MoCI Business Plan 2014
MoCI Business Plan 2014
د افغانستان اسالمی جمهوریت جمهوری اسالمی افغانستان د سوداگری او صنایعو وزارت وزارت تجارت وصنایع پالیسی و پالن ریاست،د استراتیژی ریاست استراتیژی و پالیسی Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Commerce &Industries Strategic Planning and Policy Directorate Business Plan 1393 (April 2014 to March 2015) Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) Strategic Planning and Policy Directorate (SPPD) Approved by: _____________________ Minister of Commerce and Industry March 2014 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Foreword by H.E. Minister Kargar Afghanistan has grown strongly over the last decade. This growth has been driven by a number of factors, chief among them assistance from our international partners and the return of the Afghan Diaspora, however this support is changing in both its scale and nature. If Afghanistan is to have the bright, prosperous future that we all hope for, these sources of growth need to be replaced. This Plan sets out the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s path for achieving this including initiatives to further improve the enabling environment for business, actions to set Afghanistan on the way to an export boom, a renewed focus on ensuring that markets work for all, and action to ensure that consumers are protected from shoddy products and malpractice. This Plan sets out the prioritised activities that MOCI will take over the next year to assist with the development of the economy. One of the key challenges for the Ministry of Commerce and Industry is to ensure that it has the capacity to deliver on this Plan. As a result, this Business Plan also sets out how it will go about ensuring that that is the case. Obviously, the MOCI will not succeed unless its partners in implementation – donors and the private sector – take concurrent action. I am therefore looking to the private sector to work with us to implement this plan, for companies to engage strongly with government and work towards the jointly agreed goals set out in this Plan. Much has been done in recent years to make Afghanistan a better place to do business, but we still have a long way to go to create a truly enabling environment for business in Afghanistan. I know that an efficient and effective court system is a must for ensuring the integrity of commercial transactions; I realise that the prevailing security situation is hurting our businesses; I am aware that inadequate power is a serious constraint on our industrial development; I find it very painful when our business community complains about illegal payments that they have to make when they transfer their goods; I realise that most businesses do not have access to normal credit facilities; I know that clear title for land is hard to obtain; and I know that skilled labour and professionals are more easily available in neighbouring countries than Afghanistan. But this gloomy picture needs to be balanced with a look at the brighter side of doing business in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is still a land of opportunity for entrepreneurs; I still believe that even when we take into account the high level of risk, return on investment in Afghanistan is much greater than in most other parts of the world; I am confident that few countries can match the range of investment opportunities available in Afghanistan today. From gems to aviation, from marble to manufacturing fans and electric washing machines – watch out China, here we come! - from saffron to steel, from cashmere to carpets, Afghanistan is open for business. As we make progress on building our infrastructure, and as the SME sectors expand and large scale mining and hydro-carbon extraction projects come on stream the prospects will become brighter still. This Plan sets out the initial steps for us to realise this enormous potential. If we are to succeed, it will be because we have worked together on the basis of a shared vision. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, this Plan recognises that many Afghans still need to be persuaded that a market economy will deliver prosperity to all. It sets out a path for more inclusive growth and acknowledges the need to engage with ordinary Afghans and their elected representatives and explain how and why a private sector led economy is the best way for Afghanistan to develop. With respect Mohammad Shaker Kargar Minister of Commerce and Industry Page |2 MoCI Business Plan 2014 List of Abbreviations ACBR Afghanistan Central Business Registry ACCI AISA Afghanistan Chamber for Commerce and Industries Afghanistan Investment Support Agency ANDS Afghanistan National Development Strategy ANSA APTTA APTTCA Afghanistan National Standards Authority Afghan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement Afghanistan Pakistan Transit Trade Coordinating Authority BPR/I Business Process Reengineering/Improvement CPCPD Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Directorate ECOTA EPAA Economic Cooperation Organisation Trade Agreement Export Promotion Agency of Afghanistan ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN) FLGE IARCSC Fuel and Liquid Gas Enterprise Independent Administrative Reform Civil Service Commission IFC IT International Finance Corporation Information Technology ITAD ITD M&E Industries’ Technical Affairs Directorate International Trade Directorate Monitoring and Evaluation MOCI Ministry of Commerce and Industry MOF NPP OAA Ministry of Finance National Priority Programme Office of Administrative Affairs OECD OIC Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Islamic Co-operation PRD PRID PSD SAARC SAFTA Petroleum Regulation Department Public Relations and Information Directorate Private Sector Development South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation South Asia Free Trade Agreement SATIS SME SOC SOE SOECCD SPPD TIFA TNA TTFD South Asia Trade Agreement in Services Small and Medium Enterprise State Owned Corporation State Owned Enterprise State Owned Enterprise and Corporation Coordination Directorate Strategy Policy and Planning Directorate Trade and Investment Framework Agreement Training Needs Assessment Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate Page |3 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Contents List of Abbreviations................................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Outline of the Business Plan .............................................................................................. 7 1.2 Purpose of the Business Plan ............................................................................................ 7 1.3 Ministry Role ......................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.3.2 Policy-Maker ....................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.3 Facilitator ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.3.4 Regulator ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.4 Ministry Organizational Chart (high-level) ...................................................................... 10 1.5 Ministry Provincial “Arm” ................................................................................................... 10 1.6 Ministry Strategic Framework ........................................................................................... 11 1.7 Ministry Performance Management System .................................................................. 13 1.7.1 Business Planning ...................................................................................................... 14 1.7.2 Departmental Work plans: ........................................................................................ 16 1.7.3 Key Performance Indicators ..................................................................................... 16 1.8 Business Planning Process .............................................................................................. 17 2 Direct Reporting to the Minister...................................................................................................... 20 2.1 Office of the Chief of Staff ................................................................................................. 20 2.1.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 20 2.1.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 21 2.2 Internal Audit ....................................................................................................................... 22 2.2.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 22 2.2.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 23 2.3 Legal Affairs ........................................................................................................................ 23 2.3.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 23 2.3.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 24 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning .......................................................................................... 25 2.4.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 25 2.4.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 26 2.5 Petroleum Regulations ...................................................................................................... 27 2.5.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 27 2.5.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 28 3 Private Sector & Industries Development ..................................................................................... 29 3.1 Private Sector Development ............................................................................................. 29 3.1.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 29 3.1.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 30 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection ........................................................ 31 3.2.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 31 3.2.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 32 3.3 Industries’ Technical Affairs .............................................................................................. 33 3.3.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 33 3.3.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 34 Page |4 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.4 State-owned Enterprises and Corporations Coord. Reform & Financial Analysis ... 35 3.4.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 35 3.4.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 36 4 Trade .................................................................................................................................................. 37 4.1 International Trade ............................................................................................................. 37 4.1.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 37 4.1.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 38 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation ........................................................................................... 39 4.2.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 39 4.2.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 40 4.3 Export Promotion ................................................................................................................ 41 4.3.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 41 4.3.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 41 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation ......................................................................................................... 42 4.4.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 42 4.4.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 42 4.5 Central Business Registry................................................................................................. 43 4.5.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 43 4.5.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 44 5 Finance and Administration ............................................................................................................ 45 5.1 Human Resource Management ....................................................................................... 45 5.1.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 45 5.1.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 46 5.2 Administration & Finance .................................................................................................. 47 5.2.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 47 5.2.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 48 5.3 Information Technology ..................................................................................................... 48 5.3.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 48 5.3.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 49 5.4 Public Relations and Information ..................................................................................... 49 5.4.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 49 5.4.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 50 5.5 Gender ................................................................................................................................. 51 5.5.1 Terms of Reference ................................................................................................... 51 5.5.2 Summary Workplan.................................................................................................... 51 6 Stakeholder Mapping ....................................................................................................................... 52 6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 52 6.2 Government .............................................................................................................................. 52 6.2.1 Partner Ministries ............................................................................................................. 52 6.2.1 Partner Agencies .............................................................................................................. 52 6.2.1 Minister’s Role .................................................................................................................. 53 6.3 Donors ....................................................................................................................................... 53 6.4 Media ......................................................................................................................................... 58 6.2 Private Sector ........................................................................................................................... 58 Page |5 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Monitoring and Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 59 7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 59 Annex A: Ministry Achievements in Previous Year ............................................................................. 63 Annex B: List of MoCI Work Divisions, Directorates and Departments ........................................... 70 Annex C: Departmental Work-plans ...................................................................................................... 73 7 Figure 1: Performance Planning............................................................................................................ 14 Figure 2: Key Performance Indicators Context ..................................................................................... 17 Figure 3: MoCI Business Planning 10-Step Process............................................................................... 18 Figure 4: Chief of Staff Org Chart .......................................................................................................... 21 Figure 5: Internal Audit Org. Chart........................................................................................................ 22 Figure 6: Legal Affairs org. Chart ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure 7: SPPD Org. Chart ..................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 8: PRD Org. Chart ....................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 9: PSD Org. Chart........................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 10: CPCP Org. Chart.................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 11: ITAD Org. Chart .................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 12: SOECCR Org. Chart ............................................................................................................... 36 Figure 13: International Trade Org. Chart............................................................................................. 38 Figure 14: Transit Org. Chart ................................................................................................................. 40 Figure 15: EPAA Org. Chart ................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 16: Exhibition facilitation Org. Chart.......................................................................................... 42 Figure 17: ACBR Org. Chart ................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 18: HR Org. Chart ....................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 19: Admin & Finance Org. Chart ................................................................................................ 47 Figure 20: IT Org. Chart ......................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 21: PRID Org. Chart .................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 22: Gender Org. Chart ................................................................................................................ 51 Figure 23: MoCI Stakeholder Overview ................................................................................................ 58 Figure 24: Benefits of Monitoring System for MoCI ............................................................................. 60 Figure 25: Process for Monitoring MoCI Progress againt Business Plan .............................................. 61 Figure 26: Monitoring Information Flow in MoCI ................................................................................. 62 Text Box 1: Dept. Work-plan Assessment Tool ..................................................................................... 19 Table 1: PMS Benefits ........................................................................................................................... 14 Table 2: SPPD Functions and Depts. Matrix .......................................................................................... 25 Table 3: SOEs Managed By MoCI’s ITAD ............................................................................................... 33 Table 4: Features of Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit ........................................................................ 60 Page |6 MoCI Business Plan 2014 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Outline of the Business Plan A Business Plan for the Ministry of Commerce and Industry was last produced for 20012-13. A Plan was not prepared last year. This 2014-15 Business Plan document consists of the following sections: Section 1 – Introduction: This section provides an outline of the Business Plan, the purpose of the Business Plan, the Ministry’s role or mandate, the Ministry’s strategic framework and performance management system, and the business planning process. Sections 2 – 5: To facilitate easy reference by individual staff members, the Business Plan has been structured around 4 working divisions within the Ministry - Direct Reporting to the Minister, Private Sector and Industries Development, Trade, and Finance/Administration. These 4 sections outline the responsibilities (ToR) of Directorates or Departments within each division along with their main activities, milestones and expected outputs over the course of 1 the next twelve months . Section 6 – Stakeholder Mapping: This section provides an overview of core partners in the public and private sector as well as the Ministry’s influence through Cabinet, Economic SubCommittee, the Private Sector Development Cluster and the High Commission on Investment. Section 7 - Monitoring and Evaluation: This section provides information about how the Ministry will monitor progress of, and evaluate results arising from, implementation of the Ministry’s Business Plan. Annex; In the Annex there are the Ministry’s main summarized achievements last year, a list of the Ministry’s work divisions, directorates and departments, and the 57 departmental workplans that are the building blocks for this Business Plan. 1.2 Purpose of the Business Plan This Business Plan sets out the specific actions required to achieve the vision and mission of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) as follows: MoCI Vision: “A socially responsible market economy in Afghanistan, in which sustainable and equitable growth is private sector led and leads to increased employment, higher living standards and the reduction of poverty, in which competition operates for the benefit of all.” MoCI Mission: “To encourage growth through the development of MoCI Mission: “To encourage growth through the development of appropriate policies and regulations, and the facilitation of private sector appropriate policies production and trade.”and regulations, and the facilitation of private sector production and trade.” MoCI’s Vision and Mission are linked to high-level national priorities and strategies as formulated by the PSD Cluster and ANDS: Integrated Trade and SME Support Facility (PSD Cluster: National Priority Program) “A roadmap for strategic development of private sector in Afghanistan” 1 This core information was generated by each of the 57 individual departments across the Ministry. Page |7 MoCI Business Plan 2014 legal, institutional and structural reform to strengthen the enabling environment (business climate) for private sector facilitating trade and increasing exports opportunities developing resilient and competitive SME and industrial sectors including a national quality infrastructure reforming the public institution charged with assisting the development of the private sector for better service delivery Afghanistan National Development Strategy 2008-13: The Government aims to “enable the private sector to lead Afghanistan’s development”. We will build a market-based system, driven by private sector growth, in which Government is the “policy maker and regulator of the economy, not its competitor”. If the Government is to achieve its aim of significantly enhancing per capita GDP in the next five years, it must complete the foundations for socially responsible private sector growth and encourage sustained high levels of foreign and domestic private investment. 1.3 Ministry Role 1.3.1 Overview MOCI has made significant strides channelling its resources more effectively to improve the operating environment for Afghan businesses. However, the enormity of the shift from the Ministry’s focus and values prior to 2001 to its present day orientation cannot be underestimated. The then Ministry of Commerce operated in a state owned and controlled economy and the attitudes, structures and skill sets required of the Ministry in that context have taken time to change. It is only slowly that MOCI is starting to shed its pre-2001 skin and better understand and deliver on its role in a market economy. In this modern cast, the Ministry has identified its key roles as policy-maker, facilitator (coordinator) and regulator, and these remain the core modalities through which the Ministry will act. 1.3.2 Policy-Maker In its role as a policy maker, the Ministry has come a long way, having developed a national level Industrial Policy, in which the Ministry has prioritised sectors and areas of growth, and placed a premium on infrastructure, judicious use of tariffs, effective trade policy, improving the quality of Afghan products through standards and innovation, and active intervention in the market place to assist Afghan businesses to move up the value chain. This policy is underpinned by an SME Strategy and a set of detailed Sector Action Plans, spanning agri-business, carpets, construction materials, marble and gems, and more recently leather/skins, as well as support for womenowned enterprises. MOCI’s policy and strategy framework for SMEs has also set growth targets across the prioritised sectors. Whilst this may appear excessively optimistic, consideration of the individual sectors prioritised in these policy documents gives credence to these ambitions; there are nine white cities being created in Turkmenistan using Afghanistan’s white marble; Afghanistan’s SME carpet traders recorded over $12 million sales in just one trade fair in 2012, and Afghanistan’s agri-products are increasingly penetrating regional and international markets. Elsewhere, MOCI has drafted a Competition Policy and a Consumer Protection Policy. In terms of capacity building MOCI has developed an Administration Manual to guide the support functions within the Ministry and completed major HR review implementing ‘Pay and Grading’ across all Ministry Directorates. In addition the HR Directorate has delivered a new induction program for all new employees. Page |8 MoCI Business Plan 2014 However, the challenge ahead will be the successful implementation of these policies and this is an area where MOCI still has had limited experience and capacity. Moreover, a number of key policy gaps remain such as a Trade Policy for Afghanistan and a clear policy statement on SOEs. This Business Plan therefore has a dual focus in the area of policy - both on effective implementation of existing policy, as well as the design of fresh, evidenced-based policy in areas where it currently does not exist. 1.3.3 Facilitator As facilitator, the Ministry helps align organisations, such as donors, NGOs, business associations, investors, foreign trading partners and others that can support businesses. This role also includes engaging directly with businesses to understand and respond to existing and emerging constraints through the design and encouragement of public private partnerships, and the formulation of the most suitable rules and procedures to stimulate full use of available resources. In this capacity, the Ministry provides advice directly to donors and NGOs to guide funding towards projects that will have a real, tangible impact on businesses. For example, MOCI has worked with the World Bank and started the implementation of the New Market Development Project – a $22 million project which aims to provide targeted training and technical support to 750 businesses or business associations across four Afghan provinces. In relation to trade, the Ministry has ratified the Afghanistan Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement (APTTA) in the past year. Moreover, the Ministry has completed the tariff reduction plan for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) – as part of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA); produced recommendations for reform of border ports and continued its work in supporting Afghan companies to attend international trade fairs and exhibitions through EPAA (Export Promotion Agency Afghanistan). There is, however, a long way to go for MOCI to be a model facilitator for private sector growth. In the ambit of trade, the Ministry needs to improve implementation of APTTA on the ground, as well as acceding to WTO and signing regional trade and transit agreements with core Central Asian partners. Moreover, facilitation of access to land and utilities through Industrial Parks is hampered by poor governance arrangements and a weak record on affordable rent prices and reliable power supply. 1.3.4 Regulator Regulation in Afghanistan is at a reasonable stage of development, with Afghanistan ranking 24 [4] out or 189 countries surveyed by the World Bank for establishing a business, and the Ministry [5] recently implemented a Business Licensing Reform Programme to create a more transparent, comprehensive and inter-connected licensing regime. The last year has also seen MOCI’s renewed commitment to ensure that Afghan businesses operate in a fair, competitive environment and that consumers are protected from sub-standard products. The Ministry is currently in the process of updating the Competition Law for Afghanistan; has hired a firm to re-draft the Consumer Protection Law, and has started to establish the administrative, organisational and institutional frameworks for the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Directorate (CPCPD) within the Ministry. In a similar vein, the Ministry has established a Petrol Regulation Department with the aim of improving the management, regulation and operations of the petroleum industry in Afghanistan and by so doing reducing the volatility of prices and ensuring that retail prices are reasonable. Going forward, MOCI will have a role both directly leading regulatory reforms within MOCI as well as advocating for reforms with partner Ministries and Agencies. Page |9 MoCI Business Plan 2014 1.4 Ministry Organizational Chart (high-level) To equip the Ministry to carry out its mandate, MOCI has completed the structural Pay and Grading reform review, part of the Government’s Public Administration Reform (PAR) Programme led by the IARCSC. This process has included a revision and re-alignment of the Ministry’s structure to bring together similar areas of responsibility and to better balance the roles between policy development, facilitation and regulation across Directorates and work units. Below is the Ministry’s high level structure of the MOCI for 1391, as a result of the Pay and Grading exercise. 1.5 Ministry Provincial “Arm” The Ministry has a strong presence outside of Kabul with an extensive network of offices offering business support services – registration, licensing, export advice etc. The Directorates report direct to the Office of the Minister while the departmental offices, depending on the function, report to Central Directorates in Kabul. The Ministry features 7 major Directorate offices in strategic zones as follows: Balkh; Nangarhar; Kundoz; Kandahar; Paktya; and Herat. MoCI also operates 14 departmental offices or branch offices as follows: Daikundi; Farah; Kunar; Nimroz; Badakhshan; Bamyan; Badghis; Helmand; Khost; Ghazni; Faryab; Maidan Wardak; Jowzjan; and Parwan. It is assumed for the purposes of Business Planning that all the activities and outputs of the above provincial network are captured in the work plans of the work divisions in Kabul so that additional separate work plans are not necessary and would be a duplication. P a g e | 10 MoCI Business Plan 2014 This scenario also applies to the various SOEs operated by the Ministry (ITAD) and the guilds? 1.6 Ministry Strategic Framework To achieve its mandate, MoCI formulated 7 strategic objectives as set out in its Strategic Plan 20112 15 : MoCi 7 Strategic Objectives: 1. Improve the Enabling and Regulatory Environment for Business and Afghanistan’s DBI1 Ranking; 2. Improve International Competitiveness and Trade; 3. Industrialise Afghanistan through Increasing Exports and Import Substitution; 4. Ensure that the Private Sector Operates Fairly and Equitably; 5. Ensure Pro-Poor Growth; 6. Promote the Market Economy and Increase Understanding of How it Operates; and 7. Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Under each strategic objective, the Ministry has a set of comprehensive strategies and together these constitute the Ministry’s strategic framework. The strategies are as follows: 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Improve the Enabling and Regulatory Environment for Business and Afghanistan’s DBI Ranking Simplifying and improving the transparency of business licensing processes and requirements Streamlining business registration process Improving access to affordable land and utilities (electricity, water, sewage)through MOCI assets Improving the administration and management of MOCI assets, including Industrial Parks and SOEs Developing proposals for public-private partnerships between MOCI and business partners Advocating for greater access to finance Advocating for strengthened property rights Advocating for building and improving core infrastructure such as roads, railways and cold storage Enacting the bankruptcy law 2. Improve International Competitiveness and Trade 2.1 Finalising and implementing core multilateral trade and transit agreements (SAARC, CAREC, ECOTA) 2.2 Acceding to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) 2.3 Developing, renewing and implementing bilateral trade agreements with Afghanistan’s neighbours (Pakistan through APTTA, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) 2.4 Developing and implementing a Trade Policy for Afghanistan to improve Government and donor focus and co-ordination in this area 2.5 Working with ANSA to improve and certify the quality of Afghan products, including SMTQ issues relating to the environment 2.6 Working with Customs and Revenue to streamline and improve the transparency of customs procedures and practices 2.7 Working with AISA to attract Foreign Direct Investment into Afghanistan 2 The Strategic Plan will be updated summer 2014 and a new 4-year Strategic Plan prepared in summer 2015 . P a g e | 11 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3. Industrialise Afghanistan through Increased Exports and Import Substitution 3.1 Identifying areas where import substitution is likely viable, through an evidence-based process 3.2 Developing action plans to create competitive businesses in the areas identified in 3.1 above 3.3 Identifying synergies between sectors that may improve viability 3.4 Implementing sector specific strategies for improving productivity 3.5 Working with Customs and Revenue to ensure an appropriate tariff regime, in line with the Industrial Policy 3.6 Improving information on foreign markets and how Afghan products need to adapt to them 3.7 Utilising better the system of commercial attaché offices to promote Afghan products 3.8 Increasing the presence of Afghan companies in international fairs 4. Ensure that the Private Sector Operates Fairly and Equitably 4.1 Enacting and overseeing the implementation of the new Competition Law 4.2 Re-drafting, enacting and overseeing the implementation the Consumer Protection Law 4.3 Operationalising the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Directorate to ensure effective competition in the marketplace and protect consumers 4.4 Operationalising the Petrol Regulation Directorate to ensure fuel products are sold at an acceptable price to both traders and consumers 4.5 Operationalising MOCI’s Gender Unit to ensure equal opportunities for economic and social advancement for women both within MOCI and throughout the Afghan economy as a whole 5. Ensure Pro-Poor Growth 5.1 Finalising and implementing articles in the Industrial Policy relating to pro-poor growth 5.2 Finalising and implementing the six SME sector Action Plans in collaboration with Ministry partners 5.3 Identifying further SME sectors that will benefit the poor 5.4 Engaging with appropriate donor and NGO partners to develop Making Markets Work for the Poor (MMW4P) initiatives 6. Promote the Market Economy and Increase Understanding of How it Operates 6.1 Improving dialogue between the Ministry and the private sector 6.2 Expanding the Ministry’s advocacy through the media, attendance at conferences and other public appearances 6.3 Operationalising the Public Relations and Information Directorate 6.4 Developing and implementing a comprehensive Communications Strategy P a g e | 12 MoCI Business Plan 2014 7. Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role 7.1 Implementing the approved Pay and Grading reform recommendations 7.2 Capitalising on donor projects relating to capacity development in the civil service 7.3 Developing and implementing a targeted and realistic Capacity Building Plan within the Ministry, focusing on the core roles of policy, facilitation and regulation 7.4 Re-engineering the administrative processes in the Ministry 7.5 Implementing the recommendations in the Financial Management Review 7.6 Improving ICT policy, infrastructure and human capacity in line with USAID’s recommendations in the Information Technology Roadmap 7.7 Updating and formally clarifying the role of AISA, ANSA and MOCI’s relationship with these bodies 7.8 Improving SOE Performance 7.9 Improving co-ordination mechanisms between MOCI and partner Ministries and agencies 7.10 Supporting the Internal Audit Directorate, and identifying further internal and external mechanisms to tackle corruption 7.11 Strengthening MOCI’s regional network 1.7 Ministry Performance Management System To implement the set of strategies, the Ministry must take action. A Performance Management System (PMS) is a set of activities designed to utilize and develop the skills and knowledge of people at the workplace to achieve higher levels of organizational performance. A PMS integrates every activity of the organization in the context of its leadership, human resource policies, culture, style and communications. Using established goals as a basis, performance planning sets the stage for the year by communicating objectives, and setting an actionable plan to guide the employee to successfully achieve goals. Performance planning, as with all other steps, is a collaborative process between the manager and employee, although there will always be some elements that are non-negotiable. Begin with the job description and identify major job expectations; expectations then can be clarified for each major area. Performance management process during the year: Start of the year: Produce Departmental work-plans Summarize into Directorate work-plans Consolidate into Ministry Business Plan Produce Employee Individual Work Plans (KPIs) During the year: Monitor Departmental performance (against workplan) Monitor staff performance (against KPI) Give and receive feedback on performance Coach/train/develop staff to improve performance End of the year: Give and receive feedback Appraise performance against agreed objectives and standards Celebrate and reward exemplary performance Plan employees’ future development P a g e | 13 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 1: Performance Planning Stage Work Planning, Goal Setting Stage Rewarding Ministry Strategic Plan, Ministry Annual Business Plan, Directorate Work Plans Stage Monitoring, Developing Stage Appraising, Giving Feedback Performance management is a continuous process and not a one-off event. Table 1: PMS Benefits Ministry–wide Efficiency and effectiveness Accuracy Accountability Productivity Retention Communication Performance 1.7.1 Managers/Dept. Head Time Savings Reduced Conflicts Visible Accountability Efficiency Consistency Performance Solid results Employees Clarification of Expectations Improved Self-assessment Improved Performance Career Paths Job Satisfaction Business Planning The Ministry’s Business Plan encompasses the activities of all the General Directorates, Directorates and independent Departments summarized in 4 major work divisions and 19 main directorates/independent departments. The Process of business planning in light of performance management system: Stage Work Planning, Briefing and Goal Setting To enable Ministry staff to understand how their work effort can contribute to the success of the Ministry as a whole, it is necessary to brief them about high level plans and objectives and to engage them in producing their own Work Plans. This is important because, in general, people are more motivated to improve their own work performance if they can understand how their small part contributes to overall organizational performance. Effective briefing is about setting objectives, activities and tasks that people will be required to undertake in the year ahead, and the standards expected of them. Engaged employees are committed and deliver more in terms of higher productivity, better service, more discretionary effort, and more collaboration. Commitment is a choice people make – managers cannot force people to be committed, hence managers need to create the environment that encourages people to make this commitment. P a g e | 14 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Involving staff in identifying the goals they are to work towards is an effective way to get commitment. Goals describe what is to be achieved over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets or tasks to be completed by specified dates. They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or personal, taking the form of developmental objectives. Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). Alongside objectives and tasks are performance standards. They are used when there is a continuing objective which does not change significantly from one review period to the next and is a standing feature of the job. These should be spelled out in quantitative terms, for example, speed of response to requests, defined standards of accuracy. Qualitative measures can be used for unchanging tasks e.g. accuracy, comprehensiveness, punctuality, etc. People are motivated by different things and it is important for a manager to understand what energizes different members of the team and how to provide the appropriate motivational stimulus. What is motivational for one person may not be the same for another. Personal growth, learning and career advancement are important considerations for many people, so managers should allow sufficient time to explore personal development fully. Stage Monitoring and Developing Monitoring the performance of staff is undertaken partly by holding regular meetings and partly by unobtrusive observation. Monitoring is best done by initially ensuring that a clear contract is in place – not written, but nevertheless discussed and agreed – to make support available when it is required. Managers can hold short weekly team meetings to review team performance, discuss and resolve problems and set new targets. They can also meet with individuals to ask questions and to listen to feedback about their work, how they think they’re getting on, and deal with any challenges they face. Observing people at work and being seen to take an active interest in what they are doing can make a difference to their work effort. The best way to do this is to try to catch people doing something right, to give praise and to encourage – monitoring is not only about trying to find out what’s going wrong. Feedback can provide learning opportunities – personal feedback helps to make people more aware of what they do and how they do it, thus increasing their ability to modify their behavior and to become more effective in undertaking tasks and interacting with others. Developing knowledge and skills is the main route to improved organizational performance, which in turn requires an understanding of the processes and techniques of organizational, team and individual learning. Development can take place through mentoring, personal coaching and individual or group training, but also (some say most effectively) through individuals taking responsibility for their own development and seeking out opportunities for learning on-the-job from role models i.e. by observing the way that proficient colleagues or managers undertake their work, or how they exhibit constructive attitudes or exemplary behavior towards others. Stage Appraising and Giving Feedback Performance appraisal (discussed in detail in the next section) provides an opportunity to reflect on past performance, the standards achieved, and what lies ahead for personal development plans. Performance appraisals are learning events, at which individuals are encouraged to think about how and in which ways they want to develop. The appraisal meeting must be constructive, with open, free-flowing, honest discussion and feedback, and with the appraisee (employee) doing most of the talking. Appraisers (managers) and appraisees should be trained in conducting reviews. It is important to recognize that honest discussion can only be realized where trust exists. Trust between manager and employee is a vital ingredient of commitment and engagement and hence work performance, but it is a fragile concept – it takes time to build, but is easy and quick to destroy. One of the outcomes of the appraisal meeting is the drawing up of a personal development plan (PDP) covering training and development in areas of underperformance or weaknesses in the employee’s skills and knowledge, in relation to the job they will be doing in the period head. This P a g e | 15 MoCI Business Plan 2014 requires a good understanding by the appraiser of the appraisee’s future work plan and a careful assessment of their training needs. Stage Rewarding The final process is to apply the outcome of the appraisal to decisions on salary, promotion and other rewards for excellent performance, or if the outcome has been negative, to corrective actions that can put the employee back on track or move them into another more suitable job. 1.7.2 Departmental Work plans: Work planning is a dynamic process. It is carried out throughout the year to meet priorities and to anticipate and respond to emerging issues with the resources available. A department should prepare the workplan of the activities for which it has oversight authority to identify the areas most in need of attention and to set priorities for the sequence and proportion of resources to be allocated. The key components of the work plan are: Outputs: are the desired outcomes that the ministry wants to achieve. Activities: outline significant courses of action to be taken by the ministry to accomplish goals. Milestones: indicate the degree of success a ministry has in working toward its goals. Timeline: The timeframe in which an activity is expected to be completed and goal achieved. The workplan will be a generic document that the whole ministry will reference. Having a departmental workplan in place will provide an insight to all the staff about the work that ministry’s departments will do in a particular fiscal year. This itself creates coordination and synergy and improves PMS. While preparing the annual workplan managers should insist at outset that deliverables be SMART: Specific – clear, understood what aiming to achieve Measurable – some tangible evidence or proof that was achieved Achievable – under control of Ministry, not over-ambitious, solid milestones Realistic – in light of dept. capacity, (know-how) and resources, and time Time bound – put timeline in for activities/milestones 1.7.3 Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantitative and qualitative measures used to review an organization’s progress against its goals. These are broken down and set as targets for achievement by departments and individuals. The achievement of these targets is reviewed at regular intervals. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will help managers and Heads of Departments understand how their individual staff or units are performing in relation to their strategic goals and objectives. Characteristics of a KPI are as follows: Relevant to and consistent with the ministry’s vision, strategy and objectives Representative – appropriate to the ministry together with its operational performance; Realistic – fits into the ministry’s constraints and cost effective; Specific – clear and focused to avoid misinterpretation or ambiguity; Attainable – requires targets to be set that are observable, achievable, reasonable and credible under expected conditions as well as independently validated; Measurable – can be quantified/measured and may be either quantitative or qualitative; Timely – achievable within the given timeframe; Understood – individuals and groups know how their behaviors and activities contribute to overall ministry goals; Agreed – all contributors agree and share responsibility within the ministry; Reported – regular reports are made available to all stakeholders and contributors; Governed – accountability and responsibility is defined and understood; Assessed – regular assessment to ensure that they remain relevant. P a g e | 16 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 2: Key Performance Indicators Context 1.8 Business Planning Process This Business Plan spans the period of the next 12 months from April 2014 to March 2015. The Ministry’s main achievements last year can be found in Annex A. The Business Planning process was coordinated by MoCI’s Strategic, Policy and Planning Directorate 3 (SPPD) and led by the Strategic Planning department . The process to prepare the Business Plan (BP) was as follows; 3 The DfID-funded TAMoCI project provided considerable technical assistance in support of this endeavor. P a g e | 17 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 3: MoCI Business Planning 10-Step Process MoCI Business Planning – 10 Step Process Form working group 1 Jan 2014 2 SPPD Workshop planning inputs (For Heads of Dept) Mid Jan 2014 Workshop conducted 3 Draft Plan Inputs Jan 16 - 30 Dept Head Feed back on drafts Feb 01 – 10 4 SPPD 5 Final draft inputs Feb 10 - 15 Consolidates inputs (draft business plan) Feb 15 - 28 Dept Head 6 SPPD 7 Workshop conducted Business plan presented to all Senior Officials of the ministry in a workshop Mar 01 - 04 Prepares the final draft of the business plan Mar 05 - 10 8 SPPD 9 $ Minister signs off and approves the plan Mid March 2014 The Minister 10 Communication Dept disseminates and communicates Communications Dept In order to prepare its Annual Business Plan, 19 MoCI Central Directorates were requested to provide departmental workplans and a template was provided to them during workshops to explain the process and respond to any questions.. It was agreed that Ministry work planning would emanate from the department level for granularity and accountability. These would then be aggregated to the Directorate level. Annex B shows the Ministry organizational “architecture” for business planning purposes that was essentially 3 levels – work division, Directorate and department. Note that there are 3 General Directorates and so any Directorates under them were listed as “departments”. The architecture was necessary in order to assign a clear numbering system to each Ministry deliverable that could be traced back through department, directorate and work division for purposes of monitoring and reporting. It is assumed that each department head or manager would in turn develop action plans for each deliverable but these are not captured in the Ministry Business Plan as this would make the Plan document too unwieldy. P a g e | 18 MoCI Business Plan 2014 A tool was developed to aid departments draft work-plans and the Strategic Planning dept. to assess draft departmental work-plans and provide meaningful feedback (see text box below). SPPD’s Strategic Planning Dept. with support of the ASI project provided considerable advice and guidance to many departments across MoCI in preparing departmental work-plans. Text Box 1: Dept. Work-plan Assessment Tool STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE (SO): Refer to the Ministry’s strategic framework (derived from the Ministry’s Strategic Plan 2011-15). There are 7 of these. Internal departments (those that support other MoCI departments/directorates) should select SO7 – “ensure MoCI has the capacity to deliver its role”. These are the objectives for the whole Ministry so the Directorates/Departments do not need their own objectives. SUB-STRATEGY: These are also derived from the Ministry’s Strategic Plan. But departments can create their own sub-strategy if this is necessary and appropriate, and these will be included in the update to MoCI’s Strategic Plan later this year. The sub-strategy should reflect the main function of the department. The department function can be derived from the Directorate’s Terms of reference and individual staff job descriptions. OUTPUT: to achieve strategies, suitable deliverables have to be determined that contribute to implementation of the selected strategy. An output should be a noun not a verb. It needs to be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Outputs should be tangible/concrete and provide evidence that activity was performed. MILESTONES: these are steps toward producing the output. Milestones should be measurable to indicate progress. Milestones are also nouns. ACTIVITIES: these are the main actions to be performed that will result in the output. Activity progress will usually be tracked through milestones. STAKEHOLDERS: external stakeholders will need to be consulted on activities and outputs so the workplan should indicate who these stakeholders are. EXTERNAL TA: a department may have access to external technical assistance (TA) - usually donor resource - to help deliver on a workplan activity TIMELINE: the workplan should indicate a suitable timeline for the output to be produced – start and end date. P a g e | 19 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2 Direct Reporting to the Minister This work division within MoCI comprises: Office of Chief of Staff (Minister’s Office); Internal Audit; Legal Affairs; Strategy, Policy and Planning (SPPD); and Petroleum Regulation dept. (PRD). The terms of reference are provided for each Directorate/independent department as well as its organizational chart and a summary of the Directorate deliverables expected to be produced in the upcoming year. The summary is derived from individual departmental work-plans in the respective directorate and can be found in Annex C. Departmental work-plans show strategies, key outputs, main activities, milestones, stakeholder consultation, external support and timeframe. 2.1 Office of the Chief of Staff 2.1.1 Terms of Reference The Office of the Chief of Staff has a key role to play in ensuring Ministerial business is well organised and conducted efficiently. In this capacity, the Office handles Ministry correspondence; oversees logistical arrangements in support of the Minister’s schedule; provides secretarial support to the Minister and Deputy Ministers, and organises a secure document management and archiving system for the Minister’s cabinet and parliamentary papers and documents. Coordinate objectives and activities of the Ministry’s departments for briefing the MoCI Minister and other relevant authorities Establish and regulate working relations between the departments and make coordination among MoCI divisions and other national and international agencies Coordinate affairs and maintain parliamentary relations through the Office of State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Regulate delivery of services through the Office of the Minister in improvement of economic and social programs Regulate and monitor all affairs related to archives; handle and dispatch letters on time to the Ministry’s divisions, other ministries and independent government agencies while maintaining confidentiality Receive and process the petitions received Coordinate the Minister’s appointments and meetings according to the relevant schedules and plans Issue directives, approvals and orders of the competent authorities to the relevant departments after receiving guidance from the Minister Brief and submit general reports to the President Office Coordinate foreign travels and internal trips of the Minister to the provinces according to the plan and prepare reports on the Minister’s official trips to the President P a g e | 20 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 4: Chief of Staff Org Chart 2.1.2 Summary Workplan 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.1 Office of the Chief of Staff 2.1.1 Provincial Relations Department Make trips to provinces Issue guidelines, policies, plans and directives of the Minister to the departments of MoCI in the provinces and ensure their implementation Obtain results of assessments made by the MoCI offices in the provinces Provide reports to the President from provincials work trips of the Minister Resolve the issues and problems 2.1.2 Communications and Documents Department Effectively manage the letter dispatching system among the MoCI departments Provide working relationships with key ministries and other government institutions and committees Regulate matters related to the Council of Ministers and the Parliament Build effective working relationships between the Minister and the private sector Provide required facilitations for effective function of the MoCI administrative team Provide administrative support and secretariat services Carry out daily activities Promulgation of presidential decrees P a g e | 21 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Perform activities related to the Minister’s visitors Effective regulation of letter-communication in the ministry Carry out Capacity-building programs 2.2 Internal Audit 2.2.1 Terms of Reference The key function of the Internal Audit Directorate is the detection, prevention and correction of financial irregularities within the financial system of the Ministry. As such, the Directorate is responsible for ensuring the completeness, accountability, transparency and accuracy of financial records and producing audit reports for MOCI management. This work is crucial to the effective management of MOCI, as well as to its reputation and credibility, and to the achievement of MOCI’s strategic objective to ensure that MOCI has the capacity to deliver on its role. The following ToR has been prepared according to first article of Part One of audit and control law, first article internal audit regulation and relevant procedures for reviewing financial, accounting and administrative activities of central and provincial offices of MoCI and cover the following: Regularly audit and review financial, accounting and administrative operation of the central and provincial divisions of the Ministry according to the annual plan of the Internal Audit Directorate Monitor implementation of the directives, laws, regulations, terms of references, procedures and other legislations regarding financial, accounting and administrative affairs of the Ministry Monitor implementation of decisions and recommendations of previous audits; analyze and evaluate the audits implemented and determine the nature of the irregularities and wrongdoings Monitor and keep track of the funds and equipment donated by local and foreign organizations after they are collected and registered by the departments in all divisions of the Ministry Monitor levying taxes, stamp taxes (Sokook) and other revenues Monitor regulation and function of financial and accounting forms and provide consultations for its enhancement Monitor and control Directorate’s performance quality Figure 5: Internal Audit Org. Chart P a g e | 22 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.2.2 Summary Workplan 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.1 First Group of Audit Department Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Others 2.2.2 Second Group of Audit Department Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents 2.2.3 Analysis and Evaluation Department Analysis and evaluation Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Others 2.3 Legal Affairs 2.3.1 Terms of Reference The Legal Affairs Directorate is responsible for providing the Ministry with independent advice on a wide range of legal issues that relate to its responsibilities. As such, the Directorate contributes towards a range of MOCI’s strategic objectives for 2015, including, improving the enabling and regulatory environment for business and Afghanistan’s DBI ranking; ensuring the private sector operates fairly and equitably and ensuring pro-poor growth, by ensuring that the legal framework supports these longer term ambitions. P a g e | 23 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Lead and coordinate design, development and process of business laws and regulations according to national and international standards Review previous laws and regulations on business and trade and adapt them to new and implementable standards Develop terms of references, procedures and other legislative documents for the prevailing business laws and regulations Coordinate all activities associated with development and drafting of business legislation of the Ministry Provide legal services to the Ministry and collaborate in designing and drafting of business contracts, international agreements and conventions on trade Consult the MoCI on legal issues including reviewing the implementation of laws in the scope of the Ministry’s activities and deal with the legal aspects of administrative challenges existing for the Ministry Figure 6: Legal Affairs org. Chart 2.3.2 Summary Workplan 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.3 Legal Affairs Directorate 2.3.1 Development and draft trade Documents Department Develop consumer protection law to provide welfare for consumers Prepare amendments for increasing quality of production Develop Design of Industries to increase the quality in the national level Develop Control trade of good and strategic service law in order to prevent import of biological weapon Develop safety regulation of trade centres to decrease risks Growth and develop business and remove barriers 2.3.2 Legal advice and remove administrative barriers Department Provide facilitation Develop Industries Design , Control trade of goods and strategic services and consumer protection laws Build relation and remove administrative barriers Accelerate enforcement process of Design of Industries law Accelerate enforcement process of Control trade of Goods and strategic services P a g e | 24 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning 2.4.1 Terms of Reference SPPD supports the Ministry in policy, planning, strategy, monitoring and donor coordination. Specifically it has the following key functions: Design and prepare MoCI strategic plan in accordance to the ANDS Design and develop policies on market development, trade , private sector and industry Collect data and statistical information and information on requirements of MoCI for designing development projects and business plans Identify and classify the requirements of central and provincial departments of the MoCI based on predefined priorities and incorporating them with the MoCI strategic plan Design and cost estimation of development and construction projects and submit proposals for obtaining financial and technical supports Seek financial supports from the donors for implementation of the ministry’s development projects Submit proposals to the donors for financial and technical supports Design and integrate short, mid, and long term plans, proceed with their approval and submit them to the relevant departments of Ministry Prepare reports on activities and performances of all MoCI departments and submit the reports to relevant authorities Coordinate and establish relations with other countries and national and international organizations for obtaining financial and technical supports Monitor implementation of development projects and MoCI’s planned activities; analyze and identify challenges in the Ministry and find solutions for them Monitor the implementation of construction projects in accordance with the laws and regulations Monitor the implementation of projects in accordance with the pre-established terms and conditions of the contracts Develop standards, guidelines and monitoring and evaluation methodologies for the Ministry Collect, manage and incorporate data and information in a database Table 2: SPPD Functions and Depts. Matrix SPPD Departments 1 2 3 4 5 Statistics and Database Strategic Planning Donor Relations Monitoring and Evaluation Policy Development 6 Design of Development Programs FUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P a g e | 25 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 7: SPPD Org. Chart 2.4.2 Summary Workplan 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.1 General Department of Statistics and Database Collecting data and statistical numbers Monitoring and controlling statistical data Establishing relation with relevant agencies Study the Possibilities of establishing Management Information System (MIS)/database Developing mechanism for collection and exchange of information between MoCI and the relevant departments (Central Statistics Organization, the Export Promotion Agency of Afghanistan, customs etc.) 2.4.2 Strategic Planning Department Monitoring and monthly, squarely and annual reporting of Ministry’s business plan Ad Hoc Monitoring and reporting Annual Business Planning (2015) for MoCI designed and managed Updated MoCI Strategic Plan 2011-15 Upgraded Bus. Plan monitoring framework 2.4.3 Donor Relations Department Improved MoCI donor coordination mechanism (internal) Monitored MoCI donor projects New projects - initiated by donors P a g e | 26 MoCI Business Plan 2014 New projects - initiated by MoCI 2.4.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Department M&E Manual for Ministry Reporting on MoCI M&E performance M&E the procurement process 2.4.5 Department of Design of Development Programs Promotional –Awareness Campaign (for projects under development budget) Approved List of Project Applications (MoCI) Approved list of projects (MoE) M&E reports on MoCI development projects 2.4.6 Policy Development Department New Mechanism and Manual on policy formulation Policy Development Support Tracking and reporting on MoCI Policy Implementation Public - private partnership Secretariat to Minister on issues related to policy 2.5 Petroleum Regulations 2.5.1 Terms of Reference The Petroleum Regulation Department exists to improve the management, regulation and operations of the Petroleum Industry in Afghanistan and by so doing secure the supply of petroleum products; reduce the volatility of prices, and ensure that retail prices are reasonable. The Department is therefore critical for achieving MOCI’s third Strategic Objective for 2015 – ‘to ensure the private sector operates fairly and equitably’. This Department has got the following term of reference: Develop policies for enhancing fuels supply into Afghanistan (e.g. fixing minimum limits of oil reserves in winters) Develop and implement regulations for increasing efficiency and safety of the petroleum industry Register government and private sector’s oil and gas contracts Constantly analyze world price of petroleum products and the finished (final) costs of the products at Afghanistan’s ports Study for setting the prices for imported fuels considering the shipment costs of the goods from the importing countries into Afghanistan’s ports; identify other transportation-related expenses and estimate suitable prices for fuel products Collect, record and maintain information and statistics on imports of petroleum products at the ports mentioning the names of the exporting countries Collect information on oil and LPG prices based on updated rates from the country’s land ports and provide them to the proper authorities if necessary P a g e | 27 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 8: PRD Org. Chart 2.5.2 Summary Workplan 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.5 Petroleum Regulation Department Establish relations with petroleum traders 2.5.1 Collect data on traders importing petroleum products 2.5.2 Report to the Minister and and inform the involved parties Collect statistical data from the companies on the amount of imported petroleum products 2.5.3 Report to the Minister Obtain approval of the downstream petroleum law 2.5.4 Obtain approval of the downstream petroleum law Monitor oil and gas reserves of the companies 2.5.5 Obtain knowledge on petroleum reserves 2.5.6 Implement CNG program 2.5.7 Issue CNG license 2.5.8 Distribute petroleum licenses in new format P a g e | 28 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3 Private Sector & Industries Development This work division within MoCI comprises Private Sector Development (PSD), Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection (CPCP), Industries Technical Affairs (ITAD), and State-owned Enterprise and Corporations Coordinating Reform (SOEs). The terms of reference are provided for each Directorate/independent department as well as its organizational chart and a summary of the Directorate deliverables expected to be produced in the upcoming year. The summary is derived from individual departmental work-plans in the respective directorate and can be found in Annex C. Departmental work-plans show strategies, key outputs, main activities, milestones, stakeholder consultation, external support and timeframe. 3.1 Private Sector Development 3.1.1 Terms of Reference The function of the General Directorate for Private Sector Development is developing and implementing appropriate policies for enabling private sector growth and investment in co-ordination with key partner Ministries and Agencies. Given the critical role in setting the policy direction in this area, the General Directorate has an important contribution to a number of MOCI’s high level Strategic Objectives for 2015, primarily: improving the enabling and regulatory environment for business and Afghanistan’s DBI ranking; industrialising Afghanistan through import substitution, and ensuring pro-poor growth. The ToR is as follow: Lead, manage, and coordinate private sector development affairs Design, develop and implement policies and strategy of the private sector and review and modify the existing policies Design and develop industrial policies for improvement and enhancement of domestic and foreign investments in Afghanistan industrial sector Regulate the operation of the industrial enterprises and assist in providing technical facilities to the private sector P a g e | 29 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 9: PSD Org. Chart 3.1.2 Summary Workplan 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Data Collection and Analysis Department Use of collected data in MoCI programs, decision-makings and development of policies Study and know about the situation of the enterprises in the provinces In order to use the information to develop businesses and industries To support policies and programs of the PSD G. Directorate For full understanding of status and situation of the private sector in Kabul, Herat, Mazar and Jalalabad Do research on various sectors prioritized by the MoCI’s PSD Directorate Maintain information in database and regulate them Create a Database for the relevant agencies Business Development Services (BDS) Department Prepare policy draft of the BDS Prepare the list of loan lending institutions in a database Conduct training programs to facilitate access of SME entrepreneurs’ to consulting services SME Development Department Develop implementation plan for the SME policy (imports substitution through development of SMEs) Implement Action Plans of major sectors (agriculture, cashmere, carpets, leather) Implement SME Strategy Create working groups of women entrepreneurs P a g e | 30 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Hold an international conference on investment opportunities in Afghan leather sector Establish new working groups Develop training programs for building capacity of staff and private sector entrepreneurs Market Development Department Review formalization strategy of the economy for promotion of market and business Maintain market relationships with manufacturers Sectors of Carpets, Agribusiness, Marble, leather and Cashmere Implement SME policy and Action Plan of the Leather and Shoe-making sector Marketing for leather products through mass media marketing and advertising Implement Action Plan of the sectors of Carpets, Agribusiness, Marble and Cashmere Determine priorities of Marble Action Plan Hold national conference on cashmere sector Market cashmere sector Create working groups for carpet and agribusiness sectors Establish working groups for marketing for carpets and agribusiness sectors Establish transportation working groups for carpets and agribusiness sectors Establish working groups on access to loans for carpets and agribusiness sectors Coordinate among donor projects providing assistance to MoCI Establish WG for the packaging sector of agricultural products Establish WG for agricultural products’ sector fridge Develop FQMS project Identify challenges of the sector Develop draft Action Plan for Gemstones and semi-precious stones’ sector Implement Action Plan of gemstones and semi-precious stones sector 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.2 Policy Design and Development Department Monitor and evaluate implementation of Industrial Policy Make coordination in regards to PSD policies Building capacity of the employees 3.1.3 DBI advisory Department Monitor implementation of construction licensing reforms by Kabul municipality Start streamlining and long-term reform of Kabul Municipality’s construction licensing Discuss with AISA for lowering its fees for small entrepreneurs With the World Bank’s help, oversee reforms in the Da Afghanistan Bank for access of entrepreneurs to short/long-term loans 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection 3.2.1 Terms of Reference The Competition and Consumer Protection Directorate (CPCPD) exists to ensure effective competition in the marketplace and that consumers are protected from sub-standard or over-priced products and services. The overall aim of the work of the Directorate is to contribute to MOCI’s fourth strategic objective for 2015 – ‘to ensure that the private sector operates fairly and equitably’. The ToR for this Directorate is as follow: P a g e | 31 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Lead, regulate and coordinate activities related to promotion of export and consumers’ protection Create and maintain competitive interactions and structures in the market to ensure fair competitions in production of goods and delivery of services particularly those economic activities related to raw materials Develop policies for promotion of fair competition and consumer protection in the market Take appropriate pro-active and reactive measures to ensure fair competition in the market Coordinate and collaborate with the ministries, relevant government departments, representatives of private sector, civil society and donors to ensure fair competition in the market and to protect consumers’ rights according to the Ministry’s strategy Monitor and investigate complaints over the prices and ill-competitive activities, particularly abuse of market power Collaborate with relevant departments in development of norms and standards and setting procedures for identification of low-standard or expired products and services Monitor prices and availability of raw/basic materials in the market and report emergence or existence of possible crises in the market prices of raw materials through the relevant Deputy Minister to the Minister Collaborate, participate and provide suggestions on creation and modification of rules and regulations regarding consumers’ protection and prevention of anti-competitive activities Plan and conduct public awareness programs on promotion of competition and protect the rights of consumers in coordination with government agencies, private sector and civil society Figure 10: CPCP Org. Chart 3.2.2 Summary Workplan 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.1 Competition Promotion Department Approval of proposed draft law on competition promotion Finalize competition policy P a g e | 32 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Hold inauguration ceremony for the members of the National Board of Competition Consider an office for the national board for competition promotion Build professional skills of the employees Plan for observing the Competition International Day Hold training workshops for MoCI provincial staff 3.2.2 Consumer Protection Department Approve the draft law on Consumer Protection Finalize consumer protection policy Regulate and monitor affairs related to protecting rights of the consumers in the market Prepare plans for observing the Competition International Day Build professional capacity of the employees 3.2.3 Information Collection and Relations Department Develop website for the CPCPD Develop communications strategy Implement communications strategy Launch training sessions Create database Establish relations with stakeholders Collect/publish information 3.3 Industries’ Technical Affairs 3.3.1 Terms of Reference The Industries’ Technical Affairs Directorate (ITAD) monitors the technical and productive aspects of MOCI’s State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and State Owned Corporations (SOCs) and ensures optimum use of these assets. In this way, the Directorate has a part in achieving the first strategic objective of the Ministry ‘to improve the enabling and regulatory environment for business and Afghanistan’s DBI ranking’. The SOEs managed by ITAD, exhibit varying levels of activity or non-activity, as follows: Table 3: SOEs Managed By MoCI’s ITAD No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SOE Bagrami Textile Enterprise Herat Cotton Textile (Project) Kandahar Textile Yarn Enterprise Kandahar Wool Weaving Balkh Textile Enterprise Helmand Bust Enterprise Balkh Gin and Press Enterprise Spinzar (Kunduz) Gin and Status Partially functional Partially functional Notes Leased to small enterprises Leased to private investors CFI and Traitex (as of 2011 so not yet operational) Defunct Property is under maintenance Defunct Partially functional Functional Property is under maintenance Producing yarn as an SOE Producing cotton, oil and soap as an SOE Leased to private investor, NAPCOD, currently operating at a profit Leased to private investor, NAPCOD, Partially functional Partially functional P a g e | 33 MoCI Business Plan 2014 9 Press Enterprise Helmand Mixed Enterprise (carpentry) Partially functional currently operating at a profit Operating within a joint venture with the private sector Lead, regulate and coordinate Afghanistan’s industrial affairs Implement the Ministry’s policies and strategy in activities and services of the Directorate and analyze financial affairs of the enterprises and companies Provide technical support to manufacturing and other financial activities of the manufacturing enterprises of the Industrial Affairs Regulate industrial enterprises’ activities and assist in providing required technical facilities to the private sector Prepare industrial policy for promotion of domestic and foreign investments in Afghanistan’s industry Provide technical support to manufacturing and technical affairs of the manufacturing enterprises of the Industrial Affairs Figure 11: ITAD Org. Chart 3.3.2 Summary Workplan 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.3 Industries Technical Affairs Directorate 3.3.1 Production affairs support and maintenance Department Procure produce capital Change demo Machineries and reconstruction of enterprises Provide services to improve cotton cultivation Marketing for sales of productions in domestic and global markets Recovery of seizure assets Prevent seizure of government assets Implement operational plan of anti corruption strategy 3.3.2 Technical Affairs Department Identify useless steel and iron spare parts Facilitation for production of paints and chemical materials to private sector P a g e | 34 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Implement safety guard regulations Evaluate procurement request regard Machines, spare parts and other equipments Statistics of chemical materials Approach for keeping chemical materials 3.3.3 Technical Study and Industries Development Department Attract Private Sector Provide Facilities and opportunities Insert statistic report of SoEs into database Development and growth of industries Increase quality, quantity and capacity productions Oversee the relevant Enterprises 3.4 State-owned Enterprises and Corporations Coord. Reform & Financial Analysis 3.4.1 Terms of Reference The State Owned Enterprises and Corporations Co-ordination Reform and Financial Analysis Directorate (SOECRFAD) is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the financial management, accounting affairs and budget sheets of MOCI’s SOEs and SOCs. As such, the Directorate has a responsibility for providing technical training on valuation of assets, accounting and balance sheet analytical techniques, and financial auditing to enable staff in the enterprises to perform standard financial functions. Lead, manage and coordinate reform programs and analysis of financial affairs of enterprises and corporate Make recommendations for implementation of the reforms already approved to boost the effectiveness of operation of public enterprises and corporations Collect information, and provide specific proposals and reports for privatization of corporations and enterprises Design, develop and implement private sector policies and strategies Regulate and monitor financial and fiscal activities of state-owned enterprises and corporate Assist in regulating records of all activities of the state-owned enterprises and corporate and regularly report to the MoCI Conduct studies for understanding affairs and activities of financial institutions P a g e | 35 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 12: SOECCR Org. Chart 3.4.2 Summary Workplan 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.4 SoEs and Corporation Coordination Reform Implementation and Financial Analysis Directorate 3.4.1 SoEs Reform Implementation Department Study and provide suggestion on implementing reforms in financial and ecumenical issues of SoEs and Corporations Implement reforms which approved by cabinet on SoEs and Corporations Review SoEs and Corporations to enable them according to instruction of the Minister Participate in meetings of high council of SoEs and General association of shareholders and management board of corporations 3.4.2 Financial Analysis of SoEs and Corporations Department Monitor and Coordination of accounting activities(Balance and estimated financial plan) of SoEs and Corporations Review the budget balance( Financial Plan) of SoEs and Corporations in order to present to MoF Control and provide a report on financial evaluation process of SoEs and Corporations to the Director Provide summary reports about accounting activities of SoEs and Corporations P a g e | 36 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4 Trade This work division within MoCI comprises International Trade, Transit and Trade Facilitation, Export Promotion (EPAA), Exhibition Facilitation and Central Business Registry (CBR). The terms of reference are provided for each Directorate/independent department as well as its organizational chart and a summary of the Directorate deliverables expected to be produced in the upcoming year. The summary is derived from individual departmental work-plans in the respective directorate and can be found in Annex C. Departmental work-plans show strategies, key outputs, main activities, milestones, stakeholder consultation, external support and timeframe. 4.1 International Trade 4.1.1 Terms of Reference The General Directorate for International Trade provides guidance and advice on the negotiation and monitoring of all trade agreements (bilateral, regional and international). The General Directorate is also charged with pursuing a tariff reduction plan in line with negotiations with SAFTA and the Industrial Policy for Afghanistan: “The Government reconfirms its commitment to an open economy 4 characterised by generally low tariffs.” Lead, manage and coordinate affairs related to Afghanistan’s international trade Develop policies and comprehensive strategy for trade in consultation with the central directorates and other stakeholders Implement bilateral, regional and multilateral trade agreements in which the government of Afghanistan is a signatory Legalize the international conventions and regional agreements signed by Afghanistan in order to create framework for facilitating international trade Make arrangements for negotiations and making close consultations with government agencies and the private sector in relation to bilateral or multilateral agreements to specify the conditions under which trades between Afghanistan and other countries take place Conduct and coordinate efforts for Afghanistan's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and obtaining membership in the organization of regional trade cooperation Ensure application of WTO standards on Afghanistan’s laws and regulations Assist in marketing for the development of Afghanistan's exports in foreign countries and holding exhibitions of Afghan products by Afghan trade attaches abroad Acquire preferential privileges for Afghanistan’s exports to other countries Attract foreign investment in various sectors in cooperation with the Ministry’s representations abroad Facilitate operations and resolve problems existing for businessmen inside and outside the country through foreign trade representations and the relevant internal agencies Collect and maintain the latest information on Afghanistan’s imports and exports, and analyze data for achieving appropriate pattern in regards with export and import of goods and services Analyze and evaluate business environment and provide information to the competent authorities 4 Whilst tariffs are ultimately the domain of Customs and Revenue, the General Directorate has a role to play in guiding policy to facilitate the completion of trade agreements, favourable to Afghan traders. P a g e | 37 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Find market for Afghan products and facilitate business for traders and investors in the country and abroad Study, implement and regulate customs tariffs Figure 13: International Trade Org. Chart 4.1.2 Summary Workplan 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreement Directorate WTO Department Finalize mutual discussions with members of WTO including USA, European union, Turkey and Taiwan Analogous of Afghanistan laws with WTO requirements Conduct working group fifth meeting on accession of Afghanistan to WTO Raise public awareness on WTO Efficient use of technical assistance of the international organizations and the WTO preferential programs Bilateral Agreements Department Reach and implement bilateral agreements for promotion of trade Bilateral Agreements Department Implement ECOTA P a g e | 38 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Prepare ECO annual Action Plan on holding the meetings Decrease sensitive list of goods for adapting to SAFTA rules Provide comments on SAFTA agreement Ensure enforcement of SAFTA agreement Finalize SAFTA Offer lists on Services 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.2 Trade Analysis and Promotion Directorate World Trade Policies Analysis Department Collect and analyze statistical data Ensure enforcement and analysis of the economic impacts of implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements (e.g. SAARC, ECO and etc) Analyze trade in goods Analyze trade in goods and industries Analyze trade in agricultural products Develop and analyze Afghanistan’s trade policy Business Services and External Agencies G. Department Increase of exports Introduction of Afghanistan’s goods at international fairs Solving problems the traders face through the trade attachés and doing marketing for exported goods Attraction of foreign investments Consolidation of reports on activities of the trade attachés Building capacity of the employees 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation 4.2.1 Terms of Reference The Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate (TTFD) is responsible for developing the policies, infrastructure and co-ordination mechanisms needed to ensure efficient transit arrangements within and outside of Afghanistan in order to further international trade. Overall, it is a central actor for achieving MOCI’s second strategic objective to improve international competitiveness and trade through efficient, low cost transportation of Afghan goods within and beyond Afghanistan’s borders. Lead, manage, and regulate transit affairs and provision of business facilitations Develop specific policies for facilitating transit and trade and use of air and land cargo systems Regulate and coordinate transit and transportation of foreign goods shipped through Afghanistan’s soil Gain Afghanistan's accession to international conventions relating to transit and trade facilitation Promote competitiveness of Afghanistan’s transit routes Standardize documents and procedures for transit and trade facilitation in cooperation with relevant agencies P a g e | 39 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Provide appropriate consultations for providing the highest possible level of facilitations for trade and transit through studies and surveys Figure 14: Transit Org. Chart 4.2.2 Summary Workplan 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.1 Transit Department Provide Facilitation Receive information on transit goods Process Documents of transit goods Improve transit activities and provide transit services and meet the related problems Facilitation and process all internal transit documents Prepare transit regulation 4.2.2 Trade Facilitation Department Operate Ashkashem and Islam Qala Ports Improve Spin Boldak port and extend dual trade relation in region Procure one Ship Control ports Manage affairs of freight companies Monitor and control activities of freight companies in the ports 4.2.3 Agreements Department Transit route of Chabahar Zarang Implement TEER Convention in the country APTTA Agreement Cross border meeting between Afghanistan and Iran Tripartite agreement between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan P a g e | 40 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Provide draft of transit agreement with Turkmenistan 4.3 Export Promotion 4.3.1 Terms of Reference The Export Promotion Directorate (branded as the Export Promotion Agency Afghanistan or EPAA) has a core role in facilitating export growth in Afghanistan, working alongside the General Directorate for International Trade and the Trade and Transit Facilitation Directorate. Provide consultations and comments for developing export promotion policies Increase exports in the existing markets and explore potential markets through promotion of competition and developing relations with markets Do Marketing for Afghan products through utilization of new technologies and the Internet Facilitate and provide the opportunities for participation of Afghan traders in exhibitions, conferences and other economic forums inside Afghanistan and at the international level. Provide facilitations and capacity building training programs for Afghan traders and exporters to raise their know-how on exports and international trade Protect interests of exporters and facilitate export processes through reforms, simplification of procedures and improvement of the related policies Identify and eliminate barriers to the exports through assistance and consultation of the departments and other concerned agencies Collect figures and information in relation to the exports and record them in the database for later use, and if necessary, presenting to relevant authorities Figure 15: EPAA Org. Chart 4.3.2 Summary Workplan 4.0 Trade 4.3 Export Promotion Directorate 4.3.1 Development of Manufacturing and Marketing Introduce Afghan traders and products to Azerbaijan’s markets Introduce Afghan products to the domestic and foreign traders P a g e | 41 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Introduce Afghan traders to markets and introduce Afghanistan’s products to SAARC member countries Introduce Afghan products to Kazakh market Introduce Afghan products in Italy and find markets for different items particularly Afghanistan's cashmere Introduce Afghan products in Spain and find markets for different items particularly Afghanistan's saffron 4.3.3 Information and Database General Department Marketing for Afghan goods in Dubai Collect information and find markets for Afghan goods in Turkey Enhance capacity of the Export Promotion Directorate Enhance capacity of traders of the export sectors Introduce Herat traders to traders from other provinces 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation 4.4.1 Terms of Reference Develop plans for holding exhibitions inside Afghanistan and abroad and coordinate the related affairs Cooperate and coordinate for effective presence of the relevant trade, manufacturing, mining and agricultural agencies of Afghanistan in national and international exhibitions Conduct training programs for raising awareness of the participants of exhibitions Integrate and evaluate reports of participants in exhibitions held abroad and send them to the concerned authorities Develop informational databases of the exhibitions held inside the country and abroad Establish relations with other countries’ institutions involved in exhibitions affairs and economic sectors of foreign embassies through diplomatic channels Hold seminars and arrange negotiations on economic, trade and social issues between domestic and foreign participants of the exhibitions Arrange location and timings of fairs; reserve exhibition halls and parking lots; set up stands for the exhibition and make coordination for attending national and international exhibitions Figure 16: Exhibition facilitation Org. Chart 4.4.2 Summary Workplan 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation Directorate 4.4.1 Administration General Department Prepare and reserve halls Maintenance of assets related to the department 4.4.2 Accounting General Department Lease and rent extra areas Generate revenue Create storage P a g e | 42 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Construct building of exhibition by the foreign countries 4.4.3 Coordination and Conduct General Department Hold exhibitions Marketing for exported goods Exchange of economic experiences Permanent fairs 4.5 Central Business Registry 4.5.1 Terms of Reference The Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR) is responsible for overseeing the process of businesses establishing themselves as legal entities in Afghanistan, either as partnerships, limited liability companies or corporations. As such, the ACBR provides registration services for businesses intending to operate in Afghanistan, ensuring an appropriate operating name, Tax Identification Number (TIN), completion of all legal requirements and publication in the Official Gazette. The Directorate therefore has a significant role to play in achieving MOCI’s strategic objective of improving the enabling and regulatory environment for business and Afghanistan’s DBI ranking. Lead, manage and coordinate affairs related to business licensing, occupations and intellectual properties Provide services for the enterprises that intend to operate in Afghanistan and ensure that such enterprises have name and TIN; completed all legal requirements and officially published in the gazette Coordinate and cooperate with the relevant departments and agencies to expand operations and services of the central registration of occupations and business activities geographically in all provinces Record and maintain the documents and data of the central registration of businesses and enterprises in the database and provide them in a timely manner to the concerned authorities when required Conduct awareness programs and provide information to the entrepreneurs about the benefits of the services of the central registration of enterprises and businesses Create an incentive system with the aim for rapid progress of registration of occupations and businesses Modify, facilitate and enhance effectiveness of businesses and occupations’ registration procedures for development and formalization of the economy Provide services relating to registration and dealing with matters of intellectual property Establish close working relationships with all ministries and agencies involved in the procedures of issuing permits/licenses Design, develop and maintain database of the licenses issued in the capital and provinces Register and keep records of the traders and the enterprises in the database of the licenses’ department Raise awareness and provide information to the public and groups that are helpful to the market economy on value and importance of licenses Publish comprehensive information about procedures and regulations for licensing and registration of businesses through the relevant authorities P a g e | 43 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 17: ACBR Org. Chart 4.5.2 Summary Workplan 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.1 Licensing and Registration Directorate Licensing and Registration Department Monitor licensing and registration processes in a step-by-step process Monitor new licensing and registration system in Jozjan province 4.5.2 Database General Department Key activities of technical departments of provinces 4.5.3 Intellectual Property Department Key activities of intellectual property Implement new provisions of innovation and trade mark law 4.5.4 Archive Department Key activities of archive department and prepare revenue report P a g e | 44 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5 Finance and Administration This work division within MoCI comprises Human resource management (HRM), Administration and Finance, Information Technology (IT), Public relations and Information (PRID) and Gender. The terms of reference are provided for each Directorate/independent department as well as its organizational chart and a summary of the Directorate deliverables expected to be produced in the upcoming year. The summary is derived from individual departmental work-plans in the respective directorate and can be found in Annex C. Departmental work-plans show strategies, key outputs, main activities, milestones, stakeholder consultation, external support and timeframe. 5.1 Human Resource Management 5.1.1 Terms of Reference The Human Resources Directorate (HRD) has a critical role to play to ensure that MOCI has the human resource capacity to fulfil the Ministry’s responsibilities and achieve its strategic objectives. It can therefore be considered a prominent actor for achieving MOCI’s higher strategic objective for 2015, of ensuring that MOCI has the capacity to deliver on its role. Lead, supervise and regulate the Ministry’s Human Resources Provide advices on human resource’s policies to the competent authorities Implement human resources policies in line with government policies and strategies Create and develop procedures for better delivery of services, effectiveness and transparency Implement sustained administrative reforms based on the needs of the Ministry Enforce laws, regulations and guidelines related to the civil servants in all relevant areas Hire qualified individuals and cadres through open competitions with respect to the principles of competence and impartiality Regulate the evaluation of civil servants’ performance and make decisions relating its implementation and assessment of results for making improvements in the framework of the pay and ranking system Prepare records of backgrounds and personal information of the civil servants of the Ministry and insert all the information in the HR database Assess the needs for conducting trainings and prepare training plans and programs for enhancing professional capacity of the employees Design, develop and regulate the MoCI Tashkeel according to the Ministry’s strategy and Requirements Implement the new pay and ranking system according to the law and guidelines of the of the Administrative Reforms and Civil Service Commission P a g e | 45 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Figure 18: HR Org. Chart 5.1.2 Summary Workplan 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.1 Personnel Records & Database Department Employees’ performance appraisal Database and records Staff attendance 5.1.2 Recruitment Department Identify and advertise vacant posts Staff recruitment Support Appointment Committee Support records and trainings sections 5.1.3 Capacity-Building Department Finding training gaps Prepare budget for training programs Increase capacity of MoCI staff Provide information to newly-hired employees on MoCI objectives and activities Provide facilitation for introduced students Process tashkeel for 1394 Accelerate work processes and timely performance of the employees 5.1.4 Staff Relations Provide safe working environment Provide information to employees and enforce law To address problems existing for employees and ensure their satisfaction P a g e | 46 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.2 Administration & Finance 5.2.1 Terms of Reference This Directorate has a dual responsibility for managing and co-ordinating the financial and administrative affairs of the Ministry. As such, the Directorate has a leading role in achieving the Ministry’s supporting strategic objective for 2015 – ‘to ensure that MOCI has the capacity to deliver on its role’. Organize, coordinate and regulate the Ministry’s finance and administration affairs Implement financial and administrative policies, laws and regulations Identify the needs of all units of the Ministry and make timely decisions for provision of them Formulate regular and development budgets, follow the required process, obtain approval, make timely decisions for issuance of the allocated funds and ensure timely and definitive reports of the related authorities on the expenditure of the funds Obtain allocation of budget from the Ministry of Finance quarterly and annually, and monitor the procedures such as form fillings for the allocation and possible modifications Monitor and Evaluate expenditure of the regular and development budget by the relevant fund recipients Coordinate activities relating to financial, budgetary and money transfer of the Ministry in cooperation with relevant departments Regulate and take care of the incomes of the Ministry, and transfer them in time to the relevant governmental department’s account Prepare, plan and purchase the required equipment goods as requested by the relevant departments of the Ministry Hold bidding sessions with local and international participants according to the Law of Procurement in order to receive suitable offers for provision of the equipment in need for the Ministry’s departments Obtain accurate information about the market price of goods according to the purchase order forms Collect information, compile MIS reports Figure 19: Admin & Finance Org. Chart P a g e | 47 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.2.2 Summary Workplan 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.1 Budget Department Develop budget Prepare fiscal plan Demand budget allocation from the MoF Prepare reports on use of budget in the Ministry and the provincial departments 5.2.2 Accounting Department Implement accounting laws and regulations Oversee payment of monthly and other salaries of the employees Oversee and regulate revenues Oversee cash transference and accounting documents Oversee reporting process on revenue and expenditure budgets Hold meetings with relevant departments 5.2.3 Services Department Implement MoCI construction projects Provide transportation services Develop and maintain plans for better coord. of the activities Maintain and clean 5.2.4 Procurement Department Procure equipments, services and make construction contracts based on proposals from the Directorates Participate in meetings, obtain approval for processing the contracts and demand list for annual needs of the departments Equipments records Receive, register and determine all procured equipments and the contracts by the responsible officer Prepare transference, receipts and restitution forms Process/follow construction logistics and deal construction agreements 5.3 Information Technology 5.3.1 Terms of Reference The core roles of the Information Technology (IT) Department include developing and maintaining reliable, sustainable and technically sound operating systems, networks, email, shared drives and internet access. In June 2010, USAID produced an Information Technology Roadmap which provided guidance on the priorities over the next period of the IT Department’s work. The objectives, activities and outcomes for the year ahead are faithful to the priorities identified in the Roadmap. Lead, manage and organize IT services for all central and provincial departments of the Ministry Create and prepare IT strategy for the central and provincial units of the Ministry Install and maintain all IT systems at the Ministry P a g e | 48 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Design and implement local networks (LAN and WAN) for access of all staff of the Ministry and provincial departments Set up a central server system to provide services to all users and maintain the information stored Set up advanced telephone services inside and outside the central office and configure and develop voicemail service Develop the website of the Ministry to provide information about the ministry for the viewers Repair computers, printers, photocopy machines and other equipment of the IT unit Set and operate the security cameras in the Ministry Provide guidance to the Ministry staff regarding effective use of IT Figure 20: IT Org. Chart 5.3.2 Summary Workplan 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.3 Communication and Information Technology Department 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 Provide IT services and facilitation for MoCI Improve and extend IT system in central, provincial and second unit offices Install new IT system for the Ministry 5.4 Public Relations and Information 5.4.1 Terms of Reference The Public Relations and Information Directorate (PRID) is charged with improving the image and credibility of MOCI and managing Ministerial relationships with external stakeholders. Its focus on formulating and communicating messages, places the PRID at the fore of the work required to achieve MOCI’s sixth strategic objective ‘to promote the market economy and increase understanding of how it operates’. Create and develop policies and strategy for information and public relations of the Ministry Lead, regulate and coordinate affairs related to information and public relations in the MoCI Provide information to the public through mass media, publications and the website of the Ministry in audiovisual forms so that the people know the objectives, programs and activities of the MoCI Publish objectives and activities of the central and provincial divisions of the Ministry P a g e | 49 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Reflect events, conferences and meetings of the leadership of MoCI inside and outside the country through mass media publications Regulate and coordinate exchange of information and mutual cooperation and relations with the following government authorities and NGOs: 1. Ministries and government departments 2. Foreign organizations (donors) 3. The media 4. The private sector Prepare ads and other marketing for raising public awareness Prepare, organize and develop information and materials for broadcast for having updated the website and the relevant publications Study and analyze the media, local and international print publications relating to the status, policies and functions of the MoCI and report to the Minister Figure 21: PRID Org. Chart 5.4.2 Summary Workplan 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.4 Public Relation and Information Directorate 5.4.1 Information Department Share activities and achievements of MoCI through Media to the public sector Reflect the good image of MoCI the Media Prepare and Translate all Speech of Minister Video record and take picture of all events in MoCI Sign contract with Printed media for getting daily information for the minister, DMs and directors 5.4.2 Provinces Relation Department Invite mass media to media conference and round table of the Ministry Build relation and coordination with Ministries and agencies Manage, update and develop website of MoCI Analyze and Review of the Media P a g e | 50 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.5 Gender 5.5.1 Terms of Reference The purpose of the Gender Unit is to ensure equal opportunities for the economic and social advancement for women both within MOCI and within the Afghan economy as a whole. Develop plans for implementation of gender equality programs in all MoCI departments Develop strategies for implementation of the Gender Action Plan to meet the goals of the MoCI Develop plans for raising public awareness about proper implementation of gender equality policy Make decisions for achieving the goals of gender equality policies and programs Raise awareness about policies, laws and regulations of the MoCI in relation to gender equality and provide the necessary consultations Ensure implementation of gender equality policy in the MoCI’s directorates and report to the DM Finance and Admin Introduce the employees of the MoCI to gender-related workshops inside and outside the Ministry Organize capacity development programs for MoCI staff with focus on gender equality Report to the DM Finance and Administration on the progress of the implementation of gender equality policies Figure 22: Gender Org. Chart 5.5.2 Summary Workplan 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.5 Gender Department 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 Share Gender ideas and comment s Gender awareness and capacity-building Increase number of women staff and enhance their role to the high level Create safe working environment for the women staff Communicate with women entrepreneurs P a g e | 51 MoCI Business Plan 2014 6 Stakeholder Mapping 6.1 Overview This section provides an overview of the key actors and external/inter-ministerial bodies that have a role to play in supporting MOCI’s strategic objectives, spanning Government Ministries and Agencies, the Minister’s role in higher level Government institutions, donors, the media and the private sector itself. This Plan has identified the mechanisms through which these myriad partners are to be engaged, through the core channels of the Office of the Chief of Staff, the Public Relations and Information Directorate and relevant policy specific or sector specific committees set up by line Directorates. However, it is important for all working units of the Ministry to be mindful of these partners, and the opportunities they present to further the work outlined in this Plan. To that end, chapters 6.2 - 6.5 provide an overview of each of the key partners in the field of private sector development . 6.2 Government 6.2.1 Partner Ministries In most other countries, macroeconomic policy (principally the remit of the Ministry of Finance), which affects tax rates and credit conditions, is always a powerful influence on actual outcomes. Afghanistan is no exception here with the Ministry of Finance and its Customs and Revenue Department exerting a significant influence on the business environment, especially on traders. Further, where a country is rich in mineral resources, as is the case in Afghanistan, the role of the government in the growth of the mining sector is a critical determinant of how mining impacts economic and social outcomes (here the Ministry of Mines has the lead government role). Further, the importance of agriculture in the economy translates into key roles for the Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) and the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD). Beyond sector related Ministries, there are important partners for facilitating business growth, trade and skills development, such as the Ministry for Transport and Civil Aviation for cargo issues, the Ministry of Public Works for internal transport issues; the Ministry for Power and Water for energy issues; the Ministry of Labour for the development of trade skills, and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology for promoting e-business, Central Statistics Office (CSO) for figures and statistics, to name just a few of the areas in which these partners work. 6.2.1 Partner Agencies There are three agencies whose activities are closely aligned with those of MOCI. They are: Afghanistan Investment Promotion Agency (AISA) which undertakes the processing of investment licenses and facilitating the necessary permits on behalf of investors; developing and managing industrial parks; organizing conferences and exhibitions to promote Afghan firms; analyzing private sector development issues; and offering individual client services for investors. Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA) which is responsible for implementation of international standards as well as regional and national standards and their application in business and industry. ANSA also has a responsibility to promote the benefits of standardization and conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology amongst government, the private sector and the general public. Civil Services Commission (CSC) Which provides continued support to the line ministries/agencies both at national and sub-natinal level through various institutional capacity building program, recruitment of various high caliber skilled and experienced senior civil service employees. P a g e | 52 MoCI Business Plan 2014 6.2.1 Minister’s Role The MOCI exerts an influence outside of its internal activities, through the following channels: Minister’s representation at Cabinet Minister’s representation at Economic Sub-Committee Minister’s role as head of the Private Sector Development Cluster Minister’s role as Chair of the High Commission on Investment which includes examination of 5 all significant investment proposals and oversight of the functions and activities of AISA. 6.3 Donors MOCI has benefitted from the support of a range of donors and donor projects in recent years, including a number that have provided direct technical support to the work of the Ministry, such as: USAID’s Afghanistan’s Trade Accession and Revenue (ATAR) and Assistance in Building Afghanistan by Developing Enterprises (ABADE); TAFA / EGGI project funded by USAID SEED project funded by DFID MCP project funded by WB DFID’s Technical Assistance to Ministry of Commerce and Industry (TAMoCI) GIZ’s support to EPAA and trade policy Harakat’s Licensing Reform Project, and the recently initiated Trade Policy Project, Strengthening Fair Competition Project, and Strengthening Consumer Protection Project The World Bank’s New Market Development Project. The jointly financed Civilian Technical Assistance Programme (CTAP) based in MOF (USAID / DFID) Donors are additionally important to MOCI through the projects managed independently from the Ministry. Examples of such projects might include DFID’s Afghanistan Business Innovation Fund (ABIF) launched last year. 5 Minister of Commerce and Industry (chairman), Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Economy, Minister of Mines, Minister of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock, Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank (central Bank), Chief Executive Officer of the AISA as a non-voting member P a g e | 53 List of Donors in Ministry of Commerce and Industries No Donor Project Implementer 1 World Bank Afghanistan New Market Development Private Sector Development 2 DFID Technical Assistance to MOCI (Phase2 Adam Smith International ( ASI) 3 HARAKAT Afghanistan Business Licensing Reform) phase2) International finance cooperation (IFC) Strengthening Consumer Protection Consumer protection and competition promotion April 2012 January 2014 Project is delayed due to the final version of CPCP Law Strengthening Fair Competition Consumer protection and competition promotion April 2012 January 2014 Project is delayed due to the final version of CPCP Law ABADE DAI ATAR Chemonics International Sustainable Economic Development Program GIZ 4 5 USAID GIZ Commence Date End Date 03/07/2011 03/07/2014 November 2013 2016 Comments Not started yet June 2014 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Functional areas of Directorates and Departments in MoCI No 1 Directorate Petroleum Dept Functional areas regulation Legal Affairs 2 EPPA 3 Facilitation transit 4 trade and Relevant government agencies Approve Downstream Petroleum law Implement CNG program and issue CNG license Legal affairs Directorate, MoJ US Embassy, Petroleum Directorate/ MoMP Develop Consumer protection law Develop industrial law Develop controlling goods trading and strategic services law Develop trading centres safety regulation Improve and develop trade and remove barriers Introduce Afghan traders and products to Azerbaijan’s markets Introduce Afghan products to the domestic and foreign traders Introduce Afghan traders to markets and introduce Afghanistan’s products to SAARC member countries Introduce Afghan products to Kazakh market Introduce Afghan products in Italy and find markets for different items particularly Afghanistan's cashmere Introduce Afghan products in Spain and find markets for different items particularly Afghanistan's saffron Provide Facilitation, Receive information on transit goods Process Documents of transit goods, Improve transit activities and provide transit services and meet the related problems Facilitation and process all internal transit documents Operate Ashkashem and Islam Qala Ports Improve Spin Boldak port and extend dual trade relation in region, Procure one Ship ,Control ports MoF, ACCI, MoFA, Custom Directorate, Legal affairs directorate/MoJ, Legal Affairs Directorate, ITD, AFCO CPCPD ITD TAFA/USAID MoI, MoUD, Municipality Qaraqul Development Agency, AfghanCard, Entrepreneurs Board Support and improve export sector projects, commercial attaché in Azerbaijan, India, Kazakistan, Italy, Spain P a g e | 55 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Internal Audit 5 Consumer Protection and Competition Promotion Approval of proposed draft law on competition promotion Finalize competition policy Hold inauguration ceremony for the members of the National Board of Competition Consider an office for the national board for competition promotion ACBRIP Monitor the business registration and licensing process and control the new registration process in Jozjan province 6 Audit High Commission MoJ, Cabinet, Parliament Offices, ACCI, Private and public agencies, Minister of Commerce, AFD, LAD/MoJ MoJ, MoF, Custom Harakat, MoI, AISA Directorate, TAFA, Key activities of Intellectual property, implement new provision of Trade mark and innovation law 7 International Trade 8 Manage affairs of freight companies, Transit route of Chabahar Zarang Implement TEER Convention in the country ,APTTA Agreement Cross border meeting between Afghanistan and Iran, Tripartite agreement between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan Review Financial, accounting, administrative, services and commercial affairs according to law, regulations, declarations, approvals and other legislative Documents Alignment of Afghanistan legislative with requirement of WTO Conduct fifth working group meeting for accession to the WTO Analyze implementation of commercial and economical agreements and analyse trade growth Develop Afghanistan trade policy Monitor the implementation of ECOTA agreement Prepare Afghanistan annual action plan in ECO Decrease sensitive list Increase export and introduce Afghanistan commercial MoJ, National Council, MoF, MAIL, CSO, Customs, MoE, MoMP, MoE, ACCI, PSDGD, EPAA and AISA P a g e | 56 MoCI Business Plan 2014 9 Exhibition Directorate goods to international exhibitions Conduct and participate in exhibitions Commercial attaché, ACCI, Export agencies, Admin and Finance Procure and prepare goods and equipments as whole sale Controller of MoF, 11 Strategic planning and Policy Directorate 11 Private Sector Development 12 or retail Procurement Improve donor coordination mechanism in MoCI New manual and mechanism for developing policies in MoCI PPP policy MoCI Business plan 1394 M&E manual Develop implementation plan for SME policy Implement action plan of main sectors (agriculture, cashmere, carpet, leather) Develop and prepare action plan for women entrepreneurs Collect information and data about private sector and SME BDS policy Prepare final list of credit sources TAMoCI CTAP Advisors SPPD, ITD, LAD, MAIL, MRRD, Carpet Guild, ACCI, MoCI, AISA P a g e | 57 6.4 Media The media sector is strong in Afghanistan and continues to act as a useful partner in raising awareness of MOCI reforms and achievements, and improving understanding of economic issues that affect businesses such as the price of fuel. The Public Relations and Information Directorate is the key MOCI interface with the media. It will seek to engage at every possible opportunity with all forms of media to put the economy, jobs and private sector development on the media agenda, facilitate acceptance of MOCI’s policies, provide meaningful information to the public and facilitate opportunities for stakeholder participation in government policy making processes/ 6.2 Private Sector The final partner in development is the client - the private sector itself. Businesses are represented through the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), with a membership of 37,000 6 members , as well as through individual business associations, such as the Afghan Builders Association or the Afghan Carpet Exporters Guild. Moreover, individual businesses speak for themselves – both large scale businesses with the capacity to lobby Government directly, as well as SMEs and informal businesses that MOCI will make active efforts to engage and support and work in partnership over the course of the coming year. Figure 23: MoCI Stakeholder Overview 6 ACCI figures as of August 2011 MoCI Business Plan 2014 7 Monitoring and Evaluation 7.1 Overview Being a key Ministry in the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) it is important that the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) monitors its progress so that it can provide evidence of the contribution it is making towards GoIRA’s development goals, as set out in the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). Reporting on progress is also a requirement of the international donor funding which MOCI currently receives. Monitoring is the ongoing process of obtaining regular feedback on the progress being made towards achieving goals and objectives. In the case of MOCI, it is primarily interested in measuring the progress made towards the goals and objectives of the Annual Business Plan, which 7 reflects the higher level objectives of the Ministry’s Strategic Plan Monitoring will allow MOCI to answer two important questions: 1. Are the directorates and departments in the Ministry taking the actions that they said they would in the Business Plan? 2. Is MOCI making progress on achieving the results that it said it wanted to achieve in the Business Plan? These are big questions and not always easy to answer, but without asking them it is not possible to properly monitor progress. Monitoring is also a continuous process which will take place at regular intervals in MOCI. Unlike Monitoring, Evaluation is not a continuous process and can be applied at any point to any activity, policy or strategy (known generically as interventions). Evaluation assesses the extent to which an intervention has contributed to its stated goals and objectives, and is undertaken for two main reasons: For accountability purposes - to provide evidence on the success or failure of an intervention in contributing towards its goals and objectives; and To learn lessons on what has worked and why, so that this can be used to improve the delivery of future interventions of the same type. Evaluations are usually carried out independently, so in the case of a major evaluation in MOCI this would generally be undertaken by an individual or team not connected with MOCI. In other words, Evaluation is mainly external. However, internal Evaluation of smaller projects can also take place. Indeed, some limited internal Evaluation is currently undertaken in the M&E department in MOCI. Evaluations are usually performed at the middle or the end of an intervention’s lifecycle and include a report which details what has been achieved and the contribution of the intervention to that achievement. The box below explains how a MOCI intervention such as support to the Cashmere sector would be evaluated. The M&E department main focus in 2014 will be on establishing a Monitoring system capable of tracking MOCI’s progress towards the goals and objectives of the Annual Business Plan, and in turn, the Strategic Plan 2011-15. 7 MOCI (2011). Strategic Plan 2011 – 15. P a g e | 59 MoCI Business Plan 2014 It is also important to draw a distinction between Audit and Monitoring & Evaluation. Unlike M&E, which are focused on measuring what results have been achieved, and in the case of evaluation, the contribution of an intervention to those results, audit is more concerned with whether appropriate process are in place and rules have been followed properly. The purpose of an audit is to assess the adequacy of controls (financial and otherwise) within an environment with the aim of improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Audit is not concerned with the way in which inputs and activities lead to outcomes and impacts in the same way as monitoring and evaluation are. Rather, it is more concerned with whether appropriate controls and procedures are in place and the extent to which these have been followed. Table 4: Features of Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit Monitoring Mainly Internal Staff Dependent Continuous Management Tool Reactive Evaluation Mainly External Independent Periodic Strategic Tool Reflective Audit Internal and External Independent Periodic Process Oriented Governance In the case of MOCI, effective Monitoring will help to improve the overall management of the Ministry. Figure 24: Benefits of Monitoring System for MoCI Better Decision Making MOCI More Effective Better Reporting MOCI Monitoring System Build MOCI’s Knowledge Take Corrective Action Monitoring serves several important purposes. In the absence of effective monitoring, it is difficult to know whether the results desired in MOCI’s Business Plan are being achieved, and if they are not, what corrective action is needed to get back on track. Without this, senior decision makers in MOCI would just be guessing and unable to make decisions based on hard evidence. Monitoring is also an essential management tool to support MOCI’s contribution to national level development strategies, such as ANDS. The M&E department is being supported to develop its own capacity by the Civilian Technical Assistance Programme (CTAP) and the DFID-funded Technical Assistance to MOCI programme. The M&E department has only four staff and it is tasked with monitoring the activities of over 1,100 people. It cannot do this on its own and requires the assistance of all the directorates and departments in MOCI to do its job properly. P a g e | 60 MoCI Business Plan 2014 There is not a fully functioning M&E system currently in place at MOCI. The last monitoring exercise took place in early 2013 and measured progress against the 1391 Business Plan. A data collection exercise across the 19 directorates and departments was undertaken and a report produced which summarised progress against the Business Plan. Although this was useful, it was a single exercise and not underpinned by an integrated monitoring system with the capability to collect and report data at regular intervals. Implementation of this system is one of MOCI’s most important objectives in 2014. The process will begin by monitoring MOCI’s progress against the objectives laid out in the 1393 Business Plan. Figure 3 below presents the nine practical steps required to do this, along with the recommended frequency of each. Figure 25: Process for Monitoring MoCI Progress againt Business Plan Agree Annual MOCI Business Plan Quarterly and Annually Annually Presentation of findings to Minister, DMs, Directorates and Departments Produce BP Monitoring Framework Annually Quarterly and Annually Develop data collection templates for each Directorate / Department Report produced summarising progress against Annual BP Quarterly Quarterly Distribute templates to each Directorate / Department Analysis of templates by M&E department Quarterly Return of completed templates to M&E department Quarterly Completion of templates by Focal Points in each Directorate / Department The nine steps in the above diagram can be summarised as follows: At the beginning of each year, the M&E department will review MOCI’s Monitoring Framework which captures the goals and objectives of the MOCI Annual Business Plan. The Monitoring department will then develop data collection templates specific to each directorate or department. This will enable each directorate or department to track its progress against the objectives in the Business Plan which are relevant to them. These will be distributed to each department for completion. The circle highlighted yellow with red text in the above diagram is important and will be discussed in more detail in the following section Once a quarter (four times per year), each directorate or department will submit its completed Business Plan Monitoring template to the Monitoring department. The department will then analyse the completed templates and produce a report which summarises the progress being made across MOCI towards the objectives of the Business Plan. The results contained in the report will then be presented to the Minister, the Deputy Ministers, directorates and departments to give them an overview of progress, and most importantly, enable them to make decisions on how to manage the performance of the Ministry over the course of the year. Throughout this introductory section, several references have been made to focal points in MOCI. In this section we explain more about what is meant by focal points and what their responsibilities are. P a g e | 61 MoCI Business Plan 2014 The responsibilities of directorate and departmental focal points are to: Work with the M&E department to agree a data collection template which captures the progress of the directorate or department towards the goals and objectives of the MOCI Annual Business Plan Gather the monitoring information required to complete the data collection template Return the completed data collection template to the M&E department at quarterly intervals Answer questions on monitoring information asked by the M&E department Attend meetings and presentations organised by the M&E department as requested. As has been explained, the M&E department in MOCI has limited resources with which to monitor the broad range of activities delivered by the Ministry. It is therefore vital that it has the support of each directorate and department to do its job. Each directorate or department will do this by nominating a focal point to gather monitoring information and liaise with the M&E department. The box below sets out the main responsibilities of the focal points in each directorate or department. It is important to emphasise that MOCI will be unable to measure its contribution to the development of Afghanistan without the full cooperation of each of the Ministry’s directorates and departments. Without the focal points in each directorate providing information on time and as requested by the M&E department, it will not be able to report on progress and provide the Minister and Deputy Minister with the information they need to make decisions. Figure 4 below depicts the flow of information up the chain from directorates to Minister and Deputy Minister, with the responsibilities of each link in the chain. Figure 26: Monitoring Information Flow in MoCI Information Flow Minister and Deputy Ministers FP - HR FP - PSD SPPD M&E Dept. FP Int. Trade Decision Making Checking & Approval Analysis & Reporting FP - SPPD FP - EPAA Performance Information This M&E system will be supplemented by future developments as follows: Part Two: The MOCI M&E Framework – will explain the purpose of an M&E Framework, what it contains and how it should be used. This will be focused on the goals and objectives of the 1393 Business Plan, as well as departmental outputs and milestones. Part Three: Collecting and Analysing Data – will take readers through methods for collecting Monitoring data, introduce the templates which will be used for this purpose and explain how to analyse the data collected. Part Four: Reporting Results – will provide guidance on how to report the results of the Monitoring exercise, including the use of tables, graphs and charts. It will show how to structure a report so that the key findings can be easily understood by decision makers. P a g e | 62 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Annex A: Ministry Achievements in Previous Year Foreword The Ministry of Commerce and Industry as the key authority for regulation, coordination and development of private sector and trade through creation of a safe and propitious environment for providing business facilitations and creation of legal, material and technical frameworks for growth and development of private sector has recognized the following strategic objectives for development of the Afghan economy: Ministry of Commerce and Industry operates based on its mission and strategic plan which is to improve Afghanistan’s economy through designing and developing of appropriate policies and regulations and providing facilitations for private sector manufacturing and businesses. The MoCI’s tashkeel in 1392 is comprised of 1134 positions. The Ministry's total budget in 1392 was 355,990,000 AFs, of which 355,990,000 AFs was disbursed to the Ministry. MoCI’s Development budget in 1392: The development budget of the Ministry was 440,320,400 AFs of which 78,298,277 AFs allocated for carpets processing was transferred to the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA), under the letter No. (373) from the MoCI dated 1392/6/4, as was decided in the meeting (No.1) of the Afghan High Economic Council, dated 1391/8/3, and the approval of Act No. (31) of the economic Council, dated 1391/8/8. Given this, the total budget remaining for the MoCI after deduction of the carpet processing budget transferred to the AISA was 362,022,123 AFs of which 221,451,136 AFs which is equivalent to 61% of the budget has been spent through the Ministry. Planned Activities and Performance In accordance with its strategic objectives, the MoCI has carried out the following activities during the fiscal year of 1392 for improvement of regional and global cooperation on trade, promotion of business, provision of transit facilitations, development of private sector, design and approval of rules, regulations and policies and attraction of domestic and foreign investments: - Issuance of 1129 new licenses and renewal of 2514 licenses - Issuance of 149 new licenses and renewal of 16 in the field of petroleum importing - Introduction of 57 transportation companies to border authorities for transportation services - Issuance of fuel pump station licenses for 15 applicants - Participation of HE Minister of Commerce and Industry in the seventh session of Trade and Investment Framework between Afghanistan and the United States held in Washington on 26-27 February 2013 - Preparation of preliminary documentations for standard certificates for Afghan agricultural products and process of carpet exports - Collection of data and information in accordance with the Council of Ministers Act No. 42 dated 25/10/1391 in relation to the assessment of the productive capacity of factories and small enterprises carried out in eight provinces P a g e | 63 MoCI Business Plan 2014 - Creation of a database for registration of petroleum importing companies and development of a website for providing direct access to the people to be able to communicate with the companies operating in import of petroleum through the internet - Regarding the implementation of SME sector policies and the eight sectoral activities plans, coordination meetings are held between MoCI and the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture and other organizations including Abadi, Faida, GIZ and other stakeholders - Tracking properties of production and textile factories seized by irresponsible people and delivery of a list of seized properties to the High Office of Oversight and Anti-Corruption, the Attorney General, and security agencies - Follow of the same problem about the 28 acres of seized lands of the Spin Zar enterprise in Kunduz province and sending the list to the Ministry of Interior Affairs - Analysis, assessment and process of the anticipated plans on 1392 of the enterprises, companies and ports; analysis and evaluation of the realization of revenue collection and expenses of the MoCI’s enterprises in the third quarter of fiscal year 1391 - Computerization of transit forms at the central unit for process of export documents at Kabul customs - Provision of facilitations in Europe to Afghan saffron traders - Sent samples of fresh and dry fruits of Afghanistan to the exhibition held in Uzbekistan; marketing for Afghanistan’s cotton by the Afghan attaché in Turkey; marketing for Saffron by the Japanese company S&b-foodsvis - Sent 35 items of sensitive list, 69 items in the positive list, 185 items in the negative list to the ECO - Participation of MoCI delegation in the fourth session of the ECO cooperation session in Tehran - Referral of Afghan professionals to the SAARC and the SARCO-SAARC Committees of Governors Board - Development of a web portal for providing information on the process of Afghanistan’s accession to WTO, raising public awareness about the process and establishing extensive communications with other parties involved in Afghanistan's accession process to the WTO as one of the essential needs for WTO accession - The downstream petroleum law has been sent to the Ministry of Justice and the Council of Ministers - The drafts of Bankruptcy Law, Industrial Design Law, Geographical Indications Law, the law of foreign trade of goods, the Business Design Law, proposals for amendments to the Corporations Law and the Law of Promotion of Competition are presented to the Ministry of Justice for further processes - Mediation Law has been submitted to the parliament for approval - The proposed amendment to the Promotion of Competitions Law is submitted to the department of economic and financial legislation of the Ministry of Justice after reconsideration P a g e | 64 MoCI Business Plan 2014 The Article of association of Qara Qul business development, registration procedures and - forms and invoices have been prepared Sending out the Afghanistan-Kazakh agreement on encouragement and reciprocal protection - of investments to the relevant authorities for implementation Preparation of statistical activities of the registered companies in weekly and monthly basis - for publishing in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of Justice Sending the draft tripartite agreement of Afghanistan, India and Iran on facilitating trades - through the sea port of Chabahar to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The required arrangements for the resolutions of the Council of Ministers, the Economic - Committee and the High Economic Council have been made in time manner and dispatched to the relevant departments based on the prescribed procedures with reporting back to the Office of Administrative Affairs. Development Projects The Ministry of Commerce and Industry had in total five development projects which include the followings: 1 – Capacity Building Implementation and Coordination Unit Project: The project began in 1388; to be ended in 1393; funded by the Afghan government; allocated fund $715,106 equivalent to 37,185,512 AFs; appropriation disbursed 33,726,578 AFs; the budget spent 33,330,429 AFs; and the remaining fund is 3,458,934 AFs. These cover 95% of the progress of the project. 2 - Process of carpets in the provinces: The project started in 1388 and to be ended in 1393; funded by the Government of Afghanistan; the allocated fund amounted to $2,220,085 equivalent to 115,444,420 AFs; the disbursed appropriation is 27,205,081 AFs of which 27,205,081 AFs are spent. The rest of the money has been transferred to the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA). 8 3 – Constructing buildings for the MoCI departments in the provinces: The project started in 1388 and to be finished in 1393; funded by the Government of Afghanistan; budget allocated $ 813,415 equivalent to 42,297,580 AFs. The disbursed fund is 10,263,674 AFs of which 10,263,674 AFs are spent on the project. The remaining of the budget is 32,033,906 AFs. The progress of the project is as follow: The construction of the surrounding walls for the observation towers of the Nangarhar carpet weavers project had been contracted in 26,283,381 AFs and 75% of the fund is already transferred to the company’s account while another 25% of the money amounting to 8,132,095 AFs is disbursed based on progress of the work and approval of the Monitoring Board. The project of paving the street of carpet weavers’ town in Nangarhar province was completed in the third quarter of the year and delivered to the … after a second time assessment. 78,298,277 AFs allocated for carpets processing was transferred to the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA), under the letter No. (373) from the MoCI dated 1392/6/4, as was decided in the meeting (No.1) of the Afghan High Economic Council, dated 1331/8/3, and the approval of Act (No.31) of the Economic Council, dated 1391/8/8. Therefore, the total budget remaining for the MoCI after deduction of the carpet processing budget transferred to the AISA was 362,022,123 AFs of which 221,451,136 AFs which is equivalent to 61% of the budget has been spent through the Ministry. P a g e | 65 MoCI Business Plan 2014 The building construction project for the MoCI local department in Khost province has further progressed 30 percent, according to the letter No. (380) of MoCI department in the province, which in addition to the 40% which was already completed, in total 70% percent of the work has been completed. It is worth to mention that the remaining 30 percent of the work will be completed until the end of the third quarter of the year and will go to the final assessment and delivery of the project. A delegation tasked by the SPP Directorate for evaluation of the physical progress of the building construction for the MoCI department in Kandahar province made an assessment of the project. According to estimations of the SPPD team, the progress of the work performed by the company responsible for the project was estimated above 50 percent. 4 – New markets development project: The project began in 1390; to be finished in 1393; funded by the World Bank; the allocated budget 4,469,094 US Dollars equivalent to 232,392,888 AFs; disbursed fund 140,310,948 AFs; budget spent 137,925,251 AFs, and the remaining amount of money is 92,081,940 AFs. 5 – Export promotion project: The project started in 1392; to be finished in 1392; funded by the Government of Afghanistan; allocated budget 250,000 US Dollars equivalent to 13,000,000 AFs; disbursed budget 9,944,855 AFs; budget spent 9,944,855 AFs; and the amount of money remaining is 3,055,145 AFs. Major achievements: The major achievements of the project for promotion of exports are as follows: - The sixth session of the joint Afghan-Kazakh intergovernmental commission for expansion of trade and economic cooperation between the two counties was held in Kabul. The sixth protocol of the joint commission for trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, which was signed by heads of the delegations at the sidelines of the meeting in Kabul, has been sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further processes. - Holding of the sixth session of the joint intergovernmental commission of Afghanistan and Kazakhstan for promotion of trade and economic cooperation between the two counties - Having signed the economic protocols between joint commissions of Afghanistan-Russia, Afghanistan-Turkmenistan, Afghanistan-Kazakhstan and the Afghan-Iranian joint commission of international land transportation - Development and conclusion of the trilateral agreement among Afghanistan, Tajikistan and China for transit and trade facilitations - Preparation and referral of the draft trilateral agreement of trade and transit among Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Signing of the understanding agreement between the MoCI and the organization of Chabahar free trade zone in Iran; and introduction of Afghan traders for investing in the Chabahar trade zone - Preparation and Proposal of draft and amendments to the following laws to the Ministry of Justice with the aim of making them consistent with the WTO laws Law on Animal Protection and Quarantine P a g e | 66 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Law on Animal Health and Veterinary Law on Food Safety Law on Standards and Technical Regulations Law on Geographical Indications Procedure on Customs Valuation Procedure on Binding Decisions Procedure on Intellectual Properties Control at Customs Amendments to the Law on Supporting the Rights of Inventors and Discoverers Amendments to the Law on Trade Marks Amendments to the Law on Supporting the Right of Authors, Composers, Artists, and Researchers (Copyrights Law) - Amendments to the Customs Law The commission of prevention of production and import of low-quality, expired and forged goods inspected the markets in Kabul city and sealed the wrongdoing shops that sold harmful and fake-colored goods. The samples of the expired and harmful items were sent to the Ministry of Health for laboratory tests and the shopkeepers referred to the Attorney Office. - The following measures have been taken for implementation of the article No. (6) of the Council of Ministers’ Act No. 40, dated 112/10/1391, on provision of facilitations for development of carpet sector: Decreasing the profit tax to 2%; establishing carpet design center in Balkh province; collecting 5% revenue from carpet processing machinery A permanent carpet exhibition to be opened soon in Kabul Reviewing policies of carpet sector functions for 1392 – 1395 Finalizing carpet sector functions plan for three next years (1392 – 1395) Holding numerous meetings with the relevant agencies on obstacles of carpet sector, its marketing, access of manufacturers to loans, opening licocastic soda factories, and transportation; taking measures for solving the challenges Establishing and formalizing working group of leather sector with the aim to provide facilitations for the sector; worth to mention that the leather sector which is approved by the Council of Ministers is apart from the clothes sector The following improvements have been made in the area of business indicators: - Decreasing fees for the new licenses for small enterprises from 100 US dollars to 50 dollars as well as decreasing fees for renewal of the small enterprises licenses to 50 dollars - Decreasing fees for issuance of new licenses for medium and large enterprises in services, agriculture, and productive sectors from 700 and 1000 US dollars to the fixed fee of 350 dollars - Decreasing fees for renewal of licenses of the medium and large enterprises in the mentioned sectors from 350 dollars to 100 dollars - Removing the inspection procedures for the newly-established companies registered by the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) P a g e | 67 MoCI Business Plan 2014 - Removing the no-criminal-liability procedures for the MoCI licensing directorate - Also modifying the procedure for issuance of construction licenses by the Kabul Municipality - Issuing licenses for commercial buildings construction has been further simplified with a form which comprises only four steps - Work on streamlining of export and import procedures and access to electricity. - Establish Central Business Registry, intellectual property office in the Paktia Province - Establish Gender Department in Hairatan Port - Afghanistan has jumped in DBI ranking of World Bank , as the reports this country has came from 154 to 130 rank. This has been shown as outstanding reform in the region and entire world. - Lunch of national markets development projects in Balkh and Hirate provinces. - Ministry has received 494 request for technical and financial support to SME and around 216 contract of technical and financial assistant have been signed with the SMEs. - Build and complete the surrounded walls of SpineBoldak port around 45 jerbs area in Kandahar province. - Official Delegations and national traders for introduction of export goods and export promotion attended to 17 international exhibitions. - Sign of agreement between GoIRA and USA on1392/3/26 in Ministry of Commerce and Industries for supporting afghan women traders. - There has been 50 percent progress in construction works of the Facilities for 2000 Ton liquid Gas in Kabul city. - Recapture 640 jerb lands of Spinezar enterprise in Kunduz such as 15 jerb in Archi districts and 6 jerbs in Balkh province. Main Problems - Lack of Coordination between relevant agencies during implementation of plans of main sectors( SME strategy) specially carpet, cashmere and agriculture sectors - There have been less progress on reform of consumer protection and competition promotions laws with MoJ. - The Competition national board established according to 14 article of consumer and competition laws and declare no 5026 of the president of Afghanistan, the Tashkel of the board has been approved by the Minister. The attestation ceremony of the member should be done based on the 15 article of the mentioned law, which has not occurred yet. - Lack of credit to carpet sector for supporting national products and industries - Confiscation of land of carpet companies in different provinces by the warlords and inabilities of security agencies in recapture of these lands to the original owner. - Claim the ownership of land and assets of SOEs by some opportunist in some provinces - There has been lack of support and assistant in regard land confiscation by security agencies and organizations. - Paying of ransom to opportunist by owner of vehicles transporting fruits and vegetables in highways P a g e | 68 MoCI Business Plan 2014 - Conduct of some exhibition without consulting and coordinating with exhibition directorate of MoCI( Governmental and private sectors agencies) - Lack of enough capital for operating SoEs and corporations - Lack of cold storages for agribusiness and animal products Suggestions and solutions - Approval of the suggestion for amendment of Consumer protection and competition promotion laws - Conduct adjuration ceremony for members of national competition board in presence of the president of GoIRA that able this board to start their works and activities. - Provide suitable place for show makers - Conduct public awareness programs about the laws and regulations across the country - Establish industrial development bank and agriculture development bank - In order to implement the act no 18 dated 1391/8/16 of Economical Committee of the cabinet for preventing decrease in carpet sector, it is required to contact with justice and judiciary agencies to recapture lands and assets of carpet sector in different provinces especially in Kamari area in Kabul. - Implementation of Industrial Policy in order to promote utilize of domestic products - The on time completion of all legal process of laws and regulation by the MoJ is important. - Further assistant of security agencies to prevent getting of ransom by opportunist people. Main Programs for the upcoming year 9 9 - Implement Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Strategy - Provide transit and trade facilitation - Work and effort on accession of Afghanistan to World Trade Organization - Implement trade and transit agreements with neighbor countries. - Survey the activity of private sector in provinces - Work on Trade laws - Implement development projects - Build capacity of staff - Implement business licensing in provinces - Finalize National Trade Policy 10 Small & Medium Enterprises )(تشبثات کوچک و بزرگ World Trade Organization ) (سازمان تجارت جهانی 10 P a g e | 69 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Annex B: List of MoCI Work Divisions, Directorates and Departments No. WORK DIVISION DIRECTORATE DEPARTMENT 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.1 Office of the Chief of 2.1.1 Provincial Relations Staff Department 2.1 Office of the Chief of 2.1.2 Communications and Staff Documents Department 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.1 First Group of Audit Department 4 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.2 Second Group of Audit Department 5 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.3 Analysis and Evaluation Department 6 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.3 Legal Affairs Directorate 2.3.1 Develop and draft trade legislative Documents Department 7 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.3 Legal Affairs Directorate 2.3.2 Legal advice and remove administrative barriers Department 8 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 SPPD 2.4.1 General Department of Statistics and Database 9 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 SPPD 2.4.2 Strategic Planning Department 2.4 SPPD 2.4.3 Donor Relations Department 2.4 SPPD 2.4.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Department 12 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 SPPD 2.4.5 Department of Design of Development Programs 13 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 SPPD 2.4.6 Policy Development Department 14 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.5 Petroleum Regulation Department 15 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate ** Data Collection and Analysis Department 16 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Business Development Services (BDS) Department 17 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate SME Development Department 18 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Market Development Department 19 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Sectors of Carpets, Agribusiness, Marble, leather and Cashmere 20 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.2 Policy Design and Development Department 21 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.3 DBI advisory Department 1 2 3 10 11 P a g e | 70 MoCI Business Plan 2014 22 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.1 Competition Promotion Department 23 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.2 Consumer Protection Department 24 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.3 Information Collection and Relations Department 25 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.3 Industries Technical Affairs Directorate 3.3.1 Production affairs support and maintenance Department 26 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.3 Industries Technical Affairs Directorate 3.3.2 Technical Affairs Department 27 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.3 Industries Technical Affairs Directorate 3.3.3 Technical Study and Industries Development Department 28 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.4 SoEs and 3.4.1 SoEs Reform Corporations Implementation department Coordination Reform Implementation and Financial analysis Directorate 29 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.4 SoEs and 3.4.2 Financial analysis of SoEs Corporations and Corporations Coordination Reform Department Implementation and Financial analysis Directorate 30 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreements Directorate WTO Department ** 31 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreements Directorate Bilateral Agreements Directorate 32 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreements Directorate Department: Regional Organizations 33 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.2 Trade Analysis and Promotion Directorate World Trade Policies Analysis Department 34 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.2 Trade Analysis and Promotion Directorate Business Services and External Agencies G. Department 35 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.1 Transit Department 36 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.2 Trade Facilitation Department 37 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.3 Agreements Department 38 4.0 Trade 4.3 Export Promotion Directorate 4.3.1 Development of Manufacturing and Marketing P a g e | 71 MoCI Business Plan 2014 39 4.0 Trade 4.3 Export Promotion Directorate 4.3.2 Admin Department 40 4.0 Trade 4.3 Export Promotion Directorate 4.3.3 Information and Database General Department 41 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation 4.4.1 Administration General Directorate Department 42 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation 4.4.2 Accounting General Directorate Department 43 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation 4.4.3 Coordination and Conduct Directorate General Department 44 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.1 Licensinge and Registration Licensing and Directorate ** Registration Department 45 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.2 Intellectual Property Registration and Protection Department 46 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.1 Personnel Records & Database Department 47 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.2 Recruitment Department 48 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.3 Capacity-Building Department 49 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.4 Staff Relations 50 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.1 Budget Department 51 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.2 Accounting Department 52 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.3 Services Department 53 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.4 Procurement Department 54 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.3 Communication and Information Technology Department 55 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.4 Public Relation and Information Directorate 5.4.1 Information Department 56 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.4 Public Relation and Information Directorate 5.4.2 Provinces Relation Department 57 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.5 Gender Department ** Directorate P a g e | 72 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Annex C: Departmental Work-plans 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.1 Office of the Chief of Staff 2.1.1 Provincial Relations Department Dept. Head: Muhammad Nadir Silab Mobile: 0752110451 Objective Strategy: 1.0 Provide a favorable environment for enterprises and promote Afghanistan’s ranking in World Bank’s DBI Sub-strategy: 1.1 Streamline and improve licensing processes for commercial firms and address other relevant requirements Output No. Output Make trips to provinces Coordination with provinces Solve problems Provide reports to the President from provincials work trips of the Minister Activities Milestones Make provincial visits for coordinating between central and provincial departments and investigating the activities Establish relations and provide regular technical support through the provincial coordination committees Conduct monthly, quartly and annual meetings with provincial authorities to find out solutions against problems Sending manuals, policies and plans Send evaluation forms Receive evaluation forms Consult with Minister Invite directors and heads Conduct meeting Find solution Coordinate internal work travels of the Minister according to the plans Conduct with MoD Conduct with MoI Conduct with relevant province Review activities Review working progress Collect requirement Find solutions Key Stakeholders Ext. Support Timeline No . Quarterly in 1393 // . Continuously in 1393 // . Monthly, quartly and annual // . When required P a g e | 73 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.1 Office of the Chief of Staff 2.1.2 Communications and Documents Department Dept. Head: Abdullah Dastigir Phone: 0777760049 Strategic Objective: Establish an effective system of work between the MoCI with other ministries and independent agencies Sub-strategy: Provide administrative and officials facilitations between Office of the Minister and other national and international agencies Output No. Output Activities Effectively manage the letter dispatching system among the MoCI departments Review and consider all external and internal letters Send letters to relevant offices Provide support in finding documents and records of the relevant offices Process urgent, confidential letters of the Ministry Archive documents Prepare reports about the current and archived documents Plan the schedule of key activities of the government in which the MoCI is involved, and share them with the relevant departments Ensure that the MoCI answers all requests and questions of the ministries and the OAA on time Set the the Minister’s meetings’ agenda and provide the necessary advices on minutes of the agendas Provide working relationships with key ministries and other government institutions and committees Milestones Key Stakeholders Ext. Support Timeline Assign offices Process the documents less than 2 hours Provide report through letters to relevant agencies Fill information on the forms Send letter to Secretary of Economic committe Permission from the Minister if required No From the beginning of 1393 to the end Permission from the Minister if required No From the beginning of 1393 to the end P a g e | 74 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Regulate matters related to the Council of Ministers and the Parliament Build effective working relationships between the Minister and the private sector of the meetings of the InterMinisterial Committees Ensure that the MoCI responds to the requests and questions of the MPs on time Plan and arrange schedule of regular meetings between the Minister and the private sector, foreign and Afghan investors Provide required facilitations for effective function of the MoCI administrative team Prepare and design formats Hold meetings of the Minister Arrange ad-hoc meetings of the Minister Provide administrative support and secretariat services Capacity-building programs Provide recommendations Prepare letters Prepare work report of the office Prepare reports on travels of the Minister Distribute orders of the Minister Perform for the customers( Letters, applications) Arrange short and long-term courses Provide technological facilitations Collect information for relevant directorates Send report to parliament and ministries Prepare agenda Conduct meetings Present decision and reports to relevant agencies Letters and memos to office Send reports and decisions to relevant offices Follow up decisions Receive order and approval of the Minister Registration Distribute and communicate to relevant agencies Send report to the office of president Scholarships and workshops Permission from the Minister is required No From the beginning of 1393 to the end By the Minister’s guidance No Monthly By the Minister’s official guidance Monthly Secretariats of the Minister Daily The Minister’s Office and HR Directorate At least 4 times until end of the year P a g e | 75 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.1 First Group of Audit Department Dept. Head: Sayed Rahman Qorluq Phone: 2020022220 Strategic objective: 7.0 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the required capacity to advance its role Sub-strategy: 7.10 Support the Internal Audit Directorate and identify internal and external mechanisms for fighting corruption Output No. Key Stakeholders Ext. Support Timeline Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Audit MoCI provincial agencies including financial departments, firms, SoEs, projects and etc. Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Supreme Audit Office Output Activities Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Others Audit performance/activities of MoCI central directorates Audit activities of secondary units including guilds, enterprises and SoEs Audit external agencies (trade attachés and trade attorneys) Extraordinary audits Milestones When required P a g e | 76 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.2 Second Group of Audit Department Head of Dept: Noor Aqa Noorzai phone: 0202502357 Strategic objective: 7.0 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the required capacity to advance its role Sub-strategy: 7.10 Support the Internal Audit Directorate and identify internal and external mechanisms for fighting corruption Output No. Output Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting, admin, services and trade activities against the Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders Ext. Support Timeline Audit performance/activities of MoCI central directorates Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Audit activities of secondary units including guilds, enterprises and SoEs Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Audit MoCI provincial agencies including financial departments, firms, SoEs, projects and etc. Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Audit external agencies (trade attachés and trade attorneys) Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Supreme Audit Office No Quarterly Extraordinary audits Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Supreme Audit Office No When required P a g e | 77 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Submit results of audit laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents 2.0 Direct Reporting to the Minister 2.2 Internal Audit Directorate 2.2.3 Analysis and Evaluation Department Dept. Head: Abdullah Hamrah Phone: 2113232770 Strategic objective: 7.0 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the required capacity to advance its role Sub-strategy: 7.10 Support the Internal Audit Directorate and identify internal and external mechanisms for fighting corruption Output No. Output Analysis and evaluation Activities Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Review financial, accounting ,admin, services and trade activities against the Review and analyze reports on the departments’ audits carried out by the Audit Groups Contribute in auditing activities of MoCI central directorates and secondary units including guilds, enterprises and SoEs Contribute in auditing MoCI provincial agencies including financial departments, firms, SoEs, projects and etc. Contribute in auditing external agencies (trade attachés and trade Milestones Review and analyze reports Report to the Audit Director Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Key Stakeholders Ext. Support Timeline Supreme Audit Office No Quartly Quartly Supreme Audit Office No Quartly Supreme Audit Office No Supreme Audit Office No Quartly P a g e | 78 MoCI Business Plan 2014 laws, regulations, decrees, resolutions and other legislative documents Others attorneys) Submit results of audit Take part in other ad-hoc and extraordinary audits Assign auditors Collect information Provide report Submit results of audit Quartly Supreme Audit Office No 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.3 Legal Affairs Directorate 2.3.1 Develop and draft trade legislative Documents Department Dept: Mirwais Hotak phone: 0790900500 Strategic Objective: Improve the Enabling and Regulatory Environment for Business and Afghanistan’s DBI Ranking; Sub strategy: Analyze and review law, regulations, procedures, contracts and agreements Output No. Output Develop consumer protection law Activities Follow up the development of draft of consumer protection law with MoJ Milestones Develop Design of Industries law Follow up the amendments process in design of Industries law Participate in Review and follow up meetings Follow up the process Review Follow up the process Key Stakeholders Consumer protection and competition promotion Directorate International Trade Directorate External Support Timeline No Hamal to Jawza 1393 // Saratan to Sunbula 1393 P a g e | 79 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Develop Bankruptcy law Follow up the development of draft of Bankruptcy law Develop safety regulation of trade centres Follow up this regulation with legislative agencies Review Follow up the process Review Follow up the process Ministry of Interior , MoUD, // Mezan to Qaws 1393 No Mezan to Qaws 1393 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.3 Legal Affairs Directorate 2.3.2 Legal advice and remove administrative barriers Department Dept: Mia Ahamdi Miakhil phone: 0799490821 Strategic Objective: Improve the Enabling and Regulatory Environment for Business and Afghanistan’s DBI Ranking; Sub strategy: Provide comprehensive comments and ideas regard to legal issues Output No. Output Provide facilitation Direct cooperation with Develop and draft Legislative documents Department Activities Provide legal comments and advices to the Legal Affairs Directorate Provide comments and ideas as request of stake holders Review and Monitor the development of draft of Consumer protection and design of Industries laws Milestones Analyse issues Review Suggest solutions Review Follow up Key External Stakehold Support ers Timeline No No During the year // // During the year P a g e | 80 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Build relation and remove administrative barriers Accelerate enforcement process of Design of Industries law Accelerate enforcement process of Control trade of Goods and strategic services Mediation Regulation Article of Association of Development trade of Qaraqul Article of Association of Afghan Card Article of Association of National Board of Entrepreneurs Provide comments about legal issues raise among companies and individuals Review and refine development of commercial laws, regulation and procedures being prepare by the department Provide assistant to Develop and draft Legislative documents Department Follow up relevant process draft of Design of Industries law Follow up relevant process draft of Control trade of Goods and strategic services Provide comments Analyse concept of issues Provide solutions and approaches Follow up legislative process in different agencies Follow up legislative process in different agencies Review and refine Follow up process // // // // // Saratan to Sunbula 1393 // // // // Mezan to Hood 1393 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.1 General Department of Statistics and Database Dept. Head – Zabiullah Modir Strategy:7.0 Ensure MoCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-Strategy:Establish and Maintain a Ministry-wide Management Information System (MIS) P a g e | 81 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Output No. Output Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Database and Statistic Dept CTAP Hamal to Sawar 1393 CTAP Jawza to Sunbula 1393 CTAP Mezan to Aqrab 1393 CTAP During the year Review existing files Review keeping files mechanism Prepare a records keeping system Approved Keeping records system Register files Required materials of training Collecting data and statistical numbers Review existing data Prepare data collection forms and templates Analyze data and prepare reports Monitoring and controlling statistical data Indentify and monitor safety approaches for data and information Review the data and information process Database in MoCI Form and templates Report data Control and safety of Data Establish coordination mechanism Keep Records Information System (MIS)/database of the Department Reporting mechanism Holding regular meetings with Dept and Directorates Indentify main points of the Department Coordination with IT Department on MIS implementation Coordination with CSO Review the current MIS system Suggest one new system Provide training programs for staff on data registration Extract reports for MIS Review the current reporting mechanism Suggest new tashkeel for the Department Establish a regular system for the Department Meetings List of stakeholders Draft MIS Training schedule MIS repots Tashkeel MIS report Timeline CTAP Qaws to Jadi 1393 CTAP Quartly P a g e | 82 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.2 Strategic Planning Department Dept. Head - Abdul Qudus Baburi Strategy:7.0 Ensure MoCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-Strategy:Support the Ministry’s Strategy and Planning Functions Output No. Output Monitoring and monthly, squarely and annual reporting of Ministry’s business plan Activities Ad Hoc Monitoring and reporting Annual Business Planning (2015) for MoCI designed and managed Milestones Prepare monthly report about progress and outcomes of Ministry’s annual Business Plan Annual report to Office of Administration Affairs and Ministry of Information & Culture (MoCI), Ministry of Economy (MOE), and other related offices and authorities; Quarterly reporting about NPP (Economical cluster) to MoE Prepare, manage and identify priorities of AntiCorruption strategy for 1394 Periodic report on the three priorities set by the High Office on Anti-corruption the minister office Prepare and provide report on other strategies (Environment strategy , Counter Narcotics strategies Designing process for preparation of Annual Business Plan Managing the process of MoCI formulating its annual business plan Adoption and approval of the business plan Contact with Directorates Collect information Analyse Report Presentation Discuss with other Directorates to identify priorities Anti-corruption monitoring Environmental monitoring Plan Inputs workshop Draft BP Approved BP Key Stakeholde rs External Support Timeline none End of Each Quarter, 1393 none End of Quarter in 1393 none Fourth quarter of 1393 TAMoCI P a g e | 83 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Updated MoCI Strategic Plan 2011-15 Identify areas of change and update; Managing the process of updating the strategic plan; Approving the draft new strategic plan Upgraded Bus. Plan monitoring framework mapping of existing Business Plan implementation monitoring system Identifying opportunities for improving the system Implementing new monitoring system Updates Draft Approval Map System Improvements New System None none TAMoCI JuneAugust 2014 TAMoCI June 2014 to Dec. 2014 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.3 Donor Relations Department Dept. Head - Hashmatullah Amiri Strategy:7.0 Ensure MoCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-Strategy:Coordinate and Monitor MoCI Donor Projects, and Facilitate New Donor Support Output No. Output Activities Milestones Improved MoCI donor coordination mechanism (internal) Review existing mechanism Identify areas for improvement Draft new donor coord. mechanism final/approved mechanism prepare manual Monitored MoCI donor projects New projects - initiated by donors Obtain internal donor project reports Summarise and analyse reports Submit information and data to Ministry MIS (Stats/Database Dept.) Review proposal concepts from donors (SOWs/ToRs) Provide technical inputs to proposals (design and Review recommendations draft manual final/approve training on manual obtain reports summaries submit information comments on donor concepts Key Stakeholders External Support n/a TAMoCI April to May 2014 n/a n/a April 2014 to March 2015 n/a n/a April 2014 to March Timeline P a g e | 84 MoCI Business Plan 2014 New projects - initiated by MoCI planning) Engage with donor community in Kabul secure donor support for initiatives (fundraising) technical inputs on proposals concepts proposals funding 2015 n/a TAMoCI April 2014 to March 2015 Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline n/a TAMoCI, CTAP Jawza to Asad 1393 n/a TAMoCI CTAP Hamal to Sawar 1393 n/a CTAP Sawar to Asad 1393 NA CTAP Saratan to Qaws 1393 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Department Dept. Head - Mohammad Wali Waziri Strategy:7.0 Ensure MoCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-Strategy:Establish and Maintain Ministry-wide Monitoring and Evaluation Output No. Output Activities Develop M&E System and Approach Establish M&E and coordination mechanism M&E Capacity building M&E system in MoCI review existing M&E system Ministry–wide Provide M&E templates for all Directorates and Departments Review Current structure Conduct meetings with the Departments Indentify gaps in the coordination system Conduct workshop on coordination Review current mechanism Manage M&E induction program in MoCI Design M&E templates Review current projects documents in the Ministry Maintain coordination among Departments and field visit of the projects Milestones Previous M&E plan M&E template Meetings and reporting Coordination mechanism Identify Focial points Training materials M&E tempalate Documents & proposals Meetings and P a g e | 85 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Establish reporting tools Provide suggestion to Procurement Department Workshops FV Reports Procurement suggestion Training materials Quartly meetings Report from other parts of MoCI 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.5 Deptartment of Design of Development Programs Dept. Head – Eng. Ghulam Yahya Tahir Strategy:7.0 Ensure MoCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-Strategy:Develop New Projects at MoCI from Development Budget Output No. Output Promotional –Awareness Campaign (for projects under development budget) Approved List of Project Applications (MoCI) Activities encourage all Ministry departments (central/Kabul and Provincial offices) to submit proposals for development budget answer all questions pertaining to project application support applicants in application receive and organize applications submit them to Minister Office Approval and prioritization of projects by the relevant Commission Milestones promotional efforts to publicize the opportunity Q&A application intake preliminary list Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline n/a WB Sartan to qaws 1393 n/a n/a Jadi to Hood 1393 P a g e | 86 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Approved list of projects (MoE) M&E reports on MoCI development projects submit MoCI project list to Ministry of economy (MOE) Commission projects filtered and screened MoE Commission approves or rejects Approval of development budget by MoF ongoing monitoring of existing development projects at MoCI write monitoring reports – MoCI overall MoE receives MoCI list MoE issues final approved list track progress assess results MoCI reports – monthly, quarterly and annual n/a n/a Hamal to Jawza 1393 n/a n/a During the year Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline n/a TAMoCI Hamal to jawza 1393 n/a Advisory section of CTAP Hamal to Hoot 1393 n/a TAMoCI Jawza to 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.4 Strategy, Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) 2.4.6 Policy Development Department Dept. Head - Mohammad Aref Rahimi Strategy: 7.0 Ensure MoCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-Strategy: Assist MoCI Central Directorates in Policy Development Output No. Output New Mechanism and Manual on policy formulation Policy Development Support Activities Tracking and reporting on Milestones Map process for developing new policies draft manual for all MoCI Directorates finalize manual train other MoCI Directorates guide and advise other MoCI Directorates in formulation of new policies e.g. leather or revising existing policies e.g. Industrial Policy Process Map Manual Workshops Gather data and information from other MoCI support to new policies support to existing policies data/info P a g e | 87 MoCI Business Plan 2014 MoCI Policy Implementation Public - private partnership Secretariat to Minister on issues related to policy Directorates on policy information Analyze MoCI policy implementation Report on policy implementation establishing the process of planning and conduct public and private partnership (P-P-P) Designing and developing draft policy on public and private partnerships Conducting workshops, seminars for opening dialogue and discussion with the private sector provide time-sensitive support to the Minister’s Office upon request maintain log of requests and support provided analysis reports Process Flow Draft Policy PPP PPP Workshops ad hoc Hoot 1393 n/a Advisory section of CTAP Jawza to Aqrab 1393 n/a TAMoCI CTAP Hamal to Hoot 1393 2.0 Direct reporting to the Minister 2.5 Petroleum Regulation Department Dept. Head: Hashmatullah Shahrani Phone: 2100700320 Strategic Objective: Ensure petroleum products are traded and sold to trades and consumers in affordable and fair prices Sub-strategy: Better management of downstream petroleum trade Output No. 2.5.1 2.5.2 Output Issue licenses for importing petroleum products to traders Collect information on rates of petroleum products; Activities Fill the relevant forms Receive signature of representative the company (Director or Deputy) Follow up For ms with ACBRIPD Find the rates of fuel inside Afghanistan Provide report on fuel rate form Middle Asia countries Get information about fuel global Milestones Follow up forms Follow up in MoF TIN office Fuel traders in private sector Commercial attaché Websites Weekly, monthly and Key Stakeholders External Support The Minister Timeline Continuously Fuel traders Continuously P a g e | 88 MoCI Business Plan 2014 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 rate from websites Analyze the fuel and gas rates and present to it to the Minister Monitor and evaluate Send form to companies for getting companies importing quartly reprots petroleum products Collect statistical data from the companies on the amount of imported petroleum products Collect data on operations of fuel companies approval of the Review the law with assistant of LAD downstream petroleum submit the Final version of law to the law MoJ Collect information about quantity and capacity of petroleum reservoirs Implement CNG program 2.5.6 2.5.7 Changes in regulation and format of License Attract fuel and gas traders cooperation Cooperation of FLGE and ANSA Make site visits to the ports and petroleum reserves Contact and discuss the CNG with the MoMP petroleum office and TFBSO Prepare regulation for CNG Prepare distribution for and design CNG license Design new license as computerized Changes and amendments in current import regulation of fuel and gas quartly Analyze collected reports Send to the Minister Review law Send to MoJ The Minister Quarterly The Minister, Legal Affairs Directorate, Second quarter In 1393 ASI Contact with fuel traders Stake holders The Minister Contact with relevant agencies Print regulation Forms License Consult with fuel traders Print petroleum regulations The Minister, MoMP The Minister, Finance and Administration Directorate In 1393 US Embassy, TFBSO Second quarter In 1393 second quarter 1393 P a g e | 89 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Data Collection and Analysis Department Department Head: Abdul Ahad Ahadi Phone: 2121033102 Strategic Objective: 3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through increasing exports, substituting imports with domestic products, developing market economy and raising awareness on its function Sub-strategy: Identify shared activities of different sectors involved in private sector affairs and improve interactions between MoCI and private sector Output No Output Activities Better understanding of Private sector and collect information Collect information and data about private sector, industries and enterprises Research on Comparative sectors Collect second-hand data from various authorities and concerned departments (CSO, AISA, MAIL, MoF, ACCI and AISA and other relevant agencies.) through letters and telephones Collect information about private sector from MoCI provincial offices Collect data about operative and none operative manufacturing factories in the provinces through letters Collect information about industries from Industrial park agency Collect information about main and growth able enterprises Indentify and select sectors Collect information from prioritised sectors Provide report and send it to the Minister Milestones Key Stakeholders Collect information and data Telephone contact with stakeholders Analyse data and information MAIL,CSO,ACCI and MoCI provincial office Collect information from factories Contract with relevant departments Discussion with Stakeholders AISA, AFD MoCI Advisor Hamal to sunbula 1393 Indentify prioritized sectors Collect data and information Research Prepare report to MAIL, ACCI, SCO TAMoCI Second quarter External Support Timeline Continuously P a g e | 90 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Minister Save and Keep information on database Capacity building Analyse data and information and provide table and graphs as required Design and prepare special formats of database Register received data and information for relevant agencies Introduce Department staff to training programs Analyse , classify of NA information Prepare formats and folders Save data and information on database Introduce staff to HR training and workshop inside and outside the country NA Continuously NA In 1393 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Business Development Services (BDS) Department Dept. Head: Sayed Gawharshah Phone: 0700712482 Strategic Objective: 1.0 Improve environment for trade, promote Afghanistan's ranking in the WB DBI indicator, improve Afghanistan’s international competition and increase trade Sub-strategy: Support greater access to loans, support basic property rights, collaborate with the Customs and Revenue Directorate for simplification, improvement and transparency of customs processes and procedures, collaborate with AISA in attracting foreign investments in Afghanistan Output No. Output Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline P a g e | 91 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Prepare policy draft of the BDS Prepare the list of loan lending institutions in a database Conduct training programs to facilitate access of SME entrepreneurs’ to consulting services Survey companies involved in services Hold meetings with GIZ Hold meetings with public, private and international organizations Conduct workshops for reviewing and discussing BDS policy Hold meetings for finalization of BDS policy Refer and hold meeting with Da Afghanistan Bank Refer to the bank’s lending loans Hold meetings with the lending banks about conditions of receiving loans Hold meetings with GIZ Meeting with ACCI Meeting with AISA Holding meetings with SME entrepreneurs GIZ, SME entrepreneurs, AISA, ACCI Hold meeting with Da Afghanistan Bank Meeting with lending banks Information on loans and its terms Hold meetings with ABADI and FAIDA projects Da Afghanistan Bank, Lending banks Da Till end of first Afghanista quarter of 1393 n Bank, Lending banks ABDI and FAIDA ABADI and Till end of FAIDA second quarter of 1393 Hold workshops for 150 SME entrepreneurs to provide them information through ABADI And FAIDA projects about their activities and how they can seek help from these projects Work on preparing concept note and business plan for the projects GIZ Until end of 1393 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate SME Development Department Dept. Head: Fazila Azizi Phone: 2100722121 Strategic Objective:3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through increasing exports and substitution of imports with domestic products through development and promotion of small and medium enterprises Sub-Strategy:3.1 Identify areas that are important for imports substitution; 3.2 develop plans for providing suitable environment for trade and promoting competition in identified areas; 3.3 identify common issues among sectors that help improve sustainability of trade activities and design and implement sectoral strategies to improve effectiveness and productivity of the economy Output No. Output Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline P a g e | 92 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Develop implementation plan for the SME policy (imports substitution through development of SMEs) Implement Action Plans of major sectors (agriculture, cashmere, carpets, leather) Implement SME Strategy Develop Action plan for women entrepreneurs Hold an international conference on investment opportunities in Different sectors Meeting with ASI project advisors for technical assistance in the field Create new procedures for separation of policy areas Negotiate, consult with relevant stakeholders Draft implementation plan of the SME Policy Follow activities decided on in the working groups meetings Assist the experts of the sectors for coordinating among different agencies Provide secretariat services to the working groups Establish working groups in the provinces Hold individual meetings with stakeholders Assign permanent and ad-hoc members of the WGs Hold conference for identification and prioritization of the problems Hold workshop for setting priorities Map donor community and seek their assistance Hold coordination meetings with AISA Hold coordination meetings with SMEs Identify/determine participants and donors of the conference Conduct meetings LAD, SPPD, MoF, GIZ, ABADE Sawr to Qaws Collect comments and WTO 1393 suggestions Prepare plan Visit the production area Hold 16 Working Group meetings Identify traders in provinces Establish WGs in Badakhshan and Takhar MAIL, ABADI Continuously Jawza 1393 Collect comments and suggestions Establish WG Meeting confirming action plan Women entrepreneurs’ federation ACCI ABADI ABADI, Attract foreign and domestic investors Coordination Attract cooperation of government agencies Select Place for workshops MoF, MAIL GIZ, ABADE In 1393 GIZ Sawr to Aqrab 1392 P a g e | 93 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Establish new working groups Develop training programs Create a task team in the SME Directorate for identification and selection of sectors according to criteria of SME Industrial Policy Hold individual meetings Design questionnaires for the entrepreneurs Consolidation of reports and questionnaires Gather information on challenges, opportunities and etc. Approval of the Minister Provide technical assistance for the mentioned sectors Determine areas for capacity building Consult and coordinate with other Directorates Develop a three-year training program Coordinate and consult with donors Implement plan Meetings with Relevant Unions entrepreneurs Prepare suggestion to the Minster Indentify experienced people Establish WG for 4 sector Prepare plan for WG Prepare three-year training plan Prepare Workshops Conduct coordination meetings Training materials Important Items ASI, Hamal to Hood ABADE, GIZ 1393 HRD, MoHE, MoE Hoot 1392 Hamal 1393 Continuously 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Market Development Department Dept. Head: Ghazanfar Bayat Phone: 2110221073 Strategic Objective: 6.0 Development of market economy and raise awareness and knowledge on its functions Sub-strategy: 6.1 Promote interactions between the Ministry and the private sector; 6.2 Promote MoCI support to market through the media; participate in conferences, gatherings and social events Output No. Output Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline P a g e | 94 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Review formalization strategy of the economy for promotion of market and business Maintain market relationships with manufacturers Draft of formalization strategy of economy Create an implementation mechanism for formalization of the economy with cooperation from the stakeholder agencies Hold meetings, seminars and workshops regarding review of strategy for formalization of the economy Recruit advisor through CTAP Conduct meeting on drafting formalization strategy Receive approval of formalization policy Hold regular meetings for solving problems of private sector and industry entrepreneurs in different areas and infrastructural issues (industrial parks, power and etc.) with cooperation from with the involved government departments and independent agencies. Conduct meetings Prepare and send minutes of the meetings Follow up issues Government offices and independent agencies, private sector NA Government offices and independent agencies, private sector No external support In 1393 Continuously, when required P a g e | 95 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate Policy Design and Development Department Dept. Head: Abdul Sattar Maihanmal Phone: 2020020200 Strategic Objective: 5.0 Economic growth for reducing poverty Sub-strategy: 5.1 Finalize and implement components of the Industrial Policy that are related to poverty reduction Output No. Output Monitor and evaluate implementation of Industrial Policy Activities Make coordination in regards to PSD policies Revised Investor Guide and Investment Handbook Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Establish a working group of the Department’s employees and send them to the industrial sites Visit Industry centres and factories Identify Potentials of private sector in provinces and share it with the Minister Establish relationships with other government agencies and private stakeholders Contact with Deputy Minister of Policy of MoF, ACCI, AISA, Artisanal union, MoCI Directorates Establish WG Arrange visits from staff Collect problems Identify potentials AISA, MoCI provincial offices and ACCI No Hamal to Sunbula 1393 MoF, ACCI,MoCI Directorates NO In 1393 Establish WG by cooperation of ASI to revise investor guide and investment handbook Contact with government agencies, private sector and study and research on investment situation in Afghanistan Establish relationships with other government agencies and private stakeholders Contact with Deputy Minister of Policy of MoF, ACCI, AISA, Artisanal union, MoCI Directorates Establish WG Collect information No ASI Hamal to Jawaz 1393 P a g e | 96 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Building capacity of the employees Visit MoF, MoE, Kabul Municipality, Da Afghanistan Bank, MoJ, ACCI and AISA Hold internal and external workshops Send to person to outside country for scholarship through civil service commission Contact with Directorates Introduce staff CSC, Capacity Building Department First and fourth quarter 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.1 Private Sector Development General Directorate 3.1.1 SME Directorate Sectors of Carpets, Agribusiness, Marble, leather and Cashmere Dept. Head: Ahmad Zia Sayedkhili Phone: 2100702122 Strategic Objective: 6.0 Growth for poverty reduction Sub-strategy: 6.2 Finalize and implement action plans for eight major sectors, in collaboration with the stakeholder ministries and identify SMEs sector helpful for the poor Output No. Output Implement SME policy and Action Plan of the Leather and Shoemaking sector Activities Follow the decisions of the WG fourth meeting Help transfer of experiences through working groups Explain and provide information on importance of value chains of products, especially quality and designs Use video conference to raise awareness aimed at transferring experiences from one Milestones Hold four WG meetings Key Stakeholders SME Directorate Artisans’ Guild Shoe-makers’ Guild External Support GIZ Timeline Hamal 1393 – Jawza 1393 Jawza 1393 – Asad 1393 Asad 1393 – Mizan 1393 P a g e | 97 MoCI Business Plan 2014 manufacturing enterprise to another Marketing for leather products through mass media marketing and advertising Find a suitable location for leather and shoes productions in coordination with relevant agencies Hold seminars and workshops for helping development and production of leather and shoes products Allocate a suitable location for leather products SME Directorate Market Affairs Department AISA Arzaq enterprise Artisans’ Guild Kabul Municipality GIZ Mizan 1393 – Qaws 1393 Qaws 1393 – Dalw 1393 P a g e | 98 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Implement Action Plan of the sectors of Carpets, Agribusiness, Marble and Cashmere Create working groups for marketing, transportation, and access to loans and policies Hold working group meetings, prepare ToRs, set procedures of the working groups and finalize the ToRs after receiving comments Implement plans that have priority Follow up activities Set up ad-hoc meetings regarding to exploring solutions for problems existing in cashmere sector at national and international levels Determine the production capacity and scouring capacity of the cashmere in Afghanistan Prepare draft policy for the unwashed cashmere Map government and private stakeholders involved in implementation of marbles Action Plan Establish working group for the marble sector Provide report on follow-up activities of the marble WGs Consult SME Department Prepare questionnaire and receiving comments of the marble entrepreneurs Hold 4 WG meetings Prohibit export of impure cashmere to China SME Directorate Carpets Guild ABADE Dalw 1392 – Jawza 1393 ABADI Working groups of DoD Task Force Marble Guild AISA MoMP P a g e | 99 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Determine priorities of Marble Action Plan Hold national conference on cashmere sector Market cashmere sector Create working groups for carpet and agribusiness sectors WG meetings to set and identify priorities Make conclusions and report on the annual performance of the working groups Summarize and present annual performance of the WGs Establish working Groups (Task groups) AISA, MoMP, MoCI, MoF, SME Directorate SME expert cooperating with WG ABADI Identify challenges and opportunities of cashmere sector in Kabul and provinces Review cashmere Action Plan if budget is available Invite stakeholder ministries, international NGOs and private sector to the conference Providing information on cashmere sector through audio-visual media Review cashmere Action Plan Cashmere national guild US DoD Task Jawza 1393 Force SME Directorate Public Public Hold WG meetings Prepare ToRs and determine procedures of the WGs Receive comments and finalize ToRs Develop implementation plan for each priority Follow decisions and activities of the agribusiness sector’s Working Group Send letters/formal emails and follow issues with relevant authorities Develop policy SME Directorate Guilds And working groups MoCI DoD Task Force NGOs ABADI Sunbula 1393 – Dalw 1393 Hoot 1393 Hamal 1393 P a g e | 100 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Establish working groups for marketing for carpets and agribusiness sectors Establish transportation working groups for carpets and agribusiness sectors Establish working groups on access to loans for carpets and agribusiness sectors Collaborate with stakeholders in carpet sector such as Carpet Exporters Guild, Exhibition Directorate, ACCI Hold meetings with above authorities on creating mechanism for participation in international exhibitions Prepare list of exhibitions held abroad Hold WG meetings Prepare ToRs and determine WG procedures Receive comments and finalize ToRs Develop implementation plan for each priority Follow decisions and activities of the agribusiness sector’s Working Group Send letters/formal emails and follow issues with relevant authorities Hold WG meetings Prepare ToRs and determine WG procedures Receive comments and finalize ToRs Develop implementation plan for each priority Follow decisions and activities of the agribusiness sector’s Working Group Send letters/formal emails and follow issues with relevant authorities Develop policy SME Directorate Guilds Working groups ABADI Jawza 1393 Develop policy SME Directorate Guilds Working groups ABADI Sunbula 1393 Develop policy SME Directorate Guilds Working groups ABADI Hoot 1393 P a g e | 101 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Coordinate among donor projects providing assistance to MoCI Establish WG for the packaging sector of agricultural products Establish WG for agricultural products’ sector fridge Discuss with the recently-launched projects supporting Afghan industries (carpet and agricultural sectors) and establish relation between the projects, the working groups and the MoCI Hold meetings, invite individuals through sending emails to join Working groups Hold WG meetings Prepare ToR and set procedures for working groups Receive comments and finalize ToR Develop strategy and implementation plan for each priority Follow decisions and activities of the agribusiness sector’s Working Group Send formal letters or emails and follow issues with relevant authoritiess Hold WG meetings Prepare ToRs and determine WG’s procedures Receive comments and finalize the ToR Develop implementation plan for each priority Follow decisions and activities of the agribusiness sector’s Working Group Send letters/formal emails and follow issues with relevant authoritiess Make coordination among carpet and agricultural sectors SME Directorate, Guilds, Working groups ABADI Mizan 1393 Develop packaging policy SME Directorate Guilds Working groups ABADI Mizan 1393 Develop fridge policy SME Directorate Guilds Working groups ABADI Jaddi 1393 P a g e | 102 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Develop FQMS project Hold coordination meetings of SME, HARAKAT and ASI Finalize FQMS Identify challenges of the sector Survey companies and individuals involved in the sector of precious and semi-precious stones Prepare questionnaires for collecting information on precious and semiprecious stones Identify private sector, government departments and intl. institutions involved in semi-precious and gemstones Establish working group for semi-precious & gemstones and assign permanent and ad-hoc members Send the draft to relevant departments Hold group/individual meetings with relevant authorities Hold workshop for receiving comments Develop draft Action Plan for Gemstones and semi-precious stones’ sector Hold initial meetings for development of Action Plans Prepare database of entrepreneurs and other parties working in gemstones and semi-precious stones’ sector SME Directorate HARAKAT Guilds Working groups MoCI ABADI and MoMP ASI Gemstones & precious stones’ Guild Woods Guild MRRD EPAA AISA Artisans’ Guild ACCI MoCI, ABADI and MoMP, ASI Gemstones & precious stones’ Guild, Woods Guild, MAIL, MRRD, EPAA, AISA, Artisans’ Guild, ACCI Assad & Sunbula 1393 Hamal 1393 Saratan 1393 Saratan 1393 – Mizan 1393 P a g e | 103 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Implement Action Plan of gemstones and semi-precious stones sector Maintain Coordination between SME and ABI Consolidate views of the involved parties in the Action Plan Hold monthly WGs meetings Follow-up activities for implementation of the Action plan Hold WGs meetings Study and review Plans of Construction sector and maintain direct and permanent relation with ABI Participate in meetings of construction union and build relation actors of construction sector Conduct meetings Solve meetings MoCI, MoMP, Gemstones & precious stones’ Guild, Woods Guild, MAIL, MRRD, EPAA, AISA, Artisans’ Guild, ACCI MoUD ABI MPW ASIA ABADI and ASI Aqrab 1393 – end of Hoot 1393 USAID In 1393 P a g e | 104 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.1 Competition Promotion Department Dept. Head: Muhammad Mohsen Noori Phone: Strategy:4.0 Ensure fair and equitable environment for activities of private sector Sub-strategy:4.1 Oversee implementation of Completion Promotion Law Output No. Output Approval of proposed draft law on competition promotion Finalize competition policy Hold inauguration ceremony for the members of the National Activities After the law on competition promotion is approved, the Department would public awareness through mass media and MoCI website in collaboration with the public relations department in order to pave the way for enforcement of the law. The initial English edition of the competition policy is prepared by the Completion advisor of the CPCPD; the Dari version is under working and after completion will go through the process for comments/recommendations, Minister approval and submit by relevant authorities to the Council of Ministers for approval According to the competition promotion law, the MoCI Minister, as the head of the National Board of Competition, sets the date of the inaugural ceremony in consultation with the President’s Office. The board will start operation Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Discussion with MoJ Economical committee of cabinet Parliament MoJ, Economical committee of cabinet Parliament Hamal 1393 Dalwa 1393 Send to relevant stakeholders to receive their comments Approval of the Minister Send to Economical committee of cabinet ACCI Relevant Ministries Government and private agencies Jawza to Qaws 1393 Conduct ceremony Office of the Minister President Office Sawr to Sunbla 1393 P a g e | 105 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Board of Competition Consider an office for the national board for competition promotion Build professional skills of the employees Plan for celebrating the Competition International Day Hold training workshops for MoCI provincial staff immediately after the ceremony. An office is needed to be opened for the national board of competition so that they can hold their meetings there; the equipments needed are roundtable, furniture, wireless amplifier with mics, projector and etc. Prepare training materials for the Department of Competition Promotion for their awareness regarding competitive market and introduce them to other job-related workshops and training programs Prepare the agenda, invitation cards, banners, prepare press conference and media release, reserve conference hall, minutes for the ceremony, invitation list, prepare for serving the participants Establish Office Provide equipments Office of the Minister CPCP Director , AFD Asad to Sunbula 1393 Train staff Prepare materials Introduce to workshops Training programs related to task Advisor of Directorate Experts Informative websites Training providers Hamal 1393 – Hoot 1393 Prepare plan Assign task Divide tasks ADF Competition Promotion Department in consultation with the public relations department will hold awareness programs and professional skill-building trainings for the CPCPD staff in the provinces if the resources allow. Prepare training plan Prepare slides Receive approval of the Mininster PRID, HRD , Minister office Mizan 1393 – end of Qaws Saratan to Aqrab 1393 P a g e | 106 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.2 Consumer Protection Department Dept. Head: Sayed Hassan Dawran Strategic Objective:4.0 Ensure equitable and fair private sector operation in the market Sub-Strategy:4.2 Re-draft, implement, review and implement the Consumer Protection Law Output No. Output Approve the draft law on Consumer Protection Finalize consumer protection policy Activities Follow the legal procedures for approval of the Consumer Protection Law Milestones Regulate and monitor affairs related to protecting rights of the consumers in the market Prepare plans for celebrating the Competition Follow up the legal procedure for approval of consumer protection policy Commission for preventing import and production of low-quality, fake and expired goods in the market Technical and executive Committee of MoJ Economical committee of Cabinet Parliament Approval of President Office Send to relevant agencies for receiving their comments Approval of Minister Approval of Cabinet Conduct monthly meetings Visit Kabul Markets Key Stakeholders Establish working team Prepare plan Implement plan Timeline MoJ, Economical committee of Cabinet Parliament All quarter of 1393 Stakeholders Minister Cabinet All quarter of 1393 Agencies member of the commission Prepare plan for the preparations for the International Day of Consumer Protection External Support AFD, PRID Monthly in 1393 Fourth Quarter of the year P a g e | 107 MoCI Business Plan 2014 International Day Build professional capacity of the employees Prepare materials for raising staff awareness on supporting the consumers and introduce the employees to workshops and job-related training programs Prepare and implement plan Prepare materials Introduce staff to workshops Consumer Protection Department Hamal 1393 – Hoot 1393 P a g e | 108 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.2 Competition Promotion and Consumers Protection Directorate 3.2.3 Information Collection and Relations Department Dept. Head: Fardin Forotan Phone: 2100722120 Strategic Objective:4.0 Ensure equitable and fair private sector operation in the market Sub-strategy: Promote public awareness on competition promotion and consumers protection policies to ensure a fair competition in the market and protecting rights of the consumers Output No. Output Activities Develop website for the CPCPD Translate communications strategy Implement communications strategy Launch training sessions Publish the Ministry’s key activities, laws and regulations of the CPCP Directorate in the CPCPD website for raising public awareness The English edition of communications strategy is completed and the works on the Dari version is underway which will be sent to the relevant authorities for their comments after it is completed After translated, the communications strategy will be implemented by the Directorate in order to enhance public awareness on activities, laws and regulations of the CPCPD Conduct training programs for building professional capacity of the Department’s staff and employees in the provinces Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Upload materials to the website Continuously The work on the Dari version is going on and will be put for comments of the relevant authorities after completion Through presentations, print and audiovisual publications Contact with stake holders and provincial offices Participation of staff in training programs Hamal 1393 – Jawza 1393 Jawza 1393 – Mizan 1393 if budget allows Capacity building Department , HRD Hamal 1393 – Assad 1393 if budget allows P a g e | 109 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Create database Establish relations with stakeholders Collect/publish information A basic database will be created for the CPCPD and the rates of basic staples will be entered in it on daily basis. If budget available, a standard database would be developed. Establish relations with private sector stakeholders, civil society, municipalities, donors, the commission for prevention of low-quality, fake and expired goods and other stakeholders Publish information through mass media for enhancement of public awareness on CPCP rules and regulations, key activities and rights of consumers Obtain reports from the CSO on daily basis Information Collection and Relations Department Establish relations for Information Collection protecting rights of the and Relations Department consumers and promoting competition in the market Gather information from the CPCP departments and publish through website/media Information Collection and Relations Department Continuously Continuously Hamal 1393 – end of the year P a g e | 110 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.3 Industries Technical Affairs Directorate 3.3.1 Production affairs support and maintenance Department Dept Head: Engineer Mohammad Aslam Matin Phone: 2113322020 Strategic Objective:3.0 Industrialise Afghanistan through Increased Exports and Import Substitution; Sub Strategy: Support in construction of main infrastructures such as roads, railway , cold storages Output No. Output Attract private sector for using the extra assets of SoEs Activities Reclaim confiscated assets of SoEs Monitor, Control and Prepare manual for PPP and JV incorporation of SPPD Lease extra assets according to the relevant law in order to increase revenue Give Greshk cold storages to private sector through PPP Lease 6 units of cashmere industrial park in Hearat province to private sector Provide facilitation to private sector according to procedures such as precursors Collaboration with security, justice, judicial agencies Identify land confiscators and send them to relevant agencies Analyze and evaluate contracts of extra assets of SoEs and receive approval of the relevant authorities Visit SoEs for improving technical and Milestones Prepare Manual Lease assets Cold storages Leasing Provide facilitation Collaboration Identify confiscators Analyze and evaluate contracts Visit SoES Key Stakeholders Advisor of Directorate External Support Timeline Hama to Hoot 1393 Hamal to hoot 1393 Hamal to P a g e | 111 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Manage affairs of SoEs admin activities Process the tashkeel and recruitment in relevant SoEs Conduct high council of SoEs Marketing for production of SoEs with support of relevant agencies like attaché Liquid debts and credits of SoEs Arrangements for purchasing cotton Receive quratly and annual report of SoEs Process tashkeel Conduct high council of SoEs Marketing Liquid accounts Take arraignments Receive reports hood 1393 P a g e | 112 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.3 Industries Technical Affairs Directorate 3.3.2 Technical Affairs Department Dept Head: Engineer Mohammad Shafiq Phone:2120101302 Strategic Objectives:3.0 Industrialise Afghanistan through Increased Exports and Import Substitution; Sub Strategy: Support in construction of main infrastructures such as roads, railway , cold storages Output No. Output Support technical and production activities of SoES Activities Capacity building programs for staff Implement action plan of anti corruption strategy making suitable decision on useless steel and iron spare parts Insert information and Reports on database Evaluate procurement orders of machines, spare parts and equipments Improve and develop cultivation of cotton with cooperation of MCN and MAIL Introduce staff to workshop and short term scholarship Conduct workshop with financial support of Donors Make familiar staff with IT Monitor and control the operations of SoEs and relevant agencies according to laws and regulations of High commission of Anti corruption Milestones Make decision Insert information Evaluate procurement order s Improve and develop cotton cultivation Key Stakeholders NA External Support Timeline Hamal to Hoot 1393 Introduce staff to workshops Conduct workshops IT facilitation Hamal to hoot 1393 Distribute laws and regulations Implementation of anti corruption strategy Hamal to Hoot 1393 P a g e | 113 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.4 SoEs and Coorporations Coordination Reform Implementation and Financial analysis Directorate 3.4.1 SoEs Reform Implementation department Head of Dept: Amanullah Haidari Phone: 070023565 Strategic Objective:7.0 Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub Strategy:7.8 Improve performance of MoCI’s SoEs and Corporations Output No. Output Study and provide suggestion on implementing reforms in financial and ecumenical issues of SoEs and Corporations Implement reforms which approved by cabinet on SoEs and Corporations Review SoEs and Corporations to enable them according to instruction of the Minister Activities Milestones Analyse financial and economic activities of 1392 year- FLGE, Spinzar SoE in Kunduz, Jin and press in Balkh, Boost in Helmand, Arzaq Enterprise, Shirkhan Port services agency and also Hairatan Astras, Afsootar, Hand craft, Afghan Teeure, Afghan Card, Helmand Carpentry and provide report about each units along with suggestions of reforms to the Minister Implement liquidation activities based on approval of cabinet about FLGE and Afghan Nichii Corporation and other approval during the year If the Minister approve the suggestion of the evaluation commission all the SoE will be evaluated based on the instructions and there will be suitable suggestions according to real effectiveness and conditions of the for further operation in competitive market Review instructions Identify challenges Provide report along suggestions to the Minister Send and implement the instructions Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Relevant Team No April 2014 to March 2015 No April 2014 to March 2015 No April 2014 to March 2015 Prepare implementation plan of Appointed approved liquidation activities Finalize and complete the liquidation Commission process Provide comments for keeping the moveable assets of SoEs and Corporations and us full usage of them Appointed Delegation P a g e | 114 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Participate in meetings of high council of SoEs and General association of shareholders and management board of corporations Review the instructions considering Review comments and suggestions of challenges and problems for improving the participants SoEs and corporations activates Discussions on last instructions Conclusion and provide useful comments Members of High Council of SoEs and No Management Board of Corporations As required during the year P a g e | 115 MoCI Business Plan 2014 3.0 Private Sector and Industries Development 3.4 SoEs and Coorporations Coordination Reform Implementation and Financial analysis Directorate 3.4.2 Financial analysis of SoEs and Corporations Department Head of Dept: Taj Mohammad Noor Yar phone: 0799336137 Strategic Objective: 7.0 Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub Strategy: 7.8 Improve performances of SoEs and Corporations related to MoCI in order to provide transparency in mentioned agencies Output No. Output Activities Monitor and Coordination of accounting activities(Balance and estimated financial plan) of SoEs and Corporations Review the budget balance( Financial Plan) Milestones Anlayse and review estimated financial plans of related units for 1393( SoEs, ports and Social organizations) Analyse and review the quarterly revenue and expenditure of relevant second units ( SoEs, Corporations, ports and Social organizations) Evaluation and review financial affairs Analyse and balance loses and benefits of Afghan Cart Firm, Afghan Ture, FLGE Match the statistic of this year with last year Amend the numbers and statistics Present to the relevant Directorates Send to stakeholders for further activities Implement the mentioned plan on quietly bases Appoint the relevant section on implementation of the plans Provide required instructions Present to the relevant director for his consideration Review reports of Manager of SoEs and Corporations Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Working Team of Relevant Directorate No First quarter of 1393 First quarter of 1393 Second quarter in 1393 P a g e | 116 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Instruction for Accounting methods for 1392 and Hairtan port during 1390, animal product union in 1391 and Boost Enterprise 1391 Analyse and balance loses and benefits of Balkh Textile 1389- 1390, shirkhan port 1390-91, Qaraqul Export institute 1392, Hand Craft firm 1392,Balkh Plant Oil enterprise 1391 and liquidation balance of Afghan Nichii firm Analyse and balance loses and benefits of Arzaq enterprise 1392, Spinzar enterprise 1387 -1392 and other required agencies Provide accounting trainings to relevant staff of second units( prepare balance, registration of accounting documents in ledgers) Match balance numbers with ledger Bring some changes provide comments and suggestions to relevant Director Need assessment of second units Provide effective instructions of accounting Introduce accounting staff to HRD for participating in training programs HRD, Civil service commissio n In 1393 as required P a g e | 117 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreement Directorate WTO Department Department Head: Abdul Karim Malkyar Phone: 079917803 Strategy Objective:1.0 Improve the Enabling and Regulatory Environment for Business and Afghanistan’s DBI Ranking;2.0 Improve International Competitiveness and Trade; Conduct working Coordination with related ministries and agencies Coordinate with the concerned MoFA, Hama 1393 group fifth and WTO secretary, Conduct meeting to prepare offices and the WTO Secretariat MAIL, meeting on accession materials and take preparation for fifth Meeting at the WTO MoF, accession of meetings of accession of Afghanistan to WTO headquarter MoJ, Afghanistan to working group and provide facilities Parliament, WTO Follow up Afghan Delegation documents for ACCI participating in fifth meeting of the working group Raise public Hold seminars, workshops and other educational Organize monthly and quarterly Other In 1393 awareness on WTO trainings for the employees involved with the seminars and training programs concerned process of Afghanistan’s WTO accession; raise ministries and public awareness on WTO agencies including private sector and academy P a g e | 118 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Efficient use of Coordinate with the involving ministries and technical assistance agencies for implementation of WTO agreement; of the international efficiently use the preferential programs and organizations and privileges considered for Afghanistan and the WTO implement Afghanistan’s WTO obligations preferential Participate in meetings, siminars and workshops of programs WTO in other countries Recieve training programs from WTO Introduce to the training programs Follow up the indruction process and take Visa for participants Recieve reports from participants Provide report on progress of accession to WTO Prepare and present report on laws Prepare and present report on participation in meetings Prepare and present report on meetings of WG of WTO Prepare report for Minister Prepare report for the Cabinet Answer to questions of WTO Conduct meetings with Private sector and other relevant agencies on provide answer to questions of WTO Send the finalized documents to private sector and relevant agencies and receive their approval Send documents to the secretary of WTO Conduct meeting with relevant agencies Prepare documents Send to relevant agencies Finalize answers Send answers to WTO PS Directorate, National entrepreneurs Consultative Board, ACCI, MoF Customs General Directorate, EPAA PRID, Office of Chief of staff During 1393 ACCI, EPPA, ASIA and other relevant Ministries Sawar to Saratan 1393 Hoot 1393 P a g e | 119 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreement Directorate Bilateral Agreements Department Department Head: Jamal Shah Stanikzai Phone: 2111303230 Strategic Objective:2.0 Boost Afghanistan’s international competition and promote trade Sub-strategy:2.3 Develop, maintain and implement bilateral trade agreements with the neighbors (APTTA with Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) Output No. Output Preparation for signing mutual agreements Activities Coordinate for holding the seventh AfghanKazakh intergovernmental joint commission on trade and business cooperation between the two countries which will be held in Kazakhstan Coordinate for the ninth session of Trade & Investment Framework Agreements between Afghanistan and the United States which will be held in the US Work on holding the second session of the Afghan-Uzbek joint intergovernmental commission on trade and business cooperation between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan which will be held in Kabul Participate in the joint intergovernmental commission between Afghanistan and Tajikistan Participate in joint intergovernmental commission between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan Work for holding the first session of the working group on trade between Afghanistan and Iran Work on developing trade, economic and Milestones Key Stakeholders Conduct commission Recieve Comments other agencies Prepare dartf of mutual agreements Send the signed agreement to MoF Follow up approval process MoFA, sectoral ministries and agencies, including ACCI & AISA, Reach understanding with counterpart countries through the MoFA (Legal, Agreements and other Directorates) External Support Timeline During 1393 P a g e | 120 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Implement mutual agreements investment cooperation and agreements between Afghanistan and other countries in Asia, Europe, America and Arab countries taking into account offers and demands of those countries and directions of the Minister Work on the Afghan-UAE agreement on promotion and mutual cooperation Sign the Trade and Transit agreement between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, Sign the Trade and Transit agreement between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, Follow up implementation of Trade - Economical agreement between Afghanistan, Qatar, UAE, Malaysia, Georgia, Kuwait and Bahrain. Implement agreement between Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan Review the agreements signed in areas of trade, economic cooperation and investment Provide monthly reports on performance of the Bilateral Agreements Department to the SPPD and other competent authorities Provide recommendations, comments and raise the problems regarding trade and transit issues to the MoE regarding Afghanistan-Tajikistan and Afghanistan-Turkmenistan economic and trade commissions Receive reports from the sectorial agencies and departments for implementation of trade, economic and investment agreements from 1392 – 1393 Participate in all meetings of the trade and economic commissions held inside and outside Participat in the meetings Receive information on implementation of agreements Identify challenges and provide solutions for implementation of agreements MoF, Relevant Ministries , ACCI, AISA In 1393 P a g e | 121 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Afghanistan Send agreements on trade, business and investments signed by MoCI or other sectoral ministries with the counterpart countries to the relevant authorities after approval of competent authorities Participate in seminars and workshops inside the country and abroad for raising capacity of the Bilateral Agreements Department employees for dealing with agreements and other documents 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.1 International Trade Agreement Directorate Regional Organizations Department Dept. Head: Ahmad Tariq Matin Phone: 2100772300 Strategic Objective: 0.2 Boost Afghanistan’s regional competition and enhance trade in light of MoCI Strategic Plan Sub-strategy: 2.1 Finalize and implement key trade and transit agreements e.g. ECOTA, SAARC and CAREC Output No. Output Activities Monitor the Implementation of ECOTA ECOTA under ECO ,Participate in the fifth session of ECO Prepare MoCI comments on decision and resolution of the ECO Prepare annual Action Plan on Participate in the 24th meeting of the ECO Regional Planning Council (RPC) Milestones Provide comments and suggestions Send comments to ECO Prepare annual action plan and send to ECO Participate in annual meetings Key Stakeholders In collaboration with MoFA, MoF, MoE, MoTCA, MoMP, MoHE, MCIT, MoJ ACCI, PSD Directorate External Support . Timeline Hamal to Jadi 1393 In 1393 P a g e | 122 MoCI Business Plan 2014 holding the meetings Decrease sensitive list Provide comments on SAFTA agreement Finalize Offer lists on Services Prepare annual action plan of Afghanistan in ECO Participate in the fifth meeting of ECO Senior Officials and the fifth meeting of ECO Ministerial Meeting on Commerce Decrease Afghanistan’s sensitive list of goods in the third phase of SAFTA agreement Prepare proposed list for decreasing Afghanistan’s sensitive list of goods of SAARC member countries Consider proposed lists from SAARC member countries for decrease of Afghanistan’s list of sensitive goods Participate in the meeting of SAFTA Committee of Experts Participate in the SAFTA Working Group meeting to provide comments Prepare and provide list of offers related to services according to proposed offers by WTO of ECO Prepare and present reports on decision of ECO meetings Hold meetings for approval of proposed decreases to the sensitive list Hold meetings for considering the suggestions Send the revised list Participate in meetings and prepare reports International Trade & Transit Directorate, Trade Policy Design, EPAA, AISA ARFVPA Sawar to ASAD 1393 ACCI, MoF, Custom, MoFA Hoot 1393 Receive Comments and suggestion Prepare offers Send offers to SARAC Jawza to Hoot 1393 P a g e | 123 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.2 Trade Analisys and Promotion Directorate World Trade Policies Analysis Department Dept. Head: Wahidullah Zarang Phone: 2112200223 Strategic Objective:2.0 Increase trade and boost Afghanistan’s international competition Sub-strategy:2.4 Develop and implement Afghanistan’s trade policy for boosting coordination between Afghanistan and the donors Output Output Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders No. Collect and analyze statistical data Collect and analyse statistical data on Afghanistan’s imports and exports Analyse economic development through the statistical data Monitor information regarding economies of the partner countries for obtaining information on imports and exports Collect statistical data CSO, Analyse collected data Customs General Directorate Monitor economical information Exter nal Supp ort Timeline During 1393 Obtain statistical data from the Attaché offices Obtain information on trade and economic development from the trade attaché Analysis the of implementation of Trade and economical agreements Analyse statistical data on services, goods, industries and agricultural products Analyse statistical data for goods CSO, Prepare sensitive list of goods for trade Analyse statistical data on sensitive list Customs Department, Analyse customs tariffs Analyze customs tariffs MAIL, During 1393 (on quarterly basis) P a g e | 124 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Industrial Affairs Directorate Analyse and review trade improvement Analyse sensitive list of trade in services for Afghanistan’s WTO accession process Analyze sensitive list of trade in services Analyse impacts of bilateral and multilateral agreements and negotiations of trade in services for Afghanistan’s WTO accession Analyze economical impacts of implementation of agreements During 1393 Analyse achievements for trade in services in the four treatment Analyse policies for access to markets and increasing domestic products Analyse achievements and benefits/losses of trade in industries and goods Analyse list of subsidies for domestic products and all types of subsidies for agricultural products Analyse impacts of market access and decreasing tariffs on agricultural products Analyse policies for customs tariffs on agricultural products Prepare reports on data for trade in agricultural products Analyse tariff-related and technical trade barriers P a g e | 125 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Develop Draft of Afghanistan’s trade policy Analyse current trade approach and achievements Develop trade policy in light of the progresses Analyse challenges existing for trade, develop collaborative and cohesive trade system with neighbouring trade partners and analyse its importance on economic development Analyze Afghanistan’s trade status from different Collect data on imports and exports Evaluate increase and decrease of imports and exports level Final quarter of 1393 CSO, Customs G. Directorate, ACCI Assess and review annual amount of trade with other countries 4.0 Trade 4.1 International Trade General Directorate 4.1.2 Trade Analisys and Promotion Directorate Business Services and External Agencies G. Department Department Head: Abdullah Mohebbi phone: 2122227712 Strategic objective: 3.0 Industrializing Afghanistan through boosting exports and imports substitution with domestic products Sub-strategy: 3.7 Better utilization of the MoCI trade attachés abroad for promotion of Afghan produces 3.8 Boosting participation of Afghan firms in international trade exhibitions Output No. Output Milestones Increase of exports Finding market for Afghan products particularly Collecting information on Afghan for exported goods by Afghan trade attachés products abroad Directing the trade Attaches to market in different countries Introduction of Providing facilitation for traders to attend in Activities Coordinating with the countries Key Stakeholders External Support PSD Directorate, Industrial Affairs Directorate, ACCI, MAIL Exhibition P a g e | 126 Timeline During 1393 During MoCI Business Plan 2014 Afghanistan’s goods at international fairs Solving problems the traders exhibitions held outside introducing their goods Afghanistan for Facilitating visa for Afghan traders Solving problems of the traders through the trade attachés offices, diplomatic channels and the MoFA Attraction of foreign investments Consolidation of reports on activities of the trade attachés Providing visa facilitations Solving problems through the trade attaché Processing travel of documents of the traders in coordination with the MoFA Attracting foreign investments by the Afghan attachés abroad Holding meetings with officials of the relevant countries’ The trade attachés provide reports on their activities The trade office provide comments on the attachés’ reports and provide guidelines to the attachés Attending in meetings, workshops and training sessions as well as organizing educational programs Obtaining reports received from the trade attachés’ offices and consolidating them for reporting to the Minister Building capacity of the employees holding exhibitions Establishing relations with other departments and traders Attending in other relevant sessions and seminars Directorate, EPAA, ACCI ACCI, Exhibition Directorate, Enturpruners’ National Consultative Board, EPAA, MoFA 1393 During 1393 During 1393 End of 1393 MoFA’s HR Directorate P a g e | 127 During 1393 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.1 Transit Department Director : Jamal Nasir Omar phone: 0752144274 Strategic Objective: 02Improve international trade and competition Sub Strategy: 2.6 Cooperation with Custom Department for streamlining and improving procedures Output No. Output Provide Facilitation Receive data about transit goods Process Documents of transit goods Improve transit, provide transit Activities Provide facilitation for transit of exported goods, internal and external transit Coordination with MoF, Ports and relevant agencies like Ministry of Transport, ACCI and private sector companies Conduct meetings with Custom Department for providing transit facilitation and solving problems Collect information about quantity and type of transit goods from all ports in Afghanistan Maintain relation ASYCODA Department of MoF Milestones Process transit documents of those goods which pass Afghanistan Process application of transit companies for transferring their goods Introduce and send documents of transit goods to Custom Department Improve transit, provide transit services and solve related problems for private sector in Hairatan, Torghondi, Shirkhan, Aqina, Aiikhanum, Islam External Support Timeline NA During 1393 MoF NA Quartly in 1393 MoF NA During 1393 ACCI, MoFA, Custom Dept. NA During 1393 Key Stakeholders With support of Balkh Custom and Relevant agencies Request transit data from MoF, Ministry of Custom Conduct meetings Transport , ACCI Collect information Compile information from ports and send it to relevant agencies Receive agreement of purchaser and seller companies Request translation of agreement Request for representative of in border Commitment of Freights companies with their licences Conduct meetings Improve transit situation Solve problems P a g e | 128 MoCI Business Plan 2014 services and solve related problems Facilitate and complete internal transit documents Prepare regulation for transit goods Qala, Zarang ports and in Chabahar, Karachi and Qowadar foreign ports. Distribute internal transit certificate as request of exporters Prepare and arrange internal transit certificate Get the representative of borders and ensure of other transit documents Process documents for accounts liquidation and re present of internal transit documents Follow up transit goods regulation through Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Distribute internal transit certificate Provide quartly report Prepare Documents Process and liquid documents Send regulation to MoJ Participate in MoJ meetings LAD, MoJ NA In 1393 NA As required P a g e | 129 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.2 Trade Facilitation Department Dept Head: Shah Mohammad Sakhi Zada , Contact: Strategic Objective: Improve international trade and competition Sub strategy: Provide trade facilitation to increase regional and mutual trade volume and establish services delivery mechanism for up loading and off loading and keeping goods in pots Output No. Output Activities Design map Process procurement documents Prepare map Flatting and gravelling Spineboldak port Build surrounded wall of Spineboldak, offices, Design map ports and cranes Process procurement and extend regional Procure required equipments for Mill 78 and documents and mutual trade spineboldak ports Suggest to Minister relation an d volume Get approval Opera ration of Khosht, Eshkshem and Islam Qala ports Purchase one ship Monitor ports Manage related activities of freight forwarding companies Milestones Build surrounded wall for Eshkashem port Build Offices Build Hangars Flatting working areas of the ports Purchasing of one ship for transferring goods from Prepare and present request rivers in the borders Send request to Minister office Process documents Monitor work performances and activities Contact with Heads of ports Receive reports on revenues, expends, exported Collect information and imported goods Issue license for activity of freight forwarding Present business plan companies in ports for provide related services Article of association and license Provide freight forwarding services like up loading and ware house Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline MoUD NA Hamal to Hoot 1393 Minister office NA During 1393 Minister office NA End of 1393 NA NA Monthly, quartly and annual NA NA In 1393 P a g e | 130 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Monitor and control activities of freight forwarding companies in all ports Receive report about performance of freight Contact with ports forwarding companies against their work plan Collect reports Review activities NA NA Monthly, quartly and annual Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline MoFA, MoJ, LAD, ACCI, ITD, AFCO union NA In 1393 Ministry of Transport, MoFA, MoF, Custom and land NA In 1393 4.0 Trade 4.2 Transit and Trade Facilitation Directorate 4.2.3 Transit Agreements Department Head of Dept: Sayyed Emam Rezaii Contact: 0752052201 Strategic Objective: Improve international trade and competition Sub Strategy:Follow up signing of agreements and their implementation Output No. Output Transit route of Chabahar Zarang Activities Implement TEER Convention in the country Milestones Follow up the signing of tripartite agreement between Afghanistan, Iran and India regard use Chabahar Port Introduce qualified companies for getting land in chabahar according to the singed MoU in 1390 Put more efforts on delivering the commitments to the Road Transportation organization Conduct meetings of internal commission Send the draft to relevant agencies Insert comments Send to MoFA for further follow up Contact meeting with Ministry of Transport Permanent participation of MoCI focal point in TEER process P a g e | 131 MoCI Business Plan 2014 APTTA Agreement Identify problems Conduct meetings Find solutions Follow up transportation and transit issues and problems with Iran Identify problems Conduct meetings Find solutions Follow up to finalize the content of this agreement Prepare and provide plan Collect comments and suggestions Send to MoFA for confirmation Follow up decision of APTIKA meetings Cross border meeting between Afghanistan and Iran Tripartite agreement between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan Drafts of transit agreement Follow up draft of tripartite agreement between Afghanistan, Tajikistan and China according tripartite meeting between president of mentioned countries Trade and transit agreement with Turkmenistan Draft of tripartite agreement between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan Send to MoFA Send to MoFA to get comment of Turkmenistan Transportation Directorate Focal points of relevant agencies NA In 1393 NA In 1393 MoFA, LAD, ITD, MoJ NA Hamal to Sunbula 1393 MoFA,ITD, MoJ, LAD NA 1393 Focal points of relevant agencies P a g e | 132 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.3 Export Promotion Directorate 4.3.1 Development of Manufacturing and Marketing Head of Dept: Naweed Mohseni Contact: 0202504837 Strategic Objective:3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through increasing exports and substitution of imports with domestic products Sub Strategy:3.8 Boost participation of Afghan firms in international trade exhibitions Output No. Output Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders Inform the traders about the exhibition Hold meetings with the traders Coordinate with the organizers of the exhibition Introduce traders to the exhibition Provide technical assistance to the participants of the exhibition Provide visa facilitations to the traders Provide facilitations for shipment of the traders’ goods Export Promotion Directorate Export Promotion project Exporting sectors’ guild Afghan trade attaché to Azerbaijan Export Promotion Directorate Export Promotion project Exporting sectors’ guild Introduce Afghan traders and products to Azerbaijan’s markets Arrange for participation of Afghan traders in Azerbaijan’s fair Introduce Afghan products to the domestic and foreign traders Hold four exhibitions at Kabul with coordination of Conduct exhibition Directorate Exhibition of permanent production Inform the traders about the exhibition Hold informational meetings with the traders over their participation in the exhibitions Coordinate with the Serena Hotel Select and introduce traders to the exhibitions Monitor and evaluate the exhibitions Introduce Afghan traders to markets and introduce Afghanistan’s products to SAARC Coordinate for participation of Afghan traders in SAARC trade fair in India Inform the traders about the exhibition Hold informational meetings with the traders for their participation in the exhibition Provide technical assistance to the participants Coordinate with the organizers of the exhibition Introduce traders to the exhibition Export Promotion Directorate Export Promotion project Exporting sectors’ Timeline External Support No Hamal 1393 – Sawr 1393 No During 1393 Indian embassy Kabul Hamal 1393 – Sawr 1393 P a g e | 133 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Provide visa facilitations to the traders Provide facilitations for shipment of the traders’ goods member countries Coordinate for participation of Afghan traders in Kazakhstan’s trade fair and business meeting Inform the traders about the exhibition Hold informational meetings with the traders for their participation in the exhibition and business meeting Provide technical assistance to the participants Coordinate with the organizers of the exhibition Introduce traders to the exhibition Provide visa facilitations to the traders Provide facilitations for shipment of the traders’ goods Introduce Afghan products in Italy and find markets for different items particularly Afghanistan's cashmere Coordinate for participation of Afghan traders in Italy’s trade fair and business meeting Inform the traders about the exhibition Hold informational meetings with the traders for their participation in the exhibition and business meeting Provide technical assistance to the participants Coordinate with the organizers of the exhibition Introduce traders to the exhibition Provide visa facilitations to the traders Provide facilitations for shipment of the traders’ goods Introduce Afghan products in Spain and find markets for different items particularly Afghanistan's saffron Coordinate for participation of Afghan traders in Spain’s trade fair and business meeting Inform the traders about the exhibition Hold informational meetings with the traders for their participation in the exhibitions Provide technical assistance to the participants Coordinate with the organizers of the exhibition Introduce traders to the exhibition Provide visa facilitations to the traders Provide facilitations for shipment of the traders’ Introduce Afghan products to Kazakh market guild Afghan trade attaché to India Export Promotion Directorate Export Promotion project Exporting sectors’ guild Afghan trade attaché in Kazakhstan Export Promotion Directorate Export Promotion project Exporting sectors’ guild Afghan trade attaché in Italy Export Promotion Directorate Export Promotion project Exporting sectors’ guild Afghan trade Trade Attache of Kazakh embassy in Kabul Hamal 1393 – Sawr 1393 Trade Attache of Italian embassy in Kabul Asad 1393 – Sunbula 1333 No Asad 1393 – Sunbula 1333 P a g e | 134 MoCI Business Plan 2014 goods attaché to Spain P a g e | 135 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.3 Export Promotion Directorate 4.3.2 Information and Database General Department Dept. Head: Shir Mohammad Nazari Phone: 2020023121 / 2123232702 Strategic Objective:3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through boosting exports and substitution of imports with domestic products Sub Strategy:3.6 Obtain information on foreign markets and study how Afghan products will be able to find markets Output No. Output Marketing for Afghan goods in Dubai Activities Business meeting among Afghan and foreign traders in Dubai Collect information and find markets for Afghan goods in Turkey Research for assessment of market demands in Turkey Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Inform the traders about the meeting Hold meetings with the traders Coordinate with the concerned authorities in Dubai Select traders to participate in the meeting Provide visa facilitations to the businessmen Provide technical assistance and consultation on product samples for participants Provide facilitations for transferring product samples Export Promotion Directorate, Export promotion project, Export sectors (guild), International Trade Directorate and Afghan Trade Attache In Dubai UAE chambers of commerce Jawza 1393 – Saratan 1393 Export Promotion Directorate, Export promotion project, International Trade Directorate and Afghan Trade Attache In Turkey Turkish Chambers of Commerce Assad 1393 – Sunbula 1393 Coordinate with the Turkish Chamber of Commerce Coordinate with the International Trade Directorate and Afghan trade attaché in Turkey Provide materials necessary for research and introduce Afghan products to the Turkish market Select and send professional staff to implement the program Collect information on customs procedures, standards and demands in the Turkish market P a g e | 136 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Enhance capacity of the Export Promotion Directorate Enhance capacity of traders of the export sectors Hold 15 training workshops for the employees Hold four workshops for Afghan traders Introduce Herat traders to traders from other provinces Hold business meeting in Herat province for Afghan goods Analyze data collected and provide suggestions for the exporters Identify capacity building needs of the employees Prepare site and workshop’s required equipment Invite experts to train employees Coordinate with programs such as CBI and ATAR Collaborate with local institutions in preparation of materials for conducting workshops Coordinate with CBI, ATAR and HARAKA Identify capacity building needs for the exporters Prepare location and workshop’s required equipment Invite experts for training the employees Collaborate with the mentioned agencies in preparation of materials for conducting workshops Inform/invite the traders Coordinate with export guilds Hold meetings with traders Select traders for participating in the meeting Determine venue for the meeting Oversee the conduction of the meeting Export Promotion Directorate Export promotion project CBI ATAR HARAKAT Export Promotion Directorate Export promotion project Export guilds CBI ATAR HARAKA In 1393 ATAR Sawr 1393 Export Promotion Directorate Export promotion project Export guilds In 1393 P a g e | 137 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation Directorate 4.4.1 Administration General Department Dept. Head: Muhammad Masoud Phone: 2122023012 Strategic Objective: 3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through increasing exports and substituting imports with domestic products Sub-Strategy 3.8: Enhance participation of Afghan companies in international trade fairs Output No. Output Reserve halls Prepare halls for holding exhibitions Division of hall’s rooms into stalls Stalls arrangement Design and decoration Maintenance Maintain facilities of exhibition’s department Protect green areas and trees within the department Prepare exhibition halls for internal and international fairs Maintenance Activities Milestones Key Stakeholders Departments of fair’s administration No External Support Timeline No As required No Weekly P a g e | 138 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation Directorate 4.4.2 Accounting General Department Dept. Head: Sayed Tajuddin Phone: - Strategic Objective: 3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through increasing exports and substituting imports with domestic products Sub-Strategy: 3.8: Enhance participation of Afghan companies in international trade fairs Output No. Output Activities Milestones Indentify extra areas Implement plan Give area to the applicants Sign contracts Request for Bank receipts Pay rents to the Bank Identify areas for ware house Prepare plan Implement project Present proposal Sign contract Start Rent extra assets Identify extra areas for ware houses and prepare plan and start the bidding process according to the law and collect revenue Revenue Establish warehouse Collect subscription fees and service fees from domestic and foreign exhibitions held in Afghanistan Create a warehouses for processing trade and export goods Construction building of exhibition with assistant of foreign countries Prepare proposal Discussion with Donors Attract assistant of donors Implement projects according construction standard and regulations Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Private sector No In 1393 Private Sector No One year NA No In 1393 Afghan trade attaché in China Donors To start in Hoot 1392 P a g e | 139 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.4 Exhibition Facilitation Directorate 4.4.3 Coordination and Conduct General Department Dept. Head: Najibullah Phone: 2113120010 Strategic Objective: 3.0 Industrialize Afghanistan through increasing exports and substituting imports with domestic products Sub-strategy: 3.8 Enhance participation of Afghan companies in international trade fairs Output No. Output Hold and participate in local and international exhibitions Marketing for exported goods Activities Milestones Participate in international and regional exhibitions International exhibition in Reaaz City, Sauid Arabia Agriculture international exhibition in China Well-worn machines exhibition in Coline, Germany Carpet international exhibition in Shangai, China Agriculture and equipment international exhibition in Iraq Food international exhibition in Chipa, Japan Halal (liget) food exhibition in Moscow Commercial and cultural exhibition in India Imported goods exhibition in China International exhibition in China Birds international exhibition in Iran South east Asia countries exhibition Introduce participants to international fairs Introduce produced goods to foreign markets and help them secure contracts Provide information to exporters through seminars and workshops on conditions of foreign markets Receive official memo Introduce participants Help in sending goods of traders to international exhibitions Assist in getting visa Launch foreign exhibitions Sign contracts Provide reports Prepare full list of goods Prepare and send sample to marketing Information about production, process, Key Stakeholders ACCI and other Exporting agencies Traders and exporting agencies External Support Timeline Trade attaché and foreign exhibitions secretariat Saudi Arabia, 17-20 May 2014 China, 25-27 April 2014 Germany, 5-7 May 2014 China, 25-27 March 2014 Iraq, 14-21 March 2014 Japan 4-7 March 2014 Moscow, 5-8 June 2014 India 1-14 February 2014 China 14-16 June 2014 China 24 to 26 May 2014 Iran, 20-22 February 2014 China, 6-10 June 2014 During the exhibition P a g e | 140 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Exchange of economic experiences Permanent fair Arrange meetings/discussions for exchange of trade experiences between the participants and the secretariat and trade attachés Prepare brochures and templates Create permanent fairs for domestic goods in the Exhibitions Directorate’s halls for improvement of national economy sort and quality Select and assign Afghan official delegation and host country Select and assign commercial sector Follow up results of the meetings Prepare 100 stall Follow up 38 already distributed stall Design Distribute remain stall No NA ACCI and exporting agencies During exhibitions Beginning of Hamal 1393 – Sunbula 1393 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.1 Licensinge and Registration Directorate Licensing and Registration Department Dept. Head: Khan Rasul Qarluq Phone: 2788527735 Strategic objective: Improve the Enabling and Regulatory Environment for Business and Afghanistan’s DBI Ranking Sub-strategy: Improve and streamline licensing process and other requirements , stream line business registration process Output No. Output Streamline licensing and registration processes in a step-by-step process in all provinces Activities Register business of legal and real individuals in centre Issue trading license for legal and real local and international individuals Milestones Provide statement for operations, assign Tax identification number Check and review trade titles in Key Stakeholders External Support Moj,MoF,M oI,AISA, MoCI provincial Harakat P a g e | 141 Timeline During 1393 MoCI Business Plan 2014 database Select commercial titles Send the result to official gazette Pay all fees to the bank Issue certificate and license Provide statement for operations, assign Tax identification number Check and review trade titles in database Select commercial titles Send the result to official gazette Pay all fees to the bank Issue certificate and license offices Monitor the new licensing and business registration process in provinces Start new licensing and business registration process in provinces Implement procedures on licensing and business registration process in provinces Moj,MoF,M oI,AISA, MoCI provincial offices Harakat P a g e | 142 End of 1393 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.2 Database Department Dept. Head: Sayyed Abudl Sami Phone: 2189198933 Strategic Objective: Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-strategy: Improve and streamline licensing process and other requirements , stream line business registration process, Manage electrical system for registration of trademarks, business , license issued Output No. Output Main activities of provincial technical Department Activities Manage database activities related to registration, licensing in capital and provinces and trademarks Change internet provider to Fiber Noori Digitalize licensing system in center and provinces Extend database to provinces Enhance database according to national and international standards Milestones Provide information on electrical system to all relevant agencies Change internet system Prepare plan for implementing licensing digital system in provinces Key Stakeholders Database developer, ITD, Harakat External Support Harakat Timeline In 1393 P a g e | 143 MoCI Business Plan 2014 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.3 Intellectual Property Registration and Protection Department Dept. Head: Hamid Hakimi Phone: 2111001120 Strategic Objective: Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-strategy: Support the ministry in terms of Intellectual property Output No. Output Main activity of intellectual property Activities Register trademarks Register patents Milestones Implement new provisions of laws and regulation on patent and trademarks Register trademarks according to law Register patent according to law Provide statement of trademark registration Review statement Analyze and review trademarks Send result to official gazette Issue certificate of trademark Provide statement of registration of patents Review and analyze the patent with science academy Send result to official gazette Issue certificate of patent registration Provide statement of trademark registration Review statement Analyze and review trademarks Send result to official gazette Issue certificate of trademark Provide statement of registration of patents Key Stakeholders External Support MoJ, MoF, Science Academy, Custom Directorate Harakat In 1393 MoJ, MoF, Science Academy, Custom Directorate Harakat In 1393 Timeline P a g e | 144 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Review and analyze the patent with science academy Send result to official gazette Issue certificate of patent registration 4.0 Trade 4.5 Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property General Directorate 4.5.4 Archive Department Dept. Head: Gulpacha Farqani Phone: 2186129828 Strategic Objective: Ensure that MOCI has the Capacity to Deliver on its Role Sub-strategy: Improve and streamline licensing process and other requirements , stream line business registration process, Output No. Output Main activities of Archive Department Activities Prepare plan according to workplan of Directorate Provide accurate information about businesses and trademarks registration and on received revenue Milestones Prepare revenue report, export and import documents, trademarks of companies Scan all documents related to registration and trademark Establish new system Prepare plan for transferring data tor general database Key Stakeholders External Support MoJ, MoF, custom directorate Harakat Timeline In 1393 P a g e | 145 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.1 Personnel Records & Database Department Dept. Head: Muhammad Aman Ehsan Phone: 2122300211 Strategic Objective: 7.0 The MoCI has the professional capacity to promote its role. Sub-strategy: Provide quality and professional support, provide the necessary advice and guidance in the field of human resources management based on prevailing laws and regulations of the Government of Afghanistan Output No. Output Employees’ performance appraisal Activities Record and database Attendance sheet Milestones Annual , quartly and six month performance monitoring and evaluation Ensure of performance appraisal form in records of each staff Review records and prepare suggestion Prepare suggestion and get approval of relevant authority Approval of staff applause from AFD Insert record information on database Prepare and manage attendance book Provide attendance report Retired staff Promotion Rewards Database, filing Provide attendance book to all staff Make sure of salary payment Prepare appraisal plan Prepare schedule and distribute forms Inform the AFD about promotion of staff Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline IARCSC Continuousl y IARCSC In 1393 AFD In 1393 P a g e | 146 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.2 Recruitment Department Dept. Head: Abdul Saboor Qazi Phone: 2112171020 Strategic Objective: 7.0 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the capacity necessary to advance its role Sub-strategy: 7.1 Implement recommendations of a new system of pay and ranking Output No. Output Identify and advertise vacant posts Staff recruitment Implement new system of pay and grading Recruit qualified person through fair and open competition Supports Appointment Committee Support records and trainings areas Provide support to MoCI Internal Appointment Committee Build relation with appointment Board of the IARCSC to ensure that qualified individuals have been hired by the Ministry Work with trainings for building capacity of staff Work with records section and database of the employees for completing documents of newly-hired employees Activities Identify and advertise vacant posts Milestones Advertise vacant posts Distribute application forms Collect and complete forms Short listing Interview Process documents and recruit qualified candidate Build relation with appointment Board Provide facilitation during interviews Build relation Provide and receive required documents Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline Advisors to the Minister NA Hamal to Sawar 1393 IARCSC’s Civil Services Board NA Jawza to Saratan 1393 Appointment committee Continuously Capacity building Dept. Record Dept. Monthly, quartly, annual P a g e | 147 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.3 Capacity-Building Department Dept Head: Pardis Phone: 2127130030 Strategic objective: 7.0 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the capacity necessary to advance its role Sub-strategy: 7.2 Attract investments of donor projects for development of capacity of civil services ,7.3 Design and implement targeted plans for building capacity of MoCI staff and focus on the Ministry’s role as policy-maker and facilitator of trade and business activities Output No. Output Finding training gaps Develop Training budget Enhance professional capacity of the employees Provide information to newly-hired employees on MoCI objectives and activities Activities Milestones Send training need assessment form to all departments Collect TNA forms Analyse collected information and inserted in data base Specify number of training programs Estimate expenses all training programs Send the developed budget to AFD Send form Collect forms Insert in database Conduct training programs based on need assessments Select staff for participating in training programs Introduce staff to external and internal training program Indentify newly-hired staff Send letter to relevant department Conduct awareness programs for mentioned staff in Kabul and provinces Specify program Select staff Conduct training program Identify staff Send letter Conduct programs Specify number of programs Estimate expenses Develop budget Key Stakeholders All Dept. MoCI External Support Timeline NA First quarter of 1393 NA Second quarter of 1393 All MoCI directorates IARCSC In 1393 All MoCI directorates NA In the first and second quarters AFD P a g e | 148 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Provide facilitation for Practical students Process Tashkeel for 1394 Accelerate work processes and timely performance of the employees Introduce practical student to all departments Monitor the performances of department Provide report on the performances to related agencies Request for developing Tashkeel of 1394 from all departments Develop new tashkeel according to requirements and send it to IARCSC Include Key posts of MoCI into super scale privileges Distribute super scale form to qualified staff Send Forms to IARCSC for observation Introduce students Monitor the practice period Send report to relevant agencies All MoCI directorates NA In 1393 Send request Develop new tashkeel Send to IARCSC All MoCI Dept. NA In third and fourth quarter 1393 Identify Key posts Distribute forms Introduce to commission IARCSC IARCSC In the first, second and third quarters 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.1 Human Resource Management Directorate 5.1.4 Staff Relations Dept. Head: Sayed Latif Phone: 2122131202 Strategic objective: 7.0 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the capacity necessary to advance its role Sub-strategies: Provide convenient and safe work environment for employees and take necessary measures for health, safety and well-being of the employees Output No. Output Provide safe working environment Activities Develop administrative guideline on preserving privacy and welfare of employees at work Train staff on health and welfare of employees Take measures for building health clinic in the Ministry Provide equipments and medicines for health clinic Introduce sick employees to hospitals and clinics Milestones Communicate with relevant agencies Collect documents Provide suggestion Key Stakeholders External Support IARCSC Timeline During 1393 through separate plan P a g e | 149 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Provide information to employees and enforce law To address problems existing for employees and ensure their satisfaction Achieve professional discipline, implement the article No.90-91092 of the labour law and monitor implementation of Article 19 of the Civil Service Law Hold working sessions, seminars and workshops through a separate plan for raising awareness of the staff on the Labour Law and the Law on Civil Services Appoint committee for the year 1393 to settle disputes between employees and the management and resolve issues Constant communications and cooperation with the Services Department of the Administration and Finance Directorate on comfort of the staff Address complaints of the employees in accordance with the IARCSC’s complaints procedure and Article (98) of Labour Law of the Islamic Republic Afghanistan Communicate with MoCI central and provincial departments Provide materials Review and analyze performance of staff Prepare and present report IARCSC Continuou sly In 1393 Communicate with Finance and Administration Directorate and IARCSC Implement procedure and provide report to the commission IARCSC Continuou sly in 1393 according to the plan P a g e | 150 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.1 Budget Department Dept. Head: Aziz Ahmad Dashti Phone: 2100732017 Strategic Objective: 7.0 The MoCI has the essential capacity for advancement of its role Sub-Strategy: Prepare work plans for developing MoCI budget based on the Ministry’s programs and budget defense for the MoF Output No. Output Develop budget Prepare fiscal plan Demand budget allocation from the MoF Prepare reports on use of budget in the Ministry and the provincial departments Key Stakeholders External Support Participate in workshops Gather MoCI requirements Approve the budget by the Minister Approve the Budget by MoF Minister No No Qaws 1393 – Dalw 1393 Budget appropriation Submit to the MoF No No During Dalw 1393 Demand allocations from the MoF every six months Disburse allocations to the provinces No No Dalw 1393 No No Quarterly in 1393 Activities Develop budget based on Ministry’s plans Participate in MoF workshops for development of budgets Gather MoCI’s needs in relation with budget Obtain the Minister’s approval for the budget Obtain approval of the MoF Appropriate budget for the provincial departments Send the budget plan to the MoF Disburse allocations for the Ministry and its provincial departments Disburse allocations for development projects Milestones Ask quarterly reports from provincial departments Ask for expenditures accounts Send letters recommending frugality in spending budgets Send letters demanding for fiscal reports Obtain quarterly fiscal accounts Timeline P a g e | 151 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.2 Accounting Department Dept. Head: Muhammad Aziz Langar Phone: 2122273201 Strategic Objective:7.0 The MoCI has the professional capacity to advance its role. Sub-strategy:Support MoCI’s fiscal and financial activities Output No. Output External agencies Salary and expense process Salary and overtime payment of central staff Oversee and regulate revenues Internal expenses payments Key Stakeholders External Support MoF NA First month of each quarter Receive repot Prepare form Send to MoF MoF NA Monthly Receive documents Distribute tariff Money payment MoF NA Continuously Receive request Assets confirmation Prepare form MoF NA As required Activities Receive salary and expenses request from commercial attaché Prepare payroll and follow up inside the MoCI Send payroll to MoF Request of attendance report from HRD Prepare M41 and M16 forms Send these forms to MoF Present revenue related documents by departments to transfer to government account Distribute tariff according to the documents and send it to DAB Make sure of the payment through bank receipts Receive goods purchase request from procurement Department Confirm assets in M3 and M7 Prepare M16 form and send to MoF after all process Milestones Receive request Process payroll Send to MoF Timeline P a g e | 152 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Prepare final reports of expenses and revenues Share allocations and expenses to MoF Send one year expenses report to MoF Prepare M91 and send to MoF after completing all process Share with MoF Send report to MoF Prepare form MoF No Monthly, quartly in end of year and start of fiscal P a g e | 153 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.3 Services Department Dept. Head: Khawani Rahimi Phone: 2122237030 Strategic Objective:7.0 Ensure that the MoCI has the capacity to advance its role Sub-Strategy:Oversee, manage, clean and maintain MoCI buildings; regulate MoCI transportation system and maintain vehicles; register MoCI properties inside and outside the country; implement construction projects of the Ministry Output No. Output Implement MoCI construction projects Provide transportation services Activities Prepare maps, specifications of constructions and amount of works of the MoCI departments in Kunduz, Daikundi, Paktia and Parwan Implement construction projects, report on works progress, and make a secondary assessment from the MoCI department in Kandahar Refurbish and paint MoCI building Regulate transportation of employees, adjust commuting directions and provide monthly reports on attendance of the contracted vehicles Arrange transportation for the MoCI officials and deal with the failures of the vehicles Develop and Arrange meetings of MoCI administration and other Directorates maintain plans for Record and register all properties of the MoCI and better report to the concerned authorities coordination of the activities Maintain and Cleaning the whole Ministry Mow the grass and flowers and grow ornamental Milestones Key Stakeholders External Support Prepare maps Map Implement plans Set transportation course Consult with departmental managers Approve the transportation directions End of the year MUDA No In coord. with the managers under direction of the Services Department Based on guidance of technical committee No Continuousl y No Continuousl y According to the Minister’s direction Set the areas of works According to the plan Timeline End of second quarter Continuousl P a g e | 154 MoCI Business Plan 2014 clean trees Pay bills electricity and telephone and prepare fuels for the winter season y P a g e | 155 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.2 Administration and Finance Directorate 5.2.4 Procurement Department Dept. Head: Sayed Azim Homayoon Phone: - Strategic Objective:7.0 The MoCI has the capacity to advance its role. Sub-strategy:Prepare procurement plans for the department for procuring equipments, services and etc. Output No. Output Procuremen t process of Goods, services and construction Procuremen t process for retails Inventory process of all goods provide through contracts Activities Sign contract of 2 type fuel Sign contract of stationary Sign contract of Gas Sign contract of transport facility Sign contract of internet for central and provincial offices Sign contract of rented houses Sign contract of construction projects Appoint purchasing delegation Procure and provide required goods of directorate Inventory of all goods and assets Milestones Prepare Bidding documents Receive budget information Bidding Opening proposals Evaluation Advertising Approval of contracts Start project Prepare M7 form Prepare M2 form Prepare M3 form Prepare FS 13 form Prepare M7 form of report Prepare FS5 form Prepare FS 7 form Prepare FS 8 from Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline PPU, MoF ARDS One year contract // NA In 1393 Deferent agencies NA In 1393 P a g e | 156 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.3 Communication and Information Technology Department Dept. Head: Fawad Mominzada Phone: 2120227227 Strategic Objective:6.0 Promote market economy and raise public awareness on its function Sub-Strategy: Improve IT policies and professional capacity of the staff for improvement of MoCI IT and Communication Output No. 5.3.1 Output Activities Provide IT facilities for central offices of MoCI Create databases for collecting and maintaining data from all the MoCI departments Expand internal telephone system (PABX) in MoCI departments Create formal email addresses for the directorates Create group-mailing system for the Ministry and the departments Install and configure servers and sisco switches for maintaining the internet connectivity of the Ministry Maintain internal networks of MoCI Make recommendations for procurement and determine specifications of electronic equipment (computers, printers, photocopies and scanners) and other equipment required for the departments Develop a new website for the Downstream Petroleum Department Enhance internet capacity/connectivity of the MoCI central office, the secondary units and its departments in 20 provinces Prepare specifications of electronic equipment of the MoCI departments for procurement Install registered anti-virus in all departments of the MoCI central office, the provinces and the secondary units Prepare contract for procurement of cartridges for the Ministry’s departments for 1393 e Milestones Receive requests Distribute forms Start work Key Stakeho lders External Support Ministr y of Comm unicati on NA Timeline Hamal to Hoot 1393 P a g e | 157 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Prepare contract for technology/electronic equipment required for the MoCI departments 5.3.2 Develop and Extend IT facilities for central and provincial offices 5.3.3 Install new IT system for MoCI Extending Internet contract for the MoCI central office and the provincial departments for 3 months Launch PABX internal communication system for the Exhibitions Directorate and network its system Do installations, connect the printers, troubleshoot connectivity problems of all MOCI office and Maintain MoCI PABX system of internal communications Maintain MoCI security camera network Install security devices for doors of some MoCI offices Configure internet system for the Transit and Trade Facilitations Department in Aqina Bandar Prepare and process the whole procurement documents for MoCI IT equipment Prepare contract for Internet connectivity for EPPA Prepare contract for the Exhibitions Directorate Prepare contract for development of website for the central registration directorate Install and augment security camera system for the MoIC’s new four-storey building Install and augment security camera system for the new building of the PSD G.Directorate and the dining hall Install security cameras in different areas in the Ministry Develop staff attendance system in forms of cards/fees deduction system Develop pay and reporting system for the Ministry through the AFMAS system Design cards for the vehicles owned by the Ministry Develop video-conference capacity for the Ministry’s central office Suggest to Minister Follow up procurement Start projects Send documents for procurement Send forms on using of internet NA NA First quarter of 1393 Suggest to Minister Follow up procurement Start projects Send documents for procurement Send forms on using of internet NA NA Hamal to Hoot 1393 P a g e | 158 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Conduct IT training sessions for the MoCI employees Develop CIT policy Create backup for the database of the Central Business Registry and Intellectual Property Directorate Review the database of the International Trade Directorate Create the portal of “Afghan Portal” for the Ministry Create contact list for the MoCI Connect the MoCI through fiber cable Reconfigure and standardize MoCI server room Provide new SMS systems for the traders of Central Business Registry and Intellectual Property Directorate Prepare different forms for the CIT department Prepare manual for using official email addresses Obtain reports on use of internet and ensure effective use of the technology P a g e | 159 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.4 Public Relation and Information Directorate 5.4.1 Information Department Director: Nassir Zakhil Phone: Strategic Objective: 6.0 Promote the Market Economy and Increase Understanding of How it Operates. Sub Strategy: 6.1 Improve the image of Ministry through awareness campaigns and inform public about achievements of the MoCI Output No. Output Publication activities and achievements of MoCI Activities Reflect the good image of MoCI the Media Prepare and Share activities of the MoIC through interviews with TV networks, website and Facebook page of the Ministry Collect reports about achievements and activities of provincial and central departments and write them on magazine of the ministry Monitor the magazine before printing Participate in Media conferences and roundtables in TV networks Interview with newspapers, magazine and other printed media to share the achievement and activities of MoCI with public Broadcast all activities and achievements through magazine and website of the MoCI Translate all speech of the high Officials from Official Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline No NA During 1393 Mass Media MoCI Website MoCI official Magazine No No During 1393 Collect information No No During 1393 Milestones MoCI magazine Mass Media Face book Brochures P a g e | 160 MoCI Business Plan 2014 Translate all Speech of Minister Video record and take picture of all events in MoCI Sign contract with Printed media for getting daily information for the minister, DMs and directors languages to English Prepare and translate materials for national languages to English for website Translate official letter to English as required Video recording of all media conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars Prepare report along with pictures and upload them on website Keep pictures as hard and soft copy in archive Sign contract with publications according to instruction of the Minister Distribute daily newspaper to all Directorates and advisor of the Minister Ensure on time receiving of newspaper in the Ministry Ensure that the amount of the newspaper agency paid through the bank account by the MoCI from Minister Office Prepare Speech Translate Speech Inform by relevant Directorate Prepare camera Take picture of the events Request to the Minister Send contract to relevant publications Submit contract to admin directorate Distribution of newspaper to Minister office and all directorates No No No No During 1393 During 1393 P a g e | 161 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.4 Public Relation and Information Directorate 5.4.2 Provinces Relation Department Dept head: Najibul Rahman Phone: 0771014545 Strategic Objective: 6.0 Promote the Market Economy and Increase Understanding of How it Operates. Sub Strategy: Build relation and coordination with government and none government agencies Output No. Output Activities Invite mass media to media conference and round table of the Ministry Build relation and coordination with Ministries and agencies Manage, update and Milestones Prepare a database for inviting mass media Invite mass media to media conferences of the ministry Prepare interviews of the Minister according to instruction of Minister office Provide facilitation for local and international journalists in media conferences Make sure invitation and participation process of Media is completed Arrange media conferences inside and outside of the Ministry. Provide and prepare accurate report from all conferences and broadcast it on MoCI magazine . Participate in Media conferences as representative of MoCI and reflect the relevant information to the public sector Build reputation and image of the Ministry through Media Build relation with government and private (none government) agencies for coordination of relevant activities Prepare reports, press releases and send them to the Media Update website of the Ministry with accurate data and information Manage technical and Graphic issues of the website Prepare official email for Directors and Managers Database Invite Media Arrange interview of high authorities Provide all facilities in conferences Participate in conferences Prepare and collect reports Develop website Collect Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline No No During 1393 No No During 1393 No No During 1393 P a g e | 162 MoCI Business Plan 2014 develop website of MoCI Analyse and Review of the Media Upload information of the all Directorates, Departments on the website Upload information of all provincial directorates, departments and second units on the website Review all uploaded materials and find likely mistakes on the website Collect reports of media conferences and upload on the website of the Ministry Study, analyse and review of relevant issues of the news paper Watch relevant news to MoCI on TVs Analyse and review news websites Present reports on mass media to the Minister Manage and distribute received materials to Minister Office, Directorates and Departments . information Update website Analyse hot issues relevant to the Ministry No No During 1393 5.0 Finance and Administration 5.5 Gender Department Dept. Head: Faiqa Jawied Kandahari Strategic Objective: Pro-poor growth Sub-Strategy:Ensure that equal social and economic opportunities are provided for the women in MoCI and all other economic sectors in Afghanistan Output No. Output Include comments Activities Gender Including gender comments in programs, policies, regulations and development projects of the Ministry 5.5.1 5.5.2 Gender awareness Hold workshops on gender awareness for 240 employees of the MoCI secondary and third tier units Milestones Communication with the directorates Provide required suggestions provide report to MoWA and Gender Directorate of ICRACSC Conduct 8 workshops Key Stakeholders External Support Timeline No No 30 Jawza 30 Sunbula 30 Qaws 28 Hoot No NA In each quarter 2 P a g e | 163 MoCI Business Plan 2014 5.5.3 Increase number of women staff and promote them to the leadership level Quote nice sentences and quotations, articles from the prevailing laws, Afghanistan’s international obligations regarding gender equality Print brochures on Mother Day Observe national and international days for women such as Mothers Day, International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women and Women International Day Participate in relevant meetings Introduce Gender Department staff to conferences and workshops Hold meetings with MoCI women staff Introduce women staff for higher education Identify active and qualified women Provide education facility for women staff for BBA and MBA degree Identify Donors for attracting their assistant Conduct meetings with HRD and provide comments on CBR project Participate in Executive team meetings , short listing and recruitment process Guide women staff Provide advice and support women staff 5.5.4 Establish safe working environment for women 5.5.5 Relation with women Participate in women entrepreneurs working group Provide required suggestion to women entrepreneurs entrepreneurs workshop List of active women Training programs Discussion with donors Participate in meetings Receive complains of women staff If required , present suggestion to Minister HRD, SPPD PSD NAq Hamal to Sawar 1393 NA As required NA As required P a g e | 164