Eastex Essex Leaflet - Epping Forest District Council
Eastex Essex Leaflet - Epping Forest District Council
ANYTHING GOES a range of materials AT YOUR SERVICE a regional team A massive range of materials can be sourced or supplied through Eastex. There are staff based in each of the Region’s counties to assist you and your organisation to make the very most of the Exchange. It’s a real opportunity to examine the way in which you source and dispose of material, to reduce waste and keep useful materials in circulation. Batteries Building Materials Chemical Liquids Drums and Containers Electricals and Electronics Furniture and Fittings Glass or Ceramics Metals Oils Putrescibles Pallets Paper and Card Plant and Equipment Plastic and Rubber Textiles and Clothing Vehicle Parts Wood and Timber DUTY OF CARE your duty in law It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that waste generated is handled safely and in accordance with the law. Businesses are responsible for ensuring the safe and proper disposal or recovery of their waste, even after they have passed it on to another party. Full details of Duty of Care and other waste regulations can be found at www.netregs.gov.uk CONTACT DETAILS To contact the coordinator of the Essex Materials Exchange please email us at [email protected] or go to www.eastex.org.uk/essex DISCLAIMER Use of the Exchange services are subject to a disclaimer, which can be found at www.eastex.org.uk/disclaimer A FREE SERVICE TO KEEP USEFUL MATERIALS IN CIRCULATION EASTEX a free service A materials exchange actively exploits the principle that one organisation’s waste is another’s raw material. By automatically matching these parties via the internet, unwanted materials can be passed on or sourced efficiently - either once or as an ongoing arrangement. AN OPPORTUNITY the benefits INSTRUCTIONS what to do next Go to your local exchange at www.eastex.org.uk/essex To find materials you require or details of others seeking materials 1.Click ‘search’ and make a selection Find free or cheaper sources of raw materials or equipment from anywhere in the region 2.Login or register online 3.View contact details associated with the chosen records Reduce expenditure on waste disposal 4.Make contact and arrange collection To post details of materials on offer Improve your environmental and social performance 1.Click ‘members’ or register online 2.Click ‘add a record’ 3.Submit details of your offering YOU’VE PAID FOR THE SERVICE don’t miss out Landfill tax is set to increase by £3/tonne each year from £21/tonne to reach a long-term rate of £35/tonne. The Government is committed to making these increases revenue-neutral to business by funding initiatives which promote resource efficiency through the Business Resource Efficiency and Waste (BREW) Programme. Eastex is funded by BREW through the East of England Development Agency (EEDA). Funding has also been provided by The East of England Regional Assembly (EERA), The Environment Agency, The County Councils and local authorities of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk, Peterborough City Council, May Gurney and Mott MacDonald.