Forgotten Myths Guide


Forgotten Myths Guide
Table of Contents
PROLOGUE .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Game Basics .................................................................................................................................... 4
Phases ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Alternating Turn Structure .............................................................................................................. 4
3. Cards Types ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Energy cards .................................................................................................................................... 5
Attack Zone cards ............................................................................................................................ 5
Fortification cards............................................................................................................................ 5
Spell cards........................................................................................................................................ 5
Enchantment cards.......................................................................................................................... 6
Basic Card Attributes ....................................................................................................................... 6
4. Deck Building .................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Battlefield...................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Game Types................................................................................................................................... 11
7. Card Abilities & Keywords ............................................................................................................ 11
Active Abilities ............................................................................................................................... 11
Passive Abilities ............................................................................................................................. 11
Damage Reduction or Prevention ................................................................................................. 12
Negative Effects ............................................................................................................................. 13
Key Terms ...................................................................................................................................... 13
8. Marketplace .................................................................................................................................. 13
9. Tournaments ................................................................................................................................. 16
10. Player Levels & Level Requirements .......................................................................................... 17
11. Player Ranks ................................................................................................................................ 17
12. Monthly Leaderboard ................................................................................................................. 18
13. Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................................................................... 19
It was a time when mankind waged wars with steel and arrows, on horse and on foot, with politics
and poison. Science and technology were starting to become servants of men, while mysteries and
magic were still not forgotten. The time when kingdoms and empires rose and fell, and all the
creatures and beasts that would long be forgotten in myths and legends still roamed free on this
Long before mankind started to measure the time he traveled through and the sands of time flew
adrift, something happened that would change the fates of us all. Something, or someone, touched
the hourglass.
In the center of the world, on the lands that would later be called the cradle of life and civilization;
three masters emerged. Three rulers, each different than the other; but each, still very much alike.
Mara, Lord of Esmergon; ruler of bright skies and open steppes; master of noble knights, brave horse
lords and mighty griffins, leader of the White Cavalry that brought swift justice to the unholy.
Thengel, Red Shield; a fearsome warlord who crushed her enemies with fearless mercenaries, heavy
shielded infantries and giant war elephants, ruling the scorched lands and endless deserts.
Khubera, the Black One; whom, with the power of his immortal assassins and sinister dragons that
haunted the worst nightmares, held the lords of all the kingdoms in his grip, trembling in fear by just
a whisper of his name.
We did not have any information about the coming of the three. But they were so powerful that their
struggle tore down the skies, boiled the oceans, crushed the mountains and destroyed the plains.
Some claimed that this conflict was merely a shadow of an everlasting celestial war that covered the
known universe. Some claimed that the three masters were just kings upon men, and their conflict
was mortal. Others simply shrugged, and chose to claim nothing. While the ultimate truth about the
three kings still remains a mystery, hints and clues about this age remained and were foretold as
parts of myths and legends.
It does not matter who I am or how I know all these things; as I will not give you the answers to your
questions, neither will I try to explain how everything has ended. I will only tell you how this story has
The power to forge this epic saga is now in your hands...
1. Introduction
Welcome to the exciting world of Forgotten Myths! You will soon embark on your journey to be one
of the greatest players of the Forgotten Myths universe. This guide is intended for new players and
includes basic game rules and other useful information about the game.
Forgotten Myths is a free to play digital Collectible Card Game (CCG) that incorporates deck building,
card collection and strategic gameplay in a fantastic background. Forgotten Myths is inspired by
more strategic card games such as Magic the Gathering and World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
The core card game is most similar to the classic Magic the Gathering. However the gameplay is still
unique as it incorporates a much faster style than MtG. The objective is simply to defeat your
opponent by reducing his/her life to zero. Beyond the core game, there is a RPG style level
progression and tournament ladder. You can both advance in Levels and Ranks, while challenging
other players in different game types and multiplayer tournaments.
2. Game Basics
Games in Forgotten Myths are turn based battles where each player tries to defeat his/her
opponent. The rules are simple, reduce the life of your opponent to zero, and you win the game. In
order to provide you with a fast and dynamic gameplay, attack phases in Forgotten Myths are
Each turn in the game is divided into three phases.
Phase 1 - Draw & Play
Phase 2 - Spells & Abilities
Phase 3 - Fight
Phase 1: Phase 1 begins with a draw phase. Draw phase has two main rules: If you have three or
more cards in your hand, you draw one card every turn. If you have less than three cards in your
hand, then you draw two cards. (The number of cards drawn can be increased depending on other
Each player can then play one energy card from their hand, increasing the pool of energy that can be
used to play other cards. Depending on the available energy, you can then play attack and
fortification cards on the battlefield.
Phase 2: In this phase, players can play spell and enchantment cards, and use abilities of their cards
in play. In order to play spells and enchantments, a player must have enough energy still not used,
left over from Phase 1.
Phase 3: This is the attack phase. In this phase, you sit back and relax, and watch how your strategy
unfolds, as your cards in the battlefield attack and use passive abilities on their own.
Discarding: Forgotten Myths has a unique mechanic that allows you to cycle through your cards, and
to create more card combos on the field. Every turn, you can discard one card from your hand to
instantly draw another card from your deck. You can discard a card by dropping it on the graveyard
slot, which will be glowing with a purple haze. Discarding can be done both in Phase 1 or Phase 2.
Alternating Turn Structure
Forgotten Myths is different from other trading card games in the sense that the turns alternate
between players. What we mean by this is, after the coin toss at the beginning of the game, each
player will lead a turn consecutively. If Player 1 leads Turn 1, then Player 2 will lead Turn 2, and so on.
This is particularly important since you need to plan in advance which cards you will be playing during
the turns you lead and the turns you follow and add this into your calculations.
3. Cards Types
There are several card types in Forgotten Myths, each with a different purpose and function. Cards
have three main attributes, energy cost, attack points (AP), and health points (HP). Furthermore,
cards in Forgotten Myths often have abilities that can be actively or passively used.
Energy cards: Energy is the resource that is required to play cards and abilities. There are three
different energy cards in Forgotten Myths: +1 Energy, +2 Energy, and +3 Energy. Each time you play
an Energy card, you resource pool is increased by the same amount. At the beginning of every turn in
Phase 1, the amount of usable energy will be restored to the maximum.
Energy cards in your hand will glow in Phase 1. Simply click on an energy card, and click Cast to
increase your energy pool.
Attack Zone cards: These are the cards that once deployed on the battlefield, will attack your
opponent or his/her cards in play. Attack zone cards often have various abilities that can be activated
during Phase 2. There are several sub-types of attack zone cards, these include: Creatures, Soldiers
and faction specific card types such as Assassins, Druids, etc.
Fortification cards: Fortifications are support units that are deployed on the battlefield behind the
attack zone. Fortifications provide useful abilities that can affect the game in significant ways.
Moreover, when you play an attack zone card in front of a fortification, the card also receives half of
the fortification’s HP as a buff.
All attack zone cards and fortifications you can play will glow in your hand during Phase 1. You can
simply click on a card, and instantly, the slots on the table that this card can go to will be highlighted.
Just click on the slot you want the card to go, and it's that simple.
Spell cards: Spell cards provide temporary or permanent effects on the battlefield, buff your cards,
disable enemy cards or deal direct damage to your opponent. The effect is resolved when you play
the card, and the card is sent to the graveyard.
If you have enough energy left over from Phase 1, spell cards that you can play will glow in your hand
in Phase 2. In order to play a spell card, click on the card, and click on the "CAST" Button. If the spell
card does not need any targets, it will trigger automatically. If it requires a target to function, then
you need to select a target card after you click "CAST".
Enchantment cards: Enchantments are special cards that are used to buff attack zone cards and add
more abilities. Each attack zone card can only be enchanted once.
Just like spell cards, enchantment cards will glow in your hand in Phase 2. Enchantment cards
improve your cards that are already in play, so they all require targets. To play and enchantment,
click on the card in your hand, click the "CAST" Button, and select the target card you want to
enchant. That's it.
Basic Card Attributes
Attack: Every creature and soldier card has an attack value (or attack points – AP), and is able to
attack once in Phase 3. (Unless they are disabled, or enchanted with cards that change the attack
Health: Each attack and fortification card has a health value (or health points – HP). Cards that
receive damage lose health points dynamically and if the health points of a card fall down to zero,
that card dies.
Combat Damage: Combat damage is physical damage that is dealt by the attack points of a card that
is in the attack zone. Garrisoned fortifications also deal combat damage but the damage is dealt
before Phase 3 starts.
Spell Damage: Direct damage dealt by spell cards, or by card abilities is considered as spell damage.
Basically, all damage types that are not combat damage are considered as spell damage.
If you would like to get some visual information about the different factions and card types in
Forgotten Myths, below image could be of use. Different card rarities are also color coded in
Forgotten Myths, as shown below:
There are currently six different factions in Forgotten Myths, each with unique card types. Each
faction has two main unit types, one humanoid, one creature based. There are also cards that are
common to all factions, and cards that are specific to each. These card types are specified by small
icons on the right side of the cards right below the card illustration.
4. Deck Building
Once you register to the game, you will be given a pre-built deck belonging to the faction of your
choice. This deck will allow you to defeat your foes early in the game, and serve as a foundation to
improve your deck further.
In order to fight against others players, you must have a deck of at least 30 cards. There are multiple
match types in Forgotten Myths, for Skirmish games you only need 30 cards in your deck, but for
Battleground matches you must have a deck of at least 40 cards.
There are certain rules about deck building:
1. Each deck can consist of cards from up to two friendly factions (with the exception of Forger and
neutral cards).
2. You can put a maximum of 3 copies of the same card into one deck.
3. You can put a maximum of 2 copies of the same epic card into one deck.
4. You can put a maximum of 1 copy of the same legendary card into one deck.
5. Each deck can contain a maximum of 4 neutral cards.
6. The maximum number of cards in a deck can be 100 (further requirements may be subjected on
players for special tournaments).
When creating a new deck, you must carefully think about your strategy. The number of energy cards
you put into a deck has a big effect on how successful that deck will be. The rest of the cards you add
to your deck must complement each other in order to create a coherent and effective strategy to
defeat your opponents. Some of these strategies are discussed in the Forums.
Friendly Factions:
It is very important to know which factions are friendly with each other, before you plan your deck.
Each faction in Forgotten Myths has two other friendly factions. Decks can consist of cards from up to
two friendly factions, so you must choose which factions you want to combine.
You can see the existing six Factions of Forgotten Myths and the unannounced 6th faction in the
image below.
White Cavalry can be mixed with
Nature’s Fury or
Red Shield can be mixed with
Black Tower
Black Tower can be mixed with
Red Shield
Nature’s Fury can be mixed with
Red Shield
Order of Volaran can be mixed with White Cavalry or
Forgers can be mixed with any other faction in the game.
Order of Volaran
Nature’s Fury
Order of Volaran
White Cavalry
Black Tower
5. Battlefield
The battlefield in Forgotten Myths is a table top consisting of certain slots designated for different
card types. Each player has his/her deck on the table, from which cards are drawn each turn. Players
can also see how much health and energy they currently have, as well as the health and energy of
their opponents.
Energy Orb is next to your deck, which indicates how much energy you currently have and the total
in your energy pool. Playing Energy cards will increase your energy pool.
The actual area where your cards fight against your enemies is the attack zone. Attack zone consists
of six individual slots, to which you can put your attack cards. Right behind the attack slots are the
fortification slots. Fortification cards serve as fortresses and terrains for attack cards and protect
them on the battlefield.
The last slot on the battlefield is the graveyard. Graveyard is a collection point for cards that are used
and consumed, or for cards on the battlefield that die.
All cards on the battlefield can be accessed and examined, but you can only do so on your turn.
6. Game Types
There are currently four different active game types in Forgotten Myths.
1. Skirmish: This is the most basic game mode where players battle each other and gain Levels.
This game mode rewards Experience and Gold. This game mode requires a deck of at least 30
2. Battleground: Battleground is the game mode where you gain Ranks. This game mode
rewards Honor and Gold. To compete in the Battleground, you need to be at least Level 5
and have a deck of at least 40 cards.
3. Duel: Duel is a single-match challenge mode where you can win cards from your opponents’
inventory. You bet on a card class (i.e. rare, or epic) and the winner of the match gets a card
of that class from his opponent’s collection. This game mode also rewards Experience and
Gold. You need to be at least level 10 to create or enter a Duel.
4. Tournament: Tournament mode is where a set group of players join an event to battle each
other for various prizes and rewards. Currently, tournaments in Forgotten Myths follow a 1
match single-elimination style with 8, 16, 32 or 64 seats. Players are matched with their
opponents, and the winners advance to the next rounds until the Final match.
7. Card Abilities & Keywords
Active Abilities: Abilities that require player action are considered to be active abilities. Active
abilities are depicted on the card with a phrase “Ability:” indicating that the ability requires a player
to select the card during Phase 2 and trigger the ability. If the ability description includes “X Energy,
Ability:” a player needs X Energy to be able to use the ability of the card. If there is no energy
requirement, the ability can be used for free.
Active abilities give players the option to use the ability at any given turn they want. Most active
abilities also allow the players to choose the target of the ability, providing a much more strategic
decision than any passive ability can provide. There are two ways of using active abilities during
Phase 2.
If the ability requires a target (like Blood Mage, Dust Witch, Elder Djinn, etc.) simply click and
hold your card, and drag the target cursor on the card you want the ability to affect
If the ability does not require a target (like Assassin Commander, White Lancer, Archivist,
etc.), simply click and hold your card. You will see a ‘Casting...’ message appear on top of the
card. Let it fill out to activate the ability.
Passive Abilities: Any ability that does not require a player action to be triggered is considered a
passive ability. Some of these abilities are present on the cards regardless of the game state, some
may be triggered due to an action you or your opponent takes. Some keywords for passive abilities
Archer: Cards with Archer gain +1 attack (AP) against cards with Flying.
Flying: Cards with Flying gain +1 attack (AP) against ordinary cards.
Berserk X: Every time the card deals damage, it gains +X attack (AP).
Disarmed: The card can use abilities, but can not attack on Phase 3.
Disabled: The card can not attack or use abilities.
Garrison: On Phase 2, the card can be garrisoned into a Fortification, enabling the Fortification to
attack enemy cards. (AP of the card is transferred to the Fortification.) Garrison only works with base
AP (unmodified attack value) of the card that is garrisoned into the fortification.
Life Drain: Whenever the card deals damage to another card, it gains that much health (HP).
Protection from 'Color': All damage dealt to this card by the 'Color' is reduced to 0.
Protection X: All damage (spell and combat damage) dealt to card is reduced by X.
Protection Points 'X': Granted by other cards, protection points reduce all damage dealt to target
card by X for a temporary amount of time. (In other words, temporary form of Protection 'X')
Spellshield X: All spell damage dealt to card is reduced by X.
Regenerate 'X': Card gains +X HP every turn up to its base HP value (Regeneration can not exceed
base HP).
Stomper: When attacking an opponent card, all excess damage is dealt to your opponent. (i.e. When
a card with 6 AP and Stomper is attacking an opponent card with 3 HP, 3 damage is dealt to your
Swipe: Cards with Swipe deal combat damage to 3 opponent slots in front of them instead of just 1.
Breakthrough: A card with Breakthrough deals damage equal to its attack (AP) to the enemy
fortification it is facing, if its facing an opponent card in Phase 3.
Freedom: Cards that are disabled and disarmed can be activated by abilities that grant freedom.
Deathflow X: If you have X or more cards in your graveyard, deathflow activates the ability written
on the card.
Damage Reduction or Prevention
Some passive abilities may reduce or prevent damage dealt to a card. Any ability which reduces or
prevents damage may specify the damage type it affects. When the damage type is specified, these
effects will reduce/prevent damage only of the specified type. (If no damage type is mentioned, then
damage of any kind is reduced by that effect).
For example, the card text “Spellshield 2” will only reduce spell damage, but have no effect on
combat damage. The card text “Protection 2” will reduce both combat and spell damage, regardless
of type and sub-type.
NOTE: Other than reducing and preventing damage, there are other effects in the game that respond
to damage being dealt, and the same rules are applied there. For example, a card that responds to
“damage” being dealt to it, will respond to both “combat damage” and “spell damage”.
Negative Effects
A negative effect is an ongoing state that continuously causes some impairment or harm to the
target. It can have a limited duration, last until a condition is met, or last indefinitely.
Negative effects can be tied to a source (e.g. an enemy enchantment or fortification) or be active
independent of their source (e.g. being poisoned or bled by an attack). To remove a negative effect
tied to a source, you must remove the source; to remove negative effects that exist independently,
you will require a card that removes the negative effect itself.
The negative effects currently found in Forgotten Myths include:
• Bleed: At the start of your turn, the affected card suffers 1 damage.
• Valley of Death: As long as one copy of this fortification is in play, all opponent attack zone
cards suffer from a permanent reduction of 2 HP.
• Purple Grove: As long as one copy of this fortification is in play, all opponent attack zone
cards suffer from a permanent reduction of 1 AP.
Key Terms
Slot: A slot is any space on the battlefield that can be occupied by a card.
Lane: A lane is a vertical pair of attack zone slots, one belonging to you, and one to your opponent.
Friendly: Cards you control are referred to as friendly cards. Similarly, cards controlled by your
opponent are referred to as enemy cards.
Adjacent: Adjacent is a term used in order to describe slots that are right next to each other. For
example, if you have a card in the second slot of the attack zone, the first and the third slots are
adjacent to this card.
Opposing: Opposing is the term used to describe the card in the same lane controlled by your
8. Marketplace
The Marketplace is a virtual market that allows players to buy and sell cards using in-game Gold or
Emeralds. When you enter the Marketplace, you are presented with five options: Packs, Cards, Shop,
Promo, and Auction.
Packs: Players can buy Booster Packs and Pre-built Decks from this section using Emeralds and ingame Gold.
Booster Packs are small packs that allow players to increase their collection of cards. There are
different booster packs in Forgotten Myths. Faction specific packs contain 10 random cards - 6
common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare or epic. Mixed Booster Pack contains 6 random cards from all
available factions - 3 common, 2 uncommon, 1 uncommon or rare. Epic Booster Pack is a special pack
that contains 1 epic and 5 rare cards from all factions. Epic Booster Packs can be purchased for 50
Pre-built Decks are 30 card decks that come with Energy cards, and allow players to switch to a
different faction without the need of purchasing Booster Packs. Some Pre-built Decks contain +2 and
+3 Energy that can be extremely useful. Each deck consists of different cards and the complete card
list can be accessed by clicking the deck picture.
Cards: You can sell extra copies of your cards You can also buy common and uncommon cards from
the first three factions (White Cavalry, Red Shield, and Black Tower) and neutral cards with prices
ranging from 200 to 750 in-game gold. This allows players to quickly build their decks up by buying
specific cards that fit their strategy.
Shop: You can purchase Emeralds from this section.
Promo: In the Promo section, you can purchase special dual-color cards, seasonal cards, and
exclusive player avatars. You can also customize your gameplay by purchasing different battlefield
Auction: With the Auction system, players are also able to buy or sell cards in an open market with
an in-game supply and demand. This system is designed to simulate a player-run free market without
the potential for abuse in a free to play game.
When you create an auction, you can select the Minimum price, the Buyout price, and the duration
of the auction. There are no restrictions on the number of cards you can auction at any given
moment. When you are buying cards from the Auction House, you can place your bids on the cards
you want, or you can instantly buy cards by paying the Buyout price. If you are outbid by other
players, your gold will be returned to your account automatically.
Dunhold Machinist, by Matt Forsyth
9. Tournaments
Tournaments are server generated events that bring another level of competition to the world of
Forgotten Myths.
Entry Fees and Tournament Rules: Each tournament is generated randomly with different
rules. Deck size, starting health and faction requirements will be different for each tournament
generated by the server. Entry fee can be Gold or Emerald, so any player can join tournaments in
Forgotten Myths, several times a day.
Round System & Timer: Each round in a tournament consists of a single-match against your
opponent. Winner advances to the next round while the loser is eliminated. There is a global timer of
10 minutes for each round. If the game has not ended after 10 minutes, the player with the higher
Health is declared the winner.
Rewards: Top 4 players also receive Gold or Emerald prices as stated in the tournament entry
page. In addition, every participant is rewarded with a random card after a tournament ends. If the
tournament entry fee is Gold, each participant will be rewarded with a random uncommon or rare
card. If the entry fee is Emerald, the card reward will be a random rare or epic.
Winner of a tournament receives a random Promo or Guild card. If the tournament entry fee
is Gold, the reward will be a random card from all rarities. If the entry fee is Emerald, the reward will
be a random rare or epic Promo or Guild card.
Remember, you can win Promo cards that are no longer available in the Marketplace by
winning tournaments!
10. Player Levels & Level Requirements
One of the major characteristics of Forgotten Myths is leveling and ranking up. Players can advance
through levels by winning games and defeating their opponents. Each victory rewards you with
experience points that you collect to level up. You can also receive special rewards, and unlock
content as you move along the levels.
Level 5 – You can now enter Battleground games.
Level 6 – You can now purchase Nature’s Fury content by in-game Gold.
Level 8 – You can now purchase Order of Volaran content by in-game Gold.
Level 10 – You can now enter Duels, start using the Auction House, and purchase Forgers content by
in-game Gold.
Level 15 – You can now create and lead your own Guild.
Level 20 – You can now join raids and fight against fearsome bosses, dreadful monsters and
creatures to win great rewards.
11. Player Ranks
Players that reach Level 5 become eligible to enter the Battleground and start their journey among
the ranks of Forgotten Myths. Victories in Battleground reward you with honor, but remember, you
will also lose honor points when you lose in a Battleground! As you make your way to the top of the
ranks, you will battle with mighty opponents, and you will showcase your strength and strategy to
the world of Forgotten Myths.
Rank Name
Field Marshal
Grand Marshal
Minimum Honor
Maximum Honor
Honor Needed to Advance
12. Monthly Leaderboard
Every month, Top 100 players in the Monthly Leaderboard win special prizes. In order to be listed in
the Leaderboards, players need to win Battleground matches and collect honor. Prizes are based on
where you finish the month in the Leaderboard, which is directly correlated with the honor you earn
that month.
Here are the prizes you can win:
Place in Leaderboard
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4-10th places
11-25th places
26-40th places
41-60th places
61-80th places
81-100th places
101-200th places
100 Emeralds
80 Emeralds
60 Emeralds
40 Emeralds
35 Emeralds
30 Emeralds
25 Emeralds
20 Emeralds
15 Emeralds
10 Emeralds
On top of Emerald rewards, every player with positive monthly honor will also receive gold rewards.
At the end of every month, the Leaderboard is cleared once players receive their rewards. This does
not effect a player’s overall Honor or Rank, and players continue to accumulate honor as they win
more games.
Archangel, by Rob Joseph
13. Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I want to give some feedback to you or ask a question that is not here in this guide. How can I
contact you?
A. You can always send us an email at [email protected] and ask questions or give
feedback. You can also get in touch with us through the game Forums on our website at .
Q. I was in a game, and the game suddenly ended with a “Mismatch detected.” message. What
does that mean?
A. Mismtach is a problem that occurs when the server receives different messages from two clients
in a match. We have several measures to fix or prevent mismatch situations but you can still
encounter a mismatch every now and then.
Q. I created an illusion of an enemy card, and enchanted it with Albiz Pit. When the illusion was
destroyed, Albiz Pit did not deal 4 damage to my opponent. Why?
A. Illusions are special cards that are created for a temporary amount of time. As a result, when they
are destroyed or at the end of your turn, they simply disappear and are removed from the game
instead of going to the graveyard. As a result, Albiz Pit is not triggered.
Q. Ability of Amethyst Panther reads “Amethyst Panther can only be damaged by other
creatures.”, but an Elephant card attacked it and killed it. Why did this happen?
A. Every faction has a special card type that is also considered a creature. On top of regular creatures
carrying the paw symbol, all Elephants, Dragons, Griffins, Ents, and Serpents are also creature type
Q. How do I garrison an attack zone card to one of my fortifications?
A. Garrison works like an active ability. In order for an attack zone card to be garrisoned, there has to
be a fortification behind the card. In Phase 2, you can simply select the attack zone card, and click
“CAST”. This will garrison your card into the fortification.
Q. My Valhalla’s Guardian or Varuna card says it can not be removed from the game by spells or
abilities, but my card died after a Meteor Storm. How is this possible?
A. This can occasionally happen if you have a fortification behind the card. When your opponent
casts Meteor Storm, the fortification is removed from the game, which reduces the HP of the card in
front. Your Valhalla’s Guardian or Varuna card can die due this effect.
Q. I disabled one of my opponent’s cards with Charming Sorceress, but my Submersed Palace
targeted the same card and the next turn it was activated. How can this happen?
A. Currently, different disable effects that target the same card simply override each other instead of
working in sync. As a result, a card that is permanently disabled by Charming Sorceress will lose this
state if another disable effect targets the same card.
Q. My card has “Protection from Red” but it was disabled by a red card called Hamsin, why?
A. Protection from “Color” only works against combat and spell damage from the specified color
source. Therefore it does not grant any protection against spells or abilities that do not deal any