Come in costume
Come in costume
First Hebrew Congregation Adar - Nisan 5772 / March 2012 Meetings March 2012 MC breakfast .................... Sun., 3/4 @9:15am Board of Trustees ............. Tues., 3/6 @8:00pm Board of Ed Meeting ......... Tues., 3/13 @8:00pm Sisterhood breakfast ......... Sun., 3/18 @9:30am Hadassah Meeting ............ Mon., 3/19 @1:00pm Events Shabbat Services -- Uptown Friday Evenings………… Only on scheduled dates and times , below Saturday Mornings……... 9:30 am Daily Minyan Downtown Intro. to Judaism - Final .... Thurs., 3/1 @7:30pm Men’s basketball ............... Sun., 3/18 @7:00pm Bingo ................................ Wednesdays @6:30pm Kolin class......................... Wednesdays @7:30pm Daf Yomi class .................. Thursdays @10:30am Tues & Thurs.. 8:00 am Sunday………. 9:00 am Hebrew and Nursery Schools Candle lighting Purim Carnival .................. Sun., 3/4 Vav/Zayin parent part ........ Sun., 3/11 NS Friendship Dance........ Sun., 3/11 @ 3:00pm Gan/Aleph parent part ...... Sun., 3/18 Coffee/learn W/ Hazzan .... Sun., 3/18 Learner’s Minyan .............. Sat., 3/24 @10:30am Passover Model Seder ..... Sun., 3/25 Religious Services Shabbat Across America (Community Shabbat)…. ..................................... ........... Fri., 3/2 @6:30pm Megillah Reading .... ................ Wed., 3/7 @7:00pm Megillah Reading (Downtown) . Thurs., 3/8 @8:00am Family Shabbat Service ........... Fri., 3/16 @6:30pm Shabbat for Everyone .............. Sat., 3/24 @9:30am; “Getting ready for Pesach" Torah Talk ................. .............. Sat., 3/31 @9:30am Sabbath Services with Hazzan Turk: Fri., 3/2 @6:30pm; Sat., 3/3 @9:30am Fri., 3/16 @6:30pm; Sat., 3/17 @9:30am Fri., 3/23 @7:30pm; Sat., 3/24 @9:30am March 2012 March 2 ...5:30pm March 9 ... 5:38pm March 16 .. 6:46pm March 23 .. 6:53pm March 30 .. 7:01pm Shabbat Across America: March 2nd @ 6:30pm ================== Megillah Reading March 7th @7:00pm March 8th @ 8:00am - Downtown Come in costume Daylight saving startswww.FirstHebrew.Org Sunday, March 11th1 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 2 Rabbi’s Message A controversy for the sake of Heaven will have lasting value. A controversy not for the sake of heaven will not endure. What is an example of a controversy for the sake of Heaven? The debates of Hillel and Shammai. What is an example of a controversy not for the sake of Heaven? The rebellion of Korah and his followers. – Mishnah Avot 5:19 Dear Friends, We live in an era of almost instant communication. Angry words seem to proliferate and spread across the virtual globe with the speed of the Internet. We have recently witnessed the vitriol of the Republican candidates increasing as the field narrows. We can only anticipate with concern what will happen when one candidate emerges and the Presidential race moves into its final stage. Recently the publisher of an Atlanta Jewish paper suggested that Israel’s prime minister consider seriously the assassination of the President of the United States because of his alleged posture on Israel. Such vicious words affect us. They cheapen the public discourse. They push us to extreme reactions, when a more moderate tone will accomplish our goal without leaving bad feelings and hurt in their wake. Within the Jewish world as well we have seen a ratcheting up of rhetoric, particularly in relation to our beloved Holy Land, the State of Israel. Because we care deeply about what happens to Israel we sometimes can’t see another point of view about what is in Israel’s best interest. The polarizing of views, and the words we use to advance them, make it harder for us to truly listen to each other respectfully. Too often we ‘hear’, without really ‘listening’. This does not serve us well, nor does it allow for a true airing of different views that might lead to better understanding. The Westchester Board of Rabbis and Kol Hazzanim, in conjunction with the Westchester Jewish Council, have just published a call for greater civility in our public discourse. They refer to Hillel and Shammai, our Sages, who exemplified in their respect for each other despite great disagreement, the model for respectful differences of opinion. This document appears in this issue of Kehilataynu. Please read it. I hope that all of us will think before we speak, and that when we do speak, we will measure our words carefully. Just as they can hurt, words can also heal. May our words always bring healing to others and to ourselves. Lee S. Paskind Judy and I and our family wish you a happy Purim! Masoud Radparvar AWARDED THE JULIAN Y. BERNSTEIN DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD In late January we were thrilled to receive the news that our own Masoud Radparvar will be honored on May 16, 2012 at the JCC of Harrison. The award, created in memory of Julian Y. Bernstein, a community leader and beloved officer of the Westchester Jewish Council, honors volunteers who dedicate themselves selflessly to the needs of their congregations. Out of a large pool of nominees, the committee chose only 18 honorees. Each will receive an award and gift from the Westchester Jewish Council. The presentation ceremony provides the Jewish community an opportunity to join together to honor their volunteers. Masoud’s impact at First Hebrew is felt far and wide. He skillfully edits our monthly newsletter, March 2012 Kehilataynu and is one of our volunteer Shabbat gabbaim. He aids in the distribution of Torah honors and the execution of the Torah reading. He is an active member of Men’s Club who is often seen barbecuing in the spring or selling hot dogs at various events year-round. Masoud always offers a helping hand and as Rabbi Paskind stated, “For all his activity, Masoud is one of the most unassuming people at First Hebrew. His friendly and quiet demeanor makes him a universal favorite.” It was with heartfelt thanks that we nominated Masoud for a Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Service Award. We are proud that he was chosen to receive this wonderful honor and that he is part of our FHC family. Cont. on page 3 5 www.FirstHebrew.Org President’s Message March will be another eventful month here at First Hebrew. We begin and end the month with a burst of activities and just to keep us going, there’s plenty planned for the middle weeks too! For me, March is always the month I endure as I wait for April’s splendor waiting just around the corner. If you’re patient and look hard you’ll see some daring plants slowly emerging, but seriously, with at least a few gloomy, chilly days and nights left on the calendar, is there anything exciting to do before April? Well …. I’m so glad you asked! Shabbat Across America comes to First Hebrew on March 2nd. A lavish dinner preceded by a joyful and musical Community Shabbat is on our calendar -- and the calendars of most other North American Synagogues. For many years this event has been planned, coordinated and stressed over by Alice Krochmal. She took on this project a number of years ago and has carefully orchestrated every part of it, including those (like me) who often wait until the very last minute to RSVP! This year she “mixed things up a bit” by introducing a new menu. Of course, the wonderful unifying spirit remains and this year we are excited to also formally welcome a number of new member families. Be sure to say hello when you join us for prayer, food and celebration! The always popular First Hebrew Purim Carnival is scheduled for Sunday, March 4th. The Board of Ed made some changes -- adding some cool new competitions to the roster. With new prizes, an Art Exhibit, Costume Parade and some fierce new challenges, everyone is bound to have fun. Our Board of Ed news also includes congratulations to newly appointed BoE chair, Michael Kagan. Michael graciously stepped up to fill the seat recently vacated by Laurie Baskin. Michael was instrumental in getting the Tu B’Shvat Seder organized last month and helped coordinate both, the Carnival and the upcoming Passover Model Seder. Michael brings the desire and energy to keep our school at the top of its’ game. He has an eye on developing a superior Hebrew High School program and increasing our student body. Michael and his wife Kimberly have been members of First Hebrew for 8 years. They have three children, two of whom are in our Hebrew School. Please make sure to March 2012 greet and thank Michael when you see him. There’s also a lot of general Temple news. We are looking forward to the fun and festive Megillah reading where we’ll come dressed in costume, armed with grogger’s and loud voices and an appetite for Hamantaschen! There are Purim Services uptown and downtown. Meanwhile, Sisterhood will be distributing their beautiful new Shalach Manot packages and also the fine wines that were ordered for Passover. I am also happy to say that as I write this there are whispers of a rescheduled Sisterhood Shabbat for March to replace the snowed out January service. From the Nursery School we hear that a Friendship Dance is on the calendar for March 11. Coordinated by the newly formed Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), the Friendship Dance includes adorable kids, one terrific and generous DJ, special event-worthy foods and also a wonderful silent auction. If you’re available from 3-5 that day, come check it out. It promises to be worth the price of admission! And as luck would have it, there’s even more good news. We recently heard that Masoud Radparvar has won an award from the Westchester Jewish Council for his extraordinary efforts as a volunteer here at FHC. Out of a large pool of nominees, he won one of only 18 honors being handed out in memory of Julian Y. Bernstein, a beloved council member. A public presentation of Masoud’s award will be held on May 16 at the JCC in Harrison. We are blessed to have Masoud in our family! Of course, there is nothing better than a special occasion, but the truth is that it’s really the day to day and ordinary stuff that provide FHC with its’ solid foundation and strong structure from year to year. There are weekly services, Torah Talk and Shabbat for Everyone; Daf Yomi class and Intro to Judaism; there are Learner’s Minyans, Youth Group, Men’s Club, Sisterhood and Hadassah – and to round things out, Bingo and of course, basketball. These reliable standards unify First Hebrew. Part history and tradition and part entertainment and pure fun -these are the things that embody the spirit of First Hebrew each day. Thank you all for the many gifts you share as we continue to build a warm and engaging community. Daniela www.FirstHebrew.Org 4 Message from the Hazzan/Hebrew School Principal It’s March already, and in the Hebrew School we are ready for spring! On March 4 I hope you will join us for the Hebrew School’s annual Purim Carnival at 10:00 am in the gym and lounge. We have planned a fun morning of games and contests, and this year’s carnival will feature some vendor booths. I look forward to seeing you there! At the end of the month, on Sunday, March 25, the Hebrew School will hold its annual Model Seder at 10:30 am in the lounge. I have been inviting prospective religious school families to join us for Hebrew School events to get a taste of our school, meet our teachers and current families, and find out if our Hebrew School is the right place for them. If you know any parents who are looking for a religious school for their children, why not suggest they come to our Model Seder? Feel free to put them in touch with me at [email protected]. Last summer I was fortunate to be able to take a tour, organized by the Foundation for Jewish Camp, of Jewish summer camps in close proximity to northern Westchester. The camps our group visited were Lake Surprise Camp in Cold Spring, Eden Village Camp in Putnam Valley (a Jewish environmental camp that is completely vegan), and Camp Ramah in the Berkshires. Each of these camps provides a unique and fulfilling Jewish experience, and they are all very different from one another. I have more detailed information about these and other Jewish camping opportunities in New York, and I’d be happy to share this information with you if you are looking for a camp for your child(ren) to attend this summer. Attending a Jewish camp is a great way for kids to have fun while strengthening both their Jewish identity and their ties to the Jewish community. I hope I will have the opportunity to help you find the perfect Jewish camp for your child this summer! I wish everyone a happy spring, and I look forward to celebrating Purim with you! Shalom uvracha, Hazzan Marian Message from the Men’s Club With spring on the horizon, I want to let you know about recent Men’s Club activity as well as some of our plans for the rest of the year. In December we combined with the Sisterhood to host a breakfast meeting where our congregant Alice Genis shared excerpts from her recently published book about her family’s experiences with the Nazis leading up to and during World War II. This was a very emotional and engaging topic and we thank her for sharing this with us. Following a “routine” breakfast in January, we had our annual breakfast with the Downtown Shul in February which, as always, was very inspirational end enjoyable. This month, on March 4 we once again will be having a shortened breakfast meeting and then running the food concession for the Purim Carnival. This allows us to help support one of the major celebrations at FHC! On April 15 we are scheduled to have a combined breakfast with the Sisterhood- likely to include a speaker on a topic yet to be determined. On May 20, I will be at the college graduation of my eldest- Alexandra, but the rest of the Men’s Club will be hosting the annual end of school year BBQ (just the thought of the warm weather helps lift my spirits as I write this on a cold winter’s day). If you’re a regular, please mark your calendar for these dates. If you haven’t yet gotten involved with Men’s Club, please come join us for these upcoming events. We’re sure you won’t be sorry- or at least that you won’t go away hungry!! Steve Cohen, Co-president Masoud Radparvar Cont., Please join the Westchester Jewish Council at this special event on Wednesday evening, May 16, March 2012 2012. A lovely ceremony followed by a dessert reception will be held at the JCC of Harrison. More details to follow. www.FirstHebrew.Org 5 Sisterhood…Women Enjoying Jewish Life What is a volunteer? According to one definition, it is to do charitable or helpful work without pay. You could rely on dictionary definitions for this or you could simply look around at the next Sisterhood event or meeting for the definition. It is the woman next to you. Maybe she is in a leadership position. Maybe she is helping out for that specific event. Maybe she is participating in a fundraiser or other program. This means that whether you look to your right or to your left, the woman you are looking at is a volunteer. Now of course, some volunteer for lots of things. Some volunteer for other organizations, both within the First Hebrew community and outside of it. Some volunteer on a more limited basis for whatever reason. We need all of our volunteers. We appreciate all of our volunteers. Of late, we have needed many volunteers for many Sisterhood events. Thanks to all those who volunteered to participate in Sisterhood Shabbat. Unfortunately the snow took over our service so we are patiently waiting until later in the spring to call on our membership to again celebrate with us and with the First Hebrew community. Thanks to all those who donated to and worked to put together the “First Night” packages for victims of domestic violence and to those who are continually helping us with our ongoing food drive. Thanks to all who have helped and participated in both our annual Purim Shalach Manot program and our Passover wine sale. You are helping us have one of our most successful years in recent memory and we are grateful to you for sharing in this success with us. In this light, we look forward to having you join us for our next event. Did you know that the Passover Seder is the most universally celebrated Jewish tradition? Even those Jews who selfidentify as culturally Jewish only are likely to attend at least one Seder each year. We are continuing with our community spirit by hosting a Women’s Seder for our next meeting on Sunday, March 18th. We hope that this will bring forward aspects of one of our most important holidays and traditions that maybe many of us hadn’t thought of before. And of course, we are doing it in plenty of time so that you will still be able to make your own preparations for Passover. We do hope you will join us for this event. Shalom, Mindy Steinholz Sisterhood President Sisterhood Wine Sale The Annual Sisterhood Passover Wine Sale is coming!!! Tastings at the Megillah reading and Purim Carnival. Watch your mail for more info. For questions, please contact Alice Yasuna at [email protected] or at 914737-1281 Get Well First Hebrew wishes a speedy recovery to: Paul Burckhard, Morton Bensky, Carl Fryburg, Alice Genis, Elizabeth Lubell, Roberta McKeon Sisterhood Meeting March 2012 Sunday, March 18 @ 9:30 am www.FirstHebrew.Org 6 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 7 Welcome FHC Babysitting Clearing House Who of us with young children isn’t looking for a few good babysitters? FHC will continue to list the names of our teenagers (and others) who would like to baby-sit for other families in the congregation. Of course, you will need to pay these sitters! FHC will provide this service purely as a convenience to its members and will take no responsibility for the individuals who offer their services here for pay. Email your names and telephone numbers to: [email protected] Babysitters now available: Marli Kasdan......... Gabriella Rosen............ Maia Silber………… Jamie Spock……... Email corrections/additions to [email protected] March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 8 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 9 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 10 Sundays Meetings and Activities 5772 (2011-2012) Sisterhood (@9:30am) March 18 ... General meeting Men's Club (@9:15am) March 4 .........Purim carnival Basketballs (@7:30pm) March ......... 18 April 15 .......... Joint meeting of Sisterhood and Men’s Club April ............ 22 May 6 ........ General meeting May ............ 20 May 20 ..........BBQ June ........... 10 Tag Sale: June 10 C a r S h o w : J u n e 24 All are invited to these meetings/activities. Check future newsletters or mailings for additional information. Condolences • To Bert Messenger and family on the loss of Bert’s brother Arnold Messenger. • To Sheila Drogy, and the Levitz and Drogy families on the loss of their sister-in-law Diane Levitz. • To Matthew Baker and family on the loss of Matt’s mother Pearl Baker. • To Linda Treinish & family on the loss of Linda's father Irving Lansman. “Hamakom Ienahem, May God comfort the mourners among all the mourners for Zion and Jerusalem” Shahach Manot Shalach Manot will be available for pick-up after the Megillah reading on Wednesday March 7th and at the Purim Carnival. March 2012 Torah Readings Sat 03-Mar Sat 10-Mar Sat 17-Mar Sat 24-Mar Sat 31-Mar Parashat Tetzaveh Parashat Ki Tisa Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei Parashat Vayikra Parashatwww.FirstHebrew.Org Tzav 11 B i n g o FHC WEDNESDAY NIGHT BINGO SCHEDULE March – April 2012 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED COOPERATION! Important January 4th Note: Your 2011–2012 dues include a surcharge for Bingo. If a member family meets its two-bingo Meryl Novor-------736-6063 requirement during the year, the family Gary Abrams------737-3021 will receive a credit. Similarly, if a single Beth Becker-------739-0657 member meets his/her one-bingo requirement during January 11th – the year, he/she will receive a credit. Joshua Baskin-----736-1227 URGENT MESSAGE: If you are Neil Chervin-------528-1944 unable to attend on your scheduled Bingo Kathryn Cohen----271-5510 night, IT IS YOUR RESPONSBILITY TO GET A REPLACEMENT. January 18th – Thank you for your continued cooperation!!!! Workers should report to Marty Melman-----271-2219 Bingo by 6:15 pm and are expected to Robin Dolacky-----UNLISTED stay until at least 10:00 pm Donald Feldman---736-3417 January 25th – MAH JONG TOURNAMENT Cliff Hames--------528-9605 Stuart Faust-------941-6636 Marilyn Faust------941-6636 February 1st - MAH JONG TOURNAMENT February 8 – will begin in mid-to Arlene Kaufman---232-5999 lateLitvin------736-3807 March and run Michelle Leslie Bloome------739-1042 for 12 session. If February 15 – interested you are Sheila Drogy-------232-5999 in joining call the Bob Rubenfeld-----739-8752 Maxine Janowitz-—528-7651 office. More info February 22 – to follow shortly. Nancy Kohel-------739-8244 Jean Berger-------739-9648 Amy Burckhard---736-0284 th th nd David Kasdan------737-8248 Robin Krantz-------736-6455 March 2012 Lindenbaum-739-7159 Bruce February 29th Jean Magram-------Michael Meadvin---Amy Melman-------March 7th – NO BINGO – MEGILLAH READING March 14th Liz Miller-----------Jay Miller ----------Charles Newman---March 21st Ed Olmsted---Sandy Poritzky-----Daniela Rosen------March 28th Masoud Radparvar---Martin Rubenfeld-----Rose Rowland--------April 4th Leslie Rubin----------Bill Rubin-------------Paul Schaffer---------April 11th Wayne Schechter— Arleen Schefflein-----Ron Yakin--------------April 18th Beverly Schwartz------Gary Stein-------------Adrienne Tavelsinky---April 25th Lind Treinish-----------Judy Toledano---------Marjorie White---------- Why are we asking you to donate your time to helping out with Bingo? It generates approximately $20,000 in revenue per year to our operation of the synagogue. The time commitment is only about three hours on a Wednesday night. We now start Bingo at 6:30 pm so you and our customers can get home earlier. If you are opposed to fulfilling your obligation as a member, then pay the $400 Bingo assessment immediately and let Lisa know to take you off the Bingo list. As a member in good standing it is your obligation to participate in this fundraising activity. If the congregation chooses not to continue providing Bingo to the community and forfeiting the OPM (other people’s money), then the congregation will need to be assessed accordingly to raise the $20,000, or determine what services will be cut. Do your part of fundraising and show up for your assigned Bingo night. Bring a book or magazine to read (there is time when you are waiting). If you come late, it is still better than not coming at all. Or, if you choose, send the $400. 12 www.FirstHebrew.Org Share your FHC memories; e-mail your pictures to: [email protected] March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 13 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 14 ONEGS Friday, March 2 • • • To support this Newsletter, contact: Bon Venture @ 1-800-883-4343 The Rubin family in honor of Seth’s birthday on March 4 Marsha Landsberg in honor of her son Dr. Jay Sokolow’s birthday on March 4 Selda Bloome in honor of her son-in-law Asher Krupnik’s birthday on March 5 Friday, March 9 • • • • • • • Carol & Harold Schlacter in honor of their son Guy Robert’s birthday on March 9 Sue Weiler in honor of her sister Irene Reiss’ birthday on March 10 The Bleiweis family in honor of Jonathan’s birthday on March 11 Fran & Larry Miller in honor of their wedding anniversary on March 15 Sue Weiler in honor of Fran & Larry Miller’s wedding anniversary on March 15 Fran & Larry Miller in honor of their son-in-law Eric’s birthday on March 15 Deborah Post & Jeff Stern in honor of Rita Gordon’s birthday on March 15 Friday, March 16 • • • Marsha Landsberg in honor of her grandson Shai Sokolow-Silverman’s birthday on March 16 The Feuerman-Balow family in honor of Andrew’s birthday on March 18 Marilyn & Freemont Reif in honor of Steven’s birthday on March 22 Friday, March 23 • Selda Bloome in honor of Leslie & Andrea Bloome’s wedding anniversary on March 27 Friday, March 30 • The Krantz family in honor of Amanda’s birthday on March 30 Please note that the February 20 Oneg was sponsored by Marsha Landsberg in honor of her daughter Mady Bernard’s birthday on February 21. In addition, the January 13 Oneg was sponsored by Carol & Harold Schlacter in honor of their grandson Jace Andrew Schlacter’s birthday on January 16 Bikkur Holim Committee We are sorry that we inadvertently omitted these. Donations Yahrzeit: George & Marilyn Berger, Corinne Cohen In memory of: Rae Messenger – George & Marilyn Berger All those interested in joining our Bikkur Holim/Nihum Avelim committee and fulfilling the mitzvah of visiting the sick / comforting the bereaved, please contact Daniela Rosen @ 526-6969 Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Neil & Jennifer Chervin in memory of Neil’s mother Helen Judaica Shop Remember Sisterhood’s Judaica Shop for gifts, talitot, teffilin, yarmulkes, books, videos, and song cassettes Call to make an appointment: Arlene Kaufman 232-5999, Alice Yasuna 737-7687, Danielle Calo 739-3006 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 15 Yahrzeits Date Converter The following Yahrzeits will be observed during the months of Adar and Nisan as noted on the memorial plaque in our sanctuary: Sylvia Seligson............. Adar 1 Estelle Reif ................... Adar 2 Mary Skolsky................ Adar 2 Betty Rubenfeld ........... Adar 3 Elias Schneps .............. Adar 4 Israel Eisenberg ........... Adar 5 Dora Brown .................. Adar 6 Wilbur Krivins ............... Adar 7 Seymour Kaplan .......... Adar 7 Benjamin Sandberg...... Adar 8 Herbert Cohen ............. Adar 10 Leah Levitz Fishbane ... Adar 11 Irving Langberg ............ Adar 11 Sondra Gold ................. Adar 12 Rebecca Wald.............. Adar 14 Adele Calo ................... Adar 15 Samuel Kahn ............... Adar 16 Wilbur Krivins ............... Adar 17 Martin Reiter ................ Adar 17 Julia Rubenfeld ............ Adar 17 Mollie Hurwitz............... Adar 18 Norman Roskin ............ Adar 18 Milton Lindenbaum ....... Adar 19 Bertha Weissman ......... Adar 19 Henrietta Cooper .......... Adar 20 Beatrice Roskin ............ Adar 20 Leonard Rubenfeld....... Adar 20 Esther Shanhouse........ Adar 21 Irving Halperin .............. Adar 22 Murray Charton ............ Adar 23 Marilyn Halperin ........... Adar 24 Matthew Harris ............. Adar 24 Ruth Golden Pines ....... Adar 24 Harold Grosberg .......... Adar 25 Miriam Domowitz ......... Adar 27 Charles Newman ......... Adar 27 Sarah Grifka ................. Adar 28 David Cooperman ........ Adar 30 Bessie Jacobs...................Nisan 1 Steven Grabowitz..............Nisan 2 Abe Gaffen........................Nisan 4 Morris Goldberg ................Nisan 7 Morris Hocherman ............Nisan 7 Eliezer Scharfstein ............Nisan 7 Betty Bensky .....................Nisan 8 Eva Halperin .....................Nisan 8 Bertha Goldberg ...............Nisan 9 Bernie Lowenstein ............Nisan 9 Sidney Zubrin ....................Nisan 9 Alexander Baumohl...........Nisan 11 Maurice Hurwitz ................Nisan 11 Ida Grossman ...................Nisan 13 Seymour Goldenberg ........Nisan 15 Charles Cohen ..................Nisan 16 Beila Kornbluth .................Nisan 17 Rose Brown ......................Nisan 19 Alex Sisser ........................Nisan 19 Irving I. Widaen .................Nisan 20 Paul Lipion ........................Nisan 21 Anne Weinger Greenberg .Nisan 21 Harold Zipperman .............Nisan 21 Michael Weissman ............Nisan 22 Rabbi Evan C. Radler .......Nisan 23 Max Seldin ........................Nisan 23 Lillian Wertlieb ..................Nisan 24 Max Golden ......................Nisan 25 Lisa Jill Nachamie .............Nisan 25 Mae Olstein.......................Nisan 26 Alex Weiss ........................Nisan 27 Lillian Katz ........................Nisan 28 Sophie Birns .....................Nisan 29 George V. Kalman ............Nisan 29 Jacob Rubenfeld ...............Nisan 29 Muriel Rubenfeld ...............Nisan 29 May their memory be a blessing to all Men’s Club Meeting Sunday, March 4 – Purim Carnival March 2012 Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Adar Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan Nisan 1st ……. Fri 2nd ……. Sat 3rd ……. Sun 4th ……. Mon 5th ……. Tue 6th ……. Wed 7th ……. Thu 8th ……. Fri 9th ……. Sat 10th ……. Sun 11th ……. Mon 12th ……. Tue 13th ……. Wed 14th ……. Thu 15th ……. Fri 16th ……. Sat 17th ……. Sun 18th ……. Mon 19th ……. Tue 20th ……. Wed 21st ……. Thu 22nd ……. Fri 23rd ……. Sat 24th ……. Sun 25th ……. Mon 26th ……. Tue 27th ……. Wed 28th ……. Thu 29th ……. Fri 1st ……. Sat 2nd ……. Sun 3rd ……. Mon 4th ……. Tue 5th ……. Wed 6th ……. Thu 7th ……. Fri 8th ……. Sat 9th ……. Sun 10th ……. Mon 11th ……. Tue 12th ……. Wed 13th ……. Thu 14th ……. Fri 15th ……. Sat 16th ……. Sun 17th ……. Mon 18th ……. Tue 19th ……. Wed 20th ……. Thu 21st ……. Fri 22nd ……. Sat 23rd ……. Sun 24th ……. Mon 25th ……. Tue 26th ……. Wed 27th ……. Thu 28th ……. Fri 29th ……. Sat www.FirstHebrew.Org 30th ……. Sun 24-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 27-Feb 28-Feb 29-Feb 1-Mar 2-Mar 3-Mar 4-Mar 5-Mar 6-Mar 7-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 20-Mar 21-Mar 22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 16-Apr 17-Apr 18-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 16 22-Apr Don’t Use Cash! Shop With SCRIP and stores will donate to FHC! At the supermarket … at the movies … when eating out … buying clothes and gifts… Make your purchases with the store’s own gift card purchased through the FHC Scrip Program. Stores donate a percentage of all gift cards bought through SCRIP to non-profits like FHC. Turn Purchasing Power into Fundraising at: iTunes Macy’s CVS Starbucks Dunkin Donuts Claire’s Staples Home Depot Build-A-Bear Gap Kohl’s Barnes & Noble A&P Stop & Shop ShopRite Movies, restaurants, & more! Order by the end of the month for pick-up after the 10th Visa & MasterCard accepted on orders over $500 For details call Susan Cohen 734-2149/Lili Kasdan 737-8248 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 17 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 18 First Hebrew Congregation “O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r G i v i n g” Yahrzeit Plaques (memorial) In memory of a member .......................................$200 In memory of a non-member ................................$300 In memory of and purchased by a non-member ..$500 Tree of Life (in honor of a birth, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, special anniversaries, life events, in memoriam, etc.) Leaf .................. $100 Rock ................ $250 Root ................. $350 Memorial Plate. $500 Books (plate on inside cover recognizes your gift and names those you wish to honor) Siddurim ...........$36 Mahzorim ..........$25 Chumashim ......$54 Sisterhood Social Action Project Non-perishable food items for Fred's Pantry in Peekskill This will be an ongoing project for the entire FHC community; bring your donations to our box in the upstairs coat closet Library Fund General Fund Gifts (i.e., purchases at library discretion) Specific Purchase Gifts (i.e. book series or encyclopedia) Other Donation Ideas Gifts of highly appreciated stock or real estate—save on income tax while avoiding capital gains taxes! Scholarships - for youth programs and camps and travel to Israel. Torah Fund Cards for all occasions are available through Sisterhood. These cards help raise funds for JTS and The Ziegler School (which give us Rabbis, Cantors, and educators for our children), and are on display in the library. $4 per card w/envelope $20 per 6 cards w/envelopes Call or email to have cards sent Torah Fund Chairperson - Danielle Calo 914-739-3006; [email protected] If you are homebound and would like books from the First Hebrew Library, please contact Daniela Rosen at 526-6969 or the Bikkur Holim committee… we are happy to deliver to you | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ==================================================================================== | Note: Recognition for all gifts will be provided in the Newsletter (as well as on | | the particular item if warranted). | | All donations are tax deductible to the | extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor for specific advice on tax | | savings through charitable gifts. | | | | | | | | | | | March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 19 Kehilataynu Editorial Policy and Publishing Information The synagogue bulletin is a place not only for news and information about FHC and its members, but also a forum for members to place information that may be of interest to their fellow congregants. We are happy to consider all articles submitted to Kehilataynu; however, we reserve the right to edit for style, and length. In addition, all articles submitted by FHC members are labeled as such and do not reflect the opinion of FHC or the Board of Trustees. • • • Please keep the following in mind: Articles and announcements must be received in the FHC office by the date below. Please submit your article or announcement via e-mail to [email protected]. If you do not have a computer, and/or your submission is not available in digital format, you may fax, mail, or deliver your (typed) submission(s) to the temple office. Please provide original copies of flyers and photos (faxed copies are not suitable for reproduction) — they will be returned Let Everyone Know How Proud We are of Our Children! The Board of Education would like to honor our wonderful Bar/Bat Mitzvah students in a special way! We would like each student to submit a brief biography (5-7 sentences) to be placed in the synagogue bulletin. The biography could include information such as their Bar/BatMitzvah date, grade, school, outside interests, and should include a short description about his/her service project; you may also include a photograph if you like. The responsibility to write and submit this information belongs to the family of the child. Please do not cause unnecessary disappointment for your children when they don’t see their names in the bulletin with their classmates. The biography must be submitted to the editor SIX WEEKS prior to the first day of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah month to ensure placement in a timely fashion. Any articles sent after that time will be placed in the next bulletin, which may be after the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date. Please submit the biography to the bulletin at bulletin@ or you can mail or fax to the FHC office. Help Wanted If you are interested in assisting with publishing the Kehilataynu as editor, designer, writer, or any other capacity, please contact Lisa at the office or Masoud Radparvar at [email protected]. Photographs Email List If you’re interested in getting emails with the weekly announcements, please visit the website at If you wish to contact the synagogue for any other business, please note that the e-mail address to use is [email protected]. To email Rabbi Paskind directly, use [email protected] If you change your Internet provider and/or email address, please remember to sign up for the First Hebrew mailing list again at your new address. Email [email protected] with your request to be added to the list. First Hebrew website Visit for synagogue information, articles, plus current and archived issues of the bulletin. The following month’s bulletin is posted shortly after it goes to the printer, so you can read it without having to wait for the post office to deliver it! You can even view a printable version of the current month’s calendar. Come check it out! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send email to [email protected]. Help support our Hebrew School when you shop online. Visit FHC website for details. Sponsors Original versions of many of the pictures appearing in the Kehilataynu are available (in color and with better resolution) at the congregation’s website or facebook. To sponsor the Newsletter, contact Share your FHC-related pictures by e-mailing them to: [email protected] or Bon Venture @ 800-364-0684 Articles for the May 2012 Newsletter are due by: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 Articles for the April 2012 Newsletter are due by: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 20 March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 21 Bon Venture ads March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 22 Bon Venture ads March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 23 FIRST HEBREW CONGREGATION UPTOWN * 1821 East Main Street * Peekskill, NY 10566 DOWNTOWN * 813 Main Street * Peekskill, NY 10566 CROTON Campus * 52 Scenic Drive, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid DATED MATERIAL -- TIME VALUE White Plains, NY Permit No. 6677 SHARE YOUR SIMCHAS BY SPONSORING AN ONEG SHABBAT ! Sisterhood invites you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat in honor of your family and friends. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, graduations, and more! It’s a bargain: Only $5 per Oneg. It’s easy to do: Just fill out this form and your Simcha will appear in the Bulletin and the weekly synagogue emails and will be announced from the Bimah. Send this page with your check payable to: Sisterhood FHC, c/o Sue Ellen Silber, 8 Robbie Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567. Name: No. of Onegs: @ $5 Address: Amount Due: Phone: Email: Sponsor name(s) to appear as ________________________________________________________ Honoree’s Name Occasion Date of Event 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________________ March 2012 www.FirstHebrew.Org 24