Welcome to the Veritas 2009 Christmas and Advent
Welcome to the Veritas 2009 Christmas and Advent
Welcome to the Veritas 2009 Christmas and Advent catalogue. Inside you will find a wide range of gifts to celebrate this most holy time of year. From books to cribs, candles to angels, as well as DVDs and music, we are sure you will find everything you need for the Christmas season. 12.5% discount to all schools. Please add 15% for postage and packing to max of €6.00/£4.50. Overseas customers please apply for rates. PleAse NOte: Prices in this catalogue are correct at the time of going to print, but may be subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations. trADe terms: Normal trade terms apply. All orders over €100/£75 are postage/carriage free within Ireland. All overseas orders are subject to carriage. returNs: to prevent any misunderstanding, all requests to return stock must be cleared in advance and in writing. Goods must be returned in pristine condition, suitable for resale. Payment terms: 30 days net from date of invoice. a GreaT LiGhT Finding meaning at Christmas J.P. Garvey 9781847300621 | €9.95 | £6.95 bookS Veritas The GifT A Nativity Play for All Primary school Children eibhlin milner 9781853903991 | €5.05 | £3.55 Veritas Sacred Space for adVenT & The chriSTmaS SeaSon 2009–2010 Jesuit Communication Centre 9781594711930 | €11.95 | £9.99 ave maria press WaiTinG in hope reflections on Advent tony Flannery 9781853906671 | €4.95 | £3.50 Veritas The JeSSe Tree stories and symbols of Advent raymond & Georgene Anderson 9780806625249 | €5.85 | £4.99 augsburg 4 keepinG adVenT and chriSTmaSTime 9781568540276 | €1.40 | £1.00 Liturgy Training publications 9780806649290 | €5.85 | £4.99 augsburg publishing The miracLe of The myrrh marci Alborghetti 9780879462499 | €13.55 | £11.50 acTa publications WinTer Celebrating the season in a Christian Home Peter mazar 9781568541341 | €10.00 | £8.50 Liturgy Training publications The firSTborn of God the Birth of mary's son Jesus eugene laverdiere, sss 9781568546094 | €8.95 | £6.95 Liturgy Training publications 5 bookS We LiGhT The candLeS Family Devotions Around the Advent Wreath neW companion To adVenT and chriSTmaSTide 9781860824029 | €2.50 | £1.95 bookS catholic Truth Society preparinG for chriSTmaS WiTh pope benedicT XVi An Advent Novena edited by lucio Coco 9781594712333 | €2.35 | £1.99 ave maria press The firST chriSTmaS What the Gospels really teach About Jesus' Birth marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan 9780061430701 | €15.85 | £13.50 harperone The SpiriTuaL meaninG of adVenT & chriSTmaS Pope Benedict XVI 9781860826085 | €2.30 | £1.95 catholic Truth Society chriSTmaS noVena WiTh benedicT XVi Pope Benedict XVI 9781860826115 | €2.30 | £1.95 catholic Truth Society 6 adVenT & chriSTmaSTide WiTh The SainTS 9781860824104 | €2.50 | £1.95 catholic Truth Society Pope Benedict XVI 9781860825224 | €2.50 | £1.95 catholic Truth Society The bLeSSinG of chriSTmaS Joseph ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI 9781586171728 | €11.50 | £9.80 ignatius press adVenT in The home Activities for Families ellen C. Becker and mary t. Barnes 9781592764303 | €9.60 | £6.95 our Sunday Visitor adVenT refLecTionS: come Lord JeSuS! Archbishop timothy m. Dolan 9781592763931 | €4.80 | £3.30 our Sunday Visitor 7 bookS chriST The LiGhT of our WorLd Words for Advent and Christmas chriSTmaSTide Prayers for Advent through epiphany Phyllis tickle 9780385510264 | €2.00 | £1.70 bookS doubleday LiVinG in JoyfuL hope Advent & Christmas meditations suzanne m. lewis 9781568545905 | €5.50 | £3.85 Liturgy Training publications before and afTer chriSTmaS Activities and Ideas Debbie trafton O'Neal Illustrated by David larochelle 9780806641560 | €9.40 | £7.99 augsburg 8 chiLdren’S chriSTmaS bookS from VeriTaS chriSTmaS WiTh aunTie mary eleanor Gormally Illustrated by Orla roche 9781847300492 €9.95 | £6.95 12 dayS of chriSTmaS Kathleen Darragh Illustrated by Jeanette Dunne 9781853909399 €12.95 | £9.20 The caT did oT knoW margaret mcCarthy Illustrated by sophie molloy 9781853909238 €8.95 | £7.60 9 chiLdren ’ S bookS 50 chriSTmaS ThinGS To make and do acTiViTy book Fiona Watt 9780746088272 | €7.05 | £5.99 usborne foLLoW The STar Poster sticker Book Helen Prole 9781859855737 | €4.70 | £3.99 candle books chriSTmaS GianT fLoor puzzLe Illustrated by Helen Prole 9781859856048 | €11.20 | £8.99 candle books chriSTmaS arT ideaS Fiona Watt 9781409509431€8.25 | £6.99 usborne a chriSTmaS STory Brian Wildsmith 9780192727305 | €7.05 | £5.99 oxford university press 10 uSborne naTiViTy Press-Out model usborne The road To beThLehem Brian Wildsmith 9780192725530 | €7.05 | £5.99 oxford university press The Very firST chriSTmaS Candle Bible for toddlers Juliet David Illustrated by Helen Prole 9781859857151 | €4.70 | £3.99 candle books The Very firST chriSTmaS Heather Amery and elena temporin 9780746077054 | €8.25 | £6.99 usborne The uSborne biG book of chriSTmaS ThinGS To make and do Fiona Watt 9780746069400 | €11.75 | £9.99 usborne 11 chiLdren ’ S bookS Illustrated by stephen Cartwright 9780746089262 | €8.50 | £5.99 The chriSTmaS STory read and Play with Dietrich Bonhoeffer chiLdren ’ S bookS Juliet David Illustrated by Jo Parry 9781859857977 | €7.05 | £5.99 candle books my firST chriSTmaS STenciL book tim Dowley Illustrated by stuart martin 9781859857984 | €8.25 | £6.99 candle books chriSTmaS JiGSaW fun six great puzzles to make 9781859857953 | €10.90 | £8.99 candle books a STabLe in beThLehem Juliet David Illustrated by richard scott & Gemma Denham 9781859856833 | €8.25 | £6.99 candle books my firST chriSTmaS magnetic Adventures Juliet David Illustrated by Helen Prole 9781859856567 | €9.40 | £7.99 candle books 12 The moST beauTifuL STory of chriSTmaS maite roche 9781860824463 | €5.85 | £4.95 catholic Truth Society eerdmans books JeSSe Tree deVoTionS Family Activity for Advent marilyn s. Breckenridge 9780806621540 | €5.85 | £4.99 augsburg publishing The briGhTeST STar of aLL And Other Christmas stories Carrie Papa 9780687648139 | €5.90 | £4.99 abingdon press The uSborne LiTTLe book of chriSTmaS caroLS With CD Illustrated by stephen Cartwright 9780746087381 | €8.50 | £5.99 usborne prayerS around The crib Juliette levivier 9781860824456 | €5.85 | £4.95 catholic Truth Society 13 chiLdren ’ S bookS noW iT iS WinTer eileen spinelli Illustrated by mary Newell DePalma 9780802852441 | €11.95 | £9.99 chriSTmaS around The WorLd lesley sims and Angelo ruta 9780746067826 | €5.90 | £4.99 chiLdren ’ S bookS usborne no Tree for chriSTmaS marilyn lashbrook 9781859857069 | €1.50 | £1.25 candle books The uSborne book of chriSTmaS poemS sam taplin and Anna luraschi 9781409509479 | €11.75 | £9.99 usborne The STory of The naTiViTy Anna milbourne 9781409500469 | €11.75 | £9.99 usborne 50 chriSTmaS ThinGS To make and do Activity Cards rebecca Gilpin and minna lacey 9780746070680 | €7.50 | £5.99 usborne LonG aGo in beThLehem tracy Harrast Illustrated by sylvia Ward 9780687647781 | €11.75 | £9.99 abingdon press 14 mySTery in The STabLe lisa Flinn and Barbara Younger 9780687493364 | €11.75 | £9.99 abingdon press chiLdren ’ S bookS baby JeSuS iS born Candle Bible for toddlers Juliet David Illustrated by Helen Prole 9781859856826 | €4.70 | £3.99 candle books SiLenT niGhT thomas Kinkade 9780060787431 | €12.95 | £11.00 harperone on ThaT chriSTmaS niGhT Pop-up book tim Dowley Illustrated by stuart martin A wonderful pop-up giftbook for toddlers and early readers. 9781859857656 | €10.60 | £8.99 candle books 15 The chriSTmaS STory Heather Amery and Norman Young 9780746069868 | €4.70 | £3.99 chiLdren ’ S bookS usborne chriSTmaS the usborne Cloth Book 9780746056592 | €7.05 | £5.99 usborne uSborne Touchy-feeLy naTiViTy Fiona Watt and rachel Wells 9780746069596 | €11.75 | £9.99 usborne chriSTmaS in The barn margaret Wise Brown 9780060526368 | €4.80 | £3.30 harperone my chriSTmaS manGer the Beginner’s Bible 9781859856680 | €7.05 | £5.99 candle books my firST STory of chriSTmaS tim Dowley Illustrated by roger langton 9781859856574 | €1.80 | £1.50 candle books 16 SinG-aLonG chriSTmaS caroLS With CD Fiona Watt 9781409507680 | €12.40 | £9.99 usborne usborne makinG chriSTmaS counT! A Kid’s Guide to Keeping the season sacred ted O’Neal Illustrated by r.W. Alley 9780870294013 | €6.15 | £5.25 abbey press LifT The fLap naTiViTy Juliet David Illustrated by sylvia Ward 9781859856840 | €3.55 | £2.99 candle books chriSTmaS Therapy Karen Katafiasz; Illustrated by r.W. Alley 9780870292682 | €4.60 | £3.90 abbey press The Very firST chriSTmaS the Beginner’s Bible 9781859858547 | €1.75 | £1.50 candle books 17 chiLdren ’ S bookS The STory of baby JeSuS Heather Amery and Norman Young 9780746069851 | €7.05 | £5.99 chiLdren ’ S bookS ThaT bLeSSed chriSTmaS niGhT Dori Chaconas Illustrated by Deborah Perez-stable 9780687006267 | €13.95 | £11.95 abingdon press Good kinG WenceSLaS John m. Neale Illustrated by tim ladwig 9780802852090 | €11.95 | £9.99 eerdmans books a iS for anGeL A Christmas Alphabet and Activity Book Debbie trafton O’Neal 9780806651210 | €8.25 | £6.99 augsburg publishing The Very firST chriSTmaS moving Windows the Christmas story told with spectacular 3dimensional scenes – all with fun interactive tabs to push and pull. Juliet David Illustrated by sylvia Ward 9781859856857 | €8.25 | £6.95 candle books 18 board bookS candle books baby JeSuS little tabs lori Froeb Illustrated by luana rinaldo 9781859858394 | €4.70 | £3.99 candle books The ShepherdS Juliet David Illustrated by Hannah Wood 9781859858332 | €3.50 | £2.99 candle books The innkeeper Juliet David Illustrated by Hannah Wood 9781859858325 | €3.50 | £2.99 candle books foLLoW The STar Jesslyn DeBoer Illustrated by Nancy munger 9781859854501 | €2.35 | £1.99 candle books Joy To The WorLd Jesslyn DeBoer Illustrated by Nancy munger 9781859854525 | €2.35 | £1.99 candle books 19 chiLdren ’ S bookS The WiSe men Juliet David Illustrated by Hannah Wood 9781859858349 | €3.50 | £2.99 GeTTinG ready for chriSTmaS Jesslyn DeBoer Illustrated by Nancy munger 9781859854518 | €2.35 | £1.99 chiLdren ’ S bookS candle books SiLenT niGhT Pageant of lights Book Illustrated by Chris sharp 9781859856864 | €7.05 | £5.99 candle books The firST chriSTmaS Juliet David Illustrated by Gemma Denham 9781859857670 | €4.70 | £3.99 candle books chriSTmaS STory bLockS Juliet David Illustrated by Helen Prole 10 stackable Christmas Blocks. With bright illustrations and simple words children can have lots of fun building their own Christmas story block by block. 9781859857649 | €11.20 | £8.99 candle books 20 star buy 11 piece reSin naTiViTy SeT aVaiLabLe in The foLLoWinG SizeS 90cm | P60297 €2225.00 | £1,891.25 large 50cm | P60298 €495.00 | £420.75 30cm | P60299 €125.00 | £106.25 20cm | P60300 €69.95 | £59.45 21 LarGe cribS 11 piece naTiViTy SeT 135cm | P60343 €4,500.00 | £3,825.00 one piece only LarGe cribS beauTifuLLy crafTed iTaLian naTiViTy 10 individual hand-painted figures with authentic wooden shelter 60cm | P13873 €3,500 | £2,975.00 9 piece naTiViTy – reSin 95cm | P14956 €2,500 | £2,125.00 11 piece naTiViTy – reSin 80cm | P14874 €1,200 | £1,020.00 22 15 piece unbreakabLe naTiViTy SuiTabLe for ouTdoorS 40cm | P60071 · €995 | £845.75 LarGe naTiViTy Hand-carved Italian Wood – 1 only 55cm | P12007 · €1,750 | £1,487.50 LarGe reSin naTiViTy 8 fiGureS 45cm | P60281 €250.00 | £212.50 23 LarGe cribS 17 piece unbreakabLe naTiViTy SuiTabLe for ouTdoorS 65cm | P60072 · €3,000 | £2,550.00 medium cribS reSin naTiViTy SeT 11 fiGureS 30cm | P60437 €125.00 | £106.25 11 piece naTiViTy reSin 30cm | P15022 · €150 | £127.50 11 piece naTiViTy – reSin 40cm | P14875 · €195 | £165.75 11 piece naTiViTy – reSin 30cm | P14876 · €125 | £106.25 24 naTiViTy SeT 11 fiGureS WiTh SheLTer 13cm | P60426 · €55.00 | £46.75 shelter 30cm 7cm | P60425 · €35.00 | £29.75 shelter 22cm naTiViTy SeT 11 fiGureS WiTh SheLTer 20cm | 8880017767 · €50.00 | £42.50 shelter 55cm 15cm | 8880016288 · €35.00 | £29.75 shelter 50cm 10cm | 8880016286 · €19.95 | £16.95 shelter 39cm fiXed naTiViTy WiTh 10 fiGS and SheLTer 64x20x42cm | P60309 · €49.95 | £42.45 47x34cm | P60307 · €35.00 | £29.75 10 piece ceramic naTiViTy WiTh SheLTerS 20cm | P60415 · €29.95 | £25.45 fiXed naTiViTy WiTh SheLTer 28x19cm | P60406 · €29.95 | £25.45 25 medium cribS naTiViTy SeT 11 fiGureS WiTh SheLTer 15cm | P60428 · €59.95 | £50.95 Shelter 43 cm 11cm | P60427 · €49.95 | £42.45 shelter 35 cm 6cm | P60442 · €19.95 | £16.95 shelter 23 cm medium cribS reSin naTiViTy SeT 11 fiGureS 20cm | P60436 · €59.95 | £50.95 16cm | P60435 · €39.95 | £33.95 11cm | P60434 · €24.95 | £21.20 reSin naTiViTy 9cm | P16958 · 11cm | P16959 · 15cm | P51731 · 20cm | P13759 · SeT 11 fiGureS €14.95 | £12.70 €19.95 | £16.95 €29.95 | £25.45 €59.95 | £50.95 reSin naTiViTy SeT 10 fiGureS 20cm | P60438 · €49.95 | £42.45 reSin naTiViTy SeT 11 fiGureS 21cm | P60439 · €55.00 | £46.75 naTiViTy SeT 12 fiGureS 18cm | 8880016289 · €75.00 | £63.75 SeT reSin coLour 15 fiGureS 15cm | P12650 · €49.95 | £42.45 26 11 piece naTiViTy 20cm | P14984 · €95 | £80.75 10 piece naTiViTy – reSin 30cm | P14981 · €95 | £80.75 11 piece naTiViTy 20cm | P14985 · €75 | £63.75 7 pce TradionaL naTiViTy fiGureS 26cm | 5050882237792 · €69.95 | £59.45 9 piece naTiViTy SeT 33cm | 5055280811612 · 27 €95.00 | £80.75 medium cribS naTiViTy SeT Wood effecT 15 fiGureS 15cm | P12649 · €49.95 | £42.45 medium cribS 10 piece naTiViTy SeT 30cm | 5055280809282 €65.00 | £55.25 ceramic naTiViTy Scene WiTh Tea LiGhT 28cm | 5055280811810 €24.95 | £21.20 one piece reSin naTiViTy Scene 20cm | P60401 · €29.95 | £25.45 one piece reSin naTiViTy Scene 22cm | P60400 · €35.00 | £29.75 fiXed reSin naTiViTy WiTh backdrop 18cm | P60402 · €35.00 | £29.75 ceramic naTiViTy WiTh SheLTer/Tea LiGhT 22cm | 5055280811803 €22.95 | £19.50 28 1 piece ceramic naTiViTy WiTh ScroLL backdrop 31cm | 5055280808643 €16.95 | £14.40 ceramic naTiViTy Scene 24cm | 5055280808667 €14.95 | £12.70 eiGhT fiGure reSin naTiViTy on Wooden baSe 53cm | P60269 · €65.00 | £55.25 one piece naTiViTy Scene WiTh Three candLeS 20cm | 5050882237761 €14.95 | £12.70 fiXed naTiViTy 30cm | P15030 · 29 €35 | £29.75 medium cribS ceramic naTiViTy WiTh book backdrop 23cm | 5055280808667 €12.95 | £11.00 medium cribS Three piece Joy naTiViTy WiTh TeaLiGhTS 5050882154785 · €17.95 | £15.25 5 piece peace naTiViTy WiTh Tea LiGhTS 5050882154792 · €19.95 | £16.95 WhiTe ceramic Joy naTiViTy WiTh Led LiGhT 24cm | 5050882157151 €17.95 | £15.25 WhiTe ceramic peace naTiViTy WiTh Led LiGhT 24cm | 5050882157168 €17.95 | £15.25 porceLain hoLy famiLy 27cm | P14892 · €14.95 | £12.70 porceLain hoLy famiLy 23cm | P14883 · €12.95 | £11.00 30 hope ceramic naTiViTy Scene WiTh Led LiGhT 22cm | 5050882237884 €19.95 | £16.95 anGeL Joy naTiViTy WiTh Led LiGhT 20cm | 5050882237907 €24.95 | £21.20 anGeL peace naTiViTy WiTh Led LiGhT 20cm | 5050882237921 €24.95 | £21.20 peace naTiViTy WiTh coLour fiGureS and Led 23cm | 5050882237853 €24.95 | £21.20 Joy naTiViTy WiTh coLour fiGS and Led LiGhT 23cm | 5050882237877 €24.95 | £21.20 31 medium cribS Joy ceramic naTiViTy Scene WiTh Led LiGhT 22cm | 5050882237891 €19.95 | £16.95 medium cribS acryLic hoLy famiLy WiTh Wooden baSe 38cm | 5023313892587 €150.00 | £127.50 GLaSS hoLy famiLy 25cm | P15155 · €35.00 | £29.75 acryLic naTiViTy WiTh STar and LiGhT 28cm | 5023313892051 · €39.95 | £33.95 18cm | 5023313875658 · €24.95 | £21.20 acryLic naTiViTy WiTh STar and LiGhT 28cm | 5023313892051 · €39.95 | £33.95 18cm | 5023313875658 · €24.95 | £21.20 32 LiGhT up acryLic naTiViTy WiTh LiGhT 30cm | P14193 · €110.00 | £93.50 caroL famiLy candLe TabLe Scene 5055280809602 · €39.95 | £33.95 hoLy famiLy GLobe WiTh LiGhT 23cm | P15035 · €65.00 | £55.25 WhiTe porceLain naTiViTy in GLobe WiTh LiGhT 23cm | P15035 · €65.00 | £55.25 WhiTe porceLain 3 piece naTiViTy Scene WiTh LiGhT 36cm | P13821 · €79.95 | £67.95 3 piece naTiViTy WiTh LiGhT P15041 · €79.95 | £67.95 cream naTiViTy 11 fiGureS and back drop 15cm | P5194 · €49.95 | £42.45 10cm | P5193 · €35.00 | £29.75 33 medium cribS hoLy famiLy WiTh LiGhT 23cm | P15036 · €39.95 | £33.95 medium cribS WhiTe porceLain naTiViTy WiTh GoLd finiSh 10 piece 16cm | P60268 · €39.95 | £33.95 WhiTe porceLain naTiViTy WiTh GoLd finiSh 10 piece 19cm | P60267 · €75.00 | £63.75 7 piece naTiViTy and SheLTer 24cm | P14894 · €19.95 | £16.95 ceramic naTiViTy 27cm | P14885 · €14.95 | £12.70 WhiTe/SiLVer 4 piece ceramic naTiViTy 25cm | 5023313899906 · €19.95 | £16.95 hoLy famiLy – porceLain 25cm | P15115 · €22 | £18.70 34 porceLain naTiViTy in VaSe 18cm | P14994 €14.95 | £1270 coLoured ceramic 11piece naTiViTy SeT P15671 · €49.95 | £42.45 paSTeL coLour ceramic naTiViTy WiTh Led 20cm | P60346 · €22.95 | £19.50 WhiTe ceramic naTiViTy WiTh GoLd STar and Led 20cm | P60347 · €22.95 | £19.50 LarGe briGhTLy coLoured fabric naTiViTy 11 fiGureS pLuS cLoTh STabLe for SToraGe P15666 · €79.95 | £67.95 35 medium cribS 6 piece naTiViTy 15cm | P15021 · €24.95 | £21.20 medium cribS 7 piece naTiViTy WiTh cLoTh P60261 · €45.00 | £38.25 briGhTLy coLoured 7 piece fabric naTiViTy SeT P60264 · €39.95 | £33.95 9 piece naTiViTy large: 15cm | P14989 · small: 10cm | P14990 · coLour Wooden naTiViTy WiTh candLe arch 33x19cm | P60359 · €24.95 | £21.20 €25.00 | £21.25 €18.00 | £15.30 11 piece reSin naTiViTy P15670 · €49.95 | £42.45 36 TerracoTTa naTiViTy 15cm | P15053 · €19.95 | £16.95 cream STone naTiViTy arch W/ VerSe 20cm | 5023313019403 €11.95 | £10.15 cream STone naTiViTy in 3 parTS W/VerSe 23cm | 5023313019427 €24.95 | £21.20 naTiViTy WaLL pLaqueS WiTh VerSe 23cm | 5023313019441 · €9.95 | £8.45 10 piece naTiViTy – TerracoTTa 20cm | P14101 · €65.00 | £55.25 37 medium cribS TerracoTTa naTiViTy left: 20cm | P14110 · €24.95 | £21.20 right: 20cm | P15052 · €24.95 | £21.20 medium cribS 6 piece WiLLoW Tree naTiViTy SeT 638713260055 · €80.00 | £68.00 WiLLoW Tree Three WiSe men 638713260277 · €65.00 | £55.25 WiLLoW Tree Shepherd and STabLe animaLS 638713261052 · €55.00 | £46.75 GLazed bibLe naTiViTy Scene 26cm | 5055280811872 · €18.95 | £16.10 Green ceramic naTiViTy WiTh SheLTer 29x19cm | P60410 · €22.95 | £19.50 naTiViTy in recycLed cardboard caSe 20 x18cm | P60278 · €24.95 | £21.20 38 one piece hoLy famiLy WiTh WaTchinG anGeLS 30cm | 5055280801910 €24.95| £21.20 reSin naTiViTy WreaTh 30cm | P41226 · €17.95 | £15.25 hoLy famiLy 19cm | P13693 · 39 €8.95 | £7.60 medium cribS naTiViTy book STand 24cm | 5055280811933 €12.95 | £11.00 SmaLL cribS 11 piece ceramic chiLdren’S naTiViTy 17cm | 5055280810707 €24.95 | £21.20 15 piece naTiViTy SeT 15cm | P60344 · €69.95 | £59.45 reSin naTiViTy 9 fiGureSand SheLTer 6cm | 8880020360 €14.95 | £12.70 coLour ceramic naTiViTy WiTh 11 fiG P60295 · €39.95 | £33.95 coLour reSin naTiViTy 8 fiGureS (11cm) and SheLTer P50641 · €18.95 | £16.10 chiLdren naTiViTy SeT 10 fiGureS 10cm | 8880016283 · €34.95 | £29.70 40 hoLy famiLy WiTh SheLTer 22x17cm | P60407 · €12.95 | £11.00 €24.95 | £21.20 ceramic hoLy famiLy WiTh SheLTer 11cm | 5055280809060 €4.95 | £4.20 hoLy famiLy Tea LiGhT hoLder 20cm | 5055280809084 €9.95 | £8.45 fiXed reSin naTiViTy in SheLTer 20cm | P60292 · €14.95 | £12.70 naTiViTy Tea LiGhT SeT WiTh eiGhT fiG P60290 · €24.95 | £21.20 41 SmaLL cribS naTiViTy SeT 10cm | P15031 · SmaLL cribS naTiViTy 12cm | P13677 · naTiViTy 9cm | P14881 · €9.95 | £8.45 €5.95 | £5.05 naTiViTy WiTh LiGhT 15cm | P13678 · €29.95 | £25.45 naTiViTy 13cm | P14882 · WhiTe 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Terms and conditions this voucher is valid from 15 september 2009 to 24 December 2009 this voucher is not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents this voucher is only redeemable against items listed in the Veritas 2009 Christmas Catalogue this voucher may not be combined with existing schools’ discounts ! Beautiful 11 piece Resin Nativity available in the following sizes: 90cm 50cm 30cm 20cm | | | | p60297 p60298 p60299 p60300 €2,225.00 €495.00 €125.00 €69.95 | | | | £1,891.25 £420.75 £106.25 £59.45 CHRISTMAS 2009 VOUCHER 20% OFF ! DuBlIN CItY CeNtre 7/8 lower Abbey street, Dublin 1 tel (01) 878 8177 Fax (01) 874 4913 email [email protected] eNNIs 83 O’Connell street, ennis, Co. Clare tel (065) 682 8696 Fax (065) 682 0176 email [email protected] BlANCHArDstOWN unit 309, Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15 tel (01) 886 4030 Fax (01) 886 4031 email [email protected] letterKeNNY 13 lower main street, letterkenny, Co. 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