April 2016


April 2016
APRIL 2016
Honoring Our Volunteers
n April 8, Or Ami will honor our volunteers and present our Keeper of the Flame award to Amy Seidman. Please join us for a special
Erev Shabbat Service at 7:30 p.m. to acknowledge all the non-staff members who volunteer thousands of hours at Or Ami.
Our Volunteer Appreciation event is a yearly reminder of the volunteer time and congregational talent that go into making our
congregation strong. Thank you for the role each of you has played in making this a challenging but successful year at Or Ami. When you see
any of these people around, please tell them “thank you!”
Debby Askow
Irv Askow
Sue Ackland
Joel Azeff
Trudi Azeff
Simi Kaplan Baer
Lorie Balistocky
Marvin Balistocky
David Banks
Eric Banks
Lynda Bard
Jeanette Bawer
Ray Bawer
Morgan Bell
Matt Bennett
Sandy Bennett
Jack Berman
Leslie Berman
Maddie Berman
Michele Berman
Barbara Berr
Steve Berr
Lisa Billings
Henry Bleier
Dene Bloom
Stephanie Bock
Brooke Borsky
Nancy Braitman
Irene Braun
Sarah Braun
Deb Delano Brenner
Lenny Brenner
Sophie Brenner
Randy Brenner
Nori Brown
Iris Brownstein
Jake Brownstein
Larry Brownstein
Brandi Burton
Stu Carpey
Hannah Carr
Rebecca Carr
Lori Coffey
Brandon Cohen
Chelsea Cohen
Doug Cohen
Emmie Cohen
Marisa Cohen
Sam Cohen
Suzanne Cohen
Pam Cooper
Zach Cooper
Beth Dainoff
Lillian Davis
Tamara Davis
Maris Delano
Brie Derringer
Jon Dichter
Gail Dichter
Levin Dichter
Brooke Dunoff
Josh Dunoff
Lauren Dunoff
Raquel Dunoff
Veronica Edelman
Hannah Erlbaum
Paulette Feinberg
Andrea Feldheim
David Feldheim
Jessica Feldman
Betsy Filton
Dina Fink
Arlene Finston
Joe Finston
Alan Fishman
Jocelyn Freed
Matthew Freedman
Melissa Freedman
Heather Fritts
Sharon Fuerman
Gail Gadol
Adam Gelwarg
Benji Gelwarg
Kim Gelwarg
Macey Gelwarg
Michelle Glantz
Andree Goldberg
Randi Goldstein
Mila Gorman
Emily Greberman
Jill Green
Karen Green
Jonathan Green
Matthew Green
Joan Griff
Danielle Grobman
Cindi Grodanz
Bunny Grunes
Irv Grunes
Sandy Grunfeld
Mindi Herman
Barb Hoffman
Josh Hoffman
Rachel Hoffman
Jackie Hoffman
Susan Hoffman
Marsha Isdaner
Hillary Israeli
Michael Israeli
Naomi Israeli
Lori Israelite
Dara Jeck
Larry Kahn
Jackie Kane
Andy Kasmen
Lisa Kasmen
Elijah King-Tornberg
Ruth King-Tornberg
Karen Kleiman
Carol Klein
Helene Klein
Bill Koelewyn
Lisa Koelewyn
Judy Koffler
Jackie Konin
Michael Konin
Kim Kriebel
Brian Kroker
Suzi Lazarus
Traci Lechwar
Paula Leder
Mike Lefkowitz
Brandon Leibowitz
Jamie Leibowitz
Ken Leibowitz
Rachel Leopold
Nan Levin
Stephanie Levin
Laurie Levine
Alex Levinson
Helene Levinson
Alex Lifschutz
Sari Lifschutz
Dan Loewenstern
Lisa Loewenstern
Samantha Loewenstern
Michelle Lucks
Zella Ludwig
Carole Lukoff
Amy Margulies
Denise Marks
Lizzy McLellan
Gwen Mennen
Joe Mennen
Jeff Michaels
Chloe Michaels
Sloane Michaels
Susan Michels
Marilyn Miller
Fred Morganstein
Robin Morganstein
Dara Nasatir
David Nasatir
Debbie Gettes Neibauer
Sara Neuman
Hilary Newman
Joselyn Ney
Larry Paul
Margie Paul
Susan Paul
Zachary Paul
Heidi Petersohn
Daria Prusky
Cochava Prystowsky
Jane Raeder
Lowell Raeder
Michael Ravich
Naomi Reses
Allanah Richman
Juliette Rice
Nancy Ripp
Alan Roomberg
Daniel Rosen
Helene Rosen
continued on page 3
Clergy and Staff
Rabbi.....................................Kenneth I. Carr
[email protected]
Cantor...................................Jordan S. Franzel
[email protected]
Rabbi Emeritus.....................Seymour Prystowsky
[email protected]
Office Manager.....................Jodye Green 610-828-9066 x200
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant.....Lynn Alexander 610-828-9066 x201
[email protected]
Early Childhood
Education Director..............Michelle Ruder 610-828-1086 x400
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant.....Lisa Larney 610-828-1086 x401
[email protected]
Director of Education
and Lifelong Learning.........Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg
610-828-4443 x301
[email protected]
Administrative Support......610-828-4443 x300
[email protected]
Synagogue Office.................610-828-9066
610-828-3731 Fax
[email protected]
Religious School...................610-828-4443
610-828-8689 Fax
[email protected]
ECE Center...........................610-828-1086
April Worship Schedule
Friday, April 1
6:30 a.m.........................Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 2
10:30 a.m.......................Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Grobman
Wednesday, April 6
7:30 a.m.........................Morning Minyan
Friday, April 8
7:30 a.m.........................Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 9
10:30 a.m.......................Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Leah Kaye
Wednesday, April 13
7:30 a.m.........................Morning Minyan
Friday, April 15
6:30 a.m.........................Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 16
10:30 a.m.......................Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Taylor Goodman
Wednesday, April 20
7:30 a.m.........................Morning Minyan
Officers and Trustees
Friday, April 22
Co-President........................................Larry Paul
Co-President........................................Terri Wolfheimer
Vice President.....................................Simi Baer
Vice President.....................................Hillary Israeli
Vice President.....................................Danny Schwartz
Treasurer...............................................Joshua Dunoff
Saturday, April 23
Executive Officers
Leslie Berman
Deb Brenner, COATz Co-Chair
Tamara Davis
Barb Hoffman, Membership Chair
Jackie Kane
Andrew Kasmen, Immediate Past President
Bill Koeleywn
Helene Levinson, Spiritual Life Chair
David Nasatir
Jeff Seidman, House Committee Chair
Jen Segal, ECEC Committee Chair
Larry Segal
Missy Sterling, COATz Co-Chair
Larry Stern
Curt Toll
Jenn Weiner, Religious School Chair
Oracle Staff
Editor.............................................. Carole Verona
[email protected]
Assistant Editor.............................. Susan Ackland
[email protected]
Deadline First of the month before publication of issue. We reserve
the discretion to edit for space limitations. Congregation Or Ami is
affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.
First Night of Passover
10:30 a.m.......................Shabbat Service
Wednesday, April 27
7:30 a.m.........................Morning Minyan
Friday, April 29
7:30 a.m.........................Last Day Passover Service
7:30 a.m.........................Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 30
10:30 a.m.......................Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Devon Morganstein
Israel Needs Your Help
Throughout the
month of April,
COATz is collecting
coats and dress wear
— items that are
expensive in Israel
— for needy families.
Drop your donations in the cardboard collection boxes
near the coat closet and they will be shipped directly
to Israel and distributed by Yad Leah, an established
If you have any questions, contact Lexie Kaiser at
[email protected].
VOLUNTEERS…continued from page 1
Joshua Rosen
Ron Rosen
Terri Rosen
Amy Jo Rosenthal
Susan Rubin
Barry Ruder
Ian Ruder
Sophie Ruder
Robin Sandberg
Freda Savett
Deb Schulman
Brady Schwartz
Dan Schwartz
Emma Schwartz
Jake Schwartz
Jill Schwartz
Rachel Schwartz
Amy Seidman
Doris Seidman
Harvey Seidman
Jeff Seidman
Jen Segal
Larry Segal
Scott Segal
Janice Selig
Carly Shaw
Michele Shubin
Laina Silversmith
Doug Simon
Steve Simon
Stan Sinowitz
Joel Sloane
Peggy Sloane
Deb Snyder
Craig Soffin
Judy Steier
Missy Sterling
Rachel Sterling
Scott Sterling
Larry Stern
Marlyn Stern
Myra Stern
Darren Sudman
Phyllis Sudman
Curt Toll
Jacy Toll
Josh Toll
Sarah Toll
Carole Verona
Bob Waks
Beth Waks
Coby Waks
Phyllis Warchaizer
Mel Waxman
Debi Weidman
Peter Weidman
Lauren Weinberg
Emily Weiner
Jamie Weiner
Jenn Weiner
Joan Weinstein
Mandy Weisbruch
George Weiss
Jackie Weiss
Allison Wightman
Benjamin Wightman
Terri Wolfheimer
Mark Wolfheimer
Rachel Wolfheimer
Fredi Wolgin
Melissa Zalcman
Mitch Zimmer
Randi Zimmer
If we inadvertently
omitted or misspelled
your name, we apologize
for the error. Please
report omissions to
net. This list does not
include our clergy or staff
members, though we
appreciate the extra time
they donate to benefit
our congregation.
An Update from the Rabbinic Search Committee
Editor’s note: The information in this article may have changed since it
was submitted for publication in The Oracle.
he Rabbinic Search Committee has been extremely busy since
its inception in January. Our application for an interim Rabbi
was submitted to the CCAR in February and to date we have
received 5 resumes. Two skype interviews were followed by the visit
of one Rabbi, who spent two days with us and within a few days
thereafter, with Board approval, was offered the position to become
our interim Rabbi. Unfortunately, he received another offer with a
substantially higher salary and sadly had to decline our offer. We
have interviewed two other potential candidates and as of the date of
this article are still considering their qualifications and experience in
trying to find the best fit for Or Ami.
In addition to searching for our interim Rabbi, we are hard at work
communicating with our congregation and staff to make sure we
give everyone the opportunity to have their thoughts, opinions
and concerns voiced and heard. Our online survey resulted in 146
responses, which we are currently reviewing and analyzing. The
results of the survey will be shared with everyone once we have
completed our analysis and summarization. Our town hall meeting
was extremely successful with approximately 80 congregants in
Help Beautify
our Synagogue
with a Fine Arts
Stained Glass
Window Gift Card
attendance. In addition, we held focus group sessions offering
everyone the opportunity to meet in smaller groups of similar
demographics, facilitated by members of our committee. The purpose
of the survey and meeting sessions is really for us, as a congregation,
to reflect on who we are, what our values and priorities are and what
are the qualities, characteristics and priorities we are looking for in a
new rabbi. As we move forward with our search for a settled rabbi,
there will be more opportunities to come together to further discuss
all of these things that are so critical to us as a congregation.
We recognize that this is a time of uncertainty for our
congregation and that we are about to embark on a brand new
course for our future. However, we could not be more optimistic
that together, we will come through this as a stronger, more cohesive,
energetic and vibrant community with so much potential for growth
and success.
If anyone has any questions or comments, please do not hesitate
to contact us.
Susan Michels and Dave Nasatir
Our Hours:
Monday through Thursday:
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
9 a.m. to noon
Or call Rachel at 610-724-4188 for an appointment
Shopping at Or Ami’s Gift Shop is easy and convenient. And all
proceeds go to Or Ami.
We have a “we trust you” policy. If no one is in the shop, go to the
office and Jodye or Lynn will help you. Or leave a note with your
name, phone number and a description of what you took and
Rachel will contact you for payment.
Special for readers of The Oracle: Mention this ad and get
$5.00 off your purchase of $25 or more.
To Michele Berman
In memory of Edmund Lovenwirth.......Helene and Alex Levinson
To Cantor Franzel
In appreciation............................................The Kroker/Fink/Paul families
Bill and Aimee Silverman
To Susan Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Bill and Lisa Koelewyn
Carole and Joel Lukoff
To Craig Soffin
In memory of Nathan Soffin....................Violet and Jerome Hoffman
Helene and Alex Levinson
To Brian Kroker/Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Paula and Dan Leder
Stan and Lois Sinowitz
To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lampert
In honor of recent marriage.....................Lorie and Marv Balistocky
To Rabbi Seymour and Cochava Prystowsky
In honor of your granddaughter’s
Bat Mitzvah..................................................Lorie and Marv Balistocky
To Craig Soffin
In memory of Nathan Soffin....................Bob and Carol Klein
To Curt and Jacy Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Ted and Joan Borowsky
Stan and Lois Sinowitz
To Nancy Yaros
In memory of Constance Yaros...............Lorie and Marv Balistocky
To Randi Zimmer
In memory of Richard Levy.....................Stan and Lois Sinowitz
To Sherry Dainoff and family
In memory of George Dainoff.................Mel and Penny Brodsky
To Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Bonnie Linn
Bridge the Gap
To Susan Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Lori and Craig Israelite
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Clergy Discretionary Fund
David and Florence Prystowsky Scholarship Fund
To Brian Kroker, Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Arlene and Victor Adlin
Early Childhood Education Fund
To Michele Berman
In memory of Ed Lovenwirth..................Sugar Friedlander
To Dainoff and Segal families
In memory of George Dainoff.................The Abelman family
Ellen Barbash
The Bard/Maizel family
Leslie and Stuart Berman
Deb, Randy, Lenny, Kailey and Sophie
Maris Delano
Josh and Lauren Dunoff
Heather, Doug, Avery and
Chase Fritts
Ronnie Haislup
Dara, Dan, Ethan and Dylan Jeck
Robert and Julie Tornberg
Stacey Zickerman
To Phyllis Glassman
Best wishes for many happy years
in your new home.......................................Joel and Carole Lukoff
To Susan and Larry Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................The Abelman family
The Haislup family
To Aimee Silverman
In memory of Constance Yaros...............The Haislup family
To Linda Weaner
In memory of your father.........................The Abelman family
Ilene Buchert
Ronnie Haislup
Stacey Zickerman
Education Fund
To Susan Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Ellen, Staci, Ashley Pesin
To Wendi and Neal Rutman
In honor of Jordyn’s Bat Mitzvah ...........Phyllis Glassman
Fine Arts Fund
In memory of Sylvia Sinowitz...............Stan and Lois Sinowitz
To the Dainoff and Segal families
In memory of George Dainoff.................Alissa and Ed Blumenthal
Stan and Lois Sinowitz
To Joe Finston
In honor of your special birthday............Lorie and Marv Balistocky
General Fund
Iris Garden
To Brian Kroker and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Carole and Joel Lukoff
Jeff Kedson Youth Fund
To Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Marlyn, Larry, Lauren and Rachel
Joseph Goldblum Library Fund
To Diane Bacine and family
In memory of your mother......................Barbara and Bob Goldblum
To Barbara Goldblum
In honor of your special birthday............The Kirschner family
Bernard and Harriet Rothman
Light of Our People
To Michele and Jack Berman
In memory of Ed Lovenwirth..................Karen and Jeff Green and family
Karen and Alan Fishman
Susan and Larry Paul
To Brian Kroker/Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Debby and Irv Askow
Bonnie and Mitchell Benson
Leslie and Stuart Berman
Maris Delano
Fishman family
Marcy and Joe Goldshear
Karen, Jeff, Jonathan and Matthew
Jackie and David Kane
Ed and Sherri Koch
Hilary and Dan Newman
Bill and Aimee Silverman
Judy Steier
Beth and Bob Waks
Haryce and Joe Waks
Maxine Weinstein
Tamara Davis/Bruce Wightman
Terri and Mark Wolfheimer
To Rachel and Ron Leopold
Mazel Tov on the marriage
of Jen and Josh.............................................Karen, Alan, Dani and Lauren
To Cindy and Ed Ravitch
Mazel Tov on Michael and
Lizzie’s engagement....................................Karen, Alan, Dani and Lauren
To Eddie Ravitch
In memory of Toby Ravitch.....................Wednesday Night Tennis Group
To Curt and Jacy Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Debbie and Irv Askow
Davis/Wightman family
Barb and Jeff Hoffman
Jackie and David Kane
Lisa and Michael Lefkowitz
Brian, Emily, Halie and Jordan
Peggy and Joel Sloane
Terri and Mark Wolfheimer
To the Segal/Dainoff family
In memory of George Dainoff.................Suzanne and Doug Cohen
Brian, Emily, Halie and Jordan
To Sherry Dainoff and family
In memory of George Dainoff.................Marcy and Gene Aronow
To Susan Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Brad and Deborah Feldstein
To the family of Fran R. Noble
In memory of Arnold Rosenfeld.............Marilyn and Jerry Bard
To Michelle Kramer
In honor of your becoming
a great-grandmother..................................Reba and Robert Salkoff
To the Kroker and Paul families
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Lisa, Andrew, Jordan and
Lindsay Casel
Rita Rubin
To Rita Rubin and family
In memory of Harold Rubin....................Maddy Winsten
Rabbi Tornberg’s Discretionary Fund
To Michele Berman and family
In memory of Ed Lovenwirth..................Dene Bloom
To Joe Finston
Happy 90th birthday..................................Dene Bloom
To Brian Kroker and Brooke Stolper/Susan and Larry Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Dene Bloom
The Stolper and Schaeffer families
Debi and Bob Schulman
Tammy and Michael Steinberg
To Roy Kroker
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Dene Bloom
To Rita Rubin and family
In memory of Hal Rubin...........................Dene Bloom
To Craig Soffin
In memory of Nathan Soffin....................Robert Fleisher
To Curt and Jacy Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................The Resnick family
To Randi Zimmer and family
In memory of Richard Levy.....................Dene Bloom
Remembrance Fund
Michael Salkoff Endowment Fund
Mitzvah Fund
Nancy Roomberg Memorial Fund
To Michele Berman and family
In memory of Ed Lovenwirth..................Jonathan and Marcy Lipner
Susan Rubin and family
To the Dainoff/Segal families
In memory of George Dainoff.................Phyllis and Bud Stern
Beth and Bob Waks
To Brian Kroker and family/Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Michele and Jack Berman
Marilyn and Gene Miller
Carol and Alan Roomberg
Phyllis and Stanley Warchaizer
To the Ravitch family
In memory of Toby Ravitch.....................Barb and Jeff Hoffman
To Susan Rubin
With much love on your special birthday Susan and Hal Michels
To Curt Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Carol and Alan Roomberg
Phyllis and Stanley Warchaizer
Prayerbook Fund
To Brian Kroker and Brooke Stolper
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Steve and Betsy Filton
Rabbi Carr’s Discretionary Fund
To Rabbi Carr
In appreciation-In memory
of Lorraine I Kendel...................................Marc and Jill Zaid
With deep appreciation...........................The Kroker/Fink/Paul families
Maddy Winsten
To Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Madeline Rice and family
To Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg
In appreciation............................................Bill and Aimee Silverman
Religious School Fund
To Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Fran Goldfine
To Randi Zimmer
In memory of Richard Levy....................Jeff, Debbie and Sam Levine
Peggy and Joel Sloane
Jill and Marc Zaid
To Aimee and Bill Silverman
In memory of Constance Yaros...............The Moyer-Rosenberg family
To Jacy and Curt Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Lisa, Jonathan, Daniel and Benjamin
Synagogue Operating Fund
To Brian Kroker and Susan Paul and family
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Esther and David Nash
Ted and Michael Goldman Tzedakah Fund
To Edith Goldman
In memory of your brother, Jay...............Barbara and Marty Sandler
Torah Card Fund
To Trudi Azeff
In honor of your speedy recovery...........Deb, Randy, Lenny, Kailey and Sophie
To Michele Berman
In memory of Ed Lovenwirth..................Rachel, Ron, Jen and Josh, Bryan and
Hayley and Scott Leopold
Susan and Hal Michels
Peggy and Joel Sloane
Larry Paul and Terri Wolfheimer
To Steve Berr
Best wishes for a speedy recovery...........Richard and Sue Ackland
To the Dainoff/Segal families
In memory of George Dainoff.................Peggy and Joel Sloane
Larry Paul and Terri Wolfheimer
To Elaine Clair
In memory of your son, David................Howard and Sandie Salasin
To Joe Finston
Mazel Tov on your 90th!...........................Jane and Lowell Raeder
To Eileen Gold
In memory of Eric Kessler........................Rachel and Kipp Cohen
To Bob Klein
In memory of your sister...........................Steve and Barbara Berr
To the Kligerman family
In honor of Aliza’s Bat Mitzvah...............Rachel and Ron Leopold
To Brian Kroker/Susan Paul and families
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Sandra and Matthew Bennett
Renay and Howard Bernstein
Stephen and Barbara Berr
To Brian Kroker/Susan Paul and families
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Sandra and Matthew Bennett
Deb, Randy, Lenny, Kailey and Sophie
Lori and Tim Coffey and family
Andrea and David Feldheim
Dina and Mike Fink
Sidney and Selma Firth
Shirley and Joel Gottlieb
Barbara and Larry Kahn
Jackie and Michael Konin
Helene and Alex Levinson
Rachel, Ron, Jen and Josh, Bryan and
Hayley and Scott Leopold
Susan and Hal Michels
Larry Paul and Terri Wolfheimer
Jane and Lowell Raeder
Susan, Robert, Allie and Austin Rose
Ginni and Mark Salaman
Sandie and Howard Salasin
Michael and Lori Simon
Scott, Missy and Rachel Sterling
Curt and Jacy Toll
Lori Weinstein
Stacey and Jay Zickerman
Randi and Mitch Zimmer
To Ed Ravitch and family
In memory of Toby Ravitch.....................Bob and Debi Schulman
Howard, Lisa and Allison Weinstock
To Helene Rifkin
In memory of your sister, Annette..........Sandy and Matthew Bennett
Terri, Mark, Rachel and Jordan
To Rita Rubin and family
In memory of Hal Rubin...........................Phyllis Polen
To the Rutman family
In honor of Jordyn’s Bat Mitzvah.............Deb, Randy, Lenny, Kailey and Sophie
Brenner Rachel and Ron Leopold
To Jerry and Ellen Segal
In memory of your brother, Leonard SegalMaxine and Randy Petersohn
To Aimee Silverman
In memory of Constance Yaros...............Helene and Alex Levinson
To Craig Soffin
In memory of Nathan Soffin....................Stephen and Barbara Berr
Howard and Lisa Weinstock
To Curt and Jacy Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Richard and Sue Ackland
Renay and Howard Bernstein and
Stephen and Barbara Berr
Barbara and Larry Kahn
Jackie and Michael Konin
Helene and Alex Levinson
Rachel and Ron Leopold
Carole and Joel Lukoff
Susan and Hal Michels
Susan and Larry Paul
Jane and Lowell Raeder
Beth and Bob Waks
Larry Paul and Terri Wolfheimer
Howard and Sandie Salasin
Randi and Mitch Zimmer
To Randi Zimmer
In memory of Richard Levy.....................Deb, Randy, Lenny, Kailey and Sophie
Rachel and Ron Leopold
Curtis and Jacy Toll
Tree of Life
To Caroline Kay
In honor of your Bat Mitzvah..................Heather and David Kay
Tzedakah Fund
To the Kroker/Paul families
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Josh and Lauren Dunoff
Jodi Heimler
Bertha Roth
To the Toll family
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Josh and Lauren Dunoff
Wilma Clauson Adult Education Fund
To Susan and Larry Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Sharon and Bob Fuerman
To Jacy and Curt Toll
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Sharon and Bob Fuerman
Yahrzeit Fund
In memory of Rae Azeff............................Joel and Trudi Azeff
In memory of Harold Blatstein................Lee and Jann Blatstein
In memory of Beverly Eisenstadter........Judith Steier
In memory of Eleanor Feinberg..............Martin and Paulette Feinberg
In memory of Harris Feinberg.................Martin and Paulette Feinberg
In memory of Sylvia Fromer....................Joel and Carolyn Fromer
In memory of Hal Goodman...................Joan Griff
In memory of Jane Gorman.....................Mila and Daniel Gorman
In memory of Elizabeth Kasdin..............Leroy and Ruth Loewenstern
In memory of Emilie Katz........................Mila and Daniel Gorman
In memory of Naomi Kleinman.............Maris Delano
In memory of Selma Wiemer Kohn.......Steven and Gail Katz
In memory of Reba Lebed........................Joel and Iris Lebed
In memory of Bernard Litsky..................Martin and Paulette Feinberg
In memory of Freda Litsky.......................Martin and Paulette Feinberg
In memory of Julian Loewenstern..........Leroy and Ruth Loewenstern
In memory of Stanley Loewenstern.......Leroy and Ruth Loewenstern
In memory of Saundria Nager.................Laurence and Debra Berger
In memory of John Perrige.......................Curt and Jacy Toll
In memory of Irene Rabinowitz..............Marvin and Lorie Balistocky
In memory of Nancy Roomberg.............Roberta and Martin Rogoff
Alan and Carole Roomberg
In memory of
Lorna Goldblum Rothman......................Robert and Barbara Goldblum
In memory of Gertrude Rubin................Steven and Marsha Rubin
In memory of Martha Silverman............Irv and Debby Askow
In memory of Sondra Slomine................Larry and Karen Denenberg
In memory of Ann Solomon...................Barbara Berr
In memory of Max Solomon...................Barbara Berr
In memory of Anita Toll...........................Lisa Picker
In memory of Esther Weinstein..............Helene and Alex Levinson
In memory of Esther Weinstein..............Madeline Winsten
In memory of Bertha Wiemer.................Steven and Gail Katz
To Susan Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Gwen and Steve Green
Youth Fund
To Michele and Jack Berman and family
In memory of Ed Lovenwirth..................Helene and Ron Rosen
To Brian Kroker and Brooke Stolper/Susan and Larry Paul
In memory of Ettie Kroker.......................Gail and Joel Cooperman
Helene, Ron, Daniel, Joshua and
Esther Rosen
The Fritts family donated a gift card in honor of their daughter Avery being
called to the Bimah as a Shabbat Child.
The Michaels family donated a Target gift card in honor of their daughter
Paige being called to the Bimah as a Shabbat Child.
Barbara and Lee Michaels donated a Target gift card in honor of their
granddaughter Paige being called to the Bimah as a Shabbat Child.
The Rosenthal family donated a gift card in honor of their son Jagger being
called to the Bimah as a Shabbat Child.
The Silversmith family donated a root view planting set in honor of their
daughter Orli being called to the Bimah as a Shabbat Child.
an incident. Emissions from sexual organs, whether from illness,
ejaculation, or menstruation, also make a person ritually impure; the
purification rituals for these incidents are also described.
April 23: First Day Pesach, Exodus 12:21 – 12:51
April 2: Sh’mini, Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
On the eighth day of Aaron’s ordination, in front of the whole
community, Aaron sacrifices a sin offering and burnt offering for
himself, then a sin offering, burnt offering, and offering of well-being
on the people’s behalf. Now that he is High Priest, Aaron blesses the
people, and God’s Presence appears to all the people at the Tent of
Meeting. The celebration is cut short when Aaron’s sons Nadav and
Avihu make an offering that God had not commanded, and they are
struck down by God’s fire. God and then Moses command Aaron
and his sons about appropriate conduct at the Tent of Meeting. God
instructs Moses and Aaron about which animals are permitted and
forbidden for food. God specifies certain animal carcasses as not
even to be touched, lest they make someone ritually impure.
April 9: Tazri-a, Leviticus 12:1 – 13:59
God describes for Moses various causes of ritual impurity: childbirth,
skin afflictions, inflammations, burns, and skin discolorations.
Fabrics and garments can also become ritually unclean. The rituals of
diagnosis and impurity are described.
April 16: M’tzora, Leviticus 14:1 – 15:33
Continuing last week’s discussion of ritual impurity, the procedures
for purification are detailed. God tells Moses and Aaron that houses
can become ritually impure, and God teaches them how to treat such
The regular cycle of readings is interrupted by a special section for
when the first day of Pesach falls on Shabbat. This portion picks up
toward the end of the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt. After nine
plagues have occurred, Moses relays to the Israelites God’s command
that each family should slaughter a lamb and put its blood on the
doorposts. He tells them to observe the Passover sacrifice for all time,
to commemorate how God saved the people. The Israelites obey,
and then the tenth plague comes, striking down all the Egyptian
first-born. Pharaoh summons Moses and tells him to take the people
out. Taking their bread before it had finished rising, the Israelites
hurry out, some 600,000 men and their families, along with a mixed
multitude. This culmination of the liberation story explains its
selection as the special holy day reading.
April 30: Acharei Mot, Leviticus 16:1 – 18:30
The regular cycle of readings resumes with God commanding
Moses to instruct Aaron about the ritual for Yom Kippur. Aaron
needs to sacrifice a sin-offering to make atonement for himself and
for his family before making atonement for the rest of the people.
He sacrifices one goat as the people’s sin offering, and then sends a
different goat out into the wilderness, symbolically carrying off all of
the people’s sins. Yom Kippur is established as a day of atonement and
self-denial. Sacrificial practices are centralized at the Tabernacle. The
Israelites must pour out the blood of any animal they kill for food; the
blood is not to be eaten. God details which sexual relationships are
Why and How Judaism Must Change
A Two-Part Exploration with Rabbi Seymour Prystowsky, PhD,
Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Or Ami
Our ancestors went from sacrificing animals to communal worship. It is
time to take the next step…
Long ago, our forebears believed that sacrificing animals was a way to experience the
Divine presence.
Later, our people believed that communal prayer should stand in place of animal sacrifice.
Today we face the challenge of the next stage:
How do we attract our people to participate in our historic journey in our age of reason?
How do we experience the Divine Presence and still maintain a Judaism that is rational?
Join us for an engaging discussion
April 4 and 11 / 7:31 - 9:00 pm
Oneg Room - Congregation Or Ami
All members of the community are welcome
RSVP’s are appreciated: [email protected]
Purim Carnival 2016
By Amy Seidman
n Sunday, March 13 we held our annual Purim Carnival,
which was well attended by children, parents, and
grandparents. Non-member families came to join us as well,
from as far as Bucks County, stating, “Your synagogue knows how
to celebrate Purim!” Fellow congregants… doesn’t that warm your
You could not resist having a smile on your face at the event;
children were running around with joy from one game or craft to
the next, cotton candy in one hand, a balloon animal in the other,
and a painted face! Parents followed closely with tickets under their
armpits, the remainder of a cotton candy in one hand and a hotdog
they were trying to enjoy in the other.
A favorite moment of mine was our children making beautiful
and meaningful cards to be sent to our troops -- so sweet!
Raffles…Raffles…Raffles! “Mommy, Daddy, Mom-Mom and
Pop-Pop…. We need MONEY!” was heard all day from children
wanting to get a chance to win one of many amazing raffle baskets,
created by children in the Early Learning Center and religious school
classes and donated by some wonderful businesses.
This celebration has gotten bigger and better over the years;
thank you for joining in our celebration. This event could not have
happened without the dedication of our members who worked on
planning and hosting the event: Gail Dichter (RSPO), Suzanne Cohen
(RSPO), Doug Cohen, Hillary Israeli (RSPO), Michael Israeli, Jeff
Seidman, Irene Braun (RSPO), Lisa Loewenstern (RSPO), Tamara
Davis, Jon Dichter, Lauren Dunoff, Josh Dunoff, Michele Lucks,
Denise Marks, Brandi Burton, Doris Seidman, Harvey Seidman,
Jenn Weiner, Brooke Borsky (ECEC), Andree Goldberg (ECEC),
Beth Dainoff (ECEC), Mandy
Weisbruch (ECEC), Michelle
Ruder (ECEC), Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg (RS), Steve Horwitz (4th
grade RS teacher), Allanah Richman, Danielle Grobman, Allison
Wightman, Jessica Feldman, Naomi Israeli, Juliette Rice, Samantha
Loewenstern, Emily Weiner, Emily Greberman, Brooke Dunoff,
Jocelyn Freed, Jake Brownstein, Sara Braun, Chelsea Cohen, Sydney
Borislow and Emmie Cohen. Thank You!
And thank you to our wonderful sponsors: Let’s Party with
Valerie, East Coast Mortgage, Burns and Kasmen, R World Energy
Solutions, Camp Green Lane, Lori and Craig Israelite, My Kids
Korner, Sesame Camp / Rockwood Adventures, IView Designs,
Luxury VIP Suites, Vanguard Reality (Rima Kapel) and Obermayer,
Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel, LLP Attorneys at Law. Thank You!
And to our fellow Or Ami members, on behalf of RSPO and
the ECEC PTO, I thank you for helping us raise some much
needed money for our schools. It brings me so much joy to see our
community come together and celebrate!
Scenes from our recent Shabbat Dinner
Oasis Is Back
Join OASIS (Or Ami Sisterhood) for a night of fun at Busy Bees, where we will be
painting a floral canvas. Wine and light refreshments will be served. Women
18 years of age and older are invited to attend.
Here are the details:
Date and Time: Thursday, May 19, from 6:45 to 9 p.m.
Cost: $36
Place: Busy Bees, 1950 Main Avenue (off Ridge Pike, behind Franzone’s Pizza),
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Make your reservation here:
Space is limited so make your reservation now. Payment must
accompany your reservation and there will be no refunds.
OASIS chairs: Jackie Kane, Beth Waks, Naomi Reses, Terri Rosen,
Janice Selig and Stefanie Bock
Questions? Contact Jackie Kane at [email protected] or
Stefanie Bock at [email protected].
A Fresh Look at Our Spring Holidays
abbi Shoshanah Tornberg will speak about the spring Jewish holidays at the next meeting of New Horizons on
April 13 at 7:30 p.m. A business meeting will be held at 7 p.m.
New Horizons is a social group that meets every month. They have presented musicians, authors,
comedians, historians, and other interesting guests. There is a nominal fee of $20 to join New Horizons, payable at
the beginning of the program year. Programs are advertised in the Oracle and in the weekly e-mail newsletter.
For more information about New Horizons, contact David Grunfeld at 610-828-1480.
Leah Kaye
Taylor Goodman
Playing soccer has been a passion of mine
since I was 7 years old. I have been fortunate
that my parents have been able to buy me
the necessary equipment, like cleats and
shin guards, as I have grown each year. I
realize that not all young athletes are able to
afford these necessities to play soccer. For
my mitzvah project, I have chosen to collect
cleats, shin guards and goalie equipment,
as well as monetary donations to benefit
Starfinder, a local organization that enhances
“the personal growth of underserved youth
through soccer and learning experiences
that engage, inspire and motivate.”
For my mitzvah project, I partnered with
the Philadelphia 76ers and Cradles to
Crayons. I helped collect items ranging from
clothing to toys to “help children from birth
to age 12 living in homeless or low-income
situations to provide them with the essential
items they need to thrive-at home, at
school and at play.” In addition to the items
I have collected through the generosity of
friends and family, there will be an annual
Metroplex May Day Collection on May
20-21st in the parking lot of the Metroplex
Shopping Center. This project has given me
a better appreciation of all that I have and
how so many others don’t have the bare
essentials on a daily basis.
Daughter of Jodi and Adam Kaye
April 9, 2016
Daughter of Ami and Brian Goodman
April 16, 2016
Or Ami’s Gan class with the Coats of Many Colors that
they made
Devon Morganstein
Daughter of Fred and Robin
April 30, 2016
After years and years of begging for a dog, I
finally got one in 2014. In the quest to find
the perfect dog for our family, we visited
many shelters. I saw the sad faces on the
dogs and I could see that they don’t receive
any special treats. I realized that the dogs
there needed extra love and attention. So,
for my mitzvah project, I decided to make
dog treats for the dogs living at the SPCA in
Philadelphia. I gathered a group of friends
and together we made delicious and healthy
dog treats from scratch using pet friendly
ingredients. After the treats were made I
visited the shelter and delivered the treats to
the dogs. It was an uplifting experience for
me as well as the dogs and of course they
loved the treats. It’s important to help those
in need, even of the four-legged variety,
to help lift their spirits and let them know
someone cares about them.
Fourth graders made dioramas of places to see in Israel
Or Ami Social Action Committee (COATz)
Invites You to
Sunday, April 10, from 1-3 p.m.
Ï Pack food for low-income families
Ï Transplant vegetable seedlings at an urban farm
Ï Learn how you can help reduce hunger
This is a family-friendly event that is close to home and brings us
closerto being part of the solution to the growing challenge of hunger.
The details —
Travel in your own car (or carpool), arriving at SHARE by 1:00 p.m. sharp.
SHARE Food Warehouse and Nice Roots Farm
2901 W. Hunting Park Avenue, just east of Henry Avenue
Dress comfortably for an unheated, warehouse environment, or ready to
dig in the dirt. Wear closed shoes.
RSVP (suggested but not required) to [email protected] indicating the
number of adults and children. Children must be accompanied by an adult;
suitable for children age 4 and up.
For questions, contact Or Ami member Nori Brown via email at
[email protected]
Please Join Us For A Women’s Seder
Led By Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg
Thursday, April 14 7:00 p.m.
All Women 13 and Over Are Invited
$36 Includes Dinner, Dessert, and Wine
Please RSVP by April 7 to [email protected]
Click HERE to register
Or send payment to Or Ami
708 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
Forming a Sacred Partnership:
e are grateful that you have chosen
to be a part of the Or Ami family
community. We hope that you
will contribute to the community in many
ways, to become partners with us to create
an organization that is truly a storehouse of
the Jewish spirit for your family and for our
community. Each member, stakeholder, or
partner is seen as imperative to Or Ami’s health
and vibrancy.
In our busy lives, we sometimes forget that
synagogues and their programs are only as
Covenant of
One way in which we
strengthen our Jewish
community is through
synagogue membership.
We offer this Covenant of
Membership as a reminder
of what Or Ami commits
to its members, and as a
guide to determine your
own level of participation.
Your involvement in any or
all of these mitzvot is deeply
appreciated to strengthen
our community.
strong as their members’ commitments to
the organization. Synagogues bear certain
responsibilities to each and every member
just as each individual member bears certain
responsibilities to the larger synagogue
community. Joining a congregation is therefore
like entering into a covenant; both parties have
responsibilities to ensure that the synagogue
functions at its best.
We want our synagogue to be a place where
we give thanks to G-d, explore the richness
of our heritage, and be reminded that we are
Or Ami Commits:
To provide a warm and caring atmosphere,
with opportunities for active participation in our
Jewish community
To provide an opportunity for meaningful deeds of tikun olam,
repair of our world, and a forum to express and act upon broad
social action concerns.
To provide a continuum of Jewish education for our children
including youth group programsthat offer an opportunity to
build Jewish community.
To provide religious services and observances that meet the
spiritual, emotional and lifecycle needs of each congregant.
To provide programs to advance adult Jewish studies, education,
social interaction, and effectively communicate
such programming to the congregation.
To provide a financially sound and efficiently managed
A Covenant of Membership
part of a people whose mission is to perfect
the world. We want our synagogue to be an
extended family in which people are there for
each other. Or Ami should be a place where
we find comfort in times of trouble, courage
and hope when in doubt or difficulty, and joy
during times of celebration and happiness.
We want Or Ami to be a place where lasting
and meaningful Jewish memories are made,
where our rich and abiding heritage is passed
from generation to generation. We want our
synagogue to be a place where we create
positive memories for our children, memories
so powerful that they will seek to pass them on
to their children and their children’s children.
We want Or Ami to be a place where social
justice is upheld for all people.
It is in this spirit that we present this
Covenant of Membership, which provides you
with information about ways for you to engage
with the community at Or Ami. We hope you
will use this Covenant as a guide to help you
determine how you want to get involved with
Or Ami’s family of friends.
Membership Opportunities
and K’hilah
To help celebrate the accomplishments of fellow members and
provide emotional support to those in crisis. Help make our
synagogue a caring community by reaching out to others.
Tikun Olam
To do mitzvot and support the members of the congregation.
Translate words of prayer into deeds of justice and thereby make
a difference in our community and our world.
To support and encourage the educational staff in their efforts
to teach Jewish religion, culture and values. Share in your child’s
religious education and reinforce it at home.
To observe Jewish customs and holidays, to attend services and
participate when honored. To think about and act upon the role
of spirituality in your life.
To be aware of and to make every effort to attend programs. To
seek ways to participate in synagogue life by volunteering or
joining a committee.
Ayn Kemach,
ayn Torah
To meet financial obligations to the synagogue in a timely
manner and help support fund raising efforts. Attend annual
meetings. and maintain fiscal awareness.
Family and Community
Repair of our world
Spiritual Life
Without bread there
is no Torah
Commemorate, Celebrate, Honor
Your Loved Ones Forever
With an Engraved Copper Leaf on the
Tree of Life
The Or Ami Tree of Life is a tree of simchas, celebration and honor that
continues to flourish with the names, events and dates of our milestones, achievements
and acknowledgements.
What a wonderful way to commemorate a birth, an adoption, Bar/Bat Mitzvah,
confirmation, wedding, anniversary, conversion, accomplishment or award, while
contributing to our synagogue’s beautification and sustainability.
For only $118 per leaf, you can give a beautiful, meaningful gift that will last a
lifetime. To order, please use the form below or call the Or Ami office at 610-828-9066,
or order online at: www.or-ami.org and click through the Tree of Life Order Form .
Place your order now!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tree of Life Order Form (Please print)
In Honor of: ___________________________ Date of Event: ________________
Event (i.e., Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, etc.)
Greeting (Love, From, etc.)
Purchased by: Name________________________________
Address_____________________________ City___________________State_____
Number of leaves*______
Amount enclosed ($118/leaf )____________
* For additional leaves, please fill out the above information on the reverse side of this form.
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Greenberg Traurig is a service mark and trade name of Greenberg Traurig, LLP and Greenberg Traurig, P.A. ©2014 Greenberg
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APRIL 2016