october 2015 winter issue 7 - Shree Wanza Community Leicester
october 2015 winter issue 7 - Shree Wanza Community Leicester
WANZA WINTER ISSUE 7 OCTOBER 2015 Contents 3 Wanza Surnames 4 Message from the Secretary 6-25 20th Anniversary Celebrations Booklet designed by Vimi Bhaven Gohil Sent to print by Divyesh Suresh Solanki Thanks to all youth committee members for gathering Shree Wanza Community Leicester the contents within this booklet. 26 Charity Corner 28 Navratri 30 SWCL Donations List 35 Membership 36 Children’s Christmas Party 37 Dates for the Diary 38 Navratri Dates 2 Wanza Logo with Surnames Shree Wanza Community Leicester 3 001 Message from the Secretary Jai Gopal, Jai Hingraj Maa I would like to take this opportunity to send my warmest greetings on this auspicious occasion of Navratri and Diwali to everyone. I express my sincere gratitude to the members of the Trustee Board along with the Management Committee of Shree Wanza Community Leicester, and not forgetting our Youth Committee who have worked tirelessly delivering a number of events. I am so proud of our Youth Committee; not only do they support the Main Committee, they organise a number of events during the year and engage in all types of occasions and challenges. Amazingly taking the lead in religious events, singing garbas, Hanuman Chalisa, bhajans and, as we witnessed at recent events, they are fluent with “shloks” and explaining them in detail, which is very important for our younger generation and which, in turn, will encourage other youth to get involved. One of the highlights of this year was the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the opening of our Gnati Centre (Community Centre) over the August bank holiday. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and, most significantly, the sthaapanaa (establishment) of a Shiv Bhagwan murti in our Mandir. Shree Wanza Community Leicester 4 We have completed many projects this year including the much-needed stair lift for the elderly and disabled to our Hingraj Maa Mandir, the replacement of the old ‘back gate’, and the development of a brand new baby changing room. However, it still feels that we have a lot yet to deliver and, through the community’s moral and financial support (which was evident during our 20th Anniversary Celebration), we are now able to turn vision into reality. With your continuing support, I am confident our Community Centre will further improve in the future. I would like to recognise the fantastic work we have done and also the mountain of good work that still needs to be carried out as far as the Community’s progress is concerned. I would like to urge you all to come forward with your suggestions and support by getting involved in delivering the events or a specific project. You can join a number of sub-teams that have been formed. For example, sub-teams for the Mandir, General Maintenance and Refurbishment, Wedding and Bereavement, PA System, Garba Competition, Hall Booking, Income Generation, Website, Navratri and Diwali... the list is endless! Finally, I pray to Hingraj Maa and Guru Gopal Lal that we have many opportunities to make further improvements to our Gnati Centre and celebrate important events together at our Centre. Jayesh Vithal Parmar SWCL Secretary Shree Wanza Community Leicester 5 002 20th Anniversary Celebrations An Overview Jai Gopal, Jai Hingraj Maa From castles to a cottage, a building is essentially composed of walls made of bricks which are provided with founding support and structure by strong, upstanding cornerstones and pillars with, of course, a protective and sheltering ceiling or roof overhead. Similarly, what makes a community strong and vibrant is the character and calibre of the individual members, many of whom are pre-destined to play out their roles as strong bricks, whilst some others manifest their roles as upright cornerstones and pillars, all behaving according to their respective Praalabhds (future destiny) and pre-ordained Bhumikaas (role in life). The ‘roof’ over our particular community’s ‘head’, I believe, is comprised of the grace of our Kul-Devi, Mata Hingraj, and the enduring moral values and ancestral traditions of our Purvajos (founding ancestors or Kul), derived from Guru Gopal Lal’s teachings on vegetarianism, spiritual enlightenment, and a peaceful and harmonious existence in society with goodwill towards all living beings. Indeed, it is the spirit of its inhabitants which imbues a building with life and humanity where an atithi (guest) is held in the same regard as the Divine Being itself. With time, part of the Shree Wanza Community Leicester 6 gnatibandhus’ (community members’) collective ‘soul’ becomes imparted within the walls of the community’s ‘home’, giving it a light with which it shines. It is my personal belief that the social and spiritual growth and development of a person’s character is underpinned by not only by the four Purshaarths (Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha) explained to him or her during the marriage ceremony, but also by Gyaan,Yoga (Yogic path of knowledge), Dhaarnaa (concentration) and Sewaa (selfless service). True knowledge of the Divine (Gyaan) will ultimately lead to increasing closeness to It (Yoga). This will ensure the transference of Its divine qualities and attributes into the receiving soul (Dhaarnaa) which, in turn, will transform the person’s thoughts (Mansaah), speech or words (Vaachaa) and actions or deeds (Karmanaa) positively into selfless service (Sewaa). This is why the Srimad Bhagwad Gita refers to the mantras: ‘’Munn manaa bhava’’ and ‘’Maamekam yaad karo’’, meaning ‘’devote your mind to Me’’ and ‘’let your intellect always remain in My remembrance’’. This forms the basis of positive thinking. In terms of a community, positive mindsets will eventually result in increased sneh (mutual affection), sangathan (solidarity) and samrudhi (wealth and prowess). Just look how strong and united the Yaadavas (ancestral lineage in which Krishna was born) were with Lord Sri Krishna as their Swami. Everyone who contributed their services in the 20th Anniversary Celebrations are more than worthy of praise, including many of the young professional generation, but what I personally found particularly invigorating was to see our very own graduate of Sandipani Vidyaniketan in Porbandar, India, Krunalbhai Bhagwanji Makwana, becoming an inspirational beacon to our youth for spiritual development alongside wider social progress. This is essential in the modern era to maintain our underpinning moral and cultural values through a deeper understanding of the true meaning and purpose behind our ancient Vedic religious rites and rituals. Even vyavichaari bhakti (faith in any potential divine being) needs an ultimate aim, which is Paramaatma. Over the past 20 years since its formal inception, Shree Wanza Community’s Centre has proved to be of great service not only to Wanza gnatibandhus, but also to members of the wider community, many of whom have recognised its potential as premises for holding religious discourses, communal prayers, elocution contests, engagement ceremonies and weddings, and even hobby events like model car racing. The community’s perennial religious functions of Janmashtami Mahotsav, Navratri and Havan Yagna, Sharad Shree Wanza Community Leicester 7 Poonam and Diwali celebrations have been also held within its premises with much joy and enthusiasm over the years. In his inaugural speech, President John F Kennedy said once, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” It fills me with immense pride, joy and enthusiasm to observe that this ethos seems to have transmitted into the characters of my younger Wanza brothers and sisters and Wanza children, who are beginning to assume various responsibilities for the community’s activities with natural zeal and confidence. All that is really required is subtle, unobtrusive direction and encouragement from some of the more experienced Management Committee members for this wealth of potential to be manifested. This was made abundantly clear in the manner in which the 20th Anniversary Celebrations were conceived, organised, directed and executed, with all Wanza generations becoming involved. My congratulations to the organisers and participants and our yajmaan, Laljibhai, Satishbhai and Kiritbhai Nanji Govind Visawadia and their families, for recognising this potential and rising magnificently to the occasion to invest their faith and support Wanza Community’s youth in their efforts to further enhance and develop the potential of our Community Centre and human resources for the rising younger generation. Sunil Dahyalal Sonigra SWCL President Shree Wanza Community Leicester 8 003 ુ ીટી શ્રી વાાંઝા કોમ્યન , ૨૦ વર્ષ ઉજવણી. તારીખ ૨૯, ૩૦, ૩૧ ઓગસ્ટ ૨૦૧૫, બેંક હોીડે વવક એન્ડ, ક્યારે ય ના ભ ૂાય તેવા દિવસો.ખરે ખર ખુબજ આનાંિ કયો. તાયીખ ૨૯, ળનનલાયે એફી ાર્ક ભાાં સ્ોર્ટક વ થી ળરૂઆત ર્યી. સ્ોર્ટક વ ભાાં નાના છોર્યા છોર્યીઓ એ નલનલધ યભતો યભી આનાંદ રીધો અને ભોટા, પુરુો અને ભહશરાઓ દયે ર્ે ણ બાગ રીધો અને ોતાનુ ાં ફચણ માદ ર્યુ.ું યભતો યભીને દયે ર્ ર્ોમ્યુનીટી વેન્ટયે આવ્મા. અશી લાાંઝા ળેપ ની ર્ોમ્ીટીળન યાખેર, જેભાાં ૪૦ જેટરા વ્મક્તતઓએ બાગ રીધેર, નલનલધ લાનગીઓ ઘયે થી ફનાલી ને રઇ આલેર, જેભાાં રેસ્ટય ફશાય થી ર્ોલેન્રી થી અભાયા જીજાજી વચચનકુ ભાય ણ ડીઝ્રટ ફનાલી ને રઇ આલેર. આલો ભોર્ો શેરીલાય ભળ્મો ર્ે દયે ર્ ળેપ ોતાની ર્ા પ્રદનળિત ર્યી ળર્મા, અને ફહુ ફધી નલનલધ લાનગીઓનો સ્લાદ ચાખલા ભળ્મો. જજ્વ ણ મુશ્ર્ેરીભાાં મુર્ાઈ ગમેર ર્ે ર્ેને શેરો નાંફય આલો, ર્ાયણ ર્ે લાનગીઓ દે ખાલ ભાાં અને સ્લાદ ભાાં અદ્દભુત શતી. તાયીખ ૩૦, યનલલાય, ૧૨ લાગ્માથી બોજન અને ત્માય ફાદ ૨ લાગ્મા છી થી લેયામટી ળો ચાલુ થમો. "૧૯૪૭ થી આજ હદલવ સુધી ની માત્રા" દળાક લત ુાં નાટર્, અને તે નાટર્ ના બાગ રૂે આલતી દયે ર્ આઈટમ જેલીર્ે ટીપ્ણી, રાઈલમ્યુઝીર્ ળો લગેયે એટલુાં આફેહુફ શતુ ાં ર્ે દયે ર્ ને ોતાનો દે ળ બાયત અને આહિર્ા ની માદ તાજી ર્યાલી ગમો. નાટર્ નાના અને ભોટે યાઓને ોતાના જીલન ની માત્રા ર્યાલતુ ાં શતુ.ાં અભો ફધાએ ખુફજ એન્જોમ ર્યુ.ું વાભાન્મ યીતે ફાર્ો ર્ઈ ર્યે એટરે ભાતા- નતાને ગલક થામ ણ આ નાટર્ ભાાં અભાયા ભાતા- નતા ને સ્ટે જ ઉય જોઇ અને આટલુાં વારુાં યપોભકન્વ જોઇને અભોને ખુફજ ગલક થયુ ાં અને આળા છે ર્ે આલતા ર્ામકક્રભો ભાાં લડીરો ખુફજ ઉત્વાશ થી બાગ લ્મે. અભાયી આજુ ફાજુ ૫૦ - ૬૦ ની ઉય ના લડીરો જે ર્શેતા શતા ર્ે “આલો બવ્મ ર્ામકક્રભ અભોએ ક્યાયે મ ભાણેર નથી, અભો બાયત અને આહિર્ા યશેર તે હદલવો માદ ર્યાલી દીધા”. તાયીખ ૩૧, વોભલાય, નળલજી મ ૂનતિ ની ળોબા માત્રા છી, નલવાલડીમા હયલાય ના શાથે પ ૂજન અને સ્થાન લગેયે પ્રવાંગો ખયે ખય ક્યાયે મ ભ ૂરામ નહશ તેલા માદગાય ફની ગમા. આ પ્રવાંગે રખુ ાં તો રખલાનુ ાં તો ઘણુાં છે , ણ તેના મોગ્મ ળબ્દો ભતા નથી. એર્ ળબ્દ નો Article by Hemangi Gohel Shree Wanza Community ઉમોગ ર્રુાં તો "અદ્દભુત" તે ણ નાનો રાગે છે . ઇસ્ટ ઓર વેસ્ટ "શ્રી વાાંઝા કોમ્યુનીટી ેસ્ટર" ઈઝ ધ બેસ્ટ. Leicester 9 004 20th Anniversary Celebrations Wanza Fun Day To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Shree Wanza Community Centre, a three-day celebration took place. One of the events organised by the Youth Committee was a ‘Wanza Fun Day’ for both children and adults and, after months of preparation, the day was finally here! The weather was absolutely perfect and people of all ages came to participate. Before the games could begin, children and adults were taken through warm up exercises and then divided into teams – we had the Gorgeous Greens, Yellow Sunflowers, Red Devils and Pink Power… I was part of the Yellow Sunflowers… Go Sunflowers! In our teams, we completed various games, including trying to untangle ourselves when playing Human Knot and running as fast as we could in Ram Raja Ravan, which was my favourite game. After a quick break, the competition games could begin and each team wanted to win! The games included a relay event, an ‘eggand-spoon’ race (using golfballs instead of eggs and plastic spoons from the Wanza kitchen), an obstacle course and the three-legged race which was quite tricky, but great fun! Throughout the day it was really great to see adults Shree Wanza Community Leicester 10 as well as young children participate in all of the games – I secretly think the adults were having more fun! Everyone was a winner and, at the end of the day, participants were awarded medals. It is clear to say that the Wanza Fun Day was a huge success because everyone had a great time! Priya Parmar Committee Member SWCL Youth Committee Shree Wanza Community Leicester 11 005 20th Anniversary Celebrations Wanz - A - Chef The unique Wanz-A-Chef Competition was held on Saturday 29th August, the first day of our 20th Anniversary Celebrations. It was great to see the three-day event start on such a high note. There were three categories: starters, mains and desserts. We had a total of 42 entries across all three categories. Chefs came in all shapes and sizes; young and old, male and female, first-timers and professionals. We even had entries from outside Leicester. This showed the enthusiasm shown by Wanzas all over UK to take part in the celebrations. Those present on the day will have seen how well the dishes were made and presented. It was amazing to see such great talent shown by our Wanza chefs! Everyone got a chance to taste the various items and will agree with us about how tasty they were! 7 layer Mexican dip, patties, bhajia, cone chaat, chilli paneer, khandvi, noodles, paneer cannelloni, lasagne, Jamaican curry, Moroccon kebab, uttapam, Chinese delight, passion fruit ravioli, cheesecake, rasmalai, pop cakes, oreo Shree Wanza Community Leicester 12 cake and shrikhand cheesecake are just a few highlights of the many delicious dishes made! The standard was extremely high and the judges found it very difficult to choose one winner in each category. The winning dishes were: Starters: Bird’s Nest Chaat by Hema Vinod Shikotra Mains: Biryani by Harsha Dinesh Solanki Desserts: Apple Roses by Sunita Milan Sonigra A BIG thank you goes out to all the participants for making this event such a huge success. Their time and effort has been very much appreciated. Also, thanks to all who helped us set up the display and organise the event. The wonderful fruit and cake display was kindly prepared by some nonparticipants. Well done to all! Beena Shikotra, Ela Shikotra and Simi Nandha Wanz-A-Chef Coordinators SCWL Committee Members Shree Wanza Community Leicester 13 006 20th Anniversary Celebrations Variety Show The Variety Show was planned for the second day of Shree Wanza Community Centre’s 20th Anniversary Celebrations. It was decided that the show would start with a rousing praarthanaa (prayer) and all performances would follow a time-line covering the last five decades of our history. The audience would be taken on a journey from the time Wanzas migrated from India to Africa and then to the United Kingdom. The show would be informative, entertaining and interactive – giving the audience a chance to reflect upon and share their personal experiences. A team was put together to write an outline script for the show, making sure there was an unbroken thread linking each performance. There would also be a unique audio-visual presentation (AV) between performances and audience interaction sessions to help maintain the theme. Participants were found for the praarthanaa, sketches, dances, audience interaction and the finale. Behind the scenes, there was a team of youth working on the props, the sound system and the AV presentation. The script was re-written several times and the AV perfected over the months. Practices were held over three months and, like for our Diwali Shows, a tremendous effort Shree Wanza Community Leicester 14 was put in by all participants, parents, organisers and backstage teams. Our sister organisations in the UK and abroad gave us their full support and, where possible, happily contributed with sketches and dance performances. The end result was a fantastic show which started auspiciously with an uplifting Gayatri Mantra performed beautifully by a group of young children. This set the scene for the rest of the show where the audience were kept engaged and entertained and they applauded each and every item with great encouragement. Thanks to them, we had a successful chadaavo (fundraiser) for the Shiv Murti sthaapanaa and numerous pledges of donations to the Community. We all had a chance to re-live our history in an interesting and hilarious way and were able to pick up a few words of Swahili too! The grand finale was breath-taking as everyone was on their feet, dancing and singing the Hanuman Chalisa as a figure of Hanumanji holding a Shiv Linga descended from the top of the balcony, along the length of the main hall and on to the stage, bringing with him his blessings and a promise of raksha (protection) and hope for all Wanzas. The Variety Show has brought togetherness and unity locally and with sister organisations across the UK and abroad, too. A great deal of new, or indeed hidden talent, has been discovered and young and old members alike have had the opportunity to gain useful skills and experience. The young members in particular have proved to us that they have the talent and willingness to take the Community forward and above all they are proud to be Wanza. Variety Show Team Shree Wanza Community Leicester 15 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 16 An Inspiration to Support a Coherent Community It was a nostalgic moment. In a unique celebration of harmony, hundreds of Wanza brothers and sisters came together for day two of Shree Wanza Community Centre’s 20th Anniversary Celebration; the much anticipated Variety Show. As people in the audience relived their nostalgic moments of when they lived in India and Kenya, the show reminded me of the many stories that my Baa had told me, and of my time in Nairobi. The realisation came very quickly that it is our culture and values that has kept us together; and despite our vast move from our main base in India, our culture has not diluted. In fact, very much the opposite; it has become stronger and still very much instilled in the families and youth of today. The Variety Show was a brilliant combination of traditional Hindu celebrations with a modern twist, demonstrating that we have embraced the African and the English culture, yet maintained our values and beliefs through the years. All the items were show-stoppers that kept every individual engaged, with something for the very young right through to our elders. The turnout and support throughout the weekend demonstrates that our identity remains resolutely a part of us and within our culturally-rich community. Jai Gopal! Anonymous Variety Show Audience Member Shree Wanza Community Leicester 17 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 18 007 20th Anniversary Celebrations Shiv Yatra, Abhishek and Sthaapanaa To conclude the 20th Anniversary Celebrations of our Centre, the third day was devoted exclusively to Shiva Bhagwaan and his worship. This marked a historic event within our history; installing a murti of Shiva Bhagwaan within our Mandir. The day started with the yajmaan parivaar arriving early and conducting the required ceremonies for Ganesh Bhagwaan, Navagraha (the 9 planets of Hindu Astrology) and Kalasha Sthaapana (reverence to the 5 great elements). By this time devotees were arriving to commence the shobha yatra (graceful procession) and the Shiva murti was joyously circumambulated around the premises. The procession was accompanied by various dhuns and chants of Shiva Bhagwaan sung with deep devotion, and then concluded with garba around Mahadev. Having completed the shobha yatra, the murti was seated back onto the stage to commence the Shiva Puja. The priest, whilst reciting ancient hymns, consecrated the murti of Shiva Shree Wanza Community Leicester 19 Bhagwaan and explained the significance of the ceremony and the reason behind the various rituals. These rituals were also explained in English for the benefit of the youth. Once the Shiva Puja concluded, an opportunity was given to all devotees to come and offer abhishek to Shiva Bhagwaan with milk and water. During this period, bhajans, dhuns and hymns of various kinds were recited, creating a memorable moment in the history of Wanza Leicester. Once all devotees had offered abhishek, the first aarti was performed of the deity before devotees headed for lunch. After having lunch and seeking the permission of Shiva Bhagwaan, another joyful procession commenced with the yajmaan parivaar bringing the murti from the main hall to the Mandir. The yajmaan parivaar then seated the murti of Shiva Bhagwaan in the Mandir whilst ancient Vedic hymns were recited. A murti of Mataji was also moved into a new position on the opposite side of the Shiva Bhagwaan murti. Thus concluded the three day celebrations of a marked occasion in the history of Wanza Leicester. Shree Wanza Community Leicester 20 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 21 Why Shiva? Before answering “Why Shiva?”, let us discuss who Shiva is and his significance in our ancient tradition. The term ‘Shiva’ can be loosely translated from Sanskrit to mean auspicious. Thus, according to Vedic lore, Shiva Bhagwaan is the embodiment of all auspiciousness. In our tradition, though we accept many divinities who represent the various aspect of one supreme reality, our aachaaryas (spiritual guides) have named 5 deities for the simplification of worship. They are: 1. Ganesh 2. Shakti 3. Shiva 4. Vishnu 5. Surya Now in our temple, we already have Ganesh, Shakti in the form of Hingraj Mata, Vishnu in the form of Krishna Bhagwaan and Rama Bhagwaan, and we also have Surya in the form of Guru Gopal Lalji. Now you may be wondering, “How can Surya, the sun God, be Guru Gopal Lal?” Good question. In our scriptures, we refer to Surya as Aadi Guru (the first spiritual master), thus, in his place, we have his most authoritative representative in our society as our guru, Guru Gopal Lal. Taking the above into account, who is missing? Correct! Shiva Bhagwaan was our missing link. By ‘installing’ Shiva Bhagwaan within our Mandir, we are now continuing the preservation of the oldest living tradition known to man. Krunal Makwana SWCL Member Shree Wanza Community Leicester 22 Janmasthmi Celebrations Shree Wanza Community Leicester 23 20th Anniversary Celebrations Messages from Sister Organisations Vanza Mandal On behalf of the Trustees and Management Committee of Vanza Mandal, I would like to congratulate Shree Wanza Community Leicester on celebrating the 20th anniversary of its Gnati Centre & Mandir. It was a great pleasure to see the youth of Wanza Leicester, with the guidance of the elders, organising such an event and setting the foundations of the future generations. May Mata Hingraj and Guru Gopal Lal bless you all. Nila Kishor Solanki President Vanza Mandal ___________________________________ Wanza Samaj UK Jai Gopal & Jai Hingraj Once more on behalf of Trustees, Executive Committee and general members of Wanza Samaj UK, our congratulations to Wanza Community of Leicester on its Centre’s 20th anniversary. All of the three day event was organised wonderfully and we really appreciate the hard work and effort that the entire committee has put to mark this event successful. I enjoyed being a part of Shree Wanza Community Leicester seeing the arrival of Shiv Bhagwaan on the Monday, the Shiv Puja and getting the chance to do Abhishek. I would like to thank Wanza Leicester for giving me an opportunity to say few words on behalf of the Wanza Samaj UK. Wishing you all best wishes Sunita Chudasama President of Wanza Samaj UK ___________________________________ The Vanza Society of London Jai Gopal & Jai Hingraj to all Vanza Bandhus, My thanks for your kind invitation to attend the 20th Anniversary Celebrations of the Shree Wanza Community Centre (SWCC). This occasion specially served to mark the goalpost for reaching 20 years of the Community Centre. My heartfelt thanks to all your members for receiving my wife and I and other committee members with warm conviviality. The wonderful programme was extremely well presented and performed. The interaction with the Community was immensely impressionable. It is my honour to extend my warm 24 20th Anniversary Celebrations Messages from Sister Organisations felicitations to the Wanza Leicester Youth Committee who organised much of the event. It gives me immense pleasure and pride to convey my best wishes and congratulations to each and every one who put together the tremendous programme depicting how Vanzas have progressed since arrival to this country to present date. Finally, this period of 20 years has seen Shree Wanza Community Leicester flourish and become a source of pride for all the Vanza Communities, here and abroad. May you continue for many years to come. Best wishes to the present Management and Youth Committees. May you go forward and fulfil your goals. May Mata Hingraj and Gopal Lal Maharaj give you all strength and vision to reach great pinnacles. Arvind Popatlal Solanki President The Vanza Society of London ___________________________________ their Community Centre and Mandir of our revered Kul-Devi, Mata-Hingraj. I would like to thank the Trustees and the Committee Members of Shree Wanza Community Leicester for inviting me and the members of The Vanza Community of South London to be part of the celebrations. It was an enormous privilege to attend the celebrations and to be given the opportunity to address the Community. Let us pray to Hingraj Maa and Guru Gopal Lal for every individual to bring strength and prosperity in uniting all Vanza communities. The Trustees and the Executive Committee Members of The Vanza Community of South London congratulate all the past and present Trustees, Committee Members and the supporting Community Members of the Shree Wanza Community Leicester for their dedication to accomplishing such a beautiful and vibrant Community Centre. Jai Gopal. The Vanza Society of South London Jai Shree Krishna and Jai Gopal, Congratulations to Shree Wanza Community Leicester on successfully celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Shree Wanza Community Leicester Jyotika Bharkhada Chairperson The Vanza Society of South London 25 008 “ Charity Corner The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer. ” ― Mahatma Gandhi Jai Gopal Navratri and Diwali are just around the corner, which means it’s also time for our annual Food Bank Collection. Over the past two years, we have been organising a food bank over the festive period and, as a community, we have raised over £1,000 worth of food (over 600 kg). This has all subsequently been donated within the Leicestershire region to families who have fallen on tough times. The support and response from all gnati (community) members has been overwhelming and your continued support is appreciated. Just to put things into perspective, last year, 43,181 people were provided with 3 days of emergency food, with 37% of that number being children. This is up by 7,00 people in comparison to the previous year. Just let that sink in... 16,000 children in the East Midlands were below the poverty line. It is clear that people are still finding it hard to get basic necessities, and it’s even more unfortunate that children are suffering also. It is often the simplest things we take for granted, Shree Wanza Community Leicester 26 e.g. food on the table, and yet parents are starving to ensure their children eat. I am hoping we can build on our previous years’ successes and gather even more food this year to help families in need in the East Midlands. Vinoobhai Wadher & Subodhbhai Thaker are organising a project whereby used (but useable) stainless steel utensils are being collected and then subsequently shipped to India for distribution in the Karnataka district. The collection of these will run alongside the Food Collection. So please bring along any utensils you can spare, along with generous offerings of non-perishable food (e.g. that in tin cans). I am also looking to arrange a Wanza team of 4 to run the Leicester Half Marathon Relay and am looking for runners. If this is something you would like to be a part of then please let me know. Leicester Half Marathon Relay 2016 - Get in touch now. If you would like to get in touch please contact me on chirag_parmar87@ hotmail.com or 07527 786 772. Thank you once again for your contribution towards these worthy causes. Chirag Jayprakash Parmar Treasurer & Vice President SWCL Youth Committee Shree Wanza Community Leicester 27 009 Navratri Flashy outfits… 12-step raas… vibrant music… spinning garba… disco dandia… The words above are what we have come to associate with Navratri nowadays. It’s an exciting time of year, the start of the Hindu festive season for many, not to mention a chance to dress up and let your hair down. ...but when it comes to understanding what the significance of Navratri is all about, a lot of us become unstuck. At most, you may get a meek “It’s the time when Ram fought Ravan”. You’ll be lucky to get much more from most people. Including you, I’m assuming. It’s imperative for the preservation of Dharma that we actually understand the significance of what we do at Navratri, otherwise we’re just party-seekers, not modern Hindus. So here’s a quick breakdown of what it’s all about.... Significance of Navratri – Shakti Shree Wanza Community Leicester The main significance of Navratri is about Shakti, energy in the form of the Mother. Energy is important because Brahman is the all-pervading, omnipresent “God” that Hindus 28 believe in, but really this is simply energy (note that this fits perfectly with science!) The incarnations of bhagwaan we all know are simply manifestations of that energy in a form we can relate to. Why Energy in the Form of the Mother? Good question... It must be clear to us that all of the positive aspects of Dharma can be encapsulated by the nature of a Mother (hence why each day of Navratri worships a different form of Shakti). Here’s a breakdown of the three main incarnations of Shakti (energy in the form of the Mother) that Navratri highlights: Days 1-3 – Durga – The Wrathful Form – The Mother needs to manifest herself in such a wrathful form to remind us to destroy our impurities, vices, defects and bad habits. Days 4-6 – Lakshmi – The Spiritual Form – The Mother is the giver of spiritual wealth and so manifests herself in this form to remind us to progress ourselves spiritually in every way possible. Days 7-9 – Saraswati – The Wise Form – The Mother is the prime source of knowledge and so manifests herself in this form to ensure we continue to strive for true knowledge of Dharma and then put it into practise. All three of these aspects are needed in our lives to ensure that we can achieve Dharmic all-round success in life. And now you know the true significance of Navratri! Easy as that. So the next time you do garba and raas, spend a little time in front of the deities thinking about each of these three aspects and see how your Navratri experience spectacularly improves. Bhavin Davdra Committee Member SWCL Youth Committee Shree Wanza Community Leicester 29 010 SWCL Donations List Ways to donate Post cheque to: Shree Wanza Community 31 Pasture Lane Leicester LE1 4EY Bank Transfer Barclays Bank Sort Code 20-49-11 Account Number 70925462 Please quote your full name and advise us. Shree Wanza Community Leicester 20th Anniversary Refurbishment and Loans Repayment Scheme Below is a list of donors who have either donated or pledged during the 20th Anniversary Celebrations and contributed towards projects and loan repayment schemes. A list with names of those who donated or pledged before the 20th Anniversary Celebrations was published in the last newsletter. You can still donate towards the schemes. All donations are greatly appreciated. The schemes are as follows: • £1,108 – Remembrance plaque in honour of a departed family member(s) • £301 or more – Name displayed on the donation board • £101 – Names will be published in the 20th anniversary event souvenir booklet 30 Below is a list of donors who have either donated or pledged during the 20th Anniversary Celebrations Surname Forename Middlename Town Pledged/Donated Bhadracen Rashik-Leicester£21.00 BhadresaHaridasVallabhdas London£25.00 BhadresaNilaMansukhLeicester£125.00 BhadresaRashmi-Coventry£20.00 Bharakhada Late Rambhaben & Popatlal Purshottam London£1,108.00 Bharakhada MansukhVithalLeicester£20.00 Bharakhada MohanlalMakanLeicester£25.50 Bharakhada RameshPopatlalLondon£20.00 BhundiaAmarSubhashLeicester£301.00 BhundiaDipakRameshLeicester£301.00 BhundiaJitendraJeramNottingham £10.00 BhundiaKantiDevjiHarrow£301.00 BhundiaKaushikJeramLeicester£10.25 BhundiaMohanlalRaghavjiLondon£20.00 BhundiaNathalalKhimjiLeicester£30.00 Bhundia Sailesh Zaverilal Enfield £20.00 Borkhataria KantilalHemrajLeicester£10.00 ChauhanLilaJayantHarrow£251.00 ChavdaLate Ranjit MohanlalLeicester£51.00 Chudasama AmeetVinuHarrow£10.00 GohelHarishkumar RatanshiLeicester£31.00 GohilBhavenIshwerlalLeicester£301.00 GohilBhaveshChandrakant Stratford£20.00 GohilDhirajlalRavilalLeicester£25.25 GohilJagdishMeghjiNottingham £25.00 GohilJaswantiben -Leicester£20.00 GohilJayantiLaljiCoventry£21.25 GohilKishoreRanchhod Leicester£51.00 GohilMadhavjiDayaLeicester£10.00 GohilNavinRavilalLeicester£35.00 GohilPravinDevjiLeicester£20.00 GohilRajuGovindHampshire £50.00 GohilSubashDevjiCoventry£25.00 GohilSureshKanjiLeicester£240.00 HarjaiSurinder & MadhuLeicester£10.00 JadavArvindBhagwanji London£51.00 JethwaHimatlalRavjiLeicester£10.00 JethwaJagjivanMuljiLeicester£25.25 Jethwa Late Amratben & JadavjiKanjiLeicester£1,108.00 JethwaLate Gordhan GigaLeicester£31.50 JethwaLate Manilal JadavjiLeicester£1,101.00 Jethwa Late Ravji Kara Gokal London £51.00 JethwaLate Vinay HimatlalLeicester£25.00 JethwaNileshHimatlalLondon£20.00 JethwaPankajJayantilalLeicester£10.00 JethwaPurshottam MuljiLeicester£10.00 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 31 Below is a list of donors who have either donated or pledged during the 20th Anniversary Celebrations Surname Forename Middlename Town Pledged/Donated JethwaRajHimatlalLondon£20.00 JethwaRamaJayantilalLeicester£25.00 MakwanaAshwinRanchhod London£10.00 MakwanaAzadLaxmidasLeicester£10.00 MakwanaBabulalDevjiLeicester£101.00 MakwanaBhartibenKeshavjiLondon£51.00 MakwanaDayaben-Leicester£20.00 MakwanaJayshreeMuljiNorthwood £51.00 MakwanaKaushikVithaldasSwinton£25.00 MakwanaPravinHarilalLondon£325.25 MakwanaRajendraDevjiLondon£20.00 MakwanaRanchhod KanjiLeicester£20.00 MakwanaVithaldasRamjiIlford£151.00 MandalVanzaIlford£250.00 MandaliaDilipBhagwanji London£20.00 MandaliaDineshKarsanLeicester£20.00 MandaliaHarishDevjiPinner£25.00 MandaliaJeramMohanlalLeicester£20.00 MandaliaLaljiAmarshiLeicester£5.00 Mandalia Late Jethiben & DevjiPunjaLeicester£1,108.00 Mandalia Late Lalji Tapu Bhimji Leicester £51.00 Mandalia Mirren Ramniklal Wellingborough£301.00 MandaliaNileshGirdharRickmansworth £20.00 MandaliaRajeshDevjiLeicester£10.00 Mandalia Late Savitaben & ArjanDevjiLeicester£1,108.00 Mandalia & BrothersTapu Govind Kara Coventry£25.00 MandaliaTusharHarjivanLeicester£20.00 MandaliaUmeshShantilalLeicester£301.00 MandaliaVijyabenSavjiWellingborough £30.00 Mandalia & BrothersRamnikMohanlalHarrow£25.00 Mandaliya PankajPrabhudas Leicester£50.00 MistryDipen-Leicester£11.00 NandhaAshwinJeramLeicester£10.00 NandhaBacubhaiBhovanLondon£100.00 NandhaBhagwanji NaranLondon£20.00 NandhaHarishDevjiLeicester£10.00 Nandha Late Kiran, Devkuvarben & DevjiDudaLeicester£1,108.00 NandhaKishanBhagwanji London£10.00 NandhaKishorBhovan Kara London£30.00 Nandha Late Dayaben & Ghelabhai MadhavjiLeicester£1,108.00 NandhaSharmilaKiranLeicester£301.00 NandhaVijayDayalalLeicester£25.00 PadhiyarChandrakant PopatlalLeicester£11.00 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 32 Below is a list of donors who have either donated or pledged during the 20th Anniversary Celebrations Surname Forename Middlename Town Pledged/Donated ParmarAmritlalVirjiLeicester£101.00 ParmarBabulalNathalalWembley£101.00 ParmarBhartiben-Leicester£50.00 ParmarChandrakant LaljiLeicester£51.00 ParmarDevjiVirjiLeicester£20.00 ParmarDineshPopatlalLeicester£10.00 ParmarHiteshVithalLeicester£10.00 ParmarJamnadas KanjiLeicester£51.25 ParmarJamnadas ValjiRomford£50.00 ParmarJayantilalVithalLeicester£11.00 ParmarJayprakash MuljibhaiLeicester£21.00 ParmarJentilalLaljiLeicester£111.00 ParmarKantilalNathalalLondon£25.00 ParmarKasturbenDayaljiLeicester£351.75 ParmarKhimjiKurjiLondon£20.00 ParmarKhimjiVirjiLeicester£25.00 ParmarLakhmanVirjiLeicester£20.00 ParmarMahendra Dharamshi Leicester£25.00 ParmarMaheshRughnathLeicester£10.00 ParmarMiteshVinod Leicester£301.00 ParmarPragjiMuljiLeicester£11.00 ParmarPrashantVinodRugby£301.00 ParmarPurshottam SavjiLeicester£20.00 ParmarRajenJayantilalLeicester£20.00 ParmarRameshNathuLeicester£20.00 ParmarShantaben ShantilalLeicester£301.00 ParmarShantilalLiladharLeicester£301.00 ParmarShashikant MorarjiLeicester£10.00 ParmarVasantNathuLeicester£10.00 ParmarVashramLaxmanMelton Keynes £20.00 ParmarVinodVithalLeicester£20.00 PatelMitulPrafulLondon£10.00 PithiaSurendraTrikamlalNorthants£10.25 RamjiJyotsna-Leicester£100.00 SamajWanza-Harrow£501.00 ShikotraElaMukeshLeicester£301.00 ShikotraHarishMadhavjiLeicester£30.00 ShikotraJagdishMadhavjiManchester £20.00 ShikotraMayurGovindLeicester£301.00 ShikotraNarendraKeshavjiLeicester£25.00 ShikotraPragnaPrabhudas Wigan£301.00 ShikotraSuryakantMadhavjiLeicester£25.00 SikotraGopaljiNathaLeicester£25.00 SikotraHimatlalKaraLeicester£25.00 SikotraLate Narshi KaraLeicester£1,108.00 Society of LondonVanza Wembley £501.00 SolankiDineshOdhavjiLeicester£101.00 SolankiJaysukhDevshiLeicester£21.25 SolankiKapilabenMansukhlal Leicester£10.00 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 33 Below is a list of donors who have either donated or pledged during the 20th Anniversary Celebrations Surname Forename Middlename Town Pledged/Donated SolankiKishorDevjiLondon£25.25 SolankiSanjayKeshavjiLeicester£10.00 SolankiSureshMadhavjiLeicester£25.00 SolankiVarshaChandulal Leicester£11.00 SolankiVijyaben-Leicester£10.00 SonigraMadhurMeghjiHarrow£301.00 SonigraManharVisramLeicester£21.00 SonigraMathurMeghjiHarrow£40.00 SonigraRanjitBachubhai Leicester£25.00 SonigraSavitabenHansrajLeicester£101.00 Sonigra & Family Chanduben Karsan London £101.25 South London Vanza Community London £101.00 SupedaNaranMuljiLeicester£10.00 SupedaNareshMuljiLeicester£20.00 TankGhanshyam VeljiGreenford £25.00 TankKamlaben Navinchandra Leicester£11.00 TankSubhashTribhuvanLondon£25.00 VadherKantilalDayaljiLondon£10.00 VaghelaAmitSunilLeicester£101.00 VaghelaDilipLakhmanLondon£25.00 VaghelaLalitabenVasanjiLeicester£301.00 Vaghela Late Bhanuben & Ramji HirjiJamnagar £1,108.00 VaghelaPravinAmarshiWellingborough £10.00 VaghelaSureshRatanshiLeicester£25.00 Valambhia Sejal-London£10.00 Visavadia Satish, Lalji & Kirit Nanji Govind Leicester £4,001.00 WadhiaJayantilalRanchhod Leicester£10.00 Wadhia Late Santaben & Thakershi NaranSandhurst£1,108.00 Wanza Mandal SupportIlford£21.00 These donations are recorded according to the receipts issued which includes donating on behalf of other names. If you feel that it is incorrect or there is a discrepancy, please let us know for rectification. Shree Wanza Community Leicester 34 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 35 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 36 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY UPCOMING WANZA LEICESTER EVENTS OCTOB ER Sat 25 th Havan * Sta rt: 9 a Bidu: 4 m pm BER M NOVE st on Sun 1 petiti m o C i l Rango 9.30 am : Arrive am 10 Start: 2th Thu 1 in Mandir) ( Ankot 6pm : Arrive pm :7 Milan m ns: 8p Bhaja nt 9th Sun 2 Diwali Eve r e u o Uniqu eye out on d n n Keep a Facebook a , e ting t i websi ails for exc m e your es! updat DECEM BER *Anyone c an participate to be a yajmaan fo r Havan fo r £201 To keep up to date with Wan za Leicest er events, sig n up to ou r mailing li st at www.wan za.org Shree Wanza Community Leicester Sun 27 th Christm as Part y Start: 1 pm FEB R 6 201 Y R UA a lis 8th an Cha 2 n um Su Han 108 37 Navratri 2015 Dates DATESEVENTDRESS CODE Tuesday 13th October Red Wednesday 14th OctoberBlue Thursday 15th OctoberSilk Friday 16th October Best Dressed Competition (Male & Female) Best Raas / Garba Player (Male & Female)Chanya Choli Saturday 17th October Fancy Dress Competition Bandhni Sunday 18th October Aarti Competition Sammuh Aarti (£5.25 per Aarti) Bhareli Monday 19th OctoberGreen Tuesday 20th OctoberGharchoru Wednesday 21st October Own choice Weekdays: Friday & Saturday: 7pm – 11pm 7pm – late Milk Donations Monday to Thursday Friday, Saturday & Sunday: £51.00 £75.00 To make a donation and to pay for your annual membership, please contact information desk during Navratri. Shree Wanza Community Leicester 38 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 39 Shree Wanza Community Leicester 40