Eskie Essence and Instincts (PDF file)


Eskie Essence and Instincts (PDF file)
different than what we are used to seeing in the US.
In Germany farmers lived in villages and went out
What is it? What are its natural instincts? What was
each day to the farm. Sheep and cows lived in the
village at night and had to be taken out to pasture
the breed originally bred to do? What is it that sets
each day.The dog was an intricate part of the
farmer's life.
the AED apart from all other breeds?
In an average day, the dog would preform a number
Rather simple questions, until you talk about Eskies.
of tasks. They went with the farmer to take the sheep
So many stories have been told sometimes it is hard
out to pasture. They gathered sheep from the pasture
to tell fact from fiction. The American Eskimo Dog
is one of the few breeds that its histoand searched for any animals that
were strayed. The dogs would go
ry was changed for many years, then
with the children to watch over sheep
forgotten. Why? Not because of anyThe Spitz was an
that grazed in unfenced fields, and
thing derogatory but because the
remained on the job even if the chilbreed became popular in a time of our
intelligent, thinking
history when its country of origin was dog. It was robust and dren were sidetracked with play. They
watched the gates that were left open,
hardy, with a strong
round up the chickens and put them
The American Eskimo Dog's country
natural desire to
up at night. The family farm dog
of origin is Germany. It was originalplease
would do any number of tasks that
ly bred as a multi purpose working
that may need doing. The dog was
dog of the farm. In Germany the
also used to serve as a watch dog for
breed was referred to as "Deutsche
the property and family. They were
Spitz". The word "Spitz" is translated
with the farmer to hunt on occasion
as "sharp point". The dogs were referred to this as
. to bring home dinner. The dog would not only keep
when alerted their ears would quickly come to a
away predators of animal and human out of its terri"sharp point".There are a number of breeds that are
tory, the dog needed to know the difference between
called "Spitz Breeds". Spitz breeds are also called
"Nordic Breeds". The two terms are interchangeable. its own livestock and livestock that was trespassing.
The dog served as a "babysitter" for the children, and
The reference to "Nordic" instead of "Spitz" came
a formable vermin catcher. The Spitz was an
about with the anti German sentiment during WWI
and WWII.
intelligent thinking dog. It was robust and hardy,
All of the Spitz Breeds have the same characteristics. with a strong natural desire to please. The Spitz
would do its best to accomplish any task that was
They have erect ears, wedge shaped heads, double
asked of it. At harvest time the Spitz could be found
weather resistant coats, are trotting breeds, tails are
the vegetable carts into market protecting
well plumed, and they all have been used to assist
against thievery.
man. They have been used as herders, hunters,
Spitz association with the circus also began in
haulers, guardians, and devoted companions. These
Germany. Gypsies were noted to have Spitz traveling
are just a few of the many services that they did for
them. The dogs would readily warn of an
man. What ever their job, they worked closely with
approaching stranger, this also included the local law
humans and thus have a strong human bond.
The Spitz in Germany was used to assist humans in a enforcement. Since the breed was easily trained, eye
catching, and intelligent, the gypsies would train the
number of tasks on the farm. Farms in Germany are
ftb~ ~ID~titan
eSk'IDa J8ag:,
nary and didn't mean anything anyway". It states that
dogs to do tricks. They would then invite the local
townspeople to come and watch the dogs,.. .for a fee the breed name came from the Hall's kennel name. A
of course. Some of the circuses in Europe began to
copy of that article is reprinted in this article. There
is also another article written in the September 1934
use the Spitz in their acts.
issue of bloodlines that shows how much the people
In Germany the Spitz is found in colors other than
of that time did not want the American Eskimo to be
white. They are also found in black, chocolate, and
associated with Germany nor the name "Spitz". It
red. The German circuses did use the Spitz, but no
states in the article "Those fanciers living today have
more or less than any other breed or mixed breed.
When the German settlers came to the US, their dogs the privilege to call them "Spitz" American Eskimo
came with them, so came the Spitz. Many of the
(Sptiz) or anything they wish to, but they are registered under the breed name of American Eskimo and
German settlers settled in the Midwest and New
the next generation of fanciers won't know anything
England as these areas look very much like the
about that word (Spitz)." Quote is from Page 6 .
German countryside. German settlers also went to
At about this time there was a story of the the P.T
southern Texas and the Spitz became popular there.
Barnum and Bailey circus using a "Spitz" in one of
The Germans used the breed very much in the same
its circus acts. It was said that it
manner as they did in Germany.
The breed became a formable
was the only dog to be trained to
The first written standard
walk a tight rope. This dog was
watchdog of the farm. The breed
named "Bido". In some of the
worked closely with man and aniof the breed was printed in
old pedigrees of that time a dog
mals. Why the white variety was
1958 by UKC (United Kennel
by the name of "Bido" can be
the most popular color is unclear.
Club), along with an official
found. He stemmed from the
UKC (United Kennel Club) regishistory for the breed.
Midwest. There isn't a record of
tered the breed in 1913. Only the
the dog in the museum of the
white variety was registered.
Barnum Bailey circus although.
There was a fire in the early days
There was also a story of a dog named "Trixie" that
of UKC. Many of the records were lost. The first
was said to be used as a circus dog. Research has
"recorded" registration of the breed was in 1922.
found a child's book of that time about a circus dog
There were 7 dogs registered under the breed name
named Trixie. The dog looks to be of the size of a
of "Spitz". The first recorded dog registered was a
Whether this was a real dog that was
bitch by the name of "Patsy Pall", and given the
written about or just a child's storybook is unknown.
UKC registration number of 109765. The first male
to be recorded was "Rob Roy", UKC #113765. In
The circuses used many dogs in their acts. There
1923 an additional 13 were registered as "Spitz". By were the famous "Football" dogs that were Boxers.
1924, there was considerable anti-German sentiment There was a Cocker Spaniel that was known for his
performances. Poodles, Pugs, Great Danes, and a
in the United States arising. Many of the German
mired of mixed breeds were also used.
breeds were being chastised and discrimina!ed
The American Eskimo Dog was undeniable used in
against. UKC changed the name of the breed to
circus acts but was never developed or bred to be a
"American Spitz". In 1925 the breed name was
circus dog.
changed again to "American Eskimo Spitz". This
The first written standard of the breed was printed in
name was adopted from the kennel name of Mr. &
1958 by UKC, along with an official history for the
Mrs. Hall who raised Spitz along with a number of
other breeds. Their kennel name was "American
breed. A copy of both is attached to this article. Note
that its states that the breed was bred down from
Eskimo Kennels". In 1926, the "Spitz" was comlarge sled dogs, and nothing to do with its German
pletely taken off the name. The breed was still was
origin. It even stated that the Eskies "should look like
referred to for many years as "Spitz" or "Eskimo
a "Samoyed in miniature".
In the July 1936 issue of Bloodlines an article is writ- At this time there were also a series of articles written about the name of the breed. Its states that the
ten about registering the Japanese Spitz as American
word "Spitz" was a name that was "not in the dictio- Eskimos. These articles are reprinted elsewhere in
printed in this article) Note that it states that the
breed was imported from Germany, and that the
breed name came from the Halls. It also states that
the breed is between 15 to 20 inches at the shoulder
and that it is a working dog. It also stated that since
the name of "American Eskimo" had been adopted
this article. What may have triggered those articles
that "hundreds" had been registered, not thousands.
was the single registration of one dog. This dog was
"Conner's Fuji". Fuji was whelped in Japan on April In 1969 the National American Eskimo Dog
26th, 1955 and was registered with the Japan Kennel Association was formed, and was recognized as the
parent Club. The NAEDA divided
Club as a "Spitz". Mr. H. Conner,
an American serviceman stationed
the breed into 2 sizes, standard and
In 1978 there was a
miniature according to weight. This
in Japan owned him.. When Mr.
Conner returned to the States, he
complete revision of the was done "for show purposes only".
It was done so that there would be
brought Fuji with him to his home
standard. A weight limit
more classes, thus more ribbons
in San Antonio, TX. He applied for
would be given out. This would
single registration of Fuji and on
hopefully keep exhibitors showing
May 26, 1958 Fuji was registered
longer and make the shows larger.A
with UKC. Fuji was sired by
"Pitou" out of "Deko". The breeder
copy of the NAEDA show report of
the first National show with pictures
was F. Kizaki. A rare picture of Fuji
of the winners is found with this article. It is undertaken in Japan when he was about 4 months of age
standable that the picture quality is not oftoday's
can be found elsewhere in this article. Fuji grew to
be a 45 Ib standard male. Larger than the Japanese
standards, but is re-printed for historical value. In the
1970's breeders and exhibitors were learning more
Spitz that we know.(Please see picture of Japanese
about dogs in general and striving to produce a qualiSpitz photo in this article).
ty dog. In 1974 the standard was revised and printed
Fuji was bred to Mrs. Chandley's "Snow-White"
in UKC's official magazine "Bloodlines". Standard
dogs and a number of the "Hillcrest" dogs. Mrs.
Chandly and her "Snow-White" dogs were very well and miniatures were still divided by weight but there
known in the 1950's and 1960's. In some of the old
wasn't a weight maximum stated on the standards.
Bloodlines pages reprinted in this article you can see Standard males were 20 pounds and over, standard
some of her ads. She also wrote a number of articles
females were 17 pounds and over. Miniature males
were 12 pounds to under 20 pounds and miniature
in Bloodlines during that period.
Fuji is behind many of the dogs of today. To give
females were 10 pounds to under 17 pounds. Also in
the 1974 standard, there wasn't a history written.
you and example, Fuji was bred to Dutchess of
Nothing was said about the American Eskimo, or
Hillcrest to produce "Princess Gypsy" Princess
where it came, nor what it was bred for. (see copy of
Gypsy was bred to Yukon Luke. This produced
Callaways Cindy Lou who is behind most of the "Jo- UKC 1974 standard in this article).
In 1978 there was a complete revision of the stanEm" and "Newsom" dogs. Callaway's Cindy Lou is
dard. A weight limit was put on the standards.
grandmother to "Whiskey Joe of Jo-Em who was
Standard males were from 20 to 35 Ibs, standard
bred to Ch Sierra's Gnt'l Persuasion,
were from 18 to 32 Ibs. Miniature males
Fuji is the only dog that can be found that was single
were from 12 to under 20 Ibs and miniature females
registered from Japan. After the series of articles in
Bloodlines magazine, UKC decided not to register
were from 10 Ibs to under 18 Ibs. A small paragraph
any of the Japanese dogs as American Eskimo Dogs. before the standard stated" If dogs do notfall within
Fuji may have been registered, as his registration cer- minimum and maximum weight allowed, dogs will
not be allowed to enter the show. This disqualified
tificate did not say "Japanese Spitz", just "Spitz",
all dogs over or under the weight limit. This standard
which was the original registered name of the breed.
In 1968 UKC re-printed the official standard and his- was very
tory. (A copy of both the standard and history are re-
Continue of Eskie Essence
and Instincts
Continued on Page 20....
ContInue of eskle
Essence and 'nstlncts...
incorporated "Movement" into the scale of points as
it is today. The UKC standard recognizes Standard
and Miniature only.
In 1995 when AKC officially accepted the
American Eskimo Dog for registration. They did not
separate the breed into separate varieties, but Open
class only may be separated into the three divisions.
It is shown in the Non-Sporting Group. A copy of
the AKC standard for the breed is found elsewhere
in this article. In UKC it was shown in the Working
Group until UKC reorganized its groups and put all
of the Northern breeds into one group. The
Pomeranian is shown in the Companion group.
In 1999 the UKC standard was revised to comply
with UKC requirements of uni-
detailed and descriptive of the dog. Still, nothing
was said about what the breed was, where it came
from or, what it was bred to do. If anyone getting
into the breed and didn't have a Bloodlines from
1968, wouldn't know where the breed came from.
There were many new people getting into the breed
at this time and many that were new to dogs in general. This was the time that the breeds history was
forgotten.Many stories began
to be told about the breed.
i formdog terminology.Nothing
In the early 1980's UKC was
was stated as to any disqualification as to size.
approached to recognize a
"Toy" variety of the breed.
UKC asked for the Toys to be
Today, the American Eskimo
shown in a non-regular class
Dog stands proud of its
for 2 years. Judges were to
German heritage. It is a strong,
evaluate the dogs as to quality,
powerful dog for its size. It is a
and turn in a written critique
.breed, giving one the
of each dog. After the 2-year
that it is able trot for extended
period UKC stated that it did
not feel that there were enough
periods without tiring. It is
Toys being shown to justify a
robust dog with a sound constitution. It is noted for its
separate variety.
During the early to mid 1980's
longevity, living well into its
there was much discussion
teens. It is a happy, outgoing
about changing the American
dog that bonds closely with
Eskimo size from weights to
humans. It is quick and agile,
Today the American Eskimo Dog
heights. It was thought that by
an excellent herding instinct.
Stands proud of its German heritage
going to heights rather than
It is ready to serve in Agility,
weights it would help make the sizes more consisObedience,Herding, Tracking, Search & Rescue,
Service Dog, Therapy, or as a devoted companion.
In 1985 the American Eskimo Dog Club of America All of what the Eskie can do today is directly influwas formed. The AEDCA recognized the Toy,
enced by its natural instincts as a working farm dog.
Miniature, and Standard varieties.
We must never loose that which makes the American
The AEDCA when writing its standard for the breed Eskimo Dog what it is. We must never go so far
defined size by height rather than weight. It also
away from what the breed is that if an excellent
added size disqualifications.
specimen comes before us, we do not recognize it,
In 1987 the NAEDA revised the standard to change
for we have lost the very essence of what makes the
the size description of the American Eskimo from
American Eskimo Dog, an American Eskimo
weights to height When the size requirement was
changed the small paragraph before the standard that
stated that all dogs that did not fall between the lim- Editors Note: All articles re-printed from
its of the size as stated in the breed standard could
Bloodlines magazine are done with the pernot be shown was omitted. When this happened,
mission of UKC (United Kennel Club) and
there was no disqualification of size in UKC. The
Bloodlines magazine.
omission was an oversite. The 1987 standard also