Weekender - Surfside Homeowners Association
Weekender - Surfside Homeowners Association
Weekender August 8, 2014 Calling all Homeowners Inside this issue: Travis Says 2 Member services 3 Burn Ban July 2014 4 Chipping information 5 Committee Corner 6 Committee Corner 7 Jam Session 8 Pack 2 School 9 New Facebook Page/ Photo Contest 10 Check for Leaks 11 Septic Problems 12 Word search puzzle 13 Calendar 14 SURFSIDE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 31402 H St. Ocean Park, WA 98640 360-665-4171 [email protected] All meetings of the association board are open meetings. Members are encouraged to observe meetings and read approved minutes. Members who wish to address the board are welcome to do so during the floor comments conducted at the beginning of each business meeting. Here are few tips for participating: Put it in writing. You will get the best response if you put your question or opinions in writing prior to the meeting. This isn’t mandatory, but it helps you and the board. Some issues may require a little research by the business manager. In addition, the board can serve you better if members have time to consider your concern. Call ahead. As a courtesy, the association asks that you phone and let the business manager know that you wish to address the board. This also allows us to notify you if a meeting is cancelled for any reason. Plan your remarks to last no longer than five minutes. Board members enjoy visiting with members; however, the meeting agenda is always very full, and the five-minute limit ensures that all business is completed. This does not mean big issues cannot be presented; If your concern requires more time, please summarize it in five minutes, and the board will add it to the agenda for the next meeting. Don’t expect an immediate response. Board members don’t act independently. All issues require discussion and sometimes a vote. Sometimes an immediate answer is possible, but it is just as likely that you will not get a response until after the meeting. If you need information, call the business manager. The purpose of the floor comments is for members to share opinions and concerns with the board. Residents seeking general information (like a status report on a project or the board’s position on an issue) can get an immediate answer from the business manager. [Source: Community Associations Institute] Page 2 Weekender Travis Says, SURFSIDE DEPUTY REPORT DEPUTY T. OSTGAARD JULY 31st, 2014 – AUGUST 6th, 2014 The following are the calls I handled for the week of July 31 st to August 6th, 2014. On 08/02 I was dispatched to the area of 300th and W Place for the report of a loose dog. The reporting party stated that the dog had bitten someone a few days prior, but I was unaware of the call. I responded and observed a dog I have dealt with on multiple occasions and the dog owner had been previously served potentially dangerous dog paperwork by me. I went to the dog owner’s residence, but no one was home. I then attempted to get the dog inside the fence. As I was trying to get the dog in the fence it came at me growling and I sprayed it with OC (Pepper spray). The dog ran inside the fence and I shut it behind it. The dog owner was contacted later and he stated he was trying to find a home for the dog. On 08/04 I was on patrol on O Place when I observed a vehicle with expired registration. I attempted to stop the vehicle at 311th and M Place and a vehicle pursuit ensued. The vehicle pulled to the side of the road at 306th and O Place and I recognized the driver as a local wanted felon. The vehicle then took off again heading back towards division 16. I followed the vehicle with my lights and siren on and the vehicle failed to yield. Once we reached 301st and Stackpole I stopped to wait for backup. The vehicle went up X Place at 301st and then circled back down 304th and X Place and drove at me. I moved out of the road and the vehicle went up a private drive and circled back towards 300th and X Place. The vehicle then spun around at 300th and X Place and went back Northbound on Stackpole Rd. I again waited at 301st and X Place and watched the vehicle go down the gravel road on Stackpole. I deployed my spike strips, but the vehicle never came back. Another deputy and a Long Beach police officer arrived to assist and we located the vehicle at 309th and Stackpole Rd. We searched for the suspect for approximately 3 hours, but we were unable to locate him. I am forwarding charges on the suspect for felony eluding, reckless endangerment, reckless driving, driving on a suspended license and obstructing a public servant. The vehicle was towed from the scene. (Traffic warnings: 5 Traffic citations: 3 Animal complaint: 1 Warrant: 1) SLOW DOWN!! 25 MPH in all Surfside areas other than just north of the mini mall to Oysterville Rd! Emergency? CALL 911!!!! - For Non Emergency calls , call the Sheriff’s office at 360-642-9397 Page 3 Weekender MEMBER SERVICES Campers…. Are you heading down with the RV this weekend? Do you have guests coming down to visit with an RV? You can stop by the business office to pick up your RV permits or you can call ahead and we can scan and email those directly to you! SHOA business office hours Monday thru Friday 9-5 or call the business office at 360-665-4171 Did you know… We have 5 new doggies stations located at our beach trails: they are located at 306th, 311th, 318th, 328th and 331st Thank you to the Water/Field Service crew for installing these for us! Page 4 Weekender Page 5 Weekender JULY 30, 2014 Surfside Members: THE LAST DAY OF THE CHIPPING PROGRAM WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY SEPT. 3. WE WILL BE ACCEPTING DEBRIS DROP OFFS ON SEPT. 3 FROM 10-2. The chipping location is at 350th and G (the old Oysterville wells site Schedule to receive yard trimmings: Wed & Saturday from 10 –2 Only Surfside members in good standing and a current compactor pass will be able to drop off yard debris. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY NOXIOUS WEEDS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, GORSE, SCOTCH BROOM, TANSY RAGWORT, BLACKBERRY VINES, IVY, GRASS CLIPPINGS, PINE NEEDLES ALONE AND NO STUMPS OR LOT CLEARING ITEMS (TAKE TO THE LANDFILL). We will accept: Tree trimmings Hedge clippings Flowers and or shrubs We will also need you to provide your street address and time spent collecting debris. We need this info to receive proper credit for labor with the Firewise program. All material must be received only when gate is open and personnel are there to take info. If anyone leaves any material outside the fence, the program will be abandoned immediately. WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS! DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED! Page 6 Weekender Committee Corner HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT RENTING OUT YOUR PROPERTY? IF YOU DECIDE TO RENT YOUR VACATION HOUSE OR YOUR RV LOT, IT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF A 30 DAY RENTAL. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY THE OFFICE WITH THEIR RENTERS CONTACT INFORMATION. RENTERS USING A RV MUST DISPLAY A RV GUEST PASS IN THEIR WINDOW WHILE STAYING ON THE PROPERTY. FOR COMPACTOR USE, WE CAN SUPPLY A RENTER’S PASS FOR YOU AS WELL. PLEASE CALL THE BUSINESS OFFICE WITH ANY QUESTIONS – 360-665-4171 Page 7 weekend- MEMBER SERVICES Did you know…. That not only does Surfside offer a patroling deputy sheriff but you can advise our deputy if you are going to be out of town. Whether it’s a trip for the weekend or if you are heading south for the winter; the forms are available at the business office or on our website. Just return your personalized form and feel secure knowing our deputy is on duty for you! Page 7 weekender Committee Corner Do you have experience in real estate or the construction industry? Maybe you were a contractor or an inspector, If so the Architectural Committee needs volunteers like you! We meet once a week to review all building applications that are submitted to the Surfside business office. Most meetings run about an hour long; if you have an extra hour a week to spare, we would love your help! You can call Kimber at 665-4171 for more information. Page 9 Weekender Support our Peninsula Kids! Help purchase backpacks and school supplies for low income kids. Last year, donations helped over 300 students! OR Supplies will be distributed at a Community Carnival Tuesday, August 19—1-7 pm Peninsula Baptist Church Questions: Bill or Gloria Buck, Coordinators: (360) 665-2327 DONATE New Backpacks and Supplies: See required list below, or on the District website: www.ocean.k12.wa.us *Back Packs *Dry Erase Markers (No Red) *Ticonderoga Pencils *12” Ruler (Marked with both Standard & Metric) *Flash Drives * Pink Pearl Erasers *Scientific Calculators *1 ½” 3-Ring Binders *Composition Notebooks (Not Spiral bound notebooks) *3-prong Pocket Folders *Wide Rule Notebook Paper *Glue Sticks *Crayola Crayons 24 & 48 Count Box *5” & 8” Pointy Scissors (Fiskar if possible) *Colored Pencils Small Set (12) &Large Set (24) *Hand Held Pencil Sharpener (with Shaving Catcher) *Washable Crayola Markers *Highlighters *Pocket Folders *Water Colors (8 count) *Twin Pocket Folders *Cap Erasers DROP Off supplies at any of these locations (By Friday, Aug. 15): Peninsula Baptist Church, 23802 Pacific Hwy, Ocean Park (M-TH 10-2) Ocean Park Timberland Library, 1308 256th Pl., Ocean Park Family Health Center N., 21610 Pacific Way, Ocean Park (July 14-28 ONLY) Chinook Observer Office, 205 Bolstad Ave. E., Long Beach Ilwaco Timberland Library, 158 First Ave. N., Ilwaco All Seasons Kidstuff, 786 State Route 101, Chinook (Daily 10-6) PLEASE SEND Monetary Donations to: Peninsula Baptist Church PO Box 509, Ocean Park, WA 98640 (Indicate “Pack2School” on check) Donations are tax deductible! Page 11 Weekender CHECK OUT OUR NEW FACEBOOK PAGE! WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PROUD OF YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS? SHOW IT OFF WITH A PHOTO! HAVE A LOST PET? REACH OUT TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? LET US KNOW! GET UPDATES ON COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Surfside-Homeowners-Association/1454914234751648?ref=hl Attention Surfside Members! We are having a photo contest! We want to see Surfside through your eyes. Show us the eagle you captured on your walk to the beach, that romantic sunset you just couldn’t get enough shots of, a sunny day at the shore with the kids playing in the surf, a majestic shot of the lighthouse or catching the crab boats on the horizon at dusk. Show us what Surfside means to you. As photos are submitted they will be posted on our Facebook page for you to vote on. The winning photo will be determined with the most “likes”. All Surfside members are welcome to send in a photo and/ or vote for your favorite! The member with the winning photo will have the option to have their photo posted on the home page of our Surfside website or on the cover of our NEW Facebook page! Submissions will be accepted through August 15th - Please email your favorite photo to [email protected] - Voting will run through August 31st Page 12 Weekender Check for Leaks Follow these steps to detect home leaks: 1. Locate your water meter. 2. Turn off all water (inside and out). Leave master valve open. 3. Read your meter and write down the figure. The meter should have a small triangle for detecting leaks. If it is moving, there is a leak. 4. To find out how large the leak is, wait 1 hour and read meter again. (Cu ft/ hr) 5. If the number has changed, there is a leak. The next step is to find it. Is it in your home or in the service line? 6. Turn off water at your master valve. 7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 8. If the number changes again, the leak is in the service line. You can fix it yourself or contact a plumber. 9. If the number doesn’t change, the leak is past the master valve and likely inside your home. In this case, check for leaks in toilets, faucets, etc. To detect irrigation system leaks, you must know where the system ties into your homes water system. Newer systems are usually connected between the meter box and the master valve. Look for your systems double check valve assembly; the connection is likely close by. A leak would be detected in the 8 steps above. Older systems may be connected in the home or beyond the master valve. Theses leaks would be detected in step 5 above. If you would like help with the leak detection process, please contact the water department. To check for a toilet leak, place a dye tablet in the toilet tank and wait 15 minutes( don’t flush) if you have colored water in the bowl you have a leak. The flush valve ball likely needs to be replaced. We will have dye tablets available in the Surfside business office free of charge. FACT: A dripping faucet, at a rate of 1 drip per second, will waste 2,082 gallons of water per year. Enough to fill more than 41 bath tubs! Sourced from WaterPak -www.waterpak.org Page 13 Weekender Reasons For Septic Problems - Leaks About half of the septic failures investigated are caused by leaking toilets. Sometimes the flapper valve (that lifts to flush the toilet) is leaking. That is evidenced by tiny streams of water trickling down the inside of the bowl. Replace the rubber flapper for about two dollars if there's any doubt. Sometimes the valve that turns the water off when the toilet tank has refilled is defective or improperly adjusted. There is a "water level" line marked on the inside of the back of the tank. The valve should shut the water off by the time it reaches that line. If the water level rises just an inch or two above that line the water flows into a vertical overflow pipe (or over a little wall in the corner of the tank) and out to the septic system. A septic system is made to accept only intermittent flows of water. Even a brand new septic system will quickly fail if it receives significant water twenty-four hours a day. It needs to soak down when fixtures are off, or you're sleeping, or away at work. A leak of twenty gallons an hour equals four hundred eighty gallons in twenty-four hours. Your system is designed with expected water usage of fifty gallons per day per person with a maximum of two persons per bedroom. (A 3 bedroom system is designed with an expected max flow rate of 300 gallons per day.) Recovery from a leak is not automatic, instantaneous, or guaranteed. Often the tank is overfilled for extended periods of time, defeating the baffle and allowing "suspended" solids to clog the fields, as well as interfering with the digestion process in the tank. When the leaching area has been flooded by a long-term leak that is now fixed it must now recover from its flooded condition and at the same time handle the normal needs of the household. Often it can't do both. I recommend that after all leaks are fixed the tank be pumped and water usage be minimized for a few days after the pumping (within reason). The idea is to maximize the amount of time it takes to refill the tank to the level where it starts to feed the leaching area. During this time the leaching area has a chance to recover from its flooded condition. When it starts to receive liquid from the tank again, and you've resumed normal water usage, it will hopefully be able to handle the usual daily flow. Sourced by the Water/Field Service Dept. Page 14 Weekender Print out the page and circle the words! Page 15 Weekender
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