A systematic approach to achieving the perfect cold chain. The Siber
A systematic approach to achieving the perfect cold chain. The Siber
on air No. 1 · December 2006 The magazine for customers and partners of Messer 6 Joachim Rohovec on the economical disposal of sewage sludge. 8 Cover story A systematic approach to achieving the perfect cold chain. The Siber system guarantees stable temperatures. 13 More than separating air. 2 : Contents C o v e r S t o r y : 8 - 11 A systematic approach to the perfect cold chain What experiences did the French discounter ED have with the Siber system? Read about how dry ice snow helps to supply supermarket customers with fresh produce. Thomas Berger, Technology Manager Chemistry/Environment, finds Siber "cool" as it reliably provides a cold chain for foods. Editorial : 3 News : 3-5 Interview : 6-7 Reducing the environmental, human and budgetary burden. Interview with Joachim Rohovec. 300 BAR Messer World : 12-14 Gasette : 15 Tips, dates, things to know Imprint Publisher: Messer Group GmbH Corporate Communications Otto-Volger-Strasse 3c D–65843 Sulzbach Editorial Team: Diana Buss – Senior Editor Tel.: +49 6196 7760-361 [email protected] Benjamin Auweiler, Thomas Böckler, Marc Dierckx, Christoph Erdmann, Michael Holy, Anita Kötél, Monika Lammertz, Joachim Rohovec, Marlen Schäfer Layout and Design: Maenken Kommunikation GmbH Von-der-Wettern-Strasse 25 D–51149 Köln Translation: Context Elisenstrasse 4–10 D–50667 Köln Photos: CNH Petrosani, GMH, Olivo, Messer Group Go to www.messergroup.com for comprehensive information about on air, as well as the contact details of the editorial team. Many thanks to all the contributors! on air appears four times a year in German and English. on air 01 · 2006 Editorial | News : 3 Dear Readers, Welcome to the first issue of on air, a magazine that Technical, high purity and medical gases as well as we have developed for our customers and partners, special gas mixtures are needed in a great many and with which we will, from now on, be covering industrial processes. The same applies to cutting and topical subjects for you! welding gases. This diversity is the reason that our After the May 2004 reacquisition by the Messer products are used in almost every industry. This fact is family of all the shares in the company that was reflected in the wide range of reports from different formed by Adolf Messer in 1898, Messer is once again countries and sectors that are featured in on air. 100 percent owner-managed. Before this, for almost The on air editorial team is international in compo- 40 years, Messer was part of a global group of compa- sition and therefore speaks your language. Please do nies as a subsidiary of the German industrial concern visit our website to find out more about on air and get Hoechst, subsequently Aventis. In 2001, financial in touch with us! By the way, the next issue will investors took over the two-thirds of Messer shares be out in February 2007. You can subscribe to it free held by Aventis in the biggest private equity deal to at www.messergroup.com. date. With their support, Messer underwent a yearlong expansion phase to once again become a profitable I hope you enjoy reading it! company focused on its core markets. The marketing Best Regards, companies in Germany, the U.K., and the U.S.A. were Yours sold in 2004 and Messer currently has no industrial gases business operations in these countries however our corporate headquarters are near Frankfurt am Main. Stefan Messer Dr. Alexander C. Dibelius, Managing Director and Head Messer and the return of the company into the hands of of Central and Eastern Europe of Goldman Sachs, step- the Messer family. On September 1, Dr. Jürgen Grossmann, ped down from the Supervisory Board on August 31. sole shareholder and Managing Director of Georgs- Up until the re-establishment of the Messer Group in marienhütte Holding GmbH (GMH) since 1997, was May 2004, Alexander Dibelius was not only the appointed to the Supervisory Board. spokesperson for the financial investment company, The GMH Group currently comprises 43 companies but also advisor to the Messer family. He was able to with approximately 9000 employees and the group will perform these roles in the interests of both parties. generate a turnover of around 2.3 billion euros in 2006. He was instrumental in the successful restructuring of Andrea Launer, Messer Group on air 01 · 2006 Photo: GMH Change in Supervisory Board On September 1, Jürgen Grossmann was appointed as successor to Alexander Dibelius on the Supervisory Board of Messer. 4 : News Gases for modern parks With the commissioning of the second air separation plant in Foshan, Messer has become one of the largest gas suppliers in the Chinese province of Guangdong. The plants of the joint venture MS Foshan Gas Company (FMS) produce 360 tons of nitrogen and oxygen a day. The storage capacity of over 4,000 tons of liquid product is unique: FMS operates the largest filling station in the country. The demand for industrial gases is growing in the major industrial regions of China. In the west of Foshan, the tall white towers of the air separators have thus become synonymous with the image of the modern industrial park. Cheng Yingjian, FMS The new air separation plants in Foshan produce 360 tons of nitrogen and oxygen a day. 300 BAR 300 BAR Bottling of still water at Aquarius Aqua – pressure is provided by just one drop of nitrogen. More gas per cylinder for northern Italy – 300 bar for Brugine More flexible with liquid nitrogen Filling gas cylinders at a pressure of 300 bar has self-assessment of the global market leader for gas certain advantages. Cylinders can hold 45 percent springs and hydraulic vibration dampers. This long- more gas, which saves transport and lease costs established German company is represented in ten “Stabilus makes technology convenient” is the as well as time due to less frequent refilling. countries. Stabilus relies on state-of-the-art technol- Messer customers in northern Italy will soon be ogy from Messer for the supply of liquid nitrogen for getting more gas per cylinder, thus construction has begun on a modern automated filling station in its production operations in Romania. A cryogenic high-pressure pump has been installed at its facility the northern Italian town of Brugine (Padua). Soon, in Brasov. This pump increases the nitrogen pressure almost all the gases that are produced here will be to 400 bar, giving Stabilus greater flexibility while at able to be filled into cylinders at a pressure of 300 the same time reducing energy consumption. At its bar. The new system fully guarantees product quality other sites, Stabilus uses conventional vaporizers and and reliability. Further projects are already being high-pressure compressors. There was no hesitation planned and are due to be implemented shortly. on the part of Stabilus Romania in signing the con- The aim is to get even closer to customers. tract within two weeks of the initial enquiry. Lorena Vaschetto, Messer Italia Paula Sterian, Messer Romania Gaz Cylinders filled at 300 bar hold 45 percent more gas. 300 BAR on air 01 · 2006 News : 5 Peter Bauer demonstrates what you can do with gases. Drop by drop Non-carbonated drinks need pressure, too! Messer has installed two liquid nitrogen injectors in the still Let it snow … mineral water bottling lines of the Hungarian company Aquarius Aqua. When thin-walled containers Thousands of everyday products come into such as PET bottles or cans are filled with non- contact with industrial gases in their pro- carbonated drinks, even small loads can result in duction. What are these gases and how are deformations and buckling. After filling and before they produced? Messer tried to get to the sealing the container, a drop of liquid nitrogen bottom of these questions when it welcomed more than 200 vocational students is injected. The nitrogen evaporates and creates an to its ultra-modern research and development center in Gumpolsdkirchen near internal pressure, which gives the plastic a stable Vienna as part of the Lower Austria Industry Days. All the information required to shape and makes it stackable. For customers, this answer these questions is available from one source here; ranging from air sepa- is a simple and cost-effective pressure stabilization ration plants, to the filling of gas cylinders and tanks, all the way to the use of method. gases in the food industry, environmental technology, medicine and cutting and Anita Kötél, Messer Hungarogáz welding. Last but not least, a small intervention in nature illustrated the versatili- ❄❆ ❇ ❄ ty of gases in a clear way: the experts made it snow on this warm autumn day – with the help of carbon dioxide, of course. Herbert Herzog, Messer Austria “Small air separator” developed as a prototype Continuous supply, low and precisely calculable costs, and failure-free processes are the advantages of a nitrogen supply. Our customer Julon in Ljubljana is already benefiting from this: Messer has commissioned a “small air separator” at the Slovenian manufacturer of plastic fibers. The plant generates 225 standard cubic meters of high-purity gaseous nitrogen per hour. Optimization of all the components and the use of new control software have enabled both energy consumption and investment costs to be reduced significantly. The plant is the prototype of a series that covers the production range from 200 to 1,250 standard cubic meters per hour. The management system basically consists of remote monitoring from Messer’s European Control Center in Budapest and regular on-site maintenance by Messer. Gerd-Lutz Büscher, Messer Group The “small air separator” is barely higher than the storage tanks. on air 01 · 2006 ❆ 6 : Interview Reducing the environmental, Thermal disposal capacities are often inadequate for the large volumes of domestic waste still being produced today. In this “Interview”, Joachim Rohovec explains how this discrepancy can be solved, for example by using pure oxygen in the incineration of sewage sludge. The incineration plant of Messer customer Galindo No new mountains of garbage – the “magical” date of growing ever louder. on air spoke to Joachim June 1, 2005 was supposed to mark the end of a dis- Rohovec, Head of Technology Management posal-oriented waste management system. Even so, over Chemistry/Environment, who explained what technol- a year later, almost half of all domestic waste goes to ogies Messer can offer operators of incineration plants. landfill. Only 32 percent of waste is recycled and 24 on air: Which waste sludge incineration processes does percent disposed of by thermal treatment, i.e., inciner- Messer develop and use? ated. Therefore the demand for incineration, including Rohovec: As one of the largest producers of technical in the field of sewage sludge disposal, will increase gases in Europe, we have concentrated on the use of markedly. The call for quick and effective solutions is pure oxygen in incineration processes. Thermal disposal of sewage sludge both through mono- and coincineration presents a particular challenge, because in practice sewage sludge cannot be made available with a defined composition. Worse still, the consistency often changes from day to day. The enrichment of the combustion air with pure oxygen represents a tried and tested means of cushioning load fluctuations that can also be installed at short notice. on air: Who uses thermal disposal procedures? Rohovec: The target group is all operators of sewage sludge mono-incineration plants who want to adjust their capacity at short notice. However, pure oxygen is also of interest for so-called co-incinerators such as waste incineration plants, or the cement or gypsum industry. It also makes sense for industrial plants to incinerate sewage sludge in their own combined heat and power plants, as practiced by many pulp mills and refineries. on air: What advantages does the injection of oxygen offer customers? Rohovec: There are benefits for everyone, not just our customers. In addition to the already mentioned on air 01 · 2006 Interview : 7 human and budgetary burden Interview with Joachim Rohovec increase in capacity, with as much as 30 percent having primary and secondary air as well as directly into the been achieved in individual cases, the main advantages combustion chamber or the afterburn chamber. are lower costs and a reduced environmental impact. on air: How does Messer proceed with customers on site? The specific fixed costs per ton of incinerated sewage Rohovec: Due to the very different situations we have sludge decrease in proportion to the increase in effi- to deal with, we usually start by carrying out tests at ciency. The same applies to the specific additional the customer’s plant. In particularly tricky cases, we energy costs. The customer’s plant is technically can draw on the expertise of external partners such as improved. In addition, its overall operating efficiency the Karlsruhe Research Center in Germany or the is improved since the temporary storage of sewage Institute for Process Engineering and Fuel Technology sludge is largely unnecessary due to the greater flexi- at Vienna University of Technology in Austria. We can bility of the procedure. At the same time, the invest- get test facilities up and running anywhere in Europe ment costs for the oxygen measuring and control within a week. system and the installation of the injection system in on air: What developments do you expect in the the furnace are relatively modest. The oxygen costs per coming years? ton of sewage sludge also only account for a fraction Rohovec: We expect the situation to come to a head in of the additional turnover achieved. Moreover, the the coming years, followed by a certain reaction time specific carbon dioxide emissions are decreased since and subsequent improvement. We don’t expect the less primary energy is needed. The same goes for incineration boom to start until a few years’ time. YOUR CONTACT PERSON: nitrogen emissions. on air: With which incineration processes can oxygen enrichment be used? Rohovec: All of them! The incineration unit itself does not limit the use of our method in any way. Naturally, the design of a plant has a bearing on the type of oxygen injection used. However, we have the necessary technologies to allow us to inject the oxygen into the on air 01 · 2006 :: Joachim Rohovec, Head of Technology Management Chemistry/Environment Messer Group Tel.: +49 2151 7811-238 [email protected] 8 : Cover Story Photo: Olivo Fresh produce retains its quality. A systematic approach to the perfect cold chain The French discount chain ED has an exceptionally high proportion of fresh produce – 40 percent. In order to ensure that the produce remains appetizing and reaches the end consumer in perfect condition, the cold chain must not be broken along the way. Together with Olivo, Messer has developed a system that uses dry ice snow to keep the produce at the optimum temperature for over 24 hours. Cover Story : 9 “In collaboration with ED, we are constantly refining and improving the Siber system.” Christophe Henry (r.), Customer Service Manager, Messer France, with his team Emilien Frère (l.) and Laurent Depré (m.) “The legislation requires that the cold chain for refrigerated environment of the trucks. “We are aware perishable goods is guaranteed from producer to dis- that several of our competitors use the second sol- tributor to retailer. So delicate fresh products are kept ution. However, we are convinced that our decision is at a temperature of between 0 °C and +4 °C, while the right one for the current range of goods”, says the frozen products are kept at a temperature of below - logistics expert Bourdier. 18 °C. In order to optimize costs, ED wanted to be able ED regularly analyzes the business environment in to ship different classes of goods on the same truck. order to react to any changes: every change in the This required several precisely controlled microclimates product range leads to a new challenge for the log- due to the different temperature requirements of the istics department. Finally, ED also had to decide which products,” is how Jean-Marc Bourdier, head of ED’s re- containers and refrigerants to use in order to fulfill the gional distribution center in Mâcon, France, describes daily operational requirements. To this end, ED exam- the initial situation. ined the technical performance and reliability as well This is precisely where the Siber system from as the user-friendliness of the cooling system. Here Messer and its partner Olivo comes into play. The cen- the Siber system from Messer was clearly one step tral technical department of ED in Vitry had two op- ahead. tions: the use of a basic refrigerated environment for transportation (special refrigerated transport), which is What comes next? then enhanced by frozen food containers, or transpor- Messer is refining and improving the system in collab- tation in conventional trucks with refrigerated con- oration with ED. This includes automatic integration tainers for all the products. of the container data into the company’s IT system and After evaluating the various parameters – such as optimized tracking of containers. Through close cus- distribution network, cold chain share in existing pro- tomer contact, Messer’s food application specialists in duct range, stackability of refrigerated containers the French town of Mitry-Mory are well versed in the compared with pallets, as well transport costs with requirements of the food industry. While the Siber conventional trucks compared with those of refriger- system is today’s benchmark solution for guaranteeing ated transport – ED opted for the first solution where a large number of cold chains, Messer is already work- only frozen products are put in containers within the ing in cooperation with customers and technology to be continued on page 10 on air 01 · 2006 10 : C o v e r S t o r y Confirmation from the specialists at the ED Logistics Center: “We compared different systems and found that the Siber System is the most efficient on the market.” partners such as Olivo on developing the benchmark orders are received, the containers are loaded with the systems that will meet the requirements of the food fresh produce and kept in cold storage. Prior to trans- industry of tomorrow. portation, appropriate quantities of dry ice snow are added at the Siber filling station. Next, the doors are The Siber system in practical use closed and the containers are moved to the pick-up Around 500 containers are in use at the ED Logistics area of the warehouse where there is a normal Center in Mâcon. The operating procedure is very simple: ambient temperature. After that, they are loaded onto the empty containers are stored in the cold room to trucks ready for transportation. Now it pays off that cool them down before use. When the transport the containers are cooled with dry ice, because this ED – leading discounter ED – a subsidiary of Carrefour – is a leading French food discounter with 850 stores 11 warehouses in France The distribution center in Mâcon has 150 employees, handle over 1,800,000 individual products every month. 50 trucks with 1,500 pallets of goods leave the ED Logistics Center every day. The sales assistant takes the refrigerated products from the container. Photo: Olivo on air 01 · 2006 C o v e r S t o r y : 11 THE PLUS POINTS FOR THE CUSTOMER: Low consumption of carbon dioxide High reliability User-friendly operation Safe handling No need for an external power supply Photo: Olivo + + + + + + Fully documented Straight from the container onto the shelves of the ED store. means that no external power supply is required. And cold chain is confirmed by a HACCP (Hazard Analysis the driver does not have to wait for the local person- and Critical Control Points) check of the warehouse. nel to take receipt of the goods either – as would be Many containers are fitted with a temperature probe the case with special refrigerated transport. He simply and are used for multiple deliveries. The subsequent unloads the refrigerated containers at the store and data analysis proved that the Siber system is reliable continues on his way. The containers are unloaded and that the cold chain is never broken. and more often than not transported back to the cen- Interview: Marc Dierckx, Messer France tral warehouse within a week. The reliability with Words: Editor YOUR CONTACT PERSON: :: Christophe Henry which the temperatures are maintained within the Customer Service Manager Messer France Tel.: +33 1 64 67 45 09 [email protected] The Siber system: an ideal solution for a variety of refrigeration requirements The Siber system guarantees a stable in-transit temperature. The core of the system is the “Siber compartment”, which is integrated into a container that is supplied and patented by our technology partner Olivo. The compartment, in turn, controls the temperature inside the container and keeps it at the desired level. The use of different compartments allows the containers to be used flexibly for fresh and frozen produce. Dry ice snow, which is filled into the separate compartment at the top of the container before transportation, ensures that the temperature is kept low. A filling gun is used to on air 01 · 2006 fill the relevant compartment with liquid carbon dioxide. The resulting CO2 snow, which has a temperature of almost -80 °C, keeps the products in the container at the required temperature for more than 24 hours. The filling unit with the specially designed gun is called a “Siber station”. One look at the gun shows what makes the design so special: an electromagnetic contact automatically ensures that there is a firm connection between the gun and the container. This allows one person to fill a con- tainer safely while at the same time preparing the next one for filling. The gaseous carbon dioxide that is generated during dry ice production is captured in an integrated gas loop and safely recycled without risk. E 12 : Messer World A good twin investment Serbia: Two white towers have recently become a landmark of the area around Smederevo, the ancient capital of Serbia to the southeast of Belgrade. Here Messer has invested 40 million euros in new air separation plants that were commissioned little more than a year after construction More than 5,000 inhabitants of Smederevo attended the celebrations. began. The whole town was invited to the opening celebrations! The provision of industrial gases is as essential as the water and electricity supply when it comes to encouraging manufacturing firms to locate in a particular area. And where there is industry, there are people as well. Smederevo, an important industrial town just under 50 kilometers from Belgrade, has 116,000 inhabitants who live and work there. In the evening after the official opening, Messer Tehnogas AD, the Serbian subsidiary of the Messer Group, therefore invited the people of Smederevo to a free open-air concert with free beer in the town’s market square. This was the company’s way of thanking the city for its support and the people for their understanding during the construction phase. “That was the best investment,” is how Ernst Bode, Managing Director of Messer Tehnogas, summed it up. Thanks to the people The square was packed with 5,000 people standing shoulder to shoulder when the well-known singer Željko Samardžič and the band Galia performed on stage. They all know Messer Tehnogas, a state enterprise until the ‘90s. The Serbian production plants have a capacity of 42,000 scm/h of gaseous oxygen and 80,000 scm/h of gaseous nitrogen. They primarily supply the smelting furnaces of steel producer US Steel with oxygen and nitrogen. At the same time, the noble gas argon is produced and supplied to the whole of the Balkans for use in various industrial processes. Diana Buss, Messer Group The two new air separators – a powerful symbol in the region. on air 01 · 2006 Messer World : 13 More than separating air Hungary: This year the Hungarian industrial gases industry is celebrating its centenary – and Messer is hosting the celebrations. Throughout the year, we have been welcoming our customers, partners and employees as well as interested members of the Hungarian public to numerous events marking the anniversary. But the focus has not only been on the “separation of air”, the development of the industrial gases industry, and the most important technologies, products and services: Messer also has a tradition of values – and these are primarily people-centered. So, in whichever markets we are operating, we want a healthy relationship between enterprise and social responsibility to become a reality. On the occasion of the centenary celebrations on September 8, under the motto “100 Years of Industrial Stefan Messer (2nd f.l.) and Johann Ringhofer (l.) present a donation to the “Gyermekkor Alapítány” foundation. Gases Production in Hungary”, Stefan Messer and Johann Ringhofer, CEO of Messer Hungarogáz, presented a donation of over 18,000 euros to the “Gyer- 100 years of industrial gases in Hungary mekkor Alapítány” children’s foundation. The founda- In 1906, Viennese entrepreneurs Krückl and Hans- tion supports a children’s hospital in Budapest. The mann commissioned the first acetylene plant – Magy- hospital, which is part of the Pál-Heim Children’s ar Dissousgáz Rt. (Hungarian Dissolved Gases PLC) – Hospital, is the only one in Hungary that can treat in Budapest. This marked the beginning of the use of children with cranial injuries. “We have been wishing gases in the field of gas cutting and welding. The for a multifunctional device for microsurgical pro- demand for industrial gases was growing in almost cedures for years. We will be able to get it now thanks every sector back then. Years later, Magyar Dissous- to this donation”, said Dr. János Kemény, chairman of gáz Rt. became Oxigén-és Dissousgázgyár, from which the foundation’s board of trustees, and Dr. György today’s Hungarian Messer subsidiary was formed. Harmat, chief physician and director of the hospital. Anita Kötél, Messer Hungarogáz Celebrating together: customers, partners and employees Perfect organization: there were games for grown-ups and children alike. on air 01 · 2006 14 : Messer World E Messer Cutting & Welding demonstrated the latest technology using a plasma cutting machine on the trade fair stand (l.). Katrin Hohneck shows the application of special shielding gases in a small laser welding unit (r.). Competence that welds together Germany: Euroblech 2006 – joint participation by Gases – Competence that welds together” and “Your Messer Group and Messer Cutting & Welding. “The Cutting World under control”, thereby giving each other focus is on the user!” The stand manager for Euroblech mutual support. “Customers find everything in one place 2006, Dr. Bernd Hildebrandt, organized Messer’s partici- and get their gases and the relevant technology from pation in the Hanover trade fair following this motto. one source”, explains Dr. Bernd Hildebrandt, highlighting Together with Messer Cutting & Welding, Messer put on the advantages of joint trade show participation. What a technology and practice-oriented presentation cove- had been successfully started at the “2005 Cutting & ring an area of more than 200 square meters. Many Welding” trade show was continued at Euroblech in demonstrations, for instance with the laser welding October 2006, and there will certainly be other joint machine, clearly showed the applications of cutting and trade show participations by both “Parts of the Messer welding gases. The two sister companies took part in World” in the future. the trade fair under the promotional slogans “Messer Achim Wankum, Messer Group Extracting coal safely Romania: Safety standards at CNH Petrosani vents explosions and effectively combats mine fires. improved with nitrogen. At the Romanian anthracite This significantly improves the safety of the miners coal mine CNH in Petrosani, the Romanian coal indus- working there. try’s first mobile nitrogen generator was inaugurated CNH Petrosani is now leading the way in compli- at the end of October. Messer installed one of the ance with safety standards in Romania – reason most modern systems available on the market for enough for many prominent guests and the media generating an oxygen-free environment in mines. The to be present at the inauguration. Over 50 media system creates an inert atmosphere which reliably pre- representatives reported on the mine operator as a company that is continuously improving working conditions in accordance with European Union Miners are benefiting from improved safety. guidelines. Messer built the system in record time. Following an open competitive bidding process, Messer signed the contract on March 1, 2006. N2 Paula Sterian, Messer Romania Gaz Photo: CNH Petrosani on air 01 · 2006 Gasette : 15 COMPETITION Win... ... a Messer truck - 1:50 scale model Here’s what to do. On which page of this issue of on air does this picture appear? So, find that page and you could be a lucky winner! Simply email your answer to: > [email protected] TRADE FAIR Visit us ... ... at Swissbau Basel | Hall 3.1, Stand B32 > Our experts will be giving talks on the following topics: Aspects of the selection of gases for laser material treatment. What is new in gas-shielded arc welding? Dr. Bernd Hildebrandt, Head of Technology Management Cutting & Welding, Messer Group Powder plasma surface-layer welding and special coatings in repair and wear protection. Albert Rösch, Technical and Product Manager, Castolin Eutectic International Suitable flame cutting machines for SMEs. Mathias Wenning, Regional Manager, Messer Cutting & Welding forceArc process – significant performance improvement with the MIG/MAG process. coldArc process – “cold” joining of light metals with steel, as well as of zinc-coated sheets Hans Kaulbach, Sales Manager Export, EWM Hightech Welding [email protected] NEW BROCHURES Get them now! Are you looking for industry-specific information on Messer gases and applications? Take advantage of the comprehensive range of information resources available from our website www.messergroup.com. In the “Brochures Download” area, we have pooled our know-how on products, specific applications and processes for you. The brochure area is constantly being expanded, so it is worth checking it out from time to time. > on air 01 · 2006 www.messergroup.com ? Your opinion please! What did you particularly like about on air? What did you not like? What do you want on air to report on in the near future? Please write to us at … > [email protected] Coming up in the next issue: As carbonic acid, CO2 “refreshes” beverages. As solid carbon dioxide, i.e., dry ice, it can do many other things. Messer is doing pioneering work as an investor in China. The strategy is to grow with the Chinese customers. Thanks to Messer, the waterworks in the Spanish city of Tarragona check and adjust the pH value of their drinking water without side effects.
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