contents - Frontenac Heritage Foundation


contents - Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Report design by Jennifer
McKendry, PhD
Layout of text for this
year done by Mary
Front cover: Central Public School, image taken from historic pamphlet on Kingston.
Back Cover: View Clergy Street, taken from historic pamphlet on Kingston.
Above: Weber Piano Company, c.1927 (Hall, Historic Kingston, Vol. 39, p.50) Photo
courtesy of Marc Shaw
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 7:30PM
RCHA Brigade Association, 193 Ontario Street, Kingston
Acceptance of agenda
M. Myers
Approval of the minutes of the AGM of 12 May 2009
M. Myers
President’s Report
A. Hill
Treasurer’s Report
a. Approval of audited financial statements for year ending 31
D. Shurtleff
December 2009
b. Approval of the appointment of Secker, Ross & Parry as auditor of
the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2010
Property Committee Report
R. Crothers
Awards Committee Report
P. Christianson
Membership Committee Report
M. Shaw
Watch Committee Report
A. Hill
Communications Committee Report
M. Myers
10 Program Committee Report
A. Hill
11 Approval of the actions of the Board since the last AGM
M. Myers
12 Nomination & Election of the Board of Directors
a. Nominating Committee Report
b. Call for additional nominations and election
A. Hill
A. Hill
14 AGM 2010 ~ date and place
A. Hill
15 Motion to adjourn
M. Myers
Refreshments will be followed by Refreshments and a 20-minute talk by Donna Ivey and Norma Kelly
about the new publication The Sir John A. Macdonald Music Book.
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
MINUTES of the 2009 AGM
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Tuesday, 3 June 2008, 7:30 pm
RCHA Brigade Association Building, 193 Ontario Street, Kingston
embers were welcomed by President Paul Christianson. He reported that quorum was
4. Treasurer’s report
A. Mr. Shurtleff drew member’s
attention to his report found on p.9 of
AGM 2009 FHF. He said the
Foundation was in a good, strong
financial position and ready to carry
on. It was moved by Mr. Shurtleff,
seconded by Marc Shaw and passed
that the treasurer’s report be accepted.
1. Acceptance of agenda. It was moved Don
Smithies, seconded by John Black and
passed that the agenda be accepted.
2. Approval of the minutes. Approval of
the minutes of the Annual General
meeting of June 3, 2008. It was moved by
Dave Shurtleff, seconded by Jennifer
McKendry and carried that the minutes of
the previous annual general meeting be
3. President’s report. Mr. Christianson
drew member’s attention to his report
published in the distributed Annual
General Meeting 2009 Frontenac Heritage
Foundation (AGM 2009 FHF). He said
that the Board has been very active and
that all board members needed to be
thanked. He especially thanked two longtime and retiring board members, Stephen
Arnold and Marc Raymond. It was moved
by John Black, seconded by Rob Crothers
and passed that the President’s Report be
Approval of audited financial
statements for year ending 31
December 2008. It was moved by Mr.
Black, seconded by Mr. Crothers and
passed that the audited financial
statements be accepted.
C. Approval of the appointment of
Secker, Ross & Parry as auditor of the
financial statements for the year
ending 31 December 2009. It was
moved by Mr. Shurtleff, seconded by
Mr. Crothers and passed that the
appointment of Secker, Ross & Parry
be accepted.
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
5. Property Committee report. Mr.
Raymond referred to his report published
in AGM 2009 FHF. He highlighted the
goals established to complete the Brock
Street property development and how
much funding was needed to finish the
job. He was confident the development
would be completed and added that a
plaque will be mounted on the building. It
was moved by Mr. Raymond, seconded
by Andrew Hill and passed that the
property committee report be accepted.
7. Membership Committee report. Mr.
Shaw highlighted his report on p. 14 of
AGM 2009 FHF. He described why the
Foundation wants more members and
what in turn the Foundation does for
them. He highlighted the current numbers
and the challenges of keeping old
members and attracting new ones. He was
pleased to see many new members and
many renewals. He thanked Stephen
Arnold for maintenance of the membership records. It was moved by Mr. Shaw,
seconded by Carynne Arnold and passed
that the membership committee report be
6. Awards Committee report. Mr. Crothers
drew member’s attention to a summary of
award committee activities found on pp.
12-13 of AGM 2009 FHF. He observed
that there was a great range of buildings
that had been recognised. This range
included 66 Main Street which among
many attributes exemplified the effort a
restoration takes for a limestone building.
At the other end of spectrum was the
three year, $17 million restoration of the
Grand Theatre by the City of Kingston
and very deserving of recognition because
of the challenges and enormity of the
project. He added that the awards
ceremony was held at the Renaissance
Event Venue at 285 Queen Street. This
restoration of Kingston’s oldest church
structure simultaneously added to
downtown living, profit making and
downtown life. Finally, Mr. Crothers
drew attention to the award made to
Sandy MacLachlan, founder and life
member of the Foundation. He was also
founder of the MacLachlan Woodworking
Museum and a beloved citizen. It was
moved by Mr. Crothers, seconded by Mr.
Black and passed that the awards
committee report be accepted.
8. Watch Committee report. Mr.
Christianson highlighted the City of
Kingston study of the Old Sydenham
Ward in which Foundation member
Jennifer McKendry was a major
contributor. He also pointed to the
wonderful, City of Kingston created
building history brochures. His committee
was still watching closely developments
concerning the Tett Building. It was
moved by Lily Inglis, seconded by
Cynthia Nute and passed that the watch
committee report be accepted.
9. Communications Committee report. Mr.
Shaw pointed to his report on p. 17 of
AGM 2009 FHF that outlined what his
committee was doing to bring the
Foundation’s mission to the public. He
and fellow committee members, Mary
Myers and Andrew Hill, were always
looking for more ideas. The biggest
committee effort was in publishing
Foundations, the newsletter of the
Frontenac Heritage Foundation. One issue
had been published this year and three
more were anticipated. It was moved by
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Mr. Shaw, seconded by Bill Higginson
and carried that the communications
committee report be accepted.
12. Approval of the actions of the Board
since the last AGM. It was moved by
Don Smithies, seconded by Carynne
Arnold and carried that the actions of the
Board since the last AGM be accepted.
10. Program Committee Report. Mr. Hill
emphasised the central function of the
program of membership events previously
run by Stephen and Carynne Arnold. Four
events have been held so far this year
including tours of 67 Colborne, the
Princess of Wale Regiment armoury and
the Hochelaga Inn. A presentation on the
Outer Station was also made by Ron
Smith. Very good member turnouts were
experienced. He requested that members
make the committee members aware of
venue ideas. It was moved by Mr. Hill,
seconded by Don Smithies and passed
that the program committee report be
13. Nomination and election of the Board
of Directors
A) Nominating committee report—Paul
Christianson. Mr. Christianson said the
biographies of the nominees can be found
on p. 22 of the AGM 2009 FHF. He
highlighted that:
- Peter Gower indulges in his passion,
history, and publishes learned articles on
this subject. He has been a FHF member
since 2001 and Chair of the Kingston
Municipal Heritage Committee since
11. By-Law amendments—Stephen Arnold.
- Ed Grenda taught at Queen’s and York
Universities. He is a member of the
Kingston Historical Society and very
involved at the Murney Tower, Cataraqui
Cemetery ceremony and Lower Burial
Ground Restoration Society.
a) Mr. Hill said the two additional
Board members will have the effect of
spreading the work load in addition to
adding more talent to the Board. It was
moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr.
Hill and carried that the Board size be
increased from ―10‖ to ―10 to 12‖
- Floyd Patterson spent 43 years at CKWS
and a 3-year term on City Council. He
lives in Sydenham Ward and his hobby is
gardening. He is very supportive of
activities that emphasise Kingston’s
heritage buildings.
b) It was moved by Mr. Arnold,
seconded by Mr. Shurtleff and carried
that the membership fee be increased
from $40 to $45.
B) Call for additional nominations and
election: Mr. Christianson asked for
further nominations from the floor. None
were made. It was moved by Mr. Hill,
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
seconded by Mr. Black and carried that
nominations cease. Mr. Christianson
declared Messrs. Gower, Grenda and
Patterson elected to the Board of
14. AGM 2010—Date and place. Mr.
Christianson reported that next year’s
AGM would be held on the second
Tuesday in May at a venue to be
14. Motion to adjourn. It was moved by Mr.
Crothers, seconded by Mr. Christianson
and carried that the annual general
meeting be adjourned.
Refreshments were then served and followed
by a 20-minute illustrated talk on Elizabeth
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen J. Arnold
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
he last year has
been a very busy
one for members of
Heritage Foundation’s
Board of Directors.
Each Director has
played an important and valuable role in the
discussions that have dominated our meetings
since May of 2009. And, together, Board
members continue to work on projects,
organize events, and advance causes, that
reflect the interests of the membership at
The Board has been particularly lucky
in having been able to draw on the expertise
provided by its newest members. Ed Grenda
and Floyd Patterson have brought new
skills, experiences, and connections to the
community, that the Board has quickly come
to rely upon. The same must be said of Peter
Gower, whose role as the Chair of the
Kingston Municipal Heritage Committee has
also enabled the Foundation to stay abreast of
local heritage matters.
While new members have become
assets, we were sorry to hear, last February,
that John Black had decided, after much
thought, not to continue with his position on
the Board. The time that John has contributed
to the Foundation, and his much-sought
advice, will be greatly missed.
The Foundation continues to operate on
a sound financial basis with the help of its
Treasurer, David Shurtleff. Each month
David provides a thorough and comprehensive report on the Foundation’s financial
activities. We owe a great deal to David for
his continued commitment to heritage, and to
the FHF, while providing us with a level of
expertise that is the envy of every organization.
We are grateful that past-President Paul
Christianson continues to play an active role
on the Board of Directors. He also continues
to be a highly-respected spokesperson of both
the Foundation, and of the heritage
community in general. Paul has represented
the FHF to the public on many occasions, and
his role as Chair of the Awards Committee
was well-illustrated last October, at our 2009
Heritage Restoration Awards. His leadership
in the organization and presentation of this
memorable event was just another example of
how the Foundation has, and continues to,
benefit from Paul’s leadership as a Director
of the Foundation.
Robert Crothers was the Awards
Committee’s prior chair, and he is a
continuing, active member of that committee.
He has researched, evaluated, and written on
these properties on such a professional level
that it would be hard to imagine what would
happen without him around! The Board was
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
happy to hear that Rob has accepted the role
of Chair of the Property Committee.
Overseeing the business associated with the
Foundation’s Brock Street property is a huge
task. And, along with Rob’s other commitments, is a strong illustration of Rob’s
dedication to heritage.
As a Foundation member, a lot of what
you have read about heritage has been made
possible by Mary Myers. Mary continues to
design and edit Foundations. She works under
incredible time commitments, and the
compliments on Mary’s work still come in on
a regular basis. Foundations is also made
possible by Marc Shaw. Marc’s impressive
collection of old postcards and photos are not
just the envy of every Kingston historian:
they are a big source of Foundations articles
as well. Marc continues to provide insightful
articles and commentaries based on these, and
other sources, making Foundations a valuable
Both Marc and Mary have been active
in the Program Committee, as has Lynne
Warren. In addition to Board activities,
Lynne has been the backbone of the
Foundation’s Speaker and Tour Series. We all
owe a special thanks to Lynne for the making
these events a success.
(And, no, we still can’t figure out the coffee
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew J. Hill
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
he completion of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. I am pleased to report that the
financial statements for the Frontenac Heritage Foundation report a strong financial position at the end of the year. The results are summarized as follows:
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Net Assets or Fund Balances
Fund Balances
Investment in capital assets
Internally restricted (deficiency)
The operations for the year ended with an excess of revenue over expenses in the general
account of $5,523 which was achieved through the careful monitoring of expenses while carrying out the programs without compromise. The property account generated an excess of revenue over expenses of $23,122. This was made possible by substantially full occupancy of the
rental units and maintenance was restricted to normal repairs with no major renovations or restoration to the property. The surplus is being accumulated to finance future restoration that are
in the planning stage.
We feel that the foundation is financial sound and in an excellent position to carry out it
programs and plans for the future.
Respectfully submitted,
David Shurtleff
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
he Frontenac Heritage Foundation is the
proud owner of a circa 1820 property
addressed as 62, 64 and 66 Brock St., just
west of the Springer Market Square in
downtown Kingston. T h i s m i x e d - u s e
property was donated to the Foundation for
its safe keeping. It has two main level retail
stores and three residential units on the
second and third floors. It is situated in a
block of heritage designated buildings and
although it may be small in comparison with
some of its three storey neighbours across the
street, we are very proud that our building is a
key character defining element in a
comfortably scaled urban environment. W e
believe our building to be the last remaining
tradesman’s shop in the downtown portion of
Kingston and that it is our responsibility to
ensure it to continues to act as a link to
Kingston’s continuing history of development
into a sustainable and liveable city.
More specifically, the Property
Committee is charged with the responsibility
of managing this income property and
preserving this designated structure for the
benefit of the Foundation and it’s occupants.
To that end the we continue to ensure it
receives the proper preventative maintenance.
The woodwork on the shop fronts was
painted last fall and some minor adjustments
were made to ensure smooth operation of
several doors and windows. The bricks that
had been toothed together with those of our
neighbour have been separated to avoid a
settlement occur and there has been
resolution of a minor encroachment of the
garbage enclosure in the rear yard. One minor
property issue remains to be resolved where a
closet wall crosses the property line and it is
uncertain if the supporting footings do the
An important principle of the
Foundation’s property strategy has already
been achieved in that each property must
stand on its own merits. We are pleased to
report the building is more than supporting
itself financially and there is a slowly
growing surplus in the property account. Our
intent has always been to husband these funds
and leverage them in the pursuit of matching
grants so the sagging rear wall could be
straightened and the designs for the annex
and roof dormers could be completed. The
fine tuning of our strategy, a scope of
achievable work, a budget and schedule for
that next challenges is ongoing. Meanwhile,
the loan made to the property account by the
foundation is being repaid with interest and
continues to be a worthwhile investment.
In conclusion, I would like to thank
all of the members of our committee for their
ongoing participation and in particular our
past Property Chair Mr. Marc Raymond for
leaving the property in such reasonable
Please support our retail tenants, as
you visit downtown Kingston
Respectfully submitted,
Robert J. Crothers
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Photo J. McKendry
ince 1982, the Frontenac Heritage Foundation (FHF) has been actively encouraging the preservation and retention of our local
building stock by providing heritage conservation awards to owners, designers and builders. Many significant buildings and some
lesser-known projects within the boundaries
of Kingston, the County of Frontenac and
Loyalist Township have been recognized in
this fashion over the past 27 years.
Each year, aided by interested FHF
members, the Awards Committee reviews
nominated restoration, renovation, and repair
projects to heritage sites with the intent of
identifying those that it considers worthy of
recognition. ―Certificates of Commendation‖
are prepared and presented to the property
owners or initiators who are primarily responsible for the concept, implementation and financing of the preservation effort.
―Certificates of Appreciation‖ are presented
to those designers and builders who have applied their time and skills in preserving the
selected buildings.
The Committee considers the architectural design and physical value of a structure
and whether it is a rare or unique example of
a style or type of construction and/or whether
it exhibits a high degree of craftsmanship.
Associations with historical events and people considered as is the contextual value of
the building and whether or not the project
contributes to defining, maintaining, or supporting the historic character of an area.
In 2007, the Frontenac Heritage Foundation
initiated the Margaret Angus Award for
outstanding heritage service in the greater
Kingston area.
In 2009, the Frontenac Heritage Foundation
initiated Certificates of Appreciation for Exceptional Service to the Frontenac Heritage
Foundation and awarded them to:
Stephen J. Arnold, our Secretary from 2003
to 2009 and the organizer and coordinator of
our very popular lecture and tour series, and
Marc Raymond, our Vice President from
2007-9 and chair of the Property Committee
from 2001-09, who brought his expertise as a
businessman and heritage restorer to the
heavy burden of overseeing all aspects of our
property at 62-66 Brock Street.
In 2009, the Award was given to
George Muirhead, a founder of the Frontenac Historic Foundation and long chair of
our Awards Committee, a pioneer in the
movement to preserve our built heritage as
City Planner for the City of Kingston, and an
enabler of the compilation of an inventory of
buildings of architectural and historic
interest that resulted in the publication of
seven published volumes of designated
properties from the City of Kingston.
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
emberships and donations comprise a
very important source of funding for
Moreover, a large and active membership
bolsters and lends credibility to our role as a
leading advocate of heritage in this region.
The receipt of donations and gifts is
gratefully acknowledged, and, as a registered
charity, the FHF can issue tax receipts for
such gifts. Membership is open to all
individuals, businesses and corporations
interested in the aims and objectives of the
Foundation; new members are continually
sought and made welcome.
The Membership Committee is mainly
visible at the "welcome desk" at Foundation
functions, greeting members, recording
attendance and issuing name badges.
Renewals and new memberships can also be
taken at this time. Monies received and
contact information are shared with our
Accountant and Secretary so that our
membership records are kept up-to-date.
Members receive regular emails from
our Secretary giving advance notice and
reminders of Foundation activities and other
matters of general interest. Please make sure
that we have your current email address on
The success of our excellent speaker
series and large attendance at many
Foundation functions is, unfortunately,
challenged by the numbers. Our current
membership, comprising paid up, Life and
Institutional memberships, stands at 97. A
year ago at this time, I reported that this
number was 121…a 20% drop. Sadly, even as
we have attracted new members over the past
year, many past members have not renewed.
We have sent reminder letters and emails,
mailed out courtesy copies of ―Foundations‖
to lapsed members as a reminder, and with
our next mailing, we are about to make a lastditch effort to reach out to non-renewing
members from the past two years. We hope to
draw these lapsed members back into the
fold. The process of recruiting new members
and maintaining existing ones are ongoing
challenges for any organization, especially
for a heritage organization in a city with
many heritage groups, and during a period of
economic turmoil. The Membership
Committee would appreciate any suggestions,
comments or concerns re membership.
Respectfully submitted,
Marc Shaw
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
This report will be given verbally at the
The FHF greatly acknowledges the work of
Committee members:
Paul Christianson
Helen Finley
Peter Gower
Marc Shaw
Please use this space to take notes:
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
he Communications Committee is
comprised of Ed Grenda, Andrew
Hill, Mary Myers Marc Shaw and Lynne
Warren. Our role is to keep the FHF
membership and the general public informed
about Foundation activities, and to create
initiatives that increase membership and the
value of being a member.
 Representing the Foundation at outside
 Planning future initiatives (stay tuned for
more information in 2010!)
 Ongoing maintenance of the Foundation
Our Committee's work has included the
following during 2009:
website at
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Myers
 Printing and distributing of our
newsletter, Foundations. In 2009, there
were three editions: Vol. 36, Number 1,
Vol. 36, Numbers 2 and 3 (a large doubleissue) and Vol. 36, Number 4. The
Committee meets regularly to map out the
format and content of upcoming issues.
We are always happy to receive
suggestions and content. All contributors, especially the work submitted by
Andrew Hill and Marc Shaw's Editor is
gratefully acknowledged.
 Printing and distributing of other
Foundation publications, such as the
annual Heritage Restoration Awards
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
he Program Committee remains focused
on providing events for its Speaker and
Tour Series that are both entertaining and
educational. We have had continued success
with this program over the past year, and we
hope that members have enjoyed the venues
we have offered.
One of our objectives has been to
provide a variety of different types of venues.
As such we have enjoyed presentations on,
and tours of, members’ homes. Examples
include David Gaensbauer’s talk on his 226
King Street home last December, and a tour
of FHF Board member David Shurtleff’s
home back in June. More strictly educational
events have included Patrick Jenkins’ talk on
Heritage Masonry in March, and our tour of
Queen’s University Archives last November.
And then of course there are our seasonal
outings, such as our walking tour of Bath, our
visit to Hay Bay Church, and our trip to
Balleycanoe just last month.
All of these events continue to draw a
consistent crowd. On average we tend to get
about 20 people for each event. But it should
be noted that a good number of these are
regular attendees. We feel that, given the
amount of time and energy devoted to the
Speaker and Tour Series, and given the
Foundation’s membership base, this average
number could be higher. So we strongly
encourage any feedback you may have
regarding the program. We are always open
to event suggestions, and we have tried – in
most cases successfully – to incorporate these
into our program in the past.
Another thing we can do is to get the
word out better. We try to give members
notice of events by email, announcements in
Foundations, and by distributing a brochure
at the beginning of each year (or very nearly
so!). But please let us know if you feel that
some members are not receiving proper
Reaching a broader audience is
important too. In the past we have found that
announcing events by means of free local
listings, such as websites and newspapers, has
produced no discernable effect. So this year
we also produced a colour brochure that we
have been distributing to places like branches
of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library,
local coffee shops, City Hall, and the
Cataraqui Archaeological Research
Foundation. It is probably too early to tell if
this measure will be successful, but we are
hoping that this is one way in which we can
get the word out better.
Over the next year the Program
Committee will continue to strive to provide
FHF members with that are tailored to
inform, educate, and provide a means for
members to socialize on a regularly basis.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Hill
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Heritage Conservation Speaker & Tour Series 2008
 Jan. 8
Ernest Cromarty*, of Ernest A. Cromarty
Architect Inc.
Tour of the Empire Life red brick
building. King St. E.
Feb. 12
Nick Mather, President, Roof Tile Management
Inc.*, Mississauga
The restoration of heritage roofs
Mar 11
Sue Bazely, Executive Director, Cataraqui
Archaeological Research Foundation
Archaeology: The Foundation for
Good Restoration; at City Hall
April 8
Jennifer McKendry*, Architectural Historian
and author of books on Kingston architecture
Who did what when? researching
architectural history; at City Hall.
May 13
Ross Babcock, Odessa; Donald Babcock,
Loyalist Township; and Pat Beyer, Recreation
Director, Loyalist Township
Tour of Babcock Mill, built 1856,
June 10
Cynthia Flavelle, Fairfield Gutzeit Society
Tour of Fairfield Gutzeit House, built
1796. Meet at 341 Main Street, Bath.
July 12
Paul Christianson, President, Frontenac
Heritage Foundation and Emeritus Professor of
History, Queen‟s University
Tour of Garden Island restored
heritage properties. Meeting place to
be arranged. Limit 25 participants
Aug. 9
Diane & John Brisley, restorers of 1817
house, 1810 house & 1822 church. Lunch at
Waring House & afternoon visits to wineries in
heritage buildings (e.g., Closson Chase
Vineyards, The Grange of Prince Edward
Tour of “Brisley Village” in Prince
Edward County. Meet there on
Water Road, just east of Norton
Road, 15 km north of Picton.
Sept. 11
Wilma Kenny, author of Historical Walking
Tour of Sydenham. Optional bus transportation.
Tour of Sydenham village. Meeting
place to be arranged.
Oct. 14
Daphne Dean, Helen Finley and Marc Shaw,
owners of Kingston heritage income properties
Panel discussion on the restoration
of heritage income properties
Nov. 11
J. David Ariss, Architect, NORR Limited,
Architects & Engineers*
Talk and a potential tour concerning
the restoration of St. Helens
December: No event scheduled in memory of, and respect for, Sandy MacLachlan, FHF founding and
lifetime member, and restorer of log buildings.
* Recipients of FHF Heritage Restoration Certificates
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Heritage Conservation Speaker & Tour Series 2009
Unless otherwise stated, events are on the 2nd floor of the RCHA Club, 193 Ontario St, at 7:30PM
 Jan
Tour of 1827 home of Amanda Black and FHF
Board Member John Black. First home for the
fledgling Queen's University.
Colborne Street
Tour of the Princess of Wales Own Regiment
museum and back rooms. PWOR history.
Princess of Wales Own Regiment
100 Montreal Street, Kingston.
Ron Smith, Save Our Station, Kingston. Talk
about the “Outer Station,” built in 1855.
Memorial Hall.
April 14
Tour of Hochelaga Inn by owners Ron and
Anne Boyd.
Hochelaga Inn, 24 Sydenham Street
South, Kingston
May 12
FHF Annual General Meeting
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
June 9
Tour home of Marilyn Shurtleff and FHF Board
Member and Treasurer David Shurtleff.
2084 Highway 2 East,
July 18
2 pm
Walking tour of historic Bath Village, led by
volunteers of the Fairfield-Gutzeit Society.
Meet at the Fairfield-Gutzeit House,
341 Main Street,
August 15
2 pm
Tour of the Hay Bay Church: the first Methodist
Church in Canada, built in 1792.
2365 South Shore Road:
Meet at the Church
September 8
The Morton Brewery. Speaker: Sue Bazely,
Executive Director of the Cataraqui Archaeological Foundation (CARF). * Joint event with CARF.
Location TBA
October 13
2009 Heritage Conservation Awards.
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Queen‟s University Archives tour with Gillian
Queen‟s University Archives
Kathleen Ryan Hall
11 Medical Quadrangle
December 8
226 King Street East restoration: talk by owner
David Gaensbauer. Includes a „before and
after‟ slide presentation, followed by questions
and answers.
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
Terms Ending 2010
To be elected this year to the first year of a three year term:
Andrew Hill
Mary Myers
Not seeking re-election
John F. Black
Terms Ending 2011
Entering the third year of a three-year term:
Robert Crothers
Marc Shaw
Lynne Warren
Terms Ending 2012
Entering the second year of a three year term:
Paul Christianson
Peter Gower
Edward Grenda
Floyd Patterson
David Shurtleff
One three-year term vacancy to be filled.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Christianson
The Nominating Committee is comprised of Paul Christianson and Andrew Hill.
Annual General Meeting 2010
Frontenac Heritage Foundation