Walk For Our Shul - Forest Hills Jewish Center


Walk For Our Shul - Forest Hills Jewish Center
March-April 2011
Adar-Nisan-Iyar 5771
We Honor the Survivors and Remember the Victims of the Holocaust
Yarn Crew – Tuesday Evenings
Yoga With Lorain – Wednesday
Hazzan Rosenblum’s
“Lead a Minyan” – Thursday Evenings
Context – Wednesday Evenings
Sunday, May 1, 2011, at 7:30 p.m.
In the Heller Family Ballroom
Dinner Dance – March 5
Cantor’s Concert – March 13
Purim Carnival – March 20
Walk-a-Thon – March 27
Women’s Seder – April 3
Pre-Pesach Dinner – April 15
First Seder – April 18
Communal Seder – April 19
...and all other important and
interesting information
on every page of this issue.
a child of survivors, remembers with a remarkable story to tell
Also participating
• Nagilah, the choral ensemble of the Forest Hills Jewish Center, offers musical selections
• Young members of FHJC who traveled to Eastern Europe last summer will recount their tales.
Candle Lighting by Survivors and the Young People of our Center Family
Walk For Our Shul
In loving memory of Michael Bernstein z’l
Esteemed member of our shul,
who served in many capacities, among them
Member of the Board of Trustees, Chairman of Adult Education, and Chairman of the Gym & Pool Committee
Join the enthusiastic group of family, friends, and neighbors as we enjoy an historic walk through time –
our one-mile route through the Forest Hills Gardens.
We are inviting the Nursery School, Hebrew School and Youth Groups to join us in this worthwhile fundraiser.
Enjoy a scrumptious lunch after the walk, sponsored by Barbara Bernstein and Family.
Registration deadline – Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tel. (718) 263-7000 or e-mail: [email protected]
All proceeds will be used to benefit the educational needs of the children in our schools.
Debbie & Jeff Bochner, Committee Chairs
A Word from the Rabbi
Easing Into Spring…
Writing articles for publications with a
lot of lead time, like The Message, can
be challenging. This new issue brings us
through the end of winter and into the
spring. Yet as I write this, one can barely walk outside for all the
ice. The good news? Punxatawney Phil did not see his shadow on
Groundhog Day, so dare I, in the language of Lamentations, say
Ulai yesh tikvah? Perhaps there is hope…
Winter is rarely kind, and invariably, as we approach the spring,
there is a kind of desperate longing that sets in. This winter, of
course, has been famously brutal, setting records and humbling
us all with the power of nature to overwhelm us. Spring couldn’t
possibly be more welcome.
But along with the promise of moderating temperatures, there is
also the welcome arrival of the spring festivals. Passover, even with
all the work that it involves, offers us a much-needed opportunity to
reflect on the blessings of freedom that we take for granted here in
America, as we remember the redemption of our ancient ancestors.
This year in particular, it is ironic in an almost surreal way to be
contemplating the ancient exodus from Egypt as modern Egypt has
been in such turmoil. It seems that President Mubarak learned a few
lessons in “failure to get the message” from the Pharoah of old…
And, of course, on the heels of Passover come both Yom Hashoah and
Yom Ha’atzma’ut. Again, we take note of the cycle of enslavement
enacted so brutally by the Nazis and the redemptive component of
the creation of the State of Israel. No shortage of ironies here either,
as recent events have thrown Israel into a particularly precarious
It requires almost conscious visualization right now to look
forward to a Passover holiday in which we might be walking to
synagogue in something less that Eskimo-type clothing. But I live
in hope! Here’s the spring… it can’t come soon enough!
Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik
The Message USPS 340-300 The Forest Hills Jewish Center, 106-06 Queens
Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. 718 263-7000, Fax: 718 5204369. Website: http://www.fhjc.org. Affiliated with the United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism. Published bi-monthly September-June. Subscription: $25
per year (included in membership dues.) Periodicals postage paid at the Post
Office in Flushing, NY. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The Forest Hills
Jewish Center. 106-06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. Editorial
Board: Nancy Nisselbaum (editor), Gerald C. Skolnik (Rabbi), Henry Rosenblum
(Hazzan), Erno Grosz (Cantor Emeritus), Deborah Gregor (Executive Director),
Susan Rosenbaum (Director, Early Childhood Education), Lynn Lancaster
(Director, Religious School), Laurie Worthman (Office Manager), Sara Werner
(Youth Director). Officers: Mark Raphael (President), Sarah Judith Gostl (Vice
President), Rita Lieberman (Vice President), Howard Pollack (Vice President),
Warren Wankoff (Vice President), Rae Theise Kerzner (Treasurer), Ira Beer
(Secretary). Arms: Sisterhood, Ruth Shulim (President), Parents’ Association,
Tami Brown and Nancy Nisselbaum (Co-Presidents), Minyan Club, Betty Korb
(President), Men’s Club, Hal Berkowitz (President). Opinions expressed in The
Message are the authors’ and do not necessarily represent those of the Forest Hills
Jewish Center, its officers and Board, or the Editorial Board.
Page 2
March/April 2011
A Word from the Hazzan
Music to Warm Your Heart
At 5 p.m. on March 13, 2011, we will
have the rare treat of hosting the choir
of the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of
the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America. The choir comprises second-,
third-, and fourth-year cantorial students and is sometimes
augmented by members of the larger academic community.
In the choir’s 60-year history, there have been only three
conductors—Siegfried Landau, Mati Lazar, and JoAnn Rice.
Hazzan JoAnn Rice received her undergraduate degree in
organ performance from the University of Tulsa, a master’s of
sacred music from Union Theological Seminary of New York
City, and cantorial investiture from the Jewish Theological
Seminary of America. For many years, Hazzan Rice has
participated actively in the New York music world as a
conductor, organist, and voice teacher. In 1976, she founded
the Florilegium Chamber Choir and continued as its musical
director for more than 30 years, performing regularly in such
venues as Carnegie Hall, Alice Tully Hall, and the Merkin
Concert Hall. Hazzan Rice is affiliated with Congregation
B’nai Torah of Trumbull, Connecticut, and has been a member
of the faculty of the Jewish Theological Seminary since 1990.
This concert will feature Hebrew, Liturgical, Yiddish,
English, and Sephardic selections by such diverse composers
as Salomone Rossi, Max Helfman, Craig Taubman, Sholom
Secunda, and others. There will be choral settings as well
as smaller ensembles and solos, so in truth, there will be
something for everyone. There will even be some opportunities
for student conductors to demonstrate what they have been
learning in school. On a personal note, I’m thrilled that I will
have the opportunity to perform Havienu, one of the great
High Holiday masterpieces, with the choir, as well as hear my
prior students showcase their amazing talents. I hope that you
will be able to join us, help support the students, and enjoy a
wonderful afternoon of beautiful Jewish music.
I heard from scores of people who were present at my
Installation concert, as well as from many who were not able
to come, that they had no idea of the outstanding talent of the
cantors who performed that evening. Let me tell you now that
you are in store for another amazing concert. There is nothing
that can warm your soul on a wintry day like good music,
and there is nothing that can warm your neshomeh like good
Jewish music.
I look forward to enjoying this wonderful event with all of
you. Mark your calendars now, and make sure not to miss this
unique concert. Until then, there is still wonderful music for
you to experience and share with Rabbi Skolnik and me at our
Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning services.
We’re saving seats for you!
Shiru L’Adonai Shir Hadash Ki Niflaot Asah “Sing unto
God a new song for the Lord has done marvelous things.”
Hazzan Henry Rosenblum
Page 3
March/April 2011
The traditional greetings for Pesah
in both Hebrew
and Yiddish carry the important implications of this
holiday of freedom and redemption.
Using the Hebrew word Hag gc immediately tells us that
Passover is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, while
reflects the importance of the stringent rules
of Kashrut applied at this joyous season, reminding us of
our bondage in Egypt.
In Hebrew: (Hag Kasher V’sameah)
Or simply: (Hag Sameah)
In Yiddish:
(A Zissen Un Kosherin Pesah)
Sing and Dance with us at our
MONDAY, MAY 9 AT 7:30 P.M.
In the Heller Family Ballroom
In an intimate café atmosphere, we’ll enjoy Shira B’Tzibbur,
singing together! Whether you’re a singer, a hummer, a dancer,
or a silent participant, you’ll be showing your love and support
for Israel! Please be there.
Enjoy delicious refreshments at our Israeli Café.
There is no charge for this event.
This evening is sponsored by Nira Avidor, Leora, Josh, Maya,
and Arielle Rezek in loving memory of husband, father, and
grandfather, Arie Avidor
The Forest Hills Jewish Center
will conduct a
Communal Second Seder,
lead by Center members
Rabbi Paul, Susie, and Gila Drazen
Tuesday, April 19.
This event is open to Center members and their guests.
Information is available on table flyers and through the
ListServ, or you may contact Rhonda Israel at (718) 575-8120
or [email protected] or Carrie Leifer at (718) 520-8311
or [email protected].
MInyan Club on Sunday, May 1, after morning Minyan
and will commemorate Yom Hashoah. Stay tuned for further
Before each publication, THE MESSAGE is checked and
rechecked to the best of our ability for content, dates, times, and
spelling. We apologize in advance if any errors should occur.
The Officers and Trustees of
Cordially Invite You to Attend
The Gala Journal Dinner-Dance
In Honor of
Barbara Klibanoff
Judy Beizer
Norman Gursen
Martin Topol
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Seven Forty-Five in the Evening
Bring the family for one last bit of hametz at
Friday, April 15
Services in the Little Synagogue at 6:30 P.M.
followed by a family-friendly dinner in the Heller Family Ballroom
….and you can bring your own Kosher wine!
Use the reservation form below or call the Center Office
718-263-7000 to make reservations
no later than Monday, April 11
RESERVATION FORM — Pre-Pesah Shabbat Dinner,
April 15
RSVP by Monday, April 11
_____Adults at $25.00 each
_____Children ages 4-12 at $12.00 each
_____ Children under 4 years (free)
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
Phone: day: __________________ evening:__________________
Email address: __________________________________________
Number of adults attending ________________________________
Children attending:
Name:____________________________________Age: ________
Name:____________________________________Age: ________
Name:____________________________________Age: ________
Page 4
March/April 2011
The Rabbinical Assembly Pesah Guide was prepared for the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and
Standards by Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz. It was accepted by the Committee on December 12, 1984. The last paragraph of the introduction as well as Parts A and C under “Permitted Foods,” have been amended to reflect more
recent decisions of the Committee affecting the status of peanuts, peanut oil, certain cheeses and canned tuna.
The Torah prohibits the ownership
of hametz (leaven) during Pesah.
Therefore, we arrange for the sale
of the hametz to a non-Jew. The
transfer, mekhirat hametz, is accomplished by appointing an agent,
usually the rabbi, to handle the sale.
It is valid and legal transfer of ownership. At the end of the holiday, the
agent arranges for the reversion of ownership of the now-permitted hametz. If
ownership of the hametz was not transferred before the holiday, the use of this
hametz is prohibited after the holiday as well (hametz she-avar alav ha-Pesah).
Since the Torah prohibits the eating of hametz during Pesah, and since many
common foods contain some admixture of hametz, guidance is necessary when
shopping and preparing for Pesah.
During the eight days of Pesah, hametz cannot lose its identity in an admixture.
Therefore, the minutest amount of hametz renders the whole admixture hametz
and its use on Pesah is prohibited. However, during the rest of the year, hametz
follows the normal rules of admixture, i.e. it loses its identity in an admixture
of one part hametz and sixty parts of non-hametz (batel be-shishim). This affords us the opportunity to differentiate between foods purchased before and
during Pesah.
What follows is a general guideline. However, your rabbi should be consulted
when any doubt arises. Kosher le-Pesah labels that do not bear the name of a
rabbi or one of the recognized symbols of rabbinic supervision, or which are
not integral to the package, should not be used without consulting your rabbi.
Prohibited foods include the following: leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereal, coffees containing cereal derivatives, wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye,
and all liquids containing ingredients or flavors made from grain alcohol.
Most Ashkenazik authorities have added the following foods (kitniyot) to the
above list: rice, corn, millet, legumes (beans and peas; however, string beans are
permitted). The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has ruled unanimously
that peanuts and peanut oil are permissible. Some Ashkenazik authorities permit,
while others forbid, the use of legumes in a form other than their natural state, for
example, corn sweeteners, corn oil, soy oil. Sephardic authorities permit the use
of all of the above. Consult your rabbi for guidance in the use of these products.
Permitted Foods:
A. The following foods require no kosher le-Pesah label if purchased prior to
Pesah: unopened packages or containers of natural coffee without cereal additives (However, be aware that coffees produced by General Foods are not kosher for Passover unless marked KP); sugar, pure tea (not herbal tea); salt (not
iodized); pepper; natural spices; frozen fruit juices with no additives; frozen
(uncooked) vegetables (for legumes see above); milk; butter; cottage cheese;
cream cheese; ripened cheeses such as cheddar (hard), muenster (semi-soft)
and Camembert (soft); frozen (uncooked) fruit (with no additives); baking
B. The following foods require no kosher le-Pesah label if purchased before or
during Pesah: Fresh fruits and vegetables (for legumes see above), eggs, fresh
fish and fresh meat.
C. The following foods require a kosher le-Pesah label if purchased before or
during Pesah: All baked products (matzah, cakes, matzah flour, farfel, matzah meal, and any products containing matzah); canned or bottled fruit juices
(These juices are often clarified with kitniyot which are not listed among the
ingredients. However, if one knows there are no such agents, the juice may be
purchased prior to Pesah without a kosher le-Pesah label); canned tuna (since
tuna, even when packed in water, has often been processed in vegetable broth
and/or hydrolyzed protein--however, if it is known that the tuna is packed exclusively in water, without any additional ingredients or additives, it may be
purchased without a kosher le-Pesah label); wine; vinegar; liquor; oils; dried
fruits; candy; chocolate flavored milk; ice cream; yogurt and soda.
D. The following processed foods (canned, bottled or frozen), require a kosher le-Pesah label if purchased during Pesah: milk, butter, juices, vegetables,
fruit, milk products, spices, coffee, tea, and fish, as well as all foods listed in
Category C.
DETERGENTS: If permitted during the year, powdered and liquid detergents do not require a kosher le-Pesah label.
MEDICINE: Since hametz binders are used in many pills, the following
guidelines should be followed: If the medicine is required for life sustaining
therapy, it may be used on Pesah. If it is not for life sustaining therapy, some
authorities permit, while others prohibit. Consult your rabbi. In all cases, capsules are preferable to pills.
KASHERING OF UTENSILS: The process of kashering utensils depends
on how the utensils are used. According to Halakhah, leaven can be purged
from a utensil by the same process in which it was absorbed in the utensil
(ke-voleo kakh poleto). Therefore, utensils used in cooking are kashered by
boiling, those used in broiling are kashered by fire and heat, and those used
only for cold food are kashered by rinsing.
A. EARTHENWARE (china, pottery, etc.) may not be kashered. However,
fine translucent chinaware which has not been used for over a year may be
used if scoured and cleaned in hot water.
B. METAL (wholly made of metal) UTENSILS USED IN FIRE (spit, broiler) must first be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed and then made as hot as
possible. Those used for cooking or eating (silverware, pots) must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned and completely immersed in boiling water. Pots
should not be used for a period of at least 24 hours between the cleaning and
the immersion in boiling water. Metal baking utensils cannot be kashered.
C. OVENS AND RANGES: Every part that comes in contact with food must
be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned. Then, oven and range should be heated
as hot as possible for a half hour. If there is a broil setting, use it. Self-cleaning
ovens should be scrubbed and cleaned and then put through the self-cleaning
cycle. Continuous cleaning ovens must be kashered in the same manner as
regular ovens.
D. MICROWAVE OVENS, which do not cook the food by means of heat,
should be cleaned, and then a cup of water should be placed inside. Then the
oven should be turned on until the water disappears. A microwave oven that
has a browning element cannot be kashered for Pesah.
E. GLASSWARE: Authorities disagree as to the method for kashering drinking utensils. One opinion requires soaking in water for three days, changing
the water every 24 hours. The other opinion requires only a thorough scrubbing before Pesah, or putting them through a dishwasher.
1. Glass Cookware: There is a difference of opinion as to whether it is to be
kashered. One opinion is that it must be kashered. After a thorough cleansing,
there should be water boiled in them which will overflow the rim. The other
opinion is that only a thorough cleansing is required.
2. Glass Bakeware, like metal bakeware, may not be kashered.
DISHWASHER: After not using the machine for a period of 24 hours, a full
cycle with detergent should be run.
F. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: If the parts that come into contact with
hametz are removable, they can be kashered in the appropriate way (if metal,
follow the rules for metal utensils). If the parts are not removable, the appliance cannot be kashered. (All exposed parts should be thoroughly cleaned.)
G. TABLES, CLOSETS AND COUNTERS: If used with hametz, they
should be thoroughly cleaned and covered, and then they may be used.
H. KITCHEN SINK: A metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly cleaning
and then pouring boiling water over it. A porcelain sink should be cleaned
and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink,
a dish basin must be used.
pots and hametz whose ownership has been transferred, should be separated,
locked up or covered, and marked in order to prevent accidental use.
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March/April 2011
A. Haggadot - For a meaningful and inspiring Seder, it is very helpful to use a Haggadah with interesting commentaries on the text.
While it is sometimes easier to follow when everyone’s Haggadah is the same, some prefer to use different editions so the diverse
commentaries enliven the discussion around the table.
B. Setting the Table - Now that the home is ready for Passover, the festival table should be set. This is a gala occasion in our lives, and
we use our choicest linens, silver and dishes which we have provided for Passover. Flowers in honor of the Spring are usually used as
a centerpiece. Two candles are on the table ready for the blessing. At each setting there is goblet for wine. Cushions are provided for
participants to recline upon, as a symbol of our freedom.
On the table we find the special symbols of Passover:
1.Matzot - Three matzot separated by doilies, or in a special case for this purpose, are set
one on the other. These signify the three categories in the Jewish community of today:
The Kohen, the Levi, and the Yisrael.
2. The K’arah - The Passover Plate. This is a distinctive decorative platter on which
are placed the symbols of Passover in a prescribed order. The symbols are as follows:
a. Maror (Bitter Herbs) - to remind us of the bitter hardships which our forefathers
suffered in Egypt.
b. Haroset (A mixture of fruits, fresh or dried, chopped nuts, spices and wine. The
recipe differs according the culture European or Sephardic) — resembles the mortar
which our forefathers used in building the mighty cities of Egypt.
c. Zeroa (Roasted Shank Bone) - is a symbol of the Paschal offering at the Temple.
d. Betzah (Roasted Egg) - is also a reminder of a Temple offering.
e. Karpas (Parsley) - is the agricultural symbol of Passover, the green produce of the earth which God gives to us with the coming of Spring.
f. Salt Water - a symbol of the crossing of the Red Sea, or of the tears shed in Egypt.
3. Cup of Elijah - In the center of the table, we also place a large goblet of wine which is meant for the prophet Elijah who is the symbol
of hope and faith. On Passover eve, according to tradition, Elijah visits every Jewish home. During the Seder ritual, at a designated point,
the door is opened to welcome this honored guest.
4. Wine - The Arbah Kosot - Enough wine must be provided to fill each one’s cup four times. These four cups are drunk to recall the four
words used in the Bible to describe freedom from slavery. God says, “I shall bring forth, I shall deliver, I shall redeem, and I shall take.”
Throughout the struggle to free the Jews of the former Soviet Union, a fourth matzah was added by many families to the Seder plate. It
was called the Matzah of Hope, and it represented our fervent wish that Soviet Jewry might be redeemed to a life of freedom. Thankfully,
we have lived to see the redemption of Soviet Jewry. We are painfully aware, however, that there are Jews throughout the world who
remain in peril, most especially Jews in Arab countries. Additionally, the growing economic and political instability in Argentina has
placed the Jewish community there in considerable peril and distress, and anti-Semitism has reared its ugly head in France as well.
Though the original reason for the prayer no longer applies, there is ample reason to retain the ritual of the Matzah of Hope, for all of
those Jews who are imperiled, and, in a more universal spirit, for all people who are enslaved and in need of redemption. The leader of
the Seder should explain its presence when reciting the matza zo paragraph in Maggid.
Most contemporary haggadot make some reference to the Shoah, and it is entirely proper to do so on the Seder night. The most appropriate
juncture for including the Shoah is during the ritual of Elijah’s cup, when the door is opened to greet the harbinger of the Messiah, and
we traditionally recite Sh’foch Chamat’cha, a prayer for retribution against our enemies. Though many are uncomfortable with the
sentiments expressed in Sh’foch Chamat’cha, it is precisely that discomfort which can provide the grist for meaningful discussion about
the nature and significance of our freedom after Auschwitz, and how it is that we are to relate to our painful past.
At the very conclusion of the Seder, it is customary to sing L’shanah Haba’ah Bi’rushalayim Hab’nuya; Next year in a rebuilt Jerusalem!
Obviously, the theme of enslavement and redemption resonates deeply as we contemplate the existential significance of Israel’s creation
after the Shoah. Now more than ever, with Israel challenged at every turn, we should end our celebration of the Seder with a rededication
to both the ideal and the reality of the Jewish state.
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March/April 2011
Book of Remembrance
On the eighth day of Pesah, as on all other designated holidays when Yizkor is recited, Rabbi Skolnik will read the names of those
inscribed in the Book of Remembrance.
Davora Abraham
Yakov Hassid Abraham
David Abrahams
Madeline Abrahams
Barney W. Adler
Henrietta K. Adler
Esther Anopolsky
Samuel Anapolsky
Otto Josef Baruch
Berthold Bear
Lisa Bear
Martin Bear
Toni Bear
Victoria Benghiat
Ida Benghiat
Sol Berley
Sydell Berley
Robert Blum
Abe Blumstein
Rabbi Baruch Bokser
Micah Bokser
Kallia Bokser
Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser
Aaron Broder
Jennie Broder
Sylvia Broder
Milton Bruck
Ruth Bruck
Dora Butnick
Milton Butnick
Irving Cahn
Hugo N. Cahnman
Elaine Charap
Hyman Sid Citron
George DePena
Abram Dykerman
Alfred Dykerman
Erna Dykerman
Herman Dykerman
Ester Dylewski
Lola Eckstein
Helene Falik
Estelle Feiner
Abraham Obiedzinski Fink
Stella Frank
John Steven Fuchs
Josef Samuel Fuchs
Dr. J. Savin Garber
Philip Garfield
Benedicto Geber
Marta Geber
Feiga Rosa Ginsburg
Albert Glazer
Cecelia Glazer
Clara Glazer
David Glazer
Gussie Glazer
Arnold Glick
Fannie Glick
Irving Glick
Max Glick
Helen Goldenberg
Sherry Sue Goldenberg
Lola Joy Goldman
Celia Goldman
Norman Peter Goldman
Abraham Goldsmith
Harold Goldsmith
Mary Goldsmith
Benjamin Goldstein
Dave Goldstein
Herb Goldstein
Nettie Goldstein
Rita Goldstein
Cantor Isaac Gorsky
Sylvia Gould
Ann Grossman
Gertrude B. Gruenberg
Jascha Gurewitz
Fred Hahn
Celia Haims
George Haims
Joseph Haupt
Celia F. Heiferman
Cooky Heiferman (Esther Rose Signet)
Solomon G. Heiferman
Jean Claude Heilberg
Ray F. Heitner
Solomon Heitner
Anna Heller
Arthur Heller
Jesse Heller
Morris Heller
Albert Hirsch
Herta Hirsch
Sybil Hyman
Nathan Hyman
Eva Lea Jaari
Lochem Avichai Jaari
Julius D. Kahn
Kate Kahn
Frances Kalikow
Morris Kalikow
Nathaniel Saul Kane
Benjamin B. Katz
Haskel Katz
Helen F. Katz
Miriam Katz
Morris M. Katz
Fred E. Katzner
Gladys Kenner
Max Kenner
Herman Kingsley
Marion Kingsley
Sophie Kohn
Louis Kohn
Aaron Korn
Lillian Korn
Fortuna Kovalsky
Max Kovolick
Adolph G. Kraus
Samuel Kravitz
Abraham Krumbein
Sarah Krumbein
Benjamin Krumholz
Henry Krumholz
Jack Krumholz
Mera Krumholz
Rose Krumholz
Philip Kule
Isidore Kulichefsky
Jennie Kulichefsky
Herbert Kupferberg
Cantor David Kusevitsky
Elaine Kusevitsky
Patricia Lily Kusevitsky
Harry B. Lader
Helen J. Lader
Dorothy Lapin
Samuel Lapin
Edward Lehem
Fortuna Lehem
Marco Lehem
Palomba Lehem
Sol Lehem
Charles Leibler
Frieda Leibler
Abraham Lerner
Clara Lerner
Maurice Lerner
Joseph Lestz
Leon Levin
Charles Levy
Pearl Levy
Ludwig Loewenstein
Margaret Loewenstein
Dr. Jack London
Dr. Edward Mahlab
Suzette Mahlab
Lionel Malamed
Leopold Lipot Mayer
Rose Guttman
Mayer Theodore Mayer
Harry Mesard
Lily R. Mesard
Chaskel Morgenstern
Irene Morgenstern
Carl J. Moskowitz
Charlotte Moskowitz
George Moss
Irving Moss
Jack Nelson
Ruth Nelson
Abraham Okun
Celia Okun
Harvey L. Perlstein
Jeanne S. Perlstein
Isidore Platkin
Shep Porter
Tauba Potik
Yefim Potik
Raphael Raphael
Irwin Reich
Stephen Reich
Feiga Remetier
Frank E. Riesenfeld
Sylvia Rolnick
Dr. Louis Rosenblum
Seymour Rosenthal
Sidney Roth
George Rozsa
Toni Pernitz Ruda
Sabina Safier
Simon A. Safier
Gladys Salup
Abraham Salzmann
Elizabeth Samuel
Siegfried Samuel
Irving Savitz
Ruth Savitz
Jack Schaeffer
Lillian Schaeffer
Leo Schain
Martha Schain
Harold Schantz
Elias Segal
Mildred Segal
Malvin Sevin
Albert Shaw
Annette Silberman
Ruby Silberman
David Skolnik
Lillian Skolnik
Edward Skornicki
Natalie Skornicki
Mildred F. Smith
Deena Soloway
Joseph Stark
Katalin Stark
Pearl Strauss
Amy Lisa Sturm
Judith Susan Sturm
Ida Sumerfeld
Meyer Sumerfeld
Fred Theise
Max Troper
Jack Vogel
Bessie Walker
Ellen Bea Walker
Joseph Walker
Leon Walker
Marie M. Walker
Rose Walker
Jacob Wallach
Raoul Wallenberg
Stanley Weg
Alfred A. Weinberg
Selma Weinberg
Isidore Weinkselbaum
Jennie Weinkselbaum
Jerry Weinkselbaum
Herbert Weiser
Milton Winograd
Estelle Zafran
Ira Zalbe
Abraham Zwick
Dora Feldman Zwick
If you are interested in placing a name in the Book of Remembrance, or on a Memorial Plaque,
please contact the Center Office. 718 263-7000, or [email protected]
…by following the charitable custom of Ma’ot Hittim, you can help the
many Jewish men, women, and children in our area who are in need, are ill,
hospitalized, or institutionalized. Make their Passover holiday festive and
meaningful by supporting New York Board of Rabbis Passover Appeal.
Make your checks out to the above committee, and send them to the Center
Office, care of Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik.
For those in our Center family, as well as our community, who wish to sell
their hametz (leaven) you may do so here at the Center. The transaction
may be made at the Center Office; Monday through Thursday, 9:00 A.M. to
4:00 P.M., Friday and Sunday, 9:00 A.M. to Noon, or by appointment. You
may also sell your hametz at the daily minyan, in the Little Synagogue, or
pick up an authorization form in the Center Office.
Check out the windows whenever you stop by the office or drop off your
children for religious school. There’s lots of new merchandise being
highlighted, especially for Pesah, and we hope you take the time to do
some shopping with us.
Arlene Sacks, Chair
by lighting a Yellow Candle on Sunday Night, April 11
The Coffee House on February 5th was a great opportunity for Center
members to showcase their talents. It was well attended, and everybody had
a great time. The first of two sessions of Hearing Men’s Voices was held on
February 6th and featured lively discussions on intermarriage. The positive
feedback indicates that this will be a regular activity at the Forest Hills Jewish
Center. The annual Men’s Club Shabbat once again gave us the opportunity to
lead services and afterward, more than 80 Center members attended a lecture
on Beer in the Bible by the ever-interesting Jay Luger. As in past years, the
Men’s Club will be delivering candles in late Apri to commemorate Yom
Hashoah l. We hope that Center members will be as generous as they have
been in the past in honoring the memories of those lost in the Shoah.
Hal Berkowitz, Men’s Club President
Mercaz dues for 2010-11, www.mercazusa.org or 820 Second Avenue,
11th floor, New York, NY 10017-4504, tel 212-533-2061
For donations: Masorti Foundation, www.masorti.org or 475 Riverside
Drive, Suite 832, New York, NY, 10115-0122, tel 212-870-2216 COOKING FOR THE FAMILY MADE EASY
Are you preparing three meals every night for your family? Do you have
picky eaters who won’t try new foods? Feeding adults and children with
different needs and tastes can be complicated! Here’s the chance to learn
how to shift your family over to sharing the same meal, including timesaving tips and dinner-planning ideas. Join Julie Negrin, nutrition expert
and author of Easy Meals to Cook with Kids, as she shares tips and recipes
that will guarantee peaceful dinner times and a well-fed family. Tuesday,
March 1, at 8 p.m. in Room M4. This event is free of charge and sponsored
by Tuv Ha’Aretz. RSVP to [email protected] by February 22.
Page 7
March/April 2011
Now in our 20th year!
This Passover, as you and your family and friends
gather around the Seder table, we ask you to remember
three special groups of people.
SOLO SEDER - Our Jewish military personnel serve
at United States military installations across the globe,
often isolated from the organized Jewish community.
Today with more military serving throughout the
world and several war fronts, we reach out to you to
become a sponsor so that every Jewish serviceman
and servicewoman in our armed forces will receive a
Passover Package.
PANTRY FUND - In these hard economic times, with
an increasing number of people, including Jews, out
of work, more of our people depend on community
food pantries and rabbinic discretionary funds to feed
themselves and their families. The need is greater than
ever. We reach out to you to help support these critical
needs in the METNY community so that every Jewish
family can celebrate Passover appropriately.
YOUTH FUND - Families are faced with tough choices
today. While some may view youth activities like USY
as an extra, we strongly believe that it’s fundamental to
the present and future vitality of the Jewish people and
Conservative Movement. We ask you to contribute to the
METNY USY Scholarship fund, so our youth will have
opportunities to learn about their heritage and strengthen
their Jewish identities.
----------------------------------------------------------------Return this form with your payment by March 28
Please make check(s) payable to METNY, United
Synagogue, Solo Seder Plus
820 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212 533-0800 • Fax: 212 533-0400
www.uscj.org/metny • E-mail: [email protected]
_____Yes, I (we) will sponsor ______ Passover
Package(s) for Jewish Military Personnel
_____Yes, I (we) will sponsor ______ Passover
Package(s) for Kosher
Discretionary Funds.
_____Yes, I (we) will support ______ our youth
scholarship fund.
Enclosed is a check for $ _____.00 for _____ “Solo
Seder Plus” Gift at $18.00 each
Name _______________________________________
Address _____________________________________
Email: ________
Please include a personal note on this form. (Use a
separate piece of paper for each additional Passover
As we look forward to a spring thaw,
here are highlights from stormy January
and February.
The weather challenged us, but we
did “Craft for a Cause,” thanks to the
dedication of the Yarn Crew and the
perseverance of Dorrie Berkowitz and
Randi Zwick-Marks. This year’s projects
contributed to JBFCS’ Sanctuary
Switchers’ Blanket Project. Our efforts
will continue into the spring (details are
a couple of paragraphs down).
We warmed up, with Hilla Abel,
who shared healthy, winter comfort
food preparation tips. Thank you, Hilla,
for a delicious afternoon. And special
thanks to Center members Melanie and
Al Krieger who added a cozy touch by
inviting us into their home for this event.
With the Annual Dinner Dance just
days ahead, Debra Weil led a class in
Israeli dancing, so that all of us could
learn a new step or two, so we’re sure
to put our best feet forward. Thank you,
“Crafting for a Cause,” continues on
Tuesday, March 8. Make a difference
and add your hands and hearts to the
blankets, toys, and greeting cards we’re
creating for children who need a little
extra warmth. Patterns are available
and we have supplies, so stop by after
evening minyan, and stay a while.
Mid-month, I’m sure you’ll want to
join Rabbi Skolnik when he examines
Purim themes, on Monday, March 14.
This evening will be similar to our
previous special study nights with the
Rabbi, so save this date.
With Pesah around the corner, we’re
taking some time off. Watch for future
program announcements around the
shul, in Shabbat Shalom, and on the
ListServ, including details on our family
“Crafting for a Cause” day.
Let me close with some words
about this year’s Annual Dinner Dance
honorees: our Board member Barbara
Klibanoff, Sisterhood member and
Ritual Committee Co-Chair Judy
Beizer, and her fellow Co-Chairs
Norman Gursen and Martin Topol. Your
well-deserved recognition reflects your
devotion to our kehillah and serves as
inspiration for us all. Thank you and
mazal tov!
Page 8
March/April 2011
We at Day Sisterhood welcome all our
members back to our 81st year of activity.
Our first meeting of the new year will be on
March 21 when our guest speaker, Dr. Judith
Beizer, will discuss Managing Your Medication. You won’t want to miss this informative
As I write this article in January, the
weather outside is freezing and walking on
the ice is challenging, but we at Day Sisterhood are keeping safe and warm at home
cooking up future events. We’re starting to
plan our May fundraising luncheon that will
again most likely take place at Cho-Sen
Garden. If you have previously attended the
luncheon you know how enjoyable the afternoon is, so please join us this year. Also, perhaps consider asking a friend to accompany
you for this amiable afternoon of good food,
companionship, and fun with raffles.
Ruth Shulim, our Day Sisterhood President, has asked me to thank all the Center
members who have responded so promptly
and positively to her solicitation for ads on
behalf of the FHJC Journal. Day Sisterhood
has always been a strong supporter and a major contributor toward the financial success
of the Journal. We look forward to another
successful campaign.
Finally, on behalf of Sisterhood I wish everyone a happy Purim and a sweet and kosher Passover.
Malcah Toor, Sisterhood member
The past two months were filled with fun programming, including: Kickball, Mexicana
Night, Candy Sushi Making, Candle Making,
Battle of the Sexes, and Clue. The entire Youth
Dept. had a great time ice skating in February, and Tseerim joined Kadima at the annual
Kiryah Kadima Swim & Gym at Hillcrest Jewish Center. While at the Swim & Gym our children were able to meet other kids from across
the five boroughs and learn about future programming.
There’s no better way to continue then with
our Annual Purim Carnival! On Sunday, March
20th, our Annual Purim Carnival will be held
in the gym following megillah reading. It’s the
place to be, so make sure you come in costume
and get ready for a fun-filled afternoon! On top
of an exciting carnival, some of the activities
to look forward to in March and April include:
Bowling, Cookie Making, Karaoke, Chocolate
Seder, FHJC Walk-a-thon, Gym Night, Movie Night, and Food Olympics. In March the
Kiryah division will be having its annual Spring
Kinnus at ICC, in Flushing. Since high school is
right around the corner for our 8th-graders, they
are welcome and encouraged to join us at Israel
Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ) from
March 25 to 27 for Spring Kinnus.
With all that’s happening throughout the
Youth Department and the Kiryah Division, we
can’t forget that Spring is right around the corner and it’s time to clean out your closet! Our
Annual Clothing Drive will be held from March
1 to April 24. We will be collecting lightly used,
clean clothing that we’ll donate to the Salvation Army. All donations should be left in large,
sealed plastic bags in the designated “clothing
drive” boxes in the Youth Lounge.
With such a variety of programming, there’s
something for everyone. If you have a child in
3rd to 12th grade and would like more information about the FHJC Youth Department, Divisional or Regional programming, please contact
Sara Werner, Youth Director at [email protected]
…to Rabbi Gerald C. and Robin Skolnik for being honored along with Center
members Marla and Jorge Cornejo at the
upcoming Solomon Schechter School of
Queens Gala on Sunday, April 3, 2011. We
thank them for their tremendous service in
helping to build the Jewish community of
Queens. For more information, contact
Elaine L. Suchow, Director of Development of SSSQ, at (718) 591 9800, ext.
321, or [email protected].
The Hebrew Literature Group will meet
on Saturday, March 12, at 3:00 p.m. and on
April 9 at 3:00 p.m. in Hazzan Rosenblum’s
office. We will continue to read poems by the
great scholar, poet, warrior, and statesman
Shmuel HaNagid. For our May meeting we
will discuss the book Someone to Run With
(Mishehu la-ruts ito), by David Grossman.
We invite all women ages 12 and older to:
The Forest Hills Jewish Center’s
Sunday morning, April 3 at 11 a.m.
Details to follow but mark your calendars
now. Women have a special place in the
Pesah saga and this wonderful event
celebrates that and more.
Page 9
March/April 2011
Religious School curriculum is always a challenge. There’s too much to teach in
too little time. How do we choose? How do we ensure that our children’s learning
builds from year to year? Even more important, where is the balance between skills
learned and a connection to our children’s day-to-day lives. These are questions
that we grapple with. They are questions that have no set answers, but as is often
the case with important questions, the questions themselves and the conversation
around them have tremendous value.
Our teachers are involved in ongoing learning thanks to Lomed, a grant from
the Jewish Education Program. Today, in preparation for an afternoon of professional development, they asked our students what they think about when they lie
down at night and when they rise in the morning. If the v’ahavta requires us to teach
our children throughout their day, inside their homes and out, isn’t it critical that we
understand their thoughts, dreams, and concerns. Our teachers are looking at how
we address our children’s thoughts and questions through Jewish sources and Jewish teachings. They are addressing how we make sure they learn with their hearts as
well as their heads and hands in a school and shul community that embraces them.
We strive to teach our students through a variety of modalities. Through another
grant we have just received two flip videocameras. We are filming footage and will
have access to professional editing to create a video about our school. But what
amazes me is the way that the cameras are already being used in the classroom.
Today vav students began filming skits that they wrote as a culmination of their lifecycle class. Being able to film them adds a different dimension to the project—both
for the students and their teachers. How different creating a movie is from taking a
quiz, and yet both can be used to assess the same curricular material. Our teachers
are filming lessons and working with their peers to talk about the ways in which
lessons are succeeding and how they can be improved. Parents will be able to see
their children in action as we begin to post the fruits of our creative labors.
Artist Elizabeth Yaari will be joining us to teach two lessons. She will be focusing on teaching the Torah portion through bibliodrama and art. Each of our teachers
will have an opportunity to work with her and we will meet after school to unpack
the planning, techniques, and educational goals that were modeled. Teachers will
discuss how to incorporate what they have experienced with the students into dayto-day lessons. On Sunday, March 6, our whole school (including families) will
celebrate Rosh Hodesh Adar—Elizabeth will lead a program that will include interactive torah study and midrash expressed through silk painting.
Our vav and zayin classes, along with their families, are beginning a monthly
chesed program. They have been learning all year about both modern and historical
figures whose lives and works have had enormous impact on those around them.
They have had the opportunity to meet with a rabbi who has devoted his life to helping individuals with substance abuse problems and are looking forward to Skyping
with a member of the Jewish community in Uganda who has worked to improve life
and education in a setting where it is truly challenging to be a Jew. Next they will
begin working to make changes in their community here at the Forest Hills Jewish
Center and in the community in general with hands-on age-appropriate activities.
Our hai class has begun working on Hebrew and trop skills with the Hazzan.
This is a new and exciting program that challenges our students in ways that are
new and exciting.
Many of you heard our Religious School students participate with Rabbi Skolnik and Marcy Mirkin at the program marking the shloshim of Debbie Friedman.
That singing goes on regularly in the Rabbi’s high school class and in our classrooms every Sunday. On Sunday, April 3, we will continue to celebrate Debbie
Friedman’s music at a Women’s Seder co-sponsored by Evening Sisterhood and the
Religious School Rosh Hodesh Group.
We continue to ask the question: How can we do it better? We need you to help
us both find the answers and be a hands-on part of the solution. For those of you
who met with Rabbi Skolnik and me on the past few Sunday mornings, thank you.
It is critical that we keep the conversation going.
With the recent rise in media attention to the connection
between unhealthy eating and child obesity, now is an
appropriate opportunity to promote healthy eating and
snacking choices for your children.
The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
designed a workshop to train early childhood teachers
to implement high-energy, academically integrated,
and enjoyable activities into their classrooms.
Research in this area confirms that obesity can be
common in children as early as kindergarten. The
lowdown from these studies is that healthy habits have
to start at a young age. Together, parents and teachers
can promote healthy habits.
Don’t forsake snacks! Snacks can stave off hunger
and keep children satisfied so they’re less likely to
overeat. Yet too much snacking and eating snacks that
aren’t nutritious can lead to weight gain.
Snacks are important for young children. Most
children can’t eat enough in three meals to meet their
nutritional needs without having at least two snacks
a day. Therefore, it’s important to offer children
wholesome snacks that provide the necessary nutrients
they need to grow. Offer healthful items from different
food groups: vegetables, fruit, dairy, protein, and whole
A good suggestion is for parents to plan for snacks
and not offer them as a reward. Let your child decide
when he/she had enough or if he/she wants more. Let’s
be mindful of the type of foods we offer our children.
Healthy snacks are not punishment; withholding
snacks is a form of punishment. Reward your child
with healthy child-friendly snacks. With these choices
in mind, together we can stem the threat of childhood
The Parents Association is gearing up for Spring. Purim
brings the annual shpiel, an evening of delight for the
younger members of our congregation (and their parents,
of course). Plus, that night (March 19) is also the Second
Annual PA Purim Raffle. Once again, families in our
religious and nursery schools have donated goods and
we’ve assembled some wonderful baskets that we’re
raffling off. Tickets are $5 each or three for $10. Put your
name in the hat for some delicious wine, an evening of
fun and games at home, or another splendid assemblage.
Plus, there’s the silent auction, where some spectacular
options are being offered at the best price you come up
with. Be sure to stop by the Crystal Room on your way to
the Megillah Reading and play a game of chance. We’re
also starting our book collection again. We’ve donated
the old books to the Pride of Judea Counseling Center on
Northern Blvd. and now need your leftovers once again.
So, as you start to clean for the holidays, box up your
gently used books and donate them to our sale. It’s all
for a good cause.
Annual Youth Department
Deadline for orders is Monday, February 28
Without having to set foot in a store or your kitchen, you can
remember your friends and family and fulfill two important Purim
mitzvot: mishloah manot (the exchange of Purim goodies) and matanot
le’ evyonim (gifts for the poor). Your participation in this wonderful
program will support our Youth Department, as well as a variety of
worthy causes. When your order forms arrive, please respond promptly
by e-mail to [email protected] or mail in your order form or listing.
When you receive the postcard informing you that you are a
recipient of Mishloah Manot, please come to the Youth Lounge and
pick it up on Saturday, March 19, immediately AFTER the Megillah
Service. If you miss this deadline, please call the Center office to
arrange to pick up your Mishloah Manot.
Thank you for your participation and support of the Youth Dept.
Hag Purim Sameah!
Ilana Altman and Cheryl Topal, Youth Activities Committee, Chairs
Each year the Youth Activities Committee sends out mishloah manot to
the college-age sons and daughters of members living or attending school
in North America, and greeting cards to those studying abroad. The address list must be redone each year. So if you have college-age children,
whether they live locally or away, please let Youth Activities know their
mailing and e-mail address(es) by March 3 by e-mailing manot@fhjc.
org (please put “college address” as the subject). If you sent mailing
information for Chanukah, there is no need to resend, but do let us know
if your student has since moved or is studying abroad for the semester.
The following is the a synopsis of the next Hearing Men’s Voices.
All interested men must register with Hal Berkowitz at
[email protected] or (718) 357-1028 to attend this group discussion.
Discussion dates are Sunday, February 27, and
Sunday, March 6, at 9:00 a.m.
Do you feel like you and your teenager are growing apart?
Do you worry that you are unable to talk with your teenager about
important topics?
Is there something you need to tell your teenager but you’re just not
sure how to say it? If so, this workshop is for you…
For men struggling to find meaningful ways to communicate with
their teens, the challenge can seem insurmountable. In this two-session
workshop, we will identify the “hot topics”—academic performance,
substance use, dating, sexuality, finances, and more—that are impacting
your relationship with your teen and need to be discussed. Emphasis
will be placed on enabling men to empathize with their children and to
feel more confident when discussing difficult issues. After participating
in the workshop, men should have the communication skills necessary
to engage in difficult conversations about these issues in an effective
and sensitive manner.
Please note, this workshop is open to all male congregation
members. It is especially useful to fathers with teenage children, but
fathers of young children and adult children are also welcome to attend
and will surely benefit.
Page 10
March/April 2011
Julia Braginsky
Julia is a strong young woman—
in mind, in spirit, and in body.
She insists on things being just so
and channels tremendous energy
into her interests, which include
reading, singing, and dancing.
With many friends from religious
school, kadima, and public school,
she enjoys an active social life
while still being exceptional in her
academics. She is also a wonderful
sister to Sarah and Margalit and a
kind cousin to many. Julia’s determination will continue to lead
to tremendous success, so hold on tight.
Rachel Vick
Rachel Vick has been a fixture in
the halls and classrooms of the
Forest Hills Jewish Center since
she was two and a half years old.
Her energy, curiosity, and cadre
of friends have made FHJC an integral part of her educational and
social world. As the grandchild of
Holocaust survivors on one side of
the family and early immigrants
to the U.S. on the other side, she
embodies a broad spectrum of what it is to be a Jewish American and strives to understand her roots with the same thirst for
knowledge that keeps Barnes and Noble in business. Rachel
loves ballet and has been taking lessons since she was three.
She also likes animals, swimming, singing, and writing poetry.
She spends her summers at Beth Sholom Day Camp and is in
the seventh grade at Louis Armstrong Middle School.
Reuben Geffen Suchow
Reuben Geffen and the entire
Suchow family celebrate kehillah,
or community, as Reuben becomes
a Bar Mitzvah on April 9, 2011.
Reuben is a seventh-grade student
at the Solomon Schechter School
of Queens, where treasuring community is a value taught and modeled. He looks forward to his upcoming eighth-grade trip to Israel
and becoming a SSSQ graduate
like his older brothers Matthew and Joshua. Reuben’s kind,
congenial, and giving personality is evident among his many
friends at FHJC and in his extended communities, which include the BW Gottschee Cosmos team that he’s been part of for
eight years and his second home at Surprise Lake Camp, where
he’s grown up in since birth. It is with much joy and gratitude
that we celebrate together on this milestone occasion. Reuben
Geffen is named in memory of his uncle Robert Garry Bieber.
May his name forever be a blessing.
Shabbat, March 12:
Sharon & Philip Braginsky in honor of their daughter
Julia’s Bat Mitzvah.
Shabbat, March 19:
Suzanne & Jonathan Vick in honor of their daughter
Rachel’s Bat Mitzvah.
Shabbat, March 26:
Simone and David Eshaghian are hosting a congregational kiddush in memory of Simone’s mother Monique
Zalstain and David’s brother, Jack.
Daylight Savings Time
begins the weekend of
March 13-14
Please set your clocks
ahead one hour
at 2:00 A.M.
Sunday morning
March 14, minyan,
8:20 EDT.
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
Hearing Men’s Voices
Cantor’s Concert
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
Junior Congregation led by Aaron
Yavelberg and Hannah Kober
alternates with B’yachad led by
Yoni Warren 10 a.m. in Little
Synagogue or Crystal Room.
Kids Kongregation led by Rebecca
Leeman, Julie Konigsberg and
parent volunteers 10:45 a.m. in
Religious School
Tuv Ha’Aretz Pickup;
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
*Evening Sisterhood
Men’s Club Soccer
Purim Study with
Rabbi Skolnik
Sisterhood Open
Yarn Crew;
Men’s Club Soccer
Yarn Crew;
Bridge Club
Men’s Club Soccer
*Evening Sisterhood
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bereavement Group;
Bridge Club
Yarn Crew;
Crafting for a Cause
*Evening Sisterhood
School Board Meeting
Yarn Crew
Men’s Club Soccer
March/April 2011
Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of
services is as follows
Weekdays:.........................................................7:00 A.M.
Shabbat:.............................................................9:00 A.M.
Sundays, and legal holidays:.............................8:20 A.M.
Weekdays:......................................................... 7:30 P.M.
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat................................... 6:30 P.M.
Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays:..... Sundown
Men’s Club Soccer
Nursery School Parents
meet w/Rabbi;
YAC Purim Carnival
FHJC Walk-a-Thon
Page 11
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bereavement Group;
Bridge Club
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M. Myn.
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bereavement Group;
Board of Trustees*
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bereavement Group;
Bridge Club
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bereavement Group;
Bridge Club
Candles: 5:30 P.M.
Kabbalat Shabbat:
5:30 P.M.
Journal Dinner Dance
Minha, Ma’ariv –
5:30 P.M.
Candles: 5:38 P.M.
Hebrew Lit. Group
Kabbalat Shabbat:
5:40 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv: 5:40 P.M.
Candles: 6:46 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv: 6:45 P.M.
Purim Megillah Reading;
PA Purim Raffle and Shpiel
Rachel Vick’s Bat Mitzvah
Kabbalat Shabbat:
6:45 P.M.
Julia Braginsky’s
Bat Mitzvah
Candles: 6:53 P.M.
Kabbalat Shabbat:
Minha, Ma’ariv:
6:55 P.M.
Please try to attend the minyan on the
nights you attend those events.
Thank you.
Shabbat, April 9:
Paul & Elaine Suchow in honor
of their son Reuben’s Bar
Page 12
March/April 2011
Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of
services is as follows
Weekdays:.........................................................7:00 A.M.
Shabbat:.............................................................9:00 A.M.
Sundays, and legal holidays:.............................8:20 A.M.
Weekdays:......................................................... 7:30 P.M.
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat................................... 6:30 P.M.
Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays:..... Sundown
Junior Congregation led by Aaron
Yavelberg and Hannah Kober
alternates with B’yachad led by Yoni
Warren 10 a.m. in Little Synagogue
or Crystal Room
Kids Kongregation led by Rebecca
Leeman and Julie Konigsberg and
parent volunteers 10:45 a.m. in M4
Please try to attend the minyan on the nights you attend those events.
Thank you.
Women’s Seder
Sisterhood Board
Yarn Crew
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bereavement Support
Men’s Club Soccer
Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 P.M.
Candle Lighting
7:01 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv:
7:00 P.M.
Candles: 7:08 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv: 7:10 P.M.
Kabbalat Shabbat:
7:10 P.M.
Hebrew Literature Group
Reuben Suchow’s Bar
Bridge Club
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
Sisterhood Open
Yarn Crew;
Men’s Club Soccer
Bridge Club
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
*Board of Trastees
Candles: 7:15 P.M.
Kabbalat Shabbat:
7:15 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv:
7:15 P.M.
Pre-Pesah Dinner
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M. Min.
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
First Seder Candle
Community Seder
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Lighting 7:20 P.M.
Bridge Club
Candles: 7:23 P.M.
Kabbalat Shabbat:
7:25 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv:
7:25 P.M.
*Rabbi’s Talmud Class
following 7:00 A.M.
Tseerim – 12:30 P.M.
Candle Lighting 7:26 P.M
Open Bridge
Kadima – 6:00 P.M.
USY – 7:30 P.M.
Bridge Club
Candles: 7:30 P.M.
Kabbalat Shabbat:
7:30 P.M.
Minha, Ma’ariv:
7:30 P.M.
Page 13
…to those in our Center family who are celebrating a simha:
Lenore & Jules Haas on the engagement of their son David;
Ted Feldman – celebrating 80th birthday;
Barbara & Alan Horton on the engagement of their daughter Jodi to Michael B. Bernstein;
...a full and speedy recovery to Ruth Danis;
…may God grant comfort and consolation to those who have suffered a loss:
Dorrie Berkowitz on the loss of her father, Walter Katz;
Kim Trigoboff on the loss of her mother, Loretta Fox Hauser;
Lisl Topper on the loss of herhusband, Norbert Topper;
We mourn the loss of our dear Center Member
Mildred Feifer, mother of Barbara Bernstein, grandmother of
Howard and Alyssa Pollack and Allison Bernstein;
May her memory be for a blessing
Elaine & Leon Schiffman - in honor of Dr.
Martin Topol
Bonnie Chernin - in honor of the marriage of
Naomi Danis’s daughter, Tayla Oberfield, to
Ari Lucas
Marian & Martin Krasilovsky - in honor
of the marriage of Naomi Danis’s daughter,
Talya Oberfield, to Ari Lucas
Sylvia Lestz - in memory of beloved husband,
father, and grandfather, Joseph Lestz
Sylvia Lestz - in memory of beloved father and
grandfather, Hyman Pomerantz
Marcia Belgorod - in memory of Kim
Trigoboff’s mother, Loretta Fox Hauser
Rita & Saul Diamond - in memory of Kim
Trigoboff’s mother, Loretta Fox Hauser
Esther & Ted Feldman - in memory of Dorrie
Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Valerie & Jack Leibler - in memory of
Simone Eshaghian’s mother, Monique Zalstain
Valerie & Jack Leibler - in memory of David
Eshaghian’s brother, Jack Eshaghian
Valerie & Jack Leibler - in memory of David
Ades’ mother
Teri & Steven Goffner - in memory of Dorrie
Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Ilse, Irwin, Ronnie, Lori, Justin & Johanna
- in memory of Max Seitenbach (10th yahrzeit)
beloved husband, father & grandfather
Rebekah & Norman Fassler - in honor of the
marriage of Talya Oberfield to Ari Lucas
Harvey Engelman - in honor of the aufruf &
marriage of Steve Hofstetter to Sara
Laura & Norman Vogel & Family - in honor
of Perla Raphael’s 85th birthday
Valerie & Jack Leibler - in honor of
the marriage of Ellen Jaffe’s son, Steve
Hofstetter, to Sara
Miriam & Morris Chait - for the full &
speedy recovery of Barbara Klibanoff
Monica, Ezra, Caroline & Evelyn Lagnado
– in loving memory of Aron Friedlich (11th
Harvey Engelman - in memory of beloved
mother, Dora Engelman
Donations have been made in memory of Dorrie
Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz by:
Ellen Cahn,
Lillian & Bill Regen
Pauline, Mark, Melissa & Robbie Raphael
Rita & Saul Diamond - in honor of Ted
Feldman’s special birthday
Gerri & David Kule - in honor of the
engagement of Helaine & Joe Fox’s son,
Joshua, to Jill Wexler
Monica Lagnado - in gratitude to Dr. Judy
Beizer for honors received
Ezra Lagnado - in gratitude to Norman
Gursen for honors received for Haftorah
Rebekah & Norman Fassler - for the full &
speedy recovery of Ruth Danis
Ellen & Martin Elowitz - in memory of Arthur
Goldschmidt (yahrzeit)
Rose L. Eisenberg - in memory of her beloved
son, Judah M. Eisenberg
Gerri & David Kule - in memory of Lenny
Gerri & David Kule - in memory of David
Eshaghian’s brother, Jack Eshaghian
Gerri Kule - in memory of Simone
Eshaghian’s mother, Monique Zalstain
Gerri & David Kule - in memory of Dorrie
Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Sheila & Ken Sasmor - in honor of Allan
Rolnick’s special birthday & reading Haftorah
Anne Frankel - in loving memory of her father,
Ernest Frankel (17th yahrzeit).
The Fogelman Family - in gratitude to Benita
Gayle-Almeleh for her kindness
Diane & Leonard Fogelman - in gratitude to
Norman Gursen for honors received
Gloria & Stanley Horowitz & Family - in
memory of Monique Zalstain
Diane, Leonard, Matthew, Amy, Ella &
March/April 2011
Lily Fogelman - in memory of beloved father
& grandfather, Michael Mayorowitz, on his
Carole & Erwin Weinberg - in memory of
Dorrie Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Ruth Shulim - in memory of David
Eshaghian’s brother, Jack Eshaghian
Ruth Shulim - in memory of Simone
Eshaghian’s mother, Monique Zalstain
Ruth Shulim & Family - in memory of Dr.
Joseph I. Shulim, beloved husband, devoted
father & dear grandfather & great grandfather
(6th yahrzeit)
Ruth Shulim - in memory of Dorrie
Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Debbie, Jeff, Nicole & Amy Bochner - in
memory of Ira Zalbe (17th yahrzeit) beloved
husband of Sandra, loving father of Debbie
& Jeff Bochner & Bruce Zalbe, adored
grandfather of Nicole, Amy, Amanda & Sidney
Marian & Martin Krasilovsky - in memory of
Dorrie Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Rhonda & Doug Israel & Family - in memory
of Dorrie Berkowitz’s father, Walter Katz
Roz Feuer - in gratitude to Gerri & David Kule
for their kindness
Arnold Weg - in gratitude to Norman Gursen
for honors received
Friend at FHJC - in memory of Kenny
Harvey Engelman - in memory of beloved wife,
Phyllis Engelman
Roz Feuer - in memory of beloved mother, Eva
Leah Forman (yahrzeit)
Trudy Emanuel - in memory of beloved father,
Louis Emanuel
Stewart Krieger - in memory of Joe Schuster
Heidi, Allan & Shari Rolnick, Carol &
Norman Guttman & Roz & Ted Okun - in
memory of Dorrie Berkowitz’s father, Walter
Heidi, Allan & Shari Rolnick, Carol &
Norman Guttman & Roz & Ted Okun - in
memory of Dorrie Berkowitz’s father, Walter
Roz Feuer – in loving memory of husband,
father & grandfather, Eddie Feuer
Hilda, Rick & Jonah Chusid – in honor of
the engagement of Irene & Ron Sternberg’s
daughter, Allison to David Kornmeier
Hilda, Rick & Jonah Chusid - in honor of the
marriage of Talya Oberfield to Ari Lucas
Hilda, Rick & Jonah Chusid - Gerri & David
Kule - in honor of the engagement of Helaine &
Joe Fox’s son, Joshua, to Jill Wexler.
Thank you to the FHJC community
for its support after the death of Michael
Seiden’s mother in September.
Page 14
March/April 2011
Glatt Kosher
American, Middle Eastern and more...
• Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Parties Simchahs
Also featuring Dairy Menus for Kiddushim and Britt Milah
Parties for 100 to 500 guests here at The Forest Hills Jewish Center and off the premises
Call Aodi Zilkha (718) 261-4775 (516) 746-0066
David Arghavani, DDS
Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry
Prosthodontist and Periodontist on staff
Open Sundays!
98-11 66th Avenue, #1P, Rego Park, NY 11374
• Board-Certified Emergency Medicine Physicians
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• Insurance Plans Accepted
• No Appointment Necessary - 365 Days a Year
95-25 Queens Blvd., Rego Park - (718) 925-6565
13643fh 1-11
[Ruth F. Kobrin, Jewish Connections
Division of the Jewish Board of
Family and
Children’s Services, is on staff at the
Forest Hills Jewish Center.]
Ruth Kobrin is our valued “in-house”
social worker who is available to
help you work out problems and
provide support in strict confidence.
Please call her for an appointment at
718 236 – 7000. Ext. 223
Social worker Ruth Kobrin is starting
a bereavement group. It will meet for
six consecutive Tuesdays, beginning
March 3. Ruth is always available for
talking. If you feel you need to reach
out, contact her at
(718) 263-7000, ext. 223.
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The Forest Hills Jewish Center
Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Square
106-06 Queens Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248
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