School-Based Waste Management One Way to Reach
School-Based Waste Management One Way to Reach
SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award Theme for 2012: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction Supporting Partners: Submission Form of SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award The last day for submission of entries: 25 August 2012 PART I: Details of Your School 1. Name of your school: SMP Negeri 11 Bandung 2. Full address: Jl. H. Samsudin No.34 Bandung 3. Postcode: 4. Country: Jawa barat Indonesia 5. Telephone number (country code+city code+telephone number): 022-5200816 6. Fax number (country code+city code+fax number): - 7. Name of the Head Master/ Principal/ School Director: Drs. H. Nanang Rasyad Suryana, M.Pd HP. 081 321 665458 8. Name of Teacher Coordinator: Nia Kurniati, S.Pd 9. Email address: [email protected] 10. School website (if available): 11. Educational level (Such as Kindergarten 1 to Grade/Year 9): Junior High School 11 Bandung Class VII, VIII, and IX 12. Number of teachers in your school: Nia (082 1164 98189) 13. Number of students in your school: Arlian (083822749946) Devita (0818020033980) 14. Please provide the name of teachers and students who were/have been involved in the planning and implementation of this school activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction. Teachers: a) Nia Kurniati, S,Pd (guru IPA, Staf Kurikulum bidang Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kurikulum KTSP SMPN.11 Bandung) b) Dedy Sudjana, S.Pd ( guru Matematika, Wakasek bidang Kurikulum) c) Agus Supriyanto, S.Pd ( guru IPA, Wakasek bidang Kesiswaan) d) Evi Novianti, S, Pd, M,Si ( guru IPS, staf kurikulum bidang evaluasi) e) Elly Rosliani, S.Pd ( guru Bahasa Inggris, staf Kurikulum bidang pendataan) Students: a) Arlian Puri Anggrani, kelas IX (penanggung jawab program Zero Waste Event) b) Devita Fauziah, kelas IX (penanggung Jawab program Gera Shiaga) 1 c) Dzikrifa, Kelas IX (penanggung Jawab program Gerakan Siswa Bersatu Menuju Sekolah Aman/GSB MSA) d) Diandra, Kelas IX ( Ketua Osis dan penanggung jawab program forum Anak ) e) Daulik, Kelas IX ( wakil Ketua Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja, penanggung jawab program komunitas Fotografi) f) Ria Putri, kelas VIII (Ketua Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja, penanggung jawab program Jamban BSJ/ Bersih-Sehat-Jujur) g) Ayu, kelas IX (penangung jawab program Ayu Mitra Syariah, Bank Sampah Berbasis Sekolah) h) Ajeng, kelas VIII (Penanggung Jawab program Gerakan Toilet Higienis berbasis Bahasa Sunda) PART II: Information about the School’s Activity/Programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction The information of part II from no.1 to 11 should be no longer than eight pages long (A4 type, Arial font, size 11 point). A half to one page A4 of the project summary should be included. 1. Title of the school’s activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction School-Based Waste Management One Way To Reach Safe Schools, Clean And Healthy In SMP Negeri 11 Bandung 2. Summary of the activity/programme (a half to one page A4) School is the most strategic place to do activities on disaster risk reduction. This can be done in extracurricular activities and integrated in curricular activities. The same happens in SMP Negeri 11 Bandung. Initially, the activities of the initiative of the Scientific Group Teens held in 2008, the unthinkable could be the beginning of a disaster risk management activities in the school. Schoolbased Waste Management Program which became the flagship program of the local Healthy Schools, School Adiwiyata, and the Green School has encouraged teachers and schools to develop curriculum to school safely. Safe Schools should include among other things, a solid physical school buildings, the construction of the school building is strong, does not have the vulnerability to disasters, if necessary, resistant to earthquake . Safe Schools should have a clean, wonderful, and healthy, with a good waste management, have a hygienic toilet, there is a representtif green open spaces, evacuation routes are known to the whole school community in the event of an earthquake. Safe Schools also need to be comfortable, that there are services for the whole school community in the field of religious (mosques), health care (UKS space), and Counseling services (Space BP), a cozy study room with good circulation and energy efficient. Safe Schools also protects the rights of children as citizens of the school, and provides many opportunities to develop themselves according to their ability and his intelligence level. In its implementation, schools, teachers and students together create a sustainable program to achieve safe at school. School serves as a place for learning and behavioral change, Teachers act as facilitators, and enjoy free time students become empowered and can be useful for many people. While the students as learners are expected to make changes so that they have more information and skills related to disaster risk reduction. Initiative program involving the students are expected to benefit many parties, especially the wider community. Learners are not passive victims. They have an important role in preventing and responding to disasters. A supportive environment for the participation of children as learners in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is not only committed to addressing the causes of vulnerability to disasters but also to reverse the presumption and culture that considers children as agents of the powerless. To achieve this condition, it needs strong support and advocacy to engage students 2 directly in DRR policy in the local area including making mandatory the participation of children in decision-making in the region. Strengthening their capacity in disaster risk reduction will depend on the situation on the basis of their community and the cultural practices they use. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach allows new insights into the reality of a diverse range of life and youth and how they can facilitate other individuals, families, and society at large. Disaster Risk Management Program developed at the School since 2008, is expected to become the local power of SMP Negeri 11 Bandung, can be well documented in the Curriculum KTSP SMPN. 11 Bandung, and integrated in all subjects at all different levels. 1. Background information or reasons why the school initiated this activity/programme Starting from the idea of creative and innovative Scientific Group Youth (KIR) of class VII Project based in the school year 2008. At that time they initiated the research project entitled "Go To Zero Waste School". They do a School Based Waste from waste sorting schools by type, perform various types of organic waste, anorganic, tetrapak and paper, as well as reducing the types of anorganic waste from the source. They think, waste is also one that caused the disaster, especially in urban areas that can cause flooding. By providing multiple solutions in waste management at the school was able to grow the awareness of students to the school, thus creating a welcoming school environment is safe, beautiful, clean and healthy. Go To Zero Waste Program led by Amilia Agustin School, class VII-6 and 9 peers actively engage in activities that could generate an entrepreneurial spirit as it adopts the skills to make compost and souvenirs that embody the school environment have a product, the work of her students. Through these activities, they are able to YCM 2009 that Young Changemakers in the theme of Sanitation and Water Supply, Sanitation ambassador 2010 Exchange West Java (rank 2) with the title of the work "In Your Hands, Make a Small Step through the 3Rs, and appreciation SATU INDONESIA Award 2010 (The spirit of Astra Unite for Indonesia) project entitled "Youth of the Nation Hands The Natural Indonesia Saving". Although Amilia Agustin is now a class XI in SMAN. 11 Bandung, but the spirit and the program is not stopped. With his ability, they can regenerate with a different program. There are at least 10 students and the programs that run them do so in the form of project-based community activities. 3 Program are: 1. Zero Waste Event, led by Arlian Puri Anggraeni of class IX-1. She runs projectnya since seventh grade. The program feature is the Class-Based Waste Management. He managed to gain an appreciation YCM Award 2011, Champion 1. Trash Level Painting Competition. National in 2011, and became a facilitator for Zero Waste School and Safe Schools. 2. JAMBAN BSJ 11 or toilet clean-healthy-and honest , led by Ria Putri Primadanti of class VIII-8. She runs a Latrine Project Healthy Clean Honest in SMPN.11 Bandung since seventh grade. Behavior honest superior program that can be started from the toilet. Awards that have earned them YCM Award 2011, 2012 Provincial Sanitation Ambassador Jabar, Coverage Kick Andy Show the theme "Small Big Action Heros", 100 Appreciation Award Recipient in the Exemplary level in West Java in 2012. 3. Gera Shiaga Movement Toward Safe Schools Uniting Students, led by Devita Fauziah, class IX-11. Project feature is the Disaster Risk reduction in school, at the stage of Pre-and PostDisaster Mitigation.The award is earned ko 2011 Exchange Facilitator to West Java in the Green School Programme 2011, Ambassador Level Sanitation City of Bandung in 2010 with the title of the work "Let's Saving Water in my beloved" Environmental Ambassadors School Level 2011. Without realizing they were initiated by the activities of these students, encouraging schools to make improvements in services for the creation of schools Safe Schools, Healthy, Beautiful and comfortable. To realize these desires, then in September 2011, with the help of NGOs called blips or Family Care Education, conduct programs aimed at tackling disaster risk in schools with the theme "Towards Waste Environmentally Safe, Clean, and Healthy at Junior High School 11 Bandung ". 3 1. Objectives/goals of the activity/programme 1. Helps to increase community awareness of the environment is clean, comfortable, and safe, through the preparation of a disaster preparedness plan an integrated and practical. 2. Placing students as children who have Rights to protection and participation of children in decision-making that connection in an effort to maintain a healthy, clean and safe, with awareness of Disaster Risk Reduction. 3. Exploring and promoting ways that put the child's active participation in maintaining the cleanliness, comfort, safety and the environment through a strategy of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2. Period of time when this activity/programme was/has been implemented 1. The first year (2008): the socialization program, students are introduced school-based waste management program in class VII in activity Introduction The School Environment 2. The second year (2009): implementation of the program, the students invite the entire school community to undertake waste management, this activity did keputrian programs, activities JUMSIH, KIR extracurricular activities, and lessons Mulok Environmental Education (PLH) 3. The third year (2010): an advanced program of Phase I, which included school teachers and students developed programs in various competitions. 4. Fourth year (2011): an advanced program phase II, which published the results of the development of the student in the school to other schools in the form of roadshows 5. Fifth year (2012): a phase III program is further development of the program in the school curriculum. Schools and students together to design sustainable and integrated development program in the whole subject area in the school, are documented in the KTSP document SMP Negeri 11 Bandung (Listed in documents 1 and 2) 6. Sixth year (2013): Implementing the program in all relevant subjects, thematic-based learning, and documented by the curriculum. 3. Activities (Short-term actions and strategies of implementation of the short-term actions) Short-term activities in realizing the Safe Schools is: 1. Students together with teachers improving existing evacuation routes. 2. Students together with teachers to collect data on vulnerability to disaster risks, which are documented in the form of photographs and written reports. 3. Students together with teachers to design a program of activities simulated earthquake disaster and made his SOP. 4. School encourages every subject teachers to integrate Disaster Risk Reduction in the school sillabus, lesson plans, and its design Lesson. 4 4. Resources used for implementing the activity/programme 1. The need for the development of programs that require a fee, obtained funding for the school budget, gift development program obtained when the children ask project proposal, and from the GCC network related NGOs. 2. While the development of the program in the form of self-development, tissue obtained from Non-governmental organizations that have assisted activities, government agencies such as the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) etc.. 5. Monitoring and evaluation mechanism and results 1. Indicators of success in school-based management of waste and realize school is maintaining safe school environments are beautiful, clean, green, and convenient. The trash is properly disaggregated, there is a waste management which consists of home compost bins and banks school toilet hygiene, and conduct of clean and healthy behaviors (PHBS) in everyday life. 2. Increased predicate school and program development opportunities undertaken in collaboration with schools and agencies, such as, designation of schools piloting for a HEBAT school (Living Healthy With Friend), Healthy Schools, Green Schools and Safe Schools for Children and Families. 3. Integrated in the school curriculum, this is evidenced in the document KTSP SMPN. 11 Bandung, contained in document 1 and document 2. Measuring achievement of good classroom management, classroom supervision is carried out by the principal and staff curriculum, as well documented in the form of photographs, video, as well as written reports. 6. List of partners, local government bodies, companies or development agencies who participated in the planning and implementation, including their roles in the activity/programme. Name of Partners a) NGOs YPBB (Foundation Developers Bioscience and Biotechnology) b) YKI (Contacts Indonesia Foundation) c) Ashoka Indonesia d) KerLiP (Family Care Education) e) BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency) f) Seameo Qitep g) Department of Education Bandung Roles or contributions Training School Based Waste Management, and the establishment of Zero Waste Community School. Development Bank School garbage, garbage training Recycled Paper Network Expansion YCM (Young Changemakers), local media publications, National, and International) Development of Safe Schools Program, Student Unity Movement Toward Safe Schools, Risilo Disaster Mitigation in Schools Basic training for Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools, help books on Disaster, local publicity opportunities network expansion MoU of cooperation in the form of appointment Piloting School 5 7. Benefits/impacts of the activity/programme to teaches, students and the community 1. Schools received appreciation from government agencies so that access to development programs can be obtained easily, publications and electronic media open wider. 2. Teacher gets apreasiasi / appreciation of the principal and the Department of Education, so getting a chance to improve their professional / personal development, for example, received an award as an outstanding teacher, Changemakers Teachers earning scholarship opportunities. 3. Students gain an appreciation and respect for education that the Department received a scholarship to go to a higher level through the achievements, than did students also got a personal learning experience outside of the school environment. 4. The general public will gain firsthand knowledge about waste management and communitybased disaster risk reduction, community assistance made by the students in the form of training and network expansion. This of course will have an impact on improving the quality of life of the community. For example, training of manufacturing waste recycling into bags and mats are high value. 8. Plan for sustainability and plan for the future Plan for sustainability: 1. Realization of thematic learning about disaster risk reduction that is holistic, integrated in every subject, and implemented in the learning process implemented by each teacher. 2. Students have agreements to implement disaster simulation program, especially earthquakes performed periodically, 3 months, or 2 times a year Plan for the future: 1. Establishment of Unified Student Movement Toward Safe Schools activity as a form of institutionalization of children in disaster risk reduction and environmental stewardship. 2. Increased awareness of the children and the community about the importance of reforestation, clean and healthy behavior and evacuation simulation in an effort to Disaster Risk Reduction in school. 3. Expanding the impact of ideas and initiatives from junior high students in the use of leisure time. 4. There is synergy between the District and Provincial Contingency Plan can be prepared in an effort to flood Disaster Risk Reduction in school. 9. List of attachments such as a copy of learning/ teaching materials, samples of student worksheet, manual, etc. Attachment 1) School-Based Waste Management Attachment 2) Safe Schools Attachment 3) Matrix Scientific Youth Group Activities (KIR 11) 6 Attachment 4) Being A Young Researcher Attachment 5) Integrated-IPA/Natural Sciences in the form of its Learning Design Attachment 6) Power Point STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING 10. Photos related to the activity/programme (The school can provide the related photos as many as you can) Photo 1. Diandra, Chairman of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS),led a discussion about the ideas of Unified Student Movement Toward Safe Schools (MSA GSB) through a dream board. Photo 2. Students and Teachers together to design for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Safe Schools. 7 learning programs Photo 3. Students had the opportunity act as facilitators for teachers when formulating programs for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Schools. Photo 4 Photo 4a. Before Students Conduct School-Based Waste Management (2008) Photo 5. Photo 4b. After Students Conduct School-Based Waste Management (2011) Had the opportunity to be a facilitator in the activities carried out by Local Governments (2012) 8