Exam Success Date for Your Diary
Exam Success Date for Your Diary
Issue 005 October 2013 Exam Success OSA A-level and GCSE students celebrated their results this summer and the A-levels were best ever with 85% of students A* to C grades while GCSE results were 10% up on the previous years . Academy principal, Mrs Caroline Wilson said that this year’s change and the relentless focus on teaching and learning as well as outcomes for students has paid dividends. At A-level, our top results were, Kate Baker with 4As, Hannah Dodd with 2A*s, 1 A and 1 C, Hannah Bunting 2 As and a B, Sian Hughes 1 A* 2As and a C, Kieran Knox-McAuley 1 A*, 1A and 1 B . The majority of the students have got into a university of their choice. At GCSE, there were some fantastic results with Luke Congdon with 8A*s and 3As, James Curran achieving 7A*, 5A and 1B, Eleanor Lavery 1 A*, 7A, 3 B and a C grade, Adam Chinery 5A*, 5A and 1 B grade, Charlotte Whiting 5A*s, 4A and 4B grades, Jack Hinshelwood 3A*. 6A, 2B and 1 C, Mara Frampton 3A*, 7A and 1 B grade, Patrick King 6A*, 3A, 2 B and 1 C grade, Rose Comber 3A*, 5A and 2 B grades . These are just a few of the excellent top results, while other students achieved more than they Date for Your Diary Our Open Evening is on Thursday 17th October where we will showcase the Academy and the work we do to current and potential parents – you are We would like to advise you that this is the last Newsletter which will be produced in ‘printed’ form. In an effort to become a little greener and to reduce costs and wastage, all Newsletters and whole-Academy, Year Group or House letters will, instead, be posted on our website in electronic format and will only be available in printed form if requested, in writing, by parents. We would encourage parents to visit the Academy’s website www.ormistonsudbury.co.uk regularly to check for letters, newsletters and events on an ongoing basis. If you are unable to access our website for any reason and need to request printed copies of letters etc, please put your request to me, in writing, and I will ensure that your needs are taken into consideration. Student leaders … Operation Xmas Child OSA sets new Operation Christmas Child targets Welcome to the Head Boy, Head Girl team for 2013/2014. Head boy, this year is Michael Lane (bottom right) and Head Girl, Megan Benson (bottom left). Their deputies are Ted Russell ( top right) and Phoebe Witt (top left). We also have appointed Darrel Barnard-Jones, Year 11 Head Boy, Alice Den Haan, Year 11 Head Girl with Jake Thomas and Ellie Coleman as the Year 11 deputies. OSA Operation Christmas Child organiser deputy head boy, Ted Russell says he has set himself the target of 150 shoeboxes from OSA for the shoe box appeal! Students will be asked to bring in filled medium sized shoeboxes to their tutor groups by 8 November, 2013 and each tutor group will participate in a House competition. Students will be asked to fill a covered, medium sized shoe box with lots of goodies which will be suitable for a boy or a girl of an age of your choice. Boxes can contain:- ‘The Wiz’ Audition sign up More than 150 students signed up to audition for the latest OSA production of ‘The Wiz’ from all year groups. It will be performed on Wednesday 5 February, Thursday 6 February and Friday 7 Page 2 February 2014. This new musical version of the Wizard of Oz is a fantasy for today - mysterious, opulent and fanciful - a dream conjured up by a space-age child with Dorothy's adventures in the Land of Oz set to music in a dazzling, lively mixture of rock, gospel and soul. A cuddly toy, a toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of wrapped soap & flannel • Note pad, drawing paper, picture and comic books • Pencils, pens and pencil sharpener, a set of crayons or felt pens • A hat, cap, gloves or scarf, A small ball or tennis ball • A puzzle (small jigsaw) • For boys: a toy car, truck, passenger plane or similar and football cards • For girls: small jewellery set, doll or skipping rope or hair accessories OSA Today Message from the Principal Welcome back to our second year as Ormiston Sudbury Academy. Our first year was remarkably fruitful with a positive shift in several areas including Teaching and Learning, student behaviour but particularly in student outcomes. Our A2 results were our best ever with 85% of students securing A* C and 39% of students securing A* - A. Our GCSEs bucked the national trend with a 10% increase on last year in our headline figure of 5A* - Cs including English and Maths. These foundations will be built upon this year to secure even better results next year giving more students the opportunities to be successful in the world of work. Already this year students have returned keen, focussed and motivated to be the best that they can be – thank you to all parents/ carers that have sent in students impeccably dressed and equipped for the next term. Our cashless catering system is up and running (see www.ormistonsudbury.co.uk for further information). Mrs C Wilson, Principal OSA Today Cashless catering Students and staff have given the thumbs up to the new catering arrangements in the Academy this autumn. This has meant a revamped eating area for Years 7 to 11 and a ‘Starbucks’ café for sixth formers and staff. More than 90% of the Academy population so far, have signed up for the cashless operation and it has been a very smooth transition to the new system which became Students can add cash to their account themselves or parents can do it online from the Academy website www.ormistonsudbury.co.uk. Students themselves, were involved in the choosing of the new catering team, Caterlink . They can choose to ‘Grab and Go’ or have a hot meal. There are lots of meal deals giving plenty of choice for the students and staff of fresh and healthy foods. Breakfast is available before school STUDENTS AND PARENTS - Road and Pathway Etiquette and Litter Please could we ask parents and students to be mindful of the Academy’s proximity to local primary schools where, particularly at the beginning and end of the day, there are many younger children, parents, pushchairs and cars on both the footpaths and roads. It is very easy for younger children to be knocked by large groups of older students leaving the site and we would ask that all our students take great care to ensure that they are careful to avoid this happening. In addition, we would ask that parents and older students are particularly vigilant regarding driving speeds and styles in this area to avoid any potential for accidents with so many crossing the road and arriving or leaving at the start and finish of the Academy day. We would also be grateful for the support of students and parents in ensuring that our site and the surrounding roads, pathways and fields are kept litterfree. Please do not discard drinks cans, crisp packets, sweet wrappers and tissues Page 3 Summer Fete … Anti-bullying We Take Bullying Seriously Summer Fete Fun The ‘Making a Difference Fête’ for students, formerly in Year 6 at our feeder schools, and their parents was a big success at the end of last term. The fete was organised by a group of OSA students who applied to Ormiston Trust’s ‘Make a Difference’ fund. They wanted to arrange an event for younger students from the local community. More that 30 Academy students were trained in face to face mentoring and online mentoring before the summer holidays. These students will provide the backbone of a team to support others who are experiencing bullying problems. We now have access to the Beatbullying website (www.beatbullying.org) and students can access the site to talk to mentors about bullying issues in a confidential but managed environment. The afternoon event was run by current Year 7and 8 students along with Faculty staff and took over the Sports Hall. Invited guests took part in a huge variety of free activities such as cake making, a Treasure Island hunt, a History Faculty hook-a-duck competition Super hero! Last term Mr King, House Manager for John Harrison House walked 5 miles for St Nicholas Hospice, the John Harrison house charity. (Can you spot Mr King?)Overall £5000 was raised for the hospice. It was a superhero walk for men only and competitors had to wear their pants over your clothes with a superhero theme. Page 4 OSA Today G&T Physics...German Exchange G& T Physics 2013 By Joe Hinshelwood Twenty seven schools participated in Physics 2013 and were treated to an entire day of physics. Each team of 4 Year 9 students had to complete 2 investigations and 5 experiments. The investigations included seeing if the time a solar panel was exposed to light would then affect the number of times it could cause a propeller to rotate, if the energy gathered was then released. The investigations required careful planning, a hypothesis, an appropriate graph and conclusions to be made. Fun in Germany I feel this experience will help me The experiments were fun and exciting, ranging from building and experimenting with circuits to seeing how high a “Hip Hop Hopper” would bounce from a variety of different heights. Actually carrying out the experiments helped us to see the physics behind them. In March this year, students from develop and support my learning König-Wilhem-Gymnasium, Höxter during my German lessons and came to visit our academy and throughout my GCSE. The rest of stayed with partners and their our exchange was spent on families in Sudbury. It was an activities like travelling to amazing week for everyone and it Hannover or Paderborn for the was thoroughly enjoyed. At the day. beginning of July nine students from The schools have had contact since We had to produce a poster explaining the physics behind the experiments. The poster had to include the words Phun, Phlair and Physics. We chose to do our poster on circuits and explained the relationships between Amplitude, Voltage and Resistance. Ormiston Sudbury Academy flew the 1980’s and there were many over to Höxter to stay with their very popular links between the partners and families. schools for years until around 2003 It was interesting to see the when the exchanges stopped. This differences between the countries has been the first exchange since and schools. We spent two days at then and has been an amazing the school participating in English experience. The exchange, revived The top three schools on the day explained the thoughts behind their winning posters. The standard was very high and there was definitely Phun, Phlair and Physics in all the presentations. lessons with the students. It was by Miss Turner was inspired by her great to be able to ask them experiences in Germany, when she questions and find out more about went with Sudbury Upper School. their school and Höxter and also a It was a fantastic trip and we were good opportunity for students from reluctant to leave Höxter and our both schools to try speaking either new friends. This exchange has German or English. given me confidence in meeting To end the day, there was a prize ceremony in which every school that took part received prizes. OSA Today new people and experiencing a Page 5 MFL Award … Archeology Practical Congratulations We are delighted to inform you that Ormiston Sudbury Academy has successfully met the criteria for the Intermediate level of the British Council International School Award! Here are the assessor’s comments on our application. Archeology brought to life and find out and participate in the Back in June, ten year 9 Gifted & work that archeologists do. Talented History students attended the HEFA Archeological course in Long Melford. This area has been featured on a number of TV programmes. The course included two days digging a one metre square test-pit at Long Melford and a day at Cambridge University. HEFA stands The third day included going to Cambridge university itself and we had a lecture on settlements and also university applications. We learnt more about the work we had been doing and on university itself. We had the opportunity to look round another college and find out 'You have delivered a range of for Higher Education Field Academy activities focusing on relevant and was organized by Cambridge international themes. Your University and run by TV Lucy Harling, who participated in ‘Around the World’ activity is personality from the Channel 4 the dig, said: “The dig was an very innovative and can be ’Time Team’, Carenza Lewis, amazing experience and I learnt developed into a major whose ‘day job’ is with the loads. I especially loved getting to collaborative activity with one of Archeological Faculty at Cambridge see the colleges at Cambridge.” your partner schools. Ensure the University. “I thought it was a great three days Previously there have been Roman and it was interesting to see what and Victorian settlement remains type of work some archeologists found in Long Melford. The aim of do” said Joseph Hinshelwood. the dig was to uncover evidence of The pupils involved were also Anglo- Saxon settlements to fill in asked in the first four weeks after the gap in the University’s participating to write a report on knowledge. the dig. well as acquiring language skills - The dig was hard but rewarding It was an amazing experience all you could use your Language work and the group had many finds round and was enjoyed thoroughly Challenge or German Exchange of pottery and other materials. The by every member of the group. activity to develop this. Well done group were in mixed school groups so far.' with the other two schools, Thomas progress your students make is measured and the impact on learning and attainment is recorded. You need to develop a language activity and again ensure that this enables students to learn about a relevant international theme through the language as Schools, eligible for International School Award accreditation are experienced in working with international partners on various projects, activity and sustaining throughout the this year. Activities are embedded across the whole curriculum. Page 6 Gainsborough and Hadleigh High, and we spent around 6 hours digging one metre by one metre testpits in various different parts of Long Melford. The aim was fulfilled when we found remains of an Anglo-Saxon settlement near the church. The other test-pits found medieval and what the food was like. Lovely! Olivia King, Year 9 REMINDER The Academy breaks for Half Term on Friday 25th October and students are not in the Academy on Monday 4th November as this is our third Professional Development (PD) Day. victorian remains but no angloOSA Today Clowning Showcase … Art Exhibition Art Exhibition 2013 At Ormiston Sudbury Academy we are extremely pround of our art which is always displayed round the Academy. The annual Art exhibition is the culmination of the very hard work of our students and staff. Five pieces of work were chosen to be displayed in the Waitrose café for the following year. They Year 11 BTEC Acting entertained parents and friends with ‘A Clowning Showcase’ a couple of weeks ago, in the auditorium. The production was the sharing of work created using characters from the 16th century Italian Comedy style, Commedia dell’Arte. were David Ware’s ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ (see David below right )and a still life of a ‘Jug with Oranges’ by Rebecca Loh. Eleanor Lavery and Yvonne Loh produced two self portraits in Blue and photography student, Andre Bernal, will be displaying his photo of ‘A Girl Blown Away’. Mrs Wilson presented the various Awards including winners of her Principal’s Awards, James Pewsey, with an amazing mural on the Art room wall, Melanie Osborne for her outstanding achievement in textiles, Hennessie Lano received the Art Faculty prize and Mark Byford rewarded for his photo collage. Amelia Dzioba OSA Today Annual prom More than 100 Year 11 students had a wonderful night at the annual prom held for the second year at AFC Sudbury’s MEL Group stadium. Students (see above) arrived in all their finery in what is now the traditional parade of stretch limos and other novel vehicles. The student prom team must be commended for their efforts in making the hall a fantastic venue with balloons and other decorations. Page 7 Oscars … Musical Theatre Residential ‘OSCARs Night Out’ Another amazing year from the Performing Arts Faculty was celebrated back in July with their annual Oscar awards to those students who had really shone throughout the year. The winners were:Outstanding Commitment to the Performing Arts - Hannah Dodd Unsung Hero Award—Chris Badrick Drama Best Actress—Katie Dutton Best Actor—Ryan Parsonson Comedy Performance—Emily Witt Most Improved Performer—Ryan Ingram Most Promising Newcomer—Ella Rides Musical Theatre Performance of the Year—Bradley Clarke Triple Threat - Nathan Kelly Most Promising Newcomer - Darrell Barnard– Jones Solo Performance - Emily Kerruish Most Improved Performer - Charity Atkinson Dance Best Solo Performance - Katie Dutton Most Outstanding Choreography-Laura Barnard Most Improved Dancer - Kim Durrant Outstanding Commitment to Dance - Ashleigh Stohr Best Overall Performance in Dance Charlotte Whiting Music Best Vocal Performance - Jamie Pryke Best Sound Engineer - Sam Willings Best Instrumental Performance - Luke Congdon Best Ensemble Performance - Barbershop group Best Newcomer Award - Jonathan Connell Page 8 Darrell Barnard-Jones reports on the return of the annual 'Musical Theatre Residential Trip' offered to Performing Arts students in Years 10 and above. Comprising fantastic Musical Theatre performances and unique learning opportunities, the 3 day trip was, and is, an invaluable experience for any student with a strong interest in Musical Theatre. 'A Chorus Line' was the first of three performances we would see. The traditional matinee performance combined spectacular dance, vocal and dramatic performances, juxtaposing to create a magical theatre experience! The second show of the trip was 'The Bodyguard'. Little did we know it would dazzle and tantalise our dreams as performers, as we sat in jealously that we weren't part of the magnificence present on stage. The sheer talent displayed by the actors on stage was truly remarkable. After the spectacular show, we quickly gathered at the back of the theatre, in an attempt to scavenge the autographs of lead roles in the show. Not a recognised actor got through the observant filter of our watchful gaze! We gathered outside Pineapple Dance Studios for a dance workshop with a professional Musical Theatre expert. Learning a complex and enjoyable routine from 'Chorus Line' was really fun, and gave everyone an idea of how it would be to be a professional in the world of Theatre. This was followed by a singing workshop at the Studios. Finally we went Regents Park, to see 'The Sound of Music' at the Open Air Theatre. OSA Today Stop Press … Wiz Cast List … Arts Council A-Team members 2013 Well it’s out-the Wiz cast list! After 2 intensive weeks of auditions... we have managed to find a place in the cast for 93 students across all year groups! Those who have been unsuccessful this year should not feel too disappointed. The standard this year was extremely high, and over 150 students signed up to be considered. Students who did not get a place on this occasion will be encouraged to get involved in some other way either 'front of house' or 'behind the scenes'. Dorothy—Laura Barnard The Wiz—Ryan Parsonson Scarecrow—Elee Smith Tin Man—Jake Dickinson Lion—Bradley Clarke Evillene—Gabrielle Welch Addaperle—Charlie Parsons Glinda—Emily Kerruish Aunt Em—Ella Rides Uncle Henry—Jody brown Royal Gatekeeper—Lucy Hinde Lord High Underling—Darrell Barnard-Jones Messenger—Nief Carroll Head Winged Monkey—Lily Atkinson There isn’t enough room to mention all the cast but The Yellow Brick Road team are - Chloe Ames, Maria Hart, Jasmine Hodgson, Olivia May, Ellen Osborn, Charlotte Whiting The Mice Squad consists of Emma Coulridge, Shannon Shaw, Anna Rutter Megan Norris, Anna Chitty, Summer Adams The Emerald Citizens are Lila Robirosa, Molli Benson, Alice den Haan, Salima Bryce OSA Today The Arts Council (or the A-team as they are affectionately known) have just announced the members for this year after a rigorous interview process. Joint Leaders:Laura Barnard and Bradley Clarke 13 Bronte House Joint Leader - Lucy Rose 12 Joint Leader - Charlotte Whiting 12 Holly Moore 12 Dan Hunt 12 Molli Benson 11 Shannon Shaw 7 Gainsborough House Leader - Lucy Hinde 12 Deputy - Tom Scroggs-Parris 10 Emily Kerruish 12 Nief Carroll 10 Josie Hibble 9 Anna Rutter 7 Harrison House Leader - Emilie Witt 12 Deputy - Darrell BarnardJones 11 Chloe Ames 12 Lila Robirosa 11 Megan Wright 9 Ashleigh Stohr 8 Parks House Leader - Megan Benson 13 Deputy - Ella Rides 12 Joy Steed 13 Ben Dolton 13 India Hay 9 Emma Coulridge 7 Page 9 What next? … RPA ... Work Experience What Next if You are Leaving after Year 11? September to December 2013 Now is the time to be doing the preparation work Explore the range of options in employment, training, sixth form and further education colleges. Consider pathways that fit round your skills, interests and predicted grades. Weigh up all the pros and cons of different options. Check out schools, colleges and training providers’ own websites and prospectuses for more information. Ask your tutors and teachers for help and advice. In addition, ask Mrs Mackay and Mrs Frusher, who will be able to give you a personal interview if required. Go to Sixth Form Open days and events. There are deadlines for making applications—be aware of the dates. January 31st is the usual target date but be warned the popular vocational courses at college for subjects like electronics, carpentry, plumbing or hair and beauty get booked up very quickly and so avoid disappointment by submitting an early application. Your application may be done online or on paper but make sure you follow all the instructions. Make sure all the information is spelt correctly on the application and capital letters and a black pen are used for written applications. Once your application is in, you will be asked to attend an interview. You may apply for more than one course at the same college or different colleges but you will only be able to accept one in the end. Finally, all students need a plan A and Plan B in place ideally by the end of December. If you fail to make your grades then there must be a back up application. Mrs Mackay, Careers Co-ordinator Year 10 Work Experience Another very good year for our students on Work Experience from 8 – 19 July, 2013 Employers have had nothing but praise here are some of the comments:- “Best student we have had, brilliant.” “Future carer, engaged, superb.” “Brilliant student will be offered a Saturday job at 16.” “Fits in well” – working very hard – fantastic attitude – very positive.” I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for keeping students on track with interviews etc. Edna Frusher Page 10 Raising of the Participation Age Year 11 students are starting to think of the next stage in their lives and firstly they have to understand that they must stay in some form of Education until they are 18. The law changed because the economy and the world of work are changing and more jobs in the future will require higher levels of skills, training and qualifications. This does not necessarily mean that the student will have to stay at school until 18. They will have to choose one of the following options. Full time education, such as school or college Work-based learning, such as Apprenticeships Part-time education or training if they are employed. Self employment or volunteering for more than 20 hours per week. There are a number of useful websites which will help you find out more information. www.thesource.me.uk which is Suffolk’s information and advice website for young people aged between 11-19. www.apprenticeships.org.uk where you can search and apply for apprenticeships. https://nationalcareers service.direct.gov.uk which is the National Careers Service website. If you have any further queries please speak to Mrs Mackay in OSA Today 98%+ Attendance 2012-13 Well Done Well done to all those 5to have more than 98% attendance for the whole academy year. 99.73 = ½ day 99.47 = 1 day 99.2 = 1½ day 98.94 = 2 days 98.67 = 2 ½ days 98.4 = 3 days 98.14 = 3 ½ days Year 7 100% Shahan Al-Haq Joshua Odell 99.47% Dean Ablitt Reece Bradley 98.4% Zak Goodchild Savannah Howard 98.14% Gracie Taylor Year 8 99.73% Bradley Middleditch 99.47% Chloe Whatmough 99.2% Danica Bernal Gemma Marsh 98.94% Isabella Spencer 98.4% Harry Bareham Charlotte Rayner Isaac Stringer 98.14% Dominic Parsons Year 9 100% Nic Bragoli-Jones Samantha Gallant OSA Today Megan Goodchild Joseph Hinshelwood Anna Holmes Joe Moye Ruth O’Mara Louise Trevor 99.73% Danny Emerton Thomas Gibson Bethany McLaughlin 99.47% Joshua Frankum Thomas Gallant Olivia King Rhys Piggott Ashleigh Pink Jerry Sam 98.94% Sahib Al-Basher Mitchell Gardiner Scott Morton Sophie Raymond Lottie Sangster Liam Mortin 98.67% Jack Ayers Chloe Beecroft Jane Perryman Sam Phillips 98.4% Owen Bird Cody Ennis Hadley Lucy Harling Karl Jayson Ico Tonia Lawes 98.14% Heather Archer Christopher Britton Sian Lawson Chloe Lefley Year 10 100% Aniqa Alshirin Robyn Cardy Joshua Cole Elliott Gower Rebecca Green Jack Groome Phoebe Hart Sophie Jeffrey Kieran Pettit Sophie Pink Ellana Prior Harry Salt Ellie Stalker Barbara West 99.73% Jodie Black Samantha Burroughes Isla Marchant 99.47% Elle Coleman Harry Craig Fraser Duke Alexander Garwood Joe Gibson Kieran Heard Michael Henderson Kelvin Nice Liam O’Mara Emmie Rice Megan Risley 99.2% Azariah Bloxam 98.94% Rhys Bolton Robyn Brooks-Parkin Josh Gibbons Darrell Barnard-Jones Dan Elsey Regan Huckle Phoebe Purdy 98.67% Alice Den Haan Danielle Robertson Shelby Dobson Chloe Underwood 98.4% Connor Andrews Stephen Bantock Bill Cooley Jack Dunhill Samuel Fellingham Chloe Gentle Olivia May Georgia Self 98.14% Justin Simpson Alice Tracey Lily Atkinson Christopher Noyes 2013/2014 Useful Dates AUTUMN TERM 2013 Tuesday 3rd September 2013 - Friday 20th December 2013 Half Term: Week commencing Monday 28th October 2013 OSA PD Day (no students in the Academy) Monday 4November SPRING TERM 2014 Monday 6th January 2014 - Friday 4th April 2014 Half Term: Week commencing Monday 17th February 2014 OSA PD Day (No students in the Academy): Monday 6 th January 2014 SUMMER TERM 2014 Tuesday 22nd April 2014 – Wednesday 23rd July 2014 Half Term: Week commencing Monday 26th May 2014 Page 11 Science Mark... Fund raising Science Award The Science Faculty has been awarded the Prince’s Teaching Institute Mark. This has been the result of a year of hard work for the Science faculty at Ormiston Sudbury Academy. The philosophy of The Prince’s Teaching Institute is rooted in its commitment to improving children’s education in state schools. It believes that all pupils, irrespective of background or ability, are entitled to a subjectbased curriculum, taught by inspirational and knowledgeable teachers. To achieve the mark the Science faculty has been set development objectives based on the principles which it has now met. Cakes, cakes galore Ormiston Sudbury Academy had their very own coffee morning in aid of the Macmillan Nurses at the end of September. Bronte House has chosen to support this charity and their monster cake sale to staff and students has raised £309.27 so far. Georgina Daniels, from Macmillan spoke to students in a House assembly about the work of the Macmillan organisation and what happens to any money that is raised. Bronte House has also added the proceeds from the Around the World House Picnic held at the end of last term, where students ate their lunch on the field, picnic style and were able to buy all sorts of goodies to raise funds. Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers Thanks to all those students and their families who collected Sainsbury’s active kids vouchers. We were able to buy table tennis bats for the PE department and gingerbread men cutters, piping bags, loaf tins, pizza cutter and a cooling tray for the Food Technology department. Page 12 Geography Field trip Year 11 geographers (see above) explored a section of the Stour Brook in Haverhill where they collected data for their controlled assessment assignment ‘How do channel variables and landforms change along this part of the river and can the Bradshaw model be applied to this section of the OSA Today Young Author ... Accelerated Reader Reading for Progress All Year 7 students have been introduced to the Accelerated Reader programme during their English lessons. This programme is designed to ensure they are reading for progress. They all sat a STAR Reading test which has given them a book level, which is appropriate to their understanding of the vocabulary. Sixth Former, Matthew Gill has just self-published his first book. He has been working on a science fiction story for some time and really wants to be an author. It is called Elya’s Tale Part 1: On the Run It is a short science fiction story about a person called Elya and her adventures in a futuristic universe. Elya is on the run from the cruel grasp of the Human Empire, but her path is destined to cross that of an ancient being from another universe and everything is set the change. Elya must make a daring escape from the Human planet of Huron or face certain death. Set in a world of alien races and warring empires Elya is plunged into a brutal world. Once they have chosen a book of the appropriate level from our book stock, which is now labelled up to indicate to students the level of the book they read it and once the book has been read, students return to the Library and do a quiz, preferably within 24 hours. They can do the quiz any time. If students get more than 80% then they will be encouraged to move onto the next level of book. Students with 100% in their quizzes will have their names put into a hat every term and there will be a draw to pick out 5 students receive a prize. The programme will help teachers monitor students’ reading practice. Parents are asked to encourage their children to read from these books as often as possible, and maybe even listen to them if they need that little bit of extra support to understand some of the words. If they finish the book at home encourage them to come in and quiz the next day. If you have any questions please contact Mr Howkins or Mrs Mackay. All Year 7, 8 and 9 students have had a Library induction session, where they were introduced to the wide range of materials for them. OSA Today Page 13 Latitude Festival 2013 ... Sports Results Latitude Festival 2013 Lucky OSA students who have been working towards their Silver Arts Award were invited to the Festival to be reporters for the day. A full report of their exploits were printed in the East Anglian Daily Times and they were also interviewed by BBC East. Darrel Barnard-Jones and Molli Benson spoke to visitors about what they really love about this unique and popular festival while Isla Marchant and Megan Risley described the Festival scene. ‘The best thing about the festival is the smile on people’s faces,’ they said. ‘Everyone seems to be having a great time relaxing in the heat of one of the biggest festivals in the area.’ Lily Atkinson and Lila Robirosa reviewed the performance of Tim Burgess, exlead singer of the Charlatans. It was a very relaxed performance and in the spirit of the Latitude Festival. Shelby Dobson, Chloe Underwood and Ellie Coleman conducted more interviews with Festival goers and spoke to visitors of a wide age range including a gentleman of 67! Feeder Schools Dance Festival Children from all our feeder schools joined together at the end of last term to have a wonderful dance experience, with our Performing Arts team. The day culminated in a show for the parents to enjoy the fruits of the day (see below). Well done Megan Vowles in Year 7, represented the Suffolk Gymnastics team at the end of September competing against 5 other counties, Devon, Dorset, Hertfordshire and 2 teams from Somerset. Megan competed in bars, beam, floor and vault. As a team, Suffolk finished in second place. Latest Sports Results Tuesday 16 September: Year 11 football v Thurston - Lost 5-1, Lewis Kindell scoring a cracker Thursday 18 September: Year 9 football v Thurston - Won 5-4 goals from Kade Ivatt (3) and Jack Cole (2) Thursday 18 September: Year 10 Netball v Thurston - lost 14-11, in a close match Tuesday 24 September Year 11 football lost 5-1 against Castle Manor, Jordan Roberts scoring the goal * Thursday 26 September Year 11 County Netball tournament results. Beat Culford 9 -7, County Upper2 11-2, TGS 9-0 and lost KEGs 4-8. Losing in the semi finals to County Upper. Thursday 26 September The 6th form netball beat Mildenhall 6-4 and lost to County Upper10-12 Tuesday 2 October Year 10 football beat Thurston 5 3 (Cody Ennis Hadley x2, Tyler French, Mitchell Gardiner and Josh Bowles) Page 14 OSA Today PE Awards 2013 ... Sports Day 2013 Congratulations A superb night was had by all at Ormiston Sudbury Academy’s first PE Presentation evening in July. Seventy students in Years 9 and 10, supported by over 130 parents and family members, watched the highlights of the sporting achievements, participation and successes in 2012-2013. Summer Sports Day 2013—Track and Field The outstanding contribution to Academy sport awards went to Ashleigh Pink and Mitchell Gardiner of Year 9 and Sophie Pink and Jordan Roberts of Year 10. This was for their consistent effort, hard work and determination throughout the year in numerous sports. In addition, Ashleigh has progressed to the England Girls’ U15 development basketball squad, has played in a tournament in Copenhagen and played in the European championship in Portugal in the summer. The highest achieving team was the Girl’s basketball who won the Western Area league convincingly and finished 2nd overall in Suffolk. Each sport was reviewed with a player of the year award and players' player of the year award, with all students receiving certificates for their participation. Well done to all students involved. For all the latest information about events and opportunities at the Curve Check out www.sudburycurve.co.uk OSA Today Page 15 arranged it for us. year olds)! Page 16 OSA Today
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