March 20, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
March 20, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, March 20 — Palm Sunday Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass for children ages 4-2nd grade & 3rd-4th grade Nursery ages 1-3 during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass, Teachers’ Lounge Mass 9 a.m. Sunday School during 9 a.m. Mass for children ages 3-K Mass 11 a.m. Monday, March 21 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Bible Study 9:45 a.m., Pastoral Center Tuesday, March 22 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Bible Study 1 p.m., Pastoral Center R.E.P. Classes 4:30 & 6 p.m., Classrooms Music Ministry Practice 7 p.m., Antioch Room Wednesday, March 23 Mass 8:30 a.m. SPACE Rehearsal 7 p.m., Church Thursday, March 24 — Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6 p.m. Friday, March 25 — Good Friday Parish Office closes at 12 p.m. Stations of the Cross 12:15 p.m. Passion of the Lord 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26 — Easter Vigil Church Decorating 9 a.m. RCIA Retreat 9:30 a.m., Pastoral Center Blessing of Food 12:30 p.m., Church Easter Vigil Mass 5 p.m. Sunday, March 27 — Easter Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Mass 11 a.m. Just a reminder that if the school is closed due to weather, the scheduled Mass or Communion Service is also cancelled. Closings are announced on WOODTV and the parish and school websites. St. Paul the Apostle Parish & School 2750 Burton St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4 p.m. PARISH OFFICE 616-949-4170/FAX 616-949-5295 Msgr. Ernest P. Schneider, Pastor [email protected] ext. 246 Deacon Ed Harwood, Pastoral Associate [email protected] ext. 241 Sr. Rosanne Szocinski, O.P., Pastoral Associate [email protected] ext. 249 Beth Kolenda-Spencer, Director of Faith Formation ext. 243 [email protected] Jillian Langford, Youth Minister [email protected] ext. 247 Barbara Rewa, Music Director [email protected] ext. 240 Mary Harwood, Asst. Music Director/Technology ext. 216 [email protected] Sharon Colon, Business Manager [email protected] ext. 245 Peggy Marshall, Administrative Assistant [email protected] ext. 244 Susana Zavala, Administrative Assistant [email protected] ext. 242 Bulletin Submissions [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE The following people will be remembered at all Masses celebrated Monday, March 21 — March 27. † Brent Bonnema & Pat Pulling † Jim, John & Ebba Wittkowski † Carl & Irene Homrick † Mary Shannon † Monica Cooke † Vivian Gendron † Mary de la Rosa † Joseph Vulpetti † Deceased Members of the Peter Sikorski Family 616-949-1690/FAX 616-949-0836 Lori Salva, Principal [email protected] ext. 222 Bridget Bissell, Administrative Assistant [email protected] ext. 221 Lenore Burnett, Office Assistant [email protected] ext. 213 We are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ which calls us to proclaim our beliefs through love for and service to our community. Strengthened by the sacraments and our celebration of the liturgy together we are dedicated to ministering to the spiritual, education, and social needs of all. As a caring people, we seek to teach, heal, reconcile, and to grow in the image and likeness of God. PALM SUNDAY MARCH 20, 2016 MINISTRY SCHEDULE, MARCH 26 & 27 ALTAR SERVERS Mary Jane Aalders Dennis Fallon Halina Poplawska Kathy Azzolino Mary Grigware Joe Spielmakar Gerry Barry Pat Hill Nancy Stone Claire Belanger Jeanie Hyde Connie Vincent Dan Burch Marie Mailloux Anna Vulpetti Hassiba Cassis Sheila McGee Patty Weiss Dorothy Crandell Robin Miller Mary Woodworth Chase Dalziel Nancy Morford Mike Woodworth John Deederly Wayne Morford Adam Murphy Mike Denko And all those we know and love who are ill. If you are seriously ill or will be hospitalized, please call to have your name added to the Prayer List. Names are kept on the list for four weeks. 5:00 Laura Brom, Connor Schetz, Megan Schetz 9:00 Kylie Halverson, Lauren Halverson, Matt Quillan 11:00 John Paul Harmon, Hanna Lauria, Max Trudeau READERS 5:00 Jennifer Brom, Tim Click 9:00 Joanne Fallon, John Gonser 11:00 Greg Lauria, Nadine Klein EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:00 Deacon Ed, Jo Kendall, Kate McDougall, Joe Rossi, Laurie Vicari, Bob & Jeanne Young *1 volunteer needed 9:00 Bruce Ford, Sarah Gass, Linda Gommesen, Sue Harmon Terri MacDonald, Daniel Measday, Larry Schafer, MaryAnn Schafer 11:00 Deacon Ed, Kathy Lauria, Courtney McGivney, Mo Murphy, Mary Jo Rabaut, Dan Springer, Sharon Tietema, Val Williams USHERS Please call or email Deacon Ed with an update once a month. PERPETUAL PRAYER CYCLE This week, Bill & Joyce Nelson will be praying for the needs of our parish. Call them with your intentions at 285-5193. Next: Joe Russo SACRAMENT INFORMATION 5:00 Frank Bozek, Bob Brines, Keith Cook, Jeff Costello, Ron Schaub, Ray Vella, Tom Wysocki, John Young 9:00 Gene Gutting, Hank Huvaere, Charlie Jilek, Rick Payne, Mike VanDiepenbos *3 volunteers needed 11:00 Brian Cole, Gary Huyge, Jude McDonagh, John Racicot, Miroslav Rajic, Dan Russo, Joe Schneider *1 volunteer needed VIDEO TECHNICIAN To schedule a Baptism or Marriage, please call the Parish Office or fill out the form under the Sacraments tab at 5:00 Michael Klein 9:00 Luke Koenigsknecht 11:00 Nate Trudeau For spiritual care for homebound, nursing home, or hospitalized parishioners or to schedule the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact Deacon Ed. Kathy Geary *Please call Parish Office to volunteer. ALTAR CARE If you or a family member are hospitalized or placed in a facility for care or rehabilitation and want a visit or spiritual care, please contact Deacon Ed. HIPPA laws do not allow clergy or churches to receive information other than from yourself or a family member. Also, if you make it known that you are Catholic when entering the hospital or facility, Communion Ministers and Catholic Chaplains can visit you. BISHOP DAVID J. WALKOWIAK ASKS US TO PRAY David J. Sacha St. John Vianney Seminary 2115 Summit Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 LAST COLLECTION $28,428.51 ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Christian Brothers Automotive See their ad on the back of the bulletin and remember to patronize our advertisers who make our bulletin possible! OUR SEMINARIANS We especially pray for: For information about First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation, or if you are interested in becoming Catholic (RCIA), please contact Beth Kolenda-Spencer. 3/13/2016 FOR Loving God, Raise up dedicated leaders who will shepherd your people and guide them to your Son. Give generous and willing hearts to the seminarians of our Diocese who have heard your call to live a life of service to the Church. Help us to encourage and support them as they strive to become priests who are models of discipleship, possessors of wisdom and on fire with love for your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN DECORATING FOR EASTER Volunteers are needed to help place flowers and decorate the church for Easter. Please meet in the church on Saturday, March 26 at 9 a.m. if you are able to help. Pledges: 252 Amount: $92,041 MEN’S GROUP All men of the parish are invited to join the Men’s Group. Members gather every other week at 7 p.m. in the Ss. Peter & Paul room to discuss scripture, faith topics, and how to bring the Catholic faith into every day life. The group will meet March 28 and April 11 & 25. Please contact Deacon Ed with questions. PARISH GOAL: $235,000 LENTEN BABY BOTTLE PROJECT Please return your baby bottles as soon as possible. Bottles can be given to an usher or placed in the bins by the doors. Bottles can also be dropped off at the Parish Office during the week. Thank you for supporting life! Our 8th graders will be Confirmed on Wednesday, March 30 at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Kolenda–Spencer. Please pray for our 8th graders, their catechists, and sponsors! ATTENTION CLASS OF 2016 Senior pictures: Seniors (or parents), please send a digital version of your senior picture (or a nice head and shoulders picture) to [email protected] or mail one to the Parish Office. Please make sure to include your name. The deadline for pictures is Monday, April 11. UPCOMING SENIOR SEEKERS EVENT Please join us on Wednesday, April 13 at Plymouth Christian Reformed Church for a luncheon and speaker starting at noon. Cost is $8. April’s speaker is Ernie Ostuno. Mr. Ostuno is a meteorologist who will take us back to April 1956 when Michigan was struck by four powerful tornados. Please call Lois at 956-6742 by Friday, April 8 to reserve your place. The April Senior Seekers luncheon and speaker will be on Wednesday, April 20 at 12:30 p.m. in Damascus Hall. Cost is $7. Our speaker will be Mike Duffy, a local realtor, who will give an overview of current market conditions and projections. He will also take questions from the audience. RSVP to the Parish Office by Monday, April 18. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS If your group has information or an event for the bulletin, please email it to Mary at [email protected] no later than Friday one week before the weekend you would like it published. Anything received after the deadline will be included as space and publishing dates allow. PALM SUNDAY MARCH 20, 2016 Holy Week Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil March 24, 6 p.m. Adoration until 7:30 p.m. March 25 Stations of the Cross, 12:15 p.m. Passion of the Lord, 1:30 p.m. March 26, 5 p.m. Easter Sunday March 27, 9 & 11 a.m. For everyone’s safety, parking attendants from Ellis Parking will be present throughout Holy Week. Additional parking is available at Zaagman Memorial Chapel at 2800 Burton St SE (if there is no visitation scheduled) and Gilden Woods Preschool at 2604 Burton St SE. Please be careful not to block driveways, handicap accessible curb cuts, or fire lanes (yellow curb). Thank you for your cooperation! Thank you to everyone who helped with and attended our Lenten Suppers & Discussions! A special thanks to Amy Quillan for coordinating all of the menus and volunteers! ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE 2016 GOLF OUTING Golf outing includes: WATERMARK COUNTRY CLUB WIN A CAR WITH A HOLE IN ONE ON A PAR THREE (Compliments of Andy Weiss & Pfeiffer Ford) Putting Green | Practice Range | Cart & 18 Holes of Golf | Lunch at arrival | Complimentary Gift Bag | Great Awards & Prizes | Dinner Buffet during Award Ceremony |Silent Auction Format Noon start. 4 Person Scramble with Four Divisions. Mixed, Women’s, Men’s, Senior’s (3 golfers 65 and over). 1st Place winners for each. Contests 50/50, Buy a Mulligan, Longest Drive, Closest to Pin, Longest Putt, Hole in One to win a CAR (Compliments of Andy Weiss & Pfeiffer Ford) NEW: Putt with Father Ernie on the putting green to win an award. Cougar Level $2,000 One Foursome Major Sponsor on cart Event sign on 1 & 10 tee Signage on banner at registration desk Lunch and dinner sponsorship Paw Print Level $750 One Foursome Signage on banner at registration desk Event sign on course Green & Tee Sponsor $200 Event sign on tee box or green Green & White Level $1200 One Foursome Signage on banner at registration desk Each team of 4 takes 4 embroidered Cougar golf flags with them after the round Golf Cart Sponsor $1000 One Foursome Signage on banner at registration desk Signage on each cart Individual Golfer $125 (before May 1) Individual Golfer $200 (after May 1) ** Referral Incentive: If you played last year and bring a new Foursome this year you will receive 10 free raffle tickets.** Full Name of each golfer, contact phone number, and email address: Person One____________________________________________________ Person Two____________________________________________________ Person Three____________________________________________________ Person Four____________________________________________________ I cannot attend but would like to make a contribution of $______. Please note if you want the gift anonymous. Mail check payable to: St. Paul the Apostle School, ATTN: Tom Gott/2016 Golf Outing, 2750 Burton Street, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Contact Information: Tom Gott, 616-490-7468, [email protected] AsphAlt pAving& RepAiR 669 Century SW Grand Rapids Cherry Valley Agency 616-588-5700 8980 North Rodgers Court SE Caledonia [email protected] 74091 © 2014 Allstate Insurnace Co. • Paving •Sealing • Complete Asphalt Maintenance • Hot Mix All Year • Licensed • Bonded • Insured 451-3200 Since 1983 New Asphalt Plant - Now oPeN! Advertising Space Available For Advertising Information call: CatholicMatch Michigan Shaun Nicholson [email protected] 616-299-7878 Present this Coupon & Receive One Free Lounge or Dinner Entree of Equal or Lesser Value. Not Valid on Holidays, Maximum Value $10.00, Not Valid with any other Discounts, Coupons, Specials or Promotions. One Coupon per Couple per Visit Allowed. 949-9440 A Gratuity is NO Longer added to your bill, Corner of Breton & Burton please tip on entire amount Prior to discount. Coupon Valid Through 11-22-16 • Reservations Suggested 949-9440 mULTIPLE WINNER OF CASUAL RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR 458-5433 “Now your choice for Personal Response Systems” Compliments of: Joseph M. Ellis, D.D.S. Lisa Tartaglione Ellis, D.D.S. Parishioners RealtoR®, Parishioner d.d.s. 3575 LAKE EASTBROOK 616-634-2881 — 949-5031 — 2213 Wealthy • E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 • 616-458-3655 Burton Heights Body Shop, Inc. Dental Pro f e ssionals JIM KILBOURNE 1917 S Division 2060 East Paris Ave SE PEACE In-home services for Seniors by Seniors 616-234-0190 Danna Gomez St. Patrick Parishioner KACZMARSKI HEARING SERVICES Guaranteed Hearing Satisfaction! * REPAIR * SALES * SERVICE ALL- BRANDS BUY ONE PACK OF BATTERIES GET ONE FREE ... WITH AD! In the Northpoint Bank Building. @ I-96 & the Beltline 616-365-5305 Special Discounts for Grand Opening 616-930-3316 5925 28th St. SE, Ste E • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm • Sat: 9am-6pm • Sun: Closed [email protected] • For Advertising Information Call Shaun nicholSon 616-299-7878 245-8007 We're always busy taking care of our customers. 949-7290 616-940-3022 616-485-3365 Sean Patrick cox Attorney and Parishioner $50 Savings $10 off the first five cleans A clean you can trust. Manager: James E. Koops Family Dentistry StEphEN MANCEWICZ, DDS REALTOR® • Parishioner Joseph A. Rossi, D.D.S., P.C. 630 Kenmoor SE cell: 616-550-9846 [email protected] 656-5776 4611 N Breton Ct. SE • Kentwood • IRAs • Retirement Planning DaviD Sayfie, mba Financial Consultant Parishioner Since 1965 Paul J. Karl, D.D.S., M.Cl.D. [email protected] KENTWOOD FUNERAL HOME 949-7350 Orthodontic Specialist 616-481-7085 2351 Countrywood Dr. SE O'BRIEN GERST Securities and investment advisory services offered through AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC. Annuity and insurance products through AXA Network, LLC and its subsidiaries. PPG 100993 (2/15)(exp. 02/17) REALTOR® Parishioners 455-3020 Serving Grand Rapids Families for 130 Years 575-3501 KEVIN McCARTY 616-530-3803 616-827-1180 GARY MANCEWICZ, DDS Gary A. Huyge Free, local, expert advice for senior housing and care options. Independent Living • Assisted Living Memory Care • Home Care • Skilled Nursing 1464 28th St (in front of Meijer 28th/Kzoo) 616.245.1215 W W W. Z A A G M A N . C O M 2800 Burton St. SE • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 3989 Cascade Road at I-96 Parishioners Complete Automotive Repair All Makes/Models • Locally Owned/Operated Zaagman Memorial Chapel Diocesan Parishioner Advanced Orthodontics & Beautiful Smiles Don’t wait for a crisis, be prepared! Mike Duffy THOMAS J. HARMON TiMOTHy b. HARMON 459-7171 Cascade Rd. at East Paris Doyle & Ogden Insurance Advisors The “Single Source Solution” for all your insurance needs Bonnie Fierens Parishioner Senior Benefits Specialist 616-302-5614 Michael Boruta 616-291-7823 Licensed Electrical Contractor Proudly Serving St. Paul The Apostle Compliments of [email protected] • Senior Medicare Benefits • Group Employee Benefits • Long Term Care • Individual Health, Dental, & Life ® Overhead Door Company of Grand Rapids 261-0300 West michigan’s premier residential mortgage lender Family Law and Elder Law Attorney Wills • Trusts • Domestic Disputes Nursing Home/Medicaid Representation VA Benefits/Aid and Attendance Pension brendan o’driscoll 616-942-6404 616.228.6200 Transforming Smiles... Transforming Lives... nmls 132530 parishioner & business oWner Parishioner 4250 Kalamazoo SE 455-7930 • [email protected] 701 36th street se Family & CosmetiC Catering James B. Brennan DDs ~ Parishioner • 616-447-3660 E Beltline ~ N of Celebration Cinema for all occasions! Jim and Kari DeBoer Owners/Parishioners Open Sunday Breton Village: 1810 Breton Rd. SE • 954-1818 • Like us on Facebook! 1040 Treadstone Funding is a division of AmeriFirst Financial Corporation NMLS 110139
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