2006-2007 - James Hasselback
2006-2007 - James Hasselback
2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 1 2006-2007 ECONOMICS FACULTY DIRECTORY ALPHABETICAL BY SCHOOL NAME RANK PHONE Abilene Christian Univ Dept of Management Sciences Lytle, Richard S. Jinkerson, Darryl L. Brister, Jozell Shepherd, Ian Abilene, TX 79699-0001 (325) 674-2565 College of Business Adm Fax=674-2507 Dean 674-2503 richard.lytle Mktg PHD C 674-2493 darryl.jinkerson Mktg PHD Assoc 674-2596 jozell.brister MS Asst 674-6151 ian.shepherd DA 94 87 73 98 Adams State College Department of Economics Weston, Rafael R. Keiser, Kurt J. Ellis, Theodore Gorjidooz, Javad Lyell, Ed Alamosa, CO School of Business Dean 587-7303 C-As 587-7161 Prof 587-7511 Assoc 587-7316 Asst 587-7751 81102 (719) 587-7161 Fax=587-7603 rrweston kjkeiser tjellis jgorjido ehlyell adams.edu Ms. Dolly Maestas 72 Harvard 1988 05 Colo St 2004 72 Colo St 1967 85 Indiana 1981 Colorado Adelphi University Dept of Atg, Finance & Econ Libertella, Anthony F. Swensen, R. Bruce Gleicher, David Machlis, David P. Henowitz, Harvey Torras, Mariano Garden City, NY School of Business Dean 877-4690 C-Ac 877-4655 Assoc 877-4971 Assoc 877-4972 Asst 877-4663 Asst 877-4644 11530 (516) 877-4690 Fax=877-4607 libertel Mgt swensen Fnce gleicher BJ machlis E henowitz torras FOP Adrian College Economics Faculty phone: 265-5161 Bachman, William Adrian, MI 49221-2575 (517) Ext 4432 Dept of Atg & Bus Adm Fax=264-3331 University of Akron Department of Economics Homepage: uakron.edu/econ Levant, Ronald Nelson, Michael A. Garofalo, Gasper A. McGuire, Robert A. Erickson, Elizabeth L. Ghosh, Sucharita King, Randall H. Myers, Steven Stratton, Richard Renna, Francesco Akron, OH 44325-1908 (330) 972-7546 Buchtel Col Arts & Sci Fax=972-5356 C-Pr Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Electronic-Mail 264-3939 wbachman 972-7881 972-7939 972-7548 972-7521 972-7973 972-7549 972-7975 972-7421 972-7440 972-7411 levant manelson ggarofalo rmcguire eerickson sghosh king smyers dickstratton frenna RESR DEGREE Mgt AH ADR AKN AOQ AEF ADJ ACJ ADJ AIJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD START coba.acu.edu Cara Switzer Ariz St 1991 S Illinois 2002 North Tx 1980 Mid Tenn 2003 adelphi.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD ABD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 87 84 71 Ohio St 2000 NYU Columbia 1981 Rutgers 1968 Adelphi 00 Mass adrian.edu Pat Husband 73 Kentucky 8-81 uakron.edu Jeanette Quinn 73 80 74 78 72 93 78 80 77 02 Harvard Purdue Pittsburgh U Wash Illinois Kansas Ohio St Ohio St Conn Arizona 1973 2000 1979 1990 1969 1993 1978 1979 1978 2002 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0224 (205) 348-7842 cba.ua.edu Dept Econ, Fnce & Legal Stds Col Commerce & Bus Adm Fax=348-0590 Sheila Eady, Prog Asst Mason, J. Barry Dean 348-7443 jbmason Mktg PHD 67 Alabama 1967 Russell Professor of Business Administration Helms, Billy P. H-Pr 348-7842 bhelms Fnce PHD 73 Tennessee 1973 Cover, James P. Prof 348-8977 jcover PHD 82 Virginia 1982 Elder, Harold W. Prof 348-7842 helder PHD 82 Va Tech 1981 Enders, Walter Prof 348-8972 wenders EF PHD 75 Columbia 2000 Leathers, Charles G. Prof 348-7842 cleather PHD 68 Oklahoma 1968 Lee, Junsoo Prof 348-8978 jlee E PHD 91 Mich St 2003 Misiolek, Walter S. Prof 348-8980 wmisiole PHD 76 Cornell 1975 Pecorino, Paul Prof 348-0379 ppecorin PHD 90 Duke 1994 Schlesinger, Harris Prof 348-7842 hsclesi PHD 80 Illinois 1987 Hoover, Gary A. Assoc 348-6033 ghoover PHD 98 Wash U 1998 Silver, J. Lew Assoc 348-7842 jsilver PHD 80 Duke 1990 Temimi, Akram Assoc 348-8961 atemimi PHD 96 Illinois 1996 Jindapon, Paan Asst 348-7841 pjindapo PHD 06 Tx A&M 2006 Lee, Gemma Asst 348-8967 glee PHD 06 Vanderbilt 2006 U of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL 35294-4460 (205) 934-8830 Department of Economics School of Business Fax=975-4427 email: @1=mail.business.uab.edu Holmes, Robert E. Dean 934-0055 holmesr Mgt PHD uab.edu Isabell Boyd 71 Arkansas 1-99 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 934-8860 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 934-8830 lnail tedbos sdlee stanford jgv sculver dasgupta@1 eangner shelms dross bscott bsutton Fnce CG CDFQ C C CEFG CDHL BKO DHI ILOT QRT ID PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 2 Nail, Lance A. Bos, Theodore Lee, Seung-Dong Stanford, Robert VanMatre, Joe G. Culver, Sarah E. Dasgupta, Manabendra Angner, Erik Helms, Sara Ross, Don Scott, Brian Sutton, Bryce C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst VAsst Asst U of Alabama in Huntsville Dept Economics & Finance Billings, C. David Wilhite, Allen W. Schnell, John F. Schoening, Niles C. Allen, W. David Huntsville, AL 35899 (256) 824-6590 Col of Admin Science Fax=824-6328 Dean 824-6735 billind H C-Pr 824-6591 wilhitea DK Prof 824-6590 schnellj J Prof 824-7314 schoenn R Assoc 824-6757 allend J Alabama A&M University Dept Econ, Fnce & Office Sys Jones, Barbara A. P. Rahimian, Eric N. Alexander, James G. Elike, Uchenna I. Qureshi, Halima A. Robbani, Mohammad G. Shen, Qian Yousif, Salah A. Adcock, Marvin Briggs, Charles Gebremikael, Fesseha McGuire, Wanda Normal, AL School of Business Dean 372-5092 C-Pr 372-5085 Prof 372-4794 Prof 372-8487 Assoc 372-8143 Assoc 372-5095 Asst 372-4885 Asst 372-4788 Inst 372-4792 Inst 372-4787 Inst 372-4795 Exec 372-5083 Alabama State University Department of Business Adm Vaughn, Percy J. Jr. Grandison, Gary Bakir, Saad T. Suwanakul, Sontachai Yeh, Chiou-Nan Montgomery, AL 36101-0271 (334) 229-4142 College of Business Adm Fax=229-7494 Dean 229-4124 pvaughn Mktg DBA C-As 293-4619 DSM Prof 229-6805 sbakir CM PHD Prof 293-6962 sswankul PHD Prof 229-4127 cyeh PHD asunet.alasu.edu Ms. Jenette Williams 75 Tx Tech 1974 US Sports 77 Va Tech 1-93 86 Arkansas 1989 74 Mass 1974 Univ of Alaska Anchorage Department of Economics Case, Thomas Huskey, Lee Berman, Matthew Jackstadt, Stephen L. Knapp, Gunnar P. Ross, Larry L. Colt, Steve Edwards, Wayne Hill, Pershing J. Johnson, Paul R. Anchorage, AK 99508-8244 (907) 786-4127 Col of Bus & Public Pol Fax=786-4115 Dean 786-4126 tcase Sys MS C-Pr 786-1905 aflh AJR PHD Prof 786-5426 auiser PHD Prof 786-1901 aycee AEH EDD Prof 786-7717 afgpk QR PHD Prof 786-1613 ayllr ADE MS Assoc 786-1753 afsgc PHD Assoc 786-4142 afwae AJR PHD Assoc 786-1763 afpjh EFH PHD Assoc 786-4311 afprj PHD uaa.alaska.edu Pat Moores S Calif 2002 Wash U 1977 Yale Indiana 1985 Yale 1981 Oregon 1971 MIT Nebraska 2000 Wash St 1975 Rochester 1989 Univ of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Economics Marr, Wayne Pippenger, Michael Goering, Gregory Hermann, Mark Reynolds, Douglas Fairbanks, AK 99775-6080 (907) 474-7119 School of Management Fax=474-5219 Dean 474-7916 ffmwm Fnce PHD H-As 474-6530 ffmkp PHD Assoc 474-5572 ffgeg PHD Assoc 474-7116 ffmlh PHD Asst 474-6531 ffdbr PHD Univ of Alaska Southeast Economics Faculty Walz, Robin Cioni, Britteny Juneau, AK 99801-8671 (907) 796-6405 Dept of Social Science Fax=796-6406 C-Ac 796-6433 rwalz Hist PHD Asst britteny.cioni ABD Albany State University Albany, GA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 96 82 79 71 70 93 89 05 06 90 05 03 Georgia Illinois So Meth Berkeley Alabama Houston So Meth Pittsburgh Maryland W Ontario Il-Chicago St Louis 9-96 1982 1979 1982 1971 1993 1992 2005 2006 2004 2005 2003 69 81 84 83 94 uah.edu Ms. Liz Patillo Missouri 1981 Illinois 1988 Illinois 1990 Tennessee 1983 Arkansas 1994 aamu.edu Wanda McGuire Geo St 1997 Indiana 1975 Tx-Austin 1983 Alabama 1985 Vanderbilt 8-05 Fla Intl 9-94 S Illinois 2002 Howard 1976 35762 (256) 372-5085 Fax=372-5874 bapjones AP ADOF jgalexander EAOH uelike AOF halima.qureshi mohammad.rob+ GO qian.shen AG syousif AJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 73 75 89 85 87 94 02 67 cbriggs fmikael MS MS 90 Alab A&M 1990 97 Alab A&M 1996 31705 A A (229) 430-4772 76 77 77 81 81 71 99 00 76 85 uaf.edu 83 90 90 90 Tx Tech Purdue Purdue Wash St 8-04 1991 1990 1990 uas.alaska.edu asurams.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Economics Faculty Homepage: www.asurams.edu Ojemakinde, Abiodun Rogers, Michael Ansari, Mohammed Nwaokoro, Amacchi Albion College Economics Faculty Homepage: www.albion.edu/econ Saltzman, Gregory M. Christiansen, Daniel S. Frandsen, Mike Hakes, Jahn K. Hooks, Jon A. Lanning, Jon Li, Zhen Yuoshida, Kotaro School of Business Adm Fax=430-5119 Dean C-Pr Assoc Asst 430-4788 430-4784 430-4611 430-4723 abiodun.ojemak+ M michael.rogers L mohammed.ans+ F amacchi.nwaok+ Carolyn T. Brown PHD PHD PHD PHD 89 88 89 96 Albion, MI 49224-1899 (517) 629-0419 Dept of Economics & Mgt Fax=629-0428 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 629-0422 629-0425 629-0315 629-0650 629-0530 629-0294 629-0490 629-0423 gsaltzman christiansen mfrandsen jhakes jhooks jlanning zli kyoshida J CD MG QD G D FDE E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Albright College Reading, PA 19612-5234 (610) 921-7538 Economics Faculty Dept of Econ & Business Fax=921-7883 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Bell, Christine A. C-As 921-7701 chrisb MBA Martin, David A. Prof 921-7888 davem DA Lever, Jacqueline Assoc 921-7704 jacquel PHD Saboori, Farhad Assoc 921-7884 farhads PHD Wilder, Lisa A. Asst 921-7538 PHD Alcorn State University Alcorn State, MS 39096-7500 (601) 877-6411 Dept of Social Sciences Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=877-6256 Homepage: www.alcorn.edu/academic/academ/social.htm Lindsey, Reginald Dean 877-6120 Morris, Alpha C-Ac 877-6411 Soc PHD Gau, Carolina Prof 877-6416 PHD Gau, Paul K. Prof 877-6417 PHD Coordinator, Economics Alfred University Economics Program Homepage: business.alfred.edu Hall, William M. Rvane, Claret Lee, Sangjoon Yang, K. 3 871-2124 871-2687 871-2294 871-2294 fhall rvane sangjoon yangk 9-89 9-89 8-01 1-06 albion.edu 82 75 03 96 89 06 04 06 Wisconsin Stanford Tx-Austin Duke Mich St Michigan Princeton Duke 1982 1981 2004 2005 1989 2005 2004 2006 alb.edu Mrs. Linda Reinhart 77 80 82 85 95 Temple Lehigh Pittsburgh Indiana Va Tech 1989 1983 1990 1986 2001 lorman.alcorn.edu Mrs. Rogena Jones 77 Miss St Missouri 71 Illinois Alfred, NY 14802 (607) 871-2124 College of Business Fax=871-2114 Dean C-Ac Asst Asst LSU Tennessee Simon Fr Okla Cty 1972 alfred.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD Syracuse 1980 94 Ca-Rivers 7-99 05 SUNY-Buf 2005 04 Oregon St 2005 Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335-3902 (814) 332-3358 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=332-2310 Casler, Stephen D. C-Pr 332-3331 scasler ACEQ PHD Cupper, Robert Dean Prof 332-2881 bcupper ACD PHD Goldstein, Donald Prof 332-3340 dgoldste ABG PHD Afrasiabi, Ahmad Assoc 332-3334 bafrasia BCQR PHD Baskan, Asuman Assoc 332-3336 abaskan CDFE PHD Golden, John M. Assoc 332-3337 jgolden AENO PHD Moskwa, Antoni Assoc 332-3339 amoskwa AFCP PHD Nonnenmacher, Tomas Assoc 332-3820 tnonnenm DKLN PHD Andrew Wells Robertson Professor of Economics Martin, Stephanie Asst 332-4332 smartin AHJT PHD Onyeiwu, Stephen Z. Asst 332-3338 sonyeiwu ADLM PHD allegheny.edu Ms. Linda Mauro Illinois 1988 Pittsburgh 1977 Mass 1989 W Virginia 1985 Lehigh 1987 Conn 1989 Warsaw 1982 Illinois 1996 83 74 91 85 88 88 75 96 06 Colorado 97 Conn 2001 Alma College Economics Faculty Cummingham, Robert P. Choksy, George Dorian Mueller, James V. Alma, MI 48801-1599 (989) 463-7183 Department of Economics Fax=463-7277 C-As 463-7015 cunningham ARDJ PHD Assoc 463-7390 choksy DNRC PHD Assoc 463-7183 mueller ABEH ABD alma.edu SUNY-Bin 1999 86 Tennessee 1989 Ca-Irvine 1976 American University Department of Economics Mussell, Kay Willoughby, John A. Blecker, Robert A. Bradford, Colin Washington, DC 20016-8029 (202) 885-3770 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=885-3790 Dean 885-2446 mussell PHD C-Pr 885-3759 jwillou N PHD Prof 885-3767 blecker FD PHD Prof 885-3784 cbrad O PHD american.edu Glen Arnold Iowa 1974 Berkeley 1979 Stanford 1985 Columbia 1998 74 79 87 70 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Provost Broder, Ivy E. Feinberg, Robert M. Golan, Amos Hahnel, Robin E. Husted, Thomas A. Lerman, Robert I. Meurs, Mieke E. Muller, Ronald E. area code: 703 Sawers, Larry Wisman, Jon D. Ayittey, George B. N. Floro, Maria Sagrario Hazilla, Michael Isaac, Alan G. Meade, Ellen Park, Walter G. Winters, Paul Catilina, Eliane Hansen, Mary Heracleous, Maria Hertz, Thomas Reynolds, Kara Starr, Martha 4 Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 885-2125 885-3788 885-3783 885-2712 885-3773 885-3761 885-3776 351-1555 ibroder feinber agolan rhahnel husted rlerman mmeurs rmuller C L OC B HI JI PO F PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 76 88 79 86 70 88 SUNY-SBr Virginia Berkeley American N Carol MIT Mass American 1975 1989 1996 1976 1986 1989 1989 1970 Prof Prof VAsoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 885-3766 885-3158 885-3779 885-3139 885-3148 885-3785 885-3997 885-3774 885-3782 885-3724 885-3793 885-3758 885-2756 885-3768 885-3747 lsawers jdwisma ayittey mfloro hazilla aisaac meade wgp winters elaine mhansen heracleo hertz olson mstarr ONQR B O OGDQ C FE E LF OQ D JN C JC F E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 74 81 87 78 86 84 91 96 01 91 03 01 03 92 Michigan American Manitoba Stanford SUNY-Bin Ca-Davis Princeton Yale Berkeley London Illinois Va Tech Mass Virginia Boston U 1969 1971 1994 1988 1988 1987 2005 1991 2004 2002 2002 2004 2002 2003 2003 American International Coll Springfield, MA 01109-3189 (413) 205-3306 Department of Economics Sch Bus Adm/Sch Arts &S Fax=205-3943 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Rogers, John W. Dean 205-3230 PHD Smolowitz, Ira E. Prof 747-6369 PHD Director, Center for Economic Education; Dean, Bureau of Business Research Amherst College Amherst, MA 01002-5000 (413) 542-2249 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=542-2090 Homepage: www.amherst.edu/econ/ Woglom, Geoffrey R. C-Pr 542-2433 grwoglom AEG PHD Richard S. Volpert '56 Professor in Economics Barbezat, Daniel P. Prof 542-7948 dpbarbezat ANO PHD Beals, Ralph E. Emer 542-2570 rebeals ACO PHD Clarence Francis Professor of Economics Kohler, Heinz Emer 542-2083 hkohler APCD PHD Willard Long Thorp Professor of Economics Nicholson, Walter E. Prof 542-2191 wenicholson ACDK PHD Ward H. Patton, Jr. Professor of Economics Westhoff, Frank H. Prof 542-2190 fwesthoff ADHC PHD James E. Ostendarp Professor of Economics Yarbrough, Beth V. Prof 542-2429 bvyarbrough ADF PHD Willard Long Thorp Professor of Economics Rivkin, Steven G. Assoc 542-2106 sgrivkin AIJ PHD Alpanda, Sami Asst 542-2271 salpanda AFGO PHD Honig, Adam Asst 542-5032 ahonig AEFO PHD Kingston, Christopher G. Asst 542-2249 cgkingston AFOP PHD Reyes, Jessica W. Asst 542-8517 jwreyes AHIJ PHD aic.edu 84 Rensselaer 1988 amherst.edu Jeanne E. Reinle 74 Yale 1978 88 Illinois 70 MIT 1988 1966 61 Michigan 1961 70 MIT 1968 74 Yale 1973 83 U Wash 1982 91 04 04 01 02 1993 2004 2004 2001 2002 UCLA Minnesota Columbia Stanford Harvard Anderson University Anderson, IN 46012-3468 (765) 641-4360 anderson.edu Department of Business Falls Sch of Business Fax=641-4356 Chris Smith/Carol Whetsel Homepage: www.anderson.edu/falls Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Truitt, Terry C. Dean 641-4354 tctruitt G DBA 96 Miss St 1995 Ritchey, Barry Prof 641-4357 bcritchey DHR PHD 88 Syracuse 1991 Heberling, Gregory Dean Assoc 641-4363 gdheberling MBA Ball St 1978 Saunders, Kent T. Assoc 641-4396 ktsaunders ADG PHD 95 Clemson 2001 Andrews University Dept of Atg, Econ & Fnce Tidwell, Charles Gashugi, Leonard K. Chuah, Sam Beckworth, David Berrien Spr, MI School of Business Dean$ 471-3236 C-Ac 471-3581 Prof 471-3453 Asst 471-7651 49104-0024 (269) 471-3429 Fax=471-6158 tidwell Mgt PHD gashugi CF PHD chuahki CD PHD dmb EN PHD Angelo State University Dept Acct, Economics & Fnce San Angelo, TX 76909 (325) 942-2046 Col Bus & Prof Studies Fax=942-2285 83 92 92 03 andrews.edu Ruth Tidwell Calgary 1996 Boston U 1979 Wash St 1998 Georgia 2004 angelo.edu Merrily Nelson 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Homepage: angelo.edu/dept/aef Bankston, Thomas Buerger, Kurt H. Butler, Michael W. Kara, S. Murat Husein, Jamal Dean$ H-Pr$ Prof Assoc Asst 942-2337 Ext 245 Ext 251 Ext 254 Ext 284 thomas.bankston kurt.buerger michael.butler murat.kara jamal.husein Fnce Atg A AM PI PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 5 75 71 74 93 98 Boone, NC 28608-2051 (828) 262-2148 Walker College of Bus Fax=262-6105 Florida Kentucky Arkansas Tx Tech Utah St 1974 1983 2001 2000 2002 Appalachian State Univ Department of Economics Homepage: www.eco.appstate.edu Edwards, Randy Schieren, George A. Courbois, Jean-Pierre Ellis, Larry V. Millsaps, Steven Perri, Timothy J. Cherry, Todd Dawson, John Groothuis, Peter A. McRae, Larry T. Whitehead, John C. Canaday, Neil McDaniel, Tanga Strazicich, Mark Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc VAsst Asst Asst Aquinas College Economics Faculty Robertson, Gary L. Yamazaki, Masato Grand Rapids, MI 49506-1799 (616) 459-8281 Economics Department Fax=632-4487 Assoc 632-2064 robergar MA Asst 632-2063 yamaemas PHD Detroit 84 Duke Arcadia University Economics Faculty Halpin, Annette L. Morra, Wayne A. Glenside, PA 19038-3295 (215) 572-2891 Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=572-4489 C-As 572-2849 halpin Fnce PHD Assoc 572-2125 morra ALR PHD arcadia.edu Lisa C. Scholly 97 Drexel 9-84 84 Temple 8-81 262-2058 262-4033 262-2117 262-6123 262-6080 262-2251 261-6081 262-6128 262-6077 262-6125 262-6121 262-2927 262-2037 262-6124 edwardsrk schierenga courboisjp ellislv millsapssw perritj cherrytl dawsonjw groothuispa mcraelt whiteheadjc canadayn mcdanieltm strazicichmc Atg CDE F E CDQ DJ DQ E DF CDE DQ N LCD CE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD appstate.edu Susann Powers 88 75 68 78 73 78 98 97 89 78 90 03 95 89 Tennessee 1981 N Carol 1977 American 1968 Missouri 1978 N Car St 1973 Ohio St 1980 Wyoming 2001 N Car St 2000 Kentucky 2002 N Carol 1977 Kentucky 2004 Clemson 2005 S Carol 2003 U Wash 2004 aquinas.edu 1969 1987 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721-0108 (520) 621-6224 eller.arizona.edu Department of Economics Eller Col Bus & Pub Adm Fax=621-8450 Carole Merly, Adm Asst Homepage: w3.arizona.edu/~econ email @1=u.arizona.edu; @2=bpa.arizona.edu Portney, Paul R. Dean 621-2125 pportney PHD Nrthwstrn 6-05 Walker, Mark A. H-Pr 621-6155 mwalker PHD 70 Purdue 1990 Eller Professor of Economics Amir, Rabah Prof 621-8450 ramir PHD Illinois Block, Michael K. Prof 621-2854 mblock@a PHD 72 Stanford 1981 Dufenberg, Martin Prof martind PHD 95 Uppsala 2003 Fishback, Price V. Prof 621-4421 pfishback PHD 83 U Wash 1990 Frank and Clara Kramer Professor Oaxaca, Ronald L. Prof 621-4135 rlo@1 PHD 71 Princeton 1976 McCelland Professor Pingry, David E. Prof 621-4106 pingry Reiley, David H. Prof 621-6238 reiley PHD 96 MIT 2001 Reynolds, Stanley S. Prof 621-6251 sreynolds PHD 83 Nrthwstrn 1982 SRP Professor of Technology, Public Policy and Markets Smith, Kenneth R. Prof 621-2633 ksmith PHD 68 Nrthwstrn 1980 Eller Distinguished Service Professor Swanson, Gerald Prof 621-6220 swansong PHD 72 Illinois 1970 Wooders, John C. Prof 621-6231 jwooders PHD 91 Cornell 1991 Eller Fellow in Economics Drabicki, John Z. Assoc 621-4221 jdrabicki PHD 73 Purdue 1970 Hirano, Keisuke Assoc 621-6065 hirano CD PHD 98 Harvard McBearty, James C. Assoc 621-1639 merly PHD 68 Illinois 1968 Stegeman, Mark Assoc 626-0680 stegeman PHD Angelucci, Manuella Asst 621-4281 angelucm PHD 05 Univ Col Crawford, Gregory Asst 621-5427 crawford CL PHD 98 Stanford 2002 Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso Asst 626-3165 alfonzo PHD 01 Ohio St 2001 Wu, Junjun Asst 621-4560 jjwu PHD Nrthwstrn Xiao, Mo Asst 621-2192 mxiao L PHD 03 UCLA 8-06 Arizona State University Department of Economics Homepage: wpcarey.asu.edu/ecn Mittelstaedt, Robert A. Blakemore, Arthur E. Tempe, AZ 85287-3806 (480) 965-3531 College of Business Fax=965-0748 Dean Prof 965-2468 robert.mittel+ 965-3531 arthur.blakem+ PHD PHD asu.edu 66 Minnesota 6-04 77 S Illinois 1979 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Boyes, William J. Prof Brada, Josef C. Prof Burgess, Paul L. Prof DeSerpa, Allan C. Prof Happel, Stephen K. Prof Hoffman, Dennis L. Prof Director, Seidman Institute Keane, Michael P. Prof ASU Research Fellow Kingston, Jerry L. Prof Low, Stuart A. Prof Manelli, Alejandro Prof Chase Professor in Economics Mayer, Lawrence Prof McDowell, John M. Prof Melvin, Michael T. Prof Mendez, Jose A. Prof Ormiston, Michael B. Prof Prescott, Edward C. Prof W. P. Carey Chair Rogerson, Richard D. Prof Edward Rondthaler Professor Schlee, Edward E. Prof Smith, Kerry Prof W. P. Carey Professor in Economics Wilson, Jeffrey Prof Zhou, Lin Prof W. P. Carey Professor in Economics Ahn, Seung C. Assoc Chade, Hector Assoc Datta, Manjira Assoc Reffett, Kevin Assoc Bai, Yan Asst Chen, Ying Asst Herrendorf, Berthold Asst Arizona State Univ West Econ/Finance/Marketing Dept Bellizzi, Joseph A. Mizzi, Phil Quayes, Shakil Macfie, Brian 965-5504 965-6524 965-7158 965-6192 965-5454 965-5463 william.boyes josef.brada paul.burgess acd stephen.happel dennis.hoffman PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 71 69 70 76 78 PHD 90 Brown 965-2128 jerry.kingston 965-5498 stuart.low 965-4682 alejandro.man+ PHD PHD PHD 69 Penn St 79 Illinois 88 Berkeley 965-6528 965-7109 965-6860 965-2723 965-7350 965-7977 lawrence.mayer john.mcdowell mmelvin jose.mendez michael.ormis+ edward.prescott PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 80 80 77 67 965-6671 richard.rogerson PHD 84 Minnesota 2001 965-5745 ed.schlee 967-9812 kerry.smith PHD 88 Illinois PHD 89 Princeton 2001 PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 96 92 90 Mich St Illinois Cornell Purdue 78 84 00 03 asu.edu Susan Spiller Nebraska 8-88 Tx A&M 8-88 Illinois 8-06 Rutgers 1-03 965-1053 michael.keane 965-5628 jeffrey.wilson 965-9448 lin.zhou 965-6574 965-4714 965-6433 965-7006 965-5596 967-0684 965-1462 minahn hector.chade manjira.datta kevin.reffett yan.bai yingchen berthold.herrr+ D CF Phoeniz, AZ 85069-7100 (602) 543-6101 School of Mgt Box 37100 Fax=543-6221 C-Pr 543-6208 joseph.bellizzi Mktg PHD Assoc 543-6207 pjm PHD Asst 543-6217 quayes PHD Lect 543-6299 brian.macfie PHD University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201 (479) 575-ECON Department of Economics Walton Coll of Bus Fax=575-7687 Homepage: http://waltoncollege.uark.edu/econ/default.asp Worrell, Dan L. Dean Mgt PHD Ziegler, Joseph A. H-Pr 575-3266 jziegler R PHD Britton, Charles R. Prof 575-6218 cbritton E PHD Curington, William P. Prof 575-7105 bcecon J PHD Dixon, Bruce L. Prof 575-2256 bdixon TQ PHD Gay, David E. Prof 575-6222 dgay H PHD Murray, Tracy W. Prof 575-4003 tmurray F PHD Distinguished Professor & Chairholder, Phillips Petroleum Company Chair/IEB Farmer, Amy F. Assoc 575-6093 afarmer DK PHD Ferrier, Gary D. Assoc 575-6223 gferrier DC PHD Horowitz, Andrew W. Assoc 575-6228 horowitz OFD PHD Deck, Cary A. Asst 575-6226 cdeck PHD Kali, Raja Asst 575-6219 rkali LOFD PHD Lee, Jungmin Asst 575-6621 jlee PHD Mendez, Fabio Asst 575-6231 fmemdez EOH PHD Reyes, Javier Asst 575-6079 jreyes F PHD Stapp, Robert B. VAsst 575-6217 rstapp PHD U of Arkansas at Little Rock Dept of Economics & Finance Sherman, Hugh D. Galchus, Kenneth Elder, Erick Ford, Richard Pickett, John C. Terry, Andy Wagner, Gary Funk, Mark Witkowski, Mark 6 Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 (501) 569-3354 College of Business Adm Fax=569-8871 Dean 569-8892 hdsherman Mgt PHD C-Pr 569-8874 kegalchus PHD Prof 569-8879 emelder PHD Prof 569-8876 rkford PHD Prof 569-3354 jcpickett PHD Assoc 569-8872 haterry PHD Assoc 569-8875 gawagner PHD Asst 569-8877 mffund PHD Inst 569-8873 mhwitkowski Claremont 1969 Minnesota 1978 Colorado 1969 Ca-SnBarb 1975 Duke 1975 Mich St 1979 1969 1979 1997 UCLA 1978 UCLA 1980 So Meth 1980 J Hopkins 1984 Car Mellon 1990 1990 1997 1995 1995 walton.uark.edu Susan Yell 78 71 71 79 76 73 69 LSU Notre Dm Iowa Syracuse Ca-Davis Tx A&M Mich St 8-05 1980 1978 1989 1986 1983 1978 91 88 89 01 96 04 03 02 Duke N Carol Wisconsin Arizona Maryland Tx-Austin Tx A&M Mich St Okla St 1999 1993 1998 2001 1999 2004 2003 2002 1996 95 70 97 79 70 89 99 98 ualr.edu Jo Carson Temple Wash U 1976 Pittsburgh 8-96 Arkansas 1981 Missouri 1986 Michigan 1989 W Virginia Ca-Davis 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback U of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Economics Faculty Campbell, Hank Shahjahan, Mirza Son, Young Soeb Wui, Yong-Suhk 7 Pine Bluff, AR 71601 (870) 575-8575 Sch of Business & Mgt Fax=575-4679 Dean$ 575-8577 campbell_h C-Pr 575-8575 shahjahan_m PHD Asst 575-8649 PHD Asst 575-8599 PHD Arkansas State University State Univ, AR 72467-0239 (870) 972-2280 Dept of Economics & Finance College of Business Fax=972-3863 Homepage: http://business.astate.edu/econdsci Duggar, Jan W. Dean 972-3035 jduggar G PHD Frey, Len Dean 972-3035 lfrey Mgt PHD Washam, James O. C-Ac 972-2280 jwasham Fnce PHD Brown, Christopher R. Prof 972-2280 crbrown AEKM PHD Crawford, Jerry L. Prof 972-2280 crawford ADTM PHD Dale, Lawrence Raymond Prof 972-2280 dalex ABPQ PHD Kesselring, Randall G. Prof 972-2280 randyk ACJF PHD Latanich, Gary A. Prof 972-2280 latanich AREM PHD Marburger, Daniel R. Prof 972-2280 marburge AJMD PHD Guha, Gauri-Shankar Asst 972-2280 gguha ACFQ PHD 72801-2222 (501) 968-0354 Fax=968-0677 tom.tyler PHD kevin.mason Mkt PHD gene.cole PHD joe.moore PHD richard.smith PHD mike.benefield PHD uapb.edu Bonn Memphis Tx A&M astate.edu 67 94 93 89 69 79 80 78 89 02 Fla St 2000 Memphis 2000 Miss 1989 Tennessee 1990 Arkansas 1966 Ohio U 1986 Oklahoma 1984 Nebraska 1981 Ariz St 1989 Penn St 2001 Arkansas Tech University Dept of Business & Economics Tyler, Thomas P. Mason, Kevin H. Cole, Raymond E. Moore, Joseph L. Smith, Richard S. Benefield, Michael E. Russellville, AR School of Business Dean 968-0490 H-Pr 968-0492 Prof 968-0491 Prof 968-0688 Prof 968-0492 Assoc 968-0264 Armstromg Atlantic St Univ Economics Faculty Wheeler, Ed R. Saadatmand, Yassaman Cebula, Richard J. Eminent Scholar in Economics McGrath, Richard Toma, Michael Coombs, Christopher Savannah, GA 31419-1997 (912) 961-3171 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=921-3782 Dean 927-5279 wheeleed Math PHD H 927-3171 saadatya FO PHD Prof 921-3781 cebulari EDR PHD mail.armstrong.edu Kimberly Ashley 73 Virginia 1987 88 NewHamp 1989 71 Geo St 1999 Assoc 927-5525 mcgrathri Assoc 927-5527 tomamich Asst 921-3172 coombsch PHD PHD PHD 97 Virginia 1997 96 GeoMason 1997 05 LSU PHD ashland.edu Janet Truscott 83 Iowa St 1989 JD PHD MA Akron 1980 83 Geo Wash 1993 Ohio St 1985 Assumption College Economic Faculty Hickey, Kevin L. Fahy, Colleen A. Kantarelis, Demetrius Lynn, Stuart R. White, Thomas J. McGee, C. Dylan Rao, Smriti Worcester, MA 01609-7382 (508) 767-7379 Dept Econ & Global Stu Fax=767-7382 C-Ac 767-7296 khickey MLA Assoc 767-7558 cfahy HLCD PHD Assoc 767-7557 dkantar DCKL PHD Assoc 767-7303 slynn DBFO PHD Assoc 767-7556 twhite EGQR PHD Asst 767-7579 cmcgee EFG PHD Asst 767-7565 srao AFO PHD 76 89 83 71 89 01 05 assumption.edu Janet Enman Harvard 1972 SUNY-Bin 1994 Clark 1983 N Carol 1987 SUNY-Bin 1995 N Carol 2001 Mass 2006 Athens State University Economics Faculty Shonesy, Linda B. Wilkes, William Chair Athens, AL 35611 (256) 233-8117 School of Business Fax=233-8151 Dean$ 233-8174 lshonesy Mgt EDD Prof 233-8191 bill.wilkes AFEJ DA athens.edu Trisa Chavanne Alabama 1985 98 Mid Tenn 1996 Auburn University Department of Economics Bobrowski, Paul M. Caudill, Steven B. Beard, Thomas Randolph Auburn, AL 36849-5242 (334) 844-4910 College of Business Fax=844-4615 Dean 844-4030 OprM PHD H-Pr 844-2907 caudisb CG PHD Prof 844-2918 beardtr LD PHD auburn.edu DHG RE Ashland University Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 289-5912 Department of Economics Dauch Col Bus & Econ Fax=289-5949 Nadler, Mark A. C-Ac 289-5912 mnadier A. L. Garber Family Chair of Economics Garcia, Javier F. Assoc 289-5734 jgarcia Rogers, Robert P. Assoc 289-5739 rrogers1 Wasnich, Wendy S. Asst 289-5735 wwasnich mail.atu.edu 80 95 76 75 74 89 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Tx-Austin Purdue 1967 1986 1970 1988 1991 1995 Indiana 2004 82 Florida 1981 88 Vanderbilt 1988 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Garrison, Roger W. Gropper, Daniel M. Jackson, John D. Kaserman, David L. Torchmark Professor Long, James E. Ault, Richard W. Beil, Richard O. Saba, Richard P. Director, MBA Kim, Hyeongwoo Li, Jing Stern, Liliana V. Stern, Michael L. 8 Prof Prof Prof Prof 844-2920 844-2908 844-2906 844-2905 garriro gropp jacksjd kaserdl HE EM DC DL PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 89 77 76 Virginia Fla St Claremont Florida 1983 1988 1984 1986 Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 844-2911 844-2919 844-2921 844-2922 longjae rault rbeil sabaric HJ DF DH CD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 83 88 74 Fla St Virginia Tx A&M Tx A&M 1974 1983 1988 1974 Asst VAsst Asst Asst 844-2928 hzk0001 jzl0001 844-2917 sternli 844-2928 sternml PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 06 06 04 Ohio St Alabama Indiana Indiana 2006 2006 2006 2004 Auburn U at Montgomery Montgomery, AL Department of Economics School of Business Homepage: www-biz.aum.edu/economics/index.htm Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Goodson, Jane R. Dean 244-3476 Gregorowicz, Phillip H-Pr 244-3576 Bhattarai, Ghadhi VProf Clark, Joy Prof 244-3561 Assistant Dean Deravi, M. Keivan Prof 244-3555 Director of Center for Government & Public Affairs Hegji, Charles E. Prof 244-3563 Lacy, Allen W. Emer 244-3511 Linna, Ken Assoc 244-3512 Moore, Evan Asst 244-3364 Bates, Jeff Inst 244-3187 Kagochi, John Inst Lace, Lesley Inst 244-3989 Lucy-Bouler, Tink Inst 244-3350 36117-3596 (334) 244-3454 Fax=244-3792 jgoodson pgregoro mail.aum.edu Angie Ingram jclark Mgt PHD EFGJ PHD PHD APQB PHD 86 82 05 88 Alabama N Illinois Auburn Tx A&M dkeravi DFGJ PHD 85 Okla St 1985 chegji alacy klinna emoore jbates3 jkagochi lbass2 tink DFMJ PHD ETIH PHD PHD PHD MBA MA MA 80 71 99 02 91 1985 1976 1999 2002 1991 2005 2005 Wash U Iowa St Alabama Va Tech Aub-Mont Auburn 95 Auburn 1986 1980 2006 1988 Augsburg College Economics Faculty Homepage: www.augsburg.edu Edwards, Barbara Boeh, Jeanne M. Gupta, Satya P. Gilsdorf, Keith F. Hofrenning, Stella Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612) 330-1320 Department of Economics Fax=330-1649 Augusta State University Economics Faculty Miller, Marc D. Brauer, Jurgen Leightner, Jonathan E. Augusta, GA 30904-2200 (706) 737-1560 College of Business Adm Fax=667-4064 Dean 737-1418 mmiller Mis PHD Assoc 737-1560 jbrauer AFIT PHD Assoc 737-1560 jleightn DTOP PHD aug.edu Ettie Westjohn 94 Auburn 89 Notre Dm 1991 89 N Carol 1989 Augustana College IL Department of Economics Abernathy, Jeff Ballman, Richard J. Jr. Marme, Christopher B. Short, Joanna Rock Island, IL 61201-2296 (309) 794-7457 Div of Business & Educa Fax=794-7605 Dean 794-7311 PHD C-Pr 794-7517 richardballman ABDE PHD Assoc 794-7514 chrismarme ACEO PHD Asst 794-7268 joannashort ANHD PHD augustana.edu Georgia Moreno Fla St 9-04 77 Iowa 1972 94 Illinois 1988 01 Indiana 2001 Augustana College SD Department of Economics Eggleston, Brian D. Nesiba, Reynold F. Sorenson, David Sioux Falls, SD 57197 (605) 274-5226 Div of Social Sciences Fax=274-5229 C-Ac 274-5307 brian.eggleston ABQ PHD Assoc 274-5310 reynold.nesiba EGA PHD Assoc 274-5223 david.sorenso RGA PHD augie.edu Austin Peay State University Dept Econ, BusLaw, DS & GBus Rayburn, William Kim, Kil-Joony Meadows, Tommy C. Plummer, Jerry D. Stevenson, Taylor Clarksville, TN School of Business D 221-7355 Prof 221-7759 Prof 221-7747 Asst 221-6222 Asst 221-7565 Dean C-Ac Prof Asst Asst 330-1024 330-1760 330-1427 330-1579 330-1570 boeh gupta gilsdorf hofrenni IR FEL I 37044 (931) 221-2624 Fax=221-7355 rayburnw kimk FO meadowst HJ plummerj CDE stevensont CDH augsburg.edu Heather Hultquist PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 89 75 90 92 Minnesota Il-Chicago S Illinois Nebraska Il-Chicago 1997 1990 1976 2001 2001 91 Wash St 1988 95 Notre Dm 1995 97 W Virginia 1997 apsu.edu PHD PHD DA PHD 80 79 91 04 Cincinnati Clemson Mid Tenn Miss 1980 1977 1999 2005 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Azusa Pacific University Azusa, CA 91702-7000 (626) 812-3085 Economics Faculty School of Bus & Mgt Fax=815-3802 Homepage: www.apu.edu:8080/sbm/ Bezjian, Ilene L. Dean 812-3085 ibezjian Mgt DBA Underwood, Julia C-As 812-3819 Psy PHD Strother, Stuart Assoc 812-3091 sstrother PHD Conover, Roger B. Asst 815-3823 PHD Babson College Babson Park, MA 02457-0901 (781) 239-4580 Economics Division of Economics Fax=239-5239 Homepage: http://www3.babson.edu/Academics/Divisions/econ/ Fleischmann, Fritz Dean 239-4400 fleischmann Engl PHD Polutnik, Lidija C-Ac 239-4211 polutnik HJ PHD Bayer, Arthur A. Prof 239-4321 bayer AH PHD Casey, William L. Jr. Prof 239-4244 casey F PHD Jones, Kent A. Prof 239-4477 kjones F PHD Marthinsen, John E. Prof 239-4324 martinsen FD PHD Moss, Laurence S. Prof 239-5573 lmos@a K PHD Han, Hsiang-Ling Assoc 239-5851 han CE PHD McAuliffe, Robert E. Jr. Assoc 239-4515 mcauliffe EL PHD Minniti, Maria Assoc 239-4296 minniti E PHD Ricciardi, Joseph M. Assoc 239-4530 ricciardi EO PHD Hussain, Ajaz Asst 239-5549 ahussain L PHD Kafi, Farhoud VInst 239-4580 kafi D MA Baldwin-Wallace College Department of Economics Homepage: bw.edu/academics/ecn Sage, Lewis C. Ebert, Robert R. Heinicke, Craig W. Miller, Dennis D. Peart, Sandra Joan Rolleston, Barbara Sherman Ross, Thomas A. Berea, OH 44017-2088 (440) 826-2113 Div of Social Sciences Fax=826-3835 Ball State University Department of Economics Homepage: www.bsu.edu/econ/ Richardson, Lynne D. Liu, Tung Bohanon, Cecil E. Cheng, Chu-Yuan Coehlo, Philip R. P. Deitsch, Clarence R. Flowers, Marilyn McClure, James Edward Stone, Courtney C. Van Cott, T. Norman Green, Jeffery Horowitz, John B. Keil, Stanley R. Spector, Lee C. Zegeye, Abera Shupp, Robert Xie, Lili Muncie, IN 47306-0340 (765) 285-4313 College of Business Fax=285-8024 C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Dean C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst 826-2119 826-2033 826-2419 826-2002 826-2120 826-2003 826-2118 285-8192 285-5360 285-5363 285-5366 285-5376 285-5368 285-5360 285-5375 285-5378 285-5370 285-2056 285-1436 285-5360 285-5360 285-5379 285-3724 285-5378 lsage rebert cheinick dmiller speart brollest tross lrichard tliu cbohanon ccheng 00prcoehlo cdeitsch mflowers jmcclure 00ccstone tvancott jgreen jhorowitz skeil 00lspector azegeye rshupp lxie CIJ DFP NOE OQ BD HR CG Mktg C H OP NT J H J EM FH C HJ QR E A PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 9 apu.edu Heidi Capp 86 US Intl 99 1-93 1-01 03 Ca-Rivers 9-90 babson.edu Linda Katz 94 68 63 81 74 71 92 82 97 85 02 Erlangen Geo St Mich St Boston C Geneva Conn Columbia Rochester Virginia NYU Tx-Austin Brown Northeas 1983 1991 1978 1964 1982 1974 1977 1997 1982 1997 1985 2002 bw.edu Sandra Wojtalewicz 85 74 91 85 89 83 Maryland Case Wes Toronto Colorado Toronto Cornell Bowl Gr 1991 1967 1991 1987 1991 1983 bsu.edu Ms. Rita Disher 89 90 81 64 69 74 74 83 73 69 72 88 73 85 77 00 05 Alabama Ca-SnDgo Va Tech Geotown U Wash NewHamp Va Tech Purdue UCLA U Wash Cornell Tx A&M Oregon Iowa Indiana Indiana Illinois 7-01 1990 1980 1971 1986 1974 1990 1982 1991 1977 1972 1989 1973 1985 1974 University of Baltimore Baltimore, MD 21201-5779 (410) 837-4994 Dept of Econ, Fnce & Mgt Sci Merrick Sch of Business Fax=837-5722 Zacur, Susan Rawson Dean 837-4955 szacur Mgt PHD Ford, Deborah A. C-Pr 837-4997 dford Fnce PHD Gerlowski, Daniel A. D-As 837-4987 dgerlowski ALM PHD Levy, David T. Prof 837-5026 dlevy PHD Sawhney, Bansi L. Prof 837-5049 bsawhney PHD Stevens, David W. Prof 837-4727 dstevens PHD Executive Director of Jacob France Center Brownstein, Barry Assoc 837-4960 bbrownstein PHD ubalt.edu Cindy Tannebaum 76 Maryland 1975 79 Penn 1982 87 Pittsburgh 8-87 N Carol 75 Geo Wash 1971 65 Colorado Barnard College New York, NY 10027-6598 (212) 854-3454 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=854-8947 Homepage: www.econ.barnard.columbia.edu Sethi, Rajiv C-Ac 854-5140 rsethi DQ PHD Burgstaller, Andre C. Prof 854-3167 aburgsta EOBF PHD barnard.edu 77 Rutgers 93 New Sch 1995 79 Columbia 1977 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 854-4369 854-5755 854-3868 854-3333 854-5652 854-3449 854-9150 854-5005 854-3790 pmehrlin dweiman adye sharriso lmunasin mccolacel kmammen rreback sreddy EGB NL NOL EC JC EFO D DI NO Mehrling, Perry G. Weiman, David F. Dye, Alan Harrison, Sharon Munasinghe, Lalith Colacelli, Mariana Mammen, Kristin Reback, Randall Reddy, Sanjay Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Barry University Dept Economics & Finance Scarborough, Jack W. Cruz, Robert D. Morrell, Stephen O. Payne, Bruce C. Daghestani, Eddie Wiggenhorn, Joan Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695 (305) 899-3500 Andreas Sch of Business Fax=892-6412 Dean 899-3532 jscarborough Mgt PHD Prof 899-3522 rcruz PHD Prof 899-3513 smorrell PHD Prof 899-3519 bpayne PHD Assoc 899-3509 adaghestani PHD Asst 899-3514 jwiggenhorn PHD 88 85 77 77 71 04 Barton College Economics Faculty Bethune, John J. Darnell, Jamey Wilson, NC 27893 (252) 399-6422 School of Business Fax=399-6571 Dean 399-6422 jbethune PHD Asst 399-6429 jadarnell MBA barton.edu Nikita Allen 87 Fla St 8-00 99 Am Grad 8-04 Bates College Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 786-6193 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=786-8338 Hughes, James W. C-Pr 786-6193 jhughes IJKL Aschauer, David Alan Prof 786-6099 daschaue E Elmer W. Campbell Professor of Economics Murray, Michael P. Prof 786-6085 mmurray RH Phillips Professor of Economics Williams, Anne D. Prof 786-6091 awilliam O Lewis, Lynne Y. Assoc 786-6089 llewis Q Maurer-Fazio, Margaret Assoc 786-6087 mmaurer O Associate Dean Schwinn, Carl R. Assoc 786-6090 cschwinn L Chen, Wei Asst 786-8203 wchen PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 10 Jackson, MS School of Business Dean 968-8770 Prof 968-5966 Asst 968-8772 Harvard Stanford Illinois Nrthwstrn Columbia Harvard Princeton Michigan Harvard 1987 2001 1995 1997 1997 2005 2003 2003 2001 mail.barry.edu Maryland Penn Va Tech LSU Colo St Fla Atl 8-89 1993 1990 8-98 1988 2004 bates.edu PHD PHD 87 Michigan 1982 84 Rochester 1990 PHD 74 Iowa St PHD PHD PHD 76 Chicago 1981 94 Colorado 2000 94 Pittsburgh 1994 PHD 78 Cornell Baylor University Waco, TX 76798-8003 (254) 710-2263 Department of Economics Hankamer Sch Busines Fax=710-6142 Homepage: business.baylor.edu/eco Maness, Terry S. Dean 710-3411 terry_maness Fnce PHD Green, Steven L. C-Pr 710-4543 steve_green PHD Gardner, H. Stephen Prof 710-6147 steve_gardner FP PHD Herman Brown Professor of Economics; Director McBride Ctr Intl Economics Gilbreath, L. Kent Prof 710-3535 kent_gilbreath GN PHD Stevens Professor of Private Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Grenols, Earl Prof 710-7522 earl_grinols PHD Distinguished Professor Henderson, James W. Prof 710-4139 jim_henderson IJ PHD Ben H. Williams Professor of Economics Kelly, Thomas M. Prof 710-4146 tom_kelly R PHD Director Center for Business and Economic Research McKinney, Joseph A. Prof 710-6141 joe_mckinney F PHD Ben Williams Professor of International Economics VanHoose, David D. Prof 710-6206 david_vanhoose EF PHD Herman W. Lay Professor of Private Enterprise North, Charles Assoc 710-6229 charles_north K PHD Pisciotta, John L. Assoc 710-6224 john_pisciotta PHD Bewley, Lee Asst 710-2263 lee_bewley PHD Emerson, Tisha N. Asst 710-4180 tisha_nakao PHD Pham, Van Asst 710-3521 van_pham PHD Johnson, Karen R. SLect 710-6149 karen_johnson MIM Odegaard, Thomas A. SLect 710-4892 tom_odegaard MA Garner, Scott Lect 710-3072 scott_h_garner MBA Mencken, Kimberly Lect 710-6898 kimberly_men+ MS Belhaven College Economics Faculty Mason, Ralph A. Penn, William M. Jinkiri, Yusufu 88 84 91 97 95 05 02 03 00 39202-1789 (601) 968-5965 Fax=968-9998 cmason PHD wmpenn CM PHD yjinkiri M PHD 1986 1975 baylor.edu Susan Armstrong 77 Indiana 84 Brown 78 Berkeley 1977 1986 1978 71 Florida 1973 77 MIT 81 So Meth 1981 70 Okla St 1969 70 Mich St 1976 84 N Carol 2001 99 Tx-Austin 1998 71 Tx-Austin 1980 S Calif Cornell Baylor 70 Rice W Fla LSU 2000 1979 1985 2001 2002 belhaven.edu N Carol 68 Duke 98 Conn 1995 1981 1998 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bellarmine University Department of Economics Bauer, Daniel L. Raymond, Frank McCrickard, Myra J. Brown, Robert L. 11 Louisville, KY 40205-0671 (502) 452-8240 Rubel Sch of Business Fax= Dean 452-8026 dbauer Fnce DBA C-As 452-8240 fraymond AFOR PHD Prof 452-8240 mmcrickard AL PHD 452-8249 rbrown PHD bellarmine.edu Ms. Carol Huff 96 Miss St 9-95 97 Indiana 2000 89 N Car St 1989 Cambridge Belmont University Nashville, TN 37212-3757 (615) 460-6175 mail.belmont.edu Economics Faculty College of Business Adm Fax=460-6455 Susan M. Hopfensperger Homepage: www.belmont.edu/business Raines, J. Patrick Dean 460-6422 rainesp ABFP PHD 83 Alabama 2003 Cochran, Howard H. Jr. Assoc 460-6477 cochran AFMP DA 94 Mid Tenn 1989 Hodgin, Gary L. Assoc 460-6333 hodging AL PHD 85 Tennessee 1983 Thompson, Mary M. Asst 460-6318 thompsonm A MA Notre Dm 1983 Velikova, Marieta V. Asst 460-5510 velikovam AEFG PHD 06 Miss St 2006 Wilgus, Jennifer J. Asst 460-6319 wilguisj LEIJ PHD 05 Mid Tenn 2006 Bemidji State University Department of Economics Kivi, Paul Ley, Robert D. Welle, Patrick G. Bemidji, MN 56601-2699 (218) 755-2907 Col of Social & Nat Sci Fax=755-4100 C-As 755-4225 pkivi ADQK ABD Prof 755-2730 rlay EFGH PHD Prof 755-3873 pwelle DQ PHD Benedict College Columbia, SC 29204 (803) 253-5187 Econ, Fnce & Accounting Dept Sch Professional Prgms Fax=253-5225 Did Not Respond Again--2001-2002 Listing Jackson, Peter Dean 253-5212 Mahdi, Syed I. C-Pr$ 253-5187 mahdis Candley, William Prof 253-5189 Lee, Raymond Prof 253-5191 Njoku, Anthanasius O. Prof 253-5406 bemidjistate.edu Lori Deering Wyoming 77 Wash St 1977 86 Wisconsin 1982 benedict.edu Ms. Marlese Hodge PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 76 95 71 Mass Pittsburgh Cincinnati Illinois 1975 1999 1998 1971 Benedictine University Dept of Intl Bus & Economics phone: 829-6460 Goines, J. Timothy Lee, Soyon Lobo, Isobel Lisle, IL 60532-0900 (630) Ext 6460 Div of Social Science Fax=829-6231 GO PHD ADEF PHD 77 N Illinois 1974 98 Notre Dm 2001 Bentley College Economics Faculty Olson, Margrethe E. Clarke, William A. Callan, Scott J. Flynn, Patricia Trustee Professor Grubaugh, Stephen G. Gulley, O. David Kuntz, Dale F. Leeth, John D. Mukerjee, Swati Sumner, Scott B. Thomas, Janet M. Zampieron, Alexander Alg Bikhazi, Elias G. Dave, Dhaval Jackson, Aaron Karidis, Socrates Livingston, Jeffrey Ortmeyer, David Quinn, Michael Scholten, Patrick A. Shepherd, John Snyder, Bryan Tommasi, John Waltham, MA 02154-4705 (781) 891-3183 College of Business Fax=891-2896 Dean 891-2921 molson Sys PHD C-Pr 891-2143 wclarke AD PHD Prof 891-2024 scallan CDQ PHD Prof 891-2291 pflynn JLM PHD 78 73 85 80 bentley.edu Terry Lesanto Minnesota 2002 Rutgers 1972 Tx A&M 1987 Boston U 1976 Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Inst Inst Inst 82 89 79 83 86 84 87 72 86 03 02 01 03 80 02 03 72 88 80 Chicago Kentucky Conn N Carol Boston U Chicago Boston C Fletcher S Carol City NY Oregon Clark Maryland Wisconsin N Carol Indiana Reading New Sch NewHamp Berea College Economics Faculty Browner, Stephanie Isaacs, Patricia C. Sowell, Clifford Berea, KY 40404 (859) 985-3800 Dept of Econ & Business Fax=985-3912 Dean 985-3800 stephanie_brow+ PHD C-Pr 985-3800 trish_isaacs Tax DBA Prof 985-3800 cliff_sowell PHD H Prof Asst Ext 6460 Ext 6463 Ext 6474 891-2539 891-2355 891-2237 891-2029 891-2956 891-2945 891-2053 891-2126 891-2460 891-2268 891-3483 891-2293 891-2538 891-2857 891-2938 891-2679 891-2476 891-2446 891-2872 tgoines slee ilobo sgrubaugh dgulley dkuntz jleeth smukerjee ssumner jthomas azampieron ebikhazi ddave ajackson skaridis jlivingston dortmeyer mquinn pscholten jshepherd bsnyder jtommasi CF EG AEO GCJ DFI EN DHQ ABF AC CI AE CEH LD EO FLO CL CGN CR AM ben.edu Ms. Rosemary Kraetsch PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS MA MBA 1981 1990 1975 1987 1989 1982 1987 1965 2001 2004 2002 1998 2003 2003 2002 2003 2001 2005 2001 berea.edu Becky Grandgeorge 94 Indiana 1994 94 Kentucky 1989 78 Georgia 1981 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Steele, Scott R. Vazzana, Caryn Vazzana, Daniel Asst Asst Asst 985-3800 scott_steele 985-3800 caryn_vazzana 985-3800 dan_vazzana Berry College Economics Department Dhir, Krishna S. Stephenson, E. Frank Sockwell, William D. Gulla, Darrin V. Roseman, Gary Mt. Berry, GA 30149 (706) 236-2233 Campbell Sch Business Fax=238-7854 Dean 236-2233 kdhir Mgt C-Ac 238-7878 efstephenson H Assoc 290-2685 bsockwell B VAsst 290-2679 dgulla GL Asst 238-7945 ghroseman N 12 PHD PHD MS 97 Wisconsin 2002 03 Purdue 1999 95 Purdue 1999 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD berry.edu Lynda Eden Colorado 8-01 N Carol 1997 Vanderbilt 1988 Georgia 2006 Emory 2000 Bethel College-MN St. Paul, MN 55112-6999 (651) 638-6320 Economics Faculty Business & Economics Fax=635-8712 Did Not Respond Again--2001-2002 Listing Olsen, Bruce C 638-6320 Essenburg, Timothy J. Prof 638-6296 esstim AI PHD Cabrera, Glenn Asst 638-6293 CF PHD 75 97 89 05 97 bethel.edu Sheila Werder 91 Tennessee 1989 98 Rice 2001 Bethune-Cookman College Economics Faculty Long, Aubrey E. Ekanayake, Ekanayake M. Daytona Bch, FL 32015 (386) 481-2800 Division of Business Fax=481-2802 Dean Ext 355 longa Bus PHD Asst Ext 2819 ekanayakee PHD 80 Ohio St Biola University Economics Faculty Rundle, Steven L. LaMirada, CA 90639-0001 (562) 903-4770 Crowell Sch of Business Fax=906-4545 Assoc 903-4770 steven.l.rundle DEF PHD bubbs.biola.edu Jackie Beatty 97 Claremont 1998 Birmingham-Southern Coll Economics Faculty Rossmann, Kathleen Greer Cleveland, Paul Birmingham AL 35254 (205) 226-4824 Economics Fax=226-3080 C-Ac 226-4824 krossmann PHD Prof 226-4817 pclevela PHD bsc.edu Nancy Parsons 99 Colorado 1999 85 Tx A&M 1995 Bloomsburg Univ of Penn Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301 (570) 389-4335 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=389-4338 Homepage: departments.bloomu.edu/econ Agbando, George Dean 389-4410 Khan, Saleem M. C-Pr 389-4681 skhan AEOP PHD Bohling, Peter H. Prof 389-4343 pbohling PHD Haririan, Mehdi Prof 389-4682 mhariria PHD Bagi, Sukhwinder Assoc 389-4839 sbagi PHD Obutelewicz, Robert S. Assoc 389-4342 robutele PHD Bowman, Kevin Asst 389-4341 kbowman PHD Constantinides, Marietta Asst 389-4254 mconstantinides PHD Smith, Carl Asst 389-4254 csmith PHD Vidovic, Martina Asst 389-4737 mvidovic PHD planetx.bloomu.edu Boise State University Department of Economics Smith, Howard L. Black, Geoffry Holley, Don Loucks, Christine Reynolds, R. Larry Twight, Charlotte Mooney, Sian Islem, Samia Lowe, Scott Church, John Boise, ID 83725 (208) 426-3351 Col of Bus & Economics Fax=426-2071 Dean 426-1125 howardsmith Mgt C-Ac 426-1359 gblack QRA Prof 426-1158 dholley DMR Prof 426-1468 reclouck ELH Prof 426-1469 recreyno BID Prof 426-1335 rectwigh HKN Assoc 426-1471 sianmooney Asst 426-1042 samiaisle Asst 426-5439 scottlowe SpLec 426-3465 jchurch ART Boston College Chestnut Hill MA 02467 (617) 552-3670 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=552-2308 Homepage: http://www.bc.edu/economics Quinn, Joseph F. Dean 552-2393 quinnj DJ Kraus, Marvin C-Pr 552-3692 kraus DR Anderson, James E. Prof 552-3691 anderson DFN William B. Neenan, S.J., Millennium Chair, Economics Arnott, Richard J. Prof 662-3674 arnott DHR Basu, Susanto Prof 552-2181 basusd EO Belsley, David A. Prof 552-3676 belsley CD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS cookman.edu 67 77 87 87 71 05 83 03 03 76 95 71 83 77 83 04 06 80 J Gutenb Mass New Sch Vanderbilt Mass Illinois Rutgers SUNY-Bin SUNY-Bin 1988 1-78 1978 1982 8-05 8-05 8-05 8-02 boisestate.edu Pat Collins U Wash U Wash 2001 Ca-Rivers 1999 Wash St 1989 Wash St 1979 U Wash 1986 Oregon St 2005 W Virginia Ca-SnBarb Idaho 2000 bc.edu Kathleen Tubman PHD PHD PHD 75 MIT 1975 73 Minnesota 1972 69 Wisconsin 1969 PHD PHD PHD 75 Yale 92 Harvard 65 MIT 1988 2005 1966 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Cox, Donald C. Prof 552-3677 Gollop, Frank M. Prof 552-3693 Gottschalk, Peter Prof 552-4517 Ireland, Peter N. Prof 552-3687 Murray and Monti Chair, Economics Konishi, Hideo Prof 552-1209 Lewbel, Arthur Prof 552-3678 Barbara A. and Patrick E. Roche Chair, Economics Munnell, Alicia Prof 552-1934 Peter F. Drucker Chair, Management Sciences Schiantarelli, Fabio Prof 552-4512 Segal, Uzi Prof 552-1567 Sonmez, Tayfun O. Prof 552-3690 Tresch, Richard W. Prof 552-3670 Xiao, Zhijie Prof 552-1709 Baum, Christopher F. Assoc 552-3673 McLaughlin, Francis M. Assoc 552-3675 Murphy, Robert G. Assoc 552-3688 Petersen, Harold A. Assoc 552-4550 Schneider, Catherine AdjAc 552-3786 Assistant Chair Alger, I. Asst 552-1589 Ghironi, F. Asst 552-3686 Iacoviello, Matteo Asst 552-3689 Pavan, Marina Asst 552-6026 Seitz, Shannon Asst 552-6042 coxdo gollop peter.gottschalk irelandp DJ DL DIJ E PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 74 73 91 hideo.konishi lewbel DHL CD PHD PHD 94 Rochester 1999 84 MIT 1998 alicia.munnell EH PHD 73 Harvard 1997 schianta segalu sonmezt tresch xiaoz baum francis.mclau+ robert.murphy harold.petersen catherine.sch+ CEF J D H D CE JN EF G DH PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 84 95 73 97 77 64 84 63 80 LondonEc Hebrew Rochester MIT Yale Michigan MIT MIT Brown J Hopkins 1992 2000 2005 1969 2004 1977 1961 1984 1960 1982 algeri ghironi iacoviello pavanma seitzsh DL CE E E DIJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 99 02 03 00 Toulouse Berkeley LondonSE Penn W Ontario 1999 2001 2002 2003 2006 Boston University Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-4389 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=353-4449 Homepage: econ.bu.edu Henderson, Jeffrey Dean 353-2401 jhenders Lang, Kevin C-Pr 353-5694 lang JC Baxter, Marianne Prof 353-2417 mbaxter FEG Chamley, Christophe Prof 353-4250 chamley HEO Doeringer, Peter B. Prof 353-4438 doeringe JL Ellis, Randall P. Prof 353-2741 ellisrp CIL Harris, John R. Prof 353-8903 harrisjr ER Jones, Leroy P. Prof 353-4123 jones HLO Director of Public Enterprise King, Robert G. Prof 353-5941 rking E Kotlikoff, Laurence J. Prof 353-4002 kotlikof EH Kyn, Oldrich Prof 353-4539 okyn CEP Lipman, Barton L. Prof 353-2995 blipman CD Director of Graduate Studies Lucas, Robert E. B. Prof 353-4147 rlucas CFJO Ma, Ching-to Albert Prof 353-4010 ma DIL Director, Industry Studies Program Manove, Michael Prof 353-3299 manove D Associate Chair Margo, Robert A. Prof 353-6819 margora JN Mookherjee, Dilip M. Prof 353-4392 dilipm HLO Director, Institute for Economic Development Newman, Andrew F. Prof 358-4354 afnewman DOL Perron, Pierre Prof 353-3026 perron C Vogelsang, Ingo Prof 353-2996 vogelsan HL Botticini, Maristella Assoc 353-4535 maristel N Gilchrist, Simon Assoc 353-6824 sgilchrist C Idson, Todd Assoc 353-2742 tidson JD Director of Undergraduate Studies Neeman, Zvika Assoc 353-4031 zvika D Rysman, Marc Assoc 353-3184 mrysman LC Tandon, Pankaj Assoc 353-3089 ptandon DO Cati, Regina C. Asst 353-4249 catir C Fernandez-Val, Ivan Asst 353-9670 ivanf CJ Gourio, Francois Asst 353-4534 gfouriio EG Huynh, Hsueh-Ling Asst 353-6823 hlhuynh CD Directo, Masters Program Miao, Jianjun Asst 353-6675 miaoj EG Noor, Jawwad Butt Asst 353-4436 jnoor CD Olivetti, Claudia Asst 353-4389 olivetti CJ Pavlov, Gregory Asst 353-4140 gpavlov DL Verdelhan, Adrien Asst 353-6324 av EFG Visaria, Sujata Asst 353-6150 svisaria DO Bowdoin College Economic Faculty 13 Brunswick, ME 04011 (207) 725-3340 Department of Economics Fax=725-3691 Brown Harvard Penn Chicago 1987 1979 1987 1998 bu.edu Gloria Murray 353-4442 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 82 84 77 66 81 67 74 Harvard MIT Chicago Harvard Harvard MIT Nrthwstrn Harvard 2002 1987 2000 PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 Brown 77 Harvard Charles 85 Michigan PHD PHD 72 MIT 1976 88 LondonEc 1987 PHD 70 MIT PHD PHD 82 Harvard 2005 82 LondonEc 1995 PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD 89 Harvard 86 Yale 69 Heidelbe Nrthwstrn 90 Wisconsin 86 Columbia 2004 1997 1981 1997 1995 2001 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 95 99 79 95 05 05 93 Nrthwstrn Wisconsin Harvard Sao Paulo MIT Chicago Berkeley 1995 1999 1978 1997 2005 2005 1996 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 05 01 95 05 05 Rochester Rochester Penn Nrthwstrn Chicago Columbia 2003 2005 2001 2005 2005 2005 1974 1981 1975 1976 2000 1971 2002 1975 bowdoin.edu Ms. Elizabeth Hernandez 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback DeGraff, Deborah S. C-Ac Connelly, Rachel E. Prof Fitzgerald, John M. Prof William Shipmen Professor of Economics Freeman, Albert Myrick III Emer Goldstein, Jonathan Paul Prof Vail, David Jeremiah Prof Adams-Catlin Professor of Economics DeCoster, Gregory Paul Assoc Khan, B. Zorina Assoc Boel, Paola Asst Diaz, Julian Asst Herrera, Guillermo Asst Lee, Joon-Suk Asst 725-3591 ddegraff 725-3790 connelly 725-3593 jfitzger OT JT HCI PHD PHD PHD 89 Michigan 1991 85 Michigan 1985 83 Wisconsin 1983 725-3597 rfreeman 725-3595 jgoldste 725-3596 dvail QD EC OQ PHD PHD PHD 65 U Wash 82 Mass 71 Yale 1965 1979 1970 725-3726 gdecoste 725-3841 bhkan pboel jdiaz 725-3496 gherrera jslee ER GN E EF QD L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 91 06 06 00 05 1985 1996 2005 2006 2000 2005 Bowling Green State Univ Bowling Gr, OH 43403-0268 (419) 372-2646 Department of Economics College of Business Fax=372-1557 Homepage: www.cba.bgsu.edu/econ/ Rogers, Rodney K. Dean 372-2747 rrogers Atg PHD Hoag, John H. C-Pr 372-8231 jhoag A PHD Benedict, Mary Ellen Prof 372-8221 mbenedi J PHD Browne, M. Neil Prof 372-8060 nbrown2 B PHD Distinguished Teaching Professor Fuerst, Timothy S. Prof 372-6868 tfuerst E PHD Kim, Kyoo H. Prof 372-2735 kkim C PHD Vanderhart, Peter G. Prof 372-8070 pvander HE PHD Quinn, J. Kevin Assoc 372-8652 kquinn B PHD Carroll, Michael Asst 372-2646 mcarrol R PHD Liu, Dandan Asst 372-4879 dliu EC PHD Paustian, Matthias Asst 372-3491 paustin E PHD McClough, David Inst 372-5297 dmcclou O ABD Bradley University Department of Economics Baer, Robert B. Scott, Robert C. Highfill, Jannett K. Sattler, Edward L. Wojcikewych, Raymond Felder, Joseph O'Brien, Kevin M. Gretz, Richard Zagardo, Janice 14 Peoria, IL 61625-0254 (309) 677-2296 College of Business Adm Fax=677-4174 Dean 677-2255 rbb SocP PHD C-Pr 677-2297 rcs PHD Prof 677-2304 highfill PHD Prof 677-2995 els PHD Prof 677-3286 wojo PHD Assoc 677-2302 felder PHD Assoc 677-2299 kmo PHD Asst 677-2298 rgretz PHD Asst 677-2301 jzagardo PHD Tx-Austin UCLA Purdue Minnesota U Wash N Carol bgsu.edu Kelly M. Dove 95 72 91 69 Case Wes 7-06 Kansas 1972 Car Mellon 1991 Tx-Austin 1968 90 78 91 89 97 05 05 Chicago Wisconsin Wisconsin American Colo St Tx A&M Bonn S Calif 81 75 85 79 80 79 88 05 90 1993 1978 1991 1990 2001 2005 2005 2003 bradley.edu Rebecca Chavez Miami U 8-84 Iowa 1975 Kansas 1985 Illinois 1977 Penn St 1977 UCLA 1981 Illinois 1992 Claremont 2005 Geo Wash 2005 Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02254-9110 (781) 736-2240 brandeis.edu Department of Economics Faculty of Arts & Sci Fax=736-2269 Claire Cincotta, Karen Muise Homepage: www.brandeis.edu/departments/economics/ Jaffe, Adam B. Dean 736-3451 afaffe PHD 85 Harvard 1994 McCulloch, Rachel C-Pr 736-2245 mcculloch PHD 73 Chicago 1987 Cecchetti, Stephen G. Prof 736-2249 cecchetti E PHD 82 Berkeley 2003 Dolbear, F. Treanery Jr. Prof 736-2244 dolbear PHD 63 Yale 1968 LeBaron, Blake Prof 736-2258 blebaron PHD 88 Chicago 1999 Mann, Catherine Prof 736-2233 clmann PHD 84 MIT 2006 Bown, Chad B. Assoc 736-4823 cbown PHD 99 Wisconsin 1999 Bui, Linda T. Assoc 713-2294 ltbui HLQ PHD 93 MIT 2003 Coiner, H. Michael Assoc 736-2239 coiner PHD 79 Yale 1980 Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin Assoc 736-2264 bgc DBA 85 Harvard 1995 Hall, George Assoc 736-2242 ghall E PHD 96 Chicago 2006 Osler, Carol Assoc 736-4826 cosler PHD 87 Princeton 2002 Bulan, Laarni Asst 736-2294 lbulan PHD 01 Columbia 2001 Erbil, Can Asst 736-2238 cerbil PHD 02 Boston C 2002 Hilscher, Jens Asst 736-2261 hilscher PHD 05 Harvard 2005 Li, Hong Asst 736-5007 hli PHD 05 Princeton 2005 Menon, Nidhiya Asst 736-2230 nmemon PHD 01 Brown 2001 Sanyal, Paroma Asst 736-2268 psanyal PHD 01 Ca-Irvine 2001 Shankar, Rashmi Asst 736-2265 rashmi PHD 01 Ca-SnCruz 2002 Tovar, Patricia Asst 736-5205 tovar PHD 05 Maryland 2005 Brescia University Economic Faculty Garvin, James Owensboro, KY 42301-3023 (270) 686-4217 Wm Thompson Sch of Bus Fax=686-4266 C-Ac james.garvin brescia.edu Nancy Rhodes University of Bridgeport Bridgeport, CT bridgeport.edu 06601-2449 (203) 576-4384 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dept of Business Economics Forgotson, Merrill Jay Kim, Gew-Rae Wu, Comgsheng School of Business Fax=576-4388 Dean 576-4385 mforgots Assoc 576-4372 G Assoc 576-4869 congwu FG 15 JD PHD PHD 70 Boston U 2006 92 CUNY 98 S Carol 1998 Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602-2363 (801) 422-2859 Department of Economics Col Family,Home &SocSci Fax=422-0194 Homepage: http://fhss.byu.edu/econ/ Ransom, Michael R C-Pr 422-4736 ransom J PHD Butler, Richard J. Prof 422-1372 richard_butler J PHD Gardner, Delworth B. Emer 422-7487 PHD Jensen, Farrell E. Prof 422-4057 farrell_jensen QG PHD Kearl, James R. Prof 422-5812 j_r_kearl KD PHD Lambson, Val E. Prof 422-7765 vel L PHD McDonald, James B. Prof 422-3463 james_mcdonald C PHD Pope, C. Arden III Prof 422-2157 cap3 Q PHD Pope, Clayne L. Prof 422-4740 clayne_pope N PHD Pope, Rulon D. Prof 422-3178 rulon_pope QD PHD Spencer, David E. Prof 422-7277 david_spencer EC PHD Wimmer, Larry T. Emer 422-3354 larry_wimmer NT PHD Bradford, Scott Assoc 422-8358 bradford F PHD Cardon, James H. Assoc 422-5735 cardon LC PHD Eide, Eric Assoc 422-4893 eric_eide EC PHD Phillips, Kerk Assoc 422-5928 kerk_phillips EFO PHD Showalter, Mark H. Assoc 422-4645 showalter LC PHD Garner, Phillip D. Asst 422-2037 pgarner O PHD Lefgren, Lars Asst 422-5169 lars_lefgren PHD Mackay, Bret P. Asst 422-2253 bret_mackay CG PHD McIntyre, Frank L. Asst 422-1647 frank_mcintyre RE PHD Pratt, Brennan C. Asst 422-8904 brennan_platt CD PHD Sims, David P. Asst 422-1554 davesims J PHD Howard, Heather F. Visit 422-3182 heather_howard N MA Norman, Stephen Visit 422-1661 stephen_norman F PHD byu.edu Mary K. Hokanson Brigham Young Univ-Hawaii Economics Faculty Hubner, Clayton Haynes, C. Beth Kimzey, Bruce W. Laie, HI School of Business Dean 293-3580 Prof 293-3587 Prof 293-3585 96762-1294 (808) 293-3580 Fax=293-3582 hubner Mgt PHD haynesb DAO PHD kimzeyb PHD Brown University Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-3836 Economic Faculty Department of Economics Fax=863-1970 Homepage: www.brown.edu/departments/economics Foster, Andrew D. C-Pr 863-2537 andrew_foster OTR Borts, George H. Prof 863-2458 george_borts George S. and Nancy B. Parker Professor of Economics Galor, Oded Prof 863-2117 oded_galor Placement Officer Henderson, J. Vernon Prof 863-2886 vernon_hender+ Eastman Professor of Political Economy Howitt, Peter Prof 863-2145 peter_howitt E Lyn Crost Professor of Social Sciences Kleibergen, Frank Prof 863-9590 frank_kleibergen Lancaster, Anthony Prof 863-2112 tony_lancaster Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics Levine, Ross Prof 863-2170 ross_levine FO Harrison S. Kravis Professor Loury, Glenn C. Prof 863-2606 glenn_loury DJ Merton P. Stoltz Professor in the Social Sciences Munshi, Kaivan Prof 863-9331 kaivan_munshi LO Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio Prof 863-2691 ipalacios Pitt, Mark M. Prof 963-2970 mark_pitt Putterman, Louis G. Prof 863-3837 louis_putterman Serrano, Roberto Prof 863-2764 roberto_serrano Vohra, Rajiv Prof 863-3030 rajiv_vohra Ford Foundation Professor Weil, David Prof 863-1754 david_weil Welch, Ivo Prof 863-2087 ivo-welch Feldman, Allan M. Assoc 863-2415 allan_feldman Director of Undergraduate Programs Aizer, Anna Asst 863-9529 anna_aizer Baum-Snow, Nathaniel Asst 863-2697 nathaniel_b+ Dal Bo, Pedro Asst 863-2953 pedro_dal_bo Knight, Brian Asst 863-1584 brian_knight Mary Tefft & John Hazen White, Sr. Asst Prof in Public Policy & Economics 83 79 60 72 75 83 70 81 72 76 74 68 98 96 93 91 91 02 01 99 03 06 03 05 06 Princeton 1988 Chicago 1982 Chicago 1986 Kansas St 1982 MIT 1975 Rochester 1989 Purdue 1972 Iowa St 1984 Chicago 1970 Berkeley 1982 Tx A&M 1986 Chicago 1963 Harvard 1998 Princeton 1996 Ca-SnBarb 1993 Rochester 1992 MIT 1991 Brown 2002 Chicago 2001 U Wash 2001 Stanford 2003 Minnesota 2006 MIT 2003 Cornell 2005 Cornell 2005 byuh.edu 94 Michigan 81 Purdue 70 Wash St 2003 1994 1989 brown.edu PHD PHD 88 Berkeley 53 Chicago PHD 84 Columbia 1984 PHD 72 Chicago PHD 73 Nrthwstrn 2000 PHD PHD 94 Erasmus 2003 64 Cambridge 1986 PHD 87 UCLA 2005 PHD 76 MIT 2005 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 95 95 77 80 92 83 2003 1998 1989 1980 1992 1983 PHD PHD PHD 90 Harvard 1990 91 Chicago 2004 72 J Hopkins 1977 PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 05 02 00 MIT Chicago Berkeley Yale Harvard J Hopkins UCLA Chicago UCLA Wisconsin 1997 1964 1974 2003 2005 2002 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lester, Ashley Mavroeidis, Sophocles Qian, Nancy Qiu, Xiaoli (Lily) Rubinstein, Yona Turner, Sergio Friedberg, Rachel Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst SLect 863-1380 863-2506 863-2097 863-9864 863-1988 863-3690 863-7578 ashley_lester sophocles_mav+ nancy_qian xiaoli_lily_qiu yona_rubinstein sergio_turner rachel_friedberg PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Bryant University Smithfield, RI 02917-1284 (401) 232-6338 Department of Economics College of Business Fax=232-6319 Homepage: www.bryant.edu/~economix Lux, David Dean 232-6440 dlux PHD Mirmirani, Sam C-Pr 232-6338 smirmira IMO PHD Bates, Laurie Prof 232-6459 lbates HD PHD Ilacqua, Joseph A. Prof 232-6098 jilacqua AJ EDD Shaanan, Joseph Prof 232-6340 jshaanan FL PHD Sweeney, William B. Jr. Emer 232-6097 wsweeney AE PHD Kim, Jongsung Assoc 232-6129 jkim AJ PHD Mini, Peter S. Assoc 232-6226 pmini BN PHD Mohan, Ramesh Asst 232-6379 rmohan EFO PHD Biersteker, Nancy Inst Ext20575 nbierske FM MBA Kemegue, Francis Inst Ext20577 fkemegue F PHD Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899 (610) 526-5038 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=526-7475 Homepage: www.brynmawr.edu/acads/econ/ Rock, Michael C-Pr 526-5179 mrock PHD Ceglowski, Janet E. Prof 526-5182 jceglows PHD Newburger, Harriet B. Assoc 526-5181 hnewburg PHD Ross, David R. Assoc 526-5180 dross PHD Redenius, Scott Asst 526-5398 sredeniu PHD Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 577-1476 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=577-3451 Homepage: www.departments.bucknell.edu/economics/ Zappe, Christopher J. Dean$ 577-3292 zappe Mgt Knoedler, Janet T. C-Ac 577-1476 knoedler LNO Griffith, Winston Harold Prof 577-1476 wgrif FOD Kresl, Peter K. Prof 577-1478 kresl FO Shackelford, Jean A. Prof 577-1476 jshackel ABE Ge, Wei Assoc 577-3452 weige DFOR Kinnaman, Thomas Assoc 577-1476 kinnaman HQ Krohn, Gregory A. Assoc 577-3448 krohn EGA Magee, Chris Assoc 577-1476 cmagee F Moohr, Michael Assoc 577-1476 moohr FNO Schneider, Geoffrey Assoc 577-1476 gschedr NOBA White, Nancy E. Assoc 577-1476 nwhite RH Wolaver, Amy Assoc 577-1476 awolaver IJH Banks, Nina Asst 577-1476 nbanks JNR Kristjanson-Gurat, David Asst 577-1476 kristjan B O'Connor, Catherine Asst 577-3442 cmoconnr DJC 16 05 02 05 04 00 04 93 MIT Oxford MIT Yale Hebrew Yale MIT 2005 2004 2005 2004 2006 2004 1992 bryant.edu 85 89 93 79 73 98 65 04 Clark 1982 Conn Boston U 1968 Cornell Sarasota J Hopkins 1998 Tulane 2005 2006 05 2006 brynmawr.edu Lorraine Kirschner 72 86 84 84 01 Pittsburgh Berkeley Wisconsin Nrthwstrn Yale 1990 1987 1992 2000 bucknell.edu Alice VanBuskirk PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 88 91 81 70 74 93 94 85 98 71 97 87 98 99 99 96 Indiana 9-93 Tennessee 9-92 Howard 1987 Tx-Austin 1969 Kentucky 1975 Penn 9-95 Virginia 9-94 Wisconsin 1983 Wisconsin 9-01 Cambridge 1975 N Carol 9-96 Colorado 1986 Wisconsin 9-98 Mass 9-01 Mass 2002 Virginia 9-96 Buena Vista University Economics Faculty Ullerich, Stan Eller, Eric P. Storm Lake, IA 50588-1798 (712) 749-2410 Siebens School of Bus Fax=749-1462 Dean 749-2419 ullerich AQM PHD Assoc 749-2415 ellere AEF PHD bvu.edu Cindy McDonough 95 Purdue 9-94 98 Virginia 8-01 Butler University Department of Economics Fetter, Richard E. Jr. Rieber, William J. Main, Robert S. Grossman, Peter Z. Efroymson Chair in Economics Gjerde, Kathy A. Paulson Indianapolis, IN 46208-3485 (317) 940-9221 College of Business Adm Fax=940-9455 Dean 940-9221 rfetter Mktg PHD C-Pr 940-9846 wrieber F PHD Prof 940-9528 rmain HQ PHD Assoc 940-9727 pgrossma NL PHD 93 79 73 92 butler.edu Sharon Bratcher Indiana 8-92 Pittsburgh 1989 UCLA 1981 Wash U 1994 Asst 93 Purdue Calif Univ of Pennsylvania Economics Faculty Colelli, Len Brown, Burrell A. Chawdhry, M. Arshad Cole, Ismail California, PA 15419-1394 (724) 938-4371 Business & Econ Dept Fax=938-5908 Dean 938-4169 C-Pr 938-5991 brown Mgt JD Prof 938-5990 chawdhry PHD Prof 938-5729 cole PHD 940-8413 kpaulson LJ PHD 1997 cup.edu 73 Pittsburgh 1989 74 Illinois 1976 86 Pittsburgh 1984 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Park, Young J. Tarullo, P. Ronald Mongell, Susan Prof 938-5995 park Prof 938-4037 tarullo Assoc 938-5732 mongell 17 PHD PHD PHD 74 Temple 1977 76 Pittsburgh 1978 Pittsburgh 1990 U of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-3880 (510) 642-0882 Department of Economics Col of Letters & Sci Fax=642-6615 Homepage: http://elsa.berkeley.edu/econ/ email @1=uclink.berkeley.edu @2=haas.berkeley.edu @3=berkeley.edu Gjerde, Jon Dean$ 642-4655 Hermalin, Benjamin E. C-Pr 642-3851 hermalin PHD Akerlof, George A. Prof 642-5837 akerlof PHD Anderson, Robert M. Prof 642-5248 anderson PHD Auerbach, Alan J. Prof 643-0558 auerbach GEH PHD Bardhan, Pranab K. Prof 642-4527 bardhan PHD Brown, R. Clair Prof 643-7090 cbrown J PHD Card, David E. Prof 643-2767 card PHD Craine, Roger Prof 642-3021 craine PHD DeLong, J. Bradford Prof 643-4027 delong PHD DeVries, Jan Prof 642-2813 devries@1 PHD Edlin, Aaron S. Prof 642-4719 edlin PHD Eichengreen, Barry J. Prof 642-2772 eichengr PHD Farrell, Joseph V. Prof 642-9854 farrell PHD Gilbert, Richard J. Prof 642-1507 gilbert PHD Goldman, Steven M. Emer 642-2787 goldman PHD Grossman, Gregory Emer 642-4631 grossman PHD Hall, Bronwyn H. Emer 642-3878 bhhall PHD Jones, Charles I. Prof 643-1564 chad PHD Katz, Michael Prof 643-0661 katz@2 PHD Keeler, Theodore E. Emer 642-4411 keeler PHD Lee, Ronald D. Prof 642-4535 PHD email: [email protected] McFadden, Daniel L. Emer 643-8428 mcfadden PHD Morgan, John Prof 642-2669 morgan@2 PHD Obstfeld, Maurice Prof 643-3581 obstfeld PHD Olney, Martha L. AdjPr 642-6083 molney PHD Powell, James L. Prof 643-0709 powell PHD Qian, Yingyi Prof 643-0687 yqian PHD Quigley, John M. Prof 643-7411 quigley PHD Rabin, Matthew J. Prof 643-8622 rabin PHD Reich, Michael Prof 642-3647 mreich PHD Roland, Gerard Prof 642-4321 groland PHD Romer, Christina D. Prof 642-1955 cromer PHD Romer, David H. Prof 642-1955 dromer PHD Rothenburg, Thomas J. Emer 642-5843 rothenbe PHD Rubinfeld, Daniel L. Prof 642-1959 PHD email: [email protected] Ruud, Paul A. Prof 642-6709 paulruud@3 PHD Saez, Emmanuel Prof 642-4631 saez PHD Scotchmer, Suzanne Prof 643-8562 PHD email: scotch.socs.berkeley.edu Shannon, Chris Prof 643-7283 cshannon PHD Shapiro, Carl Prof 642-5905 shapiro@2 PHD Train, Kenneth AdjPr 643-0718 train PHD Varian, Hal R. Prof 642-9980 varian PHD Williamson, Oliver E. Emer 642-8697 owilliams@2 PHD Woroch, Glenn AdjPr 642-4308 glenn PHD Yellen, Janet L. Emer 643-1397 yellen@2 PHD Chay, Kenneth Y. Assoc 643-8596 kenchay PHD Hsieh, Chang-Tai Assoc 642-2617 chsieh PHD Koszegi, Botond Assoc 643-0714 botond PHD Miguel, Edward Assoc 642-7162 emiguel PHD Moretti, Enrico Assoc 642-6649 moretti PHD Ahn, David Asst 642-7393 dahn PHD Chetty, Raj Asst 643-0708 chetty PHD DellaVigna, Stefano Asst 643-0715 sdellavi PHD Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier Asst 643-0720 pog PHD Graham, Bryan S. Asst 642-4752 bgraham PHD Jansson, Michael Asst 642-4639 mjansson PHD Kariv, Shachar Asst 643-0712 kariv PHD Mas, Alexandre Asst 642-1651 amas@2 PHD Melmendier, Ulrike Asst 642-8724 ulrike PHD Sannikow, Yuliy Asst 642-0446 sannikov PHD econ.berkeley.edu Rebecca Chavez Univ of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616-8578 (530) 752-0741 Department of Economics Col of Letters & Sci Fax=752-9382 Homepage: http://www.econ.ucdavis.edu 88 66 77 78 66 73 83 72 87 70 93 79 81 76 66 53 88 93 82 71 71 Princeton 1998 MIT 1966 Yale 1983 Harvard 1994 Cambridge 1977 Maryland 9-73 Princeton Maryland 1977 Harvard 1995 Yale Stanford 1995 Yale 1987 Oxford 1989 Stanford 1976 Stanford 1979 Harvard 1953 Stanford 1987 MIT 7-01 Oxford MIT 1977 Harvard 1979 62 96 79 85 82 90 72 89 74 88 85 85 66 72 Minnesota Penn St MIT Berkeley Stanford Harvard Harvard MIT Harvard Soviet MIT MIT MIT MIT 81 MIT 99 MIT 80 Berkeley 92 81 77 73 63 83 71 96 98 00 00 00 04 03 02 96 05 00 03 04 02 04 1963 2002 1995 1993 1993 2001 1979 1989 1974 2001 1988 1988 1966 1983 1981 7-01 Stanford 1997 MIT 1990 Berkeley 1979 Berkeley 1995 Car Mellon 1988 Berkeley 1993 Yale 1980 Princeton 1996 Berkeley 7-03 MIT 7-00 Harvard 2000 Berkeley 2004 Stanford 2004 Harvard 2003 Harvard 7-02 MIT 2003 Harvard 2005 Aarhus 2001 NYU 2003 Princeton 2004 Harvard 2006 Stanford 2004 ucdavis.edu Kathy Miner 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Sheffrin, Steven M. Quinzii, Martine Bonanno, Giacomo F. Brzeski, Andrzej Cameron, Colin Clark, Gregory Cogley, Timothy Feenstra, Robert Hoynes, Hilary Lindert, Peter H. Mayer, Thomas Nehring, Klaus D. Olmstead, Alan L. Salyer, Kevin D. Silvestre, Joaquim Taylor, Alan M. Tuma, Elias H. Wegge, Leon L. Woo, Wing T. Bergin, Paul Das, Mitali Helms, L. Jay Jorda, Oscar Knittel, Chris Kuersteiner, Guido Page, Marianne E. Peri, Giovanni Stevens, Ann Huff Swenson, Deborah Lee, Joonsuk Miller, Douglas Schipper, Burkhard Dean C-Pr$ Prof Emer Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Emer Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Emer Emer Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 752-1576 752-1567 752-1574 752-8491 752-8376 752-9242 752-1581 752-7022 752-3225 752-1983 752-1550 752-3379 752-2043 752-8359 752-1570 752-1572 752-1550 752-1550 752-3035 752-8398 752-2129 752-2094 752-7021 752-3344 752-3028 752-1551 752-3033 752-3034 752-1569 752-8727 752-8490 752-6142 smsheffrin mmquinzii gfbonanno abrzeski accameron gclark twcogley rcfeenstra hoynes@ssds. phlindert kdnehring alolmstead kdsalyer jbsilvestre amtaylor [email protected] llwegge wtwoo prbergin mdas ljhelms ojorda crknittel gkuerste mepage gperi annstevens deswenson epflee dlmiller bcschipper EH CDG CD AP CIJ NO EC F D FN BE DG HN EG D FNO ANO F EFOP EF CI DHI E L CE HJ E HJ FH LDCM DI CDL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 18 76 74 75 64 88 85 88 81 92 67 53 91 70 85 73 92 62 63 82 96 98 79 97 99 97 95 98 95 91 06 00 03 MIT 1976 U Paris 1991 LondonEc 1987 Berkeley 1963 Stanford 1989 Harvard 1990 Berkeley 2003 MIT 1986 Stanford Cornell 1978 Columbia 1962 Harvard 1992 Wisconsin 1969 Ca-SnBarb 1990 Minnesota 1983 Harvard 1987 Berkeley 1967 MIT 1966 Harvard 1985 Yale 1996 MIT 2006 MIT 1985 Ca-SnDgo 1997 Berkeley 2002 Yale 2006 Michigan 1996 Berkeley 2001 Michigan 2003 MIT 1993 UCLA 2006 Princeton 2002 Bonn 2005 Univ of Calif, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-5100 (949) 824-5788 uci.edu Department of Economics Sch of Social Sciences Fax=824-2182 N. Carter-Fields/G. Donaldson Homepage: www.economics.uci.edu Brownstone, David C-Pr 824-6231 dbrownst CR PHD 80 Berkeley 1984 Bell, Duran Emer 824-7053 dbell O PHD 65 Berkeley 1965 Brueckner, Jan K. Prof 824-0083 jkbrueck LR PHD 76 Stanford 2005 Cohen, Linda Prof 824-5189 lrcohen DHL PHD 79 Cal Tech 1988 DeVany, Arthur S. Emer asdevany DL PHD 70 UCLA 1984 Fielding, Gordon J. Emer 824-5448 gjfieldi DR PHD 62 UCLA 1965 Garfinkel, Michelle Prof 824-3190 mrgardin EHD PHD 88 Brown 1991 Glazer, Amihai Prof 824-5974 aglazer DH PHD 78 Yale 1978 Lave, Charles Emer 824-6502 calave R PHD 68 Stanford 1964 Luce, Ducan Emer 824-6239 rdluce CD PHD 50 MIT 1988 Margolis, Julius Emer 824-7003 jmargoli H PHD 49 Harvard 1976 McGuire, Martin C. Prof 824-6190 mcmcguir FH PHD 64 Harvard 1992 Neumark, David B. Prof 824-8496 neumark JH PHD 87 Harvard 2005 Poirier, Dale Prof 824-3186 dpoirier C PHD 73 Wisconsin 1999 Saari, Donald G. Prof 824-5894 dsaari C PHD 67 Purdue 2000 Small, Kenneth A. Prof 824-5658 ksmall RC PHD 76 Berkeley 1983 Werner, Christian Prof 824-7378 cwerner C PHD 65 Free 1969 Skaperdas, Stergios Assoc 824-4167 sskaperd CDH PHD 88 J Hopkins 1988 Bacolod, Marigee Asst 824-1990 mbacolod J PHD 02 UCLA 2002 Bilotkach, Volodymry Asst 824-5192 vbilotka LR PHD 05 Arizona 2005 Bitler, Mairanne Asst 824-5606 JH PHD 98 MIT 1-07 Bogart, Dan Asst 824-7053 dbogart NO PHD 03 UCLA 2003 Branch, William Asst 824-4221 wbrach E PHD 01 Oregon 2004 Chen, Jiawei Asst 824-3189 jiaweic LR PHD 05 J Hopkins 2005 Ishii, Jun Asst 824-1489 jishii LR PHD 01 Stanford 2001 Jeliazkov, Ivan Asst 824-1581 ivan CE PHD 03 Wash U 2003 Kopylov, Igor Asst 824-6182 C PHD 03 Rochester 2003 Mazzolari, Francesca Asst 824-1414 fmazzola JH PHD 05 Ca-SnDgo 2006 McBride, Michael Asst 824-7417 mcbride CD PHD 02 Yale 2002 Milani, Fabio Asst 824-4519 fmilani EC PHD 06 Princeton 2005 Ouyang, Min Asst 824-9234 mouyang EL PHD 05 Maryland 2005 Ragusa, Giuiseppe Asst 824-7461 gragusa C PHD 05 Ca-SnDgo 2006 Ranjan, Priya Asst 824-1926 pranjan F PHD 97 Columbia 1997 Richardson, Gary Asst 824-3189 garyr NO PHD 99 Berkeley 1999 VanDender, Kurt Asst 824-9698 kvandend HR PHD 01 Katholieke 2002 Univ of Calif, Los Angeles Department of Economics email @1=econ.sscnet.ucla.edu Hansen, Gary D. Los Angeles, CA 90024-1447 (310) 825-1011 Col of Letters & Sci Fax=825-9528 C-Pr 825-3847 ghansen PHD econ.ucla.edu 86 Minnesota 1987 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Atkeson, Andrew G. Buchinsky, Moshe Edwards, Sebastian Ellickson, Bryan C. Farmer, Roger E. A. Hahn, Jinyong Harberger, Arnold C. Hopenhayn, Hugo Jotz, V. Joseph Kyriazidou, Ekaterina Lal, Deepak K. Lamoreaux, Naomi Leamer, Edward E. Ohanian, Lee E. Ostroy, Joseph M. Riley, John G. Sokoloff, Kenneth L. Thomas, Duncan Thompson, Earl A. Tornell, Aaron Zame, William R. McGarry, Kathleen Ozler, Sule Bennardo, Alberto Black, Sandra E. Burstein, Ariel T. Cai, Hongbin Devereux, Paul J. Doepke, Mattias Guggenberger, Patrik Hellwig, Christian Lahiri, Amartya Obara, Ichiro Tsyvinski, Aleh Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 312-9770 206-9665 825-1011 825-4556 825-2523 825-2523 825-1011 206-8896 794-6617 206-2794 825-4521 825-0225 825-3557 825-0979 825-4627 825-1541 825-4249 825-5304 825-4387 794-1686 206-9463 826-2833 825-2997 825-1011 825-5665 206-6732 794-6495 825-7380 794-7278 825-0849 794-5342 825-8018 794-7098 794-7208 buchinsky PF CJ ellickson rfarmer hahn harberger hopen hotz kyria dlal lamoreaux ohanian ostroy riley sokoloff@1 dt@1 thompson tornell zame sozler abennardo sblack arielb cai devereux doepke guggenbe chris lahiri iobara aleh 19 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 88 91 81 70 82 93 50 89 80 95 65 79 70 93 70 72 82 86 61 87 70 92 86 Stanford Harvard Chicago MIT W Ontario Harvard Chicago Minnesota Wisconsin Nrthwstrn Oxford J Hopkins Michigan Rochester Nrthwstrn MIT Harvard Princeton Harvard MIT Tulane SUNY-SBr Stanford PHD PHD 97 Harvard 02 Nrthwstrn PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 03 02 95 01 2000 1985 1973 1988 2000 1994 1997 1975 1973 1980 1965 1985 9-01 7-03 Chicago Yale 7-03 LondonSE 7-02 Maryland Penn Univ of Calif, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521-0427 (951) 827-3266 ucr.edu Department of Economics Col Human, Arts & SocSc Fax=827-5685 Jayne Gales 827-1472 Homepage: www.ucr.edu/chss/depts/econ/econhome.htm Cullenberg, Stephen E. Dean 827-2762 stephen.cullenbe ABCP PHD 87 Mass 1988 Gonzalez-Rivera, Gloria C-Pr Ext 1590 gloria.gonzalez CG PHD 91 Ca-SnDgo 1991 Bandyopadhayay, Taradas Prof 827-1586 taradas.bandy+ AD PHD 80 So Meth 1987 Carter, Susan B. Prof 827-1589 susan.carter AJNT PHD 81 Stanford 1990 Chilcote, Ronald H. Emer 827-1571 ronald.chilcote P PHD 65 Stanford 1963 Deolalikar, Anil B. Prof 827-1575 anil.deolaliker QJT PHD 81 Stanford 2002 Dymski, Gary A. Prof 827-1570 gary.dymski AEHP PHD 87 Mass 1991 Fairris, David H. Prof 827-1578 david.fairris AJP PHD 84 Duke 1989 Gaffney, Mason Prof 827-1574 mason.gaffney AHR PHD 56 Berkeley 1976 Griffin, Keith B. Emer 827-4108 keith.griffin AOP DPHI 65 Oxford 1988 Guo, Jang-Ting Prof 827-1588 jangting.guo AC PHD 93 UCLA 1993 Khan, Azizur Rahman Emer 827-1581 azizur.khan FOPR PHD 66 Cambridge 1988 Lee, Tae-Hwy Prof 827-1509 tae.lee ACG PHD 90 Ca-SnDgo 1995 Lippit, Victor D. Prof 827-1582 victor.lippit AOP PHD 71 Yale 1971 Pattanaik, Prasanta Prof 827-1592 prasanta.patt+ AO PHD 68 Delhi 1991 Russell, R. Robert Prof 827-1585 robert.russell ADH PHD 65 Harvard 1986 Sutch, Richard C. Prof 827-1501 richard.sutch AN PHD 68 MIT 1998 Ullah, Aman Prof 827-1591 aman.ullah C PHD 71 Delhi 1989 Chauvet, Marcelle Assoc 827-1587 marcelle.chauvet AE PHD 95 Penn 1995 Helfand, Steven Assoc 827-1572 steven.helfand AOQ PHD 94 Berkeley 1995 Aguero, Jorge Asst 827-4108 jorge.aguero OJD PHD 06 Wisconsin 2006 Li, Wei Asst 827-7809 wei.li AC PHD 03 MIT 2003 Marks, Mindy Asst 827-4164 mindy.marks D PHD 04 Wash U 2004 Suen, Richard M. H. Asst 827-1502 richard.suen JE PHD 06 Rochester 2006 Umanskaya, Victoria Asst 827-4975 victoria.uman+ FOD PHD 06 Wyoming 2006 Univ of Calif, San Diego Department of Economics Homepage: //econ.ucsd.edu Ehlman, Jeffrey Watson, Joel Andreoni, James R. Attiyeh, Richard E. Betts, Julian R. Carson, Richard T. Crawford, Vincent Engle, Robert F. Gordon, Roger H. La Jolla, CA 92093-0508 (858) 534-3384 Thurgood Marshall Col Fax=534-7040 Dean$ C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Emer Prof 534-6073 534-3384 534-3832 534-6654 534-3369 822-2262 534-3952 534-4553 534-4828 ssdean jwatson andreoni rattiyeh jbetts rcarson v2crawford rengle rogordon CF D EI CJ CQ D CGR H PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ucsd.edu Nan Daugherty 92 86 66 90 85 76 66 76 Stanford Michigan Yale Queen's Berkeley MIT Cornell MIT 1994 2005 1982 1990 1985 1976 1975 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Granger, Clive W. J. Groves, Theodore Hamilton, James D. Machina, Mark J. Ramey, Garey Ramey, Valerie Rauch, James E. Sobel, Joel Starr, Ross Timmermann, Allan White, Halbert L. White, Michelle J. Berman, Eli Cullen, Julie Elliott, Graham Flavin, Marjorie A. Costinot, Arnaud Dahl, Gordon B. Gordon, Nora Januszewski Forbes, Silke Kartik, Navin Komunjer, Ivana Miller, David Muendler, Marc Noel, Michael Sun, Yixiao Telyukova, Irina Emer Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 822-0 Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst U of Calif, Santa Barbara Department of Economics Homepage: www.econ.ucsb.edu Kuhn, Peter Bergstrom, Theodore C. Bohn, Henning Comanor, William S. Crouch, Robert L. Deacon, Robert T. DeCanio, Stephen J. Frech, H. E. III Garratt, Rodney J. Kolstad, Charles Krouse, Clement G. Kydland, Finn LeRoy, Stephen F. Marshall, John M. Mehra, Rajnish Morgan, W. Douglas Phillips, Llad Qin, Cheng-Zhong Sengupta, Jati K. Shapiro, Perry Sonstelie, Jon C. Steigerwald, Douglas G. Stuart, Charles Bedard, Kelly Charness, Gary Babcock, Philip Birchenall, Javier Deschenes, Olivier Kapicka, Marek Kilenthong, Tee Nisbet, Mary J. Academic Coordinator Santa Barbara CA 93106-9210 (805) 893-3670 Col of Letters & Sci Fax=893-8830 Univ of Calif, Santa Cruz Economics Faculty Homepage: econ.ucsc.edu Kletzer, Lori Gladstein Aizenman, Joshua Dooley, Michael Friedman, Daniel Fung, Kwok-Chiu Hutchison, Michael M. Kaun, David E. Kletzer, Kenneth M. Singh, Nirvikar C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst SLect 534-3856 534-2818 534-5986 534-2391 534-5721 543-2388 534-2405 534-4367 534-3879 534-4860 534-3502 534-2783 534-2858 822-2056 534-3383 534-4649 822-0645 822-0644 534-2988 822-0630 822-6760 667komun 822-0632 534-4799 534-6787 534-4692 822-2097 893-3666 893-3744 893-4532 893-2287 893-2152 893-3569 893-3130 893-3569 893-2849 893-2108 893-3804 893-5464 893-2438 893-3670 893-3238 893-2653 893-2023 893-2753 893-3797 893-2253 893-2242 893-3151 893-3216 893-5571 893-7309 893-4823 893-5275 893-7309 893-2530 893-2895 893-2284 cgranger tgroves jhamilton mmachina gramey vramey jrauch jsobel rstarr atimmerman hwhite miwhitee elib jbcullen grelliott mflavin acostinot gdahl negordon sjanusze nkartik jerunjer d9miller mmuendler mdnoel yisun itelyukova pjkuhn tedb bohn eomanor rlcc deacon decanio frech garratt kolstad krouse kydland sleroy marshall mehra dmorgan llad qin sengupta pxshap jon doug stuart kelly charness babcock jabirche olivier mkapicka tee nisbet C DHM D D D E FO D DE CG C RK CJ CEF E J DH EF LD A QH NCD LAI AEH QLD D GE A GF HDE JC D CO DH HR C HKD JI D JD E G PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (831) 459-2743 Department of Economics Fax=459-5077 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 459-3596 459-2743 459-3662 459-4981 459-3273 459-2600 459-4745 459-3407 459-4093 lketzer jaizen mpd dan kcfung hutch nuclear kkletzer boxjenk FJ EFH F CDGL F EFG J FED DLOM 20 74 70 83 79 87 87 85 78 72 92 76 73 93 97 94 81 05 98 02 03 04 02 04 02 02 02 02 Nottingh 1974 Berkeley 1978 Berkeley 1992 MIT 1979 Stanford 1987 Stanford 1987 Yale 1986 Berkeley 1978 Stanford 1980 Cambridge 1994 MIT 1979 Princeton 2001 Harvard 2003 MIT 2003 Harvard 1994 MIT 1992 Princeton 2005 Princeton 2006 Harvard 2003 MIT 2003 Stanford 2004 HEC 2005 Stanford 2004 Berkeley 2002 Berkeley 2002 Yale 2002 Penn 2006 econ.ucsb.edu Kimberly Elliott 83 67 86 64 67 72 72 74 91 82 69 73 71 69 78 69 69 89 62 67 75 89 75 96 96 05 Harvard 1999 Stanford 1997 Stanford 1992 Harvard 1975 Essex 1973 U Wash 1972 MIT 1978 UCLA 1973 Cornell 1991 Stanford 1992 UCLA 1979 Car Mellon 2003 Penn 1997 MIT 1972 Car Mellon 1988 Berkeley 1973 Harvard 1972 Iowa 1989 Iowa St 1976 Berkeley 1969 Nrthwstrn 1977 Berkeley 1988 Lunds 1980 Queen's 2000 Berkeley 2001 Ca-SnDgo 2005 Chicago 01 Princeton 2001 03 Chicago 2003 Chicago 2006 91 Glasgow 1991 ucsc.edu Jo Ann McFarland PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 81 71 77 84 83 64 82 82 Berkeley 1993 Chicago 2001 Penn 1992 Ca-SnCruz 1985 Wisconsin 1989 Oregon 1985 Stanford 1966 Berkeley 1992 Berkeley 1982 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Walsh, Carl E. Wittman, Donald A. Elbaum, Bernard Fairlie, Robert McCalman, Philip Dobkin, Carlos Gil, Ricard Marion, Justin Oprea, Ryan Ravenna, Federico Wu, Thomas Yan, Huibin Shepherd, Robert J. Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect 459-4082 459-4445 459-4248 459-3332 459-4381 459-2079 459-4924 459-2848 459-5697 459-2743 459-4453 459-2743 459-5080 walshc wittman lbaum rfairlie mccalman cdobkin rgil marion roprea fravenna thomaswu hyan shep E KD N IJ FL CI L HLJ DGL EFG EFG DL M California Institute of Tech Pasadena, CA 91125 (626) 395-4065 Economics Faculty Div of Human & Soc Sci Fax=405-9841 Homepage: http://www.hss.caltech.edu email @1=rioja.caltech.edu Bossaerts, Peter C-Pr 395-4028 pbs@1 G William D. Hacker Professor of Economics and Management; on leave Border, Kim C. Prof 395-4218 kcb C Camerer, Colin Prof 395-4054 camerer Rea A. & Lela G. Axline Professor of Business Economics Cvitanic, Jaksa Prof 395-1784 cvitanic Goeree, Jacob Prof 395-5800 jkg CDL Grether, David M. Prof 395-4068 dmg Hoffman, Philip T. Prof 395-4085 pth Ledyard, John O. Prof 395-8482 jledyard Allen and Lenabelle Davis Professor of Economics & Social Sciences McAfee, R. Preston Prof 395-3476 mcafee D J. Stanley Johnson Professor of Business Economics and Management Palfrey, Thomas R. Prof 395-4088 trp Flintridge Foundation Professor of Economics and Political Science Plott, Charles R. Prof 395-4209 cplott Edward S. Harkness Professor of Economics and Political Science Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent Prof 395-4058 jlr Sherman, Robert P. Prof 395-4337 sherman Chambers, Christopher P. Assoc 395-3559 chambers Echenique, Federico Assoc 395-4273 fede Rangel, Antonio Assoc 395-4091 rangel Yariv, Leeat Assoc 395-8924 lyariv Iaryczower, Matias Asst 395-4061 miaryc Mattozzi, Andrea Asst 395-3473 andrea 21 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MSA 76 70 82 94 98 03 04 05 06 01 06 01 70 Berkeley Berkeley Harvard Nrthwstrn Wisconsin Berkeley Chicago Chicago Geotown NYU Princeton Wash U S Calif 1987 1969 1986 1994 2000 2003 2001 2001 1990 hss.caltech.edu Susan G. Davis, Div Adm PHD 86 UCLA PHD PHD 79 Minnesota 1979 81 Chicago 1994 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 97 69 79 67 PHD 80 Purdue 2004 PHD 81 Cal Tech 1986 PHD 65 Virginia 1971 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 98 91 03 02 97 01 05 04 2006 1996 2003 2000 2005 2005 2005 2004 California Lutheran Univ Economics Faculty Maxey, Charles Akbari, Ali Damooei, Jamshid Thousand OaksCA School of Business Dean 493-3360 Prof 493-3379 Prof 493-3357 91360-2787 (805) 493-3360 Fax=493-3719 maxey Soc PHD akbari PHD damooei PHD Cal Polytechnic State U-SLO Economics Department Christy, David P. Hamilton, Steve Fanchon, Phillip F. Marlow, Michael L. Villegas, Daniel J. S Luis Obispo CA School of Business Dean 756-1411 C-Pr 756-2783 Prof 756-1766 Prof 756-1764 Assoc 756-1767 93407 (805) 756-2783 Fax=756-1473 Mgt Q pfanchon mmarlow dvillega Calif State Poly U-Pomona Economics Department Ruiz, Nestor M. Bresnock, Anne E. Burton, Maureen Jaques, David G. Rush, Lynda M. Safarzadeh, Mohammad R. Sutton, James E. Brown, Bruce Hunter, Greg Lange, Carsten Pomona, CA 91768-4082 (909) 869-3842 Cl Letters, Arts & SocS Fax=869-6987 C-Pr 869-3972 nmruiz PHD Prof 869-4593 aebresnock PHD Prof 869-3853 mburton PHD Prof 869-3851 dgjaques PHD Prof 869-3857 lmrush PHD Prof 869-3852 mssafarzadeh PHD Prof 869-3846 jesutton BS Asst 869-5074 bbrown PHD Asst 869-4888 gwhunter PHD Asst 869-3843 clange PHD Calif State U., Bakersfield Econ, Envir & Global Studies Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 (661) 664-2460 Sch Humanities & Soc Sc Fax=664-2049 Columbia Amsterdm Stanford Yale Purdue Cal Tech Yale Rochester Berkeley Harvard Harvard UCLA Penn 1990 2005 2004 1970 1980 1985 clunet.edu Sara Capella 82 Illinois 1991 85 S Calif 1984 87 Surrey 1987 calpoly.edu Sharon Reese 756-2783 PHD 84 Georgia 9-04 PHD 96 Berkeley PHD 82 Ca-SnBarb PHD 78 Va Tech 1988 PHD 79 Stanford 1987 89 81 86 73 84 84 55 csupomona.edu Rosie Pasos Ca-Davis 1990 Colorado 1990 Ca-Rivers 1988 Claremont 1965 Ca-Davis 1986 Claremont 1987 Wisconsin 1964 UCLA Ca-SnBarb 2001 Hannover 1993 csub.edu Diane Torres 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Homepage: www.csubak.edu/econ/ Iyasere, Marla M. Oswald, Donald J. Malixi, Margaret M. Hedge, Aaron Chowhury, Savvina Gupta, Rupayan Dean C-Pr Prof Asst Lect Lect Calif State Univ, Chico Department of Economics Jackson, Bob O'Toole, James K. Adams, Ronald G. Eckalbar, John C. Fischer, Robert B. Francis, Gary E. Gallo, David E. Hope, Barney F. James, Robert G. Morlock, Mark J. Perelman, Michael A. Shockley, Frederica Coolidge, Cathleen J. Tsournos, Pete Chico, CA 95929-0430 (530) 898-6141 Col of Behav & Soc Sci Fax=898-5901 Dean$ C-Pr 898-5759 jotoole ADR PHD Prof 898-6141 radams ACKR PHD Prof 898-5808 jeckalbar CE PHD Prof 895-5808 rfischer H PHD Prof 898-6141 gefrancis ABGH PHD Prof 898-5232 dgallo AEHQ PHD Prof 898-6141 bhope RFO PHD Prof 898-5997 rjames EFG PHD Prof 898-4784 mmorlock J PHD Prof 898-5321 mperelman N PHD Prof 898-6141 fshockley HMOR PHD Assoc 898-6141 ccoolidge AHKL PHD Assoc 898-6875 ptsournos LQ PHD Calif St U-Dominguez Hills Pol Sci, Econ Labor Studies Stong, James Palmer, Richard L. Billes, Frank V. Freed, Rodney Alan Carson, CA 90747 (310) 243-3444 Bus Adm & Public Policy Fax= Dean 243-3548 jstrong M C-Pr 243-3490 rpalmer PolS Prof 243-3446 fbilles AENP Prof 243-3497 rfreed ACR 664-2221 654-2465 664-2464 654-2495 654-6510 654-6541 miyasere doswald mmalixi ahegde schowdhury rgupta Engl ABKN ACFP DG OE DHL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 22 73 74 88 04 05 05 SUNY-Bin Wash St Wisconsin N Car St Ca-Rivers 1974 1961 1988 2003 2003 csuchico.edu Billie Kavier-Monfort 83 Va Tech 75 Kansas St 75 Colorado Oregon 72 Colorado 74 Oregon 79 Ca-Rivers 78 Oregon 78 Wash St 71 Berkeley 78 Geo St 83 Va Tech 99 Wyoming 90 73 74 77 1984 1971 1978 1968 1967 1970 1977 1981 1980 1971 1978 1984 2001 csudh.edu Lori Skalabrn Drexel 1990 Claremont 1972 UCLA 1972 Virginia 1979 Calif State Univ, East Bay Hayward, CA 94542-3068 (510) 885-3265 Department of Economics Col of Business & Econ Fax=885-4222 Homepage: www.sbe.csuhayward.edu/econ Kohl, John P. Dean 885-3291 john.kohl Mgt PHD Maxwell, Nan L. C-Pr 885-3265 nan.maxwell ADJT PHD Ahiakpor, James C. Prof 885-3137 james.ahiakpor BEO PHD Baird, Charles W. Prof 885-3275 charles.baird BHJ PHD Christiansen, Gregory B. Prof 885-3301 greg.christian+ BEHO PHD Kahane, Leo H. Prof 885-3369 leo.kahane AC PHD Kamath, Shyam J. Prof 885-4275 shyam. kamath BFMO PHD Lima, Anthony K. Prof 885-3889 anthony.lima CEGM PHD Lopus, Jane S. Prof 885-3140 jame.lopus AEH PHD Paringer, Lynn C. Prof 885-3986 lynn.paringe CDI PHD Shmanske, Steven Prof 885-3335 stephen.shmansk CDHL PHD csueastbay.edu Denise Crozier 82 83 81 68 81 91 87 80 90 78 82 Calif State Univ-Fresno Department of Economics Gonzalez, Luz Fayazmanesh, Sasan Cypher, James M. Leet, Don R. Avalos, Antonio Birdyshaw, Edward Peterson, Janice L. Tymoigne, Eric VanVleck, VaNee Fresno, CA 93740-0020 (559) 278-3916 Sch of Social Sciences Fax=278-7234 Dean 278-3013 luzg PHD C-Ac 278-2672 BCE PHD Prof 278-4935 james_cypher OP PHD Prof 278-4045 don_leet TNA PHD Asst 278-8793 aavalos JOT PHD Asst 278-3950 ebirdyshaw PHD Asst 278-2673 japeterson BA PHD Asst 278-4931 etymoigne PHD Asst 278-2673 vanvleck PHD csufresno.edu Sherry McCulloch 89 Arizona 1989 84 Ca-Rivers 1990 73 Ca-Rivers 1967 72 Penn 1969 03 Okla St 2003 Oregon 2005 87 Nebraska 2006 Missouri 2006 Iowa 2006 Calif State Univ, Fullerton Fullerton, CA 92834-6848 (714) 278-2228 Department of Economics College of Bus & Eccon Fax=278-3097 Homepage: //business.fullterton.edu/economics Puri, Anil K. Dean 278-3817 apuri HR PHD Rahmatian, Morteza C-Pr 278-2228 mrahmatian Q PHD Brajer, Victor Prof 278-3818 vbrajer DQ PHD Dietz, James L. Prof 278-3810 jdietz O PHD Dropsy, Vincent Prof 278-3307 dropsy FE PHD Flessig, Adrian Prof 278-3816 aflessig EF PHD Gill, Andrew M. Prof 278-3076 agill J PHD Hall, Jane V. Prof 278-2236 jhall Q PHD Michaels, Robert J. Prof 278-2588 rmichaels L PHD Naish, Howard F. Prof 278-2241 hnaish E PHD Purkayastha, Dipankar Prof 278-3151 dipankar O PHD fullerton.edu Cathy Perez 77 82 83 74 90 93 85 77 72 83 90 Penn St Fla St Toronto Berkeley Wisconsin Columbia Simon Fr Stanford Ca-Davis Wisconsin UCLA Minnesota Wyoming New Mex Ca-Rivers S Calif N Car St Wash St Berkeley UCLA S Calif Wash St 2005 1985 1991 1972 1983 1991 1986 1979 1979 1981 1979 1977 1988 1987 1973 1989 1999 1984 1981 1968 1989 1990 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Wong, David C. Battacharya, Radha S. Stanley, Denise Akashi, Naoko Chang, Jannet Farka, Imira Lartey, Emmanual Ling, Davina Mead, Robert Xiao, Feng Buzdar, Nek Chen, Xiujian Fazeli, Reza Gratton-Lavoie, Chiara Khalifa, Sherif Mengova, Evelina Pollard, Dennis Seck, Ousmane Sukiassyan, Grigor Tobing, Elwin Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect 278-3821 278-3652 278-7498 278-3341 278-2387 278-7281 278-7298 278-8216 278-4479 278-8229 278-3078 278-3890 278-2612 278-2292 278-3756 278-4504 278-7171 278-4187 278-3226 278-2509 dwong rbattacharya dstanley nakashi jchang efarka elartey dling rmead fxiao nbuzdar xchen rfazeli cgratton skhalifa emengova dpollard oseck gsukiassyan etobing CO E J DJL H GF EF I FO E Q E FO L EJ DEF F DEO EO OTE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Humboldt State University Arcata, CA 95521-8299 (707) 826-3204 Economics Col of Professional Std Fax=826-3206 Homepage: www.humbolt.edu/~econ Higgins, Susan Dean 826-3961 EDD Eschker, Erick C-Ac 826-3216 ee3 PHD Hackett, Steven C. Prof 826-3237 sh2 PHD Wilson, Beth Assoc 826-3224 baw21 PHD Calif State Univ, Long Beach Long Beach, CA 90840-4607 (562) 985-5061 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=985-5804 Homepage: www.cuslb.edu/economics Riposa, Gerry Dean 985-5381 griposa PHD Magaddino, Joseph P. C-Pr 985-5061 magaddin PHD Crowther, Simeon J. Prof 985-4634 crowther PHD Edwards, Alejandra C. Prof 985-5969 acoxedwa PHD Glezakos, Constantine Prof 985-5079 cglezako PHD Grobar, Lisa M. Prof 985-1652 lgrobar PHD Hall, Darwin C. Prof 985-5045 dhall PHD Hou, Jack W. Prof 985-4710 jackhou PHD Ishimine, Tomotaka Prof 985-5065 tishimine PHD Martin, Wade Prof 985-5081 wmartin Q PHD Medoff, Marshall H. Prof 985-5077 mmedoff PHD Monaco, Kristen A. Prof 985-5076 kmonaco LJ PHD Singh, Davinder Prof 985-5071 PHD Stern, Andrew Prof 985-5083 astern PHD Funkhouser, Ed Assoc 985-5087 efunkhou J PHD Yamarik, Steven Assoc 985-4634 syamarik E PHD Braeu, Rebecca Asst 985-5083 rbraeu PHD Liu, Xuemei Asst 985-4832 xliuz Q PHD Steimetz, Seiji Asst 985-5078 ssteimet PHD Yamashiro, Guy Asst 985-5054 gyamashi PHD Calif State U, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90032-8124 (323) 343-2930 Dept of Economics & Stat College of Bus & Econ Fax=343-5462 Homepage: www.calstate.edu/academic/business/economics/index Haight, G. Timothy Dean 343-2800 thaight Fnce DBA Hsieh, Edward W. C-Pr 343-2939 ehsieh PHD Canarella, Giorgio Prof 343-2933 gcanare PHD Finney, Miles Prof 343-2937 mfinney PHD Garston, Neil H. Prof 343-2934 ngarsto PHD Kim, Sun K. Prof 343-2944 skim PHD Lai, Kon Sun Prof 343-2945 klai PHD Larson, Tom Edward Prof 343-2938 tlarson PHD Mohanty, Madhu Prof 343-2935 mmohant PHD Pollard, Stephen K. Prof 343-2950 spollar PHD Sapra, Sunil Prof 343-2941 ssapra PHD Tran, Dang Prof 343-2949 dtran PHD Winnick, Andrew J. Prof 343-2851 awinnic PHD Yoon, Mann Prof 343-2936 myoon PHD Carrington, Samantha Assoc 343-2946 scarrin PHD Pulchritudoff, Nikolai Assoc 343-2943 npulchr PHD Castillo, Ramon Asst 343-2951 rcastil PHD Chen, Li Hsueh Asst 343-6274 lchen4 PHD 23 84 90 96 06 04 04 06 99 96 03 82 05 82 00 06 06 77 06 04 06 Ca-SnBarb 1981 Penn St 1990 Wisconsin 2000 Virginia 2006 Illinois 1005 Columbia 2005 Boston C 2006 MIT 2003 Pittsburgh 2003 Amherst 2003 Hawaii 1999 Oklahoma 2005 New Sch 1999 Va Tech 1999 J Hopkins 2006 Geotown 2006 Claremont 1975 Kansas 2006 S Calif 2005 Iowa 2006 humboldt.edu Jan Mueller 77 97 89 95 Columbia Ca-Davis Tx A&M Oregon 2002 1998 1994 2001 csulb.edu Karen Fawson 84 72 70 84 70 89 77 89 71 85 73 98 78 67 90 96 04 02 04 01 Ca-Rivers Va Tech Penn Chicago S Calif Michigan Berkeley Yale Wisconsin New Mex Berkeley Wi-Milwa S Carol Columbia Harvard N Carol Colorado Berkeley Ca-Irvine Ca-SnDgo 1989 1973 1968 1966 1968 1989 1986 1989 1967 2002 1979 1998 1983 1967 2003 2005 2005 2003 2005 2001 calstatela.edu Pat Tom 80 88 73 92 73 66 87 86 90 82 83 77 71 91 85 71 00 98 Geo Wash 9-98 Houston 1989 Virginia 1973 Houston 1991 Brown 1975 S Calif 1964 Penn 1987 Berkeley 1987 Wi-Milwa 1990 Ohio St 1982 Columbia 1991 Syracuse 1987 Wisconsin 1996 Illinois 1991 Ca-SnBarb 1986 Ca-Davis 1972 Ca-Irvine 2003 Michigan 1998 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Calif State Univ, Northridge Northridge, CA 91330-8374 (818) 677-2462 Department of Economics Col of Business & Econ Fax=677-6079 Homepage: www.csun.edu/~economics Jennings, William Dean$ 677-2455 william.jennings Fnce PHD Svorny, Shirley V. C-Pr 677-2462 shirley.svorny IJR PHD Anderson, Gary M. Prof 677-2462 gary.anderson BHO PHD Blake, Daniel R. Prof 677-2447 daniel.blake AEIJ PHD Chapman, Kenneth S. Prof 677-2462 kenneth.chapman IG PHD Gifford, Adam Jr. Prof 677-2462 adam.gifford DHK PHD Halcoussis, Dennis Prof 677-2462 dennis.halcous+ CHN PHD Krol, Robert Prof 677-2462 robert.krol FR PHD Lowenberg, Tony Prof 677-2462 tony.lowenberg GH PHD Roberts, William W. Prof 677-2462 william.roberts G PHD Marcal, Leah Assoc 677-4245 leah.marcal PHD Nadenichek, Jon Assoc 677-4571 jon.nadenichek EF PHD Ng, Kenneth Assoc 677-2462 kenneth.ng N PHD Virts, Nancy L. Assoc 677-2434 nancy.virts N PHD Whitman, D. Glen Assoc 677-4542 glen.whitman BDHK PHD Mathews, Timothy Asst 677-6696 tmathews C PHD Calif State Univ, Sacramento Department of Economics Perez, Stephen J. Sexton, Terri A. on leave Yang, Yung Y. Dube, Smile W. Chalmers, Katherine Gallet, Craig Howell, Jessica Kaplan, Jonathan Kroll, Stephen Lang, David O'Keefe, Suzanne Siegler, Mark Vice-Chair Van Gaasbeck, Kristin Wang, Ta-Chen Zhou, Yan "Joni" Prof Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 278-6264 278-7519 278-7080 278-6099 278-5588 278-4367 278-7062 278-7077 278-6838 278-7079 Asst Asst Asst 278-6194 kavan 278-7112 tachen.wang 278-7653 yzhou Calif St U, San Bernardino Department of Economics Conley, John Rose, Nancy E. Asheghian, Par Charkins, Ralph James Nilsson, Eric A. Pierce, Thomas J. Toruno, Mayo C. Aldana, Carolyn Konyar, Kazim 24 csun.edu Dorothy Moulton 81 79 87 71 86 72 92 82 84 74 96 96 88 85 00 01 UCLA 1977 UCLA 1978 GeoMason 1987 Oregon 1971 Minnesota 1991 Ca-SnDgo 1975 Penn 1991 S Illinois 1983 Simon Fr 1984 Ca-SnDgo 1973 Wisconsin 1996 Rochester 1996 Rochester 1986 UCLA 1985 NYU 2000 SUNY-SBr 2002 Sacramento, CA 95819-6082 (916) 278-6223 csus.edu Sch Social Sci & Int Ds Fax=278-5768 Deborah N. Gutierrez C-As 278-6919 sjperez PHD 95 Ca-Davis 2001 Prof 278-6484 sextont PHD 81 Minnesota 1987 yangyy dubes chalmers cgallet jhowell kaplanj skroll lang sokeefe msiegler PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 89 04 95 03 99 99 02 00 97 PHD PHD PHD 02 Ca-Davis 2002 06 Stanford 2006 06 Ca-SnCruz 2006 S Bernardino, CA 92407-2397 (909) 537-5511 Col of Soc & Behave Sci Fax=537-7645 Dean 537-7500 jconley SocS PHD C-Pr 537-5516 nrose L PHD Prof 537-5499 pasheghi F PHD Prof 537-5553 rcharkin A PHD Prof 537-5564 enilsson FJ PHD Prof 537-5515 tpierce E PHD Prof 537-5517 mtoruno B PHD Assoc 537-7315 cbrod E PHD Assoc 537-5514 kkonyar CQ PHD csusb.edu Vanessa Winbigler Mich St 1977 85 Mass 80 Geo St 1991 70 N Carol 1976 89 Mass 1989 76 Notre Dm 1976 83 Ca-Rivers 1983 95 Ca-Rivers 1995 85 Ca-Rivers 1991 Calif State U - San Marcos San Marcos, CA 92069-1477 (760) 750-4103 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=750-4111 Homepage: www.csusm.edu/economics/ Rider, Robert L. C-Pr 750-4140 rrider CDHK PHD Arnold, Roger A. Prof 750-4077 rarnold BEHA PHD Brown, Robert W. Prof 750-4196 rbrown HQRJ PHD Ghiara, Ranjeeta Assoc 750-4176 ghiara CFJO PHD Finkle, Aaron Asst afinkel CDKL PHD csusm.edu Catalina Huggins CDL QC Calif State U, Stanislaus Turlock, CA 95382 (209) 667-3181 Department of Economics Col Hunanities & Soc Sc Fax=667-3588 Homepage: http://www.csustan.edu/economics Jaasma, Marjorie Dean$ 667-3531 mjaasma Erickson, Edward C. C-Pr 633-3338 eerickson Crist, William D. Emer crist Jasek-Rysdahl, Kelvin Prof 667-3182 jkasekrysdahl Lee, Albert Yin-Po Emer Renning, H. Dieter Emer Kim, Eungsuk Assoc 667-3339 ekim Peterson, Elaine J. Assoc 667-3327 epeterson Houk, Eric Asst 667-3500 ehouk 89 79 91 94 04 Oregon Tx-Austin Colo St Iowa St Virginia Ca-Davis Wyoming St Louis Berkeley Ca-Davis 1974 1989 2006 2001 2003 2003 2003 2002 2001 2002 S Calif 1992 Va Tech 1990 Ca-SnBarb 1997 Ca-Rivers 1994 U Wash 2006 csustan.edu Susan Helm-Lauber EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD DR PHD PHD PHD 95 70 72 96 70 61 99 96 03 Pacific S Calif Nebraska Colo St S Illinois Freiburg Indiana Wisconsin Colorado 1995 1970 1969 1996 1970 1970 2000 1996 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Calvin College Dept of Economics & Business Ward, Dean Cook, David Hoksbergen, Roland G. Monsma, George N. Jr. Schaefer, Kurt C. Tiemstra, John P. Van Der Heide, Evert M. Vander Linde, Scott H. Abadeer, Adel Samuel, Andrew Grand Rapids, MI 49546 (616) 526-7191 Division of Social Sci Fax=526-8410 Dean 526-6203 ward C-Pr 526-7005 dcook Atg Prof 526-6188 hoksro Prof 526-6191 gmonsma Prof 526-6368 schk Prof 526-6192 tmst Prof 526-6099 evheide Prof 526-6477 vdls Assoc 526-6199 aabadeer Asst as29 Cameron University Economics Faculty Burgess, Sylvia M. Courington, John M. Ahmed, Syed Horner, James Sukar, Abdul Hamid Lawton, OK 73505-6377 (580) 581-2267 Department of Business Fax=581-2253 Dean 581-2267 sylviab Law LLM C-Pr 581-2266 johnc PHD Prof 581-2430 syeda PHD Prof 581-2269 jamesh PHD Prof 581-2845 abduls PHD Campbell University Dept Bus Adm & Econ Box218 phone 893-1383 Hawkins, Benjamin Mostashari, Shahriar Hsiao, Yu-Mong Yonai, Derek K. Ballard, Robert L. Buies Creek, NC 27506 (910) 893-1380 Lundy-Fetterman Sch Bus Fax=893-1424 Dean C-Pr Prof Asst Inst Canisius College Dept of Economics & Finance Alber, Antone F. Palumbo, George M. Bosshardt, Donald I. Eisenhauer, Joseph G. Hutton, Patricia A. Pfaff, Philip Wall, Richard A. Zaporowski, Mark P. Falkowski, Daniel C. Lichtenstein, Larry Reiber, Ronald R. Wilson, F. Scott Rogers, Craig Buffalo, NY 14208-1098 (716) 888-2670 Wehle Sch of Business Fax=888-3132 Dean 888-2160 alber Sys PHD C-Pr 888-2667 palumbo RT PHD Prof 888-2676 bosshard G PHD Prof 888-2676 eisenhauer EI PHD Prof 888-2673 hutton EC PHD Prof 888-2675 pfaff G PHD Prof 888-2666 wall EG PHD Prof 888-2679 zaporowsk EC PHD Assoc 888-2668 falkow F PHD Assoc 888-2677 lichten DRH PHD Assoc 888-2665 reiber G PHD Assoc 888-2674 wilson C PHD Asst 888-3264 rogersc RT MA Capital University Economics Faculty Moore, Keirstin Baker, Stephen A. Lawson, Robert A. Liu, Yi Postolacke, Roxana Roychoudhury, Saurav Columbus, OH 43209-2394 (614) 236-6595 School of Management Fax=236-6540 Dean$ 346-6579 kmoore Prof 338-8104 sbaker EFG PHD Prof 236-6138 rlawson DEH PHD Asst 236=6834 yliu Asst 236-6997 rpostola DE PHD Asst sroychou 893-1381 hawkinsb Ext-1390 mostashari hsiao Ext-4354 yonaid Ext-1391 ballardr Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 (507) 646-4109 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=646-4044 Bierman, H. Scott Dean 646-4108 sbierman DHL Hemesath, Michael C-Pr 646-4105 mhemesat AFP Kanazawa, Mark T. Prof 646-4106 mkanazaw DKNQ Paas, Martha W. Prof 646-4103 mpaas BNO Wadsworth W. Williams Professor of Economics Strand, Stephen H. Prof 646-4104 sstrand DL Raymond Plank Professor of Economics Wahl, Jenny Bourne Prof 646-4007 jwahl JKND Grawe, Nathan Assoc 646-5239 ngrawe DIJ Ahmed, Meherun Asst 646-4395 mahmed OJ Pakinos, Pavel Asst 646-7676 pkapinos EG Szulga, Radek Asst 646-4001 rszulga ENO PHD MSAC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 25 87 79 86 69 84 75 82 89 92 calvin.edu Susan Camp Virginia 1985 W Mich Notre Dm 1983 Princeton 1969 Michigan 1987 MIT 1975 Wayne St 1982 Notre Dm Boston U 1999 Boston C cameron.edu 84 87 88 85 89 So Meth Okla St Simon Fr Tx-Dallas Tx Tech 1995 1979 2001 1976 1987 campbell.edu Nancy Ezzell PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA 79 78 85 03 99 Kentucky 2004 N Car St 1982 N Car St 1984 GeoMason 2003 Geo St 2002 71 77 77 91 80 73 84 85 72 81 74 76 94 canisius.edu Nancy Muenzner Penn St 2002 Syracuse 1978 Wisconsin 1987 SUNY-Buf 1986 Wisconsin 1981 Mich St 1979 SUNY-Buf 1980 SUNY-Alb 1983 NYU 1975 SUNY-Bin 1981 Arizona 1971 Minnesota 1977 SUNY-Buf 1998 capital.edu 82 York UK Fla St 1987 1996 UK 2001 carleton.edu Susan Quay Virginia 1982 Harvard 1989 Stanford 1985 Bryn Mawr 1975 PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 88 87 79 PHD 76 Vanderbilt 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 01 06 04 06 Chicago Chicago U Wash Illinois Ca-Davis 1998 1999 2006 2005 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 26 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 (412) 268-2874 andrew.cmu.edu Department of Economics Tepper School Business Fax=268-3982 Marian Lee 268-2874 Homepage: http://bighurt.gsia.cmu.edu/economics/contents.htm Epple, Dennis N. H-Pr 268-1536 epple PHD 74 Princeton 1974 Thomas Lord Professor Dammon, Robert Prof 268-3696 re19 PHD 84 Wisconsin 1984 Goodfriend, Marvin Prof 268-8459 maringd PHD 80 Brown 2005 Green, Richard Prof 268-2302 rg0b PHD 82 Wisconsin 1982 Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Professor of Economics and Management Klepper, Steven I. Prof 268-3235 sk3f PHD 75 Cornell 1980 Hamerschlag Professor of Economics and Social Sciences Lave, Lester B. Prof 268-8837 1101 PHD 63 Harvard 1963 Harry B. & James H. Higgins University Professor of Economics McCallum, Bennett T. Prof 268-2347 bm05 PHD 69 Rice 1981 H. J. Heinz Professor of Economics Meltzer, Allan H. Prof 268-2282 am05 PHD 58 UCLA 1957 The Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy Miller, Robert A. Prof 268-3701 ramiller PHD 82 Chicago 1982 Seppi, Duane J. Prof 268-2298 ds65 PHD 88 Chicago 1986 Sieg, Holger Prof 268-6564 holgers PHD 96 Car Mellon 2001 Spatt, Chester S. Prof 268-8834 cspatt PHD 79 Penn 1979 Mellon Bank Professor of Finance Spear, Stephen E. Prof 268-8831 ss1f PHD 82 Penn 1982 Zin, Stanley E. Prof 268-3700 sz0h PHD 87 Toronto 1988 Richard M. Cyert and Morris H. DeGroot Professor of Economics and Finance Goettler, Ronald Assoc 268-7058 rong PHD 99 Yale 1997 Hollifield, Burton Assoc 268-6505 burtonh PHD 92 Car Mellon 1998 Routledge, Bryan Assoc 268-7588 rout PHD 95 Brit Colum 1995 Sleet, Christopher Assoc 268-9938 csleet E PHD 98 Stanford 2005 Sowell, Fallaw B. Assoc 268-3769 fs0v PHD 86 Duke 1988 Telmer, Chris I. Assoc 268-8838 telmerc PHD 92 Queen's 1992 Coen-Pirani, Daniele Asst 268-6143 coenp PHD 00 Rochester 2000 Ferreyra, Maria Asst 268-1829 mferrey PHD 02 Wisconsin 2002 Gayle, George-Levi Asst 268-9743 ggayle PHD 03 Pittsburgh 2003 Golan, Limor Asst 268-8312 limor PHD 02 Wisconsin 2002 Kesten, Onur Asst 268-9823 okesten PHD 05 Rochester 2005 Yeltekin, Sevin Asst 268-9622 sevin PHD 99 Stanford 2005 Lerrick, Adam SLect 268-9027 alerrick PHD 81 MIT 2001 Friends of Allan H. Meltzer Chair Sileo, Patrick Lect 268-5867 ps37 PHD 94 Car Mellon 2000 Carroll College Dept of Business & Economics Kuhlemeyer, Gregory A. Debrecht, Dennis M. Waukesha, WI 53186 (262) 547-1211 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=524-7139 Dean 650-4877 gak Fnce PHD Asst 524-7163 ddebrech PHD cc.edu 95 Tennessee 2000 81 Iowa St 1984 Carson-Newman College Dept of Business & Economics Sites, Millicent M. Knight, Tori H. Jefferson Cy, TN 37760-9061 (865) 471-3316 Division of Business Fax=471-3599 C-Ac 471-3433 msites EFGO PHD Asst 471-4803 tknight CDHI PHD cn.edu Rebecca Dinkins 85 Tennessee 8-95 2000 Carthage College Economics Faculty Schlack, Robert F. Maltsev, Yuri N. McClintock, Brent Montanaro, Edward Kenosha, WI 53140-1994 (262) 551-5826 Department of Economics Fax=551-6208 C-Pr 551-5831 rschlack FPRC PHD Prof 551-5880 maltsev DFJP PHD Assoc 551-5852 bmcclintock EFG PHD Assoc 551-2376 emontanaro carthage.edu Sue Grover 77 Wayne St 1975 80 Inst Labor 1991 90 Colo St 1991 2006 Case Western Reserve Univ Cleveland, OH 44106-7206 (216) 368-2970 Economics Department Weatherhead Sch of Mgt Fax=368-5039 Roomkin, Myron J. Dean 368-3283 Mgt PHD Rebitzer, James B. C-Pr 368-5537 james.rebitzer J PHD Carlsson, Bo A. Prof 368-4112 bo.carlson DFMO PHD DeWindt Professor of Industrial Economics; Assoc Dean Erdilek, Asim Prof 368-4110 asim.erdilek F PHD Helper, Susan Prof 368-5541 susan.helper ONM PHD Shane, Scott Prof scott.shane PHD Cooper, David J. Assoc 368-1818 david.cooper CD PHD Dubin, Robin A. Assoc 368-3981 robin.dubin RCD PHD Bettinger, Eric P. Asst 368-2184 eric.bettinger IS PHD Lacetera, Nicola Asst nicola.lacetera PHD Royer, Heather Asst heather.royer PHD Slonim, Robert L. Asst 368-5811 robert.slonim CD PHD Sydnor, Justin Asst justin.sydnor PHD case.edu 71 Wisconsin N-04 85 Mass 1997 72 Stanford 1984 72 87 92 92 82 00 06 04 95 06 Harvard Harvard Penn Princeton J Hopkins MIT MIT Berkeley Duke Berkeley 1971 1990 2003 1999 1988 2000 2006 1998 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 368-4296 mark.votruba 27 Votruba, Mark Asst PHD 03 Princeton 2002 Catawba College Economic Faculty Thompson, Pamela L. Slate, James W. Salisbury, NC 28144-2488 (704) 637-4405 Ketner School of Bus Fax=637-4422 C-Ac 637-4323 pthompso MBA Assoc 637-4407 jwslate R PHD catawba.edu Dorothy Earle Catholic Univ of America Dept of Economics & Business Poos, L. R. Forbes, Kevin F. Aguirre, Sophia Zampelli, Ernest M. Aka, Arsene A. Leon, Jean-Claude Washington, DC 20064 (202) 319-5236 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=319-4426 Dean 319-5115 C-Ac 319-4794 forbes DHLQ Assoc 319-4957 aguirre FG Assoc 319-6683 zampelli DHQ Asst 319-5238 aka Asst 319-5239 leon Cedarville University Economic Faculty Wheeler, Bert G. Smith, Galen Cedarville, OH 45314-0601 (937) 766-7910 cedarville.edu Dept of Business Admin Fax=766-7925 Vicki Edem C-Pr 766-7714 wheelerb AFOP PHD 85 Tennessee 1992 Prof 766-7923 smithg ABFH DMIN 98 Trinity 1981 95 Tennessee 2002 cua.edu Ms. Brenda Nichols PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 82 Maryland 1983 92 Notre Dm 1993 82 Maryland 9-85 Pittsburgh 8-00 87 Geo Wash 1987 Centenary College Hackettstown, NJ 07840-9989 (908) Ext 2241 centenarycollege.edu Economics Faculty Division of Business Fax=813-1984 Did Not Respond Again--2001-2002 Listing; phone 852-1400 Sommer, John C 852-1400 Dunham, Heather Prof 852-1400 hdunham ADEM EDD 99 St Johns 8-84 Schomaker, Charles Asst 852-1400 cschomaker ADEM MSBA Indiana 8-00 Central College Economics Faculty Rundle, Jaclyn Peterson, Brian J. Kauper, David Pella, IA 50219 (641) 628-5307 Economics, Atg & Mgt Fax=628-5316 C-Ac 628-5307 rundlej Mgt PHD Assoc 628-5423 petersonbj AH PHD Asst 628-5120 kauperd FO PHD Univ of Central Arkansas Dept of Economics & Finance Cantrell, Pat Casey, K. Michael He, Ling Horton, Joseph J. Johnson, W. Clint Bisping, Tim Campbell, Noel Fayman, Alex McCalman, David McGarrity, Joseph Pittman, Robert Smith, Frank Maxwell, Lauren Conway, AR 72035-0001 (501) 450-3109 College of Business Adm Fax=450-5302 Dean 450-3106 patc PHD C-Pr 450-4335 mcasey Fnce DBA Prof 450-5334 linghe DBA Prof 450-5310 jhorton PHD Prof 450-3019 clintj PHD Assoc 852-7467 tbisping DJL PHD Assoc 852-7743 ncambell H PHD Assoc 450-5336 afayman PHD Assoc 450-5349 davidm PHD Assoc 450-3109 joem PHD Assoc 450-3214 rpittman MA Assoc 450-5355 fsmith PHD Asst 450-5341 laurenm Central Connecticut St Univ Department of Economics Pease, Susan E. Pae, Ki-Tai Altieri, Paul L. Daigle, Ronald R. Kim, Ki Hoon Loughlin, James C. Charkiewicz, Mitchell Laird-Muriente, Carlos F. New Britain, CT 06050-4010 (860) 832-2725 School of Arts & Sci Fax=832-2730 Dean 832-2600 pease C-Pr 832-2725 pae C PHD Prof 832-2735 altieri E PHD Prof 832-2726 daigle EG PHD Prof 832-2727 kimk FO PHD Prof 832-2731 loughlin DH PHD Asst charkiewiczm CEFM MBA Asst lairdcaf PHD central.edu 00 Indiana 2004 06 Ca-Rivers 2006 83 96 93 68 75 97 97 05 94 mail.uca.edu Barbara Hopp So Meth 8-84 La Tech 7-03 Clev St 1998 So Meth 7-96 Tx Tech 1975 Oklahoma 2006 GeoMason 2006 S Illinois 2006 Indiana GeoMason 8-95 04 Tx Tech 2004 ccsu.edu 71 76 75 68 65 84 Conn Boston C Clark Conn Clark Amer Intl Mass 1971 1975 1976 1967 1968 2002 2006 Univ of Central Florida Orlando, FL 32816-1400 (407) 823-3266 bus.ucf.edu Department of Economics College of Business Adm Fax=823-3269 Mrs. Frances Percival Homepage: www.bus.ucf.edu/economics Keon, Thomas L. Dean 823-5113 thomas.keon Mgt PHD 79 Mich St 8-97 Milon, J. Walter C-Pr 823-1881 wmilon Q PHD 78 Fla St 2000 Caputo, Michael Prof 823-1405 mcaputo Q PHD 87 U Wash 2003 Chakravorty, Ujjayant Prof 823-4728 uchakravorty QRH PHD 89 Hawaii 2005 Dickie, Mark T. Prof 823-4730 mark.dickie Q PHD 87 Wyoming 2001 Gerking, Shelby D. Prof 823-4729 shelby.gerking R PHD 75 Indiana 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Harrison, Glenn W. Hofler, Richard A. McHone, W. Warren Rutstrom, Elizabet Braun, Bradley M. Gibbs, W. Ernest Hosni, Djehane Im, Kyung So Martin, Thomas L. Pennington, Robert L. Scrogin, David Soskin, Mark D. White, Kenneth R. Xander, James A. Anton, Wilma Mikhail, Ossama Yang, Chengyu Baker, Josiah Buhagiar, Tarek Euzent, Patricia Moore, Barbara Potter, Robert Underwood, Nora Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Inst Central Michigan University Department of Economics Homepage: eco.cba.cmich.edu Fields, D. Michael Natke, Paul A. Basu, Bharati Cecen, A. Aydin Chakraborty, Debasish Falls, Gregory A. Shields, Michael P. Brunner, Lawrence P. Clemmer, Richard B. Hill, James Richard Thompson, Philip B. Bailey, Christopher Barbour, G. Jeffrey Irwin, James R. McDevitt, Catherine L. Pecquet, Gary Shields, Gail M. Taylor, Jason Yongil, Jeon Zimmer, Basil G. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859-2372 (989) 774-3870 College of Business Adm Fax=774-2040 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 823-1408 823-2606 823-2629 823-1407 823-5094 823-5818 823-2069 823-1132 823-5681 823-2640 823-4129 255-7423 823-5656 823-1402 823-4446 823-4258 823-1402 882-0032 823-3266 823-5910 823-5256 823-2886 823-1403 774-3337 774-3870 774-3730 774-3677 774-3678 774-3655 774-3372 774-3638 774-3908 774-3706 774-3608 774-3653 774-3380 774-3697 774-3648 774-4487 774-3915 774-2578 774-2578 774-3600 gharrison richard.hofler warren.mchone erutstrom brad.braun ernst.gibbs djehane.hosni kim thomas.martin robert.penning+ david.scrogin mark.soskin kenneth.white james.xander wilma.anton ossama.mikhail cyang josiah.baker tubhagiar peuzent bmoore rpotter nunderwood field1dm p.natke b.basu a.cecen d.chakraborty g.falls michael.p.shi+ l.brunner r.clemmer j.r.hill thomp1pm baile1c j.barbour j.irwin c.mcdevitt pecqu1g shiel1gm taylo2je yongil.jeon b.zimmer 28 QK DIJ R D D D OJ J B DEJ Q LMD C D Q E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD 82 82 80 90 86 87 78 94 81 77 99 79 71 74 01 A MAAE MAAE MA MAAE MAAE PHD 97 82 97 A A E Q Mktg EGO FODJ CFOB EFO EC OJRT HR RDHM FJD Q LD AN ND EN NE JP LNHD CF AO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Central Missouri State Univ Warrensburg, MO 64093-5074 (660) 543-4246 Dept of Economics & Finance Harmon College Bus Adm Fax=543-8465 Homepage: www.cmsu.edu/x4242.xml Elfrink, John A. Dean$ 543-4560 elfrink Atg PHD Best, Roger J. C-Pr 543-4246 best Fnce PHD Chambers, Catherine M. Prof 543-8605 chambers EQ PHD Chambers, Paul Prof 543-8610 pchambers Q PHD Engelmann, Paul H. Prof 543-8597 engelmann D PHD Associate Dean Karscig, Mark P. Prof 543-4817 karscig CR PHD Andrews, Kim Assoc 543-8597 andrews HR PHD Crooker, John (Skip) Assoc 543-8601 crooker CQ PHD Swanson, James A. Assoc 543-8580 swanson CJ PHD Azevedo, Christopher Asst 543-4219 azevedo FQ PHD Kugler, Penny L. Inst 543-8570 kugler A MA Univ of Central Oklahoma Edmond, OK 73034-5209 (405) 974-5843 Department of Economics College of Business Adm Fax=974-3853 Homepage: www.busn.ucok.edu/econ/ Johnson, Joseph T. C-Pr 974-5838 jjohnson AMR PHD De los Santos, Tomas Prof 974-5256 tdelossantos AEFO PHD Maxwell, Don P. Prof 974-5261 dmaxwell ADEH PHD Shaaf, Mohammad Prof 974-5326 mshaaf BDEG PHD Curley, Robert Assoc 974-2409 rcurley PHD Currier, Susanne Asst 974-2154 scurrier PHD Hepner, Mickey A. Asst 974-2829 mhepner HDJI PHD Oller, Jeremy Asst 974-5347 joller3 PHD 94 UCLA N Carol Penn Stockholm Tulane Rutgers Arkansas Mich St Rice Tx A&M New Mex Penn St Oklahoma Georgia Illinois McGill 2003 1989 1982 2003 1986 1987 1978 2002 1983 1983 2000 1988 1968 1969 2001 2001 2005 Cen Fla 2001 Cen Fla 2001 Clemson 1991 Cen Fla 1988 Cen Fla 2002 Ca-Davis 2003 cmich.edu Debbie Clearwater 84 82 82 86 87 82 75 81 81 80 88 04 73 86 86 81 85 98 99 72 Arkansas Notre Dm Rochester Indiana Pittsburgh Purdue Utah J Hopkins Chicago Kentucky Arizona Tx A&M Fla St Rochester Rochester Va Tech Utah Georgia Ca-SnDgo Rutgers 4-06 1981 1990 1987 1988 1981 1993 1982 1982 1981 2000 2006 1971 1989 1989 2006 1993 2003 2000 1969 cmsu1.cmsu.edu Ms. Nancy Dyer 87 96 90 89 76 St Louis Fla St Kentucky Kentucky Okla St 1993 1995 1990 1990 1972 87 94 98 87 99 88 Pittsburgh Okla St Iowa St Wash St Iowa St Cen Mo St 1981 1990 2002 1986 2003 1988 ucok.edu Ofelia Tovar 80 88 82 82 80 02 01 06 Chicago Clark Okla St Tx Tech Oklahoma Okla St Oklahoma Oklahoma 1992 1991 1981 1980 8-01 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 974-5627 ssasser 974-5287 zzhu 29 Sasser, Sue Lynn Zhu, Zhen Asst Asst PHD PHD 83 Tx Woman 94 Michigan 1994 Central State Univ-Ohio Dept of Atg & Economics Showell, Charles H. Jr. Vafaie, Massie S. Iwomi, Peter O. Wilberforce, OH 45384 (937) 376-6652 Col Business & Industry Fax=376-6206 Dean 376-6441 BAdm PHD C-As 376-6652 PHD Assoc 376-6446 EDD csu.ces.edu 75 Ohio St 9-88 79 Cincinnati 1991 Cincinnati 1981 Central Washington Univ Department of Economics Savoian, Roy T. Carbaugh, Robert John Ghosh, Koushik Gunn, Gerry Mack, Richard Stanley Saunders, Peter J. Dittmer, Timothy Hedrick, David W. Wassell, Charles Jr. Elkins, Ron Ellensburg, WA 98926-7486 (509) 963-2664 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=963-1992 Dean 963-1955 savoianr LM PHD C-Pr 963-3443 carbaugh AFEK PHD C-Pr 963-1014 ghoshk AHFM PHD Prof 963-3221 gunngp PHD Prof 963-2663 mackr RQP PHD Prof 963-1266 saunders CEH PHD Assoc 963-1941 dittmert ALC PHD Assoc 963-2664 dhendrick AIO PHD Asst 963-3056 wassellc ACQ PHD Inst 963-1043 elkinsr MA cwu.edu Shirley Hood Ca-SnBarb 1998 Colo St 1985 Wash St 1993 Colo St Colo St 1972 Colorado 1988 U Wash 1999 Oregon 1987 Wisconsin 2002 Naval PG 1996 CFG Centre College Danville, KY 40422-1394 (859) 238-5231 Department of Economics Div of Social Studies Fax=236-5774 Johnson, Bruce K. C-Pr 238-5242 johnsonb AD PHD James Graham Brown Professor of Economics Fabritius, Michael M Prof 238-5461 mike.fabritius AH PHD visiting from Mary Hardin Baylor Martin, Robert E. Prof 238-5260 bmart CD PHD Ewing T. Boles Professor of Economics Winrich, J. Steven Prof 238-5237 winrich APN PHD Director of Institutional Research Anderson, David A. Assoc 238-5260 david ACHK PHD Blazer Associate Professor of Economics Lim, Jamus J. Asst 238-5256 jamus.lim AF PHD 79 74 94 72 81 98 84 03 centre.edu Shayne Jarman 85 Virginia 1987 87 Tx-Austin 2006 79 So Meth 1996 78 Kentucky 1981 92 Duke 1992 06 Ca-SnCruz 2006 Chadron State College Department Business & Econ White, Gary A. Anderson, Timothy Burke, Ronald L. Swanke, Thomas A. Chadron, NE 69337-2690 (308) 432-6290 Sch Bus & Applied Sci Fax=432-6430 Dean 432-6359 gwhite Ed PHD C-Pr 432-6290 tanderson ACI EDD Prof 432-6290 rburke MQE PHD Assoc 432-6290 tswanke B PHD csc.edu Jennifer Wittrock Iowa 2006 Nebraska 1977 Minnesota 1987 Colorado 2001 92 83 70 93 Chaminade University Department of Economics Schroeder, Scott J. Street, Barbara P. Honolulu, HI 96816-1578 (808) 739-4609 College of Business Fax=440-4249 Dean 739-4600 sschroed PHD C-Pr 377-5865 bstreet ACEI PHD chaminade.edu Ann Luja 98 UCLA 2001 86 Virginia 1981 Chapman University Orange, CA 92866 (714) 997-6684 chapman.edu Economics Faculty Argyros Sch of Bus &Eco Fax=532-6081 Donna Myers/Jennifer Freebury Kraft, Arthur Dean 997-2839 akraft PHD 70 SUNY-Buf Adibi, Esmael Prof 997-6693 adibi AEFC PHD 80 Claremont 1978 Director, A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research; Anderson Chair Booth, Donald R. Prof 997-6804 booth AD PHD 70 UCLA 1959 Broughton, John B. Prof 997-6852 broughto G PHD 89 Va Tech 1993 Associate Dean Butler, Henry Prof 997-6576 hbutler PHD 82 Va Tech 7-01 Doti, James L. Prof 997-6611 doti AEC PHD 76 Chicago 1974 President of the University Doti, Lynne Pearson Prof 997-6805 ldoti NE PHD 78 Ca-Rivers 1972 Sfeir, Raymond Prof 997-6551 sfeir AC PHD 82 Ca-SnBarb 1985 College of Charleston Dept of Economics & Finance Pitts, Robert E. Hefner, Frank L. Clary, Betsy Jane Condon, Clarence M. III Morgan, J. Michael Blackwell, Calvin Calcagno, Peter Charleston, SC 29424-0001 (843) 953-8100 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=953-0754 Dean 953-5627 pittsr Mktg PHD C-Ac 953-8100 hefnerf PHD Prof 953-8107 claryb PHD Prof 953-8106 condonc PHD Prof 953-7865 morganm PHD Asst 953-7836 blackwellc PHD Asst 953-4279 calcagnop PHD cofc.edu Ms. Cantrelle Gilliard 77 S Carol 2004 88 Kansas 1995 81 Miss 1984 78 S Carol 1980 77 S Carol 1986 01 New Mex 2001 98 Auburn 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Tierney, Heather Snyder, Marcia Asst Inst 953-7070 tierneyh 953-4818 snyderm PHD MA 30 05 Calif 95 London 2005 1999 University of Chicago Chicago, IL 60637-1561 (773) 702-9016 uchicago.edu Department of Economics Division of Social Sci Fax=702-8490 Don Dunbar Exec Admin Homepage: www.economics.uchicago.edu Reny, Philip C-Pr 702-8192 p-reny D PHD 88 Princeton 1999 Alvarez, Fernando Prof 702-4412 falvare PHD 94 Minnesota 1996 Becker, Gary S. Prof 702-8168 gbecker PHD 55 Chicago 1970 Nobel Prize 1992 Fogel, Robert W. Prof 702-7709 PHD 63 J Hopkins 1981 Charles R. Walgreen Professor/Director, Center Popu Econ; Nobel Prize 1993 Friedman, Milton Emer PHD 46 Columbia 1946 Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus Galenson, David W. Prof 702-8258 sogrodow PHD 79 Harvard 1978 Hansen, Lars Peter Prof 702-8170 l-hansen PHD 78 Minnesota 1982 Homer J. Livingston Distinguished Service Professor Harberger, Arnold C. Emer PHD 50 Chicago 1953 Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor Heckman, James J. Prof 702-0634 jheckman PHD 71 Princeton 1973 Henry Schultz Professor of Economics & Soc Sciences; 2000 Nobel Prize Hortacsu, Ali Prof PHD 01 Stanford 2001 Kortum, Samuel Prof 702-8251 kortum ELO PHD 92 Yale 2006 Levitt, Steven D. Prof 834-1862 slevitt PHD 94 MIT 1997 Alvin H. Baum Professor in Economics and the College List, John Prof 702-9811 jlist PHD 96 Wyoming 2005 Lucas, Robert E. Jr. Prof 702-8179 relucas PHD 64 Chicago 1974 John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor; 1995 Nobel Prize Mulligan, Casey Prof 702-9017 c-mulligan PHD 93 Chicago 1993 Murphy, Kevin Prof 702-7280 murphy@gsb1. PHD 86 Chicago 1983 George J. Stigler Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and College Myerson, Roger B. Prof 834-9071 myerson PHD 76 Harvard 2001 William C. Norby Professor in Economics and the College Neal, Derek A. Prof 702-8166 d-neal PHD 92 Virginia 2001 Schennach, Susanne Prof 702-8199 scschenn PHD 02 MIT 2000 Shimer, Robert Prof 702-9015 shimer PHD 96 MIT 2003 Sonnenschein, Hugo F. Prof 834-5960 h-sonnenschein PHD 64 Purdue Adam Smith Distinguished Service Professor Stokey, Nancy Prof 702-0915 nstokey PHD 78 Harvard 1990 Frederick Henry Prince Professor Telser, Lester G. Emer 702-8193 ltelser 1-98 PHD 56 Chicago 1958 Tolley, George S. Emer 702-4896 gtolley PHD 55 Chicago 1966 Townsend, Robert M. Prof 702-8178 rtownsen PHD 75 Minnesota 1985 Charles E. Merriam Professor Syverson, Chad Assoc 702-7815 syverson PHD 01 Stanford 2001 Chaney, Thomas Asst 702-5403 tchaney PHD 05 MIT 2005 Fox, Jeremy Asst 702-4862 fox PHD 03 Stanford 2003 Fuchs, William Asst 702-1933 wfuchs PHD 05 Stanford 2005 Peski, Marcin Asst 702-7478 wpeski PHD 05 Nrthwstrn 2005 Szentes, Balazs Asst 702-9127 szentes PHD 02 Boston U 2002 Lima, Victor O. SLect 702-4213 vlima PHD 01 Chicago 2001 Bondarenko, Peter Lect 834-3056 pbondare PHD 05 Princeton 2005 Evans, Thomas Lect 702-9012 tevens PHD 03 Clemson 2003 Sanderson, Allen R. SLect 702-9459 arsx MA 70 Chicago Tsiang, Grace SLect 702-3410 gtsiang PHD 91 Chicago 1990 Chicago State University Dept Geog, Soc, Econ & Anthr Lindsey, Rachel L. Redman, Arthur W. Leach, Elroy M. Pingkarawat, Nampeang Johnson, Mark A. Hervani, Aref Chicago, IL 60628-1598 (773) 995-2186 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=995-2030 Dean 995-2105 Psyc PHD C-Ac 995-4431 aredman Soc PHD Prof 995-2173 eleach PHD Prof 995-2340 npingkarawat PHD Assoc 995-2373 ma-johnson J PHD Asst 995-3827 ahervani QHF PHD Christian Brothers Univ Dept of Economics & Finance Ryan, Michael R. Brandon, Daniel J. Brittingham, Robert L. Papachristou, Patricia T. Bails, Dale G. Memphis, TN School of Business Dean 321-4259 C-Pr 321-3615 Prof 321-3489 Prof 321-3301 Assoc 321-3564 Christopher Newport Univ Newport News VA 23606-2988 (757) 594-7068 38104-5581 (901) 321-4222 Fax=321-3566 mryan Mktg PHD dbrandon PHD rbrittin AD PHD ppapachr TI MBA dbails PHD 84 96 85 83 85 97 csu.edu Jetawn Eckles Chicago 1976 Mass 1996 Il-Chicago 1985 Il-Chicago 1982 Stanford 1995 W Virginia 2005 cbu.edu Conn 73 St Louis 1989 79 Memphis 1980 78 S Dakota 1995 cnu.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Fax=594-7808 mottilla ljordan agibson ttaylor mvachris rwinder gzestos 31 Dept Atg, Econonics & Fnce Mottilla, Donna T. Jordan, Leland G. Gibson, Amy D. Taylor, Travis K. Vachris, Michelle A. Winder, Robert C. Zestos, George K. School of Business Dean 594-7184 C-Pr 594-7270 Assoc 594-7144 Assoc 594-7148 Assoc 594-7719 Assoc 594-7004 Assoc 594-7067 DBA DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD CFHO PHD Mrs. Lee Ann Wise 83 Kent St 1999 85 Geo Wash 1999 03 Alabama 2005 01 Conn 2004 92 GeoMason 1994 81 Rutgers 1991 91 Indiana 1993 University of Cincinnati Department of Economics Gould, Karen Mayer, Wolfgang David Sinton Professor Gallo, Joseph C. Goddard, Haynes C. Director of Graduate Studies Pal, Debashis Whitmore, Harland W. Jr. Zandvakili, Sourushe Escoe, Gisela Meyer Mills, Jeffrey A. O'Neill, Dennis Powers, John A. Williams, Nicolas Lopez, Claude Parent, Olivier Viauroux, Christelle Zinn, Thomas Cincinnati, OH 45221-0371 (513) 556-2600 McMicken Col Arts & Sci Fax=556-2669 Dean 556-5860 karen.gould Lang PHD H-Pr 556-2618 wolfgang.mayer FD PHD uc.edu Christa Pifer 75 Oregon 2001 71 SUNY-Buf 1970 Prof Prof 556-2605 joseph.gallo 556-2621 haynes.goddard L H PHD PHD 69 Missouri 70 Indiana 1967 1969 Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 556-2630 556-2622 556-2629 556-3023 556-2619 556-2614 556-2616 556-2390 566-2346 556-3941 556-2781 556-0791 L E J O C O C J PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 90 69 87 91 89 76 66 89 03 05 01 67 1994 1967 1987 1991 1992 1983 1965 1990 2003 2006 2003 1968 The Citadel Economics Faculty Walker, W. Earl Sparks, Donald L. Silver, Stephen J. Woolsey, W. William Charleston, SC 29409-0215 (843) 953-5056 Dept of Business Adm Fax=953-6764 Dean 953-5056 earl.walker PHD Prof 953-5159 sparksd PHD Assoc 953-5163 silvers PHD Assoc 953-5161 woolseyw PHD debashis.pal harland.whit+ sourushe.zand+ gisela.escoe jeffrey.mills dennis.oneill john.powers nicolas.will+ claude.lopez olivier.parent christelle.via+ thomas.zinn Mgt Atg FH OLA DFHK R R CUNY-Baruch College New York, NY 10010 (646) 312-3450 Dept of Economics & Finance Zicklin School of Bus Fax=312-3451 Elliott, John A. Dean 312-3030 john_elliott Atg Tandon, Kishore C-Pr 312-3468 kishore_tandon Fnce Gutmann, Peter M. Prof 312-3461 peter_gutman EF Joyce, Theodore Prof 312ted_joyce Lustgarten, Steven Prof 312-3191 steven_lustg+ Marty, Alvin L. Prof 312-3471 alvin_marty O'Neill, June E. Prof 312-3540 june_oneill Director, Center for the Study of Business and Government Ross, Howard N. Prof 312-3457 howard_ross Su, Vincent Prof 312-3474 vincent_su Weiss, Jeffrey H. Prof 312-3476 jeffrey_weiss Kleinberg, Norman L. Assoc 312-3470 norman_kleingerg Lee, Jae Won Assoc 312-3480 jaewon_lee Ma, Barry K. Assoc 312-3481 barry_ma Chakraborty, Suparna Asst 312-3465 suparna_chak+ Crockett, Sean Asst 312-3520 sean_crockett Huckins, Larry E. Asst 312-3460 larry_huckins Tansey, Francis B. Lect 312-3479 frank_tansey CUNY-Brooklyn College Department of Economics phone 951-5000 Bell, Robert Cherry, Robert D. Clarke, Clifton Friedman, Hershey H. Laibman, David Minars, David Sardy, Hyman Solomon, Howard Amoo, Taiwoo Arenberg, Yuri Bhattacharya, Anindya Davidoff, Howard Fox, Mark 951-5317 Ext 2079 Ext 2080 Ext 2084 Ext 2090 Ext 2090 Ext 2089 Ext 2641 Ext 2075 Ext 2076 Ext 2078 Ext 2081 Ext 2083 rbell robertc cclarke hersheyf dlaibman davidm hsardy hsolomon tamoo arenberg anindyab davidoff mfox M AJ M AP C D citadel.edu Ms. Eulonda Rewis 80 MIT 8-92 85 London 8-86 83 Maryland 8-90 86 GeoMason 8-86 baruch.cuny.edu Sylvia Clark/Allison Davis PHD 82 Cornell 9-02 PHD 80 Pittsburgh 1981 PHD 57 Harvard 1963 PHD 85 CUNY 1986 PHD 71 UCLA PHD 55 Berkeley 1960 PHD 70 Columbia 1987 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889 (718) 951-5317 College of Liberal Arts Fax=951-4867 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Florida Mich St Indiana Ohio St Wash U Cincinnati Purdue Nrthwstrn Houston St Etienne Toulouse Cincinnati PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD JD PHD LLM PHD PHD PHD LLM PHD 64 70 81 77 69 86 05 04 83 65 Columbia 1964 Rutgers 1971 Wisconsin 1981 MIT CUNY 1972 Stanford 1989 Minnesota 2005 Car Mellon 2006 Chicago 1980 CUNY 1967 brooklyn.cuny.edu Joyce Davis/Pat Peters 72 69 98 77 73 70 63 67 92 86 71 87 98 Brunel Kansas Columbia CUNY New Sch NYU New Sch Brooklyn Exeter NYU Columbia NYU Harvard 1986 1977 2003 1986 1967 1971 1957 1967 1999 1985 1998 1986 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Giladi, Kreindal C. Goldberg, Paul A. Hirakubo, Nakato Klein, Yehuda L. Langbert, Mitchell McTague, Edward Queneau, Herve' Stone, Charles A. Testa, Gary J. Thorne, Emanuel D. Uctum, Merih Widman, Robert A. Zelcer, Moishe Connell, Carol Fogel, Joshua Kass-Shraibman, Frimette Lopez-Pumarejo, Tomas Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Ext 2085 Ext 2086 Ext 2087 Ext 2088 Ext 2091 Ext 2093 Ext 2097 951-5317 Ext 2642 Ext 2643 Ext 2644 Ext 2645 Ext 2646 Ext 2677 Ext 2676 951-5568 Ext 2092 CUNY-City College Economics Faculty Silverstein, Brett Kellman, Mitchell Chow, Peter Galatin, Malcolm Klebaner, Benjamim Cakici, Nusret Shachmurove, Yochanan Binz-Scharf, Marcia Foster, Kevin Sargut, G. Weiner, Ross Jelen, Jonathan New York, NY 10031 (212) 650-5404 Department of Economics Fax=650-6341 Dena 650-5700 C-Pr$ 650-6203 DEF Prof 650-6206 chowpete@y O Prof 650-6208 CE Prof 650-6212 E Assoc 650-6204 ncakici G Assoc 650-6202 yshachmurove CEFG Asst 650-6211 Asst 650-6201 kfoster Asst 650-6202 Asst 650-6213 rweiner ADJL Adj 650-6213 AM CUNY-Lehman College Economics Faculty email @1=cunyvm.cuny.edu Shreiber, Chanoch Cirace, John Sharav, Itzhak Kayaalp, Orhan Kraus, James A. Chatha, Jaspal Fields, Judith M. Honig, Susan Hurley, Dene T. Nagler, Matthew G. Chung, Kuk-Soo Rodriguez, Ada Tauber, Linda Bronx, NY 10468-1589 (718) 960-8297 Dept of Economics & Atg Fax=960-1173 C-Pr Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect Lect Lect CUNY-Hunter College Department of Economics Friedlander, Judith Honig, Marjorie Agbeyegbe, Terence Chernick, Howard Golbe, Devra L. Goodspeed, Timothy J. Deb, Partha Filer, Randall K. McLaughlin, Kenneth J. Conning, Jonathan H. George, Lisa M. Nyman, Ingmar Pratap, Sangeeta Sevak, Purvi Westelius, Niklas J. New York, NY 10021 (212) 772-5400 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=772-5398 Dean 772-5121 C-Pr 772-5400 mhonig Prof 772-5405 tagbeyegbe Prof 772-5400 howard.chernick Prof 772-5408 dgolbe Prof 772-5434 tgoodspe Assoc 772-5435 partha.deb C Assoc 772-5399 rfiler Assoc 772-5439 kenneth.mclau+ Asst 772-5403 jconning Asst 772-5437 lisa.george Asst 772-5442 ingmar.nyman Asst 772-5446 sangeeta.pratap Asst 772-5404 psevak Asst 772-5433 niklas.westelius 960-8297 960-8388 960-8388 960-8598 960-8159 960-8461 960-8384 960-8389 960-8389 960-8461 960-8386 960-8389 960-8389 kgiladi paulg hirakubo yklein langbert emctague queneau cstone gtesta ethorne muctum rwidman mzelcer cconnell jfogel frimette tomas HP CDQ A G chanoch.shr+ john.cirace itzhak.sharav orhan.kayaalp james.kraus jaspa.chatha judith.fields susan.honig dene.hurley matthew.nagler kuklc@1 ada.rodriguez linda.tauber 32 MA PHD DPS PHD PHD MBA PHD 81 84 95 85 91 75 96 CUNY Columbia Pace Berkeley Columbia Fairl Dick ParisDaup 1981 1978 2001 1989 1998 1982 MBA PHD PHD MBA PHD 78 94 89 73 91 St Johns Yale Queens Rutgers Baruch 1978 1989 1996 1978 2-77 PHD 91 Minnesota 2001 cuny.cuny.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD JD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD MA MBA MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 76 65 52 89 83 Penn S Illinois MIT Columbia Baruch Minnesota 1982 1986 1967 1947 1997 1997 Yale 1998 99 Mass 1999 92 PAU France1977 lehman.cuny.edu Kim Pierce 73 75 71 84 Columbia Columbia CUNY 9-67 CUNY 1979 Columbia 85 New Sch 84 NYU 1984 Pace Northeas Berkeley Yale hunter.cuny.edu J. Tyson/B. Saunders 71 83 76 79 86 91 79 87 96 01 96 98 02 02 Columbia Essex Penn NYU Maryland Rutgers Princeton Chicago Yale Penn Columbia NYU Michigan Columbia 9-81 1994 1982 1987 9-94 1986 9-94 CUNY-Queens College Flushing, NY 11367-0904 (718) 997-5440 qc.cuny.edu Department of Economics School of Gen Studies Fax=997-5466 Ms. Sandra Lee Kotler Homepage: www.qc-econ-bba.org/index.html Hendrey-Field, Elizabeth Dean 997-5210 elizabeth.henry NJC PHD 85 Duke 1989 Gabel, David J. C-Ac 997-5452 david.gabel DNC PHD 87 Wisconsin 1987 Edelstein, Michael Prof 997-5455 michael_edels+ NOF PHD 70 Penn 1974 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Franklin, Raymond S. Gram, Harvey H. Kaufmann, Hugo M. Levenson, Albert M. Lipsey, Robert E. Riskin, Carl A. email: [email protected] Roistacher, Elizabeth A. [email protected] Tabb, William K. Thurston, Thom B. Devereux, John J. Dohan, Michael R. email: [email protected] Nix, Joan Solon, Babette S. Chun, Jyunbae Edwards, Ryan email: [email protected] Feliciano, Zadia M. Liu, Gaoquan email: [email protected] Usher, Leanne Vakulabharanam, Vamsi Wang, Tao Emer Prof Prof Emer Emer Prof 997-5204 997-5448 997-5449 997-5444 997-5443 997-5454 Prof CUNY-Col of Staten Island Economics Faculty Petratos, Vasilios Schwarz, Samuel Wegge, Simone White, Mark D. Meltzer, Yale L. Mohanty, Lisa Osakue, John U. Voicu, Alex Staten Isl, NY 10314 (718) 982-2900 Dept Pol Sci,Econ &Phil Fax=982-2888 C-Ac 982-2903 petratos BF Prof 982-2897 schwarz KC Assoc 982-2897 wegge JN Assoc 982-3193 whitem C Asst 982-2896 meltzer EG Asst 982-3011 mohanty Asst 982-2898 osakue FO Asst 982-2899 voicu 33 JBP FCE FE DFC FC POQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 73 68 59 61 69 997-5453 RH PHD 72 Penn 1974 Prof Prof Assoc Assoc 997-5451 997-5457 tthurston 997-5446 jdebereux@h 997-5464 RO EC DFO PQ PHD PHD PHD PHD 68 70 89 69 Wisconsin Berkeley Chicago MIT 1971 1971 1998 1971 Assoc Emer Asst Asst 997-5447 joan.nix 997-5445 sbo$econ 997-5450 hyunbae_chun 997-5189 DG DJ JLD EI PHD PHD PHD PHD 89 58 95 02 NYU MIT NYU Berkeley 1988 1961 2001 2006 Asst Asst 997-5440 zadia_feliciano 997-5456 JFN D PHD PHD 95 Harvard 05 Penn Asst Asst Asst 997-5412 leanne.usher 997-5443 vamsi 997-5445 tao_wang G PHD O PHD GCEF PHD harvey.gram euro2002@a albert_levenson rlipsey PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD Berkeley Wisconsin Columbia Columbia Columbia Berkeley 1966 1974 1967 1961 1967 1974 1994 2006 04 NSU 2004 04 Mass 2004 00 J Hopkins 2003 postbox.csi.cuny.edu Paula Arginteanu 70 NYU 1974 78 Columbia 1986 97 Nrthwstrn 97 Cincinnati 1993 66 NYU 1983 01 Ca-Rivers 80 Nebraska 1991 01 Rutgers Claremont McKenna College Claremont, CA 91711-6400 (909) 607-3041 claremontmckenna.edu Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=621-8249 Nancy Faust Homepage: econ.claremontmckenna.edu Hess, Gregory Dean 621-8117 greg.hess E PHD 89 J Hopkins 2002 Russell S. Bock Chair of Public Economics and Taxation Keil, Manfred W. C-Ac 607-3899 manfred.keil ECJA PHD 85 LondonEc 7-95 Arndt, Sven W. Prof 621-8012 sven.arndt PHD 64 Berkeley 1990 Charles M. Stone Professor of Money, Credit & Trade Ascher, William Prof 607-3071 william.ascher PHD 75 Yale 2000 Blomberg, Brock Prof 607-2654 brock.blomberg E PHD 94 J Hopkins 2003 Burdekin, Richard C. K. Prof 607-2884 richard.burdekin PHD 85 Houston 1989 Helland, Eric Prof 607-2654 eric.helland PHD 95 U Wash 1998 Massoud, Marcos A. (Mark) Prof 607-3203 marc.massoud PHD 73 NYU 1984 Robert A. Day Distinguished Professor of Accounting Meulbroek, Lisa Prof 607-7363 lisa.meulbroek PHD 90 MIT 2003 Mulherin, Harold Prof 607-3141 harold.mulherin PHD 84 UCLA 2001 Smith, Janet K. Prof 607-3276 janet.smith PHD 80 UCLA 1996 Teeples, Ronald K. Prof 607-2964 ron.teeples PHD 70 UCLA 1969 Boswell Professor of Economics Willett, Thomas D. Prof 621-8012 tom.willett PHD 67 Virginia 1977 Horton Professor of Economics Wright, Colin Prof 607-3003 colin.wright PHD 66 Chicago 1977 Norwood and Frances Berger Professor of Business & Soc Antecol, Heather Assoc 607-7140 heather.antecol JIG PHD 99 McMaster Lambertini, Luisa Assoc 607-0720 luisa.lambertini EF PHD 95 Berkeley 2005 Rosett, Joshua Assoc 607-3625 joshua.rosett PHD 95 Princeton 2003 Weidenmier, Marc Assoc 607-8497 marc.weidenmier PHD 99 Illinois 1999 Goeree, Michelle Asst 607-7260 michelle.goeree PHD 02 Virginia 2004 Raviv, Yaron Asst 607-7305 rayon.raviv PHD 04 Princeton 2004 Ward-Batts, Jennifer Asst 607-2800 jennifer.ward+ PHD 99 U Wash Clarion Univ of Pennsylvania Department of Economics Homepage: www.clarion.edu/econ Pesek, James G. Raehsler, Rod D. Balough, Robert S. Sanders, William V. Clarion, PA 16214-1232 (814) 393-2627 College of Business Fax=393-1910 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof 393-2600 393-2627 393-2627 393-2623 jpesek raehsler balough sanders Mgt BCEN CEFG DFJP PHD PHD PHD PHD clarion.edu Sharon Bauer 84 93 81 81 Pittsburgh Iowa N Illinois Penn St 8-80 1992 1981 1981 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Sohng, Soong Nark Stine, William F. Yang, Chin-Wei Smith, Lynn A. Trejos, Sandra Woodburne, Paul Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 393-2632 393-2612 393-2609 393-2633 393-2620 393-1965 sohng stine yang lsmith strejos pwoodburne AFO DHR DFHR JL AFO ABE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Clark University Worcester, MA 01610-1477 (508) 793-7226 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=793-8849 Homepage: www.clarku.edu/departments/econ Weinrobe, Maurice D. C-Pr 793-7248 mweinrobe ET PHD Gray, Wayne B. Prof 793-7693 wgray JCD PHD Brown, John C. Assoc 793-7390 jbrown NR PHD Geoghegan, Jacqueline Assoc 793-7709 jgeoghegan QROC PHD Bae, Sanghoo Asst 793-7101 sbae DL PHD Bokil, Madhavi Asst 793-7185 mbokil EF PHD Callan, Myles Asst 793-7237 mcallan EC PHD Ickowitz, Amy Asst 792-7281 aickowitz OQ PHD Zhang, Junfu Asst 793-7247 juzhang RD PHD Clark Atlanta University Department of Economics Jefferson, Jonathan Nyomba, Ajamu Bezuneh, Mesfin Carter, Charlie Yiheyis, Zelealm Atlanta, GA School of Business Dean 880-8451 C-Ac 880-6286 Prof 880-6274 Assoc 880-6288 Asst 880-6289 Clarkson University Faculty of Economics Homepage: www.som.clarkson.edu Sugrue, Timothy F. Atesoglu, H. Sonmez Mullen, John K. Frascatore, Mark Emerson, Jamie Heintzelman, Martin Nocetti, Diego Potsdam, NY 13699-5765 (315) 268-2300 School of Business Fax=268-2301 Dean Prof Prof Assoc Asst Asst Asst Clayton College & St Univ Economics Faculty Miller, Ernest M. (Bud) Arjomand, H. Lari Finlay, Nikki Kheirandish, Reza Morrow, GA 30260-0285 (770) 466-3410 School of Business Fax=466-0801 Dean 961-3410 ernestmiller MBA Prof 466-4530 lariarjomand PHD Asst 466-4533 PHD VAsst 466-4532 ABD 268-2300 268-7981 268-4283 268-3850 268-6457 268-6427 268-3870 34 82 83 79 85 00 99 tsugrue atesoglu mullenj frascatm jemerson mheintze dnocetti PHD PHD PHD PHD Fnce EFO GHR DL CH GM FE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-1309 (864) 656-3481 Department of Economics Col Business & Beh Sci Fax=656-4192 Homepage: www.clemson.edu/economics Sauer, Raymond D. Jr. C-Pr 656-3969 sauerr LGKD PHD Benjamin, Daniel K. Prof 656-3964 wahoo DEGJ PHD Dougan, William R. Prof 656-4533 douganw HDEL PHD Lindsay, Cotton M. Prof 656-3955 lindsay DHJK PHD J. Wilson Newman Professor Maloney, Michael T. Prof 656-3430 maloney DGKL PHD McCormick, Robert E. Prof 656-3441 sixmile DGKH PHD Placone, Dennis L. Prof 656-3951 dlplc FPH PHD Simon, Curtis J. Prof 656-3966 cjsmn JOR PHD Tamura, Robert F. Prof 656-1242 rtamura IJO PHD Tollison, Robert D. Prof 656-0483 rtollis LHKB PHD Warner, John T. Prof 656-3967 jtwarne DJE PHD Wilson, Paul W. Prof 656-2032 pww DIR PHD Baier, Scott L. Assoc 656-4534 sbaier FED PHD Gordon, David B. Assoc 656-3956 gd DE PHD Kirby, Chris Assoc 66-0553c mkirby P PHD Coffey, Bentley Guiou Asst 656-6786 bcoffey DIR PHD Cuberes, David Asst 65603965 cuberes EOR PHD Dills, Angela K. Asst 656-3970 adills IHJ PHD Jerzmanowki, Michal Maria Asst 656-0551 mjerzma OEC PHD Kendall, Todd D. Asst 656-0554 tkendal DJ PHD Oreffice, Sonia Asst 656-1154 oreffic DIJ PHD Thomas, Charles Asst 656-5966 cjt DL PHD Tsui, Kevin Asst 656-3953 ktsui HJQ PHD 1981 1981 1981 1989 2004 1998 clarku.edu Ms. Cindy Rice 69 83 86 95 03 05 00 94 01 30314-4391 (404) 880-6273 Fax=880-8458 anyomba mbezuneh ccarter zyiheyis Wayne St Fordham W Virginia Pittsburgh Okla St Ca-Rivers Cornell 1976 Harvard 1984 Michigan 1986 Berkeley 1996 Mich St 2003 Ca-SnCruz 2005 Penn St 2002 Ca-Rivers 2004 J Hopkins 2006 cau.edu Gwen Donaway 91 Tx-Austin 85 Va Tech 75 Illinois clarkson.edu Sue Wood 85 72 78 94 Mass Pittsburgh SUNY-Bin Va Tech Syracuse 06 Michigan 06 Memphis 2000 1977 1977 1994 2006 2006 clayton.edu 70 Harvard 1998 80 Oklahoma 1980 98 Geo St Va Tech clemson.edu Debbie Cornett 85 75 81 68 U Wash UCLA Chicago Virginia 9-90 6-86 8-88 8-84 78 78 82 85 88 69 76 86 96 95 94 04 05 02 03 03 04 05 06 LSU Tx A&M Pittsburgh SUNY-Bin Chicago Virginia N Car St Brown Mich St Chicago Duke Duke Chicago Boston U Brown Chicago Chicago Princeton Chicago 9-75 6-80 8-76 8-85 8-96 8-02 5-81 8-06 D-00 8-93 8-05 5-04 8-05 8-02 8-03 8-03 8-04 8-05 8-06 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Zhang, Lei Asst 656-6853 zlei HO Cleveland State University Department of Economics Sadlek, Greg Chang, Myong-Hun Bell, Edward B. Harford, Jon D. Stein, Sheldon H. Stewart, Douglas O. Taub, Allan J. Buttet, Sebastien N. Kosteas, Billy D. Cleveland, OH 44115 (216) 687-4520 Col Lib Arts & Soc Sci Fax=687-9206 Dean 687-3660 g.saklek C-Pr 687-4523 m.chang LDMN Assoc 687-4519 e.bell DHJ Assoc 687-4524 j.harford DHKQ Assoc 687-4537 s.stein CER Assoc 687-4515 d.o.stewart DH Assoc 687-4528 a.taub CD Asst 687-9301 s.buttet CDO Asst 687-4526 b.kosteas DFJ Coe College Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319) 399-8523 Economics Faculty Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=399-8030 Carstens, Pamela J. C-Pr 399-8690 pcarsten Wu, Mickey Tai Chuen Prof 359-8727 mwu ACEF George R. Baker Professor of Economics and Business Administration Eichhorn, Richard Assoc 399-8862 eichhorn CE Hoag, Christopher Asst 399-8247 choag CGN PHD 04 Stanford PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD csuohio.edu Mrs. Joan A. Tucker Nebraska 2005 89 J Hopkins 1988 73 Ohio St 1971 74 Stanford 1982 78 J Hopkins 1976 74 Michigan 1972 73 Nrthwstrn 1971 06 Minnesota 2006 03 Ohio St 2003 The Colorado College Economics Faculty Stimpert, Larry Kapuria-Foreman, Vibha Rittenberg, Libby T. 8-04 coe.edu PHD PHD 93 Iowa 1985 79 Kentucky 1979 PHD PHD 99 Colo St 03 Cal Tech Colby College Waterville, ME 04901-8852 (207) 859-5230 Economics Faculty Economic Department Fax=859-5229 Homepage: www.colby.edu/economics Yeterian, Edward Dean 859-4770 ehyeteri Barbezat, Debra A. C-Pr 859-5239 dabarbez JIA PHD Findlay, David W. Prof 859-5233 dwfindla EGA PHD Pugh Family Professor of Economics Franko, Patrice Prof 859-5234 pmfranko FAO PHD Grossman Professor of Economics Meehan, James W. Prof 859-5237 jwmeehan DM PHD Herbert E. Wadsworth Professor of Economics Nelson, Randy A. Prof 859-5238 ranelson GM PHD Douglas Professor of Economics Reid, Clifford E. Prof 859-5240 cereid DCHR PHD Dana Professor of Economics Tietenberg, Thomas H. Prof 859-5242 thtieten QK PHD Mitchell Family Professor of Economics Donihue, Michael R. Assoc 859-5232 mrdonihu CEA PHD Brown, Philip H. Asst 859-5246 phbrown OIJ PHD Long, Jason M. Asst 859-5243 jmlong N PHD Waldkirch, Andreas Asst 859-5244 awaldkir FD PHD Colgate University Hamilton, NY 13346 (315) 228-7533 Economics Faculty Economics Department Fax=228-7033 Kato, Takao C-Pr 228-7562 tkato J N. S. Schupf Professor in Far Eastern Studies Baldani, Jeffrey P. Prof 228-7519 jbaldani CD Haines, Michael R. Prof 228-7536 mhaines TN Banfi Vintners Professor of Economics Mandle, Jay R. Prof 228-7960 jmandle ON W. Bradford Wiley Professor of Economics Michl, Thomas R. Prof 228-7526 tmichl EJ Pinchin, Hugh M. Prof 228-7539 hpinchin F Rask, Kevin N. Prof 228-7524 krask QI Tiefenthaler, Jill M. Prof 228-7523 tiefenthaler TO Turner, Robert W. Prof 228-7529 rturner CH Waldman, Don E. Prof 228-7530 dwaldman L Richard M. Kessler Professor of Economic Studies Grapard, Ulla A. Assoc 228-7538 ugrapard AB Khanna, Jyoti Assoc 228-7527 jkhanna H Ionescu, Anamarie Asst 228-7955 fionescu E Jubinski, Dan Asst 228-7541 djubinski G Long, Cheryl Asst 228-7024 clong K Simpson, Nicole B. Asst 228-7991 nsimpson E Sparber, Chad Asst 228-7804 csparber DE 35 2000 2003 colby.edu Dianne Labreck 85 Michigan 86 Purdue 1992 1985 86 Notre Dm 1986 67 Boston C 1973 79 Illinois 1987 73 Princeton 1987 71 Wisconsin 1977 89 03 02 01 Michigan Michigan Nrthwstrn Boston C 1989 2003 2002 2005 PHD mail.colgate.edu Ginger Babich 86 Queen's 1986 PHD PHD 83 Cornell 71 Penn PHD 69 Penn PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 70 91 91 84 76 New Sch Yale Duke Duke MIT Cornell 1983 1965 1991 1991 1983 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 90 06 01 01 01 06 Cornell Iowa St Iowa Virginia Wash U Iowa Ca-Davis 1985 1992 2006 2001 2001 2001 2006 1982 1990 Colorado Spr, CO 80903 (719) 389-6407 coloradcollege.edu Dept of Economics & Bus Fax=389-6927 N. Heinecke/S. Burns C-Pr 389-6418 lstimpert Atg PHD 92 Illinois 1996 Prof 389-6419 vkapuria PHD 87 Pittsburgh 1989 Prof 389-6410 lrittenberg PHD 80 Rutgers 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Smith, Mark G. Redmount, Esther R. Fenn, Aju Johnson, Daniel K. Stinespring, John Prof Assoc Asst Asst Asst 389-6411 389-6412 389-6409 389-6654 389-6416 msmith eredmount [email protected] djohnson jstinesspring HQ AD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 36 87 85 98 98 01 Duke Virginia Iowa St Yale Iowa St 1988 1987 2002 2004 2002 Univ of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0256 (303) 492-6394 colorado.edu Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=492-8960 Maria Oliveras 492-5168 Homepage: www.colorado.edu/economics Flores, Nicholas E. C-Ac 492-8145 nicholas.flores Q PHD 95 Ca-SnDgo 1995 Alston, Lee Prof 735-3146 lee.alston NO PHD 78 U Wash 2002 Carlos, Ann M. Prof 492-8737 ann.carlos N PHD 80 W Ontario 1990 Chen, Yongmin Prof 491-8736 yongmin.chen DL PHD 92 Boston U 1996 Graves, Philip E. Prof 492-7021 philip.graves QR PHD 73 Nrthwstrn 1976 Greenwood, Michael J. Prof 492-7413 michael.greenw+ R PHD 67 Nrthwstrn 1980 Hsiao, Frank S. T. Prof 492-7908 frank.hsiao CO PHD 67 Rochester 1975 Kaempfer, William H. Prof 492-4486 william.kaempfer F PHD 79 Duke 1981 Markusen, James R. Prof 492-0748 james.markusen F PHD 73 Boston C 1990 Director, Carl McGuire Center for International Studies Maskus, Keith E. Prof 492-7588 keith.maskus FO PHD 81 Michigan 1981 McNown, Robert F. Prof 492-8295 robert.mcnown CT PHD 71 Ca-SnDgo 1971 Morey, Edward R. Prof 492-6898 edward.morey Q PHD 78 Brit Colum 1980 Poulson, Barry W. Prof 492-7414 barry.poulson O PHD 65 Ohio St 1965 Waldman, Donald M. Prof 492-6781 donald.waldman C PHD 79 Wisconsin 1984 Zax, Jeffrey S. Prof 492-8268 jeffrey.zax JH PHD 84 Harvard 1990 Boileau, Martin Assoc 492-2108 martin.bioleau EF PHD 94 Queen's 1998 deBartolome, Charles Assoc 492-4464 charles.debar+ H PHD 85 Penn 1993 Iyigun, Murat Assoc 492-6653 murat.iyigun EO PHD 95 Brown 2000 Keller, Wolfgang Assoc 735-5507 wolfgang.keller FO PHD 95 Yale Shiue, Carol H. Assoc 492-5169 carol.shiue ON PHD 99 Yale Barham, Tania Asst 492-7407 tania.barham PHD 05 Berkeley Demeriel, Ufuk Devrim Asst 492-2585 demeriel PHD 05 Virginia Lamping, Jennifer Asst 492-3827 jennifer.lamping PHD 05 Columbia McKinnish, Terra Asst 492-6770 terra.mckinnish J PHD 99 Car Mellon 1999 Mobarak, A. Mushfiq Asst 492-8872 ahmed.mobarak PHD 02 Maryland Rubinchik-Pessah, Anna Asst 735-0220 anna.rubinchik DH PHD 01 Penn 2001 Savage, Scott J. Asst 735-1165 scott.savage L PHD 00 Curtin 2003 Utar, Hale Asst 492-7869 hale.utar PHD 06 Penn St Walsh, Randall P. Asst 492-4599 randall.walsh LQ PHD 01 Duke 2001 Kaplan, Jules Inst 492-2657 jules.kaplan A PHD 97 Colorado 2000 U of Colorado at Co Springs Colorado Spr, CO Department of Economics Letters, Arts, & Sci Homepage: web.uccs.edu/economics Christensen, Tom Dean 262-4550 DeBoer, Dale C-Ac 262-4032 Ballantyne, A. Paul Prof 262-4002 Greenwood, Daphne T. Prof 262-4031 Brock, John R. Jr. VAsoc 262-4033 Eubanks, Larry S. Assoc 262-4003 Univ of Colorado at Denver Dept of Economics, CB 181 Homepage: econ.cudenver.edu Beckman, Steven R. Argys, Laura M. Helburn, Suzanne W. Hsiao, Mei-chu W. Medema, Steven G. Mocan, Naci H. Morris, John R. Jr. Smith, W. James Zheng, Buhong Duncan, Brian Rees, Daniel I. 80918 (719) 262-4018 Fax=262-4558 ddebeor pballant dgreenwo jbrock leubanks Phys AFO ABEO HJT DHKL DHQ uccs.edu Rose Johnson PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 65 80 88 80 Ca-Davis Stanford Oklahoma Cornell Wyoming 1993 1967 1980 1998 1986 Denver, CO 80204 (303) 556-4413 cudenver.edu Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=556-3547 Christine Lukvec, Prog Asst C-Ac Prof Emer Prof Prof Prof Emer Prof Prof Assoc Assoc 556-3048 556-3949 556-8305 556-8322 556-8511 556-8540 556-2570 556-2557 556-8375 556-6763 556-3348 Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO Department of Economics Col of Liberal Arts Homepage: www.colostate.edu/depts/econ Shulman, Steven J. C-Pr 491-6940 Bernasek, Alexandra Prof 491-6856 Associate Dean College of Liberal Arts Cutler, Harvey Prof 491-5704 Fan, Chuen-mel Prof 491-5438 steven.beckman laura.argys mei-chu.hsiao steven.medina naci.mocan jim.smith buhong.zheng brian.duncan daniel.rees F IOCD BI OC BHDK CJI BI O HC J PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 80523-1771 (970) 491-6324 Fax=491-2925 82 93 61 67 89 89 66 76 93 98 92 Ca-Davis 1988 Colorado 1990 Indiana 1970 Rochester 1981 Mich St 1989 CUNY 1990 Purdue 1970 Colorado W Virginia 1995 Ca-SnBarb 1998 Cornell 1993 colostate.edu Diana Schwindt steven.shulman alexandra.ber+ JK DA PHD PHD 84 Mass 92 Michigan 1984 1992 harvey.cutler chuenmel.fan R HD PHD PHD 85 U Wash 1980 72 Minnesota 1978 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 37 Jianakoplos, Nancy A. Keller, Robert R. Director, Honor's Program Ozawa, Terutomo Phillips, Ronnie J. Stanfield, James Ronald Weiler, Stephan Kling, Robert W. Marangos, John Mushinski, David Revier, Charles F. Brannstein, Elissa Caliendo, Frank Shields, Martin Prof Prof 491-6537 nancy.jianak+ 491-5679 robert.keller CE EN PHD PHD 83 Ohio St 1990 71 Wisconsin 1974 Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 491-6076 491-6079 491-6891 491-3883 491-6566 491-6657 491-3911 491-2929 491-5249 491-0821 491-6324 FO G BA RO DQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 80 72 94 85 01 96 78 00 03 98 Colorado State Univ-Pueblo Business Adm Department Fuller, Rex D. Hanks, Sue Duncan, Kevin C. Whited, Ida Pueblo, CO 81001-4901 (719) 549-2142 Hasan Sch of Business Fax=549-2909 Dean 549-2142 rex.fuller JLH PHD C-Ac 549-2882 sue.hanks Mgt EDD Prof 549-2228 kevin.duncan JR PHD Asst 549-3843 ida.whited GEF PHD colostate-pueblo.edu Columbia University New York, NY 10027-6902 (212) 854-8057 Div of Finance & Economics School of Business Fax=854-9895 Homepage: www.gsb.columbia.edu/divisions/finance Hubbard, R. Glenn Dean 854-2288 rgh1 HEG PHD Glosten, Lawrence R. C-Pr 854-2476 lrg2 Fnce PHD Bagwell, Kyle W. Prof 854-5890 kwb8 LF PHD Bartel, Ann Prof 854-4419 apb2 PHD A. Barton Hepbum Professor of Economics Donaldson, John B. Prof 854-4436 jd34 PHD Mario J. Gabelli Professor of Finance Edwards, Franklin R. Prof 854-4202 fre1 PHD Arthur F. Burns Professor of Free and Competitive Enterprise Greenwald, Bruce C. N. Prof 854-3491 bg7 PHD Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management Heal, Geoffrey M. Prof 854-6084 gmh1 PHD Paul Garett Professor of Public Policy and Business Responsibility Hodrick, Robert Prof 854-3492 rh169 PHD Nomuro Professor of International Finance Lichtenberg, Frank R. Prof 854-4408 frl1 PHD Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business Mishkin, Frederic S. Prof 854-3488 fsm3 PHD Alfred Lerner Professor of Banking and Financial Institutions Noam, Eli Prof 854-4596 emn1 PHD Riordan, Michael H. Prof 854-9152 mhr21 DLG PHD Sicherman, Nachum Prof 854-4464 ns38 PHD Siconolfi, Paolo Prof 854-3474 ps17 PHD Stiglitz, Joseph E. Prof 854-0671 jes322 PHD Wilkinson, Maurice Prof 854-4481 mw16 PHD Zeldes, Stephen P. Prof 854-2492 spz1 PHD Benjamin Rosen Professor of Finance and Economics Fisman, Raymond Assoc 854-9157 rf250 PHD Giannoni, Marc Assoc 854-6118 mg2190 PHD Himmelberg, Charles P. Assoc 854-2622 cph15 DEL PHD columbia.edu Lauren E. Sprengel Columbia University New York, NY Department of Economics Arts & Sciences Homepage: www.columbia.edu/cu/economics Currie, Janet C-Pr 854-4520 Bagwell, Kyle W. Prof 854-5890 Bhagwati, Jagdish Prof 854-6297 Bolton, Patrick Prof 854-9245 Casella, Alessandra Prof 854-2459 Che, Yeon-Koo Prof 854-8276 Chiappori, Pierre-Andre Prof 854-6369 Chichilnisky, Graciela Prof 854-6897 Clarida, Richard Prof 854-3682 Davis, Donald R. Prof 854-4037 Desai, Padma Prof 854-2266 Dhrymes, Phoebus Prof 854-4459 Dutta, Prajit Prof 854-4742 Findlay, Ronald Prof 854-3674 Lee, David S. Prof 854-8033 MacLeod, W. Bentley Prof 854-4212 terutomo.ozawa ronnie.phillips ronald.stanfield stephen.weiler robert.kling john.marangos david.mushinski charles.revier elissa.brannst+ frank.caliendo martin.shields CH EH F C R 82 83 87 00 83 80 86 74 LF F EF CQ FE F O B DLG FB PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Utah Arkansas Utah Claremont Harvard Nrthwstrn Stanford Columbia 1974 1983 1976 1996 1984 2003 1997 1974 2005 2005 2006 2100 1992 1994 2001 1988 1989 1996 1976 76 Car Mellon 1977 64 Harvard 1966 78 MIT 1991 68 Cambridge 1983 96 Chicago 1996 82 Penn 1983 76 MIT 1983 75 81 87 87 66 65 84 1976 1999 1991 1989 2001 1965 1996 Harvard Berkeley Columbia Penn MIT Harvard Brown 98 Harvard 1999 Princeton 2000 90 Nrthwstrn 1995 10027-6989 (212) 854-3680 Fax=854-8059 jc2663 kwb8 jb38 pb2208 ac186 yc2271 pc2167 gc9 rhc2 drd28 pd5 pjd1 pkd1 ref2 dl2357 wbm2103 Columbia Tx-Austin Oklahoma Berkeley Kansas LaTrobe Wisconsin MIT Mass Utah St Wisconsin columbia.edu Angela Reid 88 86 67 86 88 91 81 74 83 92 60 61 87 60 99 84 Princeton Stanford MIT LondonSE MIT Stanford Paris Berkeley Harvard Columbia Harvard MIT Cornell MIT Princeton Brit Colum 2005 1996 1980 2005 1983 2005 1977 1988 1999 1980 1973 1992 1970 2006 2005 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mundell, Robert O'Flaherty, Brendan Phelps, Edmund Riordan, Michael H. Sachs, Jeffrey D. Sala-i-Martin, Xavier Salanie, Bernard Stiglitz, Joseph E. Vytacil, Edward Weinstein, David E. Woodford, Michael Amarante, Massimiliano Edlund, Lena Henry, Marc Kopczuk, Wojciech Miyagawa, Eiichi Albanesi, Stefania Almond, Douglas Ho, Katherine Kristensen, Dennis Linden, Leigh Onatski, Alexei Pop-Eleches, Christian Preston, Bruce Schlenker, Wolfram Urquiola, Miguel Verhoogen, Eric Von Wachter, Till Elmes, Susan Gulati, Sunil Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect Lect Columbus State University Dept of Accounting & Finance Hadley, Linda Langston, Vicky Daniels, Michael J. Associate Dean Shalishali, Maurice K. Jauvegui, Andres Cassman, Joel Columbus, GA 31907-5645 (706) 568-2044 D. Abbott Turner C Bus Fax=568-2184 Dean 568-2044 hadley_linda Fnce PHD C-Ac 562-1663 langston_vicky FLRQ PHD Prof 568-2297 daniels_michael JKR PHD 92 Auburn 1992 83 Tx-Austin 2003 79 Geo St 1980 Prof Asst Lect 92 Auburn 1999 06 Auburn 2006 81 Ca-Davis 2006 Concordia College MN Economics Faculty Homepage: www.cord.edu Stradley, Scot A. Moewes, David S. Hiestand, Thomas W. 854-3669 854-2449 854-2060 854-6984 854-8704 854-7055 854-1677 854-0671 854-2512 854-6880 854-1094 854-5488 854-4513 854-3690 854-2519 854-3926 854-4478 854-3239 854-7605 854-5489 854-3239 854-3685 854-4476 854-4092 854-1806 854-3769 854-4428 854-5712 854-9124 854-4067 ram15 bo2 esp2 mhr21 sachs xs23 bs2237 jes322 ev2156 dew35 mw2230 ma734 le93 mh530 wk2110 em347 sa2310 da2152 kh2214 dk2313 ll2240 ao2027 cp2124 bp2121 ws2162 msu2101 ev2124 vw2112 se9 skg21 562-1672 shalishali.maur+ 568-2281 jauvegui_andres cassman_joe EF RA EG LO IOQ OE EGO F C HIT CIG DH DH E JQT EI IO EJ AC AO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 38 AFJG PHD QR PHD MF ABD 56 80 59 81 80 90 92 66 00 91 83 99 96 98 01 92 01 02 05 04 04 01 03 03 03 00 04 03 91 87 cord.edu Jessi Mithun PHD PHD PHD 77 Utah 2001 82 Utah 1968 74 Kansas St 1972 Connecticut College New London, CT 06320-4196 (860) 439-2248 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=439-5332 Homepage: camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/index.ht Howes, Candace C-Ac 447-1911 chow DJC PHD Cruz-Saco, Maria A. Prof 447-1911 macru O PHD Jensen, Rolf W. Prof 447-1911 rwjen OF PHD McKenna, Edward J. Prof 447-1911 ejmck EC PHD Pack, Spencer J. Prof 447-1911 sjpac BN PHD Peppard, Donald M. Jr. Prof 447-1911 dmpep RH PHD Visgilio, Gerald R. Prof 447-1911 grvis KQ PHD Mardon, Merrilee Asst 447-1911 mmard OF PHD Park, Yongjin Asst 447-1911 ypar GCD PHD conncoll.edu Nancy Lewandowski University of Connecticut Department of Economics Homepage: www.econ.uconn.edu/ Mackinnon, Ross D. Heffley, Dennis R. Carstensen, Fred V. Cosgel, Metin M. Hallwood, C. Paul Knoblauch, Vicki I. Langlois, Richard N. Miceli, Thomas J. Ray, Subhash C. Ross, Stephen NAB EH CD 1974 1987 1971 1999 2002 1996 2005 2001 2005 1999 2004 1999 1999 1998 2003 1998 2005 2005 2005 2006 2004 2001 2003 2003 2005 2003 2004 2003 1988 1996 colstate.edu Moorhead, MN 56562 (218) 299-4411 Dept of Bus, Atg & Econ Fax=299-4277 C-Pr 299-3115 stradley Prof 299-3488 moewes Assoc 299-3483 hiestand MIT Harvard Yale Berkeley Harvard Harvard EHESS MIT Chicago Michigan MIT MIT Stockholm LondonEc Michigan Rochester Nrthwstrn Berkeley Harvard LondonSE MIT Harvard Harvard Princeton Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley Princeton Columbia 91 83 81 81 83 75 73 05 03 Storrs, CT 06269-1063 (860) 486-3022 Col of Lib Arts & Scien Fax=486-4463 Dean H-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 486-2713 486-4669 486-0614 486-4662 445-3478 486-9076 486-3472 486-5810 486-3967 486-3533 ross.mackinnon dennis.heffley fred.carstensen metin.cosgel paul.hallwood vicki.knoblauch richard.langlois thomas.miceli subhash.ray stephen.ross Geog RI N N F D B KR CD R PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Berkeley Pittsburgh Mass SUNY-SBr NewHamp Mich St Rhode Isl Mass Mass 1995 1990 1981 2006 2003 uconn.edu Steven Jagielo 68 75 76 89 88 91 81 88 81 94 Nrthwstrn 1996 Ca-SnBarb 1973 Yale 1982 Iowa 1989 Aberdeen 1986 Wi-Milwa 2000 Stanford 1983 Brown 1987 Ca-SnBarb 1982 Syracuse 1994 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Sacks, Stephen R. Segerson, Kathleen Ahking, Francis W. Alpert, William T. Couch, Kenneth A. Cunningham, Steven R. Harmon, Oskar R. Kimenyi, Samson M. Landau, Daniel L. Lott, William F. Minkler, Alanson P. Morand, Oliver Randolph, Susan M. Tripathi, Gautam Zimmermann, Christian Aysun, Uluc Dharmapala, Dhammika Furtado, Delia Matschke, Xenia Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 486-4859 486-4567 486-3026 322-3466 486-4570 486-3550 322-3466 486-3027 596-4080 486-3885 486-4070 486-6546 486-4171 Converse College Dept of Economics & Business Barker, Jeffrey H. Young, Madelyn V. Hughes, Woodrow W. Jr. Spartanburg, SC 29302-0006 (864) 596-9603 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=596-9202 VP 596-9091 jeffrey.barker PHD C-Ac 596-909 madelyn.young PHD Assoc 596-9089 woody.hughes PHD 486-3272 486-3027 486-3366 486-8958 stephen.sacks H kathleen.seger+ QD francis.ahking EF william.alpert J kenneth.couch J steven.cunning+ EB oskar.harmon H samson.kimenyi HI daniel.landau O william.lott C alanson.minkler DK oliver.morand DO susan.randolph O gautam.tripathi C christian.zimm+ E uluc.aysun EF dhammika.dhar+ H delia.furtado J xinia.matschke FD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-7601 (607) 255-4254 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=255-2818 Possen, Uri M. C-Pr 255-4062 ump1 H PHD Basu, Kaushik Prof 255-2525 kb40 DHLO PHD on leave to MIT Blume, Lawrence E. Prof 255-9530 lb19 DC PHD Easley, David A. Prof 255-6283 dae3 DGC PHD Henry Scarborough Professor of Social Sciences Ehrenberg, Ronald G. Prof 255-3026 rg2 L PHD Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial & Labor Relations and Economics Hay, George A. Prof 255-3378 [email protected]. K PHD Edward Cornell Professor Law and Professor of Economics Hong, Youngmaio Prof 255-5130 yh20 C PHD Kanbur, Sanjiv Prof 255-7966 sk145 DHIO PHD Lee Teng-hui Professor of World Arts Kiefer, Nicholas M. Prof 255-6315 nmk CG PHD Ta-Chung Liu Professor of Economics Lyons, Thomas P. Prof 255-9534 tp14 NP PHD Majumdar, Mukul K. Prof 255-3640 mkm5 CD PHD H.T. & R.I. Warshow Professor of Economics Masson, Robert T. Prof 255-6288 rtm2 L PHD Mitra, Tapan Prof 255-4019 tm19 CDO PHD Razin, Assaf Prof 255-9665 az156 F PHD Friedman Professor of International Economics Schuler, Richard E. Prof 255-7579 res1 Engr PHD Shell, Karl Prof 255-5277 ks22 EC PHD Robert Julius Thorne Professor of Economics Wan, Henry Y. Jr. Prof 255-6211 hyw1 FD PHD Bar, Talia Asst 255-6209 tb97 LD PHD Barseghyan, Levon Asst 255-6284 lb247 FE PHD Klonner, Stefan Asst 255-6336 sk492 O PHD Molinari, Francesca Asst 255-6367 fm72 C PHD Nielsen, Morten Asst 255-6338 mon2 C PHD O'Donoghue, Ted Asst 255-6287 edo1 D PHD Zhu, Tao Asst 255-6335 tz34 E PHD Zussman, Asaf Asst 255-2355 az47 FN PHD Creighton University Omaha, NE 68178-0130 (402) 280-2612 Dept of Economics & Finance College of Business Adm Fax=280-2172 Homepage: cobweb.creighton.edu/ecofin/ Hendrickson, Anthony Dean 280-2852 Sys PHD Jorgensen, Randy C-Ac 280-5513 rdjorgen Fin PHD Goss, Ernest P. Prof 280-4757 ernieg RC PHD MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics Murthy, N. R. Vasudeva Prof 280-2128 vmurthy CDH PHD Nitsch, Thomas O. Emer 280-2887 tnitsch ENP PHD Fitzsimmons, Edward L. Assoc 280-2170 efitzsimmons AD PHD Knudsen, James J. Assoc 280-2281 jimknu CHJ PHD Associate Dean 39 71 84 81 79 92 89 80 86 74 69 88 97 83 97 94 06 97 05 03 Berkeley 1971 Cornell 1986 Va Tech 1980 Columbia 1983 Wisconsin 1995 Fla St 1989 Rutgers 1982 GeoMason 1991 Chicago 1981 N Car St 1969 Ca-Davis 1989 Ariz St 1997 Cornell 1984 Nrthwstrn 2004 Car Mellon 2002 Ca-Davis 2006 Berkeley 2002 Brown 2005 Wisconsin 2004 converse.edu 91 Geo St 89 S Carol 2002 1991 1986 cornell.edu 71 Yale 1971 76 LondonEc 77 Berkeley 79 Nrthwstrn 9-79 70 Nrthwstrn 1985 69 Nrthwstrn 1979 93 Ca-SnDgo 7-93 81 Oxford 76 Princeton 1980 83 Cornell 70 Berkeley 1988 69 Berkeley 1976 75 Rochester 69 Chicago 7-01 72 Brown 65 Stanford 61 03 03 01 03 03 96 02 03 MIT Yale Nrthwstrn Ruprecht Nrthwstrn Aarhus Berkeley Penn St Stanford 1972 1986 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2003 creighton.edu Ms. Shirley Gust 91 Arkansas 2005 94 Missouri 1999 83 Tennessee 1992 75 63 84 89 SUNY-Bin Ohio St Nebraska Iowa St 1979 1969 1984 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 280-2442 johndeskins HL 40 Deskins, John Asst PHD 05 Tennessee 2005 Univ of the Cumberlands Economics Faculty Combs, Margaret D. Carter, E. Jane Tan, Chin Teck Briley, James Williamsburg, KY 40769-7984 (606) 539-4254 Hutton Sch of Business Fax= C-Ac 539-4254 mcombs DBA Assoc 539-4274 jcarter MBA Assoc 539 4457 ctan MBA Asst 539-4305 jbriley PHD ucumberlands.edu 04 85 88 98 Sarasota Kentucky Tenn Tech Tx Tech 2005 1985 1988 1985 University of Dallas Irving, TX 75062-4736 (972) 721-5308 Department of Economics Constantin C of Lib Art Fax=721-4034 Homepage: www.udallas.edu/econonics/ Eaker, C. W. Dean 721-5384 eaker PHD Bostaph, Samuel H. C-Pr 721-5159 bostaph BNP PHD Doyle, William Assoc 721-5054 bdoyle GN PHD Weston, Samuel C. Asst 721-5238 sweston B PHD 74 76 91 87 Dallas Baptist University Department of Economics Conner, F. Charlene Smiles, Ronald Kakoli, Philip K. dbu.edu Shirley Mitchell 04 Argosy 87 Tx-Arlin 1987 01 Niarobi 1988 Dallas, TX 75211-9211 (214) 333-5244 College of Business Fax=333-5293 Dean 333-5244 charlene DBA C-Pr 333-5253 rons R PHD Prof 333-5218 philip F PHD udallas.edu Kate Hohlt Chicago 1976 S Illinois 1981 Tennessee 1991 Pittsburgh 1987 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755-3514 (603) 646-2538 dartmouth.edu Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=646-2122 Kory Hirou/Karen Pelletier Homepage: http://www.dartmough.edu/artsci/economics/ Gazzaniga, Michael Dean Anderson, Patricia M. C-Pr 646-2532 patricia.ander+ PHD 91 Princeton 1991 Blanchflower, David Graham Prof 646-2536 david.g.blanch+ PHD 85 London 1989 Fischel, William A. Prof 646-2538 william.a.fis+ PHD 73 Princeton 1973 Gustman, Alan L. Prof 646-2641 alan.l.gustman PHD 69 Michigan 1969 Loren M. Berry Professor Irwin, Douglas A. Prof 646-2942 irwin.douglas PHD 88 Columbia 1997 Kohn, Meir G. Prof 646-2648 meir.g.kohn PHD 73 MIT 1978 Lusardi, Annamaria Prof 646-2099 annamaria.lusa+ PHD 92 Princeton 1993 Marion, Nancy P. Prof 646-2511 nancy.p.marion PHD 77 Princeton 1976 Sacerdote, Bruce I. Prof 646-2121 bruce.i.sacer+ PHD 98 Harvard 1998 Samwick, Andrew A. Prof 646-2893 andrew.a.samw+ PHD 93 MIT 1994 Scott, John T. Prof 646-2941 john.t.scott PHD 76 Harvard 1977 Skinner, Jonathan S. Prof 646-2535 jonathan.s.sk+ PHD 83 UCLA 1995 John French Professor Staiger, Douglas O. Prof 646-2979 douglas.o.sta+ PHD 90 MIT 1998 Venti, Steven F. Prof 646-2526 steve.f.venti PHD 82 Harvard 1982 Edmonds, Eric V. Assoc 646-2944 eric.v.edmonds PHD 99 Princeton 1999 Bhattacharya, Debopam Asst 646-2531 debopan.bhatt+ PHD 03 Princeton 2003 on leave 2006-2007 Cascio, Elizabeth U. Asst 646-4096 elizabeth.u.c+ JH PHD 03 Berkeley DeSantis, Massimiliano Asst 646-6479 massimiliano.d+ PHD 05 Ca-Davis Dupas, Pascaline Asst 646-0643 pascaline.dupas Feyrer, James D. Asst 646-2533 james.d.feyrer PHD 01 Brown 2001 Lewis, Ethan G. Asst 646-2943 ethan.g.lewis PHD 03 Berkeley 7-06 Pavcnik, Nina Asst 646-2537 nina.pavcnik PHD 99 Princeton 1999 Shambaugh, Jay C. Asst 646-9345 jay.c.shambaugh PHD 02 Berkeley 2002 Zinman, Jonathan Asst 646-0075 jonathan.zinman PHD 02 MIT 7-05 Davidson College Davidson, NC 28035-7123 (704) 894-2398 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=894-2874 Appleyard, Dennis R. C-Pr 894-2294 deappleyard F PHD James B. Duke Professor of International Studies Baker, Ben Prof 894-2253 bebaker M MA Hess, Peter N. Prof 894-2249 pehess OT PHD Gail M. and Ernst G. Doe Professor of Economics Kumar, Vikram Prof 894-2265 vikumar EF PHD Martin, David W. Prof 894-2264 damartin GQ PHD Ross, Clark G. Prof 894-2204 clross PN PHD Frontis Johnston Professor of Economics, VP Academic Affairs, Dean of Faculty Chaston, Kelly Assoc 894-2190 kechaston DL PHD Foley, Mark Assoc 894-2248 mafoley JP PHD Smith, Fred Assoc 894-2023 frsmith RN PHD Sparling, Alica Asst 894-2950 alsparling I PHD University of Dayton Dayton, OH 45469-2251 (937) 229-2416 davidson.edu Barbara M. Carmack 66 Michigan 1990 83 S Carol 82 N Carol 1997 1980 87 Vanderbilt 1986 84 Illinois 1984 76 Boston C 1979 97 97 01 06 Boston C Yale Vanderbilt N Carol 1997 2000 2000 2006 udayton.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dept of Economics & Finance School of Business Adm Fax=229-2477 Homepage: www.sba.udayton.edu/ecofin Meyers, Patricia W. Dean 229-3731 pat.meyers Mktg Mohan, Nancy K. C-Ac 229-2458 mohan Fnce Frasca, Ralph R. Prof 229-2405 frasca A Rapp, John Prof 229-2258 john.rapp A Gustafson, Elizabeth F. Assoc 229-2406 gustafso C Hadley, Lawrence H. Assoc 229-2403 hadleyla J Ruggiero, John Assoc 229-2550 ruggiero R Poitras, Marc Asst 229-2419 poitras A Sherer, George VAsst F John, Barbara Lect 229-2470 barbara.john A 41 Ms. Joyce Zanini PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD 83 86 75 64 74 75 95 95 98 86 Syracuse 2003 Cincinnati 1987 Indiana 1972 Missouri 1972 N Carol 1983 Conn 1977 Syracuse 1995 GeoMason 1998 Columbia 2004 Colorado 2002 University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716-2720 (302) 831-2563 lerner.udel.edu Department of Economics Lerner Col Bus & Econ Fax=831-6968 Tammy Simpson, Off Coor Homepage: http://www.lerner.udel.edu/economics Gempesaw, Conrado M. Dean 831-1221 gempesaw Q PHD 85 Penn St 2006 Hoffman, Saul D. C-Pr 831-1907 hoffmans TJ PHD 77 Michigan 1977 Abrams, Burton A. Prof 831-1900 abramsb EH PHD 74 Ohio St 1974 Anderson, Lee G. Prof 831-2650 lgafish Q PHD 70 U Wash 1974 Professor, College of Marine Studies Butkiewicz, James L. Prof 831-1891 butkiewj E PHD 77 Virginia 1976 Duke, Joshua Prof 831-1309 duke Q PHD 98 Wisconsin 2005 Falaris, Evangelos M. Prof 831-1768 falarise O PHD 79 Minnesota 1986 Grubb, Farley Prof 831-1905 grubbf N PHD 84 Chicago 1983 Lewis, Kenneth A. Prof 831-1912 lewisk CE PHD 69 Princeton 1973 Chaplin Tyler Professor Link, Charles R. Prof 831-1921 linkc J PHD 71 Wisconsin 1971 MBNA Professor of Business Miller, Jeffrey B. Prof 831-1911 millerj EP PHD 76 Penn 1976 Mulligan, James G. Prof 831-1918 mulligaj L PHD 80 Minnesota 1980 O'Neill, James B. Prof 831-2559 oneillj A PHD 71 Purdue 1971 Director, Center for Economic Education Parsons, George R. Prof 831-6792 gparsons Q PHD 85 Wisconsin 1985 College of Marine Studies Seidman, Laurence S. Prof 831-1917 seidmanl H PHD 74 Berkeley 1982 Chaplin Tyler Professor Agnello, Richard J. Assoc 831-1901 agnellor C PHD 70 J Hopkins 1968 Arnold, Michael Assoc 831-1916 arnoldm LD PHD 92 UCLA 1992 Beck, Stacie E. Assoc 831-1915 becks GEF PHD 87 Penn 1986 Black, David E. Assoc 831-1902 blackd HO PHD 69 MIT 1975 Craig, Eleanor D. Assoc 831-1904 craige H MA 61 Penn 1962 Daniel, Joseph Assoc 831-1913 danielj L PHD 92 Minnesota 1991 Harris, William Assoc 831-1923 harrisw H PHD 79 Va Tech 1983 Latham, William R. III Assoc 831-6846 lathamw RC PHD 73 Illinois 1971 Stockman, David Assoc 831-1903 stockmad CE PHD 97 Chicago 1998 Ying, John S. Assoc 831-1903 yingj L PHD 87 Berkeley 1987 Hernandez, Kolver Asst 831-1909 kolver E PHD 05 Boston C 2005 Soares, Jorge Asst 831-1914 soares E PHD 96 Rochester 2005 Wang, Siyan Asst 831-1924 wangs CF PHD 01 S Calif 2001 Yatawara, Ravi Asst 831-1906 yatawarr FO PHD 01 Columbia 2000 Delaware State University Dept of Accounting & Finance Kwak, Young-sik Bieker, Richard F. Christopher, Jan E. Ikein, Augustine A. Casson, Michael H. Dover, DE 19901-2277 (302) 857-6911 School of Management Fax=857-6924 C-Ac 857-6913 ykwak PHD Prof 857-6912 rbieker PHD Assoc 857-6938 jchristo CDMR PHD Assoc 857-6920 aikein Soc PHD Asst 857-6925 mcasson PHD desu.edu 94 70 93 88 01 Delta State University Div of Mgt, Mktg & Bus Ad Moore, Billy C. Johnson, Cooper Matthews, Michelle Cleveland, MS 38733 (662) 846-4190 College of Business Fax=846-4215 Dean 846-4200 bmoore AG PHD C 846-4190 bcjohnsn PHD Asst 846-4189 ABD deltastate.edu Aulene Brumfield 95 Miss 8-86 Miss Miss 8-01 Denison University Granville, OH 43023 (614) 587-6245 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=587-6348 Homepage: www.denison.edu/departments/econ Burczak, Ted A. C-Ac 587-6747 burczak BEG PHD Bartlett, Robin L. Prof 587-6574 barlett AJ PHD Bank One Professor of Economics Behdad, Sohrab Prof 587-6404 behdad BF PHD John Harris Professor of Economics denison.edu Judy Thompson Miss Kentucky Howard Atlanta Conn 1993 1972 1994 1989 2002 94 Mass 74 Mich St 1998 1973 73 Mich St 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Miller, Timothy I. Boyd, David W. Boyd, Laura A. LaRoe, Ross M. Ziegert, Andrea Brown, Lariece Duroy, Quentin Lin, Songhua Cook, Nathaniel Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Inst University of Denver Department of Economics Homepage: www.du.edu/econ/ Ho, Peter S. Freeman, Katherine Mott, Tracy L. Urquhart, Robert Johnson, Laurie Wilson, Matthew Yasar, Yavuz Denver, CO 80208-2685 (303) 871-2685 Arts, Humanities & SocS Fax=871-2605 DePaul University Department of Economics Whittington, O. Ray Miller, Michael S. Batavia, Bala Ciecka, James E. Donley, Thomas D. Ghoshal, Animesh Krautmann, Anthony C. Mondschean, Thomas H. Oppenheimer, Margaret M. Sander, William III Tenorio, Rafael Wiltgen, Richard J. Berdell, John Bucci, Gabriella A. Choi, Jin Epstein, Seth Opiela, Timothy P. Owen, Laura J. Dill, Floyd R. McCarthy, Marci Thiel, Stuart E. Woo, Jaejoon Chicago, IL 60604-2287 (312) 362-8781 College of Commerce Fax=362-5452 Dean 362-6783 rwhittin Atg PHD C-Ac 362-8477 mmiller E PHD Prof 362-5766 abatavia CD PHD Prof 362-8831 jciecka CD PHD Prof 362-8887 tdonley C PHD Prof 362-8008 aghoshal DE PHD Prof 362-6176 akarautma DL PHD Prof 362-5210 tmondsch EG PHD Prof 362-8651 moppenhe JDK PHD Prof 362-5240 wsander RD PHD Prof 362-8309 rtenorio EDA PHD Prof 362-8016 rwiltgen B PHD Assoc 362-5247 jberdell NE PHD Assoc 362-6787 gbucci DH PHD Assoc 362-8842 jchoi GMC PHD Assoc 362-8112 sepstein D PHD Assoc 362-5584 topiela EG PHD Assoc 362-8771 lowen NJ PHD Emer N PHD VAsst 362-8355 PHD VAsst 362-8011 sthiel K PHD Asst 362-8781 jwoo EC PHD C-Ac Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Inst 587-6403 587-6317 587-6316 587-6473 587-6575 587-6245 587-6314 587-6462 587-6315 871-2259 871-2151 871-2569 871-2258 871-2146 871-2260 871-2244 millert boyd boydl laroe ziegert brownl duroyq lins cookn pho kafreema tmott rurquhar lauriejo matwilso yyasar CE KLD JI AHQ D ARC O EF FO AD BE BN DHQ HR IL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DePauw University Greencastle, IN 46135-0037 (765) 658-4878 Dept of Economics & Mgt College of Liberal Arts Fax=658-4764 Homepage: depauw.edu/acad/economics Dixon, Mary P. C-Ac 658-4355 mdixon PHD Field, William J. Prof 658-4886 wfield PHD Lemon, Gary D. Prof 658-4024 garylemon PHD Musser, Thomas Assoc 658-6695 musserth MACC Villinski, Michele Assoc 658-6620 mvillinski PHD Wachter, Daniel R. Assoc 658-4879 dwachter PHD Burgman, Ramonda L. Asst 658-4882 rburgman PHD Goma, Ophelia Asst 658-4888 ogoma PHD Gropp, Jeffrey Asst 658-6561 jgropp PHD Isenberg, Eric J. Asst 658-5943 ejisenberg PHD Jennings, Ann Asst 658-4759 ajennings PHD University of Detroit Mercy Department of Economics Shen, Raphael Byrne, Donald R. Mosby, James B. Schad, Thomas Detroit, MI Col of Liberal Arts C-Pr 993-1148 Prof 993-3391 Asst 993-1096 Asst 993-1038 48219-0900 (313) 993-1238 Fax=993-1166 shens PHD dbyren5628@a PHD mosbyib MA schadt PHD Dickinson College Carlisle, PA 17013-2896 (717) 245-1381 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=245-1854 Homepage: www.dickinson.edu/departments/econ McPhail, Edward C-As 245-1264 mcphail BEF PHD Barone, Charles A. Prof 245-1404 baronee ABJ PHD 42 79 91 91 82 85 06 03 02 S Illinois 1978 Ohio St 1991 Ohio St 1991 American 1985 N Carol 1997 Ohio St 2002 Rensselaer 2004 Ca-Davis 2002 Mich St 2006 du.edu Audrey Edwards 89 78 82 88 98 00 04 Stanford Fla St Stanford New Sch U Wash Tx-Austin Utah 1987 1983 1991 1988 2000 2001 2003 78 80 74 70 93 74 85 89 74 78 88 74 91 88 82 88 87 91 73 96 86 97 depaul.edu Carla Gurgone Houston 1997 Pittsburgh 1980 N Car St 1976 Purdue 1970 Wisconsin 8-90 Michigan 1981 Iowa 1985 Wisconsin 1987 Nrthwstrn 9-76 Cornell 1989 J Hopkins 1999 Illinois 1973 Cambridge 1991 J Hopkins 1989 Iowa St 8-88 Arizona 1992 Tx A&M 2000 Yale 1990 Cornell 1975 So Meth 2005 Wisconsin Harvard 2000 depauw.edu Jayne Williams 89 80 82 80 03 82 77 00 03 89 So Meth Michigan Kansas Arizona Minnesota Purdue Florida Missouri W Virginia Wash U Utah 1988 1979 1976 2001 1979 1997 2000 2003 1998 udmercy.edu 75 Mich St 1977 71 Notre Dm 1966 70 Detroit 1972 Wayne St dickinson.edu Toni Berger 01 Mass 1999 78 American 1975 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bellinger, William K. Koont, Sinan Kongar, Ellu Tynan, Nicky Assoc Assoc Asst Asst 245-1358 245-1841 245-1529 245-1596 bellinger koont kongare tynann JDH CFE JO DHLN 43 PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 87 03 00 Nrthwstrn 1981 Mass 1986 Utah 2003 GeoMason 2001 Dillard University New Orleans, LA 70122 (504) 816-4697 dillard.edu Economics/Finance Area Division of Business Fax=816-4851 Helen Bougere 816-4698 Homepage: http://www.dillard.edu Did Not Respond Again--2001-2002 Listing Chase, Edgar L. III Dean 816-4697 echase Atg JD Loyola Fugar, Christian V. C-Ac 816-4699 cfugar PHD 89 Howard Sheriff, Mohamed A. Assoc 816-4698 msheriff PHD 91 Howard Univ of District of Columbia Dept Atg, Fnce, & Economics Homepage: www.udc.edu Anderson, Melanie A. Goyal, Tarsiam L. Ezeani, Eboh Samhan, Muhammad Terrell, Sharron Washington, DC 20008 (202) 274-7002 Sch of Bus & Prof Stds Fax=274-7105 Dowling College Department of Economics Gullason, Edward T. Greer, Mark Raji, Seyed Sonny, Jacob Oakdale, NY 11769-1999 (631) 244-3155 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=589-6644 C-Pr 244-3167 PHD Prof 244-3239 greerm PHD Prof 244-3118 PHD Assoc 244-3117 PHD Drake University Dept of Econ, Fnce & Insur Edwards, Charles Hossein-Zadeh, Esmail Boal, William M. Hewett, Roger S. Weaver, Janice E. Roy, Sunanda Des Moines, IA 50311-4505 (515) 271-3122 Col of Bus & Public Adm Fax=271-4518 Dean 271-2871 charles.edwards Prof 271-4026 ismael.zadeh PHD Assoc 271-3129 william.boal PHD Assoc 271-3834 roger.hewett PHD Assoc 271-2898 janice.weaver PHD Asst 271-1983 sunanda.roy PHD Dean C-Pr Prof Assoc Assoc 274-7000 274-7049 274-7053 274-7055 274-7064 manderson tgoyal eezeani msamhan sterrell O OP udc.edu Ms. Sarah G. Hardeman PHD DSC PHD PHD PHD Drew University Madison, NJ 07940-4037 (201) 408-3434 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=408-3142 Homepage: www.depts.drew.edu/econ/ Cucchi, Paolo M. Dean 408-3321 PHD Colton, Nora Ann C-Ac 408-3665 ncolton FPT DPHL Cole, Donald P. Prof 408-3429 AH PHD Curtis, Fred Prof 408-3432 fcurtis BJOQ PHD Smith, Bernard Assoc 408-3595 bsmith HOP PHD 86 70 76 82 93 Maryland Geo Wash American American Notre Dm 1976 1967 1976 1976 86 90 72 71 dowling.edu Patti Zamta Penn Michigan 1994 NYU New Sch drake.edu Nancy A. Smith 87 85 84 76 New Sch Stanford Illinois Illinois S Calif 1988 1995 1981 1983 drew.edu 72 92 68 83 89 Princeton Oxford Ohio St Mass Yale 1984 1994 1966 1978 1986 Drexel University Economics & Intl Business Tsetsekos, George P. Madan, Vibhas Hammoudeh, Shawka M. Jeon, Bang Nam Lester, Bijou McCain, Roger A. III Syropoulos, Constantinos Jensen, Paul E. Dvchene, Anne Harrison, Teresa Laincz, Chris Lula, Alina McGeary, KerryAnne Olivero, Maria P. Renhoff, Adam Serfes, Kostas Stehr, Mark Philadelphia, PA 19104-2875 (215) 895-2123 College of Business Adm Fax=895-6975 Dean 895-2111 tsetsekos Fnce PHD C-Pr 895-2124 madanv F PHD Prof 895-6673 hammousm Q PHD Prof 895-2125 jeonbana F PHD Prof 895-6973 lesterby A PHD Prof 895-2176 mccainra A PHD Prof 895-2792 c.syropoulos F PHD Assoc 895-2123 jensenpe F PHD Asst 895-6990 ad493 I PHD Asst 895-0556 tharrison L PHD Asst 895-2503 claincz O PHD Asst 895-2536 aluca F PHD Asst 895-6972 kerryanne.mcg+ Y PHD Asst 895-4908 maria.p.olivero F PHD Asst 895-2572 arenhoff L PHD Asst 895-6816 ks346 I PHD Asst 895-0554 stehr I PHD drexel.edu 86 89 80 87 81 71 89 97 05 02 03 03 97 04 03 98 02 Drury University Economics Faculty Wyatt, Robert L. Rohlf, William D. Jr. Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 873-7508 Breech S Bus Adm & Econ Fax=873-7537 D-Ac 873-7241 rwyatt Atg PHD Prof 873-7242 wrohlf DF PHD drury.edu Jan Wiggins 93 Memphis 1996 72 Kansas St 1972 Tennessee 1988 Mich St 1989 Kansas 1990 Indiana 1988 Penn 1988 LSU 1988 Yale 2005 Penn St 1997 ECNP 2006 Tx-Austin 2002 Duke 2003 Mich St 2003 Penn St 2002 Duke 2005 Virginia 2003 Illinois 2004 Berkeley 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mullins, Steven D. Assoc 873-7299 smullins FQ PHD 44 83 Okla St 1982 Duke University Durham, NC 27708-0097 (919) 660-1800 econ.duke.edu Economics Department College of Arts & Sci Fax=684-8974 Lori Boodee 660-1852 email @1=duke.edu Nechyba, Thomas C-Pr 660-1815 nechyba HD PHD 94 Rochester 7-99 Bollerslev, Tim Prof 660-1846 boller CG PHD 86 Ca-SnDgo 9-98 Burnside, A. Craig Prof 660-1808 burnside EF PHD 91 Nrthwstrn 2006 DeMarchi, Neil B. Prof 660-1834 demarchi EBN PHD 70 Austr Natl 9-71 Goodwin, Craufurd D. W. Prof 684-3936 goodwin ABN PHD 58 Duke 9-61 James D. Duke Professor Grabowski, Henry G. Prof 660-1839 grabow LO PHD 67 Princeton 9-72 Graham, Daniel A. Prof 660-1802 dag DK PHD 69 Duke 9-69 Hoover, Kevin D. Prof 660-1876 kd.hoover@1 BE DPHI 85 Oxford 2006 Kelley, Allen C. Prof 660-1825 kelley ONT PHD 64 Stanford 9-72 James D. Duke Professor Kimbrough, Kent P. Prof 660-1811 kent FEH PHD 80 Chicago 9-80 Leachman, Lori Prof 660-1881 leachman EGF PHD 87 S Carol 9-98 Lewis, Tracy R. Prof 660-7983 tracy.lewis@1 TDQ PHD 75 Ca-SnDgo 2006 McElroy, Marjorie B. Prof 660-1840 mcelroy JGD PHD 69 Nrthwstrn 9-70 Schmitt-Grobe, Stephanie Prof 660-1889 grohe E PHD 94 Chicago 7-03 Sloan, Frank A. Prof 660-1820 fsloan IJ PHD 69 Harvard 9-93 Tauchen, George Prof 660-1812 get CG PHD 78 Minnesota 9-77 Taylor, Curtis Prof 660-1827 crtaylor DL PHD 92 Yale 9-00 Tower, Edward Prof 660-1818 tower FOEG PHD 71 Harvard 9-74 Uribe, Martin Prof 660-1888 uribe PHD 7-03 Vernon, John M. Prof 660-1829 vernon LD PHD 66 MIT 9-66 Weintraub, E. Roy Prof 660-1838 erw NBC PHD 69 Penn 9-70 Abdulkadiroglu, Atila Assoc 660-1848 aa88 C PHD 00 Rochester 2006 Bayer, Patrick Assoc 660-1832 patrick.bayer@1 RT PHD 99 Stanford 2006 Fernandez-Villaverde, Jesus Assoc 660-1872 jesusfv@1 EO PHD 01 Minnesota 2006 Fullenkamp, Connel R. Assoc 660-1843 cfullenk G PHD 92 Harvard 2006 Hong, Han Assoc 660-1890 hanhong CD PHD 98 Stanford 9-03 Khan, Shakeeb Assoc 660-1873 shakeebk C PHD 97 Princeton 2006 Peretto, Pietro Assoc 660-1807 peretto EFLM PHD 94 Yale 9-94 Rasiel, Emma B. Assoc 660-1837 emma.rasiel@1 G PHD 03 Duke 2006 Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. Assoc 660-1865 juan.rubio-r+@1 PHD 01 Minnesota 2006 Timmins, Christopher D. Assoc 660-1809 timmins ORH PHD 97 Stanford 2006 Arcidiacono, Peter Asst 660-1816 psarcidi DJ PHD 99 Wisconsin 9-99 Beresteanu, Arie Asst 660-1856 arie CLH PHD 01 Nrthwstrn 9-01 Connolly, Michelle Asst 660-1819 connolly FO PHD 96 Yale 9-97 Ellickson, Paul Asst 660-1828 paule LC PHD 99 MIT 9-02 Eraker, Bjorn Asst 660-1821 bjorne GC PHD 01 Chicago 9-01 Leventoglu, Bahar Asst PHD 01 Rochester 2006 [email protected] Li, Jing Asst 660-1864 jingli@1 PHD 04 Wisconsin 2006 Rossi, Barbara Asst 660-1801 brossi CEF PHD 01 Princeton 9-01 Tarozzi, Alessandro Asst 660-1877 taroz ODC PHD 02 Princeton 9-02 Weinke, Lutz Asst 660-1887 weinkel@1 E PHD 05 Pompeu 2006 Yildirim, Huseyin Asst 660-1805 yildirh LD PHD Florida 9-00 Becker, Charles Resr 660-1885 cbecker ORT PHD 81 Princeton 9-03 Burmeister, Edwin Resr 660-1849 eb GOC PHD 65 MIT 9-90 Toniolo, Gianni Resr 660-1855 giannit BN PHD 66 Venice Duquesne University Economics Marlin, Matthew R. Davies, Antony Bayley, Jennifer Geyleni, Pinar Pittsburgh, PA 15282-0104 (412) 396-6250 School of Bus & Admin Fax=396-4764 C-Pr 396-6250 marlin HK PHD Assoc 396-6268 CD PHD Asst 396-1775 bayleyj A ABD Asst 396-6241 geylani DQ PHD duq.edu Karyn Plack 81 Fla St 1987 94 Albany 2001 Temple 04 Penn St 2006 Earlham College Economics Faculty Krishnan, Rajaram Diskin, Jonathan Lautzenheiser, Mark Richmond, IN 47374-4095 (765) 983-1525 Department of Economics Fax=983-1207 C-As 983-1301 krishna PHD Assoc 983-1427 jond PHD Asst 983-1802 lautzma PHD earlham.edu Cheri Gaddis 97 Boston U 1999 89 Mass 1988 00 Utah 2003 East Carolina University Department of Economics Homepage: www.ecu.edu/econ/ White, Alan R. Ericson, Richard E. Bays, Carson W. Bishop, John A. Greenville, NC 27858-4353 (252) 328-6006 Harriot Col Arts & Sci Fax=328-6743 ecu.edu Mrs. Kimberly Moore Dean C-Prr Prof Prof 81 79 74 87 328-6249 328-6006 328-2948 328-6756 whiteal ericsonr baysc bishopj PHD CDLP PHD IKLH PHD H PHD N Carol Berkeley Michigan Alabama 2005 2003 1982 1988 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kruse, Jamie I. Zeager, Lester A. Parker, Randall E. Rothman, Philip Bin, Okmyung Fusaro, Marc Grodner, Andrew Jahan-Parvar, Mohammed Landry, Craig E. Liu, Haiyong Rupp, Nicholas Tabakova, Vera Zinn, Gary Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst VAsst VAsst East Central University Dept of Business Admin phone: 332-8000 Mayfield, William M. Lanis, Tom Steger, Eric K. Ada, OK 74820-6899 (580) Ext 274 School of Business Fax= East Stroudsburg University Dept of Bus, Mgt & Economics Christofides, Constantinos A Bunjun, Seewoonundun Kercsmar, John Nyamwange, Richard Behr, Todd DeCosmo, Michael C. Kane, Mamadou Neelakantan, P. E Stroudsburg PA 18301-2999 (570) 422-3251 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=422-3777 C-Pr 422-3329 candrewc C PHD Prof 422-3240 sbunjun D PHD Prof 422-3829 M PHD Prof 422-3404 D MBA Assoc 422-3831 EH MBA Assoc 422-3108 MBA Assoc 422-3279 EFN MA Assoc 422-3002 pals D PHD po-box.esu.edu Melanie Deuerlein 77 Lehigh 1971 79 Penn St 1979 85 Houston 82 Long Isl 1987 78 Lehigh 1989 84 Lehigh 1984 72 NYU 1973 92 SUNY-Buf 1992 East Tennessee State Univ Dept Econ, Fnce, Geo,Urban S Garceau, Linda R. Baryla, Edward A. Jr. Alavi, Jafar Dotterweich, Douglas P. Hippie, F. Steb Everett, Michael David Mackara, W. Frederick Smith, Jon L. Warren, J. Harold Trogen, Paul Johnson City, TN 37614-0686 (423) 439-4202 College of Business Fax=439-8583 Dean 439-5489 garceau Atg DBA C 439-4202 baryla PHD Prof 439-4202 drjalavi PHD Prof 439-4202 dotterwe PHD Prof 439-4202 hipples PHD Assoc 439-4202 everettm PHD Assoc 439-4202 mackara PHD Assoc 439-4202 smitj01 PHD Assoc 439-4202 warrenh PHD Asst 439-4202 trogenp PHD etsu.edu Ms. Mimi Mick Boston U 2000 Alabama 1995 Tennessee 1985 Delaware 1984 So Meth 1982 Wash U 1977 Tx A&M 1975 S Carol 1980 Okla St 1969 Fla St 1995 Dean C-Ac Prof 328-4165 328-6408 328-6755 328-6151 328-6820 328-2872 328-6742 328-4770 328-6383 328-1083 328-6821 328-4055 328-6751 Ext 274 Ext 573t Ext 267 krusej zeagerl parkerr rothmanp bino fusarom grodnera jahanparvarm landryc liuh ruppn tabakovav zinng wmayfield lanis esteger DLQ CDO EN CEG AO DGKL CJRT CEG DQ CDIJ LD AFD ADER Mgt Mktg PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 45 04 03 98 05 77 Arizona Pittsburgh Kentucky NYU Oregon St Nrthwstrn Syracuse N Carol Maryland N Carol Tx A&M LSU Syracuse 2004 1986 1986 1992 2001 2004 2004 2006 2003 2003 2001 2005 2000 ecok.edu PHD ABD PHD Eastern Conn State Univ Willimantic, CT 06226-2295 (860) 465-4620 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=456-4469 Homepage: easternct.edu/depts/eco/ Kleine, Patricia A. Dean 456-5293 kleine Ed EDD Mann, Prem S. C-Pr 456-5216 mann AC PHD Free, Rhona C. Prof 456-4624 free AJ PHD Lombard, John Prof 465-5271 lombardj AE PHD Parzych, Kenneth M. Prof 456-5239 parzych ADK PHD Clifford, Maryanne Assoc 465-5512 cliffordm AFHL PHD Brown, Jennifer Asst 465-0661 brownje AL PHD Eastern Illinois Univ Department of Economics Fahy, Paul R. Hanner, Mary Anne Karbassioon, Ebrahim Able, Teshome Dao, Minh Quang Thompson, William F. Brodsky, Noel Bruehler, James Grant, Alan Hake, Eric Mason, Timothy I. Moshtagh, Ali R. Upadhyay, Mukti Ghent, Linda Li, Teshome 88 87 86 90 98 04 04 Charleston, IL 61920-3099 (217) 581-2719 College of Sciences Fax=581-5997 Retir 581-6332 prfahy PHD Dean 581-3328 mahanner PHD C-Pr 581-5429 ekarbassioon PHD Prof 581-6330 tabebe PHD Prof 581-6329 mqdao PHD Prof 581-2927 wfthompson PHD Assoc 581-6334 nbrodsky PHD Assoc 581-2719 jrbruehler PHD Assoc 581-7794 apgrant PHD Assoc 581-6333 erhake PHD Assoc 581-6966 timason PHD Assoc 581-6967 amoshtagh PHD Assoc 581-3812 mpupadhyay PHD Asst 581-6331 laghent DJ PHD Asst 581-2378 hli PHD 99 Glasgow 87 Okla St 80 La Tech 86 95 86 78 72 67 76 82 69 95 2001 1997 1970 easternct.edu Ms. Jean Stencil 90 88 83 78 70 00 06 Maine 1998 UCLA 1986 Notre Dm 1983 Conn Conn Kentucky 2001 Ca-SnBarb 2006 76 81 81 89 87 79 88 93 96 94 87 88 95 94 03 eiu.edu Lois Luallen Conn 1976 Ind St 1981 Nebraska 1980 N Illinois 1998 Illinois 1987 Arkansas 1981 Illinois 1988 Illinois 1993 Kansas St 1997 Tennessee 1999 Indiana 1989 Arkansas 1987 J Hopkins 1999 N Car St 2000 New Mex 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY 40475-3176 (859) 622-1769 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=622-5065 Homepage: www.economics.eku.edu Schoolmaster, Andrew Dean 622-1405 andrew.school+ PHD Wade, John A. C-Ac 622-1767 john.wade PHD O'Connor, J. Francis Prof 622-1769 frank.oconnor PHD Watkins, Thomas G. Prof 622-4980 tom.watkins PHD Dickey, Steven W. Assoc 622-4987 steve.dickey PHD Harter, John F. R. Assoc 622-1773 john.harter PHD Ruppel, Fred J. Assoc 622-2411 fred.ruppel PHD Houston, Robert G. Asst 622-2160 bob.houston PHD Ingram, Donna M. Asst 622-1769 donna.ingram PHD 46 eku.edu Elizabeth Tipton 82 74 79 85 92 84 99 Kent St Purdue Minnesota Iowa St S Illinois Purdue Maryland Kentucky Cornell 2004 2000 1989 1984 1983 1999 1997 1998 2003 Eastern Michigan University Department of Economics Homepage: http://www.emich.edu Hoft, Hartmut Hanna, Raouf S. Abdullah, Dewan A. Edgren, John A. Erenburg, Sharon J. Moreland, Kemper W. Pearson, Donald W. Thornton, James Vogt, Michael G. Woodland, Bill M. Crary, David B. Hayworth, Steve Rice, Jennifer Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-3395 Col of Arts & Science Fax=481-9666 Eastern New Mexico Univ Dept of Bus Adm & Economics Grossbeck, John Stockly, Sue Sanders, Kenneth K. Portales, NM 88130 (505) College of Business Fax=562-2252 Dean 562-2343 john.grossbeck GOH PHD C-As 562-2364 sue.stockly DCFI PHD Asst 562-2344 ken.sanders GBEJ PHD emnu.edu Mrs. Rebecca Cree Utah St 2006 99 Tx-Austin 2004 90 Utah St 2001 Eastern Oregon University LaGrande, OR 97850-2899 (541) 962-3508 Department of Economics Soc Sci & Modern Laung Fax=962-3898 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Patterson, Anne Dean 962-3556 apatters PHD Dahl, Kathleen C Johnson, Colleen Prof 962-3340 johnsonc AEJM PHD Steenstra, Alex Asst 962-3371 steensa ABDQ PHD eou.edu Dawna Flanagan Dean$ H-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc 487-3395 487-0003 487-3068 487-0385 487-0002 487-0008 487-0080 487-0006 487-0269 487-0001 487-0009 487-2209 rhanna adewan jedgren serenburg kmoreland dpearson jthornton mvogt bwoodland dcrary shayworth jrice6 emich.edu Ms. Rhonda Napier PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 84 79 86 80 70 91 76 81 82 87 Indiana Kentucky Michigan Illinois Wisconsin Tx-Austin Oregon Wisconsin Purdue Maryland MIT 1977 1988 1979 1987 1980 1969 1991 1978 1981 1980 1977 89 Florida 7-02 88 Wash St 97 Utah 9-86 9-97 College of Eastern Utah Economics Faculty Homepage: www.ceu.edu Hekmat, Ali Price, UT 84501 (435) 613-5218 Department of Economics Fax=613-4102 Eastern Washington Univ Department of Economics Homepage: www.ewu.edu/econ Shields, Vicki Trulove, William T. Bunting, David C. Karier, Thomas M. Kiser, Larry L. Orr, Douglas V. Bownds, Lynne Forsyth, Grant Briand, Genevieve Gallimore, Courtney Geddes, Lori Molitor, Chris Cheney, WA 99004-2431 (509) 359-2281 Social & Behavioral Sci Fax=359-6983 Edinboro University of PA Dept of Business Adm & Econ Randall, Eric Hannan, Michael J. Dunn, James R. Edinboro, PA 16444 (814) 732-2407 edinboro.edu Sch of Sci, Mgt & Tech Fax=732-1610 Ms. Kathleen Schruers Dean 732-2400 erandall PHD 1977 C-Pr 732-2407 hannan CER PHD 88 W Virginia 1988 Prof 732-1540 dunn EGHL PHD 81 SUNY-Bin 1974 C-Pr Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst VAsst Asst Asst 613-5218 ali.hekmat 359-2287 359-2332 359-7947 623-4387 359-4307 359-2424 359-2422 359-6517 359-2838 359-2428 359-7044 359-2428 vicki.shields william.trulove david.bunting thomas.karier larry.kiser douglas.orr lynne.bownds grant.forsyth genevieve.briand courtney.gall+ lori.geddes chris.molitor E Com FHRA EIRA AJOB AHJ JPTR JNBA FGER QDCH OQFD JCA JCOA ceu.edu Riata Ganino 613-5223 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 Wi-Milwa 1994 mailserver.ewu.edu Carolyn McDonell 73 72 85 73 82 98 96 02 94 02 00 Ohio St 2005 Oregon 1969 Oregon 1971 Berkeley 1981 Rutgers 1971 Colorado 1991 Tennessee 1999 Wash St 1999 Wash St 2001 Iowa St 2005 Wisconsin 2002 Wash St 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Min, An-Sik Hannes, Lance E. Morris, Gayle A. Prof 732-2401 min Assoc 732-2419 hannes Asst 732-1527 gmorris Elizabethtown College Economics Faculty phone: 361-1270 Melvin, Sean P. Paul, Sanjay Chandhuri, Basante Elizabethtown PA 17022-2298 (717) 361-1270 Department of Business Fax=361-1487 C-As 361-1280 melvins Assoc Ext 1543 pauls Lect Ext 6046 chaudhurib CF PHD DLJ MBA FGOQ PHD 75 Iowa 1975 87 SUNY-Buf 1978 81 Penn St 1999 etown.edu Ms. Eunice Ginder JD PHD PHD Rutgers 92 SUNY-Buf 2002 89 Berkeley 2006 Elmhurst College Elmhurst, IL 60126-3296 (630) 617-3099 Center for Bus & Economics Div of Social Sciences Fax=617-6497 Homepage: http://elmhurst.edu Wilson, Gary S. D-Pr 617-3785 garyw PHD Coleman Foundation Distinguished Professor of Business Heiney, Joseph N. Prof 617-3122 josephh PHD Coleman Foundation Distinguished Chair in Business Schmitz, Suzanne Prof 617-3115 susans PHD Thoma, George A. Jr. Prof 617-3098 georget PHD Wan, Siaw-Peng Prof 617-3112 siawpeng PHD elmhurst.edu Janet Nichols 89 Kentucky 1990 73 N Illinois 1970 94 Illinois 1995 Elmira College Economics Faculty Hoffman, Naphtali Khawar, Mariam McCannon, Bryan Elmire, NY 14901 (607) 735-1942 Department of Economics Fax=735-1701 C-Ac 735-1942 nhoffman PHD Asst 735-1932 mkhawar PHD Asst 735-1923 bmccannon PHD elmira.edu Dawn Haupt 80 Case Wes 1976 97 J Hopkins 1997 03 Penn St 2003 Elon University Department of Economics Homepage: elon.edu/econ Burbridge, John J. Jr. DeLoach, Stephen B. Tiemann, Thomas K. Barbour, James L. Das, Jayoti Lilly, Gregory A. Redington, Douglas B. DeRienzo, Casey Platania, Jennifer Elon College, NC 27244-2020 (336) 278-6000 Love School of Business Fax=278-5052 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U Econ, Fnce, Atg & Risk Mgt Homepage: www.db.erau.edu Petree, Daniel L. Chadbourne, Bruce Vasigh, Bijan Knabe, Rudolph Tacker, Thomas L. Kornecki, Lucyna Daytona Bch, FL 32114-3900 (386) 226-6694 College of Business Fax=226-6696 Dean C-Ac Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Dean C-Pr Prof Assoc Assoc Asst 278-6000 278-5943 278-5957 278-5945 278-5941 278-5944 278-5948 278-5959 278-5938 226-4967 226-6730 226-6722 226-6731 226-6701 226-4963 burbridg deloach tiemann barbour dastina lillyg redingto cdirienzo jplantania daniel.petree chadbour vasighb knaber tackert korneckl BLaw FO 47 Mgt EF RC AB FL CDA Q DQ CEH JT Mktg PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD MA PHD PHD 93 Illinois 1996 83 Chicago 1977 elon.edu Mrs. Mary Kaczor 70 93 75 87 93 88 89 02 01 Lehigh Mich St Vanderbilt Kentucky Cincinnati Duke Wyoming N Car St Fla St 1996 1996 1984 1990 1996 1990 1995 2002 2002 erau.edu Linda Larkin 93 85 84 76 87 80 Kansas 2001 Fla Atl 1972 SUNY-Bin Tennessee N Carol Krakow Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2240 (404) 727-6364 emory.edu Departent of Economics Faculty of Arts & Sci Fax=727-4639 B. Baxter/A. Devetter/L. Lorch Paul, Robert Dean 727-6062 rpaul Thursby, Jerry G. C-Pr 712-8688 jthursby CF PHD 75 N Carol 2001 Benston, George J. Prof 727-7831 george_benston GKLM PHD 63 Chicago 9-87 John H. Harland Professor of Finance, Economics, and Accounting Rubin, Paul Prof 727-6365 prubin K PHD 70 Purdue 1991 Schaffer, Beverly K. Prof 727-6361 bschaff D PHD 67 Duke 1965 Arbatskaya, Maria Assoc 727-2770 marbats DL ABD Indiana 9-99 Carlson, Leonard Assoc 727-6375 econlac DJN PHD 77 Stanford 1975 Chirinko, Robert Assoc 727-6645 rchirin EGH PHD 82 Nrthwstrn 1994 Curran, Christopher Assoc 727-6355 econcc CDK PHD 72 Purdue 1970 Dezhbakhsh, Hashem Assoc 727-4679 econhd CG PHD 89 Ohio St 1992 Liu, Zheng Assoc 727-1128 zliu5 E PHD 97 Minnesota 2001 Miyagiwa, Kaz Assoc 727-6363 kmiyagi F PHD 85 Tx-Austin 2001 Noussair, Charles N. Assoc 712-8167 cnoussa LD PHD 93 Cal Tech 2002 Capra, C. Monica Asst 727-6387 mcapra L PHD 99 Virginia 2003 Francis, Andre Asst 727-1381 andrew.francis D PHD 06 Chicago 2006 Klumpp, Tilman Asst 727-3320 tklumpp H PHD 02 W Ontario 2006 Krause, Stefan Asst 712-8167 skrause E PHD 02 Ohio St 2002 Luger, Richard Asst 727-0328 rluger E PHD 01 Montreal 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mialon, Hugo Pesavento, Elena Asst Asst 727-0355 hmialon 712-9297 epesave D E 48 PHD PHD 04 Tx-Austin 2004 00 Berkeley 2000 Emory and Henry College Emory, VA 24327-0947 (276) 944-4121 Department of Business Adm Div of Social Sciences Fax=944-6223 Cumbo, L. James Jr. H-Pr 944-6196 ljcumbo Mgt PHD Love, Barry A. C-Ac 944-4121 PHD Holbert L. Harris Professorship in Free Enterprise Dobkins, Linda H. Prof 944-6194 ldobkins ROF PHD ehc.edu Emporia State University Dept of Accounting & CIS Hite, Robert E. Chakraborhy, Kalyan Ghosh, Dipak Catlett, Robert B. Janssen, Arthur J. Emporia, KS School of Business Dean 341-5274 Assoc 341-5913 Assoc 341-5891 Asst 341-5678 Asst 341-5401 University of Evansville Dept of Accounting & Bus Adm phone 1-800-423-8633 ext 2851 Clark, Robert A. Blalock, M. Gale Zimmer, Michael A. Evansville, IN 47722 (812) 479-2851 School of Business Adm Fax=479-2872 Evergreen State College Economics Faculty Womeldorf, Thomas Bohmer, Peter G. Bruner, Bill Dorman, Peter on leave 2006-2007 Filmer, John R. Geri, Larry Kennedy, Cynthia C. Lassen, Jerry Murphy, Ralph Shariff, Zahid Olympia, WA 98505 (360) Ext 6513 Pol Economy & Soc Chg Fax=867-6553 Dean 867-6064 womeldor 867-6431 bohmerp 867-6246 brunerw 867-6899 Fairfield Universiy Department of Economics phone: 254-4000 Lane, Philip J. Buss, James A. Deak, Edward J. LeClair, Mark S. Franceschi, Dina Miners, Laurence A. Nantz, Kathryn A. Kelly, Robert A. Lang, Kathleen Miners, Cathy Fairfield, CT 06824-5195 (203) Ext 2279 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=254-4074 Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Dept of Social Sci & Hist Weinman, Geoffrey Schiemann, John W. Englander, Frederick Greenfield, Robert L. Jonnard, Claude Koppl, Roger Madison, NJ 07940 (973) 443-8721 Becton C of Arts & Sci Fax=443-8799 Dean 443-8750 weinman Engl C 443-8731 jws Prof 443-8832 englander DE Prof 443-8846 GP Prof 443-8810 jonnard A Assoc 443-8800 koppl BEG Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Econ, Finance & Intl Bus Djimopoulos, Evangelos S. Gaughan, Patrick Anastasopoulos, Petros Denming, Karen Kessler, Adam Kiernan, Joseph J. Kjetsaa, Richard W. Teaneck, NJ 07666-1914 (201) 692-7215 Silbermann Col of Bus Fax=692-7219 C-Pr 692-7292 evangelos_dj+ ADEF PHD Prof pgaughan PHD Assoc 692-7268 petros_anast+ ADE PHD Assoc 692-7294 denming PHD Assoc 692-7214 adam_kessler ACDE PHD Assoc 692-7298 joseph_kiernan AEG PHD Assoc 692-7295 richard_kjetsaa AEG PHD Dean C-Ac Prof 66801-5087 (620) 341-5346 Fax=341-6346 hite Mktg PHD kchakrab HD PHD dghosh F PHD rcatlett J MA ajanssen H MA 479-2866 rc60 479-2868 gb3 479-2864 mz3 Fnce 867-6159 867-6616 687-5209 kennedyc 687-6046 867-6430 867-6389 C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 254-4000 lane jabuss deak mleclair dfrancheschi miners nantz rakelly klang cminers 81 Va Tech 78 Virginia 1975 1984 95 Va Tech 1996 82 98 94 75 emporia.edu Barbara Givens Arkansas 2003 Utah St 2000 Tulane 1997 Nebraska 1976 Missouri 1976 evansville.edu Sherry Hawkins PHD PHD PHD 89 Purdue 2003 80 Okla St 1977 77 Tennessee 1976 evergreen.edu PHD PHD BA PHD 91 85 67 87 American 1991 Mass 1987 W Wash 1981 Mass DPA MBA MA PHD DPA 96 88 67 78 66 S Calif Penn St Wisconsin U Wash NYU EGR PHD EOP PHD LRK PHD FGC PHD QPO PHD CIJA PHD JDPA PHD HKC PHD EID PHD EG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD mail.fairfield.edu Joan Huave 83 72 74 87 79 87 71 95 81 Tufts 1981 Conn 1975 Conn 1970 Rutgers 1988 Tennessee 1999 N Carol 1981 Purdue 1986 Geotown 1978 Boston C 2006 N Carol 1998 fdu.edu Grethe Zarnitz 99 75 79 63 88 Columbia 2006 Rutgers 9-87 Rutgers 8-79 NYU 9-65 Auburn 1988 fdu.edu Mrs. Eileen Kerrigan 69 Columbia 86 CUNY 1986 84 New Sch 1986 86 Pittsburgh 78 NYU 80 Fordham 9-70 85 Fordham 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Oseghale, Braimoh D. Assoc 692-7221 braimoh_oseg+ Farias, Christine Lect 692-7292 email: [email protected] F PHD PHD 49 89 Temple 97 Tx Tech 1994 Fairmont State University Dept of Business & Econ Homepage: www.fairmontstate.edu Schaupp, Rebecca Khalil, Mohamad Alshallah, Mohamed Fairmont, WV 26554-2470 (304) 367-4261 School of Business Fax=366-4870 Fayetteville State Univ Dept of Mgr Econ & Finance Homepage: www.uncfsu.edu/mef/ Prabhaker, Paul R. Jonsson, Petur O. Nijhawan, Inder P. Okpala, Amon O. Lee, Baeyong Miah, Fazlul Wane, Abdoul Williams, Thomas G. E. Wolfe, David Fayetteville, NC 28301-4298 (910) 672-1617 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=672-2065 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Rochester Penn St N Carol LSU 8-84 Miss Wayne St 2002 S Illinois 2003 98 Tx A&M N Orleans Ferris State University Management Department Nicol, David M. Boras, William Afifi, Ashraf S. Ferdowsi, Abdollah Brandly, Mark McLean, Roy Big Rapids, MI 49307-2284 (231) 591-2427 College of Business Fax=591-3521 Dean 591-2422 nicold Mgt PHD C-Pr 591-5297 borasab Cis PHD Prof 591-2766 aafifi ADH PHD Prof 591-2738 ferdowsa PHD Asst 591-2433 brandlym HL PHD Asst 591-2766 mcleanr PHD 83 82 98 95 ferris.edu Karen Ottobre Houston 2001 Mich St 1975 Kansas 1980 Mich St 1984 Auburn S Carol 2001 University of Findlay Economics Faculty Sears, Paul A. Mathern, Dennis C. Gupta, Shiv K. Arburn, Gregory W. Gamba, Maria V. Findlay, OH 45840-3695 (419) 434-4539 College of Business Fax=434-6781 Dean 434-4439 sears EMR PHD D-Pr 434-4546 mathern Mktg PHD Prof 434-4548 gupta AJ DBA Asst 434-4654 arburn PHD Asst 434-4718 gamba AD MS findlay.edu Ms. Kathy Bradford 90 Case Wes 2006 98 Bowl Gr 1988 83 London 1983 92 Clemson 2000 88 Wright St 1988 Fisk University Nashville, TN 37208-3051 (615) 329-8570 Economics Faculty Div of Business Admin Fax=329-8758 Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Cambronero, Alfredo C-As 329-8698 acambron DOE PHD fisk.edu Mrs. Eula Black 92 Vanderbilt 1992 Fitchburg State College Economics Faculty Turk, Michael Lwamugira, Pirudas L. Bhandari, Borndi Fitchburg, MA 01420-2697 (978) 665-3397 Social Sciences Dept Fax=665-4530 C-Ac 665-3731 mturk PHD Assoc 665-3281 plwamugira PHD Asst 665-4855 bbhandari PHD fsc.edu Karen Valeri 76 Harvard 1982 90 Temple 1991 06 Oregon University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-7140 (352) 392-0151 Department of Economics Warrington Col of Bus Fax=392-7860 Homepage: http://www.cba.ufl.edu/eco/index.html email @1=ufl.edu Kraft, John L. Dean 392-2397 kraft PHD Hamilton, Johnathan H. C-Pr 392-2999 jon.hamilton HRD PHD Ai, Chunrong Prof 392-7859 chunrong.ai CT PHD Berg, Sanford V. Prof 392-0132 sanford.berg T PHD Exec Dir Public Utility Research Ctr;Public Utilities & Distinguished Serv Pr Blair, Roger Duncan Prof 392-0179 roger.blair KT PHD Huber Hurst Professor of Business and Legal Studies Denslow, David A. Jr. Prof 392-0171 denslow@1 EH PHD Distinguished Service Professor Dinopoulos, Elias Prof 392-8150 elias.dinopoulos FO PHD Figlio, David N. Prof 392-0147 david.figlio HI PHD Knight-Ridder Professor Kenny, Lawrence W. Prof 392-0117 larry.kenny DHJ PHD Romano, Richard E. Prof 392-4812 richard.romano THOD PHD Gerald L. Gunter Professor cba.ufl.edu Laura Braden C-Pr 367-4261 rschaupp C-Pr 367-4727 mkhalil Assoc 367-4750 malshullah Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 672-1267 672-1984 672-1618 672-1594 672-1488 672-1592 672-1370 672-1736 672-2019 pprabhaker pjonsson inijhawan aokpala blee fmiah awane tgewilliams dwolfe CF AD Mgt EDD PHD MBA fairmontstate.edu Joyce Rose W Virginia 1984 88 W Virginia 1988 Bridgepr 1988 uncfsu.edu Ms. Malika Mercer 84 86 71 84 94 71 82 90 70 Pittsburgh MIT MIT Yale 1990 1984 1994 1971 68 Mich St 1970 74 Yale 1970 85 Columbia 1988 95 Wisconsin 1998 77 Chicago 1975 82 Pittsburgh 1982 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Rush, Mark Prof 392-0318 mark.rush EF Sappington, David A. Prof 392-3904 sapping@1 TD Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar; Dir Public Policy Research Center Slutsky, Steven M. Prof 392-8106 steven.slutsky DH Smith, Stanley K. Prof 392-0171 sksmith@1 J Director, Bureau of Economic and Business Research; email [email protected] West, Carol Taylor Prof 392-0157 ctwest@1 RQC Bomberger, William A. Assoc 392-0135 bill.bomberger Waldo, Douglas G. Assoc 392-1370 doug.waldo EFO Clark, Damon Asst 392-1997 damon.clark IJ Hamersma, Sarah Asst 846-1988 sarah.hamersma HI Florida A&M University Department of Economics Turner, Ralph W. Oguledo, Victor I. Burggraf, Shirley Daniels, Rudolph Johnson, Nathaniel Okoye, Ifeakandu Williams, DeEdgra PHD PHD 82 Rochester 1982 80 Princeton 1989 PHD PHD 75 Yale 76 Michigan 1984 1976 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 73 80 02 04 1989 1977 1981 2005 2004 Tallahassee, FL 32307-4800 (850) 599-3138 Coll of Arts & Sciences Fax=561-2050 Dean$ 599-3430 ralph.turner PHD C-Pr 599-3138 victor.oguledo FL PHD Prof 599-3126 shirley.burggraf CE PHD Prof 561-2052 rudolph.daniels DJQ PHD Asst 599-3112 nathaniel.john+ PHD Asst 412-5536 ifeakandu.okoye PHD Asst 412-5538 deedgra.williams PHD Florida Atlantic Univ Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 (561) 297-3220 Department of Economics College of Business Fax=297-2542 Coates, J. Dennis Dean 297-3535 coates Atg PHD Register, Charles A. C-Pr 297-3222 charles.register JL PHD Hung, Chao-shun Emer 297-3220 chung D PHD Stronge, William B. Emer 297-3220 strongew PHD Bosshardt, William D. Assoc 297-2908 wbosshar F PHD Director of Center for Economic Education Manage, Neela D. Assoc 297-3226 manage FE PHD Rhodd, Rupert Assoc 236-1296 rhodd FO PHD Scott, Gerald E. Assoc 297-3225 scott DF PHD Yuhn, Ky-hyang Assoc 297-3224 yuhn ECG PHD Chiang, Eric Asst 297-2947 chiang PHD Escaleras, Monica Asst 297-1312 mescaler PHD Gardner, Lara Asst 297-1313 lbryant HC PHD Ghosh, Suman Asst 297-2948 sghosh PHD Lin, Shu VAsst 297-4178 slin1 PHD Van Tassel, Eric Asst 297-4176 vantasse PHD Vishwasrao, Sharmila Asst 297-3229 svishwas F PHD Volosovych, Vadym Asst 297-4177 vvolosov PHD Wu, Ruhai VAsst 873-3356 rwu1 PHD area code (772) Florida Institute of Tech Economics Homepage: cob.fit.edu Steele, David M. Pierce, Barbara G. Associate Dean Slotkin, M. Vamosi, Alexander R. 50 Michigan Brown N Carol Oxford Wisconsin famu.edu Ms. Ameko Dillard 89 Nebraska 1990 68 Case Wes 1968 80 Fla St 1977 2004 06 Fla St 2006 89 84 82 71 91 fau.edu Eileen Schneider LSU 8-89 Okla St 1997 Tx A&M 1982 Iowa St 1971 Purdue 1995 81 84 87 85 02 03 03 02 06 01 94 06 06 Geo Wash Fordham Maryland N Illinois Florida Fla Intl N Carol Cornell Oklahoma Ca-Rivers Purdue Houston Tx-Austin Melbourne, FL 32901-6975 (321) 674-7167 College of Management Fax=674-8896 1981 1985 1993 8-93 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2002 1995 2006 2006 fit.edu Lyn Chilcote Dean C-As 674-7327 dsteele bpierce Bus Atg PHD PHD 69 Birminghm 2005 92 Indiana Asst Asst 674-7267 mslotkin 674-7497 avamosi AFQ AEC PHD PHD 95 N Carol 95 N Carol Florida International Univ Miami, FL 33199 (305) 348-2316 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=348-1524 Boyd, John H. III C-Ac 348-3287 boydj DC Anbarci, Nejat M. Prof 348-2735 anbarcin DC Antonio, Jorge Prof 348-2072 Bernstein, Jeffrey I. Prof 348-2592 jeffrey.bern+ Carvajal, Manuel J. Prof 348-3290 carvajal JITQ de Alonso, Irma T. de Prof 348-2318 alonsoi OCFI Jorge, Antonio Prof 348-2072 BPO Karayaicin, Ali Cem Prof 348-3285 karayalc EF Liossatos, Panagis S. Prof 348-3288 liossato CODR Salazar-Carrillo, Jorge Prof 348-3283 salazar OFA Director, Center of Economic Research & Education Thompson, Peter Prof 348-6031 peter.thompson2 Wilkins, Mira Prof 348-3352 wilkinsm NF Bhat, Mahadev G. Assoc 348-1210 bhatm Q Chisik, Richard Assoc 348-3286 chisikr LDF Willumsen, Maria J. Assoc 348-3400 willumse RO Bidarkota, Prasad V. Asst 348-6362 bidarkota CEG Bull, Jesse Asst 348-3893 jesse.bull 1996 2001 fiu.edu Deuixieme Maison #314/316 PHD 86 Indiana 1998 PHD 88 Iowa 1995 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 74 69 56 89 68 67 W Ontario Florida York-Eng Villanova Columbia Penn Berkeley 2006 1981 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 94 57 91 97 84 96 Florida 2004 Cambridge 1974 Tennessee 1994 Nrthwstrn 2000 Cornell 1984 Ohio St 2003 Ca-SnDgo 2002 1989 1981 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hill, Jonathan B. Pintea, Michaela Gummerson, Alan Asst Asst Lect 348-2862 jonathan.hill 348-3733 pinteam 348-2381 gummerso 51 PHD PHD PHD 01 Colorado 2003 03 U Wash 2003 71 Wisconsin 1989 Florida Southern College Lakeland, FL 33801-5698 (863) 680-4280 Dept of Bus & Economics Division of Bus Adm Fax=680-4355 Brown, Carl C. C-Pr 680-4280 cbrown EFHL PHD William F. Chatlos Professorship in Business & Economics Buccino, Joan G. Prof 680-4277 gbuccino A PHD Dorotha Tanner Chair in Ethics in Business & Economics Bias, Peter V. Assoc 680-4282 pbias ER PHD flsouthern.edu Linda C. McHenry 79 Okla St 1980 AEF 90 S Fla 1980 89 Cincinnati 1988 Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-2180 (850) 644-5001 coss.fsu.edu Department of Economics College of Soc Sciences Fax=644-4535 June Bozeman 644-7089 Homepage: www.coss.fsu.edu./economics/ email @1=mailer.fsu.edu Rasmussen, David W. Dean 644-5488 drasmuss K PHD 69 Wash U 1968 Adamovich, Ljubisa S. Prof 644-7097 ladamov E PHD 61 Belgrade 1967 Benson, Bruce L. Prof 644-7094 bbenson K PHD 78 Tx A&M 1987 DeVoe Moore Distinguished Research Professor Cobbe, James H. Prof 644-7091 jcobbe@1 O PHD 77 Yale 1976 Fournier, Gary M. Prof 644-7080 gfournie LIK PHD 81 Virginia 1980 Gwartney, James D. Prof 644-7645 jgwartne H PHD 69 U Wash 1968 Stavros Eminent Scholar Chair; Director Stavros Center for Economic Education Holcombe, Randall G. Prof 644-7095 holcombe H PHD 76 Va Tech 1988 DeVoe Moore Professor Ihlanfeldt, Keith R. Prof 644-0075 kihlanfe@1 HR PHD 78 Wash U 2000 DeVoe Moore Eminent Scholar Chair; Director, DeVoe L. Moore Center Isaac, R. Mark Prof 644-7081 misaac@1 PHD 81 Cal Tech 2001 Quinn Eminent Scholar Chair Macesich, George Prof 644-7079 gmacesic E PHD 58 Chicago 1959 Macpherson, David A. Prof 644-3586 dmacpher J PHD 87 Penn St 1992 Research Director, Pepper Inst on Aging & Public Policy; Brim Eminent Scholar Marquis, Milton H. Prof 645-1526 mmarquis E PHD 85 Indiana 1986 Mason, Patrick L. Prof 644-9146 pmason J PHD 91 New Sch 1999 Norrbin, Stefan C. Prof 644-7204 snorrbin F PHD 86 Ariz St 1990 Masters Program Director Sass, Tim R. Prof 644-7087 tsass L PHD 84 U Wash 1990 Schlagenhauf, Don E. Prof 644-3817 dschlage@1 E PHD 77 Illinois 1998 Schmertmann, Carl P. Prof 644-7100 schmert C PHD 88 Berkeley 1990 Beaumont, Paul M. Assoc 644-7085 beaumont C PHD 84 Penn 1988 McCaleb, Thomas S. Assoc 644-7086 tmccaleb@1 H PHD 75 N Carol 1980 Undergraduate Director Salmon, Tim Assoc 644-7207 tsalmon CDL PHD 99 J Hopkins 2000 Zuehlke, Thomas W. Assoc 644-7026 tzuehlke C PHD 83 Florida 1983 Graduate Director Atoli, Manoj Asst 644-7088 matolia F PHD 04 Indiana 2005 Bokhari, Farasat Asst 644-7098 fbokhari@1 I PHD 01 Car Mellon 2003 Cheung, Ron Asst 644-5003 rcheung@1 R PHD 06 Brit Colum 2005 Garriga, Carlos Asst 644-7208 cgarriga EGH PHD 99 Barcelona 2001 Heiland, Frank Asst 644-7083 fheiland@1 JT PHD 02 SUNY 2003 Hock, Heinrich Asst 644-1737 hhock T PHD 06 Brown 2005 Pevnitskaya, Svetlana Asst 645-1525 spevnitskaya D PHD 02 S Calif 2005 Ryvkin, Dmitry Asst 644-7085 dryvkin D PHD 06 CERGE 2006 Samykina, Anastasia Asst 644-4557 asymykina@1 C PHD 06 Mich St 2006 Calhoun, Joseph Lect 644-3014 jcalhoun A PHD 03 Georgia 2004 Assistant Director, Stavros Center for Economic Education Holcombe, Lora Lect 644-7092 lholcombe A PHD 86 Fla St 2006 Fordham University Department of Economics Busch, Nancy Schwalbenberg, Henry M. Brent, Robert J. Dowling, Edward T. Salvatore, Dominick Director PhD Program Vinod, Hrishinesh D. James, Duncan Associate Chair Leighton, Linda S. Assistant Chair, Undergraduate McLeod, Darryl L. Moore, Bartholomew J. Francis, Johanna New York, NY 10458 (718) 817-4048 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=817-3518 Dean 817-4405 gsasdean C-Ac$ 817-4059 schwalbenber Prof 817-4058 brent Prof 817-4062 edowling Prof 817-3606 salvatore PHD PHD PHD PHD 88 76 73 71 Prof 817-4065 vinod Assoc 817-4053 dujames PHD PHD 66 Harvard 98 Arizona Assoc 817-4054 lighton PHD 78 Columbia 1979 PHD PHD PHD 82 Berkeley 1984 90 Columbia 1998 05 J Hopkins 2006 Assoc 817-4063 mcleod Assoc 817-4049 bmoore Asst 817-4055 ajofrancis E murray.fordham.edu Angela Bates Columbia Manchest Cornell CUNY 1988 1980 1973 1970 1982 1999 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hepp, Ralf Karacaovali, Baybars Mitra, Sophie Rengifo, Erick Tassier, Troy Tedeschi, Gwendolyn Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Fort Hays State University Dept of Economics & Finance Homepage: www.fhsu.edu/econ Williams, Steve Parker, Carl D. Gamble, Ralph C. Jr. Toulaboe, Dosse Arano, Kathleen Breit, Emily Hays, KS 67601-4099 (785) 628-5805 Col of Bus & Leadership Fax=628-4418 Dean C-Pr Prof Assoc Asst Asst 817-4066 817-3564 817-5337 817-4061 817-4793 817-3636 628-5339 628-5805 628-5805 628-5805 628-5805 628-5805 hepp karacaovali mitra rengiformina tassier tedeschi swilliams cparker rgamble dtoulabo karano esbreit PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Mgt DIJM AEG DEFL ADGT AGM PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD Fort Lewis College Durango, CO 81301-3999 (970) 247-7294 Department of Economics School of Business Adm Fax=247-7623 Homepage: http://ww.fortlewis.edu/soba/soba.html Harrington, Thomas C. Dean 247-7294 harrington_t Mgt PHD Owings, Stephanie Assoc 247-7589 owing_s PHD Walker, Deborah L. Assoc 247-7624 walker_d PHD Sonora, Robert Asst 247-7296 sonora_t F PHD 52 05 06 01 05 02 01 Ca-SnCruz 2006 Maryland 2006 Paris 2005 Cath DeLou2005 Iowa 2003 Maryland 2001 fhsu.edu Linda Kepka 90 71 89 98 04 Nebraska Okla St Okla St Okla St Miss St Okla St 2003 1976 1984 2000 2004 2005 fortlewis.edu Rose Clay 79 98 87 98 N Carol 2004 GeoMason 2000 GeoMason 2002 Ohio St 2005 Fort Valley State University Dept of Business Adm & Econ Sartawi, Khaled Yasin, Jehad Fort Valley, GA 31030-3298 (478) 825-6270 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=827-3025 C 825-6270 sartawik Assoc 825-6270 jyasin ETAC PHD mail.fvsu.edu Ms. Bennie Solomon Framingham State College Economics Faculty Wallace, Robert B. Doyle-Burke, Christine Dunne, Maureen E. MacRitchie, Donald R. Meaney, Martha M. White, Charles E. Framingham, MA 01701-9101 (508) 626-4851 Dept of Econ & Bus Adm Fax=626-4040 C-Pr 626-4888 bwallac PHD Prof 626-4886 cdoyle MA Prof 626-4861 mdunne MBA Prof 626-4881 dmacrit MA Prof 626-4889 mmeaney MA Prof 626-4892 cwhite PHD frc.mass.edu Dori Pedroli Nrthwstrn 1978 Boston C 1974 Detroit 1983 Boston C 1987 Boston C 1977 Chicago 9-85 Francis Marion University Florence, SC Economics Faculty School of Business O'Brien, M. Barry Dean 661-4664 Kyer, Ben L. C-Pr 661-1436 The Benjamin Wall Ingram, III Professor of Economics Pompe, Jeffrey Prof 661-1438 Bezmen, Trisha Assoc Franck, David P. Assoc 661-1650 fmarion.edu Carol Austin 86 S Carol 8-88 84 W Virginia 8-89 jpompe 90 Fla St 98 Georgia 98 Georgia F PHD PHD PHD Franklin and Marshall Coll Lancaster, PA 17604-3003 (717) 291-3916 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=291-4369 Homepage: www.fandm.edu/departments/economics/default.html Callari, Antonio C-Pr 291-3947 antonio.callari PHD The Sigmund M. and Mary B. Hyman Professor of Economics Flaherty, Sean Prof 291-3940 sean.flaherty J PHD A'Hearn, Brian Assoc 291-3990 brian.ahearn PHD Zein-Elabdin, Eiman Assoc 291-4045 eiman.zein-el+ PHD Brennan, David Asst 291-3926 david.brennan PHD Dasgupta, Utteeyo Asst 358-4767 utteeyo.das+ PHD Hewitson, Gillian Asst 358-4661 gillian.hewitson PHD White, Roger Asst 291-3920 roger.white PHD Kepner, Valerie Visit 358-4766 valarie.kepner ABD Winship, Adam Visit 358-4622 adam.winship ABD Henderson, TN 72 78 76 85 78 81 9-88 29501-0547 (843) 661-1432 Fax=661-1165 bobrien PHD bkyer PHD Franklin University Columbus, OH 43215-5399 (614) 341-6330 Div Atg, Fnce & Intl Bus Col of Business & Tech Fax=228-8478 Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Newton, James E. C-Pr 341-6330 newtonj PHD Assistant Dean Freed Hardeman University 87 Fla St 38340-2399 (731) 989-6091 8-88 1-07 8-01 franklin.edu 97 Ohio St fandm.edu Tami Lantz 81 Mass 1979 81 94 93 00 06 Berkeley 1980 Berkeley 1999 Tennessee 1995 Notre Dm 1998 Arizona 2001 LaTrobe 2002 04 Ca-SnCruz 1999 Colo St 2001 Tx-Austin fhu.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 53 Economics Faculty Eldridge, C. Ray DeBerry, Thomas W. Brashier, April Brooks, Rickey A. School of Business Dean 989-6093 Prof 989-6659 Asst 893-3570 Asst 989-6098 Fax=989-6737 reldridge tdeberry abrashier rbrooks DBA PHD ABD DA Mrs. Pam Carver 01 Sarasota 8-00 94 Tx Tech 8-06 Alabama 8-05 02 Mid Tenn 8-92 Frostburg State University Department of Economics Arnold, Daniel R. Kiriazis, David M. Dalton, Margaret M. Mizak, Daniel A. Neral, John A. Stair, Anthony G. Anderson, B. Rossi, Armond A. Frostburg, MD School of Business Dean 687-4019 C-As 687-4390 Prof 687-4386 Prof 687-4096 Prof 687-4265 Prof 687-4788 Assoc 687-4011 Asst 687-4407 21532-1099 (301) 687-4386 Fax=687-4760 darnold Mktg DBA dkiriazis PHD pdalton PHD dmizak PHD jneral PHD astair PHD banderson PHD arossi PHD 76 97 86 84 89 93 99 93 frostburg.edu Ms. Susie Fuller La Tech 7-03 Wayne St 1997 W Virginia 1981 Pittsburgh 1977 Pittsburgh 1986 W Virginia 1984 Auburn 2001 W Virginia 1988 Furman University Greenville, SC Economics Faculty Dept of Economics Peterson, Kenneth D. C-Pr 294-3043 John d. Hollingsworth, Jr. Professor of Economics Brown, Bruce L. Prof 294-3319 Horney, Mary Jean Prof 294-3315 Frederick W. Symmes Professor of Economics Roe, R. David Prof 294-3320 Stanford, Richard A. Prof 294-3322 David C Garrett Jr. Professor of Economics Khandke, Kailash Assoc 294-3316 Yankow, Jeffrey J. Assoc 294-3321 Xiao, Sheng Asst 294-3556 29613-1131 (864) 294-3473 Fax=294-2990 ken.peterson ADER PHD furman.edu Deborah Thomas 91 SUNY-SBr 1990 bruce.brown jean.horney AGI AC PHD PHD 84 S Carol 77 Duke 1984 1979 david.roe richard.stanford AC AF PHD PHD 78 Duke 71 Georgia 1977 1968 kailash.khandke jeff.yankow sheng.xiao BDEF PHD PHD AF PHD 93 Ca-Davis 1995 99 Ohio St 1999 06 Vanderbilt 2006 Gallaudet University Department of Business Allen, Thomas E. Agboola, Isaac Chaikind, Stephen B. Rashid, Khadijat Washington DC 20002-3695 (202) 651-5040 Grad & Prof Studies Sch Fax=651-5516 Dean 651-5576 thomas.allen EdPs PHD C-Pr isaac.agboola Sys PHD Prof 651-5040 steve.chaikin PHD Assoc khadijat.rashid PHD gallaudet.edu Gannon University Economics Faculty O'Neill, Michael J. Brooker, Robert F. Mahan, Gary P. Bennett, Charles A. Erie, PA 16541-0001 (814) 871-7585 Dahlkemper Sch of Bus Fax=871-7210 C-As$ 871-7339 oneill001 Atg JD Assoc 871-7586 brookercol C PHD Assoc 871-7588 mahancon PHD Asst 871-7585 bennett A MA 83 85 78 68 Gardner-Webb University Economics Faculty Negbenebor, Anthony I. Bottoms, I. Glenn Johnson, Steven G. Boiling Spr, NC Broyhill Sch of Mgt Dean 406-4382 Prof 406-4377 Asst 406-3506 gardner-webb.edu Janie McClain 88 Miss St 1989 81 Geo St 1983 83 La Tech 2005 Geneva College Economics Faculty Homepage: www.geneva.edu Nutter, J. Randall Ancil, Ralph Beaver Falls, PA 15010-3599 (724) 847-6615 Dept of Bus, Atg & Mgt Fax=847-6696 George Fox University Economics Faculty phone 544-2811 Head, Tom Worden, Debra Gorlorwulu, John Newberg, OR 97132-2697 (503) Ext 2811 School of Management Fax=554-2829 georgefox.edu Kelly Borror Ext 2810 C-Pr Ext 2811 Assoc Ext 2816 Asst Ext 2810 80 Berkeley 84 Purdue 02 Cornell Mgt ABCH ADE DEF 28017 (704) 406-4375 Fax=406-4738 anegbenebor PHD gbottoms PHD sgjohnson I PHD C-Pr 847-6613 jrn Assoc 847-6615 reancil thead dworden jgorlorulu Mgt BP DBA PHD MA PHD PHD George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 (703) 993-1130 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=993-1133 Homepage: www.gmu.edu/departmens/economics Bondreaux, Donald C-Pr 993-1130 dbondrea PHD Bennett, James T. Prof 993-1155 jbennett PHD William P. Snavely Professor of Economics 78 Minnesota Maryland 78 CUNY 1989 Maryland gannon.edu Syracuse N Car St N Car St Fordham 1991 1982 1977 1968 geneva.edu Pam Watterson 91 Nova SE Mich St 1992 2004 gmu.edu Ashley Boggs 86 Auburn 70 Case Wes 1975 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Buchanan, James M. Emer 993-2327 University Professor of Economics Emeritus Congleton, Roger D. Prof 993-2328 Cowen, Tyler Prof 993-2312 Holbert L. Harris Professor of Economics Crain, W. Mark Prof 993-2325 Heiner, Ronald A. Prof 993-2322 Iannaccone, Laurence R. Prof 993-2331 McCabe, Kevin A. Prof 993-4843 Professor of Economics and Law Robers, Russell Prof 993-1130 Rowley, Charles K. Prof 993-4026 Smith, Vernon L. Prof 993-4842 Professor of Economics and Law Vaughn, Karen I. Prof 993-1146 Wagner, Richard E. Prof 993-2324 Holbert I. Harris Professor of Economics Williams, Walter E. Prof 993-1148 John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics Houser, Daniel Assoc 993-4049 Levy, David M. Assoc 993-2319 Meyer, Carrie A. Assoc 993-1143 Reid, Joseph D. Assoc 993-1159 Tabarrok, Alexander Assoc 993-2314 Thorbecke, Willem Assoc 993-1150 Wiest, Philip Ray Assoc 993-1131 Wilson, Bart J. Assoc 993-4049 Caplan, Bryan Asst 993-2324 Hanson, Robin Asst 993-2326 Menes, Rebecca Asst 993-1156 Ramirez, Carlos D. Asst 993-1143 PHD 48 Chicago 1983 congleto tcowen PHD PHD 78 Va Tech 87 Harvard 1988 1989 mcrain rheiner liannacc kmccabe PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 75 84 82 Tx A&M UCLA Chicago Penn 1989 2002 2001 rrobert2 crowley vsmith2 PHD PHD PHD 81 Chicago 64 Nottingh 55 Harvard 2003 1984 2001 kvaughn rwagner PHD PHD 71 Duke 66 Virginia 1978 1988 wwilliams PHD 72 UCLA 1981 dhouser dlevy cmeyer jreid tabarrok wthorbec pwiest bwilson3 bcaplan rhanson rmenes cramire2 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 98 79 88 74 94 88 76 97 97 99 97 93 George Washington Univ Department of Economics Lyescomb, Diana Watson, Harry S. Boulier, Bryan L. Bradley, Michael D. Cordes, Joseph J. Dunn, Robert M. Jr. Goldfarb, Robert S. Joutz, Frederick L. Kaminsky, Graciela Labadie, Pamela A. Moore, Michael Owen Parsons, Donald O. Pelzman, Joseph Phillips, Robert F. Smith, Stephen C. Trost, Robert P. Vonortas, Nicholas S. Yezer, Anthony M. Fon, Vincy Joshi, Sumit Malik, Arun Mullin, Wallace P. Suranovic, Steven M. Chao, Wei Chen, Maggie Cipriani, Marco Fostel, Ana Samaniego, Roberto Sinclair, Tara Washington, DC 20052 (202) 994-6150 Columbian C Arts & Sci Fax=994-6147 Dean 994-6130 biodl C-Pr 994-6685 hsw H Prof 994-8088 mortile JT Prof 994-8089 mbrad E Prof 994-6151 cordes H Prof 994-7379 rmdunn F Prof 994-7581 gldfrb BJ Prof 994-4899 bmark EC Prof 994-6686 graciela F Prof 994-7068 labadie E Prof 994-6157 mom F Prof 994-3984 dopars J Prof 994-7108 jpelz F Prof 994-8619 rphil C Prof 994-8086 scsmith O Prof 994-9011 trost C Prof 994-6458 vonortas OL Prof 994-6755 yezer R Assoc 994-7580 vfon CD Assoc 994-6154 sumjos CD Assoc 994-5471 amalik Q Assoc 994-8087 wpmullin Assoc 994-7579 smsuan F Asst 994-2374 cdwei Asst 994-0192 xchen Asst 994-2218 mciprian Asst 994-6147 afostel Asst 994-6153 roberto Asst 994-6147 tsinc Georgetown University Department of Economics Homepage: //econ.georgetown.edu Albrecht, James W. Anderlini, Luca Canzoneri, Matthew B. Collins, Susan M. Cumby, Robert Diba, Behzad T. Evans, Martin D. D. Gale, Ian L. Lagunoff, Roger D. Washington, DC 20057-1036 (202) 687-5601 College of Arts & Sci Fax=687-6102 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 687-6105 687-5601 687-5911 687-5781 687-2990 687-5682 687-1570 687-5732 687-1510 54 albrecht la2 canzonem collins1 cumbyr dibab evansm12 galei lagunoffr DJ D EFG FO FG EFG EFG L DLH Minnesota 2001 Chicago 1983 Illinois 1988 Chicago 1983 GeoMason 2002 Berkeley Pittsburgh 1972 Arizona 2001 Princeton 1997 Harvard 1999 Harvard 1999 Harvard 1996 gwu.edu Julie Schumakes PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 74 82 77 67 68 87 83 84 88 70 76 85 83 77 89 74 81 91 84 92 87 Indiana Princeton N Carol Wisconsin Stanford Yale U Wash MIT Chicago Wisconsin Chicago Boston C Columbia Cornell Florida NYU MIT Kansas Indiana J Hopkins MIT Cornell 1980 1981 1987 1975 1978 1980 1988 1998 1996 1988 1997 1980 1985 1983 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 05 02 05 01 05 Colorado NYU Yale Penn Wash U 8-05 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 1972 1979 1992 1992 1988 2005 2001 georgetown.edu Marcia Suss 76 97 75 84 82 84 87 86 89 Berkeley 1992 Cambridge 2001 Minnesota 1985 MIT 1992 MIT 1994 Brown 1988 Princeton 1996 Princeton 1995 Minnesota 1996 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Rogers, Carol Ann Schwartz, Marius Vella, Francis G. M. Viksnins, George J. Vroman, Susan Brown, Douglas M. Huggett, Mark Levinson, Arik M. Ludema, Rodney Bai, Jinhui Chaudhuri, Adhrp Cross, Philip J. Flabbi, Luca Genicot, Garance Heathcote, Jonathan Mayda, Anna Maria Westbrook, M. Daniel Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 687-5816 687-6112 687-5573 687-5890 687-6024 687-5772 687-6683 687-5571 687-1429 687-0935 687-6113 687-8202 687-6752 687-7144 687-5582 687-6712 687-5880 rogersc schwarm2 fgv viksning vromans browndm mh5 aml6 ludemar jb543 chaudhur pjc22 lf74 gg58 jhh9 amm223 westbrom EH DL G GP DJ DIR O HQ F E IFB HD G E E F D PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-6252 (706) 542-1311 Department of Economics Terry College of Bus Fax=542-3376 Benson, P. George Dean 542-8100 gbenson Stat PHD Lastrapes, William D. H-Pr 542-3569 last CEF PHD Atkinson, Scott E. Prof 542-3691 atknsn CQK PHD Bateman, Fred Prof 542-3692 bateman N PHD Nicholas A. Beadles Professor Cornwell, Christopher M. Prof 542-3670 cornwl CHJ PHD Kamerschen, David R. Prof 542-3681 davidk DK PHD Jasper N. Dorsey Professor Keenan, Donald C. Prof 542-3668 keenan CHR DSC Lee, Dwight R. Prof 542-3970 lee DHM PHD Bernard B. & Eugenia A. Ramsey Professor Selgin, George A. Prof 542-2734 selgin EN PHD Snow, Arthur Prof 542-3752 snow DH PHD Mustard, David B. Assoc 542-3624 mustard DJK PHD Trandel, Gregory A. Assoc 542-3673 trandel GK PHD Warren, Ronald S. Assoc 542-3693 warren JC PHD Chatterjee, Santanu Asst 542-3696 schatt EO PHD Demiduva, Svettana Asst 542-3689 demiduva F PHD Ornelas, Emanuel Asst 542-2284 eornelas F PHD Turner, John Asst 542-3682 jlturner L PHD Weinberg, Matthew Asst 542-0163 mwienber L ABD Georgia Col & State Univ Milledgeville GA Dept of Econ, Finance & Mktg School of Business Homepage: www.gcsu.edu/economics/faculty.html Gilbert, Faye W. Dean Farr, William Kendrick C-Pr 445-1804 Xu, Zhenhui Prof 445-2592 Scafidi, Benjamin P. Assoc 445-2578 Walker, Doug Assoc 445-1240 Arias, James J. Asst 445-2085 Clark, Chris Asst 445-2588 Swinton, John R. Asst 445-4182 Georgia Institute Tech School of Economics Homepage: www.econ.gatech.edu Rosser, Sue V. email: [email protected] McCarthy, Patrick S. Biven, W. Carl Boston, Thomas D. Chu, Kong McCarty, Marilu H. Ries, Christine P. Schaffer, William A. Silva, Emilson C. D. Belton, Willie J. Jr. Ghosal, Vivek Klimenko, Mikhail NairReichert, Usha C. Chung, Chul Iacopetta, Maurizio Kellenberg, Derek K. Kilic, Rehim 894-0511 C-Pr Emer Prof Emer Emer Prof Emer Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 894-4919 894-1885 894-5020 894-1886 894-2621 894-9541 894-4915 385-1078 894-4388 894-4910 894-0353 894-4903 894-9006 894-4913 894-4912 894-4453 83 82 90 64 77 69 91 93 90 99 98 03 78 Princeton UCLA Rochester Geotown J Hopkins W Virginia Minnesota Columbia Columbia Yale Columbia Wisconsin NYU Cornell Penn Harvard Ohio St 77 86 72 65 terry.uga.edu Cindy Owensby Florida 1998 N Carol 1990 Colorado 1985 Tulane 1991 79 01 85 Mich St 64 Mich St faye.gilbert ken.farr zhenhul.xu ben.scafidi doug.walker jj.arias chris+.clark john.swinton Mktg QOG FO AH AI AE AH HQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD mccarthy carl.biven thomas.boston kong.chu marilu.mccarty christine.ries william.schaffer emilson.silva willie.belton vivek.ghosal mikhail.klimenko usha.nair chul.chung maurizio.iac+ derek.kellenberg rehim.kilie CL EB JN OC EH R E LD F F D CG 1984 1982 2005 1968 1978 1972 1999 2000 1995 2006 1979 2001 2004 2003 2002 2003 1978 1988 1974 78 Wash U 1978 72 Ca-SnDgo 1985 86 79 97 92 76 01 96 02 02 31061-4090 (478) 453-4210 Fax=445-1535 Atlanta, GA 30332-0615 (404) 894-4919 Ivan Allen College Fax=894-1890 Dean 55 NYU Wisconsin Chicago Princeton N Carol U Wash Penn St Wisconsin Virginia Princeton 1989 1989 1997 1989 1985 2001 2006 2002 2002 2006 gcsu.edu Deanie Waddell 88 85 93 98 98 96 05 96 North Tx Georgia Virginia Virginia Auburn Tx A&M Kentucky Wisconsin 1985 1998 2005 1998 1999 2005 2002 econ.gatech.edu Ms. Jyldyz Hughes PHD 73 Wisconsin 1999 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 56 76 64 72 77 63 93 86 88 97 95 02 02 04 02 Claremont St Louis Cornell Tulane Geo St Chicago Duke Illinois Penn St Florida Stanford Purdue Michigan NYU Colorado Mich St 2000 1958 1985 1968 1972 1997 1963 2006 1987 2001 2004 1996 2001 2002 2004 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 894-3542 385-0512 385-4992 385-1100 haizheng.li mark.mccabe minjae.song ruth.uwaifo C L PHD PHD PHD PHD 56 Li, Haizheng C. McCabe, Mark J. Song, Minjae Uwaifo, Ruth Asst Asst Asst Asst Georgia Southern University School of Economic Dev Shiffler, Ronald E. Amponsah, William A. Levernier, William B. Brock, Greg J. Brown, John H. Ogloblin, Constantin Yanochik, Mark Barilla, Anthony Fisher, Donna K. Gibbison, Godfrey Henry, Tracyann King, Amanda King, John T. Kumazawa, Risa M. Ressulak, Michael Yang, Bill Z. Statesboro, GA 30460-8151 (912) 681-5216 georgiasouthern.edu College of Business Fax=681-0710 Polly Johnson, E. Freeman Dean 681-5106 shiffler Mgt PHD 80 Florida 2002 D-Ac 681-6347 waamponsah PHD 91 Ohio St Prof 681-5227 wlevenier PHD 88 W Virginia 1989 Assoc 681-5579 gbrock PO PHD 89 Ohio St 1999 Assoc 681-0896 jbrown KLBN PHD 89 Mich St 1994 Assoc 681-7561 coglobli EFJP PHD 99 Kent St 2000 Assoc 681-5020 myanochi PHD 97 Auburn 2000 Asst 681-0894 barilla AJRT PHD 01 Kansas St 2001 Asst 681-0533 dkfisher PHD 00 Illinois Asst 681-0086 ggibbiso ITQ PHD 98 Va Tech 2002 Asst 681-0536 thenry LI PHD 04 SUNY-SBr Asst 681-0535 aking EJ PHD 00 Vanderbilt 2002 Asst 681-0388 jking LDHC PHD 01 Vanderbilt 2002 Asst 681-5746 rkumazawa PHD 02 Tx-Austin Asst 871-1842 mreksulak PHD 02 Miss 2003 Asst 681-5727 byand DEGL PHD 93 Iowa 2000 Georgia Southwestern Coll Americus, GA 31709-4693 (229) 931-2079 Economic Faculty Div of History & Pol Sc Fax=931-2960 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Hall, Richard C. Dean Szmedra, Phillip I. Asst 931-2107 szmedra@canes. AOQ PHD 96 91 03 06 Colorado MIT Harvard Berkeley 1997 1998 2003 2006 business.gsw.edu 86 Georgia 8-01 Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30303-3083 (404) 651-2626 gsuvm1.gsu.edu Dept of Economics POBox 3992 Andrew Young Sch Policy Fax=651-4985 Ms. Caroline Patton Griffin Homepage: http://gsu.edu/~wwwsps/econ/index.htm Bahl, Roy W. Jr. Dean 651-3993 rbahl HRO PHD 65 Kentucky 1988 Alm, James C-Pr 651-0420 jalm DHO PHD 80 Wisconsin 1999 Cox, James C. Prof 651-1888 jccox DC PHD 71 Harvard 2005 Noah Langdale, Jr. Eminent Scholar Chair-Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Sc Kaufman, Bruce E. Prof 651-2922 bkaufman JN PHD 78 Wisconsin 1977 Martinez, Jorge L. Prof 651-3989 jorgemartinez DFH PHD 78 Wash U 1977 Sjoquist, David L. Prof 651-3995 sjoquist DRH PHD 71 Minnesota 1970 Semi-retired Turnbull, Geoffrey K. Prof 651-0419 gturnbull DRH PHD 83 Wi-Milwa 2001 Wallace, Sally Prof 651-1912 swallace GH PHD 88 Syracuse 1991 Xu, Yongsheng Prof 651-2626 yxu3 DHC PHD 92 Tulane 1999 Banzhaf, H. Spencer Assoc 651-6981 hsbanzhaf Q PHD 01 Duke 2006 Farnham, Paul G. Assoc 651-2624 pfarnham DHI PHD 78 Berkeley 1977 Gurmu, Shiferaw Assoc 651-1907 sgurmu CI PHD 92 Indiana 1998 Laury, Susan K. Assoc 651-2626 slaury HCQ PHD 96 Indiana 1999 Mansfield, Jon Assoc 651-2626 jlmansfied AM PHD 92 Geo St 1996 Moore, Robert E. Assoc 651-3756 rmoore FO PHD 88 Cornell 1989 Associate Dean Rider, Mark Assoc 651-1687 mrider HO PHD 94 Geo St 2003 Rioja, Felix K. Assoc 651-0417 frioja EFG PHD 97 Ariz St 1997 Seaman, Bruce A. Assoc 651-2775 ecobas@1 DL PHD 78 Chicago 1978 Taylor, Laura L. Assoc 651-2873 taylor CQ PHD 94 N Car St 1994 Valev, Neven T. Assoc 651-0418 nvalev EFG PHD 97 Purdue 1998 Walker, Mary Beth Assoc 651-3751 mbwalker DC PHD 86 Rice 1991 Ferraro, Paul J. Asst 651-1372 pferrao CQO PHD 01 Cornell 2001 Frost, Shelby D. Asst 651-4224 sfrost AQ PHD 02 Colorado 2003 Kitsul, Yuriy Asst 463-4507 ykitsul C PHD 05 N Carol 2005 Krupka, Douglas K. Asst 651-0518 dkrupka QR PHD 04 Chicago 2004 Peter, Klara Sabirianova Asst 651-3986 kpeter JPO PHD 00 Kentucky 2005 Petrie, Ragan Asst 651-4379 rpetrie CQO PHD 02 Wisconsin 2002 Rashad, Inas Asst 651-4967 irashad IJ PHD 04 CUNY 2004 Rork, Jonathan C. Asst 651-6985 jrork HR PHD 99 Stanford 2006 Sadiraj, Vjollca Asst 463-3385 vsadiraj DC PHD 02 Amsterdm 2006 Tekin, Erdal Asst 651-3968 tekin CIJ PHD 01 N Carol 2001 Hotchkiss, Julie L. Adj 651-3986 jhotchkiss CJ PHD 89 Cornell 1989 Gettysburg College Economics Faculty Weise, Charles Fender, Ann Harper Fletcher, Jean W. Gettysburg, PA 17325-1486 (717) 337-6670 Department of Economics Fax=337-6638 C-Ac 337-6672 cweis ABEF PHD Prof 337-6671 fendera ADNL PHD Assoc 337-6674 fletcher AJD PHD gettysburg.edu Ms. Susan Holz 93 Wisconsin 2000 76 J Hopkins 1978 83 Wash U 1986 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 337-6668 337-6667 337-6675 337-6671 337-6669 337-6677 337-6676 337-6678 337-6673 bkaiser skoeva estillwa bcooper bdaniels mhopkins zhu ymadra nsmith ADNQ PHD PHD AFQO PHD ABJ PHD PHD PHD E PHD ABD MS 57 Kaiser, Brooks Koeva, Stefka Stillwaggon, Eileen Cooper, Brian Cushing-Daniels, Brendan Hopkins, Mark Hu, Zhining Madra, Yahya Smith, Nicole Assoc VAsoc Assoc VAsst Asst Asst Asst Asst Inst Gonzaga University Department of Economics Barnes, Clarence H. Beck, John H. Bennett, Randall W. Friesner, Daniel Henrickson, Kevin McPherson, Matthew Spokane, WA 99258-0009 (509) 323-5991 Sch of Business Adm Fax=323-5811 Dean 323-3402 barnes PHD D-Pr 323-3429 beck BH PHD Prof 323-3411 bennett HL PHD Asst 323-3415 friesner IC PHD Asst 323-3408 henrickson JQ PHD Asst 323-7034 mcpherson FI PHD jepson.gonzaga.edu Doroty Greenamyer 73 Tennessee 9-73 76 Mich St 1988 84 Mich St 1988 00 Wash St 2003 06 Oregon 2006 03 W Virginia 2004 Gordon College Economics Faculty Smith, Stephen L. S. Mason, John D. Webb, Bruce G. Wenham, MA 01984-1899 (978) 867-4389 Dept of Economics & Bus Fax=867-4671 C-Pr 867-4421 stephen.smith FO PHD Prof 867-4390 john.mason AJR PHD Prof 867-4391 bruce.webb BGE PHD gordon.edu Goshen College Economics Faculty Stalter, Anita Weldy, Alan L. Good, Delmar Yoder, Timothy L. Goshen, IN Dept of Business Dean 535-7503 C Prof 535-7452 Assoc 535-7024 46526 (574) Fax=535-7660 dean delgg timly AH Sys PHD JD PHD MBA Grambling State University Economics Department Nelson, Anthony C. Keleta, Ghebre Haj, Mahmound Hassan, Morsheda Uwakonye, Matthew Grambling, LA 71245 (318) 274-6290 College of Business Fax=274-2191 Dean$ 274-2275 Assoc 274-2795 keleta PHD Asst 274-3825 hajm PHD Asst 274-3825 morshedat Asst 274-2779 m_uwakonye@y Grand Valley State Univ Department of Economics Homepage: gvsu.edu/econ Williams, H. James Singh, Hari Reifel, John W. Dalmia, Sonia Isely, Paul N. Sicilian, Paul Simons, Gerald P. Giedeman, Dan Lowen, Aaron Ogura, Laudo Reda, Ayman Smith, Claudia Sun, Wei Grand Rapids, MI 49504-6431 (616) 331-7290 Seidman Sch of Business Fax=331-7445 Greensboro College Dept of Bus Adm & Econ phone 272-7102 Dutch, Michael Oerther, Frederick J. Kondeas, Alexander G. Greensboro, NC 27401-1875 (336) 272-7102 Div of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=271-6634 C-As Prof Asst 331-7385 331-7420 331-7426 331-7423 331-7418 33107425 331-7419 331-7488 331-7441 331-7234 331-7460 331-7233 331-7424 williahj singhh reifelj dalmias iselyp siciliap simonsg giedema lowena ogural redaa smithcl sunw 272-7102 madutch 272-7102 oertherf 272-7102 gknodeas Nrthwstrn Varna American Harvard Berkeley Wisconsin Boston C Mass W Indies 88 Stanford 69 Mich St 78 Clark 2000 1977 1995 2003 2002 1987 1968 1977 goshen.edu Graceland College Lamoni, IA 50140-1699 (641) 784-5170 Economics Faculty Division of Business Fax=784-5410 Anders, Steven L. VPAA 784-5115 anders ARD PHD Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dean of Faculty Beck, Paul M. Assoc 784-5176 beck AFJE PHD Poulton, Rob Inst 784-5431 rpoulton ABD Dean C-Pr Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 98 80 79 96 00 02 03 Atg PHD PHD AHOR PHD PHD PHD ACDJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Mgt EH EG PHD PHD PHD 96 86 70 98 Mich St 7-01 Notre Dm 1998 Illinois 2-67 Ind-S Bn 9-96 graceland.edu 88 Kansas St 1978 94 Missouri Penn St 1992 2003 gram.edu Ms. Ollie Pruitt Colo St 9-81 00 N Orleans 8-99 gvsu.edu Madeleine Moore 82 85 72 00 95 91 95 01 03 05 05 06 06 Georgia Il-Chicago Mich St Iowa Purdue Illinois Kansas Wash U Iowa Illinois Mich St Syracuse Kentucky 7-04 1995 1971 1999 1995 1987 1995 2001 2003 2005 2005 2006 2005 gborocollege.edu 04 Houston 2004 89 GeoMason 1990 98 Auburn 1999 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Grinnell College Grinnell, IA 50112-0806 (641) 269-3143 Department of Economics Div of Social Studies Fax=269-4985 Mutti, John C-Pr 269-3143 mutti FHQ PHD Sydney Meyer Professor of International Economics Bateman, Bradley W. Prof 269-3145 bateman B PHD Gertrude B. Ausin Professor of Economics; on leave 2006-2007 Ferguson, William D. Prof 269-3132 ferguso1 JE PHD on leave Fall 2006 Montgomery, Mark Prof 269-3146 montgome JQH PHD Munyon, Paul G. Prof 269-3142 munyon LGC PHD Powell, Irene Assoc 269-3125 powelli IL PHD on leave 2006-2007 Seiz, Janet A. Assoc 269-4868 seiz BO PHD Devaraj, Nirapama VAsst 269-3125 devarajn H PHD Graham, Bradley VAsst 269-3174 grahambj K ABD Grove City College Economics Faculty Herbener, Jeffrey M. Miller, Tracy C. Ritenour, Shawn Grove City, PA 16127-2104 (724) 458-2010 Sch of Arts & Letters Fax=458-3852 C-Pr 458-2204 jmherbener PHD Assoc 458-2013 tcmiller PHD Asst 458-2000 srritenour PHD Guilford College Greensboro, NC 27410 (336) 316-2282 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=316-2950 Williams, Robert G. C-Pr 316-2282 rwilliam POFE PHD Voehringer Professor of Economics Williams, Robert B. Assoc 316-2218 bwillia2 HQRL PHD Gustavus Adolphus College Economics Faculty Johnson, Bruce H. Hays, Henry M. Bungum, John L. Reese, David A. Estenson, Paul Misdzav, Sujetlana Saint Peter, MN 56082-1498 (507) 933-7414 Dept of Economics & Mgt Fax=933-6032 C-Ac 933-7011 bruce PHD Prof 933-7407 hhays PHD Assoc 933-7406 jbungum PHD Assoc 933-7405 reese PHD Asst 933-7408 elvis PHD Asst 933-7409 smadzav PHD Hamilton College Economics Faculty Jones, Derek C. Balkan, Erol M. Bradfield, James Georges, Christophre Jensen, Elizabeth J. Hagstrom, Paul Alan Owen, Ann Pliskin, Jeffrey L. Wu, Stephen Videras, Julio Clinton, NY 13323 (315) 859-4450 Department of Economics Fax=859-4477 C-Pr 859-4381 djones PJ Prof 859-4180 ebalkan OF Prof 859-4190 jbradfie GD Prof 859-4472 cgeorges EJB Prof 859-4437 ejensen LN Assoc 859-4146 phagstro JHI Assoc 859-4419 aowen EO Assoc 859-4143 jpliskin CF Assoc 859-4645 swu IJ Asst 859-4828 jvideras QD Hamline University Economics Faculty email @1=gw.hamline.edu Aziz, Fahima Jessup, Paul F. William Kahlert Professor Akhavi-Pour, Hossein Bochnak, Mary Gunderson, Elizabeth W. St. Paul, MN 55104-1284 (651) 523-2295 Dept of Mgmt and Econ Fax=523-2956 C-As Prof 523-2262 fazia@1 523-2261 pjessup Assoc 523-2223 hakhavi Assoc 523-2377 mbochnak Assoc 523-2263 egunders PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 58 grinnell.edu 74 Wisconsin 1987 84 Kentucky 1987 89 Mass 1989 82 Wisconsin 1989 75 Harvard 1982 85 Wisconsin 1989 85 Duke 05 Clark Colorado 1989 2006 2006 moses.gcc.edu 82 Okla St 86 Chicago 98 Auburn 1997 1995 2001 guilford.edu 78 Stanford 1978 84 N Carol 1987 79 73 77 80 86 96 gustavus.edu Jane Chouanard Houston 1986 Kansas St 1999 Nebraska 1979 Va Tech 1979 Nebraska 1986 Minnesota 1994 74 88 73 89 84 91 95 85 00 02 hamilton.edu Dawn Woodward Cornell 1972 SUNY-Bin 1987 Rochester 1976 Michigan 1989 MIT 1983 Wisconsin 1991 Brown 1997 Michigan 1982 Princeton 2000 Colorado 2002 piper.hamline.edu Katina Krull 523-2295 DJ G PHD PHD 95 Minnesota 1994 66 Nrthwstrn 1988 FO M C PHD PHD PHD 79 Kansas 1988 82 Minnesota 1990 91 Union-NY 1980 Hampton University Hampton, VA Dept of Econ & Entrepreneur School of Business Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Credle, Sid Howard Dean 727-5361 Gillus, Larry D-As 727-5761 Sarki, Ayuba J. Assoc 727-5860 Ferdnance, Tyrone Asst 727-5134 Kasule, Frederick Asst 727-5019 23668 (757) 727-5036 Fax=727-5084 hamptonu.edu Ms. Stephanie Slater sid.credle larry.gillus ayuba.sarki tyrone.ferdnance frederick.kasule 89 78 84 94 96 Hardin-Simmons University 79698-6220 (325) 670-1363 Abilene, TX Atg PHD MBA PHD OCFN PHD MBA Tx-Austin Harvard Georgia Notre Dm Hampton 9-99 2003 1982 1998 2003 hsutx.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 59 Department of Economics Monhollon, Michael L. Hill, John A. House, D. Kelley College of Bus Fax=670-1523 Dean 670-5870 mmoholl Asst 670-5871 jahill Asst 670-5853 dhouse JD PHD PHD Clara Stovall 84 Virginia 1998 95 Tennessee 1998 05 Tx A&M 2005 Harding University Economics Faculty Burks, Bryan Diffine, Donald P. Robertson, Marvin H. Searcy, AR 72149-0001 (501) 279-4470 College of Bus Admin Fax=279-4195 Dean 279-4317 bburks Atg DBA Prof 279-4470 d.diffine PHD Prof 279-4307 robertson EDK JD harding.edu Jill Valentine 06 Nova SE 1995 75 Miss 1971 73 Arkansas 8-79 University of Hartford Dept of Econ, Fnce & Ins Fairfield-Sonn, James P. Kolluri, Bharat R. Giannoros, Demetrios Panik, Michael J. Rassekh, Farhad Singamsetti, Nageswara Rao Cohen, Jeffrey P. W Hartford, CT 06117-1599 (860) 768-4581 Barney School of Bus Fax=768-4911 Dean 768-4187 fairfield Mgt PHD C-Pr 768-4581 kolluri CEGH PHD Prof 768-4835 giannaros AEMP PHD Prof 768-4836 panik CDHO PHD Prof 768-5007 rassekh ADFO PHD Assoc 768-4779 singamset CDLM PHD Asst 768-4834 jcohen CDER PHD hartford.edu Alice Schoenrock Yale 1982 SUNY-Buf 1976 Boston U Boston C 1968 Houston 1989 SUNY-Buf 1974 Maryland 2000 Hartwick College Oneonta, NY 13820 (607) 431-4940 Department of Economics Div Social & Behav Sci Fax=431-4954 Homepage: www.hartwick.edu/x3137.xml Anderson, John Dean andersonj Cochi Ficano, Carlena C-Ac 431-4940 cochificanoc ACDJ Malone, Laurence J. Prof 431-4943 malonel ABFN Jones, Kristin Roti Asst jonesk ACDL Seeley, Karl Asst seeleyk EOPQ Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-2144 Department of Economics Faculty of Arts & Sci Fax=495-7730 Homepage: http://www.economics.harvard.edu Knowles, Jeremy R. Dean Stock, James H. C-Pr 496-0502 james_stock Aghion, Philippe Prof 495-6675 p_aghian Alesina, Alberto F. Prof 495-8388 aalesina Paul Sack Associate Professor of Political Economy Athey, Susan Prof 496-1939 L Barro, Robert J. Prof 495-3203 vbarro Campbell, John Prof 496-6448 john_campbell GE Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics Caves, Richard E. Emer 495-2127 rcaves Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy Chamberlain, Gary Prof 495-1869 gchamberlain Director of Graduate Studies Cooper, Richard N. Prof 495-5076 rcooper Maurits C. Boas Professor ofInternational Economics Cutler, David M. Prof 496-5216 dcutler Feldstein, Martin S. Prof 495-2167 mfeldstein George F. Baker Professor of Economics Freeman, Richard B. Prof 868-3900 freeman Herbert S. Ascherman Professor of Economics Friedman, Benjamin M. Prof 495-4246 bfriedman William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy Fudenberg, Drew D. Prof 496-5895 dfudenberg Glaeser, Edward L. Prof 495-0575 eglaeser Goldin, Claudia D. Prof 495-3934 cgoldin Green, Jerry R. Prof 495-3950 [email protected] David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy Hart, Oliver D'Arcy Prof 496-3461 ohart Andrew Turner Professor of Economics; on leave Helpman, Elhanan Prof 495-4690 ehelpman Hoxby, Caroline Minter Prof 496-3588 choxby JH Imbens, Guido W. Prof 496-5137 Jorgenson, Dale W. Prof 495-4661 djorgenson Frederick E. Abbe Professor of Economics Katz, Lawrence F. Prof 495-5148 lkatz Kornai, Janos Emer Kremer, Michael R. Prof 495-9045 mkremer E Laibson, David Prof 496-3402 dlaibson DE Mankiw, N. Gregory Prof 495-4301 ngmankiw Marglin, Stephen A. Prof 495-3759 smarglin Walter S. Barker Professor of Economics 85 77 81 70 83 73 98 hartwick.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 91 05 02 Cornell New Sch Conn U Wash 1997 1986 2005 2002 harvard.edu Patricia Shanahan 495-2185 PHD PHD PHD 83 Berkeley Harvard 86 Harvard 1988 PHD PHD PHD 95 Stanford 70 Harvard 84 Yale 1987 7-94 PHD 58 Harvard 1962 PHD 75 Harvard 1987 PHD 62 Harvard 1981 PHD 91 MIT DPHL 67 Oxford 1969 PHD 68 Harvard PHD 71 Harvard PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 92 72 70 PHD 74 Princeton 1993 PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 94 91 59 Harvard MIT Brown Harvard PHD DSC PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 66 92 94 84 65 MIT Hungaria Harvard MIT MIT Harvard 1972 MIT 1987 Chicago Chicago 1990 Rochester 1973 1974 7-94 1969 1986 1986 1985 7-94 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Medoff, James L. Prof 495-4209 jmedoff Meyer Kestnbaum Professor of Labor & Industry Pakes, Ariel Prof 495-5320 ariel_pakes Perkins, Dwight H. Emer 495-2164 dwight_perkins Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy Rogoff, Kenneth S. Prof 495-4022 krogoff Rosovsky, Henry Emer 495-4151 Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor, Emeritus Roth, Alvin E. Prof 495-6009 al-roth Sen, Amartya K. Prof 495-1871 asen Shleifer, Andrei Prof 495-5046 ashleifer Stein, Jeremy Prof 496-6455 jeremy_stein Summers, Lawrence H. Prof 496-1502 Weitzman, Martin L. Prof 495-5133 mweitzman Ernest E. Monrad Professor of Economics Williamson, Jeffrey G. Prof 495-2438 jwilliam Laird Bell Professor of Economics; on leave 2003 Ambrus, Attila Asst 496-5168 Antras, Pol Asst 495-1236 Ardagna, Silvia Asst 495-8823 sardagna Dorakzelski, Ulrich Asst 495-2896 dorakzel Field, Erica Asst 496-1895 efield Fryer, Roland Asst 495-9592 rfryer Fuchs-Schvendein, N. Asst 496-7081 nfuchs Gopinath, Gita Asst 495-8161 gopinath Ibragimov, Rustam Asst 496-4795 ribragim Mobius, Marlis M. Asst 496-3419 mobius Moreira, Marcelo Asst 495-3442 moreira Mortimer, Julie Asst 496-2442 jmortimer Thompson, Samuel Asst 496-1526 sthompson Tsyuinski, Aleh Asst 495-1746 tsyuinski CL EF 60 PHD 75 Harvard PHD PHD 79 Harvard 64 Harvard 8-99 1963 PHD PHD 80 MIT 59 Harvard 2001 1965 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 59 86 86 82 67 PHD 61 Stanford PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 00 01 03 02 04 01 University of Hawaii-Hilo Hilo, HI 96720-4091 (808) 974-7400 Economics College of Bus & Econ Fax=974-7685 Homepage: www.uhh.hawaii.edu/~business Sakai, Marcia Dean 974-7400 marcias PHD Hammes, David L. C-Pr 974-7523 hammes PHD Cauley, Jon Prof 974-7384 jcauley@1 PHD Im, Eric I. Prof 974-7467 eim PHD Vu, Tam Asst 974-7462 tamv PHD Univ of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Economics Dubanoski, Richard A. Mak, James Konan, Denise La Croix, Sumner J. Lee, Chung H. Mason, Andrew Moncur, James E. T. Roumasset, James A. Bonham, Carl S. Gangnes, Byron S. Greaney, Theresa M. Lee, Sang Hyop Russo, Gerard G. Sherstyuk, Ekaterina Dellis, Arnaud Halliday, Timothy Kwak, Sally Narui, Nori Noy, Ilan Wang, Xiaojun Honolulu, HI 96822-2223 (808) 956-8496 Col of Social Sciences Fax=956-4347 Dean 956-6570 dickd Psyc PHD C-Pr 956-8730 jmak HR PHD Prof 956-3379 konan F PHD Prof 956-8496 lacroix DNO PHD Prof 956-8427 lchung FO PHD Prof 956-8116 amason T PHD Prof 956-7143 jmoncur Q PHD Prof 956-7496 jimr QOH PHD Assoc 956-7605 bonham EC PHD Assoc 956-7285 gangnes EF PHD Assoc 956-7285 greaney F PHD Assoc 956-8590 leesang CJ PHD Assoc 956-7065 russo DI PHD Assoc 956-7851 katya D PHD Asst 956-7653 adellis H PHD Asst 956-8615 halliday CI PHD Asst 956-7296 kwaks HJ PHD Asst 956-4703 nori Q PHD Asst 956-7749 noy F PHD Asst 956-7721 xiaojun E PHD Hawaii Pacific University Economics Faculty Lucas, Ernesto Laney, Leroy Saraniti, Brett Drabkin, Eric Espiritu, Antonina Schoolland, Ken email [email protected] Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 544-0283 College of Business Adm Fax=566-2403 C-Ac 544-0842 elucas Prof 544-0849 lo9_laney@h Prof 544-0826 bsaraniti Assoc 544-9393 edrabkin MCEF Assoc 544-0892 aespritu Assoc 544-1177 MLFB Stanford Trinity MIT MIT Harvard MIT 1988 1991 1983 1989 1983 MIT 2003 Boston C Nrthwstrn Princeton Penn St Yale Princeton Yale MIT 00 Berkeley 01 UCLA 2001 Berkeley 03 Minnesota hawaii.edu Mitzi Hennessey 85 85 71 82 06 Hi-Manoa 1991 Simon Fr 1988 Colorado Hi-Manoa Hi-Manoa 2006 66 70 93 81 66 75 71 73 89 90 94 98 89 95 05 05 06 04 01 01 hawaii.edu Irene Uemoto Minnesota Purdue 1970 Colorado 1993 U Wash 1981 Berkeley 1980 Michigan 1975 Wash St 1969 Wisconsin 1976 Tx-Austin 1989 Penn 1990 Michigan 2000 Mich St 1999 Nrthwstrn 1987 Cal Tech 2000 Cornell 2005 Princeton 2005 Berkeley 2006 Minnesota 2006 VCSC 2003 Ohio St 2001 hpu.edu Jeannie Manzano PHD 69 Hi-Manoa 1993 PHD 76 Colorado 1997 PHD 97 Nrthwstrn 1997 PHD 93 UCLA 1994 PHD 98 Nebraska 1998 MSFB Geotown 1991 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Heidelberg College Economics Faculty Cook, John P. Jr. Chudzinski, James Rennie, Henry Keener, Gary Tiffin, OH 44883-2462 (419) 448-2280 Business & Accounting Fax=448-2236 C-Ac 448-2205 jcook AG PHD Prof 448-2324 jchudzin AJH PHD Prof 448-2221 hrennie CFG PHD Assoc 448-2039 gkeener AHK PHD Hendrix College Conway, AR 72032-3080 (501) 450-1233 Economics Faculty Dept of Econ & Business Fax=450-1400 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Berry, Stanley Keith C-Pr 450-1233 berry DL PHD Rupert, Lyle M. Prof 450-1237 rupert G MBA Scott, Ralph D. Prof 450-1306 EF PHD Stanley, Tom D. Prof 450-1276 CN PHD Hillsdale College Economics Faculty Paas, David Rosecrance Chair in Business Ebeling, Richard M. Ludwig von Mises Chair Wolfram, Gary Bundt, Thomas P. Murphy, Robert Pongracic, Ivan Steckbeck, Mark 61 heidelberg.edu 94 88 73 93 Kentucky 1995 Tx Tech 1989 Ohio St 9-92 Kentucky 1990 hendrix.edu Robin Hartwick 79 85 83 82 Vanderbilt Chicago Tulane Purdue 1989 1987 1979 1986 Hillsdale, MI 49242-1298 (517) 437-7341 Dept Econ, Bus Adm, Atg Fax=437-3923 C-Pr 437-7341 david.paas PHD 82 Nebraska 1993 Prof 437-7341 richard.ebeling PHD 00 Middlesex 1988 Prof Asst Asst Asst Asst 437-7341 437-7341 437-7341 437-7341 437-7341 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 85 03 03 03 gary.wolfram thomas.bundt robert.murphy ivan.pongracic mark.steckbeck PM MCF MN LM KPM hillsdale.edu Berkeley 1989 Mich St 2003 NYU 2003 GeoMason 2000 GeoMason 2001 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11550-1090 (516) 463-5592 hofstra.edu Dept Economics & Geography Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=463-6519 Rosemarie Augustine Did Not Respond Again--2001-2002 Listing Firestone, Bernie Dean 463-5441 lasbjf Guttmann, Robert P. Prof 463-5602 ecorpg F PHD 79 London Moghadam, Fatemeh Prof 463-5598 ecofzm NOQ PHD 79 Oxford Christensen, Paul P. Assoc 463-6024 ecoppc B PHD 76 Wisconsin DeFreitas, Gregory E. Assoc 463-5040 ecoged J PHD 79 Columbia Kozlov, Nicholas N. Assoc 463-6954 econnk P PHD 88 NewHamp Melkoneam, Martin Asst 463-5595 ecomzm MA 64 New Sch College of the Holy Cross Economics Faculty Austin, Timothy Cahill, Miles B. Anderton, Charles H. Carter, John R. O'Connell, John F. Schap, David J. Baldiga, Nancy R. Chu, David on leave 2006-2007 Gottschang, Thomas R. Kiel, Katherine A. on leave Fall 2006 Rask, Kolleen J. Sanchez, Nicolas Sandstrom, Scott Baumann, Robert Boyle, Melissa Matheson, Victor A. on leave Fall 2006 Npvarro, Neva O'Connor, Debra Teitel, Karen Worcester, MA 01610-2395 (508) 793-3362 Department of Economics Fax=793-3710 Dean PHD C-Ac 793-2682 mcahill AEJ PHD Prof 793-3441 canderto ACDF PHD Prof 793-2676 jcarter CDL PHD Prof 793-2680 joconnel CDIJ PHD Prof 793-2688 dschap CDK PHD Assoc 793-2684 nbaldiga Atg MST Assoc 793-2206 dchu PHD Holy Family University Economics Faculty phone: 637-7700 Akel, Anthony M. Tanzola, Anthony Tokar, Bette L. Jiang, Cao Philadelphia, PA 19114-2094 (215) Ext 3242 School of Business Adm Fax=637-5937 Hood College Frederick, MD holycross.edu Mrs. Beverly Bylund 95 86 76 70 82 92 Purdue Cornell Cornell Wisconsin Wash U Berkeley 1995 1986 1976 1974 1981 9-91 Assoc 793-2678 tgottsch Assoc 793-2743 kkiel AOP PHD CDQR PHD 82 Michigan 1979 89 Ca-SnDgo 1998 Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 793-2768 793-3362 793-2677 793-3879 793-2334 EFOP PHD DENO PHD JD JL PHD PHD PHD 89 Yale 72 S Calif 1989 1977 03 Ohio St 2003 Asst Asst Asst 793-3835 nnovarro 793-2689 doconnor 793-2679 kteitel IH 03 Stanford Dean C Prof Asst krask nsanchez ssandstr rbaumann mobyle Ext 3415 Ext 3274 Ext 3461 Mgt btokar cjiang PHD PHD PHD PHD AFED EDD PHD 21701-8575 (301) 696-3685 01 Minnesota 8-04 2003 HolyFamily.edu Millie Schmidt 74 Nrthwstrn 93 Temple 9-75 8-06 hood.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Economics Faculty Dahms, Joseph E. Jose, Anita Lee, Shang-Mei Bae, Yong-Kyun Boas, Darren Weaver, Glenn Dept of Economics & Mgt Fax=696-3771 C-Ac 696-3687 dahms NOP Assoc 696-3691 ajose Asst 696-3689 lee Hope College Economics Faculty Lunn, John E. Heisler, James B. Klay, Robin Steen, Todd P. Claar, Viztor Holland, MI 49422-9000 (616) 395-7580 Dept of Econ, Mgt & Atg Fax=395-7922 C-Pr 395-7931 lunn LD PHD Prof 395-7915 heisler PD PHD Prof 395-7581 klay BO PHD Prof 395-7582 steen JT PHD Assoc 395-7579 claar EH PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD University of Houston Houston, TX 77204-5019 (713) 743-3800 Department of Economics Col Lib Arts & Soc Sci Fax=743-3798 Homepage: //class.uh.edu/econ/ email @1=pop.uh.edu @2=mail.uh.edu Antel, John J. Dean 743-3808 antel J PHD Papell, David H. C-Pr 743-3807 dpapell E PHD Bhargava, Alok Prof 743-3837 bhargava C PHD Craig, Steven C. Prof 743-3812 scraig HR PHD DeGregori, Thomas R. Prof 743-3838 trdegreg O PHD Gregory, Paul R. Prof 743-3828 pgregory P PHD Juhn, Chinhui Prof 743-3823 cjuhn J PHD Mayor, Thomas H. Prof 743-3830 AK PHD email: [email protected] Ruffin, Roy J. Prof 743-3827 rruffin F PHD Smith, Barton A. Prof 743-3834 bsmith ADR PHD Sorensen, Bent Prof 743-3841 bent.sorensen@2 EF PHD Bean, Richard N. Assoc 743-3831 rbean@1 N PHD Kohlhase, Janet E. Assoc 743-3799 jkohlhase RHD PHD Murray, Chris Assoc 743-3835 cmurray@2 E PHD Wilcox, Nathaniel Assoc 743-3840 nwilcox@1 D PHD Chin, Aimee Asst 743-3800 achin@2 OJ PHD Dinlersoz, Emin Asst 743-3839 edinlers@2 L PHD Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem Asst 743-3824 FO PHD email: [email protected] Kugler, Adriana Asst adkugler PHD Vollrath, Dietrich Asst 743-3806 demollrath E PHD 62 Colette Cooney 83 American 1978 North Tx Geo Wash 80 75 73 93 00 hope.edu Joy Forgwe UCLA 1992 Nebraska 1981 Princeton 1979 Harvard 1988 W Virginia 2000 uh.edu Mr. Lynn Smith 82 81 82 81 65 69 91 65 UCLA Columbia London Penn Tx-Austin Harvard Chicago Maryland 1981 1984 1989 1989 1967 1972 1992 1969 67 74 90 71 80 98 92 01 00 00 Nrthwstrn Chicago Copenhag U Wash Penn U Wash Chicago MIT Rochester Brown 1976 1973 2003 1970 1983 1998 1991 2001 2000 2000 Berkeley 05 Brown 2003 2005 Univ of Houston-Clear Lake Econ, Fnc, Mktg & Dec Sci Cummings, W. Theodore Waller, Edward R. Cloninger, Dale O. Hodgin, Robert F. Houston, TX 77058-1098 (281) 283-3185 Sch of Bus & Public Adm Fax=283-3951 Dean 283-3100 ted Mktg PHD C-Ac 283-3206 waller Fnce PHD Prof 283-3210 cloninger DBA Assoc 283-3211 hodgin DA Univ of Houston-Downtown Finance, Atg, & Comp Inf Sys Bates, Donald L. Omer, Khursheed Islam, Anisul Manrique, Justo Houston, TX 77002-1001 (713) 221-8903 uhd.edu College of Business Fax=226-5238 Ms. Rosa Maria Bermudez Dean 221-8179 batesdon Mgt PHD 73 Arkansas 2005 C-Pr 221-8630 omerk Atg DBA 90 Memphis 1991 Prof 221-8903 islama PHD 84 Alberta 1990 Asst 221-8209 manriquej PHD 92 ISU 2002 Houston Baptist University Economics & Finance Homepage: www.hbu.edu Tauer, Ritamarie C. Liang, Ernest Wiseman, Melissa S. Houston, TX 77074-3298 (281) 649-3325 Col of Business & Econ Fax=649-3436 Howard University Dept Fnce, Intl Bus & Insur Harvey, Barron H. Lee, Youngho Straight, Ronald L. Lindsey, Debra A. Washington, DC School of Business Dean 806-1507 C-Ac 806-1597 Prof 806-1531 Assoc 806-1638 Dean$ 649-3325 rtauer Assoc 649-3235 eliang Assoc 649-3132 mwiseman Atg 20059 (202) 806-1568 Fax=986-4409 bharvey Atg ylee Fnce rstraight dlindsey 78 88 73 80 uhcl.edu Judith Thompson Ariz St 1980 Ariz St 9-93 Fla St 9-74 Illin St 9-81 hbu.edu Mary Weber MACC 85 Hou Bapt 1986 PHD 81 PHD 99 Tx Tech 1999 PHD DBA DBA PHD 77 81 79 83 howard.edu Ms. Lorie Pinkett Nebraska 1982 Geo Wash 1986 Geo Wash 1988 Howard 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Howard University Department of Economics Donaldson, James Spriggs, William Betsey, Charles L. Green, Rodney D. Hung, Gregory Kwack, Sung Y. Palmer, Ransford W. Wadhawan, Satish C. Blank, Emily C. Dompere, Kofi K. Lee, Byung Meepagaia, Gaminie Perkins, Mary Kay Augustine, J. Carlton Cato, Mike Hunte, C. Kenrick Kurban, Haydar Washington, DC 20059 (202) 806-6717 College of Arts & Sci Fax=806-4896 Dean 806-6700 jdonaldson C-Pr 806-6717 wspriggs Prof 806-6717 cbetsey J Prof 806-6717 alaec06@a R Prof 806-6717 ghung O Prof 806-6717 skwack E Prof 806-6717 rpalmer HO Prof 806-6717 swadhawan FO Assoc 806-6717 eblank J Assoc 806-6717 kdompere HEC Assoc 806-6717 blee CDH Assoc 806-6717 gmeepagala C Assoc 806-6717 D Asst 806-6717 caugustine Asst 806-6717 mkato Asst 806-6717 chunte OF Asst 806-6717 hkurban R Howard Payne University Department of Business Plagens, Les Turner, Jeff R. Boland, Charles Brownwood, TX School of Business Dean 649-8705 H 649-8704 Prof 649-8704 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 63 fac.howard.edu Santina Merchant Huff 76 80 65 68 66 85 80 73 86 82 99 Michigan American Virginia Berkeley Clark Nehru Boston C Temple Catholic SUNY-Alb American Delaware New Sch Ohio St Il-Chicago 1990 1977 1973 1985 1977 8-73 1988 2001 76801-2794 (325) 649-8704 Fax=649-8953 lplagens EDD jturner MBA cboland MBA hputx.edu Mary Hill 86 Tx A&M 1997 75 St Marys 1989 75 Miss 1981 University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83844-3161 (208) 885-6878 Dept Econ, Fnce & Info Sys Col of Business & Econ Fax=885-8939 Homepage: http://www.cbehome.uidaho/efis Dangerfield, Byron J. Dean 885-6478 bdange Mgt PHD Reyes, Mario C. H-Pr 885-7146 mreyes GCM PHD Miller, Jon R. Prof 885-7506 jrmecon BQ PHD Coffman, Richard B. Assoc 885-7155 richardc DL PHD Lyman, R. Ashley Assoc 885-7145 alyman DC PHD Genc, Ismail H. Asst 885-7147 igenc ACG PHD Kim, DoYoung Asst 885-7006 dkim DGL PHD uidaho.edu Diana Musick Idaho State University Pocatello, ID 83209-8053 (208) 282-2346 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=282-3186 Homepage: www.isu.edu/departments/econ/ Kijinski, John Dean 282-3053 kijijohn ENGL PHD Stegner, Tesa C-Pr 282-2346 stegtesa AHQ PHD Benson, C. Scott Prof 282-2860 bensscot ABEF PHD Norman, Lee Prof 282-2385 normlee ALN PHD Tokle, Robert J. Prof 282-3835 toklrobe AGL PHD Green, Gregory G. Assoc 282-2943 greegreg ACEF PHD Hill, Cynthia D. Assoc 282-4945 hillcynt AIJQ PHD Yik, King Asst 282-6283 yiking ACEF PHD Zink, Jeff Asst 282-2367 zinkjeff AN PHD University of Illinois Department of Economics email: @1=igpa.uiuc.edu Williams, Steven R. Baer, Werner Bera, Anil K. Bernhardt, Dan Cho, In-Koo DeBrock, Lawrence Esfahani, Hadi S. Gahvari, Firouz Giertz, J. Fred Gottheil, Fred Koenker, Roger Krasa, Stefan Rashid, Salim Resek, Robert W. Taub, Bart Villamil, Anne P. Yannelis, Nicholas C. Deltas, George M. Hallock, Kevin F. Parente, Stephen Powers, Elizabeth Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-0120 Col of Lib Arts & Sci Fax=244-6571 H-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc 333-0120 333-8388 333-4596 244-5708 333-4579 333-4553 333-2681 333-7651 244-4822 333-4591 333-4558 333-7698 333-7388 244-4827 333-3467 244-6330 333-4584 333-4586 333-4842 244-3625 244-4828 swillia3 w-baer a-bera danber inkoocho ldebrock esfahani fgahvari fredg@1 fgotthei rkoenker skrasa s-rashid r-resek b-taub avillami nyannelis deltas hallock parente epowers CD EFO C DGJL CDE DIL EFLO DH HO AB CL DG BGO CR E EG D CDKL HJ DG IJR 85 87 74 72 72 99 02 U Wash Arkansas Wash U U Wash Nrthwstrn Tx A&M U Wash 1987 1985 1989 1978 1976 1999 2003 isu.edu Sue Ann Bowman 85 89 88 80 86 97 97 97 05 Wisconsin Wash St Ca-Davis Utah Iowa St Temple Wash St Chicago Utah 1985 1992 1990 1981 1986 1997 1998 2005 2006 uiuc.edu Marsha Davis-Hubert PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 82 58 83 86 86 80 84 81 70 59 74 87 76 61 81 88 83 96 95 90 94 Nrthwstrn 1992 Harvard 1974 Austr Natl 1983 Car Mellon 1998 Princeton 1998 Cornell 1979 Berkeley 1984 UCLA 1994 Nrthwstrn 1980 Duke 1959 Michigan 1983 Vienna 1990 Yale 1981 Harvard 1961 Chicago 1989 Minnesota 1988 Rochester 1988 Yale 1995 Princeton 1995 Minnesota 1999 Penn 1996 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Facchini, Giovanni Kim, Soyoung Laschever, Ron Lubotsky, Darren Polborn, Mattias Seppala, Juha Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 265-0644 265-0682 333-0018 333-4295 333-7664 244-9506 facchini kim11 ronl lubotsky mpolborn seppala FO EF JIC DH DG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Univ of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL 60607-7121 (312) 996-2684 Department of Economics Col of Business Adm Fax=996-3344 Homepage: www.uic.edu/cba/cba-depts/economics/ Lenway, Stefanie Dean Mgt PHD Chiswick, Barry R. H-Pr 996-2683 brchis J PHD Distinguished Professor Ayal, Eliezer B. Emer 355-0505 eayal O PHD Bassett, Gilbert W. Prof 996-5777 gib C PHD Chaloupka, Frank J. IV Prof 413-2367 fjc I PHD Distinguished Professor Chiswick, Carmel U. Prof 996-8721 cchis JT PHD Kaestner, Robert J. Prof 996-3913 kaestner I PHD Karras, Georgios Prof 996-2321 gkarras E PHD Kosobud, Richard F. Emer 996-2266 kosobud D PHD Lehrer, Evelyn L. Prof 996-2363 elehrer T PHD Director, Undergraduate Studies McCloskey, Deirdre N. Prof 355-4380 deirdre2 B PHD Distinguished Professor McDonald, John F. Emer 996-2671 mcdonald R PHD McMillen, Daniel P. Prof 413-2100 mcmillen R PHD Miller, Oscar Emer 996-2683 A MA email: [email protected] Officer, Lawrence H. Prof 413-9342 lofficer F PHD Persky, Joseph J. Prof 996-2687 jpersky R PHD Stokes, Houston H. Prof 996-0971 hhstokes D PHD Tam, Mo-Yin S. Prof 413-9448 moyintam P PHD Adsera, Alicia Assoc 413-9442 adsera EF PHD Peck, Richard M. Assoc 996-2365 rmpeck D PHD Pieper, Paul J. Assoc 996-5214 pjpieper E PHD Director of Graduate Studies Stanford, William G. Assoc 996-0970 wgstan C PHD Tauras, John M. Assoc 413-3289 tauras I PHD Andaersen, Nattian Asst 355-3216 nba H PHD Linn, Joshua Asst 413-9444 jlinn L PHD Roberts, Helen Asst 995-0378 hroberts E PHD Smith, Thomas Asst 355-3983 tomsmith A PHD Akarca, Ali Lect 996-1416 akarca E MS Lee, Jin Man ResSp 996-8785 jmlee C PHD Univ Illinois at Springfield Springfield, IL 62703-5407 (217) 206-7174 Department of Economics Col of Business & Mgt Fax=206-7543 Homepage: www.uis.edu/economics McNeil, Ronald D. Dean 206-6533 rmcne1 Mgt PHD Ferk, Dyanne D 206-7929 dyanne Mgt PHD Brynes, Patricia Assoc 206-7783 pbym1 DHR PHD Mouhammed, Adil Assoc 786-6299 amouh1 FP PHD Siddiquee, Baker A. Assoc 206-7174 bsidd1 EFO PHD Angkinand, Aparard Asst 206-8254 aangk2 CDE PHD 64 01 96 06 00 98 00 Stanford Yale Nrthwstrn Berkeley Munich Chicago 2001 1997 2006 2002 2003 2000 uic.edu Ms. Carol Martell 82 Berkeley 8-05 67 Columbia 1978 61 Cornell 73 Michigan 88 CUNY 1970 1973 1988 72 88 90 63 78 1978 2003 1990 1966 1980 Columbia CUNY Ohio St Penn Nrthwstrn 70 Harvard 2000 71 Yale 1971 87 Nrthwstrn 1999 46 Chicago 1948 65 71 69 74 96 83 84 Harvard Harvard Chicago SUNY-SBr Boston U Princeton Nrthwstrn 1987 1974 1967 1974 1999 1981 1982 84 98 05 05 95 98 72 00 Nrthwstrn Il-Chicago Michigan MIT Chicago Il-Chicago Nrthwstrn Il-Chicago 1983 2000 2005 2005 1995 2003 1985 2000 uis.edu Ruth Mullenix 82 Memphis 2002 86 85 88 05 1998 1988 1987 2001 S Illinois Nebraska Manitoba Claremont Illinois Institute of Tech Department of Business Adm Kahalas, Harvey Tourk, Khairy A. Chicago, IL 60661-3691 (312) 906-6500 Stuart School of Bus Fax=906-6549 Dean 906-6596 Mgt PHD Assoc 906-6537 tourk PHD Illinois State University Dept of Economics Box 4200 Payne, James E. Cohn, Raymond L. Mohammadi, Hassan Ram, Rati Distinguished Professor Rich, Daniel P. Skaggs, Neil T. Carlson, J. Lon Goel, Rajeev Kumar Billger, Sherrilyn Loomis, David Normal, IL 61790-4200 (309) 438-8625 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=438-5228 C-Pr 438-8588 jepaynee EG PHD Prof 438-7892 rlcohn DN PHD Prof 438-7777 hmohamma E PHD Prof 438-7101 rram PHD 89 77 88 76 ilstu.edu Cindy Caldwell Fla St 8-03 Oregon 1983 Wash St 1988 Chicago 1982 Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst 87 80 84 87 00 95 Houston Duke Illinois Houston Illinois Temple 438-7647 438-7204 438-8528 438-2360 438-8720 438-7979 dprich ntskaggs lcarlson rkgoel smbillg dloomis DJ BDE PQ CO J OE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD stuart.iit.edu 71 Mass 71 Berkeley 2006 1971 1987 1979 1986 1989 8-02 8-96 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Schwalm, Douglas D. Waters, George Zhang, Kevin Asst Asst Asst 438-3005 dschwalm 438-7301 gawater 438-8928 khzhang IJ E F PHD PHD PHD Illinois Wesleyan University Bloomington, IL 61702-2900 (309) 556-3266 Economics Department of Economics Fax=556-3719 Leekley, Robert M. C-Pr 556-3266 bleekley H PHD Chapman, Margaret L. Prof 556-3191 mchapman L PHD Seeborg, Michael C. Prof 556-3184 mseeborg J PHD Robert S. Eckley Distinguished Professor of Economics Ossella-Durbal, Ilaria Assoc 556-3906 iossella O PHD Mendez-Carbajo, Diego Asst 556-3826 dmindez E PHD Immaculata University Economics Faculty phone: 647-4400 Assumpta, Sister Virginia A Bull, Jacqueline H. Coyle, Sister Ann Pugh, Joseph Ryan, Julie Fitzwater, Charlene Tahir, Harris 65 02 Berkeley 02 N Carol 96 Colorado 8-06 8-03 8-97 iwu.edu Kyria VanHoveln 74 Mich St 1974 77 Illinois 1977 76 Utah 1989 99 Cornell 00 Fla Intl 1999 2000 Immaculata, PA 19345-0724 (610) Ext 3146 Atg, Bus, Econ & Mktg Fax=647-0215 immaculata.edu Lynnette Saar C-Ac Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Inst Inst Catholic Capella Temple Averett Capella Kansas Rowan Ext 3147 Ext 3031 Ext 3470 Ext 3461 Ext 3463 Ext 3472 Ext 3499 vassumpta jbull acoyle jpugh jryan cfitzwater htahir MA PHD MA MA PHD MBA MBA Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405-5301 (812) 855-1021 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=855-3736 Homepage: http://www.indiana.edu/~econweb/ Bertethal, Bennett Dean 855-1646 PHD Glomm, Gerhard C-Pr 855-7256 gglomm PHD Alexeev, Michael Prof 855-7103 malexeev PHD Becker, Robert Prof 855-3014 becker PHD Becker, William Prof 855-3577 beckerw PHD Buffie, Edward F. Prof 855-9566 ebuffie PHD Chang, Fwu-Ranq Prof 855-6070 changf PHD Gardner, Roy J. Prof 855-6383 gardner PHD Chancellor Professor Kaganovich, M. Prof 855-6967 mkaganov PHD Leeper, Eric M. Prof 855-9157 eleeper PHD Trivedi, Pravin K. Prof 855-3567 trivedi PHD Rudy Professor of Economics von Furstenberg, George Emer 855-4764 vonfurst PHD Rudy Professor Walker, James M. Prof 855-2760 walkerj PHD Williams, Arlington W. Prof 855-4564 williama PHD Rotella, Elyce J. Assoc 885-7858 rotella PHD Witte, Willard E. Assoc 855-2080 witte PHD Chamarbagwala, R. Asst 855-3996 rchamarb PHD Escanciano, J. Asst 855-7925 jescanci PHD Huynh, Kin Asst 855-2288 kphuynh PHD Jacho-Chavez, D. Asst 855-7928 djachoch PHD Lee, Y. Asst 855-3213 lee234 PHD Lopez, R. Asst 856-1466 rialopez PHD Peterson, B. Asst 855-4828 bripeter PHD Tchernis, Rusty Asst 855-7791 rtcherni PHD Tyurin, K. Asst 855-2543 ktyurin PHD Walker, Todd Asst 856-2982 walkertb PHD Indiana University Dept Bus Econ & Pub & Policy Smith, Daniel C. Maxwell, John Baye, Michael R. Davidson, Larry Jaffee, Bruce Kang, Keejoon Rasmusen, Eric Harbaugh, Richard Hausknecht, Andreas Kreft, Steven Mafi-Kreft, Elham Rauh, Michael Bloomington, IN 47405-5301 (812) 855-9219 Kelley Sch of Business Fax=855-3354 Dean 885-8489 dansmith Mktg PHD C-Ac 855-9219 jwmax MQLD PHD Prof 855-9219 mbaye DIO PHD Prof 855-9219 davidso PHD Prof 855-8796 jaffee PHD Prof 855-9219 kang PHD Prof 855-9219 erasmuse PHD Asst riharbau PHD Asst ahaus PHD Asst skreft PHD Asst emafikre PHD Asst mtrauh CD PHD Indiana U-Purdue U/Indy Indianapolis IN 46202-5140 (317) 274-4756 9-68 1997 1978 2000 1999 2004 2004 indiana.edu Harriet Kenny 78 88 84 78 73 82 85 75 Denver Minnesota Duke Rochester Pittsburgh Yale Chicago Cornell 1-07 2000 1992 1978 1979 1992 1983 1983 85 USSR 1991 89 Minnesota 1995 70 LondonEc 1987 66 Princeton 1970 78 78 77 75 04 04 04 06 06 03 01 02 03 06 Tx A&M 1984 Arizona 1979 Penn 1981 Wisconsin 1981 Maryland 2004 Carlos Mad2006 Queen's 2004 LondonEc 2006 Cornell 2006 UCLA 2003 Penn 2001 Brown 2004 Yale 2001 Iowa 2006 88 93 83 77 71 80 84 97 90 03 03 97 indiana.edu Roxie Glaze Pittsburgh 1996 Queen's 1992 Purdue 1997 N Carol 1990 J Hopkins 1971 U Wash 1980 MIT 1992 Pittsburgh 2003 Berlin 2002 W Virginia 2003 W Virginia 2006 J Hopkins 2005 iupui.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Department of Economics School of Liberal Arts Fax=274-0097 Homepage: www.iupui.edu/~econ Carlin, Paul S. C-Pr 278-7236 pcarlin Chakrabarti, Subir Prof 278-7215 imxl100 Harris, Robert Prof 274-0095 rharris Director, Center for Economic Education Rangazas, Peter Prof 274-4745 prangaza Rooney, Patrick Prof 348-7203 rooney Russell, Steven Prof 278-7214 shrusse Sandy, Robert Prof 274-4756 icjz100 Spechler, Martin Prof 278-2685 mspechle Steinberg, Richard Prof 278-7221 rsteinbe Bilodeau, Marc Assoc 274-5684 mbilodea Bivin, David Assoc 997-6528 dbivin Burke, Jonathan L. Assoc 274-4756 jolburke Osili, Una O. Assoc 278-7219 uosili Royalty, Anne B. Assoc 278-0449 royalty Wilhelm, Mark Assoc 274-4756 mowilhel Morrison, Gwendolyn Asst 274-4756 gcmorris Kaviani, Mohammad Lect 274-0096 mkaviani Associate Director, Center for Economic Education 66 Natalie Harvey J C A PHD PHD PHD EH JH PHD PHD PHD J PHD BFNP PHD HL PHD HL PHD E PHD C PHD O PHD J PHD CH PHD I PHD MA 85 Pittsburgh 1985 85 Iowa 1985 79 Ohio St 1981 83 87 89 77 71 84 90 80 85 97 93 90 96 85 Indiana Notre Dm Minnesota Mich St Harvard Penn W Ontario Purdue MIT Nrthwstrn Yale NYU York Indiana 1989 1987 1993 1974 1986 1991 1996 1985 1998 1999 1999 1998 2001 1986 Indiana University Kokomo Kokomo, IN 46904-9003 (765) 455-9275 Economics Faculty School of Business Fax=455-9348 Homepage: www.iuk.edu/academics/business/index.html Pati, Niranjan Dean 455-9275 npati Mgt PHD Parkison, Kathy Assoc 455-9462 kparkiso PHD Chulkov, Dmitriy Asst 455-9282 dchulkov PHD 90 Nrthwstrn 83 Purdue 1993 04 Purdue Indiana Univ South Bend Economics Faculty Ducoffe, Robert Agbetsiafa, Douglas K. Black, Grant David, H. Lane Herschede, Alfred J. South Bend, IN 46634-7111 (574) 520-4346 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=520-4866 Dean 520-4228 rducofffe Mktg PHD Prof 520-4208 dagbetsiafa AGO PHD Prof 520-5541 gcblack PHD Prof 520-4142 hdavid PHD Prof 520-4303 aherschede ADP PHD iusb.edu Catherine Coleman 89 Mich St 2005 80 Notre Dm 1980 Geo St 2004 Claremont 2005 76 Illinois 1976 Indiana Univ Northwest Economics Faculty Homepage: www.iun.edu/~busnw/ Rominger, Anna S. Coffin, Donald A. Rao, Surekha Lin, Tin-Chun Gary, IN 46408-1197 (219) 980-6633 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=980-6916 Dean Assoc Assoc Asst Indiana Univ Southeast Department of Economics Bjornson, Chris E. Altmann, James L. Schansberg, D. Eric Alse, Jahardhanan Faulk, Dagney Bingham, Jonathan Srinivasan, Arun New Albany, IN School of Business Dean 941-2694 Prof 941-2307 Prof 941-2527 Assoc 941-2520 Asst 941-2569 Lect 941-2095 Lect 941-2067 980-6633 980-6913 980-6934 980-6634 arominge dcoffin skrao tinlin Mgt JNR CGAE DHIO JD PHD PHD PHD 47150-6405 (812) 941-2362 Fax=941-2672 cbjornso Atg PHD jaltmann DM PHD dschansb HJA PHD jalse FE PHD dfaulk RD PHD jebingha A MA asriniva DIQ PHD iuk.edu Terri Butler iun.edu Karen Peterson 72 79 81 01 Boston U W Virginia N Eng-Au Penn St 1992 1987 2003 2004 93 78 91 93 99 95 04 ius.edu Ms. Diane Fuchs Illinois 8-92 Wisconsin 1978 Tx A&M 1992 Wisconsin 1992 Geo St 1999 Wash U 2002 Kentucky 2004 Indiana U of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15705-1087 (724) 357-2640 iup.edu Economics Faculty Humanities & Social Sci Fax=357-6485 Mrs. Debbie D. Bacco Homepage: www.iup.edu/economics Asamoah, Yaw Dean 357-2280 osebo FO PHD 85 Wash U 1984 Karatjas, Nicholas C-Pr 357-4855 karatjas ADI PHD 76 SUNY-SBr 1978 Dyal, James A. Prof 357-4856 jimdyal JR PHD 75 Illinois 1977 Radell, Willard W. Prof 357-4776 ciboney NP PHD 80 Illinois 1981 Jozefowicz, James J. Assoc 357-4774 jimjozef CEL PHD 99 SUNY-Alb 1999 Jozefowicz, Stephanie M. Assoc 357-2642 smbrewer DHF PHD 99 Indiana 1999 Jackson, Sarah e. Asst 357-4827 sejacksn HJ PHD 06 Illinois 2006 Julian, Jack D. Asst 357-4771 jjulian CFO PHD 02 Cincinnati 2004 Potts, Todd B. Asst 357-4770 potts EL PHD 02 Georgia 2002 Sissoko, Yaya Asst 357-4781 ysissoko CEFO PHD 03 S Illinois 2006 Yerger, David B. Asst 357-4775 yerger FL PHD 94 Penn St 2002 Indiana State University Department of Economics Terre Haute, IN 47809 (812) 237-2160 College of Arts & Sci Fax=237-4349 isugw.indstate.edu Cathy Mitchell 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Homepage: www.indstate.edu/econ/ Conant, John L. Burkett, Paul G. Richards, Donald G. Chen, Aimin Guell, Robert Lotspeich, Richard Israel, Debra Yousif, Bassam C-Pr Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Indiana Wesleyan Department of Economics Bartlet, David Lehman, Thomas Pongracic, Ivan Marion, IN 46953-4999 (765) 677-2602 Div of History & Soc Sc Fax=677-2524 C-Pr david.bartley His PHD C-Ac 677-2602 tom.lehman AHOR ABD Assoc 677-2145 ipongrac AEFP MA 237-2163 237-2164 237-2179 237-2175 237-2169 237-2176 237-2160 237-8628 econjlc ecburke ecdrich ecchen ecguell eclotsp ecissrael byousif DJ EO FO PD HC PQ HQ OP PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD University of Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN 46227-3697 (317) 788-3378 Department of Economics School of Business Fax=788-3300 Shapiro, Mitch Dean 788-3340 mshapiro PHD Gurtunca, Esen Z. Prof 788-3287 egurtunca PHD Donald W. Tanselle Professor of Economics Iona College New Rochelle, NY 10801-1890 (914) 633-2216 Dept of Economics Sch of Arts & Science Fax= Eodice, Alex Dean Pescatrice, Donn R. C-Pr 637-2729 dpescatrice CDE PHD Jantzen, Robert H. Prof 637-2731 rjantzen CIJ PHD Lesser, Mary H. Prof 633-2215 mlesser FG PHD Executive Director, Eastern Economics Association Spagnolo, John A. Assoc 637-2730 jspagnolo R PHD 67 84 84 83 90 91 86 99 01 Tennessee 1981 Syracuse 1991 Conn 1985 Penn St 1991 Syracuse 1991 New Mex 1990 Wisconsin 2001 Ca-Rivers 2004 indwes.edu Ball St 03 Louisville 1997 68 Zagreb 1987 uindy.edu Ohio St 73 Purdue 1974 iona.edu 75 Purdue 82 Northeas 82 Fordham 1983 1982 1982 82 Fordham 1978 University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242-1000 (319) 335-0829 Department of Economics Henry B. Tippie Col Bus Fax=335-1956 Homepage: www.biz.uiowa.edu/economics/ Riezman, Raymond G. C-Pr 335-0832 raymond-riezman DF PHD Albrecht, William P. Prof 335-3125 william-albrecht EG PHD Fethke, Carol C. Prof 335-0504 carol-fethke IFD PHD Fuller, John W. Prof 335-0032 john-w-fuller R PHD Geweke, John F. Prof 335-0857 john-geweke CEG PHD Govindan, Srihari Prof 335-2087 srihari-govindan CD PHD Ingram, Marlynne B. F. Prof 335-1037 beth-ingram EM PHD Associate Dean Nelson, Forrest D. Prof 335-0854 forrest-nelson D PHD Neumann, George R. Prof 335-0850 george-neumann J PHD Paarsch, Harry Prof 335-0936 harry-paarsch JL PHD Pogue, Thomas F. Prof 335-0843 thomas-pogue HO PHD Ravikumar, B. Prof 335-3810 ravikumar EHO PHD Savin, Nathan E. Prof 335-0855 gene-savin N PHD Whiteman, Charles H. Prof 335-0865 whiteman E PHD Senior Associate Dean Balch, Michael S. Assoc 335-0847 michael-balch CD PHD Mitchell, Matthew Assoc 335-0849 matthew-mitchell L PHD Solow, John L. Assoc 335-0845 john-solow KLH PHD Azzimonti, Marina Asst 335-0914 marina-azzimonti EL PHD Franco, April M. Asst 335-0961 april-franco L PHD Kaya, Ayca Asst 335-0841 ayca-kaya CD PHD Leiva, Fernando Asst 335-0844 fernando-leiva DL PHD Pastorino, Elena Asst 335-0887 elena-pastorino DJ PHD Vereschagina, Galina Asst 335-0915 galina-veres+ EHL PHD Zhang, Vuzhe Asst 335-2290 yuzhe-zhang EJ PHD 77 65 71 68 75 93 86 Minnesota Yale Iowa Wash St Minnesota SUNY-SBr Iowa 1976 1965 1975 1979 1999 2003 1988 75 74 87 68 89 69 81 Rochester Nrthwstrn Stanford Yale Iowa Berkeley Minnesota 1980 1984 1996 1965 1995 1986 1980 65 97 83 04 99 05 04 05 04 06 NYU 1971 Rochester 2001 Stanford 1981 Rochester 2004 Rochester 1999 Stanford 2005 Rochester 2004 Penn 2005 CERGE-EI 2004 Minnesota 2006 Iowa State University Department of Economics Whiteford, Michael Hallam, Arne Huffman, Wallace E. Lapan, Harvey E. Orazem, Peter F. Tesfatsion, Leigh S. Falk, Barry L. Frankel, David Hendricks, Lutz Quirmbach, Herman C. iastate.edu Diana McLaughlin 2003 83 Berkeley 1983 72 Chicago 1974 71 MIT 1972 83 Yale 1982 75 Minnesota 1990 82 Minnesota 1980 93 MIT 2003 96 Penn 2003 83 Princeton 1990 Ames, IA 50011-1070 (515) 294-6740 Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=294-0221 Dean 294-3220 jefe PHD C-Pr 294-5861 ahallam D PHD Prof 294-6359 whuffman J PHD Prof 294-5917 hlapan DF PHD Prof 294-5827 pfo J PHD Prof 294-0138 tesfatsi E PHD Assoc 294-5875 bfalk E PHD Assoc 294-6263 dfrankel D PHD Assoc 294-0702 lhendri E PHD Assoc 294-6221 hcqbach L PHD uiowa.edu Linda M. Bostian 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Schroeter, John R. Tobias, Justin Volij, Oscar Wang, Chena Zheng, Charles Bhattacharya, Joydeep Bunzel, Helle Doyle, Matthew Kreider, Brent Oviedo, P. Marcelo Singh, Rajesh Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 294-5876 294-5028 274-6740 294-6740 294-1085 294-5886 294-6163 294-6740 294-6740 294-3438 294-6740 johns tobiasj volij chewang czheng joydeep hbunzel msdoyle bkreider oviedo L C H E D E C D J F F Ithaca College Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 274-3200 Department of Economics Sch of Humanities & Sci Fax=274-3474 Homepage: www.ithaca.edu/economics Erlich, Howard Dean 274-3102 Comm Kacapyr, Elia W. C-Pr 274-3274 kacapyr CE Musgrave, Frank W. Prof 274-3613 musgrave IJ Hinderliter, Roger H. Assoc 274-3582 rhinderliter BE Kolberg, William Assoc 274-3609 kolberg AQ Alexander, Albert W. Asst 274-3789 aalexand AJ' Christianson, Kenneth Asst 274-3200 Meister, J. Patrick Asst 274-3552 pmeister DL Osterreich, Shainne Asst 274-3552 sosterreich FO 68 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD ABD PHD PHD Jacksonville University Jacksonville, FL 32211-3394 (904) 256-7432 Economics Faculty College of Business Fax=256-7467 Rhey, William L. Dean 256-7431 wrhey Mktg PHD Borg, Rody Prof 256-7464 rborg PHD Brady, James J. Prof Ext 7442 jbrady PHD Pordeli, Hassan Prof 256-7450 hpordel PHD Hugh F. Culverhouse Professor of Economics Buck, John Assoc 256-7431 jbuck PHD Thornton, Barry J. Asst EDD Jacksonville, AL 36265-1602 (256) 782-5776 Col Commerce & Bus Adm Fax=782-8346 Dean 782-5505 fielding PHD H-Pr 782-5388 scroggin Fnce DBA Prof 782-5514 dbennett PHD Assoc 792-5199 scarter PHD Assoc 782-5777 cmccarty PHD Assoc 782-5392 cwestley PHD James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (540) 568-3216 Economics Department Col of Business MSC0204 Fax=568-3010 Homepage: cob.jmu.edu/economics Reid, Robert D. Dean 568-3252 reidrd Mkgt Ahmed, Ehsan D-Pr 586-3215 ahmedex EC Director Office of Economic Services Fields, T. Windsor Prof 568-3097 fieldstw EC Horn, Robert N. Prof 568-3219 hornrn JD Kohen, Andrew I. Prof 568-3220 kohenai JD Rosser, J. Barkley Jr. Prof 568-3212 rosserjb R Wood, William C. Prof 568-3243 woodwc DA Director, Center for Economic Education Jerome, Robert T. Jr. Assoc 568-3029 jeromert DF Kreutzer, David W. Assoc 568-3218 kreutzdw FH Milliman, Scott R. Assoc 568-3213 millimsr DQ Minnesota Chicago Hebrew W Ontario Minnesota Cornell Cornell Brit Colum Wisconsin N Car St UCLA 1983 2004 2001 2001 2006 1999 1999 2001 2001 2003 2001 ithaca.edu Tina Bennett Jackson State University Jackson, MS 39217-0560 (601) 968-2531 Dept Econ, Finance & Gen Bus Sch Business Box 17760 Fax=979-2690 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing; email @1=ccaix.jsums.edu Glover, Glenda B. Dean 968-2411 gglover Atg PHD Hurley, John F. C-Ac 968-2531 jhurley@1 PHD Assad, Jean-Claud Assoc 968-2604 jassad@1 PHD Freeman, Patricia A. Assoc 968-2610 pfreeman@1 PHD Granger, Maury Assoc 979-2679 maury.granger PHD Grass, R. Gail Assoc 968-2028 ggrass@1 PHD Anyamele, Dennis Asst 968-2608 okechukwu.d.a+ PHD Didia, Dal Asst 968-2606 jdidia@1 PHD McGill-Tillman, Patricia Inst 968-2605 patricia.mcgill MA Ezeala-Harrison, Fidel 979-2604 fidel.ezeala-h+ PHD Jacksonville State Univ Finance, Econ & Accounting Fielding, William T. Scroggins, William A. Bennett, Doris S. Carter, Shawn McCarty, Cynthia S. Westley, Chris 81 99 94 94 99 96 99 01 94 03 01 75 78 68 70 84 00 Mass Geo St Rutgers Wash U Rhode Isl Cornell Syracuse 92 Michigan Utah 1985 1968 1986 1984 2001 2000 2001 2000 jsums.edu Ella King 90 71 87 88 93 89 92 93 65 87 Geo Wash Illinois Howard LSU Kentucky Harvard Howard LSU Atlanta Manitoba 1994 1972 1991 1998 2002 1989 86 86 69 83 ju.edu Pat Parrington Miss 8-02 N Carol 1984 Notre Dm Nebraska 1983 1997 1968 2002 89 Wisconsin 1994 N Fla 76 85 79 97 94 00 jsu.edu Ms. Pam Pope S Carol 1968 Miss St 8-79 Alabama 1986 Tx A&M 1998 N Carol 1990 Auburn 1999 jmu.edu Mrs. Loretta Grunewald EDD PHD 85 Va Tech 83 Mich St 9-86 1984 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 78 73 76 80 1990 1978 1976 1977 1989 PHD PHD PHD 82 Virginia 1981 84 GeoMason 1984 85 Wisconsin 1986 Virginia NewHamp Ohio St Wisconsin Virginia 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Rosser, Marina V. Smith, V. Russell Brunton, Bruce G. Cavusoglu, Nevin Doyle, Joanne M. Elwood, S. Kirk Grant, William C. Heap, Philip S. Terkun, Kristina Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst John Carroll University Dept of Economics & Finance Calingo, Luis M. Simmons, Walter O. Navratil, Frank J. Schirm, David C. Soper, John C. Zlatoper, Thomas J. Calkins, Lindsay Noble Cima, Lawrence R. Kahai, Simran K. Welki, Andrew M. Cleveland, OH School of Business Dean 397-4391 C-Ac 397-4659 Prof 397-4521 Prof 397-4468 Prof 397-3027 Prof 397-4583 Assoc 397-4467 Assoc 397-4534 Asst 397-4655 397-4550 Johns Hopkins University Department of Economics Homepage: www.econ.jhu.edu Falk, Adam Maccini, Louis J. Ball, Laurence M. Carroll, Christopher D. Faust, Jon Gersovitz, Mark Hamilton, Bruce W. Harrington, Joseph E. Karni, Edi Khan, M. Ali Moffitt, Robert A. Young, H. Peyton Shum, Matthew Baltimore, MD 21218-2685 (410) 516-7601 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=516-7600 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Asst 568-3094 568-3221 581-3211 568-8752 568-3030 568-3098 568-3180 568-3031 568-4375 516-4065 516-7607 516-7605 516-7602 516-7614 516-7612 516-7613 516-7615 516-7608 516-8545 516-7611 516-6118 516-8828 rossermv smithvr bruntobg cavusonx doylejm elwoodsk grantwc heapps terkunkx FP B FNO DC EFC 44118 (216) 397-4508 Fax=397-1728 lcalingo Mgt wsimmons JKNO navratil G schirm G jsoper ENA zlatoper ACD calkins ADH lrcima ADEF skahai CDFL welki HR maccini lball ccarroll faustj m.gersovitz bruce.hamilton joe.harrington karni akhan moffitt pyoung mshum 69 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 MoscowSt 1987 80 Penn St 1979 89 Utah 1984 NewHamp D-06 93 Boston C 1993 93 Ca-Davis 1992 N Carol 2004 Virginia 1996 Clemson 2003 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD jcu.edu Tina Frabotta Pittsburgh 2006 Wayne St 1995 Notre Dm 1973 Penn St 1984 Mass 1982 Nrthwstrn 1984 Michigan 1986 W Virginia 1971 Auburn 2001 Penn St 1982 84 94 74 83 70 80 86 82 95 83 jhu.edu Donna Althoff 516-7677 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 86 90 88 75 72 84 71 73 75 70 98 Nrthwstrn MIT MIT Berkeley Yale Princeton Duke Chicago Yale Brown Michigan Stanford 1969 1994 1995 2006 1994 1973 1983 1981 1988 1995 1994 2000 Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3295 (616) 337-7053 kzoo.edu Dept of Economics & Business Liberal Arts Education Fax=337-5733 Marilyn Cake 337-7053 Homepage: www.kzoo.edu/regist/depts/econ/ Moffit, Tim C-As$ 337-7031 moffit M MBA 84 Dartmouth 1994 Hussen, Ahmed M. C-Pr 337-7025 hussen DQ PHD 78 Oregon St 1985 on leave 2006-2007 McCornac, Dennis C. VAsoc 337-7053 mccornac PHD CUNY 2003 Li, Yang Asst 337-7026 PHD Miss 2003 McKinney, Hannah J. Asst 337-7024 mckinney HJR PHD 84 Penn 1988 Stull, Charles Asst 337-7053 cstull ABD Wisconsin 1999 on leave 2006-2007 University of Kansas Department of Economics Homepage: www.ku.edu/~econ/ Sicilian, Joseph M. Barnett, William A. Distinguished Professor Cornet, Bernard Distinguished Professor El-Hodiri, Mohamed A. Rosenbloom, Joshua L. Weiss, Thomas J. Asiedu, Elizabeth Bhattacharya, Gautam Comolli, Paul M. Earnhart, Dietrich Faurot, David J. Ginther, Donna Iwata, Shigeru Juhl, Ted Keating, John W. Zhang, Jianbo Becker, Neal Lawrence, KS 66045-7589 (785) 864-3501 Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=864-5270 ku.edu Leanea Wales C-Ac Prof 864-2842 jsic 864-2844 barnett D E PHD PHD 77 Purdue 1977 74 Car Mellon 2002 Prof 864-1449 CD PHD 74 Paris 2004 Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst 864-2838 864-2839 864-2840 864-2843 864-2869 864-2863 864-2866 864-2865 864-3251 864-2867 864-2849 864-2837 864-2861 864-2864 F NJ NF F LDO QF QK J DJ EJ E E D F PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 88 67 98 80 75 95 75 98 88 99 89 90 91 1966 1988 1967 1998 1980 1975 8-97 1975 2002 1988 1999 8-97 1990 1989 elhodiri jrosenbloom t-weiss asiedu gbhattacharya pcomolli dearnhart dfaurot dginther iwata juhl jkeating jzhang nbecker Minnesota Stanford N Carol Illinois Rochester Purdue Wisconsin Nrthwstrn Wisconsin UCLA Illinois Nrthwstrn Penn St Pittsburgh 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Jin, Yi Ju, Biung-Ghi Skiba, Sasha Wu, Shu Asst Asst Asst Asst 864-2848 yjin 864-2860 bgju 864-2847 864-2868 shuwu E D F EG PHD PHD PHD PHD Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-4001 (785) 532-7357 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=532-6919 Homepage: www.ksu.edu/economics White, Steve Dean 532-6900 sewhite Geo PHD Thomas, Lloyd B. Jr. H-Pr 532-4584 lbt EA PHD Babcock, Michael W. Prof 532-4571 mwb RQ PHD Nafziger, E. Wayne Prof 532-4579 nafwayne OPF PHD Ragan, James F. Jr. Prof 532-7357 jfrjr JA PHD Weisman, Dennis Prof 532-4588 weisman LKD PHD Akkina, Krishna Rao Assoc 532-4570 krishna ECO PHD Cassou, Steven P. Assoc 532-6342 scassou EC PHD Chang, Yang-Ming Assoc 532-4573 ymchang DCF PHD Gormely, Patrick J. Assoc 532-4576 gormely OF PHD Bachmeier, Lance Asst 532-4578 lanceb CE PHD Blankenau, William F. Asst 532-7357 blankenw EC PHD Gayle, Philip Asst 532-4581 gaylep LDC PHD Kuester, Dan Asst 532-6341 kduester AB PHD Li, Dong Asst 532-4572 dongli CDI PHD Neymotin, Florence Asst 532-4575 neymotin JD PHD Turner, Tracy M. Asst 532-4583 turner HD PHD 70 01 01 03 00 Iowa Rochester Purdue Stanford 2001 2001 2004 2000 ksu.edu Susan Koch 74 70 73 67 75 93 72 89 84 67 02 97 02 00 00 06 00 Kentucky Nrthwstrn Illinois Illinois Wash U Florida Minnesota Minnesota SUNY-Buf Duke Tx A&M Iowa Colorado Missouri Tx A&M Berkeley Ca-Davis 1975 1968 1972 1966 1977 1993 1972 1996 1984 1967 2004 2001 2002 2004 2002 2006 2000 Kean University Dept Economics & Finance Ngome-Ntoko, Alfred Kempey, William M. Kim, Youn Suk Carreno, Eufronio Saffer, Henry Condon, Carol M. Griffith, Jacqueline Skoorka, Bruce Tully, Cathyann Union, NJ 07083 (908) 737-4120 Sch Bus, Public Affairs Fax=737-4145 Dean 737-4120 antoko C-Pr 737-4152 wkempey Prof 737-4153 ykim Assoc 737-4143 ecarreno DEFO Assoc 737-4146 hsaffer Asst 737-4144 ccondon Asst 737-4151 jgriffit Asst 737-4149 bskoorka Asst 737-4147 ctully kean.edu Elaine Mahon Keene State College Department of Economics Leversee, Gordon J. Dolenc, Patrick V Sherry, Robert L. Duggan, Marie Duston, Thomas E. Keene, NH 03431-4183 (603) 358-2544 Sciences & Soc Sciences Fax=358-2257 Dean 358-2544 gleverse PHD Prof 358-2629 pdolenc PHD Prof 358-2626 rsherry PHD Assoc 358mduggan PHD Assoc 358-2625 tduston PHD Kennesaw State University Dept of Economics & Finance Mescon, Timothy S. Harihavan, Govind Ackert, Lucy F. Brotman, Billie Ann Gilliam, Kenneth P. Goodwin, Randall B. Noiset, Luc Roy, Abhra Sabbarese, Donald M. Bagchi, Aniruddha Liu, Xuepeng Ni, Huan Doral, Murat Gissy, William G. Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591 (770) 423-6091 coles2.kennesaw.edu Coles College of Bus Fax=499-3209 Janelle Jones Dean 423-6342 tim_mescon PHD 79 Georgia 1990 C-Ac$ 423-6580 govind_harihavan HIM PHD SUNY-Buf 2002 Prof 423-6111 lucy_ackert GM PHD 90 Emory 2000 Prof 423-6496 billie_brotman AGIM PHD 78 Notre Dm 1989 Prof 423-6319 ken_gilliam ACD PHD 76 Lehigh 1984 Prof 423-6101 randall_goodwin ADM PHD 82 Georgia 1982 Assoc 420-4371 lnoiset PHD Tulane Assoc 797-2071 aroy1 PHD W Virginia Assoc 423-6094 don_sabbare AEM PHD 84 Geo St 1978 Asst 423-6770 abagchi PHD Vanderbilt Asst 423-6065 xliu6 PHD Syracuse 2006 Asst 499-3343 hni PHD SUNY-SBr Inst 423-6605 murat_doral AHG MBA 90 W Virginia 1999 Inst 797-2072 wgissy PHD 87 Geo St PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD Kent State University Kent, OH 44242-0001 (330) 672-2366 Dept of Economics Box 5190 College of Business Adm Fax=672-9808 Homepage: http://business.kent.edu/academic/econ/ Stevens, George E. Dean 672-2772 gstevens ADMS DBA Kent, Richard J. C-Ac 672-1084 rkent E PHD Casper, Cheryl A. Prof 672-1087 ccasper D PHD McKee, David L. Prof 672-1096 dmckee OR PHD Upton, Charles W. Prof 672-1089 cupton EQ PHD Ellis, Michael A. Assoc 672-1091 mellis EF PHD Qi, Min Assoc 672-1088 mqi CDFG PHD 70 73 80 77 78 NYU New Sch Rutgers CUNY Columbia 9-78 9-74 9-88 9-85 9-85 92 NYU 73 93 79 00 72 keene.edu Nancy Gitchell Duke 1981 Utah 1991 Yale 1984 New Sch Brown 1984 bsa3.kent.edu Diane Williams 79 76 75 66 69 91 96 Kent St 1995 Berkeley 1983 Case Wes 1973 Notre Dm 1967 Car Mellon 8-89 Tx A&M 1990 Ohio St 1996 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Wilson, Kathryn S. Dechenaud, Emmanuel McKee, Yosra A. Assoc 672-1093 kwilson Asst 672-1106 edechean Asst 672-1097 ymckee PHD PHD FCEO PHD 96 Wisconsin 1996 Purdue 2004 91 Kent St 2003 University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506-0034 (859) 257-3626 Department of Economics Gatton Col Bus & Econ Fax=323-1920 Homepage: gatton.uky.edu/academic/economics/home.index.html Sudharshan, D. Dean 257-8939 sudharshan Mktg PHD Blomquist, Glenn C. C-Pr 257-3924 gcblom IHQ PHD Pollard Professor Ali, Mukhtar M. Prof 257-7636 mmali1 C PHD Fackler, James S. Prof 257-7649 eco134 E PHD Garen, John E. Prof 257-3581 jgaren J PHD Gatton Professor Gift, Richard E. Prof 257-7640 regift01 FB PHD Hoyt, William H. Prof 257-2518 whoyt RHG PHD Gatton Professor Scott, Frank A. Jr. Prof 257-7643 fscott GH PHD Gatton Professor Troske, Kenneth Prof 257-1282 ktroske JDF PHD Wildasin, David E. Prof 257-2456 H PHD email: [email protected] Ziliak, James P. Prof 257-2776 jziliak JI PHD Gatton Chair Bollinger, Christopher R. Assoc 257-9524 crboll CDJ PHD Gatton Associate Professor Ederington, Josh Assoc 257-1588 ederington F PHD Gillette, J. Robert Assoc 257-1411 jrgill01 A PHD Hoyt, Gail Mitchell Assoc 257-2517 ghoyt A PHD Jepsen, Chris Assoc 257-2386 jepsen JHT PHD Kim, Yoonbai Assoc 257-2838 ykim01 EFG PHD Minier, Jenny Assoc 257-9681 jminier O PHD Toma, Mark Assoc 268-4966 mtoma E PHD Yelowitz, Aaron Assoc 257-7634 aaron HI PHD Castaneda, Marco Asst 257-1266 marco LD PHD Puzzello, Daniela Asst 257-6226 dpuzz2 CD PHD Reed, Robert R. III Asst 257-5975 rrreed E PHD Eike, Ann Lect 257-1119 aeike A PHD uky.edu Debbie Wheeler Kentucky State University Frankfort, KY Dept of Bus Adm-Economics School of Business Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Lake, Gashaw Dean 597-6105 Okonkwo, C. Valentine Prof 597-6919 Assibey-Mensah, Albert Assoc 597-6944 Sokoloff, Joel J. Asst 597-6914 DHIJ 71 40601 (502) 597-6708 Fax=597-6404 glake vokonkwo aassibeymensah AG jsokoloff ACE 82 Pittsburgh 2003 77 Chicago 1980 69 Wisconsin 1969 77 Indiana 1982 82 Ohio St 1982 65 Duke 1965 86 Wisconsin 1986 79 Virginia 1979 92 Chicago 76 Iowa 2005 2000 93 Indiana 2002 93 Wisconsin 1998 98 86 92 00 87 98 77 94 00 05 98 82 Wisconsin Tx A&M Kentucky Nrthwstrn Stanford Wisconsin Va Tech MIT Wash U Purdue Penn St Missouri 2004 1994 1994 2006 1991 2004 1989 2001 2001 2005 2000 2003 gwmail.kysu.edu Maurica Marsberry PHD PHD PHD MA Oklahoma 85 Fla St 2000 94 Cincinnati 1994 67 Mass 1974 Kenyon College Gambier, OH 43022-9623 (740) 427-5657 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=427-5276 Homepage: kenyon.edu/economics.xml Melick, William R. C-Ac 427-5291 melickw EGCF PHD Gensemer Associate Professor of Economics Keeler, James Prof 427-5285 keeler CEB PHD Trethewey, Richard L. Prof 427-5270 trethewe NFKB PHD Harrington, David E. Assoc 427-5393 harrington QRHC PHD Himmelright Associate Professor in Economics Krynski, Kathy Assoc 427-5328 krynski CDIJ PHD Himmelright Associate Professor of Economics An, Galina Asst 427-5283 ang CFOP PHD Corrigan, Jay Asst 427-5281 corriganj CDHQ PHD Treber, Jaret Asst 427-5435 treberj ILN PHD kenyon.edu April Farmer King's College Department of Economics phone 208-5900 Rose, Margarita M. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 (570) 208-5900 Social Science Division Fax=208-5989 Kutztown University of PA Department of Economics Ikem, Fidelis M. Sraiheen, Abdulwahab Daneshyar, Arifeen M. Hvidding, James M. Kutztown, PA 19530-0730 (610) 683-4584 College of Business Fax=683-4573 Dean$ 683-4575 ikem C-Ac 683-4597 sraiheen CM PHD Prof 683-4592 daneshya AE PHD Prof 683-4593 hvidding EB PHD C-Pr Ext 5778 mmrose AO 87 Ohio St 7-98 81 Indiana 1984 71 U Wash 1969 84 Wisconsin 1986 86 Wisconsin 7-86 04 Colorado 02 Iowa St 05 Arizona 7-04 7-02 7-05 kings.edu Janet Mead PHD 89 Notre Dm 9-90 kutztown.edu Mrs. Donna DeLong 86 Penn St 1990 76 S Illinois 1984 76 Maryland 1986 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Zelleke, Girma Esposto, Alfredo G. Prof 683-4598 zelleke Assoc 683-4595 esposto FO IK PHD PHD Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042-1776 (610) 330-5298 Economics Faculty Dept of Econ & Business Fax=330-5715 Averett, Susan H-Pr 330-5307 averetts ACIJ PHD Charles A. Dana Professor Ahene, Rexford A. Prof 330-5302 ahener FHRO PHD Bodenhorn, Howard N. Prof 330-5308 bodenhoh AN PHD Bruggink, Thomas H. Prof 330-5305 bruggint ACQ PHD Bukics, Rose Marie L. Prof 330-5299 bukicsr FGM MBA Thomas Roy and Lura Forrest Jones Professor Chambers, Donald R. Prof 330-5303 chambers AGM PHD Walter E. Hanson/KPMG Professor of Business & Finance Crain, William M. Prof 330-5315 crainm GH PHD William E. Simon Professor of Political Economy Gamber, Edward N. Prof 330-5310 gambere ACEO PHD Heavey, Jerome F. Prof 330-5300 heaveyj ADHP PHD Seifried, Edmond J. Prof 330-5314 seifried JM PHD DeVault, James M. Assoc 330-5312 devaultj AEFQ PHD Hutchinson, Gladstone Assoc 330-5304 hutchins AEHO PHD Handy, Sheila A. Asst 330-5311 handys GM PHD Kelly, Michael A. Asst 330-5313 kellyma DGM PHD Ruebeck, Christopher S. Asst 330-5309 ruebeckc ADEL PHD Smith, Julie K. Asst 330-5301 smithjk ABCE PHD Stifel, David C. Asst 330-5673 stifeld DEFO PHD Lake Superior State Univ Economics Faculty Harger, Bruce T. Schmitigal, Linda S. Erkkila, John Root, Gerald Sault S Marie MI Col of Prof Studies Prov 635-7560 C-Ac 635-2195 Prof 635-2108 Asst 635-2662 Lakeland College Economics Faculty Schilcutt, J. Garland Kudek, James F. Schwartz, Adina Tzur Botana, Joseph D. Niederjohn, M. Scott Sheboygan, WI 53082-0359 (920) 565-1543 Div of Business Admin Fax=565-1421 C-Pr 565-1271 schilcuttj M LLD Assoc 565-1273 ABCD MBA Assoc 565-1296 AEFG MA Asst 565-1336 AFND MBA Asst PHD Lamar University Dept of Economics & Finance Venta, Enrique R. Moss, Jimmy D. Allen, Charles L. Bacdayan, Andrew W. Choi, Jai-Young Hawkins, Charles F. Montano, Carl B. Beaumont, TX 77710 (409) 880-8647 College of Business Fax=880-1752 Dean 880-8603 Mgt C-Pr 880-8647 jimmy.moss Fnce Prof 880-8656 larry.allen RC Prof 880-8657 andrew.bacdayan AE Prof 880-8062 jai-young.choi DF Prof 880-8650 charles.hawkins RK Prof 880-8651 carl.montano OQ Lander University Economic Faculty Caines, W. Royce Barbour, Karie Lewis, Willis Morgan, Amber Greenwood, SC 29649 (864) 388-8232 School of Business Adm Fax=388-8890 Dean 388-8359 rcaines ALPQ Asst 388-8227 kbarbour Asst 388-8354 wlewis Inst 388-8285 amorgan 72 84 Colorado 90 Temple 1986 2003 lafayette.edu Mrs. Lisa Mutton 91 Colorado 1991 83 90 79 81 Wisconsin Rutgers Illinois Lehigh 1982 1993 1978 1980 81 N Carol 1992 76 Tx A&M 2004 86 76 71 90 90 03 92 01 02 00 1992 1973 1978 1989 1992 2000 2005 2000 2005 2003 Va Tech Penn St W Virginia Wisconsin Clark NYU Cornell J Hopkins J Hopkins Cornell 49783-1626 (906) 635-2426 lssu.edu Fax=635-2821 Ms. Tracey MacQuarrie bharger A PHD 91 Mich St 9-67 lschmitigal MBA 93 Cen Mich jerkkila ADEF PHD 87 W Ontario 9-90 groot MBA 73 Michigan 9-04 lakeland.edu Marian Wi-Milwa Wi-Milwa Roosevelt Wi-Milwa 1958 1982 1986 1990 PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD lamar.edu Ms. Donna Holland 80 Nrthwstrn 2002 86 Miss St 1986 78 Arkansas 1979 73 Utah St 82 Oklahoma 1982 80 LSU 1966 82 Mich St 1981 PHD PHD PHD MBA lander.edu Joyce Shelton Clemson 1988 Tennessee 2006 Clemson 2004 Clemson 2006 88 04 04 05 La Salle University Philadelphia, PA 19141-1108 (215) 951-1178 lasalle.edu Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=991-3511 Sister Betty McDonald Homepage: http://www.lasalle.edu/academ/econ/main.htm Robison, H. David C-Pr 951-1184 robison LQC PHD 83 Maryland 1988 George, David L. Prof 951-1575 george ABN PHD 84 Temple 1979 Mshomba, Richard Prof 951-1116 mshomba FO PHD 92 Illinois 1991 Grady, John Assoc 951-1360 grady BE MA Temple 1960 Paulin, Elizabeth Assoc 951-1181 paulin J PHD 87 Tx-Austin 1988 Ratkus, Mark J. Asst 951-1183 ratkus OE PHD 76 Notre Dm 1973 La Sierra University Economics Faculty Riverside, CA 92515-8247 (951) 785-2064 School of Business Fax=785-2700 lasierra.edu Vernell Kaufholtz 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Thomas, Johnny Reynolds, Lee Ogum, George O. Kugler, C. Tad Swaminathan, Siddarth Dean C Assoc Asst Asst University of LaVerne Applied Bus Sci & Economics Badovick, Gordon J. Ispahani, Ahmed S. Abbondante, Paul Park, Gon Yung Walecki, Julius LaVerne, CA 91750 (909) 593-3511 Business & Public Mgt Fax=392-2704 Dean 593-3511 badovick Mktg C-Pr 593-3511 ispahani Prof 593-3511 pabbondante Prof 593-3511 parkg Prof 593-3511 waleckij Lawrence University Department of Economics Finkler, Merton Alger, Daniel Nagase, Yoko Roy, Suryadipta Appleton, WI 54912-0599 (920) 832-6664 Div of Social Science Fax=832-6962 C-Pr 832-6664 finklerm IHE PHD Assoc 832-6735 algerd LKD PHD Asst 993-6035 nagasey HQ PHD VAsst 832-7393 roys FO PHD 79 79 99 05 Lawrence Technological Univ Dept Hum, Soc Sci & Comm Moore, Hsiao-Ping Stover, Betty Hotelling, Harold Southfield, MI 48075-1058 (248) 204-3520 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=204-3518 Dean 206-3500 moore Bio PHD C 248-3520 stover Engl PHD Assoc 204-3530 hotelling KL PHD ltu.edu Joyce McKissen Cal Tech Wayne St 1990 82 Duke 9-89 Lebanon Valley College Economics Faculty Rudd, David V. Maynard, Raymond A. Perry, Neil Annville, PA 17003 (717) 867-6327 Dept of Pol Sci & Econ Fax=867-6124 C-Pr 867-6109 rudd Mktg PHD Asst 867-6498 maynard PHD Asst 867-6485 nperry ABD lvc.edu Susan Donmoyer 96 Geo Wash 00 Tennessee LaTrobe Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015-3117 (610) 758-3420 Department of Economics College of Bus & Econ Fax=758-4677 Hyclak, Thomas J. Dean$ 758-3400 tjh7 JR PHD Dearden, James A. C-Pr 758-5129 jad8 DH PHD Aronson, J. Richard Prof 758-3411 jra1 HG PHD William L. Clayton Professor of Business and Economics King, Arthur E. Prof 758-4451 aek0 FP PHD Munley, Vincent G. Prof 758-3428 vgm0 HI PHD Lee Iacocca Professor of Business & Economics O'Brien, Anthony P. Prof 758-3442 ao01 NE PHD Taylor, Larry W. Prof 758-3416 lwt0 CE PHD Thornton, Robert J. Prof 758-3460 rjt1 JI PHD Charles W. MacFarlane Professor of Economics Chou, Shin-Yi Assoc 758-3444 syc2 DI PHD Deily, Mary E. Assoc 758-4951 med4 LQ PHD Gunter, Frank R. Assoc 758-4540 frg2 FK PHD McDonald, Judith Ann Assoc 758-5345 djm0 FE PHD Watkins, Todd A. Assoc 758-4954 taw4 LO PHD Bae, Youngsoo Asst 758-5342 yob206 CE PHD Snyder, Stephen Asst 758-3682 sts204 IN PHD Weng, Wenlong Asst 758-3420 wew4 PHD lehigh.edu Rene Hollinger 76 Notre Dm 1979 87 Penn St 1989 64 Clark 1965 LeMoyne College Department of Economics Fronmueller, Michael Shepard, Edward M. Arora, Harjit K. Blackley, Dixie M. Blackley, Paul R. Grove, Wayne A. 785-2954 785-2501 785-2314 785-2313 785-2475 jthomas lreynold gogum ckugler sswamina C PHD G PHD CFGM DBA PHD PHD 73 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Syracuse, NY 13214-1399 (315) 445-4465 Div of Management Fax=445-4516 Dean 445-4280 Mgt PHD C-Ac 445-4235 shepard HJL PHD Prof 445-4436 arora EFH PHD Prof 445-4437 black_d DRC PHD Prof 445-4465 black_p HR PHD Assoc 445-4262 grove AND PHD Lenoir-Rhyne College Hickory, NC 28603 (828) 328-7218 Deptartment of Economics Sch of Social & Beh Sci Fax=328-7537 Mauney, William M. C-Pr 328-7218 mauneyw AE MA Centennial Professor of Economics - Director Broyhill Institute Wright, Jeffrey J. Prof 328-7217 wright_jj AFK PHD 01 79 90 04 01 Claremont Nebraska Memphis Claremont Claremont 1989 2001 1997 2005 2001 88 66 78 93 82 ulv.edu Kathy Duran Oregon 2002 S Calif 1964 Va Tech 2003 Brown 1995 Ottawa 1994 lawrence.edu Minnesota Nrthwstrn Oregon W Virginia 1979 2000 2001 2006 76 Ohio St 1976 79 SUNY-Bin 1980 86 Berkeley 84 N Carol 70 Illinois 1987 1984 1970 99 85 85 86 95 06 04 01 2003 1991 1984 1990 1992 2006 2004 2001 Duke Harvard J Hopkins Princeton Harvard Ohio St Maryland Stanford lemoyne.edu 91 87 84 84 82 00 Wash St Boston C Wi-Milwa Syracuse Syracuse Illinois 7-04 1990 1987 1982 1982 2002 lrc.edu Dottie Crafton 76 Appalach 1967 87 Conn 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lewis & Clark College Department of Economics Bekar, Clifford T. Hart-Landsberg, Martin O'Sullivan, Arthur M. Schleef, Harold J. Goodstein, Eban Bouvet, Florence Grant, James H. Portland, OR 97219-7899 (503) 768-7606 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=768-7611 C-As 768-7612 bekar HPIL ABD Prof 768-7624 marty POFA PHD Prof 768-7606 RKHQ PHD Prof 768-7603 schleef Fnce PHD Assoc 768-7626 eban QDGL PHD Asst 768-7629 fbouvet CE PHD Asst 768-7623 grant CDJA PHD Liberty University Dept Econ & Finance Bell, Bruce K. Mateer, Robert N. Light, Andres Rencher, Robert Lape, Gavy Lynchburg, VA 24502-2269 (434) 582-2480 School of Bus & Govt Fax=582-2366 Dean 582-2480 bkbell Mktg PHD C-Pr 582-2013 rnmateer Fnce MBA Prof 582-2475 PHD Assoc 582-7743 MBA Asst 582-2916 glape Lincoln University-MO Dept of Bus & Economics Anunoby, Ogugua Arabian, Ghodratollah LePage, James Wollo, J. Wesseh Jefferson Cty MO 65101-0029 (573) 681-5489 Col Bus & Prof Studies Fax=681-6074 H 681-5487 anunobyo PHD Prof 681-6077 arabiang PHD Prof 681-6081 lepagej PHD Prof 681-3157 wollo PHD 74 74 81 77 89 06 79 lclark.edu Kathy Anderson Simon Fr 1998 Wisconsin 1978 Princeton 2001 Chicago Michigan 1995 Ca-Davis 2006 Mich St 1987 liberty.edu Sharon Woods 00 Walden 1996 64 Tulane 1984 81 Fairl Dick 1991 2003 lincolnu.edu 87 Brunel 2001 85 Indiana 1984 St Louis 1984 Kentucky Lincoln University-PA Lincoln Univ, PA 19352 (610) Ext 3394 lu.lincoln.edu Dept of Economics & Bus Adm Div of Social Sciences Fax=932-1079 Melanie Murray Ext 3394 Homepage: 1570 Balimore Pike Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing; phone 932-8300 Richards, Oswald C-Pr$ Ext 3377 orichards PHD 01 Penn Ramdas, Ganga P. Prof Ext 3376 gramdas PHD 87 Temple Lindenwood University Economics Faculty Morris, Edward L. Chilton, Kenneth Kamm, Judy Najjar, Annette St. Charles, MO 63301-1695 (636) 949-4840 Div Management & LCIE Fax=949-4834 Dean 949-4832 emorris PHD Assoc 949-4742 kchilton PHD Asst 949-4833 jkamm MS Asst 949-4876 anajjar MBA Linfield College Economics Faculty Grant, Randy R. Hansen, David Summers, Jeffrey A. Schuck, Eric McMinnville, OR Economics C-Pr 883-2402 Prof 883-2253 Prof 883-2297 Assoc 883-2385 Lock Haven U of Pennsylvania Dept Hist, Pol S & Economics Berard, Stanley Chatterton, R. Edward Wion, Douglas A. Imai, Hiroyuki Lock Haven, PA 17745 (570) 893-2163 College of Arts & Sci Fax=893-2830 C 893-2187 sberard Prof 893-2222 rchatter Assoc 893-2217 dwion Asst 893-2447 himai Long Isl U, Brooklyn Campus Department of Economics Zewail, Amin A. Rodriguez, Gustavo Brooklyn, NY 11201-5372 (718) 488-1025 Conolly C Liberal A & S Fax=780-4106 C-Ac amin.zewail AEHR PHD Asst gustavo.rodrigu+ DLC PHD liu.edu Ms. Mina Pacheco 75 Fordham 94 NYU Long Island U.-C.W. Post Department of Economics Gafar, John S. Mourdoukoutas, Panos Roy, Udayan Barr, Tavis Granitz, Elizabeth Saad-Lessler, Joelle Brookville, NY 11548-0570 (516) 299-2321 College of Liberal Arts Fax=299-4169 C-Pr 299-2371 john.gafar PHD Prof 299-2322 panos.mourdou+ PHD Prof 299-2405 udayan.roy PHD Asst 299-2370 tavis.barr PHD Asst 299-2369 elizabeth.gr+ PHD Asst 299-4089 jsaad PHD liu.edu Rhonda Pereira W Indies 1980 SUNY-SBr 1984 SUNY-SBr Columbia 2001 UCLA Columbia 2001 Longwood University Dept of Economics & Finance Farmville, VA 23909 (434) 395-2042 College of Bus & Econ Fax=395-2203 97128-6894 (503) 883-2402 Fax=883-2369 rgrant PHD dhansen MS jsummer PHD eschuck PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD lindenwood.edu St Louis 94 Wash U Mo-StLou 95 Millsaps 2002 1201 8-96 4-01 linfield.edu 96 Nebraska Port St 87 Purdue Wash St 95 80 80 89 79 83 91 92 93 1993 1969 1992 2006 lhup.edu Gale Spangler Pittsburgh 2000 Wash St 1982 Penn St 1980 J Hopkins 2004 longwood.edu Mrs. Kathy Dunnavant 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Cross, James S. Brown, William P. Cech, Roman Lehr, David Brastow, Raymond T. Marks, Melanie B. Dean C-Ac Prof Prof Assoc Assoc 395-2137 395-2364 395-2160 395-2459 395-2370 395-2372 crossjs brownwp cechr lehrdl rbrastow mmerrell Atg J Loras College Dubuque, IA 52004-0178 (563) Department of Economics Div Soc Sci & Beh Stds Fax=588-7292 Homepage: depts.loras.edu/eco/faculty.html Sula, Laddie J. C-Pr 588-7507 lsula O'Connor, Dennis A. Prof 588-7519 doconnor Simon, Peter J. Assoc 588-7915 psimon PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 75 85 N Carol 8-87 87 U Wash 93 Tx A&M 1987 1993 loras.edu PHD PHD PHD 76 Geo St 1983 84 Notre Dm 1983 89 N Illinois 1989 U of Louisiana at Lafayette Dept of Economics & Finance Cook, Ellen D. Greco, Anthony J. Ressler, Rand W. Heath, W. Cary Watson, J. Keith Adhikari, Deergha Skinner, Sarah Rumore, Nancy C. Lafayette, LA 70504-4570 (337) 482-6662 Col of Business Admin Fax=482-6195 Dean$ 482-6663 edcook Atg MS H-Pr 482-6669 ajg1979 ADL PHD Prof 482-6666 rwr5011 DJ PHD Assoc 482-5728 wch2394 DK PHD Assoc 482-5727 jkw2465 DFJ PHD Asst 482-6845 dra1419 PHD Asst 482-6630 sjs5987 CD PHD Inst 482-6667 ncr2076 AQ MS 75 78 93 82 83 02 03 80 louisiana.edu Deanna Wild LSU 1977 Tennessee 8-84 Auburn 8-93 LSU 8-88 Tx A&M 8-88 Oklahoma 8-06 Auburn 8-03 LSU 8-81 Univ of Louisiana at Monroe Dept of Economics & Finance Berry, Ronald Nelson, Paul S. Eisenstadt, Robert C. Futayyeh, Mohamed-Amin Kogut, Carl A. Parker, Tammy R. Monroe, LA 71209-0130 (318) 342-1100 College of Business Adm Fax=342-1101 Dean 342-1100 rberry DBA C-Ac 342-1162 nelson DL PHD Assoc 342-1100 eisenstadt DJR PHD Assoc 342-1163 futayyeh PHD Assoc 342-1154 kogut DLJ PHD Assoc 342-1162 tparker 90 85 90 70 84 ulm.edu Juanita Hyatt Miss St 1990 Tx A&M 1989 Geo St 1989 Oklahoma Tx A&M 1992 Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6306 (225) 578-5211 Department of Economics College of Business Adm Fax=578-3807 Sumichrast, Robert T. Dean 578-3211 rsumichr Mgt PHD Newman, Robert J. C-Pr 578-3794 eonewm IJ PHD Mack Hornbeak Business Adm Professor Beard, Thomas R. Emer 578-3789 trbreard E PHD LSU Alumni Professor Emeritus Brasington, David M. Prof 578-7822 dbrasin HRL PHD Hill, R. Carter Prof 578-1490 eohill C PHD Thomas J. Singletary Professor Koray, Faik A. Prof 578-3801 eokora EF PHD Marjory B. Ourso Cener for Excellence in Teaching Professor McMillin, W. Douglas Prof 578-3798 eodoug E PHD South Central Bell Business Partnership Professor Richardson, James A. Prof 578-6743 parich H PHD John Rhea Alumni Professor; Director Public Administration Institute Scott, Loren C. Emer 578-3779 lscott J PHD Terrell, Dek Prof 578-3785 mdterre C PHD Freeport McMoran Endowed Chair; Director Center for Econ Dev & Forecasting Papageorgio, Chris Assoc 578-3790 cpapa E PHD Gulf Coast Coca Cola Business Partnership Professor Sarangi, Sudipta Assoc 578-7193 sarangi L PHD Besedes, Tibor Asst 578-3803 besedes FL PHD Hillebrand, Eric Asst 578-3795 erhil CDE PHD Stahl, Richard Inst 578-3793 abyssean E PHD lsu.edu Mary Jo Neathery 84 Clemson 7-03 80 UCLA 1983 63 Duke 1961 99 Ohio St 75 Missouri 8-02 84 Duke 1984 79 LSU 1985 71 Michigan 1970 69 Okla St 91 Duke 1969 8-96 96 Pittsburgh 8-97 00 03 03 01 Virginia Rutgers Bremen SUNY-Bin 8-00 8-03 8-03 8-01 pilot.lsus.edu Charles Boyd La Tech 1984 Ohio St 8-85 Ariz St 1983 Tx A&M 1977 LSU 1989 Fla St 2002 Louisiana St in Shreveport Dept of Economics & Finance Jones, Charlotte A. Bible, Douglas S. Austin, John A. Brendler, Michael D. Hsieh, Chengho Shaughnessy, Tim Shreveport, LA 71115-2399 (318) 797-5241 College of Business Adm Fax=797-5208 Dean 797-5383 cjones DBA C-Pr 797-5241 dbible Insu PHD Prof 797-5022 jaustin PHD Prof 797-5019 mbrendle PHD Prof 797-5145 chsieh PHD Asst 797-5141 tshaugno PHD 85 77 72 77 90 03 Louisiana Tech University Dept of Economics & Finance Reagan, Shirley P. Ruston, LA 71272-0001 (318) 257-4149 College of Admin & Bus Fax=257-4253 Dean 257-4526 sreagan PHD cab.latech.edu Marigane Clark 80 La Tech 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Gilley, Otis W. Darrat, Ali F. Premier Bank Professor O'Boyle, Edward John Blackstock, Robert Francis, John Sarkar, Jayanta 76 H-Pr Prof 257-4149 gilley 257-3874 darrat D EG PHD PHD 79 Purdue 81 Indiana 1988 1987 Assoc VAsst Asst Asst 257-3804 257-2311 257-2917 257-2887 LC PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 St Louis 03 Auburn 01 Mich St So Meth 1977 2003 oboyle rblackst francis jsarkar University of Louisville Department of Economics email @1=gwise.louisville.edu Moyer, R. Charles Vahaly, John Coomes, Paul A. Gohmann, Stephan F. Nahata, Babu L. Nelson, John P. Chou, Nan-Ting Fredriksson, Per G. Izyumov, Alexei I. Haworth, Barry M. Louisville, KY 40292-0001 (502) 852-7836 Col Business & Pub Adm Fax=852-7672 Dean C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Loyola College in Maryland Department of Economics Dahringer, Lee D. Hilton S.J., F. G. Derrick, Frederick W. DiLorenzo, Thomas J. Scott, Charles E. Walters, Stephen J. K. Burger, John Cichello, Paul Sedgley, Norman Ward, Marianne Williams, Nancy A. Baltimore, MD 21210-2699 (410) 617-2357 Sellinger Sch Bus & Mgt Fax=617-2118 Dean 617-2301 ldahringer Mktg DBA C-Ac 617-2544 fhilton QF PHD Prof 617-2712 fderrick CI PHD Prof 617-2755 KLH PHD Prof 617-2618 cscott MJH PHD Prof 617-2313 swalters KL PHD Asst 617-2357 jburger FE PHD Asst 617-2647 pcichello PHD Asst 617-2848 nsedgley EO PHD Asst 617-5557 mward3 EN PHD Asst 617-2825 nwilliams QH PHD Loyola University - Chicago Department of Economics Jalilvand, Abol Cinar, E. Mine Cain, Louis P. Gabriel, Paul E. Hayford, Marc D. Malliaris, Tassos Merriman, David F. Gobin, Roy T. Mirza, David B. Vanderporten, Bruce S. Chicago, IL 60611-2196 (312) 915-7203 School of Business Adm Fax=915-8508 Dean 915-7054 Fnce PHD C-Pr 915-6066 mcinar ACDO PHD Prof 915-6075 lcain ADNR PHD Prof 915-6070 pgabrie ADJ PHD Prof 915-6073 mhayfor AE PHD Prof 915-6063 tmallia ACG PHD Prof 915-6071 dmerrim ADHO PHD Assoc 915-6074 tgobin AEHO PHD Assoc 915-6062 dmirza AF PHD Assoc 915-6076 bvander ACD PHD Loyola Univ-New Orleans Department of Economics Homepage: www.loyno.edu Dauterive, Jerry W. Sibley, Mike Barnett, William Block, Walter Mundell, Cyril Lee Daniel, Kirsten leave of absence Johnston, Jay Levendis, John New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 864-7941 College of Business Adm Fax=864-7970 Dean$ C$ Prof Prof Assoc Asst 864-7945 864-7927 864-7950 864-7934 864-7935 864-7007 VAsst Asst 864-7939 johnston 864-7941 jlevendi Loyola Marymount Univ Department of Economics Engh, Michael Konow, James D. Devine, James N. Earley, Joseph E. Eusufzai, Zaki Thimester, Renate Zekavat, Seid M. Healy, Andrew Herreiner, Dorothea K. Los Angeles, CA 90045-8410 (310) 338-7373 College of Liberal Arts Fax=338-1950 Dean 338-2716 mengh PHD C-Pr 338-2956 jkonow ACD PHD Prof 338-2948 jdevine AEJN PHD Assoc 338-4572 jearley AC PHD Assoc 338-2822 zeusufza ACFD PHD Assoc 338-2817 rthimest ABKM PHD Assoc 338-7372 szekavat ACG PHD Asst Asst L PHD 852-4812 852-4863 852-4841 852-4844 852-4864 852-7901 852-4840 852-4858 852-4842 852-4845 charlie.moyer john.vahaly paul.coomes sfgohm01@1 nahata jpnelso01@1 ntchou01@1 p0fred01 alexei bmhaworth dauteriv sibley wbarnett wblock mundell kdaniel Fnce R R J D H E DF F L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 2006 louisville.edu Charlotte Ford 71 75 85 84 77 68 86 94 85 94 Pittsburgh Vanderbilt Tx-Austin N Car St N Illinois Kentucky Ohio St Penn USSR Ca-Davis 1-05 1975 1985 1988 8-78 78 96 76 80 79 82 99 02 98 00 84 loyola.edu Robin Hart Colorado Wisconsin 1996 N Car St 1982 Va Tech 1992 Vanderbilt 1985 UCLA 1981 N Carol 1999 Cornell 2004 NewHamp 2000 U Miami 2000 Berkeley 1987 81 76 69 87 87 72 83 78 73 73 luc.edu Mark Law N Carol 2005 Tx A&M 1983 Nrthwstrn 1968 Kentucky 1990 Brown 1986 Oklahoma 1972 Wisconsin 1987 Illinois 1978 Nrthwstrn 1969 Wayne St 1978 1991 8-97 1995 loyno.edu mary Sue Oehlke ADH PHD PHD DEFK PHD ABKL PHD AC PHD AEFJ PHD 76 72 74 72 76 01 DLQ 02 Houston 04 Iowa PHD PHD Tx Tech S Carol Mich St Columbia N Carol Birminghm 1979 1979 1974 2001 1981 2001 2005 2005 lmu.edu 87 93 81 74 94 67 64 Wisconsin UCLA Berkeley Fordham UCLA Alabama S Calif 00 Florence 1988 1989 1985 1974 1989 1971 1964 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Offenbert, Jennifer Singleton, Robert Asst Asst Luther College Dept of Economics & Business Homepage: //econ.luther.edu Christianson, Charles Kaschins, Edward A. Lund, Mark Gomersall, C. Nicholas Holland, Steve Shitts, Wade Decorah, IA 52101-1045 (563) 387-1340 Div of Social Sciences Fax=387-1088 C-Pr Emer Prof Assoc Asst Asst 338-7373 rsinglet 387-1187 387-1130 387-1275 387-1133 387-1130 387-1714 Lycoming College Williamsport, PA Economics Faculty Dept of Economics Homepage: http:/www.lycoming.edu/econ/ Sprunger, Philip W. C-Ac 321-4178 Madresehee, Mehrdad Prof 321-4179 Director of Institute for Management Studies Gandhi, Alka Asst 321-4154 AJRN PHD christch kaschins marklund gomersni hollst03 shittswa MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 83 UCLA 1982 luther.edu Dodi Bernatz 75 73 75 91 04 99 S Dakota Iowa Iowa St Cornell Minnesota Iowa 1988 1961 1978 1991 2005 1997 17701-5192 (570) 321-4100 Fax=321-4161 lycoming.edu Maryann Hollenbach sprunger madreseh AJQH PHD FKLR PHD 93 Indiana 85 Wash St 1993 1986 gandhi NEA 03 Ohio St 2003 PHD Lynchburg College Lynchburg, VA 24501-3199 (434) 544-8256 Dept of Economics Sch of Business & Econ Fax=544-8639 Homepage: lynchburg.edu/schools/business.htm Did Not Respond Again--2001-2002 Listing Messerschmidt, Daniel C. Dean 544-8359 messerschmidt.d PHD Turek, Joseph H. C-Pr 544-8542 turek PHD Prinzinger, Joseph M. Prof 544-8329 prinzinger PHD lynchburg.edu Virginia Kern 84 Iowa St 1985 87 SUNY-Alb 1986 74 Geo St 1987 Lyndon State College Economics Faculty Kascenska, John Siegel, Rachel S. Lyndonville, VT 05851 (802) 626-6200 Business Adm Department Fax=626-9770 Dean 626-6406 john.kascenska PHD C-Pr 626-6207 rachel.siegel BGDE MBA 98 N Car St 89 Yale Lyon College Department of Economics Creighton, Cassie F. Kabir, Mahbabul Batesville, AR 72501-2317 (870) 698-4258 Business & Econ Div Fax=698-4622 C-Ac 698-4325 ccreighton Atg MBA Asst 698-4364 mkabir ADFH PHD lyon.edu Peggy Weaver 83 Ark St 1984 98 Nebraska 1999 Macalester College St. Paul, MN 55105-1899 (651) 696-6227 Economics Faculty Economics Department Fax=696-6746 Homepage: www.macalester.edu/~economic/ Krueger, Gary J. C-Pr 696-6222 krueger ACP PHD Egge, Karl A. Prof 696-6743 egge AGM PHD F. R. Bigelow Professor of Economics Moe, Karine S. Prof 696-6793 moe AJ PHD Sukhatme, Vasant A. Prof 696-6744 sukhatme ADO PHD Edward J. Noble Professor of Economics Ferderer, J. Peter Assoc 696-6093 ferderer EFN PHD Robertson, Raymond Assoc 696-6739 robertson AEF PHD West, Sarah Assoc 696-6482 west HQ PHD Ding, Liang Asst 696-6822 ding GF PHD macalester.edu Jane Kollasch Univ of Maine Department of Economics Ennis, Daniel A. Hunt, Gary L. Montgomery, Michael Trostel, Philip Wihry, David F. Buhr, Karen Kearney, Adrienne Orono, ME 04469-5774 (207) 581-1850 Col Bus, Pub Plcy & Hlt Fax=581-1851 Dean 581-1968 innis Mktg PHD C-Pr$ 581-1861 gary.hunt AR PHD Assoc 581-1857 michael.mont+ AE PHD Assoc 581-1822 philip.trostel AHJ PHD Assoc 581-1850 david.wihry HIA PHD Asst 581-1820 karen.buhr CFI PHD Asst 581-1854 adrienne.kearney AF PHD Manchester College N Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 982-5000 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=982-5043 Homepage: www.manchester.edu/academics/departments/econ/ Deal, John L. Asst 982-5301 jldeal PHD Vlasenko, Polina Asst 982-5205 pvlasenko PHD lsc.vsc.edu 9-92 9-90 89 Wisconsin 1989 73 Ohio St 1970 95 Minnesota 1995 77 Chicago 1978 89 97 99 06 Wash U Tx-Austin Tx-Austin N Carol 1996 1999 2000 2006 91 84 88 91 72 06 92 maine.edu Cindy D'Angelo Ohio St 2002 Colorado 1993 Florida 1991 Tx A&M 1987 Syracuse 1969 Carleton 2006 Penn St 1997 manchester.edu 04 N Car St 04 Maryland 8-05 8-05 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Manhattan College Dept of Economics & Finance Suarez, James M. Topyan, Kudret Geisst, Charles R. Maclachlan, Fiona C. Tomer, John F. Abdulahad, Faraj Guirguis, Hany Huang, Ying Wang, Chia-Jane Riverdale, NY School of Business Dean 862-7440 C-Ac 862-7886 Prof 862-7242 Prof 862-7466 Prof 862-7462 Assoc 862-7220 Asst 862-7320 Asst 862-7887 Asst 862-7447 Mansfield University of PA Economics Faculty Keller, Peter Dugan, Mary Jane Carpenter, Bruce E. Yacovissi, William A. Mansfield, PA 16933 (570) 662-4510 Business & Economics Fax=662-4137 Dean$ C-Ac 662-4517 mdugan Atg Prof 662-4761 bcarrpent M Prof 662-4764 wyacoviss M Marian College Economics Faculty Homepage: business.marian.edu Truesdell, Marie K. Schuttler, Robert D. Indianapolis, IN Business Dean Inst 10471 (718) 862-7886 Fax=862-8032 james.suarez kudret.topyan charles.geisst N fiona.maclachlan [email protected] fabdulah F hany.guirguis ying.huang chia-jane.wang manhattan.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 92 72 91 73 68 95 03 04 Columbia CUNY LondonEc NYU Rutgers Boston C Oregon CUNY Rutgers 1984 1991 1985 1992 1983 1970 2001 2005 2005 mnsfld.edu PHD MPA PHD PHD 46222-1997 (317) 955-6765 Fax=955-6030 955-6035 mtrue 955-6038 robert 78 80 Tx-Austin 90 Conn 1987 89 SUNY-Bin 1976 marian.edu Mrs. Joyce Harting PHD MBA 99 Georgia 2000 80 Evansville 1985 Marietta College Marietta, OH 45750-4029 (740) 376-4633 Brachman Dp Econ, Mgt & Atg College of Business Fax=376-7501 Osborne, Edward H. C-Pr 374-4633 osbornee Atg MBA Delemeester, Gregory Prof 376-4630 delemeeg DJK PHD Milton Friedman Chair in Economics Khorassani, Jacqueline Assoc 376-4621 khorassj AEFH PHD marietta.edu Paula Lewis 65 Indiana 1971 89 Tx A&M 1986 97 W Virginia 1994 Marist College Economic Faculty Fortino, Andres Kobos, Chester Davis, Ann E. Ebert, Laura Sue, Della Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387 (845) 575-3225 School of Management Fax=575-3640 Dean 575-3000 andres.fortino Engr PHD C-Ac 575-3000 chet.kobos Fnce PHD Asst 575-3000 ann.davis FH PHD Asst 575-3000 laura.ebert EO PHD Asst 575-3000 della.lee.sue DJ PHD 72 83 00 96 Marquette University Department of Economics Shrock, David L. Clark, David E. Brush, Brian C. Chowdhury, Abdur R. Daniels, Joseph P. Davis, John B. Nourzad, Farrokh Smiley, William G. Breeden, Charles H. Crane, Steven E. McGibany, James M. Associate Dean Toumanoff, Peter Wang, Grace Yakusheva, Olga Kohls, Heather Lephardt, Noreen E. Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 (414) 288-7377 College of Business Adm Fax=288-5757 Dean 288-7141 david.shrock Tran DBA C-Ac 288-3339 david.clark DR PHD Prof 288-3367 brian.brush DL PHD Prof abdur.chowdhury EFO PHD Prof 288-3368 joseph.daniels EFG PHD Prof 288-5438 john.davis BI PHD Prof 288-3570 farrokh.nourzad CEO PHD Prof 288-5664 william.smiley DN PHD Assoc 288-3370 charles.breeden DHK PHD Assoc 288-1450 steven.crane DHLR PHD Assoc 288-7187 james.mcgibany CER PHD marquette.edu Vonda Hayse-Davis 74 Indiana 1999 86 SUNY-Bin 1985 73 N Carol 1968 83 Kentucky 1989 92 Indiana 1989 85 Mich St 1987 82 Kansas 1981 73 Iowa 1973 77 Va Tech 1979 81 Colorado 1980 83 Mich St 1983 Assoc Asst Asst Adj Adj PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 U Wash 1995 03 Oregon 2003 Illinois 2005 Wi-Milwa 2003 76 Tennessee 1999 Marshall University Div of Finance & Economics Uselding, Paul J. Shao, Lawrence P. Adkins, Roger L. Akkihal, Ramchandra G. Smith, Harlan II Agesa, Jacqueline Agesa, Richard Newsome, Mike Wilkins, Allen J. Huntington, WV 25755-2320 (304) 696-4330 Lewis College of Bus Fax=696-4344 Dean 696-2682 uselding N PHD H-Ac 696-4330 shao Fnce PHD Prof 696-2609 adkinsr PHD Prof 696-2613 akkihal PHD Prof 696-3233 smithh PHD Assoc 696-2607 agesaj PHD Assoc 696-2606 agesa PHD Assoc 696-2709 newsome PHD Assoc 696-3351 wilkins PHD marshall.edu 288-7523 288-7310 288-3407 288-3417 288-7411 peter.toumanoff grace.wang olga.yakusheva heather.kohls noreen.lephardt DOPC CEF CDJ AFQ AD 70 89 81 69 89 96 96 97 84 marist.edu Rosanne Goring CUNY 2004 Fordham 1982 Boston C 1981 New Sch 2002 Columbia 2000 Nrthwstrn 2005 Tennessee 2000 Kansas St 1981 Tennessee 1970 Yale 1991 Wi-Milwa 2000 Wi-Milwa 2000 Kentucky 1999 Wisconsin 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 79 University of Mary Economics Faculty phone 255-7500 Borgelt, Marvin Boor, Randy Bismarck, ND 58504-9652 (701) 255-7500 Division of Business Fax=255-7687 Univ of Mary Hardin-Baylor Dept Atg, Economics & Fnce King, James R. Bolick, Bruce A. Stock, Paul Taylor, Danny Belton, TX 76513 (254) 295-4644 College of Business Fax=295-4551 Dean 295-4644 jking C-Ac 295-4652 Atg Asst 295-5404 pstock AEMP Asst 295-4013 Univ of Mary Washington Economics Faculty Hansen, Bradley Greenlaw, Steven A. Ray, Margaret A. Rycroft, Robert S. Stageberg, Stephen P. Humphrey, Shawn FredericksburgVA 22401-5358 (540) 654-1483 umw.edu Department of Economics Fax=654-1074 Jane Clark 654-1066 C-Ac 654-1484 bhansen N PHD 95 Wash U 1995 Prof 654-1483 greenla EFA PHD 87 SUNY-Bin 1982 Prof 654-1485 mray LQRA PHD 88 Tennessee Prof 654-1500 rrycroft CHJG PHD 78 Maryland 1977 Assoc 654-1486 sstagebe CFN PHD 84 Geotown 1982 Asst 750-8077 shumphre PHD 02 Wash U C-Ac Ext 8060 Assoc Ext 8025 mborgelt rboor Mgt MBA MS 82 Maryland N Dak St 9-82 umhb.edu PHD MS PHD MA Univ Maryland-Baltimore Co Baltimore, MD 21228-5398 (410) 455-2137 Department of Economics Col Arts, Hum & Soc Sci Fax=455-1064 Homepage: www.umbc.edu/economics Farrow, Scott C-Pr 455-5922 farrow PHD Bradley, Michael E. Prof 455-2170 mbradley PHD Gindling, Thomas H. Prof 455-3629 gindling O PHD Goldfarb, Marsha G. Prof 455-2171 goldfarb PHD Lamdin, Douglas J. Prof 455-2672 lamdin@1 PHD Lord, William A. Prof 455-2498 lord@2 PHD McConnell, Virginia D. Prof 455-2068 mcconnell@2 PHD Mitch, David F. Prof 455-2157 mitch@2 PHD Takacs, Wendy E. Prof 455-2174 wtakacs@2 PHD Carpenter, Robert Assoc 455-6590 bobc EL PHD Carroll, Kathleen A. Assoc 455-2169 PHD Cinyabuguma, Matthias Asst 455-2177 matthias PHD Dickson, Lisa Asst 455-2176 ldickson PHD Park, Ki Young Asst 455-8485 kypark PHD Croteau, Marcia A. SLect 455-2178 croteau MSE Davis, Mary SLect 455-3177 mdavis@2 MBA University of Maryland Department of Economics Montgomery, Edward B. Murrell, Peter Ausubel, Lawrence M. Betancourt, Roger R. Calvo, Guillermo Cramton, Peter C. Cropper, Maureen L. Drazen, Allen Evans, William N. Haltiwanger, John C. email: [email protected] Hulten, Charles R. Kelejian, Harry Kranton, Rachel E. Mendoza, Enrique Oates, Wallace Prucha, Ingmar R. Reinhart, Carmen Rust, John P. email: [email protected] Sanders, Seth Schwab, Robert M. Straszheim, Mahlon R. Vegh, Carlos A. Vincent, Daniel R. Wallis, John J. Chao, John Coughlin, Peter J. Duggan, Mark umary.edu 88 Tx-Arlin 77 Tx Tech 95 Ohio U N Mex St 1993 1987 2006 2002 umbc.edu Kelly Hodges 83 67 87 68 91 84 78 82 76 92 76 05 05 06 74 78 Wash St Cornell Cornell Nrthwstrn Maryland Indiana Maryland Chicago J Hopkins Wash U J Hopkins Brown Tx-Austin Chicago Ark St Maryland 2005 1973 1989 1987 1983 1981 1980 2005 2006 2006 College Park, MD 20742-7211 (301) 405-3266 umd.edu Col Behav & Social Sci Fax=405-3542 Emily Hartz 405-3506 Dean 405-1679 montgome PHD 82 Harvard 1990 C-Pr 405-3476 murrell PHD 77 Penn 1977 Prof 405-3495 ausubel PHD 84 Stanford 1992 Prof 405-3479 betancou PHD 69 Wisconsin 1980 Prof 405-3553 calvo PHD 74 Yale 1994 Prof 405-6987 cramton PHD 84 Stanford 1993 Prof 405-3483 cropper PHD 73 Cornell 1980 Prof 405-3477 drazen PHD 76 MIT 1990 Prof 405-3486 evans PHD 87 Duke 1987 Prof 405-3504 PHD 81 J Hopkins 1987 Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 405-3549 405-3492 405-3487 405-3548 405-3496 405-3499 405-3006 405-3489 hulten kelejian kranton enrique oates prucha creinhart Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 405-3497 405-3478 405-3502 402-3546 405-3485 405-3552 405-4366 405-3482 405-3532 sanders schwab straszheim vegh vincent wallis chao coughlin duggan FO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 68 93 89 65 77 88 83 Berkeley Wisconsin Berkeley W Ontario Stanford Vienna Columbia MIT 1985 1968 1993 2001 1979 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 80 66 87 87 81 95 76 99 Chicago J Hopkins Harvard Chicago Princeton U Wash Yale SUNY-Alb Harvard 1999 1980 1971 2006 1998 1983 1995 1982 2003 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Gelbach, Jonah B. Hellerstein, Judith K. Shea, John Aruoba, Boragan Jin, Ginger Zhe Kearney, Melissa Limao, Nuno Mckelvey, Christopher Pries, Michael J. Soares, Rodrigo Vlaicu, Razvan Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Marymount University Economics Faculty Ryerson, James R. Marshall, Louise Long, Teresa M. England, Catherine Arlington, VA 22207-4299 (703) 284-5910 School of Business Adm Fax=527-3830 Dean$ 284-5965 james.ryerson Mktg MBA C-Pr 284-5932 louise.marshall PHD Prof 284-5918 tlong PHD Assoc 284-5976 cengland PHD Marywood University Economics Faculty Homepage: ac.marywood.edu Allesio, John Gannon, Margaret Fagal, Frederick F. Jr. Scranton, PA 18509-1598 (570) 348-6288 Social Science Dept Fax=340-6012 University of Massachusetts Department of Economics Flaherty, Diane P. Bausor, Randall S. Boyce, James K. Brimmer, Andrew F. Crotty, James R. Epstein, Gerald A. Folbre, Nancy Heim, Carol E. Katzner, Donald W. Kotz, David M. Pollin, Robert N. Rao, J. Mohan Resnick, Stephen A. email: [email protected] Skott, Peter Wolff, Richard D. email: [email protected] Badgett, Lee Friedman, Gerald Lee, Woojin Ndikumana, Leonce Saunders, Lisa F. Ash, Michael Githinji, Mwangi Razmi, Arslan Gonzalez-Brenes, Melissa 405-3512 405-3545 405-3491 405-3508 405-3484 405-6202 405-7842 405-3559 405-3515 405-3501 405-3490 gelbach@1 hellerst shea aruoba jin kearney limao mckelvey pries soares vlaicu HI Dean C Assoc PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 98 94 90 04 00 01 01 05 99 02 06 MIT Harvard MIT Penn UCLA MIT Columbia UCLA Stanford Chicago Nrthwstrn 1998 1996 1996 2004 2005 1999 2002 2006 marymount.edu Jennifer Bushman Clarkson 1982 89 Maryland 1976 80 Iowa St 1981 88 Tx A&M 1998 ac.marywood.edu Mrs. Jean Yeselevage 70 Geotown 81 Syracuse 1987 Amherst, MA 01003-7510 (413) 545-2590 econs.umass.edu Coll Social & Behv Sci Fax=545-2921 Judy Dietel 545-3815 C-Pr 545-4703 gibson PHD 78 NYU Prof 545-0595 bausor PHD 78 Duke 1979 Prof 545-3815 boyce PHD 85 Oxford 1985 VProf PHD 57 Harvard Prof 545-2768 crotty PHD 73 Car Mellon 1974 Prof 545-6355 gepstein PHD 81 Princeton 1987 Prof 545-3283 folbre PHD 79 Mass 1985 Prof 545-0854 cheim NRE PHD 82 Yale 1-81 Prof 545-6350 dkatzner PHD 65 Minnesota 1975 Prof 545-4536 dmkotz PHD 75 Berkeley Prof 577-0126 pollin PHD 82 New Sch 1998 Prof 545-4808 [email protected] PHD 82 Harvard 1989 Prof 545-0947 PHD 64 MIT Prof Prof 545-6358 pskott 545-6351 Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Inst 545-0159 545-6357 545-3412 545-6359 545-0546 545-6329 545-1373 577-0785 545-2012 U Massachusetts Boston Boston, MA Department of Economics Col of Liberal Arts Homepage: www.economics.umb.edu/~economics MacEwan, Arthur C-Pr 287-6956 Albelda, Randy P. Prof 287-6963 Stevenson, Mary H. Prof 287-6958 Terkla, David G. Prof 287-6952 Cotton, Jeremiah Assoc 287-6965 Kapler, Janis Assoc 287-6955 Kim, Marlene Assoc 287-6954 Lynde, Catherine Assoc 287-6959 Choi, Minsik Asst 287-6973 Jayadev, Arjun Asst 287-6961 Joassart, Pasocle Asst 287-6957 Lemi, Adugna Asst 287-6962 Marcelli, Enrico Asst 287-6960 Murphy, Tammy Asst 287-6964 lbadgett gfriedma woojin.lee ndiku saunders mash mwangi arazmi mgb ABNP PHD H PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD 69 Yale 2003 9-73 90 86 98 96 87 99 97 04 1997 1984 2004 1996 1987 1999 2006 2004 2005 Berkeley Harvard Ca-Davis Wash U Berkeley Berkeley Ca-Rivers American Berkeley 02125-3393 (617) 287-6950 Fax=287-6976 umb.edu Ms. Yvonne Ceurvels arthur.macewan randy.albelda mary.stevenson david.terkla jeremiah.cotton jk.kapler marlene.kim catherine.lynde minsik.choi arjun.jayadev pascole.joassart adugna.lemi enrico.marcelli tammy.murphy 69 83 74 79 83 93 90 85 02 05 99 02 96 01 OFP JI RJ QRH IJ LF JI IE JF EO RO OF TJI QH PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Harvard Mass Michigan Berkeley Michigan American Berkeley Ca-Davis Mass Mass S Calif W Mich S Calif Mass 1975 1988 1972 1987 1985 1993 2000 1983 2002 2005 2002 2004 2000 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 81 U Massachusetts-Dartmouth Department of Economics Hogan, William V. Jones, Robert T. Georgianna, Daniel L. Chancellor Professor of Economics Shadbegian, Ronald Alexandrakis, Constantine Eckenrod, Sarah Walgreen, Sonia No Dartmouth MA 02747-2300 (508) 999-8347 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=990-9674 Dean 999-8258 whogan PHD C-Ac 910-6436 rjones PHD Prof 999-8414 dgeorgianna PHD 76 Cornell Clark 77 Mass Prof Asst Asst VLect PHD PHD PHD MA 91 Clark 1993 Clark Wi-Milwa 63 Boston C 1984 U of Massachusetts at Lowell Department of Economics Carter, Michael J. McDonough, Carol C. Sihag, Balbir S. Galizzi, Monica Lahiri, Supriya Jiang, Nierthuei Lowell, MA 01854-2881 (978) 934-2794 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=934-3071 C-Ac 934-2794 michael_carter AEG PHD Prof 934-2784 carol_mcdono+ DN PHD Prof 934-2786 balbir_sihag CI PHD Assoc 934-2790 monica_galizzi IJ PHD Assoc 934-2789 supriya_lahiri CQ PHD Asst 934-2779 OL PHD uml.edu 81 69 78 95 75 00 Mass College of Liberal Arts Economics Faculty Ovitsky, Nancy L. Hajizadeh, Avaz Kahn, Abraham Ben North Adams, MA 01247-4100 (413) 662-5311 Business Adm & Econ Pgm Fax=662-5173 C-As Ext 5306 nancy.ovitsky PHD Prof Ext 5329 avazhajizadeh PHD Prof Ext 5304 benkahn MA mcla.edu Barbara P. Sunskis 82 Illinois 8-84 85 Rensselaer 79 SUNY-Alb Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge, MA 02142-1347 (617) 253-3361 Department of Economics Sch Humanities &Soc Sci Fax=253-1330 Schmalensee, Richard L. Dean 253-2957 rschmal O PHD Goldon Y. Billard Professor Economics & Management Poterba, James M. H-Pr 253-6673 poterba H DPHI Mitsui Professor of Economics Acemoglu, Daron Prof 253-1927 daron J PHD Angrist, Joshua D. Prof 253-8909 angrist J PHD Banerjee, Abhijit V. Prof 253-8855 banerjee J PHD Blanchard, Olivier J. Prof 253-8891 blanchar G PHD Class of 1941 Professor of Economics Caballero, Ricardo Prof 253-0489 caball E PHD Costa, Dora L. Prof 253-2989 costa N PHD Ford Career Development Associate Professor of Economics Diamond, Peter A. Prof 253-3363 pdiamond E PHD Institute Professor Elliott, Graham VProf 258-8047 elliottg CEF PHD visiting from Univ of California-San Diego Ellison, Glenn D. Prof 253-8702 gellison L PHD Fehr, Ernst Prof 324-1898 PHD email: [email protected] Gibbons, Robert Prof 253-0283 rgibbons PHD Greenstone, Michael Prof 452-4127 mgreenst A PHD 3M Associate Professor of Environmental Economics Gruber, Jonathan H. Prof 253-8892 gruberj G PHD Harris, Jeffrey E. Prof 253-2677 jeffrey I PHD Hausman, Jerry A. Prof 253-3644 jhausman C DPHI John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics Holmstrom, Bengt Prof 253-0506 bengt L PHD Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics Joskow, Paul L. Prof 253-6664 pjoskow O PHD Newey, Whitney K. Prof 253-6420 wnewey CDH PHD Piore, Michael J. Prof 253-3377 mpiore J PHD David W. Skinner Professor of Political Economy Pischke, Jorn-Steffen VProf 253-6911 jsp J PHD Ross, Stephen A. Prof 258-8371 scross G PHD Franco Modiglani Professor of Finance and Economics Snyder, James M. Jr. Prof 253-2669 millett PHD Temin, Peter Prof 253-3126 ptemin N PHD Elish Gray II Professor Thurow, Lester C. Prof 253-2932 lthurow F PHD Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Economics and Management Tirole, Jean VProf 258-9166 tirole O PHD Autor, David Assoc 258-7698 dautor G PHD Chernozhukov, Victor Assoc 253-4767 vchern C PHD Duflo, Ester Assoc 258-7013 eduflo O PHD Gabaix, Xavier Assoc 253-8543 xgabaix G PHD Golosov, Mikhail Assoc 253-2790 golosov PHD Lorenzoni, Guido Assoc 253-4836 glorenzo PHD mit.edu 999-8337 910-6436 999-8102 999-8337 rshadbegian calexandrakis seckenrod swalgreen HKQ umassd.edu 1976 1977 Stanford Boston C 1970 MIT 1980 Boston U Delhi Chicago 2006 70 MIT 1977 83 Oxford 1983 92 89 88 77 1993 1996 1993 1985 LondonEc Princeton Harvard MIT 88 MIT 93 Chicago 1992 1993 63 MIT 1966 94 Harvard 2006 92 MIT Vienna 1994 Stanford 98 Princeton 2003 92 Harvard 75 Penn 73 Oxford 1992 1976 1973 78 Stanford 1995 72 Yale 83 MIT 66 Harvard 1972 6-90 1966 92 Princeton 1993 69 Harvard 1998 85 Cal Tech 64 MIT 1965 64 Harvard 1968 81 99 00 99 99 04 01 1985 1999 2000 1999 1999 MIT Harvard Stanford MIT Harvard Minnesota MIT 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Angeletos, George-Marios Antras, Pol visiting from Harvard Ergin, Haluk Finkelstein, Amy Izmalkov, Sergei Jia, Panle Ryan, Stephen P. Ellison, Sara F. Asst VAsst 452-3859 angelet 253-7067 pantras Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect 324-1889 253-4149 452-2522 253-7229 253-6082 253-3821 82 PHD PHD 01 Harvard 03 MIT PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 Princeton 2003 MIT 02 Penn St 2002 06 Yale 05 Duke 93 MIT 1997 McDaniel College Economics Faculty Olsh, John Lindsay Claycombe, Richard J. Milstein, Susan Matz Seidel, Ethan A. Singer, Diana Sue McIntyre, Kevin H. Carter, Joseph Lavin, Donald Westminster, MD 21157-4390 (410) 857-2450 Dept of Econ & Bus Adm Fax=386-4614 C-Pr 848-7000 jolsh PHD Prof 848-7000 rclaycom PHD Prof 848-7000 smilstei MBA Prof 848-7000 eseidel PHD Emer ssinger MBA Assoc 848-7000 kmcintyr PHD SLect 848-7000 jcarter MBA Lect 848-7000 dlavin MBA mcdaniel.edu Pat Holford 74 Ca-Davis 1980 80 Geo Wash 1981 MtStMary 1983 77 J Hopkins 1969 Loyola 1983 Virginia 2000 J Hopkins 1981 Loyola 2000 McMurry University Economic Faculty Long, K. O. Lapoint, Jenipher Abilene, TX 79697 (325) 793-385` School of Business Fax=793-3849 Dean 793-3850 JD jlapoint McNeese State University Dept Atg, Fnce & Econ 91415 Birkett, Brenda S. Kurth, Michael M. Foshee, Andrew W. McNiel, Douglas W. Balic, Mihajlo Lake Charles, LA 70609-1415 (337) 475-5522 College of Business Fax=475-5010 Dean 475-5514 bbirkett Atg PHD H-Pr 475-5558 mmmkurth@a PHD Prof 475-5562 afoshee PHD Prof 475-5560 dmcniel PHD Inst 475mbalic MS hergin afink izmalkov pjia sryan sellison H IO L University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152-6460 (901) 678-2785 Department of Economics Fogelman Col Bus & Econ Fax=678-5380 Homepage: http://economics.memphis.edu/ Pepin, John J. Dean 678-2432 jjpepin Mktg PHD Heath, Julia A. C-Pr 678-2785 jheath JI PHD Chang, Cyril F. Prof 678-3565 cchang IM PHD Evans, Richard D. Prof 678-3632 revans1 CM PHD Fung, Kwok-Kwan Prof 678-4626 kkfung OP PHD Gnuschke, John E. Prof 678-2281 jgnuschk MR PHD Director, Ctr for Manpower Studies and Bureau of Business & Economic Research Gootzeit, Michael J. Prof 678-4625 mgoot BE PHD Kemme, David M. Prof 678-5408 dmkemme FCP PHD Morris Chair of Excellence in International Econ Okunade, Albert A. Prof 678-2672 aokunade JI PHD Rubin, Rose M. Prof 678-4622 rmrubin JI PHD Bose, Pinaki Assoc 678-5528 psbose LD PHD Smith, William Assoc 678-3675 wtsmith EF PHD Zhang, Richard Q. Asst 678-2432 qzhang2 PHD Mercer University-Atlanta Financial Economics Faculty Homepage: www.mercer.edu Tutterow, Roger C. Curley, Michael D. Prime, Penelope B. Jalili, Reza Katzman, Brett E. Zhang, Mei mcmurryadm.mcm.edu mail.mcneese.edu 80 82 80 77 01 547-6164 547-6362 547-6235 547-6325 547-6321 547-6328 tutterow_rc curley_md prime_pb jalili_ar katzman_bc zhang_mm CDGM PHD ADMG PHD ADFO PHD PHD CDL PHD PHD Mercer University-Macon Macon, GA 31207-0001 (478) 301-2832 Economic Faculty Stetson Sch Bus & Econ Fax=301-2635 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Tutterow, Roger C. Dean 547-6164 tutterow_rc CDGM PHD Andrews, Charles Haynes Prof 301-2834 andrews_ch PHD Stetson Professor of Economics Mounts, William S. Jr. Prof 301-2837 mounts_ws PHD Barber, G. Russell Jr. Assoc 301-2162 barber_r PHD Associate Dean LSU Va Tech LSU Okla St North Tx 2003 1984 1978 1984 2002 memphis.edu Janis Dublin 69 86 79 70 70 75 Miss S Carol Virginia Harvard Harvard Missouri 1965 1986 1981 1978 1975 1976 66 Purdue 80 Ohio St 1975 1994 86 68 90 87 1987 1994 9-95 1993 2001 Atlanta, GA 30341-4415 (678) 547-6199 Stetson Sch Bus & Econ Fax=547-6337 Dean Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 2001 2006 Arkansas Kansas St NYU Virginia Ohio St mercer.edu Victoria Womack 90 74 87 94 96 90 Geo St Kentucky Michigan NewHamp Duke Miss St 2005 2005 2006 1993 2006 1993 mercer.edu Mamye Rogers 90 Geo St 2005 67 Vanderbilt 1973 77 Georgia 90 Miss 1978 1973 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lynch, Allen K. Assoc 301-4055 lynch_ak Meredith College Business & Economics Rotondo, Denise M. Wessels, Susan B. Wakeman, Douglas J. York, Anne Raleigh, NC School of Business Dean 760-8471 H-Pr 760-8475 Assoc 760-8482 Assoc 760-8483 Merrimack College Dept of Economics phone 837-5000 Rossi, Michael Charos, Evangelos N. Amariglio, Jack Laramie, Anthony J. Donovan, Elaine M. Looney, Lawrence J. Tontar, Charles F. North Andover MA 01845 (978) Ext 4245 Div of Liberal Arts Fax=837-5078 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Mesa State College Business Bridge, Morgan K. Grand JunctionCO 81501 (970) 248-1778 Professional Studies Fax=248-1730 C-Ac 248-1169 mbridge A PHD 837-5244 Ext 4247 Ext 4313 837-4552 837-5445 Ext 5246 Ext 4163 Metropolitan St Coll Denver Denver, CO Department of Economics School of Business Homepage: http://clem.mscd.edu/~econ/ Cochran, John P. Dean 556-3245 Call, Steven T. C-Pr 556-3916 Akacemn, Mohammed Prof 556-4649 Erickson, Erick Lee Prof 556-3038 Fleisher, Arthur A. III Prof 556-4079 Gilliam, Lynde O. Prof 556-3037 Kulkarni, Kishore G. Prof 556-2675 Hernandez-Julian, Rey Asst Padilla, Alexandre Asst 556-3131 University of Miami Department of Economics Sugrue, Paul K. Connolly, Michael B. Robins, Philip K. Santos, Manuel James L. Knight Chair Foley, James W. Locay, Luis Akin, Muray Bajona, Claustre Bossi, Luca Flores, Carlos Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro Guiliano, Laura Kelly, David Liu, Shirley Mitnik, Oscar Peralta, Adrian Regan, Tracy FAC PHD 27607-5298 (919) 760-8471 Fax=760-8470 rotondo Mgt PHD wesselss Atg PHD wakemand Q PHD yorka J PHD 99 Fla St meredith.edu 95 Fla St 05 Sarasota 86 N Carol N Car St 84 84 86 81 ABEN ADE AOP ACDQ ADHK ADE AEF DCI DGKL 2006 1978 1987 1999 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Illinois NewHamp Mass Clark Houston Boston C New Sch 1983 1984 1984 1989 1963 mesastate.edu Jane Sandoval 94 Wyoming 1995 80217-3362 (303) 556-3217 Fax=556-3966 cochranj calls akacemm ericksoe fleishet gilliaml kulkarnk rhernanz padilale 2000 merrimack.edu Jacqueline P. McLeod PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA MA evangelos.charos jack.amariglio anthony.laramie edonovan lawrence.looney charles.tontar 83 mscd.edu Teddy Podschun 85 77 84 85 87 80 82 06 03 Colorado 1981 Indiana 1979 Colorado 1991 New Mex 1986 GeoMason 1990 Colo St 1984 Pittsburgh 1989 Clemson 2005 Alx Marsei 2002 Coral Gables, FL 33124-6550 (305) 284-5540 Sch of Business Admin Fax=284-8047 Dean 284-4643 psugrue Mas PHD Prof 284-4898 mconnolly F PHD Prof 284-5664 pkrobins IJ PHD Prof 284-3736 msantos PHD miami.edu Ms. Penelope Jones 77 Mass 1977 69 Chicago 1987 72 Wisconsin 1982 84 Chicago 2006 Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst O PHD DJOT PHD PHD EF PHD PHD PHD CEG PHD PHD E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 Mich St 1968 83 Chicago 1989 06 Minnesota 2006 Minnesota 2000 03 Cornell 2003 05 Berkeley 2005 Tx-Austin 2001 03 Berkeley 2004 95 Car Mellon 1998 04 SUNY-SBr 2004 04 UCLA 2004 03 Minnesota 2003 03 Arizona 2003 Miami University Oxford, OH 45056-1675 (513) 529-2836 Department of Economics R.T. Farmer Sch Bus Adm Fax=529-6992 Jenkins, Roger L. Dean 529-3631 jenkinrl Mgt PHD Brock, James W. Prof 529-2846 brockj AK PHD Bill R. Moeckel Professor of Business Davis, George K. Prof 529-2842 davisgk EO PHD Dunlevy, James A. Prof 529-2867 dunlevja JF PHD Even, William E. Prof 529-2865 evenwe JC PHD Gupta, Barnali Prof 529-2856 guptab DR PHD Hall, Thomas E. Prof 529-2862 hallte EC PHD Hart, William R. Prof 529-4352 hartwr EA PHD McBride, Mark E. Prof 529-2864 mcbridme PHD Miller, Norman C. Prof 529-1569 millergm EF PHD Julian G. Lange Professor of Economics & American Enterprise muohio.edu Sandra Richardson 76 Ohio St 7-02 81 Mich St 1979 284-4641 284-1502 284-1627 284-1777 284-4397 384-2615 284-4842 284-1628 284-3725 284-4738 284-1626 284-3736 284-5664 jfoley llocay nakin cbajona lbossi cflores pgomis lguiliano dkelly sliu omitnik aperalta tregan 84 74 84 90 82 76 79 66 So Meth 1985 Nrthwstrn 1980 Iowa 1983 Florida 1993 Ca-SnBarb 1982 Wash U 1974 Wash U 1983 Pittsburgh 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Noble, Nicholas R. Sullivan, Dennis H. Curme, Michael A. Elliott, Steven R. Granderson, Gerald Raynold, Prosper Roberson, Brian Craighead, William Fletcher, Deborah Hineline, David Lyons, John S. Thomasson, Melissa Miller, Gerald M. Assistant Chairperson Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst SInst 529-6288 529-2859 529-2300 529-4932 529-2841 529-4348 529-0416 529-2899 529-4937 529-6928 529-2853 529-2858 529-2838 noblenr sullivdh curmema elliotsr grandegd raynolp robersba craighwd fletchd hinelidr lyonsjs thomasma millergm EC HI JD DQ DG EG DHL EFN DH EF NO IN DC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 (734) 764-8063 Department of Economics Col Lit, Sci, & Arts Fax=764-2769 Homepage: www.econ.lsa.umich.edu McDonald, Terrence Dean 764-0233 tmcd Shapiro, Matthew D. C-Pr 764-5419 shapiro PHD Research Professor Adams, William James Prof 764-5273 jimadams PHD Barsky, Robert Prof 764-9476 barsky PHD Ben-Shehar, Omri Prof 763-4608 omri PHD Borgers, Tilman Prof 764-8022 tborgers PHD Bound, John Prof 747-2319 jbound PHD Brown, Charles C. Prof 763-6867 charlieb PHD Courant, Paul N. Prof 763-2499 pnc PHD Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Deardorff, Alan V. Prof 764-6817 alandear PHD John W. Seetland Professor of International Economics DiNardo, John Prof 647-6695 jdinardo PHD Dominguez, Kathryn Prof 936-2746 kathrynd PHD Hines, James Jr. Prof 764-2320 jrhines PHD Johnson, George Prof 764-2374 gjohnson PHD Lafontaine, Francine Prof 647-4915 laf PHD Laitner, John Prof 763-9620 jlaitner PHD Lam, David A. Prof 763-9237 davidl PHD Levinsohn, James A. Prof 763-2319 jamesl PHD J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy Mackie-Mason, Jeffrey K. Prof 764-7438 jmm PHD Arthur W. Burks Collegiatge Professor of Information and Computer Science Ng, Serena Prof 763-3496 sernea.ng CE PHD Page, Scott Prof 647-9193 spage H PHD Salant, Stephen W. Prof 764-2370 ssalant PHD Saxonhouse, Gary R. Prof 764-3296 grsaxon PHD Slemrod, Joel B. Prof 936-3914 jslemrod PHD McCracken Collegiate Professor; Director, Office of Tax Policy Research Smith, Jeffrey Prof 764-5359 econjeff PHD Smith, Lones A. Prof 764-2357 lones D PHD Solon, Gary R. Prof 763-1306 gsolon PHD Stafford, Frank P. Prof 936-0323 fstaffor PHD Svejnar, Jan Prof 936-5042 svejnar J PHD Tesar, Linda L. Prof 763-2254 ltesar FGE PHD Weisskopf, Thomas E. Prof 763-3037 tomw PHD Whatley, Warren Prof 764-5256 wwhatley NJOR PHD Willis, Robert J. Prof 936-7261 rjwillis PHD Kilian, Lutz Assoc 764-2320 lkilian PHD Kimball, Miles S. Assoc 764-2375 mkimball PHD Kuhn, Kai-uwe Assoc 763-5317 kukuhn PHD Park, Alan Assoc 764-2363 alpark PHD Schoni, Robert Assoc 763-5131 bschoeni PHD Stolyarov, Dmitriy Assoc 647-5609 stolyar PHD Chabot, Benjamin Asst 763-9238 remy PHD Crary, Joan Asst 764-3245 jcrary PHD Davis, Lucas Asst 763-3096 lwdavis PHD Elsby, Michael Asst 764-2367 elsby PHD Hallack, Juan Carlos Asst 763-9619 hallak PHD on leave 2006-2007 House, Christopher L. Asst 764-2364 chouse Lee, Yoonseok Asst 615-0177 yoolee PHD Masatleoglu, Yusufcan Asst 615-7475 yusufcan PHD McCrary, Justin Asst 647-5603 jmccrary Nakajima, Daisuke Asst 615-7476 ndaisuke PHD Odenoren, Emre Asst 647-5606 emreo PHD Silverman, Daniel Asst 764-2447 dansilv PHD Thornton, Rebecca L. Asst 936-2798 rebeccal 84 78 75 89 91 93 89 05 05 03 Cincinnati Princeton Illinois Colorado N Carol LSU Purdue Virginia Florida Ohio St 77 Berkeley 98 Arizona 73 Brown 1976 1973 1988 2000 1993 1989 2005 2005 2004 8-03 1985 1998 1971 umich.edu Michelle Overholser 84 MIT 73 86 95 87 87 74 74 Harvard 1973 MIT Harvard London Harvard Harvard 1985 Princeton 1973 71 Cornell 90 87 86 66 88 76 83 88 1970 Princeton Yale Harvard Berkeley Brit Colum Harvard 1975 Berkeley 1983 Princeton 1987 86 MIT 93 93 73 71 80 1989 1986 Princeton Nrthwstrn Penn 1981 Yale 1970 Harvard 1987 96 91 83 68 79 90 66 82 71 96 87 91 96 92 99 00 Chicago Chicago Princeton Chicago Princeton Rochester MIT Stanford U Wash Penn Harvard Oxford Stanford Michigan Penn Nrthwstrn Rice 05 Wisconsin 05 LondonSE 02 Harvard 1983 1974 1972 1981 1987 1978 2002 06 Yale 05 NYU Princeton 00 Nrthwstrn 2000 02 Penn 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback on leave 2006-2008 Population Studies Center Yang, Dean Asst 764-6158 deanyang on leave 2006-2007 Princeton Zhang, Jing Asst 764-2368 jzhang 85 PHD 03 Harvard PHD 05 Minnesota 2003 Univ of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, MI 48128-1491 (313) 593-5096 umd.umich.edu Dept of Social Sciences Col of Arts, Sci & Ltrs Fax=593-5645 Lauren Pulay/Susan Steiner Homepage: htp://casl.umd.umich.edu/socsci/econ/ Hershock, Martin C 593-5096 PHD Hull, Brooks B. Prof 593-5304 bhull LQ PHD 82 U Wash 1981 Pietrykowski, Bruce Prof 593-9970 bpie BJNR PHD 90 New Sch 1988 Smith, Patricia Prof 593-5205 pksmith DHI PHD 86 Va Tech 1988 Twomey, Michael J. Prof 593-5176 mtwomey FNO PHD 74 Cornell 1977 Bergeron, Suzanne Assoc 593-4591 sbergero BENO PHD 98 Notre Dm 1998 Crowell, Elizabeth Assoc 436-9183 bcrowell DHIJ PHD 71 Indiana 1978 Kim, Grace Asst 436-9180 gracekim EFG PHD 01 Vanderbilt 2000 Miteza, Ilir Asst 593-5096 imiteza EF PHD 01 Wisconsin 2001 Roddy, Juliette Asst 583-6713 jroddy HI PHD Wayne St 2002 Univ of Michigan-Flint Flint, MI 48502-1950 (810) 762-3280 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=762-3281 Homepage: www.flint.umich.edu/econ Trela, D. J. Dean 762-3234 djtrela Engr PHD Nas, Tevfik F. C-Pr 762-3280 tnas EHF PHD Lutzker, Adam Assoc 762-3280 alutzker EBN PHD Chan, Phoebe Asst 762-3280 chanp LDKC PHD Nas, Paula Lect 762-3280 pnas AK JD umflint.edu Judy J. Bedore Edinburgh 77 Fla St 99 Michigan 05 Stanford Wayne St 1999 1982 1999 2004 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-1038 (517) 355-7583 msu.edu Department of Economics College of Social Sci Fax=432-1068 Margaret Lynch 355-5238 Baba, Marietta Dean 355-6675 mbaba Anth PHD 75 Wayne St 2001 Davidson, Carl C-Pr 355-7756 davidso4 DL PHD 87 Wisconsin 1982 Baillie, Richard T. Prof 355-1864 baillie CFG PHD 78 LondonEc 8-86 Pasant Chair of Economics & Finance Ballard, Charles L. Prof 353-2961 ballard H PHD 83 Stanford 1983 Biddle, Jeff E. Prof 353-7862 biddle J PHD 85 Duke 1985 Boyer, Kenneth D. Prof 353-9088 boyerkd L PHD 75 Michigan 1984 Brown, Byron W. Prof 355-2364 brownb A PHD 66 J Hopkins 1978 Choi, Jay Pil Prof 353-7281 choijay LFE PHD 90 Harvard 2000 Conlin, Michael Prof 355-0285 conlinmi HL PHD 95 Wisconsin 2005 Fisher, Ronald C. Prof 353-4582 fisherr1 H PHD 77 Brown 1976 Goddeeris, John H. Prof 355-6466 goddeeri HI PHD 80 Wisconsin 1980 Kreinin, Mordechai E. Prof 355-6579 kreinin F PHD 54 Michigan 1959 University Distinguished Professor Liedholm, Carl E. Prof 355-1812 liedhol1 F PHD 65 Michigan 1967 Linz, Susan Prof 353-7280 linz O PHD 80 Illinois 1988 Mackey, M. Cecil Prof 355-7583 mackey KL PHD 55 Illinois 1980 Martin, Lawrence W. Prof 353-3528 martinlw HK PHD 81 Maryland 1982 Matusz, Steven J. Prof 353-8719 matusz FD PHD 83 Penn 1983 Menchik, Paul L. Prof 355-4553 menchik H PHD 76 Penn 1979 Meyer, Jack Prof 355-7749 jmeyer D PHD 74 Stanford 1983 Obst, Norman P. Prof 353-5252 obst A PHD 70 Purdue 1973 Papke, Leslie E. Prof 355-3773 papke HR PHD 87 MIT 1990 Pecchenino, Rowena A. Prof 353-6621 rowenap E PHD 85 Wisconsin 1985 Schmidt, Peter J. Prof 355-8381 schmidtp PHD 70 Mich St 1977 University Distinguished Professor Vogelsang, Timothy J. Prof 353-4582 tjv C PHD 93 Princeton 2006 Addy Chair in Economics Wilson, John D. Prof 432-3116 wilsonjd FHR PHD 79 MIT 1998 Woodbury, Stephen A. Prof 355-4587 woodbur2 J PHD 81 Wisconsin 1982 Wooldridge, Jeffrey Prof 353-5972 wooldri1 C PHD 86 Ca-SnDgo 9-91 University Distinguished Professor Amsler, Christine E. Assoc 355-3774 amsler PHD 80 Penn 1980 Creane, Anthony J. Assoc 355-4667 creane L PHD 91 Virginia 1990 DeLeire, Thomas Assoc 355-7583 deleire IJ PHD 97 Stanford 2004 Dickert-Conlin, Stacy Assoc 353-7275 dickertc HIT PHD 96 Wisconsin 2005 Haider, Steven J. Assoc 355-1860 haider J PHD 98 Michigan 2002 Irvine, F. Owen Assoc 353-9008 irvinef E PHD 76 MIT 1982 Jeitschko, Thomas Assoc 355-8302 jeitschk GL PHD 95 Virginia 1991 Araujo, Luis Asst 353-9934 araujolu E PHD 02 Penn 2002 Cook, Lisa Asst 432-7106 lisacook GNO PHD 97 Berkeley 2005 Doblas Madrid, Antonio Asst 355-0286 doblasma EG PHD 05 Minnesota 2006 Elder, Todd Asst 355-0353 telder CJ PHD 02 Nrthwstrn 2006 Giles, John T. Asst 355-7755 gilesj O PHD 99 Berkeley 1999 Herrera, Ana Maria Asst 355-8320 herrer20 E PHD 00 Ca-SnDgo 2000 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Iglesias, Emma Minetti, Raoul Shevchenko, Andrei Zhu, Chun Susan Asst Asst Asst Asst Michigan Technological Univ Economics Faculty Homepage: www.sbe.mtu.edu Walck, Christa L. Campbell, Gary A. Gale, James R. Joyce, B. Patrick Merz, Thomas E. Monson, Terry D. Associate Dean Roberts, Mark C. Nelson, Paul A. Houghton, MI 49931-1295 (906) 487-2669 School of Bus & Eng Adm Fax=487-1863 Dean Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 353-9916 355-7349 353-5007 355-9647 487-2803 487-2674 487-2677 487-2805 487-3124 iglesia5 minetti shevchen zhuc cwalch gcampbe jrgale pjoyce temerz tmonson Prof 487-2771 mroberts Assoc 487-2809 pnelson C E E F PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 02 02 00 01 Wales LondonSE Penn Toronto 2004 2002 2000 2001 mtu.edu Phyllis Williamson Mgt Q E D E F PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 82 72 74 80 72 Q M PHD PHD 85 Arizona 1985 74 Wisconsin 1972 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 77 78 82 66 mtsu.edu Thenartis Ellis Illinois 1990 Georgia 1984 NYU 1991 Tennessee 1980 Michigan 1991 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 81 69 71 81 99 90 89 99 80 81 87 05 06 84 Lehigh 1972 Utah 1992 Tennessee 1978 Maryland 1971 Gottingen 1989 N Carol 1999 Tx-Austin 1990 Tx-Austin 1990 So Meth 2000 N Carol 2002 Tennessee 1981 Tennessee 1991 N Carol 2005 Ohio St 2006 Oklahoma 2002 Middle Tennessee State Univ Murfreesboro, TN 37132 (615) 898-2520 Dept of Economics & Finance College of Business Fax=898-5596 Burton, E. James Dean 898-2764 eburton Atg Lee, John T. C-Pr 898-2520 jtlee Fnce DePrince, Albert E. Jr. Prof 898-5995 deprince GE Fayissa, Bichaka Prof 898-2385 bfayissa DO Ford, William F. Prof 898-2889 wfford GHM Weatherford Chair Graddy, Duane B. Prof 898-2525 dgraddy GHA Hannah, Richard Prof 898-2228 rhannah J Haskew, Barbara S. Prof 898-5578 bhaskew J Kawahito, Kiyoshi Prof 898-5751 kkawah;ito FE Zietz, Joachim Prof 898-5619 jzietz EC Baum, Charles Assoc 898-2527 cbaum J Deme, Mamit Assoc 898-5750 mdeme FE Eff, E. Anthon Assoc 898-2387 aeff RB Fowler, Stuart Assoc 898-2383 sfowler EG Klein, Chris Assoc cklein LD Nguyen, Nghiep H. Assoc 898-5117 nnguyen M Sarver, F. Lee Assoc 898-5919 lsarver M Givens, Greg Asst 494-8914 ggivens GE Owens, Mark Asst 89805617 mfowens J Penn, David Asst 904-8571 dpenn MB Director, Bureau of Business and Economics Research Harvard Penn St Iowa Missouri Pittsburgh Minnesota 1986 1982 1971 1972 1980 1977 Middlebury College Middlebury, VT 05753-6125 (802) 443-5327 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=443-2084 Homepage: www.middlebury.edu/depts/econ/ phone: 443-5000 Colander, David C. C-Pr Ext 5302 colander ABE PHD Christian A. Johnson Distinguished Professor of Economics Claudon, Michael Paul Prof Ext 5799 claudon FLMP PHD Director, DigitalBridges2 Pardee, Scott Prof Ext 5640 spardee G PHD Alan R. Holmes Visiting Professor in Monetary Economics Ramaswamy, Sunder Prof Ext 5322 ramaswam DFO PHD Frederick C. Dirks Professor of Economics Sommers, Paul M. Prof Ext 5325 psommers CDT PHD Wunnava, Phanindra V. Prof Ext 5024 wunnava ACIJ PHD David K. Smith Professor of Applied Economics Carpenter, Jeffrey Assoc Ext 3241 jcarpent DC PHD Holmes, Jessica Assoc Ext 3439 jholmes DHIJ PHD Isham, Jonathan T. Jr. Assoc Ext 3238 jisham DOQ PHD Luce Professor of International Environmental Economics Matthews, Peter H. Assoc Ext 5591 pmatthew CEJ PHD Prasch, Robert E. III Assoc Ext 3419 rprasch N PHD Pyle, William Assoc Ext 3240 wpyle P PHD Warin, Thierry Assoc Ext 3475 twarin EF PHD Malucio, John Asst Ext 5941 jmallucci IO PHD Myers, Caitlin Asst Ext 5985 cmyers CDJR PHD Rothschild, Casey Asst Ext 5563 crothsch DEHI PHD Wandschneider, Kirsten Asst Ext 3491 kwandsch EN PHD 95 92 97 00 97 05 06 03 Midwestern State University Economics Faculty Chelte, Anthony F. mwsu.edu Ms. Gail Brown 83 Mass 2005 Wichita Falls TX 76308-2099 (940) 397-4248 Dillard College Bus Adm Fax=397-4280 Dean 397-4088 tony.chelte Mgt PHD middlebury.edu Amy Holbrook 76 Columbia 1982 71 J Hopkins 1970 62 MIT 2000 90 Purdue 1990 76 Ca-SnDgo 1976 86 SUNY-Bin 1985 99 Mass 1999 98 Yale 2001 00 Maryland 1999 Yale Berkeley Duke Essec Yale Tx-Austin MIT Illinois 1995 2000 1999 2001 2005 2005 2006 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 397-4360 397-4365 397-4662 397-4662 397-4211 yoshi.fukasawa bob.harmel john.martinez james.owen louis.rodriguez EF PHD DL PHD ABCO PHD PHD EF PHD 87 Fukasawa, Yoshi Harmel, Robert Martinez, John E. Owen, James R. Rodriguez, Louis J. President Emeritus C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof 74 74 84 01 63 Millersville Univ of PA Dept of Economics Short, John Suliman, Osman Gumpper, Michael R. Margolis, Marvin S. Madden, Kirsten K. Smith, Kenneth Baker, Ronald Millersville, PA 17551-0302 (717) 872-3679 Sch of Human & Soc Sci Fax=871-2326 Dean$ 872-3553 john.short DA C-Pr 872-3679 osman.suliman PHD Prof 872-3944 mike.gumpper PHD Prof 872-3561 marvin.margolis PHD Assoc 872-3576 kirsten.madden PHD Assoc 872-3582 kenneth.smith PHD Asst 872-3560 ronald.baker PHD millersville.edu Ms. Beth A. Colvin 77 Lehigh 2006 84 Indiana 1993 97 Kentucky 1995 69 Purdue 1981 95 N Carol 1996 93 Wisconsin 2000 05 Indiana 2005 Millikin University Decatur, IL 62522-2084 (217) 424-6284 Dept of Economics & Finance Tabor Sch of Business Fax=424-6286 Homepage: http://www.millikin.edu/academics/tabor/ Dahl, James G. Dean 424-6285 jdahl Mgt PHD Chamblin, Cheryl L. Prof 424-6293 cchamblin DA Liberatore, Anthony F. Assoc 546-6446 aliberat PHD Watson, James O. Assoc 424-6380 jowatson PHD mail.millikin.edu Pamela J. Goodman 91 85 78 76 Kansas St Iowa St Oklahoma Tx-Dallas LSU Mo-StLou Illin St Conn Purdue 1974 1989 1997 2004 1981 1990 1984 1984 1979 Millsaps College Jackson, MS 39210-0001 (601) 974-1278 Economic Faculty Else Sch of Management Fax=974-1260 McMillan, Howard L. Dean 974-1250 howard.mcmillan BBA Taylor, Susan W. C-Ac 974-1278 taylorsw AFE PHD Fender, Blakely Fox Assoc 974-1269 fenderbf CDJ PHD Fender is the J.A. Brown Chair of Business Administration Taylor, Patrick A. Assoc 974-1274 taylorpa AD PHD millsaps.edu Ms. Martha Lee 60 Miss 2006 89 LSU 1992 00 Tx-Austin 2000 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455-0413 (612) 625-6353 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=624-0209 Homepage: www.econ.umn.edu Rosenstone, Steven Dean PHD Kocherlakota, Narayana C-Pr 625-3810 nkocher PHD Allen, Beth Elaine Prof 625-8213 assist PHD Bajari, Patrick Prof 625-8367 bajari DL PHD Chari, V. V. Prof 626-7151 chari PHD Chipman, John S. Prof 625-2816 jchipman PHD Regents' Professor Coen, Edward Emer PHD Eckstein, Zvi Prof 625-0145 eckstein PHD Feldman, Roger D. Prof 624-5669 feldm002 PHD Foster, Edward M. Prof 624-6567 foster PHD Holmes, Thomas J. Prof 625-4512 holmes PHD Hurwicz, Leo Emer 625-5808 hurwicz LLM Jones, Larry Prof 624-4553 lej PHD Kehoe, Patrick J. Prof 624-1978 POF PHD email: [email protected] Kehoe, Timothy J. Prof 625-1589 tkehoe PHD Kortum, Samuel Prof 625-0767 kortum PHD Mohring, Herbert D. Emer mohring PHD Richter, Marcel K. Prof 625-7832 richter PHD Rustichini, Aldo Prof 625-4816 arust PHD Ruttan, Vernon W. Emer 625-4707 PHD Regents' Professor Schuh, G. Edward Emer PHD Smith, Harlan Emer 625-8035 PHD Swan, Craig E. Prof 625-6353 cswan PHD Werner, Jan Prof 625-0708 jwerner PHD Luttmer, Erzo Assoc 625-5054 luttmer PHD Perri, Fabrizio Assoc 625-7504 fperri PHD Arellano, Cristina Asst 625-0511 arellano PHD Bassetto, Marco Asst 625-4347 bassetto PHD De Nardi, Mariacristina Asst 625-9571 nardi PHD Thomas, Julia Asst 626-9674 jkt PHD econ.umn.edu Sara Shuford U of Minnesota - Duluth Department of Economics Knudsen, Kjell R. Duluth, MN 55812-2496 (218) 726-7284 Labovitz Sch of Bus/Eco Fax=726-6509 Dean 726-7288 kknudsen Mgt PHD 85 Alabama 1984 79 87 78 97 81 51 Berkeley 1996 Chicago 2005 Berkeley 1992 Minnesota 2006 Car Mellon 1994 J Hopkins 1955 53 81 76 61 85 38 81 86 London Minnesota Rochester MIT Nrthwstrn Warsaw Berkeley Harvard 2001 1985 1983 1995 1951 1999 2002 79 92 59 59 87 52 Yale Yale MIT MIT Minnesota Chicago 1987 2001 1961 1959 2000 1976 61 Chicago 49 Chicago 70 Yale Bonn 92 Chicago 99 Penn 04 Duke 98 Chicago 99 Chicago 98 Virginia 1979 1969 1987 2001 2006 2004 2000 1999 2000 d.umn.edu Becky Skurla 73 Minnesota 1974 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 88 O'Brien, A. Maureen Anderson, Curtis L. Jesswein, Wayne A. Associate Dean Lichty, Richard W. Peterson, Jerrold M. Raab, Raymond L. Doorn, David McIntosh, Christopher Schultz, Jennifer Tadesse, Bedassa Oleas, Sebastien H-Ac Prof Prof 726-7981 mobrien 726-7568 canderso 726-7297 wjesswei J QA FA PHD PHD PHD 83 W Virginia 1982 81 Wyoming 1980 69 Illinois 1968 Prof Prof Prof Asst Asst Asst Asst Inst 726-8508 726-7256 726-8508 726-6613 726-8408 726-6695 726-8365 726-6734 R HE L E LQ I FO I PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD 71 70 71 03 06 01 03 Minnesota State U, Mankato Department of Economics Coultrap-McQuin, Susan Sharma, Ved P. Chowdhury, Ashok K. Renner, Donald E. Schiming, Richard C. Simonson, Robert D. Ghosh, Roy Attrayee Khan, Saleheen Brennan, William Choe, Kwang Il Miller, Phillip Spencer, Michael Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 389-2969 Col of Social & Beh Sci Fax=389-6377 Dean 389-5717 susan.coutrap-+ C-Pr 389-2969 ved.sharma CDT Prof 389-5329 ashok.chowd+ AC Prof 389-5249 donald.renner ACHR Prof 389-5323 richard.schim+ AE Prof 389-5324 robert.simonson AJ Assoc 389-5328 atrayee CFH Assoc 389-2711 khan.saleheen Asst william.brennan Asst kwang.choe Asst 389-5248 phillip.miller Asst 389-5235 michael.spencer rlichty jpeterson rraab1 ddoorn cmcintos jschultz btadesse soleas Minnesota State U, Moorhead Moorhead, MN 56563 (218) 477-2842 Economics Department Business & Industry Fax=477-2845 Homepage: www.mnstate.edu/economics Jeppson, Ron Dean 477-5892 Math Flores, Oscar C-Pr 477-2710 flores AFH Dobis, Vernon J. Prof 477-4029 dobis HL Greenley, Douglas A. Prof 477-4031 greenley AFQ Bolduc, Steven Asst 477-4683 bolduc ADH Cooper, John M. Asst 477-4030 ABE Stutes, Gregory Asst 477-4027 stutes AJN PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD 81 90 94 79 01 75 04 925-3420 925-3413 925-3220 925-3419 925-3420 eduardo hood glee lroberts dcausey AG AG AG AG AG mnsu.edu Barbara Lutz Iowa 1995 Wash U 1976 Iowa St 1980 Cincinnati 1979 Ohio St 1981 Nebraska 1981 Nebraska 2001 Oklahoma 2001 Tx-Austin Tx A&M 2006 Missouri 2002 Rhode Isl Utah Cincinnati Manitoba Colo St Nebraska Oregon Indiana 1981 1989 1981 1978 2000 1972 2000 minotstateu.edu Ms. Deborah Brothrs 92 Kansas St 1991 Clinton, MS 39058 (601) 925-3214 School of Business Fax=925-3954 Dean Prof Prof Prof Asst 1971 1969 1970 2004 2006 2004 2003 2004 mnstate.edu Mary O'Reilly-Seirn Minot State University Minot, ND 58707 (701) 858-3130 Div Social Sci-Dept of Econ Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=839-6933 Homepage: www.misu.nodak.edu/artsnsci/socsci.html Lee, Yueh-Ting Dean 858-3159 PHD Huenneke, Steve Assoc 858-3135 huenneke AR PHD Mississippi College Dept Business Adm-Economics Homepage: www.mc.edu Eduardo, Marcelo Hood, Frank Lee, Gerald R. Roberts, Lloyd Causey, Don 77 80 78 74 79 97 01 05 03 98 02 Kansas St Illinois Colo St Wi-Milwa Wyoming Minnesota W Mich Ariz St mc.edu Shea Elkins PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD University of Mississippi University, MS 38677-1848 (662) 915-6942 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=915-6943 Homepage: olemiss.edu Hopkins, Glenn W. Dean 915-7177 libarts Van Boening, Mark V. C-Ac 915-6942 bmvan CDL PHD Belongia, Michael T. Prof 915-7785 mtbelong E PHD Shughart, William F. II Prof 915-7579 shugart HL PHD FAP Barnard Distinguished Professor Smith, Lewis Prof 915-5924 lsmith J PHD Chappell, William Assoc 915-5835 wfchappe AM PHD Conlon, John Assoc 915-5708 jrconlon CEF PHD Mayer, Walt Assoc 915-5980 wmayer C PHD Moen, Jon R. Assoc 915-5467 jmoen JN PHD Archibald, Glenn S. Asst 915-5845 gsarchb D PHD Lup-Tick, Simona Asst 915-5835 simmalt CJ PHD Wang, Hui-Chen Asst 915-7291 hcwang DH PHD Young, Andrew Asst 915-5829 atyoung E PHD 95 72 73 74 06 Miss Miss Miss Miss JacksonSt 1997 1972 1970 1982 2005 olemiss.edu Ms. Cynthia Jeffries deptseconomics 91 Arizona 82 N Car St 78 Tx A&M 71 83 78 86 87 91 05 04 04 1990 1993 1988 Tennessee 1971 S Carol 1987 Chicago 1987 Florida 1987 Chicago 1990 Houston 2001 Arizona 2005 Michigan 2004 Emory 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mississippi State Univ Dept Finance & Economics Hollingsworth, Dan P. Grimes, Paul W. Campbell, Charles A. Verrall, George Blair, Benjamin Millea, Meghan Rogers, Kevin Campbell, Randy Rezek, Jon Thomas, M. Kathleen Campbell, Becky Luccasen, R. Andrew Miss St, MS 39762-9580 (662) 325-2341 Col of Business & Indus Fax=325-1977 Dean$ 325-2580 dhollingsworth Atg DBA H-Pr 325-1987 pgrimes JA PHD Prof 325-7477 ccampell RON PHD Prof 325-1978 gverrall AH DBA Assoc 325-1980 bblair DL PHD Assoc 325-7476 mmillea HE PHD Assoc 325-1982 krogers CE PHD Asst 325-1516 rcampbelld CD PHD Asst 325-1976 jrezek QF PHD Asst 325-2561 kthomas HI PHD Inst 325-7473 bcampbell HR PHD Inst 325-1976 aluccasen HJA PHD Mississippi Valley St Univ Economics Faculty Homepage: www.mvsu.edu Lee, Dae Sung Chowdhury, A. A. Farhad Kim, Juho Mengistu, Tadessa Rajanikauth, N. Itta Bena, MS 38941-1400 (601) 254-3601 Department of Business Fax=254-3600 Dean Prof Prof Assoc Asst 254-3801 dslee 254-3606 achowdhu 254-3604 jkim 254-3609 nraj ADEC PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA Univ of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65211 (573) 882-0063 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=882-2697 Homepage: economics.missouri.edu Mandy, David M. C-Pr 882-4574 mandyd CD Harstad, Ronald Prof 882-3299 harstadr DL J. Rhoads Foster Professor Haslag, Joseph H. Prof 882-3483 haslagj OGE Mueser, Peter R. Prof 882-6427 mueserp DJT Ni, Xiagoguang Prof 882-6878 nix EH Podgursky, Michael J. Prof 884-7741 podgurskym IJ Ratti, Ronald A. Prof 882-6474 rattir EFG Wang, Xinghe Prof 882-4954 wangx CDO Miller, Douglas J. Assoc 884-8005 millerdou C Milyo, Jeffrey Assoc 882-7785 milyoj HK Raymon, Neil A. Assoc 882-3072 raymonn CDEF Trindade, Vitor Assoc 883-9925 trnndadev F Aura, Saku Asst 882-6073 auras H Bsker, Emek Asst 882-6023 baskere DJ Loginova, Oksana Asst 882-4229 loginovao CD Miller, J. Isaac Asst 882-7282 millerjisaac C Sharma, Gunjan Asst 882-3161 sharmag F 89 cobilan.msstate.edu Beverly Poole 88 Memphis 2001 84 Okla St 1987 85 Tennessee 1985 72 Miss St 1965 92 Florida 1997 98 Nebraska 1998 96 Georgia 1996 99 LSU 2002 00 Nebraska 2000 00 Geo St 2002 98 LSU 2002 03 Tx A&M 2004 mvsu.edu Mrs. Mary Carter 69 93 73 86 Mass Miss St Oklahoma Indiana Miss St 1999 1993 1973 2006 1987 missouri.edu JoAnn Kunza PHD PHD 87 Illinois 77 Penn 1994 2004 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 87 83 91 80 75 90 94 94 77 00 01 02 05 05 06 2000 1985 1990 1995 1975 1990 2006 2004 1983 2005 2002 2002 2005 2005 2006 So Meth Chicago Minnesota Wisconsin So Meth Iowa Berkeley Stanford Colorado Ca-SnDgo MIT MIT Duke Rice Maryland U Missouri--Kansas City Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (816) 235-1314 umkc.edu Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=235-2834 Ms. Jennifer Harris 235-2405 Homepage: www.umkc.edu/economics Vorst, Karen S. Dean 235-2838 vorstk EC PHD 80 Indiana 1980 Sturgeon, James I. C-Pr 235-3837 sturgeonj BO PHD 74 Oklahoma 1977 Brazelton, W. Robert Emer 235-2831 brazeltonw EP PHD 61 Oklahoma 1963 Lee, Frederick S. Prof 235-2543 leefs ADN PHD Rutgers Wagner, F. Eugene Emer 235-2840 wagnerf AJO PHD 67 Syracuse 1967 Ward, John O. Emer 235-1309 wardjo KIO PHD 70 Oklahoma 1969 Wray, Randall Prof 235-5687 wrayr PHD 88 U Wash 1999 Eaton, Peter J. Assoc 235-2832 eatonp CIT PHD 76 Florida 1979 Forstater, Mathew B. Assoc 235-5687 forstaterm ABF PHD 96 New Sch 1999 Olsen, Erik Assoc 235-5715 olsenek AS PHD 06 Mass 2005 Tauheed, Linwood Asst 235-6744 tauheedl AS PHD 06 Mo-Ks Cty 2006 Kelsy, Michael Lect 235-1317 kelseym CQ PHD 91 Tennessee 1996 Young, Ben Lect 235-1314 youngb A PHD 73 Oklahoma 1993 University Missouri - Rolla Dept of Economics & Finance Homepage: http://econ.umr.edu Bryant, Richard R. Davis, Michael C. Gallaway, Julie H. Park, Eun-Soo Xing, Xuejing Zhang, Duo Rolla, MO 65409-1250 (573) 341-4800 Sch of Mgt & Info Sys Fax=341-4812 Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 341-4823 341-6958 341-4828 341-6397 341-6485 341-4827 rrbryant davismc julieg espark xingx zhangdue D PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD umr.edu Marcy L. Scott 84 Ca-Davis 1977 01 Ca-SnDgo 2001 Colo St 2001 93 Nrthwstrn 2000 03 Missouri 2003 03 W Virginia 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 90 U Missouri--St. Louis Department of Economics Burkholder, Mark Rose, David C. Feigenbaum, Susan K. Ireland, Thomas R. Levin, Sharon G. Phares, Donald Sorensen, Robert L. Undergraduate Coordinator White, Lawrence Winkler, Anne E. Dibouglu, Sal Greene, Clinton Kridel, Donald Graduate Coordinator Kosnik, Leu-Raebel Rogers, William Allison, Michael St. Louis, MO 63121-4499 (314) 516-5353 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=516-5352 Dean 516-5501 C-Pr 516-5307 srose CDIJ PHD Prof 516-5554 DHKP PHD Prof 516-5558 strirel PHD Prof 516-5560 c4876 DJ PHD Prof 516-5551 c1706 HR PHD Prof 516-5562 c1752 KMAO PHD Missouri Southern St Univ Finance & Economics Dept Kleindl, Brad La Near, Richard E. J. R. Kuhn Chair in Finance Rawlins, Richard B. Adrahams, Nii Bucholtz, Gregory J. Joplin, MO 64801-1595 (417) 625-9319 Col of Business Admin Fax=625-9604 Dean 625-9319 kleindl-b Mktg PHD Prof 625-9530 lanear-r ADEG PHD 97 Okla St 79 Miss Prof Asst Asst 98 Arkansas 1988 86 Penn St 2000 94 Notre Dm 2002 Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 516-6129 516-5563 c4934 516-5530 516-5565 516-5553 Asst Asst Lect 516-5564 516-5860 516-5306 smallis 625-9716 rawlins-r 625-9536 abrhams-n 625-9334 bucholtz-g 87 80 68 73 70 71 Virginia Wisconsin Virginia Michigan Syracuse Va Tech 1985 1988 1972 1974 1969 1970 JT PHD 89 Illinois CE CD PHD PHD 92 Ca-Davis 1994 87 Arizona 1993 CE ABD ADEG PHD ADEQ PHD ADEF PHD Missouri State University Springfield, MO 65897 (417) 836-5516 Department of Economics Col Humanity & Pub Aff Fax=836-4236 Homepage: missouristatae.edu/econ/ Stone, Lorene Dean 836-5529 lorenstone Soc Sailors, Pamela H$ 836-5516 pamelasailors Phil Hoftyzer, John Prof 836-4459 johnhoftyzer Olsen, Reed N. Prof 836-5379 reedolsen Wyrick, Thomas L. Prof 836-5060 tomwyrick Barari, Mahua Assoc 836-5171 mahuabarari Gallaway, Terrel Assoc 836-5629 terrelgallaway Mitchell, David M. Asst 836-4441 davidmitchell DQ Self, Sharmistha Asst 836-5740 sself O Johnson, Aaron O. Inst 836-5170 aaronjohnson Meador, Douglas Inst 836-5352 douglasmeador PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA MA Molloy College Rockville Cn, NY 11570-5002 (516) Ext 6342 Economics Faculty Business Management Dp Fax=256-2288 Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing; phone 678-5000 O'Donoghue, Joseph C-Pr Ext 6342 PHD Butler, Sister Agnes Asst Ext 6275 ABD W Lg Branch NJ 07764 (732) 263-5531 Sch of Business Admin Fax=263-5516 Dean 571-3423 fkelly Fnce C-Pr 263-5540 achristo CFG Prof 571-3658 pressman HJN Assoc 571-3642 naslanbe E Assoc 571-3647 ymahajan CDEG Assoc 571-3660 dmoliver DE Asst 263-5344 bbailey FG Asst 571-7530 pohalor DEJ Asst 571-3432 breyes FG Asst 263-5532 rscott CE 1989 Virginia 1993 mssu.edu 1986 1987 missouristate.edu Ms. Sandra K. Wilkins Missouri Western St Univ Saint Joseph, MO 64507-2294 (816) 271-5870 Department of Economics Liberal Arts & Sciences Fax=271-5871 Homepage: www.missouriwestern.edu/economics/ Johnson, Martin Dean 271-4272 mjohnson SocP PHD McMurry, Patrick H. C-Pr 271-4276 mcmurray J PHD Hamzaee, Reza G. Prof 271-4262 hamzaee E PHD Lawson, Catherine L. Prof 271-5826 lawsonc A PHD Vargha, Nader Assoc 271-4339 vargha A MA Monmouth University Dept of Economics & Finance Kelly, Frederick J. Christofi, Andreas C. Pressman, Steven Aslanbeigui, Nahid Mahajan, Y. Lal Moliver, Donald M. Bailey, Barrie O'Halloran, Patrick Reyes, Benedide Scott, Robert umsl.edu Debra Garcia PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 96 74 89 79 92 01 01 02 00 85 Georgia Indiana Illinois Va Tech Iowa St Colo St Okla St S Illinois Mo-StLou Duke 1996 1987 1990 1978 1993 2001 2005 2006 2005 2006 missouriwestern.edu Brenda Weese 73 81 85 88 76 Brighm Yg Arkansas Ariz St Colorado Oklahoma 1978 1984 1995 1980 molloy.edu 75 Catholic Indiana 74 84 83 84 95 78 05 1997 monmouth.edu Beth Boyington Columbia 2001 Penn St 9-97 New Sch 1981 Michigan 1988 N Illinois 1979 Va Tech 9-68 Cen Fla 2001 Wi-Milwa 2003 Columbia 2002 Mo-Ks Cty 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 91 University of Montana Department of Economics Fetz, Gerald Power, Thomas M. Barrett, Richard Dalenberg, Douglas R. Unger, Kay C. Kupilik, Michael H. Alix-Garcia, Jennifer Bookwalter, Jeff Dawsay, Amanda Missoula, MT 59812-5472 (406) 243-2925 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax= Dean 243-2632 C-Pr 243-2925 tom.power HQR PHD Prof 243-4497 richard.barrett EOJQ PHD Prof 243-4406 doug.daleberg CRL PHD Prof 243-4655 kay.unger IDEC PHD Assoc 243-4575 michael.kupilik PHBN PHD Asst 243-5612 jennifer.alix+ AGOA PHD Asst 243-4667 jeff.bookwalter AEFO PHD Asst 243-2926 amanda.dawsey AHKD PHD Montana State University Department of Economics Stroup, Richard L. Antle, John M. Atwood, Joseph A. Brester, Gary Capalbo, Susan M. Rucker, Randal R. Smith, Vincent H. Stock, Wendy A. Watts, Myles Young, Douglas J. Buschena, David E. Falaschetti, Dino Fleck, Robert K. Hanssen, F. Andrew Brown, James R. Stoddard, Christiana Bozeman, MT 59717-2920 (406) 994-3701 montana.edu Col Letters & Sci/C Agr Fax=994-4838 Angie Dangerfield, Adm Asst H-Pr 994-5612 rstroup PHD 70 U Wash 1969 Prof 994-3706 jantle PHD 80 Chicago 1987 Prof 994-5616 jatwood PHD 87 Nebraska 1987 Prof 994-7883 gbrester PHD 90 N Car St 1997 Prof 994-5619 scapalbo PHD 82 Ca-Davis 1991 Prof 994-5666 rrucker PHD 84 U Wash 1991 Prof 994-5615 vsmith PHD 87 N Car St 1988 Prof 994-7989 wstock JCQ PHD 96 Mich St 8-00 Prof 994-3706 zae7006 Prof 994-5622 djyoung PHD 78 Wisconsin 1977 Assoc 994-5623 buschena PHD 93 Berkeley 1992 Assoc 994-5627 dino PHD 00 Wash U 2002 Assoc 994-5603 rfleck PHD 94 Stanford 1995 Assoc 994-5616 ahanssen PHD 95 Chicago 1995 Asst 994-5628 jrbrown PHD 04 Wash U 2004 Asst 994-5636 cstoddard PHD 02 Ca-SnBarb 2002 Montana State Univ-Billings Dept of Bus Academic Prog Young, Gary F. Campbell, Mike Farsio, Farzad Harris, Scott Fazel, Shokoofeh Billings, MT 59101-0298 (406) 657-2295 College of Business Fax=657-2237 Dean 657-2326 njbyound@y LMQR PHD C-Pr 657-1651 mcampbell MS Prof 657-2033 ffarsio PHD Assoc 896-5822 sharris PHD Lect 657-2926 sfazel PHD Montclair State University U Montclair, NJ 07043 (973) 655-5255 Dept of Economics & Finance Sch of Business Admin Fax=655-7629 Homepage: http://www.montclair.edu/pages/econfin/default.htm Oppenheim, Alan J. Dean 655-4304 oppenheima Stat Kim, Sang-Hoon C-Pr 655-7013 kims G Baytas, Ahmet Prof 655-7633 baytasa DEJN Flint, Harold Prof 655-7403 flinth AEGP LeBel, Phillip Prof 655-7778 lebelp DOQH Leveen, Serpil S. Prof 655-7402 leveen ADEG Rawlins, Glenville W. Prof 655-4339 rawlinsg AGOQ Rezvani, Farahmand Assoc 655-7568 rezvanif ACGH Pirouz, Kamrouz Asst 655-5124 pirouzk ADGN Zamanian, Zaman Asst 655-7399 zammanianz ACEF uso.unt.edu Stacia Graham 72 72 87 74 76 05 99 01 77 75 89 85 92 Princeton Wisconsin Oregon J Hopkins Colorado Berkeley Utah Maryland 9-68 9-70 9-90 9-78 9-76 2005 9-98 2006 msubillings.edu Karen Stone La Tech 2006 Colo St 1978 Claremont 1987 UCLA 1991 Claremont 1999 mail.montclair.edu Ms. Sieglinde Fazio PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD University of Montevallo Montevallo, AL 35115-6000 (205) 665-6540 Economics Faculty Michael E. Stephens COB Fax=665-6560 Homepage: www.montevallo.edu/cob Rupp, William T. Dean 665-6540 ruppwt Mgt PHD MacPherson, Roderick S. Assoc 665-6535 macpherson DBA Connell, James A. Asst 665-6551 connellja DBA Griffin, Harry Asst 665-6557 griffinhf PHD Motii, Brian Asst 665-6533 motii PHD 73 79 86 72 77 73 83 83 73 83 NYU Wisconsin Illinois S Illinois Boston U NYU NYU CUNY Hawaii Indiana 1973 1993 1988 1971 1981 1974 1984 1984 1980 1984 montevallo.edu Loretta Trussell 94 77 98 96 98 Georgia Miss St La Tech Alabama Oklahoma 6-03 1977 2005 2006 2001 Moravian College Bethlehem, PA 18018-6650 (610) 861-1591 moravian.edu Economic Faculty Economics & Bus Dept Fax=625-7919 Mrs. Michelle Matuczinski Homepage: www.moravian.edu/academics/departments/economics/ Marabella, Santo D. C-Ac 625-7903 Mgt DSW 91 Penn Brower, George D. Prof 861-1379 megdb01 COM PHD 85 SUNY-Buf 1989 West, James P. Prof 861-1381 mejpw01 FM PHD 87 Lehigh 1989 Leeds, Eva Marikova Assoc 861-1446 meedl01 BFP PHD 83 Princeton 1999 Ravelle, Linda J. Assoc 861-1453 meljr01 AG PHD 90 Lehigh 1989 von Allmen, Peter Assoc 861-1413 mepva01 CDL PHD 90 Temple 1990 Mulholland, Sean Asst 625-7101 mulholland JOQR PHD 04 Clemson 2005 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Morehead State University Dept of Atg, Econ & Finance Albert, Robert L. Jr. Grace, Bruce Buck, Roland Miller, Green Yasin, Mesghena Ahmadi, Ali Creahan, Thomas Ghirmay, Teame Morehead, KY 40351-1689 (606) 783-2152 College of Business Fax=783-5025 Dean 783-5158 r.albert Fnce PHD C-Ac 783-2357 b.grace Fnce PHD Prof 783-2722 r.buck PHD Prof 783-2721 g.miller PHD Prof 783-2758 m.yasin PHD Assoc 783-2749 a.ahmadi PHD Asst 783-2740 t.creahan PHD Asst 783-2152 t.ghirmay PHD 92 97 95 79 85 86 97 95 97 morehead-st.edu Mary Howard Cincinnati 1997 LSU 1999 Tx A&M 1983 Kentucky 1979 Cincinnati 1986 Oklahoma 1995 Cincinnati 1996 S Illinois 2001 Morehouse College Atlanta, GA 30314-3773 (404) 215-2618 morehouse.edu Economics Faculty Div Economics & Bus Ad Fax=215-2719 Mrs. Patricia Allen/Jackson Williams, John E. Dean 215-2618 Fnce PHD 86 Geo St 1976 Mills Bee Lane Professor of Finance Handy, John C-Pr 215-2618 BDF PHD 85 Geo St 2002 Charles E. Merrill Professor of Economics Sheftall, Willis B. Jr. Prof 215-2618 NH PHD 81 Geo St 1986 Eagan, J. Vincent Assoc 215-2618 K PHD 86 Geo St 1993 Williams, Roger C. Assoc 215-2618 E PHD 83 SUNY-SBr 1997 Poyer, David Asst 215-2618 C PHD 90 SUNY-Buf 2002 Ray, Mona Asst 215-2618 Q PHD 99 Clemson 2002 Ross, Glenwood Asst 215-2618 RO PHD 98 Geo St 1998 Morgan State University Department of Economics Hollis, Burney J. Fessehatzion, Tekie Favor, Homer Whittaker, Victor A. Amegbe, Annan Evans, Bernice Karangu, Mwangi Bagheri, Rashid Kimani, Joseph Baltimore, MD Liberal Arts Dean 885-3090 C-Pr 885-3662 Prof 319-3558 Prof 885-1885 Assoc 885-1880 Asst 319-3446 Asst 885-1883 Inst 885-1881 Inst 885-1884 21257 (443) 885-3438 Fax=885-8361 bjhollis tfesehatzion PHD PHD PHD aamegbe PHD MBA mkarangu CDEG PHD rbagheri MA MBA moac.morgan.edu Mrs. N. Plantey Pittsburgh 60 Pittsburgh 71 Illinois 1974 77 Catholic 1978 Baruch 81 Walden 9-71 Howard Atlanta Morningside College Sioux City, IA 51106-1751 (712) 274-5131 Economics Faculty Bus Adm & Economics Fax=274-5101 Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Clovis, Sam C 274-5437 clovis Sabet, Mehdi 274-5289 sabet Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA 01075-1481 (413) 538-2432 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=538-2323 Homepage: www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/econ Robinson, Michael D. C-Pr 538-3085 mirobins PHD Christiansen, Jens Prof 538-2750 jchristi PHD Gabriel, Satyananda Jordan Prof 538-2043 sgabriel PHD Moseley, Fred B. Prof 538-2517 fmoseley PHD Paus, Eva Prof 538-2518 epaus PHD Rapoport, John Prof 538-2818 rapoport PHD Hartley, James E. Assoc 538-2566 jhartley PHD Wilson, Lucas Assoc 538-2751 lbwilson PHD Guldi, Melanie Asst 538-2145 mguldi PHD Higino-Schneider, Patricia Asst 538-2752 pschnneid PHD Mount Saint Mary's College Economics Faculty Alhanati, Mark Whitman, Katherine Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 954-4150 Dept Business & Econ Fax=954-4159 C-Ac 954-4056 malhanati Atg MBA Assoc 954-4152 kwhitman ANF MA Mount St. Mary's Univ-MD Economics Faculty Zarnowski, C. Frank Stanton, Timothy J. Barry, Michael Einolf, Karl Larrivee, John Emmitsburg, MD 21727 (301) 447-6122 Dept of Bus, Atg & Econ Fax=447-5335 C-Pr 447-6122 zarnowsk AE Assoc 447-6122 stanton CD Asst 447-6122 barry FE Asst 447-6122 einolf GC Asst 447-6122 larrivee BAHI Muhlenberg College Allentown, PA morningside.edu Deb Protexter mtholyoke.edu Dawn Larder 87 82 89 82 83 70 94 95 06 00 Tx-Austin 1988 Stanford 1986 Mass 1989 Mass 1989 Pittsburgh 1987 Penn 1970 Ca-Davis 1994 Mass 1995 Ca-Davis 2006 Ca-SnCruz 1994 msmc.la.edu Olga Medina Loyl Mrm 1985 UCLA 1980 msmary.edu DA PHD PHD PHD PHD 18104-5586 (484) 664-3058 78 88 00 98 00 Lehigh Kentucky Wi-Milwa Lehigh Wisconsin 1967 1988 2005 1998 2001 muhlenberg.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Economics Faculty Dept of Actg, Bus & Eco Fax=664-3536 Homepage: www.muhlenberg.edu/depts/abe/ Raymond, Arthur J. C-Pr 664-3288 raymond Heitmann, George Prof 664-3278 heitmann Kish-Goodling, Donna M. Prof 664-3479 kishgood Laposata, Samuel M. VProf 664-3301 Marshall, James N. Prof 664-3284 marshall Dale, Donald Assoc 664-3580 dondale Knox, Trevor Assoc 664-3287 tknox Justine Frantz PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Murray State University Dept of Economics & Finance Brasfield, David Harrison, Dannie Hassan, Seid Mathis, Gilbert L. McCoy, James P. Milkman, Martin Eaton, David Badasyan, Narine Shideler, David Brown, Barry Reed, Mary Tripp Murray, KY 42071-0009 (270) 809-4188 Col Bus & Public Affair Fax=809-5478 C-Pr 809-4324 david.brasfield EGC PHD Prof 809-4181 dannie.harrison EPO PHD Prof 809-4284 seid.hassan CEFR PHD Prof 809-4283 gilbert.mathis DFKQ PHD Prof 809-4274 jim.mccoy DFOP PHD Prof 809-4282 martin.milkman CJH PHD Assoc 809-4290 david.eaton HCL PHD Asst 809-4278 narine.badasyan LDH PHD Asst 809-2260 david.shideler RHO PHD Lect 809-4277 barry.brown EOF MS Lect 809-3932 mary-tripp.reed ADFJ MA Naval Postgraduate School Economics Faculty Beck, Robert N. Boger, Dan C. Frederiksen, Peter C. LaCivita, Charles J. Looney, Robert Mehay, Stephen L. Parker, Patrick J. Thomas, George W. Coughlan, Peter Gates, William R. Henderson, David R. Melese, Francois Webb, Natalie J. Hensel, Nayantara Pema, Elda Shen, Yu-Chu Franck, Raymond C. Monterey, CA 93943-5000 (831) 656-2161 Grad Sch Bus & Pub Pol Fax=656-7633 Dean 656-2161 rnbeck MS Dean 656-2607 dboger C PHD Prof 656-2661 pcfreder AOR PHD Prof 656-2445 clacivita DM PHD Prof 656-3484 relooney OF PHD Prof 656-2643 smehay IJ PHD Prof 656-2097 p.parker@stl. AH MBA Prof 656-2741 gwthomas J PHD Assoc 656-3659 D PHD Assoc 656-2754 brgates D PHD Assoc 656-2524 drhender D PHD Assoc 656-2009 fmelese C PHD Assoc 656-2013 njwebb H PHD Asst 656-3542 G PHD Asst 656-3631 epema J PHD Asst 656-2951 yshen I PHD SLect 656-3614 D PHD Nazareth Coll of Rochester Economics Faculty Homepage: www.naz.edu/dept/50m phone 586-2525 Zappia, Gerard Aerni, April Laskey DaBoll-Lavoie, Joseph T. Rochester, NY 14618-3790 (585) Ext 2569 School of Management Fax=586-2452 Dean$ Ext 2570 Assoc Ext 2562 Assoc Ext 2572 alaerni jtdaboll BHJ 93 90 Tufts 63 Princeton 92 Lehigh Pittsburgh 82 Lehigh 01 Princeton 00 Conn 89 74 93 66 86 89 95 04 05 77 95 1991 1-94 1990 2002 1975 2000 2000 murraystate.edu Linda Hopkins N Carol 1986 S Illinois 1969 Tx A&M 1992 Ohio St 1966 N Carol 1985 Oregon 1988 Michigan 1996 Va Tech 2004 Ohio St 2005 Murray St 1991 American 1995 nps.edu 68 79 74 81 69 73 55 71 99 74 76 82 92 01 03 01 83 SnDgoSt 2005 Berkeley 1979 Wash St 7-74 Ca-SnBarb 1985 Berkeley 1977 UCLA 1985 Chicago 9-74 Purdue 1978 Cal Tech 2004 Yale 1988 UCLA 1984 Belgium 1987 Duke 1992 Harvard 2004 Mich St 2003 Harvard 2004 Harvard naz.edu Rose Marie Barber MSED Nazareth PHD 87 Cincinnati PHD 89 SUNY-Bin 9-88 University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0489 (402) 472-2319 Department of Economics College of Business Adm Fax=472-9700 Milligan, Cynthia H. Dean 472-9500 cmilligan JD Fuess, Scott M. C-Pr 472-6281 sfuess1 J PHD Anderson, John E. Prof 472-1190 janderson4 H PHD Baird Family Professorship Hayden, F. Gregory Prof 472-2332 ghayden1 HQI PHD MacPhee, Craig R. Prof 472-2449 cmacphee EF PHD Paul C. Burnmeister College Professor Rosenbaum, David I. Prof 472-2318 drosenbaum1 L PHD Schmidt, James R. Prof 472-2315 jschmidt2 CR PHD Dr. James W. and Helen A. Hanson Professor of Economics Walstad, William B. Prof 472-2333 wwalstad1 I PHD John and Mabel Hay Professorship Allgood, Sam Assoc 472-3367 sallgood1 DJG PHD Cushing, Matthew J. Assoc 472-2323 mcushing1 EJ PHD Director of Graduate Program Kim, Benjamin J. C. Assoc 472-3083 kimjc EF PHD May, Ann Mari Assoc 472-3369 amay1 BE PHD McGarvey, Mary G. Assoc 472-9415 mmcgarvey1 E PHD Van den Berg, Hendrik F. Assoc 472-3004 hvan-den-berg1 F PHD Butters, Roger Asst 472-2333 rbutters3 DL PHD unl.edu Carol Nelson 67 Geo Wash 1988 86 Purdue 1986 77 Claremont 1991 68 Tx-Austin 1967 70 Mich St 1969 85 Wisconsin 1985 78 Rice 1977 78 Minnesota 1982 93 Georgia 85 Virginia 1992 83 87 83 89 03 1983 1987 1992 1989 2005 UCLA Colo St Virginia Wisconsin Ca-Davis 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 94 Univ of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Economics Forster, Bruce A. Bridges, Deborah Kotcherlakota, V. V. Eshleman, Tom Jenkins, Allan Marxsen, Craig S. Tenkorang, Frank Kearney, NE 68849-4570 (308) 865-8530 Col of Business & Tech Fax=865-8459 Dean 865-8348 EQ PHD C-Ac 865-8044 bridgesd Q PHD Prof 865-8785 kotcherlakov F PHD Assoc 865-8458 eshlemant Q PHD Assoc 865-8461 jenkinsa H PHD Assoc 865-8043 marxsenc J PHD Asst 865-8573 tenkorangf1 Q PHD 74 94 77 94 87 76 06 Univ of Nebraska at Omaha Department of Economics Pol, Louis Baum, Donald N. Diamond, Arthur M. Lin, Shuanglin Sindt, Roger Wohar, Mark Co, Catherine Corcoran, William J. Decker, Christopher Shulz, Steven D. Ni, Jinlan West, Janet Mason Omaha, NE 68182-0048 (402) 554-2570 College of Business Adm Fax=554-3747 Dean 554-2599 lpol Mktg PHD C-Ac 554-2538 dbaum HD PHD Prof 554-3657 adiamond BJOM PHD Prof 554-2815 slin CDEO PHD Prof 554-2802 rsindt AR PHD Prof 554-3712 mwohar AEFG PHD Assoc 554-2805 cco FLOR PHD Assoc 554-2915 wcorcora LQD PHD Assoc 554-2570 cdecker LDM PHD Assoc 554-2599 sshultz DHQ PHD Asst 554-2549 jni CDG PHD Asst 554-2806 jwest AJ MA mail.unomaha.edu Scott Hays 78 Fla St 1990 79 Claremont 1987 78 Chicago 1986 89 Purdue 1989 72 Tx A&M 1979 85 Illinois 1988 95 Rutgers 2001 75 Rutgers 1980 00 Indiana 2001 93 Arizona 2005 04 Purdue 2006 64 Mich St 1967 Nebraska Wesleyan Univ Div Social Science-Economics Fairchild, Loretta Lincoln, NE 68504-2796 (402) 465-2213 Dept Bus, Atg & Econ Fax=465-2179 C-Pr 465-2204 llf PHD nebrwesleyan.edu Rhonda Lakey 72 Cornell 1975 Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89154-6005 (702) 895-3776 Department of Economics College of Business Fax=895-1354 Homepage: business.unlv.edu/Economics Flaherty, Richard E. Dean 895-3362 rich.flaherty Atg PHD Miller, Stephen M. C-Pr 895-3969 stephen.miller E PHD Carroll, Thomas M. Prof 895-3652 tom.carroll D PHD Daneshvary, Nasser Prof 895-3362 nzzsd.daneshvar R PHD Hoppe, Hans Hermann Prof 895-3227 hans-h+.hopp B PHD Malamud, Bernard Prof 895-3294 bernard.malamud E PHD Schlottmann, Alan M. Prof 895-0817 alan.schlott+ R PHD Schwer, Keith Prof 895-3191 schwer R PHD Assane, Djeto Assoc 895-3284 djeto.assane C PHD Chen, Lein-Lein Assoc 895-3950 lein-lein.chen F PHD Cronovich, Ron Assoc 895-3015 ron.cronovich E PHD Karstensson, Lewis Assoc 895-3653 lewis.karstensso B PHD Riddel, Mary Assoc 895-3191 mary.riddel Q PHD Waddoups, C. Jeffrey Assoc 895-3497 jeffrey.waddoups J PHD Wimmer, Bradley Assoc 895-3018 bradley.wimmer L PHD Yamashita, Takashi Assoc 895-2467 takashi.yamashi E PHD Bold, Frederick Asst 895-3376 rick.bold D PHD Robinson, William J. Asst 895-3769 bill.robinson A PHD unlv.edu Katherine Melcic University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 89557-0016 (775) 784-6850 Department of Economics Col of Business Admin Fax=784-4728 Homepage: www.coba.unr.edu/econ/ email: @1=unr.nevada.edu Edberg, Dana Dean$ 784-4912 dte Sys PHD Song, Shunfeng C-Pr 784-6860 song@1 R PHD Cargill, Thomas F. Prof 784-6812 E PHD email: [email protected] Eadington, William R. Prof 784-6887 L PHD email: [email protected] Metts, Robert Lyle Prof 784-1115 metts@1 O PHD Parker, Elliott Prof 784-6408 elliottp P PHD Pingle, Mark Prof 784-6634 pingle E PHD Raffiee, Kambiz Prof 784-4912 raffiee L PHD Wendel, Jeanne L. Prof 784-6695 wendel@1 I PHD Dobra, John L. Assoc 784-6859 drjohn@1 K PHD Nichols, Mark W. Assoc 784-6936 mnichols LKJ PHD Guenerol, Federico Asst 784-6864 guerrero E PHD Mukhopadhyay, Sankar Asst 784-8017 sankarm J PHD Tosun, Mehmet Asst 784-6678 tosum H PHD 71 72 73 84 74 71 75 73 88 92 95 74 98 89 92 99 85 83 unk.edu Connie J. Fie Australi 7-05 Wash St 1997 India 1986 Okla St 1993 Nebraska 1987 Geo St 1987 Indian 2006 Kansas 8-99 SUNY-Buf 2001 Syracuse 1986 Tennessee 1990 Goethe 1986 New Sch 1968 Wash U 2000 Maryland 1986 Colorado 1988 U Miami 1993 Michigan 1994 Ohio U 1979 Colo St 1999 Utah 1989 Kentucky 1998 Ca-SnDgo 2000 U Wash 1995 Colorado 1980 unr.edu Theresa E. Moser 99 Claremont 92 Ca-Irvine 1992 68 Ca-Davis 1973 73 Claremont 1969 85 92 88 83 77 80 94 02 05 01 Berkeley U Wash S Calif Oregon So Meth Va Tech Fla St Maryland Maryland Syracuse 1984 1992 1990 1983 1985 1980 1996 2002 2005 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback University of New Hampshire Department of Economics email @1=orbit.unh.edu Bolander, Steven F. Simos, Evangelos O. England, Richard W. Wible, James R. Woodward, Robert Conway, Karen Smith Elmslie, Bruce T. Goldberg, Michael Graduate Program Director Herold, Marc W. Huang, Ju-Chin Niman, Neil B. Schmidt, Torsten Baughman, Reagan Mohr, Robert Swaine, Daniel Durham, NH 03824-3593 (603) 862-3457 Whittemore Sch Bus & Ec Fax=862-2776 University of New Haven Department of Economics Boronico, Jess S. Kaplan, Phillip Parker, Joseph A. Phelan, John J. Rodriguez, Armando Shapiro, Steven J. Upadhyaya, Kamal West Haven, CT School of Business Dean 932-7115 Prof 932-7419 Prof 932-7349 Assoc 932-7350 Assoc 932-7372 Assoc 932-7496 Assoc 932-7487 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 862-1983 862-3363 662-3335 862-3324 862-7032 862-3386 862-3347 862-3385 steve.bolander eos rwe jrwible Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 862-3375 862-3279 862-3336 862-3349 862-0800 862-3457 862-4538 mwherold jehuang neil@1 ts ksconway bte michaelg 95 unh.edu Sinthy Kounlasa Mgt EF OQ BE IJ HJ BF EF DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 77 74 80 72 87 88 91 Kent St N Illinois Michigan Penn St Wash U N Carol Utah NYU 7-00 1977 1976 1984 2001 1990 1989 1991 O CQ BL DL IJ DH CE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 94 85 90 01 01 90 Berkeley N Car St Tx-Austin Florida Syracuse Tx-Austin Boston C 1975 1998 1987 1988 2003 2001 2003 06516-1999 (203) 932-7355 Fax=931-6076 Mgt PHD pkaplan NL PHD jparker JR PHD jphelan HI PHD arodriguez sshapiro GKLM PHD kupadhyaya PHD newhaven.edu Patricia Skinner 92 Penn 7-05 64 J Hopkins 68 Oklahoma 9-69 Geo Wash 9-95 The College of New Jersey Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 (609) 771-2566 Dept Econ, Fnce & Intl Bus School of Business Fax=637-5143 Homepage: http://schbus.tcnj.edu/programs/economics.htm Osagie, Emmanuel I. Dean 771-2254 eosagie PHD Vandegrift, Donald C-Pr 771-2294 vandedon JKR PHD Breslin, Thomas Prof 771-2891 breslint FH PHD Leven, Bozen Prof 771-3140 bleven FP PHD Liu, Chao-Nan Prof 771-2240 liu FA PHD Samanta, Subarna K. Prof 771-3496 ssamanta EF PHD Naples, Michele I. Assoc 771-2896 naples BT PHD Cerf, G. 771-3220 QA MA tcnj.edu Joyce Tammer New Jersey City University Jersey City, NJ 07305-1597 (201) 200-3272 Economics Department Sch of Arts & Science Fax=200-2072 Homepage: http://ellserver3.njcu.edu/economics Hordon, Harris C-Pr 200-3272 hhordon AG PHD Ghebrat, Ezra Prof 200-3390 eghebrat ADEF PHD Steinberg, Ivan Assoc 200-3462 isteinberg LA ABD Vohra, Rubina A. Assoc 200-3074 rvohra AJO PHD Anderson, Richard T. Asst 200-2285 randerson AI PHD New Jersey Inst Technology Economics Faculty Hawk, David L. Bonitsis, T. Homer Newark, NJ 07102-1982 (973) 596-3248 School of Management Fax=596-3074 Dean 596-3019 david.l.hawk Assoc 596-3263 theologos.h.bo+ PHD University of New Mexico Department of Economics Norwood, Vera Ganderton, Philip Berrens, Robert Bohara, Alok Brookshire, David S. Burness, H. Stuart Coes, Donald V. Sauer, Christine Binder, Melissa Chermak, Janie Krause, Kate Santos, Richard Grimsrud, Kristina Thacher, Jennifer Albuquerque, NM 87131-1101 (505) 277-5304 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=277-9445 Dean 277-7381 vnorwood PHD C-Pr 277-1962 gandini DH PHD Prof 277-9004 rberrens DQ PHD Prof 277-5903 bohara CQ PHD Prof 277-1964 brookshi Q PHD Prof 277-1952 burness CDQ PHD Prof 277-3145 dcoes PHD Prof 277-1963 sauer EF PHD Assoc 277-3548 mbinder FJO PHD Assoc 277-4906 jchermak DQ PHD Assoc 277-3429 kkrause HK PHD Assoc 277-2107 santos IJ PHD Asst 277-1960 grimstrud CDQ PHD Asst 277-1969 jthacher QID PHD 88 Geotown 93 Auburn 85 93 76 91 76 85 82 65 9-87 LSU 2004 Conn W Virginia Cornell Tx A&M So Meth 1987 Mass Syracuse njcu.edu Ms. Esther Gibson 68 82 71 93 91 NYU New Sch New Sch Northeas CUNY 9-94 njit.edu Essie Richardson 84 CUNY 1990 unm.edu Angela Torrez 89 93 86 76 70 77 87 95 91 96 77 02 03 Ca-SnBarb 1989 Oregon St 1994 Colorado 1987 New Mex 1989 Kansas 1978 Princeton Brown 1985 Columbia 1995 Co Mines 1995 Wisconsin 1996 Mich St 1989 Wash St 2003 Colorado 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback New Mexico Highlands Univ Economics Faculty Taylor, William Las Vegas, NM 87701-4211 (505) 454-3344 School of Business Fax=454-3331 Dean 454-3344 btaylor New Mexico State Univ Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001 (505) 646-2113 Dept of Econ & Internl Bus Col Business Adm & Econ Fax=646-1915 Homepage: business.nmsu.edu/~econ/index.html Carruthers, Garrey E. Dean 646-4083 garreyc PHD Popp, Anthony V. H-Pr 646-5198 apopp H PHD Adrisson, Rick Prof 646-4988 radkisso FH PHD Enomoto, Carl E. Prof 646-1992 cenomote FE PHD Gegax, Douglas A. Prof 646-1903 dgegax HD PHD Director, Center for Public Utilities Matta, Benjamin N. Prof 646-4085 bmatta IJ PHD Peach, James T. Prof 646-3113 jpeach T PHD Regents Professor Willman, Elliott Prof 646-1005 ewillman EF PHD Brook, Kathleen Assoc 646-5431 kbrook E PHD Associate Dean Erickson, Christopher A. Assoc 646-5715 chericks EF PHD McGuckin, J. T. Assoc 646-6302 jmcgucki Q PHD Blank, Larry Asst 646-4231 larryb LH PHD Lee, Yu-Feng Asst 646-4662 wlin OP PHD McFerrin, Randy Asst 646-1554 mcferrin NO PHD Starbuck, Meghan Asst 646-6021 starbuck QH PHD Widner, Benjamin Asst 646-5989 bwidner RH PHD 96 nmhu.edu Gloria Brown-Lopez nmsu.edu Stella Barrio 68 80 94 82 84 Iowa St 7-03 N Illinois 1981 Nebraska 8-94 Tx A&M 1983 Wyoming 1984 79 Tx-Austin 1972 78 Tx-Austin 1980 77 Indiana 1979 76 Tx-Austin 1980 89 90 94 03 95 03 05 Ariz St 1987 Wisconsin 1989 Tennessee 8-03 S Illinois 8-04 Tx A&M 8-03 New Mex 8-06 Colo St 8-06 University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 70148-1555 (504) 280-6485 uno.edu Dept of Economics & Finance College of Business Adm Fax=280-6397 Russel Holliday 280-6487 Gardner, John C. Dean 280-6241 jcgard Atg PHD 83 Mich St 8-04 Lane, Walter J. C-Ac 280-7145 wlane I PHD 78 Ca-SnDgo 1986 Abdel-Rahman, Hesham M. Prof 280-7343 habdelra R PHD 87 Penn 1987 Altazan, John E. Prof 280-6434 jaltazan PHD 54 Illinois 1958 Davis, J. Ronnie Prof 280-7148 jrdavis1 H PHD 67 Virginia 1989 Naka, Atsuyuki Prof 280-6896 anaka G PHD 89 Arizona 1989 Speyrer, Janet F. Prof 280-6981 jspeyrer RH PHD 82 J Hopkins 1987 Director, Division of Business & Economic Research Turunen-Red, Arja H. Prof 280-6912 aturunen F PHD 85 Brit Colum 1995 Whitney, Gerald A. Prof 280-6903 gwhitney DE PHD 77 Tulane 1979 Maroney, Neal C. Assoc 280-6908 nmaroney G PHD 96 Claremont 1997 Huff, Kathryn Inst 280-6907 khuff MS 84 Ne-Omaha 2002 New York University New York, NY 10012-1126 (212) 998-0860 Department of Economics Stern Sch of Business Fax=995-4218 Homepage: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/econ/ Cooley, Thomas F. Dean 998-0870 tcooley EG PHD Paganelli-Bull Professor of Economics Backus, David Prof 998-0873 dbackus EFG PHD Heinz Riehl Professor of Int'l Economics and Finance Brandenburger, Adam M. Prof 998-0430 abranden PHD J. P. Valles Professor of Business Economics and Strategy Cabral, Luis M. B. Prof 998-0858 lcabral DL PHD Research Professor of Economics Diamond, Daniel E. Prof 998-0887 ddiamond DEN PHD Economides, Nicholas S. Prof 998-0864 neconomi DKL PHD Foudy, Joseph ClPr 998-0970 jfoudy F Greene, William H. Prof 998-0876 wgreene CDE PHD Entertainment and Media Faculty Fellow Katz, Barbara G. Prof 998-0865 bkatz CDP PHD Kavesh, Robert A. Prof 998-0863 rkavesh B PHD Marcus Nadler Professor of Finance & Economics Pugel, Thomas A. Prof 998-0424 tpugel DEF PHD Radner, Roy Prof 998-0874 rradner DO PHD Leonard N. Stern Professor of Business Roubini, Nouriel Prof 998-0886 nroubini EF PHD Sato, Ryuzo Prof rsato CO PHD C. V. Starr Professor of Economics Smith, George ClPr 998-0878 gsmith N PHD Srivatsan, Venkataramani ClPr 998-0427 vsrivats FM PHD Sylla, Richard Prof 998-0869 rsylla DN PHD Henry Kaufman Professor of the History of Financial Institutions & Markets Wachtel, Paul A. Prof 998-4030 pwachtel EG PHD Walter, Ingo Prof 998-0707 iwalter FG PHD stern.nyu.edu 71 Penn 1999 81 Yale 1990 86 Cambridge 2002 89 Stanford 2000 58 NYU 81 Berkeley NYU 76 Wisconsin 1958 1990 2006 1982 73 Penn 54 Harvard 1974 1958 78 Harvard 56 Chicago 1978 1995 88 Harvard 1995 62 J Hopkins 1985 76 Harvard 1988 92 Columbia 69 Harvard 1990 71 Rochester 1972 66 NYU 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Charles Simon Professor of Applied Financial Economics White, Lawrence Prof 998-0880 lwhite Arthur E. Imperitore Professor of Economics Wright, Robert ClPr 998-0756 rwright Yeung, Bernard Prof 998-0425 byeung Abraham Krasnoff Professor of International Business Asker, John Asst 998j-006 2jasker Baccara, Mariagiovanna Asst 998-0528 mbaccara Bar-Isaac, Heski Asst 998-0533 hbar-isa Clementi, Gian Luca Asst 998-0268 gclement Collard-Wexler, Allan Asst 998-0880 wexler DeLoecker, Jan Asst 998-j025 1jan.deloecker Edmond, Chris Asst 998-0288 cedmond Esponda, Ignacio Asst 998-0872 iesponda Skreta, Vasiliki Asst 998-0527 vskreta Veldkamp, Laura Asst 998-0527 lveldkam New York University Department of Economics Homepage: www.nyu.edu/econ/ Santirocco, Matthew S. Gertler, Mark Bai, Jushan J. Benhabib, Jess Benoit, Jean-Pierre Caplin, Andrew Chen, Xiaohong Easterly, William Eaton, Jonathan Fernandez, Raquel Flinn, Christopher Frydman, Roman Gale, Douglas Gately, Dermot Jovanovic, Boyan Leahy, John V. Lizzeri, Alessandro Nadiri, M. Ishaq Nyarko, Yaw Ok, Efe Ordover, Janusz A. Pearce, David G. Prager, Jonas Ramsey, James B. Ray, Debraj Rizzo, Mario J. Rubenstein, Ariel Sargent, Thomas Schotter, Andrew Stacchetti, Ennio Wilson, Charles A. Wolff, Edward N. Bisin, Alberto Ludvigson, Sydney Benigno, Pierpaolo Comin, Diego Frechette, Guillaume R. Lagos, Ricardo Lee, Donghoon Schneider, Martin Stoye, Jorg Violante, Gianluca Wiswall, Matthew Yue, Vivian Zhamwei 97 DGKL PHD 69 Harvard 1976 N F PHD 84 Chicago 1999 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 04 03 04 00 06 06 04 96 01 01 DL DGL EM L FL E L DH EGV New York, NY 10012 (212) 998-8900 Faculty Arts & Sciences Fax=995-4186 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 998-8931 998-8960 998-8971 998-8934 998-8950 998-8970 998-8684 998-8951 998-8908 998-8925 998-8967 998-8944 998-8955 998-8953 992-9770 998-8907 998-8968 998-8928 998-8920 998-8956 998-8911 998-8947 998-8906 998-8932 992-9772 998-3548 998-8952 998-8964 998-8954 998-8917 998-8916 998-8927 998-8958 998-8926 992-8693 998-8937 998-8938 998-8957 mark.gertler jushan.bai jess.benhabib jeanpierre.be+ andrew.caplin xiaohong.chen william.easterly jonathan.eaton raquel.fernandez christopher.f+ roman.frydman douglas.gale dermot.gately boyan.jovanovic john.leahy alessandro.l+ m.ishaq.nadiri yaw.nyarko efe.ok janusz.ordover david.pearce jonas.prager james.ramsey debraj.ray mario.rizzo thomas.sargent andrew.schotter ennio.stacchetti charles.wilson edward.wolff alberto.bisin sydney.ludvigson pierpaolo.ben+ diego.comin guillaume.frech+ ricardo.lagos donghoon.lee martin.schneider j.stoye 992-9771 gianluca.viol+ 992-8941 mwiswall 992-8963 zy3 Clas D U EO D D U O F F J E D Q L E L O D H G D G C D K E D DLH D J D E F E J DE E EJ Harvard 2004 Princeton 2002 LondonSE 2003 Rochester 2003 Nrthwstrn 2006 KU Leuven 2006 UCLA 2005 Stanford 2006 Pittsburgh 2006 Stanford 2003 nyu.edu Rita Shiman PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD New York Institute of Tech New York, NY 11568-8000 (516) 686-7754 Department of Economics School of Management Fax=686-7425 261- exchange have 212 area code Decker, David R. Dean 686-7938 ddecker Intl PHD Chandrasekar, Krishnamurti Prof 261-1569 kchandra PHD Lawrence, William Prof 686-1172 wlawrenc PHD Schwartz, Carol H. Prof 686-7752 cschwart PHD Kutasovic, Paul R. Assoc 686-7739 pkutasov PHD Afxentiou, Diamando Asst 261-1602 dafxenti PHD 78 92 76 83 83 93 85 76 87 84 78 75 73 78 90 95 65 86 95 73 83 64 68 83 77 79 68 73 83 76 74 93 96 00 00 02 97 01 99 05 97 Stanford 1990 Berkeley 2002 Columbia 1980 Stanford 1989 Yale 1995 Ca-SnDgo 2002 MIT 2002 Yale 2002 Columbia 1995 Chicago 1987 Columbia 1978 Cambridge 1996 Princeton 1973 Chicago 1983 Princeton 2002 Nrthwstrn 2000 Berkeley 1971 Cornell 1992 Cornell 1995 Columbia 1982 Princeton Columbia 1962 Wisconsin 1976 Cornell 1999 Chicago 1979 Hebrew 2004 Harvard 2002 NYU 1975 Wisconsin 2002 Rochester 1983 Yale 1974 Chicago 1997 Princeton 2001 Princeton 2000 Harvard 2000 Ohio St 8-04 Penn 2000 Penn 2001 Stanford 2003 Nrthwstrn Penn 2003 UCLA Penn nyit.edu Constance Canning 77 69 75 63 83 90 Kansas New Sch NYU Columbia Rutgers W Virginia 2000 1969 1971 1987 1988 1990 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Niagara University Department of Commerce Helmuth, John A. Tompkins, Daniel Ali, Abdiweli Lee, Tenpao Peek, William A. Scherer, Philip M. Melnik, Mikhail Niagara Univ, NY 14109 (716) 286-8160 Col of Business Admin Fax=286-8206 Dean 286-8052 jhelmuth Fnce C-Pr 286-8157 dlt Fnce Prof 286-8179 amali Prof 286-8177 tlee Prof 286-8171 wap Prof 286-8165 pscherer Asst 286-8311 mmelnik Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA 70310 (985) 448-4232 Dept of Finance & Economics College of Business Adm Fax=448-4922 Homepage: www.nicholls.edu/economics Mauldin, Shawn Dean 448-4173 shawn.mauldin Atg McManis, Bruce L. H-Pr 448-4188 bruce.mcmanis G Chotigeat, Tosporn Prof 448-4189 tosporn.chot+ FO Coats, R. Morris Prof 448-4237 morris.coats HIRQ Kooros, Syrous Prof 448-4407 syrous.kooros EFOC Karahan, Gokhan Asst 448-4193 gokhan.karahan HMF Michel, Norbert Asst 448-4223 rorbert.michel HMG Turner, Chad Asst 448-4194 chad.turner HRQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 98 81 93 00 84 85 72 03 niagara.edu Melissa Heidt S Carol 2002 Kentucky 1999 GeoMason 2003 Iowa St 1987 Syracuse 1980 Missouri 1980 Geo St 2006 nicholls.edu Bobbie Taylor PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 81 78 83 80 01 03 04 Miss 2002 LSU 1978 S Illinois 1988 Va Tech 1985 Rensselaer 1991 Miss 2003 N Orleans 2005 Clemson 2005 Nichols College Department of Economics Reinhardt, Alan J. Nordstrom, Louise J. Despain, Hans Dudley, MA 01571-5000 (508) 213-2256 College of Business Adm Fax=213-2225 Dean 213-2201 reinhardta PHD C-Pr 213-2259 nordstl ADFH PHD Prof 213-2165 ABD 83 Ind-Penn 71 Clark Utah Norfolk State University Econ, Entr, Fnce & Mktg Haile-Mariam, Yacob Shiau, Liang-rong Sissoko, Macki Norfolk, VA School of Business C-Ac 823-2488 Prof 683-9581 Asst 823-2583 23504-2954 (757) 823-8955 Fax=823-2506 yhaile-mariam Fnce DBA lshiau CAR PHD msissoko PHD nsu.edu Deborah Peele 83 US Intl 7-85 72 S Miss 1972 91 Auburn 1999 University of North Alabama Dept of Economics & Finance Gatlin, Kerry P. Morris, Barry K. Copeland, Joe B. Couch, Jim F. Williams, Peter M. Black, David L. Florence, AL School of Business Dean 765-4261 C-Pr 765-4411 Prof 765-4270 Prof 765-4412 Asst 765-4315 Inst 765-4524 35632-0001 (256) Fax=765-4811 kgatlin Mgt bkmorris D jbcopeland FO jfcouch HKN pmwilliams DHJ dblack North Carolina at Asheville Economics Faculty Homepage: www.unca.edu/econ/ Konz, Jeffery M. Browning, Shirley C. Larson, Bruce D. Nickless, Pamela J. Sulock, Joseph M. Bell, Christopher Ross Mathews, Leah Greden Tatum, Robert C. Asheville, NC 28804-3299 (828) 251-6550 Department of Economics Fax=251-6572 C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst 251-6570 251-6549 251-6562 251-6563 251-6568 251-6552 251-6561 251-6569 jkonz sbrowning blarson nickless jsulock bell lmathews rtatum BEFO AEPQ ABCD AJN AGH AGHL ADQO AEFO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD nichols.edu 9-98 9-74 una.edu Debbie Westmoreland 82 Oklahoma 1987 74 Arkansas 1974 74 Arkansas 1983 Miss 1991 Miss 1997 01 Alab A&M 2002 unca.edu Ms. Kim Moore 94 71 83 76 76 87 97 05 N Carol Conn N Carol Purdue Virginia Penn Minnesota Indiana 1996 1970 1983 1983 1975 1989 1997 2004 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3305 (919) 966-2383 unc.edu Div Soc Sci-Dept Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=966-4986 Ms. Deborah Edwards email @1=email.unc.edu Akin, John S. C-Pr 966-5335 john_akin IGH PHD 71 Michigan 1973 Austin H. Carr Distinguished Professor Benavie, Arthur Emer 966-5326 AE PHD 63 Michigan 1967 Biglaiser, Gary Prof 966-4884 gbiglais@1 EL PHD 88 Berkeley 1988 Black, Stanley W. Prof 966-5926 sblack@1 F PHD 65 Yale 1983 Lurcy Professor Blau, David M. Prof 966-3962 david_blau J PHD 80 Wisconsin 1992 Conway, Patrick Prof 966-5376 patrick_conway F PHD 84 Princeton 1983 Darity, William A. Jr. Prof 966-5392 sandy_darity E PHD 78 MIT 1983 Boshamer Professor Field, Alfred J. Jr. Prof 843-9451 afield@1 F PHD 67 Iowa St 1967 Friedman, James W. Emer 966-3669 friedman@1 DL PHD 63 Yale 1985 Froyen, Richard T. Prof 966-5375 froyen@1 E PHD 72 Maryland 1971 Gallant, A. Ronald Emer 966-5338 C PHD 71 Iowa St 1993 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Ghysels, Eric Prof 962-9810 ghysels Edward M. Bernstein Distinguished Professor Guilkey, David K. Prof 843-9452 david_guilkey Boshamer Distinguished Professor Mroz, Thomas A. Prof 966-5395 tom_mroz Murphy, James L. Prof 966-5346 jlmurphy@1 Dean, UNC Summer School Renault, Eric Prof 966-5326 renault@1 Rhode, Paul Prof 843-9842 prhode@1 Rosefielde, Steven Prof 966-5371 stevern@1 Salemi, Michael K. Prof 966-5391 michael_salemi Stewart, John F. Prof 966-5345 jstewar@1 Associate Chairperson; Director, Undergraduate Studies Tarascio, Vincent J. Emer 966-5374 vtarasci@1 Tauchen, Helen Prof 966-5394 tauchen@1 Director of Graduate Studies Gilleskie, Donna Assoc 966-5372 donna_gilleskie Parke, William Assoc 843-9453 parke@1 Turchi, Boone A. Assoc 966-5348 turchi@1 Wilde, James A. Emer 966-5328 jwilde@1 Campo, Sandra Asst 966-5374 campo@1 Geraghty, Thomas Asst 843-9842 tgeraght@1 Krishna, Vijay Asst 966-4485 rvk@1 Parreiras, Sergio Asst 966-5336 sergiop@1 Wu, Xiaodong Asst 966-2383 wux@1 CG PHD 86 Nrthwstrn 1-00 C PHD 73 N Carol 1983 J C PHD PHD 84 Stanford 64 Purdue 1989 1964 CG N P E L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 90 72 76 76 2004 1990 1970 1976 1975 N D PHD PHD 66 Rice 1964 77 Minnesota 1977 IJ C AT GH L N C D F PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 94 80 73 68 02 01 04 01 99 Minnesota Yale Michigan Princeton S Calif Nrthwstrn Penn Penn Princeton 73 78 80 81 email.uncc.edu Tammy Hartsell Geo St 8-97 Kentucky 1978 S Carol 1980 Northeas 1978 70 71 70 91 60 80 79 90 85 99 88 82 02 83 06 04 03 Georgia Clemson Ariz St S Carol Ohio St Ohio St Duke Illinois Iowa Florida Illinois S Carol Rutgers Florida Yale Florida NC-Charl North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 (704) 687-2185 Department of Economics College of Business Fax=687-6442 Lilly, Claude C. III Dean 687-2165 cclilly Insu PHD Zuber, Richard A. C-Pr 687-4129 razuber PHD Amato, Louis Prof 687-4130 ltamato PHD Connaughton, John E. Prof 687-4134 jec PHD Director, UNC-Charlotte Economic "Forecast" Davis, W. Young Jr. Prof 687-2188 wydavis PHD Liner, Gaines Howard Prof 687-4128 ghliner PHD Madsen, Ron Prof 687-4127 ramadsen PHD McGregor, Rob R. Prof 687-4121 rrmcgreg PHD Neel, Richard E. Emer 687-4122 reneel PHD Schwarz, Peter M. Prof 687-2666 pschwarz PHD Swartz, Carol ClPr 687-6708 cswartzl PHD Lin, Hwan-Chyang Assoc 687-3796 hclin PHD Russo, Benjamin Assoc 687-4137 brusso PHD Troyer, Jennifer L. Assoc 687-3721 jtroyer PHD Tseng, Hui-Kuan Assoc 687-4123 hktseng PHD Tucker, Irvin B. III Assoc 687-4136 ibtucker PHD Radchenko, Stanislav Asst 687-6157 sradchen PHD Sewell, Ellen M. Asst 687-4132 esewell PHD Shapiro, Dmitry Asst 687-6543 dashapir PHD Zillante, Arthur Asst 687-6553 azillant PHD Stivender, Carol Lect 687-2687 costiven MS U North Carolina Greensboro Department of Economics Homepage: uncg.edu/bae/econ Weeks, James K. Allen, Stuart D. Caldwell, Bruce J. Link, Albert N. Neufeld, John L. Ribar, David C. Ruhm, Christopher J. Seaks, Terry G. Layson, Steve Leyden, Dennis P. McCrickard, Donald L. Snowden, Kenneth A. Bearse, Peter Holland, Steven Kim, Beomsoo Rosenbaum, Dan Sarbaum, Jeffrey Sylvester, Michelle Brod, Andrew C. Vaidyanathan, Geetha 99 Greensboro, NC 27402-6165 (336) 334-5463 Bryan Sch of Bus & Econ Fax=334-4089 Dean H-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Emer Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst VAsst Asst Inst Inst 334-5338 334-3166 334-4865 334-5146 334-4869 334-3904 334-5148 228-9048 334-4868 334-3904 334-5338 334-4870 334-4871 jim_weeks stuart_allen bruce_caldwell al_link john_neufeld dcribar c_ruhm tgseaks layson leyden don_mccrickard snowden pmbearse 334-3910 334-4872 334-4866 334-5463 334-4867 334-4924 b_kim dtrosenb jksarbau michelle_sylv+ andrew_brod g_vaidy2 Mgt E B O ND J JI C D H EF NG CH Q JI J Q E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Paris Stanford Harvard Minnesota Wisconsin 1994 1988 1971 1965 2002 2001 2006 2001 1999 1970 1971 1977 1991 1969 1978 2006 1993 1984 1999 1988 1981 2002 1982 2006 2006 2001 uncg.edu Ms. Judy Tuttle 74 77 79 76 75 93 84 72 83 87 76 83 95 99 06 98 97 01 92 92 S Carol 1976 Virginia 1976 N Carol 1978 Tulane 1982 Michigan 1974 Brown 2006 Berkeley 1991 Duke 1972 Chicago 1978 Car Mellon 1984 N Carol 1975 Wisconsin 1983 Virginia 1998 Michigan 2003 Maryland 2006 Nrthwstrn 1998 SUNY-Bin 1999 Virginia 2001 Minnesota 1989 Kentucky 1992 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback North Carolina Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-5945 (910) 962-3510 Dept of Economics & Finance Cameron Sch of Bus Adm Fax=962-7464 Clark, Lawrence S. Dean 962-3501 clarkl Law LLM Sackley, William H. C-Pr 962-3720 sackleyw G PHD Director, Center for Business & Economics Studies Farrell, Claude H. III Prof 962-3510 farrell EGR PHD Hall, William Woodward Jr. Prof 962-3419 hallw QR PHD Lawson, Luther Drew Prof 962-3524 lawson AJL PHD Dumas, Christopher Assoc 962-4026 dumusc Q PHD Robinson, Ned Stephen Assoc 962-3893 robinsonn A PHD Schuhmann, Peter Assoc 962-3417 schuhmannp Q PHD Wadman, William Morgan Assoc 962-3512 wadmanw CDH PHD Burrus, Robert T. Asst 962-3226 burrusr D PHD Simpson, Thomas D. Lect 962-3511 simpsont EG PHD uncw.edu Ms. Janet McGee 78 DePaul 7-00 90 Nebraska 1999 74 72 81 97 73 96 76 97 70 N Car St Clemson Tennessee Berkeley Oklahoma N Car St Claremont Virginia Chicago 92 98 83 05 uncp.edu Thelma Colon Geo Wash Iowa St 2003 N Illinois 1999 Wayne St 1988 N Car St 2005 U North Carolina at Pembroke Economics Faculty Dent, Eric B. Maysami, Ramin C. Ashraf, Mohammad Frederick, James R. Mensah, Edwin C. Pembroke, NC School of Business Dean 522-5789 C 521-5707 Assoc 521-6464 Asst 521-6592 Asst 521-5713 North Carolina A&T State Un Dept Econ & Trans Logistics Craig, Quiester Cole, John A. Benjamin, Julian Coley, Basil G. Obeng, Kofi UPS Chair Addus, Abdussalam A. Chen, David Y. Edwards, Jeffrey A. Jeong, Dong K. King, Vereda J. Morse, Lawrence B. Sink, Harry Burkey, Mark Cho, Joong-Kun Sakano, Ryoichi Simkins, Scott P. Simmons, Michael Snarr, Hal Greensboro, NC 27411 (336) 334-7744 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=256-2055 Dean 334-7632 craigq Atg C-Pr$ 334-7744 jacole Prof Ext 2020 benjaminm Emer Ext 2410 coleyb Prof Ext 2018 obengk ncat.edu Mrs. Gertrude G. Pennix PHD 72 Missouri 8-72 PHD 80 Michigan PHD 77 SUNY-Buf PHD 71 Illinois 1966 PHD 81 Penn 1982 Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD North Carolina Central Univ Department of Economic Amoateng, Kofi A. D. Hakeem, Salih Mridha, Hosne Nasir, ABM Durham, NC School of Business L-Pr 530-7384 Asst 560-6131 Asst 530-6309 Asst 530-7372 North Carolina State Univ Department of Economics Weiss, Ira R. Allen, Steven G. Clark, Robert L. Craig, Lee A. Erickson, Edward W. Fearn, Robert M. Fisher, Douglas Flath, David Goodwin, Barry Grennes, Thomas Hall, Alastair R. Holthausen, Duncan M. Jr. Hyman, David Neil Knoeber, Charles R. Lapp, John S. Margolis, Stephen E. Palmquist, Raymond B. Seater, John J. Thurman, Walter N. Turner, Carl B. Raleigh, NC 27695-8110 (919) 515-3274 College of Management Fax=515-7873 Dean 515-5560 ira_weiss Atg PHD Prof 515-6941 steve_allen JD PHD Prof 515-4568 robert_clark JTD PHD Prof 513-2870 lee_craig NJD PHD Emer 513-2876 ed_erickson LQD PHD Emer 513-2245 bob_fearn JDP PHD Emer 513-2876 doug_fisher EN PHD Prof 513-2472 david_flath LDP PHD Prof 515-4620 barry_goodwin QF PHD Prof 513-2881 tom_grennes FD MA Prof 513-2871 alastair_hall C PHD Prof 513-2882 duncan_holtha+ DC PHD Prof 513-2868 hyman_david HA PHD Prof 513-2874 charles_knoeber LKDG PHD Prof 513-2877 john_lapp EGF PHD Prof 515-2565 steve_margolis LKD PHD Prof 513-2884 ray_palmquist QDR PHD Prof 513-2697 john_seater EGH PHD Prof 515-4545 wally_thurman QCD PHD Emer 513-2445 carl_turner PF PHD Ext 2009 Ext 2014 Ext 2389 Ext 2013 Ext 2008 Ext 2381 Ext 7030 Ext 4036 Ext 2021 Ext 2015 Ext 2001 Ext 5000 Ext 4017 28372-1510 (910) 521-6750 Fax=521-6165 eric.dent Mgt PHD ramin.maysami PHD mohammad.ash+ PHD james.frederick PHD edwin.mensah PHD 100 addusa chend jeongd kingv morsel hlsink burkeym jkcho sakanor simkinss simmonsm hwsnarr LO 27707 (919) 530-7372 Fax=530-7961 amoakng shakeem hmridha anasir 82 71 03 74 84 68 95 01 90 88 79 Penn St 1980 Wisconsin Va Tech Wayne St Duke Minnesota 1976 Tennessee 2003 Duke 2000 Arkansas 2003 Alabama 1992 Iowa Wash St 8-70 Wash St 2003 wpo.nccu.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 87 02 01 Tx-Austin N Car St Wi-Milwa Wi-Milwa 1990 1988 2003 2001 76 78 74 89 68 68 65 76 88 65 85 74 69 76 74 78 78 75 84 65 ncsu.edu Carolyn Smith UCLA D-04 Harvard 1978 Duke 1975 Indiana 1989 Vanderbilt 1965 Chicago 1965 Chicago 1977 UCLA 1976 N Car St 1993 Wisconsin 1968 Warwick 1985 Nrthwstrn 1976 Princeton 1969 UCLA 1976 Princeton 1974 UCLA 1982 U Wash 1979 Brown 1981 Chicago 1984 Duke 1963 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Wessels, Walter J. Ball, David S. Headen, Alvin E. McElroy, Michael B. Newmark, Craig M. Tsoulouhas, Theofanis Guerron, Pablo Leblebicioglu, Asli Morant, Tamah Pelletier, Denis Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 513-2879 513-3275 513-2872 513-2883 513-2878 513-2661 513-2869 513-2867 515-9367 513-7408 walt_wessels JD david_bell FND al_headen IJD mike_mcelroy EFA craig_newmark LD fanis_tsoulouhas CD pablo_guerron EF asli_leblebi+ EF tamah_morant JD denis_pelletier CG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD North Central College Naperville, IL 60566-7063 (630) 637-5240 Economic Department Div Economic & Bus Adm Fax=637-5121 Homepage: Anstine, Diane C-Ac 637-5246 dganstine DL PHD Barger, Peter S. Prof 637-5246 psbarger G PHD Whitaker, Andrew L. Prof 637-5241 alwhitaker G PHD Bogart, Marti S. Assoc 637-5243 msbogart J PHD Barnes, Bobby Asst 637-5245 bbarnes EF PHD University of North Dakota Dept of Economics Elbert, Dennis J. O'Neill, Patrick B. Biederman, Daniel K. Blackwell, J. Lloyd III Bagheri, Fathollah Chen, Jihui (Sharon) DaSilva, Peri A. Flynn, David Goenner, Cullen Mialon, Sue Hwang Yao, Feng Grand Forks, ND 58202-8369 (701) 777-2637 Col of Bus & Pub Admin Fax=777-3365 Dean 777-2135 dennis_elbert Mktg PHD C-Pr 777-3358 patrick_oneill ADL PHD Prof 777-3347 daniel_biederman CGOE PHD Prof 777-3357 joseph_blackwell C PHD Assoc 777-3350 fathollah_bag+ AJOE PHD Asst 777-2798 susan.chen ALD PHD Asst 777-3351 peri.dasilva AOD PHD Asst 777-2637 david_flynn GRNT PHD Asst 777-2637 cullen_goenner CEG PHD Asst 777-3349 sue.mialon AKD PHD Asst 777-3360 feng.yao ADC PHD 101 76 67 81 70 84 93 06 05 05 03 Chicago N Carol MIT Nrthwstrn UCLA Illinois Nrthwstrn Boston C N Carol Montreal 1975 1966 1986 1970 1984 1993 2006 2005 2005 2003 noctrl.edu 97 89 88 86 02 Kentucky Illinois Illinois Purdue Kansas St 1997 1989 1988 1982 2004 76 87 87 73 78 05 05 01 01 02 04 und.nodak.edu Tami Swiers Missouri 8-80 Boston C 1987 Kansas 1987 Geo St 1980 Penn 1990 Indiana 8-05 Illinois 8-05 Indiana 2001 Wisconsin 2001 Tx-Austin 8-06 Oregon St 8-04 University of North Florida Jacksonville, FL 32224-2645 (904) 620-2640 Dept Economics & Geography Coggin Col of Business Fax=620-1300 McAllister, John P. Dean 620-2590 jmcallis Atg PHD Mason, Paul M. C-Pr 620-2640 pmason HE PHD Shapiro, Stephen L. Prof 620-2640 sshapiro AH PHD Director, Center for Economic Education Steagall, Jeffrey W. Prof 620-2640 steagal FAC PHD Director International Business Program Traynham, Earle C. Jr. Prof 620-2590 traynham DJ PHD Baliamoune, Mina Assoc 620-2640 mbaliamo EO PHD Stranahan, Harriett A. Assoc 620-2640 hstranah JGD PHD Gallo, Andres Asst 620-2640 agallo BO PHD Johnson, Christopher Asst 620-2640 cjohnson DR PHD Lott, Chung Asst 620-2640 cloh I PHD 73 95 93 03 03 04 North Georgia Col & St Univ Economic Faculty Skelly, Gerald U. Grant, Clayton Scott, John ngcsu.edu Christy Waters 78 Fla St 1993 71 Clemson 1985 90 S Carol 2006 Dahlonega, GA 30597 (706) 864-1610 Dept of Business Admin Fax=864-1607 Dean 864-1609 gskelly Mkgt PHD H-Pr 864-1620 cgrant K PHD Assoc 864-1618 jlscott PHD unf.edu Vicki Gipe 80 Penn St 2005 84 Tx-Austin 1985 72 S Carol 1972 90 Wisconsin 1990 S Carol Northeas U Wash Illinois Alabama N Carol 1973 2001 1994 2003 2003 2004 University of North Texas Denton, TX 76203-5457 (940) 565-2573 econ.unt.edu Dept of Economics Box 311457 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=565-4426 Nancy L. Boyd, Adm Asst Homepage: http://www.econ.unt.edu Burggren, Warren Dean Cobb, Steven Lee C-Ac 565-2184 cobb AFOP PHD 87 N Carol 1987 Koelln, Kenneth Assoc 565-4542 koelln LI PHD 91 Florida 1991 McPherson, Michael Assoc 565-2270 mcpherson AOFD PHD 92 Mich St 1992 Molina, David Jude Assoc 565-4543 dmolina CDFR PHD 83 Tx A&M 1991 Nieswiadomy, Michael L. Assoc 565-2244 mike HRIQ PHD 83 Tx A&M 1985 Rous, Jeffrey J. Assoc 565-4545 jrous DIN PHD 96 N Carol 1996 Hauge, Janice A. Asst 565-4544 jhauge DHLI PHD 01 Florida 2002 Jewell, R. Todd Asst 565-3337 tjewell HJ PHD 92 Ca-SnBarb 1996 Kim, Myungsup Asst 369-8834 PHD 05 Mich St 2005 email: [email protected] Kim, Young Se Asst 565-2220 kim1 PHD 04 Ohio St 2004 Tieslau, Margie Asst 565-3442 tieslau EC PHD 92 Mich St 1992 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115 (617) 373-2882 Department of Economics Sch Soc Sci, Urb & PubP Fax=373-3640 Homepage: www.economics.neu.edu Morrison, Steven A. C-Pr 373-2872 s.morrison Alam, M. Shahid Prof 373-2849 m.alam Hellman, Daryl A. Prof 373-7517 d.hellman Kim, Sungwoo Prof 373-2893 s.kim Kwoka, John E. Jr. Prof 373-2252 j.kowka L Finnegan Distinguished Professor Sum, Andrew M. Prof 373-2242 a.sum Alper, Neil O. Assoc 373-2839 n.alper Undergraduate Coordinator Brookins, Oscar T. Assoc 373-2251 o.brookins Dadkhah, Kamran N. Assoc 373-2297 k.dadkhah Dyer, Alan W. Assoc 373-2610 a.dyer Wassall, Gregory H. Assoc 373-2196 g.wassall Graduate Coordinator Ballou, Jeffrey P. Asst 373-5595 j.ballou Connolly, Helen Asst 373-2874 h.connolly Stijns, Jean-Philippe Asst 373-8427 j.stijins Uengo-Prado, Maria Asst 373-4520 m.luengo Wang, Zhongmin Asst 373-2883 zho.wang 102 neu.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 79 70 67 72 Berkeley W Ontario Rutgers Berkeley Penn 1982 1988 1972 1972 2001 MA PHD 71 MIT 1971 77 Pittsburgh 1979 PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 75 82 78 SUNY-Buf Indiana Maryland Rutgers 1983 1981 1983 1979 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 02 03 00 02 Nrthwstrn Boston C Berkeley Brown Geotown 2003 2002 2003 2002 2005 Northeastern Illinois Univ Department of Economics Forhan, Kate Howenstine, Erick Freiberg, Lewis Stuart, Edward F. Bergan, Daniel J. Brewton, Audie R. Ciecierski, Christine Chicago, IL 60625-4699 (773) 442-5640 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=442-5650 Dean C 442-5647 PHD Prof 442-5688 l-freiberg DHI PHD Prof 442-5695 e-stuarat1 FP PHD Assoc 442-5697 d-bergan ADEG PHD Assoc 442-5693 a-brewton CBDN PHD Asst c-ciecierski PHD Northeastern State Univ Dept of Accounting & Finance Homepage: www.cbt.nsuok.edu/af/ phone 456-5511 Schleede, John M. Collier, Roger Wier, Thomas Laux, Fritz Pjesky, Rex Murphy, Ray Tahlequah, OK 74464-2399 (918) Ext 2960 Col of Business & Tech Fax=458-2337 cherokee.nsuok.edu Beverly Barnett Dean C-Pr Assoc Asst Asst Inst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MSA 78 Mich St 2006 93 Okla St 2000 89 Tennessee 1998 Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5066 (928) 523-3657 Dept of Business Admin-Econ Col of Business Admin Fax=523-7331 Homepage: www.cba.nau.edu/pinto-j/economics Gerety, Mason S. Dean 523-2345 mason.gerety Fnce PHD Gunderson, Ronald J. C-Pr 523-7358 ronald.gunderson DR PHD Brown, Douglas Prof 523-7394 douglas.brown OP PHD Chopin, Marc Prof 523-7343 marc.chopin DL PHD Associate Dean Jerrell, Max E. Prof 523-7405 max.jerrell EC PHD Pinto, James V. Prof 523-7356 jim.pinto DC PHD Campione, Wendy A. Assoc 523-7360 wendy.campione HJ PHD Smith, Dean G. Assoc 523-7396 dean.smith RC PHD Ng, Pin T. Asst 523-3657 pin.ng CF PHD Foster, Dennis Inst 523-8178 dennis.foster AM PHD Eastwood, John D. Lect 523-7353 john.eastwood CD MS nau.edu Kay Pinto 456-5511 449-6521 456-5511 456-5511 456-5511 456-5511 schleede colliere weir fritzl pjesky@1 murphyrf Mktg Fnce RCB HRO Univ of Northern Colorado Department of Economics Caldwell, David Connolly, Laura Livingston, Marie L. Aske, David Graham, Patricia E. Kallon, Kelfala M. McDaniel, Bruce A. Corman, Rhonda Marston, Christine Greeley, CO 80639 (970) 351-2739 Col Humanities & Soc Sc Fax=351-4296 Dean 351-2707 C-Ac 351-1158 laura.connolly HLI Prof 351-2739 marie.livingston FHOQ Assoc 351-1564 david.aske AITR Assoc 351-1559 patricia.graham IJOQ Assoc 351-2134 kelfala.kallon EFHO Assoc 351-1163 bruce.m.mcdaniel OGMQ Lect 351-1560 rhonda.corman Lect 351-1557 christine.mar+ Northern Illinois Univ Dekalb, IL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD 60115-2854 (815) 753-1031 neiu.edu 72 78 85 79 Kentucky 1982 Oklahoma 1986 Tx Tech Utah 1984 2007 02 Oklahoma 2002 86 77 85 92 U Wash 8-93 Nebraska 1977 Colo St 1985 Tx A&M 1991 84 75 84 85 89 91 80 Ariz St Oklahoma Illinois Tx A&M Illinois Hawaii Wyoming 1981 1981 1981 1989 2001 1990 1990 unco.edu Linda Jack 94 84 92 88 83 79 Nrthwstrn Colo St Nebraska Colo St Virginia Colo St Colo St Colo St 2000 1985 1992 1988 1993 1992 1998 1999 niu.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Department of Economics Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=752-1019 Homepage: www.niu.edu/econ/Econ_main/index.shtml Grush, Joseph E. Dean$ 753-0161 Katz, Eliakim C-Pr 753-6970 elik Dalal, Ardeshir J. Prof 753-6971 adalal Director of Graduate Studies Mohabbat, Khan A. Prof 753-6973 kmohabbat Nord, Steven Prof 753-6976 sen Campbell, Carl M. III Assoc 753-6974 carlcamp Assistant Chair Jain, Neelam Assoc 753-6964 njain Karlson, Stephen Assoc 753-6980 skarlson Porter-Hudak, Susan Assoc 753-6983 sphudak Slotsve, George A. Assoc 753-6966 gslotsve Wilcox-Gok, Virginia L. Assoc 753-6957 vlw Anderson, Evan W. Asst 753-5748 ewanderson Groves, Jeremy Asst 753-5747 jgroves Ms. Connie Rumer CD D PHD PHD 76 London 77 Iowa E R E PHD PHD PHD 64 SUNY-Buf 1968 76 Illinois 1979 88 Princeton 1999 GL D C JD J GEC HR PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 95 80 82 89 84 98 05 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0129 (319) 273-2412 Department of Economics Col of Business Admin Fax=273-2922 Homepage: http://www.cba.uni.edu/economics/ Moussavi, Farzad Dean 273-6240 farzad.moussavi Mgt PHD Abraham, Fred J. H-Pr 273-2412 abrahamf AEHK PHD Hakes, David R. Prof 273-3597 hakes BEFG PHD Isakson, Hans R. Prof 273-2950 hans.isakson PHD McCormick, Kenneth J. Prof 273-6051 mccormick BEA PHD Alam, M. Imam Assoc 273-7339 alam CFO PHD Amin, Shahina Assoc 273-2637 amin PHD Brown, Ken Assoc 273-3087 ken.brown CR PHD Jepsen, Lisa Assoc 273-2592 lisa.jepsen PHD Kanago, Bryce Assoc 273-2951 bryce.kanago E PHD Uyar, Bulent Assoc 273-6343 uyar ACH PHD Surdam, David Asst 273-2957 david.surdam DILN PHD Fuhrman, Jennifer Inst 273-2956 fuhrman MA Lindell, Lois A. Inst 273-2952 lindell BA Associate Director of UNI Center for Economic Education Mardis, Barbara K. Inst 273-3062 mardis C MBA Northern Kentucky Univ Highland Hght KY 41099-0503 (859) 572-6581 Economics & Finance Dept College of Business Fax=572-6627 Carrell, Michael R. Dean 572-5165 carrellm Mgt DBA Clayton, Gary E. C-Pr 572-6542 clayton PHD Cate, Thomas H. Prof 572-5799 cate PHD Lang, Nancy A. Assoc 572-5155 lang AD EDD Director Center for Economic Education Burbridge, Lynn Asst 572-7606 burbridge1 PHD Dynan, Linda Asst 572-5158 dynanl PHD Simkonis, Carl Lect 572-5979 simkonisca AEMP MPA Northern Michigan Univ Marquette, MI Department of Economics Arts & Sciences Homepage: www.nmu.edu/departments/econ.htm Quinn, Robert C-Ac 227-1383 Prychitko, David L. Prof 227-1216 Swaine, Howard R. Emer 227-2220 Ferrarini, Tawni Assoc 227-1218 Hsieh, Hsingling Asst 227-1214 McDonnell, Gary Asst 227-1696 Inanc, Ozlem Inst 227-1217 103 AIO ABP AKDH ANO AIJ AHL AEF 8-03 1986 1982 1996 1994 2005 2005 uni.edu Beverly Barber 85 73 85 78 82 95 97 94 98 88 77 94 98 80 Arkansas Oregon Iowa St Wisconsin Iowa St Illinois Illinois Illinois Vanderbilt Iowa Pittsburgh Chicago Miami U Wi-White 81 N Iowa 76 74 79 83 1985 1973 1992 1990 1982 1996 2000 1994 2000 2000 1991 2005 1999 1996 1981 nku.edu Marilyn McGinley Kentucky 7-98 Utah 1980 Fla St 1975 Georgia 1983 Stanford Columbia 91 Nrthrn Ky 2000 49855 (906) 227-2220 Fax=227-2229 rquinn dprychit hswaine tferrari Minnesota Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wash U Chicago Wash U 1976 1977 nmu.edu Lara Clisek PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS 95 89 65 95 05 99 03 U Miami 2001 GeoMason 1997 UCLA 1966 Wash U 1998 UCLA 2005 Okla St 2006 LSU 2006 Northern State University Dept of Economics & Finance Arnold, Clyde L. Neumann, Hillar Jr. Lee, Keun Ho Aberdeen, SD 57401-7198 (605) 626-2400 Sch of Business & Tech Fax=626-3022 Dean 626-2400 arnoldc PHD C-Ac 626-7719 hnj PHD Asst 626-2576 keunlee PHD northern.edu 82 Oklahoma 1988 86 Rutgers 1983 90 Columbia Northwest Missouri St Univ Dept of Atg, Econ & Finance Billesbach, Thomas McLaughlin, Patrick Jelavich, Mark S. Kharadia, Virabhai C. Collier, Ben Maryville, MO 64468-6001 (660) 562-1835 Col Prof & Applied Sci Fax=562-1750 Dean 562-1227 tombill Mgt PHD C-Ac 562-1291 jpat K JD Prof 562-1763 mjelav FR PHD Prof 562-1284 vkharad AED PHD Assoc 562-1762 collier ADFK PHD nwmissouri.edu Alisa Meyer Nebraska 1994 Mo-Ks Cty 1978 J Hopkins 1981 Illinois 1973 Purdue 1981 93 78 80 73 84 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback White, Jason T. Asst 562-1764 jwhite 104 AGHM PHD 03 Mo-Ks Cty 1999 Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208-2600 (847) 491-5140 Department of Economics Weinberg Col Arts & Sci Fax=491-7001 Homepage: www.econ.northwestern.edu Linzer, Daniel Dean 491-3276 dlinzer PHD Porter, Robert H. C-Pr 491-3491 r-porter L PHD Alexis, Marcus Emer 467-1318 m-alexis R PHD Braeutigam, Ronald R. Prof 491-8243 braeutigam L PHD Christiano, Lawrence Prof 491-8231 l-christiano E PHD Coen, Robert M. Prof 491-8207 rcoen E PHD Dekel, Eddie Prof 491-4414 dekel C PHD Eichenbaum, Martin Prof 491-8232 eich E PHD Ely, Jeffrey C. Prof 491-8208 jeffely C PHD Ferrie, Joseph Prof 491-8210 j-ferrie N PHD Gordon, Robert J. Prof 491-3616 rjg E PHD Hendel, Igal Prof 491-8226 igal L PHD Horowitz, Joel Prof 491-8253 joel-horowitz C PHD Manski, Charles F. Prof 491-8223 cfmanski C PHD Matsuyama, Kiminori Prof 491-8490 k-matsuyama O PHD Matzkin, Rosa L. Prof 491-8220 matzkin C PHD Mokyr, Joel Prof 491-5693 j-mokyr N PHD Mortensen, Dale T. Prof 491-8230 d-mortensen J PHD Moses, Leon N. Emer 491-8209 leon1 D PHD Nevo, Aviv Prof 491-8212 nevo L PHD Panzar, John C. Prof 491-8242 jpanzar L PHD Reiter, Stanley Prof 491-3527 s-reiter C PHD Rogerson, William P. Prof 491-8484 wrogerson L PHD Taber, Christopher Prof 491-8229 ctaber J PHD Tamer, Elie Prof 491-8218 tamer C PHD Weisbrod, Burton A. Prof 467-1235 b-weisbrod H PHD Whinston, Michael D. Prof 491-8260 mwhinston L PHD Wolinsky, Asher Prof 491-4415 a-wolinsky C PHD Siniscalchi, Marciano Assoc 491-5398 marciano C PHD Bernal, Raquel Asst 491-8219 rbernal J PHD Buera, Francisco Asst 491-8233 f-buera O PHD Hu, Luojia Asst 491-8224 luojiahu J PHD Monge, Alexander Asst 491-8221 a-monge E PHD Moriguchi, Chiaki Asst 491-8237 chiaki N PHD Nagypal, Eva Asst 491-8234 nagypal E PHD Olszewski, Wojciech Asst 491-8482 wo C PHD Pavan, Alejandro Asst 491-8266 alepavon C PHD Primiceri, Giorgio Asst 491-5395 g-grimiceri E PHD Sweeting, Andrew Asst 491-2929 asweeting L PHD Wiederholt, Mirko Asst 491-8213 E PHD Kiesling, L. Lynne SLect 491-8250 lkiesling Q PHD Lieb, Hilarie SLect 491-8222 hilarie J PHD Schulz, Eric SLect 491-8204 eschulz E PHD Witte, Mark SLect 491-8481 mwitte E PHD Zelder, Martin R. SLect 491-4416 m-zelder I PHD Habermalz, Steffen Lect 491-8240 s-habermalz J PHD Kamal, Lillian Lect 491-5394 l-kamal O PHD Ozcan, Rasim Lect 491-4757 ozcanr L PHD Savage, Ian P. SLect 491-8241 ipsavage L PHD Assistant Chairperson northwestern.edu Margene Lehman Northwestern State U of LA Natchitoches, LA 71497 (318) 357-5161 Economics Faculty College of Business Fax=357-5990 Elliott, R. Stephen Dean 357-5161 elliott GM PHD Kilpatrick Life Insurance Endowed Professor of Insurance Jones, Robert C. III Assoc 357-4581 jonesrc PHD Lee, Bun Song Assoc 357-5324 leeb FO PHD Northwood University Midland, MI Economics Faculty Business Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Chen, Catherine W. Dean 837-4371 Matcheck, Dale C. C-As 837-4256 Amin, R. John Prof 837-4431 Haywood, Dale M. Prof 837-4291 Luptowski, Thomas S. Prof 837-4263 Norwich University Prog of Economics & Finance 81 59 76 82 67 86 81 96 92 67 94 67 73 87 86 74 67 52 97 75 55 81 95 99 58 84 80 98 03 04 97 99 98 01 98 01 04 04 03 93 01 94 97 89 02 05 05 84 nsula.edu Beth Carter 83 La Tech 8-78 91 UCLA 73 So Meth 48640-2398 (989) 837-4256 Fax=837-4110 matchek_d haywood Lit PHD Q PHD BDFM PHD PHD BS Northfield, VT 05663 (802) 485-2210 Div of Business & Mgt Fax=485-2087 Princeton 2002 Princeton 1987 Minnesota 1985 Stanford 1975 Columbia 1992 Nrthwstrn 1971 Harvard 1993 Minnesota 1988 Berkeley 2004 Chicago 1991 MIT 1973 Harvard 2004 Cornell 2001 MIT 1997 Harvard 1987 Minnesota 1992 Yale 1974 Car Mellon 1965 Harvard 1959 Harvard 2004 Stanford 1983 Chicago 1967 Cal Tech 1986 Chicago 1995 Nrthwstrn 2005 Nrthwstrn 1990 MIT 1996 Stanford 1988 Stanford 2002 NYU 2003 Chicago 2004 Princeton 2000 Chicago 1999 Stanford 2001 Stanford 2003 Princeton 2001 MIT 2001 Princeton 2004 MIT 2004 European 2006 Nrthwstrn 2000 Nrthwstrn 2001 Nrthwstrn 2000 Nrthwstrn 1997 Chicago 2005 Wi-Milwa 2006 W Virginia 2004 Boston C 2005 Leeds 1986 1994 2004 northwood.edu 75 93 78 80 Minnesota 1974 Cornell 1995 Cincinnati 9-86 North Tx norwich.edu Sandra Kingsley 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mohaghegh, Mehdi E. Hurd, John II D-Pr Prof University of Notre Dame Dept of Finance Woo, Carolyn Y. Cosimano, Thomas Keating, Barry P. Sheehan, Richard G. Bergstrand, Jeffrey Zambrano, Eduardo Notre Dame, IN 46556-0399 (574) 631-6370 College of Business Fax=631-5544 Dean 631-7236 carolyn.y.woo.5 Mgt PHD Prof 631-5178 thomas.f.cos+.1 EF PHD Prof 631-9127 barry.p.kea+.1 R PHD Prof 631-5212 richard.g.s+.1 R PHD Assoc 631-6761 jeffrey.h.b+.1 EF PHD Asst 631-4597 eduardo.zam+.1 D PHD nd.edu Marlele Wasikowski 79 Purdue 1997 79 SUNY-Buf 1987 74 Notre Dm 1978 78 Boston C 1987 81 Wisconsin 1986 99 Cornell 1999 University of Notre Dame Dept of Econ & Econometrics Roche, Mark W. Jensen, Richard A. Mark, Nelson C. Waller, Christopher J. Lee, Byung Rath, Kali P. Buckles, Kasey Hungerman, Daniel Sullivan, James Wozniak, Abigail Notre Dame, IN 46556-0783 (574) 631-7698 Col of Arts & Letters Fax=631-4683 Dean 631-6642 mark.roche Lit PHD C-Pr 631-9382 rjensen DL PHD Prof 631-0518 nelson.mark CF PHD Prof 631-4963 cwaller E PHD Assoc 631-6837 byungjoo.lee CD PHD Assoc 631-6954 kali.p.rath CD PHD Asst 631-6210 kbuckles IJT PHD Asst 631-4495 dhungerm HI PHD Asst 631-7587 james.x.sullivan HJ PHD Asst 631-6208 awaggone IJR PHD nd.edu Ms. Juli Tate Princeton Nrthwstrn 2000 Chicago 2003 Wash St 2003 Wisconsin 1996 J Hopkins 1990 Boston U 2005 Duke 2005 Nrthwstrn 2002 Harvard 2005 Oakland University Department of Economics Silberman, Jonathan I. Coppin, Addington M. Folland, Sherman T. Izraeli, Oded Murphy, Kevin J. Sahu, Anandi P. Stano, Miron Mukherji, Nivedita Tracy, Ronald L. Associate Dean Hasanov, Fuad Orzach, Ram Tomlin, KaSaundra Zhu, Xie Rochester, MI 48309-4401 (248) 370-3541 oakland.edu School of Business Adm Fax=370-4275 Sally Galloway 370-3283 Dean 370-3286 silberma PHD 73 Fla St 2006 C-Pr 370-3541 coppin FO PHD 87 Illinois 1989 Prof 370-4086 folland IB PHD 74 Iowa 1986 Prof 370-3524 izraeli RHA PHD 73 Chicago 1978 Prof 370-3294 murphy JC PHD 81 Mich St 1985 Prof 370-3537 sahu EG PHD 85 Wash U 1985 Prof 370-3286 stano IL PHD 71 Cornell 1977 Assoc 370-4087 mukherji EF PHD 92 Va Tech 1992 Assoc 370-3514 tracy CE PHD 75 Mich St 1983 Oberlin College Department of Economics Fernandez, Luis Cleeton, David L. Craig, Barbara Kasper, Hirshel Kuttner, Ken Piron, Robert Zinser, James E. Carton, Joel Gaudin, Sylvestre Pape, Andreas Oberlin, OH 44074-1095 (216) 775-8483 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=775-6978 C-Pr 775-8483 luis.fernandez CDGL PHD Prof 775-8449 david.cleeton DGIM PHD Prof 775-8766 barbara.craig CFQ PHD Prof 775-8489 hirshel.kasper DJ PHD Prof 775-8592 ken.kuttner E PHD Prof 775-8485 robert.piron BD PHD Prof 775-8484 james.zinser KLO PHD VAsst 775-8927 joel.carton EFC PHD Asst 775-6716 sylvestre.gaudin HQ PHD VInst 775-8690 andreas.pape D ABD Asst Asst Asst Asst 485-2224 485-2217 370-4283 370-4965 370-4975 370-2505 G N hasanov orzach tomlin zhu ER CDK FL HQ PHD PHD 105 PHD PHD PHD PHD Occidental College Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314 (323) 259-2775 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=259-2704 Studenmund, A. H. C-Pr 259-2776 woody C PHD Richard W. Millar Professor of Economics & Director of Institutional Planning Moore, Robert L. Prof 259-2779 moore J PHD Elbridge Amos Stuart Professor Whitney, James D. Prof 259-2750 whitney F PHD Secondi, Giorgio Assoc 259-2582 gsecondi O PHD Ashenmiller, Bevin Asst 259-2905 bevin PHD Chiou, Lesley Asst 259-2875 lchiou PHD McIntyre, Jerry Asst 259-2950 mcintyre PHD Slavov, Sita N. Asst 259-1461 snataraj PHD Oglethorpe University Atlanta, GA 30319 (404) Department of Economics Div Economics & Bus Adm Fax=364-8500 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Hetherington, Bruce W. C-Pr 364-8348 bhetherington NE 86 Clark 69 Penn 84 80 83 85 88 92 05 05 02 05 1986 1978 05 96 98 05 Tx-Austin Tel Aviv Oregon Tulane 2004 2005 2003 2005 83 80 88 63 89 66 67 99 99 oberlin.edu Terri D. Pleska Berkeley 1980 Wash U 1980 Minnesota 1989 Minnesota 1963 Harvard 2004 Nrthwstrn 1961 Oregon 1967 Oregon 2006 Rice 2001 Michigan 2006 oxy.edu Nancy Grubb 70 Cornell 1970 77 Harvard 1978 83 Wisconsin 1982 96 Michigan 1998 Ca-SnBarb 05 MIT Ca-SnCruz Stanford oglethorpe.edu PHD 82 Va Tech 1980 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Shropshire, William O. Callaway Professor of Economics Tucker, Dean Rikard Chaired Professor Copeland, Cassandra C. Kower, Peter J. 106 Emer 364-8347 wshropshire EO PHD 63 Duke 1979 Prof 364-8352 dtucker HMQ PHD 79 Mich St 1-88 Asst Asst 364-8464 ccopeland 364-8347 pkower DFL END PHD PHD Auburn 02 Ohio St 2000 2002 Ohio University Athens, OH 45701-2979 (740) 593-2040 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=593-0181 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Ogles, Benjamin M. Dean$ 593-2850 ogles Boyd, Roy G. C-Pr 593-2050 boydr1 QH PHD Adie, Douglas K. Prof 260-2033 adie BGM PHD Doroodian, Khosrow Prof 593-2046 doroodia QAF PHD Ghazalah, Ismail A. Prof 593-2034 ghazalah DFHI PHD Jung, Chulho Prof 593-2041 jung CDFQ PHD Rossiter, Rosemary D. Prof 593-2043 rossiter PHD Caporale, Tony Assoc 593-2051 caporale PHD Winter, Harold M. Assoc 593-2048 winter KL PHD Ariaster, Chimeli Asst 593-9849 PHD Caporale, Barbara Asst 593-2049 mckierna EGN PHD Kyongwook, Choi Asst 593-2051 PHD Lacombe, Donald J. Asst 593-2040 lacombe PHD Paxton, Julia Asst 593-2042 paxton PHD Shambora, William E. Asst 593-1845 shambora PHD Shamila, Jayasuriya Asst 593-2094 PHD Ohio Northern University Ada, OH 45810 (419) 772-2082 Department of Economics Col of Business Admin Fax=772-1932 Fenton, James W. Jr. Dean 772-2070 j-fenton Mgt Goldberg, Roger H. Prof 772-2076 r-goldberg Associate Vice President Academic Affairs Meininger, Richard P. Prof 772-2083 r-meininger Associate Dean Alnajji, Aras Assoc 772-2080 a-alnajji Banfe, Peter Assoc 772-2084 p-banfe Matsuda, Kazuhisa Asst 772-3929 k-matsuda ohio.edu 81 68 81 69 89 80 92 90 01 94 02 00 96 00 03 Duke 1984 Chicago 1968 Oregon 1982 Berkeley 1969 Michigan 1989 Wi-Milwa 1983 GeoMason 1992 Rochester 1992 Illinois 2003 GeoMason 1994 U Wash 2002 Fla St 2001 Ohio St 2000 Kentucky 9-00 Geotown 2003 onu.edu Diane Thede 772-2082 PHD 81 Iowa 2005 PHD 81 Indiana 1969 PHD 87 Ohio U PHD PHD PHD 95 Oklahoma 2001 99 Geo Wash 1997 06 NYU 2006 Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210-1172 (614) 292-6701 Department of Economics Col of Social & Beh Sci Fax= Homepage: www.econ.ohio-state.edu Hashimoto, Masanori C-Pr 292-4196 hashimoto.1 J PHD Cosslett, Stephen R. Prof 292-4106 cosslett.1 PHD Dunn, Lucia Prof 292-8071 dunn.4 J PHD Evans, Paul D. Prof 292-0072 evans.21 E PHD Fleisher, Belton M. Prof 292-6429 fleisher.1 J PHD Gonzalez-Vega, Claudio Prof 292-0387 gonzalez.4 O PHD Haurin, Donald R. Prof 292-6809 haurin.2 R PHD Kagel, John H. Prof 292-4812 kagel.r L PHD University Chaired Professor Lee, Lung-fei Prof 292-5508 lee.1777 C PHD University Chaired Professor Levin, Dan Prof 688-4239 levin.36 MI PHD Marvel, Howard P. Prof 422-1020 marvel.2 L PHD Honors Director McCafferty, Stephen A. Prof 292-7122 mccafferty.1 EF PHD McCulloch, J. Huston Prof 292-0382 mcculloch.2 E PHD Miyazaki, Hajime Prof 292-7939 miyazaki.1 LJ PHD Director of Graduate Studies Ogaki, Masao Prof 292-5842 ogaki.1 E PHD Olsen, Randall J. Prof 442-7348 olsen.6 J PHD Director Center for Human Resource Research Peck, James D. Prof 292-0182 peck.33 D PHD Reagan, Patricia B. Prof 292-0192 reagan.3 LJ PHD Schmeidler, David Prof 292-1148 schmeidler.1 PHD Steckel, Richard H. Prof 422-5008 steckel.1 N PHD Director of Undergraduate Studies Aly, Hassan Assoc 292-9133 aly.1 PHD Baack, Bennett D. Assoc 292-2489 baack.1 N PHD de Jong, Robert Assoc 292-2051 dejong.1 E PHD Dupor, William Assoc 292-5642 dupor.1 C PHD Fisher, Eric O. Assoc 292-2009 fisher.244 F PHD Lam, Pok-sang Assoc 292-6567 lam.1 E PHD Light, Audrey Assoc 292-0493 light.20 J PHD Morelli, Massimo Assoc 292-5599 morelli.10 D PHD osu.edu 71 79 74 76 61 76 78 70 1973 Columbia Berkeley Berkeley Chicago Stanford Stanford Chicago Purdue 1987 1987 1987 1987 1965 1975 1999 77 Rochester 1999 82 MIT 75 Chicago 1995 1973 77 Brown 73 Chicago 77 Berkeley 1982 1979 1984 88 Chicago 77 Chicago 1994 1982 85 80 69 77 Penn MIT Hebrew Chicago 1992 1989 1987 1977 86 72 93 97 85 86 87 96 S Illinois U Wash Amsterdm Chicago Berkeley Harvard UCLA Harvard 1989 1988 2003 2003 1993 1985 1995 2000 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mumy, Gene E. Assoc 292-0376 Associate Dean of Social & Behavioral Sciences Sharma, V. V. Assoc 292-9108 Weinberg, Bruce Assoc 292-5642 Healy, Paul Asst 292-8876 Hu, Ling Asst 292-4198 Kaboski, Joseph Asst 292-5588 Lewis, Matt Asst 292-0480 Logan, Trevon Asst 292-0413 Moh, Young-Kyu VAsst 292-6766 visiting from Tulane Ye, Lixin Asst 292-6883 Bellner, Bruce SLect 292-3790 Cooper, Molly SLect 292-3790 Elardo, Justin SLect 292-0413 Heubeck, Steve SLect 292-8863 Mirzaie, Ida SLect 292-0413 Gill, Leroy Lect 292-8863 McCulloch, Laurence Lect 292-8863 Osman, Alan Lect 292-2670 Parsons, Deborah Lect 292-8863 Rose, Susan Lect 292-8863 Ohio Wesleyan University Economics Faculty MacLeod, Barbara Gharrity, Norman J. teaching 2 units per year Gitter, Robert J. Simon, Alice E. Rahman, Saif Yazar, Julide Skosples, Goran mumy.1 D 107 PHD 74 J Hopkins 1978 68 96 04 02 01 04 03 Ohio St 1970 1996 1-07 2002 2001 2005 2006 2006 2001 2005 2005 2005 2004 2006 sharma.3 weinberg.27 phealy hu.156 kaboski.j lewis.1015 trevon mdr.2 C EF C A L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ye.45 bellner.1 cooper.338 elardo.1 heubeck.1 mirzaie CD A A N A A PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 07 05 03 04 99 mcculloch.1 osman.1 parsons.5 rose.306 A A A L PHD 06 Ohio St J Illinois Chicago Cal Tech Harvard Chicago Berkeley Stanford Heriot-Wat Ohio St Utah Ohio St Wisconsin 2006 Delaware, OH 43015-2370 (740) 368-3535 Department of Economics Fax=368-3551 C-Ac 368-3547 bamacleo Atg MBA Emer 368-3543 njgharri F PHD owu.edu Patti Krebehenne 86 Nrthwstrn 1999 66 J Hopkins 1962 Prof Prof Asst Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 Wisconsin 1976 84 Ohio St 1985 98 N Carol 2000 Ohio St 1999 University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019-2103 (405) 325-2861 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=325-5842 Homepage: ou.edu/cas/econ Holmes, Alexander B. C-Pr 325-2861 RD PHD Grier, Kevin B. Prof 325-3748 angus E PHD Hartigan, James C. Prof 325-5501 hartigan FL PHD Kondonassis, Alexander J. Prof 325-5234 tkinsey NO PHD David Ross Boyd Professor of Economics Clark, William M. Assoc 325-6310 wclark O PHD Grier, Robin Assoc 325-0581 rgrier O PHD Ju, Jiandong Assoc 325-5692 jdju D PHD Kosmopoulou, Georgia Assoc 325-3083 georgiak D PHD Rogers, Cynthia Assoc 325-5866 crogers JR PHD Burge, Gregory Asst 325-2358 gburge PHD Demir, Firat Asst 325-5844 fdemir PHD Keen, Benjamin D. Asst 325-5900 ben.keen PHD Lamarche, Carlos Asst 325-5857 lamarche PHD Liu, Qihong Asst 325-5846 qliu PHD ou.edu Tami Kinsey 368-3536 368-3540 368-3549 368-3538 368-3093 rjgitter aesimon msrahman jjyazar ggskospl J E FO CL CP Oklahoma Baptist University Shawnee, OK 74804-2590 (405) 878-3254 Economics Faculty Dickinson Sch Business Fax=878-3276 phone 878-3254 Rudebock, Richard Dean 878-3283 rich.rudebock Mgt EDD Walker, G. Craig Assoc Ext 3272 craig.walker AHI PHD Wheeler Associate Professor of Economics Oklahoma Christian Univ Economics Faculty Lewis, Phillip V. Miller, Ken Cook, Jana 74 84 79 61 SUNY-Bin Wash U 1999 Duke 1988 Indiana 1979 81 95 95 96 94 05 05 02 06 02 Virginia 1977 GeoMason 1999 Penn St 1995 Illinois 1997 Pittsburgh 1997 Fla St 2006 Notre Dm 2006 Virginia 2005 Illinois 2006 SUNY-SBr 2005 okbu.edu Okla St 96 So Meth 8-00 Oklahoma Cy OK 73136-1100 (405) 425-5560 College of Business Fax=425-5574 Dean 425-5561 Mgt EDD C 425-5569 ken.miller ABD Asst 425-5582 jana.cook PHD oc.edu Wanda Neel 70 Houston 7-99 Oklahoma Okla St Oklahoma City University Oklahoma City OK 73106-1493 (405) 521-5357 Economics Faculty Meinders Sch Business Fax=521-5098 Homepage: www.okcu.edu/economics Ward, Bart H. Dean 521-5276 bward Atg PHD Willner, Jonathan C-Ac 521-5133 jwillner FO PHD Alli, Ali M. Prof 521-5132 aalli CIP PHD Moini, Mostafa Prof 521-5357 mmoini DEKM PHD okcu.edu Ms. Jean Kobs 73 94 68 70 Nrthwstrn Purdue Okla St Oklahoma 1-00 1995 1985 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback May, David Shandiz, Mohmood Associate Dean Assoc 521-5817 dlmay Assoc 521-5130 mshandiz QC PHD PHD Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-4011 (405) 744-5195 Dept Econ & Legal Sds in Bus Spears Sch of Business Fax=744-5180 Homepage: //spears.okstate.edu/ecls Freedman, Sara M. Dean 744-5075 sara.freedman Mgt PHD Moomaw, Ronald L. H-Pr 744-5196 rmoomaw R PHD The Associates Chair Adkins, Lee C. Prof 744-8637 ladkins C PHD Amos, Orley M. Jr. Prof 744-8657 amos R PHD Applegate, Michael J. Prof 744-8656 mja1701 O PHD Currier, Kevin M. Prof 744-8658 kmcur C PHD Fain, James R. Prof 744-8651 jrfain J PHD Jadlow, Joseph M. Jr. Prof 744-5195 jad1942 L PHD Lage, Gerald M. Prof 744-5064 glage FD PHD Olson, Kent W. Prof 744-8655 kolson HI PHD Rickman, Dan S. Prof 744-1434 rdan RC PHD OG+E Chair in Regional Economic Analysis Savvides, Andreas Prof 744-5110 asavvid FO PHD Willett, Keith D. Prof 744-5195 kwillet Q PHD Gade, Mary N. Assoc 744-8652 mgade HD PHD Price, Edward O. III Assoc 744-7669 edprice B PHD Kim, Jaebeom Asst 744-7359 jb.kim E PHD Munasib, Abdul Asst 744-8763 munasib R PHD 108 96 Fla St 81 Okla St 1996 1985 okstate.edu Ruby Ladd 76 N Carol 2006 76 Princeton 1972 88 79 73 85 86 70 67 69 87 LSU Iowa St Iowa St SUNY-Alb Purdue Virginia Minnesota Oregon Wyoming 1988 1979 1974 1984 1986 1968 1966 1974 1996 83 82 86 80 00 05 Florida New Mex Mich St Tx A&M Ohio St Ohio St 1985 9-81 1986 1979 2005 2006 Old Dominion University Department of Economics Colburn, Christopher B. Agarwal, Vinod Koch, James V. Board of Visitors Professor Talley, Wayne K. Eminent Professor Yochum, Gilbert R. University Professor Anderson, Eric E. Filer, Larry Selover, David D. Turner, Charlie G. Demiralp, Berna Zhou, Haiwen Carter, Melanie Hofler, Martha Director, CEE Norfolk, VA 23529-0221 (757) 683-3567 Col of Bus & Pub Admin Fax=683-5639 C-Ac 683-4341 ccolburn RH PHD Prof 683-3526 vagarwal CO PHD Prof 683-3458 jkoch RDL PHD odu.edu Vicky Curtis 88 Tx A&M 1987 77 Ca-SnBarb 1981 68 Nrthwstrn 1990 Prof 683-3534 wtalley JL PHD 72 Kentucky 1972 Prof 683-3535 gyochum ER PHD 74 W Virginia 1975 Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Inst Inst 683-3513 683-3574 683-3541 683-3512 683-3400 683-5785 683-3548 683-3543 QC MF FC DF DJC CFL G F PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA MA 84 99 91 81 05 02 Olivet College Economics Faculty Breed, Carol Ann Homer, John S. Olivet, MI 49076 (269) 749-7650 Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=749-6605 CoChr 749-7664 cbreed JD Prof 749-7662 jhomer PHD Olivet Nazarene University Economics Faculty Homepage: business.olivet.edu Rewerts, Glen Koch, Paul R. Bourbonnnais, IL 60914-2271 (815) 939-5133 Business Department Fax=928-5454 C-Pr Prof eanderso lfiler dselover cgturner bdemiral hzhou mcarter mhofler 939-5133 grewerts 939-5100 pkoch K JD AFHP EDD U Wash Kentucky Ca-SnDgo Harvard J Hopkins Maryland Old Dom Old Dom 1984 1999 1999 1984 2005 2005 1997 olivetcollege.edu 91 Hawaii 1979 olivet.edu Janet Keiser 87 S Illinois 94 Illin St 1993 1992 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1285 (541) 346-1260 uoregon.edu Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=346-1243 Linda M. Steller 346-1263 Homepage: //economics.uoregon.edu/ Singell, Larry D. Jr. C-Pr 346-4672 lsingell CJH PHD 88 Ca-SnBarb 1988 Blonigen, Bruce A. Prof 346-4680 bruceb FL PHD 95 Ca-Davis 1995 Cameron, Trudy A. Prof 346-6027 cameron COQ PHD 82 Princeton 2001 Raymond F. Mikesell Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics Ellis, Christopher J. Prof 346-4657 cjellis EH PHD 83 Warwick 1983 Evans, George Prof 346-6027 gevans CE PHD 80 Berkeley 1994 John B. Hamacher Professor of Economics Gray, Jo Anna Prof 346-4667 jgray E PHD 76 Chicago 1989 Haynes, Stephen E. Prof 346-4665 shaynes FE PHD 76 Ca-SnBarb 1978 Kolpin, Van W. Prof 346-3011 vkolpin CDL PHD 86 Iowa 1986 Stone, Joe A. Prof 346-4663 jstone JFE PHD 77 Mich St 1970 W. E. Miner Professor of Economics 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Wilson, Wesley W. Chakraborty, Shankha Harbaugh, William T. Van den Nouweland, Anne Davies, Ronald B. McKnight, Robin L. Piger, Jeremy Waddell, Glen Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 346-4690 346-4678 346-1244 346-1267 346-4671 346-1351 346-6075 346-1259 wwilson shankhac harbaugh annev rdavies robinm jpiger wadell CDL EO HQ CLD FL HIJ CE GJL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-3612 (541) 737-2321 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=737-5917 Homepage: oregonstate.edu/dept/econ Schaffer, Kay Dean 737-4582 kay.schaffer PHD Martins-Filho, Carlos C-Pr 737-1476 carlos.martins CDL PHD Fare, Rolf Prof 737-8184 rolf.fare CD DOC Grosskopf, Shawna Prof 737-8185 shawna.grosskopf CHJ PHD Kerkvliet, Joe R. Prof 737-1482 joe.kerkvliet LCQ PHD Ray, Edward J. Prof 737-4133 pres.office FB PHD President, Oregon State University Tremblay, Victor J. Prof 737-1471 v.tremblay DLC PHD Tremblay, Carol Assoc 737-1468 ctremblay CJI PHD Emerson, Patrick Asst 737-1479 patrick.emerson FO PHD McGough, Bruce Asst 737-1429 bruce.mcgough CE PHD Mishra, Santosh Asst 737-1475 santosh.mishra CEG PHD Stivers, Andrew Asst 737-8744 andrew.stivers DL PHD Tekin-Koru, Ayca Asst 737-9825 a.tekin-koru FL PHD Otterbein College Westerville, OH 43081 (614) 823-1310 Economics Faculty Dept Bus, Atg & Econ Fax=898-1014 Homepage: ocfrontpage.otterbein.edu/businessdept/home.htm Smith, Charles G. C-Pr 823-1892 csmith Mgt Aristotelous, Kyriacos Assoc 823-1611 karistotelous EFO Prindle, Allen M. Assoc 823-1481 amprindle DQ Song, Dahon Visit dsong DEG Pace University Economics Department Roberts, Michael Bynoe, Ann Colman, Gregory Roff, Jennifer Shostya, Anna Weinstock, Mark 86 99 95 93 99 02 00 00 Wash St UCLA Wisconsin Tilburg Penn St MIT U Wash Purdue 1989 1999 1995 1996 1999 2003 2006 2001 oregonstate.edu Lisa Duke 72 92 76 77 86 71 Ohio St Tennessee Lund Syracuse Wyoming Stanford 9-94 9-92 9-98 9-98 9-88 6-06 83 84 00 00 04 01 01 Wash St Wash St Cornell Oregon Ca-Rivers Tx-Austin Purdue 9-90 9-92 9-06 9-00 9-06 9-01 9-03 otterbein.edu Ms. Donna bowers PHD PHD PHD PHD New York, NY 10038-1502 (212) 346-1469 Dyson Col of Arts & Sci Fax=346-1467 Dean 346-1517 mrobets Biol PHD C-Ac 346-1709 abynoe PHD Asst 346-1102 gcolman PHD Asst Lect 346-1468 edandan@a MA Lect 346-1468 marklw1@a MA University of the Pacific Stockton, CA 95211 (209) 946-2258 Department of Economics College of the Pacific Fax=946-2577 Homepage: www.ucp.edu/college/economics/index.htm Cox, Robert Dean 946-2141 rcox Engl Meyer, Peter J. C-Ac 946-2906 pmeyer BJL Brown, David G. VProf email: [email protected] Flynn, Dennis O. Prof 946-2913 doflynn DNO Herrin, William E. Prof 946-2258 bherrin RC Dennis, Benjamin Assoc 946-2258 bdennis EO Keefe, David E. Assoc 946-2257 dkeefe FT Ordovensky Staniek, Farley Assoc 946-2910 jfarley HJ Warner, Lori Assoc 946-2907 lwarner ENQ Christiadi, C. VAsst cchristiadi Kimball, Amanda L. VAsst King, Sharmila Asst 946-2293 sking EF 109 89 Ohio St 93 Ohio St 77 Penn St Temple 2000 1993 1988 2006 pace.edu Heather Martin 1999 79 NYU 1997 01 CUNY 2001 98 CUNY CUNY 1999 2000 pacific.edu Suzanne B. Westphal PHD PHD PHD 79 Berkeley 1985 61 Princeton 2006 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 85 96 80 92 86 05 PHD 01 Ca-Davis 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Department of Economics Peterson, Norris A. Travis, Karen M. Hunnicutt, Lynn Reiman, Mark A. St. Clair, Priscilla A. Damar, Erren Nganga, Peter Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 (253) 535-7595 Div of Social Sciences Fax=535-8305 Dean 535-7645 petersna J PHD C-Ac 535-7684 traviskm I PHD Assoc 535-7644 hunnicutt DLM PHD Assoc 535-8875 reimanma FPQ PHD Assoc 535-7662 stclaipa PHD Asst 535-7144 edamar E PHD Asst 538-6128 ngangapk E PHD plu.edu Ms. Brenda Murray 81 Minnesota 1981 95 U Wash 1998 97 Tx-Austin 2003 88 U Wash 1988 96 U Wash 2001 05 U Wash 2005 05 S Illinois 2006 Pacific Union College Angwin, CA 94508-9797 (707) 965-6238 Utah SUNY-Bin Harvard Berkeley Duke Utah W Virginia 1979 1985 1996 1978 1993 1987 2006 puc.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Economics Faculty Voth, Richard T. Hardcastle, Rodney Neergaard, Keith Taylor, Lary Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=965-6237 C-Pr 965-6525 rvoth Mgt Prof 965-6530 rhardcastle M Prof 965-6523 kneergaa D Assoc 965-6238 ltaylor EM PHD MBA PHD MBA University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297 (215) 898-7701 Department of Economics Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=573-2057 Did Not Respond Again--Information taken from website Stevens, Rosemary Dean 898-2327 Behrman, Jere R. Prof 898-7704 jbehrman OJL PHD William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Economics Burdett, Kenneth Prof 898-6774 kennethb PHD Cass, David Prof 898-5735 dcass DCG PHD Paul F. & E. Warren Shafer Miller Professor of Economics Cole, Harold L. Prof 898-7788 colehl PHD Diebold, Francis X. Prof 898-1507 PHD email: [email protected] Ethier, Wilfred J. Prof 898-5105 ethier F PHD Levine, Herbert S. Prof 898-7706 hlevine P PHD Mariano, Roberto S. Prof 898-6771 mariano PHD Matthews, Steven A. Prof 898-7749 stevenma PHD Merlo, Antonio M. Prof 898-7933 merloa PHD Postlewaite, Andrew W. Prof 898-7350 apostlew DH PHD Pacific Term Professor in the Social Studies Rob, Rafael Prof 898-6775 rrob PHD Sandroni, Alvaro Prof 573-1424 sandroni PHD Wolpin, Kenneth I. Prof 898-7708 wolpink PHD Wright, Randall Prof 898-7194 rwright JE PHD Krueger, Dirk Assoc 898-6691 dkrueger PHD Kubler, Felix Assoc 898-1511 kubler PHD Schorfheide, Frank Assoc 898-8486 schorf PHD DePaula, Aureo Asst 898-1506 aureo PHD Eeckhout, Jan Asst 898-2648 PHD email: [email protected] Kirher, Philipp Asst 898-6777 kircher PHD Krasnokutskaya, Elena Asst 898-7408 ekrasnok PHD Manovksii, Iouri Asst 898-6880 manovski PHD Menzio, Guido Asst 898-5170 gmenzio PHD Nocke, Volker Asst 898-7409 nocke PHD Persico, Nicola Asst 898-7711 persico PHD Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor Asst 898-7767 vr0j O PHD Simon Kuznets Term Assistant Professor of Econonics Song, Kyungchul Asst 898-8206 skyong PHD Todd, Petra Asst 898-4084 ptodd PHD Yeaple, Stephen R. Asst 898-1875 snyeapl2 PHD Penn State University Department of Economics Marshall, Robert C. Bierens, Herman Chatterjee, Kalyan Coulson, N. Edward Green, Edward Ickes, Barry W. Jordan, James S. Krishna, Kala Krishna, Vijay Lombra, Raymond E. Riew, John Roberts, Bee-Yan Roberts, Mark J. Rodriguez-Clare, Andres Shapiro, David Tybout, James R. Vuong, Quang Wallace, Neil Laing, Derek Li, Jenny Perrigne, Isabelle Pinkse, Coenraad Zhou, Rvilin Bade, Sophie Galenianos, Manolis Jun, Sung Jae Pycia, Marek 110 73 89 94 76 Ariz St Golden Gt Ca-Irvine Maryland 1968 1989 1988 1978 econ.sas.upenn.edu 66 MIT 1965 44 65 Stanford 1974 86 Rochester 86 Penn 1989 70 61 70 78 92 74 Rochester Harvard Stanford Cal Tech NYU Nrthwstrn 1969 1960 1971 1997 81 96 74 86 99 99 98 06 98 UCLA 1984 Penn CUNY 1995 Minnesota 1987 Minnesota Yale Yale Princeton LondonSE 06 03 02 05 99 96 90 Bonn Yale W Ontario Nrthwstrn LondonSE Nrthwstrn 1997 Minnesota 1990 9-80 05 Yale 96 Chicago 1996 02 Wisconsin Univ Park, PA 16802-3306 (814) 865-1456 psu.edu College of Liberal Arts Fax=863-4775 Tammy Accordino/Naomi McNulty H-Pr 865-1456 rcm10 PHD 83 Ca-SnDgo 1995 Prof 865-4921 hbierens PHD 80 Amsterdm 1996 Prof 865-6050 kchatterjee D PHD 79 Harvard 1998 Prof 863-0625 fyj R PHD 83 Ca-SnDgo 1984 Prof 865-0277 eug2 PHD 77 Car Mellon 2003 Prof 863-2652 bwickes P PHD 84 Berkeley 1983 Prof 865-2201 jxj13 E PHD 75 Nrthwstrn 1998 Prof 865-1106 kmk4 F PHD 84 Princeton 1993 Prof 863-8543 vxk5 D PHD 83 Princeton 1993 Prof 865-5452 rl3 E PHD 71 Penn St 1969 Emer 865-7072 jreiw H PHD 60 Wisconsin 1963 Prof 863-1996 byr O PHD 80 Wisconsin 1981 Prof 863-1535 m7r D PHD 80 Wisconsin 1980 Prof 863-1295 aur PHD 93 Stanford Prof 863-1533 dshapiro J PHD 72 Princeton 1980 Prof 865-4259 jxt32 DOCF PHD 80 Wisconsin Prof 863-2158 Qvuong PHD 82 Nrthwstrn 2003 Prof 863-3805 neilw E PHD 64 Chicago 1997 Assoc 863-2656 dxl8 E PHD 89 Essex 1989 Assoc 865-5452 li@math C PHD 93 Cornell 1997 Assoc 863-2157 perrigne PHD 91 Toulouse 2003 Assoc 863-0508 joris PHD 92 LondonSE 2002 Assoc 865-0277 rxz9 PHD 93 Pittsburgh 2003 Asst 865-8871 sub18 PHD 04 NYU Asst 865-0010 eug10 PHD 06 Penn Asst 865-6149 suj14 PHD 06 Brown Asst 863-2656 mup12 PHD 06 MIT 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Penn State Univ - Erie Erie, PA Black School of Business Behrend College Homepage: www.pserie.psu/academic/business Magenau, John M. III D-Ac 898-6173 Kurre, James A. C-Ac 898-6266 Fizel, John L. Prof 898-6323 Weller, Barry R. Emer 898-6326 Louie, Kenneth K. T. Assoc 898-6265 King, Kerry A. Asst 898-6096 Nesbit, Todd M. Asst 898-6326 Miseta, Edward M. Inst 898-6333 Penn State Univ-Harrisburg Finance/Economics Program Homepage: www.hbg.psu.edu Schappe, Stephen P. Tawatnuntachai, Oranee DeRooy, Jacob Bayraktar, Nihal Chung, Keunsuk Piedmont College Dept Man, Mkt and Econ phone: 778-8500 Piper, William E. Taylor, Edward C. Gardner, Mark L. Wolfe, Edward 16563-1400 (814) 898-6107 Fax=898-6223 owc k12 fzk brw obr kak38 tmn11 erm105 JM RA ALC ACE AFJ HA HA A PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA psu.edu 88 82 81 71 87 04 04 97 Middletown, PA 17057-4898 (717) 948-6141 School of Business Fax=948-6456 D-Ac C-Ac Assoc Asst Asst 948-6141 948-6160 948-6155 948-6172 948-6344 Pepperdine Univ-Malibu Malibu, CA Social Science Division Seaver College Homepage: //seaver.pepperdine.edu/socialscience/ Baird, W. David Dean 506-4280 Galles, Gary M. C-Pr 506-4250 Batchelder, Ronald W. Prof 506-4544 Sexton, Robert L. Prof 506-4345 Pfeiffer University Economics Faculty phone 463-1360 Poplin, Toby L. Jozsa, Frank P. Jr. 111 sxs28 oxt4 jxd5 hxb23 kuc15 Fnce LAM EOCA FOG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Hist AHLR DEFK ADNQ PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 99 69 02 05 tpoplin fjozsa MA PHD Oklahoma 88 UCLA 75 UCLA 80 Colorado Ext 1349 Ext 1304 Ext 1250 227-2138 bpiper etaylor mgardner ewolfe 1991 1999 1975 2003 2005 1988 1982 1984 1979 pfieffer.edu 68 Appalach 1976 77 Geo St 1991 Demorest, GA 30535 (706) Ext 1250 Walker Sch of Business Fax=778-0701 Dean C Prof Asst Ohio St N Orleans Rutgers Maryland U Wash pepperdine.edu Adam Foster Misenheimer, NC 28109-0960 (704) 463-1360 Business & Econ Dept Fax=463-1363 H-Ac Ext 2205 Assoc Ext 2213 1985 1977 1985 1971 1984 2005 2006 2004 psu.edu Becky Dolan 90263-4372 (310) 506-4372 Fax=506-7271 dbaird ggalles rbatch rsexton SUNY-Buf Wayne St Mich St Penn St Illinois W Virginia W Virginia Penn St piedmont.edu Ms. Joyce Webb PHD PHD PHD MA 93 Am London1997 98 Kentucky 1999 85 Geo St 1979 SUNY-SBr 2001 Pittsburg State University Pittsburg, KS 66762-7500 (620) 235-4547 Dept Econ, Finance & Banking Kelch Col of Business Fax=232-4572 Homepage: www.pittstate.edu/econ/dephom.html/ Hardin, J. Russell Dean 235-4591 jhardin Atg PHD Fischer, Charles C. C-Pr 235-4547 chuck BJ PHD Cortes, Bienvenido S. Prof 235-4551 bcortes F PHD Muoghalu, Michael L. Prof 235-4594 mmuoghal G DBA Smith, Kenneth L. Prof 235-4592 ksmith G PHD Bracker, Kevin Assoc 235-4550 kbracker G PHD Lal, Anil K. Assoc 235-4549 alal A PHD Shum, Connie Assoc 235-4568 cshum G DBA Freund, June Inst 235-4552 jfreund A EDS pittstate.edu Debbie M. S. Burns University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412) 648-1760 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=648-1793 Homepage: www.pitt.edu/~econdept/ Cooper, N. John Dean 624-6090 cooper@fas. DeJong, David C-Pr 648-2242 dejong E Berkowitz, Daniel Prof 648-7072 dmberk GH Blume, Andreas Prof 648-7088 ablume Cassing, James H. Prof 648-8746 jcassing F Duffy, John Prof 648-1733 jduffy E Giarratani, Frank Prof 648-7378 frankg R Gruver, Gene W. Prof 648-1731 gruver O Husted, Steven L. Prof 648-1757 husted1 F Ochs, Jack N. Prof 624-5711 jochs H Rawski, Thomas G. Prof 648-7062 tgrawski O 95 75 87 87 81 95 95 88 90 Miss 1997 Wash St 1974 Okla St La Tech Ca-Rivers Kansas Wash St La Tech Pitt St pitt.edu Georgia Spears DPHL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 89 88 87 75 92 75 72 80 66 72 Oxford Iowa Columbia Ca-SnDgo Iowa UCLA W Virginia Iowa St Mich St Indiana Harvard 1998 1989 1992 2000 1985 1992 1979 1970 1980 1968 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Richard, Jean Francois Beeson, Patricia E. Caner, Mehmet Kenkel, James L. Vesterlund, Lise Board, Oliver Feigenbaum, James Leon, Alexis Matros, Alexander Moekstra, Mark Namoro, Soiliou Ripoll, Marla Temzedides, Ted Yildiz, Nese Cassing, Shirley Maloy, James Wallace, Jane Wolfe, Katherine Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect Lect Lect Lect 648-1750 648-1754 648-1762 648-1767 648-1794 648-1748 383-8157 383-8152 383-8136 648-7071 648-7141 648-2243 648-2823 383-8166 648-1729 648-7117 648-1740 648-5148 fantin beeson caner kenkel vester ojboard jfeigen aleon alm75 markhoek snamoro ripoll tedt yildizn cassing maloy jwallace kwolfe O R C C H ADL E D F R PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA Plymouth, NH 03264-1600 (603) 535-2610 Department of Business Fax=535-2611 C-Pr dmoore PHD Prof 535-2414 trentb PHD Prof 535-2413 sjang E PHD Assoc 536-2205 lmichaelcouvilli I PHD Inst 535-2278 cbrickle D ABD Point Loma Nazarene Univ Economics Faculty Schooling, Bruce A. Adjibolosoo, Senyo Havens, Rebecca A. McEliece, James H. San Diego, CA 92106-2899 (619) 849-2305 Fermanian Sch of Bus Fax=849-7189 Dean 849-2305 bschooli Mgt PHD Prof 849-2622 sadjibol AFO PHD Prof 849-2293 beckyhavens CT PHD Prof 849-2307 jamesmceliece AC PHD University of Portland Economics Faculty Anderson, Robin D. Adrangi, Bahram Allender, Mary E. Easton, Todd E. Seal, James W. Barnes, William F. Portland, OR 97203-5798 (503) 943-7224 School of Business Adm Fax=943-8041 Dean 943-7155 anderson EDD Prof 943-7220 adrangi CDFR PHD Assoc 943-7154 allender LC PHD Assoc 943-7209 easton JR PHD Assoc 943-7272 seal HRE PHD Asst 943-7456 barnesw GJP PHD Portland State University Department of Economics Homepage: econ.pdx.edu Kaiser, Marvin Walker, John F. Hall, John B. King, Mary C. Lin, Kuan-Pin Potiowsky, Thomas P. Bluffstone, Randall A. Koss, Patricia Ito, Hiroyuki Rodriguez, Leopoldo Sharma, Rajiv Portland, OR 97207-0751 (503) 725-3915 Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=725-3945 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Post University Economic Faculty Sanders, Patricia Philippides, Andreas Waterbury, CT 06723-2540 (203) 596-4611 Sch Bus Adm & Prof Std Fax=575-9691 VP 596-8590 psanders Mgt PHD Prof 596-4661 PHD H P J C E Q D F F I Louvain Oregon Brown Purdue Wisconsin Oxford Iowa MIT Stockholm Florida SUNY Rochester Minnesota Stanford Iowa 1991 1983 2000 1969 2001 2004 2003 2004 2003 2006 2003 2000 2002 2005 1985 2006 2002 Pittsburgh 2002 pitt.edu Plymouth State College Economics Faculty Moore, Daniel P. Boggess, Trent E. Jang, Soo M. Couvillion, L. Michael Brickley, Colleen kaiserm walkerj hallj kingm link thomasp bluffsto kossp ito rodriguezl sharmar 73 83 96 69 97 02 03 04 01 06 02 00 95 06 76 MPIA U of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Johnstown, PA 15904 (814) 269-2990 Div of Social Sci-Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=269-7255 Berger, George C-Ac 269-2982 berger EJK Yates, Michael Daniel Emer 269-2986 mikey JP Long, Stanley G. Emer sglong D-95 McGahagan, Thomas A. Assoc 269-2985 mgahagan FN Strausser, Clark W. Assoc 269-2980 cstrauss CG Lavine, Jeffrey A. Asst 269-7000 jlavine Director of Administration and Budget 725-3514 725-3934 725-3940 725-3915 725-3931 725-3929 725-3942 725-3938 725-3930 725-3929 725-3933 112 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 87 76 69 76 70 68 Ca-Davis Pittsburgh Iowa Penn Minnesota Pittsburgh 1989 1969 1973 1982 1973 1970 mail.plymouth.edu 80 78 82 78 Drexel Kansas Cincinnati La Tech NewHamp 98 87 87 86 ptloma.edu Karen Rion N Mex St 1998 Simon Fr 2000 Ca-SnDgo 1990 Co Mines 1994 84 82 90 84 77 01 up.edu Christine Naylor Nebraska Oregon 1982 Oregon 1985 Berkeley 1981 Illinois 1977 Notre Dm 2000 1983 1983 1980 1993 pdx.edu Rita Spears 72 84 91 77 81 93 93 04 99 98 1993 Utah 1966 New Sch 1985 Berkeley 1992 SUNY-SBr 1979 Colorado 1982 Boston U 2003 Simon Fr 1997 Ca-SnCruz 2004 Tx-Austin 2001 Florida 1998 post.edu Sarah Rosatz 80 Conn 2001 94 Conn 1988 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 113 Prairie View A&M University Dept of Mgt & Marketing Quddus, Munir Tandon, Sudhir Soliman, Mostafa A. Langley, Sonia Quazi, Rahim Williams, Michael Prairie View, TX 77446-0638 (936) 857-2122 College of Business Fax=261-9220 Dean 857-4310 munir_quddus PHD H-Ac$ 857-9201 sutandon Mktg PHD Assoc 857-2122 mostafa_soliman DHQ PHD Asst 857-9209 sblangley PHD Asst 857-2122 rmquazi PHD Asst 857-9208 mfwilliams H PHD pvamu.edu Yolanda Kesee 85 Vanderbilt 2001 91 Tx Tech 1991 67 Iowa St 1971 Presbyterian College Economics Faculty Lipford, Jody W. Slice, Jerry Kibler Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 833-8370 Dept of Econ & Bus Adm Fax=833-8481 C-Pr 833-8353 jlipford HEFP PHD Prof 833-8274 jkslice QFD PHD presby.edu Kristy Hill 90 Clemson 1991 86 Miss St 1989 Princeton University Economics Faculty Grossman, Gene M. Abreu, Dilip Ait-Sahalia, Yacine Ashenfelter, Orley C. Benabou, Roland Jean-Marc Blinder, Alan S. Brunnermeier, Markus Case, Anne C. Deaton, Angus S. Dixit, Avinash K. Espenshade, Thomas Fan, Jianqing Farber, Henry S. Gul, Faruk R Hong, Harrison Honore, Bo Erno Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro Krueger, Alan B. Krugman, Paul R. Krusell, Per Maggi, Giovanni Malkiel, Burton G. Morris, Stephen Paxson, Christina H. Pesendorfer, Wolfgang Reinhardt, Uwe E. Romer, Thomas Rosen, Harvey S. Rothschild, Michael Rouse, Cecilia Scheinkman, Jose Shapiro, Harold T. Shim, Hyan Sims, Christopher A. Svensson, Lars E. O. Trussell, T. James Watson, Mark W. Willig, Robert D. Melitz, Marc J. Parker, Jonathan Battaglini, Marco Chioda, Laura Lleras-Muney, Adriana Muller, Ulrich Reis, Ricardo Rey, Helene Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban Rothstein, Jesse Tatur, Tymon Williams, Noah Xiong, Wei Bogan, Elizabeth C. Princeton, NJ 08544-1021 (609) 258-4000 Department of Economics Fax=258-6419 C-Pr 258-4823 grossman@wws. PHD Prof 258-4021 abreu PHD Prof 258-4015 yacine PHD Prof 452-4040 c6789 PHD Prof 258-3672 rbenabou D PHD Prof 258-3358 blinder PHD Prof 258-4050 markus PHD Prof 258-2177 accase PHD Prof 258-5967 deaton PHD Prof 258-4013 dixitak PHD Prof 258-5233 tje PHD Prof 258-7924 jqfan PHD Prof 258-4044 farber PHD Prof 258-4009 fgul PHD Prof 258-0259 hhong PHD Prof 258-4014 honore PHD Prof kiyotaki PHD Prof 258-4046 akrueger JH PHD Prof pkrugman F PHD Prof 258-4003 pkrusell O PHD Prof 258-4016 maggi PHD Prof 258-6445 bmalkiel PHD Prof 258-4032 smorris D PHD Prof 258-6474 cpaxson PHD Prof 258-4017 pesendor PHD Prof 258-4781 reinhard PHD Prof 258-1857 romer PHD Prof 258-4022 hsr PHD Prof 258-0161 mrothsch DI PHD Prof 258-6478 rouse PHD Prof 258-4020 joses PHD Prof 258-6184 hts PHD Prof 258-4467 hsshin PHD Prof 258-4037 sims D PHD Prof 258-0329 svensson PHD Prof 258-4801 trussell CIT PHD Prof 258-4811 mwatson PHD Prof 258-4843 willig PHD Assoc PHD Assoc 258-4847 jparker PHD Asst 258-4002 mbatagl PHD Asst 258-9485 lchioda PHD Asst 258-6993 alleras PHD Asst 258-4026 umueller PHD Asst rreis PHD Asst 258-6726 hrey PHD Asst 258-4024 erossi PHD Asst 258-4045 jrothst PHD Asst 258-7919 ttatur PHD Asst 258-4019 noahw PHD Asst 258-0282 wxiong PHD SLect 258-4035 ebogan PHD princeton.edu Barbara Radvany 80 MIT 1980 83 Princeton 93 MIT 70 Princeton 1968 86 MIT 71 MIT 1971 99 LondonSE 88 Princeton 1991 74 Cambridge 1983 68 MIT 1981 Princeton Berkeley 77 Princeton 86 Princeton 1995 97 MIT 87 Chicago 85 Harvard 87 Harvard 6-87 77 MIT 92 Minnesota 94 Stanford 64 Princeton 1966 91 Yale 86 Columbia 1986 92 UCLA 70 Yale 1967 74 Yale 74 Harvard 1974 69 MIT 92 Harvard 74 Rochester 64 Princeton 1988 Oxford 68 Harvard 76 Stockholm 75 Princeton O-74 80 Ca-SnDgo 73 Stanford 1978 00 Michigan 96 MIT 01 Nrthwstrn Berkeley 01 Columbia 02 Sankt Gall Harvard 98 LondonSE 02 Chicago 03 Berkeley 02 Nrthwstrn 01 Chicago 01 Duke 71 Columbia Providence College Providence, RI 02918-0001 (401) 865-2194 Department of Economics Economics Fax=865-1264 Homepage: www.providence.edu/admiss/ecn.htm Marquis O.P., Fr. William C-Ac 865-2875 wmarquis JEI PHD providence.edu Jennifer Chappelle 96 Rice 96 Ohio St 1998 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Barrera, Albino O.P. on leave Kessler, Alan L. Latif-Zaman, Nazma Lenon, Mary Jane O'Brien, Francis T. Simeone, William J. Dong, Fang Sawdy, George F. Palumbo, Edwin P. Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Inst 114 PHD 865-2248 865-2572 865-2566 865-2156 865-2567 865-2832 865-2570 865-2189 akessler nzaman mjlenon fobrien wjsim foong gsawdy epalumbo DH OFC REI JKN JEI CE QEH RJ PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD MA University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA 98416-0140 (253) 756-3136 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=756-3500 Homepage: www.ups.edu/econ/home.htm Singleton, Ross C-Pr 879-3591 singleton ADML PHD Goodman, Douglas Prof 879-3596 goodman AE PHD Hands, Wade Prof 879-3592 hands ABC PHD Mann, Bruce D. Prof 879-3593 mann ADJK PHD Stirling, Kathleen J. Prof 879-3590 stirling AEIT PHD Milam, Garrett Asst 879-2949 gmilam AD PHD Sable, Karin Asst 879-3136 ksable AHQ PHD VanderVeen, Jan VAsst 879-2949 jvanderveen AF PHD Warning, Matt Asst 879-3136 mwarning ACO PHD 84 Boston C Northeas 89 Conn 57 Boston C 85 Boston C 02 Ca-Rivers 83 Brown Boston C 1985 1986 1958 1959 2003 ups.edu Reggie Tison 77 78 81 76 87 02 97 72 97 Oregon 1981 Illinois 1977 Indiana 1980 Indiana 1975 Notre Dm Ca-SnCruz 2006 Colo St 1997 Cornell 1997 Berkeley 1997 Purdue University W Lafayette, IN 47907-1310 (765) 494-4449 Economics Krannert Grad Sch Mgt Fax=494-9658 Homepage: http://www.mgmt.purdue.edu/departments/economics Martin, Stephen C-Pr 494-4402 smartin PHD Aliprantis, C. D. Roko Prof 494-4404 aliprantis PHD Barron, John M. Prof 494-4451 barron PHD Cason, Timothy Prof 494-1737 cason PHD Kadiyala, K. Rao Prof 494-4476 kadiyala PHD Kovenock, Dan J. Prof 494-4468 kovenock PHD Lynch, Gerald J. Prof 494-4388 lynch PHD Tourky, Rabee Prof 494-4422 PHD Umbeck, John R. Prof 494-4447 umbeck PHD Watts, Michael W. Prof 494-8543 mwatts PHD Director, Purdue Center for Economic Education Abrevaya, Jason Assoc 496-2689 abrevaya PHD Camera, Gabriele Assoc 494-4456 gcamera PHD Dahl, Christian Assoc 494-4503 dahlc PHD Hjummels, David Assoc 494-4495 hummelsd PHD Novshek, William Assoc 494-4418 novshek PHD Pomery, John D. Assoc 494-4515 pomery PHD Casari, Marco Asst 494-3598 casari PHD Chien, YiLi Asst ychien PHD Naknoi, Kanda Asst 494-3693 knaknoi PHD Sanders, Drew Asst 494-2737 sanders PHD Siebert, Ralph Asst 494-3401 rsiebert PHD Xiang, Chong Asst 494-4499 cxiang PHD 77 73 76 91 66 83 75 95 76 78 MIT 2002 Cal Tech 1998 Brown 1976 Berkeley 1998 Wisconsin 1970 Wisconsin 1983 Kentucky 1983 Queenslnd U Wash 1975 LSU 1981 96 97 00 95 79 77 02 06 04 04 00 02 MIT Iowa Aarhus Michigan Nrthwstrn Rochester Cal Tech UCLA Stanford Tx-Austin Berlin Michigan Purdue University-Calumet Dept of Finance & Economics Duchatelet, Martine McGrath, Paul T. Jennings, E. James Furdek, Jonathan M. Tsoukalas, Dimitrios Mitra, Anilau Hammond, IN 46323-2904 (219) 989-2388 School of Management Fax=989-3158 Dean 989-2606 duchatel PHD C-Ac$ 989-2425 pmcgrat PHD Prof 989-2381 jennings PHD Assoc 989-2426 furdek PHD Assoc 989-2440 tsoukalas PHD Asst 989-2313 mitra PHD calumet.purdue.edu Nancy Ross 77 Stanford 88 N Illinois 1986 79 So Meth 1978 74 Purdue 1974 96 Illinois 1998 98 N Illinois 1998 Quinnipiac College Department of Economics Thompson, Mark Johnson, Donn M. Brunner, Eric J. Driscoll, Vincent R. Gius, Mark P. Rafferty, Matt Ball, Christopher Hamden, CT School of Business Dean 582-8914 C-Pr 582-8205 Prof 582-3489 Prof 582-8788 Prof 582-8576 Prof 582-3396 Asst 582-8745 06518-1908 (203) 582-8576 Fax=582-8664 mark.thompson PHD donn.johnson QADH PHD eric.brunner HIRC PHD vincent.driscoll AEG PHD mark.gius JKL PHD matt.rafferty ENOL PHD christopher.ball EFL PHD Radford University Radford, VA 24142 (540) 831-5100 Dept of Economics Col of Business & Econ Fax=831-6209 Homepage: www.radford.edu/~econ-web mgmt.purdue.edu Diane Wilson 94 89 04 75 91 97 03 2002 1997 2000 2000 1986 1982 2002 quinnipiac.edu Nora Guarino Geo St 1998 Colo St 1996 Ca-SnBarb 1996 New Sch 1967 Penn St 1994 Ca-Davis 2000 Tx A&M 2003 radford.edu Ms. Teresa Grubb 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dempsey, William A. Hashemzadeh, Nozar Kasturi, Prahlad Roufagalas, John Santopietro, George D. Orlov, Alexei Wilson, Loretta S. Basel, Saleh Dendir, Seife Srinivas, Sumati Vehorn, Charles Wade, Ernie Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Inst 831-5300 831-5888 831-5884 831-5892 831-5891 831-5889 831-6225 831-5070 831-5437 831-5999 831-5885 831-5890 wdempsey nhashemz pkasturi jroufaga gsantopi aorlov lwilson bsaleh sdendir ssrinivas cvehorn ewwade Mktg CJGA IOQR GCDE DQK FECL FNB FE DFLO LOF GODE AQ DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS Randolph-Macon College Ashland, VA 23005-5005 (804) 752-7204 Economics Faculty Dept of Economics & Bus Fax=752-3040 Brat, David C-Ac 752-7353 dbrat DBO PHD Lang, Steven D. Prof 752-7356 slang ECR PHD Lowry, George S. Prof 752-7306 glowry G PHD Pfitzner, C. Barry Prof 752-7307 bpfitzner DFC PHD Edward W. Seese Professor of Economics and Business Schmidt, Edward J. Assoc 752-7333 eschmidt E MA University of Redlands Economics Faculty Garbo, Lorenzo Chowdhury, Mussaddeq Isenberg, Dorene L. Macunovich, Diane J. Niggle, Chris Fazeli, Rafat R. Pedace, Roberto DePinto, Alessandro Redlands, CA 92373-0999 (909) 748-8690 Department of Economics Fax=335-5387 C-Ac 793-2121 lorenzo_garbo BF PHD Prof 793-2121 mussaddeq_ch+ DN PHD Prof 793-2121 dorene_isenberg E PHD Prof 793-2121 diane_macun+ JT PHD Prof 793-2121 christopher_n+ EPB PHD Assoc 793-2121 rafat_fazeli A PHD Assoc 793-2121 roberto_pedace GJ PHD Asst 793-2121 alex_depinto QR PHD Reed College Portland, OR 97202-8199 (503) 771-1112 Department of Economics Div History & Soc Sci Fax=777-7776 Homepage: //web .reed.edu/academic/departments/economics Parker, Jeffrey A. C-Pr 771-1112 parker AECF PHD George Hay Professor of Economics Clausing, Kimberly Assoc 771-1112 kclausing ADFH PHD on leave 2006-2007 Hare, Denise Assoc 771-1112 dhare JOPD PHD Netusil, Noelwah R. Assoc 771-1112 netusil AQDH PHD Chen, Grace Asst 771-1112 hychen FLDC PHD Stewart, James Asst 771-1112 james.stewart PHD Thurmond A Miller & Walter Mintz Assistant Regent University Economics Faculty Dunn, Charles W. Walker, Douglas O. 115 73 74 83 83 86 01 86 04 05 01 77 86 Maryland Va Tech Hawaii Florida Va Tech Virginia Mass Kansas St W Mich SUNY-Alb Ohio St Va Tech 1999 1983 1985 1985 1987 2001 1987 2006 2005 2003 2006 1997 rmc.edu 95 90 92 83 American Pittsburgh Va Comm Catholic 1996 1987 1984 1982 67 Maryland 1967 95 86 89 84 92 99 04 redlands.edu Carolyn Brewster Columbia 1996 S Calif 1992 Ca-Rivers 2003 S Calif 2003 Ca-Rivers 1983 New Sch 1990 Ca-Rivers 1999 Illinois 2004 reed.edu Lois Hobbs 81 Stanford 1988 96 Harvard 1996 92 92 06 03 1992 1990 2006 2002 Stanford Illinois Ca-Davis Nrthwstrn Virginia Bch, VA 23464-9850 (757) 579-4302 Robertson Sch of Govt Fax=226-4735 Dean cwdunn PolS PHD VProf PHD regent.edu Mrs. Sherry Hansen Fla St 8-04 71 S Calif Regis College - MA Weston, MA 02193-1571 (781) 768-7418 Economics Div of Social Sciences Fax=768-8339 Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Hewins, Dana C. C-Ac 768-7418 dana.hewins PHD Oates, Mary J. Prof 768-7420 mary.oates N PHD Mulholland, Edward Assoc 768-7400 edward.mulholl+ PHD Lee, Neville S. Asst 768-7313 neville.lee PHD regiscollege.edu 75 Illinois 69 Yale Regis College of Regis Univ Economics Program Richard, James S. Shannon, Lee R. Koenigsberg, Robin Denver, CO Div of Business Assoc 458-4185 Assoc 458-4175 Asst 458-3517 regis.edu Sharon Hershfeldt 80 Tx-Austin 1979 70 N Colo 1978 00 Colorado 2003 Rensselaer Poly Institute Department of Economics Homepage: rpi.edu.economics Harrington, John P. Adams, James D. Duchin, Faye Troy, NY 12180-3590 (518) 276-6387 Sch of Human & Soc Sci Fax=276-2235 Dean C-Pr Prof 80221-1099 (303) 458-4170 Fax=964-5485 jrichard AFOM PHD lshannon AMBC PHD rkoenigs AFHI PHD 276-6575 harrij2 276-2523 adamsj 276-2038 duchin OJH Q PHD PHD PHD 1970 Pittsburgh rpi.edu Betty Jean Kaufmann 80 Rutgers 76 Chicago Berkeley 2002 2003 1996 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 276-8094 276-8092 276-8093 276-8092 276-6386 gowdyj hohenp vitald heimj stemd jones2r 276-3296 simenk Q N HM E Q KM L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 116 Gowdy, John M. Hohenberg, Paul M. Vitaliano, Donald F. Heim, John Stern, David Jones, Robert Simons, Kenneth L. Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst University of Rhode Island Department of Economics Brownell, Winifred Ramstad, Yngve Burkett, John P. Lardard, Leonard P. McIntyre, Richard Mead, Arthur C. Miller, Carole F. Ramsay, Glenworth A. Sharif, Mohammed Starkey, James L. Suzawa, Gilbert S. Kingston, RI 02881-0808 (401) 874-2212 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=874-2588 Dean 874-4101 winnie C-Pr 874-4113 yramstad BA PHD Prof 874-4122 burkett CDFI PHD Prof 874-4128 lardaro CE PHD Prof 874-4126 rmc8875u FJN PHD Prof 874-4123 acmead A PHD Prof 874-4111 cmi6707u ACDJ PHD Prof 874-4129 ramsay L PHD Prof 874-4119 sharif O PHD Prof 874-4117 starkey Q PHD Assoc 874-4125 [email protected] AD PHD 81 81 79 89 78 88 74 83 71 73 Rhode Island College Dept of Econ & Finance Blais, Jeffrey Marks, Peter A. Karim, Alema Kazemi, Abbas A. Basu, Suchanora Wilson, Alex Providence RI 02908-1991 (401) 456-8036 School of Management Fax=456-8379 C-Ac 456-8416 jblais PHD Prof 456-9529 pmarks PHD Assoc 456-9538 akarim PHD Assoc 456-9557 akazemi PHD Asst 456-9158 sbasu PHD Asst 456-8432 awilson PHD ric.edu Ms. Pamela Santos 75 Pittsburgh 1986 78 N Carol 86 Boston U 88 SUNY-SBr 06 Clark 99 Drexel Rhodes College Memphis, TN 38112-1690 (901) 843-3863 Dept of Economics & Business Div Social Sciences Fax=843-3736 Homepage: www.rhodes.edu/academics/143.asp Pittman, Deborah N. C 843-3863 pittman Fnce PHD Arce, Daniel G. Prof 843-3121 arce DHO PHD Robert D. McCallum Professor of Economics & Business McMahon, Marshall E. Prof 843-3863 mcmahon PHD Beckham Gramm, Teresa Assoc 843-3853 beckham FO PHD Gramm, Marshall Assoc 843-3122 gramm P PHD Carden, Art Asst 843-3829 cardena PHD McKinney, Nick Asst 843-3566 mckinneyn D PHD rhodes.edu Linda Gibson Rice University Houston, TX 77251-1892 (713) 348-4875 Economics Faculty POBox 1892 Dept of Economics MS-22 Fax=348-5278 Homepage: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~econ/ Ragsdale, Lyn Dean 348-4824 Moulin, Herve C-Pr 348-3312 moulin CD PHD Peterkin Professor of Economics Brito, Dagobert L. Prof 348-5792 brito PHD George A. Peterkin Professor of Political Economy Brown, Bryan W. Prof 348-2345 bwbwn PHD Hargrove Professor of Economics Brown, James Prof 348-3343 jbrown PHD Bryant, John B. Prof 348-3341 jbb PHD Henry S. Fox, Sr. Professor of Economics Gillis, Malcolm Prof 348-4041 PHD Grant, Simon Prof 348-3332 sgrant PHD Lay Family Professor of Economics Hartley, Peter R. Prof 348-2534 hartley PHD Mieszkowski, Peter Prof 348-3453 mieszko PHD Cline Professor of Economics & Finance Sickles, Robin C. Prof 348-3322 rsickles PHD Smith, Gordon W. Prof 348-3332 gsmith PHD Soligo, Ronald Prof 348-3354 soligo PHD Zodrow, George R. Prof 348-4891 zodrdow PHD Dudey, Marc Peter Assoc 348-3270 dudey PHD University of Richmond Richmond, VA 23173 (804) 289-8587 Department of Economics Robins Sch of Business Fax=289-8878 Homepage: oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/business/ Haddock, Jorge Dean 289-8550 jhaddock Mgt PHD Schmidt, Robert M. C-Pr 289-8587 rschmidt PHD 80 63 69 72 94 02 W Virginia 1983 MIT 1977 CUNY 1969 SUNY-Alb 1997 Boston U 2002 Rensselaer 2002 Car Mellon 2003 uri.edu Linda Gray Berkeley Berkeley Indiana Mass Boston C Syracuse Boston C Boston U Boston C Brown 1982 1981 1981 1989 1976 1986 1973 1984 1967 1971 91 Memphis 92 Illinois 8-89 2000 72 99 00 06 01 1972 1999 2000 2006 2003 Vanderbilt N Carol Tx-Arlin Wash U Tx A&M rice.edu Elizabeth Powell 75 Paris 7-99 70 Rice 1984 77 Penn 1983 80 Chicago 1992 75 Car Mellon 1981 68 Illinois 91 Harvard 1993 2002 80 Chicago 1986 63 J Hopkins 1981 76 66 64 80 84 N Carol Harvard Yale Princeton Princeton 1985 1968 1967 1979 1990 richmond.edu Carroll Hill 81 Purdue 81 Duke 2005 1981 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dolan, Robert C. Cook, Robert W. Jr. Craft, Erik D. Croushore, Dean D. Dean, David H. McGoldrick, Kim Marie Nicholson, Robert H. Wight, Jonathan B. Yates, Andrew J. Asaftei, Gabriel Datta, Shakun Monks, James W. Chen, Xudong Graboyes, Robert Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Visit Visit Rider University Department of Economics Newman, Larry M. Bentley, Jerome T. Corman, Hope Gishlick, Herbert E. McCall, Charles W. Taga, Leonore S. Noonan, Kelly 289-8562 289-8561 287-6573 287-1961 289-8559 289-8575 298-8565 289-8570 287-6356 289-8593 289-6631 289-8587 289-8960 287-6355 rdolan rcook ecraft dcrousho ddean kmcgoldr rnichols jwight ayates2 gasaftei sdatta jmonks xchen2 rgraboye PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 117 82 81 95 84 88 93 72 82 92 05 06 95 06 00 Rutgers Va Tech Chicago Ohio St Rutgers SUNY-Bin N Carol Vanderbilt Stanford SUNY-Bin Purdue Boston C Tulane Columbia Lawrenceville NJ 08648-3099 (609) 895-5562 College of Business Adm Fax=896-5304 Dean 895-5152 newman Mktg PHD C-Ac 895-5563 bentley D PHD Prof 895-5559 corman IJKT PHD Prof 895-5564 gishlick ER PHD Assoc 895-5562 mccall AL PHD Assoc 895-5531 taga P PHD Asst 895-5539 knoonan HIJ PHD 81 74 78 73 82 79 00 rider.edu Diana Cook Penn St 1984 Pittsburgh 1974 CUNY 1988 Penn 1964 Temple 1979 Berkeley 1986 SUNY-SBr 2000 University of Rio Grande Department of Economics Kool, Krishna L. Hill, John B. Koirala, Govinda Rio Grande, OH 45674 (740) 245-7267 E.E. Evans Col Bus Mgt Fax=245-7123 Dean 245-7268 kkool PHD C-As 245-7388 jhill PHD Assoc 245-7284 gkoirala PHD rio.edu Carolyn Harrison 76 Tennessee 1970 82 Ohio U 1976 96 NYU 1996 Roanoke College Economics Faculty Lynch, Larry A. Fleming, Garry A. Lowry, Darryl W. Stauffer, Robert F. Kassens, Alice L. Nik-Khah, Edward Salem, VA 24153-3794 (540) 375-2426 Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=375-2577 C-Pr 375-2413 llynch Mgt PHD Prof 375-2509 fleming PHD Assoc 375-2428 dlowry PHD Assoc 375-2427 stauffer PHD Asst 375-4939 kassens PHD Asst 375-4938 nik-khah PHD roanoke.edu Dreama Poore Va Tech 1978 Kentucky 1987 Berkeley 1981 Va Tech 1978 N Car St 2005 Notre Dm 2005 Robert Morris University Dept of Finance/Economics Jacobs, Derya A. Litzinger, Patrick J. Eschenfelder, Mark J. Holstein, Adora Reiland, Ralph R. O'Roark, J. Brian Coraopolis, PA School of Business Dean 262-8452 H-Pr 262-8438 Prof 262-8491 Assoc 397-4735 Assoc 227-4055 Asst 262-8472 15108-1189 (412) 604-2560 Fax=262-8672 jacobs Engr PHD litzinger PHD eschenfelder PHD holstein PHD reiland MBA oroark PHD University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627-0156 (585) 275-7221 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Science Fax=256-2309 Homepage: www.rochester.edu Jones, Ronald W. C-Pr$ 275-7221 jonr PHD Xerox Professor of Economics Bils, Mark J. Prof 275-0488 bils D PHD Engerman, Stanley L. Prof 275-3165 enge PHD John Munro Professor of Economics Epstein, Larry G. Prof 275-4320 lepn PHD Greenwood, Jeremy Prof 275-1871 gree D PHD Landsburg, Steven E. Prof 275-4971 landsbur PHD McKenzie, Lionel W. Emer 275-3096 mcke PHD Oi, Walter Y. Prof 275-4991 oiwa PHD Elmer B. Milliman Professor of Economics Phelps, Charles E. Prof 275-5149 PHD Provost Stockman, Alan C. Prof 275-7221 stoc PHD Wilson Professor of Economics Thomson, William L. Prof 275-2236 wth2 CDH PHD Aguiar, Mark Assoc 275-4196 maguiar PHD Abraham, Arpad Asst 275-3968 aabraha2 EJC PHD Avan, Ronni Asst 275-6279 rpavan PHD Barelli, Paulo Asst 275-8075 pbarelli PHD Hawkins, William Asst 275-4239 whawkin2 PHD 87 79 72 74 05 05 1980 1980 1994 2003 1987 1992 1972 1982 2002 2005 2006 2001 2006 2001 rmu.edu 75 92 87 72 Mo-Rolla Pittsburgh 1977 Missouri Penn St Duquesne GeoMason troi.cc.rochester.edu Lynn Enright 56 MIT 1958 85 MIT 1985 62 J Hopkins 1963 77 83 79 42 61 Brit Colum Rochester Chicago Princeton Chicago 1998 1992 1957 1967 73 Chicago 1984 78 Chicago 1979 76 99 02 05 04 06 9-83 7-06 1-05 7-05 7-04 7-06 Stanford MIT Pompeu Chicago Columbia MIT 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hong, Jay Asst 275-4980 Schoenberg, Uta Asst 275-0093 Virag, Gabor Asst 273-4821 Wolkoff, Michael Lect 275-5279 Deputy Chairperson, Department of Economics jhong12 utas gvirag wolk Rochester Inst of Technology Rochester, NY Div Soc Sci-Dept of Econ Col of Liberal Arts Vernarelli, Michael J. C-Pr 475-2455 Batabyal, Amitjatreet Prof 475-2805 Arthur J. Gosnell Professor of Economics Lee, Hoyoung Prof 475-2406 Mitchell, Jeannette C. Assoc 475-6077 Bhole, Bharat Asst Burnette, Jeffrey VAsst Dhongde, Shatakshee Asst Espinosa, Javier Asst Gleeson Hanna, Bridget Asst Tavares, Samia C. Asst Wagner, M. Jeffrey Asst 14623-5604 (585) Fax=475-2510 mjvgss AKE aabgsh FOQ Rockhurst University Department of Economics Homepage: www.rockhurst.edu Daley, James M. Miller, Gerald Tansey, Michael M. Stellern, Michael J. Rabbitt, Michael T. hxlgsm jcmgsm blbgse jdbgse exggse sctgse mjwgse ABDE FOB KL EJ CO IT CHR CHF QK 118 PHD ABD PHD PHD 06 Penn 7-06 London 2003 04 Princeton 7-04 81 Michigan 1980 PHD PHD rit.edu Catherine Berry 78 SUNY-Bin 1976 94 Berkeley 2000 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 95 04 05 05 06 05 02 97 Kansas City, MO 64110-2561 (816) 501-4200 School of Management Fax=501-4650 Dean Prof Prof Assoc Lect 501-4200 501-4016 273-3061 501-4153 james.daley gerald.miller michael.tansey michael.stellern Mktg PHD PHD PHD PHD MA Rollins College Winter Park, FL 32789-4499 (407) 646-2569 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=646-2485 Homepage: www.rollins.edu/economics/ Kypralos, Harry N. C-Ac 646-2510 hkypralos ANBE PHD Rock, Charles Patrick Prof 646-2152 crock ABJO PHD Taylor, Kenna C. Prof 646-2312 ktaylor ABOD PHD Schutz, Eric A. Assoc 646-2509 eschutz APJ PHD Skelley, A. Chris Assoc 646-2489 cskelley AJD PHD Steen, Robert C. Assoc 646-2614 rsteen ARHN PHD Balak, Benjamin Asst 691-1280 bbalak ABNP PHD Kozel, Phil Asst 691-1027 pkozel ABFN PHD Voicu, Avna Asst 691-1758 avoicu ADEF PHD Roosevelt University Dept Econ/Sch Policy Studies Weiner, Lynn Y. Langer, Gary F. Balkin, Steven M. Cicarelli, James Rosenberg, Sam Ziliak, Stephen T. Lapidus, June Chicago, IL 60605-1394 (312) 341-3695 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=341-3680 Dean 341-2134 lweiner Hst PHD D-Ac 341-3767 glander PHD Prof 341-3696 sbalkin PHD Prof 341-3500 jcicarel PHD Prof 341-3697 srosenbe PHD Prof 341-3763 sziliak PHD Assoc 341-3765 jlapidus PHD Rowan University Department of Economics phone 256-4500 Harper, Jay Jam, Habib O. E. Mukhoti, Bela Reaves, Natalie Brunstein, Luis Tashiro, Sanae Glassboro, NJ 08028-1748 (856) 256-4060 School of Liberal Arts Fax=256-4921 Dean C-Ac Prof Assoc Asst Asst 256-4850 Ext 4061 Ext 3322 Ext 3320 Ext 3321 Ext 4062 jam mukhoti reaves brunstein tashiro Psy PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD The Sage Colleges Troy, NY 12180-4115 (518) 270-2235 Social & Global Studies Russell Sage College Fax=244-4545 Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Melero, Francisco D-Ac 270-2241 melerf DCF PHD DiMambro, Carol Assoc 462-8629 dimamc AKP MA Tribble, John A. Assoc 270-2296 tribbj PHD Lawrence Professor of Economics Sabi, Manijeh Adj 270-2397 sabim EGO MA Maryland Utah S Calif SUNY-Buf Ca-Rivers Maryland Wisconsin Florida Illinois 1970 1985 2004 2005 2006 2006 2003 2003 2001 rockhurst.edu 77 75 78 83 75 Arkansas Notre Dm Wisconsin Arizona Wash U 7-02 1982 1982 1979 1988 rollins.edu Sharon Miller 87 86 79 82 85 82 01 04 00 Virginia Cornell Florida N Carol Brown Princeton N Carol Mass Birminghm 1983 1984 1974 1987 1987 1987 2002 2006 2000 roosevelt.edu 81 Boston U 80 Ca-Rivers 1983 76 Wayne St 1984 75 Berkeley 96 Iowa 88 Mass 1982 1996 1990 rowan.edu Susan Chard 75 64 95 02 04 S Illinois London Wayne St Calif Claremont 1979 1974 1998 2004 2005 sage.edu Pam McKee 83 Rensselaer 1982 89 SUNY-Alb 1989 75 Utah St 1976 86 Northeas 1988 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Rutgers University-Camden Camden, NJ 08102 (856) 225-6136 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=225-6602 Homepage: www.camden.rutgers.edu/dept-pages/economics Marsh, Margaret Dean Worrall, John D. C-Pr 225-6290 email: [email protected] Yamada, Tetsuji Prof 225-6025 ytetsuji Ma, Jinpeng Assoc 225-2919 email: [email protected] Chiu, I-Ming Asst 225-6012 ichiu Smith, John Asst 225-6314 Hamed, Osama Lect 225-6027 Rutgers University-Newark Department of Economics Kirby, Edward Graham, John W. III Coate, Douglas C. Loeb, Peter D. Troy, Leo VanderHoff, James H. Markowtiz, Sara Rodriguez, Alvaro Seiglie, Carlos C. Barr, Jason Goldbaum, David Spararenu, Mariana Newark, NJ 07102 (973) 353-5259 Faculty of Arts & Sci Fax=353-5819 Dean C-Pr 353-5259 jwgraham Prof 353-5164 dcoate Prof 353-5529 ploeb Prof 353-5354 leotroy Prof 353-5256 jhv Assoc 353-5835 smarkow Assoc 353-5809 alvaror Assoc 353-5914 seiglie Asst 353-5835 jmbarr Asst 353-5164 goldbaum Asst 353-5249 marianas 119 camden.rutgers.edu Joyce Nathanson PHD PHD 74 Rutgers 75 Rutgers PHD PHD 87 CUNY 1987 93 SUNY-SBr 2000 PHD ABD PHD 00 Wi-Milwa 2003 Princeton 2006 UCLA 2006 1983 andromeda.rutgers.edu Pearl Wilson PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 74 73 58 79 98 82 91 03 96 04 Nrthwstrn CUNY Rutgers Columbia N Carol CUNY Columbia Chicago Columbia Wisconsin Wash U 1986 1971 1973 1980 2000 1994 1986 2003 1998 2005 Rutgers Univ-New Brunswick New BrunswickNJ 08901-1248 (732) 932-7363 economics.rutgers.edu Department of Economics School of Arts & Sci Fax=932-7416 Donna Ghilino Homepage: www.economics.rutgers.edu Sopher, Barry C-Pr 932-7197 sopher D PHD 88 Iowa 1987 Blair, Douglas H. Prof 932-7858 blair D PHD 76 Yale 1981 Bordo, Michael D. Prof 932-7069 bordo N PHD 72 Chicago 1981 Chang, Roberto J. Prof 932-7269 chang E PHD 89 Penn 2000 Dutta, Manoranjan Prof 932-7054 dutta E PHD 62 Penn 1989 Gang, Ira N. Prof 932-7405 gang O PHD 83 Cornell 1986 Gigliotti, Gary A. Prof 932-7471 gag@rci D PHD 78 Columbia 1978 Hughes, Joseph P. Prof 932-7517 jphughes@rci. D PHD 74 N Carol 1975 Killingworth, Mark R. Prof 932-7794 killings J DPHI 77 Oxford 1978 Klein, Roger W. Prof 932-7543 klein C PHD 70 Yale 1994 McLean, Richard P. Prof 932-7709 rpmclean@rci. D PHD 79 SUNY-SBr 1986 Perry, Martin K. Prof 932-7572 perry L PHD 76 Stanford 1989 Prusa, Thomas Prof 932-7670 prusa F PHD 88 Stanford 1994 Rockoff, Hugh T. Prof 932-7857 rockoff N PHD 72 Chicago 1971 Rubin, Jeffrey I. Prof 932-7452 rubin H PHD 75 Duke 1973 Undergraduate Director Russell, Louise B. Prof 932-6507 lrussell@rci. I PHD 71 Harvard 1987 Seneca, Joseph J. Prof 932-2993 seneca@rci. H PHD 68 Penn 1967 Swanson, Norman Prof 932-7432 nswanson C PHD 94 Ca-SnDgo 2002 Graduate Director Tsurumi, Hiroki Prof 932-7932 tsurumi C PHD 67 Penn 1974 White, Eugene N. Prof 932-7486 white N PHD 80 Illinois 1980 Altshuler, Rosanne Assoc 932-7783 altshule H PHD 88 Penn 1992 Campbell, Colin Assoc 932-8259 campbell D PHD 95 Nrthwstrn 1999 Mizrach, Bruce Assoc 932-8261 mizrach E PHD 87 Penn 1995 Moehling, Carolyn Assoc 932-7188 cmoehling JN PHD 96 Nrthwstrn 2006 Pichl, Anne Assoc 932-8067 apiehl PHD 94 Princeton 2005 Sheflin, Neil Assoc 932-7834 sheflin C PHD 79 Rutgers 1975 Sigman, Hilary Assoc 932-7594 sigman I PHD 93 MIT 1999 Carbonell-Nicolau, Oriol Asst 932-8621 carbonell D PHD 02 NYU 2003 Landon-Lane, John Asst 932-7691 lane C PHD 98 Minnesota 2001 Occhino, Filippo Asst 932-7491 occhino E PHD 00 Chicago 2000 Okada, Daijiro Asst 932-7797 okada D PHD SUNY-SBr 2001 Sacred Heart University Economics and Finance Lyons, Bridget Frangul, Ramzi N. Orlowski, Lucjan T. Corrigan, Tom D. Lim, Ralph Rubb, Stephen Mumun, Khawaja Fairfield, CT 06825-1000 (203) 371-7953 sacredheart.edu John F. Welch Cl Bus Fax=365-7538 Ms. Rosemary Dobosz C-Pr LyonsB AG DPS 99 Pace 1997 Emer frangulr G PHD 73 NYU 1977 Prof orlowskil EFGP PHD 79 Poland 1983 Assoc corrigant AFG PHD 69 Maryland 1986 Assoc limr GLM MBA Penn 1981 Assoc RubbS ADJ PHD 97 Northeas 2003 Asst mumunk ADH PHD 05 So Meth 2005 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Saginaw Valley State Univ Department of Economics Wafa, Marwan Sarkar, Shyamalendu S. Park, Hong Youl Welch, William P. Surfield, Christopher Univ Center, MI 48710 (989) 964-4367 Col of Business & Mgt Fax=964-7497 Dean 964-4064 Mgt C-Pr 964-4367 ssarkar Prof 964-4084 hyp KMEL Assoc 964-5605 welch CJL Asst 964-4379 csurfiel St. Ambrose University Dept of Finance & Economics Homepage: www.sau.edu/mba Dienesch, Richard M. Brown, Linda K. Bereskin, C. Gregory Oberle, Wayne H. Woodruff, Theodore S. Liu, Xiaowei Lynn, Billy G. Moreau, Arthur Wang, Liguan Davenport, IA 52803 (563) 333-6393 College of Business Fax=333-6268 Saint Anselm College Economics Faculty Kenison, Jeanne H. Kenison, Arthur M. Becker, Gilbert B. Romps, John F. Schmidt, Amy B. Manchester, NH 03102-1310 (603) Dept of Economics & Bus Fax=641-7268 C-Ac 641-7165 jkenison C Prof 641-7138 akenison ACG Assoc 641-7134 gbecker AD Assoc 641-7140 jromps ABEH Asst 641-7238 aschmidt Dean C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc 333-6447 333-6393 333-6140 333-6120 333-6420 dieneschrichardm Mgt lbrown gbereskn woberle twoodruf DEHL xliu 333-6383 blynn 333-6436 amoreau lwang College of Saint Benedict St Joseph, MN 56374 (320) 363-5383 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax= Homepage: www.csbsju.edu/economics/ share faculty with Saint John's Univ, Collegeville MN Lewis, Margaret C-Ac 363-5977 mlewis BJ Diedrich, Ernest R. Prof 363-3518 ediedrich PQR Finn, Daniel Rush Prof 363-3048 dfinn B Clemens Chair in Economics and the Liberal Arts Friedrich, Joseph Prof 363-3043 jfriedrich DHI Rambeck, Charles Prof 363-3524 crambeck CDF Johnston, Louis Assoc 363-2574 ljohnston ENO Olson, John F. Assoc 363-5406 jolson NE Brunyer, Miki Asst 363-5244 mburnyer H Wheatley, Parker Asst 363-5917 pwheatley DLQ 120 svsu.edu DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 69 75 86 03 Clemson Mich St Utah St U Wash S Carol 2005 1969 1975 1986 2006 sau.edu Caryl S. Altemus PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD MA PHD 87 95 83 69 76 Ga Tech Nova SE Missouri Missouri Columbia Rutgers 94 Illinois Iowa Duke 86 80 83 68 89 2001 1989 1991 1977 8-95 2005 1994 1999 2006 anselm.edu Faye Tresvik Vanderbilt 1988 Boston U 1980 Boston C 1987 Fordham 1968 Florida 2002 csbsju.edu Judy Eggert PHD PHD PHD 89 Maryland 1989 83 Colo St 1980 77 Chicago 1977 MA PHD PHD PHD MA PHD 70 79 90 84 05 04 Wisconsin Minnesota Berkeley Rochester W Virginia Minnesota 1967 1975 1997 1985 2006 2005 Saint Bonaventure Univ Finance and Economics Watson, John G. Peterson, Jeffrey H. Florence, Robert Paul, Rodney Bootheway, Giles Paul, Kristen S Bonaventure NY 14778 (716) 375-2082 Sch of Business Admin Fax=375-2191 Dean$ 375-2200 jwatson Mgt C-Pr 375-2082 peterson G Assoc 375-2175 rflorence HD Assoc 375-2145 E Lect G Lect 375-2082 AG sbu.edu College of St. Catherine Economics Faculty Jewell, Nasrin Shikha, Deep Ashley, James R. Bangs, Joann St Paul, MN 55105 (651) 690-8717 Department of Economics Fax=690-6024 Prof 690-6830 OA Prof 690-6577 dshikha FA Assoc 690-6852 jrashley AL Asst 690-6679 jmbangs PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 Wisconsin 1981 85 LSU 1985 84 Wisconsin 1984 Minnesota St. Cloud State University Department of Economics Banaian, King Bodvarsson, Orn B. Edwards, Mary E. Gallagher, Daniel J. Grossman, Philip J. Hughes, Patricia A. Nold Larkin, L. Andrew Luksetich, William A. Saint Cloud, MN 56301-4498 (320) 308-2227 Col of Social Sciences Fax=308-2228 C-Pr 308-4797 kbanaian EO PHD Prof 308-2225 obbodvarsson J PHD Prof 308-3742 meedwards R PHD Prof 308-3051 djgallagher L PHD Prof 308-4232 pjgrossman H PHD Prof 308-2076 pahughes H PHD Prof 308-5628 lalarkin BP PHD Prof 308-4291 waluksetich L PHD stcloudstate.edu Melanie Swan Claremont 1984 Simon Fr 1988 Tx A&M 1985 Maryland 1982 Virginia 9-99 Ca-SnBarb 1988 Nebraska 1982 N Illinois 1972 PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 74 91 97 00 93 St Louis Alabama Purdue Clemson Brown 1975 1984 2000 2001 1998 stkate.edu 86 86 88 76 84 91 82 73 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Moghaddam, Masoud Prof Hampton, Nathan E. Assoc Kang, Eungmin B. Assoc Rebeck, Kenneth Assoc Bardakci, Yasemin Asst Komai, Mana Asst Lo, Ming C. Asst Luitel, Hari Asst MacDonald, Lynn Asst MacDonald, Richard A. Asst Director, Center for Economic Education Ratha, Artatrana Asst Switzer, David Asst 308-4209 308-3825 308-5223 308-2968 308-3052 308-2072 308-0143 308-3744 308-2264 308-4781 mmoghaddam nehampton ekang kcrebeck mkomai mclo hsluitel lcmacdonald ramacdonald EF Q G I EF EI 308-2226 aratha 308-3163 dmswitzer 121 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 89 90 02 04 04 00 05 06 92 Iowa St 1983 Ca-SnBarb 1987 Geo St 1990 Nebraska 2001 W Mich 8-06 Va Tech U Wash 2002 W Virginia 8-05 Fla St 8-06 SUNY-Bin 1989 PHD PHD 02 Wi-Milwa 04 Wash U 8-05 8-06 St. Edward's University Department of Economics Kelliher, Marsha Pluta, Joseph E. Tombe, Wani Luan Austin, TX 78704-6489 (512) 448-8696 School of Mgt & Bus Fax=416-5819 Dean 448-8696 marshak BLaw LLM C-Pr 448-8645 joep BND PHD Asst 448-8599 wanit EFJO PHD stedwards.edu Irma Carr 94 Ca-SnDgo 1996 72 Tx-Austin 1984 85 Tx-Austin 1990 St. Francis College-NY Economics Faculty Quick, Paddy Tabrizi, Behrouz Brooklyn NY 11201-4398 (718) 489-5266 Department of Economics Fax=522-1274 C-Pr 489-5266 pquick BJN PHD Assoc 489-5445 btabrizi IO PHD stfranciscollege.edu St. John Fisher College Economics Faculty Maggs, Gary E. Maley, Jean E. Cherry, Monica Linsley, Colin A. Roche, John T. Rochester, NY 14618 (585) 385-8099 Department of Economics Fax=385-8129 C-Pr 385-8432 maggs E Prof 385-8097 maley D Assoc 385-8101 cherry J Assoc 385-8099 linsley N Assoc 385-8119 roche BP St. John's University Dept of Economics & Finance Highfield, Richard A. Liaw, K. Thomas Chen, Thomas P. Clark, Charles M. A. Gokturk, S. Sadik Gordon, Sara L. Jain, Chaman Lal Lawson, Stanley J. Lees, Francis A. Martin, Anna Mauer, Laurence J. Rider, Christine Bansal, Vipul K. Buechner, M. Northup Choi, Young Back Ellis, Mary E. Flowers, Edward B. Furfero, Arlene J. Giacalone, Joseph A. Maran, Michael J. Mongiovi, Gary Moy, Ronald L. Pappas, Anthony Terregrossa, Ralph A. Tomic, Igor M. Wong, Kwok-Fai Matthew Neumann, John Pactwa, Therese Qi, Ronnie Eng, Maximo Jamaica, NY 11439 (718) 990-6419 Tobin College of Bus Fax=990-1868 Dean 990-6477 highfier C-Pr 990-6420 liawt Prof 990-7347 chent Prof 990-6161 clarkc Prof Prof 969-6161 Prof jainc Prof 990-6161 lawsons Prof 990-6161 leesf Prof 990-7383 Prof 990-6161 mauerl Prof 969-6161 riderc Assoc bansalv Assoc 990-6161 Assoc 876-6161 Assoc ellism Assoc Assoc furferoa Assoc 990-6161 giacaloj Assoc Assoc 990-7380 mongiovg Assoc moyr Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Ext 7313 wongk GM Asst 990-5554 Asst 990-4314 Asst 990-7320 Adj 990-6161 75 Harvard 84 Jawahar 9-85 9-97 sjfc.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 72 98 86 81 W Virginia Rochester SUNY-Bin Essex Mass 1986 1968 1996 1987 1981 stjohns.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Saint Joseph's University Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395 (610) 660-1593 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=660-3379 Homepage: //www.sju.edu/cas/economics Prendergast, George A. C-Pr 660-1592 gprender EN PHD Bookman, Milica Z. Prof 660-1590 mbookman OP PHD Dragonette, Joseph E. Assoc 660-1594 jdragone CE PHD Fox, Nancy R. Assoc 660-1596 nfox DJL PHD 87 88 76 90 72 71 65 73 61 67 79 88 71 86 83 75 80 71 94 88 90 71 91 85 91 66 Chicago 2003 Nrthwstrn 9-88 CUNY New Sch 1985 Columbia Stanford 1978 American NYU 1978 NYU 1961 Fla Atl Tennessee 1983 New Sch 1976 Miss Virginia 1970 Michigan S Carol Geo St Rutgers Columbia 1962 Penn New Sch 1985 Rutgers Yale SUNY-Bin CUNY Miss 1990 Boston U Fla Intl Columbia NYU 1985 sju.edu Mrs. Dori Pappas 72 83 74 89 Penn Temple Penn Penn 1956 1983 1967 1986 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Burke, Thomas F. Liebman, Benjamin Pardo, Cristian Rennhoff, Christina Zech, Ann VAsst Asst Asst Asst VAsst 660-1595 660-1553 660-1526 660-3376 660-1591 tburke bliebman cpardo crennhof azech AF PHD PHD PHD PHD MA St. Lawrence University Canton, NY 13617-1475 (315) 229-5430 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=229-5819 Homepage: www.stlawu.edu/econ/index.htm Chezum, Brian C-Ac 229-5426 bchezum JL PHD Blewett, Robert A. Prof 229-5429 blewett OR PHD Horwitz, Steven G. Prof 229-5731 shorwitz EPB PHD Young, Jeffrey T. Prof 229-5427 jyoung BQ PHD Delrossi, Alison Assoc 229-5449 adelrossi HK PHD FitzRandolph, Peter Winfield Assoc 229-5425 pfitzrandolph FN PHD Jenkins, M. Assoc 229-5525 mjenkins FE PHD Boulatoff, Catherine Asst 229-5428 cboulatoff QH PHD Czap, Hans VAsst 229-5207 hczap PHD Lockard, Alan VAsst 229-5440 alockard PHD Ochinnnikova, Natalia Asst 229-5437 novchinnikova PHD 122 99 03 05 05 Temple Oregon Maryland Virginia Notre Dm 1995 2003 2006 2005 stlawu.edu Judith Van Kennen 92 80 90 75 93 79 95 00 06 01 06 Kentucky 1995 Va Tech 1983 GeoMason 1989 Colorado 1980 Penn 1999 Tufts 1973 Penn St 2000 Utah St 2002 Nebraska 2006 GeoMason 2005 Nebraska 2006 Saint Louis University Department of Economics Harshman, Ellen M. Islam, Muhammad Q. Strauss, Jack K. Welch, Patrick J. Chaney, Rick L. Dean St Louis-Madrid Marcouiller, Douglas S.J. Qian, Hailong Rapach, David Bednarek, Heather L. Scheiding, Thomas Wilson, Bonnie St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 977-3848 John Cook School of Bus Fax=977-1478 Dean 977-3833 harshman Mgt C-Ac 977-3822 islampq Prof 977-3813 strausjk Prof 977-3814 welchpj Assoc PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 89 89 73 84 slu.edu Nancy Young St Louis 1972 Indiana 1988 Duke Pittsburgh 1983 Illinois 1986 Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 94 95 94 99 06 99 Tx-Austin Mich St American Mich St Notre Dm Illinois Saint Martin's College Economics Faculty Wilson, Haldon D. Wallace, William McDonald Lacey, WA 98503-1297 (360) 438-4512 Div Business & Econ Fax=438-4522 Dean 438-4326 hwilson MBA C-Pr 438-4329 dwallace PHD Saint Mary's College-CA Economics Faculty Allen, Roy E. Lee, William C. Bodily, Jerry J. Chase, Kristine L. Boatman, Kara Courtney, Richard Moseldjord, Asbjorn Bhandari, Ravi Moraga, CA 94575-4230 (925) 631-4082 Sch of Econ & Bus Adm Fax=376-5625 Dean 631-4595 rallen F PHD C-Pr 631-4589 wlee A PHD Prof 631-4607 jbodily L PHD Prof 631-4590 kchase G PHD Assoc 631-8188 kboatman AF PHD Assoc rcourtne G PHD Assoc 631-4596 amoseidj Q PHD Asst 631-4590 rbhandar O PHD 977-3614 977-3866 977-3601 977-3847 977-3855 977-3844 marcoudw qianh rapachde bednarhl tscheidi wilsonbe FO Saint Marys College-IN Notre Dame, IN 46556-5001 (574) 284-4501 Economics Faculty Dept Bus Admin & Econ Fax=284-4566 Homepage: http://www.saintmarys.edu/~buec/ McElroy, Jerome L. C-Pr 284-4488 jmcelroy AEFO PHD Hernandez, Pablo Asst 384-4163 OQTF PHD Measell, Richard F. Asst 284-4525 rmeasell ADHJ PHD 2004 1999 2003 2001 2005 2003 stmartin.edu Sharon Sullivan 63 U Wash 83 77 74 87 92 96 78 01 1987 stmarys-ca.edu Lucia Minor Berkeley 1985 Ca-SnBarb 1982 Purdue 1978 Maryland 1985 Maryland 2001 Berkeley 2005 Ca-SnBarb 1991 Berkeley 2002 saintmarys.edu Vivian Vargo 71 Colorado 00 Notre Dm 85 Maryland 8-82 8-04 8-83 St. Mary's University-TX Department of Economics Dizimno, Janet Robbins, Roy E. Velez, Alejandro San Antonio, TX 78284 (210) 436-3112 Sch of Human & Soc Sci Fax=431-2279 Dean 436-3737 hssdean Psy PHD C-As 436-3112 rrobbins MA Prof 436-3142 avelez PHD stmarytx.edu 82 Fla St 76 St MryTX 1983 77 Florida Saint Michael's College Economics Faculty Ramazani, M. Reza Carvellas, John N. Kessel, Herbert Natarajan-Marsh, Tara Colchester, VT 05439-0125 (802) 654-2360 Department of Economics Fax=654-2664 C-Pr 654-2360 rramazani AFEC PHD Prof 654-2365 jcarvellas ACER PHD Prof 654-2460 hkessel AJDC PHD Asst 654-2298 tnatarajan AOPB PHD smcvt.educ Lisa McCormick Colorado 1986 Syracuse 1974 Boston U 1977 Nebraska 2000 90 81 81 01 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Walsh, Patrick Asst St. Norbert College Department of Economics King, Elizabeth G. Odorzynski, Sandra J. Quinn, Kevin G. vonderRuhr, Marc DePere, WI 54115-2099 (920) 403-3224 Div of Social Sciences Fax=403-4098 C-Ac 403-3113 elizabeth.king PolS PHD C-Pr 403-3224 sandra.odorz+ PHD Assoc 403-3447 kevin.quinn PHD Asst 403-3522 marc.von-der-ru+ PHD St. Olaf College Economics Faculty Judge, Rebecca P. Dalgaard, Bruce R. Emery, E. David Kapinos, Kandice Schodt, David W. Soderlind, Steven D. Becker, Anthony D. Emery, Mary Ann Geodde, Richard Pernecky, Mark L. Pomponio, Xun Thomforde, Kathy Gardner Wojick, Paul P. Northfield, MN 55057-1098 (507) 646-3149 Department of Economics Fax=646-3523 C-Ac 646-3358 judge ADQ PHD Prof 646-3904 dalgaard EPA PHD Prof 646-3139 emeryd DIA PHD Prof 646-3746 kapinos E PHD Prof 646-3156 schodt OAH PHD Prof 646-3153 soderlin RA PHD Assoc 646-3974 becker DLC PHD Assoc 646-3155 emerym M MA Assoc 646-3126 goedde M MBA Assoc 646-3432 pernecky EJA PHD Assoc 646-3151 pomponio FP PHD Assoc 646-3154 thomfork M PHD Assoc 646-3639 wojick AE PHD stolaf.edu Pat Hall 76 Duke 1987 76 Illinois 1992 69 Minnesota 1969 Saint Peter's College Economics Faculty O'Connor, Brian P. Shapiro, Nina Danikas, Alky Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 915-9250 Dept of Econ & Finance Fax=915-0410 C-Ac boconnor PHD Prof nshapiro DEL PHD Inst adanikas MBA spcvxa.spc.edu Nancy Carbone Mass New Sch 1999 The College of Saint Rose Economics Faculty Carlson, Severin C. Mehtabdin, Khalid R. Sung, Simona Co-Chairperson Albany, NY School of Business Dean 454-2122 C-Ac 458-5467 Assoc 458-5869 12203 (518) 458-5272 Fax=458-5449 scarlson Fnce DBA mehtabd ODAE PHD sungs CDEL PHD mail.strose.edu Maria Freund 79 Indiana 1999 79 Pittsburgh 1986 90 Rensselaer 8-90 College of St. Scholastica Economic Faculty Tarnowski, Susan Barrett, Anthony Dodds, Rae Ann Hoffman, Robert Duluth, MN Economics Dean 723-6012 C-Pr 723-6471 Asst 723-6549 Asst 723-6715 55811-4199 (218) 723-6415 Fax=723-6150 PHD tbarrett PHD rdodds PHD rhoffman E PHD css.edu Mary E. Lee Minnesota 7-01 84 Geo Wash 05 Tx Tech 8-05 92 Boston C St. Thomas University-FL Department of Business Adm Mitchell, Lloyd A. Carrillo, Raul J. Espino, Dolores Miami, FL 33054 (305) 628-6627 School of Business Adm Fax=628-6504 C-As 628-6622 lmitchel MBA Prof 628-6534 rcarril DA Prof 628-6791 mespino PHD stu.edu Mercedes Rodriguez 81 U Miami 1984 U Miami 1972 Fla St 1999 University of St. Thomas-MN Economics Faculty phone 962-5000 Connery, Thomas Papagapitos, Agapipos Blumenthal, Marsha A. Gray, Charles M. Kreitzer, Joseph L. Alexander, Susan L. Fairchild, Daniel R. Langan, Terence G. Marcott, Craig S. Riley, Robert Selim, Mohamed Ali Vincent, James W. Walsh, William J. Hartmann, Monica Saavedra, Luz A. Spry, John A. Wilson, Bradley K. St. Paul, MN 55105-1096 (651) 962-5675 Div of Social Sciences Fax=962-5682 Dean C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 654-2682 pwalsh 962-6000 962-5686 962-5678 962-4301 962-5683 962-5677 962-5676 962-6003 962-5685 962-5687 962-5180 962-5689 962-5690 962-5681 962-5675 962-4689 962-5688 a9papagapitos mablumenthal cmgray jlkreitzer slalexander drfairchild t9langan csmarcott rjriley maselim jwvincent wjwalsh mehartmann lasaavedra jaspry bkwilson ADHJ PHD 123 OP JH K C F F L C F A Q E CKL HR H EC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 Michigan 2006 snc.edu 78 76 95 99 80 80 86 65 78 90 91 83 89 Missouri Purdue Il-Chicago Indiana Wisconsin Mass Duke Minnesota Wisconsin Notre Dm Penn St Nrthwstrn Colorado 1973 1978 1994 1999 1977 1982 1987 1969 1988 1990 1991 1985 1988 stthomas.edu Ruth Bier 92 85 78 83 77 78 88 83 91 81 82 70 00 98 00 98 Ohio St Minnesota Wash U Iowa So Meth St Louis Minnesota Purdue Wisconsin Minnesota Wisconsin Notre Dm Virginia Illinois Rochester Kansas 1990 1984 1976 1981 1981 1976 1982 1959 1988 1970 2000 2001 2003 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback University of St. Thomas-TX Department of Economics Mishab, Bahman Ueng, C. Joe Wilbratte, Barry J. Canac, Pierre Morefield, Roger D. Shirvani, Hassan M. Houston, TX 77006-4696 (713) 525-2100 Cameron Sch of Business Fax=525-2110 Dean 522-7911 J PHD C-Ac 522-7911 ueng GM PHD Prof 522-7911 wilbratte FG PHD Assoc 522-7911 canac F PHD Assoc 522-7911 morefield I PHD Assoc 522-7911 shirvani FG PHD Saint Vincent College Economics Faculty Quinlivan, Gary M. Hutchinson, Peter M. Herr, Andy Latrobe, PA 15650-2690 (724) 537-4597 Department of Economics Fax=537-4599 Dean 537-4597 gq CDF PHD Prof 805-2193 pete.hutchinson ARH PHD Assoc 537-4597 andy.herr HEQ PHD Salem State College Salem, MA 01970-4589 (978) 542-6625 Department of Economics Sch of Arts and Science Fax=542-6602 Homepage: salemstate.edu/economics Shea, Anita V. M. Dean 542-6265 anita.shea PHD Siden, Dorothy R. Prof 542-6681 dsiden PHD Wesolowski, Karl A. Emer 542-6636 kwesolow MA Ardon, Kenneth Asst 542-6683 kardon PHD Beckwith, Kevin Asst 542-7412 kbeckwith ABD Crofts, Robert D. Emer 542-6615 rcrofts MA Salisbury University Department of Economics Moore, William M. Manakyan, Herman Wu, Ying Caviglia-Harris, Jill Chambers, Dustin Hill, Brian Stoytcheva, Petia Yao, Hong Salisbury, MD 21801-6860 (410) 543-6315 Perdue Sch of Business Fax=546-6208 Dean 543-6315 wmmoore Mgt PHD C-Pr 543-6315 hxmanakyan PHD Assoc 543-6315 yxwu PHD Asst 543-6315 jlcaviglia PHD Asst 543-6320 dlchambers PHD Asst 677-3860 bchill PHD Asst 677-3879 psstoytcheva PHD VAsst 543-6327 hxyao PHD Salve Regina University Economics Faculty phone 847-6650 Ext 3288 Atkins, Ronald Lawber, Harold E. Jr. Tonn, Victor Lux Coughlan, Carmel Newport, RI 02840-4192 (401) Ext 3130 Dept Bus Studies & Econ Fax=341-3130 C Prof Prof PLect 847-6650 lawberh 847-6650 tonnv 847-6650 ABEN PHD AGOP PHD M MBA Sam Houston State Univ Huntsville, TX 77341-2118 (936) 294-1265 Dept Economics & Intl Bus College of Business Adm Fax=294-3488 Homepage: www.shsu.edu/~eco_www/ Lewis, R. Dean Dean 294-1254 bed_rdl Mktg PHD Green, William B. C-Pr 294-1265 eco_wbg PHD Muehsam, Mitchell J. Prof 294-1243 eco_mjm PHD Samuels, George E. Prof 294-1269 eco_ges PHD Bumpass, Donald L. Assoc 294-1268 eco_dlb PHD Freeman, Donald Assoc 294-1264 eco_dgf PHD Muehsam, Valerie P. Assoc 294-3712 eco_vpm PHD Balderas, Ulyses Asst 294-4759 eco_jub PHD Berg, Milo Douglas Asst 294-1243 eco_mdb PHD Blackburne, Edward Asst 294-3934 eco_efb PHD Chmelaroua, Viera Asst 294-4791 vxc001 ABD Gonzalez, Fidel Asst 294-4796 fxg001 PHD Miller, John Asst 294-1293 eco_jmm PHD Nath, Hiranya Asst 294-4760 eco_hkn PHD Quast, Troy Asst 294-3984 tcq001 PHD Ruiz, Isabel Asst 294-3959 ixr004 PHD Tuttle, Markland Asst 294-1386 mhtoo1 E PHD Butler, Marilyn Lect 294-1266 eco_mmb MBA Samford University Economics Faculty Taylor, Beck A. Hendon, Fred N. Birmingham, AL 35229-2306 (205) 726-2364 School of Business Fax=726-2464 Dean 726-2364 btaylor DIJL PHD Prof 726-2549 fnhendon FN PHD 124 stthom.edu 95 71 87 77 79 Wayne St St Louis Tulane Houston Duke Harvard 8-06 1996 1971 1990 1980 1986 email.stvincent.edu 83 SUNY-Alb 1981 72 Pittsburgh 96 Indiana 1991 salemstate.edu Ms. Virginia Dunn Northeas 90 Northeas Boston C Calif Clark Northeas 87 88 92 97 04 06 05 92 salisbury.edu Ellen Fykes Ohio St 7-02 Alabama 8-99 Oregon 8-98 Tennessee 8-98 Ca-Rivers 8-04 Tennessee 8-06 LSU 8-06 Oregon 8-03 salve.edu 89 Conn 84 Utah St 90 Salve Rg 1988 1984 1990 shsu.edu Ms. Sally Kundig 72 74 89 72 76 88 98 05 95 98 05 03 03 06 06 03 02 Arkansas 1980 LSU 1974 Tx A&M 1989 Oregon 1975 Okla St 1992 So Meth 1998 Tx A&M 1993 Colorado 2004 Tx A&M 1995 Tx A&M 1997 LSU 2005 Tx-Austin 2005 Rice 1998 So Meth 2002 Florida 2006 W Mich 2006 Tennessee 2006 Sam Hous 2002 samford.edu M. J. Niesen 97 Purdue 2005 68 Alabama 1968 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Marshall, Jennings B. Pipatchipoom, Onnre Thorton, Jeremy Prof Asst Asst 726-2539 jbmarshall 726-2163 opipatc 726-2128 jpthornt CD FEG DGHI 125 PHD PHD PHD 77 Kentucky 1986 06 Fla St 2006 03 Kentucky 2004 University of San Diego San Diego, CA 92110-2492 (619) 260-4877 Department of Economics Sch of Business Admin Fax=260-4891 Homepage: http://usdbusiness.sandiego.edu Allen, Andrew T. Dean$ 260-4886 andrewt PHD Anderson, Joan B. Prof 260-4857 joana PHD Dimon, Denise Prof 260-4836 dimon PHD Doshi, Kokila Prof 260-4843 kdoshi PHD Johnson, Robert Prof 260-4849 johnson PHD Narwold, Andrew Prof 260-4875 drew PHD O'Neil, Robert F. Emer 260-4855 roneil PHD Sandy, Jonathan G. Prof 260-4880 sandy PHD Yandell, Dirk Prof 260-4835 yandell PHD Conroy, Stephen Assoc 260-7883 sconroy ACJ PHD Gin, Alan Assoc 260-4883 agin PHD Holt, Charles F. Assoc 260-4866 cholt PHD Ma, Alyson Asst 260-2383 maa PHD Sumner, Steven W. Asst 260-7469 sumner PHD sandiego.edu Dorene Deturi 83 71 86 83 73 91 75 86 81 98 87 70 Illinois 1984 Ca-SnDgo 1981 Illinois 1983 Rochester 1990 Oregon 1978 Ca-SnBarb 1991 Fordham 1976 Ca-SnBarb 1986 Purdue 1981 S Calif 2004 Ca-SnBarb 1988 Purdue 1973 Ca-Davis 2004 03 Ca-SnDgo 2003 San Diego State University Department of Economics Wong, Paul Thayer, Mark A. Adler, Renatte K. Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina Boddy, Raford D. Frantz, Roger S. Gerber, James B. Green, Louis C. Grossbard, Shoshan Kartman, Arthur E. Lec, Kangoh Baldsdon, Edmund Hambleton, John W. Bansak, Cynthia Foad, Hisham Imazcki, Jennifer Puttitanun, Thitima San Diego, CA 92182-4485 (619) 594-1675 mail.sdsu.edu Col of Arts & Letters Fax=594-5062 Marie Butler 594-5530 Dean C-Pr 594-5510 mthayer PHD 79 New Mex 1981 Prof 594-1662 radler Q PHD 79 New Mex 1982 Prof 594-1663 PHD 98 W Mich 1999 Prof 594-6239 rboddy PHD 68 Michigan 1980 Prof 594-3718 rfrantz PHD 78 Wash St 1978 Prof 594-5532 jgerber PHD 86 Ca-Davis 1985 Prof 594-5680 lgreen PHD 75 Berkeley 1976 Prof 594-5468 shosh PHD 78 Chicago 1981 Prof 594-5539 akartman PHD 69 U Wash 1968 Prof 594-8496 klec PHD Illinois 2006 Assoc 594-5492 ebalsdon PHD 00 Ca-SnBarb 2000 Assoc 594-5458 jhamble PHD 71 Wisconsin 1969 Asst 594-1675 PHD 00 Ca-SnDgo 2001 Asst 594-8495 PHD 06 Emory 2006 Asst 594-5012 jimazcki PHD 00 Wisconsin 2000 Asst 594-3556 tputtita PHD 03 Colorado 2003 University of San Francisco Department of Economics Turpin, Jennifer Veitch, John Fischer, Hartmut Kofi, Tetteh A. Wydick, W. Bruce Lau, Man-Lui Cassas, Alessandra Gonzales, John Katz, Elizabeth Mukerji, Purba Wong, Sunny San Francisco CA 94117-1080 (415) 422-6784 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=422-2632 Dean C-Pr 422-6271 veitchj EG PHD Prof 422-6453 fischer FA PHD Prof 422-6670 kofi OA PHD Prof 422-5863 wydick DO PHD Assoc 422-6730 laum CD PHD Asst 422-5351 acassas D PHD Asst 422-5245 gonzales PHD Asst 422-5413 egkatz OT PHD Asst pmukerji FO PHD Asst mwong11 EF PHD San Francisco State Univ San Francisco CA 94132-4155 (415) 338-1839 Department of Economics Col of Behav & Soc Sci Fax=338-1057 Homepage: bss.sfsu.edu/economics Kasiola, Joel Dean 338-1846 PolS PHD Mar, Donald W. C-Ac 338-2499 dmar PHD Blecha, Betty J. Prof 338-7516 bjblecha PHD Gemello, John M. Prof 338-1839 PHD Associate Vice President for Academic Resources Mason, William J. Prof 338-7513 PHD Moss, Joanna Prof 338-3026 jgmoss PHD Sisk, David E. Prof 338-1715 desick PHD Vencill, C. Daniel Prof 338-7514 dvencill PHD Chattopadhyay, Sudip Assoc 338-1447 sudip PHD King, Philip G. Assoc 338-2108 pgking PHD Potepan, Michael J. Assoc 338-2648 mpotepan PHD Xu, Peng Assoc 338-7512 pxu PHD Bar, Michael Asst 338-3026 mbar PHD Chaudhuri, Anoshua Asst 338-2108 anoshua PHD 85 73 70 96 86 01 02 usfca.edu Barbara Pena Tx-Austin 1988 Nrthwstrn 1985 Berkeley 1970 Berkeley 1981 Berkeley 1996 Cornell 1992 Ca-SnCruz 2001 Wisconsin Wisconsin 1991 Maryland 2005 Oregon 2006 sfsu.edu Tammie McGee 74 85 76 74 Princeton Berkeley Iowa Stanford 1995 1987 1983 1975 58 78 76 71 95 87 85 94 05 03 Iowa New Sch UCLA Stanford Illinois Cornell Ca-Davis Iowa Minnesota U Wash 1958 1981 1978 1974 1999 1987 1991 1994 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Takeyama, Lisa N. Zhang, Yanchun Asst Asst San Jose State University Department of Economics email @1=email.sjsu.edu Hegstrom, Tim Ortega, Lydia Cheng, Doris Gonzalez, Rodolfo Greer, Douglas F. Means, Tom S. Pogodzinski, Joseph Michael Shieh, Yeung-Nan Watkins, Thayer H. Hummel, Jeffery R. Lopez, Edward J. Powell, Ben Stringham, Edward San Jose, CA 95192-0114 (408) 924-5400 Col of Social Sciences Fax=924-5406 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Asst Asst Asst Asst 338-2499 ltakeyama 338-7516 yanchun 924-4498 924-5400 924-5423 924-5400 924-5409 924-5414 924-5421 924-5413 924-5420 924-5418 924-5407 924-1371 924-5419 ADLQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD tmeans@1 PHD PHD PHD watkinst@1 PHD PHD DHKL PHD benjamin.powell PHD edward.stringham PHD kdirtega@1 gcheng@1 Com Santa Clara University Santa Clara, CA 95050-0385 (408) 554-4341 Department of Economics Leavey Sch of Bus & Adm Fax=554-2331 Homepage: http://lsb.scu.edu/economics Posner, Barry Z. Dean 554-4523 bposner Mgt PHD Sundstrom, William A. C-Pr 554-6892 wsundstrom PHD Belotti, Mario L. Prof 554-4086 mbelotti PHD Donnelly, William F. Prof 554-4948 wdonnelly PHD Field, Alexander J. Prof 554-4348 afield PHD Heineke, John M. Prof 554-4346 jheineke PHD Whalen, Thaddeus J. Jr. Prof 554-4791 twhalen PHD Demmert, Henry G. Assoc 554-4344 hdemmert PHD Evans, Carolyn Assoc 554-4574 clevans PHD Kamas, Linda Assoc 554-6950 lkamas PHD Kevane, Michael Assoc 554-4574 mkevane PHD Popper, Helen A. Assoc 554-6952 hpopper PHD Russell, Thomas R. Assoc 554-6953 trussell PHD Mitchener, Kris J. Asst 554-4340 kmitchener PHD Shin, Dongsoo Asst 554-4473 dshin PHD 126 92 Stanford 03 Virginia 2006 2003 sjsu.edu Janiece Fister 87 76 90 68 83 80 80 65 01 97 03 02 GeoMason 1989 Notre Dm 1988 Ca-Davis 1990 Cornell 1975 UCLA 1986 SUNY-SBr 1987 Tx A&M 1989 Colorado 1957 Tx-Austin 2002 GeoMason 2005 GeoMason 2003 GeoMason 2002 scu.edu Sharon Squyres 76 86 69 69 74 68 64 72 99 82 94 90 73 01 01 Mass 1976 Stanford 1987 Tx-Austin 1959 NYU 1969 Berkeley 1982 Iowa 1968 Berkeley 1962 Stanford 1968 Harvard 2006 Berkeley 1988 Berkeley 1995 Berkeley 1991 Cambridge 1978 Berkeley 2001 U Wash 2002 Sarah Lawrence College Economics Faculty Power, Marilyn Roosevelt, Frank Moudud, Jamee Bronxville, NY 10708-5999 (914) 337-0700 Department of Economics Fax=395-2663 C-Pr 395-2658 mpower ABJQ PHD Prof 395-2491 froos ABDP PHD Asst 395-2623 jmoudud EFO PHD mail.sic.edu University of Scranton Dept of Economics & Finance Mensah, Michael Scahill, Edward M. Ghosh, Satyajit Corcione, Frank P. Hussain, Riaz Kallianiotis, John Murli, Rajan Nguyen, Hong V. Trussler, Susan Petsas, Iordanis Scranton, PA 18510-4602 (570) 941-4048 Kania School of Mgt Fax=941-4825 Dena 941-7569 mensah2 PHD C-Ac 941-4187 ems353 PHD Prof 941-6197 ghoshs1 PHD Assoc 941-7760 corcionef1 PHD Assoc 941-7497 hussain PHD Assoc 941-7577 jnk353 PHD Assoc 941-6240 mr353 PHD Assoc 941-7475 hguyen PHD Assoc 941-6122 trussler PHD Asst 941-7752 petsasi2 PHD 90 83 85 75 90 85 92 81 89 02 Seattle University Dept of Economics & Finance Phillips, Joseph M. Jr. Yates, Barbara M. DeKay, Fred Hiedemann, Bridget G. Rishi, Meena Rivers, Mary J. Sorenson, Timothy L. Weber, Christian E. Green, Gareth P. Le, Quan Peterson, Dean J. Jones, Stacey Seattle, WA 98122-4340 (206) 296-2540 Albers Sch Bus & Econ Fax=296-2486 Dean 296-5700 phillipsj FOR PHD C-Pr 296-2540 bmyates AEH PHD Assoc 296-5709 dekay EM PHD Assoc 296-2803 bgh DJT PHD VAsoc 296-2078 rishim O PHD Assoc 296-5717 rivers CDM PHD Assoc 296-5738 tsore MD PHD Assoc 296-5725 cweber BEO PHD Asst 296-2536 greeng DEQ PHD Asst 296-5737 leq 0 PHD Asst 296-2538 dean BN PHD Inst 296-5716 sjones T PHD seattleu.edu Ms. Peggy Allende 82 Notre Dm 2001 69 Michigan 1970 79 J Hopkins 1980 92 Duke 1994 04 Mass 1993 82 Pittsburgh 1978 91 Harvard 1991 92 Duke 1993 95 Berkeley 2001 00 Claremont 2003 94 Illinois 1991 Stanford 2004 77 Berkeley 76 New Sch 98 New Sch 1990 1977 2000 scranton.edu Ms. Susan Moir Houston 1987 SUNY-Bin 1989 SUNY-Buf 1986 Lehigh 1978 Lehigh 1967 CUNY 1990 Temple 1989 SUNY-Bin 1979 Penn St 1985 Florida 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Seattle Pacific University Seattle, WA 98119-1950 (206) 281-2970 Department of Economics Sch of Business & Econ Fax=281-2733 Homepage: www.spu.edu/depts/sbe/ VanDuzer, Jeffrey B. Dean 281-2087 vandj Law JD Downing, Douglas A. C-Ac 281-2890 ddowning ACH PHD Deming, Jonathan C. Assoc 281-2181 jdeming BR PHD Surdyk, Lisa Assoc 281-2709 lsurdyk G PHD 127 spu.edu Peggy Swanstrom 79 87 79 91 Yale Yale Oregon U Wash 9-98 1983 1977 1991 Seton Hall University Department of Economics Boroff, Karen Dall, John J. Jr. Ikpoh, Andrew Kant, Chander South Orange, NJ 07079-2692 (973) 761-9207 shu.edu Stillman School of Bus Fax=761-9217 Ms. Chris DiGirolomo Dean 761-9013 boroffka Mgt PHD 91 Columbia 9-91 C-Pr 761-9356 dalljohn PHD 68 Penn 1969 Assoc 761-9799 ikpohand PHD 88 Columbia 1984 Assoc 761-9281 kantchan PHD 80 So Meth 1987 Shenandoah University Economics Faculty Boxx, W. Randy Chen, Yvonne Pavsek, Daniel A. Thies, Clifford F. Winchester, VA 22601-5195 (540) 665-4572 Byrd School of Business Fax=665-5437 Dean 545-7253 Mgt PHD Prof 665-1285 ychen PHD Prof 665-4526 dpavsek PHD Prof 665-5450 cthies PHD Shepherd University Department of Economics Brown, V. J. Jr. Reid, Kathleen A. Johnson, E. William Kinney, Kinney Schultz, John A. Gocmen, Tuncer Shepherdstwn WV 25443-1569 (304) 876-5241 Business & Soc Sciences Fax=876-5193 Dean 876-5241 vbrown C-Pr 876-5306 kreid PHD Prof 876-5432 bjohnson PHD Assoc 876-5434 lkinney PHD Assoc 876-5352 jschultz PHD Asst 876-5353 tgocmen PHD Shippensburg University Department of Economics email @1=wharf.ship.edu Finucane, Brendan P. Bastin, Hamid Koscianski, Janet L. Lee, Daniel Y. Mathis, Stephen A. Posatko, Robert C. Kalist, David E. Siahaan, Freddy Shippensburg, PA 17257-2299 (717) 477-1437 College of Business Fax=477-4003 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Asst Asst Siena College Department of Economics Nolan, James R. Trees, W. Scott Booker, James F. Howe, Edward T. Shirey, Richard L. Polimeni, Raluca I. Loundonville, NY Business Division Dean 783-2321 C-As 783-2557 Prof 783-2929 Prof 783-2507 Assoc 783-2398 Asst 783-4144 12211-1462 (518) 783-2398 Fax=783-4293 jnolan Stat PHD trees PHD jbooker PHD howe PHD shirey PHD rpolimeni Simmons College Economics Faculty Aoki, Masato Basch, Donald L. Biewener, Carole Sawtelle, Barbara A. Sohrabji, Niloufer Boston, MA Col Arts & Sci C-Ac 521-2580 Prof 521-2584 Prof 521-2583 Prof 521-2582 Asst 521-2587 02115-5898 (617) 521-2594 Fax=521-3175 masato.aoki EB PHD donald.basch ADLK PHD carole.biewener O PHD barbara.sawtelle E PHD niloufer.sohrab+ FCO PHD Simpson College Dept Bus Adm & Economics Schmidt, Thomas Colella, Francis J. Palmieri, James Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 961-1652 Div of Policy Studies Fax=961-1498 C961-1491 schmidt MG PHD Prof 961-1513 colella BEFN PHD Assoc 961-1801 palmieri DHIJ PHD 477-1437 477-1679 477-1174 477-1556 477-1696 477-1138 477-1687 bpfinu hbasti jlk dylee samath rcposa@1 IJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Skidmore College Saratoga Sprg NY 12866-1632 (518) Ext 5090 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=580-5099 Homepage: skidmore.edu/academics/economics/econhome.html su.edu 71 98 81 82 Arkansas Wi-Milwa Case Wes Boston C 8-04 2004 1992 1992 shepherd.edu Sherry Clem 86 74 85 85 05 Penn St Virginia Maryland S Carol W Virginia 1983 1971 1994 1988 2004 ship.edu Vicki Shaak 82 89 90 86 79 75 01 Pittsburgh Geo St S Illinois Pittsburgh Iowa St Penn St Wayne St CUNY 1982 1989 1990 1986 1979 1981 2003 2006 siena.edu 86 94 90 73 94 SUNY-Alb Notre Dm 9-85 Colo St SUNY-Alb SUNY-Alb 9-79 95 77 89 76 00 simmons.edu Maria Callejas Mass 1994 Yale 1980 Mass 1987 MIT 1970 Boston C 1999 storm.simpson.edu Cindy Hamilton 01 St Louis 1999 73 Fordham 1977 95 Indiana 1997 skidmore.edu Amelia Clarke 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Jones, Robert J. Odekon, Mehmet A. Rotheim, Roy J. Chiteji, Ngina Vargha, Linda Bibow, Joerg Das, Monica C-Ac Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Slippery Rock University School of Business Russell, Bruce Culp, David B. Tannery, Frederick J. Valencia, Jesus M. Slippery Rock PA 16057-1326 (724) 738-4865 Col Bus, Info & Soc Sci Fax=738-2959 Dean 738-2008 C-Pr 738-2971 david.culp AEN PHD Assoc 738-2579 frederick.tan+ ACDJ PHD Asst 738-2577 jesus.valencia ACFJ PHD Smith College Economics Faculty Leonard, Frederick H. Bartlett, Randall Buchele, Robert Haas-Wilson, Deborah Kaufman, Roger T. Mahdavi, Mahnaz Pfeifer, Karen Reinhardt, Nola Savoca, Elizabeth A. Staelin, Charles P. Zimbalist, Andrew Riddell, Thomas A. Miller, James O'Sullivan, Roisin Reuss, Alejandro Spence, Ardith Northampton, MA 01063 (413) 585-3600 Department of Economics Fax=585-3389 C-Pr 585-3614 fleonard AEG Prof 585-3605 rbartlet AHR Prof 585-3607 rbuchele CAJP Prof 585-3636 dhwilson DIL Prof 585-3612 rkaufman EIJ Prof 585-3629 mmahdavi FGM Prof 585-3623 kpfeifer BNOP Prof 585-3617 nreinhar OPQ Prof 585-3615 esavoca CEIT Prof 585-3621 cstaelin ACDF Prof 585-3622 azimbali CJLP Assoc 585-4910 triddell AHNO Asst 585-3613 jdmiller ADK Asst 585-4523 rosulliv AEG Asst 585-2792 areuss AN Asst 585-3606 aspence DHIQ Sonoma State University Department of Economics Homepage: www.sonoma.edu/econ Robertson, James W. Eyler, Robert Benito, Carlos Hayes, Sue E. Cuellar, Steven S. Richer, Jerrell Visser, Michael Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609 (707) 664-2377 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=664-4009 University of the South nepartment of Economics Kipp, Rita Smith Williams, E. Douglass Gottfried, Robert Richard Mohiuddin, Yasmeen Kelly, William A. Jr. Bradbury, John-Charles on leave 2006-2007 St. Pierre, Marc Sewanee, TN 37383-1000 (931) 598-1000 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=598-1145 Dean 598-1248 dcollege PHD C-Ac 598-1805 dwilliam PHD Prof 598-1243 rgottri OQR PHD Prof 598-1462 ymohiudd FOE PHD VAsoc 598-1235 wikelly PHD Asst 598-1721 jbradbur PHD 76 90 81 83 76 00 VInst 03 Sherbrooke University of South Alabama Dept of Econ & Finance Moore, Carl C. Dickens, Ross Chang, Semoon Swofford, James L. Forbus, Philip R. Hughes, Danny Simpson, Barry Mobile, AL 36688-0002 (251) 460-7171 College of Business Fax=460-6429 Dean 460-6902 cmoore Mgt PHD H-Pr 460-6729 rdickens Fnce PHD Prof 460-6156 schang M PHD Prof 460-6705 jswoffor E PHD Assoc 460-6708 pforbus AD PHD Asst 460-6194 dhughes C PHD Asst 414-8207 bsimpson B PHD usouthal.edu Ms. Lissa Williams 70 Alabama 1971 91 Tennessee 1998 71 Fla St 1972 81 Florida 1984 78 Arkansas 1978 05 Georgia 2004 04 Auburn 2003 Univ So Carolina at Aiken Aiken, SC 29801 (803) 641-3340 Economics Faculty School Bus Adm & Econ Fax=641-3445 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing; phone 648-6851 Byington, J. Ralph H-Pr 641-3340 ralphb Atg PHD Shelburn, Marsha Prof 648-6851 marshas PHD Porca, Sanela Asst 648-6851 sanelap PHD usca.edu Gina Buckley Dean C-Ac Prof Prof Asst 580-5094 580-5097 580-5115 580-5073 580-5098 580-8303 580-5096 664-2220 664-4256 664-2410 664-3070 664-2305 664-2919 664-3297 rjones modekon rrotheim nchiteji lvargha jbibow mdas robert.eyler carlos.benito sue.hayes steven.cuellar jerrell.richer michael.visser 598-3323 mastpier PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 128 Atg E FO Q DJ Q PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 78 77 77 99 99 Columbia 1973 SUNY-Alb 1983 Rutgers 1980 N Carol 1999 Wisconsin 1999 Cambridge Calif sru.edu Kathy 96 S Illinois 1978 80 Pittsburgh 1981 88 Pittsburgh 1983 66 71 76 83 78 86 81 81 82 71 74 75 97 02 97 00 email.smith.edu Judy Fountain Michigan 1966 Stanford 1979 Harvard 1977 Berkeley 1984 MIT 1983 Michigan 1985 American 1979 Berkeley 1981 Berkeley 1982 Michigan 1981 Harvard 1974 American 1980 Chicago 1996 Ohio St 2002 Mass 2006 Chicago 2001 sonoma.edu Sheila Mackintosh 63 98 73 75 98 91 U Wash 2004 Ca-Davis 1998 Ca-Davis 1990 Berkeley 1974 Tx A&M 2001 Ca-SnBarb sewanee.edu Pittsburgh Nrthwstrn N Carol Vanderbilt N Carol GeoMason 85 Arkansas 7-03 80 N Carol 1980 02 Tennessee 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Univ of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 (803) 777-7400 Department of Economics Moore Sch of Business Fax=777-6876 Homepage: moosreschool.sc.edu/moore/economics/ Smith, Joel A. III Dean Bank Martin, Randolph C. C-Pr 777-4356 rmartin Addison, John T. Prof 777-4608 eccaddi Blackburn, McKinley L. Prof 777-4931 blackbrn Carlsson, Robert J. Emer 777-6641 carlsson Chappell, Henry W. Prof 777-4940 chappell Cohn, Elchanan Emer 777-2714 feu00004 Kiker, B. F. Emer 777-6955 kikerbf Liles, W. Pierce Emer 777-6641 lilesp McDermott, John H. Prof 777-4939 dynamo Wilder, Ronald P. Emer 777-6955 wilder Woodward, Doug P. Prof 777-2510 woodward Director, Division of Research Boucher-Breuer, Janice L. Assoc 777-7419 boucher Phillips, William H. Emer 777-2875 wmphllps Rawson, William S. Emer 777-3865 Hauk, Bill Asst 777-6044 hauk McInnes, Melayne M. Asst 777-6087 mcinnes Miao, Chun-Hui Asst 777-2583 miao Ozturk, Orgul D. Asst 777-4904 odozturk Schunk, Donald Asst 777-5985 dschunk Balch, Donald C. Lect 777-6828 sxabalch AD Bradley, James Jr. DLect 777-2786 jbradley AHM Cotti, Chad Lect 777-4935 cotti U South Carolina Upstate Department of Economics Parker, Darrell F. Lancaster, Lilly Rook, Sarah P. Word, William R. Reese, James W. Reback, Chuck Spartanburg, SC 29303 (864) 503-5581 Sch of Bus Admin & Econ Fax=503-5583 Dean 503-5580 dparker AEHR AcDn$ 503-5597 llancaster Mgt Prof 503-5584 srook ADEQ Prof 503-5510 bword ADEJ Assoc 503-5585 jreese AFPH Inst 503-5503 creback moore.sc.edu Georgene Dance BA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 67 71 71 87 64 79 68 65 72 79 69 86 South Wash U London Harvard Rutgers Yale Iowa St Tulane S Carol Brown Vanderbilt Tx-Austin PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA CHPL PHD 87 80 67 05 98 06 06 99 88 70 06 N Carol 1987 MIT 1979 Duke 1967 Stanford 8-06 Yale 8-97 Princeton 8-05 Wisconsin 8-06 Tennessee 8-99 S Carol 8-84 N Carol 9-74 Wisconsin 8-06 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD South Carolina St University Orangeburg, SC Dept Agribusiness & Econ School of Business Did Not Respond Again--1999-2000 Listing Spann, Ora Dean$ 536-8980 Modeste, Nelson C. C-Ac 536-8076 Londhe, Suresh R. Prof 536-8449 Onunkwo, Emmanuel N. Prof 536-8843 Karemera, David Assoc 536-7136 Kyereme, Stephen Assoc 536-8448 Mustafa, Muhammad Assoc 536-8459 Selassie, Haile G. Assoc 536-8456 Sureshwaran, S. Asst 536-8456 29117 (803) 536-8070 Fax=516-4651 ospann nmodeste londhe emonunkwo kdaremera skyereme mmustafa selassie ssuresh University of South Dakota Div of Econ, Dec Sci & MIS Keller, Michael J. Moen, David Reinke, Robert W. Ring, Raymond J. Jr. Tosterud, Robert Waldron, Randall Allgrunn, Michael Carr, David Vermillion, SD School of Business Dean 677-5455 C 677-5455 Prof 677-5540 Prof 677-5319 Prof 677-5565 Assoc 677-6643 Asst 677-8834 Asst 677-5567 57069-2390 (605) 677-5455 Fax=677-5427 mkeller JD dmoen DecS PHD rreinke PHD rring PHD btosteru PHD rwaldron PHD mike.allgrun PHD dcarr PHD South Dakota State Univ Economics Department Lemme, Gary Shane, Richard C. Beutler, Martin K. Cumber, Carol J. Dobbs, Thomas L. Fausti, Scott W. Janssen, Larry L. Kim, Han J. Lyons, Patrick A. Brookings, SD 57007-0895 (605) 688-4141 Col of Agri & Biol Sci Fax=688-6386 Dean 668-4148 gary_lemme PHD H-Pr 688-4141 richard.shane Q PHD Prof 394-2236 beutler.martin Q PHD Prof 688-4849 carol.cumber M PHD Prof 688-4874 thomas.dobbs Q PHD Prof 688-4868 scott.fausti F PHD Prof 688-4871 larry.janssen Q PHD Prof 688-4848 han.kim C PHD Prof 688-4842 patrick.lyons M JD Mgt 129 F-00 1970 1987 1980 1971 1983 1987 uscupstate.edu Lisa Miller 84 Purdue 2006 80 70 73 05 N Car St 1980 Tennessee 1998 Tennessee 1982 Clemson 2006 scsu.edu Ms. Patricia McDonald PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 76 65 73 89 84 88 83 89 Ohio St Florida LSU Geotown Nebraska Cornell Wayne St Okla St Clemson 3-00 1994 1969 1978 1997 1984 1989 1984 1990 74 83 82 73 73 94 06 97 usd.edu Bob Noonan S Dakota 2002 Okla St 1983 Minnesota 1987 Kansas 1978 Manitoba 1991 Vanderbilt 1994 Mich St 2006 Colorado 2004 79 78 86 94 69 91 78 69 74 sdstate.edu June Larkin Nebraska 2005 Wash St 1977 Purdue 1986 S Dak St 1990 Maryland 1978 Illinois 1991 Nebraska 1978 Oregon St 1967 S Dakota 1975 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback O'Brien, Jamie L. Pflueger, Burton W. Sondey, John A. Adamson, Dwight W. (Bill) Franklin, Douglas R. Klein, Nicole L. Qasmi, Bashir A. Santos, Joseph VanderSluis, Evert Zimmerman, Jason Davis, David E. Diersen, Matthew Du, Ding Gustafson, Curtis O. Langelett, George Taylor, Gary Ellingson, Wayne D. Rasmussen, Chris H. Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Inst Inst 688-4144 688-4141 688-4873 688-4105 688-4861 688-4847 688-4870 668-4846 688-4872 688-4845 688-4859 688-4864 688-4844 688-4850 688-4844 688-4851 688-4869 688-4145 jamie.obrien burton.pflueger john.sondey bill.adamson douglas.franklin nicole.klein bashir.qasmi joseph.santos evert.vanders+ jason.zimmerman david.davis matthew.diersen ding.du curtis.gustafson george.lange+ gary.taylor wayne.ellingson chris.rasmussen KM Q H E Q Q Q E FO D DM Q EG M M Q C M MPA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD BS BA University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620-5500 (813) 974-4252 Department of Economics Col of Business Admin Fax=974-6510 Homepage: http://www.coba.usf.usf.edu/departments/economics Forsythe, Robert Dean 974-3229 rforsyth G PHD Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabena C-Pr 974-6520 kgyimah O PHD Bellante, Donald M. Prof 974-6386 dbellant J PHD DeSalvo, Joseph S. Prof 974-6388 jdesalvo R PHD Herander, Mark G. Prof 974-6540 mherande F PHD Picone, Gabriel A. Prof 974-6537 gpicone C PHD Porter, Philip K. Prof 974-6539 pporer H PHD Rowe, John W. Prof 974-6543 jrowe D PHD Ford, Edward J. Jr. Assoc 974-6559 eford R PHD Green-Weishaupt, Carole A. Assoc 974-6521 cgreen J PHD Kamp, Bradley P. Assoc 974-6549 bkamp L PHD Loewy, Michael Assoc 974-6532 mloewy E PHD Thomas, Christopher R. Assoc 974-6546 cthomas L PHD DeSimone, Jeffrey Asst 974-6555 jdesimon C PHD Bartlett, Sue A. Lect 974-6547 sbartlet A MA 130 84 85 89 88 82 96 86 96 93 98 98 99 03 86 00 95 70 75 S Dakota Illinois Wash St Wash St Utah Kansas St Iowa St Rutgers Minnesota Purdue Oregon Illinois W Virginia S Dakota Nebraska Okla St Iowa St SW State 1984 1985 1990 1989 1988 1997 1987 1997 1997 1999 2005 1999 2005 1989 2002 2000 1980 1978 coba.usf.edu Mary L. Bennett 75 81 71 68 80 93 78 66 71 82 93 86 80 98 93 Car Mellon 2006 Wayne St 1994 Fla St 1985 Nrthwstrn 1983 N Carol 1979 Vanderbilt 1993 Tx A&M 1985 Illinois 1979 Boston C 1971 Illinois 1982 Ca-SnDgo 1992 Minnesota 1998 Tx A&M 1982 Yale 2003 S Fla 1994 Southeast Missouri St Univ C Girardeau, MO 63701-4799 (573) 651-2181 semo.edu Dept of Economics & Finance Harrison Coll Business Fax=651-2947 Ms. Brenda Glastetter Homepage: www6.semo.edu/economicsandfinance McDougall, Gerald S. Dean 651-2112 gmcdougall HL PHD 74 Claremont 1993 Summary, Rebecca M. C-Pr 651-2945 rsummary FA PHD 83 Illinois 1983 Domazlicky, Bruce R. Prof 651-2013 bdomazlicky AK PHD 76 Wyoming 1986 Kerr, Peter M. Prof 651-2012 pkerr AEBF PHD 79 Kansas 1980 Park, Kang Hoon Prof 651-2942 khpark CF PHD 81 S Illinois 1979 Weber, William L. Prof 651-2946 wlweber GHI PHD 86 S Illinois 1986 Primont, Diane F. Assoc 651-2819 dprimont JDE PHD 87 N Carol 1990 Redmond, Willie Asst 651-2181 wredmond AFL PHD 99 S Carol 1999 Gehring, Brian Inst bgehring MA 02 Wichita St 2004 Southeastern Louisiana Univ Dept of General Business Settoon, Randall Phillips, Antoinette Hsing, Yu Gibson, Jo Anne Lee, Sang H. Bartkus, James Bowes, David McKenzie, Russell Thomasson, Henry E. Giamalva, John Odusami, Babatunde Wolfson, Shael Hammond, LA 70402 (985) 549-2086 College of Bus & Tech Fax=549-2881 Dean 549-2258 rsettoon Mgt H-Pr$ 549-2086 aphillips Mgt Prof 549-2081 yhsing EJOR Assoc 549-2086 jo.gibson A Assoc 549-3728 slee ADLM Asst$ 549-2856 james.bartkus AMR Asst 549-3098 dbowes AQR Asst 549-5928 russell.mckenzie DFQR Asst 549-3068 hthomasson AJ Inst 549-5423 jgiamalva AFQ Inst 549-3091 babatunde.od+ G Inst 549-3948 shael.wolfson AMR Southeastern Oklahoma State Dept of Social Sciences phone 924-0121 Mangrum, C. W. Chinn, Kenneth L. Collier, George A. Jr. Durant, OK 74701-0609 (580) Ext 2713 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=920-7479 Dean C-Pr Emer 745-2278 745-2580 kchinn Ext 2734 gcollier EC ARM PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD MBA MS PHD PHD PHD 96 92 83 72 99 04 99 03 88 98 02 00 selu.edu Lou Salisbury LSU 1994 LSU 1990 Tennessee 1987 Miss 1980 Florida 1999 N Orleans 2005 Georgia 2002 Oklahoma 2004 LSU 1989 Arkansas 1999 N Orleans 2005 Florida 2005 sosu.edu 91 Colo St 78 Okla St 1982 1972 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 131 Southern Adventist Univ Economics Faculty VanOrnam, Don Erickson, Richard J. Collegedale, TN 37315-0370 (423) 236-2527 southern.edu Sch of Business & Mgt Fax=236-1527 Lisa Kuhlman/Linda Wilhelm Dean 236-2750 vanornam PHD 95 Claremont 1997 Assoc 236-2755 erickson A MBA 81 Aust Pea 1984 Southern University Dept of Economics & Finance Homepage: www.subr.edu Andrews, Donald R. Ghirmay, Ghebreyesus Hingorani, Vineeta Jindia, Jaswant R. Waters, Melissa S. email: [email protected] Muhammad, Andrew Smyser, Michael W. Yigletu, Ashagre Associate Dean Sung, No Baton Rouge, LA 70813-9723 (225) 771-2992 College of Business Fax=771-5262 Southern Arkansas Univ Dept of Economics & Finance Stinson, Terrye A. Ashby, David J. Horton, Marshall Magnolia, AR 71753-5000 (870) 235-4304 Sch of Business Admin Fax=235-4800 Dean 235-4300 tastinson Atg DBA C-Ac 235-4304 jdasby Fnce DBA Assoc 235-5162 mjhorton PHD saumag.edu Angela McLaughlin 89 La Tech 1980 96 La Tech 1992 So Meth 1999 Univ of Southern California Department of Economics Ham, John Dekle, Robert Easterlin, Richard A. Hsiao, Cheng Kuran, Timur Magill, Michael J. P. Nugent, Jeffrey B. Pesaran, M. Hashem Richardson, Harry W. Ridder, Geert Strauss, John A. Tan, Guofu Yett, Donald E. Betts, Caroline Carrillo, Juan Cheng, Harrison C. DePrano, Michael E. Moon, Hyungsik Brocas, Isabelle Jeong, Hyeok Kim, Yong Jin Vandenbvroucke, Guillaume Kamrany, Nake M. Los Angeles, CA 90089-0253 (213) 740-8335 Col of Ltrs, Arts & Sci Fax=740-8543 C-Pr 740-7432 johnham J PHD Prof 740-3528 dekle PHD Prof 743-6993 easterl PHD Prof 740-2103 chsiao PHD Prof 740-2102 kuran PHD Prof 740-2104 magill PHD Prof 740-2107 nugent PHD Prof 740-3513 pesaran PHD Prof 740-3594 hrichard MA Prof 740-3511 ridder PHD Prof 740-7698 jstrauss O PHD Prof 740-3520 guofutan PHD Prof 740-3514 dyett PHD Assoc 740-2430 cbetts PHD Assoc 740-3526 juandc PHD Assoc 740-2105 hacheng PHD Assoc 740-3525 deprano PHD Assoc 740-2108 moonr PHD Asst 740-8842 brocas PHD Asst 740-3512 hjeong PHD Asst 740-2098 yongkim PHD Asst 740-2134 vandenbr PHD SLect 740-6997 kamrany PHD usc.edu Sheila Williams Princeton 2005 Yale 1998 Penn 1982 Stanford 1985 Stanford 1982 Brown 1979 New Sch 1973 Cambridge 2003 Manchest 1975 Amsterdm 2000 Mich St 2004 Cal Tech 2003 Berkeley 1966 Brit Colum 1994 Toulouse 2003 Berkeley 1978 Illinois 1963 Yale 2000 Toulouse 2003 Chicago 2000 LondonSE 2003 Rochester 2004 S Calif 1976 Univ of Southern California Dept of Finance & Bus Econ email @1=usc.edu Gilligan, Thomas W. Imrohoroglu, Ayse Garrett, Geoffrey Harris, Lawrence Imrohoroglu, Selo Joines, Douglas H. Marino, Anthony M. Matsusaka, John G. Neumeyer, Pablo Andres Chen, Baizhu Eastin, Richard V. Quadrini, Vincenzo Zabojnik, Los Angeles, CA 90089 (213) 740-6515 Marshall Sch Business Fax=740-6650 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof VProf Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 U Wash 88 Minnesota 1989 90 Duke Chicago 88 Minnesota 1989 Chicago Ca-SnBarb Chicago 92 Columbia Rochester Ca-SnBarb 96 Penn 97 Cornell Southern Connecticut St Un Dept of Economics & Finance Hein, Henry Andoh, Samuel Kojo New Haven, CT 06515 (203) 392-5629 School of Business Fax=392-5254 Dean$ 392-5631 heinr1 EDD C-Pr 392-5616 andohs1 EO PHD southernct.edu Marisol Lopez Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof 771-5641 771-2992 771-2992 771-2992 771-2992 jazandrews@y ghebreg98@y vinetta1@y jaswant@y Assoc 771-2992 drandreww@y Assoc 771-2992 mwsmyser@h Assoc 771-2992 ashe638@y Asst QR G AO CJT PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 Tx A&M Strathcl 94 N Orleans 70 Illinois 89 LSU 1995 2002 1994 1970 2000 G AE PHD PHD PHD Florida 91 Fla Intl 72 Belgrade 2000 1991 1972 PHD LSU 2002 771-2992 sungchno@h 740-6422 740-6515 740-4297 740-6496 740-6546 740-6510 740-6525 740-6495 740-6496 740-7550 740-6493 740-6521 740-6497 dean ayse ggarrett@1 lharris@1 selo joines amarino matsusak@1 pneumeye baizhu eastin quadrini@1 zabojnik subr.edu Miss Rose K. Matthews EF 80 88 53 72 82 70 65 72 61 87 81 90 68 94 96 77 63 98 97 00 03 04 62 marshall.usc.edu Debra Jacobs 86 NYU 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bodo, Peter Crakes, Gary M. Eldridge, Robert M. Mostaghimi, Mehdi Thorson, James A. Gebremariam, Yilma Mills, Judith W. Abugri, Benjamin A. Grubacic, Sanja Savage, Deborah A. Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Southern Illinois Univ Department of Economics Homepage: www.siu.edu/~econ/ Vaux, Alan Grabowski, Richard L. Laumas, G. S. Layer, Robert Myers, John G. Primont, Daniel A. Sharma, Subhash Trescott, Paul B. Ellis, Robert J. Jr. Mitchell, Thomas M. Sylwester, Kevin Watts, Alison Besci, Zsolt Dai, Chifeng Gilbert, Scott Pitafi, Basharat Carbondale, IL 62901-4515 (618) 536-7746 College of Liberal Arts Fax=453-2717 So Illinois, Edwardsville Dept of Economics & Finance Giamartino, Gary A. Hafer, Rik W. Elliott, Donald S. Jr. Kutan, Ali M. Meisel, John B. Edmonds, Radcliff G. Jr. Navin, John Evrensel, Ayse Jones, Garett Spivey, Christy Sullivan, Timothy Pettit, Mary Ann Richards, Warren Wolff, Laura Edwardsville, IL School of Business Dean 650-3823 C-Pr 650-2747 Prof 650-2599 Prof 650-3473 Prof 650-2581 Assoc 650-2598 Assoc 650-3423 Asst 650-2592 Asst 650-2892 Asst 650-2977 Asst 650-3469 Inst 650-2583 Inst 650-2162 Inst 650-2875 Dean C-Pr Emer Emer Emer Prof Prof Emer Emer Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 392-5617 392-5619 392-5628 392-5625 392-5626 392-5620 392-5623 392-5171 392-5672 392-5627 453-2466 alanvaux 453-5082 ricardo 453-5740 gslaumas 453-5073 453-5066 453-5070 453-5095 453-5063 453-5072 453-5347 453-5072 453-5062 453-5347 453-5065 453-6250 Univ of Southern Indiana Evansvillle, IN Dept of Economics & Finance School of Business Homepage: business.usi.edu/dept_econ_fin.htm Khayum, Mohammed Dean 465-1681 Schibik, Timothy J. Prof 464-1880 Cashel-Cordo, Peter Assoc 465-7033 Lai, Choon-Shan Asst 465-7145 Mujumdar, Sudesh Asst 465-7147 Sauer, Katherine Asst 465-7034 Mahoney, Timothy B. Inst 464-1947 Univ of Southern Maine Department of Economics Homepage: usm.maine.edu/eco Roberts, Bruce B. Feiner, Susan F. Hillard, Michael Goldstein, Nance Mamgain, Vaishali Medley, Joseph E. Bouvier, Rachel bodop1 crakesg1 eldridger1 mostaghimim1 thorsonj1 gebremariay1 millsj1 abugrib1 grubacics1 savaged1 CL AI G CEM R FO CNT EF I OF EC primo sharma DC C EB tmitch ksylwest wattsa becsi daic gilberts pitafi DC EO DKL EH LK C HQ PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 62026-1102 (618) 650-2542 Fax=650-3047 ggiamar Mgt PHD rhafer EG PHD delliot AHMR PHD akutan EFG PHD jmeisel ADL PHD redmond ACF PHD jnavin HIJ PHD aevrens EF PHD garjone EG PHD csprivey DJ PHD tsulliv IJT PHD mpettit A MA wrichar A MS lwolff AO MS 132 91 84 87 87 91 89 94 02 96 93 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS 780-5502 780-4966 780-4416 780-4602 780-5807 780-4293 228-8377 Southern Methodist Univ Dallas, TX Department of Economics Dedman College Homepage: www.smu.edu/economics broberts sffein mhillard nance vaishali medley rbouvier BE BN EJ IJ CO BO DQR PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 75275-0496 (214) 768-4337 Fax=768-1821 8-84 1992 1990 1991 2002 81 77 66 52 61 70 83 54 66 84 97 93 91 03 96 04 Ca-Irvine 1980 Utah 1979 Wayne St 1990 Harvard 1955 Columbia 1977 Ca-SnBarb 1978 Kentucky 1983 Princeton 1976 Virginia 1965 Brown 1983 Wisconsin 1998 Duke 2001 Wisconsin 2003 Florida 2005 Ca-SnDgo 1999 Hawaii 2005 79 79 76 90 78 79 92 03 00 06 95 77 90 88 siue.edu Janet Novosad Vanderbilt 2002 Va Tech 1989 Minnesota 1976 Ariz St 1991 Boston C 1977 Michigan 1977 Mich St Clemson 2005 Ca-SnDgo 2000 Tx-Austin 2006 Maryland 1995 Tennessee 1989 S Il-Edw 2000 Missouri 1990 usi.edu 90 89 88 02 00 06 65 Portland, ME 04104-9300 (207) 780-5502 College of Arts & Sci Fax=780-5507 C-Pr Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst 1980 siu.edu Mrs. Nancy Mallett 47712-3597 (812) 464-1979 Fax=465-1044 mkhayum tschibik cashel clai smujumda ksauer tmahoney Conn Conn Geo Wash Virginia Il-Chicago S Calif SUNY-SBr UIPA Conn Conn Temple W Virginia Houston Purdue Cincinnati Colorado Illinois 1991 1988 1994 2002 2001 2006 1987 usm.maine.edu Shirley Cote 81 81 88 88 97 81 03 Mass 1995 Mass 1995 Mass 1987 ThamesPoly1987 N Carol 1997 Mass 1983 Mass 2005 smu.edu Pontip Vattakavanich 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Brettel, Caroline Dean$ 768-3212 PHD Acting Dean and Vice Provost, Dedman College Saggi, Kamal C-Pr 768-3274 ksaggi FLO PHD Director Graduate Studies Balke, Nathan S. Prof 768-2693 nbalke EG PHD Batra, Raveendra N. Prof 768-2707 rbatra F PHD Deb, Rajat Prof 768-3556 rdeb D PHD Fomby, Thomas Prof 768-2559 tfomby CD PHD Hayes, Kathy J. Prof 768-4485 khayes HIL PHD Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dedman College Maasoumi, Esfandiar Prof 768-4298 maasoumi C PHD Robert H. & Nancy Dedman Professor Osang, Thomas Prof 768-4398 tosang FO PHD Roy, Santanu Prof 768-2714 sroy DLQ PHD Director, Graduate Studies Slottje, Daniel J. Prof 768-2715 dslottje DJK PHD Weber, Shlomo Prof 768-3577 sweber DHL PHD Robert H. & Nancy Dedman Trustee Professor; Dir R.B. Johnson Economic Studies Jensen, Christian Assoc 768-3736 christa E PHD Millimet, Daniel Assoc 768-3269 millimet CJO PHD Amaral, Pedro Asst 768-4050 pamaral E PHD Deng, Yi Asst 768-2715 dyeng L PHD Ozerturk, Saltuk Asst 768-3344 ozerturk LG PHD U of Southern Mississippi Dept Economics & Intl Bus Doty, D. Harold Carter, George H. III Gunther, William D. Klinedinst, Mark A. Mixon, Frank Niroomand, Farhang Nissan, Edward Sawyer, W. Charles Green, Trellis G. Marvasti, Akbar B. Dakhlia, Sami F. Malik, Farooq Monchuk, Daniel Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5072 (601) 266-4648 Col of Business Adm Fax=266-4920 Dean 266-4660 harold.doty Mgt PHD C-Pr 266-4651 george.carter R PHD Prof 266-4659 william.gunther R PHD Prof 266-4649 m.klinedinst P PHD Prof 266-5083 jr.mixon J PHD Prof 266-5028 farhang.niroo+ F PHD Prof 266-4656 edward.nissan R PHD Prof 266-4489 w.sawyer F PHD Assoc 266-4662 trellis.green Q PHD Assoc 266-4484 akbar.marvasti F PHD Asst 266-6612 sami.dakhlia D PHD Asst 864-3453 farooq.malik J PHD Asst 266-6094 daniel.monchuk R PHD Southern Nazarene Univ Economics Faculty Banz, Martha Herskowitz, Thomas K. Mills, Larry W. Seyfert, Jeff Bethany, OK School of Business Dean 491-6609 C 491-6359 Prof 491-6392 Asst 491-6671 73008 (405) 491-6359 Fax=491-6384 mbanz therskowitz lmills jseyfert Southern New Hampshire Univ Economic & Finance Dept Bradley, Martin Tripp, Gary Hall, Yvonne C. Johnson, R. Larry Hassan, Mahboubul White, Charles V. Widener, Steven Aliouche, El-Hachemi Manchester, NH School of Business Dean 644-3153 C-Ac 644-3196 Prof 668-2211 Prof Assoc 668-2211 Assoc 644-3184 Assoc 668-2211 Asst 644-3327 03104-1394 (603) 645-9691 Fax=645-9603 m.bradley Mgt EDD g.tripp PHD y.hall PHD l.johnson DBA m.hassan MAPE c.white PHD s.widener PHD e.aliouche PHD PHD JD PHD MBA Southern Oregon University Ashland, OR 97520-5082 (541) 552-6787 Department of Economics Social Science Area Fax=552-6439 Homepage: www.sou.edu/economics Wilson, Josie Dean 562-6417 jwilson PHD Young, Linda Wilcox C-Pr 552-6787 lwyoung JOF PHD Holt, Richard P. F. Prof 552-6784 rholt ABD PHD Pirasteh, Hassan Prof 552-6434 pirasteh CE PHD Rubenson, Daniel L. Prof 552-6437 drube AE PHD Southern Utah University Cedar City, UT 84720 (435) 586-5462 Dept of Businss-Economics Sch of Bus, Tech & Comm Fax=586-5493 Homepage: www.suu.edu/business/econ/ Baker, Joe M. C-Pr 586-5449 baker_j PHD Bowman, Rhead S. Prof 586-5412 bowman PHD Craft, Kim Assoc 586-5414 craft PHD 133 Brown 2006 95 Penn 1995 86 69 75 75 80 1986 1973 1976 1975 1986 Nrthwstrn S Illinois LondonEc Missouri Syracuse 77 LondonEc 1976 94 Ca-SnDgo 1994 91 Cornell 2003 83 Tx A&M 79 Hebrew 1989 1993 03 99 02 03 01 Car Mellon 2003 Brown 1999 Minnesota 2002 Yale 2003 NYU 2001 90 77 69 87 92 83 69 83 84 85 98 00 03 usm.edu Ms. Lola Ingram Tx-Austin 2003 Tx A&M 1979 Kentucky 1998 Cornell 1986 Auburn 1994 Mich St 1984 Tx A&M 1969 Arkansas 1983 Fla St 1983 LSU 2006 Wash U 2006 Tx Tech 2005 Iowa St 2004 snu.edu Sandie Goddard 85 Loyola 2005 78 Oklahoma 1968 89 Tulsa 1990 94 95 81 82 82 73 88 90 snhu.edu Linda Owens Vanderbilt 9-81 Clark 1996 Colo St 1981 Geo Wash 1978 Boston U 1985 Ohio St 1979 NewHamp 1987 NewHamp sou.edu Terry Knowles 85 87 87 85 85 Geo St 1988 Berkeley 1994 Utah 1996 Oregon 1982 Car Mellon 1986 suu.edu Laurie Harris 77 Utah 1997 75 Utah 1978 96 Ca-Davis 1996 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Tufte, David R. Assoc 586-5407 tufte Southwest Baptist Univ Business Administration Homepage: sbuniv.edu/business Whitlock, David W. DeBauche, Susan Ellis, Barry Bethards, Troy Credille, Ronda Bolivar, MO 65613-2496 (417) 326-1951 College of Business Fax=326-1887 PHD EDD PHD DBA PHD 95 Oklahoma 1999 90 Arkansas 1985 North Tx 2001 Anderson 1-07 Nebraska 1990 Southwest Minnesota St Univ Economics Faculty Toland, Gerald D. Jr. Davis, Stephen Onyeaghala, Raphael Marshall, MN 56258 (507) 537-6260 Dept Bus Adm & Pub Aff Fax=537-6227 C-Pr 537-6260 PHD 537-7122 davisst 537-6110 southwestmsu.edu Eunice Herrick 1990 Southwestern University Georgetown, TX 78627-0770 (512) 863-1574 Economic & Business Dept Brown Col of Arts & Sci Fax=863-1535 Homepage: southwestern.edu/~econbus/ Hunt, James W. Dean 863-1567 huntj Edu EDD Delaney, John E. C-Ac 863-1588 delaneyj Atg PHD Sellers, Fred E. C-Ac 863-1574 robertsk Atg PHD Roberts, Kenneth D. Prof 863-1993 robertsk GEOT PHD Young, Mary E. Prof 863-1994 youngm CDJQ PHD Early, Dirk W. Assoc 863-1592 earlyd DEHR PHD Karaaslar, Mehmet VAssc 863-1934 memin AEFL PHD Northrop, Emily M. Assoc 863-1591 northroe ENQR PHD southwestern.edu Kathy Buchhorn Southwestern Oklahoma St U Dept of Social Sciences Holley, Phil Nowka, Harry E. May, Ralph Dunn, Jerry Dean C-As Assoc Asst Asst 328-1759 328-1958 328-1753 328-1757 328-1750 Weatherford, OK Arts and Sciences C 774-3292 Prof 774-3754 Assoc 774-3279 Asst 774-3048 dwhitloc sdebauch bellis tbethards rcredille PHD 134 Bus Bus 73096-3098 (580) 774-3292 Fax=774-7067 harry.nowka mayr jerry.dunn EDD PHD PHD 92 SUNY-Buf 2001 sbuniv.edu Ms. Mahnell Erven 87 89 84 80 89 95 91 88 NW St La Tx-Austin Kansas Wisconsin Tx-Austin Virginia Wash St Tx-Austin 1988 8-88 1981 1990 1994 2001 1994 swosu.edu 70 Okla St 1963 75 Purdue 1989 02 Kansas St 2002 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6072 (650) 725-3266 stanford.edu Department of Economics Sch of Humanities & Sci Fax=725-5702 Lin Calderon 723-3713 Bresnahan, Timothy F. C-Pr 723-3713 tbres PHD 80 Princeton 1979 Amemiya, Takeshi Emer 723-3986 amemiya PHD 64 J Hopkins 1968 Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Economics Aoki, Masahiko Emer 723-3975 aoki PHD 67 Minnesota 1984 Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Professor of Japanese Studies Bernheim, B. Douglas Prof 725-8732 bernheim PHD 82 MIT 1994 Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor in Economics Boskin, Michael J. Prof 723-6482 PHD 71 Berkeley 1970 Tully Friedman Professor in Economics; email boskin@hoover David, Paul A. Emer 723-3710 PHD 73 Harvard 1969 Goulder, Lawrence Prof 723-3706 goulder PHD 82 Stanford 1989 Greif, Avner Prof 725-8936 avner PHD 89 Nrthwstrn 1993 Hall, Robert E. Prof 723-2215 PHD 67 MIT 1978 email: [email protected] Hammond, Peter J. Prof 723-3987 hammond PHD 74 Cambridge 1979 Jackson, Matthew O. Prof 723-3544 jacksonm PHD 88 Stanford 2006 Klenow, Pete Prof 725-8169 klenow PHD 91 Stanford 2003 Krueger, Anne O. Emer 723-0188 akrueger PHD 58 Wisconsin Herald L. and Caroline L. Reitch Professor in Humanities and Sciences Kurz, Mordecai Prof 723-2220 mordecai PHD 61 Yale 1966 Joan Kenney Professor of Economics MaCurdy, Thomas E. Prof 723-3983 tmac PHD 78 Chicago 1983 McKinnon, Ronald I. Emer 723-3721 mckinnon PHD 61 Minnesota 1961 William D. Eberle Professor of Economics Milgrom, Paul R. Prof 723-3397 milgrom PHD 79 Stanford 1987 Shirley R. and Leonard W. Ely, Jr. Professor in Humanities and Sciences Noll, Roger G. Emer 723-2297 rnoll PHD 67 Harvard 1984 Morris M. Doyle Centennial Professor Pencavel, John H. Prof 723-3981 pencavel PHD 69 Princeton 1979 Rosenberg, Nathan Emer 723-1902 ib.nat@forsythe PHD 55 Wisconsin Fairleigh S. Dickinson, Jr., Professor of Public Policy Segal, Ilya Prof 724-4905 isegal PHD 95 Harvard 1999 Shoven, John B. Prof 326-3273 shoven PHD 73 Yale 1978 Charles R. Schwab Professor of Economics Staiger, Robert W. Prof 723-0533 rstaiger PHD 85 Michigan 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback visiting from University of Wisconsin Taylor, John B. Prof Wolak, Frank A. Prof Wright, Gavin Prof Levin, Jonathan Assoc McClellan, Mark Assoc on leave Pistaferri, Luigi Assoc Abramitzky, Ran Asst Amador, Manuel Asst Bloom, Nicholas Asst DeGiorgi, Giacomo Asst Einav, Liran Asst Fitzgerald, Doireanne Asst Hansen, Peter R. Asst Jaimovich, Nir Asst Jayachandran, Seema Asst Mahajan, Aprajil Asst Moser, Petra Asst Niederle, Muriel Asst Tertilt, Michele Asst Rothwell, Geoffrey S. SLect 135 723-9677 723-3944 723-3837 723-5962 723-3982 johntayl wolak@zia write jdlevin markm@texas PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 85 69 99 93 Stanford Harvard Yale MIT Harvard 1993 1986 1982 1999 9-95 724-4904 723-9276 724-4901 725-7836 723-3982 723-3704 724-1427 725-1869 724-4902 725-1870 723-3864 723-9303 723-7359 724-4903 725-3456 pista ranabr amador nbloom degiorgi leinav dfitzgerald prhansennsen njaimo jayachan amahajan pmoser niederle tertilt rothwell PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 99 05 03 01 06 02 03 00 04 04 London Nrthwstrn MIT London London Harvard Harvard Ca-SnDgo Nrthwstrn Harvard 1999 2005 2006 2005 2006 7-02 2006 2004 2006 2006 02 Berkeley 02 Harvard 2006 2002 PHD 85 Berkeley 1986 F SUNY at Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063-1198 (716) 673-3509 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=673-3332 Homepage: fredonia.edu/department/econ/index.htm Robinson, Richard M. Dir 673-4813 PHD Parai, Amar K. C-Pr 673-3509 parai AF PHD El Nasser, Marwan M. Prof 673-3827 elnasser EG PHD Foeller, William H. Prof 673-3403 foeller AJ PHD Hefner, Dennis L. Prof 673-3456 hefner IL PHD President Feng, Li Asst 673-3829 feng PHD Reinelt, Peter Asst 673-3509 reinelt QR PHD Suetorsak, R. Asst 673-3830 suetorsak PHD fredonia.edu Michelle Carpenter 79 70 72 71 So Meth Ohio St Iowa St Wash St 1988 1970 1984 1996 06 Fla St 99 Berkeley 04 Utah 2006 2001 2004 SUNY Col at Cortland Cortland, NY 13045-0900 (607) 753-4109 syncorva.cortland.edu Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=753-5983 Denise Riley Homepage: www.cortland.edu/economics/ Prus, Mark J. Dean 753-5758 prus JN PHD 85 Utah 1990 Phillips, Timothy P. C-Ac 753-2437 tphillips M MBA 83 Clarkson 1983 Krall, Mary Elyse Prof 753-2438 krallm AIJQ PHD 89 Utah 8-90 Botwinick, Howard I. Assoc 753-2435 BJ PHD 88 New Sch 1985 Burke, Kathleen Assoc 753-2434 burkek CD PHD SUNY-SBr 1999 Polley, Susanne M. Assoc 753-2469 polleys EHM PHD 94 Penn St 8-94 Zarate-Hayos, German Assoc 753-2439 zarateg FOP PHD Ca-Rivers 2001 Spencer, Deborah L. Asst 753-4110 KFP PHD Notre Dm 1999 Graham, Katherine Lect 753-4110 grahamk MS 86 Cornell 1988 Sear, Judy Lect MS 75 Syracuse 1982 Shirley, John Lect 753-2190 Ward, Brian Lect 753-5782 MBA 87 Syracuse 2002 State Un College at Geneseo Department of Economics Zuckerman, Mary Ellen Strang, Daniel R. Asgary, Nader Gu, Anthony Annala, Christopher Stone, Leonie L. Geneseo, NY 14454-1401 (585) 245-5367 Jones Sch of Business Fax=245-5467 Dean 245-5367 waller Mktg PHD Prof 245-5365 strang CQ PHD Assoc 245-5366 nader FJ PHD Assoc 245-5368 gu D PHD Asst 245-5424 annala E PHD Asst 245-4365 stone OD PHD SUNY at Old Westbury Finance & Bus Econ Dept Homepage: www.oldwestbury.edu Tabriztchi, Sirousse Keefe, Maureen Old Westbury, NY 11568 (516) 876-3292 School of Business Fax=876-3360 C-Ac Inst 876-3318 cyrus1314@a 876-3903 keefem geneseo.edu Kathleen Ackerman 86 Columbia 9-85 75 Cornell 1992 91 Houston 1996 99 Illinois 1999 00 Wash St 2000 93 Ohio St 1993 oldwestbury.edu Laura Gallagher PHD SUNY College at Oneonta Oneonta, NY 13820-4015 (607) 436-3458 Dept of Economics & Business Behavioral & Applied Sc Fax=436-2543 Homepage: http://www.oneonta.edu/economics Thomas, Wade L. Dean 436-3458 thomaswl DEJ PHD O'Dea, William P. C-Pr 436-2127 odeawp DEP PHD Lubell, Alfred M. Prof 436-3458 lubellam ADF PHD 70 Columbia oneonta.edu Ms. Dawn Tompkins 82 Nebraska 1989 88 SUNY-Alb 1979 74 NYU 1974 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Ring, David W. Beck, Edward J. McAvoy, Michael Assoc 436-3145 ringdw Asst 436-3695 beckei Asst 436-4287 mcavoym DEPR PHD DE MBA EN PHD SUNY College at Oswego Economics Faculty Schmitt, Elizabeth Dunne Atri, Said Goffe, William L. Kane, John C. Spizman, Lawrence Andrews, David Dighe, Ranjit S. Graham, Glenn Oswego, NY 13126 (315) 312-2175 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=312-5444 C-Ac 312-3455 edunne AEG Prof 312-3954 atri AFI Prof 312-3444 goffe ACE Prof 312-2581 kane ACJ Prof 312-3479 spizman AJK Assoc 312-3484 dandrew1 AO Assoc 312-3480 dighe AEN Assoc 312-3482 graham AIL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384 (631) 632-7540 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=632-7516 Homepage: www.sunysb.edu/economics/ email @1=notes.cc.sunysb.edu Dawes, William C-Ac 632-7556 wdawes PHD Dubey, Pradeep Prof 632-7549 pdubey PHD Montgomery, Mark Prof 632-7529 mmontgomery PHD Muench, Thomas Prof 632-7544 tmuench PHD Director of Graduate Studies Sanderson, Warren Prof 632-7530 wsanderson PHD Tauman, Yair Prof 632-7557 ytauman PHD Zweig, Michael Prof 632-7536 mzweig PHD Director of Undergraduate Studies Brusco, Sandro Assoc 632-7548 sbrusco PHD Anagnostopoulos, Alexis Asst 632-7537 aanagnostopo PHD Benitez-Silva, Hugo Asst 632-7551 hugo.benitez-s+ PHD Carceles-Poveda, Eva Asst 632-7533 ecarceles PHD Mateos-Planas, Xavier Asst 632-1519 xmateosplanas PHD Tan, Wei Asst 632-1334 wtan@1 PHD Univ at Albany, SUNY Albany, NY 12222 (518) 442-4735 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=442-4736 Homepage: www.albany.edu/econ email @1=cnsunix.albany.edu @2=csc.albany.edu Jerison, Michael C-Pr 442-4287 m.jerison DC Daniel, Betty C. Prof 442-4747 b.daniel EF Kinal, Terrence Prof 442-4744 twk58 CD Lahiri, Kajal Prof 442-4758 k.lahiri E Lankford, R. Hamilton Prof 442-4743 hamp HDI Sattinger, Michael Prof 442-4761 m.sattinger J Uppal, Jogindar S. Prof 442-4748 jsull OH Yun, Kwan Koo Prof 442-4741 yun CD Dieffenbach, Bruce C. Assoc 442-4750 b.dieffenbach E Jones, John Assoc 442-4926 jbjones@2 CEI Kranich, Laurence J. Assoc 442-4741 l.kranich DH Masters, Adrian Assoc 437-4418 amasters EJ Mirer, Thad W. Assoc 442-4755 mirer@3 H Beauchemin, Kenneth Asst 442-4759 k.beauchemin ED Chen, Stacey Asst 591-8538 schen IJ Kown, Illoong Asst 442-4737 ikwon DL Levy, Nadav Asst 442-3174 nadav DL Monkroussos, George Asst 442-4759 gmonokrasssos EO Sayginsoy, Ozgen Asst 442-3175 osayginsoy C Yang, Fang Asst 591-8537 fyang EHO Zhao, Rui Asst 442-4760 rzhao DL SUNY at Binghamton Div Soc Sci - Dept Economics Homepage: econ.binghamton.edu Kern, Clifford R. Basmann, Robert L. Bischoff, Charles W. Britto, Ronald Greene, Kenneth V. Hanes, Christopher L. Director of Graduate Studies Kokkelenberg, Edward C. Kumbhakar, Subal C. Masters, Stanley H. 136 82 SUNY-SBr 1981 82 Syracuse 1977 01 Illinois 2000 97 82 90 86 77 93 98 95 sunysb.edu Janice Byron 72 75 82 65 Purdue Cornell Michigan Purdue 1969 1989 1988 1975 74 Stanford 79 Hebrew 67 Michigan 1989 1989 1967 Stanford London 00 Yale 2003 Pompeu J Hopkins albany.edu Darlene Scalera PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 76 76 75 81 73 65 74 72 98 89 95 71 95 01 99 03 05 04 06 01 Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 (607) 777-2572 Harpur Col Arts & Sci Fax=777-2681 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 777-2228 777-4782 777-4351 777-2660 777-2944 777-5487 ckern Prof Prof Prof 777-2550 kokkele 777-4762 kkar 777-2062 masterssj@a cbischo rbritto kgreene chanes oswego.edu Patti Tift Iowa 1995 SUNY-Alb 1981 N Carol 2000 SUNY-SBr 1983 SUNY-Alb 1977 Michigan 2003 Yale 1997 SUNY-Bin 1992 Wisconsin 1977 N Carol 1983 Minnesota 1980 Rochester 1977 N Carol 1981 Car Mellon 1981 Minnesota 1971 Stanford 1974 Harvard 1978 Wisconsin 1998 Rochester 1998 Penn 2003 Yale 1973 Iowa 1999 Rochester 2001 Harvard 2006 Nrthwstrn 2002 Ca-SnDgo 2005 Cornell 2004 Minnesota 2006 Minnesota 2001 binghamton.edu Patricia Sweet R C EC FE HK EN PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 66 68 66 68 90 Harvard Iowa St MIT Brown Virginia Harvard 1971 1988 1977 1974 1968 2003 EO C J PHD PHD PHD 81 Nrthwstrn 1980 86 S Calif 2001 65 Princeton 1981 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Director of Undergraduate Studies Ofek, Haim Polachek, Solomon W. Yoon, Bong J. Khanna, Neha Plassmann, Florenz Wolcott, Susan Wong, Linda Yang, Zili Ghosh, Daimayanti Henderson, Daniel Jones, Barry Jones, Mingmei Xiad, Wei Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc VAsst Asst Asst VAsst Asst 777-4351 777-6866 777-2987 777-2689 777-4304 777-5487 777-4351 777-4726 777-4415 777-4480 777-4353 777-4755 777-4351 hofek polachek yoon nkhanna fplass swolcott lwong zlyang dghosh djhender bjones mjones wxiao J J JC QD HRF FN JD Q L C EC HD E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD University of Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo, NY 14260-1520 (716) 645-2121 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=645-2127 Homepage: www.economics.buffalo.edu Stinger, Charles AcDn 645-2711 stinger Hst PHD Ehrlich, Isaac C-Pr 645-2121 mgtehrl OLK PHD Anas, Alex Prof 645-2121 alexanas DR PHD Chang, Winston W. Prof 645-2121 ecowwc DF PHD Ganti, Subrahmanyam VProf 645-2121 ecoganti EBC PHD Gort, Michael Prof 645-2121 gort O PHD Holmes, James M. Prof 645-2121 ecoholme EF PHD Revankar, Nagesh S. Prof 645-2121 ecorevan DC PHD Zarembka, Paul Prof 645-2121 zarembka BO PHD Morgan, Peter B. Assoc 645-2121 pbmorgan D PHD Alcala, Luis VAsst 645-2121 lalcala DOJL PHD Braguinsky, Serguey Asst 645-2121 sb56 LO PHD Elias, Julio Asst 645-2121 jelias3 JIO PHD Kim, Hwagyun Asst 645-2121 hk46 GEC PHD Li, Mingliang Asst 645-2121 mki3 CIJ PHD Liu, Zhiqiang Asst 645-2121 zqliu DECO PHD Plehn-Dujowich, Jose Asst 645-2121 LICD PHD Rodriguez, Alejandro VAsst 645-2121 amr38 EO PHD Shang, Ginyan Asst 645-2121 gshang2 JI PHD Subramanian, Chetan Asst 645-2121 chetan ECF PHD Wakai, Katsutoshi Asst 645-2121 kwakai GD PHD Wu, Shaowen Asst 645-2121 sw15 CEF PHD Yin, Yong Asst 645-2121 yyin CDE PHD 137 71 73 78 97 97 88 98 93 87 03 99 99 01 Columbia Columbia Illinois Cornell Va Tech Stanford Iowa Yale S Calif Ca-Rivers Wash U Wash U Pittsburgh 1981 1983 1983 1998 1999 2003 1999 2002 2001 2003 1999 1999 2006 buffalo.edu Betty C. Baker 70 75 68 81 54 67 67 67 78 06 97 05 03 03 93 01 06 06 00 02 98 95 Columbia Penn Rochester Buffalo Columbia Chicago Wisconsin Wisconsin Canterbu Rochester Keio U Chicago Chicago Ca-Irvine SUNY-Buf Chicago Chicago Ohio St S Calif Yale Ohio St Ohio St 1977 1991 1967 2005 1964 1967 1967 1976 1989 2003 2002 2005 2003 2003 2001 2001 2006 2006 2001 2002 2001 1995 SUNY Empire State College Saratoga Spr, NY 12866-4391 (518) 587-2100 esc.edu Economics Faculty Business Mgt & Econ Fax=587-2660 Ddoreen DeCrescenzo area codes 598=(212) 587=(518) 358&948=(914) 360&997=(516) 394&886&244=(716) Elliott, Joyce VPAA PHD 1989 RyanMann, Duncan Assoc 587-2100 dryanman I PHD 84 Penn 1994 Chukhlomin, Val Asst 587-2100 vchukhlomin PHD 86 Novosibir 2006 Cobb, Anne Asst 244-3884 acobb I PHD 69 N Carol 1990 Angiello, Joseph 358-3990 jangiello A PHD 77 Tx-Austin 1983 Coffey, Sergia 587-2190 sergia.coffey PHD DuBois, David 244-3884 ddubois M PHD 90 Union-NY 1976 Fortunato, Michael 587-2100 mfortuna OMF PHD 84 Harvard 1990 Fulk, David 997-4700 david.falk ABD Giordano, Justin 598-0640 jgiordan M MBA St Johns 1992 Hartley, William 673-3575 william.hartley PHD Herdendorf, Phyllis 886-8020 pherdend F PHD 81 SUNY 1987 Hunt, Alan 647-7800 alan.hunt Jarvis, Leslie 997-4700 ljarvis A PHD 82 New Sch 1986 Jones, Otolorin 587-2100 ojones A PHD 83 Ohio U 1985 Lill, Lloyd 394-1110 llill BO PHD 77 Walden 1973 Mendelsohn, Frieda 853-7700 frieda.mendels+ ABD Musoke, Moses 948-6206 mmusoke NM PHD 78 Wisconsin 1985 Pauszek, Ruffin 587-2100 rpauszek A MBA SUNY-Buf 1992 Saueracher, Ed 997-4700 ed.saueracher PHD Sussman, Jeffrey 997-4700 jsussman G PHD 75 CUNY 1975 Todd, Edward 360-1215 etodd A PHD 69 Chicago 1985 Weiss, Jeffrey 948-6206 jweiss A PHD 67 Harvard 1986 SUNY - New Paltz New Paltz, NY 12561-2440 (845) 257-2969 newpaltz.edu Dept of Economics JFT 814 Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=257-3581 Ms. Meredith VanEtten Homepage: www.newpaltz.edu/economics/ Azari-Rad, Hamid C-Ac 257-2944 azarih CEJF PHD 96 Utah 1999 Fedorov, Leonid Asst 257-2997 fedorovl DFOP PHD 06 Cornell 2004 Lacour, Pierre Asst 257-2945 lacourp ABDN PHD 04 New Sch 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Mozayeni, Simin B. Asst 257-2919 mozayens ALH 138 PHD 89 Columbia 1990 SUNY, Col at Plattsburgh Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2697 (518) 564-4195 Dept of Economics & Finance Sch of Business & Econ Fax=564-3183 Homepage: www.plattsburgh.edu/academics Read, Colin Dean 564-4185 readcl HK PHD Christopherson, Robert L. C-Pr 564-4195 christrl GH PHD Jang, Young S. Prof 564-4193 jangys CD PHD Page, Walter P. Prof 564-3182 pagewp DE PHD Duffy, Neal E. Assoc 564-4194 duffyne CR PHD Gregoriou, Greg Assoc 564-4202 gregorgr G ABD Mackenzie, Doug Asst 564-4201 mackendw BN PHD Neuhauser, Karyn Asst 654-4217 neuhaukl G PHD plattsburgh.edu Jennifer Brcyette 88 90 69 68 82 04 06 99 SUNY Col at Potsdam Dept of Business & Economics Pletcher, Galen K. Baktari, Paul Gonos, George Nuwer, Michael J. Shu, Florence P. Campbell, Martha Lin, Meilee Wu McKenzie, Rex sunypotsdam.edu Colleen Wheaton 71 Michigan W Virginia Rutgers 85 Utah 1986 86 Mich St 1986 91 New Sch 1999 Pittsburgh New Sch Potsdam, NY 13676-2294 (315) 267-2206 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=267-2797 Dean 267-2231 pletchgk Phil PHD Assoc 267-2204 baktarp PHD Assoc 267-4805 gonosgc PHD Assoc 267-2077 nuwermj PHD Assoc 267-2221 shufp PHD Asst 267-2201 campbelm PHD Asst 267-22@) linmw PHD Asst 251-6623 rex.mckenzie PHD SUNY College at Purchase Purchase, NY Division of Social Science Coll Arts & Letters Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing O'Cleireacain, Seamus Prof 251-6609 Bell, Peter F. Assoc 251-6633 Christensen, Kimberly Assoc 251-6622 Ikeda, Sanford Assoc 251-6614 10577-1400 (914) 251-6601 Fax=251-6603 seamus.ocleir+ peter.bell kim.christensen sanford.ikeda PHD PHD PHD PHD Stephen F. Austin St Univ Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3009 (936) 468-4301 Dept of Economics & Finance College of Business Fax=468-1447 Homepage: www.cob.sfasu.edu/eco-fin Rogers, Violet C. Dean 468-3101 vrogers Atg PHD Jones, Clifton T. C-Pr 468-4301 ctjones CD PHD Stroup, Michael Prof 468-1836 mstroup DH PHD Ballinger, T. Parker Assoc 468-1442 pballinger CE PHD Howard, James E. Assoc 468-1752 jhoward AC PHD Kosovich, Stephen Asst 468-1557 kosovichs J PHD Scanlan, Mark Asst 468-1883 scanlanm FH PHD Stetson University Deland, FL 32723 (386) 822-7570 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=822-7569 Homepage: http://www.stetson.edu/~econ Ballenger, Grady Dean 822-7515 gballeng Eng Long, Neal B. C-Pr 822-7571 nlong ACP Wood, Richard H. Jr. Prof 822-7572 rwood AFO Aldrich, Carole Visit 822-7542 quakermac@a ACD Thaver, Ranjini L. Assoc 822-7573 rthaver AHP North Easton, MA Dept of Economics C-Ac 565-1249 Prof 565-1042 Prof 565-1200 purchase.edu Jennifer Arcuri 71 68 86 88 Michigan Wisconsin Mass NYU 1974 1971 1985 1990 sfasu.edu Patricia Penney 93 85 93 99 77 05 05 North Tx Tx A&M Fla St Houston Georgia Oregon Florida 1991 1995 1999 1999 1976 2005 2005 stetson.edu Divina Bungard PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Richard Stockton College Pomona, NJ 08240-0195 (609) 652-4512 Department of Economics Social & Behavioral Sci Fax=626-5559 Homepage: www.stockton.edu/~lakewm/econ/index/htm Kaus, Cheryl R. Dean 652-4512 cheryl.kaus PHD Elmore, Elizabeth A. Prof 652-4619 elmoree@loki. CJ PHD Figart, Deborah M. Prof 652-4298 deb.figart JI PHD Dean of Graduate Studies Ghorashi, Gholam-Reza Prof 652-4307 ghorashi FP PHD Harrison, Kenneth Prof 652-4436 laprod2556 HE PHD Lakew, Melaku Prof 652-4624 melaku.lakew GFO PHD Alpan, Erkan Asst 652-4618 iaprod149 BA PHD Cooke, Oliver Asst 652-4782 oliver.cooke JNR PHD Stonehill College Economics Faculty Kazarosian, Mark Pepin, Raymond A. Rosenthal, Robert A. Queen's 2005 Wayne St 1990 SUNY-Alb 1968 Kansas 1983 W Virginia 1982 Quebec 2003 GeoMason 2006 LSU 2006 02357-1135 (508) 565-1276 Fax=565-1444 mkararosian CG PHD rpepin AD PHD rrosenthal AI PHD 83 64 72 72 95 N Carol 1998 Indiana 1974 Wisconsin 1970 Car Mellon 1998 Notre Dm 1992 stockton.edu 95 Penn St 2004 76 Notre Dm 1972 86 American 1995 86 76 81 84 05 Fordham SUNY-Alb Ca-Rivers Ca-Rivers Mass 1981 1976 1982 1980 2005 stonehill.edu 90 Boston C 1997 71 Clark 1969 78 Boston U 1975 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kazemi, Hossein S. Motomura, Akira Hammerle, Nancy E. PHD PHD MA 83 Clark 1982 85 Nrthwstrn 1995 Temple 1980 Suffolk University Boston, MA 02108-2770 (617) 573-8259 Department of Economics College of Arts & Sci Fax=994-4216 Homepage: www.cas.suffolk.edu/economics email @1=beaconhill.org Ronayne, Michael R. Dean Chem PHD Tuerck, David G. C-Pr 573-8263 dtuerck@1 PHD Chisholm, Darlene C. Prof 305-1932 chisholm@1 LD PHD Jaggia, Sanjiv Prof 573-8023 sjaggia@1 PHD Kelly, Alison Prof 573-8069 akelly@1 PHD Baek, In-Mee Assoc 573-8376 ibaek@1 PHD Haughton, Jonathan H. Assoc 573-8127 jhaughto@1 PHD Mohtadi, Shahruz Assoc 573-8670 smohtadi@1 PHD Ergun, A. Tolga Asst 557-1524 tergun PHD Evrenk, Haldun Asst 573-8495 hevrenk PHD Jun, Jongbyung Asst 994-4257 jjun PHD Shihker, Serge Asst 994-4275 serge.shikher PHD suffolk.edu Jackie Govoni Susquehanna University Department of Economics Brock, James L. Zadeh, Ali Haji-Mohamad Onafowora, Olugbenga A. Rusek, Antonin Keller, Katarina Rouse, Matthew Assoc 565-1276 kazemi Assoc 565-7769 amotomura Asst 565-1257 hammerle GE KN A 139 Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1001 (570) 372-4189 Sigmund Weis Sch Bus Fax=372-4491 Dean 372-4455 brock Mktg PHD H-Pr 372-4189 azadeh CEGO PHD Assoc 372-4187 onafowor CDOQ PHD Assoc 372-4182 rusek EFP PHD Asst 372-4542 keller AFOP PHD Asst 372-4186 rousu PHD Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397 (610) 328-8125 Department of Economics Div of Social Sciences Fax=328-7352 Caskey, John P. C-Pr 328-8128 jcaskey1 EG PHD Golub, Stephen S. Prof 328-8103 sgolub1 AE PHD Franklin and Betty Barr Professor of Economics Hollister, Robinson G. Jr. Prof 328-8105 rhollis1 IJ PHD Joseph Wharton Professor of Economics Jefferson, Philip N. Prof 690-6856 pjeffer1 CE PHD Kuperberg, Mark J. Prof 328-8123 mkuperb1 EK PHD Magenheim, Ellen B. Prof 328-8140 emagen1 DI PHD O'Connell, Stephen A. Prof 328-8107 soconne1 EO PHD Pryor, Frederic Emer 328-8130 fpryor1 OP PHD Westphal, Larry E. Prof 328-8096 lwestph1 DO PHD J. Archer & Helen C. Turner Professor of Economics Bayer, Amanda Assoc 328-7821 abayer1 DJ PHD Dee, Thomas S. Assoc 690-5767 tdee1 CI PHD 63 66 91 90 93 90 83 84 04 04 04 05 Notre Dm Virginia U Wash Indiana Boston C Indiana Harvard LSU Arizona Boston U Mich St Boston U 1982 2001 1990 1992 2000 1997 1983 2004 2004 2004 2005 susqu.edu 80 82 89 84 02 02 Mich St Mich St W Virginia SUNY-SBr Notre Dm Iowa St 9-96 1987 1989 1986 2002 2004 swarthmore.edu Nancy Carroll 84 Stanford 1988 83 Yale 1981 65 Stanford 1971 87 81 86 86 57 69 1999 1977 1986 1990 1972 1985 Virginia MIT Maryland MIT Yale Harvard 95 Yale 1992 97 Maryland 1999 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244-1090 (315) 443-3843 maxwell.syr.edu Department of Economics Maxwell S Citznship &PA Fax=443-3717 Patty Stach 443-3612 Homepage: www.maxwell.syr.edu/econ email @1=syr.edu Palmer, John L. Dean 443-2252 I PHD 70 Stanford 1988 Mitra, Devashish C-Pr 443-6143 dmitra F PHD 96 Columbia 2002 Baltagi, Badi H. Prof 443-1630 bbaltigi C PHD 79 Penn 2005 Black, Dan A. Prof 443-3114 danblack DJI PHD 83 Purdue 1999 Dutkowsky, Donald H. Prof 443-1918 dondutk E PHD 82 SUNY-Buf 1985 Kao, C. H. Prof 443-3233 ckao C PHD 83 SUNY-SBr 1985 Kelly, Jerry S. Prof 443-2345 jskelly@1 D PHD 69 Harvard 1971 Kniesner, Thomas J. Prof 443-3114 tkniesne J PHD 74 Ohio St 1999 Ondrich, Jan Ivar Prof 443-9052 jondrich C PHD 83 Wisconsin 1982 Richardson, J. David Prof 443-4339 jdrichar F PHD 70 Michigan 1991 Rosenthal, Stuart S. Prof 443-3114 ssrosent RHG PHD 86 Wisconsin 1999 Smeeding, Timothy M. Prof 443-9045 tmsmeed I PHD 75 Wisconsin 1990 Tussing, A. Dale Prof 443-2642 tussing I PHD 64 Syracuse 1966 Wasylenko, Michael J. Prof 443-3612 mjwasyle H PHD 75 Syracuse 1989 Yinger, John M. Prof 443-9062 jyinger RI PHD 74 Princeton 1986 Engelhardt, Gary Assoc 443-3114 gvengelh PHD 93 MIT 1999 Evensky, Jerry Assoc 443-5863 jevensky B PHD 84 Syracuse 1985 Gensemer, Susan H. Assoc 443-2294 gensemer D PHD 84 Purdue 1984 Horrace, William Assoc 443-9061 whorrac C PHD 96 Mich St 2002 Kubik, Jeff Assoc 443-9063 jdkubik HJ PHD 97 MIT 1997 Lovely, Mary E. Assoc 443-9048 melovely F PHD 89 Michigan 1986 Wilcoxen, Peter J. Assoc 443-0268 wilcoxen H PHD 89 Harvard 2003 Afridi, Farzana Asst 443-8440 fafridi PHD 06 Michigan 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Iantchev, Emil Rohifs, Christopher Asst Asst University of Tampa Dept of Finance & Economics phone: 253-6221 McCann, Joseph E. III Jankowski, Joel Fesmire, James M. Dana Professor of Economics Hoke, Leon R. Jr. Truscott, Michael H. Brust, Peter J. Beekman, Robert Kench, Brian Skipton, Charles Tampa, FL 33606-1490 (813) Ext 3439 College of Business Fax=258-7408 Tarleton State University Dept Atg, Fnce & Econ Barker, Ruby F. Cullers, Sue Brocato, Joe M. Jafri, Syed Hussain Ali Beaty, William L. 443-4079 iantchev 443-5455 carohifs PHD PHD 140 06 Chicago 06 Chicago 2006 2006 ut.edu Dean C-Ac Prof 253-6221 jmccann 253-6221 jjankowski 253-6221 jfesmire Mgt Fnce DKL PHD ABD PHD 80 Penn 2000 66 Columbia 9-86 73 Florida 1973 Prof Prof Assoc Asst Asst Asst 253-6221 253-6221 253-6221 253-6221 253-6221 253-6221 ADJ AEF EF FQ DL ADHL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 71 80 98 00 03 lhoke mtruscott pbrust rbeekman bkench cskipton Stephenville, TX 76402 (254) 968-9331 College of Business Adm Fax=968-9665 Dean 968-9350 barker AdmS H-Ac 968-9913 cullers Atg Prof 968-9047 jbrocat CEG Prof 968-9633 jafri AFG Asst 968-9622 beaty ADR 1981 1971 1981 2003 2002 2003 tarleton.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD MS Taylor University Upland, IN 46989-1001 (765) 998-5135 Dept of Business, Atg & Econ Division of Business Fax=998-4853 Homepage: www.taylor.edu/academics/acaddepts/business/ Adams, Scott A. C-Ac$ 998-5135 scadams Fnce DBA Erickson, Lee E. Prof 998-5138 leerickso ADF PHD Mitchell, Hadley T. Assoc 998-4948 hdmitchel ABEO PHD Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-8880 Department of Economics Sch of Business & Mgt Fax=204-8173 Homepage: www.sbm.temple.edu/~econdept/ Porat, Moshe Dean 204-1836 porat Risk Stull, William J. C-Pr 204-5022 stull IR Blackstone, Erwin A. Prof 204-5027 eblackst LI Buck, Andrew J. Prof 204-1985 buck C Dunkelberg, William C. Prof 204-6686 M Hakim, Simon Prof 204-5037 shakim R Kushnirsky, Fyodor I. Prof 204-5021 fikush P Lady, George Prof 204-8174 gmlady CD Rima, Ingrid H. Prof 204-8190 ingrid.rima B Bernstein, Richard E. Assoc 204-8182 aaron83 MG Bognanno, Michael Assoc 204-1680 bognanno J Bowman, Gary W. Assoc 204-5026 gbowman D Diamantaras, Dimitrios Assoc 204-8169 dimitris CD Fardmanesh, Mohsen Assoc 204-5043 mf OF Goetz, Michael Assoc 204-1762 mgoetz MH Holmes, William L. Assoc 204-8175 william.holmes CD Leeds, Michael A. Assoc 204-8030 mleeds J on leave until Fall 2007 Phelps, Charlotte D. Emer 204-1677 charlotte.phelps TI Rappoport, Paul N. Assoc 204-5025 paul C Seidenstat, Paul Assoc 204-8893 pseidens H Sorrentino, John A. Jr. Assoc 204-8164 sorrento Q Swanson, Charles Assoc 204-8168 swansonc E Pittsburgh LSU Indiana S Carol Conn Fla St 82 89 81 86 73 North Tx 1972 North Tx 1985 Tennessee 1989 Wisconsin 1989 Utah St 1985 taylor.edu Nancy Gillespie 05 Anderson 2000 75 Michigan 1979 85 Tennessee 1993 temple.edu Ms. Karen Robinson PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 72 68 77 69 76 68 67 51 73 90 71 88 85 77 66 82 Temple 1981 MIT 1976 Michigan 1976 Illinois 1977 Michigan 1987 Penn 1976 Moscow 1980 J Hopkins 1981 Penn 1946 Brown 1972 Cornell 1990 Car Mellon 1973 Rochester 1988 Yale 1985 Minnesota 1978 Illinois 1966 Princeton 1982 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 61 74 64 73 91 Yale Ohio St Nrthwstrn Purdue Minnesota 1967 1977 1967 1979 1993 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-0550 (865) 974-3303 utk.edu Department of Economics Col of Business Admin Fax=974-4601 Donna Kemper 974-1697 Williams, Jan R. Dean 974-5061 jwilli13 Atg PHD 70 Arkansas 7-77 Bohm, Robert A. C-Pr 974-1687 rbohm PHD 71 Wash U 1968 Chang, Hui-Shyong Prof 974-1692 hchang PHD 73 Vanderbilt 1971 Clark, Don P. Prof 974-1706 dclark3 PHD 78 Mich St 1978 Fox, William F. Prof 974-1697 billfox PHD 75 Ohio St 1979 McKee, Michael Prof 974-1691 mmckee2 PHD 85 Carleton 2002 Murray, Matthew N. Prof 974-5441 mmurray1 PHD 86 Syracuse 1986 Nielson, William S. Prof 974-1691 wnielson PHD Ca-SnDgo J. Fred Holley Chair of Excellence in Economics Bruce, Donald Assoc 974-3303 dbruce PHD Syracuse 1999 Gauger, Jean A. Assoc 974-1702 jgaugher PHD 84 Iowa St 1985 Santore, Rudy Assoc 974-3303 rsantore PHD 98 Ohio St 1999 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Chakraboty, Avik Evans, Mary Gilpatric, Scott Mohsin, Mohammed Munkin, Murat Vossler, Christian Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 974-5802 974-1700 974-5672 974-6081 974-1695 974-1699 avik mevans12 sgilpatr mmohsin mmurkin cvossler PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, TN 37403-2598 (423) 425-4360 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=425-2385 Homepage: www.utc.edu Nelson, Charles Dean$ 425-4635 PHD Keilany, Ziad H-Pr 425-4116 ziad-keilany EO PHD Guerry Professor Clark, J. R. Prof 425-4118 j-clark M PHD Probasco Chair in Free Enterprise Garrett, John R. Prof 425-4080 john-garrett EFG PHD UC Foundation Associate Professor Giffin, Phillip E. Prof 425-4129 phillip-giffin DBLN PHD Hutchinson, E. Bruce Prof 425-4180 bruce-hutchinson DFLR PHD Pratt, Leila J. Prof 425-4138 leila-pratt DC PHD Hart Professor Rabin, Alan Prof 425-4154 alan-rabin E PHD UC Foundation Professor Efaw, Fritz W. Assoc 425-4688 fritz-efaw CJ PHD 141 05 01 02 01 01 03 Oregon Colorado Tx A&M York Indiana Cornell 8-05 2003 2003 2001 2001 2003 utc.edu Jewell Chason 68 Indiana 1968 70 Va Tech 1993 85 Mass 1984 72 Tennessee 1977 79 Virginia 1982 75 Va Tech 1974 77 Virginia 1977 87 Rutgers 1988 Univ of Tennessee at Martin Atg, Econ, Fnce & Intl Bus Moser, Ernest C. Figgins, Bob G. Cashdollar, Parker D. Davis, William L. Martin, TN 38238-5015 (731) 881-7226 Col of Bus & Public Af Fax=881-7241 Dean 881-7225 emoser BM PHD C-Pr 881-7232 bfiggins PHD Prof 881-7242 pcashdol PHD Prof 881-7239 PHD 73 73 71 90 Tennessee State University Economics Faculty Curry, Tilden J. Hartmann, G. Bruce MBA Coordinator Hasty, John M. Jr. Wahid, Abu Weis, Charles E. Modeste, Nelson Dhakal, D. Nashville, TN 37203-3401 (615) 963-7145 School of Business Fax=963-7139 Dean 963-7124 tcurry Plan PHD H-Pr 963-7146 bhartman PHD tnstate.edu Ms. C. Brown 78 Fla St 1976 74 SUNY-Alb 1974 Prof Prof Prof Assoc Asst 73 89 74 72 Tennessee Technological Un Dept of Econ, Fnce & Mktg Niebuhr, Robert E. Stephens, Mark A. Rappl, Magdalena Throckmorton, H. Bruce Isbell, Steven Jonokin, Jon DiFurio, Ferdinand Cookeville, TN 38505 (931) 372-3745 Col of Business Admin Fax=372-6249 Dean 372-3372 niebuhr Mgt C-Pr 372-3745 mstephens FO Prof 372-3369 mrappl GN Prof 372-3781 bthrockmor EN Assoc 372-3794 steve_isbell EJ Assoc 372-3767 jjonakin OQ Asst 372-3838 fdifurio R 963-7145 963-7149 963-7155 963-7387 963-7345 jhasty awahid cweis nmodeste ddhakal PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 85 85 72 85 94 04 utm.edu Mary Prather Tx A&M 8-01 Arkansas 1973 Tennessee Okla St Geo St Manitoba Ariz St Florida 1976 S Illinois 1991 tntech.edu Hilda McDowell Ohio St 2001 Tennessee 1980 S Carol 1985 Arkansas 1971 Miss 1985 Tennessee 1989 Clemson 2004 U of Texas at Arlington Arlington, TX 76019-0479 (817) 272-3061 uta.edu Department of Economics College of Business Adm Fax=272-3145 Barbara Sellers, Adm Asst Homepage: http://economics.uta.edu/index.shtml Himarios, Daniel Dean 272-2881 himarios FE PHD 84 Va Tech 1983 Amacher, Ryan C. Prof 272-3888 amacher FH PHD 71 Virginia 1992 Meiners, Roger E. Prof 272-3116 meiners KJ PHD 76 Va Tech 1993 Crowder, William J. Assoc 272-3147 crowder EF PHD 93 Arizona 1992 Ward, Mike Assoc 272-3090 mikeward CJ PHD 93 Illinois 2002 Depken, Craig Asst 272-3290 depken DL PHD 96 Geo St 1996 LaFountain, Courtney Asst 272-1218 cllabountain DE PHD 03 Wash U 2003 Himarios, Jane SLect 272-3293 jhimarios J PHD 87 Va Tech 1986 Kelly, Kathy Lect 272-3330 kkelly DE MA 89 So Meth 1996 Liggett, Ron Lect 272-2635 liggett R MBA 89 Tx-Arlin 1989 Wehr, Roger Lect 272-3287 wehr DE MA 96 Tx-Arlin 1993 Univ of Texas at Austin Department of Economics Lariviere, Richard Cooper, Russell W. Austin, TX 78712-1173 (512) 471-3211 eco.utexas.edu College of Liberal Arts Fax=471-3510 Sakena Slitine, Exec Asst Dean 471-4141 C-Pr 475-8704 cooper CDE PHD 79 Penn 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bronars, Stephen G. Prof 675-8529 bronars Corbae, P. Dean Prof 475-8530 corbae Dacy, Douglas C. Prof 675-8511 dacy Donald, Stephen Prof 471-8907 donald Dusansky, Richard Prof 471-3666 dusansky Richard J. Gonzales Regents Chair in Economic Progress Fullerton, Don Prof 675-8519 dfullert Addison Baker Duncan Centennial Professor in Economics Geraci, Vincent J. Prof 675-8518 geraci Sue Killam Professorship in the Foundations of Economics Glade, William P. Jr. Prof 675-8517 glade Hamermesh, Daniel S. Prof 675-8526 hammermes Edward Everett Hale Centennial Professor in Economics Hendricks, Kenneth Prof 475-8532 hendrick Kendrick, David A. Prof 675-8562 kendrick Ralph W. Yarborough Centennial Professor of Liberal Arts Norman, Alfred L. Prof 675-8516 norman Sibley, David S. Prof 675-8565 sibley John Michael Stuart Centennial Professor of Economics Slesnick, Daniel T. Prof 675-8520 slesnick Rex G. Baker, Jr., Professorship in Political Economy Stahl, Dale O. III Prof 675-8561 stahl Malcolm Forsman Centennial Professorship Stinchcombe, Maxwell B. Prof 675-8515 maxwell Cleaver, Harry Assoc 675-8535 hmcleave Miravete, Eugenio Assoc 232-1718 miravete Oettinger, Gerald Assoc 675-8523 oettinge Trejo, Stephen J. Assoc 675-8512 trejo Boyarchenko, Sveltana Asst 475-8521 sboyarch Guvenen, M. Fatih Asst 475-8742 guvenen Hayaski, Takashi Asst 475-8543 th925 Hu, Yingyao Asst 475-8556 hu Kuruscu, Burhanettin Asst 475-8451 kuruscu Lieli, Robert P. Asst 475-7004 r.lieli Paal, Beatrix Asst 475-8531 paal Ramondo, Natalia Asst 475-8537 nramondo Ruhl, Kim J. Asst 475-8539 ruhl Watson, Randal B. Asst 475-8525 watson Williams, Roberton III Asst 471-8522 email: [email protected] Wiseman, Thomas Asst 475-8516 wiseman 142 JD E EO CE DH PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 90 64 90 69 HQ PHD 78 Berkeley CI PHD 74 Wisconsin 9-73 OR J PHD PHD 55 Tx-Austin 69 Yale CE PHD PHD 82 Wisconsin 66 MIT 7-70 C D PHD PHD 71 Minnesota 7-72 73 Yale 1-91 CH PHD 82 Harvard 9-82 DC PHD 81 Berkeley 7-88 DC P L JC J PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 75 98 93 88 01 01 04 03 02 04 99 06 04 03 99 1-94 9-76 PHD 01 Nrthwstrn H 78520 (956) 882-5800 Fax=882-5801 Mgt PHD rafael.otero gbanerjee AE PHD ghazariak JO PHD Chicago 9-92 Yale Harvard 1-65 Brit Colum Brown 9-89 Berkeley Stanford Nrthwstrn MIT Chicago Penn Car Mellon Rochester J Hopkins Rochester Ca-SnDgo Cornell Chicago Minnesota Nrthwstrn Stanford 9-94 9-70 9-73 9-92 9-99 9-99 Univ Texas at Brownsville Business Adm Department Shane, H. Martin Otero, Rafael Banerjee, Guarango Hazarika, Gautam Brownsville, TX School of Business Dean 882-5800 C-Ca 882-7304 Asst 544-8992 Asst 544-8953 utb.edu Magie Arriaga 77 Iowa 2006 Univ of Texas at Dallas Economics Program Berry, Brian J. L. L. V. Berkner Professor Seldon, Barry Beron, Kurt J. Dumas, Lloyd J. Eckel, Catherine C. Hicks, Donald A. Jargowky, Paul Murdoch, James Sandler, Todd M. Vibharti Shokla Professor Vijverberg, Wim P. M. Berg, Nathan Siqueira, Kevin Dave, Chetan Di, Wenhua Li, Xin (Sherry) Lofstrom, Magnus O'Brien, Dan Richardson, TX 75083-0688 (972) 883-4964 utdallas.edu Sch Econ, Pol & Poly Sc Fax=883-6297 Judy Du/Nora Hernandez Dean 883-2041 berry R PHD 58 U Wash 1986 Univ of Texas at El Paso Dept of Economics & Finance Mann, Gary J. Roth, Timothy P. El Paso, TX 79968-0543 (915) 747-5245 Col of Business Admin Fax=747-6282 Dean$ 747-5241 gmann Atg PHD C-Pr 747-5245 troth AD PHD 97 Al-Birm 1997 98 Rochester 2001 D-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 883-2043 883-2929 883-2010 883-4949 883-2733 883-2992 883-2280 883-6725 seldon kberon ljdumas eckelc dahicks jargo murdoch tsardler DL J A P A IJ HG HD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 85 72 83 76 91 82 71 Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 883-2042 883-2088 883-6480 883-2306 883-4961 883-4987 883-4763 883-4700 vijver nberg siqueira cdave wenhua.di sherry.lin.li lofstrom obri JO DG HD EC H PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 01 98 04 IJ IJ Duke N Carol Columbia Virginia N Carol Harvard Wyoming SUNY-Bin 1990 1985 1979 2005 1975 1991 1990 2006 Pittsburgh Kansas Iowa St Pittsburgh Harvard 06 Michigan 99 Ca-SnDgo 99 Tx-Dallas 1986 2001 2006 2005 2003 2006 2002 2001 utep.edu Gloria Armistead 86 Tx Tech 1-86 70 Tx A&M 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 143 A.B. Templeton Professor Holcomb, James H. Jr. Schauer, David A. Smith, William Doyle Sprinkle, Richard L. Tollen, Robert D. Blanco, Lorenzo Ford, Timothy C. Fullerton, Thomas M. Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Univ of Texas-Pan American Dept of Economics & Finance Emery, John T. Davila, Alberto Mora, Marie T. Ozuna, Teofilo Jr. Soydemir, Gokce Faria, Joao R. Simpson, Geok Edinburg, TX 78541-2999 (956) 381-3354 College of Business Adm Fax=384-5020 Dean 384-5087 emery Fnce PHD C-Pr 381-3354 adavila PHD Assoc 381-2494 mtmora JI PHD Assoc 316-7913 ozuna PHD Assoc 381-3368 soydemir PHD Asst E PHD Asst 381-2830 jsimpson PHD 69 82 96 89 97 98 00 U Texas of the Permian Basin Dept of Economics Gaulden, Corbett Hodges, Paul E. Carson, Scott Odessa, TX School of Business Dean$ 552-2170 Prof 552-2193 Asst 552-2195 79762-0001 (432) 552-2170 Fax=552-2174 gaudlen_c Mktg PHD hodges_p CHRT PHD carson_s NBJK PHD utpb.edu Carolyn Jennings 80 LSU 7-83 74 Stanford 98 Utah 8-99 Un of Texas at San Antonio Department of Economics de la Vina, Lynda Weiher, Kenneth E. Beladi, Hamid Collinge, Robert A. Flory-Truett, Lila J. Hollas, Daniel R. Associate Dean Lien, Da-Hsiang D. Merrifield, John D. Truett, Dale B. Ayers, Ronald M. Firoozi, Fathall K. Mahdavi, Saeid Zhou, Su Bao, Yong Lo, Melody San Antonio, TX 78249-0633 (210) 458-4315 College of Business Fax=458-5837 Dean 458-4313 lynda.delavina OMC PHD C-Ac 458-5315 ken.weiher BEN PHD Prof 458-7038 hamid.beladi F PHD Prof 458-5312 robert.collinge FHKQ PHD Prof 458-4315 lila.truett DFMO PHD Prof 458-4313 daniel.hollas L PHD utsa.edu 82 75 83 83 72 77 Rice Indiana Utah St Maryland Iowa Illinois Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 84 67 78 87 85 91 04 01 Cal Tech 2001 Wyoming 1987 Tx-Austin 1973 Tulane 1979 Oklahoma 1988 Ca-SnBarb 1984 Ariz St 1991 Ca-Rivers 2004 Purdue 2006 Univ of Texas at Tyler Social Sciences Department White, Alisa Hart, Barbara Kane, Tim D. Covarrubias, Guillermo Tyler, TX 75799 (903) 566-7371 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=566-7377 Dean$ 566-7429 awhite Comm C-Pr 566-7426 bhart CRIJ Prof 566-7430 tkane Asst 566-7366 gcovarru PHD PHD PHD PHD mail.uttyl.edu Charlotte Chambers 90 Tennessee 2005 Sam Hous 72 Tx-Austin 1981 06 Tx Tech 2006 747-7787 747-7790 747-7786 747-7781 747-5261 747-7770 747-7783 747-7767 458-4315 458-5310 458-5313 458-5302 458-5395 458-5301 458-5398 458-5303 458-4910 jholcomb dschauer wsmith rsprinkl rtollen lblancogiz tcford tomf don.lien john.merrifield dale.truett ronald.ayers fathall.firoozi saeid.mahdavi su.zhou yong.bao melody.lo CDL P AEC ABCF D RC OG HQR DFMO GJM CF EFO CEFP C GE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Texas A&M University Coll Station, TX 77843-4228 (979) 845-7351 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=847-8757 email @1=econ.tamu.edu Johnson, Charles A. Dean 845-5141 cjohnson PHD Glass, Amy J. C-Ac$ 845-8507 aglass@1 F PHD Allen, John William Prof 845-7397 jwa@1 D PHD Anderson, Richard K. Prof 845-4547 rka@1 CF PHD Auernheimer, Leonardo J. A. Prof 845-7358 leonardo@1 EF PHD Browning, Edgar K. Prof 845-7355 H PHD Alfred F. Chalk Professor of Economics; email [email protected] Chang, Yoosoon Prof 862-2045 yoosoon PHD Gronberg, Timothy J. Prof 845-8849 tjg@1 H PHD Hanson, John R. II Prof 845-4593 hanson@1 N PHD Hwang, Hae-Shin Prof 845-7301 hwang@1 C PHD Jansen, Dennis W. Prof 845-7375 d-jansen EG PHD Li, Qi Prof 845-9954 qi@1 C PHD Moroney, John R. Prof 845-1363 jmoroney@1 C PHD Park, Joon Prof 845-7309 jpark PHD Sarin, Rajiv Prof 845-7382 rsarin@1 CD PHD Saving, Thomas R. Prof 845-7559 t-saving DE PHD Distinguished Professor, Jeff Montgomery Prof; Dir Private Enterprise Rsch 85 75 81 82 72 02 Tx A&M Notre Dm Tx Tech Arkansas Tx-Austin Berkeley NewHamp 96 Florida 1985 1975 1981 1982 1972 1996 panam.edu Maggie Moreno U Wash 1-01 Iowa St 1996 Tx A&M 2002 Tx A&M 2000 Claremont 1998 Kent-UK Miss St 2002 2004 1975 2005 1987 1975 1988 tamu.edu Tricia Kelm 77 93 67 76 73 71 Kentucky Penn Illinois Purdue Chicago Princeton 95 78 72 76 83 91 64 87 94 60 Yale Nrthwstrn Penn Minnesota N Carol Tx A&M Duke Yale Ca-SnDgo Chicago 1978 2001 1967 1975 1973 1984 1977 1974 1977 1983 1999 1981 9-94 1968 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Tian, Guoqlang Prof 845-7393 gtian Van Huyck, John B. Prof 845-7392 john.vanhuyck Private Enterprise Research Center Rex B. Grey Professor Wiggins, Steven N. Prof 845-7383 swiggins Deere, Donald R. Assoc 845-2059 deere Gan, Li Assoc 862-1667 gan Ureta, Manuelita Assoc 847-9449 manuelita-ureta Goldberg, Dror Asst 845-8685 dror@1 Grosskopf, Brit Asst 845-7357 bgrosskopf@1 Hernandex-Verme, Paula Asst 845-7384 phernandez@1 Mayer, Adalbert Asst 845-8508 amayer@1 Puller, Steven Asst 845-7349 puller@1 Turocy, Theodore III Asst 862-8082 turocy@1 Verdier, Genevieve Asst 862-8084 gverdier@1 144 C CD PHD PHD 87 Minnesota 1987 86 Brown 1985 L J C J E D E J L CD FO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 83 98 87 02 00 02 03 01 01 03 MIT MIT Berkeley UCLA Rochester Pompeu Tx-Austin Rochester Berkeley Nrthwstrn Brit Colum 1979 1983 1991 2002 2003 2002 2003 2001 2001 2003 Texas A&M Univ-Commerce Dept of Economics & Finance Langford, Harold P. Shwiff, Steven S. Bullard, Raymond Funderburk, Dale R. Greenhut, John Nippani, Srinives Washer, Kenneth Ogune, Asli Commerce, TX 75429-3011 (903) 886-5681 College of Business Fax=886-5601 Dean 886-5189 hal_langford Mgt PHD H-Pr$ 886-5679 steven_shwiff CROD PHD Prof 886-5680 ray_bullard D PHD Prof 886-5675 dale_funderburk IEKJ PHD Assoc 886-5678 john_greenhut GE PHD Assoc 886-5678 sri_nippani CDG PHD Assoc 886-5674 ken_washer CEG DBA Asst 886-5677 asli_ogune CE PHD tamu-commerce.edu Debra Thode 86 Geo St 2001 77 Tx A&M 1987 74 Tx A&M 1980 71 Okla St 1968 79 Tx A&M 2006 98 Arkansas 2002 98 La Tech 1996 02 LSU 2003 Texas A&M Un- Corpus Christi Finance, Economics & Dec Sci Abdelsamad, Moustafa H. Vokurka, Robert J. Benavides, Adolfo Assistant Dean Crowley, Patrick Lee, Jim Spencer, Marilyn K. Yoskowitz, David Corpus Chr, TX 78412 (361) 825-2665 College of Business Fax=825-5609 Dean 825-6045 moustafa.abdel+ Fnce DBA C-Pr 825-2458 robert.vokurka Mgt PHD Prof 825-2769 adolfo.benavides AO PHD tamucc.edu 70 Geo Wash 7-91 97 Tx A&M 9-01 82 Wash St 9-96 Prof Prof Prof Assoc 95 91 82 97 Texas A&M Univ-Kingsville Economics & Finance Homepage: www.cba.tamuk.edu Diersing, Robert J. Harun, Syed M. Verma, Priti Wollscheid, James R. Lin, Yu Peng Kingsville, TX 78363 (361) 593-2501 Cl Business Adm Box 186 Fax=593-3912 Dean C-Ac Asst Asst VInst 825-6011 825-5831 825-5802 825-2487 593-3801 593-3938 593-2355 593-2697 593-3985 patrick.crowley jim.lee marilyn.spencer david.yoskowitz r-diersing syed.harum priti.verma james.wollscheid yu_peng.lin AO AO AO AO GE GE FEH GM PHD PHD PHD PHD McGill Penn St Arizona Tx Tech 9-00 7-99 9-95 9-02 tamuk.edu Helen McCreight PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD Texas A&M International Univ Laredo, TX 78041-1900 (956) 326-2490 Div Intl Banking & Fnce Stde College of Business Adm Fax=326-2494 Homepage: tamui.edu/coba/depart/eflindex.html So, Jacky C. Dean 326-2480 jso Fnce PHD Rodriguez, Antonio J. C-Pr 326-2517 rodriguez Fnce PHD Patrick, J. Michael Prof 326-2547 jmpatrick FR PHD Albuquerque, Pedro Asst 326-2510 palbuquerque BF PHD Camacho, Pablo Asst 326-2516 pcamacho H PHD Rivas, Andres Asst 326-2484 arivas GM PHD 91 02 05 05 Tx A&M N Orleans Tx-PanAm So Meth SUNY-Buf 1990 2000 2005 2005 2006 tamiu.edu Gabriela Gamez 83 85 77 01 05 03 Ohio St Alabama Mich St Wisconsin Texas Tx-PnAm 7-04 9-93 9-93 9-02 9-02 9-04 Texas Christian University Dept of Economics Box 298510 Volcansek, Mary L. Harvey, John T. Butler, Michael R. Elliot, Dawn Richards Klopfenstein, Kristin McNertney, Edward M. Quinn, Stephen F. Garnett, Robert Tochkov, Kiril I. Butler, Douglas Lovett, John L. Fort Worth, TX 76129-8510 (817) 257-7230 tcu.edu AddRan Col Hum & Soc Sc Fax=257-5058 Ms. Suzanne B. Powell Dean 257-7160 PHD 73 Tx Tech 2000 C-Pr 257-6235 j.harvey PHD 87 Tennessee 1987 Assoc 257-6359 m.butler PHD 86 N Carol 1986 Assoc 257-6233 d.elliot PHD 94 New Sch 1995 Assoc 257-6231 k.klopfenstein PHD 99 Colorado 1999 Assoc 257-6232 e.mcnertney PHD 77 Mass 1977 Assoc 257-6236 s.quinn PHD 94 Illinois 1995 Asst 257-7990 r.garnett PHD 94 Mass 1996 Asst 257-7554 k.tochkov PHD SUNY-Bin Inst 257-7103 d.butler ABD Auburn 2003 Inst 257-6582 j.lovett PHD 96 Colorado 2000 Texas Lutheran University Economics Faculty Seguin, TX 78155-5999 (830) 372-6073 Dept Bus & Economics Fax=372-6065 tlu.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lockard, Nick A. Citzler, Annette Vaughan, Ben F. Dean Prof Asst 372-6051 nlockard 372-6054 acitzler 372-6567 bvaughan BusA A Texas Southern University Dept Hst, Geography & Econ Petri, Merline Keleta, Ethiopia Horwitz, Sigmund Norman, Emlyn A. Batie, Clarence Houston, TX 77004 (713) 313-7794 College of Arts & Sci Fax=313-4236 Dean C-Pr 313-7702 keletaex Prof 313-7735 horvitzsa Asst 313-7892 Inst 313-7815 EDD PHD PHD 145 00 Baylor 77 Tx A&M 97 Berkeley 1980 1978 1998 tsu.edu PHD PHD AM MA Texas State U - San Marcos San Marcos, TX 78666-4616 (512) 245-2547 Dept Finance & Economics College of Business Adm Fax=245-3089 Homepage: www.business.swt.edu.fin_eco Smart, Denise T. Dean 245-2311 ds37 Mktg PHD Blankmeyer, Eric Prof 245-3253 eb01 F PHD Gowens, Paul R. Prof 245-3252 pg01 M PHD Kishan, Ruby Pandey Prof 245-3248 rk02 E PHD Lesage, James P. Prof 245-0256 jl47 RC PHD Mogab, John William Prof 245-3244 jm12 O PHD Charles, Joni S. Assoc 245-3243 jc18 D PHD Showalter, Dean Assoc 245-3194 ds29 L PHD McClung, Bruce Alan Asst 245-3220 bm03 J PHD 84 Rice Houston Harvard Prairie txstate.edu Patty Aranda 84 71 73 86 83 81 87 94 88 Tx A&M 2000 Princeton 1982 Miss 1980 Tx A&M 1986 Boston C 2006 Tennessee 1981 Purdue 1984 Kentucky 1995 Tx A&M 1988 Texas Tech University Dept of Economics & Geog Homepage: ttu.edu/~ecogeog/ King, Joseph E. Steinmeier, Thomas L. Al-Hmoud, Rashid Becker, Klaus G. Gilbert, Ronald D. McComb, Robert P. Rahnama, Masha DeSilva, Dakshina G. Kishor, N. Kundan Summers, Peter M. Vargas, Andres Von Ende, Eleanor Theresa Lubbock, TX 79409-1014 (806) 742-2201 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=742-1137 Texas Wesleyan University Economics Faculty Quintanilla, Hector Klaasen, Thomas A. Shampton, John Pai, Kalpama Fort Worth, TX School of Business Dean$ 531-4840 Prof Prof Asst 531-4866 Texas Woman's University Dept of Business & Economics Homepage: www.twu.edu/som/ Hughes, Paula Ann Hayhurst, Michiko Denton, TX 76204-5738 (940) 898-2111 School of Management Fax=898-2120 University of Toledo Department of Economics Homepage: www.econ.utoledo.edu Rowlands, Sue Ott Dowd, Michael R. Chang, Hsin Black, David C. Keith, Kristen Murray, John E. Ajilore, Olugbenga Egan, Kevin Smirnov, Oleg Toledo, OH 43606-3390 (419) 530-2572 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=530-7844 utoledo.edu Jeannie Stambaugh Dean$ C-Ac Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 90 89 92 89 92 02 04 98 Towson University Department of Economics Kaynama, Shohreh A. Georgiou, George C. Towson, MD 21252-7097 (410) 704-2959 Col of Business & Econ Fax=704-3424 Dean skaynama Mktg PHD C-Pr 704-2146 georgiou PHD C-Pr Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst D-Pr Asst 742-2201 742-2201 742-2201 742-2201 742-2201 742-2201 742-2201 742-2001 742-2201 74202201 742-2201 742-2201 joseph.king thomas.stein+ rashid.al-hmoud klaus.becker ronald.gilbert robert.mccomb m.rahnamaog+ dakshina.de-s+ kundan.kishor peter.summers andres.vargas eleanor.vonende PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76105-1536 (817) 531-4840 Fax=531-6585 hquintanilla Atg PHD tklaasen PHD jshampton PHD kpai DEIJ PHD 898-2106 pahughes 898-2111 mhayhurst 530-2164 530-4603 530-4677 530-4153 530-2801 530-4148 530-2113 530-4148 530-4754 N C QA LD E HR F DO E E J BN mdowd gene.chang dblack kkeith jmurry gbenga.ajilore kevin.egan oleg.smirnov Mgt E OP E J B H Q LCR PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ttu.edu Rosie Carrillo 71 75 94 87 70 89 88 02 05 05 06 90 Illinois Yale Tx Tech Kansas Okla St Illinois Iowa St Oklahoma U Wash Iowa Tx-Austin Kansas 1970 1982 1995 1989 1977 1991 1996 2003 2005 2005 2006 1990 96 69 92 04 txwes.edu JoAnn Moore Tx-Arlin 1995 Mich St 1989 North Tx 1990 Tx-Dallas 1-05 twu.edu Barbara Meriwether 78 North Tx 2002 00 Tx-Dallas 2006 SUNY-Buf Michigan SUNY-Buf Ohio St Ohio St Claremont Iowa St W Virginia 1989 1989 1990 1994 1994 2003 2005 2006 towson.edu C. F. Eifert 91 Geo Wash 1984 79 Geo Wash 1980 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 704-2956 704-3576 704-2145 704-2191 704-3275 704-3551 704-2954 704-2951 704-3575 704-3781 704-2675 704-2338 704-3576 704-2675 704-2146 704-2959 704-2959 704-2338 Dorn, James A. Egger, John B. Fenstermaker, J. Van Kong, Chang Min Laurence, Louise Lee, Kangoh Paul, Harvey Shin, Bong Ju Woroby, Tamara Groves, Melissa Lee, J. J. Sullivan, Timothy Chambers, Matthew Christensen, Finn DeFrancisco, Eva Michael, Jeffery Rhoads, Thomas Zhang, Nanyun Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Transylvania University Economics Faculty Pepper, Michael R. Erfani, G. Rod Shearer, Charles L. President Transylvania University Bartley, Alan Lexington, KY 40508-1797 (859) 233-8104 Div of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=233-8749 C-Pr 233-8249 mpepper MS Prof 233-8196 gerfani PHD Prof 233-8100 cshearer PHD transy.edu Faye Pepperl 69 NewHamp 1989 84 Fla St 1986 81 Mich St Assoc 233-8157 abartley PHD 99 Vanderbilt 1999 Tri-State University Dept of Social Sciences Tichenor, Delores Laker, Craig Lantz, Ted Angola, IN 46703-0307 (260) 665-4198 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=665-4777 Dean 665-4242 tichenord PHD C-Ac 665-4862 lakerc PHD Asst 665-4198 lantzt MBA tristate.edu Trinity College Economics Faculty Grossberg, Adam J. Butos, William N. Curran, Ward S. Ramirez, Miguel Zannoni, Diane C. Clark, Carol Egan, Francis J. Gold, Andrew J. Setterfield, Mark Wen, G. James Zavareei, Manijeh Fongemie, Claude A. Jacobs, Cindy O'Connor, F. William Hartford, CT 06106-3100 (860) 297-2485 Department of Economics Fax=297-2257 C-Ac 297-2485 adam.grossberg PHD Prof 297-2485 william.butos PHD Prof ward.curran PHD Prof miguel.ramirez PHD Prof diane.zannoni PHD Assoc carol.clark PHD Assoc francis.egan PHD Assoc andrew.gold PHD Assoc mark.setterfield PHD Assoc james.wen PHD VAsoc PHD Lect PHD VLect PHD Lect JD Trinity University San Antonio, TX Department of Economics Economics Huston, John H. C-Pr 999-8471 Butler, Richard V. Prof 999-7256 Gonzalez, Jorge G. Prof 999-7224 Hirsch, Barry T. Prof 999-8112 E.M. Stevens Distinguished Professor of Economics Salvucci, Richard Prof 999-8494 Spencer, Roger W. Prof 999-7222 Kamdar, Nipoli Assoc 999-7441 DeCourcy, Julie Asst 999-7226 Gulyas, Erika Asst 999-7223 dorn egger fenstermaker kong laurence lee paul shin woroby osborne jjlee sullivan mchambers fchristensen edefrancisco michael rhoads nzhang PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD 146 Kirksville, MO 04 99 99 06 Virginia NYU Illinois Wi-Milwa Maryland Illinois SUNY-Buf Ohio St Queens Mass Stanford Illinois Fla St Cornell Rochester N Carol Wyoming Michigan 1973 1987 1988 1978 1987 1990 1966 1966 1978 2000 2000 1989 2003 2005 2006 1999 1999 2006 67 Mo-Rolla Indiana 1989 Louisville 1972 trincoll.edu 86 83 61 84 76 91 73 67 92 89 82 79 89 78 Illinois Penn St Columbia Illinois SUNY-SBr Cornell Fordham Nrthwstrn Dalhousie Chicago SUNY-Buf Conn Illinois Conn 78212-7200 (210) 999-7221 Fax=999-7255 jhuston D PHD rbutler H PHD jorge.gonzalez F PHD barry.hirsch J PHD 83 77 89 77 trinity.edu Susie DuBose Wisconsin 1983 MIT 1982 Mich St 1989 Virginia 2000 richard.salvucci rspencer nkamdar julie.decourcy egulyas 82 69 93 01 06 Princeton Virginia Syracuse Mich St U Wash N E H L E Troy University Troy, AL 36082 (334) 670-3459 Dept Mktg, Mgt & Economics Sorrell Col of Business Fax=670-3599 Homepage: http://spectrum.troyst.edu/~sorrell/mme/mme.html Hines, Donald C. Dean Kirkland, Jack Prof 670-3579 jkirk ADEH Merkel, Edward T. Prof 670-3194 emerkel AFH Thompson, Charles L. Asst 670-3195 cthompsn ADE Truman State University 76 85 63 77 87 87 72 69 81 00 00 87 03 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 1986 1981 1960 1985 1975 1990 1967 1971 1992 1994 1991 1977 1991 1984 1989 1980 1993 2001 2006 troyst.edu PHD PHD PHD MS 63501-4221 (660) 785-4636 73 82 74 82 Kansas St Wash St N Illinois Auburn 1993 1995 1978 1984 truman.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Department of Economics Davenport, Douglas Olson, Terry L. Gillette, David H. Nnadozie, Emmanuel U. Patterson, Seymour Sawani, Mustafa A. Sublette, Werner Johann Sung, Jane C. Coggins, Bruce Chen, Xiaofen Div of Social Science Fax=785-4337 Dean 785-4636 douglas C-Pr 785-4503 tolson Prof 785-4334 gillette Prof 785-4099 nnadozie Prof 785-4636 spatters Prof 785-4659 msawani Prof 785-4651 wsublett Prof 785-4658 jsung Assoc 785-4656 bcoggins Asst 785-4644 xiaofen Tufts University Department of Economics Homepage: ase.tufts.edu/econ/ Sternberg, Robert Spolaore, Enrico Ioannides, Yannis M. Neubauer Chair Holder Metcalf, Gilbert Norman, George Cummings Chair Holder Pepall, Lynne Richards, Daniel J. Bianconi, Marcelo Brown, Drusilla K. Dapice, David O. Dehijia, Rajeev Downes, Thomas A. Garman, David M. Loury, Linda D. Rothenberg, Winnie Zabel, Jeffrey Eggleston, Karen Fischman, Joshua Kim, Henry Kutsoati, Edward McMillan, Margaret Mukand, Sharun Shimshack, Jay Medford, MA 02155 (617) 627-3560 Col of Liberal Arts Fax=627-3917 Dean C-Pr Prof 627-3864 robert.sternberg 627-4068 enrico.spolaore 627-3294 yannis.ioannides Prof Prof 627-3685 gilbert.metcalf 627-3663 george.norman Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 627-5477 627-2679 627-2677 627-3096 627-5947 627-4689 627-2687 627-2683 627-3348 627-5221 627-2318 627-5948 627-5948 627-3662 627-2688 627-3560 627-3560 627-5947 lynne.pepall dan.richards marcelo.bianconi drusilla.brown david.dapice rajeev.deheja thomas.downes david.garman linda.loury wrothenb jeff.zabel karen.eggleston joshua.fischman sunghyun.kim edward.kutsoati margaret.mcm+ sharun.mukand jay.shimshack Kristin Flannagan/J Snowbarger PHD Tx Tech 1996 PHD 92 Illinois 1990 PHD 90 Wash St 1990 PHD 87 Sorbonne 1989 PHD 80 Oklahoma 1980 PHD 85 Missouri 1985 PHD 74 Arizona 1974 PHD 85 Wayne St 1987 PHD 95 Ca-Rivers 1998 PHD 01 Va Tech 2001 tufts.edu O PHD PHD PHD 75 Stanford 93 Harvard 74 Stanford L PHD PHD 88 Harvard 1994 77 Cambridge 1995 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 81 88 84 73 L E E F O H C J N C I F G O F Q Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118-5698 (504) 865-5321 Department of Economics Liberal Arts & Sciences Fax=865-5869 Homepage: www.tulane.edu/~economic/ DeNisi, Angelo S. Dean 855-5401 Mgt PHD Edwards, John H. C-Ac 862-8357 edwards PHD Horiba, Yutaka Prof 862-8346 yhoriba PHD Malueg, David A. Prof 862-8344 dmalueg PHD Nelson, Douglas R. Prof 865-5317 dnelson PHD Oakland, William H. Prof 862-8343 oakland PHD Dix, Manfred Asst 862-8353 mdix PHD Langpap, Christian Asst 862-8355 clangpap PHD Moh, Young-Kyu Asst 862-8352 ymoh PHD on leave to Ohio State University Yun, Myeong-Su Asst 862-8356 msyun PHD University of Tulsa Department of Economics Benediktson, Tom Steib, Steve B. Dugger, William M. Horn, Bobbie L. Soltow, Allen R. Carter, Scott Nakao, Megumi Settle, Chad 147 Tulsa, OK 74104-3189 (918) 631-2219 Kendall Col Arts & Sci Fax= Dean C-Pr 631-2952 steve-steib PHD Prof 631-2951 bnpduggar@a PHD Assoc 631-2219 bobbie-horn PHD Assoc 631-2335 allen-soltow PHD Asst 631-2795 PHD Asst 631-2221 megumi-nakao PHD Asst 631-3157 chad-settle PHD Tuskegee University Tuskegee, AL 36088 (334) 727-8116 Department of Economics Col of Bus & Info Sci Fax=727-0116 Homepage: www.tuskegee.edu/bus/main.htm Jackson, Alicia J. Dean 727-8707 ajjackson Atg Suh, Jingyo C-Ac 727-2673 jinsuh Sara, Tejinder S. Prof 727-8705 tsara Cheng, William I. Assoc 727-6307 chengw 88 84 78 85 87 99 97 98 98 98 02 2006 2004 1995 Cambridge 1987 Yale 1985 Illinois 1989 Michigan 1983 Harvard 1973 Harvard 2006 Stanford 1994 Michigan 1983 MIT 1984 Brandeis 1986 Ca-SnDgo 1989 Harvard 1999 MIT 2006 Yale 2001 Queens 1998 Columbia 1998 Boston U 1998 Berkeley 2002 tulane.edu Paul Watson 77 85 69 83 81 65 98 03 03 Purdue Maryland Purdue Nrthwstrn N Carol MIT Illinois Oregon St Ohio St 00 Rutgers 1985 1971 1991 1993 1979 2001 2003 2003 2002 utulsa.edu 72 74 86 69 Iowa St Tx-Austin Iowa St Iowa St New Sch 03 Rhode Isl 99 Wyoming 1972 1973 2006 2003 1999 tuskegee.edu D. Harkless, D. Wilson PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 00 75 90 Tx-Austin Alabama Mass SUNY-Bin 6-99 2000 1973 1990 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kuforiji, Oluseyi Upchurch, Leo Fuller, M. Elaine Assoc 727-8733 jokuforiji Assoc 727-8732 upchurch Asst 727-2673 efuller PHD PHD PHD 87 Pittsburgh 82 Michigan 1990 98 New Sch 2000 Union College-NY Schenectady, NY 12308-3163 (518) 388-6200 Department of Economics Div of Social Sciences Fax=388-6988 Homepage: www.union.edu/public/ecodept/index.html Motahar, Eshragh C-Ac 388-6065 motahare EFG PHD Fried, Harold O. Prof 388-6368 friedh CIL PHD Kenney, James M. Prof 388-6018 kennyj QDMG PHD Klein, J. Douglass Prof 388-6056 kleind LQD PHD Lewis, Bradley G. Prof 388-6232 lewisb GN PHD McCarty, Therese A. Prof 388-6045 mccartyt HI PHD Schmidt, Shelton S. Prof 388-6218 schmidts LCA PHD Schmidt, Stephen J. Assoc 388-6078 schmidsj LCH PHD Sener, Mehmet F. Assoc 388-7093 senerm FOEJ PHD Yalsawarng, Suthathip Assoc 388-6606 yaisawas CD PHD Davis, Lewis S. Asst sdavis O PHD Dvorak, Tomas Asst dvorakt FG PHD Song, Younghwan Asst songy J PHD union.edu Karen Crosby 89 78 72 75 83 87 77 95 99 89 99 00 02 Union University Department of Economics Absher, R. Keith Newell, Howard Padelford, Walton M. Holt, Kenneth Jackson, TN 38305-3697 (901) 661-5360 Sch of Business Admin Fax=661-5366 Dean Mktg PHD Prof 661-5471 hewell AG PHD Prof 661-5362 wpadelfo ABFO PHD Assoc 661-5365 kholt G ABD uu.edu Judy Leforgee 85 Arkansas 74 Indiana 1982 75 LSU 1980 Memphis 1987 U.S. Air Force Academy Department of Economics Fullerton, Richard L. Linster, Bruce G. Rappaport, Neal J. Waller, Robert L. Lucchesi, Michael S. Mullin, R. David Silz-Carson, Katherine S. West, James E. Cook, Jeffrey J. Driscoll, Daniel Foster, Kevin Haley, Roy Marsh, Michael Rodriguez, John Sidebottom, Wayne Tharaldson, Derek Ward, Aaron Wermuth, Mike Colorado Spr, CO 80840-6238 (719) 333-3080 Social Science Division Fax=333-7137 H richard.fuller+ L PHD Prof 333-3080 bruce.linster PHD Assoc 333-3080 neal.rappaport DC PHD Assoc 333-3080 robert.waller AF PHD Asst 333-3080 michael.lucchesi MA Asst 333-3080 david.mullin AD PHD Asst 333-3080 kate.carson ACO PHD Asst 333-3080 james.west AD PHD 333-3080 jeffrey.cook MA daniel.driscoll kevin.foster roy.haley michael.marsh john.rodriguez wayne.sidebottom derek.tharaldson aaron.ward michael.wermuth usafa.af.mil Ms. Isabel Witt Tx-Austin 7-95 Michigan 1990 MIT 1998 Boston U 1998 U Wash 1993 Virginia 1998 Colorado 1997 Michigan 1997 Indiana U.S. Military Academy Economics Faculty Belknap, Margaret H. Gujarati, Damodar N. Dudley, Dean Engel, Rozlyn West Point, NY 10996-1798 (845) 938-3795 Dept of Social Sciences Fax=938-4563 D CA PHD Prof 938-3236 CE PHD Assoc 938-3144 DHL PHD Asst 938-5212 DHL PHD U.S. Naval Academy Economics Department Thierfelder, Karen Bowman, William R. Goodman, Rae Jean B. Greenfield, Victoria Crowe Chair Little, Roger D. Baker, Matthew Cunningham, Brendan Schmitt, Pamela Swope, Kurtis Zak, Thomas A. Glaser, Darrell Rahman, Ahmed Smith, Katherine Annapolis, MD 21402-5042 (410) 293-6880 Div Humanities & Soc Sc Fax=293-6899 C-Pr 293-6887 thier PHD Prof 293-6881 bowman PHD Prof 293-6891 goodman PHD Prof 293-6896 vag usna.mil Ms. Janet D. Tard 92 Wisconsin 1992 79 Maryland 1980 76 Wash U 1973 Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 00 00 00 00 80 PHD 03 Duke 293-6889 293-6890 293-6894 293-6888 293-6892 293-6895 little mbaker bcunning schmitt swope zakt dglaser rahman 293-6882 ksmith J 148 95 90 94 86 86 93 97 94 93 J Hopkins N Carol Stanford Wisconsin Chicago Michigan Virginia Stanford Florida S Illinois N Carol Maryland Columbia 1984 1983 1972 1979 1979 1987 1974 1994 1999 1989 2006 2002 2002 usma.edu 00 65 93 03 Penn Chicago Indiana Columbia Houston Conn Columbia Indiana Indiana Vanderbilt 2004 1990 1993 2003 1970 2000 2001 2000 2001 1981 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback University of Utah Department of Economics Homepage: www.econ.utah.edu Ott, J. Steven Erturk, Korkut Bilginsoy, Cihan Cagatay, Nilufer Gander, James P. Girton, Lance Glick, Mark Hunt, E. K. Jameson, Kenneth P. Kiefer, David M. Phillips, Peter W. Reynolds, Stephen E. Rock, James M. Waltzman, Norman J. Berik, Gunseli Carlisle, William T. Ehrbar, Hans G. Fowles, Richard G. Lozada, Gabriel A. Maloney, Tom Campbell, D. Albert Vernengo, Matias Yeagle, Anne Salt Lake CY, UT 84112 (801) 581-7481 Col of Soc & Behav Sci Fax=585-5649 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Emer Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Visit Asst Visit 581-8820 581-4576 581-7691 581-7667 581-5670 581-7622 581-7464 581-7656 581-8620 581-4308 585-6465 581-7603 581-7481 581-7600 581-7435 581-8511 581-7797 581-4577 581-7650 581-7704 585-3521 581-8318 581-7935 korkut bilginsoy cagatay gander girton glick hunt jameson kiefer phillips reynolds rock waltzman berik carlisle ehrbar fowles lozada maloney campbell vernengo yeagle PolS 149 economics.utah.edu Becky Guillory Adm Officer PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 86 86 66 76 85 68 70 74 80 69 66 88 86 75 85 85 87 93 91 99 97 New Sch Mass Stanford Berkeley Chicago New Sch Utah Wisconsin Michigan Stanford Wisconsin Nrthwstrn American Mass Cornell Michigan Utah Stanford Michigan Utah New Sch Utah 1992 1993 1991 1965 1978 1985 1978 1989 1981 1978 1969 1967 1988 1994 1971 1986 1990 1993 1992 1997 2003 2001 Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-3530 (435) 797-2310 econ.usu.edu Department of Economics College of Business Fax=797-2701 Ruby Vazquez, Staff Asst Homepage: http://www.econ.usu.edu Anderson, Douglas Dean 797-2272 Mgt PHD Harvard 2006 Bailey, DeeVon C-Pr$ 797-2316 dbailey Q PHD 83 Tx A&M 1983 Biswas, Basudeb Prof 797-2304 biswas CFO PHD 76 Chicago 1976 Fawson, Christopher Prof 797-1840 cfawson CGMO PHD 86 Tx A&M 1990 Glover, Terrence F. Prof 797-2297 tglover DCQ PHD 71 Purdue 1974 Godfrey, E. Bruce Prof 797-2294 bruceg Q PHD 71 Oregon St 1977 Israelsen, L. Dwight Prof 797-2298 disraelsen ABDE PHD 73 MIT 1980 Keith, John E. Prof 797-2303 jkeith DEQR PHD 73 Utah St 1972 Lewis, W. Cris Prof 797-2327 clewis MCR PHD 69 Iowa St 1972 Lyon, Kenneth S. Prof 797-2292 klyon CDEQ PHD 70 Chicago 1966 Petersen, Harold Craig Prof 797-0004 craig.peterson GM PHD 73 Stanford 1973 Director, Analysis, Assess & Accredition Snyder, Donald L. Prof 797-2383 dsnyder CQ PHD 79 Utah St 1981 Assistant Director, Ag Exp Station Caplan, Arthur Assoc 797-0775 acaplan CQ PHD 96 Oregon 2001 Gilbert, John Assoc 797-2314 jgilbert FOC PHD 98 Auckland 2001 Jakus, Paul Assoc 797-2309 pjakus OQ PHD 92 N Car St 2001 Bowles, Tyler Asst 797-2378 tbowles AF PHD 91 N Carol 1994 Dickinson, David Asst 797-2287 ddickinson JL PHD 97 Arizona 1999 Oladi, Gholamreza Asst 797-8196 oladi F PHD 00 McGill 2004 Shiptsova, Rimma Asst 797-2324 rshiptso CO PHD 98 Ohio St 2002 Ward, Ruby Asst 797-2323 rward Q PHD 98 Tx A&M 1999 Bentley, Marion ExtSp 797-2284 mbentley H MPA 70 NYU 1975 Utica College Business & Economics Dept Johnsen, John H. Blanchfield, William C. Neun, Stephen P. Fenner, Richard G. Huang, Zaodan Utica, NY 13502-4892 (315) 792-3055 Div of Social Sci & Mgt Fax=792-3173 Dean Prof 792-3109 ADE PHD Prof 792-3055 sneun IJ PHD Assoc 792-3112 rfenner AIRM PHD Asst 792-3247 zhuang GM PHD Valdosta State University Dept of Mktg & Economics Homepage: www.valdosta.edu/mktg Allen, Ralph C. Plumly, L. Wayne Jr. Deuaux, Zulal Tori, Cynthia R. Cseh, Atilla Lipscomb, Cliff Tori, Scott Valdosta, GA 31698-0075 (229) 245-2234 College of Business Adm Fax=245-2248 Dean H-Pr Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 245-2243 245-3825 219-1217 245-2246 245-3826 245-3774 245-2249 rcallen lwplumly zsdeuauz crtori acseh calipscomb sltori FDK JA EF PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD utica.edu Susan Cox 70 88 92 04 SUNY-Alb Conn Syracuse W Virginia 1966 1982 1989 2004 valdosta.edu Bonnie Ely 81 Geo St 83 Geo St N Car St 92 Kentucky Kentucky Ga Tech Kentucky 1982 1980 2003 1998 2006 2005 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Valparaiso University Department of Economics Kilpinen, Jon Shingleton, Virginia Henderson, James P. Bernard, James A. Jr. Raman, Jaishankar Sanos, Daniel Wunder, Timothy Valparaiso, IN 46383-6493 (219) 464-5696 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=464-5381 Dean 464-5314 jon.kilpinen Geo PHD C-Ac 464-5405 virginia.shin+ CJIA PHD Emer 464-5404 james.henderson NBA PHD Emer 464-5045 james.bernard AOP PHD Asst 464-6814 jaishankar.raman OFA PHD Asst 464-5166 dan.sanos NEA PHD Asst 464-5118 tim.wunder BFA PHD Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37235 (615) 322-2871 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Science Fax=343-8495 Homepage: www.vanderbilt.edu/econ/index.html Bond, Eric W. C-Pr 322-3237 eric.bond FD Joe Roby Professor Atack, Jeremy Prof 343-2871 jeremy.atack N Conley, John Prof 322-2920 j.p.conley HD Damon, William W. Prof 322-3427 william.w.damon DGM Daughety, Andrew F. Prof 322-3453 andrew.f.daug+ LK Driskill, Robert A. Prof 343-1516 robert.a.dris+ EFM Eden, Benjamin Prof 322-3582 ben.eden E Fan, Yanquin Prof 322-3796 yanquin.fan C Finegan, T. Aldrich Prof 343-0461 t.aldrich.fin+ J Foster, James E. Prof 322-2192 james.e.foster DG Getz, Malcolm Prof 322-3425 getz HR Huffman, Gregory W. Prof 343-2468 gregory.w.hu+ EG Li, Tong Prof 322-3882 tong.li Maneschi, Andrea Prof 322-2993 andrrea.maneschi FO Reinganum, Jennifer F. Prof 322-2937 jennifer.f.r+ LK Bronson Ingram Professor of Economics Siegfried, John J. Prof 322-2429 john.siegfried LJ Viscusi, W. Kip Prof 343-7715 kip.viscusi Weymark, John A. Prof 322-1437 john.weymark D Anderson, Kathryn H. Assoc 322-0263 kathryn.anderson JO Senior Fellow, Inst for Public Policy Studies Crucini, Mario J. Assoc 322-7357 mario.j.crucini E Huang, Kevin Assoc 936-7271 kevin.huang EFG Rousseau, Peter L. Assoc 322-2466 peter.l.rouss+ EM Vice Chair Sweeney, George H. Assoc 322-2845 george.h.swe+ DL Associate Dean Ahlin, Christian Asst 322-2482 E Collins, William Asst 322-3428 william.collins NFE Shintani, Mototsugu Asst 322-2196 mototsugu.sh+ CE Wen, Quan Asst 322-3445 quan.wen F Weymark, Diana N. Asst 322-3445 diana.weymark EG Zissimos, Ben Asst 322-3339 benjamin.c.zis+ FD PHD 79 Rochester 2003 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 90 70 72 78 75 90 60 82 73 83 97 64 79 Indiana Rochester Cornell Case Wes J Hopkins Chicago W Ontario Chicago Cornell Yale Minnesota S Calif J Hopkins Nrthwstrn 1993 2002 1976 1995 1992 2002 2001 1970 1990 1973 2001 2005 1969 1995 PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 76 77 78 Wisconsin Harvard Penn N Car St 1972 2006 1999 1980 PHD PHD PHD 91 Rochester 1999 98 Minnesota 2006 95 NYU 1995 PHD 77 Nrthwstrn 1976 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 98 00 91 90 03 Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0708 (845) 437-7395 Department of Economics Fax=437-7576 C-Pr 437-5214 sjlans I PHD Prof 437-5210 jehle D PHD Prof 437-5213 pajohnson E PHD Prof 437-7394 kennett F PHD Prof 437-5257 thompson BH PHD Assoc 437-5212 chkilby O PHD Assoc 437-7396 lunt C PHD Asst 437-5209 flynn PHD Asst 437-5209 marco KL PHD Asst 437-7393 rebelein PHD University of Vermont Department of Economics Homepage: www.uvm.edu/~econ McCrate, Elaine D. Alnasrawi, Abbas Gibson, William A. Rizvi, Saiyid A. Gedeon, Shirley J. Knodell, Jane E. Seguino, Stephanie Associate Dean Thomson, Ross Woolf, Arthur G. Brooks, Nancy Burlington, VT 05405-4160 (802) 656-2040 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=656-8405 656-3064 656-3064 656-3064 656-3064 656-0188 656-0189 656-0187 elaine.mccrate abbas.alnasrawi william.gibson saiyid.rizvi shirley.gedeon jane.knodell stephanie.seg+ Assoc 656-3064 ross.thomson Assoc 656-3064 arthur.woolf Asst 656-0946 nancy.brooks JIT AFOQ CFOQ BDF EP EN EFOP valpo.edu Suzanna L. Tudor 94 Tx 1991 94 Notre Dm 1992 77 N Illinois 1975 72 Notre Dm 1968 97 Notre Dm 1996 04 Notre Dm 2004 03 Colo St 2003 vanderbilt.edu Elizabeth TeSelle Vassar College Economics Faculty Johnson-Lars, Shirley B. Jehle, Geoffrey A. Johnson, Paul A. Kennett, David A. Thompson, Alexander M. Kilby, Christopher P. Lunt, William E. Flynn, Sean Marco, Alan Rebelein, Robert C-Ac Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 150 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD NDB PHD HNR PHD DHQR PHD Chicago Harvard Yale W Ontario Brit Colum Warwick 2001 1998 2000 1999 1999 2003 vassar.edu Susan M. Conger 66 Columbia 1967 83 Princeton 1981 84 Stanford 1995 76 Columbia 1976 79 Stanford 1977 94 Stanford 1993 77 Stanford 1974 02 Berkeley 2002 00 Berkeley 2000 77 Minnesota 2002 uvm.edu Shari Dike 85 65 77 90 82 84 94 Mass Harvard Berkeley New Sch Mass Stanford American 1985 1963 1986 1987 1981 1986 1995 76 Yale 1991 80 Wisconsin 1980 94 Penn 1994 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 656-0240 656-0184 656-0640 656-0183 656-0694 marc.law richard.sicotte rhonda.snarpe ssolnick catalina.vizar+ LNA NLF I DI KND 151 Law, Marc Sicotte, Richard Snarpe, Rhonda Solnick, Sara J. Vizarra, Catalina Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Wash U Illinois 98 Claremont 2006 96 Penn 2000 Illinois Villanova University Department of Economics Danko, James Zaleski, Peter A. Thanawala, Kishor H. Zech, Charles E. Clain, Suzanne H. Donziger, Alan J. Farrell, Rev. John Giordano, James N. Li, Victor Mao, Wen Wolnicki, Miron J. Asher, Cheryl Barnett, Richard Casario, Michelle Dressler, Scott Taylor, Kenneth B. Villanova, PA 19085-1678 (610) 519-4370 Col of Commerce & Fnce Fax=519-6054 Dean 519-4331 james.danko Mgt MBA C-Pr 519-4378 peter.zaleski PHD Prof 519-4385 kishor.thanawala PHD Prof 519-4371 charles.zech PHD Assoc 519-6556 suzanne.clain PHD Assoc 519-4315 alan.donziger PHD Assoc 519-4324 john.farrell PHD Assoc 519-4167 james.giordano PHD Assoc 519-5933 victorli E PHD Assoc 519-4370 wen.mao PHD Assoc 519-4384 miron.wolnicki PHD Asst 519-4159 cheryl.asher PHD Asst richard.barnett EF PHD Asst 519-4362 michelle.casario PHD Asst scott.dressler PHD Asst 519-6430 kenneth.taylor PHD villanova.edu Amy Brennan Michigan 2005 Maryland 1987 Bombay 1967 Notre Dm 1974 Princeton 1987 Bryn Mawr 1967 Catholic 1993 Indiana 1983 Nrthwstrn 1992 Va Tech 1995 Lodz 1984 Penn 1984 Minnesota 2003 Northeas 1991 Tx-Austin 2003 SUNY-SBr 1985 University of Virginia Charlottesvil VA 22904-4182 (434) 924-3177 J. Wilson Dept of Economics Grad Sch of Arts & Sci Fax=982-2904 Homepage: http://www.virginia.edu/economics Ryabn, Karen Dean Johnson, William R. C-Pr 924-3251 wjohnson JH PHD Anderson, Simon P. Prof 924-3861 sa9w LDR PHD Commonwealth Professor of Economics Burton, Edwin VProf 924-4054 etb6d G PHD Elzinga, Kenneth G. Prof 924-6752 kge8z LDR PHD Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics Engers, Maxim P. Prof 924-3130 maxim ACDQ PHD Epps, Thomas W. Prof 924-7947 twe GC PHD Holt, Charles A. Prof 924-7894 cah2k CDL PHD Merrill Bandard Professor of Economics James, John A. Prof 924-3525 jaj8y NO PHD McLaren, John Prof 924-3994 jem6x F PHD Mills, David E. Prof 924-3061 mills LD PHD Mirman, Leonard J. Prof 924-6756 lm8h ACDQ PHD Paul Goodloe McIntire Professor of Economics Olsen, Edgar O. Prof 924-3443 eoo HI PHD Reynolds, Bruce L. Prof 924-6746 br3p P PHD Undergraduate Director Stern, Steven N. Prof 924-6754 sns5r JCI PHD Merrill Bankard Professor van Wincoop, Eric Prof 924-3997 vanwincoop EF PHD Robert C. Black Research Professor of Economics Michener, Ronald W. Assoc 924-7113 rwm3n EN PHD Otrok, Christopher Assoc 924-3692 cmo3h EC PHD Graduate Director Pepper, John Assoc 924-3402 jvp3m HD PHD Assistant Chair Turner, Sarah Assoc 924-7857 sturner IJ PHD Blanchard, Emily Asst 924-3607 blanchard F PHD Cagetti, Marco Asst 924-6751 cacio E PHD Choi, Albert Asst 924-7784 5 K PHD Ciliberto, Federico Asst 924-6755 ciliberto L PHD Coppock, Lee Asst 924-6747 coppock A PHD Friedberg, Leora Asst 924-3225 lfriedberg HJ PHD Furstenberg, Eric Asst 924-7845 ekf4p H PHD Jain, Sanjay Asst 924-6753 sj8n O PHD Miller, Amalia Asst 924-6750 am5by IH PHD Moscoso Boedo, Hernan Asst 924-7654 hjm5p E PHD Mukoyama, Tochihiko Asst 924-6751 tm5hs E PHD Ramezzana, Paolo Asst 924-3177 FL PHD Wayle, Wayne-Roy Asst 983-4336 wg4b CJ PHD Young, Eric Asst 924-3811 ey2d E PHD Epps, Mary Lee Lect 924-3243 mse5e FO PHD Undergraduate Director Virginia Commonwealth Univ Richmond, VA 23284-4000 (804) 828-1717 88 61 73 84 72 72 82 85 94 80 81 89 91 04 80 virginia.edu Bunny Stinnett 75 MIT 85 Queen's 1974 1987 88 Nrthwstrn 1996 67 Mich St 1967 84 UCLA 1982 69 Duke 1972 77 Car Mellon 1983 74 92 75 70 MIT Princeton Stanford Rochester 1973 2000 1975 1986 68 Rice 75 Michigan 1970 2002 85 Yale 1985 89 Harvard 2001 81 Chicago 99 Iowa 1979 1999 96 Wisconsin 1996 97 04 00 01 01 94 96 04 95 04 06 02 01 06 01 70 Michigan 1997 Wisconsin 2004 Chicago 2000 MIT 2001 Nrthwstrn 2004 GeoMason 2003 MIT 2000 Wisconsin 2004 Princeton 2001 Stanford 2004 Wisconsin 2006 Rochester 2006 LondonEc 2001 Pittsburgh 2006 Car Mellon 2004 Duke 1976 vcu.edu 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Department of Economics School of Business Homepage: www.bus.vcu.edu/economics/ Sesnowitz, Michael L. Dean 827-0072 Millner, Edward L. C-Pr 828-1717 Davis, Douglas D. Prof 828-7140 Hoffer, George E. Prof 828-7089 Pratt, Michael D. Prof 828-1835 Reilly, Robert J. Prof 828-3184 Wetzel, James N. Prof 828-7145 Harless, David W. Assoc 828-7190 Lehr, Carol A. Assoc 828-7148 Mitchell, Shannon K. Assoc 828-7142 Peterson, Steven P. Assoc 828-3186 on leave to Virginia Retirement System Razzolini, Laura Assoc 828-7187 Stratton, Leslie A. Assoc 828-7141 Korenok, Oleg Asst 828-3185 152 Fax=828-1719 Dvora Baldwin msesnowi elmillne dddavis gehoffer mdpratt rjreilly jnwetzel dwharles cslehr skmitche sppeters HG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 71 82 84 72 77 78 74 88 91 89 89 Pittsburgh 2000 N Carol 1983 Indiana 1987 Virginia 1970 Kansas 1979 Tennessee 1978 N Carol 1974 Indiana 8-93 Penn St 1997 Virginia 1990 Indiana 1989 lrazzolini lsstratt okorenok D PHD PHD PHD 94 So Meth 89 MIT 05 Rutgers Virginia Military Institute Dept of Economics & Business Duncan, Floyd H. Bush, H. Francis Husted, Stewart W. West, Clifford T. Moreschi, Robert W. Allen, Sam Baker, Elizabeth Bang, James Basu, Atin Cobb, Barry Gutermuth, Karen MacDermott, Raymond Sen, Tinni Lexington, VA 24450-0304 (540) 464-7234 Liberal Arts Division Fax=464-7005 C-Pr 464-7448 duncanfh PHD Prof 464-7234 bushhf PHD Prof 464-7451 hustedsw Mgt PHD Prof 464-7234 westct PHD Assoc 464-7081 moreschirw PHD Asst 464-7061 allensk PHD Asst 464-7461 bakerew PHD Asst 464-7542 bangjt PHD Asst 464-7234 basua PHD Asst 464-7452 cobbbr PHD Asst 464-7234 gutermuthk PHD Asst 464-7405 macdermottrj AF PHD Asst 464-7234 sensb PHD Virginia Poly Inst & St Un Department of Economics Homepage: //www.econ.vt.edu Cowles, Joe R. Ashley, Richard A. Buchanan, James M. Gilles, Robert P. Haller, Hans H. Kats, Amoz Mandelstamm, Allen B. Meiselman, David I. Salehi-Isfahani, Djavad Spanos, Aris Tideman, T. Nicolaus Yang, Dennis T. Ball, Sheryl B. Cothren, Richard D. Lutz, Nancy A. Ge, Suqin Mello, Marcelo Yau, Jeffrey Blacksburg, VA 24061-0316 (540) 231-5688 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=231-5097 Virginia State University Department of Economics Bawuah, Kwadwo Ciobanu, Ceslav Eseonu, Maxwell O. Dimkpah, Young Hwang, Jae-Kwang Omotoye, Richard Petersburg, VA 23806-9398 (804) 524-5363 Sch Liberal Arts & Ed Fax=524-5110 C-Pr 524-5881 kbawuah PHD Assoc Assoc 524-5882 meseonu PHD Asst 524-6761 ydimkpah PHD Asst 524-5365 jhwang PHD Asst 524-5882 romotoye PHD Wake Forest University Department of Economics Whaples, Robert M. Cottrell, Allin F. Frey, Donald E. Hammond, Claire Holton Hammond, J. Daniel Huttquist Family Professor Lawlor, Michael S. Winston-SalemNC 27109 (336) 758-5334 7505 Reynolda Station Fax=758-6028 C-Pr 758-4916 whaples Prof 758-5762 cottrell Prof 758-5618 frey Prof 758-5292 hammonc Prof 758-5335 hammond PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 81 72 82 79 Prof PHD 86 Iowa St H-Pr$ Prof Emer Prof Prof Prof Emer Emer Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst 231-7592 231-6220 231-4348 231-4069 231-7591 231-6289 552-6869 cowlesjr ashleyr jmbuchanan rgilles haller amoz amandel 231-7697 231-7981 231-7592 231-7474 231-4349 231-6980 231-7353 231=4378 231-7958 231-4537 salehi aris ntideman deyang sball rcothren nlutz ges mmello jeffrey.yau 758-5564 lawlor CE H DH D CDL A D OT CB H DJOT DMH E DLM DJ E DJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 2004 1997 2005 mail.vmi.edu Mrs. Donna Potter 72 S Carol 1978 89 Florida 1994 77 Mich St 2002 92 Indiana 1996 88 Illinois 2002 04 Arizona 2006 06 Va Comm 2006 05 Illinois 2006 98 Miss 1999 01 Iowa 2006 96 LSU 1997 03 Rutgers 2006 99 Miss 2000 vt.edu Ms. Sherry Williams 82 48 90 78 72 62 61 77 82 69 94 91 81 87 06 02 05 Ca-SnDgo Chicago Tilburg Erlangen Minnesota Michigan Chicago Harvard LondonEc Chicago Michigan Nrthwstrn N Carol Stanford Minnesota Illinois Penn 1981 1969 1991 1985 1974 1974 1971 1984 1988 1975 2001 1992 1985 1992 2006 2002 2005 vsu.edu Mrs. Shirley Lewis 83 Va Tech 1987 83 Howard 1982 98 Howard 2003 00 2003 89 Fin&Econ U2003 wfu.edu Joanne VanSice Penn 1991 Edinburgh 1989 Princeton 1972 Virginia 1978 Virginia 1978 1986 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Moorhouse, John C. Prof 758-5130 Archie Carroll Professor of Ethical Leadership Patterson, Perry L. Prof 758-5528 Wood, John H. Prof 758-5250 Reynolds Professor of Economics Boko, Sylvain Assoc 758-4461 Z.T. Smith Associate Professor Chen, Frederick H. Assoc 758-5231 Heckelman, Jac C. Assoc 758-5923 Walla Walla College Economics Faculty Homepage: business.wwc.edu Anderson, Clarence Thompson, Dana Wartburg College Economics Faculty Homepage: www.wartburg.edu/bus Magnall, Paul Campbell, Gloria L. Folkers, Kim Yee, Janice G. Fullwiler, Scott Meyerann, Susan PHD 69 Nrthwstrn 1969 patterso jw PHD PHD 86 Nrthwstrn 1986 64 Purdue 1985 bokosh PHD 96 Iowa St chenfh heckeljc PHD PHD 02 Chicago 2000 94 Maryland 1996 527-2951 andecl 527-2645 thomda PHD EDD C-Ac Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst 352-8428 352-8229 352-8424 352-8485 352-8452 352-8315 paul.magnall gloria.campbell kim.folkers janice.yee scott.fullwiler susan.meyerann Atg MBA MBA MIM PHD PHD MBA 96 Alabama 89 LLU 82 84 89 90 01 87 N Iowa 1983 N Iowa 1979 St Thomas 1989 Clark 1991 Nebraska 2001 Iowa 2004 washburn.edu Jennifer Bixel KHAE PHD PHD robert.kerchner rosemary.walker jennifer.ball paul.byrne sungkyu.kwak dmitri.nizovtsev 1993 1998 wartburg.edu Ann Killion 66621 (785) Ext 1308 Fax=231-1063 david.sollars russ.smith 1997 wwc.edu Ms. Cheri Windemuth Waverly, IA 50677-0903 (319) 352-8415 Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=352-8581 Washburn Univ of Topeka Topeka, KS Economics Program School of Business Homepage: www.washburn.edu/business phone: 231-1010 Ext 1307 Sollars, David L. Dean Ext 1308 Smith, Russell E. Prof Ext 1309 Assistant Dean Kerchner, Robert B. Assoc 231-1010 Walker, Rosemary Assoc Ext 1308 Ball, Jennifer Asst 231-1010 Byrne, Paul Asst Ext 1308 Kwak, Sungkyu Asst Ext 1308 Nizovtsev, Dmitri Asst 231-1010 Dickes, Allen L. Inst Director, Institutional Research University of Washington Dept of Finance & Bus Econ Jiambalvo, James J. Schall, Lawrence D. Bradford, William D. Hess, Alan C. Higgins, Robert C. Kamara, Avraham Karpoff, Jonathan M. Malatesta, Paul H. Siegel, Andrew F. Dewenter, Kathryn L. Harford, Jarad Koski, Jennifer L. Rice, Edward M. Duarte, Jefferson Hahn, Jaehoon Kolasinski, Adam Sadka, Ronnie Siegel, Stephen] Young, Lance Glassman, Debra Hadjimichalakis, Karma Kamara, Israela Maloy, Francis J. Ruha, Judith Tarhouni, Ali moorhous College Place,WA 99324-3000 (509) 527-2951 School of Business Fax=527-2962 Dean Prof 153 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 91 Fla St 84 Illinois 2003 1984 73 00 01 03 01 01 70 1976 1999 2001 2003 2001 2001 1978 Missouri Illinois S Calif Illinois Minnesota Purdue Toledo Seattle, WA 98195-3200 (206) 543-4773 u.washington.edu Sch of Business Adm Fax=221-6856 Andrew Anderson, Adm Asst Dean jjiambal Atg PHD 77 Ohio St 1977 C-Pr 543-7689 lschall PHD 69 Chicago 1967 Prof 543-4559 bradford PHD 72 Ohio St 1994 Prof 543-4579 hess PHD 69 Car Mellon 1967 Prof 543-4379 rhiggins PHD 69 Stanford 1967 Prof 543-0652 kamara PHD 86 Columbia 1984 Prof 685-4954 karpoff PHD 82 UCLA 1983 Prof 685-1987 phmalat PHD 81 Rochester 1980 Prof 543-4476 asiegel PHD 83 MIT 1990 Assoc 685-7893 dewe PHD 93 Chicago 1992 Assoc 543-4796 jarrad PHD 98 Rochester 2001 Assoc 543-7975 jkoski PHD 91 Stanford 1991 Assoc 543-4480 erice PHD 78 UCLA 1979 Asst 543-1843 jduarte PHD 00 Chicago 2002 Asst 221-5140 hahnj PHD 03 Columbia 2002 Asst 543-8737 adamkola PHD 06 MIT 2006 Asst 221-5383 rsadka PHD 03 Nrthwstrn 2003 Asst 543-0784 ss1110 PHD 06 Columbia 2005 Asst 543-4474 youngla PHD 02 Rochester 2003 SLect 543-8738 dg2854 PHD 80 Wisconsin 1992 SLect 685-8044 karmah PHD 74 Rochester 1970 Lect 221-5373 ikamara PHD 92 Columbia 1997 Lect 616-3460 thanks PHD 99 U Wash 1989 Lect 221-5373 ruha PHD 98 Berkeley 1998 SLect 543-4577 tarhouni PHD 84 Mich St 1985 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-5955 Dept of Economics Box 353330 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=685-7477 Homepage: www.econ.washington.edu u.washington.edu Randa Knudsen 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Halvorsen, Robert Barzel, Yoram Brown, Gardner Bruce, Neil Eicher, Theo S. Hartman, Richard C. Lawarree, Jacques P. Lundberg, Shelly J. Nelson, Charles R. Parks, Richard Siberberg, Eugene Startz, Richard Thornton, Judith Ann Turnovsky, Stephen J. Wong, Kar-yiu Brock, Philip L. Hadjimichalakis, Michael Khalil, Fahad A. Kochin, Levis A. Leffler, Keith B. Rose, Elaina Thomas, Robert P. Zivot, Eric W. Chen, Yu-chin Portner, Claus C. Shi, Lan Sirakaya, Sibel Ellis, Gregory M. Salehi-Esfahani, Haideh Turnovsky, Michelle H. L. C-Pr Prof Emer Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Emer Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst SLect SLect SLect 543-5546 543-2510 543-5744 543-5874 685-8082 685-1630 543-5632 543-6149 685-1382 543-4493 543-8664 543-5955 543-5784 685-8028 543-1859 543-5796 543-5835 543-5836 543-5845 543-5795 543-5237 543-5842 543-6715 543-6197 616-6238 543-8983 543-4582 543-6145 543-7463 543-1967 halvor yoramb gbrown brucen te rhartman lawarree lundberg cnelson rwparks silber startz thornj sturn karyiu plbrock mhadjimi khalil lakochin kleffler erose rthomas ezivot yuchin cportner lanshi sirakaya ellis haideh mturn QDH EGC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Washington University St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 (314) 935-5670 Department of Economics Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=935-4156 Homepage: economics.wustl.edu Macias, Edward Dean 935-6820 macias@hilltop PHD Wang, Ping C-Pr 935-5328 pingwang EO PHD Berliant, Marcus C. Prof 935-8486 berliant DHR PHD Boldrin, Michele Prof 935-5636 mboldrin DO PHD Costas, Azariadis Prof 935-5639 azariadi E PHD Fazzari, Steven M. Prof 935-5632 fazz E PHD Greenberg, Edward Emer 935-5641 edg DE PHD Leven, Charles L. Emer 935-5836 leven IR PHD Levine, David K. Prof 935-5648 PHD email: [email protected] Neuefeind, Wilhelm Emer 935-5615 wilhelm@neue+ D PHD North, Douglass C. Prof 935-5809 north NO PHD Spencer T. Olin Professor of Arts & Sciences/1993 Nobel Prize in Economics Nye, John V. C. Prof 935-6736 nye N PHD Parks, Robert P. Prof 935-5665 bparks H PHD Petersen, Bruce C. Prof 935-5643 petersen L PHD Ploberger, Werner Prof 935-5620 wernerp C PHD Pollak, Robert A. Prof 935-4918 pollak DJT PHD Hernreich Distinguished Professor of Economics Schofield, Norman J. Prof 935-4774 DH PHD William Taussig Prof of Political Economy; email: [email protected] Weidenbaum, Murray L. Prof 935-5662 moseley HM PHD Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor Williamson, Stephen D. Prof 935-9283 swilliam E PHD Antinolfi, Gaetano Assoc 935-7335 gaetano E PHD Galiani, Sebastian Assoc galiani DF PHD Kim, Sukkoo Assoc 935-4961 soks NR PHD Morley, James Assoc 935-4437 morley E PHD Nachbar, John Assoc 935-5612 nachbar CD PHD Rothstein, Paul Assoc 935-4352 rstein H PHD Lau, Stephanie Asst 935-5677 lau CD PHD Moul, Charles Asst 935-5836 moul L PHD Nichols, Donald Asst 935-7195 dnichols HI PHD Washington & Jefferson Col Washington, PA 15301-4801 (724) 233-6150 Economics Faculty Dept of Economics & Bus Fax=223-5271 Homepage: www.washjeff.edu/deartments/economics/ Gregor, John J. C-Pr 223-6150 jgregor PHD Gidas, Sam Asst 223-6157 sgidas JD Gotschall, Tiffani A. Asst Ext 6151 tgotschall PHD Takashima, Ryo Asst rtakashima PHD Wang, Yongsheng Asst Ext 6156 ywang PHD 154 73 61 64 75 94 71 90 81 69 66 64 78 60 68 83 82 69 91 75 77 93 64 92 02 01 04 03 92 85 78 Harvard Chicago Berkeley Chicago Columbia Berkeley Berkeley Nrthwstrn Wisconsin Berkeley Purdue MIT Harvard Harvard Columbia Stanford Rochester Va Tech Chicago UCLA Penn Nrthwstrn Yale Harvard Copenhag Chicago Wisconsin Berkeley Penn Austr Natl 1972 1961 1965 1990 1994 1971 1990 1984 1975 1970 1967 1984 1961 1987 1983 1991 1969 1991 1972 1978 1993 1968 1993 2003 2003 2004 2003 2003 1990 1987 artsci.wustl.edu Karen Rensing 70 87 82 87 75 82 61 58 81 MIT 1970 Rochester 2005 Berkeley 1994 Rochester 2006 Car Mellon 2006 Stanford 1982 Wisconsin 1963 Nrthwstrn 1964 MIT 2006 72 Bonn 52 Berkeley 1978 1983 85 71 81 81 64 1985 1971 1991 2006 1995 Nrthwstrn Purdue Harvard Vienna T MIT 76 Essex 1986 58 Princeton 1961 84 97 99 93 99 88 88 03 00 03 Wisconsin Cornell Oxford UCLA U Wash Harvard Berkeley Yale Nrthwstrn Stanford 2006 1997 2006 1993 1999 1990 1988 2003 2000 2003 washjeff.edu 76 Penn St 1989 Yale 1998 SUNY-Bin W Virginia 05 Tx Tech 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 155 Washington and Lee Univ Lexington, VA 24450-0303 (540) 458-8604 Department of Economics Sch Comm, Econ & Pol Fax=458-8639 Peppers, Larry C. Dean 458-8602 peppersl PHD Kaiser, Carl P. H-Pr 458-8617 kaiserc JC PHD Anderson, Michael A. Prof 458-8971 andersonm F PHD Cline, Philip L. Prof 458-8622 clinep C PHD Lewis Whitabker Adams Professor of Economics Goldsmith, Arthur H. Prof 458-8970 goldsmitha EJ PHD Jackson T. Stephens Professor of Economics Gunn, John McKenzie Emer 458-8616 gunnj E MA Lewis Whitaker Adams Professor of Economics Emeritus Herrick, Bruce H. Emer 458-8615 herrickb OP PHD John F. Hendon Professor of Economics, Emeritus Kahn, James A. Prof 458-8036 kahnj QO PHD Lowry, Stanley T. Emer 458-8614 lowrys BK PHD Phillips, Charles F. Jr. Emer 458-8618 phillipsc L PHD Robert C. Brown Professor of Economics Smitka, Michael J. Prof 458-8625 smitkam FL PHD Winfrey, John C. Emer 458-8606 winfreyj DH PHD Hooks, Linda M. Assoc 458-8621 hooksl E PHD Blunch, Niels-Hugo Asst 458-8619 blunchn CI PHD Casey, James Asst 458-8102 caseyj QO PHD Diette, Timothy Asst 458-8220 diettet I PHD Guse, Joseph Asst 458-8915 gusej DH PHD Levine, Kara Asst 458-5879 levinek H PHD Washington State University Sch of Economic Sciences Homepage: www.ses.wsu.edu Bernardo, Dan Mittelhammer, Ron Batina, Raymond email: [email protected] Casavant, Ken Duft, Ken Fort, Rodney D. Hinman, Herb Holland, Dave Huffaker, Ray Inaba, Frederick S. Joerdling, Wayne H. Matulich, Scott Nziramasanga, Mudziviri T. Rosenman, Robert E. Shumway, Richard Smith, Gary Wahl, Tom Wandschneider, Phil Young, Doug Hallagan, William S. Marsh, Tom McCluskey, Jill Neibergs, Shannon Wang, Hong Yoder, Jon Aharonovitz, Gilad Chouinard, Hayley Galinato, Greg He, Susan Jessup, Eric Kuzyk, Patricia Smith, Trent Pullman, WA CAHNRS 99164-6210 (509) 335-5555 Fax=335-1173 70 80 90 75 wlu.edu Carol Ruley Vanderbilt 1986 Wash U 1979 Wisconsin 1990 Okla St 1975 79 Illinois 1990 54 Princeton 1957 64 MIT 1980 86 MIT 58 LSU 60 Harvard 1959 1959 89 65 91 06 Yale Duke UCLA Geo Wash N Car St 05 N Carol 06 Wisconsin 04 Wisconsin 1986 1965 1993 2006 2001 2006 2005 2004 wsu.edu Ms. Danielle Engelhardt Dean D-Pr Prof 335-4561 bernardo 335-1706 mittelha 335-8057 Q CQ HE PHD PHD PHD 85 Wash St 2005 78 Wash St 1977 85 Minnesota 1985 Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 335-1608 335-2972 335-1538 335-2855 335-2570 335-3048 335-1940 335-6468 335-1607 335-8008 335-1193 335-1007 335-4557 335-6653 335-1906 335-1400 335-4987 335-8597 335-2835 335-6360 335-8521 335-8596 335-6381 335-8739 335-6382 335-5314 335-5558 335-4391 335-2865 QL Q L Q QO QCD DQL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 66 85 69 72 83 74 79 76 74 82 69 82 89 81 76 77 98 98 93 96 99 06 02 06 00 98 90 02 casavantk duftk fort hinman holland huffaker inaba wjoerding matulich nziramasangam yamaka shumway smithg wahl pwandschneider dlyoung hallagan tl_marsh mccluskey sneibergs wanghong yoder aharonovitz chouinard ggalinato yijun eric_jessup pkuzyk trentsmith Q OF IL Q Q QF Q Q NOK QC LQ Q QD QC OEF Q OQ EC Q E IQ Wayne State College Wayne, NE 68787 (402) 375-7245 Dept of Business & Economics School of Bus & Tech Fax=375-7434 Homepage: www.wsc.edu/academic/socialsci/eco.htm Benson, Vaughn L. Dean 375-7245 vabenso1 Atg PHD Parker, Charles C-Pr 375-7036 chparke1 ADKL PHD Dalal, Meenakshi N. Prof 375-7509 medala1 OE PHD Wash St 1971 Ca-Davis 1967 Cal Tech 1984 Penn St 1980 Okla St 1973 Ca-Davis 1990 Berkeley 1977 Nrthwstrn 1979 Ca-Davis 1976 Stanford 1973 Minnesota 1983 Ca-Davis 1998 Oregon St 1983 Iowa St 1990 Mich St 1979 Oregon St 1976 Ca-Davis 1984 Wash St 2004 Berkeley 1998 Tx A&M 2006 Mich St 1997 N Car St 2002 Tel Aviv 2006 Berkeley 2002 Maryland 2006 Wash St 2000 Wash St 2002 Temple 1995 Ca-SnBarb 2004 wsc.edu Rhonda Sebade 85 Nebraska 1974 94 Cincinnati 8-95 84 Northeas 1985 Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 577-3345 wayne.edu Department of Economics Col Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=577-9564 Cheri Miller/Delores Tennille Homepage: www.clas.wayne.edu/economics/ 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lee, Li Way Braid, Ralph M. Goodman, Allen C. Jensen, Gail A. Rossana, Robert J. Spurr, Stephen J. Cotter, Kevin D. Chang, Sheng-Ka Komagai, Tomomi Usui, Emiko Wada, Tatsuma C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst 577-3344 577-2540 577-3235 577-3345 577-3760 577-3232 577-3233 577-0603 577-3345 577-3349 577-3001 li.way.lee rbraid allen.goodman gail.jensen r.j.rossana sspurr kcotter schang Weber State University Department of Economics Vaughan, Michael B. Nowell, Clifford Alston, Richard M. Fuller, Dan A. Geide-Stevenson, Doris Mbaku, John M. Grijalva, Therese Ahmad, Nazeen Majuca, Ruperto Martinez, Salvador A. Wren, Mary Ogden, UT 84408-3807 (801) 626-6066 Col of Business & Econ Fax=626-7423 Dean 626-6084 mvaughan AMK PHD C-Pr 626-6488 cnowell ADQ PHD Prof 626-6061 ralston ABNQ PHD Prof 626-6794 dfuller ADH PHD Prof 626-7634 dgsteven AF PHD Prof 626-7442 jmbaku AHOP PHD Assoc 626-7567 tgrijalva PHD Asst 626-8750 nazneenahmad Asst 626-8746 rupertomajuca Asst 626-7789 smartinez Asst 626-6792 marywren Webster University Business Department Akande, Benjamin Ola Scott, Bradford Westerfield, Donald Rishe, Patrick St. Louis, MO 63119-3194 (314) 968-7021 Sch of Business & Mgt Fax=968-7077 Dean 968-5950 akandeb PHD C-Ac bradford Fnce PHD Prof 968-7021 westerdn DIMC PHD Asst PHD usui tatsuma.wada L R IR I E JK D C C J PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Wellesley College Wellesley, MA 02481-8260 (781) 283-2154 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=283-2177 Homepage: www.wellesley.edu/Economics Velenchik, Ann D. C-Ac 283-2183 avelench OFD PHD Case, Karl E. Prof 283-2178 kcase RHD PHD Joyce, Joseph P. Prof 283-2160 jjoyce EF PHD Levine, Philip Prof 283-2162 plevine JD PHD Lindauer, David Prof 283-2159 dlindaue OFD PHD Matthaei, Julie Ann Prof 283-2181 jmatthae B PHD Skeath, Susan Prof 283-2180 sskeath DFL PHD Witte, Ann D. Prof 283-2163 awitte DHK PHD Clausing, Kimberly Assoc 283-2161 kclausin ADFH PHD visiting from Reed College Kauffman, Kyle Assoc 283-2153 kkauffma DN PHD Coile, Courtney Asst 283-2408 ccoile DHI PHD Hilt, Eric Asst 283-2986 ehilt NG PHD McEwan, Patrick Asst 283-2987 pmcewan IO PHD Nabar, Malhar Asst 283-2165 mnabar PHD Sneeringer, Stacy Asst 283-2180 ssneerin PHD Weerapana, Akila Asst 283-2300 aweerapa EF PHD Butcher, Kristin F. 283-2179 kbutcher DJ PHD Lucas, Adrienne 283-2117 alucas3 Taylor, Corrine 283-2152 PHD Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 06459-0007 (860) 685-2340 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=685-2301 Homepage: www.wesleyan.edu/econl Grossman, Richard S. C-Pr 685-2356 rgrossman N PHD Adelstein, Richard P. Prof 685-2366 radelstein K PHD Barber, William J. Emer 685-2362 wbarber B DPHI Bonin, John P. Prof 685-2353 jbonin P PHD Hubbard Professor of Economics Jacobsen, Joyce P. Prof 685-2357 jjacobsen J PHD Andrews Professor of Economics Kilby, Peter Prof 685-2365 pkilby O DPHI Lebergott, Stanley Emer 685-2364 slebergott N MA University Professor Lovell, Michael C. Emer 685-2355 mlovell E PHD Miller, Richard A. Emer 685-2354 ramiller L PHD Moore, Basil J. Emer 685-2363 bmoore E PHD Skillman, Gilbert L. Prof 685-2359 gskillman D PHD 156 76 79 76 86 80 86 84 02 01 02 06 Columbia MIT Yale Minnesota J Hopkins Chicago Minnesota Wisconsin MIT Nrthwstrn Boston U 1981 1988 1986 1989 1991 1987 1989 2002 2001 2002 2006 80 88 70 82 95 85 00 weber.edu Elaine Thomas Nebraska 1981 Wyoming 1988 Cornell 1969 N Carol 1981 SUNY-Buf 1996 Georgia 1991 New Mex 1995 95 98 84 97 webster.edu Nancy Wilson Oklahoma 2000 St Louis 1998 St Louis 1985 SUNY-Bin 1998 wellesley.edu Patricia Sjostedt 89 77 84 91 79 78 89 71 96 Stanford Harvard Boston U Princeton Harvard Yale Princeton N Car St Harvard 1989 1976 1982 1991 1981 1978 1989 1985 2006 93 99 02 00 05 05 99 93 Illinois MIT Columbia Stanford Brown Berkeley Stanford Princeton 1993 2000 2002 2002 1999 1995 98 Wisconsin 1998 mail.wesleyan.edu Jacqueline Didier 88 75 57 73 Harvard Penn Oxford Rochester 1990 1975 1957 1970 91 Stanford 1993 67 Oxford 39 Michigan 1965 1962 59 62 58 85 1969 1960 1958 1993 Harvard Yale J Hopkins Michigan 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Whitin, Thomson M. Emer Yohe, Gary W. Prof Woodhouse-Sysco Professor of Economics Rayack, Wendy Assoc Hanson, Michael S. Asst Hogendorn, Christiaan P. Asst Hornstein, Abigail Asst Imai, Musami Asst Rodriquez, Francisco Asst Rosenblat, Tanya S. Asst Shelton, Cameron Asst 685-2347 twhitin 685-3658 gyohe C D PHD PHD 52 Princeton 1963 75 Yale 1977 685-2358 685-2348 685-2348 685-3049 685-2155 685-3958 685-2348 685-2944 J E L G G H E H PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 99 00 05 02 98 99 05 wrayack mhanson chogendorn ahornstein mimai frrodriquez trosenblat cashelton University of West Alabama Dept of Actg and Bus Admin Homepage: http://cob.uwa.edu/ Carr, Linda A. Lee, Joo Young Sheffield, Howell Livingston, AL 35470 (205) 652-3471 College of Business Fax=652-3776 West Chester Univ of PA Dept of Economics & Finance Fiorentino, Christopher M. Dunleavy, Kevin C. Benzing, Cynthia D. DeMoss, Philip M. Naggar, Tahany Andrews, Thomas Bove, Roger E. Kara, Orhan Lee, Jongdoo Li, Huimin Tolin, Thomas Zhu, Lei West Chester, PA 19383-2220 (610) 436-3460 Sch of Bus & Public Aff Fax=436-2592 Dean 436-2930 cfiorentino DQ PHD C-As 436-3422 kdunleavy ACE PHD Prof 436-2217 cbenzing AEG PHD Prof 436-2964 pdemoss AGM PHD Prof 436-2834 tnaggar ADTN PHD Assoc 436-1082 tandrews DHQL PHD Assoc 436-2134 rbove FP PHD Asst 436-3331 okara PHD Asst 436-3468 jlee PHD Asst 436-6497 hli PHD Asst 436-1082 ttolin JD PHD Asst 430-5671 lzhu PHD University of West Florida Dept of Mktg & Economics Homepage: uwf.edu/market Ranelli, Edward Arguea, Nestor M. Huth, William L. E.W. Hopkins Professor Harper, Richard K. Hawkins, Richard R. Burkart, Christopher Pensacola, FL 32514-5752 (850) 474-2652 College of Business Fax=474-3069 Dean$ 652-3476 lac Asst 652-3664 Inst 652-3473 ghs Dean C-Ac Prof 157 474-2348 eranelli 474-3071 narguea 474-2652 whrth Assoc 474-3072 rharper Assoc 474-2656 rhawkins Asst 474-2667 cburkart 1983 1999 2001 2005 2002 2005 1999 2006 uwa.edu Maxine McClusky EDD PHD PHD IO ACD AMG Wisconsin Michigan Penn NYU Ca-Davis Harvard MIT Stanford PHD PHD PHD AFM PHD ACR PHD ADHR PHD University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA 30118-3020 (770) 839-6477 Department of Economics Richards College of Bus Fax=839-5041 Homepage: www.westga.edu/~econ/ McIntyre, Faye S. Dean 839-6467 fmcintyr Mktg PHD Boldt, David John C-Ac 839-6477 dboldt AR PHD Dutt, Swarna D. Prof 839-6477 bdutt F PHD Gustafson, Leland Verne Prof 839-6477 lvg AC PHD Schaniel, William C. Prof 839-6477 wschanie BP PHD Austin, Adrian Asst 839-6477 aaustin G PHD Kassis, Mary C. Asst 839-6477 mkassis HJ PHD Murphy, James H. Asst 839-6477 jmurphy Q PHD Smith, William J. Asst 839-6477 wsmith HR PHD Lopez, Salvador Lect 839-6477 slopez H PHD 68 Alabama Georgia 05 Sarasota 89 79 87 69 76 96 73 01 05 04 92 06 1965 2005 1998 wcupa.edu Pat Zellman Temple 9-85 Duke 1979 Drexel 1988 Kansas St 1973 Oklahoma 1977 Temple 1997 Harvard 1984 Wi-Milwa 2001 Geo Wash 2004 Drexel 2004 Houston 1992 Drexel 2006 uwf.edu Barbara Partrick 69 Alabama 2000 90 S Calif 1990 80 Arkansas 1989 89 Duke 96 Geo St 06 Iowa St 1989 1996 2006 westga.edu Donna Joyner 90 87 93 74 85 98 99 00 02 95 Georgia 9-98 New Mex 1988 Wayne St 1994 Fla St 1971 Tennessee 1980 Duke 2003 Geo St 2002 Geo St 2006 Geo St 2006 Geo St 2003 West Liberty State College Dept of Financial Systems Homepage: www.wlsc.wvnet.edu Robinson, Elizabeth Turrentine, S. Michael Hailu, Yohannes West Liberty, WV 26074-0295 (304) 336-8053 School of Business Adm Fax=336-8418 MBA JD PHD 83 W Virginia 1979 96 Duquesne 1997 W Virginia 2006 West Texas A&M University Dept of Atg, Econ & Finance Terry, Neil W. Owens, James K. Duman, Barry L. Rosa, Duane J. Canyon, TX 79016-0001 (806) 651-2525 College of Business Fax=651-2514 Dean 651-2512 nterry EOQ PHD H-Pr 651-2516 jownes Fnce PHD Prof 651-2519 bduman BDP PHD Prof 651-2276 drosa EOQ PHD mail.wtamu.edu Betsey Tonne Tx Tech 1997 Harvard 1971 S Calif 9-69 Tx Tech 1984 Dean C-As Asst 336-8152 robinsea 336-8164 mturrent 336-8081 yhailu BLaw westliberty.edu Sharon Rinderer 97 71 71 89 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lewer, Joshua J. PHD 00 Nebraska 2000 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506-6025 (304) 293-7859 Department of Economics Col of Business & Econ Fax=293-5652 Homepage: www.be.wvu.edu/div/econ Sears, R. Stephen Dean 293-7800 steve.sears Fnce PHD Trumbull, William N. C-Ac 293-7860 william.trumbull HKD PHD Hawley, Clifford B. Prof 293-7865 clifford.hawley JD PHD Hwang, Ming-jeng Prof 293-7866 ming.hwang DRC PHD Kymn, Kern O. Prof 293-7867 kern.kymn EC PHD Labys, Walter C. Prof 293-6253 walter.labys Q PHD Reece, William S. Prof 293-4092 william.reece CH PHD Witt, Tom S. Prof 293-7835 tom.witt CR PHD Balvers, Ronald J. Assoc 293-7880 ronald.balvers EG PHD Cushing, Brian J. Assoc 293-7881 brian.cushing RCH PHD Douglas, Stratford M. Assoc 293-7863 stratford.d+ CHD PHD Fletcher, Jerald J. Assoc 293-6253 jerald.fletcher Q PHD Phipps, Tim Assoc 293-6353 tim.phipps Q PHD Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu Asst 293-7879 subhayu.band+ F PHD Bandyopadhyay, Sudeshna Asst 293-7869 sudeshna.band+ J PHD Basistha, Arabinda Asst 293-7854 ArBasistha EF PHD Chow, C. Victor Asst 293-7888 victor.chow G PHD Egorov, Alexei Asst 293-7868 AVEgorov GC PHD Leeson, Peter T. Asst 293-4526 pete.leeson PHD Oh, Hyungna Asst 293-2870 hyungna.oh DCLQ PHD Pinto, Santiago Asst 293-7871 Santiago.Pinto HR PHD Sobel, Russell S. Asst 293-7864 russell.sobel H PHD Watts, Royce J. Asst 293-5695 royce.watts C MS mail.wvu.edu Nicki Mettshniak West Virginia State Univ Department of Economics Islam, Mahmood Aleseyed, M. Cyrus Aydmir, Ozdemir Miah, M. Solaiman Asst 651-2508 jlewer EHN 158 Institute, WV 25112-1000 (304) 766-3065 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=766-3089 C-Ac 766-3057 islam PHD Assoc 766-3064 aleseyed PHD Asst 766-3095 oaydemir PHD Asst 766-3057 miahms AC PHD 80 85 77 73 64 68 75 74 84 81 87 82 82 94 92 02 89 03 05 03 01 94 61 N Carol 2005 N Carol 1983 Duke 1978 Tx A&M 1974 Chicago 1976 Nottingh 1975 Wash U 1990 Wash U 1970 Pittsburgh 1991 Maryland 1981 N Carol 990 Berkeley 1989 Berkeley 1989 Maryland 1993 Maryland 1992 U Wash 2003 Alabama 1989 Cornell 2003 GeoMason 2004 Cornell 2004 Illinois 2002 Fla St 1994 W Virginia 1955 85 95 02 01 wvstateu.edu Patty Goff Wayne St 1987 W Virginia 2002 SUNY-Alb 2005 N Illinois 2002 Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC 28723-9033 (828) 227-3053 Bus Cpt Info Sys & Economics College of Business Fax=227-7414 Homepage: www.wcu.edu/cob/bsise/index.asp Kauffman, N. Leroy Dean 227-3480 kauffman Atg PHD Clapper, Dan C-Ac 227-3393 clapper Cis PHD Mulligan, Robert Prof 227-3329 mulligan PHD Ha, Inhyuck Asst 227-3008 iha PHD Miller, Stephen Asst 227-3731 smiller PHD Ullmer, James H. Asst 227-3762 ullmer N PHD 88 91 93 99 06 96 Western Conn State Univ Economics Faculty Vaden-Goad, Linda Owoye, Oluwole Skinner, Steven P. Pan, Zuohong Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 837-8484 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=837-8525 Dean 837-9401 vaden-goadl Psyc Prof 837-8456 owoye EFHJ Prof 837-8457 skinner BJQR Assoc panz CJLO wcsu.edu T. Maripuu Houston 89 N Illinois 80 Conn 95 Mich St Western Illinois University Department of Economics Homepage: wiu.edu/econ/ Erekson, Tom Jones, Warren Andrianacos, Dimitri area code (309) Rock, Steven M. Yunker, James A. Fosu, Joseph Koch, William Lloyd, Christine Melkumian, Alla Melkumian, Arsen Polley, William Sadler, Thomas Westerhold, Tara D. Haynes, Glenn Macomb, IL 61455-1390 (309) 298-1153 wiu.edu Col of Business & Tech Fax=298-1020 Diane Bagley, Esther Grimes PHD PHD PHD PHD email.wcu.edu Kathy Brashear Ohio St 1994 Geo St 1996 SUNY-Bin 1997 Minnesota 2003 GeoMason 2006 Tennessee 1999 Dean C-Ac Prof 298-2442 tl-erekson 298-1477 w-jones 762-9481 d-andrianacos EDD AEHN PHD ACE PHD Illinois 82 Iowa 89 Chicago Prof Prof Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Inst 298-1343 298-1639 298-2265 298-1413 298-1734 298-1032 298-1321 298-2331 298-1638 298-1313 298-1412 AJM PHD ACDP PHD ADEO PHD PHD AHJ ABD EG PHD PHD PHD PHD ADH PHD 75 71 87 05 s-rock j-yunker j-fosu w-kock cb-lloyd aa-melkumian av-melkumian wj-polley tr-sadler tn-westerhold gs-haynes 03 05 99 98 98 6-06 1983 1990 Nrthwstrn 1990 Nrthwstrn 1968 Iowa St 1987 Ca-SnCruz 2006 Kentucky 2003 W Virginia 2003 W Virginia 2005 Iowa 2005 Tennessee 2005 S Carol 1998 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 159 Western Kentucky University Department of Economics Tallon, William J. Davis, William W. Borland, Melvin V. Goff, Brian L. Kim, Hak Youn Lile, Stephen E. Pulsinelli, Robert W. Wassom, John C. Wisley, Thomas O. Brown, J. Michael Cantrell, Richard P. Howsen, Roy M. Myers, Daniel A. Noser, Thomas C. Carey, Cathrine Lebedinsky, Alex Strow, Brian Strow, Claudia Trawick, Michelle Wilson, Dennis P. Bowling Green KY 42101-1059 (270) 745-2249 Ford Col of Business Fax=745-3190 Dean 745-6311 william.tallon Mgt PHD C 745-3123 bill.davis F PHD Prof 745-3112 melvin.borland BDA PHD Prof 745-3855 brian.goff GHK PHD Prof 745-3187 youn.kim CDO PHD Prof 745-3115 steve.lila H PHD Prof 745-3118 bob.pulsinelli DK PHD Prof 745-2249 john.wassom G PHD Prof 745-3127 tom.wisley GHK PHD Assoc 745-3893 mike.brown G PHD Assoc 745-3146 richard.cantrell C MA Assoc 745-3172 roy.howsen D PHD Assoc 745-3684 dan.myers R PHD Assoc 745-3642 thomas.noser CA PHD Asst 745-6401 cathy.carey F PHD Asst 745-3150 alex.lebedinsky CF ABD Asst 745-7082 brian.strow PHD Asst 745-3627 claudia.strow ABD Asst 745-8803 michelle.trawick PHD Asst 745-3105 DL PHD Western Michigan University Department of Economics Kern, William Alexander, Donald L. Asefa, Sisay Hoffman, Emily P. Huang, Wei-Chiao Neill, Jon R. Pozo, Susan Wheeler, Mark V. Zhou, Huizhong Alvi, Eskander Harik, Bassam Higgins, Matthew L. Kimmel, Jean Meyer, Donald J. Hueng, James C. Moser, Christine Mukherjee, Debasri Ryan, Michael Van Wesep, Edward Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5023 (269) 387-5535 wmich.edu Col of Arts & Sciences Fax=387-3999 Mrs. Margaret Coughlin C-Pr 387-5542 william.kern B PHD 82 Colo St 1987 Prof 387-5526 donald.alexander D PHD 83 Penn St 9900 Prof 387-5540 sisay.asefa O PHD 80 Iowa St 1980 Prof 387-5546 emily.hoffman J PHD 75 Mass 1981 Prof 387-5547 wei-chiao.huang J PHD 84 Ca-SnBarb 1985 Prof 387-5551 jon.neill H PHD 83 Pittsburgh 1980 Prof 387-5553 susan.pozo F PHD 80 Mich St 1982 Prof 387-5563 mark.wheeler E PHD 85 Kentucky 1990 Prof 387-5550 huizhong.zhou C PHD 86 Nrthwstrn 1990 Assoc 387-5547 eskander.alvi E PHD 85 J Hopkins 1994 Assoc 387-2380 bassam.harik E PHD 78 Wayne St 1979 Assoc 387-5543 matthew.higgins C PHD 89 Illinois 1995 Assoc 387-5541 jean.kimmel J PHD 90 N Carol 2001 Assoc 387-5531 donald.meyer D PHD 83 Tx A&M 1991 Asst 387-5558 james.hueng E PHD 97 Wisconsin 2003 Asst 387-5542 christine.moser Q PHD 04 Cornell 2005 Asst 387-5544 debasri.mukherje C PHD 02 Ca-Rivers 2002 Asst 387-5545 michael.ryan F PHD 00 Indiana 2000 Asst 387-5542 edward.vanwesop H PHD 02 Mich St 2001 Western New England Coll Department of Economics Homepage: mars.wnec.edu/~econ Ghahramani, Saeed Meeropol, Michael A. Eskot, Herbert J. Casimir, Schiller Enz, Michael Taengnoi, Sarinda Springfield, MA 01119-2684 (413) 782-1252 Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=796-2118 Western Oregon University Division of Business & Econ Chadney, James Bahari-Kashani, Hamid Leadley, John C. Zygmont, Zenon X. Ashby, David Monmouth, OR 97361 (503) 838-8421 Sch Liberal Arts & Sci Fax=838-8723 Dean C-Pr 838-8354 baharih Mgt Assoc 838-8719 leadlej Asst 838-8244 zygmouz APLF Inst 838-8214 ashbyd Western State College of CO Economics Faculty Newman, Monica D. Hays, Sally Lazerus, Scott Plante, David Gunnison, CO 81231 (970) 943-2019 Dept of Bus, Atg & Econ Fax=943-7042 C-Pr 943-2183 mnewman Atg Asst 943-2893 shays DCQ Asst 943-2097 slazerus AGIJ Asst 943-2207 dplante EFNO Dean C-Pr Prof Assoc Asst Asst 782-1252 782-1743 782-1741 782-1602 782-1601 heskot scasimir menz staengo Math N J E L L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Western Washington Univ Bellingham, WA 98225-9074 (360) 650-3910 Department of Economics Col of Business & Econ Fax=650-6315 Homepage: http://www.cbe.wwu.edu/deptHome.asp dept=ECON 87 65 72 86 82 72 74 70 79 71 63 80 86 86 92 03 96 99 wku.edu Karen Braun Iowa 2006 Kentucky 1970 Wash U 1978 GeoMason 1986 Cincinnati 1983 Kentucky 1973 Rutgers 1967 Indiana 1971 Purdue 1985 Kentucky 1988 S Illinois 1967 Arkansas 1981 Vanderbilt 1986 Alabama 1984 Kentucky 1992 Geotown 2003 Vanderbilt Vanderbilt N Car St Kentucky 2006 wnec.edu Donna Utter 782-1480 73 84 97 03 05 Berkeley Wisconsin Tufts SUNY-Bin Oregon Il-Chicago 2000 1970 1984 1997 2003 2005 76 83 85 94 wou.edu Dianna Hewell Mich St Wash St 1988 Wisconsin 1991 GeoMason 1998 88 99 97 04 western.edu Liz Fuller Tx-Austin 1990 Oregon 2004 Utah 2000 Utah 1997 wwu.edu Theresa Gresley 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Murphy, Dennis R. Nelson, David M. Ghali, Moheb A. Dean of Graduate School Globerman, Steven Hagen, Daniel A. Hansen, Julia L. Harder, K. Peter Durham, Yvonne Henson, Steven E. Krieg, John M. Roelofs, Matthew Sleeman, Allan G. Storer, Paul Dupont, Brandon Hodges, L. Hart Jagdish, Vinit K. Knabb, Shawn Sula, Ozan Antholt, Charles Champlin, Dell Hayfron, John Hendryson, Mary Ann Settle, Russell F. Whalley, Pamela 160 Dean C-Pr Prof 650-3896 dennis.murphy 650-4804 david.nelson 650-2284 moheb.ghali FM PHD EGI PHD CDEF PHD 74 Indiana 75 Oregon 67 U Wash Prof Prof Prof Emer Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Emer Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect 650-7708 650-3964 650-3204 650-3920 650-2794 650-4843 650-7405 650-3910 650-3910 650-6531 650-2058 650-7560 650-2584 650-2587 650-2558 650-7665 650-2058 650-2594 650-4799 650-2631 650-4823 DFIL JEFQ DR BNP A QD EG DL CD EJ BJN OQR DLM EHO EF DQ BJH DHO DOF DHO DG 71 83 84 68 94 82 99 96 83 92 05 94 05 01 06 72 90 99 steven.globerman dan.hagen julie.hansen peter.harder durham steve.henson john.krieg matthew.roelofs allan.sleeman paul.storer brandon.dupont hart.hodges vinit.jogdish shawn.knabb ozan.sula charles.antholt dell.champlin john.hayfron mary.ann.hend+ russ.settle pam.whally PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD ABD PHD ABD 1979 1977 1993 NYU 1994 Berkeley 1988 Berkeley 1988 Nebraska 1970 Arizona 2000 Oregon 1985 Oregon 2000 Purdue 1997 Simon Fr 1977 W Ontario 1996 Kansas 2006 U Wash 2000 Mich St 2005 Ca-SnBarb 2005 Claremont 2006 Cornell 1997 Utah 2006 Bergen 2005 Wash St 1989 74 Wisconsin 2005 Indiana 1989 Westfield State College Economics Faculty Homepage: www.bus.wsc.ma.edu Merlo, Gary E. Wagner, John R. Masterson, Thomas Samikar, Supriya Westfield, MA 01086 (413) 572-5590 Dept of Economics & Mgt Fax=572-5617 wsc.ma.edu Carmen Diaz C-Pr 572-5694 gmerlo Assoc 572-5697 jwagner Asst Asst MBA PHD PHD PHD W New Eng1983 77 Temple 1986 Westminster College-PA Economics Faculty Cushman, David O. Fischmar, Daniel E. Akin, Rita M. NewWilmingtonPA 16172-0001 (412) 946-7160 Dept of Business & Econ Fax=946-6158 C-Pr 946-7169 FEC PHD Prof 946-7162 C PHD Asst 946-7163 F PHD westminster.edu Mrs. Sharon Kelly 80 Vanderbilt 2005 75 S Illinois 1975 02 Ca-SnCruz Westminster Cl of Salt Lk Ct Economics Program Seidelman, James E. Watkins, John P. Chapman, Richard Tong, Chris Collins, Rich Wrotniak, Maria Mamo, Michael Salt Lk City, UT 84105-3697 (801) 832-2602 westminstercollege.edu Gore School of Business Fax=832-3106 Prov 832-2581 c.seidel PHD 86 Utah 1980 C-Pr 832-2628 j-watkin BNQ PHD 85 Utah 1984 Prof 832-2625 d-chapma JNB PHD 92 Utah 1985 Prof 832-2630 ctong PHD Utah 2001 Assoc 832-2625 rcollins PHD Utah 2001 Assoc 832-2629 m-wrotni BCO PHD 80 Lodz 1989 Asst 832-2631 mmamo PHD W Mich 2002 Wheaton College-IL Wheaton, IL 60187-5593 (630) 752-5035 Economics Faculty Dept of Business & Econ Fax=752-7037 Howard, Bruce C-Pr 752-5313 bruce.howard ABM PHD Halteman, James Prof 752-5312 james.halteman AB PHD Hendrickson Chair Hill, Peter J. Prof 752-5033 p.j.hill ANPQ PHD George F. Bennett Professor of Economics Norton, Seth Prof 752-5310 seth.norton GJLM PHD Aldeen Chair Ewert, Norman J. Assoc 752-5311 norman.j.ewert AF PHD Tomal, Annette Assoc 752-7058 annette.tomal AIM PHD Rivera, Paul Asst 752-7100 paul.rivera ADE PHD Wheaton College-MA Norton, MA 02766 (508) 285-8200 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=286-3640 Homepage: www.wheatoncollege.edu/academic/academicdept/econ+ phone 285-8200 Gildea, John A. C-Pr Ext 3663 jgildea EG Miller, John A. Prof Ext 3667 jmiller HJ Walgreen, John A. Prof Ext 3668 jwalgree KL Weil, Gordon Prof Ext 3495 gweil FOP Wyss, Brenda Assoc Ext 3665 bwyss JTO Freeman, James Asst Ext 3666 jfreeman FJ 2005 wheaton.edu Teresa Duncan 89 N Illinois 1980 74 Penn St 1979 70 Chicago 1986 82 Chicago 1995 76 S Illinois 95 Illinois 06 Ohio St 1973 1995 2006 wheatonma.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 82 65 81 95 98 Duke Pittsburgh Boston C Tufts Mass Fla St 1985 1979 1967 1981 1992 2000 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Ext 3664 rwilliam JR PHD 161 Williams, Russell Asst Whitman College Economics Faculty Crouter, Jan P. Shepherd, James F. Belay, Halefom Hazlett, Denise J. Parcells, R. J. "Pete" Froese, Walter Storchmann, Karl Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 527-5125 Social Sciences Div Fax=527-5026 C-Ac 527-5174 crouter KLQ Prof 527-5149 shepherd HN Assoc 522-6431 belayh CEO Assoc 527-5155 hazlett EG Assoc 527-5267 parcells CR Whitworth College Economics Faculty Hinnenkamp, Craig Schatz, Richard E. Morgan, Karla Spokane, WA 99251 (509) 777-4454 Dept of Economics & Bus Fax=777-3720 C-As 777-3733 chinnenkamp Mgt PHD Prof 777-4454 rschatz DEFO PHD Asst 777-4438 karlamorgan PHD whitworth.edu Bonnie Wakefield Gonzaga 74 Hawaii 1989 05 Claremont 2005 Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260-0078 (316) 978-3220 Department of Economics Barton Sch of Business Fax=978-3308 Homepage: webs.wichita.edu/economics/ Beehler, John M. Dean 978-3200 john.beehler Atg PHD Cheng, Jen-Chi C-Ac 978-3220 jenchi.cheng PHD Cho, Dong Woo Prof 978-7089 dong.cho PHD Hersch, Philip L. Prof 978-7096 philip.hersch PHD Perline, Martin M. Prof 978-7088 martin.perline PHD Clark, James E. Assoc 978-7097 jim.clark PHD Associate Director Center for Economic Education; Associate Dean Pfannestiel, Maurice Assoc 978-7093 maurice.pfann+ PHD Decker, Terence N. VAsst 978-7086 terence.decker PHD Miles, William Asst 978-7085 william.miles PHD Pelkow-ki, Jodi Asst 978-7092 jodi.messer PHD Vijverberg, Chu-ping Asst 978-7093 chuping.vijver+ PHD Wolcutt, Janet L. Inst 978-7090 janet.wolcutt ABD Director, Center for Economic Education wichita.edu Ms. Brenda Lehman PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 Mass 85 66 96 92 83 2000 whitman.edu Cora Heid Illinois 1985 U Wash 1971 SUNY-Bin 1996 Minnesota 1992 SUNY-Bin 1982 85 89 73 82 65 77 Indiana Vanderbilt Illinois Ohio St Ohio St Nrthwstrn 8-00 1989 1972 1983 1965 1976 67 02 98 00 78 78 Okla St Okla St Illinois Kentucky Pittsburgh Ohio St 1966 2002 1999 2000 2002 1981 Widener University Department of Economics Ozatalay, Savas Kuj, Myrsolaw J. Brucker, Eric Duggal, Vijaya G. Fuhr, Joseph P. Saltzman, Cynthia J. Zangeneh, Hamid Leppel, Karen Chester, PA 19013-5792 (610) 499-4306 widener.edu School of Business Adm Fax=499-4614 Mrs. Lisa McMenamin Dean 499-4319 sozatalay Mgt PHD 74 Nrthwstrn 1978 C-Ac 499-4306 myroslaw.j.kyj Mgt PHD 85 Temple Prof 499-4319 eric.brucker EF PHD 66 Duke 2000 Prof 499-1176 vijaya.g.duggal CEDQ PHD 67 Harvard 1983 Prof 499-1172 joseph.p.fuhr DIKQ PHD 81 Temple 1979 Prof 499-4326 cynthia.saltz+ EFGO PHD 86 Maryland 1980 Prof 499-1140 hamid.zangeneh EFGP PHD 84 Missouri 1985 Assoc 499-1170 karen.leppel JCT PHD 80 Princeton 1985 Wilkes University Dept of Business & Economics Browne, Paul Rexer, Marianne Taylor, Wagiha A. Seeley, Robert D. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766 (570) 408-4725 Sch Bus,Society &PubPol Fax=408-7874 Dean 408-4700 brownep C-Pr 408-4725 rexer Atg Prof 831-4712 taylor EFO Assoc 831-4717 rseeley AIJH wilkes1.wilkes.edu Ms. Sandra L. Rybak MED Harvard 1-00 PHD 97 Drexel 9-90 PHD 66 Clark 1969 PHD 86 Maryland 9-89 Willamette University Salem, OR 97301-3922 (503) 370-6060 Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Fax=370-6720 Homepage: willamette.edu/cla/economics Hanson, James S. C-Pr 370-6316 jhanson PHD Gray, Jerry Prof 370-6307 jgray PHD Negri, Donald H. Prof 370-6326 dnegri PHD Frew, James R. Assoc 370-6232 jfrew PHD Whiting, Cathleen L. Assoc 370-6075 cwhiting PHD Butler, Alison Asst 375-5425 abutler FEO PHD Sivers Boyce, Nathan Asst 370-6060 nboyce PHD Taylor, Laura Asst 370-6522 ljtaylor PHD College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 (757) 221-4311 Department of Economics Faculty Arts & Sciences Fax=221-1175 Homepage: www.wm.edu/economics Haulman, Clyde A. C-Pr 221-1276 cahaul PHD Abegaz, Berhanu Prof 221-2379 bxabeg PHD willamette.edu Kelly Slaughter 71 89 86 79 86 89 01 06 Stanford Utah Michigan Purdue U Wash Oregon Stanford 1976 1990 1990 1984 1986 2003 2001 2005 wm.edu Pat Luke 69 Fla St 82 Penn 1969 1982 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Anderson, Lisa Prof Archibald, Robert B. Prof Campbell, Donald E. Prof CSX Professor of Economics Public Policy Feldman, David H. Prof Finifter, David H. Prof Hausman, William J. Prof Chancellor Professor Jensen, Eric R. Prof Director of Public Policy Moody, Carlisle E. Prof Pereira, Alfredo M. Prof Thomas A. Vaughn Professor Basu, Arnab Assoc Hicks, Rob Assoc Jaeger, David Assoc Mellor, Jennifer Assoc Schmidt, Martin Assoc Stafford, Sarah Assoc Freeborn, Beth A. Asst Gerlach, Jeff Asst LaLumia, Sara Asst Schreiber, Till Asst 162 221-2354 lrande 221-2366 rbarch 221-2383 decamp PHD PHD PHD 94 Virginia 1997 74 Purdue 1976 72 Princeton 1989 221-2372 dhfeld 221-2370 dhfini 221-2381 wjhaus PHD PHD PHD 82 Duke 1988 74 Pittsburgh 1973 76 Illinois 1981 221-2365 erjens PHD 82 Michigan 1982 221-2373 cemood PHD PHD 70 Conn 88 Stanford 1970 1995 221-1318 221-3703 221-2375 221-2852 221-2376 221-1317 221-2432 221-1379 221-2398 221-2371 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 J Hopkins 1998 2001 95 Michigan 2001 96 Maryland 1998 97 Colo St 2004 98 J Hopkins 1998 06 Virginia 2004 01 Indiana 2001 06 Michigan 2006 06 U Wash 2006 William Jewell College Liberty, MO 64068-1896 (816) 781-7700 Economics Faculty Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=415-5027 phone 781-7700 Cook, Michael T. C-Pr Ext 5699 cookm EF PHD John W. Boatwright Professor of Economics Shaw, Stephen K. Asst shaws MA william.jewell.edu William Paterson University Dept of Economics & Finance Basu, Jay Panayides, Alex Haroian, Berch Leung, Cho Kin Campanelli, Juliana Ramin, Taghi Swanson, Paul Coxwell, Tricia Gritsch, Martin Wayne, NJ School of Business Dean 720-2964 C-As 720-2962 Prof 720-2411 Prof 720-2650 Assoc 720-3718 Assoc 720-2781 Assoc 720-2784 Asst 720-2958 Asst 720-2958 akbasu rlhick djaeger jkmell mbschm E bafree grgerl sxlalu txschr 07470-2103 (973) 720-2434 Fax=720-3721 PHD PHD harorianb PHD leungc PHD campanellig PHD ramint PHD swansonp PHD coxwellt PHD gritschm PHD Williams College Williamstown, MA 01267 (413) 597-2476 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=597-4045 Bradburd, Ralph M. C-Pr 597-2300 ralph.m.bradburd David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy Bolton, Roger E. Emer 597-2393 roger.e.bolton William Brough Professor of Economics Bruton, Henry J. Emer 597-2357 henry.j.bruton Husbands, Kaye G. Prof 597-2469 kaye.g.husbands Montiel, Peter J. Prof 597-2103 peter.j.montiel EF Winston, Gordon C. Prof 597-2254 gordon.c.winston Orrin Sage Professor of Political Economy Zimmerman, David J. Prof 597-3184 david.j.zimmer+ Brainerd, Elizabeth Assoc 597-2300 elizabeth.bra+ Gollin, Doug Assoc 597-2449 douglas.gollin 83 Vanderbilt 1978 87 Mo-Ks Cty wpunj.edu Mrs. Angela Mazza 00 SUNY-Bin 2001 72 NYU 1978 68 NYU 1974 Cambridge 2001 86 NYU 1984 84 Columbia 1982 00 Tennessee 2000 00 Tx A&M 2000 PHD williams.edu Kathy Butterfield 76 Columbia 1976 PHD 64 Harvard 1966 PHD PHD PHD PHD 52 90 78 64 1962 PHD PHD PHD 92 Princeton 1991 96 Harvard 1996 96 Minnesota 1996 Wingate, NC 28174-0157 (704) 233-8148 School Business & Econ Fax=233-8146 Dean 233-8147 graham MBA Asst 233-8144 pfrank ABD Asst 233-8136 kstowe PHD wingate.edu Ms. Kathryn Rowell 74 Winthrop 1982 02 GeoMason 2003 02 Clemson 2003 Winona State University Winona, MN 55987-0838 (507) 457-5014 Dept of Economics & Finance College of Business Fax=457-5697 Did Not Respond--2003-2004 Listing Gorman, Kenneth L. Dean 457-5014 kgorman BusE EDD Kauffman, Daniel E. C-Pr 457-5195 kdauffman PHD Gallegos, Alejandro Prof 457-5469 agallegos PHD Hyle, Matthew R. Prof 457-5496 mhyle PHD Manrique, Gabriel G. Prof 457-5193 manrique PHD Pevas, Mary Ann Prof 457-5183 mapevas PHD winona.edu Jan Tollefson Wingate University Economics Program Graham, Joseph Frank, Peter Stowe, Kristin 80 80 86 85 82 90 Harvard Harvard MIT Stanford N Illinois Nebraska Wi-Milwa Maryland Notre Dm Notre Dm 1995 1963 1980 1983 1988 1988 1989 1990 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Salyards, Donald M. Wenz, Michael Yu, Wei-Choun Prof Asst Asst 457-5622 wenonak Winston-Salem State Univ Dept of Bus Adm & Economics Bailey, Jessica M. Stewart, David B. Kincaid, Joel Sen, Swapan Cain, Monica Ghosh, Indranil Madjd-Sadjadi, Zagros Zajicek, Edward K. Winston-SalemNC 27110 (336) 750-2342 Sch of Business & Econ Fax=750-2356 Dean 750-2330 baileyjm Mktg C-Ac 750-2348 stewartd Fnce Assoc 750-2330 kincaidjo KLMQ Assoc 750-2717 sens FGH Asst 750-2340 cainm Asst 750-2128 ghoshi CDHM Asst 750-2340 sadjadizm BEKR Asst 750-2355 zajiceke AFGP Winthrop University Dept of Atg, Fin & Econ Weikle, Roger D. Letourneau, C. Angela Seyfried, William L. Stone, Gary L. Pantuosco, Louis J. Stonebraker, Robert J. Vo, Han X. Rock Hill, SC 29733 (803) 323-2186 College of Business Adm Fax=323-3960 Dean 323-2185 weikler Mgt C-Pr 323-2679 letournneaua Atc Prof 323-4824 seyfriedw AMF Prof 323-2235 stoneg ACD Assoc 323-4621 pantuoscol EHIJ Assoc 323-2488 AMF Assoc 323-4623 voh EF 457-2982 wyu 163 PHD PHD PHD 75 Kansas St 1975 06 Il-Chicago 2006 06 U Wash 2006 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD wssu.edu Angela V. Jones Missouri 8-06 Tennessee 8-98 N Car St 8-06 Nebraska 8-03 Wayne St 8-03 So Meth 8-04 S Calif 8-06 Va Tech 8-04 83 97 99 91 02 00 96 90 winthrop.edu PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD U of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004 (715) 836-5743 Department of Economics Sch of Arts & Sciences Fax=836-5071 Homepage: uwec.edu/econ/index.htm Young, Edward G. C-Pr 836-5743 youngeg J PHD Avin, Rose Marie Prof 836-4513 avinr FO PHD Carroll, Wayne D. Prof 836-3388 carrolwd QE PHD DaCosta, Maria N. Prof 836-4511 dacostmn RO PHD Kolb, Fredric Prof 836-3518 kolbfr ACG PHD Oyen, Duane B. Prof 836-3507 oyend E PHD Schaffer, David Assoc 836-3513 schaffdl JEH PHD Jamelske, Eric Asst 836-3254 jamelsem I PHD Kemp, Thomas Asst 836-2150 kempta B PHD Benesh, Diann Lect 836-3527 beneshdg A ABD 85 87 90 80 92 73 79 S Carol 1974 La Tech 9-88 Purdue 9-00 N Carol 9-75 Northeas 9-97 Princeton 9-01 Tennessee 9-79 uwec.edu Mrs. Linda Glenna 77 86 84 87 71 73 90 02 02 Wash St Maryland Minnesota Northeas Utah Iowa MIT Ca-Davis Colo St Va Tech 1977 1987 1986 1989 1971 1976 1998 2002 2002 1976 Univ of Wisconsin-Green Bay Economics Faculty Hughes, Fergus Stoll, John R. Kangayappan, Kumaraswamy Shariff, Ismail Smith, Larry J. Nesslein, Thomas S. Green Bay, WI 54311-7001 (920) 465-2355 Department of Economics Fax=465-2791 Dean 465-2336 PHD C-Pr 465-2358 stollj PHD Prof 465-2308 kangaynk PHD Prof 465-2355 shariffi PHD Prof 465-2161 smithl PHD Assoc 465-2099 nessleit PHD U of Wisconsin-La Crosse Department of Economics Homepage: www.uwlax.edu/ba/eco Colclough, William G. Sherony, Keith R. Anderson, Donna M. Haupert, Michael J. Khandker, A. Wahhab Brooks, T. J. Giddings, Lisa Knowles, Glenn J. La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 785-8099 uwlax.edu College of Business Fax=785-8549 Jean M.E. Bonde, Dept Assoc Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Assoc 785-8090 785-8101 785-6864 785-6863 785-6862 785-5295 785-5297 785-6861 colcloug.will sherony.keit anderson.donn haupert.mich khandker.waha brooks.tagg giddings.lisa knowles.glen ACE DIJ AEN ACF CF JO CQR PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Univ of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706-1393 (608) 263-2989 Department of Economics Col of Letters & Sci Fax=262-2033 Homepage: www.ssc.wisc.edu/econ email: @1=facstaff.wisc.edu @2=lafollette.wisc.edu Sandfur, Gary Dean 263-2303 West, Kenneth D. C-Pr 262-0033 kdwest@1 PHD Andreoni, James R. Prof andreoni D PHD on leave to University of California - San Diego Brock, William A. Prof 263-6665 wbrock PHD Villas Research Professor of Economics Chinn, Menzie Prof 262-7397 mchinn@2 FCE PHD Deneckere, Raymond Prof 263-6724 rideneck@1 PHD uwgb.edu 80 69 65 73 92 80 82 93 89 80 99 00 80 Kentucky Wisconsin Wisconsin Chicago U Wash 1996 Iowa St Wi-Milwa Mich St Wash U So Meth Wi-Milwa American Minnesota 1980 1983 1994 1989 1983 1999 2000 1985 ssc.wisc.edu Mary Beth Ellis 83 MIT 86 Michigan 1988 1986 69 Berkeley 1981 91 Berkeley 2003 83 Wisconsin 1993 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Durlauf, Steven N. Engel, Charles M. Hansen, Bruce Kennan, John F. Manuelli, Rodolfo Montgomery, James D. Samuelson, Larry W. Sandhold, William Scholz, J. Karl Staiger, Robert W. on leave to Stanford University Walker, James R. Wolfe, Barbara L. Porter, Jack Seshadri, Ananth Brown, Meta Carranza, Juan E. Cooley, Jane Hertel, Johana Houde, Jean-Francois Lentz, Rasmus Mazzocco, Maurizio Navarro, Salvador Rostek, Marzena Shin, Yongseok Wallace, Geoffrey Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 263-3859 262-3697 263-3880 262-5393 263-3877 265-4475 263-7791 263-3858 262-5380 262-2265 sdurlauf cengel bhansen jkennan manuelli jmontgom larrysam whs jkscholz@1 rstaiger@1 Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 263-3863 262-6358 263-3870 262-6196 262-8789 263-3886 262-9891 263-3681 262-3804 262-5373 262-3906 262-3281 262-6723 262-8910 262-0488 walker bwolfe jrporter aseshadr mbrown juanes jcooley jhertel houdejf rlentz mmazzocc snavarro mrostek yshin wallace@2 CE JE Univ of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 229-4811 Department of Economics Col of Letters & Sci Fax=229-3860 Homepage: www.uwm.edu/Dept/Economics Meadows, G. Richard Dean 229-5895 meadows Kim, Sunwoong C-Pr 229-6924 kim Arora, Swarnjit S. Prof 229-5892 ssa2 Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen Prof 229-4334 bahmani Heywood, John S. Prof 229-4310 heywood Holahan, William L. Prof 229-5759 holahan Lee, Tong Hun Emer 229-4429 Mamalakis, Markos J. Prof 229-4449 mamalaki Mohtadi, Hamid Prof 229-5334 mohtadi Niho, Yoshio Prof 229-4283 niho Peoples, James H. Prof 229-4482 jeoples Perlman, Richard W. Emer 229-4212 Schenker, Eric Emer 229-4235 Schur, Leon M. Emer 963-4678 Bender, Keith A. Assoc 229-4761 kabender Bose, Niloy Assoc 229-6132 nbose Chakrabarti, Avik Assoc 229-4680 chakra Tahmiscioglu, Kamil Assoc 229-4429 tahmisci Adams, Scott J. Asst 229-4212 sjadams Drewianka, Scott Asst 229-2730 sdrewian Lei, Vivian Asst 229-6494 vlei McGinty, Matthew Asst 229-6146 mmcginty Murshid, Antu Asst 229-4402 amurshid Neumann, Rebecca Asst 229-4347 rneumann Vesely, Filip Asst 229-4910 vesely 164 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 83 89 73 86 89 78 98 88 85 Yale Berkeley Yale Nrthwstrn Minnesota MIT Illinois Nrthwstrn Stanford Michigan 1993 2000 1998 1992 1993 2000 1990 1998 1988 1993 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 73 96 00 01 04 Chicago Penn MIT Rochester NYU Yale 1987 1977 2004 2000 2001 2004 05 Princeton 2005 02 01 05 06 04 00 Nrthwstrn 2005 Chicago 2001 Chicago 2005 2006 Stanford 2004 Nrthwstrn 2000 uwm.edu PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 85 71 81 86 74 61 62 82 73 84 53 57 55 94 95 98 96 00 99 00 02 01 00 02 Wash U 1971 MIT 1989 SUNY-Buf 1978 Mich St 1981 Michigan 1986 Brown 1972 Wisconsin 1967 Berkeley 1967 Michigan 1983 Brown 1970 Berkeley 1990 Columbia 1964 Florida 1959 Wisconsin 1964 Duke 1999 Va Tech 2002 Michigan 1998 S Calif 1997 Mich St 2002 Chicago 2001 Purdue 2000 Ca-SnCruz 2003 Rutgers 2001 Colorado 2000 Purdue 2002 Univ of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Oshkosh, WI 54901-8634 (920) 424-1441 Department of Economics College of Business Fax=424-1734 Homepage: www.uwosh.edu/economics/home.html Gunderson, Ralph O. C-Pr 424-1473 gundrson OR PHD Grunloh, James J. Prof 424-2441 grunloh A PHD Hussain, Syed Bashir Prof 424-7149 hussain F PHD McGee, M. Kevin Prof 424-7155 mcgee H PHD Burnett, Nancy J. Assoc 424-1471 burnett E PHD Johnson, Marianne Assoc 424-1441 D PHD Kovzik, Alexander Assoc 424-0178 kovzik AO PHD Robson, Denise A. Assoc 424-7152 robson AF PHD Vanscyoc, Lee Assoc 424-7153 vanscyoc AL PHD Haley, Ryan Asst 424-7152 haley Q PHD 78 79 83 83 88 99 87 93 87 03 Univ of Wisconsin-Parkside Department of Economics Cloutier, Norman R. Khan, Farida C. Kaufman, Dennis A. uwp.edu Lesa Lieck 81 W Virginia 1981 90 Maryland 1990 87 Kansas 1988 Kenosha, WI 53141-2000 (414) 595-2316 College of Arts & Sci Fax=595-2120 Prof 595-2572 norman.cloutier DJR PHD Prof 595-2662 farida.khan FO PHD Assoc 595-2192 dennis.kaufman CH PHD uwosh.edu Arkansas Wash U Ca-Rivers Ohio St UCLA Mich St Belarus St Nebraska Nebraska Iowa 1987 1969 1982 1982 1994 2001 2002 1994 1987 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 165 U of Wisconsin-Platteville Dept Soc Sciences-Economics Ifediora, John O. Liska, Terrence L. Soofi, Abdollah S. Peckham, Brian W. Platteville, WI 53818-3099 (608) 342-1550 C of Liberal Arts & Edu Fax=342-1036 C-Ac 342-1051 ifediora PHD Prof 342-1241 liska PHD Prof 342-1570 soofi PHD Assoc 342-1752 peckham PHD 88 82 81 79 U of Wisconsin-River Falls Department of Economics Nemecek, Barbara Schultz, Brian L. Assistant Dean Brux, Jacqueline M. Eftekhari, Hossein Ngoboka, Pascal Potts, Glenn T. Tabesh, Hamid Walker, John River Falls, WI 54022-5001 (715) 425-3335 College of Bus & Econ Fax=425-0707 Dean 425-3269 barbra.nemecek Mktg PHD C-Pr 425-3269 brian.l.schultz C PHD uwrf.edu Connie Fassino 87 Minnesota 2001 80 Notre Dm 1979 Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 83 85 87 76 87 89 425-3335 425-3335 425-3335 425-3335 425-3335 425-3335 jacqueline.m.b+ hossein.eftek+ pascal.t.ngoboka glenn.t.potts hamid.tabesh john.r.walker O DC HP E EF JB PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD U of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Stevens Point WI 54481-3897 (715) 346-2728 Div of Business & Economics Col Letters & Sciences Fax=346-4215 Homepage: www.uwsp.edu/business Paul, Justus F. Dean 346-4224 Hist PHD Mullins, Gary C-As 436-3906 gmullins Mgt PHD Cray, Randy F. Prof 346-2537 rcray PHD Palmini, Dennis J. Emer 346-3875 dpalmini PHD Christie, Darrell A. Assoc 346-2018 MS Davis, Jason Asst 346-4598 jdavis PHD Hofer, Tracy Asst 346-2728 thofer PHD Neuman, K. Asst 346-3875 kneuman PHD Sakaran, C. Asst 346-4071 csankaran PHD Wallace, H. Scott Asst 346-4358 swallace PHD Univ of Wisconsin-Superior Economics Faculty Trudeau, Gregory P. Beam, Robert D. Superior, WI 54880-4500 (715) 394-8207 Dept of Bus & Economics Fax=394-8180 C-Pr 394-8209 gtrudeau Atg EDD Prof 394-8302 PHD U of Wisconsin-Whitewater Whitewater, WI 53190-1790 (262) 472-1361 Department of Economics Col of Business & Econ Fax=472-4863 Clements, Christine Dean 472-1343 clementc Mgt PHD Skidmore, Mark C-Pr 472-1354 skidmorm H PHD Dominguez, John R. Prof 472-5586 dominguj PHD Marks, Denton Prof 472-5576 marksd PHD Eiswerth, Mark Assoc 472-1776 eiswertm PHD Glosser, Stuart M. Assoc 472-5580 glossers PHD Heinrich, Jeffery Assoc 472-4046 heinricj Kashian, Russell Assoc 472-5584 kashianr PHD Schweigert, Thomas E. Assoc 472-5582 schweigt PHD Welsch, David Asst 472-4715 welschd PHD Bashaw, David Lect 472-5585 bashawd PHD Director, Center for Economic Educaton Wittenberg University Economics Faculty Tiffany, Frederick G. Ankrom, Jeff A. Goulet, Janet C. Wishart, David M. Gwinn, Lawrence Frost, Marcia J. Springfield, OH 45501-0720 (937) 327-7928 Department of Economics Fax=327-6340 C-Ac 327-7933 ftiffany ACDL PHD Prof 327-7930 jankrom AEG PHD Prof 327-7929 AJM PHD Prof 327-7303 dwishart ABN PHD Assoc 327-7934 lgwinn ACEF PHD Asst 327-7935 mfrost AJMO PHD Wofford College Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663 (864) 597-4571 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=597-4095 Homepage: wofford.edu/economics McArthur, John R. C-Ac 597-4571 mcarthurjr DHKQ PHD Machovec, Frank M. Prof 597-4586 EFP PHD Wallace, Richard M. Prof 597-4572 wallacerm ABK PHD T. B. Stackhouse Professor of Economics Andrews, Katerina Assoc 597-4517 andrewsk EGIM PHD uwplatt.edu Jody Dutelle Il-Chicago 1988 Wisconsin 1980 Ca-Rivers 1980 Wisconsin 1987 Michigan Nebraska Wi-Milwa Iowa St Iowa St Utah 1986 1985 1990 1976 1988 1990 uwsp.edu E. Staven 66 94 86 75 Nebraska Wash U Kansas St Illinois Illinois 02 Michigan 97 Texas Notre Dm Kansas 99 Conn 1966 8-94 8-86 1980 1964 2002 1999 2005 2005 2000 uwsuper.edu 02 Minnesota 1987 80 Cincinnati 1980 90 94 71 81 98 85 uww.edu Christie Kornhoff Arkansas 1990 Colorado 1998 MIT 1988 Princeton 1990 Maryland 2003 Tx-Austin 1985 99 90 05 98 Wi-Milwa Wisconsin Indiana Wi-Milwa 88 82 75 85 83 95 wittenberg.edu Norma Kettler Penn 1987 Notre Dm 1982 Notre Dm 1975 Illinois 1983 Kansas 1988 Penn 2001 2003 1984 2006 2005 wofford.edu 91 Claremont 1990 86 NYU 1988 81 S Carol 1982 00 Clemson 2000 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Fort, John K. Terrell, Timothy Assoc 597-4522 fortjk Assoc 597-4570 terrelltd KQ BEN JD PHD Woodbury University Burbank, CA 91510-7846 (818) 252-5134 Economics Faculty School of Business Fax=767-0032 Homepage: www.woodbury.edu/faculty/ebgendel Gendel, E. B. Prof 252-5134 eb.gendel AJDE PHD Afshar, Tahmoures A. Assoc 252-5170 tahmoures.afshar FGM PHD 166 77 Cumberl 98 Auburn 1991 2000 woodbury.edu 79 Boston U 94 Indiana 7-94 1-95 The College of Wooster Wooster, OH 44691-2263 (330) 263-2302 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=263-2276 Homepage: www.wooster.edu/economics Burnell, Barbara S. C-Pr 263-2417 bburnell H PHD Burnell, James D. Prof 263-2308 burnell R PHD Sell, John W. Prof 263-2383 jwsell G PHD James R. Wilson Professor of Business Economics Wellington, Alison J. Assoc 263-2407 awellington J PHD Ashby, Nathan J. VAsst nashby H PHD Hornsten, James Asst jhorsten G PHD Moledina, Amyaz A. Asst amoledina EF PHD Warner, James M. Asst 263-2309 jwarner F PHD 77 Illinois 77 Illinois 81 UCLA 1977 1977 1981 90 06 03 02 96 1997 2006 2003 2003 1999 Worcester State College Economics Faculty Jain, Renuka O'Brien, William F. Jr. Orcutt, Bonnie Trimby, F. Stephen worcester.edu Ms. Denise Thomas 85 McGill 1985 89 Northeas 1997 93 Clark 2002 1970 Worcester, MA 01602-2597 (508) 929-8091 Dept of Bus Adm & Econ Fax=929-8744 C-Pr 793-8091 rjain PHD Assoc 929-8093 wobrien PHD Assoc 929-8093 borcutt ADJH PHD Assoc 929-8751 strimby ABD wooster.edu Mary Spencer Michigan W Virginia Nrthwstrn Minnesota Utah Wright State University Dayton, OH 45435-0001 (937) 775-3070 wright.edu Department of Economics Col of Business & Admin Fax=775-2441 Cindy Riley, Fern Freeman Homepage: www.wright.edu/business/ Farmer, Berkwood M. Dean 775-2377 berkwood.farmer Q PHD 70 N Car St 7-01 Blair, John Prof 775-3484 john.blair HR PHD 74 W Virginia 1981 Fichtenbaum, Rudy H. Prof 775-3085 rudy.fichten+ CIJ PHD 80 Missouri 1980 Olson, Paulette I. Prof 775-2409 paulette.olson BJN PHD 89 Utah 1988 Premus, Robert Prof 775-3069 robert.premus EOR PHD 75 Lehigh 1975 Sav, Thomas G. Prof 775-3306 tom.sav DH PHD 81 Geo Wash 1985 Traynor, Thomas L. Prof 775-3070 thomas.traynor CL PHD 88 Purdue 1988 Dung, Tran H. Assoc 775-2295 tran.dung DF PHD 78 Syracuse 1982 Hopkins, Barbara Assoc 775-2080 barbara.hopkins FOP PHD 92 Maryland 1995 Osborne, Evan Assoc 775-4599 evan.osborne FK PHD 93 UCLA 1995 Naidu, Shirisha Asst 775-2960 shirisha.naidu PHD 06 Mass 2006 Todorova, Zdravika Asst 775-3932 PHD Mo-Ks Cty 2006 Endres, Carole R. Lect 775-2823 carole.endres AFG MS 87 Wright St University of Wyoming Dept of Economics & Finance Hathaway, Brent A. Godby, Robert Barber, Edward Crocker, Thomas D. Mason, Charles F. Phillips, Owen R. Shogren, Jason F. Sterbenz, Frederic P. Sunderman, Mark A. Tschirhart, John T. Aadland, David Finnoff, David Janus, Thortsen Van 't Veld, Klaas Laramie, WY 82071-3985 (307) 766-2175 College of Business Fax=766-5090 Dean 766-4194 bhathawa Mktg PHD C-Pr 766-3843 rgodby J PHD Prof 766-2358 ebarbier PHD Emer 766-6423 tcrocker Q PHD Prof 766-5336 bambuzlr DK PHD Prof 766-2195 owenphil DK PHD Prof 766-5430 jramses Q PHD Prof 766-2201 sterbenz EG PHD Prof 766-4199 sundermn F PHD Prof 766-2356 jtsch DK PHD Assoc 766-4931 aadland CE PHD Asst 766-5773 finnoff DQ PHD Asst 766-3384 tjanus F Asst 766-3143 klaas KOQ PHD Xavier University Department of Economics Homepage: www.xavier.edu Malekzadeh, Ali R. Rashed, Jamal A. Bertaux, Nancy E. Webb, Michael A. Cobb, Steven A. Rankin, Carol A. Cincinnati, OH 45207-3212 (513) 745-3064 Col of Business Admin Fax=745-3692 Dean C-Pr Prof Prof Assoc Assoc 745-3528 745-2938 745-2930 745-3484 745-3053 745-2932 malekzadeh rashed bertaux webbm cobb rankin Mgt ACFO ABJN FO AEHR ADJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 97 86 67 83 80 86 81 86 75 97 01 97 uwyo.edu Kara Enyeart Illinois 7-01 McMaster 1997 Birkbeck 2000 Missouri 1975 Berkeley 1982 Stanford 1985 Wyoming 1995 Penn 1981 Illinois 1986 Purdue 1985 Oregon 2003 Wyoming 2004 2006 Berkeley 2004 xavier.edu Ms. Jeanne Sanker 82 88 87 80 74 80 Utah So Meth Michigan Illinois Brown Houston 2003 1989 1985 1997 1984 1984 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Rimler, Michael S. Sen, Amit Yi, David T. Asst Asst Asst 745-3588 rimlerm 745-2931 sen 745-2933 yid Yale University Economics Faculty Homepage: www.econ.yale.edu Udry, Christopher R. Altonji, Joseph G. Andrews, Donald W. K. Bergemann, Dirk Berry, Steven T. Bewley, Truman F. Director of Graduate Studies Brown, Donald J. Director of Undergraduate Studies Engle, Eduardo Evenson, Robert E. Fair, Ray C. Geanakoplos, John Goldberg, Pinelopi Guinnane, Timothy J. Haile, Philip Hamada, Koichi Jaynes, Gerald D. Kitamura, Yuichi Klevorick, Alvin K. Levin, Richard C. President Yale University Mailath, George J. Moscarini, Giuseppe Nordhaus, William D. Phillips, Peter C. B. Polak, Benjamin Rosenzweig, Mark R. Scarf, Herbert E. Schultz, T. Paul Shiller, Robert J. Shubik, Martin Smith, Anthony A. Srinivasan, T. N. Zedillo, Ernesto Fang, Hanming Gerardi, Dino Brambilla, Irene on leave 2006-2007 Brugemann, Bjorn Faingold, Eduardo Hastings, Justine Karlan, Dean Lange, Fabian Otsu, Taisuke Tartari, Melissa Washington, Ebonya New Haven, CT 06520-8268 (203) 432-3576 Department of Economics Fax=436-2626 C-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 432-3637 432-6285 432-3698 432-3592 432-3556 432-3719 christopher.uday joseph.altonji donald.andrews dirk.bergemann steven.berry truman.bewley Prof 432-6934 donald.brown Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof 432-5595 432-3626 432-3715 432-3397 LDM PHD C PHD DHOM PHD O J C D 167 06 Michigan 97 N Carol 05 Illinois 2005 2002 2005 yale.edu Dorothy Ovelar PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 81 82 94 89 70 Yale Princeton Berkeley Penn Wisconsin Berkeley 91 68 68 80 92 87 96 65 76 93 67 74 MIT Chicago MIT Harvard Stanford Stanford Nrthwstrn Yale Illinois Yale Princeton Yale Princeton MIT MIT London Harvard Columbia Princeton MIT MIT Princeton Duke Yale 1998 2002 1982 1988 1983 432-3616 432-6538 432-3610 432-3586 432-3610 432-3705 432-2550 eduardo.engel robert.everson ray.fair john.geanakoplos penny.goldberg timothy.guinn+ philip.haile koichi.hamada gerald.jaynes yuichi.kitamura alvin.klevorick richard.levin EG DO E CD DF N L F N K O PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst 432-6737 432-3596 432-3587 432-3695 432-9926 432-3588 432-3693 432-3620 432-3708 432-3704 432-3583 436-3630 george.mailath giuseppe.mosc+ william.nordhaus peter.phillips benjamin.polak mark.rosenzweig herbert.scarf paul.schultz robert.shiller martin.shubik tony.smith t.srinivasan CDH E E C N OJL C J D G EC FO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 96 67 74 92 73 54 66 72 53 91 62 CH PHD PHD PHD 00 Penn 2000 01 Nrthwstrn 03 Princeton 2003 Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 432-6217 bjorn.brugemann eduardo.faingold 432-3714 justine.hastings CL 432-4479 dean.karlan 432-3628 fabian.lange 432-9778 taisuke.otsu 432-9536 melissa.tartari 432-9901 ebonya.washin+ PHD 04 MIT PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 02 04 04 06 03 432-3547 hanming.fang 432-6519 donato.gerardi 432-6563 irene.brambilla FL 2001 1977 1974 2001 2003 1986 1975 1974 1996 1967 1990 1963 1975 1982 2003 1980 Berkeley 2003 MIT Chicago Wisconsin Penn MIT Yeshiva University New York, NY 10033-3299 (212) 960-5214 Department of Economics Yeshiva College Fax=960-5245 Adler, Norman Dean 960-5214 Psyc PHD Levine, Aaron C-Pr 960-5402 alevine PHD Samson and Halina Bitensky Professor of Economics Kanovsky, Eliyahu Prof 960-5214 PHD Ludwig Jesselson Chair in Economics; spring only Grivoyannis, Elias C. Assoc PHD ymail.yu.edu Ceceil Levinson 58 Wisconsin 81 NYU York College of Pennsylvania Economic Faculty Meisenhelter, Mary C. Landis, Brook I. Slaysman, Kenneth York, PA 17405-7199 (717) 815-1423 Dept of Business Adm Fax=849-1653 C-As 815-1277 mmeisenhalter Mgt PHD Assoc 815-1416 blandis PHD Assoc 815-1708 kslaysma PHD ycp.edu Julie Sterner Geo Wash 1996 74 Cornell Penn St Youngstown State University Department of Economics Ikram, Khawaja Porter, Tod S. Youngstown, OH 44555-0001 (330) 941-3431 Col of Arts & Sciences Fax= Dean C-Pr 941-3431 tsporter PHD ysu.edu Dena Kay Crissman 61 Columbia 89 NYU 84 Syracuse 1984 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Petruska, Dennis A. Riley, Teresa M. Usip, Ebenge E. Hu, Ou Palardy, Joseph Sumell, Albert Uppal, Joseph Wang, Yaqin Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst 941-1679 941-1675 941-1682 941-2061 941-3430 941-1678 941-3494 941-3433 dapetrus triley eeusip ohu jpalardy ajsumell yuppal ywang PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 168 84 Ohio St 84 Syracuse 84 Conn W Virginia W Virginia Geo St Ca-Irvine Kansas 1984 1984 1985 2004 2003 2005 2006 2002 Other Schools McMaster University Hamilton Canada ON L8S 4M4 (905) Ext24630 Finance & Bus Econ Area DeGroote Sch of Bus Fax=521-8995 Did Not Respond Again--1997-98 Listing; phone: 525-9140 Ext 24630 Mountain, Dean C. C-Pr Ext23988 mountain CD PHD Chamberlain, Trevor W. Prof Ext23980 chambert G PHD Chan, M. W. Luke Prof Ext29648 chanmwl DE PHD Cheung, C. Sherman Prof Ext23968 scheung G PHD Krinsky, Itzhak Prof Ext23984 krinsky G PHD Kwan, Clarence C. Y. Prof Ext23797 kwanc CG PHD Deaves, Richard W. Assoc Ext23976 deaves EG PHD Lee, Jason Assoc Ext23987 jasonlee G PHD Thomas, Hugh A. Assoc Ext23983 thomas G PHD Bogazici University Bebek, Instanbul Turkey 90212 287-2453 Economics Faculty Department of Economics Fax=287-2453 Did Not Respond Again--1997-98 Listing; phone 90 212 263 1540 Ozmucur, Suleyman C-Pr Ext 1505 ozmucur CEL PHD Aleskerov, Fuad Prof Ext 1803 aleskero C PHD Balcim, Metin Prof Ext 1807 balcim EH PHD Behar, Cem Prof Ext 1809 behar BJT PHD Bubik, Osman Prof Ext 1508 bubik QR PHD Bugray, Ayse Prof Ext 1803 bugray BO PHD Cizakca, Murat Prof Ext 1807 cizak N PHD Karatas, Cevat Prof Ext 1518 karatas ACDH PHD Kayalir, Resad Prof Ext 1803 kayalir BE PHD Kaytaz, Mehmet Prof Ext 1808 kaytaz CE PHD Koymen, Oya Prof Ext 1524 koymen NQ PHD Onis, Ziya Prof Ext 1804 onis AEO PHD Sertel, Murat Prof Ext 1522 sertel AC PHD Adaman, Fikret Assoc Ext 1809 adaman BDPQ PHD Erzan, Refik Assoc Ext 1809 erzan F PHD Evcimen, Gunar Assoc Ext 1808 evcimen FO PHD Akcay, Cevdet Asst Ext 1802 akcay CE PHD Alper, Emre Asst Ext 1526 alper CEFG PHD Bayazitoglu, Berna Asst Ext 1505 bernab CDO PHD Ercan, Hakan Asst Ext 1591 ercanh CHJ PHD Karasulu, Meral Asst Ext 1800 karasulu CEF PHD Ozar, Semsa Asst Ext 1519 ozar J PHD Sari, Osman Asst Ext 1804 sario FG PHD Zenginobuz, Unal Asst Ext 1505 zengin AHLP PHD INSEAD Fontainebleau France 33-1 60724212 Economics & Political S Area Business School 77305 Fax=60745555 Homepage: www.insead.edu/eps/ Mihov, Ilian C-Ac 60724212 mihov DE Ayres, Robert Emer 60724011 robert.ayres OU Chairman Sandoz Chair on Environment Fatas, Antonio Prof 60724419 fatas EF Gabel, H. Landis Prof 60724436 landis.gabel DHU Kapstein, Ethan Prof 60724521 ethan.kapstein V Michaud, Claude Emer 64224805 michaud@2 O CEDEP Director Story, Jonathan Emer 60724435 jonathan.story Van Zandt, Timothy Prof 60724981 timothy.van-z+ DP Walter, Ingo Emer 60725114 ingo.walter LEFG Webber, Douglas Prof webber V Dult, Pushan Asst pushan.dult DP Strauss-Kahn, Vanessa Asst v+.strauskahn FJ mcmaster.ca Ms. Kathy Matthews 79 86 78 81 83 79 87 91 91 W Ontario Toronto McMaster Illinois McMaster Toronto Toronto Alberta NYU 1987 1985 1981 1981 1982 1979 1987 1990 1991 boun.edu.tr 76 81 73 72 73 80 79 70 76 78 67 83 71 93 83 79 92 95 96 94 95 90 93 96 Istanbul Moscow NYU Paris Ca-Rivers McGill Penn Glasgow Istanbul Nottingh Strathcl Manchest MIT Manchest Stockholm Istanbul CUNY Geotown Cornell Iowa Boston C Wirtschaf CUNY Penn 1976 1995 1973 1977 1974 1985 1975 1985 1972 1978 1976 1984 1979 1993 1992 1980 1992 1995 1996 1994 1995 1990 1993 1996 insead.edu Brigitte Pernet PHD PHD 96 Princeton 58 London PHD PHD PHD D 93 Harvard 1-94 77 Penn 9-82 86 Medford 2001 Bordeaux 8-70 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 89 66 85 00 00 J Hopkins Penn NYU Essex NYU NYU 9-96 9-92 7-74 9-98 1999 1-91 2004 2001 University of Lancaster LancasterLA1 4YX England 01524 594230 lancaster.ac.uk Economics The Management School Fax=594244 J. Parker Homepage: www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/departments/economics Cox, S. Dean 594232 s.cox MPHL 88 Nottinghm 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Johnes, Geraint Bradley, Steven Kirby, Maurice W. Peel, David Rothschild, Robert Taylor, James Ingham, Hilary C. Izzeldin, Marwan Johnes, Jill Paya, Ivan Read, Robert A. Simmons, Rob Snowden, P. Nicholas Westall, Oliver M. Elliott, Caroline Kaivento, Kim Panagopoulos, Andeas Roy, Jaideep Soo, Kowk Tong Steele, Gerald R. H-Pr Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof SLect Inst SLect SLect SLect SLect SLect SLect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect Lect 594215 593850 594232 593590 594217 594227 593925 594674 594224 593504 594233 594234 594216 594219 594225 594030 594733 593178 594418 594210 h.johnes s.bradley m.kirby d.peel r.rothschild j.taylor h.ingham m.izzeldin j.johnes i.paya r.read r.simmons n.snowden o.westall c.elliott k.kaivanto a.panagopoulos j.roy k.soo g.steele IJ IJ N CE DL IJ J CE I CE FO J F N DL DL DL D LR B PHD PHD PHD BA MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD BSC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA Manchester Inst Sci & Tech Manchester, UK M60 1QD 44-61 200-3438 Economics Department Manchester Sch of Mgt Fax=200-3505 Did Not Respond Again--1997-98 Listing Little, Dale H 200-3465 dale.little Mktg Bosworth, Derek L. Prof 200-3438 bosworth JOD PHD Bowe, Michael A. Lect 200-3407 bowe EFG PHD Duffy, Martyn H. Lect 200-3483 duffy EC PHD Eliot, Stuart J. Lect 200-3480 eliot DMA MA Harrald, Paul D. Lect 200-3488 harrard BCDL PHD Jones, Trefor T. Lect 200-3484 jones HLR PHD Simpson, Paul Lect 200-3485 simpson LC MA 169 87 91 71 71 68 71 89 04 88 02 88 82 74 66 98 03 05 01 06 70 Lancaster 1982 Lancaster 1981 Sheffield 1985 Warwick 2004 Capetown 1974 Lancaster 1964 Glasgow 1996 City 2004 Lancaster 1988 Cardiff 2005 Reading 1989 Leeds 2003 Leeds 1973 London 1969 Manchest 1994 Warwick 2003 UCL 2005 Madrid 2006 London SE 2004 Sheffield 1976 umist.ac.uk Mrs. June Hall Warwick 89 Carleton 95 Manchest Manchest Simon Fr Dundee Newcastle 1992 1993 1972 1974 1994 1976 1984 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback 170 ALPHABETICAL BY INDIVIDUAL Name Rank Location Area Degree A'Hearn, Brian Assoc Frank & Mars PHD Aadland, David Assoc Wyoming CE PHD Abadeer, Adel Assoc Calvin PHD Abbondante, Paul Prof LaVerne PHD Abdel-Rahman, Hesham M. Prof New Orleans R PHD Abdulahad, Faraj Assoc Manhattan F PHD Abdulkadiroglu, Atila Assoc Duke C PHD Abdullah, Dewan A. Prof E Michigan PHD Abegaz, Berhanu Prof Wm & Mary PHD Abernathy, Lewis M. Retir North Texas J PHD Able, Teshome Prof E Illinois PHD Abraham, Arpad Asst Rochester EJC PHD Abraham, Fred J. H-Pr No Iowa AEHK PHD Abrahamsson, Bernhard J. Retir Wis-Superior PHD Abramitzky, Ran Asst Stanford PHD Abrams, Burton A. Prof Delaware EH PHD Abreu, Dilip Prof Princeton PHD Abrevaya, Jason Assoc Purdue PHD Abugri, Benjamin A. Asst So Conn St PHD Aburachis, Abdelrahman T. Retir Gannon G PHD Acemoglu, Daron Prof MIT J PHD Ackert, Lucy F. Prof Kennesaw St GM PHD Adaman, Fikret Assoc Bogazici BDPQ PHD Adamovich, Ljubisa S. Prof Florida St E PHD Adams, Donald R. Jr. Retir W Virginia N PHD Adams, Earl W. Jr. Retir Allegheny AEGH PHD Adams, F. Gerard Retir Pennsylvania PHD Adams, Jack E. Retir Ark-Ltl Rock PHD Adams, James D. C-Pr Rensselaer OJH PHD Adams, Jean W. Retir Iowa State L PHD Adams, John Retir Northeastern PHD Adams, John P. Retir Cal Poly-SLO PHD Adams, Robert J. Retir Edinboro GH PHD Adams, Ronald G. Prof CS-Chico ACKR PHD Adams, Roy Dean Retir Iowa State HE PHD Adams, Scott J. Asst Wis-Milwauke PHD Adams, Walter Retir Michigan St PHD Adams, William C. Retir East Txs St BDE PHD Adams, William James Prof Michigan PHD Adamson, Dwight W. (Bill) Assoc So Dakota St E PHD Adcock, Marvin Inst Alabama A&M Addison, John T. Prof So Carolina PHD Addus, Abdussalam A. Assoc N Carol A&T PHD Adelman, Irma Retir Cal-Berkeley PHD Adelstein, Richard P. Prof Wesleyan-CT K PHD Adhikari, Deergha Asst La-Lafayette PHD Adibi, Esmael Prof Chapman AEFC PHD Director, A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research; Anderson Chair Adie, Douglas K. Prof Ohio Univ BGM PHD Adjibolosoo, Senyo Prof Pt Loma Naz AFO PHD Adkins, Lee C. Prof Oklahoma St C PHD Adkins, Roger L. Prof Marshall PHD Adler, Michael Retir Columbia DBA Adler, Renatte K. Prof San Diego St Q PHD Adrahams, Nii Asst Missouri So ADEQ PHD Adrangi, Bahram Prof Portland CDFR PHD Adrisson, Rick Prof New Mex St FH PHD Adsera, Alicia Assoc Ill-Chicago EF PHD Aduddell, Robert M. Retir Loyola-Chicg PHD Aerni, April Laskey Assoc Nazareth PHD Afifi, Ashraf S. Prof Ferris State ADH PHD Afrasiabi, Ahmad Assoc Allegheny BCQR PHD Afridi, Farzana Asst Syracuse PHD Afshar, Tahmoures A. Assoc Woodbury FGM PHD Afxentiou, Diamando Asst NY Inst Tech PHD Agahro, Steve B. Deces Jackson St PHD Agarwal, Vinod Prof Old Dominion CO PHD Agbetsiafa, Douglas K. Prof Ind-So Bend AGO PHD Agbeyegbe, Terence Prof CUNY-Hunter PHD Agesa, Jacqueline Assoc Marshall PHD Agesa, Richard Assoc Marshall PHD Aghion, Philippe Prof Harvard PHD Agnello, Richard J. Assoc Delaware C PHD Agnihotri, Krisna Retir Southern A MA Start 94 97 92 78 87 68 00 84 82 67 89 02 73 66 05 74 83 96 02 72 92 90 93 61 67 71 56 75 76 73 68 72 71 75 72 00 47 63 73 88 Berkeley Oregon Boston U Va Tech Penn Boston C Rochester Kentucky Penn Oklahoma N Illinois Pompeu Oregon Wisconsin Nrthwstrn Ohio St Princeton MIT UIPA Pittsburgh LondonEc Emory Manchest Belgrade Penn MIT Michigan Okla St Chicago Illinois Tx-Austin Claremont Penn St Kansas St Illinois Mich St Yale Arkansas Harvard Wash St 71 82 55 75 02 80 London Penn St Berkeley Penn Oklahoma Claremont 68 87 88 81 68 79 86 82 94 96 71 87 83 85 06 94 90 91 77 80 83 96 96 Chicago Simon Fr LSU Kansas St Harvard New Mex Penn St Oregon Nebraska Boston U Nrthwstrn Cincinnati Kansas W Virginia Michigan Indiana W Virginia Denver Ca-SnBarb Notre Dm Essex Wi-Milwa Wi-Milwa Harvard J Hopkins Punjab 70 57 1999 2003 1999 2003 1987 1970 2006 1988 1982 1963 1998 1-05 1973 1989 2005 1974 2002 2002 1993 2000 1993 1967 1981 1972 1961 1980 2003 1972 1990 1970 1977 1971 1972 2002 1947 1960 1973 1989 1980 1979 1975 8-06 1978 1968 2000 1988 1981 1968 1982 2000 1982 8-94 1999 1965 1980 1985 2006 1-95 1990 1988 1981 1980 1994 2000 2000 1968 1969 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Aguero, Jorge Asst Cal-Riversid Aguiar, Mark Assoc Rochester Aguirre, Sophia Assoc Catholic Aharonovitz, Gilad Asst Wash State Ahene, Rexford A. Prof Lafayette Ahking, Francis W. Assoc Connecticut Ahlin, Christian Asst Vanderbilt Ahmad, Nazeen Asst Weber State Ahmadi, Ali Assoc Morehead St Ahmed, Ehsan D-Pr Jms Madison Ahmed, Meherun Asst Carleton Ahmed, Syed Prof Cameron Ahn, David Asst Cal-Berkeley Ahn, Seung C. Assoc Arizona St Ai, Chunrong Prof Florida Ait-Sahalia, Yacine Prof Princeton Aitken, Hugh G. J. Retir Amherst Aiyegoro, Ademola Deces Howard Aizenman, Joshua Prof Ca-Santa Crz Aizer, Anna Asst Brown Ajilore, Olugbenga Asst Toledo Aka, Arsene A. Asst Catholic Akacemn, Mohammed Prof Metro St-CO Akande, Benjamin Ola Dean Webster Akarca, Ali Lect Ill-Chicago Akashi, Naoko Asst CS-Fullerton Akbari, Ali Prof Calif Luther Akcay, Cevdet Asst Bogazici Akerlof, George A. Prof Cal-Berkeley Akhavi-Pour, Hossein Assoc Hamline Akin, John S. C-Pr No Carolina Austin H. Carr Distinguished Professor Akin, Muray Asst U Miami Akin, Rita M. Asst Westminst-PA Akkihal, Ramchandra G. Prof Marshall Akkina, Krishna Rao Assoc Kansas State Al Yasiri, Kahtan A. Retir Wis-Plattev Al-Hmoud, Rashid Assoc Texas Tech Al-Sabea, Taha H. Retir CS-Pomona Alam, M. Imam Assoc No Iowa Alam, M. Shahid Prof Northeastern Alavi, Jafar Prof East Tenn St Albanesi, Stefania Asst Columbia Albelda, Randy P. Prof Mass-Boston Alberts, William W. Retir U Washington Albrecht, James W. C-Pr Georgetown Albrecht, William P. Prof Iowa Albuquerque, Pedro Asst Tx A&M Intl Alcala, Luis VAsst SUNY-Buffalo Aldana, Carolyn Assoc CS-San Bern Aldrich, Carole Visit Stetson Aldrich, Mark Retir Smith Aleseyed, M. Cyrus Assoc W Virg St Alesina, Alberto F. Prof Harvard Paul Sack Associate Professor of Political Economy Aleskerov, Fuad Prof Bogazici Alexander, Albert W. Asst Ithaca Alexander, Donald L. Prof W Michigan Alexander, James G. Prof Alabama A&M Alexander, McKinley Retir Jackson St Alexander, Susan L. Assoc St Thomas-MN Alexandrakis, Constantine Asst Mass-Dartmou Alexandrin, Glen Retir Villanova Alexeev, Michael Prof Indiana Alexis, Marcus Emer Northwestern Alger, Daniel Assoc Lawrence Alger, I. Asst Boston Coll Ali, Abdiweli Prof Niagara Ali, Mukhtar M. Prof Kentucky Aliouche, El-Hachemi Asst So New Hamp Aliprantis, C. D. Roko Prof Purdue Alix-Garcia, Jennifer Asst Montana Allen, Andrew T. Dean$ San Diego Allen, Beth Elaine Prof Minnesota Allen, Bruce T. Retir Michigan St Allen, Charles L. Prof Lamar Allen, John William Prof Texas A&M Allen, Polly R. Retir Connecticut OJD FG OEF FHRO EF E EC OJ CT EFH H AOP E DJL CE FO IGH F ECO QA CFO JI DJ EG BF DOJL E ACD JLN C AJ' D EAOH F R LKD DL C AGOA RC D FE 171 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 99 92 06 83 81 01 Wisconsin MIT Notre Dm Tel Aviv Wisconsin Va Tech Chicago 2006 7-06 1993 2006 1982 1980 2001 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 83 06 88 04 90 90 93 51 90 81 02 02 1995 1984 2006 2001 2004 1990 1994 84 95 72 06 85 92 66 79 71 Oklahoma Mich St U Wash Simon Fr Stanford Mich St MIT MIT Harvard GeoMason Chicago UCLA Claremont Pittsburgh Colorado Oklahoma Nrthwstrn Virginia S Calif CUNY MIT 1966 Kansas Michigan PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 02 69 72 65 94 68 95 79 86 01 83 61 76 65 01 06 95 72 69 95 86 Minnesota Ca-SnCruz Tennessee Minnesota Iowa St Tx Tech S Calif Illinois W Ontario Tennessee Nrthwstrn Mass Chicago Berkeley Yale Wisconsin Rochester Ca-Rivers Car Mellon Tx-Austin W Virginia Harvard PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 00 83 89 86 77 Moscow Cornell Penn St Tx-Austin Illinois So Meth Clark Clark Duke Minnesota Nrthwstrn Toulouse GeoMason Wisconsin NewHamp Cal Tech Berkeley Illinois Berkeley Cornell Arkansas Illinois Brown 67 84 59 79 97 00 69 90 73 05 83 78 65 78 67 70 1965 2001 2003 2003 8-00 1991 2000 1985 2006 1984 1992 1988 1973 2006 1970 1972 1965 1995 1968 1996 1988 1985 2005 1988 1987 1992 1965 9-02 2003 1995 1998 1968 2002 1988 1995 2001 9900 1983 1975 1981 1970 1992 1985 2000 1999 2003 1969 1998 2005 1984 1992 1965 1979 1967 1976 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Allen, Ralph C. Dean Valdosta St Allen, Robert F. Retir Creighton Allen, Roy E. Dean St Marys-Cal Allen, Sam Asst Va Military Allen, Steven G. Prof N Carol St Allen, Stuart D. H-Pr N Car-Greens Allen, W. David Assoc Alabama-Hunt Allender, Mary E. Assoc Portland Allgood, Sam Assoc Nebraska Allgrunn, Michael Asst South Dakota Alli, Ali M. Prof Okla City Allison, Michael Lect Mo-St Louis Allison, Robert J. Retir CS-Fresno Alm, James C-Pr Georgia St Almon, Clopper Jr. Retir Maryland Almond, Douglas Asst Columbia Alnajji, Aras Assoc Ohio Northrn Alnasrawi, Abbas Prof Vermont Alpan, Erkan Asst R Stockton Alpanda, Sami Asst Amherst Alper, Emre Asst Bogazici Alper, Neil O. Assoc Northeastern Alpert, William T. Assoc Connecticut Alse, Jahardhanan Assoc Indiana SE Alshallah, Mohamed Assoc Fairmont St Alston, Lee Prof Colorado Alston, Richard M. Prof Weber State Altazan, John E. Prof New Orleans Altieri, Paul L. Prof Central Conn Altmann, James L. Prof Indiana SE Altonji, Joseph G. Prof Yale Altshuler, Rosanne Assoc Rutgers-N Br Alvarez, Fernando Prof Chicago Alvi, Eskander Assoc W Michigan Aly, Hassan Assoc Ohio State Amacher, Ryan C. Prof Tx-Arlington Amador, Manuel Asst Stanford Amaral, Pedro Asst So Methodist Amarante, Massimiliano Assoc Columbia Amariglio, Jack Prof Merrimack Amato, Louis Prof N Car-Charl Ambrus, Attila Asst Harvard Amegbe, Annan Assoc Morgan State Amemiya, Takeshi Emer Stanford Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Economics Amin, R. John Prof Northwood Amin, Shahina Assoc No Iowa Amir, Rabah Prof Arizona Ammann, Alan I. Retir Meredith Amoateng, Kofi A. D. L-Pr N Carol Cen Amoo, Taiwoo Assoc CUNY-Brookly Amos, Orley M. Jr. Prof Oklahoma St Amponsah, William A. D-Ac Geo Southern Amrhein, Joseph Retir St Michael's Amsler, Christine E. Assoc Michigan St Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina Prof San Diego St An, Galina Asst Kenyon Anagnostopoulos, Alexis Asst SUNY-Stony B Anas, Alex Prof SUNY-Buffalo Anastasopoulos, Petros Assoc F Dick-Teane Anbarci, Nejat M. Prof Fla Internat Ancil, Ralph Assoc Geneva Andaersen, Nattian Asst Ill-Chicago Anderlini, Luca Prof Georgetown Anders, Steven L. VPAA Graceland Anderson, B. Assoc Frostburg St Anderson, B. Wylie Retir No Iowa Anderson, Curtis L. Prof Minn-Duluth Anderson, David A. Assoc Centre Blazer Associate Professor of Economics Anderson, Donna M. Prof Wis-La Cross Anderson, Eric E. Assoc Old Dominion Anderson, Evan W. Asst No Illinois Anderson, Gary M. Prof CS-Northrdge Anderson, James E. Prof Boston Coll William B. Neenan, S.J., Millennium Chair, Economics Anderson, Joan B. Prof San Diego Anderson, John E. Prof Nebraska FDK DKL F 78 70 54 76 78 81 88 94 85 86 71 03 02 99 84 80 Geo St Mich St Berkeley Arizona Harvard Virginia Arkansas Oregon Georgia Mich St Okla St Virginia Colorado Wisconsin Harvard Berkeley Oklahoma Harvard Ca-Rivers Minnesota Geotown Pittsburgh Columbia Wisconsin Bridgepr U Wash Cornell Illinois Boston C Wisconsin Princeton Penn Minnesota J Hopkins S Illinois Virginia MIT Minnesota MIT Mass S Carol 2006 1985 1993 1967 1999 1966 2005 2001 1963 1980 2004 1995 1979 1983 1992 1988 2002 1969 1958 1975 1978 2002 1992 1996 1994 1989 1992 2006 2002 1999 1984 1980 PHD PHD 77 64 Catholic J Hopkins 1978 1968 78 97 05 97 88 99 73 81 92 Cincinnati Illinois Illinois Miss St Tx-Austin Exeter Iowa St Ohio St NYU Penn W Mich Colorado London Penn New Sch Iowa Mich St Michigan Cambridge Kansas St Auburn Iowa Wyoming Duke 9-86 2000 AEGJ QA ACHK PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DIJ QC GEC BHO DFN PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 84 98 87 69 Mich St U Wash Chicago GeoMason Wisconsin 1994 1984 2005 1987 1969 H PHD PHD 71 77 Ca-SnDgo Claremont 1981 1991 JD E J LC DJG CIP CE B DHO AFOQ BA AFGO CEFG J FE AD NO ABNQ E DM J H E FH E C BDFM R CFOP DR ADE DC BP H D ARD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 69 83 04 78 77 94 90 93 06 68 172 66 80 62 02 95 65 84 04 95 77 79 93 78 86 92 79 91 58 80 98 04 75 84 88 1982 1986 1985 2006 1978 1976 1994 1985 1990 1990 1999 1979 1980 1999 7-04 1991 1986 1995 2004 2005 2001 1978 2001 1966 1980 1992 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Baird Family Professorship Anderson, John Whiting Retir Bucknell Anderson, Kathryn H. Assoc Vanderbilt Anderson, Lee G. Prof Delaware Anderson, Lisa Prof Wm & Mary Anderson, Michael A. Prof Wash & Lee Anderson, Patricia M. C-Pr Dartmouth Anderson, Richard K. Prof Texas A&M Anderson, Richard T. Asst NewJerseyCty Anderson, Robert M. Prof Cal-Berkeley Anderson, Roy C. Retir CS-Long Bch Anderson, Simon P. Prof Virginia Commonwealth Professor of Economics Anderson, Thomas C. Retir Kennesaw St Anderton, Charles H. Prof Holy Cross Ando, Albert K. Retir Pennsylvania Andoh, Samuel Kojo C-Pr So Conn St Andreoni, James R. Prof Wisconsin Andrews, Charles Haynes Prof Mercer-Macon Stetson Professor of Economics Andrews, David Assoc SUNY Oswego Andrews, Donald W. K. Prof Yale Andrews, Katerina Assoc Wofford Andrews, Kim Assoc Cen Missouri Andrews, Thomas Assoc West Chester Andrianacos, Dimitri Prof W Illinois Andrulis, John A. Retir W New Eng Angeletos, George-Marios Asst MIT Angelini, Anthony L. P. Retir St John's Angelucci, Manuella Asst Arizona Angiello, Joseph SUNY-Empire Angkatavanich, Virote Retir F Dick-Teane Angkinand, Aparard Asst Il-Springfld Angner, Erik Asst Alabama-Birm Angrist, Joshua D. Prof MIT Ankrom, Jeff A. Prof Wittenberg Anna, Alexandra L. Retir Colorado Col Annala, Christopher Asst SUNY-Geneseo Ansari, Mohammed Assoc Albany State Anspach, Ralph Retir San Fran St Anstine, Diane C-Ac No Central Antecol, Heather Assoc Claremont Antel, John J. Dean Houston Antholt, Charles Lect Western Wash Antinolfi, Gaetano Assoc Wash Univ Antle, John M. Prof Montana St Anton, Wilma Asst Cen Florida Antonio, Jorge Prof Fla Internat Antras, Pol Asst Harvard Antras, Pol VAsst MIT visiting from Harvard Anunoby, Ogugua H Lincoln-MO Anyamele, Dennis Asst Jackson St Aoki, Masahiko Emer Stanford Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Professor of Japanese Studies Aoki, Masanao Retir UCLA Aoki, Masato C-Ac Simmons Applegate, Michael J. Prof Oklahoma St Appleyard, Dennis R. C-Pr Davidson James B. Duke Professor of International Studies Arabian, Ghodratollah Prof Lincoln-MO Arano, Kathleen Asst Fort Hays St Aranson, Peter H. Retir Emory Araujo, Luis Asst Michigan St Arbatskaya, Maria Assoc Emory Arburn, Gregory W. Asst Findlay Arce, Daniel G. Prof Rhodes Robert D. McCallum Professor of Economics & Business Archer, Stephen H. Retir Willamette Archibald, Glenn S. Asst Mississippi Archibald, Robert B. Prof Wm & Mary Arcidiacono, Peter Asst Duke Ardagna, Silvia Asst Harvard Ardon, Kenneth Asst Salem State Arellano, Cristina Asst Minnesota Arenberg, Yuri Assoc CUNY-Brookly Arguea, Nestor M. C-Ac West Florida Argys, Laura M. Prof Colo-Denver 173 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 67 78 70 94 90 91 76 91 77 65 85 Penn N Car St U Wash Virginia Wisconsin Princeton Purdue CUNY Yale Tulane Queen's 1961 1980 1974 1997 1990 1991 1975 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 86 59 86 86 67 Berkeley Cornell Car Mellon NYU Michigan Vanderbilt 1985 1986 1963 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD 93 82 00 94 96 89 75 01 51 05 77 67 05 05 89 82 95 00 89 63 97 99 82 72 97 80 01 Michigan Berkeley Clemson Okla St Temple Chicago Purdue Harvard Temple Univ Col Tx-Austin New Sch Claremont Pittsburgh Princeton Notre Dm Utah Wash St Simon Fr Berkeley Kentucky McMaster UCLA Cornell Cornell Chicago Illinois 2003 1982 2000 1990 1997 1990 1981 2001 PHD PHD 03 03 MIT MIT 2003 2006 PHD PHD PHD 87 92 67 Brunel Howard Minnesota 2001 EB O F PHD PHD PHD PHD 65 95 73 66 Tokyo In Mass Iowa St Michigan 1983 1994 1974 1990 ADGT HKL E DL PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD 85 04 72 02 Indiana Miss St Rochester Penn Indiana Clemson Illinois 1984 2004 1981 2002 9-99 2000 2000 Minnesota Houston Purdue Wisconsin Boston C Calif Duke NYU S Calif Colorado 1973 2001 1976 9-99 JO Q F CF AI LDR ADM ACDF EO D AO C EGIM HR DHQL ACE H A AEFG CDE BKO J AEG E F DL JIG J DQ E Q DHO D DJ EF D ACD IOCD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 92 58 91 74 99 00 04 86 90 93 1983 1965 1987 1986 1973 1983 1963 2001 2005 1996 1982 2001 2000 8-01 1963 1997 1981 1997 1997 1987 2001 1984 2004 1985 1990 1990 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Arias, James J. Asst Georgia Col Ariaster, Chimeli Asst Ohio Univ Aristotelous, Kyriacos Assoc Otterbein Arjomand, H. Lari Prof Clayton St Armentano, Dominick T. Retir Hartford Arndt, Sven W. Prof Claremont Charles M. Stone Professor of Money, Credit & Trade Arnold, Michael Assoc Delaware Arnold, Roger A. Prof CS-S Marcos Arnold, Thomas R. Retir King's Col Arnott, Richard J. Prof Boston Coll Arnould, Richard J. Retir Illinois Aronson, J. Richard Prof Lehigh William L. Clayton Professor of Business and Economics Arora, Harjit K. Prof LeMoyne Arora, Swarnjit S. Prof Wis-Milwauke Aruoba, Boragan Asst Maryland Arzac, Enrique R. Retir Columbia Asaftei, Gabriel Asst Richmond Asamoah, Yaw Dean Indiana U-PA Aschauer, David Alan Prof Bates Elmer W. Campbell Professor of Economics Ascher, William Prof Claremont Aschheim, Joseph Retir George Wash Asefa, Sisay Prof W Michigan Asgary, Nader Assoc SUNY-Geneseo Ash, Michael Asst Massachusett Ashby, David Inst W Oregon St Ashby, Nathan J. VAsst Wooster Asheghian, Par Prof CS-San Bern Ashenfelter, Orley C. Prof Princeton Ashenmiller, Bevin Asst Occidental Asher, Cheryl Asst Villanova Ashley, James R. Assoc St Catherine Ashley, Richard A. Prof Virg Tech Ashman, H. Lowell Retir Lenoir-Rhyne Ashraf, Mohammad Assoc NC-Pembroke Asiedu, Elizabeth Assoc Kansas Askalani, Mohamed H. Retir Mankato St Aske, David Assoc No Colorado Asker, John Asst New York U Aslanbeigui, Nahid Assoc Monmouth Assad, Jean-Claud Assoc Jackson St Assane, Djeto Assoc Nev-L Vegas Assibey-Mensah, Albert Assoc Kentucky St Assumpta, Sister Virginia A C-Ac Immaculata Atack, Jeremy Prof Vanderbilt Atencio, Leonard D. Retir Fort Lewis Atesoglu, H. Sonmez Prof Clarkson Athey, Susan Prof Harvard Atkeson, Andrew G. Prof UCLA Atkinson, Glendel W. Retir Nevada-Reno Atkinson, Scott E. Prof Georgia Atoli, Manoj Asst Florida St Atri, Said Prof SUNY Oswego Attiyeh, Richard E. Prof Ca-San Diego Atwood, Edward Charles Jr. Retir Wash & Lee Atwood, Joseph A. Prof Montana St Auerbach, Alan J. Prof Cal-Berkeley Auernheimer, Leonardo J. A. Prof Texas A&M Augustine, J. Carlton Asst Howard Ault, David E. Retir S Ill-Edward Ault, Richard W. Assoc Auburn Aura, Saku Asst Missouri Austin, Adrian Asst West Georgia Austin, Ellis T. Deces Austin, John A. Prof La St-Shreve Ausubel, Lawrence M. Prof Maryland Autor, David Assoc MIT Auzenne, George R. Retir Florida A&M Avalos, Antonio Asst CS-Fresno Avan, Ronni Asst Rochester Averett, Susan H-Pr Lafayette Charles A. Dana Professor Averitt, Robert T. Retir Smith Avin, Rose Marie Prof Wis-Eau Clar Awh, Robert Y. Retir Miss State Ayal, Eliezer B. Emer Ill-Chicago AE EFO LD BEHA DHR DIKL HG EFH FO E E O FJ H F AL CE F AC AITR DL E C AG N EFO L PF H CQK F AFI EI GEH EF AFJK DF H G G LM JOT ACIJ ABE FO O 174 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 96 01 93 80 66 64 Tx A&M Illinois Ohio St Oklahoma Conn Berkeley 1999 2003 1993 1980 1966 1990 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 79 70 75 68 64 UCLA Va Tech Syracuse Yale Iowa St Clark 1992 1990 6-60 1988 1967 1965 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 71 04 68 05 85 84 Wi-Milwa SUNY-Buf Penn Columbia SUNY-Bin Wash U Rochester 1987 1978 2004 1971 2005 1984 1990 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 75 54 80 91 99 Yale Harvard Iowa St Houston Berkeley 2000 1964 1980 1996 1999 06 80 70 2006 1991 1968 76 69 72 95 88 68 72 04 82 66 59 87 78 73 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD 69 83 01 98 55 72 84 99 63 03 05 91 W Virginia Geo St Princeton Ca-SnBarb Penn Wisconsin Ca-SnDgo Utah N Illinois Illinois Iowa St Nebraska Harvard Michigan Howard Colorado Cincinnati Catholic Indiana Kansas St Pittsburgh Stanford Stanford Oklahoma Colorado Indiana SUNY-Alb Yale Princeton Nebraska Harvard Chicago Delaware Illinois Virginia MIT Duke Mich St Ariz St Stanford Harvard Boston Okla St Chicago Colorado PHD PHD PHD PHD 61 86 60 61 Tx-Austin Maryland Florida Cornell 81 84 82 73 98 98 70 92 04 84 87 88 94 1984 1984 1981 1975 1999 1998 1969 1992 2004 1988 1991 1988 1994 9-68 1993 1968 1977 2000 1967 1985 2005 1981 1982 1969 1987 1994 1973 1969 1983 2002 2003 1983 1992 1999 1976 2003 7-05 1991 1961 1987 1968 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Ayanian, Robert L. Retir CS-Fullerton Aydmir, Ozdemir Asst W Virg St Ayers, Michael Retir Il-Springfld Ayers, Ronald M. Assoc Tx-S Antonio Ayittey, George B. N. VAsoc American U Ayres, Robert Emer INSEAD Chairman Sandoz Chair on Environment Aysun, Uluc Asst Connecticut Azari-Rad, Hamid C-Ac SUNY-N Paltz Azariadis, Constantine C. Retir UCLA Azevedo, Christopher Asst Cen Missouri Aziz, Fahima C-As Hamline Azzimonti, Marina Asst Iowa Baack, Bennett D. Assoc Ohio State Babcock, Michael W. Prof Kansas State Babcock, Philip Asst Cal-Santa Br Babilot, George Retir San Diego St Baccara, Mariagiovanna Asst New York U Bacdayan, Andrew W. Prof Lamar Bachmeier, Lance Asst Kansas State Backus, David Prof New York U Heinz Riehl Professor of Int'l Economics and Finance Bacolod, Marigee Asst Calif-Irvine Badasyan, Narine Asst Murray State Bade, Sophie Asst Penn State Badgett, Lee Assoc Massachusett Bae, Sanghoo Asst Clark Bae, Yong-Kyun Hood Bae, Youngsoo Asst Lehigh Baek, In-Mee Assoc Suffolk Baer, Werner Prof Illinois Bagchi, Aniruddha Asst Kennesaw St Bagheri, Fathollah Assoc North Dakota Bagheri, Rashid Inst Morgan State Bagi, Sukhwinder Assoc Bloomsburg Bagwell, Kyle W. Prof Columbia Bahatiuk, Nicholas G. Retir LeMoyne Bahl, Roy W. Jr. Dean Georgia St Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen Prof Wis-Milwauke Bai, Jinhui Asst Georgetown Bai, Jushan J. Prof New York U Bai, Yan Asst Arizona St Baier, Scott L. Assoc Clemson Bailey BVM, Mary P. F. Retir Loyola-Chicg Bailey, Barrie Asst Monmouth Bailey, Christopher Asst Cen Michigan Bailey, DeeVon C-Pr$ Utah State Bailey, Duncan Retir SC-Spartanbu Bailey, Martin J. Deces Emory Baillie, Richard T. Prof Michigan St Pasant Chair of Economics & Finance Bails, Dale G. Assoc Christian Br Baird, Charles W. Prof CS-East Bay Baird, Robert N. Retir Case Western Bajari, Patrick Prof Minnesota Bajona, Claustre Asst U Miami Baker, Ben Prof Davidson Baker, Elizabeth Asst Va Military Baker, Joe M. C-Pr So Utah Baker, Josiah Inst Cen Florida Baker, Matthew Assoc USN Academy Baker, Ronald Asst Millersville Baker, Samuel H. III Retir Wm & Mary Baker, Stephen A. Prof Capital Bakir, Saad T. Prof Alabama St Baktari, Paul Assoc SUNY-Potsdam Balabkins, Nicholas W. Retir Lehigh Balak, Benjamin Asst Rollins Balasubramanyam, V. N. Retir U Lancaster Balch, Billy W. Retir Mid Tenn St Balch, Donald C. Lect So Carolina Balch, Michael S. Assoc Iowa Balcim, Metin Prof Bogazici Baldani, Jeffrey P. Prof Colgate Balderas, Ulyses Asst Sam Houston Baldsdon, Edmund Assoc San Diego St Baldwin, Robert E. Retir Wisconsin Baldwin, William Lee Retir Dartmouth HR GJM O OU EF CEJF FQ DJ EL N RQ DGL AE CE EFG J LDH DL PHD CE EFO AJOE LF HRO E U FED FG LD Q AEOR E CFG BHJ A DL EF M A EFG CM ABNP AD CD EH CD 175 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 02 73 78 81 58 UCLA SUNY-Alb Oklahoma Tulane Manitoba London 1977 2005 1971 1979 1994 9-92 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 96 75 99 95 04 72 73 05 58 03 73 02 81 Ca-Davis Utah Car Mellon Iowa St Minnesota Rochester U Wash Illinois Ca-SnDgo Oregon Princeton Utah St Tx A&M Yale 2006 1999 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 04 04 90 03 UCLA Va Tech NYU Berkeley Mich St PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 90 58 Ohio St Indiana Harvard Vanderbilt Penn Howard Vanderbilt Stanford Ukranian Kentucky Mich St Yale Berkeley 1996 1962 1988 1981 2006 2002 Mich St Notre Dm Cen Fla Tx A&M Tx A&M Va Tech J Hopkins LondonEc D-00 1991 2001 2006 1983 1984 1989 8-86 S Dakota Berkeley Kentucky Minnesota Minnesota S Carol Va Comm Utah Cen Fla Conn Indiana Virginia York UK Va Tech W Virginia Rutgers N Carol Illinois Alabama S Carol NYU NYU Cornell Colorado Ca-SnBarb Harvard Princeton 1995 1972 1965 2006 2000 1997 2006 1997 2001 2000 2005 1969 1987 1-93 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD MAAE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 87 86 65 81 92 96 69 04 83 70 56 78 78 68 65 97 83 06 77 00 05 70 82 77 56 01 70 68 88 65 73 83 05 00 50 58 2003 1994 2004 1988 1972 2005 1956 2002 2004 1990 2002 2004 1997 2003 2006 2000 1974 1990 1966 2002 1964 8-84 1971 1973 1982 2004 2000 1964 1956 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Baliamoune, Mina Assoc Balic, Mihajlo Inst Balkan, Erol M. Prof Balke, Nathan S. Prof Balkin, Steven M. Prof Ball, Christopher Asst Ball, David S. Assoc Ball, Jennifer Asst Ball, Laurence M. Prof Ball, Sheryl B. Assoc Ballantyne, A. Paul Prof Ballard, Charles L. Prof Ballard, Robert L. Inst Ballinger, T. Parker Assoc Ballman, Richard J. Jr. C-Pr Ballou, Jeffrey P. Asst Balough, Robert S. Prof Baltagi, Badi H. Prof Balvers, Ronald J. Assoc Banaian, King C-Pr Bandera, Vladimir N. Retir Bandyopadhayay, Taradas Prof Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu Asst Bandyopadhyay, Sudeshna Asst Banerjee, Abhijit V. Prof Banerjee, Guarango Asst Banfe, Peter Assoc Bang, James Asst Bangs, Joann Asst Banks, Nina Asst Bansak, Cynthia Asst Bansal, Vipul K. Assoc Banzhaf, H. Spencer Assoc Bao, Yong Asst Baqir, Ghalib M. Retir Bar, Michael Asst Bar, Talia Asst Bar-Isaac, Heski Asst Barakeh, A. K. Retir Barari, Mahua Assoc Barber, Edward Prof Barber, G. Russell Jr. Assoc Barber, William J. Emer Barbezat, Daniel P. Prof Barbezat, Debra A. C-Pr Barbour, G. Jeffrey Asst Barbour, James L. Assoc Barbour, Karie Asst Bardakci, Yasemin Asst Bardhan, Pranab K. Prof Barelli, Paulo Asst Barger, Peter S. Prof Barham, Tania Asst Barilla, Anthony Asst Barnes, Bobby Asst Barnes, Clarence H. Dean Barnes, Robert R. Retir Barnes, William F. Asst Barnett, Harold C. Retir Barnett, Richard Asst Barnett, William Prof Barnett, William A. Prof Distinguished Professor Barone, Charles A. Prof Baroutsis, A. Paul Retir Barr, Jason Asst Barr, Tavis Asst Barrett, Anthony C-Pr Barrett, Richard Prof Barro, Robert J. Prof Barron, John M. Prof Barry, Michael Asst Barseghyan, Levon Asst Barsky, Robert Prof Bartel, Ann Prof A. Barton Hepbum Professor of Economics Bartell, Ernest J. Retir Bartell, H. Robert Jr. Retir North Fla McNeese St Hamilton So Methodist Roosevelt Quinnipiac N Carol St Washburn J Hopkins Virg Tech Colorado Spr Michigan St Campbell S F Austin Augustana IL Northeastern Clarion Syracuse W Virginia St Cloud St Temple Cal-Riversid W Virginia W Virginia MIT Tx-Brownsvil Ohio Northrn Va Military St Catherine Bucknell San Diego St St John's Georgia St Tx-S Antonio Alabama St San Fran St Cornell New York U So Alabama Missouri St Wyoming Mercer-Macon Wesleyan-CT Amherst Colby Cen Michigan Elon Lander St Cloud St Cal-Berkeley Rochester No Central Colorado Geo Southern No Central Gonzaga Millersville Portland Rhode Island Villanova Loyola-N Orl Kansas EO OF EG EFL FND DMH ABEO H CE ABDE CEFG C EG EO FP AD F J J AE JNR Q C 1995 LD F B ANO JIA AN AB G AJRT EF GJP EKQ EF DEFK E Dickinson Cl Slippery Roc Rutgers-Newk Lg Isl-Post St Scholasti Montana Harvard Purdue Mt St Mary's Cornell Michigan Columbia ABJ ADP Notre Dame East Tenn St O EOJQ FE FE PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DPHI PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 95 01 88 86 76 03 67 01 86 91 65 83 99 99 77 00 81 79 84 86 60 80 94 92 88 97 99 05 176 2001 2002 1987 1986 1984 2003 1966 2001 1994 1992 1967 1983 2002 1999 1972 2003 1981 2005 1991 1984 1972 1987 1993 1992 1993 1997 1997 2006 99 00 88 01 04 67 05 03 04 68 92 86 90 57 88 85 73 87 04 04 66 04 89 05 01 02 73 67 01 73 89 74 74 Northeas North Tx SUNY-Bin Nrthwstrn Wayne St Tx A&M N Carol S Calif MIT Nrthwstrn Stanford Stanford Geo St Houston Iowa Nrthwstrn N Illinois Penn Pittsburgh Claremont Berkeley So Meth Maryland Maryland Harvard Al-Birm Geo Wash Illinois Minnesota Mass Ca-SnDgo Miss Duke Ca-Rivers St Louis Minnesota Yale LondonSE Indiana Iowa St Birkbeck Miss Oxford Illinois Michigan Fla St Kentucky Tennessee W Mich Cambridge Columbia Illinois Berkeley Kansas St Kansas St Tennessee Penn Notre Dm MIT 1970 Minnesota Mich St Car Mellon PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 72 03 92 84 72 70 76 00 03 86 74 American Purdue Columbia Columbia Geo Wash Wisconsin Harvard Brown Wi-Milwa Nrthwstrn MIT Columbia 1975 1972 2003 2001 PHD PHD 66 63 Princeton Columbia 1977 1989 9-01 2001 2006 2004 1973 2003 2003 1968 1993 2000 1973 1957 1988 1992 1971 1990 2006 8-06 1977 7-04 1989 2001 2004 9-73 1963 2000 2003 1974 2002 9-70 1987 1976 2005 2003 1976 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Barth, Peter S. Retir Connecticut Bartholomew, A. Wayne Retir Ind-So Bend Bartkus, James Asst$ SE Louisiana Bartlett, Randall Prof Smith Bartlett, Robin L. Prof Denison Bank One Professor of Economics Bartlett, Sue A. Lect South Fla Bartley, Alan Assoc Transylvania Barton, William E. Retir Colorado Col Barzel, Yoram Prof U Washington Basch, Donald L. Prof Simmons Basel, Saleh Asst Radford Bashaw, David Lect Wis-Whitewat Basistha, Arabinda Asst W Virginia Baskan, Asuman Assoc Allegheny Basmann, Robert L. Prof SUNY-Bingham Bassett, Gilbert W. Prof Ill-Chicago Bassetto, Marco Asst Minnesota Bastin, Hamid Prof Shippensburg Basu, Arnab Assoc Wm & Mary Basu, Atin Asst Va Military Basu, Bharati Prof Cen Michigan Basu, Kaushik Prof Cornell on leave to MIT Basu, Suchanora Asst Rhode Isl Cl Basu, Susanto Prof Boston Coll Batabyal, Amitjatreet Prof Rochest Tech Arthur J. Gosnell Professor of Economics Batavia, Bala Prof DePaul Batchelder, Ronald W. Prof Pepper-Malib Bateman, Bradley W. Prof Grinnell Gertrude B. Ausin Professor of Economics; on leave 2006-2007 Bateman, Fred Prof Georgia Nicholas A. Beadles Professor Bates, Jeff Inst Auburn-Montg Bates, Laurie Prof Bryant Bates, Lawrence W. Retir E Illinois Batie, Clarence Inst Txs Southern Batina, Raymond Prof Wash State Batra, Raveendra N. Prof So Methodist Battacharya, Radha S. Assoc CS-Fullerton Battaglini, Marco Asst Princeton Battalio, Ray Retir Texas A&M Battigalli, Pierpaolo Prof European U European University Institute; Fiesole, Italy; [email protected] Baughman, Reagan Asst New Hampshir Baum, Charles Assoc Mid Tenn St Baum, Christopher F. Assoc Boston Coll Baum, Donald N. C-Ac Neb-Omaha Baum-Snow, Nathaniel Asst Brown Baumann, Robert Asst Holy Cross Bausor, Randall S. Prof Massachusett Bawuah, Kwadwo C-Pr Virginia St Baxter, Marianne Prof Boston Univ Bay, John W. Retir So Maine Bayazitoglu, Berna Asst Bogazici Baye, Michael R. Prof Indiana Bayer, Amanda Assoc Swarthmore Bayer, Arthur A. Prof Babson Bayer, Patrick Assoc Duke Bayley, Jennifer Asst Duquesne Bayraktar, Nihal Asst Penn St-Harr Bays, Carson W. Prof East Carol Baytas, Ahmet Prof Montclair St Beall, Larry G. Retir Virg Comm Beals, Ralph E. Emer Amherst Clarence Francis Professor of Economics Beam, Robert D. Prof Wis-Superior Bean, Richard N. Assoc Houston Bear, Donald V. T. Retir Ca-San Diego Beard, Thomas R. Emer Louisiana St LSU Alumni Professor Emeritus Beard, Thomas Randolph Prof Auburn Beardsley, George L. Retir Cal Poly-SLO Bearse, Peter Asst N Car-Greens Beasley, Christine Daughtry Retir Campbell Beaton, C. Russell Retir Willamette Beaty, William L. Asst Tarleton St 177 J AET AMR AHR AJ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 65 72 04 71 74 Michigan Cornell N Orleans Stanford Mich St 1973 1972 2005 1979 1973 A FODJ DHLO MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 99 70 61 77 04 98 02 88 66 73 98 89 97 98 82 76 S Fla Vanderbilt Missouri Chicago Yale Kansas St Wi-Milwa U Wash Lehigh Iowa St Michigan Chicago Geo St J Hopkins Miss Rochester LondonEc 1994 1999 1958 1961 1980 2006 2005 2003 1987 1988 1973 2000 1989 1998 1999 1990 EO FOQ PHD PHD PHD 06 92 94 Clark Harvard Berkeley 2005 2000 CD DEFK B PHD PHD PHD 74 75 84 N Car St UCLA Kentucky 1976 1984 1987 N PHD 65 Tulane 1991 MBA PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DE 91 89 75 Aub-Mont Conn Tx-Austin Prairie Minnesota S Illinois Penn St Nrthwstrn Purdue Italian M 1991 2003 1999 1977 1987 2005 2003 1979 1987 2000 1965 1996 1997 1992 1978 2006 ADLK FE EF CDFE C C HD HE F E C IJ J CE HD 85 69 90 01 69 92 1970 1985 1973 1990 1969 1999 01 99 77 79 05 03 78 83 84 66 96 83 95 68 99 ACO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 74 86 73 70 Syracuse N Carol Michigan Claremont Chicago Ohio St Duke Va Tech Chicago Boston C Cornell Purdue Yale Mich St Stanford Temple Maryland Michigan Illinois Duke MIT N AE E PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 71 63 63 Cincinnati U Wash Stanford Duke 1980 1970 1965 1961 PHD PHD PHD MA PHD MS 88 74 95 Vanderbilt Penn Virginia E Carol Claremont Utah St 1988 1975 1998 1969 1971 1985 JL FEG E CDO DIO DJ AH RT A EOCA IKLH DEJN LD CH ADR 68 73 2003 1982 1988 1970 1966 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Beauchemin, Kenneth Asst SUNY-Albany Beaumont, Marion S. Retir CS-Long Bch Beaumont, Paul M. Assoc Florida St Bechdolt, Burley V. Retir No Illinois Beck, Edward J. Asst SUNY-Oneonta Beck, John H. D-Pr Gonzaga Beck, Paul M. Assoc Graceland Beck, Stacie E. Assoc Delaware Beck, William C. II Retir USAF Academy Becker, Anthony D. Assoc St Olaf Becker, Charles Resr Duke Becker, Charles McVey Retir Tx Christian Becker, Gary S. Prof Chicago Becker, Gilbert B. Assoc St Anselm Becker, Klaus G. Assoc Texas Tech Becker, Neal Asst Kansas Becker, Robert Prof Indiana Becker, William Prof Indiana Becker, William S. Retir Colorado Col Beckham Gramm, Teresa Assoc Rhodes Beckman, Steven R. C-Ac Colo-Denver Beckwith, Kevin Asst Salem State Beckworth, David Asst Andrews Bedard, Kelly Assoc Cal-Santa Br Bednarek, Heather L. Asst St Louis Bee, Richard H. Retir Youngstown Beekman, Robert Asst Tampa Beeson, Bennie E. Jr. Retir Radford Beeson, Patricia E. Assoc Pittsburgh Behar, Cem Prof Bogazici Behdad, Sohrab Prof Denison John Harris Professor of Economics Behr, Todd Assoc E Stroudsbur Behrman, Jere R. Prof Pennsylvania William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Economics Beil, Richard O. Assoc Auburn Bej, Emil Retir Shippensburg Bekar, Clifford T. C-As Lewis & Clrk Beladi, Hamid Prof Tx-S Antonio Belay, Halefom Assoc Whitman Belknap, Margaret H. D USM Academy Bell, Christine A. C-As Albright Bell, Christopher Ross Assoc N Car-Ashvil Bell, Duran Emer Calif-Irvine Bell, Edward B. Assoc Cleveland St Bell, Frederick W. Deces Florida St Bell, Joe A. Retir Missouri St Bell, Peter F. Assoc SUNY-Purchas Bell, Robert C-Pr CUNY-Brookly Bellante, Donald M. Prof South Fla Bellinger, William K. Assoc Dickinson Cl Bellner, Bruce SLect Ohio State Belongia, Michael T. Prof Mississippi Belotti, Mario L. Prof Santa Clara Belsley, David A. Prof Boston Coll Belton, Willie J. Jr. Assoc Georgia Tech Ben-Shehar, Omri Prof Michigan Ben-Zion, Barry Retir Sonoma State Benabou, Roland Jean-Marc Prof Princeton Benavides, Adolfo Prof Tx A&M-C Chr Benavie, Arthur Emer No Carolina Bender, Keith A. Assoc Wis-Milwauke Benedict, Mary Ellen Prof Bowling Gr Benefield, Michael E. Assoc Ark Tech Benesh, Diann Lect Wis-Eau Clar Benhabib, Jess Prof New York U Benham, Lee K. Retir Wash Univ Benigno, Pierpaolo Asst New York U Benitez-Silva, Hugo Asst SUNY-Stony B Benito, Carlos Prof Sonoma State Benjamin, Daniel K. Prof Clemson Benjamin, Julian Prof N Carol A&T Bennardo, Alberto Asst UCLA Bennett, Charles A. Asst Gannon Bennett, Doris S. Prof Jacksonvl St Bennett, James T. Prof George Mason William P. Snavely Professor of Economics Bennett, R. J. Retir Aquinas ED 86 81 66 55 83 87 91 78 73 70 99 82 R BJT BF PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 96 99 76 98 71 83 72 73 Iowa Claremont Penn S Calif Syracuse Mich St Missouri Penn Michigan Duke Princeton Arizona Chicago Boston C Kansas Pittsburgh Rochester Pittsburgh LSU N Carol Ca-Davis Clark Georgia Queen's Mich St Kent St S Carol Tennessee Oregon Paris Mich St EH OJL MBA PHD 78 66 Lehigh MIT 1965 1989 DH PHD DR ABD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 88 70 1988 1969 1998 2005 1996 2004 1989 1989 1965 1971 1962 1971 1971 1986 1985 1981 2005 1993 1959 76 70 00 00 73 75 77 Tx A&M Ukranian Simon Fr Utah St SUNY-Bin Penn Temple Penn Berkeley Ohio St Wayne St Okla St Wisconsin Brunel Fla St Nrthwstrn Heriot-Wat N Car St Tx-Austin MIT 1966 Penn St Harvard Oregon MIT Wash St Michigan Duke Car Mellon Purdue Va Tech Columbia Stanford Princeton Yale Ca-Davis UCLA SUNY-Buf 68 79 70 Fordham Alabama Case Wes 1968 1986 1975 St Louis 1969 C C DE BH AFJE GEF DLC ORT AD LD F FO F EN JI FQ HPIL F CEO CA AGHL O DHJ 9-06 8-06 M J JDH A E CD E 2000 D AO AE J A EO LP F FO DEGJ A MA PHD PHD PHD 95 67 84 70 82 76 94 87 178 83 96 00 77 87 65 73 64 80 68 72 71 85 07 82 69 65 86 95 73 86 82 63 94 91 89 1999 1967 1988 1970 1977 1988 1992 1986 1987 9-03 1967 1970 1987 1989 1989 1978 1979 1970 1999 1988 2004 2000 2001 1966 2003 1983 1977 1985 1987 1969 9-96 1967 1999 1991 1995 1976 1980 1974 2000 1990 6-86 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bennett, Randall W. Prof Gonzaga HL Bennett, Richard E. Retir Kent State C Bennett, Robert L. Retir Maryland Benoit, Jean-Pierre Prof New York U D Benson, Bruce L. Prof Florida St K DeVoe Moore Distinguished Research Professor Benson, C. Scott Prof Idaho State ABEF Benston, George J. Prof Emory GKLM John H. Harland Professor of Finance, Economics, and Accounting Bentley, Jerome T. C-Ac Rider D Bentley, Marion ExtSp Utah State H Benz, George A. Retir St Marys-Txs Benzing, Cynthia D. Prof West Chester AEG Bera, Anil K. Prof Illinois C Berdell, John Assoc DePaul NE Bereskin, C. Gregory Prof St Ambrose Beresteanu, Arie Asst Duke CLH Berg, Milo Douglas Asst Sam Houston Berg, Nathan Assoc Texas-Dallas DG Berg, Sanford V. Prof Florida T Exec Dir Public Utility Research Ctr;Public Utilities & Distinguished Serv Pr Bergan, Daniel J. Assoc NE Illinois ADEG Bergemann, Dirk Prof Yale Berger, David E. Retir Mass-Dartmou IJOR Berger, George C-Ac Pitts-Johnst EJK Bergeron, Suzanne Assoc Mich-Dearbor BENO Bergin, Paul Assoc Cal-Davis EF Bergman, Lila Retir CUNY-Hunter Bergmann, Barbara R. Retir American U Bergstrand, Jeffrey Assoc Notre Dame EF Bergstrom, Theodore C. Prof Cal-Santa Br DH Berik, Gunseli Assoc Utah Berkowitz, Daniel Prof Pittsburgh GH Berliant, Marcus C. Prof Wash Univ DHR Berman, Eli Assoc Ca-San Diego CJ Berman, Matthew Prof Alaska-Ancho Bernal, Raquel Asst Northwestern J Bernard, James A. Jr. Emer Valparaiso AOP Bernardo, Dan Dean Wash State Q Bernasek, Alexandra Prof Colorado St DA Berney, Robert E. Retir Wash State Bernhardt, Dan Prof Illinois DGJL Bernheim, B. Douglas Prof Stanford Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor in Economics Bernstein, Jeffrey I. Prof Fla Internat Bernstein, Richard E. Assoc Temple MG Beron, Kurt J. Prof Texas-Dallas J Berrens, Robert Prof New Mexico DQ Berry, Brian J. L. Dean Texas-Dallas R L. V. Berkner Professor Berry, Charles A. Retir Cincinnati O Berry, Dale A. Retir Drake Berry, Stanley Keith C-Pr Hendrix DL Berry, Steven T. Prof Yale Bertaux, Nancy E. Prof Xavier ABJN Besci, Zsolt Asst So Illinois EH Besedes, Tibor Asst Louisiana St FL Betancourt, Roger R. Prof Maryland Bethards, Troy Asst SW Baptist Bethune, John J. Dean Barton Betsey, Charles L. Prof Howard J Bettinger, Eric P. Asst Case Western IS Betts, Caroline Assoc So Calif Betts, Julian R. Prof Ca-San Diego CJ Beutler, Martin K. Prof So Dakota St Q Beuttenmuller, Doris Henle Retir Webster AIJN Beversluis, Eric H. Retir Aquinas Bewley, Lee Asst Baylor Bewley, Truman F. Prof Yale D Bezmen, Trisha Assoc Fran Marion F Bezuneh, Mesfin Prof Clark Atlant Bhagwati, Jagdish Prof Columbia F Bhandari, Borndi Asst Fitchburg St Bhandari, Ravi Asst St Marys-Cal O Bhargava, Alok Prof Houston C Bhargava, Ashok Retir Wis-Whitewat Bhat, Mahadev G. Assoc Fla Internat Q Bhatia, Shyam L. Retir Indiana NW FDEL 179 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 70 63 83 78 Mich St Ohio St Tx-Austin Stanford Tx A&M 1988 1968 1966 1989 1987 PHD PHD 88 63 Ca-Davis Chicago 1990 9-87 PHD MPA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 70 69 87 83 91 83 01 95 01 70 Pittsburgh NYU Oklahoma Drexel Austr Natl Cambridge Missouri Nrthwstrn Tx A&M Kansas Yale 1974 1975 1985 1988 1983 1991 1991 9-01 1995 2001 1971 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 94 72 87 98 96 79 59 81 67 86 88 82 93 77 03 72 85 92 63 86 82 Tx Tech Penn Wash U Ca-Davis Notre Dm Yale Fordham Harvard Wisconsin Stanford Mass Columbia Berkeley Harvard Yale NYU Notre Dm Wash St Michigan Wisconsin Car Mellon MIT 2003 1968 2005 1992 1966 1998 1994 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 73 85 93 58 W Ontario Brown N Carol Oregon St U Wash 2006 1972 1985 1994 1986 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 68 66 79 89 87 91 03 69 87 76 00 94 90 86 52 70 Cincinnati Indiana Vanderbilt Wisconsin Michigan Wisconsin Rutgers Wisconsin Anderson Fla St Michigan MIT 2000 Brit Colum Queen's Purdue St Louis Nrthwstrn 1961 1962 1989 1988 1985 2003 8-03 1980 1-07 8-00 1990 70 98 85 67 06 01 82 75 91 76 Berkeley Georgia Va Tech MIT Oregon Berkeley London Wisconsin Tennessee Indiana 1972 1989 1998 1996 9-85 1988 1986 1997 1994 1992 1994 2003 1994 1990 1986 1974 1988 1983 1-07 1980 2002 1989 1970 1994 1976 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bhattacharya, Anindya Assoc CUNY-Brookly Bhattacharya, Debopam Asst Dartmouth Bhattacharya, Gautam Assoc Kansas Bhattacharya, Joydeep Asst Iowa State Bhattarai, Ghadhi VProf Auburn-Montg Bhole, Bharat Asst Rochest Tech Bianconi, Marcelo Assoc Tufts Bias, Peter V. Assoc Fla Southern Bibow, Joerg Asst Skidmore Bidarkota, Prasad V. Asst Fla Internat Biddle, Jeff E. Prof Michigan St Biederman, Daniel K. Prof North Dakota Bieker, Richard F. Prof Delaware St Bierens, Herman Prof Penn State Bierman, H. Scott Dean Carleton Biersteker, Nancy Inst Bryant Biewener, Carole Prof Simmons Biglaiser, Gary Prof No Carolina Bikhazi, Elias G. Asst Bentley Bilginsoy, Cihan Prof Utah Billes, Frank V. Prof CS-Dominguez Billger, Sherrilyn Asst Illinois St Billings, C. David Dean Alabama-Hunt Bilodeau, Marc Assoc Ind-Purdue/I Bilotkach, Volodymry Asst Calif-Irvine Bils, Mark J. Prof Rochester Bin, Okmyung Asst East Carol Binder, Melissa Assoc New Mexico Bingham, Jonathan Lect Indiana SE Binz-Scharf, Marcia Asst CUNY-City C Birch, John W. Retir Wyoming Birchenall, Javier Asst Cal-Santa Br Birckmayer, H. Peter Retir SUNY-Empire Bird, Michael C. Retir Colorado Col Birdyshaw, Edward Asst CS-Fresno Bischoff, Charles W. Prof SUNY-Bingham Bishop, John A. Prof East Carol Bisin, Alberto Assoc New York U Bisping, Tim Assoc Cen Arkansas Biswas, Basudeb Prof Utah State Bitler, Mairanne Asst Calif-Irvine Biven, W. Carl Emer Georgia Tech Bivin, David Assoc Ind-Purdue/I Bjork, Gordon C. Retir Claremont Black, Dan A. Prof Syracuse Black, David C. Assoc Toledo Black, David E. Assoc Delaware Black, David L. Inst No Alabama Black, Fischer Deces Goldman Sach Black, Geoffry C-Ac Boise State Black, Grant Prof Ind-So Bend Black, Sandra E. Asst UCLA Black, Stanley W. Prof No Carolina Lurcy Professor Black, Tyrone Retir So Miss Blackburn, McKinley L. Prof So Carolina Blackburne, Edward Asst Sam Houston Blackley, Dixie M. Prof LeMoyne Blackley, Paul R. Prof LeMoyne Blackstock, Robert VAsst Louisiana Te Blackstone, Erwin A. Prof Temple Blackwell, Calvin Asst Charleston Blackwell, J. Lloyd III Prof North Dakota Blair, Benjamin Assoc Miss State Blair, Douglas H. Prof Rutgers-N Br Blair, John Prof Wright State Blair, Roger Duncan Prof Florida Huber Hurst Professor of Business and Legal Studies Blais, Jeffrey C-Ac Rhode Isl Cl Blake, Daniel R. Prof CS-Northrdge Blake, Gordon Retir Neb-Kearney Blakemore, Arthur E. Prof Arizona St Blalock, M. Gale C-Ac Evansville Blanchard, Emily Asst Virginia Blanchard, Olivier J. Prof MIT Class of 1941 Professor of Economics Blanchflower, David Graham Prof Dartmouth Blanco, Lorenzo Asst Txs-El Paso LDO E KL E ER CEG J CGOE DHL FM O EL AC AENP J H HL LR D AO FJO A 1995 O EC H D DJL CFO JH EB E DJI E HO 1995 QRA F E DRC HR LC LI C DL D HR KT AEIJ F G PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 96 85 87 70 80 85 Columbia Princeton Rochester Cornell Auburn S Calif Illinois Cincinnati Cambridge Ohio St Duke Kansas Kentucky Amsterdm Virginia 89 88 86 86 74 00 69 90 05 85 98 95 95 Mass Berkeley S Carol Mass UCLA Illinois Missouri W Ontario Arizona MIT Oregon St Columbia Wash U 62 97 65 J Hopkins Chicago Cornell Colorado Oregon MIT 1977 Alabama Chicago Oklahoma Chicago MIT St Louis Purdue U Wash Purdue SUNY-Buf MIT Alab A&M Harvard U Wash Geo St Harvard Yale PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 87 98 84 82 03 68 01 73 92 76 74 68 Tulane Harvard Tx A&M Syracuse Syracuse Auburn Michigan New Mex Geo St Florida Yale W Virginia Mich St 1969 1987 1997 1982 1982 2003 1976 2001 1980 1997 1981 1981 1970 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 75 71 70 77 80 04 77 Pittsburgh Oregon Nebraska S Illinois Okla St Wisconsin MIT 1986 1971 1963 1979 1977 2004 1985 PHD PHD 85 02 London Berkeley 1989 PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 71 03 80 96 05 04 88 89 180 56 68 68 87 93 97 76 98 56 80 63 83 92 69 01 64 95 1998 2003 1980 1999 2006 2004 1989 1988 2003 1985 1987 1972 1996 1982 2006 1987 1988 2001 1993 1972 8-02 1981 1996 2005 1985 2001 1995 2002 1964 1983 1968 2005 1988 1997 2006 1976 1-07 1958 1985 1975 1999 1990 1975 2002 1984 2001 2004 9-01 1983 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Blank, Emily C. Assoc Howard Blank, Larry Asst New Mex St Blankenau, William F. Asst Kansas State Blankmeyer, Eric Prof Tx St-S Marc Blattenberger, Gail R. Retir Utah Blau, David M. Prof No Carolina Blecha, Betty J. Prof San Fran St Blecker, Robert A. Prof American U Blevins, Dallas R. Retir Montevallo Blewett, Robert A. Prof St Lawrence Blinder, Alan S. Prof Princeton Blitstein, Allen Retir SW State Bloch, Howard Ruben Retir George Mason Block, Michael K. Prof Arizona Block, Walter Prof Loyola-N Orl Blomberg, Brock Prof Claremont Blomquist, Glenn C. C-Pr Kentucky Pollard Professor Blonigen, Bruce A. Prof Oregon Bloom, Jay D. Retir SUNY-N Paltz Bloom, Nicholas Asst Stanford Bloomfield, Arthur I. Retir Pennsylvania Bloss, Richard J. Retir Chicago St Bluffstone, Randall A. Assoc Portland St Blume, Andreas Prof Pittsburgh Blume, Lawrence E. Prof Cornell Blumenthal, Marsha A. Prof St Thomas-MN Blumner, Sidney M. Retir CS-Pomona Blunch, Niels-Hugo Asst Wash & Lee Blush, Lawrence D. Retir West Liberty Boal, William M. Assoc Drake Board, Oliver Asst Pittsburgh Boas, Darren Hood Boatman, Kara Assoc St Marys-Cal Bober, Stanley Retir Duquesne Bobo, James R. Retir So Alabama Bochnak, Mary Assoc Hamline Boddy, Raford D. Prof San Diego St Bodenhorn, Howard N. Prof Lafayette Bodily, Jerry J. Prof St Marys-Cal Bodo, Peter Prof So Conn St Bodvarsson, Orn B. Prof St Cloud St Boeh, Jeanne M. C-Ac Augsburg Boel, Paola Asst Bowdoin Bogan, Elizabeth C. SLect Princeton Bogart, Dan Asst Calif-Irvine Bogart, Marti S. Assoc No Central Boger, Dan C. Dean Naval Postgr Boggess, Trent E. Prof Plymouth St Bognanno, Michael Assoc Temple Bohanon, Cecil E. Prof Ball State Bohara, Alok Prof New Mexico Bohling, Peter H. Prof Bloomsburg Bohm, Robert A. C-Pr Tennessee Bohmer, Peter G. Evergreen St Bohn, Henning Prof Cal-Santa Br Boileau, Martin Assoc Colorado Bokhari, Farasat Asst Florida St Bokil, Madhavi Asst Clark Boko, Sylvain Assoc Wake Forest Z.T. Smith Associate Professor Boland, Charles Prof Howard Payne Boland, Dennis Retir Univ of D C Bolch, Ben W. Retir Rhodes Bold, Frederick Asst Nev-L Vegas Boldrin, Michele Prof Wash Univ Boldt, David John C-Ac West Georgia Bolduc, Steven Asst Mn-Moorhead Bolino, August C. Retir Catholic Bollerslev, Tim Prof Duke Bollinger, Christopher R. Assoc Kentucky Gatton Associate Professor Bolton, Patrick Prof Columbia Bolton, Roger E. Emer Williams William Brough Professor of Economics Bombelles, Joseph T. Retir John Carroll Bomberger, William A. Assoc Florida Bonanno, Giacomo F. Prof Cal-Davis J LH EC F J FD OR DFN ABKL E IHQ FL ADJ Q DC JH CI ADL ABD AF M AN L CL J IR E NO J C J H CQ EF EF I EF BA D DO AR ADH CG CDJ ABOP CD 181 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 94 97 71 77 80 76 87 76 80 71 72 64 72 72 94 77 Boston C Tennessee Iowa Princeton Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Stanford Fla St Va Tech MIT Minnesota Princeton Stanford Columbia J Hopkins Chicago 1985 8-03 2001 1982 1981 1992 1983 1985 1983 1983 1971 1976 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD 95 58 01 42 93 87 77 85 68 06 59 85 02 Ca-Davis Chicago London Chicago Penn Boston U Ca-SnDgo Berkeley Minnesota Arizona Geo Wash Ohio St Stanford Oxford 1995 1965 2005 1958 1968 2003 2000 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 62 61 82 68 90 74 91 86 89 06 71 03 86 79 80 90 81 86 77 71 85 86 94 01 05 96 Maryland NYU LSU Minnesota Michigan Rutgers Purdue Conn Simon Fr Il-Chicago Purdue Columbia UCLA Purdue Berkeley Kansas Cornell Va Tech Colorado Mass Wash U Mass Stanford Queen's Car Mellon Ca-SnCruz Iowa St MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 75 70 66 85 87 87 01 57 86 93 Miss Illinois N Carol U Wash Rochester New Mex Nebraska St Louis Ca-SnDgo Wisconsin 1981 1976 1987 1995 2006 1988 2000 PHD PHD 86 64 LondonSE Harvard 2005 1966 PHD PHD PHD 65 73 75 Case Wes Brown LondonEc 1963 1977 1987 1981 2001 2003 1980 1984 1967 2006 1963 1995 2004 2001 1964 1978 1990 1980 1993 1978 1988 1990 2005 2003 1982 1979 1983 1990 1980 1987 1978 1968 1987 1992 1998 2003 2005 1997 9-98 1998 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bond, Eric W. C-Pr Vanderbilt FD Joe Roby Professor Bond, Larry Keith Retir Utah State Q Bond, Richard E. Retir Duquesne Bondarenko, Peter Lect Chicago Bondreaux, Donald C-Pr George Mason Bonello, Frank J. Retir Notre Dame EA Bonham, Carl S. Assoc Hawaii-Manoa EC Bonhan, John M. Retir Tulsa Bonin, John P. Prof Wesleyan-CT P Hubbard Professor of Economics Bonitsis, T. Homer Assoc NJ Inst Tech Bonsor, Thomas W. Deces East Wash Bonutti, Karl Retir Cleveland St Booker, H. Marshall Retir Chris Newpor AFMO Booker, James F. Prof Siena Bookman, Milica Z. Prof St Joseph OP Bookwalter, Jeff Asst Montana AEFO Boor, Randy Assoc Mary Booth, Donald R. Prof Chapman AD Booth, Douglas E. Retir Marquette DQ Booth, John M. Retir Stetson Bootheway, Giles Lect St Bonaventu G Border, Kim C. Prof Cal Tech C Bordo, Michael D. Prof Rutgers-N Br N Borg, Rody Prof Jacksonvil U Borgers, Tilman Prof Michigan Borland, Melvin V. Prof W Kentucky BDA Boronico, Jess S. Dean New Haven Mgt Borts, George H. Prof Brown George S. and Nancy B. Parker Professor of Economics Bos, Theodore Prof Alabama-Birm CG Bose, Mrigen Retir Scranton Bose, Niloy Assoc Wis-Milwauke Bose, Pinaki Assoc Memphis LD Boskin, Michael J. Prof Stanford Tully Friedman Professor in Economics; email boskin@hoover Bossaerts, Peter C-Pr Cal Tech G William D. Hacker Professor of Economics and Management; on leave Bosshardt, William D. Assoc Fla Atlantic F Bossi, Luca Asst U Miami Bostaph, Samuel H. C-Pr Dallas BNP Boston, Thomas D. Prof Georgia Tech JN Bosworth, Derek L. Prof Manches Inst JOD Botana, Joseph D. Asst Lakeland AFND Botsas, Eleftherios N. Retir Oakland FA Botticini, Maristella Assoc Boston Univ N Bottoms, I. Glenn Prof Gardner-Webb Botwinick, Howard I. Assoc SUNY-Cortlan BJ Boucher-Breuer, Janice L. Assoc So Carolina Boulatoff, Catherine Asst St Lawrence QH Boulier, Bryan L. Prof George Wash JT Bound, John Prof Michigan Bourque, Philip J. Retir U Washington Bouvet, Florence Asst Lewis & Clrk CE Bouvier, Rachel Asst So Maine DQR Bove, Roger E. Assoc West Chester FP Bowe, Michael A. Lect Manches Inst EFG Bowen, Freddie R. Jr. Retir Norfolk St CHA Bowerman, Priscilla V. Retir Evergreen St Bowers, Patricia F. Retir CUNY-Brookly G Bowes, David Asst SE Louisiana AQR Bowlby, Roger L. Retir Tennessee Bowles, Samuel S. Retir Massachusett Bowles, Tyler Asst Utah State AF Bowles, W. Donald Retir American U 1994 Bowling, James Retir Jackson St Bowman, Gary W. Assoc Temple D Bowman, John H. Retir Virg Comm Bowman, Kevin Asst Bloomsburg Bowman, Mary Jean Deces Chicago Bowman, Rhead S. Prof So Utah Bowman, William R. Prof USN Academy Bown, Chad B. Assoc Brandeis Bownds, Lynne Assoc East Wash JNBA Boyarchenko, Sveltana Asst Texas-Austin Boyce, James K. Prof Massachusett Boyd, David W. Assoc Denison KLD 182 PHD 79 Rochester 2003 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 69 05 86 68 89 65 73 Utah St Maryland Princeton Auburn Mich St Tx-Austin Okla St Rochester 1972 1969 2005 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 55 93 79 72 86 87 72 92 53 CUNY Tufts Fribourg Virginia Colo St Temple Utah N Dak St UCLA U Wash Penn Brown Minnesota Chicago N Carol London Wash U Penn Chicago PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 82 72 95 90 71 Illinois Utah Va Tech NYU Berkeley 1982 1968 2002 9-95 1970 PHD 86 UCLA 1990 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA MPHI PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 03 76 76 Purdue Cornell S Illinois Cornell Warwick Roosevelt Wayne St Nrthwstrn Geo St New Sch N Carol Utah St Princeton Harvard Penn Ca-Davis Mass Harvard Carleton Wash U Yale NYU Georgia Tx-Austin Harvard N Carol Columbia Miss Car Mellon Ohio St Illinois Harvard Utah Maryland Wisconsin Tennessee Penn Oxford Ohio St 1995 2003 1981 1985 1992 1990 1976 1997 1983 1985 1987 2002 1981 65 90 83 99 70 72 65 81 88 87 00 74 87 56 06 03 73 89 70 71 65 99 58 65 91 58 85 71 73 05 38 75 79 99 98 01 85 91 1968 1989 1970 1990 1958 1965 1971 1983 9-98 1959 1976 1973 1998 1979 1981 1984 1978 7-05 1964 1957 2006 2005 1984 1993 1970 1973 1964 2002 1965 1973 1994 1957 1975 1973 1981 8-05 1958 1978 1980 1999 1999 1985 1991 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Boyd, John H. III C-Ac Fla Internat Boyd, Laura A. Assoc Denison Boyd, Roy G. C-Pr Ohio Univ Boyer, Kenneth D. Prof Michigan St Boyes, William J. Prof Arizona St Boyet, Wayne E. Retir Nicholls St Boyle, Melissa Asst Holy Cross Bracker, Kevin Assoc Pittsburg St Brada, Josef C. Prof Arizona St Bradburd, Ralph M. C-Pr Williams David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy Bradbury, John-Charles Asst Univ South Bradfield, James Prof Hamilton Bradford, Colin Prof American U Bradford, David F. Retir Princeton Bradford, Scott Assoc Brigham Yg Bradford, William D. Prof U Washington Bradley, James Jr. DLect So Carolina Bradley, Michael D. Prof George Wash Bradley, Michael E. Prof MD-Baltim Co Bradley, Steven Prof U Lancaster Brady, James J. Prof Jacksonvil U Braeu, Rebecca Asst CS-Long Bch Braeutigam, Ronald R. Prof Northwestern Braguinsky, Serguey Asst SUNY-Buffalo Braid, Ralph M. Prof Wayne State Brainard, William C. Retir Yale Brainerd, Elizabeth Assoc Williams Brajer, Victor Prof CS-Fullerton Brambilla, Irene Asst Yale Bramhall, David F. Retir Colo-Denver Branch, William Asst Calif-Irvine Brandenburger, Adam M. Prof New York U J. P. Valles Professor of Business Economics and Strategy Brandly, Mark Asst Ferris State Brannstein, Elissa Asst Colorado St Branson, William H. Retir Princeton Brasfield, David C-Pr Murray State Brashier, April Asst Freed Hardem Brasington, David M. Prof Louisiana St Brastow, Raymond T. Assoc Longwood Brat, David C-Ac Randolph-Mac Brauer, Jurgen Assoc Augusta Braun, Bradley M. Assoc Cen Florida Bray, Robert T. Retir CS-Pomona Brazelton, W. Robert Emer Mo-Kansas Ct Brechling, Frank P. Retir Maryland Breeden, Charles H. Assoc Marquette Breger, Gerald E. Retir So Carolina Breit, Emily Asst Fort Hays St Breit, William L. Retir Trinity Brendler, Michael D. Prof La St-Shreve Brennan, David Asst Frank & Mars Brennan, Michael J. Retir Wesleyan-CT Brennan, William Asst MN St-Mankat Brent, Robert J. Prof Fordham Breslin, Thomas Prof C New Jersey Bresnahan, Timothy F. C-Pr Stanford Bresnock, Anne E. Prof CS-Pomona Brester, Gary Prof Montana St Brewton, Audie R. Assoc NE Illinois Briand, Genevieve Asst East Wash Brickley, Colleen Inst Plymouth St Bridges, Deborah C-Ac Neb-Kearney Briefs, Henry W. Retir Georgetown Briggs, Charles Inst Alabama A&M Briley, James Asst Cumberland Brimmer, Andrew F. VProf Massachusett Brinkman, Richard L. Retir Portland St Brister, Jozell Assoc Abilene Chr Brite, Robert L. Retir New Orleans Brito, Dagobert L. Prof Rice George A. Peterkin Professor of Political Economy Britt, Robert D. Retir W Virginia Brittingham, Robert L. Prof Christian Br Britto, Ronald Prof SUNY-Bingham Britton, Charles R. Prof Arkansas Brocas, Isabelle Asst So Calif DC JI QH L G G GD O F AHM E IJ L LO R DE DQ FL E HL F EGC ADE HRL J DBO AFIT D EP DHK AGM B J FH CBDN QDCH D Q A BN AD FE E 183 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 91 81 75 74 65 Indiana Ohio St Duke Michigan Claremont N Car St 1998 1991 1984 1984 1969 1985 95 71 76 Kansas Minnesota Columbia 1978 1976 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD CHPL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 73 70 66 98 72 70 82 67 91 69 04 76 97 79 63 96 83 03 61 01 86 GeoMason Rochester Columbia Stanford Harvard Ohio St N Carol N Carol Cornell Lancaster Notre Dm Colorado Stanford Keio U MIT 1988 Yale Harvard New Mex Princeton Penn Oregon Cambridge PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD 98 00 67 89 61 77 00 56 05 76 76 80 81 90 79 02 78 94 54 90 98 57 65 73 69 70 Auburn Mass MIT N Carol Alabama Ohio St U Wash American Notre Dm Tulane UCLA Oklahoma Trinity Va Tech Arkansas Okla St Mich St Tx A&M Notre Dm Chicago Tx-Austin Manchest W Virginia Princeton Colorado N Car St Utah Wash St NewHamp Wash St Geotown Alab A&M Tx Tech Harvard Rutgers North Tx Rutgers Rice PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 73 66 71 97 Colorado St Louis Brown Iowa Toulouse 99 87 95 89 86 72 61 55 77 64 1976 1998 1966 1998 1994 9-74 1987 1981 2005 1975 2002 1981 1996 1987 2003 2004 2002 2005 1967 1986 8-05 8-02 1987 1996 1991 1986 1965 1963 1979 1979 2005 1982 1977 1998 1974 1980 1979 1990 1997 1984 2001 1993 1997 1973 1990 1985 1961 1980 1970 1984 1968 1989 1974 1978 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Brocato, Joe M. Prof Tarleton St CEG PHD Brock, Baird A. Retir Cen Missouri PHD Brock, Gerald W. Retir George Wash L PHD Brock, Greg J. Assoc Geo Southern PO PHD Brock, James W. Prof Miami U-Ohio AK PHD Bill R. Moeckel Professor of Business Brock, John R. Jr. VAsoc Colorado Spr DHKL PHD Brock, Philip L. Assoc U Washington PHD Brock, William A. Prof Wisconsin PHD Villas Research Professor of Economics Brod, Andrew C. Inst N Car-Greens Q PHD Broder, Ivy E. Prof American U C PHD Brodsky, Noel Assoc E Illinois PHD Bronars, Stephen G. Prof Texas-Austin JD PHD Brook, Kathleen Assoc New Mex St E PHD Brooker, Robert F. Assoc Gannon C PHD Brooking, Carl G. Retir Millsaps CDK PHD Brookins, Oscar T. Assoc Northeastern PHD Brooks, Eileen Deces Ca-Santa Crz FL PHD Brooks, Nancy Asst Vermont DHQR PHD Brooks, Rickey A. Asst Freed Hardem DEF DA Brooks, Samuel W. III Deces Valdosta St MBA Brooks, T. J. Assoc Wis-La Cross CF PHD Brookshire, David S. Prof New Mexico Q PHD Brorby, Bruce M. Retir Detroit Merc MA Brotman, Billie Ann Prof Kennesaw St AGIM PHD Broude, Henry W. Retir Yale N PHD Broughton, John B. Prof Chapman G PHD Brower, George D. Prof Moravian COM PHD Brown, Barry Lect Murray State EOF MS Brown, Bruce Asst CS-Pomona PHD Brown, Bruce L. Prof Furman AGI PHD Brown, Bryan W. Prof Rice PHD Hargrove Professor of Economics Brown, Byron B. Retir So Oregon St FNOP PHD Brown, Byron W. Prof Michigan St A PHD Brown, Carl C. C-Pr Fla Southern EFHL PHD William F. Chatlos Professorship in Business & Economics Brown, Charles C. Prof Michigan PHD Brown, Christopher R. Prof Arkansas St AEKM PHD Brown, David G. VProf Pacific PHD Brown, Donald J. Prof Yale Brown, Douglas Prof No Arizona OP PHD Brown, Douglas M. Assoc Georgetown DIR PHD Brown, Drusilla K. Assoc Tufts F PHD Brown, Gardner Emer U Washington QDH PHD Brown, J. Michael Assoc W Kentucky G PHD Brown, James Prof Rice PHD Brown, James D. Retir So Conn St PHD Brown, James R. Asst Montana St PHD Brown, Jennifer Asst Eastern Conn AL PHD Brown, John C. Assoc Clark NR PHD Brown, John H. Assoc Geo Southern KLBN PHD Brown, Ken Assoc No Iowa CR PHD Brown, Lariece Asst Denison ARC PHD Brown, Linda K. C-Ac St Ambrose DBA Brown, Meta Asst Wisconsin PHD Brown, Murray Retir SUNY-Buffalo CD PHD Brown, Philip H. Asst Colby OIJ PHD Brown, R. Clair Prof Cal-Berkeley J PHD Brown, Ralph J. Retir South Dakota PHD Brown, Robert E. Deces NW Missouri 1994 MA Brown, Robert L. Bellarmine PHD Brown, Robert W. Prof CS-S Marcos HQRJ PHD Brown, William W. Retir CS-Northrdge MA Browne, M. Neil Prof Bowling Gr B PHD Distinguished Teaching Professor Browning, Edgar K. Prof Texas A&M H PHD Alfred F. Chalk Professor of Economics; email [email protected] Browning, Shirley C. Prof N Car-Ashvil AEPQ PHD Brownlee, Robert J. Retir Centre AER PHD Brownstein, Barry Assoc Baltimore PHD Brownstone, David C-Pr Calif-Irvine CR PHD Bruce, Donald Assoc Tennessee PHD Bruce, Neil Prof U Washington PHD Brucker, Eric Prof Widener EF PHD Brue, Stanley L. Retir Pacific Luth ABJ PHD Brueckner, Jan K. Prof Calif-Irvine LR PHD 184 81 77 73 89 81 Tennessee Arkansas Harvard Ohio St Mich St 1989 1969 1990 1999 1979 88 82 69 Cornell Stanford Berkeley 1998 1991 1981 92 74 88 83 76 85 74 76 01 94 02 1989 1975 1988 9-92 1980 1982 1981 1983 2001 1994 8-92 1965 1999 1989 1971 1989 1978 1993 1989 1991 84 77 Minnesota SUNY-SBr Illinois Chicago Tx-Austin N Car St Penn SUNY-Buf Harvard Penn Mid Tenn Georgia Wi-Milwa New Mex Detroit Notre Dm Harvard Va Tech SUNY-Buf Murray St UCLA S Carol Penn 64 66 79 Houston J Hopkins Okla St 1968 1978 1980 74 89 61 Harvard Tennessee Princeton 1985 1990 2006 85 69 84 64 71 80 1985 1972 1983 1965 1988 1992 91 66 69 Colo St W Virginia Michigan Berkeley Kentucky Chicago Wisconsin Wash U Ca-SnBarb Michigan Mich St Illinois Ohio St Nova SE NYU New Sch Michigan Maryland Colorado Tx A&I Cambridge Ca-SnBarb UCLA Tx-Austin 71 Princeton 1984 71 73 77 80 Conn Syracuse Rutgers Berkeley Syracuse Chicago Duke Nebraska Stanford 1970 1978 99 76 67 78 54 89 85 77 04 06 86 89 94 06 95 01 56 03 73 70 56 75 66 71 76 1984 1983 2004 2006 1986 1994 1994 2002 1989 2001 1967 2003 9-73 1977 1971 1997 1975 1968 1984 1999 1990 2000 1971 2005 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Bruehler, James Assoc E Illinois Brugemann, Bjorn Asst Yale Bruggink, Thomas H. Prof Lafayette Bruner, Bill Evergreen St Brunner, Eric J. Prof Quinnipiac Brunner, Lawrence P. Assoc Cen Michigan Brunnermeier, Markus Prof Princeton Brunsen, William H. Retir E New Mexico Brunstein, Luis Asst Rowan Col-NJ Brunton, Bruce G. Asst Jms Madison Brunyer, Miki Asst St Benedict Bruschke, Heinrich H. Retir St Louis Brusco, Sandro Assoc SUNY-Stony B Brush, Brian C. Prof Marquette Brust, Peter J. Assoc Tampa Bruton, Henry J. Emer Williams Brux, Jacqueline M. Prof Wis-Rvr Fall Bryant, Harold L. Retir Xavier Bryant, John B. Prof Rice Henry S. Fox, Sr. Professor of Economics Bryant, Richard R. Assoc Mo-Rolla Brynes, Patricia Assoc Il-Springfld Brzeski, Andrzej Emer Cal-Davis Bsker, Emek Asst Missouri Bubik, Osman Prof Bogazici Bucci, Gabriella A. Assoc DePaul Buccino, Joan G. Prof Fla Southern Dorotha Tanner Chair in Ethics in Business & Economics Buchanan, James M. Emer George Mason University Professor of Economics Emeritus Buchele, Robert Prof Smith Buchinsky, Moshe Prof UCLA Bucholtz, Gregory J. Asst Missouri So Buck, Andrew J. Prof Temple Buck, Donald T. Retir So Conn St Buck, John Assoc Jacksonvil U Buck, Roland Prof Morehead St Buckles, Kasey Asst Notre Dame Buechner, M. Northup Assoc St John's Buehler, John E. Retir Arizona Buera, Francisco Asst Northwestern Buettgen, Elise Retir Tx-Brownsvil Buffie, Edward F. Prof Indiana Bugray, Ayse Prof Bogazici Buhagiar, Tarek Inst Cen Florida Buhr, Karen Asst Maine Bui, Linda T. Assoc Brandeis Bukics, Rose Marie L. Prof Lafayette Thomas Roy and Lura Forrest Jones Professor Bulan, Laarni Asst Brandeis Bull, Jacqueline H. Assoc Immaculata Bull, Jesse Asst Fla Internat Bull, Vivian A. Retir Linfield Bullard, Raymond Prof Tx A&M-Comm Bumpass, Donald L. Assoc Sam Houston Bundt, Thomas P. Asst Hillsdale Bungum, John L. Assoc Gustavus Ado Bunjun, Seewoonundun Prof E Stroudsbur Bunting, David C. Prof East Wash Bunzel, Helle Asst Iowa State Burbridge, Lynn Asst No Kentucky Burczak, Ted A. C-Ac Denison Burdekin, Richard C. K. Prof Claremont Burdett, Kenneth Prof Pennsylvania Burford, William E. Retir Denver Burge, Gregory Asst Oklahoma Burger, John Asst Loyola-Maryl Burgess, Paul L. Prof Arizona St Burggraf, Shirley Prof Florida A&M Burgman, Ramonda L. Asst DePauw Burgstaller, Andre C. Prof Barnard Burkart, Christopher Asst West Florida Burke, John F. Jr. Retir Cleveland St Burke, John T. Retir W Michigan Burke, Jonathan L. Assoc Ind-Purdue/I Burke, Kathleen Assoc SUNY-Cortlan Burke, Melvin Retir Maine Burke, Ronald L. Prof Chadron St ACQ HIRC HR GHMA FNO H DL EF O AF DHR AP DJ QR DH A CAJP CJ ADEF C G IJT O AFG BO CFI HLQ FGM D MCF D EIRA C BEG D-99 FE CE EOBF ADHR Atg C CD O MQE 185 PHD PHD PHD BA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 04 79 67 04 81 99 76 02 89 05 63 73 80 52 83 67 75 Illinois MIT Illinois W Wash Ca-SnBarb J Hopkins LondonSE Virginia Calif Utah W Virginia Minnesota Stanford N Carol Indiana Harvard Michigan Cincinnati Car Mellon PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 86 64 02 73 88 90 Ca-Davis S Illinois Berkeley MIT Ca-Rivers J Hopkins S Fla 1977 1998 1963 2002 1974 1989 1980 PHD 48 Chicago 1983 PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MAAE PHD PHD MBA 76 91 94 77 61 89 79 05 71 67 04 53 82 80 97 06 93 81 Harvard Harvard Notre Dm Illinois NewHamp Wisconsin Tx A&M Boston U Virginia SUNY-Buf Chicago Kiel 1979 Yale McGill Cen Fla Carleton MIT Lehigh 1977 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 Columbia Capella Ca-SnDgo NYU Tx A&M Okla St Mich St Nebraska Penn St Oregon Cornell Stanford Mass Houston 74 74 76 85 77 79 72 99 94 85 44 70 05 99 69 68 79 06 58 85 67 70 Ohio St Fla St N Carol Colorado Case Wes Florida Columbia Iowa St Notre Dm Mich St MIT 1998 SUNY-SBr Pittsburgh Minnesota 1993 1978 1981 1996 1982 1987 2004 1984 2006 1973 2003 1968 1981 1962 1986 1967 1981 2002 1977 1965 1994 1983 2005 1970 1968 2004 1992 1985 2001 2006 2003 1980 2001 1997 2002 1992 1980 1992 2003 1979 1979 1971 1999 1998 1989 1969 2006 1999 1969 1968 1977 2006 1967 1962 1999 1966 1987 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Burke, Thomas F. VAsst St Joseph Burkett, John P. Prof Rhode Island Burkett, Paul G. Prof Indiana St Burkey, Mark Asst N Carol A&T Burmeister, Edwin Resr Duke Burnell, Barbara S. C-Pr Wooster Burnell, James D. Prof Wooster Burness, H. Stuart Prof New Mexico Burnett, Nancy J. Assoc Wis-Oshkosh Burnette, Jeffrey VAsst Rochest Tech Burnside, A. Craig Prof Duke Burrus, Robert T. Asst N Car-Wilmin Burstein, Ariel T. Asst UCLA Burton, Edwin VProf Virginia Burton, Maureen Prof CS-Pomona Burton, Robert C. Deces Frostburg St Busch, Nancy Dean Fordham Buschena, David E. Assoc Montana St Bush, H. Francis Prof Va Military Bush, Paul D. Retir CS-Fresno Buss, James A. Prof Fairfield Butcher, Kristin F. Wellesley Butkiewicz, James L. Prof Delaware Butler, Alison Asst Willamette Butler, Donald T. Retir Central Iowa Butler, Douglas Inst Tx Christian Butler, James F. Retir Ark-Ltl Rock Butler, Marilyn Lect Sam Houston Butler, Michael R. Assoc Tx Christian Butler, Michael W. Prof Angelo State Butler, Richard J. Prof Brigham Yg Butler, Richard V. Prof Trinity Butler, Sister Agnes Asst Molloy Butos, William N. Prof Trinity-CT Butters, Roger Asst Nebraska Buttet, Sebastien N. Asst Cleveland St Buzdar, Nek Lect CS-Fullerton Buzzard, Roger J. Retir Manchester Bynoe, Ann C-Ac Pace Byrne, Dennis Retir Akron Byrne, Donald R. Prof Detroit Merc Byrne, Paul Asst Washburn Caballero, Ricardo Prof MIT Cabral, Luis M. B. Prof New York U Research Professor of Economics Cabrera, Glenn Asst Bethel-MN Cadet, Marc Retir Grambling St Cagatay, Nilufer Prof Utah Cagetti, Marco Asst Virginia Cagliesi, Gabriella Asst Rutgers-Newk Cahill, Gerard A. Retir Fla Inst Tec Cahill, Miles B. C-Ac Holy Cross Cahill, Neil S.J. Deces Creighton Cai, Hongbin Asst UCLA Cain, Louis P. Prof Loyola-Chicg Cain, Monica Asst Winston-Sal Caines, W. Royce Dean Lander Cakici, Nusret Assoc CUNY-City C Calabro, Eugene A. Retir Salem State Calcagno, Peter Asst Charleston Caldwell, Bruce J. Prof N Car-Greens Calgaard, Ronald K. Retir Trinity Calhoun, Joseph Lect Florida St Caliendo, Frank Asst Colorado St Calkins, Lindsay Noble Assoc John Carroll Call, Steven T. C-Pr Metro St-CO Callan, Myles Asst Clark Callan, Scott J. Prof Bentley Callari, Antonio C-Pr Frank & Mars The Sigmund M. and Mary B. Hyman Professor of Economics Calvo, Guillermo Prof Maryland Camacho, Antonio Retir Ill-Chicago Camacho, Pablo Asst Tx A&M Intl Cambronero, Alfredo C-As Fisk Camera, Gabriele Assoc Purdue Camerer, Colin Prof Cal Tech Rea A. & Lela G. Axline Professor of Business Economics Cameron, Colin Prof Cal-Davis CDFI EO GOC H R CDQ E EJ EF D G PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 99 81 84 65 77 77 70 88 05 91 97 02 88 86 62 Temple Berkeley Syracuse Duke MIT Illinois Illinois Kansas UCLA SUNY-Buf Nrthwstrn Virginia Nrthwstrn Nrthwstrn Ca-Rivers Virginia 1995 1981 1991 2000 9-90 1977 1977 1978 1994 2005 2006 1992 1994 1961 1975 1995 1976 2003 1953 2003 1963 2002 1986 2001 1982 1982 2001 9-68 1991 2000 7-03 1996 1988 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 75 71 03 88 89 Berkeley Florida Claremont Conn Princeton Virginia Oregon Wisconsin Auburn LSU Sam Hous N Carol Arkansas Chicago MIT Indiana Penn St Ca-Davis Minnesota Hawaii Mich St NYU Notre Dm Notre Dm Illinois MIT Stanford PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 98 91 86 00 93 73 95 47 Rice Kansas St Stanford Chicago Penn NYU Purdue St Louis PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 02 88 89 98 79 63 03 03 86 77 00 85 81 Nrthwstrn Wayne St Clemson Baruch Boston C Auburn N Carol Iowa Georgia Utah St Michigan Indiana Penn St Tx A&M Mass 2003 1978 1979 2004 2005 1986 1979 2002 1987 1979 D H DOE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 65 05 92 97 81 Yale Minnesota Texas Vanderbilt Iowa Chicago 1994 1973 9-02 1992 1997 1994 CIJ PHD 88 Stanford 1989 AL EOP DJ E FEO A J H DL CDO Q 1997 AJL E DL CF E AG AEJ 1-01 ADNR ALPQ G B A C ADH ADE EC CDQ 93 89 64 72 93 77 89 60 186 68 02 86 74 79 77 83 03 06 82 1981 2005 2006 1999 1968 1997 1975 1966 2003 1992 2000 1987 1995 1962 1968 8-03 1988 1997 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Cameron, Ottamise C. W. Retir So Miss F DBA Cameron, Rondo Retir Emory PHD Cameron, Trudy A. Prof Oregon COQ PHD Raymond F. Mikesell Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics Cammarosano, Joseph R. Retir Fordham PHD Campagna, Anthony S. Retir Vermont EH PHD Campanelli, Juliana Assoc Wm Paterson PHD Campbell, Becky Inst Miss State HR PHD Campbell, Burnham O. Retir Hawaii-Manoa PHD Campbell, Carl M. III Assoc No Illinois E PHD Campbell, Charles A. Prof Miss State RON PHD Campbell, Charles W. III Retir Centre AEHF PHD Campbell, Colin Assoc Rutgers-N Br D PHD Campbell, D. Albert Visit Utah PHD Campbell, Donald E. Prof Wm & Mary PHD CSX Professor of Economics Public Policy Campbell, Everett Retir Pt Loma Naz 1997 PHD Campbell, Gary A. Prof Mich Tech Q PHD Campbell, Gloria L. Assoc Wartburg MBA Campbell, John Prof Harvard GE PHD Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics Campbell, Martha Asst SUNY-Potsdam PHD Campbell, Noel Assoc Cen Arkansas H PHD Campbell, Randy Asst Miss State CD PHD Campbell, Thomas C. Retir Virg Comm PHD Campbell, William F. Retir Louisiana St N PHD Campen, James T. Retir Mass-Boston EG PHD Campione, Wendy A. Assoc No Arizona HJ PHD Campo, Sandra Asst No Carolina L PHD Canac, Pierre Assoc St Thomas-TX F PHD Canaday, Neil VAsst Appalach St N PHD Canarella, Giorgio Prof CS-L Angeles PHD Candley, William Prof Benedict Col PHD Caner, Mehmet Assoc Pittsburgh C PHD Canterbery, E. Ray Retir Florida St 5-03 PHD Cantrell, Pat Dean Cen Arkansas PHD Cantrell, Richard P. Assoc W Kentucky C MA Canzoneri, Matthew B. Prof Georgetown EFG PHD Capalbo, Susan M. Prof Montana St PHD Caplan, Arthur Assoc Utah State CQ PHD Caplan, Bryan Asst George Mason PHD Caplin, Andrew Prof New York U D PHD Caporale, Barbara Asst Ohio Univ EGN PHD Caporale, Tony Assoc Ohio Univ PHD Capra, C. Monica Asst Emory L PHD Caputo, Michael Prof Cen Florida Q PHD Carbaugh, Robert John C-Pr Central Wash AFEK PHD Carbonell-Nicolau, Oriol Asst Rutgers-N Br D PHD Carceles-Poveda, Eva Asst SUNY-Stony B PHD Card, David E. Prof Cal-Berkeley PHD Carden, Art Asst Rhodes PHD Cardenas, Gilbert Retir Tx-Pan Amer PHD Cardon, James H. Assoc Brigham Yg LC PHD Carey, Cathrine Asst W Kentucky F PHD Cargill, Thomas F. Prof Nevada-Reno E PHD Carlin, Paul S. C-Pr Ind-Purdue/I J PHD Carlisle, William T. Assoc Utah PHD Carlos, Ann M. Prof Colorado N PHD Carlson, J. Lon Assoc Illinois St PQ PHD Carlson, John A. Retir Purdue PHD Carlson, Leonard Assoc Emory DJN PHD Carlson, William L. Retir St Olaf C PHD Carlsson, Bo A. Prof Case Western DFMO PHD DeWindt Professor of Industrial Economics; Assoc Dean Carlsson, Robert J. Emer So Carolina PHD Carney, Kim Retir Tx-Arlington I PHD Carpenter, Bruce E. Prof Mansfield M PHD Carpenter, Jeffrey Assoc Middlebury DC PHD Carpenter, Robert Assoc MD-Baltim Co EL PHD Carr, David Asst South Dakota PHD Carr, Linda A. Dean$ West Alabama EDD Carranza, Juan E. Asst Wisconsin PHD Carreno, Eufronio Assoc Kean DEFO PHD Carrier, Ronald E. Retir Jms Madison A PHD Carrillo, Juan Assoc So Calif PHD Carrillo, Raul J. Prof St Thomas-FL DA Carrington, Samantha Assoc CS-L Angeles PHD Carroll, Christopher D. Prof J Hopkins PHD 187 69 52 82 Indiana Chicago Princeton 1962 56 66 98 61 88 85 66 95 91 72 Fordham Rutgers Cambridge LSU Stanford Princeton Tennessee Virginia Nrthwstrn Utah Princeton 1955 1965 2001 2002 1967 1999 1985 1968 1999 1997 1989 76 82 84 84 Temple Penn St N Iowa Yale 1989 1982 1979 7-94 91 97 99 47 66 76 84 02 87 03 73 76 96 66 83 63 75 82 96 97 83 94 92 99 87 74 02 New Sch GeoMason LSU Pittsburgh Virginia Harvard Illinois S Calif Houston Clemson Virginia Pittsburgh Brown Wash U So Meth S Illinois Minnesota Ca-Davis Oregon Princeton Yale GeoMason GeoMason Virginia U Wash Colo St NYU 1999 2006 2002 1980 1976 1981 2002 1990 2005 1973 1999 2000 1970 8-84 1967 1985 1991 2001 1997 1995 1994 1992 2003 2003 1985 2003 83 06 77 96 92 68 85 75 80 84 61 77 70 72 Princeton Wash U Illinois Princeton Kentucky Ca-Davis Pittsburgh Cornell W Ontario Illinois J Hopkins Stanford Michigan Stanford 2006 1975 1996 1992 1973 1985 1971 1990 1986 1962 1975 1973 1984 64 68 90 99 92 97 68 04 80 60 96 Rutgers So Meth Conn Mass Wash U Colorado Alabama Yale Rutgers Illinois Toulouse U Miami Ca-SnBarb MIT 85 90 2001 1967 1987 1999 2004 1965 2004 9-88 1971 2003 1972 1986 1995 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Carroll, Kathleen A. Assoc MD-Baltim Co Carroll, Michael Asst Bowling Gr Carroll, Richard R. Retir Lock Haven Carroll, Sidney L. Retir Tennessee Carroll, Thomas M. Prof Nev-L Vegas Carroll, Wayne D. Prof Wis-Eau Clar Carson, Leslie O. Retir Augustana SD Carson, Richard T. Prof Ca-San Diego Carson, Scott Asst Txs-Perm Bas Carstens, Pamela J. C-Pr Coe Carstensen, Fred V. Prof Connecticut Carter, Anne P. Retir Brandeis Carter, Charlie Assoc Clark Atlant Carter, E. Jane Assoc Cumberland Carter, George H. III C-Pr So Miss Carter, John R. Prof Holy Cross Carter, Joseph SLect McDaniel Carter, Melanie Inst Old Dominion Carter, Michael J. C-Ac Mass-Lowell Carter, Scott Asst Tulsa Carter, Shawn Assoc Jacksonvl St Carter, Susan B. Prof Cal-Riversid Carton, Joel VAsst Oberlin Carvajal, Manuel J. Prof Fla Internat Carvellas, John N. Prof St Michael's Carvounis, Christos C. Deces St John's Casari, Marco Asst Purdue Casario, Michelle Asst Villanova Casavant, Ken Prof Wash State Cascio, Elizabeth U. Asst Dartmouth Case, Anne C. Prof Princeton Case, Karl E. Prof Wellesley Casella, Alessandra Prof Columbia Casey, James Asst Wash & Lee Casey, William L. Jr. Prof Babson Cashdollar, Parker D. Prof Tenn-Martin Cashel-Cordo, Peter Assoc So Indiana Casimir, Schiller Assoc W New Eng Caskey, John P. C-Pr Swarthmore Casler, Stephen D. C-Pr Allegheny Cason, Timothy Prof Purdue Casper, Cheryl A. Prof Kent State Casperson, Luvonia J. Retir La St-Shreve Cass, David Prof Pennsylvania Paul F. & E. Warren Shafer Miller Professor of Economics Cassas, Alessandra Asst San Francisc Cassimatis, Peter J. Retir F Dick-Teane Cassing, James H. Prof Pittsburgh Cassing, Shirley Lect Pittsburgh Cassman, Joel Lect Columbus Casson, Michael H. Asst Delaware St Cassou, Steven P. Assoc Kansas State Cassuto, Alexander E. Retir CS-East Bay Castaneda, Marco Asst Kentucky Castillo, Ramon Asst CS-L Angeles Catanese, Anthony V. Retir DePauw Cate, Thomas H. Prof No Kentucky Cati, Regina C. Asst Boston Univ Catilina, Eliane Asst American U Catlett, Robert B. Asst Emporia St Cato, Mike Asst Howard Caudill, Steven B. H-Pr Auburn Cauley, Jon Prof Hawaii-Hilo Causey, Don Asst Miss College Caveny, Regina Retir So Miss Caves, Richard E. Emer Harvard Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy Caviglia-Harris, Jill Asst Salisbury St Cavusoglu, Nevin Asst Jms Madison Cebula, Richard J. Prof Armstrong At Eminent Scholar in Economics Cecchetti, Stephen G. Prof Brandeis Cecen, A. Aydin Prof Cen Michigan Cech, Roman Prof Longwood Cederlund, Albert M. Retir Mass-Lowell Ceglowski, Janet E. Prof Bryn Mawr Cerf, G. C New Jersey Ceyhun, Fikret Retir North Dakota R D QE ABM CQ NBJK N R CDL G AEG AJNT EFC JITQ ACER D-95 QL JH RHD EF QO F E EG ACEQ D DCG D ACDL F R MF EC CEGM LD C D J CG AG EDR E CFOB HL QA AO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD MBA MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 97 73 71 73 84 63 85 98 93 76 49 75 85 77 76 81 97 81 99 74 81 79 02 91 72 03 88 77 88 63 71 88 97 84 83 91 75 74 65 PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 67 75 76 81 01 89 73 00 00 72 79 95 01 75 PHD PHD PHD 97 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD 188 J Hopkins Colo St Kentucky Harvard Syracuse Minnesota Colorado Berkeley Utah Iowa Yale Harvard Illinois Kentucky Tx A&M Cornell J Hopkins Old Dom Stanford New Sch Tx A&M Stanford Oregon Florida Syracuse New Sch Cal Tech Northeas Wash St Berkeley Princeton Harvard MIT N Car St Boston C Tennessee Houston SUNY-Bin Stanford Illinois Berkeley Case Wes Oklahoma Stanford 1980 2001 1977 1972 1986 1986 1958 1985 8-99 1985 1982 1971 1985 1979 1976 1981 1997 2006 1998 1990 2006 1981 1974 1991 1971 1991 1976 1983 2001 1964 1994 1997 1988 1988 1998 1973 1975 1974 Ca-SnCruz New Sch Iowa Iowa Ca-Davis Conn Minnesota UCLA Wash U Ca-Irvine S Illinois Fla St Sao Paulo London Nebraska New Sch Florida Colorado JacksonSt Alabama Harvard 2005 1979 1962 71 Tennessee NewHamp Geo St 8-98 D-06 1999 82 86 Berkeley Indiana 2003 1987 75 86 65 72 Clark Berkeley Syracuse Wayne St 1990 82 71 06 92 58 2001 1964 1985 1985 2006 2002 1996 1971 2001 2003 1979 1975 1997 2002 1976 1981 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Chabot, Benjamin Asst Michigan Chade, Hector Assoc Arizona St Chaffee, Donald M. Jr. Retir Aquinas Chaikind, Stephen B. Prof Gallaudet Chaing, Alpha C. Retir Connecticut Chakrabarti, Avik Assoc Wis-Milwauke Chakrabarti, Subir Prof Ind-Purdue/I Chakraborhy, Kalyan Assoc Emporia St Chakraborty, Debasish Prof Cen Michigan Chakraborty, Shankha Assoc Oregon Chakraborty, Suparna Asst CUNY-Baruch Chakraboty, Avik Asst Tennessee Chakravorty, Ujjayant Prof Cen Florida Chalmers, Katherine Asst CS-Sacrament Chaloupka, Frank J. IV Prof Ill-Chicago Distinguished Professor Chamarbagwala, R. Asst Indiana Chamberlain, Gary Prof Harvard Chamberlain, Trevor W. Prof McMaster U Chambers, Catherine M. Prof Cen Missouri Chambers, Christopher P. Assoc Cal Tech Chambers, Donald R. Prof Lafayette Walter E. Hanson/KPMG Professor of Business & Finance Chambers, Dustin Asst Salisbury Chambers, Matthew Asst Towson Chambers, Paul Prof Cen Missouri Chamblin, Cheryl L. Prof Millikin Chamley, Christophe Prof Boston Univ Champlin, Dell Lect Western Wash Chan, M. W. Luke Prof McMaster U Chan, Phoebe Asst Mich-Flint Chandhuri, Basante Lect Elizabethtwn Chandler, Clevelend Retir Howard Chandrasekar, Krishnamurti Prof NY Inst Tech Chandross, Robert Retir Drew Chaney, Rick L. Assoc St Louis Chaney, Thomas Asst Chicago Chang, Cyril F. Prof Memphis Chang, Fwu-Ranq Prof Indiana Chang, Hsin Prof Toledo Chang, Hui-Shyong Prof Tennessee Chang, Jannet Asst CS-Fullerton Chang, Myong-Hun C-Pr Cleveland St Chang, Roberto J. Prof Rutgers-N Br Chang, Semoon Prof So Alabama Chang, Sheng-Ka Asst Wayne State Chang, Winston W. Prof SUNY-Buffalo Chang, Yang-Ming Assoc Kansas State Chang, Yoosoon Prof Texas A&M Chao, Ching Y. Retir Jackson St Chao, John Assoc Maryland Chao, Kang Retir Wisconsin Chao, Wei Asst George Wash Chapman, Janet G. Retir Pittsburgh Chapman, Kenneth S. Prof CS-Northrdge Chapman, Margaret L. Prof Ill Wesleyan Chapman, Richard Prof Westminst-UT Chappell, Henry W. Prof So Carolina Chappell, William Assoc Mississippi Chari, V. V. Prof Minnesota Charkiewicz, Mitchell Asst Central Conn Charkins, Ralph James Prof CS-San Bern Charle, Edwin G. Retir Ohio Univ Charles, Joni S. Assoc Tx St-S Marc Charness, Gary Assoc Cal-Santa Br Charos, Evangelos N. C-Pr Merrimack Chase, Kristine L. Prof St Marys-Cal Chase, Richard X. Retir Vermont Chaston, Kelly Assoc Davidson Chatha, Jaspal Asst CUNY-Lehman Chatterjee, Kalyan Prof Penn State Chatterjee, Santanu Asst Georgia Chatterton, R. Edward Prof Lock Haven Chattopadhyay, Sudip Assoc San Fran St Chaudhuri, Adhrp Asst Georgetown Chaudhuri, Anoshua Asst San Fran St Chauvet, Marcelle Assoc Cal-Riversid Chawdhry, M. Arshad Prof Calif U-Penn C HD EFO EO QRH I G EQ AGM Q HEO BJH DE LDKC R G IM OP H LDMN E M C DF DCF IG L JNB AM CEFM A D D G BE DL D EO IFB AE 189 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 96 70 78 Nrthwstrn Illinois Ca-Davis CUNY 1997 1992 1989 98 85 98 87 99 05 05 89 04 88 Michigan Iowa Utah St Pittsburgh UCLA Minnesota Oregon Hawaii Colo St CUNY 1998 1985 2000 1988 1999 2005 8-05 2005 2006 1988 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 04 75 86 90 03 81 Maryland Harvard Toronto Kentucky Rochester N Carol 2004 1987 1985 1990 2003 1992 PHD PHD PHD DA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 04 03 89 85 77 90 78 05 89 69 69 73 84 05 79 85 89 73 04 89 89 71 02 68 84 95 64 95 62 Ca-Rivers Fla St Kentucky Illin St Harvard Utah McMaster Stanford Berkeley Maryland New Sch Princeton Illinois MIT Virginia Chicago Michigan Vanderbilt Illinois J Hopkins Penn Fla St Wisconsin Rochester SUNY-Buf Yale Iowa St Yale Michigan 8-04 2003 1990 1984 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 63 86 77 92 79 83 81 84 70 58 87 96 84 87 66 97 85 79 01 80 95 79 03 95 74 Columbia Minnesota Illinois Utah Yale S Carol Car Mellon Amer Intl N Carol Indiana Purdue Berkeley NewHamp Maryland Maryland Boston C New Sch Harvard U Wash Wash St Illinois Columbia U Wash Penn Illinois 2006 1981 2004 2006 1976 1969 2003 1986 2005 1981 1983 1989 1971 1005 1988 2000 1972 2002 1967 1984 1972 1995 1967 1964 1991 1977 1985 1980 1987 1994 2002 1976 1984 2001 1983 1985 1966 1997 1998 2001 1982 1999 1979 2003 1995 1976 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Chay, Kenneth Y. Che, Yeon-Koo Cheema, Balwir Singh Chen, Aimin Chen, Baizhu Chen, David Y. Chen, Frederick H. Chen, Grace Chen, Jiawei Chen, Jihui (Sharon) Chen, Lein-Lein Chen, Li Hsueh Chen, Maggie Chen, Stacey Chen, Thomas P. Chen, Wei Chen, Xiaofen Chen, Xiaohong Chen, Xiujian Chen, Xudong Chen, Ying Chen, Yongmin Chen, Yu-chin Chen, Yvonne Cheng, Benjamin S. Cheng, Chu-Yuan Cheng, David C. Cheng, Doris Cheng, Harrison C. Cheng, Jen-Chi Cheng, Juei Ming Cheng, William I. Chermak, Janie Chernick, Howard Chernozhukov, Victor Cherry, Monica Cherry, Robert D. Cherry, Todd Chesler, Herbert Chetty, Raj Cheung, C. Sherman Cheung, Kowk Hung (Francis) Cheung, Ron Cheung, Yin-Wong Chezum, Brian Chhikara, Rajkumar Chi, Wan Fu Chiang, Eric Chiappori, Pierre-Andre Chichilnisky, Graciela Chien, YiLi Chilcote, Ronald H. Chilton, Kenneth Chin, Aimee Chinn, Kenneth L. Chinn, Menzie Chioda, Laura Chiong, Winston R. Chiou, Lesley Chipman, John S. Regents' Professor Chirinko, Robert Chisholm, Darlene C. Chisholm, Roger K. Chisik, Richard Chiswick, Barry R. Distinguished Professor Chiswick, Carmel U. Chiteji, Ngina Chittle, Charles R. Chiu, I-Ming Chizmar, John F. Chmelaroua, Viera Cho, Dong Woo Cho, In-Koo Cho, Joong-Kun Cho, Whewon Choate, G. Marc Assoc Prof Retir Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Assoc Asst Asst Asst Prof Asst Asst Prof Lect Visit Asst Prof Asst Prof Deces Prof Retir Prof Assoc C-Ac Retir Assoc Assoc Prof Assoc Assoc Prof Assoc Retir Asst Prof Asst Prof C-Ac Retir Retir Asst Prof Prof Asst Emer Assoc Asst C-Pr Prof Asst Retir Asst Prof Cal-Berkeley Columbia Wittenberg Indiana St S Calif N Carol A&T Wake Forest Reed Calif-Irvine North Dakota Nev-L Vegas CS-L Angeles George Wash SUNY-Albany St John's Bates Truman State New York U CS-Fullerton Richmond Arizona St Colorado U Washington Shenandoah Southern Ball State Alabama San Jose St So Calif Wichita St Georgia St Tuskegee New Mexico CUNY-Hunter MIT St John Fshr CUNY-Brookly Appalach St Pittsburgh Cal-Berkeley McMaster U DJR Florida St Madison WI St Lawrence Iowa State Weber State Fla Atlantic Columbia Columbia Purdue Cal-Riversid Lindenwood Houston SE Okla St Wisconsin Princeton Mass-Boston Occidental Minnesota Assoc Prof Retir Assoc H-Pr Emory Suffolk Ark-Ltl Rock Fla Internat Ill-Chicago EGH LD Prof Assoc Retir Asst Retir Asst Prof Prof Asst Retir Retir Ill-Chicago Skidmore Bowling Gr Rutgers-Camd Illinois St Sam Houston Wichita St Illinois N Carol A&T Tenn Tech Willamette JT PD FLDC LR ALD F IJ U E DL AE OP CO DQ C J AJ DQ J G PHD R CFG JL AC CQ P OJ EC FCE E LDF J CM CDE CD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 96 91 190 1996 2005 1966 1991 71 02 06 05 05 92 98 05 01 76 Princeton Stanford American Penn St Rochester Wisconsin Chicago Ca-Davis J Hopkins Indiana U Miami Michigan Colorado Rochester CUNY PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 93 05 06 Va Tech Ca-SnDgo Oklahoma Tulane 2001 2002 2005 2006 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 89 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 Boston U 02 Harvard 98 Wi-Milwa 71 Oklahoma 64 Geotown 73 Yale 76 Notre Dm 77 Berkeley 89 Vanderbilt 68 Purdue 90 SUNY-Bin 91 Co Mines 76 Penn 00 Stanford 98 SUNY-Bin 69 Kansas 98 Wyoming 64 MIT 03 Harvard 81 Illinois Mich St 06 Brit Colum 90 Penn 92 Kentucky 86 Illinois 69 S Illinois 02 Florida 81 Paris 74 Berkeley 06 UCLA 65 Stanford 94 Wash U 01 MIT 91 Colo St 91 Berkeley Berkeley 74 Boston C 05 MIT 51 J Hopkins 1996 2003 2004 1971 1971 1974 1988 1978 1989 1968 1990 1995 1982 2000 1996 1977 2001 1963 2003 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 82 91 67 97 67 Nrthwstrn U Wash Chicago Nrthwstrn Columbia 1994 2001 1985 2000 1978 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 99 69 00 71 Columbia N Carol Purdue Wi-Milwa Boston C LSU Illinois Princeton Arkansas Vanderbilt U Wash 1978 1999 1965 2003 1971 2005 1972 1998 2003 1983 1974 90 73 86 01 71 70 2000 2006 2005 8-05 1993 1998 8-05 2001 2005 1990 1995 1986 1969 2003 1977 1963 1201 2001 1982 2003 1982 1955 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Choe, Kwang Il Chohan, Raymond Choi, Albert Choi, Chi-Young Choi, In Choi, Jai-Young Choi, Jay Pil Choi, Jin Choi, Kee Choi, Minsik Choi, Young Back Choksy, George Dorian Chopin, Marc Chotigeat, Tosporn Chou, Nan-Ting Chou, Shin-Yi Choudhary, Munir A. S. Chouinard, Hayley Chow, C. Victor Chow, Peter Chowdhury, A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, Abdur R. Chowdhury, Ashok K. Chowdhury, Mussaddeq Chowhury, Savvina Christensen, Finn Christensen, Kimberly Christensen, Paul P. Christiadi, C. Christiano, Lawrence Christiansen, Daniel S. Christiansen, Gregory B. Christiansen, Jens Christianson, Kenneth Christie, Darrell A. Christofi, Andreas C. Christofides, Constantinos A Christopher, Jan E. Christopherson, Robert L. Chu, Betty Y. Chu, David Chu, Kong Chu, Kwang-Wen Chu, Shih-Fan Chuah, Sam Chudzinski, James Chugh, Ram L. Chukhlomin, Val Chulkov, Dmitriy Chun, Jyunbae Chung, Chul Chung, Hyung C. Chung, Jae Wan Chung, Keunsuk Chung, Kuk-Soo Chung, Nae Hoon Chung, Young-Iob Church, John Cicarelli, James Cichello, Paul Ciecierski, Christine Ciecka, James E. Ciliberto, Federico Cima, Lawrence R. Cinar, E. Mine Cinyabuguma, Matthias Ciobanu, Ceslav Cioni, Britteny Cipriani, Marco Cirace, John Ciscel, David H. Citzler, Annette Cizakca, Murat Claar, Viztor Clague, Christopher K. Claiborn, Edward L. Clain, Suzanne H. Clarida, Richard Asst Retir Asst Asst Retir Prof Prof Assoc Retir Asst Assoc Assoc Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Retir Asst Asst Prof Prof Prof Prof Prof Lect Asst Assoc Assoc VAsst Prof Prof Prof Prof Asst Assoc C-Pr C-Pr Assoc C-Pr Retir Assoc Emer Retir Retir Prof Prof Retir Asst Asst Asst Asst Retir Retir Asst Lect Deces Retir SpLec Prof Asst Asst Prof Asst Assoc C-Pr Asst Assoc Asst Asst Prof Retir Prof Prof Assoc Retir Retir Assoc Prof MN St-Mankat St Ambrose Virginia Tx-Arlington Ohio State Lamar Michigan St DePaul Worcester St Mass-Boston St John's Alma No Arizona Nicholls St Louisville Lehigh SUNY-Fredoni Wash State W Virginia CUNY-City C Miss Vall St Marquette Mankato St Redlands CS-Bakersf Towson SUNY-Purchas Hofstra Pacific Northwestern Albion CS-East Bay Mt Holyoke Ithaca Wis-Stev Pt Monmouth E Stroudsbur Delaware St SUNY-Plattsb San Jose St Holy Cross Georgia Tech CS-Fullerton Nevada-Reno Andrews Heidelberg SUNY-Potsdam SUNY-Empire Ind-Kokomo CUNY-Queens Georgia Tech Bridgeport George Mason Penn St-Harr CUNY-Lehman E Michigan Boise State Roosevelt Loyola-Maryl NE Illinois DePaul Virginia John Carroll Loyola-Chicg MD-Baltim Co Virginia St Alaska SE George Wash CUNY-Lehman Memphis Tx Lutheran Bogazici Hope Maryland Va Military Villanova Columbia K EF DF LFE GMC JF DNRC DL FO E DI CE Q G O EFO AC DN OE B E CD BEHO CFG C CDMR GH OC D CD AJH JLD F FOG ART CD L ADEF ACDO LM A N EH FE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 01 00 90 82 90 82 02 86 86 92 78 86 99 85 02 89 76 93 83 80 05 86 76 05 82 75 81 82 84 77 93 90 73 64 72 68 92 88 70 86 04 95 02 70 72 05 191 Tx A&M Port St MIT Ohio St Yale Oklahoma Harvard Iowa St Harvard Mass Michigan Tennessee Tx A&M S Illinois Ohio St Duke Fla St Berkeley Alabama S Illinois Miss St Kentucky Iowa St S Calif Ca-Rivers Cornell Mass Wisconsin W Virginia Columbia Stanford Wisconsin Stanford Syracuse Illinois Penn St Lehigh Howard Wayne St Notre Dm 2006 2001 2001 1989 1982 2000 8-88 1970 2002 1989 1991 1988 1991 2003 1987 2002 1989 1986 1993 1989 1980 1992 2003 2005 1985 2006 1992 1981 1983 1986 2000 1964 9-97 1971 1994 1990 1974 1968 1970 1967 1998 1989 1970 2006 63 65 80 Tulane UCLA Illinois Wash St Tx Tech Wayne St Novosibir Purdue NYU Michigan Columbia NYU U Wash Yale Mich St Columbia Idaho 02 Cornell 70 01 82 76 05 Purdue Nrthwstrn W Virginia Tx A&M Brown 2004 2007 1970 2004 1971 1983 2005 02 75 71 77 79 00 66 64 84 83 NYU Columbia Houston Tx A&M Penn W Virginia Harvard Princeton Princeton Harvard 1973 1978 1975 2000 1979 1981 1987 1988 2001 2001 1970 2005 1966 2000 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Clark, Carol Assoc Trinity-CT Clark, Carol M. Retir Guilford Clark, Carolyn Retir Wash State Clark, Charles M. A. Prof St John's Clark, Chris Asst Georgia Col Clark, Clifford D. Retir SUNY-Bingham Clark, Damon Asst Florida Clark, David E. C-Ac Marquette Clark, David H. Retir Maine Clark, Don P. Prof Tennessee Clark, Gregory Prof Cal-Davis Clark, J. R. Prof Tenn-Chattan Probasco Chair in Free Enterprise Clark, James E. Assoc Wichita St Clark, Joy Prof Auburn-Montg Clark, Robert L. Prof N Carol St Clark, Wayne Walter Retir Brigham Yg Clark, William M. Assoc Oklahoma Clarke, Clifton Prof CUNY-Brookly Clarke, Jere W. Retir So Conn St Clarke, William A. C-Pr Bentley Clary, Betsy Jane Prof Charleston Claudon, Michael Paul Prof Middlebury Clausing, Kimberly Assoc Reed on leave 2006-2007 Clay, James P. Retir Fort Lewis Claycombe, Richard J. Prof McDaniel Clayton, Gary E. C-Pr No Kentucky Cleaver, Harry Assoc Texas Cleeton, David L. Prof Oberlin Clement, Meredith Owen Retir Dartmouth Clement, Norris C. Retir San Diego St Clementi, Gian Luca Asst New York U Clemmer, Richard B. Assoc Cen Michigan Cleveland, Paul Prof Birminghm So Clifford, Maryanne Assoc Eastern Conn Cline, Philip L. Prof Wash & Lee Lewis Whitabker Adams Professor of Economics Cloninger, Dale O. Prof Houston-Cl L Cloutier, Norman R. Prof Wis-Parkside Clower, Robert W. Retir So Carolina Co, Catherine Assoc Neb-Omaha Coate, Douglas C. Prof Rutgers-Newk Coats, R. Morris Prof Nicholls St Cobb, Anne Asst SUNY-Empire Cobb, Barry Asst Va Military Cobb, Steven A. Assoc Xavier Cobb, Steven Lee C-Ac North Texas Cobbe, James H. Prof Florida St Cocheba, Donald John Retir Central Wash Cochi Ficano, Carlena C-Ac Hartwick Cochran, Howard H. Jr. Assoc Belmont Cochran, John P. Dean Metro St-CO Cochrane, Harold Retir Colorado St Coehlo, Philip R. P. Prof Ball State Coen, Edward Emer Minnesota Coen, Robert M. Prof Northwestern Coen-Pirani, Daniele Asst Carnegie Mel Coes, Donald V. Prof New Mexico Coffey, Bentley Guiou Asst Clemson Coffey, Sergia SUNY-Empire Coffin, Donald A. Assoc Indiana NW Coffman, Richard B. Assoc Idaho Coggins, Bruce Assoc Truman State Cogley, Timothy Prof Cal-Davis Cohen, Alvin Retir Lehigh Cohen, Jeffrey P. Asst Hartford Cohen, Linda Prof Calif-Irvine Cohn, Elchanan Emer So Carolina Cohn, Raymond L. Prof Illinois St Coile, Courtney Asst Wellesley Coiner, H. Michael Assoc Brandeis Colacelli, Mariana Asst Barnard Colander, David C. C-Pr Middlebury Christian A. Johnson Distinguished Professor of Economics Colburn, Christopher B. C-Ac Old Dominion Cole, Charles L. Retir CS-Long Bch Cole, Donald P. Prof Drew 5-99 AH OF IJ DR JOA NO M APQB JTD O AD FLMP ADFH P DGIM EM RDHM AFHL C DJR FLOR HIRQ I AEHR AFOP O QR ACDJ AFMP ABEN EA NT E DIR JNR DL EC FO CDER DHL DN DHI EFO ABE RH AH 192 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 79 70 90 05 53 02 86 62 78 85 70 Cornell Michigan Berkeley New Sch Kentucky Chicago Oxford SUNY-Bin Wisconsin Mich St Harvard Va Tech 1990 1981 1973 1985 2005 1973 2005 1985 1963 1978 1990 1993 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 88 74 60 81 98 1976 1988 1975 1962 1977 2003 73 81 71 96 Nrthwstrn Tx A&M Duke Tx A&M Virginia Columbia Virginia Rutgers Miss J Hopkins Harvard PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 80 74 75 80 58 68 00 81 85 00 75 Kansas St Geo Wash Utah Stanford Wash U Berkeley Colorado Rochester Chicago Tx A&M Kentucky Okla St 1982 1981 1980 9-76 1980 1956 1968 2003 1982 1995 2001 1975 DBA PHD DLIT PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 81 78 95 74 83 69 01 74 87 77 71 97 94 85 75 69 53 67 00 77 04 Fla St W Virginia Oxford Rutgers CUNY Va Tech N Carol Iowa Brown N Carol Yale Wash St Cornell Mid Tenn Colorado Colorado U Wash London Nrthwstrn Rochester Princeton Duke 9-74 1981 1986 2001 1971 1985 1990 2006 1984 1987 1976 1970 1997 1989 1981 1975 1986 79 72 95 88 62 98 79 68 77 99 79 05 76 W Virginia U Wash Ca-Rivers Berkeley Florida Maryland Cal Tech Iowa St Oregon MIT Yale Harvard Columbia 1987 1978 1998 2003 1970 2000 1988 1983 2000 1980 2005 1982 PHD PHD PHD 88 63 68 Tx A&M S Calif Ohio St 1987 1967 1966 1972 1984 1970 1996 1971 2000 5-04 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Cole, Harold L. Prof Pennsylvania Cole, Ismail Prof Calif U-Penn Cole, Raymond E. Prof Ark Tech Cole, William E. Retir Tennessee Colella, Francis J. Prof Simpson Coley, Basil G. Emer N Carol A&T Collard-Wexler, Allan Asst New York U Collier, Ben Assoc NW Missouri Collier, George A. Jr. Emer SE Okla St Collinge, Robert A. Prof Tx-S Antonio Collins, Rich Assoc Westminst-UT Collins, Susan M. Prof Georgetown Collins, William Asst Vanderbilt Colman, Gregory Asst Pace Colonna, Carl M. Retir Chris Newpor Colt, Steve Assoc Alaska-Ancho Colton, Nora Ann C-Ac Drew Comanor, William S. Prof Cal-Santa Br Combs, Ernest F. Retir Puget Sound Combs, J. Paul Retir Appalach St Comin, Diego Asst New York U Comolli, Paul M. Assoc Kansas Conant, John L. C-Pr Indiana St Condon, Carol M. Asst Kean Condon, Clarence M. III Prof Charleston Congleton, Roger D. Prof George Mason Conhaim, Louis E. Retir St John's Conley, John Prof Vanderbilt Conlin, Michael Prof Michigan St Conlisk, John Retir Ca-San Diego Conlon, John Assoc Mississippi Connaughton, John E. Prof N Car-Charl Connell, Carol Asst CUNY-Brookly Connell, Donald R. Retir Neb-Omaha Connell, James A. Asst Montevallo Connelly, Rachel E. Prof Bowdoin Connery, Thomas Dean St Thomas-MN Conning, Jonathan H. Asst CUNY-Hunter Connolly, Helen Asst Northeastern Connolly, Laura C-Ac No Colorado Connolly, Michael B. Prof U Miami Connolly, Michelle Asst Duke Conover, Roger B. Asst Azusa Pacif Conrad, James M. Retir Indianapolis Conroy, Stephen Assoc San Diego Constantinides, Marietta Asst Bloomsburg Conway, Karen Smith Assoc New Hampshir Conway, Patrick Prof No Carolina Conway, William B. Retir Augustana IL Cook, Jana Asst OK Christian Cook, Jeffrey J. USAF Academy Cook, John P. Jr. C-Ac Heidelberg Cook, Lisa Asst Michigan St Cook, Michael T. C-Pr Wm Jewell John W. Boatwright Professor of Economics Cook, Nathaniel Inst Denison Cook, Robert W. Jr. Assoc Richmond Cooke, John P. Retir South Fla Cooke, Oliver Asst R Stockton Cookingham, Mary E. Deces Michigan St Cooley, Jane Asst Wisconsin Cooley, Thomas F. Dean New York U Paganelli-Bull Professor of Economics Coolidge, Cathleen J. Assoc CS-Chico Coombs, Christopher Asst Armstrong At Coomes, Paul A. Prof Louisville Cooper, Brian VAsst Gettysburg Cooper, David J. Assoc Case Western Cooper, John M. Asst Mn-Moorhead Cooper, Molly SLect Ohio State Cooper, Richard N. Prof Harvard Maurits C. Boas Professor ofInternational Economics Cooper, Russell W. C-Pr Texas-Austin Copeland, Cassandra C. Asst Oglethorpe Copeland, Joe B. Prof No Alabama Coppin, Addington M. C-Pr Oakland Coppock, Lee Asst Virginia Corbae, P. Dean Prof Texas-Austin 99 92 64 71 73 00 75 84 78 78 78 60 90 95 65 78 81 Rochester Pittsburgh Arkansas Tx-Austin Fordham Illinois Nrthwstrn Purdue Okla St Maryland Utah MIT 1992 Harvard CUNY Old Dom MIT Oxford Harvard U Wash N Car St Harvard Purdue Tennessee Columbia S Carol Va Tech Columbia Rochester Wisconsin Stanford Chicago Northeas 1994 1975 1967 1971 2000 1975 1981 9-85 1980 1988 1979 2002 2005 1968 1987 1978 MS DBA PHD 58 98 85 Ft Hays La Tech Michigan 1965 2005 1985 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD 96 02 94 69 96 03 70 98 83 87 84 69 93 94 97 83 Yale Boston C Nrthwstrn Chicago Yale Ca-Rivers Kentucky S Calif Rutgers N Carol Princeton Minnesota Okla St Indiana Kentucky Berkeley Vanderbilt ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 67 05 80 Mich St Va Tech Colorado Mass Berkeley 2006 1980 1968 2005 1979 71 Penn 1999 83 05 85 96 92 75 05 62 Va Tech LSU Tx-Austin Harvard Princeton Oregon Ohio St Harvard 1984 R ABJ CD ABE A PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD CDE DFL FO FO A E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 Penn Auburn Arkansas Illinois GeoMason Yale BEFN L ADFK ARM FHKQ FO NFE AEIR FPT LD AOQ MR E QF DJ HD HL ET CEF AF JT HLI F FO ACJ HJ F AIJK AG GNO EF H JNR 3-01 EG AHKL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD DPHL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 86 76 65 73 71 06 84 78 83 193 84 98 01 74 87 94 90 1984 1970 1965 1977 1966 2006 1981 1972 1987 2001 1998 2001 1970 2002 2000 1987 9-97 9-90 1979 2004 8-05 1990 1983 1970 1995 2005 1978 1985 1999 1972 2005 1981 2000 1983 1989 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Corcione, Frank P. Assoc Scranton PHD Corcoran, William J. Assoc Neb-Omaha LQD PHD Cordes, Joseph J. Prof George Wash H PHD Corkum, Keith H. Retir Nichols Col PHD Corley, Edward M. Retir E Illinois PHD Corman, Hope Prof Rider IJKT PHD Corman, Rhonda Lect No Colorado MA Cornet, Bernard Prof Kansas CD PHD Distinguished Professor Cornwall, Richard R. Retir Middlebury PHD Cornwell, Christopher M. Prof Georgia CHJ PHD Corrigan, Jay Asst Kenyon CDHQ PHD Corrigan, Tom D. Assoc Sacred Heart AFG PHD Cortes, Bienvenido S. Prof Pittsburg St F PHD Cosgel, Metin M. Prof Connecticut N PHD Cosimano, Thomas Prof Notre Dame EF PHD Cosslett, Stephen R. Prof Ohio State PHD Costa, Dora L. Prof MIT N PHD Ford Career Development Associate Professor of Economics Costas, Azariadis Prof Wash Univ E PHD Costinot, Arnaud Asst Ca-San Diego PHD Coston, Robert D. Retir Geo Southern PHD Costrell, Robert M. Prof Arkansas PHD Cothren, Richard D. Assoc Virg Tech E PHD Cotter, Kevin D. Assoc Wayne State D PHD Cotti, Chad Lect So Carolina PHD Cotton, Jeremiah Assoc Mass-Boston IJ PHD Cottrell, Allin F. Prof Wake Forest PHD Couch, Jim F. Prof No Alabama HKN PHD Couch, Kenneth A. Assoc Connecticut J PHD Coughlan, Carmel PLect Salve Regina M MBA Coughlan, Peter Assoc Naval Postgr D PHD Coughlin, Peter J. Assoc Maryland PHD Coulson, N. Edward Prof Penn State R PHD Coultrap-McQuin, Susan Dean Mankato St PHD Coupe, John D. Retir Maine ACD PHD Courant, Paul N. Prof Michigan PHD Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Courbois, Jean-Pierre Prof Appalach St F PHD Courington, John M. C-Pr Cameron PHD Courtney, Richard Assoc St Marys-Cal G PHD Couvillion, L. Michael Assoc Plymouth St I PHD Covarrubias, Guillermo Asst Texas-Tyler PHD Cover, James P. Prof Alabama PHD Cowen, Janna L. Retir Wis-Rvr Fall JL PHD Cowen, Tyler Prof George Mason PHD Holbert L. Harris Professor of Economics Cowing, Thomas G. Retir SUNY-Bingham LD PHD Cox, Donald C. Prof Boston Coll DJ PHD Cox, James C. Prof Georgia St DC PHD Noah Langdale, Jr. Eminent Scholar Chair-Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Sc Cox, Larry G. Retir Missouri St 8-02 MA Cox, Steven R. Retir So Indiana PHD Coxwell, Tricia Asst Wm Paterson PHD Coyle, Sister Ann Assoc Immaculata MA Cracraft, Scott Retir Albion 1997 MS Craft, Erik D. Assoc Richmond PHD Craft, Kim Assoc So Utah PHD Craft, Rolf Retir Wartburg PHD Craig, Barbara Prof Oberlin CFQ PHD Craig, Eleanor D. Assoc Delaware H MA Craig, George Retir Okla City PHD Craig, Lee A. Prof N Carol St NJD PHD Craig, Steven C. Prof Houston HR PHD Craighead, William Asst Miami U-Ohio EFN PHD Crain, W. Mark Prof George Mason PHD Crain, William M. Prof Lafayette GH PHD William E. Simon Professor of Political Economy Craine, Roger Prof Cal-Berkeley PHD Crakes, Gary M. Prof So Conn St AI PHD Cramer, Curtis A. Retir Wyoming BK PHD Cramton, Peter C. Prof Maryland PHD Crane, Steven E. Assoc Marquette DHLR PHD Crary, David B. Assoc E Michigan PHD Crary, Joan Asst Michigan PHD Crawford, Gregory Asst Arizona CL PHD Crawford, Jerry L. Prof Arkansas St ADTM PHD Crawford, Vincent Prof Ca-San Diego D PHD 75 75 77 76 64 78 194 74 Lehigh Rutgers Wisconsin Lehigh Okla St CUNY Colo St Paris 1978 1980 1975 1972 1967 1988 1998 2004 68 85 02 69 87 89 79 79 93 Berkeley Mich St Iowa St Maryland Okla St Iowa SUNY-Buf Berkeley Chicago 1977 1988 7-02 1986 1989 1987 1987 1993 75 05 73 78 81 84 06 83 81 60 74 Car Mellon Princeton Arkansas Harvard N Carol Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Edinburgh Miss Wisconsin Salve Rg Cal Tech SUNY-Alb Ca-SnDgo Iowa Clark Princeton 2006 2005 1970 1978 1985 1989 8-06 1985 1989 1991 1995 1990 2004 1982 1984 1995 1962 1973 68 87 96 82 06 82 79 87 American Okla St Berkeley La Tech Tx Tech Virginia Nebraska Harvard 1968 1979 2005 1980 2006 1982 1979 1989 70 80 71 Berkeley Brown Harvard 1969 1987 2005 70 71 00 Kansas St Michigan Tennessee Temple Miss Chicago Ca-Davis Iowa St Minnesota Penn Illinois Indiana Penn Virginia Tx A&M Tx A&M 1970 1989 2000 1978 1977 1994 1996 1996 1989 1962 1982 1989 1989 2005 Maryland Conn Maryland Stanford Colorado Maryland Rice Stanford Arkansas MIT 1976 1977 1980 1966 1993 1980 1980 1978 2002 1966 92 90 99 76 83 60 95 96 68 88 61 68 89 81 05 76 76 72 84 66 84 81 82 98 69 76 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Cray, Randy F. Prof Wis-Stev Pt Craycraft, Joseph L. Retir Cincinnati Craypo, Charles Retir Notre Dame Creahan, Thomas Asst Morehead St Creane, Anthony J. Assoc Michigan St Credille, Ronda Asst SW Baptist Cribari-Neto, Francisco Brazil E Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Brazil Crick, Nelson B. Retir Portland St Crist, William D. Emer CS-Stanislau Crocker, Thomas D. Emer Wyoming Crockett, Sean Asst CUNY-Baruch Crofts, Robert D. Emer Salem State Cron, William R. Prof Cen Mich Cronovich, Ron Assoc Nev-L Vegas Crooker, John (Skip) Assoc Cen Missouri Cropper, Maureen L. Prof Maryland Cross, John D. Retir Michigan Cross, John W. Retir Indiana U-PA Cross, Philip J. Asst Georgetown Croteau, Marcia A. SLect MD-Baltim Co Crotty, James R. Prof Massachusett Crouch, Robert L. Prof Cal-Santa Br Croushore, Dean D. Assoc Richmond Crouter, Jan P. C-Ac Whitman Crowder, William J. Assoc Tx-Arlington Crowell, Elizabeth Assoc Mich-Dearbor Crowley, Patrick Prof Tx A&M-C Chr Crowther, Simeon J. Prof CS-Long Bch Crucini, Mario J. Assoc Vanderbilt Cruz, Robert D. Prof Barry Cruz-Saco, Maria A. Prof Conn Coll Cseh, Atilla Asst Valdosta St Cuberes, David Asst Clemson Cuellar, Steven S. Asst Sonoma State Culbertson, W. Patton Jr. Retir Louisiana St Cullen, Julie Assoc Ca-San Diego Cullenberg, Stephen E. Dean Cal-Riversid Cullity, John P. Retir Rutgers-Newk Culp, David B. C-Pr Slippery Roc Culver, Sarah E. Assoc Alabama-Birm Cumber, Carol J. Prof So Dakota St Cumby, Robert Prof Georgetown Cummingham, Robert P. C-As Alma Cummings, Donald G. Retir No Iowa Cummings, Ronald G. Retir Georgia St Cunningham, Brendan Assoc USN Academy Cunningham, Steven R. Assoc Connecticut Cupper, Robert Dean Prof Allegheny Curington, William P. Prof Arkansas Curley, Michael D. Prof Mercer-Atlan Curley, Robert Assoc Central Okla Curme, Michael A. Assoc Miami U-Ohio Curran, Christopher Assoc Emory Curran, Ward S. Prof Trinity-CT Currie, Janet C-Pr Columbia Currier, Kevin M. Prof Oklahoma St Currier, Susanne Asst Central Okla Curtis, Fred Prof Drew Curtis, Thomas D. Retir South Fla Cushing, Brian J. Assoc W Virginia Cushing, Matthew J. Assoc Nebraska Cushing-Daniels, Brendan Asst Gettysburg Cushman, David O. C-Pr Westminst-PA Cutler, David M. Prof Harvard Cutler, Harvey Prof Colorado St Cvitanic, Jaksa Prof Cal Tech Cyert, Richard M. Deces Carnegie Mel Cypher, James M. Prof CS-Fresno Czap, Hans VAsst St Lawrence D'Ambrosio, Charles A. Retir U Washington D'Arge, Ralph C. Retir Wyoming DaBoll-Lavoie, Joseph T. Assoc Nazareth DaCosta, Maria N. Prof Wis-Eau Clar Dacy, Douglas C. Prof Texas Dadkhah, Kamran N. Assoc Northeastern Daellenbach, Lawrence A. Retir Wis-La Cross Daghestani, Eddie Assoc Barry L J L PHD Q Atg E CQ EG HD A KLQ EF DHIJ AO E O EOR DJ F ABCP AEN CEFG M FG ARDJ AEH Q EB ACD J ADMG JD CDK C BJOQ B RCH EJ FEC R OP 1996 BHJ RO EO ADR PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 94 PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD MSE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 64 66 95 91 Illinois 67 72 67 04 73 95 98 73 65 68 01 74 73 67 84 85 93 71 95 70 91 85 83 05 98 72 97 87 63 96 93 94 82 75 68 00 89 74 79 74 80 89 72 61 88 85 02 83 65 81 85 00 80 91 85 92 51 73 06 82 69 89 87 64 75 69 71 195 Kansas St Cincinnati Mich St Cincinnati Virginia Nebraska 8-86 1962 1978 1996 1990 1990 Colorado Nebraska Missouri Car Mellon Northeas Mich St Michigan Iowa St Cornell Princeton Mass Wisconsin Ark St Car Mellon Essex Ohio St Illinois Arizona Indiana McGill Penn Rochester Penn Pittsburgh Kentucky Chicago Tx A&M Tx-Austin MIT 2003 Mass Columbia S Illinois Houston S Dak St MIT 1994 SUNY-Bin Tulane Kansas Columbia Fla St Pittsburgh Syracuse Kentucky Oklahoma Illinois Purdue Columbia Princeton SUNY-Alb Okla St Mass Indiana Maryland Virginia Berkeley Vanderbilt MIT U Wash Columbia Columbia Ca-Rivers Nebraska Illinois Cornell SUNY-Bin Northeas Harvard Indiana Iowa St Colo St 1967 1969 1975 2006 1982 1994 2002 1980 1965 1969 2001 1974 1973 2003 1985 1992 1978 9-00 1968 1999 1993 1990 2006 8-05 2001 1988 1977 1978 1993 1990 1999 1963 1993 2001 1989 1977 1989 2005 1988 1970 1960 2005 1984 1978 1974 1981 1992 2003 2005 1980 2005 1948 1967 2006 1980 1975 9-88 1989 1-65 1981 1969 1988 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dahl, Christian Dahl, Gordon B. Dahms, Joseph E. Dai, Chifeng Daigle, Ronald R. Dakhlia, Sami F. Dal Bo, Pedro Dalal, Ardeshir J. Dalal, Meenakshi N. Dale, Donald Dale, Lawrence Raymond Dalenberg, Douglas R. Daley, Edward V. Dalgaard, Bruce R. Dall, John J. Jr. Dalmia, Sonia Dalton, George Dalton, Margaret M. Daly, George G. Damar, Erren Dammon, Robert Damon, William W. Damooei, Jamshid Dane, Andrew J. Daneshvary, Nasser Daneshyar, Arifeen M. Daniel, Betty C. Daniel, Coldwell III Daniel, Joseph Daniel, Kirsten Daniels, Joseph P. Daniels, Michael J. Daniels, Rudolph Danielsen, Albert L. Danikas, Alky Dao, Minh Quang Dapice, David O. Dardis, Rachel Darity, William A. Jr. Boshamer Professor Darnell, Jamey Darrat, Ali F. Premier Bank Professor Darrow, John J. Das, Jayoti Das, Mitali Das, Monica Dasgupta, Manabendra Dasgupta, Utteeyo DaSilva, Peri A. Datta, Manjira Datta, Shakun Dauffenbach, Robert C. Daughety, Andrew F. Dauterive, Jerry W. Dave, Chetan Dave, Dhaval David, H. Lane David, Martin H. David, Paul A. Davidoff, Howard Davidson, Carl Davidson, Larry Davidson, Paul Davies, Antony Davies, Ronald B. Davila, Alberto Davis, Ann E. Davis, David E. Davis, Donald R. Davis, Douglas D. Davis, Elynor G. Davis, George K. Davis, J. Ronnie Davis, Jason Davis, Joe C. Davis, John B. Davis, Lance E. Assoc Asst C-Ac Asst Prof Asst Asst Prof Prof Assoc Prof Prof Retir Prof C-Pr Assoc Deces Prof Retir Asst Prof Prof Prof Retir Prof Prof Prof Retir Assoc Asst Prof Prof Prof Retir Inst Prof Assoc Retir Prof Purdue Ca-San Diego Hood So Illinois Central Conn So Miss Brown No Illinois Wayne St Col Muhlenberg Arkansas St Montana Va Military St Olaf Seton Hall Grand Valley Northwestern Frostburg St New York U Pacific Luth Carnegie Mel Vanderbilt Calif Luther Angelo State Nev-L Vegas Kutztown SUNY-Albany Memphis Delaware Loyola-N Orl Marquette Columbus Florida A&M Georgia St Peters E Illinois Tufts Maryland No Carolina Asst Prof Barton Louisiana Te Retir Assoc Assoc Asst Assoc Asst Asst Assoc Asst Retir Prof Dean$ Asst Asst Prof Retir Emer Assoc C-Pr Prof Retir Assoc Asst C-Pr Asst Asst Prof Prof Retir Prof Prof Asst Retir Prof Retir Westfield St Elon Cal-Davis Skidmore Alabama-Birm Frank & Mars North Dakota Arizona St Richmond Oklahoma Vanderbilt Loyola-N Orl Texas-Dallas Bentley Ind-So Bend Wisconsin Stanford CUNY-Brookly Michigan St Indiana Tennessee Duquesne Oregon Tx-Pan Amer Marist So Dakota St Columbia Virg Comm Geo Southern Miami U-Ohio New Orleans Wis-Stev Pt Trinity Marquette Cal Tech E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD EG MBA PHD 99 81 Am Grad Indiana 8-04 1987 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD LLM PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 93 98 Conn Cincinnati MIT Calif So Meth Arizona Illinois Cornell Purdue Illinois Case Wes Tx Tech Pittsburgh City NY Claremont Michigan Harvard NYU Wisconsin N Carol Penn Albany Penn St Iowa St Boston C Oregon Columbia Indiana Tx A&M So Meth Virginia Michigan Tx-Austin Mich St J Hopkins 1971 1996 2006 NOP LK EG D D OE ABPQ CRL EPA D E DGM A R AE EF IL L AEFJ EFG JKR DJQ MH O FL CI CDHL AOD J LK ADH EC CI DL CD FL FH DM F ABEF EO H J BI N 00 98 83 03 75 98 02 77 84 01 79 87 74 76 68 00 196 86 67 05 84 70 87 75 84 76 76 68 92 01 92 79 80 66 Aarhus Princeton American Florida Clark Wash U UCLA Iowa Northeas Princeton Ohio U Oregon Missouri Illinois Penn Iowa Oregon W Virginia Nrthwstrn U Wash Wisconsin Cornell Surrey Oklahoma Tennessee S Illinois N Carol Virginia Minnesota Birminghm Indiana Geo St Fla St Duke 87 73 65 78 Illinois Harvard Minnesota MIT 1983 1987 1973 1992 89 06 05 92 06 73 72 76 04 03 60 73 87 87 77 59 94 99 82 83 98 92 84 78 84 67 02 71 85 56 2000 2006 1978 2005 1976 2006 2002 1977 1985 2000 1986 9-90 1981 1992 1969 1999 1981 1993 2005 1984 1976 1987 1973 1990 1984 1983 1970 1991 2001 1989 1980 1977 1963 1992 2001 8-05 1995 2006 1995 1979 2005 2004 2005 1962 1969 1986 1982 1990 1987 2001 1999 1996 1981 2005 1999 1987 1979 1985 1989 2002 1969 1987 1968 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Davis, Lewis S. Asst Union-NY Davis, Lucas Asst Michigan Davis, Mary SLect MD-Baltim Co Davis, Michael C. Asst Mo-Rolla Davis, Stephen SW Minn St Davis, Tom E. Retir Cornell Davis, W. Young Jr. Prof N Car-Charl Davis, William L. Prof Tenn-Martin Davis, William W. C W Kentucky Dawes, William C-Ac SUNY-Stony B Dawsay, Amanda Asst Montana Dawson, John Assoc Appalach St Dawson, John C. Retir Grinnell Day, A. Edward Retir Cen Florida Day, Richard H. Retir So Calif de Alonso, Irma T. de Prof Fla Internat de Jong, Robert Assoc Ohio State de la Vina, Lynda Dean Tx-S Antonio De los Santos, Tomas Prof Central Okla De Nardi, Mariacristina Asst Minnesota Deacon, Robert T. Prof Cal-Santa Br Deak, Edward J. Prof Fairfield Deal, John L. Asst Manchester Dean, David H. Assoc Richmond DeAndrea, Vincent F. Retir Quinnipiac Dearden, James A. C-Pr Lehigh Deardorff, Alan V. Prof Michigan John W. Seetland Professor of International Economics Deaton, Angus S. Prof Princeton Deaves, Richard W. Assoc McMaster U Deb, Partha Assoc CUNY-Hunter Deb, Rajat Prof So Methodist deBartolome, Charles Assoc Colorado DeBerry, Thomas W. Prof Freed Hardem DeBoer, Dale C-Ac Colorado Spr Debrecht, Dennis M. Asst Carroll Debreu, Gerard Retir Cal-Berkeley DeBrock, Lawrence Prof Illinois DeCanio, Stephen J. Prof Cal-Santa Br Dechenaud, Emmanuel Asst Kent State Dechert, W. Davis Retir Houston Deck, Cary A. Asst Arkansas Decker, Christopher Assoc Neb-Omaha Decker, Terence N. VAsst Wichita St DeCosmo, Michael C. Assoc E Stroudsbur DeCoster, Gregory Paul Assoc Bowdoin DeCourcy, Julie Asst Trinity Dee, Thomas S. Assoc Swarthmore Deere, Carmen D. Prof Florida Deere, Donald R. Assoc Texas A&M DeFrancisco, Eva Asst Towson DeFreitas, Gregory E. Assoc Hofstra DeGiorgi, Giacomo Asst Stanford DeGraff, Deborah S. C-Ac Bowdoin DeGregori, Thomas R. Prof Houston Dehijia, Rajeev Assoc Tufts Deily, Mary E. Assoc Lehigh Deitsch, Clarence R. Prof Ball State DeJong, David C-Pr Pittsburgh DeKay, Fred Assoc Seattle Dekel, Eddie Prof Northwestern Dekle, Robert Prof So Calif DeLeire, Thomas Assoc Michigan St Delemeester, Gregory Prof Marietta Milton Friedman Chair in Economics DellaVigna, Stefano Asst Cal-Berkeley Dellis, Arnaud Asst Hawaii-Manoa DeLoach, Stephen B. C-Ac Elon DeLoecker, Jan Asst New York U DeLong, J. Bradford Prof Cal-Berkeley DeLorme, Charles D. Jr. Retir Georgia Delrossi, Alison Assoc St Lawrence Deltas, George M. Assoc Illinois DeMarchi, Neil B. Prof Duke Deme, Mamit Assoc Mid Tenn St Demeriel, Ufuk Devrim Asst Colorado Demiduva, Svettana Asst Georgia Deming, Jonathan C. Assoc Seattle Pac O F AHKD E 1994 D OCFI E OMC AEFO QH LRK CDEN DH EG C D H ABCH AFO DIL NCD C LDM ER L CI J J OT O LQ J E EM C IJ DJK H EF FL EH HK CDKL EBN FE F BR 197 PHD PHD MBA PHD 99 05 78 01 N Carol Wisconsin Maryland Ca-SnDgo PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 56 70 90 65 72 01 97 57 76 61 69 93 82 88 99 72 74 04 88 72 87 71 J Hopkins Georgia Okla St Kentucky Purdue Maryland N Car St Cornell Purdue Harvard York-Eng Amsterdm Rice Clark Chicago U Wash Conn N Car St Rutgers Mass Penn St Cornell PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DSC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 87 91 75 85 94 93 81 56 80 72 85 74 89 79 86 88 97 89 Cambridge Toronto Rutgers LondonEc Penn Tx Tech Ca-Davis Iowa St Paris Cornell MIT 1978 Purdue Cornell Arizona Indiana Okla St Lehigh Tx-Austin Mich St Maryland Berkeley MIT 1983 Rochester Columbia London Michigan Tx-Austin Harvard Harvard NewHamp Iowa J Hopkins Harvard Yale Stanford Tx A&M PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 05 93 06 87 66 93 96 70 90 05 96 79 Harvard Cornell Mich St KU Leuven Harvard LSU Penn Yale Austr Natl Tx-Austin Virginia Penn St Oregon 77 01 00 02 84 85 01 97 78 83 04 79 06 89 65 2006 2001 1970 1970 1969 2006 2000 1971 1983 1976 1981 2003 2004 1991 1999 1972 1970 8-05 1987 1968 1989 1970 1983 1987 1976 1993 8-06 1993 1984 1962 1979 2004 2001 2001 2002 1984 1985 2001 1999 1977 2006 2006 1991 1967 2006 1991 1974 1989 1980 1993 1998 2004 1986 7-02 2005 1996 2006 1995 1968 1999 1995 9-71 1990 2006 1977 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Demir, Firat Demiralp, Berna Demmert, Henry G. DeMoss, Philip M. Demsetz, Harold Dendir, Seife Deneckere, Raymond Deng, Yi Denming, Karen Dennis, Benjamin Denslow, David A. Jr. Distinguished Service Professor Denzer, Thomas F. Deolalikar, Anil B. DePaula, Aureo DePinto, Alessandro Depken, Craig Depperschmidt, Thomas O. DePrano, Michael E. DePrince, Albert E. Jr. Deravi, M. Keivan DeRienzo, Casey Dernburg, Thomas F. DeRooy, Jacob Derrick, Frederick W. Desai, Padma Desai, Suresh DeSalvo, Joseph S. DeSantis, Massimiliano Deschenes, Olivier DeSerpa, Allan C. DeSilva, Dakshina G. DeSimone, Jeffrey Deskins, John Despain, Hans Deuaux, Zulal DeVany, Arthur S. Devaraj, Nirapama DeVault, James M. Devereux, John J. Devereux, Paul J. Devine, James N. Devine, Robert Devino, William S. DeVries, Jan Dewenter, Kathryn L. Dezhbakhsh, Hashem Dhakal, D. Dharmapala, Dhammika Dhongde, Shatakshee Dhrymes, Phoebus Di, Wenhua Diamantaras, Dimitrios Diamond, Arthur M. Diamond, Daniel E. Diamond, James J. Diamond, Peter A. Institute Professor Diaz, Julian Diba, Behzad T. Dibouglu, Sal Dickert-Conlin, Stacy Dickes, Allen L. Dickey, Steven W. Dickhaus, Elizabeth Dickie, Mark T. Dickinson, David Dickson, Lisa Didia, Dal Diebold, Francis X. Diedrich, Ernest R. Dieffenbach, Bruce C. Diersen, Matthew Diette, Timothy Dietz, James L. Diffine, Donald P. DiFurio, Ferdinand Dighe, Ranjit S. Asst Asst Assoc Prof Retir Asst Prof Asst Assoc Assoc Prof Oklahoma Old Dominion Santa Clara West Chester UCLA Radford Wisconsin So Methodist F Dick-Teane Pacific Florida PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 05 05 72 69 59 05 83 03 86 96 74 Retir Prof Asst Asst Asst Retir Assoc Prof Prof Asst Retir Assoc Prof Prof Retir Prof Asst Asst Prof Asst Asst Asst Prof Assoc Emer VAsst Assoc Assoc Asst Prof Retir Retir Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Asst Prof Asst Assoc Prof Prof Deces Prof Rockhurst Cal-Riversid Pennsylvania Redlands Tx-Arlington Memphis So Calif Mid Tenn St Auburn-Montg Elon American U Penn St-Harr Loyola-Maryl Columbia Montclair St South Fla Dartmouth Cal-Santa Br Arizona St Texas Tech South Fla Creighton Nichols Col Valdosta St Calif-Irvine Grinnell Lafayette CUNY-Queens UCLA Loyola Marym Framingham Maine Cal-Berkeley U Washington Emory Tenn State Connecticut Rochest Tech Columbia Texas-Dallas Temple Neb-Omaha New York U DePaul MIT 1994 QJT STB PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 62 81 06 04 96 65 63 78 85 02 57 69 76 60 68 68 05 01 70 02 98 05 81 69 59 70 93 89 H CO B H CD BJOM DEN EC E PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD Asst Prof Assoc Assoc Inst Assoc Retir Prof Asst Asst Asst Prof Prof Assoc Asst Asst Prof Prof Asst Assoc Bowdoin Georgetown Mo-St Louis Michigan St Washburn E Kentucky Missouri Cen Florida Utah State MD-Baltim Co Jackson St Pennsylvania St Benedict SUNY-Albany So Dakota St Wash & Lee CS-Fullerton Harding Tenn Tech SUNY Oswego EF EFG HIT DJC AGM DFLO L EO EH QR DL KH GE DFGJ DQ LAM CI O DEHO R JD DO C HL DL H AEFQ DFO AEJN CG IN Q JL PQR E Q I O R AEN 70 05 90 89 198 Notre Dm J Hopkins Stanford Kansas St Nrthwstrn W Mich Wisconsin Yale Pittsburgh Harvard Yale Stanford Princeton Illinois Geo St Tx-Austin Illinois NYU Okla St N Car St Yale Rutgers N Car St Harvard UCLA Nrthwstrn Ca-Davis Princeton Ca-SnBarb Oklahoma Yale Tennessee Utah N Car St UCLA Clark Wisconsin Chicago 2006 2005 1968 1973 1971 2005 1993 2003 1996 1970 1957 2002 2004 1996 1966 1963 1991 1985 2002 1975 1975 1982 1980 1973 1983 2001 1975 2003 2003 2005 2003 1984 2006 1989 1998 88 78 58 62 63 Berkeley Northeas Mich St Yale Chicago Ohio St S Illinois Berkeley Ca-Rivers MIT Harvard Rochester Chicago NYU Nrthwstrn MIT 1992 1992 1991 2002 2006 1973 2003 1988 1986 1958 9-55 1966 PHD PHD 06 84 Minnesota Brown 2006 1988 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 96 70 85 74 87 97 05 93 86 83 72 99 05 74 75 04 98 Wisconsin Toledo S Illinois Missouri Wyoming Arizona Tx-Austin LSU Penn Colo St Harvard Illinois N Carol Ca-Rivers Miss Clemson Yale 2005 1978 1983 1974 2001 1999 2006 1997 1989 1980 1978 1999 2006 1973 1971 2004 1997 97 05 61 1985 1970 1960 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dill, Floyd R. Emer DePaul Dills, Angela K. Asst Clemson DiLorenzo, Thomas J. Prof Loyola-Maryl DiMambro, Carol Assoc Russell Sage Dimkpah, Young Asst Virginia St Dimon, Denise Prof San Diego DiNardo, John Prof Michigan Ding, Liang Asst Macalester Dinlersoz, Emin Asst Houston Dinopoulos, Elias Prof Florida DiNoto, Michael J. Retir Idaho Diskin, Jonathan Assoc Earlham Dittmer, Timothy Assoc Central Wash Diulio, Eugene A. Retir Fordham Diwan, Romesh K. Retir Rensselaer Dix, Manfred Asst Tulane Dixit, Avinash K. Prof Princeton Dixon, Bruce L. Prof Arkansas Dixon, Mary P. C-Ac DePauw Dixon, Warren R. Retir SUNY-Plattsb Djimopoulos, Evangelos S. C-Pr F Dick-Teane Doak, Paul D. Retir Iowa State Dobbs, Thomas L. Prof So Dakota St Dobis, Vernon J. Prof Mn-Moorhead Dobitz, Clifford P. Retir N Dakota St Dobkin, Carlos Asst Ca-Santa Crz Dobkins, Linda H. Prof Emory Henry Doblas Madrid, Antonio Asst Michigan St Dobra, John L. Assoc Nevada-Reno Dodds, Rae Ann Asst St Scholasti Doepke, Mattias Asst UCLA Doeringer, Peter B. Prof Boston Univ Dohan, Michael R. Assoc CUNY-Queens Dolan, Robert C. Prof Richmond Dolbear, F. Treanery Jr. Prof Brandeis Domazlicky, Bruce R. Prof SE Missouri Dominguez, John R. Prof Wis-Whitewat Dominguez, Kathryn Prof Michigan Domitrz, Joseph S. Retir Wis-Whitewat Dompere, Kofi K. Assoc Howard Donald, Stephen Prof Texas-Austin Donaldson, John B. Prof Columbia Mario J. Gabelli Professor of Finance Dong, Fang Asst Providence Donihue, Michael R. Assoc Colby Donley, Thomas D. Prof DePaul Donnelley, Lawrence P. Retir Delaware Donnelly, Lawrence I. Retir Xavier Donnelly, William F. Prof Santa Clara Donovan, Elaine M. Assoc Merrimack Donziger, Alan J. Assoc Villanova Dooley, Michael Prof Ca-Santa Crz Doorn, David Asst Minn-Duluth Dorai, Gopal C. Retir Wm Patterson Dorakzelski, Ulrich Asst Harvard Doral, Murat Inst Kennesaw St Dorfman, Mark S. Retir Ark-Ltl Rock Dorman, Peter Evergreen St Dorn, James A. Prof Towson Dornbusch, Rudiger Deces MIT Doroodian, Khosrow Prof Ohio Univ Dorsey, John W. Retir Maryland Doshi, Kokila Prof San Diego Doss, Veda Retir Wingate Doti, James L. Prof Chapman Doti, Lynne Pearson Prof Chapman Dotterweich, Douglas P. Prof East Tenn St Dougan, William R. Prof Clemson Douglas, Richard W. Jr. Retir Bowling Gr Douglas, Stratford M. Assoc W Virginia Dowd, Michael R. C-Ac Toledo Dowling, Edward T. Prof Fordham Downes, Thomas A. Assoc Tufts Downing, Douglas A. C-Ac Seattle Pac Downing, Paul B. Retir Florida St Doyle, George A. Retir Assumption Doyle, Joanne M. Asst Jms Madison Doyle, Matthew Asst Iowa State N IHJ KLH AKP GF L FO JR ALC TQ BP ADEF 1994 Q HL ABDL CI ROF EG K JL PQ AK HEC CE CE CEA C O AJM F E AHG 7-02 QAF BDJF AEC NE HDEL CHD E H ACH FBOP DC D 199 PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 02 80 89 98 86 90 06 00 85 73 89 98 66 65 98 68 76 89 71 69 65 69 94 71 03 95 05 80 05 00 66 69 82 63 76 71 87 71 80 90 76 Cornell Boston U Va Tech SUNY-Alb Howard Illinois Princeton N Carol Rochester Columbia SUNY-Buf Mass U Wash Columbia Birminghm Illinois MIT Ca-Davis So Meth Colorado Columbia Iowa St Maryland Manitoba Colo St Berkeley Va Tech Minnesota Va Tech Tx Tech Chicago Harvard MIT 1971 Rutgers Yale Wyoming MIT 1988 Yale S Illinois Temple Brit Colum Car Mellon PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 89 93 70 64 69 81 72 71 03 67 01 90 70 87 76 71 81 65 83 69 76 78 78 81 75 87 90 73 88 87 67 51 93 01 Ca-Rivers Michigan Wisconsin Brown Cincinnati NYU Houston Bryn Mawr Penn Wi-Milwa Wayne St Nrthwstrn W Virginia Illinois Mass Virginia Chicago Oregon Harvard Rochester Syracuse Chicago Ca-Rivers Delaware Chicago Iowa N Carol SUNY-Buf Cornell Stanford Yale Wisconsin Fordham Boston C Brit Colum 1975 8-02 1992 1989 2003 1983 2006 2000 1988 1970 1988 1999 1963 1967 2001 1981 1986 1988 1968 1961 1978 1981 1970 2003 1996 2006 1980 8-05 1974 1980 1968 1986 1976 1977 1977 2003 1989 8-90 1968 1956 1969 1989 1967 1992 2004 1974 1999 1987 1973 1975 1982 1989 1990 1984 1974 1972 1984 8-88 1976 990 1989 1973 1994 1983 1980 1961 1993 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Doyle, William Assoc Dallas Doyle-Burke, Christine Prof Framingham Drabicki, John Z. Assoc Arizona Drabkin, Eric Assoc Hawaii Pacif Dragonette, Joseph E. Assoc St Joseph Drazen, Allen Prof Maryland Dressler, Scott Asst Villanova Drewianka, Scott Asst Wis-Milwauke Driscoll, Daniel USAF Academy Driscoll, Vincent R. Prof Quinnipiac Driskill, Robert A. Prof Vanderbilt Dropsy, Vincent Prof CS-Fullerton Du Boff, Richard B. Retir Bryn Mawr Du, Ding Asst So Dakota St Duarte, Jefferson Asst U Washington Dube, Smile W. Assoc CS-Sacrament Dubey, Pradeep Prof SUNY-Stony B Dubin, Robin A. Assoc Case Western DuBois, David SUNY-Empire Duchatelet, Martine Dean Purdue-Calmu Duchesneau, Thomas D. Retir Maine Duchin, Faye Prof Rensselaer Dudey, Marc Peter Assoc Rice Dudley, Dean Assoc USM Academy Duell, Dennis Retir Wichita St Duetsch, Larry L. Retir Wis-Parkside Dufenberg, Martin Prof Arizona Duffy, John Prof Pittsburgh Duffy, John A. Retir LaSalle Duffy, Martyn H. Lect Manches Inst Duffy, Neal E. Assoc SUNY-Plattsb Duflo, Ester Assoc MIT Duft, Ken Prof Wash State Duggal, Vijaya G. Prof Widener Duggan, Marie Assoc Keene State Duggan, Mark Assoc Maryland Duggar, Jan W. Dean Arkansas St Dugger, William M. Prof Tulsa Duke, Joshua Prof Delaware Dulaney, Ronald A. Retir Montana Dult, Pushan Asst INSEAD Duman, Barry L. Prof West Tx A&M Dumas, Christopher Assoc N Car-Wilmin Dumas, Lloyd J. Prof Texas-Dallas Dumont, David A. Deces Lander Duncan, Brian Assoc Colo-Denver Duncan, Floyd H. C-Pr Va Military Duncan, Kevin C. Prof Co St-Pueblo Duncan, Wallace H. Retir No Arizona Dung, Tran H. Assoc Wright State Dunham, Heather Prof Centenary Dunkelberg, William C. Prof Temple Dunleavy, Kevin C. C-As West Chester Dunlevy, James A. Prof Miami U-Ohio Dunn, James R. Prof Edinboro Dunn, Jerry Asst SW Okla St Dunn, Leroy Retir Trinity-CT Dunn, Lucia Prof Ohio State Dunn, Robert M. Jr. Prof George Wash Dunne, Maureen E. Prof Framingham Dupas, Pascaline Asst Dartmouth Dupont, Brandon Asst Western Wash Dupor, William Assoc Ohio State Durden, Gary C. Retir Appalach St Durgin, Frank A. Jr. Retir So Maine Durham, Yvonne Assoc Western Wash Durlauf, Steven N. Prof Wisconsin Duroy, Quentin Asst Denison Durtschi, Reed R. Retir Utah State Dusansky, Richard Prof Texas Richard J. Gonzales Regents Chair in Economic Progress Duston, Thomas E. Assoc Keene State Dutkowsky, Donald H. Prof Syracuse Dutt, Swarna D. Prof West Georgia Dutta, Manoranjan Prof Rutgers-N Br Dutta, Prajit Prof Columbia Duwaji, Ghazi Retir Tx-Arlington Dvchene, Anne Asst Drexel GN 200 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 78 73 93 74 76 04 99 Tennessee Boston C Purdue UCLA Penn MIT Tx-Austin Chicago 1991 1974 1970 1994 1967 1990 2003 2001 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA 75 78 90 64 03 00 89 75 82 90 77 69 1967 1992 1989 1964 2005 2002 1989 1989 1988 1976 84 93 69 70 95 92 71 95 82 99 66 67 00 99 67 74 98 73 00 71 97 72 77 98 72 87 76 78 99 69 79 74 81 02 56 74 67 76 New Sch J Hopkins S Calif Penn W Virginia Chicago Tx-Austin Cornell J Hopkins Union-NY Stanford Boston C Berkeley Princeton Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Uppsala UCLA Boston C Manchest W Virginia MIT Ca-Davis Harvard New Sch Harvard Fla St Tx-Austin Wisconsin Columbia NYU S Calif Berkeley Columbia SUNY-Alb Ca-SnBarb S Carol Utah Wyoming Syracuse St Johns Michigan Duke Nrthwstrn SUNY-Bin Kansas St LondonEc Berkeley Stanford Detroit 1979 1972 1998 1978 1994 1978 1982 8-84 1987 1979 1980 1974 2002 1957 1987 1978 1983 O AE DH PHD PHD PHD DRD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 05 97 71 56 94 86 03 67 69 Kansas Chicago Fla St France Arizona Yale Rensselaer U Wash Brown 2006 2003 1982 1964 2000 1993 2004 1958 9-89 E F E DLG F I PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 82 93 62 87 66 05 Brown SUNY-Buf Wayne St Penn Cornell Duke ECNP 1984 1985 1994 1989 1992 1966 2006 MCEF CE AEG EFM FE EG RCD M AO Q DHL DKL E EC CR O Q CEDQ G Q DJ DP BDP Q A ADJR HC JR EG DF ADEM M ACE JF EGHL 1990 J F BJN C EH NPQ A 1967 1996 1990 1993 1967 1969 2003 1992 1964 1972 1982 1999 1967 1983 2003 2000 2005 2004 9-69 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Dvorak, Eldon J. Retir CS-Long Bch 1994 Dvorak, Tomas Asst Union FG Dyal, James A. Prof Indiana U-PA JR Dye, Alan Assoc Barnard NOL Dye, Howard S. Retir 0retirFla Dyer, Alan W. Assoc Northeastern Dymski, Gary A. Prof Cal-Riversid AEHP Dynan, Linda Asst No Kentucky Eadington, William R. Prof Nevada-Reno L Eagan, J. Vincent Assoc Morehouse K Eapen, A. Thomas Retir SUNY-Bingham Earley, Joseph E. Assoc Loyola Marym AC Early, Dirk W. Assoc Southwestern DEHR Earnhart, Dietrich Assoc Kansas QK Easley, David A. Prof Cornell DGC Henry Scarborough Professor of Social Sciences Easterlin, Richard A. Prof So Calif Easterly, William Prof New York U O Eastham, George M. Retir Cal Poly-SLO Eastin, Richard V. Assoc S Calif Easton, Todd E. Assoc Portland JR Eastwood, John D. Lect No Arizona CD Eaton, David Assoc Murray State HCL Eaton, Jonathan Prof New York U F Eaton, Peter J. Assoc Mo-Kansas Ct CIT Ebeling, Richard M. Prof Hillsdale Ludwig von Mises Chair Eberhardt, Duane O. Retir Missouri So Ebert, Laura Asst Marist EO Ebert, Robert R. Prof Baldwin-Wal DFP Echenique, Federico Assoc Cal Tech Eckalbar, John C. Prof CS-Chico CE Eckaus, Richard S. Retir MIT O Eckel, Catherine C. Prof Texas-Dallas P Eckenrod, Sarah Asst Mass-Dartmou Eckstein, Zvi Prof Minnesota Economides, Nicholas S. Prof New York U DKL Edelman, Milton Retir So Illinois Edelstein, Michael Prof CUNY-Queens NOF Eden, Benjamin Prof Vanderbilt E Ederington, Josh Assoc Kentucky F Edgmand, Michael R. Retir Oklahoma St E Edgren, John A. Prof E Michigan Edlin, Aaron S. Prof Cal-Berkeley Edlund, Lena Assoc Columbia HIT Edmond, Chris Asst New York U E Edmonds, Eric V. Assoc Dartmouth Edmonds, Radcliff G. Jr. Assoc S Ill-Edward ACF Eduardo, Marcelo Dean Miss College AG Edwards, Alejandra C. Prof CS-Long Bch Edwards, Bruce E. Retir Bowling Gr Edwards, Franklin R. Prof Columbia Arthur F. Burns Professor of Free and Competitive Enterprise Edwards, Jeffrey A. Assoc N Carol A&T Edwards, John H. C-Ac Tulane Edwards, Mary E. Prof St Cloud St R Edwards, N. Fayne Retir Richmond Edwards, Ryan Asst CUNY-Queens EI Edwards, Sebastian Prof UCLA Edwards, Wayne Assoc Alaska-Ancho AJR Eeckhout, Jan Asst Pennsylvania Efaw, Fritz W. Assoc Tenn-Chattan CJ Eff, E. Anthon Assoc Mid Tenn St RB Eftekhari, Hossein Prof Wis-Rvr Fall DC Egan, Francis J. Assoc Trinity-CT Egan, James P. Retir Wis-Eau Clar E Egan, Kevin Asst Toledo Q Egge, Karl A. Prof Macalester AGM F. R. Bigelow Professor of Economics Egger, John B. Prof Towson Eggleston, Brian D. C-Ac Augustana SD ABQ Eggleston, Karen Asst Tufts I Eggleston, Robert C. Retir Shippensburg Egorov, Alexei Asst W Virginia GC Ehrbar, Hans G. Assoc Utah Ehrenberg, Ronald G. Prof Cornell L Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial & Labor Relations and Economics Ehrlich, Isaac C-Pr SUNY-Buffalo OLK PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 62 00 75 91 49 82 87 73 86 61 74 95 95 79 53 85 78 84 80 95 76 76 00 70 00 74 02 75 54 83 201 U Wash Maryland Illinois Illinois Cornell Maryland Mass Columbia Claremont Geo St Michigan Fordham Virginia Wisconsin Nrthwstrn Penn MIT 2002 Claremont Ca-SnBarb Berkeley Wyoming Michigan Yale Florida Middlesex 1961 2002 1977 1995 1973 1983 1991 1969 1993 1966 1974 1994 8-97 9-79 1982 1966 1981 1990 1996 2002 1979 1988 64 S Calif New Sch Case Wes Berkeley Colorado MIT Virginia Wi-Milwa Minnesota Berkeley Illinois Penn Chicago Wisconsin Mich St Michigan Stanford Stockholm UCLA Princeton Michigan Miss Chicago Michigan Harvard PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 85 88 68 02 81 00 98 87 89 85 73 82 04 73 Va Tech Maryland Tx A&M Kentucky Berkeley Chicago Nebraska LondonSE Rutgers Tx-Austin Nebraska Fordham Syracuse Iowa St Ohio St PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 91 99 84 03 85 70 NYU Wash St Harvard Pittsburgh Cornell Michigan Nrthwstrn 1987 1988 1999 1965 2003 1986 1985 PHD 70 Columbia 1977 81 81 51 70 75 98 68 79 93 96 04 99 79 95 84 1986 2002 1967 2000 1978 1965 2005 2001 1990 1950 1974 2002 2004 1983 1979 1995 1999 2005 1999 1977 1997 1966 1966 1966 1985 1985 1968 2006 1985 2000 1988 1990 1985 1967 1970 2005 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Eichenbaum, Martin Prof Northwestern Eichengreen, Barry J. Prof Cal-Berkeley Eicher, Theo S. Prof U Washington Eichhorn, Richard Assoc Coe Eide, Eric Assoc Brigham Yg Eike, Ann Lect Kentucky Eilbott, Susan A. Retir CUNY-Queens Einav, Liran Asst Stanford Einolf, Karl Asst Mt St Mary's Eisenhauer, Joseph G. Prof Canisius Eisenstadt, Robert C. Assoc La-Monroe Eisner, Robert Retir Northwestern Eiswerth, Mark Assoc Wis-Whitewat Ekanayake, Ekanayake M. Asst Bethune-Cook Ekanem, Frank Retir Howard Ekelund, Robert B. Jr. Retir Auburn El Nasser, Marwan M. Prof SUNY-Fredoni El-Hodiri, Mohamed A. Prof Kansas Elardo, Justin SLect Ohio State Elassar, Sammy E. Retir Winston-Sal Elbaum, Bernard Assoc Ca-Santa Crz Elder, Erick Prof Ark-Ltl Rock Elder, Harold W. Prof Alabama Elder, Todd Asst Michigan St Eldridge, Robert M. Prof So Conn St Elias, Julio Asst SUNY-Buffalo Elike, Uchenna I. Prof Alabama A&M Eliot, Stuart J. Lect Manches Inst Elkins, Ron Inst Central Wash Ellard, Charles J. Retir Tx-Pan Amer Elledge, Barry Retir Appalach St Eller, Eric P. Assoc Buena Vista Ellickson, Bryan C. Prof UCLA Ellickson, Donald L. Retir Wis-Eau Clar Ellickson, Paul Asst Duke Ellingson, Wayne D. Inst So Dakota St Elliot, Dawn Richards Assoc Tx Christian Elliott, Caroline Lect U Lancaster Elliott, Donald S. Jr. Prof S Ill-Edward Elliott, Graham Assoc Ca-San Diego Elliott, Graham VProf MIT visiting from Univ of California-San Diego Elliott, John E. Deces So Calif Elliott, R. Stephen Dean NW St of LA Kilpatrick Life Insurance Endowed Professor of Insurance Elliott, Steven R. Assoc Miami U-Ohio Ellis, Barry Assoc SW Baptist Ellis, Charles M. Retir Dallas Bapt Ellis, Charles Michael Retir Txs Wesleyan Ellis, Christopher J. Prof Oregon Ellis, Gregory M. SLect U Washington Ellis, Larry V. Prof Appalach St Ellis, Mary E. Assoc St John's Ellis, Michael Retir New Mex St Ellis, Michael A. Assoc Kent State Ellis, Randall P. Prof Boston Univ Ellis, Robert J. Jr. Emer So Illinois Ellis, Theodore Prof Adams State Ellison, Glenn D. Prof MIT Ellison, Sara F. Lect MIT Elmes, Susan Lect Columbia Elmore, Elizabeth A. Prof R Stockton Elmslie, Bruce T. Assoc New Hampshir Elsby, Michael Asst Michigan Elwood, S. Kirk Asst Jms Madison Ely, Jeffrey C. Prof Northwestern Elzinga, Kenneth G. Prof Virginia Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics Emerson, Jamie Asst Clarkson Emerson, Patrick Asst Oregon State Emerson, Tisha N. Asst Baylor Emery, E. David Prof St Olaf Emery, Mary Ann Assoc St Olaf Enders, Walter Prof Alabama Endres, Carole R. Lect Wright State Eng, Maximo Adj St John's Engel, Charles M. Prof Wisconsin Engel, Rozlyn Asst USM Academy E 202 81 79 94 99 93 82 64 02 98 91 90 51 98 Minnesota Yale Columbia Colo St Ca-SnBarb Missouri Columbia Harvard Lehigh SUNY-Buf Geo St J Hopkins Maryland 1988 1987 1994 2000 1993 2003 1966 7-02 1998 1986 1989 1952 2003 74 67 70 66 03 68 82 97 82 02 87 05 85 74 70 98 70 66 99 70 94 98 76 94 94 Geo Wash LSU Ohio St Minnesota Utah Maryland Harvard Pittsburgh Va Tech Nrthwstrn Geo Wash Chicago Alabama Manchest Naval PG Houston N Car St Virginia MIT Wisconsin MIT Iowa St New Sch Manchest Minnesota Harvard Harvard 1987 1979 1970 1966 2005 1968 1986 8-96 1981 2006 DL AHMR CEF CEF PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD MA MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD BS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD GM PHD PHD 56 83 Harvard La Tech 1966 8-78 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 Colorado North Tx Alabama Alabama Warwick Berkeley Missouri S Carol Ca-Rivers Tx A&M MIT 1981 Virginia Colo St MIT MIT Princeton Notre Dm Utah LondonSE Ca-Davis Berkeley Mich St 2000 2001 CE EC A GC EI DJR EGHR EG F N N CJ G JIO AOF DMA IM AEF LC C DQ EH E I EF CIL L L AC CJ BF EFC C LDR CH FO DIA M EF AFG DHL PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD MS PHD PHD PHD 73 73 83 92 78 83 75 91 81 66 72 92 93 91 76 88 05 93 96 67 00 69 65 75 87 66 83 03 Syracuse Cornell S Calif Minnesota Minnesota Columbia Wright St NYU Berkeley Columbia 2005 1985 1974 1996 1976 1969 8-01 1973 1958 9-02 1980 1995 1994 1976 1994 2006 1983 1983 2003 1978 1973 1990 1965 1967 1994 1997 1988 1972 1989 1992 2004 1967 9-06 2000 1969 1969 2000 1985 2000 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Engelhardt, Gary Assoc Engelmann, Paul H. Prof Engerman, Stanley L. Prof John Munro Professor of Economics Engers, Maxim P. Prof England, Catherine Assoc England, Richard W. Prof Englander, Frederick Prof Englander, Valerie Retir Engle, Eduardo Prof Engle, Fred A. Jr. Retir Engle, Robert F. Emer Enomoto, Carl E. Prof Enz, Michael Asst Epple, Dennis N. H-Pr Thomas Lord Professor Epps, Mary Lee Lect Epps, Thomas W. Prof Epstein, Gerald A. Prof Epstein, Jose D. Deces Epstein, Larry G. Prof Epstein, Seth Assoc Eraker, Bjorn Asst Erbil, Can Asst Ercan, Hakan Asst Erdilek, Asim Prof Erekson, O. Homer Dean Erenburg, Sharon J. Prof Erfani, G. Rod Prof Ergin, Haluk Asst Ergun, A. Tolga Asst Erickson, Christopher A. Assoc Erickson, Edward C. C-Pr Erickson, Edward W. Emer Erickson, Elizabeth L. Assoc Erickson, Erick Lee Prof Erickson, Lee E. Prof Erickson, Richard J. Assoc Ericson, Richard E. C-Prr Erkkila, John Prof Erturk, Korkut C-Pr Erzan, Refik Assoc Escaleras, Monica Asst Escanciano, J. Asst Eschenfelder, Mark J. Prof Eschker, Erick C-Ac Escoe, Gisela Meyer Assoc Esensoy, Yilmaz Retir Eseonu, Maxwell O. Assoc Esfahani, Hadi S. Prof Eshleman, Tom Assoc Eskot, Herbert J. Prof Espenshade, Thomas Prof Espino, Dolores Prof Espinosa, Javier Asst Espiritu, Antonina Assoc Esponda, Ignacio Asst Esposito, Frances F. Retir Esposito, Louis Retir Esposto, Alfredo G. Assoc Essenburg, Timothy J. Prof Estenson, Paul Asst Ethier, Wilfred J. Prof Eubank, Wayne F. Retir Eubanks, Larry S. Assoc Eusufzai, Zaki Assoc Euzent, Patricia Inst Evans, Bernice Asst Evans, Boyd Retir Evans, Carolyn Assoc Evans, George Prof John B. Hamacher Professor of Economics Evans, Hugh G. Jr. Retir Evans, John S. Retir Evans, Keith D. Retir Evans, Martin D. D. Prof Evans, Mary Asst Evans, Paul D. Prof Syracuse Cen Missouri Rochester Virginia Marymount New Hampshir F Dick-Madis St John's Yale E Kentucky Ca-San Diego New Mex St W New Eng Carnegie Mel Virginia Virginia Massachusett American U Rochester DePaul Duke Brandeis Bogazici Case Western Mo-Kansas Ct E Michigan Transylvania MIT Suffolk New Mex St CS-Stanislau N Carol St Akron Metro St-CO Taylor So Adventist East Carol Lk Superior Utah Bogazici Fla Atlantic Indiana Robt Morris CS-Humboldt Cincinnati Alabama A&M Virginia St Illinois Neb-Kearney W New Eng Princeton St Thomas-FL Rochest Tech Hawaii Pacif New York U Mass-Dartmou Oakland Kutztown Bethel-MN Gustavus Ado Pennsylvania SE Missouri Colorado Spr Loyola Marym Cen Florida Morgan State Mid Tenn St Santa Clara Oregon Elizabethtwn Alabama CS-Northrdge Georgetown Tennessee Ohio State D ACDQ OQ DE EG CGR FE L FO GC D GC CHJ F HR EF LQD AOQ ACDQ ADF A CDLP ADEF F O AOD EFLO Q J IT L IL IK AI F DHQ ACFD A A CE EFG E 203 PHD PHD PHD 93 76 62 MIT Okla St J Hopkins 1999 1972 1963 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 88 74 75 75 91 66 66 82 03 74 UCLA Tx A&M Michigan Rutgers Rutgers MIT Kentucky Cornell Tx A&M Oregon Princeton 1982 1998 1976 9-87 1982 2001 1959 1975 1983 2003 1974 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA MBA MA PHD PHD 70 69 81 85 77 88 01 02 94 72 80 86 84 03 04 89 70 68 72 85 75 81 79 87 92 83 03 04 92 97 91 69 83 84 94 84 1976 1972 1987 64 99 80 Duke Duke Princeton San Andres Brit Colum Arizona Chicago Boston C Iowa Harvard N Carol Illinois Fla St Princeton Arizona Ariz St S Calif Vanderbilt Illinois New Mex Michigan Aust Pea Berkeley W Ontario New Sch Stockholm Fla Intl Carlos Mad Missouri Ca-Davis Ohio St Ohio St Howard Berkeley Okla St Tufts Princeton Fla St Maryland Nebraska Stanford Boston C Boston C Temple Tennessee Nebraska Rochester Kentucky Wyoming UCLA Clemson Baruch Auburn Harvard Berkeley MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 71 71 87 01 76 Penn St Wisconsin U Wash Princeton Colorado Chicago 06 98 96 67 68 90 91 86 70 80 94 82 1998 1992 9-01 2002 1994 1971 2002 1987 1986 2003 2004 1987 1970 1965 1969 1986 1979 1984 2003 9-90 1992 1992 2003 2006 1998 1991 1982 1984 1993 1984 1999 2006 1998 2006 1967 1999 2003 1989 1986 1969 1964 1986 1989 1991 1965 2006 1994 1968 1968 1971 1996 2003 1987 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Evans, Richard D. Evans, Robert Jr. Evans, Thomas Evans, William N. Evcimen, Gunar Even, William E. Evensky, Jerry Evenson, Robert E. Everett, Michael David Evrenk, Haldun Evrensel, Ayse Ewert, Norman J. Eyler, Robert Ezeala-Harrison, Fidel Ezeani, Eboh Facchini, Giovanni Fackler, James S. Fagal, Frederick F. Jr. Fahy, Colleen A. Fahy, Paul R. Fain, James R. Faingold, Eduardo Fair, Ray C. Fairchild, Daniel R. Fairchild, Loretta Fairlie, Robert Fairris, David H. Faith, Roger L. Falaris, Evangelos M. Falaschetti, Dino Falero, Frank Jr. Falk, Barry L. Falkowski, Daniel C. Falls, Gregory A. Fan, Chuen-mel Fan, Jianqing Fan, Liang-Shing Fan, Yanquin Fanchon, Phillip F. Fang, Hanming Farber, Henry S. Fardmanesh, Mohsen Fare, Rolf Faria, Joao R. Farias, Christine Farka, Imira Farley, Noel J. J. Farmer, Amy F. Farmer, Berkwood M. Farmer, Roger E. A. Farnham, Paul G. Farr, William Kendrick Farrell, Claude H. III Farrell, John P. Farrell, Joseph V. Farrell, Michael J. Farrell, Rev. John Farrow, Scott Farsio, Farzad Fatas, Antonio Faulk, Dagney Faurot, David J. Faust, Jon Fausti, Scott W. Favor, Homer Fawson, Christopher Fayazmanesh, Sasan Fayissa, Bichaka Fayman, Alex Fazel, Shokoofeh Fazeli, Rafat R. Fazeli, Reza Fazzari, Steven M. Fearn, Robert M. Fedorov, Leonid Feenstra, Robert Fehr, Ernst Feige, Edgar L. Prof Memphis Retir Brandeis Lect Chicago Prof Maryland Assoc Bogazici Prof Miami U-Ohio Assoc Syracuse Prof Yale Assoc East Tenn St Asst Suffolk Asst S Ill-Edward Assoc Wheaton-IL C-Ac Sonoma State Jackson St Prof Univ of D C Asst Illinois Prof Kentucky Assoc Marywood Assoc Assumption Retir E Illinois Prof Oklahoma St Asst Yale Prof Yale Assoc St Thomas-MN C-Pr Nebraska Wes Assoc Ca-Santa Crz Prof Cal-Riversid Retir Arizona St Prof Delaware Assoc Montana St Retir CS-Bakersf Assoc Iowa State Assoc Canisius Prof Cen Michigan Prof Colorado St Prof Princeton Retir Colorado St Prof Vanderbilt Prof Cal Poly-SLO Assoc Yale Prof Princeton Assoc Temple Prof Oregon State Asst Tx-Pan Amer Lect F Dick-Teane Asst CS-Fullerton Retir Bryn Mawr Assoc Arkansas Dean Wright State Prof UCLA Assoc Georgia St C-Pr Georgia Col Prof N Car-Wilmin Retir Oregon State Prof Cal-Berkeley Retir CS-Long Bch Assoc Villanova C-Pr MD-Baltim Co Prof Mont St-Bill Prof INSEAD Asst Indiana SE Assoc Kansas Prof J Hopkins Prof So Dakota St Prof Morgan State Prof Utah State C-Ac CS-Fresno Prof Mid Tenn St Assoc Cen Arkansas Lect Mont St-Bill Assoc Redlands Lect CS-Fullerton Prof Wash Univ Emer N Carol St Asst SUNY-N Paltz Prof Cal-Davis Prof MIT Retir Wisconsin CM FO JC B DO EF AF E O FO E HLCD J E F IJ AJP O ADEG E F EC HD AOF C CH OF CD E GF DK Q DHI QOG EGR BO EF RD J F CGMO BCE DO A FO E JDP DFOP F 204 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 59 03 87 79 84 84 68 67 04 03 76 98 87 76 01 77 81 89 76 86 Harvard Chicago Clemson Duke Istanbul Iowa Syracuse Chicago Wash U Boston U Clemson S Illinois Ca-Davis Manitoba American Stanford Indiana Syracuse SUNY-Bin Conn Purdue 1978 1967 2003 1987 1980 1983 1985 1977 1977 2004 2005 1973 1998 2002 1976 2001 1982 1987 1994 1976 1986 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DOC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 68 78 72 94 84 73 79 00 67 82 72 82 72 MIT St Louis Cornell Nrthwstrn Duke UCLA Minnesota Wash U Fla St Minnesota NYU Purdue Minnesota Berkeley Minnesota W Ontario Ca-SnBarb Penn Princeton Yale Lund Kent-UK Tx Tech Columbia Yale Duke N Car St W Ontario Berkeley Georgia N Car St Wisconsin Oxford Stanford Catholic Wash St Claremont Harvard Geo St Nrthwstrn Berkeley Illinois Pittsburgh Tx A&M Ca-Rivers Tennessee S Illinois Claremont New Sch New Sch Stanford Chicago Cornell MIT Vienna Chicago 1974 1976 1975 1994 1989 1981 1986 2002 1972 1980 1975 1981 1978 65 90 82 00 77 85 76 98 97 04 65 91 70 82 78 85 74 73 81 69 72 83 89 93 99 75 88 91 60 86 84 82 05 92 92 82 82 68 06 81 63 1968 2001 2000 1985 9-98 2005 1971 1999 7-01 1988 1977 1985 9-72 1989 1969 1993 2005 1987 1-94 1999 1975 2006 1991 1990 1990 1980 2006 1999 1990 1999 1982 1965 2004 1986 1963 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Feigenbaum, James Asst Pittsburgh Feigenbaum, Susan K. Prof Mo-St Louis Feinberg, Robert M. Prof American U Feiner, Susan F. Prof So Maine Felder, Joseph Assoc Bradley Feldman, Allan M. Assoc Brown Feldman, David H. Prof Wm & Mary Feldman, Roger D. Prof Minnesota Feldstein, Martin S. Prof Harvard George F. Baker Professor of Economics Feliciano, Zadia M. Asst CUNY-Queens Felix, David Retir Wash Univ Feller, Irwin Retir Penn State Feltner, Richard L. Retir Bellarmine Fender, Ann Harper Prof Gettysburg Fender, Blakely Fox Assoc Millsaps Fender is the J.A. Brown Chair of Business Administration Feng, Li Asst SUNY-Fredoni Fenn, Aju Asst Colorado Col Fenner, Richard G. Assoc Utica Fenstermaker, J. Van Prof Towson Fenton, Sister Helen M. Retir Regis-MA Ferber, Marianne A. Retir Illinois Ferderer, J. Peter Assoc Macalester Ferdnance, Tyrone Asst Hampton Ferdowsi, Abdollah Prof Ferris State Ferguson, J. David Retir Miami U-Ohio Ferguson, William D. Prof Grinnell Fernandez, Luis C-Pr Oberlin Fernandez, Raquel Prof New York U Fernandez-Val, Ivan Asst Boston Univ Fernandez-Villaverde, Jesus Assoc Duke Ferrarini, Tawni Assoc No Michigan Ferraro, Paul J. Asst Georgia St Ferreyra, Maria Asst Carnegie Mel Ferrie, Joseph Prof Northwestern Ferrier, Gary D. Assoc Arkansas Fesmire, James M. Prof Tampa Dana Professor of Economics Fessehatzion, Tekie C-Pr Morgan State Fethke, Carol C. Prof Iowa Feyrer, James D. Asst Dartmouth Fichtenbaum, Rudy H. Prof Wright State Field, Alexander J. Prof Santa Clara Field, Alfred J. Jr. Prof No Carolina Field, Erica Asst Harvard Field, William J. Prof DePauw Field, William P. Jr. Retir Nicholls St Fielding, Gordon J. Emer Calif-Irvine Fielding, William T. Dean Jacksonvl St Fields, Judith M. Asst CUNY-Lehman Fields, T. Windsor Prof Jms Madison Figart, Deborah M. Prof R Stockton Figgins, Bob G. C-Pr Tenn-Martin Figlio, David N. Prof Florida Knight-Ridder Professor Filer, Larry Assoc Old Dominion Filer, Randall K. Assoc CUNY-Hunter Filmer, John R. Evergreen St Finch, Eugene B. Retir Kean Fincher, Phillip E. Retir Louisiana Te Findlay, David W. Prof Colby Pugh Family Professor of Economics Findlay, Ronald Prof Columbia Finegan, T. Aldrich Prof Vanderbilt Finifter, David H. Prof Wm & Mary Finkelstein, Amy Asst MIT Finkle, Aaron Asst CS-S Marcos Finkler, Merton C-Pr Lawrence Finlay, Nikki Asst Clayton St Finley, Henry E. Retir Florida A&M Finn, Daniel Rush Prof St Benedict Clemens Chair in Economics and the Liberal Arts Finn, Thomas J. Jr. Retir Wayne State Finney, Miles Prof CS-L Angeles Finnoff, David Asst Wyoming Finster, Ronald D. Retir W Oregon St Finucane, Brendan P. C-Pr Shippensburg 205 E DHKP L BN PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DPHL 03 80 76 81 79 72 82 76 67 Iowa Wisconsin Virginia Mass UCLA J Hopkins Duke Rochester Oxford 2003 1988 1989 1995 1981 1977 1988 1985 1969 JFN O NO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 95 55 66 65 76 00 Harvard Berkeley Minnesota N Car St J Hopkins Tx-Austin 1994 1964 1963 6-86 1978 2000 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 98 92 63 73 54 89 94 82 74 89 83 87 05 01 95 01 02 92 88 73 Fla St Iowa St Syracuse Illinois Boston C Chicago Wash U Notre Dm Mich St Brown Mass Berkeley Columbia MIT 2005 Minnesota Wash U Cornell Wisconsin Chicago N Carol Florida 2006 2002 1989 1988 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 71 01 80 74 67 03 80 71 62 76 84 78 86 73 95 Pittsburgh Iowa Brown Missouri Berkeley Iowa St Princeton Michigan N Carol UCLA S Carol NYU Virginia American Arkansas Wisconsin PHD PHD 99 79 Kentucky Princeton 1999 1986 PHD PHD PHD 78 86 Syracuse Miss Purdue 9-69 1964 1985 1970 1970 1973 77 MIT Chicago Pittsburgh MIT U Wash Minnesota Geo St Indiana Chicago 1959 1977 59 92 01 70 82 Harvard Houston Wyoming Arizona Pittsburgh 1963 1991 2004 1971 1982 ADNL CDJ HQ AIRM EFN OCFN EF JE CDGL F CJ EO ANO CQO N DC DKL IFD CIJ F E DR EC JI HI MF EGA FB J H CDKL IHE B DQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 60 60 74 04 79 98 1956 1996 1998 1984 1970 1989 1980 1995 2006 1998 2001 2002 1991 1993 1973 1975 2001 1980 1982 1967 1979 1973 1965 1968 1984 1990 1995 1973 1998 2006 1979 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Fiorentino, Christopher M. Dean West Chester DQ PHD Firoozi, Fathall K. Assoc Tx-S Antonio CF PHD First, Ramona K. Retir San Fran St PHD Fischbaum, Marvin N. Retir Indiana St DP PHD Fischel, William A. Prof Dartmouth PHD Fischer, Charles C. C-Pr Pittsburg St BJ PHD Fischer, Hartmut Prof San Francisc FA PHD Fischer, Robert B. Prof CS-Chico H PHD Fischer, Stanley Retir MIT G PHD Fischman, Joshua Asst Tufts PHD Fischmar, Daniel E. Prof Westminst-PA C PHD Fish, Mary Retir Alabama PHD Fishback, Price V. Prof Arizona PHD Frank and Clara Kramer Professor Fishbaugh, Charles P. Retir New Orleans 1995 PHD Fisher, Donna K. Asst Geo Southern PHD Fisher, Douglas Emer N Carol St EN PHD Fisher, Eric O. Assoc Ohio State F PHD Fisher, Franklin M. Retir MIT P PHD Fisher, Ronald C. Prof Michigan St H PHD Fisher, Warren L. Retir Susquehanna ABQ PHD Fisman, Raymond Assoc Columbia PHD Fitzgerald, Doireanne Asst Stanford F PHD Fitzgerald, John M. Prof Bowdoin HCI PHD William Shipmen Professor of Economics FitzRandolph, Peter Winfield Assoc St Lawrence FN PHD Fitzsimmons, Edward L. Assoc Creighton AD PHD Fitzwater, Charlene Inst Immaculata MBA Fizel, John L. Prof Penn St-Erie ALC PHD Flabbi, Luca Asst Georgetown G PHD Flaherty, Diane P. C-Pr Massachusett PHD Flaherty, Sean Prof Frank & Mars J PHD Flammang, Robert A. Retir SW Texas St PHD Flanagan, Edward J. Retir Bradley PHD Flath, David Prof N Carol St LDP PHD Flavin, Marjorie A. Assoc Ca-San Diego E PHD Fleck, Robert K. Assoc Montana St PHD Fleisher, Arthur A. III Prof Metro St-CO ADHK PHD Fleisher, Belton M. Prof Ohio State J PHD Fleming, Garry A. Prof Roanoke PHD Flessig, Adrian Prof CS-Fullerton EF PHD Fletcher, Daniel O. Retir Denison PHD Fletcher, Deborah Asst Miami U-Ohio DH PHD Fletcher, Jean W. Assoc Gettysburg AJD PHD Fletcher, Jerald J. Assoc W Virginia Q PHD Fletcher, Lehman B. Retir Iowa State O PHD Flinn, Christopher Prof New York U J PHD Flint, Harold Prof Montclair St AEGP PHD Florence, Robert Assoc St Bonaventu HD PHD Flores, Carlos Asst U Miami PHD Flores, Nicholas E. C-Ac Colorado Q PHD Flores, Oscar C-Pr Mn-Moorhead AFH PHD Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso Asst Arizona PHD Floro, Maria Sagrario Assoc American U OGDQ PHD Flory-Truett, Lila J. Prof Tx-S Antonio DFMO PHD Flowers, Edward B. Assoc St John's PHD Flowers, Marilyn Prof Ball State H PHD Flueckiger, Gerald E. Deces Miami U-Ohio CD PHD Flynn, David Asst North Dakota GRNT PHD Flynn, Dennis O. Prof Pacific DNO PHD Flynn, Patricia Prof Bentley JLM PHD Trustee Professor Flynn, Sean Asst Vassar PHD Foad, Hisham Asst San Diego St PHD Foeller, William H. Prof SUNY-Fredoni AJ PHD Fogarty, Michael S. Retir Case Western RO PHD Fogel, Joshua Asst CUNY-Brookly Fogel, Robert W. Prof Chicago PHD Charles R. Walgreen Professor/Director, Center Popu Econ; Nobel Prize 1993 Folbre, Nancy Prof Massachusett PHD Foley, James W. Assoc U Miami O PHD Foley, Mark Assoc Davidson JP PHD Folkers, Kim Assoc Wartburg MIM Folland, Sherman T. Prof Oakland IB PHD Folsom, Roger Nils Retir San Jose St PHD Fomby, Thomas Prof So Methodist CD PHD Fon, Vincy Assoc George Wash CD PHD Fongemie, Claude A. Lect Trinity-CT PHD 89 87 49 65 73 75 73 206 75 63 83 Temple Oklahoma Wisconsin Columbia Princeton Wash St Berkeley Oregon MIT MIT S Illinois Oklahoma U Wash 9-85 1988 1956 1965 1973 1974 1970 1968 1977 2006 1975 1965 1990 66 00 65 85 60 77 73 98 03 83 Indiana Illinois Chicago Berkeley Harvard Brown Conn Harvard Harvard Wisconsin 1967 79 84 78 81 62 69 76 81 94 87 61 79 93 60 03 83 82 69 84 72 97 05 95 90 01 87 72 75 74 70 01 77 80 Tufts Nebraska Kansas Mich St NYU NYU Berkeley Iowa Mich St UCLA MIT 1992 Stanford GeoMason Stanford Kentucky N Car St Michigan Florida Wash U Berkeley Berkeley Chicago S Illinois Purdue Berkeley Ca-SnDgo Cincinnati Ohio St Stanford Iowa Geo St Va Tech Purdue Indiana Utah Boston U 02 06 72 75 Berkeley Emory Iowa St Pittsburgh 2002 2006 1984 1986 63 J Hopkins 1981 79 69 97 89 74 73 75 81 79 Mass Mich St Yale St Thomas Iowa Claremont Missouri Kansas Conn 1985 1968 2000 1989 1986 1976 1975 1979 1977 69 81 1977 1993 1960 1976 1988 1999 2006 1983 1973 1984 2004 1985 2004 1980 1991 1963 1976 1995 1990 1965 1987 1999 1966 2004 1986 1989 1960 1987 1971 2000 2005 1995 1989 2001 1988 1975 1990 1968 2001 1979 1976 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Foran, Terry G. Retir So Illinois Forbes, Kevin F. C-Ac Catholic Forbus, Philip R. Assoc So Alabama Ford, Edward J. Jr. Assoc South Fla Ford, Richard Prof Ark-Ltl Rock Ford, Timothy C. Asst Txs-El Paso Ford, William F. Prof Mid Tenn St Weatherford Chair Formby, John P. Retir Alabama Forstater, Mathew B. Assoc Mo-Kansas Ct Forster, Bruce A. Dean Neb-Kearney Forsyth, Grant Assoc East Wash Forsythe, Robert Dean South Fla Fort, John K. Assoc Wofford Fort, Rodney D. Prof Wash State Forti, Annette D. Retir SUNY Old Wes Fortunato, Michael SUNY-Empire Foshee, Andrew W. Prof McNeese St Fostel, Ana Asst George Wash Foster, Andrew D. C-Pr Brown Foster, Dennis Inst No Arizona Foster, Edward M. Prof Minnesota Foster, James E. Prof Vanderbilt Foster, Kevin Asst CUNY-City C Foster, Kevin USAF Academy Fosu, Joseph Assoc W Illinois Foudy, Joseph ClPr New York U Fournier, Gary M. Prof Florida St Fowler, Stuart Assoc Mid Tenn St Fowles, Richard G. Assoc Utah Fox, Eugene H. Retir NE Louisiana Fox, Jeremy Asst Chicago Fox, Mark Assoc CUNY-Brookly Fox, Nancy R. Assoc St Joseph Fox, Thomas G. Retir Penn State Fox, William F. Prof Tennessee France, Robert R. Retir Rochester Franceschi, Dina Assoc Fairfield Francis, Andre Asst Emory Francis, Gary E. Prof CS-Chico Francis, Johanna Asst Fordham Francis, John Asst Louisiana Te Franck, David P. Assoc Fran Marion Franck, Raymond C. SLect Naval Postgr Franco, April M. Asst Iowa Frandsen, Mike Prof Albion Frangul, Ramzi N. Emer Sacred Heart Frank, Peter Asst Wingate Frank, Robert H. Retir Cornell Frankel, David Assoc Iowa State Franklin, Douglas R. Assoc So Dakota St Franklin, Raymond S. Emer CUNY-Queens Franko, Patrice Prof Colby Grossman Professor of Economics Frantz, Roger S. Prof San Diego St Franz, Wolfgang W. Retir Central Wash Frary, Paul Retir Muhlenberg Frasca, Ralph R. Prof Dayton Frascatore, Mark Assoc Clarkson Fratianni, Michele Retir Indiana Fraundorf, Martha Retir Oregon State Frech, H. E. III Prof Cal-Santa Br Frechette, Guillaume R. Asst New York U Frederick, James R. Asst NC-Pembroke Frederiksen, Peter C. Prof Naval Postgr Fredland, J. Eric Retir USN Academy Fredriksson, Per G. Assoc Louisville Free, Rhona C. Prof Eastern Conn Free, Veronica Retir No Alabama Freeborn, Beth A. Asst Wm & Mary Freed, Rodney Alan Prof CS-Dominguez Freeman, Albert Myrick III Emer Bowdoin Freeman, Donald Assoc Sam Houston Freeman, James Asst Wheaton-MA Freeman, James Retir Columbia Freeman, Katherine Assoc Denver Freeman, Patricia A. Assoc Jackson St Freeman, Richard B. Prof Harvard J DHLQ AD R GHM ABF EQ FGER G KQ L OMF OTR AM DG ADEO F LIK EG DJL A QPO D ABGH D L MG G D Q JBP FAO HJK A DL J LAI AOR DF AJ ACR QD FJ AD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 71 82 78 71 79 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD JD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 207 Penn St Maryland Arkansas Boston C Arkansas NewHamp Michigan 1970 1983 1978 1971 1981 65 96 74 96 75 77 85 75 84 80 05 88 91 61 82 Colorado New Sch Australi Wash St Car Mellon Cumberl Cal Tech Fordham Harvard LSU Yale Berkeley Hawaii MIT Cornell Yale 1982 1999 7-05 1999 2006 1991 1984 PHD 87 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 99 85 62 03 98 89 66 75 52 06 72 05 01 98 83 99 03 73 02 72 93 82 66 86 Iowa St NYU Virginia So Meth Utah Alabama Stanford Harvard Penn Syracuse Ohio St Princeton Tennessee Chicago Colorado J Hopkins Mich St Georgia Harvard Rochester Tx-Austin NYU GeoMason Berkeley MIT Utah Berkeley Notre Dm PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD 78 70 72 75 94 71 76 74 02 83 74 70 94 83 70 06 77 65 88 98 70 78 88 68 Wash St Wash St Arkansas Indiana Va Tech Ohio St Cornell UCLA Ohio St Wayne St Wash St Michigan Penn Notre Dm Miss St Virginia Virginia U Wash So Meth Fla St Penn Fla St LSU Harvard 66 1991 1990 1978 2005 1997 1990 1983 1990 1998 1987 2006 1980 2000 1990 1965 2003 1989 1986 1966 1979 1999 2006 1967 2006 8-01 1999 2004 1977 2003 1972 2003 1988 1966 1986 1978 1969 1990 1972 1994 1971 9-76 1973 8-04 1988 7-74 1974 1983 1984 2004 1979 1965 1998 2000 1991 1983 1998 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Herbert S. Ascherman Professor of Economics Freeman, Scott Retir Texas E Freiberg, Lewis Prof NE Illinois DHI Freudenberger, Herman Retir Tulane Freund, June Inst Pittsburg St A Frevert, Peter Retir Kansas DF Frew, James R. Assoc Willamette Frey, Donald E. Prof Wake Forest Fried, Harold O. Prof Union CIL Friedberg, Leora Asst Virginia HJ Friedberg, Rachel SLect Brown Friedlander, Stanley Retir CUNY-City C DJ Friedman, Benjamin M. Prof Harvard William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy Friedman, Daniel Prof Ca-Santa Crz CDGL Friedman, Gerald Assoc Massachusett Friedman, Hershey H. Prof CUNY-Brookly M Friedman, James W. Emer No Carolina DL Friedman, Milton Emer Chicago Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus Friedman, Richard Retir CS-Northrdge Friedrich, Joseph Prof St Benedict DHI Friesner, Daniel Asst Gonzaga IC Froese, Walter Whitman Frost, Marcia J. Asst Wittenberg AJMO Frost, Peter S. Retir U Washington Frost, Shelby D. Asst Georgia St AQ Froyen, Richard T. Prof No Carolina E Frydman, Roman Prof New York U E Fryer, Roland Asst Harvard Fryman, Richard F. Retir West Georgia AH Fuchs, Victor R. Retir Stanford Fuchs, William Asst Chicago Fuchs-Schvendein, N. Asst Harvard Fudenberg, Drew D. Prof Harvard Fuerst, Timothy S. Prof Bowling Gr E Fuess, Scott M. C-Pr Nebraska J Fugar, Christian V. C-Ac Dillard Fuhr, Joseph P. Prof Widener DIKQ Fuhrman, Jennifer Inst No Iowa Fujii, Edwin T. Deces Hawaii-Manoa Fukasawa, Yoshi C-Pr Midwest St EF Fulk, David SUNY-Empire Fullenkamp, Connel R. Assoc Duke G Fuller, Dan A. Prof Weber State ADH Fuller, John W. Prof Iowa R Fuller, M. Elaine Asst Tuskegee Fuller, Rex D. Dean Co St-Pueblo JLH Fullerton, Don Prof Texas HQ Addison Baker Duncan Centennial Professor in Economics Fullerton, Herbert H. Retir Utah State OQR Fullerton, Richard L. H USAF Academy L Fullerton, Thomas M. Asst Txs-El Paso RC Fullwiler, Scott Asst Wartburg Fulton, Betty Retir SE Missouri P Funderburk, Dale R. Prof Tx A&M-Comm IEKJ Fung, Kwok-Chiu Prof Ca-Santa Crz F Fung, Kwok-Kwan Prof Memphis OP Funk, Herbert J. Retir Creighton AC Funk, Mark Asst Ark-Ltl Rock Funkhouser, Ed Assoc CS-Long Bch J Furdek, Jonathan M. Assoc Purdue-Calmu Furfero, Arlene J. Assoc St John's Furstenberg, Eric Asst Virginia H Furtado, Delia Asst Connecticut J Furubotn, Eirik G. Retir Tx-Arlington DNB Fusaro, Marc Asst East Carol DGKL Futayyeh, Mohamed-Amin Assoc La-Monroe Futrell, Gene Allen Deces Iowa State 1994 Gabaix, Xavier Assoc MIT G Gabel, David J. C-Ac CUNY-Queens DNC Gabel, H. Landis Prof INSEAD DHU Gabriel, Albert H. Retir SW Okla St Gabriel, Paul E. Prof Loyola-Chicg ADJ Gabriel, Satyananda Jordan Prof Mt Holyoke Gade, Mary N. Assoc Oklahoma St HD Gaertner, Robert C. Retir Lk Superior DM Gafar, John S. C-Pr Lg Isl-Post 208 PHD PHD PHD EDS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 72 57 90 64 79 72 78 96 93 64 71 Minnesota Kentucky Columbia Pitt St Purdue Purdue Princeton N Carol MIT MIT MIT 1964 Harvard 9-91 1982 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 86 77 63 46 Ca-SnCruz Harvard CUNY Yale Columbia 1985 1984 1986 1985 1946 ABD MA PHD 70 00 CUNY Wisconsin Wash St 1961 1967 2003 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 95 66 02 72 78 02 67 55 05 04 81 90 86 89 81 98 73 74 Penn UCLA Colorado Maryland Columbia Penn St Illinois Columbia Stanford Yale MIT Chicago Purdue Howard Temple Miami U Stanford Kansas St 2001 1969 2003 1971 1978 92 82 68 98 82 78 Harvard N Carol Wash St New Sch Utah Berkeley 2006 1981 1979 2000 2100 9-94 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD 71 95 96 01 75 71 84 70 64 98 90 74 80 04 05 59 04 70 64 99 87 77 65 87 89 86 65 79 Iowa St Tx-Austin Florida Nebraska Missouri Okla St Wisconsin Harvard Iowa St Ca-Davis Harvard Purdue Rutgers Wisconsin Brown Columbia Nrthwstrn Oklahoma Ohio St Harvard Wisconsin Penn Mich St Kentucky Mass Mich St Notre Dm W Indies 1969 7-95 1996 2001 1968 1968 1989 1975 1967 2003 2003 1974 1964 1984 1972 1983 2000 1992 1972 1986 1974 2005 1987 1993 1986 1979 1999 1974 2004 2005 1982 2004 1964 1999 1987 9-82 1956 1990 1989 1986 1-70 1980 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Gaffney, Mason Prof Cal-Riversid AHR PHD Gahvari, Firouz Prof Illinois DH PHD Galatin, Malcolm Prof CUNY-City C CE PHD Galbreath, George T. Retir CS-Pomona MA Galchus, Kenneth C-Pr Ark-Ltl Rock PHD Gale, Douglas Prof New York U D PHD Gale, Ian L. Prof Georgetown L PHD Gale, James R. Prof Mich Tech E PHD Galenianos, Manolis Asst Penn State PHD Galenson, David W. Prof Chicago PHD Galiani, Sebastian Assoc Wash Univ DF PHD Galinato, Greg Asst Wash State OQ PHD Galizzi, Monica Assoc Mass-Lowell IJ PHD Gallagher, Charles J. Retir Virg Comm PHD Gallagher, Daniel J. Prof St Cloud St L PHD Gallant, A. Ronald Emer No Carolina C PHD Gallaway, Julie H. Asst Mo-Rolla PHD Gallaway, Lowell Retir Ohio Univ PHD Gallaway, Terrel Assoc Missouri St PHD Gallegos, Alejandro Prof Winona State PHD Galles, Gary M. C-Pr Pepper-Malib AHLR PHD Gallet, Craig Asst CS-Sacrament CDL PHD Gallimore, Courtney VAsst East Wash OQFD PHD Gallman, Robert E. Deces No Carolina PHD Gallo, Andres Asst North Fla BO PHD Gallo, David E. Prof CS-Chico AEHQ PHD Gallo, Joseph C. Prof Cincinnati L PHD Gallup, Lanny W. Retir Okla City MS Galor, Oded Prof Brown PHD Gamba, Maria V. Asst Findlay AD MS Gamber, Edward N. Prof Lafayette ACEO PHD Gamble, Ralph C. Jr. Prof Fort Hays St AEG PHD Gambles, Glenn C. Retir CS-Sacrament PHD Gan, Li Assoc Texas A&M C PHD Gander, James P. Prof Utah PHD Ganderton, Philip C-Pr New Mexico DH PHD Gandhi, Alka Asst Lycoming NEA PHD Gang, Ira N. Prof Rutgers-N Br O PHD Gangnes, Byron S. Assoc Hawaii-Manoa EF PHD Ganti, Subrahmanyam VProf SUNY-Buffalo EBC PHD Gapinski, James H. Deces Florida St 2001 PHD Garbo, Lorenzo C-Ac Redlands BF PHD Garcia, Javier F. Assoc Ashland JD Gardner, B. Delworth Retir Brigham Yg PHD Gardner, Delworth B. Emer Brigham Yg PHD Gardner, H. Stephen Prof Baylor FP PHD Herman Brown Professor of Economics; Director McBride Ctr Intl Economics Gardner, Lara Asst Fla Atlantic HC PHD Gardner, Mark L. Prof Piedmont PHD Gardner, Roy J. Prof Indiana PHD Chancellor Professor Gardner, Wayland D. Retir W Michigan H PHD Garen, John E. Prof Kentucky J PHD Gatton Professor Garfinkel, Michelle Prof Calif-Irvine EHD PHD Garhart, Robert E. Jr. Deces St Thomas-MN R PHD Garlick, Peter C. Retir SUNY-N Paltz BEHN PHD Garlin, Victor A. Retir Sonoma State 2001 PHD Garman, David M. Assoc Tufts C PHD Garnel, Donald Retir San Jose St PHD Garner, Phillip D. Asst Brigham Yg O PHD Garner, Scott Lect Baylor MBA Garnett, Robert Asst Tx Christian PHD Garofalo, Gasper A. Prof Akron ADR PHD Garratt, Rodney J. Prof Cal-Santa Br AEH PHD Garrett, Geoffrey Prof S Calif PHD Garrett, John R. Prof Tenn-Chattan EFG PHD UC Foundation Associate Professor Garrett, Martin A. Retir Wm & Mary PHD Garriga, Carlos Asst Florida St EGH PHD Garrison, Charles B. Retir Tennessee PHD Garrison, Roger W. Prof Auburn HE PHD Garston, Neil H. Prof CS-L Angeles PHD Garvin, Alexander Retir Indiana U-PA CE PHD Gashugi, Leonard K. C-Ac Andrews CF PHD Gately, Dermot Prof New York U Q PHD Gates, William R. Assoc Naval Postgr D PHD Gau, Carolina Prof Alcorn State PHD 56 81 65 49 70 75 86 72 06 79 99 06 95 70 76 71 209 1971 1982 1993 2001 1967 2001 1988 1982 2001 2005 1962 2003 1970 1967 1964 1984 1988 1992 1984 1969 60 60 78 Berkeley UCLA MIT 1967 Stanford Wash U Cambridge Princeton Iowa Penn Harvard Oxford Maryland Boston U W Virginia Maryland Iowa St Colo St Ohio St Colo St Wi-Milwa UCLA Iowa St Iowa St Penn Illinois Oregon Missouri Okla St Columbia Wright St Va Tech Okla St Maryland Berkeley Berkeley Ca-SnBarb Ohio St Cornell Penn Buffalo SUNY-Buf Columbia Akron Chicago Chicago Berkeley 03 85 75 N Carol Geo St Cornell 2003 1979 1983 58 82 Wisconsin Ohio St 1964 1982 88 82 72 65 84 66 02 Brown Pittsburgh London Berkeley Michigan Berkeley Brown W Fla Mass Pittsburgh Cornell Duke Mass 1991 1981 1967 1970 1983 1958 2002 2001 1996 1979 1991 Vanderbilt Barcelona Kentucky Virginia Brown Tennessee Boston U Princeton Yale Missouri 1963 2001 1967 1983 1975 1969 1979 1973 1988 59 01 86 88 95 94 56 03 74 69 63 84 88 86 89 70 98 66 89 03 83 90 81 71 95 94 74 91 90 85 66 99 68 81 73 73 92 73 74 1976 1994 1953 1976 1996 1995 1971 1978 2006 2006 1965 1989 2003 1986 1990 2005 1979 1996 1980 1986 1986 1978 1984 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Gau, Paul K. Prof Alcorn State Gaudin, Sylvestre Asst Oberlin Gauger, Jean A. Assoc Tennessee Gaughan, Patrick Prof F Dick-Teane Gawande, Kishore Assoc Texas A&M Gay, David E. Prof Arkansas Gayle, George-Levi Asst Carnegie Mel Gayle, Philip Asst Kansas State Gaynor, Patricia E. Retir Appalach St Ge, Suqin Asst Virg Tech Ge, Wei Assoc Bucknell Geanakoplos, John Prof Yale Gebremariam, Yilma Assoc So Conn St Gebremikael, Fesseha Inst Alabama A&M Geddes, Lori Asst East Wash Gedeon, Shirley J. Assoc Vermont Gegax, Douglas A. Prof New Mex St Gehring, Brian Inst SE Missouri Geide-Stevenson, Doris Prof Weber State Geiss, Charles G. Retir Missouri Geisst, Charles R. Prof Manhattan Gelbach, Jonah B. Assoc Maryland Gemello, John M. Prof San Fran St Gemery, Henry A. Retir Colby Gemmill, Robert M. Retir Gettysburg Genc, Ismail H. Asst Idaho Gendel, E. B. Prof Woodbury Genicot, Garance Asst Georgetown Gensemer, Bruce L. Retir Kenyon Gensemer, Susan H. Assoc Syracuse Gentenaar, Robert EC Geodde, Richard Assoc St Olaf Geoghegan, Jacqueline Assoc Clark George, David L. Prof LaSalle George, Lisa M. Asst CUNY-Hunter Georges, Christophre Prof Hamilton Georgianna, Daniel L. Prof Mass-Dartmou Chancellor Professor of Economics Georgiou, George C. C-Pr Towson Geraci, Vincent J. Prof Texas Sue Killam Professorship in the Foundations of Economics Geraghty, Thomas Asst No Carolina Gerardi, Dino Assoc Yale Gerber, James B. Prof San Diego St Geri, Larry Evergreen St Gerking, Shelby D. Prof Cen Florida Gerlach, Jeff Asst Wm & Mary Gerlowski, Daniel A. D-As Baltimore Gernant, Paul L. Retir Ferris State Gershenberg, Irving Retir Mass-Boston Gersovitz, Mark Prof J Hopkins Gertler, Mark C-Pr New York U Geruson, Richard T. Retir LaSalle Gery, Frank W. Retir St Olaf Getz, Malcolm Prof Vanderbilt Geweke, John F. Prof Iowa Geyleni, Pinar Asst Duquesne Ghali, Moheb A. Prof Western Wash Gharrity, Norman J. Emer Ohio Wesley Ghazalah, Ismail A. Prof Ohio Univ Ghazanfar, Shaikh M. Retir Idaho Ghebrat, Ezra Prof NewJerseyCty Ghent, Linda Asst E Illinois Gherity, James A. Retir No Illinois Ghiara, Ranjeeta Assoc CS-S Marcos Ghirmay, Ghebreyesus C-Pr Southern Ghirmay, Teame Asst Morehead St Ghironi, F. Asst Boston Coll Ghorashi, Gholam-Reza Prof R Stockton Ghosal, Vivek Assoc Georgia Tech Ghosh, Daimayanti VAsst SUNY-Bingham Ghosh, Dipak Assoc Emporia St Ghosh, Indranil Asst Winston-Sal Ghosh, Koushik C-Pr Central Wash Ghosh, Roy Attrayee Assoc MN St-Mankat Ghosh, Satyajit Prof Scranton Ghosh, Sucharita Assoc Akron Ghosh, Suman Asst Fla Atlantic HQ CEFP H LDC C DJ DFOR CD FO A JCA EP HD AF C N NAB AEG ACG AJDE E HPDI D PHD M QROC ABN EJB CI N R ALM FOL D TR HR CEG DQ CDEF F DFHI HOB ADEF DJ B CFJO CE FP LD L F CDHM AHFM CFH AEF 71 99 84 86 91 73 03 02 73 06 93 80 89 97 02 82 84 02 95 74 72 98 74 67 210 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 99 79 99 66 84 Mich St 78 Wisconsin 95 Berkeley 84 Temple 01 Penn 89 Michigan 77 Mass 1989 1977 PHD PHD 79 74 Geo Wash Wisconsin 1980 9-73 PHD PHD PHD DPA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 01 01 86 96 75 01 87 Nrthwstrn Nrthwstrn Ca-Davis S Calif Indiana Indiana Pittsburgh Michigan Berkeley Yale Stanford Penn Boston U Yale Minnesota Penn St U Wash J Hopkins Berkeley Wash St New Sch N Car St Illinois Ca-Rivers Strathcl S Illinois Berkeley Fordham Florida S Calif Tulane So Meth Wash St Nebraska SUNY-Buf Kansas Cornell 2001 67 75 78 73 57 73 75 04 67 66 69 69 82 94 58 94 97 99 86 88 87 94 00 94 97 85 93 02 Illinois Rice Iowa St CUNY UCLA Tx A&M Pittsburgh Colorado U Miami Minnesota Penn Harvard S Calif Alab A&M Wisconsin Mass Wyoming Wichita St SUNY-Buf N Carol LondonEc MIT Stanford Penn Nrthwstrn Tx A&M Boston U Cornell Michigan Purdue 1972 2001 1985 1986 1991 1983 2003 2002 1976 2006 9-95 1990 1996 2002 1981 1984 2004 1996 1972 1985 1998 1975 1961 1958 1999 7-94 2003 1966 1984 1988 1996 1979 1985 2001 2001 8-87 1979 1982 1994 1990 1958 1962 1973 1999 2006 1993 1962 1969 1968 2000 1964 1994 2002 2001 2001 1981 2001 2001 1997 8-04 1993 2001 1986 1993 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Ghoshal, Animesh Prof DePaul Ghysels, Eric Prof No Carolina Edward M. Bernstein Distinguished Professor Giacalone, Joseph A. Assoc St John's Giamalva, John Inst SE Louisiana Giannakouros, George Retir Loras Giannoni, Marc Assoc Columbia Giannoros, Demetrios Prof Hartford Giarratani, Frank Prof Pittsburgh Gibb, Arthur Jr. Retir USN Academy Gibbens, John M. Retir Wis-Whitewat Gibbison, Godfrey Asst Geo Southern Gibbons, Robert Prof MIT Gibbs, W. Ernest Assoc Cen Florida Gibson, Amy D. Assoc Chris Newpor Gibson, Jo Anne Assoc SE Louisiana Gibson, William A. Prof Vermont Gidas, Sam Asst Wash & Jeff Giddings, Lisa Assoc Wis-La Cross Gidwani, Sushila J. Retir Manhattan Giedeman, Dan Asst Grand Valley Giertz, J. Fred Prof Illinois Giesber, Frank W. Retir Tx Lutheran Giesbrecht, Martin G. Retir No Kentucky Giesecke, Leonard F. Deces Southwestern Gieske, Michael Retir Winona State Giffin, Phillip E. Prof Tenn-Chattan Gifford, Adam Jr. Prof CS-Northrdge Gift, Richard E. Prof Kentucky Gigliotti, Gary A. Prof Rutgers-N Br Gil, Ricard Asst Ca-Santa Crz Giladi, Kreindal C. Assoc CUNY-Brookly Gilbert, Howard A. Retir So Dakota St Gilbert, John Assoc Utah State Gilbert, Richard J. Prof Cal-Berkeley Gilbert, Ronald D. Assoc Texas Tech Gilbert, Roy F. Retir Texas A&M Gilbert, Scott Asst So Illinois Gilbreath, L. Kent Prof Baylor Stevens Professor of Private Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Gilchrist, Simon Assoc Boston Univ Gildea, John A. C-Pr Wheaton-MA Giles, John T. Asst Michigan St Gill, Andrew M. Prof CS-Fullerton Gill, Leroy Lect Ohio State Gilles, Robert P. Prof Virg Tech Gilles, William Retir Nebraska Gilleskie, Donna Assoc No Carolina Gillespie, Robert W. Retir Illinois Gillette, David H. Prof Truman State Gillette, J. Robert Assoc Kentucky Gilley, Otis W. H-Pr Louisiana Te Gilliam, Kenneth P. Prof Kennesaw St Gilliam, Lynde O. Prof Metro St-CO Gilligan, Thomas W. Dean S Calif Gillis, Malcolm Prof Rice Gillus, Larry D-As Hampton Gilpatric, Scott Asst Tennessee Gilsdorf, Keith F. Asst Augsburg Gilson, Preston Retir Fort Hays St Gin, Alan Assoc San Diego Gindling, Thomas H. Prof MD-Baltim Co Ginsburg, Helen Retir CUNY-Brookly Ginther, Donna Assoc Kansas Gintis, Herbert M. Retir Massachusett Giordano, James N. Assoc Villanova Giordano, Justin SUNY-Empire Girton, Lance Prof Utah Gishlick, Herbert E. Prof Rider Gisser, Micha Retir New Mexico Gissy, William G. Inst Kennesaw St Githinji, Mwangi Asst Massachusett Gitter, Robert J. Prof Ohio Wesley Giunta, A. John Retir Scranton Gius, Mark P. Prof Quinnipiac Givens, Greg Asst Mid Tenn St Gjerde, Kathy A. Paulson Asst Butler Glade, William P. Jr. Prof Texas DE CG 211 PHD PHD 74 86 Michigan Nrthwstrn 1981 1-00 71 98 74 72 72 65 78 04 81 67 98 76 70 69 96 71 Columbia Arkansas Iowa Princeton Boston U W Virginia Michigan Iowa St Va Tech Stanford Rutgers Alabama Miss Berkeley Yale American Minnesota Wash U Nrthwstrn Tx-Austin Munich Tx-Austin Iowa St Tennessee Ca-SnDgo Duke Columbia Chicago CUNY Oregon St Auckland Stanford Okla St Mich St Ca-SnDgo Florida 1962 1999 1966 2000 1987 2005 1980 1986 1998 2000 1965 2001 1980 1966 1987 1968 1972 1977 1975 1965 1978 E C C GN PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD JD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD BS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD C EG O J PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 85 99 85 Wisconsin Duke Berkeley Wash St 1995 1985 1999 1984 DH PHD EDE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 73 94 61 90 86 79 76 80 84 68 78 02 90 93 87 87 67 98 69 82 Tilburg Nebraska Minnesota MIT Wash St Tx A&M Purdue Lehigh Colo St U Wash Illinois Harvard Tx A&M Nebraska St Louis Ca-SnBarb Cornell New Sch Wisconsin Harvard Indiana St Johns Chicago Penn Chicago Geo St Ca-Rivers Wisconsin Syracuse Penn St N Carol Purdue Tx-Austin 1991 1963 1994 1960 1990 1994 1988 1984 1984 AFQ AEMP R ITQ D FH A CFOQ JO HO A DBLN DHK FB D L A FOC IJ A D ACD ADE FEL F O J DJ M ER DLQ J JKL GE LJ OR 81 75 74 64 98 87 03 72 77 00 64 01 70 78 58 75 76 73 62 87 97 78 91 05 93 55 1979 1974 1961 2002 1981 1966 2001 1976 1977 1970 1999 1973 1993 2003 2003 2001 1988 1988 1977 2002 1975 1983 1992 1978 1964 1973 2006 1976 1960 1994 2005 1997 9-70 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Glaeser, Edward L. Prof Harvard Glahe, Fred R. Retir Colorado Glaser, Darrell Asst USN Academy Glass, Amy J. C-Ac$ Texas A&M Glassman, Debra SLect U Washington Glazer, Amihai Prof Calif-Irvine Gleeson Hanna, Bridget Asst Rochest Tech Gleicher, David Assoc Adelphi Gleisner, Richard F. Retir St Cloud St Glezakos, Constantine Prof CS-Long Bch Glick, Lee Retir Duquesne Glick, Mark Prof Utah Globerman, Steven Prof Western Wash Glomm, Gerhard C-Pr Indiana Glosser, Stuart M. Assoc Wis-Whitewat Glover, Terrence F. Prof Utah State Glustoff, Errol Retir Tennessee Gnuschke, John E. Prof Memphis Gobin, Roy T. Assoc Loyola-Chicg Gocmen, Tuncer Asst Shepherd Godby, Robert C-Pr Wyoming Goddard, Frederick O. Retir Florida Goddard, Haynes C. Prof Cincinnati Goddeeris, John H. Prof Michigan St Godfrey, E. Bruce Prof Utah State Goel, Rajeev Kumar Assoc Illinois St Goenner, Cullen Asst North Dakota Goeree, Jacob Prof Cal Tech Goeree, Michelle Asst Claremont Goering, Gregory Assoc Alaska-Fairb Goettler, Ronald Assoc Carnegie Mel Goetz, Michael Assoc Temple Goff, Brian L. Prof W Kentucky Goffe, William L. Prof SUNY Oswego Gohmann, Stephan F. Prof Louisville Gokturk, S. Sadik Prof St John's Golan, Amos Prof American U Golan, Limor Asst Carnegie Mel Golbe, Devra L. Prof CUNY-Hunter Gold, Andrew J. Assoc Trinity-CT Goldbaum, David Asst Rutgers-Newk Goldberg, Dror Asst Texas A&M Goldberg, Kalman Deces Bradley Goldberg, Michael Assoc New Hampshir Goldberg, Paul A. Assoc CUNY-Brookly Goldberg, Pinelopi Prof Yale Goldberg, Roger H. Prof Ohio Northrn Goldberger, Arthur S. Retir Wisconsin Golden, John M. Assoc Allegheny Goldfarb, Marsha G. Prof MD-Baltim Co Goldfarb, Robert S. Prof George Wash Goldfeld, Stephen M. Deces Princeton Goldin, Claudia D. Prof Harvard Goldman, Marshall I. Retir Wellesley Goldman, Steven M. Emer Cal-Berkeley Goldsmith, Arthur H. Prof Wash & Lee Jackson T. Stephens Professor of Economics Goldsmith, O. Scott Retir Alaska-Ancho Goldstein, Donald Prof Allegheny Goldstein, Harold M. Retir Northeastern Goldstein, Henry Retir Oregon Goldstein, Jonathan Paul Prof Bowdoin Goldstein, Nance Assoc So Maine Gollin, Doug Assoc Williams Gollop, Frank M. Prof Boston Coll Golosov, Mikhail Assoc MIT Golub, Stephen S. Prof Swarthmore Franklin and Betty Barr Professor of Economics Goma, Ophelia Asst DePauw Gomersall, C. Nicholas Assoc Luther Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin Assoc Brandeis Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro Asst U Miami Gonce, Richard A. Retir Grand Valley Gondwe, Derrick K. Deces Gettysburg Gonos, George Assoc SUNY-Potsdam Gonzales, John Asst San Francisc Gonzalez, Fidel Asst Sam Houston Gonzalez, Jorge G. Prof Trinity B F DH CHR BJ E DFIL DCQ MR AEHO J H HI Q CO CEG CDL MH GHK ACE J OC E EF HP DF AENO BJ EJ CH ABG 1997 EC IJ DL AE CEG ABDK ABEO F 212 PHD PHD 92 64 Chicago Purdue PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 93 80 78 05 84 72 70 2001 1992 1978 2003 1981 1968 1968 85 71 88 85 71 69 75 78 05 97 67 70 80 71 87 01 97 02 90 99 77 86 90 84 72 88 02 79 67 96 02 54 91 84 92 81 58 88 68 68 63 72 61 66 79 Penn Wisconsin Yale Wisconsin Columbia Geotown S Calif Pittsburgh New Sch NYU Minnesota Tx-Austin Purdue Stanford Missouri Illinois W Virginia McMaster Duke Indiana Wisconsin Oregon St Houston Wisconsin Amsterdm Virginia Purdue Yale Minnesota GeoMason N Carol N Car St Columbia Berkeley Wisconsin NYU Nrthwstrn Wisconsin Rochester Cornell NYU Columbia Stanford Indiana Michigan Conn Nrthwstrn Yale MIT Chicago Harvard Stanford Illinois PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 91 61 67 82 88 96 74 04 83 Wisconsin Mass Clark J Hopkins Mass ThamesPoly Minnesota Harvard Minnesota Yale 1975 1989 1961 1967 1979 1987 1996 1979 PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 77 91 85 Missouri Cornell Harvard Tx-Austin Wisconsin Manitoba Rutgers Wisconsin Tx-Austin Mich St 1997 1991 1995 2001 1972 1977 66 78 05 89 1965 1985 1994 2000 1985 1974 1970 1976 1978 2004 1997 1966 1969 1980 1977 1989 2001 2004 2004 1990 1997 1978 1986 2000 1988 1996 2002 1987 1971 1998 2002 1952 1991 1978 2001 1969 1960 1989 1973 1980 1969 1990 1958 1979 1990 1981 2005 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Gonzalez, Rodolfo Prof Gonzalez-Brenes, Melissa Inst Gonzalez-Rivera, Gloria C-Pr Gonzalez-Vega, Claudio Prof Good, Delmar Prof Goodfriend, Marvin Prof Gooding, Elmer R. Retir Goodman, Allen C. Prof Goodman, Douglas Prof Goodman, Rae Jean B. Prof Goodstein, Eban Assoc Goodwin, Barry Prof Goodwin, Craufurd D. W. Prof James D. Duke Professor Goodwin, Randall B. Prof Goodwin, Susan A. Retir Gootzeit, Michael J. Prof Gopinath, Gita Asst Gordon, Brunhild Retir Gordon, David B. Assoc Gordon, Nora Asst Gordon, Peter Retir Gordon, Robert J. Prof Gordon, Roger H. Prof Gordon, Sara L. Prof Gorjidooz, Javad Assoc Gorlorwulu, John Asst Gormely, Patrick J. Assoc Gort, Michael Prof Goss, Ernest P. Prof MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics Gotschall, Tiffani A. Asst Gottfried, Robert Richard Prof Gottheil, Fred Prof Gottschalk, Peter Prof Gottschang, Thomas R. Assoc Gouke, Cecil G. Retir Goulder, Lawrence Prof Goulet, Denis A. Retir Goulet, Janet C. Prof Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier Asst Gourio, Francois Asst Govindan, Srihari Prof Gowdy, John M. Prof Gowens, Paul R. Prof Goyal, Tarsiam L. C-Pr Grabowski, Henry G. Prof Grabowski, Richard L. C-Pr Graboyes, Robert Visit Graddy, Duane B. Prof Grady, John Assoc Graeser, Paul Deces Graham, Bradley VAsst Graham, Bryan S. Asst Graham, Daniel A. Prof Graham, Glenn Assoc Graham, John W. III C-Pr Graham, Katherine Lect Graham, Patricia E. Assoc Graham, William R. Retir Gram, Harvey H. Prof Grambo, Ralph W. Jr. Retir Gramlich, Edward M. Retir Gramm, Marshall Assoc Granderson, Gerald Assoc Granger, Clive W. J. Emer Granger, George L. Retir Granger, Maury Assoc Granitz, Elizabeth Asst Grant, Alan Assoc Grant, Clayton H-Pr Grant, James H. Asst Grant, Randy R. C-Pr Grant, Simon Prof Lay Family Professor of Economics Grant, Stephen K. Retir Grant, William C. Asst Grapard, Ulla A. Assoc San Jose St Massachusett Cal-Riversid Ohio State Goshen Carnegie Mel Arizona St Wayne State Puget Sound USN Academy Lewis & Clrk N Carol St Duke Kennesaw St Mass-Lowell Memphis Harvard South Fla Clemson Ca-San Diego So Calif Northwestern Ca-San Diego St John's Adams State George Fox Kansas State SUNY-Buffalo Creighton Wash & Jeff Univ South Illinois Boston Coll Holy Cross Ohio State Stanford Notre Dame Wittenberg Cal-Berkeley Boston Univ Iowa Rensselaer Tx St-S Marc Univ of D C Duke So Illinois Richmond Mid Tenn St LaSalle No Illinois Grinnell Cal-Berkeley Duke SUNY Oswego Rutgers-Newk SUNY-Cortlan No Colorado CS-L Angeles CUNY-Queens Scranton Michigan Rhodes Miami U-Ohio Ca-San Diego East Tenn St Jackson St Lg Isl-Post E Illinois No Georgia Lewis & Clrk Linfield Rice Mass Lib Art Jms Madison Colgate CG O AH IR AE QDGL QF ABN ADM G BE DE E H OF O RC OQR AB DIJ AOP M O AJM EG CD Q M LO OF GHA BE L K DK AIL IJOQ FCE P DG C K CDJA AB PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DSC PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 213 91 76 70 80 69 76 78 76 89 88 58 Ca-Davis Berkeley Ca-SnDgo Stanford Illinois Brown Kansas Yale Illinois Wash U Michigan N Car St Duke 1990 2005 1991 82 75 66 01 57 95 02 71 67 76 71 85 02 67 54 83 Georgia Tufts Purdue Princeton S Calif Chicago Harvard Penn MIT 1973 MIT 2001 Stanford Indiana Cornell Duke Columbia Tennessee 1982 81 59 73 82 67 82 63 75 96 05 93 80 73 70 67 77 00 74 67 05 69 95 78 86 88 69 73 73 65 00 93 74 71 93 96 71 79 96 91 74 90 2-67 2005 1988 1986 1977 1973 1995 1993 9-61 1975 1960 8-93 2003 1971 1978 1981 1967 1964 1992 SUNY-Bin N Carol Duke Penn Michigan NYU Stanford SaoPaulo Notre Dm MIT 2003 Chicago SUNY-SBr W Virginia Miss Geo Wash Princeton Utah Columbia Lehigh Temple Columbia Colorado Harvard Duke SUNY-Bin Nrthwstrn Cornell Colo St Arizona Wisconsin Penn Yale Tx-Arlin N Carol Nottingh Penn Kentucky UCLA Kansas St Clemson Mich St Nebraska Harvard 1997 1985 1987 1993 2002 Clark N Carol Cornell 2004 1985 1959 1987 1979 1973 1989 1979 1975 2005 2003 1983 1980 1967 9-72 1979 2001 1972 1960 1967 2006 2005 9-69 1992 1986 1988 1988 1969 1974 1973 1976 2000 1993 1974 1961 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Grass, R. Gail Assoc Jackson St PHD Gratton-Lavoie, Chiara Lect CS-Fullerton L PHD Graves, Philip E. Prof Colorado QR PHD Grawe, Nathan Assoc Carleton DIJ PHD Gray, Charles M. Prof St Thomas-MN K PHD Gray, Jerry Prof Willamette PHD Gray, Jo Anna Prof Oregon E PHD Gray, Wayne B. Prof Clark JCD PHD Greaney, Theresa M. Assoc Hawaii-Manoa F PHD Greckel, Fay E. Retir Indiana SE OJR PHD Greco, Anthony J. H-Pr La-Lafayette ADL PHD Green, Edward Prof Penn State PHD Green, Gareth P. Asst Seattle DEQ PHD Green, Gregory G. Assoc Idaho State ACEF PHD Green, Jeffery Assoc Ball State C PHD Green, Jeffery Retir Indiana PHD Green, Jerry R. Prof Harvard PHD David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy Green, Louis C. Prof San Diego St PHD Green, Richard Prof Carnegie Mel PHD Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Professor of Economics and Management Green, Rodney D. Prof Howard R PHD Green, Steven L. C-Pr Baylor PHD Green, Trellis G. Assoc So Miss Q PHD Green, William B. C-Pr Sam Houston PHD Green-Weishaupt, Carole A. Assoc South Fla J PHD Greenbaum, Harry Retir So Dakota St E PHD Greenberg, Edward Emer Wash Univ DE PHD Greene, Benjamin B. Jr. Retir Salisbury St PHD Greene, Clinton Assoc Mo-St Louis CE PHD Greene, Kenneth V. Prof SUNY-Bingham HK PHD Greene, William H. Prof New York U CDE PHD Entertainment and Media Faculty Fellow Greenfield, Robert L. Prof F Dick-Madis GP PHD Greenfield, Victoria Prof USN Academy Crowe Chair Greenhut, John Assoc Tx A&M-Comm GE PHD Greenhut, Melvin L. Retir Texas A&M PHD Greenlaw, Steven A. Prof Mary Wash EFA PHD Greenley, Douglas A. Prof Mn-Moorhead AFQ PHD Greenstone, Michael Prof MIT A PHD 3M Associate Professor of Environmental Economics Greenwald, Bruce C. N. Prof Columbia PHD Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management Greenwald, William Retir CUNY-City C CE PHD Greenwood, Daphne T. Prof Colorado Spr HJT PHD Greenwood, Jeremy Prof Rochester D PHD Greenwood, Michael J. Prof Colorado R PHD Greer, Douglas F. Prof San Jose St PHD Greer, Mark Prof Dowling PHD Gregor, John J. C-Pr Wash & Jeff PHD Gregoriou, Greg Assoc SUNY-Plattsb G ABD Gregorowicz, Phillip H-Pr Auburn-Montg EFGJ PHD Gregory, Paul R. Prof Houston P PHD Greif, Avner Prof Stanford PHD Grennes, Thomas Prof N Carol St FD MA Grenols, Earl Prof Baylor PHD Distinguished Professor Grether, David M. Prof Cal Tech PHD Gretz, Richard Asst Bradley PHD Greubel, Robert T. Retir NE St-Okla AEF PHD Greytak, David Retir Syracuse D PHD Grier, Kevin B. Prof Oklahoma E PHD Grier, Robin Assoc Oklahoma O PHD Grieson, Ronald E. Retir Ca-Santa Crz RHD PHD Griffin, Harry Asst Montevallo PHD Griffin, James M. Retir Texas A&M C PHD Griffin, Keith B. Emer Cal-Riversid AOP DPHI Griffith, Jacqueline Asst Kean MBA Griffith, Winston Harold Prof Bucknell FOD PHD Griffiths, L. Christopher Retir Colorado Col PHD Grigg, Vernon H. Retir South Fla PHD Grijalva, Therese Assoc Weber State PHD Griliches, Zvi Deces Harvard PHD Grimes, Paul W. H-Pr Miss State JA PHD Grimsrud, Kristina Asst New Mexico CDQ PHD Grinols, Earl L. Retir Illinois DFO PHD Gritsch, Martin Asst Wm Paterson PHD 214 89 00 73 01 78 89 76 83 94 69 78 77 95 97 72 67 70 Harvard Va Tech Nrthwstrn Chicago Wash U Utah Chicago Harvard Michigan Indiana Tennessee Car Mellon Berkeley Temple Cornell Illinois Rochester 1989 1999 1976 1999 1976 1990 1989 1984 2000 1967 8-84 2003 2001 1997 1972 1985 1973 75 82 Berkeley Wisconsin 1976 1982 80 84 84 74 82 61 61 74 92 68 76 American Brown Fla St LSU Illinois Ohio St Wisconsin Boston C Ca-Davis Virginia Wisconsin 1977 1986 1983 1974 1982 1961 1963 8-78 1994 1968 1982 79 Rutgers 8-79 79 51 87 79 98 Tx A&M Wash U SUNY-Bin Colo St Princeton 2006 1966 1982 1978 2003 78 MIT 1991 50 80 83 67 68 90 76 04 82 69 89 65 77 NYU Oklahoma Rochester Nrthwstrn Cornell Michigan Penn St Quebec N Illinois Harvard Nrthwstrn Wisconsin MIT 1946 1980 1992 1980 1975 1994 1989 2003 1980 1972 1993 1968 69 05 72 68 84 95 72 96 70 65 Stanford Claremont Arkansas Wash U Wash U GeoMason Rochester Alabama Penn Oxford 1970 2005 1965 1999 1999 1980 2006 1982 1988 81 70 54 00 57 84 02 77 00 Howard Colorado MIT New Mex Chicago Okla St Wash St MIT Tx A&M 1987 1967 1981 1995 1969 1987 2003 1984 2000 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Grivoyannis, Elias C. Assoc Yeshiva Grobar, Lisa M. Prof CS-Long Bch Grobey, John H. Retir CS-Humboldt Grodner, Andrew Asst East Carol Gronberg, Timothy J. Prof Texas A&M Groothuis, Peter A. Assoc Appalach St Gropp, Jeffrey Asst DePauw Gropper, Daniel M. Prof Auburn Grossbard, Shoshan Prof San Diego St Grossbeck, John Dean E New Mexico Grossberg, Adam J. C-Ac Trinity-CT Grosskopf, Brit Asst Texas A&M Grosskopf, Shawna Prof Oregon State Grossman, Gene M. C-Pr Princeton Grossman, Gregory Emer Cal-Berkeley Grossman, Herschel I. Retir Brown Grossman, Peter Z. Assoc Butler Efroymson Chair in Economics Grossman, Philip J. Prof St Cloud St Grossman, Richard S. C-Pr Wesleyan-CT Grove, Wayne A. Assoc LeMoyne Groves, Jeremy Asst No Illinois Groves, Melissa Assoc Towson Groves, Theodore Prof Ca-San Diego Grubacic, Sanja Asst So Conn St Grubaugh, Stephen G. Prof Bentley Grubb, Farley Prof Delaware Gruber, Jonathan H. Prof MIT Grunloh, James J. Prof Wis-Oshkosh Gruver, Gene W. Prof Pittsburgh Gu, Anthony Assoc SUNY-Geneseo Guell, Robert Assoc Indiana St Guenerol, Federico Asst Nevada-Reno Guerron, Pablo Asst N Carol St Guffey, Loren Retir Cen Arkansas Guggenberger, Patrik Asst UCLA Guha, Gauri-Shankar Asst Arkansas St Guiler, Charles J. Retir Grove City Guilfoil, John D. Retir New York U Guiliano, Laura Asst U Miami Guilkey, David K. Prof No Carolina Boshamer Distinguished Professor Guinnane, Timothy J. Prof Yale Guirguis, Hany Asst Manhattan Gujarati, Damodar N. Prof USM Academy Gul, Faruk R Prof Princeton Gulati, Sunil Lect Columbia Guldi, Melanie Asst Mt Holyoke Gulla, Darrin V. VAsst Berry Gullason, Edward T. C-Pr Dowling Gulley, O. David Prof Bentley Gulyas, Erika Asst Trinity Gummerson, Alan Lect Fla Internat Gumpper, Michael R. Prof Millersville Gunderson, Elizabeth W. Assoc Hamline Gunderson, Ralph O. C-Pr Wis-Oshkosh Gunderson, Ronald J. C-Pr No Arizona Gunn, Gerry Prof Central Wash Gunn, John McKenzie Emer Wash & Lee Lewis Whitaker Adams Professor of Economics Emeritus Gunter, Frank R. Assoc Lehigh Gunther, William D. Prof So Miss Guo, Jang-Ting Prof Cal-Riversid Gupta, Barnali Prof Miami U-Ohio Gupta, Harish C. Retir Nebraska Gupta, Rupayan Lect CS-Bakersf Gupta, Satya P. Prof Augsburg Gupta, Shiv K. Prof Findlay Gural, Michael L. Deces Westfield St Gurmu, Shiferaw Assoc Georgia St Gurtunca, Esen Z. Prof Indianapolis Donald W. Tanselle Professor of Economics Guse, Joseph Asst Wash & Lee Gustafson, Curtis O. Asst So Dakota St Gustafson, Elizabeth F. Assoc Dayton Gustafson, Leland Verne Prof West Georgia Gustafson, W. Eric Retir Cal-Davis Gustavson, Robert L. Retir Washburn CJRT H DF EM GOH D CHJ NL H N AND HR DHM EF CF N G A O D HC E EF ACFQ DKN C N CE AO GL EG E AEF C OR DR E FK R AC DR FO DHL AJ CI DH M C AC AO 89 89 75 04 78 89 00 89 78 215 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 00 77 80 53 65 92 NYU Michigan U Wash Syracuse Nrthwstrn Kentucky W Virginia Fla St Chicago Utah St Illinois Pompeu Syracuse MIT Harvard J Hopkins Wash U PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MED PHD PHD PHD 84 88 00 05 00 70 96 82 84 92 79 72 99 91 02 06 66 03 02 66 64 03 73 Virginia Harvard Illinois Wash U Mass Berkeley Conn Chicago Chicago Harvard Wash U Iowa St Illinois Syracuse Maryland Nrthwstrn Arkansas Yale Penn St Ind-Penn NYU Berkeley N Carol PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 87 95 65 86 87 06 05 86 89 06 71 97 91 78 77 Stanford Oregon Chicago Princeton Columbia Ca-Davis Georgia Penn Kentucky U Wash Wisconsin Kentucky Union-NY Arkansas Nebraska Colo St Princeton 1957 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA MA PHD PHD 85 69 93 90 69 05 75 83 J Hopkins Kentucky UCLA Florida Tennessee 1984 1998 1993 1993 1969 92 73 S Illinois London Rutgers Indiana Purdue 1976 1983 1982 1998 1974 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 86 74 74 59 76 Wisconsin S Dakota N Carol Fla St Harvard Colorado 2005 1989 1983 1971 1978 1976 54 1989 1967 2004 1977 2002 2000 1988 1981 2006 1986 2003 9-98 1980 1953 1973 1994 9-99 1990 2002 2005 2000 1978 1981 1983 1992 1969 1970 1999 1991 2002 2006 9-65 7-03 2001 1967 1964 2004 1983 2001 1990 1995 1996 2006 2006 1990 2006 1989 1995 1980 1987 1977 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Gustman, Alan L. Prof Dartmouth Loren M. Berry Professor Gutermuth, Karen Asst Va Military Gutmann, Peter M. Prof CUNY-Baruch Gutowsky, Albert R. Retir CS-Sacrament Guttmann, Robert P. Prof Hofstra Guvenen, M. Fatih Asst Texas-Austin Guynn, Richard Dickson Retir West Georgia Gwartney, James D. Prof Florida St Gwinn, Lawrence Assoc Wittenberg Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabena C-Pr South Fla Gylys, Julius A. Retir Toledo Ha, Inhyuck Asst W Carolina Haas, Paul F. Retir Bowling Gr Haas-Wilson, Deborah Prof Smith Habermalz, Steffen Lect Northwestern Hackett, Steven C. Prof CS-Humboldt Hadjimichalakis, Karma SLect U Washington Hadjimichalakis, Michael Assoc U Washington Hadley, Lawrence H. Assoc Dayton Hafer, Rik W. C-Pr S Ill-Edward Hagen, Daniel A. Prof Western Wash Hagstrom, Paul Alan Assoc Hamilton Hahn, Jaehoon Asst U Washington Hahn, Jinyong Prof UCLA Hahn, Youngki Retir Hawaii-Hilo Hahnel, Robin E. Prof American U Haider, Steven J. Assoc Michigan St Haile, Philip Prof Yale Hailstones, Thomas J. Deces South Fla Hailu, Yohannes Asst West Liberty Haines, Michael R. Prof Colgate Banfi Vintners Professor of Economics Haj, Mahmound Asst Grambling St Hajizadeh, Avaz Prof Mass Lib Art Hake, Eric Assoc E Illinois Hakeem, Salih Asst N Carol Cen Hakes, David R. Prof No Iowa Hakes, Jahn K. Prof Albion Hakim, Simon Prof Temple Halcoussis, Dennis Prof CS-Northrdge Haley, Charles W. Retir U Washington Haley, Roy USAF Academy Haley, Ryan Asst Wis-Oshkosh Hall, Alastair R. Prof N Carol St Hall, Bernard Retir Kent State Hall, Bronwyn H. Emer Cal-Berkeley Hall, Darwin C. Prof CS-Long Bch Hall, George Assoc Brandeis Hall, Jane V. Prof CS-Fullerton Hall, John B. Prof Portland St Hall, Robert E. Prof Stanford Hall, Thomas E. Prof Miami U-Ohio Hall, W. Clayton Retir Illinois Tch Hall, William Woodward Jr. Prof N Car-Wilmin Hall, Yvonne C. Prof So New Hamp Hallack, Juan Carlos Asst Michigan Hallagan, William S. Assoc Wash State Hallam, Arne C-Pr Iowa State Haller, Hans H. Prof Virg Tech Halliday, Timothy Asst Hawaii-Manoa Hallock, Kevin F. Assoc Illinois Hallwood, C. Paul Prof Connecticut Halstead, James F. Retir Occidental Halteman, James Prof Wheaton-IL Hendrickson Chair Haltiwanger, John C. Prof Maryland Halvorsen, Robert C-Pr U Washington Ham, C. L. Retir CS-Northrdge Ham, John C-Pr So Calif Hamada, Koichi Prof Yale Hambleton, John W. Assoc San Diego St Hamed, Osama Lect Rutgers-Camd Hamer, Thomas P. Retir Rowan Col-NJ Hamermesh, Daniel S. Prof Texas Edward Everett Hale Centennial Professor in Economics Hamersma, Sarah Asst Florida Hamid, M. Khalil Retir Millersville EF F JA H ACEF O DIL J J EG JEFQ JHI B J L TN BEFG QD R CHN Q C BNH E Q P EC QR NOK D D CI HJ F A AB 8-94 J F J HI 216 PHD 69 Michigan 1969 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 96 57 65 79 01 71 69 83 81 69 99 70 83 02 89 74 69 75 79 83 91 03 93 71 79 98 96 51 1997 1963 1967 71 LSU Harvard Oregon London Car Mellon Alabama U Wash Kansas Wayne St Wayne St Minnesota Boston C Berkeley Wi-Milwa Tx A&M Rochester Rochester Conn Va Tech Berkeley Wisconsin Columbia Harvard Ca-Rivers American Michigan Nrthwstrn St Louis W Virginia Penn PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 85 94 87 85 96 76 92 68 N Orleans Rensselaer Tennessee N Car St Iowa St Duke Penn Penn Stanford PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 85 55 88 77 96 77 84 67 82 64 72 81 02 77 83 78 05 95 88 72 74 Iowa Warwick Berkeley Stanford Berkeley Chicago Berkeley New Sch MIT Ca-SnBarb Illinois Clemson Colo St Harvard Ca-Davis Berkeley Erlangen Princeton Princeton Aberdeen Stanford Penn St 1981 2002 1984 1983 1985 2005 1995 1986 1977 1979 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 73 72 80 65 71 75 69 J Hopkins Harvard S Calif Princeton Yale Wisconsin UCLA Claremont Yale 1987 1972 1963 2005 1986 1969 2006 1974 9-73 PHD PHD 04 66 Wisconsin Iowa 2004 1968 1968 1988 1994 1967 2003 1967 1984 2006 1994 1970 1969 1977 1989 1988 1991 2002 2000 1976 2002 2003 1988 2006 1990 8-99 1999 1988 1992 2005 1976 1991 1966 2003 1985 1955 1987 1986 2006 1981 1985 1978 1982 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hamilton, Bruce W. Prof J Hopkins Hamilton, James D. Prof Ca-San Diego Hamilton, Johnathan H. C-Pr Florida Hamilton, Steve C-Pr Cal Poly-SLO Hammack, Judd Retir CS-L Angeles Hammerle, Nancy E. Asst Stonehill Hammes, David L. C-Pr Hawaii-Hilo Hammond, Claire Holton Prof Wake Forest Hammond, J. Daniel Prof Wake Forest Huttquist Family Professor Hammond, Peter J. Prof Stanford Hammoudeh, Shawka M. Prof Drexel Hampton, Nathan E. Assoc St Cloud St Hamzaee, Reza G. Prof Missouri Wes Han, Hsiang-Ling Assoc Babson Hands, Wade Prof Puget Sound Handy, John C-Pr Morehouse Charles E. Merrill Professor of Economics Handy, Sheila A. Asst Lafayette Hanes, Christopher L. Prof SUNY-Bingham Hanna, Raouf S. H-Pr E Michigan Hannah, Richard Prof Mid Tenn St Hannan, Michael J. C-Pr Edinboro Hannes, Lance E. Assoc Edinboro Hanni, Eila A. Retir South Fla Hannon, Joan U. Retir St Marys-Cal Hansen, Bradley C-Ac Mary Wash Hansen, Bruce Prof Wisconsin Hansen, David Prof Linfield Hansen, Gary B. Retir Utah State Hansen, Gary D. C-Pr UCLA Hansen, Jan M. Retir Wis-Eau Clar Hansen, Julia L. Prof Western Wash Hansen, Lars Peter Prof Chicago Homer J. Livingston Distinguished Service Professor Hansen, Mary Asst American U Hansen, Niles M. Retir Texas Hansen, Peter R. Asst Stanford Hansen, W. Lee Retir Wisconsin Hanson, James S. C-Pr Willamette Hanson, John R. II Prof Texas A&M Hanson, Michael S. Asst Wesleyan-CT Hanson, Robin Asst George Mason Hanssen, F. Andrew Assoc Montana St Hanushek, Eric A. Retir Rochester Happel, Stephen K. Prof Arizona St Harbaugh, Richard Asst Indiana Harbaugh, William T. Assoc Oregon Harberger, Arnold C. Prof UCLA Hardcastle, Rodney Prof Pacific Unio Harder, K. Peter Emer Western Wash Hare, Denise Assoc Reed Harford, Jarad Assoc U Washington Harford, Jon D. Assoc Cleveland St Harger, Bruce T. Prov Lk Superior Harihavan, Govind C-Ac$ Kennesaw St Harik, Bassam Assoc W Michigan Haririan, Mehdi Prof Bloomsburg Harl, Neil E. Retir Iowa State Harless, David W. Assoc Virg Comm Harman, Peter Retir Rhode Isl Cl Harmel, Robert Prof Midwest St Harmon, Oskar R. Assoc Connecticut Haroian, Berch Prof Wm Patterson Harper, Richard K. Assoc West Florida Harrald, Paul D. Lect Manches Inst Harrington, David E. Assoc Kenyon Himmelright Associate Professor in Economics Harrington, John P. Dean Rensselaer Harrington, Joseph E. Prof J Hopkins Harris, Donald J. Retir Stanford Harris, James G. Retir CS-Dominguez Harris, Jeffrey E. Prof MIT Harris, John R. Prof Boston Univ Harris, Lawrence Prof S Calif Harris, Robert Prof Ind-Purdue/I Harris, Scott Assoc Mont St-Bill Harris, William Assoc Delaware D HRD Q A Q Q E CE ABC BDF GM EN J CER DLJ N CE J J DR JN RP N E HQ M BNP JOPD DHKQ A HIM E QK DL H AFM BCDL QRHC AEDH I ER A H PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD 72 83 82 96 69 217 85 82 79 Princeton Berkeley MIT Berkeley U Wash Temple Simon Fr Virginia Virginia 1970 1980 1988 1978 1978 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 74 80 89 85 92 81 85 Cambridge Kansas Ca-SnBarb Ariz St Rochester Indiana Geo St 1979 1990 1987 1984 1997 1980 2002 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 90 73 81 88 87 70 78 95 89 NYU Harvard Indiana Utah W Virginia SUNY-Buf Yale Wisconsin Wash U Yale Port St Cornell Minnesota Missouri Berkeley Minnesota 2000 2003 1977 1992 1988 1978 1970 1987 1995 1998 1969 1967 1987 1985 1988 1982 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 63 00 58 71 72 99 99 95 68 76 97 95 50 89 68 92 98 74 91 Illinois Indiana Ca-SnDgo J Hopkins Stanford Penn Michigan Harvard Chicago MIT Duke Pittsburgh Wisconsin Chicago Golden Gt Nebraska Stanford Rochester Stanford Mich St SUNY-Buf Wayne St New Sch Iowa St Indiana N Carol Iowa St Rutgers NYU Duke Simon Fr Wisconsin 2002 1-63 2004 1965 1976 1974 1999 1999 1995 1978 1975 2003 1995 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 80 84 66 70 75 67 71 86 74 84 78 78 87 65 88 76 74 80 72 89 84 79 85 79 Rutgers Duke Berkeley Oregon Penn Nrthwstrn Chicago Ohio St UCLA Va Tech 1973 1992 1984 1989 1970 1992 2001 1982 9-67 2002 1979 1982 1964 8-93 1989 1982 1978 1989 1994 1986 2002 1983 1972 1969 1976 1975 1981 1991 1983 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Harris, William G. Retir Georgetown Harrison, Dannie Prof Murray State Harrison, Glenn W. Prof Cen Florida Harrison, Kenneth Prof R Stockton Harrison, Sharon Assoc Barnard Harrison, Teresa Asst Drexel Harrison, William B. III Retir Virg Comm Harshbarger, Richard B Retir Manchester Harstad, Ronald Prof Missouri J. Rhoads Foster Professor Hart, Barbara C-Pr Texas-Tyler Hart, Oliver D'Arcy Prof Harvard Hart, William R. Prof Miami U-Ohio Hart-Landsberg, Martin Prof Lewis & Clrk Harter, John F. R. Assoc E Kentucky Hartigan, James C. Prof Oklahoma Hartley, James E. Assoc Mt Holyoke Hartley, Michael J. Retir New Orleans Hartley, Peter R. Prof Rice Hartley, William SUNY-Empire Hartline, Jessie C. Retir Rutgers-N Br Hartman, Harrison G. Retir E Stroudsbur Hartman, Richard C. Prof U Washington Hartmann, G. Bruce H-Pr Tenn State Hartmann, Monica Asst St Thomas-MN Harun, Syed M. C-Ac Tx A&M-Kings Harvey, Curtis E. Retir Kentucky Harvey, John T. C-Pr Tx Christian Harwitz, Mitchell Retir SUNY-Buffalo Hasanov, Fuad Asst Oakland Hashemzadeh, Nozar C-Pr Radford Hashimoto, Masanori C-Pr Ohio State Haskew, Barbara S. Prof Mid Tenn St Haslag, Joseph H. Prof Missouri Hassan, Mahboubul Assoc So New Hamp Hassan, Morsheda Asst Grambling St Hassan, Seid Prof Murray State Hastings, Justine Asst Yale Hasty, John M. Jr. Prof Tenn State Hattwick, Richard E. Retir W Illinois Hau, Jong-Chol Retir Millersville Hauge, Janice A. Asst North Texas Haughton, Jonathan H. Assoc Suffolk Hauk, Bill Asst So Carolina Haulman, Clyde A. C-Pr Wm & Mary Haupert, Michael J. Prof Wis-La Cross Haurin, Donald R. Prof Ohio State Hause, John C. Retir SUNY-Stony B Hausknecht, Andreas Asst Indiana Hausman, Jerry A. Prof MIT John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics Hausman, William J. Prof Wm & Mary Chancellor Professor Haveman, Robert H. Retir Wisconsin Havens, Rebecca A. Prof Pt Loma Naz Havrilesky, Thomas Deces Duke Hawkins, Benjamin Dean Campbell Hawkins, Charles F. Prof Lamar Hawkins, Richard R. Assoc West Florida Hawkins, William Asst Rochester Hawley, Clifford B. Prof W Virginia Haworth, Barry M. Asst Louisville Hay, George A. Prof Cornell Edward Cornell Professor Law and Professor of Economics Hayashi, Paul M. Retir Tx-Arlington Hayaski, Takashi Asst Texas-Austin Hayden, F. Gregory Prof Nebraska Haydon, Randall B. Retir Wichita St Hayes, Kathy J. Prof So Methodist Hayes, Sue E. Prof Sonoma State Hayford, Marc D. Prof Loyola-Chicg Hayfron, John Lect Western Wash Hayhurst, Michiko Asst Txs Woman's Haynes, C. Beth Prof Brighm Yg-HI Haynes, Glenn Inst W Illinois Haynes, Michael C. Retir So Oregon St Haynes, Stephen E. Prof Oregon Hays, Henry M. Prof Gustavus Ado EPO QK HE EC L 1999 DL CRIJ EA POFA FL G J CKL GE P COTR ER CJGA J J OGE CEFR CL AM DHLI AEN R C CT RK ACR JD L K D HQI HIL Q AE DHO DAO ADK FE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 218 67 74 82 76 97 02 72 56 77 Oregon S Illinois UCLA SUNY-Alb Nrthwstrn Tx-Austin Maryland Indiana Penn 1969 2003 1976 1997 2002 1972 1960 2004 1993 1974 1978 1999 1988 1994 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MAPE 74 76 74 92 79 94 70 80 Sam Hous Princeton Wash U Wisconsin Purdue Duke Ca-Davis Penn Chicago 68 76 71 74 00 02 63 87 59 05 74 71 69 87 82 Rutgers NYU Berkeley SUNY-Alb Virginia N Orleans S Calif Tennessee MIT 1958 Tx-Austin Va Tech Columbia Tennessee So Meth Boston U PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DPHI 93 01 73 65 67 01 83 05 69 89 78 62 90 73 Tx A&M Berkeley Geo St Vanderbilt St Louis Florida Harvard Stanford Fla St Wash U Chicago Chicago Berlin Oxford 1969 1969 2002 1997 8-06 1969 1989 1975 1978 2002 1973 PHD 76 Illinois 1981 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 63 87 66 79 80 96 06 77 94 69 Vanderbilt Ca-SnDgo Illinois Kentucky LSU Geo St MIT Duke Ca-Davis Nrthwstrn 1970 1990 1969 2004 1966 1996 7-06 1978 1995 1979 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 04 68 62 80 75 87 99 00 81 So Meth Rochester Tx-Austin Illinois Syracuse Berkeley Brown Bergen Tx-Dallas Purdue 1965 1967 1970 1986 1974 1986 2005 2006 1994 MS PHD PHD 64 76 73 Brighm Yg Ca-SnBarb Kansas St 1964 1978 1999 1986 1968 1964 1971 1974 2000 2000 1963 1987 2004 1983 1987 1978 2000 1985 1992 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hays, Sally Asst Western St DCQ Haywood, Dale M. Prof Northwood Hayworth, Steve Assoc E Michigan Hazarika, Gautam Asst Tx-Brownsvil JO Hazilla, Michael Assoc American U C Hazlett, Denise J. Assoc Whitman EG He, Ling Prof Cen Arkansas He, Susan Asst Wash State EC Head, Tom C-Pr George Fox Headen, Alvin E. Assoc N Carol St IJD Heal, Geoffrey M. Prof Columbia Paul Garett Professor of Public Policy and Business Responsibility Healy, Andrew Asst Loyola Marym Healy, Paul Asst Ohio State Heap, Philip S. Jms Madison Heath, Julia A. C-Pr Memphis JI Heath, W. Cary Assoc La-Lafayette DK Heathcote, Jonathan Asst Georgetown E Heavey, Jerome F. Prof Lafayette ADHP Heberling, Gregory Dean Assoc Anderson U Hebert, Robert F. Retir Auburn Heckelman, Jac C. Assoc Wake Forest Heckerman, Donald G. Retir Arizona Heckman, James J. Prof Chicago Henry Schultz Professor of Economics & Soc Sciences; 2000 Nobel Prize Hecox, Walter E. Retir Colorado Col Hedge, Aaron Asst CS-Bakersf DG Hedrick, David W. Assoc Central Wash AIO Heffley, Dennis R. H-Pr Connecticut RI Hefner, Dennis L. Prof SUNY-Fredoni IL Hefner, Frank L. C-Ac Charleston Hegji, Charles E. Prof Auburn-Montg DFMJ Heiland, Frank Asst Florida St JT Heilbrun, James Retir Fordham Heim, Carol E. Prof Massachusett NRE Heim, John Assoc Rensselaer E Heineke, John M. Prof Santa Clara Heiner, Ronald A. Prof George Mason Heiney, Joseph N. Prof Elmhurst Coleman Foundation Distinguished Chair in Business Heinicke, Craig W. Prof Baldwin-Wal NOE Heinrich, Jeffery Assoc Wis-Whitewat Heins, A. James Retir Illinois Heintzelman, Martin Asst Clarkson GM Heise, Paul A. Retir Lebanon Val Heisler, James B. Prof Hope PD Heitmann, George Prof Muhlenberg Hekmat, Ali C-Pr Estrn Utah E Helburn, Suzanne W. Emer Colo-Denver BI Helfand, Steven Assoc Cal-Riversid AOQ Helland, Eric Prof Claremont Hellerstein, Judith K. Assoc Maryland Hellman, Daryl A. Prof Northeastern Hellwig, Christian Asst UCLA Helms, L. Jay Assoc Cal-Davis DHI Helms, Sara Asst Alabama-Birm DHI Helper, Susan Prof Case Western ONM Helpman, Elhanan Prof Harvard Hemesath, Michael C-Pr Carleton AFP Hendel, Igal Prof Northwestern L Henderson, Daniel Asst SUNY-Bingham C Henderson, David R. Assoc Naval Postgr D Henderson, J. Vernon Prof Brown Eastman Professor of Political Economy Henderson, James M. Deces Duke Henderson, James P. Emer Valparaiso NBA Henderson, James W. Prof Baylor IJ Ben H. Williams Professor of Economics Henderson, Sandra R. Retir W Virg St AFR Henderson, Upton B. Retir Central Okla Hendon, Fred N. Prof Samford FN Hendrey-Field, Elizabeth Dean CUNY-Queens NJC Hendricks, Kenneth Prof Texas-Austin Hendricks, Lutz Assoc Iowa State E Hendryson, Mary Ann Lect Western Wash DOF Henowitz, Harvey Asst Adelphi Henrickson, Kevin Asst Gonzaga JQ Henry, John F. Retir CS-Sacrament 219 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD MA PHD PHD 99 80 87 98 78 92 93 00 80 81 68 Oregon North Tx MIT 1977 Rochester SUNY-Bin Minnesota Clev St Wash St Berkeley MIT Cambridge 2001 1988 1992 1998 2000 PHD 04 PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 82 98 76 70 94 67 71 Cal Tech Virginia S Carol LSU Penn Penn St Ball St LSU Maryland MIT Princeton 1-07 1996 1986 8-88 2002 1973 1978 1974 1996 1971 1973 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 04 84 75 71 88 80 02 64 82 72 68 75 83 Syracuse N Car St Oregon Ca-SnBarb Wash St Kansas Wash U SUNY Columbia Yale SUNY-Alb Iowa UCLA Chicago 1970 2003 1987 1973 1996 1995 1985 2003 1970 1-81 1997 1968 1989 1977 PHD 91 Toronto 1991 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 61 06 91 75 63 93 61 94 95 94 70 02 79 06 87 74 88 94 03 76 72 Wisconsin Michigan New Sch Nebraska Princeton Wi-Milwa Indiana Berkeley U Wash Harvard Rutgers LondonSE MIT Maryland Harvard Harvard Harvard Harvard Ca-Rivers UCLA Chicago 1960 2006 1991 1981 1-94 1994 1970 1995 1998 1996 1972 7-02 1985 2006 1990 1974 1989 2004 2003 1984 1974 PHD PHD PHD 55 77 81 Harvard N Illinois So Meth 1986 1975 1981 MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD MBA PHD PHD 60 65 68 85 82 96 Pittsburgh Missouri Alabama Duke Wisconsin Penn Wash St Adelphi Oregon McGill 1968 1971 1968 1989 06 74 2004 1986 1983 2003 1989 2006 1970 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Henry, Marc Assoc Columbia Henry, Tracyann Asst Geo Southern Hensel, Nayantara Asst Naval Postgr Henson, Steven E. Assoc Western Wash Hentzel, David Retir Mo-Rolla Hepner, Mickey A. Asst Central Okla Hepp, Ralf Asst Fordham Heracleous, Maria Asst American U Herander, Mark G. Prof South Fla Herbener, Jeffrey M. C-Pr Grove City Herber, Bernard P. Retir Arizona Herbst, Lawrence A. Retir Vassar Herdendorf, Phyllis SUNY-Empire Herendeen, James B. Retir Txs-El Paso Hermalin, Benjamin E. C-Pr Cal-Berkeley Herman, E. Edward Retir Cincinnati Herman, Walter J. Retir South Fla Hermann, Mark Assoc Alaska-Fairb Hernandex-Verme, Paula Asst Texas A&M Hernandez, Kolver Asst Delaware Hernandez, Pablo Asst St Marys-Ind Hernandez-Julian, Rey Asst Metro St-CO Herold, Marc W. Assoc New Hampshir Herr, Andy Assoc St Vincent Herreiner, Dorothea K. Asst Loyola Marym Herrendorf, Berthold Asst Arizona St Herrera, Ana Maria Asst Michigan St Herrera, Guillermo Asst Bowdoin Herrick, Bruce H. Emer Wash & Lee John F. Hendon Professor of Economics, Emeritus Herrin, William E. Prof Pacific Herrnstadt, Irwin L. Retir Northeastern Hersch, Philip L. Prof Wichita St Herschede, Alfred J. Prof Ind-So Bend Hersh-Cochran, Mona S. Retir Txs Woman's Hertel, Johana Asst Wisconsin Hertz, Thomas Asst American U Hervani, Aref Asst Chicago St Herzog, Henry W. Jr. Retir Tennessee Hess, Alan C. Prof U Washington Hess, Arleigh P. Jr. Retir Pennsylvania Hess, Gregory Dean Claremont Russell S. Bock Chair of Public Economics and Taxation Hess, Peter N. Prof Davidson Gail M. and Ernst G. Doe Professor of Economics Hester, Donald D. Retir Wisconsin Heston, Alan W. Retir Pennsylvania Hetherington, Bruce W. C-Pr Ogelthorpe Hettich, Walter Retir CS-Fullerton Heubeck, Steve SLect Ohio State Hewett, Roger S. Assoc Drake Hewins, Dana C. C-Ac Regis-MA Hewitson, Gillian Asst Frank & Mars Hey, Jeanne C. Retir Lebanon Val Heyne, Paul T. Deces U Washington Heywood, John S. Prof Wis-Milwauke Hibbard, Thomas H. Retir Willamette Hickey, Kevin L. C-Ac Assumption Hickman, Bert G. Retir Stanford Hicks, Donald A. Prof Texas-Dallas Hicks, Rob Assoc Wm & Mary Hicks, W. Whitney Retir Missouri Hiebert, L. Dean Retir Illinois St Hiedemann, Bridget G. Assoc Seattle Hiestand, Thomas W. Assoc Concordia C Higgins, Matthew L. Assoc W Michigan Higgins, Neal O. Retir Portland Higgins, Robert C. Prof U Washington Highfill, Jannett K. Prof Bradley Higino-Schneider, Patricia Asst Mt Holyoke Hildebrandt, Gregory G. Retir Naval Postgr Hildred, William M. Retir No Arizona Hileman, A. Eugene Retir NE St-Okla Hill, Brian Asst Salisbury Hill, Cynthia D. Assoc Idaho State Hill, James Richard Assoc Cen Michigan Hill, John A. Asst Hardin-Simm Hill, Jonathan B. Asst Fla Internat CIG LI G QD 220 E E OQTF DCI O HEQ L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 98 04 01 82 67 01 05 03 80 82 69 74 81 63 88 65 65 90 02 05 00 06 77 96 00 LondonEc SUNY-SBr Harvard Oregon S Illinois Oklahoma Ca-SnCruz Va Tech N Carol Okla St U Wash Penn SUNY Penn St Princeton McGill Florida Wash St Tx-Austin Boston C Notre Dm Clemson Berkeley Indiana Florence 2004 1985 1969 8-01 2006 2004 1979 1997 1957 1970 1987 1992 1998 1966 1980 1990 2002 2005 8-04 2005 1975 1991 E QD OP PHD PHD PHD 00 00 64 Ca-SnDgo U Wash MIT 1980 2000 2000 RC 85 64 82 76 66 05 01 97 74 69 49 89 SUNY-Bin MIT 1960 Ohio St Illinois So Meth Princeton Mass W Virginia Maryland Car Mellon Penn J Hopkins 1985 E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 2005 2002 2005 1974 1967 1949 2002 OT PHD 82 N Carol 1980 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MLA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 61 62 82 67 04 84 75 Yale Yale Va Tech Yale Ohio St Illinois Illinois LaTrobe Lehigh Chicago Michigan Claremont Harvard Berkeley N Carol 2001 Stanford Wisconsin Duke Kansas St Illinois Nebraska Stanford Kansas Ca-SnCruz Princeton Colo St Tennessee Tennessee Wash St Kentucky Tennessee Colorado 1968 HDJI C F N F AQ J E ADP JC QHF NE H A A O ADE DJT CD C RH D HA AGM AIJQ FJD 90 63 86 67 76 51 76 65 72 92 74 89 74 69 85 00 76 64 71 06 97 80 95 01 1998 1983 1976 1980 1983 2004 1981 2002 1989 1976 1986 1973 1972 1966 1975 1965 1973 1994 1972 1995 1976 1967 1985 1994 1992 1988 1988 8-06 1998 1981 1998 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hill, Lewis E. Retir Texas Tech Hill, Pershing J. Assoc Alaska-Ancho Hill, Peter J. Prof Wheaton-IL George F. Bennett Professor of Economics Hill, R. Carter Prof Louisiana St Thomas J. Singletary Professor Hill, Roger Post Retir N Car-Wilmin Hillard, Michael Prof So Maine Hillebrand, Eric Asst Louisiana St Hilscher, Jens Asst Brandeis Hilt, Eric Asst Wellesley Hilton S.J., F. G. C-Ac Loyola-Maryl Hilton, George W. Retir UCLA Himarios, Daniel Dean Tx-Arlington Himarios, Jane SLect Tx-Arlington Himmelberg, Charles P. Assoc Columbia Hinderliter, Roger H. Assoc Ithaca Hineline, David Asst Miami U-Ohio Hines, Donald C. Dean Troy State Hines, James Jr. Prof Michigan Hingorani, Vineeta Prof Southern Hinman, Herb Prof Wash State Hinshaw, C. Elton Retir Vanderbilt Hippie, F. Steb Prof East Tenn St Hirakubo, Nakato Assoc CUNY-Brookly Hirano, Keisuke Assoc Arizona Hirsch, Barry T. Prof Trinity E.M. Stevens Distinguished Professor of Economics Hitchner, Benjamin Retir Rowan Col-NJ Hjummels, David Assoc Purdue Ho, Franklin Y. H. Retir CS-Pomona Ho, Katherine Asst Columbia Ho, Peter S. C-Ac Denver Ho, Yhi-Min Retir St Thomas-TX Hoag, Christopher Asst Coe Hoag, John H. C-Pr Bowling Gr Hoch, Irving J. Retir Texas-Dallas Hochman, Harold M. Retir Lafayette Hock, Heinrich Asst Florida St Hodges, L. Hart Asst Western Wash Hodges, Paul E. Prof Txs-Perm Bas Hodgin, Gary L. Assoc Belmont Hodgin, Robert F. Assoc Houston-Cl L Hodrick, Robert Prof Columbia Nomuro Professor of International Finance Hofer, Tracy Asst Wis-Stev Pt Hoffer, George E. Prof Virg Comm Hoffman, Dennis L. Prof Arizona St Hoffman, Emily P. Prof W Michigan Hoffman, Naphtali C-Ac Elmira Hoffman, Philip T. Prof Cal Tech Hoffman, Robert Asst St Scholasti Hoffman, Saul D. C-Pr Delaware Hofler, Martha Inst Old Dominion Hofler, Richard A. Prof Cen Florida Hofman, Cornelius A. Retir Idaho State Hofrenning, Stella Asst Augsburg Hoftyzer, John Prof Missouri St Hogan, Timothy D. Retir Arizona St Hogan, William V. Dean Mass-Dartmou Hogendorn, Christiaan P. Asst Wesleyan-CT Hogendorn, Jan S. Retir Colby Hohenberg, Paul M. Prof Rensselaer Hoke, Leon R. Jr. Prof Tampa Hoksbergen, Roland G. Prof Calvin Holahan, William L. Prof Wis-Milwauke Holbrook, Robert S. Retir Michigan Holcomb, James H. Jr. Assoc Txs-El Paso Holcombe, Lora Lect Florida St Holcombe, Randall G. Prof Florida St DeVoe Moore Professor Holland, A. Steven D-Pr U Wash-Bothe Holland, Dave Prof Wash State Holland, John J. Jr. Retir Monmouth Holland, Steve Asst Luther Holland, Steven Asst N Car-Greens Holland, Thomas E. Retir Tx-Arlington Hollas, Daniel R. Prof Tx-S Antonio 221 EFH ANPQ PHD PHD PHD 57 76 70 Tx-Austin Wash St Chicago C PHD 75 Missouri G EJ CDE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DPS PHD PHD 68 88 03 05 02 96 56 84 87 90 70 73 86 94 69 66 72 95 98 77 Mich St Mass Bremen Harvard Columbia Wisconsin Chicago Va Tech Va Tech Nrthwstrn Wash U Ohio St Kansas St Harvard N Orleans Penn St Vanderbilt So Meth Pace Harvard Virginia MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DA PHD 95 57 05 89 65 03 72 57 65 06 94 74 85 80 96 Penn Michigan S Calif Harvard Stanford Vanderbilt Cal Tech Kansas Chicago Yale Brown U Wash Stanford Tennessee Illin St Chicago 1964 2000 1961 2005 1987 8-70 2003 1972 1985 1992 2005 2000 1999 1970 1979 1981 1976 1980 1989 1960 2001 1987 1970 1976 2001 1966 1973 9-97 2005 2003 1970 1988 NG QF FE J DEL BE EF G Q N CD J FO OQ CGN A CR HIK T OQR CHRT AL J E TJ F DIJ 5-97 I L FOA N ADJ CDL A H E QO EN Q D L PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 72 78 75 80 79 92 77 82 64 92 74 71 76 00 66 63 79 86 74 65 85 86 76 Texas Virginia Mich St Mass Case Wes Yale Boston C Michigan Old Dom N Carol Utah Il-Chicago Indiana Va Tech Cornell Penn London MIT 1977 Pittsburgh Notre Dm Brown Berkeley Tx A&M Fla St Va Tech PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 72 72 04 99 63 77 Mich St Okla St NYU Minnesota Michigan Duke Illinois 1967 1975 1986 1987 8-03 2005 2002 1996 1962 1983 1986 1995 1986 8-03 1993 1994 1980 1966 1982 2001 2000 1983 9-81 1996 1977 1981 1983 1972 1965 1985 2006 1988 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Holley, Don Prof Boise State Hollifield, Burton Assoc Carnegie Mel Hollister, Robinson G. Jr. Prof Swarthmore Joseph Wharton Professor of Economics Holman, Mary A. Retir George Wash Holmes, Alexander B. C-Pr Oklahoma Holmes, James M. Prof SUNY-Buffalo Holmes, Jessica Assoc Middlebury Holmes, Thomas J. Prof Minnesota Holmes, William L. Assoc Temple Holmstrom, Bengt Prof MIT Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics Holmstrom, Thomas K. Retir No Michigan Holstein, Adora Assoc Robt Morris Holt, Charles A. Prof Virginia Merrill Bandard Professor of Economics Holt, Charles F. Assoc San Diego Holt, Harry G. Retir Indiana U-PA Holt, Kenneth Assoc Union-TN Holt, Richard P. F. Prof So Oregon St Holthausen, Duncan M. Jr. Prof N Carol St Holtmann, Alphonse G. Retir U Miami Holzman, Franklyn Dunn Retir Tufts Homer, John S. Prof Olivet Hong, Han Assoc Duke Hong, Harrison Prof Princeton Hong, Jay Asst Rochester Hong, Youngmaio Prof Cornell Honig, Adam Asst Amherst Honig, Marjorie C-Pr CUNY-Hunter Honig, Susan Asst CUNY-Lehman Honkalehto, Oswald Retir Colgate Honore, Bo Erno Prof Princeton Hood, Frank Prof Miss College Hooks, Donald L. Retir Alabama Hooks, Jon A. Prof Albion Hooks, Linda M. Assoc Wash & Lee Hool, Bryce Retir SUNY-Stony B Hoover, Gary A. Assoc Alabama Hoover, Kevin D. Prof Duke Hope, Barney F. Prof CS-Chico Hopenhayn, Hugo Prof UCLA Hopkins, Barbara Assoc Wright State Hopkins, Mark Asst Gettysburg Hoppe, Hans Hermann Prof Nev-L Vegas Hoppes, R. Bradd Retir Missouri St Hordon, Harris C-Pr NewJerseyCty Horiba, Yutaka Prof Tulane Horn, Bobbie L. Assoc Tulsa Horn, Robert N. Prof Jms Madison Horner, James Prof Cameron Horney, Mary Jean Prof Furman Frederick W. Symmes Professor of Economics Hornstein, Abigail Asst Wesleyan-CT Hornsten, James Asst Wooster Horowitz, Andrew W. Assoc Arkansas Horowitz, Ann R. Retir Florida Horowitz, Joel Prof Northwestern Horowitz, John B. Assoc Ball State Horowtiz, Joel Retir Iowa Horrace, William Assoc Syracuse Hortacsu, Ali Prof Chicago Horton, Joseph J. Prof Cen Arkansas Horton, Marshall Assoc Southern Ark Horvath, Janos Retir Butler Horwich, George Retir Purdue Horwitz, Sigmund Prof Txs Southern Horwitz, Steven G. Prof St Lawrence Hoselitz, Bert F. Retir Chicago Hosni, Djehane Assoc Cen Florida Hossein-Zadeh, Esmail Prof Drake Hotchkiss, Julie L. Adj Georgia St Hotelling, Harold Assoc Lawrence Tec Hou, Chi-Ming Deces Colgate Hou, Jack W. Prof CS-Long Bch Houde, Jean-Francois Asst Wisconsin Houk, Eric Asst CS-Stanislau House, Christopher L. Asst Michigan DMR IJ L RD EF DHIJ CD L AEF CDL IP G ABD DC DI CD C AEFO C AG G E BE RFO FOP B 8-06 AG JD AC G G OFD C HJ C FE EPB OJ CJ KL 1994 222 PHD PHD PHD 71 92 65 Ca-Rivers Car Mellon Stanford 1999 1998 1971 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 63 74 67 98 85 66 78 Geo Wash SUNY-Bin Chicago Yale Nrthwstrn Illinois Stanford 1963 PHD PHD PHD 73 87 77 Okla St Penn St Car Mellon 1966 PHD MS ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DPHI PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 61 Purdue Bucknell Memphis Utah Nrthwstrn Wash U Harvard Hawaii Stanford MIT Penn Ca-SnDgo Columbia Columbia Pace MIT Chicago Miss Tx A&M Mich St UCLA Berkeley Wash U Oxford Ca-Rivers Minnesota Maryland Wisconsin Goethe Nebraska NYU Purdue Iowa St NewHamp Tx-Dallas Duke 1973 1968 1987 1996 1976 1981 1961 1979 9-03 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD JD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 87 74 63 52 91 98 97 06 93 04 71 69 87 72 71 89 91 74 98 85 79 89 92 02 74 75 68 69 86 78 85 77 05 03 89 66 67 88 67 96 01 68 1967 2001 1995 1966 1995 1983 7-06 7-93 2004 9-81 1962 1972 1971 1989 1993 1979 1998 2006 1977 1994 1995 2002 1986 1980 1971 1978 1976 1979 2005 2003 1998 1972 2001 1989 1982 2002 2001 7-96 1999 90 36 78 87 89 82 54 89 NYU Nrthwstrn Wisconsin Indiana Cornell Tx A&M Cornell Mich St Stanford So Meth So Meth Columbia Chicago Houston GeoMason Vienna Arkansas New Sch Cornell Duke Columbia Yale 03 Colorado 2003 67 54 1956 1989 1945 1978 1988 1989 9-89 1956 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback House, D. Asst Hardin-Simm Houser, Daniel Assoc George Mason Houston, A. Craig Retir Dickinson Cl Houston, Robert G. Asst E Kentucky Houthakker, Hendrick S. Retir Harvard Howard, Bruce C-Pr Wheaton-IL Howard, Heather F. Visit Brigham Yg Howard, James E. Assoc S F Austin Howe, Charles W. Retir Colorado Howe, Edward T. Prof Siena Howell, Jessica Asst CS-Sacrament Howell, Kristen K. Retir N Car-Wilmin Howitt, Peter Prof Brown Lyn Crost Professor of Social Sciences Howrey, E. Philip Retir Michigan Howsen, Roy M. Assoc W Kentucky Hoxby, Caroline Minter Prof Harvard Hoynes, Hilary Prof Cal-Davis Hoyt, Gail Mitchell Assoc Kentucky Hoyt, William H. Prof Kentucky Gatton Professor Hsia, Ke Ting Retir CS-L Angeles Hsiao, Cheng Prof So Calif Hsiao, Frank S. T. Prof Colorado Hsiao, James C. Retir So Conn St Hsiao, Mei-chu W. Prof Colo-Denver Hsiao, Yu-Mong Prof Campbell Hsieh, Chang-Tai Assoc Cal-Berkeley Hsieh, Chengho Prof La St-Shreve Hsieh, Edward W. C-Pr CS-L Angeles Hsieh, Hsingling Asst No Michigan Hsing, Yu Prof SE Louisiana Hsu, Robert C. Deces Clark Hsu, Yu-Chu Retir So Conn St Hu, Ling Asst Ohio State Hu, Luojia Asst Northwestern Hu, Ou Asst Youngstown Hu, Sheng C. Retir Purdue Hu, Yingyao Asst Texas-Austin Hu, Zhining Asst Gettysburg Huang, Cliff J. Retir Vanderbilt Huang, Ju-Chin Assoc New Hampshir Huang, Kevin Assoc Vanderbilt Huang, Lien-fu Retir Howard Huang, Wei-Chiao Prof W Michigan Huang, Ying Asst Manhattan Huang, Zaodan Asst Utica Hubbard, R. Glenn Dean Columbia Hubbell, L. Kenneth Retir Mo-Kansas Ct Huckins, Larry E. Asst CUNY-Baruch Huddle, Donald L. Retir Rice Huddleston, Kenneth M. Retir Georgia SW Hueckel, Glenn R. Retir Purdue Hueng, James C. Asst W Michigan Huenneke, Steve Assoc Minot State Huetter, David A. Retir Oklahoma Huff, Kathryn Inst New Orleans Huffaker, Ray Prof Wash State Huffman, Gregory W. Prof Vanderbilt Huffman, Wallace E. Prof Iowa State Huggett, Mark Assoc Georgetown Hughes, Danny Asst So Alabama Hughes, James W. C-Pr Bates Hughes, Johnathan R. T. Deces Northwestern Hughes, Joseph P. Prof Rutgers-N Br Hughes, Patricia A. Nold Prof St Cloud St Hughes, Woodrow W. Jr. Assoc Converse Hull, Brooks B. Prof Mich-Dearbor Hulten, Charles R. Prof Maryland Hultman, Charles W. Retir Kentucky Hummel, Jeffery R. Asst San Jose St Humphrey, Shawn Asst Mary Wash Humphries, John Retir Rochest Tech Hung, Chao-shun Emer Fla Atlantic Hung, Gregory Prof Howard Hungerman, Daniel Asst Notre Dame Hunnicutt, Lynn Assoc Pacific Luth Hunt, Alan SUNY-Empire 223 F E PHD PHD PHD PHD ECD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 05 98 62 99 49 89 05 77 59 73 03 89 73 Tx A&M Minnesota Penn St Kentucky Amsterdm N Illinois Cornell Georgia Stanford SUNY-Alb Virginia Kentucky Nrthwstrn CE D JH D A RHG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 64 80 94 92 92 86 N Carol Arkansas MIT Stanford Kentucky Wisconsin PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHIL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 72 67 Wisconsin Stanford Rochester Conn Rochester N Car St Berkeley LSU Houston UCLA Tennessee Berkeley Cornell Harvard Princeton W Virginia Rochester J Hopkins Boston C N Carol N Car St Minnesota Rochester Ca-SnBarb CUNY W Virginia Harvard Nebraska Chicago Vanderbilt Geo St Wisconsin Wisconsin Kansas St Case Wes Ne-Omaha Ca-Davis Minnesota Chicago Minnesota Georgia Michigan Oxford N Carol Ca-SnBarb S Carol U Wash Berkeley Iowa Tx-Austin Wash U Syracuse Tx A&M Virginia Duke Tx-Austin ABM N AC CO OC AIJ EJOR OF HO C J E C CQ EFG I J GM HEG GHM E AR L QCD EG J O C IJKL D H LQ F D O HI DLM 67 85 98 90 88 05 83 70 65 02 97 70 03 03 68 94 98 71 84 03 04 83 70 83 64 72 97 92 72 84 83 83 72 91 05 87 74 91 89 82 73 60 01 02 67 82 65 05 97 2005 2001 1956 1998 1980 2005 1976 1970 2003 2000 9-73 1981 7-94 1994 1986 1963 1985 1975 1981 1984 7-03 1989 1989 2005 1987 1971 2002 2000 2004 1968 1969 1998 2006 1985 2005 2004 1988 1968 1980 1964 1972 2003 1991 1974 2002 1990 2001 1974 1999 2004 1982 1975 1988 1986 1981 1985 1969 2002 1962 1982 2005 2003 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Hunt, E. K. Prof Utah Hunt, Gary L. C-Pr$ Maine AR Hunt, Joseph W. Retir Shippensburg Hunte, C. Kenrick Asst Howard OF Hunter, Greg Asst CS-Pomona Hunter, Thomas Kenneth Retir S F Austin Hurd, John II Prof Norwich N Hurd, Michael Retir SUNY-Stony B Hurley, Dene T. Asst CUNY-Lehman Hurley, John F. C-Ac Jackson St Hurwicz, Leo Emer Minnesota Husbands, Kaye G. Prof Williams Husby, Ralph D. Retir Illinois EJ Husein, Jamal Asst Angelo State PI Huskey, Lee C-Pr Alaska-Ancho AJR Hussain, Ajaz Asst Babson L Hussain, Riaz Assoc Scranton Hussain, Syed Bashir Prof Wis-Oshkosh F Hussen, Ahmed M. C-Pr Kalamazoo DQ Husted, Steven L. Prof Pittsburgh F Husted, Thomas A. Prof American U HI Huston, John H. C-Pr Trinity D Hutcheson, Aaron A. Retir Austin Peay AQ Hutchinson, E. Bruce Prof Tenn-Chattan DFLR Hutchinson, Gladstone Assoc Lafayette AEHO Hutchinson, Peter M. Prof St Vincent ARH Hutchinson, William K. Retir Miami U-Ohio EF Hutchison, Michael M. Prof Ca-Santa Crz EFG Huth, William L. Prof West Florida AMG E.W. Hopkins Professor Huttman, John P. Retir San Fran St Hutton, Patricia A. Prof Canisius EC Huynh, Hsueh-Ling Asst Boston Univ CD Huynh, Kin Asst Indiana Hvidding, James M. Prof Kutztown EB Hwang, Hae-Shin Prof Texas A&M C Hwang, Jae-Kwang Asst Virginia St Hwang, Ming-jeng Prof W Virginia DRC Hyclak, Thomas J. Dean$ Lehigh JR Hyle, Matthew R. Prof Winona State Hyman, David Neil Prof N Carol St HA Hymans, Saul H. Retir Michigan Iacopetta, Maurizio Asst Georgia Tech D Iacoviello, Matteo Asst Boston Coll E Iannaccone, Laurence R. Prof George Mason Iantchev, Emil Asst Syracuse Iaryczower, Matias Asst Cal Tech Ibister, John W. Retir Ca-Santa Crz O Ibragimov, Rustam Asst Harvard Ichiishi, Tatsuro Retir Ohio State C Ickes, Barry W. Prof Penn State P Ickowitz, Amy Asst Clark OQ Idson, Todd Assoc Boston Univ JD Ifediora, John O. C-Ac Wis-Plattev Iglesias, Emma Asst Michigan St C Ignatin, George Retir Alabama-Birm AJK Ihlanfeldt, Keith R. Prof Florida St HR DeVoe Moore Eminent Scholar Chair; Director, DeVoe L. Moore Center Ikeda, Sanford Assoc SUNY-Purchas Ikpoh, Andrew Assoc Seton Hall Ilacqua, Joseph A. Prof Bryant AJ Im, Eric I. Prof Hawaii-Hilo Im, Kyung So Assoc Cen Florida J Imai, Hiroyuki Asst Lock Haven Imai, Musami Asst Wesleyan-CT G Imazcki, Jennifer Asst San Diego St Imbens, Guido W. Prof Harvard Imrohoroglu, Ayse C-Pr So Calif Imrohoroglu, Selo Prof So Calif Inaba, Frederick S. Prof Wash State DQL Inanc, Ozlem Inst No Michigan AEF Ingham, Hilary C. SLect U Lancaster J Ingles, Jerry Lee Retir Univ South BL Ingram, Donna M. Asst E Kentucky Ingram, James C. Retir No Carolina Ingram, Marlynne B. F. Prof Iowa EM Inman, Robert R. Retir Pennsylvania Innes, Jon T. Retir Lehigh EB PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD LLM PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 68 84 66 68 69 71 71 38 90 69 98 77 02 90 83 78 80 86 83 68 79 90 72 75 83 80 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 80 93 04 76 76 00 73 76 85 69 64 02 02 84 06 05 69 PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 88 88 93 82 94 89 02 00 91 88 88 74 03 89 75 74 84 94 86 88 02 69 78 52 86 72 67 224 Utah Colorado Indiana Ohio St Ca-SnBarb Tennessee Penn Berkeley Northeas Illinois Warsaw Harvard Cornell Utah St Wash U Brown Lehigh Ca-Rivers Oregon St Mich St N Carol Wisconsin Clemson Virginia Clark Pittsburgh Iowa Oregon Arkansas London Wisconsin Berkeley Queen's Maryland Minnesota Tx A&M Notre Dm Maryland Princeton Berkeley NYU LondonSE Chicago Chicago UCLA Princeton Yale Berkeley Berkeley Ca-Rivers Columbia Il-Chicago Wales Tx-Austin Wash U NYU Columbia Boston U Hi-Manoa Mich St J Hopkins Ca-Davis Wisconsin Brown Minnesota Minnesota Berkeley LSU Glasgow Cornell Cornell Cornell Iowa Harvard Oregon 1978 1993 1980 2001 1968 1978 1978 1972 1951 1967 2002 1977 2002 1967 1982 1985 1980 1986 1983 1967 1982 1992 1972 1985 1989 1970 1981 1996 2004 1986 1977 2003 1974 1979 1988 1969 1964 2002 2002 2002 2006 2005 1968 1987 1983 2004 2001 1988 2004 1969 2000 1990 1984 1968 2002 2004 2002 2000 1989 1989 1977 2006 1996 2003 1952 1988 1987 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Intriligator, Michael D. Retir UCLA Ioannides, Yannis M. Prof Tufts Neubauer Chair Holder Ionescu, Anamarie Asst Colgate Ireland, Peter N. Prof Boston Coll Murray and Monti Chair, Economics Ireland, Thomas R. Prof Mo-St Louis Irvine, F. Owen Assoc Michigan St Irwin, Douglas A. Prof Dartmouth Irwin, James R. Asst Cen Michigan Isaac, Alan G. Assoc American U Isaac, R. Mark Prof Florida St Quinn Eminent Scholar Chair Isakson, Hans R. Prof No Iowa Isbell, Steven Assoc Tenn Tech Isely, Paul N. Assoc Grand Valley Isenberg, Dorene L. Prof Redlands Isenberg, Eric J. Asst DePauw Isham, Jonathan T. Jr. Assoc Middlebury Luce Professor of International Environmental Economics Ishii, Jun Asst Calif-Irvine Ishimine, Tomotaka Prof CS-Long Bch Iskander, Wasfy B. Deces Rhodes Islam, Anisul Prof Houston-Down Islam, Muhammad Q. C-Ac St Louis Islem, Samia Asst Boise State Ispahani, Ahmed S. C-Pr LaVerne Israel, Debra Asst Indiana St Israelsen, L. Dwight Prof Utah State Ito, Hiroyuki Asst Portland St Iwand, Thomas Retir Nebraska Iwata, Shigeru Assoc Kansas Iwomi, Peter O. Assoc Cen St-Ohio Iyigun, Murat Assoc Colorado Izmalkov, Sergei Asst MIT Izraeli, Oded Prof Oakland Izyumov, Alexei I. Assoc Louisville Izzeldin, Marwan Inst U Lancaster Jacho-Chavez, D. Asst Indiana Jackson, Aaron Asst Bentley Jackson, Don C. Retir Abilene Chr Jackson, John D. Prof Auburn Jackson, Marvin R. Jr. Retir Arizona St Jackson, Matthew O. Prof Stanford Jackson, Sarah e. Asst Indiana U-PA Jackstadt, Stephen L. Prof Alaska-Ancho Jacobs, Cindy VLect Trinity-CT Jacobsen, Joyce P. Prof Wesleyan-CT Andrews Professor of Economics Jadlow, Joseph M. Jr. Prof Oklahoma St Jaeger, David Assoc Wm & Mary Jaffe, Adam B. Dean Brandeis Jaffee, Bruce Prof Indiana Jafri, Syed Hussain Ali Prof Tarleton St Jagdish, Vinit K. Asst Western Wash Jaggia, Sanjiv Prof Suffolk Jahan-Parvar, Mohammed Asst East Carol Jaimovich, Nir Asst Stanford Jain, Chaman Lal Prof St John's Jain, Neelam Assoc No Illinois Jain, Sanjay Asst Virginia Jakus, Paul Assoc Utah State Jalili, Reza Assoc Mercer-Atlan Jam, Habib O. E. C-Ac Rowan Col-NJ Jamelske, Eric Asst Wis-Eau Clar James, Dilmus Delano Retir Txs-El Paso James, Duncan Assoc Fordham James, John A. Prof Virginia James, John B. Retir Mid Tenn St James, Robert G. Prof CS-Chico Jameson, Kenneth P. Prof Utah Jang, Soo M. Prof Plymouth St Jang, Young S. Prof SUNY-Plattsb Jannuzi, F. Tomasson Retir Texas Jansen, Dennis W. Prof Texas A&M Janssen, Arthur J. Asst Emporia St Janssen, Larry L. Prof So Dakota St Jansson, Michael Asst Cal-Berkeley 225 O PHD PHD 63 74 MIT Stanford 1972 1995 E E PHD PHD 06 91 Iowa Chicago 2006 1998 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 68 76 88 86 86 81 Virginia MIT 1982 Columbia Rochester Ca-Davis Cal Tech 1972 1997 1989 1987 2001 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 85 95 86 03 00 Wisconsin Miss Purdue Ca-Rivers Wash U Maryland 1990 1985 1995 2003 2003 1999 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD 01 71 73 84 89 04 66 99 73 04 59 88 Stanford Wisconsin Indiana Alberta Indiana W Virginia S Calif Wisconsin MIT Ca-SnCruz Oregon UCLA Cincinnati Brown Penn St Chicago USSR City 2004 LondonEc Oregon Geo Wash Claremont Berkeley Stanford Illinois Indiana Illinois Stanford 2001 1967 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD 70 95 85 71 86 05 90 E ND FE EJ E DOQ LR HQ ABDE F D EJ EO RHA F CE AE DC HJ AEH J L AFG DLM CEG GL O OQ I AFO NO EFG E CD OR EG H Q 95 02 73 85 04 06 02 65 77 67 88 06 81 89 91 04 65 95 95 92 94 75 02 70 98 74 70 78 70 78 69 58 83 78 00 Virginia Michigan Harvard J Hopkins Wisconsin Mich St Indiana N Carol Nrthwstrn American Minnesota Princeton N Car St NewHamp S Illinois Ca-Davis Mich St Arizona MIT Tx A&M Oregon Wisconsin Cincinnati SUNY-Alb LondonEc N Carol Missouri Nebraska Aarhus 1990 1988 1964 2001 1980 2004 1967 1988 1981 2000 2002 1978 8-97 2006 2002 1987 1984 1962 2006 2006 1985 1991 1993 1968 2001 1994 1971 1989 2005 1990 2006 2006 8-03 2001 2001 1993 1979 2002 1958 1999 1973 1969 1981 1989 1983 1968 9-68 1983 1976 1978 2001 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Jantzen, Robert H. Prof Iona Janus, Thortsen Asst Wyoming Januszewski Forbes, Silke Asst Ca-San Diego Jaques, David G. Prof CS-Pomona Jargowky, Paul Prof Texas-Dallas Jarvis, Leslie SUNY-Empire Jasek-Rysdahl, Kelvin Prof CS-Stanislau Jaswal, Jasbir S. Retir Missouri So Jauvegui, Andres Asst Columbus Jayachandran, Seema Asst Stanford Jayadev, Arjun Asst Mass-Boston Jaynes, Gerald D. Prof Yale Jeannero, Marshall J. Retir Bentley Jefferson, Philip N. Prof Swarthmore Jeffress, Philip W. Retir New Orleans Jehle, Geoffrey A. Prof Vassar Jeitschko, Thomas Assoc Michigan St Jelavich, Mark S. Prof NW Missouri Jelen, Jonathan Adj CUNY-City C Jeliazkov, Ivan Asst Calif-Irvine Jenkins, Allan Assoc Neb-Kearney Jenkins, M. Assoc St Lawrence Jenkins, Sidney L. Retir SE Okla St Jennings, Ann Asst DePauw Jennings, E. James Prof Purdue-Calmu Jensen, Christian Assoc So Methodist Jensen, Elizabeth J. Prof Hamilton Jensen, Eric R. Prof Wm & Mary Jensen, Farrell E. Prof Brigham Yg Jensen, Gail A. Prof Wayne State Jensen, George Retir CS-L Angeles Jensen, Hans E. Retir Tennessee Jensen, Paul E. Assoc Drexel Jensen, Richard A. C-Pr Notre Dame Jensen, Robert J. Retir Pacific Luth Jensen, Rolf W. Prof Conn Coll Jeon, Bang Nam Prof Drexel Jeong, Dong K. Assoc N Carol A&T Jeong, Hyeok Asst So Calif Jepsen, Chris Assoc Kentucky Jepsen, Lisa Assoc No Iowa Jerison, Michael C-Pr SUNY-Albany Jerome, Robert T. Jr. Assoc Jms Madison Jerrell, Max E. Prof No Arizona Jerzmanowki, Michal Maria Asst Clemson Jessup, Eric Asst Wash State Jessup, Paul F. Prof Hamline William Kahlert Professor Jesswein, Wayne A. Prof Minn-Duluth Jewell, Nasrin Prof St Catherine Jewell, R. Todd Asst North Texas Jhun, U-Jin Retir SUNY Oswego Jia, Panle Asst MIT Jianakoplos, Nancy A. Prof Colorado St Jiang, Cao Asst Holy Family Jiang, Nierthuei Asst Mass-Lowell Jilling, Michael Retir SC-Upstate Jin, Ginger Zhe Asst Maryland Jin, Yi Asst Kansas Jindapon, Paan Asst Alabama Jindia, Jaswant R. Prof Southern Jinkiri, Yusufu Asst Belhaven Joassart, Pasocle Asst Mass-Boston Joerdling, Wayne H. Prof Wash State John, Barbara Lect Dayton Johnes, Geraint H-Pr U Lancaster Johnes, Jill SLect U Lancaster Johnson, Aaron O. Inst Missouri St Johnson, Bruce H. C-Ac Gustavus Ado Johnson, Bruce K. C-Pr Centre James Graham Brown Professor of Economics Johnson, Byron L. Deces Colo-Denver Johnson, Christopher Asst North Fla Johnson, Colleen Prof E Oregon St Johnson, Cooper C Delta State Johnson, D. Gale Deces Chicago Johnson, Daniel K. Asst Colorado Col Johnson, David B. Retir Louisiana St CIJ F IJ A QR EO N AGP CE D GL FR AM CE H FE AQ E LN QG I 1993 F DL OF F JHT DC DF EC OEC Q G FA OA HJ EH IO CE OL ACMF E AO M RO A IJ I AD DR AEJM AD H 226 PHD 82 Northeas PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 73 91 82 96 76 06 04 05 76 69 87 69 83 95 80 92 03 87 95 59 89 79 03 84 82 72 86 68 61 97 80 67 81 87 74 00 00 98 77 82 84 03 98 66 MIT 2003 Claremont Harvard New Sch Colo St Missouri Auburn Harvard Mass Illinois Fletcher Virginia Kentucky Princeton Virginia J Hopkins PAU France Wash U Nebraska Penn St Okla St Utah So Meth Car Mellon MIT Michigan Kansas St Minnesota U Wash Tx-Austin Penn St Nrthwstrn Nebraska Mass Indiana Wayne St Chicago Nrthwstrn Vanderbilt Wisconsin Virginia Ariz St Brown Wash St Nrthwstrn PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD 69 81 92 73 06 83 Illinois Wisconsin Ca-SnBarb SUNY-Alb Yale Ohio St 8-06 Chicago S Carol UCLA Iowa Tx A&M Illinois Conn S Calif Nrthwstrn Colorado Lancaster Lancaster Mo-StLou Houston Virginia 1968 1981 1996 1972 Wisconsin Alabama Wash St Miss Iowa St Yale Virginia 1947 2003 9-86 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 76 00 01 06 70 98 99 79 86 87 88 00 79 85 47 03 88 45 98 68 1982 2006 1965 1991 1986 1996 1977 2006 2006 2005 1966 1999 1995 1981 1991 1981 1977 2003 1987 2000 1968 1998 1978 2003 1983 1982 1982 1989 1962 1963 1997 2000 1968 1988 2000 2006 2000 1977 1981 1981 8-03 2002 1988 1990 2006 1975 2001 2006 1970 1998 2002 1979 2002 1982 1988 2005 1986 1987 1944 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Johnson, Dennis A. Retir South Dakota Johnson, Donn M. C-Pr Quinnipiac Johnson, Dudley W. Retir U Washington Johnson, E. William Prof Shepherd Johnson, George Prof Michigan Johnson, Ivan C. Retir CS-Northrdge Johnson, James A. Retir Colorado Col Johnson, Jerry W. Retir South Dakota Johnson, Joseph T. C-Pr Central Okla Johnson, Karen R. SLect Baylor Johnson, Laurie Asst Denver Johnson, Lowell E. Retir Bemidji St Johnson, M. Bruce Retir Cal-Santa Br Johnson, Marianne Assoc Wis-Oshkosh Johnson, Mark A. Assoc Chicago St Johnson, Nathaniel Asst Florida A&M Johnson, Paul A. Prof Vassar Johnson, Paul R. Assoc Alaska-Ancho Johnson, R. Larry Prof So New Hamp Johnson, Robert Prof San Diego Johnson, Steven G. Asst Gardner-Webb Johnson, W. Clint Prof Cen Arkansas Johnson, Walter L. Retir Missouri Johnson, William R. C-Pr Virginia Johnson-Lars, Shirley B. C-Pr Vassar Johnston, Jay VAsst Loyola-N Orl Johnston, John Deces Calif-Irvine Johnston, Louis Assoc St Benedict Johnstone, Robert L. Retir Berea Joines, Douglas H. Prof S Calif Jones, Barbara A. P. Dean Alabama A&M Jones, Barry Asst SUNY-Bingham Jones, Bryce J. Retir Rockhurst Jones, Carl R. Retir Naval Postgr Jones, Charles I. Prof Cal-Berkeley Jones, Charlotte A. Dean La St-Shreve Jones, Clifton T. C-Pr S F Austin Jones, David D. Retir St Thomas-MN Jones, Derek C. C-Pr Hamilton Jones, Ellis J. Retir Gustavus Ado Jones, Ethel B. Retir Auburn Jones, Garett Asst S Ill-Edward Jones, John Assoc SUNY-Albany Jones, Kenneth D. Retir Georgia Col Jones, Kent A. Prof Babson Jones, Kristin Roti Asst Hartwick Jones, Lamar B. Retir Louisiana St Jones, Larry Prof Minnesota Jones, Leroy P. Prof Boston Univ Jones, Mingmei VAsst SUNY-Bingham Jones, Otolorin SUNY-Empire Jones, Robert Asst Rensselaer Jones, Robert C. III Assoc NW St of LA Jones, Robert J. C-Ac Skidmore Jones, Robert T. C-Ac Mass-Dartmou Jones, Ronald W. C-Pr$ Rochester Xerox Professor of Economics Jones, Royal Maurice Retir W Carolina Jones, Stacey Inst Seattle Jones, Trefor T. Lect Manches Inst Jones, Warren C-Ac W Illinois Jonnard, Claude Prof F Dick-Madis Jonokin, Jon Assoc Tenn Tech Jonsson, Petur O. C-Pr Fayetteville Joray, Paul A. Retir Ind-So Bend Jorda, Oscar Assoc Cal-Davis Jordan, James S. Prof Penn State Jorge, Antonio Prof Fla Internat Jorgenson, Dale W. Prof Harvard Frederick E. Abbe Professor of Economics Jose, Anita Assoc Hood Joseph, Hyman Retir Iowa Joshi, Sumit Assoc George Wash Joskow, Paul L. Prof MIT Jotz, V. Joseph Prof UCLA Joutz, Frederick L. Prof George Wash Jovanovic, Boyan Prof New York U Joyce, B. Patrick Prof Mich Tech QADH AMR DHQ D J E I AEGH JH I DLQ C ENO AP EC 1994 D CD E PJ EG CEI F ACDL J HLO HD A KM P T HLR AEHN A OQ ADJ E E BPO CD O EC L D PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD MIM PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 89 57 74 66 71 59 71 80 98 75 62 99 85 84 85 82 73 83 75 63 75 66 02 57 90 61 73 99 55 65 93 85 85 75 74 65 61 00 98 77 81 05 65 81 74 99 83 02 91 78 56 67 227 Iowa Colo St Nrthwstrn Virginia Berkeley W Ontario Stanford Iowa St Chicago Baylor U Wash Cornell Nrthwstrn Mich St Stanford 2004 Stanford Rochester Geo Wash Oregon La Tech Tx Tech Duke MIT Columbia Houston Wales Berkeley Illinois Chicago Geo St Wash U St Louis Claremont MIT 7-01 La Tech Tx A&M Indiana Cornell N Dakota Chicago Ca-SnDgo Wisconsin La Tech Geneva Conn Tx-Austin Berkeley Harvard Wash U Ohio U Rensselaer UCLA Columbia Clark MIT 82 63 94 86 71 97 75 56 59 Maryland Stanford Dundee Iowa NYU Tennessee Penn St Illinois Ca-SnDgo Nrthwstrn Villanova Harvard 69 91 72 80 87 78 74 North Tx Nrthwstrn Indiana Yale Wisconsin U Wash Chicago Missouri 1964 1996 1960 1971 1973 1956 1967 1992 1979 2000 1976 1968 2001 1995 1995 1989 1978 1978 2005 1975 1965 1974 1967 2005 1978 1997 1964 1997 1999 1964 1965 1984 1995 1972 1972 1958 1975 2000 1998 1987 1982 2005 1967 1999 1976 1999 1985 2002 1994 1973 1958 1971 2004 1976 1983 9-65 1989 1971 1997 1998 1969 1966 1992 1972 1997 1988 1983 1972 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Joyce, Joseph P. Prof Joyce, Theodore Prof Jozefowicz, James J. Assoc Jozefowicz, Stephanie M. Assoc Jozsa, Frank P. Jr. Assoc Ju, Biung-Ghi Asst Ju, Jiandong Assoc Jubinski, Dan Asst Judge, Rebecca P. C-Ac Juhl, Ted Assoc Juhn, Chinhui Prof Julian, Jack D. Asst Jun, Jongbyung Asst Jun, Sung Jae Asst Jung, Chulho Prof Junk, Paul E. Retir Jursa, Paul E. Retir Juster, F. Thomas Retir Kabir, Mahbabul Asst Kabis, Zeinhom M. Retir Kaboski, Joseph Asst Kabot, Alvin A. Retir Kacapyr, Elia W. C-Pr Kader, Ahmad A. Retir Kadiyala, K. Rao Prof Kaempfer, William H. Prof Kaestner, Robert J. Prof Kafi, Farhoud VInst Kafoglis, Milton Z. Retir Kaganovich, M. Prof Kagel, John H. Prof University Chaired Professor Kagochi, John Inst Kahai, Simran K. Asst Kahane, Leo H. Prof Kahn, Abraham Ben Prof Kahn, James A. Prof Kain, John F. Retir Kaiser, Brooks Assoc Kaiser, Carl P. H-Pr Kaivento, Kim Lect Kakoli, Philip K. Prof Kalaba, Robert E. Retir Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem Asst Kali, Raja Asst Kalish, Richard J. Retir Kalist, David E. Asst Kallianiotis, John Assoc Kallon, Kelfala M. Assoc Kamal, Lillian Lect Kamara, Avraham Prof Kamara, Israela Lect Kamas, Linda Assoc Kamath, Shyam J. Prof Kamdar, Nipoli Assoc Kamerschen, David R. Prof Jasper N. Dorsey Professor Kamien, Morton I. Retir Kaminarides, John S. Retir Kaminsky, Graciela Prof Kamm, Judy Asst Kamp, Bradley P. Assoc Kamps, William E. Retir Kamrany, Nake M. SLect Kanago, Bryce Assoc Kanazawa, Mark T. Prof Kanbur, Sanjiv Prof Lee Teng-hui Professor of World Arts Kane, John C. Prof Kane, Joseph A. Retir Kane, Mamadou Assoc Kane, Tim D. Prof Kaneda, Hiromitsu Retir Kang, Eungmin B. Assoc Kang, Keejoon Prof Kangayappan, Kumaraswamy Prof Kannappan, Subbiah Retir Kanovsky, Eliyahu Prof Wellesley CUNY-Baruch Indiana U-PA Indiana U-PA Pfeiffer Kansas Oklahoma Colgate St Olaf Kansas Houston Indiana U-PA Suffolk Penn State Ohio Univ Minn-Duluth Charleston Michigan Lyon College St Ambrose Ohio State CUNY-Hunter Ithaca Carroll Purdue Colorado Ill-Chicago Babson Emory Indiana Ohio State Auburn-Montg John Carroll CS-East Bay Mass Lib Art Wash & Lee Texas-Dallas Gettysburg Wash & Lee U Lancaster Dallas Bapt So Calif Houston Arkansas SUNY-Albany Shippensburg Scranton No Colorado Northwestern U Washington U Washington Santa Clara CS-East Bay Trinity Georgia Northwestern Arkansas St George Wash Lindenwood South Fla So Dakota St So Calif No Iowa Carleton Cornell SUNY Oswego LaSalle E Stroudsbur Texas-Tyler Cal-Davis St Cloud St Indiana WI-Green Bay Michigan St Yeshiva EF CEL DHF D D G ADQ E J CFO CDFQ E ADFH EF 1-99 CE F I D LI L CDFL AC QO ADNQ JC DL F FO LOFD N IJ EFHO O BFMO H DK AFTO F L E E DKNQ DHIO ACJ EFN AFOQ G PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD LLM PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 85 99 99 77 01 95 01 76 99 91 02 04 06 89 62 72 56 98 68 01 63 78 74 66 79 88 228 1982 1986 1999 1999 1991 2001 1995 2001 1987 1999 1992 2004 2004 58 85 70 Boston U CUNY SUNY-Alb Indiana Geo St Rochester Penn St Virginia Duke Illinois Chicago Cincinnati Mich St Brown Michigan Nrthwstrn Tx-Austin Columbia Nebraska Illinois Chicago NYU Geo St W Virginia Wisconsin Duke CUNY Northeas Ohio St USSR Purdue 95 91 79 86 61 98 80 03 01 58 00 96 63 01 85 83 05 86 92 82 87 93 64 Auburn Auburn Columbia SUNY-Alb MIT Berkeley Nrthwstrn Wash U Warwick Niarobi NYU Brown Maryland Colorado Wayne St CUNY Virginia W Virginia Columbia Columbia Berkeley Simon Fr Syracuse Mich St 2005 2001 1991 PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 64 68 83 93 74 62 88 87 81 Purdue Houston MIT 1998 Mo-StLou Ca-SnDgo Wash St S Calif Iowa Stanford Oxford PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 72 72 72 64 90 80 69 56 61 SUNY-SBr Temple NYU Tx-Austin Stanford Geo St U Wash Wisconsin Tufts Columbia 1989 1979 1976 1973 1999 1973 2001 9-67 1985 1974 1970 1981 2003 1979 1991 1999 1996 2000 1979 2003 1988 1969 2000 1999 1969 2003 1990 1993 2004 1984 1997 1988 1986 1993 1974 1970 1968 8-96 1992 1972 1976 2000 1985 1983 1961 1973 1981 1973 1990 1980 1961 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Ludwig Jesselson Chair in Economics; spring only Kant, Chander Assoc Seton Hall Kantarelis, Demetrius Assoc Assumption Kao, C. H. Prof Syracuse Kapicka, Marek Asst Cal-Santa Br Kapinos, Kandice Prof St Olaf Kaplan, Jonathan Asst CS-Sacrament Kaplan, Jules Inst Colorado Kaplan, Phillip Prof New Haven Kapler, Janis Assoc Mass-Boston Kapstein, Ethan Prof INSEAD Kapuria-Foreman, Vibha Prof Colorado Col Kara, Orhan Asst West Chester Kara, S. Murat Assoc Angelo State Karaaslar, Mehmet VAssc Southwestern Karacaovali, Baybars Asst Fordham Karahan, Gokhan Asst Nicholls St Karangu, Mwangi Asst Morgan State Karasulu, Meral Asst Bogazici Karatas, Cevat Prof Bogazici Karatjas, Nicholas C-Pr Indiana U-PA Karayaicin, Ali Cem Prof Fla Internat Karbassioon, Ebrahim C-Pr E Illinois Kareken, John H. Retir Minnesota Karemera, David Assoc So Carol St Karidis, Socrates Asst Bentley Karier, Thomas M. Prof East Wash Karim, Alema Assoc Rhode Isl Cl Kariv, Shachar Asst Cal-Berkeley Karlan, Dean Asst Yale Karlson, Stephen Assoc No Illinois Karni, Edi Prof J Hopkins Karns, James M. Retir E Kentucky Karpoff, Jonathan M. Prof U Washington Karras, Georgios Prof Ill-Chicago Karscig, Mark P. Prof Cen Missouri Karsten, Siegfried G. Retir West Georgia Karstensson, Lewis Assoc Nev-L Vegas Kartik, Navin Asst Ca-San Diego Kartman, Arthur E. Prof San Diego St Kaschins, Edward A. Emer Luther Kaserman, David L. Prof Auburn Torchmark Professor Kashian, Russell Assoc Wis-Whitewat Kasper, Hirshel Prof Oberlin Kass-Shraibman, Frimette Asst CUNY-Brookly Kassens, Alice L. Asst Roanoke Kassis, Mary C. Asst West Georgia Kassouf, Sheen T. Deces Calif-Irvine Kasturi, Prahlad Prof Radford Kasule, Frederick Asst Hampton Kasun, Jacqueline R. Retir CS-Humboldt Kato, Takao C-Pr Colgate N. S. Schupf Professor in Far Eastern Studies Kats, Amoz Prof Virg Tech Katz, Arnold M. Retir Pittsburgh Katz, Barbara G. Prof New York U Katz, Eliakim C-Pr No Illinois Katz, Elizabeth Asst San Francisc Katz, Lawrence F. Prof Harvard Katz, Michael Prof Cal-Berkeley Katzman, Brett E. Assoc Mercer-Atlan Katzner, Donald W. Prof Massachusett Kauffman, Daniel E. C-Pr Winona State Kauffman, Kyle Assoc Wellesley Kaufman, Bruce E. Prof Georgia St Kaufman, Dennis A. Assoc Wis-Parkside Kaufman, Roger T. Prof Smith Kaufmann, Hugo M. Prof CUNY-Queens Kaun, David E. Prof Ca-Santa Crz Kauper, David Asst Central Col Kavesh, Robert A. Prof New York U Marcus Nadler Professor of Finance & Economics Kaviani, Mohammad Lect Ind-Purdue/I Kawahito, Kiyoshi Prof Mid Tenn St Kaya, Ayca Asst Iowa Kayaalp, Orhan Assoc CUNY-Lehman Kayalir, Resad Prof Bogazici 229 80 83 83 03 So Meth Clark SUNY-SBr Chicago 1987 1983 1985 2003 99 97 64 93 86 87 01 93 91 06 01 81 95 70 76 89 81 56 89 01 85 86 03 02 80 71 75 82 90 87 70 74 04 69 73 76 Ca-Davis Colorado J Hopkins American Medford Pittsburgh Wi-Milwa Tx Tech Wash St Maryland Miss Walden Boston C Glasgow SUNY-SBr Columbia Nebraska MIT Nebraska Clark Berkeley Boston U NYU MIT Wisconsin Chicago Oklahoma UCLA Ohio St Pittsburgh Utah Ohio U Stanford U Wash Iowa Florida 2003 2000 DL PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 1986 1981 1975 1983 1990 1981 1978 1979 2004 1968 1961 1986 DJ PHD PHD 99 63 Wi-Milwa Minnesota 2003 1963 PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD 05 99 65 83 96 56 86 N Car St Geo St Columbia Hawaii Hampton Columbia Queen's 2005 2002 1965 1985 2003 1969 1986 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 61 73 76 1974 85 82 96 65 80 93 78 87 78 68 64 06 54 Minnesota Yale Penn London Wisconsin MIT Oxford Duke Minnesota Nebraska Illinois Wisconsin Kansas MIT Columbia Stanford Ca-Rivers Harvard MA PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 71 05 84 76 Indiana Maryland Stanford CUNY Istanbul DCKL C E E A NL LF V AM AEFL HMF CDEG CEF ACDH ADI EF CEH AJOB D E CR 8-94 B HJ G IOQR J CDL J CDP CD OT CDL DN JN CH EIJ FE J FO B FE CD BE 1993 2001 1989 2001 2000 2001 2006 2003 9-71 1995 1985 1978 1989 1980 1958 1997 1998 1981 2003 1974 1976 1991 1986 2006 1975 1983 1993 1977 1988 1983 1967 1966 2006 1958 1986 1971 2005 1979 1972 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kaytaz, Mehmet Prof Bogazici Kazarosian, Mark C-Ac Stonehill Kazemi, Abbas A. Assoc Rhode Isl Cl Kazemi, Hossein S. Assoc Stonehill Keane, Michael P. Prof Arizona St ASU Research Fellow Kearl, James R. Prof Brigham Yg Kearney, Adrienne Asst Maine Kearney, Melissa Asst Maryland Kearns, Robert W. Retir Carroll Keating, Barry P. Prof Notre Dame Keating, John W. Assoc Kansas Keefe, David E. Assoc Pacific Keefe, Maureen Inst SUNY Old Wes Keehn, Richard Retir Wis-Parkside Keeler, James Prof Kenyon Keeler, Theodore E. Emer Cal-Berkeley Keen, Benjamin D. Asst Oklahoma Keenan, Donald C. Prof Georgia Keener, Gary Assoc Heidelberg Kehoe, Patrick J. Prof Minnesota Kehoe, Timothy J. Prof Minnesota Keil, Manfred W. C-Ac Claremont Keil, Stanley R. Assoc Ball State Keilany, Ziad H-Pr Tenn-Chattan Guerry Professor Keiser, Kurt J. C-As Adams State Keith, John E. Prof Utah State Keith, Kristen Assoc Toledo Kelejian, Harry Prof Maryland Keleta, Ethiopia C-Pr Txs Southern Keleta, Ghebre Assoc Grambling St Kellenberg, Derek K. Asst Georgia Tech Keller, Katarina Asst Susquehanna Keller, Robert R. Prof Colorado St Keller, Wolfgang Assoc Colorado Kelley, Allen C. Prof Duke James D. Duke Professor Kelley, George T. Retir Worcester St Kellman, Mitchell C-Pr$ CUNY-City C Kelly, Alison Prof Suffolk Kelly, David Asst U Miami Kelly, Eamon M. Retir Tulane Kelly, Jerry S. Prof Syracuse Kelly, Kathy Lect Tx-Arlington Kelly, Michael A. Asst Lafayette Kelly, Robert A. Asst Fairfield Kelly, Thomas M. Prof Baylor Kelly, William A. Jr. VAsoc Univ South Kelso, Patrick R. Retir West Tx A&M Kelsy, Michael Lect Mo-Kansas Ct Kemegue, Francis Inst Bryant Kemme, David M. Prof Memphis Morris Chair of Excellence in International Econ Kemp, Thomas Asst Wis-Eau Clar Kempey, William M. C-Pr Kean Kench, Brian Asst Tampa Kendall, Todd D. Asst Clemson Kendrick, David A. Prof Texas Ralph W. Yarborough Centennial Professor of Liberal Arts Kenen, Peter B. Retir Princeton Kenison, Arthur M. Prof St Anselm Kenison, Jeanne H. C-Ac St Anselm Kenkel, James L. Assoc Pittsburgh Kennan, John F. Prof Wisconsin Kennedy, Cynthia C. Evergreen St Kennett, David A. Prof Vassar Kenney, James M. Prof Union Kenny, Lawrence W. Prof Florida Kent, Richard J. C-Ac Kent State Kepner, Valerie Visit Frank & Mars Kerby, William C. Retir CS-Sacrament Kerchner, Robert B. Assoc Washburn Kercsmar, John Prof E Stroudsbur Kerkvliet, Joe R. Prof Oregon State Kermani, Taghi T. Retir Youngstown Kern, Clifford R. C-Pr SUNY-Bingham Kern, William C-Pr W Michigan CE CG 230 GE D PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 78 90 88 83 90 Nottingh Boston C SUNY-SBr Clark Brown KD AF HI 1995 R E FT PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD 75 92 01 74 89 80 MIT 1975 Penn St MIT Miami Notre Dm Nrthwstrn Berkeley EGN CEB PHD PHD PHD PHD DSC PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 81 71 02 78 93 86 79 85 73 68 Wisconsin Indiana MIT 1977 Virginia Wash U Kentucky Harvard Yale LondonEc Oregon Indiana PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 05 73 89 68 84 2004 1972 1994 1968 04 02 71 95 64 Colo St Utah St Ohio St Wisconsin Rice Colo St Colorado Notre Dm Wisconsin Yale Stanford PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 71 72 93 95 65 69 89 92 71 70 76 68 91 05 80 Clark Penn Boston C Car Mellon Columbia Harvard So Meth Cornell Geotown Okla St N Carol Tx-Austin Tennessee 1969 1982 1992 1998 1981 1971 1996 2005 1978 1969 Ohio St 1967 1996 2006 1994 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 70 00 03 66 Colo St NYU Conn Chicago MIT 2002 9-78 2002 8-03 7-70 PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 58 80 86 69 73 88 76 72 77 76 Harvard Boston U Vanderbilt Purdue Nrthwstrn Penn St Columbia Stanford Chicago Berkeley Colo St Oregon Missouri Houston Wyoming Nebraska Harvard Colo St 1971 1980 1988 1969 1992 CHR AHK POF ECJA QR EO DEQR J AFOP EN FO ONT DEF E D DE DGM HKC R EHN CQ F FCP B DL DJ CE ACG C C F QDMG DHJ E M LCQ R B 71 73 85 86 59 74 82 1978 1997 1982 1997 9-72 1978 8-97 1978 1969 1984 2005 1978 1990 2002 1987 7-95 1973 1968 9-81 2004 2002 1974 9-72 1976 1972 1975 1983 2001 1967 1976 9-88 1959 1971 1987 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kerr, Peter M. Prof Kersten, Timothy W. Retir Kessel, Herbert Prof Kesselring, Randall G. Prof Kessler, Adam Assoc Kessler, Alan L. Assoc Kesten, Onur Asst Kevane, Michael Assoc Key, Euell Dwyane Retir Khactu, Dominique Retir Khalifa, Sherif Lect Khalil, Fahad A. Assoc Khalil, Mohamad C-Pr Khan, Agha Nisar Retir Khan, Anwar S. Retir Khan, Azizur Rahman Emer Khan, B. Zorina Assoc Khan, Farida C. Prof Khan, M. Ali Prof Khan, Saleem M. C-Pr Khan, Saleheen Assoc Khan, Shakeeb Assoc Khandke, Kailash Assoc Khandker, A. Wahhab Prof Khang, Chulsoon Retir Khanna, Jyoti Assoc Khanna, Neha Assoc Kharadia, Virabhai C. Prof Khawar, Mariam Asst Khayum, Mohammed Dean Kheirandish, Reza VAsst Khorassani, Jacqueline Assoc Kidane, Abraham Z. Retir Kidman, Peter N. Retir Kiefer, David M. Prof Kiefer, Nicholas M. Prof Ta-Chung Liu Professor of Economics Kiel, Katherine A. Assoc Kiernan, Joseph J. Assoc Kiesling, Herbert J. Retir Kiesling, L. Lynne SLect Kihlstrom, Richard E. Retir Kijinski, John Dean Kiker, B. F. Emer Kilby, Christopher P. Assoc Kilby, Peter Prof Kilenthong, Tee Asst Kilian, Lutz Assoc Kilic, Rehim Asst Killingworth, Mark R. Prof Kim, Benjamin J. C. Assoc Kim, Beomsoo Asst Kim, DoYoung Asst Kim, Eungsuk Assoc Kim, Gew-Rae Assoc Kim, Grace Asst Kim, Hak Youn Prof Kim, Han J. Prof Kim, Henry Asst Kim, Hwagyun Asst Kim, Hyeongwoo Asst Kim, Jaebeom Asst Kim, Jongsung Assoc Kim, Juho Prof Kim, Ki Hoon Prof Kim, Kil-Joony Prof Kim, Kirk Y. Retir Kim, Kwan S. Retir Kim, Kyoo H. Prof Kim, Marlene Assoc Kim, Myungsup Asst Kim, Sang-Hoon C-Pr Kim, Soyoung Asst Kim, Sukkoo Assoc Kim, Sun K. Prof Kim, Sungwoo Prof Kim, Sunwoong C-Pr Kim, Yang H. Retir SE Missouri Cal Poly-SLO St Michael's Arkansas St F Dick-Teane Providence Carnegie Mel Santa Clara S F Austin North Dakota CS-Fullerton U Washington Fairmont St Virginia St N Carol A&T Cal-Riversid Bowdoin Wis-Parkside J Hopkins Bloomsburg MN St-Mankat Duke Furman Wis-La Cross Oregon Colgate SUNY-Bingham NW Missouri Elmira So Indiana Clayton St Marietta CS-Dominguez E Stroudsbur Utah Cornell Holy Cross F Dick-Teane Indiana Northwestern Pennsylvania Idaho State So Carolina Vassar Wesleyan-CT Cal-Santa Br Michigan Georgia Tech Rutgers-N Br Nebraska N Car-Greens Idaho CS-Stanislau Bridgeport Mich-Dearbor W Kentucky So Dakota St Tufts SUNY-Buffalo Auburn Oklahoma St Bryant Miss Vall St Central Conn Austin Peay Wis-Whitewat Notre Dame Bowling Gr Mass-Boston North Texas Montclair St Illinois Wash Univ CS-L Angeles Northeastern Wis-Milwauke Alabama A&M AEBF AJDC ACJF ACDE DH A FG EJ CF FOPR GN FO AEOP C BDEF ACF 1997 H QD AED AEFH AFOI K CG CDQR AEG Q ENGL O O CG J EF DGL G EFG CDO C F GEC E AJ FO FO OF C JI G EF NR AOE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 73 81 80 78 84 05 94 70 65 06 91 88 70 72 66 91 90 73 67 01 97 93 80 65 90 97 73 97 90 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DPHI PHD PHD PHD DPHI PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 89 80 65 93 64 85 65 94 67 97 71 71 74 76 96 02 77 83 06 02 99 92 01 82 69 97 03 06 00 98 73 68 80 70 67 78 90 05 79 96 93 66 67 85 67 231 Kansas Oregon Boston U Oklahoma NYU Boston C Rochester Berkeley S Illinois Minnesota J Hopkins Va Tech W Virginia Va Tech Wisconsin Cambridge UCLA Maryland Yale J Gutenb Oklahoma Princeton Ca-Davis So Meth Minnesota Iowa St Cornell Illinois J Hopkins Temple Va Tech W Virginia UCLA W Virginia Michigan Princeton 1980 1971 1977 1984 Ca-SnDgo Fordham Harvard Nrthwstrn Minnesota Wisconsin Tulane Stanford Oxford Chicago Penn Mich St Oxford UCLA Maryland U Wash Indiana CUNY Vanderbilt Cincinnati Oregon St Yale Chicago Ohio St Ohio St J Hopkins Oklahoma Conn Cincinnati Utah Minnesota Wisconsin Berkeley Mich St Wisconsin Yale UCLA S Calif Berkeley MIT 1989 Utah 1998 9-70 1965 2000 1985 2005 1995 1970 1966 2006 1991 1988 1972 1988 1996 1990 1988 1-78 2001 2006 1995 1983 1966 1992 1998 1973 1997 1991 1994 1971 1977 1981 1980 1985 1971 1993 1965 2006 2002 1978 1983 2006 2003 2000 2000 1983 1967 2001 2003 2006 2005 1998 1973 1967 1980 1969 1975 1978 2000 2005 1993 1997 1993 1964 1972 1965 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kim, Yong Jin Asst So Calif Kim, Yoonbai Assoc Kentucky Kim, Youn Suk Prof Kean Kim, Young Chin Retir No Illinois Kim, Young Se Asst North Texas Kimani, Joseph Inst Morgan State Kimball, Amanda L. VAsst Pacific Kimball, Miles S. Assoc Michigan Kimbrough, Kent P. Prof Duke Kimenyi, Samson M. Assoc Connecticut Kimmel, Jean Assoc W Michigan Kimzey, Bruce W. Prof Brighm Yg-HI Kinal, Terrence Prof SUNY-Albany Kincaid, Joel Assoc Winston-Sal Kindahl, James K. Retir Massachusett King, Amanda Asst Geo Southern King, Arthur E. Prof Lehigh King, Clay B. Retir Minot State King, John T. Asst Geo Southern King, Kerry A. Asst Penn St-Erie King, Mary C. Prof Portland St King, Paul G. Retir Denison King, Philip G. Assoc San Fran St King, Randall H. Assoc Akron King, Robert G. Prof Boston Univ King, Sharmila Asst Pacific King, Vereda J. Assoc N Carol A&T Kingston, Christopher G. Asst Amherst Kingston, Jerry L. Prof Arizona St Kinnaman, Thomas Assoc Bucknell Kinney, Kinney Assoc Shepherd Kirby, Chris Assoc Clemson Kirby, Maurice W. Prof U Lancaster Kirher, Philipp Asst Pennsylvania Kiriazis, David M. C-As Frostburg St Kirk, Robert Retir Ind-Purdue/I Kirkland, Jack Prof Troy State Kiser, Larry L. Prof East Wash Kish-Goodling, Donna M. Prof Muhlenberg Kishan, Ruby Pandey Prof Tx St-S Marc Kishor, N. Kundan Asst Texas Tech Kitamura, Yuichi Prof Yale Kitsul, Yuriy Asst Georgia St Kivi, Paul C-As Bemidji St Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro Prof Princeton Kjetsaa, Richard W. Assoc F Dick-Teane Klaasen, Thomas A. Prof Txs Wesleyan Klay, Robin Prof Hope Klebaner, Benjamim Prof CUNY-City C Kleibergen, Frank Prof Brown Klein, Benjamin Retir UCLA Klein, Chris Assoc Mid Tenn St Klein, J. Douglass Prof Union Klein, Lawrence R. Retir Pennsylvania Klein, Nicole L. Assoc So Dakota St Klein, Philip A. Retir Penn State Klein, Roger W. Prof Rutgers-N Br Klein, Yehuda L. Assoc CUNY-Brookly Kleinberg, Norman L. Assoc CUNY-Baruch Kleiner, William C. Retir W Illinois Klenow, Pete Prof Stanford Klepper, Steven I. Prof Carnegie Mel Hamerschlag Professor of Economics and Social Sciences Kletzer, Kenneth M. Prof Ca-Santa Crz Kletzer, Lori Gladstein C-Pr Ca-Santa Crz Klevorick, Alvin K. Prof Yale Klimenko, Mikhail Assoc Georgia Tech Klinedinst, Mark A. Prof So Miss Kling, Robert W. Assoc Colorado St Klingaman, David C. Retir Ohio Univ Klonner, Stefan Asst Cornell Klopfenstein, Kristin Assoc Tx Christian Klotz, Benjamin P. Retir Temple Klumpp, Tilman Asst Emory Knabb, Shawn Asst Western Wash Knabe, Rudolph Assoc Embry-Riddle Knapp, Gunnar P. Prof Alaska-Ancho Kniesner, Thomas J. Prof Syracuse EFG O FEH HI J CD KLMQ EJ FP A LDHC HA J 2000 ADJ E EF AFOP HQ P N HR ADEH AHJ E E C ADQK AEG BO E LD LQD Q E C CDQ AEF FED FJ K P DQ DE O E H EHO QR J 232 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA 03 87 73 68 04 LondonSE Stanford New Sch Columbia Ohio St Atlanta 2003 1991 9-74 1970 2004 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 87 80 86 90 70 76 99 58 00 76 72 01 04 91 71 87 78 80 01 84 01 69 94 85 94 71 06 97 69 82 73 92 86 05 93 05 1987 9-80 1991 2001 1989 1980 8-06 1967 2002 1976 1975 2002 2005 1992 1967 1987 1978 2000 2001 85 85 69 73 52 94 70 80 75 44 96 58 70 85 77 74 91 75 Harvard Chicago GeoMason N Carol Wash St Minnesota N Car St Chicago Vanderbilt Ohio St Wash St Vanderbilt W Virginia Berkeley Illinois Cornell Ohio St Brown Ca-Davis Duke Stanford Penn St Virginia Maryland Duke Sheffield Bonn Wayne St Iowa St Wash St Rutgers Lehigh Tx A&M U Wash Yale N Carol Wyoming Harvard Fordham Mich St Princeton Columbia Erasmus Chicago N Carol Wisconsin MIT 1958 Kansas St Berkeley Yale Berkeley MIT Mich St Stanford Cornell PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD 82 86 67 97 87 85 67 01 99 69 02 01 76 81 74 Berkeley Berkeley Princeton Stanford Cornell Kansas Virginia Ruprecht Colorado Minnesota W Ontario Ca-SnBarb Tennessee Yale Ohio St 1992 1993 1975 2004 1986 1984 1967 2003 1999 1975 2006 2005 2001 1969 9-94 1994 8-05 1985 1997 1972 1995 1971 1990 1986 2005 2005 1989 1979 1947 2003 1978 2002 1979 1997 1955 1994 1989 1971 2003 1980 1981 1999 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Knight, Brian Asst Brown PHD Mary Tefft & John Hazen White, Sr. Asst Prof in Public Policy & Economics Knight, Robert E. L. Retir Maryland PHD Knight, Tori H. Asst Carson-Newmn CDHI PHD Knittel, Chris Assoc Cal-Davis L PHD Knoblauch, Vicki I. Prof Connecticut D PHD Knodell, Jane E. Assoc Vermont EN PHD Knoeber, Charles R. Prof N Carol St LKDG PHD Knoedler, Janet T. C-Ac Bucknell LNO PHD Knowles, Glenn J. Assoc Wis-La Cross CQR PHD Knox, Robert L. Retir Arizona St PHD Knox, Trevor Assoc Muhlenberg PHD Knudsen, James J. Assoc Creighton CHJ PHD Knudsen, John W. Retir Idaho EP PHD Knusel, Jack L. Retir Wis-Whitewat PHD Koch, James C. Retir St Edwards MSIR Koch, James V. Prof Old Dominion RDL PHD Koch, Paul D. Prof Kansas Fnce PHD Koch, Paul R. Prof Olivet Nazar AFHP EDD Koch, William Asst W Illinois PHD Kochanowski, Paul S. Retir Ind-So Bend CDR DBA Kocherlakota, Narayana C-Pr Minnesota PHD Kochin, Levis A. Assoc U Washington PHD Koelln, Kenneth Assoc North Texas LI PHD Koenigsberg, Robin Asst Regis-CO AFHI PHD Koenker, Roger Prof Illinois CL PHD Koeva, Stefka VAsoc Gettysburg PHD Kofi, Tetteh A. Prof San Francisc OA PHD Kogut, Carl A. Assoc La-Monroe DLJ PHD Kohen, Andrew I. Prof Jms Madison JD PHD Kohler, Heinz Emer Amherst APCD PHD Willard Long Thorp Professor of Economics Kohlhase, Janet E. Assoc Houston RHD PHD Kohls, Heather Adj Marquette AFQ PHD Kohn, Meir G. Prof Dartmouth PHD Koirala, Govinda Assoc Rio Grande PHD Koizumi, Tetsunori Retir Ohio State E PHD Kokkelenberg, Edward C. Prof SUNY-Bingham EO PHD Kolasinski, Adam Asst U Washington PHD Kolb, Fredric Prof Wis-Eau Clar ACG PHD Kolberg, William Assoc Ithaca AQ PHD Kolluri, Bharat R. C-Pr Hartford CEGH PHD Kolmer, Lee Roy Retir Iowa State 1994 PHD Kolpin, Van W. Prof Oregon CDL PHD Kolstad, Charles Prof Cal-Santa Br QLD PHD Komagai, Tomomi Asst Wayne State C PHD Komai, Mana Asst St Cloud St PHD Komunjer, Ivana 822-0 Ca-San Diego PHD Konan, Denise Prof Hawaii-Manoa F PHD Kondeas, Alexander G. Asst Greensboro EG PHD Kondonassis, Alexander J. Prof Oklahoma NO PHD David Ross Boyd Professor of Economics Kong, Chang Min Prof Towson PHD Kongar, Ellu Asst Dickinson Cl JO PHD Konishi, Hideo Prof Boston Coll DHL PHD Konow, James D. C-Pr Loyola Marym ACD PHD Konyar, Kazim Assoc CS-San Bern CQ PHD Konz, Jeffery M. C-Ac N Car-Ashvil BEFO PHD Koo, Anthony Y. Retir Florida St F PHD Kool, Krishna L. Dean Rio Grande PHD Koont, Sinan Assoc Dickinson Cl CFE PHD Kooros, Syrous Prof Nicholls St EFOC PHD Kopczuk, Wojciech Assoc Columbia DH PHD Kopecky, Helen Pauline Retir Oklahoma St PHD Koppl, Roger Assoc F Dick-Madis BEG PHD Kopylov, Igor Asst Calif-Irvine C PHD Koray, Faik A. Prof Louisiana St EF PHD Marjory B. Ourso Cener for Excellence in Teaching Professor Korbach, Robert J. Retir North Dakota AGH PHD Korenok, Oleg Asst Virg Comm PHD Kornai, Janos Emer Harvard DSC Kornecki, Lucyna Asst Embry-Riddle PHD Kortum, Samuel Prof Chicago ELO PHD Kortum, Samuel Prof Minnesota PHD Koscianski, Janet L. Prof Shippensburg PHD Koshal, Rajindar K. Retir Ohio Univ TACQ PHD Koski, Jennifer L. Assoc U Washington PHD Kosmopoulou, Georgia Assoc Oklahoma D PHD 233 00 Wisconsin 2003 58 Berkeley 2000 Berkeley Wi-Milwa Stanford UCLA Tennessee Minnesota N Carol Conn Iowa St Minnesota Colorado Loyl-Chgo Nrthwstrn Mich St Illin St Ca-SnCruz Indiana Chicago Chicago Florida Colorado Michigan Varna Berkeley Tx A&M Ohio St Michigan 1960 99 91 84 76 91 80 63 00 89 70 59 68 80 94 05 72 87 75 91 00 74 80 70 84 73 61 80 73 96 70 81 06 71 84 77 54 86 82 01 04 02 93 98 61 Penn Wi-Milwa MIT NYU Brown Nrthwstrn MIT 2006 Utah Rhode Isl SUNY-Buf Iowa St Iowa Stanford MIT 2001 Va Tech HEC Colorado Auburn Indiana 77 03 94 93 85 94 46 76 87 80 01 72 88 03 84 Wi-Milwa Utah Rochester UCLA Ca-Rivers N Carol Harvard Tennessee Mass Rensselaer Michigan Houston Auburn Rochester Duke 73 05 66 80 92 92 90 68 91 96 Maryland Rutgers Hungaria Krakow Yale Yale S Illinois Rochester Stanford Illinois 2002 2000 1986 1976 9-92 1985 1963 2000 1989 1972 1965 1960 1990 1988 1992 2006 1972 2005 1972 1991 2003 1983 1977 1981 1992 1976 1961 1983 2003 1978 1996 1970 1980 1971 1984 1976 1973 1986 1992 2005 1993 1999 1979 1978 2003 1999 1989 1991 1996 1970 1986 1991 2003 1973 1988 2003 1984 1970 2005 1986 2006 2001 1990 1970 1991 1997 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kosnik, Leu-Raebel Asst Mo-St Louis Kosobud, Richard F. Emer Ill-Chicago D Kosovich, Stephen Asst S F Austin J Koss, Joseph J. Retir Youngstown Koss, Patricia Assoc Portland St D Kosteas, Billy D. Asst Cleveland St DFJ Koszegi, Botond Assoc Cal-Berkeley Kotcherlakota, V. V. Prof Neb-Kearney F Kotlikoff, Laurence J. Prof Boston Univ EH Kotz, David M. Prof Massachusett Kovenock, Dan J. Prof Purdue Kovzik, Alexander Assoc Wis-Oshkosh AO Kowal, Lubomyr M. Retir Mich-Flint Kower, Peter J. Asst Oglethorpe END Kown, Illoong Asst SUNY-Albany DL Koymen, Oya Prof Bogazici NQ Kozel, Phil Asst Rollins ABFN Koziara, Edward C. Retir Drexel J Kozlov, Nicholas N. Assoc Hofstra P Kozmetsky, George Retir Texas O Kraft, Arthur Dean Chapman Kraft, John L. Dean Florida Krall, Mary Elyse Prof SUNY-Cortlan AIJQ Kramer, Melvin L. Retir Wartburg Kranich, Laurence J. Assoc SUNY-Albany DH Kranton, Rachel E. Prof Maryland Krasa, Stefan Prof Illinois DG Krasnokutskaya, Elena Asst Pennsylvania Kraus, James A. Assoc CUNY-Lehman Kraus, Marvin C-Pr Boston Coll DR Krause, Kate Assoc New Mexico HK Krause, Stefan Asst Emory E Krautmann, Anthony C. Prof DePaul DL Kreft, Steven Asst Indiana Kreider, Brent Asst Iowa State J Kreinin, Mordechai E. Prof Michigan St F University Distinguished Professor Kreitzer, Joseph L. Prof St Thomas-MN C Kremer, Michael R. Prof Harvard E Kresl, Peter K. Prof Bucknell FO Kressler, Peter Retir Rowan Col-NJ Kreutzer, David W. Assoc Jms Madison FH Kridel, Donald Assoc Mo-St Louis CD Krieg, John M. Assoc Western Wash EG Krienke, Albert B. Retir Midwest St DP Krier, Donald F. Retir Framingham Krinsky, Itzhak Prof McMaster U G Krishna, Kala Prof Penn State F Krishna, Vijay Asst No Carolina C Krishna, Vijay Prof Penn State D Krishnan, Rajaram C-As Earlham Krishnan, V. N. Retir Bowling Gr Krislov, Joseph Retir Kentucky JN Kristensen, Dennis Asst Columbia Kristjanson-Gurat, David Asst Bucknell B Krohn, Gregory A. Assoc Bucknell EGA Krol, Robert Prof CS-Northrdge FR Kroll, Stephen Asst CS-Sacrament QC Krouse, Clement G. Prof Cal-Santa Br D Krueger, Alan B. Prof Princeton JH Krueger, Anne O. Emer Stanford Herald L. and Caroline L. Reitch Professor in Humanities and Sciences Krueger, Dirk Assoc Pennsylvania Krueger, Gary J. C-Pr Macalester ACP Krugman, Paul R. Prof Princeton F Krupka, Douglas K. Asst Georgia St QR Kruse, Jamie I. Prof East Carol DLQ Krusell, Per Prof Princeton O Krynski, Kathy Assoc Kenyon CDIJ Himmelright Associate Professor of Economics Kuan, Chen I. Retir SUNY-Albany OF Kubik, Jeff Assoc Syracuse HJ Kubler, Felix Assoc Pennsylvania Kudek, James F. Assoc Lakeland ABCD Kuenne, Robert E. Retir Princeton 6-97 Kuersteiner, Guido Assoc Cal-Davis CE Kuester, Dan Asst Kansas State AB Kuforiji, Oluseyi Assoc Tuskegee J 234 PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD JD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 63 05 87 93 03 00 77 77 75 83 87 65 02 99 67 04 65 88 57 70 71 89 66 89 93 87 03 73 96 02 85 03 94 54 Penn Oregon Akron Simon Fr Ohio St MIT 7-00 India Harvard Berkeley Wisconsin Belarus St Illinois Ohio St Harvard Strathcl Mass Wisconsin NewHamp Harvard SUNY-Buf Pittsburgh Utah Iowa Rochester Berkeley Vienna Yale Columbia Minnesota Wisconsin Ohio St Iowa W Virginia Wisconsin Michigan PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 92 70 68 84 87 99 67 69 83 84 04 83 97 68 54 04 99 85 82 99 69 87 58 Iowa Harvard Tx-Austin Penn GeoMason Arizona Oregon Tx A&M Boston C McMaster Princeton Penn Princeton Boston U Mich St Wisconsin LondonSE Mass Wisconsin S Illinois Wyoming UCLA Harvard Wisconsin PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 99 89 77 04 88 92 86 Minnesota Wisconsin MIT Chicago Arizona Minnesota Wisconsin PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD 97 99 53 97 00 87 Berkeley MIT Yale Wi-Milwa Harvard Yale Missouri Pittsburgh 1966 2005 1967 1997 2003 1986 1983 2002 1966 2002 2006 1976 2006 1966 9-66 1990 8-90 1956 1998 1993 1990 1972 1996 2002 1985 2003 2001 1959 1981 1985 1969 1972 1984 1993 2000 1965 1973 1982 1993 2006 1993 1999 1965 1954 2006 2002 1983 1983 2003 1979 6-87 1989 2004 2004 7-86 1997 1982 1969 2006 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Kugler, Adriana Asst Houston Kugler, C. Tad Asst LaSierra Kugler, Penny L. Inst Cen Missouri Kuhn, Kai-uwe Assoc Michigan Kuhn, Peter C-Pr Cal-Santa Br Kulkarni, Kishore G. Prof Metro St-CO Kumar, Vikram Prof Davidson Kumazawa, Risa M. Asst Geo Southern Kumbhakar, Subal C. Prof SUNY-Bingham Kuntz, Dale F. Prof Bentley Kuperberg, Mark J. Prof Swarthmore Kupilik, Michael H. Assoc Montana Kuran, Timur Prof So Calif Kurban, Haydar Asst Howard Kurre, James A. C-Ac Penn St-Erie Kurth, Michael M. H-Pr McNeese St Kuruscu, Burhanettin Asst Texas-Austin Kurz, Mordecai Prof Stanford Joan Kenney Professor of Economics Kushner, Joseph W. Retir Valdosta St Kushnirsky, Fyodor I. Prof Temple Kutan, Ali M. Prof S Ill-Edward Kutasovic, Paul R. Assoc NY Inst Tech Kutsoati, Edward Asst Tufts Kuttner, Ken Prof Oberlin Kuznets, Paul W. Retir Indiana Kuzyk, Patricia Asst Wash State Kwack, Sung Y. Prof Howard Kwak, Sally Asst Hawaii-Manoa Kwak, Sungkyu Asst Washburn Kwak, Young-sik C-Ac Delaware St Kwan, Clarence C. Y. Prof McMaster U Kwoka, John E. Jr. Prof Northeastern Finnegan Distinguished Professor Kwon, Jene K. Retir No Illinois Kydland, Finn Prof Cal-Santa Br Kyer, Ben L. C-Pr Fran Marion The Benjamin Wall Ingram, III Professor of Economics Kyereme, Stephen Assoc So Carol St Kyle, James T. Retir Indiana St Kyle, Reuben Retir Mid Tenn St Kymn, Kern O. Prof W Virginia Kyn, Oldrich Prof Boston Univ Kyongwook, Choi Asst Ohio Univ Kypralos, Harry N. C-Ac Rollins Kyriazidou, Ekaterina Prof UCLA La Croix, Sumner J. Prof Hawaii-Manoa La Near, Richard E. Prof Missouri So J. R. Kuhn Chair in Finance La Tourette, John E. Retir No Illinois Labadie, Pamela A. Prof George Wash Labys, Walter C. Prof W Virginia Lace, Lesley Inst Auburn-Montg Lacetera, Nicola Asst Case Western Lachman, Teddy Retir CUNY-Brookly LaCivita, Charles J. Prof Naval Postgr Lacombe, Donald J. Asst Ohio Univ Lacour, Pierre Asst SUNY-N Paltz Lacy, Allen W. Emer Auburn-Montg Ladd, George W. Retir Iowa State Lady, George Prof Temple Lafontaine, Francine Prof Michigan LaFountain, Courtney Asst Tx-Arlington Lage, Gerald M. Prof Oklahoma St Lages, John David Deces SW Missouri Lagos, Ricardo Asst New York U Lagunoff, Roger D. Prof Georgetown Lahiri, Amartya Asst UCLA Lahiri, Kajal Prof SUNY-Albany Lahiri, Supriya Assoc Mass-Lowell Lai, Choon-Shan Asst So Indiana Lai, Kon Sun Prof CS-L Angeles Laibman, David Prof CUNY-Brookly Laibson, David Prof Harvard Laincz, Chris Asst Drexel Laing, Derek Assoc Penn State Laird, William E. Retir Florida St Laird-Muriente, Carlos F. Asst Central Conn A J AEF EF C AEO EK PHBN R RA A P EFG G E E E HJ CG L E J L EC CEP ANBE DNO ADEG E E Q DM ABDN ETIH 1994 CD DE FD J DLH E CQ AP DE O E 6-97 235 PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 04 88 91 83 82 87 02 86 79 81 76 82 99 82 82 02 61 Berkeley Claremont Cen Mo St Oxford Harvard Pittsburgh Vanderbilt Tx-Austin S Calif Conn MIT 1977 Colorado Stanford Il-Chicago Wayne St Va Tech Rochester Yale 2003 2005 1988 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 69 68 90 83 98 89 64 90 68 06 01 94 79 72 Tennessee Moscow Ariz St Rutgers Queens Harvard Yale Temple Berkeley Berkeley Minnesota Miss Toronto Penn 1969 1980 1991 1988 1998 2004 1964 1995 PHD PHD PHD 68 73 84 Iowa Car Mellon W Virginia 1968 2003 8-89 PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 84 63 72 64 Cornell Indiana Tennessee Chicago Charles U Wash Virginia Nrthwstrn U Wash Miss 1984 1963 1972 1976 1971 2002 1983 Rutgers Chicago Nottingh Auburn MIT CUNY Ca-SnBarb Fla St New Sch Iowa St Illinois J Hopkins Brit Colum Wash U Minnesota Iowa St Penn Minnesota Maryland Rochester Delhi Purdue Penn New Sch MIT Duke Essex Virginia Mass 1979 1996 1975 2005 PHD PHD PHD MA PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 02 87 95 81 79 62 84 68 95 06 74 81 00 04 71 55 67 88 03 67 67 97 89 95 75 75 02 87 73 94 03 89 62 1999 1989 1986 2001 1975 9-76 1982 2001 1977 1984 1966 2006 2001 1993 1979 2001 1981 1987 1980 1985 2001 2006 1976 1955 1981 2003 1966 1963 2000 1996 1977 2002 1987 1967 7-94 2003 1989 1960 2006 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Laitner, John Prof Michigan Lakew, Melaku Prof R Stockton Lal, Anil K. Assoc Pittsburg St Lal, Deepak K. Prof UCLA LaLumia, Sara Asst Wm & Mary Lam, David A. Prof Michigan Lam, Pok-sang Assoc Ohio State Lamarche, Carlos Asst Oklahoma Lambertini, Luisa Assoc Claremont Lamberton, Charles E. Retir So Dakota St Lambson, Val E. Prof Brigham Yg Lamdin, Douglas J. Prof MD-Baltim Co Lamoreaux, Naomi Prof UCLA Lamphear, F. Charles Retir Nebraska Lamping, Jennifer Asst Colorado Lamson, George H. Deces Carleton Lancaster, Anthony Prof Brown Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics Lancaster, Kelvin Deces Columbia Landau, Daniel L. Assoc Connecticut Landis, Brook I. Assoc York-Penn Landon-Lane, John Asst Rutgers-N Br Landry, Craig E. Asst East Carol Landsburg, Steven E. Prof Rochester Lane, Philip J. C-Ac Fairfield Lane, Walter J. C-Ac New Orleans Laney, Leroy Prof Hawaii Pacif Lang, David Asst CS-Sacrament Lang, Kathleen Asst Fairfield Lang, Kevin C-Pr Boston Univ Lang, Nancy A. Assoc No Kentucky Lang, Steven D. Prof Randolph-Mac Langan, Terence G. Assoc St Thomas-MN Langbert, Mitchell Assoc CUNY-Brookly Lange, Carsten Asst CS-Pomona Lange, Fabian Asst Yale Lange, Ralph W. Retir SE Louisiana Langelett, George Asst So Dakota St Langer, Gary F. D-Ac Roosevelt Langley, Sonia Asst Prairie View Langlois, Richard N. Prof Connecticut Langpap, Christian Asst Tulane Langston, Vicky C-Ac Columbus Lankford, R. Hamilton Prof SUNY-Albany Lanning, Jon Prof Albion Lantz, Ted Asst Tri-State Lanzillotti, Robert F. Retir Florida Laopodis, Nikiforos T. Asst Villa Julie [email protected] Lapan, Harvey E. Prof Iowa State Lape, Gavy Asst Liberty Lapidus, June Assoc Roosevelt Lapoint, Jenipher McMurry Laposata, Samuel M. VProf Muhlenberg Lapp, John S. Prof N Carol St Laramie, Anthony J. Prof Merrimack Lardard, Leonard P. Prof Rhode Island Larkin, L. Andrew Prof St Cloud St LaRoe, Ross M. Assoc Denison Larrivee, John Asst Mt St Mary's Larson, Bruce D. Prof N Car-Ashvil Larson, David A. Retir New Orleans Larson, John C. Retir Loyola-Maryl Larson, Marvin L. Retir Missouri So Larson, Tom Edward Prof CS-L Angeles Lartey, Emmanual Asst CS-Fullerton Laschever, Ron Asst Illinois Lassen, Jerry Evergreen St Lastrapes, William D. H-Pr Georgia Latanich, Gary A. Prof Arkansas St Latham, William R. III Assoc Delaware Latif-Zaman, Nazma Assoc Providence Lau, Lawrence J. Retir Stanford Lau, Man-Lui Assoc San Francisc Lau, Stephanie Asst Wash Univ Laumas, G. S. Emer So Illinois Laumas, Prem S. Retir No Illinois Laurence, Louise Prof Towson 236 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 76 81 95 65 06 83 86 06 95 75 83 91 79 67 05 71 64 Harvard Ca-Rivers Wash St Oxford Michigan Berkeley Harvard Illinois Berkeley Iowa St Rochester Maryland J Hopkins Kansas St Columbia Nrthwstrn Cambridge 58 74 74 98 04 79 83 78 76 02 95 82 83 90 88 91 London Chicago Cornell Minnesota Maryland Chicago Tufts Ca-SnDgo Colorado St Louis Boston C MIT 1987 Georgia Pittsburgh Minnesota Columbia Hannover Chicago LSU Nebraska Ca-Rivers 1966 1981 T CFOG PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD EDD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD 53 91 Stanford Oregon St Tx-Austin N Carol Michigan Louisville Berkeley Catholic 1983 2003 2003 1981 2005 1972 1969 1994 DF PHD 71 MIT PHD 88 Mass 1972 2003 1990 GFO A E EF G L OR EF B O C DQ EGR I EID JC AD ECR L AF M B FLRQ HDI D EGF CE BP AHQ BAHI ABCD E EF CEF AREM RC OFC CD CD EC 1995 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 04 74 00 80 81 03 83 81 06 74 86 79 82 82 00 83 68 77 84 86 06 06 67 86 78 73 69 86 03 66 65 87 Pittsburgh Princeton Clark Indiana Nebraska American Wisconsin N Carol Maryland Minnesota Mo-StLou Berkeley Boston C Nrthwstrn Wisconsin N Carol Nebraska Illinois Northeas Berkeley Cornell Yale Wayne St Wayne St Maryland 1975 1982 2006 1983 1985 2006 2005 1974 1989 1989 1966 1969 1986 2001 2003 1981 1986 1997 2002 2006 1983 1987 1998 1993 2002 1983 2002 1974 1984 1981 1982 1985 2001 1983 1974 1990 1987 2006 2006 1990 1981 1971 1966 1992 2003 1990 1971 1987 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Laurent, Jerome K. Retir Wis-Whitewat Laury, Susan K. Assoc Georgia St Lautzenheiser, Mark Asst Earlham Laux, Fritz Asst NE St-Okla Lave, Charles Emer Calif-Irvine Lave, Lester B. Prof Carnegie Mel Harry B. & James H. Higgins University Professor of Economics Lavin, Donald Lect McDaniel Lavine, Jeffrey A. Asst Pitts-Johnst Law, Alton D. Retir W Maryland Law, Marc Asst Vermont Lawarree, Jacques P. Prof U Washington Lawber, Harold E. Jr. Prof Salve Regina Lawlor, Michael S. Prof Wake Forest Lawrence, William Prof NY Inst Tech Lawson, Catherine L. Prof Missouri Wes Lawson, Luther Drew Prof N Car-Wilmin Lawson, Robert A. Prof Capital Lawson, Robert L. Retir Ball State Lawson, Stanley J. Prof St John's Layer, Robert Emer So Illinois Layson, Steve Assoc N Car-Greens Lazarcik, Gregor Retir CUNY-Brookly Lazerus, Scott Asst Western St Lazonick, William H. Retir Barnard Le, Quan Asst Seattle Leach, Elroy M. Prof Chicago St Leachman, Lori Prof Duke Leadley, John C. Assoc W Oregon St Leahigh, David J. Deces King's Col Leahy, John V. Prof New York U Leahy, William H. Retir Notre Dame Leamer, Edward E. Prof UCLA Leathers, Charles G. Prof Alabama LeBaron, Blake Prof Brandeis Lebedinsky, Alex Asst W Kentucky LeBel, Phillip Prof Montclair St Lebergott, Stanley Emer Wesleyan-CT University Professor Leblebicioglu, Asli Asst N Carol St Lec, Kangoh Prof San Diego St LeClair, Mark S. Prof Fairfield Ledyard, John O. Prof Cal Tech Lee, Albert Yin-Po Emer CS-Stanislau Lee, Baeyong Asst Fayetteville Lee, Bun Song Assoc NW St of LA Lee, Byung Assoc Howard Lee, Byung Assoc Notre Dame Lee, Chung H. Prof Hawaii-Manoa Lee, Dae Sung Dean Miss Vall St Lee, Daniel Y. Prof Shippensburg Lee, David S. Prof Columbia Lee, Donghoon Asst New York U Lee, Dwight R. Prof Georgia Bernard B. & Eugenia A. Ramsey Professor Lee, Eric Y. Retir F Dick-Madis Lee, Feng-Yao Retir Tennessee Lee, Frederick S. Prof Mo-Kansas Ct Lee, Gemma Asst Alabama Lee, Gerald R. Prof Miss College Lee, Hoyoung Prof Rochest Tech Lee, Hy Sang Retir Wis-Oshkosh Lee, J. J. Assoc Towson Lee, Jae Won Assoc CUNY-Baruch Lee, Jason Assoc McMaster U Lee, Jim Prof Tx A&M-C Chr Lee, Jin Man ResSp Ill-Chicago Lee, Joe W. Retir Howard Lee, Jongdoo Asst West Chester Lee, Joo Young Asst West Alabama Lee, Joon-Suk Asst Bowdoin Lee, Joonsuk Asst Cal-Davis Lee, Joseph S. Retir Mankato St Lee, Jungmin Asst Arkansas Lee, Junsoo Prof Alabama Lee, Kangoh Prof Towson Lee, Keun Ho Asst Northern St Lee, Kie Bok Retir Skidmore HCQ R LNA ABEN A AJL DEH D O AGIJ 0 EGF E JR CF DOQH N EF FGC FO CDH CD FO ADEC DE DHM F ADN AG ABDE O G AO C L LDCM JK E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 237 73 96 00 Indiana Indiana Utah 1965 1999 2003 68 63 Stanford Harvard 1964 1963 Loyola Pittsburgh Rutgers Wash U Berkeley Conn Iowa St NYU Colorado Tennessee Fla St Iowa NYU Harvard Chicago Columbia Utah Harvard Claremont Il-Chicago S Carol Wisconsin Geotown Princeton Notre Dm Michigan Oklahoma Chicago Geotown Boston U Michigan 2000 1970 1966 68 68 90 89 86 75 88 81 67 73 52 83 60 97 00 85 87 85 79 90 66 70 68 88 03 77 39 05 87 67 70 73 73 88 66 69 86 99 01 72 73 65 06 73 70 65 00 69 91 91 00 05 05 06 70 04 91 87 90 67 Boston C Illinois Rutgers Purdue S Illinois Miss So Meth Catholic Wisconsin Berkeley Mass Pittsburgh Princeton Penn Ca-SnDgo Columbia Mich St Rutgers Vanderbilt Miss Maryland Wisconsin Stanford CUNY Alberta Penn St Il-Chicago Indiana Geo Wash Georgia N Carol UCLA Mass Tx-Austin Mich St Illinois Columbia Virginia 1990 1988 1986 1971 1995 1996 1963 1978 1955 1978 1985 2000 1985 2003 1985 9-98 1991 9-90 2002 1963 1975 1968 1999 2003 1981 1962 2005 2006 1988 1985 1970 2004 8-73 1996 1980 1999 1986 2006 2001 1985 1965 2006 1970 1970 1962 2000 1972 1990 7-99 2000 2004 2005 2005 2006 1970 2004 2003 1990 1963 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lee, Li Way Lee, Lung-fei University Chaired Professor Lee, Maw Lin Lee, Neville S. Lee, Raymond Lee, Ronald D. Lee, Sang H. Lee, Sang Hyop Lee, Sangjoon Lee, Seung-Dong Lee, Shang-Mei Lee, Soyon Lee, Tae-Hwy Lee, Tenpao Lee, Tong Hun Lee, William C. Lee, Woo Bong Lee, Woojin Lee, Y. Lee, Yoonseok Lee, Yu-Feng Leeds, Eva Marikova Leeds, Michael A. Leekley, Robert M. Leeper, Eric M. Lees, Francis A. Leeson, Peter T. Leet, Don R. Leeth, John D. Leffler, Keith B. Lefgren, Lars Leftwich, Howard M. Lehman, Thomas Lehmann, Michael B. Lehr, Carol A. Lehr, David Lehrer, Evelyn L. Lei, Vivian Leigh, Duane E. Leightner, Jonathan E. Leighton, Linda S. Leighton, Richard I. Leijonhufvud, Axel S. B. Leitner, Keith R. Leiva, Fernando Lemi, Adugna Lemon, Gary D. Lenihan, Patrick M. Lenon, Mary Jane Lentz, Rasmus Leon, Alexis Leon, Jean-Claude Leonard, Frederick H. Leonard, William J. Leontief, Wassily W. LePage, James Lephardt, Noreen E. Leppel, Karen Lerman, Robert I. LeRoy, Stephen F. Lerrick, Adam Friends of Allan H. Meltzer Chair Lesage, James P. Lesser, Mary H. Lester, Ashley Lester, Bijou Leube, Kurt R. Leung, Cho Kin Leuthold, Jane H. Leveen, Serpil S. Leven, Bozen Leven, Charles L. Levendis, John Levenson, Albert M. Leventoglu, Bahar Lever, Jacqueline Levernier, William B. 238 C-Pr Prof Wayne State Ohio State L C PHD PHD 76 77 Columbia Rochester 1981 1999 Retir Asst Prof Prof Assoc Assoc Asst Prof Asst Prof Prof Prof Emer C-Pr Retir Assoc Asst Asst Asst Assoc Assoc C-Pr Prof Prof Asst Prof Prof Assoc Asst Retir C-Ac Retir Assoc Prof Prof Asst Retir Assoc Assoc Retir Retir Retir Asst Asst Prof Retir Assoc Asst Asst Asst C-Pr Retir Retir Prof Adj Assoc Prof Prof SLect Missouri Regis-MA Benedict Col Cal-Berkeley SE Louisiana Hawaii-Manoa Alfred Alabama-Birm Hood Benedictn-IL Cal-Riversid Niagara Wis-Milwauke St Marys-Cal Bloomsburg Massachusett Indiana Michigan New Mex St Moravian Temple Ill Wesleyan Indiana St John's W Virginia CS-Fresno Bentley U Washington Brigham Yg Cincinnati Indiana Wesl San Francisc Virg Comm Longwood Ill-Chicago Wis-Milwauke Wash State Augusta Fordham SUNY-Bingham UCLA Wis-Eau Clar Iowa Mass-Boston DePauw E Illinois Providence Wisconsin Pittsburgh Catholic Smith St Joseph New York U Lincoln-MO Marquette Widener American U Cal-Santa Br Carnegie Mel C PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 61 Wisconsin Pittsburgh Cincinnati Harvard Florida Mich St SUNY-Buf So Meth Geo Wash N Illinois Ca-SnDgo Iowa St Wisconsin Ca-SnBarb Rutgers Ca-Davis Cornell Yale S Illinois Princeton Princeton Mich St Minnesota NYU GeoMason Penn N Carol UCLA Chicago Illinois Louisville Cornell Penn St 1968 76 80 70 71 81 Nrthwstrn Purdue Mich St N Carol Columbia Duke Nrthwstrn Kansas St Rochester W Mich Kansas Wisconsin Conn Nrthwstrn MIT Geo Wash Michigan Notre Dm Berlin St Louis Tennessee Princeton MIT 1989 Penn MIT 2001 Prof Prof Asst Prof Retir Prof Retir Prof Prof Emer Asst Emer Asst Assoc Prof Tx St-S Marc Iona Brown Drexel CS-Hayward Wm Paterson Illinois Montclair St C New Jersey Wash Univ Loyola-N Orl CUNY-Queens Duke Albright Geo Southern PHD PHD PHD PHD DLE PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 82 05 81 71 68 68 73 91 58 04 59 01 82 88 Boston C Fordham MIT Penn Salzburg NYU Wisconsin NYU Cornell Nrthwstrn Iowa Columbia Rochester Pittsburgh W Virginia ADLM CJ CDFQ GO ACG A H OP BFP J H TNA GCJ J AHOR NB T DTOP F AMQ DL OF REI JE AEG AD JCT JI GE RC FG A DBHK HO ADEG FP IR DFC 95 71 99 98 05 79 77 90 84 61 77 72 98 06 06 03 83 82 74 89 61 05 72 83 77 01 65 03 69 91 78 00 69 89 78 61 87 74 04 02 82 68 89 02 04 87 66 69 28 1998 1979 1999 1999 2005 1979 1974 1995 1987 1967 1982 1977 2004 2006 8-04 1999 1982 1974 1995 1961 2004 1969 1987 1978 2001 1964 1997 1966 1997 1980 2000 1968 1989 1979 1964 1974 2004 2004 1976 1967 1986 2005 2004 1987 1966 1957 1984 1999 1985 1997 2006 1982 2005 1988 1985 1974 1967 1974 1964 2005 1961 2006 1990 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Levin, Dan Prof Ohio State Levin, Jay H. Retir Wayne State Levin, Jonathan Assoc Stanford Levin, Richard C. Prof Yale Levin, Sharon G. Prof Mo-St Louis Levin, Stanford L. Retir S Ill-Edward Levine, Aaron C-Pr Yeshiva Samson and Halina Bitensky Professor of Economics Levine, David K. Prof Wash Univ Levine, Herbert S. Prof Pennsylvania Levine, Kara Asst Wash & Lee Levine, Philip Prof Wellesley Levine, Ross Prof Brown Harrison S. Kravis Professor Levinsohn, James A. Prof Michigan J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy Levinson, Arik M. Assoc Georgetown Levinson, Marshall M. Retir Duquesne Levitt, Steven D. Prof Chicago Alvin H. Baum Professor in Economics and the College Levy, David M. Assoc George Mason Levy, David T. Prof Baltimore Levy, Lester S. Retir No Illinois Levy, Nadav Asst SUNY-Albany Lewbel, Arthur Prof Boston Coll Barbara A. and Patrick E. Roche Chair, Economics Lewer, Joshua J. Asst West Txs St Lewis, Bradley G. Prof Union Lewis, Carl Retir Neb-Kearney Lewis, David P. Retir Alabama-Birm Lewis, Eddie Miley Jr. Retir So Miss Lewis, Ethan G. Asst Dartmouth Lewis, J. Patrick Retir Otterbein Lewis, Kenneth A. Prof Delaware Chaplin Tyler Professor Lewis, Lynne Y. Assoc Bates Lewis, Margaret C-Ac St Benedict Lewis, Matt Asst Ohio State Lewis, Stephen D. Retir Sonoma State Lewis, Stephen R. Jr. Retir Carleton Lewis, Tracy R. Prof Duke Lewis, W. Cris Prof Utah State Lewis, Willis Asst Lander Ley, Robert D. Prof Bemidji St Leyden, Dennis P. Assoc N Car-Greens Li, Dong Asst Kansas State Li, Haizheng C. Asst Georgia Tech Li, Hong Asst Brandeis Li, Huimin Asst West Chester Li, Jenny Assoc Penn State Li, Jing VAsst Auburn Li, Jing Asst Duke Li, Mingliang Asst SUNY-Buffalo Li, Qi Prof Texas A&M Li, Teshome Asst E Illinois Li, Tien En Retir Delaware St Li, Tong Prof Vanderbilt Li, Victor Assoc Villanova Li, Wei Asst Cal-Riversid Li, Xin (Sherry) Asst Texas-Dallas Li, Yang Asst Kalamazoo Li, Zhen Prof Albion Liang, Ernest Assoc Houston Bapt Liaw, K. Thomas C-Pr St John's Libecap, Gary D. Retir Arizona Liberatore, Anthony F. Assoc Millikin Lichtenberg, Frank R. Prof Columbia Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business Lichtenstein, Larry Assoc Canisius Lichtenstein, Peter M. Retir Boise State Lichty, Richard W. Prof Minn-Duluth Lidman, Russell M. Retir Evergreen St Lieb, Hilarie SLect Northwestern Lieberman, Sima Retir Utah Liebman, Benjamin Asst St Joseph Liechty, Elden E. Retir Weber State Liedholm, Carl E. Prof Michigan St Lieli, Robert P. Asst Texas-Austin MI F O DJ DL P H JD FO HQ N DL CD EHN GN CER F FO CE Q BJ C CE FO TDQ MCR EFGH H CDI C C CIJ C E AC FDE DRH PEF R J AF F 239 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 82 68 99 74 73 74 81 MIT Michigan MIT Yale Michigan Michigan NYU 1995 1976 1999 1974 1974 1972 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 81 61 04 91 87 MIT 2006 Harvard Wisconsin Princeton UCLA 1960 2004 1991 2005 PHD 88 Princeton 1987 PHD MA PHD 93 50 94 Columbia Columbia MIT 2000 1966 1997 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 79 Chicago N Carol Cornell Nrthwstrn MIT 1998 1983 Nebraska Chicago Nebraska Tennessee Miss St Berkeley Ohio St Princeton 2000 1979 1969 1969 1970 7-06 1974 1973 Colorado Maryland Berkeley Ca-SnBarb Stanford Ca-SnDgo Iowa St Clemson Wash St Car Mellon Tx A&M Colorado Princeton Drexel Cornell Alabama Wisconsin Ca-Irvine Tx A&M New Mex Tx A&M S Calif Nrthwstrn MIT 2003 Michigan Miss Princeton 2000 1989 2005 1983 1987 2006 1972 2004 1977 1984 2002 1997 2005 2004 1997 2006 2006 2003 1999 2004 Nrthwstrn Penn Conn Penn 9-88 1984 1984 1983 SUNY-Bin Colorado Kansas St Wisconsin Nrthwstrn Berkeley Oregon Utah Michigan Ca-SnDgo 1981 1975 1971 1974 2001 1967 2003 1972 1967 PHD PHD PHD PHD DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 56 03 84 00 83 68 74 03 74 69 94 89 04 69 63 75 69 04 77 87 00 96 05 04 93 06 04 03 91 03 97 85 03 06 04 81 88 76 78 82 81 74 71 72 01 67 03 72 65 04 1964 2002 2005 1992 2006 2003 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lien, Da-Hsiang D. Liew, Chong K. Liggett, Ron Light, Andres Light, Audrey Lile, Stephen E. Liles, W. Pierce Lill, Lloyd Lilly, Gregory A. Lim, Jamus J. Lim, Ralph Lima, Anthony K. Lima, Victor O. Limao, Nuno Lin, An-Yhi (Steven) Lin, Hwan-Chyang Lin, Kuan-Pin Lin, Lung-Ho Lin, Meilee Wu Lin, Shu Lin, Shuanglin Lin, Songhua Lin, Tin-Chun Lin, Yu Peng Lindauer, David Lindell, Lois A. Linden, Leigh Lindert, Peter H. Lindgren, Jon G. Lindsay, Cotton M. J. Wilson Newman Professor Lindsey, Debra A. Liner, Gaines Howard Ling, Davina Link, Albert N. Link, Charles R. MBNA Professor of Business Linn, Joshua Linna, Ken Linsley, Colin A. Linster, Bruce G. Linz, Susan Liossatos, Panagis S. Lipford, Jody W. Lipman, Barton L. Lippit, Victor D. Lipscomb, Cliff Lipsey, Robert E. Liska, Terrence L. List, John Little, Charles H. Little, Roger D. Litzinger, Patrick J. Liu, Chao-Nan Liu, Dandan Liu, Gaoquan Liu, Haiyong Liu, Jung-Chao Liu, Qihong Liu, Shirley Liu, Tsung-Hua Liu, Tung Liu, Xiaowei Liu, Xuemei Liu, Xuepeng Liu, Yi Liu, Yih-Wu Liu, Zheng Liu, Zhiqiang Livingston, Jeffrey Livingston, Marie L. Lizzeri, Alessandro Lleras-Muney, Adriana Lloyd, Christine Lo, Melody Lo, Ming C. Lobo, Isobel Locay, Luis Prof Tx-S Antonio Deces Oklahoma Lect Tx-Arlington Prof Liberty Assoc Ohio State Prof W Kentucky Emer So Carolina SUNY-Empire Assoc Elon Asst Centre Assoc Sacred Heart Prof CS-East Bay SLect Chicago Asst Maryland Retir S Ill-Edward Assoc N Car-Charl Prof Portland St Deces Akron Asst SUNY-Potsdam VAsst Fla Atlantic Prof Neb-Omaha Asst Denison Asst Indiana NW VInst Tx A&M-Kings Prof Wellesley Inst No Iowa Asst Columbia Prof Cal-Davis Retir N Dakota St Prof Clemson Assoc Prof Asst Prof Prof Howard N Car-Charl CS-Fullerton N Car-Greens Delaware Asst Assoc Assoc Prof Prof Prof C-Pr Prof Prof Asst Emer Prof Prof Retir Prof H-Pr Prof Asst Asst Asst Deces Asst Asst Retir C-Ac Assoc Asst Asst Asst Retir Assoc Asst Asst Prof Prof Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst Assoc Ill-Chicago Auburn-Montg St John Fshr USAF Academy Michigan St Fla Internat Presbyterian Boston Univ Cal-Riversid Valdosta St CUNY-Queens Wis-Plattev Chicago St John's USN Academy Robt Morris C New Jersey Bowling Gr CUNY-Queens East Carol SUNY-Bingham Oklahoma U Miami East Wash Ball State St Ambrose CS-Long Bch Kennesaw St Capital Youngstown Emory SUNY-Buffalo Bentley No Colorado New York U Princeton W Illinois Tx-S Antonio St Cloud St Benedictn-IL U Miami OG 240 FN ADH DHJK PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD BA PHD PHD PHD PHD I O J PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 71 99 76 71 Howard Clemson MIT 2003 Tulane Wisconsin PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD 05 99 86 90 80 68 90 85 71 MIT Alabama Essex Michigan Illinois Penn Clemson Michigan Yale Ga Tech Columbia Wisconsin Wyoming Berkeley Houston Pittsburgh Tx A&M Tx A&M Penn N Carol Michigan SUNY-SBr SUNY-SBr Toronto Ca-SnDgo Rutgers Berkeley Syracuse 2005 1999 1987 1990 1988 1981 1991 2002 1971 2005 1967 1980 2005 S Illinois Minnesota SUNY-Buf Maryland Colo St Nrthwstrn Columbia Kentucky Purdue U Wash Notre Dm Chicago 1968 2001 2001 2003 1985 2000 R J H BO CDA AF GLM CEGM CDFO C AE CDEO EF DHIO GM OFD L N O CODR HEFP CD AOP FC FA EC D CDIJ C Q E DECO LD FHOQ L AHJ GE EF ADEF DJOT PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD 86 68 89 Cal Tech Berkeley Tx-Arlin 2001 1969 1989 87 72 72 77 88 06 1995 1973 79 80 04 67 68 68 UCLA Kentucky S Carol Walden Duke Ca-SnCruz Penn Stanford Chicago Columbia Iowa St Illinois SUNY-SBr Notre Dm Pittsburgh Oklahoma Purdue Ca-Davis Penn St SUNY-Buf Harvard Wi-White MIT Cornell Missouri Virginia 80 01 01 67 90 77 74 06 89 02 01 61 82 96 65 70 75 76 05 05 03 60 02 04 69 90 02 68 97 93 03 84 95 01 01 00 98 83 1973 1990 2006 1981 1979 2001 1968 1993 1979 1978 2006 1989 2002 2004 2006 1981 1996 2004 1978 1968 8-84 1971 1982 1971 1970 1977 2005 2006 2003 1970 2005 2004 1970 1990 2005 2003 2006 2003 2006 2002 2001 1989 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lockard, Alan VAsst St Lawrence Loeb, Peter D. Prof Rutgers-Newk Loewy, Michael Assoc South Fla Lofgreen, Harold A. Retir St Cloud St Lofstrom, Magnus Asst Texas-Dallas Logan, Trevon Asst Ohio State Loginova, Oksana Asst Missouri Lombard, John Prof Eastern Conn Lombardi, Waldo J. Retir Lg Isl-Brook Lombra, Raymond E. Prof Penn State Londhe, Suresh R. Prof So Carol St Long, C. Richard Retir Georgia St Long, Cheryl Asst Colgate Long, James E. Prof Auburn Long, Jason M. Asst Colby Long, Neal B. C-Pr Stetson Long, Stanley G. Emer Pitts-Johnst Long, Stewart L. Retir CS-Fullerton Long, Teresa M. Prof Marymount Loomis, David Asst Illinois St Looney, Lawrence J. Assoc Merrimack Looney, Robert Prof Naval Postgr Lopez, Claude Asst Cincinnati Lopez, Edward J. Asst San Jose St Lopez, R. Asst Indiana Lopez, Salvador Lect West Georgia Lopez-Pumarejo, Tomas Asst CUNY-Brookly Lopus, Jane S. Prof CS-East Bay Lord, William A. Prof MD-Baltim Co Lorenzoni, Guido Assoc MIT Loschky, David J. Retir Missouri Lotspeich, Richard Assoc Indiana St Lott, Chung Asst North Fla Lott, William F. Assoc Connecticut Loucks, Christine Prof Boise State Loughlin, James C. Prof Central Conn Louie, Kenneth K. T. Assoc Penn St-Erie Loury, Glenn C. Prof Brown Merton P. Stoltz Professor in the Social Sciences Loury, Linda D. Assoc Tufts Love, Barry A. C-Ac Emory Henry Holbert L. Harris Professorship in Free Enterprise Love, Thomas M. Retir No Central Lovejoy, Robert M. Retir SUNY-Bingham Lovell, Hugh G. Retir Portland St Lovell, Knox Retir Georgia Lovell, Michael C. Emer Wesleyan-CT Lovely, Mary E. Assoc Syracuse Lovett, John L. Inst Tx Christian Low, Stuart A. Prof Arizona St Lowe, Scott Asst Boise State Lowen, Aaron Asst Grand Valley Lowenberg, Tony Prof CS-Northrdge Lowinger, Thomas C. Retir Wash State Lowry, Darryl W. Assoc Roanoke Lowry, George S. Prof Randolph-Mac Lowry, Stanley T. Emer Wash & Lee Lozada, Gabriel A. Assoc Utah Lubell, Alfred M. Prof SUNY-Oneonta Lubotsky, Darren Asst Illinois Lucas, Adrienne Wellesley Lucas, Ernesto C-Ac Hawaii Pacif Lucas, Henry A. Jr. Retir Salem State Lucas, Robert E. B. Prof Boston Univ Lucas, Robert E. Jr. Prof Chicago John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor; 1995 Nobel Prize Luccasen, R. Andrew Inst Miss State Lucchesi, Michael S. Asst USAF Academy Luce, Ducan Emer Calif-Irvine Lucier, Richard L. Retir Denison Luckett, Dudley G. Retir Iowa State Lucy-Bouler, Tink Inst Auburn-Montg Ludema, Rodney Assoc Georgetown Ludolf, Gordon W. Retir East Tenn St Ludvigson, Sydney Assoc New York U Luger, Richard Asst Emory Luitel, Hari Asst St Cloud St Luksetich, William A. Prof St Cloud St PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD J F E E H IJ A CD AE ACD E BE K HJ N ACP D-95 N OE OF DHKL H AEH TN PQ I C ELH DH AFJ DJ D E F GH G BK ADF JIC CFJO HJA CD 2001 EN F E E L 241 01 73 86 72 99 GeoMason Rutgers Minnesota Iowa Ca-SnDgo 2005 1973 1998 1972 2002 2006 2005 05 78 70 71 65 68 01 74 02 64 69 74 80 95 69 03 97 03 95 91 90 84 01 62 86 04 69 83 65 87 76 Duke Conn Columbia Penn St LSU Vanderbilt Wash U Fla St Nrthwstrn Indiana Iowa Illinois Iowa St Temple Boston C Berkeley Houston GeoMason UCLA Geo St Minnesota Ca-Davis Indiana MIT Harvard New Mex N Carol N Car St Wash St Clark Illinois MIT PHD PHD 78 78 MIT Virginia 1984 1984 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 67 63 51 66 59 89 96 79 06 03 84 70 72 92 58 87 74 00 Wisconsin Michigan MIT 1964 Duke Harvard Michigan Colorado Illinois Ca-SnBarb Iowa Simon Fr Mich St Berkeley Va Comm LSU Stanford NYU Berkeley 1972 1965 PHD JD PHD PHD 69 1993 72 64 Hi-Manoa Suffolk MIT 1976 Chicago 1974 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD 03 86 50 72 58 Tx A&M U Wash MIT Claremont Tx-Austin 2004 1993 1988 1971 1957 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 90 64 96 01 05 73 Columbia Ohio St Princeton Montreal W Virginia N Illinois 1995 1961 2001 2004 8-05 1972 1969 1969 1968 2001 1974 2002 1974 1973 1973 1981 8-96 1963 1977 2003 2005 2003 2003 2001 1979 1987 1967 1990 2004 1969 1989 1968 1984 2005 1994 1969 1986 2000 1979 2003 1984 1978 1981 1984 1959 1993 1974 2002 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Lula, Alina Asst Drexel F PHD Lund, Mark Prof Luther PHD Lund, Peter B. Retir CS-Sacrament PHD Lundberg, Shelly J. Prof U Washington PHD Lunn, John E. C-Pr Hope LD PHD Lunt, William E. Assoc Vassar C PHD Lup-Tick, Simona Asst Mississippi CJ PHD Luptowski, Thomas S. Prof Northwood BS Lusardi, Annamaria Prof Dartmouth PHD Lustgarten, Steven Prof CUNY-Baruch PHD Luttmer, Erzo Assoc Minnesota PHD Lutz, Mark A. Retir Maine AB PHD Lutz, Nancy A. Assoc Virg Tech DLM PHD Lutzker, Adam Assoc Mich-Flint EBN PHD Lwamugira, Pirudas L. Assoc Fitchburg St PHD Lyall, Katharine C. Retir Wisconsin PHD Lyell, Ed Asst Adams State PHD Lyman, R. Ashley Assoc Idaho DC PHD Lynch, Allen K. Assoc Mercer-Macon FAC PHD Lynch, Gary Retir Indiana NW RTE PHD Lynch, Gerald J. Prof Purdue PHD Lynch, Lawrence K. Retir Transylvania PHD Lynch, Vernon E. Jr. Retir Fort Lewis PHD Lynde, Catherine Assoc Mass-Boston IE PHD Lynn, Billy G. Assoc St Ambrose PHD Lynn, Stuart R. Assoc Assumption DBFO PHD Lyon, Kenneth S. Prof Utah State CDEQ PHD Lyons, Bridget C-Pr Sacred Heart AG DPS Lyons, John S. Asst Miami U-Ohio NO PHD Lyons, Patrick A. Prof So Dakota St M JD Lyons, Thomas P. Prof Cornell NP PHD Ma, Alyson Asst San Diego PHD Ma, Barry K. Assoc CUNY-Baruch PHD Ma, Ching-to Albert Prof Boston Univ DIL PHD Ma, Jinpeng Assoc Rutgers-Camd PHD Maasoumi, Esfandiar Prof So Methodist C PHD Robert H. & Nancy Dedman Professor MacBeth, Thomas G. Retir Mass-Lowell AC PHD Maccini, Louis J. C-Pr J Hopkins PHD MacDermott, Raymond Asst Va Military AF PHD MacDonald, Lynn Asst St Cloud St PHD MacDonald, Richard A. Asst St Cloud St EI PHD Macesich, George Prof Florida St E PHD MacEwan, Arthur C-Pr Mass-Boston OFP PHD Macfie, Brian Lect Ariz St West PHD Machina, Mark J. Prof Ca-San Diego D PHD Machlis, David P. Assoc Adelphi E PHD Machovec, Frank M. Prof Wofford EFP PHD Mack, Richard Stanley Prof Central Wash RQP PHD Mackara, W. Frederick Assoc East Tenn St PHD Mackay, Bret P. Asst Brigham Yg CG PHD Mackenzie, Doug Asst SUNY-Plattsb BN PHD Mackey, M. Cecil Prof Michigan St KL PHD Mackie-Mason, Jeffrey K. Prof Michigan PHD Arthur W. Burks Collegiatge Professor of Information and Computer Science Maclachlan, Fiona C. Prof Manhattan PHD MacLeod, W. Bentley Prof Columbia PHD MacPhee, Craig R. Prof Nebraska EF PHD Paul C. Burnmeister College Professor Macpherson, David A. Prof Florida St J PHD MacPherson, Roderick S. Assoc Montevallo DBA MacRitchie, Donald R. Prof Framingham MA Macunovich, Diane J. Prof Redlands JT PHD MaCurdy, Thomas E. Prof Stanford PHD Madan, Vibhas C-Pr Drexel F PHD Maddala, G. S. Retir Ohio State PHD Madden, John L. Retir Kentucky N PHD Madden, Kirsten K. Assoc Millersville PHD Madhavan, Murugappa C. Retir San Diego St PHD Madjd-Sadjadi, Zagros Asst Winston-Sal BEKR PHD Madra, Yahya Asst Gettysburg ABD Madresehee, Mehrdad Prof Lycoming FKLR PHD Madsen, Ron Prof N Car-Charl PHD Maeshiro, Asatoshi Retir Pittsburgh C PHD Mafi-Kreft, Elham Asst Indiana PHD Magaddino, Joseph P. C-Pr CS-Long Bch PHD Magee, Chris Assoc Bucknell F PHD Magenau, John M. III D-Ac Penn St-Erie JM PHD 242 03 75 67 81 80 77 05 Mich St Iowa St Berkeley Nrthwstrn UCLA Stanford Arizona 2003 1978 1970 1984 1992 1974 2005 92 71 92 72 87 99 90 69 1993 86 88 93 77 Princeton UCLA Chicago Berkeley Stanford Michigan Temple Cornell Colorado Nrthwstrn Fla St Wash St Kentucky Kentucky Arizona Ca-Davis Illinois N Carol Chicago Pace Berkeley S Dakota Cornell Ca-Davis Stanford LondonEc SUNY-SBr LondonEc 62 70 03 06 92 58 69 03 79 71 86 72 76 99 06 55 86 S Calif Nrthwstrn Rutgers Fla St SUNY-Bin Chicago Harvard Rutgers MIT 1979 Rutgers NYU Colo St Tx A&M U Wash GeoMason Illinois MIT 91 84 70 NYU Brit Colum Mich St 1992 2005 1969 87 77 85 89 78 89 63 68 95 69 96 Penn St Miss St Boston C S Calif Chicago Mich St Chicago Kansas St N Carol Wisconsin S Calif Mass Wash St Ariz St Michigan W Virginia Va Tech Wisconsin SUNY-Buf 1992 1977 1987 2003 1983 1989 1975 1968 1996 1968 8-06 72 99 70 75 66 76 85 94 71 70 99 77 74 83 85 70 65 03 72 98 88 2001 1970 1992 1999 1991 1982 1976 2000 1981 1983 1979 1972 1983 1994 1987 1966 1997 1985 1975 1988 2004 1989 1987 2000 1976 1969 2006 8-06 1989 1959 1975 1-03 1968 1988 1972 1975 2001 2006 1980 1986 1986 1977 1979 2006 1973 9-01 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Magenheim, Ellen B. Prof Swarthmore Maggi, Giovanni Prof Princeton Maggs, Gary E. C-Pr St John Fshr Magill, Michael J. P. Prof So Calif Magura, Michael Retir Toledo Mahajan, Aprajil Asst Stanford Mahajan, Y. Lal Assoc Monmouth Mahan, Gary P. Assoc Gannon Mahdavi, Mahnaz Prof Smith Mahdavi, Saeid Assoc Tx-S Antonio Mahdi, Syed I. C-Pr$ Benedict Col Maher, William F. X. Retir St Peters Mahoney, Timothy B. Inst So Indiana Mailath, George J. Prof Yale Main, Robert S. Prof Butler Majuca, Ruperto Asst Weber State Majumdar, Mukul K. Prof Cornell H.T. & R.I. Warshow Professor of Economics Mak, James C-Pr Hawaii-Manoa Makowski, Louis Retir Cal-Davis Malamud, Bernard Prof Nev-L Vegas Malatesta, Paul H. Prof U Washington Malenbaum, Wilfred Retir Pennsylvania Maley, Jean E. Prof St John Fshr Malhotra, Devinder Retir Akron Malik, Arun Assoc George Wash Malik, Farooq Asst So Miss Malixi, Margaret M. Prof CS-Bakersf Malkiel, Burton G. Prof Princeton Mallela, Parthasaradhi Retir No Illinois Malliaris, Tassos Prof Loyola-Chicg Malone, Laurence J. Prof Hartwick Maloney, Michael T. Prof Clemson Maloney, Tom Assoc Utah Maloy, Francis J. Lect U Washington Maloy, James Lect Pittsburgh Maltsev, Yuri N. Prof Carthage Malucio, John Asst Middlebury Malueg, David A. Prof Tulane Mamalakis, Markos J. Prof Wis-Milwauke Mamgain, Vaishali Assoc So Maine Mammen, Kristin Asst Barnard Mammen, Thampy Retir St Norbert Mamo, Michael Asst Westminst-UT Manage, Neela D. Assoc Fla Atlantic Mandelstamm, Allen B. Emer Virg Tech Mandle, Jay R. Prof Colgate W. Bradford Wiley Professor of Economics Mandy, David M. C-Pr Missouri Manelli, Alejandro Prof Arizona St Chase Professor in Economics Maneschi, Andrea Prof Vanderbilt Mangum, Garth L. Retir Utah Mangum, James M. Retir Louisiana Te Manion, Thomas A. Retir St Norbert Mankiw, N. Gregory Prof Harvard Mann, Bruce D. Prof Puget Sound Mann, Catherine Prof Brandeis Mann, Patrick C. Retir W Virginia Mann, Prem S. C-Pr Eastern Conn Manove, Michael Prof Boston Univ Manovksii, Iouri Asst Pennsylvania Manrique, Gabriel G. Prof Winona State Manrique, Justo Asst Houston-Down Mansfield, Edwin Retir Pennsylvania Mansfield, Jon Assoc Georgia St Manski, Charles F. Prof Northwestern Manuelli, Rodolfo Prof Wisconsin Mao, Wen Assoc Villanova Mar, Donald W. C-Ac San Fran St Maran, Michael J. Assoc St John's Marangos, John Assoc Colorado St Marburger, Daniel R. Prof Arkansas St Marcal, Leah Assoc CS-Northrdge Marcelli, Enrico Asst Mass-Boston Marco, Alan Asst Vassar Marcott, Craig S. Assoc St Thomas-MN Marcouiller, Douglas S.J. Assoc St Louis DI 243 86 94 86 70 72 Maryland Stanford W Virginia Brown Boston C CDH HQ PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MS PHD PHD 95 78 86 85 76 71 65 85 73 N Illinois N Car St Michigan Ca-SnBarb Mass Boston C Illinois Princeton UCLA CD PHD 70 Berkeley HR DE E PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 70 75 71 81 41 72 79 84 00 88 64 70 72 91 78 93 99 Purdue UCLA New Sch Rochester Harvard Rochester Kansas St J Hopkins Tx Tech Wisconsin Princeton Rochester Oklahoma New Sch LSU Michigan U Wash 80 97 83 62 97 02 67 81 62 69 Inst Labor Yale Nrthwstrn Berkeley N Carol Princeton Penn W Mich Geo Wash Michigan Penn E RL CDEG FGM EFO D ADR Q J ACFP C ACG ABFN DGKL DFJP IO CO D FE A ON 1986 1986 1979 1969 1979 1977 1985 1984 1975 1965 1987 1981 1970 1985 1968 1980 1959 1968 1979 1992 2005 1988 1966 1976 1972 1986 9-75 1992 1989 2006 1991 2005 1991 1967 1997 2003 1968 2002 1981 1974 CD PHD PHD 87 88 Illinois Berkeley 1994 1997 FO PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 64 60 72 74 84 76 84 67 88 70 02 82 92 55 92 73 86 94 85 94 01 89 96 96 00 83 94 J Hopkins Harvard Okla St Clark MIT Indiana MIT Indiana UCLA MIT 1975 W Ontario Notre Dm ISU 2002 Duke Geo St MIT 1997 Minnesota Va Tech Berkeley Penn LaTrobe Ariz St Wisconsin S Calif Berkeley Purdue Tx-Austin 1969 1969 1970 1983 1985 1975 2006 1967 1986 ADJK DH AC D AM C AJMD TJI KL C FO 1989 1963 1996 1993 1995 1987 2003 1989 1996 2000 2000 1982 2004 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Marcus, Matityahu Retir Rutgers-N Br Mardis, Barbara K. Inst No Iowa Mardon, Merrilee Asst Conn Coll Marglin, Stephen A. Prof Harvard Walter S. Barker Professor of Economics Margo, Robert A. Prof Boston Univ Margolis, H. Albert Retir Kutztown Margolis, Julius Emer Calif-Irvine Margolis, Marvin S. Prof Millersville Margolis, Stephen E. Prof N Carol St Mariano, Roberto S. Prof Pennsylvania Marino, Anthony M. Prof S Calif Marion, Justin Asst Ca-Santa Crz Marion, Nancy P. Prof Dartmouth Mark, Adolph E. Deces DePaul Mark, Nelson C. Prof Notre Dame Market, Donald R. Retir Arkansas Markowtiz, Sara Assoc Rutgers-Newk Marks, Denton Prof Wis-Whitewat Marks, Melanie B. Assoc Longwood Marks, Mindy Asst Cal-Riversid Marks, Peter A. Prof Rhode Isl Cl Markusen, James R. Prof Colorado Marlin, Matthew R. C-Pr Duquesne Marlow, Michael L. Prof Cal Poly-SLO Marme, Christopher B. Assoc Augustana IL Marmo, Michael Retir Xavier Maroney, Neal C. Assoc New Orleans Marquis O.P., Fr. William C-Ac Providence Marquis, Milton H. Prof Florida St Marsh, Lawrence C. Retir Notre Dame Marsh, Michael USAF Academy Marsh, Tom Assoc Wash State Marshall, James N. Prof Muhlenberg Marshall, Jennings B. Prof Samford Marshall, John M. Prof Cal-Santa Br Marshall, Louise C-Pr Marymount Marshall, Robert C. H-Pr Penn State Marshall, Robert H. Retir Arizona Marston, Christine Lect No Colorado Martel, Arthur H. Retir Indiana U-PA Martellaro, Joseph A. Retir No Illinois Marthinsen, John E. Prof Babson Martin, Anna Prof St John's Martin, David A. Prof Albright Martin, David A. Retir SUNY-Geneseo Martin, David W. Prof Davidson Martin, Lawrence W. Prof Michigan St Martin, Randolph C. C-Pr So Carolina Martin, Richard S. Retir Hartford Martin, Robert E. Prof Centre Ewing T. Boles Professor of Economics Martin, Stephanie Asst Allegheny Martin, Stephen C-Pr Purdue Martin, Thomas L. Assoc Cen Florida Martin, Wade Prof CS-Long Bch Martinez, John E. Prof Midwest St Martinez, Jorge L. Prof Georgia St Martinez, Salvador A. Asst Weber State Martins-Filho, Carlos C-Pr Oregon State Marty, Alvin L. Prof CUNY-Baruch Marvasti, Akbar B. Assoc So Miss Marvel, Howard P. Prof Ohio State Marx, Karl B. Retir W Illinois Marxsen, Craig S. Assoc Neb-Kearney Mas, Alexandre Asst Cal-Berkeley Masatleoglu, Yusufcan Asst Michigan Masih, Nolin Retir St Cloud St Maskus, Keith E. Prof Colorado Mason, Andrew Prof Hawaii-Manoa Mason, Charles F. Prof Wyoming Mason, John D. Prof Gordon Mason, Patrick L. Prof Florida St Mason, Paul M. C-Pr North Fla Mason, Timothy I. Assoc E Illinois Mason, William J. Prof San Fran St Masson, Robert T. Prof Cornell Massoud, Marcos A. (Mark) Prof Claremont 244 G C OF PHD MBA PHD PHD 63 81 05 65 Brown N Iowa Mass Harvard 1962 1981 2006 JN NC H PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 82 69 49 69 78 70 Harvard Purdue Harvard Purdue UCLA Stanford Ca-SnBarb Chicago Princeton Illinois Chicago LSU CUNY Princeton Tx A&M Wash U N Carol Boston C Fla St Va Tech Illinois Illinois Claremont Ohio St Indiana Mich St 2005 1976 1976 1981 1982 1971 LKD HLJ A CF E D F HK ACEO J G JEI E CD QC CD A JK FD BA GQ HK CD AHJT B Q ABCO DFH CDL F L ADH J FO T DK AJR J HE L 05 77 63 83 67 98 81 93 04 78 73 81 78 94 71 96 96 85 76 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD DA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 98 82 77 69 89 83 57 79 Wash St Lehigh Kentucky MIT 1972 Maryland Ca-SnDgo Ohio St Colo St Mass Notre Dm Conn Fla Atl Lehigh Syracuse Illinois Maryland Wash U Cornell So Meth PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 06 77 81 85 84 78 Colorado MIT Rice New Mex Oklahoma Wash U PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 92 55 85 75 61 76 04 05 88 81 75 83 69 91 84 87 58 69 73 Tennessee Berkeley LSU Chicago Illinois Geo St Princeton NYU Kansas Michigan Michigan Berkeley Mich St New Sch Tx-Austin Indiana Iowa Berkeley NYU 74 62 74 80 64 84 81 71 1976 9-61 2003 1975 2000 1990 1993 2004 1990 1987 1988 1988 1970 1997 1998 1986 1975 2004 1975 1986 1976 1995 1957 1999 1970 1974 1983 1966 1984 1982 1970 1968 1996 2002 1983 2002 1997 1977 9-92 1960 2006 1973 1961 1987 2004 1964 1981 1975 1982 1968 1999 1985 1989 1958 1976 1984 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Robert A. Day Distinguished Professor of Accounting Masten, John T. Retir Tenn State Masters, Adrian Assoc SUNY-Albany EJ Masters, Stanley H. Prof SUNY-Bingham J Masterson, Thomas Asst Westfield St Matcheck, Dale C. C-As Northwood Q Mateos-Planas, Xavier Asst SUNY-Stony B Matheson, Victor A. Asst Holy Cross Mathews, Leah Greden Assoc N Car-Ashvil ADQO Mathews, Timothy Asst CS-Northrdge C Mathis, Gilbert L. Prof Murray State DFKQ Mathis, Stephen A. Prof Shippensburg Mathur, Vijay K. Retir Cleveland St DR Matros, Alexander Asst Pittsburgh D Matschke, Xenia Asst Connecticut FD Matsuda, Kazuhisa Asst Ohio Northrn Matsumoto, Keishiro Retir So Conn St Matsusaka, John G. Prof S Calif Matsuyama, Kiminori Prof Northwestern O Matta, Benjamin N. Prof New Mex St IJ Matthaei, Julie Ann Prof Wellesley B Matthews, Michelle Asst Delta State Matthews, Peter H. Assoc Middlebury CEJ Matthews, Steven A. Prof Pennsylvania Mattila, John Peter Retir Iowa State J Mattox, Bruce W. Sr. Retir NC-Pembroke Mattozzi, Andrea Asst Cal Tech Matulich, Scott Prof Wash State Q Matusz, Steven J. Prof Michigan St FD Matzkin, Rosa L. Prof Northwestern C Mauer, Laurence J. Prof St John's Mauney, William M. C-Pr Lenoir-Rhyne AE Centennial Professor of Economics - Director Broyhill Institute Maurer-Fazio, Margaret Assoc Bates O Maurice, S. Charles Deces Texas A&M Mavroeidis, Sophocles Asst Brown Maxwell, Don P. Prof Central Okla ADEH Maxwell, John C-Ac Indiana MQLD Maxwell, Lauren Asst Cen Arkansas Maxwell, Nan L. C-Pr CS-East Bay ADJT May, Ann Mari Assoc Nebraska BE May, David Assoc Okla City QC Mayda, Anna Maria Asst Georgetown F Mayer, Adalbert Asst Texas A&M J Mayer, Lawrence Prof Arizona St Mayer, Thomas Emer Cal-Davis BE Mayer, Walt Assoc Mississippi C Mayer, Wolfgang H-Pr Cincinnati FD David Sinton Professor Mayhew, Anne Retir Tennessee Maynard, Raymond A. Asst Lebanon Val Mayor, Thomas H. Prof Houston AK Maysami, Ramin C. C NC-Pembroke Mazzocco, Maurizio Asst Wisconsin Mazzolari, Francesca Asst Calif-Irvine JH Mbaku, John M. Prof Weber State AHOP McAfee, R. Preston Prof Cal Tech D J. Stanley Johnson Professor of Business Economics and Management McArthur, John R. C-Ac Wofford DHKQ McAuliffe, Robert E. Jr. Assoc Babson EL McAvoy, Michael Asst SUNY-Oneonta EN McBearty, James C. Assoc Arizona McBride, Howard Retir Cincinnati McBride, Mark E. Prof Miami U-Ohio McBride, Michael Asst Calif-Irvine CD McCabe, Kevin A. Prof George Mason Professor of Economics and Law McCabe, Mark J. Asst Georgia Tech L McCafferty, Stephen A. Prof Ohio State EF McCain, Roger A. III Prof Drexel A McCaleb, Thomas S. Assoc Florida St H McCall, Charles W. Assoc Rider AL McCall, John B. Retir Tx-Arlington OQ McCall, John J. Retir UCLA McCallum, Bennett T. Prof Carnegie Mel H. J. Heinz Professor of Economics McCallum, George E. Retir St Norbert McCalman, David Assoc Cen Arkansas PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA 245 67 95 65 S Illinois Penn Princeton 93 1995 95 78 69 71 04 76 83 86 67 76 Cornell Pompeu Minnesota Minnesota SUNY-SBr Ohio St Iowa St Wayne St Stockholm Wisconsin NYU Minnesota Chicago Harvard Tx-Austin Yale Miss Yale Cal Tech Wisconsin Oregon St Penn Ca-Davis Penn Minnesota Tennessee Appalach PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 94 67 02 82 93 Pittsburgh Georgia Oxford Okla St Queen's 1994 1967 2004 1981 1992 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 83 87 96 03 03 Fla St Colo St Fla St Harvard Rochester 1985 1987 1996 2003 2003 PHD PHD PHD 53 86 71 Columbia Florida SUNY-Buf 1962 1987 1970 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 00 65 92 01 05 85 80 Tx-Austin Tennessee Maryland Iowa St Chicago Ca-SnDgo Georgia Purdue 1968 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 82 01 68 59 79 02 82 Claremont Virginia Illinois Illinois Illinois Wash U Yale Penn PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 91 77 71 75 82 68 59 69 MIT 1998 Brown LSU N Carol Temple Okla St Chicago Rice 1982 1988 1980 1979 1964 Calif Indiana 1967 PHD PHD 01 97 01 66 79 69 01 03 06 87 79 78 2003 1981 8-04 1997 2002 1966 1979 1968 2003 2004 2006 1987 1972 1978 8-01 1995 1997 1973 1988 2004 1976 1983 1992 1983 1967 1969 2003 2001 2006 1991 2004 1990 1982 2000 1968 1983 2002 2001 1981 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback McCalman, Philip McCannon, Bryan McCarl, Henry N. McCarley, James F. McCarthy, Marci McCarthy, Patrick S. McCarty, Cynthia S. McCarty, Marilu H. McCarty, Therese A. McClellan, Mark McClelland, Peter D. McClintock, Brent McCloskey, Deirdre N. Distinguished Professor McClough, David McClung, Bruce Alan McClure, James Edward McCluskey, Jill McCollum, James B. McComb, Robert P. McConnell, Virginia D. McCormick, Kenneth J. McCormick, Robert E. McCornac, Dennis C. McCoy, James P. McCrary, Justin McCrate, Elaine D. McCrickard, Donald L. McCrickard, Myra J. McCulloch, J. Huston McCulloch, Laurence McCulloch, Rachel McDaniel, Bruce A. McDaniel, Tanga McDermott, John H. McDevitt, Catherine L. McDonald, James B. McDonald, John F. McDonald, Judith Ann McDonald, Stephen L. McDonald, Vincent R. McDonnell, Gary McDonough, Carol C. McDougall, Gerald S. McDowell, John M. McEachern, William A. McEliece, James H. McElroy, F. William McElroy, Jerome L. McElroy, Marjorie B. McElroy, Michael B. McEwan, Patrick McFadden, Daniel L. McFarland, David McFarland, Earl L. Jr. McFerrin, Randy McGahagan, Thomas A. McGarrity, Joseph McGarry, Kathleen McGarvey, Mary G. McGeary, KerryAnne McGee, C. Dylan McGee, L. Randolph McGee, M. Kevin McGibany, James M. McGill-Tillman, Patricia McGinty, Matthew McGoldrick, Kim Marie McGough, Bruce McGowan, Susan McGrath, Paul T. McGrath, Richard McGregor, Rob R. McGuckin, J. T. McGuire, Martin C. McGuire, Robert A. McGuire, Wanda McHone, W. Warren Assoc Asst Retir Retir VAsst C-Pr Assoc Emer Prof Assoc Retir Assoc Prof Ca-Santa Crz Elmira Alabama-Birm Albion DePaul Georgia Tech Jacksonvl St Georgia Tech Union Stanford Cornell Carthage Ill-Chicago Inst Asst Prof Assoc Retir Assoc Prof Prof Prof VAsoc Prof Asst C-Ac Assoc Prof Prof Lect C-Pr Assoc Asst Prof Asst Prof Emer Assoc Retir Retir Asst Prof Dean Prof Retir Prof Retir C-Pr Prof Assoc Asst Emer Retir Retir Asst Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Asst Asst Retir Prof Assoc Inst Asst Assoc Asst Retir C-Ac$ Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Prof Exec Prof Bowling Gr Tx St-S Marc Ball State Wash State Columbus Texas Tech MD-Baltim Co No Iowa Clemson Kalamazoo Murray State Michigan Vermont N Car-Greens Bellarmine Ohio State Ohio State Brandeis No Colorado Appalach St So Carolina Cen Michigan Brigham Yg Ill-Chicago Lehigh Texas Howard No Michigan Mass-Lowell SE Missouri Arizona St Connecticut Pt Loma Naz Georgetown St Marys-Ind Duke N Carol St Wellesley Cal-Berkeley No Carolina Williams New Mex St Pitts-Johnst Cen Arkansas UCLA Nebraska Drexel Assumption Kentucky Wis-Oshkosh Marquette Jackson St Wis-Milwauke Richmond Oregon State CS-Sacrament Purdue-Calmu Armstrong At N Car-Charl New Mex St Calif-Irvine Akron Alabama A&M Cen Florida FL 246 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 98 03 69 70 96 76 94 72 87 93 67 90 70 Wisconsin Penn St Penn St Mich St So Meth Claremont N Carol Geo St Michigan Harvard Harvard Colo St Harvard 2000 2003 1969 1965 2005 2000 1990 1972 1987 9-95 1968 1991 2000 ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 88 83 98 68 89 78 82 78 2003 1988 1982 1998 1976 1991 86 S Calif Tx A&M Purdue Berkeley Tulane Illinois Maryland Iowa St Tx A&M CUNY N Carol PHD PHD PHD PHD 85 76 89 73 Mass N Carol N Car St Chicago 1985 1975 1989 1979 73 79 95 79 86 70 71 86 51 68 99 69 74 79 75 86 67 71 69 70 00 62 63 73 95 76 94 92 83 97 01 63 83 83 65 02 93 00 77 88 97 91 90 64 78 Chicago Colo St S Carol Brown Rochester Purdue Yale Princeton Tx-Austin Maryland Okla St Boston C Claremont UCLA Virginia Co Mines Geotown Colorado Nrthwstrn Nrthwstrn Stanford Minnesota Vanderbilt Columbia Tx A&M Penn GeoMason SUNY-SBr Virginia Penn St N Carol Tulane Ohio St Mich St Atlanta Ca-SnCruz SUNY-Bin Oregon Ca-Davis N Illinois Virginia S Carol Wisconsin Harvard U Wash 1987 1992 2003 1983 1989 1972 1971 1990 9-61 Q FH AKN PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 1992 2002 2001 1963 1982 1983 1968 2003 1992 9-00 1974 1986 1997 1991 1989 1992 1990 R PHD 80 Penn 1982 AR J CL EH HI EFG B O J J LQ HR BEA DGKH DFOP JIT EF AL E A OGMQ LCD EN C R FE HQ AHL DN HL H AC AEFO JGD EFA IO BDL NO FN E Y EFG MG H CER CE DHG 1982 6-80 2003 1985 2006 1970 1993 1978 1978 1994 1968 8-82 9-70 1970 2002 1963 1964 1968 8-03 1982 8-95 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback McInnes, Melayne M. Asst So Carolina McIntosh, Christopher Asst Minn-Duluth McIntyre, Frank L. Asst Brigham Yg McIntyre, Jerry Asst Occidental McIntyre, Kevin H. Assoc McDaniel McIntyre, Richard Prof Rhode Island McKee, David L. Prof Kent State McKee, Michael Prof Tennessee McKee, Yosra A. Asst Kent State Mckelvey, Christopher Asst Maryland McKenna, Edward J. Prof Conn Coll McKenzie, Lionel W. Emer Rochester McKenzie, Rex Asst SUNY-Potsdam McKenzie, Russell Asst SE Louisiana McKinney, Charles W. Retir Whitworth McKinney, Hannah J. Asst Kalamazoo McKinney, Joseph A. Prof Baylor Ben Williams Professor of International Economics McKinney, Nick Asst Rhodes McKinnish, Terra Asst Colorado McKinnon, Ronald I. Emer Stanford William D. Eberle Professor of Economics McKinnon, Thomas R. Retir Arkansas McKnight, Robin L. Asst Oregon McLain, James J. Retir New Orleans McLain, Louis P. Retir Txs Wesleyan McLaren, John Prof Virginia McLaughlin, Francis M. Assoc Boston Coll McLaughlin, Kenneth J. Assoc CUNY-Hunter McLaughlin, Patrick C-Ac NW Missouri McLean, Richard P. Prof Rutgers-N Br McLean, Roy Asst Ferris State McLean, Thomas A. Retir Portland St McLeod, Darryl L. Assoc Fordham McMahon, Marshall E. Prof Rhodes McMahon, Robert C. Retir So Maine McMahon, Walter W. Retir Illinois McManis, Bruce L. H-Pr Nicholls St McMillan, Margaret Asst Tufts McMillen, Daniel P. Prof Ill-Chicago McMillin, W. Douglas Prof Louisiana St South Central Bell Business Partnership Professor McMinn, Jim Thomas Retir Austin Peay McMinn, Robert D. Retir Tx A&M-C Chr McMullen, B. Starr Retir Oregon State McMurry, Patrick H. C-Pr Missouri Wes McNamara, John R. Retir Lehigh McNelis, Paul D. Retir Georgetown McNertney, Edward M. Assoc Tx Christian McNiel, Douglas W. Prof McNeese St McNown, Robert F. Prof Colorado McPhail, Edward C-As Dickinson Cl McPherson, Matthew Asst Gonzaga McPherson, Michael Assoc North Texas McPheters, Lee R. Retir Arizona St McQuiston, James M. Jr. Retir So Miss McRae, Larry T. Assoc Appalach St McRostie, Clair M. Retir Gustavus Ado McTague, Edward Assoc CUNY-Brookly Mead, Arthur C. Prof Rhode Island Mead, Robert Asst CS-Fullerton Meade, Ellen Assoc American U Meador, Douglas Inst Missouri St Meadows, G. Richard Dean Wis-Milwauke Meadows, Tommy C. Prof Austin Peay Meaney, Martha M. Prof Framingham Means, Tom S. Prof San Jose St Measell, Richard F. Asst St Marys-Ind Medema, Steven G. Prof Colo-Denver Medley, Joseph E. Assoc So Maine Medoff, James L. Prof Harvard Meyer Kestnbaum Professor of Labor & Industry Medoff, Marshall H. Prof CS-Long Bch Meehan, James P. Retir Edinboro Meehan, James W. Prof Colby Herbert E. Wadsworth Professor of Economics Meeks, Thomas J. Retir Virginia St Meepagaia, Gaminie Assoc Howard PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 03 73 84 70 Yale Wyoming Stanford Ca-SnCruz Virginia Mass Notre Dm Carleton Kent St UCLA SUNY-SBr Princeton New Sch Oklahoma Wash St Penn Mich St 89 66 85 91 05 81 42 2004 1985 1988 1976 D J PHD PHD PHD 01 99 61 Tx A&M Car Mellon Minnesota 2003 1999 1961 NA HIJ PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD JD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 72 02 72 74 92 64 87 78 79 95 66 82 72 70 57 81 98 87 79 Miss MIT Pittsburgh So Meth Princeton MIT 1961 Chicago Mo-Ks Cty SUNY-SBr S Carol Utah Berkeley Vanderbilt Lehigh Iowa LSU Columbia Nrthwstrn LSU 1981 2003 1972 1976 2000 DBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD BS PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 75 73 79 81 71 74 77 77 71 01 03 92 72 56 78 64 75 78 96 84 85 72 79 78 83 85 89 81 75 Miss St Oklahoma Berkeley Arkansas Rensselaer J Hopkins Mass Okla St Ca-SnDgo Mass W Virginia Mich St Va Tech S Miss N Carol Wisconsin Fairl Dick Boston C Pittsburgh Princeton Duke Wash U Clemson Boston C UCLA Maryland Mich St Mass Harvard 1977 9-74 9-80 1978 1973 1977 1977 1984 1971 1999 2004 1992 1976 1960 1977 1957 1982 1976 2003 2005 2006 1971 1977 1977 1986 8-83 1989 1983 DM PHD MA PHD 73 61 67 Berkeley Notre Dm Boston C 1979 1966 1973 C PHD PHD 71 86 Duke SUNY-Alb 1969 1988 LQ RE FJN OR FCEO EC DFQR DE HJR F F JN K D R G O R E GM A LE J MO EFG CT BEF FI AOFD CDE A FO E HJ ADHJ BHDK BO 98 06 03 247 8-97 2006 2003 2000 1989 1967 2002 2003 2005 1957 9-94 1978 1986 2001 1962 1984 1972 1969 1957 1978 1998 1999 1985 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Meeropol, Michael A. C-Pr W New Eng Mehay, Stephen L. Prof Naval Postgr Mehra, Jadish C. Retir Youngstown Mehra, Rajnish Prof Cal-Santa Br Mehrling, Perry G. Prof Barnard Mehtabdin, Khalid R. C-Ac St Rose Meiners, Roger E. Prof Tx-Arlington Meininger, Richard P. Prof Ohio Northrn Meisel, John B. Prof S Ill-Edward Meiselman, David I. Emer Virg Tech Meister, J. Patrick Asst Ithaca Melero, Francisco D-Ac Russell Sage Melese, Francois Assoc Naval Postgr Melick, William R. C-Ac Kenyon Gensemer Associate Professor of Economics Melitz, Marc J. Assoc Princeton Melkoneam, Martin Asst Hofstra Melkumian, Alla Asst W Illinois Melkumian, Arsen Asst W Illinois Mello, Marcelo Asst Virg Tech Mellor, Jennifer Assoc Wm & Mary Melmendier, Ulrike Asst Cal-Berkeley Melnik, Mikhail Asst Niagara Meltzer, Allan H. Prof Carnegie Mel The Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy Meltzer, Yale L. Asst CUNY-Stn Isl Melvin, Michael T. Prof Arizona St Menchik, Paul L. Prof Michigan St Mencken, Kimberly Lect Baylor Mendelsohn, Frieda SUNY-Empire Mendez, Fabio Asst Arkansas Mendez, Jose A. Prof Arizona St Mendez-Carbajo, Diego Asst Ill Wesleyan Mendoza, Enrique Prof Maryland Menes, Rebecca Asst George Mason Menezes, Carmen F. Retir Missouri Menge, John A. Retir Dartmouth Mengistu, Tadessa Assoc Miss Vall St Mengova, Evelina Lect CS-Fullerton Menon, Nidhiya Asst Brandeis Mensah, Edwin C. Asst NC-Pembroke Menz, Fredric C. Retir Clarkson Menzio, Guido Asst Pennsylvania Mercer, Lloyd J. Retir Cal-Santa Br Mercuro, Nicholas Retir New Orleans Merkel, Edward T. Prof Troy State Merkle, Paul E. Retir La St-Shreve Merlo, Antonio M. Prof Pennsylvania Merrifield, David E. Deces Western Wash Merrifield, John D. Prof Tx-S Antonio Merrill, William C. Retir Iowa State Merriman, David F. Prof Loyola-Chicg Merz, Thomas E. Prof Mich Tech Mesa-Lago, Carmelo Retir Pittsburgh Mescon, Timothy S. Dean Kennesaw St Messerschmidt, Daniel C. Dean Lynchburg Metcalf, Gilbert Prof Tufts Metts, Robert Lyle Prof Nevada-Reno Metzger, Michael R. Deces Central Okla Meulbroek, Lisa Prof Claremont Meurs, Mieke E. Prof American U Meyer, Carrie A. Assoc George Mason Meyer, Charles W. Retir Iowa State Meyer, Donald J. Assoc W Michigan Meyer, Jack Prof Michigan St Meyer, Laurence H. Retir Wash Univ Meyer, Peter Retir Louisville Meyer, Peter J. C-Ac Pacific Meyerann, Susan Asst Wartburg Miah, Fazlul Asst Fayetteville Miah, M. Solaiman Asst W Virg St Mialon, Hugo Asst Emory Mialon, Sue Hwang Asst North Dakota Miao, Chun-Hui Asst So Carolina Miao, Jianjun Asst Boston Univ Miceli, Thomas J. Prof Connecticut Michael, Jeffery Asst Towson Michaels, Robert J. Prof CS-Fullerton N IJ GF EGB ODAE KJ ADL D DL DCF C EGCF EG E EG H EOH E FO DF DEF HQD ND AFH M HQR O ADHO E P O DIL PO G D D E BJL AC D AKD EG KR L 248 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 73 73 68 78 88 79 76 87 78 61 92 83 82 87 Wisconsin UCLA SUNY-Buf Car Mellon Harvard Pittsburgh Va Tech Ohio U Boston C Chicago Michigan Rensselaer Belgium Ohio St 1970 1985 1965 1988 1987 1986 1993 1973 1977 1971 2001 1982 1987 7-98 PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 00 64 03 05 02 96 02 03 58 Michigan New Sch W Virginia W Virginia Illinois Maryland Harvard Geo St UCLA 2003 2005 2002 1998 2006 2006 1957 MBA PHD PHD MS ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 66 80 76 NYU UCLA Penn LSU 1983 1980 1979 2002 03 80 00 89 97 66 59 86 06 01 05 70 05 67 77 74 77 92 82 84 64 83 80 68 79 84 88 85 78 90 88 88 61 83 74 70 70 79 87 Tx A&M So Meth Fla Intl W Ontario Harvard Nrthwstrn MIT Indiana Geotown Brown N Car St Virginia Nrthwstrn U Wash Mich St N Illinois La Tech NYU Claremont Wyoming Berkeley Wisconsin Pittsburgh Cornell Georgia Iowa St Harvard Berkeley Stanford MIT Mass Illinois J Hopkins Tx A&M Stanford MIT 1969 Wisconsin Berkeley Iowa Wayne St N Illinois Tx-Austin Tx-Austin Princeton Rochester Brown N Carol UCLA 2003 1980 2000 2001 1999 1965 1956 2006 2006 2001 2005 1974 01 04 02 06 03 88 99 72 1966 1977 1978 1976 1983 1987 1964 1987 1980 1968 1990 1985 1994 1984 1991 2003 1989 1988 1961 1991 1983 1985 2004 2002 2002 2004 8-06 8-05 2003 1987 1999 1968 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Michalik, Benjamin A. Retir St Peters 1987 Michaud, Claude Emer INSEAD O Michel, Norbert Asst Nicholls St HMG Michener, Ronald W. Assoc Virginia EN Michl, Thomas R. Prof Colgate EJ Mieczkowski, Bogdan Retir Ithaca AF Mieszkowski, Peter Prof Rice Cline Professor of Economics & Finance Miguel, Edward Assoc Cal-Berkeley Mihov, Ilian C-Ac INSEAD DE Mikhail, Ossama Asst Cen Florida E Miklius, Walter Retir Hawaii-Manoa Milam, Garrett Asst Puget Sound AD Milani, Fabio Asst Calif-Irvine EC Milener, Eugene D. III Retir Hartwick Miles, William Asst Wichita St Milgrom, Paul R. Prof Stanford Shirley R. and Leonard W. Ely, Jr. Professor in Humanities and Sciences Milkman, Martin Prof Murray State CJH Millar, James R. Retir George Wash P Millea, Meghan Assoc Miss State HE Miller, Amalia Asst Virginia IH Miller, Carole F. Prof Rhode Island ACDJ Miller, David Asst Ca-San Diego Miller, Dennis D. Prof Baldwin-Wal OQ Miller, Douglas Asst Cal-Davis DI Miller, Douglas J. Assoc Missouri C Miller, Edward M. Retir New Orleans G Miller, Gerald Prof Rockhurst Miller, Gerald M. SInst Miami U-Ohio DC Miller, Green Prof Morehead St Miller, J. Isaac Asst Missouri C Miller, James Asst Smith ADK Miller, Jeffrey B. Prof Delaware EP Miller, John Asst Sam Houston Miller, John A. Prof Wheaton-MA HJ Miller, Jon R. Prof Idaho BQ Miller, Ken C OK Christian Miller, Michael S. C-Ac DePaul E Miller, Norman C. Prof Miami U-Ohio EF Julian G. Lange Professor of Economics & American Enterprise Miller, Oscar Emer Ill-Chicago A Miller, Otis E. Retir Wm Jewell Miller, Phillip Asst MN St-Mankat Miller, Richard A. Emer Wesleyan-CT L Miller, Robert A. Prof Carnegie Mel Miller, Robert J. Retir Missouri So Miller, Stephen Asst W Carolina Miller, Stephen M. C-Pr Nev-L Vegas E Miller, Timothy I. Prof Denison CE Miller, Tracy C. Assoc Grove City Milley, Donald J. Retir Youngstown Milliman, Scott R. Assoc Jms Madison DQ Millimet, Daniel Assoc So Methodist CJO Millner, Edward L. C-Pr Virg Comm Mills, David E. Prof Virginia LD Mills, Jeffrey A. Assoc Cincinnati C Mills, Judith W. Assoc So Conn St CNT Mills, Larry W. Prof S Nazarene Mills, Richard L. Retir New Hampshir CD Millsaps, Steven Prof Appalach St CDQ Milon, J. Walter C-Pr Cen Florida Q Milstein, Susan Matz Prof McDaniel Milyo, Jeffrey Assoc Missouri HK Min, An-Sik Prof Edinboro CF Minars, David Prof CUNY-Brookly Miner, Jerry Retir Syracuse Miners, Cathy Asst Fairfield EG Miners, Laurence A. Assoc Fairfield CIJA Minet, Lawrence J. Retir Canisius Minetti, Raoul Asst Michigan St E Ming, Xing Deces Indiana Mini, Peter S. Assoc Bryant BN Minick, Robert A. Retir CS-Fresno Minier, Jenny Assoc Kentucky O Minisian, Jora Retir CS-Northrdge Minkler, Alanson P. Assoc Connecticut DK Minniti, Maria Assoc Babson E PHD D PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 57 03 81 84 54 63 00 96 64 02 06 98 79 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD ABD PHD PHD 89 65 98 04 88 04 85 00 94 70 75 73 85 05 97 76 03 82 74 MA PHD PHD PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD JD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 46 62 98 62 82 67 06 72 79 86 74 85 99 82 75 89 94 78 67 73 78 80 66 94 75 70 58 81 79 53 02 95 65 67 98 60 88 97 249 Fordham Bordeaux N Orleans Chicago New Sch Illinois J Hopkins 1947 8-70 2005 1979 1983 1954 1981 Harvard Princeton McGill UCLA Ca-SnCruz Princeton NYU Illinois Stanford 2000 9-96 2001 Oregon Cornell Nebraska Stanford Syracuse Stanford Colorado Princeton Berkeley MIT 1984 Notre Dm Brown Kentucky Rice Chicago Penn Rice Pittsburgh Wash U Oklahoma Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 1988 1989 1998 2004 1986 2004 1987 2002 2006 Chicago Missouri Missouri Yale Chicago Cen Mo St GeoMason SUNY-Buf S Illinois Chicago SUNY-Buf Wisconsin Brown N Carol Stanford Wash U SUNY-SBr Oklahoma Indiana N Car St Fla St MtStMary Stanford Iowa NYU Michigan N Carol N Carol Columbia LondonSE Rice Tulane Tx-Austin Wisconsin Chicago Ca-Davis NYU 1948 1978 2002 1960 1982 1968 2006 2001 1978 1995 1969 1986 1999 1983 1975 1992 1991 1968 1967 1973 2000 1983 2004 1975 1971 2006 2005 1960 1999 1987 1982 1971 1979 2005 1996 1976 1998 1979 1989 1980 1985 1998 1981 1958 2002 1995 1962 2004 1972 1989 1997 2006-2007 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty by Hasselback Minor, Frank J. Retir St Anselm Minsky, Hyman P. Retir Wash Univ Miranne, Martha Retir Pace Miravete, Eugenio Assoc Texas-Austin Mirer, Thad W. Assoc SUNY-Albany Mirman, Leonard J. Prof Virginia Paul Goodloe McIntire Professor of Economics Mirmirani, Sam C-Pr Bryant Mirza, David B. Assoc Loyola-Chicg Mirzaie, Ida SLect Ohio State Misdzav, Sujetlana Asst Gustavus Ado Miseta, Edward M. Inst Penn St-Erie Mishkin, Frederic S. Prof Columbia Alfred Lerner Professor of Banking and Financial Institutions Mishra, Santosh Asst Oregon State Misiolek, Walter S. Prof Alabama Mitch, David F. Prof MD-Baltim Co Mitchell, David M. Asst Missouri St Mitchell, Hadley T. Assoc Taylor Mitchell, Jeannette C. Assoc Rochest Tech Mitchell, Lloyd A. C-As St Thomas-FL Mitchell, Matthew Assoc Iowa Mitchell, Shannon K. Assoc Virg Comm Mitchell, Thomas M. Assoc So Illinois Mitchell, William E. Retir Mo-St Louis Mitchener, Kris J. Asst Santa Clara Miteza, Ilir Asst Mich-Dearbor Mitnik, Oscar Asst U Miami Mitra, Anilau Asst Purdue-Calmu Mitra, Devashish C-Pr Syracuse Mitra, Sophie Asst Fordham Mitra, Tapan Prof Cornell Mittelhammer, Ron D-Pr Wash State Mixon, Frank Prof So Miss Mixon, J. Wilson Retir Berry Miyagawa, Eiichi Assoc Columbia Miyagiwa, Kaz Assoc Emory Miyazaki, Hajime Prof Ohio State Mizak, Daniel A. Prof Frostburg St Mizrach, Bruce Assoc Rutgers-N Br Mizzi, Phil Assoc Ariz St West Mobarak, A. Mushfiq Asst Colorado Moberly, H. Dean Retir Auburn-Montg Mobius, Marlis M. Asst Harvard Mocan, Naci H. Prof Colo-Denver Modeste, Nelson Assoc Tenn State Modeste, Nelson C. C-Ac So Carol St Modigliani, Franco Deces MIT Moe, Karine S. Prof Macalester Moehling, Carolyn Assoc Rutgers-N Br Moekstra, Mark Asst Pittsburgh Moen, Jon R. Assoc Mississippi Moewes, David S. Prof Concordia C Moffett, Russell E. Retir Ferris State Moffit, Tim C-As$ Kalamazoo Moffitt, Robert A. Prof J Hopkins Mogab, John William Prof Tx St-S Marc Moghadam, Fatemeh Prof Hofstra Moghaddam, Masoud Prof St Cloud St Moh, Young-Kyu Asst Tulane on leave to Ohio State University Mohabbat, Khan A. Prof No Illinois Mohaghegh, Mehdi E. D-Pr Norwich Mohammadi, Hassan Prof Illinois St Mohan, Daniel F. Retir West Chester Mohan, Ramesh Asst Bryant Mohanty, Lisa Asst CUNY-Stn Isl Mohanty, Madhu Prof CS-L Angeles Mohindru, Rajesh K. Retir Bloomsburg Mohiuddin, Yasmeen Prof Univ South Mohr, Robert Asst New Hampshir Mohring, Herbert D. Emer Minnesota Mohsin, Mohammed Asst Tennessee Mohtadi, Hamid Prof Wis-Milwauke Mohtadi, Shahruz Assoc Suffolk Moini, Mostafa Prof Okla City Moite, Leonard M. Deces CS-Dominguez Mokyr, Joel Prof Northwestern L H ACDQ IMO AF A A CEG DQ ABEO FOB L DC EG EF F CDO CQ J N DH F LJ E ADIQ CJI 2003 AJ JN JN EH M O NOQ EF E G E GM EFO FOE DH DEKM AEDJ N PHD PHD MA PHD PHD PHD 58 54 250 98 71 70 Ohio St Harvard Pace Nrthwstrn Yale Rochester 1973 1986 PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD 85 73 99 96 97 76 Clark Nrthwstrn Wisconsin Minnesota Penn St MIT 1982 1969 2006 1994 2004 1983 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD MBA PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 04 76 82 01 85 95 81 97 89 84 67 01 01 04 98 96 01 75 78 92 74 92 85 77 84 87 84 02 68 Ca-Rivers Cornell Chicago Okla St Tennessee Utah U Miami Rochester Virginia Brown Duke Berkeley Wisconsin UCLA N Illinois Columbia Paris Rochester Wash St Auburn U Wash Rochester Tx-Austin Berkeley Pittsburgh Penn Tx A&M Maryland Tx A&M MIT CUNY Florida Florida New Sch Minnesota Nrthwstrn Florida Chicago Utah Ca-Davis Dartmouth Brown Tennessee Oxford Iowa St Ohio St 9-06 1975 1983 2005 1993 1985 1984 2001 1990 1983 1965 2001 2001 2004 1998 2002 2005 PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD PHD 64 86 88 75 04 01 90 69 83 01 59 01 82 84 70 84 74 SUNY-Buf Clark Wash St Rutgers 1968 1986 1988 1980 2005 89 72 76 44 95 96 06 87 82 61 84 75 81 79 83 03 Ca-Rivers Wi-Milwa Penn Vande
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