SHABBAT KEDOSHIM Please refrain from all
SHABBAT KEDOSHIM Please refrain from all
Weekly Newsletter Vol. XVIII, No. 43 Nissan 25 – Iyar 1, 5774 Jay Weinstein, Rabbi 732.354.5912 (cell) 732.254.1860 x2 (office) Bertin Lefkovic, Editor Aron Adams, President Yaakov Wasser, Inaugural Rabbi (1979-2009), Retired Next newsletter deadline; Wednesday April 30th at NOON All submissions must be emailed to [email protected] When our office manager is on vacation, the Newsletter will be emailed but not printed. ___________________________________________ GUEST SPEAKER THIS SHABBAT Welcome to Rabbi David Fine, Foudner & Dean of Barkai Center in Israel. Rabbi Fine will be speaking throughout Shabbat. Please see the flyer for more details. SAVE THESE DATES: Annual Larry Schacht Baseball Outing Sunday, May 4th Tampa at Yankees ***** Tefillin & Mezuzot Check Sunday, May 11th, we will be having a Sofer STaM come to YIEB to perform Tefillin &Mezuzot checking. There will be more information to come. ***** Yom Hashoah Program On Sunday April 27th at 3 PM in the Shul, we will be hosting the Jewish Federation Of Middlesex County Annual Yom Hashoah Commemoration. The featured speaker will be a survivor of the Holocaust. Stay tuned for details on his year's community-wide program being hosted at YIEB. See Sandy Lang with any questions. YIEB BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday May 15th @ 8:30 PM ___________________________________________ YIEB BOARD NOMINATIONS Nominations are now being accepted for the Shul Board for the 2014/2015 year that begins July 1st. If you wish to be considered for nomination, please contact Aaron Shmulewitz, Chair of the Nominating Committee. ___________________________________________ THANK YOU Thank you to Rabbi Weinstein, Rabbi Wasser, the Gabbaim, the Bikur Cholim Committee and to all who comforted us during this difficult time. Elliot Denenberg & Family Robin Denenberg-Cohen and Family FOUND: Arm tefillin cap insert left at the Denenbergs during the week of shiva, March 20 - 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 25 – May 1, 2014 SHABBAT KEDOSHIM (MEVARCHIM CHODESH) Friday Mincha ....................................... 7:00PM Candle Lighting..................................... 7:20PM But no later than ................................... 7:29PM Shkia .................................................... 7:47PM Shabbat Shacharit ....................... 8:00, 9:00AM Latest Sh’ma......................................... 9:30AM Shabbat Mincha……. ........................... 7:25PM Shabbat Maariv……………… ............... 8:30PM Shabbat Ends ....................................... 8:38PM Sun Shacharit ......................7:30, 8:30, 9:15AM Mon Shacharit (Yom HaShoah) .. 6:20, 8:00AM Tues Shacharit ............................ 6:30, 8:00AM Wed Shacharit (Rosh Chodesh I) 6:15, 8:00AM Wed - NORPAC Mission to Washington, DC Thurs Sh’chr’t (Rosh Chodesh II) 6:15, 8:00AM Fri Shacharit ................................ 6:30, 8:00AM Sun - Thurs Mincha/Maariv ................... 7:35PM The weekday “Maariv only” 9:30PM Minyan is on hold for the late spring & summer Candle Lighting next week .................... 7:20PM But no later than ................................... 7:36PM · Mikvah Hours – It is imperative that men not assemble or remain in the Mikvah area and/or the parking area nearby, 15 minutes prior to and until 15 minutes after the times designated below. Motzei Shb’t . -1½ hrs after Shb’t ends - for 2 hrs Weekdays ................................... 9:00-11:00PM Friday & Yom Tov ....... By Appointment Only Mikvah 732.257.4121 Eruv status 732.254.1860 X5 YJS NEWS The Parents' Association of the Yeshiva at the Jersey Shore Invites you to a Mothers' Brunch & Chinese Auction *Proceeds from the auction to support YJS Mothers, aunts, grandmothers & friends welcome! Sunday, May 4th 10 AM–12 PM Congregation Brothers of Israel 250 Park Ave ~ Long Branch NJ 07740 Please RSVP by April 21st to [email protected] Contact Melissa Belsh at 917.685.2432 with any questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHUL DECORUM REMINDER Please refrain from all unnecessary conversation during Davening _________________________________ KIDDUSH NOSH SPONSORS March 30, 2014 – April 26, 2014 Birthday: Abeles Family: Joseph H. Abeles Linda & Yaakov Applbaum: Yaakov Applbaum Dorianne& Jeff Dantowitz: Adin Dantowitz Iva & Steven Dyckman: Iva Dyckman Ariela& Scott Grayman: Dasia Grayman Molly & Gary Kaplan: Jacob Kaplan Rama & Mark Koslowe: Jonathan Koslowe Jodi & Jeff Liebov: Jodi Liebov Rachelle & Jack Markowitz: Chana Markowitz Lori & Jeff Moskowitz: Miki Moskowitz Suri& Steve Moskowitz: Barry Moskowitz Sarah & Joe Naus: Patrick Zagdanski Lori & Scott Noah: Marc Stein Robyn & Jeffrey Perlman: Rebecca Perlman Jane & Marc Pomerantz: Zachary Saypol Deborah & Eric Raab: Gabriel Raab Debbie &Chaim Rogoff: Yardena Rogoff Miriam & Howard Rosenblum: Nathaniel Joseph Rosenblum Wendy & Bruce Schaeffer: Wendy Schaeffer Anna & Igor Shersher: Anna Shersher Karen &Chayim Stern: Chayim Stern Shanna & Jeffrey Taub: Jeffrey Taub Stacy & David Weissman: ElanaWeissman Tema& Tony Winston: Tony Winston Anniversary: Brina&Zvi Herskovits: Chavi&Chaim Lesser Jane & Marc Pomerantz: Dori& Joshua Saypol Cheryl & Aaron Shmulewitz: Cheryl & Aaron Shmulewitz Yahrzeit: Linda & Yaakov Applbaum: Michael Freedman Sylvia & Mark Berger: Julius Uncyk Shelley & Milton Goldman: Ida Goldman Shelley & Milton Goldman: Al Rubin Ava Waisbord: Ingrid Waisbord ___________________________________________ SPRING MINYAN MEN! Now that the clocks have changed and Mincha/Maariv during the week is later, we still need everyone's help to ensure we have a Minyan. Thank you! ___________________________________________ CHINUCH/ADULT EDUCATION Guidelines for Lifecycle events can be downloaded from our website under the dropdown menu; Member Area/Guidelines (logged-in members only). Shabbat Afternoon Class at 6:25 PM Please join our guest speaker Rabbi David Fine. Topic: We Are Not in Kansas Anymore - Training Israeli Rabbis The MaTaN Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah program for 6th grade girls and their mothers. has started, Please contact Sharon at [email protected] to register. YIEB & Highland Park Community Kollel. Gemara Class with Rabbi Nussbaum,On Passover break. Class resumes on April 29 with the topic "Prohibitions of Shabbat". In Depth Talmud Class Given by Yaakov Weinstein, Wednesday, 8:30PM. No class till after Pesach break. New Women's Wednesday Class with Rabbi Weinstein, "Shir HaShirim- the Quintessential Love Song” resumes May 7th! ___________________________________________ DAF YOMI: From Rabbi Weinstein Join Daf Yomi at YIEB with Rabbi Weinstein: • Monday through Friday after 1st Minyan (approximately 7:10-7:45 AM) Sunday morning after 1st Minyan (approximately 8:10-8:45 AM) • Shabbat morning following 1st Minyan (rotation of presenters). ___________________________________________ DAF YOMI B’IYUN Join Rabbi Shlomo Landau on Tuesday nights at 8:45 PM, followed by Maariv at 9:30 PM, to explore in depth, a topic from the week’s Daf Yomi. Can’t make it in person? Do Daf Yomi online! _______________________________________ YIEB will be purchasing a small block of tickets for next year's AIPAC conference at a discounted rate of $399 (discounted from $599). If you're interested in one of these spots, please speak to Rabbi Weinstein (first come first serve). Additionally, we have a few tickets for high school students at a discounted rate of $149. If you're interested, please speak with Melissa Rosen (first come first served). Thank you! _________________________________________ SISTERHOOD PRESENTS “SELF DEFENSE” TWO SESSIONS LEFT: Join Sensei Gene White for self defense classes while enjoying a light workout! Monday's from 7:30-8:30: 1st Session: April 28; May 5, 12, 19 – cost $40 2nd Session: June 2, 9, 16 Cost: $30. Try it out before you sign up. Come to a free class April 7th ___________________________________________________________________ Shabbat, April 24th – 25th 5th & 6th Grade Friday Night Oneg Open to ALL YIEB's youth in grades 5 and 6! Come join Bnei Akiva for a special oneg JUST FOR YOU! This fun-filled oneg will be held at the Elk's home (11 Mayfair Court) from 9:30-10:15. Enjoy light desserts and fun games with our madrichim. RSVP appreciated: [email protected]. REGULAR SHABBAT GROUPS AND COCOA CLUB Mommy/Daddy and Me Official Program in Social Hall begins 10:30/10:45. Space will be available beforehand. Bnei Akiva High School Seuda Shlishit with your Bnei Akiva madrichim. RSVP appreciated: [email protected]. Snif Grades 2&3 and 4&5, one hour before mincha. This Week High School 'night in' Saturday night, April 25th 9:30-10:30: come catch up with friends after the long Pesach break, and most importantly, enjoy FREE pizza! We'll be preparing for Sunday's Yom Hashoa Event to be held @YIEB on 4/27. RSVP REQUIRED: [email protected] On The Horizon Bnei Akiva for our Middle Schoolers On Shabbat, May 3rd, join your fellow middle schoolers for a private Seuda Shlishit with your Bnei Akiva madrichim. RSVP appreciated: [email protected]. Snif Grades 2&3 and 4&5, May 3rd, one hour before mincha. Snif and Bnei Akiva GRAND FINALE EVENT ______________________________________________ Less than 1OO days til summer! Have you signed up for Camp Keshet? It's not to late to sign up your child for the best summer yet! Amazing trips, sports, crafts, baking, zumba, activities and so much more! Friendship Discount Take advantage of our new ‘friendship discount’! Register with a friend new to camp and split the $100 discount. Two new campers also qualify. New Affiliations Central NJ now has a B’nei Akiva summer camp of their own! We are thrilled to announce that Camp Keshet is now affiliated with B’nei Akiva! Another amazing Keshet summer is coming, now with all the benefits of B’nei Akiva. Morning mifkad, joint programs with Moshava Ba’ir and IO and so much more! Camp Keshet now has a Yachad shadow program. We are proud to be able to offer a safe and exciting camp experience for all who desire it. Keshet’s main camp is open to 2 year olds through those entering 4th grade. TLC is now open to those entering 5th through 8th grades. Now Hiring Camp Keshet has some exciting announcements to make about new staff hires! Be on the lookout! Camp Keshet is now hiring! Applications being accepted from those entering 10th grade and up, including college student and adults. Join us for the best summer ever! Dear Friends, It is with much excitement that I join the fantastic Camp Keshet team this summer as camp director! I look forward to an amazing summer including partnering with Bnei Akiva and Yachad as well as exciting new programs and themes this year. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me via email or phone 732-2541860. Looking forward to sending a memorable summer together! B'shalom, Nataly Weiss _______________________________________ MEALS ON WHEELS WANTED: Jumpers and Drivers for Meals on Wheels two hours once a month. Call Sarah Naus 732.257.5378 or Sarita Sragow 732.257.2081 ___________________________________________ YAHRTZEITS 26 Nisan 5774 David Berk and Leonard for their Grandfather, Avraham Ben Moshe (Albert Eiseman) on 4/26/2014 26 Nisan 5774 Sylvia Kirshner for her Father, Yaakov ben Gad (Jacob Shyken) on 4/26/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Steven Shoen for his Father, Avraham Moshe Ben Zev (Ira Shoen) on 4/27/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Jon Wininger for his Father, Ephraim Bem Menachem Mendel (Frederick Wininger) on 4/27/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Julie Katz for her Brother, Chaim Avner Ben Shmuel Chanoch (Allan Howard Katz) on 4/27/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Milton and Marvin Goldman for their Mother, Etta Maita Bat Moshe Yaakov (Etta Goldman) on 4/27/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Jan Hader for her Mother, Batya Bayla bat Menahem Mendel Reuben (Barbara Beverly Horowitz) on 4/27/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Gary Kaplan for his Father, Shimon Gershon Ben Tzvi Hersh (George Kaplan) on 4/27/2014 27 Nisan 5774 Eli Dayan for his Father, Yosef Ben Shlomo (Joseph Dayan) on 4/27/2014 29 Nisan 5774 Miriam Gordon for her Brother, Mordechai Navarian, on 4/29/2014 30 Nisan 5774 Chayim Stern for his Uncle, Harav Baruch Aharon Ben Harav Eliezer (Rabbi Bernard Poupko) on 4/30/2014 1 Iyyar 5774 Evan Katz for his Mother, Rachel Batya bat Moshe (Bussa Katz) on 5/1/2014 YAHRTZEIT PLAQUES The price of a Yahrtzeit plaque is $360. If you are interested in purchasing a Yahrtzeit plaque, please contact Lori Small at [email protected] _____________________________________ SHUL PARKING LOT Please do not park nor stand in Fire Lanes. It is essential we allow for passage of emergency vehicles. _________________________________________ NORPAC MISSION Join us on our annual Mission to Washington event to support the U.S.-Israel relationship on Wednesday, April 30th. On a single-day trip you will meet with Members of Congress and their staff, and share your concerns with them about foreign aid to Israel, Iran sanctions, security cooperation, and more. Help us make a difference once again! Buses leave for Washington from our area at 6:30 AM and return between 9-10 PM .There will be briefings on the bus. All meals will be provided. Please note that the early bird deadline has ended. It is now $135 per person and will go up another $50 as we get closer to the date. This is a very important day to voice your opinion to representatives in Washington regarding Iran sanctions and security of Israel. Register now at or call 201.788.5133. Students - $75 (must be over 12.Those under 18 must be accompanied by Parent or legal guardian). Special discount --College students can register at $36 – but only by phone. For more info contact Esther Kosoffsky. [email protected]. ___________________________________________ Please be vigilant and use the crosswalks. In particular, be careful not to cross Dunhams Corner Road directly in front of the Shul. _______________________________ ***************** Community Announcements ****************** (YIEB does not endorse the Kashrut of any non-YIEB event or listing appearing in the Newsletter) It's that time again. Jerusalem Marathon! This year I am again running for 2 teams. Team Butterfly, to raise money to find a cure for Epidermolysis bullosa(EB), from which my close friend David Beiss suffers, and for Team Mikey, to raise money for the Lone Soldier Center. These are 2 great causes to which I personally have a close connection. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Team Butterfly Team Mikey Thanks once again for supporting me my quest to raise money for these great causes. Daniel Stroh ___________________________________________ YACHAD ALUMNI EVENT Thirty years of Yachad means thousands of volunteers, campers and staff who have been a part of the Yachad family. To reconnect the family, Yachad recently launched Friends of Yachad to serve as the portal of entry for Yachad's past to meet its present and to help shape the future. Join us on May 22nd for the Inaugural Friends of Yachad Gala. For more information, visit or contact Naftali Herrmann at 212.613.8373. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL NEEDS CAMP SCHOLARSHIP The Jewish Federation offers a Special NeedsCamp Scholarship to special needs children who live in Middlesex County who attend either day or overnight camp. Over the years they have helped many parents send their children to camp thanks to this scholarship. The application due date has been extended to May 7. Please reach out to Rosalyn Perrone (contact information listed below) for an application and eligibility criteria. Once completed, the forms should be mailed to Roslayn. Rosalyn Perrone Scholarship Program Coordinator Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike South River, NJ 08882 Phone: 732-588-1800; Direct: 732-588-1820 _________________________________________________ New Jewish Library: Karmiel, in Northern Israel, is starting a gemach for Jewish books. Karmiel has a small but growing American community that needs English books, especially for the teenage and child population. The library is leileu nishmas Menashe ben Raizel. All donated books can be dropped off at the home of Aviva Siegel, 16 Edgemount Road. Sponsors are also welcome to purchase new books / defray shipping costs. For more info, [email protected] ___________________________________________ The ACTT (Achieving Change Through Torah) program helps individuals succeed in making meaningful and lasting changes in their lives.The source book for the entire year is: Step by Step – A Weekly Program for Selfimprovement, an anthology. See the ACTT web-site, , for the current Learning Schedule (Modules page) and for all the event audio presentations. For more info, e-mail [email protected] or call Phil Rosen (732)572-8762. ACTT EVENT: Come hear Rabbi Paysach Krohn speak about “Don't Only Count Your Days, Make Your Days Count” at the ACTT (Achieving Change through Torah) sponsored communitywide event on Sunday Night,April 27th, 7:30 PM at Congregation Ohr Torah. Admission is free. To sponsor the event, please make out your check to "Congregation Ohr Torah Rabbi's Discretionary Fund", earmarked "ACTT sponsor", and mail to ACTT; 48 Edgemount Road; Edison, NJ 08817. Thank you. See the ACTT web-site,, for the current source book & Learning Schedule (Modules page) and for all the event audio presentations. For more info, e-mail [email protected] or call Phil Rosen (732) 572-8762. ___________________________________________ JRecovery: A Jewish Self-Help Group to Complement12Step Programs Sponsored by Jewish Family and Vocational Service of Middlesex County (JFVS), JRecovery is a Jewish self-help group whose purpose is to support recovery from variousaddictions using spiritual insights from Jewish tradition.JRecovery complements 12-step recovery programs by nurturing the spiritual needs of those with active addictions or in recovery, and their families and friends.JRecovery participants include alcoholics, drug addicts, gamblers, overeaters, sex addicts, and their loved ones. Group discussions focus on the challenges of recovery.The discussions use the language and concepts of 12-step programs and a broad spectrum of Jewish spiritual teachings from every generation. The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 28th, 7:30-8:30 PM at the JFVS office,32 Ford Avenue, 2nd Floor (United Way Building), Milltown, NJ.The group will meet weekly at the same time and same location. JRecovery charges no dues for participation; all Jews are welcome.Similar to 12step meetings,our meetings will be safe, secure and anonymous. For more information, contact JFVS at 732-777-1940 or _________________________________________________ MOVIE MAVENS – Orchestra of Exiles In commemoration of Yom Hashoah, view Orchestra of Exiles from Academy Award nominated director, Josh Aronson, on Tuesday, April 29th at 1:15 PM. This reveals the dramatic story of Bronislaw Huberman, the celebrated Polish violinist who rescued some of the world’s greatest musicians from Nazi Germany and then created one of the world’s greatest orchestras. Snacks will be provided for suggested donations of $8/$5 for Community Campus members. Contact Sue Horwitz, 732494-3232x3603 for additional information. _________________________________________________ SIGN UP TO RUN WITH TEAM CNJKIDS On Sunday, May 18th, join TEAM CNJKIDS for A Run in the Park-Highland Park 5k. To sign up go to www.cnjkids.organd click on the TEAM CNJKIDS link and begin to get sponsors to help mitigate future tuition increases at local Jewish K-8 day schools. _________________________________________________ CONTEMPORARY MUSIC IN THE ORTHODOX COMMUNITY Mark Kligman, Ph.D. returns to the JCC of Middlesex County, 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, on Tuesday, May 27th at 10:30 AM. His new presentation focuses on the developments of music in the Orthodox Jewish community from the 1970s to the present. Audio and video examples will be included. The cost is $11/$8 for Community Campus members. Contact Sue Horwitz, 732494-3232x3603 for additional information. _________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT NETWORK OF RARITAN VALLEY ENRV is active posting over 200 jobs a month to over 550 members. Please continue to include the following in your announcements every week or two to let people know about the group and to post jobs. Looking for work? We can help. Go to or contact Bob Lansey at [email protected]. We post over 200 jobs each month, and help people with their resume and search strategies. Please help: If you know of any professional, part-time, or temporary job openings, please e-mail the information to [email protected] has been sold out in Jewish Film Festivals around the country. _________________________________________________ JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER ANNOUNCES SPRING TRIPS NEUE GALERIE, Sunday, April 27th Travel by coach bus to the NEUE Galerie in NYC on Sunday, April 27th for a docent-led tour of the newest exhibit “Degenerate Art:The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany, 1937. Leaves JCC on Oak Tree Rd in Edison at 9:45 AM; Returns approximately 3:30 PM. $50./JCCMC Member; $55./Non-member. Includes transportation, admission, private tour, tips and snack. Lunch is on your own in one of the Museums 2 Cafes or a local restaurant. WALKING TOUR OF LOWER EAST SIDE, Sunday, May 4th Dr. Moshe Sherman, Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Touro College will lead this tour on Sunday, May 4th that will include The Jewish Daily Forward building, Educational Alliance, Henry Street Settlement, Henry Street Playhouse, Bialystoker Synagogue and the Beit Midrash Hagadol. We’ll end the day with a 1-hour docent-led tour of the Eldridge Street Synagogue and Museum. Bus leaves Congregation Ohr Torah in Edison at 12:15 PM and returns approximately 5:30 PM. $42/JCCMC Member; $46/Non-member includes transportation, tours, tips and snacks. WALKING TOUR OF JEWISH HARLEM NYC Tour Guide Marty Schneit will lead this tour on Wednesday, May 28th which will start at the Apollo Theater. You’ll see the building where the Blumstein Brothers had a department store and visit the site where the Commandment Keepers (Ethiopian Jews) had their headquarters. We’ll also visit the site where Richard Rodgers spent his childhood years. Additional sites are the apartment building where Sholem Aleichem, Molly Goldberg and Milton Berle lived. We’ll see Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, which at one time was Temple Israel-the largest synagogue in Harlem. Bus leaves the JCC on Oak Tree Rd in Edison at 9:30 AM; returns approximately 4:00 PM. Cost of $55/JCCMC Member; $60/Non-member includes: transportation, tour, tips and boxed lunch from The Orchid in Metuchen (select your whole wrap choice (turkey, grilled vegetable, grilled chicken or schnitzel) when you register. WINTERTHUR and THE “COSTUMES OF DOWNTON ABBEY” EXHIBIT, Wednesday, June 25th If you are a Downton Abbey fan or just want a lovely day out you’ll join us for a trip to Winterthur, the famous Du Pont estate, museum and gardens in Delaware on Wednesday, June 25. Bus leaves the JCC on Oak Tree Rd in Edison at 8:45 AM; returns approximately 7:00 PM. $76/JCCMC Member; $81/Non-member includes transportation, admission, all docent-guided tours, tram ride through the gardens, tips and snacks. Lunch is on your own at Winterthur or bring it from home. Keep in mind that walking tours include a minimum of 2 hours walking. There is limited seating and reservations for all trips are on a first come, first served basis. Call 732-494-3232 to have a brochure and forms sent to you. Questions? Call Diane Mael, Director of Adult Services at extension 3614. To register please send the names of the participants, along with your check, payable to the JCC, to: Jewish Community Center of Middlesex County, 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ 08820, and write Douglas Simon in HP in the memo section. For more information on this and other upcoming JCC programs and trips please call Diane Mael, Director of Adult Services at 732-494-3232 extension 3614. Young Israel of East BrunswickWelcomes Rabbi David Fine Shabbat, Parshat Kedoshim, April 25th-26th, 2014 Rabbi David Fine is the Founder and Dean of the Barkai Center for Practical Rabbinics in Modiin, Israel. He holds a BA with honors in Judaic Studies from Brandeis University, an MA in Jewish History, and received rabbinic ordination from the Joseph Straus Rabbinical Seminary in Efrat, Israel. Rabbi Fine served as a rabbi in Milwaukee, WI and in Overland Park, Kansas, and was involved in overseeing communal Jewish services such as kosher certification, eruv maintenance and burial. Rabbi Fine made aliyah in 2008 to Modiin.He previously served as the Facilitator of Jewish Identity at the Modiin Matnas (Community Center) and the Director of Community and Rabbinic Relations at the Eretz Hemdah Institute in Jerusalem. In addition to running Barkai, Rabbi Fine also teaches adult education at Sha’arei Yonah Menachem Congregation in Modi’in. Rabbi Fine is married to Dr. Julie (nee Goldstein), a psychologist, and together they have four children. Rabbi Fine grew up in East Brunswick and his parents, Roger and Rebecca, were involved in the founding of YIEB! Friday Night, D’var Torah Between Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv Shabbat Morning Drasha Bringing Holiness to the Holy Land: The Role of the Rabbi in Israel Today Shabbat Afternoon Shiur We Are Not in Kansas Anymore: Training Israeli Rabbis Seudah Shlishit Lecture Kedusha and Spirituality: Friends or Foes? Ask Yourself These Questions: 1. Do you use electricity or natural gas for your home and/or business? 2. Would you like to discover a way to pay less for the supply portion of your electric or natural gas bill? 3. Would you like to receive up to $50.00 for trying out a company’s service?* If you answered YES to any of these questions, call David Falk & Joshua Fogel at 732.698.7406. A portion of the proceeds, directly generated from this ad, supports the Young Israel of East Brunswick *The $50 Welcome Bonus Promotion Is For New Residential Customers Who Enroll From January 15, 2014 to April 30, 2014 Residential Energy Supply Services Currently in the Following States: CT, GA, IL, ME, MD, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA and RI. Coming Soon:MA, TX Lin's Kosher Chinese Kitchen 244 South Main Street Manville, NJ 08835 908-722-8668 Lin's "May Special" Every order (minimum of $40) comes with an additional free dish from the regular entree section. Some limits may apply. Call the restaurant for details. This special begins on May 1, 2014 and ends on May 31, 2014. Mention the special by name when contacting the restaurant. Kosher Supervision by OK Kosher Certification Mashgiach T'midi Chassidishe Shechites/Glatt Pas Yisroel Bishul Yisrael Gluten Free Available
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