BUILDING DATA: USE AND OCCUPANCY: USE AND OCCUPANCY: BUILDING DESIGNATION: stamp PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT COVER SHEET project revisions SHEET TITLE 16 UNIT APARTMENT ANTIGO, WI 16 UNIT 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC PROJECT DATA sheet number CVR 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number FIRST FLOOR PLAN SHEET TITLE PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT project stamp revisions sheet number A-1.1 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC SECOND FLOOR PLAN SHEET TITLE PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT project stamp revisions sheet number A-1.2 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC CARPET UNIT # BLDGS TYPE 12 16 VINYL B TOTAL 2% OF UNITS REQUIRED TO BE TYPE "A" UNITS TOTAL NOTES VINYL A 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC ACCESSIBLE TYPE"A" UNITS CARPET stamp PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT TYPE A AND B UNITS SHEET TITLE project revisions sheet number A-1.3 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT TOTAL GARAGE FLOOR PLANS, ELEV. AND DETAILS # BLDGS project UNIT TYPE 10 16 SHEET TITLE stamp ACCESSIBLE GARAGES MIN # ACCESSIBLE UNITS IS 2% OF TOTAL revisions TOTAL NOTES sheet number A-1.4 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC BUILDING SECTIONS AND DETAILS SHEET TITLE PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT project stamp revisions sheet number A-2.1 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS SHEET TITLE PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT project stamp revisions sheet number A-3.1 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC TYPICAL WALL SECTIONS SHEET TITLE PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 16 UNIT APARTMENT project stamp revisions sheet number A-4.1 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT TYPE GLAZING MATERIAL DOOR FRAME TYPE SILL RATING REMARKS THK. A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 G01 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 REMARKS DOOR MATERIAL S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC A101 A102 A103 A104 A105 A106 A107 A108 A109 A110 ROOM NAME WALLS MAT. ABBREVIATIONS stamp B101 B102 B103 B104 B105 B106 B107 D101 D102 D103 D104 D105 D106 D107 D108 DOOR NOTES revisions M101 PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI SCHEDULES AND MISC. 16 UNIT APARTMENT A project REMARKS CLG MAT. SHEET TITLE UNIT NO. FLOOR MATERIAL BASE VINYL QUARRY TILE CERAMIC TILE CARPET CONCRETE VINYL WOOD CERAMIC TILE CARPET PAINTED GYP.BD. GYP. BOARD EXPOSED ACT. TILE- V.C. GYP. BOARD WOOD FINISH HEIGHT GLAZING SECOND FLOOR ROOM NUMBER WIDTH MATERIAL FIRST FLOOR ROOM NUMBER WIN. NO. A R.O. SIZE WINDOW TYPE DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NO. ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE sheet number A-5.1 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 1B 1B 1B 4FL 2B DL WB 2B F 3B 1B 1B 4FL DL 1B 1B 1B 1B 2B F 1B 4FL 2B DL 1B 401 Ranger Street, Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.9522 Fax: 715.693.9523 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC 3B PROSSER PLACE ANTIGO , WI 1B 16 UNIT APARTMENT F ELECTRIC PLANS 1B project 4FL SHEET TITLE F DL stamp WB 2B revisions 1B 2B 2B sheet number A-6.1 7/2/2015 date 15.200 project number 1. Submit one reproducible copy, if needed, of each shop drawing to the Engineer for approval. Provide sufficient time in construction schedule to allow a minimum of five full working days of review period in the Engineer's office. 2. Provide bolsters, chairs, dowel blocks, standees and #4 support bars as required to support specified reinforcement at spacings not to exceed 4'-0" in either direction. Tie securely together to hold steel in position. 3. Welding of reinforcement is not permitted. Field bending of reinforcement is not permitted. 4. Concrete cover for reinforcing steel, unless otherwise shown, shall be as follows: Footings 3" clear from bottom & sides, 2" clear from top Walls 11 2" clear from each side Beams, Columns 11 2" clear to stirrups or ties & piers Structural Slabs 1" clear from top & sides, 3 4" clear from bottom 1 3 Slab-On-Grade 3 slab thickness from top, but not less the 4" nor greater than 2" 5. When welded wire fabric is specified on the plans, Provide the following reinforcement in flat sheets unless otherwise noted for all slabs on grade except sidewalks. 4" slab WWF 6x 6 x W1.8 x w1.8 5" slab WWF 6 x 6 x W2.0 x W2.0 6" slab WWF 6 x 6 x W2.9 x W2.9. 5. When fiber reinforcing is specified on the plans, Provide the following minimum reinforcing and dosages for all slabs on grade except sidewalks: 4" -5" slab 1.5# per cubic yard FRC BI Blend, or approved Equal 6" Slab 3# per cubic Yard Forta Ferro, or approved equal 7. All reinforcing bars shall be fabricated in accordance with ACI 318 and ACI Detailing Manual SP-66. Provide "standard hooks" unless otherwise noted. Specified bar length does not include length of hook. Place hooked end of bar 2" clear from edge of concrete, unless otherwise noted. 8. All laps shall be Class "B", unless noted otherwise. Use "top bar" lap lengths for all horizontal wall bars and for top bars in slabs and beams over 14" deep. Mechanical couplers capable of developing the full tensile capacity of the bars may be used at any lap location. 9. Corner bars shall be provided at all wall corners and intersections. 10. Plain weld wire fabric shall be lapped and / or anchored to develop fy per ACI 318. 22. Welding of reinforcing is not permitted. 2. Floor Dead Load 3. Floor Live Load 4. 5. II = 25 psf Residential = 40 psf Roof Dead Load = 18 psf Snow Load: Ground snow Pg Ce = 1.0 Ct = 1.1 Cs = 1.0 Snow load Pf = Pgx0.7ClsxCexCtxCs 7. All concrete mixes may contain an approved non-chloride Water Reducing Admixture in accordance with ASTM C494, Type A. All concrete mixes shall contain a Water-Reducing Admixture except where other Water-Reducing type Admixture is required in the same concrete mix. = 50 psf = 39 psf (Typ) Unbalanced Snow Load as per Wisconsin Comm 62.1608 6. Provide an approved Air Entraining Admixture conforming to ASTM C260 and ACI 318-89 table 4.4.1 for all concrete exposed to freeze thaw conditions. = 47 psf Provide an approved non-chloride non-corrosive Accelerator conforming to ASTM C494, Type C or E for all concrete flatwork poured at an ambient temperature of less than 50 degrees F. Provide an approved Water-Reducing Retarding Admixture conforming to ASTM C494, Type D for all concrete flatwork poured at an ambient temperature of 80 degrees F or higher. Seismic requirements Site Class = D SDS = 0.06 SD1 = 0.04 Seismic Design Category = A Seismic Base Shear = 1000 lbs Seismic analysis procedure = Minimum Wind Loads (Simplified Method) Wind Speed = 90 MPH Exposure Category = C B. SPECIFIED MATERIAL STRENGTHS 1. Poured-in-place Concrete, f'c Slab-on-grade Walls / piers Foundations Exposed 3500 3000 3000 3000 psi @ 28 days 1" stone psi @ 28 days psi @ 28 days 11 2" stone psi @ 28 days Air Entrained 5-7% 2. Reinforcing Steel ASTM A615 Fy = 60 ksi 3. Welded Wire Fabric ASTM A185 Fy = 65 ksi 4. Structural Steel (UNO) ASTM A992 5. Steel Tubing ASTM A500, Grade B 6. Miscellaneous ASTM A36 7. Bolts for Structural Connections ASTM A325, Type N 8. Anchor Bolts ASTM AF1554-36 9. Masonry Grout, f'c 2500 psi @ 28 days 10. Masonry Running Bond, f'm135 psi 11. Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure 3000 psf 12. Welding Electrodes 3000 E70 2. C. FOUNDATIONS 5. 1. If there is a question regarding the soils, a Geotechnical Engineer, hired by the owner, shall inspect each footing excavation and shall confirm that the actual soil conditions meet or exceed the design pressure. 2. Remove all topsoil and other soils containing organics from beneath floor slabs and foundations. Proof roll exposed sub grades under direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Remove all soft or loose soils detected by proof rolling and replace with specified fill on a unit price basis. 3. Provide a minimum of 4'-0" of soil cover above the bottom of all footings exposed to the weather or unheated spaces. 4. Provide sufficient temporary protection to prevent all exposed footing sub grades from freezing and all footings with less than 4'-0" of soil cover from heaving. Do not place concrete or backfill over frozen soil. 5. If requiredThe Contractor shall slope the bottom of the excavation to a temporary sump pit to keep accumulated groundwater and surface runoff away from the foundation bearing stratum. Pump groundwater out of the excavation before placing backfill. Do not allow the water to stand in the excavation and soften the soils at or below bearing level. 6. The sidewalls of all excavations shall be properly sloped, sheeted and braced in accordance with OSHA regulations and other procedures to provide safe working conditions. The responsibility for safe working conditions is solely that of the Contractor. 7. Center all wall footings on walls unless noted otherwise. Center all column footings and piers on columns unless otherwise noted. 8. Backfill walls with even lifts on alternate sides to prevent excessive horizontal load on walls. 9. When excavating adjacent to an existing structure, use shoring as required to prevent undermining of the existing foundations. 10. When backfilling walls, maintain adequate shoring until supporting elements are poured and cured. 11. No holes, trenches or other disturbances of the soil below footings, other than shown on structural plans, will be allowed within the volume described by lines sloping downward at 45 degrees to the horizontal from the bottom edges of of the footings. 12. Footings are designed to bear on natural materials with a presumptive allowable bearing capacity noted above (Verify by qualified testing agency in the field). If material of this capacity is not found at the elevations indicated, footings shall be lowered or enlarged at the direction of the Engineer of Record. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. Where more than one admixture is used in a concrete mix, provide substantiating data that indicates that these admixtures are compatible without producing detrimental or unpredictable results. Use admixtures from one manufacturer only provide the proper admixture quantities based upon total cementitious materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations to achieve the desired results for specific site conditions and concrete materials. Maximum water soluble chloride ion concentrations in hardened concrete at an age of 28 days contributed from all ingredients including water, aggregates, cementitious materials and admixtures shall not exceed 0.10 percent. Convey concrete to point of use and deposit continuously in level layers to prevent separation of grout and aggregate. Work the concrete thoroughly around reinforcement, embedded fixtures, and into the corners of forms. Do not deposit concrete in free standing water, loose dirt, rubbish or other foreign matter. Proceed with concreting at such a rate that the concrete is plastic at all times and flows readily into the spaces between the bars. Do not retemper concrete. Use an approved method of vibration. Use "Confilm" by Master Builders or equal on all flatwork constructed without protection of walls and roof. Protect all concrete and grout from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperature, and mechanical injury. Maintain concrete and grout with minimum moisture loss at relatively constant temperature for the required curing period. When the mean daily ambient temperature is less than 40 degrees F, provide temporary heat, insulating blankets, etc. So as to maintain the temperature of the concrete and grout at a minimum of 50 degrees F for 7 days. Provide adequate venting for equipment exhaust. Cure concrete and grout such that the maximum moisture loss does not exceed 0.55 kg/m2 in 72 hours when tested in accordance with ASTM C156-80. Approved methods include approved curing compounds or soaking with water and covering with polyethylene sheets. Water cure slabs to receive toppings, grout beds, resinous flooring or other special coatings. Seal all exterior concrete with Master Builders 'GP' after the full curing period. Provide sawcut control joints in each direction for all slabs on grade. Control joint spacing shall not exceed 24'-0" nor 36 times the slab thickness unless otherwise shown. Control joint spacing shall not be less than 2/3 nor more than 1-1/2 times the spacing of the width of the slab in the other direction. Carefully examine architectural, mechanical, electrical and equipment drawings before each concrete pour to include all cast-in items, anchorage devices, block outs, sleeves, depressions, and other special requirements. Conduit and pipes embedded in concrete shall conform to ACI 318-89 Section 6.3. G. ANCHORS 1. All post installed anchors must conform to ACI Appendix D requirements. 2. All expansion bolts fastened to masonry shall be zinc plated sleeve type in accordance with Federal Specification FF-S-325, Group II, Type 3, Class 3. 3. All adhesive anchors shall be POWERS "AC100 + GOLD" -or- equal. 4. All anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM F 1554-36 unless noted otherwise. Provide standard nut and washer tacked in place on embeded end. At gravity only connections, L-Shaped rods are acceptable. Embedment to hooked end shall be 12 rod diameters. Embedment shall not exceed footing thickness minus 3 inches. Hook length shall be 4 rod diameters 3" min. Embedded portion of anchor bolts shall be clean and free of oil, grease and all foreign substances. Provide minimum 6" projection. 5. All anchors in contact with treated lumber shall be hot dipped galvanized, stainless steel or have manufacturer's approved coating for contact with treated lumber. D. DIMENSION LUMBER www.rice-inc.com REI PROJECT: R15-01-148 1. Dimension lumber to be D-F-L / No. 2 or better for beams & headers. Use Spruce-Pine-Fir No.1/No.2 grade for wall studs & purlins. Unless noted otherwise on the plans 2. All member sizes given on plan are nominal dimensions. 3. All beams & joists not bearing on supporting members shall be framed w/ "Simpson" joist hangers or equal. Use type required for loading. 4. All foundation plates, sills & sleepers on concrete slab, which is in direct contact w/ earth, and sills which rest on concrete or masonty foundation walls, shall be treated wood or foundation redwood. 5. Hardware and fasteners in conctact with treated lumber or exposed to the elements shall be hot dipped galvanized, stainless steel, or manufacturer's approved coating. 6. Where not noted specifically otherwise, nailing shall be according to fastening schedule, in the Wisconsin Enrolled Commercial Code. 7. All bolts and lag screws shall be American Standard Manufacture. 8. Bolt holes in wood shall be drilled 1 16" maximum oversize. Holes for screws and lag screws shall be first bored for the dame depth and diameter of the shank, then the remainder occupied by the threaded portion shall be bored not larger in diameter than the root of the thread. All screws shall be screwed, not driven into place. 9. Provide wahers under all nuts and heads of bolts and lag screws. 10. All timber framing shall be accurately cut, notched, or tapped as indicated. No over cut is permitted for notches or daps. Members shall fit tight and true. Examine members for detrimental damage before installation, and avoid natural defects at connections. Where steel plates occur, they shall be used as the template for boring holes. 11. Wherever neccessary to cut or drill treated lumber, treat the cut or bored surfaces with two heavy coats of the same preservative as used in the original treatment. 12. Design, fabrication, and construction shall conform to the "National Design Specification for Wood Construction" current edition as recommended by the American Forest & Paper Association. 1. Submit one reproducible copy, if needed, of each shop drawing to the Engineer for approval. Provide sufficient time in construction schedule to allow a minimum of five full working days of review period in the Engineer's office. 2. Trusses, jack rafters and valley rafters shall be designed to meet all loading and spans as indicated on the plans. 3. Trusses and rafters shall be designed and certified by a Registered Professional Engineer. 4. Supplier shall be responsible for all bracing and/or bridging required for the design of the truss members. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for bracing and/or bridging required during construction. 6. All connector plates shall be made of Grade "A" galvanized steel, minimum 20 gage per latest TPI Specifications. 7. All connection hardware shall be designed & furnished by the truss supplier unless noted otherwise on the plans. 8. Scissors trusses shall be designed such that horizontal live load deflections do not exceed 3 4". Walls are not designed to resist a horizontal truss reaction. 9. Submit Structural Component Plans to Department of Commerce for Component Review. revisions J. NAILING SCHEDULE FASTENING SCHEDULE (PER IBC TABLE 2304.9.1) CONNECTION 1. Joist to sill or girder 2. Bridging to joist 3. 1"x6" sub floor or less to each joist 4. Wider than 1"x6" sub floor to each joist 5. 2" sub floor to joist or girder 6. Sole plate to joist or blocking Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panel 7. Top plate to stud 8. Stud to sole plate Stud to sole plate 9. Double studs 10. Double top plates Double top plates 11. Blocking between joists or rafters to top plate 12. Rim joist to top plate 13. Top plates, laps and intersections 14. Continuous header, two pieces 15. Ceiling joists to plate 16. Continuous header to stud 17. Ceiling joists, laps over partitions (a) 18. Ceiling joists to parallel rafters (a) 19. Rafter to plate (a) 20. 1" diagonal brace to each stud and plate 21. 1"x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 22. Wider than 1"x8" sheathing to each bearing 23. Build-up corner studs 24. Built-up girder and beams FASTENING 3-8d common 2-8d common 2-8d common 3-8d common 2-16d common 16d at 16" o.c. 3-16d at 16" 2-16d common 4-8d common 2-16d common 16d at 24" o.c. 16d at 16"o.c. 8-16d common 3-8d common 8d at 6" o.c. 2-16d common 16d common 3-8d common 4-8d common 3-16d common minimum 3-16d common minimum 3-8d common 2-8d common 2-8d common 3-8d common 16d common 20d common 32" o.c. 2-20d common E. WOOD TRUSSES stamp 25. 2" planks 26. Collar tie to rafter 27. Jack rafter to hip 28. Roof rafter to 2-by ridge beam 29. Joist to band joist 30. Ledger strip 31. Wood structural panels and particle board.(b) Sub floor, roof and wall sheathing (to framing): Single Floor (combination subfloor-underlayment to framing): 32. Panel siding (to framing) 33. Fiberboard sheathing: (c) 16d common 3-10d common 3-10d common 2-16d common 2-16d common 2-16d common 3-16d common 3-16d common 1 6d(d,e) 2" and less 19 3 8d(f) 32" to 4" 7 8d(d) 8" to 1" 11 8" to 11 4" 10d(f) 11 8" to 11 4" 10d(f) 1 2" 5 8" 1 2" or less LOCATION toenail toenail each end face nail face nail blind and face nail typical face nail braced wall panels end nail toe nail end nail face nail typical face nail lap splice toenail toenail face nail 16" o.c. along edge toenail toenail face nail face nail toenail face nail face nail face nail 24" o.c. face nail at top and bottom staggered on opposite sides face nail at ends and at each splice at each bearing face nail toenail face nail toenail face nail face nail face nail 6d(g) 8d(g) No. 11 gage roofing nail(h) 6d common nail 25 32" No. 11 gage roofing nail(h) 8d common nail a. See Section 2308.10.1, Table 2308.10.4.1 b. Nails spaced at 6 inches on center at edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports except 6 inches at supports where spans are 48 inches or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particle board diaphragms and shear walls, refer to Section 2305. Nails for wall sheathing are permitted to be common, box or casing. c. Fasteners spaced 3 inches on center at exterior edges and 6 inches on center at intermediate supports. d. Common or deformed shank. e. For roof sheathing applications, 8d nails are the minimum required for wood structural panels. f. Deformed shank. g. Corrosion-resistant siding or casing nail. PROSSER PLACE CHARLOTTR CT. ANTIGO, WI. 1. Proportioning of materials shall be in accordance with ACI 211.1Latest "Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight and Mass Concrete." Maximum aggregate size shall be 1-1/2" for footings, 3/4" for slabs, walls and columns and 3/8" for toppings. Minimum cement content for floors shall be 5-1/2 bags of cement per cubic yard. Maximum water-cement ratio 0.45. Proportion concrete mixes for a 3" to 4" slump. Building Category Ie=1.0 Is=1.0 Iw=1.0 ANTIGO 16 UNIT 1. STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES F. REINFORCING STEEL Phone : 920.617.1042 Fax: 920.617.1100 project D. CONCRETE 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 SHEET TITLE A. DESIGN LOADS ENGINEERING 301 Main Street Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.4533 Fax: 715.693.4532 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC RICE sheet number S-0.0 06/08/2015 date xxxx project number CONCRETE SLAB (3) #5 BARS 1 1'-0" 100'-0" TOP/ SLAB 1'-0" RIGID INSULATION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 96'-0" TOP/ FOOTING 1 S-1.1 1 1 5A SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" S-1.1 100'-0" TOP/ SLAB www.rice-inc.com REI PROJECT: R15-01-148 RIGID INSULATION 12" CONCRETE WALL REINFORCED W/ #4 VERT. BARS @ 48" O.C. & (2) #5 BARS CONTINUOUS #6 DOWELS @ 48" O.C. 24" LONG W/ 3" HOOK CONCRETE FOOTING W/ (2) #5 CONT. FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES GRADE EQ. EQ. 8" KEYWAY 96'-0" TOP/ FOOTING 2'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" OVER-EXCAVATION DETAIL 1'-0" 8" THIS DETAIL APPLIES ONLY AT THOSE LOCATIONS WHERE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER DEEMS SOILS AT DESIGN FOOTING ELEVATIONS INADEQUATE FOR FOOTING SUPPORT. WHERE THIS WORK IS REQUIRED, CONTRACTOR WILL BE COMPENSATED ON A PRE-ESTABLISHED UNIT COST AGREED UPON BY THE CONTRACTOR, ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND OWNER. 1'-0" KEYWAY 4" S-1.1 THICKENED SLAB DETAIL EQ. 1'-0" 5 EQ. 1/2" X 10" LONG A.B.S. @ 48" O.C. U.N.O. IN SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE P.T. 2X6 PLATE OVER SILL SEALER CONCRETE SLAB GRADE 2'-0" NOTE: CONTRACTOR AT HIS/HER OPTION MAY ELIMINATE STRUCTURAL FILL BY LOWERING DESIGNATED FOOTING ELEVATION SO THAT FOOTING RESISTS DIRECTLY ON SUITABLE BEARING SUBGRADE OR PROVIDE LEAN CONCRETE (f'=1,500 psi) 2"X4" LEDGE 8" CONCRETE WALL REINFORCED W/ #4 VERT. BARS @ 48" O.C. & (2) #5 BARS CONTINUOUS #6 DOWELS @ 48" O.C. 24" LONG W/ 3" HOOK CONCRETE FOOTING W/ (2) #5 CONT. 1'-0" WALL 1 SUITABLE BEARING SUBGRADE 1/2" X 10" LONG A.B.S. @ 48" O.C. U.N.O. IN SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE P.T. 2X6 PLATE OVER SILL SEALER 4"X4" BRICK LEDGE 2"X4" LEDGE 1/2" x 6" EMBEDMENT ANCHOR BOLTS @ 48" O.C. U.N.O. IN SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE 8" LIMITS OF EXCAVATION Phone : 920.617.1042 Fax: 920.617.1100 BRICK VENEER 4" DESIGNED FOOTING ELEVATION 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 1. FINISH SLAB ELEVATION = 100'-00" LOCAL DATUM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TOP OF FOOTING = 96'-00" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. SLAB ON GRADE TO BE 4' THICK WITH 1.5#/CU. YARD FRC BI BLEND 300, OR APPROVED EQUAL ON 10 MIL VAPOR RETARDER ON 6" FREELY DRAINING GRANULAR BASE COURSE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. SPACE CONSTRUCTION AND CONTROL JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. MAX RESULTING SECTIONS SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY SQUARE OR TRIANGULAR. (SEE DETAIL 3/S-1.1) 301 Main Street Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.4533 Fax: 715.693.4532 ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL FILL PLACED IN LAYERS W/ MAXIMUM LOOSE THICKNESS OF 8" COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTM TEST DESIGNATION D1551 (MODIFIED PROCTOR) CONCRETE FOOTING S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC RICE stamp 4. OVER-EXCAVATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO REMOVE EXISTING UNDOCUMENTED FILL AND UNSUITABLE SOIL. (SEE DETAIL 1/S-1.1) 5. POST DOWN FROM ROOF HIP GIRDER. 2'-0" (3) #5 BARS THICKENED SLAB DETAIL 6 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" S-1.1 TYPICAL 12" WALL SECTION TYPICAL 8" WALL SECTION 7 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" revisions SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" S-1.1 AS REQUIRED SO THAT THERMAL BREAK FALLS UNDER DOOR THRESHOLD (4" MINIMUM) C3 C3 CONTROL JOINT 3 S-1.1 CONTROL JOINT SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 6'-6" 5A S-1.1 TYP. T.O.FOOTING 7 96'-0" T.O.FND WALL S-1.1 8" WALL 100'-0" TYP. 6'-6" 4" CONCRETE SLAB (SEE NOTE 2) C3 C3 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-5 1/2" NOTES: 1. SLAB-ON-GRADE CONSTRUCTION SHOULD CONFORM W/ THE RECOMMENDATIONS & REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE LATEST RELEASE OF ACI 302 GUIDE FOR CONCRETE FLOOR & SLAB CONSTRUCTION. 2. REFER TO GENERAL NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND/OR DRAWINGS FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. 3. SLAB REINFORCEMENT, IF OTHER THAN WWF, SHALL BE CHAIRED BY SOIL SUPPORTED SLAB BOLSTERS. 4. DEPTH OF SAWCUT SHOULD BE 1 1/4" IF PRODUCED USING EARLY ENTRY DRY-CUT PROCESS T/4 (1" MIN.) IF PRODUCED USING THE CONVENTIONAL WET-CUT PROCESS. 21'-7 1/2" 10'-1" 1'-5 1/2" 8'-9" 1'-5 1/2" PROSSER PLACE CHARLOTTR CT. ANTIGO, WI. ANTIGO 16 UNIT T 24'-0" CORNER TYP. TYPICAL 24"X12" CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTING U.N.O. 10'-1" 2'-0 1/2" 24'-6" 2'-0 1/2" 10'-1" 1'-5 1/2" 2'-0" SLOPE ENTRY SLABS SO DOOR SILLS ARE FLAT VERIFY W/OWNER SLOPE 1/4"/FOOT (TYPICAL) 10'-0" 1/4" MAX. FILL JOINT W/ SEALANT @ EXTERIOR SLABS 48'-9" 21'-2" 11'-8" 2'-0" 5'-0" 2'-0" FOUNDATION PLAN 21'-2" 15'-3 3/4" 30'-2" NOTE 4 T 5 S-1.1 2'-0" T/2 CONSTRUCTION JOINT 24"X12" THICKENED SLAB (TYPICAL) 4'-8" KEYWAY FORMED BY DIAGONALLY CUT 2X2 BREAK THE BOND BETWEEN NEW & EXISTING SLAB BY SPRAYING OR PAINTING THE EXPOSED SIDE OF JOINT W/ A CURING COMPOUND, ASPHALTIC EMULSION, OR FORM OIL. 8" 2'-0" EDGE EACH POUR TO 1/8" RADIUS 10'-1" 9'-8 1/2" 48"X8" FOUNDATION WALL 5'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 56'-8" 8'-8" S-1.1 8" 48"X8" FOUNDATION WALL (3) SIDES (4) PLACES 2'-0" 24'-0" 1'-0" STOOP FOOTING DETAIL 2 SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION OF MECHANICAL ROOM FOUNDATION 6 S-1.1 12" WALL TYP. 8'-9" 27'-6" C3 project 2'-0" C3 4'-8" C3 18"x12" FOOTING 48"X12" FOUNDATION WALL (TYPICAL) U.N.O. 33'-2" 4'-6" 4'-8" C3 8'-9" 48"X6" FOUNDATION WALL (3) SIDES (8) PLACES STOOP TYP. 6" 13'-7" 8" 8" MIN 1/4" PER FOOT PITCH 4'-0" MINIMUM 2 S-1.1 SEE PLAN FOR FOUNDATION WALL INFORMATION 1'-6" 1:1 SLOPE 13'-7" 3'-10" 2 S-1.1 STOOP TYP. FIN. FLOOR SEE ARCH. 8'-9" 5'-0" 33'-2" 135'-6" 24'-6" SHEET TITLE 12'-0" 5'-0" 5" SLAB-ON-GRADE W/ 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 WWF ON 44" FROST RESISTANT (2" - 3" ROCK) MATERIAL 4'-10" 1/2" FILLER STRIP MATERIAL FOR THERMAL BREAK SLAB-ON-GRADE OR STRUCTURAL FLOOR (SEE PLANS) #4 DOWELS @ 18" O.C. ON ALL 4 SIDES OF STOOP SLAB 8'-9" 1'-5 1/2" 10'-1" 21'-7 1/2" sheet number REVISION PER ADDITIONAL NOTE DIMENSIONS - 09-25-15 REVISION PER DIMENSIONS - 10-08-15 A S-1.1 FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" S-1.1 06/08/2015 date REVISION PER DIMENSIONS - 10-12-15 xxxx project number ENGINEERING 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone : 920.617.1042 Fax: 920.617.1100 www.rice-inc.com REI PROJECT: R15-01-148 301 Main Street Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.4533 Fax: 715.693.4532 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC RICE stamp revisions 8'-9" HEADED STUD S2 7 S-2.2 H-7 H-7 H-7 22" DEEP FLOOR TRUSSES @ 19.2" O.C. C5 C5 C5 C5 S3 C5 H-7 C5 H-3 H-4 H-5 S3 S3 H-3 C3 H-3 H-4 C3 H-4 H-6 H-6 H-5 4 S-2.2 DECK TYP. S2 C3 H-6 H-6 H-6 H-6 H-6 SHEAR WALL TYP. 7 S-2.2 H-6 C3 3 S-2.2 TYP. 7 S-2.2 S3 24'-0" S3 7 S-2.2 7 S-2.2 2 S-2.2 TYP. 5 S-2.2 TYP. H-7 H-7 C5 27'-11" H-6 H-7 S3 H-4 H-3 1 S-2.2 TYP. H-6 S2 S2 C5 H-7 2" H-6 7 S-2.2 7 S-2.2 H-6 ROOF TRUSS @ 24" O.C. S3 12' S3 S3 106 PSF H-6 C3 H-6 7 S-2.2 S3 24'-0" H-6 H-3 H-3 56'-0" H-3 40 PSF 8'-0" C3 C3 H-6 H-4 27'-11" H-6 H-5 H-4 H-6 H-6 C3 H-4 H-6 H-5 H-4 H-6 H-3 PROSSER PLACE CHARLOTTR CT. ANTIGO, WI. 32'-10" ANTIGO 16 UNIT 13'-3" FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 25'-2" project 13'-3" SHEET TITLE 8'-9" 32'-10" TYP. sheet number REVISION PER DESIGNATION - 07-20-15 A S-2.1 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" S-2.1 06/08/2015 date xxxx project number 2X6 AT 16" O.C. STUD WALL EDGE SHEAR WALL NAILING SEE SCHEDULE SINGLE BASE PLATE FLOOR SHEATHING SEE NOTE 2 BASE PLATE 2X6 AT 16" O.C. STUD WALL 3/4" SUBFLOOR FIRST FLOOR ELEV = 108'-1 1 8" BLOCKING AS REQ'D BLOCKING AS REQ'D SINGLE BASE PLATE FLOOR JOIST FLUSH HEADER 4'-5 1/2" FLOOR JOIST 2 S-2.2 Phone : 920.617.1042 Fax: 920.617.1100 www.rice-inc.com REI PROJECT: R15-01-148 WOOD FLOOR JOIST NON-BEARING SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 3 S-2.2 FLUSH HEADER JOIST HANGER BY FLOOR JOIST SUPPLIER 5'-0" DOUBLE TOP PLATE SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 2X6 EXT. BEARING WALL JOIST HANGER BY FLOOR JOIST SUPPLIER 2X6 STUD WALL DOUBLE TOP PLATE FLOOR AT BEARING DETAIL 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 JOIST BRG. ELEV = 108'-1 1 8" FLOOR TRUSSES 1 ENGINEERING 2X6 EXT. BEARING WALL 2X6 STUD WALL DOUBLE TOP PLATES S-2.2 RICE S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC INTERIOR NON-BEARING WALL 9'-5 1/2" FRAMING THRU DIMISING WALL 4 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" S-2.2 301 Main Street Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.4533 Fax: 715.693.4532 FLOOR JOIST BY TRUSS SUPPLIER FLOOR SHEATHING FRAMING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" stamp LEDGER 6A S-2.2 METAL CORNER POST PROVIDED BY RAILING MANUFACTURER revisions 2X10 LEDGER 2 X __ ATTACHED TO EACH TRUSS END @ DECK 2X10 @ 16 O.C. S. PINE No. 2 POST STOP AT UNDERSIDE OF DECKING SIMPSON L590 (2 MAX) W/ 12-10d NAILS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 2 PLY S-2.2 DECK FRAMING PLAN 6A SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" S-2.2 DECK SECTION 7 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" S-2.2 SHEAR WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" TWO ROWS EACH PLY (3) 16d END NAILS EACH PLY OF HEADER 1'-0" ONE ROW CENTERED ON OPPOSITE SIDE 1'-0" 6 6X6 DECK POST W/ 1 1/2" NOTCH AT DECK BEAMS 4 PLY 3 PLY TWO ROWS STAGGERED 1'-0" S-2.2 FRAMING THRU BEARING WALL ANCHOR BOLTS REFERENCE SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE CONT. DOUBLE TOP PLATE HEADER-SEE SCHEDULE KING STUDS -SEE HEADER SCHEDULE STUDS CONT. 2X KING STUD(S) SEE SCHEDULE SHOULDER STUDS -SEE HEADER SCHEDULE STUDS -SEE HEADER SCHEDULE SHOULDER STUDS -SEE HEADER SCHEDULE SHOULDER STUDS -SEE HEADER SCHEDULE SECTION SHOULDER STUD(S) SEE SCHEDULE 16d PNEUMATIC NAILS (.131x3 1/4") 8 S-2.2 MULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTIONS STUD COLUMNS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 9 S-2.2 MULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTIONS HEADERS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" PROSSER PLACE CHARLOTTR CT. ANTIGO, WI. FLOOR JOIST 5 FLOOR JOIST ANTIGO 16 UNIT (2) 2X10 DECK BEAM S. PINE No. 2 NOTCH POST 1 1/2" AT DECK BEAMS (USE (2) 2 1/4" SCREWS) SIMPSON A-35 (OR APPROVED EQUAL) @ 36" O.C. OR IN LIEV OF FRAMING ANGLE TOE-NAIL TRUSS TO WALL WITH 10d NAILS @ 6" O.C. FLOOR FRAMING DETAILS T/DECK ELEV = 109'-11 7 8" POST STOPS AT UNDERSIDE OF DECKING 2X10 DECK JOIST W/ SIMPSON LUS26 OR APPROVED EQUAL JOIST HANGERS project SINGLE BASE PLATE DOUBLE TOP PLATE SHEET TITLE 2X6 AT 16" O.C. STUD WALL DECK BEAMS (2) 2 1/4" SCREWS (3) ROWS SIMPSON SDWS22400 DB 4" LONG SCREWS TO BLOCKING 10 S-2.2 PATIO DOOR & P.T.A.C. UNIT HEADERS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" sheet number S-2.2 06/08/2015 date xxxx project number ENGINEERING 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone : 920.617.1042 Fax: 920.617.1100 www.rice-inc.com REI PROJECT: R15-01-148 ROOF SHEATHING ROOF TRUSS 301 Main Street Mosinee, WI 54455 715.693.4533 Fax: 715.693.4532 S.C. SWIDERSKI, LLC RICE stamp 10d TOE NAILS @ 6" O.C. SHEAR WALL -SEE WALL TYPES & SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE revisions ROOF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. NOTE 10 ROOF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. NOTE 10 S5 H-1 H-2 54'-10" H-1 H-2 C2 ROOF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. C2 H-1 C2 H-2 H-2 C2 H-2 ROOF TRUSS GIRDER 27'-11" NOTE 10 ROOF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. ROOF TRUSS GIRDER H-6 S4 C4 C4 S1 27'-11" H-6 C4 C4 ROOF TRUSS GIRDER C4 S4 ROOF TRUSS GIRDER C4 3 S-3.1 H-6 C4 ROOF TRUSS GIRDER S1 2" 56'-0" C4 ROOF TRUSS GIRDER H-6 ROOF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. PROSSER PLACE CHARLOTTR CT. ANTIGO, WI. NOTE 10 ANTIGO 16 UNIT 54'-10" ROOF FRAMING PLAN 134'-10" 25'-2" project SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SHEET TITLE 2 S-3.1 SHEAR WALL AND ROOF TRUSS AT UNIT SEPARATION ROOF TRUSS GIRDER C2 H-2 H-2 C2 H-1 ROOF TRUSS GIRDER H-2 H-2 C2 H-2 C2 H-1 H-2 S5 1 S-3.1 TYP. sheet number A S-3.1 ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" S-3.1 06/08/2015 date xxxx project number