- About Presbyterian Homes


- About Presbyterian Homes
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
O ur li v es are fille d
w it h simple gifts .
The shared laughter of friends.
The warmth of summer sunshine.
The book you never want to end.
The quiet satisfaction of looking in on a neighbor.
The collaborative spirit of a service project.
The empowering feeling of making a difference.
In every Presbyterian Homes community, simple gifts make our lives a little
sweeter. And in every community, thanks to the Geneva Foundation, you can
see what happens when simple gifts gather with a transformative power.
A garden blooms. A fountain splashes. Spiritual life flourishes.
An employee finishes her degree. Another can fix his roof after a storm.
A resident continues to live in her community, safeguarded from
health or economic misfortune.
The Geneva Foundation, the philanthropic program
of Presbyterian Homes, inspires gifts of all sizes that together
demonstrate the collective impact of generosity.
This annual report will show you how the
simplest gift can become the greatest.
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
T h e T r a n s f o r m i n g P ow e r o f
a Simple Gift
Dear Friends:
Without question, there has been nothing simple about the past decade. The
country’s economic challenges rivaled the fiercest Chicago winters.
But we endured. Thanks to a comprehensive, strategic look at our communities,
the amazing hard work of our staff – and the remarkable commitment of you,
our donors – we have emerged stronger than ever before.
Embracing Change So We Can Flourish
One of the important lessons from the past several years is that we cannot rest
on our laurels or past accomplishments. If we are to continue to flourish as a
leader in the senior living sector, it is imperative that we embrace the changing
times and use them to help us create an exciting new future.
As an organization, we are developing long-range, strategic, far-reaching plans
for Presbyterian Homes. We are looking at every campus through a lens of the
future. In the next 20 years: What are the predicted demographic changes?
What will health care look like? What will be the impact of technology?
Already, you see changes are taking place on every campus. And more people
are choosing to live at Presbyterian Homes. Yet, even with our new energy and
ongoing renovations, the one thing that always sets us apart is the Geneva
Foundation, the philanthropic heart of Presbyterian Homes.
The Joy of Generosity
As a community, our donors demonstrate an extraordinary joy in their generosity.
Together, their simple gifts become a powerful force and fund nearly $6 million
of benevolence.
Donors help provide a safety net for the most vulnerable of our residents.
Despite careful financial management, some of our residents simply outlive
their assets. The Geneva Foundation donors have ensured these people will
continue to live on our campuses with dignity and support.
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
Some donors are not always residents, but there are adult children who rise
to create new ways to enhance the life of everyone who lives on our campuses.
We know employees who feel a deep connection of community between residents
and the staff. Other donors find new and unexpected ways to make life better
for residents now, and for generations.
Simple Gifts are the Greatest
This annual report will profile some of the Geneva Foundation’s remarkable
donors who simply embody the spirit of all our residents.
We are honored to introduce you to Donn Trautman; the Dick and Nancy
Hough Family; the Presbyterian Homes Community Life Adminstrators
Muriel Brunger, Charlotte Evans, and Lisa Vandermark; Sonja Strevosa’s
children, Marianne and Phil Nielsen; the John and Frances Taylor Family;
and Margaret Johnson, whose generous gift is opening the doors to a new
chapel on The Moorings campus.
Their engaging stories share a powerful lesson: From the simplest gift
of a memorial donation to a legacy gift that will endure for decades, the
collective impact of our residents’ generosity is the greatest gift of all.
Leland E. Hutchinson
Chairman of the Board
Todd F. Swortzel
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
“The Geneva Foundation should
always be the number one
organization residents support.”
– Donn Trautman
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
A gift that
Donn Trautman isn’t quite sure where his
benevolent nature comes from. “Maybe my wife
Barbara?” he smiles. Donn and Barbara met as
students at Ohio State and built a life together
with their daughter on the North Shore. There they
were active community and church volunteers.
In their 13 years at Westminster Place, Donn and
Barbara earned a reputation as a philanthropic
force. Barbara, who passed away last winter, was
a member of the Woman’s Board and a tireless
volunteer. “She knew how to get things done,”
he remembers fondly.
His generous spirit
is contagious
The same is true for Donn. A warm-hearted man
with an easy laugh, Donn’s generous spirit is
contagious. During his time at Westminster Place,
Donn was an outstanding leader as co-chair of
the Second Century Fund and continues to be an
engaged member of different campus committees.
He remains active with First Presbyterian Church
in Wilmette. He even plays golf twice a week.
Together, Donn and Barbara have been generous
donors to the Geneva Foundation and even
designated Presbyterian Homes as a part
beneficiary in their charitable trust. They have
uniquely distinguished themselves by honoring
the lives of their friends and neighbors with
memorials to the Geneva Foundation.
Since they arrived at Presbyterian Homes, the
Trautman’s gifts have nearly exceeded $100,000. “A
memorial gift just seems so easy to do,” says Donn.
“People who move to Presbyterian Homes were
generous before they arrived,” says Donn. “They
continue to be generous. However, once they
come here, the Geneva Foundation should always
be the number one organization they support.”
Memorial gifts are a natural
way to remember friends
“The Foundation touches us residents in so
many ways: supporting residents and employees,
strengthening spiritual life. A memorial gift is a
natural way to remember friends and give thanks.”
One of the lives that has been well-remembered
with memorials was Barbara’s. “The amount of
donations received in her memory was incredible,”
says Lisa Schiro, Senior Director of Development
for the Geneva Foundation. “Many donations
accompanied sweet notes telling us what a
wonderful person and loyal friend they had in
Barbara and that her presence would be missed.”
“Barbara’s life continues to be a force for good,”
Donn says with a warm smile. “That’s what I’m
talking about.”
Last year 250 donors gave 689 gifts in
memory of a life well lived or in honor of
a special life event.
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
“This is a gift of a lifetime.”
– Margaret Johnson
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
A gift that
Fifteen years ago, Margaret and Odean “Jack” Johnson
moved to The Moorings of Arlington Heights. It
wasn’t long before Margaret became known as the
person with extraordinary energy and an oversized
heart. She has served on every committee, built a
large circle of friends and engaged in the spiritual
life of the community.
Margaret and Jack have a remarkable story. They
married at 17 and embarked on the American
Dream of opening their own business. Margaret
was “good with numbers” and Jack was even better
with people. The couple built a successful business.
They lived modestly and invested wisely. They built
a life rich in family, friendship and community –
a life Margaret believes was always graced by God.
Her gratitude is as natural as breathing: serving
coffee at church, sharing babysitting duties for
great-grandchildren, writing a check to help someone
with college tuition or unexpected expenses.
Generosity agrees with her
“My accountant told me to put my savings in a
trust for my family when I died. But where’s the
fun in that?” Margaret asked. “Some people need
help now and I love to see the good I can do.”
As an engaged member of The Moorings comunity,
Margaret continued to be aware that one important
element was missing from the campus – a chapel.
She knew there was a need to create a sacred space
on campus. A place that was welcoming to all. She
joined a committee to explore the possibility. And
then, in a profound act of gratitude for a lifetime of
strong family and friendships and a deep, enduring
faith, Margaret made a gift of $2,519,000 to build a
new chapel on The Moorings campus.
“I want to inspire others,” Margaret says. “This is a
gift of a lifetime, one that will have a lasting impact
on a community that has given Jack and I so much.”
“We still need to raise $2.5 million, but God says to
stay with it,” she laughs. “People can give a prayer
or a dollar or any amount. All residents should
really play their part to bring this opportunity to
The Moorings.”
A place that inspires community
The new chapel will serve as the catalyst for
transformational change at The Moorings, creating
a town center, new and expanded assisted living
residences, and, without question, a new heart
and soul for The Moorings.
“The Chapel will bring us together, not just through
prayer, but through concerts, performances, even
dance,” Margaret continues excitedly. “Even for
those who are not of a faith this will be a place to
meditate, find peace and feel community.”
“A few residents think a new chapel is not necessary.
‘I go to my own church’ they tell me. But I tell them
go to health care and see how many people can’t
leave the building. These people and their families
truly need a place to feel part of the entire community.”
When the new chapel opens in 2017, Margaret
says the first service will be a thanksgiving service
because, “The best gift is a grateful heart.”
Margaret’s husband Odean “Jack” Johnson
died in 2007. The Sanctuary in the new chapel
will be named in his memory.
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
“I feel that I’m doing something to help
older people through some difficult times even after
I am gone; and I feel good about it.”
– Dick Hough
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
A gift that
en d ures
“Dad was a man with a lot of blessings, but not
one to parade them,” remembers his son David
Hough. “He was never one to say ‘look at me.’
He was extremely generous, just quiet about it.
The same could be said for my mom.”
David’s mom and dad were Richard and Nancy
(Rambeau) Hough and were among the first
residents at Lake Forest Place. The Houghs were
married for 61 years and lived in Northfield with
their three children, David, Bill and Janet.
If one word could be used to describe the Houghs,
it would be “generous.”
“Mom was an 81-pound dynamo. She was fluent
in four languages and used that skill to volunteer for
Children’s Memorial Hospital as a translator,” says
David. “When she died in 2007, the hospital was
surprised that anonymous generous gifts received
over the years were from their little translator.”
David’s dad, Dick, was the Chair and CEO of
ChemCentral Corp (now Univar, a chemical
distribution company) and had served in the
United States Army Air Corp. He was one of
those energetic, personable people. When he
asked ‘how are you?’ he genuinely was interested
to know the answer.
“Dad would make a deal with a handshake. He
taught us the value of a dollar and the value of
helping others. He was always willing to invest in
those who wanted to work,” remembers David. We
always suspected he quietly came to the financial
assistance of several people in his company.”
quiet generosity
And the same was true for Dick and Nancy’s life
at Presbyterian Homes. Once they learned about
the Geneva Foundation and heard the stories of the
people it supported, they became active donors.
“Dad knew that some people who lived in
Presbyterian Homes communities had fallen on
hard times, and he didn’t want them to have to
worry about the future,” explains David.
Dick became one of the Geneva Foundation’s
biggest advocates, “gently arm twisting” other fellow
residents and friends. He hoped his support would
inspire others to give to the Geneva Foundation as
well. “His generosity helped provide benevolence
for a lot of people, now and in the future,” says
Generosity is a lasting legacy
Several years before he died, Dick Hough made a
$1 million gift to the Geneva Foundation. His
gift established the Hough Family Foundation
Endowment and each year earnings derived from
the fund are directed into the Foundation’s
Annual Giving Fund. At the time of the gift he
said, “I feel that I’m doing something to help older
people through some difficult times even after I
am gone; and I feel good about it.”
So enduring was Dick’s commitment to the
Geneva Foundation, that when he died in 2011,
the family requested in lieu of flowers, memorial
gifts be made to the Geneva Foundation.
“There’s that expression: ‘Do your giving while
you’re living so you’re knowing where it’s going.’
That was Dad,” said David, who shared some
enduring gifts from his father.
“Some people think they can’t afford to help so they
don’t. But it’s not just money you can give. It’s doing
something. Helping people. Becoming involved.
Cook a meal. Take someone to the doctor.”
Thanks to the Hough’s and their gift to the
Geneva Foundation their endowment will
continue to give for years to come.
A word about Endowments
Earnings from endowed funds are used for
the purposes restricted by the donor while
the principle of the gift remains whole.
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
“Our residents are good role models.
They always step up.
Always volunteer. Always give.”
–Muriel Brunger
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
A gift that
builds community
A 26-year member of the Presbyterian Homes
family, Muriel Brunger has participated in nearly all
opportunities to support the charitable mission.
“Seeing the good work of the staff has inspired me
to give back to Presbyterian Homes,” she says.
Lisa Vandermark and Charlotte Evans, Muriel’s
counterparts, agree. All three women are
Administrators of Community Living for
Presbyterian Homes. Muriel works with Lake
Forest Place residents, Lisa with residents of The
Moorings and Charlotte at Westminster Place.
All three women are long-standing donors and
take pride in seeing the mission put into action
daily. Through their day-to-day work and donor
involvement they are helping people live life to the
maximum. “It feels good to do my little part to try
and make the world a better place,” says Charlotte.
the geneva foundation works
“We have all witnessed the anxiety people
experience when they realize they are going to
outlive their assets; it might be their worst day.”
says Lisa. “We are grateful to have the Fellowship
Fund to come to their assistance. When a resident
learns that donors have given to a fund to help
them remain in their homes, you can see the relief
in their faces immediately. Being able to provide
that assurance is something that I have found
empowering in my work here.”
“We’ve seen the Thanksgiving Fund help employees
when an unexpected catastrophe occurred,” says Lisa.
Muriel and Charlotte agree and have each been
moved by the genuine caring and concern employees
have for one another. Many employees contribute
through deduction in their bi-weekly payroll.
A new presbyterian homes spirit
All three women agree that the Geneva Foundation
has grown over the past few years. They have seen
it support community food drives, memory care
gardens, programs to help residents in the pool,
provide spiritual services and even pay for college
tuition for employees.
They believe the Foundation has inspired a new time
of generosity on every campus. It is heartwarming
to witness residents delivering their donation envelope.
Couple that with an employee who volunteers to
water flowers for a resident while they are away or
simply hang a pair of mittens on the community
mitten tree. “People feel they are the Geneva
Foundation,” says Charlotte.
Donating to the Geneva Foundation sends a
profound message to the community that
Presbyterian Homes’ residents and staff not only live
and work here, but also truly believe in the mission.
“It’s not what you give. It’s that you do.”
Each day, our diverse team of nearly 1,000 employees
is focused on bringing the best of what’s next to
our residents and their families. That makes the
pace of change at Presbyterian Homes pretty rapid–
but one thing that does not change at Presbyterian
Homes is our employees’ commitment to giving
back, some for more personal reasons than others.
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
It’s the high note of weekends at Balmoral Care Center at Lake Forest Place. The
Saturday Music program that lifts the hearts and spirits of residents is made possible
through the generosity of Marianne and Phil Nielsen, the daughter and son-in-law
of 97-year-old resident Sonja Stresova.
According to Marianne and Phil, Sonja is Bulgarian with a deep passion for music. A
woman ahead of her time, she studied in Paris to be an optometrist and worked in the
profession in Europe before the war. “Her love of music is in her DNA. But so is caring
about others,” says Marianne. In a story that could inspire a movie, Sonja eventually
left Bulgaria and later in life came to live with Phil and Marianne. “She is a giving,
caring person,” says Phil.
“She had her own optometry practice in downtown Chicago, managed her own
household and children and was actively present with us as we raised our own children.
She is a woman of few words but always thought of helping people. She is an inspiration.”
When Sonja moved to the Balmoral Care Center nearly 10 years ago, the Nielsens
began making gifts to support a music program on weekends at the Balmoral Care
Center. “There is plenty to do during the week, but not so much on weekends,”
explains Marianne. In time, the program attendance increased and staff began to see a marked difference with the memory care
residents. The Nielsens increased their gift to sustain the program. However, when the program costs required additional support,
the Nielsens began to formally request funding from the Gertrude B. Nielsen Foundation, a family foundation. Thanks to the
generosity of the Nielsens, the music program has increased in size and now includes a Music Therapy component. The Nielsens are
creating a more vibrant life for all the residents at the Balmoral Care Center, and for one very special woman. “She would have done it
for us,” smiles Marianne.
A gift that grows
The Taylor Garden is a favorite spot among residents and employees at
Westminster Place. And that was the idea behind John Taylor’s gift in memory of
his wife, Frances, both Westminster Place residents. “Mom was always interested in
flowers. In fact, mom and dad gave the Waterfall Garden to the Chicago Botanic
Garden,” remembers daughter Connie Taylor Patterson. “When they moved to
Presbyterian Homes, there was no pretty garden at the time.” That changed with
the Taylor’s generosity.
Today, it’s the Taylor’s children, John Taylor, III and Connie Patterson who keep
the garden growing. The children made a significant gift to further improve the
garden and support it’s annual maintenance so it would look its best, year after year.
“The garden was designed and is maintained by Rosendo Lopez of Ever in Bloom
Landscaping,” says Connie. “It is a perennial garden that begins with tulips in the
spring and changes throughout the seasons. It’s magic.”
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
Your Impact Grows with
Annual Gifts
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
The Geneva Foundation of Presbyterian Homes
Revenues And Support
Year Ended March 31, 2015 (Dollars in Thousands)
Gifts to support charitable program operations
FY 2015
Unrestricted and Restricted Investment Earnings
Operating Fellowship Fund
Operating Outreach Fund
Operating Building and Capital Fund
Operating Thanksgiving Fund
Operating Geneva Foundation
Supporting 246 vulnerable older adults through Fellowship and Outreach Funds through March 31, 2015
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, End of YeaR
Cash and Other Current Assets
Interest in Irrevocable Trusts
Pledge Receivables and Other Non Current Assets
Accounts payable and other
Due to Presbyterian Homes
Restricted for support of charitable operations
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
Financial Statement Snapshot
Fellowship Fund
Thanksgiving Fund
Building Fund
Operations Fund
Fellowship Fund
Our Fellowship Fund helps distinguish the character of Presbyterian
Homes. We know there are traumatic situations when residents, through
no fault of their own, experience financial hardship or outlive their assets.
Through our Fellowship Fund, we ensure that no resident will be asked to
leave our community due to the inability to pay. We extend medical and
supportive services to maintain their security, health, dignity and self-esteem.
The Fellowship Fund and its endowment have grown over the years and
have been built entirely by charitable donations from residents, families
and friends across the entire Presbyterian Homes organization. It is a
testimony to the power of giving back to those who need help now…and
to those who may need help in the future.
Building Fund
Our campuses create a life-affirming environment for all our residents. Careful
attention is paid to both the beautiful surroundings and state-of-the-art
facilities to meet the constantly evolving needs of residents and services.
The Building Fund supports capital improvements that secure the safety,
convenience and comfort of residents on all of our campuses, as in the case
of the campaign to build a Chapel at The Moorings of Arlington Heights.
Outreach Fund
Outreach Fund
In 1904 Presbyterian Homes was founded as an act of benevolence and grace
to provide a home for impoverished older adults. The Outreach Fund is not a
handout. It provides Presbyterian Homes the ability to extend a helping hand
to our neighbors in our surrounding communities.
Oper ations Fund
The Geneva Foundation has a powerful story – a story worth sharing with
residents, friends of Presbyterian Homes and the communities that surround
our campuses. More than just salaries, the operations of the Geneva Foundation
include a year-round effort to communicate the far-reaching work of the
Foundation with all its constituents.
Thanksgiving Fund
At the heart of Presbyterian Homes is an extraordinary team of people who
are dedicated to meeting the needs of older adults. The Thanksgiving Fund
provides tuition assistance to employees wishing to further their education,
and provides emergency assistance when catastrophe strikes.
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
the geneva foundation
T h a n k yo u f o r yo u r
g e n e r o u s g i f t.
We are so grateful to our growing list of supporters who believe the
Geneva Foundation serves as the heart of Presbyterian Homes. Through our
collective work – from the simplest gifts to lasting legacies – we are defining
a new, dynamic culture of philanthropy on every campus. The following
recognizes contributions from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015.
New Founder’s Society
The New Founder’s Society is our formal recognition of donors who have remembered Presbyterian
Homes through their wills or have made a planned gift during their lifetimes. Their generosity helps
Presbyterian Homes secure a bright future for older adults served by the Geneva Foundation.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Andersen
Miss Elizabeth M. Ashton
Miss Elizabeth Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barkhausen, Sr.
Mrs. Charles O. Barnes
Mrs. Marjorie A. Bausone*
Mr. Samuel T. Beacham
Mrs. Pearl Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Bohlen
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs.
Gilbert W. Bowen
Mrs. Elizabeth Breuer*
Mr. Frederick W. Brooke III
Dr. J. Robert Buchanan
Ms. Barbara Budinger
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Burd
Miss Ethel M. Burkhardt*
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley N. Caldwell
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Cape
Ms. Caroline Carter
Mrs. Vernon J. Clauson
Mrs. Eugenia C. Cremens
Mrs. Helen M. Cunningham
Mr. Richard Davis
2015 Annual Report
Mrs. Arthur DeBoer
Mrs. Mary Lou DeBoer
Mr. Gordon DenBoer
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dillon
Ms. Donna Lee Doughty
Mr. William J. Draver
Mrs. Jean Dusil
Mrs. Valerie S. Egem
Ms. Eileen M. Feeley
Ms. Caroline V. Frowe
Mr. M. E. Guthrie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hall
Mrs. Marilyn Hanson
Mrs. Dolores N. Haugh
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hauser
Mr. Raleigh Hegwood
Mrs. Edith F. Hicks
Mrs. Dagmar Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart S. Hudnut
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. James
Miss Elizabeth S. Jenkins*
Miss Janet Jones
Dr. Philip N. Jones*
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II
Geneva Foundation
Miss Paula M. Keatinge
Mrs. M. Allen Kimble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Knight
Mrs. Glenn E. Konker
Mrs. Jane Korczynski
Ms. Sue H. Lambert
Mr. Thomas M. Lillard
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Loving
Mrs. Ruth E. Mack
Mrs. Patricia M. Makeever
Miss Frances McClean*
Mrs. William D. McEachron
Miss Rosemary E. McGonagle
Ms. Kay McGovern
Mr. Allen C. Menke
Mrs. Evalyn Moore
Ms. Georgiana Morelli
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Myers
Mr. B. J. Naleway*
Mr.* and Mrs. Harland W. Oates
Mr. Kenneth H. Oberlander
Mr. Harold Ogle
Mrs. Joyce H. Olson
Rev. John P. Petersen*
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie
Mrs. John William Pocock
Mrs. John G. Poust
Ms. Jacqueline L. Quern
Mrs. Edward L. Renno
Mrs. James T. Rhind
Mrs. Barnard A. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Sikorovsky
Ms. Jane M. Smith
Mrs. Dorothy Southerington
Mrs. Carl S. Stanley*
Mrs. Rita Stevens
Mrs. Henry M. Suzukida
Miss Nancy Torbet
Mr. and Mrs.* Donn N. Trautman
Mrs. James D. Vail III
Mr. George Van Zevern
Mr. Walter Wallin
Mr. C. Theodore Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Weinberg, Jr.
Mr. Samuel Wilson
Mrs. Marilyn M. Woodman
New Founders Estate Gifts
Named Endowment Donors
The New Founders Society recognizes the earnest commitment of
donors who have remembered Presbyterian Homes in their will. The
following is a listing of friends who, through careful estate planning,
ensured their philanthropic endeavors would continue long after
their passing. This selfless gesture has ensured their legacy into the
future. God rest their souls.
Donors who wish to perpetuate their giving both in their lifetime
and beyond can chose to create an endowment in their name. These
wonderful endowments provide beneficial income which advances the
mission of Presbyterian Homes for the lifetime of the organization.
We extend our sincerest gratitude to these very thoughtful individuals.
Samuel M. Cherry Memorial Charitable Trust
Elaine Crocket Estate
Horace Dawson Memorial Fund
George R. Eberle Estate
Leah C. Hamman Estate
Jane H. Jeffery Estate
Martha D. Kenyon Estate
Virginia W. Little Charitable Trust
Cora Davis Magie Fund
Frances McClean Estate
Alice J.S. Movius Revocable Trust
Verona Murray Estate
Catherine Painter Estate
Carl S. and Barbara L. Stanley Charitable Trust
Alice & Jack Bohlen Endowment Fund
The Charles & Calvine Bowen Endowment Fund
Daniel G. Brown Trust Endowment
George & Isabella Brown Endowment
Garth & Martha Conley Perpetual Garden Fund
Lucille Crowder Trust
Dorothy Halligan Trust
F. Haskell Fund Endowment
Robert Kermit Hill Memorial Lectureship Fund
Hough Family Foundation Endowment
Huss Family Foundation
James C. King Trust
James A. & Amanda Louisa Patten Fund
Beulah T. Morris Endowment Fund
Sidwell Foundation
B. Smith Memorial Fund Endowment
Goff & Harriett Smith Endowment
Fay & Selim Tideman Fund
The Burton Vergowe Trust
Woman’s Board Chapel Music Endowment
Norman & Sarah Barr Society
The following donors recognize the ever-present need for operating funds. Their yearly gifts of $5,000 or
more are a significant support to Presbyterian Homes’ ongoing mission to serve vulnerable older adults.
$100,000 +
Anonymous (2)
The Chicago Community Trust
Martha D. Kenyon Estate
Mrs. Margaret Johnson
$50,000 - 100,000
Jane H. Jeffery Estate
Woman’s Board of Presbyterian Homes
$ 25,000 - 49,999
Mr. and Mrs.* Garth J. Conley
Mrs. Arthur DeBoer
The Rev. and Mrs. David A. Donovan
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
$10,000 - 24,999
Assurance Agency, Ltd.
Atomatic Mechanical Services, Inc.
Mrs. Gail K. Bowyer*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burgermeister
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dillon
Mr. David W. Grainger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hutson
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kleiner
Mrs. Glenn E. Konker
Ms. Mari McCarty
OKW Architects
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie
Mrs. Barnard A. Savage
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert Schwarting
Mr. and Mrs. Neele E. Stearns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Swortzel
Ms. Barbara Weeks
$5,000 - 9,999
Mr. Vernon Armour
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen
Dr. J. Robert Buchanan
Ceres Foundation
Mrs. Mary M. Clark
The Davee Foundation
Horace Dawson Foundation
Ms. Donna Lee Doughty
Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Gathany
George R. Eberle Estate
Mr. Jack Goodman
Gould & Ratner, LLP
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Greene
Mrs. Kathryn L. Guthrie
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hauser
Mrs. Molly Heizer
Hutchinson Design Group, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. James
The JWT Family Foundation
Ms. Jeannette D. Kahlenberg
Mrs. M. Allen Kimble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Knight
Mrs. Jane Korczynski
Mr. Thomas M. Lillard
MedLine Industries, Inc.
Mr. Allen C. Menke
Mr. Robert B. Morris
Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Nielsen
Power Construction Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson
Mrs. Ann Purky
Ann Shaw Purky Charitable Fund
Reed Construction
Mrs. Ruthann Sayre
Skender Construction
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Toledo
Mr. Burton Van Wetering
W.L. Kercher Co.
The Doris Goodwin Walbridge
Foundation, Inc.
The Warwick Foundation
William Blair & Company
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
Every donation makes a difference in the lives of the people we support. We would like to
thank and recognize donors who have contributed $1-$4,999 to the Geneva Foundation.
$ 1,000 - 4,999
Abbey Paving Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Andersen
Mrs. Lois M. Arbanas
Mrs. Dorothy Ball
Mrs. Deane A. Barmeier
Mrs. Jean I. Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bausone
The Rev. Vivian Becker
Mrs. Yngve Bloomquist
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs.
Gilbert W. Bowen
Mrs. Katherine Bradley
Mrs. Donald G. Brady
The Rev. Sarah Sarchet Butter
and Dr. John Butter
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley N. Caldwell
Mr. J. Melfort Campbell
Dr. Helen Capdevielle*
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Cartolano
Mr. and Mrs. Faris F. Chesley
Dr. and Mrs. Russell H. Clark
Mrs. Vernon J. Clauson
CliftonLarsenAllen, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Collins
Mr. Vincent J. Connelly
Consonus Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Copenhaver
Mrs. Ronald Cramer
Mr. Charles Davis
Mr. Hal Davis
Mr. Peter M. Davis
2015 Annual Report
Mr. Richard Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeBari
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Denison
Mrs. Carol DeSchutter
Ms. Nancy Dorsey
Ms. Patricia Drake
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Drost
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dunn
Mrs. Robert Eisner
Eriksson Engineering Assoc.
Executive Construction, Inc.
Ms. Eileen M. Feeley
Mrs. Townsend H. Fenn
Mrs. Jane Fenninger
Mrs. Isabel Ferris
First Presbyterian Church
of Arlington Heights
First Presbyterian Church
of Wheaton
Forum Extended Care Services, Inc.
Frances McClean Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Frankenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gerlach
Mrs. Margaret Ghielmetti
Mrs. Doris Gniewek
Mr. John O. Goad
Mr. Andrew F. Gottschalk
The Rev. and Mrs.
James W. Graham
Greenleaf Cabinets, Inc.
Mrs. Burton W. Hales*
Leah C. Hamman Estate
Ms. Marguerite D. Hark
Mrs. Carolyn Harnach
Mrs. Dolores N. Haugh
Geneva Foundation
HealthPro Rehabilitaion
Mrs. Thomas P. Healy
Mr. Raleigh Hegwood
Mrs. Dorrit Herreid
Gertrude E. Hill Foundation
Mr. James Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Hinderyckx
Ms. Carol Hofert
Mrs. Mary Anne Hoover
Dr. John H. Houck
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart S. Hudnut
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Hummel
Mr. Leland E. Hutchinson and
Ms. Jean Perkins
Illinois Construction Services
Interior Design Associates, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth S. Johnson and
Mr. Randall E. Sass
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jolly
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II
Mrs. Lorraine Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Knight
Mrs. Mary K. Knight
Mrs. Constance K. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian F. Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Judd W. Leland
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Ligon
Virginia W. Little Charitable Trust
Lucky Locators, Inc.
Mrs. Jean KixMiller MacMillan
Mr.* and Mrs. James A. Madewell
Mrs. Patricia M. Makeever
Marquette Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Marx
Mrs. Anne F. McMillen
Mr. Charles G. Meschler
Mr. Marvin F. Metge
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller
Dr. Edwin S. Mills
Momkus McCluskey, LLC
Move Me Move Managers
Moving Station, LLC
Mr. David’s Flooring International
Mrs. Marjorie L. Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. E. Dennis Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Myers
Mrs. Ferdinand Nadherny
Ms. Elizabeth A. Nichols
Miss Eva G. Nikellys
Mr. and Mrs. George Noble
Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital
Novak Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Patin
Mrs. Maria K. Pattock*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Peck
Perkins Eastman
Mrs. Ann R. Petersen
Mr. David L. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pinkerton
Pinnacle Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Plochman, Jr.
Mrs. John William Pocock
Mrs. John G. Poust
Provinet Solutions
Quality Plus Flooring, Inc.
Mr. Robert N. Rasmus
RLPS Architechts
Mrs. William J.O. Roberts
Mrs. Barbara Rother
Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
The Rev. Diann S. Santschi
Mrs. Olga J. Schirmer
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs.
Philip A. Siligmueller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Smith
Smith, Hemmesch, Burke,
& Kaczynski
Mrs. Charles L. Solberg
Mrs. Dorothy Southerington
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan F. Stanley
Ms. Jean Stonier
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Sweet, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Swift
Tecza Landscape Group
Testing Service Corporation
Mrs. Paul C. Tietz
Mr. and Mrs.* Donn N. Trautman
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Twede
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
UNUM Life Insurance Company
of America
Verona Murray Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo M. Virgilio
Mr. Walter Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Waud
Mr. C. Theodore Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Weinberg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Weller
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wenk
Werner - Nugent Plumbing, Inc.
Ms. Jane A. Western
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O. Western
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Wheatley
Mrs. Helen Wonak
Works Painting & Decorating
$ 500 - 999
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Abrahamson
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Alkire
Mr. and Mrs. A. Louis Allred
Mr. John E. Aten
Mrs. Helen H. Bair
The Rev. Dr. Frank C. Baldwin
and Ms. Barbara E. Ellson
Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Baumgartner
Betsy M. Ravenel
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Gayle Blansett
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Bohlen
Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Breit
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Brower
Mrs. Anne M. Butler
Mrs. Laurence A. Carton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Clark
The Columbus Foundation
Mrs. Sylvia M. Corrigan
Mrs. John S. Coulson
Ms. Deborah L. Cross
Mrs. James V. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes
Mrs. Ellen Dittmer
Mr. William J. Draver
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dunnan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Ehlert
The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Bank & Trust of Evanston
Mr. and Mrs. Merton R. Fish
Ms. Nancy J. Flannery
Mrs. Hillary Freeman
The Rev. and Mrs. Jon W. Galloway
Garvey’s Office Products
Mrs. Gordon Good
Dr.* and Mrs. Orville C. Green III
Mrs. Deborah P. Gundersen
Mrs. Doreen Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hausberg
Health Care Solutions Group, Inc.
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Hecker
Mrs. Arne P. Henriksen
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Horner
Mr. Lawrence Howe, Jr.
Mrs. Vivian C. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Terence X. Hurley
Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Jaggard
Ms. R. Ann Jones
Mrs. Gail W. Joy
JRI Interior Design
The Kenyon Family
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Keller
Mrs. Charmayne Kreuz
The Lakota Group, Inc.
Mr. Ernest F. LeVon and
Ms. Elizabeth Stegner
Mrs. Martha M. Little
Mrs. Vivian Lumpkin*
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. James J. McClure, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Menard III
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mohr
Ms. Georgiana Morelli
Mrs. Paul L. Morrison
Miss Jane Mueller
Mrs. Sue Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Neal
Mrs. David H. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Olson
Mr. and Mrs.* William B. Olson
OnShift, Inc
Mr. and Mrs.* Ralph M. Otwell
Parkview Presbyterian Church
Ms. Debby Penar
Plante Moran, PLLC
Mrs. Marilyn R. Potts
Mrs. Linda Pushaw
Ms. Jacqueline L. Quern
Ms. Betsy M. Ravenel
Ravenswood Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ray
Mr. William R. Redlich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rickert
Ms. Kathryn S. Rigney*
Ms. Sylvia P. Robinson
Ms. Winifred Sadecki
Mr. Kenneth D. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Schmid
Ms. Joan M. Sextro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shannon
Ms. Susan T. Skinner
Mr. David H. Smith
Ms. Jane M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stack
Ms. June H. Steele
Rev. Tim and Rev.
Priscilla Wilkins Stevens
Mrs. Anne Stoelting
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Swartout
Mrs. John Reid Taylor
Today’s Digital Solutions
Ms. Sandra Topps
USI Consulting Group, Inc.
Mrs. James D. Vail III
Ms. Beverly Van Brocklin
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance
Mrs. Carol Vetta*
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Weiss
Miss Ruth M. Wheeler
Mrs. Bertha H. Whitmore
Ms. Maryanne Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wood
Mrs. Doris N. Woolsey
$250 - 499
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs.* Douglas W. Anderson
Ms. Pauline R. Asplund
Ms. Martha V. Atkinson
Bankrate, Inc.
Mrs. Charles O. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Barnhart
Mrs. Pearl Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Beem, Jr.
Ms. Solveig R. Bender
Mrs. Carole T. H. Bergstraesser
Mrs. Wilson J. Besant
The Rev. and Mrs.
Benjamin R. Bishop
Ms. Anna Boekstegen
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bolsen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.* Uwe W. Bonde
Mrs. Susan S. Borys
Ms. Vicki P. Bosler
Miss Jean Broom
Ms. Muriel Brunger and
Mr. James Gerkin
Dr. William H. Bunn*
Mrs. Libby Christianson
Mrs. Lenore S. Clark
Mrs. Fay C. Cole
Mr. Peter F. Connor
Cora Davis Magie Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Danielson
Delta Dental of Illinois
Mr. Gordon DenBoer
Mr. and Mrs. David Duffell
Shirley M. Ekenberg
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
(Donors continued)
Dr. and Mrs. Willard A. Fry
Ms. Laura A. Gernon and
Mr. Grant J. Schexnider
Mrs. Eileen Golan
Ms. Pamela Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Green
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Griffin
Mr. Donald K. Griffith and
Ms. Barbara Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krigas
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kuchel
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. LaForge
Ms. Sue H. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Larimer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. LaVigne
Mr. John W. Le Fevre
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lorenz
Mrs. Ruth E. Mack
Ms. Nancy B. Hagstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Havrilka
Robert Kermit Hill Memorial
Lectureship Fund
Mrs. Betty J. Hoosline
Mrs. Edith F. Howell
Mrs. Eleanor Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Kinney
Mrs. Loretta M. Klimek
Mr. Robert Kret
Mr. Fatmir Madhi
Mrs. Joan B. Martin
Ms. Mary I. Mathewson*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Matthei
Mr. Charles F. Matz
Mrs. Nancy G. McChesney
Mrs. Hannah P. McInnis
Mrs. Gwendolyn R. McNamara
Ms. Barbara Mengel
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton H. Merry, Jr.
2015 Annual Report
Geneva Foundation
Miss Betty A. Meyer
Mrs. Ruth Morris
Alice J.S. Movius Revocable Trust
The National Christian Foundation
Greater Chicago
National Society Daughters of the
American Revolution
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Noble
Mr. Harold Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. O’Grady
Mrs. Mary Ellen Padgitt
Mrs. Arlyle Palmer
Mrs. Harriet J. Papp
Park Ridge Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parker
Ms. Elizabeth A. Patterson and
Mr. Michael L. Hermsen
PepsiCo Foundation
Mrs. Dorothy M. Poggianti
Ms. Joann Poplar
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rahe
Mrs. Jytte Ravn-Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Repperger
Mr. Richard B. Robey and
Ms. Constance Rhind Robey
The Rev. and Mrs. H. Kris Ronnow
Mr. Donald Rustemeyer
Prof. and Mrs. Wolfgang M. Sachtler
Dr. * and Mrs. Ellen M. Salter
Mr. Frank Savoia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Schiro
Miss Doris A. Schulze
Mrs. William L. Searle
Mrs. Covington Shackleford
Mrs. Hobby Shank
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siragusa
Mrs. Eleanor M. Snell*
Mrs. Beulah Steffen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Surpless
Mr. Robert J. Treesh
Mr. and Mrs.
William S. Trukenbrod
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Uehling
Ms. Lisa Vandermark
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Waud III
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Weber
Mrs. Evelyn Weibel
Mr. and Mrs. Reinald Werrenrath, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Whitehand
Mrs. Jane T. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Winter, Jr.
Mr. Andrew Wissel
Mrs. Marilyn M. Woodman
Ms. Robin Zafirovski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zapchenk
Mr. Carl M. Zapfee
Mrs. Ruth Zekowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold R. Zisook
$ 100 - 249
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Alfredson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Amey
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Andersen
Dr. and Mrs. Burton F. Anderson
Ms. Nancy E. Anderson
Mrs. Necia H. Apfel
Mr. and Mrs. Marion T. Arganbright
Mrs. Jesse M. Ashcraft
Miss Elizabeth M. Ashton
Ms. Mary E. Avise
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Baker
Miss Elizabeth Ball
Ms. Dorothy Ballantyne
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barkhausen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bartelt
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bates*
Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott Bates
Mr. Robin A. Beamish
Dr. * and Mrs. Marc O. Beem
Mrs. Mary S. Bellamy
Mrs. Charles O. Bennett
Mrs. Susan Beyer
Ms. Nan Birmingham
Mr. Bruce Blair
Mrs. Joan Borg
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John H. Boyle
Ms. Marie L. Brandt
Mrs. Eleanor Brauer*
Ms. Laural Briggs and
Mr. Timothy J. Scale
Mr. Frederick W. Brooke III
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mrs. Mary O. Brugliera
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Bryan
Mrs. Priscilla E. Buenger
Ms. Claire H. Buettner
Mrs. Edward Buker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Burger
Mrs. Nancy W. Burnside
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Burrell
Mr. Conway and Dr. Karen Burton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Bushala
Mr.* and Mrs. Donald W. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caris
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Carlson
Mrs. Jeanne W. Carlson
Mrs. Joan T. Carrow*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chalecki
Mrs. Theresa M. Champagne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cihock
Citywide Banks of Colorado
Clarks Fork Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Cleary
Closet Works, Inc.
Mrs. Elaine Cocker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Conant
Mrs. Ardis D. Coninx
Miss Sharon Conroy
Ms. Catherine J. Cooper
Ms. Susan Craft
Mrs. Glorene S. Cunningham
Ms. Mary N. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davies
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Davis*
Mrs. Lydia Debb
Mrs. Mary Lou DeBoer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delaney, Jr.
Mr. Richard D. Denison
Mrs. Mary Jane DeWan
Ms. Mary Ann DiAnna
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Doub
Mr.* and Mrs. William K. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drake
Mrs. Julia Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eckels
Eckhart Kolak, LLC
Ms. Ruth Effron
Mrs. Valerie S. Egem
Ms. Loren Eiferman and
Mr. Joe Berlinger
Mrs. Elaine W. Eisenberg
Mrs. Annette Entinger
Miss Carla H. Esch
Mrs. Margaret C. Estey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Even
Ms. Gretchen Feemster
Mrs. J. Olof Fellman
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ferguson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Ferris, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. Raymond R. Fessler
Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Fiorio
First Presbyterian Church
of Deerfield
Mr. Mac Fiske
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fix
Ms. Jane P. Fleming
Mr. Frank G. Folkers
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Folland
Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts
Mrs. Margaret Ann Fowler
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Fox
Mrs. Renate Frankenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Frederick
Mrs. Myron D. Freedman
Ms. Scott Freres
Mrs. Barbara Gallas
Mrs. Arlene N. Gates
Mrs. Christine Gates
Mr. and Mrs. James Gerken
Mrs. Harriet M. Goedert
Mrs. Jane P. Goodman*
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Grad
Mr. Michael Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Grant
Ms. Gwen L. Gregory
Mrs. Nancy Gresens
Mrs. Joann B. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Grossman
Mrs. Marion O. Guyton
Mrs. Mavis C. Hagemann
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hall
Ms. Cynthia Hall
Mrs. Milnore H. Hall*
Mr. William P. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Haller
Mrs. James Hallman
Ms. Ruth Hamilton
Dr. Sakeena I. Haq
Mr. Russell Harkavy
Mrs. Margaret S. Harris
Mrs. Avis S. Hart
Mrs. Thomas B. Hart
Mrs. Margaret S. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Haussmann
Mrs. Libuse Havlik
Ms. Jane S. Hawley
Mrs. Priscilla J. Heerens
Ms. Mary Helfrich
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Herbert
Ms. Ruth S. Herzog
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Hickman
Mrs. Dorothy K. Holmberg
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Holmberg
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holyoak
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Horner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Hull
Ms. Mary E. Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Hurter, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Hutchings
Miss Jane Hyosaka
Dr. and Mrs. Michel Ilbawi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Jahn
Miss Renetta Jarka
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Johannesen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Johnson
Ms. Mary E. Johnson
Ms. Penelope Jones
Mrs. Constance T. Jordan
Ms. Nancy Jospey
Mr. Chris Kallimani
Mrs. Donnie Kallimani
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Keil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Keith
Ms. Rosann D. Kelly
Mrs. Leslie H. Kerr
Mrs. Helen P. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Kenji Kitamura
Mrs. Richard E. Kleeman
Mrs. Wendy K. Klein
Mrs. Keith L. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohn
Kronos, Inc.
Mrs. Wendy T. Kulberg
Mr. M. Gordon Lackie
Ms. Paloma C. H. Larramendi
Mr. Charles J. Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert M. Leppke
Mr.* and Mrs. David Lieberman
Mr. and Mrs. James Linday
Ms. Alice Linehan
Ms. Marian Lingo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Linnell
Mr. William J. Littell
Mrs. Ruth G. Lochner
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Loving
Mrs. Margaret Luecker*
Marbella Capital Advisors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Marlin
Mrs. Mary E. Mason
Mrs. Anne Mastrud
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Matson
Mr. Frank McCabe
Mrs. Caroline H. McCarty
Mrs. William D. McEachron
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. McGrew, Jr.
Ms. Margot McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. McTier
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyer
Mrs. Lois Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Miller
Mrs. Lucia T. Miller
Ms. Lynn Miller
Ms. Mary Ellen Miller
Ms. Pamela A. Miller
Mr. James Mooney
Mrs. Evalyn Moore
Ms. Sandra L. Morris and
Mr. Gregory K. Gable
Mrs. Barbara P. Morton
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
(Donors continued)
Dr. Charles Mudd
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Muderlak
Dr.* and Mrs. John F. Muldoon
Mrs. Loretta A. Neenan
Mr. Wayne L. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Neukirch
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald R. Newton
Mrs. Ruth Nissen
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Noble
Ms. Barbara Noell
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Nystrom
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Oberhart
Mr. Charles D. O’Kieffe III
Mr. David R. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O’Neill
Mrs. Joan A. O’Shea
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert A. Payne
Mrs. Era N. Pennell
Mrs. Diane Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Peterson
2015 Annual Report
Mrs. C. Allan Peterson
Ms. Constance Philipps
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Piechota
Ms. Betty J. Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Radcliffe
Mrs. Gwyn D. Rahr
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Rakowsky
Mr. Edwin L. Read
Ms. Jeanette Reedy
Mrs. Edward L. Renno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Renshaw
Rev. Gregrey Renstrom
Mrs. Dellora F. Ridgway
Ms. Marianne C. Roderick
Mrs. Stephena C. Romanoff
Rose Acre Farms
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Rosencrans
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Ross
Ms. Elizabeth D. Rothermel
Geneva Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Rumney III
Mr. John Patrick Ryan
Ms. Rose Salerno
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sandgren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scallan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Scheyer
Mrs. Rosalind B. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schuman
Ms. Valerie A. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Sikorovsky
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan F. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simpson
Mr. John Sisson
Mr. John A. Sivright
Mrs. Florence J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Smith
Ms. Mary H. Sotir
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot B. Spiess
Mr. and Mrs. William Stavropoulos
Mr. Charles E. Stein
Mrs. Rita Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stewart
Mrs. Barbara M. Stutz
Ms. Kathleen M. Sweetman
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Swenson
Mrs. Frances Tenison
Mrs. Darlene K. Tennerstedt
Mrs. Charles Thiel
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas
Ms. Ann S. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Thurber
Mr. and Mrs. Enno Toomsalu
Mrs. Betty G. Treiber
Mr. Warren F. Tryloff
Mrs. Mary Alice Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner
Mrs. Vera Unverzagt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Valentincic
Mrs. Katherine K. Veness
Ms. Nancy Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Wefler
Ms. Bonnie M. Wehrenberg
Mrs. Jeanne West
Dr. Ralph Westfall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wetzel
Mr.* and Mrs. William G. Whitney
Mrs. Sam Widran
Mrs. Joyce Wildman
Mr.* and Mrs. James F. Wilson
Mrs. Elva Witler
Ms. Hildegard A. Witte
Mr. John Zieger, Jr.
$1 - 99
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Ellen A. Abrahamson
Ms. Suzanne M. Abram
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Ashley
Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph Babula
Ms. Rhoda Barnhart
Ms. Leslie Batres
Mrs. Phyllis Beattie
Dr.* and Mrs.* Robert L. Behrends
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Billington
Mrs. Priscilla Billington
Ms. Beryl Bills
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blaseck
The Bowsher Family
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bracken III
Mrs. Aileen R. Brandt*
Mr. and Mrs. Garry M. Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Brody
Mrs. Anne R. Brown
Mrs. Helen M. Browne
Mrs. Barbara Bruno
Mr. Ross T. Buchanan
Miss Mary L. Buckmaster
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Burris
Mr. Glenn Burris
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Burruel
Mrs. Mary L. Buzard
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Calabrese
Mrs. Dorothy Calkins
Dr. Robert P. Campbell
Ms. Nancy M. Cannucciari
Ms. Jill Carr
Central A & M Middle School
Ms. Marjorie G. Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Chapin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Chauvin
Ms. Mary R. Clarbour
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cohen
Ms. Mary S. Collopy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Gale W. Conley
Ms. Maureen Conley
Mrs. Janice Conner
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cooley, Jr.
Mrs. Kim Creadick
Mrs. Marilyn L. Criche
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Davis
Mrs. Gerald Dean
Mrs. Janet Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Devejian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Donovan
Ms. Joan K. Downey
Mrs. Carolyn Duyckinck Bennett
Mrs. Donna H Eldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Engel
Mrs. Betty Engelmann
Ms. Charlotte Evans
Mrs. Leonard Everson
Ms. Margret E. Fairhead
Mrs. Helen Farny
Mr. and Mrs. Michel Feemster
Ms. Marilu Figueroa
Mrs. Ben Fisher
Mrs. Patricia Fisher
Mr. Gilbert Flores
Ms. Margaret Flores
Ms. Alice S. Florida
Mr. and Mrs. John Fontana
Mrs. Loretta Foxgrover
Fort Dearborn Insurance Agency
Ms. Dana K. Frederick
Mrs. Martha Fredrickson
Mrs. Marya V. Gabriel
Mrs. Carmela Gaffney
Ms. Susan M. Gander
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Geiger
Ms. Joanne Glugla
Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Grace
Mrs. Lorraine A. Graf
Mrs. William G. Grashorn
Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gray
Ms. Carolyn Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Guida
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Guth
Ms. Julia Hagwood
Mrs. Viola C. Hahn
Mr. Glenn D. Hanson and
Ms. Mary A. Juillerat
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hartman
Dr. Cheryl E. Haugh
Mrs. Ruth Hayman*
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heick
Mrs. June Hemsey
Mrs. Leora Hofmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Holtan
Mr. James E. Hopkinson
Mrs. Stephanie T. Howard
Mrs. Eloise M. Humphrey
Miss Mary Hyosaka
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Igoe
Mrs. Marian Jacobs
Ms. Geraldine W. Jaeck
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson
Mrs. Doris Johnson
Mrs. Edith M. Johnson*
Mrs. Joanne C. Johnson
Mrs. Nina Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jones
Miss Janet Jones
Dr. Philip N. Jones*
Ms. Mary Anne Juillerat
Mrs. Faythe E. Kalkwarf and
Mr. Ralph Lavieri, Sr.
Miss Paula M. Keatinge
Mrs. Judy Keaton
Mrs. Irene Kincheloe
Mrs. Gayle Kittredge
Mr. Bill Klein
The Rev. Barbara Kleyweg
Mrs. Barbara A. Knecht
Ms. Katherine Knuth
Mrs. Greta B. Kob
Mrs. Verna L. Koenig
Ms. Mary C. Koontz
Ms. Helen P. Koulos
Ms. Kathleen Kowalski
Ms. Irene Kreer
Mrs. and Mr. Jean M. Krivanek
Ms. Judith A. Krusinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kundert
Ms. Shirley E. Lahr
Mrs. Margaret M. Larson
Mr. R. Vincent Lavieri, Jr.
Miss Barbara J. Lindblad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lindquist
Ms. Joan Link
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Linkin
Mr. and Mr. Ross Loomis
Ms. Summer Luna
Mrs. Nadine S. MacFadden
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas W. MacFadden
Ms. Betty Madsen
Ms. Barbara S. Malmquist
Mrs. Marion Manetas
Mr. Edward J. Marcos
Ms. Elizabeth K. Mason
Ms. Theresa Mathe
Mrs. Alice Matsushima
Mrs. Dorothy Maynard
Mr. Wallace H. Mayton III
Mrs. Nancy McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McDermitt
Ms. Phyllis McDermitt
Ms. Sara K. McGuire and
Mr. Erik G. Schnitger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McHugh
Mrs. Eileen E. McVey
Ms. Ronni L. Meltzer
Mrs. Eva Mendelson
Mrs. Charles Mercier
Ms. Nancy Meyer
Mrs. Joanne C. Miles
Mrs. Nancy E. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Minarcik
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Moore
Miss Leona Mroz*
Mrs. Lynne Mueller
Mrs. Verona Murray*
Ms. Kathleen Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nissly
Oceanbridge Consulting
Mrs. Helen Palmer
Mr. and Mrs.
Michael R. Papierniak
Mr. Donald J. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Parlee
Ms. Geri Pawelski
Mr. Donald E. Peaslee
Ms. Gail M. Peck
PEO Sisterhood Chapter CV
Miss Bernice Peterson
Mrs. Dorothy Petree
Ms. Mary Jane Petrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Plochman III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Quinn
Mrs. Jane M. Rabe
Mrs. Marilyn M. Rainer
Ms. Elizabeth M. Rehder
Ms. Jill K. Reid
Mr. and Ms. Tom Reneau
Ms. Joan Riley
Dr. Frank L. Roe
Ms. Margaret J. Roeder
Mrs. Trudy Ronnel
Ms. Carol K. Salter
Mrs. and Mr. Melanie A. Salter
Ms. Suzanne Sawada and
Mr. Leonard S. Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Scheyer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schnittjer
Mrs. Nancy P. Schubert
Ms. Marjorie L. Schulz
Ms. Nancy T. Schwikert
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Sefton
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs.
D. Douglas Seleen
Ms. Suzanne E. Shade
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Shepard
Ms. Juanita Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson
Mrs. Emily A. Sloane
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Sonenthal
Mr. David O. Staats
Mrs. Helen K. Stake
Dr. Hugo Steinitz
Mr.* and Mrs. Max D. Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Teeple
Mrs. Mary G. Tempinson
Ms. Blanche M. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Thurber
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tide
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmer
Ms. Diane L. Trenbeth
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard F. Triptow
Mrs. Ruth C. Uchtman
Ms. Miriam L. Van Buren
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Van de Ven
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Vanderwall
Mr.* and Mrs. Abe Vinik
Mrs. Claire Volich
Mrs. Peggy Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wanberg
Ms. Kristen P. Webber
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weiss
Mr. Donald W. Welander
Mr. Harold Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Presbury B. West
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wheeler, Sr.
Mrs. Mary T. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wold
Mrs. Ron Woodbury*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Woods
Mrs. Hiawatha J. Woolford
Mrs. Joyce A. Yrjanson
Geneva Foundation
2015 Annual Report
Our Leadership
Elected Directors
President / CEO
Mr. Leland E. Hutchinson
Mr. Todd F. Swortzel
Assistant Treasurer
Mr. J. Marshall Peck
Mr. Mark Havrilka
Assistant Secretary
Mr. Neele E. Stearns, Jr.
Ms. Joanne McDonagh
Ms. Elizabeth A. Nichols
Ms. Paula M. Noble
Mr. J. Marshall Peck
Mr. Harlan F. Stanley
Mr. Neele E. Stearns, Jr.
Mr. Mark F. Toledo
Ms. Jane A. Western
Rev. Sarah Sarchet Butter
Mr. Charles G. Denison
Mr. George T. Drost
Mr. Gregory W. Hummel
Mr. Leland E. Hutchinson
Mr. Dennis R. Marx
Dr. E. Dennis Murphy
As of April 1, 2012, The Geneva Foundation and Presbyterian Homes began sharing the same members of the Board of Directors
with one special exception. The current president of the Woman’s Board of Presbyterian Homes is an additional member of the
Geneva Foundation’s Board of Directors with full voting rights. This position is currently held by: Mrs. Hannah P. McInnis
Life Directors
Mr. John A. Andersen
Ms. Jacqueline L. Quern
Mr. George H. Bodeen
Rev. Dr. Gilbert W. Bowen
Dr. Mark K. Bowen
Mr. Wiley N. Caldwell
Mr. Faris Chesley
Mr. Donald C. Clark
Dr. Fay Lomax Cook
Mr. Byram E. Dickes
Mr. William S. Dillon
Mr. Thomas A. Donahoe
Rev. David A. Donovan
Mr. William K. Downey*
Mr. Wilbur S. Edwards
Mr. Jon T. Ender
Mr. Earl J. Frederick
Mr. Van R. Gathany
Ms. Kathryn L. Guthrie
Ms. Diane T. Hart
Lake Forest Place
3200 Grant Street
Evanston, Illinois 60201
The Moorings of
Arlington Heights
1100 Pembridge Dr.
Lake Forest, IL 60045
phone: 847-604-8800
811 E. Central Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
phone: 847-956-4095
Westminster Place
3200 Grant St.
Evanston, IL 60201
phone: 847-570-3422
1020 Grove St.
Evanston, IL 60201
phone: 847-866-2111
City of Evanston Health Department
Illinois Department of Public Health
for Health Care, Home Care, and
Hospice Care
2015 Annual Report
1555 Oak Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201
phone: 847-866-2111
TEn Twenty Grove
King Home
Mr. Allen C. Menke
Mr. R. Douglas Petrie
Ms. Cynthia Willis Pinkerton
Mr. James T. Rhind
Mr. Eugene F. Sikorovsky
Mr. James R. Surpless
Dr. Milton Weinberg, Jr.
Mr. Charles N. Wheatley
Mr. Frank H. Whitehand
Mr. Robert J. Winter
Dr. Linda Hughey Holt
Mr. Edward W. Horner, Jr.
Mr. Stewart S. Hudnut
Mr. Edward R. James
Mr. Walter Kasten II
Mr. Robert P. Knight
Mr. Adrian F. Kruse
Mr. Thomas M. Lillard
Mr. Archibald McClure
Dr. John J. McGillen
[email protected]
and Affiliations
American Geriatrics Society
Leading Age and Leading Age
Illinois Metropolitan Chicago
Healthcare Council
American Society for Aging
Presbytery of Chicago
Buehler Center on Aging,
Northwestern University
Presbyterian Association of Homes
and Services for the Aging
Geneva Foundation
The Geneva Foundation Development Office Team
We are so honored to work with all of the generous residents of Presbyterian Homes and
the supporters of the Geneva Foundation.
Pictured left to right
Lisa M. Schiro
Senior Director of
Todd F. Swortzel
President and CEO
Presbyterian Homes
Karen Shin
Foundation Manager
Calvin J. Tindall
Development Specialist
Research and Data Management
Sara Keely McGuire
Development Specialist
Communications and Grants
The Geneva Foundation transforms lives by enriching
Presbyterian Homes, a faith based not-for-profit,
Presbyterian Homes communities through generous
creates vibrant communities with distinctive
and responsible philanthropy.
programs, quality supportive services and excellence
in lifestyle choices to enrich the lives of residents and
their families.
Non-Profit Org.
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