File - The Queen Center


File - The Queen Center
Island Teens Against Tobacco
MARCH 2014
ITAT's Kira Hannemann who is
also Miss Nothern Utah County
was the spokesperson for the I
Am Not A Target Ad contest
event. Kira's platform is on antitobacco. She is very passionate
about this issue and was able
to share her concerns when she
spoke at the Legislative Session
during the Tobacco Free
Education Day back in
National Kick Butts Day
On March 19, 2014 ITAT participated in the National Kick Butts Day.
Youth groups from all over the nation held different events to raise
awareness on tobacco issues. This year there were a total of 1400
events! Our Utah County ITAT members submitted ads for the I Am
Not A Target ad contest that was sponsored by the Utah County
Health Despartment. Our students created 30-second ads that
discussed major issues about tobacco. The contest submissions were
shown during a pre-screening of the movie Divergent. If you would
like to see these videos they are on YouTube at:
!Our Washington County ITAT group teamed up with fellow antiHere is a picture of the
secured cigarette disposals
that ITAT and One Good
Reason delivered to local
apartment complexes to
eliminate youth access to half
smoked cigarettes aka
tobacco youth group, One Good Reason on an anti-tobacco project
for Kick Butts Day. The focus for their project was on "halfsies", these
are half-smoked cigarettes that youth find in cigarette disposals often
located in apartment complexes that allow residents to smoke. The
groups were able to get permission from three different
apartmentment communities to donate new cigarette disposal
canisters that were secured to prevent access to halfsies. The groups
delivered the disposal canisters and also passed out flyers about the
benefits of quitting smoking. Great work to ITAT and our fellow
peers that participated in National Kick Butts Day this month!