Weekender - Surfside Homeowners Association
Weekender - Surfside Homeowners Association
Weekender August 26, 2016 Inside this issue: Surfside Events Peninsula Events Entertainment/News Surfside Tsunami 3k run/walk 2 Travis Says 3 Photo Contest, Assessor 4 Free Hazardous Material Drop off 5 Fishing Derby Notice 6 Chipping Site 7 Critical Care list 8 Architectural Committee 9 Jam Session 10 Green Bag Program 11 Open Board Workshop 12 Budget Committee 13 Word Search 14 Calendar 15 SURFSIDE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 31402 H St. Ocean Park, WA 98640 360-665-4171 [email protected] Page 2 Weekender Page 3 Weekender Travis Says, SURFSIDE DEPUTY REPORT DEPUTY T. OSTGAARD AUGUST 18th – AUGUST 24th, 2016 On 08/19 I was contacted about a transient in the 1300 block of 308th. The reporting party stated that she had seen the subject on a property with a hammock up for a few days. The reporting party stated she told the subject she was calling the Sheriff’s office and he left. I asked the reporting party to call back if she sees the subject again because I would like to speak with him. This is the second report of the subject in the area over the last month or so. On 08/19 I received a call about a theft of an ornamental bottle in the 33600 block of I St. The victim stated that the bottle was taken from the top of her tree in her front yard. I believe the suspect/s in this case were the same ones that have been taking solar lights, knocking on doors late at night and egging houses. I think it is 2-3 juvenile males. I have worked some later shifts and the nights I have worked, nothing has happened. On 08/19 I was dispatched to the 1300 block of 322nd Pl. for an animal complaint. A nurse at Columbia Memorial Hospital stated that patient was in the hospital with a dog bite and it happened in Surfside. I contacted the ER nurse and she stated that a 2 year old child had been bitten on 08/18 and the mother had brought him in to be checked out. I took all the information and turned it over to the health department. Since it was a family dog I did not have to serve the dog owner’s papers. On 08/19 I was dispatched to the 1500 block of 323rd Pl. for a welfare check. The person I was trying to check on was not there. On 08/20 I was dispatched to the 30000 block of W St. for a domestic violence call. Dispatch advised me that a female had called 911 screaming for help. I responded with another deputy and we contacted the male half as he was leaving the area. He stated that he was in the process of splitting up with his girlfriend and she would not give him the money from his paycheck. I contacted the female half and she stated that the male half owed her past due rent money, so she was keeping the money from his paycheck. There was no physical assault and I advised both parties that dispute over money would be a civil issue. On 08/22 I was dispatched to the 30100 block of W St. for an agency assist call. The reporting party works for Pacific County Public Works and he stated they were trying to get vehicles moved from the right of way so they could level the gravel. When I arrived the homeowner was moving vehicles and stated he didn’t get any notice, but he would have them moved ASAP. Traffic warnings: 5- Traffic citations: 3- Welfare check: 1- Suspicious circumstances: 1- Theft: 1- Animal complaint: 1- Domestic violence: 1- Agency assist: 1 SLOW DOWN!! 25 MPH in all Surfside areas other than I Street North of the mini mall! Emergency? CALL 911!!!! For Non Emergency calls , call the Sheriff’s office at 360-642-9397-If it’s Travis you need to speak with leave a message at the business office and he’ll return your call. The office personnel are not dispatchers. Page 4 Weekender Surfside Homeowners Association Photo Contest Calling all amateur photographers, Surfside is again having a photo contest for all members! Requirements: Must be a Surfside Member Photo must be taken locally The contest will run from May 2016 through August 2016. The winner will have the choice of having their photo as the cover of our Facebook page or on the Surfside Homeowners website. The entries will be posted on our Facebook page; the winner will be determined by the highest votes (likes) received. You can email your photos to: [email protected]. JUST A HEADS UP!!! Pacific County Assessor’s Office have begun doing sales inspections in Surfside. There are three people who will look out of place but are authorized to be there. The business office has also been advised that in early September they will begin door to door inspections. Page 5 Weekender FREE HAZARDOUS WASTE DROP OFF HOURS OF OPERATION: LOCATION: 1st & 3rd Fridays 318 n. 2nd St. May through September Long Beach, WA 98631 9 a.m.—12 p.m. (Use County Shop delivery entrance) What is Household Hazardous Waste? Household hazardous wastes (HHW) are products containing ingredients that are harmful to human health and/or the environment. If not properly used, stored, and disposed of, these chemicals can cause environmental, health and fire hazards. When hazardous wastes are poured down the drain or dumped onto the ground, they can contaminate soil and ground water that feeds nearby wells, streams, lakes, or salt water bodies. HHW can cause septic or sewer system malfunctions. Hazardous items in the trash can injure municipal waste handlers, cause explosions in garbage trucks & contaminate landfills. What to bring? Oil based paints, aerosol paint, thinners, gasoline, diesel & kerosene Auto & boat maintenance products (used motor oil, acids, antifreeze, batteries & brake fluid) Poisons/pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides & fungicides Glues, adhesives & fluorescent lights Acids, solvents & cleaning products Pool & hobby chemicals, bases & oxidizers Please... Keep products in the original container and label any product that has been repackaged Never mix products Prevent products from tipping or spilling during transport Place all leaking containers in a plastic bag/box Secure items in the trunk or truck bed when traveling For more information click the link to their website: http://www.co.pacific.wa.us/dcd/Solid_Waste_HHWF.htm Page 6 Weekender Fishing Derby Committee Update The business office received this letter from Chairperson Karen Gove: Please accept this letter as my official resignation from my position as volunteer chairman for the fishing derby. I want to take this time to thank you all for your support. I have enjoyed my time serving as the Fishing Derby Chairman. I will cherish the friends I have made and the memories I have acquired. Sincerely yours, Karen Gove Karen has brought the children of Surfside much fun & happiness with this event over the years. Her presence will be greatly missed. Thank you Karen for all you have given and done for the Surfside Community. We are now be seeking a new a Chairperson. If you or anyone you know would be interested in this task please contact the business office at 360.665.4171 or [email protected]. Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers. ~Herbert Hoover Page 7 Weekender CHIPPING SITE Beginning May 25th the chipping site will begin accepting debris at the 350th & G lot. Drop off days: Wednesday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The last day debris will be accepted will be September 7, 2016. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING: NO NOXIOUS WEEDS, GORSE, SCOTCH BROOM, TANSY RAGWORT, BLACKBERRY VINES, IVY, GRASS CLIPPINGS, PINE NEEDLES ALONE AND NO STUMPS. !!NO LOT CLEARING!! We will accept: tree trimmings, hedges clippings and flowers & shrubs What you will need: To be a member in good standing with a CURRENT compactor pass, to provide your street address and time spent collecting debris. The Firewise Program is about making the area around your home and an ignition free zone. Donations very welcome! We always need volunteers to help keep the program going! ~Many Hands Make light work~ Page 8 Weekender Page 9 Weekender Architectural Committee Just a reminder if you are planning on installing a fence or a shed, a garage or a house or even doing a little remodeling all building plans must be submitted to the Architectural Committee prior to any construction. The committee usually meets weekly on Tuesdays at 9 a.m., dependent upon if there’s anything on the agenda. All applicants are encouraged to attend the meeting (if possible) to answer any questions that may arise. The building packets are on our website at http://www.surfsideonline.org/payment-form/ or you can pick one up from the business office. Two (2) sets of plans must be submitted to the committee. Once approved, you will get a copy of the plans that have been stamped so you can take them to the county for their approval. For more detailed information on the Architectural Committee duties and guidelines you can find them on our website www.surfsideonline.org, or call the business office 360-665-4171 with any questions. Page 10 Weekender Join us for our Jam Session!! The 2nd & 4th Thursday 6-8 pm Surfside Office 31402 H St., Call 352-586-0082 Page 11 Weekender Green Bag Program Have you ever wondered how you can help make a difference is someone’s life? Are you looking for ways to give back to your community? All it takes is just 3 easy steps! “A SIMPLE GESTURE” Is an ongoing Food Bank Program here in Ocean Park...AND IT IS JUST THAT….SIMPLE! A SIMPLE GESTURE PROVIDES YOU WITH A “DESIGNER” BAG TO STORE YOUR ITEMS IN. THEN WHILE SHOPPING PICK UP AN EXTRA FOOD ITEM OR TWO. JUST FILL YOUR BAG WITH THE EXTRA FOOD ITEMS AND LEAVE IT ON YOUR FRONT PORCH. THE BAGS ARE PICKED UP THE SECOND SATURDAY OF ALTERNATING MONTHS. THAT’S IT! Such a very simple gesture that will make someone’s day!! There are many ways to lend a helping hand! You can offer your time, make a donation, gather food items OR you can do all three!! The feeling of helping someone in need is like no other!! FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN CALL ~ THE OCEAN PARK FOOD BANK at 665-6567 DARE TO REACH OUT YOUR HAND INTO THE DARKNESS, TO PULL ANOTHER HAND INTO THE LIGHT ~ AMRIT DESAI Page 12 Weekender Homeowners Association 31402 H Street; Ocean Park, WA 98640 (360) 665-4171; (888)815-9446 www.surfsideonline.org August 24, 2016 To: Surfside Members RE: Board of Trustee Workshops The 2016-2017 Board of Trustees plan to conduct a series of working sessions to consider present and current challenges to our community. The first such meeting will occur on September 8, 2016 beginning at 10 AM in the Surfside Administration Building. This meeting will be open to all Surfside members and the Trustees will answer questions and consider any input from members. This is not a Board Meeting. There will be no motions made, no policies adopted or votes taken. The Trustees will be working on and discussing the issues facing the association. A schedule for future workshops will be passed out at a future date. Please contact James Clancy, Treasurer, @ 602.206.7674 for any questions. Page 13 Weekender Page 14 Weekender Page 15 Weekender
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