Annual reports of the Town of Danville, New Hampshire
Annual reports of the Town of Danville, New Hampshire
'A '07 I: ^Z Animal Reports DanvUle^ New Hampshire ,S> ,^ THE ^. NEW ^ ^ THREE ANNUAL REPORTS of the SELECTMEN, TOWN CLERK, TAX COLLECTOR POLICE and FIRE DEPARTMENTS TREASURER, ROAD AGENT TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS AND LIBRARY of the TOWN OF DANVILLE NEW HAMPSHIRE 1992 Full details concerning every aspect of Town Government are available at any time your Board of Selectmen or your Town from Clerk. INDEX Budget and Warrant 1992 Animal Control Colored Pages 37 Auditor's Statement Building Inspector's Report Comparative Statement Detailed Statement of Payments 22 39 20-21 23-35 Financial Statement Fire Department 9 40-41 Forest Fire Warden 40 Inventory of Valuations Library 5 19+22 PATAC Report 46 Planning Board 36 Police Department 38-39 Selectmen's Message Summary Town Meeting-1992 Tax Collector's Report 6 4 10-12 Town Clerk's Report 5 Town Officers 2- Treasurer's Report 7- 9 3 Trustees of Trust Funds 13-18 Vital Statistics 42-45 — DEDICATION In addition to other deaths in Danville this past year, one was a Danville Native Alden Colby who many referred to as not only a gentleman, but also a "gentle man." — We believe that the greatest tribute we can give to him is to print a poem published by a dear friend and fellow Mason, Verne S. Anderson, which seems to epitomize our memories of Alden. "Whai I have aane to the end of the read, I sh3Jld lite to lock back and see That I have dene my -very best With the trust that's placed in me. I should like to knew that I never have By acticn, wDcd or deed Betrayed a givei cxnfidaxe, Or fcarsakai a frieid in need. I should like the cxnsolaticn. When I'-ve traveled the very last mile, lb knew I've meant scmething to sarecne And caused those in sorrow to smile. I knew that I ^lall be Ysppy If in the heart of just cne I can leave cne lingering marary Of sorething good I lisve dcre." Believe us when we say that for those who knew Alden, he certainly lived up to everything contained in that poem, and we also do have beautiful memories of him. For those who may not have known him you certainly have missed one of life's greatest gentlemen. TOWN OFFICERS MODERATOR Walter Fries SELECTMEN Doreen M. Moore Patricia L. Cote' Bruce Caillouette TOWN CLERK TREASURER TAX COLLECTOR ROAD AGENT SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECKLIST Patricia A. Howe William J. Mace, Sr. Jane E. Sigilinan Clyde E. Goldthwaite Franc ine Byron Donald Kimball Mary Rumery TRUSTEES OF THE LIBRARY William J. Mace, Sr. Elisabeth Marshall Suzanne Weinreich * Dale Marcelonis ** TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS George S Chaudoin Shelley Demaine Peter S. Meigs TRUSTEES OF CEMETERIES AUDITORS ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER * resigned **appointed . Beth Caillouette Richard Kimball Margaret Landry Linda Carey Donald Kimball Maureen Greeley POLICE CHIEF POLICE OFFICERS BUILDING INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR FURNACE INSPECTOR HEALTH OFFICER PLUMBING INSPECTOR SECTON OF CEMETERIES and CARETAKER OF PARKS TOWN FORESTER FIRE CHIEF FIRE WARDS F. Bradford Greeley Leo Beauchamp Sandra Bergman Thomas Billbrough Maureen Greeley Michael Greeley Douglas Melanson Wade Parsons Mark Roy David Collins Peter Doucet M. David Kimball Thomas Waters David Collins * Joseph Fitzpatrick ** Mark Dufresne Melton R. Sanborn M. David Kimball Donald Kimball M. David Kimball Steven Woitkun TOWN ENGINEER CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR * resigned **appointed Steven E. Cummings Thomas Billbrough TOWN MEETING RESULTS March 14, 1992 ARTICLE Elected Town Officials 1. 2. Elected School District Officials 3. Zoning "Building Code" Approved 4. Zoning "Presite Built Housing" Approved 5. Parsonage Fund Approved 6. Hire Money for Taxes Approved 7. Sell Tax Title Property Approved 8. Reconvey Tax Deeded Property Approved 9. Apply, Accept and Expend Money Approved 10. Natural Disaster Aid Accepted 11. User Fee Trash Collection Defeated 12. Dumping Bylaw Approved 13. Regulate Private Haulers 14. Purchase Fire Truck Approved 15. Sell Fire Trucks Approved 16. Accept Town Roads Approved 17. Library Capital Reserve Defeated 18. Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Approved 19. PC Computer for Police Department Approved 20. Fire Truck Capital Reserve 21. Breathing Apparatus Defeated 22. Fire Department SCBA Equipment Defeated 23. Recreation Capital Reserve Approved 24. Town Computer Package Approved 25. Seacoast Hospice Program Approved 26. Open Closed Roads Approved 27. Approved a Budget of Postponed Passed Over $855,247. TOWN CLERK'S REPORT 3151 Auto Registrations Issued $172,040.00 216 Dog Licenses Issued 1,182.00 17.00 Filing Fees 1,120.00 ** 28 Marriage Licenses Issued 14 Returned Check Fees 140.00 96.00 *** Certified Copies Issued PAID TO TREASURER * ** *** * $174,595.00 — dog licenses —Marriage licenses State — certified copies $108. Paid to State $ 91. Paid to State $ 16. Paid to PATRICIA A. HOWE Town Clerk SUMMARY INVENTORY OF VALUATIONS Land Land in Current Use Buildings Manufactured Housing Factory Buildings Public Utilities 63,131,721.00 259,566.00 50,279.850.00 18,312,875.00 567,450.00 3,047,968.00 $135,599,430.00 $ Elderly Tax Credits ($2,040,000.) War Service Tax Credits Penalties Assessed $40,800.00 18,400.00 3,398.28 TAX RATE BREAKDOWN Municipal School County TAX RATE 3.17 15.83 1.00 $20.00 per $1,000. $ SELECTMEN'S MESSAGE It seems as though the worst news this year was the increase in the tax rate, but the good news in all departments) (as in all of us, is that we managed to spend less than what was appropriated last March, so succeeded in coming in under budget. At this time, we would also like to thank all of the townspeople, both individually and collectively, who have been so generous in contributing to our food pantry and clothes closet. We do not want to leave anyone out, so therefore will not even attempt to list them individually. But you know who you are, so please accept our thanks again. This past Thanksgiving we were able to distribute 17 Thanksgiving baskets, and when Christmas rolled around, we were able to do the same, in addition to the 17 baskets that "Mealey's Meals" from Timber lane also delivered. One addition this year was our being able to also provide some Christmas presents to go with the baskets. One group took on two complete families, In and another group took care of another family. addition to this, we had several people ask for individual ages of children to give to, or just purchased gifts or made donations for us to give at our discretion. Although the economy has not yet turned around know that our own residents who are financially able to do so, are still thinking of those who are not quite so fortunate. Thanks again to each and every one of you. it is nice to TREASURER'S REPORT TAX COLLECTOR 1992 Property Tax 1992 Property Tax Interest 1991 Property Tax 1991 Property Tax Interest 1992 Yield Tax 1992 Current Use Tax 1992 Resident Tax 1992 Resident Tax Penalties 1991 Resident Tax 1991 Resident Tax Penalties 1990 Resident Tax 1990 Resident Tax Penalties 1989 Redeemed Taxes 1989 Redeemed Taxes Interest 1990 Redeemed Taxes 1990 Redeemed Taxes Interest 1991 Redeemed Taxes 1991 Redeemed Taxes Interest Overpayments Returned Check Fees TOWN CLERK Auto Registrations Dog Licenses Dog Licenses due State Marriage Licenses Certified Copies Filing Fees Returned Check Fees STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Revenue Sharing Highway Block Grant Forest Land Fire Training State Programs-Police F.E.M.A. $2,154,166.63 689.62 469,780.54 30,265.82 1,574.89 35,000.00 17,030.00 18.00 1,250.00 90.00 190.00 19.00 35,866.46 12,822.71 89,668.32 17,846.80 136,263.32 8,507.33 1,982.11 100.00 $3,013,131.55 $172,034.50 1,074.00 108.00 1,120.00 96.00 17.00 140.00 $174,589.50 $55,959.13 32,075.27 3.81 21.14 803.25 4,522.00 $93,384.60 TRUST FUNDS Colby Cemetery Fund Colby Highway Fund 279.88 3,159.27 $3,439.15 $ TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS Perpetual Care Funds-1991 Capital Reserve Fund-New Fire Engine 908.08 $ 35 ,437 .68 $36,345.76 SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY Cemetery Lots Tax Title Property Redeemed PLAISTOW BANK & TRUST COMPANY Interest earned Tax Anticipation Loans INCOME FROM DEPARTMENTS Animal Control Board of Adjustment Building Inspector Electrical Inspector Fire Department-Inspections Insurance Reports Illegal Burn Health Department Planning Board Police Department-Pistol Permits Insurance Reports Special Detail Witness Fees Uniform TOWN OFFICES Sale of Zoning Ordinances Current Use Filing Fees Sale of Checklists Rent of Town Hall Copy Machine Insurance Refunds 150.00 18,856.67 $19,006.67 $ 17,048.99 2,000,000.00 $2,017,048.99 $ 180.00 162.70 3,259.61 1,331.00 585.00 46.00 121.52 1,395.00 388.50 156.00 210.00 2,128.00 105.52 43.00 $10,111.85 $ $ 54.50 20.00 80.00 175.00 112.00 2,096.00 Damage to Town Property Ordinance Violation Reimbursement Plowing & Sanding White Goods Recycling Volley Ball Insurance I.R.S. Overpayment 160.00 36.00 1,080.00 120.00 103.75 2.51 $4,039.76 — TOTAL RECEIPTS Cash Balance January 1, 1992 Less Selectmen Payments Cash Balance December 31, 1992 $5,371,097.83 324,302.24 5,204,200.88 491,199.19 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ASSETS Cash KO O O O "sT IT) ^ (N 00 ID O o -^ ^o in REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUNDS Danville, N. H. Year ending Dec. 31, 1992 Considering only those funds held for the entire year, the yield on investments for 1992 was 5.4%. This compares with 7.3% for 1991 and 8.5% for The drop in interest rates is having a ser1990. on our income. effect ious perpetual care fund was established for Louis Paolucci. A new cemetery lot A contribution was made to the Florence Peterson Fund for the Colby Library Addition in the memory of Eliza Roberts. A new scholarship fund for students of the Timberlane High School was set up in the memory of Brandon Swansen Rowe. In addition to the annual payments of interest to the Town for cemetery care, the Timberlane Regionthe Old Meetinghouse Society, al School District, the Sanborn Library, and the Union Religious Society, $768.75 was paid from the income of the Parsonage Fund towards the reshingling the roof $38.82 was awarded to of the Old Meetinghouse and Erica Clark from the American Mechanics Citizenship and Patriotism Fund. A partial payment of $35,437.68 was made from Fire Truck Capital Reserve Account for the new gine to be delivered in January, and $8780.00 added to the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve the enwas Ac- count. TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUNDS George S. Chaudoin Shelley Demaine Peter S. Meigs 13 00 r- in i-H o 00 CMfOOO* «o r^r-*irj—^^-^*for»*ir>trj u_ u m o Lj c CM ir> c%i *o r>i r** o» "O «o ^ irto^ CD— •-I ^ to «o ITS «^ ^ w* »OtOK»>0*00 ^^ •-• ^^ — • r~. CD — -o lo cNi—*ror^ ^^CN|*0 cBor «> r^ ior>4 on—"CM tNicNi o-o *4 !>*«• ^-rsiroro r** r** ••- ift CO GO — Csicsi-^O^ w U < O*ooror*4roo«»-— inrs( •o >- a. Q D in rsi«- r** i_i •^o» Oi ^H* —* ro CO t-o f*^ o> f"0 rsi ^ i-o — — — ^ * o^ -o -^ c>4 -o •«- —* rsi ro rsi ro o^ Oi CM ITJ f^ 411 c> lo —* ..— ooi lOCSiO^— ir> r*- o c: flS I. ^ o mo —— — o . c> o — lO ••inrsi^rNi 1*^0003 i/i m c> ^ -^3 9*- r^ GO ««- o- oo O ^^ &^ 0~ O^ 0~ &~ O" I ^cr» t *-« O O-XllCCi I ••-'• Oj O O^ICXI >'0 C >X3 O Oi U U o m c o.cncn^o^(->cn: - OJ • k- Oj — rMiTj ror^&-a30 ' o^ e I I I I >1 COLBY MEMORIAL LIBRARY This year saw many changes at the library. With the retirement of Deborah Meigs after 31 years of service, I have been promoted to the position of Director, and Ruth Healey, who was a Library Aid has been- promoted to the position of Assistant Lichanged. brarian. The library hours have also We are no longer open on Wednesdays, but we are open 30 minutes earlier on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays to accommodate students arriving by bus. Additionally, we are open longer on Saturdays. These changes in the library hours have contributed to the 10% increase in the usage of the library seen in 1992. I wish to thank the Friends of the Library for their time and efforts in raising funds for the library. The moneys donated by this organization, along with the appropriation of town funds and the donation of books by patrons, allowed us to acquire more than 1100 books and videos as well as other related materials for the library this year. Children's activities this year included Story Time on Thursday mornings as well as another successful Summer Reading Program in which over 60 children participated. The Summer Reading Program concluded with a party and a show by Papa Joe, a professional story teller. As many of you know, the pipe supplying water from the Fire Association Hall to the library broke this year. After weighing the alternatives, it was decided that, rather than replace the pipe, the town would have a well drilled for the library. This was recently accomplished and the library now has operating bathroom facilities again. We apologize to anyone inconvenienced by our lack of water. In closing, let me remind you that the library' is free to the residents of Danville and is presently open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 8:30, and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 2:00. See you at the library! DOTTIE BILLBROUGH Director 19 in y3 CD o h Q W X Q in n I— 88S^ ^88 ^ (N in CM CM O Q O CM 00 o ^ in SS888^«^tR88 ^88P^i^f?^8 tN CM 03 U3 C:: <r) CO <T> iH^H^in^cN c^c*^^oinr-o^ in^r;^t^^r^rorH^c>jrH i8^?5 8R H CO a; Oh O s u ^> Q OJ < T3WC O h 88888888888 888888 8S8888i8S88 ?3 v^^t^^iqt-roo^r-^cM •M- i-( 1— U > H O u i-i ro ro CM iH C:: GO (N CM in CT> O^ cr> tn cT^ ^^^^ ^^ 20 g^ogcq^jinuD o\ in ^ fQQif^ LQ id in COLBY MEMORIAL LIBRARY— 1992 REPORT EXPENSES INCOME Bal. 12-31-91 Town Approp. $ Trust Fund Credit Total Income 24.58 7,525.00 381.36 110.00 $8,040.94 Bal. 12-31-92 $ Books, Periodicals Chilis, A.V. $4,656.66 Supplies 903.74 Operating, mileage. Staff Development 365.15 Electric 1,232.80 Telephone 323.43 Maintenance 349.94 Total Expenses $7,831.72 209.22 1992 Fine Account Report-Plaistow Co-op Bank Balance 12-31-91 Deposits 1992 Int. Paid 1992 Balance 12-31-92 Deposits made up from late fines 787.68 298.83 37.38 $1,123.89 $ — lost book and book sales. ELISABETH MARSHALL Treasurer AUDITOR'S STATEMENT Due to circumstances beyond our control, the audit has not been completed at this time. The results will be filed with the Department of Revenue Administration and Selectmen, and .will be made public as required. LINDA J. C^REY DONALD M.' KIMBALL Auditors 22 WARRANT BUDGET Sc 1993 lb the Inhabitants of the Tbwn of Danville in the Oouity of R3cldi#iam in said State, qualified to vote in TtMi Affairs: her^ notified to meet at the Danville Fire Assoin said Eanville, en luesday, the Ninth day cf l^rdi, next at 10:00 o'clock in the farEnocn to act i:pcn the following subjects. You are daticn 1. Ifell lb diDose all suing. Tbwn Officers for the year ai- School District Qffioens for the necessary (By ballot) 2. lb chDGse all necessary ensuing year. (By ballot) lb see if the Tbwn ^cbH adept the pcovisicns cf RS?^ 72:37 the exBtptiai for the blind fran the assessed value of residential real estate for paxperty tax purposes. This statute provides that evecy inhabitant \*id is legally blind i^iall be exBrpt eacii year, for parcperty tax purposes, fran the assPSHPd valiE en a residaiae to the value of $15,000. (By ballot) 3. fear 4. lb see if the Tbwn "will vote to adept the atexheit to the existing Danville Zening QcdinancE as prcposed ty the Danville Planning Board as follows: Arend Article VII, Qg^aral Provisiens, Section I., ER[VEJ©Y VK5f FER^ins, ty deleting the current section and replacing it with: I. lEIVEWffif FEFMIIS "A driveey penriit irtist be obtained fran the Danville RHd In issuing the Pgsrt, before a building pemdt can be issued. perndt, the RDad ;^ent will take the following into ccnsideca- tien: A drivoey grade that will allow the driver to bring the vehicle to a ccnplete step before altering the roadway and will pemdt a safe and centrdUed entry onto the roadwey in all seasons of the year. Erivaray grades in excess of ten petuaiL (10^) need the ^pxjval of the Eenville Building Site Review Odnmittee. si^ location of the drivaray most pravide adequate safe distances in both directicns. Vfeter njnoff fran the dri\&}ay will not overload the roadway drainage systen. A3aquate drainage fixtures for the driveway are installed." The Arend Article II - Definitials ty adding the following: ADULT MANUFT^CIURED HJEINS PAFK A parcEl ca: paroels of land en vMch are located rrore than two (2) inits of nanufactured housing \*Terein eadi unit is occupied ty park rule ty at least one perscn ^4hD has acMeved the age of (B!i^ PEiTilCN) fifty-fi-ve (55) or older." Mend Article HI - Zcnincf Districts and Boundaries by adding the foHcwing: "F. ADULT MAME?OlEED HJJSIN^ PARK ZCME : That part of the M±)ile Hue Zcne en Back. RBd being ^bp 2, let (B!f PETT11, Lot 13-3, iDt 13-1, lot 14, lot 15 and Lot 16." 5. Q. ; TICN) AtEnd Article IV - ItemtLtted Ifees and Restricticns b/ adding the following: ADULT NRNUEACIIEED HX5IN3 PARK ZONE : "F. (1) PEamtted Ifees : Any use permitted in the Mi)ile ffcrte Zcne. (B) Adult Manufactured Ifciusing Parks. (2) Restricticns en ^:ecial Pixvisicns (A) Adult Nfenufactured Housing I^rks itust carply with all requiLHiHits of Article V A A. (B^ Pb'iTi'lCN) ^acerd Article V tyadding the following: (A) : Milt manufactured Ifciusinq I^rks : The provisicns of Article V A 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are applicable. The provisicns of Article V A 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 are not "(AA) (1) ^pli cable. (2) No >fenufactured HDUsing in sudi a park nay be located within fifty (50) feet of the boundary line of a lot ocntaining a single-fardly residence. (3) No >fenufactured Housing rray be located within thirty (30) feet of an existing public street, public ri^-of-^way, or internal roadway. (4) Eac±i unit must be provided with a irarmtim lot si2e of 10,000 square feet with a irdniimn frcntage of seveity-five (75) feet en a public street ear an internal private roadvay. (5) Esch unit ^tiBll have a iraninum floor area of 820 square feet eazliding adctlticns. Each unit irust have a irriimriin of 150 square feet per ocnjpant. {W PBITnCN) (NOT REDCMdENCED THE iONNINS BOM©) W 6. lb see if the Tbwn will vote to aiuthorize the Selectmen to Ixcrow mcney for the use of the Ttwn in antidLpaticn of taxes. -if the Tbwn will -vote to authari2e the Selectnen to real estate acquired by the tcwn ly tax oollectcar's deed. Such cmveyancB diall be ty deed following a public auction, or the property rtHy be sold ty advertised sealed bids, or iray be otherwise disposed of as justice HHy require, pursuant 7. lb see ocnvey ar^^ to RSA 80:80. 8. lb see if the Ttwn will authorize the SelectnEn to transfer tax liais i:pcn real estate acquired ty the Ibwn as the result of the secuticn of the real estate tax liai ty the CbHector for ncn payraait of taxes. T^ 9. lb see if the Tbwn will vote to autharize the Rsrd of SelecLnHi to apply for, a(-Lhi t and expand without further action ty the Itwn >feeting nmey fran the State, Federal or another govemroTtal unit or a private source which beacrres available during the year in aaaardanae with the procedures set forth in RSA 31:95b, and also to aoDspt and ej^^end ncney fran ary other govecntoital init or private souroe to be used for purposes for . vhich the town itBy legally ^prcpriate rraney. 10. Tb see if the TtMi will vote to authorize the SelectaiEn to apply for, acntract for and aoospt grants of Federal or state aid or both as iray be available and to do all thin^ necessary to cany out the purposes of this article. lb see if the Ibwn will vote to authorize the Board of Seto aocEpt gifts of perscnal property, other than cash, to the rrunicipality for any public purposes. This authorization is in aooordanae with RSA 31:95-e and shall romin in effect until rescdnded ty a vote of the Ttwn ^feeting. 11. lectrten 12. Tb see if the Ttwn will vote to authorize the public library Tinjstees to ^ply for, aco=pt and exgend, without further action ty the Ttwn I^feeting, rrtney from state. Federal or other souroe vMch tecnres available during the fiscal year, in acrxirTJanne with RS?^ 202-A;4-c. govemraital unit cr a private lb see if the tcMi mil vote to adept the follcwing prcvisicn cmDeming incorpatible offiaes pursuant to RSA 31:39-a to prchibit irtmicLpal departmaTt heads fran serving as at-large rrerbers of tte budget amnittee. IrxxiTpatible Offioss . No Tbwn d^DartmEnt head, whether appointed or elected, shall serve as an at-large rrertDer of the budget ocmnittee. Rr purpcjses of this ordinanoe, the term "cfepartanirral rrent head" stall include, but not be limited to, the antiDl offioer, fire chief, fire wards, librarian, polios 13. chief or road agait. lb see if the Tbwn will vote to authorise the Selectirai to allow Tbwn prcperty of >fep 4, lot 40, better tocwn as the MirWith prp^ prcperty, to be i:ised as a oatrrunity parK/playground. funds to be raised privately through dcnaticns to be apprcpriated ty a private aamrLttee to erect a aannercial caTntmity parK/playground en said prcperty. Ore the cnmunity park/ playground has beai carpleted the cnrrrunity parV^layground 14. will then fall undsr the reepcnsibility of the recareaticn departmEnt for upkeep and or expansion and repair. (By petition) Tb see if the Tbwn will raise and apprcpriate the sun of (Fbrty Thousand Dollars) to pave Old Jchnscn Itoad and Huntingtcn Hill Extaisicn thru currently ^proved section. (By petition) (Not recotiiHTded ty Selectmen) 15. $40,000. Tb see if the Tbwn will vote to raise and appropriate the sun of $750. (Seven hundred and fifty dollars) to be used during 1993 to help support the Greater Ifeverhill Crisis Pregnancy Oa±er. (Not recntmEndBd ty Selectmai) 16. Tb see if the Tbwn will vote to raise and appropriate the sun of $20,000. (T\«nty Thousand DDllars) to purchase new opaicLrcuit self-contained breathing apparatus per NEPA ^deification cm nire eight cm (1981) - 1992 edition, for the Fire Eepartmait, also to allow the Fire W&rds to trade-in the present equipmait to defray oost as nay be in the best interest of the 17. Tbwn. 18. Tb see if the Tbwn will vote to withdraw up to $9500. (Ninety-five ftadred Dollars) fran the Rjlice Cruiser Ccpital Reserve Fund and raise and appxpriate the sun of $8,500. (Eighty-five Hundred Dollars) for a total of $18,000. (Eighteen Thousand Dollars) to purdiase and equip a rsif cruiser. 19. lb see if the Itwn will Arote to allow the Selec±raE!Vttoliae Chief to sell tte 1987 Rard LTD Cruiser VIN #2EASF72:?7HX212405 and the prooeeds of tiie sale be placed in the existing Police Cruiser Coital Reserve Fmd, such sale to take place witiiin 60 (sixty) days of the nar unit going into service. 20. Tb see if the Tbwn of Danville will vote to raise and apprcpriate the sun of $400. (Pour Hundred Dollars) as a ocntrihuticn to the Amsrican Red Cross Seacoast Area Onapter. (Not reLUtitBjded ty Selectmen) 21. Tb see if the Ttwn will vote to raise and ^pxpriate the sun of $650. in 1993 to assist RocJdnghBm Counseling Cfenter fonnerly Rxkinghem Child and Fondly Services, a private ncnprafit organizaticn, ^lAm±l offers quality counseling services to our residents. (By petiticn) Tb see if the Ttwn will vote to raise and ^pxpriate the sun of $6400. (Sixty-four hundred dollars) to purdnase new snow 22. plows. Tb see if the Ttwn will vote to raise and ^prcpriate the sun of $5,000. (Five Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Colhy Wtoorial Library Coital Reserve Fund for future ccnstruc23. ticn. 24. Tb see if the Ttwn will vote to raise and apprcpriate the sun of $8,300. (Eighty-Three Hundred Dollars) for the purdiase of a coiputer padoge for the OoUy l^fenorial Library. (The breakdcwn of costs for the cnrputer pacSsge is as follcws: $5,500. for tiie required software and hardware and an additicnal $2,800. for the estinated 400 hours necessary to eiter the bock and nagazine infornBticn into the library data-base. Tb see if the Ttwn will vote to raise and ^prcpriate the sun of TVenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) ard at the same time establish a rsij Coital Reserve Fund for future 25. revaluaticn. 26. Tb see if the Ttwn -will vote to raise and appxprlate the sun of $8,000. (Eiair THXBAND IXIIARS) to appcmse an3 reassess all M±>ile ItmES, situated in M±)ile Ptxre Parte, in the Tbwn, said re-assesaiEnts to be cnrpleted in tiire to be used in the cnrputaticn of the 1993 1^ I^te. (By petiticn) (Not reoanroTdBd by Selectrtai) 27. lb see if the Tbwn will vote to withdraw $2,000. (two Thousand Dollars fran the Oolhy Tbwn Ftacest Fund to be used to repair tine Tbwn Rarest Road (also known as Tlrkertcwn Road.) 28. Tb see if tine Tbwn will vote to raise and apprcpriate the Sim of $1,000. (Qie Thousand Dollars) for repairs to tiie ballfield (known as the Kameth R. Day I^ferDrial Field) and withdraw these funds fran the Recreaticn Coital Reserve Fund. 29. Tb see if the Tbwn will -vote to eliminate curb-side recycling and institute a oaitral drcp-off recycling piCDgran. (i^pxK. savings $22,000.00 a year) Tb see if the Ttwn will -vote to cpaa Rockriitmcn Rcjad, was closed by Ttwn Nfeeting in 1954, so that a develcper nay iirpcDve tiie road to meet or substantially iteet all ccn30. \AiLdi structioi standards for prcpcBed streets (including paving) as described in the Tbwn's Subdivisicn Regulaticns, dated August and ari^^ additicnal requirerEnts that itay be iitposed 8, 1991, ty the Planning Board anc^/ca: Tbwn Ehgineer. This apprcval will be in effect for two (2) ysars and tiie road will revert to a closed road unless substantial work has beai aocntpli^ied, as -verified by the Tbwn Ehgineer. In this case, tiie appxjval will be extaided for an additicnal two (2) years. 31. Tbwn tiie To raise such suns of nmey as ney be necessary to defray charges for the aisuing year and neke apprcpriaticns of sane. Tb transact any otiier business that nay fore the ^feeting. 32. legally acme be- The polls will be cpai fran 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 pjn. The seocnd sessicn of the Business I^feeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. en Saturday, Nferdi 13, 1993, at tiie Fire Assodaticn Ifell. Givai under our hands and seal, tiiis fifteaiUi day of pyxuary, in the year of our Lard nineteai hundred and ninetythree. DCREENM. MXRE PMRICm L. mXE E. CniE' CMEIOJETIE Eanville Selec±irai A true ocpy of ^\&rr3nt — Attest: DCKEENM. MXRE PAIRICIA L. CniE' EFSXE E. CMEIOETIE Eanville Selectmai ?3 8^ ^q^^^R R-^ ^P^ R^gg CO iH r^ ^ ^"^ g^?;] Sg r~ CO R^ P^ "^^^ iH iH 00 1 ^^S *% C5 b b in in S 00 IC IT) CO CN fee- in r^ M ^ 5 c^^ g IT) a? en oo in ^^ oT oT E8 '^r {j^^ gj ^^ •fee- CO P8 in K K H 00 ^'^o^^^^'^^'^^^cN *h ^ 8 r^ j;:^rQ^ W- en i r^cQCNQvoo'sr^o^nLnr^ a fee- fe Lnor-4 S^8 S H 3SS O^ ro ^ V P) VD cR K ^ VD ^^^!^ g^ CN iH "^ ^-^"^4 gK? OJ O^ '^ ^ ^Q 2^ H -^ • •••• ••• • • §le LDiHcsiin ^^ S invD CM "^ c^cq IT) iH CO • §^ '^ 9> 8 H CNJ fn VD O^ CN CO (N ca Ph t/i Irlsllil •d CO ^irl g ""^r H tJ H u5 K 05 ""* ^^^ 999 '^ 9 I •^ 00 ^ tq 9, °^^SR 00 M- K]-*'^ •M- P5 S§ CM S iq °°^?5R9K]^"^^ 00 M- 1^ CN in 00 'sT. f-H tH o in r~i ^-^ Ph (TJ CN I g C) hj n & ^ • • o, tic; P CD k j_* ^w J bi ^Q II p K . T3 fe gS'^'a^ ;^ .a (i; fa -2 r-i • 3 o I ffi . fc£: § o fe ffi HJDGET aitffnEE AFFRCFREMlOSr $769,499. AiDunt of Estiitated Revoiues, Exclusive of Taxes 423,810. Airxnt of T^keb to be I^sed (Exclusive of Scicol & Qxinty TfeKEs) $345,689. Less: EAVID M. HIOG MLLTM J. rATTimPTW. JCW R. HniWER Q^miS OHE' mUCE E. MariRRFM nRFRTFy MICH?^EL B. PSSEUN M. DfiVID KIMBALL MMiE TECN M. BUZZELL Budget Ocrtmittee SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES Appropriation - $16,960. Caillouette, Bruce, Selectman $ 1,270.00 Carey, Linda, Auditor 425.00 Cote', Patricia, Selectman 1,270.00 Howe, Patricia, Town Clerk & Dep. Tax. Coll. 5, 588. 50 Kimball, Donald, Auditor 425.00 Mace, William, Treasurer 1,060.00 Ouellette, Holly, Dep. Town Clerk 329.50 Meigs, Peter, Trustee of Trust Funds 210.00 Moore, Doreen, Selectman Chairman 1,485.00 Sigilman, Jane, Tx.Coll. & Dep.Tn.Clk. 2,713.60 Resident Tax Fees 920.50 $15,697.10 ELECTION AND REGISTRATION Appropriation - $4,104. Bergman, Sandra, Election Blaney, Laureen, Election Bilo, M. Constance, Election Byron, Francine, Election & Registration Caillouette, Bruce, Election Caldwell, Rosemary, Election Cote', Patricia, Election Danville Fire Belles, Meals Dennis, Kathleen, Election Douglas Mfg., Booths East Coast Lumber, Supplies Ellis, David, Election Field, Tamara, Election Fries, Walter, Election Greeley, F. Bradford, Election Greeley, Maureen, Election Howe, Patricia, Election Howe, Patricia, Reimbursement Kimball, Donald, Election & Registration Kimball, Donald, Reimbursement LAB Safety, Supplies Mace, Claire, Election 23 $ 47.70 52.00 195.40 340.67 95.40 53.00 195.40 300.00 32.00 284.31 32.38 14.00 34.00 178.00 195.40 195.40 231.00 16.37 434.65 139.39 408.31 195.40 Marshall, Elisabeth, Election Meigs, Deborah, Election Moore, Doreen, Election Rumery, Mary, Election & Registration Schwarten, Marie, Election Sigilman, Jane, Election Timberlane Reg. Sch. Dist., Checklists Unger, David, Election 41.70 147.70 195.40 405.47 195.40 75.00 16.00 100.00 $4,852.85 TOWN OFFICERS' EXPENSES Appropriation - $17,000. Allied Printing, Town Report $ 1,688.00 24.00 BOCA International, Permits 52.90 Branham Publishing Co. 272.20 Butterworth, Law Books 125.00 Caldwell, Rosemary, Computer Print-outs 14.50 Carey, Linda, Reimbursement Postage 44.95 CaseyPaper Co., Supplies 245.45 C.C.S., Repairs & Supplies 22.50 Haverhill Gazette, Legal 130.79 Spls. etc. Howe, Patricia, Reimbursement 244.20 Howe, Patricia, Computer Work 583.68 Ideal Business Products, Tax Bills 89.54 Kimball, Donald, Reimbursement Supplies 161.40 Loring, Short & Harmon, Supplies Mace, Claire, Salary 7,435.45 Mace, Claire, Reimb. Spls, pstg.,etc. 101.58 Mace, William, Reimb. Mileage 250.00 Meigs, Peter, Trust Funds Expenses 228.39 32.51 Moore, Doreen, Reimbursement Tel. Calls 542.94 N. E. Telephone N. H. Assoc, of Assess. Officials 20.00 15.00 N. H. Tax Collector's Association 811.48 N.H.M.A., Dues etc. 2,192.02 Postmaster Danville 797.00 Ram Printing, Supplies 869.00 Rockingham County Registry of Deeds 1.50 Rockingham County Probate 8.27 Sigilman, Jane, Reimbursement supplies, etc. 825.10 Sigilman, Jane, Computer Work 9.95 Springer, Curtis, Reimbursement postage 24 Trend Business Forms, Dog Tags, etc. Vickers, Kathy, Tax Manual 125.76 7.00 $17,972.06 REVALUATION OF PROPERTY Appropriation - $10,000. Noyes, Harlan A. Contract $7,800.00 LEGAL EXPENSES Appropriation - $15,000. Loughlin & Wade FICA & $4,316.00 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Appropriation - $7,600. I. R. 19.79 7,320.07 50.12 $7,389.98 S. $ Plaistow Bank & Trust, Deposits State of New Hampshire PLANNING/ZONING & BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Appropriation - $3,948. Board of Adjustment Haverhill, Gazette, Legal Howland, John, Reimbursement 85.49 67.53 Planning Board Haverhill Gazette, Legal 182.35 Moore, Robert, Reimb. Mtg. 10.00 Mitchell, Richard, Rec. fees 32.00 N.H.M.A., Meetings 30.00 Parker, Gilbert, Rec. fees 24.00 Postmaster, Danville, Postage 58.00 Rock. PI an. Coram. Dues/mtgs. 1,952.00 Sigilman, Jane, Reimb. pstg. 117.49 Sigilman, Jane, Salary 854.70 25 $ 153.02 3,260.54 $3,413.56 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Appropriation - $18,000. Collins, Paul, Old Mtg. House balance Cover-rite, Complex Dependable, Complex Doucet, Electric Eastern Propane, Gas Exeter & Hampton, Electric Faxon, Library well & pump Fellows, Oil Fitzpatrick Plumbing, Complex Hadley, Lewis, Reimbursement Hadley, Lewis, Salary Kimball, Donald, Reimbursement Spls. N. H. Fence, Library Flag Pole Peerless Alarm Pete's Sewer Service, Complex CEMETERIES Appropriation Sc 166.34 1,375.00 490.00 1,025.54 797.46 6,814.12 2,862.50 4,262.68 889.58 4.69 1,734.00 96.61 150.00 227.00 150.00 $21,045.52 FILL - $7,000. Dad 'N the Boys, Fill Dodge Agway, Supplies Kimball Tree Service Mark's Labor Works, Contract Rowe's Gas Station (1991) Waters, Thomas, Loam Waters, Thomas, Rental Equipment 472.00 180.00 275.00 2,541.25 7.30 528.00 510.00 $4,513.55 $ INSURANCE Appropriation - $40,000. $32,253.00 500.00 $32,753.00 Watson Insurance Agency Western World TOWN ENGINEER Appropriation - $2,000. Cummings, S. E. Assoc, Engineering Cummings S E Assoc , Tax Map , . . . 26 $1,500.00 485.00 $1,985.00 PUBLIC SAFETY— POLICE Appropriation - $59,193. Adamson Industries $ A. T. & T. Communications Bound Tree Brownie's Garage Butterworth, Law Books Central Equipment Costa Arms Draper Energy, Fuel Driver's Guide East Coast Lumber Economy Distributors Freedom Tire Gall's, Inc. Gustavson, Dr. Paul, Shots Haverhill Gazette, Legal Homestead Gun Shop Lube King McFarland Ford, Repairs Neptune, Inc., Clothing, etc. N. E. Telephone Perfecta Camera Senter Auto, Supplies Treasurer, State of N. H. T.C.S. Communications, Radio Beauchamp, Leo, Salary Bergman, Sandra, Salary Billbrough, Thomas, Salary Greeley, F. B. Salary Greeley, F. B. Reimbursement Greeley, Maureen, Salary Greeley, Maureen, Reimbursement Greeley, Michael, Salary Greeley, Michael, Uniform Reimb. Melanson, Douglas, Salary Parsons, Wade, Salary Roy, Mark, Salary Roy, Mark, Reimbursement 27 26.53 540.00 28.73 1,056.32 544.84 144.38 410.00 2,842.90 19.45 76.75 75.80 64.95 81.47 140.00 24.50 182.00 133.25 194.95 .3,496.50 .4,399.14 225.00 22.98 100.00 825.00 4,605.91 2,204.69 4,045.92 4,086.50 109.09 6,431.02 74.06 4,831.44 43.00 5,861.61 4,528.11 3,687.01 11.97 $56,175.78 POLICE— OUTSIDE DETAIL Appropriation - $2,500. Special Detail Bergman/ Sandra Billbrough, Thomas Greeley, F. Bradford Greeley, Maureen Greeley, Michael Melanson, Douglas Court Billbrough, Thomas Melanson, Douglas State Grant Beauchamp, Leo Billbrough, Thomas Greeley, Michael Melanson, Douglas Parsons, Wade Roy, Mark 108.00 84.00 132.00 54.00 420.00 798.00 30.00 $1,596.00 Draper Energy, Fuel Duhaime, Bertrand, Training Earl s Garage East Coast Lumber Emergency Warning Fisher, Jason, Training Fortier, Frank, Reimbursement Franklin Products Goodrich, Safety Gustavson, Dr. Paul, Shots Hampstead Hardware Jaffrey Fire Protection Kimball, Donald, Reimbursement Liberty International Trucks Marr Radio Mike's Appliance Military Motors, Parts N.F.P.A. N. H. Retirement Nanco National Directory Northern Oil 145 Mars ton St., Inc. Official Scanner Guide Parts Associates Postmaster, Danville Pouliot, Janice, Reimbursement Pouliot, John, Reimbursement Ram Printing, Stationery Rescue, Magazine Senter Auto, Supplies Shanahan Smith's Fire Equipment T.C.S. Communications Truck Sales Union Leader, Legal Vernon, Frank, Reimbursement Young, Jack, Company N. E. Telephone Bean, Amy, Salary Bean, David Bielecki, Paul Broadhead, David ' 29 710.72 15.00 66 00 2.78 264.75 225.00 5.49 134.64 40.00 210.00 4.79 180.00 237.76 287.82 1,056.00 45.00 567.00 387.75 132.00 40 00 30.00 98.95 82.50 33.95 208.30 29.00 58,00 43.34 241.00 33.90 359.35 80 00 193.75 2,702.89 112.73 18.00 19.95 269.39 3,063.90 116.88 577.80 529.51 282.00 . . . Broadhead, Donna Caldwell, John CamachO/ Elizabeth Devanney, Richard Duhaime, Bertrand Ferrell, Austin Fisher, Jason Fortier, Frank Gauvin, Albert Gauvin, Barbara Gauvin, David Greeley, Daniel Hi liner, John Kimball, Donald Kimball, M. David Per in, Timothy Pouliot, Janice Pouliot, John Skaff, Bruce Streeter, Paul Woitkiin, Steven 150.00 324.01 231.15 279.25 709.65 643.57 433.26 354.69 215.69 264.56 227.50 100.50 498.43 1,186.56 991.31 57.00 550.44 632.40 5.50 117.01 571.20 $38,411.32 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Appropriation - $5,000. Gall's Inc., Supplies Sargent Sowell, Inc. T.C.S. Communications, Radio 466.90 77.94 976.32 $1,521.16 $ INSPECTORS Appropriation - $6,000. Collins, David, Bldg. & Plumbing Inspec. Doucet, Peter, Electric Inspector Kimball, M. David, Fire Inspector $2,006.51 998.25 438.75 $3,443.51 FOREST FIRES Appropriation - $1,400. Devanney, Richard, $ 30 13.90 Duhaime, Bert rand East Coast Lumber Fisher, Jason Hillner, John Kimball, Donald Kimball, Donald, Reimbursement Kimball, M. David Pufko, Foam Woitkion, Steven 10.18 25.60 13.90 21.14 18.84 30.00 21.14 117.50 14.88 $288.08 TOWN MAINTENANCE Appropriation - $95,000. Income - $32,075.27 RSA 235:23 Colby Fund $ 3,159.27 Barrett Paving Bell Sc Flynn Cahill Electronics Cheney Lumber Claremont Chemical Dad 'N The Boys, Gravel Demo Realty East Coast Lumber Eastern Minerals Eastern Specialty Federal Surplus Future Supply George, Leslie, Mowing Greeley, Maureen, Plowing Hampstead Hardward Hazelton, R. C, Parts Hydro Conduit Culverts Kimball Tree Service N. E. Barricade Palmer Construction Proctor's Blacksmith Rinman Services Rockingham Feed & Supply Sanborn, Melton, Hay Senter Auto, Supplies Stoney Brook Dev. Co-op., Sand Waters, Thomas, Rental 31 $ 734.40 3,968.00 69.40 392.75 250.00 170.00 150.00 9.10 10,703.14 93.95 43.00 1,945.74 836.00 990.00 30.82 891.30 670.80 300.00 802.37 520.00 49.10 375.00 694.20 12.00 932.11 675.00 2,177.50 Haverhill Steel Caillouette, Bruce, Rental Goldthwaite, Clyde, Equipment Rental Johnson, Robert, Grader Rental Bragg, Peter, Labor Mace, William, Labor Melkonian, Randall, Labor Melkonian, Randall, Truck Rental Palmer, Manford, Truck Rental Palmer, Manford, Labor 137.10 7,250.00 48,220.00 360.00 84.00 84.00 4,079.00 470.00 1,509.00 3,712.00 $94,390.78 DAMS Appropriation - $1,500. St. of N. H. Water Division, Dues Waters, Thomas, Dam repairs 50.00 2,989.00 $3,039.00 $ STREET LIGHTING Appropriation - $2,200. $2,236.76 Exeter & Hampton Electric REPAIR TOWN ROADS Appropriation - $35,000. $35,000.00 Bell & Flynn SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Appropriation - $124,209. WM/NH Clean-up WM/NH Contract WM/NH Disposal 4,597.80 52,284.00 61,457.78 370.00 200.00 132.00 132.00 $119,153.58 $ Allen, David, Consultant Goldthwaite, Clyde, Backhoe Greeley, Maureen, Labor Kimball, Donald, Labor 32 149-M Appropriation - $605. N.H.R.R./ Association Dues Springer, Curtis, Reimbursement $304.50 9.07 $313.57 RECYCLING Appropriation - $34,200. $34,200.00 W.M./N.H. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Appropriation - $2,500. Waters, Thomas, Inspector $1,046.25 ANIMAL CONTROL Appropriation - $4,566. Clough, Christine, Salary Clough, Christine, Mileage Reimb. Greeley, Maureen, Salary Greeley, Maureen, Mileage Reimb. Greeley, Maureen, Supplies Reimb. M.S.P.C.A. T.C.S. Communications 338.45 34.23 3,194.70 76.23 278.97 72.00 69.00 $4,063.58 $ GENERAL ASSISTANCE Appropriation - $30,000. Various Vendors $22,251.73 HUMAN SERVICES Appropriation - $13,767. Center for Life Management Family Mediation Lamprey Health Rockingham Community Action Program Rockingham V. N. A. 33 $ 2,768.00 2,616.00 1,450.00 2,823.00 3,610.00 500.00 $13,767.00 Vic Geary Center LIBRARY Appropriation - $14,500. Colby Memorial Library Trustees Billbrough, Dorothy, Librarian Billbrough, Dorothy, Custodian Healey, Martha, Aide Heal ey, Ruth, Assistant Meigs, Deborah, Librarian Moore, Alicia, Aide 7,525.00 3,054.38 377.04 105.00 2,363.87 844.95 210.00 $14,480.24 $ PATRIOTIC PURPOSES Appropriation - $100. Burnett, Marjorie, Reimb. flowers $ 26.00 CONSERVATION Appropriation N. H. Assoc, of Cons. Comm. , - $250. Dues Postmaster, Danville $150.00 29.00 $179.00 INTEREST-TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES Appropriation - $75,000. $40,764.34 Plaistow Bank & Trust WARRANT ARTICLES Fire Truck-$115,500. Navistar Financial Corp. $35,437.68 Cruiser-$8,500. Trustees of Trust Funds $8,500.00 P. D. P.C. Computer-$ 1,500. Access Mfg. Co., Computer Greeley, F. B., Reimb. Comp. table $1,327.00 104.98 34 Kimball, Donald, Reimb. supplies 90.13 $1,522.11 Kenneth R. Day Field- $1,000. Danville Youth League, Reimb. $402.73 Computer Package To¥n-$10,000. B.M.S.I., Software H.R.I., Computer Doucet Electric Kimball, Donald, Reimb. supplies, etc. Springer, Curtis, Reimb. supplies, etc. $ $ Seacoast Hospice 6,220.00 2,482.00 75.00 183.23 529.23 9,489.46 $400.00 PICA Adjustment -11.26 $688 ' 67i 53 TOTAL BUDGET . NON BUDGET ITEMS 1990 Town Hall W. A. Cover-rite Refunds & Abatements 1991 Property Previous Years M. V. Overpayments 1992 Property O'pyts. $ 11,194.49 13,797.53 249.18 363.00 1,963.67 16,373.38 924.00 60.00 108.00 1,092.00 State of N. H. Marriage Licenses Vital Statistics Dog Licenses Due State 45.52 State Witness Reimbursement County Treasurer-C.R. Chandler 134,659.00 Taxes Bought By Town 321,556.74 Timber lane Regional School District 2,030,619.48 Temporary Loans Plaistow Bank & Trust 2,000,000.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS FOR YEAR 35 $5 , 204 200 88 , . PLANNING BOARD The downturn in the New England economy is still evident in the reduced work load of the Planning Board. Most of the new lots created in Danville in 1992 came from a single subdivision. Four previously conditionally-approved subdivision permits were renewed and one such subdivision was denied renewal All the zoning changes recommended by the Planning Board passed at the 1992 Town Meeting. The members of the Planning Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of the Town for their support in the past and hope for their continued cooperation and support. This year there are two proposals for zoning changes/additions. The first proposal deals with the maximum grades for driveways. The second, submitted by petition, seeks to establish an Adult Mobile Home Park Zone and an Adult Mobile Home Park. The Planning Board, after holding a public hearing and carefully reviewing the petitioned article, felt that this was an almost textbook illustration of spot zoning and, therefore, cannot recommend passage of this proposal. The Planning Board has reviewed the Soil Type Lot Sizing Model Ordinance and, using a simple math model of its provisions, applied it to the types of soils commonly found in Danville. The result was that the lot size calculation approaches the curcontinue rent lot size. The Planning Board will its review of the model ordinance to determine its suitability to the needs of Danville residents. ROBERT MOORE, Member M. DAVID KIMBALL, Member GIL PARKER, Member GEORGE BLAISDELL, Alt. RICHARD MITCHELL, Alt. PHILIP PERLONGO, Chairman JOHN POULIOT, Secretary PATRICIA COTE', Sel. Rep. CHARLES COTE', Member 36 ANIMAL CON IROL DEPARTMENT The Animal Control Department was once again very busy this past year. We have had calls from barking dogs to a bear hit by a car. We try to do the best job we can and try to be fair in the way we do it. In some cases owners of dogs ignore our warnings and continue to let their dogs run loose. These people will now be facing other charges and possible court action. We will be forced to pick up the dogs and hold them at the owners' expense until all fines and pickup fees are paid and/or court action is taken. Please do not let your children play with any stray dog or cat they may look healthy but could be carrying rabies. If your own animals have been or/are running at large they may be carrying the saliva from a rabid animal on its coat and that makes them very contagious. Your pets should be given a bath and dried thoroughly before any children play with them. Also when washing them please use good plastic gloves for your own protection. You should get all your animals their rabies shots. If you own animals other than cats and dogs contact your vet for info as to who does or doesn't need the rabies shots. State laws say that any law officer may go house-to-house and check for rabies certificates for all your dogs and cats. Please be very careful with any animal that does not appear to be acting right there is a large-scale epidemic of rabies in the United States and it is not only raccoons that are infected but many other types of animals large and small. — — — Animals picked up Barking dogs Dead animals Animals destroyed Phone calls 229 122 31 10 671 Animals placed/returned 208 12 Dogs running deer 9 Deer hit by cars 1 Bear hit by car 17 Town assists MAUREEN GREELEY, A. C. 0. CHRIS CLOUGH, Assistant 37 DANVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT 1992 As in past years, even with the slow economy, our communities population has continued to grow. With this growth our Police Department has more property to protect, people to serve, roads to patrol, increasing the amount of service requests by approximately 20 percent. In 1992 the department applied for and received over nine hundred dollars in N. H. Highway Safety grant money. This was used for dedicated traffic enforcement and D.W.I, patrols. Even though this must be used in addition to scheduled patrol hours, it still adds to the visibility of the department. I believe the increased visibility is at least partly responsible for the decrease in the incidence of burglary in 1992 over 1991 (Approximately 50%). you for your conI would again like to thank tinued support and cooperation and hope that 1993 is a safe and prosperous year for all of us. CALLS FOR SERVICE Alarms 102 Animals 19 Arrests 20 Assaults 19 Assists 240 Bad checks 13 Burglaries 10 Community service 7 Criminal threatening 7 Deaths investigated 2 Discharge of firearms 23 Domestic disputes 89 Emergency messages 10 Juvenile 72 Loud parties 24 Miscellaneous 104 Missing persons 18 Obscene calls 30 Prowlers 13 Recovered property 21 44 Suspicious persons Suspicious vehicles 92 Thefts 51 Vacation home checks 123 Vandalism 68 Well being checks 12 TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE 1240 Eight criminal complaints were prosecuted, all resulting in convictions and several grand jury felong indictments. 38 MOTOR VEHICLE ACTIVITY Accidents investigated DWI Arrests Traffic Citations issued Traffic Warnings issued 39 6 183 227 TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLE ACTIVITY 455 The above complaints were heard in Plaistow District Court with a conviction rate of 99%. F. BRADFORD GREELEY Police Chief BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT NO. TYPE 31 New home permits 1 28 1 1992 ESTIMATED COST $1,747,965.00 New mobile home permit 3,000.00 Additions, garages, etc. 181,394.00 11,000.00 Pool permit $1,943,359.00 DAVID COLLINS Building Inspector 39 FOREST FIRE WARDEN REPORT REMEMBER, no person, or company, shall kindle or cause to be kindled any fire or shall bum or cause to be burned any material WITHOUT first obtaining a written permit from the Forest Fire Waron the date the burning den, Deputy, or his agent, is to be done xinless the same is in the presence of the Warden, Deputy or his agent. There shall be no burning of rubbish or other debris is an outdoor incinerator or open barreltype device within the Town of Danville. There shall be no burning of leaves within the Town of Danville at any time of the year. DONALD M. KIMBALL Forest Fire Warden DANVILE FIRE DEPARTMENT- 1992 REPORT 1990 1991 1992 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 Any fire within a structure Any fire except structures and motor vehicles Motor vehicle fires Illegal fires Smoke investigations (No emergency) Motor vehicles involved in accidents20 Rescue-number of calls Rescue-number of victims Ambulance transports Service call incl. non-emergency assistance to Police False alarms-good intentions False alarms-malicious Mutual aid-rendered Mutual aid-received Involvement of hazardous materials Training drills Total incidents Thank you for your support at the last Town Meeting - we now have the latest piece of apparatus 40 in service and on line to serve your emergency needs. The two trucks that were retired have been sold, and the proceeds placed into the Capital Reserve Fund for use when another vehicle is needed. This year we are asking for your support in replacing our antiquated breathing apparatus with new modern units that meet the mandates of NIOSH, OSHA and NFPA. With a reasonable capital improvement program we hope to be able to properly address the emergency problems of a growing community. During the last year we added over twenty-five homes. A brief description and evaluation of our present apparatus: Unit Age Description GPM Tank Cond. Future Use El 26 Second attack 750 1000 Good Second Attack E2 NEW Attack/rescue 1250 1000 Exc. Attack/Rescue T3 29 Water supply 500 2000 Fair Old-Usable 9 Medic rescue Good Cont'd. Serv. R4 T6 40 Forestry 300 1200 Fair Replace '94 * E7 Heavy Support 1250 2250 Exc. Heavy Support 5 Fair Replace '94 * F8 40 Forestry 300 Old E2 and R5 were replaced with new E2. *Plan to replace these in '94 with a Forestry unit. M. DAVID KIMBALL DONALD KIMBALL STEVEN WOITKUN Fire Wards 41 ii& ^^ >1 << JJ P>a6^^^Q ^S ^ .2 u I— H I— H I— > CM 05 I 1^ (U ^a TS Ills b ^s^ir&=.^. ^ 'I II I Is 1 1 1 3 01 -^ d'^'"sq^siffi3?3aa'"'"saR^^ss ^^ ^ ^ ^ fistsgssiggss 42 ^ S a -H 1 f ^-^ 3 a ^ S ^ ^ L .§<•§ E ;i K "(2 (S hU ff* Q rr •rr f hU HH TJ -H TJ kC ffi ffi ^. i "S i H^ 3 ^v i ^v i ^. g '^^ i^ ^" ^3 rH d-gd 3 ^^ ^1 1^ a'"as!fi'^sas«R ft ^ t t 43 6 6 6 6 1^ ''S ; _g ^ § § .§ "" .§ I ,, 1111111 1 1 ^^ 6 S S . •53 g (^ -(^ '(^ ffi " "^ ^ ^ g) S p3 -(5 /3 ffi >i3 ^ _- S ffi w S -^ ^ n CT> 'vT o tD r^ r^ « JT t t t S § S S § t 3 44 •a m I^IS <3 f ^ a »I^SJ X E^SSSSSfJ^SS ^ t> iO PATAC ANNUAL REPORT— 1992 The Plaistow Area Transit Advisory Committee (PATAC) continues its work to bring commuter service to the area and to restore commuter rail servrepresentatives have ice to N. H. Area towns' worked diligently with State Dept, of Transportation Officials, the Rockingham Planning Comm./ the Merrimack Valley Planning Comm. , the Mass. Bay Transit Authority and Guilford Transportation Co. In addition, the Coach Co. of Plaistow and the Harris Co. of Boston, have worked closely F. R. with PATAC and with each other in planning for a large, multi-modal transportation center in Plaistow, where residents can board buses or trains for It is expoints south toward Boston and beyond. pected that such a center will be in operation within a year to serve the people of this area. In December, PATAC hosted a fund-raiser with a passengers holiday multi-modal trip to Boston drove to the Bradford MBTA station in Haverhill, Ma., where they boarded a train into North Station Plans are already underway for next in Boston. year's trip and information about the trip may be obtained from any member of PATAC. there will be both commuter If all goes well, bus and rail service this year, and the high-speed passenger trains between Boston and Portland, Me. will be familiar sights to area residents. PATAC meets on the last Tuesday of each month on a rotating basis in member towns. PATAC thanks residents of member towns for their continued support and input, and we welcome everyone to our meetings. — MERILYN P. SENTER Chairman 46 CEMETERY REPORT In addition to the regular cleanup and mowing at all cemeteries, stumps, rocks, and brush at the rear of the Old Meeting House Cemetery were removed and the area smoothly graded. Safety covers were placed on the wells. Looking to the future, the committee is in the process of seeking suitable land for use as a cemetery. We plan also to designate a separate area of use for burials by cremation. We will also be considering appropriate regulations for use of any new cemeteries. We would like to take this opportunity to remind owners of cemetery lots to remove all containers or ornaments from the graves by November 1. Otherwise, they will be disposed of at the discretion of the sexton when making his fall cleanup. Thank you for your cooperation. CEMETERY COMMITTEE Richard C. Kimball Margaret H. Landry Beth L. Caillouette Fire Police 382-6620 382-4443 TOWN OFFICE 382-8253 SELECTMEN Ist and 3rd Monday at 6:30p.m. TOWN CLERK Tuesday Thursday Saturday 7:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. 7:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. 9:00a.m. to 12:00noon TAX COLLECTOR 1st and 3rd Thursday 7:00 to 9:00p.m. PLANNING BOARD 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:30p.m.