busqueda de socios –programa europa con los ciudadanos


busqueda de socios –programa europa con los ciudadanos
Punto Europeo de Ciudadanía
Actualizado: 09/08/2016
Punto Europeo de Ciudadanía
Actualizado: 09/08/2016
Este documento recopila las solicitudes de difusión para la búsqueda de socios que el Punto
Europeo de Ciudadanía recibe de las oficinas homólogas ubicadas en los países participantes
del Programa Europa con los Ciudadanos.
Invitamos a los operadores a contactar directamente con la entidad de su interés.
Entidad – Municipio de Correggio, Italia
Medida – Redes de ciudades
El municipio de Correggio estaría interesado en colaborar con ciudades (de menos de 50.000
habitantes) o asociaciones con el propósito de poner en marcha un proyecto de debate en
torno a las ideas de ciudadanía europea e inmigración.
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Entidad – The Regional Information Centre (RIC) Slovenska Bistrica, Eslovenia
Medida – Redes de ciudades
RIC Slovenska Bistrica es una entidad eslovena consagrada al fomento del emprendimiento, el
turismo y la economía de la región. El objetivo del proyecto, al que estarían interesados en
sumar socios del ámbito de las políticas locales o asociaciones de lo civil, es promover el
encuentro y el sentimiento de ciudadanía europea en las zonas rurales.
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Entidad – Municipio de Contursi Terme, Italia
Medida – Redes de ciudades
El municipio italiano de Contursi Terme (3.418 habitantes) estaría interesado en incorporar
asociaciones o ciudades (de, preferiblemente, no más de 20.000 hab.) a un proyecto de
“Redes” centrado en el debate sobre nuevos fórmulas de solidaridad horizontal en tiempos de
- Ver ficha adjunta
Punto Europeo de Ciudadanía
Actualizado: 09/08/2016
Entidad – Municipio de Farkadona, Grecia
Medida – Hermanamiento de ciudades
La localidad griega de Farkadona (16.000 habitantes) interesada en desarrollar un proyecto de
Hermanamiento en torno a temas de emprendimiento juvenil, pobreza, envejecimiento
poblacional, etc.
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Entidad – AZIMUT, Eslovaquia
Medida – Proyectos de la sociedad civil
AZIMUT es una organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Košice (Eslovaquia) que, desde
2014, trabaja en la organización de actividades culturales y educativas enfocadas al diálogo
intercultural y el fomento del pensamiento crítico y los valores democráticos. Buscan socios
para colaborar en la organización del festival para jóvenes “Matrioshka”, o bien integrarse en
otros proyectos europeos.
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Entidad – No Barrier - The National Platform Against Barriers, Eslovaquia
Medida – Redes de ciudades
La ONG eslovaca No Barrier - The National Platform Against Barriers busca socios que quieran
integrarse en un proyecto de “Redes” en el ámbito del trabajo con discapacitados físicos. El
principal objetivo es cooperar para la creación de un comité civil europeo para la eliminación
sistemática y exhaustiva de las barreras físicas en los países miembros de la UE e impulsar un
sistema único transfronterizo de asistencia sanitaria para personas con discapacidad.
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Project proposal
Strand 2 Democratic engagement and civic participation
Measure 2.2: Networks of Town
Deadline: 01.09.2016
“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete
achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”. This was part of the Schuman Declaration, the
speech that represents the official birth of European Union.
We have to make available to citizens information and tools useful to really understand what Europe
is, in order to build a real European active citizenship. Only in this way we can reinforce Europe,
building that “de facto solidarity” at the basis of Schuman Declaration.
And this work is even more important if it can involve youth generation.
In the last years, the socio – economic crisis has weakened that “European feeling” and “European
affection” that are so important in order to build a stronger and political Europe and has facilitated
the growth of anti – Europe movements or Eurosceptic positions.
In addition, Europe has to face a huge and complex problem, involving themes such as fundamental
rights and social inclusion: the migration phenomenon. Problems generated by this situation are
really complex and they make even more difficult the path necessary to build a real European
It seems to be urgent that European Union implements a discussion on these themes, in order to
develop an internal agreement and a real dialogue.
This project has 2 principal aims: on one hand to foster a European civic education and to develop a
real awareness about what “European citizenship” means and on the other hand to develop a
discussion and a dialogue between European citizens from different States about the role and the
positions Europe should assume about the migration phenomenon.
The project will involve directly the youth generations and indirectly all the citizenship, trying to
deepen the role the local authorities can/should cover in the civic education path and in the
management of the migration phenomenon.
Actions and Duration
The project will be realized in the following period: January 2017 - December 2019.
Each partner will develop different actions depending on the aims and on the stakeholders involved.
The final objective of the project is to realize a dialogue between the participants in order to show
different approaches and results. This is the reason why we think it will be important to involve
States and territories with different local situations and different path within European Union.
In the first part of the project (January– September 2017) there will be the kick off meeting and
partners will examine and deepen actions already developed in each partner country about civic
European education and dialogue with young people about the future of EU and will examine
migratory phenomenon and the reactions of local citizens. This meeting will be an occasion to define
the methodological approach that will be implemented in the project.
In the period September 2017 – June 2019 specific actions will be realized:
− European civic education, with innovative and experimental approach involving children and
young people between 9 and 16 y.o.;
− European civic education and thematic focuses with particular attention to migratory
phenomenon for young people between 17 and 30 y.o.;
− Dialogue on the future of Europe and on the right approaches for a concrete inclusion (17 – 30
− Public debates and initiatives involving the citizenship, organized in cooperation with young
people (17-30 y.o.) with particular attention to the comparison between Euroscepticism and
europeism, with the aim to build path for an active participation.
Then, in the final period of the project (June – December 2019), partners will produce reports about
the realized activities, deepening a SWOT analysis and presenting concrete proposals in order to
foster and develop the best practices implemented. The whole experience will be at the center of the
final closing meeting.
During the implementation of the project, each partner will host a meeting.
Each meeting will host at least 76 participants.
In order to assure interesting debates and a concrete dialogue between different approaches, we
would like to involve States with particular positions with refer to Europe, migration policies,
Euroscepticism, etc.
The ideal partners are small/medium-size cities (less than 100.000 inhabitants) or local associations
active in the field of youth policies/active citizenship.
Considering that the deadline for submission is set to the 1st September 2016, potential partners
should communicate their interest in joining the proposal by the 1st of August 2016.
Contact details
Municipality of Correggio (Reggio Emilia)
Mrs Lorenza Manfredi – Strategic projects and European policies Department
[email protected] - 0039 0522 630720 – 0039 339 1714596
Invitation to join the “European Network for the Cohesion and Solidarity in Rural areas
(ENSuRe)“ under the Program Europe for Citizens
We are looking for:
- towns, municipalities or their twinning committees or networks
- other levels of local/regional authorities
- federations, associations of local authorities
- non-profit civil society organisations representing local authorities (with a written confirmation that
they represent a public authority)
coming from the following countries: the 28 Member States of the European Union, EFTA countries, Serbia,
Montenegro, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Project objective:
The project serves the need for a greater involvement of citizens from rural areas in the development of a
solidary Europe.
More precisely the Network of ten authorities (towns and regions) and civil society organizations from the
EU and neighbouring countries will provide opportunities to address issues which are prevalent in rural areas and stand in the way of a solidary Europe, such as: misunderstanding of EU policies, disinformation, and
stereotypes. The Network will also empower citizens with the tools necessary to be involved in shaping a
more democratic Europe.
Background information:
In general the “Networks of Towns” found in the Programme Europe for Citizens are cooperative projects
that facilitate direct contact between local and regional entities in the EU and its neighbouring countries.
These networks enable the organization of events where representatives can meet, discuss, and find
solutions to common problems (more: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/europe-for-citizens_en/ )
„ENSuRe“ project will foster European citizenship and democratic participation by making the Union‘s policy
more understandable and relevant to local territories. In a time where confidence in EU decision making is
at an all time low, and where support from rural communities is rapidly declining, this project aims to build
European solidarity by giving its people a unique opportunity to meet, discuss, plan and implement
initiatives lead by citizens and experts from rural areas in 11 different countries.
Project Leader – the Regional Information Centre (RIC) Slovenska Bistrica
RIC Slovenska Bistrica is a development-supporting institution whose primary purpose is to promote the
development of entrepreneurship, economics and tourism in the region. We are active in the field of
business development, local and regional development, tourism and rural development. RIC has managed
several projects related to local self-sufficiency. In 2015 we achieved 30% growth in the marketing of local
products and implemented the locally produced food in schools in our area, which indicates that we are on
the right track.
Project framework:
The project duration is 24 months from Febuary 2017. It will consist of five transnational events organized
by different partners between March 2017 and October 2018. Each event will gather foreign participants
representing all project partners, as well as local citizens. The events will be followed by information and
dissemination events on each partners’ territory.
Project events will be dedicated to the following topics:
agricultural policy and the citizens' perception of the EU on rural areas
finding common solutions for promoting local development
food security
cross-border mobility of workers involved in agriculture
tools to address crisis management in agriculture policy
local action groups and Rural Development organisations having an EU perspective
community-led local development, interaction with the community, local action groups
the macro and micro economic impact of the TIPP (facts and myths)
the decline of support of the EU integration process on rural areas.
Preliminary schedule
Each partner is able to send 3 participants to each of the events, beside the first
event in Bistrica where 2 persons are expected.
1. Starting event – an organizational event and a study visit
Participants: 51-75 (20 foreign)
Venue: Slovenska Bistrica
Date: March 2017
2. A conference with expert panels, debates and workshops
Participants: 101-125 (35 foreign)
Venue: to be confirmed
Budget for hosting this event: around 20.000 euro
3. A conference with expert panels, debates and workshops.
Participants: 101-125 (35 foreign)
Venue: to be confirmed
Budget for hosting this event: around 20.000 euro
4. A conference with expert panels, debates and workshops.
Participants: 126-150 (45 foreign)
Venue: Slovenska Bistrica
5. Closing event: a conference with expert panels, debates and workshops.
Participants: 101-125 (35 foreign)
Venue: to be confirmed
Budget for hosting this event: around 20.000 euro
The budget
The project will finance:
- The organisation of 5 transnational events
- Practical arrangements during the events – participants‘ accommodation,
food, local transport; as well as external experts, venue, materials
- Project communication tools and social media
- Promotional materials
- Coordination costs of the Leader
- Partners’ travel costs – up to 100 euro per person per event.
Each partner will take part in each of the 5 events with 3 participants (only
in the first event – with 2), getting a reimbursement up to 100 EUR per
person/per travel to minimalize their costs.
Partner’s input:
- In-kind – staff involvement
- In-kind – use of dissemination channels
- In case your travel expenses exceed 100 euro per person per event, you will
be asked to cover only the missing part.
Interested to join the Network?
RIC Slovenska Bistrica is going to apply for funds for this project to the European Commission on behalf oft
he whole partners‘ group before September 1st 2016.
Please confirm your interest to join the project by Tuesday 21 June 2016. How can you confirm
your interest? Please provide us with the attached Word file called „Partner Identification Form“.
Please send it to Gosia Wochowska - [email protected] , keeping in copy Mr.
Tomaz Pristovnik [email protected]
In case of any questions about the Europe for Citizens Program, the action „Network of Towns“, or this
specific project, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for details.
Partner search
Europe for Citizens 2014-2020
Strand/category Europe for Citizens - Network of Towns
September, 1, 2016
Municipality of Contursi Terme Piazza Garibaldi 1, Salerno,
The municipality of Contursi Terme is an Italian town of 3,418 inhabitants in the
province of Salerno in Campania, Southern Italy. The municipality has always
favored the management of cultural activities and exchanges between the
various Italian and foreign communities. By numerous trips abroad activated,
even at the European Parliament, it appeared necessary to make citizens feel
more European. It has also benefited from European Structural Funds for the
implementation of cultural projects. It was the applicant in partnership projects
for the organization of major events such as “The Prize Contursi Terme open to
the East”, which already in the title, it addressed to the citizens of the States of
new accession in the European Union. The vocation to deal with other cultures,
economies and societies is evidenced by the presence in our town of one of the
first Unesco clubs, cultural and social exchanges implemented with the
assistance of associations such as the "Afsai". There are already candidates to
the call "Town Twinning", deadline March 1, 2016, with the project called "Tidy"
(Together in Diversity), and we are waiting for verification by the Commission.
Contact details
Dr. Mario De Vita [email protected]
Solidarity in times of crisis
The City of Contursi Terme intends to present a joint project with other local
partners. A European project with this priority: Solidarity in times of crisis. The
will of this public body is to highlight the need for a reciprocal generosity among
the peoples and citizens of Europe, trying to analyze the effectiveness and any
critical issues of current instruments in the European states. With this in mind,
we want to develop together with other European cities a network to discuss
and assess the possibility of extending more and more horizontal model of
solidarity, adhering more and more to a subsidiary vision of voluntary work
organization systems. For this purpose it is necessary to implement a set of
related initiatives between several municipalities in different Member several
States which are part of the European Union, to be able to articulate together a
proposal compatible with the programs of the European Commission.
Partners searched
Any city of any Region, preferably not exceeding twenty thousand
Role of the partner organization in the project: The project involves
the participation of 5 European cities and 5 associations and
foundations that deal with solidarity.
Organized events will be five, one for each city, with the participation
of 80 people and a budget of EUR 100,000.00.
The project includes 5 events organized by partner cities structured
as follows:
1) Identification of the problem
2) What is the solution to identify the limits
3) How to overcome the limits
4) Subsidiarity, as structuring
5) Activities to achieve it
Each partner city should organize an event for every theme, managing
a budget that we will define later.
Partner Search Form
Identification of the applicant
Name of the organisation
Municipality of Farkadona
Registered address (street,
city, country)
Georgiou Gennimata 1 - P.C.: 42031 – Farkadona – Greece
Telephone / Fax
tel.: 00302433350000 / fax: 00302433350018
Website of the
Name of the contact
Konstantinos Asikis
Email/Telephone of the
contact person
e-mail: [email protected] / tel. 00302433350051
Location: Region of Thessaly - Central Greece.
Population: about 16.000 inhabitants.
Urban environment: include small cities and villages.
Natural environment: include low-height mountains, plain, small forests and several
Cultural heritage: byzantine and other traditional monuments, ancient cities, and
well-kept traditions.
Economy: basically based on agriculture, livestock, commerce and some industries.
Goals Compatible to the programme: Active European Citizenship, Town twinning,
Networks of twinned towns, European remembrance, Democratic engagement and
civic participation, Active civil society in Europe.
Local authority's Main Goals: to use of local advantages, to participate in European
programmes, to collaborate and exchange experiences with European partners, to
activate the civic participation in European and local democratic processes:
to fight: unemployment (mostly on youths), poverty, ageing of population
to provide: specialized social facilities, high-level services and urban facilities for the
Short presentation of your to protect: cultural and environmental heritage, susceptible social groups
organization (key activities, to promote: specialized knowledge in new production and promotion methods, the
use of new technology, the reclaim of green energy sources
to encourage: youth entrepreneurship, investments, extraversion of local economy
to support: mobility of people and ideas, intercultural contact
to ensure: sustainable economic, social and urban development
Experience: actions concerning the issues and goals generally of municipality and
especially of the programme.
1. National Intermunicipal Network of Healthy Cities – Promotion of Public health
2. National Network for the child’s protection
3. Finest Greek Tastes Network
4. E.G.T.C. Amphictyony - Network of twinned cities and areas of the
Mediterranean - European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
1. Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived F.E.A.D. - Member of “SUPPORT”
2. Member of Trikala development agency - Local action group for LEADER+
3. Member of Development Partnerships for Local Entrepreneurship and Social
Economy Development / Local employment plans
4. Member of Tourism Organisation of Trikala
Municipal blood bank
Municipal teen council - Action for local democracy
Social e-tutorials
European mobility week
“Let’s do it Greece” - Voluntary environmental actions
Action for the refugees
Action against alcoholism
e-medicine programme
Action against osteoporosis
Action against cancer
Children’s dental health action
Citizen’s health service center
Women’s health action
Other Actions:
1. Local customs
2. Christmas’s Alive manger of Farkadona
1. Lifelong learning center
2. Housing and reintegration programme
3. “Help in Home” programme
4. Rural development programme
5. Administrative reform programme
6. Environment and sustainable development programme
7. Thessaly operational programme
8. Erasmus+ programme
9. Harmonization between professional and family life
Description of the project
Action, Measure in the
framework of „Europe for
Citizens” Programme
Strand 2:
Democratic engagement and civic participation
Measure 2.1: Town twinning
Timetable of the project
1st January 2017 – 30th September 2017
Short description of the
project, including its aims
We would like to participate in a project which include aims compatible to our
organization goals and actions.
Role of the partner
organization in the project
Comments from the
Countries preferred: All the eligible from the programme countries.
Partner Search Form
Identification of the applicant
Name of the organisation
Registered address (street, city, country)
Branisková 5, Košice, 04001
Telephone / Fax
+421 905 848 750
Website of the organisation
Name of the contact person
Miroslava Rybarova
Email/Telephone of the contact person
[email protected], +421 905 848 750
Short presentation of your organisation (key
activities, experience)
We are professionals from culture from Košice
(Slovakia) ,who established in 2014 an non profit
organization called AZIMUT. Our aim is to
implement and support activities in the field of
education and cultural and education activities
inspiring critical dialoque related to the totalitarian
systems in Slovakia and neaboring regions.
Association will support private and public activities
which are helping to revive the consciousness of
democratic values in our society and prevent
restoration of the totalitarian regime in any shape
or form. Our flagship project is the annual
"Matrioshka" festival we have
been organizing
since 2014 in Košice.
Description of the project
Action, Measure in the framework of „Europe
for Citizens” Programme
Strand 2.3
Timetable of the project
November 2017 – the end of the project is still
unspecified (depends on the agreeement among
Short description of the project, including its
Matrioshka is a multi-genre festival that, through
arts and culture, promotes the need for the active
protection of the democratic values and shows the
key role of a free civil society in shaping democracy.
The festival is primarily targeting the younger
generation (age 15 to 30), helping them to
understand the importance of critical thinking and
bringing the awareness of the absurdity of
totalitarian regimes Matrioshka is meant also to
foster a debate on dominant moral and political
issues in the contemporary world – and on
Slovakia´s position in it – in a clear, communicative,
and modern way. Within this seven-day festival, we
plan to organize events in the following cultural
types: exhibition , theatre performance, discussion,
lecture, educational quiz, literature (public reading).
Role of the partner organisation in the project
Comments from the applicant
We are open to any kind of collaboration- as
a organizer and inventor of a project, but also as
a partner of existing project.
We are looking for new, inspiring partners for
considerable experience in organizing cultural
events and very good connections with the local
and national organizations.
Partner search
Europe for Citizens 2014-2020
Europe for Citizens.
Strand: Democratic engagement and civic participation
Measure: Network of towns
Deadline applying
1st September 2016
Union of health promotion and assistance, (NGO, in Slovak language Únia pomoci a podpory
No Barrier - The National Platform Against Barriers (NGO, in Slovak language OZ Bez
bariéry – Národná platforma proti bariéram)
Short description
Contact details
Assistance and support for the chronically and physically disabled citizens of
Slovakia and the visitors of the Slovak republic in the system and practical form
The solution and removal of barriers and quality of mobility and access to basic
human needs for these groups of disabled people and creating an environment
without barriers
Expansion of the Eurokey system in the Slovak republic and the introduction of this
system as a basis for the removal of access barriers
Comprehensive system solutions elimination of barriers for the participation of the
state, public governments, NGO´s and other institutions that can improve the
environment quality of life for each person with disability in EU citizen
Unification and harmonisation of rules and guidelines in the area of elimination of
barriers in a practical concept for the target groups of the population of the EU
member countries
The creation of a “European civil committee for the removal of barriers” on the
basis of positive examples of cooperation of individual countries
Implementation of projects funded by the Patronage of the Presidency of the Slovak
republic in the Council of the EU:
a. Eurokey – Unlock Europe for the patients
b. European city of solidarity
c. The international corridor of Health
Petr Kučera, the president of The Union of health promotion and assistance (NGO) and the
president of No Barrier - The National Platform Against Barriers (NGO)
Telephone: +421 904 463 299
e-mail: [email protected]
Mailing address: Petr Kučera, OZ Bez bariéry – Národná platforma proti bariéram,
Číž 5, 980 43 Číž, Slovak republic
The main aim of the project will be creation of the “European civic committee for the
systematic and comprehensive removal of barriers” following the framework of the
above mentioned projects funded by the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU (see
table Organisation, paragraph Short description and point 7) .
The European citizens committee for the systematic and comprehensive removal of
barriers will be the basis for 1/ systematic solutions/fixing minor bugs linked with
implementation of the unified cross-border health care system for people with
disabilities in local/national environment and 2/ elimination of barriers in individual EU
member states. The basis for creation of such a committee has been formed in already
existing projects (funded by the Slovak Presidency framework) and the committee main
aim should be to create a right environment for successful international cooperation among
its members.
In the first phase we would like to focus on gathering best practices all over the Europe and
based on them put forward a unified strategy for consideration by EU institutions.
All countries in the EU with emphasis on following 20 EU member states:
 The Czech republic
 Poland
 Hungary
 Germany
 Croatia
 Greece
 Austria
 France
 Norway
 Sweden
 Spain
 Italy
 Bulgaria
 Romania
 Estonia
 Finland
 The Netherlands
 Denmark
 Ireland
 Malta
We´re looking for subjects with experience/good examples in one of these three areas:
introducing Eurokey to public, elimination of barriers in society or implementation the
unified cross-border health care system for people with disabilities in national/local
environment. They might be:
 Patient organizations coming from above listed countries,
 governmental institutions of above listed countries,
 local authorities of above listed countries.
Deadline for
expression of
September 2016
Partners searched
Punto Europeo de Ciudadanía
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Secretaría de Estado de Cultura
Plaza del Rey, 1. 28004. Madrid
Telf: (+ 34) 917017466
[email protected]