The Wiggins View
The Wiggins View
The Wiggins View 27070 Cedar Road Beachwood, Ohio 44122 A newsletter for tenants & family March 2013 “Passover” Table of ~by Rabbi Howard Kutner Contents This year Passover is early on the calendar. The first Seder is on the night of Monday, March 25. Each year at Passover we recount the majestic birth of the Jewish nation. Forged out of the harshest slavery, we were redeemed from corrupt ancient Egypt through G-d’s Miracles. Egyptian cruelty increased, until Pharaoh decreed that every male child born be drowned. Moses emerged as the agent of our redemption bringing the Divine call to worship promising freedom. Pharaoh’s stubbornness prompted ten miraculous plagues to impress Gd’s omnipotence on the Egyptians. Finally, Gd smote their first born, “passing over” the Jewish homes. The Jews were on their way to freedom and independence. We celebrate this event each year at the Passover Seder. The power of tradition is clearly demonstrated by the Passover Seder in Jewish homes everywhere. It is probably the most widely observed Jewish ritual. The night commemorating the exodus from Egypt has become a historic feast, uniting all the generations of the Jewish people. The national and religious significance of the Seder has been successfully preserved mainly through the use of the Hagaddah. It has stirred the spirit of freedom in the hearts of young and old across the centuries. It is the book that tells the story of Pesach and gives the order of the service on that night, to impress all the members of the family, espe- cially the children, with the importance of the holiday. Passover Recipes Pg 2 The recital of the tradiBirthdays & Holidays tional Hagaddah is the most esPg 3 sential part of the Seder serKeith’s Kitchen vice. Primarily, the narrative of Pg 4 Passover, the Hagaddah tells the story of the entry into Egypt Programming / Outings Pg 5 and the freedom of the Israelites from their servitude. It ex“Let’s Hear it for Coats!” plains the use of the ritual Pg 7 foods consumed on this night, the matzah, the maror (bitter “Elijah’s Cup” herb) and the four cups of wine. Pg 7 The Seder meal has always en“..Grandfather Clock” shrined the most precious Pg 8 memories and the most exalting aspirations and hopes of the Jewish people. As we recite the ancient words and sing the songs of old we are all filled with tradition, heritage, and memories. The home observance of the Seder has strengthened family ties and made Jewish home life beautiful. But this is not just an ancient tale: Passover is the “Time of our freedom” and in every generation. The Passover season brings with it a new opportunity as we discover anew the freedom that is ours to bring to the world. We look forward to spending the Passover holiday together here at Wiggins Place. Questions? Comments? Contact Jenna Haffey at [email protected]. March 2013 Page 1 “Pesach Recipes” ~by Tenants of Wiggins Place We asked the tenants of Wiggins Place to share their favorite recipes of Passover. Our hope is for you to use some of these recipes and pass them down as we have. Toasted Farfel ~Sylvia Eigenfeld Passover Blueberry Muffins ~Edna Rosen 1C matzo farfel / 2 egg yolks / 1/2tsp salt / 2T oil or chicken fat 1/2C oil / 1C sugar / 3 eggs / 1/2C cake meal / 1/4C potato starch / 1/4tsp salt / small package of frozen blueberries, thawed and drained (or fresh, washed and drained) / cinnamon and sugar 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Combine and mix all ingredients. Spread onto flat baking pan. separate particles and brown in oven. Serve as a snack or in hot soup! 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Passover Mocha Cake ~Ruth Schwartz 3. Add eggs and beat well. Fold in sifted dry in- Cake: 1C sliced almonds / 2/3C semisweet chocolate chips / 1.5C sugar / 1/2C Matzo cake meal / 9 large eggs—yolks and whites separated into large bowls, whites at room temp / 1/2tsp ground cinnamon / 1/8tsp ground cloves / 1/8tsp salt / 2T instant coffee granules, dissolved in 1/4C boiling water and then cooled 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. You’ll need a rimmed baking sheet and a 10 x 4.5 in tube pan with a removable tube insert. 2. Cake: Spread almonds on baking sheet. Bake 5-6 minutes until lightly toasted, then cool. 3.Meanwhile, pulse 2/3 C chocolate chips in food processor until finely ground. Scrape into a medium bowl. Pulse almonds, 1/4C sugar and cake meal into food processor until almonds are finely ground. Add to chocolate, stir to blend. 4. beat egg whites with mixer on high until soft peaks. Gradually beat 1/4C sugar and continue beating just until stiff peaks form. Set aside. 5. Beat yolks, remaining 1C sugar, spices, salt, coffee and oil just to blend. Fold in 1/4 of the whites, then the nut mixture. Fold in remaining whites, pour into ungreased tube pan. Bake 55 minutes. Immediately invert the pan onto a wire rack, cook completely, upside down. 2. Mix oil and sugar. gredients and add blueberries. 4. Pour into paper cups or muffin pan cups. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. 5. Bake for 40-50 minutes. Matzo-Almond Bark ~ Cheryl Isaacson 5 to 6 pieces plain matzos / 1 cup unsalted butter 1 cup granulated or brown sugar / 12 oz. semisweet chocolate chips / 1/2 cup slivered almonds, crushed 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil topped with parchment paper and lay the matzo in a single layer so that it completely covers the bottom of the pan. 2. In a saucepan, melt the butter and sugar over low heat. Raise the heat and boil the mixture for 3 minutes. Pour the butter and sugar mixture over the matzo and spread it with the back of a spoon. Place the matzo in the oven for 5 minutes. Remove pan from the oven and immediately pour the chocolate chips over the matzo. 4. Return the pan to the oven for 30 seconds to melt the chocolate. Remove the pan from the oven and smooth the chocolate evenly over the matzo with a spatula. Sprinkle the crushed nuts over the top. Re- March 2013 Page 2 March Tenant / Staff Birthdays Mildred Mandell Rose Salatel, Resident Assistant 4 Ann Simon 17 Rosella Rosenberg 23 Bea Wahl 24 Glenna Wilkoff 26 4 Maron Wiley, Food Service Worker 16 LaToya Lewis, Server 25 Angie Holpuch, Physical Therapist 30 “Your Call” ~ by Ruth Schwartz It’s cold and it’s blowing and snowing All of which means March is here. It isn’t quite spring—it’s winter’s last fling For our playful third month of the year. Still I’m counting on that groundhog Who had his February say. He didn’t see his shadow So spring will be here any day. No more winter doldrums (At least no more this year) If he’s right I’ll pat him And tell him he’s a dear. But if we find he was NOT right We may get snow this very night! So, Punxsutawney Phil, let’s see Who was right? You or me?? March Fun Facts Gemstone: Aquamarine Flower: Daffodil Daffodils have the flower meaning of rebirth, respect, regard and unrequited love. The daffodil is one of the first flowers of spring, therefore it is a symbol of rebirth. The March birth flower is poisonous if eaten. The daffodil is the emblem of Wales and is worn on St David's Day. For spring flowers the daffodil is one of the best bulbs to plant. As the daffodil is one of the first flowers of spring, it has the flower meaning of hope. Daffodil commonly refers to narcissus with large trumpets, but may be used for all types of narcissus. The March birth flower daffodil that is commonly known, is yellow with a sweet fragrance. It is native to the Mediterranean, but has been cultivated all over the world as a decorative plant. The daffodil is a perennial grown from a bulb. It can reach heights of two feet. The daffodil is a dependable spring flower and a favorite for its long life and colorful blooms. In England the daffodil birth flower is known as the lent lily because it blooms during lent. Holidays: Daylight Savings Time 10 First Day of Spring 20 Erev Passover 25 March 2013 Page 3 from Clarksville, Tennessee was visiting “Keith’s Kitchen” ~Keith Childers, Dining Manager If you have not heard, the Pub has started its new menu and the reviews from the tenants have been very positive. The new menu has items like fish-n-chips, coconut breaded chicken tenders, and roast beef French dip paninis. We also feature daily chef specials that change each week. The menu maintains some of your favorites from before like our fresh cooked hamburgers. Later this month we will be sending out information for Passover with dinner times. It will also include a sheet to notify us if you will be here for the holiday or if you will be having any guests for dinner. Seder dinners will be served on both the evening before Passover and the first night of Pesach, wherein you can decide “Construction Zone“ which nights you would like to attend. We are very excited about the menus this year, and a lot of planning has been made to make this one of the best holidays yet. We will be koshering the kitchens for Passover on Sunday, March 24th and in preparation for the 1st Seder dinner will be served on Monday night, March 25th. I wanted to take a quick minute and thank the tenants that serve on the Food Committee (Marty Golob, Bea Gray, Laura Silver, Rosella Rosenberg, Beverly Arnold and Rachel Thrope), which meets every Thursday afternoon at 12:30pm. They have been very helpful in offering ideas and suggestions for the existing and new menus. If there is anyone interested in joining the Food Committee, please give me a call. ~by Nancy Sutula, Administrator In the next few weeks, the construction of the 36 unit Wiggins Place expansion will begin. While we will not initially see the building structure going up, there will be plenty of prep work happening. The cooling tower has to be relocated along with the electric and gas lines. Once the utilities have been moved, the digging for the underground parking garage can begin. The north parking lot will be closed off during construction. As soon as we have a firm date for the start of the construction, notices will be sent out to tenants and families. The new apartments in the expansion will range in size from 750 square feet for a 1-bedroom unit to 1,400 square feet for a 2- bedroom plus den corner deluxe unit. Underground parking will be included as part of the project for tenants. A second dining venue will be added; there will be a bistro that all Wiggins Place tenants and guests may enjoy. A larger community room will be added that will be used for entertainment and speaker programs. The addition will feature an additional card room and exercise room as well. As with any new construction there will be some disruption to day-to-day operations. The staff will try to minimize these disruptions as best we can. We appreciate your patience and understanding during the construction process. Please call me at 216-831-5452 ext. 705 with any questions. Stay tuned for more updates. March 2013 Page 4 March Activities You DON’T WANT to MISS! Sun, Mar 3 @ 2:30-4pm: *NEW* Campus-Wide Casino Event at Menorah Park Auditorium: Everyone from Menorah Park is invited to gamble the day away! Refreshments, prizes and games! Mon, March 4 @ 7:30pm Evening Birthday Party with Music and Entertainment!: All with March birthdays, come down and blow out your candles! Cake from Contempo Cuisine. Sun, March 17 @ 11:30am Speaker Rachel Kabb-Effron Esq.: Ms. Kabb-Effron is a Certified Elder Law Attorney and has been advocating for elderly and disabled clients on eligibility issues involving Medicaid Thurs, Mar 21 @ 10am: *NEW* Baking Chocolate and Almond Covered Matzah Brittle: Delicious! A recipe from our very own social worker, Cheryl Isaacson! Thank you, Cheryl...Yum! Fri, March 29 @ 2pm: Thursdays EVERY WEEK: *NEW* A Taste of Pesach: Come taste the flavors of Passover! WEEKLY Jewelry Making Class: Wiggins Tenants—the popularity of this class has soared! From 1/month to 2/month to EVERY WEEK! Please sign up at the Desk! Monthly Life Enrichment Outings Sign ups will be held at the Community Concierge Desk located in the Lobby during regularly scheduled hours: M&T 1-5 / W 9-5 / R 3-5 / F 9-11. If you have any suggestions for future outings, please contact Tracy or Jenna at 216-831-5452 x704. Monday, March 4—Movie Outing to see “Safe Haven” Thursday, March 7—Great Lakes Science Center Exhibit “Lost Egypt—Ancient Secrets, Modern Science” Monday, March 11—Dinner at Claddagh Irish Pub Thursday, March 14—Cleveland Museum of Art “The Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse, Resurrection” and Lunch Provenance Café Monday, March18—Dinner at J Alexander’s Thursday, March 21—Rainforest at the Cleveland Zoo March 2013 Page 5 “Tenant Rebecca Eden Receives Award” ~David Eden Rebecca Eden, left, Mary E. Kerr, FPB's dean Wiggins Place tenant Rebecca Eden, well known for representing World War II Veterans at the July 3, 2012 Cleveland Indians game by throwing out the ceremonial first pitch, capped off the celebration of her 90th birthday by receiving the President’s Award from the Alumni Association of the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University. Using the GI bill, Mrs. Eden earned a BSN from FPB in 1949 after returning from active duty in World War II. She is also a 1943 Diploma graduate from the St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing, and in 2009 she received their distinguished Alumnae Award. A first Lieutenant in the Army Nurse Corps, Mrs. Eden was honored when she was inducted into the Ohio War Veter- ans Hall of Fame in November 2008 recognizing her service to her country and to her community. The Frances Payne Bolton’s Alumni Association President’s Award recognizes an outstanding alumna selected by the President of the Alumni Association and the Alumni Awards Committee for exceptional service to nursing or various unique efforts, often at the grass roots level, which benefit nursing. The award committee described Mrs. Eden as a local, regional, and national leader in nursing education. Her pioneering efforts and perseverance helped thousand of women and men, including many on Welfare, become nurses in the Greater Cleveland area. Mrs. Eden devoted her life to her family, service and her country. She was the Director and Financial Aid Officer of the Jane Addams School of Practical Nursing; she served ten years on the Ohio State Board of Nursing including two terms as its President. Widowed in 1959, Mrs. Eden successfully raised four children. To honor this amazing woman, Mrs. Eden's family has endowed the Rebecca Plotkin Eden Scholarship to support nurses in graduate school working towards advanced degrees in nursing education. “Thank You! The Wiggins Place Remembrance Fund“ The Tenants Association acknowledges Ruth Schwartz these recent contributions to the In honor of marriage of Art & Mary GlassRemembrance Fund In Memory of Evelyn Casselman Doris Kramer man’s Daughter Beverly Arnold Bea Gray Beverly Arnold In Memory of Leanore Nagel Beverly Arnold ATTENTION WIGGINS TENANTS!! For information regarding contributions to the Remembrance Fund, please contact Elise Rosenberg at 216-292-8488. March 2013 Page 6 “Let’s Hear it for Coats!”~ by Ruth Schwartz When I was 10 or 11 years old, the hottest items of apparel for preteens and teens were Timme Tuft Coats. I wanted one of these coats so much I ached. So imagine my supreme delight when I got one for my birthday. I was ECSTATIC!! Little did I know what was to follow. Isn’t there someone reading this who remembers Timme Tuft Coats? Am I the only person still alive who can recall those thenfashionable articles? They were a sickening color of brown with a hint of yucky yellow. They were ugly as sin but, for some reason, they were the “in” thing at that time. So to be sure their daughter was fashionably attired, it seems all the Klivans women bought Timme Tuft Coats for their budding beauties. I whish I had a picture of my five cousins and me wearing our coats. We probably looked like bloated teddy bears because the material was surely teddy-bear like. My cousin, Bernice, was the tallest and oldest of this group. She lived in Oil City, PA. Eleanor was next in age and height. She got Bernice’s outgrown coat. Eleanor’s own coat went to Natalie in Cleveland since she was next in age and height. Audrey in Youngstown was the next happy receiver. And from Audrey to me in New Castle, PA. there was still my little sister, Judy, but she was only 4 or 5 when this started (lucky for her) so she was too small to benefit from this cavalcade of coats. The hand-me-down coat blitz lasted for a year or two until some wise woman said “enough is enough.” She bundled the 5 Timme Tufts neatly and sent them to some charity where I hope they were warmly welcomed. And Judy was spared the indignity of wearing 5 Timme Tuft Coats which weren’t even hers. Incidentally, should you ever spot one of these relics (doubtful—this is ancient history) at some far away flea market you can be sure it once belonged to someone in my family. I forgot to mention that Timme Tuft NEVER wears out!! “Elijah’s Cup” ~by Rachel Thrope My mother had a beautiful wine cup which she gave to me. At each Passover we filled the cup with wine, and put it on the Seder table. We opened the door for Elijah the Prophet to enter and drink. When we moved to Cleveland and I opened the boxes, the wine cup was missing. I was very upset because I planned on passing the cup down to the family. My grandson Michael liked to go to antique shows, and bought a wooden box with a secret drawer at one of them. One Saturday there was an antique show and I took Michael to it. At the antique show we were walking around to the booths. We saw a booth which had Judaic items. Michael exclaimed, “Nana, look here is your cup!” I saw a wine cup which looked like mine, I gladly bought it. Afterward, at each Seder, Michael told how he found Elijah’s cup. March 2013 Page 7 “Gossip“ ~ by Eudice Landy Gilman Gossip is nothing new. Ancient Jewish law distinguished three types of this kind of conversation, and it may involve two or more individuals. It’s a habit which sometimes starts early in life. In bible speak, it is called the Hebrew words “la shon ha ra” — negative though truthful information about others. We call it badmouthing. In a well received book by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin titled Jewish Literacy, he wrote about Thomas Eagleton who was the democratic nominee for vice president in nineteen seventy-two. When it became known that he had been hospitalized several times for depression and given shock treatments, Rabbi Telushkin’s opinion was that the public did have a right to know. He researched that this right outweighed the senator’s right to privacy. Otherwise in the situation where a person “bad mouths” another, the information he or she passes on is no one’s business and considered “lo shon ha ra.” The third part of the law forbids the spreading of lies. Malicious truths are equally harmful. Complimentary opinions like, “So and so is a wonderful person,” never violates any law. I became familiar with this as a law, to which any member of any faith may adhere, at high holy day services some years ago. The Rabbi was explicit in his examples of how much damage gossip, true or false, can cause. He made a point of describing the damage it causes to the person spreading the rumor or lies, much as it does to the victim. Demeaning others doesn't make him or her look good enough to make it worthwhile. A “red flag” goes up when the words “didja hear,” or “keep it to yourself,” or “I heard it from good authority.” Change the subject and we’ll all feel better. “Reform Services at WP” ~ by Bea Gray It suddenly occurred to me that since so many new tenants have arrived, they are not aware of our reform services we have here at Wiggins. Rabbi Daniel Roberts comes once a month accompanied by Laurel Barr, a cantorial soloist. Sometimes Laurel's husband comes with his guitar. There is great music, singing and laughter. Services start on Friday evening at 7:30pm and last from 45 minutes to an hour. Rabbi Roberts is so much fun. Prior to the services six tenants are invited to have dinner with Rabbi Roberts and his charming wife, Elaine. If you would like to join Rabbi and Elaine for dinner, please contact Bea Gray. Thank you so much. March 2013 Page 8 “Spring” ~by Rachel Thrope Winter discard your gray cloak I beg you, Let spring come with its Skies of blue. I want to hear the robin-red breast Sing, And feel the happiness it Brings. I want to see the tulips Sprout, In their vivid colors all About. Oh! Glorious spring I Need you, To bring joy that’s So true. “I was Attacked by a Grandfather Clock!” ~ by Charlotte Markowitz If that wounds like a title of a novel by John Grisham it is not! This is a true story. I know this for a fact because it happened to me! Four weeks ago I was slowly pulling the chain and weight down as I do every week. The top of the clock is much taller than I am and as I looked up the clock was coming toward me! I tried in vain to push it back. The next thing I knew my beautiful clock pushed me down to the floor and we were lying parallel to each other!! The movements of the clock were also lying on the floor. I could not move! I used my life alert to call for help when members of the wonderful staff at Wiggins came running. You can imagine their shock to see the sight before them. I was taken by ambulance to Ahuja Medical Center. Bumps the size of eggs were already evident on my head. My son came rushing into the emergency room. The doctor on duty came in and asked me what happened that brought me to the hospital. I told her “I was attacked by a Grandfather clock.” my son said “I wish she had been attacked by a grandfather.” I quipped, “me too!!!” Everyone in that room roared with laughter! I am very fortunate that I broke no bones but I am still very sore and bruised! Someone asked me if I am made of steel. I answered “If steel turns black and blue I guess I am!” my friends and I joke about this now but I assure you it wasn’t funny at the time. Addendum: Charlotte recently found out that she did indeed break a bone—her tailbone! 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