OASA Championship Trophies - Ontario Amateur Softball Association
OASA Championship Trophies - Ontario Amateur Softball Association
Ontario Amateur Softball Association 2015 Softball OFFICIAL CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 92nd EDITION COPYRIGHTED: 1933 INCORPORATED: 1978 www.oasa.ca We’ vegotyournumber . Anyspor t .Anyl eague.Anywher e. t eam@ oesscor eboar ds. com www. oessc or eboar ds . c om 51 9. 652. 5833 4096Bl aki eRd.LondonONN6L1 P7 2 The Ontario Amateur Softball Association agrees to abide by the Terms and Conditions of both the Provincial Sport Organizations Base Funding Program and the Active 2010 Sports Funding Program. The Ontario Amateur Softball Association has read and understands the Softball Ontario Objects and By-Laws and agrees to adhere to their intent. The Ontario Amateur Softball Association has Objects and ByLaws that are not in conflict with the intent of those in effect for Softball Ontario. The Ontario Amateur Softball Association has read and understands the Softball Ontario Risk Management Policies and also has a Risk Management Policy in place which is not in conflict with the intent of that in place for Softball Ontario. www.oasa.ca 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2015 OASA FASTBALL ATTRACTIONS ............................................. 1 2015 CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS .................................................. 2 2016 CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS .................................................. 2 2015 EASTERN CANADIANS – HOSTING PROVINCES ................... 2 2015 WESTERN CANADIANS ............................................................ 2 IMPORTANT DEADLINE DATES TO REMEMBER ............................. 4 Bids to Host Tournaments ............................................................. 4 Bids to Host Provincial Tournaments ............................................. 4 Nominations for the Softball Association Merit Award .................... 4 Nominations for the F. R. Feaver Memorial Award ........................ 4 Nominations for the Gil Read Coaches Honour Roll ...................... 4 Nominations for Life Membership .................................................. 4 Applications for OASA Scholarship ................................................ 4 Amendments ................................................................................. 4 Bids to Host Eastern Canadian Championships ............................. 4 Bids to Host Canadian Championships .......................................... 4 Affiliation Dates ............................................................................. 5 Team Certificates .......................................................................... 5 Signed Team Certificates .............................................................. 5 Special Permission Forms ............................................................. 5 TOURNAMENT DATES 2015.............................................................. 6 Provincial Hosts............................................................................. 6 Elimination Hosts ........................................................................... 6 Qualifier Hosts ............................................................................... 6 House League Select Hosts .......................................................... 6 TOURNAMENT RESULTS 2014 ......................................................... 7 Provincials ..................................................................................... 7 Eliminations ................................................................................... 7 Select ............................................................................................ 7 Eastern, Western, Canadian Championships................................. 7 OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE ........................................................ 10 EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS ......................................................... 11 Communication Coordinator ........................................................ 11 Convenor Coordinator ................................................................. 11 High & Inside Newsletter Editor ................................................... 11 Insurance Coordinators ............................................................... 11 Life Membership Coordinator ...................................................... 11 Policies and Procedures Coordinator........................................... 11 Registrar...................................................................................... 11 Rule Book Coordinator ................................................................ 11 i Sponsorship Coordinator ............................................................. 11 Trophy Coordinator ..................................................................... 11 ADVISORY COUNCIL ....................................................................... 12 TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS ........................................................... 12 LIAISONS AND REPRESENTATIVES .............................................. 13 STANDING COMMITTEES ............................................................... 13 Awards ........................................................................................ 13 Convenors ................................................................................... 13 Discipline..................................................................................... 13 Fall Annual General Meeting ....................................................... 13 Finance ....................................................................................... 13 F. R. Feaver ................................................................................ 13 Men’s .......................................................................................... 14 Minor ........................................................................................... 14 Divisional Coordinators.......................................................... 14 Player Residency ........................................................................ 14 Scholarship ................................................................................. 14 Team Ontario .............................................................................. 14 AD HOC COMMITTEES.................................................................... 14 Annual Springboard Clinic ........................................................... 14 Corporate Sponsorship................................................................ 14 Quest for Gold ............................................................................. 14 AUDITORS........................................................................................ 14 HONOURARY OFFICERS ................................................................ 15 PAST PRESIDENTS ......................................................................... 15 SOFTBALL ONTARIO CONTACT ..................................................... 15 SOFTBALL CANADA CONTACT ...................................................... 15 CONVENORS ................................................................................... 16 SOFTBALL ONTARIO ....................................................................... 18 2015 FAST PITCH UMPIRE PERSONNEL ....................................... 19 AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS ...................................................... 20 The F. R. Feaver Memorial .......................................................... 20 2014 F. R. Feaver Memorial Trophy ...................................... 21 President’s Merit.......................................................................... 22 Gil Read Coaches Honour Roll.................................................... 23 Softball Association/League Merit................................................ 23 Softball Canada’s Ethel Boyce Memorial Award .......................... 23 Syl Apps Volunteer Achievement Award ...................................... 23 Scholarship ................................................................................. 25 Recipients ............................................................................. 25 Scholarship Fund Donations ............................................... 26 Scholarship Recipients 2014 ................................................. 27 ii Individual Player Awards ............................................................. 29 Jack Cook Sportsmanship ..................................................... 29 No Hitters in 2014 .................................................................. 32 Perfect Games in 2014 .......................................................... 32 MVP Recognition in 2014 ...................................................... 32 Pitcher Awards ............................................................................ 34 PRESTIGIOUS RECOGNITIONS ...................................................... 38 Life Members .............................................................................. 38 Honourary Presidents .................................................................. 39 Honourary Vice Presidents .......................................................... 39 2015 LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM ........................................ 40 2015 INSURANCE SUMMARY ......................................................... 41 CONSTITUTION ............................................................................... 43 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................... 43 VISION .............................................................................................. 47 ARTICLES......................................................................................... 47 Article I – Name ........................................................................... 47 Article II – Objects ....................................................................... 47 BY-LAWS .......................................................................................... 49 By-Law I – Membership ............................................................... 49 By-Law I.1 Membership in The Association ........................... 49 By-Law I.2 Period of Membership .......................................... 49 By-Law I.3 Membership Status .............................................. 49 By-Law I.4 Life Membership .................................................. 49 By-Law II – Administration ........................................................... 49 By-Law II.1 Elected Officers .................................................. 49 By-Law II.2 The Executive ..................................................... 51 By-Law II.3 Advisory Council ................................................. 53 By-Law II.4 Nominations ........................................................ 53 By-Law III – Annual General Meeting .......................................... 53 By-Law III.1 Dates ................................................................. 53 By-Law III.2 Election Entitlement ........................................... 54 By-Law III.3 Voting Procedure ............................................... 54 By-Law III.4 AGM Duties ....................................................... 54 By-Law III.5 Order of Business .............................................. 55 By-Law III.6 Rules of Order ................................................... 56 By-Law IV – Amendments ........................................................... 57 By-Law IV.1 Motions to Amend.............................................. 57 By-Law IV.2 Notice of Motions to Amend ............................... 57 By-Law IV.3 Policy and Procedure ........................................ 58 By-Law V – Standing Committees and Coordinators ................... 58 By-Law V.1 Standing Committees ......................................... 58 iii By-Law V.2 Coordinators ....................................................... 58 By-Law VI – Books, Contracts and Records ................................ 59 By-Law VII – Rule Book Structure ............................................... 59 By-Law VIII – Special General Meeting ....................................... 59 OPERATING RULES ........................................................................ 60 OR 1 – Membership .................................................................... 61 OR 1.1 General ..................................................................... 61 OR 1.2 Fees .......................................................................... 61 OR 1.3 Refund of Fees.......................................................... 62 OR 2 – Team Affiliation ............................................................... 62 OR 2.1 Filing Affiliation Forms and Fees ............................... 62 OR 2.2 Filing Dates for Team Affiliations ............................... 62 OR 2.3 Single Team Affiliations ............................................. 63 OR 3 – Team Eligibility ................................................................ 63 OR 3.1 Divisions.................................................................... 63 OR 3.2 Classifications ........................................................... 63 OR 3.3 Categories................................................................. 63 OR 3.4 Recreational .............................................................. 64 OR 3.5 Available To Play ...................................................... 64 OR 3.6 Roster Size ............................................................... 64 OR 4 – Player Eligibility ............................................................... 65 OR 4.1 Classification Birthdates and Years ........................... 65 OR 4.2 Team Certificates ...................................................... 65 OR 4.3 Play in Higher Classification ...................................... 66 OR 4.4 Player Residency ...................................................... 68 OR 4.5 Transfer Permits ........................................................ 69 OR 4.6 Non-Residency Eligibility ........................................... 69 OR 4.7 Appeal of Player Eligibility and Residence ................. 70 OR 5 – Coach and Manager Eligibility ......................................... 70 OR 5.1 General ..................................................................... 70 OR 5.2 Certification ............................................................... 70 OR 6 – Championship Competition ............................................. 71 OR 6.1 Bids to Host............................................................... 71 OR 6.2 Championship Guidelines.......................................... 72 OR 6.3 Championship Determination and Restrictions .......... 72 OR 7 – Tournament Competition ................................................. 73 OR 7.1 Provincial Championships ......................................... 73 OR 7.2 Elimination Tournaments ........................................... 76 OR 7.3 Select Tournaments .................................................. 78 OR 8 – Championship Play-Down (Head to Head Series) ........... 78 OR 8.1 Championship Play-down Series ............................... 78 OR 9 – Umpires .......................................................................... 80 iv Policy Statement ................................................................... 80 OR 9.1 General ..................................................................... 80 OR 10 – Member Discipline ......................................................... 80 OR 10.1 General ................................................................... 80 OR 10.2 Criteria for Disciplinary Action .................................. 81 OR 10.3 Types of Disciplinary Actions ................................... 81 OR 11 – Affiliation and Agreements ............................................. 82 OR 11.1 Inter-Organization Affiliation .................................... 82 OR 11.2 Intra-Organization Agreements ................................ 82 OR 12 – Position Descriptions ..................................................... 82 OR 12.1 – Liaisons ................................................................ 82 AGE CATEGORIES AND DISTANCE TABLE ................................... 86 VARIATIONS FROM SOFTBALL CANADA PLAYING RULES .............................................................................. 87 General ....................................................................................... 87 Equipment Removed from a Game or Tournament................ 87 Suspension of Play ................................................................ 87 Police Protection ................................................................... 87 Bats ....................................................................................... 87 Fast Pitch Chart of Variations ...................................................... 88 Orthodox Fast Pitch Chart of Variations ....................................... 98 GUIDELINES FOR THE BEGINNER ............................................... 101 Rules for "TEE" Ball................................................................... 101 Rules for Three Pitch ................................................................. 102 How to Draw a Schedule! .......................................................... 102 ANNUAL MEETINGS AND PRINCIPAL OFFICERS ........................ 105 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES ................................... 109 ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS ................................. 113 Leading to a Canadian Championship ....................................... 113 Leading to an Eastern/Western Canadian Championship .......... 114 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS – MEN’S CATEGORIES ..................... 114 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS – MINOR CATEGORIES ..................... 122 HIGH & INSIDE .............................................................................. 128 2015 FEE SCHEDULE .................................................................. 131 Team Registration Fees .......................................................... 131 Umpire Game Fees ................................................................... 132 Miscellaneous............................................................................ 132 Insurance Annual Team Rates .................................................. 132 Bids to Host Tournaments ......................................................... 133 Official Constitution & By-Laws Book ......................................... 133 ONTARIO SOFTBALL SUMMIT ...................................................... 168 v vi BackSoftball 2015 OASA FASTBALL ATTRACTIONS Pee Wee U14 Elimination .................. Napanee .................................. June 26-28 Director – Bob Whitfield ............... 613-352-3605 Host – Karen Mills ..........................613-354-0828 ............................. [email protected] ............................................................................. Bantam U16 Elimination .................. Chepstow ........................................ July 3-5 Director – Randy Bridge ............... 416-233-8236 ............ [email protected] Host – Wayne Martin .................... 519-343-3808 [email protected] Midget U18 Elimination ..................... Tavistock .................................. June 26-28 Director – Dave Northern ............. 905-420-0628 ........ [email protected] Host – Doug Lamond ................... 705-875-2946 ..... [email protected] Junior U21 A .................................Owen Sound ........................................ July 3-5 Director – Brad Thomson ............. 519-954-1269 .......... [email protected] Host – Jamie Simpson ...................519-658-0374 [email protected] Great Lakes Men’s............................. Tavistock .................................... July 10-12 Director – Garry Waugh ............... 519-537-5835 ............. [email protected] Host – Brad Thomson .................. 519-954-1269 .......... [email protected] Masters 40+ A&B / 50+ ................. St. Clements .................................... July 17-19 Director – Mike Goodridge ........... 289-389-9158 .... [email protected] Host – Sammy Forbes.................. 519-884-5685 .. [email protected] 1 SOFTBALL CANADA, EASTERN CANADIAN AND WESTERN CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS U16 Boys’ FP ................. Prince Albert, SK .......................... August 5-9 U18 Men’s FP ................ Fredericton, NB......................... August 10-16 U21 Men's FP................. Napanee, ON ............................ August 10-16 Senior Men's FP ............. Ste-Claire, QC .......................... August 26-30 Masters Men’s FP .......... open ......................................................... tbd 2016 CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS U14 Boys’ FP ................. Saskatoon, SK .............................. August 3-7 U16 Boys’ FP ................. Open......................................................... tbd U18 Men’s FP ................ Saskatoon, SK .............................. August 2-7 U21 Men's FP................. Charlottetown, PEI ...................... August 9-14 Senior Men's FP ............. Open......................................................... tbd Masters Men’s FP .......... Open......................................................... tbd 2015 EASTERN CANADIANS – HOSTING PROVINCES U14 Boys ....................... NL ............................................ August 27-30 U16 Boys ....................... NS .......................................... August 27-30 U18 Boys ....................... QC ............................................ August 27-30 Intermediate A/B/C ......... NS ..................................... September 11-13 Orthodox Men’s .............. QC ...................................... September 11-13 2015 WESTERN CANADIANS U14 Boys ....................... Winnipeg, MN .............................. August 6-9 U16 Boys ....................... Regina, SK .............................. July 31-Aug 3 U18 Boys ....................... Lloydminster, AB...................... July 31-Aug 3 U21 B Men’s................... Surrey, BC .................................... August 6-9 Senior B Men’s ............... Winnipeg, MN ............................... August 6-9 Master Men’s 40+........... Calgary, AB .............................. August 13-16 2 for tickets & info: www.softball.ca 3 IMPORTANT DEADLINE DATES TO REMEMBER Bids to Host Tournaments Leading to Eastern Canadian, Western Canadian or Canadian Championships Applications to be in Secretary's Office by February 1 two years prior to event. Fee: $200. Certified cheque/money order. Tournament Dates: Pee Wee U14 / Bantam U16 / Midget U18 / Junior U21 Late June / Early July Intermediate/Senior Mid to Late July Bids to Host Provincial Tournaments Applications to be in Secretary's Office by November 15 in year prior to event. Fee: $50. Certified cheque/money order. Tournament Dates: Junior U21 A Late June / Early July Junior U21 B/C, Masters Mid to Late July Midget U18, Intermediate A, Senior Late July Junior Mite U8 to Bantam U16, Intermediate B/C August Nominations for the Softball Association Merit Award Nominations and resume to be in Secretary's Office by August 15 current year. Nominations for the F. R. Feaver Memorial Award Nominations and resume to be in Secretary's Office by June 15 current year. Nominations for the Gil Read Coaches Honour Roll Nominations and resume to be in Secretary's Office by August 15 current year. Nominations for Life Membership Nominations to be in the hands of the President by August 1 current year. Applications for OASA Scholarship OASA Scholarship Applications to be in Secretary's Office by September 1 current year. Amendments to the By-Laws, Constitution and Operating Rules Amendments to be in Secretary's Office by September 15 current year. Amendments must be supported by page number, Article Number, By-Law number, Operating Rule number and must be worded as an amendment. A member of your association should be prepared to talk on this change at the annual meeting. Bids to Host Eastern Canadian Championships Application to be in Secretary's Office by February 1 two years prior to event. Fee: $200. Certified cheque/money order. Bids to Host Canadian Championships Applications to be in Secretary's Office by February 1 two years prior to event to be approved and forwarded to Softball Ontario/Softball Canada. Money order/certified cheque $500 bond payable to Softball Canada and a $500 bond payable to Softball Ontario must accompany application. 4 IMPORTANT DEADLINE DATES TO REMEMBER Affiliation Dates May 25 ...... Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18, Junior U21 June 10 .............. Great Lakes, Intermediate, Senior and Masters June 15 .........Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12, Recreational Team Certificates June 10 ..... Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18, Junior U21 July 1 ...................................... Intermediate, Senior and Masters July 1 ............Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12, Recreational Signed Team Certificates Prior to June 25 ..... Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18, Junior U21 July 10..................................... Intermediate, Senior and Masters July 10...........Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12, Recreational Special Permission Forms June 1 .................................Special Permissions to the Registrar 5 TOURNAMENT DATES 2015 Provincial Hosts Junior Mite U8 ..........................................tbd ....................................... August 8-9 Mite U10...................................................Ponsonby ........................ August 15-16 Squirt U12 ................................................Tavistock ............................. August 8-9 Pee Wee U14 ..........................................Innerkip............................ August 15-16 Bantam U16 .............................................Grafton ................................ August 8-9 Midget U18 .............................................Napanee ............................... July 25-26 Junior U21 A ............................................Owen Sound ............................ July 3-5 * Junior U21 B/C ........................................Grafton ................................ August 1-2 Intermediate A Great Lakes.....................Tavistock .............................. July 10-12 Intermediate B/C ......................................Fenelon Falls ................... August 22-23 Senior A Great Lakes ..............................Tavistock .............................. July 10-12 * Masters 40+ A/B and 50+ Legends .........St. Clements ......................... July 17-19 * *Determines Canadian Championship representative team(s) Elimination Hosts Pee Wee U14 ........................... Napanee ............................................ June 26-28 Bantam U16 .............................. Chepstow ............................................... July 3-5 * Midget U18................................ Tavistock ........................................... June 26-28 * Qualifier Hosts Squirt U12 ................................. Kitchener/Waterloo ............................. July 18-19 Mite U10 .................................... tbd................................................................... tbd House League Select Hosts Mite U10 .................................... Brantford ............................................. August 15 Squirt U12 ................................. Bracebridge ........................................ August 22 Pee Wee U14 ........................... Georgian Bay ..................................... August 15 Bantam U16 .............................. McNab ................................................ August 15 Midget U18................................ Topham Park ...................................... August 22 6 TOURNAMENT RESULTS 2014 CLASSIFICATION CHAMPIONS FINALISTS Provincials Mite U10 A ................................... Springbrook .......................................... Napanee Mite U10 B ................................... Springfield .............................................. Augusta Squirt U12 A ................................ Tavistock ..............................Kitchener/Waterloo Squirt U12 B ................................ Napanee ............................. Niagara on the Lake Pee Wee U14 A ........................... Napanee ........................................ Shallow Lake Pee Wee U14 B ........................... Chatsworth ...................................... Springbrook Bantam U16 A ............................. Wellesley ....................................... Campbellford Bantam U16 B ............................. Napanee ...................................... New Hamburg Midget U18 A ............................... Teeswater ........................................... Port Perry Midget U18 B ............................... Shakespeare ............................................. Jarvis Junior U21 A ................................ Napanee ........................................... Sebringville Junior U21 B ................................ Tavistock ................................................Innerkip Intermediate B ............................. Fenelon Falls ............................................ Picton Intermediate C ............................. Grand Valley ........................................ Clavering Masters A .................................... Waterdown 40+ ...................................... Toronto Masters B .................................... St. Thomas ................................... Ontario Force Eliminations Pee Wee U14 .............................. Kitchener/Waterloo .............................. Tavistock Bantam U16................................. Campbellford ........................Kitchener/Waterloo Midget U18 .................................. Teeswater ............................................ Tavistock Junior U21 ................................... Napanee ........................................... Sebringville Select Mite U10 ...................................... Georgian Bay.........................................Bradford Squirt U12.................................... Topham Park ............................................Tweed Pee Wee U14 .............................. Lyn ........................................................ Belleville Bantam U16................................. Lyn ................................................ Georgian Bay Midget U18 .................................. Topham Park ................................ Georgian Bay Eastern, Western, Canadian Championships CLASSIFICATION GOLD SILVER BRONZE Pee Wee U14 Easterns ....................................... Kitchener/Waterloo ...... Tavistock Pee Wee U14 Westerns ............................................................................. Napanee Bantam U16 Easterns ........Port Perry ................ Cobourg Bantam U16 Canadians .....Wellesley ................. Campbellford Midget U18 Westerns .........Napanee Midget U18 Canadians .......Teeswater .................................................... Port Perry Junior U21 Canadians .........................................Napanee ................. Owen Sound Senior Canadians ............... Mississauga 7 Mike Goodridge, Past President, carries the Memorial Scroll into the 2014 AGM in Mississauga. 8 O.A.S.A. OFFICERS George Ryder President Brad Thomson Vice President Jamie Simpson Vice President Garry Waugh Executive Vice President Karen Mills Secretary Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan Treasurer 9 OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE President George Ryder 15 Oakwood Drive R: 519-583-3544 Port Dover, ON N0A 1N4 [email protected] Executive Vice President Garry Waugh 45 Earlscourt Crescent R: 519-537-5835 C: 519-532-0840 Woodstock, ON N4S 5H2 [email protected] Vice Presidents Brad Thomson 18 Sugar Maple Street R: 519-954-1269 Kitchener, ON N2N 1X5 [email protected] Jamie Simpson 285 McMeeken Drive R: 519-658-0374 Cambridge, ON N3C 4N7 [email protected] 7 Sarah Street R: 613-354-0828 C: 613-530-0550 Napanee, ON K7R 3J4 [email protected] Box 476 R: 613-372-2230 C: 613-985-0699 Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0 [email protected] 260 Frome St. R: 613-623-8867 C: 613-720-3575 Fitzroy Harbour, ON K0A 1X0 [email protected] 560 Greenfield Av, Unit #C10 R: 519-748-0295 C: 519-574-2017 Kitchener, ON N2C 2M2 [email protected] Tammy Ford 2 Woodland Road 519-633-6558 St. Thomas, ON N5P 1P2 [email protected] Steven Davis 27 Holcolm Road R: 416-225-3939 Toronto, ON M2N 2C8 [email protected] 1934 Parkside Drive R: 905-420-0628 Pickering, ON L1V 3N5 [email protected] 6 Leawood Lane R: 705-549-2485 F: 705-549-4389 Tiny, ON L9M 0C2 [email protected] Secretary Karen Mills Treasurer Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan Executive Elected Adam Brown Gilles Butcher Dave Northern Immediate Past President Roy Patenaude Past Presidents Representative Gary Wren 10263 Lynhurst Park Drive R: 519-631-6515 10 St. Thomas, ON N5P 2E5 [email protected] EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS Communication Coordinator Mary Myers 44 Hilltop Blvd, RR#1 R/F: 905-727-5139 C: 905-713-4179 Convenor Coordinator Brad Thomson Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 [email protected] 18 Sugar Maple Street R: 519-954-1269 Kitchener, ON N2N 1X5 [email protected] High & Inside Newsletter Editor Tammy Ford 2 Woodland Road 519-633-6558 St. Thomas, ON N5P 1P2 [email protected] Insurance Coordinators Randy and Heather Bridge 3425 Countryside Drive R: 416-233-8236 F: 647-660-5998 Life Membership Coordinator Al Harrison Brampton, ON K0L L6P 0T6 [email protected] 64 Patrick Street R: 519-357-2646 Wingham, ON N0G 2W0 [email protected] Policies and Procedures Coordinator Dave Northern 1934 Parkside Drive R: 905-420-0628 Pickering, ON L1V 3N5 [email protected] Registrar Mary Myers 44 Hilltop Blvd, RR#1 R/F: 905-727-5139 C: 905-713-4179 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 [email protected] 7 Sarah Street R: 613-354-0828 Napanee, ON K7R 3J4 [email protected] Sponsorship Coordinator Gilles Butcher 560 Greenfield Ave, Unit 610 R: 519-748-0295 C: 519-574-2017 Kitchener, ON N2C 2M2 [email protected] Trophy Coordinator Gilles Butcher 560 Greenfield Ave, Unit 610 R: 519-748-0295 C: 519-574-2017 Kitchener, ON N2C 2M2 [email protected] Rule Book Coordinator Karen Mills 11 ADVISORY COUNCIL Past Presidents Roy Patenaude, Chair ....................................................................................... Tiny Bob Abbot ................................................................................................. Huntsville Cliff Belch .................................................................................................. Belleville Dave Cleugh ....................................................................................... Campbellford Hub Fehrman .......................................................................................... Caledonia Keith Fleming ............................................................................................. Oshawa Mike Goodridge ......................................................................................... Hamilton Al Harrison................................................................................................ Wingham Len Henderson ........................................................................................... Thomhill George Mahler ........................................................................................... Windsor Don Prescott ........................................................................................ Little Current Dave Reynolds .......................................................................................... Napanee Larry Sherwin ............................................................................................. Cobourg Kevin Walker .............................................................................................. Oshawa Vin Walker .................................................................................................. Oshawa Bob Whitfield .................................................................................................... Bath Honourary President Mike Skelton ........................................................................................ Scarborough Honourary Vice President Betty DeHaan ................................................................................... New Hamburg Insurance Coordinators Randy Bridge ............................................................................................ Brampton Heather Bridge ......................................................................................... Brampton Appointments Ron Taylor ................................................................................................. Havelock Sharon Taylor ............................................................................................ Havelock TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS Leading to a Canadian Championship Pee Wee U14 Boys ...................................................................................... Bob Whitfield Bantam U16 Boys ........................................................................................ Randy Bridge Midget U18 Boys ........................................................................................ Dave Northern Junior U21 A ............................................................................................... Brad Thomson Senior A Men’s ............................................................................................. Garry Waugh Masters ..................................................................................................... Mike Goodridge Provincial A Tournaments Senior & Intermediate Men’s... ..................................................................... Garry Waugh Masters ..................................................................................................... Mike Goodridge 12 LIAISONS AND REPRESENTATIVES Eastern Canadians ..................... George Ryder .............................................. Port Dover ISC Liaison ................................. Brad Thomson ............................................... Kitchener ORSA Liaison ............................. Garry Waugh................................................ Woodstock PWSA Liaison ............................ Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ............................... Sydenham Softball Canada .......................... George Ryder .............................................. Port Dover Softball Ontario........................... Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ............................... Sydenham George Ryder .............................................. Port Dover Garry Waugh................................................ Woodstock Softball Ontario Committees CANpitch Coaches Finance LTPD Technical Participation WOAA Liaison Jamie Simpson .................................................. Cambridge Gilles Butcher........................................................ Kitchener Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ...................................... Sydenham Dave Northern....................................................... Pickering Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ...................................... Sydenham Al Harrison ............................................................ Wingham STANDING COMMITTEES Awards Co-Chair: Gilles Butcher ............. Kitchener Co-Chair: Steven Davis ................. Toronto Mary Myers ................................ Gormley Tammy Ford ......................... St. Thomas Garry Waugh ......................... Woodstock Convenors Chair: Brad Thomson ................ Kitchener Randy Bridge ............................. Brampton George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Discipline Chair: Gary Wren .................... St. Thomas Mary Myers .................................. Gormley George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Fall Annual General Meeting Co-Chair: P. Fitzgerald-Nolan .. Sydenham Co-Chair: Karen Mills ................. Napanee Tammy Ford ......................... St. Thomas Mary Myers ................................ Gormley Finance Chair: Garry Waugh ................ Woodstock Bob Abbot .................................. Huntsville Randy Bridge ............................. Brampton Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ............ Sydenham Roy Patenaude ................................. Tiny George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Ron Taylor ................................ Havelock Brad Thomson ......................... Kitchener F. R. Feaver Chair: Mary Myers ....................... Gormley Cliff Belch .................................... Belleville Keith Fleming ............................... Oshawa Ron Taylor ................................ Havelock Bob Whitfield ................................... Bath 13 Men’s Co-Chair: Jamie Simpson ....... Cambridge Co-Chair: Brad Thomson ........... Kitchener Dennis Dosman ........................... Waterloo Jim Ford ................................. St. Thomas Mike Goodridge ........................ Hamilton George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Garry Waugh ......................... Woodstock Gary Wren ............................ St. Thomas Minor Co-Chair: Dave Northern............ Pickering Co-Chair: Gilles Butcher ............. Kitchener Adam Brown ..................... Fitzroy Harbour Randy Bridge ............................. Brampton Steven Davis .............................. Toronto Bob Kearse ....................... Richmond Hill Gary Lockey ............................ Kitchener Karen Mills................................ Napanee Divisional Coordinators House League Select ........ Bob Kearse Mite U10 ......................... Gilles Butcher Squirt U12 ........................ Gary Lockey Pee Wee U14 .................... Steven Davis Bantam U16 ...................... Randy Bridge Midget U18 ...................... Dave Northern Player Residency Chair: Mary Myers ....................... Gormley Adam Brown ..................... Fitzroy Harbour Steven Davis .............................. Toronto George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Scholarship Chair: Tammy Ford ................. St. Thomas Al Harrison.................................. Wingham Dave Northern .......................... Pickering Team Ontario Chair: Garry Waugh ................ Woodstock Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ............ Sydenham George Ryder ........................... Port Dover Jamie Simpson ...................... Cambridge Brad Thomson ......................... Kitchener Gary Wren ............................ St. Thomas AD HOC COMMITTEES Annual Springboard Clinic Co-Chair: Garry Waugh........... Woodstock Co-Chair: Mary Myers ................. Gormley Co-Chair: Jamie Simpson ....... Cambridge Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ............ Sydenham Karen Mills................................ Napanee Dave Northern .......................... Pickering George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Corporate Sponsorship Chair: Gilles Butcher .................. Kitchener George Ryder ........................ Port Dover Quest for Gold Chair: Dave Northern ................. Pickering Adam Brown ..................... Fitzroy Harbour Karen Mills ................................ Napanee George Ryder ........................ Port Dover AUDITORS Gene Rouselle.................... St. Catharines Bob Whitfield ................................... Bath 14 HONOURARY OFFICERS O.A.S.A. O.A.S.A. Honourary President Mike Skelton Scarborough, ON M1V 5L7 416-299-5258 Honourary Vice President Betty DeHaan New Hamburg, ON N3A 4G4 519-662-1231 PAST PRESIDENTS V. E. Walker .........777 Terrace Drive, Apt #211 Oshawa ....... L1G 2Z3 ..... 905-721-0600 C. J. Belch ............26 Lexington Cr., Belleville ........................ K8P 4L1 ..... 613-962-1391 G. J. Mahler ..........1641 Parent Ave., Apt #4, Windsor ........... N8X 4J9 ..... 519-252-2782 D. K. Prescott .......RR1, Little Current ..................................... P0P 1K0 ..... 705-368-2569 L. K. Fleming ........709 Fernhill Blvd., Oshawa ....................... L1J 5K2 ...... 905-723-8625 L. G. Henderson ...91 Superior Rd., RR#2 Fenelon Falls ....... K0M 1N0 .... 705-454-2358 M. C. Goodridge ...144 Mountain Park Ave., Hamilton ............ L9A 1A3 ..... 289-389-9158 R. D. Abbot ...........126 Deerfoot Trail, Huntsville .................... P1H 0A8..... 705-789-2439 A. R. Harrison .......64 Patrick St., Wingham ............................ N0G 2W0 ... 519-357-2646 H. Fehrman ..........191 Park Lane, Caledonia ......................... N3W 1B3.... 905-765-2056 K. Walker ..............157 Eastmount St., Oshawa ...................... L1G 6K7 ..... 905-579-5936 B. Whitfield ...........RR#1, Bath ................................................ K0H 1G0 .... 613-352-3605 D. Cleugh .............165 Cleugh Rd., Campbellford .................. K0L 1 L0..... 705-653-1833 D. Reynolds ..........287 Hambly Rd., RR3 Napanee ................ K7R 3K8..... 613-354-9270 L. Sherwin ............31 Brock Rd. South, Cobourg ................... K9A 4G3 .... 905-373-0337 G. Wren ................10263 Lynhurst Park Dr., St. Thomas ....... N5P 2E5..... 519-631-6515 R. Patenaude .......6 Leawood Lane, Tiny ............................... L9M 0C2 .... 705-549-2485 SOFTBALL ONTARIO CONTACT 3 Concorde Gate, Toronto M3C 3N7 416-426-7150 Wendy Cathcart (Executive Director) Steph Sutton (Technical Program Coordinator) SOFTBALL CANADA CONTACT 223 Colonnade Rd., Suite 212, Ottawa K2E 7K3 P: 613-523-3386 Website: www.softball.ca Email: [email protected] F: 613-523-5761 Hugh Mitchener (Executive Officer) Mike Branchaud (Canadian Championship Committee) 15 CONVENORS Chair: Brad Thomson 519-954-1269 [email protected] Donalda Abbot 126 Deerfoot Trail Huntsville P1H 0A8 705-789-2439 Bob Kearse 3 Maroon Dr. Richmond Hill L4E 5B4 905-773-1847 Dave Birnie 26 Twinoaks Cres. Stoney Creek L8J 2E7 905-573-9637 Richard Martin 301-D Bluevale North Waterloo N2J 4H6 519-747-4965 Mike Crawford 363 Santa’s Village Road Bracebridge P1L 1W8 705-645-3973 Paul McCart 251 Elisabeth S. P.O. Box 371 Glencoe N0L 1M0 519-287-3301 Betty DeHaan 757165 Oxford Road 5 New Hamburg N3A 4G4 519-662-1231 Jim O’Donoghue 199 Cannifton Road Belleville K8N 4V5 613-962-8065 Bill DeHaan 757165 Oxford Road 5 New Hamburg N3A 4G4 519-662-1231 Karen Nolan 23 Addington Street Unit 16 Amherstview K7N 1C6 613-767-7493 James Ford 2 Woodland Road St. Thomas N5P 1P2 519-633-6558 Christine Patenaude 6 Leawood Lane Tiny, ON L9M 0C2 705-549-2485 Ron Heagle 66 Crescentwood Dr. St. Catharines L2N 4L2 905-934-0954 Ken Prodger 8 Joshua Court Welland L3C 7E3 905-737-9043 Sandy Heidman 16 Burke Crt. Guelph, N1L 1J2 519-826-9972 Gene Rouselle 507-608 Lake Street St. Catharines L2N 5S9 905-934-2441 16 Scott Searle 2411 Esprit Drive Orleans K4A 0T4 613-558-0311 Ewart Timlin RR#4 Stn Main Cobourg K9A 4J7 905-342-2940 Ron Taylor Fire Road 44 Havelock K0L 1Z0 705-778-2637 Paul White 442 13th Street West Owen Sound N4K 2W7 519-376-7831 Al Whitfield RR#7 Napanee K7R 3L2 613-378-2269 Sharon Taylor Fire Road 44 Havelock K0L 1Z0 705-778-2637 Bruce Young 368 Craigleith Drive Waterloo N2L 5B7 519-884-6960 17 SOFTBALL ONTARIO 3 Concorde Gate Toronto, ON M3C 3N7 Phone: (416) 426-7150 Fax: (416) 426-7368 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.softballontario.ca Comprised of: Ontario Amateur Softball Association Ontario Rural Softball Association Provincial Women's Softball Association Slo-Pitch Ontario Association Committed to the Development of Softball in Ontario Umpire Programs: Umpire Registration Umpire Clinics - Junior/Intermediate Development, Levels 1-4 Umpire Evaluations Coach Programs: Learn to Coach: Community Sport – Initiation Community Softball: Community Sport - On-Going Participation Competition - Introduction, Softball Drills, Drills, Drills for Coaches Hitting for Coaches Rules for Coaches Minor Player Programs: CANpitch Program FUNdamentals Stage Learning to Train Stage Softball Performance Centres Train2Train Train2Compete House League/Participation Programs: Community Fun Team School Programs – Try, Active and Develop Softball Get in the Game Symposium Certified Softball Administrators Program (C.S.A.P.) Softball Association Fundamental Excellence (S.A.F.E.) Scorekeepers Programs: Basic Clinic Advanced Clinic Distributor of Softball Publications and Videos Liaison with Government Agencies Liaison with Softball Canada Call Us to Discuss Our Programs Best Wishes to the OASA in 2015 18 2015 FAST PITCH UMPIRE PERSONNEL Fast Pitch Committee Fast Pitch Provincial Umpire-in-Chief: Peter Kluszczynski 38 Windsor Crescent Barrie L4N 0K3 705-733-1659 [email protected] Dave Mills 62 Roseford Terrace Acton L7J 2L3 John Snook 7 South Court St W, PO Box 815 Norwich N0J 1P0 Teralyn Coleman 150 Graydon Hall Dr. Toronto, ON M3A 3B1 Zone 1 Counties: ZUIC Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Middlesex Justin Van Horn, Chatham Zone 2 Counties: ZUIC Oxford, Perth, Huron Jamie Woodend, Stratford Zone 3 Counties: ZUIC Haldimand-Norfolk, Brant, Waterloo, Hamilton-Wentworth 905-304-0993 Glen Whitwell, Ancaster [email protected] Zone 4 County: ZUIC Niagara Steve Krawchuk, Thorold 905-227-2961 [email protected] Zone 5 Counties: ZUIC Peel, Halton, Wellington Paul Mastalerz, Georgetown 905-877-1520 [email protected] Zone 6 Counties: ZUIC Bruce, Grey, Dufferin, Simcoe Tony Dickson, Moonstone 705-835-0698 Zone 7 County: ZUIC York Brian Gerskup, Maple 416-879-3158 Zone 8 Counties: ZUIC Durham, Victoria, Peterborough Alsie Jack Zone 9 Counties: Northumberland, Prince Edward, Hastings, Lennox & Addington, Frontenac Jen Keller-Nelson, Cobourg Fast Pitch Deputy Umpires-in-Chief: 519-853-3757 [email protected] 519-532-3531 [email protected] Fast Pitch Zone Umpires-in-Chief ZUIC 416-792-6838 [email protected] 226-626-8264 [email protected] 519-949-0345 [email protected] 905-571-4567 [email protected] 905-373-2178 [email protected] Zone 10 Counties: Renfrew, Lanark, Leeds-Grenville, Prescott & Russell, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, Carleton 613-791-6767 ZUIC Dave Herbst, Kanata [email protected] Zone 11 Counties: Haliburton, Muskoka, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Temiskaming, Sudbury, Algoma (Manitoulin), Cochrane, Thunder Bay, Rainy River, Kenora ZUIC Robert Straetmans, Bracebridge 705-394-8405 [email protected] 19 AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS The F. R. Feaver Memorial The F. R. Feaver Memorial Trophy is awarded annually in memory of Frank Feaver who was the OASA Secretary from 1943 to 1956. Frank Feaver’s dedication, service and devotion played a major role in the expansion and development of the game of softball. First introduced in 1972, this award is presented to a player, official or officer of any league or association who, in the opinion of the Feaver Awards Committee, has made an outstanding contribution to the game of softball. 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Dick Hames, London George Thomas, Simcoe Andy Davidson, Stratford Max Scheff, Willowdale John Brady, Oshawa Leroy Pickard, St. Catharines John Edwards, Jarvis Bill Jacko, North Bay Roger Bauder, Verona Bill Topping, St. Thomas Gordon Martin, Binbrook Keith Fleming, Oshawa Don Prescott, Little Current Vin Walker, Oshawa Bill Cleland, St. Catharines Layton Dodge, Cobourg Bill Martin, Simcoe Gord Ferguson, East York Bill Shaw, Belleville Roger Stewart, Grimsby Dick Turpin, Cobourg Don Smith, Caledonia Harold Godfrey, Fenelon Falls Wayne Venning, Port Perry Frank Bender, Orleans Ron Taylor, Havelock Cliff Belch, Belleville Norm Fraser, North York Peter Handley, North Bay Al Whitfield, Strathcona Ken Leonard, Oshawa Bernie Beauregard, Orleans Cliff Dunkeld, Stouffville Sylvia Ryan, Whitby Bill O'Neill, Cobourg Bob Whitfield, Bath Mary Myers, Gormley John Mather, Oshawa Al Harrison, Wingham Gene Rouselle, St. Catharines Bob Abbot. Huntsville Gary Wren, St. Thomas F. R. Feaver Committee 2014 Chair: Members: Mary Myers ........................ Gormley Cliff Belch .......................... Belleville Keith Fleming ..................... Oshawa Ron Taylor.........................Havelock Bob Whitfield ............................ Bath Nominations (and supporting resume) must, annually, be received in the Office of the OASA Secretary by June 15. 20 2014 F. R. Feaver Memorial Trophy The 2014 recipient, Gary Wren, has made a huge difference in the lives of many people with his teaching, guidance, coaching and mentoring in our game of softball and made the sport fun. He began his coaching career in 1978 and never looked back; winning with grace and dignity, always with that big smile on his face; losing with pride and again with that big smile on his face because he knew his team had given him their best. His philosophy was practice makes perfect and, while many teams did not practise, his always did on Sunday. Gary is a true leader, a committed volunteer, who always put his athletes first, never afraid to show how proud of each one of them he was and never asking what is in it for me? He has been involved with many different men’s teams and youth in this province. His volunteer work includes being a member of the OASA Executive since 2005, an OASA Past President, a member of Softball Ontario Long Term Player Development Committee and Manager of Team Ontario. Gary Wren is a very deserving recipient of this award. Gary Wren receiving the 2014 F. R. Feaver Award from Robert Feaver, son of the late Frank R. Feaver 21 President’s Merit Instituted in 2003, this prestigious award is presented at the Annual General Meeting to a person who has made significant contributions to the OASA. 2003 ..............................................Sharon Taylor ............................................... Havelock 2004 ..............................................Al Doran ...................................................... Brampton Bea Weber ...................................................... Guelph 2005 ..............................................Ken Jackett ...................................................... Stirling Lori Doner Jones ......................................... Stouffville 2006 ..............................................Peter Handley ............................................. North Bay 2007 ..............................................Bob Abbot .................................................... Huntsville Agnes Cole ................................................... Churchill 2008 ..............................................Wendy Cathcart .................................. Softball Ontario Ken Leonard .................................................. Oshawa Ken Cole ....................................................... Churchill 2009 ..............................................Bill DeHaan ..................................... ....New Hamburg Peter Kluszczynski. ........................................... Barrie Mary Myers .................................................... Gormley 2010 ..............................................George Ryder ............................................ Port Dover Bruce Young ................................................. Waterloo 2011 ..............................................Bill DeHaan ......................................... New Hamburg Christine Patenaude ....................... Penetanguishene Garry Waugh ............................................. Woodstock 2012 ..............................................Paddy Fitzgerald-Nolan ............................. Warkworth Karen Mills.................................................... Napanee 2013 ..............................................Mike Goodridge ............................................ Hamilton 2014 ..............................................Brad Thomson .......................................... Kitchener 2014 President George Ryder presenting the award to Brad Thomson 22 Gil Read Coaches Honour Roll 2004 ..............................................Dan Lauzon ................................................. Waterloo Doug Brohman ................................................. Elmira 2005 ..............................................Bill Horne .................................................. St. Thomas 2006 ..............................................Richard Martin .............................................. Waterloo 2007 Richard Venne ........................................ Scarborough Rob Way....................................................... Waterloo 2008 ..............................................Gil Read (posthumously) ................................. Kanata Mike Bolton .................................................. Napanee Terry Gray (posthumously)........................... Napanee Doug Fisher ........................................... New Dundee 2009 ..............................................Joe Lewis ..................................................... Napanee Mike Gibson .................................................. Cobourg Jim Ford ........................................................... Fingal 2010 ..............................................Ian Griffen ................................................... Port Perry Jim McKinnon .............................................. Port Elgin 2011 ..............................................Mark Hooey .................................................... Wiarton 2012 ..............................................Norm MacLeod ............................................. Pickering 2013 ..............................................John Beck ................................................... Port Perry 2014 ..............................................Peter Chambers ..................................... Waterdown Softball Association/League Merit Prior to 2006 .......................................... Chepstow, Cobourg, Napanee, and St. Thomas 2006 ...............................................................................................Oshawa City & District 2007 .......................................................................................... Waterloo District Fastball 2008 ................................................................................................... Stratford Memorials 2009 ................................................................................Port Perry & District, Sydenham 2012 ................................................................................................................... Tavistock 2013 ................................................................................. Toanche Parks and Recreation Softball Canada’s Ethel Boyce Memorial Award Softball Canada’s Ethel Boyce Memorial Award was awarded in 2014 to Johnathan Baker of Kitchener. In his second year in the Sport Management program at Brock University, Johnathan was a member of the Sebringville Cubs U21 team that competed at the 2014 Nationals and a member of the 2014 Junior Men’s National team that competed at the ISF Junior Men’s World Championship in Whitehorse, YK. Syl Apps Volunteer Achievement Award 2014 ................................................................................................................ Gary Wren 23 Johnathan Baker presented with Softball Canada’s Ethel Boyce Memorial Award by Bruce Young and Gilles Butcher, dedicated OASA volunteers with Kitchener/Waterloo Minor Ball. 24 Scholarship Recipients 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Ryan Martin, Palmerston Kipton Zavitz, Sarnia Patrick Graham, Jarvis Matt Tangney, Guelph Greg Shantz, Petersburg David McDonald, Teeswater Darren Hancock, Peterborough Jerome Loewen, St. Catharines Michel Souliere, Orleans Joe Reid, Napanee Mark Kemp, Napanee Jason McDonald, Teeswater Evan Boyd, Stouffville Allan Phibbs, Hagersville Chris Shewfelt, Dundas Dan Jessiman, Stittsville Michael Fisher, Cambridge Jamie Lawlor, Bloomfield Brad Thomson, New Dundee Matthew Herrington, Perth Road Adam Hiller, Elmira Jon Ferguson, Stouffville Tyler Robinson, Amherstview Ryan Sharpe, Odessa Matt White, North York 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 25 Chad Crawford, Stratford Jeff Wilson, Simcoe Kevin Buckley, Waterloo Mike Grupstra, Brantford Jeff McKee, Orangeville Andrew Putnam, Waterloo Andrew Naranscik, Windham Brent Mills, Napanee James Mayer, Toanche Josh Roach, Waterloo Ryan Mitts, Oshawa Matt Allen, Kingston Cal McGarvey, Napanee Blair Verheye, Kitchener Chris Brown, Napanee Chad Fink, Sebringville Fred Hermack, Oshawa Corey Way, Waterloo Steven Ashbridge, Port Perry Ben Kinsella, Markham Brendon Bonnor, Greensville Tom Fischer, Teeswater Adam Fujita, Pickering Ty Sebastian, Brussels Johnathan Baker, Kitchener Tyson Zehr, Tavistock Scholarship Fund Donations Sarnia Host Committee - Midget U18 Elims '94 Oshawa City & District/Port Perry - Host '95 AGM Central Frontenac M.S.A. Wilson Trophy D. K. Prescott Stratford Juniors St. Clements Juniors Oshawa Juniors Belleville Juniors W. L. Alguire Memorial Stouffville M.S.A. Niagara Falls M.S.A. Sunderland Int. Men's Town of Cobourg Kingston Umpires Association Jack Cook Memorial Cobourg LMSA in Memory of Jim Bradford Chris Shewfelt 26 Baagwating Comm. Assoc W. D. Danford Sebringville Juniors Peterborough Juniors Kitchener Juniors Kanata Intermediates OASA ‘95 Carolyn Best Memorial Scholarship Classic Rose Hodgson Orleans Int. Men’s Softball Napanee L. K. Fleming Rodeway Suites Ginny and Larry Sherwin Bracebridge Farm Team York Durham Softball League Softball Ontario Scholarship Recipients 2014 The Ontario Amateur Softball Association is pleased to announce its 2014 Scholarship award winners. The OASA has set up a fund to receive donations exclusively for its Scholarship Program and such donations can be made at any time by sending a cheque, made payable to the OASA Scholarship Fund, to the OASA Treasurer. The Association also sponsors the Jack Cook Classic (Masters) Tournament each year with all proceeds going to fund future scholarships. Winners of the scholarship must have played OASA Midget or Junior competitive ball in the year of application. Academic, athletic and community service criteria are used to help determine the worthy scholarship recipients. The 2014 recipients are: Johnathan Baker – Johnathan Baker from Kitchener attends Brock University studying Sports Management. He graduated high school in 2013 as an Ontario Scholar. He received an entrance scholarship from Brock for his high school marks. As well as being a good student Johnathan has established himself as a fine softball player. This past season he was named one of the captains for the Team Canada Junior Men’s softball team that participated in Whitehorse. In 2013 Johnathan was the only midget age player selected to play for Team Ontario. Johnathan has participated in numerous Canadian and Eastern Canadian Championships. He is not only an accomplished pitcher but a valuable utility player as well. Johnathan gives back to his sport by helping to coordinate and instruct at the Doug Neil pitching clinic in Kitchener. His overall dedication and sportsmanship to the sport of softball was recognized in 2012 when he was awarded the Peter Hallman Award by the North Waterloo Rural Minor Softball League. Tyson Zehr – Tyson Zehr from Tavistock attends Western University/Richard Ivey in the Management and Organizational Studies program. He graduated from Waterloo District Secondary School with an honours Business Diploma. This past season as a member of the Tavistock Athletics he was chosen to play for Team Canada on the Junior Men’s team in Whitehorse. He was also picked up by the Napanee Express to compete with them at the U21 Junior Canadian championship where he earned a silver medal. He has also competed in a number of Eastern and Canadian championships. Softball is not Tyson’s only sports interest as he has won three OMHA championships in hockey with Tavistock. Tyson has an extensive volunteer resume which includes umpiring, mentoring minor ball players in the Tavistock area, skills camp instructor for hockey amongst other volunteer endeavours. A Certificate of Achievement was presented to Tyson during the 2012-13 school year for Outstanding Achievement and Leadership in Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals at Waterloo Oxford District Secondary School. 2014 Scholarship Committee Chair: Tammy Ford ............ St. Thomas Al Harrison ............................ Wingham Dave Northern ........................Pickering 27 2014 Vice President Dave Northern presenting OASA Scholarship Award to Johnathan Baker. 2014 Vice President Dave Northern presenting OASA Scholarship Award to Tyson Zehr. 28 Individual Player Awards Jack Cook Sportsmanship 2000 ............................................................................................... Randy Peck, Stittsville 2001 ..........................................................................Chris Burkholder, Baltimore Selects 2002 ............................................................................... Craig Crawford, Waterloo Twins 2003 ........................................................................ Paul Papullkas, Mt. Albert Mud Hens 2004 ...........................................................................................Doug Charlton, Alvinston 2005 ................................................................................ Sam Forbes, Waterloo Classics 2006 ................................................................................................ John Kemp, Cobourg 2007 ............................................................................. Jodie Schnarr, Waterloo Classics 2008 ............................................................................... Dana Seiling, Waterloo Classics 2009 .................................................................................. Todd Uhrig, Waterloo Classics 2010 ....................................................................................... Rob Greatrix, Niagara Fury 2011 ......................................................................................... Ted Conway, Bracebridge 2012 ................................................................................. Mike Crawford, Toronto Gators 2013 .......................................................................Dave Birnie, Stoney Creek Scrappers 2014 ............................................................ Roddy Fevreau, Waterdown Hammer 40+ 29 30 2014 Midget MVP Award Jake Wilton 2014 Pee Wee MVP Award presented to Mitchell McKay by Roy Patenaude 31 No Hitters in 2014 Pitcher Team Competition vs Inn Ks Score Easton Thompson Napanee Mite A Provincial Springfield 6 15 7-3 Tyler Carmichael Niagara on the Lake Mite A Provincial Napanee 5 10 12-0 Nathan Running Innerkip Squirt Qualifier Niagara on the Lake 5 13 12-0 Austin Sutcliffe Napanee Squirt Qualifier Niagara on the Lake 5 12 15-1 Luke Hyde Tavistock Squirt Qualifier Wellesley 6 9 11-1 Colton Holba New Hamburg Pee Wee Elimination Chatsworth 7 3 3-2 James Miller Stouffville Pee Wee Elimination Niagara on the Lake 7 17 8-0 Colton Risch Wellesley Bantam Elimination New Hamburg 5 12 9-0 Bryce Yantzi Tavistock Bantam Elimination Cambridge 5 4 8-0 Teeswater Midget Canadians Nova Scotia Elks 7 8 6-0 vs Inn Ks Score Tyler Randerson Perfect Games in 2014 Pitcher/ Catcher Team Competition Doug McNairn Cobourg Seldon Calbury Bantam Elimination Cambridge 5 7 12-0 Quinn Kropf Travis Hyde Jr Men’s B Provincial Wolseley 5 4 7-0 Tavistock MVP Recognition in 2014 Pee Wee ................Mitchell McKay Bantam ................Brandan Schneider Midget ..................Jake Wilton Junior Men ................................. Ty Sebastian George Ryder Masters A ......... Roddy Fevreau Bob Abbot Masters B ................ Don Beecroft 32 No Hitter / Perfect Game Awards 2014 33 Pitcher Awards Presented at Tournaments Leading to Eastern/Western Canadian or Canadian Championships Year Cliff Belch Masters 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Paul Koert ....................................................... Tim Neill Jim Hurst ........................................................................................... Ryan French Ken O’Sullivan ............... Matt Leahy ................................................. Scott Wagar Todd Martin .................... Scott Wagar .................................................... Tim Neill Bill Carson (B) ................ Andy Skelton Darren Zack (A) Tim Yantzi 2014 Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Len Henderson Senior Bill Martin Intermediate Bob Domick Barry Ellerbeck Gil Read Ron Taylor Junior Midget U18 Bantam U16 Pee Wee U14 B. Underwood Mike St. Pierre Kelly Neals Kelly Neals P. Waddington Dave Martin Dave Ryan Bill Langridge Bill Langridge Mike Joseph Doug Prong Byron Baraniski Aaron Robins Kevin Leeder Robert O’Brien John Sharpe ................... Shawn Costello Robert O’Brien ................ Greg Garrity Chris Van Zutphen ......... Paul Koert Paul Koert ....................... Andrew Phibbs Nic Goetz ........................ Andrew Phibbs Greg Garrity .................... Blake Orr Greg Garrity .................... Jeff McKee Andrew Phibbs ............... Marty Humphries Jeff St. Pierre Andrew Phibbs ............... Dan Martin Bryan Brooks .................. Dan Martin ....................................... Alex McNabb ....................................... Andy Skelton Dan Martin/A. Putnam .... Luke Leahy Dan Martin ...................... Ian Wallwork Andy Skelton .................. Cory Alkerton ....... M. Legace-Roote ............... J. Baker Joran Graham ................ Tyler Kuntz ........... Cole Bolton ................ Matt Wardrop Luke Leahy .................... Travis Jones......... Johnny Baker ........ Tyler Randerson George Armstrong ......... Cole Bolton .......... Matt Wardrop ............ Jacob McCaw Cole Bolton .................... Matt Wardrop ....... Luke Zettel ............... Connor McColl Tyler Randerson........... Jeff St. Pierre ...... Ben Broek ................... Jake Ethier 34 35 Life Members 26 Lexington Cr. Belleville K8P 4L1 613-962-1391 126 Deerfoot Trail Huntsville P1H 0A8 705-789-2439 709 Fernhill Blvd. Oshawa L1J 5K2 905-723-8625 L. G. PH9 7811 Yonge St. Thornhill L3T 4S3 905-899-4254 100 Crescent Blvd. Simcoe N3Y 2K9 519-426-5423 36 Life Members 17 Fire Road 44 Havelock K0L 1Z0 705-778-2637 Hamilton L9A 1A3 289-389-9158 RR#1 Little Current P0P 1K0 705-368-2569 64 Patrick St. Wingham N0G 2W0 519-357-2646 211-777 Terrace Drive Oshawa L1G 2Z3 905-721-0600 R. Whitfield R.R. #1 Bath K0H 1G0 613-352-3605 37 PRESTIGIOUS RECOGNITIONS Life Members 1936 .................................Col. G. C. McArthur, Guelph * 1946 ........................................... V. McIlwraith, Guelph * 1952 .............................................. G. H. Spooner, Galt * 1954 ............................................. C. S. Lewis, Toronto * 1956 ......................................... F. R. Feaver, Hamilton * 1958 ......................................H. K. Champion, Hannon * 1965 ...................................... G. H. Campbell, Oshawa * O. H. King, Simcoe * 1967 ............................................ J. G. Brady, Oshawa * 1972 ................................ W. L. Alguire, St. Catharines * 1976 ................................. H. F. Dormer, Peterborough * W. C. Perkin, Simcoe * 1979 .................................... W. G. Jacko, Virginiatown * 1982 ......................................... C. G. Butler, Woodville * A. K. Davidson, Stratford * L. G. Pickard, St. Catharines * Max Scheff, Willowdale * F. R. Stewart, Grimsby * 1985 ........................................ C. H. Dunn, Cambridge * 1988 ............................................ C. J. Belch, Belleville V. E. Walker, Oshawa 1989 ................................. D. K. Prescott, Little Current 1991 ........................................M. Yourkevich, Oshawa * 1993 ......................................... L. K. Fleming, Oshawa 1995 ................................... L. G. Henderson, Thornhill 1996 ............................................ W. A. Martin, Simcoe 1997 ........................................... J. R. Cook, Port Perry * 1998 ................................... M. C. Goodridge, Hamilton 2000 ......................................... R. D. Abbot, Huntsville 2005 ...................................... A. R. Harrison, Wingham 2008 ......................................... R. G. Taylor, Havelock 2014 ................................................ R. Whitfield, Bath * Gone, but not forgotten 38 Honourary Presidents 1923-32 .................................... R. B. Harris, Hamilton * 1933-51 ............................... S. H. Armstrong, Toronto * 1952-53 ...................................... C. S. Lewis, Toronto * 1954 .......................................... J. F. Currie, Hamilton * 1955-72 .................................. W. H. Rollins, Belleville * 1973-77 ............................... D. Leether, Peterborough * 1978-88 ......................... W. L. Alguire, St. Catharines * 1989-93 ................................. M. Yourkevich, Oshawa * 1994-97 ........................................... B. Martin, Simcoe 1998-99 ..................................... D. Pettersen, Simcoe 2000-02 ...................................... W. Danford, Oshawa * 2003-04 ........................... G. Rouselle, St. Catharines 2005-06 ............................ B. DeHaan, New Hamburg 2007-08 ........................................ R. Taylor, Havelock 2009-10 ................................... P. Handley, North Bay 2011-12 ............................ Bill Simpson, Owen Sound 2013-14 .................................. Cliff Dunkeld, Stouffville 2015-16 ......................... Mike Skelton, Scarborough Honourary Vice Presidents 1923-25 ................................. T. H. Preston, Brantford * 1925-32 ........................................ E. Hughes, Toronto * 1933-35 ..................................... G. J. Smith, Hamilton * 1936-39 .................................C. I. Aitchison, Hamilton * 1940-48 ....................................H. S. Briggs, Hamilton * 1949-50 .................................H. K. Champion, Simcoe * 1951-52 ................................... P. H. Randall, Toronto * 1953 ........................................... J.F. Currie, Hamilton * 1954 ............................. C. W. Holmes, St. Catharines * 1955-72 .............................. D. Leether, Peterborough * 1973-77 ......................... W. L. Alguire, St. Catharines * 1978-82 ..................................... V. McIlwraith, Guelph * 1983-88 ................................. M. Yourkevich, Oshawa * 1989-97 ..................................... N. Fraser, North York 1998-99 ........................................ J. Green, Wellesley 2000-02 ........................................ D. Hebden, Guelph 2003-04 .................................. C. LeClair, Gananoque * 2005-06 ............................................ K. Cole, Churchill 2007-08 ................................... G. Waugh, Woodstock 2009-10 ............................... B. Weaver, Niagara Falls 2011-12 ................................... Ewart Timlin, Cobourg 2013-14 ........................... Barb Downey, Owen Sound 2015-16 ...................... Betty DeHaan, New Hamburg 39 ONTARIO AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 2015 LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM SPECIAL ENDORSEMENT FOR LIQUOR LIABILITY You must have regular liability insurance in order to receive the special endorsement for liquor liability. TOURNAMENT OR BANQUET/DANCE WITH BEER/LIQUOR Number of People under 100 101-250 251-500 over 500 1 day 2 days 3 days $170 $290 $410 $230 $374 $518 $320 $561 $802 Rates on Request 4days $530 $662 $1,043 5 days $650 $806 $1,284 6 days $770 $950 $1,525 7 days $890 $1,094 $1,766 8 days $1,010 $1,238 $2,007 9 days 10 days $1,130 $1,250 1,382 $1,526 $2,248 $2,489 The number of people is to be based on the total possible attendance at the beer tent (or ball park if total park is licensed) at any one time. A separate liquor liability insurance policy is required for each liquor license. Note: all teams participating in the tournament must have liability insurance. OTHER FUND RAISING EVENTS Clinics, Demonstrations, etc. $1.60 per participant Affiliated/Associate Teams/Associations: A Special Events Application form MUST be filled out with an attached cheque made payable to the Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) and received seven (7) days prior to the event. This form can be found on our website at www.oasa.ca. NOTE: Activities outside normal softball, e.g. winter tournaments with beer/liquor WILL NOT be covered. ALL REQUESTS MUST BE DIRECTED TO: Randy and Heather Bridge Tel: Insurance Coordinators Fax: 3425 Countryside Drive E-mail: Brampton, ON Web-site: L6P 0T6 416-233-8236 647-660-5998 [email protected] www.oasa.ca Please make cheques payable to: The Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) Exec. November 2013 40 ONTARIO AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 2015 INSURANCE SUMMARY GENERAL LIABILITY a) Limit - $5,000,000 each occurrence b) Errors & Omissions/Directors & Officers (Wrongful Acts) Liability Limit - $2,000,000 c) Insured - The Association & Affiliated Clubs/Teams including Participants, Officers, Directors, Coaches, Managers, Members, Volunteers & Employees. Umpires are NOT insured unless their league/association had insurance with the Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) prior to April 23, 2012. d) Sponsors, Government Departments & Municipalities can be added as additional insured at no extra cost (a separate certificate will be issued by Pearson Dunn) e) Participant Liability coverage is included in addition to 3rd party exposure f) All appropriate riders included such as Cross Liability, Non-Owned Automobile, Tenants Legal Liability Limit - $2,000,000, Voluntary Medical Payments (Third Party) Limit - $10,000 etc. g) This policy does NOT cover equipment, supplies or contents of Concession Stands etc. h ) WORLD WIDE COVERAGE = Suits brought in Canada and the United States of America i) (including its territories and possessions). $500.00 Deductible ACCIDENT a) Accidental Death & Dismemberment Limit b) Permanent Total Disability Limit c) Medical Expense Reimbursement Limit d) e) f) g) h) i) $50,000 $50,000 $15,000 i.e. costs not insured by Provincial Medical Plan, e.g. Medical Braces, Emergency Ambulance, Excess Physio., Prescription Drugs for the injury, etc. Dental Accident Limit Up to $10,000 Fracture Indemnity From $30 to $1,000.00 No deductible COVERAGE IN CANADA ONLY Weekly Income Limit $100 – Waiting Period 30 days Does not cover overuse injuries Treatment under c) and d) you must have required and received medical/dental treatment commencing within 30 days of the accident. The insurer will pay with respect to each insured that sustains bodily injury as a result of an accident, all reasonable medical expenses resulting and incurred within 52 weeks from the date of accident. This plan is secondary to any existing medical plan. The description of coverage contained herein is not complete, and reference must be made to the actual terms and conditions of the applicable policy forms Underwritten by GameDay Insurance Inc./AVIVA Insurance Company of Canada. The Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) MUST be notified of any claim within 30 days of the incident and claim documentation to be provided to Pearson Dunn Insurance within 90 days. OUT OF COUNTRY/OUT OF PROVINCE ACCIDENT/SICKNESS INSURANCE: Please note that your OASA Accident Insurance is only effective in Canada. Out of Country Accident/Sickness Insurance is available through Pearson Dunn Insurance. Please contact the Sports and Recreation Department at Pearson Dunn Insurance at 1-800-461-5087 or by email at [email protected]. The application form for the Out of Country Accident/Sickness Insurance is available on the OASA website at www.oasa.ca. NOTE: Softball Canada and Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) rules should be followed, with the exception of house league rules. Policies re: Police Record Checks (for all people involved with youth, under the age of 19) and Anti Harassment Policies must be followed. All Ontario Amateur Softball Association (OASA) policies and procedures are available on our web-site at www.oasa.ca. Exec. November 2014 41 Your Ontario Sports and Recreation Leader National & Provincial Sports Associations Amateur Youth & Adult Recreational Clubs/Leagues Parks and Recreation Departments Sport and Social Clubs, Sport Camps Sport Related Businesses incl. Martial Arts Studios Sport Facility Owners/Facility User Programs Special Events - Sports Tournaments & Festivals and more! Full Service Brokerage Commercial, Industrial & Retail Packages, Transportation, Public Sector, Hospitality and Construction Risks, Condominium & Tenants Packages, Auto Insurance Telephone: 1-800-461-5087Fax: 905-643-8321 www.pearsondunn.com / [email protected] 42 CONSTITUTION of the ONTARIO AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION DEFINITIONS USED IN THIS CONSTITUTION Term Interpretation Affiliate Member Any team, league or association that joins OASA competition has voting privileges at any General Meeting of the members during that year Affiliation Fee A membership fee plus tournament fee plus any other fees (e.g. bond, travel) appropriate to the team involved Associate Member Any individual, league or association that pays a prescribed fee and who then becomes a non-voting member Auditor An individual(s) engaged by the Membership to ensure that financial statements reflect the true financial status of the OASA and that accepted accounting procedures are used Calendar Year The period from January 1 to December 31 in the same year. For affiliations, this covers the period from the date a team affiliates until December 31 of the year in which the team plays Category A, B, C, D, Select A further grouping of teams within classifications that is used to determine Provincial Championship tournament assignment Centre See “Operating Rule 4.4 Player Residency” and “Affiliated Association or Team” Definition Championship Play-down Teams may be required to engage in a championship playdown series to determine the category champion and finalist (also known as Head-to-Head play) Championship Provincial Tournament A tournament used to determine an OASA provincial champion, finalist and lower placing. Provincial Championships may also be used to determine OASA representatives to competition beyond the provincial scope, such as Canadian or Eastern Canadian Championships Classification A grouping of teams in each division that are classified: By age - Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12, Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18, Junior U21, and Masters. By calibre - Intermediate, Senior, Recreational, Orthodox 43 Closest Centre The affiliated centre with the shortest distance to the player’s residence from the ball field at which the affiliated Minor Division team competes on a regular basis (does not apply to Men’s Division) Default Occurs when a team fails to attend a scheduled game or has an insufficient number of players to start a game (also see “forfeit”) Delegate A member entitled to vote by virtue of position (Executive, Advisory Council, and Convenor) or on behalf of an affiliated team, association or league at a General Meeting of The Association Disciplinary Action An action that includes: reprimand, fine, suspension and loss of the right to bid for and/or host a Provincial Championship or Elimination Tournament or Canadian Championship Division A grouping of teams designated as Men’s Division or Minor Division Elimination Tournament A tournament used to determine the OASA representative(s) to competition(s) beyond the provincial scope (e.g. Canadian or Eastern Canadian Championships) Executive A body composed of the Officers of The Association and additional elected and appointed members Executive Members A body composed of the Officers of The Association Fiscal Year The 12 month period from October 1 through September 30 Forfeit Occurs when a team has an insufficient number of players to continue a game Gate Receipts Ticket sales, including advance, reserved or package tickets and general admission Home Centre see “Affiliated Association or Team” In Camera Meeting A confidential Executive Meeting from which there are no public minutes and from which individuals may be excluded Member Any group by virtue of paying the prescribed membership fee and any individual as a result of being duly elected, being appointed to office, or because of position held (refer to By-Law I) 44 Membership Fee Dues for annual membership (team, associate) in the OASA. The fees are established by the Executive and ratified by voting delegates at the appropriate AGM Not in Good Standing A status accorded a member until consequences from disciplinary actions have been fulfilled Officers President, Executive Vice President, Vice Presidents (2), Secretary, Treasurer who are elected at the Annual General Meeting and the Immediate Past President Provincial Championship A tournament or play-down series determining the OASA provincial champions or finalists and lower placing Qualifier A tournament determining participation and seeding for an OASA Provincial Championship Tournament Records, Books All records, contracts and books of account required to be & Contracts maintained pursuant to all provincial statutes and regulations in a form consistent with the legal requirements Select Team A team comprised of players chosen from teams competing in the same house or local league during the season with no players signed to an OASA players’ certificate Series A set of games (e.g. 2 of 3, 3 of 5) between two teams in the championship play-down (head-to-head) format Softball The game played under the rules as set out in the Softball Canada and OASA rule books and all variations based on these rules (e.g. T- ball, Blastball). Softball is recognized as one of the two primary forms of baseball with Fastball (Men's and Minor) being the further subdivision governed by the OASA Team Certificate The Softball Canada/OASA team form or certificate which each player and team official has to sign each year Note: Registration Certificates are available from the Registrar and on-line Tournament Fee Fee assessed to each team taking part in a provincial championship tournament, this fee is established by the OASA Executive annually Zone The regions into which the province may be divided (specific areas with flexible borders depending upon the number of affiliations) in order to facilitate OASA championship playdown series or to determine representatives to various championship tournaments 45 46 VISION The Ontario Amateur Softball Association is recognized as a pre-eminent developmental body for Softball in Canada. ARTICLES Article I – Name The name of this Corporation is the “Ontario Amateur Softball Association,” otherwise known as the “OASA” or “The Association.” Article II – Objects The objects of the OASA are: a) To co-ordinate, to organize and to give structure to the game of softball for participants of all ages in Ontario through: i) Provision of locations and hosts for competitions. ii) Provision of guidelines for competition. iii) Provision of a learning environment for players, coaches, officials and other individuals and groups in the softball community. iv) Promoting accessibility of the game to any who wish to play, coach or officiate. v) Provision of a forum for dialogue among its members and the larger softball community. vi) Representation of its members at the local, provincial, national and international levels. vii) Creation of opportunities for groups and individuals in Ontario to: 1) Compete on a fair basis. 2) Participate in the game, locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. 3) Develop skills. b) To recognize excellence through: i) Provision of awards for individual, team and member organization achievements. ii) Publication of achievements of individuals, teams and member organizations. c) To promote the game of softball year long. d) To encourage communities to develop their own minor system and discourage the practice of players moving from team to team at the expense of other communities. 47 48 BY-LAWS By-Law I – Membership By-Law I.1 Membership in The Association Includes: a) Individuals who are elected to the Executive at the Annual General Meeting or appointed to the Executive, or to the Advisory Council or who are bestowed a Life Membership and are members of the Advisory Council. b) Teams, leagues or associations who by application to The Association agree to abide by and comply with the Constitution, By-Laws and Operating Rules of the Ontario Amateur Softball Association. c) Associate Members who are accepted by the Executive. d) All Past Presidents. e) Honourary President and Vice President. By-Law I.2 Period of Membership Commences in each calendar year on the date of acceptance by the Executive and ends on December 31 following the season of play. By-Law I.3 Membership Status All Members are in “Good Standing” until designated through a discipline procedure to be “Not in Good Standing.” Note: Membership may be refused, denied, or revoked at any time when a member is “Not in Good Standing.” By-Law I.4 Life Membership The OASA membership may bestow a Life Membership at an Annual General Meeting when the total number of Life Members does not exceed twelve (12) living individuals. Note: Nomination forms are available from the Secretary and on-line. By-Law II – Administration By-Law II.1 Elected Officers The officers are the President, the Executive Vice President, the two Vice Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer. They are elected annually, by ballot, at the Annual General Meeting. Officers are also Directors of The Association and members of the Executive Committee. The Immediate Past President is also an officer. 49 The President: a) b) Chairs all meetings of the Executive. Is responsible for and has the authority to act on all matters of The Association at all times. Decisions made under this clause must be presented to and voted upon by the Executive at the first opportunity. c) May call meetings (other than Executive meetings) to discuss matters of concern to the OASA. Recommendations and motions that result from these meetings must be brought to the Executive for final review and approval or denial. d) Is a voting member of all committees. e) May designate a Vice-President to be responsible for specific duties. f) May form ad hoc committees. The Chairperson of these committees must be a member of the Executive or Advisory Council. g) Attends the Softball Canada Annual Meeting or appoints an Executive designate. h) Is a member of Softball Ontario. In the event that he or she is not able to do so, the Executive Vice President shall perform those duties. i) Must ensure that the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Policies are followed. j) In consultation with the Executive, appoints the Presiding Officer of the Annual General Meeting. k) Peruses, and signs a notice that he/she has seen, all invoices submitted for payment to the Treasurer. Invoices placed in question by the President are submitted to the Executive for approval or denial. l) May appoint Executive members to act in liaison with the following organizations: Provincial Women's Softball Association of Ontario, Ontario Rural Softball Association Inc., Northland Softball Association, Western Ontario Athletic Association, Slo-Pitch Ontario Association, the International Softball Congress (ISC) and Softball Ontario. m) Appoints Directors for Elimination Tournaments and President's Representatives to Championship Tournaments. n) Appoints Chairs of the Standing Committees. The Executive Vice President: a) b) Performs the duties as designated by the President and, in instances of non-attendance by the President, performs the duties of the President. If the President is unable to complete his term, the Executive Vice President becomes the President. Is chair of the Executive Committee. The Vice Presidents: Perform such duties as assigned to them by the President or Executive. 50 The Secretary: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Receives and responds to correspondence on behalf of The Association. Prepares agendas for all Executive meetings in collaboration with the President. Makes all meeting arrangements for OASA personnel. Receives amendments and nominations for the Annual General Meeting. Receives delegates' registrations to the Annual General Meeting. Receives all protests unless at a tournament. Receives, records and reports the minutes of Executive meetings as well as any General Meeting of The Association. Receives all players' transfers. Is responsible for those functions as listed in the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Policies. Performs all other functions as required and in accordance with the Secretary’s job description. (see Policy) May receive nominations for the F. R. Feaver Award. Note: Any nomination forms are available from the Secretary and on-line. The Treasurer: a) b) c) d) Keeps an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed; reports periodically to the Executive Committee and prepares a financial statement for the fiscal year to be enclosed with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. Is appointed to the Softball Ontario Finance Committee. In the event that the Treasurer cannot fulfill such duties, the Executive may appoint a replacement member from the Executive. Performs all other functions as required and in accordance with the Treasurer’s job description. (see Policy) Submits all invoices to the President and receives a signature showing that this has been done. By-Law II.2 The Executive The Executive consists of the elected Officers, six (6) members at large elected at the Annual General Meeting, the Northland Softball Association representative, the Immediate Past President and one (1) Past President appointed by the Past Presidents. The Registrar and the Information Coordinator shall be ex-officio, non-voting members. The Executive is not liable for consequences that result from the exercise of its duties and powers. Official Meeting: a) b) Eight (8) voting members including President or Executive Vice President constitute a quorum. The meeting is chaired by the President, or in the President’s absence, the Executive Vice President. 51 c) Meeting minutes are recorded and distributed. The minutes must contain: names of attendees, approval of the agenda, a statement that a quorum exists, a statement of any declared conflicts of interest, approval of minutes of previous Executive meetings not yet approved, all motions, resulting actions and relevant discussion points. Powers & Duties: a) b) Appoints a Registrar and Information Coordinator. Confirms the appointment of the Presiding Officer of the Annual General Meeting. c) Controls the affairs of The Association and fills any vacancies that occur during its term. Any such replacement must be a member in good standing. d) Follows the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Policies of The Association and ensures adherence to them. e) Approves the signing authorities for The Association for the current term of office, as defined in these By-Laws. f) Recommends to the membership at the Annual General Meeting auditors to review the books and records of The Association. g) Oversees the financial and contractual matters of The Association, approves a budget prepared by the Treasurer and reviews all financial and other reports delivered by the Treasurer, committees, sub committees, ad hoc committees or task forces. h) May discipline individuals, teams, or groups and will consider any legal appeals resulting from those disciplinary actions. i) Confirms representatives to act in liaison in the interests of The Association with other softball organizations including but not limited to: Provincial Women's Softball Association of Ontario (PWSA), Ontario Rural Softball Association (ORSA), Northland Softball Association (NSA), Western Ontario Athletic Association (WOAA), Slo-Pitch Ontario Association (SPOA), Softball Ontario (SO), Softball Canada and the International Softball Congress (ISC). (see position descriptions) j) May form ad hoc committees. k) Provides leadership regarding amendments to The Association's Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Variations to Softball Canada’s Playing Rules. l) Ensures all amendments received in proper form from members are submitted to the Secretary for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. m) Reviews all amendments suggested by internal committees and forwards those that are approved for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. n) Develops and monitors the implementation of operational policies and procedures to ensure consistent application of the Constitution, By-Laws and Operating Rules. o) Reviews all policies annually and as required. 52 By-Law II.3 Advisory Council The Advisory Council consists of: a) b) c) Past Presidents not on the Executive. All Past Presidents may attend the Annual General Meeting as delegates at OASA expense. Honourary President and Honourary Vice President may be appointed by the Executive. Both may attend the Annual General Meeting as delegates at OASA expense. The Appointees must not have held the office of President of the OASA. Up to six (6) additional individuals not currently serving on the Executive appointed by the Executive. Powers and Duties: a) b) Acts in an advisory capacity to the Executive on matters for which the Executive seeks advice. Recommends to the Executive candidates for the position of Honourary President and Honourary Vice President when requested to do so by the Executive. By-Law II.4 Nominations a) b) c) d) e) Nominations for an Executive position in The Association must be submitted in writing to the OASA Secretary by September 20 of the current year. The Secretary shall then communicate a complete listing of nominations to each individual member, affiliated team, league and association prior to October 15. No one shall be eligible to stand for the office of Executive Vice President or Vice President unless at least one year as a member of the Executive has been served. No one shall be eligible to stand for the office of President unless two years as a member of the Executive have been served. In the event that no nomination is received (or nominated persons decline) for any position, nominations may be received from the floor providing that the delegates at the Annual General Meeting approve by 100% vote. If a position is not filled at the Annual General Meeting, the Executive will fill the position under BY-LAW II.2 Power and Duties c). By-Law III – Annual General Meeting By-Law III.1 Dates The Annual General Meeting is held on either the third or fourth Saturday of November. 53 By-Law III.2 Election Entitlement a) b) c) d) No delegate is allowed to vote at an Annual General Meeting until a Certificate of Appointment has been filed with the Secretary. Note: Any forms or certificates are available from the Secretary and on-line. Each affiliated centre is entitled to three (3) votes each of which is carried by one delegate at an Annual General Meeting of The Association. In cases where an affiliated centre is represented by more than one team, league or association such teams, leagues or associations shall decide amongst themselves prior to the meeting as to who shall carry the voting power. In cases of failure to do so, the Presiding Officer shall make the final decision. Each delegate shall cast his or her own vote. Proxy votes are not permitted. Election promotional material at the Annual General Meeting is not permitted. By-Law III.3 Voting Procedure a) b) c) The Presiding Officer may proceed with election of officers, interspersed with amendments while ballots are being counted for the Election of: President, the Executive Vice President, the Vice Presidents (2), Secretary, Treasurer and six (6) additional positions. The candidates for one of six (6) additional Executive positions are allowed a maximum of 1 minute to speak to delegates. The candidates for the additional six (6) Executive positions receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot are declared elected. Delegates must vote for six (6). A nominee for a singular Officer's position, to be elected on the first ballot, must secure a majority of the total votes cast. If no majority is received on the first ballot, the names of the nominees securing the first and second highest vote (including ties) shall be placed on the second ballot: and all other nominees shall be eliminated. The nominee securing the highest number of votes on the second ballot shall be declared elected. In case of a tie on the second ballot, those nominees' names receiving the first and second highest number of votes (including ties) shall be placed on a third ballot and the nominee receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a further tie, the presiding officer shall determine the method by which the deadlock shall be broken. By-Law III.4 AGM Duties a) President i) Conducts the ceremonial section of the Annual General Meeting. ii) Appoints the Presiding Officer and Declarer. iii) Selects the Returning Officer (Chief Scrutineer) and assistants. 54 b) c) d) e) f) Secretary i) Records the Official Minutes. ii) Records amendments from the floor. iii) Informs the Presiding Officer about absent nominees’ eligibility as a candidate. Registrar i) Conducts the distribution of ballots to delegates in the following order: Life Members, Past Presidents, current Executive members, Advisory Council members, Affiliated Centres. ii) Provides the Presiding Officer with the total number of eligible delegates and with the number required for simple majority and a two-thirds majority. Declarer Appointed by the President to read and move all motions on behalf of the Executive (excluding motions submitted by non Executive individuals, associations or teams). Presiding Officer i) Conducts official elections and voting on official amendments and resolutions. ii) Orchestrates any other business or ceremonial matter as directed by the President. iii) Explains voting procedures using the official ballot. iv) Explains the procedure for election of Officers. v) Reads the names of all listed nominees for an Executive position or Office in alphabetical order and repeats in reverse order asking each to stand or decline. vi) If the nominee is not present, the Secretary provides any correspondence indicating the nominee’s desire. If there is no correspondence, the response is decline. vii) Asks for a Seconder for motions to amend or resolutions read by the Declarer. viii) Conducts voting on the amendments, makes procedural rulings as necessary, and declares the results of any voting. Scrutineers A Returning Officer (Chief Scrutineer) and two assistants who are deemed neutral conduct the collection and counting of ballots. The results are reported to the Presiding Officer by the Returning Officer (Chief Scrutineer). By-Law III.5 Order of Business a) Ceremonial Section i) President's welcome ii) Introduction of guests, Executive, Head Table iii) Presentation of the Memorial Scroll iv) Moments of silence in memory of deceased members v) President recaps past season 55 vi) President honours medal winning teams at Canadian and Eastern Canadian Championships vii) President recognizes Perfect Game, No Hitter and Pitching Award winners viii) Scholarship winners are announced b) Business Section i) Introduction of the Presiding Officer ii) Registrar distributes ballots to properly credentialed delegates iii) Business from the past season 1) Adoption of Annual General Meeting Minutes 2) Financial reports 3) Committee Chairs’ reports 4) Tournament reports iv) Appointment of a Returning Officer (Chief Scrutineer) v) Conduct the election of Officers and six (6) Executive positions vi) Conduct voting on the amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Variations from Playing Rules vii) Interspersed with the voting procedure, the presentation of the following honours when applicable: Coaches Honour Roll, Association Award, President’s Award(s), Feaver Award and Life Membership viii) Motion to destroy ballots ix) Members’ Business 1) New Business: conducted by the President Elect 2) President Elect’s message 3) Appointment of Honourary President and Vice President when applicable 4) Motion to appoint auditors 5) Next Annual General Meeting date and location 6) Other 5) Motion to adjourn By-Law III.6 Rules of Order a) b) c) d) No motion shall be received unless submitted in writing, with the names of the mover and seconder, and said motion shall not be open for discussion until so stated by the Presiding Officer. All motions shall be decided by a majority of votes except where a twothirds majority governs or in the case of a motion to receive nominations from floor which requires a 100% vote. In the case of a tie, the Presiding Officer shall have a second or deciding vote. No delegate shall speak twice on the same subject without the permission of the Chair, unless in explanation, or the mover in reply. A member desiring to speak or submit a motion shall rise and remain standing and respectfully address the Presiding Officer; shall confine his or her remarks to the question; and shall not be interrupted unless upon a point of order. 56 e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Upon a point of order being raised while a delegate is speaking, or when called to order by the Presiding Officer, he or she shall at once take his or her seat, and the delegate objecting shall then state the point of order. The Presiding Officer shall then decide without debate, and the member may then proceed. No amendments to a motion shall be in order after an amendment to an amendment. When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be entertained except to amend or table and these motions shall take precedence in the order named. There is no discussion on a motion to table. An amendment that entirely changes the subject of the original motion shall not be entertained as an amendment or substituted for the motion under debate. No delegate, except one who has voted with the majority, shall be allowed to move for a re-consideration, and in this connection the word majority shall apply to the vote by which the question was first decided. After the Secretary has stated the motion, it becomes the property of The Association, but may be withdrawn at any time previous to being amended unless objected to by a member. There shall be no debate upon any question after the Presiding Officer has put it. When a vote is called, it shall be taken by each voting member holding up his right hand, unless it is a standing vote, at which the yeas and nays may be taken by ballot. By-Law IV – Amendments By-Law IV.1 Motions to Amend To amend, alter or change the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules or Variations from Softball Canada Playing Rules, motions may be made only at the Annual General Meeting by delegates. Constitutional and By-Law changes require a two-thirds majority. All others require a simple majority of 50% plus one. Exception: Motions to accept nominations from the floor require 100%. By-Law IV.2 Notice of Motions to Amend Notice of any motion to alter or amend the Constitution, By-Laws, and Operating Rules or Variations from the Playing Rules must be registered, in writing, with the office of the OASA Secretary by September 20 of the current year. The Secretary shall then communicate a complete listing of proposed amendments to each individual member, affiliated team, league and association prior to October 15. Note: Any forms or certificates are available from the Secretary and on-line. 57 By-Law IV.3 Policy and Procedure Changes in OASA policy with regard to procedure may be made by the Executive through the relevant committee(s) at any scheduled Executive meeting at which a quorum is present. Any policy included in the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Variations from SC Playing Rules requires a motion to amend at the AGM. Other policies may be amended as required by motion at any Executive meeting at which a quorum is present. The Membership shall be informed at the next AGM and forthwith by any appropriate means. All current policies are to be made available on the OASA website and in the hard copy OASA Policy book. By-Law V – Standing Committees and Coordinators By-Law V.1 Standing Committees There shall be the following standing committees with functions as stated: a) Minor - govern the minor series b) Finance - prepare budgets, recommend changes to the fee structure and negotiate contracts c) Rules - receive and resolve game rule disputes and protests d) F. R. Feaver Award - determine the recipient of the F. R. Feaver Award e) Scholarship - determine the OASA Scholarship recipients and value of the award each year f) Awards, other than Scholarship, F. R. Feaver Award and Life Member determine the awards, protocols and parameters for those awards and criteria for the winning of those awards and identify the recipients of awards g) Men's - govern the men’s series h) Discipline - implement the OASA member Discipline Policy i) Player Residency - receive and resolve minor division residency disputes j) Life Membership - administer the OASA Life Membership Award procedure k) Team Ontario – administer Team Ontario cycle for participation in Canada Games Detailed Committee mandates and structures are provided in the Operating Rules and Policy. By-Law V.2 Coordinators There shall be the following Coordinators: Information, Insurance, Sponsor and Trophy. Job descriptions are provided in the Operating Rules and Policy. 58 By-Law VI – Books, Contracts and Records The records of incorporation; the minutes of all Annual General Meetings, Executive meetings, committees meetings and task forces; records of promotions and activities approved by the voting membership should, on a regular basis, be sent to a location as approved by the voting membership to constitute The Association's archives. By-Law VII – Rule Book Structure The Constitution and By-Law Rulebook must contain the following sections: Constitution Articles and By-Laws; may be amended at an Annual General Meeting and require a 2/3 majority vote. Operating Rules and Softball Canada Rule Variations; may be amended at an Annual General Meeting and require a simple majority vote. Policy References; may be modified by the Executive at any legally constituted meeting of the Executive at which a quorum is present. By-Law VIII – Special General Meeting At the request of fifteen (15) affiliated members, the President must call a Special General Meeting of The Association. At all Special General Meetings, thirty (30) voting delegates constitute a quorum. The meeting location and Agenda with the reasons for the meeting must be communicated to affiliated members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Special General Meeting. 59 Par t i ci pat e. . .I nt er act . . .Submi t . . . G e t CONNE CT E D •Bec omeac ommuni t yspor t sr epor t er •Sendusyourupc omi ngspor t sevent s •Bec omeal oc alspor t sphot ogr apher Got owww. s por t s xpr es s . c a andc l i c konXpr es sbox Ge tConne c t e dwi t hl oc al s por t sf ans andov e r40c ommuni t i e sac r os sCanada: Rec r ui t i ngs por t smi ndedEnt r epr eneur s Spor t sXpr essi sahi ghqual i t ymagaz i ne, publ i shi ngr eall i f est or i esont hef ul lr angeof c ommuni t yspor t sf oral lagesandski l ll evel s. Wear esc out i ngf ori ndi vi dual si nt er est edi n owni ngapr of i t abl epubl i shi ngbusi nessi n t hec ommuni t yspor t smar ket . Cont ac tSpor t sXpr essPar t ner shi pDevel opment 187 7 5 88885 6•Wal t er @Spor t s Xpr es s . c a 60 OPERATING RULES OR 1 – Membership OR 1.1 General a) Affiliate Members i) Are individuals, teams, leagues or associations ii) OASA membership is available to teams, leagues and associations in the Province of Ontario. iii) The OASA Executive reviews and accepts or rejects any membership application received. iv) The period of membership in each calendar year shall commence on the date of acceptance by the Executive. Membership will expire on January 1 following the year in which fees are paid as will insurance coverage purchased through the OASA. v) All member teams, leagues and associations will have complete charge over their own yearly operations. During OASA play, members must abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Rules and Variations from the Softball Canada Playing Rules. vi) In the case of a dispute any team may appeal to the OASA. Such appeal shall be accompanied by a fee as specified in the current fee schedule. This fee is to compensate for the cost of the Appeal Panel. (see Committees) b) Associate Members i) Associate members (individuals, teams, leagues or associations), upon application, may be accepted by paying the prescribed fee. ii) Associate members agree to abide by the principles established in the OASA Constitution, By-Laws and Operating Rules. (see OR 1.1 a) vi) iii) The period of membership is the same as that for Affiliated Members. OR 1.2 Fees a) OASA Membership Fees (team, associate and individual) are set by the Executive and ratified at the appropriate AGM. All other fees are set by the Executive and do not require ratification. (see fee schedule) b) A non-refundable membership fee is required as specified in the current fee schedule. The Provincial Tournament Fee and insurance fees (if purchased through the OASA insurance program) must also be submitted with the membership fee. c) The fee is an entitlement to one team certificate per classification entered and paid. 61 d) It is mandatory that all teams have liability insurance. If purchased from this Association, all teams must send in application for insurance, with Application for OASA Team Affiliation, to the Registrar. If not purchased through this Association, the team must provide proof of Liability Insurance with their Application for Affiliation. OR 1.3 Refund of Fees a) Teams withdrawing from participation in Provincial competition with written notification to the Registrar prior to the deadline will be refunded their Provincial Tournament Fee in full. b) The deadline for receipt of the notification is the date for submission of team certificates to the Registrar. c) After the deadline date, teams withdrawing without OASA permission are subject to disciplinary action. OR 2 – Team Affiliation OR 2.1 Filing Affiliation Forms and Fees a) Associations and teams desiring team certificates must provide, by the applicable deadline, the following information to the Registrar’s office on the affiliation form accompanied by the applicable fees: • Name of team(s) • Municipality/Home Centre • Division • Classification • Category (if applicable) • Team or affiliated association contact with all applicable contact information b) Compliance with the Residence Rule and age requirements (where applicable) are the primary determining factors of acceptance of affiliation. OR 2.2 Filing Dates for Team Affiliations An association may enter its team(s) provided that application(s) for affiliation is received by the Registrar’s Office by the deadline dates: • • • Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12 and Recreational Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18 and Junior U21 Intermediate, Senior, Orthodox and Masters 62 June 15 May 25 June 10 OR 2.3 Single Team Affiliations Single team affiliations may be accepted at the discretion of the Executive and filed by the deadline date. No team, league or association is compelled, or will be pressured, by the OASA to join or affiliate with any larger body which claims to represent any zone, region, or centre. OR 3 – Team Eligibility OR 3.1 Divisions Affiliated teams are assigned to Men’s or Minor Division for the purpose of competing in OASA Elimination and Provincial Championship events. OR 3.2 Classifications a) Men’s Junior U21, Intermediate, Senior, Master, Recreational and Orthodox b) Minor Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12, Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18 OR 3.3 Categories a) General i) Men’s and Minor categories may be A, B, C, or D. The number of categories offered in any year is determined by the number of affiliated teams. ii) Select is a non-affiliated category within the Minor division. iii) All Men’s teams may compete in their respective Elimination and/or Championship Tournament or Championship Play-down Series. b) Category Determination i) The OASA determines team assignments for each category. ii) If enough teams in the Masters classification participate, a Masters A and Masters B category will be created. Masters B will follow all current Masters rules except for the following: 1) No current ISC players 2) No underage players (age 35-39) iii) Select categories are determined using the OASA minor age criteria. c) Qualifiers i) In Mite U10 and Squirt U12, when sufficient teams affiliate, Qualifier Tournaments, held a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the date of the Provincial Championship event, shall be used to determine the teams that will participate in each Provincial Championship category 63 (A, B, C or D). When more than one Qualifier is held within a classification, tournaments must be held on the same weekend. ii) The Tournament Hosts in each classification must participate in a Qualifier, as these tournaments also determine seeding in the Championship Tournament draw. iii) A Provincial Tournament Host that does not qualify for any Provincial Championship via the qualifier format will participate in and host the lowest category Championship Tournament. The Host would then be the ninth lowest seed in a nine team tournament draw or tenth in a ten team draw should the NSA send a participant. iv) Teams going to a Qualifier must pay a fee as specified in the current fee schedule. v) Proof of age must be presented to the Convenor, prior to the start of the Tournament. OR 3.4 Recreational a) Recreational leagues must affiliate with the OASA by June 15 of the current playing year indicating whether they plan to send one or two teams and identify category ‘A’ or ‘B’ in which they intend to compete. Such affiliation shall include proof of Liability Insurance, either OASA insurance or otherwise. b) In Recreational play, any players not signed to an OASA affiliated team, except a Master’s team for the current year, are eligible for play. Players competing for club teams in the USA or elsewhere in Canada are not eligible for Recreational team play. OR 3.5 Available To Play a) All teams, leagues and associations shall have their eligible representative teams ready to play in OASA competition on dates and times as specified. b) Exhibition games with affiliated, or non-affiliated teams, are allowed only when they do not conflict with OASA scheduled play. OR 3.6 Roster Size All teams are restricted to seventeen (17) players and a minimum of nine (9) players in their affiliated classification, with the exception of Masters’ teams which may have a maximum of twenty (20) players. 64 OR 4 – Player Eligibility OR 4.1 Classification Birthdates and Years a) Players are assigned to categories by their ages prior to January 1 of the season of play: Senior, Intermediate, Orthodox Open Masters see b) below Junior U21 under 21 Midget U18 under 18 Bantam U16 under 16 Pee Wee U14 under 14 Squirt U12 under 12 Mite U10 under 10 Junior Mite U8 under 8 b) The age for eligible Masters players is that they must be at least 40 years of age or turning 40 in the year of the event. Note: Underage players who were on 2014 Masters rosters will have their eligibility grandfathered into the 2015 tournament. None of the players under age 40 can be on a Senior or ISC roster and will not pitch. OR 4.2 Team Certificates a) General i) OASA team certificates are valid for the current year ONLY. ii) A player may sign only one team certificate unless released by the team first signed. iii) Coaches/managers are responsible to ensure all information, including signature, on the team certificate is accurate. Intentionally providing improper or invalid information is cause for disciplinary action. b) Filing Dates for Team Certificates i) To be eligible for play in the OASA, players must be listed on the approved team certificate, which must be submitted (electronically, by fax or mail) to the office of the Registrar by the deadline dates. Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12 July 1 Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18, Junior U21 June 10 Intermediate, Senior, Orthodox and Masters July 1 65 ii) iii) All teams must sign players on the official team certificate, which must be submitted, with all necessary releases (electronically, by fax or by mail) to the office of the Registrar prior to the deadline dates: Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12 July 10 Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16, Midget U18, Junior U21 June 25 Intermediate, Senior, Orthodox and Masters July 10 A maximum of two (2) additions or changes to the Official Minor Team Certificates will be allowed through the Registrar up until 7 days prior to the team’s first OASA Tournament date. Additions will only be allowed for players who reside in their home centre. Additions or changes will only be allowed to certificates that had originally been submitted by the required due date. c) Minor Team Certificate - Affiliate Players i) Minor teams may submit with their official team certificate an affiliated players’ list comprised of up to 6 House League or Select players provided the players meet the age requirement for the classification. ii) The players’ names submitted on the list must be registered and competing in the House League or with the Select team within the affiliated team’s association or community. iii) Any minor affiliated team may call up a player(s) from the affiliated players’ list if their roster is reduced to 10 or fewer players for any OASA event. iv) An affiliated player is eligible to sign in at only one OASA sanctioned event during the season and is subject to all of the same sign in procedures as players on the official certificate. d) Men’s Team Certificate – Revisions i) A maximum of 2 unlisted player additions or changes to the affiliated Junior U21, Intermediate, Orthodox and Masters team certificates will be allowed, through the Registrar, until one week prior to the team’s first event. Signed certificates will be presented by teams at the event. ii) Teams using affiliated Junior U21 or Masters Players as part of their Intermediate Men’s team must list only those players’ names on their Intermediate certificates with the classifications for which they are signed. Teams are still required to produce the appropriate Masters or Junior U21 certificate. (see OR 4.3 a) ii) and OR 4.3 c)) OR 4.3 Play in Higher Classification a) General i) A player may play in a higher classification provided the eligibility criteria are met. ii) The coach/manager must present, at any competition in which the team is competing, the appropriate approved team certificates (or a copy) on which the competing players are signed. In the event of schedule conflicts, the player’s first responsibility is to the team with 66 which he has signed the certificate (e.g. signed Midget U18, played Junior U21, first responsibility is Midget U18). iii) A player desiring to play in a higher classification in another district must first secure the written permission of the team, league or association he or she is leaving. iv) Players playing for any team that participates in an Ontario Elimination Tournament may, only after OASA playoffs in his category are completed, move to a higher classification for league or association (other than OASA) competition. b) Masters i) All Masters players are eligible to play both Masters and Provincial Men’s A and/or B/C Championship. Masters players may be “picked up” by any team for a Canadian or Eastern Canadian Championship. ii) A player signed to a Masters’ team certificate may play for only one Intermediate team in OASA competition. c) Intermediate i) Positional players on a current ISC roster are not eligible to play in the Intermediate B/C Championship with the exception of affiliated Junior U21 players and Midget U18 players. ii) Pitchers on the OASA prohibited pitchers list cannot play in the Intermediate B/C Championship. d) Junior U21 i) A player signed to a Junior U21 team certificate may play for only one Intermediate team in OASA competition. ii) A Junior U21 age player, after his Elimination and Provincial Tournaments have been completed may play for an OASA Men’s team: that is affiliated in the same centre, or in his home centre, or that he normally plays for, or that plays in his regular men’s league e) Minor Classifications i) In OASA Junior Mite U8 through Bantam U16, a player is eligible to also play for the team in his/her affiliated centre in the next higher classification provided that team’s certificate has sufficient roster space available (maximum 17 per team) to accommodate the player(s) from the younger age classification. ii) A player signed to a Midget U18 team certificate is eligible to play Junior U21 under the above circumstances, in the same affiliated centre as the Midget U18 team with which the player is signed (or in the next closest affiliated Junior centre, if no affiliated Junior U21 in the home centre) with the approval of his/her Midget U18 coach. 67 OR 4.4 Player Residency a) All divisions A player must be a resident of Ontario by May 1 of the current year. (Men–Also see OR 4.6a) & 4.6b) & 7.2 a) ii)) (see OR 4.6 for non-resident requirements) b) Minor Division i) General 1) A player moving to a new residence during the season may continue to play for the team with which he/she started the current season. 2) No player may sign another team certificate unless properly released by his former team. A player only requires one (1) release, from his home centre (or the closest centre, if no affiliated home centre), in order to be able to sign with any other centre in the province. 3) Releases MUST be signed by the President (or his designate) of the funding association. If no such association exists, or if it is an independent team, only then may the team coach sign the release. 4) A team’s roster may have no more than three players who have received a release in the current year unless they obtain permission from the OASA President to have more. 5) Players and teams shall have the right to appeal. (refer to OR 4.7) ii) Criteria For the purpose of determining player residency and release requirements, a player will fit into ONE of the following three criteria: 1) A player who lives in his/her own affiliated centre (home centre) • plays for home centre. • does not need a release. 2) A player who resides in an area that has no affiliated centre • plays for closest affiliated centre (new centre). • does not need a release. • becomes a member of the new centre until: (a) a team affiliates in home centre, at which time the player must return to the home centre if she/he has not played with the new centre for at least the two preceding seasons or (b) the player chooses to play elsewhere, at which time a release is required. If the player has played for the new centre for at least the two preceding seasons, he/she must get a release from the new centre. If the player has played only one season for the new centre and the home centre affiliates, he/she must revert back to the home centre for a release. Once the required release is obtained by the player, no other releases are required. 68 3) NOTE: ● ● ● A player who resides in an area that has an affiliated centre, but wants to play elsewhere • needs a release from home centre. • becomes a member of the new centre, until: (a) the player chooses to go back to the home centre. He/she does not need a release. (b) the new centre does not affiliate, at which time the player must revert back to the home centre. (c) the player wishes further movement at which time a release is required. If the player has played for the new centre for at least the two preceding seasons, he/she must get a release from the new centre. If the player has played only one season for the new centre he/she must revert back to the home centre for release. Once the required release is obtained by the player, no other releases are required. If more than one team affiliates per centre, they are treated equally. If a player wants to play in another centre, he/she must get a release from all teams in his/her centre. With “Special Permission,” minor players of separated or divorced parents may play for the “home centre” of either parent, providing they reside at this address for part of the playing season. Any exceptions to the above would require an application for “Special Permission” to be in the Office of the Registrar by June 1 of the current year. OR 4.5 Transfer Permits Approved transfer permits are required by players who have changed their place of residence before playing in any sanctioned or championship tournament or series. Transfer permit applications are available from the Secretary or on-line. OR 4.6 Non-Residency Eligibility a) Non-Resident Canadian Citizens Non-Resident Canadian Citizens are eligible to play for teams in OASA Elimination and Provincial events subject to the following conditions: The player makes the OASA aware of his intent to play for an Ontario team by the official residency date (May 1). The Player files a Non-Resident Canadian Citizen Eligibility Form with Softball Canada and with the OASA (a copy must accompany the team’s certificate). The player signs the team certificate before it is submitted to the OASA Registrar. The player must be a former resident of Ontario who played for at least 3 years with any OASA affiliated team. 69 b) Provincial Non-Residents Out of province player additions are eligible to participate in the Senior Championship for their respective OASA teams if they are listed on the team’s certificate by the certification date using Softball Canada import criteria. OR 4.7 Appeal of Player Eligibility and Residence a) Players and teams have the right to appeal player eligibility and residence. b) The OASA President, upon receipt of a written appeal, will refer the appeal to the Appeals Panel to investigate the circumstances of the appeal as required by policy. OR 5 – Coach and Manager Eligibility OR 5.1 General a) Three coaches and a manager may sign the certificate and they are considered part of the team. No player may sign both as a coach and a player for the same team, except for players in the Men’s Division who may also sign as a coach. b) A manager, coach or player, who is in good standing with OASA/Softball Canada, and having affixed his signature to a team certificate for an OASA affiliated team in a specific classification, may be granted permission (for the current year only) to manage or coach another OASA affiliated team in a different classification upon submission of proof and legitimate reason that the latter team is without a manager or coach (or both). c) The request for permission must be made in writing to the Office of the OASA Registrar for OASA consideration. d) In the event that a coach or coaches in the Minor Division are not available to coach for any reason, the Umpire-in-Chief shall allow adults to coach the team. There shall be no protest allowed from using an unsigned coach (with or without uniform) in the Minor Division. OR 5.2 Certification a) All OASA affiliated teams must have at least one coach with NCCP certification (or equivalent as recognized by Softball Canada). i) Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12: Community Coaching (formerly Keep Coaching; or Technical 1) ii) Pee Wee U14: Competition-Introduction “What to Coach” (or Fully Certified Level I) 70 iii) Bantam U16 to Junior U21: Competition-Introduction “Trained” (or Fully Certified Level II) b) All teams entering a tournament leading to a Canadian Championship, excluding Eastern and Western Canadians, must have at least one Competition-Introduction “Certified” (or one Fully Certified Level II) Coach. c) Eastern Canadians for Pee Wee U14 and Bantam U16 require one coach with Competition-Introduction “What to Coach” (or Level I). d) Teams affiliating with the OASA for the first time, with uncertified coaches, may be granted a grace period of one year in which to become certified. e) New coaches may be granted an exemption, one time only, upon written application to the OASA Registrar. OR 6 – Championship Competition OR 6.1 Bids to Host a) Fees A fee, as specified in the current fee schedule, must accompany each bid requesting to host a Provincial Championship Tournament, Elimination Tournament or Eastern Canadian Championship Tournament. Unsuccessful applicants will have their deposit refunded. b) Provincial Championship Bids OASA Championships are determined in all classifications by tournament competition where numbers allow provided a written bid to host is received in the office of the OASA Secretary by November 15 of the year prior to the tournament. c) Elimination and Eastern Canadian Championship Bids i) Bids to host Elimination Tournaments and Eastern Canadian Championships must be received by the OASA Secretary by February 1, and must be two (2) years in advance of the year held. ii) An Elimination Tournament and Eastern Canadian fee, as specified in the current fee schedule, must accompany each bid. d) Softball Canada Championship Bids i) Bids to host Softball Canada Championship(s) are channeled through the office of the OASA Secretary: must be submitted by February 1 and must be submitted two (2) years in advance of said championship. ii) The OASA evaluates submissions and recommends the presentation of one bid. The Softball Canada Host must be an OASA affiliate in 71 good standing and be familiar with all Softball Canada Tournament documentation. A performance bond as specified in the current fee schedule, made payable to Softball Ontario, must also be enclosed with the bid. OR 6.2 Championship Guidelines (for tournament and play-down format) a) The OASA conducts and assists the various team, league and association winners to meet and to play-off to determine the OASA champions. b) All players on Masters, Junior U21, Midget U18, Bantam U16, Pee Wee U14, Squirt U12, Mite U10 or Junior Mite U8 team certificates must present Birth Certificates (or acceptable proof of birthdate evidence – photocopy acceptable) on demand, prior to tournament or playoff games. c) Team certificates, in all classifications, must be produced on demand prior to, during or immediately following any/all tournament or playoff games. d) OASA Convenors in all Zone Playoff games and Championship Tournaments shall demand and check all team certificates and, in Masters, Junior U21 and below, proof of birthdate for all players. e) All players and team officials shall sign in on team forms provided by the OASA Convenor prior to being allowed to play. Proof of eligibility of players (proof of age) in Master, Junior U21 and below is required. Signatures obtained may be checked against OASA records. f) The OASA shall supply up to twenty-one (21) medallions, and a pennant to all Provincial Championship and Finalist teams. g) The Office of the OASA Trophy Coordinator shall ensure that the necessary Tournament pennants, trophies/plaques and medallions are provided for presentation at the site of the Championship game by the OASA President (or his delegated representative) when and where possible. h) No alcoholic beverages, of any kind, shall be permitted within the playing area. OR 6.3 Championship Determination and Restrictions a) Senior i) The Ontario Senior Fastball Championship is decided by means of a tournament or series which is open to any affiliated Senior OASA team. Such teams must meet all Registration and Entry Fee requirements. 72 ii) The tournament winner earns the right to represent Ontario at the current Softball Canada Championship. b) Intermediate The top four teams at the Intermediate A Provincial Tournament are not eligible to participate in the Intermediate Provincial Championship B or C Tournament. Intermediate teams from the Elimination may participate in Eastern Canadians without playing in a Provincial Championship but must declare their intent to participate in Eastern Canadians by August 1 of the current year to the OASA Registrar. c) Masters When team numbers warrant, there will be a Masters A and Masters B category. (See OR 3.3 b) ii)) d) Junior U21 i) The “Junior U21 Provincial A Tournament” determines: • the Ontario Provincial A Champion and Finalist and • the Ontario representatives to the Junior (U21) Men’s Canadian Championship. ii) Another “U21 Junior Provincial Championship,” open to all Junior U21 teams in Ontario, except the teams that qualify for the Junior U21 Canadian Championship, will be held each year when numbers warrant. iii) Junior U21 teams competing in the Junior U21 Eliminations going on to represent Ontario in the Junior U21 Canadian Championships are not eligible to play in the Junior B U21 Provincial Championship. e) Minor Classifications All Minor teams that compete in Elimination Tournaments, to determine the Ontario representative team(s) to out of province competitions, MUST compete in the Provincial Championship Tournament in which they qualify. OR 7 – Tournament Competition OR 7.1 Provincial Championships a) Guidelines (in addition to OR 6.2) i) OASA Championships are determined by tournament competition, where numbers allow, provided a written bid to host is received in the Office of the OASA Secretary by November 15 in the year prior to the tournament. ii) A Championship Tournament fee, as specified in the current fee schedule, must accompany each bid requesting to host a Championship Tournament. Monies will be refunded to unsuccessful applicants. 73 iii) Tournament site selections will be made by the Executive, and locations will be selected on established criteria. Dates for tournaments will be firm and must be adhered to. iv) All tournaments are conducted on dates selected by the OASA Executive. The format of all OASA Tournaments is decided yearly by the respective committees (Minor and Men’s). v) Each affiliating team shall pay a tournament fee through the OASA, as specified in the current fee schedule, which is used to defray host tournament expenses. The fee shall be submitted with the team certificate. vi) If Head-to-Head series are used to determine tournament participation, the teams are Zone winners or designated teams and a Host Association team. If the Host Association team is also a Zone winner, a second team to represent the Host Association will not be permitted. vii) In any classification where qualifying tournaments are used to determine participation in a Provincial Championship Tournament, non-qualifying teams will have the tournament assessment fee returned. viii) Where the Host Association has a representative team in an applicable classification, the team is in the OASA Championship Tournament. ix) Where the Host Association is represented in an applicable classification and category by more than one team; said teams shall playoff to determine the Host representative team in the OASA Championship Tournament. x) Championship Tournament teams for Intermediate, Junior U21 and Midget U18 classifications are set to a maximum of 16 teams. If the 16 teams are exceeded in any year, the OASA Executive may set Zone play-downs in the area or areas that they designate. (See OR 8) xi) The tournament draw is provided by the OASA Executive, scheduled in consultation with the Host Association and sent to the OASA Tournament Convenor. b) Tournament Convenor i) Appointment and Responsibilities 1) Championship Tournament to declare Ontario Champions. The President shall appoint a Tournament Convenor who will be responsible for: appointing of the umpires (in consultation with the Zone Umpire-in-Chief). approving of scheduling of games (see By-Law 7.1 a) xi)). ensuring all players and team officials sign in on team forms provided by the OASA Convenor prior to being allowed to play. Proof of eligibility of players (proof of age) in Masters, Junior U21 and below are required. Signatures obtained may be checked against OASA records. 74 demanding and checking all players’ certificates and, in Masters, Junior U21 and below, proof of birthdate evidence for all players. acting as liaison between the OASA and the Tournament Director of the Host Association. reporting to the Secretary and the High and Inside Editor by completing and mailing the Convenor’s Report to the Office of the Secretary, immediately following the tournament. The report will include the following information: game results and highlights, MVP, Best Hitter, Best Pitcher (where applicable), presentations made by OASA representatives, and sponsoring representatives. Pre-game warm up on the infield will be at the discretion of the OASA Tournament Convenor. Prior to each game commencement, the OASA Tournament Convenor (or his delegated representative) shall toss a coin to determine the team first at bat. Winner of the coin toss shall also have the choice of the first/third baseline players’ bench. The OASA Tournament Convenor shall have the authority to prevent any participating team in the Championship Tournament from participating if the team responsibilities are not complied with throughout the tournament. In the event of inclement weather conditions, the OASA Tournament Convenor is responsible to re-schedule the tournament and/or the balance of game(s) to be played. No championship is declared unless/until the applicable tournament is completed, except by a motion carried by the OASA Executive. 2) 3) 4) 5) c) Host Responsibilities i) General 1) The Host Association appoints a Tournament Director who is responsible on behalf of the Host Association for implementing tournament guidelines and working with the Convenor (guidelines available from the Secretary). 2) Individual awards may be presented by the Tournament Host at the expense of the Host. 3) The Host may operate concession stands and retain the proceeds of such operations. ii) Financial 1) All tournament costs are the responsibility of the Hosting Association (except those specified in the hosting guidelines). 2) Provincial Tournaments shall receive two dozen official balls (pro-rated for 8 teams) at the cost for delivery as specified in the current fee schedule. 3) The Host pays a fee based on the number and classification of teams, as specified in the current fee schedule, to the OASA. 4) All amounts due to the OASA from the host are deducted from the tournament fee sent to the host. 75 5) 6) Any amounts raised by the host from the tournament are retained by the host. No team is required to pay additional fees or amounts to the host at the time of the tournament. d) Responsibilities of Each Team i) Notify the Tournament Director of the Host Association immediately upon qualifying for the Ontario Championship Tournament, and provide all necessary information (including intention to play) and include the name, address and phone number of a team contact. ii) Each team is responsible for its own expenses. iii) Request assistance from the host in acquiring accommodation, if required. iv) Each team scheduled to take part in a Provincial Championship or Elimination Tournament (except Senior) shall pay a tournament fee, as specified in the current fee schedule, before being allowed to play its first game in the tournament. The fee is payable to the Host through the OASA, and is used to help defray tournament expenses. v) All teams must be ready to play as scheduled or rescheduled as necessary at the direction of the OASA Tournament Convenor. vi) Team line-up/batting order is presented to the OASA Tournament Convenor (or his representative) fifteen (15) minutes prior to the game starting time. The team certificate and tournament sign-in sheet shall take precedence over the game line-up cards, if so used in any OASA playoffs. e) Tournament Protests i) A Protest Committee comprised of the OASA Tournament Convenor, the UIC or designate and one appointee (not to include a Host representative) shall resolve any protests. ii) In all Ontario Championship Tournaments, all protests except those regarding the eligibility of players must be made at the time of the play in question (and before the next pitch) to the plate Umpire and resolved by the Protest Committee before the resumption of play. iii) The protest decision stands. There is no appeal. iv) No protest fee is required during tournament play. NOTE: The Convenor has the authority to rule on player eligibility for the tournament. The ruling may be appealed following the event. OR 7.2 Elimination Tournaments a) Guidelines (in addition to OR 6.2) i) There may be Provincial Elimination Tournaments in Senior, Intermediate, Junior U21, Midget U18, Bantam U16 and Pee Wee U14 classifications, where numbers warrant, qualifying entries to Canadian and Eastern Canadian Championships. Teams competing in said Elimination events must meet all OASA registration, entry 76 ii) fee and insurance requirements. Only those players eligible for participation in the Canadian Fast Pitch Championship will be eligible to participate in an OASA Tournament leading to a Canadian Fast Pitch Championship. b) Elimination Tournament Protests Follow OR 7.1 e) Tournament Protests. c) Elimination Bond Fund i) Defending Canadian Champions (if Ontario) and the Host Team of a Canadian Championship when held in Ontario: shall not contribute to the OASA Elimination Bond Fund; shall pay any hosting fee and Umpire Travel Fund fee for the Elimination; and shall pay to the OASA the Softball Canada Championship Tournament fee at the time of affiliation. ii) Softball Canada fees for other qualifying teams are paid from the Elimination Bond Fund. iii) Exception: All Junior U21 teams attending the Elimination Tournament must submit the Softball Canada Championship registration fee with the affiliation fees in the form of a cheque payable to the OASA. Teams not qualifying will have the Softball Canada fee returned. d) Team Withdrawals i) Any team withdrawing from an Elimination Tournament without OASA approval after the schedule has been drawn and prior to the start of the tournament shall be subject to disciplinary action. ii) Any team withdrawing from an Elimination Tournament without OASA approval before completing their tournament schedule is subject to disciplinary action. e) Elimination Tournament Financial i) All tournament costs are the responsibility of the Host Association, except those specified in the hosting guidelines. ii) Elimination Tournaments shall receive two dozen official balls (prorated for 8 teams) at the cost for delivery assigned as specified in the current fee schedule. iii) The Host pays a fee based on the number and classification of teams, as specified in the current fee schedule, to the OASA. iv) All amounts due to the OASA from the Host are deducted from the tournament fee sent to the Host. v) Any amounts raised by the Host from the tournament are retained by the Host. vi) No team is required to pay additional fees or amounts to the Host at the time of the tournament. 77 OR 7.3 Select Tournaments a) The OASA may offer open Select Tournaments in Minor classifications, Mite U10 through Midget U18. b) A completed players’ list must be submitted prior to the start of the tournament. c) No player who has signed an OASA/ORSA/PWSA team certificate in the current year is eligible to participate in a Select tournament. d) Softball Canada and OASA playing rules shall apply. However, specific tournament or house league rules may be recommended and implemented by the Select Sub-committee. Any rule variations will be published and available to all teams prior to the tournament. OR 8 – Championship Play-Down (Head to Head Series) OR 8.1 Championship Play-down Series Participating teams are OASA affiliated teams or designated teams. a) Guidelines (in addition to OR 6.2) i) OASA play-downs are a 2 out of 3 series. ii) Each team pays its own traveling expenses. iii) Arrangements for a possible third game are made in accordance with the following procedure: unless management of BOTH teams agree, no third (or deciding) game will be played on a neutral diamond. The site of a third (or deciding) game will be determined by the toss of a coin at the site of the first game prior to game commencement. iv) Replayed games are played at the end of the series, if necessary. Note: The replayed game becomes the fourth game of a best “2 of 3” series. v) All teams shall have forty-eight (48) hours notice of any game in order to allow for traveling arrangements. b) Championship Play-down Convenor i) The OASA President appoints a Play-down Convenor for each district/zone who then has complete charge of all playoff games and the arrangement thereof, including Umpire appointments. ii) Commencing time for playoff games must be set not later than two (2) hours before sundown (when daylight games are scheduled). Floodlight games may be scheduled by an OASA Convenor when floodlights are available. iii) In all minor classifications, the OASA Convenor shall, if necessary, schedule Saturday double-headers to be played at the site of the second game, in order to meet OASA schedule requirements. 78 iv) The home team must be off the field at least fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled starting time of the game. The OASA Convenor shall apply this stipulation whenever required. c) Team Defaults i) A team that defaults any game of OASA scheduled championship competition shall, automatically, default the entire series. ii) Any team that defaults a game after arrangements have been finalized is subject to disciplinary action. The team defaulted against is entitled to compensation for any expenses incurred. d) Championship Play-down Financial i) In the event that a third game is necessary and the game is played on the home grounds of either team, the gate receipts are divided as follows: 1) OASA share deducted first, then the Umpire costs, the cost of balls, and any incidental expenses; after which the balance will be divided 60% to the visiting team and 40% to the home team. 2) in cases where a team, more than 200 miles from the opposing team site, guarantees the entire expenses of the visiting team, the OASA Convenors may schedule the entire series at the home field of the team which guarantees the applicable expense. ii) If a third game is played on a neutral field, the gate receipts are divided as follows: 1) each team will assume its own expenses. 2) the gate receipts will be divided, equally, between the two teams after incurred expenses have been deducted. iii) Where three games are played in one locality, the visiting team shall receive 60% of the total “net” receipts for the entire series. iv) Replayed games are governed by the same financial arrangements as third games when played on the home grounds of one of the competing teams. e) Championship Play-down Protests i) Protest Fees: The implementation of a protest requires a deposit, refundable in part only, as specified in the current fee schedule. The defense against a protest shall require a fee, refundable in part only, as specified in the current fee schedule. ii) Protests by local leagues/associations will only be considered by the OASA if they are forwarded to the OASA Secretary via the local league/association Registrar accompanied by a money order or certified cheque payable to the OASA. iii) Protests must be made by registered mail to the OASA Secretary within 48 hours; in the form of an affidavit sworn before a Notary Public or Justice of the Peace; and each must be accompanied by a $50.00 fee. A protest involving any game ruling by an Umpire must be made to the Plate Umpire at the time. 79 iv) Complaints and evidence involving player, coach, manager or umpire eligibility shall promptly (within 48 hours) be referred to the OASA Secretary who shall refer it to the Special Protest Committee who shall investigate and resolve. v) A copy of the protest must be forwarded by the protesting team at the same time by registered mail to the team protested against; who must then file with the OASA Secretary a similar sworn defense (within 48 hours) after receiving said copy; accompanied by a $50.00 fee. At the same time a copy of such defense must also be forwarded to the protesting team. The protest is decided by a Special Protest Committee. vi) The losing team forfeits the expense of the meeting of the Special Protest Committee. The protest fee is refunded to the winning team at the discretion of the Executive. vii) Non-playing rule protests that arise prior to or during the game are resolved by the Series Convenor. Such decisions may be appealed within the same time frame as outlined above. OR 9 – Umpires Policy Statement Ontario Amateur Softball Association policy requires that Softball Ontario Umpires are used at all Elimination and Provincial Championship Tournaments or Series. The terms and conditions for Umpire services are contained in the Agreement between Softball Ontario and the OASA that is negotiated each year. Please refer to the OASA Web site to view the current agreement. OR 9.1 General a) All Umpires in Championship games must hold a registration card from Softball Ontario for the current season. b) No official of a team shall umpire in any game in which his/her team is competing. c) All expenses related to Umpires’ fees are determined by the Agreement or as mutually agreed upon by Softball Ontario and OASA. OR 10 – Member Discipline OR 10.1 General Any member of the OASA violating the Constitution, By-Laws or Operating Rules; or refusing to abide by the decision of the Executive and its authorized 80 representatives is subject to disciplinary action. The disciplinary powers of the Executive are limited to matters pertaining to the current or preceding year. OR 10.2 Criteria for Disciplinary Action a) Leagues, teams, players and/or officials for knowingly: i) Permitting betting or improper conduct by players, team personnel, league personnel or OASA at league or Association games. (see NOTE following) ii) Offering, agreeing, conspiring or attempting to lose any league or championship game; or being interested in any pool or wager thereon. (see NOTE following) iii) Playing with a league or team that has been denied membership or is Not In Good Standing. iv) Having on a team list of signed players any disqualified player(s) or players Not In Good Standing. b) Any player identified as having demanded money for his services. (see NOTE following) Any teams or players who knowingly play against players who are Not In Good Standing and who willfully conceal this knowledge from The Association. c) d) A player who knowingly signs another certificate before obtaining a proper release from the first certificate signed. e) Any player, coach or manager who has been reported abusing an official (Umpire, Executive or Convenor) physically or verbally before, during or after any softball game. f) Any team, association, player or team official not complying with a Type Two disciplinary action. (see following) OR 10.3 Types of Disciplinary Actions Type One: suspension, revocation of membership, denial of membership and loss of selected privileges of membership result in being “Not In Good Standing.” Type Two: reprimand, fine. NOTE: If the individual’s actions in OR 10.2 a) and b) are verified, the details are reported to Softball Ontario and Softball Canada. The individual in question remains Not In Good Standing pending the results of any appeals. 81 OR 11 – Affiliation and Agreements OR 11.1 Inter-Organization Affiliation Softball Ontario, Softball Canada and International Softball Federation The Ontario Amateur Softball Association annually assumes membership in Softball Ontario as well as Softball Canada (which is affiliated with the International Softball Federation). OR 11.2 Intra-Organization Agreements a) b) NSA Agreement On file with the OASA Secretary. ORSA i) ORSA teams may compete in OASA Tournaments leading to a Canadian Championship provided they register for the tournament through the ORSA Secretary to the OASA Registrar. ii) No player may sign an OASA Team Certificate and an ORSA certificate in the same year, without first securing a written release from the first certificate signed. iii) ORSA players are allowed to play in OASA Masters Classification events as long as they have approval from the ORSA, a copy of their ORSA certificate and meet all OASA eligibility requirements. iv) An ORSA team that plays in an OASA Elimination Tournament is allowed to play in an OASA Provincial Tournament with: prior approval from the ORSA; a copy of the ORSA certificate; payment of the OASA Tournament fee; and completion of any other OASA requirements. c) Softball Ontario Agreement On file with the OASA Secretary. OR 12 – Position Descriptions OR 12.1 – Liaisons All appointments are by the President annually following the AGM. a) Ontario Rural Softball Association Liaison Duties: Work with the ORSA if there are problems between the two associations. Attend ORSA meetings if requested. Attend ORSA awards banquet. Attend the ORSA AGM if not in conflict with the OASA AGM. Contact the ORSA Secretary Treasurer to gather information on annual affairs of their association. 82 Submit a report to the OASA for the OASA AGM by October 1. Reports to: The President, if any problems exist between the two associations, otherwise only a report to the AGM. Expenses Allowed: Mileage to all meetings, banquets and award ceremonies. b) Western Ontario Athletic Association Liaison Duties: Work with the WOAA if there are problems between the two associations. Attend WOAA meetings if requested. Attend WOAA awards banquet. Attend the WOAA AGM if not in conflict with the OASA AGM. Contact the WOAA Secretary Treasurer to gather information on annual affairs of their association. Submit a report to the OASA for the OASA AGM by October 1. Reports to: The President, if any problems exist between the two associations, otherwise only a report to the AGM. Expenses Allowed: Mileage to all meetings, banquets and award ceremonies. c) Provincial Women’s Softball Association Liaison Duties: Work with the PWSA if there are problems between the two associations. Attend PWSA meetings if requested. Attend the PWSA AGM if requested. Contact the PWSA Secretary Treasurer to gather information on annual affairs of their association. Submit a report to the OASA for the OASA AGM by October 1. Reports to: The President, if any problems exist between the two associations, otherwise only a report to the AGM. Expenses Allowed: Mileage to all meetings, banquets and award ceremonies. d) Insurance Coordinator Duties/Responsibilities: Administer the OASA Insurance Program and offer Liability, Accident and Liquor Liability Insurance to affiliated and nonaffiliated teams/leagues and associations in Ontario. Contact Insurance Carrier to establish insurance costs for each year. Report to OASA Executive and establish insurance selling rates for each year. Communicate and distribute insurance information (mail, phone and e-mail) to affiliated and non-affiliated teams throughout Ontario. 83 Receive applications for insurance and process insurance certificates. Deposit money received for insurance in the OASA bank account. Send financial reports to OASA Treasurer. Submit mid-year and year-end reports to OASA Executive. Submit year-end summary report to Softball Ontario. Responsible to: The Executive. Reports to: The Executive. Expenses Allowed: Postage, communication, material preparation, travel as required, other as approved by the President. The Ontario Amateur Softball Association gratefully acknowledges the support of its Corporate Sponsors 84 85 AGE CATEGORIES AND DISTANCE TABLE CATEGORY Masters Men’s Junior Midget Bantam Pee Wee Squirt Mite Junior Mite AGE* Open U21 U18 U16 U14 U12 U10 U8 BALL 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 11” 11” 11” PITCHING BASELINES 46’ 46’ 46’ 46’ 42’ 40’ 35’ 30’ 25’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 55’ 45’ 45’ *Age prior to January 1 of the season of play. For Masters age, see OR 4.1 b). Sports Text Messaging SMS Weather Alerts, the fastest way to communicate with your Organization! Announce game cancellations, rain delays or cancel umpires instantly. www.SportsSMS.ca Tournament Text Messaging Live scoring, mobile Fan ScoreBoard plus integrated texting of scores, advancements & tournament info to players, coaches, families & fans! www.TourneySMS.com Text: OASA to 767638 for information 86 VARIATIONS FROM SOFTBALL CANADA PLAYING RULES As were adopted at the AGM held in the Hamilton Y.M.C.A. on March 30, 1923; and as amended at subsequent Annual General Meetings. With effect April 7, 1979, for "Official Playing Rules" that shall govern OASA softball competition, refer to the current Softball Canada Rule Book. EXCEPT: Variations from the Softball Canada rules itemized on the following pages shall provide for instances not covered in the Softball Canada Rule Book; and/or shall complement/over-ride Softball Canada Playing Rules. Softball Canada playing rules govern all OASA competitions with the exceptions noted in these Variations. General Equipment Removed from a Game or Tournament Any equipment that has been removed from the game by the umpires will be handed over to the Tournament Convenor until the team has finished the tournament. It is the team's responsibility to collect their equipment from the tournament Convenor. Suspension of Play The umpire shall note the time of suspension of play on account of rain or other causes; and at the end of 30 minutes he shall have authority to terminate the game if resumption of play is not feasible (subject to OASA rules governing suspended tournament games). Police Protection Every club shall furnish sufficient police force to preserve order upon its own grounds, and in the event of a crowd entering the field during the progress of a game, and interfering with the play in any manner, the visiting club may refuse to play until the field is cleared. If the field is not cleared within 15 minutes thereafter, the visiting club may claim and is entitled to the game by a score of 7 runs to 0 (no matter what number of innings has been played.) Bats In all sanctioned OASA Tournaments, bats must be checked and an OASA approved sticker be placed on the bat to be used in tournament play. Result: A player found using an illegal bat will be ejected for the rest of the OASA event (Softball Canada effect). Bats that become illegal throughout the course of the tournament will result in the removal of the sticker. 87 Fast Pitch Chart of Variations from Softball Canada’s Playing Rules Softball Canada Rule Coach Certification Rule 1-17 Coach Uniform Rule 4-1 b. SOR 2.7 a) ii) Defensive Charged Conference Rule 5-9 b. Designated Player Rule 4-5 j. In Pee Wee U14 and Under categories, the designated player is not permitted. Double Base OASA Rule Variation Exception: Must be signed and NCCP certified as stated in Operating Rule 5.1 and 5.2 of the OASA Constitution, ByLaws and Operating Rules. For U18 men’s and above, coaches appearing on the field are not allowed to wear shorts as part of the uniform. Coaches must be in full uniform to reflect uniform of the players on the field. Failure to comply is not grounds for protest. Exception: In Squirt U12 to Junior Mite U8 classifications, a team is permitted two defensive conferences per inning. With the third conference, the pitcher must be removed from the pitcher position for the balance of the inning. Exception: The Designated Player (DP) rule is permitted in Pee Wee U14 (not in Squirt U12, Mite U10 or Jr Mite U8). Used in all OASA sanctioned games. Rule 2-4 i. NOTE 88 Softball Canada Rule Dropped Third Strike Rule 7-6 l. Rule 8-2 a. The batter becomes a batter base runner when the catcher fails to catch the third strike before the ball touches the ground when there are less than two outs and first base is unoccupied or anytime there are two outs. OASA Rule Variation Exception: The rule does not apply in Mite U10 or Junior Mite U8 classification. Rule 8-1 b. Exception: Squirt U12 and under batter is out. Helmets Rule 3-6 f. Helmets are mandatory for batters, base runners, catchers and on-deck batters…. Infield Fly Rule Rule 1-52 Exception: It shall be mandatory for all players in all classifications to wear a CSA approved batting helmet, while on deck, in the act of batting, and while running the bases. Each participating team to carry a minimum of five (5) helmets. In Bantam U16, Pee Wee U14, Squirt U12, Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8 classifications only, the chin strap must be securely fastened under the chin. CSA approved face guards on batting helmets are mandatory for all Bantam U16 to Junior Mite U8 players. Exception: In Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8, the infield fly rule is not in effect. 89 Softball Canada Rule OASA Rule Variation Leaving Base on Pitched Ball Exception: In Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8 classifications, the ball must cross the plate before the runner may leave the base. Rule 8-9 s. Masters – Ages Age Categories and Distance Table Masters all players age 40 or over Exception: The age for eligible Masters players is that they must be at least 40 years of age or turning 40 in the year of the event. Note: Underage players who were on 2014 Masters rosters will have their eligibility grandfathered into the 2015 tournament. None of the players under age 40 can be on a Senior or ISC roster and will not pitch. Masters – Designated Runner Rule 4-3 c. Masters – Rosters SOR 1.3 c) i) 17 players Exception: In Masters classification, the team may have a Designated Runner (DR). The Designated Runner will be identified on the line-up card and may enter the game to bat or play defense (thus eliminating the Designated Runner from the game). The runner may run for anyone but may only be used for one (1) player in each inning. Exception: In Masters classification, a roster of 20 players may be signed. 90 Softball Canada Rule Mercy Rule Rule 5-6 a. In all categories, a game will end after 2 1/2, 3, 3 1/2, or 4 complete innings when any team is ahead by 15 runs; 4 1/2, 5, 5 1/2, 6 ahead by 7 runs. OASA Rule Variation Exception: There will be a Mercy Rule from Squirt U12 to Men's in all Zone and Provincial Championship tournaments as follows: a) Men's to Bantam U16, if a team is ahead by 7 or more runs at the end of five (5) or six (6) innings it will be called a complete game. b) Pee Wee U14 to Squirt U12, if a team is ahead by ten (10) or more runs at the end of five (5) or six (6) innings, it will be called a complete game. c) Mite U10, if a team is ahead by twenty (20) or more runs after three (3) innings or ten (10) runs after five (5) or six (6) complete innings, the game shall be awarded to the leading team. d) In all classifications except Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8, games will end after 2 ½ or more complete innings of play if there is a difference of 15 runs. This rule will apply to all games including the final game(s). e) In Junior Mite U8, the Mercy Rule shall be a maximum of 6 runs or 3 outs per inning. 91 Softball Canada Rule Offensive Charged Conference Rule 1-16 The offensive team requests a suspension of play to allow the manager, or other team representative to confer with any member of his team. OASA Rule Variation Exception: In Squirt U12 and under classifications the offensive rule is waived. Rule 5-9 a. There shall be only one (1) charged conference … in an inning. Official Softball Rule 3-3 h. Pitching Rule Rule 6 Men Exception: In Junior Mite U8 classification, the 11” soft indoor ball will be used. Exception: Men’s – Intermediate, Senior, Masters (not U21 Junior) Section 1. Prior to Delivery a) Before starting the delivery (pitch), the pitcher must have both feet on the ground within the 24-inch length of the pitcher’s plate. The shoulders shall be in a line with first and third bases. He shall take a position with the majority of his pivot foot on top of the pitcher’s plate and his non-pivot foot on or behind the pitcher’s plate. b) The pitcher shall hold the ball in both hands for not less than one second and not more than 10 seconds before releasing it. If the pitcher decides to pitch with the non-pivot 92 Softball Canada Rule OASA Rule Variation foot to the rear and off the pitching plate, a backward step may be taken before, simultaneous with, or after the hands are brought together. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitching plate and remain motionless at all times prior to the forward step of the non-pivot foot. Section 3. Legal Delivery In the act of delivering the ball, the pitcher must take one step simultaneous with the release of the ball. The step must be forward and toward the batter within the 24-inch length of the pitcher’s plate. It is not a step if the pitcher slides his pivot foot on the pitcher’s plate toward the batter or if the pivot foot turns or slides in order to push off the pitcher’s plate provided contact is maintained with the plate. Raising the pivot foot off the pitching plate and returning it to the plate creates a rocking motion and is an illegal act. Pitching Rule Rule 6 Junior Mite U8 Playing Field Pitching Distance Age Categories and Distance Table In Junior Mite U8, a pitcher may pitch a maximum of 4 innings or 12 outs. In Junior Mite U8 classification, the pitching distance is 25 feet. (The baselines are 45 feet, the same as Mite U10.) 93 Softball Canada Rule Playing Time Rule 4-7 Substitutes OASA Rule Variation In Junior Mite U8 classification, no player is to sit more than one (1) consecutive inning. All players will sit out one (1) inning before a player sits out a second inning. In Mite U10 classification, the recommended player participation is that no player should sit out for more than one (1) consecutive inning. All players should sit out one (1) inning before a player sits out a second inning. Coaches are encouraged to play all players as equally as possible over the course of the season. In Squirt U12 classification, coaches are encouraged to play all players as equally as possible over the course of the season. Replacement Runner Rule 4-11 Two Out Catcher Rule Stealing Home Exception – In Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8 classification, a replacement runner may be used at any time for the catcher, regardless of the number of outs. In Junior Mite U8, the runner on third base cannot steal home. 94 Softball Canada Rule Substitutes Rule 4-7 Substitutes OASA Rule Variation Exception: In Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8 classifications, all players will be listed on the initial batting order. All players will bat. The batting order will be followed for the complete game. In case of ejection or injury, the player’s spot in the line-up is omitted. If a runner is injured, a substitute runner may be used, until he is put out or reaches home; then the player’s spot is omitted on the line-up. Exception: In Squirt U12, there will be unlimited defensive substitution of players who are on the lineup card while maintaining a nine player batting order. Exception: In Squirt U12 to Junior Mite U8, a player arriving late may be added to the line-up card. For Mite U10 and Junior Mite U8, the player is added to the bottom of the batting order. Time Limit Rule 5-3 No limit. Exception – Junior Mite U8 and Mite U10 – No new inning shall start after one hour and thirty minutes from the official beginning of the game except in medal games. In the event the game is tied, complete innings will be played until the tie is broken. 95 Softball Canada Rule Time Limit Rule 5-3 No limit. Tournament Game Suspended SOR 3.1 c) Warming Up the Pitcher Rule 3-6 OASA Rule Variation Exception – Squirt U12 – No new inning shall start after one hour and forty-five minutes from the official beginning of the game except in medal games. In the event the game is tied, complete innings will be played until the tie is broken. When an OASA tournament game is suspended it shall be resumed at the exact point where the game was suspended, if completed on the scheduled tournament weekend. If scheduled at another date, the game shall be replayed in its entirety from the beginning. This rescheduled game does not result in a new flip. New lineup cards will be submitted. Exception: In Junior Mite (U8) to Midget (U18), Effect #1 removal of the player from the game will not be used. Effect for Junior Mite (U8) to Midget (U18): If any person catching for the pitcher will not wear the mask after a warning, it shall mean removal of the coach or manager of the offending team. 96 457 Advance Avenue, Napanee, ON K7R 3Z5 613-354-4900 Fax: 613-354-0994 [email protected] WWW.BURKEPRINTING.CA PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Business Cards • Post Cards • Announcements • Mailers • Labels • Flyers • Brochures • Catalogs • Letterhead • Envelopes • Books • Forms • Presentation Folders YEAR S • Posters • Drawings • Banners 25 OVE R EXPE RIEN 97 CE Orthodox Fast Pitch Chart of Variations from Softball Canada’s Playing Rules Softball Canada Rule Base Stealing Rule 8-5 a. Rule 8-9 s. When the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand on delivery. Bunting Rule 1-1 Rule 7-6 batter is out Commitment Line Rule 2-4 Playing Field Mercy Rule Rule 5-6 a. In all categories, a game will end after 2 1/2, 3, 3 1/2, or 4 complete innings when any team is ahead by 15 runs; 4 1/2, 5, 5 1/2, 6 ahead by 7 runs. OASA Orthodox Rule Variation Exception: When the ball crosses the plate. Exception: If a batter shows bunt, he cannot pull back and swing at the pitch. Penalty: batter is ejected and the next batter in the order now bats. Exception: The commitment line is drawn half the distance between 3rd base and home plate. The line is 2 feet in length on the foul side of the foul line perpendicular to the base path. A runner from third passing the commitment line must continue to home plate and not return to third base. The runner is out if he returns to third base, the ball is dead, and all runners return to the base last touched. Exception: 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 5 innings. 98 Softball Canada Rule Playing Field Base Path OASA Orthodox Rule Variation Exception: Distance between bases is 65 feet. Rule 2-4 Playing Field Playing Field Pitching Distance Exception: Pitching distance is 46 feet. Rule 2-3 Official Diamond Safe Line Rule 2-4 Playing Field Substitution Rule 4-7 Time Limit No Limit Uniforms Rule 3-8 Exception: The safe line is a line from the back stop fence to parallel to home plate. It stops within 3 feet of home plate. A base runner from third base may not touch home plate but must cross over the safe line. The runner is out if the catcher catches the ball while he is touching home plate before the runner crosses the safe line. A runner touching home plate is out. Exception: Unlimited substitution. Every player in the line-up bats. Exception: In tournament play, 1 hour and 50 minute time limit. Exception: Rule 3-8 section d is not mandatory. 99 100 LET'S GET STARTED TO PLAY SOFTBALL GUIDELINES FOR THE BEGINNER Rules for "TEE" Ball 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ALL team members shall be in the batting order. The fielding team shall be comprised of ALL team members; with a player as catcher; pitcher; first, second and third base; a right and left short-stop - all other players play in the outfield. The batter shall hit the ball off the batting tee placed just in front of home plate. A strike shall be called on the batter if he misses the ball; or strikes the batting tee. The batter is out after three strikes are called. A foul ball (on the third strike) shall be called a strike. The batter will NOT be called out unless the batted ball is safely caught. If a batted ball does not travel more than a distance of twelve (12) feet from home plate (and stays in the infield) it will be called a strike. On the third strike the batter will NOT be out. The Infield Fly Rule shall NOT be used. There shall be NO base-running on the third strike. Base-runners cannot advance a base, unless the ball has been fairly hit by the batsman. Three (3) outs OR a maximum of six (6) runs shall constitute an inning by the team at bat. The distance between bases shall be 45 feet. If a bat travels more than six (6) feet the batter is out. When a batted ball is hit outside the infield past the 45 foot distance baserunner may advance; but, when the ball is returned to the infield (and controlled by an infielder) all runners must stop at the base they are going to; or must remain at the base they are going to plus one. The coach of the fielding team may coach his team from any place past the 45 foot infield distance. On a passed ball going out of play at first or third base, base-runners get the base they are going to plus one. Base-runners may advance on a passed ball at second base going out to the outfield; PROVIDED the passed ball is from a fairly hit ball that is picked up in the infield. If it is a passed ball that has been thrown in from the outfield, there shall be no running of the bases. (See no. 14.) When a batter accidentally knocks the ball off the batting tee (when aligning the bat with the ball on the tee) it is NOT a strike. 101 The following "3 Pitch" rules are intended to make the transition from "TEE" Ball to regular SOFTBALL easier for the young player. Rules for Three Pitch 1. The batting team's pitcher will pitch to his team and "windmill" pitching shall not be permitted. The pitcher will bat and base-run in accordance with the batting order (during which time a substitute pitcher will pitch). 2. The pitching distance will be 27 feet. 3. The fielding team's pitcher will play in the field beside the batting team's pitcher; but may not be closer than 27 feet from the plate. 4. The fielding team's catcher will be used. 5. No walks will be issued. 6. All batters will be allowed three (3) strikes. The batter is NOT out on a third strike foul ball. 7. NO PITCH - to prevent intentional advancement of base-runners (or batters swinging at poor pitches) a NO PITCH will be called by the Umpires when the ball is pitched: o in the dirt in front of the home plate o high over the batter's head o away outside or behind the batter's back 8. Base-runners cannot advance on a NO-PITCH. 9. INTERFERENCE: When the pitcher interferes with the play on a batted or fielded ball all play is ruled "dead,” players return to their original bases and a strike shall be called on the batter. 10. Base-runners may steal on any pitch not deemed to be a NO-PITCH. How to Draw a Schedule! Ever run into trouble trying to draw a schedule for your league? It's easy if you tackle the job the right way. Here is a system developed to encompass as many as 64 teams a season, splitting them into smaller groups with each group playing a complete schedule and division winners later playing off. To keep it simple, let's take a six-team league as an example. Any other number is just as easy. Write down the numbers from one to six in this fashion, each number representing a team: 1vs2 6vs3 5vs4 In writing them, you start with one and then write the two, then three, then four and so on. You find you are writing the numbers in a sort of circle. 102 Now put them down again, but this time, while still starting with No. 1, skip the No. 2 until you reach the end of the list. Your figures look like this: 1vs3 2vs4 6vs5 Repeat the job, this time jumping from one to four, then one to five, then one to six: 1vs4 1vs5 1vs6 3vs5 4vs6 5vs2 2vs6 3vs2 4vs3 At this point you have drawn up a complete round robin. Make the last named team in each case the home team, but to balance things out, transpose the first game in every second table so that No. 1 isn't always placed first. Your schedule is now complete for a single round robin. If you run a second round, use the same list of games but make the first-named teams the home teams, and then everyone will then have played exactly the same number of games. You will find in this schedule that you can play all six teams on the same night, each group of three games being complete in itself with no team's number ever being duplicated. Also, if you want to play only one game a night, the schedule provides a series in which no team ever comes up on two consecutive nights. Once you understand the principle, you'll find it easy to make schedules for a league of any size. This basic formula works for leagues with an even number of teams; but a schedule for a league with an odd number of teams is just as easy. If, for example, your league has only five teams, then you make the schedule as above for six teams. Then, every time No. 6 comes up, mark that game a bye for the team coupled with No. 6. In a seven-team league, make an eight-team schedule and mark a bye every time No. 8 comes up. In a nine-team league, use a 10-game schedule, marking a bye every time No. 10 comes up. That's it! Try it a few times and you'll wonder why you ever sweated over the job of making schedules. 103 104 105 Year 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 Annual Meeting Hamilton Brantford Peterborough Toronto Windsor St. Catharines Preston Woodstock Hamilton Hamilton Kingston Owen Sound Peterborough Scarborough North York St. Catharines Sudbury Peterborough Sarnia Niagara Falls Windsor Oshawa Hamilton Toronto St. Catharines Kingston Oshawa Owen Sound Brantford London Hamilton President Chas. Aitchison, Hamilton Les. Broomfield, Brantford Abe. Hammill, Galt John Currie, Hamilton C. W. Holmes, St. Catharines J. W. Dalgleish, Galt G. C. McArthur, Guelph ““ ““ Fred G. Grant, Toronto ““ E. B. Smith, Hamilton ““ ““ V. C. Collett, Toronto E. B. Smith, Toronto H. K. Champion, Simcoe ““ Harry Sniderman, Toronto ““ Geo. H. Spooner, Galt ““ ““ O. H. King, Simcoe ““ E. A. Simpson, Kingston G. H. Campbell, Oshawa ““ D. G. Smith, Toronto ““ W. G. Jacko, Kirkland Lake Secretary C. Howick, W. Laing, Hamilton Frank Jefferess, Hamilton Vic Brown, Galt T. V. Mackay, Hamilton ““ ““ ““ ““ V. McIlwraith, Guelph ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ F. R. Feaver, Hamilton ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ F. R. Feaver, Hamilton Treasurer R. Warren, Norwich ““ ““ ““ W. J. Innes, Paris ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ,Hamilton W. L. Alguire, St. Catharines ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ W. L. Alguire, St. Catharines ANNUAL MEETINGS AND PRINCIPAL OFFICERS 106 Year 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Annual Meeting North Bay Peterborough Toronto Windsor St. Catharines Preston Woodstock Hamilton Hamilton Kingston Owen Sound Peterborough Scarborough North York St. Catharines Sudbury Peterborough Sarnia Niagara Falls Windsor Oshawa Scarborough North York St. Catharines Windsor Sudbury Etobicoke Peterborough Niagara Falls Stratford Sudbury Oshawa President W. G. Jacko, Kirkland Lake J. G. Brady, Oshawa ““ F. R. Stewart, Grimsby Beach ““ W. C. Perkin, Simcoe ““ Don Lee, Belleville ““ A. K. Davidson, Stratford ““ H. F. Dormer, Peterborough ““ C. Butler, Willowdale ““ Max Scheff, Willowdale ““ L. G. Pickard, St. Catharines C. H. Dunn, Galt T. Sims, Meaford ““ V. E. Walker, Port Perry C. J. Belch, Belleville ““ G. J. Mahler, Etobicoke D. K. Prescott, Little Current ““ L. K. Fleming, Oshawa ““ L. G. Henderson, Thornhill “” J. R. Cook, Port Perry Secretary F. R. Faver, Hamilton ““ L. G. Pickard, St. Catharines ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ C. J. Belch, Belleville ““ ““ ““ ““ G. J. Mahler, Windsor ““ ““ ““ L. K. Fleming, Oshawa ““ W. A. Martin, SImcoe ““ ““ ““ W. A. Martin, Simcoe “” W. A. Martin, Simcoe Treasurer W. L. Alguire, St. Catharines ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ L. G. Pickard, St. Catharines ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ R. J. Durfy, St. Catharines ““ ““ ““ ““ D. C. Engel, Woodstock R. D. Abbot, Markham ““ ANNUAL MEETINGS AND PRINCIPAL OFFICERS 107 Year Annual Meeting 1986 Toronto 1987 Toronto 1988 Kingston 1989 Richmond Hill 1990 Hamilton 1991 St. Catharines 1992 Waterloo 1993 Markham 1994 Waterloo 1995 Oshawa 1996 Stratford 1997 Kingston 1998 Oshawa 1999 Niagara Falls 2000 Midland 2001 - Oshawa 2001Nov Cobourg 2002 Kingston 2003 Midland 2004 Peterborough 2005 Kitchener 2006 Oshawa 2007 Cobourg 2008 Midland 2009 Niagara Falls 2010 Markham 2011 Markham 2012 Markham 2013 Toronto 2014 Mississauga President J. R. Cook, Port Perry W. D. Topping, St. Thomas ““ M. C. Goodridge, Ancaster ““ R. D. Abbot, Uxbridge ““ A. R. Harrison, Wingham ““ H. Fehrman, Caledonia ““ K. Walker, Oshawa ““ R. Whitfield, Bath ““ ““ G. Read, Kanata ““ D. Cleugh, Campbellford ““ D. Reynolds, Napanee ““ L. Sherwin, Cobourg ““ G. Wren, St. Thomas ““ R. Patenaude, Penetanguishene “ ”, Tiny G. Ryder, Port Dover ““ Secretary W. A. Martin, Simcoe ““ ““ W. D. Topping, St. Thomas ““ ““ ““ ““ B. Weber, Guelph ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ D. Reynolds, Napanee ““ ““ S. Gallagher, Cobourg C. Patenaude, Penetanguishene ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ R. Bridge, Etobicoke C. Patenaude, Tiny K. Mills, Napanee ““ Treasurer R. D. Abbot, Markham ““ ““ ““ A. McNeill, Owen Sound ““ ““ R. D. Abbot, Uxbridge ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ”“ P. Fitzgerald-Nolan, Warkworth ““ ““ ““ “” “ ”, Sydenham ““ ““ ANNUAL MEETINGS AND PRINCIPAL OFFICERS 108 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES Italicized: Trophy/Award not active Men’s Championship Name First Presented Last Presented 1923 Hamilton 1989 Owen Sound Senior A Hamilton Spectator (Men’s AAA) OASA Plaque 1990 Owen Sound 2013 Scarborough Senior B St. Catharines Standard 1923 Brantford 1989 Grimsby (Men’s AA) OASA Plaque 1990 Mount Hope 1997 North Fred Intermediate A Brantford Expositor 1930 Long Branch 1989 Barrie (Men’s A) OASA Plaque 1990 Strathroy 2012 Palermo Intermediate B Hamilton Spectator 1932 Dunnville 1989 Cold Springs (Men’s B) OASA Plaque 1990 Jarvis 2014 Fenelon Falls Intermediate C Harry Sniderman Memorial 1937 Napanee 1989 Bracebridge (Men’s C) OASA Plaque 1990 Bracebridge 2014 Grand Valley 1976 Odessa 1989 Glencoe 1990 Glencoe 1997 Alvinston 1945 Hamilton 1989 Belleville 1986 Ottawa 2000 Buckingham Intermediate D (Men’s D) OASA Plaque Intermediate AA OASA Plaque Orthodox Len Henderson Masters A Bill Danford 1996 Cold Springs 2014 Waterdown Masters B Gene Rouselle 2011 Stoney Creek 2014 St. Thomas Industrial/ Recreational A OASA Plaque 1955 Point Anne 1996 Belleville Recreational B OASA Plaque 1996 Ayr 1999 Belleville 109 First Presented 1926 Junior U21 A Hamilton Spectator Hamilton George “Dad” Smith 1937 Junior U21 B Memorial Havelock “Tebby” Tebworth 1949 Junior U21 C Memorial Hastings 1952 Junior U21 D Otto King Memorial Appin 1935 Juvenile A OASA Plaque Toronto 1944 Juvenile B OASA Plaque Orillia/Toronto & S. S. Marie 1944 Juvenile C OASA Plaque New Toronto 1950 Midget U18 A Gooderham & Worts Oshawa 1966 Midget U18 B Feaver Memorial Kemptville 1973 Midget U18 C C. H. Dunn Campbellford 1979 Midget U18 D Don Prescott Belmore 1949 Bantam U16 A Charles S. Lewis Oshawa 1966 Bantam U16 B F. R. Stewart Havelock Gerald “Shud” Ethier 1973 Bantam U16 C Memorial Rostock 1979 Bantam U16 D W. C. “Perk” Perkin Springbrook 1952 Pee Wee U14 A George Spooner Toronto 1966 Pee Wee U14 B Harry C. Knott E. Gwillimbury 1973 Pee Wee U14 C Max Scheff Jordan 1979 Pee Wee U14 D Elsie Westfall Claremont Pee Wee U14 Bantam U16 Midget U18 Juvenile Junior U21 Championship Name 110 Last Presented 2014 Napanee 2014 Tavistock 2009 Ponsonby 1998 Wyevale 1996 Smiths Falls 1983 New Liskeard 1983 South Mountain 2014 Teeswater 2014 Shakespeare 2010 Sebringville 2002 Smithville 2014 Wellesley 2014 Napanee 2005 Chepstow 2001 Springbrook 2014 Napanee 2014 Chatsworth 2008 Stouffville 2002 Campbellford Jr Mite U8 & Mite U10 Squirt U12 Championship Squirt U12 A Squirt U12 B Squirt U12 C Name Clare Butler Harry Rollins Memorial J. Gordon Oakes Memorial Squirt U12 D Art Ray Mite U10 A John G. Brady Mite U10 B Jim Conlin Memorial Mite U10 C Harold Godfrey Mite U10 D Michael Goodridge Junior Mite U8 Michael Goodridge 111 First Presented 1958 Simcoe 1973 St. Pauls 1974 Napanee 1979 Tamworth 1987 Bramalea 1987 Harriston 1989 Napanee 1995 Tavistock 2002 Napanee Last Presented 2014 Tavistock 2014 Napanee 2006 Bradford 2000 Frankford 2014 Springbrook 2014 Springfield 2004 Paris 2000 Napanee 2012 Napanee 112 ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS Leading to a Canadian Championship Year Senior 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Windsor St. Thomas Richmond Hill Oshawa London Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Oshawa...........................................Oshawa Kitchener.........................................North York Toronto ...........................................Grimsby Oshawa...........................................Grimsby Newmarket ......................................Owen Sound St. Catharines .................................North York Coldsprings .....................................St. Catharines ........................................... Binbrook Sarnia .............................................Oshawa ................................................... Napanee Agincourt.........................................St. Catharines ....................................... Hagersville Agincourt.........................................Binbrook ............................................... Hagersville Oshawa...........................................Willowdale (North York) ................... St. Catharines Dorchester ......................................Napanee .............................................. Gananoque Ottawa ............................................N. Fredricksburg .............................. St. Catharines Sarnia .............................................N. Fredricksburg .................................... Beamsville Owen Sound ...................................St. Marys ......................................... St. Catharines Owen Sound ...................................N. Fredricksburg .............................. St. Catharines Owen Sound ...................................Stouffville ......................................... Chinguacousy Owen Sound ...................................Stouffville ............................................Scarborough Kemptville .......................................St. Catharines .................................. St. Catharines Toronto ...........................................Sebringville ............................................... Stittsville Waterloo .........................................Stittsville .......................................................Sarnia Toronto ...........................................Oshawa ....................................................... Kanata Toronto ...........................................Napanee .................................................. Napanee Kemptville .......................................Fingal ....................................................... Napanee Owen Sound ...................................Fingal/Boxall ........................................... Waterford Owen Sound ...................................St. Catharines ....................................... Hagersville Waterloo .........................................Roblin .................................................... Sydenham Owen Sound ...................................Roblin ..................................................... Waterford Waterloo .........................................Jarvis ..................................................Scarborough Owen Sound ...................................Jarvis ...................................................... Stouffville Union ..............................................Waterloo ....................................................... Elmira Jarvis ..............................................Scarborough .............................................. Oshawa St. Thomas .....................................Elmira .................................................Scarborough Kitchener.........................................Scarborough ............................................ Napanee Jarvis ..............................................Scarborough ............................................ Napanee Kitchener.........................................Owen Sound ............................................ Napanee Kitchener.........................................Owen Sound .............................................. Oshawa Owen Sound ...................................Owen Sound ............................................... Wiarton Kitchener.........................................Owen Sound ............................................ Napanee Scarborough ...................................Wiarton .................................................. Teeswater Kitchener .......................................Napanee............................................... Teeswater Junior U21 113 Midget U18 ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS Leading to an Eastern/Western Canadian Championship Year Men’s 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ....................................................Napanee ........................................... Chepstow Carp ............................................Jarvis .............................................. Sydenham Uxbridge......................................Stratford ...................................... Richmond Hill ....................................................Sydenham .................................... Scarborough ....................................................Willowdale .............................................. Elmira Innerkip .......................................St. Catharines ................................. Newmarket Bracebridge.................................Chesley ........................................ Scarborough Palermo.......................................Newmarket ................................... Scarborough Bracebridge.................................Waterloo ............................................. Vaughan Stouffville ....................................Napanee ............................................. Napanee Palermo.......................................Napanee ............................................ Stouffville Sebringville .................................Napanee .............................................. Stratford Alvinston .....................................Stouffville ............................................. Stratford Cobourg ......................................Stratford .............................................. Napanee Waterdown ..................................Stratford ..................... Kitchener/Waterloo Kolts Cobourg ......................................Napanee ........................................... Chepstow Kitchener/Waterloo .....................Tavistock ............................ Kitchener/Waterloo Waterdown ..................................Teeswater ........................................... Belleville ....................................................Kitchener/Waterloo .............................. Glencoe ....................................................Campbellford ................. Kitchener/Waterloo Bantam U16 Pee Wee U14 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS – MEN’S CATEGORIES Year Senior A 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 Hamilton .............Brantford Hamilton .............Hamilton Hamilton .............Brantford Brantford ............Brantford Hamilton .............St. Catharines Hamilton .............Hamilton Hamilton .............Hamilton Toronto...............Hamilton .........................Long Branch Windsor ..............Brantford .........................Port Colborne Toronto...............Brantford .........................Oshawa ............................... Dunnville Hamilton .............St. Catharines .................Kirkland Lake ....................... Dunnville Toronto...............St. Catharines .................Tor. & S.S. Marie .......... Stoney Creek Tor. & Kirk L .......Hamilton .........................Hamilton ................................... Barrie Hamilton .............Hamilton .........................Belleville ....................... Stoney Creek Hamilton .............St. Catharines .................Tor. & Sudbury ................. Point Anne Hamilton .............Copper Cliff ....................Hamilton ........................ Owen Sound Toronto...............Toronto ...........................Stratford ....................... Port Colborne Hamilton .............Toronto ...........................Guelph ........................ Trenton RCAF Hamilton .............St. Catharines .................North Bay .................... Port Colborne Toronto...............Toronto ...........................Oshawa ................................. Dundas Undeclared.........St. Catharines .................Osh. & S.S. Marie .......... Jarvis RCAF Senior B Intermediate A 114 Intermediate B 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Hamilton .............Hamilton .........................Fort Erie .................................... Orillia Windsor ..............Hamilton .........................Sault Ste. Marie ........................ Orillia Toronto...............Toronto ...........................Sault Ste. Marie ............. New Toronto Toronto...............Toronto ...........................Sault Ste. Marie ........... Port Colborne Toronto...............St. Catharines .................Oshawa ................................. Preston St. Catharines ....Toronto ...........................Oshawa ........................ New Toronto Toronto...............Oshawa ..........................Toronto ............................ Waterdown Toronto...............St. Cath. & S.S. Marie ....Tor. & North Bay .......... Port Colborne Toronto...............Sarnia .............................Walkerton ........................... Markham Hamilton .............Sudbury ..........................North Bay ........... Ryckman’s Corners Windsor ..............Oshawa ..........................North Bay .......................... Walkerton Windsor ..............Whitby ............................North Bay .......................... Walkerton Stittsville .............Oshawa ..........................Peterborough ...................... Frankford Windsor ..............Oshawa ..........................North Bay ......................... Walkerton Oshawa ..............Beamsville ......................Amherstburg ................... Mount Hope Beamsville..........Sudbury ..........................Peterborough ............................ Jarvis Sudbury..............Hamilton .........................Peterborough ..................... Elliot Lake Windsor ..............Sudbury ..........................Sudbury .............................. Waterford Windsor ..............Sudbury ..........................Elliot Lake ....................... Mount Hope St. Thomas.........Sault Ste. Marie ..............Richmond Hill .......................... Aurora St. Thomas.........Sault Ste. Marie ..............Toronto .............................. Bloomfield Sudbury..............Sault Ste. Marie ..............Jarvis .............................. Mount Hope St. Thomas.........Oshawa ..........................Stoney Creek ................... Newmarket Windsor ..............Oshawa ..........................Oshawa & Kapusk ........... Newmarket Oshawa ..............Oshawa ..........................Jarvis ....................................... Picton S.S. Marie ..........Oshawa ..........................St. Catharines .......................... Madoc Oshawa ..............Oshawa ..........................Cardinal .................................. Zephyr S.S. Marie ..........Welland ..........................Waterloo .............................. Alvinston Newmarket .........North Bay .......................Woodstock ................................ Jarvis Welland ..............Cardinal ..........................North Bay ............................ Hespeler Welland ..............Toronto ...........................St. Thomas ........................... Bradford Toronto...............Sarnia .............................Barrie ............................. Kapuskasing North York ..........Grimsby ..........................Norwich ......................... Kapuskasing Oshawa ..............Owen Sound ...................Schumacher .................. Kapuskasing Newmarket .........Oshawa ..........................Woodstock ............................. Capreol St. Catharines ....Sault Ste. Marie ..............Strathroy .................................. Picton Cold Springs ......Woodstock ......................Streetsville .......................... Port Elgin Sarnia.................Sault Ste. Marie ..............Verona ............................ Mount Hope Agincourt ............Woodstock ......................* ............................................. Comber Agincourt ............Woodstock ......................Verona ................................... Comber Oshawa ..............Elliot Lake .......................North York .......................... Port Elgin Dorchester .........Etobicoke ........................Kirkland Lake ......................... Trenton Ottawa................Mount Hope ....................Verona ................................. Linwood Sarnia.................Elliot Lake .......................Verona .................................. Bradford Owen Sound ......York ................................Caledonia ............................. Bradford Owen Sound ......Grimsby ..........................Barrie ............................. Cold Springs *Co-Champions - Kirkland Lake, Schumacher, Verona 115 Year Men’s AAA 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Owen Sound ......Mount Hope ....................Strathroy ................................... Jarvis Owen Sound ......Baden .............................North Bay ............................... Toledo Kemptville ..........Mount Hope ...................Owen Sound ...................... Caledonia Toronto...............Jarvis ..............................Mitchell ..................................... Merlin Waterloo.............Shedden .........................Owen Sound ........................ Colborne Toronto...............Smithville ........................Colborne ............................. Baltimore Toronto...............Waterford ........................Simcoe ............................. Roseneath Kemptville ..........N. Fredricksburg .............Melbourne ............................. Wiarton Mitchell Alvinston ................................................................................................................ Harriston ................................................................................................................. Ingersoll ...................................................................Alvinston ...................................................................Peterborough Mr. Lube ....... Harriston ...................................................................Cobourg .............................. St. Marys ...................................................................Sebringville .............. N. Fredricksburg ...................................................................Alvinston ............................... Cobourg ...................................................................Cobourg ................................. Breslau ...................................................................Waterdown ............................ Wiarton ...................................................................Cobourg (Great Lakes) ........... Wiarton ...................................................................Kitchener/Waterloo ................ Wiarton ...................................................................Waterdown ................ Fitzroy Harbour ................................................................................................ N. Fredericksburgh ....................................................................................................... Fenelon Falls Year 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Men’s AA Men’s A Interm. C Interm. D Men’s B Interm. AAInterm./Indu Napanee Keene Nelson Twp. Crowland Point Anne Eastdale Grimsby Batawa Meaford ......................................................Hamilton Meaford ......................................................Ham. & S.S. Marie Waterford ....................................................Toronto Meaford ......................................................Ham. & S.S. Marie Cooksville ...................................................Hamilton Smithville ....................................................S.S. Marie Anderdon Twp. ...........................................Stratford Wiarton .......................................................Toronto Wiarton .......................................................Niagara Falls Kincardine ..................................................Toronto Brooklin ......................................................Belleville ........................... Point Anne Merlin ..........................................................Toronto ............................. Point Anne Capreol .......................................................St. Catharines ....................... Windsor Jarvis ..........................................................Toronto .......................... Amherstburg 116 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Capreol .......................................................Niagara Falls ........................ Oshawa Capreol .......................................................Richmond Hill .......................... Sarnia Capreol .......................................................Niagara Falls ........................... Sarnia Merlin ..........................................................Oshawa ........................ Peterborough Capreol .......................................................Oshawa ............................. Elliot Lake Brooklin ......................................................Toronto ................................ Kingston Capreol .......................................................Owen Sound ........................ Kingston Brooklin ......................................................S.S. Marie .................. St. Catharines Capreol .......................................................Owen Sound ............... St. Catharines Zephyr ........................................................London ........................ St. Catharines Capreol .......................................................Oshawa ....................... St. Catharines Merlin ..........................................................Oshawa .................... Sault Ste. Marie Merlin ..........................................................Owen Sound ............. Sault Ste. Marie Merlin ..........................................................Barrie ................................... Belleville Verona ........................................................Beamsville ............................ Oshawa Merlin ..........................................................Niagara Falls ........................ Oshawa Cold Springs ...............................................Niagara Falls ........................ Windsor Cold Springs .......Odessa ...........................York .............................. Niagara Falls Elmvale...............Odessa ...........................Etobicoke .................. Sault Ste. Marie Verona ................Udora ..............................Barrie ........................ Sault Ste. Marie Camlachie ..........Udora ..............................Toronto .............................. Elliot Lake Port Stanley ........Westwood .......................Sarnia ................................. Etobicoke Camlachie ..........Oneida ............................Toronto .................................. Toronto Baden .................Hastings .........................Owen Sound ...................... Elliot Lake Baden .................Hastings .........................East York Garden River ......South River .....................Toronto Caledonia ...........Hoard’s Station ...............North Bay Greenbank ..........Shakespeare ..................North Bay North Fred. .........Hoard’s Station ...............Sarnia Bracebridge ........Chepstow .......................Barrie Bracebridge ........Glencoe ..........................Belleville Year Men’s C 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ................................................................................................................ East York ................................................................................................................ East York ................................................................................................................ Stouffville .............................................................................................................. Greenbank ............................................................................................................ Mount Hope Bracebridge........Glencoe ...................................................................... East York Port Perry ...........Fenelon Falls ......................................................... Scarborough Trenton...............Chepstow ................................................................... Waterford Perkinsfield ........Madoc .................................................................... Scarborough Mitchell ...............Williamsford Caledonia ...........Merlin Melbourne ..........Merlin Norwich ..............Alvinston ....................................................................Cobourg ....................................................................Innerkip Ingersoll Newburgh Men’s D Men’s BBB 117 Interm./Men’s Open 2002 2003 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Harriston Jarvis Wellington Pickering Pickering Fenelon Falls Grand Valley Year Masters A 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cold Springs ...............................................Belleville ....................................... Ayr Cold Springs ...............................................St. Catharines ..................... Kitchener Cold Springs ...............................................Palmero ........................ Campbellford ................................................................................................................. Belleville Scarborough ...............................................Belleville Toronto .......................................................Smithville Stoney Creek ..............................................Belleville Oshawa Alvinston Alvinston Alvinston Cobourg Waterloo Cobourg Waterdown Bracebridge ........Stoney Creek Toronto Toronto ...............St. Thomas Waterdown ........St. Thomas Masters B Industrial/Rec A Industrial/Rec B ORTHODOX AND SLO-PITCH PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Year Orthodox 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 ............................Windsor ............................Windsor ............................Windsor ............................London ............................London ............................London ............................Windsor ............................London ...........................London ........................... Collingwood ............................London ...........................St. Catharines ................. Thamesville ............................Windsor ..........................Dorchester ...................... Collingwood ............................Windsor ..........................London ........................... Collingwood ............................Windsor ..........................London ................................ Chatham ............................Windsor ..........................London .................................. London ............................Windsor ..........................Woodslee ............................Ottawa ................Windsor ............................Azilda ..................Windsor ............................Ottawa ................London ............................Ottawa ................London Slo-Pitch A Slo-Pitch B 118 Slo-Pitch C 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 2000 ............................Ottawa ................London ............................L’Orignal ............................Ottawa ............................Canterbury ............................L’Orignal ............................Canterbury ............................Ottawa ............................Ottawa ............................Buckingham Year Slo-Pitch D 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 ....................................................................Unionville ....................................................................Markham ....................................................................Chatham Stayner .......................................................St. Catharines Stayner .......................................................Chatham Orono .........................................................Chatham Woodbridge ................................................London Stouffville ....................................................Wallaceburg Dorchester ..................................................London ....................................................................Chatham ....................................................................Chatham ....................................................................London ....................................................................London ....................................................................London ............................. Dorchester ....................................................................London ............................London ...........................Windsor Slo-Pitch Open Year Junior U21 A 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 Hamilton Toronto Toronto Toronto Brantford Oshawa Windsor Hamilton Hamilton Toronto Hamilton Toronto ...............Havelock Toronto ...............Havelock Toronto Windsor ..............Etobicoke Brantford .............Islington Hamilton .............Amherstburg Hamilton Windsor ..............Winona Slo-Pitch Masters Slo-Pitch Veterans JUNIOR U21 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Junior U21 B Junior U21 C 119 Junior U21 D 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Belleville .............Eastdale Toronto ...............Orillia Toronto ...............Eastdale Tor.&S.S. Marie ..Thorold Toronto ...............New Toronto ...................Hastings Toronto ...............Port Robinson .................Stoney Creek Toronto ...............New Toronto ...................Beamsville Belleville .............Beamsville ......................Empire ...................................... Appin Undecided ..........Beamsville ......................Dixie........................................ Empire Toronto ...............Simcoe ...........................Virgil.......................................... Appin Toronto ...............Stoney Creek ..................Meaford .................................... Appin Toronto ...............Jordan ............................Virgil.......................................... Appin Hamilton .............Burlington .......................Madoc .................................. Binbrook Oshawa ..............Burlington .......................Madoc ................................... Rostock Hamilton .....................................................Madoc ................................. Abingdon Oshawa ..............Hespeler .........................Port Perry ............................ Highgate Hamilton .............Reddindale .....................Capreol ......................... Dover Centre Dover Centre ......Binbrook .........................Beamsville Brockville ............Binbrook .........................Beamsville .......................... Clavering N-O-T-L ..............Binbrook .........................Capreol .............................. Westwood Galt .....................Zephyr ............................South Buxton ...................... Elginburg ............................N-O-T-L ..........................Zephyr ............................ Pointe Anne Oshawa ..............Bay Ridges .....................Madoc Peterborough ......Cobourg ..........................Mount Albert Peterborough ......Grimsby ..........................Mount Albert Oshawa ..............Kirkland Lake ..................Whitechurch Grimsby ..............Cobourg ..........................Eberts Barrie ..................Elliot Lake .......................Eberts Beamsville ..........Newmarket .....................Tavistock Sarnia .................Ingersoll ..........................Carlsbad Springs Wyoming ............Ingersoll ..........................St. Pauls Etobicoke ............Kirkland Lake ..................Whitechurch North York ..........Grafton ...........................Tavistock Owen Sound .......Garson ............................Napanee North York ..........Stouffville ........................Oneida Napanee .............Stouffville ........................Fullarton Caledonia ...........Smiths Falls ....................Eberts Caledonia ...........Grimsby ..........................Binbrook Caledonia ...........Smiths Falls ....................Acton St. Catharines .....Bradford ..........................Binbrook St. Catharines .....Gananoque .....................Fergus ..................................... Madoc St. Catharines .....St. Marys ........................Smiths Falls ........................... Wiarton St. Catharines .....St. Marys ........................Caledonia ............................. Chesley Stouffville ............Smiths Falls ....................New Hamburg ......................... Madoc Simcoe ...............Bradford ..........................Wingham ................................. Madoc Simcoe ...............Bradford ..........................New Hamburg ......................... Madoc Stouffville ............Sebringville .....................Fergus .................................. Belmore St. Catharines .....Caledonia .......................Fergus ...................................... Boxall Pickering .....................................................Wellesley .............................. Inverary Milverton .....................................................Toanche ............................... Inverary Fingal ..................Simcoe ...........................Jarvis .................................... Inverary 120 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Tara ....................Simcoe ...........................Inverary ...................... Hoards Station Fingal ..................Innerkip ...........................Inverary .............................. Wingham St. Catharines .....Sydenham ......................Chepstow ............................. Wyevale St. Catharines .....Sydenham ......................Chepstow St. Catharines .....Owen Sound St. Catharines .....Linwood Jarvis ..................Peterborough ..................Springbrook Jarvis Waterloo Scarborough .......Port Perry Elmira .................Wyndham Scarborough .......Ponsonby Scarborough .......Oshawa Owen Sound .......Selkirk .............................Ponsonby Owen Sound .......Maryhill Owen Sound .......Walkerton Owen Sound .......Sydenham Wiarton ...............Elmira Napanee ............Tavistock Year Juvenile A 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Toronto Lakeshore Kingston Hamilton Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Hamilton ......................................Orillia, Tor. & S.S.Marie................ New Toronto Toronto ........................................Jord./Vineland Toronto ........................................New Toronto Oshawa & Kirk. Lake ...................Selkirk Stratford & Kirk. Lake ..................Cobourg ........................................... Beamsville Toronto ........................................Cobourg ........................................... Beamsville Windsor & Kirk. Lake ...................Cobourg ................................................. Empire Oshawa .......................................Burlington ..................................................Virgil Kirkland Lake ...............................Hamilton Beach .........................................Virgil Hamilton ......................................Burlington .......................................... Wingham North York ...................................Burlington ............................................... Madoc Hamilton ......................................Wingham ........................................... Aldershot Toronto ........................................Stoney Creek ....................................... Rostock Cornwall ......................................Burlington ........................................... Binbrook Oshawa .......................................Stoney Creek ................................... Beamsville Virgil.............................................Dover Centre Brockville .....................................Stoney Creek ........................................ Murvale Oshawa .......................................Hespeler ....................................... Whitechurch Galt ..............................................N-O-T-L .............................................. Norwood Cornwall ......................................MacTier ................................................. Zephyr JUVENILE PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Juvenile B 121 Juvenile C 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1994 1995 1996 N-O-T-L .......................................Tavistock ................................................ Madoc Odessa ........................................Bay Ridges .......................................... Mildmay Oshawa .......................................Cobourg ............................................... Mildmay N-O-T-L .......................................Binbrook ........................................... Port Perry North York ...................................Kemptville .............................................. Mactier St. Catharines ..............................Cobourg ........................................... Beamsville Scarborough ................................Cobourg ............................................. Smithville N-O-T-L .......................................Cobourg .............................................. Binbrook Oshawa .......................................Cobourg .................................................. Picton North York ...................................Binbrook ............................................ Wyoming Scarborough ................................Cobourg ............................................. Tavistock Sarnia ..........................................Garson ................................................ Stittsville North York ...................................Garson ................................................... Jordan Scarborough ................................Stouffville ........................................... Tavistock Scarborough ................................Simcoe ................................................. Jordan St. Catharines ..............................Linwood .............................................. Minesing North York ...................................Kirkland Lake ...................................... Binbrook Pickering ......................................Owen Sound ........................................ Keswick .....................................................New Liskeard ......................... South Mountains Port Perry Aurora Smiths Falls PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS – MINOR CATEGORIES MIDGET U18 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Year Midget U18 A 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Oshawa Oshawa York Twp Wingham Oshawa Hamilton Larder Lake Toronto New Liskeard Oshawa New Liskeard Val Albert Galt Harriston Peterborough Mildmay Oshawa ..............Kemptville Sarnia .................Smithville St. Catharines .....Rostock North York ..........Trenton Sarnia .................Beamsville Sarnia .................Cobourg Midget U18 B Midget U18 C 122 Midget U18 D 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Toronto ..............Cobourg North York ..........Baden .............................Campbellford North York ..........Trenton ...........................Jordan North York ..........Garson ............................Port Perry Owen Sound .......Picton ............................Jordan Belleville .............Picton .............................Napanee Scarborough .......Napanee .........................Minesing Guelph ................Napanee .........................Minesing ............................... Belmore Agincourt ............Napanee .........................Jordan .................................. Belmore Kitchener ............Napanee .........................Hagersville........................ Sydenham Scarborough .......Hagersville......................New Liskeard ........................ Inverary Napanee .............Grimsby ..........................Bracebridge ...................... Melbourne Agincourt ............Owen Sound ...................Fergus ............................... Claremont St. Catharines .....Gananoque .....................Nanticoke .......................... Bloomfield Agincourt ............Nanticoke .......................Kemptville .......................... Richmond Bramalea ............Owen Sound ...................Milverton .................................. Madoc Owen Sound .......Bradford ..........................Wingham ........................ Springbrook Markham ............Verona ............................Palmerston ........................... Belmore Belleville .............Hagersville......................Garson .................................. Inverary Niagara Falls ......Hagersville......................Fergus ............................... Wellington Peterborough ......Hagersville......................Port Perry ............................. Inverary Oshawa ..............Port Perry .......................Palmerston ........................... Inverary Bridgeport ...........Simcoe ...........................Tara .................................. Sydenham Bramalea ............Napanee .........................St. Marys .............................. Belmore Kanata ................Fergus ............................Sydenham ......................... Chepstow St. Catharines .....Stittsville .........................Elmira ................................ Chepstow Napanee .............Cobourg ..........................Chepstow ........................... Waterford Kitchener ............Sydenham ......................Wellington ............................. Millbank Scarborough .......Chepstow .......................N Fredericksburg ............ Springbrook New Dundee .......Napanee .........................Chepstow Scarborough .......Pickering .........................Central Frontenac ............... Smithville Stouffville ............Napanee .........................Central Frontenac Napanee .............Oshawa ..........................Campbellford Napanee .............Waterloo .........................Toanche Scarborough .......Newmarket Newmarket .........Owen Sound ................... Kingston Kingston .............K-W Twins Oshawa ..............Tavistock ........................New Dundee Oshawa .............Oshawa ..........................Sebringville Napanee .............New Hamburg Napanee .............Milverton Teeswater ...........Pickering Teeswater ..........Shakespeare Year Bantam U16 A Bantam U16 B 1949 1950 1951 1952 Oshawa Hamilton Toronto Galt BANTAM U16 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Bantam U16 C 123 Bantam U16 D 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Stoney Creek Larder Lake Windsor Toronto New Liskeard Point Edward Point Edward Galt North York Peterborough Willowdale Sarnia North York North York ..........Havelock St. Catharines .....Beamsville Scarborough .......E. Gwillimbury Galt .....................Smithville Kitchener ............Cobourg Toronto ...............Cobourg Owen Sound .......Cobourg Sarnia .................Beamsville ......................Rostock Oshawa ..............Beamsville ......................Port Perry Scarborough ......E. Gwillimbury ................Picton Guelph ................Simcoe ...........................Napanee North York ..........Westshore ......................St. Pauls Oshawa ..............Napanee .........................Jordan Scarborough .......Napanee .........................Wellington ....................... Springbrook North York ..........Garson ............................New Hamburg ............ Carrying Place Grantham ...........Markham ........................Kirkland Lake ..................... Claremont Scarborough .......Grimsby ..........................Bracebridge .......................... Moscow Cambridge ..........Kirkland Lake ..................Jordan ............................... Wellington Bramalea ............Napanee .........................Jordan ..................................... Madoc Bramalea ............Beamsville ......................Picton ................................. Woodville Grantham ...........Owen Sound ...................Wingham ......................... Lansdowne Pickering .............Lansdowne .....................Stouffville ............................. Milverton Bramalea ............Owen Sound ...................Palmerston .......................... Milverton Scarborough .......Napanee .........................Garson ............................ Springbrook Stratford ..............Dunnville.........................Jarvis ................................. Wellington Sarnia .................Amherstview ...................Palmerston ................................. Tara Orleans ...............Harriston .........................Exeter ............................. Springbrook Cambridge ..........Napanee .........................Fergus .................................. Inverary Kanata ................Stittsville .........................Inverary ............................... Milverton St. Catharines .....Napanee ........................Jarvis ................................. Teeswater Stratford ..............Stittsville .........................Jarvis ................................. Wellington Stratford ..............Waterford ........................Sydenham ......................... Wellington Sydenham ..........Wellington .......................Waterford ........................ Springbrook Willowdale ..........Waterford ........................New Dundee ...................... Chepstow Scarborough .......Cambridge ......................Sydenham Chesley ..............Simcoe ...........................Elmira ............................. Springbrook Scarborough .......Chesley ..........................Toanche Scarborough .......Bramalea ........................Linwood Scarborough .......Stratford ..........................Campbellford Ponsonby ...........Brantford .........................Chepstow Napanee .............Bramalea 124 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Stouffville ............New Dundee Scar. Royals .......Teeswater Stratford ..............Elmira Napanee .............Springbrook Cobourg ..............Highgate Teeswater ...........Georgian Bay Campbellford ......Shakespeare Wellesley ...........Napanee Year Pee Wee U14 A Pee Wee U14 B 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Toronto Toronto Blackheath North York Simcoe Belleville North York Burlington Frenchman’s Bay Oshawa Windsor Woodstock Simcoe Beamsville Owen Sound .......E. Gwillimbury Sarnia .................Port Perry Oshawa ..............Preston North York ..........Cobourg North York ..........Grimsby Owen Sound .......Stouffville Owen Sound .......St. Marys Scarborough .......Grimsby ..........................Jordan Belleville .............Garson ............................Minesing Scarborough .......Simcoe ...........................Minesing Scarborough .......Garson ............................Claremont Grimsby ..............Springbrook ....................Napanee Scarborough .......Simcoe ...........................Jordan North York ..........Simcoe ...........................Mitchell .............................. Claremont Grantham ...........Kirkland Lake ..................Napanee ........................... Goodwood North York ..........N-O-T-L ..........................Jordan ............................... Wellington Richmond Hill .....Napanee .........................Jordan ................................ Clavering Richmond Hill .....Beamsville ......................New Hamburg .............. Fenelon Falls Belleville .............Simcoe ...........................Jordan ............................... Teeswater Grantham ...........Simcoe ...........................New Liskeard ...................... Clavering Belleville .............Napanee .........................Kemptville ............................ Milverton Belleville .............Napanee .........................Jordan ............................... Wellington Stratford ..............Napanee .........................North Gower ...................... Tamworth Peterborough ......Amherstview ...................Palmerston ........................ Wellington Stratford ..............Kemptville .......................Napanee ............................. Clavering PEE WEE U14 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Pee Wee U14 C 125 Pee Wee U14 D 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Kanata ................Owen Sound ...................Harriston ......................... Springbrook Kanata ................Napanee .........................Townsend ............................. Inverary Peterborough ......Napanee .........................Elmira ..................................... Fennel St. Catharines .....Hanover ..........................Townsend .......................... Chepstow St. Catharines .....Waterford ........................Sydenham ......................... Wellington Vaughan .............Sydenham ......................Elmira ................................ Tamworth Willowdale ..........Stouffville ........................Campbellford ..................... Chepstow Vaughan .............Waterford ........................Sydenham ......................... Chepstow Waterloo .............Chesley ..........................Elmira ................................ Chepstow Newmarket .........Waterloo .........................Chesley ................................. Wiarton Scarborough .......Kingston .........................Campbellford ..................... Chepstow Oshawa ..............Cobourg ..........................Chepstow ..................... Campbellford Vaughan .............Orleans ...........................Chepstow Napanee .............Stratford ..........................Sydenham Napanee .............Orleans Orleans ...............Chepstow .......................Newmarket Napanee .............Sydenham Napanee .............K/W Kolts........................Stouffville Stouffville ............Cobourg Chepstow ...........Cobourg New Hamburg ....Wellesley Wellesley ............Toanche Chepstow ...........Belleville Napanee ............Chatsworth SQUIRT U12 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Year Squirt U12 A 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Simcoe Point Edward Preston Galt Galt Galt Galt Port Perry Richmond Hill Cobourg North York Cobourg Woodstock Woodstock Belleville North York ..........St. Pauls Galt .....................N-O-T-L ..........................Napanee Scarborough .......N-O-T-L ..........................Springbrook Scarborough .......Cobourg ..........................Napanee Galt .....................Garson ............................Napanee Galt .....................Cobourg ..........................Napanee Grantham ...........Bay Ridges .....................Jordan ............................... Tamworth Bramalea ............Beamsville ......................New Hamburg ................... Wellington Squirt U12 B Squirt U12 C 126 Squirt U12 D 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Grantham ...........Beamsville ......................Jordan .............................. Teeswater Bramalea ............E. Gwillimbury ................Jordan ............................... Teeswater Burlington ...........Simcoe ...........................Jordan ............................... Wellington Bramalea ............Napanee .........................Unionville ............................ Waterford Bramalea ............Napanee .........................Unionville ........................... Wellington Niagara Falls ......Simcoe ...........................Bracebridge ................... St. Clements Napanee .............Simcoe ...........................New Hamburg ..................... Osgoode Stratford ..............Thornhill ..........................Harriston ......................... Springbrook Bramalea ............Stouffville ........................Harriston ......................... Springbrook Thornhill ..............Stouffville ........................Napanee ................Central Frontenac Kitchener ............Stouffville ........................Fergus ........................................ Carp St. Catharines .....Stouffville ........................Hanover ............................. Chepstow Stratford ..............Napanee .........................Port Perry .......................... Chepstow Bramalea ............Harrowsmith ...................Walkerton ....................... Springbrook Richmond Hill .....Napanee .........................Port Perry ....................... Springbrook Vaughan .............Napanee .........................Waterford ........................... Chepstow Waterloo .............Chesley ..........................New Hamburg ................... Chepstow Waterloo .............Newmarket .....................Picton ................................. Plattsville Scarborough .......Orleans ...........................Toanche ........................... Stone Mills Scarborough .......Waterloo .........................Stone Mills .......................... Frankford Vaughan .............Orleans ...........................Bradford Napanee .............Cobourg ..........................Paris Stouffville ............Belleville .........................Central Frontenac Orleans ...............Oshawa ..........................Springbrook Napanee .............Milverton .........................Elmira Napanee .............Mildmay ..........................Bradford Elmira .................Pickering New Hamburg ....Stone Mills New Hamburg ....Port Perry Campbellford ......Belleville Kit/Waterloo ........Stouffville Walkerton ...........Georgian Bay Belmore ..............Kitchener/Waterloo Tavistock ...........Napanee Year Mite U10 A 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Bramalea ............Harriston Bramalea ............St. Marys Kitchener ............Stouffville ........................Napanee Belleville .............Stouffville ........................St. Marys Bramalea ............Stouffville ........................Port Perry Bramalea ............Simcoe ...........................Sydenham Willowdale ..........Stouffville ........................Napanee Vaughan .............Stouffville ........................Tavistock Vaughan .............Napanee .........................Stirling ................................ Tavistock Bramalea ............Napanee .........................Picton ....................... Plattsville/Bright Waterloo .............Orleans ...........................Toanche ............................ Enterprise Kitchener ............Napanee .........................Newburgh .......................... Tamworth Newmarket .........Orleans ...........................Toanche ............................ Tamworth MITE U10 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS Mite U10 B Mite U10 C 127 Mite U10 D 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Napanee .............Newmarket .....................Walkerton ............................ Napanee Newmarket .................................................Walkerton Orleans .......................................................Walkerton Napanee .....................................................Paris Napanee .............Kitchener ........................Paris Stouffville ............Stone Mills Napanee .............Napanee Waterloo .............Campbellford Campbellford ......Elmvale K/W Twins ..........K/W Kolts Walkerton ...........Port Perry Belmore ..............Napanee Tavistock ............Palmerston Palmerston .........Cobourg Springbrook ......Springfield Year Junior Mite U8 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Napanee Napanee Napanee Napanee Stouffville Stouffville Stouffville Napanee Stouffville Belleville Napanee JUNIOR MITE U8 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS HIGH & INSIDE If you are interested in receiving electronic issues of the OASA newsletter during the 2015 softball season, please send an email to: [email protected] The newsletter will also be available to view on line at www.oasa.ca 128 129 www.picardspeanuts.com Proud to support fastball in Ontario www.ramblinroad.ca 130 2015 FEE SCHEDULE Team Registration Fees Men’s Classifications Senior* Junior U21 A Junior U21 B/C Intermediate B/C Masters & Orthodox Membership Fee N/A $100 $100 Provincial Tournament Fee $450 $275 $275 Softball Canada Fee $500 $500 N/A Total Due with Affiliation Form $950 $875 $375 *Great Lakes Championship is a separate application. Contact the Registrar. Minor Classifications Midget U18 Bantam U16 Pee Wee U14 Squirt U12 Mite U10 Junior Mite U8 Membership Fee $100 $100 Provincial Tournament Fee $275 $275 $300 $200 (Squirt only) $675 $375 or $575 $375 N/A Qualifier/Elimination Tournament Fee Total Due with Affiliation Form Total Due with Affiliation Form (prov. only) (All cheques payable to the OASA) 131 Umpire Game Fees Category Game Fee Junior Mite U8, Mite U10, Squirt U12 $32 Pee Wee U14, Bantam U16 $37 Midget U18, Junior U21, Intermediate B/C, Masters, Orthodox $42 Intermediate A, Senior $47 Miscellaneous Description Amount Team Special Status $50 Unapproved Tournament Withdrawal OR 1.3 c) Fine $300 Game Forfeit (2/3 series) OR 1.3 c) Fine $100 $50 deposit (refunded if successful) Protest OR 8.1 e) Appeal Board OR 1.1 a) vi) $50 NSF Cheque Fee $25 Associate Member Fee OR 1.1 b) $25 Insurance Annual Team Rates Type Liability Accident Affiliated Team $22.00 Adult $32 .50 Non-Affiliated Team $24.00 Minor $27. 00 132 Bids to Host Tournaments Provincial Championships OR 6.1 b) $50 Tournament Leading to an Eastern Canadian or Canadian Championship OR 6.1 c) $200 Qualifying OR 6.1 a) $50 Eastern Canadian OR 6.1 c) $200 $500 Certified Cheque for Softball Ontario & $500 Certified Cheque for Softball Canada Canadian Championship OR 6.1 d) Forms available at www.oasa.ca or from the Secretary Official Constitution & By-Laws Book Copies 1 - 11 ............................................................... $6.00 ea. (incl. tax, S & H) Copies 12 or more ..................................................... $5 .75 ea. (incl. tax, S & H) 1/4 Page Ad .....................................................................................................$35 1/2 Page Ad .....................................................................................................$50 Full Page Ad ................................................................................................. $100 Provincial Champions .......................................................................... No Charge Elimination Champions ........................................................................ No Charge Canadian and Eastern Canadian Champions ..................................... No Charge Other Photographs ....................................................................................... $100 133 134 2015 135 136 137 MISSISSAUGA RUSTY JIGGERS 2014 Masters Canadian Gold Medalists 138 WATERDOWN HAMMER 40+ 2014 Masters Provincial A Champions 139 ST. THOMAS EVERGREEN STORM 2014 Masters Provincial B Champions 140 FENELON FALLS THE LAKES 2014 Intermediate Provincial B Champions 141 GRAND VALLEY RIVERMEN 2014 Intermediate Provincial C Champions 142 NAPANEE SHOELESS JOE’S EXPRESS 2014 Canadian Junior Men’s U21 Silver Medalists 2014 Junior U21 Provincial A/Elimination Champions 143 OWEN SOUND SELECTS 2014 Canadian Junior Men’s U21 Bronze Medalists 144 TAVISTOCK ATHLETICS 2014 Junior Men’s Provincial B Champions 145 TEESWATER OTTERS 2014 Midget U18 Canadian Gold Medalists 2014 Midget U18 Elimination Champions 2014 Midget U18 Provincial A Champions 146 PORT PERRY LAKE SCUGOG LUMBERJACKS 2014 Midget U18 Canadian Bronze Medalists 2014 Midget U18 Provincial A Finalists 147 NAPANEE ABUNDANT INSULATION EXPRESS 2014 Midget U18 Western Canadian Gold Medalists 148 SHAKESPEARE 2014 Midget U18 Provincial B Champions 149 TOPHAM PARK 2014 Midget U18 Select Provincial Champions 150 Wellesley Wildcats 2014 Bantam U16 Canadian Gold Medalists 2014 Bantam U16 Provincial A Champions 151 CAMPBELLFORD COUGARS 2014 Bantam U16 Canadian Silver Medalists 2014 Bantam U16 Elimination Champions 2014 Bantam U16 Provincial A Finalists 152 PORT PERRY POWER 2014 Bantam U16 Eastern Canadian Gold Medalists 153 COBOURG DODGERS 2014 Bantam U16 Eastern Canadian Silver Medalists 154 NAPANEE AFW CONSTRUCTION EXPRESS 2014 Bantam U16 Provincial B Champions 155 LYN LIGHTNING 2014 Bantam U16 Select Provincial Champions 156 KITCHENER/WATERLOO KOLTS 2014 Eastern Canadian Pee Wee U14 Silver Medalists 2014 Pee Wee U14 Elimination Champions TAVISTOCK ATHLETICS 2014 Eastern Canadian Pee Wee U14 Bronze Medalists 2014 Pee Wee U14 Elimination Finalists GEORGIAN BAY RATTLERS 157 158 NAPANEE EXPRESS 2014 Pee Wee U14 Provincial A Champions 2014 Western Canadian Pee Wee U14 Bronze Medalists 159 CHATSWORTH EXPRESS 2014 Pee Wee U14 Provincial B Champions 160 LYN LIGHTNING 2014 Pee Wee U14 Select Provincial Champions 161 TAVISTOCK ATHLETICS 2014 Squirt U12 Provincial A Champions NAPANEE BOYER GM EXPRESS 2014 Squirt U12 Provincial B Champions GEORGIAN BAY 162 163 TOPHAM PARK 2014 Squirt U12 Select Provincial Champions 164 SPRINGBROOK ROYALS 2014 Mite U10 Provincial A Champions 165 SPRINGFIELD BREWERS 2014 Mite U10 Provincial B Champions GEORGIAN BAY RATTLERS 2014 Mite U10 Select Provincial Champions SPRINGFIELD BREWERS 166 167 First Annual ONTARIO SOFTBALL SUMMIT November 20-22, 2015 Cambridge Hotel Conference Centre 700 Hespeler Road Cambridge Coordinated by the four member associations of Softball Ontario Ontario Amateur Softball Association Ontario Rural Softball Association Provincial Women’s Softball Association Slo-Pitch Ontario Workshops Friday and Saturday AGM Saturday Hall of Fame Banquet Saturday Night For more information, visit our website at www.oasa.ca 168 169