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View the poster - The Bartlett
“We Built This City on Rock and Roll” Building people´s coping capacities, rocking disaster risk management and rolling small-scale landslides in the cities of Manizales and Villamaría, Colombia Julia Wesely, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit [email protected] The PhD focuses on risks related to small-scale disasters, such as frequently occurring, highly localized landslides. Due to their characteristics (immediate impacts show <10 people killed, <100 affected people and comparatively low economic losses), these disasters often remain undocumented and unreported in the media and are neglected by policy makers and academics. However, the impacts of single events pose severe threats particularly on low-income households and their cumulative impacts hamper development efforts on the city-scale. ©Mergili 2011 The project explores people´s responses to single and cumulative small-scale disasters to create awareness of their contribution to household vulnerability and current coping strategies. It pushes disaster research that focuses on the “what, where and how big” to a dynamic understanding of the “why and to whom”. It aims to situate small-scale disaster responses in between those of large-scale disasters and every-day environmental risks in cities, thus, integrating them into urban vulnerability and development and disaster discourses. “Neglect is also manifested by institutional and operational ignorance of locally available means of protection. The fact that in every disaster, damage is unevenly distributed, that some survive while others die, that some buildings collapse when others stand, shows that avoiding harm is possible - but despite evidence of uneven distributions, policy makers do not address root causes that underlie stark differential social aspects” (Wisner and Gaillard 2009). ©La Patria 2012 “If disaster reporting systems for nations or cities move down to include smaller disasters and broader set of impacts (for instance beyond mortality and economic losses to include damage or destruction of housing, schools and health centres), other risk patterns emerge from thousands of frequently occurring smallscale disasters.” (Dodman et al. 2013) Field work will be conducted in a city with a rich risk discourse and strong engagement in urban sustainable development in order to draw on the existing experience with a wide range of response and management strategies. Data gathering will include in-depth interviews with households that are exposed to and/or have experienced landslides and other environmental risks, interviews with local decision makers, civil society organizations and academics that influence the capacities of people to respond to small-scale risks, and secondary urban risk data. The analysis will look at vulnerabilities, assets and capacities to cope and natural hazard characteristics involved in the responses to landslides. Manizales is the capital city of the municipality of Caldas in Colombia, and has around 370.000 inhabitants and neighbouring Villamaría has 39000 inhabitants. The cities development is highly interdependent, both socially and economically. Natural hazards are determined by their location in a mountain range close to the Volcano Nevado del Ruiz. The expansion of the cities´ settlements has historically been shaped by the disasters and risks related to the hilly terrain, the humid and unstable but fertile soil as well as the flows of the rivers. Manizales is widely known as a flagship city in disaster risk management and urban sustainable development. ©La Patria 2012 ´Manizales' key features are “the involvement of the population in each district in risk mapping and responses; the capacity to bring together all key local stakeholders, regional and national bodies… the private sector, universities and representatives of community organizations in a participative process (...) The disaster risk reduction programme also includes community preparedness and education, institutional coordination, research and particular initiatives to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience” (Satterthwaite 2011) ©DesInventar 2014 This PhD project is supported by the Economic and Social Science Research Council and the Natural Environment Research Council [ES/J500185/1]. Supervisors: Dr. Cassidy Johnson (The Bartlett Development Planning Unit) and Dr. Stephen Edwards (Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction and Department of Earth Sciences) Few studies „engage directly with urban poor communities, even though such groups usually live in the most hazardous areas of a city and are most vulnerable to adverse weather.” (Stein & Moser, 2014)