Environmental Statement
Environmental Statement
2014 Environmental Statement 1 2 Table of contents Foreword4 About the Environmental Statement 1. Environmental Management at Audi Hungaria The evolution of environmental objectives Strategic commitments 2. Data and facts Continuous development of the environmental management system Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. in 2014 Main environmental aspects of production 6 7 10 12 14 14 16 18 3. Environmental performance – Data and facts relating to environmental protection 20 Waste management 20 Energy consumption 21 Water consumption 22 Air quality protection 23 Material consumption 24 Biodiversity 25 Attachments26 Published by: AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. Written by: András Torma dr. Date: Juni 2015. Editor of publication: X-Meditor Lapkiadó, Oktatás- és Rendezvényszervező Kft. Graphic planning: XMEDITOR STÚDIÓ www.xmeditor.hu All the photos in the publication, including the photos with natural theme were taken on the site of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. This publication is the abridged version of the overall Environmental Statement. The overall Environmental Statement can be downloaded from the App Store and from the Google Play. 3 Foreword Dear Readers, The environmental statement of Audi Hungaria is being presented to you for the 15th time now. In 1999, Audi Hungaria was the first company in Hungary to be certified by the European EMAS ecomanagement scheme. This was well before Hungary’s EU accession of 2004, and Audi Hungaria was registered with the number 1 in Hungary. At Audi Hungaria, sustainability is being observed as part of our everyday activity for a long time. In the reporting year we went one step further and made sustainability an integral part of our strategy. This is an important milestone on our way to becoming a sustainable company. Where there is growth, there must be sustainability, too. And our growth in the year 2014 was unbroken: 1,973,734 engines were produced at Audi Hungaria. As many as never before. We are, and will remain the world’s largest engine factory. In 2014, in only one production year of previous models, we reached the 100,000th automobile that was fully produced in Győr in September already. The launch of the production of the 3rd generation style icon Audi TT was the highlight of the year. The company invested more than € 900 million into factory expansion and created about 3,000 new jobs. The 11,000th new employee was hired in August 2014. This means, over 25,000 people are employed by Audi Hungaria in the region, including suppliers and subcontractors. The greater the success of a company, the higher its corporate responsibility, and not only for the employees. In cooperation with the Széchenyi István University of Győr, Audi Hungaria installed the new lab at the Department of Whole Vehicle Engineering, and in November, its fifth department was launched. With our cultural and social sponsorship activities, the Audi Hungaria Volunteer Day and Christmas campaigns, Audi Hungaria makes a considerable contribution for the whole region, together with all of our enthusiastic colleagues. Automobiles are being produced at Audi Hungaria with complete depth of manufacturing since 2013. In the reporting year, automobile production was integrated into the monitoring of environmental management and the energy management system. The expanded environmental management system was certified immediately. As a site of AUDI AG, we are part of the already certified Carbon Footprint Monitoring System. In order to achieve the strategic goal of a 25-per-cent reduction of the specific (per engine) values of total energy consumption, CO2 emission, freshwater consumption and not recyclable waste production by 2018, a comprehensive action plan package was compiled for each of the above areas. The environmental statement of Audi Hungaria provides detailed information about the key environmental parameters of the company and documents our progress in the field of sustainability. Yours sincerely, Peter Kössler 4 5 About the Environmental Statement The mitigation of the environmental effects of its activities to the absolute minimum is of foremost importance for AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. The strategic objectives of the company include a 25% decrease of its total energy consumption, carbon dioxide emission, water consumption and waste disposal by 2018. Several measures have been defined and implemented in the interest of the realization of these objectives; these are measurable by the changes of the various environmental indices. The present Environmental Statement is designed to provide readers with information about the changes of these fundamental indicators. For the sake of clarity, we present five characteristic indicators for each topic; the way these values have changed over time enables sufficiently detailed insight into the development of our company’s environmental performance. In the interest of identifying the long-term trends, the data series presented encompass the last three years, enabling the comparison of the various values over time. The basis of the measures taken is the environmental management system, whose major features (environmental effects, environmental protection programmes derived from strategic objectives) are also presented. 6 1 Environmental Management at Audi Hungaria Audi Hungaria has attached special importance to the protection of environmental elements and values from the very beginning. This is manifest in all measures and elements of the environmental management system. The company’s environmental management system conforms to the European Union’s EMAS (1221/2009) Regulation, the international ISO 14001 standard and, in the field of energy management, to the international ISO 50001 standard and has achieved accredited certification in respect of these. The consistent improvement of environmental performance, full legal compliance, innovative, state-of-the-art and efficient solutions, a strategic approach focusing on cyclic processes, the striving for efficiency and the responsibility for the environment encompassing the entire life-cycle – these are the keywords that best describe Audi Hungaria’s environmental management. The established environmental organisation ensures the involvement of all levels of the company in the environmental activities, thereby enabling the free flow of information and promoting innovation. The environmental and energy management representative of the company is the chairperson of the Management, therefore environmental considerations are represented at the highest level and strategic decisions may be passed and implemented. The task of the Environmental Management Department set up by the environmental and energy management representative of the company is to implement the tasks and projects arising from the strategic decisions, to oversee environmental performance and ensure the day-to-day operation and development of the environmental system. The department is led by the company’s environmental representative. Efficient operation in the various manufacturing and non-manufacturing areas is guaranteed by the Eco-Audit Team, whose members are responsible for environmental and energy efficiency tasks on a part-time basis. These teams enable the involvement of all employees, the utilization of specific technical and operative know-how and ideas and the efficient implementation of the environmental policies passed. The close to fifty environmental and a further fifteen energy management officers ensure the efficient operation of the system. 7 Environmental policy of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. The profile of AUDI AG includes the development, manufacture of motorcars and marketing them worldwide. The Association’s objective is to ensure the individual mobility of the people. In parallel to this, they undertake responsibility for the continuous improvement of the environmental friend character of the products and production plants as well as the environmental friend management of natural resources, while taking the economic and technical aspects into consideration. AUDI AG ensures that the advanced technologies are accessible all over the world and makes their application possible during the whole production process. At each of its plants, AUDI AG is partner to the society and the policy, thereby contributing to the longterm positive social and ecologic development. The modern company undertaking recognizes the environmental protection a strategic production factor. In the most recent phase of the industrial competition, the society shows more and more sensitivity to the environmental protection. The interest is focused on the technical solutions that, in addition to the reduction of harmful emission, also lead to saving in material and energy. In the future engineering practice, the requirement of preserving the ecologic equilibrium, the economic use of raw materials and the need for sound workplace and residential environment will be strengthened. AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. as one of the significant actors of the economic life undertakes these challenges. By means of its environmental activity, it takes part in the preservation of the environment, the natural resources and the human health. For the purpose of achieving our objectives, inclusion of the technical knowledge, the creativity and motivation of our employees are indispensable. The environmental protection guidelines formulated below outline the environmental protection philosophy of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. 8 The effective utilization of resources and energy is especially important. Accordingly, the observance of environmental provisions is a matter of course. 4. The environmental management of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. — with the supplier firms, service providers, business partners and waste disposal firms included — ensures that the environmental friend character of motorcars and the production plants are continuously improved. 5. The management of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. is responsible for the observance of the basic principles of environmental policy as well as for the functional ability of its environmental management system. In respect of their ability and practicability, the environmental management system and the environmental policy are revised and updated if necessary at regular intervals. 6. The open and clear dialogue carried out with the customer, trading partners and the public is a matter of course for AUDI HUNG AR I A MOTOR Kft. They pursue confident cooperation with the policy and the authorities, which involves the prevention and remedy of emergency situations. 7. AUDI HUNGAR I A MOTOR Kft. informs all its employees according to their environmental functions, educates and motivates them, thereby promoting the development of their awareness of responsibility for the environment. The employees are committed to these guidelines. 8. This environmental policy is mandatory to AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft., completed with specific environmental protection guidelines formulated according to the plant. GUIDELINES 1. AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. produces motorcars of high value that fulfil the needs of people, and, at the same time, also meet the requirements of economy, safety and the comfort. Győr, July 2008 2.The research and development form part of the environmental policy of AUDI. AUDI HUNG AR I A MOTOR Kft. develops processes of ecologic efficiency for its product, thus increasing their compatibility. 3. The explicit objective of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR KFT. is to survey all the harmful impacts on the environment in all its fields of activity and prevent them from occurring. Thomas Faustmann Managing Director, Chairman of the Management Achim Heinfling Managing Director, Production Environmental Management Representative The environmental and energy-efficiency objectives of the AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. For AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. improving environment performance and as a substantive part of this the sustainable managing of questions regarding energy is outstandingly important. All the activities in connection with this are realized within the framework of an environmental management – energy management system, which is operating integrated. AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. is totally committed to improve environment- and energy performance continuously, to suit the approach of sustainability. Raising questions in connection with these factors to strategic level guarantees a preventive approach beyond suiting the all-time directions. AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. puts special emphasis also on the social impacts of its activity; their aim is to realize a responsible and sustainable operation. The AUDI HUNGAR I A MOTOR Kft. has drawn up environmental and energy-efficiency objectives to make the principles of the integrated environmental and energy policy more accurate and able to put them into force. The integrated objectives reflect the priority ranking of the environmental and energy aspects and –impacts back, additionally the mission laid down in the environmental policy. The detailed description of the environmental objectives can be found in the integrated Comprehensive Environmental Programme and in the integrated Area-specific Environmental Programmes. The environmental objectives are continuously being supervised in pursuance of their authenticity and conformability through integrated internal audits and the management review. Győr, March 2013 Achim Heinfling Managing Director, Production Environmental Management Representative The environmental and energy-efficiency objectives of the AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. are the following: 1. Improvement of the environmental performance with innovative methods starting with the planning phase, > in the field of waste management. > in the field of water protection. > in the field of air quality protection. > in the field of noise reduction. 2. Managing of sustainable energy supply as well as continuous improvement of energy efficiency. 3. Continuous and planned reduction of CO2 emissions of the production. 4. Protection of natural values, application of economic methods that are close to nature. 5. Operation as well permanent development of environmental management system. 6. Improvement of environmental awareness. 7. Takeover and management of responsibility with regard to sustainability. 9 The evolution of environmental objectives A series of carefully planned measures leads to the continuous improvement of environmental performance. These measures are stated in the environmental programmes of the company which permeate the operation of Audi Hungaria on several levels. Besides the commitments undertaken in various fields, a three-year comprehensive environmental programme also helps continuous development. In 2014 the programme of the previous planning cycle was closed and the list containing the undertakings for the upcoming period (2015-2017) was defined. Just as in previous years, the various areas actively contributed to the improvement of environmental performance; this is clear from the large number of environmental programmes implemented. The comprehensive programmes are described according to the various technical fields; the description of the entire programme is provided in the annex. 1: Comprehensive Environmental Programme 2012 – 2014 (see page 26.) 2: Comprehensive Environmental Programme 2015 – 2017 (see page 29.) 10 NUMBER OF IMPLEMENTED ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES 101 pieces 125 pieces 112 pieces NUMBER OF IMPLEMENTED ENVIRONMENTRAL PROGRAMMES 2012 2013 2014 NUMBER OF IMPLEMENTED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES AMOUNT OF ENERGY SAVED 20 238 MWh 14 800 MWh 106 pieces 2012 14 642 MWh 152 pieces 120 pieces 2013 NUMBER OF IMPLEMENTED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES AND THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY SAVED 2014 | THE STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES OF AUDI HUNGARIA (-25%; 2010 - 2018) Unit Base-value 2010 Goal 2018 Goal achievement 2014 kWh/engine 225,57 169,00 -19,6% CO2-emission kg/engine 107,53 80,65 -15,6% Disposed waste kg/engine 0,31 0,23 +83,9% Freshwater consumption m3/engine 0,26 0,19 +3,8% Total energy consumption 11 Audi Hungaria undertook to decrease its specific environmental load by 25% in four main categories by 2018. 12 Strategic commitments Audi Hungaria undertook to decrease its specific environmental load by 25% in four main categories by 2018. In each case, the 2010 specific figures were taken as the basis of calculation. An action plan was developed in order to achieve the objectives, the implementation of which guarantees the attainment of the goals. In the middle of the period the set targets were achieved in relation to most commitments, and challenges remained only in relation to the waste to be deposited. In relation to that topic, a set of measures was prepared in 2014, the results of which can be felt first in 2015. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS FOR 2018 (BASE VALUE: SPECIFIC VALUES OF 2010) Energy (electricity, heat energy, cooling energy, natural gas) 226,00 kWh/engine CO2 107,53 kg/engine Waste Water (disposed) (fresh water) 0,31 kg/engine 0,26 m3/engine -25% TARGET 2018 Energy (electricity, heat energy, cooling energy, natural gas) 169,00 kWh/engine CO2 80,65 kg/engine Waste Water (disposed) (fresh water) 0,23 kg/engine 0,19 m3/engine 13 2 Data and facts Continuous development of the environmental management system The integrated environmental management system is the basis and also the framework of the environmental activities of Audi Hungaria. The regular review and continuous development of that system is the basis of improvement of the company’s environmental performance and also contributes to the attainment of the sustainability objectives of the company. Each year an external accredited verifier company reviews the operation of the environmental management system and its compliance with the selected international requirements (EMAS, ISO 14001, ISO 50001). The certificates of the recent past confirmed full compliance. Even though no discrepancies occurred during the certifications, a lot of improvement proposals were defined that helped developing the system. The measures and projects derived and implemented on the basis of those proposals form the backbone of development. The environmental and energy management system was successfully certified in 2014, also including vehicle manufacturing into the operation. Within the framework of system 14 building, the environmental impacts of vehicle manufacturing were analysed in detail, as a result of which the environmental impact matrix of the activity was also developed. The external certification companies ascertained the efficiency of the enhanced system in the course of successful certification audits. Simultaneously, a further certification activity was also conducted at the company. Within the framework of the AUDI AG “carbon footprint” certification, the auditors checked the adequacy of the monitoring system and collected data at Audi Hungaria. The review was also closed successfully in that field. The project, within the framework of which an integrated management software was implemented, was aimed at improving the efficiency of environmental management programmes. The introduced software simplifies and makes more efficient the performance of various special tasks and also contributes to the stable and problem-free operation of the system. This modern solution is currently available in relation to waste management, water protection and environmental controlling, but in the forthcoming period other areas will also be involved. A complex set of measures and related strategies dedicated to specific topics were developed in order to achieve the 25% strategic reduction objectives undertaken as part of the Volkswagen group until 2018. In that framework, all measures and related complex activities were defined and planned in detail that are required for attaining the targets. The list thus created is the basis of future programmes and measures. Last year a programme was launched under the name of “Education 2.0” to reform the environmental training activities within the company. In the framework of that programme, the previously applied methods and training materials will be reviewed and a new educational concept supporting also interactive online content will be elaborated with the help of experts. As a result of the programme, the environmental attitude is likely to improve further at the company. Audi Hungaria formed strategic partnerships with several higher education institutions, also including Széchenyi István University. In the framework of that partnership and with the establishment of Audi Hungaria Vehicle Engineering Faculty, new dimensions opened in the co-operation with the Department of Environmental Engineering which is also responsible for the environmental training programmes of the university. The basis of co-operation was laid down and a long-term concept was also developed to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. 15 AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. in 2014 Following the former investment, series production began in vehicle manufacturing in 2014. The impacts of the project are clear in last year’s indicators. Apart from the gradual increase in vehicle manufacturing, the numbers were also rising in engine, tool and car body manufacturing. | GENERAL INFORMATION Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Total sales revenues million euro 5282 5588 7231 29 Total investments million euro 1038 968 698 -28 person 8663 10 337 11 274 9 Number of employees (as of 31. December) | PRODUCTION FIGURES Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Engine production units 1 915 567 1 925 636 1 973 734 2,5 Vehicle production units 33 553 42 851 135 232 189 Car body elements production (small series) units 327 123 391 778 432 440 10 Cutted car body elements for other factories units - 83 410 2 378 000 2751 Finished car body elements for other factories units - 800 000 12 217 495 1427 Pressing tool manufactoring units 207 120 97 -1 1 It is special production and therefore no comparison can be made in volume with the previous years. 16 RATIO OF ENGINE TYPES IN THE PRODUCTION R4 (gasoline) | 48,5% - 957 987 pieces R4 (diesel) | 26,3% - 518 091 pieces R5 (gasoline) | 0,1% - 2853 pieces V6 (gasoline) | 12,5% - 246 256 pieces V6 (diesel) | 10,5% - 206 514 pieces V8/V10/V12 | 2,1% - 42 033 pieces RATIO OF GASOLINE – DIESEL ENGINES WITHIN MANUFACTURED ENGINES Gasoline | 62,8% Diesel | 37,2% VEHICLE PRODUCTION TT Coupé2 | 11% - 14 963 pieces TT Roadster3 | 2% - 2691 pieces A3 Limousine | 73% - 98 170 pieces A3 Cabriolet | 14% - 19 408 pieces 2 2nd and 3rd generation 3 2nd and 3rd generation More information about the major changes taking place at the company over the last period is available on the website of Audi Hungaria (www.audi.hu), and in the publications of the company presenting 2014. 17 Main environmental aspects of production The environmental measures cannot be planned without being aware of the environmental impacts and the annual changes in the overall effects. In order to achieve the greatest degree of accuracy, Audi Hungaria uses several methods aligned with the nature of the particular activity to assess the factors. They include scientific methods and other approaches assessing the risks of the operations. The various typical areas are also diffe- rent in their environmental impact profiles and the awareness of those differences is also integrated into the plans of the environmental programmes. The quantified analyses contain figures corresponding with the former years. Owing to the introduced measures and the construction activities relating to vehicle production, the overall environmental impact was also reducing. | ECO POINTS OF THE ENGINE PRODUCTION, CALCULATED WITH THE BUWAL METHOD Eco-points (total) Eco-points (specific) Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) MEP 30 417 30 020 25 027 -17 EP/engine 15 879 15 589 12 680 -19 BREAKDOWN OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AMONG THE ACTIVITIES OF ENGINE PRODUCTION, CALCULATED WITH THE BUWAL METHOD EXAMPLE OF ACTIVITIES WITH SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PROFILES (ENGINE PRODUCTION) Mechanical machining | 60% Engine assembly | 12,5% Technical development | 3,5% Logistics | 21% Energy | 29,4% Logistics, transport | 1,9% Waste | 67,2% Press tool manufacturing | 3% MECHANICAL MACHINING Water | 1,4% Air emissions | 0,1% BREAKDOWN OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ENGINE PRODUCTION AMONG THE VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS, CALCULATED WITH THE BUWAL METHOD Energy | 22,9% Energy | 39,3% Logistics, transport | 3% Waste | 72,8% Water | 1,2% Air emissions | 0,1% 18 Logistics, transport | 2,3% Waste | 56,8% Water | 1% TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT Air emissions | 0,6% BREAKDOWN OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF VEHICLE PRODUCTION Waste | 36,9% Water | 9,9% Air emissions | 15,8% Noise and vibration | 2,2% Energie | 19,1% Logistics, transport | 4,2% Chemicals | 11,9% EXAMPLE OF ACTIVITIES WITH SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PROFILES (VEHICLE PRODUCTION) Waste | 41,2% Water | 13,1% Air emissions | 2% Noise and vibration | 2,3% Energy | 19% PRESS SHOP Logistics, transport | 2,4% Chemicals | 20% Waste | 30,2% Water | 5,9% Air emissions | 30,7% Noise and vibration | 1,3% Energy | 23,1% PAINT SHOP Logistics, transport | 3,4% Chemicals | 5,4% The legal regulations pertaining to the operation of the company are identified and regularly reviewed, the environmental management system guarantees their application and full compliance with the law. 19 3 Environmental performance – Data and facts relating to environmental protection The impact on the environment of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. is defined by engine production, vehicle production, technical development as well as tool and car body production, therefore those figures are aggregated in the key information. In order to understand the trends and the actual environmental loads, the figures of the last three years were presented for the indicators wherever it was possible. Vehicle production ran with full capacity in 2014, whose environmental impact significantly increased the figures of the previous years, therefore any comparison to previous years is difficult. Wherever the indicators changed for other reasons too, the specific reasons were also stated. Waste management Waste management is one of the major environmental aspects of Audi Hungaria, as its role in the analysis of environmental factors and impacts also proves it. The related environmental impacts originate partly from the continuous management of waste and partly from their quantity and composition. The generated waste has been recycled in an extremely high ratio, more than 95%, for years. NUMEROUS MEASURES WERE INTRODUCED IN 2014 TOO, AIMING AT THE IMPROVEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE IN WASTE MANAGEMENT: • regular monitoring and optimisation of waste routes • increasing the recycling ratio, transfer of previously neutralised waste for recycling • establishment of a central waste management hall in vehicle production 20 • development of a complex detailed monitoring system to assess the quality of waste management • conceptional plans to handle waste management issues of future development activities Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Total quantity of waste t 58 145 77 206 108 602 41% Total quantity of hazardous waste t 16 002 19 974 23 307 17% Recycling ratio % 96,24 97,50 96,91 -1% Specific value of waste generated – engine production t/engine 30,35 34,47 33,72 -2% Specific value of waste generated – vehicle production t/vehicle - 492,33 339,75 -31% R: Waste intensity – total waste - 0,11 0,12 0,12 - R: Waste intensity – hazardous waste - 0,03 0,03 0,03 - Energy consumption The diminishing resources, the environmental effects of energy production and the related greenhouse gas emission put energy consumption into the focus of attention. The increase in energy efficiency and energy supply based on sustainable, renewable sources have been areas of key importance at Audi Hungaria for years. With the help of the related efforts a lot of savings were achieved. More than 800 energy efficiency ideas were implemented in just over two years, resulting in more than 23 000 MWh energy savings in total. A lot of results were also achieved in the consumption of renewable energy and its integration into the supply. THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT MEASURES WERE IMPLEMENTED IN 2014: • automated switch-off solution in the ventilation system used in vehicle production • technical and feasibility review of further investments and developments contributing to the achievement of the -25% strategic reduction objectives • operation and development of the energy management system • launch and implementation of the energy measurement per machine project • participation in the preparation and implementation of the Győr Geothermal Project, preparation for the acceptance of geothermal energy for heating purposes • technological development to use the waste heat of cooling compressors used in engine production for hall cooling Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Total energy consumption MWh 442 328 548 678 546 810 0% Electric energy consumption MWh 334 362 389 640 404 828 4% Specific value of total energy consumption – engine production MWh/ engine 207,30 200,96 197,37 -2% Specific value of total energy consumption – vehicle production MWh/ vehicle - 7350,20 1524,71 -79% MWh 20 238 14 800 14 642 - - 0,73 0,68 0,61 -10% Yearly amount of energy saved R: Energy-intensity 21 Water consumption Water is one of the most valuable resources, therefore careful water management is one of the cornerstones of responsible corporate management. Audi Hungaria aims to recycle the largest possible quantity of used water and reduce the volume of water consumption and waste water generation. AUDI AG defined waste water free production as a long-term objective. MEASURES IMPLEMENTED IN 2014 IN RELATION TO THE REDUCTION OF WATER CONSUMPTION: • installation of aerators in the social blocks of engine production in order to reduce water consumption • planning of collection and re-cycling of cleaning water within the site • in the vehicle production plant integration of vehicle production into the water protection system (e.g., extension of the maintenance contracts for oil and fat traps to the vehicle plant; preparation of an emergency recovery plan) 22 • further development of waste water quality monitoring, introduction of monthly measurements along with the quarterly mandatory measurements • review of the opportunities to reduce fresh water consumption, development of alternative concepts for the reduction • introduction of the water module of an integrated management software which would increase the efficiency of water production related activities Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Total water consumption m3 663 601 651 252 795 817 22% Generated waste water m3 265 371 343 758 454 244 32% Specific value of total water consumption – engine production m3/ engine 0,25 0,24 0,27 13% Specific value of total water consumption – vehicle production m3/ vehicle - 8,03 2,11 -74% Ratio of drinking water in the total water consumption % 28% 33% 22% -11% R: Water-intensity - 1,13 0,83 0,89 7% Air quality protection Air quality protection includes issues pertaining to the emission of classic air pollutants as well as measures introduced to reduce carbon dioxide emission. Audi Hungaria has numerous emission point sources, the regular monitoring of which is the basis of full legal compliance. In addition, numerous measures were also introduced recently that helped reducing the quantity of emitted pollutants. AUDI AG defined a carbon dioxide neutral vehicle production a long-term objective, within the framework of which Audi Hungaria also planned and implemented numerous measures in the recent period. IN 2014, THE FOLLOWING MEASURES CONTRIBUTED TO THE REDUCTION OF POLLUTANT EMISSION: • preparation for the use of geothermal energy for heating purposes and replacing almost 60% of the heating demand with that climate-neutral solution • application of regenerative resources (solar panel and solar collector) • reduction of carbon dioxide emission with energy efficiency investments and measures • continuous logistic optimisation and reduction of the related greenhouse gas emission • consistent use of cold test engine runs in order to reduce emission generated from the test runs of engines • successful participation in the carbon footprint audit of AUDI AG Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Total CO2 emission t 214 635 254 145 261 736 3% Total direct CO2 emission t 10 973 22 149 27 074 22% Ratio of CO2-neutrality % - - 20% - Nitorgen-oxide emission t 22,3 35,6 46,0 29% Dust emission t 1,72 2,60 5,68 118% R: Emission-intensity – greenhouse gas emissions - 0,01 0,01 0,03 200% R: Emission-intensity – technological emissions - 0,04 0,04 0,06 50% 23 Material consumption It is one of the important objectives of Audi Hungaria to reduce material consumption in its production and to transform its operation where the industrial circular processes can be closed. In order to achieve that objective, starting in the design phase, a lot of stress will be put on environmentally friendly and materially efficient solutions. IN 2014, THE FOLLOWING MAIN MEASURES WERE TAKEN IN THAT FIELD: • consideration to materially efficient solutions in product and technology design • cleaning and recycling of contaminated water originating from surface cleaning within the site Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%)4 Total material consumption (INPUT) t 574 710 608 949 976 220 - Total material output (OUTPUT) t 540 356 571 752 891 344 - Total material consumptions – raw materials t 168 114 197 927 256 136 - Total material consumptions – auxiliary materials t 38 842 4739 13 845 - Total material consumptions – purchased components t 367 754 406 283 706 240 - R: Material-intensity - 1,06 1,07 1,10 2,8% From 2014, material consumption also includes material consumption of vehicle production, and therefore no comparison can be made to the previous years. 4 24 Biodiversity Nature conservation has become increasingly important for the company for years. As part of the responsible corporate practice, the preservation of the flora and fauna and their development to improve biodiversity have been defined as a long-term objective on the basis of which specific programmes and activities are introduced. Awareness building in that field is an important part of the nature preservation activity. MAJOR NATURE PRESERVATION MEASURES IN 2014: • implementation of a strategic programme increasing internal biodiversity and elaboration of a future concept • co-operation with eco-schools, support, elaboration of a long-term strategic concept • coordination of compensation measures • support to the carbon dioxide absorbing oak forest project • planning and implementation of activities regarding the wild flower meadow with indigenous plants and related apiculture project at the site Unit 2012 2013 2014 Change ’13 - ’14 (%) Factory area m2 3 951 006 3 964 982 5 167 366 30 Built-in area m2 919 053 1 159 950 1 195 034 3 Ratio of green area % 77 71 77 6 R: Biodiversity - 0,97 1,18 1,34 14% 25 Attachments 26 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME (2012–2014) Environmental Objective Nr. Environmental Programme Target Year planned for implementation Status 1. WASTE MANAGEMENT Improvement of the environmental performance with innovative methods starting with the planning phase in the field of waste management. UP-01 The development of a comprehensive software-assisted material balance of hazardous waste for the relevant technologies of AHM. – 2013 100% UP-02 Introduction of a new waste management system to the new automotive plant, the development of the monitoring system, integration with the waste management system of the engine plant – 2014 100% UP-03 Optimization of the software background of the waste logistics system with regard to the engine and automotive plants, coordination with the SAP and AWAS scale system – 2014 100% UP-04 Expansion of the G11 waste collection hall, optimization of space use and processes added to the waste collection of the new automotive plant + 350 m2 2013 100% UP-05 Checking and revision of the company regulations for the central waste collection area – 2013 100% UP-06 Checking the small waste containers (standardization according to color and size) and drafting procurement possibilities from catalogs – 2013 100% UP-07 Optimization of the processes of waste transported away with the Call-system, reduction of Call orders, reclassification of the turnus system Reduction of Call orders by 10% 2013 75% UP-08 Establishing of the unloading possibility of the G1 crash containers and waste oil containers from the external stump – 2012 100% UP-09 Reconstruction of the G1 washing booth – 2012 100% UP-10 Maintaining the recycling quota on a constant high level > 98% 2012 - 2014 100% UP-11 Reduction of the amount of washing-lye waste 20% 2014 100% 100% 2. ENERGY Machinery, Equipment (operation and maintenance) UP-12 Optimization of creation and transmission methods of requirement-brochures for machinery – 2013 UP-13 Considering TCO aspect for machinery procurement – 2013 25% UP-14 Research into further optimization possibilities with regards to emulsion temperature. – 2012 100% UP-15 Analysis of the connnection between climatizing of production halls and energy-costs of machining – 2014 100% UP-16 Checking, replacement of the pressurized air systems (plastic pipe system), establishing blocking-opportunities at area level and establishing of measuring possibilities Exchange of 10% of the network /year 2014 50% 2700 MWh/year 2012 100% Materials, product planning UP-17 Recycling of waste heat generated at the G9 engine test benches Technology, production processes Managing of sustainable energy supply as well as continuous improvement of energy efficiency. Continuous and planned reduction of CO2 emissions of the production. UP-18 Utilization of energy monitoring systems in the mechanic machining 100% coverage 2013 75% UP-19 Harmonization of the planning processes of production planning and the production lines with the principles of PPP – 2014 100% UP-20 Establishment of the accurate energy balance of cold and hot engine testing – 2014 50% UP-21 Analysis the connection between the ratio of cold-hot testing and energy-consumption – 2014 25% UP-22 Monitoring of the connections between the working conditions of machines (parts and machining tools) and the energy consumption UP-23 Enabling machinery to be switched off – 2013 100% 100% of the machines 2014 100% - 2014 100% 3 piece / year 2014 100% – 2012 100% Work management UP-24 Analysis of the relations between shift work planning, production planning and energy consumption Human factor, motivation UP-25 Extensive communication concerning energy efficiency (actions, articles, etc.) UP-26 Additional premiums for ideas (brainstorming) on the subject of energy efficiency Energy supply UP-27 Evaluation of the application possibilities of alternative energy resources of the energy supply of Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. – 2012 100% UP-28 Utilization of waste heat at two compressors (each 3000 Nm3/h performance) in the G9 hall 5000 MWh/year 2012 100% UP-29 Utilization of cooling energy recovery using the groundwater wells in the new automotive plant for cooling purposes, reduction (to replace) the energy use of the cooling compressors. 13 000 MWh/year 2013 75% UP-30 Covering heat energy demand of the automotive factory by own heat production 70 000 MWh/year 2014 100% UP-31 Use of renewable energy resources (photovoltaic). Energy generation from the solar battery boxes placed in operation, per year 12 MWh/year 2012 100% UP-32 Use of renewable energy (use of geothermal energy), capacity of the implemented geothermic system. 1 MW 2014 100% UP-33 Control of the idle power of the transformer during operation and thereby further improvement of the network use. >96% 2012 100% 50% of all 2014 75% Infrastructure UP-34 Further improvement of the facility isolation UP-35 Demand-oriented production hall and work station lighting (installation of light intensity regulation, movement sensors) 100% of all 2014 100% UP-36 Digital modeling of the hydraulic systems (heating), optimal capacity planning of the expansion of the heating systems – 2014 25% UP-37 Use of optical concrete at the hall plinths. – 2014 25% UP-38 Connection of the opening system of the office windows with the air conditioning unit control systems – 2013 100% UP-39 Supply of natural light to the work stations in the interior of the facilities (lighting tubes) 90% of the entire area 2012 100% 27 Environmental Objective Nr. Environmental Programme UP-40 Final trial run of the water cleaning system, final commissioning, completion of the work contract. UP-41 Investigation of the integration possibilities of the cleaning agents used by the subcontractors for cleaning and their use (automatic mixing station) (optimization of the chemical consumption - also regarding the following parameters: danger, diversity and amount) UP-42 Investigation of integration possibilities of washing liquids used through manufacturing in the water cleaning project Target Year planned for implementation Status saving of 2.000 – 3.000 m3 washing lye / year 2012 100% - 2013 100% saving of 3.000 – 4.000 m3 washing lye / year 2014 100% 3. WATER PROTECTION Improvement of the environmental performance with innovative methods starting with the planning phase in the field of water protection. 4. AIR QUALITY PROTECTION Improvement of the environmental performance with innovative methods starting with the planning phase in the field of air quality protection. UP-43 Measuring and checking of condition of air separator (oil/emulsion/dust) – 2012 100% UP-44 Standardization of the TPM operation of the air separators – 2012 100% UP-45 Optimization, outsourcing of the maintenance of the air separators – 2013 75% UP-46 Investigation of the centralized purchasing of air separators – 2013 75% UP-47 Replacement of the R22 containing air conditioning units in the Project and Training Centre 100% 2012 100% UP-48 Monitoring of the nature conservation measures of the internal biodiversity project 1x every 2 years 2014 100% UP-49 Expansion of the biodiversity project to the automotive plant – 2013 100% UP-50 Process development for maintenance of the green areas, screening processes, responsibilities – 2012 100% UP-51 Specification of the responsibles of topics regarding nature conservation, planning of communication processes – 2013 100% UP-52 Creation of a “green register” – 2014 100% - 2014 100% 5. NATURE CONSERVATION Protection of natural values, application of economic methods that are close to nature. 6. DANGEROUS GOOD MANAGEMENT UP-53 Expansion of management of dangerous goods to the automotive plant 7. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND SUSTAINABILITY Operation as well permanent development of environmental management system. Improvement of environmental awareness. Takeover and management of responsibility with regard to sustainability. 28 UP-54 Integration of the activity of the new automotive plant with the environmental management system of the engine plant – 2014 100% UP-55 Expansion of the BUWAL analysis to the operation of the new automotive plant – 2014 75% UP-56 Development a strategy for environmental management in line with the strategy of Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. and Audi AG. – 2013 75% UP-57 Software optimization of the area-specific environmental program – 2012 100% UP-58 Optimization of the system for measuring legal conformity – 2012 75% UP-59 Revitalization of the eco audit team, optimization of the organization, regulation of operation, selection processes, achiving competency-based development – 2013 75% UP-60 Revision of the internal training system concerning education and motivation UP-61 Organizing lecture-series in order to shape environmental awareness UP-62 Preparation of a communication strategy (internal and external) UP-63 Implementation of regular internal communication actions UP-64 – 2012 100% 2 lectures / year 2014 50% – 2012 75% 1 item / year 2014 100% Building of an ecologic Best Practice database – 2013 100% UP-65 Revision, optimization and complex IT development of the environmental controlling system – 2014 75% UP-66 Design of the environmental performance profile for production areas, development of a motivational system. – 2013 50% UP-67 Revision, optimization of the internal audit methodology. UP-68 Measurement of sustainability performance of the environmentally relevant suppliers. UP-69 Announcement of the “Environmental Friendly Supplier Award”. UP-70 Further support of EMAS Roundtable – 2012 75% 3 audits pro year 2014 100% 1 pro 3 years 2014 25% – 2014 100% | COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME DRAFT (2015-2017) Environmental objective Target Expected year of realisation Department responsible Reducing the amount of disposed waste per engine by 25% 2018 G/GG-2 Developing a concept for optimizing inspections in connection with waste management - 2015 G/GG-2 3. Developing a waste management concept for expanding the factory's activities (LOC, Toolmaking department, Paint shop) - 2016 G/GG-2 4. Investigating possibilities of selective collection and recycling of cigarette butts - 2015 G/GG-2 5. Recycling of Base Coat waste 2400 m3/year 2015 G/GG-2 6. Strengthening the activity of communication in waste management 7. Optimizing the processes of waste dispatched in call-system, reducing the number of call-orders, switching to rotation system 5% 2017 G/GG-2 8. Reducing the amount of energy consumption per engine by 25% by 2018 while taking the basis values of 2010 into consideration (Engine production) Reducing the amount of energy consumption per engine by 25% 2018 G/GG-2 9. Reducing the amount of CO2-emission per engine by 25% by 2018 while taking the basis values of 2010 into consideration (Engine production) Reducing the amount of CO2-emission per engine by 25% 2018 G/GG-2 10. Developing a comprehensive, company-wide energy strategy - 2016 G/GG-2 11. Developing a comprehensive training to increase energy awereness among indirect departments - 2015 G/GG-2 12. Establishing an energy training based on practical examples - 2016 G/GG-2; G/PI 13. Developing a visualisation concept of energy saving opportunities - 2015 G/GG-2 14. Establishing an energy data acquisition (EDE) system on mechanical machining lines 11 lines 2016 G/GG-2; G/GA 15. Establishing an “Energy-hunter” position - 2016 G/GG-2; G/P; G/A 16. Reducing the energy consumption per production line by 25% when building a new production line, compared to already existing ones Reducing the energy consumption per production line by 25% 2017 G/GG-2; G/GA 17. New production lines’ shutdown plans should be automatically made by the machineries’ manufacturers - 2017 G/GG-2; G/GA 18. Consequent use of LED lighting in production halls and offices 24 000 MWh 2018 G/GG-2; G/GB 19. Installation of solar cells onto production and logistics halls 3000 MWh 2018 G/GG-2; G/GB 20. Using geothermal energy for heating 82 000 MWhth/year 2015 G/GG-2; G/GB 21. Reducing the amount of water consumption per engine by 25% by 2018 while taking the basis values of 2010 into consideration (Engine production) Reducing the amount of water consumption per engine by 25% 2018 G/GG-2 22. Expanding the collection and recycling of cleaning water in automobile production and LOC 1000 m3/year 2015 G/GG-2 23. Full revision and optimization of the water monitoring system - 2015 G/GG-2 24. Developing a comprehensive concept for regular revision of the tightness of the drain system - 2015 G/GG-2 25. Developing a methodology for the statistical evaluation of accidents and for generating countermeasures - 2015 G/GG-2 26. Investigating possibilites of establishing a membrane bioreactor (MBR) sewage treatment plant 400 000 m3/year 2017 G/GG-2 27. Reducing social water consumption in engine production (installing tap aerators on faucets) 5000 m3/year 2015 G/GG-2 28. Introducing Water's year programme - 2017 G/GG-2 29. Investigating possibilites of joining the Danube Region Strategy - 2015 G/GG-2 30. Reuse of purified suds in AHM 2500 m3/year 2017 G/GG-2 No. Environmental programme point 1. Reducing the amount of disposed waste per engine by 25% by 2018 while taking the basis values of 2010 into consideration (Engine production) 2. 1. WASTE MANAGEMENT Improving the environmental performance in waste management with innovative methods, starting from design phase. - 2. ENERGY Establishing sustainable supply of energy, continuous improvement of energy efficiency. Continuous, planned reducing of CO2-emissions in the production. 3. WATER PROTECTION Improving the environmental performance in water protection with innovative methods starting from design phase. 4. PROTECTION OF AIR QUALITY Improving the environmental performance in the protection of air quality with innovative methods starting from design phase. 31. Outsourcing the maintenance of air separators - 2016 G/GG-2 32. Optimizing the TPM tasks regarding air separators - 2016 G/GG-2 33. Investigating alternative air filters - 2017 G/GG-2; G/GB 29 Environmental objective Target Expected year of realisation Department responsible Developing a comprehensive concept for further, planned increasing of biodiversity within the company's premises - 2015 G/GG-2 35. Developing work instruction for regulating the use of chemicals (pesticide, fertilizer, etc.) - 2016 G/GG-2 36. Regulating the watering of green spaces and the use of this water - 2015 G/GG-2 37. Wildflower meadow project: developing a concept, keeping track of the realisation - 2015 G/GG-2; G/GB 38. Developing a bee conservation "programme" in connection with the realised wildflower meadow ("Bee conservation - Audi Honey") - 2016 G/GG-2; G/GB 39. Bird monitoring: assessing nesting birds within the company's premises (includes nest monitoring, ringing of nestling birds, assessing swallow nests) - 2015 G/GG-2 40. Creating a brochure about the premises' biodiversity (flora and fauna) - 2017 G/GG-2 41. Introducing a methodology for the prognosis of noise emissions (CADNA) - 2016 G/GG-2 No. Environmental programme point 34. 5. NATURE PROTECTION Protecting nature’s values, applying close-to-nature economic methods. 6. NOISE PREVENTION 7. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND SUSTAINABILITY Operating and permanently improving the environmental management system. Increasing environmental awereness. Taking and managing responsibility for sustainability. 30 42. Developing a comprehensive environmental management strategy and road-map - 2015 G/GG-2 43. Developing and realising a concept for achieving the corporation's strategic 25% saving goals - 2015 G/GG-2 44. Developing multi-part strategies (water usage, waste arisings) on the environmental elements' level for achiving the strategic environmental objectives - 2015 G/GG-2 45. Developing a concept for improving and motivating the Öko-Audit Team and Energy Management Team - 2015 G/GG-2 46. Developing a communication strategy (inner and outer) - G/GG-2 47. Establishing the basis for sustainable supply chain management - G/GG-2; G/FB 48. Developing a cooperation strategy regarding eco-schools - 2015 G/GG-2; G/SH 49. Revision and renewal of the environmental education system - 2015 G/GG-2 50. Revision and renewal of the inner audit methodology - 2015 G/GG-2 51. Comprehensive analysis of stakeholders regarding environmental management - 2015 G/GG-2 52. Revision and improvement of the environmental management system's IT background - 2015 G/GG-2 53. Introducing a software-based system for managing environmental indices - 2015 G/GG-2 54. Developing a cooperation model with the strategic partner Széchenyi István University regarding environmental protection - 2015 G/GG-2; G/SH 55. Developing a cooperation model with the strategic partner Audi Hungaria School regarding environmental protection - 2015 G/GG-2; G/SH 56. Investigating possibilities of establishing the Audi Hungaria Environmental Foundation - 2015 G/GG-2 57. Supporting the ISO 14001 certification of Győr-Pér Repülőtér Kft. - 2015 58. Integrating Audi Akademia into AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft.'s environmental management system - 59. Optimization and improvement of the Dangerous Goods Management system - 2015 G/GG-2 60. Investigating the applicability of life cycle approach in environmnetal decision-making - 2015 G/GG-2 G/GG-2 G/GG-2; G/S Environmental Verifier’s Declaration on Verification and Validation Activities Gergely Zsombor Ferjancsik with EMAS environmental verifier registration number HU-V-0003/2014 accredited or licensed for the scope C29 declares to have verified the whole organisation as indicated in the updated environmental statement of the organisation (AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. with registration number HU-000001) meet all requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS). By signing this declaration, I declare that: • the verification and validation has been carried out in full compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009, • the outcome of the verification and validation confirms that there is no evidence of non-compliance with applicable legal requirements relating to the environment, • the data and information of the updated environmental statement of the organisation reflect a reliable, credible and correct image of all the organisations activities, within the scope mentioned in the environmental statement. • This document is not equivalent to EMAS registration. EMAS registration can only be granted by a Competent Body under Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009. This document shall not be used as a stand-alone piece of public communication. Done at Győr, 5. June 2015 Ferjancsik Zsombor 31 AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. Printed on CO2-neutral recycled paper. H-9027 Győr, Kardán út 1. Tel.: +36-96/661-000. Fax: +36-96/661-210. www.audi.hu 33