RADIS manual
RADIS manual
User’s Manual Research And Development Information System (RADIS) Research Management Centre July, 2014 Page | 1 USER’S MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 Process Flow ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Publication Registration ................................................................................................ 4 a) Indexed Publication ............................................................................................................ 4 b) Non‐Indexed Publication ................................................................................................ 12 c) Others Publication ............................................................................................................. 20 3.0 Incentive Claim Application in UTMFin System ............................................. 29 4.0 Incentive Claim Application in RADIS ................................................................. 30 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Example of UTMFin E‐Form Attachment ...................................................................... 33 Page | 2 1.0 Proccess Flow w PUBLIC CATION REEGISTRATTION IN RADIS Author registerr publication in RA ADIS. VERIFICA ATION PROCESS UTTM Librarry staff veerify regisstered pub blication.. INCENTIV I VE CLAIM APPLICATTION IN U UTMFin Applicant A t apply incentive cclaim in UTMFin. INCENTIV VE CLAIM M APPLICA ATION IN RADIS Applican nt apply in ncentive claim in R RADIS. APPRO OVAL PROCESS UTM Lib brary stafff approvee the inceentive claim appliccation. Pagge | 3 2.0 Pub blication Registra ation in RADIS a. Indexed d Publicaation 1. Go to https:// G /radis.utm.m my/rmc/ 2. In nsert Usernaame and Passsword in thee respective input fields. 3. Click on Login n button. Pagge | 4 4. Click on Publiication menu u. 5. Click on Publiication. 6. Click on New Publication. 7. Click on Indexxed Publicattion. Pagge | 5 8. On Publicatio O on Details tab, choose th he Type of Pu ublication. 9. Choose the C Category of P Publication. nsert all the required infformation an nd click on Save button. 10. In R Reminder: a) ISSN ‐ Intern national Stan ndard Seriall Number. ‐ 8‐digit code for example 0317‐8471 or 1050‐124X. Pagge | 6 ‐ used tto identify aa periodical publication at a specificc media type e. b) ISBN ‐ Intern national Stan ndard Book Number. ‐ 13‐diggit number ffor example e 978‐0‐300‐14424‐6. c)) Role of Author ‐ For fu urther inforrmation, ple ease go to http://porttal.psz.utm.m my/supportt/wp‐ conte ent/uploads//2013/10/A Author‐Verifiication‐in‐RA ADIS.pdf 11. To add the au uthor list, pleease choosee the Category of Authorr. Pagge | 7 Fo or UTM STAFF category: 12. In nsert Staff Name/ID in th he input field. 13. Choose the Search By. 14. Click on Searcch button. 15. Click on Selecct button of the selected d name. 16. Choose the R Role for the sselected nam me. 17. Click on Add button. Pagge | 8 Fo or UTM STUDENT category: 18. In nsert Name//Matric No. iin the input field. 19. Choose the Search By. 20. Click on Searcch button. 21. Click on Selecct button of the selected d name. 22. Choose the Type of Author for the seelected namee. Pagge | 9 23. Click on Add button. Fo or OTHERS ccategory: 24. In nsert Name iin the input field. 25. In nsert E‐Mail address in the input fielld. 26. Choose the Type of Author. 27. Click on Add button. mation, clickk on Edit button. To deleete informatiion, click on Delete buttton. 28. To edit inform 29. On Attachme O ent tab, choo ose the Typee of Attachm ment. Pagee | 10 30. In nsert Descrip ption in the input field. 31. Click on Brow wse button and select co orrect PDF fille. Then, clicck on OK buttton. 32. Click on Upload button. both type of attachmentt. *Compulsoryy to attach b 33. On Declaratio O on tab, tick o on the checkkbox to agree with the sttatement. 34. Click on Subm mit button. 35. UTM Library s U staff will verrify the regisstered publiccation. 36. Once verified O d, proceed to o Incentive C Claim Applicaation in UTM MFin System. *Only for pub blication thaat is eligible to apply. Pagee | 11 b. Non‐Ind dexed Pu ublication n 1. Go to https:// G /radis.utm.m my/rmc/ 2. In nsert Usernaame and Passsword in thee respective input fields. 3. Click on Login n button. 4. Click on Publiication menu u. Pagee | 12 5. Click on Publiication. 6. Click on New Publication. blication. 7. Click on Non‐‐Indexed Pub 8. On Publicatio O on Details tab, choose th he Type of Pu ublication. Pagee | 13 9. In nsert all the required infformation an nd click on Save button. R Reminder: d) ISSN ‐ Intern national Stan ndard Seriall Number. ‐ 8‐digit code for example 0317‐8471 or 1050‐124X. ‐ used tto identify aa periodical publication at a specificc media type e. e) ISBN ‐ Intern national Stan ndard Book Number. ‐ 13‐diggit number ffor example e 978‐0‐300‐14424‐6. f)) Role of Author ‐ For fu urther inforrmation, ple ease go to http://porttal.psz.utm.m my/supportt/wp‐ conte ent/uploads//2013/10/A Author‐Verifiication‐in‐RA ADIS.pdf Pagee | 14 10. To add the au uthor list, pleease choosee the Category of Authorr. Pagee | 15 Fo or UTM STAFF category: 11. In nsert Staff Name/ID in th he input field. 12. Choose the Search By. 13. Click on Searcch button. d name. 14. Click on Selecct button of the selected 15. Choose the R Role for the sselected nam me. 16. Click on Add button. Pagee | 16 Fo or UTM STUDENT category: 17. In nsert Name//Matric No. iin the input field. 18. Choose the Search By. 19. Click on Searcch button. d name. 20. Click on Selecct button of the selected 21. Choose the Type of Author for the seelected namee. 22. Click on Add button. or OTHERS ccategory: Fo 23. In nsert Name iin the input field. 24. In nsert E‐Mail address in the input fielld. 25. Choose the Type of Author. 26. Click on Add button. Pagee | 17 27. To edit inform mation, clickk on Edit button. To deleete informatiion, click on Delete buttton. O ent tab, choo ose the Typee of Attachm ment. 28. On Attachme 29. In nsert Descrip ption in the input field. 30. Click on Brow wse button and select co orrect PDF fille. Then, clicck on OK buttton. 31. Click on Upload button. *Compulsoryy to attach three type e of attach hment: Proo of of Publiccation, Table of nt Page. Content and Journal Fron O on tab, tick o on the checkkbox to agree with the sttatement. 32. On Declaratio 33. Click on Subm mit button. Pagee | 18 34. UTM Library staff will verify the registered publication. 35. Once verified, proceed to Incentive Claim Application in UTMFin System. Page | 19 c. Others Publicatiion 1. Go to https:// G /radis.utm.m my/rmc/ 2. In nsert Usernaame and Passsword in thee respective input fields. 3. Click on Login n button. 4. Click on Publiication menu u. Pagee | 20 5. Click on Publiication. 6. Click on New Publication. ers Publicatio on. 7. Click on Othe 8. On Publicatio O on Details tab, choose th he Type of Pu ublication. Pagee | 21 9. In nsert all the required infformation an nd click on Save button. R Reminder: g)) ISSN national Stan ndard Seriall Number. ‐ Intern ‐ 8‐digit code for example 0317‐8471 or 1050‐124X. e. ‐ used tto identify aa periodical publication at a specificc media type h) ISBN ‐ Intern national Stan ndard Book Number. ‐ 13‐diggit number ffor example e 978‐0‐300‐14424‐6. i) Role of Author ‐ For fu urther inforrmation, ple ease go to http://porttal.psz.utm.m my/supportt/wp‐ conte ent/uploads//2013/10/A Author‐Verifiication‐in‐RA ADIS.pdf Pagee | 22 10. To add the au uthor list, pleease choosee the Category of Authorr. Pagee | 23 Fo or UTM STAFF category: 11. In nsert Staff Name/ID in th he input field. 12. Choose the Search By. 13. Click on Searcch button. d name. 14. Click on Selecct button of the selected 15. Choose the R Role for the sselected nam me. 16. Click on Add button. Pagee | 24 Fo or UTM STUDENT category: 17. In nsert Name//Matric No. iin the input field. 18. Choose the Search By. 19. Click on Searcch button. d name. 20. Click on Selecct button of the selected 21. Choose the Type of Author for the seelected namee. 22. Click on Add button. or OTHERS ccategory: Fo 23. In nsert Name iin the input field. 24. In nsert E‐Mail address in the input fielld. 25. Choose the Type of Author. 26. Click on Add button. Pagee | 25 27. To edit inform mation, clickk on Edit button. To deleete informatiion, click on Delete buttton. O ent tab, choo ose the Typee of Attachm ment. 28. On Attachme Type o of Publicatio on Type e of Attachm ment Compu ulsory Supportingg Evidence Proceedings • Proof of Publication • • • Conferen nce Paper • Proof of Publication • • • Writing P Popular/Presss • Proof of Publication • Tab ble of Content OR Jou urnal Front P Page OR Oth hers ‐ Presentatio on Schedule ‐ Conferencee Certificate ‐ etc. Tab ble of Content OR Jou urnal Front P Page OR Oth hers ‐ Presentatio on Schedule ‐ Conferencee Certificate ‐ etc. Oth hers ‐ Table of Co ontent OR ‐ Front Page Cover OR Pagee | 26 Publication in Academic and Profeessional Magazinee • Proof of Publication Article in n Mass Media • Proof of Publication Policy paaper • Proof of Publication ‐ Others • Oth hers ‐ Table of Co ontent OR Cover ‐ Magazine FFront Page C OR ‐ Others For maass media type: Magazin ne • Oth hers ‐ Table of Co ontent OR ‐ Magazine FFront Page C Cover OR ‐ Others • Oth hers Pelaporaan/Penerbitaan Khusus (R Rancangan Malaysia/Statistik Kebangsaaan) Portfolio • Proof of Publication • Oth hers • Proof of Publication • Oth hers Clasified//Technical Report Karya Kreeatif • Proof of Publication • Oth hers • Proof of Publication • Oth hers Modules/Manual • Proof of Publication • Oth hers Book Chaapter Book (Text) Follow w requiremeents from Peenerbit UTM Press Original B Book Monograaph 29. In nsert Descrip ption in the input field. 30. Click on Brow wse button and select co orrect PDF fille. Then, clicck on OK buttton. 31. Click on Upload button. Pagee | 27 32. On Declaration tab, tick on the checkbox to agree with the statement. 33. Click on Submit button. 34. UTM Library staff will verify the registered publication except for Book Chapter, Book (Text), Original Book and Monograph. These types of publication will be verified by Penerbit UTM Press. 35. Once verified, proceed to Incentive Claim Application in UTMFin System. *Only for publication that is eligible to apply. Page | 28 3.0 Ince entive Cllaim App plication n in UTM MFin Systtem 1. Click on Incen ntive Claim. 2. Click on New Incentive Cllaim. 3. Click on the link to download UTM MFin Manual for Publiication Inceentive Claim m and proceed with h steps from the UTMFin n manual. plication in R RADIS. 4. Then, proceed with stepss for Incentivve Claim App Pagee | 29 4.0 Ince entive Cllaim App plication n in RADIS 1. Click on Incen ntive Claim. 2. Click on New Incentive Cllaim. 3. Click on Claim m button. Pagee | 30 4. Iff no incentive claim appllication has b been made ffor the publication befo ore, click on Proceed button. If yes, click on No bu utton. Pagee | 31 5. On Claim Details tab, at Attachment section, insert Payment Application No. in the input field. Please click on the View sample link for example. 6. Insert Description in the input field. 7. Click on Browse button and select correct PDF file of UTMFin e‐form. Then, click on OK button. *Please refer Appendix for Example of UTMFin E‐Form Attachment. 8. Click on Upload button. 9. At the Declaration section, tick on the checkbox to agree with the statement. 10. Click on Submit button. Page | 32 Ap ppendix Example of UTMF Fin E‐Forrm Attach hment Pagee | 33 IND DEXED PUBLIC CATION N Examp ple of Pub blished P Paper Pagee | 34 Example of Proof Indexing in Web of Science/Scopus/ERA Page | 35 Page | 36 NON NINDEXE ED PUBL LICATIO ON Examp ple of Pro oof of Pub blication n Pagee | 37 Examp ple of Jou urnal Front Page & & Table o of Conten nt from W Website Pagee | 38 Examp ple of Jou urnal Front Page & & Table o of Conten nt of Prin nted Copy y Pagee | 39 Pagee | 40 OTHERS P O PUBLICA ATION PROCEE EDINGS Examp ple of Pro oof of Pub blication n Pagee | 41 Examp ple of Pro oceeding Front Paage Pagee | 42 Examp ple of Pro oceeding Table off Contentt Pagee | 43 Examp ple of Oth hers – Presentatio on Sched dule Pagee | 44 OTHERS PUB BLICATIO ON – CON NFEREN NCE PAPE ER Examp ple of Pro oof of Pub blication n Pagee | 45 Examp ple of Con nference Front Paage Pagee | 46 Example of Others – Conference Poster Page | 47 OTHER RS PUBLICATION N – ARTICLE IN M MASS ME EDIA Examp ple of Pro oof of Pub blication n Pagee | 48 Pagee | 49 OTH HERS PUB BLICATIION – PELAPORA AN/PENE ERBITAN N KHUSU US Examp ple of Oth hers – Fro ont Pagee Pagee | 50 Examp ple of Oth hers – Pu ublication n Details Pagee | 51 Pagee | 52 OTHERS PUBLICATION – POLICY PAPER Example of Others – Front Page Page | 53 Examp ple of Oth hers – Pu ublication n Details Pagee | 54