The professional look
The professional look
3 The professional look LETTERHEAD Smooth stock. 81⁄2" x 11". 18-0044-00 500 $61.95 MEMO PADS 1000 $79.00 2500 $130.00 5000 $230.00 NO. 10 BUSINESS ENVELOPE No. 10 business-size envelopes. Smooth stock. 91⁄2" x 41⁄8". 18-0043-00 500 1000 2500 5000 $66.00 $87.00 $157.00 $280.00 COLOR PHOTO LABELS Color photo labels on premium permanent stock. Each card features your color photo, name, Company Name and up to four lines of contact information. Symbols are not available. A great way to personalize folders, brochures, listing presentation materials and much more. 81⁄2" x 11" sheets. 18-0061-00 23⁄16" x 11⁄2" 21 labels per sheet 25 Sheets 50 Sheets 100 Sheets $59.95 $94.00 $159.00 Handy for meeting notes or to pass along a message to a client. 50 sheets per pad. 51⁄2" x 81⁄2". 18-0062-00 25 Pads 50 Pads 100 Pads 200 Pads $79.00 $126.00 $225.00 $358.00 S TAT I O N E RY of Keller Williams Realty personalized stationery. TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S S TAT I O N E RY 3 BUSINESS CARDS 4 N OT E C A R D S 6 FOLDERS 7 P RO P E RT Y M A R K E T I N G 8 POSTCARDS 10 F LY E R S 12 B RO C H U R E S 13 DOORHANGERS 13 L U X U RY H O M E S 14 Product highlights for 2008 FO IL BUSINESS CA R DS LUXURY HOME S PRODU C TS PAG E 5 PAG E S 14 – 15 FO LDER S “With image and quality PAG E 7 being the focal point of our value proposition, we needed a marketing partner who could deliver in a way that put us above our competition and elevate our brand. NOT EC A RDS PAG E 6 Merrill turned out to be just that partner.” Kristin and Joshua Broker Associates Keller Williams Realty Subscribe and SAVE! Take advantage of sales and special promotions offered only to our e-mail subscribers! For information and to sign up today visit: Neither Keller Williams Realty, Inc. nor its affiliated companies warrant any product or service delivered under this program. All products and services are provided by Merrill Communications, LLC. A Keller Williams Approved Vendor Program member is a business entity independent from Keller Williams Realty, Inc. and has no agency, partnership, or joint-venture with Keller Williams Realty, Inc. and select “Sign up for e-mail promotions” or call our Keller Williams Customer Service Team at 1.800.635.3561 Business cards – your #1 marketing tool! Now even faster – 2-Day Production on select designs. 2 DAY BUSINESS CARDS Color photo business card orders received by 5pm CT will be produced and ready for shipment within 48 hours from receipt of order (excluding weekends/holidays). Please allow additional production time for those orders requesting proofs, custom printing or foil symbol options. Actual shipment of business cards is not included in 2 day production timelines. Allow appropriate shipping time to determine expected delivery date. Choose from our Special Business Card 2 Day or Overnight shipment options for quickest delivery. PREMIUM BUSINESS CARDS PREMIUM PHOTO BUSINESS CARDS Glossy cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0003-00 1000 $58.95 Glossy cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0001-00 1000 $63.95 add’l 1000 $44.00 add’l 1000 $47.00 Quick-start card Sleek, yet traditional designs! Perfect to get you started! 2-day production on these classic business cards. QUICK-START BUSINESS CARD STANDARD BUSINESS CARD STANDARD PHOTO BUSINESS CARD Glossy cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0000-00 Glossy cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0007-00 1000 $39.95 Glossy cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0005-00 1000 $54.95 500 $39.95 add’l 1000 $28.00 add’l 1000 $41.00 Metallic Red Foil This red foil monogrammed business card will catch your client’s eye – and is sure to boost your call backs. RED FOIL MONOGRAM PHOTO BUSINESS CARD Red metallic foiled monogram design with red printed ink logo. Glossy cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0046-00 1000 add’l 1000 $69.95 $56.00 5 S TAT I O N E RY I N S E RT YO UR B U SI N ESS CARD NOTECARD WITH BUSINESS CARD HOLDER This unique card is sure to make a great first impression. The design holds your business cards (sold separately) between two die-cut “thumbs” cut into the notecard. Choose unimprinted, a standard announcing message or create your own custom massage. 51⁄2" x 41⁄4" folded. Envelopes included. 18-0070-00 Unimprinted (blank) 100 200 500 1000 $42.00 $58.95 $109.50 $190.50 18-0070-01 Imprinted 100 200 500 1000 $70.00 $91.95 $156.50 $244.50 MONOGRAM NOTECARD AND ENVELOPE SET This striking, brand strong card is great for quick, friendly communication. Business card slits included with unimprinted notecard. 51⁄2" x 41⁄4" folded. Envelopes included. 18-0063-00 Unimprinted (blank) 100 200 500 1000 $29.95 $45.50 $95.00 $180.00 18-0063-01 Imprinted 100 200 500 1000 $57.95 $78.50 $142.00 $234.00 Market yourself through your local businesses! Display these Business Card Posters at your local retailer to increase exposure. QUICK CONTACT TEAR-OFF BUSINESS CARDS Place these mini business card posters on bulletin boards in local area businesses, community centers, apartment complexes or supermarkets. Cards are perforated to be separated and taken by prospective clients. 81⁄2" x 11". 18-0059-00 50 $35.50 100 $59.00 200 $99.50 500 $220.00 1000 $399.00 7 First impressions last forever! FOLDERS Make your presentations memorable. CUSTOMIZABLE PRESENTATION FOLDER Differentiate your presentations with this customized folder. It’s a great way to present your brochures and other materials to buyers and sellers, and your photo and contact information imprinted on the front cover make it even more effective. Inside pocket has die cuts for your business card. Customize headline for sales impact. Business cards not included. 83⁄4" x 117⁄8" glossy cover stock. 18-0045-00 Letter-size 50 100 250 500 $95.00 $160.00 $370.00 $700.00 S I LV E R FOI L Silver Foil Logo! MARBLE LETTER SIZE POCKET FOLDER WITH FOIL LETTER SIZE POCKET FOLDER Elegant marble design features Keller Williams logo with silver foil accents. Die-cut to hold your business cards. Gloss cover stock with glued pockets. Business cards not included. 9" x 12". 18-0064-00 Unimprinted 50 100 200 500 $48.95 $85.00 $152.00 $346.00 Designed to complement all of your marketing materials. Die-cut to hold your business cards. Gloss cover stock with glued pockets. Business cards not included. 9" x 12". 18-0065-00 Unimprinted 50 100 200 500 $36.95 $59.95 $99.95 $225.00 An entire marketing system, at your fingertips… Every listing needs Store your agent information • Store Your Agent Information – Your name, title and contact information are stored online 24/7. No need to re-enter your personal information for each product you order. • Upload Your Property Photos – Organize your property photos online. Our new photo upload tool is easy, fast and allows for multiple uploads at one time. • Customize Your Message – Choose from one of our many standard messages, or create your own custom message. EE FR c ll olor Fu o back at nrge. a h c a tr ex All properties archived for your convenience • Free Mail List When You Mail – Search in real time by proximity or street or upload your own list. Lists are easily updated and can be stored for future use. • Choose Your Mailing Service – Let us mail your postcards for you – choose from first or third class postage. • Same Day Turn – on property flyers. • Next Day Turn – on postcards and brochures! Upload your property photos For all available designs, visit: Merrill makes it 9 professional marketing Designed to fit every budget. Choose your mailing service Flyers Put 50 high-quality flyers on your property for only $18! Customer Name Address City, State Zip Free mail list Customize your message 4-Page Postcards Market up to 5 properties at one time for as low as 61¢ each! Save 30%* on the next item you order. Postcards Price includes full color back, high gloss coating and a FREE list when you mail! Go to and sign up for our ePromos. * Discount will apply to the first item in your cart. One time use only. Coupon not valid with any other certificate, coupon or offer. Offer not valid on prior purchases. Excludes postage and shipping. Limited time offer. easy affordable. and Doorhangers Get close to your customers for as low as 34¢ each! P RO P E RT Y M A R K E T I N G POSTCARDS* H O R I Z O N TA L S I N G L E P RO P E RT Y P O S T C A R D STANDARD POSTCARDS Full color customization, standard with high gloss coating. 5 1⁄2" x 41⁄8". Quantity each 50 $0.29 $14.50 100 .25 $25.00 200 500 .23 .21 $46.00 $105.00 LARGE POSTCARDS Full color customization, standard with high gloss coating. 81⁄2" x 5 1⁄2". Quantity each 50 $0.42 $21.00 100 .38 $38.00 200 500 .36 .34 $72.00 $170.00 V E RT I C A L M U LT I P L E P RO P E RT Y P O S T C A R D 4 - PAGE POSTCARDS Full color customization, standard with high gloss coating. 81⁄2" x 5 1⁄2". Quantity each 50 $0.72 $36.00 100 200 500 1000 .66 .65 .64 .61 $66.00 $130.00 $320.00 $610.00 BUSINESS REPLY POSTCARDS Full color customization. (High gloss coating not available). 53⁄4" x 41⁄4". Quantity each * Mailing available on all postcards at an additional price. 50 $0.45 $22.50 100 .41 $41.00 200 500 .39 .37 $78.00 $185.00 11 Relationship Marketing ■ Personalize postcards with your full color personal photo and custom messages. ■ Pre-schedule your campaign for an entire year with our unique scheduling feature – select your card, the message, when to send and the recipients. We’ll take care of the rest! ■ Solutions Complete mailing services NOW available! Use your own mailing list or utilize our new list building technology to create your own – it’s FREE with your postcard order! Standard with high gloss coating. 81⁄2" x 5 1⁄2". Quantity each 50 $0.42 $21.00 100 .38 $38.00 200 500 .36 .34 $72.00 $170.00 Choose from our library of designs... F R EEDOM KELLER WILLIAMS CLASSIC T H A N K YO U ANNOUNCIN G K E L L E R W I L L I A M S BL E N D YA R D S I G N ...or upload your own image! FREE Full color back at no extra charge. STANDAR D PO S T C AR D B AC K F RO N T AG E N T P H OTO P H OTO S I Z E : 5 . 5" w x 5 . 7 5" h F U L L F RO N T P HOTO P H OTO S I Z E : 8 . 62 5 "w x 5. 625" h Free Prospecting List with every mailed order. To order, visit and select Relationship Marketing. P RO P E RT Y M A R K E T I N G S I N G L E - S I D E D F LYE R S T H R EE-PHOTO B U L L E T E D FLY E R THR E E - P H OTO PA R AG R A P H F LY E R T H R E E - P H OTO D E TA I L S F LYER ONE-SIDED PROPERTY FLYERS (1-page) Standard with light weight gloss paper. For added impact, upgrade to our heavy weight paper and high gloss coating for only 11¢ per piece. 81⁄2" x 11". Quantity each 50 $0.36 $18.00 100 .31 $31.00 200 500 .30 .29 $60.00 $145.00 T W O - S I D E D F LYE R S H O R I ZON TAL T WO- S I D E D F LY E R TWO-SIDED PROPERTY FLYERS (2-page) Standard with heavy weight gloss paper. For added impact, upgrade to our high gloss coating for only 5¢ per piece. 81⁄2" x 11". Quantity each 50 $0.63 $31.50 100 200 500 .58 .57 .56 $58.00 $114.00 $280.00 V E RT I C A L T WO - S IDED F LYER 13 Spread the word door-to-door! B RO C H U R E S Target the neighborhood surrounding your listing. PREMIUM PROPERTY BROCHURE (4-page) Standard with heavy paper and high gloss coating. 81⁄2" x 11" finished size. Quantity each 50 100 200 500 $1.72 1.44 1.38 1.36 $86.00 $144.00 $276.00 $680.00 Shipping and Handling Property Flyer orders placed by 4 p.m. (CT) Monday through Friday will ship the same day. Delivery time depends on the method of service selected. Postcard orders placed by 7 p.m. (CT) Monday through Friday will ship the next day. Mail delivery depends on the method selected. Brochure orders placed by 4 p.m. (CT) Monday through Friday will ship the next day. Delivery time depends on the method of service selected. Additional shipping charges apply. Overnight and 2-day delivery options available. Orders placed on Saturday, Sunday or holidays will go into production the next business day. FULL COLOR DOORHANGERS These stylish, functional doorhangers are great for establishing you as an accessible, local real estate expert. Full color customization on card stock with high gloss coating. 4" x 11". 18-0060-00 With or without photo 100 200 500 $39.00 $74.00 $170.00 L U X U RY H O M E S B Y K E L L E R W I L L I A M S F RO N T BAC K LUXURY HOMES NOTECARD AND ENVELOPE SET LUXURY HOMES BUSINESS CARDS Distinctive business cards that carry the Luxury Homes logo. Gloss cover stock. 31⁄2" x 2". 18-0051-00 Non-Photo Business Card 1000 add’l 1000 $58.95 $44.00 18-0050-00 Photo Business Card 1000 add’l 1000 $63.95 $47.00 Add a personal touch to your Luxury Homes correspondence by utilizing this notecard and envelope set. Elegant, smooth stock with matching envelopes. 51⁄2" x 41⁄4" folded. 18-0056-00 Unimprinted 50 100 200 500 $24.95 $43.00 $78.95 $184.00 18-0057-00 Personalized Imprint 50 100 200 500 $75.95 $95.00 $140.95 $267.00 Property Marketing An elegant way to market your listings. JUMBO POSTCARD Full-color customization. Standard with high-gloss coating. Mailing available at an additional price. 11" x 51⁄2". Quantity each 50 $0.52 $26.00 100 .47 $47.00 200 500 .45 .43 $90.00 $215.00 PREMIUM PROPERTY BROCHURE (4-page) Standard with heavy weight paper and high-gloss coating. 81⁄2" x 11" finished size. Quantity each 50 100 200 500 $1.72 1.44 1.38 1.36 $86.00 $144.00 $276.00 $680.00 To order this product line, you must be a member consultant with Luxury Homes by Keller Williams. To find out more about the program, visit or email [email protected]. 15 ANNOUNCING POSTCARD Standard with heavy weight paper and high-gloss coating. 8 1⁄2" x 5 1⁄2". Quantity each 50 $0.42 $21.00 100 .38 $38.00 200 500 .36 .34 $72.00 $170.00 LUXURY HOMES LETTERHEAD Stationery exclusive to Luxury Homes Specialists. Elegant, smooth stock. 81⁄2" x 11". 18-0054-00 500 1000 2500 $143.00 $189.00 $325.00 5000 $569.00 LUXURY HOMES #10 ENVELOPE Standard #10 business envelope, complements Luxury Homes Specialist Letterhead. 18-0055-00 500 1000 2500 5000 $143.00 $189.00 $325.00 $569.00 LUXURY HOMES PORTFOLIO This elegant portfolio can be used to hold all of your Luxury Homes presentation materials and documents. The Luxury Homes logo is blind embossed into flap. Clear flat foil scripted “K” printed on the front of portfolio. Velcro closure. 131⁄2" x 10". 18-0053-00 25 $226.00 TWO-SIDED PROPERTY FLYER (2-page) Standard with heavy weight gloss paper. 81⁄2" x 11". For added impact, upgrade to our high-gloss coating for only 5¢ per piece. Quantity each 50 $0.63 $31.50 100 200 500 .58 .57 .56 $58.00 $114.00 $280.00 50 $428.00 100 $845.00 200 $1,685.00 LUXURY HOMES POCKET FOLDER This rich pocket folder can hold a vast array of real estate documents, presentation materials and more. Blind embossed Luxury Homes logo and clear flat foil scripted “K” printed on the front of portfolio. Glued pockets are die-cut for your business card. 9" x 12". 18-0052-00 50 $215.00 100 $415.00 200 $805.00 500 $1,990.00 Introducing … NEW Products Build your brand…and your bottom line! Open House Materials Closing Gifts DELUXE BARBEQUE SET DELUXE TOOL SET Perfect for the new homeowner. Upgraded rubber grip handles on assorted hand tools in a molded case that keeps them organized. 18-0104-00 1 $46.00 Stainless steel utensils in a durable molded case with metallic finish. Includes spatula with built in serrated blade and bottle opener, tongs, fork, cutting knife and sauce brush. Engrave a personal message on the cover plate. 9" h x 191⁄2" w 18-0102-00 1 $46.00 Great gifts for the new HOMEOWNER! 3 ⁄16" wide; 500 yard spools 9" BALLOONS Give your open houses and presentations a festive feel with these red and white balloons. Closures and ribbons make preparation easy. 18-0087-00 Balloons 250 $40.00 KELLER WILLIAMS® BUTTERMINTS 500 $70.00 18-0106-00 Curling Ribbon Engrave cover plate with a personal message 1 roll $6.50 18-0105-00 Closures 250 $11.75 Cool, creamy mint with a buttery richness. Wrapped in red and white foil with Keller Williams logo. Perfect for open houses or in your office. Candy dish not included. 18-0108-00 500 $20.50 A NEW year brings NEW opportunities! @ 1000 $99.50 Promotional Items Professional Image MAGNETIC BUSINESS CARD CLIP ZIPPY LETTER OPENER Insert your card into this clear acrylic letter opener for instant personalization. Business cards sold separately. 18-0093-00 25 $34.75 50 67.00 100 129.00 Insert your card into these handy clips and give them away to everyone you know. Powerful spring and ridged closing edge keeps bagged foods fresh. Magnet on back. Business cards sold separately. 18-0100-00 25 $33.75 50 65.00 100 125.00 HOUSE SHAPED KEY TAG Red key tag with white Keller Williams logo. 18-0096-00 250 $130.00 BLACK PADFOLIO BLACK VINYL PORTFOLIO Keep all of your business cards, correspondence and marketing materials handy. Zippered compartment keeps your documents secure. Blind debossed logo. Calculator and pen not included. Keep real estate papers organized for presentation and storage. Personalize with your business card. Perfect for closing documents! Keller Williams® logo in silver. 153⁄4" x 10" closed. 18-0089-00 Padfolio 500 245.00 1000 460.00 BIC STICK ROUND PEN Red barrel with black trim and medium point black ink. Logo custom printed in white or silver (Silver logo pricing online.) 18-0095-00 White Logo 500 750 $225.00 315.00 1000 400.00 Open House Gifts Entice more prospects to your open house with these great giveaways! 1 $18.00 5 85.00 ENZO TWIST PEN 18-0107-00 Legal Size Portfolio 10 20 50 $42.50 79.00 182.50 Features a smooth professional design with twist action mechanism. Refillable medium ballpoint in black. Gift boxed. Logo laser engraved. 18-0091-00 Twist Pen 1 12 $7.50 84.00 EXCEL SPORT UTILITY TOTE TAPERED TUMBLER Features a unique zippered front pocket with zippered closure on top. Includes a mesh water bottle pocket, two exterior pen loops and an open back pocket. 12" handle drop height allows for shoulder or hand carry. High fashion design with stainless steel band and accents. Dual wall construction for optimum heat retention. High impact plastic, chrome finish liner with break resistant outer shell. Spill resistant lid. Non skid bottom. 18-0082-00 1 $15.00 18-0088-00 10 135.00 1 $15.00 25 312.50 12 174.00 SPINNING HOUSE KEY TAG Place your order today! Neither Keller Williams Realty, Inc. nor its affiliated companies warrant any product or service delivered under this program. All products and services are provided by Merrill Communications, LLC. A Keller Williams Approved Vendor Program member is a business entity independent from Keller Williams Realty, Inc. and has no agency, partnership, or joint-venture with Keller Williams Realty, Inc. This one is both elegant – and fun! Lower “bead" ring and house icon spin independently below a flat, 11⁄2" slit ring. Back side of house is laser-engraved with the Keller Williams logo. Individually boxed for gift-giving. Overall silver chrome plating. 18-0090-00 1 $8.50 5 35.00 10 62.50 Business Cards – Property Marketing Your #1 Marketing Tool! pages 7-13 pages 4-5 The professional, easy and affordable way to market your property – and yourself! /kw 30 off %* on the next item you order. * SEE PAGES 8-9 FOR DETAILS Just a few things we do to help you be GREEN: • Use recycled papers where available • Print most products with soy inks • Use high-efficiency lighting in all printing plants • Recycle all printing by-products • Use volatile organic compound-free (VOC-free) aqueous and UV coatings RECYCLE • REDUCE • REUSE • RECYCLE • REDUCE • REUSE ©2008 Merrill Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Item No. 18-0071-00 Printed in the U.S.A. MERRILL CORPORATION P.O. Box 100 • St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302-0100
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Monday through Friday will ship the same
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