Microtremor Analysis of Marsa Matrouh Industrial Area Using
Microtremor Analysis of Marsa Matrouh Industrial Area Using
Microtremor Analysis of Marsa Matrouh Industrial Area Using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio Method Sayed SR Moustafa Geology and Geophysics Dept., Faculty of Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Seismology Dept., National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Cairo, Egypt e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Understanding how sedimentary basins respond to seismic-wave energy generated by large earthquake events is a significant concern for seismic-hazard estimation. Current study explores the use of microtremors for evaluating site effects. The microtremor horizontal-tovertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method was utilized to assess the predominant frequency and amplification factor of the sediments in the Marsa Matrouh industrial area in the northwestern portion of Egypt. Free-field microtremor data collection were carried out for 20 minutes using three component seismograph measurements at 33 sites. Clear HVSR peaks were obtained in the majority of the surveyed area. The central and western parts of the area are characterized by two well separated peaks which indicate distinct shallow and deep impedance contrasts. The predominant frequency map of sediments shows a distribution in a broad range of 4.5– 12.5 Hz. The observed frequencies can be related to the total thickness of Quaternary sediments of the area. They are deposited over bedrock built of Miocene limestone. The results of the study suggest that the microtremor method could be helpful in identifying those areas most vulnerable to ground amplification. KEYWORDS: amplification factor, dominant frequency, HVSR, Egypt, Matrouh. INTRODUCTION Surface geology and soil properties have significant influences on the intensity of earthquake ground motion (Power et al. 2004). Understanding site conditions are of great importance in site effect evaluation (Idriss 1990, Borcherdt 1994, Bard 1998). The ambient noise or microtremor survey method provides a cost effective and alternative tool for site exploration as it is simple and non-invasive. The predominant frequency of sediments of a surveyed site can be determined by applying the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) of three component recording without the need to know their thickness and shear wave velocity structure (Bard 1998). In the last decade, this method has been widely utilized for various applications, including seismic microzonation (e.g., Tuladhar et al. 2004), bedrock depth mapping (e.g., Ibs-von Seht and Wohlenberg 1999), shallow soil shear-wave velocity structure profiling (e.g., Parolai et al. 2002) and soil liquefaction potential (e.g., Huang and Tseng 2002). - 1591 - Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1592 The majority of the buildings in the northwestern region of Egypt are not designed to resist earthquakes, therefore, relatively small events can be the source of huge socioeconomic disasters (El-Sayed et al. 1998). The geological structure, seismicity, active tectonics, topography of the Mediterranean region has also been frequently subjecting the area to natural disasters which may ensue in a large loss of life and property (Ibrahim 1994, El-Araby and Sultan 2000, Yousif et al. 2014). The economic and social effects of potential earthquake disasters for the northwestern coast of Egypt can be reduced through a comprehensive assessment of seismic hazard in affected areas (El-Araby and Sultan 2000). Predominant frequency and amplification factors are considered of the most important seismic hazard parameters assessments to be defined. The ground motion amplification and high level of damages over soft soil and unconsolidated deposits have been shown to be responsible for increasing intensity than over the consolidated and hard sediments (Theodoulidis et al. 2008). Numerous studies (e.g., Field and Jacob 1993, Borcherdt 1994) have demonstrated the ability of local geologic conditions to alter the seismic motion. The ambient seismic noise could be efficiently utilized for estimating ground amplification (Kanai 1957). The primary premise is that the response of sediments to noise sources is related to that for incident seismic waves. The calculated theoretical response of a horizontally stratified sedimentary layer to ambient noise sources has supported that indication (Field and Jacob 1993). Hence, in the current study, the HVSR (Nakamura 1989) is utilized to estimate the predominant frequency and site amplification from microtremor records. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area The Marsa Matrouh industrial area occupies a small portion of the Northwestern coastal zone of Egypt. It is an accessible area attaining promising lands for industrial expansion beyond the Nile Valley and Delta (Figure 1a) (White 2002). The climatic conditions of the area are typically arid, characterized by a long hot dry summer, mild winter with little rainfall, high evaporation with moderately to high relative humidity (Ali et al. 2007). Geomorphollogically, the study area can be considered as a part of the coastal plain which occupies a narrow strip of land stretching adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, its elevation ranges between 5 and 60 m above sea level with northwest ward slope (Figure 1b). The maximum inland extension of this plain is about 5 km from the sea, north to south direction (Yousif et al. 2014). The coastal plain displays different landforms along the different segments, being influenced by the local structures (El Shazly and Shata 1969). The landscape of the coastal plain is influenced by several landforms, which include elongated ridges, dunes and shallow depressions (Raslan 1995). Geologically, the area under investigation is located in an unstable shelf which differs stratigraphically from the stable one in being thinner and more distributed (Said 1962). The exposed rocks in the study area are entirely of sedimentary origin ranging in age from the Middle Miocene to Quaternary (Figure 1c). The Middle Miocene is represented by Marmarica limestone formation which covers the most parts of the study area (Klitzsch et al. 1988). This formation is made up of an upper white limestone fossiliferous member, middle snow white chalk member and a lower member of alternating cross bedded carbonates, shale and marls (Raslan 1995). It changes laterally from chalky marly limestone to sandy and clay facies at the approach of the headland (Shata 1955). The Pliocene sediments are of limited distribution in the area of investigation. The lower part of Pliocene succession is formed of creamy limestone and its upper part of brown calcareous sandstone (Raslan 1995). The Quaternary sediments include Pleistocene and Holocene deposits. Pleistocene sediments are widely distributed in the study area along the Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1593 Mediterranean Coast. They are mainly represented by oolitic limestone, which constitutes the main bulk of the Pleistocene sediments and is almost developed in the form of elongated ridges running parallel to the present coast (Hassouba 1995). The Holocene non-consolidated deposits have a widespread and consist, essentially, of weathering products of the Miocene and Pleistocene deposits, which are represented by several varieties of different lithological characters, i.e., beach, alluvial and Aeolian deposits (El-Shazly 1964). The structure of the northwestern coastal zone is dominated by folds and faults, with most folds formed during the Late Cretaceous - Early Tertiary, and have a NE-SW direction that agrees with the Syrian Arc system trend (Shata 1955, Said 1962). As a result of this trend, local plunging anticlines were developed consisting of headland protruded into the sea along the coast in the study area. The headlands are separated by a series of synclinal basins having the same trend (Shata 1955, El Shazly and Shata 1969). The structures were formed primarily by rotational stresses during several stages, starting since the Middle Cretaceous, and continued throughout the Tertiary and probably through the Quaternary (Shata 1955, Said 1962, El Shazly and Shata 1969). Free-Field Microtremor Measurements Microtremor measurements were performed in approximately 3500 km2 large area which extends across the whole width of the area in NW-SE direction (Figure 2). About 33 free-field measurements were performed. The measuring locations were carefully selected to avoid as much as possible the influence of buildings, underground structures and traffic as these features may significantly alter the recordings. Weather conditions were also noticed and hence windy or rainy days were avoided to upsurge the reliability of HVSR analysis. Data acquisition was performed using portable Orion Nanometrics digital seismograph and s three-component 1 Hz Lennartz Le3C sensor. This sensor has a flat frequency response between 1 and 80 Hz. Below 1 Hz, the response of the instrument decays by approximately 10 dB/octave so that a conservative threshold for marking the frequency below which the data contain mainly instrumental noise (i.e., combined seismograph and sensor self-noise) is 0.2 Hz. The good ground coupling was obtained by using long spikes mounted at the base of the sensor. At each location, recording duration was at least 20 minutes of continuous recording time with a sampling rate of 100 Hz, which guaranteeing reliable spectral estimates up to 30 Hz. To assure data quality, measurements were generally carried out following the standard experimental conditions of microtremor measurements (Chatelain et al. 2008). For each surveyed site and to remove intensive artificial disturbances, all signals were band-pass filtered in a pass band of 0.5-15 Hz and recorded time series were afterwards visually inspected to identify possible erroneous measurements and stronger transient noise. Each record was then split into 30 seconds long non-overlapping windows, for which amplitude spectra in the range 0.5–15 Hz were computed using a triangular window with 5% smoothing and corrected for sensor transfer function. For each window, the amplitude spectra of the three components were computed using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. Two orthogonal horizontal spectral components (H1, H2) were merged by the geometric mean before dividing the vertical component (V). The average HVSR microtremor components were thus calculated using: HVSR = H 1 ⋅ H 2 / V From the calculated HVSR plot for all windows, the windows, including strong transient noise was further identified in order to be excluded from further computation. Finally, the average HVSR curve of all windows with the corresponding 95% confidence interval was computed. Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1594 Figure 1: Geomorphology and geology of the study area. a- Location of the study area (red square). b- Aster digital elevation model (DEM) of the area c- General geological setting and the main geological units of the North West Coastal Zone of Egypt (Klitzsch et al. 1988). A rectangle indicates study area. Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1595 In addition, a directional HVSR analysis was performed in 10◦ angular steps to identify possible directions of noise sources, but no preferential directions were recognized. The geometric average of the HVSRs from all segments at one site was assigned as the H/V value (Nakamura 1989) of that site, from which the predominant frequency and corresponding amplitude can be estimated. All data processing and analysis were performed using Grilla software package (Micromed 2012). An example of the whole data processing and analysis process is depicted in Figure 3 for site MM16 shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Location map of the employed free-field microtremor measurements in the study area. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Microtremor measurements have been performed in the industrial area of the town of Marsa Matrouh for a preliminary evaluation of site response. The signals recorded have been analyzed utilizing the HVSR method (Nakamura 1989, Lachetl and Bard 1994). The scrutiny of the HVSR data set ensures reliable data for mapping predominant frequencies in the mapped area. The HVSR analyses of free-field measurements showed that most of the recorded data fulfil the proposed SESAME criteria for reliable measurements (Duval et al. 2004). The criteria recommended for a reliable HVSR curve, which are based on the relation of the predominant frequency to the window length, the number of significant cycles and the standard deviation of the peak amplitude were fulfilled in all collected dataset. The next criteria for a clear peak which are based on the relation of the peak amplitude to the level of the HVSR curve, and standard deviations of the predominant frequency and of its amplitude were fulfilled in about thirty sites. Hence we can confirm that the frequency of observed the peak is considered to be the predominant frequency of sediments down to the first strong impedance contrast (Duval et al. 2004, Bard 2005). Only three sites did not fulfill reliability peak. The main reasons for this failure are mainly due to high levels of noise or too small amplitude of the peak and flat spectral ratio. Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1596 Figure 3: Representative HVSR data collected for site MM16. (a) Three-component ambient noise seismic record. (b) Amplitude spectra of individual components. (c) Corresponding HVSR plot. Thin lines represent the 95% confidence interval. The main peak seismic resonance frequency is about 7.19 Hz. Graphs were generated using the Grilla software package (Micromed 2012). A representative example of the estimated HVSR curves is depicted in Figure 4. In general, clear peaks were obtained showing the broad range of predominant frequencies between 3 and 12 Hz. The narrow 95% confidence interval of the average HVSR curves (shown as thin lines in Figure 4) clearly portrays the good temporal stability of the analyzed signals. Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1597 Figure 4: Examples of microtremor measurements (HVSR analyses) with clear peaks (left) and with a more complex shape (middle) or flat spectral ratio (right). Locations of measurements are shown in Figure 2. Thin lines represent the 95% confidence interval. From our analysis, three types of site conditions were observed. The first type represents bedrock sites where the Marmarica limestone is observed along the surface (e.g. MM08, MM14, MM18, and MM27). On the bedrock outcrop flat spectral ratios were obtained Second site condition type detected is the hard and compact sand and marl soil or weathered and fractured limestone (e.g., MM03, MM19, MM21 and MM25). The last observed site condition is corresponding to loose sand and marl soft soils (e.g., MM02, MM04, MM06 and MM07). In most cases there is a sharp peak in HVSR which is rather symmetrical. An asymmetric shape with additional side peaks at frequencies higher than the frequency of the main peak is also observed. Some peaks are less sharp with some features which can be an indication of two closely spaced peaks. Among more complex shapes two peaks well separated in frequency are depicted in some sites. They indicate two impedances contrasts in the subsurface, the first, shallow is most probably related to the Quaternary deposits and the second, deep to the Miocene Marmarica bedrock. Some measurements show several peaks which are not well separated, indicating complex setting, or a very broad peak, which is characterized by wider 95% confidence interval. In general temporal stability is better at higher frequencies while 95% confidence interval is often wider at lower frequencies. The amplitudes of HVSR peaks are mainly in the range 3–20, only in three cases, they reach values between 25 and 30 (Figure 5). In general, there are more high peak amplitudes (above 10) at low predominant frequencies (3–8 Hz). Since low predominant frequencies are related to deeper parts of the basin, this can be an indication of high impedance contrast between Quaternary sediments and Miocene Marmarica bedrock. On the other hand, high predominant frequencies are presumably related to the parts of the basin where microtremor HVSR method Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1598 detected shallower stiffer rocks within Quaternary sediments. It is likely that the impedance contrast is lower in this case. Nevertheless, more than one distinct impedance contrasts as observed in the survey area (two peaks in the HVSR curve) affect also the amplitude of the individual peaks. Figure 5: Amplitude vs. frequency graph of HVSR peaks. The collected data from the 33 measuring points were further used for drawing two maps: a predominant frequency map showing resonance frequencies of sediments (Figure 6) and an amplitude map (Figure 7) showing the peak amplitudes of HVSR peaks. For measurements which shows two clear HVSR peaks, we used the value of the peak with higher amplitude. The predominant frequency of sediments shows a distribution in a range of 3.5–12.5 Hz. High frequencies (up to 13 Hz) are visible also close to the E and SE margin of the basin. This is expected due to the thin deposits close to the border of the basin. On the amplitude map (Figure 7) the highest values (up to 27) are located in the northwestern part. In the majority of the town area the HVSR peak amplitudes are between 5 and 17. However, it is known that the amplitude of HVSR peak is a less reliable parameter of microtremor measurements (Bard 2005). It can be therefore used only as a rough indicator of impedance contrast between surface sediments and bedrock. Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1599 Figure 6: Map of sediments predominant frequency derived from free-field microtremor data. Figure 7: Map of microtremor HVSR peak amplitudes. CONCLUSIONS Since the geotechnical characteristics of soft sediments and their thickness are not known in the Marsa Matrouh basin, due to the lack of geotechnical or geophysical data, microtremor Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 6 1600 investigations have proved to be an effective tool for assessing the predominant frequency of the sediments. The basin was surveyed with a 33 free-field measurements. This is especially important because the variations of the predominant frequencies are considerable within the study area. The predominant frequency map of sediments shows a distribution in a wide range of 3.5– 12.5 Hz. The observed frequencies can be related to the total thickness of Quaternary sediments, deposited on the bedrock built of Miocene limestone. Two distinct peaks in HVSR curve were obtained, with considerably different frequencies, indicating shallow and deep impedance contrasts. Low frequencies were obtained in a few measurements. The highest HVSR peak amplitudes were obtained in the NW part of Marsa Matrouh, indicating high impedance contrast between sediments and the bedrock. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I highly appreciate the help and support I get from the Seismology Department at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics. I am very grateful to Professor A. Khairy and all the staff of the Egyptian National Seismological Network for providing the data. REFERENCES 1. Ali, A., Oweis, T., Rashid, M., El-Naggar, S. and Aal, A. A. (2007) 'Water harvesting options in the drylands at different spatial scales', Land Use and Water Resources Research, 7, 1-13. 2. Bard, P. 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