Physics based scour model applied to Tucurui Dam (Brazil)
Physics based scour model applied to Tucurui Dam (Brazil)
AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Physics based scour model applied to Tucurui Dam (Brazil) Dr Erik Bollaert Prof. Bela Petry AquaVision Engineering Ltd. Engineering Consultant CH–1024 ECUBLENS SWITZERLAND Delft THE NETHERLANDS E-mail: [email protected] Web: AquaVision engineering Physical processes of rock scour formation Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Physical-mechanical processes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vi, Di free falling jet δout Z Process 2. Diffusive shear layer: Jet module Falling jet impact Vj Diffusive 2-phase shear-layer Bottom pressure fluctuations Progressive joint break-up Dynamic ejection blocks Transport/mounding Falling Jet module Jet core 6 Plunge Pool module 2 Y t Cp C’ p shear layer Developed jet Dj,Dout aerated pool 4-6 x Dj Y 1 Vj h Dj Rock joint Developed jet impact mounding 3 Rock Mass module 5 CI Γ+ 4 Cmaxpd, ∆pc, fc, CI Process 4. Progressive joint break-up by fatigue: LEFM model Sj2 Sj1 y Process 5. Dynamic ejection blocks: Uplift model x r θ crac k tip αj1 αj2 ej2 Griffith (1920) Irwin (1957) Paris et al. (1961) ∫ (Fu − Fo − G b − Fsh ) ⋅ dt = m ⋅ V∆tpulse 0 G b = ∀ ⋅ (γ r − γ w ) = x 2b y x KI σ ij = 2 πr z zb xb r a z a stress field W σy stress singularity ⋅ z b ⋅ (γ r − γ w ) V∆tpulse = 2 ⋅ g ⋅ h up xb σy KI Lj1 ∆tpulse I ∆tpulse = σy mode I ⋅ f ij (θ ) + higher order terms a K I = σ max ⋅ π ⋅ a ⋅ f W ∆a c = ∫ (f ⋅ C ⋅ S max ⋅ S a tf m n ) + υ ⋅ e bS ⋅ dt 0 (after Costin & Holcomb 1981) - KI = f (pressure distribution) KI = f (in-situ stress field) KIdyn = f (pressurization rate) f (a/W) = f (geometry fissure) planar, … KIc = fracture toughness value - literature - tests Grady & Kipp (1980) Haimson & Zhao (1991) Zhao & Li (2000) Zhao (2000) Zhang et al. (2000) m] Experimental facility at EPFL, Switzerland +1 Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering 0.001m a 0.80m d Absolute pressure [10 AquaVision engineering 14 Pressure at pool bottom (a) Pressure at joint end (d) 12 fundamental period = 1/fres 10 8 6 4 2 spike 0 0 0.01m peak 0.05 0.1 Time [sec] 0.15 0.2 AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Experimental facility at EPFL, Switzerland AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Comprehensive Scour Model (CSM) (Bollaert, 2002) - use of dynamic pressures at plunge pool bottoms - computation of transient pressures inside rock mass - comparison with resistance of rock mass against fracturing - computation of net uplift pressures on single rock blocks - comparison with resistance of blocks against uplift 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vi, Di free falling jet δout Z Falling jet impact Diffusive 2-phase shear-layer Bottom pressure fluctuations Progressive joint break-up Dynamic ejection blocks Transport/mounding Falling Jet module 1 Vj New engineering model for evaluation of ultimate scour and time evolution of scour formation Dj,Dout h aerated pool 6 2 Y t Modules: 1. falling jet 2. plunge pool 3. rock mass - hydrodynamic forces in rock - resistance criteria of fractured rock Cp C’ p mounding 3 Rock Mass module 5 CI 4 Cmaxpd, Plunge Pool module ∆pc, fc, CI Γ+ AquaVision engineering Falling jet and plunge pool modules Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Falling jet Di Vi v’ θ1 Di θ = 0.5·(θ1 + θ2) θ2 Vi D j = Di ⋅ Vj u’ θ vz D out = D i + 2 ⋅ δ out ⋅ L vx Vi Z δout Dj δin = 0.5–1 % δin δout = 3–4 % Vj αout Dj δout ∝ Tu ε Ds Plunge pool 1.0 - centerline mean (Cpa) and fluctuating (C’ pa) dynamic pressures 0.8 Y δout t2 zsc ∆x xult 1.2 - Y/Dj ratio Dout 0.4 Franzetti & Tanda (1987) Ervine et al. (1997) 0.35 0.3 JET STABILITY << Cpa [-] 0.6 0.4 5% < Tu 3% < Tu < 5% 0.2 1% < Tu < 3% Tu < 1% core jet developed jet 0.0 C pa C pa Dj = 38.4 ⋅ (1 − α i ) ⋅ Y = 0.85 0 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 Y/Dj [-] 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Y/Dj [-] for Y/Dj > 4-6 3 for Y/Dj < 4-6 C 'pa 2 Y − 0.0079 ⋅ Y + 0.0716 ⋅ Y + 0.0583 = 0.0022 ⋅ Dj Dj Dj 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 C'pa [-] AquaVision engineering Rock mass module: Hydrodynamic forces Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering 1.) Maximum dynamic pressure Cmaxp in a closed-end joint ⋅ φ ⋅ V j2 2g ( + = γ ⋅ C pa + Γ ⋅ C C+ ' pa )⋅ + + ' Γ = C pd / C pa Pmax [Pa ] = γ ⋅ C max pd 24 φ ⋅ Vj2 2g 20 maximum curve 16 12 8 minimum curve 4 pd ratio at pool bottom 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Y/Dj [-] 14 16 18 20 3.) Characteristic frequency of pressures fc in a closed-end joint fc [Hz] ~ 10 –100 c [m/s] = 4·Lj·f c ~ 100 –200 Air concentration at jet impact αi [%] 2.) Characteristic amplitude of pressures ∆pc in a closed-end joint 60 50 40 L/Dj >> 30 20 air concentration inside I-joint αj 10 0 5 10 15 20 Vj [m/s] 25 30 35 4.) Maximum dynamic impulsion CmaxI in an open-end joint 1.6 1.4 1.2 pup = Cup · V2/2g Iup = pup·∆tup = ∆tup = Tup · 2L/c Cup·Tup·(V2L/gc) = CI·(V2L/gc) [m.s] 1.0 CΙ 0.8 [-] 0.6 0.4 2 Y − 0.119 ⋅ Y + 1.22 C I = 0.0035 ⋅ Dj Dj 0.2 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Y/Dj [-] 14 16 18 20 AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Semi-elliptical (EL) Rock mass module: Fracture Mechanics Method (100 cyc/s) (50 cyc/s) N° days N° days m/cyc for 1 m for 1 m 10-6 Single-edge (SE) 5.10-7 e KI φ aB e 1 a K B I 1 10 -7 5.10 -8 10 10 10-8 5.10-9 100 (Cmax p) 4. Time-dependent crack propagation (∆pc, fc)) KI < KI ins da m = Cr⋅ (∆K I ) r dN 10-9 5.10 -10 1. Stress Intensity at crack tip a Cmax KI = σ a f ⋅ π ⋅ ⋅ max p W 2. Fracture toughness of rock KI ins, T = A · (1.2 to 1.5) · T + (0.054·σc) + B KI ins, UCS = C · (1.2 to 1.5) · UCS + (0.054·σc) + D 3. Instantaneous crack propagation KI > KI ins Westerley Granite Fatigue law 100 σwater 2.0 1.0 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ∆K I 2.5 K Ic K I / KIc 1 1.5 2 ∆Κ 5 10 1.E-04 crack propagation rate [m/cycle] σwater W crack propagation rate W 2c 1.E-05 1.E-06 (3. gabbro m = 12.2 1.E-07 granite m = 11.9 1.E-08 dolerite m = 9.9 marble, limestone m = 8.8 1.E-09 sandstone m = 4.8 sandstone m = 3.0 1.E-10 AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Rock mass module: Dynamic Impulsion Method Fu Fo Gb Fsh ∆tpulse I ∆tpulse = ∫ (Fu − Fo − G b − Fsh ) ⋅ dt = m ⋅ V∆tpulse 0 G b = ∀ ⋅ (γ r − γ w ) = x 2b ⋅ z b ⋅ (γ r − γ w ) = = = = underpressures overpressures weight of rock block shear and interlocking forces V∆tpulse = 2 ⋅ g ⋅ h up y x Fo(x, t) z xb zb xb Gb Fsh(t,ej) Fu(x, t, ej1(t), ej2(t)) x AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Tocantins-Araguaia basin Tucurui Dam plunge pool (Brazil) Tocantins River - catchment area Tocantins River 758’000 km2 (7.5 % of land mass of Brazil) - Tocantins River has a total length of 2’500 km - average annual flow rate of 10’900 cms - dry season in September-October - peak flooding during February-April (average monthly flows of 50’000 cms) AquaVision engineering Tucurui Dam plunge pool (Brazil) Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering ear th d am rockfill dam Tucurui Dam Complex 140 Core of jet Outer limits of turbulent air-water shear layer 120 Centerline of jet Tailwater level downstream 100 Rockbed 80 Elevation (m a.s.l.) - 86 m high rockfill dam on Tocantins River - 6’900 m long main dam wall - meta-sedimentary rock at spillway - 2nd largest spillway worldwide (110’000 m3/s) - pre-excavated plunge pool at – 40 m - almost no scour since dam construction - 23 rectangular gates 21 m x 20 m wide - floods during 3 months / year (Feb-April) intake and power house spillway m l da l i f th ear (35m radius, angle of 32°) Flip bucket 60 High-velocity Jet impact 40 20 0 Pre-excavated plunge pool -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Distance (m) 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 AquaVision engineering Rock mass properties Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Fault structures Plan view geology spillway meta-sedimentary rock (Cadman et al. 1982) Meta-sedimentary rock - Unconfined Compressive Strength of intact rock = ~ 125 MPa - multiple families of faults, joints - one major fault through the center of the riverbed - very complex situation (lithology –tectonic structure –faults) - near-horizontal bedding, sliding stability AquaVision engineering Rock mass properties Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Property Unconfined Compressive Strength Density rock Ratio horizontal/vertical stresses Symbol UCS γr K0 CONSERV 50 2600 2-3 AVERAGE 75 2700 2-3 BENEF 125 2800 2-3 Unity MPa kg/m3 - Typical maximum joint length Vertical persistence of joint Form of rock joint Tightness of joints Total number of joint sets Typical rock block length Typical rock block width Typical rock block height L P Nj lb bb zb 1 0.25 single-edge tight 3+ 1 1 0.5 1 0.25 elliptical tight 3 1 1 0.75 1 0.25 circular tight 2+ 1 1 1 m m m m Joint wave celerity Fatigue sensibility Fatigue coefficient c m C 150 8 1.00E-07 125 9 1.00E-07 100 10 1.00E-07 Semi-elliptical (EL) Circular (C) W 2c m/s - Single-edge (SE) y x W b xb z b zb e KI σwater φ aB e aB K I σwater xblb AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Flooding and bathymetric surveys (1969-2001) Flooding survey (available since 1969) - 1969 – 1980: statistical analysis based on Tucurui and Itupiranga about 175 km upstream, PMF = 90’000 cms - 1978-1980: 3 major flood events during dam construction, up to 68’000 cms - 1980-present: more detailed flood analysis, PMF = 110’000 cms, somewhat conservative, maximum peak since dam construction = 43’000 cms (Jan 1990) Bathymetric survey Survey 1 (1984) Sedimentation along right hand side of plunge pool due to 3 yrs of river diversion during dam construction 1997 bottom Survey 2 (1985) No specific issues, only left hand isde of basin has been surveyed due to strong turbulent vortices Survey 3 (1986) Former sediment deposits washed away. Slight erosion (max. 5 m) along two local areas of plunge pool bottom and problaby related to removal of partially detached (blasting) rock blocks. Survey 4 (1997) Same erosion in same areas as found during the 1986 survey. No specific issues to notice. Survey 1986 (ICOLD, 2002) AquaVision engineering Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Laboratory model tests Figure 1.- Scour formation in plunge pool following laboratory test with gravel and 100’000 cms (Large Brazilian Spillways, ICOLD, Petry et al., 2002) - discharges between 15’000 and 100’000 cms - plunge pool bottoms at elevations of -15m, -25m, -40m - pool at -40m: no erosion for discharges of up to 50’000 cms (calibration model) erosion until – 65m for discharge of 100’000 cms AquaVision engineering Application of Comprehensive Scour Model Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Falling jet at Tucurui Dam The jet at Tucurui Dam is issuing from a chute with flip bucket. As such, numerical computations have first been performed of the air-water flow characteristics along the chute. The water surface line for a 110’000 m3/s is presented in Figure 4. The flow velocity at the lip of the flip bucket equals 27.8 m/s, for a total flow depth of about 8 m. The upstream water level is 75.3 m a.s.l. and the downstream plunge pool water level is at 4.4 m a.s.l. The jet is thus of rectangular shape with a width of 20m and an issuance thickness of 8m. Second, the jet characteristics at impact in the tailwater depth have been defined based on ballistics accounting for air drag. As such, the jet velocity at impact has been computed at 37.9 m/s for an inner jet core diameter of about 6.9 m. Its turbulence intensity has been estimated at 8 % and its air concentration at impact at 40 %, corresponding to very turbulent air-water jets. 80 140 Core of jet Outer limits of turbulent air-water shear layer 120 Cen terline of jet 70 Ta ilwater level downstream 100 Rockbed 80 Elevation (m a.s.l.) 60 50 Vi = 27.8 m/s 40 Flip bucket 60 High-velocity Jet impact 40 20 0 Pre-excavated plunge pool -20 30 -40 -60 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 -80 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Distance (m) Plunge pool diffusion at Tucurui Dam The diffusion of the jet through the pool water depth is presented in Figure 2. Significant spread of the jet is computed, with an outer jet diameter at impact in the pool of about 20m. The jet core vanishes before impacting the plunge pool bottom, corresponding to fully developed jet conditions. 120 140 160 180 200 AquaVision engineering Application of Comprehensive Scour Model Design and consulting in hydraulic, geotechnic and environmental engineering Results of computations Table 2a.- Scour elevations as a function of time duration of flood following a 100’000 m3/s flood event at Tucurui Dam (CSM model) SCOUR ELEVATION COMPUTATIONS Hours 96 192 720 1500 5760 57600 TIME Days Months 4 0.1 8 0.3 30 1.0 62.5 2.1 240 8.0 2400 80.0 Years 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.67 6.67 BENEF -40.4 -40.4 -40.4 -40.4 -40.4 -41.3 -42.6 -47.5 CFM AVER -53.6 -53.6 -54.3 -54.9 -56.4 -59.2 CONS -61.6 -62.6 -64.1 -65.0 -67.2 -74.3 CONS -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 -93.9 DI AVER AVER -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 -78.9 BENEF BENEF -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 -63.2 Table 2b.- Scour elevations as a function of time duration of flood following a 50’000 m3/s flood event at Tucurui Dam (CSM model) SCOUR ELEVATION COMPUTATIONS Hours 96 192 720 1500 5760 57600 TIME Days Months 4 0.1 8 0.3 30 1.0 62.5 2.1 240 8.0 2400 80.0 Years 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.17 0.67 6.67 BENEF -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 CFM AVER -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 CONS -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 -40.6 CONS -45.1 -45.1 -45.1 -45.1 -45.1 -45.1 DI AVER -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 BENEF -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 -40.0 Conclusions 1. 2. 3. 4. Almost no scour formation for 100’000 cms and under beneficial parametric assumptions Small scour forms under average parametric assumptions and for 100’000 cms (10m of scour formation) The laboratory model tests are probably somewhat on the conservative side (25m of socur formation) For a completely broken up rock mass (detached blocks with depth), significant scour would form, however not plausible