Let`s pin down the headline at the neighbour`s!


Let`s pin down the headline at the neighbour`s!
Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme Armenia 2013 Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
•  Since 2009, in cooperaEon with Heinrich Böll S01ung Turkey Office, Hrant Dink Founda0on has been implemenEng this programme with a view to strengthen Ees between journalists from Turkey and Armenia and to contribute to the establishment of direct and accurate channels of communicaEon and news reporEng across the two countries. •  In the 5th year of the programme, a group of 7 journalists from Turkey visited Armenia from February 14th to February 20th, 2013. •  Journalists from CNN Türk, Haber Türk, Milliyet, NTV, Radikal, Star Gazete and Today’s Zaman, paid their first visits to Armenia and learned about the country’s current economic and poliEcal situaEon. The group eye witnessed the presiden0al elec0on of February 18th, 2013 and immediately shared their impressions before and aWer the elecEons with their readers and viewers right from their neighbouring country Armenia. Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
2013 Armenia, Programme Par0cipants • 
Gülsin Harman -­‐ Milliyet Daily Halime Kökçe -­‐ Star Gazete Daily Korhan Varol -­‐ NTV Mesut Hasan Benli -­‐ Radikal Daily Muharrem Sarıkaya -­‐ Haber Türk Daily Mustafa Edib Yılmaz –Today’s Zaman Sergül Taşdemir -­‐ CNN Türk Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
Individuals and Organisa0ons Met • 
14-­‐20 February 2013 Civilitas FoundaEon, Director Salpi Ghazarian Civilnet and Orakarg Daily, Chief Editor Karen Harutyunyan Caucasus InsEtute, Director Aleksander Iskandaryan Regional Studies Center, Director Richard Giragosian Genocide Museum-­‐InsEtute, Director Hayk Demoyan Internews, Nouneh Sarkissian & Gegham Vardanyan Transparency InternaEonal, Varuzhan Hoktanyan & Sona Ayvazyan YIC Youth IniEaEve Centre Gyumri, Caritas, Gyumri City Research Centre Yerevan State University students and AEGEE-­‐Yerevan Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
Individuals and Organisa0ons Met 14-­‐20 February 2013 •  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian •  NaEonal Embassy of Armenia, Vice-­‐Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan •  Office of the Human Rights Defender, Ombudsman Karen Andreasyan •  PresidenEal Candidate, Heritage Party Leader Raffi Hovannisian •  PresidenEal Candidate, Freedom Party Leader Hrant Bagratyan •  PresidenEal Candidate, Radio Hay Director Andreas Ghukasyan •  Prosperous Armenia deputy, former foreign minister Vartan Oskanian •  Armenian RevoluEonary FederaEon Dashnaktsutyun, InternaEonal Secretary Giro Manoyan •  OSCE Yerevan, Deputy Ambassador William Hanlon The Foreign Minister met journalists of leading media outlets from Turkey
Source: MFA website Source: Na3onal Assembly website Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
Throughout the programme, the parEcipants visited around 20 individuals and organisa0ons including press and media agencies, poliEcians, presidenEal candidates, academics and non governmental organisaEons, civic iniEaEves and university students. • 
The journalists entered the newsrooms of news agencies and media outlets such as CivilNet, Internews, and had the chance to meet and see their colleagues in acEon while covering the presidenEal elecEons. Thanks to the logisEcs offered by the Civilitas Founda0on, the journalists could report and broadcast live to Turkey. • 
The journalists also had an exclusive meeEng with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian where they had honest discussion about Armenian foreign policy, Turkey-­‐Armenia relaEons, 2009 football diplomacy and protocols. • 
The group had the chance to meet 3 out of 8 presiden0al candidates including Raffi Hovannisian, Hrant Bagratyan and Andreas Ghukasyan and gained insight into their perspecEves of Armenia’s future and development direcEon. Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
In their visit to the Genocide Museum-­‐Ins0tute, the journalists asked quesEons to the Director Hayk Demoyan and learned about the InsEtute’s plans and preparaEons for 2015. •  Thanks to the organisaEon of AEGEE-­‐Yerevan, the journalists also had the chance to come together with about 30 university students from Yerevan State University and exchanged their feelings and thoughts about the painful past, future of both countries, and press freedom in Turkey. •  Within the one week program the parEcipants also visited Armenia’s second biggest city Gyumri and saw some historical sites and also the railway that previously existed between Armenia and Turkey. Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s! Turkey-­‐Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme
•  AWer the programme, more than 15 columns and news ar0cles were published in Haber Türk, Milliyet, Radikal, Star Gazete and Today’s Zaman •  NTV and CNN Türk reported live from Armenia. Samanyolu TV, TRT Türk and Voice of Russia radio also made phone connec0ons to parEcipants to report their impressions about the elecEons. •  CNN Türk correspondent Sergül Taşdemir talked about her impressions about Armenia at Aykırı Sorular programme of CNN Türk. •  Former programme parEcipant Yerkir Media journalist Gayane AveEsyan interviewed Mesut Hasan Benli and Muharrem Sarıkaya about coup d’etat trials in Turkey. •  Programme parEcipants also used the social media during the programme and shared their impressions and thoughts about Armenia with their friends and followers. ‘’It will be more difficult to normalise with Ankara a?er 2015’’ Raffi Hovannisian 16.02.2013 Zaman Mustafa Edib Yılmaz Armenia’s cure is Turkey 21.02.2013 Star Halime Kökçe The winner in the Caucasus is Safe Future 19.02.2013 Haber Türk Muharrem Sarıkaya Low key victory by unrivalled Sarkisyan 19.02.2013 Milliyet Gülsin Harman A special secKon at the Genocide Museum dedicated for Turks who saved Armenians 20.02.2013 Milliyet Gülsin Harman Watch out Oligarchy, Ghuskasyan is coming As Armenia goes to ballots, presiden3al candidate Ghukasyan is on hunger strike to protest oligarchs 18.02.2013 Radikal Mesut Hasan Benli ‘Nalbandian met leading journalists from Turkey’ ‘Let the borders be open’ Giro Manoyan of Dashnaktsutyun expressed their willingness in to normalise rela3ons with Turkey. ‘’We didn’t leave the coali3on government due to the signing of protocols, but rather due to the fact that decisions were taken without us being informed as coali3on partner. We did not leave the coali3on because the government wanted rela3ons with Turkey. We do want and support open borders as well.’’ ‘Turks risked their lives’ Genocide Museum Director Hayk Demoyan noted that, as part of the reconstruc3on of the museum for 2015, there will be a special sec3on dedicated for Turks and Kurds who did hide their Armenian neighbours at the expense of their own lives. Genocide Museum in Yerevan will have a dedicated sec3on for Turks and Kurds who saved their Armenian neighbours Impressions from elec3on-­‐3me Armenia, and Gyumri -­‐ the city sentenced to poverty with the closure of the border Just talked to @alidurantopuz of the Voice of Russia radio about the elec3ons in Armenia. You can listen at 20:00 #armvote13 At 16:00, I will connect to @TRTTURK to talk about the presiden3al elec3ons in Armenia. #armvote13 Mount Ararat, view from Yerevan Halime Kökçe on twimer Edward Nalbandian Minister of Foreign Affairs Armenian voters cas0ng votes Let’s pin down the headline at the neighbour’s!