view our April 2014 Newsletter
view our April 2014 Newsletter
N April 2014 EWS Nisan, 5774 Volume 18, Issue 8 From the New American Haggadah… New Haggadah? Why Not!? H ere we are. Here we are, [ready to gather] to celebrate the oldest continually practices ritual in the Western world, to retell what is arguably the best known of all stories, to take part in the most widely practiced Jewish holiday.… Here we [will be], as night descends in succession over all of the Jews of the world, with a book in front of us. Jews have a special relationship to books, and the Haggadah has been translated more widely, and reprinted more often than any other Jewish book. It is not a work of history or philosophy, not a prayer book, user’s manual, time line, poem, or palimpsest—and yet it is all of these things. The Torah is the foundational text for Jewish law, but the Haggadah is our book of living memory. We are not merely telling a story here. We are being called to a radical act of empathy. Here we are, embarking on an ancient, perennial attempt to give human life—our lives—dignity. The need for new Haggadahs does not imply the failure of existing one, but the struggle to engage everyone at the table in a time that is unlike any that has come before. Our translation must know our idiom, our commentaries must wrestle with our conflicts, our design must respond to how our world looks and feels.… Here we are: Individuals remembering a shared past and in pursuit of a shared destiny. The seder is a protest against despair. The universe might appear deaf to our In this issue… Board/Committee Info Board News Book Discussion Group flyer Calendar Community Seder flyer 2 5 6 10 3 fears and hopes, but we are not—so we gather, and share them, and pass them down—more than one hundred generations of Jews have been here as we are—and we will continue to wait for it. And we will not wait idly. As we read [the words of the Haggadah]—as our people’s ink-stained fingers turn its wine-stained pages—new Haggadahs are being written. And as future Jews at future tables read those Haggadahs, other Haggadahs will be written. New Haggadahs will be written until there are no more Jews to write them. Or until our destiny has been fulfilled, and there is no more need to say “Next year in Jerusalem.” *** Did you know? In 1972, in Brooklyn, a women’s collective created the first feminist Haggadah. In 2006, the Center for Cultural Judaism published The Liberated Haggadah, for those who identify as cultural, secular, and humanist Jews. In 2007, the first Haggadah designed for Jewish Buddhists was published. In 2012, the New American Haggadah was published with (among other commentaries) a “Playground” commentary by Lemony Snicket. In 2014, you can make your very own Haggadah at Community News 5 Contributions Form 11 In Our Shul 6 Justice & Peace Series 9 May Musical Shabbat flyer 5 New American Haggadah 1 Romeo and Juliet Club 5 Services & Celebrations 2 Thank Yous 6–7 April Services & Celebrations Torah Study Saturday, April 5 at 10 a.m. – noon Lead by Seth Fishman Location: at Norma Kaplis’s home, 787 Washington Crossing Rd., Newtown, PA 18940 Please RSVP to Norma so she knows how to prepare: 215-968-3072 or normakaplis@ Shabbat Services followed by our potluck dinner Friday, April 11 6:30 p.m. Completely Singing Service led by Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy 7:30 p.m. Dairy Delicious Potluck RSVP for dinner to Elana Braz at elanabraz@ Location: The Mollie Dodd Anderson Library at George School Community Seder Tuesday April 15 @ 6 p.m. (set up @ 5:30 p.m.) Bring your family, and invite your friends! Location: at Newtown Friends Meetinghouse, Court Street, Newtown See flyer of page 3 for details. RSVP for dinner to Elana Braz at Tzedek v’Shalom P.O. Box 863 Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 860-0119 [email protected] Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy 215-287-5128 Board Leadership: Treasurer: Joel Bacher Debby Bossio Linda Gold (Membership Chair) Naomi Mindlin Ralph Posmontier Past President: Jerry Manas 215-860-3565 215-801-2005 215-741-4571 215-757-8921 215-579-2644 215-341-6413 [email protected]. Questions? Contact Rabbi Anna at 215-287-5128 or [email protected]. Please sign up with Elana to let her know how many people will be coming with you and to talk with her about what you can bring for the meal. As usual, we will be serving meat, so please make sure your contribution is dairy-free. We will make sure there are an abundance of vegetarian dishes as well. You can bring your own dishes, or we will supply paper goods for you. You can also bring your own Seder plate if you wish. Please bring: • one box of matzah per family/group • one bottle of Kosher for Passover wine and/or grape juice per family/group • your favorite haggadah, one for each person in your group IMPORTANT: Please plan to help set up AND clean up! Saturday, April 19 Shabbat Service and Torah Study at 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Service led by Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy Location: at Newtown Friends Meetinghouse, Court Street, Newtown Song-filled, contemplative Shabbat morning service with Torah reading and discussion, followed by Kiddush. Torah Study Saturday, May 3 at 10 a.m. – noon Location: at a member’s home TBA Please contact Linda Gold at [email protected] if you would like to volunteer to host or lead. Y Y Y Committee Chairs and Coordinators: Acts of Caring Debbie Chong 215-504-9268 Jeanlu Ryersbach 215-943-4565 Spiritual Life: Diane Gold 215-295-2028 Webmaster: Jerry Manas 215-698-7957 Youth Advisors: Bennett Garfield and Abby Yaffe. Please feel free to contact any member of our Board for any additional information. Newsletter Editor: Naomi Mindlin 215-757-8921 To submit news to the newsletter: email: [email protected] -- he r the t on r fo s u ve o n s i jo as e P s f a o e l t P h g i dn n co m o l er a h d S e ’ v S se . se k m y . e p u t o ! 0 i H d 3 y : g e 5 in v n e @ z t L e u T m pril 1n5ds Me wells , A Frie o m y Co Tuesdewa town Anna B he t @ N b d Le yR i b b a • lots & lots & lots of singing • Surprise new insights on our old story • festive meat/pareve RSVP potluck meal* * Please bring matzah, wine, and haggadot for your family. RSVP to Elana and choose your potluck dish to bring: 215-750-0836 or [email protected] Would you like to lead a part of the seder or share a favorite Passover song or reading? Need more info? Contact Rabbi Anna: 215-287-5128 or [email protected] -- Tzedek v’Shalom Singing Shabbat Friday, May 9th at 6:30 p.m. on the road… at the Kol Emet, 1360 Oxford Valley Road, Yardley, PA Come join Bobbie, Debbie, Seth, Francine, and Max as they lead/sing our Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service, with Musical Director Jack Kessler, our very own Ralph on drums, Robert Glatzer on keyboard, and hopefully a few more players. Jack is the director of the ALEPH Cantorial Ordination Program, teaches voice and hazzanut, and is the vocal lead of two touring ensembles ATZILUT—CONCERTS FOR PEACE, a duet format of Arab and Jewish musicians performing together, and KLINGON KLEZMER. The service starts at 6:30 and will take about an hour. Except for a short d’var Torah, a few page numbers, and the appropriate silent prayers, it will be totally sung! With a special mix of old Tzedek v’Shalom favorites and some new music, this will be joyful, moving Shabbat! Afterwards we will keep our Shabbat tradition and have a Potluck Dinner. Please bring a generously sized vegetarian/dairy entrée and drink to share. You may bring an additional dessert if you’d like. Also, please bring serving utensils. We will provide the rest. We’d appreciate an RSVP to Elana Braz at [email protected] so we can get a head count. Please let your Jewish and/or music-loving friends know about this service. Everyone is welcome. For questions, email Max Yaffe at [email protected] Jack Kessler has been called a one-man force of nature in Jewish music. (He has also been called the Jewish Sun Ra; and he claims to have been called late for dinner). He sang Jewish liturgical music as a Hazzan (Cantor) for twenty years before he decided that he prefers singing with a band. Jack is musical director, vocalist, and composer-arranger for Klingon Klez, which describes itself as “good old-fashioned, heartwarming, foot-stompin’ fun-for-the-whole family klez/funk fusion from another planet.” He also directs Atzilut, a ten-member ensemble that performs Concerts for Peace, featuring Arab and Jewish musicians in concert together. An excerpt from one review of Azilut proclaims, “Cantor Jack Kessler’s deep, resonant voice, playing against Shaheen’s violin, and the entire ensemble, is amazing! The result is music that gets deeper the longer that you listen, but that is also a relaxing pleasure the first time through.” To hear a range of Jack Kessler’s talents, listen to excerpts at -- Board News Bellevue Ave.) Everybody is welcome. Joel Bacher [email protected] * Reconstructionist Old Men Eating Out and Jewish Unorthodox Ladies Interested in Eating and Talking The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, April 9th at 7 p.m. at Naomi Mindlin’s home, 301 Hill Avenue, Langhorne, PA. All members are welcome to attend meetings, or volunteer to join the Board. Contact information for the Board is on page 3 of this newsletter. Congregational Meeting Results On March 4th, Debby Bossio e-mailed the minutes of our March 2nd Congregational Meeting to all members. If you would like to receive that document again, please contact Debby at deborahbossio@ After kavannot, reports on our activities this year, and discussion — with the help of our fabulous facilitator Robin Eisenberg — everyone paused to mark the flipboard listing our options for our future. The nearly unanimous results were in favor of: Student Rabbi/Guest Rabbi, Chavurah, or Musical/Arts Chavurah. Where do we go from here to get things done? Robin again facilitated. And with seemingly little effort, people who offered their time and energy to keep us MOVING FORWARD: “Student Rabbi/Guest Rabbi”: Joel decided to lead a committee to investigate student/guest rabbis. Debbie Chong and Noa Kuzma will help. They will come up with a list of questions to investigate. Contact Joel if you can help: [email protected]. Connection to other congregation: Ralph will lead finding out within a local congregations: if we can go (join) with them; requirements, questions, needs/concerns. Jerry, Jennifer, and Joan will give input (phone #s, etc.). Contact Ralph if you can help: [email protected]. Chavurah: Diane will research the Chavurah definition/requirements from the official organization, including dues structures. Contact Diane if you want to help with this: [email protected]. On May 4th, we will have a congregational meeting to discuss our findings. This meeting will also be facilitated by Robin Eisenberg. Y Y Y TvS Romeo and Juliet Club The ROMEO and JULIET lunch club meets every month at a location offering delicious food, with our fine company. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 23, 1:00 p.m., at the Langhorne Coffee House, corner of Maple and Bellevue (102 S. Y Y Y Community News This month, Sh’ma focuses on the many different meanings of spirituality. You can view/read the entire issue online at 2014#pg1. Sh’ma is curating a very special Haggadah supplement for with contributions from its readers! They are soliciting artwork, readings, traditions, fun games—even recipes—so that the Sh’ma community will teach and learn from one another at the seder table. Send all contributions to [email protected] by Tuesday, April 8th. Princeton Public Library’s Local Author Day: Members of Tzedek v’Shalom are cordially invited to attend the Local Author Day, April 12th at 1 p.m. at Princeton Public Library. Author Judy Petsonk will discuss her book Queen of the Jews, a historical novel about the forgotten Maccabee Queen Salome Alexandra (Shalom-Zion) of Judea. Queen Shalom-Zion played a pivotal role in the transformation from Temple Judaism to today’s rabbinic Judaism. For more information about Queen Shalom-Zion, view the video at www. If you are unable to come on April 12, you can buy the paperback or e-book on Amazon. com. For more information about the Princeton Public Library event, please contact Shelly Hawk, Event and Library Associate, Princeton Public Library, at 609924-9529 x287 or [email protected]. April “Reject and Protect” Actions to Highlight Risks to Communities along Pipeline Route: A coalition of tribal communities, ranchers, farmers, Canadian First Nations, environmental groups and communities along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route announce “Reject and Protect,” a series of actions, tribal ceremonies and a march in DC the week of April 22–27. For information, visit GRATZ COLLEGE SUMMER COURSES ONLINE, ON CAMPUS AND ABROAD Online Courses - Log in from anywhere! • Mechina Hebrew • Using Technology to Build Community and Grow -- Your Organization • Methods of Teaching Bible • Book of Judges: Tribal Israel and the Formation of a Nation • Building a Jewish Life: Concepts and Curriculum in Jewish Early Childhood Education • American Jewish Culture: Food and Foodways • Their Brother's Keepers: Rescuers and Righteous Gentiles • The Holocaust and History • Genocide in the Balkans: The Eastern European Genocide of the 1990's • Popes, Jews and Blood: From Medieval to Modern Times See online course descriptions. New students may try up to two courses non-matric (without applying to a degree or certificate program). Please use the non-matric registration form on our registration page. Summer Institute: An entire course in 6 days! • Beginners Hebrew Parts I & II • Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Managers in the Jewish Community • The American Jewish Experience in Film • Jewish Folklore • Rhythms of Jewish Life: The Calendar and Life Cycle • Teaching the Holocaust • Holocaust Art • Adult Faith Development for the Jewish Educator The Jewish-Christian Encounter • Leadership and Group Dynamics Summer Institute brochure with registration forms. Questions, contact Mindy Blechman, 215-635-7300, x154 or [email protected]. LAST CALL! Poland Travel-Study Tour June 24–July 6, 2014 Academic credit available. Y Y In Our Shul… Y Available at http://shop. Please also remember Arline Kessler, Paula Adler’s mother. Home Bound (and would love visitors!) Susan Kitces, Anna Kitces’s mom (lives at the Kitces/Fishman residence) Ettie Kernis, Bobbie Posmontier’s mom — now at home, still recuperating. Eddie Mann, Diane Gold’s dad (lives at Manor Care in Yardley) Lifecycle Events at TvS Birthdays: Stephen Perloff Stephen Blumenthal Evan Bossio Joan Amatniek Brandice Ann Sarandea Yahrzeits: Yahrzeit dates are listed here by the Jewish death day (according to the Jewish calendar) and its Gregorian equivalent this year. The original death date follows in parenthesis when available. Dorothy Schwartz 6 Nisan/April 6 (3/28/85) Ruth Schwalb 8 Nisan/April 8 (4/4/98) Victor Yaffe 8 Nisan/April 8 (4/8/76) David Kernis 12 Nisan/April 12 (3/27/10) Lillian Mindlin 19 Nisan/April 19 (4/6/07) Ralph Augusta Posmontier 24 Nisan/April 24 (4/11/42) Carroll Gold 27 Nisan/April 24 (5/1/1981) Raymond Kuzma 4 Iyar/May 4 (5/4/76) Pearl Schwartz 15 Iyar/May 15 (4/26/94) Y Refuah Shleymah (Get Well Wishes) Please remember Kina Leitner in your prayers. Norma reminds us that we are holding Kina “in the light” Mondays at 9:00 pm. Approximately 10 minutes. For those who cannot do Mondays, like Bobbie P., we thought a Tuesday option could be added. Do one or both, same time. If you want any suggestions on a format, feel free to call Norma at 267-872-5862, or just “do what comes to you”. April 5 April 9 April 13 April 14 April 19 Y Thank You Y One Weekend in March… Were you there Friday night for the [March] singing service? I found it so enjoyable and so did 25 others. What a turn out and you weren’t there or maybe you were and I know you enjoyed it as much as I did. What a way to experience our Jewish tradition by joining with others, feeling it within, and singing -- it out. Of course the food was wonderful as usual thanks to all the good cooks and shoppers. And Saturday night Purim was amazing! The Rabbi had so many costumes, her acting ability was right on. All of the skits had us laughing and clapping. Were we silly enough? I think so! I came home and couldn’t stop singing the Mickey Mouse song, thank you Naomi! And speaking of Naomi, she was the cutest Bar Mitzvah boy. Not to forget Ralph’s hat, Joel’s musical presentation, Burt and Ernie, and so many others including all those who did readings in what accent?! Thanks so much to a wonderful group of people! – Linda Gold, Roving Reporter Thank you to Naomi Mindlin who hosted and lead our Shabbat Torah Study in March. Thank you to everyone who helped to plan, gave reports, and attended our congregational meeting early in March.Thank you especially to Robin Eisenberg, Noa and Frumi’s friend, who volunteered Thank you to everyone who helped to plan, gave reports, and attended our congregational meeting early in March. Thank you to Max for organizing and Bobbie, Debbie, Seth, Francine, and Max, and musical director Hannah Spiro for leading our Musical Shabbat in March. What a warm and joyous way to greet Shabbat! And, as always, thank you to Elana for organizing our potluck, scrumptious dinner. Thank you to everyone who pitched in and brought offerings for our Shabbat morning kiddush in March. Thank you to Debby Bossio who hosted our board meeting in March and fed the entire board—catered by Bossio’s Deli, of course. Thank you to Diane Gold who arranged for Stephen Flatow to share “The Spirit of Alisa,” with us—a moving story that poignantly conveys the high cost of continued terrorism in Israel. Book Discussion Group The Wanting by Michael Lavigne Sunday, May 18 @ 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. at Diane and Arnie Gold’s home 1 Eton Road, Yardley, PA 19067 Diane Gold will facilitate. The Wanting is the 2013-2014 One Book, One Jewish Community (OBOJC) selection. In the galvanizing opening of The Wanting, the celebrated Russian-born postmodern architect Roman Guttman is injured in a bus bombing, causing his life to swerve into instability and his perceptions to become heightened and disturbed as he embarks on an ill-advised journey into Palestinian territory. The account of Roman’s desert odyssey alternates with the vivacious, bittersweet diary of his thirteen-year-old daughter, Anyusha, and the startlingly alive witnessings of Amir, the young Palestinian who pushed the button and now observes the havoc he has wrought from a shaky beyond. Enriched by flashbacks to tale of Anyusha’s mother, a famous Russian refusenik who died for her beliefs, The Wanting is a poignant study of the costs of extremism. It is most satisfying, however, as a story of characters enmeshed in their imperfect love for one another and for the heartbreakingly complex world in which they live. Other books will be chosen for subsequent discussions at that meeting bring suggestions. For more information, contact Diane at 215-295-2028 or [email protected]. April 4, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Newtown Friends Meeting 219 Court St., Newtown PA Do the Math premiered on April 21, 2013 the night before Earth Day. It is a short inspiring film documenting Bill McKibben’s tour around the country to educate and empower the people of our country to take action against our fossil fuel economy. Climate change at its core is a moral and spiritual problem. Please come see this landmark film, which has sparked a global movement, and join us as people of faith to continue the conversation. And return to NFMH for Interfaith Earth Care Potluck Dinner 6:00 p.m. April 12, 2014 - Speaker Jose Aguto from Friends Committee On National Legislation, Washington, D.C. will speak about why and how people of faith can join together to be catalysts and spark bipartisan congressional action in order to provide meaningful solutions to climate disruption. RSVP: Kathy Harr (215)499-6999 [email protected]. -- Congregation Tzedek v’Shalom Justice and Peace Speaker Series Albert Algazi presents the film The Forgotten Refugees Sunday, April 27 @ 2:30–5:00 p.m. at the Mollie Dodd Anderson Library George School, Newtown, PA When Albert Algazi, a former member of the ancient Cairene Jewish community of Cairo, Egypt, was born, the Cairene Jewish community was 80,000 strong, one of the world’s most populous, sophisticated and successful Jewish communities in history. As of the latest count in 2004, only 100 Jews remain. Algazi will present the film The Forgotten Refugees, a documentary about the 20th-century mass exodus of Jews from Arab countries and Iran, and lead a discussion. Following the 50-minute documentary, produced by the nonprofit organization The David Project, Algazi will discuss the following as related in the video: • Jewish life in Egypt • Jewish impact on the economy • The Arab culture impact on the Jews • Jewish customs • Life stories of the Algazi family • Questions and Answers Albert Algazi was born in Cairo, Egypt, where he attended French Catholic schools as a Jew in the Moslem country. In early 1966, as a young teenager, he left Egypt with his family. Algazi speaks French and Arabic fluently and learned to understand the Moslem Arab culture.Algazi. With several engineering and management degrees, he has more than thirty-eight years of experience in the transportation industry. He was the President of the NE Region of the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) for twelve years, and sat on the National board as a Director for six years. Algazi is the oldest of five siblings and currently resides in Yardley, PA. Suggested donation: $5. For further information, contact [email protected] -- Tzedek v’Shalom Calendar — April 2014 • Nisan 5774 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Book of Job class without Debbie 6 pm @ Joel Bacher’s home 4 5 Torah Study 10 am – noon @ Norma Kaplis’s home 9 Board Meeting 7 pm @ the Mindlin/ Perloff’s 10 Book of Job class without Debbie 6 pm @ a member’s home TBA 11 Musical Shabbat Services with Rabbi Anna followed by potluck 6:30 pm @ the Anderson Library at George School 12 1 Nisan Rosh Hodesh Nisan 6 7 8 13 14 First Seder 15 16 Tzedek v’Shalom Community Seder 5:30 pm (set up) @ NFMH 17 Book of Job class without Debbie 6 pm @ a member’s home TBA 18 19 Shabbat Service & Torah Study with Rabbi Anna 10 am – noon @ a NFMH Erev Passover Passover 1 Passover 2 Passover 3 Passover 4 Passover 5 21 22 26 Passover 8 (if observed) 24 Book of Job class without Debbie 6 pm @ a member’s home TBA 25 Passover 7 23 Romeos & Juliets 1 pm @ Langhorne Coffee House 28 29 2 3 Torah Study 10 am – noon @ a member’s home TBA 20 Passover 6 27 Albert Algazi Justice & Peace Speaker Series 2:30 pm @ the Anderson Library at George School 30 30 Nisan May 1 1 Iyar Hebrew classes with Debbie 5:30 & 6 pm @ the Chongs’ Rosh Hodesh Iyar Rosh Hodesh Iyar 4 Cong. Meeting @ 2:30-5 pm SAVE THE DATE Congregational Meeting Sunday, May @2:30–5 p.m. Reports from our committees on How to Hire Part-time Rabbis, Becoming a Havurah, and Affiliation with Other Synagogues STAY TURNED FOR MORE DETAILS - 10 - Tzedek v’Shalom Tzedakah Opportunities Donor (s) _____________________________________________Telephone ________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________ Enclosed is a contribution of $ ___________ to the following fund: q General Operating Fund q Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund q Jordan Wallis TvS Memorial Fund q Torah Fund q Prayer Books Fund q Tzedakah Fund Please make checks payable to Tzedek v’Shalom. Send to: Joel Bacher, Treasurer Tzedek v’Shalom Post Office Box 863 Newtown, PA 18940 Some suggested occasions you may wish to commemorate with your donations: œ With Gratitude to: ____________________________________________________ For _____________________________________________________________ œ Mazel Tov to: Name(s) ________________________________________________ q On the birth / naming / adoption q On his/her graduation / birthday q On their wedding / engagement of: _____________ / wedding anniversary q On becoming a bat/bar mitzvah œ Condolences to: ___________________________________________ on the recent death of _________________________________________________________ œ In memory of ________________________________________________________ œ Get well wishes (Refuah Shelemah) to: ____________________________________ œ Special message: ______________________________________________________ Please send an acknowledgment to: Name ____________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code ________________________________________________ - 11 - [email protected]
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view our May 2014 Newsletter
Committee Chairs and Coordinators:
Acts of Caring
Debbie Chong
Jeanlu Ryersbach
Spiritual Life: Diane Gold
Webmaster: Jerry Manas