2015 March-April Message - Forest Hills Jewish Center
2015 March-April Message - Forest Hills Jewish Center
THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE MARCH-APRIL 2015 Vol. LXX No.4 March-April 2015 Adar—Nisan—Iyar 5775 THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER Purim Pasta Drown out Haman's name at the Megillah reading, March 4, with a box of kosher pasta, then leave the box in a designated receptacle. City Harvest will ensure that it gets to someone in our community who is hungry. Last year, Forest Hills Jewish Center sent 900 pounds of food to City Harvest! Please see page 14 for more information about City Harvest. Celebrate Purim with FHJC Wednesday Evening– March 4 6:15 PM— Children’s program for children under 7 yrs Crafts– Stories—Songs (Crystal Room) 7:00 PM—Costume Parade in Main Sanctuary followed by Ma’ariv & Megillah Reading (5:25 PM—Minha in the Little Synagogue, followed by Ma’ariv & Accelerated Megillah reading at 6:45 PM Thursday—March 5 6:15 AM—Megillah Reading, Little Synagogue 6:00-7:30 PM—USY/Kadima Purim Party/Prep Party (RSVP for the Purim Party to [email protected] by March 3) Sunday, March 8 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Forest Hills Jewish Center Inflatables, Castle, Prizes Crafts and games Face Painting Come in costume and get a free prize ticket! Hot Dogs, Cotton Candy Popcorn! Balloon animals by Skittles the Clown Zimriyah—April 22 On Wednesday evening, April 22, please join us for our annual Yom Ha'atzma'ut Zimriyah, once again, lovingly dedicated to the memory of Arie Avidor, z"l. We will be celebrating the music of Yehoram Gaon, one of Israel's best-known and most celebrated singers, who is marking his seventy-fifth birthday this year! The program, which will be held in the Heller Ballroom, will begin with Ma'ariv and Hallel at 7:30PM, and be followed by the Zimriyah. In a coffee house atmosphere, with delicious Israeli treats, we will, once again, celebrate the blessing of Israel with her music. Please join us! THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 2 From the Rabbi’s Study MARCH-APRIL 2015 Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik Learning to Love Kitniyot… It’s Never Too Late As many of you will know, for many years, this issue of whether or not Kitniyot (legumes and rice) may be eaten on Passover has been a source of disagreement in the Jewish community. In general, the Ashkenazi community, at least since the thirteenth century, has forbidden them. Sephardim have allowed them. favorite is that chametz sounds like “chimtzei” (hummus, chickpeas). There are others, but none of them are compelling. There was one Talmudic rabbi who forbade them, but the Talmud itself rejects his opinion, and says that almost everyone else does as well. The only possible reason for continuing the prohibition against kitniyot is that, to paraphrase Tevya, it’s a tradition, and you In advance of the Pesach holiday, I wanted to let you all know that, as of this year, Robin and I have decided that we will be using kitniyot in our house over Passover. I am not issuing this as a p’sak halacha for the synagogue; that is to say, I am not writing this to imply that you are in any way obligated to do the same, especially if it’s a practice you feel strongly about. But what I am saying is that, after many years of struggling with the issue, I have simply decided (and been gently convinced) that to continue to forbid the use of kitniyot is unnecessary, and unwarranted. The simple truth is that even those authorities that forbid the eating of kitniyot on Passover do not regard it as chametz. Only the five species of grain that may be used for making matza can become chametz when mixed with water. Kitniyot, it was ruled, does not ferment in water; it decays, and therefore cannot become chametz. My sister, who is strict in her kashrut, has sonsin-law who are not Ashkenazi, and she serves them hummus on Pesach. It does not “treif up” your Pesach kitchen, and having it in your house does not violate any laws of Pesach. No less an authority than Maimonides clearly and unambiguously rejects the idea that kitniyot are in any way chametz. know how we Jews feel about tradition. But that shouldn’t be enough to justify differentiating Ashkenazim from Sephardim, and, more importantly, to justify the often-exorbitant price hikes that we see in the kosher marketplace around Passover. If one chooses to use processed kitniyot over the holiday, they must bear a label saying that they are kosher for Passover for those who eat kitniyot. But one may buy pure, unprocessed kitniyot before Passover, and use them on the holiday. Again- I am not saying that everyone should eat kitniyot over Pesach, regardless of his or her traditions. I am, however, saying that if you choose to do so, I see nothing at all wrong with it, to Then why, you might fairly ask, do Ashkenazim generally forbid the extent that I, myself, will be doing so in my own house. them? Kitniyot or not… please accept my very best wishes for a sweet, Well… the plain truth is that no one really understands the happy, and kosher holiday! origin of the prohibition, and an eclectic variety of essentially foolish explanations grew up to try and explain it. My personal The Message USPS 340-300 The Forest Hills Jewish Center, 106-06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. 718-263-7000, Fax: 718-520-4369. Website: http://www.fhjc.org. Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Published bi-monthly September-June. Subscription: $25 per year (included in membership dues.) Periodicals postage paid at the Post Office in Flushing, NY. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Forest Hills Jewish Center. 106-06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. Editorial Board: Karen L. Stein (Editor), Gerald C. Skolnik (Rabbi), Henry Rosenblum (Hazzan), Erno Grosz (Cantor Emeritus), Deborah Gregor (Executive Director), Susan Rosenbaum (Director, Early Childhood Education), Lynn Lancaster (Director of Education), Laurie Worthman (Office Manager). Officers: Jack Gostl (President), Michael Abrams (Vice President), Ilana Altman (Vice President), Sharon Matzner (Vice President), Judy Zipkowitz (Vice President), William Regen (Treasurer), Deborah Ball Witlin (Secretary). Arms: Men’s Club, Bob Koenigsberg and Mark Weinblatt (Co-Presidents), Minyan Club, Betty Korb (President), Sisterhood, Judy Gostl and Randy Zwick-Marks (CoPresidents). Opinions expressed in The Message are the authors’ and do not necessarily represent those of the Forest Hills Jewish Center, its officers and Board, or the Editorial Board. Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik PS—I have based my own ruling on a t’shuvah written by a colleague in Israel, Rabbi David Golinkin. If you wish to read a very accessible version of his responsum, you can find it at http://www.cjvoices.org/article/the-kitniyot-dilemma/ THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 3 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum Notes from the Hazzan As I sit here in my office, with the newest snowfall continuing to descend, my mind has already turned to thoughts of Purim. I'm sure that like me, you have been awaiting the coming of Spring, which still seems so far away, while deferring thoughts of Pesah that is now just 5 weeks away. What I do want to apprise you of right now is a magnificent concert and celebration of Yom Yerushalayim set for Sunday, May 17th. Thanks to the efforts and guidance of our concert chairs, Jack and Valerie Leibler and Murray and Anita Miller, we have a festive and musically glorious afternoon dedicated to the celebration of the 48th year of the reunification of Jerusalem in store for you. The guest artists will be Israeli singer extraordinaire Cantor Magda Fishman and the exceptional singer and performer, Cantor Netanel Herstik. We will be presenting an unusually varied program featuring Israeli and Chassidic selections, show tunes, duets and trios , and even one or two Cantorial selections to give something for everyone. This will be a "happening" you will surely want to experience. When you take your next break from shoveling snow or watching it from your windows, I urge you to circle the date now. This promises to be a concert for people of all ages and a celebration no one should miss. In the meantime, stay warm and dry, with best wishes for a Simhat Purim. B'shalom, Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum The President’s Pen A stiff-necked people As many of you know, one of my favorite Torah quotes is when God says to Moses “You are a stiffnecked people.” This quote has always intrigued me and I never really considered it more than a mild rebuke. Even with a limited understanding of those words, I have often felt that if we were not such a stiff-necked people we would not have survived the last two millennia. So this month I decided to dig into it. The actual quote comes from Exodus 32:9, and as always translator dependent, it reads: And the Lord said to Moses: "I have seen this people and behold! They are a stiff =0necked people.” Reading the text surrounding this quote we find that this is far from a happy time for the Hebrews. Moses has just come down from Sinai, found the golden calf, smashed the tablets (the Ten Commandments) and destroyed the idol. Then Moses has to convince God not to destroy the entire population. A really unhappy time. Digging into the term “stiff-necked” doesn’t help either. The term itself is believed to refer to some unpleasant behav- iors that oxen engaged in when they didn’t feel like working. (They would stiffen their shoulders to avoid being harnessed.) Not exactly a favorable comparison. the more dignified reading in the Little Synagogue. His reason was that, for him, Purim without children just wasn’t Purim.) The transformation of this tale of evil into a joyous family event is an amazing testaFinally, resorting to a dictionary, I came up ment to the strength of spirit of our peowith several definitions for “stiff-necked,” ple. none particularly complimentary, except for “stubborn,” and that was my answer. I Today the Forest Hills Jewish Center comhave long felt that “stubborn” is a much munity, and the Jewish community at underrated quality. large, face multiple challenges. Challenges that are demographic, cultural, financial All of which brings me to Purim. (As aland more. Perhaps the greatest challenge ways, I am quick to point out that this is a of all results from our acceptance and inlayman’s opinion and should be weighed tegration into the fabric of modern socieas such.) Purim has always fascinated me ty. (Be careful what you wish for!) If we because of the contrast between the story can just reach inside ourselves and find in the Book of Esther and the current practhat spirit of Mordecai and Esther, and tices of Purim. On the surface, the tale of cultivate it, and use applied stubbornness Purim is a horrific story. The king, Achash(avoiding stubbornness’ first cousin, obstiverosh, who always struck me as weak nacy), we can continue to accomplish willed and easily manipulated, is congreat things. We can build and maintain a vinced by his evil henchman, Haman the healthy Jewish community and leave a Agagite, to exterminate the Jewish people. proud legacy for our children. A tale of genocide. Then, through skillful planning, intelligence, perseverance and As we approach the realization of our long stubbornness, the Jewish people not only effort to migrate to a new building, we survive, but turn the situation into a victo- have the opportunity to exercise that legary. cy of stubbornness in creative ways. I am looking forward to working with all of you Most amazing of all is that today, even to overcome the challenges we will face. amongst the most orthodox, Purim has become a children’s holiday. Sort of a A happy Purim and a zissen Pesach to all. cross between Halloween and Saint Patrick’s Day. (Rabbi Feldman, z”l, once told me that he preferred the tumult of the Megillah reading in the main sanctuary to THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 4 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Membership & Community Affairs As I am writing this there are only 33 more days left of winter. But, I am an optimist so let me rephrase that, spring is right around the corner and you know what that means, Purim. PURIM EVENTS Wednesday, March 4th at 7pm come listen as the teens read the Megillah. For our younger children (under 7 years), please join us at 6:15 pm for crafts, songs and stories before the costume parade in the sanctuary. Thursday, March 5th, at 6 until 7:30pm, USY and Kadima will come together for a Purim Party/Prep Party. Saturday evening, March 7th, USY will meet after Shabbat to Come take advantage of our Early Registration Discount set up the carnival in the gym. through March 11th. Sunday, March 8th from 11:30am-1:30pm there will the bestest Purim Carnival ever, with more games, more inflatables and more prizes. Parent volunteers are needed for Sunday, March 8th to help run the carnival. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. There is a lot more going on in March: Friday, March 13th is a Teen Shabbat Dinner. $15/ teen. RSVP to [email protected] and send a check to the Center office. Sunday, March 15th the FHJC is hosting a blood drive. Sunday, March 22nd at 4pm at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall is the annual HaZamir Gala concert. HaZamir is the International Jewish High School Choir devoted exclusively to Jewish choral music. This year's concert will feature some 350 talented singers representing 26 HaZamir chapters, including five from Israel. And I am proud to say that now four members of our own community—Allison Abrams, Yael Beer, Renana Chernin, and Nathaniel Korb—are participating HaZamirniks. And in April... On Wednesday, April 15th starting at 7pm, please join us as we observe Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. The program will take place in the Main Sanctuary. Wednesday, April 22nd, please join us for our annual Yom Ha’atzma’ut Zimriyah, lovingly dedicated to the memory of Arie Avidor, z’’l. Mike Abrams, Membership Vice President Friday March 13 at 6:30 we will be joining for Kabbalat Shabbat and dinner together. Cost is $15 per teen. RSVP to [email protected] and send your check into the office. Please bring your enthusiasm and your ideas for future teen Shabbat morning programming. COMMEMORATION WEDNESDAY APRIL 15—7:30 PM Please join us for our annual commemoration of Yom Hashoah. The program, to be held in the Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Sanctuary, will feature Center member Melanie Topol, a child of survivors, who will speak about the experiences of her parents, Herbert and Brigitte Stillman. In addition to Melanie’s presentation, there will, of course, be a candle-lighting ceremony, Hazzan Rosenblum will be leading Ma'ariv and performing a piece of Shoahrelated music, our teens who traveled to Eastern Europe last summer will share impressions, Nagilah will perform, as well as our Hebrew High School students, who will be singing with Rabbi Skolnik. The observance of Yom Hashoah is a sacred event on our synagogue calendar. Please plan to be with us, and encourage your teenage children to join us. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 5 Religious School Reflection Though it’s definitely still winter outside, we are dreaming about summer and the launch of Sababa Surf Camp. FHJC, in partnership with Temple Israel of Great Neck, is launching its first teen summer program. We are among eight programs chosen to participate in the New York Teen Initiative for Immersive Summer Experiences for Jewish Teens. http:// www.thejewishweek.com/news/briefs/92 -million-initiative-aims-expand-jewishsummer-options-teens This $9.2 million initiative, funded by UJA-Federation of New York and the Jim Joseph Foundation, seeks to provide accessible, affordable and inspiring Jewish summer programs for Jewish teens in the New York area. Besides a generous grant and scholarship fund, The Jewish Education Project is facilitating an incubator to help get our program off the ground. We are working with branding, social media and non-profit business experts as we work towards our first summer. MARCH-APRIL 2015 Lynn Lancaster expectation of having both an incredibly good time and gaining a better understanding of themselves. Teens today are over-programmed, overstressed, and are swept up in the Race to Nowhere culture. Sababa Surf Camp is a direct response to help all teens find balance, have fun, and gain self-worth. Not only is the camp session a respite from the Sababa Surf Camp (Sababa means “no pressure; it also provides tools from a Jewworries” in Hebrew) is an opportunity for ish lens to help teens live a more emotionteens to experience balance, joy and pas- ally healthy lifestyle. sion through a week of surfing in the RockI will be directing the camp along with my aways. Teens will experience the physical colleague Danny Mishkin from Temple thrill of surfing, the tools of Jewish spirituIsrael. ality and the beauty of the beach and the ocean. Each participant will have the op- Our program is designed to book-end the portunity to challenge him/herself in a summer with three one-week sessions— non-competitive environment with the one at the beginning of the summer and two at the end. Our second session will include a Shabbaton and Saturday night bonfire. We are so excited. So if you have a teen, know a teen, or know someone who knows a teen, now is the time to reserve a place for them on the sand. This program is for teens entering 7th grade through high school graduation. Finally, stay tuned --we will be offering “A taste of Sababa for adults.” SHABBAT AT FHJC Kids Kongregation 2-5 years old / 10:45 AM in M4 Singing—Dancing—Stories Junior Congregation 1st-6th Grade/ 10:00 AM A magical mystery tour through the Torah! Play in the Gym Check the calendar for dates! Young children and their parents are welcome to join us in the gym for a few hours of play on Shabbat afternoon from 3-5 PM. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 6 News from Nursery School Your child comes home from school and you ask him/her “Who did you play with in school today?” The answer you often get is nobody. Before you panic, thinking that your child has no friends, take a step back and think about the following. Your child may need some time after school to unwind, and may only be ready to have a conversation a little while later. Another thought—if your child was older, he/she might say “No one special. I played with a whole bunch of children today.” These possibilities would have put a whole new spin on the situation. Without taking all of this into consideration, you may have gone into a tizzy, thinking that my child has no friends. You may have called your siblings, your spouse, your mother, and/or your friends to ask advice on this terrible situation. In retrospect, after evaluating the situation, you feel more comfortable knowing that your child navigated the classroom socially, happily playing in pairs or groups. MARCH-APRIL 2015 Susan Rosenbaum “What center or activities did you play in today? Who else was in the center with you? Did you ask anyone to join you? Did you ask the teacher for help?” As you know, your child’s teacher spends many hours a day with your child, so the next step would be to ask the teacher what she observes. She is best equipped to convey what is going on in school. After learning how your child functions socially in school, ask the teacher if she has any suggestions. She might suggest some playdates after school or on the weekends. It is good to try a playdate with one child at a time. If the playdate is successful with a particular child, you might add one more or you might try another child. The teacher will be able to recommend children whom she thinks will be a good match for your child. Asking your child what he or she may like to do with the playdate empowers them. This playdate in your home may be all it takes to put your child at ease. He/she will probably look forward to playing with that child again in school. If the playdate doesn’t go so well, or if your child doesn’t feel so comfortable, then maybe try to do an activity with a friend and have an expeIf your child comes home from school reporting that he or she rience outside the home. has no friends and doesn’t want to go to school, ask open-ended It is important to see your child in different social settings, have questions that will lead you to a clearer picture of his/her day. different experiences, making and keeping friends. FHJC MERCAZ COMMITTEE This is an election you can’t afford to ignore. Israel’s character is in the balance. The election we’re talking about isn’t taking place in Israel, but it will impact directly on what happens there – and on Jewish life around the world. It’s an election that has to matter to every Jew who cares about the Jewish state and the kind of society it will become, and whether or not all Jews will be able to live, practice, and pray there in keeping with their own understanding of tradition. The election we’re talking about is for the World Zionist Congress which will convene later this year in Jerusalem. It will set policy and elect officers, directly influencing the allocation of hundreds of millions of dollars for initiatives that will impact on the nature of Israel and its ties with world Jewry for years to come. Elections to that Congress are taking place now. Vote MERCAZ, Slate #2, the voice of Conservative/ Masorti Jews around the world, transforming into deed our passion for fashioning the Jewish state as an exemplary pluralistic and democratic society every Jew can proudly call home. Voting ends April 30, 2015! Visit www.votemercaz.com to vote today. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 7 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Men’s Club Sisterhood The Helen Cytryn Torah Fund Education Day will be taking place on Tuesday, March 10th. Our own Rabbi Skolnik will be one of the scholars at this event. We urge you all to attend. More information is available elsewhere in this Message. after services at $20 per person. We look forward to the luncheon program when a surprise Eshet Chayil will be presented. This is not a member being honored – rather it is a fascinating exploration of recent history. Please save May 19 for our annual luncheon at Cho-Sen Garden. Look for more information about these and future Sisterhood events in Shabbat Shalom, on the listserv, and around the Center. Sisterhood Shabbat will be April 25th. Plan to be part of this FHJC tradition, See you at our next event! when we are honored during Shabbat Judy Gostl & Randi Zwick Marks, services for our commitment to enhancCo-Presidents ing and sustaining Conservative/Masorti Judaism at FHJC. There will be a luncheon Helen Cytryn Torah Fund Education Day March 10, 2015 19 Adar 5775 Join us for a day in celebration of Mishpachah Temple Beth Torah 243 Cantiague Rock Road, Westbury, NY 11590 Calling All Sisterhood Members Join Sisterhood members from across the Brooklyn Queens Long Island region, by enrolling in the Helen Cytryn Torah Fund Education Day, taking place on Tuesday, March 10, at Temple Beth Torah, in Westbury. The day’s studies will include Rabbi Skolnik’s examination of the story of Judah and Tamar, and Bellmore Jewish Center’s Rabbi Dahlia Bernstein who will present 70 Shades of Torah. For more information, please contact Center member Anise Parnes. Registration begins 9:15 a.m. Program followed by buffet luncheon: 9:45 a.m. – 2 p.m. Couvert: $36 Sisterhood Members, $42 Non- Members The Men’s Club is now meeting on a monthly basis at Carlos and Gabby’s for tacos, scotch and a night out with the guys. Come on March 9th or April 20th at 8:00 PM and be part of our community. No RSVP required. No fees. No red tape. Just get out of the apartment for a few hours and make a few new friends or see old ones. Reserve June 11 for our annual membership gathering, with more details to come. March 14th is Men’s Club Shabbat with our guest lay rabbi delivering a sermon and a deli lunch to follow. Jay Luger will be on hand to offer his annual eagerlyanticipated lecture. All are welcome. Advance reservations required. Speaking of Jay Luger, please consider sending money to honor him as our Man of the Year. Jay will be honored at the Men’s Club awards dinner on March 29 at Crest Hollow Country Club. Joshua Altman will also be honored that night as the well-deserved recipient of our Youth of the Year award. The dinner will include a full bar and a band. Please contact Hal Berkowitz, event coordinator at [email protected] for more details. Also, please consider helping us deliver yellow Yom HaShoah candles. Mark Weinblatt is in charge and we need people to help us pack and deliver the packages. Finally, our Bud Harrelson hot dog breakfast has been postponed until the fall. Bob Koenigsberg SAVE THE DATE Men’s Club Shabbat — March 14 Sisterhood Shabbat — April 25 THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 8 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Book of Remembrance On the eighth day of Pesach, as on all other designated holidays when Yizkor is recited, Rabbi Skolnik will read the names of those inscribed in the Book of Remembrance. Davora Abraham Yakov Hassid Abraham David Abrahams Madeline Abrahams Barney W. Adler Henrietta K. Adler Esther Anopolsky Samuel Anapolsky Arthur Ball Otto Josef Baruch Berthold Bear Lisa Bear Martin Bear Toni Bear Victoria Benghiat Ida Benghiat Edwin Berger Sol Berley Sydell Berley Jean Roberta Biegelson Evelyn Blum Robert Blum Abe Blumstein Rabbi Baruch Micah Bokser Kallia Bokser Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Aaron Broder Jennie Broder Sylvia Broder Milton Bruck Ruth Bruck Dora Butnick Milton Butnick Irving Cahn Hugo N. Cahnman Elaine Charap Hyman Sid Citron George DePinna Marcia DePinna Abram Dykerman Alfred Dykerman Erna Dykerman Herman Dykerman Ester Dylewski Lola Eckstein Helene Falik Estelle Feiner Sonia Gurewitz Fink Abraham Obiedzinski Fink Philip Fogelman Rose Fogelman Pauline Fox Randy Fox Sam Fox Stella Frank John Steven Fuchs Josef Samuel Fuchs Rosalie Fuchsberg Meyer Fuchsberg Dr. J. Savin Garber Philip Garfield Benedicto Geber Marta Geber Feiga Rosa Ginsburg Albert Glazer Cecelia Glazer Clara Glazer David Glazer Gussie Glazer Arnold Glick Fannie Glick Irving Glick Max Glick Ruth Rhoda Glick Helen Goldenberg Sherry Sue Goldenberg Martin Goldman Lola Joy Goldman Celia Goldman Norman Peter Goldman Abraham Goldsmith Harold Goldsmith Mary Goldsmith Benjamin Goldstein Carl Goldstein Dave Goldstein Herb Goldstein Nettie Goldstein Rita Goldstein Cantor Isaac Gorsky Sylvia Gould Ann Grossman Gertrude B. Gruenberg Jascha Gurewitz Fred Hahn Celia Haims George Haims Joseph Haupt Celia F. Heiferman Cookie Heiferman (Esther Rose Signet) Solomon G. Heiferman Jean Claude Heilberg Ray F. Heitner Solomon Heitner Anna Heller Arthur Heller Jesse Heller Morris Heller Albert Hirsch Herta Hirsch Sybil Hyman Nathan Hyman Eva Lea Jaari Lochem Avichai Jaari Julius D. Kahn Kate Kahn Frances Kalikow Morris Kalikow Nathaniel Saul Kane Benjamin B. Katz Haskel Katz Helen F. Katz Miriam Katz Morris M. Katz Fred E. Katzner Gladys Kenner Max Kenner Herman Kingsley Marion Kingsley Sophie Kohn Louis Kohn Aaron Korn Lillian Korn Fortuna Kovalsky Max Kovolick Leo Kra Adolph G. Kraus Samuel Kravitz Melanie Krieger Abraham Krumbein Sarah Krumbein Benjamin Krumholz Henry Krumholz Jack Krumholz Mera Krumholz Rose Krumholz Philip Kule Isidore Kulichefsky Jennie Kulichefsky Herbert Kupferberg Cantor David Kusevitsky Elaine Kusevitsky Patricia Lily Kusevitsky Harry B. Lader Helen J. Lader Murray Landau Dorothy Lapin Samuel Lapin Edward Lehem Fortuna Lehem Marco Lehem Palomba Lehem Sol Lehem Charles Leibler Frieda Leibler Abraham Lerner Clara Lerner Maurice Lerner Joseph Lestz Leon Levin Charles Levy Pearl Levy Ludwig Loewenstein Margaret Loewenstein Dr. Jack London Dr. Edward Mahlab Suzette Mahlab Lionel Malamed Leopold Lipot Mayer Rose Guttman Mayer Theodore Mayer Michael Mayorowitz Gertrude Mayorowitz Lukacs Harry Mesard Lily R. Mesard Chaskel Morgenstern Irene Morgenstern Carl J. Moskowitz Charlotte Moskowitz George Moss Irving Moss Jack Nelson Ruth Nelson Abraham Okun Celia Okun Theodore Okun Harvey L. Perlstein Jeanne S. Perlstein Isidore Platkin Shep Porter Tauba Potik Yefim Potik Raphael Raphael Irwin Reich Stephen Reich Feiga Remetier Frank E. Riesenfeld Sylvia Rolnick Carolyn Rosenblum Lubin Howard Rosenblum Jonathan Rosenblum Dr. Louis Rosenblum Seymour Rosenthal Sidney Roth George Rozsa Toni Pernitz Ruda Sabina Safier Simon A. Safier Gladys Salup Abraham Salzmann Elizabeth Samuel Siegfried Samuel Irving Savitz Ruth Savitz Jack Schaeffer Lillian Schaeffer Leo Schain Martha Schain Harold Schantz Elias Segal Mildred Segal Malvin Sevin Albert Shaw Annette Silberman Ruby Silberman David Skolnik Lillian Skolnik Edward Skornicki Natalie Skornicki Mildred F. Smith Deena Soloway Joseph Stark Katalin Stark Pearl Strauss Amy Lisa Sturm Judith Susan Sturm Ida Sumerfeld Meyer Sumerfeld Sally Tenenbaum Fred Theise Leslie Ticker Marvin Ticker Max Troper Jack Vogel Bessie Walker Ellen Bea Walker Joseph Walker Leon Walker Marie M. Walker Rose Walker Jacob Wallach Raoul Wallenberg Stanley Weg Alfred A. Weinberg Selma Weinberg Anna Weiner Morris Weiner Isidore Weinkselbaum Jennie Weinkselbaum Jerry Weinkselbaum Walter Weintraub Herbert Weiser Milton Winograd Estelle Zafran Ira Zalbe Harry Zielonka Abraham Zwick Dora Feldman Zwick If you are interested in placing a name in the Book of Remembrance, or on a Memorial Plaque, please contact the Center Office, 718 263-7000, or [email protected]. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 9 MARCH-APRIL 2015 IT’S TIME FOR PASSOVER The new Rabbinical Assembly Pesah Guide was prepared for the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards by Rabbi Barry Starr and the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) Kashrut Subcommittee. Please visit rabbinicalassembly.org/pesah-guide for detailed information about how to kasher your kitchen for Passover. The guide also includes detailed explanations on various items on the list including the use of a dishwasher, quinoa, peanuts, glassware and countertops. (If you don’t have access to the guide online, please contact the FHJC guide and we’ll be happy to print one for you.) Forest Hills-Rego Park Communal Passover Seders Rego Park Jewish Center is having a communal Seder on the first night, while FHJC will be having our Seder on the second night of Pesach. Members of both shuls and their friends are welcome at both Seders. FIRST SEDER | FRIDAY, APRIL 3 If you are interested in the Rego Park JC Seder, please contact them directly at (718) 459-1000. SECOND SEDER | SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Join your fellow Center members for a lively, family friendly Second Passover Seder led by Rabbi Skolnik and Hazzan Rosenblum. We have a delicious buffet planned, including a special children’s menu. Bring your own Kosher wine (we’ll provide the grape juice). Watch for details. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 10 MARCH-APRIL 2015 PREPARATION FOR SEDER need of redemption. The leader of the Seder should explain its presence when reciting the matza zo paragraph in Maggid. A. Haggadot—For a meaningful and inspiring Seder, it is very helpful to use a Haggadah with interesting commentaries on the text. While it is sometimes easier to follow when everyone’s Haggadah is the same, some prefer to use different editions so the diverse commentaries enliven the discussion around the table. B. Setting the Table—Now that the home is ready for Passover, the festival table should be set. This is a gala occasion in our lives, and we use our choicest linens, silver and dishes which we have provided for Passover. Flowers in honor of the Spring are usually used as a centerpiece. Two candles are on the table ready for the blessing. At each setting there is goblet for wine. Cushions are provided for participants to recline upon, as a symbol of our freedom. On the table we find the special symbols of Passover: Matzot—Three matzot separated by doilies, or in a special case for this purpose, are set one on the other. These signify the three categories in the Jewish community of today: The Kohen, the Levi, and the Yisrael. The K’arah—The Passover Plate. This is a distinctive decorative platter on which are placed the symbols of Passover in a prescribed order. The symbols are as follows: a. Maror (Bitter Herbs) — to remind us of the bitter hardships which our forefathers suffered in Egypt. b. Haroset (A mixture of fruits, fresh or dried, chopped nuts, spices and wine. The recipe differs according to the culture European or Sephardic) — resembles the mortar which our ancestors used in building the mighty cities of Egypt. c. Zeroa (Roasted Shank Bone) — is a symbol of the Paschal offering at the Temple. d. Betzah (Roasted Egg) — is also a reminder of a Temple offering. e. Karpas (Parsley) — is the agricultural symbol of Passover, the green produce of the earth which God gives to us with the coming of Spring. f. Salt Water — a symbol of the crossing of the Red Sea, or of the tears shed in Egypt. Cup of Elijah — In the center of the table, we also place a large goblet of wine which is meant for the prophet Elijah who is the symbol of hope and faith. On Passover eve, according to tradition, Elijah visits every Jewish home. During the Seder ritual, at a designated point, the door is opened to welcome this honored guest. Wine — The Arbah Kosot — Enough wine must be provided to fill each one’s cup four times. These four cups are drunk to recall the four words used in the Bible to describe freedom from slavery. God says, “I shall bring forth, I shall deliver, I shall redeem, and I shall take.” CONTEMPORARY ADDITIONS TO THE PASSOVER SEDER Throughout the struggle to free the Jews of the former Soviet Union, a fourth matzah was added by many families to the Seder plate. It was called the Matzah of Hope, and it represented our fervent wish that Soviet Jewry might be redeemed to a life of freedom. Thankfully, we have lived to see the redemption of Soviet Jewry. We are painfully aware, however, that there are Jews throughout the world who remain in peril, most especially Jews in Arab countries. Additionally, anti-Semitism has reared its ugly head in many European countries and in other areas around the world. Though the original reason for the prayer no longer applies, there is ample reason to retain the ritual of the Matzah of Hope, for all of those Jews who are imperiled, and, in a more universal spirit, for all people who are enslaved and in IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE SHOAH Most contemporary haggadot make some reference to the Shoah, and it is entirely proper to do so on the Seder night. The most appropriate juncture for including the Shoah is during the ritual of Elijah’s cup, when the door is opened to greet the harbinger of the Messiah, and we traditionally recite Sh’foch Chamat’cha, a prayer for retribution against our enemies. Though many are uncomfortable with the sentiments expressed in Sh’foch Chamat’cha, it is precisely that discomfort which can provide the grist for meaningful discussion about the nature and significance of our freedom after Auschwitz, and how it is that we are to relate to our painful past. IN CELEBRATION OF ISRAEL At the very conclusion of the Seder, it is customary to sing L’shanah Haba’ah Bi’rushalayim Hab’nuya; Next year in a rebuilt Jerusalem! Obviously, the theme of enslavement and redemption resonates deeply as we contemplate the existential significance of Israel’s creation after the Shoah. Now more than ever, with Israel challenged at every turn, we should end our celebration of the Seder with a rededication to both the ideal and the reality of the Jewish state. Passover Greetings The traditional greetings for Pesach in both Hebrew and Yiddish carry the important implications of this holiday of freedom and redemption. Using the Hebrew word Chag immediately tells us that Passover is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, while kasher reflects the importance of the stringent rules of Kashrut applied at this joyous season, reminding us of our bondage in Egypt. In Hebrew: (Chag Kasher V’sameach) Or simply: (Chag Sameach) In Yiddish: (A Zissen Un Kosherin Pesach) THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 11 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Schedule of Services Congregational Kiddush Hosts Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows: March 21—Marsha & Mel Marx and Bertel Marx in honor of the baby naming of their grandchild and great grandchild Sophia Rebecca. Shacharit: Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM Minha/Ma’ariv Weekdays…………………………………………………...7:30 PM Friday Kabbalat Shabbat…………………..……See calendar Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown Schedule of Children’s Services Junior Congregation…………..……..10:00 AM - Noon— Little Synagogue Kids Kongregation…………………....10:45 AM - 11:45 AM—Room M4 March 2015 / Adar-Nisan 5775 SUN 1 10 Adar MON 2 11 Adar TUE 3 12 Adar *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 7:30 Nursery Purim UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PMSchool MINYAN, Masquerade Please try to attend the minyan on the nights you Breakfast attend those events. Thank you Bridge/ Yarncraft 8 17 Adar PURIM CARNIVAL 11:30AM-1:30PM 9 18 Adar 24 Adar 19 Adar 4 5:34pm Candle Lighting 5:35pm Kabbalat Shabbat 11 12 13 20 Adar 25 Adar 15 Adar 22 Adar Teen Kabbalat Shabbat and Dinner Bridge/ Yarncraft 17 26 Adar 6:42pm Candle Lighting 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Yoga 18 27 Adar 19 28 Adar 20 29 Adar Rabbi’s Talmud Class 23 3 Nisan 24 4 Nisan Yoga 25 5 Nisan Board of Trustees Mtg. Kadima Cupcake Wars 26 6 Nisan 9 Nisan 30 10 Nisan 31 14 23 Adar Parashat VayekhelPikudei Shabbat Parah Men’s Club Shabbat Play in the Gym 21 1 Nisan Rosh Hodesh Nisan Shabbat HaChodesh 6:50pm Candle Lighting 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat 27 7 Nisan Heb. Lit. Group Mtg. 28 8 Nisan Parashat Tsav Shabbat HaGadol Rabbi’s Talmud Class 29 Spring Ahead! Daylight Savings Parashat Vayikra Matza Factory Yoga 16 Adar FHJC Annual Journal Dinner Dance Kadima/ USY Purim Party 21 Adar 7 Parashat Ki Tisa PURIM Rabbi’s Talmud Class Bridge/ Yarncraft 2 Nisan 6 SAT Exec. Board Meeting 14 Adar Rabbi’s Talmud Class Helen Cytryn Torah Fund Education Day 16 FRI 5 Blood Drive 22 THU 13 Adar Ta’anit Esther 5:25pm Minha EREV PURIM 6:15pm Children’s Program 7:00pm Costume Parade and Megillah Reading Talking Together Men’s Club Mtg. 15 10 WED 6:57pm Candle Lighting 7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat 11 Nisan Minyan Club *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 7:30 PM MINYAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Please try to attend the minyan on the nights you attend those events. Thank you. Tseerim Movie & Pizza Bridge/ Yarncraft THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 12 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Congregational Kiddush Hosts Schedule of Services Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows: Shacharit: Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM April 25—Sisterhood in honor of Sisterhood Shabbat Minha/Ma’ariv Weekdays…………………………………………………...7:30 PM Friday Kabbalat Shabbat……………………....See Calendar Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown Schedule of Children’s Services Junior Congregation & Clubs……..10:00 AM - Noon— Little Synagogue Kids Kongregation………………..…...10:45 AM - 11:30 AM—Room M4 APRIL 2015 / Nisan-Iyar 5775 SUN MON TUE WED *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 7:30 PM MINYAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Please try to attend the minyan on the nights you attend those events. Thank you. 5 16 Nisan No Religious School 9:00am-Shacharit 6 17 Nisan 6:45am-Shacharit No Nursery School 7 18 Nisan 6:45am-Shacharit No Nursery School No Religious School 1 12 Nisan THU 2 FRI 13 Nisan No Nursery School Rabbi’s Talmud Class 14 Nisan No Nursery School Fast of the 1st Born Erev Pesach 1st Seder 4 15 Nisan Pesach I 9:00am-Shacharit 8:06pm Candle Lighting 2nd Seder 7:04pm Candle Lighting Communal Seder 7:05pm Kabbalat Shabbat Yoga 8 3 SAT 19 Nisan 6:45am-Shacharit No Nursery School 9 20 Nisan 6:45am-Shacharit No Nursery School Rabbi’s Talmud Class 10 21 Nisan 9:00am-Shacharit No Nursery School 11 22 Nisan YIZKOR Shabbat Hagadol Pesach II 12 23 Nisan Hol HaMoed Pesach 13 24 Nisan Hol HaMoed Pesach Bridge/Yarncraft 14 25 Nisan Hol HaMoed Pesach 15 26 Nisan 7:12pm Candle Lighting 7:11pm Candle Lighting 7:10pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:10pm Ma’ariv 16 27 Nisan 17 28 Nisan Yom Hashoah No Religious School Talking Together Executive Board Mtg. 18 29 Nisan Parashat Shmini Rabbi’s Talmud Class Heb. Lit. Group Yoga Bridge/Yarncraft 19 30 Nisan 20 1 Iyar 21 2 Iyar Yom Hashoah Program 22 3 Iyar Kadima Board of Trustees 23 4 Iyar 7:19pm Candle Lighting 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat 24 5 Iyar Rosh Hodesh Iyar Rosh Hodesh Iyar Tseerim Yom HaZikaron Men’s Club Yoga Bridge/Yarncraft 26 7 Iyar 27 8 Iyar 28 9 Iyar Yom HaAtzmaut Zimriyah/ Ma’ariv– 7:30pm 29 10 Iyar Teen Lounge 30 11 Iyar Minyan Club Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parent Meeting Rabbi’s Talmud Class YAC Meeting Bridge/ Yarncraft Yoga Kadima Gym Night 6 Iyar Parashat TazriaMetzorah Yom Ha’Atzmaut Rabbi’s Talmud Class 25 Chicken Soup Shabbat 7:26pm Candle Lighting 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Sisterhood Shabbat THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PULPIT FUND Carol and Norman Guttman in honor of Josh Leeman’s Bar Mitzvah Anita and Maurice Miller in honor of Josh Leeman’s Bar Mitzvah Anita and Maurice Miller in honor of Rabbi and Robin Skolnik, and Leora and Yoni Warren on the birth of granddaughter and daughter, Calanit Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, Dorothy Mahlab in celebration of Gerri and David Kule’s 73rd wedding anniversary Miriam Weintraub in honor of Gerri and David Kule’s 73rd wedding anniversary Miriam Weintraub in honor of Norman Gursen’s birthday Harriet Seiler in honor of Norman Gursen’s 80th birthday Anita and Maurice Miller in gratitude to Norman Gursen on his special birthday Anita and Maurice Miller in gratitude to Norman Gursen, Dr. Judy Beizer, and Dr. Martin Topol for honors received Ted Feldman in gratitude to Martin Topol for the Cohen honor on Shabbat Vayigash Roz Feuer in gratitude to Norman Gursen for honors received Roz Feuer in gratitude to Teri and Steve Goffner for their kindness. Sharon Clements in gratitude for honors received Grace Schwartzberg in honor of David and Gerri Kule's anniversary Kim Trigoboff in deep appreciation to everyone at FHJC for all the good wishes, notes, calls, meals, and concern while recovering from injury Anita and Maurice Miller in memory of Melanie Krieger, beloved wife of Al Krieger Edie and Ira Beer in memory of Melanie Krieger, beloved wife of Al Krieger Helaine and Joe Fox in memory of Melanie Krieger, beloved wife of Al Krieger Louis Jaari in memory of his brother, Raymond Major (yahrzeit) Louis Jaari in memory of his brother, Henry Moskowitz (yahrzeit) Miriam Weintraub in memory of Shulim Reifer PAGE 13 Miriam Weintraub in memory of Bayla Reifer Miriam Weintraub in memory of Yosef Reifer Anthony and Georgette Dankner in memory of Anthony’s father, Henry Dankner Ilse Seitenbach in memory of her husband, Max, and sons, Irwin and Ronnie Carl and Elaine David in honor of the birth of Rabbi and Robin Skolnik's granddaughter, Hadar Eliana Helaine and Andy Bass in honor of the birth of Rabbi and Robin Skolnik's granddaughter, Hadar Eliana YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, Dorothy Mahlab in celebration of Norman Gursen’s 80th birthday Rebekah and Norman Fassler in honor of Norman Gursen’s special birthday Rebekah and Norman Fassler in honor of Gerri and David Kule’s 73rd wedding anniversary Pauline, Mark, Melissa, Robbie and Erica Raphael in honor of the birth of Norman and Carol Guttman's grandson Steven Powsner in gratitude to the Bochners for their kindness Rebekah and Norman Fassler in honor of Monica and Ezra Lagnado’s daughter Caroline’s engagement to Akiva Miller Monica Lagnado, Lucette Lagnado, Caroline and Evelyn Lagnado and Akiva Miller in gratitude to Norman Gursen for honors given in memory of father and grandfather, Leon Lagnado (yahrzeit) Pauline and Mark Raphael in memory of Syd Garber Laura and Norman Vogel, children and grandchildren in memory of Seymour Leiken Laura and Norman Vogel in honor of the birth of Rabbi and Robin Skolnik's granddaughter Laura and Norman Vogel in honor of the birth of Candice and Carl Koerner's granddaughter MARCH-APRIL 2015 Refuah Shelemah רפואה שלמה a full and speedy recovery to Kim Trigoboff Mazal Tov מזל טוב …to those in our Center family who are celebrating a simha: to Marian & Martin Krasilovsky on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Benjamin Daniel Miller to Deborah & Yaakov Gregor on the marriage of their son Dan to Rachel Bloom to Carol & Norman Guttman on the birth of their grandson, Max Guttman to Monica & Ezra Lagnado on the engagement of their daughter Caroline to Akiva Miller to Carole & Erwin Weinberg on the birth of their granddaughter Dara Costello-Weinberg to Rabbi & Robin Skolnik on the birth of their granddaughter, Hadar Eliana Candice & Carl Koerner on the birth of their granddaughter, Mairead to Rita & Michael Lieberman on the birth of their grandson, Dylan Mason to Lottie & Henry Burger on the birth of their great grandson, Dylan Mason We mourn the loss of our dear Center Members and friends Syd Garber and Margo Stricker May their memories be for a blessing. special birthday Monica and Ezra Lagnado with appreciation to Dr. Martin Topol for honors received Lillian Rosenthal in memory of Abraham Oper (yahrzeit) HENRY M. KATZ MINYAN CLUB FUND Ruth Barnett in memory of beloved father, Samuel and beloved sister, Hannah Barnett (yahrzeits) JACK VOGEL FUND David Vogel with appreciation to Rabbi Skolnik for his kindness Elaine Vogel in gratitude to Rabbi Skolnik for his kindness and comKIDDUSH FUND passion at a difficult time Edie and Ira Beer in honor of Nor- David Vogel in memory of his man Gursen’s birthday precious grandmother, Syd Garber Lillian Rosenthal in honor of Nor- Elaine Vogel in memory of an man Gursen’s birthday unforgettable and great lady, Syd Esther Wolberger with gratitude Garber to the Center for honoring her Robin and Glenn Rothbort in memory of Syd Garber Joanne and Haskell Klaristenfeld in memory of Syd Garber AG KRAUS FUND Carole Friedman in memory of Yaakov ben Rachamim (Gorjian), beloved father of Suzy Hakimian BIBLE FUND Nagilah in memory of Melanie Krieger, beloved wife of Al Krieger MAHZOR FUND Richard and Barbara Braunstein in memory of loving mother, Iris Braunstein Trudy Emanuel in memory of her father, Louis Emanuel PRAYER BOOK FUND Illene and Warren Rubin and Family in honor of Norman Gursen’s special birthday THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 14 RITA BERGER FUND Julie Berger in honor of the birth of Yael and Adam Friedland's son Julie Berger in honor of the birth of a grandson to Drs. Naomi and Mark Ramer Carol and Norman Guttman in honor of the birth of Erwin and Carole Weinberg’s granddaughter, Dara Costello-Weinberg Carole and Erwin Weinberg in memory of Ethel Ingberg yahrzeit) CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND Miriam and Morris Chait in memory of Melanie Krieger, beloved wife of Al Krieger Fran and Steve Shapiro with love and gratitude in honor of Hazzan Henry Rosenblum ESTELLE'S PLACE & NURSERY FUND Roslyn Feuer in memory of her husband, Edward Feuer Roslyn Feuer in memory of her mother, Eva Forman LEAH WEINBERG FUND In gratitude to Erwin Weinberg and family for their generous donation to the Leah Weinberg Fund Carole and Erwin Weinberg in honor of the birth of Carol and Norman Guttman’s grandson, Max RABBI’S FUND Monica and Ezra Lagnado in memory of Aron Friedlich (15th PJ LIBRARY FUND Anise and Philip Parnes in memory of Libbijane Goldman, z’’l, mother of Anise Parnes RUTH AND JACK NELSON FUND Dorrie and Hal Berkowitz in honor of Joe Fox FHJC Donates 900 Pounds of Food to City Harvest City Harvest gratefully acknowledges the donation of 900 pounds of food during 2014. Food has been distributed to their network of community food programs throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Special thanks to Ron Sternberg for coordinating the FHJC efforts. Thank you to all of you who participated in this mitzvah of feeding the hungry. MARCH-APRIL 2015 Todah Rabah Dear Friends, The celebration of my 80th birthday at a special Kiddush luncheon on Shabbat, January 24 was such a wonderful gift. I extend my most heartfelt thanks to all of you who helped to make it happen and everyone who offered their good wishes. I look forward to celebrating at FHJC with you, my friends, for many years to come. Norman Gursen Blood Drive at FHJC—Sunday, March 15 Our semi-annual blood drive is on Sunday March 15, 10 AM 2:30 PM. What better gift to give than life? You can do it - you can save a life. For someone who needs blood, you are the only source. Make the decision to do something really meaningful. Please join us. No appointments—just show up (with a picture ID). Give the gift of life— Give Blood. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 15 MARCH-APRIL 2015 FHJC Chesed Day 2014 Recently members of the FHJC Chesed Committee participated in two volunteer events. On December 24, members volunteered at the Masbia soup kitchens in Rego Park and Flatbush. Some served meals, some helped prepare meals, and some packaged food for delivery to neighbors. Volunteers included Doria Kalt, the Bochner Family, the Luger Family, Ruth Danis, Naomi Danis, the Feigenbaum Family, Peter Wilner, Perry and Benita Almeleh, David Snyder, Barbara Kupferberg, Steve Goffner, Rae and Gary Kerzner, and Rick and Hilda Chusid. Everybody found this to be a rewarding experience. On Christmas Eve, FHJC volunteers helped God’s Love We Deliver to deliver holiday meals to the elderly, ill, and others who otherwise cannot provide meals for themselves. FHJC members included Hal and Dorrie Berkowitz, Mike and Lisa Abrams, Ruth Baran-Gerold, David and Judy Zipkowitz and Marcy Mirkin and her daughter Leah. Marcy described the experience as “a great experience on many levels,” including using it as a teaching moment for her daughter. The 22nd Annual HaZamir Gala Concert will take place on Sunday, March 22, 2015 at Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln Center at 4 PM. The program will include performances by singers from all 26 HaZamir chapters in the US and Israel, the HaZamir Chamber Choir and the HaZamir Alumni Choir. Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer will be honored as this year's Zamir Choral Foundation Kinor David recipient. For Sponsorship and Journal ad information, as well as Ticket information, go to: http:// wizadjournal.com/ hazamirgalaconcert22/ The Chesed Committee is proud of all of its volunteers. We’re hoping to plan similar events in the future. FHJC Youth Activities FHJC has an exciting and vibrant youth program! Check out what’s coming! Tseerim—For children in Grades 2-4 Sunday, March 29th—Pesach Fun Sunday, April 19th—Yom HaAtzmaut Israel Celebration Noon—1:15 PM. $5 for lunch. Email Marcy at [email protected] to RSVP and for more information. Kadima — For Pre-Teens and Tweens in Grades 5-7 Email Adam at [email protected] to RSVP and for more information. Join us for our Purim Party/ Prep Party on Thursday, March 5th. RSVP by March 3, no charge for the party (pizza is included.) Sunday, March 8th—Purim Carnival—Come help us run the greatest carnival ever! Thursday, March 19th — Cupcake Wars! 6-7:30 PM, $5 for pizza. Thursday, April 16th— Israel Celebration, 6-7:30 PM, $5 for pizza. Thursday, April 30th — Kadima Gym Night, 6-7:30 PM, $5 for pizza. NEW: 7th Grade Experience at METNY Regional Convention—April 24-26—Email [email protected] for more information. USY/ Teens—Grades 8-12 Email Karen at [email protected] to RSVP and for more information. Join us for our Purim Party/ Prep Party on Thursday, March 5th. RSVP by March 3, no charge for the party (pizza is included.) Saturday night, March 7th– Purim Carnival Set Up Sunday, March 8th—Purim Carnival—Come help us run the greatest carnival ever! Thursday, March 12th—Teen Lounge, 6-7:30 PM, $5 for yummy dinner Thursday, April 23rd—Teen Lounge, 6-7:30 PM, $5 for yummy dinner METNY Regional Convention—Hudson Valley Resort & Spa—April 24-26—Email [email protected] for more information. JOIN US! Friday, March 13th is a Teen Shabbat Dinner. $15/ teen. RSVP to [email protected] and send a check to the Center office. THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER PAGE 16 MARCH-APRIL 2015 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Forest Hills Jewish Center Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Square 106-06 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248 Return Service Requested TIME VALUE Periodicals postage paid at the P.O. in Flushing, NY SAVE THE DATE Saturday Evening January 4, 2014 FHJC Tell us you're from FHJC and we'll make a generous donation to the shul for every child that is registered. Kim F. Trigoboff Attorney at Law Wills Guardianships Estate Planning Medicaid, Special Needs and Disability Planning Probate and Estate Administration Tel: (646) 308-1747 1140 Sixth Avenue, 9th Floor Fax: (646) 308-1240 New York, NY 10036 [email protected] ELDER CARE SERVICES, INC. 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