyn
and Jacky Leonhardt, along with
daughters Kelly and Catherine and
Catherine’s family (husband Chad
and son Sutton)—has two key goals:
1) to have a Gelbvieh seedstock
herd that combines maternal
strength, calving ease and pounds
of beef with eye appeal and 2) to
supply customers with high-quality
bulls and females and access to top
Gelbvieh genetics. Jacky adds that those two goals
are the key reason they rely on Judd
Ranch genetics.
“Judd Ranch has a solid reputation
for its highly fertile, eye appealing
females that have excellent teat and
udder structure and its bull offering
is one of the best in the country—of
any breed,” Jacky states.
“We entered the seedstock
business with Gelbvieh, back in
1986, and it didn’t take us long to
find and like the breed’s maternal
strength. Judd Ranch takes that
maternal strength to a higher level so
why not capitalize on their work.”
Today Leonhardt Cattle Co. runs
a purebred herd of 80 Gelbvieh and
40 Gelbvieh X Angus commercial
cows—some spring calvers and
some fall calvers.
Jacky describes their ideal female
as one that catches your eye right
away, is feminine yet has strong
maternal traits and has a strapping
big calf at side that exemplifies the
female’s producing growth. Her
pedigree and performance as a calf
and as a dam are strong, and she has
a powerful overall makeup.
Another trait Leonhardt Cattle
Co. demands among all animals is
an excellent disposition.
“Disposition is very important in
our operation,” Jacky interjects. “We
have a great disposition cowherd,
and want to keep it that way.
“But the big test for every
cow—not just the ideal cow—is
that she must pay her way in the
pasture. Being in the seedstock and
commercial cow-calf business is just
that—a business. We’re bottom line
To date, Leonhardt Cattle Co. has
turned to Judd Ranch primarily for
females with donor potential.
“Judd females are doing a
phenomenal job at Leonhardt Cattle
Co.,” Jacky states. “They’ve added
to the traits we’ve been building on.
While each of them could qualify
as donors in regards to quality, we
don’t use all of them as donors.”
In 2008, Leonhardt Cattle Co.
decided they wanted to add another
elite herdsire to their program.
And elite meant elite. They wanted
a top-of-the-line bull—the best
bull—available. If all came together
as planned, this bull would be used
AI and natural service at Leonhardt
Cattle Co. and perhaps provide
income as an AI sire.
Jacky says their search for “the
best” put her on a quest. When her
’08 Judd Ranch bull sale catalog
arrived, she dove into it, spending
six hours reading, studying and
seeing if what they were looking for
was among the offering. After some
discussion Arlyn and Jacky decided
on what lot would fit all their needs.
“When we were headed for Judd
Ranch that March, our daughter
Kelly asked what lots we had picked
out,” Jacky tells. “When I showed
her the catalog and said ‘this one,’
she couldn’t believe we were
traveling from Lake Preston, S.D.,
to Pomona, Kan., with only one bull
marked in the sale catalog.
“A bull named Top Grid was the
Jacky says daughter Kelly was
a bit skeptical initially. That is until
they arrived at Judd Ranch and
each of them went through the sale
offering separately.
“While the sale offering had lots
and lots of really good bulls, the
one that came to the top—for both
of us—on paper and in the pen was
JRI Top Grid 254T725,” Jacky says.
“Kelly agreed that we had to get Top
This Judd Ranch female is 12 years old and still producing to Judd Ranch
standards. Now that’s longevity — and take note of the mammary system.
“At that time I was glad that Kelly
liked Top Grid as much as I did. But I
didn’t know how much Kelly’s desire
to own Top Grid would cost us.”
When Top Grid was in the sale
ring, Kelly handled the bidding
action, Jacky thinking Kelly would
be quitting at about $8,000. That’s
when Kelly stayed with the action
until the end. When the sale wrapped
up, Top Grid was the top-selling bull
at $10,000.
“That’s a lot of money,” Jacky
states. “But this Judd Ranch bull is
the complete package and has every
quality we were looking for. We’re
using him AI and natural service,
and a semen supplier is marketing
his semen.
“People are liking Top Grid, and
JRI Pop A Top 197T83 - Homozygous Polled Purebred
they’re using him successfully on
heifers as well as on cows. His first
calves are on the ground now and
are very impressive.”
Jacky reminisces for a just a
“You know, we watched Judd
Ranch bulls and females at the
National Western Stock Show
for several years and they always
caught our eye as a powerful group,”
she states. “Looking back, I wish
we would have added Judd Ranch
genetics to our herd sooner than we
“It was three years ago that we
first bought our first Judd Ranch
female and just ’08 that we bought
Top Grid. With all of Judd Ranch’s
Dam of Merit and Distinction awards
and the overall complete package of
their cattle, we should have taken
advantage of that maternal power
long before we did.”
Pop A Top’s
first services
sell Oct. 11.
Birthdate: 8-12-07
Birth Weight: 74#
Weaning Weight: 787#
Yearling Weight: 1,174#
Yrlg. Scrotal: 39.1 cm
Pop A Top definitely pops the top when it comes to birth-to-growth spread coupled with fertility. This guy went from 74 pounds
at birth to 787 pounds at 205 days—and his dam was a first-calf heifer. His strength in fertility is bred-in through and through as
his maternal great grandam, maternal grandam and dam each have impressive 365-day or less calving intervals.
This meat machine is genetically designed to be a tremendous “heifer bull.” His dam’s offspring have a 77-pound birth weight
average while his grandam posts an 80-pound average and his 13-year-old great grandam has a highly admired 72-pound
average while posting a super 101 WW ratio on her 12 calves.
Nick Judd spends about as much
time on horseback as he does on
the ground. Yes, he appreciates the
herd’s docile temperament.
Page 10
JR Females Can Win More
Than Purple Ribbons for You
If the showring and winning
purple ribbons appeals to you, then
showing and winning while at the
halter of a Judd Ranch female can
earn you more than a purple ribbon
or banner. It could also result in a
very nice sale credit thanks to Judd
Ranch’s Buyer Payback Program.
And you have an edge in the
showring as you won’t be competing
against any females in the showring
that are still owned by Judd Ranch,
except at the National Western Stock
“Our Buyer Payback Program
allows us to give back to our
customers and to recognize those
who take a Judd Ranch female all
the way to the championship circle,”
Cindy Judd states. “Dave, the boys
and I love it when our buyers win
with a Judd Ranch female.”
Judd Ranch’s Buyers Payback
Program returns up to $2,500 in sale
credits when a female is purchased
from Judd Ranch and wins at a
designated show. Those shows
include the National Gelbvieh Show,
Denver, Colo.; the National Junior
Gelbvieh Show; the North American
International Livestock Exposition,
Louisville, Ky.; the American Royal,
Kansas City, Mo.; and all state fairs.
Here’s a breakdown of shows and
corresponding sale credit that can be
earned when a female carries the JR
• National Champion, National
Western Stock Show, Denver $2,500
• Grand Champion, North
American International Livestock
Exposition (NAILE), Louisville,
Ky. - $1,000
• Grand Champion, Junior
National Gelbvieh Show - $1,000
• Grand Champion, Junior
Gelbvieh Show, National Western
Stock Show, Denver - $500
• Reserve Grand Champion,
NAILE, Louisville, Ky. - $500
• Reserve Grand, Junior National
Gelbvieh Show - $500
• Grand Champion, American
Royal, Kansas City, Mo. - $250
• Reserve Grand Champion
Junior Gelbvieh Show, National
Western Stock Show, Denver - $250
• Reserve Grand Champion,
American Royal, Kansas City, Mo.
- $150
• Champion, Open Show, any
State Fair - $150
• Champion, Junior Show, any
State Fair - $150
• Reserve Grand Champion,
Open Show, any State Fair - $75
• Reserve Grand Champion,
Junior Show, any State Fair - $75
How Program Works
Receiving sale credit for a win
involves two simple steps. Step 1:
Contact Judd Ranch about your win
and provide the name and date of the
show, the honor earned, the winning
animal’s registered name and, of
course, your name and address. Step
2: Furnish Judd Ranch with a photo
of you and your winning animals at
the show.
Each winning female qualifies for
only one sale credit—and that sale
credit will correspond to the heifer’s
“biggest win.” Thus, if your heifer
first wins a State Fair, then later wins
the National Junior Gelbvieh show,
you’ll receive the greater credit of
the qualifying two shows: $500.
Sale credit earned with a win
can be used at either a Judd Ranch
female sale or at a Judd Ranch bull
sale. Your choice.
An additional qualifier: A sale
credit can only be earned the first
year following the purchase of a
Judd Ranch female.
Sale consultant Roger Gatz points
out that this year’s Judd Ranch Cow
Power Female Sale has several
show-quality heifers.
“I have personally looked over
every female in this year’s sale
offering, and I can assure you that
several heifers are purple-ribbon
material,” Gatz states. “Plus, there
will be several heifer calves at side
of fall cows that just might have what
it takes to get that Grand Champion
Gatz adds that he knows the day
will come when a heifer purchased
at Judd Ranch will pay for herself
in just one show with Judd Ranch’s
Buyer Payback Program.
“Figure it yourself,” he interjects.
“I’ve seen tremendous show heifers
often sell for $1,500 or so in this
sale. If one of those heifers were
exhibited in Denver at the National
Show and won, she’d earn her owner
$2,500 in sale credits. She’d pay for
herself and then some.”
Judd Ranch
Jack Welle, Milford, Iowa—
‘They are Doing Things Right’
Jack Welle, Kenyon Cattle LLC
of Milford, Iowa, has been in the
Gelbvieh business for close to 30
years. Last fall, Jack made his first
trip to a Judd Ranch female sale—and
he says it became quite evident why
Judd Ranch is No. 1 Dam of Merit/
Dam of Distinction breeder and why
Judd Ranch bulls are so in demand.
“You can’t go to any other
breeder in the country where you see
so many cows—and we’re talking
really good cows.
“I like red Gelbvieh, and many
breeders put their red program to the
side when black Gelbvieh became
so popular but not Judd Ranch. The
Judd’s definitely earned my respect
for keeping red Gelbvieh program
equal in importance to their black
Gelbvieh and Balancer programs.”
During his first trip to Judd Ranch,
Jack says he was also impressed with
the Judds’ management.
“The results of their breeding
top Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction
breeder and owner for more than 10
years in a row. ”
If all goes as planned, Jack just
might be consigning offspring from
his ’08 Judd Ranch Cow Power
Female Sale purchases to the Iowa
Beef Expo or the Minnesota state
Gelbvieh sale.
“Since we’re a smaller breeder
with 25 or so head, we prefer to sell
at consignment sales,” Jack states.
“And we’re fortunate that we can
purchase Judd Ranch genetics and
take advantage of their hard work
and dedication.”
Jack adds that he was able to
purchase his three Judd Ranch
heifers and cow-calf pair in the ’08
sale at a price “a lot cheaper than I
thought I would have to pay.”
“I must say that I was pleasantly
surprised at the affordability of Judd
Ranch females,” Jack summarizes.
“I like surprises like that.”
program and management were very
evident when you looked over the
sale offering,” Jack states. “They’ve
put a lot into their seedstock
program, and it’s working. They are
doing things right.”
Jack describes his ideal cow
as one with good feet and legs,
moderate frame, easy fleshing
and with lots of capacity. He also
demands excellent teat and udders
and a docile disposition. Plus, he
wants a highly fertile female that
has the genetic potential to wean a
popping good calf year after year.
“The two fall heifers, the springbred heifer and the fall cow-calf pair
I bought last year fit that criteria
perfectly,” Jack relates. “I also paid a lot of attention to
cow families when sorting through
the female sale catalog and got the
cow families I was after. There is
something to be said about Judd
Ranch being the Gelbvieh breed’s
JRI Morgans Edition 214U25 ET
Black Polled Balancer
Birthdate: 1-27-08
Birth Weight: 85#
Weaning Weight: 722#
Yearling Weight: 1,323#
Yrlg. Scrotal: 37.9 cm
Morgans Edition
first services sell
Oct. 11
Morgans Edition is one eye-appealing, muscle-packed individual that sports an awesome
low birth to high growth spread coupled with profit-maker traits. A member of Judd Ranch’s
2009 National Champion Pen of 3 Balancer bulls, he scanned one of the largest yearling
ribeyes in the ’08 Judd Ranch spring calf crop. His ribeye measurement: 15.4 sq. in. And he
produced one of the best marbling scores at the ranch.
This Balancer’s calf-raising machine Judd Ranch dam has been honored three times as an
elite Dam of Merit, with Dams of Merit running deep in his powerful Judd Ranch 214 cow
NOTICE: Morgan’s Edition is DNA tested free for the Angus breed’s genetic defects AM (Curly
Calf Syndrome) and NH (neuropathic hydrocephalus).
Judd Ranch
Page 11
Judging Contest Win Can Give You Sale Credit Getting to Judd Ranch, Motel Info
Senior division participants will
be required to deliver one set of
reasons and will know in advance
which class is the reasons class.
This set of reasons will be given
to a member of the Butler County
judging team.
Instead of delivering a set of
reasons, junior division participants
will answer questions posed by
the BCCC livestock judging team.
Questions will be basic, such as
“Which animal was the smallest
framed?” or “Which was the thickest
“We suggest youth bring along a
notepad so they can take notes while
looking at the reasons class,” Cindy
Judd states. “Sometimes it’s tough
for the participants to remember the
animals in the reasons class. In this
competition, kids can look at their
notes before answering the posed
question or while giving their set of
The reasons or questions class
will be used to break any ties
among the youth. Ties about adult
competitors will be determined by a
flip of a coin.
Cindy adds that the judging
contest is an important part of sale
“Dave judged when he was a kid,
and the experience helped hone his
You are invited
to Judd Ranch’s customer appreciation social
on Satrurday, Oct. 10. Look at the sale offering then join us
for dinner and beverages at the ranch house
starting around 5 p.m.
speaking ability and cattle selection
skills,” she adds. “Visual appraisal
remains a key selection tool, as the
animals you purchase or have in
your herd must have marketability
and be structurally correct. You
can only tell that by looking at the
What You Should Know
Sale credit for the top two
judges in all three divisions will
be issued as a gift certificate. This
certificate or sale credit can only
be used toward the purchase of a
female at the Oct. 11 sale. It cannot
be saved for other sales.
The sale credit must also be used
by the person who earned the sale
credit or by an immediate family
member. It is not transferable to
a person outside the immediate
“If a son or daughter wins a sale
credit, that person’s mom, dad,
sister or brother can use the sale
credit or a dad can pass his sale
credit to a son or daughter to use,”
Cindy explains. “The goal is to
keep the sale credit in the family.”
To learn more about judging
your way to sale credit, contact
Dave or Cindy Judd at 785-5668371 or call ranch consultant Roger
Gatz of Cattlemen’s Connection at
1-800-743-0026. To Kansas City
To Topeka
Highway 68
Judd Ranch is located
2 mi. west of Pomona
Ottwa I-35 Exit:
Exit 183B if coming from north
Exit 170 if coming from south
Highway 69
Adults and youth can earn up to
$250 in sale credit by participating
and placing in the top three of their
division at this year’s Judd Ranch
annual sale day judging contest:
adult division, youth 13 to 21 years
of age division and youth 12 years
and under division.
“We added an adult division in
‘07, and the contest was so successful
that we’re continuing to include an
adult division,” Cindy Judd states.
Cindy explains that sale credit
will be given to the top two judges
in each division. First-place winners
will be given $250 in sale credit,
and second-place finishers will each
receive $150 in sale credit.
Ranch consultant Roger Gatz
adds, “This is pretty easy money
when you consider that all you have
to do to earn this sale credit is judge
and win. What a great way to lessen
the cost of a great show heifer or a
nice brood cow to add to your herd.”
The annual judging contest will
start promptly at 9 a.m. on sale
day and will take about an hour.
Pre-registration is not required. To
participate in the contest, just show
up at the ranch by 8:45 a.m., sign
up for the contest and judge the
assigned classes.
The contest will consist of several
classes of bulls and females. Adults
will place classes and will not be
asked to give reasons or answer any
To Emporia
The Super 8 in Ottawa, Kan., is the designated motel for Judd Ranch’s
Annual Cow Power Female Sale, with a block of rooms reserved for Judd
Ranch sale attendees. To obtain a room within this block, please tell the Super
8 receptionist that you are attending the Judd Ranch female sale. (Editor’s
Note: The Comfort Inn is totally booked with another event. Sorry, but no
rooms at that inn.)
The Super 8 is a nice, clean facility with an indoor heated swimming pool
and offers a complimentary breakfast, including waffles, muffins, coffee and
fruit juice. An Applebee’s restaurant is within walking distance of the motel.
The Super 8 is located just off I-35 at the south end of Ottawa. To get to the
motel, just take Exit 183B north to the first stop light and turn right. The motel
is on your right.
From Judd Ranch, you’ll travel east on Highway K-68 toward Ottawa. At
the west edge of Ottawa, K68 goes north. Rather than going north, turn right
on Eisenhower Road and go about 2 miles to 23rd St. Turn left or east on 23rd
St. and go 1 mile. As you go through the traffic light, the motels are located on
your immediate right.
Book your room today at the Super 8 by calling 785/242-5551. Additional
rooms may be available at the Best Western, Phone 785/242-2224.
Word of warning: Rooms at the Super 8 will be blocked for Judd Ranch
customers only through Sept. 26. So call now and reserve your room.
Sale Catalog Request
____ Please send me a sale catalog for Judd Ranch’s Oct. 11 Cow Power Female Sale.
____ I cannot attend the sale so please call me to discuss Judd Ranch’s Sight Unseen Program.
Judd Ranch
32nd Bull Sale
March 6, 2010
200+ Spring & Fall
Yearling Bulls Sell
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Ranch Name __________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________
State _______
ZIP _______________
Telephone with Area Code _______________________________________________________
Best time to call _______________________________________________________________
Please return to
Cattlemen’s Connection, PO Box 156, Hiawatha, KS 66434
or fax to (785) 742-3503.
Judd Ranch 19th Annual Cow Power Female Sale
Sunday, Oct. 11, at 1 p.m., at the ranch, Pomona, Kan.
Features 3 Elite Donor Females
JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 125G3 - Dam of Free Agent
This double-polled purebred daughter of Grand Prix is a three-time
Dam of Merit. Her fist calf was none other than JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3
who lead the breed in registrations several times and has more than 2,000
progeny recorded with the AGA. Free Agent is a current breed trait leader
for low birth weight, short gestation and daughters calving ease. JRI Ms Pld
Grand Prix 125G3 is a Judd Ranch moneymaker as her grandsons have
generated more than $1 million at Judd Ranch bull sales. That’s 315 Free
Agent sons averaging $3,250 each. Yes, behind every good bull is one
heckuva dam and JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 125G3 is it! As for Free Agent
daughters, they are spacious with top-of-the-line fertility and maternal strength.
JRI Ms Pld Grand Prix 125G3 is also the dam of JRI Heavy Equipment
125M3, the 2005 National Champion Bull—and he’s another breed-leading
homozygous polled AI sire!
125G3’s nine natural-born calves have averaged 743 pounds at 205 days.
Her February ’08 son pegged the 205-day weight scales at 784 pounds.
Seven of her natural-born calves were bulls, and they averaged 1,246 pounds
as yearlings while selling for a $4,860 average.
125G3 sells open and ready to flush to the sire of your choice.
Other Lot
JRI Pld Free Agent 125J3
JRI Heavy Equipment 125M3
JRI Ms Extra Impressed 254P625 ET
Wow, what an opportunity to purchase JRI Top Grid 254T725’s illustrious young donor dam! Top Grid topped the ’08 Judd Ranch bull sale at
$10,000. This young homozygous polled purebred AI sire is really
returning the dividends to Leonhardt Cattle
Co., Lake Preston, S.D., as he’s one of the
breed’s most popular AI sires this year. And
Top Grid’s first calf crop is looking phenomenal.
Phenotypically and genotypically, JRI
Ms Extra Impressed 254P625 ET is virtually
flawless. Her first two calves—both bulls—
JRI Top Grid 254T725
JRI Ms Extra Impressed 254P625 ET
averaged 88 pounds at birth, a whopping 735 pounds at 205 days and 1,294 pounds at a year of age.
This beautiful lady traces to one of the all-time great cow families at Judd Ranch. Her dam, JRI Ms Pd Blackhills
254E52, is a four-time Dam of Merit and four-time Dam of Distinction and is still on the ranch producing as a
14-year-old. Her grandam, JRI Ms Pld Blk Power 254C4, is another four-time Dam of Merit and four-time Dam of
Distinction. Talk about superior genetics! This Judd Ranch 254 cow family is flat unmatched in the beef industry.
JRI Ms Pld Sammy 285H602 - Beautfiul Polled Summit daughter
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but everyone who sees this
female agrees that she is indeed a beauty and one of the breed’s most beautiful
Polled Summit daughters. This fantastic donor was photographed in late August
while nursing a 700-pound-plus super stud bull calf sired by Top Secret. You’ll
see this highly impressive son at side sale day so you can pass judgment on
JRI Ms Pld Sammy 285H602’s producing ability for yourself.
Sammy’s 15 ET and natural-born sons have averaged $3,100 at Judd Ranch
bull sales, and they were all peas-in-a-pod beef-packing machines. You don’t
make ‘em much better than this beauty, and Sammy is known for
her ability to produce an abundance of embryos.
ed Cow
17 Spring Br
Bred Heifers
● 20 Spring
r Calves
● 12 Spring
Fall Pairs
● 38 Fall Br
en Heifers
● 37 Fall Op
The top two high-selling females
in the ‘08 sale sold for $4,100 and $4,000
respectively. So, yes, these three
incredible donor females could be
highly affordable—and they have
unmatched production records.
Dave & Cindy Judd
Nick & Ginger Judd & family
Brent & Ashley Judd
Pomona, KS 66076
Phone: 785/566-8371
JRI Ms Pld Sammy 285H602
Sale Consultant
Roger Gatz, Cattlemen’s Connection
Call today for a sale catalog:
Check out the sale catalog online at