Product Sheet - McArthur Medical Sales
Product Sheet - McArthur Medical Sales
WHEN IT COMES TO PAT I E N T C O M F O R T A N D S AT I S F A C T I O N think of the ramifications T H E D A L E A B D O M I N A L B I N D E R , S P E C I F I C A L LY D E S I G N E D F O R P O S T- O P E R AT I V E U S E , I S M A D E E N T I R E LY O F D A L E ’ S E X C L U S I V E S T R E T C H M AT E R I A L , W H I C H P E R M I T S H O O K A N D L O O P C L O S U R E AT A N Y P O I N T F O R E V E N LY D I S T R I B U T E D COMPRESSION. THIS STRETCH COMPRESSION ALLOWS FOR S U D D E N L U N G E X PA N S I O N , W H I C H I S N E C E S S A RY F O R C O U G H I N G A N D D E E P B R E AT H I N G T H E R A P Y. WH E N Y O U N E E D S E C U R I T Y, T H IN K D A L E . ©2014 Dale Medical Products, Inc. All rights reserved. DALE® ABDOMINAL BINDER WITH EASYGRIP™ STRIP Studies¹ show that a post-operative regimen that includes the Dale Abdominal Binder with EasyGrip Strip encourages better pulmonary function, allows earlier ambulation, and alleviates incisional pain. • EasyGrip Strip holds drainage bulbs in place. • Evenly distributes compression. • Facilitates deep breathing. • Not made with natural rubber latex. THE DALE BINDER IN THE POST-OPERATIVE REGIMEN The Dale Abdominal Binder with EasyGrip Strip splints the wound and encourages patients to breathe deeply, turn in bed, cough to clear their lungs, and ambulate immediately following surgery. As a result, there is less risk of sedentary complications such as atelectasis, pneumonia, and phlebitis. APPLICATIONS The Dale Abdominal Binder with EasyGrip Strip provides support and comfort following procedures such as: HCPCS Code A4649 • Cesarean Section • Gastroplasty • Hysterectomy • Abdominoplasty • Liposuction • Childbirth ¹Kuan TA, Serrett C, and Ali J; The Effect of Abdominal Binder of Postoperative Pulmonary Function. Infections in Surgery 1983;2(11):875-883 O R D ERI NG INF O RM ATI ON Product Number Size Quantity H84104101 9” Wide, Stretches to fit 76-114cm (30-45”) 1 per box H84104111 9” Wide, Stretches to fit 117-157cm (46-62”) 1 per box H84104181 9” Wide, Stretches to fit 152-191cm (60-75”) 1 per box H84108101 12” Wide, Stretches to fit 76-114cm (30-45”) 1 per box H84108111 12” Wide, Stretches to fit 117-157cm (46-62”) 1 per box H84108181 12” Wide, Stretches to fit 152-191cm (60-75”) 1 per box H84108201 12” Wide, Stretches to fit 183-239cm (72-94”) 1 per box H84109201 15” Wide, Stretches to fit 183-239cm (72-94”) 1 per box