Antioch Family News - Antioch Baptist Church
Antioch Family News - Antioch Baptist Church
Antioch Family News NOVEMBER 2014 Volume 20 1014 Antioch Road Johnson City, TN 37604 Phone: 423-929-3931 E-mail: [email protected] WEBSITE: Bookmark the page and visit it often for current events and updates. CHURCH STAFF Pete Tackett, Senior Pastor 302-0521 [email protected] Lewy Cornett, Worship Pastor 773-5399 [email protected] Brandon Burleson, Student Pastor 943-5404 [email protected] Elizabeth Bowles, Children's Minister 767-5062 [email protected] Aaron Cox, Connections Pastor 741-1368 [email protected] Richard Long, Chapel Teacher 737-4118 [email protected] Lisa Pharris, Ministry Assistant 929-3931 [email protected] Mike Cohran, Maintenance 791-5326 [email protected] 9:45 am 11:00 am 11:15 am Our Focus: 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Making and mobilizing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Small Group Bible Studies (all ages) Morning Worship Children’s Church (Register K-4th graders at the Welcome Center / dismissed prior to the pastor’s sermon) AWANA Clubs Chapel Wednesday Prayer Gathering Children’s Music & Missions (K-6th gr) The Effect” Youth Worship (7th-12th gr) Adult Choir Practice FREE CHILDCARE during all services. Register your infant, toddler, or preschooler for Extended Session at the Welcome Center in the back of the Family Worship Center. Inside this issue: Schedule & Calendar Events 1 Pastor’s Article 2 Offerings & Attendance 2 Ministries 3 Celebrating Our Members 3 Antioch 2.0 Launch Party 4 November Events 2d 7th 9th 9th 15th 23d 10am 7pm 12:30pm 12:30pm 6pm 27th & 28th 30th Launch Party Youth D-Now Weekend Begins Youth D-Now Conclusion Membership Orientation YAH Deliver Fruit Baskets Community Thanksgiving Service at North Johnson City Bapt Ch, 305 Ferndale Rd. Church Office Closed 3 Missions Fair November Team Meetings 4th 9th 4:15pm 12:30pm Finance Missions Issue 10 Page 2 Antioch Family News Pastor’s Article Happy November, It is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, but truthfully, we should be thankful each month and each day. We here at Antioch have so much to be grateful for that I hope you will not just wait until the 27th, but take some time each day of this month to thank God for his blessings on you and our church family. It has been a busy month as we have ramped up to Antioch 2.0 and now, we are on the precipice of a God-sized vision. Thank you for your faithful prayers and commitment to the task before us. I know God is honored by what you are doing. Let me make you aware of a few things as we move into November. You can see details elsewhere, but I want to call your attention to these things. We will bring our annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions on Sunday, November 30, and Get one for yourself or for a December 7. Our church Christmas gift for a loved goal for this year is $17,500. one. All of us have experienced Community Thanksgiving together what happens when Service this year is on each family prays and obeys. Sunday night, November 23, I encourage you to give your at North Johnson City largest gift this year to Jesus Baptist Church at 6 PM. I and His mission. After all, it believe one of the reasons is HIS birthday we celebrate! God is blessing Antioch is If you are considering that we see our partnership joining Antioch Church or in the greater Kingdom of need to complete the God. Let’s not miss this requirements for covenant opportunity to gather with membership, there is a our brothers and sisters Membership Orientation from across Johnson City. scheduled for after church As I conclude, let me say a on November 9. heartfelt “thank you” to all of I am asking that we all read you who went out of your way through the ESV Bible as a to bless Lori and I during church in 2015. I will be Pastor Appreciation Month. using it to preach from as Honestly, every month feels well. It is a great, accurate, like that to us. We love you and readable translation that and we are so honored and is true to the original humbled to serve here with manuscripts. We are making you. Expectantly, discounted ESV Bibles Pastor Pete available for $20 in the Welcome Center from November 16-December 7. Offerings & Attendance Confidential and secure online giving is available through the church web site. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering National Goal: $175 Million Church Goal: $17,500 Weekly church budget required $6,171.00 SUNDAY October 5, 2014 Offering $8,469.04 YTD Required $244,208.00 YTD Received $265,561.29 Restricted $1,078.00 Small Groups 164 Morning Worship 238 SUNDAY October 12, 2014 Offering $5,783.97 YTD Required $250,344.00 YTD Received $271,345.26 Restricted $403.25 Small Groups 155 Morning Worship 197 AWANA Clubs 94 Envelopes are available in the worship center chair racks for regular giving or any special offering. SUNDAY October 19, 2014 Offering $6,002.76 YTD Required $256,480.00 YTD Received $277,348.02 Restricted $582.00 Small Groups 147 Morning Worship 187 AWANA Clubs 101 SUNDAY October 26, 2014 Offering $7,174.97 YTD Required $262,616.00 YTD Received $284,522.99 Restricted $405.00 Small Groups 165 Morning Worship 208 AWANA Clubs 300 PENNIES OFFERING FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY OCTOBER TOTAL $280.71 Volume 20 Page 3 Issue 10 Ministry Updates VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE Schedules are posted for your convenience on the bulletin boards in the worship center and on the office level. FREE WIFI During services in the Worship Center when our equipment is turned on, you may log in without needing a password. MEN’S MINISTRY A basketball team is now being formed. Contact Adam Stitt to sign up (737-4654.) The season starts Dec. 1st. Practice will start Nov. 1st. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP MEALS Wednesdays at 5:30-6:30pm prior to the Prayer Gathering. Cost: $6 per meal, or $20 for a family of 4 or more (must be parent‘s’ with children.) You MUST make reservations & pre-pay for the meal by using a designated envelope in the Worship Center. You can either drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, or turn it in at the church office by 10am Tuesday. This Week’s meal is a Chick-fil-A original chicken sandwich, chips & a cookie. AWANA CLUBS Nov. 23d—No Clubs YOUNG AT HEART SR ADULT MINISTRY Nov. 5th—Deliver fruit baskets to homebound. D e c . 2 d — T r a v e l t o Morristown to assist Hearts of Christ Ministry Team with mail outs. Dec. 6th—Dinner & Drama, The Spirit of Christmas, “Christmas...In Jesus Name,” at First Baptist Church, Blountville. We will leave on the church bus at 5:45pm. YOUTH D-NOW Rooted Nov. 7th-9th Sign up at the Welcome Center. Cost $45. Host homes and other volunteers are needed! See Brandon Burleson to sign up ASAP. D-Now meeting Wed, Nov. 5th at 5:30pm. All involved please come! MEMBERSHIP ORIENTATION Nov. 9th, 12:30-2:30pm in the fellowship hall. Lunch will be provided. This is required for fulfilling Covenant Membership. Please call the church office or email Pastor Aaron at [email protected] to inform us that you will attend. Childcare is available upon request. THE HOLY BIBLE ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV) Pastor Pete will begin teaching from this translation on Jan. 1, 2015. The church has arranged a special sale price of $20 for a nice 8 1/2” X 5 1/2” edition of The ESV Bible. Please see Richard & Diana Long at the Welcome Center starting Nov. 9th to purchase one for yourself, or perhaps to give as a Christmas gift for someone. We will also provide a year long reading plan for 2015. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES: Fill boxes, place the $7.00 shipping fee in an envelope on top of the box, then bring to the church by Wed, Nov. 19th. We have a limited number of plastic shoeboxes available at the Welcome Center. COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Sun, Nov. 23d, 6:00pm at North Johnson City Baptist Church, 305 Ferndale Rd. Celebrating Our Members 1st Donna Dunn 4th Bliss Carder 12th Serra Donaldson 14th Deborah Brogdon 19th Margaret Fields 24th David Salts 30th Judy Fox November Birthdays 2d Betty Scott 3d Lee Keys 4th Rowland Barker 6th Sandra Miller 6th Taylor Blair 8th Seth Garland 13th Harry Miller 14th Matthew Berglund 16th Steve Stanley 17th Jack Huening 21st Cynthia Harmon 21st Faith Mercer 26th Pam Hughes 29th Trinity Donaldson November Anniversaries 10th Harry & Sandra Miller 11th Ronnie & Diana Fine 11th Perry & Sandra Whitaker 27th Shawn & Anna Miller 27th Randal & Mary Hirsch 28th John & Nancy Coffman 29th Doug & Pam Hughes RIGHTNOW MEDIA You may receive FREE access of this digital Bible library with over 2,000 videos for all ages. Simply send your email address to the church office, or use the inserted card. VOLUNTEERS FOR NOVEMBER WORSHIP TECHS Sound / Media 11/2 Dustin & Scott 11/9 Mark & Aaron 11/16 Dustin & Mark 11/23 Mark & Emily 11/30 Dustin & Scott CHILDREN’S CHURCH 1st Sun Jodi Salts & Betty Chapman 2nd Sun Betty Odom & Chad Bailey 3rd Sun Elisa Britt, Summer Stanley, & Brad Bailey 4th Sun Natalie Donaldson & Judy Fields 5th Sun Elisa Britt, Summer Stanley, & Brad Bailey 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 VAN DRIVERS Stephen Dale Trey Donaldson Andy Rowe Jerry Stevens Perry Whitaker WELCOME CENTER HOSTS 1st Sun Brad Bailey, Chad Bailey, Brenda Murray 2nd Sun Jack & Kim Huening 3rd Sun Linda Sams & Elizabeth Cox 4th Sun Mary & Schylar Hirsch 5th Sun John & Mary Brown DEACON OF THE WEEK 11/2 Donnie Blair 737-8799 [email protected] 11/9 Dwight Harrell 928-4040 [email protected] 11/16 Jerry Bailey 928-0729 [email protected] 11/23 Adam Stitt 737-4654 [email protected] 11/30 Mark Bowles 753-6861 [email protected] USHERS Nov 2 Jim Donaldson, Preston Chapman, Jim Carder, Jerry Bailey, Jerry Miller, Brad Bailey, Chad Bailey, Harry Miller EXTENDED SESSION CHILDCARE Birth to 24 mo. 1st Sun Deborah Ledford & Bethany Huening 2d Sun Judy Fields & Trudi Tolliver 3d Sun Crystal Burleson & Hannah Blair 4th Sun Betty Chapman & Sherry Stevens (December) / Barbara Teal (November) 5th Sun Natalie Donaldson & Karen Longwell Nov 23d Jim Fields, Jim Fox, Roy Garvin, John Brown, Jim Donaldson, Preston Chapman, Jim Carder, Jerry Bailey 2 yr. to Pre-K 1st Sun Steve & Tiffany Stanley 2d Sun Joe & Nancy Ferrell 3d Sun Larry & Shannon Ferrell 4th Sun Bobby & Sue Reed 5th Sun Mark & Elizabeth Bowles d Nov 9th David Salts, Jason Fine, Jonathan Tackett, Randy Widener, David Keys, Jack Huening, Noah Miller, Scott Longwell Nov 16th Will Henderson, Rowland Barker, Andy Rowe, Tom Holmes, Ronnie Fine, Danny Clark, Jerry Stevens, Rick Donaldson Nov 30th Jerry Miller, Bailey, Chad Bailey, Miller, David Salts, Fine, Jonathon Tackett, Widener Brad Harry Jason Randy November 2, 2014 10:00am Antioch Choir Special Welcome Order of Service Shout to the North Tracy Teal Antioch 2.0 Steering Team Chairman Congregational Worship Music For Who You Are For All You’ve Done Come Thou Fount 10,000Reasons Testimony Stan Breeden Consultant to the Antioch 2.0 Steering Team Generations Video Challenge Pastor Pete Tackett Commitment Tracy Teal Commitment Prayer Paul Garland Offering and Announcements Pastor Pete Tackett LOOKING AHEAD: November 16 - Celebration Sunday and First Fruits Offering January, 2015 - December, 2017 - Time frame for those committing to a three year giving plan ANTIOCH 2.0 STEERING TEAM: Chairmen-Tracy & Barbara Teal; Prayer-Paul & Kim Garland; Event-Andy & Tammy Rowe; Follow Up-Ray & Dawn Berglund; Call-Danny & Debby Clark, and Mary Brown THE STEERING TEAM WISHES TO THANK: Stan Breeden, who served as an advisor through the process of planning the publicity, this event, and the follow-up strategy. Crystal Burleson with Mail Works, Inc. for their help in producing all the print media for the Antioch 2.0 campaign. Booney Crawford with F.A.M.E. Media Productions for his help in producing the weekly promotional videos and today’s feature video.
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