DKYOTKD t o L g in t u it s ° f THIS SECTION LVIII No. 48 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY M, 1929 SUBSCRIPTION $.L§0 PER YEAR mm Two More Gaines In Bag For Independents A Cool, Glean Shave l 4 - .~ Kothlnif shave. It gives a sense of coolness and freshness w hich lasts throughout theday. Ecjuip yourself with rightr tools— ; —.— , , Razm'sTBrushesrStrops,-Soaps, Shaving Powders, Creams and Lotions. A complete-6utiit-will-cost-ybu^butirfraeUoii of the .expense of a year’s shaving b o ll.------~\Tust now we arroffenng a y'emiim----_ • -Hold, BlateH-Auto Strop Razor , w ith strop for .59c - H E N R Y H. FEN N buckeyes- fothe man whu want&good, moderatepriced tires. ^ 5 per cent off on all tires sold for cash. -_Buckey^s_fu’fi good dependable tires, built -by JveU-YASpriivgheld'for the man who does not n66d-t-h6-cj.rfq-o— sut-vice—hftheTTgtrluiThigher^^ ed J ^ elly ^ — ' They"are~builf■m^lt^Kerir^actory^ dng hut good tires. Nothing has been taken out of n-tMrUv^them down to_a price; all four-inch si»es are If six“pry.—At .their pride they are unsurpassed values.. If you want moderate priced tires that will give you full ^ dollars and cents value, come in and see the Kelly-made J_ Buckeye: & Service Oakland smFFontlac Cart*' Phone 90, Chelsea. Having made arrangements: with the: Detroit Automobile Club, we will give FREE -moving ____ . 'J ....... ■ , ; . ___ ^ ••••..... ____ ’’___ ■ • pictures on Main Street in Chelsea on - JFednesday Eveninfh Ju lylF * II. C. AUNT? IN-eHAIiGE- The Ghelaea Independents added two more victories to their string^ during- the la s t week. On Thursday eV toog the" M anchM tsr ' I ^ ^ d e team into camp by a score o f TO^C and oh Sunday defeated the Del Piete ‘ ^ , t* r ^ ,J ^ <>r^ u P‘Jr»H ervi^e S ta tlo n nine of Ann A rbor 4 -0 .' Waldo K usterer And Geo. Walworth in In Charge Of j aH. a , ,Park; In the M anchester game Chelsea ’A re New Trustees; Howard S. Well Known Oil Man. vwent.out iirth e second inning and got Holmea Re-elected. M runs as a m argin fo r Al Rossbach — Ait evcnt of .significance forShelaea to work on. This proved sufficient, More than two hundred people were business will take .place on Saturday/ but to show th a t they were in a gen? in attendance at the annual meeting July is, when Staeb’ier Oil_Comp_any erous mood they gathered B more in of School ’D istrict No. 3, fr., Sylvhn miing- station-at the corner o f & Mtfin later innings. The fielding featu re of and Lima, which was Jield in the public* Street and U. S, 12 will have its form’ the gam e was Miller's*- spectacular school .auditorium Monday evening. ul: opening under the management o f catch o f a low liner in the eighth. -The meeting-was called to order by J. A. Park. sir. T urk has.:long been Sunday the Independents "played D, E. Beach, president of-the^school recognized as one of the most success* errorless ball and gave Al a shut-out f.ul wholesale distributors of petro victory , which he deserved. In this board, who acted as chairman of the leum products’ in lower Michigan, due gam e the entire team looked good and meeting. MinuteB of the meeting o f in.-alarge. •measure to-Jhe-c.onseien-- if-they-ean m aintain-this -formr-mucK last year, read by John Kalmbach, .tious. and accomodating manner in may be'expected from them in later secretary Of the board, were approved. The report f o r the year 1928-29 was wbicli he serves his trade.' games. . ' ‘ also read .by; the secretary and was -I he--opening of. the station will Next Sunday the Independents will approved. ' --------afford Chelsea m otorists an opportun play the Meadow Lark Inn team, of Nominations wwe in order for the ity to avail__thejnselves of his long Jackson, on the local diamonds election of truBtces.-there being- three^ expeidc4iee-4ft- the-oil-business-anddiis - E lls w o r th Hoppe, manager of vacancies. P. Cl Maroney and O. D. unusually, courteous methods of ser- Hoppe's Wildcats, announces that, his ^-Plic—«tatioi_> will be under his team will play' t h e d i l e t t Lake team Schneider, were appointed tellers and j supervision at all times and will be a t th a t place, near Jackson, jie x l Sun were sworn in“by H rD . WltKerell The first trustee to be .elected was ! under-tlu* direct charge of H.' <J.Hei- day, the game to be calleiL a L threefor~‘tfrcrtb:rm o r bile year, to fiil"'vahnei-,-=n- vetCran oil- manj~thoroughly o'clbckr eancy. The names o f Waldo K usterer j acquainted w ith all the details of and -M. J,-Dunkel-were-submitted'. 21<L s.wpor-seryice station work. ■ votes were east, 127 for.K usterer and l— ..Tha-t-tlia-Staeble-t^Oil Co. has has-c.on7S-forzDunkel7"the- fo rm er- beir|g de i. li<!c;icL‘_inJthe future ’oTChelsea-ft ’at clared elected. There were 11 scatter tested by their erection of storage ing votna. tank's- ;iggfegating^0,000T- gaIIons on Howard Holmes was then nominattheir siding on Middle street.,' and the _ ed .to succeed himself foT u period -of !complete .reconstruction of their stathroe years. , There boIrTg1 no-opposk; -tion^on—South Main; A now station tion, Mr. 11qlnufs'JvulTdeoTurc^'elGctell, =bmtbeen-built7 spacious concrete drives thcTiVi being ! 7 3 'voU’H castT : ^ laid out; and most modern equipment x_'i;he names of John Fletcher and i i)i'(>v.ide(Tnncrunmg~tTfe repair appara- -Purchases Equipment Of Sylvatt Chev- George—Walworth were than submittTiLhj.JUL. rolet Agency, Assuming Owner od~-W iiTWorth^-recotvod- 105 votcH-and -mihrtes to- aity-flesirefl preMUr^r^vership On Wednesday. Fie tclli) i“«U7; .Vo tes ,- th (i_fm ihWr'lJetng >ize<i—oU1', comnreswr-^capabledtgHimfd lTiitti’UJir fur a lllrtio-vear term: ^ la ttn 'g -i!.v u n ‘ - t l i ^ l { u : g e s t ^ 2 e = t i r e s n.a n d -Through i business transaction — Thu s " Cluilauabt -now-school—board-. ‘ lubricating (levjses. f or- a ll'ty p e s o f which wob—consummated, yesterday w ill. consist of IV E .—Beach,—John mbuen, Howard w7 iioimeH,~Waldo Harold Spaulding assumes the (Jhev ; feature-;ot‘—tho'-pfew—station— -is— the—ro-- ro tet- agency^in-Ch&lse a . - Miv-Spau Ut K usterer and- (leorge Walwor th. -----tary lift/b y means of whiph an auto ing purchased the parts, shop .equlpmobile'may be raised six feet off .thp ment and office equipment of the Syl* ;[ground permitting, complete- visabttity van Chevrolet Sule£L& ,Service, Jnc^ " w h ile ’ t h e ^ a ^ r r s - b e in g ^ l u b r ic a t e d r ^ T h e and will be located In the same^buildIng- orr~North Main stre et. /The new zbkiiLmg tiresrirrOhelsea- -Sieberling-is Ageacy-: w iTr^e lcnowii as Spaulding the -tire protected-by-a-one-year-guar- Chevrolet Sales. -^-The-Ladies—Day held last Tuesday : ,H iT to & -a g a im > t-e u tw T -b lo w -o u t8 .-a h d ^ ro a d "M rrSpoulding is welTknown locally at-S y lv an -E states-Country-C lub-w ns rhazards-of all sorts as an automobile -aaleaftiaiy-havinfr one of the most successful of-the seai'he retail -station 7wtnTcoMtttute~an been connected-wlth-sale? agencies in son. In spite of the facf-that-thertWo^ inqmrtant link-in the growing_chain_of thisrcommunlty fo r thtfjp^st five-yearfr. ball foursome was somewhat delayed JJixie-stationa wmen now covej\_jiiii. He has held a position as salesman -by-thc- r a in,-it:-waB-> nlayed' off_ with only Michigan, but iarge- portions of w ith- the Sylvan - Chevrolet- agency much enthusiasm, low scores being held-by Mrs. John Fletcher of Chelsea Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, since February. ' Never Iowa, ____ ____ According to a statem ent issued by antl-M rsr Rv-V. Carroll-of -New York, before in the history of the oif busi Mr. Spaulding, Harold Gueutal, who playing against Mrs, Robert Gauss ness; has-any expansion taken place has also been employed by the re- and Mrs. L. E, Wenzel of Ann Arbor. The luncheon was one of the most Comparable to that of_Dixie_whteh has tirin~g~~concern a a a salesman, w_ill. be largelyattended of the'season; th irty 1spread fromj>nc.state in 11127 to eight retained"in the^ same 'capacity with iti_Hl29, and ‘from the. Volume of 25 the new firm* _.An experienced service; four ladies sitting down a t the long, million "gallons"annually to o nejap- man will also be added to-the service table in the center of the dmingT^omr As the ladieff~TOse iii turn-and intro proaching lbo ■million gallons. Dixie department. is now availableTlu’oughouTSouthem M r.-and Mrs. I. W. BreitHauptr w ho-Juced themMlsea I tVift now fflcilitiBS pv^)« have-had-eharge-of th e SyEvarr^Chey. played het.wfiftn the Chelsea ladies and vTdod-tlr-Chelse{r-vvni—afford' service rolet S.ales_ Service, Ioc., ajrice Jhe^ thoW from; Detroit to determine which had~the largest-- representation—-ftltail distribution anywhere in this lo business in Cheiseu last Fall, have though Chelsea was well represented, cality. m ade no- definittrplans' for the future; thellD ctroitei-tnilaimed a slight ma-: In. their advertisement on another They expect to stay in Chelsea u n til IMzes a t bridge were won by Miss page of this issue the Staebler Oil A ugust first to close business affairs Lena Miller and Mrs. L .'"Pr Vogel' of announces thatthey will ounces win | f or the Huron Valley Chevrolet, Inc., Chelsea, while Mrs. W. Piper of De give away on the day of their formal 0f Ann Arbor, owners of the Sylvan tro it won the free-for-all prize. . opening coupons 'good for two quarts agency, Among-tffe"OTt^fTowrrguestswere of__Dixie^OiL_or .Gargoyle MobiloiL In A ugust Mr. and Mrs. Breithanpt 1 of New York, who These coupons can ‘be—redeemed any expect to_return to tlvch’rform er-! -ls=ahouse gttest-oLM rSjJohn Fletch timiT up to the- rstr of September. In Kansas w ltlrhiB parents; who-will e r a n d _Mvs, H. Tliiennan oL Columfo r : S , Ohio, who.w-bemgente rta ii^ d T y { > ^ m o 4 i g h t e r . : w i t h ^ v e r y ^ m w h S M - . b f thrae oiv th eir trippto^eatifi Mrs. George Turnbull of GroSse a_ nevv Seiberling—:tire during_ the they-will-- 9pend-the w inter and if a Pnlnte Park. Mvs. A. L. Lowry of suitable location can be fou_nd they montli of Jury. tW iSPJUiiS OIEUGW INCHELSEATERRITORY Many_ Activities At Syl vanEstatesCIub Special Feature At Next Band Concert We offer for. your selection Coleman Ptwuro M es-L igh tsJn stiin tly-n o wiUtiiiK' to.tfeneniW llU ^ '8- . *-bunis gasoline-gas. a-very hot, clean blue^4nmL’_ .“ »‘om $20,00 to $75.00 ^ ~ Hed Star Vapor Oil S t o v e s — th e -o ld 4 .u im ,L !^ ^ ^ „ f e ^wa.vs satisfies. Burns Kerosene or C»asoI » ■ . Vwhile generating-^no wicks or rings to replace. A ,1 Hfo v e w ith ^ y o a T a o f - serv ice 'y .1 10 : upkeep- ex^rise. Styles from $27.50- to $ 10.WMJ. - ... The Nesco—The p e r f e c t k e ro s e n e b » i ^ R o c k ' sene.onlyjn ^ perfect blue- flam e— u se s th e fa*™ ■ k« ,vifew ick o r feed ring that" g iv e s ‘wwnfdvt”" £; b lu e flame c o o k e r for the user w ho des» ^ ()() and eflicioncy at a lo w c o s t .- P r ic e d ,from $ l5 .0 b t and ' gmed, solid doors. Glass doors-and^therniemcUn\*_ * a range of price from $1.75 to $7.50. _ Ror Seasonable Merchandise of AIt Kinds (>aII on ( Hardware Quality Merchandise Friendly Service ‘V Fair Prices ' LARGEc a m ' SCHOOLELECTIONAT ’ large' crowd attended the- third -band- concert of the season which was given in Chelsea^ Wednesday night by W esley Smith’s concert band,. Mr, ' Smith announces t hat a special feature ^ W ednesday1 tright’s^ co n c e rf __ bo cornet'solos, by M|hs Abby, 1’8-yeiir ol<l Jackson .corriCltist. Alj though the program has not a s _ye t - to r ttr r a n g e tk : a; good-entertainm ent -ig-promised for the evening. MUS. ORR.1N HOFFMAN— Mrs, Orrin I.. Hoffman passed away Wednesday afternoon,. Jyly 10, a t’ Uni* vepsity-liospital after a b n ef illness. Miss ’Emilio Girbach was born in Ann Arbor Septmeber 20, 1864, the daughter ‘ of 'Frederick and_ Catherine ythu wna*united in m arriage to Mr. H W M n , " i @ n l n W W to this m arriage were born four chil dren, the two eldest, Nadh arid Lloyd-preceding her in death in 1018. Mrs. Hoffman .was a member of St. Paul’s church and the Ladles’ Aid society.' .. ; : , c ' . ■ . r Ford d e a le rs’ sellin g p rlees ____ on U S E D 4’A R S a r t ! l o i r WHY not get* used car for the second car your fam» ily has been needing? Most ot the cars we have ac cepted for trade-in on new Fords have a generous.number of miles left in them—mites of unused trans.portation at a price you can easily afford. You'lL4nd our used-car prices low because there Ir no "price padding" to make up for high trade-in aliowances. The price of the Model A Ford is sp low , and the value so high, that, excessive, trade-in conCessions are impossible. That,7and'our reputation for fair-dealing which we-value so- highly, protect you when you buy a used, car from us. When we offer a Model T Ford for resale it has been thoroughly reconditioned. New parts wherever needed; everything properly tightened and adjusted -~ a n d with it goes* guarantee. We have a number of these reconditioned Fords now. Also several cars of other makesT^ priced^ according fo the-unused-trahspoftation they---offefr-Let-us-prove our prices. Stop in-today ancHook—: over these bargains: . __ ■iiii ih -i: TudorrglO.OO dowrr TT dovm 1924 Star Sedan, $10.00 down 1927 Essex Coach, S100.00 down ESTABLISHED -IN 1911 WE HAVE IT! J -i L l : W F s^rpottnd of candy-FftEW Buy a pouiid of our f resh efelieiotr^ candy at less^than regular price and g*et a p o u n d s c¥nd|T^ree. Be sure to get your pound: o f candy __—^ FREE Saturday’ J itly lS 1 Sylvan Estates has. as her guesls-Mrs. ness in th a t state, acqutrihg',an- agency Wf Srf iinton of^Sagiriaw arid "Mfss El-sic Linton_oLGarden_City, New York. forthem selves. -During^-their-stay^-iir-Ghelflea—the Mv. and Mrs. Edward Anchultz -of have made many friends Briarcliffe, Kentucky, and who will reg ret th at they are leaving but th e well wishes of these fripnds as, Kentucky will bo guests of Mrs. will accompany them to their new George Wood Hays of Sylvan Estates next week; field of endeavor, * Huron Hills Country Club has ex. nded - a n—1n vitatiott4tomthe wofrien. . nTembeM^pf'^ytvatt Estates to spend A i. —T q i r a P n a / 1 1the day at Huron Hills on Wednesday, The events of the day will be a golf tournament *to be played iff -People of this comniunity who the morning, fojlowed by luncheon arid travel the Cavanaugh Lake rpad and bridge. . especially residents along the high Sylvan Estates announces an eve way-wilL-be-greatly pleased to learn ning ..bridge _party for IjotH men and th a t announcement has been made by women, to be held Thursday evening, the Board of County Road_CqmmisJuly -n<*ut eight o’clock. -The-event sioners th at this road will Be treated ia planri?<Y a t the request of the mom?, with ctilciutri chloride during the sum bersj and many tables have been re m er months. - ■• The good news to this effect.-ivas served, All members and their friends are invited to, bo present. » brought about through the efforts of Itfif'kvutth-whd ls SupcTvIsor Geo. •W. W. Beckwith-who Is ENGLISH FAMILY REUN1()S' 7 ever on the lookout to take care of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.;T. English enter the best interests of Sylvan township. tained at their home on South Main street ovtYr 'the week-end his three v m im S ir in c r A L brothers a t a family reunion. The L, _C > B. A. and The League of This is the i\rs‘..tlmo.the. four.bfoth-. St. M ary's church will give an ice w o a m - s o c k L ^ Q n - J J i a - i a ’Q U nda n f - t h e . eva had all been together in sixteen Ann Arbor Dairy on the corner, of Main and Orchard streets on W «lnes-|able one, The guests were Dr. J, T. English day evening, July 17. Everyone of Detroit,, Robert D. English of Mich ___ ■ l igan, North Dakottt,. and Charles M. Base ball a t Wilkinson Park, Chel English, of Medford, Colorado. The sea, Meadow Lark Inn of Jackson oldest member present was Vn.his 74th vs. Chelsea Independents, Game call; year and the youngest* was 65 years : ___ __j _ ed at 8100 o'clock, u ..... —Adv. of age. To Apply DusHBayer On Cav« LiaKe Koaa July ^ , daughters, Mrs. Julius N. Stricter, and Mrs. Waldo H. K usterer, ami f o u r grandchildren of Chel8eaL and three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth WSckonhut and Mrs. Conrad Lehman of, Chel s e a , and Miss 1‘auline Girbuch of Ann Arbor. FunerarHervices will bo hold at 2 O’clock Saturday afternoon a t St. Paul’s church, R ev.'P. H. Grabowski Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winans wore The Misses Jennie and Florence Ives officiating, -jWith. burial in Oak Grove Jackson visitors Sunday. wove Detroit visitors .Sunday. 'cemetery. THE LITTLE STORE AROUND TH E CORNER Deere High-lift Mower When" you awn a John DeePe High-lift Mower you’re equipped to do a clean job of cutting this yeamnd for many years to come, .. - Light-running^ NewJohn DeereGrain Binder All the advanced features you want-^capacity, dur ability., convenience of operation, and light draft—have been built Into the Light-Running New John Deere Grain A id e r .__________ ,:..................._______ -— 1_-------------- Repair Serivce .. ... We have repairs for most any make of machine—will get those “we Haven’t on hand if yotr will just give us the TfatfibeTr^-— ■ 1r'' -- !^ ' ■■ ■ ^ , i i Agency for Maytag .Washer T H E C H E L S E A ST A N D A R D . CM feLSEA , M IC H IG A N THURSDAY. JULY Hie- PublUbed Chelsea Standard ew y Ttuindsy. forbidden and generally acta as the V S a i f P n e a B t a i S a t v ( bull in the china shop of local traffic, j * O ra iS \ff When he g ets the ptmiBhment,..thei R v 1 . H C llllh R n v ft contem pt and contumely he deserve*,! " V 1U W : 31. W. BgjpCLURE, Publisher th is driver i* among the first to pro- j r-i----- -• f ' CwiiMolkijtjion of claim voiciferously the "discourtesy" j K. A. T urner, United States Depart-* Tito 'Cbelto* HtrakL *«t. 1871. .. Hjlown* ... , ■■■■■>■ i m ent of Agriculture, and R. K. KroodTb« Ch»i*e* SUiuiurd^^irf. 1889. Tito Cheitt* T»Uwto, e*t. 1907/ He forgets the precept born under ama> htate extension forester, visited th e au ra of the great touring move- :a few 0f the 4-11.ranger forest plantHE township of Pittsfield was first jn Washtenaw county oiPW edSubM’Hiulon price: ft.SO l*r y«r;itixnioatl»#, m e n t th a t: "Only courtesy begets • known as Pitts. This name was GENERAL TRUCKING 76 cwiU; four mouth*. 60 conU. • CPurtesy." jnesday, July 3. i These:'tre e s w e re , ___ _ Cleaning and Pressinir rw . selected at a meeting held in 1834, .. ----- j planted by ruial% oys who ,joined the P h o n e 373 •nd’ Altered Will caiu ffi8*11 when 13 persons were present and each 7 S tu n t& 4 M Michigan ~ ‘ ‘ A 4 V 4- l i f f a m i Each boy planted lOOtTspruce C h e lse a ® A X -T jfjj had a different name which he proposed it Phone 272 A t FT. .and pine.trees, mixed. 'should be. After an all-day dispute, the NATIONAL EDITORIAL Cheljea,] _------, • On th eir visit these specialists in* The greatest arm y of Daredevil spected trees th a t had been planted in name of the great English prime ^minister, A S S O C IA T IO N % s t unts ever assembled in one show will wheat und heavy soiLwithout plowing, was chosen, ___________ be"shown In connection with the Con- utfd light sod without plowing, and sod Plumbing and Heating g re ss'o f Daredevils at F t; Miami track~wrtere merely a small piecoof sod was SQn’d ay afternnom, Ju ly 21. ..skim m ed o0L aihera-ftach^Jj-’ce . w m I c f j ^ i.^ ir w i M U L t o w . w ^ T h e W T S tore.-_337p r j ^M o to rcy cle m ost thrilling of -race^-sports, will plowed for euchlrow of trees, and the 57 headline the bill and many of the na- trees were planted at the bottom of :V J ^ D is tin c tio e r "C h^lseav^M ielrr"*" ~ Tfijrfs g reatest riders T a v F ^ tr e S d y TTje” Fur»w" fh Cvery c asO K F T ree s ^ ffin e r a tS e r u ic & I BISINKSS CONDITIONS SOUND entered* _T here will be five m o to r- w^re growing splendidly^ Most of . 1 ■ « ' _ cycle events. these trees were planted on fund which I Reports concerning business are en ^konA S . The Head-oirCollision between two is not suitable fo r other agricultural couraging. Those in a position to- be WINDSTORMS conversUnt with existing - conditions automobiles, probably the most sensa- purposes, cau sed -a damage "say business is sound and th at the tional of all stunts, will be the out- i to Property ' GENERAL TRUCKING 2 1 4 E. Ml DOLE ST. last year in the United prospects for the fu tu re are 'b rig h t.s ta n d in g fe a tu re on the thrill program, j ^ e , t. * CHELSEA,MICH. th at Eugene Meyer, Jr., head of the Fed- Tw ° heavy Muring cars will be driven^ U n lO ^ o ta tlO n A u V O C a tc S . _ j Ice^Del ivoredr^and-and-Gi^elf oral Farm Loarr Board, says that deI AH-Mash Chick R a t o and Wood for sale Suffering was not |.eBt . >.*n*»iUgVVttt'it: -Tniahd-for.farnuloans,iong"dorm antr'is "Tlii-nwirljiK ..of chicks to m aturity reviving.. Farm ' debts,, figures show, fro n t of the'grand stand. If this does_ Tut /in att imrslrrmlon Is n wither now Phone 217. Chelsea lent winds do their tiamage are decreasing in a substantial way. not produce Thrills; nothing will. any. venture In poultry keoplnitrinnd ‘we. where. A uto polo, the favorite game “ of a ll, u Foreign trade . is repotted to be in -a ’ sfiiitl have to flake the word o f those satisfactory, condition. Each month will also be.on the program, "with" the who. time trled lt ns to Its value, Tlils: Adequate insurance oni your-1 Indiana team against Ohio., . These property includoH protectW1 fystimFliir»"d»e7oT-?lbve!opt!<J--iin(l ndvo,ms are considered the out* from windstorm. The cost is J j t'ut(‘< l by .the Oh[o agrlculiunil experlg polo teams of the country. — : V .; — ,, • „ M any other attractiom r will be ad<l-{ mfuit stiition^Ht \\«i»Hier, and-Is fully. May-tre tefl you about it? a survey of conditions throughout the ! (lesorMu'd In a hulletin I kkiumI by this a t Lewis Feed Mill cd i>efbre the <lay of Jhiills^.:___ . country show ho. cause for discouragersfal ImiT ‘ They: state : that-' I hoy have ment. : : >foaad the method successful'on tholr j 4®®'h*- 24% Dairy Gold F e e d ..$2.50 L Many of our business men need en I expei’inieJitar faiuir iiud j^ u a liy ' so"In HMHbs. 16% Dairy Gold Feed 7.$2.00 Dependable Insurance couragement. There is nothing raditlie luiiuls of other poiiltryiueii of the tO.Q lbs. Developer Scratch-Feed 2,60 Chelsea, Midi. ' cully wrong a t this tirtie except a num Isfafe." Soine oilier stations, where li 100 lb». *Scrateh Feed . . . . . . . . 2.25 ber of peopje have become dlscoufuged W ho cpn rem em ber th e old “taffy p u l l i n '” - - r ---- !— / . . ' ,; has been tried, discount these elnlnts and this negative state pf mind h as _ 2.00 D rivers. and owners of overloaded ] somewhat. /There Is no i|iiesilo(i as 100 lbs. 'Egg Mash ............. 'W e all use'd to gd^fo in"days^past and g o n e ? had a more or less depressing effect, trucks .. . -, . t,.. . , . arresL-Uo-^ the-attraetlveness of Hie plan and t«o ib., Growin,_Mosh . 7 . . . 3 .i.r ] - 5 e t r o i t . A n d w ho can jrecall th e -o ld -fash io n ed ^w o o lin 1 ” Jacksm , , {B righter viewsr -fo r which there is Monday because of_the damage they L(h<< r(,suli^nt--Um.-^-Mdo. stnLbur^mnldW e gave to th e /g iris as th e ev en in g w o re o n f nxnbarDyater-Sbsll.S.turHay^l.KJ ~ * *-_j ____ i^mpie justification, will help in a big are causing ti'unk line highw ays.^ At ( suiiicleni to give wurtunt fojvtrylnu And dont you remember the ran > i y to jlyen opiuginene.Iwel'need a conference between G ovem or_EjM 4s--mH7----- —r r — ..... \ ji^ ^ = ==z ^ a fte r— Jo -aro u se ourselves and .pull ourselveajJV,' Oreeh, Commissioner Oscar . G. Those who have followed the teiicli' "Chelsea Time Table 'Andt-th e big fu n n y bow _that she h a d in ' out of tfie liiough of despond. We | Qland<uy-of-the’?;tate pQlice1-and High- lag of pou try expeiTs (TcerTn^crrnstd^ her hair?.. _ ___• are on the threshold.of an era of pros-1 way Commissioher Grover C. DlHman, -erublo.. period of .vi'urs have, loamed- . A * A A A A . . . . A A A A A A A A A A . A A A A Eastern Standard Time npl’H .V' Tpiiii: u/o cannot tignnnf nhliMi iim JjH-was-decided it was in perity: True, we enjoy any to itKKign assign inanppLm-« inspectors t,i to (lmr Is little tlmi cfm In* roiishr 1 still d o n Y 'y o u h e ar the s h o u ts - a M ■benefits from such.„conditions unless, all m ajor roads; Michigan’s law limits Wed an uhsohitetv il\e d ' eveiv In the Express Cara th e la u g h te r— . ' . . Eastbound, |*14 ia. m. ‘ ---diM m r part.-—^ye-4nust-exert our- i-th d Jo a d sa o a ru c k s^ ic cnriim g to Z '\ A n d ^stili- d o ri-t LWeatbcurid, a, m, selves if we hope to win any sizeable [®nd axle weight, feeding ami care. • liOvoluiLomiry llnd. th a t w as th e re ? ~Eaatboundr40^4£| p? ttr -reward.— Success is. never- the reward s ii_upsel lnnth Westbound, 11:04 prm. l:um»ir iHfr-j-i Davenports a n d iE e s 3 ^ S r^ ti4 tv ^ Chairs A nd h ^ - f o r ^ h e - ta f f y ^ h a t^ d u n g tip y p tff Westbound, 4:12 p. m. m ust work. But the individual who - For poultry fetHlIhg, the right kind tlon 'should not have scndrli ./r.’iiltis fingers. made to order. Chairs re*, Eastbound, 5:44, p; nir — .....— is .filling- at-th is 4iine to work strenjif-4iiiofeln ,.u~. gtumm Ily ohtjUned-faom added to It, since Itcouthlnes In Itself Limited Train# modeled. Full line of sam-And ho; -for t he pp lH n '-ltr - .UoIIhIy - has- plenty- ot reason~t6 fe d milk, skim milk, hinieijnUk, whey, fresh both the-scrntch and iho niash and To Detroit-^-R :49 a^mT^Md-evtn . 7 ^ ,-^-'7=M mcquraged-over conditions, --------- men tffijeiil7si?rh'jTs, nsh s m ip v inrilT" -H«*-r-n<tdltlon nf -mnre-'Si7r:Hrh- graiir -ples-on band. —-— - ^oo.!-7 hours to 8:4Q p. m. .TJie-in£mQEy-j3f.Jt-Atill-fanci{ully-linger8 /I Your business reflects vour attitude ->rgeT- oi*- alfaifa-h‘at!-mefri-7Vedw;—VVrr- ■WouiU-imhahinca-U.—Ti<nu.Is—k-wmikk M o m s ^ e h a ig ^ i ackson—R t04 ar m778nd"(*ver -^toward ibusiness.--~-What is your bush / IJttle of It Is fouml In the cominoH cliange the proportlonloX protciii'/foods hours to -9 :04 p. m. ^ W > ti< tiill£ Q L .r n iR p la y m a te 8 7 p a 8 e -h y ”i r r iC o x w e lix h a irS r _~ness like^?— .Take advantage- of the round t ; farm feeds, ami for lids reason wtien •to tlie other .liigrodlenls ajid, prestim. review'. , „■ ; - : Shop at residence 31t) tickets, by buying fromJtation.agi home-grown grains a re used, It Is nee- ably lessen Us value. An all-inasli And ho, for th e s ta r s th a t ab o v e u s w ere Sotith Street. Phone 138. 10 p er cent discount should-ive more oonrsidy-groiind tlmtv. MICHIGAN NOT SLOW. essnry~T<7piu,(,riiis(r. siaall hnanin|s r>f. g le a m in ’ Faro TT-2 round trip on TtiesdiJl other jMMstiesr to tnake .lf inort*.. paint-' "We respectfully beg to advise our the high protein ■-■feeds- to supplement As o u t in th e ,m o o n lig h t th e can d v w as Wednesday, Thui-adny and. FtiA%y-fhe=h<nue»g.i'o\vti-gi4ilns|- Milk -of- ^ n y m ad e— -& r^ G N m e very sam^e moonlight in which I am ^Trjt B tandard'I.iners~ o n ly 2Rr r ‘for’ poultry.' JFatronlze Standard. Advertiser': ^dividends Upon-an: improvement on its _#ire MAaWm M I.4in AMg1_I_ . — . ----d -‘-livestock for w h kh-the movement was ^FonifhtT- of-; th e old-fashioired~ gafireir ]Lmi:t.<u: pf p.fintnvy | th a t we p la y e d ! . ago. Then 'MicKIgun was'complaining The F irst F orty Years With P ittsfield Pioneers E. F. BURTON- Daredevil ---- *--- J-Washteium mmiy. -Jl. luiami lraCK --- H.E.SNYDER H. E. FOSTER ^ Well Driliini S-PLA N K ELL ML HOME I. H. W EISS- ih5"-"HlSon, .f ’R o u n d H o m e SPECIAL FEED PRIC’S ^b«S.S.KlNNISON. H, W. SCHENK Truck Drivers Get-----Warning On Loads The Old Taffy Pullin’ Chicago-^Railway RANSOM LEWIS JJPIIQLSIERIN U m J. FTHIEBER ~ ...... lof the low Quality nf H.h livi>■Htnr>ji_ --TThtrprodominaiit featTnw~of"the herd W At- least th a t’s th e w ay th a t it should . Ywe re the “grades” and cross-bred cat— -tie; -The country was getting a large have been done, " “ part of its high-grade beef supply B ut if it stay ed stick y , th a t m a tte re d bu t from Texas ranges then. . Since that . . little — ' . - ^ ;time the Texas cattle have been. do‘T h e can d y itself w as th e least of th e fun. | predating -in., quality, and herdsmen. T h e taffy w a srn o th in g com p ared to, th e kisses jbankers .and good folks generally who ..(Nor is it sw eet kisses of candy,_J_niean.)L^ ■ ' [have -been—Interested in ..the bettei1'- |fi' J l h ^ kissefl-w e-stole from t^hc sw eet little -B eat-nli of th e .taffy m an ev er has affETfr ...................... ' ANN ARBOR ANN ARBOR beerrtjrmghi: part of that program we learn that — — y— ly for this purnoseT., W ith better.cows, come tintter barns aruL_dair-y__eguip±_ m eat, of the^latter- of^whieh Michigan is also a producerr—All of which goefr to prove anew the tru th of the adage th at God helps them who help 'themselvo's.—Michigan Maunfncturei- iind —l*'inancifll. Record;-------^ ^ ------------7 m • - r ------ 1 WXT* ' •cr \ i { . . ■i TH E A B IL IT Y TO EN JO Y tI F E l-W •! flrJ - i Affairs Are in Order i— .. U ThiS bjinkinp: in s titu tio n h a s .f o r m a n y K o n o ratio n a ' c a te r a d to .-tK tL Jm an ciaL T th e c ity ’s le a d iii^ c iti z en s, A ffa irs re g a rd in g , t r u s t s , a n a u t h o r i t a t i v e eye o v e r in v e s tm e n ts d u r i n g y o u r a b s e n c e fr o m ; h o n ie — th e s e 7a r e o n lv iif n a r t d f " t h i f in a titu tin h ^ 'M L v Ic fla . We :\vould btv pleased tfl *hnve; you - drop iir and talk ; thlngsoVer. JL might Le agoootim e now, with your summer vacation plans under consideration. " «" lit. i.\: KEMPF COMMERC IA t& SAVINGS BANK V'?El-l-f! if Member Federal Reserve Syatem Capital, Surplus and Profits 8140,000 Founded in 1876 Chelsea, Mich. Make J t A Habit To Meet Your Business Friends Here -1 0 0 LATE-A—New -Jersey than was arrested/ foirmurdBrlngia woman wlrnnL he.had bigamousiy m arried, He conTfis.sed7an(l sm drthat he" h’a dltllled hdr because^}ie-reallge<l th a t it-wouldd)ciInpossible,for-him"to keep up the deepttonrthat he -practiced -on .hoi^anri liis-w/e-^ny^longer.-^—— "■.■ ■■■■— J "Right after I m arried her I vealiz;dT Flfad done wrong,” He explained. " i r This-gentleman is like most of the Jvest of us. R ight h fte r we do somej-UUng-wo^-roallzo-it-wa^ wrong—andjwoM give .our eye teeth to undo it, If 1ip ettti of-us-could realize before w ed o jn thing th at it is wrong the worhi would be a lot be tter offv —r. COURTESY BEGETS COURTESY It has bben estimated th a t $45,000',000 persons g oing motor touring [In ;the United States during the sunv j m er ahd-fall months. 7 There is one thing th a t will be in the mind of each individual as hoysets forth on his Journey, namely, th a t he 'w ill expect courtesy of those hemomes in contect with In the strange towns, r ttics 'Rrffi-^hlageB' througlrw hlglTlR i w ilLLpasiL- -E xpecting =hospitality, thoughtfulness and kindnoss hns been proved to the average man to bo ontlwIyTfeaiwfible;:— Yet, it is pointed out, by those.>who havo>watched the m ighty growth of motor touring, th ere is o n c 't ype of ~ trav elerfw n o < namely, th e stra n g er who refuses to show a sim ilar sp irit toward others. ~ There clearly is such a type of Vriotorist, He is tho one who violated the local traffic regulations counting upon his foreign ta g to win him leniency or complete forgiveness, He cuts, cor* nors, races recklessly through small towns, ignores caution and w arning signs, sneaks by traffle 'signal lights, p a rk s where parking often is wisely A nother M erchandising Sensation That Should Interest E very Woman Seeking a New H at t clearance'ofTTl l^voiueJLs hats in the miirineiy department-that have overstayed thenyiime limit, we are reduein^prima t0^ihe4m^sfr level. AWonderful-QpQportunityto OSaveMom -The H a ts AdvcrtisedTh-T'hese-7i-hrcc. :_=; Groups Were Priced as HlgHaas=j25,:— All Sales Absolutely Final. Positively No Exchanges. 748 DOES NOT INCF.U-I)R,.w m T E OR OOLOUED -E E tr e MLLLINERY SECTION—SECOND FLOOR upon , , Straws , ^ ; eeT GltS • PV U’eC* within themselves the most varied collection you have ever looked • • Wf.tHirimdd'7 ; . If t w , medium mld smftU he, d ssiz # s . . . t i g h t head u iiU - U v U s i- r - tif Y n e t^ H y tif ln g a i i y T v o m ^ PRICE '' w is h f o r in « F # t mV A complete collec^on “ ’teveiything w t h i ' n t 8 gooe— in nothing in reserve- 't?'' — >1,18 r jUSDAY, JULY 11,1929 T H E C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D , C H E L S E A , M IC H IG A N lady <m>' Question j ’ - " cars were enthusiastic con r^ n t * f o u c ^ e a r e National Showing For ~ drove_the cerhingjhe Plymouth's ease of opera nprectira M n lU anionij p„|ltc „I,0|1|,,i ‘M- J t j;'; .oral 1 i ___________ tion andphandlinig.” Plymouth 1 st Birthday ecoiiomics -department has completed a list of events of special interest to women sq every member of the family Although this is only the first biith- will have a p a rt in this year’s Summer h,'h0hh!,W-th hi“ ri*M lu,n<1' 4 ^ -ot4he-T-14yfnou% -productinn~at-p,gTnYers’ Day,''Au~gugr2: Observing the first birthday of the-! the factory a t Detroit h is already ihumdayi July 13, 1905 the head as. was the cbsJohn Geddes, who has been in^ th e P ’^ n u t h m otor car, which coincides. reached enormous proportions, accord iavrrCE-H your question does not , * their hat oil. it should be ....... - •— <n uie "u ' ' ‘ with the birthday of~the n a tio n ,,Ply ing to company officials, in less than Statistical Note B S C , It !■ because i t is aw ait-1 « » only slightly from 11 , p tal,a.1 Ann ArbjJl' for treatm ent; mouth dealers threw open their show- 10 months from the time the f ir s t car If K and will be published *he / ro? - , While standing a »d t X relurne(,'home Friday. , “ The only thing wore numerous than rooms S a tu rd a y jiig h t on some of the was - produced, production figures the suncls of the sea are <the cures for ; ;u turn, ana _ , ing to a lady, the more J L n s S L I - W e d n e s d a y , - ; most unusual and attractive displays reached one thousand units a day—-a ffii,—Cincinnati Enoulrer. record for the entire autbrnobils iii'remembered, however, that rules of.:]7*0^ 1'' ^ t h of Freedom. ,Rev. Paul of automobiles seen fo r some time. ^ jii u stry^ -------- ------------------ --------------- -- -- ----------------- : -These-dieplqya a re -being-. gnawer Dept. - D n < A . , . . i : . . .............. ---------------------------------------- _ «f f n]'i J polite aiid-cuitmw:jwn lhe-farmOf-thrbrid^s fath err- =“ 0„ ¥S.lof te.l, biological end people. t Neturtll,: such rules are al- f. . * > Map., tookthe first prise at from June 2Q to July 18 inclusive. j^ u_ ly m ^ P^g.JteugilJg^^mat^wonsideredU ____ . ................ ......... W.wu« w ____ vwnuiiuxe x*iFT3r ,'T K r ~ ¥ '~ T !i i»pro^^W y»nottth--flfr«-rirr-'a' .-While we use several sets of. Eood form t oday may be poor form turn-,out, He represented llnnl* va« ety of new color combinations, Ladias. there are none th a t is,y®a»'s hence., . ----- , • | Tllft F . . . .uncle,S am ,.feature-the displays. They are rrh o u Kfln ^ c a b U r e :in C r U l|ip ia y O i JLHVj a r c being I ifj as ''final” authority - o n ! ----- -V <— ..... — (h * iv iF ^ > ^ y m w &j x . the past week- show n^irv-a-patriotie-$etting o f-re o r Friday, A ugust 2, has been selected white ahd blue^decorations. An una s ' .date fo r the annual Summer usual am ount of interest was evident F a c e r s ’ Day at. Michigan State Col ^ ....................................................... P^*?' . i .V.T w? ere lit 4 ,-and why is i Du fin ir During the past week Village Mar- iU amongt the thousands who thronged S t e r n a l , the American, Nel- it called that vulgar name? / lege and the College staff will be host ■ssnalh Ha „ l HH . • ,■ °_ Ito but hone-of them are m-J, -A n ^ —Yeir fh a f — >»" 1 , i e pks fra<l seven,persons--the, -JBhowroom a^dunng-tiifi-opeiim g •< ^ -M tc h tg a n ^ ^ k F X w r ^ etc., QU& i . . , #71. - J u s ^ e ^ P ^ r S i ^ n i n g . advice rfro n r th e offlcerbf th F who annually accep t.this occasion tp ; ,m p r o g r e s s in learning of all-k in d s, East” riv e rb ftw e e n M lnhlttaS ' S « fi. d’ F ° u r of theni corporation a t D etroit ind;licate. check up on the new experimental S h e most recent-book to be Long Island Z n i " an L M u L th e fine and costs and three of “Inauguration of^^the policy o t ot work on the College farm and to 1is“H n n n o if a cori'uP’ them were taken to the county jail to tering the Plym outh in more than one ten to the speeches, and music a r m final on everything. X h°f i * * ye short-sentencesr ^ standard, color .combination; while in ranged by tner program- committee. which means “ whirling gut,” m issd , v v a u . . • volving considerable expense, ia a fu r College departm ents will have men', ji « ._ lm u ld like to ask in yoMr “ “"V »» We natural obstructions I n ! f l„ p h o t a S ‘ “ “ PWod » th e r indication of our desire to give at the plots to explain to the visitorsl a liort department w hat is the" n a . channel were removed and nrd H,n,. , , L® I . ? H o r the class of to the public a product-that is out ; the experiments which are being carof the stuff th at forms w altte e rr 0 r ^ a8s“ * e l 8 n o w n a v iK S b lc -b y la r e e v e s .T , " ~ . . . . „ ................ ............. ... has be,n aroused to 1 9 0 ^ ,-to ^ - ^ - j ried-out this year. Inspection of the I -Mrs, Dor Rogers, a dajighter. inherent quality and perform ance/' re experimental work is scheduled to be slon of this subject. | to ,be kn<>wn as “ Hell Gate.” ; I he Congregational Sunday school marked A. vanDerZee, general sales gin a t 8:00 a; m. .-Two atoms of hydrogen to . ------| will hold their annual picnic a t Cava- manager, in commenting uptm "the Demonstrations; which will be given opening of this-m rtional display. “In ml M,gen when brought tog eth er Ques.—I would like to ask you how ;'a i,V rh a k e " in aWe7 n e E C Julv T during the; forenoon, including, house ; ; «* right conditions wm form Canada got it. n«n;e 8 i M u r r i ^ ^ T l i . addition to these' new color comb'nabreaking, the juse of the rotary hoe dl is known as water. ..... .... ( ^ Ans.—Canada is a corruption of the home of-; the bride. Mrs. Marv A. tions, the improved Plymouth now for-eultivatingr-and the usi -------' T tfroquois Indian w ord“Kanatu,” mean-Toombs and Geo« A. Turck, both of assesses a num ber of engineering rc-i cali^as quack grass eradicators. . inements in both body-and the-chassisr I have always wondered ju st - a collection of cabins. -• - ■' j Chelsea. ■ .... ; "FaMisti” means, as applied t o ! n '• . • i At the annual school meeting Mon- Body engineers- have been v/ovking - The new^dairy barn will be dedicate m i n ^ z a t i o n - i n - l t a l y , ^ - yoV peasf; bti. kind;day cvcning^rcliatncrN o. 3 fr. Syl- consistently w ith the thought in mind ed_and"a special p rogram ,for d airy r!^ 5d nobody that can-tell me. - r - W i l l t u j ^ m ^ ^ q u e s t i o u v d e p i n ^ v a n - a n d Lima, which was held in tKe" of—making - th e Plymouth bodies- the men—will be-giveti. A banquet' for ^bekind.enough to answer, through ”ie.n t 1^ bat is the capital of_Albania T-^tawp hall, Wm. J. Knapp and Dr. Geo. ultimate in stre n g th ,; roominess and dairy enthusiasts will be^^ held in the new barn Friday evening. ________ ______ lr question-dffd^answercolumn-? -- I ■® tf.4«Uj .3zo ., -- , ..... - — :— - ,rW, Palm er. were elected trustees for comfort. ... The-reporFof "^ T h o se-w h o -h av e visited the-show* -T-he-speaking-and .musical program lid like t 6“ know;~als“o_"wherr th at' nation was founded and who \ 18 one Of’the chief seaports. --Itnu secretary showed receipts of $7. rooms and inspected and driven one is scheduled for the afternoon. _A anHFhea(l~of=it?7 ~ ^ ----- ~ — ■-------------------------- ------- -----— —---- ■,990.81 and expenditures'of~$7;680^9,' or more of the models, were pa r tia l i Eoir singing contest is a pa r t of the ; ■ ,^ arly impressed with the roominess day’s program. and the com fort of._the full-size bodies- —A rrangements have been made for a j , that this car possesses?—Women^wltt.1—play-houI'-foS-ehildren and -tHe A Drawback Prominent women and social work ers in New York hove started a move* went to gather a supply Q f.dB rablr toys to be lent to poor children for a stated time, as books are lent by public libraries. The ides ts, pbUan* tbroplc, but Imagine the feelings of a poor child called upon to give ap ids d ur<>trte top at tbe. end of the stated time) --------- Rural^ Women Meet At State College __ . w ^ '^ Give us your,order NOW for Next ' r . . . - ■1 Winter's Supply—At Summer W . : t Prices. Dustless Pocahontas 25c ton extra. CHELSEA LUMBER, GRAIN & COAL CO. % nething which anie; ofjhem ? placed‘ at $7729.Q2 r &r, The’~Fascisti organization Ans.-BenediQt Arno d, the Amen-j . MrSl Cordelia X Downer was born 1formed at Milan, -Italy,' in 1919, can-traitor.m the Revolutionary War,!jn Lima. Mav is , 1847-aml rlipd at f.hP fHUS30lrm;it lTg' p i^h en tp iem iei^ uf ha(i^ix-son«r ami-one-(iaughter-wb(^-iKmie of her niaughtei^Mrs "Mason "ItiMtionrits object, according survived— liinir^-i-h&r-olcler^son,-Bene- 1Whipple—July^l),"190Di:- Blre“ — wa‘s Uxiit^ 1constitution of th e society, “ reII.,.the^<l:the aupada,.Henry..died in Now York; Kdward sons, one step-son and two daughters tom_somc- generations -ago. .Instead, | an.d one brother and oiie'. -sister.' suro(s, rather curious to k n o w 'a iry, Janies became .a_li§uteiiantigen-ivive.-- The funeral ’was-hnlH Tnenflny. 1middle..Jife is? If you are s m a r t! eral-in 'theTBrltish army and died in Thos. Holmes. D. D. officiated. ' nswenw‘a answeiv--— -=— - - ----- - - I London: (Jcorc:eJb£came_a lieutenanta-i-------------- ------------■-■■■■■ 4 l id^ e ^ l i f e ; i s - o i i y ^ t i m e -";y o u ^ y• P ^ n e l .-.-. i a ^ h e ^,R ^ d t,i..s h ;ia x m,.^, j m, d■.,.(l t ,o l; - -....... 4 Ihe-epening ' ofdl-ccum[Walk- out of the theatre and.leave in-the-sem ce; Suplnu iiiamed a B rit-seh ’s stores and, the holding of band iheroineinLtha hands, of the .villam ish officer and died.-m_England. Gcovge conceits and-other-forms-of street enwas named after George .Washington, tei tairnnent on Wednesday evenings, ^ii»i/r -r —t~ .— ----- 1 —. ^. ——ir^May I ask which“ h-aifdrra'f"ATnoid^—wunnlnuf ■fninrul -nlmay "not be observed"tiere-^thrs-yemv ishould use' in lifting his hat to according to renorts from the Cnmlaaics—the ngnt or^iett’/ —Also7 ------merce'Club.^ He ra1d7---- Try Standard Liner^JBc. ▼ACATI O N r NOW IS THE TIM E TO MA^E READY FOR THAT SUMMER TRIP! LO O K A T TH E P R IC E S AND SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! J u s t Lbok T h em O ver - CQMMANDERS pn X 3 1-2 . . . . . ,$4,00 AB532- v -4: 29 x 4.40 . . . , -5t^0“ Qn- r -4.fi0................SftSS, ..10.35 SI x 5.25 TT1 2.50 ^3 x (TOO' CAVALIERS " - lO .x.3 1-2 , . . $-5.40_ 732 oc-4---- ---- ---- 10.5529 x. 4,40 ............ .. 0.50 ,$ 7.35 30 x 4.50 .. ..11.20 31 x 5.25 . . . r;i3;55 83 x G-DCT SILVERTOWNS 30 x 3 1-2 _____ $ 6,70 32 x 4 .V . ___ .12.80 29 x-4.40 .......... v-i—8r20~ ^ 0 -x -4 .b0— $-9rW— - 3 1 - x - 5 t2 5 33 x (1.00 .............. 4 3 v d 0 — ____ 16.45 .... ■kiOW^S your chance! Look !▼ over the figures in the panel at the left and you’ll see why! For those-are our prices on Goodrioh Tires now! -——And-what an opportunity it get new summer t i r e s just d riv m < f! in time for '.V\fr*Tnrr-¥»t- And you know whatAt means to have Goodrich Tires on your car! j __ ~ D urability from str e tc h matched cord constructionanci the famous Goodrich' water* cure process. — Traction-from the deep*bit*^ ing, scientific Gojodrich tread design. — - - —- ------' Steering ease fron^i their char* r^ctaristic center rib . . . comfort fronvtheir sturdy, yet resilient, side-wall construction. All -in- allf-thay^re the finest TO bIIi^l1”' f 0. b, " h i& S K X X v S"J,' DflV* ‘ 1 ' ------------------- ‘" C O M P A N Y , . . . a n d jio w t h is ! - In 8 u r e y a u fV & c a tio n a g a ift8 t c a s in g s n o w ! D ro p a ro u n d o ld . . • andW lH vave^ jrnan^ ^ p u t o n o n e , or a G o o d ric h Tires* fu ll s e t o f n e w ' * ■" F L I N T ' *’ M I C H I G A N ..... Corpo? * ^ 01W0fOrl Buickand Marq*•*!• Molor Carl b u ic k w i l l b u i l d t h e m • 11) A 1 < IM I.K v S A R P B U IL T . -frrrT - ^ 1. f!IIKLSEA, MICH. BK n b;i lik e fin d t ir e tr o u b le b y g e ttin g r id o f ORiaiSI?ATMIOH. w hen can onS ’ A ' r * l ho9 ;°ondIr,ul7eeCS t' 6 U I C K m o t• o* r Canadian Paelarlai McLauQhlln-BulcIt, Olhawa, On». yo u p r ic e d '•'rtorquelte Is entirely unmatched In Its Marquette Is comP|' ,” "l,l;h^ 1 Beldl Amorv.tou.ft.wofpowet.end. c o r c h a r a c . . r s t o . Y . H h . l ^ you flying ^ "Eiia*" tir e s erate-price clo» conmo.chre hnH »• bbd| „ MprM1|„g ,h» b « f Ing performance-ro to 60 miles per F * A„ ; xdu!|v. n0n.glare hour Irt 31 seconds,tn high. ; ns w|ndlh|j|d7Exe|0sivo newuptfOlsiery, Buick alono could achieve such^ w00f agp|njt water, dust end wear, quatIHes'df speed, power and>*tdrfi- pour bov®ioy' hydraulic Inn in M«.-rh nMft ^ »" ■)■" '*» — !■■■ M C IO3i^d»rq H y " " ’ —■"LL‘ Si 1 1* Mil,■.Mil 1J 1—, TUI n i_ _u* r%, nhaie of aerforniance, inclosed ybrakes. . '.r e RM ''' r m ®‘.th t-» i.-Lt K& r . 1 ! < l i ’’’H E C H E L S E A STA N D A R D . C H E L S E A . M IC H IG A N W llsGatholtes reparing For Festival riv i m •tv W==. vK illA p p leM aggots i'armerft’ tr *Early In August With Special Spray y e a i'a ^ a lii-t.h l s ^ j ia.r, J M l h g . n e c e s s a r.v _ improvements yannot be finished until j next year, according to the Rev. Yv.I Joseph' VT Pfeffer, \vho“ Is ' pastor,"df ” Among the Irish Hills, where nature St. M ary's Missions, o f ,which the Irish ' The newest for lighteningi The appearance of the apple maggot plays in riotous beauty and pimples Hills’ church is a unit. Plans to grade I in several localities in Michigan makesi |household tasks* methods for selecting the- w aters of many lakes with dia- the cemetery in the center of,, which *it nooessury fo r t he-growe r who-wish- -}*a mond clusters, preparations are__in s-to -p ro d u ce-firsfclass'late fall a n d y R ? ^ to^-do^.good^music^^and ju s t progress for the diamond jubilee cele under—way,- apd a stone wall will .. . — .... spray ......... !plain entertainm ent have been Pile-; [winter apples-torapply a special bration of St. Joseph’s-Roinan Catho border the highway studded with huge vided by th e program makers who to control this insect. lic church* the little wayside shrine stone-pillars 16 feet apart, fnside the . . . . . . . , . .h a v e charge o e women’s section! The apple is-the. larvae t h a t ' atta^cts thousands . (tf : tuurists church, the walls and ceilings w ill,be — —,------ -----------. ~..v ., maggot ... „ ____. ... of of the annual Summer Farmers’. Da^ j a „fly ,and it difFers from the codling to be held a t the .Michigan State C ol-! each summer from all parts of the tinted in beautiful frescos- of soft - ’moth larvae so that it can be identi- lege, Friday, A ugust 2. _ <H>untry.- to u ris ts -o f all faiths stop SiianUh m inion} 1 * . O n ly Fresh. Clean and Sound a careful observer. The apple jnat.itVi-tjytdy' to marvel at the way nareral years ago o n e 'of the a g r i1 ^ h e “ praTfs^W‘nra1re~t}riiv_chapiil^ifT m aggot uTwIute, is smaller than the tu re plays among t hese hills-und-lakes, ;waysido-.shvi no si m ila r- t o t hosc—thatft cultural divisions of the College in larvae, and has no'headv vited a group of farm ers to inspect tmH and at t he qua in,r Ii111(TSpanisn cnurch A................... sanctify the highways of. the Old The m aggot feeds throughotit the flesh experim ental-w ork which was l- !- ~ 1 w ith its red tile roof and mission tow..figy.Efc.|^wOliiy thofio" eggs Unit are .fresh,, o f-th o - apple,ytT^and^thuse1 who •hnreHhe^'ctnrrosrtir Wo,i‘)d fiB! tlon^Tiy l l i a t departmen£.~;T fie ty-five years ago the' early Irish clean ami sound' of shell .should be to enter are struck with the simplicity pioneers built a little chapel Successful control js dependent upon Was' so 'popular th at other d e p art-1 where •preserved, or “put down” for use next o f the interior with_ils_J t Qinan altar dfc mente^JieUhsifflilar mWiings-Tate sglittering with rich mosaic and onyx the protective sprays^ The first spray It then becomes necessary to com-i exercises and increase the spirit of stone inlaid by the deft fingers of devotion among the faithful, In 182G4 many ca?$es; cause the entire” lot to mu st be applied after the emergence bine the exhibits put on by the deof the adult flies and before they have some jl'yroleses craftsmen. A-goodly the Rev. EtvGkriel. Richard, then one .spoil.. . Ihat the- had-a chance to lay their eggs; and a partm entg into an-idl-college-function. “To:: :be: number” are seen here d a ily ‘kneeling of .Michigan’s 're presentatives in conThe women who accompanied th eir [ eggs are—fresh and the shells sound,. ___ ^ in ^ iltm t. reverence-before the4ilessed- gre^Z peisua'ded" the TTmteil Is to these meetings asked t h a t 1 United States they sliouU)> he ".candled,’’.' says A. G. second s p ra y ; is a: later. Sacarament, or saying a^prayer in the Congress to puss a bill to have .the old a program be arranged for them, and oilvety extension poultry map at the grotto, which is a replica of the grotto Indian” traUTYut through as a perniah7' North Carolina State college. "A’ii , _ The spray recomnvended_by^entorrr- this has been done for the past few ^at-Lourdejr. —1In -th e-^ o tti,, l i t t l e road between Detroit and Chicago. olid slio&--JKiX=niay -,be used- Xor_Llds_ ologists a t Michigan State College is years Bernadette is , seen kneeling1* before For a period of the-last hundred years purpose by- cutting holes in it to fit one pound of arsenate of lead to 60 One of the features, this y e a r will the. apparition of the Blessed,Virgin, the road thendaidrout-has been known the egg and lilting it over a lamp or gallons of "wateiv This extra spray be the aw arding of medals to t h e ! who is placed in the upper part: of the asd h e Chicago Turnpike. It has be^ ati electric buH). shofild be appaed^only in districts second group of M aster Farm Homegrotto. 'T he entire grotto is 1built of come a national-highway;'one, of Mich7 where the apple maggot is present. makers to be chosen in Michigan. A ‘ __________ "Tlik fp-it will show up any' porous van-colored natura l st one.— • ' ;• igan’s busiest thoroughfaresk The in County agricultural agents can inform banquet fo r Women w ill. also be held! or cracked VI (.Tiivat'U shells fliimio nnd m m will \H<I .also Hiou show. t church stands on a. bluff above creasing' rush of. tourists through this grow ers ip their Friday evening, miaaits" jp..aai3«j!i 3Tills '1! Is localities.if the insect is found Iron Lake where n ature’s nimble feet scenic-spot every year-necessitated a 5 ’ j a mety-tTrsl j^recmutlon «nd, Sn v R have put the imprint of perennial love larger church, apd the present build fnkes only a-few (nlnutes time, should The spray is lecommehded for use r-rr Hardly liness, where the eyes of the morning ing was completed July 1, 1U28, and be prucUced by every housewife be only on late fall and winter apples, Lives there nT_ mu n .with . soul -go ' flash: in exultant, radiance, -where a dedicated by the -R t—Rev. Michael,;J . fore-putt ingL-tbrtvn-any-eggeii?— r ^ r - - - ^ o tices-o f-th e-p rap er-tim e -'to', spray! ibm'ettilngTyr aflier .that htrgets a kick, moonlit j$ky is mirrored in silver rib Gallagher,' Bishop of Detroit, the fol •For best results, Infertile, eggs will be sent to each section of the out of newspitfier photographs of ofll bons W_J f..the clouds were eager to lowing—months— ——i*-— =;= xsiiould_i>e_uscd_but_fertile-re«gS—cam state .as the fly appears. d a l r bel ng- sworm In ?—Boston-Gl ober- T r y picture rheir whiteness before a breexe be' used with good results I f they are takes th^ir- snowy sails-aw ay. Here put do\yn ench -day. If this Is done ~gmi les"aTe~wreathed~inra -thousand untlie "danger of germination will he" -d.ulating hills, and springs gush from v,rhe—tax “rate for Detroit for the elltnimued. Never w^tsh the egg be •cavernousdepths to laye.the unruffled fiscal . year.-was- announced by Mayor fore preserving as tills reriioves the surfaces of the lake, or~to whet .the- John C. Lodge “as $20.U5 per $1;000 of natural protective coating on the moisture blunted in the flames o f sum ■ar>cejL:\oti 3‘aluat iojir~n 7iiPcre.T~lT<; from shell. $21.50—of last year-— Togetlieiv. with mer. .in—iireparing—the-solutfon, Mr. Ol N ature has been more-prodigial here the announcement of the'low o Ivot’-advlses^one-ouart .of wi ...m th_ her. gifts. than._man,..but soon, the ran1 Mayor"LdiTge/anTnounccij that to nine' quarts of pure waters 'L*he------over the of Iron lake, The increase Til assessed yafuitUon had water should, be boiled and cooled bethousands who travel the Chicago been hut $119,567,370, whicii figure:is fore, .mixing'.with, the water glasB.. ;hc:l^w-u4ipm^H*ne al-r-ine4Mpiase —for INFERTILE EGGS BEST PRESERVED Tent & Awning Co. formerly , U .. Fox Textile Products Co. YPSILANTI, MICH. - 60S W. Michigan- Ave.^Phoiie 91>W ‘7 / its made o f canvas we tiiakt, it” ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN S ta n d a r d W a n t A d s . fo r K e s u M .1 For containers.- a clean stone-JiTF-ls----------J i cd--in ^beau tif uMeorrara marble the„best -but-TTn 'or-wbod vessels liiay with Thp snrrowing-'wnmen at-the fo o t J --'U ^ ^ r ^ W e ^rahtnAmnsTTvare. rA—srv-gtiTioTv -tiotelTTrayursS. The placing and. de'di-'j ciC'l. i'e report leceived b> ■of the Crost about fifteen dozen eggs. s shows. ie rtnicifivion Grnnn will be :■ n; r.c h :a;-t| of cation of the Cmcj — Mr! UHvcrrstnTes that the eggs St ' part of the religious ceremonies of the coiitninoi:.. sliould—be. " ~v diamond^-fubilee-.which wdll-be cele- —Try-Stonda-i-'d-Li ners—only 25c.-co\u?re(l^by7 at^ieast7 oiie-ah(J-one-half-: ^TTie-mission is!_75JUiclies of the solution. -essaiic to IlH-the—Jar-at-o n eS im eras^ C ru c fi m Iftwl i i-M •- fresh eggs can bu.uddud each duy, ink- i1 ing_cnrer“however;- that- the- eggs^ on ■top are always covered with the‘ solu..tion,- .!— 'i’lie containers should be kept cov ered .to1 prevent evunorntion and should be- s tored' in. ft cool1place-utr -needf'dr r, _ . ... I )!: iCrani Ml mk Give rcltmy ir«-. Kr ■-------- o other tire can give you m M(p. . w m M ■ ..Mm ■ ■ ...-t......... -... . tooflMr, longer lasting tire* A year»rgttaraiit<e agahiit the twelve most commonUro trooMcs. Bonded against the twelye most common tire ttoubles. If a Dunlop isiiniared by accident, collision, blowout—or any-of the other mishaps listed below— the DunlopSuretyBondjcoversyouagainstany loss. There are no arguments. Two things make it possible for us to do this: Pint, Dunlop Tires are built to stand abuse. Amd second, the Dunlop Surety Bond Guarantee is so sweeping that it even covers abuse! on the sides should be kept open to allow free circulation of air, ALrt Van~rtervbrt says. Results-of poultry denr-"oifs t rat Ions”nmohg col lege docks prove that nnliets renred In • hot.. stuffy houses are 1 likely to- be stunted and -urtpmlitable. 1‘ .... Frcfiucnt cleaning of the. house In -the-snminer Is necessary also-to pre vent dies from breeding aud~to keep the air'in the-bullding pure. Course wire net-tlng-H^aeed-nround the roosts will keep the pullets from the manure, r-(- one-meaHs^ef-heTping-dto-prevenT-t-ftperiworm infestation. TIm DUNLOP SURETY BOND GUARANTEE o g g liu r ..; Accidents Rim smashes Collisions Side-wall injuries Blow-outs Tube pinching Misalignment Valve tearing Stone bruises Faulty toe-in ■Euad.cma . Under inflation.. The American Surety Com pany of New York, a $30,000,000 corporation, stands, back of the Surety Bond that goes with every Dunlop Tire. Mr, I Ml a . Wda /Vs;- kg'ht -m hUireri rtefiioc ETHYLGASOLINE] CORPORATION t f n n i iS l I iS c f is . 7i Give the hens plenty of water. et_-t— “ -----: Pullets are not so easily sculled as hens. Home grown feeds are the best for turkeys. ' r - • * • Ducklings can lie-brooded muelOlk'ip: r chicks. ----- - — — • — . It Is always a problemTo have the duck eggs clean. _ .« . ♦ » . \ Milk, _cod-liver oil, corn products, and leafy green food make chickens -gr<mv~— L— ~ ......... x... Gat h<u,...egg8™regularl>v™twJce_J2al day, during excessively warm or ex cessively cold weather. Turkey hens 'will lay In places pre pared for thenb, Boxes or barrels ptnefid suitably will do very well. As” tTib poTilts gT^w~ol^T”Jttid the season advances the hent can be grad ually reduced until they require little hent. __ # • » « In order to make the greatest'profit on chicks, it is necessary to raise a s large a percentage of the chicks ..tpttchvtTrfrr posslbler - In^-ord e r-to-^dolhis they must be, ke|it warm nnd healthy. * e * Bfiby ctilcks of a reliable hatchery Is a' sound Investment. Poults, like young chicks, sliould be rnlsed on a fresh range—one which, has not, been frequented* by turkeys or chickens the year previous, e e e To make a complete job of dlvevslficntlon every farm fihould have lie* Hides '"chickens, lurkbys,' ducks, geese and gtilneni'i. But the same rulo «pplli o to, all tylum It comes tb the '.Hid: .there la no profit to bo derived™ ift’OKO mox’lgi'cllll, . [which ;1D'(P lects Stanolind Aviatioii Gasoline over its Eas tern Division to insure th»-■ 'faithful ■ jopgration of its new^-48- houjL-plane»train schedule: from New York to Los Angeles. Schedules must be maintained. Tn the -air, as on land, gasoline of theStandard Qil Company (Indiana) is famous for brilliant, unfailing performance. Ltroit . E th y l G a s o lin e -----------------------g-r------------'"F---- - but we are ready to back-them up.- Let us show you the -Dunlop-Surety Bond, Guarantee. I^s straight forward and convincing— — Com^ in today, and get details! [lights Like r [paren ii X ^•A.K! m i -Jot me .plenty-, of ventilation should be prov ided for brooder honses during7 the hot • .summer; - months, advises John, Vsmdfervortrextenston- potiltry-speclai^• 1st of fhe I’ei'nisylyania State college. Ventilators at the rear of the chicken ^ r o ^ d ^ D e b Ej*r?°£m an?e' factor Motorist hnict- QhA ^611? 1!6*01^ wn performance ih^Tway that you can notice im m e d ia te ly . AFtKewheel you ca i7 ee/ the difference Red Crown Ethyf makes. New life—new new speed at -ynur^commandl Yourcarisyasier to drive—quicker to pick up~smoother in low gear and swifter in Climbs hills with power to spare I w -knocks out thAt ^ rown Kthyl is Reid Crown, the femous premium gasoline, with Ethyl fluid t 0 ^ v elt aH the advantages of high compression. High compression fuel that will improve the performance of a n y en^ gine. A tonic fdr ^ ^ what it Will do for yours I Gfft <ttiy Standard Oil Service Station and at most garages C CHELSEA 9 m r .f p iM (Indiana) o m p a n y " ■■MICHIGAN'7 : m o imfRMpiiMtiti! ■l ^ jip rrS P A Y , J U L Y n > M g g i T H E C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D . C H E L S E A . MTflHTflAN. ■V. B ca l 1 m m NORTH FRANCISCO of Jackson spent the'w eekend a t Lake Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Moeckei a»4 W r a l week8 D cl" “ Odessa visiting- relatives, ------ — ■ ------ sons-spent--Sunday -at th e-h o m e of* son wore Jackson visitors Saturday. f " ^ ^ I T ^rjrriJaniels^ i t ^Tpendlng t h e M i s s Loreria Seitz was a guest* of Mrs. Mae Alidnding and daughter, Mrs. Anna Main Miss A rdea Loveland last Thursday, Florence, and M iss Fern Fauaer s p e n t! Miss Vera Harvey sp en t th e weekFreeman Huston ami itichard iieiH- week at her 0,d ho»le in .Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Notten. and Friday a t Jackson. sel left Sunday on a trjrj i through and Mrs, Hiram P a rr and son , end a t the home of Mr> and Mrs. Vicnorthern Canada/ of Manchester and Miss Hilda Core of Mr. and Mrs. Chester N ottem and son Mm. Lyle Harvey *Je SpemJi.ig this *f Woodland. . Pontiac called on the latter's a u n t,' ?Pen tS u n d a y a t the home of Mr. and week a t Ann Arbor. Mrs, Lyle Harvey .sp en t several , Porn to Mr. and Mrs,. Clayton JBalx days last week a t the hor alui 1ln<4JL hdr°dl y> Jujv a .daughter. Mr. and Mrs.* Han Miller of Ffirit_?!TK‘ Myra Guge, Sunday afternoon. Mrrs. Ezra Heininger^, —M r^and Mrs. Ashley Holden of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. P. La Maye , and XihcoirT and Mrs. F T A.” ’w e re -g u e s^ 'o rT ilF .-'in d 'T ftrsT ^ F r^ ”^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ttending“su m rrier school THfr, . _ , „ , week-end a t Jackson. Storms Thursday, , a t Y p sija n ti.S h e also -paid a visit'to Jackson slaughte r, Cecllran d -V ln cen t Murphy were Sunday «aHers_ a t the Mrs. May Allending and 'daughter , Frances Pool. of Detroit spent-Sunday with Thoms# Erie N otten home. ° f 4 nn. A rbor,'spent last Thursday Winston Schenkk of Oak Park, 111,, of Oak Park, 111., . The 'many friends of Miss Marie-... M rs,-Thelma ^ p ts c h le r ^ f - W a te r - i- at - t h ^ o M p M Mrs. K ate Frinkle is spending some Murphy and family. spent,several days ' " ' :. 'Philip Clayton Balmer and WflUam O tto Home,. will loo spent two^days la st week at the j F a u s e r r " d M — ^ ^ tim e w ith her sister, M r? J o h n Wahl visiting Chelsea r e la tiv ^ past W/Jek ? “ “ ? " • a |late made a-trip to Canton, Ohio, la st week. pleased to learn of her m arriage, home o t h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs.4' .Al . . . . } ^nd famidly. , 011-Junc 15th t . M t-H azen 0. T ra ils (Leonard Lovataid. | Dari LantJzniW daugh-! „ ^ rn 7 “ r: add Mra™Mwin-Bau.ri T-MiM-Amaftda W olpeit-was in Clin- ^of Farmington. cerempny -wan ----------- " The---------- ...................... -------'M M rclgme of In, liter, M r a. Kazan ter ot jadygon agent Srnday with hla^ »di*rihHy-fc-»-«m;------------- ------Herbertr-Harvey-and*-family—spent j Lehmann. ^ ^ H ^ a yrlw^ j z ^ ^ : attended,Jhft3atform ed.; in W auseon,_Ohlo. A t Omo. A t last-Thursday a t the home “_ *".... '.......... ■- ■ ■ HUH’X d i f f i B r ^ " ----- k----- =* I Virginia O tto” of Toledo epent the annual reunion of the Wolpert family, present they are making their_hom th eu ^ h o m a^ M rs. Joe Walz of Roots Station.- - - day g * ? ”caller '.,:!1Sa tW S ^£S L i “p *! 1 waB a Sun* . The people of Mt. Hope church will Past two weeks a t the home of Hat «f« m eat LJguesfof Mr, and Mra /E lb a Gage. mv Or Hulee Ji having the exterior M residence on W est Summ it Sfc ^ te d . ' ■ ■. _............... ■ - * B eG oirof Wayne has pur^ t^e “Cavanaugh_i^jiiL_cottage: Walter 4 ? ^ -. , Vfg • Francina Robards of Ann Arjpi»nt Sunday with her brother, G. IK' ^rand-w ife. ^ J. r ^ p ___t__Boehm—andllr- andTlM™‘ ^yghtei'i *4* LYNDON 't — SOUTH WATERLOO -----_* ;• • r ; ll JltlVS *■•••'» -,»■ —- ftjrThm'Bday~-at^the^-hoffle=of—hls: 23 and 26. in Saginaw," ' ^ _ niece—in Flintr She ■expects gone several weeks. t o— b r .' -‘ % ■ f | ' 0 and Clarence F oster are spend ' Many farm ers in this vicinity are n Mr- . and Mrs. Raymond. Cooker-of _ weekfrin-Detroit a s guests ofi making- arranglmentiT^to commence- ? * 41'0!?, J eiV he£ ~ Sundua ?' I hey *gi7TuntrM tss-M ary Dealy. their-w heat,harvesting t h O i ^ ^ f the » nUgm M™ -.Ion*^®rt°n-home f r0m coming week, • lielleville. • : Wdhemina of Los Angeles^ - — —t — -------—i-i Mrs. Alice Chapin’s company Sunr has been the guest of her faMrs. J. - J. H aarer who has been d a y :included her son,’ M orris Chapin i ^ ’(}eorge Merkel for-several^ days, spending the past week a t the home a ”d family of Flint and Howard of *her ..mother, returned to her home Chapin of. Ynsilanti, sonH,_and Mr. jjr, and-Mrs. W ilbur W alker of De^ in Detroit Tuesday. , and Mrs. Boutelt of Flint. M rsrCha-' kit stient the week-end with his par-. _ v — <— —- _ pin left with them for a visit in Flint. FgRev.-aml M rs.-F. I. Wajker. Mivand Mrs. Ralph Wilcox and Mrs. "M rsr Nellie Runiford visited^w ith William Bachus of Jackson were^Sun--h®1’ m an y friends, in, the Home last I Mr. arid MiV Howard Faber of Ann day guests, at the home of Mr. arid week. •ikr spent the week-end .with with - lr* his. Mrs. M. J. Baxter. 'jor "spent • " Mrs. Frank Hedrick and Miss Edna tnts, Mr. and Mrs. JohnJFaber. irents, JohnJg a b e r. ' • ■ v ■•■■■ 1■ —•— ■ _ _ _ Hedrick of Holloway were guests of M r.jjnd Mrs.^ Hem*y N.ot ten,,Mr." and=M iss_EstherFish, Thursday. 0 , 0l, and an(1 wife,—. Wlie> Mrs. wrH ' -- " " H,- Scott ll»sa? by.KOp 1eri‘ t.irOllT 0 Pom - W ? - ^ Cd were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mary Nichols.*amL-Mrfl^Edith^Lilley, 1 ^ r t i Q f H h + r e e d o n v t o - U t n ^ (,H Kzra* ;Hethlngbr. alt of Oak Grove, and Miss H attie | Ito* ; * • \ -----— - ----- -Tripp'of--Linden-visited .the -Home,] a i cs,' Mrs. Lewis "Moore of Chelsea and T h u rsd a y s - ........... Hack’s 1 i Mr; K; -W. Drudge an(i wifo-aml-TpiR— MlV-and^D-s: T rS .“ TVIas67Por To^ Ition, corner of M a in al^ . ? r^ ard ^ of Dayton Plains motored to Ni- ledo, Ohio, visited her aunt, Mrs. SiihutoulL eshenedup with a n e w jo a ^ ^ g .A m Ea(,s over the Fourth-of-July. w y r BalTlwInTTMomlay,-— -- ^ = ~ -T-— ,■ ■ . ........... ......... ........ : . ••••— —=• ^ Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stanbro of Urn Fannie Naekel and daughter, :Mrs. A, A, -Avery ‘left.-Saturday .for- -South Lyon ^piLMrs, Sarah Stanbro ‘ - ' 'IHfninii Jrtte'leftMonday for Detroit where; lacoina, Washington, Washington, where’ where she she will will of Salem visited with Mya. -F!Hgnhpth '7 [Hielatter latter has^ccepted a position with * ^ (i sometime at the home of-her. A tc hi nhon, Monday. n«vis and dnd Co. Co. paints.. Mr? Avery accompanied her_ 'JVIr.s, ’’Susan Dnnson’s, guests ThursMkt. t) Davis TcT Chicago. ; day were Mr. arid MrsTMiIYoVd D an~SoiT, a graniison—Mr;' and-Mrs.-StTcr^ ■Miiuhest&i^Grove _bas returned J o.... ...... _______ _____ ........5--------- hr ■••Bluffton.— lnd..- -a fte r-i— Mr. ■pnifJl^s-TJleoiy&.-T-urnbull vand .-man -'Bachmonv -Miss Mary -LouchS,’ lillBg^c^rel-wdeki^lh--hoiviwivl-Sil'*. hnd JVjiSi__C.xeefg£ IjfomerS.drove and family^ “ T* Detroit=and-(it>rtlon-Merehant:-of—Bat- .Barkei^s^fatherrJohn-T-homas-of—De.tio Creek were guests at. the. home of t'roit. i b ^ W r d m a y e r A i k ^ i e I i i w a d 3 l i l . - a n T p M i - . * ^ VL CrE; wee|< with hor niece, Mrs. John Kempf ?irr-mr exten<le(j v ig it; a t t h o horiie -Detroit ismis^iHoward-'-imd -Ihrdley^-Teturnett~ ‘_Mrs'. -F-rcmcefr Robto'y. is vflitmg 7 = rr at -Ivlapelwood. N .' J. ' heme ...Friday ~evening from n three it, VpuMnnt.i this-week. Mrs, A. E . B ed fo rd " a n d .c h ild r e n -o f i wceksLtripAhyough.^ellowstone_Park jfflpml Rapids .were* * guests riseveral-j ttIJd Glacier National I ark and Cnn- :7 Y 9: _ ■ ■- 7-r*v^ •'! ... of Aim Arbor, sing were callers at the home of E. W. Mi ss Ruth Vpgel_________________________________ Mtss Louise.' Wrielnlv of AshtubvHa, McDaniels Tuesday. Ah.-and Mrs. Alton Trinkfe of Day Helen.. Vari_I.iewand ~ Mr. and* Mrs. William Hankard enftWrOhio, spent several-days-af-the4^bl0i psso were tei’taincd _MJ.._and7 Mrs. Theodore L i wcek m th Mr. and Mrs. Roubon .E lizabeth Wiilman of Owoss r i .......... . . i' ■. . .. . .... i . urAAU.An/1 ivitAcira rvf Jvlv J in / jMrs. L. Mohrlnek, Miv- Herbert Mohrlock and week-end guests of Mr.-and iiil-othej^ relatives—irU thl P. VogeTat summer-home, Cava- Miss Case Tuesday -evening ,7 the ~ncii*y. casion was in honor of Mr. .Mohrlock’s naugh Lake. -ntrthday,' -John-Beasile-y-haa-hftd-JMS--residence, vJVfiss Mildred Noah spent-last week Buchanan street wived for electric with her sister, Mrs. Florence Boyce s, r.ewiy“painted and decorated. Mrs. Jennie Wood had7a call Wed- of JackBon. nesday from her daughfeT-, Mfs. Her- Miss ~MiHired McDaniels is' spendirig [parents. tha Morrison of Ann Arbor. She was this, week end with Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and MrsrGeofge P. Staffan and Accompanied by her daughter and hus.-Benjuinin SiatefCof. HaVtland. . Mi'and Mrs J E McKune r e t u r n e d ■hand, Mr; arid Mrs. Ralph Dystant of, Dr. and Mi's. .Hai-mon-Webb: o r De-* l » ^ n u visit i n S . ]Kansas ... — -------------homo. of-Geor WithereJl a t their-auinmer-home-L:.. F. .il.- Kober.ts ami G e o rg s __ Ifan g » _ W ^b ^unday. _ .. ^ — fit Lewiston.——----- -------- -------------- made flying trips to Detroit last week?' - Born, July 4, ii)25 p to Mr. and Mrs METHODIST HOME AHr and Mrs. Leo Trudell and W on M r ^ ^ o r ^ D ^ X a ^ ^ ifl [d Detroif speht Sunday with Mr. and T h m X y . * •w e e k a t n™ f a t& d,?« % Mrs, A. I Greening. Mrs. Dan Hoey, Uev. and Mrs. W. J. jBalmer e-nter- 11ieefci^ of f ! S 1 ■ - - >v--i;.i,.-Mi--thpir"daughter her’ husbnnd'-fir9t-hlace in her- canning club-and Miss-Ht.Be^Gerraghty «Hmm ol place in health _am°n? W Jun" ior g irls of Washtenaw county. Dexter ulso were callers at^the Green-~B0y a h O a k a s t Sunday.-’-Mr. Balmer [ing'honie. ------ Ireturned'with ;them for a few days’ Church Notes. visit. ^Sunday" school. • -M JolmTTndow"oTTTmirinTE^^ arid■Mi1s."T;r“LilTTti^-ofrftiErhhmti' No preaching services Sunday. a group of friends" Sunday nf- Park called for Mrs. Susan Danson, j ' Sunday Mrs. Danson expects to visit' Vacation, Bibleschopl^ w ill open “Tor the pleasure of- her-koni |-t o ^ o mrAe4 cc^ionA^ - h h U 6 t h ^ U } e r e e ^ .M ilfor.d...Tuesdav7Jiily,JB,;rand QQijtlnu^ tor. An auto trip^ahd other' places for* tho next - two--foui^weeksr-Tues(lfty-and—Thursday anm versary.______ . -At t he close -an -Pleasant~Lnke~was enJoyed after imonths; .... , — —-------— —— ----- r -----I»hich dinner was served a t six o’clock L C. E. Park is spending his time m evening program wtill;be. given, h trih e- ~e\-enTng n e n t ^...... i t hr T ti^ ^ ^ ht! Tins summer’s sesskm -pronrises-^ evening was was aspent ,.^. f-----; •; ------Sc most worth-while.— AH young poor. itM'.c-.v, ‘Ciiii/sts werepresbrit- fronTDe-1 a hie to- b(r"dbwnsUfire John Hubbard returned-Sunday from p'le under twenty invited to join. f-trok and Lima, 1 * ' ** ’‘ ' ■ [A- ..,,4 'l ‘ r-': ' f __ _____ - . * T --------------------------- r - Available to Chelsea Motorists . A. PARK J. A. Park has long been recognized as the most, snooessfu l. wholesale distributor of petroleum products in Chelsea ; now pa-trous-at< this station will-receive-the benefit of his-long experience^ ih the oil husiness and his unuWati^accdmmodnt.iiig-^^th^srTftf .service,7 The_station will be in direct charge of K 0. Relmer who. 4s thoroughly experienced in super-service work and has spent six years in the oil business. Our station has been’completely rebuilt; a“new"modern steel office has >een. erected, a complete-tire -shop-installedr spacious eoi>erete-d nves laid out, and, complete ecitiipme’nXprovided for U‘_cars. Iucluded~in the equipment "are An air scale which automatically inflates tires to ■*the desired~pressu~re7^aii0 a new oversize air compressor capable of inflating all sizes of tires. ~ " ........ " “ ~ — '*" ' .■“7 ^ Q iie 'T 7 .o f:T ith e ^ u ts} :fn fd t^ ^ fea ^ tu reso fth e -new-statlon is the Rotarr-Lift. By means of the lift an“automobife can be raised rsix feet off. the ground,-thus-per mitting complete visibility for -hibr-ieatio&Apring-spraying and ____g eaiL -fliish in g ^ - With the opening of the station, Seiberling tires will be available in Chelsea.. Seiberling is Dairy Feed J th O ir e I - P lk ite c te d .:i^ T tlie - .o n e - y e a i7 -- g u a r a n te e - agai 11st”cuts, blovvIMfsTijYO sorts. of "all 'W Modern tire equipment has been provided to take care of VireVepidTsraTrr^ to 6hexkJhe condition of your battery. CoUins PHONE m j ’- ... 7 wH. ■■.-.zf: . BurkOiiiclrFred ~Sharp of lOast Lan- iitridrs. H. Ahnemilier and fa m ily .! Wholesale Orders M obiloil PHONE:CHELSEA 243 and 10^ Two Unusual FREE to Introduce On Opening Day_Only—Saturday, July 13— ( . < v ..... » wo will give away cMpoiiS-good-for 2 DikTe Oil ot Gargoyle Mobiloil with every 5" valIons of gasoline put into a motor car.. These coupons will be redeemed anytime between the -opeiiing d*y-iind4he fjjvst of Sept'embeiv—(Aupona— 'will be given-iuvay Opening Day-Only—Saturday, July IH,-- For the month of July we will give one Premo lighter with every purchase .of a new Seiberling tire. ” Preniq’Ii ^ ^ ‘.Y"m'e made^I)y the makersAF Golden Wheel lighters, are finished in lea(;heiv and ordinarily retail for $3.75, ■one Points o f Distribution in the County j z c SSs L ■ e e •5S85SS A A-. NORTH LAKE oLtlus: week_al^e3 \bme_oLher -Jda'\... ■SOUTH' MAIN and U. S. 12 .. '- ‘ im<8SS 1 ■■'■ ■. ■ 1 : ' jjv/l* ' ’f i ■;\V Au. -J 4-( f 1 1 1 1 I 1 ._T_“.—. . I THE CHELSEA STANDARD^ CHELSEA, MICHIGAN . LOCALJTEMS ' *Mr. and Mrs. tjy v y Musbach spent Sunday with relatives in Lansing.... H. B. Murphy spent several days .of the p ast week visiting friends in Sag* maw. . Mr. and Mrs.41aiold Spaulding and d a ughter—w ere-A nn- Arbor---visitors, 1 'm ’idSummer Clearance SILK PRINTS U At $1.59 Yard V a lu c s ^ . l O . ^ . S O a n d $ 3 .0 0 . J-_ Ypur choice of ournewest^best Printed — Siik.s—otd- PciHted C-hiffonsT Light .amidark-grounds....; Nearly ail are in dress patterns and cannot be cwtt. No'two pieces Bride-To-Be Honored i S S ^ h c S T y ^ ^ ^ l At Shower Saturday -a iik ^ r --* Very -L- , ■•;« any 3()..inclv [Hive. siJk. .p o n g e e w ith o u t "dressiirg '-o r sizin g . "' B est 12 m ornie. uullv sold a t 89c to $14W).. :-■.. , _ Women’s Sweaters Misses’ and Children’s - Sweaters_____ U«-_ 59c irii Youi^ehoiee-of-ou r eriti re stocks SILK DRESSES _ Are Greatly Reduced * OKE-FOURTH OFF ONLY 7 COATS LEFT Can You Use One? ~ Your clioice at three pYices-—- - $9.95, $15.75 and Wnshffresses At $2.95, $195 and $5M :i r. i i ylT-; rVj{ r X p \v Gno'd L o o k in g ' . Size 20, $15.00.vah, tan'tweed, now-1 >,95. ZSiZe'38, .$45" throw c6flai\ now ..L.. S]ze_ 88, $25 val., tan tweed, now $11.50 Size 4u, $20 val., tan tweed.......... $10,60 Size. 40,. $ 18.50 vnl;i tan-mixture -„^.$8>75 t2r$25 vhK, navy twill . Size 42, tart mixture ,.$10.00 XMton Ensembles At $3.50, $5, $S,50 and $101 -t— Cotton Crepe Kirntmat $ 9c Value to $5.00^ ( J a b a rd iite a n d Pitfue KOT E } Special Price - - 32c box Sport Dresses ."So,00 value. .> ’....- 4 CaUes_ Palm Olive Snap 0 1 ) 0 T.OT D F Wash Dresses and Smocks $1M and $1.50 r. *’:%u All -Colors- k -Sheets and PiUow-Cases ......... $1^5 81x90 Seamless Sheets Bays* Wash Suits $1.00 and $1*50 All __ ...... 30c ........ 33c 42x36 Daisy, cases . .... 45x36 Daisy cases . ... Double Pointed Silk Hose $1.00 Pair ~€hitdrer?s 'Sox For 25c~Pair Sizes 3 to 9 years. Whil# and: colons. 7 Children’s Rompers $1.00 and $1.50 'orrc- ya!Tnjjr -A re-im | ioi1ted TuTl -fftshioned-r—-S-ims-.4 4o-:8‘ Light nivd dark colors. < Sizes 1 \o 4 years. All fast colors. Goodlooking styles and beautifully made. Entire Stock of ■'s new — ’ a r t j j Ld«5 , of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fletcher. 1 the afternoon program which also will i I . • Mrs. Fred Heunigan, and son' Rob- be featured by a dem onstration of I river. ........ 1e rt o f Rochester spent Tuesday at the bi*eaking unruly horses~to“ be staged : 1 M o ^ a p ^ n g A tiiy y ^ home o f her sister, Mrs. J. A, Park, under the-dlrectiori- o fr Hr-p. Moxley,ftess session was held ■iii ; the iiudiSr. Gerti*ude Mapes, iIn l l honor IIU 1 IU I o U if ’Miss m is s u b iu u u b m a p e s, " IV “ w uiiorj Claude Rogers has accepted a posi- animal husbandry departm ent, Michi ' tion in the Kempf C om m ercial^S av gan State college. whose m arriage-to Paul W hgner of ]flt M * r f-c-° building Defl-bit wilt-be an event o f - t h e : n e a r - ? " ^ ^ ^ tal^ l » » 8 i r t l ,! in g s Bank__for the summer months. ■future,_Mrs, William Geddes andLM rs.' ,if5 .tn , ^ hf re 4^itno.sse(i man. M any from-here attended the TigerHENRY KLEINSCHM1DT entertained llTOO SP,.v„,i D„.,„®Lail4 m W ashington double headwt- base bafT Henry Kleinschmidt, (15, passed T. C. Anderson w , * v * a ta a mis- Wft(, .. tl fee(l^ Luwh game a t Nhvin fieUL.Detroit, Monday. away at his home in L.vndoh township celjaneous s h o w e r^ a tu rd a y - evdning ,,n.w. ■, * y w r e.,1 n ,13. B4Furnbiill jmnounces the sale of Saturday morning. He was~born on [a t the home of -Mrs. -H,.,R. TSehoenhals, andi , about 10 acres uf-frontage on South December--3,-1863,-a t -Barmen, ~P e r - ; the gueifts including several who were ” ao cu^ Ctt K anoiner buslnoss session. sessi ’Lako=4 ^ I^ fe T t:n£4M tth“ of”D et76it.'- many, and came to W ashtenaw ^ouhty , form er classmates in Chelsea high .. -Durino- n ^ -<v -.-r 7 ------• ; Mrs. R. H. Mairson and4hree;chil- and settled In FKedom 4td&nship-with::.Ugh- 7 school; , Keho .furnished the I a i a a f •--.ys^ne«*: dren o f Kalamaxop are guests at the his .parents-at the age of seven years; amusement for the evening, a fte r nnrtv- w»« ' p.,a , ei™ un a [N « home of Mr. and Mrs, A rthur Barker. He later moved to Northfleld:township.Twhich..littIe Jean Anderson and Win^'^pany MistL.VirgimCiTrmy^^ "where-he 1ived-for-lfb-years when he ! held- Sclfenk 4lres'sed “ as "bridff an'd- 447^ Kt/ v ln,>\<in^ vas P^* is spending this week at the-home of- moved to Ann Arbor, A year ago he groom, presented Miss Mapes with .. ^P1 .hundred.^]j her grandparentsrM ir tuid Mrs. W. P. moved to Ljurfdon.township. " ■ —jinany pretty gifts. . Refreshm ents mho Paiof«« ' D - , - <:'ont'ei^;A Scher.k. . * The funeral was held Monday after- w were served by the hostesses. -V 0I?. .. , Lu.,, a $20j _e4!?_ «eVv?d hostesses, fn»in!c a p in ! j ,.nn ■_ „„ ^ -M rsr J Nr :Danc ^ —spOTS-t-'—several (4>ooh from—th e -iie'si3enee:-in Lyndon ; and white eake- with m iniature diride nf .. ’ .s , cf days of this wek, in Ann Arbor, at the township with Rev.—R N—McMichael,;and groom centering the table which' ftu re r of livestock, , 1feeds in the counhome of Mr. and Mrs. George Milis- pastor of Trinity Evangelical igelical church twas further decorated with cupids and . inetef n mills in principal cities. Their product is very popular paugh. . of^Ann -Arbor in chai'ge. Intornioirt i hearts, in this community, according _to Mr. M iss-Arlene Contiint is spending was made- in St— John's cemetery,! ” ,Tf' 4io--atates4haL44tv-sales-an =-so^ne=time^iir Hasl|ngs a t tho--home?n^ -NorthfieWf ■FKS N U ES^f HOMPSON increasing very satisfactorily. her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wes He. is survived by:a widow, Anna; i. Miss Frances Thompson, aged ley Hall. six- daughters,' Mrs. Eugene Helbei^ofldied 'Fridav-evening, .Ju'ly-5f a t fihel ^GLSD^^Jiirs. r,vliaia'.y4Pnidden - and TTin]t, Mrs,Mrs, K arl^Schn.eaclg^of^-York- sea Fjivate hospital. Miss' Thompson '---- •.'•••...'Extrem«» MCel __ fam ily were guests-^Sunday—at the township, Mh< rs. John P ra lt of Sharon was born in Lima township, March 16, The siMilliiu* mill Hu- niiiciilhus art hortlH' -n f. Mvq lr;i]|tli4lJ1x: Alvin Okai litt of,,iPrm-—lH.jiJr'Uiu duuglUei1 of MiTTtiid Mrs. -orren Bo^rieiirl.v1m o ron .-Him -n lliamston. __________ ______ tiac, Mi-s,. ErharLJjaiik •nf^Chiwtgm- Mw-rifr- 'l1vQLUfismfe=wh<te^wfrrfri^tm«»n^^gtf^-$,v--»|TrB^^rtrTvTn^^prrrntf.iy^onft— Mrs. Carl Mast and daughter Per- ]_ancL llluo£=Ann Arbor;-a- the eiirly settlers of Washtenaw -coun- "^top~nbovo rtie snbUiiic.jnTltrns.lbe■aldinc~^nd:' M~ys""':TTfl—' lLennon -------------------------------------------— 1 several, ........... . ' -sp en t hfother, Edwin, of- Ann ArFor, and U ty. For years she made her dlculous.'nnd one slop above thh ri' ' Tuesday^at th e .hoiuc..of_ Mrs.LHerman gramichildron.---------------- ----home in Dexter where she was a-mem!” TTfeiTloiis . mnirds the subljme agnlft,Fahrner in Rylvnn b e ^ f - 4hc—Methodist chuTch- and the' I ’nlneT — ----------— ^ CAVANAL)GH LAKE GRANGE-- -fOrder—of—Eastern Star. She had re;Cavanaugh-Lake. Grange will-meet -sicled in Chelsea“sincf last December. Mi;s^w4 h7--Miss^7Rieka-'"-K-a1mbach Tuesday l- Survivtmr~^her are.. two ^Hrothern, | Danzig, ‘ Fr-tif—t j Geo, Satterthw aite. ,• evening, July 2d The following is'the [George, of White Oak, Henry of Dill, [ Dunzlg on the Unltlc sel is n "(rw G.. Wefck was a iJetroit visitor. program:--------------------------.—----— Mont-ana.. Funeral services conducted 1 clt’t'*1 under the liroieciioii |ii,otecnon: oi tlitk'as-accompanied home Song—America; --------- ; by Rev. Edwjujl, Hocking were held - League of -Nat i(■oi s- dr—is- «ovr;nmd-hv -by-Mtran^'Mur l.TfboPty "Bell—Ran- at 'l:«() Tuesday esuay afternoon at - Gor-“i~n^dlet and a senate,-+lte of-1 Mr. afid Mrs. . M. L. Bailey of Port Richey, Florida arc visiting at the BIG LO T O F S m a l l .-1at„.af .lo.imh,skfi-V.e_ lr~ 41NGHAM& On sale in two lots at 15c and 25c Yard and Mrsl-Allen Burns.' :&om_ Armstrongs man’s funeral home,-Dexter, .with .bur"The new currency,' wliich_Jius been Roll-Gall—Miscellaneous: ial in Forest- Lawn'cemetery. issued by the United States Treastm-y^-'—E L^l OTtnfent,--was-put^-in—cj rculatiorr AYLTsTlHejiry Notten. -Wednesday at the local banks. Recitation—The Kid—Keith Harvey, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Aichle apd Mrs, lo.v' Loveland-.---------- ———Thomas Leach were in Milan,. Mon ' Canning and Jelly Making—Mrs, day where they visited the former’s James Richards, and' Mrs,_ P. G. Iliedaughter, Mrs. Walter Ritzrau. menschneider. • " ,- . Mr. and Mrs.--Ed Hennoiv-aml Mrr Are good businc!ss m'ethpds'LJ nioroarid~Mrs. Herman Schanz and~da_ugh- ; Vaiiie- 'to the farmer than great soil tbivJ^el.o res—spent Sundays with--Mrr n^ttLty’.>—rreTbe 1‘t Haryey and 11417 /j-Mrs. Dewfv Johnson-in- ikmttiri-T1 diHwrler;' a'tfd" Reading—I.)o Not W ait—Mrs. Al— Mr, nun family returned Tuesday. froltt n J svo bert Schweinfurth, weeks’ trip through the 'Black'''Hills7 Lunch. " « Yellowstone and Glacier -National SarksJ;- MABEL LOUINET3LLWWOUTH Rev.' F. A. KralTt, Mrs. Kraift and- Mabel' Louine Ellsworth was born daughter Helen of SL-Louis, Mo, a^d December 25, 1003, and was called Miss Catherine Cost of Chicago are home after a short illness July 5, 1020. guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. She was a graduate of the .Chelsea High school and’ the State Normal of i P. H. Orabowskj, Mrs. Edward Whipple has traded YPsilhnti alter winch she spent. UireeT| ~ her residence and land on. US-12_with. years as a "teacher in the DetjioiT ' Dr. C.' C. Lane for his property on schools, She-was a.great lover’of nature'and Van Buren street. The Whipples and spent nfany-hours"inak-Lng"lHnisbtf“l>etLanes moyed on Wednesday. 4er-~ac<iuai hted-wl t h - God's gtfts~to~ Mr. and,-Mrs. Fred Klinglermnd Mr, and-Mrs. Claire Dancer and daUghteji earth. Her loving and. unselfish disof St. Louis,"Mo.-,“1‘eturned home Mon position-won foT“herJiosts-of-frientbr,day- evening—from , u" "motor . ■trip' _ ..^he.’.. leaves-to 4m>uim—thefr—loss—a~ fother, mother, two brothers, Wayne,; through northern Michigan.. of Chelsea and, Paul, at homei Vwb F. W. Merkel reports- the sale of sisters, .Mrs. _Russell;_"Gros.shaus, o f’; two tractors this week, ^ r a n c i s - M a y Gregory, __ __ Agnes^ of Detroit; and many of Lyndon p i'ch ased a lS-SB-bm^ofj-other relatives an<i friend s." _ for use with his threshing outfit and Funeral services conducted by Rev. the other, a 10-20 was sold to a Dexter IL_StephenO)f-Stockbi4dge^wr(*-liel(l township farmer. — — — a t 2:30 Sunday afternoon tit the home Miss Caroline Fairchild of Ann Ar- of her parents, with burial iiuStockbor spent several days of last_wcek bridge, • ________ . .... with Miss Frieda Wedemeyer at the home of the la tte r’s mother, Mrfl? H ar MICHIGAN NEWS riet. On Thursday, the Mr*, Ruby Snell—-of- -Fowleivillfr Fourth, they all were guests of-Mn -Who_a- -yea r—Rgo -•d-t'mvti-rd—hot ASL-Kr Quick,-attendlnghthe-pUgfeantHU “ j^ar^bl-^qiiH'TrnhB“.tTRihTiiTrFt“TieFn the fairgrounds in the evening. home and was found-insane by a la ry _and commit ted to tiuj4otda-jimte-Hotepital, Is to be released from iliai in. . Raising Tui’k^s Btltutlnn on orders of Atty.-deti. "wifTurkeys eim jic :niise(lc.b'lv iirtlflolitf her M. Bruoker. . I)/. J ^ c . Robinson, ) tnetitods with less loss titul more profit of the hospital', reported io.. Mr, t Mnif: "by" t lie- hen-Itiftel iud'' hiid" "TrotT' ruckor thatTMr*. Snell la anno, nnd brooded metlmd; Kiteli yeiir llie unit- the attorney-general- said tlieie wa'a T Duijiu, color* g !m .. lunv^Kz; v m pw m i $1.00 Each Women's best quality fflSSjfiL C r e p e Y o g el & W u rster MICHIGAN 4;.. Ilf ' MEN’S DRESS HATS Starts Saturday Morning ^ ~ July 13th Men’s Straw Hats— Regular Price $1.50 Hats 75c $2.50 Hats $125 _ $3.50 Hats $1.75 MEN’S FELT HATS Now 1-3 Off Regular Price ~ tm rm fs$ 2 A T $4M $5.00 Hats $3.31 ’s and Boys’ Suits cent "Of t he pottlts -jilts -beefpij'e more tllllleult. Timt Che nssoelmion of tur keys ntul-cltlekens js~rme“Of the lend. Ing cfiiisesTtir the heavy losses in Imby poults and tliat turkeyscan lie raised In brooders and hatched lii incubators . ore., co.nipnni lively, jiew developments. J-fn-tliG. .tuidiey’.altu utloiL 4 1 ^ lliQ K -fQ i'_ h J m ^ -o -d o r u n r h T ^ ftr u lA 'w ' expect to order Mi'fl. 'SmdTs "!7jlease! i An Mth. Snell was acquitted of a slay! In? c h a w by a jury previous to her being declared Insane; she can not be ln,( J? n will go from Crlmlnal ^AWS' and' the hospital a free worn G o w n s. White, pink, peach. All sizes, the4serrnr^nptrg-tlie niftiest ■etecir rive officer.. -- OUR SEMI-ANNUAL r~: ! J^£ilues^to_.75j2.yiU 'd.__ CH ELSEA , County Picnic Will • ’ BASE BALL DOPE * L° CaI ^ r c h a n t At Be Held Wednesday i Louis Meetim — , I ; L ast Friday evening the Masons won The Washtenaw County Farm, B u -I|^ from St^, Paul's team a t a score of S * 1! * ^oprictor reau-is-_sponsoring a county-widd picnic July Arbor, been Monday, f . handle pUfi __Misg-Hazel-41ovvsct’ of J ackson was b u reau ,^rH ^lub, members_an'd other grom. , ^ e Congregationals a t a score t t t t farm residents. v of 9-5. , ! the guest of Miss Nadene Dancer, R a ls tO T f^ S i CoU' o n i l T c l by H Ihe program arranged for the day, *pj,e following is the present stand* ’ I Monday. * , . Six hundred dealers fri>ui .. Mias Josephine Walker visited rela which includes events jfo r young and . jpg 0f e ac lro f the various team s!- ' Won ^ pc t tives in Ann Arbor, Tuesday and Wed old, will open a t, 10:30 with a base ;Tewn A rriving in St. I.oui.s b all, tournament between. 4-H • du b , K(. of p . 2 * 0 1.000 nesday, — B m ng, the dealers K g Mr. and Mr*, hex Richards sneilt teams of the county. Max Kalmbach , — o------ fcOOO 'g in u p a ^ - ton ,,..1 Thursday arid Friday in Grand Kanids of^ Lyndon township will be in charge j A q q p triprthrough 4 he-cil v iJ p 1^ of'this, cpmpetitlon, the. .wlnnlfi,_._of..Qong1,0gftj{ona|{t_ j gr : _ 7007 ,3 33 ?eemg ing df/ ' *ollo\y.| «««'' inff this this trip trin the^grouii tK» and Kalamazoo. t»en w«n Clyde Faber of Chelsea4s speeding which will be awarded a . suitable >, TW" w e e k ^ w itlfW ^ brother,"" Le.wi£ p W ' .000 those who desired were "givon-ai^i ^ The Washtenaw County council of q ^ q Faber, of . Parma, ---- -------" 0 2 .000 d d es in cubin planes provi,|0d Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Lesser spent) 4-H clubs will operate a refreshm ent' (iames scheduled for the coming occasion Sunday in Dexter, as guests of Mr. stand where ..soft drinks, ice cream, week are: Tonight—K. of P. vs; C. R .! 1° the afternoon the coffee, candy and so forth will be sold.! , C:; F riday evening—Methodists vs. j entertained a t the base guests were j and Mrs. August Lesser. L_ _. Tueal) eveni „ Congre- jwhen they witnessed a gainf ^ y M r. and Mrs. Heniy,:AhnemilJer and Rach family is expected to bring i t s :£;• ^ > daugh te r je f t Wednesday for a t rip own lunem-------- -gationals vs^-Catholics; and -ThuTSday-^6^ —¥h rk and-SL-Lou is:-A fR rrr" >through northern Michigan. “ • ' — “^ B i c y c l e r a c e s ^ fo T f w 4 4 L u s s e s ^ b o y s evening—K. o f P. vs. St, Paul's. igame they were entertained it !f9 i I Mr. and Mrs,-Ray Carrol o_f_Little and girls under 14 years of age, a n d ! -------------------------" -------' 1 Missouri Athletic-club-uiUiX - Valley,4 ^ ,-Y ^arehguests .at the home those between -14- and -20, will open for ? f l- THURSDAY, J m . v ^ In Case of Roiip * Should any of your iloek begin to show syiuptoum of roup, no, timo should be lost In stniiing- niensTt'rcs. to prevent further spread. All lioiisefi, pens, coops had runs 'should lie thor oughly cleaned and sprayed with a strong solution of a good coal tar dip nnd dlslnfoetnnti’ Droppings, litter arid trash of every description should be removed niid^lMirned. All unnecessary equipment of every kind should he re.: moved from liouee* and yards and atored elsewhere,' '4 . ''[. - J l c a r h o r a j e ’s i , r a l e , „ m bt 5 Ji " 7 bo bym> or- iBBued at Lansing, each was. levied' for call* between Slf ? £ ||U 7 ' for Z ntr. '■/■■wtl' tor ^r f01, *lngle line* | h t y m o re We still have a sood assortment in aH sizes. Lot No. 1, now l/4 off regular Price Lot No. 2, At a much Greater Reduction Consists of one or two suits of a pattern, nearly all sizes. Hereto- ban .Detroit, m T m r but J T a^ toll Hof1(,wer man io n«n<a { « muhlcipBUtiM. at Reduced Prices and bUBlnofci t e l e p h o n e ^ i & Wurster Chelsem., Midii,. / »uciiSDAY, JULY 11,1989 I■«— «■'•rn—^'i-- -- lo cal it e m s Mias Virginia Hummel is visiting relatives in D etroit this week. « r ami Mrs. G. W. Cpe were In „ Mr. and Mrs, .Will Schatz ar|d son Miss F lti II* a • ™ ngV f 1 !. Alice Wg^lfe visited friends, nifin City, lnd., S aturday oh a busim iss Liiu Slimmer is spending a in Parma over the Week-end. VwoU William spent la st Friday in Jackson. Ifjp, — ' 1 Mrs. WiR, Schatz and Mrs. Oscar S iVa<:ai'-n relatives Mrs. J, F arrell spent' several* ’d ays' s Agnes Young Is spending the in m lecumsch and ioledo. ,of last week visiting relatives in Chi- Schneider^ spent Wednesday in Ann i n Lansing in th e in terest of 4*H wee Arbor. . , B p m on July 1, 192“), to Mr. and catfQ* . ' d « ^ - - ^ ^ 4 j illgu^of^Aim^A^H>iv :a , .R oMr.iL-Risen „o f.D e tro ifc-returned, ^jQ rfin 4 iu rg ea^,.9 iIiiitt]iu C i^^ iM iL i^ " Kamova. Mrs. home Sunday -after j v e r a l d a y s^ v liit the week-end w ith Mr. and Mrs, Geo. ^ her cousin, Miss Helen B axter over ilu g e_ w as fermerly^Miss MariG^Fo^vW,th his coukinsr Walter and H. G. Hafley and family. the week-end.guson of Chelsea. —^ j Gage. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hafley, Mr. Mr ami Mrs. Jam es Munro and Miss and Mrs. Geo. Hailey and family spent See Hossbach, Chelsea's star D itch- *• H-_Fenn has had the'salesroom Ruth Russell spent Sunday with Sunday at the Irish Hills. ___j " ew friends in Adrian. ~~v , •« , in action at the hi* * „ „ „ a t WilMr. and Mrs, Wm. G. Luick and j Mr and Mrs. Dale Claire spent the kinson Park, Sunday. .Meadow T.nvk Miss Oertrude Young of Ann A rbor daughters, Gr$ce and Ruth are spend-1 * *«?k-end at the Claire cottage a t Inn of Jackson .ys.-’Chelsea - lndepend- spent Sunday ut the home o t h er sisin g the-week^at Cavanaugh Lake.--’ ■■-I tltlrer-baher— ------------ ents.- ........ .. - ■— t M rsr'F T W : ‘MerReT Mr. and^Mra. C. T. Aldri'ch.and son' "Mi*, and Mrs. Eugene BUrtell were sp en d . Sunday in Plymouth. Ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. John K’oot. toJonCH vilioSundw to^viBlt J” o to m iL M»** and Mrs. Lester Winans visited ther^ M rs V1Slt her ^ f r i e n d ^ ^ ^ <! I Mrs. E. S. Scroggins^o^C hicagois ][ speeding this month at the home of her sister,.M rs. Ed. Grabili. Mrs, Bertha Steiner and son, Ed ward, . will leave Thursday for a vaca* ', ..tion in-nortHfern Michigan. ■»[ M rsylilark I.owry -is spending this week ln~Ann Arbor at the home of her! daughter, Mrs. William Degen. Miss Betty Marie Seitz is spending this jvjgek in Ypsilanti at the home of Mr. and M rs/C h arles H artm an. Mr. and Mrs—Ernest Musson of Howell were callers at th e'h o m e of Leah Sphanr a rid ' Richard Edward^ spent the week-end in GfandTtapids. _M rs; George _Ingram of Detroit spent several days of the past week as the guest o f'M rs. Liim Whitaker. -J a y -T u ttle and ion,-Will-Sehatz”and Mr. McKibben attended a ' double Regular $1.00 -Value at 59c, wh7te~ they' lasti— ~~ header b a irg a m e ,in Detroit on Moh: .J day. H erbert.,Lane was 'a~ guest a t the Sauce Pans:, Red, Blue,and Green .Enamel and 3 cakes home of his brother, Dr. C, C. Lane -|%ke White-Soap, Regular-price 35c— AEt-EOft 25c. and family la st week Wednesday night. - Mrs, Adolph" Eisen and- daughter Elizabeth,1 of Detroit, spent Thursday tiT. ^I^^pound of UK-X-LD Tea andi note hW~mucK“ i* *" • —Elvh<a ciark-ViseljSunday. . i t * ■ i * _i. _j , •» « «, . ^ — - •• '■ • •• • ' y ' ^ TT 1 (> . Miss Josephine' Bagmann o f Hudson a t the home of h er father, .J. G. Wackbetter this high grade-tea is, and 'it costs-no more than^a= ] is-the guest ofMiss Gertrude Hindeenhut... , t/ ~~- ' ... - u■ ■ clieaper grade; It will not turn red iiUhe cup. 1-2 lb. 35c'. ; tang at'C avanaugh- Lake- this week. __ Mrs,r-Aaron Gorton of Ann Arbor j 'M rs, Edwin G aunt and children of was a guest-M onday at the home of ♦ IM roit.. are, ^pending this-rweek^at-the: h er brother,-: W m .iji^ Fahrneiv and Home of her mother. Mrs. Homer Ive i & 7 : ^ z r ..: r : —Ma^ —E ila-^Buetler and daughter, Miss Lucille-W olfe of-G rass Lake Miss Anna, visited relatives in Jack- i is spending this week at the home of soil and Grass Lake Thursday and Fri- Jher gram iparents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry day. . 4 .Serviss. -... .... a sack of th is .famous flour and secure twelve Mrs. Jam es Runciman spent-several -Mr, and Mrsi-Hehry-iThiexunaiuand “Hetty CroekeT^ceiptsrfree, days of the. past week in Jackson at family of Columbus, Ohio^are guests the home of her. daughter,.M rsi Oscar of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mijlei\ • I ' Chandler. - Mr. and Mrs.-Leroy-Hall of D etroit Mrs, W illetta "Richards left Monday, were w eek-end'guests at the' hqme of night for-B ay View where she will M rs., H all’s parents, Mr. and Mrsr spend- the rem ainder of the summer, at Charles Mohrlock. h er home there. Mr. and Mrs. S. E . Bogms r. and Mrs. James- P. Hathawayfamily of Hudson spent Sunday with of Williamston spent Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs.^A. G. Hindelang a t'th e ir home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CayanaughLake-home. C harles-H athaw ay Sunday- t—M-r. and M-rsT-Lawrence-Jr^Lovey-effr?nn'^-thi:ee"'weekV~v!sit7witir,r e n r Ann Arbor are spending their vaca ^ivon in S t....Charles s a n tM l rBiZ H en ry M ohr]nek Crppnvilio ann uetroit. M rs-Leonard-Bakei!iand^nieee,-=Miss-_ UDtW tm iissT H e big-gniiku at-W-i 1kin.son-Park nextrSunday. T>Yeartow~l7trrk~ honia, are guests, of the former’^ par- Inn, .of Jaek-son, vs. Chelsea Indispendents. , '' v 1 —Adv. -entsrM»v-anci: Mrs. J. J. B^reis. MT J. Baxter aiid Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ambrose and Mr. and Mrs. M. daughter, .Pauline,- of Fremonti-Ohio, ______________^ ^ daughters attended the Baxter fam ily ...for-youx sjjmmeryacatiwj^onJ.heJ'^^^ w re-g u ests-o v er the-week-end-at^th"d-reunion-whieh--was-held-in-Argehtine=^ Tlie- premiei’- -\^iL,spimL idimne of Mr. and Mrs. H enry^eyfried. the Fourth of July^ Matt Swickerath;has a force of car*, -Mr. and Mrs;- A, Cl. Clark.-..enter.1-■ winding-gives amice natural wave. -This is-an-European pouters 'at work on amew cottage'that' tained Mr. and Mrsi-'JaTnes McCarthy , method invented in Austria. Prices range from. $6.50 t(J heis building-oil the Crooked-Lake. and children .at-th e-C ln ik cnttage at-i waves:' -R a in -—i Lake, Sunday, Lwatei-,shamp.oo-andJinger_\vavo included. Guaroftt-god net--] -Mrs. A rthur. Schulte and daughters, Lung 'M r ; and Mrs. Kent Walworth and to discolor or -yellow:white hairr^ihietis^il^'ea-tm'entsLTQr^ -Helen -and-ELizabeth, and son, Gerald, son and Mrs. F.. Grover left Tuesday" fl-,luh’iiff anrl-failing- Vmhv Mnvepls 50 CCUtS; E vem ilgS-hy. t wo -w eek’s trip^to^Mairve^and^ geth-Wednesday.: fotMi-weck’r. visife appointment. Phone 336. ■:*, -at the home of Mr. and M rs^ E . J: through northern Canada. ' M r. ~and"MrsV - 0T W Weber. — — MrfTind Mrs. Stanley Nitokki and Thursday in Fitehburg“in attendance children of D etroit and Mr. and Mrs. a t the Keeler reupion held at the home Frank Etinne,.-and-family of Jaekson of-Mr. -and Mrs. Be rt Grow. were week-end guests at the-home of William H. Schatz retuincd to his Mr. and -M rs rr J . Er-Burg Hvork'with the-11 rawn^an'd "Wtlliamson Dr. F. M. Teeple of Norristown, Pa., Tobacco Co. After spending a IQ-davs’ and Mrs. Burton Teeple of Napoleon vacation with his, parents. - The-Misses.Margaret-and-Lena-Milsummer home .of Mr. and Mrs. Jl. J. ler and Mrs. A. L. Steger are spendis week a t Cavanaugh~Tntke~as rCtaire at Gramt” Rtver Lake. gu ests of Mrs. J. s. Cummings. :M E ~ lm ^M rarR 'rK '=^ iM ly ^ ^ tertained as their guests this week Miss Helene Stelnbachrof’Lakewood, r t I M f T M mill'd Mrs. F ran k Jolly of Bloom Ohio, and Miss Charlotte Steinbach of field Hills, Mr. and Mrs. William W el Is Dexter were guests_ Friday a t the of Chicago, Miss Ruth Moshdr of tDe- home" of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Storms. troit and Miss Jean Little of Saginaw. Carlton Hafley is spending this ___ _ T H E A T R William Davidson spenjt the week- week a£ Lansing with th e 4-H .clubs, / - ■ ---------t f ' i / f i end^in M_ason at the home of M r.'and as he was champion of Washtenaw. M l^ E H S lrortKLFIetpiefv'"MY'Sv-DayTdson, WHcrlfas been spendftjg^heTija^fe w o rk ._ . week there, returned home w ith him. ' Miss.Gmogene Brown of Lima was ;o.. the_Chelsea _Eiivate. hos —Mr., and Mrs...-ilobert—La: -SH0WS:A.T TI30 A^DiL-Pr^r ers. A m m aTnf M arcia;-G eurge pital joen takm g-m ediTaiwrcncq and Stdnlff. . ........................ troit, were entertained Sunday a t t he 'cal treatm ent. . SATURDAY, JULY 13 home o f^ H ^ an d M rs—LrzBr Lawrencer -Mr. and-M rsr ■ M r.„and .M rs. Otto .Goebell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kelly and daughter, Patricia, ami E arnest Paul children and Dave and H enrietta Kelly of Lansing were guests a t the home a.ll of D etroit visited at. the John Kelly ‘in th e t h r i l l i n g d r a m a - o 'f a lo n e m a n 's f ig h t a g a i n s t a w h o le of'M r. and Mrs. Wilbur Van Ripef, home Sunday. __ to w n f u l l o f d e s p e r a d o e s — a p i c t u r e t h a t w ill- k e e p y o u o n (Friday.— Miss Virginia Van "Riper Mr. and Mrs. 'George ICoengetei;r|" th e e d g e of your s e a t a s y o u t h r i l l to i t s s w i f t h a p _ p e n in g s -— accompanied th^m home “fo r an an- Mr. and Mrs,.Clarence Koengeter and daughter Arline were Sunday guests ! tended visit. 5) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Steele and a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. John. daughters4 of D etroit Were week-end Eschelbach, Ann Arbor. guests of4Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hummel, Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Luick, grand W i t h ANN CHRISTY. ■ all motoring to M anchester Sunday, d au g h ter Grace and Anna- Geddes p f where they visited a t the home of Ed- Chelsea returned home Monday a fte r Smitty Comedy—“CAMPING 0UTv ' noon from New Faris, 'Indiana, where Wtird Uphaus. they-spent-the-week-end. zzMv. and M rs,;H . R. SchoenhaiSTaty :.------ ' • — ■StJNDA-Yi-JULY 14 tentied the Schpenhals reunion which ■Miss Alma. Broesamle of Munith, was-“he}(f-Tlmr8day--ate-Grooked-LakO' -Hai' r.y..Jonea...oUackson,, and. Mr,„ and near Howell. About 40 were in at- Mrs. S. R. Jones of Michigan Center tendencc. 4Mr. Schoenhals w as. elect Were guests a t the home - o f -Mi’. and Mrs. Ed. Scripter the Fourth of July. With Charles-Morton, Leila Ilyaims. ed president for the coming year, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bailey o P T o rt Mrs. Elhi .B urkhart and daughter^ lafe and-adventufie on top of the world! A .womanj^wit Richey, Florida and Mr. and Mrs; I*... 11 . m - , Miss FlorH,iWhb’' have been residing George Satterthwait© and fam ilyw oro crew. in Chelsea T of several' mohlH^ wili entertained a t a 6 o’clock dinner Tues The thrilling love drama of a reckless adventurer andean return this week to their home a t day a t thie' home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon' unforgettable girr’iii a forgotten. North Lake, Mr. aftd Mrs. Claude Chapman. -am khM i--oLC M cagQ „-i^ -4^ r r ^ a n d " ;M r s r “-W«lterrdHarperr-and. arrive Saturday fo r a., week’s visit' daughters spent Thursday and Friday' with , mother and sister. irrlJu rn ip s a t th e home of Mrs. Har WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 17-18 Mr. and Mrs. E arl Lowry, and family per’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mi Gor of Ann Arbor entertained a t their cot-' don. Mr. and” Mrs. Gordon returned tage a t North Lake, Sunday, Mr. and home with them fo r an extended visit. Mrs.* Lewis Stocking ajid son, Mr. and Holmes Ellis, son of Mrs. Howard Mrs. William; Stocking of Detroit, Mr. .Elba.-.ofJkand..Rapid3JGs attending..^ ------ UI . camp "at^Rome "Cityrlft4lan«i for ir 5 RY S ta k in g of - D etroit, M r-. and -Mrs. week’s prelim inary training before William Degen of A nn.A rbor, Mrs. leaving to attend the International Mark Lowry a n d . MISS TJTIa F ree r of Boy Scout conference which will be W i t h Ernest Torrence and Mary Nolan. Chelsea. . held in England, Ju ly 31 to A ugust 18. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Grieb enter He is a nephew of Howard Hplmes of Jiei’ce"hates, fiery dove, sweep, across tained Sunday" a t ^ family p a rty in this place. >dA^ e/ ’t with John Gilbert div his honor of Mr .and Mrs. Alton Trlnkle MIbs Alma Pierce of Chelsea, Mr. A girl, alone with two men, where the Ifl^t vebtigev of Dayton, Ohio, the, guests including and Mrs. H arry Prudden of Sylvan, fation drop off, and primitive passions A Mr. and Mrs. Otto Trlnkle and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Pierce and Mr, jars in diamonds—-with a death of thirst stating tfrem m of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. W alter and Mrs. Herman Pierce of Lima were Trlnkle and fam ily and Mr. and Mi’s. in Ann A rb o r, Saturday aftemoony the face I Clarence Trlnkle and children of Lima, whore they attended the funeral serv See this newer-—greater—Gilbert I The Yeiir’s Romantic Mn and Mr& W ilbur Trlnkto <5f I)ox* ices of Howard Helbeiv who died ter arid Mr, ftfld Mrs. Clyde L asstett of Thursday of injuries he received in an S e n s a tio n 1 Sylvan, automobile accident. FANCY SHOPPING BASKETS ■ if r Having taken the agency for Chevrolet motor cars 4n^his vicihity, we^wish^QaniTOun^^hat ever possible automobiles, and we solicit the patronage of new friends at our salesroom and service station on North Main St. , y s ... An earnest effort will be made |o so take care of our customers that we will merit a continuation of their patronage. - - K ; _ Chevrolet Sales “KITCHEN TESTED’’ HAROLD SPAULDING, Proprietor YERA- RICHARDS’ BEAUTY SHOPPE ? O v Hoot Gibson — You GetAlLThisr 1. -A genuine Haag-built all-metal washer of highest , quality throughout. 2. A machine of outstanding beauty; one which will . .-Outperform many washers costing-much more. A-Speedl safety and^tfor^>ughness-in washing. 4. Durability and dependability. The Haag Eighty will give excellent service for many, many years. g^fueeconomy^Compare theprice-and^value-with #ii«* ‘------Then decide. j y y the Monej^Shat You Have Ever Seen. j 85c per gal. HARVESTING Witt-soon be here. Try a new McCormick-DeeringMnder and do that job up quick. We-fwve your size, give us a trial.. “THE FXRCALL”-— “DESERT y W a s h e r -^ o f- BOYER-FLY SPRAY *»ronounc4dHa[^ __ “THE LARIAT KID John The BINDER TWINEj&l...: .A....... *'*4* 1 >>. .. We have McCormick-Deeftiig*, Maple Leaf ana prison Twine at the lowest possible prices Granted Harvester Machine Oil Cleaner’s Naphtha, 35c per gal.; 3 for $1. • , 'VL'" ...."" . ", 4' ' ....' ;■ ■— ■ • .3 gal> Naphtha or Gasoline can ....... 75c 70c pergal. 25 pe,r cent off on.alLTrellis. ThiajnakeKS ” the price of opr sales leader, The Star. m -5-gal. Naph^.oi;-Gasoline-caii-«ftfflv ^ ^ 5 ^ ™ ^ P ei^ y o it-8 tev e Wicks, 30c ea., 3 for 85c W . M erkel B. P. S. Paints and Varnishes PHONE 91 Automobile and Tractor Oil ) REPORT O F,T H E CONDITION OF A d i k in g trip flcaund the,«world N O T T E N R O A D bus. been beguir by Clare Wiedmaler, % T h e K e m p f C o m m e r c ia l a n d S a v in g s J B a n k v 19 years old, of ,Bluterville , , . Spring*, .. Mr. Nmd Mrs. Wm. Brosemale and i $ u e arlth ac a , who started recent y from chilj ron.. sp en t. Sunday with Mr. and A t ChelseaLMichigan, atf the close o f business Junjs 29, 1929, M ca||e . ' ^ At Chelsea, Michigan,, a t the close of business June ”2‘J, 1929, us called foi & kis home on the first lap of his long , Roland Kothe of Manchester* by the Commissioner of the Banking Department,ror by the Commissioner o f the Banking Department. $ U a P P e n l l t S S $ Jourfcoy, He has hud experience in Mr, an d Mrs. Geo. Heydlauf? and ■ : '“$esources~ ‘ _ ' ' "Commercial Savings i W v w w w l w w v w w a w w w j S hiking, having wlfen only 17 years old, family and Mr, and Mr& W alter Resources Commercial Savings Loans and Deposits . , , . .........................$295,162.80 Loans and Discounts .. .................... $249,111.84 completed a trip, on foot H.?r0HB None ! Kalmbach and son, Junior, visited Items. In transit , 1,395.00 ■ 4«4»44«f| 4 items in Transit . . . . . . 8,302.25 A small 200 will be established in ■continent without mishap. <Tho'year j theic,aunU.,Mrtt. Siman .pii.kenaon o f ■Totals ..'.■ .i»...' . ji*' . , $ 2 0 0 , 5 5 7 . 8 0 'Secured rhy-GoRa tw ol—1w , tire rear o f the new University of befor^'he made his tlrkt venture, nn a pedestrian, t r a v e l i n g 'Butler, Mich, Sunday. Real E state M ortgages , . , .ttt*2 5 7 ;4 !M 9^tl6j5W 2i"$343,923.^0 Michigan Museum.^Dr. Alexander G ,long-distance Totals "............ ‘...... 1288,733.00 g i i S S — •• -■ ■ ' Wiod wafer ■ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barth-of-Dfifll^., Bonds and Securities, viz,; ..$ 29,719.09 $190,345.69 $226,005.38 fiuthven, director of the museum, an* through New York- Stale. Heal Estate Mortgages a. Municipal Bonus in Office *t l | M t I M ■89,041.75 'Bonds and Securities, vI zb . . — iiouuml at Ann Arbor. The zoo In will walk to Sau Francisco whore he born visited Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Kulnt* e Other Bonds I «l • M l I i M 277,800.04 bach Sunday. $ 8,700.00 a Municipal bonds in Office . . . . . . . , . , tho center of a $mail park between will board a steamer for. Australia, Totals M > • M « I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Itfemenschneider 150,212.00 e Other bonds .. ....................................... tho., two wings of the museum, was LTojn there he will-go to Asia and on $317,24.1.70 $ ^ 7 ^ . Reserves, viz.: $ 168,912.60 $ 168,912.50_ made possible through a gift from an - hi# trlp through- Eur'ui'ii-WiU-y MtA j jmd_ Mrs, Adam Kalmbach “ Duer from Federal Reserve^lfimk-TTr. r. $ T otals • .. '.I , 1. ' 1 T-r- 18;23(L0T$ 10,000.00 ^ anonymous donor. "We already have countries, Sunday, Reserve*, viz.: . .. Cash und Due from. Banks In Reserve a finevfanyiljrlirrT-acoons; and a group |------- ------------- ------------------— — A— M<>yd— Hoydi Tnr^ronT~^tf»iiTL tte s m 'e B airtcA y rrrr Htes #ri <« • * 24,048,32----- 9f|g7708~^ from banks in Reserve * "Ut-Sr-Bonds and-Gertifteates O fTndebK uLLsMnk8^9^plFceT7i^ 4 h a z < m ^ 5 r 4 ^ ^ o i t a l n T o F ^ f tte (twned—ftirimrfS | T)l. _ M ... ; r ,. , edness currieti^as legal reserve in Huthven said. -“We also plan' to have will be established by thb new board - m rs’ N ouen visited Cities “dSrKHhOOExchanges from Clearing House •Mrs, Ingrum of Detroit and Mrs. 2,371.01 other unlmuls edness carried as legal reserve 1R board's first meeting held in Lansing ‘ i r Totalsi n #4 =44,049.94 $“ 87,287.W$13L987^‘ Savings—Dept. - Only" ...................... recently, The meeting was called for Henry_ Glazier und childretv—of—Ann is Arbor are visiting a fe w d a y s with Combined Accounts, viz,. ^ •Exchange's from (fiearingH ouse ■.. Section men of the Detroit, Toledo the^purpose of organising, and no •Overdrafts ...................... ...................... < M • I I t t « I I |« i\lrsH7ena Whitaker: . , ' . ' ;$ and Ironton railroad, formerly owned formal notion wus tyken, excopt to -(^nnU ned -Accounts,; viz. ;------ :-----— — Bunking House ...., ,v. ». » » •» 4 f t t i .* • 4 * * » « • • « f « t * • « » , Mrs. Fred W. Norton visited friends *•11 14,000.00. Overdrafts ........................................................................................ $ 42(L02 by ■■Henry Ford, Detroit automobile elect ’William B. Mttyo,. chle.f engineer in Manchester. Furniture and Fixtures I < « M t I ; 4 4 » • 4 • • » < » ^ J 1 m Fi , ^ ; __ \ 6>500i00 Banking H ouse . , . . . . . . . ........... .... . 10,000,00 majuifacttirei:, havo: beep given notice ; of the Ford Motor company, chairman. —.Mrs/ Lena W hitaker, M is.H ngram Stock of F ederal Bunk ; 4 • i < t * * l * **• • t f I I M • ( • M »t »| • »i ____ 8,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures ........................................................... .. 900.00 that their w’ttgOH will be reduced 10 The proposal to construct landingf-DeD^it, and Mr. an<l -«VH!Sy Fred-W^ - . Total. ^*057^5" Customeis—Homfer-Deposited^Witir Bankrforr8afckeepi,hg . . . — 17,860:00’ per c o n I h g to a‘ report re- , fietdsT at stule "oxpenso7~iTt7 sl'rategic Stock of Federal Reserve Bank ■.......... ............:v. .... . . j.o o a o fr celvesi jit Monroe. T hls-iuling also locations resulted from a suggestion Notten attended the Jackson Centen -! \ Liabilities nial 1'aradc the Fourth. —~ ~ Capitul Stock Paid T o ta l...................................... 7 — ...................................... ObOCK 1 HiU In in <• • I M 4444 I t t I M t M M • II IV i | M , , ( (t CAAAAAA $900,222.70 applies to construction workers on thn by Governor Fred AY. Oioen thut the Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Neckstroch of Surplus cuLoir._j>Hi.ween-Durblnr -MonFbe -com »'jboanl-take over the operation of LanI'P F u n d ......... ............................................................................ ® r. _ Liabilities New Knoxville, Ohio, spent several Undivided Profits, net » I 4 I • I ♦ ty. and Muiinta, Ohio. The road was , B*nK'B airport, which Ison scute prop•.: . 32,509i59 days with Ticv, and Mrs. Fred Ross, Dividends. Unpaid C ap ital Stock I’aill In . . . . . . (j $60,00(100, .q. ♦*«*• • • r r r r r r a***: i ecoiitly-aequlred by^arr unnamed pur... 5,050.00 • . ’ . ***\T ' ■ “.HrtrphreHtmii—t—. —tttt . tv r ■ ■40,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Albrecht of Commercial Deposits, viz, : chaBer, one report being fliat tln r p i/ndivided Profits, net . . . . . . . . . . . .......... .. 39,324.34 Cincinatti, Ohiqjr enroute to theiivsum Commercial Deposits Subject-4o-Gheck~ ...$286,9frL48.-------------Making a jaddor of himself, Mayor mer honre in northern Michigan,rviHit- ^. Certified - 5,720.09 -Penn8yl\Minla-rallro«d hsd- bought the liividehds'''U.hpaid^.-..^.:......:..'.:.......::.. . . Checks ’. , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . , I • 444. 4 444 • 1.00 line; John. ft. Rudemaker, of Manistee, .mil. od Rev. and Mrs; Fred-Ross Monday. i' mmercial Deposits, viz.: Cashier's Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 « 4 4-4 4 » »'4 • 106;00 i Commercial nepdsits Subject to Cheek“ 7“ ,.$229,it5L57 llonalre flnancietv rescued Eat her-Der, ■. , . . . . . . . 15,000.00 : Mr. and M m . John Kalmbach and State Money on Deposit . . . . . Certified Checks . . . .. ., ............ • 24700 An. appropriation of $38,760 , for czenskl, 12 years oliL fiom l^ike Mich* Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd,Kalmbach' of New Totals A . ,7 . . . . . . . . 4 I 4I I -■ .Cashier's- -.Checks ................ .. . . $252,128.48 '1252,128748 _ ..____ 503,24 -Mackinac Island s titte y u rk, made hy^lgan. The little ■girl—LeH -tH-onv the _York—-visited Miss Rieka Kalmbach Sayings Deposits, viz.: ... State Money on Deposit . . . t ...;, .. 10,000.00 was- clinging clinging,“fo to ' the the legislature two years ago, was bTewkwater and ■was 13,458.84 -r-7Kme Tonrnrerenal Certificates- of“rDeposit Sunday. Book Accounts—Subject, to Savings By-Laws . $622,010.25 saved .-foi^ -future-:u»'-a■special edge of, the wall calling for ludp when Certificates of D eposit-Subject to Savings_By-Laws 46,263.13 8253.997.05 meeting.;of tlptb-Dtlmlulstratlve boardTotal ....................................................... .. mayor---and —MrsZ^itaduniaktit'-TotaLp-r: r r r i -ri » » » V“ =.. .:,~ r r ;v iVfT7$008i2O3;88 $008)2C38 •' at Lansing,' Tli,eL_ board Tinado --thiLLwiised.. The mayor crawlod Savings.-Deposit^ A’iz, " 7~ 77 ‘7 ~ • r 77U7 "— ' _ _ ' F R A N C IS C O BillsT-Payublo______ ______ ut-M-i-4. M.4'4 4- • None • B o o g iA c c o u r iu b je c ’t.'To -Saving.C B yJnw * . . . .8433,373.00 nipneyC, IfivmlH Sold Subject to Repurehaso ... n * 4 4'» 4 » »• ■ ^ t’^itincatcs ol .L>epi)S5t” Subjoct to Saving!? By-Laws"'“50,"4SOTfitF Nonemu! and buI Id Ings. Al1 a'pproprlalions feet into the ’wajerrso ili.tlo Esther Mrs. Lulu Thelen und children ov Total ’ ..Totalii -=41^)57,95116 •jJ433,8.3Qifl2- ^«(i-t4ie-l-9^tegie}atin'e7-w-iHeh-}nmrnot could, crawi im hlH-ba(‘k to safety - He Lima wore here, to spend a day with ‘votes'and Hills Kediscounted -..None: been made available befor.e' JUly 1, 4fien took her home. Sfale of~Michigan,,County of W ashtenaw,,ss, Mrs. Martha Keeler last week. (dlls Payabh ---- . No lie -nut.oniiiti(;iilly reyiu't. 4a-4 1te-- -gene ralI, lV~G7"Schaiblei President of the above named ballkv'do^lolriiinfy^ "Guests the..past week at the Frey Bonds Sold’Subject to Ifepitrcljase None fund as a new . f|seal_year begins ^ A_.60jGent bet.eust_ Kreii vv^tiasklnv -honTCwere Harry Miller and family of swear, that the above-statem ent is true to the best of mv knowledge and Customers' Bonds Deposited with Bifnk for. Safekeeping $ 17,350,00 July.L_________ ■■ ■ ■■■■■' 28,. of Pontlac.-ljls llfi>7 -tfctwtttng—to- Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bailey.and belief-and-correctly represents-theA rue state of- the severai-mntters th^Tein :Total 7. . . . . . . . . . . ... .77. : . , . . .. i ........ .. . , . . .'77 . . . : $900,222.70 police, Gaskins whs iishifig with Mrs. A rthur Credit and children of containedr-as-shown hy the books-of the bank. Does—a--partridge swim? Yes, in- Clyde. Weldeman. iu Morgan liivko. Ho .Jackson, aiuLSheldon H. Frey and State of Michi gan,-County, of Washtenaw, ss.-' - . ____ ■ _P. G. SCHAIBLE. Presidentti: 1,'John L._ Fletcher, Vice-President of. the above-named bank do solemn deed,.-says John :O. Briggs,, conserva wage red .Weld eWiurri h ctmts- lie eiiuhT family’ of Detrolt.._ . . - ___ ■Subjjcribed Und sworn to before m e th is 3rd day of J uly, l!)2fL swear, that tlm abeve- statement-^is-true to- the best of-nvjHtnowledge anr- tion-officer-«) Clur.e.— Several days hit a cork bobber wliii the .22 rifie be Several from this 'locality-were in John B, Cole, N otary Public. relief and correctly represents the ■•••true stute of the several m atters 'thereit- -ugo--BrIggs—f] ushe<i a—young grouse -had—with h im .. He stood uji to aim Jackson tho .Fourth- to- attend the big ” -M y commission expires AuguM-22,1931f=^‘ contained, as-shown by the books-of-the bank. --. v whfclriit in a small pool a rod "sqTraTe, but—lost-hlH—bahrnce when lie fired. celebration. The parade is reported Correct Attest/-";' JOHN L. FLETCHER, Vice. President. ' ‘It swam to sliore like a duck, shook The boat overturned. Woldeman chine TIA L 'Kalmbach'; been—«—m ont intdres ti-hg—.Subscribed and -sworn to before in e ■t h is-5t h-day-of-J ul-yy-192th ■.i).self-:off-^aa<i'-rnn -lnto -th e- grass -amD^torthe boaL-until-rescued but Ciuskins-MerkelDireetors_C7M.-May?j r ,^N^faryH5bnc7 -Balmerfriends •tTT-' iMi,lwy. ihg—expHi'lHnnw.*1 ■wereGruss Lake" ...IlvUend the ..... Correct A ttest: 'H u n y big broods of. young blrds^ are .. . graYe.servlc.eif.otv.M rs7sh'rah..M.=Ilorn.__ Andros Guide -lound 1n- t lie- a rea-surro»ndinTif~ Harrf. Luther"~morehanta closed-—thetn- - i n ^ b t H n n r irmny^yuimr-Hvbfl :1v<>v4s—Vogtd -::=l>irectors=son, the conservation officer revealed. stores .receritly. to give aid..In..fighting Franeisco -befercHgoingL'toAtirkson Itt __;I)avi<l E. ite.iiHi a ,fire endangering the business sec live.__________ '_____________ ____ fton, As many as 16..11res were .caused i)f—Ypslriftci—wlndHtnrmr-odnin'iTrAlbfn7 __ ,at”________ orie time___ by_____ Hfmrijs—OarrietE-frapir ____ InirtispenFtheFoii rtlFfiereT iilirtlm southw pl, receptly.’ swept...acrossAhu7 th e JiQme.-Qf-Jtoger . Falcbanks.—whleh- i‘etuilnrthey. were acconqmmeirtiyAYF western hal_f_pf_.1nuwea county, near was destroyed, and from the home a noLd JiiLLLe=Avho---itu<I spoilt ten daysAdrian, ..and loft—in- its path wreck oil -Clyde Stieeleiy fa t her -of o iglifcU tr \vRh his ifriindpim-nts',' and Henry 1 1 p.imuoa barns,= uprooted HreOs (jlreiiV-Whlob was damaged. Tivefifmr reinained'forTTAdalt;— _ wreckaae-bloekeil h i g h w a y s fire truck wan brought from Baldwin- -—Mrer-NIna-tlohmi cantul-oTtWuju.dKgTT street*.— St-rlkJng thw eastern" balf-ef ' to"uld-in pxH:rs:ui:dilT "Tlli^btuZo, •' friends Monday. -J-Ue—village—of Medina,—It—rlppedIncrease of 13,848,169 in weight Franctsco is serimiMy the loss being re ceipts froni J u n - l td -fthr xcm coir FfAfrclG 1929,.over figures- for the same perlo*i were home for the Fourth. Two m en,- convicted of catching 16 last—year,—was atmounqed—by—thrThe unnuui school meet!ng wairiioid rout- on -a closed stream, most of secrotary of stateuaU^ansIng. The ln- Monduy^evening, “* — which were loss than the legal length; "Creuse in loglstored motor vehicles is _Mrs.A'',tta ll. Froy was-ln-Jackson .were 'given an—unique sentence by The- report staled that T$19. . . 1 ' . r I 168,262, ' ? * **i rw i* v* * *V | •Saturday on business^ Justice—'Wesley B—Goeey a t—Honor,—-MTAOSAias b«jen received- during the After-fl neH=and^osrt=ofzt|f9.each_had^A)J:8l—sDf^montha^of- 1929 to—compare -L»rtcs>4er Sound hoen imposed, the offenders were giv-yWlth $17,128,984- Ia8t year. There are -Ln 'n_the aliernatlve or a non d i runt P a y s '" L2 9^661 autosTeglsteretL S t or<LTy o ui7~ M e n t-7 s h o p p iB p ^ -h ^ < . rlturcu * V W ail n- I ■ . 7 ; ' , ' ti ^------- . I WIWc..h' North | lm„n „„rt Cool.ftirn l«y for tl.B S»m0 period, T K o y .eb o n ..... *P»lfMUo» Wank, for ticket,, to ,„ e ,.„n of thV Norfh guarantee fresh M^ats at alFtimes^ — j UhjveiBlty— of MJehigan— foot— bttH- west .'..passage timh is imvifrnhie every Steakr Porterhouse, T-:Bone_ Ste'nks'iTTKl"i A lin . J ________i f l M . - f . . 1 _ - A J . - 4. A ~' __ „game8_dt Ann Arbor-thla Fall wlll-bf- year, others, Excellentr ctits;—^Thick and juicy. Hazel Bonzeiaar.-4-year old daugh- | placed"Jn_iliij_mails-AugUHt S. to alum POT ! L T R ¥ = ^ ’essed- and ready for MseTA^ClvickuTTg^ -er of Harry Bonzolaar, of' East Sau- , nl. and thoso'on life athletic assocla ^ .. Geese, Ducks and others. ■ ,;Vlu(:k,' iH deu"(i p rb u rn s received in a ft°n mailing list, according to Harry -C H O P S — Lamb Chops and Pork Chops. First^cuts^^; Tusoltne explosion. • Her father was |*Tniot«Qn, business manager of the Targe sizes. •' iillng the" tank of a machine AvlTh athletic nssoolntlon, Anyone may utsollne, while the fiotoir was r u n - , have application blanks mailed- to ling. The gasoline exploded and Bon- ihem by a request to the athletic O r K O N J O U - I Tt-ja iu Uvre "cangiTom-a—window , association^-^ - - i T“"A' — I ind struck the chihl, who instantly^j --;— ----- ~ _____ ___ Phone 41 Chelsea, Mich. ' \ ;ik enveloped iiTTIiinioR, i .Tohii Berytenderp, wife aiuJ twoohllF O U N D H E A L T H " ■' I dren. residing at 1207 Noi'thJBurdick —Etmer—(ters.tiifMv-l^-year'olcL son of #troet, , Kalamazoo, - oscaped-iieath1by >— M ^ i A I N ST.' VIr. a fid Mis.: Nicholas Gerstner, of , Juiiiplng fiohi their atallftd alllohioblh vienomlneo, was drowned while bis . when they saw the .westbound Michi Lady .. Relates Splendid Exiieriemi ,WRh This New .And Differriit^ -<■omptfflhrtn—J.oso Woznick.~13r~swam j gun Central ti'ain~ivpproa chi ng. Rory Medicine.3 i.o safely when their raft upset n short | tmulerp saw the train utter bis cav ll.-Uance from a dock on -the shore^ stalled on .the tracks. The car. Was here. Jack M Tznick,-10, who pulled ^demolished .and was carried for a con:ia_ hrorimv—to—t ]n»-do6kT—saldAKimeH-^1^ 1111^® -*^a^Wl(JW~by-t')ie--h‘a1n Twain to' wTtTiTiT'fi'vo feet ■of tho dock hufore lie-sank- .. ........■-..~A=r- — — Ued-ciolhflB sluAvad-pulled ^over hor head caused the doath by suffocation James Ryan, of .Manistee, 24 years <>f flvomionths-old Betsy Atm Booth, IdT'escupod j *4' there by"imHcrewlng | daughter of'Tlionias W. Booth, at 3206 Hie mils from ihe^bolts to the County i Plngroo avenue, Detroit, The child's lull door. Ho curried the nuts away {condition was discovered by tin* mothwith him. Ryan was arrested May 27 ®1'- ■Rescue, squad No. 4 of the fire FOR i±t t'l’ Uie cull r e p o Iico force and s«Y' denaritnent, was summoned to give A al'm em bers of the fire departm ent first aid, hut efforts to_reylve the baby were summoned Jo _averpowor hfiu." wcre-unauccessi ul. ilin-Wttw a«»nIonc«il-.-: -M xlcatlon...____ ________ __ . . ..Carl Harrington, 25 ynms . old, t>f Forestvm er.-w^»^ i;uir- ever-b y a -tra tir -faiFbecuuse of lack of action.Armed with his deer rifie, Abe ,L. in the Pore Marquotte Railroad yards Lawrence, of Grand Rapids, 64 yoara in Port Huron, ut Union and Fourth old,-----killed hls jA fe,_ Mrs. Maude, streets. Ills legs were crushed. Train{.’aw re ne'e, 63 years old, fatally wound m¥nr saj<l“that Harrington was jmnytg 'Ih’oimbly your fortune and success may lie In ed Ills daughter,-'TJolla-T^awrenco, 22*: on ft rail when a freight hacked Into years old, and then turning the him. forming:. th'.e simple habit of-bankinguUittle- rut— weiiyion upon lilmseTfAduied hls ow’n BAvfARj’i^ .. .W hen I^o lXuss, of Milany wl^o park life. . ___. . . ______ _ OT,tiro family, unites with me ])1us every week. Getting started in_ th V habit ed his car on North Adams street. In 4 s Konjoia the most enthusThomas P. ’ Henry, of Detroit, was Ypsllantl, attempted to onter It and j"af.iv5.nK '•eiolected president of the Ameri found.'that a swarm of honey bees had i i ,lf 0rH!;mont P°SH'blc,” said MYs will count more than the account. street w can Automobile association for the taken possession. He was obliged to B. M artin; 828 Michi ‘seventh successive year, at the annual look for some one with knowledge of kidney, ticubic, headache and mv bees to remove them from.hlaTcIF convention’ held In Buffalo this year. nerves were.a tangled wreck 1 ! “M n sifi Y m i > Philip Fisher, 65 years old, a well \ Perry jenks, 64 years*,ol0*. promtn. rough(vut my^boiry. ..... T i m known farmer of -Bedford' township, Vht Custor farmer, was killed In An of. fell 10 feet from a cherry tree and' automobilo. accid en ts near Obtcago. Konjolh I know that at last botU«» mv lr„w, Mtfl'ored a broken spine and other Mrs. Jenks and a daughter, Hlsle, 15, Injuries from w hichJje died l a W a t wore seriously injured ««<! are In a W h e i N ^ d ^ ^ w a ' U!<'" Chicago hospital, The wthRy was re-, When I .had finished the sixth hottin i.he J^otiioe hospital, turning home from a ‘sig-wooke' va 'I was a wo!! woman in U l > a v Mv ^ cation. ; 7" • ■ ........ .... .. | indigestion is gone, My Mrs. Sarah Klglime, 70 years old, «aim, and I haven’t an ncho or a p«in vas kllle'd when she was struck\by a Michigan (Ventral passenger train on . The I<enawee County SheritPs foroe ’ the Miehlgniv avonue crossing A rt a t , Adrian will Im oqulppeul with a j ftnder S tate and National Control Konjoia is sold in Chelsea at Burg’s Hultle Greek, khe was doaf. Bhw was .machine gun, two bulletproof veita the twelfth made crossing victim and radiator shlold^ whloh h*Y# bMn.' f 1*1 by al1 the best drug. there In tin*. Unit alx months. ordered by the jJokrd of SupertU ore,1 REPORT O P T H E CONDITION OP Farmers andjMerchants Bank i 11 -s- r iif> i i; if: SAXE ON HATS HU- Just received a new line of white and coloredJiats. F o r F riH a y a n d S a tiirria v !. 29x4.40 Fisk Cord Tires in three grades *S7A Of Quatitp and~Vi at $7M, $-US and $5.58. T~- Clean; neur stock of Tubes at $1.62 and $ 1.44 . - i r Bonus MOTOR SALKS A ■ ' ff i 1" 1 , ‘ t Drive out to the Getting Started Tfcrfcr ‘fyU'7 Home-Cooked Lunches u A>7D NIGHT Mi'I'-t •■4............ i| p-, . | .p fT- “f-g Im ' i ' 7 m v - Bear our new Electric Victrola Your account is welcome with us. Farmers & Merchants Bank 14 . >.s£ Liners Bring Results \ mjptiSDAY, JULY 11,1929 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, DHKI .'-'BA. MICHIGAN OUR NEIGHBORS extru dei)u\h*H ^ ^ in tc r a house on the estate of "the late I from Grand River to Northvillo'— ackshuns wilst a t the tabel enny how; ' Got a ibng farely+Well. Perhaps. Ma not anuepuwes. uncommon Bathing uiirht beauties . 7 " V are ; ,iWm. McMullen in' »n Milan wuan township townsmp on on| Record. 1 nA«ter-^The mortihAntaLof this vil* of PJm K L the streets,Juno 0 ami stole canned fruit, lard, Tecumseh—The village o f Tecumseh bHisy eieaninfr wp a fte r the Go. and J e h»w> made ^arrahgem«ntt* tov a ^ th< inoscnt time,— potatoes potatoes and iuwelrv umvth uhmit *an a c tin g o n a communication presented al,,t y»t reported on me. and jewelry worth about_$30., H e exhibition of moving pictures on During tho tdTTi of his probation,‘to nn ^i ii. __II1 .1.. .. evening, i«hSL^t j tinn/lutr M'hn Ciiitwlnir the-. council on Monday Sunday—The Sunday tskool teecher ^jje street. The first e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; S o u t h L y o n - L i g h t p i n g .f f h ic k . J h o 1 y o u n g S o b i c g r u j l is n o t t' o leave the I appointed a committee to investigate a st Jttke wh'at was ment by Repent* .i,■ ■■■■w,iaIiii.|J^.m.PY ftttfryerrniftaion of1Die11c ro rt; the feaB{billty^of establirihtniraTTd‘% ^ n t i i m iihJaliu *uinwfTed^aiu*’^wifiyed' yaf-fridsyr w h o *i n *1 1 . * , d au r i n g t h o . s t o r m - i a s t -.f P h .u r s d. p y ^^m u s t n.... o t ewn t,,., e r .,.wvi<w<iin p o o l r o o m s «im Brooklyn—Herman 0 .. H a n e , ....v __ lighting company & 8C(J t&at Repentents was the feeling and musi. m ust orating a municipal , 0ndoinnutiop. proceedings .with the ripi)ir‘^ 11 m.j Pay .$100*costs at the rate of $10 per hhere, e r v aand n d ' »a njport report of the committeo's committee’s you yoti get g et when you done sum thing S was given $85,000 ?ao,w u fo lo r an 80 eu acre s ; . °79 f ,7 no damage was uouu. done. ricees Pieces'month.—Leader. monwi.—i.eauer. > . ' be presented y™ shuddent ought to o f done. And findings will undoubtedly Sddition to the Cedar Hill State Park sluU‘ Vooi^ were found .the | p Jymouth„ ULrilia> th(1 the severe elec* when th e. council convenes in its s o .' c<>t. . ........ nwept over . thiB.cond session of the month, July 15.— I Munday—Went kto__n recepshun fo r "dedsion” to- the-suprerp^-tKHU't^- The r , . . . ...... ■ , • ■Hirface"'at'. a n , c a r tir fi^y "iam ',"TOdly~I H ^raldi:L-- '■ — *— — •. su m -a rtist or p o e t'o r-s o forth and CTfeinal suit the Lenawee cir- . ± ',« ht." ,17.'Al.? •»«* “'SettlUf __ srforinal was in .the hoUl _____ iiiof.iing .tru ck the I S ~ ' ____lightning _ Stockbridge— -W. G. Iteoves, troas*j-wile 1 was eating the ice cream witch _sagi— , w--------- *—------------ —r ^ Tr-thtt-Rjaito : r h ^ t> r: T u ^ d a y ^ m j f#cour&Sxpnffing wha t u re r-^ f-the^sehool-boai^F^^ ^ r t s R h a ^ ^ '^ ^ — - I .MCdT'fr^ tadyj‘ant 7Pa~did,j ie: Fowlerville—The county road scrap* (tf.a ™,<h11c«l«‘*»ru- M. F.ckles farm northeast of Plymouth the $100,OW).00 bond’ issue money is|H ke Alice Cary. F a studyed a wile ___ ______________ stalled on-the Pere M arquette railen-the Ridge road. Tha^barn-which jin h is-h an d s and th a t the b o ard -is| and then he-sedr— P am not sure JI. ^ T ^ k W " i * r t h i r village "one dirr E * *i.J , f --------* — , „ W3s^ -1rnrdiTTii^ m ' ’Tmy i dbim ---------ty ;aw ^ ready^tot)5gin" opeKatioriST l i i n u m Lst week-and the train sadljr demor* L . * lcV t y v ® . - - not boom de(i-: .... .................... ... ' as the-contract is let,, which, wfil be.idontjtaw k ko Loud becuss my wife is de(i*.fcCompletely destroyed. About ton tons Sized the front of the machine. See* ^ PXoha- j of b a' l e’d ^' a ^ w h i c i r was- stored J n aw arded the 23rd of July, with the ["settirig rite: over there and she has intr-lie-oulcLnotjRtartjtho jm gine i r - ---) - A- ^-ust-, t.he bui!(Jmg,._wiis_(iestroyed, The Io*- prospect th a t there- w ill bo plenty of got'offle keen ears. Bathbun sought his own safety in a ’ ’ a 1 lul , Afkus. cal fire department responded to the. bidders,—-Brief-Sun. Tuesday—Well I cayfyed a suit case f w a TroW"ffdffady clean fruiri the deimp,—Review* ■ ■ . ^ ■. Howell-rr-Mike Chillega,. an Island 9 alrb u t the'building was beyond savjump.—Review, poe to % the north end of town and she Pim>knov_The of su Pinckney— Th board _. _p e rv iso rs'1']1, R»«station proprietor, was, arid the firemen directed their e f r l_winr i^ j, ! o f'lu e k -ia st’wwfc H o^isclaiined f o forts in 'saving neurby buildings.-l?tv"e"iffo a shinjprtibkle. rl planhed 'to ot Hu-wcIlUast' w e .e k _ d u g _n p, .u one of the "OepUty Mail.*— ---------------------xpend it for* a ice cream Cone: but I t unn Gardner's' bill forbidding; per. Friday-r-ma and pa including me lie waived examination be; stumbled and fell down and lost the S t o Wear^bathlhg suits on the p u b exami nat i “ Ann Arbor—Richard Xariiay, 31, w ent.dow n to are noibors house this hound nicklo just before I got w hair the ice lie highways, brushed it off, put it n'p ^ }]n< , / in<, wah 154.£iiL_iusher_roa<l, Detroit, was creenr"was at. evning to see the sheriff:......................................... sheriff's force to enforce it. It 0 ’’ to (' 11'n |R ^onrt. -I r<*ss( __ to the drowned -in theirlluron-river^w est ’ofMilun- Pred Ross, aged twenty-two Ann Arbor in Scio tow nship. Thurs- there new little was further amended to forbid per- ___ Wensiiay—An t E mmy red a peace gons liifingrirr autos to w ear bathing -'yeararuf“ Milan, wus sentenced -to (iay^nvortijng wh en 'h e' and’ two com B a b y ^ w itc h ju s t^ to pu frum the paper witch sed. MarpiVita unless wearing a long coat~ pLTa^e-fiUiU Qrie toJiftecn^yeuk itV the panions were-sw imming, ^ h e body arrived, a t there” ryed Life keeps men Optamisti'ck. ^o This evmiig wd~~had “C o T a fte r. supper* {"^“ “A’s-Shernf“W imbles has many j Michigan Heformatoiy at Ionia', , and was .not recovered by members of the Rouse arid the and pa tryed to spring sum thing and more duties at the present, time than Stunley Sobiegraji, aged .seventeen sheriff’s department... until several folks p a s t the tim e a discussing h e-sed to the lady., Well niy optahe can perform we doubt df jthis law ' years, of Milan, was placed on two hours later. The two companions mism keeps me Marryed. Ma herd it Will be strictly enforced-as the board years’ probation. The youthsTbroke with him were Clayton Hulsijser'and who th e kid look* so Xpeck we will injoy a cold dinner Affred Grooves, It is’ believed th at ed like .: and no ticed h i s u rittv tomorro.. If ennyi: he_^-was4=.attacked -suddenly—-with itay bitsy toseys Thirsday—A woman walked a past champs. and the. kid . got the house to n ite-and pa Sizeddreninp: Jt* JSnnomfeat Tranifortotlen Manchester—George Kirkwood/ who7 tp Slobbering and and sed She dresses like as^if-hen-hus^ has just moved to town has' been f beet it outside. bend must have a lot of muhney, Ma .— a sked to becuz you cant sed No she looks to me as if she m ust some whitewood logs for Henr.v Ford, ei’nr.hei’zOwmffffveing^.the w ay she-ifr to. blfliHed in repairing some"old builff-: 7 ? ® ^ ® ; ilressed. Pa seamed to be thinking ingsun his Dearborn Museum grounds. I deaploy but he didn 't say no more. O f-o O T m -Ih r^v ilM lo - th i-w o rk t0.| they g et to slobbering. But pleuse Mr. Ford though he thinks that of course the kid “ Ann ■’Arbor—The W ashtenaw Bro 53 years is long-enough to Stfck to diddent even have therhood "which includes" laymen as that^ kind of workv—Knterprise. ” no teeth so he wassont daingerous; well as the clergy of the various v Nbrthvi 1le—T-he-new-»treteh“Of-pav-; - Saterday—well- -ma—told me—this (dntrehes-in-the - county rw ill- vary -the ing on the south side of t he Sevon m orning,w e was a going to huvo a regular' Sunday afternoon meeting Mile road has been upened to traffic; lotta-C o. for supper andradvme^i'umr place and on Sunday, July—1 4 ,-at-S relievirig~the ’eongested-eondition.-t-hat-|-to- get—busy rand accumulate, all my ofclot,k in - t;he-afternbohwill^Holff"serJia.s^existed-along th a t highway since | best manners -witch ma-says_aint none. v iee^ atr-lB lan d Jjak e-n ea) 1 —Bi4ghton. early spring; Workmen a re -just now [ to good briny'way. -I- setl rwell- I7 wifi- Janies Schermcfhorn of "Detroit wfft laying the. paving on the north side. [Just watch pa and do like he does but be the speaketiand music wilL be fu r ' When 'e iitiTel'y completed fKeH^Tirj.sTm 'sFam ed'^to'W nished bv some musical organisation Mile road will be-a '40-foot highway as well off if I watthed some 1 el-ses. raoB u cr o f c en k r a l m o to r s 'Die “ fifth wheel,” ao ixt( acciirute-speed it.eaa> "ff^rii'i^ e v t e e , E ¥a th a f“ Pontiac ' has the P rdve<| ' iffghemt tup speed am i *.ho fuetvst • fi v y iiifililft’i.i^***** low-priced six. As for power, Pontiao is th e m ost powerful of all low-priced sixes, a fact which can bo proved by th e dynamo* m otetT B scientist's m easuring •tic k 'fo r brake horsepower. 'SLAPS DIARY T r y to m a tc h flu m e M Hy C a r fe a tu r e * ttfft> r e d a t h o in c r e a s e in p r ic e — B ig C a r e n g in e . . B ig ^ C itrlu k rie n t- in g s y s te m . . • • B ig X o r b r a k e s bmmm l CHEVROLET B ig C a r fn e t fe e d / . o. 6 . Pontiac, M ichigan FIVR.PAS9ENGER U DOOR SEDAN. BQDY BV FISHER ~ In •pitc o f thm fa c t th a effort every, desirable big car quality -a n d it. now avallabta tn a^w iae — ro 'lcty o f eotora— th e Pontiac . Pig Sin. continue* to nail a t n o —■ Increase in prices. S m a ll dow n IHsyn>ent.Eary _m ont hiyitar m n — :i. iff J'' JlLffM.. t f Pontiae Big Sl*t $74S to $993, f . B ig C a r c o o lin g sy s te m “s r t . P enttac^M ich., ptun datin- ...- A n il m a n y o th e r B ig C a r a d v a n c e * n ie n ts Conniilor the delivered p*le« m well u« tne Ilet price when m n * o«rins iu tomobllc vAluce ^ ^ ^ O ek lun a-P on tiao deltvered jirlcn include only r e u o iu U r ' cbarjim for handliax.. aod for Onanolifl~When Uie Time F ment FUfn^la ured. -H cry charge*. B um pers, epring covers and JjoveJoy th o ck a b sorbers regular eq u ip m e n t a t . .slight extra cos I. General Motors Tim a P a y m e n t Plan available a t m in im u m rata, rf V ;i " if ■ ti r £ jfiS over -_y i -- 9, ' . ^Today’s Chevrolet is scoring a huge nationwide sensational achievements in automotive hi’T^t-y •—a Six in the price range of the four The Chevrolet six-cylinder engine delivers ~its * power freelyv quietly, and easily throughout .the entire apeed range—delightfully free from ‘ *jr Gombined-wlthTH •this remarkable aii-eylinder -emoothneia^Btfiequally remarkable speed, power and accelera tion —and an economy of batter, than, twenty miles to the fa lton, ___ , ___ In addition sensational performance the Chevrolet Six offers the outstanding advanFtaftes-of Bodies fry-Fiaher* And no^car eyer provided a more -impressive array...Pi. o s u c ,.. NCH you install rite N ew Silent Kelvinator, you forget home refrigeration problems. Sixes 'he nmd~smce -hut. lft! C H E V K O L fc I t ._ ._■ ■ .i .t Av.• > Jgott-the ne^jKelvinato^is a$~fiilly-automatic as it ...m sile '■ in operation. N o regutation or attention on yonr p a rt,: Ins a scientifically correct degree o f cold (or perfect food pres* er\*ation, as w ell as for freezing ice^ cubes, desserts or salads—constantly maintained month after month. .................. . . . . . . . r . . . ... . ■. ... — . . .... -t o . . - mr-m . r. j , .t S ee the New Silent Kelvinator at once to know how efficient and silent electric household refrigeratioii cari h be. The 1929 models in all the beauty o f their new design and finish are now on display. ----- ■.m .^j. , , :.Z. ™ .Ff™ . Af 9 J m . . I W r* J i I , ■ -.1 ’^ f f • c o n v c n l e n c e f e a t u r e s H e ^ 119^ ^ 0, and VV one-piece windshield in cIoIedF models, easy action dutch and gear-shift, ball bearng steering, and lnstrumentpanel complete ejento theft-proof Electrolock and electric motor temporuturo indicator! — “ “ ' ^ .S a T r a r c 'o A c .H PHARTON... O/D C ! ■ ■ m * .....*595 ' li^pAN..... *678 COMPARE ,h . ator’s vReDisCo monthly budget plan and experience . • ^ '”r_ ' . i i ■ ■ to-yoprhom e; ih'xii/tc Rujbtr lee i rays— An Appreciated Convenience. »*..UihiD.-»AO/^ r/uiMToo « « » ** toniidartag automobUa vafoas* iB o lu d a o n ly ra a io n a b la c h a rg a tfo r d a liv * Enjoy your Kelvinator at once. Buy it now on Kelvin- r The new rubb'Mtnjr for ice cube*, flexee M.ity in the hand, re* Tewingin i t e ll oe a doRMrtc* cubes—’ witnout ttelttaf as watte of ice. Tv financial •v • V ■ ■■ ' ....... v .......... ..................... . ;.......... .................-.- ...V , ........« • * ' -v........... - • E. J. Claire & A J S n S SALES & Woiuj 447 A R B O R - T w o ... J .. As.i> S t o r e . TIIMHIO AUK /KELVINATOR ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS FOR EVERY. COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. < Chelsea, Mich. -f Ii l«A*v< the D O N !' KILL A CHILD Vacation days are he*1©. Children suddenly released from the confining walls of the schoolroom will bo full of spirit of play. Thera is not always the opportu n ity ^ta keep them on su p erv i^T pl|y> grounds. Many of them wril-be forced to play in the' street? “ We^do not want to deny them this I'&wBrW-. Ch e l s e a small- measure of sunshine and re* creation. 4 \ ^M otorists should be doubly careful during the vacation period." Children have a habit of running in in-front of automobiles. That is to be expected^ Do iio td v iv e ;o ir city or village streets' at an excessree" rate' o f speed. Though the state department at And keep a close watch for children.. Many lives will thus be saved. No Washington has offered its services in a demand upon the Arabian govern* body wants to kill a child. ,, meut tor indemnity in connection with the death of Dr. Henry A. BiV kert. of Kalamazoo, who was killed ■last Jmnnwy-by’AniSTfth1 bhmiffs, SI? ♦’rdeoliue' tt. AeeeptHnee -of-tlte indentnity would only-sorve to create ill* feeling among the native peoples .against , the missionaries working there,”, she said; ‘‘The government was in no way to^blame." i “M a r k E v e r y J Z m v e ” J O S .L .A R N E T Memorials and Building Stone. 208-210 W. Huron St., * il a n - m.oatzjS:afely. b e m il-ch ased —thTnuro-l-i "n<; —h a ve s j^ d iU iz e d itiJ \\,ed(tetg‘- ft6U "6rs-^gjJv'eFPsF S im ply.' P h o n e U s Y o u v W a n ts Greenhouses EEVlHA-CLARK-VrSEL P hone- 180-F 21 Chelsea :r>:. ___ ;..was._crossing-^-w-heii--Hhe-Haw--the-Cm,s- neath"thenspan. —as your kitchen F "I .. . ( :• l'if-*)''kitthen any.clH anor than o d t .dairy, E v er v clay th e floors, ’-mTtcHnTJS'^TTTd' “ Ht1^ltB7TKTl!r--7rrG - - — %$6m f t :i s ? h- III m clut-inud a h il.s t e r iliz ed t h o r o u g h — l?v. ' A iid ’ at n o ■t'imu do luim v'i h a n d s co m e in (‘ohlacd" w ith f a ; — ------ t ' ' . " ilk IS w k1'--* - • e v e r y d a y and a s jm re i\< c'.aii i.o. igfef ANN ARBOIl DAIRY CO. ..... I’he Home of^Ptfre Milk P h o n o 132 <h.»Ur —GuimLy-umaficUtoxa-kmiW their leg)aThe latlon. Horn's "j^mivn'rnH^'TnJtrilmfJTY“ i been’set. for the laler part of June at ; famaing. Tt 'w as postponed' until i August 28, Tills, is the effective (late j tor-the—rnnv law which provides that - j tho expenses of the prosecutors dur* -[ . inu the annjil?l.intyetj.tjig_he paid by th e (■(umiles ' “5?...... (’onvictMl of assault with-intent to do great bodily hmm to his bride of six weeks, John tlrbon, 32 yonrs old, of Cnlumet, wnB sen ten cod to five to ten years In, the Marquette Branch f’rlson with n recommemliltioii of five years Jw .Jip.lge John G. a to n e ______ Houghton Circuit, Court, Jealousy pro* voked Die attack, A new record fop siieody. justice was LOflkhiud county. _whcii-.Jnmo» .■Cottrell, 40 years old, 220% East Pike '..street,. Pontiac,.1waiv lit the. eouHly .-4...^p.flei'vlHg^-:tf 00-dtiys'- senteriee^ for | ‘ ^uimort, 10 minutes after n wart had hmrn otiiained for his arrest, — 7:00 p.m. 1 to You can call the following points and talk for THREE MINUTES for the rates shown. Rates to other points are proportionately low. L;G; RANDOLPH 127 Adams St., Day FROM CHELSEA TO: Sution-to-Statloo ... . -Kata Flint, Mich, . . . . u ............ .. $.45 .Battle Creek, _-Mich, t ............ SO Grand B la n c rM ic h rT ^ T rr : r. .t t .40 Rochester, MichTT".. . . . . . . . . . .4.V Phone 3304 ANN ARBOR For Instaneer -— or less, betiveen 4:30 a. m, and . Haydite Bailding Units . Camit_CMierrSttelir_7t.? .V.. Beauty and Sore Feet The rates quoted are S ta tio n-to-Stnt/on Day rates, effective1* A;30 a-rm to*7:0Q p. Tii. Sore^fflet-rr-burningraching callouses—make pain lines in the facedhat age the appearance. Powder t and rouge will not cover "thcrnTTobeftee-ofthcm, removethe callouses on your feet.‘Callouses can: ___ now be rid of easily, without dagger, by using. U '—’ ■ g e n in g Station-to-Station rates arc effective 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m., and Night S t* tio n -tq -S ta tio n rates, 8:30 p, m. i to 4:30 a. m. The fastest service is given w h en yon fu rn ish the desired telephdne number. If you do not know the — number, call or dial “Inform ation” J if f e S a llo u g ^ I a B t e r i Wafcrdhm ^medkjited .plas^r that clings i rnovjng. Uie. soreness. .It’s-gone-in a— , __I , -------------:---- :----- : ^ Gerrpackage of jrFFY CaHouTPlast^ JL^ free from this, painful foot, le^FuUy guaranteed; n t r j i r r f i n i F o r B u n io n s EACH t c S r u ' “,. 2 5 c H. H. FENN, Dniggist ^'me Job minting of All Kinds 7 r T rY cure a license to catch trout;, the.-ann ual. fee being $1. These provisions wllF m it "be- erfforcod, however, until the season of 19:t(?rirTVv!ew orTImTac':'' tMYfhe_-^eafiO!i -1.; nearly-at :tn-widwhen the act—beeimies-cffcetivmr Sheep that, attacked” others J n the flbClFon-^ he I a i ■F.ind'.' gtishr.^T i muA-old, was"fatal'. t’ormer suporvisoiy in Forest township, y Injured when an automobile hit his JtViU'jiJntectexl—witU—rab iesv-i ieco rdingrrtie car, mptorcycle neai’ Alpena. The to' DupUty Sheriff Holland Htjrrnw nf ri by Miss fk4t-y-Hiclu- Flint, who killed two of the animals" -ic - 111’ rkfrfrfrfy Wutii=tLulve-»^ky=-MfftsTo preveiit' furlhel'”~spread of tIre di's■Peggy Pen elm ril; 127 Hlcht6ii^avenue,- HiacZZZAZmf uTI og bit se veral-she fq>-" __ .1 wlio wus accompanjed on-.the farm a few weeks, ago-and-thn- -O — Drown,.8857 Fullerton avemfe, Detroit.. -farm' tenant sbn» ihe^ c a n lne. . T w J i'lle’ driver 'failed-to see ?{aske~SvTnm ewes died inniiodhtrelv-itrtti-htter two' "dre 'ilodgeil' Zask'e's (log, which was more sheep .became rabid. ■.•allowing, -lijni. --------i— ••- —- — Hejo.cted by a girl with-Whom ho" .......; “ Lloyd Hennoy', 40 years old, died hail been, acquainted lor several years,. i—rtr-Bt^La whence iiosfiltah-ln •La-mdng- JIqwjid"'P(,nibs, W yoYrs_bT(f, of HartTTf*-aTr"tnjury suffi'red on his farm near' land Township, living near Howell, fii’.ke- Odessa, Ho slipped from his jn o k .hla own life in front of hot> home. t ractor, Go," machine caTcht'iig.Jlls leg" Ills'a c t followod a second attempt at -^rnd—t-earing - it; -T-he—feg - was—ampu^ --- - tife(T tirn 1ITIodd traiisfusioTi? attempted .a.reconcUhvtloti.jlHe w^lked to-lilsTautomobiler Look a vial, of poison from In tin,effort to save the man’s life. Ho the car and (1 leav o irir-.vldmv and- rmr'son, Forrest? a. Jew. minutes. Combs \\‘as the son 'S Tears old. . ” 7 of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Conics. m Long-Distance Rates Are ■ Surprisingly Low Ventilated Chimney Blocks j ---- ] nfirna'ching-and ran down the track, r^.was—ov.ertaicen, knocked llowLL ml dragged for some 'iTIsfance by. the ■ars.—H^r chest was .crushed. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE jCO, I Concrete Blocks an^Ij: Building Tile * Archie. Brown, 40, of Conway, TT road ^construction employee, was. e le c trocuted at Harbor Springs, in a freaksh . accident. IhowhTTwus leaning against a truck^-whose—battery was telng used to set off-1he“chargerThe~ explosion ~th rew" a: uTrtre attached to he~ttflek jtcloss a high tension coir" dult,—completing ~h circuit thinugbThe. Sunday anti-hunting law in Brown’s body. - His N o v a s ' Rightly Jiuwui—county daos-not prevent huntr- burned. The widow and ' four other ing on Maisoii, Defoe and Helsterman- children survive. A year, ago. when_ Isjund; th e 1a tlorn ^ g e n e r a l’a—depart the family Jived liorTf^liF-St.^Ignace, ment ruled.'- - Some - t ime”ago-th6 Gon- ..their h o in f burned, aiul f’bur" chiTdren sorvatidn_ ..Departmen t informed' the lost their lives." Port' Huron Ministerial Association that the -county—hrmtlng—stat u e did Ttlver transportation from Bay City not prevent hunting on relibted lands.The statue makes no—reference to to Saginaw on a scale not witnessed, ^Statp owned land, ~ It nermita Imnjting- since—tite o l d 1Uni beTi ng "days ' is to ’ oo Sunday- w.U1l- the—consent^of the Tregfn at ohee? and Hay l.’Tty made the distributing centetyfor thou-. owner-,—^ -sands- * 1 = ~ weekly; It was announced~~by ~A: W t-'Qo.k.-Qf_tlie_Fisher- &_OoQk_Transpor. -uppers-ftat=Js ; | TatibttT-company7~^rct (iVs—Ak- -agehtr^.oxz: atone most ■of the hav T» avoid Dolomite, Inc., a . Cleveland concern. going..up and downstairs she lets he‘i: JDoljpmitef=Iiyef7=w}n-^eTT7] ^tOEE :^THn~dbg outdoors" bV".mWn« of an ordinary market basket and" n W K 80m^ rargest bOJUs' iilying the great rope, lowering the (log to the ground troni the front n'm-eli__ Whgn ho harV^ Lakes,, ranging-up-to5-16;000 tons^ca-"pactiy: to get into the house ugain,-she lowers ihe basket to the ground,: the dogSeven' aliens were arrested:at Por ir-lih.s in^and-alie-pullsi-hiniT-to-th'e^top. Huron 'w hen"found hiding. in" a "bbY i'he system required wCeks of train car which had come through the St. ing. GIMp^ I yo i*' ■tumvej-. I f iin r jSUMta1,' Iftt' Mistaking ills 15-year-ol(V-daughter, migration offlciiris -believe they had rftsaislance both at Wimfem’-- UudrTrt"TteraiUltie. fop a wildcat »ah"n of Gladstone, Soo line fire- Sarnia. The aliens, .whcT^viu bfe "de~iaiK'?ahot.l' anM—"E'nted^h’e —"gg:l a't -portedi^-cVWH^Sln SyoriH^- hls’-v^ir-e^alitH heir "farm iiphi' rjladftlrmft. HIuW son, and four men, all from Jugo-» to ir Thorbahn saAV" an ”ol)jecT movingslqn to telephone-hls-w ire,-in'-W ind ill the brush and. thought It was sor, and tell her not .to: attempt to a wildcat, He ran to the farm house cross the border with other aliens. got his gun and filed at the moving Ffrjoct, Going to pick up,, the hui>The new inland fishing bill; effecposed animal, lie found hlS' daughter -■tl-v©-Angust-28—H)29—provI(lesthat_aH'llQt.-thrnuglL-.tliti-Juiiul_ ndn-resttlenrs over ^VS years of "age must have- a .'license for taking all Struck by three box cars, shunted kinds of fish, the fee for wldnli- t a ^ rms ovt*r if the • j years ; old; suffered injuries which I '.■•qused—h e i^ U o a t- h ,.S il v t> r th o r n - T H U R S D A Y . JU L Y n The^ggestlQ uthatJU U eH ^jM uatiac Salinei-Sttturday afternoon. was a and the State acquire the abandonee busy time in town. Two State Polite rights-of-way of elect t ic railways ant dropped in to remind auto drivers of convert them into 'highways was the laws and a couple of hours a fte r placed-before the civic bureau, of the their arrival departed, having hauled Lansing Chamber of Commerce. Lans- in six offenders, a few of whom be* lng^,wm be .the tim j ljyjto approach grudgingly handed gyei:„fifl_e§..tniEM-tii. lire >5ri6hlguii FT.-^vie7TRni!ro;ul- willi w hile^he others showed the spit it of a Proposition to acquire -the com gentlemen and laughingly handed over pany's abandoned*,' right-of-way for the cash.. Trying to bluff amjdficer is nearly a mile in the southern section poor practice,—Observer. of the city. If It can be ac.qulrodvthw tracks will be pulled up and a hew Howell—Since the death of a pro traffic artery will be opened through minent Howell citizen a few days ago the southern pariol.iby. pity, •Uy-^wMtuto^itl~te-be^emg''atra-4ttgh' ■ -4aifceu.Qf,.speed,, a nafate~motoxc.yck.ana n,. L ilom JiL and..lQcaLnfflceraJiave-4>eeft-eheekingthe strong current D f the uWonominee uglQ nJheijat g ^ s ^ ^ on the business streets of Howell. As m W r T T a g r ^ 't n ^ ^ was saved from drowning by Frank' a result numerous arrests have been Frankard, 21, who'dived from the high made for speeding 40, 50 and even (ifc railing of the-Menominee-Marinette miles per hour.—Republican. bridge to effect the rescue. The Bortrand—boy w as swimming near the bridge when he was swept into the ;h«Rnei" where Tnb'Tnf rerff Jr&wmtsT' Frankard“ was crossing the' bridge -In his automobile when he saw the pliglu of the boy. He stbppod Ills car and. __________ 4H - Mic h ig a n < Ann■ Arbor, Mich. ii-inr .Milwaukee,_vo\yed into .port at Grand Haven after 27 hours Continuous rowlug when he crossed Lake Michigan; He showed JUt le signs of strain or great-ftttigue and talked freely of his trip across the lake. He'says he had nothing to ,eat but a" few* sandwiches,some oranges, and he drank lake water. He rested ' five minutes out _< of every hour, using most of the time tp~ft»b his legs _■ which -became cramped. He claims l i e ia the# first Jvhite man to row aeiass” Lake -Mich-: igan, “...... : st a n d a r d , ch elsea . , There i8 no queation in her mind, she certainly will tell her husband. Especially if he makes remarkV about tlin* ner hein<riate. “ Time wasted in heating water has delayed <her wcvrlv, and the whole family suffers. -A Hearer will solve the problem. She sliould- icj-her husband^ ^Get me a ncw Special^as Water Heater yoA want to keep* peace and comfort in this HANDLEY BROWN •HarsrnrrTJf' "Negnurnre" ” *-tCowmhlp.-*ha^beRn-n wanfed-Htn-coun^ “ ty nll-around championship for 1928 in boys’ and girls; club wqvk, L. R. Walker, of Negaunee, county agricul tural agent has been notified-by-Arne^ — (1. Kettunen, State club leader. Miss 'Petersen has ^ jeen ””a\vlmTed a ” short couree-seholarsTH ir--in- Midiigan--S t ate ^ A S WATER HEATER A(K ONLY B O W * Residents of Harbor Reach have decided bjo a mail referentlum in favor of. oporilng the . community theatre there Sunday nightR, it was an n o u n ced recen tly , The- vole showed 401-In favor of opening and 168 opif its first-Sumlay riiglit show July Countie#, m ust p a y ' expenses incurred in the troatrnents of persopB at th F univorsIty of Michigan Pasteur Institute when the treatm ent is or* dered by hoards of. hoa.Hhv .tho, attorney-genoral at Lansing has .ruled in an opinion asked by Kenneth E. Mon* tlgle, prosecuting attorney at Ithaca, When Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fletcher of Rogistviition at. the University of.Richmond returned home, after a Michigan Flnmmer session Is 3,049, as day’s ubimnco, they round that Ute.’r compared with 2,2T2 lh 1928’, accord*' homo bud Vieon invaded' by UiotisamlH or tcuny tjeoH, which blocked every in® to Dean Edward It. Kraus of Ann nM W M w m 'Vt In[loW* ..... . — Arbor. .................... ........... ..................... .. And Convenient Monthly Payments - " b iiy & y o ii .lo^'-j20{.i . - - h o t - t f i r s^ r v i c c $80;00 INSTALLED Wl" Will Buy Your Wasteful Furnace Coil or Old Heatel’. —— tt to us and save money* ^ ■ Thwmos h^ »“ ' iw tuuoo of money-saving ..... h0,.w“w com^ ' ee-cQll1t&cUons to existing hot water lines in your basem tl Heater has 30-gallon tank, t ■ ...........A. ^ irrn K F o n S L '■jviji;: \rl -■ POME IN OR PHONE 4264 Ann m. p ii^TtfiDAY, m v n, x m jrHfiCIiELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN U N A D ltL A . ^^Inasf0^0 t-^^ ^^YWfidnesda'y V :'Y'* STATE OF MICHIGAN* NOTICE TO CREDITORS RDER FOR PUBLICATION The Circuit Court for the County of No. 23686 No. 0012 Washtenaw. v t .... « State of Michigan,-County of Wash State of Michigan, County of WachtcIn the matter of the petition of tenaw, ss. ' nawj ss. , , > Earl S.-Barhai’d-fttnd-Minnie-'Lrr-Bar*- "^vrxvfrj'r^-! ’"“ AT a’ se'ssidh of the Prohate Court Notice is hereby given,, that nard* his wife, for the vacating of a for sjiid County of Washtenaw, held order of the Probate Court foL the plat known as Barnard Heights, sit at. the Probate office in the City of County of ^Washtenaw, piade on the uated in- the -township of -Ann- -Arboiy 2Qth day of June A. D. 1929, four Ann Arbor, on the 18th day of June Michigun. months from that date were uilowed in the year one thousand nine hundred To Whom it May Concern:. and twenty-nine. ^ Take notice that there is pending for creditors to present their claims Present, H q /I. Jay G. Pray, Judge in the Circuit Gourt-fpnlhe County of against the-estate of WiHiam B. Rush, of Probate. In the Matter of the Es ton, late of said County, deceased, and Washtenaw a-petition filed on behalf tate of James Beasley, deceased. John of the said Earl S. Barnard and Min that all creditors of said deceased are Beasley,, administrator do bonis non required to present their claims to nie L. Barnard, his Wife, as petitioners with will annexed, having filed in this | to vacate a certain plat 'known as said Probate Court at the Probate courHiiif finaPadministratiotracccmnt^ Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for “Barnard Heights” situated and loand his ! petition'praying for the'al examination and allowance, on or be cated in the Township of'Ann Arbor, , ^ lowance thereof*and for the assignWashtenaw County, Michigan, a n d i^ ., <a,^.. r ,nex1 will,. be hennj' ment and distribution of the residue Tfiat application 'witt~5eTmad6"to tHe~t 'oiesaitPCourtron^the-idth'day-ofT^^^ld^stater « ■ ■ * family «.h« Landis havej^een spending, aevb r X n dThhe i a^ son Centennial cele* in the northern part of the oration Ihuvsday evening. Several from this ’vieinityTttondod r 8tS and Mw. Frank Snooks of De- ^he. funeral of Carl Moeckel at. Jack-, § \ u wevc guests of Mr. and Mrs. son. Saturday afternoon. f/ $ U Marshall over the Fourth. •'W v* .1 viva w/and Mrs. T-rtiiia Louis Allmendincre Allmendinger o f!past week^n S liays of thft M Arbor spent Wednesday, night PaSt weeJc 3n Ratt!e Creek. ‘i S S ^ a W ' Mr's. L» K. Hadley., AU n ^ g c^ ^ i l l e r spent'Thursday a t, w^ A lB im ^ m ilera n r7mn^ Thursday ^ a A. Pyp e r s pent Mrs, Arthur. Walker and Mrs,. *• ; '.ml days in Jackson the pMTweek, Emanuel Walker spent Friday after. l i i r aTiiL Mrs. W. B. M arshall and noon.Avith^ibor^dHilet^rub^nTi1y7 . T*_u lr L u,W*'and. .Mrs. Frank Hopkins ni\/l and aam son Mr. anjl Mrs,. Alfred Lindauer and “Lded the Hopkins reunion at Ypsl- hUdren called on Jacob Schneider luiiti tfie~FotiTth.‘v' ' n J 'Sunday lifter nooh- wlioTs a hationt*"irF‘- j^ a 'affit l n rM ! ^ H OTol(i-^ttnrburff^of^the-Airarbdr "~Mr:ind Mrs. John F^yjgnrchil* L Detroit visitet — M u ........ ..... . Sunday vwltl at the home!’ Seio-spent I soending several days with his grand- of Mr/and Mrs. Fred Reichert. on said day at the Circuit Court Room —T^ted,-Ann-Arbor, June 20th, A. D. pointed foh hearing said, account [ n&her, Mrs. Della Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pierce, Mr. and And it ia further ordered; that a • July 11 1 Mr and Mrs. C. Johnson of Pon- Mrs. Roland " ' ■— in the Court House in the city of Ann Wenk- and ^- f& T T e lia | copy of this .order be published three JAY G. PRAY, Judge of Probate. iiac were week-end guests of their Settz returned hoine Sunday after! Arbor, in the county of WashtenaNv, successive wgeKs previous to said brents, Mr.-an’d-Mrs. Ed. Cranna. ' Michigan, that being the place, of the to u rin rth ro u g h the northern part o f' time of hearing, in the Chelsea Stand OliRKK FOR PUBLICATION P*Mr and Mrs. R. W. Teachout and Michigan. . I i holding of said court. ard, a newspaper pnntcd and ci.rcu* No. 2310J l^diy.-ot^.Brightail—3K6EB—Sunday. Dated; July 2nd, A. D.--102Of Mi*Sti WilUmn- Fry"-and'ir~~— stale of Michigan, couniy of Waihtenaw, ii«. nated in said County of Washtenaw. of Howard May. Cavanaugh & Burke,' At' h neKKlon of the: Pi'ob«W'^^»J joiLjiHid daughter, Barbara, spent -Sunday at I .. --. . ," ” JAYiG. PRAYpJudgerof Probate;Coun ty'' •............... tif- W»Hl)ter)«w heldfat th■e*-'...... Probate jir. antt• Mrs. Archie Graig and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albeit ^Attorneys for Petitioners. T, . . ,■■■ . ..... . ... , onice. In the City of Ann Arbor, on the *th (A true copy) J . ' . July 11 Business Addl’esS: Ann Arbor, Mich. <lay-of July. in .the year one thousand nine Nora 0 , Borgerth -Probate _Regiatfli',__ "OldsWore" Sunday evening (Jailers, a t' Schiller. hundred, anti tw enty-nine. 'July 4 Aug, 1 PreHcm,-HOJ}J.--JA¥ (K-PRAY.-— the home of Emmet Hadley| " Emanuel Seitz of Detroit is spend-1 J tld u tro f - Pfobilf e.“ MORTtiA<iB SALE ^ -MPl and Mrs. OJin Marshall.called hing_tbis week with ->elativ,es-0f “this! In. thu mutter of _thu "ontHU* of Bdwln R, WHEREAS, default haa -been made In the at the home of Merrill Gallup of Pin- v i c i n i t y - . j s t a t e of Mich ig an OHtrAnder, dere<«xe<!, - • ___ payment of the money, aecurcd by a mortgage ; : M arie C.:rP iirvh«nei'vexccutorr-h»vli»f filed •itt, Saturday evening. > -| Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Missfield BcforT Lee ~N\ Brown, “One of TtKe til - raid court her final adm lnlutratlou account dated, the 7th day of May, A* 1). 1924. exe by Charlea L; Bucholz and Augu«Ut M. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer and fam* . spent Thursday at the home of Mr, Circuit Court .Commissioners in arid her iietition . praying fo r the allowance cuted Bucholz, husband and wife, of the d ig fi( thereof and for the: auHlunment and iliHtrilpiily spent.the Fouith at Pleasant Lake.'and Mrs, Fred Seitz. - __ -Ann ‘Arbor.-- Waahtennw County, Michigan, ■And For. the County of tion of the renidue of raid entate, to Laura' P. lirooka of the city of Ann Ar Mrs. Claude Teachout is; recovering., , —----------- Washtenaw. H I k ordered th a t the UUtlt day of July next, bor, Waahtenaw County, Michigan, which aald Road Delegates Rolling Down To Rio slowly from her recent illness, _Frank_A<-&tiyers,J&laintiff, 7 at. ten o'clock In the forenoon, a t nald Pro- mortgage was recorded in the olllce of the bate~O ffice...he amxiintetl fo r , hearlnu Register of-Deeds of. the county of W ashte “ jiri. Geo. Hoffman and daughter Hid ! : V B . _ ____ arrount. Put of the abundance of her ex- States Bureau, of: Public Roads, and naw in Liber 167 on page 7 8 .on June 10th, spending the summer with her brother' Fred 0, .Glenn,-George Cobb and And it.-I.*..flirther,oi.-»ler«l that a copy of thla. 1024-at ‘J iOO 'P . M, : ---- U-- ~perience the United States is sending Senator ^fasker L. Oddie of Nevada, n i;u n ^ ■■ a ■iontei’ J>e.|iub)lHhe<l thi'ee_HUceoKsiv0 W 4»©kn pre- AND W HERBASr-the amount claimed to John Roepiek'e.- — '' f »iace C O O b, Uelendants. . v I o u h to aald tim e of hearing, 1 1 1 the . C helsea to. the.Second Pan-American Congress Cehtorf_(5Kairmahi 3. WaiternDrake; be due on said mortgage at the date of thin gnimcLHadley installed a Westing- [ of-Highways at-Rio de Jaherio. Brazilr HighwSy Education Board, former as - In this cause'ft appearing-by affida- l^taffdariir a*, newaiiniior-^primod -awl -oimiiated notlce' ls* tho~flum-of: FJftoenHnindred-dollar* principal and Interest of 1026.16 to M ay.U th. house-HgRt-plan^-and-waterworJts. a t ! a .coni,mission., ntimed by: Rresident sis tant secretary of Commerce. Lower vit.on file, “that the said defendant, \ln H,l.il1 (o"1,ty of WHshtenaw.^ ^ PRAY, 1‘j ill and the further sum" of thirty-five dot-. Judjre of .-Probatu. White Lake the past,J&teek. , lai'H as an attorney-fee stipulated, for in eald . Hoover-that is said ,to represent the left to right: Frank T. Sheets,-Chief j Fred 0 . Glenn,-is not a resident of.the July -U-ls-ZS moiitgage and the whole .. amount c o p ie d te Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Teachout were 7 best thought pn<l- pvaetiee- in-lnghway^IHghwdy-^Enjgtneer -of-:THhrbisr-H;■H: j State, of Michigan, and that process1^1" 11 0i n.c,1Kaiti RetfiKlcl be unpaid... on said mortgage is tho. sum of -guests of-Mr, and Mrs. Orson7 Clark, $2026.16, ami no suit or proceeding having affairs->m this country. 7 One of the Rice, Treasurer of the National A u to his appearance has been duly Is-' 8T A T B O F M IC H IG A N been Instituted' at law to recover the debt Ocean-spanning Service Utilized subjects of the Conference will be the! mobile Chamber of Commerce* Fred- • sued un<1 that th,e_iame_couId not bo lu lic 'C litu i: Cnuri foi the Copmy of Wn«h- now Saturday-evening.— 7 - • remaining secured by said, mortgage, or ... leiiaw , In Chancery. . Miss Nellie Pickell of Jackson spent served on said defendant by reason any part thereof, whereby the iiowor of;Aale Pan-Ame^can Highway* They will ’ in U n iq u e W ays for B u sin ess Philip Puldkanip, Lydia Velrikainii. Plain, contained in said mortgage has become1' op» several days the past week a* home. sail July 27. The above pictures are, eiick-A. Reimer, president of the . 0f his absence from said State of llfl'K, ~ 6t'AtiV6i .......... ■Mr «nd Mrs. Paris Giltner of and Social Calls •!top, from left to. rights-Representa American Road Builders’ -Assacration^Michigan.^— ______ _________ 1 NOW THEREFORE,-notice-1« hereby gWJd, at by -virtue of th e . said power of u le . and Brighton were Sunday callers of their tive Cyrenus Cole of Iowa; :-Thos. H, and Chariest M. Babcock, Commission-1 It is ordered thqt ;the appearance- o f - --Nalley- <I: C ’liu-k,. Nancy— Pnr«i)riH, Joxuplr th in' i>ursunnce_of the statute in such case made ■ > »*• . ■ 'th e said defendant, Fred 0. Glenn, be MacDonald, Chief and provided, th e'said mortgage will be fareparents. ■ United | ei* of Highways for Monnesota. Chi'laleim htieetei-. Stieetei-, i.hi-lHtlna CHi-lHtlna Shioctei-, Shiocter, CnrlatChilutj '' o , . . ... / ,1 « ■ , i-imi-isieiiK by n sale of_the premises therein dfeu ! entered withm thirty»five-days- from lnu atewtwr. cin iatiHim stricter, johiTTieor-Bc dosed 7 'A_n«ntber-from here-attended the Who uses Unvirairsatlaritic tele scrlbed at public auction’to the highest blddar, the date of this order, to-wit, ThuvsAndrehH/ John (Jeovse AndeiW. Mamiatha \ -funeral of Miss_Mabel Ellsworth, Sun- phone? a t the. south fro n t door of the court-house In 'i ii-;.." io iL j •a V 1 a - r\'' !-Andr«»H# AuAm • Krunier. Adam Ki*emer» fllAU® aF M ICH ItiAN ^tIVQ_18tll„(iBy^-0l...J.ulyp Aa—D._l_tl2DL ChurlcH- Weber, IvOvIiiIh "Weboi', Ix>venla Weber, the city of". Anru Arbor in Aaltl county i f . idajt Washtenaw on the 17th~th>y of Aug ust» A .-ttrZpr:.rArN.e.w :Y°rk-evenIngTeWspuper Cnwiit epuTt^for thr‘€wmty‘bfAVaghmrew-in-:a:t-:tjmi-o>clock--Easterii^&tanda:r<i~ttHie-1 :r Mr8i7WaItor-C6rser^s v^ry ill with recently askFd^the guesUoa^mppiv 1926, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of th a t” ^ P r e -Rp^P.Per;:?P^c e t o r Chancery ^ ------in -tho forcnoon- then and^^ there to a n I Schneider, ^ - 1 . ?tvciilkcl - ScHTiuldm . bcjiMl*,-,PaMd w. ■ J. ■ F i td ci lok day-: which -said—nremises are-deecrlhtd -iilpneumonia at this writing^ mortg age as a ll 'th a t certain piece ar . _ . ___ _ ___________ ___________ 1s>yer to plaintiff. upon_complaint-tociy - 1Y01^1' P'flpkk-A,_y.?K)AT7:edei lck-A. Vogel', said' parcel-.of.Jand-situate and- being In the- city Mr. and-Mrs. Miles Teachout enter- sonally, saying that reports of big To eililhle nil the luma f ib t a ln ^ ^ R oy^Perklns, unknown ■vvlfd-pf-T e W ^ ^ An'“' Vo» < lc' rbor. County of Washtenaw, and flnuf __________________ _ ...,_____ , - ______ _________ ______________i 7 v \ j n m-V()Ut-l1-(lh mlB,-<=W-- V okcI, M arv tained friemlTjfrom Detrou a t thmr h'fii.i' Af-lcvulrtw miisl) iriiuoh It 1t .rtOltfl fill 'dUIrtW 01lfif^_o n*-B n . Spencei-, n....... * «t n a rk e i'i-u n k n o w ii.1i sr.„..M.A.) ur #e,*,a1.. unTl» i. t r a c t u a l I ^fir.-AYU|jnrn- b. Vouch Hem y E. VoKC-r,' fxiuls S tate - of Mic h Iga n r to- wit r -a re often^the^Wontd^ofTelephonetiTchtTi^dUlfvylng pavs to uHow S John B c r i b e d l e s t a t e U d e r c o n c’Tnmmflnetng nt _n nnlnf ITT the east line cottage over the week-end. of. North -Seventh S treet-in th e -c ity -p f Ann f - ' ' J f - WhUh: ~t hf e . . a l d - U e t e n d a n t . 1 —Roland-GortOn is visitifig^ his ..aunt j calls from -1lio—Uaited -States - to Arbor,' 'one hundred and - ninety-eight feet TRANSATLANTIC ' TELEPHONE HAS WIDESPREAD USE i;_or: (hat aiu America u-ftnan- < a.c liJ U )iL h o ,n s .:..A •.ilvfefootJti:<m gR-4bMb^»i»giat«s»^-«»ni-aMign»r-P*fOTdai>tH7-t,, ' i '■ r, ih o IiU L = :u n Ia w fu lly * ^ 4 in d J:« a g a ln 8 t» ---U ie 4 :H* ••■■^«te.'-^eni.,y .>^---VoK>c.^UiuiiL:J..^.v.oKiA and uncle, Mr. and Mis. A'. B. Goi-r - 0ier—in —Paris has employed th e “ 'Hl i e r —open-ori-; botli^shlefl -gives smod-—-A t .-a- session-of—aald t , court . he .. <1 -In- the- rights of t h f t J u d i U h i l n t f l L i n ^ ^ -ton-qf Jackoon-at the present, „ ......: .... .ir_-^.p . . r taigplllL're_io_Keep in touch wljh Mr.,ami Mr.yWrMcRohie enti-etain- j hlfl 9te».ltl)rokcKS ^ ^ YJrkrihat ed the Hanford reunion-Sunday, July: a Wftll street.speculator tn-foreignl *1, with about lDO TjresenL Everyone- excliange lias Fpen able~by. conr ^njoyed-a-fine time.— ------- — ^ j versation wlt^Londoh ^"r 'BerllHT to reap a: handsome profit. The newspaper story.stated that ■Silch instant -tha_ -Mrsr-Hr-E^Fogt-and -chihiren of arTarge- proper^— I—-Detroit ..pent^-da^asLA veek-ut-tha t,on of the transatlantic telephone .WATERLOO satisfaction, i iiese^uumjmiipers "npmpTTinne illmfUHd _u>_ kee|-i._0jit, ljie~Tane.- A. -ijr-mu SMAPLE, ,stniw..tltter are proving more, popular i- 'Present, HON. GEORCE W. Circuit Judge* the- plaintiff^is rentitled-to-poH^ t . y . bt,oil*.■JMaLy-.,KnLii_l__.,Jiih|i t -■ ■A l f m l 71m ils Eivlnu. Julnr - K i uiliw , - Ja ruli sesiont , Rack. Eliza Jcdcle, Eliza F. Hiek. I^iuis Heck, -.. «!i; V;* ■ i i n ...i. ■ -K i - T ti-*-* . ’ .■' •'■rr . . t ■■ . .-■i-f'lT **>' ■■■: J > 1* .T^V-fT 7 TT.;, xl 14v1 fiOI■th_of"the"4Jb^‘thea(t'*eol‘nel, of W est.Huron ,a t ^ t -oiifr-htmJred—ninety-eight- feet-rod-rtfr the- east - line- of H and-ow ned- b y - William: t — thence northerly parallel with the l he n o rth -------h a l f of lot ------------num ber. nine each and unknown heirs, ilevl- eCaroves; •_ , - - -•*» . . . . . . or, — - ......... - all of their ............................. s t-lin e , of Seventh—Street—forty-four feet; . JbfJ* wallTioitpers. ... . . . . .. nn<T some poultry. . On reading and filing the Bill of Comnliilnt 'Mil in hlnelr nnmlini- <pvpn 771 snntli- S'P. legateoa-gnd auHlgiiH, Mefendaiits, tQ—Uiirun- . S treet.. one... wiriLTmir' ri1 cWl»f- duiy vefifiedrirr whisirit-Rir. 1 D10CKt nu«nDei_afixen_t./ )-soutn ----- mttiER-E^i*wtweArrrw?— - thence..jyest-.parallel— hundred and-ninety-eight feet to the-east lis*^ Tiien j u e le im n g J i i t i r « ih^ hi| i . IJearH that t ^e P]R| n tifr and am ant_doea-.not:.of H u ro n s tre e t,^ ra n s :^ -:im m b .e r-.n m e ..!... heid-artho"Cowiv. of Seventh- S tre e t;—thouce south albn* the |u*rs.. arul InshlllM lg- 'tn e ■ lollg- *(^)en '['know, uml ;hHH been unable, aftei*—diligent -([ ) ) e a s t accordilT if to th e -re c o rd e d ^?HH€ b? the c^yAnri Arbor on the 22. d::. . east line of Seventh Street, forty-four fa it to nueoi'inili In u t‘ State .Qtdtn ^ , ' . * . O • ... ‘jOl JuilO, A ..T ). l!l2tb ' --f i n v f i ■ T lio n iiin s li rio es n o t ■clog , wcoicn and Jncjuliy, to aocartain in u'h w hat , the place1bf beginning, being a part of the rd’s and nMorgan’sPresent hon. 'iiieoiiiir w SAMPLE. — ■■■■.. ■ ,— 1 .n .l ; '-.- ,, . , ' 4 ; , ot -Q>- ^euiviry Cgumry tne the uoiemiams dofemlaiUa who who nro me named named plat of Maypan z y n su u n Ad- |i"' < mt-ciii.: , nwiN, c u u i .r , ■_______ ____ west halL of^the northweat_quartcjLQf-—ottoBJUUl-lS-plUlUly-1 lablle-A-O-tliu lioifSi' if j l-eHUIe,—If "they—ahall—be- alive; and thst th® ditllin to the —CitV of Ann Al’boT ■ , ;Circutt Judgernumber twenty-nine,'“town two- south, range" ______________ lie: l>v 1,111 of com* etx-eastT llip tvnll hrmnei-w-Teniiiln—lt‘b(>V-’«-iiri P e—ihalntllf luid -affiant—<1osh- not—know—aml—haa—rr,— r-r——— r ,— J .... . ■ ------ ---- _____In ihlf.' ennxe.,_______ il ai'i'em ini -Irr-the -elty-of-A nn—ArboFi-County1 “ II ,1 • beetr. unable a'fter inquiry, . Washtenaw County, Michigan, • jjUalni, j^ d a ln i, duly vcrl(ie<l. vci-Wie<l. i»re^ i(i'eneiite<l and filed of .Washtenaw and State o f . Michigaa," ueeiT.'iiiauie aner diligent umgenr search searen and ana.inquiry, -rvy—_--- - -i IT and to" Ibe Hatlafncticni .of the court thn.l IlSOtl US a . reserve Sllliply (tniV pmsll- to ascortnln-the pames ofthe-^oei-BonR who -I,A4JHA-P^imOOKS,Mortgageev , , Nancy _ r J. Clark,, Nancy (I. [’arsons, Joseph Cavanaugh A l calls are social In nature. ■ For ex-~ ■ipAn ure an T}i<daded-jia-such-,, witbout bfilng. ,num,ed. taken-from. Hui-Vb. AtlnmflVB-fnr Mortoaaaa. I- - Vicary-home,-l)e-r(>.■ ■ ■ ■ lrai hulls, 1 Jacob -Srrwier,-Jacob StrletcrV ■ I^iH-rurHier-ordered^thBt. the^-iiefendant-on i . ............ . -■ ............. . - ....... .............v.v., Business Address; Ann Arbor. Mich. r, ‘j L, ,, ample, an American'- sportsman lioppers iis-tbe supplynocU.s Vc'fik'iiishaforeeald, a s . well aa the defendants - n o t ; p u b lis h e d i n t h e Chelsea" S t a m r a r d , a ' s^ h,'lstcllH Stieeter, Chrialinw Shreeter,' ChriatMay 16-Aug. & qayton: .apd. Rcnpeth -Vmary and;. teleph6neij.. tl) a Londotl frien<Ii }’ i HlyHWi PtlMK described, lUiau. no. tlHf Ull MIOW11 llclln« _____ _. i ■■ .■. t. i ' i..i : l- i.„ .ii rt;.i\ » • ine- Streeter, .Chrlatlana • Strletei-. -John Ceorne manl. ' ' immed, being as,the unknown helra. 1 ______ „ ... iinliut_ iil__Tnntft-ini1■w « fwrl " W h h w ^ l i i ................................. .......... rr~r ^evfwegp^-<egftteea=Rncr^fiaBignH— n ^ t f r g ^ a buvH An.UreHMT—John— Ueorge-—\iKl«roh»r ^ ---MKi'gi'rit LmiIiijh--ufT^cksuu^visited^ —.asklng-ld^to^arrafig-tr^fortntght^ NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE ■ named defendants, enter their respective ai>- C U lated in s a id COllhtv, a n d t h a t s a id, Adam Krameii, Adam Kremer, here during the past 'week. of "grouse hunting In the Scottish Charloa Weber, Lovlnla Weber, Lovenla Weber, "Whereas, default-has been made In the pay . th.fee months from the <i«te rp u b i ie a t i 0 n^ b e c o m m e n c e d w ith in V I - Mr. and Mrs. W. Vicary and. chil Highlands. “Tourists growing lone-' COMMISSIONERS’ N O TIC E 'Jncbb~Behintecherr~Marln -Bohratecher, -John ment of the ■money secured by a mortgage i t i» fu ith er ordered that a copy"of tM £ [d a y s T r6 m .;th e d a te ' o f t h i s - o i ’d ^ r a n d C. Schneider, M a ry ■ 'Schneider, David .W„ dated .the 4th day of Febi'uary in the year 1021, dren motored to Dansville Sunday af ly in continental hotels.jtelephone ' -No. 23676................ Schneider;. Ixiuise Schneider," J. Frederick; executed by Peter J . Do'nohue and Ellen T. ' oi'Uer'be'tm blinhed iu^the Chelsea Standaikl,14.u « f ix'newrtimiHer iiubliahed nnd ctrculnted In aald ^ a t SUCn p u b lic a tio n b e. t o n l^ n u tu Vokcl, Fitalerlck A * Vogle, Frederick A. Vogel, Donohue, husband and .wife, of the city, of ternoon; 7 their family ail ocean away. Not State of Michigan, County, of Wash-, -cjou.nty, -within forty day» from this date, and -therein; once -in each week for Ithree J. 'Frederick Vogle, Ella Vogel, Annii. - Vogle, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County,-Michigan to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schultz .and How- so long' ago, the wife of an AmorAnna Vogel, Charles W . Vogel, M ary M. Elsa:'. the State Savings Bnnk, a corporation organ thpt .such publication continue.-for Six- weeks tenaw, Bti, successive .weeks -(•four.-publications)i seiY-WUHani ard.spent Sunday at Jackson and ML lean shopkeeper, associated with in ' succesalan, ... ..... ...... D, V o g e l,' H e n r y E. Vogel, lands ized under the banking laws of the State of r — CEO, W. SAMPLE,- I t is further-ordered- that-a coj)y of- J . I —Vogel,—O tga- Vogdlr --'OacHi- --VogelT—Mabel -Michigan, w ith-tis banking Ann Arher husband in business,* went The untleisigwed haying been ap- Couniersignetl .nard Mills. s . Circuit Judge. this o r d e r be mailed to. the . said de Vogel, M artin Vogel,' Chas. W . Vogle," W illiam ,bor, Michigan, which said' mortgage was re "Mr, and Mrs."Rob“ Biown and" sons ; abroad forThc first t!me; - Her huspointed i)y the Probate Coui*t for aaid Cluramon L, Pray, Clerk. D. Voglo* Henry E. Vogle. .Louis J. Vogle, corded Jn the office of the register of deeds of fendant, F r e d O. Glenn, at his hist Olga Vogle Yourig, Oscar Vogle, Mab!ei Vogle, the county of Washtenaw, In liber 147, on bf Stockbridge were callers at the . band asked her to cull on some Courity, Commissioners to receive, ex A true copy. Cltiimmon L. Pray, Clerk. ' -Vogler J oseph Ki-Hmen ilfispoh-h’ remer. l>age.-26lh—of—Mortgages on-^the 4th day of known* poBt office address, by. register Martin :Artlmr W ^ hnmft flimdgy evening,-... -h u stnMa lUiandiiUis Wiillfi ln Fraucfl, amine and adjust- nil olaime and de- To- tiie~above" named-defendants iM ary E ,— Stollf ■ M ary—K e mii John— E^atnet*. February A. D. 1021. at clovon o’olook-A r M . to faclifta^ this, wrote.down ed mail with return receipt requested Alfre«l H arris Ew lng7"John Ki'enior,: Jacob And, Whereas, default has been made in the ' School meeting, was: held .Monday and. Heck, Eliza Jedele, Eliza F. Hick. Louis Heck, payment of the money secured by a. mortgage thnlirfniT roa'“niwt^nrrA«BRg 1n~~flLat-1east ten dayslprior-tb-thc-tini e of ■ami a,. I tate of-Ella M ,— Kiftton, late of said ) H crlbetl iiiem lzes, to-wlt r-—All those oertaln evening .with 13 in attendanee." Arthur each of th eii , mTd"'Trll'"df~ th uii'. uiikinnui doted tho 14th day of Moy- ln the year 1914 notebook. Subsequently, he re* P m in t v dpppagpH h e r e h v trivp n o tic e >pieces or parcels of land'situated and being appearance mentioned herein, -holi's, devisees,’ legatees and assigns, h io - ne- executed by Peter J . Donohue and Ellen Ti ^Walz was re-elected treasurer. c o u n t y ’ n e c e a s e ji, n e r e o y g iv e n o u c )e , ln the Townshlp b f :SyIvaTu Coun.ty of Washcossai'y.■and the . pi'bper parlies to the'above Donohue, husband and wife of the city of Ann i : a messaao that the potea ■th a t -fo u r m onthn , from ...d a to -a re a t * [ t enaw ami. sta te *of. Michigan, -mid. known, and1 Bated: June 13th. 1921). The .. ....nman spent- Sunday—wiGi-^ celved entitled cause aiui arc intercstctl in the suh- Arbor, Washtenaw—County, ■Michlgan- f wore lost,-but nothing daunted, he State Savings Bank, a corporation organized LEE N. BROWN, . . ; Jccl mallei' involved therein and whose names lowed, by-order of said Probate- Court,. -described a« the 'southwest, quai-teu of the -Mr,'and Mrsr W a i o h n e in. Frim^ put i n -a telephone call from an - ■ ■ ,1, ■ , , AL. . • aouthoHHt quarter and the, southeast quarter of in tho .office*'of the- Register of Deeds Under the banking laws o f the State of Michl-Circuit Court Cbnimis.sioiicr, appear for creditors to present their ■ claims the H outhw eat' quartei 1 of section m inxb^r an, nnd having its banking office .at Ann Arcisco, for the county of Washtenaw us having at eastern city to his' wife-in Paris'; against-^the!-estato- of--said-^leceased, .-LwentyrBeven^ (27:).;. also...the moi'theafiLfliiArter. Washtenaw County, Michigan. snmn time, claimed n : right,' ttrio, jutorpst nr Cor, Michigan; w hich. Raid m ortgage was reSIiTfi irdzM r^K ennethz^ica Ty-an<P“ and 7ead the "names to her IfTtour of- the register 111-th e Hiihiect ma tte r-o f said cause* or corded ___ . in the office ... —_ ,___ .... of deeds of SgSf" "u” l “' Joseph U-Hooper, Attorne*y-foi' Plain- estate ___________________ some . tiortlort of_ it. or_ as having—a lien—on A f_____^ r county., of w roM e|nvw ^ln . Hber 147 - o f family'spent Sunday wit1UGeo7 :Aieii.-l minutes of telephone, conversation^* a d th ltih sy will-meet at The F « m -' ITTt Mortgages on n a v e 2B8.-o n the 1 4 t h - d e v - o f tlffr—Business^Address; 1001-8 Fi rat charge—thereon— wt ihout— havi ng—conveyed ■ or Hi'A aifd-Merchaiits Bank in-tHFVHlagtr1John Kaimbaeh enbrom. Another New Yorkeiv-talking re* June 18---July 25 Attorney for Plaintiff, National Bank Bldg., Ann Arbor* rcloaHcr] the same, and who might at any time, May A. D, 11121 iu ten-thirty O’clock A. M. ;-.l: of Chelsea^in-said^Counfcy, on-Satur' BtiHlncriH A ddress: Chelsea, Michigan. ■: under—tho -iirovbdoas—or—lo**al-»a eet of -^ti r h John'TrchnvaiT spent' the w eek - e n d ' cbntly to "a frten'd at the Savoy in ~ Jungr2Q -J «Jy 11 Midtrgairr InHtrumontR- oj record clalm_ oi— attonipl- to duly assigued-by-the-said-Btate-Savlngs Bank, “up~near the straits in northerfrMtch^7~ IxjndonHfifltincUy-liSATt! ,|*T!irjf7HCn’*= day, tlie Slsl day_ of'Augustrnnd^afr NOT1CK o r MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE claim or he "entitled to cluTm' [>ehe(lts, theie- to the Farmers & Mcchaivtcs"Bnnk •of th eThursday, the 3ist day of October booming the hour, : iindci , and U further- ainvearing to,-tlie-satis- of Ann .Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. igan, ___ ;___ SALE— .. ■ ___ next, at ten"b’clock—A.,Mrof each of D efault having been mado in the conditions n o t ic e o f m o r ts ga al eg e - F O R K C L osr r e faction of the court that said nliove named by “nssignTnent bearing date tho 20th day o f .... The public always Interested Klien Smith died at' his home here liqi'licH lire ilend nr their wliftivnbiiiil s imkiinwn June, In the year 1921 and recorded 111 the r:m«dg._hy-EtK<)T7^Ma.y_ieimii»»r fflce .of tho ...register-of—dood_s_ of the bounty—-I——DefaTilt hav4Ttg=been^Tnaile hi :lhe-coudll-lorr- tfr-sftld on-Thumluy;~Fimeiiffl-waa-Ketd=Sun^ yTHl^ notabies mitke^sc- 6T=dfe--~ ai d^daysrte-regeiv c-, exaurittg McFaildon- mortgagor, of Ann Arbor. Mich* of n of-WashtenaAV-lnlllber 20 nf Asslgnmenta, on— WUIiam-1 -l-just sfiid" claims; -^^aervlce, aau>kuui u ,im r v -day~\v*ith' burial-at~Nbrthville ^ui-n'nrfttlnn C n n 11A rbor ^ M k h im ir f Klithcl' A, .l>,tiikbctneiv-hi4-Avtfer as- movt — hwhcr o- n r i y ^ ^ ^ m -o i— ^theti-'lafirs page-9*-on -the 22od-day- of . J uno,... A.-D*-192t—* ........... ■Dateri_Jimc_25th7T92i)r I . l f j P,“ L « I ^ f g a g o .s , to The State- Savings Hrnrk^a MI eh- r , c M t l e ^ w Ir e t h T ™ ch “lute rert a s -fh e y maj^ov- At ntn& ,forty-oteloelLrAr-M-,=—— --— -. Ml‘ and Mrs, W ilf Weber and such, including King Alfonso—of And, whereas, by tho terms of sold-ntort* — d.hDt'Oln ha« boon disposed of by_wltl . SpsiBT-lGnBrAlbcrt-of Belgium and daughtpr-of-Maaon called on Mrs. KlFRED’WENK, |-th a t xueh defetulantli canr.of gag es- tir is "provtded—thntH n case default- be" ___________ rvc<l with Di'ocesa, thei'efoi;o,_ made In the payment of interest or of afiy part— mer Marah Sunday afternoon. ?......... . . j people whose names are famous In on=-motton” o f'“€BvnnH Ugh-^=Ihtrkc,"Httorneys thereof^nermf-nny-lnstnllmcnt-o f prlodpaL or ------ -- Hber. 147 of, mortgages on page 899, on'-whtch Stftte of Michigan on the 21st day of May. f o r , xitlil. tilalnttfT»^lt:-ls—orderetl th a t the, 0M>* of any pai't thereof, on any day whereon the Irwin Oesterle returned to- Lapeer7 '‘the-poiltfcatf litorary^iid business Commissioners. July 11 ■ -world;—-Sr-Parker Gilbert, Agent “ — -t^ tu ^ K ttg ^ h e r e ift-elalm etl—te - b e ^ u e p a ^ t h e i - s ,--jT— ijf -^ijjg,. j k! of mortgages: on page jteaTaiice o f' said defendants and each and nil same Is payabler^and^shotrid-tho—sameMtematir-' Saturday after spending the^ past two | General-of-Reparatlons, used-the.. tim e of this notice the sum of Twenty-Seven ijg g , an d 'w h ich mortgage .'contained the pro of them be entered in. this'cause w ithin three unpaid and in arrears for tho space of thirty Hundied and Twenty-One Dollars and an at- vjHj0„ that should default be nvude I it the months from the date of this order, anil that days, then nnd from thenceforth, that U to weeks with his ] arehts, Mr. and Mrs. tfansatlsntic,telephone fromWashtorney's Joe th lrtv-five dollni'H. provided _for ; .ORDER .FOR PUBLICATION _ in ^sald-m ortgagernnd- no-sult -o r • pi'oeeedihgs payment - of- -the interesU oi-any- part thereof--Jn-cm e of their appearance they ■cause-thei »ay,. aftct_.tho .lapae_-.of said .thirty . dojri. so__ -PhillipiO-Gaterle.'. ~ ' -—:—1~1ngtbh" to cehter—wlth" his Paris much- ef"the aforesaid principal-mum" ^ upon sai<l mortgage or any installment of a t law having been instituted to recover the principal--or - any piQt thereof.- on the day. answer to the hill of complaint tn be filed mains unpaid, with all arrearage of interest No. 23783 Mr.s. Theressa. Koelz spent* the i representatives, William A, Bra^ .und...tt_Copy— thereof spi've<l on theattorneys moneys secured "'“by" said mortgage or any whereon j'ldtlrintcieHt payment “o r principal for the plaintiffs within .fifteen days after thereon, shall. at"the" opt toil of “the mortgagee, Pourthvwith Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Ga- [ dy, "Jr., when he made his Lon Stwtc of Michigan* County of Wash part thereof, payment became clue, as expressed in said service ution them or their attorneys of a Its successors or assigns, become and b a ' due “—Now "therefore, by virtue of tho jx>wei; of mortgage, and should said payment pi' pay copy of said ,bill of ■complaint, and that in and payable immediately thereafter,- and - de W at Clear Lake. ^ ' j don debut recently as Director of " tenaw,8s. sale contained In svich .mortgage, and .the ments remain unpaid for a space of thirty default thereof said bill be taken as confessed fault having Been .made in tho payment of the Mis, Magie Nuoffer and Joe Quig- the English premiere of “The Road At n W nnirtti OI-~tne rtf the Prnhntp Court1statute livglvmTtlmrnjirTuwday, such-case made and provided, notice -days, then a fter the lapse of—sald-thlvty days, liy each of- snld defendants, and it Is further Intpiest-provided-in said mortgages, whleh de-:__ -,-A^-* session the IsOisr leyg-vi of \11 Grass Lake CTjjciiw spent cmi an evening a n s littfit; v »*»:»o • l 'to“Rome," bad among bisJUdeners* bo much of-sald-prtnc.lput.sum-and the Interest ordered that said plaintiffs shall c a u s e s copy fault -hns continued for more than thirty days, Of Wasntennw* ItelQ-lufr.Octeber~Ar^r7l029,-—Bt-ten-otc1oclt-in the- -tnei Li_ the weniln«Its l'emalinv .ntuiatd^wluUt-Hf^the-uutluu cently with Mr;—anti- Mrs;—Rirnei1 “jg—HTia father and mother. In thetr- for-said-County ot” tbrt Prnhntn Offlpp ~irt the eitv of tB forenoon, Eastern Standard Time, the auction undBV- o f eteon.iiH sahl mortgagee become due nnd payable and Standard .wltlflT: forty days''' from this d a te at the Fiooate umce m tne cuy ox ,R nftl m 0Itlc#O T e wm M n at public «arsh. ................ - . New Vork home. Harry H. mortgagors having defaulted in the im y- a ncwspaixtr t>rlnted and published ir. said mortgages-arui att-aorearages-of intWWt due • Ann Arbor* on the 27th day. Of- June to the highest bidder at tho south or Huron Raid ment of Interest due mi said - mortgage on county of W ashtenaw, and olrculatctl therein, and payable. Mr, and Mrs. Gnrl S c h a f e r and fam- Frazce, -Broadway theatrical pro* m“theyew^one-thousand-^Hn'e-htm^^'«^enu^ce_t^thcM -^urt^Houae^ttn_the _ _ ,y—Htthi- t&2th-^m H*akt ttefauR—having-con and th a t such publication be continued therein, And, whereas, the amount claimed to be for th irty days, sHid mortgagee there*, once In each week for at least six Ruccesslve due on "said mortgage dated February 4th. -A. of Jackson spent Sunday afternoon ducer, gravely ill in France, tele tired anjl twenty-nine “ “ tho place where the Cirauit Court for WaHh- tinued fore elects to declare the principal «um_of said' weeks, or that said plaintifT'R.cause q coity^of D. 1921, at ,the date of this notice Is the turn Jlth'Mrs. Thercssa Koelz, Dr, Walter phoned to New York for his dbc* tenaW -C k)unty"hr helcf>rthe promises described iuid" nfi- -interest due thereonv-im * thlR order to be pei'Ronally servetl upon said of "Tw-o -Thousaud—D ollars-of- prlnelggl and Present, HON. JAY G. PRAYj “ in said mortgage, or so much thereof* as may mortgage Koelz and Mrs. George Patterson of tor—probably the longcst cnll ever mediately due and payable, ns tuovlded in dofondantR and upon each- of- them at least One Hii.n(im) and Sixty Dollars of In tIN rt to Judf?e of Probate. 'be necessAry to. pay tlje omount duvon said said mortgage, iitioh whteh "moilgago there ts twenty d a y s -be fore the...tim e preAerlbod...for. gether with Thirty»fivc- Dollars- as an attorney "“AmrAi'hor wereliTso afternoon callers. "made tor a_.SBctorr_/When MiBs_ ^ f<y stipulated for in . ssld mortgage^m aklan- to mortgage,-with scven -Wr cent .Interest and all clalmwl to be.due at t h e tlm e o f this-notice, th eir -appearance. nil ills slim*of Two Thousand, One Hundred, legal “costa, together with an attocney_iee. the sum of T w enty-S ix,H un d red -S even ty and Mr. anti Mrs, Elmer Marsh, Leon Helen wills, American tennis star, __In the matter_,Qf_th.e estate o? So of thtrty-fivo dollars as covenanted thei*eln, tMTido-Dollni'sr and'anT ftttorneyR- foe of T h irty - 1founterstgned) Ninety-five Dollars, ....... .. — ■ . “announced hcr-engegemont, a .Lon phia F. Bictfnan, deceased. " : Circuit Judge. D u a n e spent Monday with Mrs, And, whereas, the amount claimed to be due the said premises being described In said-moit- Five dollars as-covenanted In said mortgage, Doris L. Saraw, Deputy Olerk. don evening newspaper Interview . on said mortgage dated May 14th, A. D. l* ! t, Age as all that certain piece or parcel of and no suit or proceeding at law having been On reading and filing the duly veri K A' H, Lammers in Jackson. at. the dRte of this notice ts the sum o f Wno lumLsituate and being in the City of A nn ed her via the transcontinental tel fied Instituted to recover tho moneys secured by 1 1* To said defendants': . ' petition of Robert—J. Wagner Arbor, In the County of Washtenaw and state antd mortgage or airy part thereof, Thousand Dollars of tu'litclpal and Dne Hun* ephone service and was .thus able -Take—notice,- th at the. above outItlcxl rnuse dretl and Sixty Dollars of Interest together nraving that a certain paper in,writing .of.Michittun. and. descifixsl ,a» follows; Lot N o w V h e re fo re rb y -v Ir tu e -o f—the—v«>wer—,rf- -rfTvrdve'H"tRC'Dll6'~5r''!iHd'-sr6nf>wliTi? denerlbed with Thirty-five Dollars as an altbrney Fee to publish a confirmation Of the -OB’. 1 / . . . __ / , * - *w i t , , , m ,v inum ber eight In block number three north of salc' contained lit such mortgage, and tho-' IJMA CENTER the Township and no.W.. on file lirtnifi co^irt, pur- j street, rnnae ten casti-In Lawrence A TsiAtti te In such cmso made nlul prnvid e<l, hot Ice premises -situated .and being In ............. , , stipulated for In said mortgage, making In all gftgoment ahead of any other Sun* --oortinir' 0n1 ■ . q m 0f . J thD a u m 0f _T xvq .Thousand.. _.Qn* ..Hundred .. te^) 0 --the. last wni..ana..teStfcL, Mwn'hi^AdtinibtCtS’ tM AiitjcintAtin^Arbor," I r horcby• gtven~thnt x>n-Tuesday,- t;hn-i 4«t--dfty ■dr^efitgSfi;-"ffhd Vjtom-bo-Mrr fltirt Miff. GO'S"Laier on d a y 'n e w s p a p e r, told CtWudt Dollars7 r C 3„„u;„ m p Iowmoss ho a*iMicommencing -at tho Routhwest corner of lot of October A. D. ll>29, at toil o'clock tn the Court .for the County of^ W a s h t e n a w , ( han- Ninety-five AnJ< .whereas, the. amount claimed to due -July 5, a son. .m SH k. ftf liii.aalil ,block. fill tmroffi Hawteea ^♦a wdawl^ T I mOf 4lto undov 4 ! Tfnr TTfltl»»Hunt hr teleph^ne--B«w— mitted tO probate, and tnat Robert J. along the east side of North State street, Hlgned-mortBajitee will Roll at public auction r eir ," f n T- t b g" lutrtw se'of-nuletlng tdtTe te 'swid bit 'bbifi''arnw!"w»fl mfliTgmnsn’ttna nTr...... nmpt Hr nromtses, to-w lt; -* Alfred Tllasher, Mrs, Ico la often an agent of good cheer. ihe_ sum of J-’our 'Thousand Throe Hund Hundred . . j , Af--tliAAvsftntftrflithence cast:„B 132 thence north sixty-six feetwest to the to the highest blddor’a d h o south or Huron ■dcacrlhe*! t'CommeneShg at tho ' intersection' of the VRfeet; llel wlth Stnte Rtrc«t i thence Dollars and no suit or proceeding hav ^ ri^ret—Sch,v»tte and Hrs. Louise A Florida newspaper recently told Wagner one, or the executors Street entrance to tho Court H oiiro in the. north and south quarter lino of section 22 Ninety Instituted at law to recover tbo debts . said will, or some other .suitable Iniaco of bcjti,nnlng. J City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, (that^bcing with the south edge of Pleasant Lake; 'thence ing been g0f\hnL all of Chicago were visitors how tho transatlantic telephone in remaining secured by said mortgagee, or the place where tho Circuit 'Court for Wash- north In the north and; south quarter fine to now peffloh be appointed executor thereof jH,y 9th, 1020. any part thereof, whereby the powers of sole .^lay^t-the home of lfc.- and Mrs. contained In ssiu mortgafre have beeMW "tflp and that appraisers Rnd commission* 1 " “ At X u L ! '* ? ,n w*i<l m ortRR« ' 0l' so. much thereof as m a y east and west quarter line 1920.3 feet;-thence eratlvc. JJfwd Lindauer- and Mr. and Mrs, necessary to pay the ar.uuml due on said K0Uth tn the cast line of the west ono-hatf of era be appointed. Now therefoiw, notice Is hemby given, that *%*Vr A ttn u r Brown, Attovnoy ror MortffAMGo* m a.i oi i i v six uiv ivorcent. iMk/iAnt interest in tru s t nnd nmi all nit the north-east — -..-..i-*. of .the i - south ..... il cast PniLp Seitz. n! mortgage with' one-quarter v irtu e of...................... the said powers of‘ slue, we, and In It is ordered that the 24th day of Anti Arbor, Michigan. legal Oostsi toaothci' with an attorney fee one-qu.arter or section 22, 1841.2(1'Teet to the by J M". ’" S p”. with* WS pursuance or tho statute In such eoi* made ___ ___ _ _. ..._ .......... . ... ea c?S°Iph ** &new Ford' of thirty-five dollars as iovonanted therein, south-east corner of tho west one-half of the and provided, the sold mortgages wllL .Tuiv next at ten o’clock in the forenortheast sae au asteo- a i - MW iiautkiost.i.iona. . Cewiplicatad PrecaM'wl" by U" m to nf ■t he "in w HtMW"___ gage as follows! All that "certain piece or nuartcr of section 22 : thence west In the south rtui .Mfs, Lula Thelan and children spent , wftflrs bfit iho thrill or Htoir flint— i S ^ S ia ir i^ A a te - Omcbr-be apscribed, st public auction, to the hlghwk bid Rnyon is « lustrous, continuous p a rc e io f la n d -sltu a tt m l-b e ln g ln the City tlna of the north ono-hslf of rthe-smttheRRt oneat. tho south front door of the court Muee _ a __t ..!>«<• k r - f to ia i if A I / ti u l i l a n n nil 'jMnesday with Mrsu Martha Keeler ^ M verS n in that time reached polnted for hearing said petition. f- Ann Arbor, tn i the"County of Washtenaw, quarter of -section tweot.y„-A\v£u..7! S*71,..fcct (_ der. thread, formedThy dtssotvlng cel Iuiose. oand in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ooonty of r J State of Michigan and described a t fnt?* fnenee north deflecting 90 degrees, 52 minutes Washtenaw on the Roth d*Y of July A- D. of Francisco. - ■ £ -«lhn«x -whui7 Jlh.. And . it ifi further orderod j cither as cotton untertf or wood pulp, Iowa, to-wit; A strip of land fifty two feet to tho right to the south shore of Pleasant 1920, a t ted o'etock in the forenoon of th at Rah ^ rs‘ Jacob Hansdman and copy of th|8_pr^ r-bi^ W sh«<l ^ S U n -n snimhle solvent, * passing J h |i 1n width off the south end of lots forty-one Lako i thebee along the sbuth shore of Fleas- day i which u ld premises are described to aald forty two, apd a strip of land fifty-two aril la k e to th e place of- beginning,-being a successive weeks tffevjous to aatd [ nM t^ *_.through throunh sa'' spinning mnchlne, andArbor spent $te week-end 'jj. ^ !. fluid, spinning topchlne, ________ >t . ii.. feet in width oft tho wjuUuend^of t h ^ west part of the oast one-hatf of, section 22, Free, n■ -SS?,/ o T W -tts-th o u a-a n f o t m llM time of hearing, in the Chelsea Stand solldt/.vlng 1he product In . a flxlhg 8-4 of lot' number forty In Biown & Bach’s dom Township, Washtenaw County, Mlrhlgsn. tn the City of Ann Arbor,- according to« othe tn the latter’s parents* Mr. and Mrs, of land ®nd oc^an* , ard, a newspaper printed and clrculat bfith, comlilntng and twisting the w* Addition to th* City of Ann Arbor, County of Subject te the rights of tho .puhllo In the recorded plat thereof." ' ■ Pierce. Washtenaw and State of Michigan, according highway, Dated April m h , 1920, . ed In said County of Washtenaw. suiting moments Into a thread, purify te thd rtwrded ploji AhST s ^ a(lene Dancer, Ifldna Barels "Alsot The west one-half of th e northeast Dated, July 9th, 1M9. quarter of section 22, Town 3 South, Range JAY. RRAY, ing find blenching this thread, and Mu '?rpna Seitz spent Tuesday with Remeaiber fhl* The Stete Savings Bank 4 East. Meridian of Michigan, extent the north (A-true copy) judge of Probate [ linn Ily transferring H Into the type A rthur Bi'own, A-Michigan Corporation^ 20 acres thereof; Township of, Freedom, Wash Cavanaugh A Burke. Attorneys for ^eSgeee, cfoT l ’ov<,lftnd of North Fran* a*Hitch the truth nnd IM« *Pt *® Attorney for Mortgagee, Ann Arbor, Ml chi tenaw County, Michigan. June 27-Aug. 3 Business Address t Ann Ar|>or* Mleh, , Nora 0 * Borgert, Probate Register, of package In which UJie to be hold or Business Address, Mortgagee. CAVANAUGH * BURKE, Attorneys for Plain A tru e copy (Seal) \. May t • July Sis ‘fl,St?ck m W 6U * July 4*1148 JAY G. PRAY, * Used. Ann Arlmr, Michigan. July lt-Sept. 26 tiff. Tolefson who'has been ask Business Addressi Ann Arbor, Mich. Claramon L, Fray, County Clerk. TIW M -y * Lifidauer with hls^fw3^i m a -*/ -•... i- ■' .... ..............................:::......^ ...............: ------------------- .................. l Ladies Entertained AtSylvan Estates 'St. FauTr Auxiiliary will beentertainedst^' Mrs. Charles Messner a n d . . Mrs. C hutes Chuppel on Tde^dayi Chelsea Kiwanians entertained tlu-ir - a £ t e r « « y ^ l y -18. at the home of the [ M ie s at a ladies’ night affair a t Syllatter. ~ ■—- 4 v s iv "Estates Country 'C lub Tuesday , , P rovide N atural Shade fo r A ll Young Poultry Jim** Change o f Luck This Is National Insect Killing W^ek. An ideal range will provide natural uhudo where the you an birds may dial protection from the hot summer sun.. By ADALAIDE D i H O T P -i r Many poultry tlockiTtlo tipi have inis* poultry spaT^hrStute^coi'-' protection tlie colony Id-nmkes Ideal tlie boarding house. With ______ ____„ ... "oh” J u ly '21, ;u Kfsenbeiser G row at^room r-— — - ■*. Supflo\vers4 Wwd ‘ MulcH ni(>yement8 she tofcsed her hat <?0Minm)S.____________planted „ .x<mh Lake. ‘ ami all, great' A general good time^wa*i*., ■ -•«■» *....... »..... ----- * i around the colony house *Iho will pro ai lead-' »■> » 'l-Viilow "the Keidkanip• during th e.n .ral, Paul Niohmia W *« « * » her vldevHotlsf«ctory; Klimifv, if the1colony nil small. nows north out of Chelsea or Dexter. ! ing in lively group singing, and the head ami (lung it up the bed, theu houses cannot be uinved. near a corn* Good phu1 <..... - « * « . Hev A. !■;.: hnd'wriiisied Into floppy bedroom slip. • holiTnnd .sunflowers are not used, ; full basket, Siay-"'"till day:—Dinner^oHification of the affair. pars, ai ihe same time throwing a gay some forn rof nrtiireial shade should 'al 12:30 all a , , M; , . Ilutkl, , , shout- bo provided. Old feed l^igs placed-ona framcnibout two (rrrhroo feet nirorfrthe 'gi'ouuU"M \viH';glvL‘'-tlii!'!Tn!edL,d":pr.9?TP -BAKE S M & umy^ffne-nirnifte ^ 1to- butlioantT -digrte e tlo n r^ dress," shirtolU fimx»rf os'shie pit-pat* Tin) ladies of therMethodist church T-ftliUM Id' aJaike'_iiale_at the Chebea S 'J l e ttZ : „„ll. ' ' iun’dWare uir.Saturday, JuU-t8th?-AH - ™ 9 L ” ^ setectlQlLs, j __s|)0 -<lllltf -Whihrshe sploshed”! WE HAVE YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINE lu the tub—sang for pare joyiliw A lw ays M ake Fow ls as ladies’of the dunyh please respond. Profitable as Possible ijils. was her night, hers and Jlni New' "BEST 35c COFFEE IN CHELSEA -Trolls™.-Dorthejime they forgot that Tiiere la a great temptation for the .NOTIC’D TO -VIA' PATRON^. • METHODIST EPISCOPAL hlie/was a stenographer and l i e an mi poiiltrymnn who la amhiilotis to equal -My- oftice^-w-i11•’-be dosed. -from-Junc 8jlevr-FredhT Walker, pastor, willing salesman in - Warln'g’s Tmbef." "tlie" rpcorda made by others, N'aturGET IT AT "OtiiFTy July 22mf7dasiieiy. lle donned his tux' and she ally Ally- ono wants to make ills liens Sunai lay, July 14— Dr. A. 1.. Brock. -Morning-worship-ut lO o’dm. -IS Iji;n_jiiu£4ilttie evtiiilng- dress- und .they - ns} profitable .as posslhkv anti as :ho Sunday -school at 11:15. . applied Is to keep n fared foilh together Imighliig-like-the ^ t le ............. generally RAKE SALE In the-above-services you wiil-fincLj-t-wo Imppy chlldren they^ were., .Tlui^^TetF^lyrrfr^tTe^eiahTif'her first layThe ladies of the Methodist ciTurehia profitable, season of worship and generally went, to Beaman's, a very Jug year and ~111en-replace .Iter -wltli111 I . . , >, i . ' .*. a i I r \ ’ .X i l I. , i ' O 1%A 1 # \l , . T V* l_ I A. . .1 . . u , . r ' A Mu . l ! i . I I /\ ««« /X V/X will held—a-baae Mile, at- the Chelsea Bible _study and a' cordial aaawelcome is inode,st i.'osthui'ant Where they shone pulleta, the effect of-Wgh-ogg pro T h e N yal a n d P e n s la r S t o r e __ : LuidwanL-Oir Saturday,-Jjuly ,13th." All extended. , .. — IlkeL two gay laitterltics.’ (Itictjon-on tbe-layhig hana-ajMiarentlyfcSASf S*A!t U indies of the please respond^ On tills ]):irth'nlnr eyen1irg"trer diap*" l8 iiegligilde aa she Is sent to pot he-, W ’ w i plhess died In her lienrt at the very fore nny evil effects of force feedCONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ♦T» iirst glimpse of Jlm’A. face. __R€V. A. E. Potts. Pastor Interfere with her laying, ___ ICK ( KKA.M SOCIAL Mini honey,Tvlmt’s tlio-matter?" she FOR SALE^-Male and female regist* WANTED—Good used bean -puUeLl-LOST— Blue mesh bag with" The Ladies' Aid of Hogers Corner's —Morning-worship at 10 o‘dock a,:-my nsked, .. Sermon subject: ■ ■ ‘‘Squandered..■ Vitalered German Shepherd pups, 4 H arry Prudden.. -49. chain. Finder please riiurn-to^he St. johir’s church will hold an ice i Mistake W ith Geese “Nothing." he answered ImlMieart. months old," Robert Collins, phone cream social__on the- church .lawyi i ity.TStandard Office to receive- reward' A cbninion'inlstnUe made In.'raising Sumidy school at 11:15— —Mrs. Helen edly ns he took her In Ills anus, "only 246, Cor. S. Main a n d U_ Si 12, -48 FOR SALE—One more field of June if hursTiay eveiling,-July 18. Every.' geese la to try to fetal ,ihom upon 46tf l-rl^doii't want to tell you." I,indeman, Supt. clover on the_ground. Ji M; Killam, iiodv invited.' gralire w llh o u i. autlldcnt., "Yoii’H have to tell_me... why,"— siie, -The Olivet delegates-will givp their --48H cpih in- Chelsea -IPhone 147-F-l answeredrher-eyes—dark witit itppre* tho-p T^ST YOU R°PRaP-ERT¥r fam - o r report of-the conference. ' BAKE SALE will heed hut little- additional, Clrlt- "lastfFridffy/ y Finder please leave at FOR- S A U ^-S everal young cows, .henslon, , city, with the Federal "Farm "and" Standard” Office“and”receive-reward,: ,t. -Tlui-Laiii' Aid of S-t;,Paul’s church "My Imd, Betiy,t’ lie said brokenly, and oyster shell '.should always he neReaPEBtaterCo., iM.'WTn, Schwart^ ST. PAUL EVANGELICAL from 5 to 7 years old, some due to il1v’ Hold it InikeVsafe’ at--Schneider & "J'm a •Jiot-ileiHlt'd_fnol._. 1 - ought to cessiblc. _0tirlng .-Ilie summer a -satis miller, local, agent, in H. D. WithP. H7T Gfabow'ski, P a s to r.. freshen-soon, others with calves by ixu-t'erers store Saturday afternoon, heJsJmt, lull - well, thill: did) of ii tlnnr. factory method”'consists In providing :zierell office, postoffice building, oV3n . -, ---- — 4Jf Thitt^a-yr^J-u+y-A-l tlH—r - w TITdy’20, at 2:00 ...fine feed, n -dii .vof-TTjTm I j in rt s -nf-cbrmrFURE -GA^fE -SUGA-R^^Get^ lm^your walker Th” y (Tepii rlTnehTat^the storer Congdon St,, Chelsea. 3Dtf^ 7:00 j). nj^—'Teachers’ meeting. meal, bran a n d . ground'voids,s During i supply a t only $5.25 per 100 lbs. doesn't know ids business and I tried Sunday, July 14th— , A .CORRECTION tlm--wlhter -the--sftHieit--«Va1ns--aro-:-safrlfr 4 -Krogerls—Friday and Saturday^_48 WANTED 1—500 'people to come _out TRUCKING of all kinds, local or long 10:00 a. m.—German Sei vice. Hev. to- Rlmva-hlim-imij,—I’m—ffrethur afui boost fo r the .Chelsea-IndependIn the Ia.'t l-.'Ue of the Standard an ^ H i<Vaftlo f St. Louis, Mo' wiljl - “<h»ml,_I -thought you'd factory, but steamed clover or. alfalfa | ----- :------ —;— —----- -------- --------L ------distance. G. W. Coe, phone 237.35tf ...ents, next-Sundujytt Wilkinson J’ark ■J.... hax-jshmihl-he- rnmert, ------- T r i m T ” a m p SATURDAY— $5:25” -nnoF in -ftie- f i gui ^^ t h e mi1pjt. Come ^ n d H ie y t^ U11Unl . ** t ■ »f vahmiion 01 of DyjVUZl.’ Syjva'n/ JItl uim . ........ loslfi'g a •Jolr!—\“Tfi— ”per 100—lbs,,- pure cane Sugar. —in' Chelsea.— Meadow -bark—BirF of W ANTED—Strong-grrl- for general TH'USf1 -n-I ■lom—can get” au o th er Jackson, will be the opponents. toinomnv, Come—on. Let's Kroger's • -----, — . .—— — -J8 ■,HJUId” hTTvT-'been S MCth-l:00 instead - ‘ ]^i ;15 a! mT -Sunday sehooJL Grain forGeese housework,, about June l. Write .Game called a t 3 .o’clock^ -Adv* TiUt-~sttHLretO:!■4?~ ---- -—----- ;---------------Box 800; care of Chelsea Standard, Geese simuld not he fed hard grains, | WANTED—-Board and room for still hiing tihek, hut lip could EPISCOPAL milielonger SAM3M-MET-I . : . "" "• • ; . 39Ef" WANTED—Home to rent. Adult .but ground feeds mixed In " what” are I lady. Give price-and location, Adresist and soon they were CAIM) OP THANKS_—' -Mich,-----------Near, Jranciaco, fm)iily,j. Enquire a t Standard. * known ns mashes-iuui_teiLJn .a m o is t.d r e s s , P. O.-Box 165,-Chelsea, Mieh, -|- .dress, I -sealed »t—theH-4IttUi tableLl«—the. rea——We vviyir-by-tlns-meMts1to-c-sp-m^s^ state,:—A good i^km^tor^eeese-wontd RevvR-RoBS,'l>astor. ^.intrant; f4 £ ItiUajIlMlMi Oreeri-kindness-and -^ym patbv extended-to us "Sunday, 14 - _ . "Xmv-tlils I's-iml-u-dft foie grasffi-«hp be three parts of "yellow corn inetiTT four parts of whom houses, phoneJ80i-F21, -—32tf hnui. one imrt ^ s m J A I ^ A t - K r o g e r ’sr -Sugar, 10 j used mowers-^-cheap for immediate .hy-^ur^rif-mf^ml-m^Wrtrr^iiuring — Surnfay schooM t -fO m_ m., Mrs. N. said, her eyes—ilanclug—as,- with—her rpQrdog tlottf-or tlmir nibb|HpRg vr-i-t-nf venii-nt. ~ hehniann, SupL . ^ ~, _ ~j f.»l*R-siio-tiMMm,i:-riTT.-o^ nt M,n”7n^ Ijjhlbsale, F . W, .M erkel, .. M ■ lbs.' 53c,1 this-add 5 per cent of meat scraps and Conimunion Service a t 11 :.15_.a,.. m .!. that—eoiilatmid- a* stingy, portion -Mr. ami .Mrs. J. W. IF YGUJWAN-T^-To-buy, , sell er ex Uev. J ... Shilling,, of. ..Ann. A rbor, Will.) plain, oi:(|liiar.yr -beef liver... • breeding season -.WANTED—Small bookcase^with^riWFGR-&ALE—Thoroughbred— Durham Gra-hani'a'ffi'h'FimTily:— change- f a m _ o r city propertypsee ^ _preaeb=: Sng-desk.-Tnouire at Stands,-ibQf- [- h„n -c»tf, u-Miiyho S'x>,*I j i t r T hat f-he'nTtedlyb rj ^ ntM, . 0fn<. -_At m i^m es-T-Her---i’en. 7 nf H ne sifted smut nnd'dae-liiilf per ur annual conferenee-xvBi-convehe-i-^httH- wonhtii’-H ftcor -481 phone-206-F12.' 46tf Bank Bldg., Ann Arboiv-Mieh.— 2fitf <ie»t--bf—tine- til hle-^wifu—Auy-k4lul-^ol=ir ~n r 1 ‘ lYnriy\u 11e , ~I mtr,. 'Sept =4r!= ‘evt’i’-ycijr-call-lt lY 1 hiuy A.-K. Kurth, Minister green, feed will help:” j _“ \e ith e r should I,” hat I." laughed 1. B. S, "A .' ' ; j, KUanhetli lightly, "hut I Jiiiow from -SL.-John’s^Evangelical Church. Friday, 2:30 p. m. to 3:30. Powers Corners, Ereedom. Township. , ^ ^ O rr, „ Blble; lVA’ d-Ub;ondi_in_high.sdioQL - E lim in a te-T u b e i^ tr ic sisritudy—1’Topic: God of Battle. ■ I that foiem eans liver, and Ibis Is liver. Gust Route. Pnptor F r o n i C h i c k e n Q u ^ ir te r s --- 3 :30 —to 5-~-or-'mr->-Topi<.‘-:---DeHghtr-lsii't- ll?T~~Ain|--|,ve:-|TTTard~rlctrJnrortle~ -Vthvself in ' JehovUlv." .'•■ ’Golden Tex t: i Jln- hooks m'd<>r tt -Fori shalt thou delight •thyself-iii ; we im Is not dlHIcult to conirol. It should be y 7'— he reptiell bitterly, with a ‘If l emir rrrr remembered^-that .t IJe 7dIse'iise-la^con— ' -In-n(T iis "the IiO rdj'aniri.w ill causH 'thee to rid e r iv-blS-woii'er■-■-... ——--uivh—fi.K^=gfa fined to w r y old lirrils; dunts iuuier-ir|n|ium2-'---yntd- 'upnn the high-phrees^t ’’rs. Averaae-NVmiiiiiii. "I kai.w ihuned feed Dice With the heritage of Jacob j Her dark hliie eyes shone with, tears -year : ohl are seldom Infected.* By --..muI., 1;. it:nn—rhy= -til, frithr"i•; ■fnr'♦hUTlviouth of the-Lord , and ho "Forgive me, Betty, but I can't help, her of old birds Ims been kept at tl loyj_ hath spoken it.”—Isa. 58:14,, -feeling sore.—IPs-a 1l-my-fatilt. I doir't- Hgnre-the-dati gor -of- t n feetlon—ts -re seem to bo any good." duce cl. If, however, the premises .are Ills wolco .was husky w llb feeling badly Tnfectbd the house and yards FISHKK'S. SUOKS STAND I P ’ ANO SO DOKS FISHKR’S SHOE RKPAIK1NG ns' lie spoke and Betty wanted to slip should he given a rest for two years, around the t'ahlo and pui her arms The house enn be thoroughly cleaned about him. , Me nlwaSsJoakod so ti:ng±. and dlslnfeeted. nnd-then be-used, hut . D o n T T le t "it S h o e ’ Ic when he tnlkW of''money, but to lo eliminate tuberculosis from the »\ night lie was wi ’tso tlmn ever. He yards tlie resting of the.yards Is necTWos-HfmqHt-despmifiNJlKLyiLUlsJ 7 ••river,vining'.s going .to turn out .all tlielr culilvntlen ls desirable, w hon'-we have th e w id e st s h o e m a d e (9 w i d e j v e r y hi," she sold softly. , “fldfi. If H isn’t, Now, let's plan-our-llttle brniga low.nH so ft a n d s ta y s soft.Briefly Told Jiver_LUiiiiH. I -thought a bout some******** It’s thought fulness i mu -innses . ano thing-els^.in the- nighty Jim, . We want ,r7 keeps little ’(Iliimmnl-pnlTcd easement windows am] I'm going to have red .geninliniis growliigJn__Uumi-JUid-woiui SH ARO N: "Tf Illtle 'Tdiie-clieckeiF gLnglmm apron, Mr. and Mrs, E arl Wilson and fam Fisher s Shoes Stand Up And So Does FisheFsJShoe' Repairing lust like the pictures In the women's ily of-Akron, Ohio visited at the home -1n11giiz1 ) '.nn’ti.iL he ahiTli-iig !'4_ of A lbert-.uardner la st week. ” ” ard Fly, Buy and1Insect Killers. NwMI If ~r> : Tl ;■ •§'t: b ■m - it-1■ Let us supply your vacation needs. Every thing from your first aid kit to cameras, fishing tackle. Bathing accessories, etc. CHURCH CIRCLES ~ —® BORG'S B rugi a .1 a m tlfSS fTfSS fgJSS fjfS' r Groceries r.iW ^i±OST= >48 ^ TC to-■wrr 48 N, Main St. Glielnea, Midi. Saturday a SIZES TOQ-LARO^ This Week—10 lbs. F ISH E R S SH O K STORF 'hi-' nskeil desiierii'lely'. 1 c o n d itio n . i- ‘ v*- occasional check-up on your *y_tite^willgiveyjDU_a.l6t oLextra mileage at small cost, W e .catch* the weak spots in time, and make them as strong asever* . vti.: And if you n eed a new tire w e have the right Fisk for.your car, at the @4 »Lrr «i-;4 FISK ......... » n AU/Cfjl i 3 r r - 'i r>J; I w,: Wholesale and Retail Gasoline Oils and Greases. S ir Mack’s Sinclair Super-Service Station O. B. McLaughlin Uas--. K , iiy spent the week-end a t their sum* ^ ISerJtom e-htu'e,— J 4ofM4ieir-l-H ile - mhle -mid.-sl-arted-orn. ”MiSB Jennie Rhpadgs~of.Ann Arbor ■j \\’lieu -thi*.v_i'(‘.aduid.. t he- door—a - blg^ spant..-a^few^daysfclast=week==:at^ 1 well-dressed, nmtr’spoke to Jim, home of her sister, Mrs; G ertrude I ' ~ *a‘. „w. • 0 ,' ^ a u -".' Tom..Cuiiuor,.owner of the Ellis. / ===4U>n — J&hrt-V oegeding-spent-Sunday~w it -l’.ve^fnrnid”out who you' are ahil wlrove relativeTiiTA nn A r b o r r " ^ ^ you work. I’m looking for-souie ono A family reunion was held-July 4 to take chiirue iff m> "ilie'll t.' YdiTff" Tfmd? T liavir nocuTIiir In attendance. hiislncss'met boils,..but they work. I've The daily vacation Bible schooT ; nil my h(*st men just In this way, which 1 was conducted- a t the Irwin -[-■■When ■you-'-find a, fellow going to a school house for two weeks, June 24 -to-July 5 e.1osed-w ith-^-program and nice, swi'el.-looklirg girl,, you know exhibition of work donjt on F riday j Tlim cluip'r gor. somertmygMiriiim. ,h ....... W o evening. Rev. Englemen a nd " 'Mrs; Fseim you come'in hero ('very TCIinrsilay Etiimihd Robison were the judged. ___ |_f.oiL_several- weeks. If you take ...the Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jam es Halle and I -Job you’ll Im jh e lhlrd ,mim..J,’v.e got' children spent the Fourth in South ----- 1-f-rom—hiu’CrT Would yoirlie Interested? Bend, Indiana, ■ _. • -My- storir Isn’t as-hlgh-tlTissrnnd eX~ -■elusive ns Waring*’..Imt there’s a good ST. M: elninee for promotion." Henry Van Dvke. Rector. Connor waited, Nowson" F irst Mass a t 8 a. m. staggered to speak, but Hotly Jumped Second Mass a t 10 a. m. Into the breueh, 1 . Masa_An^ jveek_.dayfl at- 8 a. m. ■ Iin,--cot iUli iM- you- go down-at Iuivcb! with Mrg-Con.-no r -y^-Wlte-snggrstrd:—---- —............... - — W aterloo-R econdjU .B rC hurch "Why, yes,’ Htammered Jim, "If it Chaa. F. Moger, Pastor, ,.'HJILd"7inil," 1 ^P rehching-r-y :80 rt. m. Sabbath school 10:80 a. m. "TJiat’ll be fine, Nowson, I’ll look for you at 12:,’Hi. Good-nlglit," said iBt U B Mr, (’minor pleasuntl.V, tunilng away. Sabbath school 10:00 a. m. Aiid as JIm mid lloity”wirnroirTi7)ine Prei^BThg—H :00"arm T that eventjig evoryono oh the street seemed to bo (lancing for joy, At. the corner Jlni stopped s uddenly.. __ ■S&m ii"-faMrityri-f1trnr ,1ictts;"-lit>.va tdr^ tf>tmy J’OU'/”■ . ' ' BUY SUGAR a t K roger’s Saturday— . . . AIvtLovmvtJu)-.rour,.amL,dlw cnme the; k $5,25 p er 100. 48 faint, Interrupted sound of St, Mar-y’s - '.hues henihiing Iho coming of a new FOR SALE—62 Choice Lake Lotsvfor ■hour, , ......... .. ...... ................ ■■■•. sale a t Shanahan’s Grove on South , ".Wedding bells'," laughed Hetty ns Lake. Drive in a t Shanahan’s farm. slio looked up into, Jim ’s happy face, F irst sales will be made next Sum day by new owners. Come out,Sun 'The- slto of the city of Olynthoa, day and look this now plat over and which was razed by Philip of ^Nfaco* reserve y o u r. lot. Torms reasonable. Chelsea don In 400 B. O., Imk heen found, E ifq riv& Smith. 48 LINER COLUMN V? .v r' Phone 51 Stock Up for-Vmir l- i Canning All Pure Cane Country Club Tiny Peas Rej?ular _21c _j_ Week . . . _ 3 for 50c Country Club Spinach 2 for 25c Fancy Ripe Two T Lbs,. Yellow. Waxvr Snlj^ on lee- - 2^ 1h r - Average Four Lbs. Lowest Potato Price Friday and Saturday Save »t Kroger’* -' E Lemons 39c Doz. . "S. '/ Oranges 2 DOZ. FORJ '* OR 1 FOR 18c We W ill Pay a n U nusually Go6d P rice f o r E ^ g s F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y