Collegiate Winter 2014 - De La Salle Collegiate


Collegiate Winter 2014 - De La Salle Collegiate
In This Issue
From The President.................................................. 3
IB Story..................................................................... 4
Conversation with..................................................... 6
Admissions News...................................................... 8
The DLS Archive Project........................................ 10
Advancement News................................................. 12
Annual Report........................................................ 13
Whatever Happened To.......................................... 31
Alumni Spotlight.................................................... 32
Alumni News.......................................................... 34
Alumni Events......................................................... 37
Making a Difference............................................... 38
Athletic News.......................................................... 39
Evening of Delights................................................ 40
In Memoriam.......................................................... 42
On the Cover
A trophy worth raising! The Pilots won the first
football championship in school history, defeating Muskegon Mona Shores 44-8 in the Division 2
Finals at Ford Field.
The team started the season 3-3, with all three
losses coming in the last minute of play. An emotional gathering at the statue of the Blessed Mother
in front of school got the Pilots on the right course,
and they finished the regular season 6-3. They went
on to win five straight in the playoffs, outscoring
their opponents 165-64.
The championship game also marked the 100th
win at DLS for Coach Paul Verska (above), now in
his 13th year as head coach.
You can read and see more about the game at
For many reasons you will read about in this issue,
“It’s a great day to be a Pilot.”
Identification Statement • The Collegiate • Winter 2014
Statement of Frequency: Three Times Per Year
Published by De La Salle Collegiate High School Advancement Office
14600 Common Road, Warren, MI 48088
Phone: 586-778-3356
Collegiate photos provided by MrMack, Vicki Granger, Patrick Studios, Bryan Killingbeck, and the DLS Yearbook Staff
President����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Br. Thomas Lackey, FSC, ‘65
President Emeritus������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Br. Robert Carnaghi, FSC, SJ ‘48
Principal�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Patrick R. Adams Jr.
Director of Advancement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Christopher Czarnik
Director of DLS Alumni������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ John C. Monigold, ‘66
Dir. of St. Joe’s Alumni Activities��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Br. Patrick McNally, FSC, SJ ‘55
Assoc. Director of Advancement������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Amy Seiferlein
Director of Communications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Vicki Granger
Director of Admissions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bill Burkhardt, ‘03
Exec. Assistant of Advancement������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Linda Carnaghi
Exec. Assistant of Admissions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Andrea Mason
From The President
As I sit here today, I am thinking about the last week of
football and our State Championship game on Friday. But
I really want to return to the Brother Rice game two weeks
ago. I was asked to present the Regional Championship
trophy after De La Salle won. The four captains approached
me at midfield, and then I lost it. Tears of happiness
streamed down my face. I hope that you again see me
with tears after our last football game
I had another experience before the De La Salle-Brother
Rice game. As I walked up to the stadium, Shane Morris
(‘13) saw me, and we began to talk. I told him that I have
a picture of him from the Detroit Free Press in my office.
The picture was after he was hit in a University Michigan
football game, and Shane was leaning on a teammate. If you
have seen the picture, focus on his left wrist. He is wearing
a black wristband, which he received at his Kairos retreat,
which says “Live Jesus in our hearts.” He pulled up his
sleeve, and there it was. He always wears it. This reminds me of what De La Salle is about –
teaching our students about Jesus and evangelizing them.
Lastly, Christians are now celebrating Advent and anticipating the birth of Jesus. Let me
quote what our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, wrote on the Feast of the Epiphany.
“Recognize Jesus beneath the poor rags of the children whom you have to instruct. Adore Him
in them. May faith lead you to do this with affection and zeal, because these children are
members of Jesus Christ. In this way this divine Savior will be pleased with you. And you
will find him.”
I wish you a blessed Christmas Season and a Happy New Year.
Brother Thomas Lackey FSC
PS. Live Jesus in our Hearts wristbands are available in the Campus Ministry Office.
The cost is $5.00 and proceeds will go to our mission school in Kenya.
International Baccalaureate
IB learner profile
IB learner profile
De La Salle has become the first
private school in Macomb County to
become an authorized International
Baccalaureate (IB) World School. The
IB curriculum is another academically
rigorous, high-level curriculum now
available to DLS students.
DLS received approval in early
November, just weeks after a
September 2014 site team visit.
Worldwide, approximately 20 high
schools each year are authorized.
Statewide, there are 33 authorized IB high
IB learner profile
This is
of our profile
IB learner profile
Lasallian Mission IB learner
to be innovators in
IB learner profile
IB while
all students,
and helping
IB learner
develop their
IB learner
full potential.
IB learner profile
IB learner profile
IB learner profile
IB learner
high schools, this is just another reason to strongly conprofile
sider De La Salle. This isIB
of our Lasallian
Mission The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their
common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.
As IB learners
to be:
in education while serving all students,
We nurture our curiosity,
skills for inquiry
“This is fantastic news,” said Principal Patrick
We critically appreciate
our ownfull
cultures and
personal histories, as
research. We know how to learn independently and with others.
well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a
We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning
range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the
Adams. “This is a testament to the hard workthroughout life. What is IB?
of everyone in the building, particularly our We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a
knowledge acrossThe
a range of disciplines.
We engage with issueswas
to service, and
we act
to make a positive difference
IB Program
Switzerland, in
in the lives of others and in the world around us.
IB Coordinator, Stephanie Howay, and all theand ideas that have local and global significance.
the 1960s as a single, academically challenging program
use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take
teachers who have taken the IB training to We
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination;
responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in
we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas
internationally mobile
students preparing for univermaking reasoned, for
ethical decisions.
and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the
teach our first cohort in the Fall of 2015.
face of challenges and change.
were children of diplomats
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than
one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively,
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of
“About five or six years ago, we began reviewing
listening carefully to
who changed schoolsour lives—intellectual,
wanted the opphysical, and
well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence
why some students chose NOT to attend DLS.
with other people and with the world in which we live.
Asia. The
act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness
Each year certain students who took the en- We
and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people
consider the and
world and our
own ideas and
know exeverywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their
experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses
in order to support our learning and personal development.
trance test at DLS chose to attend a school with
actly where an incoming
student is at in the course of his
The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like
the IB curriculum.”
a student
schools without
them, can help
individuals andenabling
groups become responsible
members of local,
and global communities.
any adjustment. The IB program has gained recognition
DLS formally began exploring the possibilities
and respect from the world’s leading universities.
of becoming an IB school three years ago.
“We first performed a feasibility study to see if
IB was a good fit - academically, spiritually, and
financially,” said Howay. “The feasibility study
was followed by our Application for Candidacy to
see if DLS has the basic foundation in place to
fully support the IB program. After our application was reviewed, we submitted the Application
for Authorization, followed by the site visit in
September by members of the International
Baccalaureate Organization. We were told we
might hear in February 2015. Needless to say,
hearing we were authorized a month after the
team visit was a welcome surprise.”
Bill Burkhardt, Director of Admissions, said,
“For many families making a decision about
Students take the IB classes as a cohort in their junior
and senior years. At the end of senior year, students
take written exams and write a research-based, 4,000
word Extended Essay - both of which are evaluated by
an external IB team. IB students also complete a Theory
of Knowledge course that challenges each student to
understand how we know what we know.
“Students who earn the IB diploma set themselves
apart from their peers as young people who have shown
a tremendous amount of dedication, time-management
skills, and intellect,” said Howay.
The IB Diploma will be a separate diploma from the
De La Salle diploma.
In the United States, 829 high schools are IB schools,
part of the 2621 high schools in 139 countries with the
World School
A Parents Perspective
Bill Iacona, Class of 1988,
prestigious designation.
Advanced Placement vs IB
“I liken AP to a buffet, and IB to a five-course dinner,” Howay
explained. “With AP, you can pick and choose the AP courses that
you would like to take. There is no expectation to take all of the AP
offerings, nor are the classes interconnected.”
In IB, the courses are interdisciplinary, in six broad subject areas.
“IB establishes a way for students to see the connectivity among
people, and helps students become well-rounded individuals who
respect all humanity,” said Adams. “The school-wide curriculum
does not change. Our most motivated students have the option to
pursue the IB diploma.”
Currently, 12 sophomores and 28 freshmen have expressed
interest in the DLS IB program.
Who Will Teach IB at DLS?
De La Salle has committed resources to the program for faculty
training. Thirteen faculty members, including Adams, have
already gone through the IB training, and will be involved with
the program. Howay will lead this IB-certified team which includes
a Counselor, Tony Albani, as well as subject-area teachers Rob
Black, Patrick Cavanagh, Nicole Cuello, Brad Cusumano, Shaun
Legato, AnnMarie Michol, Mike Shortt, Mike Szczegielniak, Jackie
VanThomme, and Aaron Wladischkin.
whose freshman son Ben “grew
up around De La Salle and
has long been excited about
one day becoming a Pilot, said,
“As parents, we were thrilled
when we learned De La Salle
was planning to become an IB
World School. Ben attended St.
Lawrence in Utica, and we live
in the Utica School District. We
heard a lot about the program
from friends. As parents, we
were not only keen about DLS
adding IB to its already excellent academic curriculum, but
very excited about DLS offering
the program in the context of a
regular high school experience.”
Bill adds, “We are pleased and
impressed with all of the De La
Salle faculty that we have met
“Our goal is to train all of our staff - whether they are teaching an
IB class or not. IB won’t change what they teach, but will change
how they teach,” commented Howay.
who are involved with the IB
We have made the commitment to have all teachers IB certified
in the next 3-5 years. The IB training is fundamentally researchbased best practices and in keeping with the work we have done
concerning standards, essentials, and assessments. Also, the
Diploma Programme demands that students be engaged in
their own learning which, again, has been an emerging emphasis
for our teachers in their classrooms. Essentially, the IB training
is a consistent approach to our professional development focus,”
said Adams.
tion so quickly. This shows that
program, and also impressed
DLS received its IB certificathe faculty involved with this
program have truly ‘rolled up
their sleeves’ and embraced the
challenge to deliver this program in an A-plus way.”
Conversation With
Dr. Charles Lucas, ‘55.
If you are talking about athletes at De La Salle with
Dr. Charles Lucas, DLS Class of 1955, you should
be cautious to exercise the correct language. “It’s
student athletes, with an emphasis on student,” he
says enthusiastically.
Dr. Lucas should know. He personifies what it
means for a Pilot to utilize athletic experiences as a
means to learn the lessons of hard work, discipline,
teamwork, and leadership. A letterman in three DLS
sports, Dr. Lucas has been a Medical School faculty
member at Wayne State University since 1967, and
a practicing surgeon since 1968, gaining legendary
status within the medical community.
He is one of four siblings who graduated from De La
Salle. And all four earned Doctorate degrees in their
fields: Jack (‘47) in Dentistry, Bob (‘48) in Medicine,
and Bill (‘51) in Mathematics. Recently, “Charlie,”
the youngest, arranged for the Varsity Locker Room
to be named in honor of the four Lucas brothers.
What an extraordinary accomplishment.
Four boys who became doctors in different
disciplines. Medicine, Math, Dentistry. You’ve
chosen to honor them for their dedication to
hard work and their career accomplishments.
What led you to choose the locker room?
At De La Salle you become a whole person. The
emphasis on scholarly activity and prowess must
always be emphasized at a school like DLS.
Athletics are a portion of this growth of a person
that helps them achieve their ultimate destiny whatever that is. The term “locker room” really does not
reflect the wonderful training for student athletes
who use the discipline of athletics to enhance their
scholastic endeavors.
Tells us about your family, and your brothers.
My parents were from farming families in Ontario,
not far from Toronto. They were very modest people.
They emigrated to Detroit, and my dad went to work
in a factory. We lived on Glenfield, just a mile from
the school. My brothers and I all attended St. David’s,
and all four of us attended De La Salle, and then we
all went to the University of Detroit.
Jack lettered in football, basketball, and baseball.
After graduation, he was the only member of his
University of Detroit dental class to have gotten into
dental school in two years. He graduated number one
in his class. Jack went into the armed services at the
end of dental school, which was good, because we had
helped pay his tuition for dental school, and now the
service would take care of it. Jack passed away in May
My brother Bob lettered in football, basketball, and
track. The Detroit Free Press came out with a series
in the 1950’s about the ten best athletes in the history
of the school; Bob was one of their selections. Although
I’ve never seen it in print, I’ve been told Bob was
chosen the best all-around athlete in his class. He was
definitely a man for all seasons. Bob attended Wayne
State University for med school. He went into the
service after his internship, and spent a year on the
faculty at Wayne before going into general surgery.
He is a retired physician and lives in Royal Oak.
I believe the school records show that Bill may have
received as many as twelve varsity letters. He lettered
in football, basketball, track, and rowing. He was also
selected as the best all-around athlete in his class.
He received his master’s degree in Math and Physics
within five years at the University of Detroit, prior to
getting his doctorate with special emphasis in game
theory. After obtaining his doctorate, he became a
renowned world-class mathematician whose works are
included in the Encyclopedia Brittannica. If you look
him up on Google, you’ll see some of his publications.
Bill was a professor at Cornell for many years, before
his death in 2010.
Dr. Charles Lucas
I said only Wayne. He said, “You’re putting all your
eggs in one basket.” I said, “Well, I can’t afford those
other baskets, so if you don’t take me this year, I’ll
apply next year. I wasn’t being funny. I was serious.”
I finished med school at Wayne, and stayed on. It’s
the largest medical school in the country.
You’re an active surgeon, on call every 3 days.
You’re supervising residents. Your resume lists
hundreds of papers and conferences. Do you
ever slow down?
The Lucas Brothers (L. to R.); Bill, Charlie, Bob and Jack.
I lettered in football, basketball, and track. I’ve been
told I was chosen the best all-around athlete in my
class, but I’ve never seen such a list.
At De La Salle, tuition was $75 a year. I paid for my
tuition from my paper route. At U. of D. I counted
every penny. It was $288.50 per semester. My first
year of med school was $501, and the second year
was $551.
You’re the youngest in the family. What led you
into medicine?
I didn’t know I was going to be a doctor, let alone a
surgeon. When I started at the University of Detroit,
I was in pre-med because my brother Jack, who was
like a third parent, said, “Look here. Pre-med has
philosophy, English, different sciences, math. If you
go into that program, you can branch into anything
you want.”
Next thing you know, I’m in a three-year pre-med
curriculum. In my third year, Bob Zink, Class of ‘54,
who was a year ahead of me, said, “Did you sign up
for the MCAT?” I didn’t know what the MCAT was!
Bob said well it’s this Saturday - I’ll pick you up, and
we’ll go take the test. So I took the test, and we were
supposed to write down the names of medical schools
where we wanted the results sent. I didn’t know of
any, so I put wrote down Wayne State.
Then I got called into an interview with the Wayne
med school dean. He asked where else I had applied.
No. I’m lucky to do what I do. I say I’m a hand surgeon - I do surgery on anything I can get my hands
on! I do surgeries at either Receiving or Harper, in
the Detroit Medical Center.
I present maybe four lectures a semester, but my
classroom is really the bedside of a patient, with a
couple of residents. Each Sunday and Thursday
mornings, I have table discussions at either
Receiving or Harper Hospitals, with about 12
residents. I try to prep the residents for their
yearly exams and challenge the students on their
knowledge of the patient. To get them to the point
where they don’t know the answer. Where they
have to use their observations and give me their
best guess.
What memories stand out from your high school
Br. Bernardine (later Br. Joe Loewenstein, who
is now at Bethlehem University) was my favorite
teacher. I had him for French in my junior year.
He taught me that the purpose of education is the
acquisition of knowledge.
I talk about him many times in my own teaching.
That education isn’t about the money. It’s the
acquisition of knowledge. That’s what it’s all about.
School was like family. My classmates were like
family. The teachers, mostly brothers, were like
parents. They had the interests of the family at
heart. Even when you did stupid things, they
still treated you like a son, and they wanted you
to do well.
Admissions News
The Math+ Program Grows
Our De La Salle Math+ Program for boys and girls
in grades 6-8, first offered in the Spring of 2014,
had a 40% increase in the number of students
participating this fall. Joe Novak (’03), a DLS
Math teacher, offers a new topic in advanced math
in each session.
Math+ is ideal for any student looking for
supplemental instruction to his own school’s math
Incredibly, every single participant said they
would recommend this program to another student. One participant said, “When I came here I
thought that it would be like any other math class,
but when I left I could tell it was completely different and unique. I would really love to come back.”
The next Math+ offering will begin in late
February. Be sure to check the DLS website for the
course offerings announcement.
Summer Camp Preview
Alumni at Open House
The De La Salle Summer Camps continue to grow. We
already have begun planning this summer’s camps, and
are excited about the new ones that will be offered. Some
of the new camps we hope to offer to boys and girls are:
•Outdoor Survivormen’s Camp - Fishing, Riflery,
Archery, Camping, and more.
•How to Get into The Ivy League and Beyond - College
Applications, Scholarship Writing, and more.
•How to Play Like Beethoven, but Rock like a Star Music Camp.
•Design and Drive Camp - Engineering and Robotics
Design and Building.
Check the De La Salle Summer Camps page on the DLS
website in early January 2015 for a full listing of dates,
times, and camps.
Remember to check with your tax professional to see if
you are eligible to use the childcare tax deduction while
your kids are at camp.
Linda and Ed Olejniczak (‘91) and their sons Eddie
(6th grade) and Joey (3rd grade), students at Our
Lady Star of the Sea in Grosse Pointe Woods.
Admissions News
A Letter from our Admissions Director:
Academic Scholarships at De La Salle
As a Lasallian school, we remain committed to ensuring all families can
afford a De La Salle education for their sons. That is why I am so excited to
announce the new Lasallian Scholars academic scholarships for incoming
De La Salle now offers the highest academic scholarships for incoming ninth
grade students of any Catholic school in the area. The graph below shows
the varying amounts, with the top award winners earning 50% off tuition
each year for four years. The scholarships will begin with students currently in 8th grade. We think these scholarships are a great way to reward
our students’ achievements while maintaining our commitment to affordability. We felt the students in those testing ranges are important to De La Salle Collegiate,
and we made the choice to invest in them and their families.
Even if a young man does not earn a scholarship from his score on the High School
Placement Test, there are programs to help manage tuition. Financial aid is the number
one way families receive tuition help. Our grants range from $500 up to nearly 80% of
tuition in extreme cases.
We are very excited about our new online financial aid application, which streamlines the
process while being more responsive to our families’ needs.
I continually tell prospective families, “Don’t let tuition be the reason you are not at De La
Salle, because we won’t let it be the reason.”
Please stop by to see how these scholarships and grants keep the De La Salle community
vibrant and strong.
And, remember “It’s a great day to be a Pilot!”
Bill Burkhardt, ‘03
Director of Admissions
Lasallian Scholar Academic Scholarships
Renewable at
The DLS Archive Project
21 cabinets of documents and photos
5 boxes of files
33 miscellaneous totes
15 cubic feet of yearbook photos
16 boxes of miscellaneous photos
“These items represent the history of De La Salle
and St. Joseph’s. Right now, they’re part of a loosely organized archive that has been maintained at
the school for many years,” said Chris Czarnik,
Director of Advancement.
“We’re looking at all of this material, much of it
significant in the school’s history, and figuring out
how best to preserve it in a digital format that is
easily accessible to current and future generations
of Pilots.”
The archives contain pictures of the school’s many
milestones. From its opening in 1926, to the
building of the gym, the Brothers’ house, and the
Annex at the Detroit campus. The 1982 move to
Warren, and three subsequent expansions of the
Common Rd. campus. The opening of the Brother
Robert Activity Center.
And all the pictures in between. Championship
teams. Pep rallies. Videos of musical productions.
Yearbooks. Negatives from the days before
digital. School newspapers. Honors convocation programs. Basketball programs.
De La Salle memorabilia. John Monigold, Director of
Alumni, said, “De La Salle Collegiate is proud of its
long and storied history and for that reason it is
important to preserve the archives.”
The DLS archives have grown over the past three decades, since faculty member Bryan Killingbeck, moderator of the school yearbook for many years, began
collecting memorabilia.
The “hard copy” material has moved several times
before arriving at its latest home, in a 20’ by 6’ storage
area in the 600 wing. Some of the non-digital material
is beginning to “decompose” since the archives are in
various cardboard boxes and some metal filing cabinets, and not in a climate-controlled environment.
Over the past two decades, with the advent of digital
cameras, there are also thousands of digital photos
stored on hard drives in computers around the building, external drives, and online. There is even a video
on YouTube from the school’s groundbreaking ceremony in 1926, showing Bishop Michael Gallagher walking
onto the grounds at Conner and Glenfield.
“It’s a big job. We’ve got to establish a workflow for
scanning and saving,” said Vicki Granger, Director of
Perhaps the most significant material
to be preserved are the pictures of every
graduating class, back to 1929 for DLS and
to 1901 for St. Joe’s. Although displayed
behind glass, a casual glance shows that
the pictures are showing their ages.
Br. Patrick McNally, associated with De La
Salle and St. Joe’s for over 60 years, said,
“We have such a rich history. It’s important
to preserve our past as we look to the next
100 years.”
The De La Salle Alumni Association has
offered to honor the past by offering to
donate the necessary funds to digitize the
The 1936 football team.
Buried Treasure
Communications. “It can’t be like the shoeboxes
my grandmother kept in a closet, with photos
all jumbled together and held with rubberbands.
We’d always sit around the big dining room table
and say someday we’ll sort this all out. That
someday is here for De La Salle. Our shoebox
runneth over.”
What’s in your attic?
As we begin our DLS Archives Project, we are
asking alumni to look through their own
memorabilia, and consider loaning items to
DLS for scanning and photographing.
Br. Patrick McNally, Director of St. Joe Alumni,
notes that while the school has several St. Joe’s
yearbooks, there are many missing years,
particularly the post-war years.
A groudbreaking ceremony. Date and details are unknown.
Please contact Br. Patrick directly at
586.541.6258 if you have a yearbook to donate
to the St. Joe’s archives.
Need a transcript?
Several years ago, all DLS and St. Joe’s student
transcripts were scanned and saved. To request
a transcript to be sent to a college or employer,
contact Mrs. Kim Balgenorth in the Counseling
Office at 586.541.6253.
At the Common Road Campus in the early 1980’s.
(L. to R.) Dan Jarackas (‘57), Br. Tom Lackey (‘65),
Br. Kevin Gilhooly, John Monigold (‘66)
An IM Football Championship Team in the early 1990’s. This
is one of the photos that we have “crowdsourced” our DLS
Alumni Facebook page.
Br. Pat McNally, Joan Mossner and
Br. Casimir Gundelach in 1996
Advancement News
President Emeritus Br. Bob Carnaghi Honored for Service
(L. to R.) John Monigold, Chris Czarnik, Br. Bob Carnaghi, Bishop Michael Byrnes,
Vicki Granger, and Patrick Adams at St. Clare de Montefalco.
Congratulations to Br. Robert
Carnaghi, President Emeritus
of De La Salle, honored for his
contributions to the values of
Detroit Catholic education by
the Bishop Gallagher Society.
“I am honored to have been
selected for this award, and
applaud the dedicated laymen
and women who are committed to
the values of Catholic education,”
said Br. Bob.
Br. Bob received his award at
the Society’s annual dinner in
late October. The event
included a Mass, with Detroit
Bishop Michael Byrnes, and
Detroit Free Press sportswriter Mick McCabe, himself a
product of Catholic schools, as
the keynote speaker.
Br. Bob served as the President of
De La Salle from 2002 - 2011. He
continues to work with students
through the school’s tutoring
program, and is also the Director
of the Brothers’ house. Br. Bob
is at nearly every DLS sporting
event, and with the student section, cheering the Pilots.
Br Bob and Principal Patrick Adams
Photo Credit: MRMACK.COM
In introducing Br. Bob, DLS Principal Patrick
Adams said, “I did not know then when Br. Bob
hired me 10 years ago that with his guidance,
support, and influence I would become a better
administrator, a better Lasallian, and a better man.
But that is indeed what has happened. He has been
truly one of the biggest influences in my life.”
The Bishop Gallagher Society was established as
part of the Detroit Catholic Heritage Project. The
group has found a permanent “headquarters” in
Livonia, on the grounds of the Felician Sisters
motherhouse, for the Catholic school memorabilia
the group has been collecting. More information is
on their website at
De La Salle Collegiate High School
Annual Report
De La Salle gratefully acknowledges all donations
made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014
Mission Statement
De La Salle Collegiate High School is dedicated to the
Catholic education of its diverse students,
including the poor and disadvantaged.
We are a college preparatory school inspired by
the spirit and tradition
of St. John Baptist de La Salle,
where learning takes place in the presence of God.
Each student is encouraged to develop his
faith, character, intellect, and morality.
This mission is embodied in the school’s motto:
“Builders of Boys, Makers of Men.”
St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us.
Live, Jesus, in our hearts. Forever!
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Statement of Financial Position
Cash................................................ $ 880,550 Investments........................................4,753,372
Other Assets..........................................417,308
Plant & Facilities................................7,623,867
Accounts Payable................................................... $1,132,735
Construction loan......................................................500,000
Deferred income..................................................... 1,468,073
Net Assets............................................................. 10,574,289
Total Assets................................ $13,675,097
Total Liabilities and Net Asset........................$13,675,097
Tuition and Fees.................................................................$7,960,954
Less Tuition Assistance....................................................... -1,342,592
Other Contributions and Auxiliary Enterprises....................1,707,28517.8%
Christian Brothers Dinner...................................................... 286,4583.0%
Raffle...................................................................................... 192,3302.0%
Annual Giving.........................................................................281,4822.9%
Scholarship and Tuition Assistance..........................................149,6671.6%
Temporarily Restricted Gifts.................................................... 46,5450.5%
Other Fundraisers.................................................................... 113,1131.2%
Contributed Services...............................................................187,4332.0%
For the year ended June 30, 2014
Educational and General................................................... $5,468,867 57.8%
Auxiliary Enterprises........................................................... 1,403,081 14.8%
Fund Raising...........................................................................876,761 9.3%
Financing Expenses................................................................ 228,2942.4%
Facilities (Includes Depreciation)......................................... 1,478,174
$9,455,177 Change in Net Assets........................................................$127,498
We are deeply grateful to all of our supporters, and we can't say it often enough:
Thank You to all of the donors and volunteers who help to make De La Salle the exceptional school that it is.
To make a tax gift before December 31, 2014, please phone the Advancement Office at 586-778-3356
or give securely online at
We have made every effort to make this report accurate. If you identify an error or omission,
please notify the Advancement Office by calling Amy at 586-541-6211
or email [email protected]. Thank you!
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Planned Giving
Brother George Synan Society
De La Salle recognizes those Alumni and Friends who have made a planned gift to the
school. Members of the Brother George Synan Society have either included DLS in
their wills with outright bequests, or made other planned gifts such as charitable gift
annuities, gifts of life insurance, or established charitable remainder trusts.
Please consider preserving the future of De La Salle by discussing your giving options
with your financial or tax advisor. The De La Salle Advancement Department is also
available to consult with you or your advisors.
Contact us at 586-778-3356 for more information.
John Potvin, Jim Gilleran, Mark Wisniewski
and Russ Agosta at the 2014 Brother George
Synan Society Dinner.
Brother George Synan Society Members
Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Rose Addy*
Mr. Russell Agosta*
Dr. Gilbert M. Bazil, MD
Mr. David Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brillati
Mr. Albert H. Callewaert*
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Gloria Carnago*
Mr. Eric T. Carver
Mr. Stanley Cieslinski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Clanon
Mr. James J. Davis*
Mr. Gerard J. DeBusschere*
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dix
Mr. Douglas E. Fialkowski
Mr. William R. Filbin*
Mr. Frank J. Fischer*
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ford
Mr. William M. Fox*
Mr. Albert P. Fucinari*
Miss Angeline Giabattista
Mr. Roger J. Goebel
Dr. Martin Guinta
Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Grace Herbert*
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Rita Hughes*
Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Sandi Jarackas*
J.C. Charitable Trust*
Mr. Richard J. Jungwirth*
Mr. Gary Karas
Mr. Michael J. Karwoski*
Mr. and Mrs. Terence and Nancy Kilbride*
Mrs. Leona M. Korenkiewicz
Mr. Daniel F. Kotwicki*
Mr. Walter L. Kraszewski*
Mr. Roger S. Laske*
Dr. Rene J. Leville
Mr. Daniel J. Loepp
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lucido and Family*
Mr. Daniel Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Carolyn Mansfield*
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Jane Mattar*
Mr. John C. Monigold*
Mr. Ronald R. Mrozinski*
Ms. Marguerite Nolan
Mr. Robert L. Nugent*
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine and Beline Obeid
Mrs. Kay O'Malia*
Mr. James L. Osolinski*
Mr. Ronald J. Parker*
Mr. and Mrs. Sal and Sandy Passalacqua*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Marjorie Pinney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Linda Plansek*
Mr. John F. Potvin
Mr. James R. Quasarano*
Mr. Joseph R. Quasarano*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Renae Ringler
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip and Ruth Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Justin and Diane Schaller
Mr. Richard S. Schwikert*
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond and Mary AnnSkowronski, Jr.*
Mr. Michael L. Stefani*
Mr. Anthony J. Van Howe*
Mr. Harry C. Veryser
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Susan Zaccardelli and Family*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Ellen Zaccardelli*
* Indicates Charter Member
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Memorial Donations - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Gifts In Memory Of...
Scott Falbo
Patrick Adams, Sr.
David Flis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Mr. Gino M. Paliaroli
Michael (Mick) Bolen
Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Finney
Mr. and Mrs. William Little
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roland
Mr. and Mrs. Don Schmidt
Ronald Boron
Ms. Elizabeth Boron
Leonard Brillati
Mr. Eugene Falbo
Mr. Dominic Flis
Maryann Garmany
Ms. Georgia Hampel
Dorothy Mae Graebner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Marv Grieshaber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rutan
Nick Habib
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Phyllis Hodorowski
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Ms. Georgia Hampel
Julia Cailotto
Mr. Richard Carr
Ms. Angie Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. George Hobig
Mr. Michael Hobig
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Klove
Ms. Sally Page-Knoth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meldrum
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Molitor
Mr. Germano Mularoni
Mrs. Margaret Segodnia
Mr. Bradley Simmons
Senior Men’s Club of Grosse Pointe
Ms. Lorraine Stypinski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Topp
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Wickersham
Dr. Ray Cigalowski
Mr. Christopher L. Pierce
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Thomas Craddock
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bertelsen
Elsie Deputat
Ms. Michelle Cincotta
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cornwell
Ms. Barbara A. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Deputat
Prof. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Drzal
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Gawel
Ms. Wanda Golabek
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jozefczyk
Mr. Arthur Jozefczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levack
Macomb Medical Clinic, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mestrezat
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Ragsdale
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Rechlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sautter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Tack
Mr. Richard Tack
Tony DeSantis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Franchy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Rospierski
Richard Dunavan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Irish
Mr. and Mr. Robert A. Radnick
Thomas Hosea
Robert S. Huth
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Daniel Jolly
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Edwards
Dr. Thomas Fredal and Dr. Ann L.
Dolores Marie Jones
Brothers of the Christian Schools
De La Salle Faculty and Staff
Lottie Jozefczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jozefczyk
Eugene King
Albert M. and Paula Berriz and
the McKinley Family
AVANATH/CA Capital Operations,
Bayside Villa Co-Operative, Inc./Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Boden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. George Drach
Mr. and Mrs. David Geoffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Prateep Ghose
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Grewe
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grewe
Ms. Kay Hankus
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. Michael Indenbaum
Mrs. Alice Lawless
Wallace Malinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mattar
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potoroka
Ms. Sharon M. Sands
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stokes
Ms. Nina Szegda
Mr. John B. Welsand
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Werme
Ms. Mary Williams
Mr. and Mrs. George Wladischkin
Jeff Mackin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Evelyn Madynski
Harry Pochmara
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Candea
Joseph Quasarano
Mr. Charles C. Lowrie
Mildred Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Candea
Kathryn M. Staeb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Shirley Taras
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Louis Testa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
William White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Ms. Joyce Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ebbing
Engelo Mangov
De La Salle Faculty and Staff
Mary Jo Marchione
Ms. Barbara Asaro
Ms. Sally Bruwier
Ms. Germaine Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore V. Garrisi
Ms. Maxine A. Girouard
Mrs. Donna Hagg
Ms. Elizabeth Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson
Mrs. Mary Komarzec
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Konczal
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuptz
Ms. Marion Laudicina
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Louwers
Mr. Joseph A. Marchione
Mr. and Mrs. George McGarry
Ms. Susan McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Miller
Ms. Marilyn Mooney
Ms. Renee K. Mueller
Mr. Gino M. Paliaroli
Ms. Jeanette Panigay
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Petrella
Ms. Diane Petrella
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Phillips
Mr. Michael Simonte
St. Martin High School Class of 1953
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Tietschert
Mr. Thomas West
In Recognition of
Drew DelPapa and
Alex Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
In Recognition of
Gabe McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
In Honor of
Br. Xavier Pankovits
Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. White
In honor of the birthday
of Rosemary Quasarano
Madeline McClorey
Ms. Loretta Sliwinski
Margaret Mensen
In Recognition of
Kevin Rinke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Candea
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Mr. Garrett C. Keais
Alfred Paoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Capital Campaigns
Open House 2014
Capital Campaign
Looking Forward
With the completion of the expansion and renovation of the
parking lot in the spring of 2014, work was completed on all
aspects of the Preserving the Legacy Capital Campaign. The
Campaign served present and future De La Salle students by
establishing an academic wing, an expanded east entrance to the
school, a new Music Room, a renovated Library, and a beautiful
new Chapel. The parking lot project added 160 new spots on
campus, essentially eliminating student parking on adjoining
Earlier this year, the De La Salle Board of Trustees completed
a five-year strategic planning process. The study collected data
and input from all De La Salle constituencies and identified
strengths and opportunities for growth -- all centered around
the core value of providing the best possible Catholic, Lasallian
education to young men. Two significant areas emerged as
priorities: Endowment and Athletic Facilities. Strengthening
endowment that supports tuition assistance and helps to keep
tuition as low as possible is essential for DLS to fulfill its
Lasallian mission. Improving our athletic facilities will
complete a campus that attracts young men and properly serves
the student-athletes and staff that dedicate so much time and
passion to DLS.
Preserving the Legacy Continuing Pledges
A.T.D. Development Company
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Aloia
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gregory Breuckman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Brillati
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Carlin
Christian Brothers Auxiliary of De La Salle
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Danielkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fabbri
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hacker
Mr. Peter M. Karl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kotwicki
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. David M. MacKool
Mr. Daniel A. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Penna
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K. Popis
Mr. Bryan M. Rakowski
Mr. and Mrs. David Randazzo Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rubino
Mr. Kenneth J. Rymiszewski
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Skowronski Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Strobl
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Lasallian Fund Gifts - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Signum Fidei Level
$10,000 and above
Gemini Electric Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Geoga
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Guertin
Mr. Peter J. Cracchiolo
Mr. Louis A. Guswiler
Mr. Gino M. Paliaroli
Mr. and Dr. John J. Hern Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Rinke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jassoy Jr.
The Nader Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel F. Koch
Christian Brothers’ Level Mr. Daniel F. Kotwicki
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kubicz
$5,000 to $9,999
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lis Jr.
Mrs. Kim M. Balgenorth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lograsso
De La Salle Alumni Association
De La Salle Collegiate Christian Brothers Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lucido P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Marzolino
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Herbert
MASCO Corporation
Mr. Richard J. Jungwirth
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mattar
Mr. Hugh Larkin Jr.
Mr. Daniel J. McBride
Mr. Daniel J. Loepp
McGraw Wentworth
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McShane
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miceli
Presidents Level
Mr. William G. Mischel
$1,000 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Monigold
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mordell
Mr. and Mrs. David Barthel
Ms. Anna R. Moroni
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Bautista
Mrs. Jane Kay Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Obeid
Mr. John R. Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Passalacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Biolchini
Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Piccinini
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Borgula D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Piontkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brillati
Plante Moran Financial Advisors
Brothers of the Christian Schools - DENA Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Popp
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. William Presley
Mrs. Antoinette V. Campo
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quasarano
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Cannestra
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold J. Reuter
Carl and Irene Morath Foundation Inc.
Ms. Jane A. Romatowski
Christian Brothers Auxiliary of De La
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Schmidt
Coca Cola Bottling Company of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Scully
Ms. LeeAnn Seymour-Tu
Community Foundation for Southeast
Dr. Deborah Sieradzki
Mrs. Antoinette Skowronski
Mr. John J. Connarn
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Somogyi
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squiers
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Czarnik
St. Jude Medical Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. D’Addario
Target Corporation
De La Salle Fathers Club
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wiles
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Dinka
Mr. Paul A. Zebrowski and Ms. Raquel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Dominski
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Zmyslo
Brother Gabriel Fagan FSC
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zolkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Fett
Collegiate Level
Mr. Gilbert J. Friese
$500 to $999
Dr. and Dr. Roger Abiragi
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Addy
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Basacchi
Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Batke
Mr. and Mrs. John Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Benigni
Mr. and Mrs. Florin Berca
Mr. John R. Bettin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carvill
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Chancey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Chervenak
Christian Financial Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Costello
CTI Imports/Lorenzo Lesky
Rev. David Cybulski
Detroit Spectrum Painters
Mr. Brian Drozdowski
Mr. William P. Edwards
Mr. Michael Ermiger
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Evola
Mr. and Mrs. David Glaza
Mr. Roger J. Goebel
Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hoffski
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Mr. Garrett C. Keais
Mrs. Linda Kemp
Kiwanis Club of Shorewood
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Knechtl
Mr. and Mrs. S. George Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Lauerman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LePera
Mr. Joseph P. Lesky
Hon. Peter J. Maceroni
Mr. George D. McCabee
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Messina
Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Migliore
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Milobowski
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Molitor
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Mordell
Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Muer
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe S. Palazzolo
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Piatt
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Porte
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rankin
Mr. Ronald M. Reichert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ringler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Rospierski
Mr. Kenneth J. Rymiszewski
Dr. and Mrs. David Scapini
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Schokora
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Soderman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Thomas
Mr. Joel J. Urbin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Wasik
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Williams Jr.
St. La Salle Level
$250 to $499
Mr. Patrick R. Adams Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Augustyn
Mr. Mark Bankstahl
Mr. Sherry Bernier
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Boland
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Boyd
Mr. Eric A. Braathen
Mr. Christopher J. Bratt
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Brunsman
Mr. Franklin D. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Campion
Mr. Eric T. Carver
Mr. Anthony M. Catalina
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Chabot
Mr. Paul E. Chuba
CME Group Community Foundation
Mr. Joseph Coyne
Mr. Vincent J. Coyne
Mr. Paul W. Cusmano
Ms. Beatrice D’Ambrosio
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. DeAngelis
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ferlito
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Robert D. Fields
Mr. Joseph S. Fisher Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forsythe
Dr. Thomas Fredal and Dr. Ann L. Fredal
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Garvey
GE Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Gostek
Ms. Denise R. Greenway
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grimaldi
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hackett Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Iacona
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iannuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Irvine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jason
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kennedy
Mr. Richard J. Kirsammer
Mr. Francis C. Kobylarz
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kozikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Lafata
Mr. and Mrs. David Lanzi
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Lodholz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Loy
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Damien Macielinski
Mr. and Mrs. Ostap Macielinski
Mr. James R. Maiuri
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Martin Jr.
Mr. Arthur F. Martz Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Miramonti
Ms. Sue Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Neych
Mr. Theodore Nix
Mr. James L. Osolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Osowa
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Pena
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Phillips
Mr. Anthony E. Pnakovich
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Pocalujka
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Potvin
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Przybylowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raffoul
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riva
Mr. Donald Robinson II
Mr. Michael J. Salgat
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Lasallian Fund Gifts - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Samyn
Mr. James N. Sardelli
Mr. Paul Schade
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schena
Mr. Anthony J. Schneider
Mr. Robert C. Schodowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seip
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shea
Siemens VDO
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Singer
Rev. Gary T. Smetanka
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Remo Spica
Mr. Kevin Stawiasz
Mr. Paul J. Straub Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Taglione
Mr. Harry Thompson
Mr. Michael A. Trombley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Uniewski
Mr. Ronald VanderMeulen
Mr. Matthew S. Waldis
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Walrad Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wangler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wehrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Wilk Sr.
Mr. Gregory M. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Zaccardelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Zemla
Mr. Leonard J. Zontek
Century Level
$100 to $249
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Adamo
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Aiello
Mr. James C. Anagnos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Arendoski
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Arnone
Mr. and Mrs. James Balicki
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Barr
Hon. and Mrs. Michael B. Batchik
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Baumgart
Ms. Linda Behnke
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Belko
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Belloli
Mr. Thomas Benoit
Mr. Roger E. Berent
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bertelsen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blanzy
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell W. Bobrowiecki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bonkowski
Ms. Elizabeth Boron
Mr. Hanson Bratton
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Brazier Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Brengman
Mr. James G. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Brunett
Mr. John P. Brusewitz
Mr. William K. Burkhardt III
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Burr
Dr. Martin J. Bury
Mr. Michael Butler
Mrs. Louise Calcaterra
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Callebs
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Carnaghi
Miss Georgene Carnaghi
Ms. Linda A. Carnaghi
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Caron
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chase
Mrs. Katherine Cherpes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Chida
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Chiesa
Mr. Phil Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Jose X. Colina
Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Crispignani
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Culos
Dr. James A. David D.D.S.
Mr. Michael J. Deary
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas H. Degel
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. DeMars
Mr. and Mrs. Francesco DeMenech
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dempsey
Ms. Helen Derwa
Mrs. Gloria Desjardine
Ms. Rose Desmet
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dharte Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. DiCaro Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Dobrzynski
Mrs. Karen Dostie
Mr. Timothy Drotar
Mr. Gerard J. Dryer
Mr. Timothy E. Dryer
Prof. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Drzal
Dr. John R. Dubois M.D.
Mr. Robert F. Dueweke
Dr. and Mrs. Owen R. Dueweke
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Eccleston
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Elba
Mr. and Mrs. David Elsey
Mr. Eugene Falbo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Farrelly
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Faustyn
Mrs. Pat Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fencyk Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ferry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Finegan
Mr. Leo P. Fitzpatrick Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. George Fonville
Mr. Robert Fort and Mrs. Suzanne
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Franchy
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gaffke
Mr. and Mrs. James Gagliardi
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. David Galli
Mr. Russel A. Galorneau
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Gamalski
Mr. Arthur K. Garbarino Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Gattari
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gebeck
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gendernalik
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Geoffrey
Mr. Andrew J. Gesell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gillette
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance P. Gilsenan
Hon. William J. Giovan
Mr. Michael J. Glasgow
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Goeddeke
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Gohr
Dr. and Mrs. Angel Gomez
Mr. Joseph B. Graham
Graham Holdings Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Girolamo Grillo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Krzysztof Grzesiak
Mr. Jean-Pierre Guedes
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gurdak
Ms. Ann Gurin
Ms. Cynthia Guzi
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Hafeli
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hagan Jr.
Mr. John A. Hallman
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hammerly
Mr. Brian Heidt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Heintz
Ms. Jacqueline Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hertel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hillmer
Mr. and Mrs. Werner O. Hintzen
Mr. James P. Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hollowaty
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Honn
HP Company Match
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Huck
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Hug
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hupp
Mrs. Lottie Izak
Mrs. Mary Jablonski
Rev. Larry Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Jakubowski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Jarackas
Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Jeszke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jozefczyk
Mr. Arthur Jozefczyk
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Jozefowicz
Mr. Robert L. Jungwirth
Mr. Gary S. Karas
Mr. Michael J. Karwoski
Mr. Daniel E. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kemp Jr.
Mr. Terence K. Kilbride and Dr. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Terence K. Kilbride
Mr. Don F. Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Kirck
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Kosanke
Mr. Paschal M. Koyton III
Mr. Valery F. Kraft
Mr. Christopher Kraszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Kraszewski
Mrs. Mary Lou Krebs
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kroha
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krolczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubacki
Mr. Bernard M. Kulwicki
Mr. Walter J. Kwik
Mr. Michael LaChance
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lamerato
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Lamerato
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. LePera
Mr. Louis L. Leskoviansky
Mr. Michael J. Lesney
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lilla
Mrs. Sharon Lonskey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovendosky
Mr. Ross MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. MacLean
Mr. and Mrs. John Malewicz
Mr. and Mrs. David Malinowski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mally
Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Mancini
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Mansfield Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Manuszak
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Manzo
Mr. Paul Marcelli Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Marchetti
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Maronto
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Masakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Franco Matassa
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Matyjasik
Mr. Edward Mauch
Mr. David J. McAuliffe
Rev. J. J. McCormick Jr.
Mr. Bernard A. McGavin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. McGivern
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. McGough
Mr. James W. McGrath
Mr. Daniel McMann Jr.
Mr. Raymond L. Meesseman
Meijer Community Rewards
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Melcher
Mr. Anthony W. Mensen Jr.
Mrs. Virginia Milobowski
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Miscavish
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Lasallian Fund Gifts - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mizer
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Moceri
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Molinaro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Molitor Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James N. Molitor
Mr. Paul R. Monforton
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Monigold Jr.
Mr. John C. Monigold
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Mordell
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce S. Morton Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Mrozinski
Mr. and Mrs. James Murawski
Mr. Theodore R. Mushenski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Neumann
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Nordstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. O’Brien
Mr. Edward J. Olszewski
LTC. and Mrs. Thomas J. Orlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ostrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ozog
Mr. Albert Paglia
Mr. Ronald J. Pakula
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Palazzolo
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Pardy
Mr. Randolph C. Paschke
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pastrick
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Patamia
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Penzkofer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Plansek
Mrs. Bernadine Polakiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio Polsinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Porter
Mr. Mitchell C. Poznanski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Priestap
Mr. Edward Rago
Mr. Edmund J. Raubolt II
Mr. Timothy S. Reid
Mr. Donald R. Rempinski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Reno
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rinke
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Robert
Mr. Anthony Rochon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rosati
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rusch
Ms. Dorothy Rushing
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Ryan
Mr. James V. Salvatore
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Sanders
Mr. John A. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sapilewski
Mr. Andrew M. Savel
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Savinski
Father Ronald E. Sayes
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond B. Scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Schoenherr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Scicluna
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Scicluna
Mrs. Evelyn Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Scully
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sharp Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shubnell
Mr. Matthew D. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Slezak
Mr. George D. Smiley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Smith
Mr. David Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Spatafora
Ms. Mary B. Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. St. John
Mr. and Mrs. Clark V. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Stoiko
Mr. Merle V. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Studnicka
Mr. Joseph G. Sullivan
Mr. Steven M. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David Tamulevich
Mr. William A. Tanoury
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Temerowski
The Men’s Wearhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Trombley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Valliere
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Van Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Loon
Mr. and Mrs. David V. VanHowe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard VanSlembrouck
Ms. Marianna T. Vassallo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Viscomi
Mr. Christopher S. Waligora
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wampuszyc
Mr. Scott Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Watson
Dr. and Dr. Peter Y. Watson
Mr. Jack Weidenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wesner
Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Wiegand
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Wilhelm
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Williams
Mr. Bruce Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson M.D.
Mr. Henry Wineman
Mr. William H. Wines
Rev. Robert J. Witkowski
Mr. Gregory Wojtas
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zaccardelli
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Zelenak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ziolkowski
Conner & Glenfield Level
Up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allemon
Mr. Thomas J. Allen
Ms. Nellie D. Altenbernt
Ameriprise Financial/Employee Gift
Matching Program
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. Tom Angle
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon M. Aparece Jr.
Ms. Veronica Asmar
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Barello
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bartolomei
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beattie
Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Bemben
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Bentley
Mrs. Barbara Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Berndt
Mr. Terrence J. Bil and Ms. Joan Scherrer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Blaska
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bologna
Mr. Philip Boos
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bova
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bricio
Ms. Janet Bruce
Mrs. Rosanne Brugnoni
Mr. Steve Brune
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Buehler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Burger
Mr. Mark S. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Buswinka
Mr. John K. Byerlein
Mr. and Mrs. John Cafagna
Mr. Steven J. Carnaghi
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Catullo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ceccacci
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Chicklas
Hon. and Mrs. John M. Chmura
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Chomicz
Mr. Thomas W. Chuba
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ciarkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Claes
Mr. and Mrs. G. Patrick Connors
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Corbeil
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Costanza
Mr. and Mrs. Murray A. Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Cueny
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cusmano
Deacon and Mrs. Daniel M. Darga
Ms. Mary-Louise Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeBerardino
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeClercq
Mr. Mark J. DeMara
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeMarois
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Deneau
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. DeSantis
Mr. and Mrs. John DesMadryl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dewaelsche
Ms. Toni DiClemente
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic DiLabio
Mr. and Mrs. Dean DiVirgilio
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Dobrzynski
Mrs. Mary Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Driessen
Mr. Leo F. Drolshagen
Mr. Douglas J. Dugelar
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Duprey
Mrs. Yaeko Eagleson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Earl
Mr. Carl M. Einkorn
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Enghauser
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Fabirkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fagan
Mr. Joseph J. Fehir
Mr. Edward R. Figlioli
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fioritto
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Fischer
Ms. Jane C. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Merico P. Foleta
Mrs. Charlotte Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Norman V. Fortunate
Mrs. Diane Fouchey
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard O. Frech
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gajewski
Mr. Thomas J. Gallagher
Mr. Michael M. Gandolfo
Mr. and Mrs. Marco F. Garavaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo V. Garavaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Garbarino
Mr. Matthew Garling
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gerstner
Mr. Francis Gietzen
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Goemaere
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Grabowski
Dr. Gary L. Grammens
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Grifka
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Grossi
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Grzybowski
Mrs. Genevieve Guadagni
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Haezebrouck
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dennis Hafeli
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hamlin
Mr. Richard W. Hamlin
Mrs. Marjorie E. Hanley
Mr. Dennis Hanley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hapanowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hartigan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hartnett
Mr. Alexandre J. Harville
Ms. Ethel Hassig
Mr. Richard L. Hauke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hayosh
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Hempel III
Mr. and Mrs. James Henry
Mrs. Donna M. Henson
Mr. Phillip Hernandez Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hernandez
Mr. Sidney J. Hirschfield
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Hlywa
Mr. Raymond Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hoste
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hrydziuszko
Rev. Michael Hrydziuszko
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Hummer
IAC InterActiveCorp
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Iaconelli
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Lasallian Fund Gifts - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Irish
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Jasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Johnson
Ms. Margaret Julio
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Kalkofen
Mr. Gerald J. Kanka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Karam
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kean
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Keith Sr.
Ms. Deborah Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kempa
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keuten
Mr. Jonathan J. Kinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Klein
Dr. Lester J. Kobylak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kolpasky
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan G. Konopka
Mr. Timothy R. Konowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Kontry
Mr. James D. Kossek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Krakowski
Mrs. Geralyn Krause
Ms. Kathy Kraydich
Mrs. Valerie Kruger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kucharek
Mr. John J. Kulczycki
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kummerl
Mr. John T. Kunath
Mr. Clarence J. F. LaBudde
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Landy
Mr. Philip L. Lang
Mrs. Karen Lapanowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lastomirsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Latiff
Mrs. Theresa Lazzeri
Mr. David J. Leduc
Mr. Donald A. Liamini
Mr. Mitchell J. Liczko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lockhart
Mrs. Selma Lograsso
Mr. Charles C. Lowrie
Ms. Margaret MacKool
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mackstaller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Magusin
Mrs. Elizabeth Maher
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Marchetti
Ms. Loretta M. Marcotullio
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Martel
Mr. William R. Maskill
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mattei
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Maykowski
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Mazzola
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. McArdle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCarthy
Mr. Donald McGinty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McIsaac
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McNally
Mr. Frederick McPharlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Mehr
Mr. William J. Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Melchior
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. John Micallef
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Miller
Mr. James D. Miller
Mr. Michael G. Milobowski
Mr. and Mrs. Carel Minjeur
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montana
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Mordarski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Motowski
Mr. Carl J. Mozal
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mulrenin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Murphy
Mrs. Gisele Nadon
Mr. Joseph Naert
Mrs. E. Carolyn Neam
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Niedermaier
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Nowicki
Mr. Thomas O’Keefe
Mr. James A. Olden
Mr. John R. Oros
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ostrowksi
Mrs. Antoinette Ozdych
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Paonessa
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Pauken
Mr. Richard L. Pawlak
Mrs. Mary Pellerito
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald X. Penkala
Mr. James J. Penzak
Mr. Thomas C. Perna
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Pfent
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John Picciurro
Mr. Craig Pichette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Posner
Mr. John J. Povlitz
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Poxon
Mrs. Ann Purrenhage
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Puruleski
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rabine
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Raiss
Mr. Lawrence E. Rajewski
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ramlow
Mr. and Mrs. Rufino Regalado
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Rexin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ribant
LCDR and Mrs. Robert V. Ricard
Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rose
Mr. Frederick B. Rozelle
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Rudorf
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rutan
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rybarczyk
Mrs. Jean M. Ryngaert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Salgat
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Salive
Mr. and Mrs. John Sandberg
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sangregario
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Sauve
Mrs. Teresa E. Scapini
Mrs. Anne M. Scapini
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Schimmel
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Schneider
Mr. Ronald Schocker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Shipton Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shuler
Mr. Paul G. Shumejko
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Simon
Ms. Loretta Sliwinski
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smude
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Snodgrass
Mr. Thomas W. Sochacki
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sorrentino
Mr. and Mrs. David Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Sporer
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Spratke
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Staeb
Mr. Mark Stockoski
Mrs. Rita I. Stroh
Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Strus
Mr. Jeffrey J. Stumpf
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Szalach
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Tabacchi
Mr. Jim Tague
Mr. James Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Timmreck
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Todaro
Mrs. Debra L. Torrento
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Tosetti
Mr. Ross E. Trocino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Tuczak
Mr. Keith W. Turpel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tyckoski
Mr. Francis P. Tylenda
Mrs. Julia A. Tyszka
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Valice
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Vanneste
Mr. and Mrs. David Varriale
Mr. and Mrs. Laurent L. Villeneuve
Mr. Ray Violante
Mr. William F. Vollmers
Mr. Philip J. Walby
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Waldvogel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Walrad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Warchol
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Weidenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Weir
Brother Joseph S. Wilkowski FSC
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Witkos
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wlodarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wroblewski
Mr. Felix Wroblewski
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Wyman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Zeoli
Mr. Christopher W. Zielinski
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Zink
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Zink
Mrs. Ann Zuckero
Mr. David Zulkiewski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zuzga
Matching Gift Companies
Ameriprise Financial/Employee Gift
Matching Program
CME Group Community Foundation
Community Foundation for Southeast
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
GE Foundation
Graham Holdings Matching Gifts
HP Company Match
IAC InterActiveCorp
MASCO Corporation
McGraw Wentworth
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Siemens VDO
St. Jude Medical Inc.
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Scholarship and Endowment Gifts - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Richard Balgenorth Memorial
Doug Esler Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jarvis
Dr. Martin Sikora
Brother Robert Carnaghi Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Douglas E. Fialkowski Scholarship
Gerald J. Carnago Endowed
Scholarship Fund
William J. Gilbane Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. John Messina
Carnago & Associates, P.C.
Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. D’Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Deputat
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Doherty
Mr. Vincent P. Garrisi
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Grajewski
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hallman
Mr. James A. Olden
Mr. Scott P. Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Redman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Rysiewski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Schefke
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomas
Evening of Delights Br. Robert
Carnaghi Endowed Scholarship
General Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Agosta
De La Salle Faculty and Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Plansek
Robert J. Mansfield Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Bolyard
Leo G. Schulte Endowment Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Schulte
Daniel Staperfene Memorial
Joanne Nicolay Foundation
Matthew Bahns Scholarship Fund
Mr. Frank Dunham
Dr. Gilbert Bazil Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Louise Bazil
Co-Pilot Sponsorship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Agosta
Christian Brothers Auxiliary of De La Salle
Graham Holdings Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Lamerato
Mr. Daniel J. Loepp
Thomas and Connie Lipari Charitable Foundation
John A. DeSantis Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Barns
Mr. Douglas E. Fialkowski
Ms. Amanda M. Petzold
Mr. Colin M. Petzold
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Petzold
Mr. Thomas T. Petzold
Mr. William A. Petzold
The Thomas and William Gilbane Foundation
Robert J. Lefevre Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Boland
Dr. and Mrs. Dewayne M. Brown D.D.S.
Mr. James G. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kucharek
Mr. Charles A. Reichling Sr.
General Memorial Scholarship
Ms. Barbara Asaro
Brothers of the Christian Schools - DENA
Ms. Sally Bruwier
Ms. Germaine Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Candea
Mr. Richard Carr
Ms. Michelle Cincotta
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cornwell
Ms. Barbara A. Craig
De La Salle Faculty and Staff
Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle
Ms. Joyce Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ebbing
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Finney
Mr. Dominic Flis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Franchy
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore V. Garrisi
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Gawel
Ms. Maxine A. Girouard
Ms. Wanda Golabek
Mrs. Donna Hagg
Ms. Georgia Hampel
Ms. Angie Hansen
Ms. Elizabeth Hill
Mr. and Mrs. George Hobig
Mr. Michael Hobig
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jozefczyk
Mr. Arthur Jozefczyk
Mrs. Mary Komarzec
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Konczal
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuptz
Ms. Marion Laudicina
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levack
Mr. and Mrs. William Little
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Louwers
Macomb Medical Clinic, P.C.
Mr. Joseph A. Marchione
Mr. and Mrs. George McGarry
Ms. Susan McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meldrum
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mestrezat
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Molitor
Ms. Marilyn Mooney
Ms. Renee K. Mueller
Mr. Germano Mularoni
Ms. Sally Page-Knoth
Mr. Gino M. Paliaroli
Ms. Jeanette Panigay
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Petrella
Ms. Diane Petrella
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Phillips
Mr. Christopher L. Pierce
Mr. and Mr. Robert A. Radnick
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Ragsdale
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Rechlin
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rutan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sautter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Don Schmidt
Mrs. Margaret Segodnia
Senior Men’s Club of Grosse Pointe
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Sikora
Mr. Bradley Simmons
Mr. Michael Simonte
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith
St. Martin High School Class of 1953
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Stone
Ms. Lorraine Stypinski
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Tack
Mr. Richard Tack
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Tietschert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Topp
Mr. Thomas West
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Wickersham
Earl A. Mossner Scholarship Fund
De La Salle Collegiate Christian Brothers Community
Ms. Joan M. Enright
Mrs. Carol M. Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. George Schena
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard V. Trotta
Wig and Mask Society
Joseph R. Quasarano Scholarship
Eastown Distributors
Mr. Charles C. Lowrie
Robert Jon Stella Scholarship Fund
Mr. Dennis A. Rexin
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan J. Stella
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Scholarship and Endowment Gifts - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
St. Joe’s Blue Jay Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Plansek
St. Joseph High School Alumni Association
Mr. John B. Storm
Br. George Synan Scholarship Fund
Mr. John R. Achatz
Mr. Paul B. Addis
Mr. Thomas J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Anil Arora
AVANATH/CA Capital Operations, LLC
Mr. Gregory E. Avsharian
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Baumgart
Bayside Villa Co-Operative, Inc. Carl Grewe
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Beaupre
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Belko
Mr. Raymond O. Belz
Albert M. and Paula Berriz and the McKinley Family
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Boden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brillati
Mr. James G. Brown
Miss Georgene Carnaghi
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Catalfio
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Chervenak
Mr. Paul E. Chuba
Mr. Sam Ciaravino
Mr. Julius J. Cicchini
Mr. Richard Coucke
Mr. Joseph Coyne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cueny
Mr. Robert Dabrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. D’Andrea
De La Salle Alumni Association
De La Salle Collegiate Scrips
De La Salle Faculty and Staff
Mr. Mark J. DeMara
Mr. Douglas M. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. George Drach
Mr. Robert F. Dueweke
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Dulecki
Mr. Henry A. Dykstal
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Fedelem
Mr. and Mrs. David Fital
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Frontczak
Mr. William Gahlau
Mr. Thomas J. Gallagher
Mr. Ernest Gauche
Mr. and Mrs. John Gayda
Mr. and Mrs. David Geoffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Prateep Ghose
Hon. William J. Giovan
Mr. and Mrs. August M. Giuffre
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Goeddeke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Goeddeke
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Gostek
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Grewe
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grewe
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Grossi
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Groth
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hallman
Ms. Kay Hankus
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hartigan
Mr. Adam T. Hassig
Mr. Kenneth D. Holman
Dr. Elbert C. Huey
Mr. Michael Indenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Isbill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jolly
Mr. Joseph Kaptur
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Karschnia
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Kelley
Ms. Deborah Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kempa
Mr. John D. Kobasa
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Krakowski
Mrs. Valerie Kruger
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kubicz
Mrs. Alice Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Leszczynski
Mr. Christopher C. Lilla
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph K. Lohwasser
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Longe D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovendosky
Wallace Malinowski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mally
Mr. George F. Manor
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Mansfield Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Marlow
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mattar
Mr. James W. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McNally
Mr. John H. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Milobowski
Mr. John C. Monigold
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Morang
Mr. Donald A. Mott
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Neumann
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nicol
Mr. Edward J. Olszewski
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mrs. Kay O’Malia
Mr. James L. Osolinski
Dr. Lawrence Papcun D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Pendolino
Mr. Michael J. Petrucci
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piatt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Plansek
Mr. Jonathan Poledink
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potoroka
Mr. John J. Povlitz
Mr. Matthew M. Ramlow
Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Rentz
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph N. Riss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rosati
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Ruemenapp
Mr. Bradley A. Sabo
Ms. Sharon M. Sands
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schodowski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schultz
Mr. Anthony J. Sciarrotta
Mr. and Mrs. James Shereda
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sheridan
Mr. George D. Smiley
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Backus S. Solomon
Mr. Angelo J. Spezia
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Spratke
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Stec D.D.S.
Mr. Michael L. Stefani
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stokes
Mrs. Rita I. Stroh
Ms. Nina Szegda
Top Cat Sales
Mr. Michael A. Trombley
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Turcotte Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Uniewski
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Valice
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Van Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Viviano
Mr. Peter S. Viviano
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Warchol
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Watko D.D.S.
Mr. John B. Welsand
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Werme
Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. White
Ms. Mary Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witek
Rev. Robert J. Witkowski
Mr. and Mrs. George Wladischkin
Mr. Dean G. Wolfe
Father Donald Worthy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zaccardelli
Van Camp Family Foundation
Scholarship Fund
James and Alma Van Camp Family Foundation
Viviano Scholarship Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis K. DeLapp
Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Escamilla
Mrs. Marianne Viviano
Ms. Michele M. Viviano
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Viviano
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
Mr. William C. Kubicz
Mr. Alphonse J. Peplinski
De La Salle Alumni Association Annual Dues Paying Members
Mr. John H. Beattie
Mr. Raymond O. Belz
Mr. Clenal G. Gibson
Mr. Joseph A. Hoste
Mr. Edwin R. Dely
Mr. Francis X. Hillebrand
Mr. Bernard F. Hoste
Mr. Charles A. Reichling Sr.
Mr. Thomas M. Breen
Mr. James G. Brown
Mr. Edward E. J. Higgins
Mr. Joseph P. Kropf
Mr. John J. Povlitz
Mr. Theodore L. Schlinkert
Mr. Henry J. Van Loon
Mr. Andrew R. Acou
Mr. John K. Byerlein
Mr. George D. McCabee
Dr. Francis J. Boyle
Mr. Paul E. Chuba
Mr. Matthew A. Fischer
Mr. Joseph S. Fisher Jr.
Mr. William J. Higgins
Mr. Robert J. Peters
Mr. Charles D. Poupore
Mr. Robert C. Schodowski
Mr. Peter S. Viviano
Mr. Henry A. Dykstal
Mr. Leo P. Fitzpatrick Jr.
Mr. Donald R. Griesmer
Dr. John H. Langer
Mr. Robert J. Meldrum
Mr. John H. Pierce
Mr. John J. Schodowski
Mr. Leonard J. Zontek
Mr. Robert F. Dueweke
Dr. Michael J. Kratochwill D.D.S.
Mr. John H. McNamara
Mr. Harold A. Ruemenapp
Brother Marvin H. Hamann
Mr. Richard L. Hauke
Mr. Lawrence V. Hirschfield
Dr. Richard T. Jackson
Mr. Matthew B. Savage
Dr. Francis M. Wilson M.D.
Dr. Lee Andary Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Cencer
Mr. Paul R. Chervenak
Mr. Bruce T. Hilton
Mr. Philip L. Lang
Mr. James W. McGrath
Mr. Michael Polselli
Mr. Milton J. Boyd
Mr. Kenneth D. Brown
Mr. L.D. Kellett
Dr. Ronald R. Mrozinski
Mr. Reinhold J. Reuter
Mr. Richard G. Rinke
Mr. Frederick B. Rozelle
Mr. Mathew J. Hintzen
Dr. Rudolph A. Mancini
Mr. Thomas J. McNally
Mr. Clark V. Stevens
Mr. Thomas P. Sullivan
Mr. William F. Vollmers
Mr. Gerald M. Warren
Mr. Richard C. Wasko
Mr. John R. Carroll
Mr. Richard J. Jungwirth
Mr. Robert R. Kwapisz
Mr. William G. Louwers
Mr. Bernard A. McGavin
Mr. Richard D. Mulrenin
Dr. Louis E. Rentz
Deacon Lee A. Smith
Mr. Anthony A. Sporer
LTC. Marvin R. Boroski
Mr. Joseph R. Cimino
Mr. David J. Gilin
Mr. James M. Guertin
Mr. Joseph P. Jarackas Jr.
Mr. Thomas M. Johnson
Mr. Robert J. Mahoney
Mr. Michael L. Powers
Mr. Richard S. Schwikert
Mr. Norbert J. Shankin
Mr. James F. Stapleton
Rev. Robert J. Witkowski
Mr. Terrence J. Camilleri
Mr. Gerhard O. Frech
Mr. Arthur J. Gavin
Mr. James R. Gilleran
Mr. Robert L. Jungwirth
Dr. Michael J. Mally
Mr. Eric G. Mansfield Jr.
Mr. John J. Marchin
Mr. James E. Martinson
Mr. Edward J. Olszewski
Mr. James P. Smith
Dr. Patrick A. Villani
Mr. Stanley L. Wegrzynowicz
Dr. Robert A. Zink
Mr. Kenneth L. Beste
Mr. Charles T. Evola
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men 1956
Mr. Thomas D. Bentley
Mr. William L. Boucher
Hon. Sherman P. Faunce
Mr. Emanuel J. Kamon
Mr. Frank J. Miller
Mr. Thomas O. Mueller
Dr. George R. Ross D.D.S.
Mr. Backus S. Solomon
Mr. Peter J. Tranchida
Dr. Robert J. Valice
Mr. Leonard A. Boland
Mr. John P. Calabrese
Mr. Ronald V. Gandolfi
Mr. Dennis W. Hickey
Mr. Eugene M. Hummer
Mr. Willard C. Kendall
Mr. Frank J. Matson
Mr. Lawrence E. Nelson
Mr. Robert H. Rose
Mr. Richard Sebastian
Mr. Robert D. Berlin
Mr. Joseph E. Bricio
Mr. Albert H. Callewaert
Mr. Eugene J. Catallo
Mr. William A. Currie
Mr. Daniel J. Fedorko
Mr. Michael J. Gilin
Mr. Leonard A. Kane
Mr. Roger S. Laske
Mr. Robert C. McCarthy
Mr. James J. Penzak
Mr. Michael A. Runey
Mr. Thomas L. Basacchi
Mr. Anthony D. Catullo
Mr. Daniel C. Goeddeke
Mr. Michael J. Karam
Mr. Robert J. Lemanek
Mr. Robert A. Mackstaller
Mr. Frank G. Palazzolo
Mr. Roger P. Prisbe
Mr. Paul J. Puruleski
Mr. Leonard H. Sitek
Mr. James L. Spratke
Mr. Raymond J. Weidenbach
Mr. Joseph W. Wentrack
Mr. Frank A. Belko
Mr. Richard W. Dobrzynski
Mr. Ronald A. Hintz
Mr. Carl J. Mozal
Mr. Paul A. Piatt
Mr. Harry R. Spanke
Mr. Richard W. Stanczyk
Dr. George F. Stec D.D.S.
Mr. Thomas J. Strobl
Mr. Gerald E. Szpotek
Mr. Lawrence E. Cichocki
Mr. Nicholas S. Frontczak
Mr. Joseph C. Geck
Mr. Donald R. Jaeger
Mr. Thomas A. Jeszke
Mr. Stephen J. McShane
Mr. Thomas E. Packla
Mr. Robert M. Srodawa
Mr. George M. Thomas
Mr. David J. Tomayko
Mr. Joseph A. Uniewski
Mr. Harry C. Veryser Jr.
Mr. John E. Belda
Mr. John Q. Drogosch
Mr. Paul E. Geck
Mr. E. James Grix Jr.
Mr. James P. Hoban
Mr. Donald J. Kempa
Mr. Michael L. Murphy
Mr. William R. Rybarczyk
Dr. Frank H. Schoebel D.D.S.
Mr. Bernard J. Tosetti
Mr. Robert L. Ziolkowski
Mr. Timothy R. Konowalski
Mr. Michael L. Chrostowski
Mr. Charles J. Cueny
Mr. John D. Fleck
Mr. Timothy J. Grajewski
Mr. John J. Hallman
Mr. Joseph J. Hebel
Mr. Lawrence C. Herta
Dr. Kenneth V. Honn
Mr. James A. Olden
Mr. Raymond J. Schneider
Mr. Walter F. Stachura
Mr. Daniel G. Chicklas
Mr. Gregory T. Grzybowski
Mr. Gerald W. Olszewski
Mr. John R. Oros
Mr. Francis J. Poledink
Mr. Lawrence E. Rajewski
Mr. Martin J. Trupiano
Mr. Donald J. Farrelly
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
De La Salle Alumni Association Annual Dues Paying Members
Mr. Lawrence J. Jaminet
Mr. Richard T. Johns
Mr. Dennis C. Marble
Mr. John B. Nicol
Mr. Gerald J. Sadowski
Mr. Donald S. Sitarski
Mr. James R. Smith
Mr. Francis P. Tylenda
Mr. Paul A. Walrad
Mr. Thomas A. Ziolkowski
Dr. Joseph J. Fioritto
Mr. John S. Gammicchia
Mr. Kenneth M. Grifka
Mr. William P. Holleran
Mr. Walter L. Jasinski
Dr. Lester J. Kobylak
Mr. John C. Monigold
Mr. Michael E. Orlowski
Mr. James M. Palazzolo
Mr. Anthony G. Spina
Mr. Mark A. Zink
Mr. Walter J. Kwik
Mr. James J. Osebold
Mr. Glenn J. Savinski
Mr. Christopher A. Beaupre
Mr. Dominic A. Carbone
Mr. Gregory E. Lewandowski
Mr. Pierce S. Morton Jr.
Mr. Edward H. Niemyjski
Dr. Lawrence Papcun D.D.S.
Mr. Thomas D. Schram
Dr. Joseph H. Walrad Ph.D.
Mr. Norman V. Fortunate
Mr. Edward A. Green
Mr. Michael A. Kontry
Mr. Timothy Sheridan
Mr. Kenneth J. Klein
Mr. Frederick McPharlin
Mr. Michael G. Milobowski
Dr. Michael Schaldenbrand
Brother Joseph S. Wilkowski FSC
Mr. Arthur P. Zelinsky
Mr. David Muer
Mr. William A. Tanoury
Mr. Robert Rogowski
Mr. Robert L. Dewaelsche
Mr. Brendan W. Kunzmann
Rev. Joseph N. Riss
Mr. Ronald A. Weglarz
Mr. Norbert Gasiewicz
Mr. Gerald J. Kanka
Dr. John A. Moore
Mr. Joseph A. Nagel
Mr. Desmond B. Scanlon
Mr. David W. Baumgart
Dr. Anthony F. Femminineo
Mr. Ronald G. Gostek
Mr. Brian G. Milobowski
Mr. Thomas R. Pytel
Mr. Stanley J. Simek
Mr. David A. Van Howe
Mr. Joseph M. Viviano
Mr. Gregory Belletini
Mr. Donald Hildebrandt
Mr. Nicholas J. Morang
Mr. Joseph L. Rzepecki
Mr. Douglas J. Dugelar
Mr. John Gorence
Mr. Andrew J. Moro
Mr. Joseph R. Schoenherr
Mr. Eric T. Carver
Mr. William R. Baumgart
Mr. Victor P. Maraldo
Mr. Gaspare Pumo
Mr. Mark St. Peter
Mr. Michael Tatti
Mr. Paul J. Veltri
Mr. Michael Metyko
Mr. Mark J. DeMara
Mr. David C. Dharte
Mr. Christopher T. Fischer
Mr. John C. Marlow
Mr. Brian Ashley
Mr. Brian M. Chomicz
Mr. David Evans
Mr. Kurt Isbill
Mr. Bryan D. McIntyre
Mr. Michael DeDecker
Mr. David L. Lentz
Mr. Anthony Schena
Mr. Randall Dulecki
Mr. James W. Lemaux II
Mr. Nathan G. Konopka
Mr. Jason Groth
Mr. Matthew M. Ramlow
Mr. Paul G. Shumejko
Mr. Frank A. Yezbick
Mr. Jason Angell
Mr. Michael Kohler
Mr. George F. Manor
Mr. Jeffrey M. Quasarano
Mr. Christopher S. Waligora
Mr. Kenneth D. Holman
Mr. Gaspare S. LoDuca
Mr. Christopher Picciurro
Mr. Jonathan Poledink
Mr. Michael Piatt
Mr. Richard T. Artymovich
Mr. Craig Pichette
Mr. Scott Drozdowski
Dr. Jeffrey Fisher
Mr. Thomas Szalach
Mr. Eric A. Braathen
Mr. Christopher Grossi
Mr. Brian Onderik
Mr. Daniel R. Phillips
Mr. Kenneth R. Harling III
Mr. Thomas M. Rosati
Mr. Timothy Drotar
Mr. Craig Wolanin
Mr. David Fital
Mr. Daniel McMann Jr.
Mr. David N. Van Ittersum
Mr. Matthew Zuzga
Mr. Joseph E. DePonio
Mr. Samuel Slattery
Mr. Christopher D. Hupp
Mr. Michael J. Petrucci
Mr. Kenneth H. Hemler
Mr. Justin R. Via
Mr. Marco F. Garavaglia
Mr. Richard Witek
Mr. Terrence J. Bil
Mr. Michael A. DellaLucia
Mr. Dennis Drobek
Mr. Thomas J. Grzywacz
Mr. Keith Hreha
Mr. Keith Lovendosky
Mr. Ronald F. Pawlak
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. Christopher C. Lilla
Mr. Thomas J. Dharte
Mr. Eugene R. Hamlin Jr.
Mr. Donald P. Jaeger
Mr. William K. Burkhardt III
Mr. Bryan A. Carter
Mr. Adam T. Hassig
Mr. Andrew P. Arendoski
Mr. Jonah D. Rogowski
Mr. Jonathan E. Stano
Mr. Robert M. J. Hathaway
Mr. Darrin A. Sembarski
Mr. Branden M. Braun
Mr. Phillip B. Nahirniak
Mr. John E. Paddock
Mr. Giancarlo Brugnoni
Mr. Christopher K. Didio
Mr. Daniel J. Hart
Mr. Alexandre J. Harville
Mr. Alex M. Pierse
Mr. Daniel R. Wolford
Mr. Alex J. Marcotullio
Mr. Stephen W. Glinski
Mr. Steven S. Laudicina
Mr. Cale A. Bell
Mr. Dominic L. Brugnoni
Mr. Jonathan A. Bucan
Mr. Nicholas C. Buhay
Mr. Nicholas S. Fisk
Mr. Joseph A. Gawlowski
Mr. Jordan M. Jacobson
Mr. Richard J. Lastomirsky
Mr. Thomas E. Mackey III
Mr. Anthony J. Montana
Mr. Vincent P. Provenzano
Mr. Chance T. Seely
Mr. Christopher M. Selva
Mr. Artemio R. Sison III
Mr. Matthew R. Beam
Mr. Marco A. Matassa
Mr. Richard Nakkula
Mr. Troy S. Pozolo
Mr. Andrew J. Schmitz
Mr. David J. VanIttersum
Mr. Nicholas A. Callebs
Mr. Tyler J. Deering
Mr. Jonathan T. Glinski
Mr. Stephen L. Hart
Mr. Evan P. Hlywa
Mr. Michael J. Leone
Mr. Joseph C. Lopez
Mr. Andrew J. Lubera
Mr. Joshua C. Magno
Mr. Matthew T. Maisonneuve
Mr. Brandon T. Mattinen
Mr. Martin R. Sison
Mr. Nicholas J. Warminski
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
De La Salle Alumni Association Lifetime Members
Mr. Leo J. Skowron U
Mr. Michael R. Capo
Mr. Arthur F. Martz Jr.
Mr. Joseph S. Halapi U
Mr. Werner O. Hintzen
Dr. John L. Lucas U
Dr. Arthur H. Molitor
Mr. George M. Saad U
Mr. Robert L. Nugent U
Mr. Paul Marcelli Jr.
Mr. Roland J. Rinke
Mr. Eugene C. Nierzwick
Mr. Rene Kuypers
Mr. Boyd H. Vanderbeke
Mr. Frank L. Warchol
Mr. Carl V. Cargill U
Mr. Henry E. Hug
Dr. Gilbert M. Bazil M.D. U
Rev. Joseph P. Browne CSC
Mr. Thomas J. Hosea U
Mr. Wenzel F. Koch
Dr. Hugo C. Pribor M.D. U
Mr. Robert J. Priskey
Mr. Robert F. Dueweke
Mr. Albert H. Gelineau
Mr. Jerome J. Gohr
Mr. James H. Griesmer U
Mr. Ronald P. Carzoli
Mr. Paul J. Straub Jr.
Dr. John P. Mehall U
Mr. Ronald J. Parker
Mr. Joseph F. Rheker Jr.
Mr. Louis C. Schmidt
Mr. Douglas J. Wing
Mr. Werner Pail
Dr. William M. Collins
Mr. Russel A. Galorneau
Mr. Bruce T. Hilton
Mr. Kenneth W. Cannestra
Dr. John R. Dubois M.D.
Mr. Patrick J. Garvey
Mr. Don F. Kirchner
Mr. Roy C. Martin Jr.
Mr. Robert W. Rawlings
Mr. Joseph C. Wagner
Mr. Dominic Moceri
Dr. Dewayne M. Brown D.D.S. U
Mr. William M. Fox
Dr. Louis N. Herbert
Mr. Robert J. Juif U
Mr. Anthony J. Mattar
Mr. Ray J. Muer
Mr. Frederick B. Rozelle
Mr. John B. Welsand
Mr. Bruce A. Boyd
Mr. Terrence P. Collins
Hon. William J. Giovan
Mr. Edwin N. Haun
Mr. Philip K. Mebus U
Mr. Norbert L. Oldani
Dr. Alphonse M. Santino
Mr. Hubert E. Schaller
Mr. Thomas C. Gamalski
Mr. Louis A. Guswiler
Mr. Donald S. Lewandowski
Mr. Roger J. Goebel
Mr. Richard J. Martin Sr.
Mr. James L. McClary
Mr. Stephen L. Messina
Mr. Norman L. Miller
Mr. Robert S. Mrozinski
Mr. Edgar R. Stahl
Mr. Robert W. Westrick
Mr. Robert J. Brenner
Mr. Kenneth J. Coakley
Mr. Robert Fox
Dr. Gerald H. Grayson
Dr. Charles E. Lucas
Mr. Thomas J. Neych
Mr. Leonard V. Trotta
Mr. Gerald M. Boroski
Mr. Kenneth D. Currie
Mr. Roger J. Grimaldi
Mr. J. Douglas Madeley
Mr. Thomas O. Mueller
Mr. Peter D. Schoenherr U
Dr. Charles F. Williams
Mr. Donald H. Ceckowski U
Mr. William M. Furtaw
Mr. William M. Gelineau
Mr. William M. Henneghan
Mr. Ralph A. Sarotte
Mr. Lawrence S. Banas
Dr. Thomas A. Borgula U
Mr. Robert D. Fields
Mr. Kenneth E. Gabriel
Mr. Michael R. Kapral
Mr. John T. Kunath
Hon. Peter J. Maceroni
Mr. Daniel G. Mahoney U
Mr. Andrew M. Savel
Dr. Thomas W. Schmidt
Mr. James Shereda
Mr. Jerome B. Trombley Jr.
June 2014 Senior Alumni Luncheon
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
De La Salle Alumni Association Lifetime Members
Dr. Joseph A. Arends
Mr. James L. Clor
Mr. Robert W. Jassoy Jr.
Dr. William J. Lyons
Dr. Joseph R. Meerschaert
Mr. Robert A. Salowitz
Mr. Alfred J. Sottrel
Mr. Leonard S. Bugajewski Jr.
Mr. James R. Choike
Mr. Robert J. Mizer
LTC. Thomas J. Orlowski
Mr. Harry R. Spanke
Mr. John S. Balconi
Mr. David D. Flis U
Mr. Richard E. Molitor Jr.
Mr. Ronald J. Pakula
Mr. Arthur F. Peters
Mr. James J. Polonis
Mr. Timothy S. Reid
Mr. Thomas J. Turri
Mr. Norbert M. Zielinski
Mr. Richard A. Bergen
Dr. John A. Breza
Dr. Mark J. Christopher
Mr. Robert P. Cucchetti
Mr. Daniel J. Lord P.C.
Mr. Kenneth G. Szpotek U
Mr. Denis E. Wilemski
Mr. Gerald A. Zmyslo
Mr. Walter L. Kraszewski
Mr. Joseph J. Marchetti
Mr. Louis P. Pocalujka
Mr. Michael W. Schwartz
Dr. John C. Somogyi
Mr. Eric H. Watkins
Mr. James C. Addy
Mr. Robert A. Deputat
Mr. Vincent P. Garrisi
Mr. Donald J. Salkowski
Mr. Michael F. Schefke
Mr. Robert E. Thomas
Mr. Michael A. Wilk Sr.
Mr. Russell F. Agosta
Mr. Robert K. Cole
Mr. Glenn R. Eccleston
Dr. Gerald L. Fedelem
Mr. Richard J. Kirsammer
Mr. Francis C. Kobylarz
Mr. James A. Koltuniak
Mr. Paul R. Mansfield
Mr. Gerald E. Meller
Mr. Gregory J. Wronkowicz
Mr. Joseph E. Wyskiel
Mr. Daniel J. Zolik
Mr. Lou B. Achille
Mr. Sandy S. Fratarcangeli
Mr. Dennis S. Guest
Mr. James B. Hoffski
Mr. Michael J. Karwoski
Mr. Daniel F. Kotwicki
Mr. Paschal M. Koyton III
Mr. Mitchell W. Bobrowiecki
Mr. Paul T. Chancey
Mr. Rodney D. Gawel
Mr. Terry R. Giannico
Mr. William M. Hanlon
Mr. Harold D. Hughes
Mr. Robert P. Lasser
Mr. Joseph A. Palazzolo
Mr. George D. Smiley
Mr. James A. Topp
Mr. Ralph C. Barwick
Mr. Carl G. Benninger
Mr. Vincent Borowski III
Mr. Joseph F. Chiesa
Mr. Vincent Crispignani
Mr. Adolph K. Lohwasser
Mr. Randolph C. Paschke
Mr. James R. Quasarano
Mr. Robert W. Sharkey
Dr. James A. David D.D.S.
Mr. Dennis M. Fabris
Dr. Wallace J. Gasiewicz
Mr. Michael L. Hapanowicz
Mr. Peter D. Keefe
Mr. Anthony J. Magdowski
Mr. Paul J. Marzolino
Mr. Ronald S. Porter
Mr. David W. Poxon
Mr. Thomas A. Boos
Mr. Dennis Dalton
Mr. Walter J. Fitzhenry
Mr. Michael S. Florentine
Mr. Edward J. Hagan Jr.
Mr. Gary S. Karas
Mr. Michael J. Kennedy
Mr. Michael A. Kus
Mr. Daniel J. McBride
Mr. Robert S. Pastrick
Mr. Walter G. Plasko
Mr. Mitchell C. Poznanski
Mr. Alan C. Rudzewicz
Mr. Laurence J. Salive
Mr. Mark E. Scheible
Mr. Mark H. Wojcik
Mr. John R. Bernard
Dr. David Clark
Mr. Kenneth G. Hafeli
Mr. Robert Kippert
Mr. Thomas J. Loepp
Mr. Jeffrey A. Sadowski
Mr. Richard Smetanka
Mr. Richard Spehar
Mr. Douglas P. Tomayko
June 2014 Senior Alumni Luncheon
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
De La Salle Alumni Association Lifetime Members
Mr. Gary Arendoski
Mr. Mark Gnaster
Mr. Richard Hagan
Mr. Thomas P. Howe
Mr. Mark A. Hrabovsky
Mr. Steven D. Hug
Mr. Thaddeus Kedzierski
Mr. Thomas Mann
Mr. D. Kenneth Peters
Mr. Martin Szymanski
Mr. William A. Tanoury
Mr. Melvin J. VanHowe
Mr. Timothy J. Berent
Mr. Robert E. Mann
Mr. John B. Meisner
Dr. William P. Sanders
Mr. Mark A. Sikora
Dr. Mark P. Wiegand
Mr. Roger Ziemba
Dr. Martin J. Bury
Mr. John C. Cashen
Mr. Gregory J. Kontry
Mr. James P. LaChance
Mr. Michael LaChance
Dr. Michael E. Maddens
Dr. Martin J. Makowski
Mr. Dennis J. Popiel
Mr. Michael J. Szatkowski
Mr. Charles Wolschlager
Dr. Thomas A. Wrobel
Mr. Steven C. Graus
Mr. John A. Kaczanowski
Mr. Brian G. LaChance
Mr. William K. Lodholz
Mr. Ronald X. Penkala
Mr. James D. Priskey
Mr. Anthony J. Scicluna
Mr. Salvatore B. Simone
Dr. Raymond Skowronski Jr.
Rev. Gary T. Smetanka
Mr. David M. Zelmanski
Dr. Frederick J. Bartolomei
Mr. Michael L. Decker
Mr. Joseph G. Klick
Mr. Daniel J. Loepp
Mr. Michael H. Michalak
Mr. Mark A. Rusch
Mr. Mark F. Torzy
Mr. Gerald R. Zaccardelli
Mr. Michael P. Belleman
Mr. Bruce E. Bernier
Mr. Patrick Hensler
Mr. Anthony J. Schneider
Mr. John M. Schodowski
Mr. David A. Videtta
Mr. John P. Brusewitz
Mr. Gregory F. Cool
Mr. John P. Fioritto
Mr. Ronald C. Maiorano
Mr. Michael A. McCabee
Mr. Thomas C. Perna
Mr. Jeffrey T. Primeau
Mr. Neil G. Sikora
Mr. Timothy J. Smith
Mr. John A. Spitzbarth
Mr. Timothy G. Tomas
Mr. Anthony J. Van Howe
Mr. Jeffrey P. Wiegand
Mr. Paul A. Zebrowski
Mr. John F. Kravitz
Mr. Joseph M. Lafata
Mr. Eric E. Leszczynski
Dr. Thomas J. Mathews
Mr. Anthony P. Nader
Mr. Stanley Singer III
Mr. George Sokolosky
Mr. Paul F. Treder
Dr. Peter M. Carlin
Mr. Dennis C. Drenikowski
Mr. Stephen Femminineo
Mr. Patrick J. Garvey Jr.
Mr. Karl Kornack
Mr. Peter J. Lucido P.C.
Mr. Ronald W. Mitzel
Mr. Mark D. Mordell
Mr. David Parrott
Mr. Michael J. Shea
Mr. Richard J. Slowinski
Dr. John T. Bautista
Mr. John R. Bettin
Mr. Carl Bolchi
Dr. Brian P. Butler
Mr. Donald G. Calcaterra Jr.
Mr. Hugh McGillivray
Mr. Toby L. Monforton
Mr. Christopher Rankin
Mr. Kip Walby
Mr. Paul Hartzell
Mr. Peter V. MacLean
Mr. Mark S. Surmont
Mr. Ronald VanderMeulen
Mr. Paul F. Viviano
Mr. Jeffrey T. Gilleran
Mr. Joseph B. Graham
Mr. Kevin M. Houle
Mr. Robert J. Jones
Mr. Robert MacKool
Mr. Craig Schmantowsky
Mr. Michael L. Seneski
Mr. Gregory A. Shea
Mr. Kevin Stawiasz
Mr. Paul F. Temerowski
Mr. Paul Veryser
Mr. Mark A. Wisniewski
Mr. John Zebrowski
Mr. Mario D. Apruzzese
Mr. James Baumgart
Mr. Mark S. Bush
Mr. Joseph W. DeLave
Mr. Paul Grimaldi
Dr. Christopher J. Mehall
Mr. John M. Miscavish
Mr. Scott Mordell
Mr. James M. Olowniuk
Mr. Terrance M. Phillips
Mr. Andrew R. Schoenherr
Mr. Kevin G. Braye
Mr. Richard T. Deary
Mr. Anthony DiGirolamo
Mr. Jeffrey Jamerino
Mr. Ronald Kornas U
Mr. Edward M. Barkume
Mr. Brian Carvill
Mr. Matthew Flynn
Mr. Keith C. Karpinski
Mr. Terrence Steyaert
November 2014 Alumni Networking Event
Board of Trustee President, John Moore
(‘75) speaks with Principal Patrick Adams.
Dan Loepp is introduced by
Justice David Viviano.
Justice David Viviano (‘90), Tony Mattar
(‘50), and Dan Loepp (‘75).
The Second Annual DLS Alumni Networking Event featured Dan Lepp (‘75), CEO of Blue Cross/Blue Shield of
Michigan, who addressed the present state of health care and where we might be headed. Dan was introduced by
Michigan Supreme Court Justice David Viviano (‘90), who also facilitated questions from the crowd. The Networking
event began last year with the goal of connecting DLS grads in the business community, especially younger alumni.
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll
De La Salle Alumni Association Lifetime Members
Mr. Michael A. Wilk Jr.
Mr. Thaddeus Winiarski Jr.
Mr. Sean Youngren
Mr. Michael G. Barkume
Dr. Thomas J. Borgula D.D.S.
Mr. Daniel J. Calcaterra
Dr. Thomas Gebeck
Mr. Thomas M. Smith
Mr. Matthew G. Wegrzynowicz
Mr. Christopher W. Zielinski
Mr. George Deratany
Mr. William P. Edwards
Mr. Christopher Eperjesy
Mr. Andrew J. Gesell
Mr. Thomas M. Landy
Mr. Gregory Martin
Mr. Michael G. Opsommer
Mr. Mark Rowinski
Mr. Kenneth J. Rymiszewski
Mr. Michael Zanoni
Mr. Steven M. Addy
Mr. Joseph E. Ciesinski
Mr. Brian G. DeVirgilio
Mr. Paul M. Dominski
Mr. Timothy E. Dryer
Mr. Richard F. Francisco
Mr. Gary Gross
Mr. Robert D. Kirsch
Mr. Damien Macielinski
Mr. Jeffrey K. Radtke
Mr. Joseph Rosasco
Mr. David E. Salkowski
Mr. Thomas Sherry
Dr. Martin Sikora
Mr. Sean Stawiasz
Mr. Matthew J. Tanielian
Mr. Michael G. VanAntwerp
Mr. Mark D. Wheeler
Mr. Michael C. Carsley
Mr. Patrick Cummins
Mr. John D. Dakmak
Mr. Kenneth J. Edwards
Mr. James Fuller
Mr. Joseph F. Hallman
Mr. Van J. Hauswirth
Mr. William M. Iacona
Dr. Clifford Kaye
Mr. Ralph J. Koss
Mr. Daniel Kotwicki
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kulwicki
Dr. Edward J. Lis Jr.
Mr. Dennis Loughlin
Mr. Timothy J. Mackey
Mr. James M. Maisano
Dr. Frank T. Petruzzello D.D.S.
Mr. Frank E. Thomas
Mr. Michael Weir
Mr. Mark Bankstahl
Mr. Matthew G. Borgula
Dr. Donald R. Burkhardt
Mr. Robert Dameron
Mr. John Dell’Isola
Mr. Thomas C. Keuten
Mr. William Kolakowski III
Mr. David L. Lentz
Mr. Matthew Lorio
Mr. Mark Merline
Mr. Raffaele Muglia
Mr. Patrick Porte
Mr. Michael A. Trombley
Mr. Craig R. Wilking
Mr. Joseph Zajchowski
Mr. Jason R. Batke
Mr. Christopher J. Fett
Mr. Mario L. Izzi
Mr. Nathan G. Konopka
Mr. Robert J. Lewandowski
Mr. Jason Mass
Mr. Joseph Rheker
Mr. Charles P. Rospierski
Mr. Anthony Spica
Mr. David C. Tamulevich
Dr. Peter Y. Watson
Mr. Benjamin J. Aloia
Mr. Todd M. Benigni
Mr. Matthew W. Boddy
Mr. Anthony M. Catalina
Mr. Michael M. Chabot
Mr. Gerard J. Dryer
Dr. Gregory Kalkofen
Mr. Scott D. Kalkofen
Dr. Frank Knechtl
Mr. John L. Kolakowski
Mr. Scott E. Ross
Mr. Joel Schmidt
Mr. Jeremy J. Schokora
Dr. Gregory V. Sobol
Dr. David A. Zink
Mr. Sean Bukowski
Mr. Christopher Conflitti
Mr. Andrew Kendall
Mr. John C. Kulish
Mr. William J. Mansfield
Mr. Paul C. Merlo
Mr. Theodore Nix III
Mr. Peter Raiss
Mr. Donald Robinson II
Mr. Matthew Soderman
Mr. Matthew S. Waldis
Mr. Paul B. Addis
Mr. Anil Arora
Mr. Joseph M. Chirco
Mr. Michael J. Davis
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men Mr. Robert DeGasperis
Mr. Timothy Fulton
Mr. Sean Haas
Mr. Michael A. Kardasz
Mr. Matthew J. Rama
Mr. Daniel Rankin
Mr. Joseph Sabatini
Mr. Michael P. Tamulevich
Mr. Daniel T. Wisniewski Jr.
Capt. Brian Banas
Mr. Scott Benigni
Mr. Michael J. Glasgow
Mr. John C. Monigold Jr.
Dr. Jon M. Tosch
Dr. Andrew Zink
Mr. Richard T. Artymovich
Mr. Gregory M. Barr
Mr. David Billings
Mr. Christopher M. Chandler
Mr. Eric J. Kerkmaz
Mr. David M. Lavigne
Mr. Edward Mauch
Mr. Michael J. Salgat
Mr. Charles Seip
Mr. Matthew Bitonti
Mr. Donald L. Ciaravino
Mr. Christopher Kraszewski
Mr. Randy J. Lagrou
Mr. Christopher Ozog
Mr. Casimir J. Zalewski Jr.
Mr. Ryan P. Binder
Mr. Jeffrey Jones Jr.
Mr. Matthew Lavigne
Mr. Bryan M. Rakowski
Mr. Neil Sobeck
Mr. Scott Watkins
Dr. David Anderson
Mr. David P. Habib
Mr. Marc E. Labadie
Mr. John C. Labut
Mr. Nicholas A. Monigold
Mr. Darren C. Rudzewicz
Mr. Joseph A. Simon
Mr. Michael C. Sokol
Mr. Neil J. Gnebba
Mr. Brian P. Granger
Dr. Michael P. Maddens
Mr. Scott C. Wanagat
Mr. Phillip M. Czachor
Mr. Gregory M. DeMars
Mr. Todd M. Goss
Mr. Matthew J. LaRocca
Mr. Peter J. Lucido III
Mr. Daniel A. Nunes
Mr. Shaun C. Rapske
Mr. Michele J. Chirco
Mr. John C. Cusmano
Mr. Matthew J. Krakowski
Mr. Nicholas J. Maddens
Mr. Howard Schorer U
Mr. Raymond J. Testori
Mr. Douglas Boldys
Mr. Matthew L. Carnaghi
Mr. Anthony J. Lamerato
Mr. Gerard N. Peczeniuk
Mr. Joseph C. Penkala
Mr. Matthew S. Pisching
Mr. Adam F. Sullivan
Mr. Adam R. Zajac
Mr. Thomas D. Depue
Mr. Kevin M. Fitzhenry
Dr. Jeffrey P. Guina
Mr. Brandon A. Kalasho
Mr. Bradley A. Sabo
Mr. Matthew R. Schneller
Mr. David T. Benesh
Mr. Daniel E. Cetnar II
Mr. Ross A. Cassidy
Mr. Matthew S. Kocsis
Mr. David L. Griffin
Mr. Frederick P. Bartolomei
Mr. Zachary T. Grube
Mr. Peter J. Costantin
Mr. John E. Paddock
Mr. Edmund J. Raubolt II
Mr. Jeffrey A. Spicuzzi
Mr. Casey A. Goodman
Mr. Michael A. Thomas
Mr. Paul R. Balgenorth
Mr. Bradley T. DeCook
Mr. Robert E. Squiers
Mr. Alexander W. Tu
Mr. Zachary M. Zebrowski
Mr. Alexander J. Dabish
Mr. Marco R. Bollini
Mr. Jonathan S. Chmura
Mr. David L. Dinka
Mr. Ian X. Jozefowicz
Mr. Christopher P. Aiello
A Lasallian Education since 1926
2013-2014 Honor Roll of Donors
2013-2014 Leadership
Members of the De La Salle Board of Trustees
As of July 1, 2013
Mr. Russell F. Agosta
Brother Christopher Belleman FSC
Mr. Stephen Brillati
Mr. Patrick T. Buschmohle Jr.
Mr. Julius Cicchini
Mr. Frank J. Erace
Mr. Darrell L. Goolsby
Dr. Richard A. Herbert
Mr. Daniel F. Kotwicki
Brother Thomas P. Lackey FSC
Mr. Thomas Lipari
Mr. Peter J. Lucido
Brother James Martino FSC
Mr. Anthony J. Mattar
Brother Michael Mc Kenery FSC
Mr. Anthony W. Mensen Jr.
Mr. John A. Moore
Mr. Gino M. Paliaroli
Mrs. Cyndi Popp
Brother Thomas Scanlan FSC
Mr. Gregory A. Shea
Mrs. Janis Thomas
Committee Chairs
Chairperson, Board of Trustees
Dr. John Moore
Chairperson, Advancement Committee
Mr. Daniel F. Kotwicki
Chairperson, Membership Committee
Mrs. Janis Thomas
Chairperson, Endowment Committee
Mr. Patrick T. Buschmohle Jr.
Chairperson, Finance Committee
Mr. Gino M. Paliaroli
Chairperson, Properties Committee
Mr. Stephen Brillati
2013-2014 Volunteer Leadership
The Christian Brothers’ Auxiliary
Mrs. Angie Aldini
The De La Salle Dads’ Club
Mr. Steve Eckhout
De La Salle Alumni Association
Mr. Dave Baumgart
St. Joe’s Alumni Association
Mr. John Gawyrk
Builders of Boys, Makers of Men A Lasallian Education since 1926
Whatever Happened
Evo Alberti
DLS Faculty 1966 - 2002
DLS Assistant Principal
1973 - 1979
wife Carmen, also a Foreign
Language teacher, on summer trips to Europe. Carmen
retired in 2003.
“The kids were always good,
“I enjoyed every day - up to the and enjoyed seeing the sights
last minute.”
and practicing their language
So says Evo Alberti, a
skills on the trips. Spain.
teacher and administrator at
France. Italy.” One trip also
De La Salle for 37 years, until included a side trip to Algiers.
his retirement in June 2002.
“Only one time did I have a student who wasn’t quite
The 1957 Detroit Austin graduate attended the
University of Detroit, but did not immediately enter
teaching. He earned his Master’s at Wayne State
University, and took over his father’s commercial
knife-sharpening business, before stepping into the
behaving as he should. So I called his parents, and
told them that if he didn’t behave, I was putting
him on the next plane home. That took care of the
While teaching French, as well as Spanish, Evo
continued his sideline business. For several years,
the late Brian McGinnis, a fellow DLS faculty
member, worked for him, delivering sharpened
knives to commercial customers after school. Evo
sold the business in 2001.
Always an avid fisherman and hunter, Evo now enjoys deep-sea fishing during a spring trip to Florida
each year, as well as hunting and fishing here in
Michigan. He owns a cottage at Higgins Lake, in
northern Michigan, just a few blocks from a cottage
owned by Br. Patrick McNally’s family. “I see Br. Pat
up north in the summer. It’s great to catch up with
Evo has fond memories of his time at DLS, which
included time as an Assistant Principal from 1973
- 1979.
Evo is also busy with his own home in Clinton
Township, which is located on three acres. Evo’s son,
David (‘89), is an attorney based in San Francisco.
His former students have fond memories as well,
including dozens of students who joined Evo and his
“I was the luckiest guy. I never took many days off. I
retired happy. ”
Remembering Evo
“He introduced me to French. I became a French
teacher. So many memories. In senior year, prepping
us for Camus and Sartre, he talked about Kafka and
Kant. He tried to explain how they were reacting to
traditional western philosophy, then stopped in his
tracks, saying ‘But you wouldn’t know any of that
because you haven’t read anything.’ Awesome. But I’m
fluent in French, and I have a degree in philosophy. I’d
say he set me on a great path. Great teacher!”
Joe Gerardi, ‘86
“Mr. Alberti taught us 20 years ago. I
still remember it like yesterday. Next to
AP English, the absolute best La Salle
Larry Ruehlen, ‘98
“Our trip to Europe was the trip of a
lifetime. I still remember it like it was
Greg Kelly, ‘98
Wondering whatever happened to a Brother, teacher, coach or fellow student?
Contact Vicki Granger at [email protected] or 586.541.6207
Alumni Spotlight
Mike Wasik
Class of 1991
When Mike Wasik graduated from De La Salle in
1991, he had no plans to join the family funeral
business. Some 20 years later, he not only manages
the Wasik Funeral Home location in Shelby Township,
he is a past president of the Michigan Funeral
Directors’ Association.
For someone who went into sales after college, it’s a
dramatic change.
Mike attended Albion College, majoring in Business.
“I liked Albion because it’s a smaller school, and it has
an outstanding business program.” He also picked up
some classes in biology and chemistry along the way.
After graduation, he pursued a sales career, but didn’t
care for the commission lifestyle. “It was a drag.”
About the same time Mike was tiring of sales, in 2000,
his father and uncle had decided to expand the family business into Shelby Township, at 22 Mile Rd. and
“I’m glad I made the move. My dad needed the help.
He’s now 77, and slowing down. He only works six days
a week,” joked Mike.
Mike went back to school, earning his mortuary science degree from Wayne State in 2003. “With my biology and chemistry credits from Albion, along with a
heavy course load, I was able to finish the degree in a
little less time than most.” The Wayne State program,
which used to be a two-year certification, is now a
bachelor’s program.
Like many funeral homes in the Detroit area, the
Wasik Funeral Home business has been passed down
from one generation to the next. The first location
was opened by Mike’s great-grandfather, in 1904, on
Dubois and Medbury, in the Poletown area of Detroit,
across from St. Stanislaus Church.
The next location was on Seven Mile Rd., between
Hoover and Schoenherr, from 1965 to 1990.
“We bought the funeral home on 13 Mile and Hoover
from an existing family in 1989, and transitioned it to
Education is the most important thing
you can put in your back pocket.
the Wasik Funeral Home in 1990.”
Besides Mike and his father, Mike’s sister and
two cousins are also in the business. His uncle
passed away this past summer, which Mike says
“was a huge loss.”
The two homes employ approximately 30 people.
Mike loves his job. “It’s an honor to be here. You
think about how it goes down. Here are people
going through the worst experience they can
have, and I’m the first one they call. I know I help
people every day. That’s something not everyone
can say.”
He likens his role to that of a psychologist. “I
listen a lot. The technical part of the job - the embalming - that’s only a small portion of the time. I
listen to what the family has to say and help them
focus on what they want for the service.”
Mike also likens his job to an “event planner.”
“I tell people this is like planning a wedding, but
we’ve only got a couple days to pull this together.
I help the family get to where they need to be.
Arrange for flowers. Arrange for the service.
Arrange for the reception.
Mike Wasik
In the funeral business, there are no “casual Fridays.”
Mike notes, “I have 18 suits in my rotation. I love my
Mike says the most satisfying part of the job is that “the
scenery changes. I’m not the kind of guy to sit in a cubicle. And at the end of the day, I’ve helped people. I help
them get to the place they need to be, or at least on the
first step along that path.”
Mike is active in the Michigan Funeral Directors’
Association (MFDA). “The MFDA pushes for legislation
which enhances consumer protection. People have read
about consumer fraud at funeral homes. Money gone
missing. That kind of stuff gives the whole industry a
black eye.” Mike notes that funeral homes can’t own a
cemetery. “That would limit the customers’ choices. It
makes sense.”
Mike and Alissa Wasik and their daughters at
Boyne Mountain in August 2014
“Every funeral is different. Whatever gives
families comfort and solace, I’ve probably got
someone in my rolodex to make that happen.
Someone wanted a special panel embroidered
to bury with their loved one. Sometimes
people want a dove or balloon release. I’ve
added golf clubs and golf balls to the casket.
One time, a family wanted a flashlight added
because they said their dad was afraid of the
“There is nothing worse than burying kids.
The only consolation is knowing that you are
Mike notes that Wasik’s was one of the first
funeral homes in the area to have an online guest book, and they have incorporated
equipment into their buildings for photo
slide shows. “Our clients can bring in videos
they’ve made themselves, or bring us the pictures, and we’ll take care of it for them.”
Mike began grade school at St. Raymond’s, in Detroit.
His family moved during fifth grade, and he finished
grade school at St. Lawrence, before heading to De
La Salle. “I had been in Catholic grade schools all
the way through, and I wasn’t looking for a big school
In high school, Mike was active in the Music program,
and played trumpet in the band. “I mostly played all
brass, although I haven’t played in years.”
Mike has many memorable experiences from DLS, and
maintains many close friendships with his 1991 classmates. “I had many memorable teachers, too. I could tell
a story about every one of them.”
Mike married in 2001, and his wife, Alissa, teaches
in the Clarkston Public Schools. They live in Shelby
Township, not far from Mike’s job, and have two
In 2012, Mike became involved with the Christian
Brothers’ Dinner Committee. “Our CPA, Mike Ringler,
had a son at DLS, and said he was looking for volunteers.
I’m happy to be involved. It’s a great experience, and
I’m giving back. Education is the most important thing
you can put in your back pocket. I know it’s difficult for
schools to move forward. Expenses go up, and volunteers
need to be in the front seat. I’ll do anything for DLS,
Albion, WSU that I can financially and with my time.”
Alumni News
James Carroll (SJ ‘58) and his wife
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in November 2014.
Bob Dabrowski (SJ ‘60) was
appointed by Governor Snyder to a
13-person committee for the State of
Michigan for policies on logistics and
supply chain management. Bob also
received a certificate for 40 years of
participation on the Detroit River
Hydroplane Race from the Detroit
River Racing Association.
Bill Fox (‘50) is the Grand Marshall
of the Rochester Christmas parade.
Bill has 21 grandchildren, 7 in
Tom Mackey (‘11) is graduating from
Adrian College in May 2015 with a
B.A. in History. He has been president of the Adrian College Catholic
Student Association since last fall
(his junior year). He says, “The highlight of my CSA experience has been
spending my last two spring breaks
in Florida, working with Habitat for
Humanity. My desire to embark on
service trips like this are the result
of a passion for charity instilled in
me through my Lasallian high school
Tom also runs track at Adrian.
“While running at the collegiate
level has been a blessing, I miss the
Catholic League athletic experience
and the outstanding mentorship I
received from the athletic staff at De
La Salle.”
Jimmy Mattina (‘12) was
selected by the Ohio Athletic
Conference Coaches as the 2014
OAC Men’s Soccer Defender
of the Year. A junior at John
Carroll University, Jimmy also
earned First Team All-OAC
Donald Miriani (SJ ‘52) lives
in St. Clair Shores. He has been married for 58 years, an has
five children and 12 grandchildren.
John Oman (SJ ‘57) has bowled in the same league for several
years with another SJ grad, Jerry Cullen (SJ ‘59). “I only
found out recently he was a St. Joe grad, and a mere sophomore
when I was an exalted senior.”
Joseph Orlando (SJ ‘56), and his wife recently celebrated
their 55th wedding anniversary. He also attended a Papal
audience on June 11, 2014, and “got to shake the Pope’s hand.
Robert L. Ziolkowski (‘62) will be retiring as Judge of the
Wayne County Circuit Court on December 31, 2014, after 26
years of public service on the bench.
Louis Zingas (‘14) After
scoring his first goal of
the season for the Brown
University men’s soccer
team, Louis was named the
Ivy League Rookie of the
Week in mid-October. His
first collegiate goal came
against Boston College
with just under 10 minutes
left in regulation. In the
same week, he helped end
Harvard’s winning streak
with a 1-1 tie.
Photo: Courtesy of Brown
Go Pilots!
Alumni News
Freshmen - Grandparents’ Day 2014
James Corbett and Dennis Corbett (SJ ‘57), Robert Jarackas and Dan Jarackas (‘57), Easton Sikorski and Walter Sikorski
(‘69), Jared Lavigne and Larry Rogers (SJ ‘56), Zachary Milke and Edmund Milke (‘34) *great-grandfather, Blaine Flanagin
and Don Flanagin (‘52), Robert Goeddeke and Mike Goeddeke (‘60), Troy Belko and Frank Belko (‘60), Anthony Comito and
Anthony Comito (‘55), Michael Caruana and Paul DiTrapani (SJ ‘55).
Ed Wegener (SJ ‘52), who lives in Georgia,
stopped by DLS in October. Ed is pictured
here with Br. Patrick McNally.
Tim Mackey (DLS ‘88) stopped by DLS recently
with his wife Sima and children. Tim lives in the
New York City area, and was profiled in the Alumni
Spotlight section of the Spring 2013 Collegiate. Tim
is pictured here with Mrs. Vicki Granger.
Alumni News
Soccer at St. Charles
Varsity football captains gathered prior to the DLS vs. Brother Rice game in September at Wayne State University. Alumni
from the 1950’s to recent years gathered to encourage the team, including Mark Mordell (‘78), who flew in from California for
the event, as well as John Superson (94), who drove in from Chicago with his family. Representing the more than 40 captains
was Mark Julien (‘95), who spoke to the team prior to the game.
Jim Maisano (‘88) and son
Chet Privett (‘09)
John Superson (‘94), Matt Giacona (‘97), Jim
and John Martinez (‘09) and Mark Julien (‘95)
Eric Ford (‘86) and family
Chad (‘08) and Steve (‘10) O’Shell
Pete Maceroni (‘58) and Bill Hennegan (‘57)
Alumni Events
Are you a Veteran?
De La Salle Collegiate is proud to
recognize and commemorate alumni
who have honorably served our
nation in the United States Armed
Forces: Army, Navy, Marine Corps,
Coast Guard, and Air Force.
A memorial wall display is prominently located in the school’s main
hallway, next to the main office,
honoring qualified individuals. The
memorial wall was established by Mr.
Steve Stewart, Assistant Principal,
himself a U.S. Army veteran.
There are two eligibility categories:
• Honorably Discharged Veterans
will have their names permanently
added to the wall.
• Currently serving service members,
both active and reserve components, will have their names added
to the wall for one year, renewable
upon annual notification.
Veterans (or family members who
identify their relationship to the
nominee for recordkeeping purposes)
should provide the following
information to Mrs. Anita Griffin at
586.541.6201 or
[email protected]
• First and Last Names
• Graduation Year from De La Salle
• Highest Rank
• Branch of Service
• Service Years (i.e., 1995 – 1999)
• Duty Locations (state and/or
• Service awards and decorations
Veterans may also supply additional
information such as quotes, service
anecdotes, or pictures.
All submitted materials become the
property of De La Salle and cannot
be returned. The board is updated
Monthly Luncheons & Meetings
De La Salle Class of 1941 meets at Noon for lunch on the third Thursday of the
month at Wave’s Restaurant, 24223 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores.
De La Salle Class of 1947 meets at Noon for lunch on the first Thursday
of the month at the Vinsetta Grill, 28028 Woodward.
De La Salle Class of 1958 meets at 11:30 a.m. for lunch on the third Tuesday of the
month at the Polish Century Club, 2975 E. Maple, Troy.
De La Salle Class of 1963 meets at 9 a.m. on the third Thursday of the month at
Michelle’s Restaurant and Sweetheart Bakery, 31920 Van Dyke (Between 13 &
14 Mile Roads) Warren.
St. Joe’s Alumni Monthly Luncheon meets at Noon for lunch on the second
Wednesday of the month at Liz’s Ham Place, 31500 Groesbeck, Fraser.
St. Joe’s Alumni Monthly Breakfast meets at 8:30 a.m. for breakfast on the second
Tuesday of the month at Friar Tuck’s on 39793 Garfield Road, Clinton Township.
DLS Class of 1965 will hold its reunion the weekend of May 15, 2015.
• Friday, May 15 Reception 5-9 p.m. @ De La Salle
• Saturday, May 16 Dinner 7-11 p.m. @ Vintage House
• Sunday, May 17 Mass 9 a.m. @ DLS Chapel and Breakfast @ Michelle’s on
Van Dyke in Warren
• Monday, May 18 DLS Graduation Dinner & Ceremony 5-9 p.m.
Special Events
DLS Alumni Bowling - Second Thursday of each month from 7-9 p.m. at Detroit
Bowling & Skills Center, 7023 E. 14 Mile Rd,. Sterling Heights. Join us for a fun
Christian Brothers’ Dinner - Thursday, April 30, 2015 @ Penna’s of Sterling.
For further information on any Alumni Events, contact John Monigold in the
De La Salle Alumni Office at 586-541-6212 or [email protected]
School Events
Alumni Father-Son Mass at DLS, January 22.
Annual Student Raffle begins March 2. Drawing is March 18.
Spring Musical, South Pacific, March 5 – 7, at Warren Cons. Schools
Performing Arts Center.
Christian Brothers Auxilliary Fashion Show - Wednesday, March 18, 2015
at Penna’s of Sterling
For more information on these events and more, check the
DLS website at
Making A Difference
Marching Band Kicks off St. Vincent de Paul Coat Drive
The DLS Marching Band was on hand
for the kickoff of the St. Vincent de Paul
Society’s “Operation Coat Check” on
November 6 at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of
Michigan’s Detroit headquarters.
Dan Loepp (‘75), President and CEO of
BC/BS of Michigan, drew connections between St. Vincent de Paul, St. John Baptist
de La Salle, and the community spirit of
Blues’ employees.
“St. Vincent shaped the society that St.
John lived in,” said Loepp. “Saint Vincent
established a concept that we perpetuate
today, that we are here in this world to
help where we can, and to care about those
who are less fortunate.”
DLS Alumni Dad Larry Griffin, who continues to be involved with the Dads’ Club and
Dan Loepp with Br. Tom Lackey and the DLS Marching Band
announces home football and basketball games, coordinated
the involvement of the Marching Band. Larry is Donation
Relations Manager for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Feeding The Poor
The Freshmen Soccer Team (pictured
at right) gathered at St. Charles
Borromeo in Detroit. Each soccer team
sponsored a community lunch for the
needy and homeless in the area.
Wounded Warrior Project
During September, De La Salle and Orchard Lake
St. Mary’s students and families raised $8,500 for the
Wounded Warrior Project.
In addition to cash donations, funds were also raised
through the sale of special team jerseys and t-shirts,
and through ticket sales at a special soccer-football
doubleheader vs. St. Mary’s at Wayne State University.
(Left) Sophomores Chandler Witt and Ben Nicol, along with
junior Ben Westphal, collect donations at the football game.
Athletic News
Regional Champs!
Fall Sports Highlights
The varsity soccer team finished with a 14-4-4
record, including winning the Michigan Showcase
Tournament, which features top-ranked teams in
Michigan, victories over CHSL Central Division
rivals, and playing in the CHSL Championship
game. The team lost the District Championship in a
New coach Jake Jones did a
great job, helping the team
improve their record this
year. Senior Grant Severyn
received First Team Macomb
County Singles honors.
Freshmen soccer won the CHSL Central.
As The Collegiate went to
Grant Severyn
print, the Pilots were preparing for the Division 2 State
Finals at Ford Field against Muskegon Mona
Shores. The Pilots’ previous appearances in the
Championship game were in 2006 and 2008.
Senior Mickey Davey
won both the CHSL title
and the Macomb County
title for the third consecutive year, and made his
third trip to the state
finals, where he finished
Aaron Robert and
Mickey Davey
Senior Aaron Robert
also qualified for the
state Division 1 Finals.
The Pilots reached the title game following wins
over Grosse Pointe North and East English
Village, and a Regional Championship victory over CHSL Central Division rivals Brother
Rice, ending the Warriors’ 33-game winning
streak. DLS beat Southfield High School in the
Evening of Delights
The Evening of Delights is a tastefest held every
October at De La Salle, to raise funds for the school’s
cultural and athletic programs.
The theme this year was “ALOHA from the Evening
of Delights - Pilots in Paradise,” which made for a
colorful and tropical evening!
We had a great selection of tasty vendors, and a
fantastic silent auction.
Thanks to the hard work of our Committee, all of our
volunteers, and the activity captains - a wonderful
time was had by all.
2014 Evening of Delights Committee
Bro. Robert Carnaghi
Vendor Chair
Emily Berschback
2013 Co-Chairs
Raquel Maldonado, Jo Pompeo
Volunteer Co-Chairs
Mary Chris Chapp & Cindy Mack
Accounting Chair
Mike Ringler
50/50 Raffle Chair
Bob Walz
Admissions Chair
Bro. Patrick McNally
Silent Auction
Acquisition Committee
Roseanne Brugnoni
Steve Graus
Raquel Maldonado
Jo Pompeo
Mary Ann Skowronski
Advancement Co-Chairs
Linda Carnaghi & Amy Seiferlein
Decorations Co-Chairs
Angela Aldini & Cindy Simone
Silent Auction Co-Chairs
Anne Radatz and Liz Wearn
Supply Chair
Linda Fennell
Evening of Delights
We thank our Event Sponsors!
Chris Aiello, Attorney at Law
Allied Printing
Mortgage 1, Inc.
[email protected]
Rizzo Environmental Services
Bob Maxey Ford-Lincoln
Parkway Small Animal
& Exotic Hospital/
Animal Activity Center
Simone Contracting
Spinal Rehab Associates
Andiamo Catering & Events
Holiday Pizza/Chucks Catering
bd’s mongolian grille
Holy Cannoli’s
Bella Café & Catering
Lazybones Smokehouse
Blue Pointe Restaurant
Lipari Foods
Cafe Jole
Louis’ Chop House
Capital Banquet Center
MacRay Banquet & Event Center
Century Banquet Center
Mama Mia Biscotti
Chef Raymone Catering
National Coney Island
Classic Catering
Old World Gluten Free Pierogi
ColdStone/Tim Hortons
Party Pretzels & More by Teri
Cupcake Station
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Dave’s Sweet Tooth
Srodeks Campau Quality Sausage Co.
DeCarlo’s Banquet Center
Starbucks Coffee
Dickey’s Barbecue Pit
TSJ Wine Blenders
Dominic’s Catering
Vintage House Banquets & Catering
Dooley’s Tavern
Your Gourmet
Good People Popcorn
Zuccaro Banquets & Catering
In Memoriam
Anthony Caputo, SJ ‘49. March 7, 2014.
Michael Capo, ‘40. November 7, 2014. Brother
of the late Patrick Capo (‘42) and Robert Capo
Thomas Chuba, ‘48. August 27, 2014. Brother
of Paul Chuba (‘45).
Leo Patrick Fitzpatrick, ‘46. November 9,
Eugene “Gene” Schimmel, ‘41. November 9,
Ronald Krupa, SJ ‘61.
September 24, 2014.
Extended Family
Frank Ackley, October 14,
2014. Father of Frank Ackley
Jr. (‘06), Michael Ackley (‘11),
Matthew Ackley (‘13), and David Ackley (‘15).
John Bacic, September 27, 2014. Grandfather of Neven
Gerech (’14).
Robert Berlin, ’58. November 13, 2014.
Dolores Duggan, October 11, 2014. Mother of Martin
“Marty” Duggan (‘83).
Robert Stanley Biolochini, ‘58. February 9,
John Jacques, October 26, 2014. Father of Cameron
Jacques (’14) and Mitchell Jacques (‘15).
Dewayne Brown, ‘50. September 25, 2014.
Dewayne was residing in Florida but
remained a major supporter of the Pilots.
Justin Krause, Recently passed away in South Korea. Son
of Paul Krause (‘65).
Nino Cicchini, SJ ‘58. September 9, 2014.
Brother of Julio Cicchini (SJ ‘55).
Gil DeMeglio, ‘59. October 25, 2014.
Emmett “Jim”
Grix, ‘62. November
7, 2014.
Gerald Langwerowski, ‘59. November 14,
2014. He was the father of Mark (‘84),
Matthew (‘88) and Brian (‘89) Langwerowski.
Gerry was a great supporter of DLS and
will be missed by his classmates and fellow
Daniel Mahoney, ‘58. October 25, 2014.
Raymond Mansfield, SJ ‘58. October 9, 2014.
Donald Moore, SJ ‘55. October 27, 2014.
Robert Myers, SJ ‘57. October 4, 2014.
Eugene Norman, 53. December 2, 2013.
Thomas H. Gilleran, SJ ‘64. September 17,
2014. Brother of James Gilleran (‘54), and
brother of Regina Butler. The Gillerans
and Butlers had many family members who
attended DLS and St. Joe’s.
Robert Loepp, September 27, 2014. Father of Robert Loepp
(‘68), Thomas Loepp (‘70), and Daniel Loepp (‘75).
Nicole Paczas, November 1, 2014. Mother of Cole Paczas
(’16). Nicole was the CBA Treasurer.
Paula Trombley, November 4, 2014. Wife of Jerome
Trombley (‘58).
Keith Turner, November 9. 2014. Father of Julian Turner
Ronald Wisniewski, October 1, 2014. Father of Brian
Wisniewski (‘81), James Wisniewski (‘81), Chris Wisniewski
(‘82), and Mark Wisniewski (‘83). Grandfather of Ryan
Wisniewski (‘16).
Richard Wolas, September 5, 2014. Father of Scott Wolas
Donald Yezbick passed away on May 12, 2014. Father of
Frank Yezbick (‘91).
This list represents notifications received through November
20, 2014. If you know of an alumnus or extended family
member who has passed, please contact John Monigold in the
DLS Alumni Office at 586.541.6212.
De La Salle Collegiate High School
14600 Common Road, Warren, MI 48088
The Collegiate newsletter is published three
times a year - Spring, Fall, and Winter.
If you wish to start or stop receiving this
newsletter, please contact the Advancement
Department at 586-778-3356
The Brothers, Staff and
Faculty of De La Salle
wish everyone a
Blessed Christmas
and a Happy & Healthy
New Year!