June 19, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
June 19, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, June 19 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass for children ages 4-2nd grade & 3rd-4th grade Nursery ages 1-3 during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass, Teachers’ Lounge Mass 9 a.m. Mass 11 a.m. Monday, June 20 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Parking Lot Closed for Repairs 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 21 St. Paul the Apostle Parish & School 2750 Burton St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 www.stpaulapostle.com www.stpaul-school.org WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 22 Saturday 4 p.m. Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Mass @ Heartland Healthcare 10:45 a.m. SPACE Rehearsal 7 p.m., Church PARISH OFFICE 616-949-4170/FAX 616-949-5295 Msgr. Ernest P. Schneider, Pastor [email protected] ext. 246 Friday, June 24 Deacon Ed Harwood, Pastoral Associate [email protected] ext. 241 Mass 8:30 a.m. Pre-Cana Weekend 6:30 p.m. Sr. Rosanne Szocinski, O.P., Pastoral Associate [email protected] ext. 249 Thursday, June 23 Mass 8:30 a.m. Saturday, June 25 Beth Kolenda-Spencer, Director of Faith Formation ext. 243 [email protected] Pre-Cana Weekend 9:30 a.m. Mass 5 p.m. Sunday, June 26 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass Nursery during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass, Teachers’ Lounge Mass 9 a.m. Reception for Fr. Mulhall 10 a.m., Damascus Hall Mass 11 a.m. Monday, June 27 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. The following people will be remembered at all Masses celebrated Monday, June 20 — June 26. † Monica Cooke † Vivian Gendron † Charles McCarthy † Mary de la Rosa † Peter Pisciotta † Bernice Szocinski † Dorothy Crandell † Bernie & Betty Harmon † Lois A. Mackinder † Susan VanPeursem † Hassiba Cassis † Robert Wretschko † Del Crooks † James Frazho † Bill Cassidy LAST COLLECTION 6/12/2016 $23,963.62 Jillian Langford, Youth Minister [email protected] ext. 247 Barbara Rewa, Music Director [email protected] ext. 240 Mary Harwood, Asst. Music Director/Technology ext. 216 [email protected] Peggy Marshall, Parish Manager [email protected] ext. 245 Jennifer Trudeau, Finance Manager [email protected] ext. 217 Susana Zavala, Administrative Assistant [email protected] ext. 244 Bulletin Submissions [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE 616-949-1690/FAX 616-949-0836 Lori Salva, Principal [email protected] ext. 222 Bridget Bissell, Administrative Assistant [email protected] ext. 221 Lenore Burnett, Office Assistant [email protected] ext. 213 We are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ which calls us to proclaim our beliefs through love for and service to our community. Strengthened by the sacraments and our celebration of the liturgy together we are dedicated to ministering to the spiritual, education, and social needs of all. As a caring people, we seek to teach, heal, reconcile, and to grow in the image and likeness of God. TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 19, 2016 MINISTRY SCHEDULE, JUNE 25 & 26** ALTAR SERVERS Mary Jane Aalders Bernie Agacinski Debbie Anderson Kathy Azzolino Deborah Bangert Frank Bozek Dan Burch Mary Ann Cwayna Chase Dalziel John Deederly Mike Denko Dennis Fallon Jackie Ghysels Theresa Ghysels Hancox Pat Hill Jeanie Hyde Marie Mailloux Thomas Mave Sheila McGee Wayne Morford Fred & Maureen Murphy Halina Poplawska Tom Riha Cecilia Schafer Joe Spielmakar Nancy Stone Marleen Sullivan Patricia Vidro Anna Vulpetti Patty Weiss Mary Woodworth Mike Woodworth Elizabeth Zucco 5:00 Jimmy Chavez, Paul MacAllister, Katherine Teed 9:00 Bridget Bagnall, Collin Hoffer, Anna Olsen 11:00 Ruby Lauria, James Mackinder, Hudson Maitner READERS 5:00 John Chronowski, Mike Marshall 9:00 Kevin Furmaga, Dennis Feuerstein 11:00 Donna Couture, Jeffrey Embrey EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS If you are seriously ill or will be hospitalized, please call to have your name added to the Prayer List. Names are kept on the list for four weeks. 5:00 Renee Frazho, Carol Hagadorn, Jo Kendall, Sarah Kurth, Peggy Marshall, Kate McDougall, Julia Nellet, Joe Rossi 9:00 Elaine Allison, Mike Duffy, Robert Ellis, Fritz Gast, Julie Hoffer, Joni Jilek, Susan Miller, C. Satterthwaite 11:00 Mary Crawford, Sandra Elmer, Anne Harrell, Kathy Swain, Sharon Tietema, Val Williams *2 volunteers needed Please call or email Deacon Ed with an update once a month. USHERS And all those we know and love who are ill. PERPETUAL PRAYER CYCLE This week, Keith & Karen Cook will be praying for the needs of our parish. Call them with your intentions at 956-9162. Next: Mary Ann Cwayna SACRAMENT INFORMATION To schedule a Baptism, please fill out the form under the Sacraments tab at www.stpaulapostle.com or call the Parish Office. Couples desiring Marriage should be registered parishioners and must complete the marriage preparation requirements. Please fill out the form under the Sacraments tab or contact the Parish Office to begin the process. For spiritual care for homebound, nursing home, or hospitalized parishioners or to schedule the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact Deacon Ed. If you or a family member are hospitalized or placed in a facility for care or rehabilitation and want a visit or spiritual care, please contact Deacon Ed. HIPPA laws do not allow clergy or churches to receive information other than from yourself or a family member. Also, if you make it known that you are Catholic when entering the hospital or facility, Communion Ministers and Catholic Chaplains can visit you. For information about First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation, or if you are interested in becoming Catholic (RCIA), please contact Beth Kolenda-Spencer. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Responsible Fathers Foundation See their ad on the back of the bulletin and remember to patronize our advertisers who make our bulletin possible! 5:00 Frank Bozek, Bob Brines, Jeff Costello, Andy Weiss, John Young 9:00 Keith Cook, Gene Gutting, Hank Huvaere, Charlie Jilek, Rick Payne 11:00 Gary Huyge, Jude McDonagh, Miroslav Rajic, Dan Russo, Joe Schneider VIDEO TECHNICIAN Luke Koenigsknecht ALTAR CARE Bruce Kelly *Please login to the Ministry Scheduler Pro app or call the Parish office to volunteer. **We are working on the schedule for July-September. Please login or contact the Parish Office to update your availability. BISHOP DAVID J. WALKOWIAK ASKS US TO PRAY FOR Faithful God, help us to live out our mission in the Church. Help your people know their vocation in life and prepare for it. Give those whom you call to be priests and religious the grace to respond generously and to persevere faithfully. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. OUR SEMINARIANS We especially pray for: Robert C. Mulderink University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary 1000 East Maple Ave. Mundelein, IL 60060 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 19, 2016 CHURCH TEMPERATURE The St. Paul family offers our condolences to Dorothy & Steve Cole, Mya, Dylan & Lindsey on the loss of her father, Dan Ouelette; Miles & Judy Murphy on the loss of their grandson and Marty & Bridget Murphy on the loss of their nephew, Adam Murphy; and to the family and friends of Al Lang. During the summer months, we receive a variety of opinions regarding the temperature of the church. Some people would like it cooler and some would like it warmer. Each week at the staff meeting, we discuss our experience with the temperature and any comments that we’ve received and make adjustments as seems appropriate. Due to the size and design of the space, maintaining an even temperature is difficult. It is cooler in the rear of the church as that is where the vents are located. It gets warmer toward the front. Please keep the deceased and their loved ones in your prayers. PARKING LOT REPAIR In the past year, three men with connections to our parish were ordained to the priesthood. In June 2015, Bill VanderWerff was ordained. Fr. Bill is the son of parishioners Godfrey & Geraldine and brother of Sara VanderWerff and Moly (Paul) Klimas. This year, our diocese ordained Tom Cavera and Colin Mulhall. Fr. Tom spent his early years in our parish and his brother, Dan (Michelle), and sister, JoAnn (John) Watson are still members. Colin is the son of parishioners Kevin & Dana. The parking lot will be closed for repair on Monday, June 20 starting after the communion service. The Parish Office will be open to take your calls and emails. Fr. Colin will offer 9 a.m. Mass here on June 26. The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a reception in Damascus Hall between Masses. All are invited. If you have a concern about the temperature, please email our Parish Manager Peggy Marshall. As you can appreciate it, it is difficult for me to discuss the temperature issue in the time before and after a Mass. Thank you for your understanding, Fr. Ernie AQUINAS COLLEGE CHAPEL GROUNDBREAKING MEN’S GROUP Summer schedule change: The Men’s Group will meet at 7 p.m. on the following summer Mondays: July 11, and August 8. The normal biweekly schedule will resume in September. Questions? Contact Deacon Ed. Congratulations to Samantha Dunneback & Josh Radecki who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage on June 11, 2016. All are invited to the Blessing of a Foundation Stone and Groundbreaking for Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom Chapel. Bishop Walkowiak will preside over this historic event on June 23 at 10 a.m. Visitors will gather at the Bukowski Chapel and process to the new site. Learn more at aquinas.edu/chapel. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS If your group has information or an event for the bulletin, please email it to Mary at [email protected] no later than Friday one week before the weekend you would like it published. Anything received after the deadline will be included as space and publishing dates allow. ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL St. Paul’s School News We just completed another wonderful year here at St. Paul the Apostle School. Our eighth graders stepped up and took over as the leaders of our school and role models to the younger students. We’re proud of the fact that all of our eighth graders will be attending Catholic Central in the fall. Mr. O’Rourke worked with our young scientists and St. Paul’s placed as a runner-up to the Science Olympiad state tournament this year. Two new additions to our staff this year, Mrs. Caroline Strong and Mr. Eric Remington, brought a lot of fun and excitement to St. Paul’s. Junior High students performed under Mrs. Strong’s and Ms. Harwood’s direction “Schoolhouse Rock Live, Jr.” and Mr. Remington did an awesome impersonation of Bob Barker with the “Price is Right” during Catholic Schools Week. All in all a great year! We’re already planning and looking forward to the 2016-2017 school year. Have a great summer! Ms. Salva GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN End of Year Fun @ St. Paul School ASPHALT PAVING& REPAIR 669 Century SW Grand Rapids www.superiorasphalt.com • Paving •Sealing • Complete Asphalt Maintenance • Hot Mix All Year • Licensed • Bonded • Insured 451-3200 • COMPLETE ALTERATIONS • TAILORING • RESIZING • RESTYLE • ZIPPERS • FORMALS • WEDDING GOWNS NEXT DAY SERVICE Mon- Fri 9am - 6pm • Sat 9am - 3pm 6242 28th SE ALTERATIONS WHILE YOU WAIT MEN’S TAILORING New Location in Cascade Center 616-957-9777 Since 1983 Service beyond the surface! Advertising Space Available For Advertising Information call: Shaun Nicholson [email protected] 616-299-7878 CatholicMatch Michigan CatholicMatch.com/goMI 458-5433 Responsible Fathers Foundation TM A 501(c)3 non-profit organization “Now your choice for Personal Response Systems” ENRICHING CHILDREN’S FUTURES. JOIN TEAM DAD TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! TeamDad.org Because every child needs a dad Compliments of: Joseph M. Ellis, D.D.S. Lisa Tartaglione Ellis, D.D.S. Parishioners REALTOR®, Parishioner D.D.S. 3575 LAKE EASTBROOK 616-634-2881 — 949-5031 — 2213 Wealthy • E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 • 616-458-3655 Burton Heights Body Shop, Inc. Dental Pro f e ssionals JIM KILBOURNE 1917 S Division 2060 East Paris Ave SE PEACE In-home services for Seniors by Seniors 616-234-0190 www.managedseniorcare.com Danna Gomez St. Patrick Parishioner 245-8007 We're always busy taking care of our customers. 949-7290 616-940-3022 $50 Savings 575-3501 DavidSayfie.com Parishioners Joseph A. Rossi, D.D.S., P.C. 455-3020 656-5776 2351 Countrywood Dr. SE 4611 N Breton Ct. SE • Kentwood Call for a “FREE NO OBLIGATION” Consultation Securities and investment advisory services offered through AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC. Annuity and insurance products through AXA Network, LLC and its subsidiaries. PPG 100993 (2/15)(exp. 02/17) Orthodontic Specialist Paul J. Karl, D.D.S., M.Cl.D. Diocesan Parishioner Advanced Orthodontics & Beautiful Smiles 3989 Cascade Road at I-96 616-530-3803 616-827-1180 GARY MANCEWICZ, DDS Financial Consultant Parishioner Since 1965 616-930-3316 $10 OFF THE FIRST FIVE CLEANS Family Dentistry STEPHEN MANCEWICZ, DDS IRAs RETIREMENT PLANNING DaviD Sayfie, mba Special Discounts for Grand Opening 459-7171 KEVIN McCARTY KENTWOOD O'BRIEN GERST FUNERAL HOME Serving Grand Rapids Families for 131 Years 949-7350 Cascade Rd. at East Paris Doyle & Ogden Insurance Advisors The “Single Source Solution” for all your insurance needs Michael Boruta Bonnie Fierens 616-291-7823 Parishioner Senior Benefits Specialist Licensed Electrical Contractor Proudly Serving St. Paul The Apostle 616-302-5614 Compliments of [email protected] REALTOR® • Senior Medicare Benefits • Group Employee Benefits • Long Term Care • Individual Health, Dental, & Life 616-481-7085 [email protected] Attorney and Parishioner www.mollymaid.com A clean you can trust. Manager: James E. Koops 630 Kenmoor SE cell: 616-550-9846 [email protected] Sean Patrick cox 1464 28th St (in front of Meijer 28th/Kzoo) 616.245.1215 www.cbac.com/mi001 W W W. Z A A G M A N . C O M 2800 Burton St. SE • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 REALTOR® • Parishioner [email protected] • bellanailsgrandrapids.com Complete Automotive Repair All Makes/Models • Locally Owned/Operated Zaagman Memorial Chapel Gary A. Huyge 5925 28th St. SE, Ste E • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm • Sat: 9am-6pm • Sun: Closed Mike Duffy THOMAS J. HARMON TIMOTHY B. HARMON ® Overhead Door Company of Grand Rapids 261-0300 www.doyle-ogden.com WEST MICHIGAN’S PREMIER RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE LENDER Family Law and Elder Law Attorney Wills • Trusts • Domestic Disputes Nursing Home/Medicaid Representation VA Benefits/Aid and Attendance Pension BRENDAN O’DRISCOLL 616-942-6404 616.228.6200 Transforming Smiles... Transforming Lives... NMLS 132530 Parishioner 4250 Kalamazoo SE PARISHIONER & BUSINESS OWNER 455-7930 www.drkorourke.com www.seancoxlaw.com • [email protected] Family & CosmetiC DOYLE LAW PC www.infusionshowrooms.com Estate Attorneys WILLS - TRUSTS - PROBATE James B. Brennan DDs ~ Parishioner Catering 616-419-8862 DrBrennan.net • 616-447-3660 E Beltline ~ N of Celebration Cinema 701 36th street se for all occasions! 3210 Eagle Run Dr. NE #104, Grand Rapids Tom Doyle Jim and Kari DeBoer Owners/Parishioners Amanda Bevel Open Sunday Breton Village: 1810 Breton Rd. SE • 954-1818 • Like us on Facebook! 1040 Treadstone Funding is a division of AmeriFirst Financial Corporation NMLS 110139
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